report on the study tour
report on the study tour
Report on a study tour of the Norwegian delegation to the Czech Republic 15. – 20.8.2011 Delegation from Norway that consisted of 10 members visited the Czech Republic from 15. to 20.8.2011. The purpose of the study trip was to transfer the know-how and good practice examples in the field of environmental education. The study tour was one of the activities of the project "Good Practice - environmental education in public administration - a partnership between Norway and the Czech Republic", which was organized by the company MCN, o.p.s. The project was supported within the Block Grant “Technical Assistance Fund”, Financial mechanism of EEA/Norway. Program for the Norwegian delegation was prepared in collaboration with the participants of a study tour to Norway, which was part of the very same project. Participants of the study tour completed an evaluation form at the end of each day (good practice examples, suggestions). Organizer of the study tour would like to thank all experts who welcomed Norwegian delegation in Czech republic, Norwegian delegation members, who showed interest in the study trip, interpreter Mgr. Jan Kratzer and bus driver Mr. Miroslav Mouček for a very pleasant cooperation. Participants of a study tour: Jon Bakke Norges Miljøvernforbund NMF lawyer Arild Traa Odda kommune department of cultural monuments care Gunnbjørg Nåvik KS Oslo Sven Pedersen Granvin kommune Anne Gerd Djønne Ullevansvang herad secretary Rune Kloster Tvedt KS Rogaland consultant KS Arna Leidland Utsira kommune secretary Arvid Helgesen Utsira kommune Jarle Nilsen Utsira kommune Mayor Ommund Vareberg Rennesøy kommune Mayor consultant KS consultant for sustainable development department for sustainable development Program of the study tour, good practice examples and suggestions Monday, August 15, 2011 Norwegian delegation was welcomed by the MCN, o.p.s. company representatives and checked in a Dolce Villa hotel in Nebušice. Despite the bad weather, the delegation took a historic tour around Prague. Tuesday, August 16, 2011 8:20 9:00 14:00 16:00 17:40 18:00 departure from the hotel PLA Český kras field trip - St. Jan pod Skalou, nature trail, visit of the Solvayovy quarries area Koněpruské caves field trip acceptance at Dobříš town hall – fair presentation arrival to the hotel Všetice – Check-in workshop with the Icelandic delegation PLA Český Kras Delegation was welcomed by: Ing. Michal Slezák, Head of administration PLA Český Kras Mgr. Tomáš Tichý, botanist of PLA Český Kras Field trip started at the monastery in St. Jan pod Skalou, continued by a nature trail „Svatojánský okruh“ over the top of Svatojánská rock with a stunning view „U kříže“, further into Solvayovy quarries folk museum and the Propadlé vody ravines, then back to town. During the hike there were several breaks that were devoted to PLA administration, fauna and flora, the region's history, forestry, mining of limestone and its impact on the environment and local culture, delegation looked at the new geopark and the historic train, with which the Barbora company is building a new railway through the Solvayovy quarries folk museum. Excursion was significant with dense fog, which rose from the valley around noon. Reclamation of quarries was an interesting topic of discussion. Those that the delegation visited in Český Kras PLA, were left to natural development, and today they represent a thermopile location with rich communities of flora and insects. Nature trail was very positively evaluated, on the other hand suggestion for improvement was saying at least basic information in English. Good practice examples (+), suggestion for improvement (-): engaged society which take care about preserving the local traditions and history (mining, quarrying) by volunteering- Barbora association- Solvayovy quarries folk museum Koněpruské caves are very accessible, guides with text in English, an interesting explanation for the public Nature trail in PLA Český Kras – raises awareness about nature PLA Český Kras administration representatives – nice manners, great professional knowledge better adjustment for foreigners - information board in English (at least an abstract) better awareness of what is allowed and what is not allowed in PLA Photo documentation: Mgr. Tomáš Tichý, PLA administration Český Kras botanist (second from the left) with the Norwegian delegation in Český Kras PLA Ing. Michal Slezák, Head of administrative of Český Kras PLA (in the front) in Solvayovy quarry Dobříš The delegation was welcomed by following people: Mgr. Jaroslav Melša, Mayor of Dobříš Eva Marvanová, deputy of Mayor Dobříš Mgr. Lenka Mašková, project manager Ing. Dagmar Smrčinová, Ph.D., project manager Ing. Kristýna Weigertová, project manager The Norwegian delegation was welcomed at the Dobříš town hall. The purpose of the visit was to transfer the know-how in organizing local fairs, where regional products are sold by not only business owners or entrepreneurs, but also people without a license. The delegation was welcomed by the Mayor Mgr. Jaroslav Melša, fairs were introduced by a project manager Mgr. Lenka Mašková. The content of the presentation were following topics: when the idea of organizing fairs came from, what is the meaning and specifics of the fair, kinds of obstacles that need to be taken in account, how the methodology is prepared and what is the added value of the fairs. The implementation of Local Agenda 21 was presented to the practical extent, that is not common in neither Czech nor Norwegian municipalities. Norwegians appreciated the idea of supporting local people and local products, which is one of the cornerstones of a sustainable development. Not only the program but the whole meeting was very well prepared (food from regional products, gifts). Good practice examples: selling local products at local market the way of welcoming the foreign delegation – professional, very friendly manners of Dobříš representatives, well prepared presentation, very nice gifts, delicious food from local products idea of sustainable development put into practice strict compliance with the rules by sellers (only local sources) indicating trends, setting goals and their compliance (hygienist’s visits, etc.) a total of five people took care of receiving a delegation, the atmosphere was very pleasant Photo documentation: At the Dobříš town hall: from the left: Mgr. Jan Kratzer, interpreter; Mgr. Jaroslav Melša, Mayor of Dobříš; Eva Marvanová, deputy Mayor of Dobříš, Ing. Dagmar Smrčinová, Ph.D., project manager; Mgr. Lenka Mašková, project manager; in the background: Ing. Kristýna Weigertová, project manager. Norwegian delegation at Dobříš town hall August 17, 2011 9:00 11:30 13.30 15.15 15.30 17:00 18:00 departure from the hotel arrival to Český Krumlov, welcome at the town hall visit of the Castle museum relocation to Chabičovice visit and the tour of Chabičovice biogas station departure from Český Krumlov arrival to the hotel České Žleby – check in The delegation was welcomed by following people: Mgr. Dalibor Carda, Mayor of Český Krumlov Ing. Vendula Nováková, assistant for external relations department of the Český Krumlov city Mayor's office Mgr. Lukáš Štětina, guide of the Castle museum exhibition PhDr. Pavel Slavko, warden of the state castle and chateau Český Krumlov Milan Antoš, operation manager of the state castle and chateau Český Krumlov Český Krumlov town attracted the Norwegian delegation by the beauty of its historic city center. At a joint lunch with the Mayor, Mgr. Dalibor Carda, city was briefly introduced from historical and demographic point of view, priorities in the field of environmental protection (reconstruction of historic gardens and urban green areas, construction of flood control measures, traffic measures) were introduced along with the tourism development and grant management. The delegation was very interested in the benefits and pitfalls that come from adding the historical center of Český Krumlov, including the entire area of the castle and the chateau to UNESCO World Heritage Holds in 1992. The presentation was completed in the ceremonial hall of Český Krumlov town hall, where the gift bags with books were prepared for Norwegian delegation. The exposition Museum of state castle and chateau Český Krumlov was placed to the previously unused buildings of castle on the II. courtyard. Castle Museum Project, prepared by the National Heritage institute, regional expert office in České Budějovice, was supported by a grant from Norway through the Financial mechanism EEA/Norway in December 2008, and it was successfully implemented in the years 2009 - 2010. Castle Museum opened to the public till then unknown interiors in January 2011. Norwegians had the opportunity to assess the reconstruction based on photographs from 2009. Participants were pleased that the funds of Financial mechanism EEA/Norway were used for such beneficial projects. Good practice examples (+), suggestions for improvement (-): maintaining the uniform character of the medieval town (houses, streets, green areas, restaurants) repair the castle and the establishment of a Museum from a financial support of the FM EEA/Norway implementation of measures that are necessary for keeping the list of cultural heritage UNESCO adapting the city for handling the large number of tourists reconstruction of the original city green facing problems that go hand in hand with the requirements of UNESCO and a very busy tourism way of receiving a delegation of the Mayor - a friendly manners in Norway there is better access to state financing the repairs of such important monuments as the castle in Český Krumlov, which was completely destroyed a few years ago since Český Krumlov is a tourist destination, the practical information in should be given English (marking the low ceiling, the steep stairs, etc.) it is very difficult to find a balance between the lifelike historical city and a ghost city – there should not be so many vehicles in the historic part of town, yet reducing traffic goes hand in hand with displacement of the center Photo documentation: Norwegian delegation on a tour through Český Krumlov with the Mayor Mgr. Dalibor Carda (in the center) Mgr. Dalibor Carda, Mayor of Český Krumlov, during the city presentation Castle museum was repaired from FM EEA/Norway fund money Biogas station Chabičovice The delegation was welcomed by: František Kmoch, co-owner of the biogas station Chabičovice Last but not least stop, was an excursions to agricultural biogas station in Chabičovice, which was newly built and opened in 2011. Tour began with containers for the input material, where the difference between agricultural, municipal and industrial BGS was explained and where it was described how the device uses energy-using manure (manure, corn silage, hay) and biomass (annual amount of 16,675 tons). Excursions also led to the fermenter, where the biogas is produced by anaerobic fermentation process. The tour of the concrete storage tank for stabilized digestate was also very alluring. The delegation also visited the hall for a cogeneration unit to produce electricity and heat generated by burning biogas. Excursion was finished by a summary of financial and operational aspects. The topic of the discussion was the impact of transport associated with the importing of agricultural crops on the environment in the village, the consequences of using the agricultural land for growing energy crops or different ways of generating energy from renewable sources in the Czech Republic and Norway. Good practice examples: renewable energy - a responsible attitude towards the environment an interesting combination of cattle with energy producing very interesting way of a tour guiding Photo documentation: On BGS Chabičovice excursion with Mr. František Kmoch (second from the left) Norwegian delegation on BGS Chabičovice excursion August 18, 2011 7:50 9:00 11:30 12:15 13:15 15:30 17:00 18:00 departure from the hotel SEV Kašperské Hory – welcome, refreshment, presentation of the implementation of environmental education in the National park Šumava, tour of the resort - indoor/outdoor exposure, experience trail Vydra river Kvilda Chalupská slať, IS Svinná Lada České Žleby – visit of the forest, I. zone of NP IS a SEV Stožec – tour of the IS and SEV, examples of educational programs, geopark arrival to the České Žleby hotel The delegation was welcomed by the following people: Mgr. Jiří Mánek, deputy director Administration of NP and PLA Šumava Bc. Martina Kučerová, Department of public relations and IS, Administration of NP and PLA Šumava Ing. Miroslava Michnová, Head of IS Kašperské Hory, Administration of NP and PLA Šumava Bc. Pavlína Krupková, Head of IS and SEV Stožec, Administration of NP and PLA Šumava Ing. Aleš Kučera, Head of the Department of conservation and research, Administration of NP and PLA Šumava Ing. Miroslav Černý, Department of forest ecology, Administration of NP and PLA Šumava The excursion was dedicated to conservation, environmental education but mainly to public information centers (IS) and environmental education centers (SEV) in the NP and PLA Šumava. The Norwegian delegation was welcomed by Mgr. Jiří Mánek, deputy director of the NP and PLA Šumava in the IS and SEV Kašperské hory, and his colleagues Bc. Martina Kučerová and Ing. Miroslava Michnová, who accompanied the delegation through the whole day. In the lecture hall the administration, activities of NP and PLA Šumava and the nature itself was briefly introduced. The short film, which gave insight into the beauty of nature during the four seasons, was followed by a carefully prepared presentation of the implementation of environmental education in the NP and PLA Šumava. The Norwegian delegation was introduced to the target groups (kindergartens, primary schools, secondary schools, colleges and universities, the public, experts, families with children), educational programs, projects or educational materials (coloring books for children, worksheets, identification keys, brochures on ecosystems, on different pexetrio themes, etc.), which are made by administration representatives themselves by which was the Norwegian delegation absolutely thrilled. After visiting the internal exposure, the delegation went on a newly installed trail adventure (animals, trees). Each board was introduced in terms of content (by which an animal or a tree, the public learns), and in terms of education (how the public benefits from new knowledge and how it is in the wake of the check). Adventure trails in natural materials and ideas to inspire self-education of the public were very positively evaluated by the Norwegian delegation. The delegation was informed of the nature conservation categories (PLA, NP, NP zones) at the stop at Vydra river. Next stop was a tour Chalupská slať, largest peat lake in the Czech Republic, and the newly opened IS Svinná Lada. During the peat land tour, the delegation was introduced to a history of peat extraction and the importance of wetlands. The adaptation of natural sites for disabled citizens was very positively evaluated. In České Žleby the group sat into cars of Administration of NP and PLA, and continued closer the first zone area of Stožecká chapel. Here was received the contradictory research into the development of vegetation without the presence of animal, which were kept outside the fence flanking the first zone. Walk through a colorful rainforest vegetation tour Stožecká chapel and a view of the surrounding hills was supplemented with information on bark beetles. The last stop was the IS and SEV Stožec nature reserve which has just held training sessions for the public. The Norwegian delegation was introduced to indoor exposure and outdoor geopark. Good practice examples (+), suggestions for improvement (-): a very interesting and well-prepared information and educational boards in Kašperské hory - especially used materials and natural way of processing great educational materials for public a very well ensured access to the moor peat Chalupská slať for wheelchairs well prepared presentations on environmental education in NP a very interesting and diverse approaches to education of different target groups in Norway the environmental education isn’t at this professional level, in NP are many examples of good practice would be needed to transfer to Norway way of self-education (nature trail in Kašperské hory) is very practical, it raises interest in not only children but also adults, they are interested only the story, idea, graphics and content of educational boards, but also the way of processing boards itself a lot of places where visitors can relax and learn something cleanliness and order in nature newly established information center Svinná Lada is equipped with the exposure that uses modern technology it is very important to educate children as successor to a new generation - exhibition and educational programs are primarily directed at them, that is a good thing organization of the excursions by NP representatives better information for foreigners - information board in English (at least abstract) for conservation and better management it would be good to introduce the visitors counting (this is the case on the cycle path along the North Sea) it is a shame that the state and politicians don’t financially support the educational activity more and fail to appreciate it properly(even though it's the most important mission of NP) in the NP there should be a bigger emphasis on the transmission of following: why conservation is important, what to do in order to help protect it on every day basis, what should not be done in the park a double-edged approach to the fence in the I. zone Stožecká Chapel - on the one hand, praised implemented research (development of nature without the influence of forest animals), on the other hand, opposition to human intervention in the ecosystem (in Norway's national parks left to nature, to be developed without human intervention) Photo documentation: Welcoming the delegation at Kašperské Hory: from the left: Mgr. Jan Kratzer, interpreter; Mgr. Jiří Mánek, deputy director of the NP and PLA Šumava; Bc. Martina Kučerová, department of public relations and IS, administration and NP Šumava Indoor exposure IS a SEV Kašperské Hory: from the left: Ing. Miroslava Michnová, manager of IS Kašperské Hory, administration of NP and PLA Šumava; Bc. Martina Kučerová, department of public relations and IS, administration of NP and PLA Šumava Adventure trail in IS and SEV Kašperské Hory With Ing. Aleš Kučera, the head of the department of conservation and research, administration of NP and PLA Šumava, at Chalupská slať Ing. Miroslav Černý, Department of forest ecology, NP and PLA Šumava administration, in I. zone NP at Stožecká chapel August 19, 2011 9:00 11:00 13:00 15:30 16:30 20:00 departure from the hotel arrival to Spálené Poříčí – town presentation town tour, Czech Union for Nature Conservation - Basic Organization Spálené Poříčí root sewage plant Pilsner Brewery tour Hotel Dolce Villa Check-in The delegation was welcomed by: Ing. Pavel Čížek, Spálené Poříčí Mayor Ing. Jindřich Jindřich, deputy Mayor of Spálené Poříčí Mgr. Jiří Šeffl, rector of elementary school in Spáleném Poříčí Vendula Zemková, member of the Czech Union for Nature Conservation - Basic Organization Spálené Poříčí The program of the last study trip was a visit of Spálené Poříčí that is located in Pilsner region. Ing. Pavel Čížek, Mayor, welcomed the delegation in the hotel Ve Dvoře, where there was a very interesting presentation of the city and its most successful projects (reconstruction of historical buildings, construction of housing for young families, root sewage treatment, thermal insulation of buildings, etc.). After the lunch, the delegation was taken on a tour. They visited the manorial court, which served as an economic base of the Spalené Poříčí estate, and which is now designed as a hotel ballroom. They looked at the granary exposure (exhibition of works by students of the Institute of arts and design, exhibition of the works by Neprakta, folk museum, cultural-historical-scientific trail from Brdy to Spálené Poříčí), they also visited the renaissance castle (the seat of environmental education). Mgr. Jiří Šeffl, the elementary school rector, welcomed the delegation and presented the school, its activities (waste separation, Stonožka movement) and energy savings projects (new windows with a triple glass, temperature isolation). The Norwegian delegation had dual perspective on visit of the rescue center for animals, which is provided by Czech Union for Nature Conservation Spálené Poříčí. Norwegians liked the idea of providing animals with assistance when they are hurt, but on the other hand, they suggested that in Norway, they leave animals to cope with nature by themselves. The delegation positively evaluated the root water treatment plant, which caught their attention by its size, clarity and functionality. Excursion ended with a tour of residential houses, equipped for young families or for the economically weaker citizens. Good practice examples (+), suggestions for improvement (-): organization of the „biology Olympic games“ construction of housing for young or less economically secure families reconstruction of almost all historic buildings with the help of European funds - the willingness of the city to apply for funding, monitor projects, maintain the building animals in rescue station have good conditions school activities - helping other children, care for the environment, good equipment of the classes interesting exposure (hiking trail from the Brdy to Spálené Poříčí, folk museum, Neprakta’s cartoons) emphasis on local history and traditions using paving of roads for reconstruction of the castle courtyard root sewage plant - works well, looks very natural, a city in its operation continues even after many years of problems with the relevant authorities Mayor of the city was well prepared for meetings with foreign delegations, the presentation was very interesting, in English, his manners were very classy city, although small, has clearly set its priorities and those to hold: education, environmental protection, renovation of historical buildings, according to old photographs and preserve local traditions using the newly reconstructed historical buildings in a beneficial way house for seniors in the city center a double-edged approach to the operation of the rescue station - agreement with the temporary placement of injured animals, disagreement with the permanent holding permanently handicapped animals school ventilation technology works constantly - in schools in the municipality they Rennesøy carbon dioxide detectors, ventilation system is only triggered when the concentration exceeded the limit of carbon dioxide (700 ppm) better information for foreigners - information board in English (at least abstract) Photo documentation: The Norwegian delegation was welcomed by Ing. Pavel Čížek, the Mayor of Spálené Poříčí (second from the right), and Ing. Jindřich Jinřich, Deputy Mayor of Spálené Poříčí (first from the right) The Norwegian delegation with the Mayor in Spálené Poříčí Visit of the rescue station in Spálené Poříčí Visit of the Root sewage plant in Spálené Poříčí The received financial support as part of the Block Grant - “Technical Assistance Fund”, Financial mechanism of EEA/Norway.