HONEY KALARIA’S “MIDDAY MASTI” RADIO SHOW Listen, Share, Learn and Transform HONEY KALARIA BOLLYWOOD AMBASSADOR TO THE UK SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITY GET CONNECTED TO THE LOCAL AND GLOBAL ONLINE COMMUNITY Invitation to become a “Title Sponsor” or “Co-Title Sponsor” of A Radio Show Presented by Honey Kalaria On Nusound Radio 92FM THE SHOW CONTENT The program is aired live from East London every Wednesday from 12-1pm on 92FM This fun packed one hour program will keep you wanting more. Individuals are able to tune in globally on line at www.nusoundradio.com The show is attracting a huge following by Honey’s international fans and followers, as well as expected to connect with new audiences through a planned extensive on line marketing campaign. Upbeat Bollywood Music Heart Warming Special Requests Pearls Of Wisdom Inspiring Special Guests Fun Competitions Exciting World Music Tips On Community Affairs, Personal Development, Health , Beauty, Fashion and lots more, including having the award winning UK’s Bollywood Ambassador presenting the show !!! HONEY KALARIA - OVERVIEW Known for: Her contribution to the world of dance, choreography and performing arts Promoting Indian art and culture Supporting health, fitness & educational programs nationally Working alongside Bollywood Stars & Mainstream Celebrities, Appeared on TV shows, Received Awards for her work and Founder of the first Bollywood Dance Academy in the UK The radio program reveals a different side of the UK’s Bollywood Ambassador Media Work – Honey Possesses a Master Degree in Public Relations Creativity – She is also a Holder of an Honorary Doctorate of Arts With Honey Kalaria on board you will get a radio show that displays a powerful combination of media and creativity all rolled into a jam packed 1 hour entertaining show. Honey has received extensive Media Support for her work:“Honey Kalaria combines the sparkly enthusiasm of an electric fence with a smile of a girl who has just won Miss Universe” Evening Standard MEDIA COVERAGE – HONEY KALARIA MEDIA TESTIMONIALS:- “Honey Kalaria, queen of Indian Dance” Sunday Times “Britain’s top Modern Indian Dance expert” The Sun “Honey Kalaria, affectionately known in the industry as Britain’s Bollywood Ambassador” Good Health Magazine HONEY KALARIA - BACKGROUND CHOREOGRAPHER, PRESENTER & PERFORMING ARTS MENTOR Honey Kalaria, a Dancer, choreographer and known more popularly as Bollywood Ambassador to the UK, has been involved in Bombay Dreams, and Merchants of Bollywood with TV appearances on Bollywood Star, This Morning, Top of the Pops, Blue Peter, Jamie Oliver and MTV’s Bust a Move. She has worked alongside Gareth Gates, Beyonce, Craig David, Shah Rukh Khan, Hrithik Roshan and Aishwarya Rai amongst many others. An award winning actress, choreographer and nominated as one of the top 3 Asian business women in the UK, with a Bollywood Performing Arts Academy, an Honorary Doctorate of Arts and a No 1 Bollywood Workout video. Honey has broken the Guinness Book of World Records on Sky TV by getting the largest number of studio audience to learn Bollywood dance in the shortest time, worked as a choreographer for Gurinder Chada’s latest film “It’s a wonderful afterlife”, BBC’s “So You Think You Can Dance”, “Got To Dance” and recently choreographed a Bollywood version of the opera Carmen aired on BBC3. She enjoys conducting workshops nationally and globally to share practical skills and knowledge about Bollywood performing arts, Indian cultural dance and personal development through commercial, community and charitable based projects. Honey is currently involved in promoting global friendship and multicultural integration using dance, fitness, Indian art & culture, and working towards making Britain fitter and healthier through encouraging others to take up fun physical activities such as Bollywood Dance. She recently filmed for a TV program called “Cooking Queen” where she inspires amateur home chefs to compete by showcasing their cooking skills and present innovative and nutritious dishes. BOLLYWOOD MEETS HOLLYWOOD Get involved as a sponsor for Honey Kalaria’s Midday Masti radio show, and gain access to thousands of people to help reach your business objectives such as brand exposure and access to new markets Nusound Radio is a community radio station based in East London which uses DAB (Digital Audio Broadcasting) technology, and attracts almost 100,000 listeners each day, and thousands more online globally. The station caters for the local community by discussing issues, supports local businesses, promotes local talent, offers celebrity interviews, provides a range of programs catered for people with different cultural backgrounds and aims to be the voice for the community HONEY KALARIA’S “MIDDAY MASTI” ON 92FM “Experience a program full of entertainment and presented in a unique creative manner” NUSOUND RADIO 24 Hours A Day The only Local Community radio station broadcasting on FM in East London 24 hours a day Target a niche market of local communities not catered for by mainstream media Helping businesses of all sizes to grow their profile in the competitive market Run by a young, dynamic, friendly team 92FM TARGET AUDIENCE DIVERSITY & MULTI CULTURAL “Unique programming caters to all niches, diverse age groups & music genres” Multilingual: English, Punjabi, Hindi, Urdu, Tamil, Bengali, Gujarati, Marathi, Pashtu & Jewish Various music genres: Bollywood (new & golden oldies), Bhangra, Middle Eastern, Classical, Fusion, R & B, Pop, Hip Hop & Dance Diverse speech programming: Local news & events, New Talent of all cultural backgrounds Customised sponsored programmes for clients FACTS & FIGURES Target Audience : Age 9 yrs to 75yrs plus Geographical Region - London Boroughs -Newham, Redbridge, Barking & Dagenham, Greenwich, Tower Hamlets, Waltham Forest, Hackney, Parts of Essex & City of London & surrounding areas Worldwide online 24 hours a day at www.nusoundradio.com Listeners - Almost 100,000 listeners per day and estimated 15,000 listeners daily online which are growing day by day. RADIO ADVERISING CAMPAIGN IN EAST LONDON (& BEYOND / GLOBALLY ONLINE) London is : The largest metropolitan area in the United Kingdom, and one of the largest urban zones in the European Union. A leading global city, with strengths in the arts, commerce, education, entertainment, fashion, finance, healthcare, media, professional services, research and development, tourism and transport all contributing to its prominence. The world’s leading financial centre alongside New York City and Tokyo and has the fifth-largest metropolitan area GDP in the world. Full of a diverse range of peoples, cultures, and religions, and more than 300 languages are spoken within its boundaries. Greater London had an official population of 7,825,200, making it the most populous municipality in the European Union, and accounting for 12.5% of the UK population. Made up of an estimated total population of between 12 million and 14 million. Source: Radio Airtime Media L-S-L-T ... LISTEN - SHARE - LEARN - TRANSFORM MIDDAY MASTI INTERVIEWS JOIN US AND LISTEN TO INSPIRING AND INFORMATIVE INTERVIEWS WITH SPECIALISTS, EXPERTS AND HIGH PROFILE COMMUNITY MEMBERS ... •Honey Kalaria with Caroline Hilton from the lottery funded, ‘Big Music Project’ •Honey Kalaria with Sergeant Tony Bigwood, from ‘The Metropolitan Police’ SPONSORS & ADVERTISERS Radio Testimonials “75% of our intake were referred from NuSound Radio” - Making Training Work “Our business has increased considerably thanks to NuSound Radio 92FM” Khakhar & Co Solicitors “Since advertising with NuSound, we have been inundated with work and had to take on new staff to cope with demand” - City Pavilion Become another success story ... SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITY 3 Months Packages We are inviting you to become an exclusive sponsor of Honey Kalaria’s “Midday Masti” radio show for 1 Month and enjoy benefits such as Title Sponsorship, live interviews, a social media campaign and promotion through online marketing. You may book anything between 3 and up to 12 months sponsorship packages ... Honey Kalaria’s Midday Masti HONEY KALARIA’S Why sponsor Honey’s radio show ? MIDDAY MASTI RADIO SHOW 1. FACTS & FIGURES 2. AUDIENCE REACH 3. BENEFITS 4. INVESTMENT 5. CONTACT FACTS & FIGURES Why should you sponsor a radio program as part of your Marketing Mix? The UK population spends 178 million hours every month on Facebook, but 23 times more people listen to radio. 7,000,000 people access radio via Radioplayer (online console, mobile app, tablet app) every month A radio campaign used with an effective social media campaign using content, encourages further interaction Studies show that an effective advertising campaign uses both a long term brand building and short term sales stimulation strategies to create a balance resulting in more effective, efficient and profitable results. The optimum ratio in terms of ROI (Return on Investment) over time is 60: 40 in favour of brand-building activity. To build a brand, an advertiser should aim to reach the widest audience possible, and Emotional advertising was also identified as being particularly important for brandbuilding. The study by RAB’s, Media and Moods of the Nation highlights that although radio is low cost, it generates the highest increases in happiness and energy levels from all the media The effect of radio advertising on sales is – 9% increase in sales and 52% increase in brand awareness. According to research, the ROI for every £1 is as follows:TV- £8.70 / Radio - £7.70 / Press - £5.80 / Online - £4.90 / Outdoor - £2.00 SUMMARY – Radio has a significant role to play in helping to increase sales and build brand awareness, but is currently under invested by advertisers and agencies. SOURCES: Rajar, Deloitte, IPA Databank, IPA Touchpoints, Ram / Sparkler / Goldsmith University, RAB’s, Radio ROI Dataset AUDIENCE REACH Our average potential reach in the marketplace has been based on data which includes research such as:- Radio Advertising - Radio advertising has a total reach of about 20 million in U.K. http://www.marketingdonut.co.uk/marketing/advertising/radio-tv-and-cinema-advertising Radio Interview - Radio interviews recorded its largest ever audience, with 11.81 million listeners, up 4.1% from last year. http://www.theguardian.com/media/2010/aug/07/radio-audience-figures-recordhigh Radio podcast - Radio podcast series were accessed by 21 million listeners in the month of October and November and is increasing tremendously. Source BBC. http://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/tv/news/serial-bbc-radio-4-extra-to-broadcast-hit-american-true-crime-podcast-9906443.htm You Tube - You tube has a viewership of more than 1 billion unique viewers each month worldwide. https://www.youtube.com/yt/press/statistics.html Social Media - 66% of U.K. (over 40 million) use social media once a day making it the most preferred medium to reach out to potential clients. http://www.statista.com/statistics/272805/socialnetworking-sites-active-reach-in-the-united-kingdom-by-device/ Press Release - The total estimated reach of major newspapers and press releases in U.K. stands at about 30 million readers. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_newspapers_in_the_United_Kingdom_by_circulation SPONSORSHIP BENEFITS – MONTHLY Honey Kalaria’s “Midday Masti” On 92fm – A Radio Show With Influences Of Bollywood Music and interesting Studio guests, Combined With A Concept Of “LSLT” – (Listen, Share, Learn, Transform) Can Be Used As A Vehicle To Support Your Marketing Mix, Communicate Targeted Messages And Increase Your Brand Exposure ... Benefits include :- Title Sponsorship - The sponsor will receive a Title Sponsorship of 4 x one hour weekly shows promoted as – “Honey Kalaria’s Midday Masti, sponsored by xxx” Radio Advertising Campaign - 100 x 30seconds radio adverts will be aired each month (Radio advert needs to be provided / Some bonus advert spots may also be provided to the sponsor). Radio Interview - 1 x radio interview for each month sponsored, to share your knowledge and expertise with the world, that could be carried out live in the studio, pre recorded or over the phone Podcast 4 x radio shows summarized / Sponsor interview podcasts to be uploaded with sponsor credit included Blogging - Search engine friendly blogs x 4 will be created and uploaded for each monthly sponsorship package, with website link / credit offered to sponsor on each blog Article - 1 x Article written with links to sponsors website and article submission to 10 websites Social Media - 4 x Promoting Sponsor on social media (facebook), through mentions, website links, special offers or competitions (Information to be provided by Sponsor) Press Release - 1 x Press Release sent out monthly with information about involvement of sponsor and promoting their services / products / latest news, which will be submitted in different press release websites / media outlets You Tube - 4 x You Tube visuals of each of the radio shows / interview summarized and uploaded will promote the sponsor credit and their website link in the description area Reports - At the end of each quarter, a report will be provided with work undertaken, submission reports and links of coverage SPONSORSHIP INVESTMENT – Fees:- Benefits includes building a strong relationships marketing program with the ethnic minority community, brand awareness and communicating messages by using a combination of advertising and live interviews. The investment starts from £60,000 for Exclusive Title Sponsorship for upto a year or £15,000 per quarter. Midday Masti Visual:- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Dmps9foivE RADIO SHOW SPONSORSHIP BENEFITS OFFERED – PER ANNUM (Up to 12 monthly packages used by one or more sponsors ) PER MONTH / NUMBER £ £3,000 (X 12mths) 36,000 £1,000 (X 12mths) 12,000 £1,000 X 12mths 12,000 •EXCLUSIVE TITLE SPONSORSHIP OF RADIO SHOW ONCE A WEEK X 4 TIMES A MONTH / HONEY KALARIA BRAND ASSOCIATION / COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT / RELATIONSHIP MARKETING •RADIO ADVERTISING (MINIMUM 100 X 30 SECS ADVERTS PER MONTH) •1 x RADIO INTERVIEW PER MONTH TO DISCUSS TOPICS RELATED TO SPONSORS SERVICES / PRODUCTS / EXPERTISE •UPLOAD SHOWS AND INTERVIEW - PODCAST / YOU TUBE MARKETING SUPPORT EACH MONTH / WEBSITE LINKS / SOCIAL MEDIA / BLOGS / ARTICLE / PRESS RELEASE TOTAL SPONSORSHIP – TBC with sponsorship broker ... £60,000 - £100.000 •ANNUAL (£60,000 x 1 sponsor) •QUARTERLY (£15,000 x 4 sponsors) 60,000 unique opportunity then ... Contact:- Honey Kalaria c/o HK Performing Arts TEL: Tel: (0044)7850 875087 EMAIL: info@honeykalaria.com / honey@nusoundradio.com WEBSITES: www.honeykalaria.com / www.nusoundradio.com www.hkperformingarts.com FACEBOOK: honeykalariaofficial / nusoundradio Apples Studio, 728-730 Eastern Avenue, Newbury Park, Ilford, Essex, IG2 6XU CONTACT DETAILS Thank you for your interest. If you wish to get involved in this