Elks News Final May 09 - Connecticut Elks Association


Elks News Final May 09 - Connecticut Elks Association
Peter H. Freiler, PDD, President
Phil Stender, PER, Secretary
Peter Affatato, PGER, Advisor
John P. Simko, PER, Public Relations Chair
by sp peter h. freiler, pdd
Forward,” Jan Wankowicz Sr. PSP
and Jon Arthur PDD, plus Pete
Nelson PDD, Terry Ford PSP and
VP Michael Bonini for conducting
“Protocol for Your Lodge.” Plan to
discuss these topics at your Lodge.
Members All,
his year I have asked that
every Elk in Connecticut “Be
Proud of Elkdom.” I firmly
believe that we have much to be
proud of, with the great works we do
in our communities and statewide.
Please help your Lodge participate in
the many programs we have to offer.
At our Mid-Year meeting in
Hamden, I spent some time talking
about communications. In order to
accomplish anything, we have to
communicate. This means picking
up the telephone or speaking faceto-face. Remember, “Don’t communicate to be understood; but,
communicate so as not to be
There is little time remaining to meet
the State per capita goal of $5.00 per
member for your Lodges donation to
the Connecticut Children’s Medical
Center. Remember their Safe Kids
program, is dedicated to reducing
injuries among Connecticut's
Children! We did so well last year,
let’s continue that success this year
and “Be Proud of Elkdom.”
communicate to
be understood;
communicate so A “tip of the antlers” to our Soccer
as not to be Shoot Chairman Warren Reino and
his committee for successful
misunderstood.” Connecticut
and hosting this year’s
I wish to pass along my sincerest
thanks to Hamden Lodge for a great
job hosting the Mid-Year. Everything went
extremely well and we managed to dodge a
winter weather storm.
Our State Sponsor PGER Peter Affatato was
not able to be with us due to illness. Grand
Trustee Robert Hansen, from New Britain
Lodge 957 did an excellent job on Mr.
Affatato’s behalf, updating us on things from
the Grand Lodge perspective. The District
Deputy Designates were later introduced by
SDGER Richard Palanzo from Danbury
Lodge #120 on behalf of Mr. Affatato. I have
sent a letter to our State Sponsor to update him
on all that took place at our Mid-Year meeting.
The workshops presented at our Mid-Year were
well attended. I know that they each had a lot
of information to communicate and I hope
that everyone took something away from them.
Thanks to Ed Baranyai PDD, Matt Frankel
PDD and our DDGERS for our “CEA
Training Course,” for “CLMS Moving
Area 1 Soccer Shoot Out. As
someone here says often, “planning brings
success.” We held many teleconferences in
preparation for this event and that due
diligence paid off. Thanks also to WethersfieldRocky Hill, Manchester and Middletown
Lodges for their efforts to host our guests, we
could not have done it without you. A special
“shout out” here to PSP Terry Ford, his
knowledge and guidance was instrumental in
our success.
I would also like to thank PDD Frank Defazio
for another great job on Special Olympics. VP
Jon and I had a chance to tour all of the venues
we sponsor and see how many athletes and
volunteers attend these events. As presenting
sponsor our Connecticut Elks Association logo
is everywhere, and we were thanked by so many
for our participation.
Our attendance at the annual Veterans Parade
in Hartford still leaves something to be
desired. With over 20,000 members in the
continued on page two
circulation 20,580
VOLUME 20 #3
State President
Peter H. Freiler PDD
Vice President Northwest
Jonathan W. Arthur PDD
Vice President East
Donna L. Wallace PDD
Vice President Coastal
David Acanfora PDD
Vice President Central
Michael Bonini, PDD
State Secretary
Phil Stender PER
James Sabio GLC, PDD
John P. Simko PER
Trustee – Central
Andrew Caporossi PDD
Trustee – Northwest
Michael A. Johnson PDD
Trustee – Coastal
Matthew Frankel PDD
Trustee – East
Joseph Mingoia, PER
Robert J. Ferone, Sr. PDD
Edward Baranyai PDD
Sergeant at Arms
Dennis Claffey PDD
Inner Guard
Michael R. Stewart PDD
Joseph Trovarelli Jr. PDD
S TAT E P R E S I D E N T ’ S M E S S A G E continued from page one.
state I find it hard to believe that we can only get 60 people to attend and honor those who gave
so much. Leading Knights, please place this on your agenda for next year and plan to participate.
2015-16 GRAND
Past Grand Exalted Ruler
and Jurisdictional Head
Hon. Peter T. Affatato
Grand Trustee
Hon. Robert W. Hansen
Special Deputy Grand
Exalted Ruler
Richard M. Palanzo
We had another successful year with the Drug Awareness Committee under the direction of Lisa
Berthiaume and the Ray Lozano speaking tour. His program ‘Pee, Puke and Pass Out’ struck home
with students. I attended an event and you would not believe the questions that these middle
school kids asked, just amazing how engaged he kept his audience.
Lastly, I am pleased to announce that the Connecticut Elks Association, through the efforts of
Frank DeFazio PER, and with the approval of our State Sponsor Mr. Affatato, are now
participating in the Elks Veterans Leather program. The Veterans Leather Program relies on the
charity of hunters to donate hides so they can be turned into leather used for therapy programs for
recovering veterans and to provide professionally-crafted gloves for veterans in wheelchairs. Thank
you Frank for bringing this program to our attention and for your efforts and those of your friends.
At the DD Clinics many of you heard me speak to the Lodge Officers, specifically the Exalted
Rulers about “leaving a legacy.” How do you want your Lodge’s Membership to remember your
year in Office? What will you leave behind as your Legacy? “Be Proud of Elkdom’, work towards
participating in and fulfilling as many of the State Association and Grand Lodge programs as you
can. Show everyone in your community what our Elks charitable and patriotic values are all about.
Peter H. Freiler
President, Connecticut Elks Association
Grand Lodge Auditing &
Accounting Committee
James Sabio
DDGER Coastal
John J. Franco
Phillip R. Stender
DDGER Central
Robert V. Claffey, Jr.
DDGER Northwest
Marlene Madzek
Follow GER Ron
Hicks and First
Lady Nancy as
they tour
America Lodges
It is the intent of the State Public
Relations Committee to publish
this newsletter quarterly. All Grand
Lodge and State Officers and
committee persons and local Lodges
are encouraged to submit any articles
and information to the District or State
Public Relations Chair.
Follow GER Ron Hicks
and First Lady Nancy as
the visit Lodges
throughout America.
To see what GER Ron and
Nancy did on their visit
Connecticut please go to:
_Trip.htm; for Ron and
Nancy's report on their
Connecticut Visit. ■
Chair: John P. Simko, PER –
Central: Josephine O'Neil, PER
– joneilgraphics@yahoo.com
[Newsletter layout and design]
Coastal: Lynda Roscia, PER –
East: Jennifer Loring, PER –
Northwest: Donald Woscyna,
PER – donwoscyna957@yahoo.com
page 2
Message from the GER Ronald L. Hicks
ebruary is a transitional month, a time when change is in the air. It is the month to
nominate and elect Lodge Officers for the coming year. A strong Lodge depends on engaged
Members and the election of dedicated, energetic leaders with a positive attitude.
Lodge Officers must maintain a positive demeanor if they are to achieve positive results. If you have
decided to run for office in your Lodge, I thank you for that commitment and encourage you to be
that leader, inspire others and allow your enthusiasm to become contagious.
Our Past Exalted Rulers have built and maintained the foundation of our Order – our Local Lodges
– and many of them have gone on to serve in State Associations and at the Grand Lodge level. Take
advantage of their dedication and guidance, and let their talents and experience be a valuable
resource in helping to build a successful Lodge.
Speaking of change, as I travel this great country I sense a new attitude toward Membership growth,
Lodge pride and community service. There’s a new mindset and a strong “can-do” spirit developing
throughout Elkdom. Members are engaged; we’re being Louder and Prouder; people are discovering
who the Elks are and what we do, and we are enrolling new Members in historic numbers, by far
the highest rate in more than 36 years! And, to aid in this transition, Lodges are finding new ways
to become more comfortable, fun and welcoming for their Members, their guests and especially for
their families.
There’s a new
mindset and a
strong “can-do”
spirit developing
throughout Elkdom.
We need to remember that February 16 is the birthday of our Order. On February 16, 1868, shortly
after the death of one of the original “Jolly Corks,” leaving his wife and children destitute, the small
group of actors adopted the more noble purpose of serving others, and thus was born the Benevolent
and Protective Order of Elks. Since then, for 147 years, we have been making a difference and
changing lives every day.
Enjoy your month, good luck on your elections, happy birthday, relish the extra day (Leap Day) and
I hope you cherished the time with your favorite Valentine. ■
2016-2017 CT STATE PIN
Elks Magazine Archives
frederick mensch, gl director of internet operations
Those of you interested in the History of the Elks will want to check out our online archive of back
issues of The Elks Magazine, 1922 - 1974: https://www.elks.org/history/archives.cfm
Each issue of this period has been posted as a downloadable PDF, and you can even search the
archives for references to your lodge, or your ancestors, or whatever topic interests you. Quite bit
of good reading, and some fascinating history... ■
•Minimum order is 10
•Orders in multiples of 5
•Orders will be delivered
at the State Convention
in Rocky Hill
•Pins will not be mailed
nor delivered in
June 1, deadline.
File Lodge Chair Report Before April 15
grand secretary bryan r. klatt
fter the election of Lodge Officers in February and before April 15, the Secretary must
complete the 2016-2017 Lodge Committee Chairpersons Report in CLMS2Web and
confirm acceptance. In January, to assist in compiling the needed information, a
worksheet was mailed to the Secretary. REMEMBER: This information is to be filed via
CLMS2Web. Please, do not mail to Grand Lodge or your District Deputy.
With the pending automatic submission of the Annual Membership Report, all membership
activity must be completed by midnight March 31. That means all Members needed to be
added or dropped, and deaths must be entered into CLMS2Web before that time. If not, the
Lodge membership total will be out of balance. ■
Visit us on the web at www.ctelks.org
•Are available in men’s
or ladies styles
•Shirts will be delivered
at the State Convention
or delivered in Houston
for a $20 donation to
May 13, deadline.
Please go to ctelks.org for
ordering. Checks payable to
Jonathan Arthur.
page 3
Step Up for Plus-1 Push
by rick gathen, grand lodge membership/public relations manager
Please display
your leadership by
scheduling as many
initiations of
quality Members
as you can before
the April 1 start of
rand Lodge is calling on all of our good Exalted Rulers and Lodge Secretaries to seize
the initiative to end 2015-16 with our first membership gain in 36 years. Please display
your leadership by scheduling as many initiations of quality Members as you can
before the April 1 start of 2016-17. New Member initiations take time and effort. You are in
position to greatly strengthen our opportunity to grow membership, and your leadership can
make the difference.
Great goals require great effort and strong leadership!
We made significant progress toward a national membership increase in 2014-15, in which we
reduced our rate of membership loss from 2.8 percent to 1.6 percent. We are strongly in the
fight this year for an outright membership increase. We are encouraged by the improvement in
membership retention. Our new candidate totals have been on the rise, helped by our new
recruitment initiatives. We have spearheaded a strong and positive social media presence. Our
new recruitment video – “Why We Join,” which can be shared electronically – is inspiring new
Members to recruit friends and family into the Order. More importantly is the ever increasing
pride and enthusiasm felt throughout Elks Nation. Members are more optimistic and
encouraged by our direction and future. Let’s punctuate that pride with our first membership
gain since 1979-80! ■
Important excerpt from gl Accident Prevention winter newsletter
The Property Plus Program provides coverage for a Lodge’s
building(s), contents and equipment breakdown (Boiler &
Machinery) with no coinsurance requirements. The Property
Plus Program also includes crime coverage, which satisfies the
bonding requirements per the Statutes. Recent inquiries have
prompted this friendly reminder that ALL Lodges with buildings
to insure must participate in the Elks Property Plus Program per
Section 4.232 of the Statutes of the Order (Lodges with multiple
buildings must insure all buildings under the Property Plus
Program). As insurance broker, program administrator and
claims reporting service for the Property Plus Program, Aon bills
Lodges on an annual basis (April 1st); premiums are based on the
replacement-cost values on file (free on-site property appraisals
are available to Lodges every five years to determine current
replacement-cost values). Only Lodges with no buildings to
insure and little or no business personal property (contents)
are exempt from mandatory participation in the Property
Plus Program. However , many such Lodges choose to purchase
the crime coverage through the Property Plus Program because it
protects the Lodge in the event of theft ($50,000 minimum)
AND satisfies the bonding requirements per the Statutes (often
for less than what Lodges would pay for a bond on its own).
It is important to clarify that the following policy has been
outlined on pages 10 and 11 of the Liability Insurance Program
booklet for many years: Any renters/users—including Lodge
members—must sign an indemnity agreement (sample language
provided in Liability Insurance Program booklet, page 11). The
renters/users must also provide the Lodge with evidence of
insurance that names the Lodge as an "Additional Insured". To
comply with this requirement, outside organizations can obtain
such certificates from their own insurance carriers; individuals
can sometimes obtain such certificates from their homeowners’
policies. What IS new is Aon Affinity Services’ recently
announced Program developed by K&K Insurance Group (an
Aon affiliate), which was designed to provide coverage when the
Lodge facilities are rented to an individual or entity for a private
event. If a renter/user cannot or does not wish to obtain an
insurance certificate from their own insurance carrier that names
the Lodge as additional insured, Aon’s Program will provide
Commercial General Liability—including Liquor Liability—to
the renter/user AND the Lodge in the amount of $500,000. The
cost per event is $155.00 for Lodge members and $162.00 for
non-members, which can be charged to the renter as part of the
cost of renting the Lodge. To obtain coverage for such a “special
event”, the Lodge can simply call the Elks Team at Aon for more
information (1-800-421-3557). ■
page 4
Hamden Lodge hosts CEA Mid-Year Convention
by john simko, per, cea public relations chairman
tate President Peter Freiler did not have to look very far for a Lodge to host the 2016 Connecticut Elks
Association Mid-Year Convention. Having successfully held Mid-Year Conventions in the past, there was
no doubt that his home Lodge of Hamden #2224 filled the bill nicely. Because of Winter Storm Jonas,
the Convention was rescheduled and was held on January 30. The morning of the Convention had many
breakout sessions which included in the Main Hall – “CEA Training Course,” in the Downstairs Back Room
– “CLMS Moving Forward: Lists, Letters, Emails & More,” while the Downstairs Lounge held “Protocol for
Your Lodge: Visitations and Functions.” Thank You to the presenters: Ed Baranyai PDD, Jan Wankowicz, Sr.
PSP and Terry Ford PSP for putting your time in to inform the members on these topics. All workshops were
highly attended and very informative. Anyone wishing to get additional information or having a question on
the topics please contact the presenter(s) or find additional information on www.ctelks.org/Our
After a delicious lunch, prepared by Hamden Lodge members, CEA SP Peter called the room to order for the
business portion of the convention at 1:30pm. Following the invocation by CEA Chaplain Robert Ferrone
PDD of New Britain Lodge #967 and the Pledge of Allegiance led by CEA State Americanism Chairman Art
Brault PER of WIllimantic Lodge #1311, Hamden Lodge ER Brian Forsyth welcomed all in attendance to
the Convention and his Lodge. CEA Secretary Phil Stender DD had the honor of introducing the State and
GL dignitaries present at the convention. John Mancini, State Committee Chair for Credentials, announce
that there were 139 CEA members in attendance.
Mr. Kevin Borrup from Safe Kids Connecticut was introduced as the Guest Speaker of the Convention. Mr
Borrup, based out of the Injury Prevention Center of the Connecticut Children’s Medical Center, thanked the
members of the CEA for their generosity throughout the years and spoke on the benefits of these donations
to CCMC. For the past 61 years the CEA has donated $4,398,000 to support the CCMC. SP Peter asks each
member to be “Be Proud of Elkdom!” Plan a fundraiser for this year so that you can help your Lodge meet
the $5.00 per member donation for our state major project, the Connecticut Children’s Medical Center Safe
Kids program.
GL Trustee Robert Hansen gave the keynote address on behalf of The Honorable PGER Peter T. Affatato, our
Jurisdictional Head, who could not be in attendance because of health issues. SDGER Rick Palanzo had the
honor of announcing the District Deputies for the 2016-2017 year. The PER’s selected are: representing the
Central District, Kathy Ackerman of Middletown Lodge #771, the Coastal District will be represented by
Milford Lodge #1589’s Jim Patchell, Joe Mingoia from Groton Lodge #2163 will represent the East District,
and from Bristol Lodge #1010, representing the Northwest District, Jim Coley. Congratulations to all the
District Deputy Designates and as SDGER Rick mentioned, these appointments do not come into effect until
the GL Convention in Houston in July. If it is necessary to contact your DD, please call the current DD of
your District.
SP Peter spoke on the state of Elkdom in Connecticut and the many events, clinics and Lodge visits he had
the pleasure to attend so far during his term. SP Peter was especially proud of all the Lodges that have done
so many good and charitable works in their communities. SP Peter, as a matter of concern, stressed the point
that a “Failure to Communicate” is a problem across the state. The SP asked the State Officers and Committee
Chairs to be in contact with their Lodges and to keep the information of Elkdom flowing throughout the local
Lodges. Membership is very important throughout Elkdom and SP Peter impressed upon the convention
goers to continue last year’s state membership growth by being “Proud of Elkdom” and to recruit new
members. In the absence of State Treasurer James Sabio, PDD, Trustee Chairman PDD Andy Caporossi
presented the financial status of the CEA and told the members that his committee was working on the
upcoming Budget. Selected Committees reports followed and were given by their State Chairperson. Each
District Sate Vice President followed with the opportunity to speak to the attendee about the committees that
fall under their jurisdiction.
During Unfinished Business the talk moved to a selection of a site for the State Convention site for 2017,
there was a vote with Sturbridge Host Hotel & Conference Center in Sturbridge Mass. selected as the site
by the members. The Good of the Association followed with a reminder about upcoming events: the CEA
Bowling Tournament, State and New England Hoop Shoot Contests, CEA Golf Tournament, State
Presidents Night and the upcoming Sound Tigers game to benefit our Major Projects program. All of these
events can be found on the calendar page of CTELKS.ORG. Public Relations State Chair John Paul Simko
presented PSP Jan Wankowicz, Sr. with a flash Drive which contained over 1,700 photos of last year (20142015) when he was the CEA State President. On a final note, Northwest SVP Jon Arthur informed the
members that his upcoming SP pin and shirt are now available for ordering. SP Peter gaveled the closing of
the convention at 4pm. ■
Photos Josephine O’Neil
Visit us on the web at www.ctelks.org
page 5
Volunteers Wanted for Safe Kids Day, April 28
Safe Kids Connecticut, a program based out of the Injury Prevention Center at Connecticut
Children’s Medical Center in Hartford, is a statewide network of organizations and
individuals who work together to prevent unintentional injuries to children ages 0-19. Safe
Kids Connecticut is a multi-faceted organization that works to reduce death and injury rates
of children through community education, public policy change, creating safe environments,
and conducting research.
To that end, Safe Kids CT will be celebrating Safe Kids Day on the front lawn of Connecticut
Children’s Medical Center. Safe Kids day will be held on Thursday, April 28th from 9am-1pm.
One school will have select students bused to Connecticut Children’s Medical Center. During
this Safety event students will learn about the following: Fire Safety, Nutrition, Helmet
Safety, Sports Safety, Road Safety, How to call 911, Water Safety, and Dog Safety.
Safe Kids CT is looking for volunteers to be a part of this exciting safety event. All volunteers
will receive a Safe Kids Day t-shirt. Breakfast and lunch will be provided to volunteers. If you
are interested in participating please call Amneris Torres at 860.837.5308 or email her at
Atorres01@connecticutchildrens.org. ■
SAVE this
Sunday, March 6
It is time to dust off your
bowling shoes! The 8th
Annual Connecticut Elks
Association ten pin bowling
tournament is set for
Sunday, March 6 at Apple
Valley bowling in Plantsville!
Each year this tournament
has been bigger! Get a group
from your Lodge and
participate in all the fun!
This tournament is open to
everyone and all skill levels.
If nothing else be there to
see if State President Peter
will once again have the
worst score!
For questions please contact
Jim Patchell PER.
Remember that all proceeds
from this tournament will
be donated to our state
major project the
Connecticut Children's
Medical Center. ■
page 6
CEA 17th Annual Team Scramble Golf Tournament
Wednesday, May 18, 2016 • Registration – 8:00 am-8:45 am • 9:00 A.M. SHOTGUN START
Traditions Golf Club • 37 Harrison Road • Wallingford, CT
We are limited to (1) Foursome per Lodge, per District. This will cover all 33 Lodges within
the State of Connecticut. Reservations MUST be in by March 1, 2016. If your Lodge does
not plan on participating, please let us know ASAP so another Lodge within your District
may register another group. THIS MUST BE PAID WITH APPLICATION !!!
Payment due 5/11/2016 – All Profits will go towards Elks’ Major Projects !
Golf, Cart, Dinner and Prizes all for $100.00 per person. Closest to the Pin & Long Drive
Contest is included. Dinner will be served 45 minutes after the event is over.
Dates to
Dinner only is $20.00. Need reservations for dinner only.
Dinner only also.
To Benefit CCMC
Info below.
N – dinner will be at the Wallingford Elks #1365.
Proper dress is required
If you are interested in Hole Signs, they can be purchased for $50.00 each. Again, the Elks’
Major Projects will benefit by the extra support! Please notify PER, Chic Rhodes, Jr.
Make Checks Payable To: CT
– Prize
– Prize
Please register the following Players as a Foursome only! -- Rain or Shine !
Team Players Lodge Name: ______________Phone #__________
Golf &
Hole #
To Benefit CCMC
Info on page 6.
Info on page 6.
To Register by Mail, send your applications to:
Chic Rhodes, Jr., PER
64 Clover Street
Windsor, CT 06095
(860) 688-9474
To Benefit CCMC
Info at left.
CEA Major Project Fundraiser:
Support CCMC
CT State Elks A
Visit us on the web at www.ctelks.org
page 7
Special Olympics Volleyball Classic
n November 21st and 22nd the CT Elks Association sponsored and assisted with the
Special Olympics of Connecticut (SOCT) Holiday Volleyball Classic. Participation
totals of 193 athletes and 130 partners from four states indicated an increase over the
2015 Summer Games totals, showing significant growth for this event. There were 113
volunteers signed in for both dates, indicating a decline of nearly half of volunteers from last
year. Special thanks to all who volunteered and attended. The annual Holiday Classic is an
incredible annual event featuring inspiring athletes. From the parade of athletes at the opening
ceremony through the competition to the closing award ceremony, volunteers and spectators
will smile and occasionally shed a tear of happiness for the ability and sportsmanship exhibited
by these very special contestants. Coming up in June is the SOCT Soccer event, to be held in
Hamden and the 2016 volleyball event will be held on November 19th and 20th, again, at the
Floyd Little Athletic Center in New Haven. Volunteers, as always, will be needed. Please
contact Special Olympics State Chairman PER Frank DeFazio (aapross1@optimum.net) for
more information on how you can volunteer to assist with this year’s events. ■
Photos Josephine O’Neil
H O O P S H O O T F I NA L I S T S 2 01 5 - 1 6
8-9 Girls: 1. East, Lauren C., Danielson Lodge; 2. Northwest, Lily C., Meridan Lodge; 3. Central,
Sofia R., Glastonbury Lodge; 4. Coastal, Emma S, Glastonbury. 8-9 Boys: 1. Northwest, Will P.,
Torrington Lodge; 2. Central, Trevor G., Glastonbury Lodge; 3. East, Luis A., Willimantic Lodge; 4.
Coastal, Chase S., Derby Lodge. 10-11 Girls: 1. Central, Norah S., Whethersfield/Rockyhill Lodge;
2. East, Adalyse G., Willimantic Lodge; 3. Northwest Cara S., Southington Lodge; 4. Coastal, Isabella
B., Bridgeport Lodge. 10-11 Boys: 1. Central, Connor O., Glastonbury Lodge; 2. Northwest, Sonny
P., Waterbury Lodge; 3. East, Christian B., Rockville Lodge; 4. Coastal, Dylan S., West Haven Lodge.
12-13 Girls: 1. Northwest, Caitlin S., Southington Lodge; 2. Central, Peggy M.,
Wethersfield/Rockyhill Lodge; 3. Coastal, Olivia C., Branford Lodge; 4. East, Alex H., Putnam
Lodge. 12-13 Boys: 1. East, Jared N., Willimantic Lodge; 2. Coastal, CJ C., West Haven Lodge; 3.
Central, Alejandro R., Glastonbury Lodge; 4. Northwest, Jacob T., Naugatuck Lodge. Terry Owens
Awards – Girls: Lauren C., Danielson Lodge. Terry Owens Awards – Boys: Jared N., Willimantic Lodge.
Caitlyn S. (12-13 Girls)
page 8
Connor O. (10-11 Boys)
Jared N. (12-13 Boys)
Lauren C. (8-9 Girls)
Nora S. (10-11 Girls)
Will P. (8-9 Boys)
Grand Lodge Football Contest by john simko, per, cea public relations chairman
he 2015-2016 GL Pro Football Pick ‘Em Contest came down to the last week with Mark M. Pruzin from Meriden Lodge #35
edging out Paula J Foster-Krajniak of Putnam Lodge #574 by 1 win for most wins in the state. The contest went back and
forth with the top three contestants swapping 1st place for most of the 17 weeks. Pruzin was tied for 4th place nationally out of
a total 1160 contestants with 165 wins and a winning percentage of 64.5%. The top Lodge in the state was Danielson Lodge #1706
with a winning percentage of 58%. Danielson finished nationally tied for 7th place out of the 162 Lodges entered into the contest.
The top overall winner was Michael R. Elmore of Endicott (NY) Lodge #1977 with 172 wins/84 loses for a winning percentage of
67%. The top Lodge in the country was Palmer (AK) Lodge #1842 with a winning percentage of 64%.
Below are the final results of the top 5 Connecticut contestants as posted on the Members Only section of WWW.ELKS.ORG.
Please go to the website to see the full list of all the members’ final results. ■
1st Place Mark M. Pruzin
2nd Place Paula J Foster-Krajniak
3rd Place* John Hol
3rd Place* Michael V. McGrath
5th Place Frank ”Cheech” DeFazio
Top 3 Lodges:
1st Place Danielson #1706
2nd Place Naugatuck #967
3rd Place Stamford #899
Meriden #35
Putnam #574
Naugatuck #967
Stamford #899
60.9% * Tied
Association is on
Follow us on Facebook.
With over 20,000 Elks
in Connecticut, let’s
increase our numbers!
LODGE NEWS from throughout Connecticut
Bridgeport #36 Lays Wreaths on Veterans Graves. On Saturday, December 12th at Noon at over
400 cemeteries across America, including Arlington National Cemetery, wreaths were laid at
Veterans gravesides in a ceremony named "WREATHS ACROSS AMERICA". This year,
“Wreaths Across America” is looking to place more than the 716,000 wreaths placed last year
at the graveside of our nation’s heroes. At Arlington alone, on Saturday, about 40,000
volunteers helped place more than 230,000 wreaths on the graves of fallen soldiers. In
Bridgeport, at the Mountain Grove Cemetery, the Bridgeport Elks Lodge #36 held a
ceremony to honor our fallen heroes and laid over 300 wreaths on their final resting place.
Seven ceremonial wreaths were placed to remember all soldiers, sailors, airmen, and marines
who served, honor their sacrifices, and teach our younger generations about the high cost of
our freedoms. A wreath was also laid to remember the victims of the tragic event that
occurred at the Sandy Hook Elementary School three years ago. Various veteran and city
groups attending the ceremony were The Catholic War Veteran Post 1466, The Bridgeport
Police Color Guard and the Stratford 192nd Engineer Battalion Honor Guard.
Matt Frankel PDD, CEA State Trustee and Bridgeport Elks Lodge ER, organized the event
which included collecting donations from Elk members from across the State to pay for these
wreaths. Frankel mentioned that we should take the time to read the name of each fallen
hero prior to the laying of the wreath and remember that if it was not for them, by giving the
ultimate sacrifice, things may be terribly different in America. Bridgeport City Council
Presidents Tom McCarthy was also present and spoke on the sacrifices these fallen heroes
gave to build a stronger America. Also in attendance were City Councilwomen Jeanette
Herron, City Parks and Recreation Director Charles Carroll, Bridgeport Elks Lodge officers
and members, CEA State Officers, veterans, Elk members and residents from across the state.
For more information on Wreaths Across America please got to
Visit us on the web at www.ctelks.org
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LODGE NEWS from throughout Connecticut
Hartford Lodge #19 donated $250 in gift cards to two needy local Connecticut military
families as part of the “Adopt a Military Family in Need” for the holidays program with the
CT National Guard. Hartford Lodge #19 using $1250 of the Gratitude Grant teamed up with
the local police department to donate 32 new bikes to needy children at the Barry Square
Community Day event in the South End of Hartford.
Bridgeport Lodge #36 donated over $600 worth of food during the Thanksgiving holiday to
the Sister Teresa's Daughter's of Charity Food Bank in Bridgeport, CT. This donation
included 12 turkeys with all the fixing's along with non-perishable foods.
Waterbury Lodge #265 was host to the 12th Annual Christmas Wish List Party. In attendance
Bridgeport Lodge members PSP Al
Baranyai PDD and SVP David
Acanfora PDD with Sister Teresa
were 115 underprivileged children (plus parents). Names were obtained from Waterbury
Social Services, Easter Seals, Kelly's Kids and Sacred Heart School. Ornament crafts were
given to the younger children and Christmas stockings to the older children as they entered
the party. Everyone had a fun time "decorating, glueing, coloring and glittering," their
ornaments and stockings. Each child received the gift that they "wished" for and all seemed
extremely excited as their name was called to sit on Santa's lap. In addition to their gift, each
child received a Drug Awareness Coloring book and a goody bag that contained candy canes,
pencils and other fun items for them to enjoy. Volunteers came early to decorate the tables
and wrap all the gifts, it was a team effort and everyone enjoyed themselves. Watching these
children as they opened their gifts knowing that they may not have otherwise received one
for Christmas fills your heart with joy as well as a tear in your eye to know how fortunate we
and our children have been. Our Executive Chef and the House Committee took charge of
preparing all the food for the event. It was a very successful event.
This year Putnam Lodge #574 has been very involved with the
community and activities. On Sunday November 15, 2015,
Putnam Lodge # 574 held their Veterans Appreciation dinner.
The hall was overflowing with Veterans from all branches of the
military and their families. The Lodge cooked up a nice dinner
which was served by The Young Marines. This year Jan Roberta
from Quilts of Valor was there to also show appreciation. The
mission of The Quilts of Valor is to cover service members and
veterans touched by war. The quilts are for comforting and
healing. Nine veterans/service members were chosen and each
covered with a beautiful handmade quilt of valor. On November 29, 2015 Officers and
Lodge members participated in the Razzle Dazzle Holiday Light parade. To kick off the
holiday season. On December 5, 2015, the annual members Children’s Christmas Party was
held. Santa and Mrs Claus arrived by firetruck to a crowd of excited children waiting to see
what Santa had in his sack. Then, on December 19, 2015, the lodge delivered 105 baskets
with all the fixings which fed 444 people.
At the Stamford Lodge #899 Annual Children's Christmas Party, Santa Claus (member Ralph
Battinelli) did not disappoint the children as he handed out toys to around 20 children.
Refreshments in the way of chicken tenders, mac and cheese, hot dogs and hamburgers along
with beverages were also served to the children. Before Santa arrived at the Lodge,
magician Gary Sirico entertained the children, whose ages ranged from 2 to 10 years old.
Stamford Lodge #899 Esquire and Community Activities
Chairman Marie Malwitz presents gift donations from
Lodge members to Heather Scutti, President of
STARelief, an organization that provides life-saving pet
food, supplies, and veterinary care to families in need.
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LODGE NEWS from throughout Connecticut
Rockville Lodge#1359 held their annual Veterans Appreciation Luncheon on November 19.
There were over 80 veterans that attended the roast beef luncheon and
after dinner they had their choice of clothing and toiletries that
were all donated to the Lodge. Playing cards were ordered from
the Elks Veterans administration and everyone received a set. Each
Vet that was there received something and everyone was thankful
for a great day.
For over 25 years, Milford Lodge #1589 has supported their community by raising money to
buy, pack and deliver 235 food baskets to those in need in town the week before Christmas.
Each basket contained 30 lbs of food to feed a family of 4 for 3-4 days. Then on Christmas
day, meals were prepared and over 95 people were served a hot delicious meal along with a
washboard band that entertained the lonely, needy, elderly or homeless who attended.
On December 10, Mrs. Claus (Dianne Grenier) and Santa
(Norman Ward) of Manchester Lodge #1893 distributed 80 gifts
to the 40 residents of Orford Village Commons, a low-income
elderly housing facility in Manchester. Names were selected off
a tree at the Lodge and members shopped for the residents.
Pictured with Santa and Mrs. Claus is one of the residents, Helen Rannacher.
The Lodge donated $630 in grocery store gift cards that were
distributed through the Manchester Police Department to those
they identify as the most needy. Manchester Lodge #1893 also hosted a "Breakfast with Santa"
on Sunday, December 13. Children and adults visited with Santa (played by the Lodge's Elk
of the Year Bruce Lavery), played with toy trains and receive gift bags which, among other
things, contained Drug Awareness coloring books and crayons. About 25 children came to
the breakfast.
Pictured with Santa is Ciara Harris, 8 yrs old of Hartford.
Groton Lodge #2163 donated handmade winter blankets and
hats, valued at $513, to the Veterans at the Rocky Hill V.A.
Photo from L to R: Alex Obar from Rocky Hill VA Hospital and Lodge members Doug
Rebein, Dick Kozek, PDD, and Pete Lebejko, PER, PSEOY.
Hamden, CT Lodge #2224 of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, serving the
communities of Hamden and North Haven recently qualified for a $2,000 Elks
National Foundation (ENF) Gratitude Grant. Lodge members carefully shopped to
spend this ENF Gratitude Grant, filling over ten carts with $2,000.14 worth of
groceries for distribution among Hamden Food Bank, North Haven Congregational
Food Pantry and Saint Anne’s Soup Kitchen. Thanks to all of the Loge members who
shopped, carted, loaded, unloaded and organized for distribution.
Shown shopping, left to right, are Lodge members Cathy Corso-White, Andrew Caporossi, Jen Caputo, and Kathy Kelsey.
Hamden, CT Lodge #2224 hosted their Hamden Community Service Awards Dinner on
Saturday, January 30th. The event honored Hamden Citizen of the Year Mimsie
Coleman, Outstanding Police Officer Mark Gery, and
Outstanding Firefighter Craig Smart.
Shown at the ceremony are Honorees with local dignitaries and award presenters, left to
right: Hamden Town Clerk Vera Morrison, Former Hamden Mayors Carl Amento (Event
Chair) and Scott Jackson, Police Chief Thomas Wydra, Police Officer of the Year Mark
Gery, Citizen of the Year Mimsie Coleman, Former Mayor Craig Henrici, Firefighter of the
Year Craig Smart, and Fire Chief David Berardesca.
Visit us on the web at www.ctelks.org
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