Camp Lake - Crow Wing County
Camp Lake - Crow Wing County
Camp Lake 18-0018-00 CROW WING COUNTY Lake Water Quality Summary Camp Lake is located 3 miles southwest of Garrison, MN, which is located on the northwest shore of Mille Lacs Lake. This lake covers 520 acres and is made of 3 distinct bays. Camp Lake has two inlets and one outlet, which classify it as a drainage lake (Figure 1). One inlet is located at the end of the west arm of the lake. The second inlet receives water from Humbolt Lake, which has no inlets. The outlet is located at the end of the east arm. Water flows north out of the lake, joining the Seguchie Creek. It then flows into Holt Lake and eventually into Mille Lacs Lake. Water quality data have been collected on Camp Lake from 2004-2011 (Tables 2 & 3). These data show that the lake is at the mesotrophic/eutrophic border (TSI 49-51), which is characteristic of clear water throughout most of the summer and excellent recreational opportunities (page 9). Camp Lake has an active facebook site where various topics are discussed, such as ice out dates, ice conditions, wildlife activity, and meeting updates. Table 1. Location data and physical characteristics for Camp Lake. Location Data Physical Characteristics MN Lake ID: 18-0018-00 Surface area (acres): 520 County: Crow Wing Littoral area (acres): 206 Ecoregion: Northern Lakes and Forests % Littoral area: 40% Major Drainage Basin: Upper Mississippi River Max depth (ft), (m): 42, 13 Latitude/Longitude: 46.23809814/-93.87419891 Inlets: 2 Invasive Species: None as of 2011 Outlets: 1 Public Accesses: 1 Table 2. Data availability for Camp Lake. Data Availability Transparency data Good data set through the Citizens Lake Monitoring Program. Chemical data Good amount of phosphorus and chlorophyll a data, but not enough for a trend analysis. Inlet/Outlet data No inlet or outlet data are available. Recommendations For recommendations refer to page 17. RMB Environmental Laboratories, Inc. 1 of 18 2011 Camp Lake Lake Map Figure 1. Map of Camp Lake with 2010 aerial imagery and illustrations of sample site locations, inlets and outlets, and public access points. Table 3. Monitoring programs and associated monitoring sites. Monitoring programs include the Citizen Lake Monitoring Program (CLMP), OCLM: Outdoor Corps Lake Monitoring (OCLM), and Minnesota Waters Expanding Citizen Monitoring (MNWECM). Lake Site Depth (ft) Monitoring Programs 201*Primary Site 202 203 20 20 40 CLMP: 2004-2011; MNWECM: 2007-2008 CLMP: 2007-2010 OCLM: 2005 RMB Environmental Laboratories, Inc. 2 of 18 2011 Camp Lake Water Quality Characteristics - Historical Means and Ranges Table 4. Water quality means and ranges for primary sites. Parameters Total Phosphorus Mean (ug/L): Total Phosphorus Min: Total Phosphorus Max: Number of Observations: Primary Site 201 202 203 18 13 23 12 20 11 25 5 Chlorophyll a Mean (ug/L): Chlorophyll-a Min: Chlorophyll-a Max: Number of Observations: 10.3 6 18 12 7.8 3 11 5 Secchi Depth Mean (ft): Secchi Depth Min: Secchi Depth Max: Number of Observations: 7.8 5.0 11.5 101 8.5 6.0 13.0 32 8.3 6.6 10.5 5 Figure 2. Camp Lake total phosphorus, chlorophyll a and transparency historical ranges. The arrow represents the range and the black dot represents the historical mean (Primary Site 201). Figure adapted after Moore and Thornton, [Ed.]. 1988. Lake and Reservoir Restoration Guidance Manual. (Doc. No. EPA 440/5-88-002) RMB Environmental Laboratories, Inc. 3 of 18 2011 Camp Lake Transparency (Secchi Depth) Transparency is how easily light can pass through a substance. In lakes it is how deep sunlight penetrates through the water. Plants and algae need sunlight to grow, so they are only able to grow in areas of lakes where the sun penetrates. Water transparency depends on the amount of particles in the water. An increase in particulates results in a decrease in transparency. The transparency varies year to year due to changes in weather, precipitation, lake use, flooding, temperature, lake levels, etc. The annual mean transparency ranges from 6.8 to 9.4 feet. The transparency throughout the lake appears to be relatively uniform, with the best transparency occurring at the deepest spot (site 202). The transparency was better than the long-term average from 2008-2010. Transparency monitoring should be continued annually at sites 201 and 203 in order to track water quality changes. Transparency: Annual Means 10 9 Secchi Depth (ft) 8 7 6 5 4 Site 201 3 2 Site 202 1 Site 201, Long‐term mean 0 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Figure 3. Annual mean transparency compared to long-term mean transparency. Camp Lake transparency ranges from 5 to 11.5 ft at the primary site (201). Figure 4 shows the seasonal transparency dynamics. The maximum Secchi reading is usually obtained in early summer. Camp Lake transparency is high in May and June, and then declines through August. In October, the transparency improves after lake turnover. This transparency dynamic is typical of a northern Minnesota lake. The dynamics have to do with algae and zooplankton population dynamics, and lake turnover. It is important for lake residents to understand the seasonal transparency dynamics in their lake so that they are not worried about why their transparency is lower in August than it is in June. It is typical for a lake to vary in transparency throughout the summer. RMB Environmental Laboratories, Inc. 4 of 18 2011 Camp Lake Seasonal Transparency Dynamics 14 2004 2005 12 2006 Secchi Depth (ft) 10 2007 8 2008 2009 6 2010 4 2011 2 pattern Poly. (pattern) 0 26‐Feb 17‐Apr 6‐Jun 26‐Jul 14‐Sep 3‐Nov 23‐Dec Figure 4. Seasonal transparency dynamics and year to year comparison (Primary Site 201). The black line represents the pattern in the data. User Perceptions When volunteers collect secchi depth readings, they record their perceptions of the water based on the physical appearance and the recreational suitability. These perceptions can be compared to water quality parameters to see how the lake "user" would experience the lake at that time. Looking at transparency data, as the secchi depth decreases the perception of the lake's physical appearance rating decreases. Camp Lake was rated as being "crystal clear" 46% of the time from 2004-2010 at sites 201 and 202 (Figure 5). Physical Appearance Rating 6% 46% 48% 46% Crystal clear water 48% Not quite crystal clear – a little algae visible 6% Definite algae – green, yellow, or brown color apparent 0% High algae levels with limited clarity and/or mild odor apparent 0% Severely high algae levels Figure 5. Physical appearance rating, as rated by the volunteer monitor (2004-2010). RMB Environmental Laboratories, Inc. 5 of 18 2011 Camp Lake As the secchi depth decreases, the perception of recreational suitability of the lake decreases. Camp Lake was rated as being "beautiful" 50% of the time from 2004-2010 at sites 201 and 202 (Figure 6). 12% Recreational Suitability Rating 50% 50% Beautiful, could not be better 38% Very minor aesthetic problems; excellent for swimming, boating 12% Swimming and aesthetic enjoyment of the lake slightly impaired because of algae levels 0% Desire to swim and level of enjoyment of the lake substantially reduced because of algae levels 0% Swimming and aesthetic enjoyment of the lake nearly impossible because of algae levels 38% Figure 6. Recreational suitability rating, as rated by the volunteer monitor (2004-2010). Total Phosphorus Camp Lake is phosphorus limited, which means that algae and aquatic plant growth is dependent upon available phosphorus. 25 Total Phosphorus (ug/L) Total phosphorus was evaluated in Camp Lake in 2005, 2007-2008. The data tend to increase somewhat as the summer goes on (Figure 7). The majority of the data points fall into the mesotrophic range. 30 Total Phosphorus Eutrophic 20 15 Mesotrophic 10 2005 2007 5 Oligotrophic Phosphorus should continue to be monitored to track any future changes in water quality. 2008 0 Figure 7. Historical total phosphorus concentrations (ug/L) for Camp Lake. The 2005 data is from site 203, and the 2007-2008 data is from site 201. RMB Environmental Laboratories, Inc. 6 of 18 2011 Camp Lake Chlorophyll a Chlorophyll a concentrations greater than 10 ug/L are perceived as a mild algae bloom, while concentrations greater than 20 ug/L are perceived as a nuisance. 25 Chlorophyll a 20 Chlorophyll a (ug/L) Chlorophyll a is the pigment that makes plants and algae green. Chlorophyll a is tested in lakes to determine the algae concentration or how "green" the water is. 2005 15 2007 2008 10 Minor Algae Nuisance Algae 5 0 Chlorophyll a was Figure 8. Chlorophyll a concentrations (ug/L) for Camp Lake. The 2005 data evaluated in Camp Lake is from site 203 and the 2007-2008 data is from site 201. in 2005, 2007-2008. Chlorophyll a concentrations reached 10 ug/L each year, indicating minor algae blooms (Figure 8). Both sites were very similar in concentration. The algae increases toward the end of the summer, which corresponds with higher phosphorus (Figure 7) and lower transparency readings (Figure 4). Dissolved Oxygen Dissolved Oxygen (DO) is the amount of oxygen dissolved in lake water. Oxygen is necessary for all living organisms to survive except for some bacteria. Living organisms breathe in oxygen that is dissolved in the water. Dissolved oxygen levels of <5 mg/L are typically avoided by game fisheries. Camp Lake is a relatively deep lake, with a maximum depth of 42 ft. Dissolved oxygen profiles from 2005 indicate that stratification occurs in the summer. The thermocline appears to be at approximately 4-5 meters (13-16 feet). Benthic phosphorus samples have not been collected on Camp Lake. Figure 9 illustrates stratification in the summer of 2002 at site 205. This is a representative DO profile for Camp Lake. Figure 9. Dissolved oxygen and temperature profile for Camp Lake in 2005 at site 203. RMB Environmental Laboratories, Inc. 7 of 18 2011 Camp Lake Trophic State Index Phosphorus (nutrients), chlorophyll a (algae concentration) and Secchi depth (transparency) are related. As phosphorus increases, there is more food available for algae, resulting in increased algal concentrations. When algal concentrations increase, the water becomes less transparent and the Secchi depth decreases. The results from these three measurements cover different units and ranges and thus cannot be directly compared to each other or averaged. In order to standardize these three measurements to make them directly comparable, we convert them to a trophic state index (TSI). The mean TSI for Camp Lake falls on the border between mesotrophic and eutrophic (49-51) (Figure 10). There is good agreement between the TSI for phosphorus, and transparency, indicating that these variables are strongly related (Table 5). The chlorophyll a TSI is higher than expected, which could be due Camp Lake to loss of rooted vegetation or algae – zooplankton dynamics. Lakes on the mesotrophic/eutrophic border (TSI 49-51) are characteristic of “greenish” water throughout the summer (Table 6). The bottom of the deep areas of the lake becomes anoxic (no oxygen) during the summer, which is inhospitable to game fish. Table 5. Trophic State Index for site 201 Trophic State Index Site 201 TSI Total Phosphorus 45 TSI Chlorophyll-a 53 TSI Secchi 47 TSI Mean 48 Trophic State: Mesotrophic/ Eutrophic Numbers represent the mean TSI for each parameter. 100 Hypereutrophic 70 Eutrophic 50 Mesotrophic 40 Oligotrophic 0 Figure 10. Trophic state index chart with corresponding trophic status. Table 6. Trophic state index attributes and their corresponding fisheries and recreation characteristics. TSI Attributes Fisheries & Recreation <30 Oligotrophy: Clear water, oxygen throughout Trout fisheries dominate the year at the bottom of the lake, very deep cold water. 30-40 Bottom of shallower lakes may become anoxic Trout fisheries in deep lakes only. Walleye, (no oxygen). Cisco present. 40-50 Mesotrophy: Water moderately clear most of No oxygen at the bottom of the lake results in the summer. May be "greener" in late summer. loss of trout. Walleye may predominate. 50-60 Eutrophy: Algae and aquatic plant problems Warm-water fisheries only. Bass may possible. "Green" water most of the year. dominate. 60-70 Blue-green algae dominate, algal scums and Dense algae and aquatic plants. Low water aquatic plant problems. clarity may discourage swimming and boating. 70-80 Hypereutrophy: Dense algae and aquatic Water is not suitable for recreation. plants. >80 Algal scums, few aquatic plants Rough fish (carp) dominate; summer fish kills possible Source: Carlson, R.E. 1997. A trophic state index for lakes. Limnology and Oceanography. 22:361-369. RMB Environmental Laboratories, Inc. 8 of 18 2011 Camp Lake Trend Analysis For detecting trends, a minimum of 8-10 years of data with 4 or more readings per season are recommended. Minimum confidence accepted by the MPCA is 90%. This means that there is a 90% chance that the data are showing a true trend and a 10% chance that the trend is a random result of the data. Only short-term trends can be determined with just a few years of data, because there can be different wet years and dry years, water levels, weather, etc, that affect the water quality naturally. There is not enough historical data to perform trend analysis for total phosphorus or chlorophyll a on Camp Lake (Table 7). Sites 201 had 8 years of transparency data, which was enough data to perform a long-term trend analysis. The data was analyzed using the Mann Kendall Trend Analysis. Table 7. Trend analysis for site 201. Lake Site Parameter Date Range Trend 201*primary Transparency 2004-2011 No trend 201*primary Total Phosphorus 2007-2008 Insufficient data 201*primary Chlorophyll a 2007-2008 Insufficient data Transparency Trend for Camp Lake 14 Secchi Depth (ft) 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Figure 11. Transparency (ft) trend for site 201. Camp Lake shows no detectable trend in transparency. This means the transparency is stable (Figure 11). Transparency monitoring should continue at both sites so that this trend can be tracked in future years. RMB Environmental Laboratories, Inc. 9 of 18 2011 Camp Lake Ecoregion Comparisons Minnesota is divided into 7 ecoregions based on land use, vegetation, precipitation and geology (Figure 12). The MPCA has developed a way to determine the "average range" of water quality expected for lakes in each ecoregion. From 1985-1988, the MPCA evaluated the lake water quality for reference lakes. These reference lakes are not considered pristine, but are considered to have little human impact and therefore are representative of the typical lakes within the ecoregion. The "average range" refers to the 25th - 75th percentile range for data within each ecoregion. For the purpose of this graphical representation, the means of the reference lake data sets were used. Figure 12. Minnesota Ecoregions. 30 0 50 25 5 20 10 40 30 20 10 Secchi depth (ft) 60 Chlorophyll-a (ug/L, ppb) Total Phosphorus (ug/L, ppb) Camp Lake is in the Northern Lakes and Forests Ecoregion. The mean total phosphorus and transparency (secchi depth) are within the expected ecoregion ranges (Figure 13). The chlorophyll a mean is above the expected range. 15 10 5 0 Camp 15 20 25 crystal clear 0 NLF Ecoregion increased algae NLF Ecoregion Camp 30 NLF Ecoregion Camp Figures 13a-c. Camp Lake ranges compared to Northern Lakes and Forest Ecoregion ranges. The Camp Lake total phosphorus and chlorophyll a ranges are from 12 data points collected in May-September of 2007-2008. The Camp Lake secchi depth range is from 101 data points collected in May-September from 2004-2011. RMB Environmental Laboratories, Inc. 10 of 18 2011 Camp Lake Lakeshed Data and Interpretations Lakeshed Understanding a lakeshed requires an understanding of basic hydrology. A watershed is defined as all land and water surface area that contribute excess water to a defined point. The MN DNR has delineated three basic scales of watersheds (from large to small): 1) basins, 2) major watersheds, and 3) minor watersheds. The Rum River Major Watershed is one of the watersheds that make up the Upper Mississippi River Basin, which drains south to the Gulf of Mexico (Figure 14). This major watershed is made up of 101 minor watersheds. Camp Lake is located in minor watershed 21059 (Figure 15). Figure 14. Rum River Major Watershed. The MN DNR also has evaluated catchments for each individual lake with greater than 100 acres surface area. These lakesheds (catchments) are the “building blocks” for the larger scale watersheds. Camp Lake falls within the lakeshed 2105902 (Figure 16). Though very useful for displaying the land and water that contribute directly to a lake, lakesheds are not always true watersheds because they may not show the water flowing into a lake from upstream streams or rivers. While some lakes may have only one or two upstream lakesheds draining into them, others may be connected to a large number of lakesheds, reflecting a larger drainage area via stream or river networks. For further discussion of Camp Lake’s full watershed, containing all the upstream lakesheds, see page 16. The data interpretation of the Camp Lake lakeshed includes only RMB Environmental Laboratories, Inc. Figure 15. Minor Watershed 21059. Figure 16. The Camp (2105902) Lakeshed. 11 of 18 2011 Camp Lake the immediate lakeshed, as this area is the land surface that flows directly into Camp Lake. The lakeshed vitals table identifies where to focus organizational and management efforts for each lake (Table 8). Criteria were developed using limnological concepts to determine the effect to lake water quality. KEY Possibly detrimental to the lake Warrants attention Beneficial to the lake Table 8. Camp Lake lakeshed vitals table. Lakeshed Vitals Lake Area Littoral Zone Area Lake Max Depth Lake Mean Depth Water Residence Time Miles of Stream Inlets Outlets Major Watershed Minor Watershed Lakeshed Ecoregion Total Lakeshed to Lake Area Ratio (total lakeshed includes lake area) Standard Watershed to Lake Basin Ratio (standard watershed includes lake areas) Rating 520 acres 206 acres 42 NA NA 1.2 2 1 21 – Rum River 21059 2105902 Northern Lakes and Forest descriptive descriptive descriptive NA NA descriptive descriptive descriptive descriptive descriptive 10:1 10:1 Sewage Management 27.6% None None 1 9.2 2.9 0.4:1 General Development 20.5 None County Forest Management: None Individual Subsurface Sewage Treatment Systems (Inspection and assessment required for all Lake Management Plan Lake Vegetation Survey/Plan None None RMB Environmental Laboratories, Inc. 12 of 18 Wetland Coverage Aquatic Invasive Species Public Drainage Ditches Public Lake Accesses Miles of Shoreline Shoreline Development Index Public Land to Private Land Ratio Development Classification Miles of Road Municipalities in lakeshed Forestry Practices Feedlots descriptive descriptive permits and property transfers within the Shoreland Protection Zone) 2011 Camp Lake Land Cover / Land Use The activities that occur on the land within the lakeshed can greatly impact a lake. Land use planning helps ensure the use of land resources in an organized fashion so that the needs of the present and future generations can be best addressed. The basic purpose of land use planning is to ensure that each area of land will be used in a manner that provides maximum social benefits without degradation of the land resource. Changes in land use, and ultimately land cover, impact the hydrology of a lakeshed. Land cover is also directly related to the lands ability to absorb and store water rather than cause it to flow overland (gathering nutrients and sediment as it moves) towards the lowest point, typically the lake. Impervious intensity describes the lands inability to absorb water, the Figure 17. Camp Lake lakeshed (2105902) land cover higher the % impervious intensity ( the more area that water cannot penetrate in to the soils. Monitoring the changes in land use can assist in future planning procedures to address the needs of future generations. Phosphorus export, which is the main cause of lake eutrophication, depends on the type of land cover occurring in the lakeshed. Figure 17 depicts the land cover in Camp Lake’s lakeshed. The University of Minnesota has online records of land cover statistics from years 1990 and 2000 ( Although this data is 12 years old, it is the only data set that is comparable over a decade’s time. Table 9 describes Camp Lake’s lakeshed land cover statistics and percent change from 1990 to 2000. Due to the many factors that influence demographics, one cannot determine with certainty the projected statistics over the next 10, 20, 30+ years, but one can see the transition within the lakeshed from agriculture, grass/shrub/wetland, and water acreages to forest and urban acreages. The largest change in percentage is the decrease in agriculture cover (35%); however, in acreage, forest cover has increased the most (320 acres). In addition, the impervious intensity has increased, which has implications for storm water runoff into the lake. The increase in impervious intensity is consistent with the increase in urban acreage. RMB Environmental Laboratories, Inc. 13 of 18 2011 Camp Lake Table 9. Camp Lake’s lakeshed land cover statistics and % change from 1990 to 2000 ( 1990 2000 % Change 1990 to 2000 Land Cover Acres Percent Acres Percent 550 8.76 356 5.67 35.3% Decrease Agriculture 1079 17.19 1095 17.44 1.5% Increase Grass/Shrub/Wetland 3691 58.79 4011 63.89 8.7% Increase Forest 726 11.56 579 9.22 20.2% Decrease Water 234 3.73 236 3.76 0.9% Increase Urban Impervious Intensity % 0 1-10 11-25 26-40 41-60 61-80 81-100 Total Area Total Impervious Area (Percent Impervious Area Excludes Water Area) 6163 46 38 21 10 2 1 98.12 0.73 0.6 0.33 0.16 0.03 0.02 6137 50 48 23 9 8 5 0 0.03 0.13 0.11 0.08 0.1 0.08 0.4% Decrease 8.7% Increase 26.3% Increase 9.5% Increase 10% Decrease 300% Increase 400% Increase 6278 22 0.4 6728 33 0.58 50% Increase Demographics Camp Lake is classified as a general development lake. General Development Lakes usually have more than 225 acres of water per mile of shoreline and 25 dwellings per mile of shoreline, and are more than 15 feet deep. The Minnesota Department of Administration Geographic and Demographic Analysis Division extrapolated future population in 5-year increments out to 2035. Compared to Crow Wing County as a whole, Roosevelt Township has a higher extrapolated growth projection (Figure 18). Figure 18. Population growth projection for Roosevelt Township and Crow Wing County. (source: http://www.demog resource.html?Id= 19332) RMB Environmental Laboratories, Inc. 14 of 18 2011 Camp Lake Camp Lake Lakeshed Water Quality Protection Strategy Each lakeshed has a different makeup of public and private lands. Looking in more detail at the makeup of these lands can give insight on where to focus protection efforts. The protected lands (easements, wetlands, public land) are the future water quality infrastructure for the lake. Developed land and agriculture have the highest phosphorus runoff coefficients, so this land should be minimized for water quality protection. The majority of the land within Camp Lake’s lakeshed is made up of private forested uplands (Table 10). Forest cover is estimated at 42% for the entire lakeshed (47% if open water areas are excluded). This land can be the focus of development and protection efforts in the lakeshed. Table 10. Land ownership, land use/land cover, estimated phosphorus loading, and ideas for protection and restoration in Camp lakeshed (Sources: Crow Wing County parcel data, National Wetlands Inventory, and the 2006 National Land Cover Dataset). 10% Private (63%) Land Use (%) Public (27%) Developed Agriculture Forested Uplands Other Wetlands Open Water County State Federal 2.9% 7.2% 26% 9% 17.9% 10% 26.2% 0.7% 0% 0.45 – 1.5 0.26 – 0.9 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.09 82 – 275 118 – 408 147 99 147 3.6 0 Cropland Focus of development and protection efforts State Forest National Forest Runoff Coefficient Lbs of phosphorus/acre/ year Estimated Phosphorus Loading Acerage x runoff coefficient Description Potential Phase 3 Discussion Items Focused on Shoreland Shoreline restoration Restore wetlands; CRP Open, pasture, grassland, shrubland Forest stewardship planning, 3rd party certification, SFIA, local woodland cooperatives Protected Protected by Wetland Conservation Act County Tax Forfeit Lands DNR Fisheries approach for lake protection and restoration Credit: Peter Jacobson and Michael Duval, Minnesota DNR Fisheries In an effort to prioritize protection and restoration efforts of fishery lakes, the MN DNR has developed a ranking system by separating lakes into two categories, those needing protection and those needing restoration. Modeling by the DNR Fisheries Research Unit suggests that total phosphorus concentrations increase significantly over natural concentrations in lakes that have watershed with disturbance greater than 25%. Therefore, lakes with watersheds that have less than 25% disturbance need protection and lakes with more than 25% disturbance need restoration (Table 11). Watershed disturbance was defined as having urban, agricultural and mining land uses. Watershed protection is defined as publicly owned land or conservation easement. RMB Environmental Laboratories, Inc. 15 of 18 2011 Camp Lake Table 11. Suggested approaches for watershed protection and restoration of DNR-managed fish lakes in Minnesota. Watershed Watershed Management Comments Protected Disturbance Type (%) (%) Vigilance Sufficiently protected -- Water quality supports healthy and diverse native fish communities. Keep public lands protected. < 75% Protection Excellent candidates for protection -- Water quality can be maintained in a range that supports healthy and diverse native fish communities. Disturbed lands should be limited to less than 25%. n/a Full Restoration Realistic chance for full restoration of water quality and improve quality of fish communities. Disturbed land percentage should be reduced and BMPs implemented. Partial Restoration Restoration will be very expensive and probably will not achieve water quality conditions necessary to sustain healthy fish communities. Restoration opportunities must be critically evaluated to assure feasible positive outcomes. > 75% < 25% 25-60% > 60% n/a The next step was to prioritize lakes within each of these management categories. DNR Fisheries identified high value fishery lakes, such as cisco refuge lakes. Ciscos (Coregonus artedi) can be an early indicator of eutrophication in a lake because they require cold hypolimnetic temperatures and high dissolved oxygen levels. These watersheds with low disturbance and high value fishery lakes are excellent candidates for priority protection measures, especially those that are related to forestry and minimizing the effects of landscape disturbance. Forest stewardship planning, harvest coordination to reduce hydrology impacts and forest conservation easements are some potential tools that can protect these high value resources for the long term. Camp Lake is classified with having 35.8% of the watershed protected and 11.1% of the watershed disturbed (Figure 19). Therefore, Camp Lake should have a protection focus. Goals for the lake should be to limit any increase in disturbed land use. Figure 20 displays the area that contributes water to the lakeshed of interest; however, this particular lakeshed is a headwaters catchment. No additional lakesheds should drain into this area. The area highlighted in light green has the potential to contribute water to Camp Lake, whether through direct overland flow or through a creek or river. Percent of the Watershed Protected 75% 0% 100% Camp Lake (35.8%) Percent of the Watershed with Disturbed Land Cover 0% 25% 100% Camp Lake (11.1%) Figure 19. Camp Lake lakeshed’s percentage of watershed protected and disturbed. RMB Environmental Laboratories, Inc. 16 of 18 Figure 20. The area that could contribute water to the Camp Lake. Color-coded based on management focus (Table 11). 2011 Camp Lake Camp, Status of the Fishery (as of 07/10/2006) Only one walleye was captured in 2006. It weighed 5.7 lbs. and was 25.2" long. They have not been stocked since 1980. The northern pike catch rate was average (5.1/gill net). Average size was 23.0" and 2.9 lbs., with 30% measuring 24" or larger. Largemouth bass were captured at the rate of 24.8/hr run time during spring electrofishing. Average length was 10.1" and 33% were 12" or larger. Largemouth bass were captured in average numbers in both gill nets and trap nets. The black crappie catch rate was above average in gill nets (3.6/gill net), with an average length of 7.2". The catch rate was average in trap nets (2.0/trap net), with an average length of 7.9". When both net types were combined, 46% of the fish were 8" or larger. The bluegill catch rate was average (21.9/trap net). Average length was 5.8" and 18% of the fish were 7" or larger. The yellow perch catch rate was average (2.8/gill net). Average length was 5.8" and none of the fish were 8" or larger. These small perch make great forage for fish such as northern pike and walleye. Other fish species captured included black bullhead, bowfin, brown bullhead, golden shiner, hybrid sunfish, pumpkinseed, rock bass, white sucker, and yellow bullhead. See the link below for specific information on gillnet surveys, stocking information, and fish consumption guidelines. Key Findings / Recommendations Monitoring Recommendations Transparency monitoring at sites 201 and 202 should be continued annually. It is important to continue transparency monitoring weekly or at least bimonthly every year to enable year-to-year comparisons and trend analyses. Phosphorus and chlorophyll a monitoring should continue at site 201, as the budget allows, to track future water quality trends. Overall Conclusions Overall, Camp Lake has fairly good water quality, and is in good shape for lakeshed protection. It is a mesotrophic/eutrophic lake (TSI=48) with no detectable trend in transparency. Twenty-seven percent (27%) of the lakeshed is in public ownership, and 36% of the lakeshed is protected, while 11% of the lakeshed is disturbed (Figure 19). Camp Lake is at an advantage in that it is a headwaters catchment, which means that no other lakesheds flow into it. This means the land practices around the lake are the main impact to the lake’s water quality. RMB Environmental Laboratories, Inc. 17 of 18 2011 Camp Lake Priority Impacts to the Lake The main impact to Camp Lake is the surrounding development and any future development. Camp Lake has a lot of wetlands and public land in the lakeshed, which are protected from development. Most of the northeast bay is public land and designated wetland. It appears that the west side of the lake is subdivided into parcels already, though many are undeveloped. The first tier lots seem to be very large in size. The urban and impervious acreage did not seem to change much from 1990-2000. Subdividing the large lots into smaller lots and adding second tier development could significantly change the drainage around Camp Lake. Roosevelt Township is expected to grow approximately 20% in the next 10 years (Figure 18), so this area may increase in development pressure. There are also subdivided parcels and development infrastructure along County Rd 138 to the east of Camp Lake. This area in the township (and watershed) has a strong potential to be developed. Best Management Practices Recommendations The management focus for Camp Lake should be to protect the water quality and the lakeshed. Restoration efforts should be focused on managing and/or decreasing the impact caused by additional subdivision of first tier lots, second tier development, and impervious surface area. Project ideas include protecting land with conservation easements, enforcing county shoreline ordinances, smart development, shoreline restoration, rain gardens, and septic system maintenance. County-wide Recommendation In order to better manage the impact of septic systems on lake water quality, it is recommended that the county implement a lake-wide septic inspection program. In a program such as this, the county would focus on one to three lakes a year, pull septic system records on those lakes, and require old systems to be inspected. This program can rotate through the county doing a few lakes each year. Organizational contacts and reference sites Camp Lake DNR Fisheries Office Regional Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Office Crow Wing Soil and Water Conservation District Crow Wing County Environmental Services Department Visit on Facebook 1601 Minnesota Drive, Brainerd, MN 56401 218-828-2550 7678 College Road, Suite 105, Baxter, MN 56425 218-828-2492, 800-657-3864 Crow Wing County Land Services Building 322 Laurel St. Suite 13, Brainerd, MN 56401 218-828-6197 Crow Wing County Land Services Building 322 Laurel St. Suite 14, Brainerd, MN 56401 218-824-1125 Funding This project was funded in part by the Board of Water & Soil Resources and the Initiative Foundation, a regional foundation. RMB Environmental Laboratories, Inc. 18 of 18 2011 Camp Lake