service manual for laboratory
service manual for laboratory
I, SERVICE MANUAL FOR LABORATORY CENTRIFUGES Z513/Z513K Hermte Labortechnik GmbH Gosheimer Strai3e 56 D 78564 Wehingen - Telefon: (07426’ 96-2255 Telefax: (07426) 96-2249 ) flE Instruction manual 1 Technical Data 2 Service instructions 3 Wiring diagram 4 Error messages 5 Spare part list 6 Informations 7 TechnicI Z513 clatas Chapter 2 Content Chapter Acceeration and deceeraton curves 21 Lowest temperature for the Z 513 K 22 mb&ance switch off dates 23 7513K Sep 96bd Chapter 2.1 Acëleraon and deceleration times Z 513 ; 230 V Rotor Acceleration time in sec. Deceleration brake intensity Deceleration brake intensity 1?9TT 220.70 V05 60 254 sec. 81 sec. 220.70 V06 99 731 sec. 180 sec. 220.70 V07 59 294 sec. 134 sec. 220.80 V02 51 772 sec. 169 sec. 220.76 V03 51 753 sec. 169 sec. 220.78 V03 58 739 sec. 237 sec. 220.41 V03 17 91 sec. 17 sec. Z513/Z513 K Sep. 96/bd r22 Rotor No, speed in rpm Lowest sampe 8 C 22070 V06 5000 22070 V05 3600 22029 V03 3200 220.41 V03 2000 -5 C 22078 V02 15000 +5°C 220.80 V02 15000 + 220.76 V02 15000 +0°C + +10 C - 5° C 2°C Ambient temperature: +25° C The absolute end temperatures can be subject to flucations of ± 2 C due to power tolerances of the refrigeration unit. The lowest sample temperature are depending on the ambient temperature. If the ambient temperature is increasing, the lowest sample temperature that can be reached, is increasing as well. 7513 Z513K Sep. 96bd Chapter 23 Imbalance cut off datas Z 513 Rotor No. Cutoff speed in rpm Aflowed imbalance Cutoff imbalance n grams in grams 220.70 V06 2000 13 15 220.70 V05 1960 15 16 220.29 V03 1960 14 16 220.41 V03 1930 15 17 220.78 V02 1900 49 51 220.80 V02 220.76 V02 1960 52 54 1980 58 60 Z513K Rotor No. Cutoff speed in rpm Allowed imbalance in grams Cutoff imbalance in grams 220.70 V06 1920 13 15 220,70 V05 1950 16 220.29 V03 220.41 V03 1960 1930 220.78 V02 1920 14 14 15 35 37 220.80 V02 1900 38 40 220.76 V02 1920 42 44 Z 513 Z513 K Sep. ‘96,bd 16 17 serwee Instrncnons Chapter 3 Content Chapter General technical InstructIons 3.1 Electric and electronical components 3.2 Self test program 3.3 ServIce tips for Z 513 3.4 Service tips for Z 513 K 3.5 Coiling system Z 513 K 3.6 7543 Z513K Sep ‘9Pbd hapter3 The Z 513 / Z 513 K is a microprocessor controlled laboratory centrifuge. The actuation is a threephase asynchronous motor which is controlled by a frequency converter. The unit has an independent diagnostic program which helps you with the trouble shooting by indicating the error number on the digital display. The 12K / KBR is equipped with several safety facilities as imbalance recognition, overspeed protection and overtemperature protection of the motor. Pease foflow the be’ow mentioned safety nstructons for any kind of service: The capacitor of the frequency converter can be under voltage, even if the unit is switched off. - - - Don’t leave units without supervision, where you have removed some parts of the housng and the unit is still connected to the main power. Don’t bypass the lid safety contacts and never work with the lid open. The VDE regulatons are valid for all electrical work that has to be done. Z513 Z513K Sep 96bd Z513 Electric and electronici components Chapter 32 Content Chapter 1. Power board 32/1 2. Contro board / Operationa contro 32l1 21 Adjustment of the operationa contro’ 32I1 3. Frequency converter 12/2 4. Rotor identification and overspeed protection 32I2 5. Speed signa 12/2 6. Lid ock 12/2 7. Imbaance recognition 3,2/2 Z513K Sep96bd Electric and electronical components Chapter 3211 1. Power board: The power board is serving the low voltage supply of the centrifuge control system. All fine wire fuses for the different distribution voltages are placed on the power board (see chapter 4, layout of the HE 121.00.03). The power board is electrically isolated and has an electrical strength of 4 KV. It is also the central switching point for all inputs and outputs. The signal line of the microprocessor controller is consisting of a flat belt cable, All plug connections are placed in such a way that they cannot be accidentally misconnected. 2. Front panel (Operational control): On the front panel the CPU and the EPROM for the centirfuge software is located. The front panel controls the hole centrifuge. If there is a defect please exchange the complete panel, not only the prinited crcut board. The signal line, the power supply lines and the temperature signal line are leaded to the control board (no confusion possible). The safety facilities are additionally safeguarded by a hardware circuit on the power board. If a mistake should occur you can see the error message on the digital display of the front panel. 2.1 Adjustment of the front panel The front panel can be used in different units, therefore it must be programmed to the modeI where it is used. See chapter 3.3/6 in the self test program. Attention: If you have to replace the front panel you have to make sure that the panel is programmed correctly. 3 7513 KSp96bd 1 Z5 E1etri and electronleal components Chapter 32I2 3. Frequency converter: The frequency converter generates the drive signals for the asynchronous motor. The converter leads the current, which is generated by the motor during deceleration, to a heating resistor to reduce the current. The frequency converter is connected with the power board by a senal interface. On the converter is a green LED which lights when the frequency converter is working correctly. A defect of the converter will be indicated as an error no. on the digital speed display (see chapter 5 “Error messages”), and the green LED will not light. 4. Rotor identification and overspeed protection: The centrifuge always recognizes the inserted rotor by a Hall-effect sensor. All rotors are equipped with a coded indicator ring (magnet-ring). The hall-effect sensor takes signals of the magnets and is passing them on to the processor. If the preset speed is higher than the max. allowed speed of the inserted rotor, the actual speed indication is flashing now during acceleration, beginning at approx. 200 rpm. But the CPU accelerates the rotor only up to the max. allowed speed of the rotor. During acceleration the speed of the rotor will also be observed by a hardware circuit which is integrated on the power board. Due to this double observation the motor can never run with a higher speed than allowed. 5. Speed signaL The actual speed will be measured by a Hall Sensor which is placed on the bottom side of the motor The signal will be transmitted by the power board to the control board and the converter. Z513 Z 513 K Sep. 95 bd C Electric and electronlcel comporwnts Chapter 3.213 1) 6. Lid lock: The Z 513 K series has a automatically lid lock. The lid lock doses the lid automatically by using a motor force. A small amount of pressure is enough to activate the locking system. It take approx. 6 sec. to dose the lid. By pressing the lid key the lock opens within 6 seconds. For emergency lid release. follow the Instruction manual “ Emergency lid release”. 7. Imbalance recognItion: The Imbalance recognItion is effected by a micro switch which is controlling the oscillating motion of the motor. The unit will stop If the oscillating motions are too strong. You have to follow the adjustment Instructions stated by the manufacturer. Z513 Z51iK.’Sep. 96s’bd Chapter 33 Self test program Content Chapter 1. Activating of the self test program 13/1 2. Keyboard test 13/1 3. Indication test 13/2 4. Input signal test 13/2 5. Output signal test 13/5 6. Indication of the software version 13/5 7. Adjustment of the front panel 13/6 8. Motor runin 13/6 9. Elapsed time indicator 13/6 Z513 Z513K Sep 96bd Chapter 3%3/1 $efl test program ‘ 1. Activating of the set test program The self test program helps the service personnel to locate defects. The program can be started as follows: - Open the centrifuge lid and switch off the main switch. Press the keys “rpm/g-value” and time/radius” down together - and at the same time switch on the main switch. Let go of keys “rpm/g-value” and “time/radius”, Each digit of the display must now be a minus 2, (-) symbol. Keyboard test With the keyboard test you can check the correct function of the foil keyboard. Activate the self test program (as described under 1). Press the key “rpm/g-value” to start the keyboard test. Then “1” appears on the digital display brake. By pressing the other keys always a number appears which is assigned to the keys. rpm/g-value quick timeradius up lid down store start precool stop Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Exit the keyboard test If one of those numbers does not appear or if the keyboard test cant be started or ended. you have to replace the complete operational control. Z513/Z513K Sep. 96bd C Stifteetprofln Chapter 33/2 - 3. IndicatIon test Activate the self test program (as described under poInt 1). The indication test can be activated by pressing key “radius/time”. The digits 0- 9 appear (half a second timing pulse) on all digital indications. Also the LED’s of the keys, both minus (-) signs of the temperature display and the point between the digits of the “radius” adjust display are flashing (as well In half a second timing pulse). With this test you can check If the displays are working properly. Please watch carefully If all seven segments of each digital display are working correctly. Leave the indication test with “stop”. 4. Input signal test Attention: During this self test It is possible that the motor is triggered uncontrolled by the converter. That means, that the motor could start tuming without pressing the “run’ button. Please make sure that there Is nothing In the rotor chamber during the self test, except of the rotor. Take care of your fingers I The Input signal test Is used to check the Input signals imbalance, lid lock. motor temperature, speed, rotor identification and the input signal of the Interface of the centrifuge control board. ZC13 Z51KSep.96bd I Chapter 3I3 Self test program Activate the self test program as described under point 1. Press the key “lid” to activate the input signal test. Then the letter “F” (standing for input) appears on the digital display for brake. The nputs will be indicated on the digital displays for rpm/g-value’ and time/radius. if there is a 1” on the indication (fixed or flashing) it means that there is a signal or that the contact is closed If there is a 0 it means that there is no signal. rpm/g value time mm [1 I— uu f) g) a) Imbalance e) Rotor identification (low speed) b) Lid lock f) Rotor identification (high speed) c) not occupied g) Serial interface d) Speed identification a) mbaIance The display a has to be 0. If you press the imbalance switch (see chapter 3.4/9) the display changes to 1. b) Ld ock With the centrifuge lid open the display b is “0. If you close the lid the indication has to show ‘1. Z513 Z513K Sep 9Pbd sentastprogram C) Not occupied d) Speed Identification Chapter 33/4 As long as the motor is out of action the indication “d” shows “0”. If the motor Is turning the Indication changes to “1” Turn the motor by hand to check the sensor. e,f) Rotor Identification The rotor identification sensor consists of two hall-effect sensors. Due to that the indicator rings have two different dIameters of code rings, but for each rotor only one of the rings are occupied (either Inner or outer ring). Depending on the rotor (high or low speed) the Indication “e” or “f” shows a “1 ‘when the rotor Is turning. Instead of using a rotor you can rub gently with a permanent magnet over the sensor. After doing that, the Indication “e” and “F’ also have to show “1”. g) Seilal interface For the Interface test the lid must be closed. The display “g” has to show ‘1’. This means that regarding the data flow between the operational control, the power board and the converter are o.k.. If the display shows ‘0”: Defect at one of the above mentioned electronicai components. Defect at a flat Deft cable respectively directly at one of the interfaces. - - Leave the Input test with “stop”. Z513 Z513 K/Sep 96bd Chapter a315 Self test program 5. Output test Activate the self test program (as described under point 1). Press key quick’ to start the output test. Then A” appears on the display ‘brake”. With this test you can check the function of certain outputs by pressing different keys. Key Function quick Starts the output test. The relay of the solenoid valve will be closed at the same time solenoid valve open. - rpm/g-value time/radius The frequency converter relay is switching. The green LED of the converter is lighting (for this function the centrifuge lid have to be closed). Not occupied for these models. lid Opens the centrifuge lid lock. start The compressor relay s switching. Compressor s working. stop This allows you to exit the output test. 6. ndication of software version Activate the self test program (as described under point 1). Press the key “start”. You can see the software version on the digital display “brake”. Z513 Z13KS€p, 96bd hapter33/6 7, Adjustment of the operationa contro Activate the self test program (as described under point 1). The operational control has to be adjusted according to the centrifuge type where it is going to be used. Press key store On speed/rcf indication appears the centrifuge type for whch the operational control is adjusted for. For this unit “513’ has to appear. You can select centrifuge types by pressing keys “up” and “down”. Press key stop” to store your adjustment Now the operational control shows the adjusted voltage (115 V or 220 V). You can select the voltage as well by pressing keys “up” and “down”. Press key “stop” to store your adjustment. At the same time you leave the function “Adjustment of the operational control”. 8. Motor runin By pressing the “Run” button for about 5 seconds you can invoke the program module “Motor run-in” For a periode of 1 minute, the motor gets accelerated to 10% of the max. speed of the insert rotor. After each further mnute the speed gets accelerated by 10 % until the max. speed s reached. In the time display the run-in time is indicated in minutes from 0 9. - Attention: The runin is neccessary when the motor is repaced with a new one. The runin is used to spread the grease in the bearing aB around the baN bearings. A starting of the centrifuge to max. speed without the motor runin can cause bearing damages at the new motor. 9. E’apsed time indicator Activate the self test program (as described under point 1). Press the key “up’. The attended time of the unt will be indicated on the actual dmplay. The attended hours appear on indication “speed/rcf’ and the minutes on indication ‘time/radius”. 2513/7513K Sep 96bd C Sendcelipsforzsl3 Chapter 3.4 Content Chapter 1. ExchangIng of the operational control 3.4/1 2. Dismounting of the centrifuge housing 3.4/24 3. Exchanging of the rotor Identification sensor 3.4/4 4. Exchanging of the motor 3.4/5 5. Exchanging of the power board 3.4/6 6. Exchanging of the frequency converter 3.4/7 7. Adjustment of the imbaiance switch 3.4/9 After doing any kind of assembling work, please make sure that all the protection grounded contacts are connected correctiy. Z513 Z513K ‘Sep.’96bd D I Chapter 3A/1 SGrvice tips for Z 513 1, Exchanging of the operational control — - Push the frame of the operational control approx. 2 mm up (see sketch 1). Pull the lower part of the operatfonal control out of the housing as shown in sketch 1. Tip it out of the front side sheet metal (see sketch 2). Unplug all electrical connections. Set in the new element n the front side sheet metal in reversed order. Attention: Make sure that the adjustment of the operational control is correct (see chapter 3.316). Sketch 1 7513’Z513K/Sep 96bd Chapter 34I2 Service tips for Z 513 2, Dismounting of the centrifuge housing a) Back side sheet metal Remove the screws 1 8 on the back side of the unit. Take off the back side sheet metal. Unplug the ground connection. - - 8 7 6 1 2 3 b) 4 Housing Remove the operational control (point 1) and the back side sheet metal (point 2a). Remove screws 1 10 around the lower edge of the centrifuge. - - - \ \u / .q) i__i - 1 3 Z53 Z513K Sep. 96od / 4 6 1 - 10 - p Chapter 34/3 Service tips for 2 513 - - Remove the nuts 1 and 4. Unplug the grounded wire of the housing. Lift up the housing. Reassemble the unit in the reversed order. -1 L C) - - - - - - -- U 3 4 j Lid Remove the back side sheet metal (as described under point 2a). Unlock the lid. Remove the screws 1 - 16 of the hinges. Pay attention to the fastening bar of the hinges at the inner side of the unit. Now the lid can be removed completely. Reasemble the lid in the reversed order. J Z 513 Z 513 K Sep. 96:bd Chapter Service tips for Z513 3. Exchanging of the rotor identification sensor Remove the operational control (point 1). Remove the centrifuge housing (point 2a b). Take off the motor protection cover (screws a to c). Unplug the sensor cable at the power board. - Release the flat head screws 1 3 of the sensor flange. Take the flange together with the sensor out of the unit. Take care of the sensor cable Exchange the sensor with a new one. Reassemble the unit in reversed order. Z513 Z513KSep. 96bd , Srvice Chapter 3 4/5 tips for Z51 3 4. Exchanging of the motor - - - - Remove the operational control (as described under point 1) Remove the centrifuge housing (as described under point 2). Remove the rotor sensor (as described under point 3). Unplug the connection cables of the motor, you will find the location of the connectors n chapter 4. Remove screws 1 4 of the motor mount. Bind a pice of stnng to the conectors of the motor wires, this allows you to pull the wires of the new motor back through the holes in safty frame. Lift the motor out of the unit. Pay attention to the arrangement of the wiring when replacing the motor. Reassemble the unit in reversed order. 1 3 2 4 I Z 513 Z 513 K Sep 96 bd R Chapter Service tips for Z 513 5. Exchanging of the power board - - - Z53 Remove the operational control (point 1). Remove the centrifuge housing (point 2 a-b). Unplug all cable connections of the power board. Remove the screws 1 7. Reassemble the unit in reversed order. Z53 K Sep. 9bd - (rvietipsforZ513Ghapter34f7 6. Exchanging of the frequency converter - - Unplug all cable connections of the frequency converter. - - - Remove the operational control (point 1). Remove the centrifuge housing (point 2 a-b), Remove the screws 1 4 of the frequency converter and take it out of the unit. Attention, before you place the new frequency converter, you have to apply heat conduction paste on the seating. - Reassemble the unit in reversed order. 2 I Z513 Z513K!Sep, 6bd 9. Adjustment of the imba’ance switch - - - - - - Insert a rotor m the centrifuge. Load one bore hole of the rotor with an imbalance switch off weight mentioned in the chart (see chapter 3319). If a microlitre rotor is placed in the centrifuge you have to insert several adjacent reaction tubes. Start the centrifuge the unit should switch off at the cut off speed mentioned in the chart (chapter 3.3/9) for the corresponding rotor. If the unit is not switching off you have to release the fixing nut (1). With the adjustment screw (2) you can adjust the imbalance switch off more sensitive (turn right). You can reach the screws from the left side at the bottom of the unit. If the unit is switching off, load the rotor with the allowed imbalance weight (see chapter 3.3/9). Start the centrifuge the unit should not switch off again. If required. adjust the imbalance switch off with the adjustment screw (2) less sensitive. If you have to readjust the imbalance switch for the test with the allowed imbalance. you have to repeat the procedure with the imbalance switch off weight. - - / - 0 2 Z513 Z512KSp.96bd --- Chapter 34I9 Service tips for Z 513 Z 513 Rotor No. Cutoff speed in rpm Allowed imbalance in grams Cutoff imbalance in grams 220.70 V06 2000 13 15 220.70 V05 1960 15 16 220.29 V03 1960 14 16 22041 V03 1930 15 17 220.78 V02 1900 49 51 220.80 V02 1960 52 54 220.76 V02 1980 58 60 Z 513 / Z 513 K iSep. 96 bd Content Chapter 1. Exchanging of the operational control 3.4/1 2. Dismounting of the centrifuge housing 3.4/24 3. Exchanging of the rotor identification sensor 3.4/4 4. ExchangIng of the motor 3.4/5 5. Exchanging of the power board 3.4/6 6. Exchanging of the frequency converter 3.4/7 7. Adjustment of the imbalance swItch 3.4/9 After doing any kind of assembling work, piease make sure that an the protection grounded contacts are connected correctiy. Service tips br Z 513 K Chapter 35/1 1. Exchanging of the operatona contro - - Push the frame of the operational control approx. 2 mm up (see sketch 1). Pull the lower part of the operational control out of the housing as shown in sketch 1. Tip it out of the front side sheet metal (see sketch 2). Unplug all electrical connections. - Set in the new element in the front side sheet metal in reversed order. Attention: Make sure that the adjustment of the operational control is correct (see chapter 33I6). Z513 Z513KSep96bd Chapter 3.5/2 Service tips for Z 513 K 2. Dismounting of the centrifuge housing a) Back side sheet metal Remove the screws 1 1 0 on the back side of the unit. Take off the back side sheet metal. Unplug the ground connection. - - 10— -6 1 3 b) - 4 Housing Remove the operational control (point 1) and the back side sheet metal (point 2a). Remove screws 1 10 around the lower edge of the centrifuge. / - 3 Z513/Z513KSep 9bbd c vicetpsforz5i3KChapter35I3 Remove the nuts 1 and 4. Unplug the grounded wire of the housing. Lift up the housing. Reassemble the unit in the reversed order. r 7uu -i L.. c) Lid Remove the back side sheet metal (as described under point 2a). Unlock the lid. Remove the screws 1 16 of the hinges. Pay attention to the fastening bar of the hinges at the inner side of the unit: Now the lid can be removed completely. Reasemble the lid in the reversed order. - Z 513 / Z 513 K Sep. r Chapter 3.5/4 Servie tips for Z 513 K 3. Exchanging of the rotor identification sensor - - - Remove the operational control (point 1). Remove the centrifuge housing (point 2). Take off the rubber motor protection cover. Unplug the sensor cable at the power board. Release the flat head screws (1 3) of the sensor flange. Take the flange with the sensor out of the unit. - - - - Exchange it with a new one. Reassemble the unit in reversed order. Attention: Continue to apply pressure to the outer edge of the cover until it snaps into the position and grips onto the lip of the steel chamber. An airtight seal must be formed, Z513 Z513KSep. ‘96bd Chapter 35I5’ Service tips for Z 513 K 4. Exchanging of the motor - - - Remove the operational control (as described under point 1) Remove the centrifuge housing (as described under point 2 a). Remove the rotor sensor (as described under point 3). Unplug the connection cables of the motor, you will find the location of the connectors in chapter 4. Remove screws 1 4 of the motor mount. Bind a pice of string to the conectors of the motor wires, this allows you to pull the wires of the new motor back through the holes in safty frame. Lift the motor out of the unit. Pay attention to the arrangement of the wiring when replacing the motor. Reassemble the unit in reversed order. - - - - 1 3 - Z 513 Z 513 K’Sep. 96,bd 4 vietipstqrZ5i3KChapter35/6 5. Exchanging of the power board - - - Remove the operational control (point 1). Remove the centrifuge housing (point 2 a-b). Unplug all cable connections of the power board. Remove the screws 1 7. Reassemble the unit in reversed order, - -I Zfl3 Z513K’Sep. 96bd C Chapter Service tips far Z 513 K 6. Exchanging of the frequency converter - - Remove the operational control Remove the centrifuge housing Unplug all cable connections of Remove the screws 1 4 of the (point 1). (point 2 a-b). the frequency converter. frequency converter and take it out of the unit. Attention. before you place the new frequency converter, you have to apply heat conduction paste on the seating. Reassemble the unit in reversed order. - — - 2 Z 513 / Z 513 K!S9p 96 bd r Chapter 3.5/8 Bervlcadpeforzslak - 9. AdJustment of the Imbalance switch - - - - - - Insert a rotor In the centnfuge. Load one bore hole of the rotor with an Imbalance switch off weight mentioned In the chart (see chapter 3.4/9). If a microlitre rotor Is placed In the centrifuge you have to Insert several adjacent reaction tubes. Start the centrifuge the unit should switch off at the cut off speed mentioned In the chart (chapter 3.4/9) for the corresponding rotor. It the unit is not switching off you have to release the fixing nut (1). With the adjustment screw (2) you can adjust the Imbalance switch off more sensitive (turn right). You can reach the screws from the left side at the bottom of the unit If the unit Is switching off, load the rotor with the allowed Imbalance weight (see chapter 3.4/9). Start the centrifuge the unit should not switch off again. if required, adjust the Imbalance switch off with the adjustment screw (2) less sensitive. If you have to readjust the Imbalance switch for the test with the allowed imbalance, you have to repeat the procedure with the Imbalance switch off weight - - - 0 Z513 Z5ISKSep 96bd a Chapter 3%5/9 Service tips for Z 513 K Z513K Rotor No. Cutoff speed in rpm Cutoff imbalance in grams in grams 22070 VOG 1920 13 220.70 V05 1950 14 15 16 220.29 V03 1960 14 16 220.41 V03 220.78 V02 1930 15 17 1920 35 37 220.80 V02 1900 38 40 220.76 V02 1920 42 44 \ Z513 Allowed imbalance Z513KJSep. 96bd Refrigeration system Z 513 K Chapter 36 Content Z 513 Chapter 1. Functional description of the refrigeration system 3.6/1 2. Keyplan of the refrigeration system 3.6/2 3. Emptying and filling with Freon 3.6/3 4. Lowest temperatures (depending on the rotor) 3.6/5 Z 513 K Sep. 96bd C Refrigeration system Z 513 K 1. Chapter 36hz Functional description of the refrigeration system The quantity of the coolant passed Into the evaporator Is controlled by a solenoid vaive and an expansIon valve. A detectIng element continuously measures the temperature at the evaporator output. This detecting element regulates the injection nozzle, because of this the evaporator gets always the neccessary quantity of coolant. So you can reach the maximum capability of the refrigeration system at any operating status. As soon as the required preset temperature is reached, the soienold valve interrups the cooiant drcult. The solenoid valve reopens the circuit as soon as the temperature rises and passes on coolant to the evaporator again. The response time of the soienold valve is controlled by the CPU. From the temperature sensor. placed in the rotor chamber, the processor receives the information of the chamber temperature. As the actual temperature of the samples is not necessarily the same as the chamber temperature, the microprocessor caicuiates the sample temperature for the respective rotor. This value will be indicated on the digital temperature display. The temperature control of the microprocessor works according to the calculated value. Therefore the user can seiect the required sample temperature (± it C). Samples cannot be damaged by discrepancies between chamber temperature and sample temperature. Z 513. Z 513 K.Sep. ‘96 bd } 0 (0 (0 cc CD -p C-fl C-fl - - “Schccder valve Evaporator Compressor Expansion valve Solenoid valve Drier/Collector Condenser U) CD Cl) 0 CD CD cr2 - CD CD 0 CD CD C, 1\) V (D 0 w - CD 0 — C Refrigeration system I2KBR 3. Chapter 3.6/3] EmptyIng and filling with coolant (R134a) For doing this work you have to have the following equipment: Coolant suction Implement with collecting tank, vacuum pump, vacuum measuring instrument, quantity measuring system for the freon and a manometer combination. a) - - - - - - b) - - - - - - - Emptying of the refrigeration system Remove the housing parts until the refrigeration system Is self-contained (see chapter 3.5). Connect the front panel back to the system, so that the unit can work without housing. Connect the coolant suction implement with the valve (see sketch, chapter 3.6/4). Start the self test program and choose test range 4 (output test) solenoid valve open. Evacuate the coolant from the system. Now you can carry out the necessary repair work on the refrigeration system. - Filling of the refrigeration system Connect the vacuum pump, the manometer combination and the coolant bottle (R 134) to the valve (1). (see sketch. chapter 3.614). Start the seif test program and choose test range 4 (output test) solenoid valve open. Evacuate the refrigeration system for approx. 30 mm.. Switch off the vacuum pump. Make sure that the system remains in a state of vacuum. if not the system is leaking. Fill up the system with 800 grams coolant R134a. Check all tube connections very closely with a leak indicator. Attention: Only use R134a. Riling quantity must never exceed 850 g. Z513 Z513K’Sep’961bd - R Chapter 6I4 Røfrigeration system I 2KBfi Sketch: Compressor, FiWng vave 1 Fifing valve 1 (Schrader valve) Sketch: Manometer combinaflon, vacuum pump, cooant botfie High pressure Vacuum rneasunng mstru ment High pressure Sight glass Not applicable Connechon to the compressor Z 513’ Z 513 K Sep 96 bd Chapter 36I5 Lowest temperatures Z 513 K Rotor No. speed in rpm Lowest sample 22070 V06 5000 220.70 V05 3600 220.29 V03 3200 220.41 V03 2000 220.78 V02 15000 +5C 220.80 V02 15000 + 2°C 220.76 V02 15000 + 0 C + 8° C +10 C - - 5 C 5° C Ambient temperature 23° C The absolute end temperatures can be subject to fluctuations of ± 2° C of the cooling compressor due to output variations. The lowest sample temperatures depends on the ambient temperature. If the ambient temperature increases, the lowest sample temperature that can be reached, increases as well. \_________ Z513 Z513 K/Sep 96:ba Wiring diagrams Z 513 Chapter 4 / Z 513 K Contents Wiring Diagram Z 513, 120 V LS 0173 Plan of electric installation Z 513, 120 V LS 0174 Wiring Diagram Z 513, 230 V LS 0166 Plan of electric installation Z 513, 230 V LS 0167 Wiring Diagram Z 513 K, 230 V LS 0169 Plan of electric installation Z 513 K, 230 V LS 0170 Circuit diagram, power board HE 121.00.03 Layout, power board HE 121.00.03 Layout, control board 26KM Layout, control board 26KMR Z513 7513K Aug95 bd — I TRIO LKO17 Kessel hamber LKO1S Riickwand back sheet metal LKO16 GebSuse housing Surpreosor Interterenco Nelofilter LK1SO Dais switch IS Feinsicherung lose .F. 2 X 1SAT .4- Netzschalter 120V 50Hz PEL—>-r-j 1 NI—) hf I 6 1K134 7 Choke 11 drossel Funkentotdr I L is Ii- L tTh I power-unit NT HEi3.QO.O3 1ol (_ Oeckelkeniakt 2 -L - - Dr eh strom- ynchronmo tar asynchronous solar —F 0eckIkeeta5t 1 :3 L LkOll Molorschloll lid—lock—motor frequency changer Frequenz-Umrichter LKOIS Lt(O17 66018 LK127 i4- - Unwuchtochalter I imbalance switch Erdungoserbindung L190 Erdungsverbindung L280 Erdungsverbindung UCO Flachbandkabel lOpol.l.25O NT-Umrichter LK37 Rotortlansch koropletl H25 66150 ‘derbgSchalter-Fitter LK15I. Flachbandkabel bOpol. NT-tIP-CR LK1S7 Verbg.NT-Unwuchtschal[er L600 p3 1St, 16109 (odierstecker 120V 1St. LK134 Netzmodul I2OV1SAT 1St. LK 158 VerbyFil r-NJ-Umrichter-LOfter ISt.LK186 Ersatasicherung 16AT 6,3x32 2St. 251. 1St. 151. 1St. 1St. 1St. 1St. Dektkentekt 3 lid.witch Schalter 2St. LKO1I Erdunqsverbindung COO 1St, LKO1S Erdungsverbindusg l.lkO I1Sj I 16 L 1 3 121 LLLJ0LHE_Lj_ J 13 J12 111 Hi 19 Lk108 I NT HE 134.10.03 12j — 3 9 L 1 HERMLE Labrlechnk Srnbtt speedsansor - E- 16137 Li., .____::i 1 i6 Somuan23ovSo/6oHJ wirinp-diaqrans - HE 1Z.UOO3 H RorSnø. LI LKO1I 9 Erdungsvrbndjn 1.90 LK01S Erdungsverbindung IlLS LKOI6 Erdungsverbindung L190 LK017 Erdurigsverbndun 1280 LK018 Erdungsverbindung L140 LK127 FtachbHndkabet IOpot.L250 NT4.imrichter LK13J Rolortlarisch komptt [i25 LK150 Verbo.Schalter-F9ter LK1S4 Flachbandkabel LOpoI. NT-MP—LP 1K 157 VerbgNT-Unwucht schat ter L600 p3 r 1 1.615’. Z . 4 7 2 j 0 V 5 13 0 1 . [S 0199 Mikrocotroiler HE 135.00.03 LI 1.. 16015 1St, LK108 Coderstecker 230V 15L 1.6128 Net zrnodul 230V16A 1St. LK1S6 Verbg.F0ter-NT—lJmrkhtr-LSfter-5chijlz lSt,1K185 Ersatzsictierung 16AT 5x20 2St, 1St. 2St. 2St. 1St, 1St. 1St. 1St. 1St. 1St. ____ r - i 116017 Nane 19 2 1k120 FunkentotOr drossel [ho Re 3 11 100 JTcma rnfo , Erm,z lOr - _UJ LL LonE Rkckwancl back sheet metal 16016 Kessel chamber Geh2us housing LKOI6 Netzlilter Isterlererico Surpressor Hetzschalter main switch Feinsicherung fuse —F 2 X 16AT PELr 230V S01tz 1 Z 2 L 5 16127 I I - Dr eh St r om-s y nchr onmo I or asynchronous motor Id-otnlch Onchelkoolakl 2 Oetklkoo[kl 1 lid-much LZ S power-unit NT HE131OD3 L6011 Motorschlofl Iid-Iockmotor Frequenz-Umrichter Irequency changer I. 6 I - LK57 Unwuchtschaller imbalance switch Erdungsoerbindung 601 Erdungsverbisdung 1001 Erdungsverbisdunq 190L Erdungsverbindung 2801 Erdunysoerbindung 80L Temperatursenoor Codierstecker 230V Fjathbandkabel lQpcl.1250 NT—lJmricht er Netzmodul 230V16A Rolorllansch komptell 1125 Verbg.Ksmpressor Druckschaller,Magnela. Verbg.Schal1er—Filer Flachbandkabel 40 psI. NT-MP-LP VerbgFdter-NT-Umrichter-.Lufter-Schutz VerbgHT-Un .ichtschalter 6001 3p. 8 EJZ t:z [odichaller so oitch on Dnck.lRoolkl 3 lid— loutS Schalter 251. 16011 1St. LKOIS 251. 16016 1SL 1601) 251. LKO18 151. 16107 151. 16108 1St. LK127 1St. LK12B 151. 16137 151, LK1O 6 151. 16150 151, LK1SI. 1St. 1K156 1St. LK157 7 1 1 2 Lk109 NT HE 13.i0.03 LZHP 3 I L J :2i spocdsensor S LKI3J 1 12OOO1 din gram EIfl Rn—S,nni- 6 I r L6154 LK01l LK015 16016 16017 L6018 16127 LK13I 8 Erd gs rb-dur 180 Erdungsverbinctung L10 Erdunserbindung 1190 Erdung erbindung 1280 Erdungsverbkidurig L11O Flachbandkabel lOpol.L250 NTUmrkhtr Rotortlansib koniplot I 1-125 I - 274-OOVO2Z5131+ Mikrocotro[ler HE 1350003 - 1St, LKISO Vorbg.Schatter-Fittnr 151, 16156 FachbandkabnI kOpoI. NT—MPLP St. LK1S7 Verbg,NTUnwuhtschalter L600 p3 1St, 16109 [odiersteckr 120Y 1St. 16136 Netzmdut 12OV1SAT 1St. 16158 Vnrbg,Filter-NT-Umrichter-LOltor 1St.LK186 Ersatzskhnrung 16AT 6,3x32 251, 1St. 251. 2S1. 151, 1St, 1St. 7 NT HE 13.1O.O3 HC 12OOOJ J 3 j LK1J1 H RoSt .L LKO15 J zrz Jfd MikrocotroHep HE 135.00.03 LK1SI. 251. LKO11 Lrdungsvorbindung 80L ISI. LKO1S Erdungsvrbindunq 1tO1. 251. LKO16 Erdungsvrbindurnj 190L SI. LKO12 Erdunsverbinduq 2801 251. LKO18 [rdungsverbindung 80L SI, LK1O7 Trnpratursnsor 151, LKIO8 CodrsIecker 230V 151. LK1Z7 Flchbandkab& lOpo[L250 HT-Urnrichler 151. LK12B Helznwdul 230V15A SI. LK137 Rotorllansch komplell H25 SI. LK1kO VerbqKornpressor Druckschaller,Haqnelv. 51, LI150 Verbg.Sc1I1er-FiIer ISI. LK1S4 FlachbanJkobel L0 pot. NT-MP-LP ISI, 1K156 ‘rbjrtIor.NTlJrnrichIerLuIterSchuFz 151, LK1S? Verhg.NT-Unwuchlothalter 600L Op. EOOOt7 H ØØØt1.I{ autr1c1H l’0 zalJ !4rfl 0I3330 (5-i)—- (FilZlJ (tt1it1\ U1UiLi(f E3c/ Joqo] — -----“ —- — L ! 0 )— Jlj ase ) S JOUII.11(S01) — — 1__ Hq°(J 1(1 S -—- I j 10(1 bud-i (51030501,1 -/ 11l j 1)— - — — 13 13 — :::cLo — ‘ —— — — — 1i1Ti— 111 ‘01 —-iacL — 0011 1 ( ! !i!}——E1 ! ]t---—Eu)-— 1 0 (ii 3 colon [ — — - / .-—-—— C /-c - 3 ‘UI 0 •lt II 110 —1 ill Ut ‘Ilfl 0 0 0 2 zzzz o 0 CD Li CA r SL CA CA Lii EEz : CA oj 0 CA Li 9 L .0 P © © CA Li 0 C li 9 N (N — CO Li 2ZZE CD — PP 1-0 112 U: tz: D: rr:E:3 I 1iiu au1d1a1zaN oO[t7EI 3H iOiA qw9 i b9G/ aSSQJISJOESNNqSQO EJOULq qç W3H 18111 LJ Cd LG111C NlIt.fl Old 9) 0 10 00 £ 90 110 — IlIII €1 9) ‘9 ‘— —\ _——ct1 tpNq. 9) 19) 9) (9) ‘9--------—----—CI0J 9) 11 9) 9) 9) 9) 9) 9) 9) 9) l•I’ll Ion OILE 9) —-—-<) 9) L EN IN 101)1 — — — IR 19 Kessel chamber I KO 17 R0ckand back sheet metal 16016 G3use housing LKOI6 flefzfiifer Inferference Surpresusr main switch Nefzschafter IS Feinsicherung fuse F 2 6 bAT PEr1 230V 50Hz 1 2 lb 16128 Ii -ill I j 19 Lk121 I 5 H LKO17 Orehufrem-Iuynchronmofor asynchronous inofor tkl-ooilch Elesketkeolakl 2 DeskeIkooll 1 lid-s oilch NT HE’14..OO.O EZZ pow2runi 6 1.6011 Erdungverbindung 1.80 LKO1S Erdunguverbisdung L160 LKO16 Erdungsverbindung 1190 LKO17 Erdungsverbiodung 1280 t..6018 Erctungsverbindung 1110 L6121 Flachbandkabel l0pot.L 250 NT-Umrichter 16137 Roforftansch kompteft H25 LK1SO Verbg.Schatler—Fitfer LK1S4 Flachbandkabel kOpot. NT-MP-IP 10157 Verbg.NTtJnwuchtschutfer 1600 p3 I - L 4 _ j r - z 10 L: Lt(1S1 Kj 1St. L0108 Codierutecker 230V 1St, 16128 Netumodul 23OVtbA 1Sf, LK1S6 0 Verbg.Fitfer-NT-Umrichfer-LOffer-Schijf 1St.LK18S Eruatzsicheruoq 16AT So20 2Sf. 1St. 2Sf. 2Sf. 1Sf. 1St, 1St. 1Sf. 1St. 1Sf. Eodsrhaller rj swich on TemperafurabhOogiger Schalter biroef attic cutoff LL IkOti tid-lock—mofor Moforochiol) Frequeno -Umrichl or frequency changer ZZZ° L i 3 5 Funkenf S fdr drosset Choke I 3 0 0 0) co 0 0 N 0 0 (0 -J (3 0 0 0 SL 0 N U-) 0 -_ 0 -, Lr:Ez1 00(00 LJ + h0 U — P c E71 S. c Li c Hi EEE J::LJ -i z (3 c- ci :HJ P ‘°-i L jLJ 0 HH I7 cj 0 N (0 RH L c- :: 1 U L ° 12 IR (3 tn C3 Error messages: Beasons / Actions Chapter_D PREFACE These error messages can help the service personnel to locate defects faster is they occur. The diagnoses listed in this chapter are not necessarily accurate. They are theoretical defects that can occur and appropriate solutions. Please always make your own diagnosis with the help to the self test program Please always inform us about any type of defect you find and which is not mentioned in this chapter. Only with your help we are able to improve and complete our service manual. Thanks in advance for your help. Hermle Labortechnik GmbH Z 513 7 513 K /Sep 96’bd Error messages: Reasons / Actions 1. Chapter 511 Description of the error message system The error message wilt be indicated by a certain number on the digital speed display. At the same time “ERROR” appears on the preset display. Error Nr. 1 - 49 (Forced stop) if one of the above errors occurs, the rotor wilt be braked from the preset speed to 0. As soon as the rotor has stopped, the error message can be reset by opening and closing the centnfuge lid. Error Nr. 50 99 (Emergency stop) If this occurs. the frequency converter will be switched off and the rotor will be coast to a stop. The error message can only be reset by switching the main switch off and on. If the unit stops due to an error indication you should restart the unit to check if the error occurs again. The error numbers which are not listed in this chapter are not in use at the time of publication and they are reserved for future use in broadening the error recognition prog ram. Z513 Z513K Sep 96bd D F Chapter 5/2 Error rnss: Rspis I Actions Error no: 1 r Imbalance son: Incorrect loading of the rotor Action: Balance your samples L Reason: - Incorrect adjustment of the imbalance switch b Actiøn: Readjust imbalance switch according to chapter 3 Error noW: 2 Permanent imbalance signal Reason: Parting at the imbalance signal cable parting_of — — Reason: —— — Position of the imbalance switch not correct Action: F the cable imbalance switch Reason: Imbalance switch is defective Action: Replace the imbalanda switCh and readjuCt it Error noW: 1 0 Overtemperature in the rotor chamber (more than 50°C) Reason: Failure of the refrigeration system ActiQn: Check the refrigeration system and repair it Reason: Temperature sensor defective Action: — Replace temperature sensor -- Error no: 11 Temperature sensor Reason: Short circuit at the temperature sensor Action: Replace temperature sensor - —I 7513 7513K/Sep96/bd Error messages: Reasons / Actions r Chapter 5/3 Error no.: 20 No rotor identification Reason: No rotor inserted Action: Insert rotor into the unit Reason: Rotor identification sensor defective Action: Reglace identification sensor Reason: Inserted rotor has no indicator ring Action: Usea correct rotor Reason: Rotor is not seated on the motor shaft correctly Action: Reseat the rotor on the motor shaft Error no.: 21 Start bit is missing Reason: A magnet of the indicator ring is missing Action; Exchange the inccator ring of the rotor Error no.: 22 Rotor is not mentioned in the rotor chart Reason: Rotor is not authorized for this unit Action: Insert only rotors authorized for this unit Error no.: 25 Power failure Reason: Power failure while rotor is in motion Action: Open and reclose the lid, restad the centrifuge S Z 513 Z 513 K ‘Sep 96’bd — —____ — -________ C Error messages: easons / Ations Error no: 30 Radius correction Reason: Radius correction value too big Chapter 514 Adjust the radius correction to the correct value ctiop: Error noW: 36 Relay for the frequency converter cannot be released Reason: Defect on the power board tion: Replace the power bOard Error no: 40 Error EEROPM Reason: Serveral posibiities Action: Restart unit, if the failure occures again, replace the contrQl panel. Error no: 41 Power failure EEPROM Reason: Serveral posibilities Action Restart unit, it the faure occures again, replace the control paneL Error no: 50,51 Memory failure Reason: Internal or external memory failure Action: Restart the unit, if the faure occurs again, replace the control panel Error no: 55 Overspeed Reason: Overspeed sensor or motor speed sensor defect - Action: Check the overspeed sensor or the motor speed sensor and replace if necessary I 5513 Z5l3KiSepS6/bd F Error rnessage: Reas I Actions Reason: Chapter 5/5 Control panel or power board defect d [ Error no: 60 Motor speed sensor signal is missing Reason: Motor speed sensor defective or parting of a cable at the sensor Error no: 61 Speed signal without a turning of the rotor Reason: Speed sensor is broken Error no: 70 Interface of the frequency converter Reason Communication of controller, power board interface cable and frequency converter is not working Action: Interface test Localization of the defective part by changing thø components Reason: Unpluged interface wire Action: Plug in the interface wire plugs correctly Error no: 82/83 Cutoff power board Reason: on: 7513 7513K Sep SSibd frequency converter Overcurrent, overvoltage or undervoltage due to power supply fluctuations Restart the unit, take care that the power supply is stable Chapter 5/6 Error messages: Reasons / Actions Error no: 84 Motor temperature / Frequency converter temperature Reason: Defect at the motor (winding damage, bearing damage) Reason: Overtemperature switch in the motor is defective J Reason: Defect at the frequency converter Reason: Fan of the housing ventilation is defective, vent hole is covered, ambient temperature is too high . J r Error no: 90 Lid was open during run Reason: Lid lock switch is defective Action. Replace the lid lock Reason: Wire to the lid lock is broken Error no: 94 Votage drop during operation — Reason: Voltage drop of more than 10 Volt i Lon: Z513/Z513 K Sep 96/bd Restart The uit rQ 0 LU Art ice frequency converter, 230 V with 2 PCB 913.019 20-0238 power board for control panel with 1 PCB 120 V I 230 V 913.022 HE 134.10.03 151,00 control panel with 1 PCB 913.033 455,00 frequency converter, 230 V with 1 POE 913.034 20-0243 596,70 motor, 230 V / 120 V 923.007 393,80 housing (for hinge version) 933.031 277,01.13.00 340,70 lid complete (for hinge version) 933.032 269,30 fuse 16 AT, 230 V, 5 x 20 mm 940.025 25.0095 5,10 fuse holder 230 V 940.026 25.0096 16,40 808,90 cover for fuse holder 940.032 25.01 09 7,20 fan, 230 V 940.046 32.0033 54,10 micro switch imbalance” 940.069 38.0082 10,20 rocker switch power’ vertikal 940.086 38.0202 8,20 line filter, 230 V / 120 V 940.160 40-0111 87,80 31,70 temperature sensor for control panel with 2 POE (analog) 940.168 LK046 temperature sensor for control panel with 1 POE (digital) lid lock, motor-driven, 230 V for control panel with 2 PCB 940.179 LK1O7 940.185 250.05 VOl 286,70 lid lock, motor-driven, 230 V for control panel with 1 POE 940.187 250.05 V07 278,50 imbalance switch 940.190 29,60 rotor sensor 940.191 LK137 133,70 38,80 contactor 940.192 30-0137 95,90 speed sensor (brown housing) 940.199 32-0220 63,30 fuse set, 230 V (16 AT) 940.213 LK185 5,10 power connection with fuse holder, 230 V 940.217 LK128 73,50 imbalance switch, only conecting cable 940.220 LK157 20,40 magnet for speed sensor (without housing) 940.236 44-0047 28,60 potientiometer 10 K 940.245 940.245 micro switches set for motor driven lid lock 940.260 29,60 87,10 motor for lid lock 230V 940.261 motor for lid lock 120V 940.262 speed sensor (white housing) 940.263 8,20 87,10 940.263 magnet for speed sensor (with housing) 940.264 940.264 stopper (imblance) 950,006 20.5054 5,10 centrifuge rubber feet motor rubber mount, diam. 30 x 30 mm, 50-55” Shore 950.014 26.5034 950.019 26.5057 9,20 10,20 hinge 950.131 38-5597 22,50 lid latch 950.132 274.01 .06.04 22,50 motor rubber mount 950.136 21,50 motorcover 950.137 67,40 chamber gasket, 1630 mm, grey 950.152 950.152 64,30 injection nozzle 960.003 23.5141 31,70 117,30 solenoid valve, 230 V 960.029 41 .5137 sight glas 960.034 6,20 expansion valve 960.051 24-5077 80,60 dryer 960.052 39-5106 106,10 compressor 960.053 41-5178 499,80 condenser with fan 960.054 41-5179 198,90 pressure guard 960.055 23-5149 55,10 starting relay 960.066 960.066 75,50 starting capacitor 95,90 960.075 960.075 power board 230 V for control panel with 2 POB (exchange part) R913.010 R266.08U10.02 195,90 control panel with 2 POE (exchange part) R913.013 R271.01.12.02 481,50 page 1 of 2 effective Ol January, 2003 up to 31 Dezember, 2003 spare part list Z513 cQ 0 cl) Article — .Li.I .9 frequency converter, 120 V with 2 P08 913.004 20-0235 power board for control panel with 1 PCB 120 V/230 V 913.018 HE 134.00.03 15100 frequency converter, 230 V with 2 P08 913.019 20-0238 80890 frequency converter, 120 V with 1 P08 913.021 20-0242 50900 frequency converter, 230 V with 1 PCB 913.034 20-0243 59670 40400 72020 control panel with 1 P08 913.035 motor, 230 V / 120 V 923.007 274.08,40.02 39380 housing (for hinge version) 933.029 31520 285,60 lid complete (spring hinge version) 933.030 fuse 16 AT, 230 V, 5 x 20 mm 940.025 25.0095 510 fuse holder 230 V 940.026 25.0096 16,40 fuse holder 120 V 940.027 25.0098 21.50 fuse 16 AT, 6,3 x 32 mm, 120 V 940.029 25.0100 6,20 cover for fuse holder 940.032 25.0109 7,20 fan, 230 V 940.046 32.0033 54,10 10,20 micro switch “imbalance” 940.069 38.0082 rocker switch “power” vertikal 940.086 38.0202 8,20 fan, 120V 940.158 32-0217 40,80 line filter, 230 V /120 V 940.160 40-0111 lid lock, motor-driven, 230 V for control panel with 2 P08 940.185 250.05 VOl 286.70 lid lock, motor-driven, 120 V for control panel with 2 P08 940.186 250.05 V02 286,70 lid lock, motor-driven, 230 V for control panel with 1 P08 940.187 250.05 V07 278,50 lid lock, motor-driven, 120 V for control panel with 1 P08 940.188 250.05 V08 278,50 imbalance switch 940.190 29,60 rotor sensor 940.191 LK137 133,70 contactor 940.192 30-0137 95,90 speed sensor (brown housing) 940.199 32-0220 63,30 fuse set, 230 V (16 AT) 940.213 LK185 fuse set, 120 V (16 AT) 940.214 LK186 6,20 power connection with fuse holder, 230 V 940.217 LK128 73,50 88,80 87,80 5,10 power connection with fuse holder, 230 V 940.218 LK134 imbalance switch, only conecting cable 940.220 LK157 20,40 magnet for speed sensor (without housing) 940.236 44-0047 28,60 940.245 8,20 potientiometer 10K 940.245 micro switches set for motor driven lid lock 940.260 29,60 motor for lid lock 230V 940.261 87,10 motor for lid lock 120V 940.262 speed sensor (white housing) 940.263 87,10 940.263 magnet for speed sensor (with housing) 940.264 940.264 stopper (imblance) 950.006 20.5054 centrifuge rubber feet 950.014 26.5034 9,20 motor rubber mount, diam. 30 x 30 mm, 50-55 Shore 950.019 26.5057 10,20 5,10 hinge 950.131 38-5597 22,50 lid latch 950.132 274.01 .06.04 22,50 motorcover 950.135 33,70 motor rubber mount 950.136 21,50 64,30 chamber gasket, 1630 mm, grey 950.152 950.152 sight glas 960.034 power bc.ard 120 V for control panel with 2 P08 (exchange part) power board 230 V for control panel with 2 P08 iexchange part> R913.009 R266.08.1 1.02 R913.010 R266.08U10.02 195,90 control panel with 2 P08 (exchange part) R913.012 P271.01.02.02 441,70 power board for control panel with 1 P08 120 V / 230 V, (exchange part) R913.018 RHE 134.00.03 115,30 effective 01 page 1 of 2 6,20 200.00 January. 2003 up to 31 Dezember, 2003 Cl) Zr r) C 11) (CC) N CD 11(0 Zr Cl) Cl, (Zr CD Zr CD CD X C) Zr (C) p l)J- Zr (0 m (l)r\) (0 JJ)J (CCC) CD CD CD )< C) Zr Zr 0 Zr D r. rnceO3 in EURO dent No. Order No, cc Ca Ca CD cC cc Ca CD 0, dent Order No, PriceO3 inEURO DCC CD Ca DC Ca DC x 0 zr CD oJ a 1J 0 DC CD CD 0 0 CD -
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