State Schools Spectacular - Silverton Primary School
State Schools Spectacular - Silverton Primary School
29th July 2015 Vol 23 No 11 AUGUST 6th House Athletics 17th School Concert 18th School Concert 21st Robocup State Final 27th Rugby Gala Day 28th Foundation (Prep) 2016—Crazy Science Day 1:30-2:30 SEPTEMBER 3rd District Athletics 4th Father’s Day Stall 11th Silverton Kids Teaching Kids 12th State School Spectacular 16th Division Athletics 18th Footy Day Last Day Term - 2.30 Finish Dear Parents, Thank you to all the parents who attended the Student Led Conferences last Thursday, it was a successful day. Parents who haven’t had their student led conference as yet please contact the teacher as soon as possible. Congratulations, we now have 383 families on Sentral. The online interview booking procedure went smoothly. Also, parents are using the portal to explain their child's absence from school. This process seems to be working very well. The next step for us is to publish June reports online in preparation for December. Yangcheng Number One School – Sister School in China I would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge our Host Families for opening up their homes to accommodate a student/s from China over five nights. Silverton students and teachers have now made a real connection with our Sister School and we will continue this relationship for many years to come. It was a wonderful experience for our whole school community. Protecting Our School If anyone notices any unusual activity at the school outside school hours, please call the Springvale Police on 8558-8600 From the Principal’s desk Students of the Week Birthdays Woolworths Earn & Learn Student & Parent Portal Link Community News Sick Bay Silverton Tit Bits House Athletics & Sausage Sizzle Mathlete of the Week & Maths News School Concert dates & booking info. State Schools Spectacular tickets Sponsors/Advertisers XieXie to these families ZAGARELOS, EDIRISURIYA, PRENTICE, YOUNG, ROSENBERG, WU, WONG, KOVACIC, SAHETAPY, DIMITRAKOPOULOS XieXie Mrs Sue Birkbeck for hosting the Chinese teacher, Miss WANG Jie THINGS DUE BACK Don’t forget our school concert is on the 17th and 18th of August, Silverton presents ‘Back to the Future’ *Parent Contribution Instalment #3 *CSEF application form *Music Semester 2 Instalment #1 *Laptop Instalment #3 now due *House Athletics Form *Sausage Sizzle form & money School concert tickets can be purchased online at TRYBOOKING.COM.AU/143246 or Follow the link on our school website Amanda STUDENTS OF THE WEEK AWARDS Congratulations to the following students who have been awarded ‘Student Of The Week’ certificates FS Suha Moin 34E FS Rebecca Horsnell 34E Ben Wellman/Rachel Heard FI Oscar Flack 34R FI Ethan Sissing 34R Reyaa Venu FL Tiara Sharma 34T Emilio Hajj FL Ellena Ognenov 34T FV Chloe Mutch 34O Jack Gibson FV Mayuka Ronaweera 34O Nyah Abdullkarim FE Dennis Georgiadis 34N Sathwick Vallabhapurapu FE Shameera Shanthakumar 34N Amaal Ibrahim 12R Mandeep Mandal 56S Danni Kahrimanis 12R Tash Hamer 56S Blair Hepburn 12T Inaaya Ayub 56I Marcus Kazi 12T Sumehra Khan 56I Abi Young 12O Georgie Karanasios 56L Emilia Walmaggia 12O Erin Kazi 56L Alex Harbis 12N Omar Muhedinovic 56V Alicia Perri 12N Aydin Jasika 56V Ryan Dang 12S Elias Hajj 56E Canace Williams 12S Magdalena Nhial 56E Norah Hoang 12I Preet Parmar 12I Veronica Micallef 12L Estelle Dang 12L Fiona Wee 12V Sarai Morena Duque 12V Imogen O’Connor BIRTHDAYS Leandro FLETT Karthikeya SARADHY Kenley NGUYEN Jorja COORAY Christian KOSSIVAS Kate HERRERA Lucien CHUNG Andrew NGUYEN Alicia PERRI Dion KAPRALOS Caleb MYERS James KELEHER Milana CAKIC Alyssia NGOMA Ty GERARDI Coopah CLEMENT EARN AND LEARN We are participating in this program so if you, relatives or friends shop at Woolworths please collect the stickers and bring them into school. Could you please bring them in as you get them rather than save them up. We have to count & package them so it is much easier to do in smaller lots than one big huge one. Thankyou! Thomas PAVLIDIS James LANTOURIS Madison ANTHONY-MCLEAN Mia GRIMWOOD Panayiota TRIANTAFILLOPOULOS David QUAN Kyriaki KOLOKOTSAS STUDENT & PARENT PORTAL LINK Access on the School website Register with your Family Access here portal/register If you do not have your family access details please contact the school office. CRAFT MARKETS at SANDOWN RACECOURSE To be held on Saturday 15th August & Saturday 26th September from 9:00am until 2:00pm Parking $4.00 (enter off Princess Highway) Wednesday 29th July 2015 COMMUNITY NEWS ST PAULS CRICKET CLUB They are running 4 weeks of Junior MasterClasses each Saturday starting 8th August 2015. Get an advantage over your opposition this summer. Players from other clubs welcome before your own preseason begins. Ages 9 to 16. Where: Batesford Reserve, Chadstone When: Saturday 8th, 15th, 22nd & 29th August. Time: 9:30am until 11:00am Cost $5 per session includes drink & sausage in bread. Registration essential. Email us at KEYZPARK CALISTHENICS CLUB Enrol now for Term 3. Fun & fitness for ages 4-7. Classes every Saturday 11:00am until 12:30pm at Noble Park Community Centre. $12.50 per class. Call Ainslee for further information on 0400 611 521 TACKLING ANXIETY & BUILDING RESILIENCE IN YOUNG PEOPLE Parents may be interested in this very informative information evening as the topic is applicable to those in the 8 to 21 years of age range. It is presented by Dr Michael Carr-Gregg on Wednesday 12th August at Our Lady of Sion College, 1065 Whitehorse Road, Box Hill. Cost is $20 per person (at the door) NO EFTPOS. Bookings are essential by emailing Include your Name, and number of tickets required. Collect and pay for tickets on the night. Enquiries 0433 616 771 (Rick) LYNDALE CRICKET CLUB Want to play cricket? Every new U11 & U13 member will receive a new cricket bat. Milo In2Cricket (boys & girls 7-9) Friday night from 5:00pm, U11 (boys & girls Friday nights from 5:15pm) as well U13, U15 & U17. Contact Rodney Keyaerts 0466 698 168 SILVERTON TIT BITS PEER MEDIATION AWARDS Claire Dawos Dylan Delahunty Prithvil Sathies Sia Vak Luke Wu Dean Dimitrakopoulos Tom Robinson Krisha Upadhyay UNIFORM SHOP Opening Times Mondays from 8:30—9:30 am and Wednesdays from 2:45—3:30 pm HOUSE POINTS SICK BAY We are desperate for small sized track pants for use in the sick bay. If you have any old ones at home that you can donate please bring them into the school office. Thank you in anticipation of your help with this! HOUSE ATHLETICS These will be held on Thursday 6th August at Ross Reserve Athletics Track, Noble Park. There will be a sausage sizzle at the Athletics. Forms & money for both the Athletics & Sausage Sizzle must be returned urgently. (Copies of both forms have been included with this Newsletter) ***Please note if the Athletics are cancelled due to bad weather the sausage sizzle will still take place back at school. Melaleuca (Blue) - 35 points Banksia (Green) - 32 points Grevillea (Red) - 36 points Acacia (Yellow) - 37 points CARTRIDGE RECYCLING If you have a printer, fax or photocopier at home that has cartridges or other consumables that you need to dispose of we now have a box in the office for you to put them in. MOBILE PHONE RECYCLING Help the Gorilla’s at Werribee Zoo by recycling your old mobile phones. There is a drop box in the office foyer for you to put them in. This will also help the environment! NEED A LIBRARY BAG? Royal Children's Hospital Tote bags for $2.50, can be ordered through the Uniform shop or the Office. We are awaiting a shipment and you can pre-order now and they will be delivered to your child when they arrive. These are great not only for Library bags also very handy multi purpose bags. Wednesday 29th July 2015 SILVERTON PRIMARY SCHOOL HOUSE ATHLETICS DAY- 6th August 2015 Dear Parents, This year both the senior and junior house athletics will be held on the same day with students rotating through a series of athletic events. The competition will be held on Thursday 6th August at Ross Reserve Athletics Track, Noble Park. In the event of severe weather and the Athletics need to be postponed, the backup day is Wednesday 26th August. The students will travel by bus with grade levels 3, 4, 5 and 6 leaving Silverton at approximately 9.05am for a 10am start. Grades Foundation, 1 and 2 will leave Silverton at approximately 9.30am for a 10.30am start at Ross Reserve. Students will return to school before 3:15pm. Parents are most welcome to come along and support our school on the day. Please ensure your child has suitable clothing and plenty of snacks, including a drink, there will also be a BBQ lunch for students to pre-order. Students should wear their house colours - T shirt and shorts or skirt which is appropriate for athletic events. Students should come prepared for all weather conditions and bring their jumper, tracksuit pants, runners, hat and have sunscreen applied. There is a $4 charge for the bus. Parents who have been approved for the CSEF payment can choose to use this money to pay for the bus. We are also looking for volunteers to assist with different roles on the day. If you are able to assist please indicate so on the form below. Ric Thompson – P.E. Teacher Please complete the form below and return by: Wednesday 29th July ……………………………………………………………………………………………….......................... SILVERTON PRIMARY SCHOOL House Athletics - 6th August 2015 I give permission for my child …………….…………………………..…..………......... in Grade …….... to travel by bus to and from Ross Reserve, Noble Park for the House Athletics on Thursday 6th August or on the backup day of Wednesday 26th August. □ I enclose $4 for the bus □ Please take the $4 for the bus from my CSEF funds I AM able to assist as a volunteer during the House Sports day - Yes No Parent phone contact (during excursion): Name ...............................................……………………….....…....... Phone No.: ............................ I authorise the teacher in charge of the excursion to consent, where it is impracticable to communicate with me, to my child receiving such medical or surgical treatment as may be deemed necessary. Any medical conditions you should be aware of are: _______________________________________________________________________________ Signature: _____________________________________ (Parent/Guardian) Date: _____________________ WHICH HOUSE IS GOING TO WIN? HOUSE SPORTS SAUSAGE SIZZLE On Thursday 6th August the SPS Parents Association will be holding a Sausage Sizzle Lunch for students as part of the House Sports at Ross Reserve Athletic Track. (The BBQ will be held at Ross Reserve, and parents/spectators can purchase sausages on the day.) If students would like to place an order, please fill in the form below & return the order form & exact money in an envelope by Monday 3rd August. NOTE: NO ORDERS WILL BE ACCEPTED ON THE THURSDAY MORNING $3.00 1 x Sausage in bread plus choice of Fruit Juice or Water Please ensure that you clearly write your name & grade ____________________________________ _________________ Name ______________________________________________________________ Grade ___________ Any dietary requirements ? _______________________________________________________________ CIRCLE ONE ONLY - FRUIT JUICE Apple Apple & Blackcurrant Orange Water Sausage and Drink $3.00 Extra Sausage $1.00 Total $___________ PLEASE NOTE : NO LATE ORDERS OR REFUNDS will be accepted or offered if you pay & your child/children do not attend sports on the day. Thank you for your on-going support. Sumi Herath Mudiyanselage 20 July 2015 Rahul Gupta 27 July 2015 Mathlete of the Week SAFETY IN SILVERTON DRIVE We would like to remind parents that the 2 minute designated drop off zone in Silverton Drive are for just that purpose dropping off your child NOT to park your car and leave the vehicle to bring your child into school. These areas have been created by the local Council to help with the congestion in the street due to the lack of parking, so please obey these signs and do not park there for long periods. Also a reminder not to do u-turns directly outside the school front gate. This is a very dangerous thing to be doing for the safety of children, the crossing supervisor & other vehicles we ask that you please don’t do this. The Council has been informed about both these issues so next time you may be fined. Wednesday 29th July 2015 Wednesday 29th July 2015 Silverton Presents... School Concert 2015 Save the Date’s: 17 and 18th of August at Crossways th 2015 (2 Vision Drive, Burwood East) Tickets for the concert are ONLY AVAILABLE ON-LINE at TRYBOOKING.COM.AU/143246 OR Follow the link on the school web site You will need either a Credit Card or Pre-Purchase card (available from Australia Post, Woolworths and Coles) to purchase the tickets. Tickets are allocated seating. Please use the venue map below as a guide to choosing your seats. Prices are: Adults $18.30 (including booking fee) Children (12 years and under) $10.30 (including booking fee) You will need to print your ticket/s and bring them with you on the night of the concert. It is an expectation that all Silverton school children will attend both nights of the concert to participate in their performances. It is the parents’ responsibility to organise transport for their child/children to and from the concert. Children are expected to attend the concert on both nights. They are expected to be there by 6:30pm or as advised by their teacher and we anticipate the concert will conclude by approximately 9:30pm on both nights. Note: Silverton Students involved in the concert do not have to purchase a ticket. The price of the tickets is well below the level required to cover costs on the night but we feel it is important to keep them affordable to ensure maximum attendance. The concert is our way of showing the school community the highly talented children of Silverton Primary School. Wednesday 29th July 2015 State Schools Spectacular (please note this IS NOT the Silverton School Concert) Victorian State Schools Spectacular – Get your tickets! We are proud and excited to have some of our students participating in the 2015 Victorian State Schools Spectacular: What’s Your Story? This year’s Spectacular will be held at Hisense Arena on Saturday 12 September, with two shows at 1pm and 6:30pm. Channel 7 will film the three-hour Spectacular for broadcast. For a fun, family entertainment experience, and to cheer on our students from the audience, be quick to secure discounted tickets. Talented young circus performers, skaters, musicians, dancers and singers will feature on stage, while many other students will work behind the scenes, gaining unique, on-the-job, professional experience. This program, run by the Department of Education and Training, helps to develop each student’s performance skills, discipline, perseverance, cooperation and confidence under the training of industry professionals. General Admission tickets – available from 9am on Monday 20 July Adult – $44 Concession – $33 Child Under 15—$22 **Silverton Students recommended sections for best viewing: Option A: 7, 30, 55, Option B: 8, 31, 56 To purchase tickets visit or phone Ticketek on 132 849. For more information about the event and program, go to the Spectacular Facebook and website page: Picking up your child at lunch time Parents, if you need to pick your child up for an appointment at lunch time, can you please come a bit earlier or arrange for your child to come to the office, or wait in their Learning Centre. Students eat at 1:30 in LC and go out to play at 1:45—2:15. We have a lot of trouble finding students who are playing around the school grounds. Thank you for your co-operation Wednesday 29th July 2015 CAMPS, SPORTS AND EXCURSION FUND (CSEF) Do you have a current Health Care Card, Centrelink Pensioner Concession Card or are a Temporary Foster Parent? If so, you are eligible for the new State Government Funded Program. This is an annual allowance of $125 per year that will be paid directly to the School. This allowance can ONLY be used on Camps, Sports and Excursions (It does not include, Parent Contribution, Laptop Program, Instrumental Program, Robotics, Chess or similar) For more information, see the attached information flyer and Application Form. This needs to be returned to the office with a copy of your valid card. (can be photocopied at office) If you have any enquiries, please contact us on 9795 5033. Please note that applications must be made to the school by 11th September otherwise you will miss out!!!! Wednesday 29th July 2015 Our School Sponsors ~ Please support them. BRODCO built-in wardrobes CUSTOM BUILT WARDROBES FREE MEASURE & QUOTE MICHAEL BRODRICK Telephone Bus 9794 8195 A.H. 9795 6103 24 Sinclair Rd Dandenong 3175 Karate—Self Defence Class Got computer problems? Small business, home business and home user support. For all your computer, internet and networking needs, Call Computer Troubleshooters— Greg Price 9701 1987 Discounts for Silverton P.S. community Separate classes for Juniors & Seniors Classes at Silverton Primary and Harrisfied Primary Contact Neil Pitcher 0407 059 821 Playgroup runs from 9.00am to 11.00am on Wednesday mornings at school. There is no charge for this program and it is for pre school children Sponsors Please make sure you look at the sponsors listed on the back page of each issue as they often change. Please make use of these sponsors should the opportunity arise as it is through their generous support that this newsletter is available to you each fortnight. Note: Silverton Primary School & the Department of Education does not endorse the products or services of any advertiser. No responsibility is accepted for the accuracy of information contained in the advertisements, or claims made by them. Any use of this Newsletter is welcome within the constraints of the Copyright Act.