philanthropy - Berkeley Law - University of California, Berkeley


philanthropy - Berkeley Law - University of California, Berkeley
Annual Report
2013 / 2014
The 2013–2014 Annual
Report of Philanthropy lists
donors who made gifts
to Berkeley Law in fiscal
year 2014 (from July 1, 2013
through June 30, 2014).
Gifts made after June 30, 2014
will be listed in next year‘s
Annual Report.
It is online at
Every effort has been made to ensure accuracy,
and we apologize for any errors or omissions.
Please send corrections to:
Alumni Center
University of California, Berkeley
School of Law
2850 Telegraph Avenue, Suite 500
Berkeley, CA 94705-7220
Or contact us at 510.642.2590 or If you would like to
make a donation to Berkeley Law, please use
the enclosed envelope to make your contribution
or visit
M E SSAGE F RO M TH E D EA N . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................... 1
T HE CAMPA I G N F O R BO A LT H A L L.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .................. 2
LE A D ERSH I P G I VI NG : 2005-2013.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................... 3
FIN AN CIA L SU MMA RY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................... 5
FUN DIN G PRI O RI TI ES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................... 8
FIN ANCI A L A I D.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .................. 8
FAC U LTY RETENTI O N & RECRU I TMENT .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .................. 9
CE NTERS & CL I NI CS.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .................. 1 0
CONSTRU CTI O N & RENO VATI O N . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .................. 1 2
ST UD ENT PRO G RA MS.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................. 1 3
WAYS T O G I VE.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .................. 1 4
DON OR RECO G NI TI O N . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .................. 1 6
T HE CENTENNI A L SO CI ETY.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .................. 1 6
T HE D EA N’ S SO CI ETY.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................. 1 7
ALUMNI.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .................. 1 9
FAC U LTY.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................. 3 6
STAF F.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................. 3 6
FRIEND S.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................. 3 7
COR PO RATI O NS, F O U ND ATI O NS & O RG A NI ZATI O NS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .................. 3 9
LAW F I RMS.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................. 4 0
T HE BENJA MI N I D E WH EEL ER SO CI ETY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .................. 4 1
M ATCH I NG G I F TS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .................. 4 1
IN HO NO R.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .................. 4 2
IN MEMO RY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .................. 4 3
BHAA BOA RD O F D I RECTO RS.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................. 4 4
ALUM N I O N TH E U C BERKEL EY F O U ND ATI O N BO A RD.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .................. 4 4
ON THE COVER: Berkeley Law opened its new Clinical Program offices with a ribbon-cutting ceremony August 27. Thanks to a major gift from
the Bernard E. and Alba Witkin Charitable Foundation, our three in-house clinics now share a modern, professional office suite for students,
faculty, and staff. The clinics had operated in separate, overcrowded spaces. Now, they can collaborate effectively to better serve their clients.
Being asked to serve as Berkeley Law's new dean is the opportunity of a lifetime.
Before arriving on campus, I knew a great deal about the school's stellar faculty, exceptional students,
and high-impact research, scholarship, and advocacy. But I’ll confess: I didn’t know much about its
broad community of alumni and friends.
Once I was named dean, however, that changed in a hurry. I immediately heard from a steady stream
of alums, many of whom offered gracious well-wishes. While I appreciated their sentiments, it was
their overwhelming affection for the law school that made a powerful impression. Since arriving in
California, I’ve been meeting with many alumni and friends and continue to be moved by their warm
welcome. I’m thrilled to use this forum, my first “Message from the Dean,” to convey my deepest
gratitude to this wonderful and diverse community I’m getting to know better every day.
Alumni engagement is one of my highest priorities as dean. Berkeley Law can only realize its full
potential when we create a meaningful bond across generations, one with a shared sense of mission
and identity about what our school is—and what it should be. When we see Berkeley Law as an
intergenerational community of incoming students, current students, recent grads, and older alums—
all with a genuine stake in the school’s success—each of us benefits.
“ This is a truly
spectacular law
school, and I’m
exhilarated to be
part of such a
special community.”
What will ensure that this school continues to thrive is if our alumni and friends give their time, talent,
and resources. We continue to expand our alumni outreach through a growing number of exciting
programs and events that enable them to help our students through mentoring and networking.
I’m deeply grateful that so many of you generously support the law school. Seven of my relatives
are proud graduates of the UC system, but none of them encountered the economic hurdles that our
current students face. In today’s state budget climate, private financial support is critical to sustaining
our excellence.
My predecessor, Christopher Edley, Jr., deftly anticipated many of Berkeley Law’s greatest challenges
and opportunities. He launched the ambitious $125 million Campaign for Boalt Hall. We surged past
this target at the end of 2013 and hit $130 million, an historic accomplishment. This was a bold
initiative that enabled the school to flourish in many key areas. I’m honored to follow in Dean Edley’s
footsteps, and eager to work closely with alumni and friends to help Berkeley Law deliver on its
promise to students, California, and the world.
Every one of you receiving this publication can be a key partner in fueling our academic excellence
and innovation, opportunity and diversity, and global reach. This is a truly spectacular law school,
and I’m exhilarated to be part of such a special community.
Dean and I. Michael Heyman Professor of Law,
University of California, Berkeley
School of Law
A Message of Thanks from the Campaign Co-chairs
When we signed on to chair the Campaign for Boalt Hall, some colleagues questioned our
judgment. A $125 million campaign, nearly 10 times more than any previous fundraising effort?
But underestimating the Berkeley Law community, as Dean Edley reminded us, is a dubious
endeavor. Sure enough, thanks to you, we exceeded our ambitious goal in December.
Tremendous support from foundations confirmed Berkeley Law’s importance to society.
Generous estate gifts revealed how the school resonates with alumni. Nearly 50 graduates
elevating their gifts to join our Centennial Society showed a willingness to answer the call.
The results are enormously gratifying: Increased financial aid. More exceptional faculty.
Several new research centers. Much-needed space for our clinics. The list goes on and on.
With the majority of alumni not participating in the campaign and state funding dwindling,
challenges persist. We urge you to engage with your law school in any way you can,
as a volunteer, mentor, student dinner host, or program panelist (to name just a few options).
Thank you for all your support—it has truly been our privilege to chair this campaign.
Co-chairs, The Campaign for Boalt Hall
Leadership Gifts ($1 million-plus)
Major Gifts ($50k - $999,999)
Other Gifts (up to $49,999)
Corporations & Foundations
$2,000,000 and above
$100,000 - $499,999
Elizabeth J. Cabraser ’78 v
California Endowment
The Rosalinde & Arthur Gilbert
John B. Hall *
Koret Foundation v
Greg & Liz Lutz v
Microsoft Corporation v
Open Society Foundations v
Willis ’41 * & Marion * Slusser
Anonymous (16)
Akonadi Foundation
American Association of Law Libraries v
The American Israeli Cooperative
Enterprise v
Stephen W. Arent ’67 v / Arent Foundation
Bernard Bradley Barber ’71 v
Bingham McCutchen v
Blue Shield of California Foundation
Steven E. Bochner ’81 v
Paula E. Boggs ’84 v
Albert C. Boyer ’40 *
Steven D. Broidy ’62 v / Weingart
California District Attorneys Association
California State Assembly
California State Department of Corrections
California Wellness Foundation
Scott T. Carey ’61 v
David Carlyon ’76 v
Carnegie Corporation of New York
Annie E. Casey Foundation
Center for American Progress
Cooley v
Alec L. Cory ’39 *
Covington & Burling v
Evan R. ’87 & Valerie Cox v
Michael L. Cypers ’81
Hugh & Hazel Darling Foundation
Dartmouth College
Vicki De Goff ’72 & Dick Sherman
Deloitte Services
DLA Piper v
Dubai Human Rights Association
E. Roy ’65 & Elizabeth ’76 Eisenhardt v
Luke Ellis ’75 v
Environmental Protection Agency
Bill Falik & Diana Cohen v
Jerome B. Falk, Jr. ’65 v
Farella Braun + Martel v
Lois H. Feinblatt v / Blum Foundation
Fenwick & West v
Fish & Richardson v
Daniel S. Floyd ’85 v
John C. Fossum ’66
French American Cultural Exchange
William E. Jr. ’68 & Marianne M. Gagen v
Lewis T. Gardiner ’40 *
Lisa & Douglas Goldman Fund
Richard L. Greene ’63 v
Fred F. ’65 & Carol D. Gregory v
Gunderson Dettmer Stough Villeneuve
Franklin & Hachigian v
Hanson Bridgett v
Leo B. Helzel ’92 v / Helzel Family
James K. Herbert ’62 / General Herbert
Ira Michael Heyman *
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
James J. Joseph ’72 v
Walter M. Kaufmann ’61
Keker & Van Nest v
Kenton J. King ’87 v
Kirkland & Ellis v
Kenneth Kofman ’62
Jerome Kohlberg / Kohlberg Foundation
Korea Institute of Ocean Science &
Technology (KIOST) v
$1,000,000 - $1,999,999
Bank of America Foundation
Samuel D. Cole ’63
The Ford Foundation
Evelyn & Walter Haas Jr. Fund v
Judge Patricia Herron, Ret. ’64
The James Irvine Foundation v
JEHT Foundation
George R. Johnson ’40 *
The Jim Joseph Foundation
Theodore B. Lee ’59 & Doris Shoong Lee
/ Lee Family Foundation
John D. & Catherine T. MacArthur
The Honorable G. William Miller ’52 * &
Ariadna Miller v
Leo ’57 & Nina Pircher v
Pamela Samuelson and
Robert Glushko v
Alfred P. Sloan Foundation
Max ’49 * & Erica Weingarten
H. H. "Sam" Wheeler
Douglas ’70 & Jane Wolf /
Wolf Family Fund
Werner ’53 & Mimi Wolfen v /
Wolfen Family Foundation
$500,000 - $999,999
Anonymous (4)
The Atlantic Philanthropies v
Mark ’69 & Susan Bertelsen v
David A. Carrillo ’95 &
Lisa M. Sardegna v
Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass v
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Stuart M. Gordon ’65 v /
Gordon Family Trust
Harold C. Hohbach ’52
Pres ’56 & Maurine Hotchkis v /
Janeway Foundation
Humanity United v
Ewing M. Kauffman Foundation
Joseph T. ’71 & Gail L. Kiefer
Morrison & Foerster v
Noel W. Nellis ’66 v
Varnum Paul ’33 *
Rosenberg Foundation
Irving G. Tragen ’45 v
S. K. Yee Foundation v
= 3+ Consecutive-year donor
Latham & Watkins v
Jason Lemkin ’96 & Mallun Yen ’95 v
Mark A. Lemley ’91 & Rose A. Hagan v
Ellyn M. ’84 & William R. ’85 Lindsay v
Mark D. Lubin ’77 v
Manatt Phelps & Phillips
Frank Martin ’04 & Rosa Terrazas v
C. William ’41 * & Rosalie F. Maxeiner
McDermott Will & Emery v
James McManis ’67 & Sara Wigh v
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation
National Association for the Advancement
of Colored People
Novell Directors Charitable Trust
Norman ’65 & Margrit Oberstein
Walter Olson ’49 * / Olson Family Trust
Terry O’Reilly ’69
Orrick Herrington & Sutcliffe v
Roderic B. * & Catherine B. Park
Edward V. Pollack ’66 v
Proteus Action League v
Public Interest Projects
Resources Legacy Fund Foundation
Lance J. Robbins ’72
Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors
Richard K. Roeder ’73 v
Ropes & Gray v
Mario M. Rosati ’71 v
The Rose Foundation
Michael C. Ross
Allen & Cynthia W. Ruby
Bill* & Sally Rutter
Joel S. Sanders ’82 v
Shirley A. ’75 & Robert D. Sanderson v
Herbert Sandler / Sandler Foundation
Jan Blaustein Scholes ’77 & Myron S.
Scholes / Scholes Family Foundation
Gary ’66 & Dana Shapiro
Arthur J. Shartsis ’71 & Mary Jo
Christensen Shartsis ’72
Rick ’74 & Heidi Sherman v
Sidley Austin
Skadden Arps Slate Meagher & Flom v
Thomas W. Smith Foundation
Larry W. ’66 & Barbara Sonsini
John A. Sproul ’49 v
Charles Y. Tanabe ’76 & Arlene S. Bobrow v
Tides Foundation v
U.S. District Court, Northern District of
Leonard ’70 & Catherine Unger v /
Finkelstein Foundation
Vital Projects Fund, Inc
The Wachovia Foundation
Matthew F. Weil ’91
Weil Gotshal & Manges v
Dana A. Welch ’87 & Scott Adams
Thomas J. White v
White & Case v
The Whitman Institute
Louis I. Wiener, Jr. ’41 *
WilmerHale v
Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati v
Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati
Foundation v
Winston & Strawn v
Bernard E. & Alba Witkin Charitable
Wollenberg Foundation v
Steven G. Zieff ’78 v
$50,000 - $99,999
Anonymous (6)
Alston + Bird v
American University
Apple Inc
Caroline D. Avery ’89 & Jon S. Tigar ’89 v
Gerson P. & Barbara B. Bakar /
Bakar Foundation
Baker & McKenzie v
Baker Botts
Peter Higgins Bales ’07
Bales Family Endowment at Boalt Hall
Robert S. Ball ’67 v
John J. ’65 & Pam Bartko
Peter J. Benvenutti ’74 &
Lise A. Pearlman ’74 v
John R. Box ’81
Lois I. Brady ’86
Barrett Burch
Burch Family Foundation
Berkeley A. Burch-Martinez
John Burris ’73 & Cheryl Amana
California Consumer Protection
California State Governor’s Office of
Emergency Services
Gregory D. Call ’85 v
Chadbourne & Parke
Jesse H. & Mari S. Choper v
Cisco Systems Foundation
Paul T. Clark ’80 v
Compton Foundation
Richard J. Conviser ’62 / BarBri Group
A. Peter Davies
De Goff and Sherman Foundation
Gail (Overcashier) Dolton ’86 &
Douglas H. Dolton
Robert P. Doty ’90 & Catherine Garza v
Tracy K. Edmonson ’88 v
Mel & Helen Eisenberg
Cathy & Joe Feldman v
Nancy ’86 & Ed Fineman v
Doris & Donald Fisher Fund
John G. Fleming *
Joshua R. Floum v
Samuel Freeman Charitable Trust
Richard L. ’65 & Patricia E. Fruin v
Holly J. Fujie ’78 & Lee W. Cotugno ’77 v
The Wallace Alexander Gerbode
Lynn J. Gillard ’36 *
James G. Gilliland, Jr. ’79 v
Google v
Lindsee P. Granfield ’85 v
Donald S. Greenberg ’67 v
Suzanne Greenberg ’85 v
Aldo P. Guidotti ’44 *
Michael W. Hall ’82 v
Haynes and Boone v
Nancy R. Heinen ’82 v
Heller Ehrman
J. Michael Hemmer ’76 & Lori Raphael
Maryellen Cattani Herringer ’68 v /
Herringer Family Foundation
Hickman Palermo Truong & Becker
Lawrence A. Hobel ’76 &
Diana H. Staring ’81 v
Reed C. Holcomb ’71 *
The Impact Fund
* = Deceased
Institute of European American Studies
Academia Sinica
Israel Institute
Jess S. Jackson ’55 * &
Barbara R. Banke
D. Lowell Jensen ’52
Kasowitz Benson Torres & Friedman v
W.K. Kellogg Foundation
Kilpatrick Townsend v
Knobbe Martens Olson & Bear v
David J. ’86 & Mary Larwood v
Mark LeHocky ’79 & Joyce Blair
Cala Lemberger *
Teressa K. Lippert ’82
Gene A. Lucero ’72 &
Marcia E. Williams v
Christopher M. ’68 &
Barbara J. McLain v
Marc H. Monheimer ’57 * /
Brenner Foundation
Morgan Lewis
Morrison & Foerster Foundation v
Richard C. Morse ’67
Alisa D. Nave ’04 & Robb Worth
New Venture Fund
Nixon Peabody
The David & Lucile Packard Foundation
Lynn ’72 & Leslie Pasahow
Mark ’84 & Wynne Pécheck v
Jessica S. Pers ’77 & Robert S. Stein ’74
Roger J. Peters ’77 v
Donna M. Petkanics ’85 &
Jay R. Gerstenschlager v
Michael C. Phillips ’76 v
Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman
Borden B. Price ’50
Henry Ramsey, Jr. ’63 *
Maria E. Robbins *
The Henry W. & Nettie Robinson
Foundation v
Rockefeller Brothers Fund
David Rosenfeld ’73 & Shirley Woo ’74 v
Bruce ’71 & Carol Ross v
Deanna Ruth Rutter ’72
Albert J. Salera ’56 v
David ’67 & Geri ’67 Sandor v
SAP Labs
Guy T. Saperstein ’69
Schusterman Family Foundation
Searle Freedom Trust
Social Science Research Council
John E. ’57 * & Margaret J. Sparks
Graydon S. ’51 & Joyce L. Staring
Charles J. Stevens ’82 v
Tom ’90 & Kris Stoever v
Carl J. Stoney, Jr. ’70
Robert R. & Joyce A. Tufts
University College Dublin
van Loben Sels/RembeRock Foundation
Van Pelt Yi & James v
Paul H. Verriere, Jr. ’69 v
Visa v
The Patricia & Christopher Weil Family
Lenard G. Weiss ’62
Douglas R. Young ’76 v
Laura W. Young ’87 v / Wang Famly
Zellerbach Family Foundation
Mitch ’96 & Holly Zuklie v / Zuklie Trust
= 3+ Consecutive-year donor
$25,000 - $49,999
Anonymous (7)
James H. Abrams ’91 v
Martha F. Africa v
Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld
David L. Alexander ’73
James R. Alvillar ’73
Michael Antin ’63
Arguedas Cassman & Headley
Miranda-Lin S. ’04 & Nicholas Bailey v
Cameron Baker ’61 v
David M. Barkan ’92 & Wendy E. Allyn v
William T. Barker ’74 v
Bartko Zankel Bunzel & Miller
Ruth Greenspan Bell ’67 v
Bingham Osborn & Scarborough
Foundation v
Kendall R. ’64 & Diane Bishop v
J. Dennis Bonney ’56
Karen I. Boyd ’96 v
Alan R. Brayton ’76 / Brayton Purcell
Clarence W. Brizee, Jr. ’57
Gregory P. ’90 & Shannon S. ’90 Broome
John E. & Dolores E. Cakebread
Californians for Safety and Justice
Paul W. Cane, Jr. ’79
David D. Caron ’83 & Susan Spencer
David S. Carter ’84 v
Daniel A. Case ’76 v
Chris Chavez ’97 & Dave Davisson
Eric Chen ’83 & Kathleen Schwallie v
Matthew W. Close ’96 v
Ronald A. ’66 & Mary Ann Cohan v
Benson R. Cohen ’04 v
Community Initiatives
Joseph W. & Victoria Cotchett
Cotchett Pitre & McCarthy
Gregory T. Davidson ’88 &
Helen M. Wilmont
John G. Davies ’62 *
Davis Polk & Wardwell
Gary S. Decker ’76
William M. Doyle ’81
Tavy Alice Dumont ’06
Daralyn J. Durie ’92 & Ragesh K. Tangri ’91 v
William I. ’53 & Iris Edlund v
Robin M. ’72 & Richard C. Edwards v
The Energy Foundation
Robert D. Evans ’71 v
Simona Farrise ’05
Federated Department Stores
Arthur B. ’67 & Marjorie Fine v
Finnegan Henderson Farabow
Garrett & Dunner
Debra L. Fischer ’89 & Sherwin Frey v
Sarah G. Flanagan ’76 v
H. Gifford Fong ’70
Melvin F. Fortes ’80 v
James C. Fowler ’72 v
Daniel J. Furniss ’76 *
Joanne M. Garvey ’61 v
Roy S. Geiger ’79 v
General Electric Company v
Gibson Dunn & Crutcher v
Richard and Rhoda Goldman Fund
Robert A. Goldstein ’65 v
Robert A. Goodin ’74
Goodwin Procter
William L. Gordon ’57 v
Robert E. Gordon ’59
Peter Goss ’96 v
Melinda L. Haag ’87
Colleen & Robert D. Haas
* = Deceased
Reed Hastings & Patty Quiillin
Jon L. Heberling ’70 v
Victor A. Hebert ’61
J. Michael Hemmer ’76 & Lori Raphael v
James M. Heslin ’78 & Rose T. Hau v
Clothilde V. Hewlett ’79 v
Hogan Lovells
Catherine DeBono Holmes ’77 v
Susan K. Hori ’79 v
Hugh Stuart Center Charitable Trust
Information Technology & Innovation
Irell & Manella
Jackson Family Enterprises, Inc.
Charles Henry James ’65 &
Ellen Sickles James ’69 v
Kathleen A. ’03 & Theodore Janus
Rick W. Jarvis ’91 v
Nan Joesten ’97 & Hank Leeper v
Walter S. Johnson Foundation
Eliot ’74 & Philippa Jubelirer v
Michael S. Kagnoff ’93 & Lisa Schmidlap
Jeffrey A. Kaiser ’92 v
Mary Ellen (Burns) Kanoff ’84
Yury Kapgan ’01 v
Philip S. Kaplan ’62
Beth Davis Karren ’66 & Fred L. Karren
Herma Hill Kay v
Kazan, McClain Satterley & Greenwood
Kazan McClain Abrams Fernandez
LGH&O Foundation
David & Anita Keller v / Keller Foundation
Erika A. Kelton ’87
Kevin P. ’91 & Jeanette W. Kennedy
William D. Kissinger ’87
Thomas J. Klitgaard ’61 v
Gerald ’57 & Suzanne Knecht v
Thomas F. Kostic ’64 v
Adrian Kragen ’34 *
George M. Kraw ’76
Maja Kristin v
John W. ’88 & Janie T. Kuo v
Joanne Lahner ’84
Ronald Larson ’61
David O. Leiwant ’81
Levi Strauss Foundation v
Robert L. Lin ’85 v
G. Ernest ’52 & Linda J. Lopez v
The Loubé Family
William R. Loveless ’59
Arthur K. Lund ’61
Philip M. Madden ’62 v
Peter ’52 & Melanie Maier
Lawrence S. Mana ’41 *
Michael L. ’78 & Lenore R. Martinez v
William McGrane ’73
Mike Mellor ’50 *
Paul ’64 & Sharon Melodia v
Heather Mewes ’99
Jon Michaelson ’78 v
Charles A. Miller ’58 v
Motion Picture Association of America
Munger Tolles & Olson v
Frederick T. Muto ’79 & Lynn Hart Muto ’79
Dana P. Newman ’81 v
Jeffrey Newman ’66 & Mary Montella ’84
Next 10
Angela Nomellini ’78
Oak Philanthropy Limited
O’Melveny & Myers
Orrick Herrington Sutcliffe Foundation
Eddie Orton ’79 & Amy Silver Orton ’80
Terence J. ’71 & Diana O’Toole
Marc R. Palotay ’75 v
Paul Hastings Janofsky & Walker
Lawrence ’74 & Beverly Peitzman v
Perkins Coie
Neil A.F. Popovic
Matthew D. Powers
Gary B. Pruitt ’82 v
Kathi Pugh ’90 & Josh Maddox v
Warren G. Reid v
Edward Reines
Andrés Rivero ’86 v
Monica B. Rodal ’83 v
James E. Rogers / Sunbelt
J. Kerwin Rooney ’36 *
John M. Rosenthal ’84 & Sally A. Drach ’84 v
James A. Rothstein ’71 v
Starmont Asset Management
(Harvey Rowen)
Adam Sachs ’86
Avram Salkin ’59
Sherwin L. Samuels ’59 v
Jay A. Shafran ’63 v
Jack T. Sheridan ’86 v
Patricia Ann Sherman ’72
Henry Shields, Jr. ’74 * &
Jo Anne Peterson
Sidley Austin Foundation
Sigrid Rausing Trust
Patrick J. Simpson ’71 v
Glenn A. Smith ’71 v
Jay D. Smith ’64
Judith Leslie Soley ’70 *
Sonnenschein Scholars Foundation
Max Edward Spring ’73 v
Clare H. Springs ’73
John O. Stewart ’64 v
David R. Stewart ’86
Diane Stewart-Zezza ’88
Jon B. Streeter ’81
Stuart Foundation
Stephen Stublarec ’75 & Debra Belaga v
Myron Sugarman ’67 v
Sun Oracle
Bruce D. Sunstein ’73 & Ann Batchelder v
W. Clarke Swanson / Swanson, Jr.
Eleanor Swift
Chade-Meng Tan / Tan Teo Foundation
John I. Taylor ’66 v
Tessera Technologies
John L. Tishman
Stephen L. Tolles ’82
Darren M. ’94 & Elizabeth Trattner v
Unbound Philanthropy
Lisa McCabe van Krieken ’85
Geoff. Van Loucks ’61 v
Thomas F. Villeneuve ’83
Jennifer L. Wahlsten ’04 &
Timothy J. Holmes
Steven T. Walther ’68
Weaver Austin Villeneuve & Sampson v
Wells Fargo Foundation v
Alexander ’76 & Evelyn Wiles v
Robert E. Willett ’74
Mary Wohlford Foundation
Steven G. Wolff ’81
Thomas B. Worth ’76 v
David A. Zapolsky ’88
Where the Money Came From: Fiscal Year 2014
Contracts & Grants
Student Fees
(professional degree fees)
State Support
Student Tuition
Where the Money Went: Fiscal Year 2014
External Engagement *
Student Support
School-wide Administration
Student Activities
Facilities & Maintenance
Instructional Support
Library & Collections
Direct Instruction,
Clinics, & Skills Programs
Financial Aid
Research & Centers
* External Engagement is Alumni Relations, Marketing & Communications, and Exective Education.
Philanthropic Funding FY14
Total Given
Number of Donors
Average Given Per
Percentage of
Total Philanthropy
Centers & Programs
Unrestricted Endowment
Boalt Hall Fund
Endowed Chairs
Student Scholarships
Clinical Education
Faculty Support
Student Loans
Student Organizations
Law Library
Summer Fellowships
Student Awards
Building Funds
Research Assistants
Philanthropy Trajectory FY04 - FY14
Fiscal Year
$10,170,500 $14,192,005 $17,336,986 $14,727,454 $13,577,628 $10,523,077 $14,128,567 $14,290,203 $18,138,175
Alumni Participation Rates FY04 - FY14
Berkeley Law has been fortunate to receive major contributions from generous graduates in recent years, but its percentage of alumni donors has
dropped from 29 percent of alumni in Fiscal Year 2004 to half that amount this past fiscal year.
Fiscal Year
Revenue Diversification Over Time
School-Generated Sources vs. State Support
Over the past 25 years, state support of Berkeley Law has dropped dramatically: from 76 percent of the school's revenues in Fiscal Year 1990 to 11 percent
this past year. Meanwhile, over that same period, our revenue percentage from JD tuition and fees has soared from 4 percent to 51 percent. We are actively
working to diversify our revenue sources to reduce our reliance on tuition fees. Private philanthropy and other revenue streams must increase for the school
to maintain its excellence.
State Support
JD Tuition & Fees
Gifts, Endowments,
Contracts/Grants & Other
LL.M. & Miscellaneous
Student Fees
A robust financial aid program is essential for Berkeley Law to fulfill its
promise. Our need-based grants help keep the school financially accessible
to all qualified applicants. Our loan forgiveness program lets graduates
chart a public-interest career path without the crushing burden of student
debt. And our summer fellowships allow students to gain hands-on legal
experience while serving the civic good.
New Dean Sujit Choudhry has made financial aid his top fundraising
priority. “We won’t succeed in our public mission unless we have diverse
classes and admissions fundamentally based on merit,” he says,
“and unless those students can come here irrespective of background.”
Financial Aid Expenditures 2009-2014
BABETTE BARTON ’5 4 graduated from Berkeley
Figures include scholarships, grants, summer fellowships, and post-graduate
Bridge Fellowships.
Loan Forgiveness
Our Loan Repayment Assistance Program enables graduates to pursue
their public interest law passions. Alumni who engage in qualifying
employment at a salary under $65,000 for 10 years have no studentloan obligation. Those earning up to $100,000, or who work in public
interest for less than 10 years, receive partial support.
Law and taught there for more than 40 years. “The law school
is dear to my heart,” she says. “My gifts to it reflect gratitude
for the great years I spent studying and teaching there,
and pride in the accomplishments of my students, colleagues,
and fellow alums.”
A renowned tax law expert, Babette supports financial aid
programs to keep Berkeley Law accessible for all qualified
applicants. As the Adrian A. Kragen Professor of Law (Emerita),
she helps fund the Billie and Adrian Kragen Scholarship Fund.
Kragen taught at Berkeley Law for 42 years and served as
UC Berkeley’s vice chancellor. “We owe him a tremendous
debt,” Babette says. “He had a wonderful impact on the law
school and was an inspirational figure there in so many ways.”
Summer Fellowships
Students who secure unpaid internships in public interest, nonprofit,
or government sector law receive $4,000 grants from our Summer
Fellowship Program. Second-year students who complete a second
summer of qualifying work may receive an additional $2,000. The number
of summer fellowships has soared from 41 in 2004 to 215 this year.
Total Funding
Number of Recipients
Largest need-based grant
issued in 2013-14
Percent of grant recipients
given the maximum amount
Average student loan debt
for Class of 2014 graduates
Percent of students receiving
financial aid in 2013-14
Over the past decade, Berkeley Law has grown its full-time faculty ranks
by 23 percent, more than doubled its number of lecturers in residence,
and expanded teaching capacity in its professional skills, business law,
and LL.M. programs. An infusion of exceptional junior faculty has largely
fueled those developments.
It’s no secret that our peers among the nation’s best law schools enjoy
larger endowments with which to attract star educators. Contributions to
faculty retention and recruitment allow us to keep pace—and to give our
students an optimal learning experience.
Berkeley Law Welcomes Four Newcomers
On July 1, Berkeley Law officially welcomed its four newest faculty
members: Kenneth Ayotte, Catherine Crump, Steven Davidoff Solomon,
and Christopher Tomlins.
Ayotte and Davidoff Solomon migrate to our business law program from
Northwestern and Ohio State respectively. Davidoff Solomon pens a regular
New York Times column called “The Deal Professor,” which centers on
mergers and acquisitions. He practiced corporate law in New York and
London before entering academia.
Ayotte taught for five years at Columbia Business School, where he won
the Dean’s Award for Teaching Excellence. He joined Northwestern Law in
2007, and focuses his research and scholarship on bankruptcy, corporate
finance, and law and economics.
The way STU GORDON ’6 5 sees it, the
Christopher Edley, Jr. Faculty Opportunity Fund
constitutes an enduring thank-you gift. “Chris did such
a spectacular job as our dean, and a big part of that was
how he brought in so many renowned professors,” Stu
says. “He has more energy than anyone I’ve ever met, and
made things happen that people said were impossible.”
Crump is the new associate director of the Samuelson Law, Technology &
Public Policy Clinic. She was a staff attorney at the American Civil Liberties
Union’s Speech, Privacy and Technology Project and a non-resident fellow
at the Stanford Center for Internet and Society.
Tomlins served as the Chancellor’s Professor of Law at UC Irvine.
A prominent legal historian, he was instrumental in building UC Irvine’s
law and society program, as well as forging cross-disciplinary ties with
other campus departments.
Edley stepped down at the end of 2013 after serving more
than nine years as dean. Stu launched the fund in his
honor with a $100,000 gift to help Berkeley Law recruit
and retain standout educators—then enlisted others to
pledge their support. “You can’t be a great school without
a great faculty,” Stu says. “The other Top 10 law schools
have more resources than we do, so we have to do what
we can to stay competitive.”
Five Professors Named to Endowed Chairs
Five Berkeley Law professors were awarded faculty chairs in a May
ceremony at Memorial Stadium’s University Club. Chosen for their
contributions to legal education and scholarship, the scholars are:
Christopher Kutz, C. William Maxeiner Distinguished Professor in
International Law. Kutz, who directs the Kadish Center for Morality,
Law & Public Affairs, praised Maxeiner ’41 and his wife Rosalie
for believing that “law provided a path towards global cooperation
and growth.”
Calvin Morrill, Stefan A. Riesenfeld Professor of Law. The associate
dean of Berkeley Law’s Jurisprudence and Social Policy Program, Morrill
is a renowned authority on international and comparative law,
legal history, and more.
Anne Joseph O’Connell, George R. Johnson Professor of Law. An
administrative law expert, O’Connell thanked her chair’s namesake—
a former Citation Award winner and 1929 graduate—who “shared
a love of agencies” while working in the FBI and state government.
Paul Schwartz, Jefferson E. Peyser Professor of Law. He gave thanks
to the 1923 alum who made his work possible. A co-director of
the Berkeley Center for Law & Technology, Schwartz is a leading
international authority on information privacy and information law,
which he began studying in 1985.
John Yoo, Emanuel S. Heller Professor of Law. Yoo co-founded the law
school's new Korea Law Center. He paid tribute to long-time Berkeley
Law professor Paul Mishkin, a previous holder of the chair and an
expert on the role of federal courts, for influencing his work.
Our research centers serve as valued hubs for analyzing issues and
developing policy solutions. Faculty, students, and collaborations with
campus and outside partners drive this effort and extend our reach.
Our clinics, led by full-time faculty members who are respected experts
in their fields, offer hands-on experience with real clients. Students are
chosen for their passion and potential, ensuring that the clinics are
staffed by those committed to justice.
Center Philanthropy Highlights
The Berkeley Institute for Jewish Law and Israel Studies received
a collective $2.85 million grant from the Jim Joseph Foundation,
Rosalinde and Arthur Gilbert Foundation, Koret Foundation, and Lisa and
Douglas Goldman Foundation. The grant will support course development,
academic programming, visiting Israeli scholars, student and faculty
research, and leadership staffing. Grants from the American-Israeli
Cooperative Enterprise and the Israel Institute aided the work of visiting
faculty and postdoctoral students.
A generous gift from the Mary Wohlford Foundation allowed the Center
on Reproductive Rights and Justice to complete the first legal textbook on
reproductive rights and justice issues. It will be published by Foundation
Press this fall.
Major funding from Ariadna Miller allowed the Miller Institute for Global
Challenges and the Law to develop the skills and contacts of students
interested in transnational legal challenges. The International Committee
of the Red Cross helped fund an initiative on armed conflict and international
law, an international humanitarian law workshop for students, and a
meeting of experts on emerging issues in the law of armed conflict.
Funding from the Stuart Foundation, Carnegie Corporation of New York,
Hewlett Foundation, and National Education Association helped the Warren
Institute on Law and Social Policy launch “For Each and Every Child.”
This large, collaborative project for educational equality seeks to further
the policy principles of the National Commission on Equity and Excellence.
Ten renowned human rights photographers donated 38 provocative
photographs to the Human Rights Center (HRC), to be exhibited at Berkeley
Law this fall and then auctioned to support the center. Thomas White doubled
his generous annual contribution to HRC’s fellowship program, through
which UC students engage in human rights field work across the world.
That helped HRC meet the Sandler Foundation’s $100,000 matching
challenge, fueling the center's best donor year to date.
The Center for the Study of Law & Society received a multi-year donation
from former director and Berkeley Law professor Robert Kagan to fund a
new annual lecture series. Contributions by Doris Fine and Jane Scheiber
supported student travel to present work at scholarly conferences.
An environmental law pioneer and the first African
American managing partner of a major law firm,
DAVID R. ANDREWS ’71 soared in both the public
and private sectors. After his father's death in December,
David M. Andrews honored that legacy by creating the David
R. Andrews Environmental Law Fund with a major gift.
“He was the first in his family to go to college, he appreciated
his Boalt education, and he stayed closely involved with the
school,” David explains. “This seemed like a natural fit.” The
fund seeks to fuel high-priority projects at the Center for
Law, Energy & the Environment—including teaching and
research, policy briefs and workshops, and experiential
courses. Says David: “The center’s mission honors my father
by tackling issues that he cared about deeply.”
Center for Law, Energy & the Environment: New projects on the
California drought, electric vehicles, and federal climate change mitigation.
Some Center Funding Priorities
Center for the Study of Law & Society: The Robert A. Kagan Lectures in
Law and Regulation; student travel for research and academic conferences;
a conference on law, society, and criminology.
Berkeley Institute for Jewish Law and Israel Studies: A collaborative
program commemorating Nuremberg’s 70th anniversary; a joint symposium
on an aspect of Israeli law and society; a lecture series for students on
religion, law, and state.
Center on Reproductive Rights and Justice: Two long-term strategic
initiatives targeting particularly complex and intractable issues, both ripe
for fresh thinking and designed to shift legal discourse around reproduction
in low-income communities.
Human Rights Center: Efforts to hold high-level perpetrators accountable
for war crimes and other human rights offenses; projects to end sexual- and
gender-based violence in armed conflict; improving the use of technology in
pursuing international justice.
Miller Institute: Expanding opportunities for students to gain experience
and expertise in international and comparative law; enabling more students
to attend the American Society of International Law’s annual meeting in
Washington, D.C.
Warren Institute: The “For Each and Every Child Project”; programs that
confront victims’ issues in California; research and policy analysis centered
on education in the juvenile justice system.
Clinic Philanthropy Highlights
The Atlantic Philanthropies, Open Society Foundations, and Tides Foundation
awarded major grants to the Death Penalty Clinic’s Lethal Injection Project,
funding two staff attorneys and operating expenses as well as aiding court
challenges and administrative proceedings in over a dozen jurisdictions.
Support from Kenneth Stevens, Elizabeth Stevens, Frank Martin '04 and
Rosa Terrazas, and Eugene Boyle enabled the clinic to litigate cases in four
states on behalf of individuals facing the death penalty, and to prevail
in a California case.
The East Bay Community Law Center’s Housing Practice received
crucial support from Aram Antaramian ’05 and the Law Offices of
Richard M. Pearl ’69 through a cy pres settlement. A grant from The
California Endowment helped launch the clinic’s Youth Education &
Justice program. EBCLC’s 750-plus donors included notable gifts from
Jessica Moment ’07 and Jason Moment, Roger Myers ’88 and Erin
McCormick, and Kathi Pugh ’90 and Josh Maddox.
Major gifts from Werner ’53 and Mimi Wolfen, Kathleen ’03 and Ted Janus,
and an anonymous donation enabled the International Human Rights Law
Clinic (IHRLC) to conduct field missions to El Salvador, Kenya, Nepal,
and Uganda. Private philanthropy also helped fund summer fellowships,
including the new IHRLC Alumni Summer Fellowship, which provides
training for select Berkeley Law students after their second year.
Research gifts and grants enabled the Samuelson Law, Technology & Public
Policy Clinic to launch the Takedown Project, a major, multidisciplinary
effort that studies Internet notice and content removal procedures.
Sloan Foundation support allowed students to produce a comprehensive
guide that helps users understand whether older works are protected by
copyright. The clinic also produced a handbook for decision makers
considering unmanned aerial vehicles (aka “drones”) and filed amicus
briefs in litigation concerning NSA surveillance.
Some Clinic Funding Priorities
Death Penalty Clinic: The Clinical Teaching Fellowship, supported
entirely by individuals, law firms, and foundations; collaborating with
under-resourced capital lawyers in the South to reduce death sentences
and executions; expanding the size and diversity of the clinic’s docket;
increasing student enrollment.
DORIS F INE knows what the Center for the Study of
Law & Society (CSLS) meant to Philip Selznick, her husband of
28 years. He founded CSLS, was its first director, and powered
its launch toward rarefied air as the world’s foremost research
center for socio-legal studies. “He loved bringing together
scholars from different departments to share new research
and challenge conventional wisdom,” Doris recalls.
Selznick, who died in 2010, forged an international scholar
pipeline that has enriched Berkeley Law for decades. Doris
supports CSLS because it “cross-fertilizes ideas to break down
divisional boundaries and move policy forward.” Having
seen the impact of her husband’s visionary work, she says
the center “provides an enormously valuable way to approach
the study of law.”
EBCLC: Completing the $1 million Fund for the Future campaign to help
emerging lawyers serve disadvantaged clients; assisting the evolution
of holistic, interdisciplinary, collaborative approaches to legal services.
International Human Rights Law Clinic: Expanding opportunities
for students to conduct human rights advocacy in Asia, Africa, and
Latin America.
Samuelson Clinic: Intellectual property and international projects that
serve the public interest; fellowships that attract top junior- and mid-level
lawyers for teaching and research.
Berkeley Law completed two major renovation projects this past year,
creating a central location for its international visiting scholar program
and a new home for its clinical education program.
The old North Addition Reading Room, vacated in 2011 when the law library
moved to its underground location in the South Addition, was renovated
to accommodate our growing population of visiting scholars. In the spring,
this new space—which expanded our capacity from 20 carrels to 76—
was already fully occupied by top scholars from around the world.
This fall, the space will house a global community of academic researchers,
professors, judges, and attorneys from Africa, Asia, Europe, Central
America, and South America. They will use Berkeley Law’s library and
Robbins Collection, with access to hundreds of electronic databases
and more than 500,000 titles in common, civil, international, religious,
and comparative law; jurisprudence; and legal history. These scholars
will participate in events and programs at Berkeley Law, give talks,
and interact with faculty and students at the law school and across campus.
The North Addition renovation also created new space for the Robbins rare
book collection staff, the Berkeley Institute for Jewish Law and Israel Studies,
and the Korea Law Center.
New Home for Clinics
Once the visiting scholar program moved to its renovated space, work began
to transform its former space (on the law school's third floor) into the new
home for our Clinical Program. Thanks to last year’s $300,000 gift from the
Bernard E. and Alba Witkin Charitable Foundation, we were able to create
a beautiful, professional office suite with two large workrooms, several
smaller offices where clinic participants can address confidential client
matters, and offices for fellows working with clinical students.
“It’s what we always hoped for and dreamt about, and now it’s here,”
says Amy Utstein, the Clinical Program’s director of administration.
“We finally have the kind of space we need to run a clinical program at
a world-class law school. We could not be more pleased or more grateful.”
Previously, each of our clinics operated in a separate space. The new facility
is like a law firm within the school, offering quiet meeting areas and shared
open space that encourages interaction among clinical students, fellows,
and faculty. A ribbon-cutting ceremony was held August 27.
A few years ago, our library was badly overcrowded
and its location led to pedestrian traffic jams—among
other frustrations. By relocating the library to the
South Addition’s two underground levels, students like
GOLDA CALONGE ’16 can now work in efficient,
welcoming space. “I love how adaptable our library is,” she
says. “I use it to prepare for finals, practice oral arguments,
plan activities, and more.”
As web content editor of the Berkeley Technology Law Journal
and co-president of the Boalt Hall Women’s Association, Golda
sees how renovations have enhanced the student experience.
“We have great rooms for affinity groups and ideal space for
studying, collaborating, and socializing,” she says. “The quality
and versatility of a school’s physical space contribute a lot
to its culture.”
Looking Ahead
We are renovating the offices vacated by the Clinical Program in order to
return Admissions and Financial Aid staff to the school from our offsite
Telegraph Avenue location. This will increase interaction with potential
admits and make it easier for current students to obtain financial aid services.
Moving forward, we plan to renovate the old library lobby to create a student
services center that will house the Assistant Dean of Students and her staff,
as well as the Career Development Office.
Our home improvements present various naming opportunities to become part
of the law school’s legacy. Please call 510.643.8170 for more information.
The newly renovated space for our international visiting scholar program
Private philanthropy helps our students gain key advantages before they enter
a turbulent legal market. From enabling 1Ls to work with clients right away to
training international lawyers in U.S. law, we strive to equip our students with
useful tools for all facets of their future legal work.
Professional Skills Program
Helped by an anonymous $2,500 gift, the Professional Skills Program
continued to expand its pragmatic offerings. Total enrollments for upperdivision skills courses exceeded 1,300 students and 4,000 units.
There were 274 student enrollments in the program’s foundational courses
—Negotiation, Advanced Legal Research, and Advanced Legal Writing—
up from 163 just five years earlier. The school offered 28 additional skills
courses for second- and third-year students. Program leaders are working
to develop business transaction skills courses and expand advanced writing
courses into the areas of intellectual property and employment law.
Student-Initiated Legal Services Projects
Berkeley Law’s Student-Initiated Legal Services Projects (SLPS) are pro bono
programs founded and operated by students. They identify a legal need,
recruit supervising attorneys, and enlist classmates to bring legal services
to under-served communities. Run by upper-division students, SLPS allow
1Ls to interact with clients from their very first semester.
Luke Ellis ’75 and his firm GJEL Accident Attorneys gave $25,000 to support
the projects, while Arthur Berliner and Marian Lever contributed $25,000 to
the SLPS Public Interest Fellowship. Kathi Pugh ’90 and Director of Professional
Skills David Oppenheimer also made notable gifts to the fellowship.
Skills Competitions
Our external skills competition teams have excelled recently, winning top
awards at regional and national events. An anonymous $10,000 gift helped
fund last year’s teams, and gifts from law firms Skadden and Gibson Dunn
supported our internal Halloum Negotiations Competition. Alumni also
served as hosts for student teams who traveled to various tournaments.
About 100 first-year students took part in the Halloum Competition and the
Bales Trial Competition. On the upper-division teams, Collin Tierney ’14 won
the Top Gun National Mock Trial Competition, Berkeley Law reached the
National Trial Competition finals, and Wilson Dunlavey ’15 and Christina
Farmer ’14 won the national Saul Lefkowitz Trademarks Competition.
LL.M. Program
Berkeley Law’s professional track program, the first of its kind among major
U.S. law schools, allows international lawyers to earn a Master of Laws
degree over two consecutive summers. The program welcomed a record
119 students this year. The traditional track program, spanning an academic
year, enrolled 182 students—up from 125 just four years ago.
Betsy Candler was hired to direct the LL.M. Legal Research and Writing
Program. “We’re not aware of any other law school that has a dedicated
director of research and writing for LL.M.s,” says Susan Whitman, assistant
dean of academic planning and curriculum. “We feel that this area should
be a point of emphasis, and Betsy is ideally suited to develop our program.”
Now an established litigation partner at Crowell & Moring,
GREG CAL L ’8 5 enjoyed a “terrific law school experience
that was virtually free.” To thank Berkeley Law for his success—
and to help current students facing high tuition and a tough
legal market—Greg and his firm sponsor the McBaine Moot
Court Competition’s best brief award. Given annually to two
students who author the internal competition's top briefs,
the award was created with a $125,000 endowment built on
donations from alumni working at the firm.
Greg notes that strong writing skills benefit new lawyers
no matter what practice area they pursue. “In baseball, home
runs generate highlights and splashy headlines, but pitching
wins championships,” he says. “In law, oral advocacy generates
buzz and media coverage, but legal writing wins cases.”
Field Placement
Program students last spring,
a single-semester record
Students on
Berkeley Law’s 29 external
competition teams last year
Student-Initiated Legal
Services Projects
represented by the latest LL.M.
professional track class
Unrestricted Giving
The Boalt Hall Fund provides the law school with unrestricted support
to strengthen core programs and address unanticipated opportunities.
With the State of California’s continued reduction of funding to higher
education, we must increasingly rely on the Boalt Hall Fund to bolster our
operations and preserve our excellence.
Unrestricted gifts enable the law school to address its most pressing
needs in a timely manner. They also help Berkeley Law strategize how
best to allocate its resources and to get the most out of its education,
scholarship, and outreach. In today’s fast-changing legal world,
that flexibility is paramount to effectively tackle emerging concerns.
While gifts designated to specific projects are undeniably important,
unrestricted gifts remain essential, as they provide an immediate infusion
of funds that give our leadership the bandwidth to capitalize on Berkeley
Law's highest priorities.
Some examples of how Boalt Hall Fund gifts have been allocated:
Providing need-based scholarships to students
Strengthening our Field Placement Program
Expanding course offerings in our Professional Skills Program
Competing with better-funded law schools for first-rate faculty
Bolstering a new moot court program for practicing litigators
Assisting a collaborative project on climate change and business
Supporting our initiatives that provide legal assistance to veterans
Hosting training sessions and mock trials for area grade-school students
Increasing staff within our LL.M. Research and Writing Program
Adding course offerings within our business law program
In his 34 years with PG&E, in the legal department and as
a corporate officer, R O B E R T L. H A R R I S ’7 2 learned
about the need for flexibility. That’s why he makes unrestricted
gifts to Berkeley Law, letting the school address its top priorities.
“The school's leaders know better than I do where to allocate
its resources,” Robert says. “I trust them to make astute decisions.”
PG&E’s first lawyer to argue before the U.S. Supreme
Court, and to run a company division, Robert is a longtime
community leader who sees a “moral obligation to do something
other than advance one’s self.” He says Berkeley Law equipped
him, for just $1,500 a year, with vital tools to be successful.
“Think about the current tuition,” he says. “Without our
support, many strong applicants won’t be able to attend.
That hurts them and our school.”
Planned Giving
A planned gift to Berkeley Law helps satisfy personal financial-planning
needs and provides the law school with important long-term support. Such
gifts constitute a philanthropic legacy that is part of an estate-planning
process in which the donor decides how certain assets are distributed.
Some planned gifts provide income for life or a fixed term of years. Others
provide an immediate income tax charitable deduction or avoidance of
capital gains tax. A gift made through a will generates significant estate
tax benefits, and helps serve our faculty, students, staff, and alumni.
A few planned giving options:
Bequests are provisions in your will or living trust that direct a portion
of your estate. A bequest to Berkeley Law qualifies your estate for a
charitable deduction that can reduce estate tax liability. Bequests can
provide a specific monetary amount, property, or percentage of your
estate. Residual and contingent bequests provide first for your family,
and then, circumstances permitting, for the law school.
Charitable Gift Annuities are contracts between an individual and
a charitable organization such as Berkeley Law. In exchange for a gift
of cash or property to the law school, you or the person of your choice
will receive an annuity that pays a fixed sum for life. Annuity payments
can begin immediately or at a later date.
Charitable Remainder Trusts (CRTs) allow you to transfer money
or property to the UC Berkeley Foundation, which makes payments to
you or your beneficiaries for a lifetime or for any period of time. When
these payments end, the trust assets pass to Berkeley Law to be used
as you specified. CRTs offer federal income and estate tax deductions
for gifts benefitting charities and educational entities. If appreciated
assets are used to fund a CRT, the donor avoids capital gains tax.
Pooled Income Funds work like mutual funds. Gifts from a group
of Berkeley Law alumni and friends are managed and invested jointly
and all income earned by the fund is paid out quarterly in proportionate
shares to its participants. Four funds with varied investment objectives
are available.
Real Estate gifts entitle the donor to an income tax deduction
for the property’s full appraised fair market value. Almost any
marketable real estate is suitable for a charitable gift, including
personal residences, commercial buildings, and forest land.
Unencumbered property is preferable and generates the greatest
tax benefit.
Retirement Assets often exceed expectations—and increase
tax burdens. Taxes, which sometimes exceed 70 percent, can
erode assets when left to heirs outright. Making a charitable
gift of retirement assets reduces this tax burden.
Those who include the law school in their estate plans become members
of UC Berkeley’s Benjamin Ide Wheeler Society. Benefits include invitations
to a summer tea hosted by the Chancellor and to select campus athletic and
cultural events.
If you have any questions about making a planned gift to Berkeley Law,
please contact the Alumni Center at 510.643.8170 or email
Gifts of Cash
Cash gifts may be made by personal check, credit card, and/or
a pre-authorized monthly transfer of funds. Donors can also make
a pledge, for up to five years, and fulfill their gift over time.
Checks should be made payable to Berkeley Law and mailed to:
Alumni Center
UC Berkeley School of Law
2850 Telegraph Ave., Suite 500
Berkeley, CA 94705-7220
Credit card gifts can be charged to Visa, MasterCard, or American
Express at Pledges can also be made online or
by calling the Alumni Center at 510.642.2590. To arrange monthly,
quarterly, or yearly gifts through an electronic funds transfer between
your bank or credit card company and the UC Berkeley Foundation,
fill out an authorization form available at
EFT_authorization_form.pdf and mail it to the address listed above.
Gifts of Securities
Gifts of securities are recorded based on the stock market’s mean
market value on the date of the gift, which is determined by the date
the donor relinquishes control of the stock. Securities can be transferred
directly from your brokerage account to the university’s account.
To donate such gifts, please call toll-free 855.729.1099 or email
W I LLI S S LU S S E R ’41 grew up in Berkeley and went
to Cal. “He did fine at UC Berkeley, but Boalt Hall is where he
really came into his own,” says Jim Slusser, Willis’ son. “Dad
had a tremendous reverence for UC Berkeley and for Boalt in
particular. In his own words: ’That’s where the treasure lies.’”
Willis went on to become general counsel, senior vice president,
and director at the Bechtel Corporation before his death in
2010. He and his wife Marion were major philanthropists,
funding faculty chairs and other initiatives at Berkeley
and Bryn Mawr, Marion’s alma mater. Their generous estate
gift helped the law school complete its historic $125 million
campaign last year. “They felt very strongly about education,”
says Mary Butler, Willis’ stepdaughter. “That was their priority.”
Matching Gifts
Matching gifts—which are offered by companies, law firms, and other
organizations—multiply the size of a donor’s contribution to Berkeley Law.
Some employers also match gifts made by retirees or spouses. Donors
receive full credit for gifts, plus any resulting corporate match for the
purpose of recognition and benefits. For receipt and tax reasons, the gift’s
matched portion must be documented in the corporation’s record.
For information or matching gift forms from your employer, contact
your human resources office and send a completed form by mail to
the address listed above. If you have questions, contact Catie Cariaga
at or 510.643.6542.
This prestigious donor society recognizes those who demonstrated a longstanding commitment to Berkeley Law by making lifetime cumulative gifts totaling
$100,000 or more leading up to the school’s 100th anniversary. These supporters are publicly, permanently honored on the Centennial Society donor wall,
and the names of contributors who have given $1 million and above are also carved onto the outdoor 'Builders of Boalt' donor wall.
Builders of Boalt
$1,000,000 and above
$500,000 - $999,999
Bank of America Corporation v
Mark ’69 & Susan Bertelsen v
Robert D. ’53 * & Joann Burch
Elizabeth J. Cabraser ’78 v
California Endowment v
Samuel D. Cole ’63
The Ford Foundation
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
The Rosalinde &
Arthur Gilbert Foundation v
Stuart M. Gordon ’65 v
Evelyn & Walter Haas Jr. Fund
John B. Hall *
E. Patricia Herron ’64
Harold C. Hohbach ’52 v
The James Irvine Foundation v
JEHT Foundation
George R. ’40 * & Patricia G. Johnson
Thomas M. Jorde
The Jim Joseph Foundation
Koret Foundation v
Theodore B. ’59 & Doris Shoong Lee
Greg & Liz Lutz
John D. & Catherine T. MacArthur
C. William ’41 * & Rosalie F. Maxeiner
Lloyd McCullough * &
Beatrice Clayton Robbins
Microsoft Corporation v
G. William ’52 * & Ariadna Miller v
Morrison & Foerster v
John M. Olin Foundation
Open Society Foundations v
William H. Orrick, Jr. ’41 *
Varnum ’33 * & Lillian Paul
Leo J. ’57 & Nina Pircher v
J. Kerwin Rooney ’36 *
Mario M. ’71 & Danelle Storm Rosati v
Pamela Samuelson & Robert Glushko v
Richard M., Jr. ’74 & Heidi Cortese
Sherman v
William G. ’40 * & Alice M. Simon
Alfred P. Sloan Foundation v
Willis S. ’41 * & Marion B. Slusser
Larry W. ’66 & Barbara Sonsini
Eleanor D. & Irving G. ’45 Tragen v
Max Weingarten ’49 v *
H. H. "Sam" Wheeler
Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati v
Douglas H. ’70 & Jane Wolf v
Werner F. ’53 & Mimi Wolfen v
S. K. Yee Foundation v
Anonymous (5)
Robert G. Adams ’48 *
The Atlantic Philanthropies v
John Henry Boalt * &
Elizabeth Josselyn Boalt
Robert L. ’33 * & Alice Bridges
David A. Carrillo’95 & Lisa Sardegna
Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass
Barbara and Alec ’39 Cory *
Hugh & Hazel Darling Foundation
A. Peter Davies
Fenwick & West v
James K. Herbert ’62
Larry L. Hillblom Foundation
Preston B. ’56 & Maurine Hotchkis
Humanity United
Emily H. Huntington *
Ewing M. Kauffman Foundation
Joseph T. ’71 & Gail L. Kiefer
Cala Lemberger *
Nick McKeown
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation
Noel W. ’66 & Penelope P. Nellis v
Walter G. Olson ’49 *
Roderic B. * & Catherine B. Park
Harold A. Parma ’27 *
Rosenberg Foundation
Joel S. Sanders ’82 v
Shirley A. ’75 v & Robert D. Sanderson
Sho* & Masako F. Sato
Arthur J. Shartsis ’71 &
Mary Jo Christensen Shartsis ’72 v
Skadden Arps Slate Meagher & Flom v
John Stauffer Charitable Trust
Louis I. Wiener, Jr. ’41 *
Bernard E. ’28 * & Alba Witkin
Wollenberg Foundation v
= 3+ Consecutive-year donor
$250,000 - $499,999
Anonymous (8)
American Association of Law Libraries v
Donald P. ’48 * & Rosemary Barrett
Bingham McCutchen v
Steven E. ’81 & Rochelle Bochner v
Albert C. ’40 * & Elisabeth Boyer
Brobeck Phleger & Harrison
Scott T. ’61 & Susan Carey v
Annie E. Casey Foundation
Cooley v
Covington & Burling v
Deloitte Services
Martin S. ’32 * & Estelle D.’33 * Depper
* = Deceased
DLA Piper
Luke Ellis ’75 v
Environmental Protection Agency
Bill Falik & Diana Cohen
Jerome B., Jr. ’65 & Nancy Falk v
Daniel S. Floyd ’85 v
Folger Levin & Kahn
John C. ’66 & Janet L. Fossum
Lisa & Douglas Goldman Fund
Fred F. ’65 & Carol D. Gregory v
Heller Ehrman
Maryellen Cattani Herringer ’68 &
Frank Herringer v
Larry L. Hillblom ’69 *
Henry L. ’34 * & Violette Hilzinger
Hiram H. Hurd *
Mitchell Kapor Foundation
Walter M. ’61 & Jocelyn Kaufmann
William M. Keck Foundation
Kenton J. King ’87 v
Latham & Watkins
Richard S. Liu
Markle Foundation
James McManis ’67 & Sara Wigh v
Charles A. ’58 & Jeanette S. Miller v
Norman ’65 & Margrit Oberstein
Terry J. O’Reilly ’69
Orrick Herrington & Sutcliffe v
Jefferson E. Peyser ’23 *
Public Interest Projects
Lance J. Robbins ’72 & Rachel Bank
Sally & William Rutter *
Jan Blaustein Scholes ’77
William T. ’27 * & Millicent M. Selby
Joseph E. ’38 * & Mary Smith
Thomas W. Smith Foundation
Rachel A. Stageberg *
Temple University
Leonard ’70 & Catherine Unger v
The Wachovia Foundation
Weil Gotshal & Manges v
The Whitman Institute
Wilson Sonsini Goodrich &
Rosati Foundation *
Gladys R. Wood *
$100,000 - $249,999
Anonymous (8)
The Aidlin Foundation
Akonadi Foundation
The American Israeli
Cooperative Enterprise
David & Camille Andrews
Stephen W. Arent ’67 v
Baker & McKenzie
Bernard B. III ’71 & Cynthia A. Barber v
William T. Barker ’74 &
June K. Robinson v
John J. ’65 & Pamela Bartko
Melvin M. Belli ’33 *
Blue Shield of California Foundation
Boalt Hall Alumni Association
Paula E. Boggs ’84 v
David E. ’68 & Jean M. ’71 Bordon v
Bordon Family Fund
John R. Box ’81
Lois I. Brady ’86
Mervyn L. Brenner Foundation
Steven D. Broidy ’62 v
California District Attorneys Association
California State Assembly
California State Department
of Corrections
California Wellness Foundation
Gregory D. Call ’85 v
David Carlyon ’76 v
Carnegie Corporation of New York
Center for American Progress
Jesse H. & Mari S. Choper v
Mary D. & Richard A. ’55 Clarke
Richard J. Conviser ’62
Evan R. ’87 & Valerie Cox v
Michael L. Cypers ’81
Dartmouth College
John G. Davies ’62 *
Victoria J. De Goff ’72 &
Richard Sherman
Gail Overcashier Dolton ’86 &
Douglas H. Dolton
Dubai Human Rights Association
Tracy Edmonson ’88 & J. Wesley Skow v
Mel & Helen Eisenberg
E. Roy ’65 & Elizabeth H. ’76
Eisenhardt v
Ruth R. & Ralph Eltse *
Farella Braun + Martel v
Federated Department Stores
Lois H. Feinblatt v
Joe & Cathy Feldman v
Finnegan Henderson
Farabow Garrett & Dunner
Fish & Richardson v
Fitzgerald Abbott & Beardsley
French American Cultural Exchange
Stanley J. Friedman ’65
Richard L. Jr., ’65 & Patricia E. Fruin *
Holly J. Fujie ’78 & Lee W. Cotugno ’77 v
William E., Jr. ’68 &
Marianne M. Gagen v
Henry W. Gardett ’33 *
Lewis T. ’40 * & Jean Gardiner
Gibson Dunn & Crutcher v
Margaret G. Gill ’65
James G., Jr. ’79 & Victoria P. Gilliland v
Robert A. ’74 & Susie C. Goodin
Elizabeth Marsteller Gordon
Lindsee P. Granfield ’85 v
Suzanne F. Greenberg ’85 v
Lorrie & Richard L. ’63 Greene v
Bernadine & Aldo P. Guidotti ’44 *
Gunderson Dettmer
Michael W. Hall ’82 v
Michael J. ’65 & Virginia Halloran
Hanson Bridgett v
Leo B. ’92 & Florence Helzel v
J. Michael Hemmer ’76 & Lori Raphael
Rik & Flo Henrikson Fund
I. Michael * &
Elizabeth Heyman Howrey
Irell & Manella
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
James J. Joseph ’72
Keker & Van Nest v
John E.* & Dorothy G. Kilkenny
Kilpatrick Townsend v
Kirkland & Ellis
Knobbe Martens Olson & Bear v
Kenneth Kofman ’62
The Kohlberg Foundation
Billie & Adrian A. ’34 Kragen *
Mabel Isley Langham *
Mark A. Lemley ’91 & Rose A. Hagan v
Alvin T. ’60 & Roseanne Levitt v
Robert L. Lin ’85 v
Ellyn M. ’84 & William R. ’85 Lindsay v
Teressa K. Lippert ’82
Loubé Family *
Paul M. Loya ’73
Mark D. ’77 & Kerri C.Lubin v
Gene A. Lucero ’72 & Marcia E. Williams v
Arthur K. Lund ’61 & Agnieszka Winkler
Thomas J. ’40 & Martha MacBride *
Manatt Phelps & Phillips
Frank J. Martin ’04 & Rosa Terrazas v
McDermott Will & Emery v
Christopher M. ’68 & Barbara J. McLain v
McManis Faulkner v
Paul V. ’64 & Sharon A. Melodia v
Marc H. Monheimer ’57 *
Morgan Lewis
Richard C. Morse ’67
Lynn H. ’79 & Frederick T. ’79 Muto
S. Stephen ’51* & Sally S. Nakashima
National Association for the Advancement
of Colored People
National Association of Scholars
Roger M. ’68 & Joanne G. Olsen
The David & Lucile Packard Foundation
Lynn H. ’72 & Leslie A. Pasahow v
Lise A. Pearlman ’74 &
Peter J. Benvenutti, Jr. ’74 v
Mark ’84 & Wynne Pécheck v
Jessica S. Pers ’77 & Robert S. Stein ’74
Donna M. Petkanics ’85 &
Jay Gerstenschlager v
Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman
Edward V. Pollack ’66 v
Borden B. Price ’50
Proteus Action League
Henry, Jr. ’63 * & Eleanor Ramsey
William R. ’69 & Linda J. Rauth III
Reed Smith
Warren G. Reid ’57
Resources Legacy Fund Foundation v
Robbins Geller Rudman & Dowd
The Henry W. &
Nettie Robinson Foundation v
Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors
Richard K. ’73 & Allison Roeder v
Ropes & Gray v
The Rose Foundation
Bruce S. ’71 & Carol Ross v
Michael C. Ross
Allen & Cynthia W. Ruby
Albert J. Salera ’56 v
Sherwin L. Samuels ’59 v
Sandler Foundation
David ’67 & Geraldine ’67 Sandor v
Richard C. Seaver ’49 *
Jay A. Shafran ’63 v
Gary ’66 & Dana Shapiro
Henry Shields, Jr. ’74 * &
Jo Anne Peterson
Sidley Austin
Patrick J. Simpson ’71 &
Margaret H. Bolger v
Glenn A. Smith ’71 v
Smith Richardson Foundation
Margaret J. & John E. ’57 Sparks*
John A. ’49 & Marjorie H. Sproul v
Graydon S. ’51 & Joyce L. Staring v
Leigh W. Steinberg ’73
Charles J. ’82 & Ann C. Stevens v
Dave Stewart ’86
Thomas W. Jr., ’90 & Kristen C. Stoever v
Carl J. Stoney, Jr. ’70
Stuart Foundation
Charles Y. Tanabe ’76 &
Arlene S. Bobrow v
Tides Foundation v
Stuart P. ’69 & Karen S. Tobisman
William E. ’65 * & Dorothy W. Trautman
U.S. District Court, Northern District of
Vital Projects Fund, Inc
Mary G. Wailes ’50 *
Matthew F. ’91 & Svetlana Weil
The Patricia & Christopher Weil Family
Weingart Foundation v
Lenard G. Weiss ’62
Dana Welch ’87 & Scott Adams v
Thomas J. White v
White & Case v
WilmerHale v
Leonard A. ’48 * & Evelyn Wilson
Winston & Strawn v
Mallun Yen ’95 & Jason M. Lemkin ’96 v
Douglas R. ’76 & Terry F. Young v
Laura Wen-yu Young ’87 v
Steven G. Zieff ’78 & R. E. Leitner v
John D. & Catherine T. MacArthur
Microsoft Corporation v
The Honorable G. William Miller ’52* &
Ariadna Miller v
Open Society Foundations v
Varnum Paul ’33 *
Mario M. Rosati ’71 v
Pamela Samuelson & Robert Glushko v
Willis ’41 * & Marion * Slusser
Thomas W. Smith Foundation
Tides Foundation v
Victim Compensation &
Government Claims Board
Werner ’53 & Mimi Wolfen v /
Wolfen Family Foundation
S. K. Yee Foundation v
Merritt S. Yoelin ’65 *
Mark ’69 & Susan Bertelsen v
Cooley v
Tracy K. Edmonson ’88 v
William E. Jr. ’68 & Marianne M. Gagen v
Humanity United
Israel Institute
Kirkland & Ellis v
Alvin T. Levitt ’60 v
New Venture Fund
Norman ’65 & Margrit Oberstein
Skadden Arps Slate Meagher & Flom v
Alfred P. Sloan Foundation v
Stuart Foundation
Charles Y. Tanabe ’76 & Arlene S. Bobrow v
Thomas J. White v
Douglas R. Young ’76 v
$50,000 - $99,999
American Association of Law Libraries v
Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ
Arthur Berliner & Marian Lever
Steven E. Bochner ’81 v
Scott T. Carey ’61 v
Covington & Burling v
Luke Ellis ’75 v
Bill Falik & Diana Cohen
Lois H. Feinblatt v / Blum Foundation
Fish & Richardson v
Samuel Freeman Charitable Trust v
Holly J. Fujie ’78 & Lee W. Cotugno ’77 v
James G. Gilliland, Jr. ’79 v
Andrew R. & Sharon Gillin
Gillin Jacobson Ellis Larsen & Lucey
Donald S. Greenberg ’67 v
Richard L. Greene ’63 v
Haynes and Boone v
Catherine DeBono Holmes ’77 v
James Campbell Company
Kenton J. King ’87 v
Kirkland & Ellis Foundation v
Knobbe Martens Olson & Bear v
Latham & Watkins
Greg & Liz Lutz v
James McManis ’67 & Sara Wigh v
Morrison & Foerster v
Munger Tolles & Olson v
Orrick Herrington & Sutcliffe v
Pacific Gas and Electric Corporation
Resources Legacy Fund Foundation v
Joel S. Sanders ’82 v
Recognizing gifts and pledges of $10,000 or more during the past fiscal year.
Leadership Circle
$100,000 and above
Anonymous (5)
David M. & Camille A. Andrews /
Andrews Trust
The Atlantic Philanthropies v
Bank of America Foundation v
Elizabeth J. Cabraser ’78 v
California Endowment v
David A. Carrillo ’95 & Lisa M. Sardegna
Hugh & Hazel Darling Foundation
Daniel S. Floyd ’85 v
The Ford Foundation
The Rosalinde and Arthur Gilbert
Foundation v
Lisa & Douglas Goldman Fund
Stuart M. Gordon ’65 /
Gordon Family Trust
Harold C. Hohbach ’52 v
George R. Johnson ’40 *
The Jim Joseph Foundation
Korea Institute of
Ocean Science and Technology v
Koret Foundation v
Theodore B. Lee ’59 & Doris Shoong Lee
/ Lee Family Foundation
= 3+ Consecutive-year donor
Anonymous (2)
American Assembly
American University
Bernard Bradley Barber ’71 v
$25,000 - $49,999
* = Deceased
David ’67 & Geri ’67 Sandor v
Robert Shapiro
Arthur J. Shartsis ’71 &
Mary Jo Christensen Shartsis ’72 v
Clare H. Springs ’73
Carl J. Stoney, Jr. ’70
Union Bank Foundation
Weil Gotshal & Manges v
Max ’49 * & Erica * Weingarten v
White & Case v
WilmerHale v
Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati v
Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati
Foundation v
Winston & Strawn v
Wollenberg Foundation v
Mitch ’96 & Holly Zuklie v
$10,000 - $24,999
Anonymous (2)
Alston + Bird
Stephen W. Arent ’67 /
Arent Foundation v
Ayco Charitable Foundation
Chang H. Baek
Gerson P. & Barbara B. Bakar /
Bakar Foundation v
Baker Botts
Babette B. Barton ’54
Steven S. Bell ’73 v
Paula E. Boggs ’84 v
Brill USA
Steven D. Broidy ’62 /
Weingart Foundation
= 3+ Consecutive-year donor
Richard M. Buxbaum ’53 &
Catherine Hartshorn v
California Community Foundation v
Gregory D. Call ’85 v
Jesse H. & Mari S. Choper v
Cisco Systems Foundation
Paul T. Clark ’80 v
Cornish & Carey Commercial
Evan R. ’87 & Valerie Cox v
Crowell & Moring
Gail (Overcashier) Dolton ’86 &
Douglas H. Dolton
Robert P. Doty ’90 & Catherine Garza v
Economic Policy Institute
E. Roy ’65 & Elizabeth ’76 Eisenhardt v
Cathy & Joe Feldman v
Nancy ’86 & Ed Fineman v
James C. Fowler ’72 v
Richard L. ’65 & Patricia E. Fruin v
Gibson Dunn & Crutcher v
Google v
Lindsee P. Granfield ’85 v
Suzanne Greenberg ’85 v
Fred F. ’65 & Carol D. Gregory v
GTC Law Group
Gunderson Dettmer Stough Villeneuve
Franklin & Hachigian
Randall Guynn
Evelyn & Walter Haas Jr. Fund
Michael W. Hall ’82 v
Jon L. Heberling ’70 v
Nancy R. Heinen ’82 v
Leo B. Helzel ’92 /
Helzel Family Foundation v
J. Michael Hemmer ’76 & Lori Raphael v
Maryellen Cattani Herringer ’68 /
Herringer Family Foundation v
Clothilde V. Hewlett ’79 v
Hickman Palermo Truong & Becker v
Gregory L. Hilbrich
Lawrence A. Hobel ’76 &
Diana H. Staring ’81 v
Irell & Manella
Kathleen A. Janus ’03
Kasowitz Benson Torres & Friedman v
Keker & Van Nest v
David & Anita Keller / Keller Foundation v
Erika A. Kelton ’87
Kevin P. ’91 & Jeanette W. Kennedy
Kilpatrick Townsend v
Jonathan H. Kim
Maja v
Joanne Lahner ’84 v
David J. ’86 & Mary Larwood v
Hong-Hoon Lee
Jason Lemkin ’96 & Mallun Yen ’95 v
Mark A. Lemley ’91 & Rose A. Hagan v
Ellyn M. ’84 & William R. ’85 Lindsay v
Mark D. Lubin ’77 v
Gene A. Lucero ’72 & Marcia E. Williams v
Frank Martin ’04 & Rosa Terrazas v
McDermott Will & Emery v
Frederick T. Muto ’79 & Lynn Hart Muto ’79
National Education Association
Noel W. Nellis ’66 v
Theodore B. Olson ’65
O’Melveny & Myers
Paul Hastings Janofsky & Walker
Donna M. Petkanics ’85 &
Jay R. Gerstenschlager v
Michael C. Phillips ’76 v
Leo ’57 & Nina Pircher v
Andrés Rivero ’86 v
The Henry W. and Nettie Robinson
Foundation v
Richard K. Roeder ’73 v
Ropes & Gray v
Deanna Ruth Rutter ’72
Won-Kyou Ryou ’88
Albert J. Salera ’56 v
Avram Salkin ’59 v
Sherwin L. Samuels ’59 v
Shirley A. ’75 & Robert D. Sanderson v
Katherine N. Schick
Rick ’74 & Heidi Sherman v
Sidley Austin
Patrick J. Simpson ’71 v
Simpson Thacher & Bartlett
Dave ’68 & Sharon Smullin
John Paul Stevens Fellowship Foundation
Diane Stewart-Zezza ’88 v
Tom ’90 & Kris Stoever v
Eleanor Swift v
Leonard ’70 & Catherine Unger /
Finkelstein Foundation v
Robert & Charlotte Uram
Van Pelt Yi & James v
Vermont Law School
Douglas ’70 & Jane Wolf /
Wolf Family Fund v
John Yoo v
Laura W. Young ’87 /
Wang Family Foundation
Steven G. Zieff ’78 v
* = Deceased
On April 12, a spirited group of alumni, faculty, friends, staff, and student leaders gathered at Memorial Stadium's University Club to celebrate the
completion of the Campaign for Boalt Hall. Many in attendance signed a huge banner to convey their gratitude and well wishes for the school.
Berkeley Law recognizes several giving levels for contributions to the school during the fiscal year:
Dean's Society
Donors of $10,000 or more. This category includes our Dean's Society Leadership Circle ($100,000 and above)
as well as Counselors ($50,000 to $99,999), Partners ($25,000 to $49,999), and Members ($10,000 to $24,999).
Elizabeth Josselyn
Boalt Associates
Donors of $5,000 to $9,9999. This category honors Elizabeth Josselyn Boalt's gift for a law building in honor
of her husband, Judge John H. Boalt, and gift to establish the law school's first two endowed chairs.
William Carey Jones
Donors of $2,500 to $4,999. This category honors William Carey Jones, who taught the first law course
at UC Berkeley and became the law school's first dean.
Law School Sproul
Donors of $1,000 to $2,499. This category honors Robert Gordon Sproul, who served as University of California
president from 1930 to 1958.
Society of 1912
Donors of $500 to $999. This category honors the law school's elevation in 1912 from the Department of
Jurisprudence to the School of Jurisprudence.
Boalt Advocates
Donors of up to $499.
Society of 1912
$500 - $999
Dean’s Society Memberss
$10,000 - $24,999
Society of 1912
$500 - $999
John M. Roberts ’49 v
Babette B. Barton ’54
Richard M. Buxbaum ’53 v
Leo Pircher ’57 v
Albert J. Salera ’56 v
Avram Salkin ’59 v
Sherwin L. Samuels ’59 v
Clarence W. Brizee, Jr. ’57
John D. Harris ’59
Bernard M. King ’52
Marvin H. Kleinberg ’53
Francis P. Lloyd ’59 v
Herbert P. Moore, Jr. ’55 v
LeRoy F. Parker, Jr. ’51
Harris W. Seed ’52 v
Arlo E. Smith ’52 v
Henry G. Ullerich ’59 v
Earl P. Willens ’59 v
Dean’s Society Leadership Circle
$100,000 and above
Varnum Paul ’33 *
Planned Gift / Bequest
J. Richard Johnston ’39
Dean’s Society Leadership Circle
$100,000 and above
George R. Johnson ’40 *
Willis S. Slusser ’41 *
Dean’s Society Partners
$25,000 - $49,999
Max Weingarten ’49 *
Elizabeth Josselyn Boalt Associates
$5,000 - $9,999
Irving G. Tragen ’45 v
William Carey Jones Associates
$2,500 - $4,999
Robert M. Corson ’40 v
Law School Sproul Associates
$1,000 - $2,499
Boalt Advocates
Up to $499
Melvin E. Cohn ’40 v
Justice Robert Feinerman ’49 v
Hugh E. Macbeth, Jr. ’44
Raymond E. Mellana ’48
Forrest A. Plant ’49
Arno Reifenberg ’49
John A. Sproul ’49 v
Planned Gift / Bequest
Robert M. Corson ’40
Eleanor Jackson Piel ’43
Irving G. Tragen ’45
Altero D’Agostini ’47
Forrest M. Greenberg ’47
John A. Sproul ’49
Dean’s Society Leadership Circle
$100,000 and above
Harold C. Hohbach ’52 v
Theodore B. Lee ’59
The Honorable &
Mrs. G. William Miller ’52 *
Werner F. Wolfen ’53 v
John M. Doar ’49 v
= 3+ Consecutive-year donor
Elizabeth Josselyn Boalt Associates
$5,000 - $9,999
William I. Edlund ’53 v
G. Ernest Lopez ’52 v
William R. Loveless ’59
Warren G. Reid ’57
Graydon S. Staring ’51 v
William Carey Jones Associates
$2,500 - $4,999
Jacques R. de Wied ’56 v
William L. Gordon ’57 v
Edward E. Kallgren ’54 v
Paul L. Larsen ’50
Charles A. Miller ’58 v
Law School Sproul Associates
$1,000 - $2,499
Philip H. Ching ’55
Philip A. Crane, Jr. ’53 v
James R. Dunn ’58 v
Charles W. Froehlich, Jr. ’56
Robert E. Gordon ’59
Judge Richard A. Haugner ’54 v
Thomas F. Olson ’58 v
John D. Taylor ’59 v
Boalt Advocates
Up to $499
Anonymous v
Gordon S. Baca ’59 v
Nathalie V. Black ’59
Alan D. Bonapart ’54
Ernest A. Carlson ’54
William L. Cole ’52 v
Gerald F. Crump ’59
Frances M. Davis ’53 v
Julius W. Feldman *
Graham K. Fleming ’59
Robert J. Gray ’58
Harry A. Hanson, Jr. ’55
D.C. Kinsell, Jr. ’52
Hayward P. LeCrone ’57
Peter Maier ’52
Frank F. Mankiewicz ’55
Ray Meline ’59 v
James M. Moose, Jr. ’57
David H. Olson ’58
Wallace R. Peck ’57 v
Peter S. Pierson ’57
Edmund L. Regalia ’58 v
* = Deceased
Elizabeth Josselyn Boalt Associates
$5,000 - $9,999
Cameron Baker ’61 v
Alan ’63 & Ann Barton
Neal Brockmeyer ’63 v
VerLyn N. Jensen ’64
James K. McManigal, Jr. ’63
Jay A. Shafran ’63 v
Geoffrey B. Van Loucks ’61
William Carey Jones Associates
$2,500 - $4,999
John C. Cushman ’61 v
Paul F. de Bruyn Kops, Jr. ’62 v
Eli B. Dubrow ’60 v
John A. Flaherty ’63
Joanne M. Garvey ’61 v
Thomas J. Klitgaard ’61 v
Kenneth Kofman ’62
Philip M. Madden ’62
Michael J. Perlstein ’63
Mason Willrich ’60 v
A Berkeley Law LL.M. graduate himself, DICK BUXBAUM ’53
has spent decades giving back to international law students as a
professor and mentor. These days, he also supports them through
a fellowship fund created in his name by former students. “Fiftythree years ago, this law school gave me the best job the profession
could offer,” Dick says. “How could I not support it?”
An immigrant during the Third Reich regime who later spent time
overseas with the U.S. Army, Dick is “thrilled” that Berkeley Law
has added several international law professors in recent years.
“That plus the fact that donations to my fund are matched by
the Graduate Division helps ensure strong training and diversity
within the LL.M. Program,” he says. “It’s very important that
Berkeley remains a welcoming place for international students.”
Charles B. Roe, Jr. ’58
Martin J. Rosen ’56
Peter Simmons ’56
Jan Stevens ’58
Bruce A. Thompson ’53
John C. Weidman ’54
Howie Weiser ’58
Gordon B. White ’56 v
Henry Wien ’52
Planned Gift / Bequest
Borden B. Price ’50
Walter S. Lewis, Jr. ’51
Harold C. Hohbach ’52
Margaret E. Hoyt ’52
Peter K. Maier ’52
Wilson R. Ogg ’52
Howard F. Rhea ’53
Cassius L. Kirk, Jr. ’54
Jay R. MacMahon ’55
Eric P. Schnurmacher ’55
Clarence W. Brizee, Jr. ’57
Gerald R. Knecht ’57
Leo J. Pircher ’57
= 3+ Consecutive-year donor
Thomas J. Shephard, Sr. ’58
James E. Ganulin ’59
William R. Loveless ’59
John S. Martel ’59
John D. Taylor ’59
Richard A. Wilson ’59
Dean’s Society Counselors
$50,000 - $99,999
Alvin T. Levitt ’60 v
Dean’s Society Partners
$25,000 - $49,999
Scott T. Carey ’61 v
Richard L. Greene ’63 v
Dean’s Society Members
$10,000 - $24,999
Steven D. Broidy ’62 v
* = Deceased
Law School Sproul Associates
$1,000 - $2,499
Thornton C. Bunch, Jr. ’63
Boyd E. Burnison ’61 v
Herbert J. Friedman ’62 v
Lloyd George ’61 v
Ronald E. Gordon ’60 v
Phil Hammer ’61 v
Thomas J. Hammer, Jr. ’60 v
Thelton E. Henderson ’62
Marc E. Leland ’63 v
David E. Lindgren ’63
George Marchand ’61 v
Duncan R. McPherson ’63 v
Gerald S. Mulder ’63 v
Julius J. Pearl ’61
John M. Powers ’63
Henry Ramsey, Jr. ’63 *
Charles W. Rumph ’63
Philip A. Stohr ’63
Robert E. Triebsch ’63 v
Sheldon Wolfe ’61 v
Marshall S. Zolla ’63
Society of 1912
$500 - $999
William B. Burleigh ’63
David B. Flinn ’63
James E. Holst ’63 v
William M. Hynes ’63
Anthony C. Joseph ’61 v
Claude L. Lowen ’62 v
Robert M. Mallano ’63 v
Alex C. McDonald ’61 v
Adolph U. Molina ’60 v
Krishna K. Nigam ’60
Thomas P. O’Donnell ’63 v
David E. Russell ’60
Kenneth P. Scholtz ’63
Morton Zeppelin ’62 v
Boalt Advocates
Up to $499
Carl W. Anderson ’62
Reed H. Bement ’62 v
Eugene H. Bramhall, Jr. ’60 v
Michael J. Camras ’62
Samuel J. Cohen ’62
Kenneth H. Cole ’63 v
Charles L. Corman ’60
David J. Dealey ’60 v
Marvin B. Ellenberg ’60
William N. Foley ’60 v
Thomas R. Frey ’63
William S. Gregory ’62 v
J. Gary Gwilliam ’62
Richard M. Harris ’63
John Ernest ’67 v
David A. Hayden ’63 v
Jerrold L. Kaplan ’61
Rick Kirgis ’60
William C. Lockett ’63 v
James S. Milch ’62
Philip M. Miyamoto ’63
Arnold E. Ogren ’63
Janet McMillan Otterman ’63 v
Stanley Pedder ’60 v
Jay J. Plotkin ’63
Romulus B. Portwood ’61 v
Gary R. Rinehart ’63
David L. Schreck ’63 v
Roger H. Spaulding ’63
Paul D. Weiser ’63
Mildred L. Wheeler ’63 v
Howard Wiggins ’60
Planned Gift / Bequest
Samuel D. Cole ’63
Thomas B. Donovan ’62
David B. Flinn ’63
Joanne M. Garvey ’61
Richard L. Greene ’63
Philip L. Hammer ’61
James K. Herbert ’62
James R. Jenner ’60
Walter M. Kaufmann ’61
Kenneth Kofman ’62
David E. Lindgren ’63
Geoffrey B. Van Loucks ’61
Lenard G. Weiss ’62
Class Members
Total Giving
Elizabeth Josselyn Boalt Associates
$5,000 - $9,999
VerLyn N. Jensen
John O. Stewart v
William Carey Jones Associates
$2,500 - $4,999
Thomas F. Kostic v
Paul Melodia v
Law School Sproul Associates
$1,000 - $2,499
Elizabeth Josselyn Boalt Associates
$5,000 - $9,999
Kendall R. Bishop v
Penelope M. Cooper
Donald O. Germino v
Larry S. Knupp
David H. Melnick
Roger Samuelsen
Jay D. Smith
Jerome B. Falk, Jr. v
Eva L. Meigher v
William Carey Jones Associates
$2,500 - $4,999
Charles Henry James v
Law School Sproul Associates
$1,000 - $2,499
Society of 1912
$500 - $999
Robert A. Goldstein v
David Gould v
John T. Harris v
Richard G. Hirsch v
Richard F. Kahle, Jr. v
Fred Karlsen
George D. Marshall v
Michael Reed
John H. Sears
R. Lewis Van Blois
Judge Brian R. Van Camp v
Harvey I. Wittenberg v
Pat Newell v
Thomas E. Parrington
Mitchell N. Reinis
Cameron W. Wolfe, Jr. v
Boalt Advocates
Up to $499
Michael R. Asimow
Byron J. Beam
Robert Edward Bosso v
Robert A. Buchman
Richard J. Geib v
John Hardy v
John Kagel v
Paul M. Little
John Matzger v
James C. Rosa
Elliot G. Steinberg v
Jon H. Tolson
Darryl A. Hart v
Boalt Advocates
Up to $499
Planned Gift / Bequest
Judge Patricia Herron, Ret.
Nelson P. Kempsky
Larry S. Knupp
Sanford M. Skaggs
Jay D. Smith
Class Members
Total Giving
Dean’s Society Leadership Circle
$100,000 and Above
Stuart M. Gordon v
Merritt S. Yoelin *
Dean’s Society Counselors
$50,000 - $99,999
Norman Oberstein
Dean’s Society Members
$10,000 - $24,999
E. Roy Eisenhardt v
Richard L. Fruin, Jr. v
Fred F. Gregory v
Theodore B. Olson
Frank S. Bayley III
David J. Dezzani
Ronald A. Hecker v
Douglas G. Hilton v
Patrick S. Hobin v
Philip R. Michael
Robert L. Monk v
Patrick A. Murphy
William J. Pesce II v
James L. Rankin, Jr.
Ross E. Stromberg
= 3+ Consecutive-year donor
Fred sees private philanthropy as vital to keeping Berkeley Law
among the nation’s top law schools—and to maintaining the value
of its degree for all alumni. “When people hear about a $125 million
capital campaign, it’s easy to think that a $50 donation won’t
matter,” he says. “But believe me, whatever alums can give genuinely
helps our school.”
Planned Gift / Bequest
Michael James Halloran
Timothy J. Railton
Michael Reed
Harvey I. Wittenberg
William Carey Jones Associates
$2,500 - $4,999
Charles R. Breyer v
Steven D. Hallert
Class Members
Total Giving
Law School Sproul Associates
$1,000 - $2,499
Dean’s Society Members
$10,000 - $24,999
Noel W. Nellis v
Elizabeth Josselyn Boalt Associates
$5,000 - $9,999
John C. Fossum
Mark W. Jordan
John I. Taylor v
In addition to his loyal financial support, FRED GREGORY ’65
has helped Berkeley Law as alumni association president and
reunion co-chair. “It’s been great to see the school improve in so
many ways,” Fred says. “We had a tiny women’s lounge when I was
there, and now women comprise more than half the students.
Looking at the diversity of color, gender, and geography, and what
that has helped us achieve—it’s wonderful.”
Society of 1912
$500 - $999
D. Keith Bilter v
Jules F. Bonjour, Jr.
Theodore R. Bresler v
Ronald A. Cohan v
Robert C. Copeland
Don Goldstein v
Beth D. Karren v
Edward V. Pollack v
Frederick M. Pownall v
Clifford L. Schaffer
James M. Seff v
Society of 1912
$500 - $999
Anonymous v
Allen R. Jackson v
Robert E. Merritt, Jr. v
J. Richard Morrissey v
James P. Schreiber v
Stephen D. Swindle
Edwin C. Thomas III v
Boalt Advocates
Up to $499
Anonymous v
John L. Afton v
Nyle G. Barnes
Dana C. (Woody) Bradford III
Lorenzo E. Chambliss
Sidney J. Cohen
Dennis M. Eagan v
James G. Harrigan v
Chester J. Hinshaw
Robert O. Kaplan
Ken M. Kawaichi v
Hans Koppensteiner
Glen R. Kuykendall *
Andrew G. Lange
John G. Mengshol v
* = Deceased
Kenneth M. Miller
Daniel H. O'Connell
Kenneth E. Porter
Robert A. Raber v
Patricia C. Wilder
Planned Gift / Bequest
Charles R. Breyer
Fernando V. Hernandez
Noel W. Nellis
Edward V. Pollack
Gary J. Shapiro
Larry W. Sonsini
Edward D. Thirkell
Class Members
Total Giving
Society of 1912
$500 - $999
Law School Sproul Associates
$1,000 - $2,499
Anonymous (2) v
Zvi Ben-Shalom (Harris Werksman)
Michael C. Donaldson
Tom Dowse v
Ronald N. Finn v
Peter Hemenway v
Dixon R. Howell v
Steven M. Kipperman
Timothy G. Laddish
David A. Leipziger
Paul R. Minasian
Art Rolston v
David G. Shaftel
Peter H. Smith v
Stanley T. Tomita v
Richard D. Weisbart v
Philip Anisman v
Eric Jorgensen v
S. Kingsley Macomber v
Brian J. Servatius
Larry D. Struve
Brentnall P. Turley
Peter A. Berger v
R. Gardner Jolley v
Stephen M. Lowe v
Paul H. Verriere, Jr. v
Planned Gift / Bequest
Dean’s Society Partners
$25,000 - $49,999
Donald S. Greenberg v
James McManis v
David & Geri Sandor v
Dean’s Society Members
$10,000 - $24,999
David P. Curnow
William H. Kronberger, Jr.
Barry M. Sax
Myron G. Sugarman
Class Members
Total Giving
Stephen W. Arent v
Dean’s Society Counselors
$50,000 - $99,999
Elizabeth Josselyn Boalt Associates
$5,000 - $9,999
William E. Gagen, Jr. v
Robert S. Ball v
Ruth Greenspan Bell v
Dean’s Society Members
$10,000 - $24,999
William Carey Jones Associates
$2,500 - $4,999
Michael H. Kalkstein
David Lubetzky
Myron Sugarman v
Law School Sproul Associates
$1,000 - $2,499
Rosalyn M. Chapman v
Maxine M. Chesney v
Stanley F. Farrar v
Robert C. Herr v
Beverly B. Savitt v
Society of 1912
$500 - $999
Kathleen Archer Bowden &
Gerald D. Bowden v
Paul E. Crost
Michael D. Farr v
Arthur B. Fine v
David B. Frohnmayer v
Stephen R. Kay v
William H. Kronberger, Jr. v
Barry Wm. Levine
Edward A. Rucker v
Boalt Advocates
Up to $499
= 3+ Consecutive-year donor
Maryellen Cattani Herringer v
Dave Smullin
Elizabeth Josselyn Boalt Associates
$5,000 - $9,999
Anonymous v
David E. Bordon v
Christopher M. McLain v
Robert M. Rhodes
William Carey Jones Associates
$2,500 - $4,999
Alexander L. Brainerd v
John M. Filice, Jr. v
Frank A. Schreck v
Law School Sproul Associates
$1,000 - $2,499
Alison G. Anderson
Clayton E. Clement
Emlen H. Ehrlich v
Jarold A. Evans
Steven L. Hallgrimson
Garry J. D. Hubert
Russell B. Sunshine
Peter K. Westen
* = Deceased
Society of 1912
$500 - $999
Boalt Advocates
Up to $499
Anonymous v
Alfred Anthony Albers v
Margaret DeBeers Brown v
Barbara Hershey Clark &
Daniel N. Clark
Dan H. Deuprey
Robert B. Freedman
Don Geiger
Jane M. Gisevius v
Alan E. Harris
Tom Henteleff v
Floyd G. Hoffman v
John P. King, Jr.
Norman I. Lustig v
Glenn L. Moss v
Michael P. Peskoe
Mark Reutlinger v
John G. Schwartz v
Daniel U. Smith
David J. Steinhart v
Kenneth K. Summers
Planned Gift / Bequest
Jordan L. Bloom
Michael C. Ferguson
Tom Henteleff
Christopher M. McLain
Bruce C. Pollock
Class Members
Total Giving
Boalt Advocates
Up to $499
William E. Beamer
Patricia A. Butler v
Thomas G. Haas
Don R. Inskeep
John W. Katz v
John B. Marshall
W. Homer Mason
Judith D. McConnell
Paul F. Moore II
Russell S. Nash, Jr. v
Bruce M. Richardson v
Ronald A. Rubenstein v
Gerald D. Thomas
Henry E. Weinstein
Michael B. Weisz v
Planned Gift / Bequest
Dean’s Society Counselors
$50,000 - $99,999
Mark Bertelsen v
Elizabeth Josselyn Boalt Associates
$5,000 - $9,999
Francis J. Bardsley
William Carey Jones Associates
$2,500 - $4,999
Kenneth J. Adelson v
Jon F. Hartung v
William T. Hoffman v
Ellen Sickles James v
Richard S. Kopf
Steven R. Manchester v
William R. Rauth III
Anonymous v
Robert A. Baines v
C. Michael Cooney v
Jane Liebman Goichman v
Richard A. Larson v
Lawrence R. Leavitt
Edward R. Lebb
A. Keith Lesar
James J. Marchiano v
Rick McMichael v
Alan F. Spanier v
James H. Stoppello v
John D. Watterson
Glenn R. Woods v
Patricia A. Butler
Jane Liebman Goichman
Jon F. Hartung
Rick McMichael
Ronald D. Rosen
Alan F. Spanier
Class Members
Total Giving
Dean's Society Partners
$24,999 - $49,999
Carl J. Stoney, Jr.
Dean’s Society Members
$10,000 - $24,999
Jon L. Heberling v
Leonard Unger v
Douglas H. Wolf v
William Carey Jones Associates
$2,500 - $4,999
Franklin R. Garfield
Vincent L. Ricci v
Law School Sproul Associates
$1,000 - $2,499
Howard D. Coleman v
Lee T. Dicker v
Brendan M. Dixon v
Kenneth E. Falstrom
Ned A. Fine v
Dean L. Flint v
Ralph A. Lombardi v
Sheila H. Meer
John T. Perkinson v
Dale J. Power
Ernest N. Reddick v
Thomas S. Salinger v
Lee Van Boven v
Lawrence E. Volmert v
Robert P. vom Eigen v
Society of 1912
$500 - $999
Wayne B. Cooper v
Susan K. Fisher
Ward Fuller v
Paul R. Hoeber v
Leslie S. Klinger v
Malcolm A. Mackenzie
Knute M. Miller v
Hans W. Niederer
William E. Prachar v
Neal A. Roberts v
Gail Migdal Title v
Timothy W. Tower v
Boalt Advocates
Up to $499
Stephen H. Cornet
Kathryn Gabler v
Paul E. Kremser, Jr.
Michael S. Manchester v
Robert A. Schnider v
Lloyd G. Stephens v
Ronald C. Winkler
Sharon G. Wrubel v
Planned Gift / Bequest
Donald D. Gralnek
Fred B. Oliver
Marietta Poerio
Carl J. Stoney, Jr.
Leonard Unger
Class Members
Total Giving
Dean’s Society Leadership Circle
$100,000 and above
Mario M. Rosati v
Dean’s Society Counselors
$50,000 - $99,999
Bernard Bradley Barber v
Dean's Society Partners
$24,999 - $49,999
Arthur J. Shartsis v
Dean’s Society Members
$10,000 - $24,999
Patrick J. Simpson v
Elizabeth Josselyn Boalt Associates
$5,000 - $9,999
Jean Marie Bordon v
Judith G. Kleinberg v
Bruce S. Ross v
James A. Rothstein v
William Carey Jones Associates
$2,500 - $4,999
Robert D. Evans v
Jane M. Leroe v
Glenn A. Smith v
Law School Sproul Associates
$1,000 - $2,499
Charles Richard Ajalat
Marc H. Bozeman
William M. Chamberlain v
Christopher S. Crook v
Larry J. Frumes v
Peter W. Hanschen v
Gregory J. Hobbs, Jr. v
Thomas C. Holman v
Anne T. Kneeland
Bernhard M. Maassen v
John F. Meck III v
Michael L. Meyers
Society of 1912
$500 - $999
Joseph T. Kiefer
Dan L. Kirby v
James W. Klein
John E. Mason v
Dale Minami v
Wallace C. Stark v
Boalt Advocates
Up to $499
= 3+ Consecutive-year donor
For J A ME S J O S E P H ’72 , whose California roots and affinity
for the state run deep, helping Berkeley Law has long been a priority.
“My grandmother was a native Californian,” he says. “ UC is a bedrock
of the state, its prosperity is crucial to our interests, and the law
school is a wonderful institution that I’m proud to support.”
That sentiment blossomed in 2002, when James and a classmate
organized a reunion of their small first-year Property section. “That
group was the nucleus of my social life at Berkeley and we remained
friends all through law school,” James recalls. Three decades later,
well over half of the section’s members attended the reunion. “It felt
like we’d all seen each other last Thursday. That was a memorable
night and a powerful reminder of the school's importance in my life.”
James S. Ader v
William W. Bedsworth v
Daniel T. Berkley v
Dan Bertozzi, Jr.
Merrick J. Bobb
Kerry B. Conway v
James R. Farrand
Steven Finell
Irene R. Haynie v
Douglas W. Holt v
Janice E. Kosel v
Brian O. Leary
Ernest J. Maupin v
James T. Mooschekian
Allan D. Smirni
D. Rebecca Snow
Robert N. Weatherbeee
Planned Gift / Bequest
Bernard B. Barber III
Duke B. Diehl
Diane D. Eames
Robert D. Evans
Gene G. Harter
Joseph T. Kiefer
Mario M. Rosati
Class Members
Total Giving
Dean's Society Partners
$25,000 - $49,999
Mary Jo Christensen Shartsis v
Dean’s Society Members
$10,000 - $24,999
James C. Fowler v
Gene A. Lucero v
Deanna Ruth Rutter
* = Deceased
William Carey Jones Associates
$2,500 - $4,999
Steven S. Bell v
Richard K. Roeder v
Robin M. Edwards v
Dennis C. Sullivan v
Elizabeth Josselyn Boalt Associates
$5,000 - $9,999
Law School Sproul Associates
$1,000 - $2,499
David A. Rosenfeld
Max Edward Spring v
Bruce D. Sunstein v
Steven M. Woodside
Anonymous v
Robert L. Harris
Robert E. Izmirian v
Dennis S. Karjala v
Lynn Pasahow v
Frank C. Rothrock v
Ivor E. Samson v
William Carey Jones Associates
$2,500 - $4,999
Kappy K. Bristol v
William McGrane
Richard C. Neal
Society of 1912
$500 - $999
Law School Sproul Associates
$1,000 - $2,499
Jeffrey A. Kaplan
John M. Ottoboni v
Clyn Smith III
Don Tortorice
Edward J. Watson
Boalt Advocates
Up to $499
Robert C. Barrett v
Charles E. Costello
Bill Curran v
John F. Davis
Gayle L. Dukelow & Rosalyn S. Zakheim
Pedro B. Echeverria v
Harold G. Friedman
Auban A. Jackson
Susan J. Kawaichi v
Michael F. Kruley v
John L. Langslet v
Norman D. Menegat
William C. Moritz v
Salomon Quintero
Richard G. Schickele v
Robert N. Schiff
Mark D. Schiffmacher
Brian C. Walsh v
Jill C. White
Stephen T.
Class Members
Total Giving
Dean’s Society Partners
$24,999 - $49,999
Clare H. Springs
Dean’s Society Members
$10,000 - $24,999
= 3+ Consecutive-year donor
James P. Drummy v
Jeff A. Gorelick
Hartmut G. Grossman v
Stephen D. Kaus v
Steve Kostka
Alan S. Levins v
Natalie West v
Robert B. Yoshitomi v
Society of 1912
$500 - $999
Stevan C. Adelman
Richard D. Burstein v
Hans Bertram-Nothnagel v
Marsha Siegel Berzon v
Christopher Campbell
Susan Frelich Appleton
Susan Thomas Kattan
John G. Mackie v
Steven J. McCoy
Stephen A. Moe
Peter Eric Pollaczek v
Thomas G. Reddy v
Terrence S. Terauchi
Louis P. Warchot II v
Howard L. Wu v
Boalt Advocates
Up to $499
Anonymous (2)
Andrew R. Adler v
Russell D. Atkinson
Michael J. Baker v
David F. Boyle
Craig H. Casebeer v
Bertram Cohen
Steven R. Feldstein
Jose J. Garcia
Joseph M. Goldhammer v
Stephen G. Gould v
Ann Fingarette Hasse
Leslie A. Johnson
Jane F. Kauvar
Edward S. Labowitz v
Lynda M. Murphy
Thomas M. Norminton v
Michael E. Shapiro
Tower C. Snow, Jr. v
Terry L. Spitz
Teresa Tan
John E. Thorson
* = Deceased
J. Mark Waxman
Philip S. Weismehl v
Peter F. Welch v
Planned Gift / Bequest
Kappy K. Bristol
Ann F. Hasse
Archibald C. K. Kaolulo
Class Members
Total Giving
Dean’s Society Members
$10,000 - $24,999
Rick Sherman v
Elizabeth Josselyn Boalt Associates
$5,000 - $9,999
Peter J. Benvenutti & Lise A. Pearlman v
Jamie Jacobs-May
Martin A. Mattes v
Shirley Woo v
William Carey Jones Associates
$2,500 - $4,999
William T. Barker v
Eliot Jubelirer v
Jennifer Gee
Bill Goodman
Vida M. Holguin
Ted T. Kitada v
David Mannheimer
Arthur N. Marquis v
Bill Morrow
Penny N. Nakatsu v
Luis FP Palhares
Beth Summers
Tom Surh
Ellen Widess
Mary A. Yen
Planned Gift / Bequest
William T. Barker
Wayne A. Brooks
Robert S. Condie
Martin A. Mattes
Leonard C. Schwab
Ulrich Wagner
Class Members
Total Giving
Dean’s Society Partners
$24,999 - $49,999
Luke Ellis v
Law School Sproul Associates
$1,000 - $2,499
Dean’s Society Members
$10,000 - $24,999
Julie Conger
Thomas C. Given
Hal Kruth v
Robert L. Lawrence v
Lawrence Peitzman v
Guyla W. Ponomareff v
Christopher H. Schroeder v
Anne Trebilcock
Shirley A. Sanderson v
Society of 1912
$500 - $999
Paul J. Hall v
Peter S. Muñoz v
Stephen Stublarec v
Randall Barkan v
Robert C. Berring, Jr.
Tom Harriman v
Jane S. Kumin v
Eric S. Multhaup
James A. Murray
Alan M. Ramo
Ira G. Rivin
George A. Rutherglen v
David A. Schuricht v
John Seesel v
Thomas S. Williamson, Jr. v
Boalt Advocates
Up to $499
Arthur B. Ferguson, Jr.
Clifford E. Frieden v
Joseph C. Friedman v
Todd Fujinaga
Elizabeth Josselyn Boalt Associates
$5,000 - $9,999
Marc R. Palotay v
William Carey Jones Associates
$2,500 - $4,999
Law School Sproul Associates
$1,000 - $2,499
Anonymous v
Adrian Arima
Katharine T. Bartlett v
John E. Brown
Lance A. Ito v
Louis T. Lozano
Jane B. Moore
Dorothy K. Robinson
Jeffrey S. Roehl
John M. True III & Claudia Wilken v
Society of 1912
$500 - $999
Joanne B. Grossman v
Pamela S. Jue
Judith Droz Keyes v
Bruce E. Maximov v
Perry D. Mocciaro v
A. Larry Passar v
Bonnie Sun v
John R. Bonn v
Daniel A. Case v
Sarah G. Flanagan v
Ralph E. Hughes v
Warren R. Jensen v
Jonathan R. Paret v
Alan D. Pedlar v
Donald K. Tamaki v
Leslie Joyce Tchaikovsky v
Boalt Advocates
Up to $499
George D. Appelbaum
Elizabeth R. Arnold v
Norman A. Beil
Jo Brooks
Lani L. Ewart v
Alan M. Fenning
Kenneth P. Freiberg v
Stephen H. Gimber
Ellen S. Greenstone
Lawrence L. Hoenig v
Douglas P. Johnson
Alan M. Katz v
Alfredo M. Morales v
Marta L. Morando
Michelle A. Murphy &
Robert E. Perkins v
Norman Pine v
Stephen L. Porter
Michael H. Posner v
Sylvia Simmons Prozan v
David A. Ringnell v
William H. Webster
Society of 1912
$500 - $999
Anonymous v
Bruce I. Cohen v
John M. Grether v
R. Bradford Huss v
John S. Peterson v
Noel Ragsdale v
Alexander F. Wiles v
Paul M. Minault
Class Members
Total Giving
Anonymous v
Michael H. Bancroft v
Stefanie Beninato v
Carl S. Burak
The Honorable Thomas H. Cahraman v
Roger L. Hudson
Kenneth E. Keller v
Steven Kotz v
Ira J. Kurzban
Philip G. Peters, Jr.
Thomas G. Quinn v
Wilma R. K. Rader
Robert D. Reichman
Andrew H. Sawyer v
Ellen J. Sazzman
Sue Ann Levin Schiff
Donald A. Shapiro
Marjorie M. Shultz v
Roberta K. Spurgeon v
Ken H. Takayama v
Dean’s Society Counselors
$50,000 - $99,999
Planned Gift / Bequest
Charles Y. Tanabe v
Douglas R. Young v
Dean’s Society Members
$10,000 - $24,999
Elizabeth H. Eisenhardt v
J. Michael Hemmer v
Lawrence A. Hobel v
Michael C. Phillips v
Elizabeth Josselyn Boalt Associates
$5,000 - $9,999
David Carlyon v
William Carey Jones Associates
$2,500 - $4,999
Linda B. Lichter v
Thomas B. Worth v
Law School Sproul Associates
$1,000 - $2,499
Stefanie Beninato
Class Members
Total Giving
= 3+ Consecutive-year donor
Steven G. Zieff v
Law School Sproul Associates
$1,000 - $2,499
Elizabeth Josselyn Boalt Associates
$5,000 - $9,999
Eric K. Behrens & Joyce M. Hicks v
Peter M. Heinemann v
Joel Linzner
Bernard Lu v
Gregg Oppenheimer v
John O. Swendseid
John P. Warner v
Robert E. White v
Jeffrey C. Wolfstone
James M. Heslin v
Michael L. Martinez v
Jon Michaelson v
Angela Nomellini v
Bruce E. Coolidge v
Betsy Miller Jenning v
Soung-Soo Kim v
Charles E. Merrill v
Marv Pearlstein v
Douglas K. Porter
Guy A. Randles
Nina Rivkind v
Peter L. Shaw v
Society of 1912
$500 - $999
Boalt Advocates
Up to $499
Karen K. Ackerman v
Marcheta Allen v
Richard Cowart v
Lawrence A. Cox
Jacqueline C. Crowle & Charles T. Scott v
Robert R. Garcia
Ruth N. Holzman v
Jonathan D. Jerison v
David M. Louie
Richard M. Rosston v
Barbara L. Salomon v
Michele D. Stratton v
Emily E. Vasquez
Lee W. Cotugno v
Catherine DeBono Holmes v
Dean’s Society Members
$10,000 - $24,999
Class Members
Total Giving
Janet M. Alexander v
Colbert Matsumoto v
Lynne Carmichael v
Constance de la Vega v
Patrice M. Dusausoy
Alan B. Kalin
Stephen M. Kristovich v
Scott Lichtig
Thomas F. Maser
Richard E. Meade v
Stephanie C. Tramz
William Carey Jones Associates
$2,500 - $4,999
Law School Sproul Associates
$1,000 - $2,499
Planned Gift / Bequest
Dean’s Society Partners
$25,000 - $49,999
Dean’s Society Leadership Circle
$100,000 and above
Elizabeth J. Cabraser v
Mark D. Lubin v
Dean's Society Partners
$25,000 - $49,999
William Carey Jones Associates
Holly J. Fujie v
Anne Beroza v
Roger J. Peters v
Rick Robins v
Society of 1912
$500 - $999
Boalt Advocates
Up to $499
Planned Gift / Bequest
Dean’s Society Members
$10,000 - $24,999
$2,500 - $4,999
Stevens A. Carey
Glenn M. Gottlieb
Mark A. Itkin v
Wendy L. Krasner
Nancy G. Miller v
James J. Mittermiller v
Lillian Nakagawa Miyasaki v
Hiroshi Motomura v
Ralph A. Ongkeko v
Andrea L. Peterson v
Boalt Advocates
Up to $499
James B. Altman v
Maria L. Arevalo
Jeffrey P. Brandt
Stephen McG. Bundy v
Allison S. Butler
Wendy Carson v
Eva Y. Chan
Harold J. Evans v
Cynthia J. Giles
Peter H. Goldsmith
Dale A. Hudson v
Harris E. Kershnar v
Andrew R. Krakoff
Robert J. Lowe
W. T. Lowe
Deborah E. McFarland v
George J. McNabb v
Robert E. Moorehead v
Michael P. Murphy v
Charles R. Myers
Kenneth H. Natkin
Azike A. Ntephe
Vivian D. O'Neal
Julian E. Ponce v
Mark Rindner & Christine Schleuss v
Richard Roisman v
* = Deceased
Terry E. Roth
Alan Statman
Marcia Vandercook
Duff Zwald
Erika Wodinsky v
Class Members
Total Giving
Dean’s Society Partners
$25,000 - $49,999
James G. Gilliland, Jr. v
Dean’s Society Members
$10,000 - $24,999
Clothilde V. Hewlett v
Frederick T. Muto & Lynn Hart Muto
Elizabeth Josselyn Boalt Associates
$5,000 - $9,999
H. Lee Halterman v
Clothilde V. Hewlett v
William Carey Jones Associates
$2,500 - $4,999
Alexandra Laboutin Bannon v
Law School Sproul Associates
$1,000 - $2,499
Donald Arbitblit v
Madeline Chun v
Roy S. Geiger v
Fran M. Layton v
David L. Osias v
Society of 1912
$500 - $999
William A. Browner v
Edward M. Chen
Andrew J. Demetriou v
Douglas Cole Grijalva
Michael S. Himmel v
Mary Ann McCamant
Joseph Schlesinger v
Paul F. Scholtes
Joe C. Sorenson v
J. Martin Sproul
Boalt Advocates
Up to $499
Anonymous (2)
Timothy Davis v
Faith D. Dornbrand
Eric O. Freeberg
Randolph B. Godshall
Jo Ann Lach
Michael A. Lee v
Hon. Patricia M. Lucas v
James L. McGinnis v
Leigh-Ann Miyasato v
Roderick A. Rodewald v
Edward G. Weil
= 3+ Consecutive-year donor
Class Members
Total Giving
Dean’s Society Members
$10,000 - $24,999
Paul T. Clark v
William Carey Jones Associates
$2,500 - $4,999
Melvin F. Fortes v
Bob Infelise v
Charles R. Rice v
Thurman V. White, Jr v
Law School Sproul Associates
$1,000 - $2,499
Russell J. Austin v
Glenn D. Dassoff v
Albert Erkel, Jr. v
Norman P. Givant
Joel S. Goldman v
Scott Jacobson v
David A. Katz
Michael S. Mensik &
Marguerite M. Tompkins v
Gregory D. & Miriam V. Sheehan
David M. Vander Haar v
Judge Lydia Villarreal v
Timothy John Williams v
Society of 1912
$500 - $999
Victoria Brademan & Robert Allen Enholm v
Judge Kelvin D. Filer
Stephen D. Fraser & Deborah K. Miller v
Richard Freedman v
Stephen L. Garber v
Judge Raymond Z. Ortiz
Stephen M. Rummage v
Michael A. Sherman
Mark D. Whatley v
Timothy S. Williams v
Sook Young Yeu & Gillis L. Heller v
Boalt Advocates
Up to $499
Jennifer Bergovoy
Thor E. Buell v
Mark G. Chalpin v
Henrietta Cohen
Michael C. Cohen
Lee A. DuRard
Janet B. Fogel v
Bruce D. Fong & Virginia Lim v
Steven Formaker v
Doug M. Fraleigh v
David F. Gantz v
James D. Gordon III v
Albert T. Harutunian III v
Craig W. Hunter v
Lawrence M. Kopeikin
* = Deceased
Nancy Ludmerer
Elinora S. Mantovani
Vonya B. McCann v
Joel T. Perlstein v
Mark A. Stankevich
Geoffrey L. Thorpe v
Arline S. Tyler
Planned Gift / Bequest
Marcia A. Abrams
Victoria Brademan & Robert A. Enholm
Karen Stevenson
Class Members
Total Giving
Ted W. Cassman
J. Frederick Clarke, Jr. v
Martha K. Gooding
Elizabeth Harrison Hadley
Albert J. Kutchins
Margaret G. Leavitt & Alan B. Lilly v
Deborah J. Marx
Kenneth S. Meyers v
Wilhelm A. F. Moll v
Patricia M. Scanlon v
Lawrence L. Tong
Planned Gift / Bequest
Dorothy F. Dickey
Pamela M. Woods
Dean’s Society Partners
$25,000 - $49,999
Steven E. Bochner v
Dean’s Society Members
$10,000 - $24,999
Diana H. Staring v
Elizabeth Josselyn Boalt Associates
$5,000 - $9,999
John R. Box
Rebecca De Kalb
Dana P. Newman v
Class Members
Total Giving
Dean's Society Counselors
$50,000 - $99,999
Joel S. Sanders v
Dean’s Society Members
$10,000 - $24,999
Michael W. Hall v
Nancy R. Heinen v
Elizabeth Josselyn Boalt Associates
$5,000 - $9,999
Law School Sproul Associates
$1,000 - $2,499
Charles J. Stevens v
Robert Bramson v
Erik D. Dryburgh
Joel A. Feuer & Regina A. Stagg v
Sandra A. Golze v
Daniel G. Jordan v
Paul J. Klausner
John A. O'Malley
Lulu Zimmerman Witcoff
William Carey Jones Associates
$2,500 - $4,999
Society of 1912
$500 - $999
Guy D. Calladine
Peter W. Colby
Yura Wi Freedman v
Natalie L. Gubb v
Gillis L. Heller v
Ronald D. Kent
F. Daniel Leventhal v
Michael H. Whitehill v
David Daniel Wild v
Kenneth T. Zwick
Boalt Advocates
Up to $499
Anonymous (2) v
Diane Aaron v
Victoria C. Belco
Jeffrey L. Bornstein v
Virginia Ettinger Phillips v
Law School Sproul Associates
$1,000 - $2,499
Cathy A. Costantino v
Ana S. & Martin Fineman
Steven M. Jawetz v
Joseph D. Lee v
Gary B. Pruitt
David Witcoff
Edward L. Wolf v
Society of 1912
$500 - $999
Jennifer Bellah Maguire v
Mark G. Parnes
Jeffrey M. Sulenski v
Michael H. Zischke v
Boalt Advocates
Up to $499
Anonymous v
Wayne L. Bender v
Lydia Raleigh Berggren v
Bruce W. Blakely
Christopher Chase v
Barbara Clark
Tracy M. Getz v
Jeffrey A. Glick v
Mary K. Hedley v
John D. Henderson
Jeanne M. Kempthorne
Mark L. Kenchelian v
Donald M. Lewis III v
Brad A. Morrice v
Margaret Roisman v
Planned Gift / Bequest
Claudia M. Belcher
Lisa A. Goldfien
Class Members
Total Giving
Dean’s Society Members
$10,000 - $24,999
Gregory L. Hilbrich
Elizabeth Josselyn Boalt Associates
$5,000 - $9,999
Monica B. Rodal v
William Carey Jones Associates
$2,500 - $4,999
David D. Caron
Eric Chen v
Thomas B. McGuire, Jr. &
Josephine E. Powe v
Law School Sproul Associates
$1,000 - $2,499
David S. Blum v
Keith K. Hiraoka
Martina W. Knee v
F. Ron Krausz
Gerald A. Kurland &
Marta Thoerner Kurland v
Rena L. O'Malley
Ethan P. Schulman
Steven L. Smith v
Michael D. Stern
Mark D. Weinberg
Carol Davis Zucker v
Society of 1912
$500 - $999
R. Ann Fallon
A. Marina Gracias
Michael F. Grady
Allen B. Grodsky v
Laurie J. Howard
Beth L. Karpf
Lauren M. LaPietra v
Thomas D. Nevins III
= 3+ Consecutive-year donor
Neil E. Taxy v
Joel R. Singer
Boalt Advocates
Up to $499
Society of 1912
$500 - $999
Anonymous (2)
Ronald P. Albert
Mark S. Beaufait v
Lucia L. Blakeslee v
Richard Burger v
Kim E. Clark
Robert J. Faris v
Jonathan H. Hulbert v
Ann Jorgensen v
Esther Y. Kim v
Michael J. Korver
Douglas C. Michael v
Jo Ann M. Navickas
Ben Riley
James P. Rooney v
Carol Samek
Barton S. Selden
Timothy A. Stafford
Jacque Nims Westling v
Thomas Yamachika
Dennis O. Seymour, Jr. v
Eileen A. Shibata v
Richard P. Walker
Edward J. Willig III
Kim E. Clark
A. Marina Gracias
Ann Jorgensen
Clare H. Macdonald
Dean’s Society Members
$10,000 - $24,999
Paula E. Boggs v
Joanne Lahner v
Ellyn M. Lindsay v
Elizabeth Josselyn Boalt Associates
$5,000 - $9,999
David S. Carter v
Mark Pécheck v
William Carey Jones Associates
$2,500 - $4,999
Sally A. Drach & John M. Rosenthal v
Thomas N. Harding v
Steven L. Vettel v
Steven L. Wittels v
Law School Sproul Associates
$1,000 - $2,499
Stacey M. Byrnes
Scott A. Edelman v
Mary B. Foster v
Jay Fujitani v
Matthew W. Powell v
Society of 1912
$500 - $999
Jeffrey C. Eglash v
Koji Fujitani v
Nancy S. Pemberton v
Miriam Ducoff Smolen v
Boalt Advocates
Up to $499
Planned Gift / Bequest
Class Members
Total Giving
Jeffrey M. Chu & Tara K. Mochizuki v
Craig B. Etlin v
Anthony Aguirre
Carol L. Bussey v
Kenneth C. Byrne v
Margaret W. Capron
Charles N. Charnas v
Michael J. Dalton
Robert W. Denham
Beth M. Goldman
David C. Gurnick
William R. Hill
Robin D. Irvine v
Gail Ivens
Ann I. Jones
Joseph Lavitt
Monica R. Lee & Edward L. Molyneaux III v
Milton L. Lorig v
Kevin G. McCurdy
Crystal S. Needham
Laurinda Liguori Ochoa
Robert F. Roos v
Veronica Sanchez v
Bruce M. Slavin v
Jose P. Umali v
Richard G. Wallace v
Harry A. Zinn
Anonymous v
Thomas P. Amodio
Lee R. Bogdanoff
Elizabeth N. Brancart
Mary Coppinger Cutler v
Lisa J. Gold
Richard D. Gorelick v
Jason T. Hirschman v
Che Hong Lee v
Charmaine F. Mesina
Peter M. Patton
Daniel J. Schneider v
Matthew D. Schreiber v
Scott E. Starbird
Sergio A. Tejadilla
Katherine J. Thomson v
Stephen F. Tobias v
C. Brandon Wisoff
Marc A. Zeppetello v
Planned Gift / Bequest
Diane B. de Forest
Class Members
Total Giving
Boalt Advocates
Up to $499
Class Members
Total Giving
Dean’s Society Partners
$25,000 - $49,999
Dean’s Society Members
$10,000 - $24,999
Daniel S. Floyd v
Gail M. (Overcashier) Dolton
Nancy L. Fineman v
David J. Larwood v
Andrés Rivero v
Dean’s Society Members
$10,000 - $24,999
Gregory D. Call v
Lindsee P. Granfield v
Suzanne Greenberg v
William R. Lindsay v
Donna M. Petkanics v
William Carey Jones Associates
$2,500 - $4,999
Elizabeth Josselyn Boalt Associates
$5,000 - $9,999
Jack T. Sheridan v
William Carey Jones Associates
$2,500 - $4,999
Michael L. Charlson v
Robert L. Lin v
Bradley J. Rock v
James E. Castello
Jay W. Deverich
Duane Lyons & Tracie Tabor Lyons v
Miriam D. Starc v
Law School Sproul Associates
$1,000 - $2,499
Law School Sproul Associates
$1,000 - $2,499
Robert A. Chapman v
David A. Cheit
Ross A. Albert v
Karen L. Bowen
* = Deceased
Kenton J. King v
Dean’s Society Members
$10,000 - $24,999
Evan R. Cox v
Erika A. Kelton
Laura W. Young v
Elizabeth Josselyn Boalt Associates
$5,000 - $9,999
Richard A. Klubeck
Terdema L. Ussery II
William Carey Jones Associates
$2,500 - $4,999
Anonymous v
Jan Peeters
Law School Sproul Associates
$1,000 - $2,499
Linda M. Dardarian
Warren S. de Wied v
Stephen P. Freccero v
Ellen J. Garber v
Kate Jastram v
Thomas A. Letscher v
Dana S. Rieger
Denise M. Shea-Malcolm
Jonathan S. Simon v
Lewis B. Tarver, Jr. v
In her role as board president of the Angel Island Conservancy—
and in her marriage—GAIL DOLTON ’86 sees a strong link
between spousal support and charitable support. “Most couples
work out their giving decisions together,” she says. A key to her level
of giving to Berkeley Law is “my husband Doug being engaged and
impressed with the school. He loves attending moot court and
other events, and he sees what the school means to me.”
While serving on the alumni association board, she “quickly saw
that the need for alumni support is much greater than ever before.”
Gail, the general counsel at Parkside Lending, views alumni
engagement as integral to Berkeley Law's long-term success because
it “re-energizes people and reminds them what the school means
not only to them, but to the society in which we all live.”
Barbara H. Clement v
Millard A. Murphy v
Society of 1912
$500 - $999
Tony Bakos v
Albert J. Boro, Jr. v
Kent E. Cattani
David R. Stewart
Boalt Advocates
Up to $499
Anonymous v
George C. Aguilar
Paul Churchill v
Jason M. Cox v
Lauren B. Edelman
Jerome H. Friedberg v
Rina Hirai v
Claudia Valdez Knox
James C. Lu
Daniel R. Miller v
Karen S. Schryver v
Trina Thompson
Robert J. Trachtenberg
Laura I. Trejo
= 3+ Consecutive-year donor
Kathleen M. Vanden Heuvel
José H. Varela v
Planned Gift / Bequest
Laura E. Bresler
Gail (Overcashier) Dolton
Lauren B. Edelman
Barbra Shotel
Class Members
Total Giving
Dean’s Society Partners
$25,000 - $49,999
Class Members
Total Giving
Dean's Society Counselors
$50,000 - $99,999
Tracy K. Edmonson v
Dean’s Society Members
$10,000 - $24,999
Won-Kyou Ryou
Diane Stewart-Zezza v
Elizabeth Josselyn Boalt Associates
$5,000 - $9,999
Nancy L. Corshen
John W. Kuo v
Gisele C. Rainer
William Carey Jones Associates
$2,500 - $4,999
Evangelina M. Almirantearena v
Gregory T. Davidson v
Society of 1912
$500 - $999
Law School Sproul Associates
$1,000 - $2,499
Marque C. Chambliss
Michael A. Chasalow
Mitchell M. Chupack v
Leslie E. John
John H. Knox
Perry P. Oei v
Neil A. F. Popovic
William R. Sawyers v
William N. Hebert
John O. Horsley
Roger R. Myers
Anthony J. Richmond v
Christina A. Spaulding v
Claire A. Walls v
David E. Woodruff v
Boalt Advocates
Up to $499
Anonymous v
Anne Bruner Nash v
Genevieve T. Dougherty
Drew E. Edwards & Johanna M. Fontenot
Barbara A. Fain
G. Markell Fluckiger
Leah Gardner v
Joni T. Hiramoto
Crystal D. Johnson v
Neil J. Kearney v
Dora Y. Mao
Jason R. Marks v
Candace S. McCoy
Christer L. Mossberg
Chiahua Pan
John L. Petr v
Robert J. Plotkowski
David E. Sirias
Richard S. Taylor
Planned Gift / Bequest
William W. Bloch
Evan R. Cox
Syna N. Dennis
* = Deceased
Society of 1912
$500 - $999
Steven D. Anderson v
Ichiro Araki
Maureen Carden
Rosemarie Y. Nahm
Thomas A. O'Brien
William M. Scherer v
Virginia G. Villa
Maureen A. Young v
Boalt Advocates
Up to $499
Anonymous v
Erick J. Becker
Alfred W. Brandt
Damon M. Connolly
Loree A. Devery
James R. Dixon
Marina C. Hsieh
Daryl S. Landy
Janet Luck v
John F. Pinheiro
Kevin P. Quinn, SJ v
Joan Stieber
Wendy S. Strimling
Class Members
Total Giving
Planned Gift / Bequest
Ronald S. Epstein
Elizabeth Josselyn Boalt Associates
$5,000 - $9,999
Caroline D. Avery & Jon S. Tigar v
Debra L. Fischer v
James P. Ryan
William Carey Jones Associates
$2,500 - $4,999
Robert L. Falk v
Karen L. Kennard
Michael F. Tubach
Law School Sproul Associates
$1,000 - $2,499
Mark B. Abbott v
Steven W. Black
Brian E. Argrett v
Geoffrey M. Gold v
Geoffrey W. Haynes v
Steven Hellman v
Randall R. Lee v
Daniel E. O'Connor
Society of 1912
$500 - $999
Brian E. Argrett v
Carol L. Brownstein v
Thomas M. Cleary
Leon Dayan v
Diane M. Doolittle
Robert R. Holmen v
Kenneth M. Kliebard
Cynthia Lee v
Boalt Advocates
Up to $499
Scott H. Bauman
Jeff Bleich
Mark V. Boennighausen v
Leland Chan
Aron Cramer
Timothy P. Crudo
Laura N. Fashing
Robert C. Holtzapple v
David C. Kalemkarian v
Alison D. Keel v
Rebecca J. Kurland v
Diana L. Lee
Robin E. Miller & Daniel Rossi
Ilene N. Moore
Marco Quazzo
Amy J. Resner
Lois W. Schwartz v
Anita D. Stearns Mayo v
Ted S. Storey v
Anita F. Stork
Traci M. Tait
Julie Kusske Xanders v
= 3+ Consecutive-year donor
Class Members
Total Giving
Dean’s Society Members
$10,000 - $24,999
Robert P. Doty v
Kris & Tom Stoever v
Elizabeth Josselyn Boalt Associates
$5,000 - $9,999
Kathi J. Pugh v
William Carey Jones Associates
$2,500 - $4,999
Araceli Cole
Thomas A. Counts v
Juliet A. Davison v
Allan T. Marks v
Michael L. Schenkman v
John R. Tinkham
Law School Sproul Associates
$1,000 - $2,499
Gretta Goldenman
Mareta C. Hamre v
Clare M. Maier v
Felice & Chris McGrath
Kim A. Thompson
Michael L. Tuchin v
Society of 1912
$500 - $999
Juliet T. Browne & Jon W. Hinck v
David B. Feldman
Lisa Chavarria Goodglick v
Gregory N. Pimstone v
Boalt Advocates
Up to $499
Martin D. Bern
Christopher B. Conner v
Lt. Colonel Frank Delzompo, USMC &
Lisa Delzompo
Thomas Dorer v
David A. Ericksen v
Ellison Folk
Linda Q. Foy
George A. Gucker
Edwina C. Kavanaugh v
Paula R. Lee
J. Robert Renner v
Lawrence W. Ruth
John W. Sither v
K E V I N K E N N E D Y ’91 paid $700 a semester to attend
Berkeley Law. During his third year, the state imposed its first
supplemental fee on professional schools: $500. “From the reaction,
you would’ve thought they were amputating limbs,” Kevin recalls.
“The bargain my generation received on tuition meant most of us
didn’t appreciate how much it costs to run the law school or that
it needed alumni support. Times have obviously changed.”
A corporate partner at Simpson Thacher & Bartlett who recruits
at Berkeley Law every year, Kevin appreciates how the school has
bolstered its business law faculty ranks and course offerings.
“Most law firm jobs are corporate jobs, yet most law schools
focus on litigation,” he says. “It’s great to see Berkeley ramp up
its business law program so effectively.”
Class Members
Total Giving
William Carey Jones Associates
$2,500 - $4,999
Dean’s Society Counselors
$50,000 - $99,999
Dean’s Society Members
$10,000 - $24,999
Kevin P. Kennedy
Mark A. Lemley v
Elizabeth Josselyn Boalt Associates
$5,000 - $9,999
Holly Doremus v
Sean M. SeLegue v
James H. Abrams v
Rick W. Jarvis v
Law School Sproul Associates
$1,000 - $2,499
L. Rachel Lerman
Timothy A. Miller v
Society of 1912
$500 - $999
Andrew M. Kaplan v
Duy Q. Thai
Boalt Advocates
Up to $499
Edgar B. Cale III v
Claire Truxaw Cormier
Steven A. Ellis v
Amy Gustafson Finch v
Carl R. Goldberg v
Lorena E. Haynes
Steven S. Kimball
Trisha M. Kimura v
* = Deceased
Scott A. Kronland v
Kevin T. Lantry v
Marc S. Maister
Howard G. McPherson
Michael A. Rossi
Shelley J. Sandusky v
John E. Somorjai v
Claude B. Stansbury
Marta I. Tanenhaus
Katherine Knopoff Wadley v
Planned Gift / Bequest
Elizabeth A. Baus
Sean M. SeLegue
Planned Gift / Bequest
Class Members
Total Giving
Sue C. Hansen
Dean’s Society Counselors
$50,000 - $99,999
Anonymous v
Dean’s Society Members
$10,000 - $24,999
Leo B. Helzel v
Elizabeth Josselyn Boalt Associates
$5,000 - $9,999
David M. Barkan v
Jeffrey A. Kaiser
William Carey Jones Associates
$2,500 - $4,999
Angel A. Garganta
Alan G. Ross
Law School Sproul Associates
$1,000 - $2,499
Michael F. Kelleher
Alex M. Moisa &
Irma Rodriguez-Moisa v
Erika Rottenberg v
Sandee Simshauser
Jaime A. Villalobos
Robert Charles Ward
Society of 1912
$500 - $999
Alan A. Abrams, MD
Daniel B. Asimow & LeAnn G. Bischoff v
Joshua A. Lipp v
Robert B. Mison v
Julian K. Ong
Lorraine Y. Sumulong
Boalt Advocates
Up to $499
Richard L. Albores
Deborah E. Beck v
Gregory D. Bibbes
Susan Boenninghausen v
Raymond E. Cannon & John J. Sullivan v
Thel W. Casper
Bettina M. Fernandez
Lisa B. Fitzgerald
Sue C. Hansen v
Daniel Juarez
Caroline S. Lee & Stephen L. Raucher v
Patricia R. Lenzi v
Howard Shelanski v
Adam P. Siegman
Dionne G. Sinclair
Raymond P. Weschler v
Chun Wright v
= 3+ Consecutive-year donor
Class Members
Total Giving
Lawrence E. Mittin
Michael B. Schwarz v
Law School Sproul Associates
$1,000 - $2,499
Anonymous v
Cheryl L. Berg & Jesse Berg
Daniel J. Cloherty v
Stephanie Gold v
Suzanne T. Michel v
Jonathan M. Palmer & Kara Diane Palmer v
Yvonne M. Pierrou & Michael D. Prough v
Boalt Advocates
Up to $499
Charles K. Ashley
Raul Cadena
William H. Fernholz v
Thomas L. Freedman v
Kimberly A. Gaab v
William T. Gallagher v
James W. Govert
Kyle W. Hoffman
Joyce L. Hom Jones
Petrina S. Hsi
Ann H. Kim v
Melonie J. McCall
Daphne Moore v
James R. Potter v
Michael N. Rosner
Serra M. Tsethlikai
Yiping Yang v
* = Deceased
Class Members
Total Giving
William Carey Jones Associates
$2,500 - $4,999
Hassan A. Zavareei
Elizabeth Josselyn Boalt Associates
$5,000 - $9,999
David Y. Otsuka v
Law School Sproul Associates
$1,000 - $2,499
Monica K. Cloherty v
Lee A. Edlund v
Daniel L. Pines
Ellen J. Rubin v
Nicole M. Ryan
Byron Shoji v
Charles W. Welch v
Tom Peckham v
Michelle W. Waites v
Arthur C. Young
Boalt Advocates
Up to $499
Mark D. Lucia v
Stephen M. Miller v
Craig D. Norris
Rachel Nosowsky
Cathy J. Ostiller v
David F. Rees & Linly Ferris Rees v
Eric J. Rosenzweig v
Yael R. Schauder
Frank E. Solomon v
Sarah C. Wilson
Dean’s Society Leadership Circle
$100,000 and above
David A. Carrillo
Law School Sproul Associates
$1,000 - $2,499
Anonymous v
Mario L. Barnes v
Kuk Cho
Brett E. Cooper v
Alyssa T. Koo v
Alexandre B. Makler v
Society of 1912
$500 - $999
Nicole M. Bartow v
Matthew S. Forsyth v
Tor Gronborg v
Nicole D. Harris v
Paniti Junhasavasdikul
Matthew F. Roberts v
Stephanie Sue Powers Skaff
Thomas N. Stephens v
Boalt Advocates
Up to $499
Society of 1912
$500 - $999
Class Members
Total Giving
Dean's Society Members
$10,000 - $24,999
Mallun Yen v
William Carey Jones Associates
$2,500 - $4,999
Anthony C. Infanti v
Rhonda R. Trotter v
James D. Vaughn
Robert A. Schlesinger
A. Marie Villafaña
Darren M. Trattner v
William Carey Jones Associates
$2,500 - $4,999
Society of 1912
$500 - $999
Planned Gift / Bequest
Andrew M. Agtagma
Gretchen Bosschart Barber
Steven A. Childress
Stephanie E. Deaner
Patrick J. Farrell v
David R. King
Joshua E. Kirsch
Deborah C. Lambe v
Lisa A. Mammel
Anna E. Muzzy v
Laura H. Parsky v
Scott A. Shorr v
Laird P. Steverango v
Glenda M. Zarbock
Class Members
Total Giving
Dean’s Society Partners
$24,999 - $49,999
Mitch Zuklie v
Dean’s Society Members
$10,000 - $24,999
Jason Lemkin v
Elizabeth Josselyn Boalt Associates
$5,000 - $9,999
Karen I. Boyd
Matthew W. Close v
Law School Sproul Associates
$1,000 - $2,499
Peter Goss v
Gilbert M. Labrucherie, Jr.
James J. Fontanilla v
Society of 1912
$500 - $999
Robert S. Schlossman
JoAn Cho & Satoshi Yanai v
Boalt Advocates
Up to $499
J. Taylor Browning
Jon Dean
James N. Eder v
Jonathan M. Eisenberg v
Adrianna E. Guzman
Brian M. Maney
Miguel A. Marquez
Brooks A. Olbrys v
Christopher H. Pederson v
JL Piscitello v
Ted Mermin & Claudia Polsky v
Mark D. Servino v
Emily A. Smith
Robert E. Solomon v
Jessica Takano v
Yen B. Trac v
Christopher D. Watkins
Class Members
Total Giving
Elizabeth Josselyn Boalt Associates
$5,000 - $9,999
Jennifer Salzman Romano
Law School Sproul Associates
$1,000 - $2,499
Lisa Arakaki v
Sabing H. Lee
Jahna M. Lindemuth
Society of 1912
$500 - $999
Julie S. Turner
Boalt Advocates
Up to $499
Anonymous v
AJ Aquilina v
Shona L. Armstrong v
David W. Bowker v
Jess Bravin v
Catherine J. Carter
Margaret Nell Fitzgerald v
Thomas B. Ginsburg v
Steven R. Harmon v
Nan Joesten
Vincente Martinez
= 3+ Consecutive-year donor
Cromwell R. Montgomery v
Jamie N. Nafziger-White
Kurt B. Opsahl v
Diana D. Perry-Elby v
Gary A. Pulsinelli v
Carita T. Shanklin Walker v
Linda P. Shih v
Brad Simon v
Jojiro Takano v
Osa L. Wolff v
Brent Yamashita v
Class Members
Total Giving
Kenneth DeLeon
Michael S. Kwun v
Therese M. Leone
Adam P. Schwenker
Society of 1912
$500 - $999
Raymond K. Amanquah & Yanira G. Wong v
Samuel Craig Dibble v
Bradley A. Harsch & Mutya Fonte Harsch
Randall Keen v
Jason Skaggs & Lisa Martins Skaggs v
Law School Sproul Associates
$1,000 - $2,499
Keith Garner & Jenny Park Garner
Christine Foster Li v
Jeff Schrepfer v
Catherine Shuck v
Sona D. Shah
Jennifer K. Achtert v
Andrea Christine Brunetti
David N. Cassuto v
Elizabeth Bell Celniker
Elizabeth L. Riles Clements v
Randal John De Jong
Jon Dowell v
Ninia Parks Elsey
Andrew Esbenshade v
Cecilia Estolano
Kelly S. Howick & Robby W. Mockler v
Peggy Huang
Christopher Jon Jewell
Caitlin M. Liu
Steven Thaddeus Wlodek
Debbie Yee v
William Carey Jones Associates
$2,500 - $4,999
Vivian W. Chang v
Christian A. Chu v
Yury Kapgan v
Anne E. Mahle v
William Carey Jones Associates
$2,500 - $4,999
Boalt Advocates
Up to $499
Class Members
Total Giving
William Carey Jones Associates
$2,500 - $4,999
Roxanna M. Altholz
Phoenix X. Cai
Justin S. Chang v
Lizbeth H. Flores Garces
Johnny J. Graves v
Ingrid Loran-Haranqui
Matthew A. Mallet
Jennifer J. Starks
Christina M. Wheeler v
Class Members
Total Giving
Karl W. Torke
Jennifer M. Urban
Elisa A. Vitanza
Society of 1912
$500 - $999
Drew Davis v
Heather Mewes
Gillian N. Brown v
Deborah McInnes Festa v
Alison P. Howard v
James Li
Boalt Advocates
Up to $499
Law School Sproul Associates
$1,000 - $2,499
Class Members
Total Giving
Law School Sproul Associates
$1,000 - $2,499
Law School Sproul Associates
$1,000 - $2,499
Salima A. Merani, PhD v
Jaewan Park
Joshua S. Rider v
Junfeng Wang
Society of 1912
$500 - $999
Mie Fujimoto
Boalt Advocates
Up to $499
Ethan B. Andelman v
Scott B. Birkey v
Gerrit Warren Bleeker v
Rebecca S. Engrav v
Daisy Y. Ha v
Erika K. Mikkelsen Halford
Jason P. Hannigan
Liv K. Hassett
Alexandra V. Huneeus
Randall B. Lewis
Eric A. Moon v
Michael D. Murphy v
Julie A. Salamon
Michael J. Sawyer
Monica C. Hayde Schreiber v
Mary Elizabeth Smith v
Society of 1912
$500 - $999
Kate Bartow v
Jennifer L. Polse
Brian Procel v
Sandra J. Santos
Boalt Advocates
Up to $499
Daska P. Babcock
Rachel A. Birkey v
Jonathan Stuart Brown v
Anita Starchman Bryant v
Dawn Marie Ceizler v
Katherine C. Zarate Dulany
Katherine Anne Fleet
Sinclair S. Hwang
Jennifer Kobayashi
Lea S. McDermid
Laura E. Neish v
Tracy Eila Reichmuth v
Rick Rifenbark
Andrew K. Schultz
Pratik A. Shah v
Sandra M. Spector
Susanna E. Squier
Suzu Tokue
Margaret Vasey
Alicia Natalie Vaz
Anna Wang v
Hope S. Whitney
Gunnar Wolf v
* = Deceased
Law School Sproul Associates
$1,000 - $2,499
Law School Sproul Associates
$1,000 - $2,499
Boalt Advocates
Up to $499
Kevin K. Babikian v
Lisa Delehunt Olle v
Scott Yu
Sasha R. Abrams
Miranda-Lin S. Bailey v
Will T. DeVries v
Society of 1912
$500 - $999
Society of 1912
$500 - $999
Anonymous v
Wenfang Chen v
Brian R. Guth
Karen B. Petroski
Bronwen A. Blass
Ryan J. Casamiquela v
Josephine C. Choy
Ramona Mateiu v
Erik R. Stallman
Law School Sproul Associates
$1,000 - $2,499
Boalt Advocates
Up to $499
J. Manena Bishop
Mikako T. Cho v
Michael Darron Jay
Annie & Jason Lam v
Shannon D. Rozner v
Maral A. Aristakessian v
Michelle E. Armond
Emily L. Berning
Robert A. Binion
Demetrius Chapin-Rienzo
Matthew P. Chapman v
K. Elizabeth Dahlstrom
Hayley C. Goodson v
Matthew Heyn & Andrea Heyn
John E. Janhunen
Lori Kepner
Jennifer R. Larson v
Thuy Thi Le
Howard T. Loo
Amir A. Naini v
Nicole A. Ozer
Sheila A. Quinlan v
Sarah M. Ray
Andrea Saunders Rifenbark
Hillary A. Ronen
Sunaina Sharma
Matthew J. Syrkin v
Stefanie G. West
Katherine L. Zucca
Erica K. Zunkel v
Catherine S. Ahn
Rachael Burnson & Javier C. Rivera
Erin Carroll v
Andrea J. Fitanides
Hartwell V. Harris v
Sung-Mei Hsiung
Elizabeth E. Hunter v
Ann L. Kim
Adrianna B. Kripke v
Elizabeth Lin
Anupama K. Menon
Elizabeth J. Miles
Enrique A. Monagas v
Ann M. O'Leary v
Beko Reblitz-Richardson &
Miyoko Savage
Mark Uzane Schneiderman
Nisha K. Shah
Sky C. Stanfield
Jasmine M. Starr
Kaja Tretjak
Felix T. Wu v
Class Members
Total Giving
Dean's Society Members
$10,000 - $24,999
Society of 1912
$500 - $999
Franklin B. Goldberg v
Christopher Jonathan Schafer v
Timothy Yuchi Sung
Sabra-Anne Rachel Truesdale
Boalt Advocates
Up to $499
Erin J. Antebi
Maki Arakawa v
Katherine Race Brin v
Lauren Y. Clairicia
Nathan M. Dooley
Warren F. Fox v
Michael Franzinger
Nina C. Geneson Otis v
Daniel Gerber
Katherine H. Gordon
Dana N. Hirschenbaum v
Deborah A. Leonard
Daniel H. Mao v
Ana Cheney Moon v
Denise Lillian Riley v
Mara & Ben Shreck
Jason Todd Snyder v
Thomas S. Wyatt
Planned Gift / Bequest
Stefanie G. West
Planned Gift / Bequest
Cheng-Ling Chen
Class Members
Total Giving
Dean's Society Members
$10,000 - $24,999
Class Members
Total Giving
= 3+ Consecutive-year donor
Dean’s Society Members
$10,000 - $24,999
Frank Martin v
William Carey Jones Associates
$2,500 - $4,999
Benson R. Cohen v
Benjamin Juhyeok Kim
Alisa D. Nave
Kathleen A. Janus
Boalt Advocates
Up to $499
* = Deceased
Laura C. Altieri
Michelle W. Anderson
Volinka D. Augustenborg
Rana Awad
Jennifer C. Bretan v
Shanda C. Chapin-Rienzo
Mikel Diez Sarasola
Steven J. Feldstein
Yan Ge
Victoria K. Hall
Fumihiko Hori v
Kristi A. Hughes v
James A. Johnson
Mohammad N. Kashmiri
Hsiao C. Mao
Karen C. Marchiano
Araceli Martinez-Olguin v
Deborah K. Miller v
Anna T. Pletcher
Marnie E. Riddle
Kathy Roberts
Bhanu K. Sadasivan
Aaron C. Stonecash v
Sonja M. Strahm
Jason S. Takenouchi v
Winslow B. Taub
Claudia M. Vetesi
Planned Gift / Bequest
S. Davis Carniglia
Kristin L. O'Hanlon
Class Members
Total Giving
Law School Sproul Associates
$1,000 - $2,499
Class Members
Total Giving
David A. Taylor
Society of 1912
$500 - $999
Robert da Silva Ashley
Prisca Bae
Joanna Rosen
David C. Yang v
Law School Sproul Associates
$1,000 - $2,499
Boalt Advocates
Up to $499
Liwen A. Mah v
Noah S. Rosenthal
Amanjit S. Arora
Steven S. Benolkin
Justin T. Berger
Marc T. Campopiano
James B. Duff v
Zachary O'Neill Fallon
Jennifer A. Huber
Sumin Joo
Melanie R. Kay
Cheryl Galindo Kushida
Henry H. Lau
Michael R. Lepie
Tara C. Lundstrom
Rashad J. Morris
Society of 1912
$500 - $999
Elizabeth Hope Eng v
Phillip G. Freemon v
Jennie Kim v
Yen P. Nguyen v
Yungsuhn Park v
Bryan W. Wahl v
Megan A. Jennings
John D. Le & Madelene Sun
Jessica L. Loarie
Lenin E. Lopez
Markus Lotz
Joseph B. McInnis &
Virginia M. Zaunbrecher v
Jenna Musselman Yott
Niccolo Pallesi
Teresa Panepinto
Puneet K. Sandhu
Matthew Joseph Schutte
Sarah C. Spiegel
Sarah E. Simmons Spires v
Alison R. Watkins v
Bryant Y. Yang
More than eight years have passed since TAVY DUMONT ’06
finished law school. But even now, as a solo practitioner, Berkeley
Law remains deeply ingrained in her everyday work. “Pretrial Civil
Litigation taught me a great deal about persuasive writing and
I still refer to my notes from Advanced Legal Research,” Tavy reveals.
“What I liked best about Berkeley was being around so many
amazingly smart people.”
Tavy, who handles consumer class actions on behalf of plaintiffs,
says that “wanting to give back is natural.” She worries that as
California’s budget allocations toward higher education continue
to decline, student loan debts for Berkeley Law graduates continue to
rise. “With the loss of state funding,” Tavy says, “alumni engagement
is more important than ever.”
Carly O'Halloran Alameda
Matthew C. Peterson
Sarah Rackley Olson
Sachiel P. Slavin
Society of 1912
$500 - $999
Christina G. Hioureas Spencer J. Pahlke
Jessica S. Parsons
Class Members
Total Giving
Boalt Advocates
Up to $499
William Carey Jones Associates
$2,500 - $4,999
Laura Evans v
Law School Sproul Associates
$1,000 - $2,499
Thomas S. Fletcher
Scott A. Zimmermann v
= 3+ Consecutive-year donor
Sarah B. Angel
Robert Lee Boone, Jr.
Corinne I. Calfee v
Sean M. Callagy
Janette D. Catron v
Shelley L. Cavalieri
Stephen Dang
Anand H. Das
Sharla K. Draemel
Lara K. Eilhardt
Ali Ezzatyar
Mark R. Feeser v
Irene V. Gutierrez
Ruth L. Hawley
Patrick T. Hein v
Cameron L. Holland
Neelam Ihsanullah
Class Members
Total Giving
Law School Sproul Associates
$1,000 - $2,499
Samson O. Asiyanbi v
Robert B. Cunningham v
Mei-Jung Huang
Hirotaka Okada v
Stephen P. Sibold v
Richard V. Swearingen v
Katherine A. Trefz
Kai Zhu v
Society of 1912
$500 - $999
Christopher D. Ahn
Joshua R. Benson & Katherine C. Lubin
Hector O. Huezo v
Hyun-Sook Kang
Michael Tsung-Tsun Lii
Jessica D. Mendoza
Jason C. Wright
Boalt Advocates
Up to $499
Zachary B. Allen
Mojgone Azemun v
Adele R. Bagley
Brien C. Bell
Andrew S. Bragin
Theresa Ann Buckley
Timothy Vincent Capozzi v
Genevieve L. Casey
Jenny W. Cheung
Chhunny Chhean
Steve C. Chiu
Phillip R. Clark
Ian D. Clunies-Ross v
Diana Friedland v
Alan J. Galloway
Jennifer M. Gómez
Sarah T. Grossman-Swenson &
Robert W. Studley
Misti D. Groves v
Andrew T. Hayashi
Jayni Foley Hein v
Yaser Herrera
Justin G. Hewgill
Aubry R. Holland
Tsuyoshi Ikeda v
Puneet V. Kakkar
Patricia M. Keady
Alexis P. Kelly
Monique E. Liburd
Theodore McCombs
Sarala V. Nagala & Alexander S. Rosas
Tu Quyen Pham
Daniel Joseph Pollak
Masha M. Polyakov
Katherine K. Rankin
Michael J. Rosen-Prinz
David B. & Megan Z. Snyder
Deana S. Sobel
Julianne M. Spears v
Armilla T. Staley-Ngomo
Christina K. Stearns
Martin R. Sul
Matthew S. Tiberio v
Sarah K. Webb
Class Members
Total Giving
Law School Sproul Associates
$1,000 - $2,499
Helena J. Engfeldt
Society of 1912
$500 - $999
Brandon Hugh Brown
Cortlin H. Lannin v
Jose Luis Lopez
Boalt Advocates
Up to $499
Anonymous v
Luiz A. Arroyo
Katherine L. Bromberg
Katherine E. Burdick
Mari M. Calder
Micaela S. Davis
Meredith R. Dearborn
Sarah M. Edwards
Aaron Justin Epstein v
Christine A. Fujita
Tamar R. Gubins v
Vina N. Ha
Lindsay M. Harris & Brian R. Israel v
Matthew Brian Henjum
Joey J. Hipolito
Sally Huang
Christine J. Hung v
Jennifer R. Jeffers v
Elizabeth A. Kaplan v
Mallika Kaur
Thomas J. Kearney
Joshua M. Keesan
Boris Kogan
Allison C. Kop
* = Deceased
Anna M. Krieger
Michaela L. Lozano v
Elizabeth D. Mauldin
Michael J. McCarthy
Camille L. Milder
Karla C. Perez
Marc A. Pilotin
Ezekiel Lee Rauscher
Kimberly A. & Stuart J. Robinson v
Margaret A. Sexton
Jaclyn M. Shull-Gonzalez
Jennifer A. Stalzer
Lisa Stockholm
Julia D. Taylor v
Sarah R. Weinman
Class Members
Total Giving
Class Members
Total Giving
Elizabeth Josselyn Boalt Associates
$5,000 - $9,999
Kye J. Lee
Society of 1912
$500 - $999
Raghav R. Krishnapriyan
James M. Ro
Law School Sproul Associates
$1,000 - $2,499
Boalt Advocates
Up to $499
Shane G. Smith
Anonymous v
Alexander D. Baxter
Laura C. Beckerman
Theodore B. Blank
Sophia H. Calderon
Stephanie G. Clark
Allison E. Crow
April M. Elliott
Elizabeth C. Eraker
William S. Friedman v
Sara B. Giardina
Jennifer E. Goldman
Maeve E. & Sean E. Goodbody v
Gretchen L. Gordon
Devin J. Heckman v
Blake J. Holland
Roshanak K. Jones
Daniel K. Kolta
Bradley D. Krack
Veronika Krizova
Jullie Z. Lal
Ryan S. Lincoln
Elanor A. Mangin
Caitrin McKiernan
Adam J. McNeile
William A. Moseley
Jana M. Moser
William B. Most
Kimpo Ngoi
Kuruvilla J. Olasa
Julia M. Powers
Jay Purcell
Vivek J. Rao & Elizabeth B. Schroeder
Ellen G. Rheaume
Joseph R. Rose
Adam F. Shearer
Gregory G. Sperla
Patrick C. Bageant
Adam Blankenheimer v
Timothy S. Hughes
Boalt Advocates
Up to $499
Anne E. Abramowitz
Charles Owen Ainscough
Takeshi Akiba v
Cheryl Andrada
Amanda H. Beck
Sunil Bector v
Benjamin Richard Botts v
Lucero Chavez
Irina Dardik
Vartanoush M. Defterderian
Kurt M. Denk v
Alexander K. DiGiorgio
Gustavo R. Do Couto E Silva
Janaki S. Gandhi
Atteeyah E. Hollie v
Nandini K. Iyer
Aurora V. Kaiser
Nathan S. Kamesar
Sarah M. Keane v
Christina C. Kogan
Anson Lau
Jonas B. Lerman
Rebecca S. Liu
Sumit Mallick & Allison O. Watkins v
Elizabeth Ann Martin
Roberto E. Meraz
Tobias A. Meyer
= 3+ Consecutive-year donor
Maya P. Waldron
Christoffer E. Waselius
Meredith S. Wilensky
Kelly K. Yang
William Carey Jones Associates
$2,499 - $4,999
Society of 1912
$500 - $999
Micah R. Sucherman
Lynn M. Ta
Natalie Torres
Julia S. Van de Walle
Summer W. Volkmer
Samuel J. Weiner
Lala T. Wu
Leslie A. Wulff
Jeslyn A. Miller
John M. Montague
Dinah X. Ortiz
Sarah Pauly
Vanessa Joan Reid v
Mark T. Rumold v
Jonathan H. Singer
Alexis A. Sohrakoff
Neil A. Warren
Sarah Faye Weiss v
Shane B. Witnov v
Class Members
Total Giving
Dean’s Society Partners
$25,000 - $49,999
Anonymous v
Law School Sproul Associates
$1,000 - $2,499
Sarah R. Moros
Tracy M. Tefertiller
Boalt Advocates
Up to $499
Arusyak Abrahamyan
Briana M. Abrams
Zachary L. Baron v
Audrey A. Barron
Zachary T. Bohlender
David A. Brown
Elena V. Elkina
Andrew C. Fong v
Nicholas D. Fram
Mary M. Gilbert
Makda A. Goitom
Nell M. Green Nylen v
Brett M. Hammon
Amir Hassanabadi
Ana C. Herrera
Justin H. Ho
Jerome S. Hsiang
Matthias A. Inderkum
Jill N. Jaffe v
Suzanne E. Jaffe
Danielle A. Kendrick
Aliya A. Khan
Judith K. Lê
Vum K. Mang
Katherine E. McGrath
Thomas S. Meister
Aylin Oncel
Eddy Park
Peter M. Perez
Silvana A. Quintanilla v
Cara H. Sandberg
Rebecca J. Schonberg
Karina A. Smith
Adam B. Sterling
Philip J. Tassin
Cole H. Taylor
Rachel M. Terp
Emily Tienken v
Hoai-Mi V. Vu
Class Members
Total Giving
Boalt Advocates
Up to $499
Joseph V. Bui
Melanie M. Cole
Brian C. Corman
Nathan C. Damweber
Anna M. Dorn
Holly H. Dranginis
Lauren G. Escher
Felicity L. Grisham
Parhaum J. Hamidi
Gregory M. Holtz II
Zi Wei Hu
Saira A. Hussain
Michelle B. Iorio
Nicholas R. Jimenez
Shayla M. Johnson
Sophie B. Kaiser
Maya B. Karwande
Molly L. Leiwant
Jane A. Levich
Peggy P. Li
Daniel J. Mandel
Christopher L. Martin
Susannah K. Martin
Kaitlyn M. Murphy
Kei Nishimura
Ann Mary E. Olson
Ian K. Peck
Somerset M. Perry v
Kealoha K. Pualani
Ann E. Sagan
Molly A. Smolen
Samona L. Taylor
Mary Tharin v
Charlynn L. Weissenbach
Julia R. Weissman
Sam A. Wheeler
Class Members
Total Giving
Society of 1912
$500 - $999
Linda C. Geballe
Anne T. Hilby
Boalt Advocates
* = Deceased
Up to $499
Gabriella A. Ahdoot
Devon A. Ahearn
Saba N. Ahmed
Colin Z. Allred
Easha Anand
Aida Ashouri
Elena R. Barnert
Brandy L. Barnes
Jennifer L. Barnette
Haley N. Bavasi
Amy L. Belsher
Laura E. Bishop
Carolyn S. Blumenfeld
Tristan H. Brown
Keagan D. Buchanan
Jennifer N. Cadet
Lauren M. Capaccio
Kaloma N. Cardwell
Amanda M. Case
Emily H. Chen
Terence H. Chen
Theresa H. Cheng
James P. Cho
Eric R. Cohen
Cameron M. Cook
Joseph L. Cooter
Paul M. Cox
Timothy M. Cronin
Eric D. Cuellar
Anna S. Daniel
Celia G. De Pentheny O'Kelly
Kayla D. Delgado
Sylvia L. Detar
Jessica L. Diaz
Samuel J. Diaz
Angel S. Diaz
Daniel G. Dobies
Katherine J. Duncan
Alan C. Enriquez
Kathryn A. Eshbaugh
Christina R. Farmer
Jesse M. Finfrock
Natalie K. Flechsig
Rommy L. Flores
Benjamin T. Fox
Zachary J. Franklin
Nicole A. Fritz
Yahor Fursevich
Grant R. Garber
Maria C. Garrett De Lievano
Megan M. Gentry
Rebecca L. Gindi
Joshua P. Glucoft
Katie R. Glynn
Jeremymichael P. Goldstein
Andrew J. Gordon
Elizabeth A. Hadzima
Sara Haji
Shahmeer A. Halepota
Susan S. Har
Brittany G. Harwood
Shana R. Heller
George Horvath
Grace Hsu
Casey A. Hultin
Naomi C. Hung
Antonio L. Ingram
Louisa S. Irving
Katie M. Jackson
Phillip A. Johnston
= 3+ Consecutive-year donor
Robert D. Jurrens
Amanda M. Karl
Stephanie J. Kelly
Stacie O. Kinser
Jesse J. Koehler
Brianna C. Kohr
Kevin Kraft
Robin L. Kuntz
Catherine Y. Kwon
Nicholas M. Lampros
Jamie L. Lanphear
Allison M. Lauterbach
Karina A. Layugan
Rebecca C. Lee
Alex S. Li
Leilani Lipa
Lujing Liu
Elisabeth L. Long
Steven A. Lopez
Mary C. Loum
Lalitha D. Madduri
Julia Z. Marks
Cara L. McGarian
Patrick S. McNally
Kevin P. Meil
Eduard Meleshinsky
Patrick T. Metz
Paul D. Meyer
Gabriel A. Militello
Nathaniel P. Miller
Reetu D. Mody
Chase R. Morello
Sana N. Munasifi
Marienna H. Murch
John Muse-Fisher
Veronica Nauts
Adam E. Nguyen
Megan K. Niedermeyer
Alma M. Nieto
Justin Orr
Sarah W. Orrick
Edward H. Osher
Janine F. Panchok-Berry
Lindsay C. Parham
Jalem Z. Peguero
Jahnavi V. Pendharkar
Jillian A. Pesin-Fulop
Amber V. Phillips
Danielle C. Pierre
Nathan B. Piller
Maxwell H. Pines
Rebecca Popuch
Meredith R. Pressfield
Alexandra R. Pressman
Valentina Restrepo
Jeanne U. Reyes
Kathryn A. Robinette
Page S. Robinson
Ashley N. Rodriguez
Whitney L. Rubenstein
Kimya Saied
Juan C. Sanchez
Joseph C. Santiesteban
Katherine H. Schaefer
Cristina H. Sepe
Donald E. Shackelford
Jonathan S. Sidhu
Anuradha Sivaram
Lauren E. Smith
Emily R. Soeder
Bryn E. Starbird
Julia C. Stephanides
Berkeley Law's Student-Initiated Legal Services Projects (SLPS)—
founded and run by students—identify a legal need and provide
direct services to underserved communities. While working on
three such projects, MO N A TAY LO R ’13 routinely saw
fellow students spend their own money on supplies, tackle
administrative tasks, and coordinate fundraising. “I wanted to
help,” she says.
These days, Mona’s “small but consistent” monthly donations
help students focus on the high-impact legal work they came
to do. “Law school can beat you down, but SLPS lifted me up,” she
says. “The programs have so much to offer: hands-on experience,
mentoring, exposure to real clients… I may no longer live near
Berkeley, but I can stay involved with this community that had
such a positive impact on so many of us.”
Sara C. Stephens
Michael L. Su
Shyaam N. Subramanian
Penni K. Takade
Andrew B. Talai
Logan T. Talbot
Ioana E. Tchoukleva
Rukayatu Tijani
Jennifer D. Truong
Robert A. Underwood
James A. Unger
Fabiano P. Valerio
Kimberley C. Weber
Ethan M. Weiner
Samuel R. Welch
Heather A. Welles
Samuel A. Wilson
Joseph T. Wimsett
Lillian I. Wood
Alexandra A. Wood
Efan Wu
Benjamin J. Yood
Hae Ri You
Winny Young
Society of 1912
$500 - $999
Benjamin H. Asch ’15
Boalt Advocates
Up to $499
Lauren M. Hudson ’15
Lora J. Krsulich ’16
John D. Maher ’16
Stephanie L. Postal ’16
Lindsay N. Walter ’16
* = Deceased
Dean’s Society Leadership Circle
$100,000 and above
Law School Sproul Associates
$1,000 - $2,499
Anonymous v
David A. Carrillo ’95
Pamela Samuelson v
Robert P. Bartlett & Victoria Plaut v
Cheryl L. Berg ’93
George H. Brown
Robert D. Cooter
Laurel Fletcher & Jeff Selbin v
Mark Gergen
Jennifer M. Granholm & Daniel Mulhern
John R. Hetland
Kate Jastram ’87 v
Thomas M. Jorde
Gillian Lester & Eric Talley
John K. McNulty
Melissa E. Murray
Thomas H. Reynolds
Harry N. Scheiber v
Elisabeth Semel
Jonathan S. Simon ’87 v
Stephen D. Sugarman v
Molly S. Van Houweling
Franklin E. Zimring
Dean’s Society Members
$10,000 - $24,999
Babette B. Barton ’54
Richard M. Buxbaum ’53 v
Jesse H. Choper v
Eleanor Swift v
John C. Yoo v
Elizabeth Josselyn Boalt Associates
$5,000 - $9,999
Holly Doremus ’91 v
Mel Eisenberg
Robert A. Kagan v
William Carey Jones Associates
$2,500 - $4,999
David D. Caron ’83
Daniel A. Farber v
Edward C. Halbach, Jr. v
Bob Infelise ’80 v
Herma Hill Kay v
Peter Menell & Claire Sylvia
David Oppenheimer v
Eric Stover v
Society of 1912
$500 - $999
Robert C. Berring, Jr.
Robert H. Cole
Stavros Gadinis & Katerina Linos
Joan H. Hollinger
Phillip E. Johnson v
Sanford H. Kadish v
David Lieberman v
Anne Joseph O’Connell &
Jamie O'Connell v
Andrea L. Peterson ’78 v
Antonio Rossmann v
Boalt Advocates
Up to $499
Kathryn Abrams & William A. Kell
Ty Alper
Roxanna M. Altholz ’99
Michelle W. Anderson
Kenneth A. Bamberger
Eric Biber
Carolyn P. Blum
Andrew Bradt
Emily Bruce & Justin McCrary
Stephen McG. Bundy ’78 v
Michelle Cole
Lauren B. Edelman ’86
William H. Fernholz ’93 v
William A. Fletcher
David Gamage
Anne Gordon
Andrew T. Guzman
Ian Haney-López
Kristen Holmquist
Chris Jay Hoofnagle
Patricia Plunkett Hurley
Janice E. Kosel ’71 v
Prasad Krishnamurthy
Christopher L. Kutz
Nicole Lehtman
Robert P. Merges
Seth E. Mermin ’96 v
Saira Mohamed v
Calvin Morrill
Michael Musheno
Ann M. O’Leary ’05 v
Aleem U. Raja
Eric Rakowski v
Russell Robinson
Bertrall Ross
Andrea Roth v
Daniel L. Rubinfeld
Lindsay Sturges Saffouri
Bidish Sarma
Susan B. Schechter v
Paul M. Schwartz
Martin M. Shapiro v
Marjorie M. Shultz ’76 v
William H. Fernholz ’93
David A. Sklansky v
Sarah Song
Avani M. Sood
Rachel E. Stern
Talha Syed
Karen Tani
Amanda Tyler
Jennifer M. Urban ’00
Kathleen M. Vanden Heuvel ’86
Jan Vetter
Leti Volpp
Charles D. Weisselberg
= 3+ Consecutive-year donor
Kevin Argys
Rachel Barley
Michael Bazeley
Alexey F. Berlind
Marilyn Byrne
Meg Garstang
Jayni Foley Hein ’08 v
Annik Hirshen
Alexa Koenig
Brooke Krystosek
Deborah C. Lambe ’95 v
Andrea Lampros
Sheri Showalter
Robert G. Sproul III v
Eric Stover v
Edward Tom
Dennis Tominaga
Susan R. Whitman
Mark G. Yudof v
= 3+ Consecutive-year donor
= Senior administrators who, as a group, achieved 100 percent participation in supporting the Faculty & Staff Centennial Scholarship Fund
Berkeley Law professor
who retired in May,
celebrates the completion
of the Campaign for Boalt
Hall with her husband
also a former professor
at the law school.
Catalina C. Cariaga-Nakamura v
Camille Crittenden
Fran Davis v
Stephanie E. Deaner ’95
Patricia Donnelly
Terrence J. Galligan
Dean’s Society Leadership Circle
$100,000 and above
Law School Sproul Associates
$1,000 - $2,499
Anonymous v
David M. & Camille A. Andrews
Robert Glushko v
Douglas E. & Lisa M. Goldman
Marion B. Slusser *
Anonymous (4)
Daniel N. Abrahamson v
Metin Basoglu
Mary Ann Bernard
Nicholas Binkley
John M. Breen v
Brad D. Brian v
Michael E. & Linda S. Delehunt v
Anne B. Dorsey
Susan J. & Ron Edelman
Elizabeth F. Farnsworth v
Karen F. Grove
Allen Hardy & Claudia Eckelmann
Bill & Gayle Ide
Jung S. Kim
Marcus Lampros
May M. Luke v
Joel Mack
David J. Miller v
Katherine Stokes Morehouse
Verne Newcomb
Masashi & Yoshiko Oka
Hardip S. Pannu & Manjot K. Pannu
Jerrold Schaefer v
Rachel J. Shigekane & Steven Kraft
Jonathan B. Silvers
Bill Stolte & Stephanie Peters
Dorothy W. Trautman
Judith Tuller v
Rebecca Westerfield
Edward Whelan
Terry O. Wiley
Dean’s Society Counselors
$50,000 - $99,999
Thomas J. White v
Dean’s Society Partners
$25,000 - $49,999
Arthur Berliner & Marian Lever
Lois H. Feinblatt v
Andrew R. & Sharon Gillin
Greg & Liz Lutz v
Robert Shapiro
Dean’s Society Members
$10,000 - $24,999
Chang H. Baek
Gerson P. & Barbara B. Bakar v
Mari S. Choper v
Cathy & Joe Feldman v
Randall Guynn
David & Anita Keller v
Jonathan H. Kim
Maja Kristin v
Eu Bong Lee
Hong-Hoon Lee
Katherine N. Schick
Robert & Charlotte Uram
Elsa Arnett v
Elizabeth Josselyn Boalt Associates
$5,000 - $9,999
Linda M. & Marc A. Assante-Carrasco
Eugene J. Boyle
Gregory Dovel
Barry P. & Erica T. Goode v
H. William Harlan
Adam Hochschild
Barbara Rambo & Tom Goossens
Darian W. & Richard L. Swig
William Carey Jones Associates
$2,500 - $4,999
Martha F. Africa v
Bil Banks
Jacqueline & Yves Cognet v
C. Lee Cox
Richard & Barbara Dahl
Margaret A. Frampton v
Kate Fritz v
Christine Garvey
Ron & Shelly Harwood
Candace Kahn
Gerard J. Lewis, Jr. v
Mark Midkiff
Stephen & Anne Rader
Rick & Chick Runkel
= 3+ Consecutive-year donor
Society of 1912
$500 - $999
Heslam R. Alalusi
William F. Alderman v
Ken P. Alex
Spike & Lynne Alper
Robert A. & Suzanne Boas v
Candace M. Carroll & Leonard B. Simon v
Joan Costello v
Doris Fine v
Joseph Flood
Deborah & Stephen Goldblatt
Bruce Golden & Michelle Mercer
Patricia Haynes v
Bruce T. Hilby
Anne Hilker
Morris & Rosey Hirsch
David Hollinger
Vincent J. Iacopino & Jeannette Nee
Julie C. Jaeger
Katharine E. Johnson
Robert Jones
Roger Kimmel
Kathryn W. Leonard v
Marc A. Levin & Jeffrey N. Dauber
C. Maria Lu v
Tsipora R. & Harvey Peskin
Ellen M. Prager v
Michael D. Ramsey
Eric & Jennifer W. Scheuermann
Rita R. Semel v
Susan J. Shaw
Tetsuo & Yoshi Shimura
Beth Van Schaack
Berkeley Law’s Human Rights Center (HRC) has ongoing
financial supporter T H O MA S W H I T E to thank for part
of its success. “It’s important for law students to gain direct
exposure to human rights issues,” he says, “so that they’ll
seriously consider this legal field as a career or at least consider
the human rights implications in whatever aspect of law they
ultimately choose as their profession.”
While senior vice president of research and development at two
companies, Thomas helped develop the technology HRC uses in
its forensic DNA analysis. He says the center’s atrocity response,
sexual violence, and forensic programs are “uniquely designed
and positioned to provide research-based responses to global
human rights violations, and to train the next generation of
human rights investigators.”
Boalt Advocates
Up to $499
Anonymous (3)
Manuel Aguayo v
Paul F. Albert v
Tamar Todd
Evelyn L. & Robert Z. Apte
Christy & Rob Arnold
Robert D. Bacon v
Patrick Ball
Sharona Barzilay
Gibor B. Basri & Jessica Broitman
Gail Bensinger
Gil Berkeley
Robert Berlind
Harry Chotiner
Sara Bolder
Eric Boorstin
Borislav N. Borisov & Petia G. Borissova
Lara Bradt
James J. Brosnahan
Elizabeth Bruce & R. Michael Oliver
Jeanette M. & Ronald J. Bruciati
Laurie & David Callies
Rosemarie & Glenn Carminati
Rick & Bev Chong
Josh A. Cohen
Jacqueline & Robert Corriveau
Adele K. Corvin
Steven D. Dahlgren
* = Deceased
Linda H. Dalton
Amy Danforth & Smokey Stover
Albert H. Davis
Raymond J. & Birgitta S. Davis
Devah DeFusco
James C. Dever III
Carol & Richard Doty
Reuben A. Duarte
Gerald L. Dunbar v
Jay & Judy Espovich
Louis Feldman
Esther & Robert Ferro
Linda M. Fletcher
Jaime-Alexis Fowler & Adam Borelli
James & Louise Frankel
Jian Fu
Danielle Fuschetti
Barry Gates
C.R. Gibb
Jennifer L. Gotti
Frederick D. Grambort
Jean & Ellison Grayson
Jeannie Sears
Deborah Drickersen-Cortez
Sierra Harris
Arthur Haubenstock
Norman & Dolores Heathorn
Ann Hecht
David Heiden & Katherine Seligman
Michael Helbing
Mary Helvey
Irma D. Herrera & Mark D. Levine v
Neil M. Levy
Gerard Hertig
= 3+ Consecutive-year donor
Julie Hess
Jessica Hilberman & Katrina Reid
Megan Himan & Jeff Freund
Edwin E. Huddleson III
Mark Hurley
Erin L. Inama v
Tasha & Fedric Kelley
Charles Koenig
Walter Koning
William Kroener
Ralph & Carol Kuiper
Jessica Riskin
Lynne Lasry v
Kyeong-Ju Lee & Eun-Soon Choi
Phyllis K. Levy v
Martina & Arnold Lim
Goodwin Liu v
Eugene A. & Carol L. Ludwig
Dana Lundblad
Elizabeth & Glenn Lynch
Mario & Velma Magnani
Diana & Andre Malin
Elda Marcevich
Kyle Matarrese
Walter & Deborah J. Matystik
Janna & Patrick McClanahan
David Mendel
Jo Andrews
Joan & E.H. Mirner
Nels Bangerter v
Ann C. Moorman & Dean Arnold
Mary C. Morgan & Heather Fermidge
Cindy Morninglight & Verne S. Ostrander
Bettina Mow
* = Deceased
Lions of Litigation
VA L E RIE RAM OS ’1 5 is plenty smart. Exhibit A: Winning the
2013 national IP LawMeet with two classmates. Exhibit B: Taking part in a
Lions of Litigation dinner, a new program where prominent alumni litigators
share their real-world experiences and lessons learned with students from
Berkeley Law’s Board of Advocates.
“There’s so much, as law students, that we don’t know,” Valerie says.
“Talking with someone actually in the practice is really important in deciding
what you should be doing. Lions of Litigation dinners give students
a chance to ask questions and get advice from talented litigators,
and force us to reflect on what we want our futures to look like.”
The program creates community and connects students with alumni in
inter-generational conversations about the law, critical skills, and career
trajectories. In January, Luke Ellis '75 hosted a dinner for Valerie and
a few other students at the UC Faculty Club. “He told us litigation war
stories and was very helpful and engaging," Valerie says. "He even emailed
everyone who attended with an open invitation to reach out to him.
It was an amazing experience."
In addition to Luke, Berkeley Law thanks the following graduates for serving
as Lions of Litigation hosts: David Carrillo '95 and '11, William E. Gagen, Jr. '68,
Lynn Pasahow '72, Sean SeLegue '91, and Lenard Weiss '62.
Grant Nakamura v
Elizabeth Neilson
Raquel H. Newman v
Stephen & Maggie Oetgen v
David Onek
Jennifer O'Reilly
Cristian Orrego
John Palmer
Paramsothy Parthipan
Neva K. & Victor A. Peskin
Roberto Portolese
James & Angela Putkey
Bryan Quevedo v
Lee M. & Paul C. Quintana
Dalious W. Bagby
Samuel Raymond
Paul Resnick & Joan Karlin v
Michael P. Richards v
Carol A. Rommel
Joy Milligan
Edward L. Rubin
James Rubinger
Hussein Saffouri
Lillian Sauceda
Bartlett & Linda Saunders
Jeffrey Scales
David Scalise & Wendy A. Kirk-Scalise
Brian Garcia v
Devin Schindler
Herbert A. Schreier v
Marion & Joel Selbin
George F. & Linda S. Sensabaugh v
Charles M. Sevilla
Robyn Sharp & Gabriel Chatten
Charles E. Simms
Ryan Slater
Nora Sloan
Barbara Smith
Peter F. & Patricia B. Smith
Jerry & Clyde Snow
Michael S. Sorgen
Athena T. Stephanopoulos v
Craig E. Stewart
Monte Stewart
Michael A. Stoto & Rosemary Chalk
Stephen Szwast
Ted Tanaka
C. Henry Veit v
Aref Wardak
Gail R. Weinheimer
John W. Weiser
Paul Weitzel
Dorothy D. Wilson &
Robert B. Thompson v
Gerald & Virginia Wilson
Renee & Herman Winick
Jeanne S. & Eric Woodford
Mia F. Yamamoto
Anders Yang
Yungnane Yang
Andrew Yaphe
Chih-Kang W. Yu
Steve & Victoria Zatkin
Xi Zheng
Dean’s Society Leadership Circle
$100,000 and above
Anonymous (3)
The Atlantic Philanthropies
Bank of America Foundation
California Endowment
Hugh & Hazel Darling Foundation
The Ford Foundation
The Rosalinde &
Arthur Gilbert Foundation
Lisa & Douglas Goldman Fund
The Jim Joseph Foundation
Korea Institute of Ocean Science &
Technology (KIOST)
Koret Foundation
John D. & Catherine T. MacArthur
Microsoft Corporation
Open Society Foundations
Thomas W. Smith Foundation
Tides Foundation
Victim Compensation &
Government Claims Board
S. K. Yee Foundation
Dean’s Society Counselors
$50,000 - $99,999
American Assembly
American University
Humanity United
Israel Institute
New Venture Fund
Alfred P. Sloan Foundation
Stuart Foundation
Dean’s Society Partners
$25,000 - $49,999
American Association of Law Libraries
Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ
James Campbell Company
Samuel Freeman Charitable Trust
Kirkland & Ellis Foundation
Pacific Gas & Electric Corporation
Resources Legacy Fund Foundation
Union Bank Foundation
Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati
Wollenberg Foundation
Dean’s Society Members
$10,000 - $24,999
Ayco Charitable Foundation
Brill USA
Cisco Systems Foundation
Cornish & Carey Commercial
Economic Policy Institute
Evelyn & Walter Haas Jr. Fund
National Education Association (NEA)
The Henry W. & Nettie Robinson
John Paul Stevens Fellowship Foundation
U.S. Charitable Gift Trust
Vermont Law School
Elizabeth Josselyn Boalt Associates
$5,000 - $9,999
Atmel Corporation
California Asylum Representation Clinic
Flora Family Foundation
Inflexion Point Strategy
Pacific Union Payables
Rosenberg Foundation
RPX Corporation
William Carey Jones Associates
$2,500 - $4,999
Bingham Osborn &
Scarborough Foundation
The Jacob & Valeria Langeloth Foundation
Larkmead Vinyards
Morrison & Foerster Foundation
Pacific Gas & Electric Company
Resonant Legal Media
Law School Sproul Associates
$1,000 - $2,499
Bay Area Black Prosecutors Association
Boalt Hall Women's Association
California Rural Legal Assistance
Campaign for the Fair Sentencing of Youth
John Doar Foundation
Kahle/Austin Foundation
Kazan McClain Abrams Fernandez
LGHO&B Foundation
KDS Starlight Investments
Law School Admission Council
Orthodox Vision Foundation
Renaissance Charitable Foundation
RockRose Institute
Saybrook Productions
Sidley Austin Foundation
Mary Wohlford Foundation
has supported Berkeley Law by funding faculty chairs and through
contributions geared to faculty retention, facilities renovation, and
visiting scholar programs. The Darling Foundation’s most recent
gift to our fledgling Public Law Program supports a fellowship
fund that will enable graduates to conduct research and produce
scholarship in constitutional and public law.
Hugh W. Darling was a prominent Los Angeles area lawyer and
bar association leader. He also served as mayor of Beverly Hills.
As legal counsel and a director for Western Air Lines, Inc., he
influenced the development of commercial aviation nationwide.
Foundation Trustee Richard Stack, his former law partner,
says that Mr. Darling “was proud to be a lawyer and thought the
law to be a noble profession.”
Society of 1912
$500 - $999
East Bay La Raza Lawyers Association
Saint Ignatius College Preparatory
Boalt Advocates
Up to $499
American Endowment Foundation
Asian American Bar Association
Bank of America Charitable Gift Fund
Cambridge University Press
Fernbacher Declaration of Trust
Latina Lawyers Bar Association
T. Rowe Price Charitable Giving
Dean’s Society Counselors
$50,000 - $99,999
Kirkland & Ellis
Skadden Arps Slate Meagher & Flom
Dean’s Society Partners
$25,000 - $49,999
Covington & Burling
Fish & Richardson
Gillin Jacobson Ellis Larsen & Lucey
Haynes and Boone
Knobbe Martens Olson & Bear
Latham & Watkins
Morrison & Foerster
Munger Tolles & Olson
Orrick Herrington & Sutcliffe
Weil Gotshal & Manges
White & Case
Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati
Winston & Strawn
Dean’s Society Members
$10,000 - $24,999
Alston + Bird
Baker Botts
Crowell & Moring
Gibson Dunn & Crutcher
GTC Law Group
Gunderson Dettmer Stough Villeneuve
Franklin & Hachigian
Hickman Palermo Truong & Becker
Irell & Manella
Kasowitz Benson Torres & Friedman
Keker & Van Nest
Kilpatrick Townsend
McDermott Will & Emery
O'Melveny & Myers
Paul Hastings Janofsky & Walker
Ropes & Gray
Sidley Austin
Simpson Thacher & Bartlett
Van Pelt Yi & James
Elizabeth Josselyn Boalt Associates
$5,000 - $9,999
Baker & McKenzie
Bingham McCutchen
Farella Braun + Martel
Fenwick & West
Hanson Bridgett
Turner Boyd LLP
Weaver Austin Villeneuve & Sampson
William Carey Jones Associates
$2,500 - $4,999
Arnold & Porter
Kazan, McClain Satterley & Greenwood
McManis Faulkner
Ross Wersching & Wolcott
Law School Sproul Associates
$1,000 - $2,499
Briscoe Ivester & Bazel
Davis Polk & Wardwell
Debevoise & Plimpton
Dorsey & Whitney
Jones Day
Rutan & Tucker
Sheppard Mullin Richter & Hampton
Trellis Law Group
Wachtell Lipton Rosen & Katz
Society of 1912
$500 - $999
Cadwalader Wickersham & Taft
Foley & Lardner
Hogan Lovells
Katten Muchin Rosenman
Paul Weiss Rifkind Wharton & Garrison
Pemberton & Associates
Perkins Coie
Shute Mihaly & Weinberger
Sullivan & Cromwell
Troutman Sanders
Boalt Advocates
Up to $499
Arguedas Cassman & Headley
Cadena Churchill
Clarence Dyer & Cohen
Diehl & Rodewald
Moss & Murphy
Pedder Hesseltine Walker & Toth
Law firms have provided Berkeley Law with integral support.
Their reasons for contributing are as varied as their practice areas:
some have enthusiastic alumni, some want to forge connections
with our brilliant students, and some value programs that will
help budding lawyers effectively serve the legal profession.
We are extremely grateful for these firms, many of whose lawyers
volunteer as moot court judges, conference panelists, and student
mentors, among other roles. Law firms also play a pivotal part in
sponsoring tables at our annual Citation Award dinner.
Berkeley Law thanks the following firms for hosting law school
events and receptions this past fiscal year: Arnold & Porter, Dorsey
& Whitney, Fenwick & West, Jeffer Mangels Butler & Mitchell,
Manatt Phelps & Phillips, McManis Faulkner, Orrick Herrington &
Sutcliffe, Rutan & Tucker, Sidley Austin, Simpson Thatcher &
Bartlett, Starn O’Toole Marcus & Fisher, and WilmerHale.
The Berkeley Law community came out en masse for the annual Citation Award dinner March 13 in San Francisco. (Left): Dean Christopher Edley, Jr., who
stepped down at the end of 2013, congratulates Citation Award winner Theodore Olson '65. (Right): Judge Steven Brick '72 (center) introduces Field Placement
Program Director Susan Schechter to Fenwick & West partner Lynn Pasahow '72, president of the law school's alumni association this past fiscal year.
The Benjamin Ide Wheeler Society was founded to recognize the generosity of people who have included Berkeley Law in their estate plans through
bequests, pooled income funds, gift annuities, charitable remainder trusts, gifts of life insurance, or gifts of property.
Anonymous (3)
Marcia A. ’80 & Richard M. Abrams
Edward J. Arnold *
Schuyler Bailey
Bernard Bradley Barber ’71
William T. Barker ’74
Gibor B. Basri & Jessica Broitman
Elizabeth A. Baus ’91
Claudia M. Belcher ’82
Stefanie Beninato ’76
William W. Bloch ’87
Jordan L. Bloom ’68
Victoria Brademan ’80 & Robert A.
Enholm ’80
Laura E. Bresler ’86
Charles R. Breyer ’66 & Sydney
Kappy K. Bristol ’73
Clarence W. Brizee, Jr. ’57
Wayne A. Brooks ’74
Patricia A. Buffler, PhD *
Stephanie E. Buller
Patricia A. Butler ’69
S. Davis Carniglia ’05
Earl F. & June A. Cheit
Cheng-Ling Chen ’02
Jesse H. & Mari S. Choper
Kim E. Clark ’83
Samuel D. Cole ’63
Robert S. Condie ’74
Lee Conway
Robert M. Corson ’40
Evan R. ’87 & Valerie Cox
Janet M. & William F. Cronk
David P. Curnow ’67
Altero D’Agostini ’47
Diane B. de Forest ’85
Syna N. Dennis ’87
Dorothy F. Dickey ’81
Duke B. Diehl ’71
Gail (Overcashier) Dolton ’86
& Douglas H. Dolton
Thomas B. Donovan ’62
Anne B. Dorsey
Diane D. Eames ’71
Lauren B. Edelman ’86
W. Russell Ellis
Ronald S. Epstein ’89
Robert D. Evans ’71
Gilda H. Feller
Michael C. Ferguson ’68
Ann Finlinson & John Cant
Ralph T. Fisher, Jr.
David B. Flinn ’63
Virginia R. Furth
Jim ’59 & Judy Ganulin
Joanne M. Garvey ’61
Jane Liebman Goichman ’61
Lisa A. Goldfien ’82
Elizabeth Marsteller Gordon
A. Marina Gracias ’83 & Bernard Martis
Donald Gralnek ’70
Forrest M. Greenberg ’47
Richard L. Greene ’63
Colleen & Robert D. Haas
Laura J. Hall
Michael James Halloran ’65 &
Virginia S. Halloran
Ellis & Anne Hamilton
Phil Hammer ’61
Sue C. Hansen ’92
Gene G. Harter ’71
Jon F. ’69 & Connie Hartung
Ann Fingarette Hasse ’73
Tom Henteleff ’68
James K. Herbert ’62
Fernando V. Hernandez ’66
Judge Patricia Herron, Ret. ’64
Harold C. Hohbach ’52
David Howekamp
Margaret E. Hoyt ’52
Emily Jacobs
Richard E. Jay ’63 *
James R. Jenner ’60
J. Richard Johnston ’39
Thomas M. Jorde
Ann Jorgensen ’83
Sanford H. Kadish
Archibald C. K. Kaolulo ’73
Walter M. Kaufmann ’61
James R. & Mary Ann Kidder
Joseph T.’71 & Gail L. Kiefer
Cassius L. Kirk, Jr. ’54
Gerald’57 & Suzanne Knecht
Kenneth Kofman ’62
Kenneth Kragen
William H. Kronberger, Jr. ’67
Watson M. & Sita Laetsch
Phyllis K. Levy
Walter S. Lewis, Jr. ’51
David E. Lindgren ’63
William R. Loveless ’59
Nancy K. Lusk
Greg & Liz Lutz
Martha MacBride
Clare H. Macdonald ’83
Jay R. MacMahon ’55
Peter’52 & Melanie Maier
John S. Martel ’59
Martin A. Mattes ’74 & Catherine E. Garzio
Rosalie F. Maxeiner
Christopher M. ’68 & Barbara J. McLain
Rick McMichael ’69
Melinda R. Mendelson
Ivan D. & Maris T. Meyerson
Ariadna Miller
Paul M. Minault ’75
Richard H. & Laurie C. Morrison
Noel W. Nellis ’66
Wilson R. Ogg ’52
Kristin L. O’Hanlon ’05
Fred B. Oliver ’70
Roderic B. * & Catherine B. Park
Byron L. Patterson ’86 *
Eleanor Jackson Piel ’43
Leo’57 & Nina Pircher
Marietta Poerio ’70
Edward V. Pollack ’66
Bruce C. Pollock ’68
Borden B. Price ’50
Timothy J. Railton ’65
Michael Reed ’65
Howard F. Rhea ’53
Michael P. Richards
Mario M. Rosati ’71
Ronald D. Rosen ’69
John W. Rosston
Mrs. Edward W. Rosston
Theodore J. & Gayle I. Saenger
Masako F. Sato
Barry M. Sax ’67
Robert A. Schlesinger ’93
Eric P. Schnurmacher ’55
John Jay Schumann
Leonard C. Schwab ’74
Sean M. SeLegue ’91 & Richard A.
Zuniga, MD
Andrew M. Sessler *
Gary ’66 & Dana Shapiro
Mary R. Sharman
Mildred Y. Sheehan
Thomas J. Shephard, Sr. ’58
Barbra Shotel ’86
Sanford M. Skaggs ’64
Jay D. Smith ’64
Michael H. Smith
Bruce A. Smyser
Dorothy M. Snodgrass
Larry W. ’66 & Barbara Sonsini
Alan F. Spanier ’69
John A. Sproul ’49
Karen Stevenson ’80
Carl J. Stoney, Jr. ’70
Myron Sugarman ’67
John D. Taylor ’59
Edward D. Thirkell ’66
Irving G. Tragen ’45
Stephanie C. Tramz ’77
Leonard ’70 & Catherine Unger
Mary Vail
Shirley Van Bourg
Geoff Van Loucks ’61
A. Marie Villafaña ’93
Ulrich Wagner ’74
Katharine S. Wallace
Lenard G. Weiss ’62
Stefanie G. West ’03
Thomas J. White
Richard A. Wilson ’59
Harvey I. Wittenberg ’65
Pamela M. Woods ’81
Anders Yang
Dow Jones & Company
Ernst & Young Foundation
Ford Motor Company Fund
The Fremont Group Foundation
General Electric Company
GlaxoSmithKline Foundation
IBM Foundation
Intel Foundation Matching Gifts
The James Irvine Foundation
Kirkland & Ellis Foundation
John S. and James L. Knight Foundation
Law School Admission Council
Levi Strauss Foundation
Macy's Foundation
Mastercard International
Merck Company Foundation
Microsoft Matching Gifts Program
Gordon & Betty Moore Foundation
Morrison & Foerster Foundation
Northern Trust Company
Pacific Gas & Electric Matching Gifts
Prudential Foundation
San Diego Foundation
Schindler Elevator Corporation
Shook Hardy & Bacon
Sidley Austin Foundation
Simpson Thacher & Bartlett
Skadden Arps Slate Meagher & Flom
Southern California Edison
Thompson & Knight
Varian Associates
Wells Fargo Foundation
Zynga Game Network
* = Deceased
Aera Energy
Amgen Foundation
Apple Inc.
Bank of the West
Bechtel Foundation
BlackRock Matching Gift Program
Capital Group Companies
The Coca-Cola Company
Covington & Burling
Crail-Johnson Foundation
Davis Polk & Wardwell
Deloitte Foundation
Jill E. Adams ’06
Christopher F. Edley, Jr.
Sanford H. Kadish
Ioana E. Tchoukleva ’14
Gabriel Chatten & Robyn Sharp
San Diego Foundation
Mark ’89 & Susan Bertelsen
Carol L. Brownstein ’89 & David Lieberman
James E. Castello ’86
The Honorable Larry J. Frumes ’71
Stuart M. ’65 & Florianne H. Gordon
Clothilde V. Hewlett ’79
Edward E. Kallgren ’54
Koret Foundation
W. Homer ’69 & Ederlinda S. Mason
Michael P. Peskoe ’68
Donna M. Petkanics ’85 &
Jay R. Gerstenschlager
Pamela Samuelson & Robert Glushko
Leti Volpp
Mark G. Yudof
Tom Peckham ’94
David Oppenheimer & Marcy Kates
Herma Hill Kay
Beth Van Schaack
Laurel Fletcher
Anders Yang
Robert Barr
Marque Chambliss ’87
Trellis Law Group
William W. Bedsworth ’71
David ’67 & Geri ’67 Sandor
Arthur S. Berliner
David Oppenheimer & Marcy Kates
Heidi H. Boas ’07
Robert A. & Suzanne Boas
The Coca-Cola Company
Richard M. Buxbaum ’53
Elena Barnert ’14
Mie Fujimoto ’00
Stavros Gadinis & Katerina Linos
Hartmut G. Grossman ’73
Gillis L. Heller ’81 & Sook Young Yeu ’80
Jerome Hsiang ’12
Jacqueline &
Marc E. Leland Foundation
Marc E. Leland ’63
Henry Ramsey, Jr. ’63*
Miriam D. Starc ’86
Russell B. Sunshine ’68
Suzu Tokue ’01
Anne Trebilcock ’74
Christine Windbichler ’79
Anders Yang
Marilyn Byrne
David Oppenheimer & Marcy Kates
Walter L. Carpeneti ’70
Dana N. Hirschenbaum ’02
David A. Carrillo ’95
Marc A. Levin & Jeffrey N. Dauber
Jesse H. Choper
Fran Davis
Laurel Fletcher & Jeff Selbin
Paniti Junhasavasdikul ’95
Allison S. Davenport ’04
Nancy L. Davis ’72
Mary C. Morgan & Heather Fermidge
* = Deceased
Melissa Murray & Joshua Hill
William S. Friedman ’11
Benjamin H. Asch ’15
Boalt Hall Women’s Association
Keker & Van Nest
Anne Trebilcock ’74
Kenton J. King ’87
Andrea Lampros
Marcus Lampros
Theodore B. Lee ’59
Jennifer J. Matystik ’13
Walter & Deborah J. Matystik
Neil A. Popovic ’87
Julia R. Mehlman ’12
William W. Godward ’37
James & Louise Frankel
Jennifer A. Huber ’06 & Josh A. Cohen
Edwin E. Huddleson III
Joseph I. Goldstein-Breyer ’11
Shelley Norman
Elizabeth Bruce & R. Michael Oliver
Eric Van Schaack
The Honorable J. Clifford
Wallace ’55
Martin D. ’90 & Holly T. Bern
Eric Boorstin
Davis Polk & Wardwell
James C. Dever III
Gregory Dovel
Louis Feldman
Randall Guynn
Anne Hilker
Robert Jones
Joel Mack
Stephen & Anne Rader
Michael D. Ramsey
Samuel Raymond
James Rubinger
George A. Rutherglen ’74
Eric & Jennifer W. Scheuermann
Devin Schindler
Monte Stewart
Paul Weitzel
Edward Whelan
Andrew Yaphe
John Yoo
Charles R. Breyer ’66 & Sydney Goldstein
James & Louise Frankel
Jennifer A. Huber ’06 & Josh A. Cohen
Theodore B. Olson ’65
Berta Gomez
Cristian Orrego
Jennifer M. Gómez ’08
Raymond J. & Birgitta S. Davis
Rosann Greenspan ’91
Pamela Samuelson
Harry N. & Jane L. Scheiber
Ernst & Young Foundation
Jay & Judy Espovich
Brittany G. Harwood ’14
Bidish Sarma
Werner F. Wolfen ’53
Janna & Patrick McClanahan
Ryan Slater
John C. Fossum ’66
Henry L. Hecht
Susan B. Schechter
Lydia A. Wright ’14
David Oppenheimer & Marcy Kates
David Oppenheimer & Marcy Kates
Patrick C. Bageant ’10
Thelton E. Henderson ’62
Jeff Selbin
Yaacov Yadgar
Kim E. Clark ’83
David Oppenheimer & Marcy Kates
Wanzie Henderson
Elisabeth Semel
Ernst & Young Foundation
Jay & Judy Espovich
Jessica Hilberman & Katrina Reid
Paul Resnick & Joan Karlin
S. K. Yee Foundation
D. Lowell Jensen ’52
Eric Stover
Vivian W. Chang ’01 &
Andrew J. Davis ’99
Laura H. Parsky ’95
Caitlin B. Jones ’15
Eleanor Swift
David Oppenheimer & Marcy Kates
Fran Davis
Laurel Fletcher & Jeff Selbin
Anders Yang
Keith Wattley
Julie Hess
Leon Weiner
John C. Yoo
Jonathan H. Kim
David R. Andrews ’71
Francine Diaz
W. James Hill ’61
Lee R. Petillon ’59
David M. and Camille A. Andrews
Christy & Rob Arnold
Linda M. & Marc A. Assante-Carrasco
Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ
Gil Berkeley
Nicholas Binkley
Laurie & David Callies
Rick & Bev Chong
C. Lee Cox
Richard & Barbara Dahl
James C. Fowler ’72
Christine Garvey
Barry P. & Erica T. Goode
Allen Hardy & Claudia Eckelmann
Jayni Foley Hein ’08 &
Patrick T. Hein ’07
Mary Helvey
Maryellen Cattani Herringer ’68
Morris & Rosey Hirsch
Bill & Gayle Ide
James Campbell Company
Tasha & Fedric Kelley
Roger Kimmel
Eugene A. and Carol L. Ludwig
Mark Midkiff
Jennifer O’Reilly
Pacific Gas and Electric Company
Pacific Gas and Electric Corporation
Barbara Rambo & Tom Goossens
Deanna Ruth Rutter ’72
Tetsuo & Yoshi Shimura
Bill Stolte & Stephanie Peters
Ted Tanaka
Union Bank Foundation
Robert & Charlotte Uram
Barry L. Williams
Thomas B. Worth ’76
The James Irvine Foundation
Millard A. Murphy ’86
David Oppenheimer & Marcy Kates
Judge Lydia Villarreal ’80
Aurora D. Hill
Stephanie E. Deaner ’95
John D. Taylor ’59
Vivian B. Distler ’94
Jaromir J. Jansky ’58
Thomas J. Peckham ’94
William R. Loveless ’59
Stephen A. Dombrink ’68
Harry H. Kahn ’69
Robert B. Freedman ’68
Candace Kahn
Catalina C. Cariaga-Nakamura
Edward E. Kallgren ’54
Ann C. Moorman & Dean Arnold
Gary R. Rinehart ’63
John O. Stewart ’64
Trina Thompson ’86
Albert A. Ehrenzweig
Sheila S. Kato ’72
Donald L. Reidhaar ’60
Philip A. Stohr ’63
Gayle L. Dukelow ’72 &
Rosalyn S. Zakheim ’72
Joan Costello
Alexander M. Kidd
Tom Harriman ’74
Barbara N. Armstrong ’15
Rosemarie & Glenn Carminati
Carol & Richard Doty
Esther & Robert Ferro
Norman & Dolores Heathorn
Elda Marcevich
Raymond E. Mellana ’48
Paul ’64 & Sharon Melodia
James & Angela Putkey
Nora Sloan
Katherine Stokes Morehouse
Donald P. Black ’58
Nathalie V. Black ’59
Barbara A. Brenner ’81
Deborah J. Marx ’81
Russell J. Brubaker ’86
Andrés Rivero III ’86
William K. Coblentz
Gerson P. & Barbara B. Bakar
Gerson Bakar Foundation
Sumit Mallick ’10 &
Allison O. Watkins ’10
Wayne Collins, Sr.
Dale Minami ’71
Kristin Crudo
Timothy P. Crudo ’89
Julius W. Feldman ’51
Jean Feldman
David L. Fitz ’67
William L. Jaeger ’68
Julie C. Jaeger
Mrs. Edward W. Rosston
William H. Kronberger, Jr. ’67
Lindsay K. Kinneberg ’07
John G. Fleming
John D. Le ’07
Madelene Sun ’07
Cathy & Joe Feldman
Philip Frickey
Adele R. Bagley ’08
Mary Ann Bernard
Guy D. Calladine ’81
Brian R. Guth ’04
Franklin E. Zimring &
Michael Crawford Zimring
Ralph Goldberg
Jennifer C. Bretan ’04
Walter A. Gordon ’22
William H. Webster ’75
Thomas Graff
Sharona Barzilay
Aldo P. Guidotti ’44
Duncan E. Haynes ’61
Patricia Haynes
Mortimer H. Herzstein
Fernbacher Declaration of Trust
I. M. Heyman
E. Roy Eisenhardt
David B. Flinn
Evelyn & Walter Haas Jr. Fund
Jonathan R. Paret
Maxine G. Rosston
Lawrence W. Ruth
The San Francisco Foundation
Paul D. Weiser
Thomas B. Worth
Samuel A. Ladar ’28
John Kagel ’64
Arnold Laub ’60
Atmel Corporation
Jeanette M. Bruciati
C.R. Gibb
Jennifer L. Gotti
J. G. Gwilliam
Marian K. Lebowitz ’80
Nancy Ludmerer ’80
Gerald D. Marcus ’41
Madeline Chun ’79
Joel S. Goldman ’80
David J. Miller
Jerrold Schaefer
Michael Millman
Henry Ramsey, Jr. ’63
James O. Richard ’74
Lee C. Rosenthal ’73
Noah ’05 & Kimberly Rosenthal
Joseph L. Sax
Holly Doremus ’91
Ann H. Kim ’93
Deborah A. ’02 & Todd Leonard
Professor Gillian Lester & Professor
Eric Talley
Pacific Gas & Electric Company
Andrea L. Peterson ’78
Meredith R. Pressfield ’14
Jan Stevens ’58
Stephen D. Sugarman & Karen Carlson
Scott A. Zimmermann ’07
Philip Selznick
Steven A. Childress ’95
Andrew M. Sessler
Renee & Herman Winick
Brock Settlemier
Gisele C. Rainer ’88
Sara Bolder
Jeanne S. & Eric Woodford
John M. Smith ’53
Harvey Muck
John M. Breen
Skadden Arps Slate Meagher & Flom
Fenwick & West
Pauli Murray ’45
Barbara Clark ’82
Hardip S. Pannu & Manjot K. Pannu
Oliver J. Northup, Jr. ’49
Katherine N. Schick
Mario G. Olmos ’71
Margaret A. Frampton
Elizabeth C. O’Neil
J. Christopher Stevens
James R. Dunn ’58
John R. Stokes ’48
Katherine Stokes Morehouse
William E. Trautman ’65
Dorothy W. Trautman
Donald G. Tronstein ’59
Francis P. Lloyd ’59
Jacqueline & Robert Corriveau
Law School Admission Council
Joan & E.H. Mirner
Andrea L. Peterson ’78
Carol A. Rommel
Gerald & Virginia Wilson
Martin Wallace
David Peterson
Joseph A. Woods, Jr. ’49
Irene R. Haynie ’71
John H. Sears ’65
Richard G. Wallace ’84
George Williamson
Kenneth M. Kliebard ’89
Thomas S. Williamson, Jr. ’74
We are grateful to these board members for guiding us forward during the past fiscal year.
Lynn H. Pasahow ’72
Christopher F. Edley, Jr.
Past President
Acting Dean
Evan R. Cox ’87
Gillian Lester
President Elect
Nancy L. Fineman ’86
Carly O'Halloran Alameda ’06
Mario L. Barnes ’95
Karen I. Boyd ’96
Charles R. Breyer ’66
David A. Carrillo ’95
Benson R. Cohen ’04
Andrew J. Davis ’99
Robert D. Evans ’71
Daniel S. Floyd ’85
Tyler C. Gerking ’02
Lawrence A. Hobel ’76
UCBF Representative
Noel W. Nellis ’66
Reunion Co-chairs
Samuel D. Cole ’63
Holly J. Fujie ’78
Steven G. Zieff ’78
Timothy S. Hughes ’10
Kathleen A. Janus ’03
Yury Kapgan ’01
Kevin P. Kennedy ’91
John W. Kuo ’88
Mark D. Lubin ’77
Michael L. Martinez ’78
James McManis ’67
Heather N. Mewes ’99
Alisa D. Nave ’04
Jeffrey L. Purcell ’11
Noah S. Rosenthal ’05
Sean M. SeLegue ’91
Jay A. Shafran ’63
Arthur J. Shartsis ’71
Mary Jo Christensen Shartsis ’72
Charles J. Stevens ’82
Darren M. Trattner ’94
Steven T. Walther ’68
Lenard G. Weiss ’62
Sarah F. Weiss ’10
Mitchell S. Zuklie ’96
Student Representatives
Sarah B. Chai ’15
Paul D. Meyer ’14
Faculty Representatives
Jesse H. Choper
Eleanor Swift
Staff Representative
Robert G. Sproul III
Staff Liaison
Rachel Barley
Mark Bertelsen ’69
H. Gifford Fong ’70
Jonathan Glaser ’86
Richard Greene ’63
Stephen Keller ’62
James McManis ’67
Noel Nellis ’66
Jay Paxton ’73
Shirley Sanderson ’75
Carl Stoney ’70
Myron Sugarman ’67
Laura Young ’87
Sujit Choudhry, ex-officio
Graham Fleming ’59, ex-officio
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Admitted Students Day, April 11, 2014