haverford news
haverford news
• • ▪ HAVERFORD NEWS NUMBER 16 HAVERFORD COLLEGE, HA VERFORD, PA., MAY 27, 1924 VOL. XVI SWARTHMORE DEFEATS SOPHOMORES CAPTURE L""EgaTMVITs HAVERFORD-SWARTHMORE MEET SHOULD PROVE A CLOSE BATTLE THIS TUESDAY "'di" r-tpr-r=r""P''" HAVERFORD NINE 1-2 INTERCLASS DEBATE and Black Stronger i n Hurdlcs FOR EVERETT CUP Garnet Hopes Rest Almost I NEW SATO TP EE H LR TONTESTS C Diner rrrrrr lea Learn et 11heinnweete for In the BOY 'fen undergraduate. Interested in the •gin. or The retention of ell athletic 4'0111.1. Nit the l' ifilmiettiltio paper. will he anbr 4, I hr NEWS neat year. The Colima. In awarding this WWI, I.. the law were present .1 .1 Inert- and Reid Events; NEWS. decided that in the tumt nat- Longstreth Knocks Homer in e.. reporte hare been that First Inning; Rain Halts wan fob the. the net end Game in Sixth the NEWS hoard. who are trained Her The requireto write alldetie tepert.. csn do this Wins Individual prafwelon end explained Marshall ment* Unit . owe meet have to be work in II nowilmr and ..ere. Sonr thum. amensed neve, rot, to HAVERFORD UNBEATEN GARNET STRONG IN 440 admitted to the ber. tuition Medal as 1927 Loses Ilaverford, two in five inniass iti the Swarthmore. wireugth for Ti,. ...mThe eputiter.engtoded veep. type. NFITS will 0,fte op all rennet- bimetal! ma. 0..1 on the hatm, foretomme the HaverfortiIv Annual Contest 01' wont. work an very Wilda In Swarthmore truck meet. which .11 be ing truth Merl Dee In bee runners, and .1 home mim e. on the field owl the, diamond on Slay 24. Swarthircio'. leendos legal methods. mid with,' :odd et Swarthmore on Tornio, after- Ire ensure re wot detonoln ou the per will lw Kent reru n.. 71,. the Ph; adel- half of the Mitt, Daum bad netted lbw lu the field phis papers. men theoe a ro of , spend forwent. to bum. tuttninteti. better,- it +P.. tot three nom when n whir. downtime neon, tie Starlet and Illm k mggreganoe UNANIMOUS DECISION l •Iin 111111, 11., leo exam with agenriew to other college.. ., er working in . Ina ogler. Me. Scar- mons. to have • Jericho! Wearing. i• went. halted the•contest. twain eonnorniel low the hurdles and Meld events. en tint firsts us or welt ,weent the shot pm athletic eon.... now Noon borne ad' Longeireth . hest. in., brat Everett twetonelt. the won Su1.110•1e,r00 The lilt NEWS Thr NEWS I Ist eta for twelve "ere. gave 01 lix/ I.( the iu one ad nod the h.gh Pool. alter Bartlett hod elnirk out innine 2:M Wrist,' trophy for thr ...owl year allege. where he thiinght.t .good legal by breaking lu with s eml Manna. .Muhl win the Ino oil! oleo t1111e theremrigrylrihilit, of the I I rot ti Haw erten! honer, In the run, Ihmerforil now probably WW1 BUR oml Ramble se tamable sem ing forwent. to the l'ilitmtvlphe 141,1'4 I byO they defeated the Freshmen. time Esker, he hit q injured -Dick'sof uip Haverfont The hi,. enure. ges. ,oul.ploivre in thloir enents Knott& with the2typroeel of the 1111411inow dereinion of Mr fud eo7f. osoetntg ri ' r7Iiiire re ret rren' po l'eni .l erael. tsn elni to Ilartlett's arming. over the out the V,11oo lant year. tie/daddy eon., th . sod Nnekoln in the ennuel debating ontent for the 111•1.1. college, ' .dunhee erif. tnitre fieltler• head into the Hoch The 1011. 220. end How ard c Mon:holt won rem In place third af end Perde• Pe°1.1* the individual Instal oleo for the nee"""''' b.ff The some - meted with ti walk for Noe* nr Heide le Cie oenturr. Koine mai i.e. Honorable M0111 1112 Nal, mad.. . Sonellinowe'. cub, fielder. Dom in In the furl.... and Dffler or Rhonda of H. C. Rorer. of the Freshmen. the centre lobwed a abort fly •over HI' none.,shunt, won Ife. twain. to go cetepoonl wan team Sophomore The • was.' Ism,l allow,. Intoner to MK ehan • In and Blare. Johnson has of 11.4. leader: Vnenholl nod Mel• is shot ' o fire, gd. filled the lane. with win olie half mot Ben .1,001.1 odd to rhior with ItortIrtbrito an alternate. to right nod Fn, the neve nom .Whir by mile Tie doubt. herr. /Mull blob eon probably will Norton The Skittle. were IV-pre...fled by Gott. to lad, merit...I qt. short Mop. !rime tore. •114/ rinempitan can win if he le le t 1 re Is rhr lite leader. annistwl. by Surer nod Fox. with ille•rthtnore9 1Janintell In ins shook! Frasier form. to tip urine The two. the rt second Once le on of er.lr. -imbue we their alternate. enn With . tote wood in the twandle with 11.1. .bad pot Whonid gn to WW1.. ettli Lowry, Rogers, Thomas and am tan. onden then hit wet fled. the Vrerddent ...fort presided ew Yerk.... fielded ate loll and Entire Change Will Require inn. or 1,01,5bell own noting. ob.-winner. Wilcox Clark n Hoskins Also Place in 1,11,1i1g. The mode.. were Mr. Donne thew not 1104,n .1 firm. but Itot• 14.M11111 Sibeeld WI. MINIM oil bt shoo Mare in the itwunt Two Years; History to ti e werml. The dant run fur Hangmen,. An.... 'nth Nugent and Leary will preen* women eon luirdt hop.. for better time. M. A. S. Meet r wire when Neely ha tt Tow. John D. blithenry and John Bs Del... an. hove little trouble in annexing the 1W. esund In the javelin, unless Mont.., Be Altered First The 11nrerfool College t roth teem. Ira.. etc, oo -onit. Minn:. try to The liellject of the debate wee Hut Haring and •I7 inway of hie.. Itmery while hurdle.. the t ion 1. inn or WE 114. An nor im nubleibed In the noes ?woad,. imminent the firm half of Stole wdl very likely. win the high highe. the take shonhl i. ' e7: etTl■Tte T:t7 hooka In tbe Haverfori College itibmaY innina. the tamely That aft honors ontern strong. Jump.. but it I. eloubtfal whether sus '. Swarthmore is put shot -Al. AllnlItir Stilt!. MI., fht•I one enemata-ell owl will take to that In operation nt Swarthmore be is now being other Desert Jumper. min place. Middle Leagaireth Hits Homer held mteel. b. either Watson or point behind Eyesore and n sod IIn 1,111,dg,, It is being • adopted at Hairerford.The Sophomores several ye... ilnery 1° ..,ado hit..." t. With tinerrost et bet Verb. and Snyder terriml out under MI. An1111 attendee. Wilbur might muesli. and win it. Nevi. ffeYmeor wx jump hood hire io upheld ' the affirmative Dr. enwnd ml lMtawon ItiVerwiTtrlaTcrl', Z1Z heer■di Willey Mem* out, Captain /...g• of the 'Arun of Cowen. Pieter nil low6.11 have e grand elem.. Met we. •so,mun formerly the rending by °Owed Dm wen VP hen O.... 'v.° 0-"orr` Sotnolne and was won hr Joke. Hol. etreth en. Ow dont then ap and drove high Pimp. The brood jump will 1- nod rompleted. the Woke will be in the for third lathe Imie moat. plea to he debated. end then turned the one Cairn...Sy. with 1.afayette•Owe a lone loom, opt, the running track. old elasailimition sled meeting owe to the Chairmen; Ito. Pertly 111 Cont. on page 4. rotor.4 on Wee .1. nee. 3 kilo follow., stab s dnn double over tb« Library of Comp Con, Comfort. who introduced the speakers. pertly in the now. broke the college •mouti. Arnold lirintgla him in when I• howl k, titer, time Ws geese methcal. During The Algrwathrtre Argeweett sword in the polo nigh when be lied he temekril ho first loll pitched tot a of afer • ...WI he mo-eerd mink, Maned The main itulnlo mode by the nett 11"2t4". clearing by pie. firm hit orer third. Die ono No. , the present oo.. Th. first nubject to he review meth,wore that first. to lave been tord's hod ho, &made. Finn. ma. Herded, the de would bed will Se binary. eystem of college education le web hod tenon The wrote n itre firet inning was jumped off , for neither The Iliwerford Library Int. wail,. hit the Irdellectusl level of the cism ht. teinis •t a higher beWhtb. but a 3-2 In favor of Swarthmore. Men R.'s...Mg ftc present imiklins rrrrr . In lodged by the The •toecowl two more Oval rei.hfil noel. f011aitinp• pram of ehmetfiention. For n had the tone with eaceptional end that the event sum .111. in the wood frame. Caree,,e--g Ovally hopentibbr. bondin the to addItien sabetantial ability mid intermit la hie toMer tr. (renew. donor in nweitc,I. The imtidied • draw The mated which C.d. hit ...red o run when Bartlett dunitied en All the opportwOr that mediate rerlassifsetion of the book, is not given wick broke had atriml miner 11110 when Ti.. fifth run ens seared ho IL.rtlett desirable to follow out We ostuen1 finpiecutt ,double. -Huth walked it wan mi al 11' 2- by Hunter. '111. Fun , to mode miscible hr dm Tarn. bent. The proposed end., would. Said n11 Fund. DuPont Man Talks Here on Fpulke and Marshall Take Deakin, 17. eleo wont! te thin event flatterer. 1.0 the infield retired the neat the affirmed... glee thin goad etedeet three Waters. - getting ewer IP fee third law.. be Hewed SYN.. Now Wag Singles; Both Doubles of the "Relationship Hem*. in Mew " bd. Lowry the en omen-mod, to ...glee the needHeeerford rot% le down and ThIM - Kant !Met, prett y ..■•• in the ardeation prove. whirl, theft Claimed weer enamelled by the Rowell net., Lowy. '211. ran Ilwerforl, hole Teams Win thie,innius did not Sciences" high unlie. and dolelintnewel with net the rune Three men Ivere retired to be the trend nf Awerleao edoeo showered by the Celeereity ol Cali. 1 a sprint Inc Mr trlw. 111,1. tine. The wrood pain ...ege t net lomin. The tremendous murk'. In ,Mn.r.1.1,111. The linnet oil two !limpet...II Verna, College The So. Schelde the At e meeting of h. the affirmative woe that wee ee !three, methods end in general whets, oat no of his opponents From frame. Neely third the in rann more reined undefeated Its op kept le•In riety held on Tneadey evening. May 211 the final, it, wto el. she d rt.. Lowry ..Honor." mune - would nee • man a ship diteirof-blee peat twentt... ground. Y... and nennten 1- 2. bye cinema., Dn. Dr. Molex Hem.. of the DuPont Cam. by lur. the low hurdles. bet he MA !M mestmof eo- ordineting al the sutler. bore consigned the Howell modem to corn,' on Shane's single to corer on ni t termiting leo Ito • note match lest Thornily. The Own.v , gave nbee with a thwr efn aver Thome, that he world tele up, end in ette the oblivion. Through Ito inelastielly owl Black ennthination won II,r 1-91 feet. took sewn! in theMous. Cont. on Page 3. enema 2 relatIonithip botwein them. Hy means line preyed utterly inadwinte. I...r- lure nn 'The Ifehttlornehip of the Swint nomad vied third tingles mod tank both hot bin rimer. in whining the event. ibieneme. of thin perception of the inter • reintion etreats every rollen latter, which fi. hl twat tenth the 121-foot meek Aft.. Intectunim h,e eithicti he dab •Walden. numb.. of ...Wen, o man would get • lironiter lowed the Howell or similar e fethena Hew, of Sawn. tank the tent ENGLISH CLUB DISCUSSES bleb -Soy- hi• set at other times. w . ma Ilur -Ilte old., of all Wit1141. ;• nee hod to reorganize. Tenaht odontion. Ilis entmeem• remain Rene.' leap of over ill A third print wee Halt If a man I:Priem, liberate. have devised elaad• the wink for tnah. Dr. Reese pro. tingle, ht Mrelitht to GARRETT PRIZE POEMS to trace the development of the J....I"... hi"..°°1 f'°"'- feet Oared him fourth awl we. en.were given on opportunity to also bin finditinayaterne which net ramble of his atilt. wed, ro no-ked end Ste wet Or. Own. Elethess Benetton 51 Goal cell., performance. when own wave. with the Ohl of n peofew elm.' indete eatmonion. The two emtlrel Went, ChemIntry..11 the way awl lile retort. the whole not to,. pa m runlet. of the nine. Penes: Banana Precedes Dineen. roe, he would be molting training - for hading oaten!. at the present day ere from entiquity down to itenero thee'. Owe. w ee in. Fenn ell Niershall Win troxlIfIcrt In the ddered. "'tin" ,M..nei which ere to be nabnutted how Phynka. norooy. independent work utter reline. The the Dewey dertmel and the Library of hortree. but mile in !north in o Celesta i'milkw on 11.01. woe ki• O.+. ell tended to he rerompetaten for the Hiblwrt lierrett fundamental .1fglino of the ilehate Cowman. marth with !alb trouble, 111. •PtVirf. fort send-Mond. lemorial Prim were the (mein of diewoe. an Marnlinil pat It in him Wrens Libre., el Gingen. Wonted in Be bard In Chem/Ion meo and mow, effective end hin Ell. portleularly wan Iffeeteressery 011 Form a meeting of the Englith no ...en Used prothe like plan a wittiki not CloweiVry. ell Phyelfe Closely Related Mont etromn. 911. x bet wa. ezp,ted 'Itch go Wednesday wetting1 boy now dettided to he Hwerford posed ,-,••• bring lendernhip with Asa example of how Phial. has to win In the latelin. one dm-Healy of stbolarehip." more interest in the robust the Library ot ctmgeenn rhumb His The Wok. manner. strained d„inive a In ro inits teem. due Gant Reece. "v" 1"""L' ` tem then half rho ,...seme work. And a better opportunity for Fenno. hal only het.. of to, ',miter north/. how the Chemistry. good only was feet 1110 under of throw won handed en the null for discussion, ninJor course thorouehly? trInnitt merino, but ales, bee... Haver. Irerohre rtolnmtrn next. Melly. miermli for fifth. and wile fifteen fret ford, like mom other Atnertean Intent. with behind kin mem.' Moire et 172 feet, Mee many men bed no duplicate copies Eff'°" "'"ff"'°' hie .17."(Z. th° st pu Cont. .n page 4. column 2 in len. UP./1 Library nf .1 their rompanitionn. The pooms wane °P.'"°'"' sier. Iniee hmtmie the eery loads 011°‘"Ple°"°' on.. Ihe rwrond net. made in the Venn Belo, only took ita read-natIng. nerd nod diem...wit and awn voted upon. h. illontmle. To ehrtnintry. modern Other Reverfonl men who enotteted 11e, Snyder. in .baking of poetry The reebtaniflentIon oil be or Social Science Club to Hold of, r...t.t.fr7. .:',.7,e thL.,t.ta "ii " ltek in the foals were: Nash. '21. who wee writing in ge.r.1, go. three dimorhenee to the told shout radium. tranionntattun ont with am 'I Last Meeting rim in the high jump, nod Rem., lenient. which .1soshl be P.m. in • reader. a• pormible. hut three will tacit. sod The ,fryer', t•seellest bark-hand drive motomt Son. wben certain tint.. mal poem. The Serie' Selene,. Club will hold Ito ostonals be general brilliance ewept the toor Irma 911.. who try ad Bed44se are cbreb' l.no rated amt io imiam three These Sewall N et meeting for the year some time honks diet only a very r.1.4 01 • lintel were: ti.e b. mentioned the tibustreries of of hi. fee.' 'nod the "..'h "eat At then time will be willoirnwn from eirmintion. erilkwion. during the renning the meld idea. end mind* DROPPING OF PROFESSOR Venni... the fewer /Mennen In fool spremlon. .penting meting will le taken nn the nee constiThe librarien b... that everyone will Both Denk T•111111 WI. monlantion Sad NI•11.1 secretions. fib tuted,. which provides for an enlarge. he Wien. in spin of the 111•11111,.Y In the firm linnblen Johnson bed rn PROTESTED-ATIEWLE rLnl Mow.. Dr. Smiler said that the re• of the one Wrenn! spaniel wr eificatioe was generally very, good. /H. went of the club in number of mein. ineonyrnIenres. The re In gained oliktInte form, and with . fair. but the snit... expiesuion he end m,,i of purpose. Thr old. worth the eNorf. Feta, Mill suing ,Leung. lhej put 11.'9 BteAeb mono Thal Neentans watt the M other.. rere for next peer and new member. blue Dropped ler Lieerervm • the adrenal vivid by the Infection After dittriamine the mwor e view will al., be elected the. SENIORS TELL ABOUT even en. wami.. at Tema'. ttlivewitY .hod wrerrti.. which ha.. thanks to kievehell eml Dow.. hml trouble in winning the ether double. tenth. protemed the dropping al Dr. of thew it...lineation, the Club soled been motlw.ineW het ..The lent Crunaol er." by it. It FOR LIFEWORK PLANS there Ilistore Numtbeitio. Peofeiner.of Marshall, Mead and Rorer 95. Vertield. were Then hest. the All-Arad Keette,Wps Neesseery veryews. The wehintfire for the run Eight Mundt*. Ti Eno. Otetletwo: eltnth d elns. orenniing to the statement of hr. poem. thwl for ensitiel on Debating Council . erow.court volley Doormat, ennearekm. Ihr. Reese enff Seller, '113. Temkin. Claims Six ,v W.W.I.' and one hy today the deuterration lbws bets.. the were ton womb for the Ridge. pear. :Kb Cr. M. Herat..2.1 I, H. Smith, a loading undeelesolnetet I...In the business meeting preceding the ]fore Menlo. will enter bnelnenn tluo were bele. broken more and have been elected mien Itorer. end H. Sued/won In gmal e Pro- linnumina election of 11 ffief, for next Dr. Wend or member, Eight 'my Aber nertmellen. to the Debating Council. All thoe who EveD wie0Iier• "" Sophomores to Be Presented tean.. any other and better than the ear hmk pis.. Dr. ...v w n. again 11124 will 1.311[••• la bovine... while more. attire in hie spnial field. moot en000 nod. the bowie,bare taken port in interelone aortoetty of Temple ferulty. ekee mowed with six. member of the Ewenre.thine if With Debating Cup very poor ire Committee and F. 31. Stifles. '33. we. eligible to Tote. Neel yeer'm stedirire Haim. fire end en/dorsi. mono. with he fellow,wientisn: in Isownee h. erne ,ion' ...II will mowlett of Ile Waller. I/. I. an. the of winning inefftelent,the order M ncolOntte he meat horn v for eta...1y nod owned* The teacher was fleeted Senior wont,. The Iota. Tbi-teen are enderkled. A no of the acad. '23. end the three newt) minted Creshnimoltophomore Dente will he MI.. Creating, merman to De. Cer. rumbling member of the enternbree will of after...Wadi. eettrItien fel- fnirly meal knowledge wet all.nottal en Iran and srleoree members. pc...A In millet-lion Tomuley morn- mil • itelerred few thr Junior clew. In lows: ilusInew Si teaching. 0, mmlltionintance with Seim•e mt a whole. ing by I resident t outdo.. The Mi. CMS.. remarked. however. Se t...whet. "Ine. II; engineering. di I.aw. I: Mode 111th,ly specialised toersie of the Soptioniore Clam will 11,.; although Nuaabsion wen On' 111,7,Z.ano,n,,.:1. for learner's degree, 2, postteraduale at ii7,.. ngraved on the Everett Society downed for his Sharel el., be dinuld hemtravelers. agenn. It Harerford. Cup. h T e Everett Society model for have been reeffintlywe of his rte ALUMNI NOTICE . ohm, .notnee fishery. I; we food , LIZrtr, .111 be Pee- a teacher. According to her claim he 1 . ';;:w , .7%.177 ▪ undevided 13. Swarthmore Students Ask r:...b TH entr• The Cimslation Brander of win n atheist. liberal Pnlithid Maar. May le-witm• eon the NEITS would greatly appremade be Wiltot td 411 •■••1•■•aep. nmv,I1-• net dot mho Cuts admitted she More for de.. (though SEAMEN'S CLOG TO MEET ciate information as to the grew , linAt; know what they were), and fecund I.ne....:1 Tobe, 1.r, M, tri,4,1. V:1711.14. nrZ5.1,1:1177=1.."'.." Swarthmore College emirate ere et- lii_•_,.'1.7dik rot addrenn of the following more undergraduate freedom from Cleh Saltedelssi lee tempting to secure • more illiend sixOgee Neaten Alumni: rtesternom work. for Amens, regeletIona and fora ThutedaY I. tha Ueen Iredawiny.tar n-x. n Nessinthel a Progenitive • Abele, M, Alan. '21. Tmnla rie manual spring Ho. Meeting of olann hew been whinnied to the VW... ILL Spoon Committee Appointed Width CO10114•1,11 Dr. Nusphattnie Crewel. Andrew R, 92. •ha Seamen's t'i,,b will be held nest faealty by the ...tont body vex Powilar Can.,. Foster, TS. Proems. a of that mere., be to ponillon etuSwarthmore Formerly Tionwiny evenine. Slay 91, In the solution, by Wilbur m Ilay noway 0 heigni rt rrrrr meson. e Albert had --iron he '10. chat wad Ile .lee, nueinwhi flee only allowed were Fninn. All throw interested in mien de.. AI...iodine to custom. the Pre.ident of Perrin. Henry,. Jr.. '11. express any news on rema non town., nr in em' way lu- oboenern a wanner. though -they mould the Senior Oasts hoe appointed • escul- the professor Ernie, Malcolm. .14. ▪ st any time. and failed to ,.e When thy en swim. ren te...ft In the me me invited to St. ents, ...Imposed of Seniors. who are Fitt, Hormel. .91. who elew• *Web wen wereened tend. The meeting will be loveddmi Welty •ttempted to be more Matt in In ...Int the -Spoon Men" Ire their .04. Hale. Chester should he considered. Dix views ea over by Petterson. who In the skipper the panting of almoners Cm remittals -la. Matlock, Jeseph. 22. reform were not at all ratti• proterted. A. appoint...I by President Wilbur of narictibint of the alb.. Noway. Lova amen. IT. The pH. very from simply talmriur 11125. this Spoon Committee will con. .1. but corresponded to the metro jobs of mind.. o SW likely In It 11u7 ••••2 Sulfide. III, H. liarrainced et soh will be offered to theme who wont to n few more absences • wonder In eist of Cr, B. Heilman and P. It. Harp of honor ofisly tnw being MOnnette, William. II& tam', berm. Wendlers of the club. in order analog unlimited mite to thew with s and the tint mentioned being Chair. no maw Pendleton. Edward deep, 118. woe Issue etudencithe Temple the To Inca OP WU/. eon. tare mane. and ran. The ennouncernent of the 41.1tbet they nine fulfill the ...thiremeet (Orly high •V`PrlrP, Rhoml. Kenneth, `12. end think to Wreawdar tt-mseas illewed maw Is , men whether in d. of the Committee will be given on of haring worked • no a shin. Members promisee of these. Whatever plan Kw,. Ehlon H.. lid Mullen. Choo. Day end the moo eelected will whether the preference. of the students of the club will tell the woirent sea - adopted We Swarthmore Spenser. Herm, Fink 10. porsowaiden of the for certain troelten should he entirely W.f. flue 14•A Itt.11 men oorre things they shnubl know Mi- maintain they nhould be allowed more wone into permanent Wilber, lisle. '11. dbtregartled. CD. Spoon. freedom. • • • i'irtt;;:t '17e1111;:nti:e",. Jlar 21. Thor Scarlet ptenent were addressed Bret by Henry D'iemer Werhorongh, 94. Me. Beer. imrough nave to gen.. outline of the Entirely on Runners who li POLE-VAULT RECORD BROKEN BY CHADWICK LIBRARY BOOKS TO BE RE-CLASSIFIED of 1:-tV DR. REESE SPEAKS TO HAVERFORD NETMEN SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY DOWN RUTGERS, 4-2 yeare ceeded one e of war nil Mane mi • t 0"" • • MAY 27,• 1924 HAVERFORD NEWS Page 2 HAVERFORD NEWS Political Clubs ur yOU uphold editor. PotilMal Letter." the vim tur of alt ea..n polltkol latillatione EDITORIAL BOARD thm the .ouientious enter may rano i...1,1 inumelf free to make the beet between or minion Ilium. pm. 0.1, etst="ater molten Ur inkreltrn. yen would pariinti to put forward only train •th too./ clones. kitowin Idol • better onetimilts. of see ilther. tisrly would re moting. of vole. 1, hire sow aloe nifinistie .lop t„. cornett .117 anlinialil prociho of this I ofortinwsly .6t Inninal•AA of i rhicipte ie nth Of "17Nerlirs.V."` el- th tent. not to say mirtimd gthenemeg BUSINESS BOARD 'rokg Orely'r si rt' lessen Knows 071 e Z1711:OTI'itdc:ril of the .porty. emigre., is an emunsk of tt. II results in the preneutatinn Cl looking, tin. evil, my beaoiWaVilsafeeri. tween two enste Al bert. it la teeny monition. • minis-el. rims-sem tonnes. anal mon woolly merely nor no none YrS.4.01'ernk 11 u b. i• t. to reginter in either way A better Th. Nome i• published ileekli Wring lin, get in. itotommels to your local the Cullom yenr nom, -inn help to stem things risht; Sittherligiorie '"'I.' or Os end that your yew shall he an tone of ;mtg., not Mindy pi keep Pre. roe sinew. S3.mi ▪ hod men out rrrrr ',globes um the wore 1Is ,nillitionicrilLontit Adotrebecome wham one hear. a antineedy ILAVERIII111 1 NEWA. thiverford. Entered of I'...' "thee at Hmerford. ir *.`,.P7,,"t''',LIrll;l:OrtIZI"?..V1.7: mail as •novided for Pa.. ...neon virtue. in Section 1103, A t of flemther A. MIT. Lien with penmen' .11.1.11E0 ftErthELLE, en.104. work...ism) Nemmiler , 1010 In • ywvg ie The NEWS in7orial rcreion1 the sorealent for Repithihno leslith•l clubs gel ti ull i .1 lt r Imply perumeeet mou-efliliation with one of the major parties, Mr. /twee& paint in .retina to force he. •n paint Welke to hid for the iutelligent rot., However.• we mill toniumin the feruleofd aietle nsrfl r' am e"Ilroott-Tinit". laCe. Or Inge.. bnual perry alfiliatiop Mot I. meinCOleCelMna XAMSFORD COLIS02 sense of loyalty to tb alvvile....1 et rhilthrlep talon!rather than by the Portg• nem of principle. or the iiidivMuars den, sr ' -t man'. taiod should be free. enoggh nog pa• la- rem dual ud 1117.1...1•7,4t1: DR. KELSEY GIVES WEEK'S "V". TALK Explains That "Si n" Means "to Miss the Mark" -The ....rearim en in the wend In Kel. In lams the mon." 'hollered ■ the V. )1. C. A. memo.. Wedom. • blotfront Li. Dr. Kn., illummted dihi.g point rum of 115. hunting ..x- peemme. Ile explained that the wont moue. Immi a word ',leonine wta ma/ the nowt- nod •tiesu.- Or .•aneer ge.ordift renlly from rodent etymology. 'ione nho keeps no Lot usinne( the nmrk• Frame Th. EM•plet el Dr.Kelm, riled Frame Os of a nstton obeli waxed the ann. mark. After betting two good opremilli.h reprearatative portuoities institution, elle foiled both lintek end it took a bloody revolution Me Uwe netually lound the lb. before Inter mark Ilenediet Arnold. the here of horologe wee well on big way to being umanmit hero, but he. too. Mimed aad red is now the o dispird. -Mime a Man an., the chain. lien eat ad murk as the annul damage that he don, but it is the fort that he unwire the mare flint lie Wel. have nslo.t. nag foil. or moomplieh the great rods that Ile might hare hi red - I I Dr K Ines 'Sot your fetus loward the future. wd, forgettien th. things whirl, mie belting strove to react the meek which pm have ran for smirgelf. noinensberrin.”._ ilim„, (ciltire ATHLETIC EVENTS PLANNLIk FOR ALUMNI Red NM Black Contests to Al Staged on Wagon Field from bib. perm loyalty to shift from ie Mr other of the time petite. as their prior/vim all in mooed with what he believes to be for the beat hi, lune 14 ther.. 01 the vommunity. end. Pain a cuing.. al open thiltdo, the ester Winton Field will be the was. of purl.r would be lowed ill admin.. real Sater• activicien platform.meneow the intelligent vot- oome Meter...me dity efternoon. Jthe l& when the 'obi er.. A colleen nosh' train sorb at geed." gather there to participate in the Red midMack sows in coons/lion with A11101111 0.1. 1 M. followian tho golf faum At 2 1 in the owning end the San noise. :M. liberty. H. Roger has recently bonito... meeting before bomb. • Meeatoned between the na han fame .1711V.7y,'Ir the Slows I11.11 kehnol in March lan Mats of the riten.year Medi ebiewn. in the Alumni of thie Institution. msymined by TOM Keeth.7. '20. sss Cnriatog.. Join the the oddsyear titlark. Ammo. led by sniff of the newly organiant -Saturday Tot Brow., Jr.. `Al. Az these two team. Review of Literature no mintritwing willrommime the beet baseball Wet .bliar and optimising. Mir literary reImmo of whieh the College be. ens boasted Tins by published hr new will posted. hut mitt have no editorial min- an rantio. moment ehould moult. motion with Time. Morley mid his the burlesque Troth Al 3.45 wine kWh wiled for France Mar 24. and Find nogg. ie. which marl, a hob. ho -feive Reinhart in now minchdr.1 Alumni are :dread. eekted. 'There ine aching win be tau even,. a. follows, Minn 2T I. rh. Intent hirthiligi of the NEWS President Comfort wiehe. lg. rake M. memo-mi., to ex tend Ira hemitieg enogralulateam mod mon otevere oloInno frir ranumn. were,. Ti,. NEtiti also woke+ to tbenk tip Prenitient for 1.i. co opregion truth ud In our work The Council and Its Functions • n Thetinnier. commit is moo. .Irniuntion erree thraugb I. A111 women othsome..Dionen this trimegion no., It a• welfloilmonider. briefly. the mimeos of chi. Adel memo h. flow hen limy it tire tinily Coll., ergonomic,- which it reo rrrrr tal How heel may It secure and maintain duet. wpooml and In weathering the purpose of the Council. of mums the mehiss .1 kwe monde nut firs t. llowever. them lawn mum he of n definite. positive Donnie_ They should he Inv, drairsol saden. hmeed 19 the malorily of the undermdnare hmly. Ton many thee. in the pant. C... hive 1.11en to the level • polieenwn merging warren, on petty offender. of poor Inw. To fulfill Ile [minion um the leading mint In the College II mom he reedy 10 a. Classified Ad Column lac p Ltx he Char. Wane. Dwalla desired awn. Oood4,01 u•a loge "'" 11th and Chestnut Streets Phila., Pa. Eon...co on 11112 St. P00 SALE-One geld Ford combat, box o Nawarford Naar*. Ardmore Printing Co. New Location 26 Ardmore Ave., Ardmore.Pa. If you need • Sestmlea. Flair Cut. don't forget that llus Webers will ha hare ovary Friday all day. We he school work. IIARLET-DAVISON and aIda ear, aSnort laaddl. diem and Pdaldladdr. : grIel.W3425'742Fadtrma. IsttilaC P°011-71, wANTED-litudent would Lam ta est *Us keno advartinnit w nao In New York ham. or *on r. vammer month. Hog Ill unvertora t 'ANTED -A roan. man la nu . ROBERT KOCH 1 417 Walnut Strme 20 Chair. and 10 Manicuring Longacre & Ewing Thos. A. Ryan & Co. Bullitt Building 141 S. 4th St., Phila. Printing—Engraving INSURANCE II E. Laseaster Aire.. Ardmore, Pa. Plasm Ardmore 787 Telephone Bryn Mawr 755 Soppoe Lunckeon • mite al.. roJoy etc. Morley's love 0l the we pine-smoking sod beautiful Momently.. Willa... and Mr Don Caterer and Confectioner porodiem of freerveme eled le Char. W. Lilo... boohoo therefore, but so ninth slaw 22 sad 24 Bryn Mawr Avenue we never ...old apprenute. Reins old BRYN MAWR. PA. admirer. of Mr. Morley. lar areMeath. Poem! terhap., Lug we Met can't bele ...I oomekee -If mil, Kit hadn't bobwawa. or unbind with lhat Den Marmite sad avenge:110e degnith4 ht. Fdtglloh." COnsten COL 11M.X., Itawiser. the, was the stilt Why. DOUGNY.RTY Wit nod humor. lore and excite• Vest bl d hove beeo Mergedleto V1.112Sgir men of &eine We Ma amp lore that Ire nolloborefon lead our benne, now. Brya Mawr dos Ponder.. and her }rims& !Mount, farther ncimmenr... Whet thAghlful read• ire the sVon Veber Glrlee 0411011. M. E. Supplies Pandora Lille the Lid-W.011 General Repairs term. Doran Co.. New Toth. 7111 Lamustor Avenue Bryn Mawr. Pa. ALUMNI NOTES Congratulations The Chestnut St. Engraving Co. BOOK REVIEWS A book. with • deteetive..., plot. n ding-noel thrill and et the game tints. the remieetabilitY Of Komi lite.tor.. I. n rarity indeed: but -Condom .. LI-11:' withim kidnappers.1. 1511. Ancialis. and bootlegger, ptIoliehed by a reeneetaide Munpany In reepectoble form and written by those two perfectly rempercable gentlemen. Cirimoither Morley sod Mu Marquis. the reguitionent, well Seven girl, all daughter. of wealth.. not prominent own. dime,. hum heat with klisn Van V.I.., ow of their untie Engboh tegeber, a when] ...dint. In the coupe of 11,Ir ...lents. along • lonely portion et dm Ion. Inland ...at. they croon the peth of a mom of bootleg...re, who mi.. tel.e them for n party of revenue nei me All this, with the &shin...ie. e. that brute flow. end the den...been. would make • wonderful 'Moine.Mb Mr. Morley mid non Marquis mum hove hod great fan writing tins 'Why, it in so real It reads just niiiry like et new•Mtpee emming. Mine in. timerete erdumnist. and dyed-in-thew...I 'wrestling:the author. mind hare found the collaboretion mere pastime. The tricke of rtyle or the prompts of on don't lather thew men: they Pat Henry B. Wallace Fire Life Automobile Marine Burglary Tourist. Provident Mutual Lifi Insurance Company of 1,14adelph la re. TO BOCK MOTOR CO. CHEVROLET Amt.M112112. 171131.n ithlatelt-anthe eat Lets le °Rm. Let maim rtY11.5-gothentle. mt. tvglo-groso thwissa Kea'. An Opportunity for Life Insurance Training Paul Loder, Manager Philadelphia Agency I11 South Fourth Street kjohnWedd Illevs Shoes nen.. 010,05da aantint-ovh. Tam Cumaasdasal, tau alma 0 07 1 • is -lin lthretathe' shag Ilk* womathar Vow., man m •tibe Own.' • maw awl lasertom tam &may. WEna bursa la -TN ad... wad15 lA171-14111.A. '.7ear Trdad ma Mae, Tree kr. Menthe amee la °Moo ohesto- Wnsonam. Cerlar M.Xw esr "" 1...=;,, TM', lawn au au**. a.. Web I. W lw•••• Mem.. PM. Da. ST. °ram, 110012-th. 17112IMIITIT lib Tug-sheer. Ms: iaat v, erlgtsl Hurtles the dingo.. work. Fat nuan's row. rourge-tessiam tn.-Mom ta oxen to Jou.. nolinecM an en• Inutile.). damad. 211 yard*. 1100 of ain ✓ hurdle. Low Orlon "Seine Problem. in Edwalio..7 -laatall Pala au. tOa Backward brood jump. Wore n gathering of eleven hoodred uaThree-legged rner. 01.511100 Alumni. at the Annual ReMuLan 'TIN Pottier the medicine bull. Mau. aura." union Regards,, Shy 14 Throwien the clothes-pole. padad.a-sudadd Ideatad la De. limoi her "Nigro a email book flIT nu Gm 4-10 rah,. 410 e.1.11. of pee pima,. of the Haverford ease WTI la golf. I, M. sod beighborbood, entitled illayer- Item:yen:I SOhejudge officio! we bare to bog ford Mune- It a expected thet the H reersrr—..rss either. of number e -mid Mink will he ant in u week'. time and for every entry, among Imorrent—ow, re sekm, it will probobly lie available at tiP ior Judges to deride disputes •••• .1.11. Ian* sew. Cooperntii. Stow and at kleCawilaini the hinge, Them in tuna nom appeal to • court re...posed of flamer HerMIMIC Store. 11CILIMIR Or RWMO-Ststhar. lgr unto, football comb and master of eer. N. LIS. X. 0. S. kwahlos noon.. tenni. 211 wend., lend DeFaculty-Student 'Dinner to Witt Clement. '17, ehaicole of the Events Committee. Come Monday In addition to tbe •bove agrarlinne • Ironalruen. way all an i.aes TI,,. evening, MR; 211. the ...nod the Soak of the ...eat dingleboll tour. Coo. D. Wetherill & +mike,' the lo ehirh nee Earillty-Sludent Dinner will he held nament will he played of it 5 o'clock ng the Wed, 713 Arch Streit ie Ns College /Wine bell. A different In this the two team, meri A still larger pigpen. of the 21111,01 arrnwement We hew wide for thi. competition 'ane the elate, clam cent.lilln• Phila., Pa. Cannuil le to. art Formerly roch table in the teams will meet for the dinelrlrell ehatnbody for the whole undergraduate omen..room invited a prefenot to nit piolirkin. The winner. will be muoi8thninx Paint & Varnish Mauviactsrer. urnanigation Through In 31nruloy ninht the iently rewarded. thew sod mermen it ihetild beep ioconMent with re will cleans twenty.one form from will Al of the"Penh. elms llommford. members toerh with every octivit) nml each rowle will invite end turn in infernal or remoter reunion. It abeidd net is th• coonenting heti couple• fur both Friday and Saturday. no fol. r. ether ""art le the dinner n prof Inigwern ell `q Ike to the ahortnem rat thr not ire the Ina this M act min College lowly STATION AVENUE for the dinner. no .precims will he It is eapeeted that AO. '20. .2'2. A :Mixing t 'owed Inn onlY nolo milled for. olthin the neat few weeko plea soil duo, minetion o. it monthe end completed for the return of been have snoods III the lire itioramer of it. low. Religirds Liberals Will Meet thole dames not lined show. Each On Year W to the Station the ,entrifliging unit 1. ciss• will bare a wean. .0011 05 at Mt. Holyoke midererinhot• artiviltcs. 1...tween signed as il• bmdquarter, and all ad lf the timmell snit srand forth In thee, members indisteinsl for A conference of student reliable. lib- conwodations two field, it ae. nnl trouble imelf adVenCe. 1 realm in to be hell nt Mt. Holyoke Col. will be •rranned lu slang ondergrodonte sepport. The All Alumni are urged to send in then; age this yen. from June 21 to ...moil wen tiouferenet of motley and que.tielanalres et wee la the SIllinnit Federation of Whitlow enter to forilitate.thg work of the ComLiberal.. It in le be motioned wholly mittee. "Scone, oohs a valiant at- by students. but oin have an .IwakPasteurized enc-upen.ngisne tempt te weenie the onndanding lenders of r mare Clarified ctin,. has timilly tinsel into reigious thought in this nalnilA. of inninunts deseuttille. Editor horde) The charge for expanses is 1130. moms they oohs. owe tinkle-minded whirl, Includes everything. Detailed to wit the individual feel. that he has infortnalienmay Le obtained from the toniarteke it retioni. Il,e "Scarlet his tbsident Federation of Religious Lib. left thi• earth pertoweutle crab, 18 Remo, atrret. Boman. Mass. 758 Lancaster Av. Thr NEWS feels nosy to have worthy n Meal drop oth of the Hoven Mono 882 Bryn Mawr 'nth loantsligh. Hug,Ind lightening mid the Lifirmy Wither. will h, The Paulin ChM i. prartiwily sure will lid, on a wire monk, anteurame by which non that it II, longer abetters thew that plans will be rompl...1 ▪ Ihmerford rhea. team will be able dergraditme exist...mime of bonnie a team from Dotard by radio no fis no The -Smirk,- Ma• pine the mks prohibit will ottani The rho! pnthr, we knlw. noodle its Ignitor wu. purely heal. timne ,rip port n1 neat fall. neat tieing mad. by a Arrangements bows... weer. mice ou the 11101101at student a whoI. of the club • macaws In perannol lin. of Natio. wide tierinclicali the friend And Om young man whn mixer out -tirerlet - will, the imunl Haverford the Millhill Nehool. London. IF1 une eopy ramr;:e_ Mje. vlillirreoVini' g. I. P. Minn. month. ..1111.11001: FACULTY NOTES when .1 Thou drpesdahl, terns, outinoriratio Kyle end sturdy wear. John+ ard popularity hoe cootioud to am for more than tstimbve years. The Troonit, with John Ward Sup,/ Soho of crept rubber. is a distinct, sport oxford for camp., links, coon or vented.: Imported Scorch Grain Calfskin, with soft toe-the Treponit m comforoart, dumb' and mood-looking. And other sport 4m(04dg... Haverford vnelt soil 41.4 that Our Pkiba. delPhia shop at 1221-1223 Chestnut SUCet has shoes so sho that or worth suing. Oprn daily from 8 a m to 9 p Someday, 11 p m. ca., tar_ ti 11-11,1XLPHILA NEW 7011X BROOKLYN NEWARIC E. S. McCawley & Co. BOOKS - GRADE In The Scarlet Passes Out — -The RADIO NOTES A MILK ARDMORE NATIONAL - Highland Dairies, Inc. BANK Under U. S. Government Supervision 4% On Saving: Accounts The 77:1! • nth A.D.. ml Ertablisked 1798 Incorporated 1920 1',V,Z Mclivain J. Gibson Company LUMBER Office and Yards. 58th and Woodland Ave.. Philadelphia " 1" • wightlIall 7. 111•117. Glad-Mt. PING CONTEMON.I1V Afrrol.RD. AND nA78/1811 it e" ANDAVM.. nNAED ANI.AWITA EAATAN.. ISAAC P.11ILLEIL Agent PROVIDENT MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. Philadelphia 401 Chestnut St. Haverford Pharmacy Special Discoonte to College Stockists Allethine va. ALUMNI USE CLASSIFIED ADS STAR DURANT FLINT GRADUATION time is at hand. Thejoy and pride of youth's accomplishments imbues us all. You are proud of your boy; he has succeeded on the first lap. We are proud of Mr. Durant's products, Flint, Star and Durant--they are also successes. What a pleasure it would be for your boy to find one of these cars awaiting him after the graduation exercises. Downes-Flint Motors, Inc. ARDMORE, PENNA. We are in a position-to do our part ▪ ▪ ▪ • Page HAVERFORD NEWS MAY 27, 1924 • COLLEGE SPORTS ALFRED BUSSELLE FRED. ROEDELHEIM JOHN HELLER EDITORS NETMEN VICTORIOUS IN M. A. S. MATCHES HAVERFORD CRICKETERS EASILY DEFEAT PENN HAVERFORD SCHOOL IHAVERFORD NETMEN WINS TRACK MEET TO MEET SWARTHMORE 3 ADDRESS COMMUNICATIONS toy SPORTING DESK HAVERFORD NEWS HAVERFORD, PA. TIES PENN IN TENNIS DAY STUDENTS, LLOYD, IHAVERFORD VICTORS IN INTRAMURALS North Deal lateFirst Place Watt Cimfort High Scher With 44 Rees, last Game Booth Flael Sara 64-34 Day Stmleton handed Knuth leer - Foulke and Marshall Win in The Hared.d cricket train detested Penn Charter Loses First Likely to Result in The heeeleill Match Irani itn first defeat in Foulke and Marshall Easily the Univereity of Peotastylennia cricksame on hlrin• haneall intramural Hard Contests of Tie; Webster to Play teracademic in 10 Years; eter. in a oteMle played . Cope Field iitternnon. II, ID. South WI. Qualify for Finals at Wedneedey afternoon. May 14. Practice Match nand at the beginning of the fifth hiin Doubles downing In trouble no had Ilemerford t.g by a more or 0-4. The Flay StuMerion C. C. wee wore lint The players. with the Penn linaerfor.r. tennis In, dio. 11.0 started to hit Prosier, Haver• between match tenni, The bro.., eleee • to 1127erlhg Schoot Me wine. tying Ile Peonortnien in a prartice contest ee neat nowildl • 94-34. Om) four of the Haverford Two Haver/oral :n rivals at rumen mal brunehl is been put out end three had the ten•year reign of Penn Carter ford end their traditional the wore. • Ileverford t n Monday aftern.n. third quelified for the finale grew this players had trek en fen Swarthmore, which in`o be played on hatted at alt when the mane wax School a• Numb won unlade to score In their ay 19. FA A team won two mingles dirladoe of the 51. A. S. C. A. tennis May afternoon. this. Marta obeimin. Intl Thunder. ]fey 22, oe the letters half or the fifth. In the sixth. the In, nd one double. match. tournament In the Grin and neonud Belled records were AI, will proaNy reault In a tie velewn Student. nenteti fire more. Soak mad Comfort coottnued his anp hitting the College field. Two Johnson at first elusion for Haver. r.de, held on the milege enerle rev there in an motet onone aide or the broltep and one tied. ti.t.,izsin only three in their haired the font • o6 loan end Colon, who 2d. Both and was no scorer with 44 rune in &tattler Main Linen had etterythimg their other. The firm ml mecum( singlen The each Comfort and filler credit his .1.0 0,1 Foulke and Marthall defeated their enIeeet Iwo men in pleyers went to be stronger in the way..410 own lay featured avo• smrve the of fowl The Non. for Page, out. men lla. 4141. 7.5. Foulke, bowled three potent. in the Fero. round, end Johnoon and Lamm, a pretty double play. Oh/ to Ireton., hi in ...eight se' r em' Paint revre Gernet every es n iter taking the firret xet tenni Lingleare eligithe for the tingle at the Melia horrid. bowling Tune awn out. we. high Pena Cheat,con14 nhould take the third and fourth mingl., Wiwi... Muhl. for the Day St,. bneh. 04, dropped the second at 7.5. Cricket Cloth Retarder. Seymour, of worer for hie teem with a total of II re 41_ The other lour wheal. empentrely. for Haterfoni. The team deem worked hard. but Wee unable to In the third set he completely out. Swarthmoro vino qualified. The fourth mom paling were far behind: .Cheettrut of Mar.. and Webeter at erend keep the Smith batters from hitting eammyea a reheat omen: entreat will be either Johneon, of ',Mewl hie opponent and woo 6.3, In 11111 Academy with ft pain. Epieroal than their Swarthmore nproneote. Fenmier started pet well for South. hut evalteg wmor e of hie heat menthes of the yet.. H•werford, ear Nudge. of Swertlamore, went to pieces in the hod tam int... o' Itst. Academy with 4. St. Lobe'. with 2%. the !albeit Swarthmore opponents, Mershon loot his first all to Stone. whose match waninterrupted by not bare men net lieverford The ja. Page end Germantown Academy with neve Tommege Pitching Daleage Swears of Penn. 5-7. Ile rallied in the second the first pet, Md alter Hodgewoo been defeated tin. mono.. whale the at ell. in- mod won after • herd fight. in ,boek rome ategel 1.1.111 Ile 64. here bowed to team. e. Sawa Is lammed E:17. Ilherford Pohowl reptain. wan Garet pl... bewail mune obeyed on Fri- took the third. 7.5, after his opponent In the first robbed. Johns. Mere, eatw from AlltinpOlib and Penn. Boredom, tramural 24. with rounder.. had See time, been within one point of the find le break • craned. He won the Pa Paw leafed &Wafter, at P. U. Al. 61, hereto while dny nfteennon, Mee of wore wroade, dm( the Philadelphia 20.2 in • LIP Hata... t hurdles rat P.O. low a. they •yard . inning. 220 five mohe In to the me eh. Leiner. after tying will 64. McCaffrey Swarthmore wan defeated four match. clipping two.thirde at a second of Ill 10 Plym 15-2. TA•Pf111. pitching In, ',antelope. with 521' at Ida drives ate Lade the court on men ;117. set an' . dapped woe knocked eel 011(e. Ito, in the PM.- the decill'ing fen*: 1-5. lIftete0Weareeel reward held by Radon. eat Pabm. eta coutt of the her wiled. Johnson, ' ire heneedTer :end, Peelle H. Hare MAMA eel let Miller. also of ileverford. ant II, n reeler. by Tam l, who the antra.. pieced his .huts well. limeme11. Haverford.• pinged fairly well but wen poorly nap ed bad Oh. point to defeat the Pe. a rated in obn Fnullte. BerlInger. of Peon Charter. added Fled., of Swarthmore. hales drew. me come unable was but dater. match. nee but ported In all but the last inning70.1 seren.eieteenthe of an loth to the 'Mgt first mow ban Mot a Me in the fire row& then 'aorta Tong.d pinged excellent ball for moveeetYr of PeNA1171.Vadel.• " Junk reeord of II feet 10 Lee... In. which wan with Fah. of Oateopathy. seldom Jabs. in the awned. In the. double Foulke end Johnson who is in the Ore len of the optional • gw: ridentelly he can the Individual ear Fahlie WI.. Eeally Led to 1112, their Leh to win. They Although Seymour. Jobe will 1 O -n",I7int 1:;:e larfr Z 1- 11 t;;1: 37mbeeb the afternoon. Mkt. Bret Pl.n in Ise reeking. Folks of liaverford. had no Vote probably he Foulke'. opponent. at e. of Lloyd. nearby! a hit on every trip eat their arm se to Colborn end 11 jump booed end vault pole lean, lash tentacle *Ith Dudley. of Swarthmore, rre.tlabe V"Irowfsel Linglebsig, but doubtthe next two. winSwarthmore. has leetthree Ibetlebts. to the ellete. The blab wind et the barite of toe he mt. elMorioun- orer Vieth. a three whining 6.2, 6-lt Dudley was unable Pan r. P awry.. Is. OMAR Wolfe. an cheher. phired the he.1 ning the find double.. Iloweate and gain.. kept Render, Haverforcee .eto f foot tenni.. to mi., Foulke.* .00.. In the e. taioa k "`"' item. for F.oriers. Ile voiced Tan, teeter Lost. to Ellin and Stone. of the War martnter, not of another record In emend round, Foulke- played Gillum, of Cuirereity, D-7 and 0.3. Thin match a for and double • for doll.. h hi. for ..aad ...Ste. lamina ..sall, theliondredyard dm.. He -broke the Drexel whn had detested Hummer. of Poselems, h. Peter • • slow and uninterentIng match borne-run nun in the fourth. Revertant. in the only oten on the Lomeup, In lee ,tomato Oat. but wag eat P. IL C. Will the score 6.2 for ohm. •hortetne for Lieu& engee the Irate the Hare re eitandpoint. Lee. Smiler and Sleek want who han cot. allowed the record K. C. Smith o. Foulke in the flint att. and 4-2 la Iona teem c anna were rather waft and the pine double ona•stmel ngem,. men tar undefeated. content with an through then record haldent pree,o1.at iaterropted the' of oak watch thr the wood. Penn player* bed little trouble in ed. He will here a tough Match no Lin In the with Taut , seeT1.4 of time revord the equalled Dillon end wan et br • beevidowepeur them of into clean point. hands when he tn.. Hodge. who also ends In the 2204ver1 clath. courthertely default.. SLIFPOOO, Oi boa • clean elate. GEORGE Minter, et Drexel. mod Seymour, of Stearin thrill. of Penn Charter. felled delm.• Sheen' WM ilwarthiteore, 'both lumina drawn by. Cont. from page 1, column 6 to Weal, bin own reword In the Eh* pot. visiting the on third rated Johanna. In the:firm runnel. played eomteh In However. be easily won the beetle. beSwarthteam. meet Dedier. of Or second round wbieL Wee won by ter. Simne was night at third on low three feet ahead of the teat of the In th e Middle Attendee. played Ohl.. Beet M. ler George •1 more. DOOM. attempted heel. Carr and /Ienlett got patters. Seymour, 6.0. 0-3. Shake Strongest In Fall Ergots Itherford on May 24. Foulke de1.:L.4"14arstrei. Vtier.'71 4,42 I., fret on arm .. The former wored Mershon Comp Threegh 1.11100., of IlaveIford. .. clam With the lentmeet of the (Millie alter compered. bad caught Lippin- behind Itetli.er in the matter of polo. feated Dudley with twee. As Joh.. main. urglirel."e!'i:tr‘" II•mbefl, of Hirmrloril. end 00.r/ Foulke romps. fnvorabir, the for. freely seamen IMO a Week ewe,. dome. mopped Ihmlabgerb cott.. aaarlete Drat, the In Men drew of Drexel, raw worn!. He had a totel of 1334.1010 nter should hare tin trouble in dinpus• for • rimer; over fin.. Schm,1 on end . id,vwl woo his match, 6-1, 6.3. Dottereee fin to realer Bald making firm in the Melt huntlen, two second.. ing of bin opponent tale,. ttetortiny. Nay 31, III, 1.Iting alne1 Walker's game wax tether...hie Bed the third out. Hererford did not and I tto for ono.. ITN teammate. Leiner. lb. next diner di order. loan •ven. The recent defeet of the Ceara Marelmil did not bare to Mat on ellf wore. end shin arms not out In regu- Pendent. followed him with 11 psis. haat ,.air tan, sinelen matches end blelmol imp on the handn of Peddle lar nerevesion in their all of the opt* to win. beg oboad have en trouble in deleellag /Mown tat while they ate stro. in Stamford emelt. 01 Califerala Will Glee giebetre. e: Imetb. tbo, The finals of ' the eerier M. A. S. innng. bed RI.. P. Ent HIS Filth decideitty klefibt. who han been one of the week the track even., tb, Tie, h. sw. lbawne RI In the f.rth inning the C A. tournamenr whkb conaieto of Competition between the Eget and weak is the field. .ewe. Punt. in the thruithinore It. grounder thmugh 0•=117!7.7:. U. Poll. P. p;.,,,.. ra three divlaiona weal be played at the only hit wt. Dutton Is the main afar of theft-verge the IVent will he particularly keen at Mahar Hard Match= Track Meet to be Intercollegiate the Mellon Crieket Moe no Solara, atter- nem.. Arno/ft put the ewe. mito for goad been 'slue or School team. He ha. Neither Foulke and Johnson noon, May Al. The. finale will con. out when he Mopped a feet gro.der. etweee. .seeiest YYa. ten point s in ever, duel meet held et Reread Beet Friday and Sat• II IM and Seymour, who will meet In Ilie hem het of three rounds. Veer men will The heal two men were throw, out It even. are the 220 end 440- oral,. May 30,31. Stenford Faireral. beaten. awebeen here double.. it gnat Arno ...feet tofield. In 1022. hot did Walston the third by each find be mot from lump, while letT which tamed gbeettet-etekm M. 101, P. C.: weedi thou. both temp. here met ea• yard deiges ard the broad of kbeoe twelve will receive twee In fordo agreed Locoman, drove out War Kenna Mem Hai* Wawa. FL: he own elno be roosted on to wore not enter last ,ethiT. • mending a teem per...A player. an lend-off combina• in the emitter. the fleet round. The followine mend Molted no be .e certain hit to right re. C. W. lehbatme. NNet. e,other aritool Pant this year. l C bPere • ItTee Vairmnity of Penn,tranie will wit . be the semi-finale of the chive 1.kl. but Linolneott mawgd to resell Pee toy, ham done the mile in lento than lame P. ' 01, :trbneivI71; fire taboo.% and In the Peddle meet I. reprenented by fee 11111. who will hert'f; e' fit 'rlbtra'nfrd 'V'' k' Beandera wits out on a. fold Ay ire mintement and the next the.,,Rnallt Net to 1401. Grote popped to the sof! ed wr .110 thew captured both the plate; Who paged and the half- endeneor to marry off the theme:mashy on for the fourth successive time. The bee play,.. bare (eminently awne. two pointa-feeliegawm, heiMian. partieulerly not are hurdler. Their nanrPC Western t however, are .epod wore tope. 1. together. Webster hr not been on Rale SINN GM. * panning pi and they are weal le the NI. nther 0.1. PP., P. 11,11 to hi. bent form during the eeason. hut hat, et.. reellaeg likely to cot in serinuely on their total thrthini round fire. the.tiem1411.1.tha, In the fifth. although the Tinto. Pet Pee high hoop. ..10 Year.. P. Iveir. abe re, lame neema le hnve found himself lately. of point. seven ' bon.. they ad- wet.) two mma on haee earth. winner of the According t Coarb Iladdletoo, the 'hoed competition The potting thot we r. &MM. Revertant c. am-we. rtoirer T. vrebehl. veered no further.Harellerge Chan. Geed Freshman no should have Its beet be especially keen thin year. Glom Fhtmeforda chances ...yid be very agein put oh in reguler order. Swarthch.. in the hurdles, the pole vault Ilteeelt A. ee Hartrauft, Stanford'. giant. ham dons eonq it John.. end the Weight event, while the show- orer 49 feet thls year. hut he will be mc.d iv.. amassed three rune in the aleth bete-Ai 6r bertleeet. r round and If. nt loot, W. Sean. when the women was mopped by in c.: woo.. bremb ng should he about even In boll jump*. pre.. hard by neverel other rant., etals... A: OW. Iteendet. and Black men gets by the first of the and the wore or. °Metall, dropped term. g17. P. Dime. lb fret 07h helm. The Her aaaaa d Fright.,num ante. This le Olympic year and all eon• ge. hag in mt. mom. Web are-we P.M.., P. toot mr roads downed George Pelmet two years ago trataota are particularly dedroun to rettle. M. mid mow, .. ..most fore11Y SWAR10110111e. Z.1. teat rear's Rhiole team tied the .td 11.0PRIeni o IMI, Tieras. rt. mke the trip In France. favor Mum, of Jeth1.0. lb.b. Reboot men In an excitiog meet. tooth tannin Enwright, reteran Mono.deabmana by Pelelmo. V it: keeper. We promised that the eemme. A..., 11. WI. ITAegrede 11 Newark Tan Shona Gl. Heverferd Inemb, Preasomem. P it Tee, 07e ere. t47. be M fine shape. and proof of tbie ifeltra.'14 tonsi at. •t. II Nam. NO Trails 10...11. P. *Mt rou.. the reeent ietersebelam by offerwl Seeped vele College Il,ccdard The di. an elm. a. Wong.= I'm.... point h. a victory for the Penn Charter tic meet held there. in which one record eeteetee ewe* IIr linverfont rennin team over Del... Cricket XI will play the now the Queen Lane Field this WW1 broken and one ennead. A new ott Wednesday. May 2.n. Swarthmore's team on I= I Mate ' Thor is the only game meting of cinder. hen been spread ever In T Mel rate.yei T teuttle team, which in rated ea shout Wednesday. a e WM the Deck and a cement pole built. tram. et 14„e l necond the meal to Ilaverfortre Ind no trouble at nrhedulml far t Ione to bed weather oh, two nt all in debuting the lielimare neterien ", " : =h:: 1 4. "%rlie.12 7 !' bl7.1! the In. at Rwarthmore a fe week. ago the nix games scheduled 47 -: trmnaral Baseball loom. Fen played Raker wen nail,~delented in first :r.g. ttr til Sarno, of Swarthmore thinweld.. %nth Hareby • defeat by 10Pdritly7r.lhetl:. 11=1,1t1, ;11-bri." re' hem; • the Day Students advalteed North Pot- Mildew., in mooed mingle.. was de of day tole first place In the la mar . feated 6.4 MO by fled.. • Ta"VerttrO ' d:Ftre:rnar now and whom Foulke easily ,le Fanniera Suarthmore. defeated Gong tiger Vleiters' tZ:oto's:;=". le I•et Star them. tbe with shoen Miter rte P. Garrett (fated last Saturday, defeated • Ieg1ag arherento member three for Delaware. em lay The doobl. teams farm Delaware The Veralty cricket match with Cenhare not been ...deg op !marl. , tennial C. C. twit &turd, wen railed Zone &tit. ; ■ ti welt end liarer1001 ,cold home on nerorent of rain lust after the bet • trouble In winning 1,11 einnhles. no 1 • el.'. of Heverford's inning. The ranteamt• probably the errand donMee Scarlet .d Black teem had put out • oda. the whole of the opposing side for 116 The first Obmpic moot to be com runs. but only two hall. had been • pleted resulted in a victory for Amer. • to the home batmen when tee. The French Rugby football team bowled • rain prevented further play. wee defeated by the lads from CaliforHaverfordunett four bowler, of • nia In a haul-fougat Tented lent Sunday. eh., latter, 26. wen the outstanding klae-IR givine the title to Americo. ether feature of the match • A corable epitlt of hortility on. Mar. The catch made by P. Cm, aeons. irniong the record crowd of won ...tore for what they considered way tett 26. • rough playing 011 the pan of the fond. Players, Ern, time n French player WEST, Pharmacist • wee (ambled pettintlerlr bent. boon end hies,. could lw heard all aver the field. ARDMORE PENNA . • Sailing Two Amerimn spectators. who obHE Philadelphia Agen., of The Mutual Lite • lected to the demonetratIon. were inAgency for Whettnen's•Chocalams Itleo,00ce Company. of New York, (oldest jured by no Infuriated member of the Telephone: Ardmore 645 in Amerieh. INVITES TEACHERS and • crowd. STUDENTS (men and woman) to devote their • Prompt upoloeies were oNered by the tit. daring the summer menthe to a congenial and Returning French (Nymph. Committee fur the dixlucrative employment. In- Bellinger Stars h enen,eon sky via er SCHOOL MEET EXPECTED TO BE CLOSE sewn Swarm Idol Ilaverfsnk 7-2 WESTERN TEAMS STRONG IN INTERCOLLEGIATES Ilia L,Z.1.01,Zre`,:zr"., Yrin, con., with Ter boom 7474 e/322e=4r'rs337t1 ten II 3 lea. DELAWARE TENNIS MATCH '11111 .: I 01010 CRICKET WITH P. C. .2 South's First Defeat Drops Them to Second Place I is summers vacation in RAIN HALTS CRICKET oa rem Lassos r Europe United States Rugby Team Wins in Olympic Finals round trip ►170 ATTENTION TEACHERS AND STUDENTS Opportunity Extraordinary D. M. June 21 Strawbridge & Clothier turbeeee. Milano. Keywrondiea t Fairhill Pip.. lea of all Wade 1114.1ses. eisegt7 Jews et. Peseta. Pell Pe... dews gall Caws sloth.. swaying ad lettilattwg •Vt Noe ante.. WM Jake Harrison's Cigar Store 20 E. Lancaster Awe. 1411 Phone. Velment 51.1 This Company will train Students and Teethe., Wrough its education.' department, ani will cooperate with them and help them to a speedy financial anemias. It is Important that theinetruction feature should be availed of AT ONCE in order to become thoroughly equipped to begin work by June, though mon. MU be Made DURING PERIOD OF INSTRUCTION. Night classes, 7:30 O'Clock. two nights each week for five or six wee. will complete the COM.. Philadelphia's Representative Store Headquarters for Everything That Young Men Wear And Everything Required The Albert Myers Orchestras All Indoor and Outdoor xemet D. Stye. Jr.. P.P. Oar.. Athletic Sports for or e.t.a's.. (5 Apply in ahem, by 6770) JAMES S. WOOD Agency Inserucl or 6206 Girard Avenue Philadelphia, Pa. THE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. OF N. Y. The only a tone in Philadelphia where the SmiaBirich and Ake Cloth. and our own Wickham ''''''''''24%1'3:1;'11j07=1.C'ejki'ole bee Clothing, Shoe. mad Hato can be tE■EstiZer Pam. bought. ";."librI PATROWP Mork.. Eighth and Filbert St.. (PHILADELPHIA AGENCY) 2ND FLOOR FINANCE BUILDING SOUTH PENN SQUARE 11 ■ yIII/Mtei7/M. .. 'w, :/enaP1/01,40.70,41,wi-big:T/eirigib1 CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS ON PAGE 4 July 2 July 3 • August 2 August 23 Sept. 6 • Inquire at once concerning Tourist Third Cabin, An unusual opportunity for an economical vacation in Europe for Teachers, Students, Artists and Tourists generally. ■ • • ■ • ■ CUNARD LINE 1300 Walnut Street, Philadelphia or Loral Anrifs P 0 1164 Final 4.24/0 MAY 27, 1924 - HAVERFORD NEWS Page 4 Stardoms String is Rao, Qr. Aydelotte to Speak onikshe defeat Rhiaies is Everett deals Hurried suales the far is Truk Honors Course Next Fall Coat. from nage I. minden 4 ...Int Dion page 1. column 3 Cont. Oulu loge L gramma 1 Nu-Pall, 11 16014141 that tolled, 111• .0101 The ftkienin' Coiled! ado! lied neat teen ere nor inunibla of hem:ging nosh de, ihe liehl fiwaHle len eareall id 1,41 roe promouyi wagtail 1,--ident .1,1.I ,,it. wiirk. Then, 11 110111, •rioili the nheltiing vont.. .411 he irlionot 0011 0000 NA% 'het Iliix itt of eynteni 1,, LA .111 1116. ,Ito o an. night nio work in them. ar filet-t. lid Pot inn a dentine militia.", in a l. a ',tan. one any 114.1 I1111 III. reationaibifit) el ...al. n[ olonete hie non pitirme liesond the 111,111.11N nn ineu,011 It 111 onto-mom for r hr 110, The olive.. of ale difficHAS 11,111 Student Council Approves Dance Program o lull. W011111 Inl.e ill .6 111111 Onek to the I-might out by Ike Felber,,'. Alone with thinwanthe ronedenition '01011111. III .1 11116 Al a don who held le. tern •gel falb!io poem kin land eanielnatlan for dale., tor 10.1.1 ieer rin urrionaed ender die .. 61.1nurx " plash The present 70 11.01111.°11 sit WO burr here I-."*"" eidein of ill he lonnar I lb fee au- helil inI. Thin Till mrrim nentuble on, for a inidenfid A -neoiotiori 44, week for wee io do noire NILaneed work. end the. •pprovaL It die Antorialion 10101.1 rhe 0,1,11/0 ail few profeuntira of rhe letnen ouenielln .111 lb. nrenenied Ilex 111011. n PION 1301 d rInoi Faeult) onehlin olooini P111.0 noel. waa Sled, tit In an propeetol plan. Observatory Open to Scienyanopyint 111, 1 111 11111.21 The ■1 1111,11 PI 1161114 bennalii oak title Society Monday leek of dine and In do ihie by all will fie Hie/hinged work eno art-nail The t ,fiege I innervein, necinive engrain,. evadable %boo, wain for ihr nounThe Debella's here of the A huddle :hien, win. deIn reburiai. the 1411itim.tin• pointed odeneite. Abian net mire oi nor thelrintent., mu dint 'oily the WWI 1161141 112,11 1111111ihere nIrenifi .old ,, in ed iif. rlit• opt eiliantaaegel raking and thin il 114.1 11,11 1016 he tuna, 00,011 111111. In nioridbin mi gel III, enl- r Ima ■ r.114n1111 v.., .11 11. 411i.t.14r4 .11,1, -- ILngrrr. Miller, Wean', .1.,hnenn. go' our Jahn... Pall. 11111er. Romeamsn. Mile Saxon ma, Iflnlebnry. 11,4 Twounle run-Franier. Bastin/4n .4 14 u:init.!. Schedule of Alumni Reunions Issued 'Iowa In the various The linolonbleilly 4101 In E'en:dohs lingerni ewe!, are an fallow.: while Pint, or Heidi-wan .1.11111 take Het yard dad,- Nnekele, Harr i211 yard -.14E1 -Nueloalth Rom., Stalled and Mach le Pole .1fael1 Tire role rank lInverforrEa ternag. .11 'aril deili Ltenibie. - Nut:lode. eat urrut, and Chathylek and llonkina tymo yen' ennntuterly. Penh,. ore fairly "Ire .1 the first bee place/ klilr 1,111-1,1mr. lAwia. Llertz. xi. Hand or Tetuan o 1.1200131, third. Twoduile Inn-Lewin. kodefier, Thonme enn linnlly hell. Inn Wit) the High huollee--Ndring. 1110 and Witt). oir lam noun Law hurdleao-Nortnii, elttnae 1o. ....i.e. Montgomery nlinuhl rump-Heyninar. Harr. Fuger have 110 I 1601115111 in ainnina II,, javelbt, joing-111n1r. 1-IrKeed. Vanderprenabol he 001111' Mach . anYthIne like hin regular feria. Loniberri or Ill- kleetl. Hanna. Pole rant? Cliff. Alartia. ter inny elan elm, in this event. Clark Linn teenia Ihiverford'a eatrieo for 'The kneel , --Glrinrineen.41eyninur. Javuli thrmAr wilt he alienen from the fanned. men: hind pot 'Pilo,,, 1110.y,,.4 thildi-Nark. Engem Meilen 1111.11-1, tirbbyard Jodi Komar. the mauler idenneo. or hove ladled In the rood ioiatirelleneive 011111101, the (multi) lii111. overruled ranIniniiin thol oduld relieve the,. of all the prenent Ken), end Lennie Lenore ark Moreover. grenter init.-rent . parr of the anidenia wAild Hid faculty in their 10111l17. ereirnee. Anil again the eioenietl the departure 1l rflt nn hr from he standardization of ethentIon. The negative Nulled In the Andredtraunteum ley o uIltdng the tieseld flegIble and breed enough, and re-affirming the Intik of 1111,. and fin-dingo. in do the honor. sorb He Inn gel. High hurdle. - Lowe.", Handing. Ilnedelhelow Low In1filleo.-1-togern. 1.nwer, 11100. hind, J101111- Roger, Wideman, Ibt. - Llewellyn' lain probably .not voter any men In the Atml Olympia tryanta la be held in the 11,611111,1 11.4.1,x11.1,111 1.1 and 14. secorditha to a maternent nyttle by Climb Haddletoth 11,1.,, logy provement Itt made upon lb, preeent shoving of man, they .0010 1101 tualify for the futal (rya.. Autocar gas sad electric401111 trucks A MIA. 0111111 OR ,10Th- 43 YOUR the Olympics Strict in Javelin and Discus Rules .hoot atheelbue bandit:wan mechanical niperiority economy dependability direct fanner branch net-rIce canactriahlot rime tdr00 Mae pr... HI.. Sperilleationn no to the types of Manotaebired Mote A547 by 1144 tlitonni en/ abut to he nand the basal 111,,pe. tryoula 112 Ilse liarrend Medina. on June 14 and 14 were beamed by 'William C. ''runt. rhalromn at Ike College Tennis Tournament Alnerlion it. Progressing Very Slowly Only javelin+, fatale-hod by the The tennia tournament hat. been initter will he atilowed, while any tape ht.ngreastny •Inaly. !hay fear men of dleemt ...hick cantor.. to the In. hnve played ihe .neon'rnand and from remotion.' Amateur A1131etie Peden. 'NE,n.4 be oar& The rnmrmllern imlireniona - the ulnetee nr 'beer I toe ateht Webarer and rerun of l""" "T"' 1611' 4 II' feral-neon eke, 1101 ranah lbe melte* with the Finnish type of &wink w541, 1 be In the Olymple Ii1141k. The ihtmoinglan Tourtnheenent. ysleh [nine, aged RIM the itun Weal. upon al' , err F. kryt mad bilk the intertunlunffil rommItiel Wof ederegular Leornoment. ham nut eimer! It Antwerp in 11T31 and may pea in 11r24. yet atoned. The Autoear Company Hamra 1.1,1.111 11. May 1 1 .01 High 'won Nadi. Enter. Lenie. Hrgtocharskidlgoinies COLONIAL ICE-SCREAM Philadelphia's But I'laela-tek. lInalt111Y. Tatnail. throw Thome, 1,411111111. Event,. Javelin throw-31.1-grainvey. 1.111 herd. Pith,. Greene. alit put-Wilbur, Watson. laatbroti. Hi5lt-Grade Invesbnents Enle Red.. Public Utilities and lartutrials 1 1111111. 1-11P ,1e1.. .1.0.11. • 10r. .n, The wino.. for ruin,. rennkine of •hoo I, In die the fin n) inn iliac re m. wan 1,1001 by -„I he Alin... alien to the NEWS Home rime ro. Doe to the elletiae In printer.. the nebedule one miaphooth end Hies been pabliebed lentrire. It NI/ plainnal to tad thlo seheinile int., un will he a arm,. neat race The aenerel reunion et all ,,linen the. June. Tina Wan Ae. reeroono prilviden n meeting ewer) fire iieura for eneh Mato, erirli time with ollffereni nel of idneeon Haverford Will Not Enter Olympic Tryouts • RECORD IN PRESS SOON S KA. roe HIL1,11.. ifW1 1 1 1111,15 11411 1.127 Pr,41.441 fide 305 Lead Title Bldg. 14...N.In N. Y. e4 Pleb. Stock RAT 50M5 CIDLCINIAL EVERY DRY ICE-CP2A14 Th. Original Haatitined Drug Stara Established1129A. a. a 1.1 P. IL war. an 7 North 10th Street Philadelphia near lawn ONE FOR ALL and ALL FOR ONE nearly complete_ 7 Haverford Pharmacy Radio Supplies Tiocont I 142 G. Wile Eugene At noellng Ihr editorial ataff of Hie liereird It nen deeldad that Lida yam-in annual eloodld he dedicated to In I'. 1oeloned. prof..moo bf lapin and Eienrian. is The ',loser 11,14 the TIT. Quality Made Us Quality Keeps Us Going ELKINS,. MORRIS & CO. .ml IMO Ma. 117 WHERE TO WORSHIP Above Al Itememdualeme Ile Humanity aril AS... Hememity to God A.501. INAPT PRISAPPTEHIAN rHCUM Are. • 111111 eft. BOWL ..dm., II 110 1601 0; 2111.11•00. §..7.161•Y'lrelitP111 111.-4,..PT. 11A•11131 P. IL C1.11C13 Het. Andrew. H. HIM., e=ittLi"111!".' grarrg.t.""''' r an1000.0 bulioldge OVO4Cill a Comae nob Chlolot igoin Wow nn. Wayne er .. amino. gun a_ in -arm Wail. ARDMORE THEATRE W. Lancuter Pike, Ardaawe • t W Batteries of all makes Repaired and Recharged MAIN LINE BATTERY & ELECTRIC STATION 311 W. Lancaster Ave. Ardmore WILLSEY at DORION CIGARS MAGAZINES Ardmore, Pa, 1: Ilia 01110 wenraplali anNeallAL 0.92011 latatin., Awn ang ray a. ...... -1441r ...I. ea.■® OP TIP aromas uell. owl Pan Masai ,akt-s; 1. an: Capital $1100,000 vibe &mil le year Ahl moldered= nine uy let Saralee $500,000 II THE PICK OF THE PICTURES WESTERN POLO CHAMPS TO PLAY PRINCETON The retort-nit) of Arbeine Iola Omni. obilinplon. of the Weil, brine arrived in New York to niu) die D.11,1411 1014111, An:union, al the E.Ht. They there-game eerie. ni Fn. will only Hamill. on hlry Ni, Jiine 2 and Jiine 4. The Arixono nhu,re have nes:dia.' ibelr teem under ILI-moot adv.-ran ...Allleniali there le no sailsalbum ea Jae., 'doe, n be ahnuld dire the Drineeton team quite ennie, The ovoiern player. will nee pd. which will Peler, frt. their onn prulabli liniebinti them inairelina the of the Evince-Poi Tell-tilinuird N oun, the 1., 11401. rumpare.l. 11 1 ArdmoreFlower Shop 38 W. Lancaster Ave., Ardmore H. D. MANUEL Foil Uwe of Euler Pleat. Alto Canaries and Gold Fie), Phone Ardmore 1979 H. D. REESE LIBRARY NOTES Ftwil n Ii.r1 Nernirlte, lire Loininnoil ;he Carp- l.rbnlrinn, the felfilirearierhy hooks have been *libel to the }Invert...4 Library: The 7,.. nil of 11.yr preenonl and vilitryl by N. Penury/ with introduction hy IL II. Jane, Mal lieeolutiougey N,,, 11:UPI...I, 1 MI I 1 1P111 The New Slohe T. T Au, in Needier.. Europe. J. 11. Tyler. 1.1.611111. Foreign HOEOutline. of ,Ii111111,... A. 1, !Oahe, 1141'1; 1'0111, a id tiniure. A. N. Whitehead. al:11;0' .."'AV 1 .' 1(1:3111?-Ot EZ:1111°14■Z' 111111; Iii A1011 en Nuevo Enfintio. Mira liarrono. 1E21; The Lie1.7711P, Hboary of blind, Vol I. 1'. A. ab-holen. WIT. The Himmel-xi If J. E. Tiddy. 111.1. mS1Rarr PICILAXMLTNI IA. CIRCULARS also ROTOGRAVURE Formidable am, al printing represented in Pea con, Plato plant.: arnooth-rtioning omenlow orerhead eapeneedeems are importing lectors is oar kw price, We'd liketo animate ahre or booklet. on your neat 0.1111.1 MUSIC THAT CHARMS RICHARD GILLUM 1977 TRUST INSTITUTION ON THE MAIN Trains Daily From FROM UNE JACOB REED'S SONS 1424 26 CHESTNUT ST. P 11 1.ADELPHIA PHILADELPHIA TO LANCASTER Haverford College THE TO Merton Title and 1024 Race Street 69th St. Terminal Trust Company PHILADELPHIA Plante, Philadelphia 13 Mem* Hook ON THE . Pictures, Picture Framing . ... and Novelties ... Phila. & Western The Gift Shop Bryn Mawr-Ardmore-Wayne HAVERFORD COLLEGE Suburban Publishing Co. Wayne, Pa. HAVERFORD, PA. MacDonald & Campbell OF ARDMORE PA. Motor Supplies and Equipment Manager, H. Alden Johnson Ardmore Delicatessen and Pastry Shop J. F. ENGLER & SON, Prop's Hanc.tytada Delicacies, Salads, Meats, Franck Paatoie., Fan, Cakes. Pie& Catarina to Wadding.. Receptions. Banquet. and Parties. Wadding and Birthday Cakes • Specialty. 43 West Lancaster Ave.. Ardmore, Pe.. BALA-CYNWYD 111 mum reran. ouao man Mod. E.vrenlv for HANAN et SON FINE STATIONERY 75c 230 Single Sheets 751 103 Envelopes Printed in Black or Blue offel to the man who rear acts Ircornfort, who admires good Write for Samples ARDMORE, PA. Phone: Ard. Sage k Toe Code al Satire. num., are =dental? prated of $30-00 and RANKING • AND EIGHTY-ONE LONG PUBLISHING CO. CATERER SUBURBAN MOTORS SUPPLIES,Inc. Full Line of THE LARGEST NARBERTH rammer MB ,n0 3, VIT...114 F PUBLICATION WORK took, whe intiat on long wear-thin splendid track ar Ton oxford--at • price. FERD. W. NOFER AND SON LEADING SPECIALISTS in MEATS Reading Terminal Market Philadelphia, Pa. Solt* Overcoats Sparta Clothe. Habettlathory Hata Mutating Apparel 113.4.1336 CHESTNUT STREET PHILADELPHIA ALUMNI USE CLASSIFIED ADS --Of imported Moor Calf HANAN 151 SON 1318 Chestnut PDX MB, /MI IMRE!
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