The Hibiscus Newsletter_August2016
The Hibiscus Newsletter_August2016
1 Ponte Vedra Woman’s Club Monthly Newsletter August 2016 THE HIBISCUS President’s Corner Dear Members, Oh, what a hot summer it has been. Temperatures are still rising, the rains haven’t quite made it to the beaches to cool things down, and yaw dee da, blah, blah, blah! Enough with the small talk, let’s get down to the real business, and talk about your Club, the PVWC, and all the relevant information that you need to know about it!!! This summer your Board has been crazy busy on your behalf taking care of business so that this coming year, 2016-2017, will be GREAT! Great speakers are being lined up for the year, venues for our monthly meetings are set, and exciting, awesome, fundraising events are lined up for this coming year that are awesome. Some very interesting educational field trips have been scheduled as well. Follow the newsletters that Toni produces to learn about what is going on for this year. Participate in what you can. The more you participate the more you will enjoy the PVWC, because you will make friends that last a lifetime. You never join any activity and immediately gain a friend. Everything takes time and effort. Friendship takes time and effort. The PVWC is about charity, education and community service, and it is also about friendship. All these things are intertwined. We grow with friendship; we learn through friendship; we become a family through friendship. Through friendship as a unit we can seek out community service opportunities. (continued on pg 6) Save the dates and find more details inside… Contents President’s Corner Page 1 & 6 Month in Review Page 2 Charity Spotlight Page 2 Club Socials & Events Page 3-4 Membership Information Page 5 Board Members Page 5 Sponsors Page 7-8 Upcoming Meeting Dates Board Meetings – PV Library August 1, 201 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm September 6, 2016 10:00 am – 12 pm Monthly Member Meetings Sept. 26, 2016 – 11:30 AM @ Sawgrass Oct. 24, 2016 – 6:30 PM @ Lulu’s Dec. 5, 2016 – 11:30 AM @ The Lodge Jan. 17, 2017–6:30 PM @PV Plastic Surgery Feb. 21, 2017 – 11:30 AM @ JJ’s Bistro March 20, 2017 – 11:30 AM @ Lulu’s April 17, 2017–6:30 PM @Caffé Andiamo May 26, 2017 – 11:30 AM @ Sawgrass Friday, 09/09: Social Hour: at the Beach, 5:00 pm (page 4) Thursday 08/25: New Member Evening, 6:30 p.m.- 8 p.m. New Member Event details on page 4! RSVP to meetings and other events via the event EVITE, sent directly to your email. Sunday, 09/25: Trivia Night to benefit Florida School for Deaf and Blind, 6 p.m @ Pusser’s (page 3) Use PayPal to pay for all your events. Go to our website for a direct link. Learn more about PVWC and becoming a member by visiting our website, 1 1 2 August 2016 Ponte Vedra Woman’s Club Monthly Newsletter Charity Spotlight: Florida School for the Deaf & Blind ProvidedbyExecutiveDiretorTanyaRhodes. OriginalarticlewrittenbyEmeliaHitchner, ReporterfortheSt.AugustineRecord.Photosby PeterWillott GraduatesfromtheFloridaSchoolfortheDeaf andtheBlindweretoldtostartpackingtheir bagsforthelasttime.Butthefinalvoyage entailsbringingmorethansuitcases,saidDr. TuckTinsleyIII,theretiredpresidentof AmericanPrintingHousefortheBlindanda guestspeakeratFridayevening’s commencementceremony. “Overtheyears,you’vepackedyourbags numeroustimes.Youpackedthemtogohome fortheweekends,you’vepackedthemfor summervacation,”Tinsleysaid.“Butthistime, whenyoupackyourbags,itwillbevery different.”Tinsleytoldseniorstopackgood memories,confidence,workethic,humoranda positiveattitude.“Becausewhatyoutakewith youwillprepareyouforthejourneyahead,” Tinsleysaid. FSDBisoneof10schoolsinthecountrythat specializesindualdeafandblindeducation.A totalof42studentsfromthedeafdepartment and28studentsfromtheblinddepartment concludedtheirhighschooljourneyasthe classof2016. “With100percentconfidence,Icansaytoyou seniorsthatyou’veattendedthebestdeafand blindschoolinthecountry,”Tinsleysaid. “Don’ttakeitforgranted.” Manyofthestudentshavebigplansfortheir future,includingGracieDeLong,theblind departmentvaledictorian.DeLongmaintained aweightedGPAof4.2andisheadedforFlorida StateUniversitytostudybiomedical engineering.DeLongsaidshe’sgrown academicallyandemotionallyduringherhigh schoolyears,creditingsupportivefacultyand friends.Shesaidfindingstrengthtoovercome 2 obstacleswasachallengeshefacedovertheyears. Now,shesaidshe’scomfortableandpreparedfor lifebeyondFSDB.Shetoldherfellowclassmatesto pursuetheirdreamswithconfidenceand determination.“Iwouldliketoencourage everyonetotakeinitiative.Believeinyourself,” DeLongsaid.“Itdoesn’tmatterifothersdon’t believeinyou.Attheendoftheday,it’supto you.” IrmaAgic,thedeafdepartmentvaledictorian,said shehaschangedforthebetterthroughouther yearsatFSDB.“I’msurprisedatmyowngrowth,” shesaid. AgictransferredtoFSDBinseventhgradeand practicedrecreationalart.Itwasn’tlongbefore teachersandfriendsnoticedhereyefordesign andencouragedhertojoinvariousartprograms. Thereweremanyopportunitieshereforthe youngartist,whonowplanstoattendthe RochesterInstituteofTechnologyinNewYork andstudygraphicdesign.“Ihaveworkedhard.We haveworkedhard.Wehaveallstruggledand endeavoredthroughthechallengesoflearning,” Agicsaid.“Weshouldcontinuetogrow.” Fromhereforward,graduatesareresponsiblefor thedirectiontheirlivesgo,saidJeanPrickett, FSDB’spresident.ButPrickettsaidsheis confidenttheclassof2016isreadytopacktheir bagsafinaltimeandembracethefuture.“For manyyears,otherpeoplemadedecisionsforyou. Allofusworkedhardtogiveyoutoolsforthis day,”Prickettsaid.“Nowit’syourturntomakethe decisions,buteveryoneofyouhasspecial qualitiesforsuccess.” 1 2 Ponte Vedra Woman’s Club Monthly Newsletter August 2016 Get Involved! Active Member Responsibility Active members are required to support at least one fundraising event each year. Board members and event committee members spend countless hours planning events based on the interest of the membership. As we begin the new year of events in September 2016, please mark your calendars, attend an event, bring your friends, and support our club’s efforts and our mission: to enhance the quality of life through charity, education and community service. PVWC is using Evite! Evite is an online platform for invitations to be sent electronically for all sorts of events. Recipients do not need to have an Evite account. Recipients will receive an Evite in their email, and need only open the Evite to see details of the event. With one click, members are able to RSVP, “yes,” “no,” or “maybe,” and you can see who else has responded. In your RSVP you also have the ability to note how many in your party will attend, and add comments about how excited you are about attending the event, note what you intend to bring, or note your regrets and unavailability to attend. So, don’t hit delete when you see an Evite! Open the Evite and RSVP. It’s easy! For more information click Evite. ADD PVWC TO “YOUR FAVORITES” Visit our website for up to date details on events and membership. Our website is an easy way to purchase meeting and event tickets in advance, via PayPal. So, add us to your list of favorite websites and stay up to date. Website: FEATURED EVENT Limited to 100 People TRIVIA NIGHT Sunday, September 25th @ 6 p.m. at Pusser’s LADIES, FAMILIES, FRIENDS, & FUN! Purchase Tickets and Reserve Tables by September 17th! $10 Per person – You can’t beat that! Order off the menu Door prizes Cash prizes & bragging rights for the winner! Questions?? Contact Denice Goldberg via email SCHOLARSHIPS: In 2016 PVWC awarded three scholarships totaling $3,500. The three young ladies who received these scholarships were from St. Gerard Campus High School, Ponte Vedra High School, and Nease High School. For up to date details and to purchase tickets to any of our events via PayPal, visit our website: 3 August 2016 Ponte Vedra Woman’s Club Monthly Newsletter Socials and Special Events: Book Club: If you would like to join the PVWC book club, please contact Megan Kelley via email: . Social Hour(s): Members meet at a local establishment from 5:00 – 7 p.m. Check the website for the most up to date information. NEW: BEACH SOCIAL – Sept. 9th Ladies and gentlemen, bring your own food, drinks, beach chairs, towels, bathing suits, beach games and enjoy the last days of summer fun. Parking is in Teri’s yard 332 and next door, at 334 PV Blvd. Do not park on the sidewalk. Thank you President Teri Ellis for hosting! See you there! Field and Charity Service Trips: Members volunteer to plan and coordinate field trips to interesting places and to visit the charities we support. These trips offer PVWC members the opportunity to give in service. Field Trips: Kingsley Plantation, Nov. 16th Carpools will leave from the PV Library at 9:15 am RSVP to Teri Ellis at Sunshine Lady: Do you know of a member who is ill or lost a family member? Our Sunshine Lady, Lynn Sumner will send a card with well wishes, on behalf of the PVWC. Please contact Lynn at or (904) 280-5646. Member Luncheon Meetings: Members typically meet for lunch every other month on the third Monday of the month. Meetings include a report from PVWC Board, a guest speaker, and lunch. Doors open at 11:10 a.m. Members should RSVP via Evite, by noon the Thursday before the scheduled meeting. Meetings are held at a variety of local venues. Guests are welcome. For up to date information and to pay online visit PVWC website, Next Luncheon: Mon. Sept. 26, 2016 @ 11:30 AM Location: Sawgrass Country Club Clubhouse. Cost: $22 Speaker: TBA 4 Member Evening Meetings: Members typically meet for dinner or hors d’oeuvres and a cash bar, every other month on the third Monday of the month. Meetings begin at 6:30 p.m. and consist of a brief report from PVWC Board, followed by a guest speaker. Members should RSVP via Evite, by the Thursday before the scheduled meeting. Meetings are held at a variety of local venues. Guests are welcome. Payment may be made online via the PVWC website, using PayPal. Next Evening Meeting: Mon. Oct. 24th, 6:30-8pm Location: Lulu’s on Roscoe Rd., Ponte Vedra Order off the menu Speaker: TBA New Member Evening Social–Aug. 25th PVWC President Teri Ellis will open her lovely home to host this year’s new member evening social, August 25th, 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. Ladies should arrive by 6:30 p.m., enjoy light hors o’douerves, soft drinks or adult beverage, if you like. The evening will include a brief introduction to the club. Teri’s home is at 332 Ponte Vedra Boulevard. Park in front of the bushes. RSVP by August 20th at (954) 322-7474. New Member Luncheon – in October PVWC member Janet Westling will again open her beautiful home to host a new member luncheon, at a date to be determined in October. Watch for more details next month. WINE TASTING AT TABLE 1 – Oct 18th Discounted tickets available until October 18th. $20 in advance; $25 at the door. More details in the September newsletter! Learn to Line Dance - It’s Free! Line dance lessons will be open to PVWC members in the large conference room at the PV Library. Nov. 28th and November 29th. More details in September! For up to date details and to purchase tickets to any of our events via PayPal, visit our website: Ponte Vedra Woman’s Club Monthly Newsletter August 2016 MEMBERSHIP RECRUITMENT Board Members 2016 - 2017 Help Us Grow It’s time to renew your membership! Membership dues are $45 after July 1st. If you want an PVWC engraved nametag, it’s optional, send an additional $5 along with a note reflecting how you would like your nametag to Help Us Grow Even More…. Summertime is when we travel, reconnect with old pals, make new friends, and gain new neighbors. Encourage them all to join you at one of the prospective new member events in August. Members are asked to RSVP provide the number of prospective members who are expected to join you. See page three for more details. New Member Evening Social is August 25 at 6:30 pm 332 Ponte Vedra Blvd, Ponte Vedra Beach RSVP: (954) 322-7474 by Aug. 20th New Member Luncheon, TBD in the fall More images from the May Fashion Show! Thanks to Nanc Breznai & Denice Goldberg for another great show! President 1st V.P. , Programs 2nd V.P., Charity 3rd VP, Ways & Means 4th VP, Membership Recording Secretaries Corresponding Secretaries Treasurer Public Relations & Historians Social Chair Parliamentarian Scholarship Director Teri Ellis Peggy Halliburton Toni Shuster Marcia Kennedy Denice Goldberg Ann Marie Hubbard Carol Green Nancy Hotchkiss Kay Sickler Toni Chrabot Julie Benz Debra Smith Patty Freedman Susan Hartman Tonya Snowden Donna Jawor Patricia Wolfe Susan Hudson Have a question or want to get more involved? There are many ways to contact us. The Ponte Vedra Woman’s Club Contact us via E-mail Like us on Facebook Above: Pre-show shopping at our vendor tables; Below left: Mona H; Below right: Initials, Inc. “Join us!” for a monthly meeting. See pages 3 & 4 for upcoming events. We’re on events/212674312/ 5 2 Ponte Vedra Woman’s Club Monthly Newsletter August 2016 President’s Corner, continued from page 1 We can support education through scholarships to local students and help support local charities, and in doing so we will continue to strengthen our bonds of friendship. Please note that the new member/prospective member luncheon is being postponed. The luncheon will be announced in late September or October. We will still be having the new member/prospective member cocktail party on August 25th at my house, 6:30 p.m. Please spread the word and let your friends know about the cocktail party. The growth of your Club is critical the continued success and outcome of your Club! Our reputation in the community is one of unquestionable standard and reputation. It has led this Club in good times and in lean times. I am aware that some of you may question your need for this Club, but never question that the PVWC needs you. Even though you may think you can’t give enough to the Club, that you don’t have enough time for our Club, or that you are too old for the Club. Trust me; there is a place for you here with your Club. Be it coming to one meeting a year, one event a year, every meeting a year, every event a year, helping out sometimes, or helping out all the time, or getting on the Board or a committee, there is always a need and a place for you in the PVWC. Your gifts to our charities over the years, no matter how large, no matter how small, have mattered so very much to all of the lives that they have impacted. Never feel otherwise. The child who would have done without a backpack, but for you; or the girl who would not have had a diaper for her baby, but for you; or the elderly who would not have had a clean pair of socks, but for you. All of those things made a difference to someone, and each person appreciated what you and we did for them. The scholarships that we have given to students to help them seek a higher education to reach their goals and achieve their dreams, you can only begin to imagine what it would be like not to be able to afford to go to college if you had been in their shoes. It’s a scary situation and a very real place for so many students. So, whatever help we have been to give them has made a difference and will continue to make a difference. Yes, we are not a large corporation. We are not capable (at this time) of handing out millions of dollars in scholarships, but as my grandkids say, that okay! It is the fact that we are trying and making the effort for others that makes a difference. It is the fact that we CARE. So please, CARE this year. Participate whenever you can. Renew your membership and join us in the action of caring for the less fortunate and those with unique abilities. (I now never call a child at the School for the Deaf and Blind disabled. They are simply too amazing,) Join us in friendship with the PVWC. And along the way, let’s have some FUN! Trivia and Beach Olympics in September!!! Keep your AC blowing for a while longer! Teri Ellis, PVWC President In 2015-2016,PVWC supported four local organizations and offered three scholarships to senior girls from local high schools who were headed to college. Each PVWC event held last year was designated to benefit a particular charity. Our charitable donations in 2016 totaled $23, 984 Florida School for the Deaf and Blind * St. Gerard Campus * St. Augustine Youth Services Haven Horse Ranch * Scholarships – 3 6 Ponte Vedra Woman’s Club Monthly Newsletter August 2016 In 2015-2016 PVWC will advertise your business using your business card in the PVWC membership directory, on the PVWC Website, and in the monthly newsletter, for just $100 for the year. To advertise or sponsor an event or meeting contact Debra Smith at The Griggs Group, 238 Ponte Vedra Park Drive, #210, Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 32082. 7 Ponte Vedra Woman’s Club Monthly Newsletter August 2016 In 2015-2016 PVWC will advertise your business using your business card in the PVWC membership directory, on the PVWC Website, and in the monthly newsletter, for just $100 for the year. To advertise or sponsor an event or meeting contact Debra Smith at The Griggs Group, 238 Ponte Vedra Park Drive, #210, Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 32082. TALBOTS Audrey Hernandez Client Specialist (904) 285-1011 Ponte Vedra 330 State Road A1A North, Suite 100 Ponte Vedra, FL 32082 The Ponte Vedra Woman’s Club, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) philanthropic group dedicated to charitable and educational purposes. The mission of the Ponte Vedra Woman’s Club is “To enhance the quality of life through charity, education and community service.” 8 Ponte Vedra Woman’s Club Monthly Newsletter August 2016 The Ponte Vedra Woman’s Club, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) philanthropic group dedicated to charitable and educational purposes. The mission of the Ponte Vedra Woman’s Club is “To enhance the quality of life through charity, education and community service.” 9
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