Piese de schimb
Piese de schimb
SPEED CATALOG PIESE DE SCHIMB PIESE DE SCHIMB CATALOG PIESE DE SCHIMB SPEED COD DENUMIRE DESCRIERE FOTO Fastener support cap (16units): (For machines with serial number subsequent to 218197) Caps used aswel in reference 33.0010.000 33.0000.000 SUPORT CLEMA Cleaning brush: (Valid for all the serial numbers) 33.0000.200 PERIE DE CURATARE Asp right peel ejector: (For machines with serial number subsequent to 207530) 33.0001.002 EXTRACTOR DREAPTA Asp left peel ejector: (For machines with serial number subsequent to 207530) 33.0002.002 EXTRACTOR STANGA Asp left peel ejector + ASP right peel ejector: (For machines with serial number subsequent to 207530) 33.0003.500 KIT EXTRACTOARE ASP Plastic retaining knob (2units): (Valid for all the serial numbers) 33.0004.000 SURUB CAPAC SPEED Peel ejector shovel: (For machines with serial number previous to 207530) 33.0005.000 SUPORT EXTRACTOR COJI Peel ejector pivot holder (2units): (For machines with serial number subsequent to 207530) 33.0006.000 PIVOT EXTRACTOR COJI (2uts) (24/01/2014) Pag. 2 - 14 CATALOG PIESE DE SCHIMB SPEED COD DENUMIRE DESCRIERE FOTO Fastener holder + Fastener with stainless steel spring + Silicone joint + Cap (4units) + DIN 912 screw (4units): (For machines with serial number subsequent to 218197) 33.0010.000 CLEMA W CU SURUBURI v2.0 Bearing 6007 2RS (2units): (Valid for all the serial numbers) 33.0011.000 RULMENTI 6007 2RS Blade holder V 1.0: (For machines with serial number previous to 207530) 33.0012.000 SUPORT CUTIT v1.0 Speed front cover + Side outlet (2 units) + Silicone profile: (Valid for all the serial numbers) 33.013.002 CAPAC FRONTAL SPEED Asp blade holder V 2.1: (For machines with serial number subsequent to 207530) 33.0013.001 SUPORT CUTIT ASP V2.1 Security ring (4units): (Valid for all the serial numbers) 33.0015.000 KIT GARNITURI Asp upper plastic pressing (2units): (Valid for all the serial numbers) 33.0024.001 TAMBUR SUPERIOR ASP Asp Kit 65 upper plastic pressing (2units): (Valid for all the serial numbers) 33.0024.200 TAMBUR SUPERIOR KIT 65 ASP (24/01/2014) Pag. 3 - 14 CATALOG PIESE DE SCHIMB SPEED COD DENUMIRE DESCRIERE FOTO Internal separator (4units): (Valid for all the serial numbers) 33.0025.000 KIT SEPARATOR RULMENTI Base rubber: (Valid for all the serial numbers) 33.0026.000 GARNITURA CAUCIUC BAZA SPEED Fastener 40x62x7DL with stainless steel spring: (For machines with serial number between 163000 and 218924) 33.0027.000 CLEMA SI ARC 40X62X7DL Asp lower plastic pressing unit: (Valid for all the serial numbers) 33.0031.001 TAMBUR INFERIOR ASP Asp lower plastic pressing unit (2units): (Valid for all the serial numbers) 33.0031.002 TAMBUR INFERIOR ASP SET ( 2 BUC) Asp Kit 65 lower plastic pressing unit (2units): (Valid for all the serial numbers) 33.0031.200 TAMBUR INFERIOR KIT 65 ASP Complet feeder gear box: (Valid for all the serial numbers) In machines with serial numbers previous to 353371 the numbers 353375, 353376, 353377 included, assemble with the reference 33.0108.000 33.0033.000 MOTOR FEEDER SPEED Speed feeder plate: (Valid for all the serial numbers) 33.0034.000 PLACA ROTATIVA FEEDER SPEED (24/01/2014) Pag. 4 - 14 CATALOG PIESE DE SCHIMB SPEED COD DENUMIRE DESCRIERE FOTO Digital module 230V + 3V Lithium battery: (Valid for all the serial numbers) *Until finish the stock, is replaced by reference 33.0103.100. 33.0035.000 PLACA BAZA 230 V Left support + Peel ejector shovel + DIN 933 (2units) + DIN 9021 Washer (2units) + DIN 1587 Nut (2units): (For machines with serial number kKIT EXTRACTOR STANGA INCLINATbetween 163000 and 207530) 33.0038.000 Right support + Peel ejector shovel + DIN 933 (2units) + DIN 9021 Washer kKIT EXTRACTOR DREAPTA INCLINAT(2units) + DIN 1587 Nut (2units): (For machines with serial number between 163000 and 207530) 33.0039.000 Straight support + Peel ejector shovel + DIN 933 (2units) + DIN 9021 Washer (2units) + DIN 1587 Nut (2units): (For machines with serial number previous to 163000) 33.0041.000 KIT EXTRACTOR COJI 220/240V Electronic module: (Valid for all the serial numbers) **Until finish the stock, is replaced by reference 33.0043.001. 33.0043.000 PLACA BAZA ON/OFF 230V 220/240V Electronic module (24V): (Valid for all the serial numbers) 33.0043.001 PLACA BAZA ON/OFF 230V ( 24 V) 115V Electronic module: (Valid for all the serial numbers) 33.0044.000 PLACA BAZA 115V ON/OFF 115V Digital module + 3V Lithium battery: (Valid for all the serial numbers) 33.0046.000 PLACA BAZA 115V UL (24/01/2014) Pag. 5 - 14 CATALOG PIESE DE SCHIMB SPEED COD DENUMIRE DESCRIERE FOTO 230V Photocell control module: (Valid for all the serial numbers) 33.0047.000 PLACA BAZA FRESH CONTROL 230 V 115V Photocell control module: (Valid for all the serial numbers) 33.0048.000 PLACA BAZA FRESH CONTROL 115 V Stainless steel blade yoke kit base + Blade rear side + Blade hinge + Blade holder V 2.1 + DIN 7991 Screw (2uds): (To update machine with serial number previous to 207530) 33.0058.000 KIT INOX SUPORT CUTIT Button rubber protection: (Only for machines with serial number subsequent to 382494) **For machines previous to this serial number must use the kit 33.0085.000) 33.0059.100 PROTECTIE BUTON CAUCIUC Securing knob (2units) + Silicone joint (2 units): (Valid for all the serial numbers) 33.0067.000 SURUB TAMBUR + GARNITURA Plastic juice container + Silicone profile: (For machines with serial number subsequent to 207530) 33.0068.000 33.0068.100 TAVA REZERVOR SUC SPEED REZERVOR SUC SPEED SELF - SERVICE Stainless Steel juice tray frontal output + DIN 7991 Screw (4units): (For machines with serial number subsequent to 214370) Can be used for machines with serial number from 206462. Stainless steel clasic base + GPN 300 Black cap + Base profile: (Valid for all the serial numbers) 33.0069.000 BAZA DIN INOX SPEED (24/01/2014) Pag. 6 - 14 CATALOG PIESE DE SCHIMB SPEED COD DENUMIRE DESCRIERE FOTO ON/OFF Switch + Silicone protector + NC/NO Switch body: (Used in machines with serial number subsequent to 382494 and compatible with machines previous) 33.0085.000 KIT BUTON ON/OFF AUTO - O - MAN Label + 2 Positions switchboard + NC/NO Switch body: (Valido para máquinas con número de serie posterior a 214242) 33.0086.000 KIT SELECTOR SELF - SERVICE Plate shaft + fastener + Holder fastener + O-ring joint + Security ring DIN 472 + Bearing 6005 2RS (2uds) + Security ring DIN 471: (Valid for all the serial numbers) 33.0088.000 KIT ARBORE PLACA ROTATIVA Front faucet push + Rear faucet push + Screw (2units) + Magneto: (For machines with serial number subsequent to 206462) 33.0089.000 BUTON APASARE DIN INOX SPEED Frontal tap stainless steel spring: (For machines model Speed Self service or Auto with serial number subsequent to 206462) 33.0089.100 ARC INOX PENTRU ROBINET SPEED Feeder elbow D85 w/Block + DIN 916 Screw + Heyco M5 Cap: (For machines with serial number subsequent to 200805) 33.0091.000 FEEDER SPEED Feeder elbow D65 w/Block + DIN 916 Screw + Heyco M5 Cap: (For machines with serial number subsequent to 200805) 33.0091.200 FEEDER SPEED PENTRU KIT 65 Speed Plastic juice filter v.1.1: (For machines with serial number subsequent to 207530) 33.0096.000 FILTRU REZERVOR SUC SPEED (24/01/2014) Pag. 7 - 14 CATALOG PIESE DE SCHIMB SPEED COD DENUMIRE DESCRIERE FOTO Speed Self Serv. juice filter "W" diameter 4mm: (Valid for all the serial numbers) 33.0096.100 SITA REZERVOR SUC SPEED SELF - SERVICE Speed Plastic inner filter: (For machines with serial number subsequent to 207530) 33.0097.000 DOP FILTRARE REZERVOR SPEED Speed Self Serv. Inner filter: (For machines with serial number subsequent to 214370) Can be used for machines with serial number from 206462. 33.0097.100 DOP FILTRARE REZERVOR SPEED Speed feeder basket: (Valid for all the serial numbers) 33.0098.000 33.0103.000 COS FEEDER SPEED PLACA TASTATURA 230 V 230V Digital keyboard module + Connection bus: (Valid for all the serial numbers previous to 418109) *Until finish the stock, is replaced by reference 33.0103.100. For machine subsecuent to 418109 is replaced by reference 33.0104.100. 5V Digital keyboard module + Connection bus + Digital module 230V + 3V Lithium battery: (Valid for all the serial numbers) 33.0103.100 KIT MODULE DIGITALE 220 V 115V Digital keyboard module + Connection bus: (Valid for all the serial numbers) *Until finish the stock, is replaced by reference 33.0104.100. 33.0104.000 KIT MODULE DIGITALE 115 V 5V Digital keyboard module + Connection bus: (Valid for all the serial numbers subsecuents to 418109) 33.0104.100 PLACA TASTATURA 115 V (24/01/2014) Pag. 8 - 14 CATALOG PIESE DE SCHIMB SPEED COD 33.0107.000 33.0108.000 33.0110.000 33.0111.000 DENUMIRE KIT MOTOR FEEDER SPEED ARTICULATIE SPEED FEEDER W/P MOTOR APARAT 230V MOTOR APARAT 115 V DESCRIERE FOTO Complete gearbox shaft + Clasic feeder articulation assembled: (to update machines witj serial number previous to 353371 included the numbers 353375, 353376 y 353377) Clasic feeder articulation assembled: (For machines with serial number 353371, 353372, 353373, 353374, 353378 and subsequents, or machines updated with kit 33.0107.000) 220/230V 0.4CV 50/60Hz Motor + Triple wall bypass + Female connection box + DIN 933 Screws (4units) + Triple cable gland: (Valid for all the serial numbers) 120V 0.5CV 60Hz Motor + Triple wall bypass + Female connection box + DIN 933 Screws (4units) + Triple cable gland: (Valid for all the serial numbers) L=600mm Magnetic detector + MFS Silicone joint + Flat joint + Nylon nut + Female connection box: (Valid for all the serial numbers) 33.0112.001 DETECTOR MAGNETIC (24 V ) L=1000mm Magnetic detector + Nylon nut + Female fast-on (2units) + Terminal point: (Valid for all the serial numbers) 33.0113.000 DETECTOR MAGNETIC 1000 MM Mechanical switch bus: (Valid for all the serial numbers) 33.0114.000 CABLU FISA MECANIC Digital keyboard connection bus: (Valid for all the serial numbers) 33.0116.000 CABLU FISA CONECTARE TASTATURA (24/01/2014) Pag. 9 - 14 CATALOG PIESE DE SCHIMB SPEED COD DENUMIRE DESCRIERE FOTO Reducer MVF 49F Rel.1:35 + DIN 933 Screw (4units): (For machines with serial number previous to 415632) 33.0121.000 REDUCTOR SPEED 1 : 35 Reducer MVF 49F Rel.1:30 + DIN 933 Screw (4units): (For machines with serial number subsequent to 415631) 33.0121.010 REDUCTOR SPEED 1 : 30 Frontal stainless steel faucet: (For machines with serial number subsequent to 206462) 33.0123.000 33.0145.000 ROBINET INOX FRONTAL KIT STOARCERE ASP ASP Upper pressing unit (2units) + ASP Lower pressing unit (2units) + ASP Right peel ejector + ASP Left peel ejector + ASP Blade holder V.2.1 ASP + Securing knob (4units) + Silicone joint (4units) + ASP Label: (For machines with serial number subsequent to 207530) Squared peel bucket Zumex Speed (2units): (Valid for all the serial numbers) 33.0146.000 33.0150.000 COS COJI SPEED Speed front cover graphite colour + Side outlet graphite colour (2 units) + Silicone profile: (Assembled in machines with serial number subsequent to 411200) Valid to update the colour of any machine previous to this serial CAPAC FRONTAL SPEED GRI INCHISnumber. Speed Digital keyboard cover v 2.1: (Valid for all the serial numbers) 33.0158.500 CARCASA TASTATURA SPEED Fastener 50x62x7 + Feeder holder fastener + O-ring + DIN 7981B Screw (3units): (Valid for all the serial numbers) 33.0160.000 KIT CLEMA SI ARBORE PLACA ROTATIVA SPEED (24/01/2014) Pag. 10 - 14 CATALOG PIESE DE SCHIMB SPEED COD DENUMIRE DESCRIERE FOTO Bolt 8x7x40: (Valid for all the serial numbers) 33.0161.000 BOLT REDUCTOR Bolt 10x8x25: (Valid for all serial numbers) BOLT REDUCTOR 33.0161.100 Blade holder rear + Blade holder rod: (For machines with serial number subsequent to 207530) 33.0163.000 SUPORT CUTIT Metallic lower pressing shaft + Bolt 10x8x25 + DIN 472 Sec. Ring (2units) + 6007 Bearing 2RS (2units) + Inner separator + Gear Washer + DIN 127 Washer + DIN 912 Screw: (Valid for all the serial numbers) 33.0167.000 AX TAMBUR INFERIOR Metallic upper pressing shaft + Bolt 10x8x25 + DIN 472 Sec. Ring (2units) + 6007 Bearing 2RS (2units) + Inner separator + Gear Washer + DIN 127 Washer + DIN 912 Screw: (Valid for all the serial numbers) 33.0169.000 AX TAMBUR SUPERIOR Z10 Reducer shaft + Supplement + Bolt 8x7x40 + DIN 912 Screw + DIN 127 Washer + Gear washer: (Valid for all the serial numbers) 33.0171.000 REDUCTOR ARBORE Z10 Z9 Reducer shaft + Supplement + Bolt 8x7x40 + DIN 912 Screw + DIN 127 Washer + Gear washer: (Valid for all the serial numbers) 33.0171.100 REDUCTOR ARBORE Z9 Z12 Reducer shaft + Supplement + Bolt 8x7x40 + DIN 912 Screw + DIN 127 Washer + Gear washer: (Valid for all the serial numbers) 33.0171.200 REDUCTOR ARBORE Z12 (24/01/2014) Pag. 11 - 14 CATALOG PIESE DE SCHIMB SPEED COD DENUMIRE DESCRIERE FOTO Board black box + Board box cover + Grey shock absorver (2units) + DIN 7981B Screw (2units) + Perfil semicircular: (Valid for all the serial numbers) 33.0172.000 CARCASA PANOU CONTROL Big plastic gear: (Valid for all the serial numbers) ROATA PLASTIC MARE ZIMTATA 33.0173.000 Small plastic gear: (Valid for all the serial numbers) ROATA PLASTIC MICA ZIMTATA 33.0174.000 Small metallic gear: (Valid for all the serial numbers) ROATA METALICA MICA ZIMTATA 33.0175.000 Speed drip tray: (Valid for all the serial numbers) 33.0176.000 TAVA SCURGERE SPEED Speed drip tray filter: (Valid for all the serial numbers) 33.0177.000 33.0178.000 SITA TAVA SCURGERE SPEED SET FEEDER SPEED Speed feeder bayonet body + DIN 7991 Screw (2units) + Plate shaft + Fastener 50x62x7 + Feeder holder fastener + O-ring + Sec. Ring DIN 472 I47 + Bearing 6005 2RS (2units) + Sec. Ring DIN 471 E-25 + DIN 7981B Screw (3units): (Valid for all the serial numbers) Capacitor 16 uF 400V M8: (Valid for all the serial numbers only for 220v machines) 33.0179.000 CONDENSATOR MOTOR 16uF (24/01/2014) Pag. 12 - 14 CATALOG PIESE DE SCHIMB SPEED COD DENUMIRE DESCRIERE FOTO Capacitor 65 uF 400V M8: (Valid for all the serial numbers only for 115v machines) 33.0179.100 33.0180.000 CONDENSATOR MOTOR 65uF SET EXTRACTOARE ASP D 65 ASP Right peel ejector + ASP Left peel ejector + Peel ejector Kit 65 supplement (2units): (For machines with serial number subsequent to 207530) Stainless Steel rear cover + Protection profile + DIN 125 Washer (4units) + DIN 912 Screw (4units) + DIN 912 Screw (2units) + DIN 9021 Washer (2units): Valid for all models with feeder. 33.0183.000 CARCASA SPATE INOX SPEED Front cover support: (Valid for all the serial numbers) 33.0184.000 SUPORT CARCASA FRONTALA SPEED Feeder support + DIN 912 Screw (2units) + DIN 125 Washer (2units): Valid for all models with feeder. 33.0185.000 33.0186.000 33.0186.100 33.0186.200 SUPORT FEEDER SPEED CABLU UE SPEED UE Cable W/Plug + Triple cable gland + Isolate round terminal + Male faston W/Retain + Female three way connection box + Male faston protector + Heyco press + Ground wire + DIN 7985 Screw + DIN 6798A Washer + Ferrite: (Valid for all the serial numbers) CABLU GB SPEED GB Cable W/Plug + Triple cable gland + Isolate round terminal + Male faston W/Retain + Female three way connection box + Male faston protector + Heyco press + Ground wire + DIN 7985 Screw + DIN 6798A Washer + Ferrite: (Valid for all the serial numbers) CABLU UL/JAP SPEED UL/JAP Cable W/Plug + Triple cable gland + Isolate round terminal + Male faston W/Retain + Female three way connection box + Male faston protector + Heyco press + Ground wire + DIN 7985 Screw + DIN 6798A Washer + Ferrite: (Valid for all the serial numbers) (24/01/2014) Pag. 13 - 14 CATALOG PIESE DE SCHIMB SPEED COD 33.0186.300 DENUMIRE CABLU AUS SPEED DESCRIERE FOTO AUS Cable W/Plug + Triple cable gland + Isolate round terminal + Male faston W/Retain + Female three way connection box + Male faston protector + Heyco press + Ground wire + DIN 7985 Screw + DIN 6798A Washer + Ferrite: (Valid for all the serial numbers) Speed Stainless steel front cover: (For machines with serial number subsequent to 218197) 33.0187.000 CARCASA FRONTALA INOX SPEED Speed Self service Stainless steel front cover: (For machines model Speed Self service or Auto with serial number subsequent to 218197) 33.0187.100 CARCASA FRONTALA INOX SPEED SELF SERVICE Base elevation supplement: (For machines model Speed Self service or Auto for countertop with serial number subsequent to 218197) 33.0188.000 BAZA ELEVARE SPEED SELF SERVICE (24/01/2014) Pag. 14 - 14