June - Blessed Francis Xavier Seelos
June - Blessed Francis Xavier Seelos
National Shrine of Blessed Francis Xavier Seelos In the Redemptorist Church of Saint Mary’s Assumption Volume LIII Number 6 919 Josephine Street www.seelos.org New Orleans, LA 70130 (504) 525-2495 June 2014 ake her known! In 1866—the year that Father Seelos was transferred to New Orleans—Pope Pius IX entrusted the original Icon of Our Mother of Perpetual Help to the Redemptorists for public veneration in the Church of Saint Alphonsus in Rome. The Holy Father asked the Redemptorists to “make her known to the world.” Pius IX himself did all in his power to foster devotion to Our Mother of Perpetual Help: he established the Feast in her honor on June 27; he inaugurated the Archconfraternity of Our Lady of Perpetual Help and placed Saint Alphonsus Liguori first among its members. In 1874, authentic reproductions of the Icon were made in Rome; one of the first four to arrive in America was received in New Orleans. A Redemptorist in New Orleans records on December 8, 1874: “The new painting of Our Lady of Perpetual Help from Rome was solemnly carried in procession in St. Alphonsus’ Church, and from that moment exposed to the veneration of the faithful. Numbers are seen kneeling before it every day, and I have no doubt but that our dear Mother rewards their piety.” Redemptorists have certainly embraced the appeal of Pius IX in making her known; consequently, Our Mother of Perpetual Help is now one of the most beloved images of Mary worldwide. “We arrived in Rome. . . . First we went to Saint Mary Major and then to the church of Saint Alphonsus where there is a picture of Our Lady of Perpetual Help, a title that suits the blessed Virgin so well! We need her perpetual help so much, we who are so weak and stumbling! For a long time now, and particularly for the last three years, I have been under her special protection. This is how it happened: three years ago I had many difficulties regarding my interior life—fears, anxieties, periods of darkness: I wanted to serve God, I was afraid of offending him, I couldn’t see things straight, I suffered; so I placed myself with all my heart under the protection of Our Lady of Perpetual Help. I implored her to guide my footsteps as she had guided those of the Infant Jesus, and to lead me in all things in Jesus Christ; in such a way as to console as much as I could the heart of Jesus that sees and loves us. So it was very sweet for me to stand beneath the picture of our so dear and good Mother on my very first day, in my very first hour. Need I say that I commended you to her from all that is best in my heart, and I said for you as much as for myself, ‘Our Lady of Perpetual Help, grant me your all powerful help and the grace always to ask for it.’” —Blessed Charles de Foucauld, in a letter dated November 8, 1896. M aking H im k nown Nationally recognized artist, Nicholas Markell (right), was recently commissioned to write the Icon of Bl. Seelos for Saint John the Baptist Catholic Church in Savage, MN. The unveiling & blessing of the Icon will occur on Pentecost, June 8. Father Michael Tix (left), pastor of St. John’s, & Brother Bruce Davidson C.Ss.R. (center), apply their artistic touch in the studio. message fro m th e ed i to r According to Joan Barthel in her new book, American Saint: The Life of Elizabeth Seton (St. Martin’s Press, 2014), the requirement of miracles in the saint-making process is more controversial than the time, expense, and politics involved. She quotes an unnamed theologian in Rome: “To what extent is our asking for these jack-in-the-box signs the same kind of sin that Jesus condemned when he told the people, ‘You’re always asking for signs!’ The argument for Pope John XXIII is that he created such love around him, his whole life was a kind of miracle. Isn’t it rather macabre now to ask him to start curing polio cases?” Barthel also provides an alternate viewpoint on the necessity for miracles by an unnamed priest who worked for the Elizabeth Seton cause: “We don’t want to force God’s hand; we just want him to keep us from making a big mistake.” A miracle was needed to beatify Pope John XXIII in the year 2000; a second miracle was waived to canonize him in May of this year. Perhaps the argument that his whole life was a kind of miracle sufficed. This of course begs the inevitable question for all causes of nonmartyrs: if now only one approved miracle prevents the Church “from making a big mistake” in the candidate’s beatification, could that holy person’s whole life be seen, in and of itself, as a kind of miracle for canonization? In the last several decades the number of miracles (medical cures) needed in the canonization process has been reduced from four to two; one alone can suffice when a holy person like Pope John XXIII is so widely venerated. Should the Church then eliminate altogether the millenniumold requirement of miracles? While no doubt enticing, if this inexplicable supernatural component were entirely removed, would not the saint-making process largely become an enterprise of the “human dimension” — namely, a matter of tenacity, finances, and politics? To paraphrase Saint John Paul II: duly verified extraordinary healings are like a “divine seal” on the sanctity of the candidate and “a sign of God” that legitimizes the cult. What if the Church instead applied the requirement of only one miracle to all causes? If so, our arduous task in finding that additional miracle needed for Seelos’ canonization would be eliminated. However enticing that may be, I am confident that Seelos and others will stand up to the usual scrutiny and process over time. While it’s the sum of all the saint-making parts, the particular component of validating posthumous medical cures in the overall process can help assure the faithful that “saints have earned their haloes” when seeking their intercession! Admittedly, we can already speak from personal experience about the powerful intercession of Blessed Seelos, and we can believe that he is already a saint — but until God wills it, it is far better not to force God’s hand! Byron Miller, C.Ss.R. Pope John Paul II at the April 9, 2000 Seelos beatification ceremony with Redemptorist Postulator General, Reverend Antonio Marrazzo. “There is no Redemptorist, priest or Brother, present in time or departed from it, who has not loved our Lady and led others to this love as well. And since the sacred image was given into our keeping in 1866, every son of Saint Alphonsus has seen in the Perpetual Help picture a fulfillment of our founder’s prophetic guarantee that the Mother of God will ever cherish every member of the Congregation.” —Fr. Thomas H. Cosgrove, C.Ss.R. Seelos Center Services Pilgrimages to Seelos Shrine & Museum. Call Center: 504-525-2495, Open Mon-Fri, 9 to 3; Sat, 10 to 3:30. Daily Prayer Message 504-586-1803 Blessings of the Sick with a Seelos Crucifix in designated area hospitals: East Jefferson Gerry Heigle: 504-482-4404 Teresa LaCour: 504-887-0214 Ochsner (Kenner) Linda DiMaggio: 504-287-8732 B. J. Chauvin: 504-427-5469 Ochsner (Jefferson) Mark/Monica Surprenant 504-895-5371 Marie Giorlando 504-568-0522 Earl Moraga 504-428-5141 Uptown/Innercity Dennis Waldron: 504-442-6336 Westbank Darren Harris: 504-834-6722 Mary Grace Orsag: 504-367-7515 Abbeville/Erath/Lafayette Boniface ‘Boni’ Suire: 337-937-5675 Alexandria Deacon Bill /Joan Travis: 318-664-7069 Baton Rouge Gloria Bacque: 225-753-3800 Bogalusa Mary Haaga: 985-735-1056 Covington Dr. Ann Logarbo: 985-886-0218 April Mayo: 985-892-1828 Denham Springs Kathy Newcomb: 225-665-1924 Houma/Thibodaux Dan Montz, L.P.C.: 985-446-1805 Iota Anne Ritter: 337-254-8451 Lacombe/Abita Springs Billy Bachemin: 985-288-7006 Lake Charles Lisa Verrette: 337-274-4810 Mandeville David Brumfield: 985-886-9235 Lisa & Eric Johnsen: 985-276-4445 Mississippi C. Corolla (Carriere): 601-916-4233 New Iberia/Abbeville/Jeanerette Rachel Gonsoulin: 337-224-7855 Opelousas Suzanne Pitre: 337-351-8489 Ponchatoula/Hammond Gasper Corpora: 225-294-5938 Prairieville/Gonzales M/M Claude Bourgeois 225-673-6688 Shreveport/Bossier City Tom & Marjorie Rivers: 318-797-3116 Slidell Mary Jo Stewart: 985-502-9033 St. Bernard/Arabi Patricia Noote: 504-756-4163 Seelos Center Devotionals Purgatory-The Forgotten Church: New 85-min. HD-DVD documentary questions, Is purgatory real? Can the living help alleviate the anguish of the dead? (Donation: $25, incl.p/h) 2014 Annual Appeal - Statement of Intent Yes, Father Byron, I am able to support the Seelos Shrine and Canonization Cause through my prayers. Yes, I want to support the cause of Blessed Francis Seelos in gratitude for Graces Received & Prayers Answered. $_______ to be used for this specific need: Seelos, The Cumberland Years: Fr. Burkey’s 92-pg. account of how the ministry at the National Shrine of Bl. Francis Seelos. Seelos retained his prayerful & play- “Extreme Makeover” Phase of the Seelos Shrine & Museum. ful spirituality, despite trials in Mary- other item(s) designated below: THANK YOU! land. (Donation: $19 - incl. p/h) ____________________________________ Please cut & return to: 3rd Class Relic Cross: 4” wooden ____________________________________ National Shrine of crucifix touched to Seelos’ original Bl. Francis X. Seelos 919 Josephine Street cross & touched to a rare hair clipping Name _____________________________ New Orleans, LA 70130 preserved at the time of his death in 1867. (Donation: $10, incl. p/h) Address ___________________________________________ Statue of Bl. Seelos, Roman Inc. City ______________________ ST ____ ZIP _____________ exclusive 8-1/4” in bronze tone, fine detail, resin-stone mix. (Donation: Visa Mastercard Discover $38 - incl. p/h) __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ Job’s Tears Rosary with color image of Seelos as divider medal. Exp. Date: __ __ /__ __ A gift of $100 allows our Great gift idea! ($18 - includes p/h) Last 3 digits on signature line: __ __ __ hospital blessers to distribute complimentary rosaries and American Miracle-Worker: 60-min. Signature: other spiritual items to the “Journeys of Faith” DVD by Bob sick & bedridden. & Penny Lord; as seen on EWTN ______________________________ (Donation: $23 - incl. p/h) A gift of $50 supports the Seelos, Tireless Intercessor, 68-min. documentary on Seelos’ miraculous life; as seen on EWTN. (Donation: $25 for DVD - incl. p/h) Seelos Scapular: B&W images of Seelos & Mother of Perpetual Help, each measuring approx. 3/4” on cord necklace. (Donation: $11 - incl p/h) Seelos Oil, in 1/2 oz. amber bottle for use when praying over people for healing; to bless family, homes, objects. (Donation: $6 - incl. p/h) Special $20 offering to enroll fathers, living or deceased, in Perpetual Mass League only during the month of June in honor of Father’s Day! annual Bl. Seelos Scholarships awarded to qualified students in the New Orleans Archdiocese. Due to Postal Service price increases, a gift of $12 helps defray the cost of printing & mailing this newsletter for one year. Special $10 offering to enroll fathers in One-Year Mass League. A gift of $500 will advance the current renovation of the Seelos Shrine & Seelos The Seelos Center fully & solely Museum, constructed in the assumes that which is necessary for years 2000 & 1986, respectively. the canonization of Bl. Seelos & Our gift to you in return is a Seelos Medals: Made of nickel silver, it maintains a national shrine recently published Seelos biography. to house his sacred remains round 3/4” dia. with loop, antique Please allow up to 2 weeks for delivery. A monthly newsletter for friends of BL. FRANCIS X. SEELOS Denver Provincial Superior: Very Rev. Harry Grile, C.Ss.R. Seelos Center Executive Director / Editor: Rev. Byron Miller, C.Ss.R. Seelos Center Administrators: Joyce Bourgeois, Olivia Bourgeois, Nick Punch, Maureen Vicknair Vice-Postulators: Frs. John Vargas & Byron Miller Seelos 2nd & 3rd-Class Relics/ Seelos Pamphlets & Prayer Cards in English, Spanish, Vietnamese. Call Seelos Center, 504-525-2495 or 2499. Seelos Center News and embody his spirit in ministry and outreach. finish, finely crafted in the U.S. (Donation: $4 each or 2/$6 - incl. p/h) A Seelos Vigil Candle will burn near his sacred resting place in Seelos Shrine, New Orleans, for a $3 offering. Please consider the National Shrine of Blessed Francis Seelos for your employer matching gift program. Fed. Tax ID #72-0576253 Seelos Center News (USPS 4472) published monthly by the Redemptorists / National Shrine of Bl. F.X. Seelos Subscription is $12 per year. The Seelos Shrine is a member of the National Assoc. of Shrine & Pilgrimage Apostolate (NASPA) sulphur, la In 2012, my 2-1/2 year old granddaughter had removed her seat belt and landed on her head when she fell out of a non-moving vehicle. She suffered an arachnoid cyst on the left temporal lobe of her brain. A fellow parishioner told me about Bl. Seelos and we visited the Seelos Center. I started to pray daily for Seelos’ intercession for her. On her surgery date in 2013, the doctor told us that he would have to make a 3 cm. hole in her skull near her left ear to locate the cyst and place fenestations in the cyst to drain the fluid out of it. Everything went smoothly and she has recovered rapidly. Her brain structures have returned to normal. My prayer every day is in thanksgiving to Bl. Seelos for guiding the hands of the surgeon and for watching over Haylee during her recovery. I also dedicate her to Bl. Seelos and ask him to watch over and protect her throughout her life. harvey, la I asked for three favors: to help stop and control my panic attacks and nervousness during the days prior to my operation; for a successful operation and recovery; to be found cancer-free during my three months after the operation. All favors asked of Father Seelos were granted! austin, tx When our son, Henry, was three he needed surgery to cut his fingers apart. The fingers on each hand had completely webbed together. The question was whether new skin around each finger would grow under the bandages. When visiting New Orleans we were told about a healing shrine and a Redemptorist priest, Bl. Seelos. We TESTIMONIALS visited the shrine and asked for healing. Immediately, a lovely group of people at the shrine gathered and prayed for Henry. When the doctor removed the bandages, he used the word “miracle”! When successful, this surgery is supposed to last eighteen months. Henry’s hands are still functioning. He is twelve and still has his genetic disease, Epidermolysis Bullosa. He plays the bells at his school. All of his fingers and toes have grown together, but he can handle the bells and loves it! (I’m also asking God to give Henry the cheerful and enthusiastic personality of Fr. Seelos; this prayer is being answered!) libby, mt I was happy to visit the Seelos Shrine for the fourth time, and to pray the rosary in front of the Seelos tomb for the first time. This was my husband’s first visit; my sister and brother agreed to come, and I am especially thankful for my brother’s special return to the Catholic faith, after an absence of almost thirty-five years. terrytown, la In 1979 I was diagnosed with Hepatitis C and cirrhosis of the liver and was placed on the transplant list. Transplants are based on the Meld Score and mine was too high. I asked Fr. Seelos to aid in lowering it and to intercede for me if possible in avoiding a transplant. I have been tested for Hepatitis C several times and it can no longer be detected. My health has remained steady and my Meld Score is too low to remain on the transplant list. I am still considered a high risk patient and not a good candidate for surgery, but I know with the assistance I receive from Bl. Seelos, I may never need surgery. I continue to attend all the Seelos healing Masses and truly believe it is through his intervention that I am still alive to offer my prayers and gratitude. briarcliff, tx I first met Fr. Joseph Elworthy & Angela Boudreaux [former Seelos Ctr. director & secretary] in 1985, and what a blessing they were to me. Having visited the shrine several times since leaving LA in 1997, I find it a beautiful dedication that you workers have done for Bl. Seelos. After my wife and I moved to Texas, we were spiritually brought back to the Seelos Center after reading the newsletter. harvey, la In 2012, the balloon procedure was unsuccessful in my artery because there was so much calcification. A laser procedure was scheduled. I had been praying all along to Bl. Seelos and I visited the shrine several times praying for this blockage to dissolve. What the doctor discovered surprised him. The blocked artery did clear, but another artery, easier and less dangerous to get to, was now 90% blocked. A stent was placed and I owe Bl. Seelos my gratitude. SAVE THE DATES! OCT 5, 2014 1:00 PM: seelos feast day MASS OCT 19, 2014 5:30 PM: SEELOS GALA Fr. Ted Lawson, C.Ss.R. at the April Seelos Mass please visit seelos.org or follow us on facebook! Come & discover catholic shrines why Fr. Seelos of new orleans was so happy to call New “New Orleans appeals to visitors in a variety Orleans home! of ways! This alluring city of old-world charm & architecture, legendary hospitality & music, distinctive culture & cuisine, also has a long history permeated by the Catholic faith. Catholicism continues to be a source of enrichment for those who visit or call New Orleans home. Blessed with an unparalleled number of renowned Catholic shrines, no trip to New Orleans is complete without experiencing the many sacred sites 58-minute DVD, that welcome guests of all faiths each year. In a city that inspires so many—from artists a FOCUS TV to authors, from musicians to magicians production. —let these shrines inspire your faith in a ($20 donation, profound way!”—Fr. Byron Miller, C.Ss.R. incl. p/h.) Make a Self-Guided Retreat with Bl. Seelos: All 6 for $15, incl. p/h Delete me from your mailing list. Delete multiple mailings to this address. Send electronic newsletter to e-mail address below: NAME ADDRESS Kindly return in the enclosed envelope with any corrections or CITY call 504-525-2495 or e-mail bmiller@seelos.org Allow a minimum of 30 days to STATE process your address change request. ZIP
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