Over 70000 Snatam Kaur`s albums are sold each year. • Snatam`s


Over 70000 Snatam Kaur`s albums are sold each year. • Snatam`s
Snatam Kaur is one of the most popular New Age artists of our
time, selling over 70,000 albums a year. Snatam Kaur’s albums
have topped New Age Retailer’s Top 20 lists every year since
2004. She was the only artist to have 3 albums in the Top 20 in a
single year. Her albums have consistently ranked in the top 20 in
both Indie New Age and Indie World Music on Amazon throughout
2009 and 2010. Her music can be heard around the world in
venues from yoga studios to schools to Hollywood films and in
the homes of her fans worldwide. An International phenomenon,
her music has reached every corner of the globe from North
America, Europe, Asia, and South America to Africa and the
South Pacific, one fan spoke for all when he said, “We come to
Snatam’s concerts to experience the beautiful atmosphere her
voice creates, to heal and grow.”
You’ll find enthusiastic press about Snatam’s music everywhere
from the Houston Chronicle to the Hindustan Times. She’s also
been featured on the cover of new age publications such as the
Light Connection and the Body Mind Spirit Guide. Snatam Kaur,
whose father was a manager for the Grateful Dead, has an amazing
ability to transform traditional chants into a contemporary sound
that appeals to the modern ear yet awakens an ancient yearning
in the soul. Sacred Sounds Radio calls her music “spiritually
uplifting and deeply soul cleansing.” Ram Dass, celebrated
author of Be Here Now, says that “in Snatam’s voice...there is
purity, clarity, and love.” Snatam’s CDs Prem, Shanti, Grace,
Anand, LIVE In Concert, Feeling Good Today! and Liberation’s
Door are setting the industry standard for excellence in new age
sacred music.
Dressed in distinctive Sikh clothing, Snatam Kaur embodies
the Sikh message of strength through inner serenity. She is an
ambassador for 3HO (a United Nations affiliate), and is deeply
committed to supporting the U.N.’s Peace Resolution through
her ongoing Sacred Chant Tour. She brings music, yoga and
meditation to the communities she visits, as well as to hospices,
juvenile detention centers, and schools she visits along the way.
In Snatam’s voice...there
is purity, clarity and love.
- Ram Dass, author of Be Here Now
Snatam Kaur’s concerts
continue to grow with
audiences of 2200
in Barcelona, 1200
in Mexico, 800 in
Germany, and 700 in
Toronto and Vancouver.
Thousands of people are needing to seek refuge. Snatam
Kaur brings a peace, a love, a joy, a light to all. The
language of the heart is song. She carries us to a realm
of love & light. You feel God. - Gurmukh, World renowned
Yoga Teacher, Author, Founder of Golden Bridge Yoga
After spending 2 years touring and writing new music,
Snatam Kaur released Liberation’s Door, an album written
and recorded as she experienced the magical creativity
of her first pregnancy. This album builds on the fluid,
soaring music that Snatam is known for, but raises it to a
new level with her maternal energy unleashing a depth of
emotion and richness beyond anything we’ve heard from
Snatam before. Blending Gurmukhi mantra, Shabds
(traditional Sikh prayers put to music) and the sweetest
of songs, Snatam lays her heart and her devotion at the
feet of the listener.
Shanti the
Yogi DVD
Carry Us
Good Today!
Live in
Music Facts
• Over 70,000 Snatam Kaur’s
albums are sold each year.
• Snatam’s music is sold
• Snatam Kaur’s albums have
topped New Age Retailers
Top 20 lists every year
since 2004. In 2008, her
LIVE in Concert album was
one of the Top 10 albums
of the year.
Meditation CDs
To Heaven
and Beyond
Divine Birth
& Project
All albums are on the Spirit Voyage record label. www.SpiritVoyage.com
Merge &
Release &
Connect &
The Sacred Chant Tour features Eastern
inspired chant music with Snatam
Kaur as the lead vocalist accompanied
by unforgettable guitar playing by
Kannan’s master precussion rhythms.
In her concerts, Snatam Kaur delivers a heart opening
performance that combines musical traditions of East and West.
Her enchanting voice brings you an experience of peace and
deep devotion.
In 2010, Snatam Kaur and her band will be spreading their
message of peace across the globe, from Mexico City, to Toronto
Canada, and from New York City to Santiago, Chile.
2010 will also include Snatam Kaur leading Sacred Chant Yoga and
Meditation retreats and weekend workshops in Mexico, Boulder,
CO; Chicago, Costa Rica, Santiago, Vancouver, Massachusetts,
West Virginia, Florida, and the Bahamas.
Support Musician
GuruGanesha Singh is an icon of the yoga music genre. A musician
deeply devoted to both his craft and the greater landscape of
sacred sound, GuruGanesha’s contribution to World Sacred
Music is manifold. His three solo releases of Sikh-inspired
chant music enhanced by his virtuoso guitar work, Pure Ganesh,
Grateful Ganesh, and Joy Is Now are beloved by his fans worldwide. Pure Ganesh put GuruGanesha Singh on the map as a solo
musician, topping New Age charts in early 2007 and receiving
high critical acclaim from magazine reviewers in both New Age
and Yoga publications. Long before GuruGanesha Singh released
his solo albums, he was the force behind many well known
chant musicians, including Snatam Kaur, Thomas Barquee, and
Mirabai Ceiba and released several albums with other musicians
including Game of Chants with Guru Singh and Grammy-winning
singer, Seal. GuruGanesha Singh is also the founder of the record
label, Spirit Voyage Records.
Snatam Kaur performs
globally, reaching tens
of thousands of people.
She performs at many
of the top yoga centers
in the world, including;
Sivananda Bahamas
Yoga Retreat Center,
Kripalu Center in
Massachusetts, Omega
Institute in New York,
and The Chopra Center
in San Diego.
considered for a Grammy nomination. And her recent
European tour attracted enormous audiences. Thousands showed up.
One day when Snatam was eighteen, Yogi Bhajan heard her sing. Her voice was so beautiful, it
moved him to tears. He urged her to continue his
work through the medium of her music. She has
been singing and teaching Sikh methods of yoga
ever since.
Linda Johnsen from her book Kirtan! Chanting as a Spiritual Path
Concert, chantfest, musical group
meditation, a yoga class in melody
. . . how best to describe a live performance by Snatam Kaur and her band? It’s all of
these things and more. Seated center stage, Snatam is an angelic presence, dressed in traditional
Sikh attire, bejeweled dress, white turban and veil.
She’s a diminutive woman, barely five feet tall, but
possessed of a voice that could wrest tears from a
stone gargoyle — crystalline and radiant, redolent
of the simple yet powerful truth of the heart. That
voice has made her one of the top selling artists in
the field of world sacred music. Amid the swelling
ranks of devotional divas and mantra mamas, Snatam stands tall.
Alan di Perna, Yoga Journal
Snatam Kaur and guest artist
Guru Ganesha Singh unite their
voices and Singh’s guitar playing
on the wonderful Liberation’s Door, a beautiful fusion
of chants and songs accompanied by both traditional
(sarod, santoor, esraj, and tabla) and contemporary
instruments (flute, sax, cello, keyboards, and bass).
The first track, “Servant of Peace,” is a great example
of this amalgam of the two musical styles. While the
chants are sung in a subdued, flowing, gentle manner,
when Kaur switches over to the English lyrics of the
Prayer of St. Francis of Assisi, the music takes on
the infectiousness of a modern folk-rock motif. The
remaining nine tracks continue to showcase Kaur’s
outstanding vocals as well as impressive musical
contributions from the other 11 accompanists. This
is undoubtedly one of the top chant releases of the
past year.
Bill Binkelman, New Age Retailer
Snatam travels the world introducing people to the universe
of Sikh chants. The Western arrangements and instrumentation
make the songs easily accessible
to the widest possible audience,
and have helped turn her CDs into
one top seller after another on the
New Age charts. Her album Shanti
was so well received it was even
Anand is outstanding.
If you are looking for
a quiet place to find
your center, to feel whole, this is it. Taking her time,
loving each moment, her music patiently reveals its
wholeness and love. Kudos to Snatam for spearheading the Celebrate Peace Tour, an international commitment to finding peace through music.
Debi Winston-Buzil, Yoga Chicago
Celebrate Peace – Spreading a
hopeful message of peace, Snatam Kaur’s new recording is a
lush musical production of uplifting songs, invocations and prayers. Three new songs
begin the recording, all featuring the lovely powerful
vocals of Snatam Kaur singing with a sincere belief
in the power of celebrating peace…
Aura Magazine
Shanti - One of the most compelling aspects of Shanti is the pure
quality of Snatam Kaur’s chanting. Listeners will find themselves drawn to the sense of innocence and peace
she conveys track after track. Using traditional Indian and modern Western Instrumentation, each
song dedicates an extended amount of time to such
themes as destiny, infinity, acceptance, strength,
meditation, celebration, healing and peace. Forgoing a cookie cutter Top 40 format, the repetitive nature of these songs allows listeners to really root
themselves in the Sanskrit lyrics and experience the
benefit of their wisdom.
Bill Binkelman, New Age Retailer
...Snatam Kaur, who sings
both traditional mantras
and contemporary English songs, tours internationally and is well known for her beautiful voice. “The
first time I heard her, I cried,” said Nathan Hayes,
who asked the singer to perform here and who’ll
be teaching yoga before her Sunday concert. “Her
purity and clarity pierced right through my heart.”
It’s the most incredible music I’ve heard in a long
while,” said Mary Sabin of Olympia, who heard Kaur
last year in Seattle. “I instantly loved her classically
trained voice on soft spiritual chants and sounds.”
Molly Gilmore, The Olympian, Olympia, Washington
Snatam Kaur’s concerts
are a joy. I can’t really explain them much better
than that. I simply know that afterward I feel great
and smile a lot. She has been on a world tour and in
September comes to Southern California. On Sept.
1 her new album, Anand, produced by Spirit Voyage
will be released... Her tour sponsored by Peace Cereal, was dedicated to inspiring people of all walks
of life to celebrate the peace that is within, and
from that place of strength, to reach out to others
as neighbors and nations in the spirit of peace.
Steve Hays, Light Connection, San Diego, CA
Svensk Yoga: Through music and
the naad – the point where the
primal sound resonates with the
finite energy – Snatam sees it as
her task to help people get into that space where
they can experience a connection with the divine…….
After meeting Snatam Kaur, the possibility of peace
on earth seems like a real possibility. It is up to each
one of us to start changing our consciousness, and
then the world will follow.
Angela Valenti, Svensk Yoga, Sweden
Peace ambassador and kirtan (chanting) artist Snatam Kaur and musicians
GuruGanesha Singh and Krishan Prakash came to
Evanston the weekend of April 1 to lead workshops
and kirtans. … The highlight of the weekend was
the inspiring and uplifting kirtan at the Music Institute of Chicago on Saturday night. It was truly
a heart-opening, joyful celebration of peace. With
GuruGanesha Singh on guitar, Krishan Prakash on
drums (both rock and tablas) and Snatam playing
electric harmonium and violin, the group combined
both Eastern and Western influences to create moving and upbeat sounds with jazzy guitar riffs and
exotic drum beats that made it hard to sit still. Add
the hundreds of voices of the audience chanting the
names of God along with the musicians, and the
house rocked!
Sharon Steffensen, Yoga Chicago
For some singers or musicians,
describing their voice or musical
composition as angelic would be
hyperbole. But when listening to,
learning from or conversing with chant artist Snatam Kaur, angelic is an understatement…. she is
aware of the power of prayer through the sacred
chants she shares and their potential for changing
the consciousness of the planet.
Felicia M. Tomasko, LA Yoga, Los Angeles
In the cool shadows of the
trees in the garden of St.
Joseph’s Cultural Center in
Grass Valley, Snatam Kaur looked more like an angel
than a singer on a world tour. Dressed in immaculate white, the 34-year-old American Sikh performer
spoke of God, peace and music in a young, soothing
voice… Kaur is now in Grass Valley as part of her international “Celebrate Peace” concert tour. She has
already performed in Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand,
Great Britain, Spain, Sweden, and Canada, as well
as in 28 major cities in the Eastern United States
and 20 West Coast cities. Her next stop is Sacramento, where she performs on Aug. 11... Kaur has a
cozy band accompanying her. It is comprised of her
guitarist, GuruGanesha, and her percussionist, Krishan Prakash, and herself. She plays the violin and
the harmonium, an Indian reed instrument.
Soumitros Sen, The Union, California
At concerts, Snatam Kaur’s pure
voice weaves interchangeably with
those of her male ensemble singers. The melodies blend elegantly
with the sounds of guitars, violins, harmonium and
tabla drums.
Her song lyrics move from ancient languages to English, making traditional prayers accessible to Western listeners. Kaur invites the audience to join her in
chanting, singing, and even deep breathing. As the
music reaches the sublime, Kaur asks audiences to
devote the energy to peace.
“It’s at that point in the concert that the vibration
for prayer is so incredibly strong, and that’s when
we devote the most peace on the planet,” she said,
during an interview on the grounds of Self-Realization Fellowship Temple in Encinitas.
Soothing and uplifting, Kaur’s CD albums have
touched people in deep ways. Pregnant women
have given birth to Kaur’s melodies. One man on
his deathbed listened to her chants when he passed
A soldier returning from the Iraq War refused to talk
to his wife about his experiences. But when he listened to Kaur’s music, he broke down sobbing.
Helen Kaiao Chang, San Diego News Network
Sopurkh Singh Khalsa: press@snatamkaur.com (505) 927-4497
30 County Road 126, Espanola, NM 87532 www.SnatamKaur.com
Music & Wholesale Ordering: info@spiritvoyage.com (888)735-4800 www.SpiritVoyage.com