March April 2007 - New Pioneer Food Co-op


March April 2007 - New Pioneer Food Co-op
new pioneer fo o d co-op’s
newslet ter
New Pioneer offers sane answers to the
confusing questions of animal cloning,
genetically engineered crops, and high
fructose corn-syrup in your kids’ lunch.
Plus, get green this spring as we observe
Earth Day 2007.
march/april 2007
focus on cooperation
We’re a business owned and controlled by our members—a co-op!
in this issue
Drinking Wine Years Down the Road
p. 6
Logo Award
p. 7
Tom’s Top Ten
p. 8
Wellness Top Ten
p. 10
Remembering Blane
p. 12
Cloned Animals
p. 13
What’s for Dinner
p. 15
Cooking Classes
p. 21
mission statement
product policy
New Pioneer is a cooperatively owned business,
fully serving the needs of the natural products
consumer. We emphasize high quality, fair
prices, and product information. We are an
environmentally and socially responsible member
of the community we serve. New Pioneer’s
mission is to serve the needs of its members and
to stimulate the local agricultural production of
natural and organic foods by providing a market
for such foods. The Cooperative fully recognizes
the value and dignity of work and shall place
a high priority on the health, welfare, and
happiness of all its employees. The Cooperative
shall strive to set a community standard for the
best possible working conditions, training, wages,
benefits, and opportunities for advancement for
its employees.
New Pioneer’s goal is to offer the best in organic,
natural, local food and products to support
our community’s health and well-being. To that
end, New Pioneer has adopted the following
1. We feature and prepare foods that are free of
artificial sweeteners, artificial colors, artificial
flavors, artificial preservatives, and trans fats.
2. We actively seek out and support sources
of certified organically grown foods, locally
grown whenever possible.
3. We feature seafood, poultry, meat, and dairy
that are free of added growth hormones,
antibiotics, nitrates, or other chemical
4. We highlight household and personal care
products that have been proven safe through
non-animal testing methods.
5. We feature grains and grain products that have
not been bleached or bromated.
6. We do not knowingly sell food that has been
member share
If you are making installment payments on
your member share, please be sure you are paid
in full within six months of your sign-up date.
Payments can be made at the store or by mail.
We accept all major credit cards. Thank you for
your participation! New Pioneer Administrative
Office (319) 338-9441.
new pioneer food co-op’s newsletter
member open forum
Catalyst member open forum is an opportunity
for members to express their views. Submit
comments to Stephanie Catlett at the Iowa City
store or email No more
than 500 words. Deadline for the May/June 2007
Catalyst is Friday, March 30t, 2007 by 5pm.
published by:
22 S. Van Buren Street
Iowa City, IA 52240 • (319) 338-9441
open daily 7am–11pm
City Center Square, Hwy. 6 West
Coralville, IA 52241 • (319) 358-5513
open daily 7am–10pm
EDITOR Stephanie Catlett
PRINTER Perry Judd’s Incorporated
Contact Stephanie Catlett at (319) 338-9441 or to place your display ad.
Members are welcome to share their views with the
(year indicates when term is up)
PETER FISHER (2007) President
RICHARD GRIMLUND (2008) Vice President
CAROLINE DIETERLE (2007) Secretary
HENRY T. MADDEN (2009) Treasurer
Court Rules No New Field Trials for GM Crops
Courtesy of Joseph Mendelson, Legal Director, Center for Food Safety
n a decision broadly affecting field trials of genetically engineered crops a
federal district judge ruled in early February that the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) must halt approval of
all new field trials until more rigorous
environmental reviews are conducted.
Citing potential threats to the environment, Judge Harold Kennedy found in
favor of the Center for Food Safety that
USDA’s past approvals of field trials of
herbicide tolerant, genetically engineered
bentgrass were illegal.
“This is a significant victory. The decision requires far more thorough oversight
of the environmental impact of these
crops,” stated Joseph Mendelson, legal
director of the Center for Food Safety.
“The Court was clearly concerned
that the agency has put our nation’s environment at risk by exempting many
of these field trials from environmental
review. That’s why the judge made the
decision broadly apply to all future field
trials of genetically engineered crops,”
Mendelson continued.
The federal lawsuit was filed by the
Center for Food Safety, Klamath-Siskiyou Wildlands Center, and other individuals and organizations in 2003. At issue
in the lawsuit are novel varieties of creeping bentgrass and Kentucky bluegrass
manufactured by Scotts and Monsanto
All members are welcome!
March 21
May 16
July 18
September 19
October 17
December 19
All meetings are held at 6:30pm at 10 S.
Gilbert St., Iowa City.
that have been genetically engineered
to resist Roundup, the popular herbicide manufactured by Monsanto.
Currently, use of the Roundup weedkiller is limited to spot spraying of weeds
in that the herbicide kills any grass with
which it comes in contact. The new engineered grass has been altered to be resistant to the weedkiller so that users
will be able to spray entire lawns, fields,
and golf courses with large amounts of
the chemical without fear of hurting the
grass. Large scale planting of the biotech
grass would therefore significantly increase the amounts of herbicide used in
home lawns, sports fields, schools, and
golf courses around the country.
In seminal studies concerning environmental contamination from genetically engineered creeping bentgrass, the
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
found multiple instances
of the pollen from engineered bentgrass
traveling several miles and transferring
its traits to native grasses. Last year, EPA
researchers found that the engineered
grasses had escaped from field trials to
contaminate a national grassland.
“These field trials threaten our public
land, our communities, and our health,”
said Lesley Adams, Outreach Coordinator for plaintiff Klamath-Siskiyou
Wildlands Center.
“We will monitor the USDA very
closely to make sure they don’t allow any
more of these tests until they’ve rigorously assessed their environmental impact,” Adams concluded.
The court’s decision is available at 319.351.7845
1100 Fifth Street, Suite 201
Coralville, Iowa
Residential • Relocation • New Construction • Mortgage Services
march/april 2007
An Everyday Guide to Cooking Oils
Stephanie Catlett, Catalyst Editor
or most, the weekly shopping ritual is a quest to stock our
pantries with items that are affordable, taste delicious, and
won’t kill us before the next commercial break. The health
benefits and risks of the majority of foods we consume are
fairly obvious, but one particular grocery aisle stumps me every time: the oils.
I can’t be the only person who’s pondered this question while
scanning the shelves over the years: Which oil is the best and
healthiest choice for me and my family? Which oil has a flavor that won’t overpower my cooking, and a level of saturated
fat that won’t overpower my blood flow? I set out to find answers to these and other questions for Catalyst readers. Here
is a rundown of the different health benefits and uses for some
of the oils stocked on New Pioneer’s shelves.
olive oil
The must-have oil for every pantry. The
poet Homer referred to olive oil as “liquid
gold”, and it has long been a versatile staple of the Mediterranean diet. Olive oil
is traditionally made by crushing nearly
ripe olives, pits and all, and pressing the
mixture to glean the oil and watery mass
from the fruit. The oil is then separated
from the excess water and filtered. Extra
virgin oil derives from the first pressing
of the ground olives, and other varieties
come from the following pressings. It is
important to note that “light” olive oil
doesn’t mean lower in fat; it just means
a lighter, less intense flavor.
The American Heart Association recommends cooking with oils low in saturated fat, and olive oil is a winner in this
category. Olive oil is also rich in polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fatty acids,
which can help lower “bad” cholesterol.
Lower priced virgin olive oils are great for
sautéing and frying, while higher-end extra virgin oils work best for dipping and
salad dressings. A good rule of thumb is
that if the olive oil will be used to provide
flavor, then use the best quality you can
afford. Famous New Pi cheese guy Robert Morey’s brand of choice for daily use is
Racconto, but when he’s going all-out, he
chooses l’Estornell from Spain. It’s made
from organic Arbequina olives and has,“a
lovely fruitiness and a lively, fresh grassiness that I’ve not found in other oils.”
new pioneer food co-op’s newsletter
canola oil
Did you get the email? Internet rumors are flying about the
potentially damaging effects
of canola oil, including everything from degenerative
diseases to abrupt skin tears
to lung cancer. Despite these
scary threats, medical scientists continue to vouch for
the safety and health benefits of canola oil.
According to such reputable resources as the American Heart
Association and the Mayo Clinic, canola oil is a healthy oil choice for its low
saturated fat content and high levels of
monounsaturated fats. Canola oil is also
high in Omega-3 fats, which are deficient in most diets. Contrary to popular
belief, canola is not genetically modified;
it was bred through traditional plant
breeding methods to eliminate the high
erucic acid content in the 1970’s. Canola
has a light flavor and a high smoke point,
so it is perfect for frying and baking.
sunflower oil
A good source of vitamin E, sunflower oil is low in saturated fats
and provides essential fatty acids.
This oil has a light taste and works
well for frying. There are two varieties of sunflower oil: oleic, which is high
in monounsaturated fats, and linoleic,
which is high in polyunsaturated fats.
Both versions are considered helpful for
lowering “bad” cholesterol, although linoleic can also lower “good” cholesterol.
Safflower oil is made from a plant variation of the sunflower and exhibits many
of the same benefits and traits. Safflower
was originally grown for its flowers for
use in both food and clothing dyes.
It is important to note that no one oil is perfectly suited to
all types of cooking. Balancing the oils that you use is important to ensure all of your dietary needs are met. A good mix
will balance your levels of poly and monounsaturated fats,
while decreasing your saturated fat intake. Avoiding hydrogenated oils, such as commercial vegetable oil and margarine,
will also decrease your intake of trans fatty acids. Trans fats
have been shown to greatly increase the risk of heart disease.
By using a blend of oils in moderation, you will taste and feel
the benefits!
peanut oil
High in monounsaturated fats, peanut oil is a
good choice for deep-fat frying. Peanut oil is slightly higher in saturated fats than canola or sunflower oils.
Traditionally used in Asian cooking, the
bland taste of this oil will not add undesired flavors to your foods.
other nut oils
How to Taste Olive Oil
(the Right Way)
Ever thought of hosting an olive oil tasting party? What a cool
way to experience the innumerable choices in olive oils without blowing your budget. Instead of a bottle of wine, have your
friends bring their favorite bottle of olive oil to share. Use this
handy tasting guide to learn how to properly taste olive oils in
the traditional Italian manner.
1. Pour oils into small plasic cups.
2. Swirl the oil around in the cups to heat it with the warmth
of your hand.
3. Once the oil is at body temperature, slurp the oil into your
mouth and swish it around for at least six seconds. Let the
oil fully coat the inside of your mouth so you can feel the
texture and get the taste into all the nooks and crannies.
4. Spit the oil out in a vintage brass spittoon (or substitute an
appropriately sized plastic container). Discuss.
5. Cleanse palette between samplings with slices of apple.
So what are you supposed to taste anyway? According to the
International Olive Oil Council, positive attributes of olive oil
include fruity, bitter, and sweet tastes. Negative attributes range
from musty to earthy to metallic. If your guest would rather
taste the oils with bread, try a crusty loaf of New Pi’s Tuscan
or New Pi Zano varieties.
Visit to learn more about olive
oil production, traditions, and tasting.
Nut oils such as hazelnut,
walnut, and almond are a good choice
for adding flavor to dishes. Being less
shelf stable, nut oils should be stored in
the refrigerator after opening and used
within two to three months. They can be
a fun addition to your diet, with generally low levels of unsaturated fats.
coconut oil
Coconut oil is high in
saturated fat, and can be
compared to using animal
fats in cooking. The oil does,
however, have a delicious flavor and has
been used for centuries in various applications. Limit your saturated fat consumption to seven to ten percent of your
total daily fat intake by reducing the use
of coconut oil in everyday cooking. Save
this oil for a special dish!
grapeseed oil
Grapeseed oil is high in vitamin E and is
a powerful antioxidant. It is also low in
saturated fat. With a higher smoke point
than olive oil, grapeseed is great for high
heat cooking. It has a light, nutty flavor
that also works well as a seasoning.
march/april 2007
Drinking Wine, Years Down the Road
Robert Morey, Iowa City Specialties Manager
elayed gratification may be one of the
least-utilized capacities among what
makes us human. We tend to want to take our
pleasures now. Accordingly, an overwhelming majority of wine
is made with current enjoyment in mind.
But certain wines—I’m thinking about Napa Cabernets, Bordeaux, Burgundies, and certain Chateauneufs—are more rewarding after at least a few years in the cellar, while others, such as
Vintage Ports, are virtually undrinkable when they’re released.
I’m brought to these thoughts because I had a daughter
born in 2004. Since her birth, I’ve been thinking about buying a wine from her birth year that I’ll be able to enjoy with
her some twenty years down the road.
Last week, I bought it: 2004 Domain du Pegau Chateauneuf du Pape. At $70 a pop, it’s more than I would ordinarily spend on my limited budget. But this, I reason, is what
credit cards are for. I guarantee you that if I drink a bottle of
this wine with my daughter in 2025, I won’t regret spending
seventy bucks twenty years earlier.
This is one of the things that I love about working in the world
of wine. To me, the purpose of wine is pleasure—the enhancement of a meal, the heightened enjoyment of good company.
I would say the same thing about food, of course: that sharing food creates and strengthens community, whether it be the
community of a couple, a family, or a gathering of friends.
But with wine there is greater complexity, because wine is
a living thing, and great wines will change and develop over
years and even
decades. When you drink a great
wine from years ago, it’s like a window into that year. The wine
represents not only the labor of the vineyards and the winemaker, but the soil and sun and climate of that growing season.
For me, buying wine from the birth year of my daughter is
an act of faith and hope—that I’ll be able to share this pleasure with her, that she will want to share it with me, that the
wine will drink beautifully at that time.
There are many occasions that might merit setting a few
bottles aside and forgetting about them for a decade or two.
Aside from children’s birth years, you might also cellar bottles
to commemorate your own birth year (warning: this can get
pricey), a wedding anniversary, or, for those implacably bitter
souls, a divorce.
Wines with the legs to age a decade or more tend to cost
more than wines intended for short-term drinking. But as I
said earlier, that’s what credit cards are for.
If you’re interested in exploring some options, come see me
in the Iowa City store or visit Tom in Coralville. Chances are
we can set you up with a bottle you’ll be able to savor, whatever the occasion, years and years down the road. Paws
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new pioneer food co-op’s newsletter
Dr. Ana Falk
The Envelope Please ...
Jenifer Angerer, Marketing Manager
e knew it the moment
we saw it, but now
there’s proof! New Pioneer
Food Co-op’s new logo is an
award winner. And it’s not
just any award we’re touting; it’s a prestigious gold
ADDY. The ADDY Awards
are the advertising industry’s
largest and most representative
competition, recognizing creative
excellence and the very best in
advertising worldwide. Designer Shannon Heiman, of Shannon Heiman
Design, entered the New Pi logo in the competition and came out with the gold. Congratulations
to Shannon and the New Pi designers, Mara Cole and
Mat Greiner, who worked with Shannon on this creation and who have so successfully placed it throughout
the stores, on delivery vans, and in New Pioneer literature.
Way to go New Pi! Wal-Mart “Organics”
Recently, the OCA (Organic Consumers Association) announced a boycott against Wal-Mart for refusing to
respond to formal complaints that many
of its stores are placing “organic” signs
next to products that are not organic.
The Cornucopia Institute filed a complaint more than 60 days ago, and neither
the USDA nor Wal-Mart have taken any
action to fix these problems. Six months
ago, the OCA called on Wal-Mart to
stop selling cheap factory-farmed organic milk from Horizon and Aurora, and
to increase the amount of domestically
grown organic products on its shelves.
Currently, Wal-Mart is selling cheap
“organic” food by sourcing products from
China, Brazil, and other nations, where
labor and environmental standards are
lax. Over the past year Wal-Mart has
lost 2-8% of its USA customers. Please
join the OCA boycott.
Learn more: www.organicconsumers.
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march/april 2007
tom’s top ten
Tom Caufield, New Pi Wine Buyer
I almost don’t want to write this
wine up, as I don’t want it to go away
from our shelves too quickly. This is simply picture-perfect Pinot. Spice, cherries,
and a bit of earth all play tag on the nose,
the first sip yields fruit, then there’s more
spice. It is light and lively with a medium weight. This wine would be a perfect
match with salmon. $17.99/bottle.
ernet. Cherry, currant, and herb flavors
glide effortlessly through the long finish.
Drink now through 2014.” 90 points.
There is also a hint of mint and eucalyptus that one would find in a $40+
California Cab. Did I mention that it’s
just $17.99 / bottle? I’ve also got a wee
bit of their Cabernet and it’s quite possibly one of the best deals in Cab under
$40 I’ve ever seen. Do inquire.
I’ve always loved this winery but have
never been able to get enough of their
wine to feature in Catalyst. Well, the
times they are a changing. Here’s what
Robert Parker had to say: “A terrific value, the 2005 Shiraz Epsilon is fashioned
from 32 year old vines planted in the
Greenock sector. Aged twelve months in
old French oak hogsheads … it exhibits
an opaque purple color, abundant aromas of raspberries, blueberries, graphite,
and spice box, and a full-bodied, rich,
fleshy style. A hedonistic tour de force in
winemaking, it can be enjoyed over the
next four to five years” 94 points. All this
for only $24.99/bottle. What a deal.
This one’s a two-fer. We are featuring
the Pinot Gris, which both Robert and I
love. From Wine and Spirits: “This Pinot
Gris shows the heights Gris can reach
in Oregon. Rich without being the least
bit fat, its honeyed pear and marzipan
flavors have an Alsatian heft, but a fine,
minerally cushion of acid holds all that
rich fruit aloft.” 93 points.
And their lovely Chardonnay “Inox”:
“This unoaked Chardonnay has a bright
and leesy scent, yet it’s fresh and brisk,
with ripe apple and roasted pear flavors.
It’s considerably lighter than most domestic Chardonnays and all the more
charming for it.” 90 points. Your choice,
just $17.99/bottle.
new pioneer food co-op’s newsletter
This one’s for those of you who think
you don’t like French wine. Check what
the Spectator had to say: “Velvety texture,
with plenty of structure and a luscious
array of cassis, dark plum, and cherry
flavors. Smooth, spicy finish filled with
crème brulee and white chocolate notes.
Seductive. Syrah, Grenache and Mourvedre. Drink now through 2009.” 91 points,
smart buy. If you like ripe, sexy California wines, you owe it to yourself to check
this out. $17.99/bottle.
We tasted this wine in a batch of samples about four months ago. It was pretty
tight and closed up, but all the elements
were there, so we went ahead and bought
a chunk of it. And then the reviews came
out … and we got offered a nice additional chunk of it, as we had bought with our
palates, not just on some wine magazine’s
say-so. Here’s what Wine Spectator had
to say: “This is ripe and polished stuff,
a lithe 56/44 blend of Shiraz and Cab-
We’ve tasted wines from these folks over
the years, but they never quite made it
onto our shelves. Well, all that changed
when I tasted through the current batch
of wines. There has been a serious step
up in quality, and it really showed. Here’s
what Bob Parker had to say about the ’04:
“An exuberant, peppery, spicy nose offering up scents of black currants, plums,
and cherries is followed by sweet, medium-bodied flavors, a plush texture, and
gorgeous purity. The result is an alluring,
value-priced wine that can be enjoyed
over the next 2-3 years.” 89 points. We
also have their Alexander Valley Cab, and
it’s right tasty as well. $14.99/bottle.
ERES” 2005
This winery has been in the family since
1792. Jean Collet started bottling under
his own label in 1954. His son, Gilles,
joined his father at the domaine in 1979
and now runs it with his wife, Dominique. Sustainable farming practices are
employed in the vineyards, which are lo-
cated on the best hills along the banks
of the Serein River. Bernard Raveneau’s
notes on the 2005: “Vines are over 30
years old. All hand harvested; clear, yellow colored, fruity nose; round in the
mouth with good minerality and long
finish. Delicious.” This from perhaps the
best producer in all of Chablis. A first for
New Pi and I’m thrilled to offer it to you
at under $20/bottle.
This is a favorite. We featured the ’03 late
last year, and it was a wee bit less civilized than it usually is, and while some
of you really liked that, a few moaned
that it was too big, too ripe, too over the
top. Well, the 2004 should soothe your
aching hearts. It’s got all the usual stuff:
Carignan, Syrah, and a touch of Mourvedre this go round. It’s classic mineral, violet, cherries, and a touch of tar and earth
with a wee bit of saddle leather. Simply
lovely stuff. $14.99/bottle.
We love this winery and have featured
many of their wines at New Pi. Here’s
what Stephen Tanzer’s International Wine Cellar had to say ( Josh Raynolds reviewing): “Saturated ruby. Bright
raspberry and candied cherry aromas are
fresh and strikingly pure. Sweet and silky,
with intense red fruit flavors, impressive focus and fine tannins. Finishes with
very persistent red fruit flavor.” 91 points.
The great deal here is that our importer (Wine Adventures) is local and also
wears the hat of local wholesaler. What’s
that mean? It means you get a 91 point
wine that is supposed to retail at $30 for
$12.99/bottle. How about that?
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march/april 2007
This product is essential to have on hand
and it comes in convenient packets that
you can carry with you. It is loaded with
vitamins B and C to help fight colds and
the flu or whatever form of cooties your
children or mate bring home. It’s also
great for hangovers, especially if you
drink too much wine from Tom’s Top
Ten list (didn’t we warn you?). If you
pay close attention, it’s on sale pretty
much every other month.
Alba Emollient
This unscented body lotion is a deep,
nourishing drink for dry, thirsty skin,
blending certified organic aloe vera,
green tea, and chamomile extracts for
optimum moisture balance and therapeutic benefits. It only needs to be
applied once a day to keep your skin
feeling soft. It is unscented so even
the most sensitive people can use it.
Epicurean Shea Butter
A pure form of shea butter
that is rich, emollient, and
great for rough dry hands. A
little goes a long way when applying this cream. Put a dab in
your hands and rub it vigorously, then apply. It is also good for
stretch marks.
Top Ten Wellness
Products ’
Sue Lapinski, Wellness Manager
ooking for something different to read in this Catalyst besides the
fruity and abundant flavor of a bunch of wines that you probably
shouldn’t be drinking anyway (at least not every night!)? Well, here it
is: The Top Ten Wellness Products. I’m sure a lot of you are breathing
a sign of relief from the anticipation of this article and are thinking
“why she didn’t do this sooner?” So, without further ado, here is the
list of all the products that the staff in the wellness department loves, and we think everyone else should love too.
Ecolips Lip Balm
This lip balm is made with nutrient
rich organic ingredients. It protects
from all the harshest elements like
sun, wind, and cold. There are seven
different varieties including a bee-free
that is vegan, so it’s easy to find one that
suits your lip needs. I almost forgot to
mention, it’s made in Cedar Rapids, so
it’s local.
Suki Lemongrass Facial
The sweetest thing you can wash your face with.
Suki’s products are 100% natural and vegan.
This cleanser is made of sugar and organic rice
flour to exfoliate and soften your face and helps
to eliminate fine lines and wrinkles. This is the
key ingredient for clear healthy skin.
Susie R. Garton
Licensed Massage Therapist
Shiatsu & Massage
Therapy at Towncrest
2418 Towncrest Drive
Iowa City, IA 52240
new pioneer food co-op’s newsletter
Kathy’s Family Body
Nordic Naturals
The tagline for this company is “if you can’t
pronounce ’em don’t use ’em.” That simple
statement is why we like Kathy’s body washes, nothing but pure ingredients, no methyl,
poly blah blah blah. This company is a family business based out of Minnesota. The
body washes come in three different scents,
lavender, citrus, and eucalyptus, so I’m sure
there is one for you.
Everywhere you look someone (like
your Aunt Betty and your doctor), is telling you to take essential fatty acids. Well,
they are right, you should. Our diet does
not permit us to meet our daily requirement of Omega 3’s, which are found in
deep water fish. Omega 3’s fatty acids are
needed daily to support our cardiovascular health. With all that said, Nordic
Naturals tastes great and does not give
you the fish burps. It is also free of heavy
metals that some fish can contain.
New Chapter Rhodiola
Are you groggy and sluggish in the morning? Give your adrenals a break! Throw
out the coffee and try Rhodiola. This herb
is called the Russian ginseng. It gives you
energy without buzz, and it sooths your
nervous system at the same time. It gives
your adrenals the boost they need without
depleting them. This is a great little herb
when you are under stress, which can be
every day!
Garden of Life’s Primal
When this product was first introduced
to me a few years ago I was skeptical, especially because of the price. Well, it has
proven me wrong time and time again. This
is the best probiotic for aiding gastrointestinal disorders. It has 12 different species
of probiotics to handle anything your gut
can’t. Trust me, it’s good.
New Pioneer Greens
and Things
I am not one to brag or anything, but
this is the best tasting green drink, plus it
has our name on it. I know we would all
like to believe we get our daily requirement
of fruits and veggies but really, do you? This
drink is full of fruit, veggies, and greens to give
you all the antioxidants
you need, and it fills you
up, so it’s like fast food
for veggies. Forget the V8 and drink this. experience
a whole new world
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march/april 2007
Remembering Blane Anderson
New Pioneer would like to extend our deepest sympathies to the family of Blane
Anderson, a former New Pi employee and friend who was tragically killed this February in an aircraft accident. Blane had formerly worked as a deli and bakery cook at
New Pioneer. He was a long-time Iowa City resident along with his wife Heidi and
their three children, Ruby Jo, Eli, and RosaMae. Iowa City Grocery Manager Scott
Koepke shares his memories of Blane in the tribute letter below.
Dear Blane,
I love you, and I am very, very thankful for you, my brother. I
will never be able to express this enough. You are one of the finest, kindest, most honorable human beings I have ever known.
You have helped heal the hurt in this world and have made everyone with whom you have connected radiate with light.
I have chosen not to write this in the past tense, because I
believe that you are with us always in ways that we don’t understand yet. (In fact, I remember a conversation we had in the
kitchen once about the intangible. You spoke of matter not being able to be destroyed, but only transformed.) You are felt so
viscerally, and your impact has been so profound in the largest
and smallest of gestures, be it the saving of lives by transporting organs or helping a stranger fix their car for free.
We are all so sad with longing and missing, but what keeps
us going is your smile, Blane Anderson. Your smile is hope,
service, and humility.
And I know that you are sad, too, right now, since we cannot touch one another as we are accustomed. But, at a certain
point, I can also see and hear you reminding me,“The nature of
nature is change, Scotty. Yes, of course I’m sad and a bit mad,
frankly, as well, that my kids and wife won’t have their Dad and
husband to explore more living with, but we ultimately have
to let go of what we can’t control. C’mon, man – have a beer
and dance with the band. That’s what I want.”
You are a wise man, Blane. You are a teacher. You are a
fiercely hard worker. You are tremendously respected. You love
Blane with his daughter RosaMae.
the earth. You are adventure. You are courage. You are a friend.
You are a pillar. And your kids will know these things. They
will know you through us, hundreds of friends and family, as
we share events and inspirations we have had with your honest
model and hopeful tone. They, and Heidi, dear dear Heidi, who
loves you with a deep, precious, eternal love that’s rare in this
life, will always be well taken care of. You are so selfless that I
know this is one of your most important concerns.
I can’t remember if I’ve ever formally thanked you for something: When I was really struggling through some of the darkest days of my life following a broken heart, you welcomed me
into your home, unannounced, to allow me to sit and share
and cry. You listened, you supported, you didn’t judge, and you
made me laugh when I was numb.
Everyday, for the rest of my life, especially when I’m in the
garden, playing music or playing with children, I will love and
thank you for the countless moments of joy you have given us,
and will continue to give, until we meet again.
Scotty Koepke
new pioneer food co-op’s newsletter
FDA Gives Tentative Approval
to Food from Cloned Animals
Article courtesy of Will Fantle, Research Director for The Cornucopia Institute
he Food and Drug Administration
(FDA) has concluded that food
and meat from cloned animals “is as safe
to eat as the food we eat every day.” The
FDA’s determination is contained in its
Draft Animal Cloning Risk Assessment
report released near the end of 2006. But
public interest groups, and many consumers, are concerned that risks to the
public have not fully been examined.
Since 2001, there has been a voluntary moratorium on the sales of milk and
meat from cloned cows, pigs, and goats,
and from their offspring. The moratorium is expected to remain until the FDA
completes its analysis of public comments
(comments accepted until April 2, 2007).
The U.S. would become the first country
to allow food from cloned animals to be
sold in grocery stores should the FDA’s
conclusions be formally accepted.
The FDA report relies heavily on the
work of two animal-cloning companies—
Cyagra and ViaGen—who stand to financially benefit from its conclusions and
who supplied more than a quarter of the
data used in the 700-page FDA draft.
Consumer, farm, and animal welfare
groups have been sharply critical of the
FDA’s decision and the science upon which
it was based.
Their criticisms include:
• Some form of abnormality is found
in 64% of cattle, 40% of sheep, and 93%
of cloned mice, with a large percentage
of the animals dying during gestation or
shortly after birth.
• High rates of late abortion and early
prenatal death occur, with failure rates of
95 percent to 97 percent in most mammal cloning attempts.
CROPP Cooperative, owner of the Organic Valley
Family of Farms brand, announces it is raising capital
through the sale of Class E, Series 1 Preferred Stock.
This stock carries a cumulative annual dividend
of 6%, to be paid quarterly.
Cooperative Regions of Organic Producer Pools (CROPP)
The Offering Circular may be obtained by calling the CROPP Cooperative
office at: 888-444-6455 or by visiting our website at
This announcement is not an offer to sell the Class E, Series 1 Preferred Stock and it is not soliciting
an offer to buy the Class E, Series 1 Preferred Stock in any state where the offer or sale is not
permitted. The Class E, Series 1 Preferred Stock is offered only by means of CROPP’s Offering Circular.
• Defects such as grossly oversized
calves, enlarged tongues, squashed faces,
intestinal blockages, immune deficiencies, and diabetes are common.
• When cloning does not produce a
normal animal, many of the pregnancies
are difficult and cause physical suffering
or death to the surrogate mothers.
The cloning process is accomplished
through the implanting of an adult somatic cell from the preferred donor animal into the uterus of the female. The
somatic cell is subjected to an electric current or a chemical treatment to
spark cell division prior to its placement
in the female. The animals birthed by
the process carry the hopes of scientists
and industry seeking replication and
perpetuation of high-production dairy
cows, superior breeding stock, and other
prized genetic traits.
Widespread adoption of cloning could
lead to the dramatic loss of genetic diversity in livestock. “This,” notes Mark Kastel, Senior Farm Policy Analyst with The
Cornucopia Institute, “may leave farmers
and our nation’s food supply vulnerable
to devastating epidemics due to an extremely narrow gene pool.” Cloning also
depends on the heavy use of artificial hormones to facilitate the reproductive process and to induce labor in the mother.
According to Stephen F. Sundlof,
the FDA’s chief of veterinary medicine,
cloned foods are “virtually indistinguishable” from conventional foods. Despite
continued on page 14
march/april 2007
Cloned Animals, continued from page 13
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public opinion surveys suggesting that
many are suspicious of and don’t want to
eat food from cloned animals, the FDA
has announced no intention of requiring
an identifying label on cloned food products. One recent opinion poll conducted
by the Food Information Council found
that 58 percent of Americans surveyed
would be unlikely to buy meat or milk
from cloned animals, even if supported
by FDA safety endorsements.
The FDA is also not proposing a tracking system for cloned foods that would
allow for tracing back to the source any
problems that may develop. “This is particularly troubling in that they assume that
only food from healthy cloned animals will
enter the food stream,” says Kastel.
While cloned animals may be virtually indistinguishable, this doesn’t mean
that there are not subtle subclinical physiological anomalies. Scientists have suggested that such anomalies could include
alterations in key proteins affecting the
nutritional content of food, leading to
dietary imbalances.
Jim Riddle, the former chair of the
National Organic Standards Board,
notes that “the absence of tracking or labeling protects technology companies
and users of cloned animals from liability.” Without traceability, the determination of harm, should harm occur, is
virtually impossible.
The Cornucopia’s Kastel suggests that
cloned foods may eventually creep into
the organic food sector. A cloned bull,
for example, could be used to impregnate
dairy cows, with the offspring eventually
transitioned onto organic factory-farms.
He says USDA’s present lax enforcement
standards “does not give him much confidence” that this would not occur.
The Cornucopia Institute, the Organic Consumers Association, and the
Center for Food Safety are all working to
maximize public and consumer feedback
to the FDA on their cloning proposal.
An action alert and sample public letter
can be found on the Cornucopia web
page, under the action alerts, at www. Available at New Pioneer Food Co-op
22. S. Van Buren St., Iowa City and City Center Square, Hwy. 6 W., Coralville
new pioneer food co-op’s newsletter
what’s for dinner?
Recipe courtesy of Jenifer Angerer
1 whole chicken
1 T. salt
1 t. oregano
2 t. paprika
2 t. pepper
1 t. garlic powder
1 large onion cut in wedges
Mix spices and rub on chicken (seal
overnight if possible—but if you are in a
hurry no worries—it’s good regardless).
Place onion wedges inside the cavity of
the chicken. Roast covered for 2–3 hours
(depending on size of chicken) at 300˚.
Baste at the end. This can also be made
in a crock pot.
Recipe courtesy of Theresa Carbrey
Assorted dried fruit
Mango juice
Toasted walnuts, chopped
Vanilla yogurt
Place dried fruit in a bowl and cover
with mango juice. Larger fruit may be cut
into chunks prior to soaking. Allow the
mixture to sit in the refrigerator overnight so the fruit soaks up the juice.
To toast the walnuts, preheat oven
to 350˚. Place whole walnuts in a single
layer onto a baking sheet. Bake for 5–10
minutes until golden brown. Allow the
nuts to cool, then chop.
Spoon the yogurt into cups and cover
with fruit. Sprinkle with chopped nuts.
You can make this recipe as large or as
small as you like. Enjoy!
2 T. olive oil
2 very large onions, halved, sliced
(about 4 cups)
1 large carrot, coarsely grated
1 t. ground cumin
1 garlic clove, minced
1 ½ c. arborio rice or medium-grain
white rice
4 c. canned chicken broth or vegetable broth
6 oz. kale
Heat oil in a large heavy wide pot over
medium heat. Add onions; sauté until
tender and deep brown, about 20 minutes. Transfer ½ cup onion slices to small
bowl and reserve. Add carrot, cumin, and
garlic to onions in pot; stir 1 minute. Stir
in rice. Add broth; bring to boil. Reduce
heat to low; cover and simmer until rice is
tender and most liquid is absorbed, about
15 minutes. Stir kale into rice mixture;
cover and cook until kale wilts, about 4
minutes. Season to taste with salt and
pepper. Transfer pilaf to bowl; top with
reserved ½ cup onion slices.
march/april 2007
The Co-op Principles are Serious … But We’re Not!
Theresa Carbrey, Education and Member Services
Suzie: I like that New Pi is a co-op.
Mike: Yeah, I am all over the new sushi.
And the cashiers are such foxes!
Suzie: That’s not what makes the Coop a co-op!
Mike: It’s not? Well, I sure feel at home
here. It’s my kind of food.
Suzie: Being a co-op is about the members owning the business. That’s why
everyone has a membership. It’s how
we own part of the business.
Mike: I got a member number. It’s from
my old college roommate.
Suzie: You’re supposed to have your own
member number! How do you vote
in co-op elections?
Mike: Members are supposed to vote in
co-op elections?
Suzie: Voting is part of the “co-op” deal.
You know,“locally owned, democratically controlled …”
Mike: I’m in favor of that.
Suzie: Did you ever hear of the Co-op
Mike: Like, I’m sure I’m in favor of them.
I bet the Co-op Principles are about
eating good food, right?
Suzie: Kind of. The first “modern coop” was a grocery store. The Co-op
Principles are from this grocery store
founded in Britain in the 1840s. A
group of weavers were hungry after
a failed strike. No one would hire
them, and their grocers used dishonest weights and sold adulterated food.
But the group had political savvy and
a union background. So they came together to make a co-op for food.
Mike: 1844 is pretty long ago.
Suzie: Do you want to hear about the
Co-op Principles?
Mike: Sure. Maybe I can chat up a cashier!
Suzie: The first Co-op Principle is Open
Membership: Everyone is welcome
to join.
new pioneer food co-op’s newsletter
Cooperatives follow seven internationally recognized principles:
• Voluntary and Open Membership
• Democratic Member Control
• Member Economic Participation
• Autonomy and Independence
• Education, Training and Information
• Cooperation Among Cooperatives
• Concern for Community
Mike: That’s not a big deal.
Suzie: Not nowadays it isn’t. But back then almost every group had its own preferred people and refused outsiders. For example, in various early co-op groups
to belong you had to be a man, or rich, or part of a certain church congregation,
or a member of a certain Masonic order.
Mike: We could refuse membership to people who think the war on Iraq was a
good idea.
Suzie: Ouch! That’s my point. We let anybody join the Co-op, no matter what.
Mike: What’s Principle Two?
Suzie: Democratic Member Control: One person, one vote.
Mike: Democracy is good.
Suzie: The members vote for the Co-op Board, and the Co-op Board sets policy
and hires the GM, and the GM hires and directs the staff.
Mike: How do you vote at the Co-op anyway?
Suzie: You have a valid membership and respond to the October Catalyst newsletter mailing which includes the election issue.
Mike: Well, it’s $60 for a membership.
Suzie: Yeah, but it’s a one-time fee. Let’s go on to Principle Three: Member Economic Participation. That’s your member share. Instead of having a rich person or a
corporation come up with the money to start and run a business (and take all the
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profits), we, the members, come up with the money in the form of our member
shares. Then we’re in charge of running it and get the benefits.
Mike: So, we run it by electing a board who thinks like us.
Suzie: Smarter, hopefully. The Co-op Principles are used around the world for all
different kinds of businesses. In the United States people alienated by big biz and
the Vietnam War had solidarity and a shared vision of better food. We started
the natural foods co-ops that live on today, like New Pioneer, in the ’70s using
the Co-op Principles. Principle Three means when a co-op gets ahead financially
it makes sure all members benefit fairly. In co-ops you get a patronage check in
proportion to how much you spent in a good year. Whenever New Pioneer has
done well financially, it has reinvested in expanding services. That’s how we got a
deli, started carrying meat and seafood, and started baking European style hearth
bread and making fresh juice and smoothies.
Mike: What’s next?
Suzie: Principle Four: Autonomy and Independence, means we don’t have to obey
orders from some “national corporate office”. It means we are on our own to figure stuff out, for better or worse.
Mike: Hopefully for better!
Suzie: That leads us to Co-op Principle Five: Education and Training. Co-ops provide education and information to members, board members, managers, and staff
so they can do their part in making the Co-op better. There are workshops on
how to be a better board member, and conferences for staff to attend.
Mike: Like, my part is to shop at the Co-op and vote.
Suzie: Right. How’s this educational talk going? Want to talk about Principle Six:
Cooperation among Co-ops?
Mike: It’s going good. But I don’t think cooperating with other co-ops can matter
much to me here.
Suzie: Actually, all the “new wave co-ops” from the 70s that are still alive got together
as a “co-op of co-ops” to negotiate best prices from national suppliers. New Pioneer is a pipsqueak at 17 million dollars a year. No supplier cuts a deal with such
a small volume player. But when all of the co-ops buy together, we become a much
stronger force. That’s how we can have the CAP program, which is the stuff on
special price in the stores each month. Really helps with the shopping bill.
Mike: Yeah, I buy what’s on sale. I like to get a good deal.
Suzie: The last Co-op Principle is: Concern for Community. New Pioneer has always been good at that and members have loved it. We started the I-CARE breakfast as a fundraiser when HIV/AIDS was kind of an awkward social topic. We
did benefits for the Free Medical Clinic and the Crisis Center. We helped found
Table to Table Food Rescue and the
local foods celebration Field to Family. We rock!
Mike: You almost make the Co-op Principles interesting. jewelry
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march/april 2007
New Pioneer Responds to
WIC’s Increased Demands
Jenifer Angerer, Marketing Manager
Letter by Genie Maybanks, Customer Service Manager
New Pioneer sent the following letter to the WIC program
facilitators in November of 2006. We had received notification that New Pioneer was no longer in compliance with the
WIC program product requirements, and that the WIC program would be increasing the number of products a retailer
would need to supply if they wanted to continue to partner
with the program.
WIC is a very worthy state run program that benefits mothers with children in need. It is also a very national brand name
program, featuring items such as Cheerios, Skippy peanut butter, and Gerber baby food. WIC is expanding their product
requirements to include such items as commercial carrots in
one pound bags, commercial beans, and infant formula. For
reasons stated in the letter, it is very difficult for New Pioneer
to stock all of the required items. Failure to comply with WIC
requirements jeopardizes New Pi’s ability to accept EBT (food
stamp) payments. EBT is another valuable program that gives
assistance with groceries. Participants in this program far outnumber those in WIC.
Our hope is that WIC facilitators will make concessions
and reimburse us for natural and organic foods and give us less
strict minimal product requirements.
As of February 12th, 2007 New Pi had yet to hear from the
WIC program regarding our request. New Pioneer does not
want to lose either the WIC or EBT programs. But unless we
can convince WIC facilitators to make these concessions, we
may need to sacrifice one to save the other. The Co-op is asking for your help. There will be petitions asking for the stated concessions available in both stores through the month of
March. Concerned customers can sign this petition, and we
will include the petition and signatures with another request
to WIC. Thank you in advance for your participation.
Coping with food allergies?
Want to prevent Type 2 Diabetes?
Meet with a dietetic intern for nutritional
counseling—contact Theresa at 338-9441
new pioneer food co-op’s newsletter
Dear WIC Program Facilitators:
According to our mission statement, New Pioneer Food
Co-op is an “environmentally and socially responsible member of the community we serve.” It is our mission to stimulate
the local production of natural and organic foods, therefore
benefiting our local water quality, the environment, the physical and financial health of local Iowa farmers, and the overall
Iowa economy. We are socially responsible in many more ways.
We provide healthy bulk options so that our customers may
purchase items such as whole grains at low costs. We support
many non-profit ventures and take our commitment to serve
our community seriously. We do not feel that the environment
and social considerations are mutually exclusive.
Within the confines of the WIC program, New Pioneer
Food Co-op is required to carry national brand name products, many of which are not produced locally. None are organic. While New Pioneer Food Co-op is in full support of the
mission which WIC lays forth in providing “not just immediate food benefits, but education to influence eating habits for
a lifetime,” the products which WIC excludes (organics) does
not comport well with our mission.
Because the WIC program is so limited in product selection, because there is a blatant refusal to accept organic foods,
because we are continuously being denied reimbursement for
natural peanut butter for pricing reasons, and because the minimal requirements are increasing to include perishable non-organic fruits and vegetables, we are being forced to reevaluate
our role as a partner with WIC.
If the Iowa Department of Public Health would kindly take
the time to consider making exceptions to allow local natural
food cooperatives to continue participating in the WIC program, we would be happy to be a continuing partner. We do
not have the space to accommodate two varieties (organic and
non-organic) of every product required and we do not have access to distribution channels necessary to carry all of the items
required. The concessions we are looking for are reimbursement for the natural and organic foods we sell and less strict
minimal product requirements.
Thank you for the consideration.
New Pioneer Food Co-op grocery top picks
Dr. Oetker Brownie Mix—This delicious chewy brownie is so easy to make, we bet your
roommate could even do it! And nothing’s better than a Dr. Oetker’s brownie sundae
made with La Loos goatsmilk ice cream and homemade hot fudge. $3.29/13.1 oz.
Human Guinea Pigs
Eat Ape Diet
Maranatha® Honey Peanut Spread—A slightly sweet peanutty treat! Ready to
spread on your favorite sliced fruit or toasted bakehouse bread. $3.89/12 oz.
In a British experiment filmed for
television, nine volunteers agreed to setup camp in a zoo and eat an ape’s diet
for 12 days. The goal of the experiment
was to create a visual documentary of the
types of reactions that would take place
from giving up standard processed foods
in favor of a diet eaten for hundreds of
millions of years by our ancestors. The
diet included 2,300 calories of fruits, vegetables, nuts and honey each day. Fish
oil was introduced part way through the
experiment to reflect a hunter-gatherer’s diet. Once getting over withdrawal
symptoms from caffeine and excitotoxins in their standard diets, the volunteers reported increased energy levels.
Experiment volunteers all lost weight
and substantially decreased cholesterol
and blood pressure levels.
Learn more: www.organicconsumers.
Rapunzel Hazelnut Spread—So creamy and delectable, this blend of the finest cocoa, ground hazelnuts, and vanilla might just leave you weak in the knees. Spread it
on a cake. Or an apple. Or each other. $6.59/8.8 oz.
Fantastic Foods Vegetarian Chicken Noodle Mix—Because vegetarians get colds
too! This rich broth brimming with noodles and mock chicken bits will warm you
to your toes. $4.49/9.7 oz.
Thai Kitchen Rice Noodle Bowls—A quick and affordable pick for lunch or a
healthy snack. Like ramen, but with class and taste. $1.89/1.74 - 2.4 oz.
Kagome Juices—This company strives to remain “true to nature” by processing
their juices as little as possible. Their reverse osmosis juicing technique helps retain
the bright color and nutritional benefits of fresh fruits and vegetables. Available in a
wide variety of interesting flavor combinations like Purple Roots & Fruits and Autumn Reds. $4.29/30 oz.
Prana Bars—The power of raw enzymes is like the power of a thousand horses
dragging you up a mountain. Well, maybe not, but this tasty energy bar should get
you through the morning at least. $1.99/1.7 oz
Sanfaustino Water—Water plus bubbles equals fun. Plus, this water is full of essential minerals like extra calcium for bone health. $2.99/1 liter (33.8 oz.)
Matt’s Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies—Have you discovered Matt’s
Cookies yet? Soft like homemade, but made from better stuff than what’s in your
pantry. $3.99/16 oz.
RP’s Pasta—Fresh, all natural pasta that’s hand-rolled for the perfect al dente texture. Flavors include Pesto, Porcini Mushroom, Kalamata Olive, and Quattro Formaggi. Linguine, Fettucini, & Garlic Angel Hair - $2.99/9 oz., Gluten-Free Varieties
- $3.49/9 oz., Lasagna - $3.99/9 oz. Ravioli & Tortellini - $4.79/9 oz. (Selection
will vary between both stores.)
march/april 2007
Maharishi Enlightenment Center Store
Iowa City’s Old Capitol Mall • 201 S. Clinton St. • (319) 351-1107
(across Clinton from the “Active Endeavors” Store)
For more products and information:
Give the Gifts of Health and Beauty
Capri-Sun “Natural” Beverages
A Florida woman has filed a lawsuit against Kraft Foods
for deceptively labeling its Capri-Sun products as “All Natural”. The beverage is packed in foil pouches that claim the juice
contains “no artificial ingredients” while cleverly failing to provide an ingredient list. In actuality, the beverage contains only a
small amount of fruit juice and is predominantly made of high
fructose corn syrup, a sweetener made via synthetic processes
that is found in most sodas.
Learn more:
Plant a Free Tree
With the help of our friends at Cascade
Forestry Service, Inc., located in Cascade,
Iowa, New Pioneer is giving away 250
oak trees in stores on Earth Day, April
22ⁿd. The trees will be available in both
store locations.
According to the US Forest Service,
Iowa has lost over 300,000 oak trees
since 1954. It’s up to all of us to help
perpetuate the growth of Iowa’s beautiful oaks. Visit New Pioneer on April
22ⁿd to get your free tree.
For more information on planting native Iowa trees and shrubs, visit www.
How will you spend your Saturday afternoon?
We know you’re busy, and you have more important things to worry
about than, let’s say, scrubbing your toilet. Your weekends should be
your time to connect with loved ones and enrich your life, not clean
your house. MaidPerfect is a socially responsible company that offers a
great selection of cleaning options, including an eco-friendly cleaning
that utilizes only non-toxic, biodegradable products that won’t leave
behind harmful residues, so family and pets are safe. We also offer some
of the industry’s highest wages, because we believe in treating our
maids ethically and promoting trust and accountability. Give us a call
today and take back your weekends!
All New Pioneer Co-op members will receive
a 20% discount, just by mentioning this ad!
new pioneer food co-op’s newsletter
The progressive cleaning company
what’s cooking at the co-op?
Thanks for your interest in New Pioneer cooking classes and wine
sampling events! Registration is required, so please contact Stephanie
Catlett at 338-9441, ext. 36, or to sign up. Classes
are held at the Coralville store unless otherwise noted.
Thai Spring Rolls
with Elizabeth Weinberg
Tues., Mar. 6, 6–8pm &
Thurs., Apr. 19, 6–8pm
Thai spring rolls feature fresh ingredients wrapped in translucent rice
noodles accompanied by dipping sauces. Join Chef Elizabeth Weinberg as she demonstrates the preparation of spring rolls with shrimp,
pork, bean thread noodles, lettuce, mint, and cilantro. Learn to create
a beautiful presentation by placing the ingredients artistically within
the rice noodle wrapper in this hands-on class.
Tapas in Piedmonte
with Charles Baker-Clark
Wed., Mar. 7, 6–8pm
When tapas enter our conversation, images of tiny plates and shared
experiences in small Spanish bars and cafés often arise. Please join
Charles Baker-Clark, author of Profiles from the Kitchen: What Great
Cooks Have Taught Us About Ourselves and Our Food, in an experience
that celebrates the ability of food to bring people together. Our shared
experience will plumb the gastronomic depths of both Spain and Italy.
We will explore a variety of antipasti associated with the Italian region
of Piedmonte and adapt them to the tapas tradition of Spain.
Seafood around the World
with Tim Palmer
Tues., Mar. 20, 6–8pm
Join Tim Palmer of Clover Hill Creations as we prepare and taste the
best in creative seafood recipes from restaurants around the world.
Enjoy these flavors: Palermo, Italy - Lobster Fra Diavilo Manta, Ecua-
dor - Seared Wild Shrimp Ceviche with Avocado Sauce and Crunchy
Corn Paris, France - Sole Amandine (or Orange Roughy) San Antonio, Riverwalk - Seafood Cocktail Hong Gai, Vietnam - Summer Rolls
with Crab Puerto Nuevo, and Mexico - Fish Tacos (Tilapia).
Indian Lamb Curry
with Shelly Sarin
Thurs., Mar. 22, 6–8pm &
Tues., Apr. 24, 6–9pm
While growing up, Shelly enjoyed her Punjabi mother’s fresh Indian food. As an adult she continues to explore the spicy and complex
flavors of Indian cooking. Discover the flavor of spices favored in Indian cooking. Learn the basics of Indian meal planning and the role
of condiments and side dishes like chutney and raita. Join Shelly as
she demonstrates the preparation of an Indian menu featuring Rogan Josh (Lamb Curry), Rice Pullao, Roasted Eggplant Raita, and
Chapatti. Look for a special Indian dessert!
Killer Epidemic! Are You Vulnerable?
Understanding Metabolic Syndrome
with Kelly Cobb, MD
Tues., Mar. 27, 6–8pm
Come get the weapons needed to fight your own personal battle
against the epidemic of illness and premature aging called Metabolic
Syndrome. Exercise and a well-balanced diet of wholesome fare are
important elements in the fight against the above-listed conditions.
Join IC Mercy Hospital internal medicine doctor Kelly Cobb to learn
if you are at risk, and how to make friends with your insulin levels
through choosing carbohydrates that are digested slowly. Sustainable
weight loss and reduced risk of cancer are also attractive benefits of
choosing the low-glycemic diet.
march/april 2007
Adams Therapeutic Bodywork
shiatsu/deep tissue
Mary Adams RN, LMT, ABT
balancing chi
myofacial release
deep muscle
Registered Nurse Advocate
Certified Asian Bodywork Therapist
what’s cooking at the co-op?
Great French Wine under $20/Bottle
with Jay Berry
Thurs., Mar. 29, 6–8pm
A great deal of very good wine is being produced worldwide at this time. Join wine enthusiast
Jay Berry as he samples wines under $20/bottle from France, featuring the areas of Bordeaux,
Burgundy, and the Rhone Valley. Both red and white wines will be included.
How and Why to Go Vegan
• Custom Binding, Serging, and Fringe
• Oriental and Custom Rug Sales
• Carpet Sales
rown’s Floor Care
S INCE 1936
Professional Carpet & Furniture Cleaning
Eastern Iowa’s Oriental Rug Cleaning Specialists
720 East Davenport Street
Iowa City 319-337-7721
Be Well Chiro
Holistic Care
Chiropractic Care without a
“Snap & Pop”
Dan Wickenkamp, D.C.
Kelly Wickenkamp, D.C.
Doreen Liss, LMT Massage Therapy
Located in Schaeffer Chiropractic
1100 6th St., Ste. 204
Coralville, IA 52241
new pioneer food co-op’s newsletter
with Dave Burt
Mon., Apr. 9, 6–8pm
Rather than think about what vegans don’t eat (meat, cheese, and honey for starters), consider the benefits of choosing this form of vegetarianism. Some hope for a sharper brain in
later years and easier weight management now. Vegans put their mouths where their beliefs
are, many seeing their food choices as a way to be genuinely compassionate to animals, and to
minimize their environmental impact. Veganism allows one to fully taste the sweetness and
richness of organic plant foods, simply and gracefully prepared. At this class, vegan meals
and snacks will be prepared and sampled. Everyone is welcome, from curious newcomers to
vegans of long standing.
Lebanese Favorites
with Michelle Bayouth
Tues., Apr. 10, 6–8pm
Join Michelle Bayouth as she prepares some of her favorite Lebanese recipes, including MeatStuffed Arabic Grape Leaves (Yubra), a hearty lentil-rice dish called Mujuddara, as well as
Hummus, Cauliflower with Fresh Lemon, Fettoosh Salad, and Cinnamon Oranges. We’ll
sample olives, cheese, and wine.
Vegetarian Sushi Roll with Various Fillings
by David Burt
Tues., April 17, 6–8pm
Dazzle your guests with platters of homemade sushi! Sushi Roll, also called Nori Maki, features seasoned rice and various fillings rolled up in sheets of toasted nori. The roll is then
sliced crosswise to reveal the filling. Students will have a chance to try their hand under the
supervision of instructor David Burt of The Red Avocado restaurant.
what’s cooking at the co-op?
Gentle low-force
Chiropractic care
Cupcake Extraveganza
with Jennifer Bedet
Thurs., Apr. 26, 6–8pm
Let them eat cupcakes! Join local vegan baker Jennifer Bedet for an egg-free and dairy-free
baking demonstration. Jennifer will provide recipes and basic tips for vegan baking and demonstrate techniques such as filling and layering cupcakes. Vegans and anyone interested in
learning more about living a life free of animal products are invited to a FREE Cupcake Reception following the class.
Dan Wickenkamp, D.C.
Be Well Chiro
618 11th Ave. Coralville
“Rising Star” Wineries of Oregon & Washington
with Jay Berry
Mon., Apr. 30, 6–8pm
Several domestic wineries are making great wine from grapes grown in the states of Oregon
and Washington. Join wine enthusiast Jay Berry as we explore offerings from such luminaries as King Estate, Chehalem, and Benton Lane. These wines are flying off the Co-op shelves.
We’ll taste reds and whites, accompanied by cheese and bread.
Celebrate Earth Day!
Star Acupuncture
Long Life
Sara Pamela Star, L.Ac.
Earth Day is Sunday, April 22ⁿd
What can you do to make a difference? Plan to systematically replace the light bulbs in your
house with a more energy-efficient style. Or maybe you can take the bus or walk to work
instead of driving your car. Every effort you make contributes to the vision of Earth Day
founder, Senator Gaylord Nelson, who created Earth Day for the American people as “a forum to express its concern about what was happening to the land, rivers, lakes, and air.”
Board Certified Acupuncturist
Chinese Herbal Medicine
Feng Shui Consultant
(319) 895-6488
Now two convenient locations!
1906 (S) D Street, Iowa City, IA
111 First Ave. North, Mt. Vernon, IA
Introducing Crystal Meridian Integration.
If you want to celebrate early, Step It Up 2007 is organizing a nationwide rally for global climate change on April 14t. Visit to find the rally nearest to
you or to organize a rally in your city. Global initiative such as these can help make it
Earth Day every day!
For more information on Earth Day events, visit or
march/april 2007
April  & 
Saturday, am–pm
Sunday, am–pm
at the Coralville New Pi
Tent Sale
U.S. Postage
Spencer, IA 51301
Permit # 63
22 S. Van Buren St.
Iowa City, IA 52240
(319) 338-9441
open daily 7am–11pm
City Center Square, Hwy. 6 West
Coralville, IA 52241
(319) 358-5513
open daily 7am–10pm
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