1974 Jewett Family of America Yearbook
1974 Jewett Family of America Yearbook
The JEWETT FAMILY Of AMERICA ****** YEAR BOOK Of 1974 ****** ' The JEVVETT FAMILY Of DEDICATION A?\ fE RI CA By action of the Board of Directors of the J ewett Family of America, Inc., this 19.74 Year Book is respectfully dedicated to Everett Douglas J ewett, our Director for Life, and to Edna P. Towne J ewett, his gracious wife and our Corresponding Secretary and Historian, who are the revered, respected and loved Eld~r Statesman and First Lady of the J ewett Family. The vast J ewett Family has been enriched by the general interest, the continuing enthusiasm, the genealogical knowledge, the pleasant leadership, and the deep devotion to Family exhibited by these two fine people. The Family takes great pleasure in this dedication as a token of its appreciation. YEAR BOOK Of Copyright 1974 JEWE'IT FAMILY OF AMERICA, INC. Rowley, Massachusetts 01969 1974 Published by THE JEWETT FAMILY OF AMERICA (Incorporated 19th September, 1910) ROWLF.Y, MASSACHUSETTS 01969 Index Dedication ........ . .... . . . . ...... . .... . .. .... .... . Inside Front Cover Index . .... . ......... . . .. . . . .. . ... . . . . ........ ... .. . . . .. ........ . 2 Officers and Directors ... ... ..... . . . . ..... . . . . ..... . ........ . ... ... 3 Annual Meeting of Officers and Directors ... . .... . . .. . . ..... . ... .... . 3 Greetings from President C lifford L. Jewett. ... . . ..... . ...... . ... .. . . 4 Minutes of Directors' Meeting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S Treasurer's and Auditor's Reports ..... . . .. ............. . ...... .. . .. 7 A Tribute to Everett Douglas and Edna Jewett .. .. .. . ...... ... . ..... 8 New l\1Iembers . . ...... . . ...... . . . . . . .... . .. . ........ . . .... .. ...... 10 Births ..... .. . .. ... . . . . . ... . . . . .. .... . . . .. . .. . . . . . . ... . . ......... 11 l\!Iarriages .... . .. .... . . . . .. . . . . ... . .. . ...... .. . . .. .. . . . . . . ... .. . . 12 Wedding Anniversaries .. ... . .. .. . . .. .. . .. . . . . .. ... . ..... ....... ... 14 News Notes .... . ... .. ....... . . . . ...... . ....... . ......... . . .. .. . . 15 Necrology ....... .. .. . ..... . ... . ..... .. . . ..... .. . ........ ... ..... 19 Fri~ Jewett and T he Intrepid ..... .. .... . .. ... . ..... . .. ... . . .... . . 21 Family Gatherings . ... .. .... . ........ .... .. .. .... .... . .. . . . .... .. . 23 Biography of Amory Jewett, J r ........ . .. . ............... . . ... . . . .. 27 Story of "The Wentworth" ... ..... . . .. .. . . .. . . . ..... . . . .... ..... .. 30 David Jewett and Masonry In Brazil. ............... .. .. .. .... . . ... 32 Jewett Biographies in Herringshaw's Encyclopedia .. . ..... . ..... .. ~. . .. 34 T he 1974 Membership Listing .. . ..... .. . . . . .. .. . .. . .. ...... . . . . .. .. 36 Errata (in 1973 History of the Jewett Homestead, Chelsea, Mich.) . .. . .48 The Officers And Directors of The Jewett Family Of America, Inc. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS President, Clifford L. Jewett 5715 Clinton Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. 55419 Vice-President, lVIalburne Jewett Peabody 3222 Patrick Henry Dr., Falls Church, Va. 22044 Secretary and Treasurer, Willard Jewett 86 Bennett Hill Rd., Rowley, Mass. 01969 Corresponding Secretary and Historian, Edna P. Jewett P. 0. Box 251, Rowley, Mass. 01969 Auditor, Porter Jewett Perkins 12 Eddel Ave., Wenham, Mass. 01984 Editor of Publications, Dorothy Jewett Stitt 110 Upper Shawnee, Easton, Pa. 18042 (President, Vice-President and Treasurer are Directors) DIRECTORS Evelyn 0. Burlingame 3917-21 Ave. S, Minneapolis, Minn. 55414 Albert W. Haley Wethersfield Street, Rowley, Mass. 01969 Hugh S. Jewett 2201 F. St., Bakersfield, Calif. 93301 Elizabeth E. Jewett R. D. #1, Middlebury, Vt. 05753 Edna P. Jewett P. 0. Box 251, Rowley, Mass. 01969 Stephen S. Jewett Old Parade Rd., Laconia, N.H. 03246 George F. Jewett, Jr. Skyland Way, Ross, Calif. 94957 Herschel C. Jewett 551 West Maple, Mason, Mich. 48854 Porter Jewett Perkins 12 Eddel Ave., Wenham, Mass. 01984 Dorothy Jewett Stitt 110 Upper Shawnee, Easton, Pa. 18042 John Jewett Gilbert 1408 Navahoe Drive, Mt. Lebanon, Pa. 15228 Alan D. Jewett Beech Street, Clinton, Mass. 01510 HONORARY DIRECTOR G. Harold Pfau Potters Place, Tucson, Ariz. 85719 DIRECTORS FOR LIFE Everett D. Jewett P. 0. Box 251, Rowley, Mass. 01969 E. Tilson Peabody 2 Cherry Rd., North Hampton, N.H. 03862 Roger Jewett 23 Curtis Street, Marblehead, Mass. 01945 Annual Meeting of the Board of Directors to be held at Williamsburg, Va., on Sept. 14, 1974. Annual Dues (including Yearbook) $5.00 Life Membership S30.00 Yearbook Subscription $1.00 (2) (3) Greetings From The President To The Minutes of Directors' Meeting Members Of The Jewett Family Of America August 25, 1973 The Easterly Inn, Gloucester, Mass. Dear Kinsmen : Once a year, through the medium of the J ewett Family Year Book, we have an opport unity to exchange news a nd interesting historical facts about the J ewett family. We have a chance to take pride in the accomplishmen ts of our members and to announce marriages, births and 'd eaths as they are reported to us. To do this in a n effective way, we need your contributions, for this is your Year Book, about your family. Your news items about reunions, promotions, travel and family achievements combine to form the running record of the history of the J ewetts in America. Pictures of curren t or historical interest add much to this publication and are appreciated. Contributions should be sent to the Editor, Mrs. Dorothy J ewett Stitt. Your Board of Directors met in Gloucester, Mass. in August of t his past year and outlined certain goals for the next few yea rs. Steps will be taken to broaden the active participation of the members of t he Board in order to develop new ways of serving the members. T en tative plans a re being laid for a reunion in the Rowley area in 1976 during the country's bicentennial celebration. You could help expand the scope of this activity by giving a membership to your children and other relatives having a Jewett background. The treasury of the ] ewett Family is still solvent, but, because of increasing expenses, we would like to remind Life Members to send $1.00 each year to the Treasurer to help cover the costs of the Year Book. Only » in this way can we maintain its present standards. Toujours le Meme, Clifford L. Jewett, President, The Jewett Family of America. (4) The meeting was called to order at 10 :00 A:\11, President Clifford L. Jewett presiding. T hirteen members were present and voting; namely, Clifford L. J ewett, John ]. Gilbert, Willard J ewett, Everett D. Jewett, Edna P. J ewett, Roger Jewett, Evelyn 0. Burlingame, Dorothy J. Stitt, Albert W. Haley, Elizabeth E. J ewett, Stephen S. J ewett, Alan Jewet t and Malburne J. Peabody. P roxy votes were received from t he following: Hugh S. Jewett, George F. Jewett, Jr. , Porter J . .Perkins a nd Herschel C. Jewett. A welcome was extended to our new board members; Malburne J. Peabody and Alan J ewett. Invocation was given by Roger J cwett . The Secretary's report was accepted as presented. The Treasurer's report was read and accepted. T he Auditor's report was given. The Corresponding Secretary's report was given informing us of the various Jewett Family Reunions in the States, a nd sharing with us some of the letters received from our members. We do appreciate hearing from the members. Under old business, the results of placing an ad in the DAR magazine was reported as favorable and it was voted to purchase a similar ad again (the cost of which was not to exceed Sl0.00). T he subject of the By-Laws revisions came up again in this meeting, a nd John J. Gilbert volunteered to work on them ("Jack" Gilbert is an attorney and has a good understanding of these matters). He will report back to the board at our next meeting. Under . 'ew business, Lhe first i tern was the yearbook. !\·I uch work and expense is required, bu t a ll boRrd members feel that t he Yearbook is probably the most important t hing we do for it keeps us in touch with a ll members of the ' 'Family". Rules fo r acceptance of a rticles (guidelines), cut-off dates and much more was discussed . It was finally agreed by all that our Editor, Dorothy Jewett Stitt, should have full and complete control of content matter used, etc. Dorot hy is trained and skilled in her work and we appreciate her willingness to take on this formidable assignment. (Read t he Edi tor's 1 ote). Albert W. Haley, who made the arrangements for this meeting, expressed his appreciation for t he la rge number attending. (Many of. our directors travel many miles at some expense to carry on the Family's business). I t was thought that a membership committee might be beneficial, so Presiden t Clifford L. J ewett appointed John J. Gilbert Chairma n of.such a committee. Roger Jewett made the motion that the FamilJ:: contribute twenty-five ($25.00) dollars annuall y to the Essex I nstitute, Research Library, Salem, Mass. (This is where the J ewett Records are llO\V kept). (5} The same was voted. The Board requested the Secretary and the Corresponding Secretary to prepare a membership roster by states. Recognition was made of Family members deceased since our last meeting, and a moment of silence was observed in their memory. In view of the increased cost of publishing the yearbook and the higher costs in postage, printing, etc., the motion was made and seconded that the annual dues be ra ised to five ($5.00) dollars (including the yearbook subscription), a nd it was so voted. The formation of an Executive Board to (unction between annual meetings was discussed, and tabled until our next meeting. Roger J ewett, Chairman of the Nominating Committee, read the report of his committee recommending the re-election of all present officers and directors for another year. T here being no further nominations, it was so voted. Roger J ewelt spoke on the activities planned for the rest of t he day; which were, a visit to Hammond Castle in the afternoon and a char ter boat ride from Gloucester to Marblehead in the evening. I t was suggested that we meet next year around the middle of September, possibly on Saturday, the 14th, in Williamsburg, Va. Ma lburne J. Peabody will make the arrangements. (His home is in Virginia) . The next Family Reunion will be in the summer of 1976 to coincide with the Bi-Centennia l activities in the nation. Roger Jewett was asked to co-ordina te same nnd form a committee to help him in his task. There being no fur ther business, the meeting was adjourned at 12 :25 PJVI. Respectfully submitted, Willard Jewett, Secretary :\ote--Gloucester celebrated its 350th anniversary on the weekend your Board of Directors met, so they also were able to see a 3-mile parade attended by 50,000 people, and featuring bands from a ll New England as well as one band from G loucester, )J. J.; and a 23-foot replica of a seaserpent such as one that reportedly visited Gloucester in 1817. Hammond Castle was fascinating, the cruise down the shore delightful, and a ll the food del icious-especially that picnic supper prepared for the cruise b y Evelyn, the lovely wife of Roger Jewett. All Board members and their fam ilies appreciate the hospi tality of the local Cousins. T o look to the fu ture- we are compiling a list of 1ewetts in the Revolution. Would you please send your Ancestor 's name and any facts abou t him ? We do not want to overlook a ny Patriot. Are you a member of the SAR or DAR? Join, for the sake of your descendants. With '76 in the offing, it would be a shame for you not to be counted and recorded. Almost every Jewett can easily prove his ancestry with the aid of the books entitled. "History a nd Genealogy of the J ewetts of America," by forederic Cla rke Jewett. These volumes a re accepted by all genealogical societies. The DAR and SAR have much J ewett material. The Mormon .genealogical repository at Salt Lake City has vast records. Our own fam ily records a rc available at Essex Institute. The U.S. Government reports that genealogy is the No. 1 recreation in the country today. Enjoy the completion of your records. Everybody has ancestors! T oujour le mcme'- Oorothy Jewett Stitt (M rs. J ames W. Stitt), Editor. (6) Treasurer's Report ANNUAL MEETING-AUGUST 25, 1973 Balance on hand, June 30, 1972 Receipts: Dues (including new members) Life Memberships (including new members) Yearbook Subscriptions Coats of Arms Jewett Stationary & Book Plates Contributions Bank Interest (Ipswich Savings Bank) s 409.2 1 $ 470.00 90.00 388.00 17.50 23.50 59.00 40.55 $1,088.55 $1,088.55 $1,497.76 Disbursements: $ 93.00 Annual Meeting 165.40 Postage 12.36 Memorials 36.05 Printing (Jewett Stationary) 916.20 Yearbooks 5.00 Commonwealth of Mass. (Incorr ration) 8.00 Library of Congress (Copyright 20.00 Rowley Historical Society (Renovation Fund) 10.00 Scholarship Fund (Chief Robert Hardy Fund) 10.00 Advertising (D.A.R. Magazine) $1,276.01 Balance on hand , July 31, 1973 $1,276.01 $ 221.75 Edaar B. Jewett Fund Balance on hand, June 30, 1972 Bank Interest (Ipswich Savings Ba nk) $ 31.85 s $ 534.24 31.85 $ 566.09 Balance on hand, July 31, 1973 WILLARD JEWETT, Treasurer AUDITOR'S REPORT T he above accounts have been audited by me. I find that the receipts , bank ba lances and records agree with the above report. PORTER J. PERKINS, Auditor (7} Everett Douglas And Edna Jewett "Finally, Father fell ill, and I took the Secretary's book home to work on. I never was able to return the book. Father died 10 days later." Cornerstones Of The Jewett Family And so Everett came into the job of co-ordinating all the aspects of the Jewett Family. Deacon Jewett was steeped in Family lore, and remembered it so well. Everett said, "Papa-my Dad- kept everything in his head. But I began to gather things. I gathered everything up to 1962 that is in the Essex Institute today concerning the J ewetts." Everett Douglas Jewett is a charter member of the Jewett Family of America, Inc., although he was not yet ten years old when he joined. Everett had a lot of living to do before he would take over his Father's job. Born Sep't 25, 1900, the son of Amos Everett and Ada Louisa (Forbes) Jewett, he grew up in Rowley, Mass. He married Edna P. Towne of Newburyport, Mass. on June 2, 1925. They were blessed with seven children: Everett Grenville, Alfred Douglas, Walter Amos, Dorothy Edna, Judith Louise, Edward, and Natalie Towne. They have 30 grandchildren-28 survive-and six great-grandchildren. As Everett said, "My Father, Deacon Amos Everett Jewett, joined me to the Family Association'" His Father was the newly elected Recording Secretary. These even ts took place at the July 7, 1910 Family Reunion, the first Family Reunion in SS years, and at this time the Incorporation was decided upon. He farmed the family farm for many years. This is the same land the Jewetts settled in 1639. He worked for Boston-Edison until 1942; for the Ipswich Light Dep't 1943-1962. He took over his Father's book business in 1954, and he was the Agent, Essex County Soil Conservation Dep't. to 1969. Notes of the 1910 Reunion refer to "the noble 86" who responded to the letter suggesting the Reunion. The Deacon was among these, and in the ensuing meeting at Rowley, he was elected Recording Secretary. In two years, at the Aug. 22, 1912 Reunion, Everett's Father was to be elected Secretary and Treasurer, an office he held for 36 years. From that day, the pattern of Everett's life was set, although he did not yet know it. Everett has been President, Secretary-Treasurer, Director for Life, Historian, Year Book Editor of the Family; a Mason, a member of John T. Heard Lodge, AF and AM, Ipswich, Mass; and Deacon of the Byfield Parish Church. Everett Douglas J ewett of Rowley, Mass. A Director for Ii fe. Everett said, in reminiscing at the 1972 Board of Directors' meeting, "My Father talked Jewett Family all the time. As he got older, he worried over the Family, and worried over who wou1d take over the position of Secretary and Treasurer." Until 1948, Everett resisted any temptation to take on a large Jewett Family responsibility. He was a busy, hard-working husband and father of seven children. Then, in his words, "My 86-year-old Father talked and worried to me daily about the Family. Finally, one day in 1948, after some comn~nts of his, I turned to him and asked, 'Do you want me to be Secretary-Treasurer ?' " Deacon Jewett's answer was a forceful, ''Yes." Subsequently, the Board of Directors voted Everett Secretary-Treasurer. " Still, Everett was not actively engaged in Family business. He says, My Father never turned over the books to me or anything. He only had me endorse checks, or sign certificates for new members. ( 8) When Everett became active in the Family, his lovely wife, Edna, took up the Family work with him. She has served faithfully and fully through the years, and remembers promising the Deacon that she would help with the Family affairs as long as she was able. She is still helping, serving as Corresponding Secretary over the years, and in a myriad of other ways. She is also Past Regent of Agawam Chapter, DAR, at Ipswich, Mass., and is in the Women's Guild and Choir of Byfield Parish Church. Everett and his Father compare closely. Any who know Everett are aware of his complete dedication to, and knowledge of, the Jewett Family. Now please read the remarks of the 1912-1913 Year Book Committee concerning his Father, the Deacon: "No Jewett has ever attended the reunions who has not made the acquaintance of Deacon Jewett. He is the man in charge at Rowley. The affairs of the Family are uppermost in his mind. He points out the site of historic family residences. He knows the boundaries of their farms, the location of the old wells. He is a walking encyclopedia of all that pertains to the Jewett Family; history, life, and traditions. As some one said at the last reunion, 'What would the Jewett Family do without the Deacon?' " What would the Jewett Family do without Everett and Edna Jewett? They are a lways the same-Toujours le Meme'. (9) New Members CALIFORNIA 96258 Mrs. Mary Lou Shaw Fair Oaks 3771 Mrs. Charles V. Sheldon Lindsay 1574 Mrs. C. W. Webster Ykiah CONNECTICUT 11825 Miss Eliza Jane Jewett Stonington Mrs. William W. Jewett Essex FLORIDA 6934 Mrs. W. l\II. Porter Coral Gables GEORGIA 1834 Col. Nathan A. Brown St. Simons Island INDIANA 9224 Mrs. George T. Jewett Indianapolis MASSACHUSETTS 67 55 Mrs. Charles Ellsworth West Peabody Northampton 6755 Edwin E. Jewett 7962 1\11 r. William Henry Jewett Needham MICHIGAN 9768 Gilbert G. Francis Livonia OHIO 9491 Brandon M. Cordes Wyoming 7735 Miss Elizabeth Currier Delaware 7735 Malcolm C. Jewett Dayton 7735 Mrs. B. C. O'Shea Columbus OKLAHOMA Mrs. Hugh L. Long Del City TEXAS 6755 John R. Jewett Bedford WASHINGTON George Jewett Dayton WISCONSIN 4190 Mrs. Arthur C. Pope Marinette T he numbers refer to the numbers in the genealogy- Births Mrs. Leverett J ewett, author of the poem, "Ode to my Unborn Grandchild," which was printed in the 1973 Year Book on Page 27, sends word of the birth of the Grandchild- Shelley Manie Norton, born on Christmas Eve, Dec. 24, 1973, daughter of Edwin Ian and Claudia Maureen (Jewett) Norton of Burlington, Ontario. Jewett Family President Clifford Jewett tells us of the birth of their sixth grandchild: Kimberly Ann Stursa was born May 29, 1973, in Minneapolis to their second daughter, Kathy, and her husband. Eileen Katherine Jewett was born Nov. 19, 1973 to Robert Miles and Mariela (Ferrer) Jewett of Miami, Fla. She is the 24th grandchild of Mr. Clyde A. Jewett. Another grandchild of Clyde Jewett's is Andrew Burns Jewett, J r., the son of Andrew and Rosa Jewett. A daughter, Deborah, has been born to !\.fr. and Mrs. Rex Young. Mrs. Young is the former Patricia Jewett, daughter of Everett G. Jewett. Rex and Patricia also have a son named Rex. Vera and Blaine Brown proudly announce the birth of a great-grandson- the fi.rst of the family name. He is Eugene Blaine Brown, born July 15, 1973. Berenice Jewett Bradshaw, (No. 1914-1) who signs herself, "the proud grandmother'', reports the birth of their first granddaughter : Lavinia T acy Alexandra Schreuder, born April 10, 1973, to Mr. and Mrs. Frederic W. Schreuder of New York City. William and Diane (Hoffman) Becker are parents of another child, Tonia Michalle Becker, born June 18, 1973. Grandchildren of Mr. and Mrs. Austin E. Emmons, Columbia, Conn. are: Erick David Emmons, born Jan. 11, 1972, at Manchester, Conn. to Lt. and Mrs. Eugene D. Emmons; and Rebecca Jane Gray, born April 5, 1973, at Norwich, Conn., to Mr. and Mrs. Russell M. Gray of Sterling, Conn. Jennifer Jean J ewett, born May 29, 1973 at Escanaba, Michigan. Parents are Thomas J. Jewett and wife, Jean, of Iron River, Michigan. Tajim Tamoana Monod, born September 24, 1972 at Papeeti, T ahiti, to Sharon Pierce Monod and her French husband, Erik Monod. ( 10) ( 11) Damon Hughe!, born January 3, 1973 to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hughe! of .R~mulus, Michigan. Mrs. Hughe! formerly Signa Sue Gage of Fenton, M1ch1gan. Mary Jewett Damon line. on Apr. 14, 1973, at San Diego, Cal., to Mr. Darrel Gene Reynolds. Elsie Jeanette is the great-grand daughter of Jonathan Jewett Taylor (No. 6450). Charles Andrew Leney was born Nov. 24, 1972, to Lester T. and Edith (Brunton) Leney. "Also, my nephew's daughter, Miss Kathleen Horton, daughter of Lester Jewett Horton, was married June 30, 1973, to Mr. Richard Del Percio, in Philadelphia, Pa. Kristen Hoffman was born Jan. 1, 1972, to William and Jane Hoffman. Roberta C. Overbaugh, was born Mar. 23, 1972, to Robert and Nancy Overbaugh. A son, Eric A. Krupula, was born in May, 1972, to Bruce and Ann Krupula. A daughter, Shannon Margaret Pearl, was born Aug. 30, 1972, to William L. and Colleen Pearl. John Paul Oswell was born Feb. 24, 1972, at Norwich, Conn., to Mr. and Mrs. George Oswell. To Richard and Barbara (Stone) Sault were born a son, William Francis Sault, on Mar. 22, 1971, and a daughter, Susan Aileen Sault, on Feb. 2, 1973. Both births were in Keene, N. H. A daughter, Jennifer Elizabeth, was born to Ward and Deborah (Stone) Sprague on May 14, 1973, at Keene, N. H. Marriages "Also, Miss Nancy Johnson was married to Mr. Irvin Nehring on Nov. 1973, at Thompson, Iowa. Nancy is the great-great-granddaughter of Jonathan Jewett Taylor (No. 6450)." Susan Anne Geigel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Geigel of Kansas City, Mo. and Roger Kohl were married June 24, 1973, in the Pine Ridge Presbyterian Church in Kansas City. Susan's grandmother, Mrs. Fred S. Geigel, had the honor (and pleasure) of playing the nuptial music. The newlyweds, both graduates of Missouri University, are living in Macon, Mo., where both are connected with the school system. Guy Allen Jewett (Albert Longley Jewett (No. 6758) genealogy) and Barbara June Schlacter were married on l\fay 20, 197 3, at Silver Springs, Md., and reside in Gaithersburg, Md. Allen Freeman and Miss Suzanne E. Stephen were married on Aug. 18, 1973, in Hampton, Conn. Miss Carol Lynne Jewett, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas M. Jewett of Detroit, Michigan, to Mr. Roger H. Trost, Saturday, January 20, 1973, at Village United Presbyterian Church, Detroit, Michigan. A reception and dinner in church parlors followed the ceremony. The couple have made their home :near Pigeon, Michigan. (Roger is the son of Mr. & Mrs. Chris Trost of Pigeon.) Mr. Charles Alton Jewett, son of Herschel C. Jewett of Mason, Michigan, to Miss Victoria Jayne Dillon of Ada, Oklahoma, on July 7, 1973. The couple are employed in mortgage banking at Washington, D. C. and reside at 6630 McLean Ct., McLean, Va., 22101. Carol Ann Deibler, daughter of Henry and Elizabeth Deibler, was married on Dec. 30, 1972, to Phillip Clinton Kanagy. Mrs. Elizabeth Jewett Magner writes to tell us of the marriage of her daughter, Beth, to R~bert Martin of Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio, on Jfl.n. 20, 1973, at the Presbyterian Church of Morristown, N . J. Nancy Gertrude Jewett, daughter of our Secretary-Treasurer and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Willard Jewett, was married to Attorney Philip A. Heller on Dec. 16, 1973, in Lenox, Mass. Mark Hall, son of Arthur and Marcia Hall, was married in Feb., 1973. Although this couple have been married nearly eight years, it is nice to record their marriage in our Year Book: Edith Brunton and Lester T. Leney were married on Oct. 8, 1966. Lester is the son of Byron and Elinor Leney of Georgeville, Quebec. Barbara Dorn writes: "My daughter, Elsie Jeanette Dorn, was married ( 12) ( 13) Wedding Anniversaries Mr. Ii.: Mi s. Austin E. Emmons Our Secretary-Treasurer and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Wi lla rd J ewe tt, celebrated their 30th weqding a nniversary on Sepl. 2, 1973. Mr. and M rs. Austi n E. Emmons, Lake Road, Columbia, Conn . , celebrated their 25th wedding a nniversary on Oct. 4, 1972, with an open house held at the Ha mpton, Conn., Congregational Church Pa ris h I louse. The pa r ty was given by their children, Lt. and i\I rs. E ugene D. Emmons, and l\l rs. and l\ lrs. Russell l\L Gray. T he 40th wedding anniversary of l\ lr. and l\lrs. Allen S. Frederick, 652 Hull Road, l\lason, l\fich., was celebrated Oct. 21, 1973, wilh an open house. ~ l a n y J cwclls were among the friends and relatives attend inK. Their three daugh ters ser ved re freshments: :\Irs. Janet Brown of Florissant, :\lo., i\l rs. Elaine Groves of Flint, :\ Iich., and :\frs. :\ lary Ann Cox of :\lidland, :\Iich. ~inc grandchi ldren greeted the guests. A 50th wedding a nniversa ry was celebrated on Aug. 13, 197 3. by Albert W. and H elen Haley, of Rowley, Mass. Mr. H a ley is a Director of the Jcwett Family of America. ( 14) News Notes Albert \ V. Haley, Sr., one of our "Family" Directors, and a life-long resident of Rowley, \lass., was presented with his 50-year jewel on \lar. 6, 1974, by the John T. Heard Lodge, AF and A\f, of Jpswich, \lass. \Ir. and :\lrs. Francis Stone and several members of their family are active in the play, " The Old Homestead," given annually in Swanzey, . H. \Irs. Fawn Uewett) Gordon (:'.'\o. 1620) retired in Aug. 1972 from her position with the State of Conn. Silas H. Jewett, :\lorrisville, \·ermont, has received the Distinguished Service Award of the .1\ational Association of County Agricultural Agents. An extension agent in Lamoille County, Ver mont, for many years, \Ir. Jewett was cited for outstanding wor k in both agriculture and rural development. l le has been especially active in assisting with the development of the centra lized laboratory for da iry herd improvement testing. lle now serves Vermon t a nd New i'farnpshire, a nd works cooperatively with t he Milk Market Adminism1tor's office in Boston. M rs. Madeline Lindsay went to Mason, i\lich ., for her high school centennial celebration, a nd remarks that in her class prophesy in 1926, she predicted a "Rocket to the Moon!" Mrs. Austin E. Emmons has sustained fractures of her right shoulder and right wrist in separate accidents in the past year. 'vVe hope that she is now feeling fi ne again. Family Association President Clifford Jewett and his lovely wife, Lucile have made some wonderful trips in t he past year. I n September, 1973, t hey wen t to Vienna, Austri~, with side trips on the Danube ~nd to Salzburg. Over the ~ew Year holidays, they spent a week on a cruise ~n the Carribbean. On :\lar. 22, 1974, they plan to leave for Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia, with a side trip to Venice. T he J ewetl Family of Amer ica rece.iv~ a lovely T hank-You from t~e Jewetts of :\l ichigan for t he 1973 Ded1cat1on of the Year Book to their pionee ring ancestors. Robert Lee :\!ejer, assistant professor of Art a t Quincy, lll., College, and formerly of South Bend, Ind., has been selected to a ppear in a number of Who's Who pu blications as a result of his fine work in a r t. T hese include Marquis' "Who's Who in America," "i\Ien of Achievemen t -1973," "Who's \ Vho in Amer ican Art," 1973 edition; " Dictionary of International Biography," 1973 edition , a nd "Who's Who in the i\ lidwest,'' 1972 editio n. A graduate of Ball State University, he received his master's degree from :'vliami University. His mothe r is :\frs. (Marion) Vin ce F. i\fejer, one of our new members. Amy Jewett (:\ lrs. Wm. \V. Je\~ett), writes .that she and her daug hter, Celeste, visited the o ld Ce111eter y 111 Jewett City, Conn., and found the grave of Eleazer J e\\'ett, an ear ly settle r of Li.sbon, and found er ?f J C\\'Ctt City. At one time Celeste owned the South Bigelow schoolhouse 111 I fa mpton, Conn. ~\[rs. Je\\'ett is pleased to own a copy of ' 'A ,B.ird's Eye ~' iew of the Jewett Family,", written by Susan Jewett Howe Griggs of Ab1ngto11, Conn. There was a family birthday par ty on Sept. 19, 1973 for t he triplets ( 15) born in 1969 to the Gerald Jewett family of :Vl esick, :\ilich. Their names are Betty, Bonnie, a nd Brad Jewett. There were three cakes and three ident ical birthday ou tfits for the little four-year-olds. T hey have three sisters and a brother. :\ Jrs. J ewett says that three a re not much more difficult lO care fo r than one. '' From the time they "·ere little, I learned that what ,·ou do for one, you do for all. It's as simple as that'" she said. · In a lovely letter from \ 'era (:\!rs. Blaine) of Foresl (;rove, Ore., she Lelis of selling part of the old farm. :\ liss Lucille llowell, :\1rs. Brown 's niece, is planning to retire soon from her position in the Defense Department at Washington , D . C. :\Ir. and :\Jrs. Russell T. Jewett now live at Colonial Heights, Va., not too far from their son, Russell Eric J ewett. Kelly Cilliland of Lancaster, Cal. , is t raining for the Sheriff's Department. He is Lhe son of :\ Ir. and l\ lrs. Gilliland (she is the former Phoebe i\ lorrill), the gra ndson of Ralph and Hope (Jewett) ;\f orri ll, a nd the greatgrandson of Amos Everett Jewett. Our new 111ember, \Jiss Eliza Jane Jewett, is the daughter of M rs. 1ewetL a nd the late i\'lr. Ha rrison Jewett. E dna Jewett t ha nks all for their Christmas cards. S he a lso remarks that several members have asked whaL t he fam il y numbers a re a nd where they come from. She reports t hat, normally, at present, the last. member's number that is listed in a person's line is used. lf t racing is incomplete, no number is used. :.Vlrs. Bcarg of Ainsworth, Nebraska, writes that she is working on papers of the late Clyde J ewett Skinner. T hey are descendants of Deacon Noah J ewett (N o. 587) in the Genealogies. F'rom L. i\ l. Allen of Concord, Cal., comes this q uotation from a lom bst?nc in the northeast corn~r of Nortonville cemetery: "Walter S. Jewett, Died 4-21-1869, age 19; :\ I1lton Jewett, Died 8-20-1874, age 16; sons of H . and E. Jewett. :\ lrs. Ru t h i'vlixter Bezinian, a 40-year resident of :\Contrcal, Canada has move~ to ~ con~om inium at Stuart, F lor ida. :\ [rs. \ lary Beson, he; younger sister, 1s carmg for her after a serious illness. <_:;regor y Rooker of Radford, Virginia, is in Pittsburg, California , working on local news papers. :\ l r. Dan Rooker publishes a newspaper aL R adford , Virginia. The three, small, blonde daughters of \[r. and ~\!rs. K. Kielbania, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, modeled for a Sears Fashion Show, immediatel y became famous and had many offers. Professor David Pierce Bea tty of Port Elgin, New 13ru11s\\'ick, is spending a r~a r's sabbatical in Switzerland.' Englan? and Scotian~!. l le expects to v 1s1t Bradord, Engla nd and compile an article on Bradfo rd. Dr. Ronald G. Benson of Lima, Ohio, has been promoted Lo Associate Professor at O hio Northern Universitv. He recent ly pu rchased a new home in Lima, Ohio. • :\liss Ruth Ann Richert of Los .-\ltos Hills, California, g-raduatcd from the University of California at Berkeley in Design , a nd is now employed in San Francisco as a graphic designer. ( 16) :Vlark Jewett, age 18, of De troi t , son of ~l r. & \ 1rs. Do uglas~. Jewett, has the honor of being Drum :\ lajor a nd President of Red ford Union High High School Band. .;\ la r k also is an expert hockey player. He recently traveled to Europe, visiting Ger many, Austria, France and Luxembourg. Mr. and :\[ rs. Sigurd E r iksen, Jr. purchased a 200-year-old house on Old Bethlehem Road, Quakertown , Pa. Sigurd is a navigator for Pan American out of New York City. Clayton Jewell Jr. has opened a De Luxe :\leat :\larket at Okemos, Michigan, which he operates in conjunction with his Lansing meat packing business. During the beef freeze, he tr ucked many loads of beef from Nebraska. Mr. & :Vl rs. Steven P. J ewett, s t udents at :\1.S. U., spent S pring season studying in England. Mr. & :\lrs. James Lee Jewett of Lansing, :\lichigan, visited Bradford, England and brought back the news that Brad ford is an industria l ci ty of 200,000 population. Steven, and wife K aLhy, Jewett, managed the Jewett :vliniature Golf Course at Higgins Lake, Michiga n for the summer. Mr. Arthur W. Jewe t t , age 75 of l\ [ason, Michigan, is constructing a 300-bed convalescent home at Mason . .i'vlr. j ewett operates Greenhouses, the Jewett Funeral H ome, an airport and a subdivision, along with 32-acre Statice Farm. He still finds time for many civic projects. Mrs. N a ncy Johnson Lee, age 41 , of Verona, N ew Jersey, formerly of :.VIason, Michigan, was honored by a national award for Outstanding Elementary School T eacher of 1973 in Washington , D. C., and will publish her biogra phy. Nancy says she owes her super ior education to :\lason High School. She inherited her love for children from her grandfather, J. Carl J ewe Lt. Nancy rece ived her B. A. degree in a r t and English at :\1. S. u., Wayne University, Columbia University and School of Visual Arts. She taught at Southfield School, Southfield, :\lichigan; Denton Avenue School, r ew Hyde Park, N ew York; Army Depar tment Schools at Tours, France; The Spence School, New York City (a pr ivate school for girls) ; and Lincoln School, N utley, New Jersey. A tr agic accident befell i.\l r. Steven i\I. Anderson , age 24, of :\lason , Michigan. A train str uck the heavy duty fron t loader he was driving at a crossing north of Mason on Friday, October 19. Steven suffered a fractured left arm, spinal and head injuries and left leg amputation. He is the eldest of three sons of Mrs. J anice Jewett Anderson, and grandson of Mr. a nd M rs. Arthur W. J ewett, Mason , floris t a nd mortician. Steven is a graduate of Central Michigan College. His address is c/ o Arthur W. Jewett 1020 E. Ash St., Mason, Mich., 48854. ' Mrs. Judith Jewett Lamphere of Mason is prominent in teac hing crafts. The daughter of t he late Richard Jewett, florist, comes by t his talent naturally. Mr. Kermit Pierce of Williamston, Michigan, writes t his romantic story of his daughter, Sharon: Sharon graduated from :\1£. S. U., majored in English and Spanish, a nd went to i\ fexico City where she taugh t at the American School Foundation . While there s he met a Frenchman, E r ik ( 17 ) 1V1onod, whom she married. He taught at the same school. In 1970 they started their travels through Central America, South America and Ecuador by bus and hitchhiking. From Ecuador they took a boat to Galapogos Islands, then to :.vfarquessas by sailboat where they joined a different party and went to Papeeti, Tahiti. Erik became T . V. announcer and ad commentator, with his picture appearing on T. V. Guide. \ leanwhile, Sharon tutored the daughter of the Admiral of the French Navy. They lived in a native grass hut and later bought a sail boat. T hey are presently on t heir way to Boro Boro and Hawaii. Their baby was born in Papeeti, T ahiti, September 24, 1972, and is named T ajim T amoana ~fonod. (T he fi rst name is associated with Ghengis Kahn, the middle is T ahitian-meaning deep, blue water). . l\IIason High School, i\lason, Michigan, celebrated its Centennial Year June 16, 1973. Many Jewetts attended: .l\lr. Ralph F. J ewett of Royal Oak, Michigan, the eldest, class of 1911. Part of a delightful 1973 Christmas letter from J ewett Family Director George F. (Fritz) Jewett, Jr., of San Fra ncisco, Cal. reads: " Willkommen t" the Burgermeister of Saulheim greeted us as we descended from our chartered bus. The Liederkranz Men's Choir was drawn up on the fron t steps of the Sangerhalle which was decorated with long banners ; at a signal, the men burst into song. From that point on the t wenty-two cousins from the United Sta tes were the guests o f this small town in West Germany near Mainz where great-gra nd father 'Neyerhae~ser came from. We toured local vineyards and a winery; tasted · wine until we were awash, a te too muc~ , listened to excellent singing, and were made honorary members of the L1ederkranz. Actually, th is was the beginning of an E ast African safari with the Howie Meadowcroft and T ed Weyerhaeuser families. There were eleven children ranging irt age from seven to nineteen and six parents. We made a circ:uit starting at Nairobi !llostly camping near K ilimanjaro, in the Serengeti, ~Iara Game Re~erve &nd at Lake Baringo. This was the Jewett's third safan but the first time for the others. The game was cooperative and we got some super pictures in addition to getting to know each other better than ever. This trip was a high point in the year, but other events are fun to recollect as well. Spring vacation was spent on a charter sailboat cruising the Grenadines fr~m St. 'v'.i~cent to _Grenada . Betsy and George each had a fn end who enjoyed sailmg, particularly when being dunked in the ocean from a bosun's chair hung out over the rail! 1 Necrology It is with sorrow that we tell of the death of iVIrs. Albert R. Hodgman, of Stoneham , Mass. She was the former Imogene Hale J ewett (No. 4273), daughter of George Frederic Jewett (t o. 2453), and Imogene Eliza H errick Jewett. She and :.Vlr. Hodgman ce.lebrated their 65th wedding anniversary in 1972. Mrs. Dorothy Brackenridge Jewett, widow of Carl W. J ewett , passed away on Feb. 20, 1972. Mrs. Crissie A. (Pearl) Upton Kowalski passed away. R ockwell Richmond, husband of Ida May (Pearl) Richmond, passed away unexpectedly in July, 1973, at Manchester, Conn. H e was buried at Canterbury, Conn. Mrs. Grace E. (Garland) Jewett, 83, wife of George i\ l. Jewett, Danvers, Mass., died J a n. 25, 1974. She is survived by two sons, Richard G. Jewett of Hyde Park, and Elwin S. J ewett of Morrow, Ga.; a brother, 4 grandchildren a nd 2 great-gra ndchildren. We are saddened to hear of the death of Harrison Jewett of Stonington , who died Apr. 27, 1973. Little Peter William Leney, 5-month-old son of Lester T . and Edith (Brunton) Leney of Quebec, passed away Dec. 1, 1971. Clarence E. J ewett, 67, of Kingsville, T exas, died on Aug. 24, 1973. Born Feb. 2, 1906, in E lgin, Texas, be was the son of Edward C. and Gertrude Hanner Jewett. Surviving are his widow, Evelyn; two daughters, Mrs. D. NI. (Marie Bernice) Hunt of Littleton, Colo., and Mrs. S. R . (Madeline) Andrews of Houston, Texas; one son, C. E . J ewett of Houston; his mother of Elgin; one sister, Virginia Jewett, also of Elgin; and nine grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his first wife, :\larie, and his father. Burial was in K ingsville, T exas. Frederick A. T oft (No. 11732) passed away on May 21, 1973, at Owego, N. Y. He was born Mar. 18, 1908, to Sidney and Bertha J ewett Toft of Catatonk, N. Y. Bertha was the daughter of Charles Jewett, who was the brother of Henry Milton J ewett. Dorothy Toft Peret , who passed away the year before, was the sister of Frederick A. Toft. This notice was sen t by Frances Simmons Walters, a second cousin. A. Arthur Jewett (No. 8143) , 85 years old, died in N ew~ur y port , Mass. on Oct. 23, 1973. Born in Solon, Maine, on Feb. 23, 1888, he was the son of Howard Leslie and Ella N. (Savage) Jewett . He leaves a son, Richard H. Jewett; two daughters, Mrs. Beverley Grant of Methuen, and l\lrs. Eleanor A. Perry of Quincy ; three grandchildren; and a sister, i\!Irs. Alta Rae of Waterville, Maine. H e was the widower of Modeana P. (Spear) Jewett. The Frilt J ewell Family: Lucy (his wife) , George. Betsy and Friu. Mrs. Earle B. (:.\label Jewett) ~lai r (No. 8950), 84 years old, died on Sep't. 18, 1973, in Scottsdale, Ariz. She is survived by one son, Warren Blair of Riverside, Ill.; two daughters, Mrs. Carroll ( Eliz~beth) Calkins, ( 18) ( 19) and .Mrs. Clifford (Majorie) Benson, both of ::vlesa, Ariz.; one brother, Carroll Jewett of Mazon, Ill.; one sister, :Mrs. S. R. (Reva) King of Durant, :vliss; four grandchildren, and two great-grandchildren. Her brother, Carroll, writes that she was q uite proud of her membership in the J ewett Family of America and that she encouraged him and his sister, Reva, to join. :VJrs. 1 ellie M. Wallace, widow of Rev. David Wallace of Lunenburg, :Ylass., died July S, 1973. She, a lso, has been keenly interested in the "Family, II Margaret E. J ewett of West Newton, Mass., died Feb. 23, 1974. iVIrs. Helen E lizabeth Jenkins Cralle, the wife of Col. J efferson Bal l Cralle', died Sep't. 25, 1973. She was born in New Haven, Conn., Oct. 31, 1899, a sister of John F. Jenkins of Greenfield, N. H. She a nd her husband resided at Liberte, Owen's P. 0., King George Co., Virginia . Beside her husband and her brother, she also leaves a daughter, Mrs. Dorothy Jenkins Cralle' Samson, and a granddaughter, Julia Samson. Dr. Harold C. Pickwick, i\tI. D. of Lisbon, N. H. d ied recently. We have no other word. He had been a member since 1953. Fritz Jewett And The Intrepid Mr. Ward R. Bullen, ;\fason , :Vfichigan, died Thursday, September 13, 1973. Memorial services were held at Mason First Presbyteria n Church on Sunday, September 16. Arrangements were b y the Jewett Funeral Home. Mr. Bullen w·a s born August 13, 1880 and was a life-long resident of :.VIason. As a young man he bred, raised and trained horses. He shipped his horses tp France during World War l for use in the U. S. Cavalry. He did ap1:iraising for the Federal Land Bank, was a life-member of i\ l ason~ Lodge and Past President 0.E.S. No. 130. He was a member of the Presbyterian Church, Ingham County Farmers' Club, Mason Senior Citizens, Ingha m County Pioneer Society, and President of the Mason Cooperative Shipping Association. Mr. Bullen married Pearl E. Townsend in 1906, who survives. The couple marked their 67th wedding anniversary May S, 1973. Two sons are Richard of Clarkston and Wayne of Mason. Three daughters are Mrs. Sarah Robbins of Mason, Mrs. ~\ [ary Wighall of Clarkston, and Mrs. Roberta Cotton of H olt. All members of the J ewett Family should have a great interest in the America's Cup races in September, 1974, and the trials off Newport, R. I. in July and August. George F. (Fritz) Jewett, Jr. (10362), one of the Directors of the Jewett Fam ily of America, is a 1/ 3 owner of the " Intrepid, " two-time winner of the America's Cup, which will be among the yachts competing for the right to defend the trophy. In the Spring of 1973, FritZ, George Schuchart, and Charles Hughes, all yachting friends on the West Coast, purchased the " Intrepid," and soon announced plans for a West Coast Bid for the premier prize in yachting under the banner of fntrepid/West. Like many others, the three West Coast yachtsmen had deep feelings that t he sailing fraterni ty on the Pacific slope is blessed with the skill, leadership and support needed to mount such a major effort and make it a success. But, from excerpts of letters to Roger Jewett, one of our Honorary Directors for Life, let Fritz tell the story in his own words: Christmas, 1973- The I ntrepid is now being rebuilt to a new design in San Diego, a crew is being selected and the necessary funds are being raised. It appears there will be four American boats in contentions with the challengers from E ngland, Fra nce and Australia. Be sure to root for Intrepid in the trials off Newport, R . I. next July and August, so we can be there in September of the actual America's Cup races. February, 1974- When we bought Intrepid, the inventory included 33 bags of Hood sails, a nd I understand that Hood will help with any recutting or refurbishing of these sails. The Intrepid is due to be shipped back to Newport on June S, and we hope to take up residence ourselves around the 4th of July. 1 am planning ( 20) ( 21) Mrs. Paul L. (Vivian Seay) .\Iixter of West Palm Beach , Fla., died Nov. 1, 1973. She was the widow of the late Paul L. :.Vlixter of the Mattie Jewett Mixter line. One d aughter, Particia Ann, of West Palm Beach , survives. \ '!rs. Mixter was born on Sep' t. 25, 1903, to Robert L. Seay and Vernie Coffey Seay of Amherst Co., Va. T he Seays were one of the First Families of Virginia, having a rrived from England in 1609. Her ancestors participated in the Bacon Rebellion and the Civil War. In time, the Seay family home and grounds were sold to Southern Seminary and J unior College. The late :\1r. Mixter published the South Haven Tribune, South Haven, Mich., and the Radford News Journal, Radford , Va. Vivia n was a very beautiful and outstanding vocalist. on takin~ a. leave of ~bsen.ce f.rom my company for the period of the race:; a:;, to me, this 1s. <1; once-in-a-ltfet1me opportunity to participate in the America's Cup compet1t1on. (Editor's note: Frilz is senior vice president, administration of the Potlatch Corporation, San Francisco, Cal. ) ' April, 1974--The boat has been launched and has been very finely tu!'1ed. The crew had two ~raining sessions, with two to go before the boat is shipped back to Ne\\'port 111 June. The first series of trials starts June 24. T here may be some races a rranged with the old Colombia before ~n trepid is shipped East. T his will be very helpful in whipping the crew mto shap~ . An article in the Jan. 21, 1974 issue of Sports lllustrated tells more about the great 12-meter yacht. In order to achieve broad suppor t of all interested friends and ''Sailors", the tax-exempt Seattle Sailing Foundation entered the picture. Tn October, the Intrepid was turned over to the Foundation, and a special committee ' including Fritz J ewett, is overseeing the projec t. After the America's Cup campaign is over, Intrepid will be returned to the West Coast where it will be used as something of a training yacht to expose more sailors to what Fritz' partner George Schuchart terms 1•the ultimate in sailing." Mr. Schuchart said, " Its the ultimate goal of all who sail to get aboard a ~ 2- i\i~eter, and that's our !<lea .. v".e'? )i~e the Et~le guy to want to join in this effort, too, and to feel like th is is l11s boat. We want to provide sailing aspirants something to sail on a fter the America's Cup- rather than dc'commissioning the boat and storing it in a shed and letting it go to dryrot. Contributions may be sent to the Seattle Sailing Foundation- Intrepid/ West Project, 1807 East Hamlin St. , Seattle, Wash. , 78102. People living in California may prefer to send their contribution to California International Sailing Association, 747 East Green St., Pasedena, Cal. , 91101, with the amount designated for the Intrepid/\Vest Project. Mr. Schuchart says, " We know by tank-testing that the boat is immeasureably faster than in 1967 or 1970. T he role played by the American defender this year should be the most formidable ever mounted in 12--' leters. 'vVe've got our work cut out for us. It's scary! "T he America's Cup is the purest form of a well-defined international competition, and that says a lot- it 's saying this is t he best we've got against your best, whoever you may be. "The responsibility in such a venture cannot be underestimated because you must understand that the Cup has been sucessfu llv defended since 1851. "The commitmen t must be based solely on whatever is best !or the effort-crew, sails, equipment - the paramount thing is whatever is necessary for the bo~t-witho1!t.any co1~1 promise. There can be no comprom ise when you consider the difference m boat speeds to be about 2/5ths of a second a mile. Fritz J ewett is excited and delighted with the whole ven ture and he writes to thank his J ewett Family for their interest and good wishes'. Jewett Family of America- Arise! Yo-ho-ho, three cheers-and a barrel of good wishes for Fritz a nd t he In trepid! 11 11 ( 22) Family Gatherings THE REUN ION OF DESCENDANTS OF FRANK GREENWOOD AND NORA WELLS J EWETT Related By Wells Jewett On Thanksgiving i)ay, 1973, a family group totaling 19 assembled at the winter home of Wells and :.\lary Jewett in the foothills of the SicrraNevada mountains near Grass Valley, Californ ia. Wells and ?\lary spend their summer months at thetr Lake :'1 1innetonka home into which Wells was born some 55 years ago. Wells is a son of Frank Greenwood Jewett (6733) and Nora Wells Jewett (6748). Frank Greenwood Jewett was a son of Frank Walter J ewett (4236), and Nora Wells was the daughter of Edward Payson Wells and E llep M. J ohnson (4243). They were married in 1906. Frank died on May 13, 1953 a nd Nora on December 6, 1969. They ha,d four children: Ann Wilder ] ewett C ull~n; Louise · Roberts J ewett Sudduth; Frank Greenwood Jewett, Jr; and Wells. All but Frank Jr. were present at the Grass Valley gathering. Ann Cullen is widowed, lives in :Vlinnetonka, l\linn., and has two married children: Ann Cullen Cassell of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, with four children; and William Jewett Cullen of Minnetonka, Minn., with three children. She was born July 4, 1908 in Hibbing, M.inn. 1 Louise Sudduth is married to William W. Sudduth and lives in Kansas City, i\1Iissouri and Lake of the Ozarks, Missouri . She was born August 16, 1910 in Hibbing, Minnesota. They have four children : Edward Wells Sudduth of Newark, California, with three children ; John Howland Sudduth of Topeka, Kansas with three children ; Charles Norton Sudduth of Kansas City, M issouri, with three children; and William \V. Sudduth Jr. of Kansas City, unmarried. Frank G. J ewett Jr. is married to Hetty J ones and lives at l)eephaven, Minnesota, just across the road from vVells. He was born April 14, 1914 in Ylinneapolis, Minnesota. They have four children: Frank Greenwood J ewett 111 of Deephaven, Minn., with one daughter and another child due momentarily; Lt. Theodore Jewett, a doctor, at Great Lakes, Illinois and unmarried; Peter J ewett of Deephaven, Minn., unmarried; and Nancy J ewett, unmarried and a student at Pacific University, Forest Grove, Oregon. Wells was married April 21, 1967 to :.\Iary Dunham and has three children by a previous marriage. T hey are: i\fary Ellen (Barn bi) J ewett Peterson of Petaluma, California, with one child, Heather; \ 'l ichael Wells J ewett, unmarried, of Costa Yiesa, California; and Christopher Kyle Jewett, unmarried, of Deephaven, :.\1lin n. 'Neils was born November 23 , 1918 in ~\tlinneapolis, ;vlinn. -'fary Dunham J ewett has two children by a previous marriage: Susan Frank J ohnson, with three da ughters; and J ames Frank Jr., unmarried. Both live in :\linneapolis, \{inn. Other members of the fami ly present at the Grass Valley gathering ( 23) were Odin and Lois Jahr of Grass Valley (Lois is a sister of ;\:lary Dunham Jewett); Edward Sudduth, has wife Emily, and his three children (son and grandchildren of Louise Jewett Sudduth); Peter Sudduth and Jimmy Sudduth (two other grandchildren of Louise Jewett Sudduth); Nancy Jewett (daughter of Frank Greenwood Jewett Jr.); and Pauline Pierce i\tl ulholland, the guest of honor. Pauline is our "Eastern" cousin. She is the widow of John :vl ulholland, the magician, and has lived nearly all of her life in New York City. She is a most interesting and exciting person, and enticing her to leave her beloved New York and travel all the way to California, that never-never land, was a major achievement. She is the daughter of Sarah Louise Johnson Pierce (4244) who was the daughter of Ann Wilder Jewett Johnson (2406) who was the namesake of Ann Wilder Jewett Cullen. Another major achievement was catching Wells' sister, Ann Wilder Jewett Cullen, on her way from Australia to ;vlinneapolis and betwee.11 trips to the Antarctic last winter and the Arctic next winter, and many other fantastic places, as a "birder" of near professional proportions. As most of their guests traveled from San Francisco, Portland, Kansas City, Minneapolis, New York and Australia, all arriving the same evening, Wells and Mary Jewett were indeed very flattered! Supplementary list of family members present: 1. Wells Jewett 2. Mary Dunham Jewett 3. Mary Ellen (Bambi) Jewett Peterson 4. Fargo Peterson (her husband) 5. Heather Peterson 6. Ann Wilder Jewett Cullen 7. Louise Roberts Jewett Sudduth 8. William W. Sudduth (her husband) 9. Edward Wells Sudduth 10. Emily Klein Sudduth (his wife) 11. Cynthia Sudduth 12. Garnet Sudduth (Children of Edward) 13. Ned Sudduth 14. Nancy Jewett (Daughter of F. G. J. Jr.) 15. Peter Sudduth (Son of John Sudduth) 16. James Sudduth (Son of Charles Sudduth) 17. Odin Jahr 18. Lois Jahr (Sister of :vlary Dunham Jewett) 19. Pauline Pierce Nlulholland (Daughter of Sarah Louise Pierce) l J THE SAN FRANCISCO AREA JEWETT FAMILY REUNION The Thanksgiving Family Reunion of the San Francisco area J ewetts was held at the Blue Dolphin, a restaurant bordering San Francisco Bav and about 20 miles from the old Burr home. , Dinner was served in a private room at which time two chefs carved and served the turkey for the group, and, afterward, all adjourned to the Burr Mansion in Hayward. Along with the evening's pleasant visiting, another light repm;t was served. Travel pictures of various men'ibers were shown. Also time was given over to somewhat serious and solid talks, and papers were read, such as those from remarks of Dr. Richard Evans of the Salt Lake :Vlormon Tabernacle. Unfortunately, no pictures were taken of the group, which consisted of about 40 relatives and in-laws, although some movies were taken . Also there were shown old motion pictures of members of the .T ewett Family dated back between 20 and 30 years. These annual Thanksgiving Gatherings have been held for over 80 years, and as many as 65 to 70 relatives and friends have attended at one time according to the recollection of Mr. Hugh S. Jewett, a member of the Jewett Family Board of Directors. CONNECTICUT JEWETT REUNION The 25th annual Jewett Family Reunion was held Sunday, September 9, 1973 in the Congregational Church Parish House, Hampton, Conn. Church service was 10:15 a.m., Pot luck dinner at 12:15. Mrs. Viola Clapp was re-elected President, Vice President Austin E. Emmons, Columbia and Secretary-Treasurer, Mrs. \,Yilliarn W. Pearl, Cedar Swamp Road, Hampton, Conn. A short business meeting followed the dinner, messages were read from those unable to attend. A display of family pictures was on exhibit. The attendance was small this year. The 1974 reunion will be held in June at the ho111e of Mr. and' )\lrs. Henry Moon, Parsonage Road, Hampton, Conn. A discussion was hcld' op time and place for next reunion. It was felt a private home where outside actiyities could take place might help the attendance especially the younger family members. All members of the Jewett family are welcome to attend our Reunions. l A COLUMBUS, OHIO AREA JEWETT FAMILY REUNION . I' On Sunday, July 29, 1973, the descendants of Cyrenus Isiah Jewett (5145) met at the Old Worthington Inn just north of Columbus, Ohio, at a luncheon. The Inn was once a Stage Coach stop, and has been in operation all these years as a very good eating place. After lunch, the group went to the home of one member in North Columbus for an afternoon of visiting and reminiscing. Genealogy books were provided by i\!lary Lou Gorski, as well as genealogical inquirv forms, and all had a most pleasant time. · THE MASON, MICHIGAN-1973 JEWETT FAMILY REUNION The 59th Annual Jewett Family Reunion took place Sunday, July 29th at Laylin Jewett Memorial Park, Mason, Michigan. The dav ·was pleasant, warm and refreshing for the 63 members who shared and eri'joyed the delicious pot-luck dinner set up on one long table. Emery and Joseph Jewett supplied the colorful garden flower centerpieces. Jack A. Lindsay gave the blessing while President Arthur W. Jewett called the meeting to order. There was no election of officers as the following were appointed for life: Vice President, Joseph L. Jewett; Secretary Treasurer, Mrs. Madeleine Lindsay; Historian, Herschel C. Jewett. A round-table discussion gave each person a chance to speak and tell of their year's activities. Herschel spoke on the Jewett Homestead of Chelsea, Mich., and described the Ague, plus hardships of pioneer life. ( 24) ( 25) 1 J, · \!Irs. Ward Bullen spoke about the Homestead and the Freer families of Alva, Dolly, Gabriel, Lewis, Jonas and Eugene who lived near the Jewett Homestead. ;.\fr. & ivirs. James L. Jewett of Lansing who are both teachers, told of their visit to Bradford, England. Mrs. Nancy Johnson Lee of Verona, New jersey told of her national award as outstanding elementary school teacher of America-197 3. Six graduates received congratulations: :\lr. Dre\~1 Jewett, East L~nsing High School ; Mr. Rodney Jewett from M. S. LJ.; .\·Itss. R1:1t~1 Ann Richert, U. of C., Berkeley; \!Ir. Dennis F. Rooker from. U. of V1rg1111a, summa cu111 laude; Miss Sue Ann Jewett Grand Blanc H igh School; and .VIr. Jeffry Anderson, Blissfield High School. \;\/edding anniversarv congratulations were extended to two couples: Mr & T\l[rs. Ward Bu'llen of Mason who observed their 67th on Niay 5, 1973 and Mr. & 1\llrs. Harry Brown their 60th on June 28th, 1973. The Bro,~ns appeared on Lansing television for the marking of their anniversary. They have sold their farm and now reside a t J arvis Acres Retirement Home, Diamondale. Mrs. Ruth Stewart of Muskegon brought her father to the reunion. Mrs. Madeleine Jewett Lindsay donated 112 Jewett Family of Ame:ica books to members of the family. Also, many of the books had been mailed to libraries and historical societies. The Jewett Family of America honored the. M.ichigan Jewett~ by dedicating their 1973 Year Book to J ewetts. of. ,\11 1ch1gan, and published the history of Jewett Homestead, Chelsea, M1ch1gan. The authors were as follows: Mrs. Jane Miller, the owner, contributed the old Eleazer Jewett letters from 1836 and the Jewett school house history. !\fr. Kermit Pierce, whose great-grandfather owned the Homestead, contributed old clippin.gs and diaries. i\Irs. .lVIadeleine Lindsay coordinated the genealogy letters and history. :Vlrs. Gladys Burrough ts sent in the Fletcher gencal<?gy and the Spaulding House item. Mrs. Ethel Jewett Stephan of Grai:id Rapids brough t some very old, treasured photographs. Herschel J ewett displayed the handpainted Jewett tree banner. The ancestor game was enjoyed by all with five prizes going to- the persons who drew lucky ancestor names. Roger and Valerie . Jewett donated three wat~rmelons wh ic~1 we~e enjoyed by all but ,espec1ally by We1~dy Larnpher.e, w111n.er of the children s watermelon-eating con test. All part1c1pants received pnzes. Whitman's chocolates were given to the following: E ldest man-Mr. Ward Bullen, age 93. Eldest lady- M rs. Ward Bullen, age 89. ~ Lady corning farthest-l\ifrs. Ronald Joy Jewett of Phoenix, Arizona. Man coming farthest- Mr. Robert 0. Rossman, Adrian, :VI ich. i\lr. R. A. Jewett-Ingersoll, Ont., Canada Youngest girl-Carol Jewett, daughter of !\fr. & Mrs. Roger Jewett, Mason, who received a pretty doll. Youngest boy-Kevin Jewell, son of Mr . & Mrs. Clayton J ewell Jr. of Leslie, who received a toy dog. I am very fortunate in having much information about my family's past. Good and accurate records were kept on each and every one, and many little anecdotes are recorded which make my forebearers come alive to me. For this reason I find it difficult to know which one to write about first, but perhaps the most interesting one (for others to read abo1;1t) is my greatgrandfather, Amory Jewett, Jr. Amory Jr. was born in Lexington, Massachusetts on J anuary 17, 1833, the first born child of Amory (3 165) and Elizabeth Lucy (Diewaide) Jewett. He had three brothers and two sisters. His father was a carpenter and cabinet maker who worked at the Charlestown Navy Yard (at one time fitting all the doors on the U.S. Cumberland) where he was injured by slipping from a ladder and the resulting A1nory .Jewett, .Jr. infection caused the amputation of his foot and ankle. Young Amory witnessed the attempts made with an artificial foot and ankle for his father, and he was in constant attendance to him. As a result ( 26) ( 27) A very pleasant meeting was enjoyed by all, thanks to Herichel Jewett for writing invitations. Out-of-town guests were: Mrs. Ruth Stewart, ;viuskegon; Mr. & i\lrs. Robert A.Jewett, Ingersoll, Ontario, Canada; Mr. Richards and Dr. Vivian Richards, (who is an optometrist) of Flint, Mich.; Mr. & ~\!Irs . Clayton L. Jewell St., Leslie, and seven grandchildren-Lynn, Scott, Sherie, Kevin, Tamara, Jodi and Kathy, a ll of Leslie; Mrs. Ethel Stephan, Grand Rapids; \[rs. Clayton Jewell Jr. & family, Leslie; Mr. & Mrs. Albert Johnson, Detroit; :\!rs. Theodore (Nancy) Lee of Verona, N. J.; :\fr. & ;\frs. Kermit Pierce, Williamston; Mr. & Mrs. Robert 0. l~ossm an and family, Adrian; :\fr. & Mrs. Donald Bearss and children- Dona Lyn, \lark, Randall, of Adrian; :\.Irs. Luella Townsend Masters of Seminole, Florida; Mrs. Birdie Salmi, Lansing; Mrs. Ronald (Joy) Jewett, Phoenix, Arizona ; M r. & :'\frs. Joseph L. Jewett and Sue Ann of Grand Blanc; Mrs. Jan ice Anderson and fam ily, Blissfield; Mr. & Mrs. Jack Lindsay, Detroit. Biography AMORY JEWETT, JR. (5617) By Willard Jewett, Sec. & Treas., The Jewett Family of America, Inc. the doctor who had the case recommended that young Amory become a doctor. In 1868, after serving in t he Union Army, he att ended and gr ad uated from medical school. T he family t hen lived in the new brick ho use at 1074 Washington Street, Boston, .\fassachusetts, on the corner of Camde n P lace. Tbe new lJr. Amory Jewett, Jr. settled in the small town of Ashburnham, \lassachusetts, a nd there set up his fi rst practice. He had a good and successful practice there, and persuaded his parents to lllove to Ashb urnham too. He was invited into a partnership with Dr. H. H . Brigham, of Fitchburg, .\lassachusetts (this city's oucstaudiog physician and surgeon) where there wou ld be greater opportunities, fees, etc., but before this was realized the fi rst of many misfortunes which were to follow him throughou t his professional life now occurred . (Quoting now frolll my grand father's, Dr. \1'/illiam A. J ewett, at:t:oun t of his father's misfor t une): Abaga il P orLer fi rst and she had died three months and fo ur days later (another of t he misfor tunes which seemed to follow this gentle man). N ex t was the hotel business. :\mory's brother·in· law, Charles E. Campbell of N ew Castle, New Ha mpshire, who had married Sarah E lisebet h P orter, owned a beautiful part of the shoreline in :\ew Castle and here in 1874 he built the original Hotel Wentworth (about one-third part of the presen t build ing). Dr. Amory (using funds left by his grandmother Rand ) invested in this proposition, and the hotel was operated by Campbell & J ewett, Proprietors. T he original hotel had eighty-two rooms, and cost a bout $50,000.00. The accessability to the hotel from the port of Poru;m outh , New Hampshire was not too good in those days (a bridge was later built, cha nging this situation) , travel was by stage, a nd road condiLions in general were not conducive to tourist travel. By 1879 funds ha d run ou t and the pa r t ne rs were forced to sell. I guess it was a case of being too early in their t iming a nd too li t lle iu their funds available. But t he ir d ream was not in vain, for today there stands t he presen t " Wen twor t h By The Sea", one of the best of the ma ny fine resort hotels o n the ['.;cw E ngla nd coastline. Descendants of Cha rles E . Campbell still reside in t he fami ly ho me \Yhicl1 is adja cent to t he hotel. After this experience Amory, J r. rt:turned to the prac tice of medicine again, in both Sterling a nd H ubbardston, :\fassachusetts (it was whe n the famil y was living in ll ubbardston that m y grandfather n1et my grandmother). Dr. Amor y was persuaded during t his period , by Dr. E llis of Somerville, i\'Iassachusetts, LO move to Somerville a nd take over the local pha rmacy. So the family did move to Winter Hill , Somer ville where they sta yed for several years. (we have his records; prescr iptions, compounds, etc.) llirthplacc of .\moq Jewell. J r., .Lexington, Mass. l n failing he<Jth, and his wife having died, Amory, his daughter Ida Diewaide and son John Porter moved to Barnard , Vermont, where Amory practised medicine and the three of them conducted a small farm. They raised horses, poultry, a nd berries, and made maple syrup . T here in Barnard the good doctor died at the age of sixty-four. I Iis life, like many of ou rs, had been a pattern of highs and lows, but he had fought the "good fighl" and now it was done. "Just then t here was a smallpox epidem ic in Ashburnham . Eleven cases in the factories. i\l[y father attended t hem all. Eight cases survived, and came out a ll right. Soon he came do\vn wit h Slllallpox himself. I remember his going to Boston to help (professiona lly) Frank \la han who was sick with sma llpox ; driving from Ashburnha m to Fi tchburg in a sleig h during a heavy snow storm , t he sleigh t ipped over, the horse ran a wa y, a nd he wa lked ha lf way to Fitc hburg too late to ca tch the tra in a nd too la t e to help Fra nk '.\fa ha n who died two days later. My mother a nd )~ s tayed in Ashburnha m a ll the t ime m y father was recovering. Afte r that t he people of Ashburnham developed the idea that nobody wa nted a "sma llpox doctor " (regardless of the success he had with his e ight cases) . So t hen to Fitchburg a nd this vent ure was not a success for father was not at a ll well d uring this period." G reat-grand mother J ewett was the for mer :vlarga re t .\fada le na h P or ter. She was young Amory's second wife as he had married her sis ter A summation of his public li fe reveals Lhe character oi this man: l. E ducated in t he Boston Public Schools 2. Veteran of t he Union Army 3. Graduated ;vr. o. fro m Eclectic College of C inc innati, Ohio (1868) 4. School Comrni ttee, T own of Ashburnha m, \ fossa chusetts S. Secre tary of Fitchburg Distric t Medical Society 6. President of .\ fassachusetts E clectic \ •[edical Soc ietv 7. :v!ember of I.0.0.F. a nd Masons (T.<night Teri'.ipla rs , Jerusale lll Comma nder y. St. j ohn 's Lodge) 8. Skillful surgeou 9. Hotel proprie to r 10. Pharmacis t 11. Farmer ( 28) ( 29) outlook. In this respect, it is believed to surpass any situation on the surrounding coasts, being higher above the sea-level than any point of seashore between Newburyport and Portland. It is well known that the climate of this region has advantages over that of any other on the New England seaboard. It is observed also that here the east winds have little of that harsh, disagreeable "unfertile" and penetrating quality said to belong to those of the coasts of Massachusetts and Maine. There is a pine grove directly behind the House on the western slope, fi tted with swings and other conveniences for amusement and picnicking. At the foot of this grove is a body of salt water about twent<y acres in extent, almost land-locked, shallow, Juke-warm, suitable for those who cannot bear the shock of a colder bath on the beaches, and a very proper place for children's boating. There are sand beaches along Little Harbor side and bath houses belonging to the Hotel. The house is new, and no pains have been spared to make it comfortable and convenient. There is gas in every room. The reading room, and billiard room are large and well furnished. Row boats, sail boats and sailors furnished at moderate charges. Good fishing ground in every direction. - T H E W E N T W 0 RT H, New Castle, N. H. CAMPBELL & JEWETT, PROPRIETORS - (There are two brochures printed in the 1870's that tell of this interesting old hotel. Here are exact excerpts from them.) Nev..-castle, though apparently BO irregular in form, is in fact: very regular, being almost a perfect square with ju tting points of land at the four corners, like the bastions of a fort. l ts ancient name was Great Island. ln 1693, in the reign of King William and :\Iary it \\' llS incorporated under the name of Newcastle for the consideration of three peppercorns to be paid annually. The town is largely in arrears to the British crown for peppercorns, and owes not only these but its legal allegiance, never having received any charter from the State of Ne\\' I fampshire. Here was the first settlement of any consequence in ~e"· Hampshire, and for a long time it was the seat of the Provincial Covern111ent and the centre of trade . ., There are still remaining many relicB of its forn1er importance a nd prosperity, and associations of historical and legendary in terest. The House is located one mile from the village proper, on a high bluff-the highest point of land in the Island, 80 feet above high " ·ater mark- on the shores of Little Harbor. It overlooks the sea and the \\·hole surroundi ng country. The Hotel has an unobstructed view of wide and various .inland, river and ocean scenery. At night eight light-houses can be seen. There is not a window in the House which does not command a pleasant and interesting ( 30) The house is two-and-a-half miles from Portsmouth, fifty-six from Boston, fifty-two from Portland and sixty from Concord. Coaches will run twice each way daily, connecting with through trains on all railroads. Carriages provided for special conveyance, or for pleasure driving at reasonable prices. A fine stable attached to the House. Prices from $1Q.SO to $15.00 a week depending on the size, location, and number of persons, in a room. Clothing Laundried in the best style. Children under 12 years of age $7 .00 per. week. Servant, and nurses, occupying seats in the Dining Hall to be charged full price. All rooms occupied less than 10 days, the regular transient price $3.00 a day, will be charged. The Breakfast menu staggers the modern imagination. It offers four different teas, and coffee and chocolate, elevex~ broiled meats and fishes, eleven fried dishes, thirteen miscellaneous foods, from "dropped eggs" to cucumbers; three cold dishes, and no less than flf teen breads. ( 31 )' Aside from command of different vessels, and occasional shore duty, he was sent to. the United States to bring back some frigates being constructed here, agam for the purchase of ordinance and munitions, and still again to oversee construction of a steam vessel. He also came north on sick leave at least twice. David Jewett And Masonry In Brazil By James R. Case, 33° From the Allocution of Sovereign Gra nd Commander delivered to the Supreme Council last September, we learned that "to the far south, the Supreme Council for Brazll ... joined in events and activities commemorating the 150 th anniversary of the year 1822 when Brazil became a separate nation." Assisting in the establishment or Brazilian independence that year was a ".\forte America1w" by the name of David Jewett, whom the Brazilians "looked upon as the Americans looked upon Lafayette." He was also the one who int roduced the Ancient and Accepted Rite into the then Empire. Jewett enjoyed the personal esteem of the Emperor and was recognized for his ability as a training officer and disciplina rian. His portrait shows him wearing no less than four medals and orders of the Empire. During one visit to the United States, he was knighted in Washington Commandery, Knights Templar, at a meeting in New London, where it convened at 6 o'clock in the morning on October 18, 1826. He had been made a Mason and passed in Wooster Lodge, No. 10, at Colchester decades earlier, on August 7, 1793, and was the first brother to be raised at the institution of Uriel Lodge, No. 24, then at Tolland, on the following night. David Jewett Born near New London, Connecticut, in 1772, Jewett bega n the study of law under former Governor Griswold, but was offered the opportunity to sail to the :Vled iterranean as supercargo on his uncle's merchant vessel. He was so pleased with his first venture on the high seas that he forsook the law, began to study navigation, and soon entered upon his life career , which was to be spent largely on salt water. During the late 1790's, he was commissioned in the United States :-.Javy, given command of a 20-gun vessel, the "Trumbull,'' and was in West Indian waters when Haiti revolted from French rule. He rescued a boa t load of refugees and brought them in to )Jew London, where they were interned, some being sent to nearby l\orwich. Among the latter was Pierre Boyer, a later presiclenl of Haiti. J e,,·ett was in possession of the degrees of the Ancient and Accepted Rite and had documents to prove it. He visited Somerset Lodge, left. some of his papers with loca l '.\ lasons, and may have communicated some of the degrees to a selected few. Leaving the naval service, Jewett entered the merchant ma rine, later accepting employment in the navy of the Sta tes on t he Rio Plata. Logs of his voyages to the Falkland Islands and Antarctica are a!l1ong the bases for claims by Argentina to a sector in the south seas and the circumpolar concinen~ ~ On September 7, 1822, the Brazilian Independence Day, David Jewett was in Lhe harbor of Rio de ] aniero, Aying the American flag on a ship which he owned, named ";\·laipo." Dorn Pedro himself bought the vessel, renamed it the "Caboclo," and engaged the service~ of Captain Jewett to command the corvette. The first foreign officer to be commissioned in the Brazilia n navy, Jewett was soon named Vice Admiral and held thaL rank at the time of his death at Rio in 1842. ( 32) Under date of November 3, 1826, David Jewett was elevated to the Sublim.e Dignity of Deputy Grand Inspector General by DeWitt Clinton, Sovereign Grand Commander, a nd clothed with the powers and authority of Representative in and for the Brazilian Empire, of the Sovereign Grand Consistory at New York (Cerncau). He was instructed to eleva te seven Masons through the degrees up to and including the 32°, and then to establish a Grand Provincial Committee of Sublime Princes of the Royal Secret. When all conditions were met, and a charter issued for a Grand Council, S.P.R.S., in Brazil, Jewett would lose the individual and absolute powers delegated to him, and revert to the status of Grand Representative. The brother who was to deliver the patent died of yellow fever and his personal effects were sold in New York. The warrant fell into the hands of a tradesman who displayed it in his shop window. A :VIason saw it, bought it, and returned to the Supreme Council, when it was sent along to the designee. For that reason it was not invoked until 1832, in which year a Brazilian became Chief of the Grand Council with Jewett as his assistant. Before this time several "Rites" had been brought into Brazil but d id not endure. Dom Pedro himself was a Mason but suppressed the order soon after he became the Emperor. He later relented, perhaps being influenced to some extent by David Jewett. As a believer in strict Freemasonry, J ewett had opposed the attempt to inject politics into the fraternity. When efforts were made to conciliate and consolidate elements with opposing ideas the plan did not have J ewett's approval. In the last 150 years Freemasonry has come a long way forward in Brazil. The Republic is the greatest in area, in population, and in resources among. all the natio!ls of. th~ ~outh American con~inent. The Supreme Council of the Scottish H.1te 1s 111 correspondence with our own Northern J uris~iction of the United State~, and forty others. Craft ~\fasonry is orgamzed under Grand Lodges 111 twenty states of the Federation. A Masonic observance of the sesquicentennial was well justified. ( 33) Jewett Biographies In Herringshow's Encyclopedia JEWETT, C. C., lawyer, jurist, was an early emigrant to Arkansas. He was appointed a justice of t he United States court for that territory. After it became a state he continued on the bench as jud ge of the United States d istrict court. JEWETT, CHARLES COFFIN, bibliographer, author, was born Aug. 12, 1816, in Lebanon, ;\·Ja ine. He was a bibliographer who was the first superintendent of the Boston public library; and the author of Facts and Considerations Relative to Duties on Books; 1\otices of Public Libraries in the United States ; a nd Construction of Catalogues. He died J an. 9, 1868, in Braintree, Mass. JEWETT , FREEBORN G., jurist congressman, was born in 1790 in New York. He was a member of t he assembly of that state in 1826 and 1827; was a representative in congress fron1 1831 to 1833; and from 1846 to 1856 was a judge of the supreme court of New York. He died F'eb. 23, 1858. JEWETT, GEORGE BAKER , educator, au thor, was born Sept 11, 1818, in Lebanon, Maine. He was a New England educator whose principal works were Baptism Versus Immersion; and Critique on t he Greek Text of the New Testament. He died June 9, 1886, in Salem, Mass. JEWETT, HUGH J ., lawyer, congressman, was born about 1812, in Deer Creek, Md. He studied law in Cecil county; left :\llaryland in early manhood and removed to Ohio, where he practiced his profession; held no public position until 1872. He was elected a represen tative from Ohio to the forty-fou rth congress; and soon resigned to accept the position of president of the Erie Railroad com pany, which position he sti ll fills. J EWETT, lSAAC APPLETON, lawyer, a uthor, was born Oct. 17, 1808, in Burlington , Vt. He was a successful lawyer of Cincinnati, and later of New Orleans. He was the author of Passages in Travel; and The Appleton Memorial. He died Jan . 14, 1853, in Keene, N. H. JEWETT, JOSHUA H., lawyer, congressman, was born S~pt . 12, 1812, in Deer Creek, Md. He was elected a representative from Kentucky to the thirty-fourth and thirty-fifth congresses. JEWETT, L UTHER, clergyman, pfiysician, congressman, was born Dec. 24, 1772, in Canterbury, Conn. He was for fifteen years a member of the Vermont legislature; and was a representative in congress from Vermont from 1815 to 1817. He died !\'larch 8, 1860, in St. Johnsbury, Vt. ( 34) JEWETT, MILO PARK E R, educator, a uthor, was born April 17, 1808, in St. Johnsbury, Vt. He was an educator who was t he first president of Vassar college, and the author of Baptism; and The Relation of Boards of Health and I ntemperance. He died June 9, 1882, in :\'lihrnukee, \:\lis. JEWETT, SARAH ORNE, a uLhor, was born Sepl. 3, 1849, in South Berwick, :\[aine. She is a popular writ.er of ,\ l aine. She is the noted author of Old Friends and New; Play-Days; Country By-Ways; Deephaven; The Mate of the Daylight, and Friends Ashore; A Country Doctor; A Marsh Island ; A White Heron, and Other Stories; The Story of the ~ormans, a n historical work; The King of Folly lslnnd, and Other People; Betty Leicester, a Story for Girls; Strangers and Wayfarers; A >lative of Winby, and Other Tales; The Life of Nancy; and The Country of the Pointed Fi rs. JEWETT, SHERMAN SK! 1NE R, foundryman, banker, was born Jan . 17, 1818, in \loravia, N. Y. IIe decided to confine his attention to the production of stoves of every description, a line of t rade then in its infancy . The business rapidly increased until , in 1854, a branch office and warehouse were opened in Chicago , branches in Detroit, .Vlilwaukee, Denver and San Fra ncisco becoming necessary in due course of time. He voted in 1880 in the electoral college fo r Ja.mes A. Garfield for president of the United States. As one of the projectors of the elaborate system of public parks in the city of Buffalo in 1868, and a president of t he park commissioners since 1879, he displayed his appreciat ion of an enterprise which has proved a genera l benefit. JEWETT, SUSAN W., poet, journalist, author. In 1847 she conducted a juvenile monthly magazine, called the Youth's Visitor. She was the author of The Old Corner Cupboard, containing poems and prose sketches of everyday life. JEVlETT, THEODORE HER :\ l AN, physician, was born ~'[arch 24, 1815, in South Berwick, :\faine. He was professor of obstetrics and diseases of women and children in the medical department of Bowdoin, consulting surgeon to the Maine general hospital, and surgeon of the fi rst :\faine district during the civil war. He died Sept. 20, 1878, in Crawford :-.l'otch, :-.l'. H. JEWETT, THO MAS L., railroad president, was born about 1810 in :\laryland. He was at one time a judge in a state court, but became interested in the construction of t he Pan-Hand le railroad, and was chosen its president. He died in November, 1875, in New York city. JEWETT, WlLLl A~vl ORR I N(;TON LUNT, soldier, lawyer, legislator, was born Dec. 26, 1836, in ;vla ine. He served in the civil war and has been prosecuting attorney of Shelby county, :\[o., for t wo terms; a nd for two terms was a representative in the .\l issouri state legislature. ( 35) 1574 11215 1914-1 Quebec Line 1974 Membership Listing (557) ALABAMA 9399 ARIZONA 10168 9488 2023 2023 9656 Jane 0. Haug- Monlgomcry .\1 yron Parker .T ewett George H. Pfau .Vliss Ruth \1. ] ewetl vVallace E. ] ewett Theron '.\,[. Hall William R. Jewett Tucson Tucson Phoenix Phoenix St. Johns Yuma ;\frs. Ruth I. Calhoun 1:3rockwdl ARKANSAS CALIFORNIA 962 17 2725 7971 9436 U185-H 11185-H 7338 Vermont Linc 17 4369 4369 11185-H 6730 1914-1 11185 379 7971 7971 7971 7344 6762 6762 8874 2904 8242 1624 5567 1624 1624 5329 11734 8847 :vlrs. G. Harold Janeway Mrs. W. Lester Lane Marily n C. :VIcClure Vlrs. ['\or man R. :\ Ianning :V[rs. Lloyd E. '.\foeller Julie Lynn :v1ayers Keith Alan \[ayers Solomon W. Moncure Oswald !.\'lessier Mrs. :.Vlildred D. Nichols Donald R. Pennell \Wiss Dorothy W . Pennell Mrs. Annand R. R ichard ::vlrs. William G. Stevenson Mrs. Donald H. Singleton Arth ur G . Stamper John W. Wattenbarger Robert G. Weeks, Jr. Mrs. Blanche A. Weeks c;eorge M. Weeks Hugh S. Jewett Harold \V. Jewett, Jr. Harold \7\T. ] ewett Harvey M. Jewett Harold W . Jewett John F. J ewett :vrargaret l. Jewett Leland G. Jewett Leroy R. J ewett i\ larilyn J. Gage John J. Cage Or. Paul H. Jewett Or. Paul K. Jewett William F. J cwett, Jr. ( 36) Pasadena Oakland Supulveda Big Bear Lakt! Sacramento Poway Poway Atherton S. Pasadena Sacramento Los Angeles .Vlenlo Park San Oicgo Sunnyvale Walnut Creek San Diego [.'oster C ity Santa Isabel O range Newport Beach Bakersfield Piedmont Walnul Creek Santa Ana San J ose Los J\ngeles Pasadena San :vlateo Yucca Valley Pasadena Pasadena Alamo Pasadena Sacramento 3771 850 11755 9436 780 1519 9174 11198 11226 8963 9576 6603 7316 7316 3771 6757 10362 11821 8072 9576 96258 3771 COLORADO 11175 1540 944 1540 CONNECTICUT 9067 9067 4778 11024 8408 2967 11825 11825 11825 Mrs. C. W. 'vVcbsler :Vlrs. F. F. Arnett, Sr. .\'lrs. .\'lay Ansley George £. Brown Alvin L. Baits, Sr. .\lrs. Harold \V. Bledsoe Carl Boyer l1 J .\I rs. Barbara I). Callerman Leonard Clark Harold J. Hammer .\1rs. Harold F. Hiles .\ lrs. I I. C. llead .\ l rs. :M argaret T. Barrows Thomas A. Jewett Mrs. Ralph Jost Darrell D. Jewett Calvin S. Jewett David H . Jewett Everett C. J ewett Ed ward F. Jewett Edson C. Jewett 3rd Edson C. j ewe Lt, Jr. Edward :\'!. J cwetl F'rederic I). j ewett George F. Jewett, Jr. Capt. Garry W. ] ewett, ] r. Gar y N. Jewett Mrs. James G . Jewett Everett G. Jewett, Jr. Mrs. Many Lou Shaw ,\(rs. Charles V. Sheldon David W. Jewett Timothy S. Campbell William C. Davison Virginia C. Cowan Ruth j. Henrickson Thelma C. Holt Sterling i\il. Jewett Hon. Charles W. J ewett Truda C. J ewett David W. P. J ewett Miss Elizabcth E. J ewett Freeborn G. J ewett Frank B. ] cwett, Jr. Abel L. Jewett Harrison L. Jewett, j r. E liza ] ane Jewett ( 37) U kiah For restville San Jose Pasadena San Francisco Wilmington ::\ewhall Downey Sacramento Torrance Imperial Beach .\lontebello Glendale Concord Ojai Pacific San Francisco Oakdale Fresno Fort Bragg Buena Park Buena Park Garden G rove Scotts Valley Ross .\lento Park Williams Sepulveda Stockton Fair Oaks Lindsay Colorado Springs Grand Junction Denver Canon City :vcanchester Cheshire C heshire Lyme Darien Fair field \Vest Harford Old L yme l'i ew Canaan Woodbridge Stonington Stonington 8408 2967 9576 1620 1620 4653 8618 5777 1120 914 10251 Jam es Jewett Joseph E. Jewett, Jr. Richard K. Jewett Alvin L. Baits :\.1rs. Glenn D. Bruce :VIrs. Leon H. Clapp Austin E. Emmons William B. Filbert Mrs. Faun J. Gordon Mrs. Rand B. Jones Miss Helen H. Keyes \lfrs. Archibald J. Medlyn :vlrs. William W. Jewett :Vlrs. Henry Saling S1alcolm Smith \frs. Robert M. Totton Edward J. Woods Hartford Westport Darien Groton N. Branford North Windham Columbia Ridgefield North Windham Stonington Stony Creek Stony Creek Essex Roxbury Greenwich Woodbridge Hartford Quebec Line 2023 8569 8569 3660 10007 10007 8585 6934 9357 8362 6045 10364 9436 9357 63 9575 8968 9357 :\1iami Orange City GEORGIA 8566 1509 1834 2023 8565 8565 8565 8565 1509 8565 3442 1509 1509 11723 Mrs. William P. Hillman Mrs. Sarah J. S. Van Camp Mrs. Karel van Zonneveld Newark Newark Wilmington 180 Mrs. Albert S. Hatcher, Jr. Fleming C. Kyle Col. Nathan A. Brown Robert E. Jewett, M.D. Claude S. Bridges III Claude S. Bridges, Jr. Miss Louise Bridges }ames E. Bridges Mrs. Henry B. Crawford Mrs. Margaret Finch Mrs. Alfred P. Greer Edward S. Shorter George P. Swift, 3rd Mrs. James H. Walters ~\.fa con Columbus St. Simons Island Atlanta Decatur Atlanta Atlanta Decatur Columbus Macon Chamblee Columbus Columbus Jekyll Island Mrs. James E . Stephenson Alfred W. Jewett Andrew B. J ewett Clyde A. Jewett M rs. Charles C. Jewett Charles C. Jewett :\.1rs. Clifford R. Jewett Dr. Eugene L. Jewett Elwin S. Jewett George B. Jewett Mrs. George B. Jewett Robert M . Jewett Warren E. Jewett Lucy T. J cwett Wells J ewett M rs. W. M. Porter Mrs. James F. Dermody ~Vfrs. Donald T . Finch Mrs. Eskil Josephson Mrs. Edwin H. Lyon, Jr. Mrs. A. D. Lyon Miss Patricia Mixter Mrs. Luella T . Masters NI iss Lois G. :viaxon Mrs. Ralph L. ~vlorrill Samuel A. Newman Robert P. Richter ( 38 ) Clearwater Eustis :vliami Miami Vero Beach Vero Beach Venice Maitland Clearwater Merritt Island Merritt Island Miami DeLand DeLand Palm Beach Shores Coral Gables Pompano Beach Fort Myers &andon Windamere Port Richey Palm Beach St. Petersburg Point Washington J acksonville Ft. Lauderdale Miami Lt. Col. Jewett DeWitt Matthews Moscow ILLINOIS 7232 606 8952 9958 9434 3 3 I<'LO.RIDA 9224 8684 3660 3660 7503 7503 Mrs. Antonia J. Trueba Mrs. A. Warren Wells IDAHO DELAWARE Quebec Line 10007 962 3660 6290 8097 11765 9958 W. Nourse Jewett Mrs. William L. Kaska Carroll A. Jewett Doran M. J ewett Eugene F . Jewett :Mrs. Edward C. Jewett :\.1iss Virginia G . Jewett 'Mrs. Lil Jewett Linnea us J. Jewett Frank J. Bryden Mrs. Arthur M. Davis Chicago Oak Park Mazon Waukegan Chicago Elgin Elgin Chicago Chicago Quincy Springfield INDIANA 6755 7626 17 5139 8588 1603 1914-1 7128 Charlene C. J ewett Lee J . Jewett William A. Carleton Vfrs. James 0. Ewers :\1rs. Otto Goff Verne J. Pendleton Mrs. John Roach Carl A. Watts Mrs. Marion E . Mejer Indianapolis Hobart South Bend Evansville Indiana Hobart Jeffersonville Connersville South Bend IOWA 913 11175 11175 11175 913 913 Dale L . Jewett Gerald A. Jewett Gerald A. Jewett, Horner H. Jewett James E. J ewett Jeffrey :vr. Jewett ( 39 ) Jr. Grand Junction Des Moines Des Moines Spirit Lake Grand Junction Grand Junction 913 913 913 767 4155 2 2 2 2 10171 6450 4544 1914-1 Larry D. ] ewett Randy L. Jewett Ricky D. Jewett Mrs. Harold B. Brown Edris Clawson Mrs. A. C. Feany Ervin G. Feany Leo S. Feany Mrs. George A. Feany Mrs. Fred S. Geigel Harold F. Gorball Grace NL Grupp Leslie A. Watts Grand Junction Grand Junction Grand J unction Grundy Center Mason Citv Cedar Rapid-s Cedar Rapids Ft. :\ Iadison Cedar Rapids Algona Forest City Mason City Fairfield E lmer E . Jewett ivirs. Mavis L. Jewett Charles R. Thompson Carol J. Thompson Edson C. Jewett, Sr. Bernice J. J ewett Douglas E. Thompson E lmer D. Jewett Miss Emma Jewett Glenn W. Jewett :Miss Lucy le Jewett Richard J. Jewett Cecilia E. J. McGehee De Soto Lawrence Valley Center Valley Center Valley Center Valley Center Valley Center Olathe Olathe Galena Halstead Bird City Topeka KENTUCKY 1164 Miss L. Blanche Cross Louisville LOUISIANA 216 298 4218 223 4218 4218 4218 W. Kenneth Day Miss Sydney M. Kilpatrick :VI.rs. Lawrence J. Le Bon 1\iliss Lydia A. McShane Edwina l'vl . Prados :vlrs. Michael J. Toso, Sr. Mrs. Joseph C. Young Shreveport Alexandria New Orleans New Orleans Gretna New Orleans New Orleans MAINE 6776 10251 528 5617 17 10482 17 3656 17 10535 J. M . Frye III Alvin E. Jewett Osborn F . Jewett Janet E. Kalman Mrs. i\i[argaret M . Babcock :\frs. Natalie D. Dunlap Anthony S. Dodge Mrs. Ervin B. Brown Miss Annie M. Carlton :v1rs. Percival Kenerson Camden Bath " Casco So. Springvale Camden Lewiston Woolwich Portland Belfast Fryeburg KANSAS 7316 7316 7316 7316 7316 10468 10444 5692 765 765 3660 ( 40) 17 10251 8122 17 17 10251 MARYLAND 9406 1914-1 11161 MASSACHUSETTS 9569 5617 4271 1519 6352 6352 6755 10007 9348 2996 2996 9576 9576 5617 5617 5617 5617 7971 7971 7971 7971 9576 228 6755 6755 7962 9348 9576 ?576 1519 9977 Quebec Line Quebec Line Quebec Line 9576 9576 9571 2996 \frs. Bernice M. Lee Augusta. Stella J. Mank Bath i\ilr. & Mrs. Wilford J. !\I erri ll Solon i\frs. Paul Nickerson Hampden Highlands Edward F. Webber So. Paris ;\frs. Eleanor J. Willey Boothbay Dr. H ugh ] . Jewett Norman Ansley .Lucille Howell Esther L. Jewett E . Porter Jewett, Jr., M.[). Dr. John F. Jewett Kenneth R . Jewett Cora A. Jewett Lloyd W. Jewett lVIorris L. Jewett Roger Jewett Margaret T . Jewett Raymond L. Jewett Vernon L. Jewett John W. J ewett, 3rd Walter A. J ewett Charles E. Jewett Willard Jewett Gertrude F. Jewett Nancy G. Heller Ruth M. Jewett Marianne R . Andrews Mrs. Ruth W. Andrews Roger C. Andrews, Sr. Roger C. Andrews, Jr. :\1rs. Ranald Brigham William J . Canfield II Edwin E. Jewett \frs. Charles Ellsworth Willia m H. Jewett Arthur L. Jewett Alfred D. Jewett Alfred D. Jewett, Jr. Alan D . Jewett Clarence A. Jewett Bruce S. Jewett Eric D. Jewett Dr. David M . Jewett Everett D. Jewett Edna P. Jewett Leonard W. Peabodv Porter J. Perkins ' ( 41) Bal ti more Severna Park Seabrook Haverhill Sutton Wellesley Clinton Danvers Danvers East Taunton \ larblehead Agawam Wayland Wellesley Hills Wellesley Hills Falmouth Falmouth Rowley Rowley Pittsfield Gardner So. :Vliddleboro 'VI iddleboro So. :\ liddleboro :\1 iddleboro Ipswich Reading Northampton West Peabody Needhan1 Wayland Rowley Rowlev Clinto~1 Hadley Ipswich Ipswich Ipswich Rowley Rowley Newbury port \Venham 2996 8632 7971 3948 Quebec Line 3304 3304 91 6533 6504 7939 1519 2996 2996 4046 10007 7971 713 713 713 713 713 6533 1309 8004 8004 7971 6762 1287 132 17 419 7971 9571 Mrs. Porter J. Perkins i\frs. E liot W. Remick Gladys VI. Rundlett i\Irs. John J. Sheerin Harold J. Stanton :Vlrs. Elton 0. Stearns ~'viiss :vcarion G. Todd Mrs. Eleanor J. True :Vlrs. Susan J. Wright \'1rs. Kenneth Wood Alan J. Young :virs. \Villiarn L. Carr Thomas L. Clark ;\lrs. F. Thomas Critchley Miss Florence Foster Arthur F. F ultz :vrrs. Arthur F. Fultz Raymond J . Guppy Mrs. Harry L. Goodwin ~Vlrs. Donald E . Hadsell Cur tis F . Haley Harry H. Haley Mavnard E. Halev Albert w. Haley, 'sr. :VIrs. Albert W . Haley, Sr. Mrs. Wesley B. Hatch lVIiss Jeanne C. Hall ~\'Irs. Constance J. Healy Kenneth iVI. Healy Miss Lucy Ardell Kimball :VIrs. Gordon W. Kirker :Vlrs. Raymond C. \1£cGrath Mrs. Vincent \.Iackesy Mrs. Frederic C. :Vlerriam Mrs. Joseph ~\ilurray Mrs. Kilby P. Osborn \.frs. Frank L. Pacheco Ernest \V. Peabody Wenham Chelmsford :vlagnolia :.Vlelrose J\ [arshfield Waltham Rowlev Nantucket Lynnfield Sou th Na tick Newton Centre W . Springfield W. Lynn Andover \fattapan Auburndale Auburndale Danvers Springfield \[iddleboro Rowley Rowley Rowley Row le\· Rowley So. Braintree Stoneham Leominster Leominster Ipswich Raynham Pittsfield ;\·lonument Beach Danvers So. Hamilton Needham Raynham So. Hamilton 1959 7356 7685 10418 7683 7685 6450 6517 Alice J. Lamphierd Agnes H. Jewett Emery H. J e·wett Herschel C. Jewett ;\'[rs. Ida Jewett Joan J e wett Joseph L. Jewett Norman R. Jewett -:'lfrs. Barbara K. Dorn David W. Howe ( 42) Flint :\1\tskegon :Vlason \lason :\H. \!orris East Lansing Grand Blanc Washington Saginaw :\ Iilan Mrs. Madeleine J. Lindsay Gilbert G. Francis Mrs. Raymond VI. Van \Tyre Detroit Livonia Detroit MINNESOTA 1992 9429-A 6733 7626 1958 7626 6733 105 11093 1966-M MISSISSIPPI 8953 Elaine R. Parent Clifford L. Jewett Frank G . Jewett, Jr. Roger J\·I. Jewett Ronald A. J ewett Thomas C. Jewett Wells Jewett \frs. \J . R. Burlingame David Rastorfer Mrs. Sandra Yarnes !\ Iinneapolis Minneapolis Wayzata Hopkins St. Paul Apple Valley Wayzata \linneapolis -:'I [ inneapolis Minneapolis Mrs. Reva J. King Mrs. Maxine J. Chaudoin Durant Long Beach Mrs. William W. Sudduth John G. Jewett M iss Louise Jewett Mrs. Jam es Arnold Robert F . Geigel i\lfrs. J. W . Kelley Mrs. William A. Merick Mrs. Nancy .M . Rastorfer Robert L. Rastorfer Ted Rastorfer Willia111 W. Sudduth, Jr. Kansas City Wooldridge Boonville St. Louis Kansas City Sedalia Catron Houston Kansas City Kansas City Kansas City MISSOURI 6733 11118 11123 5781 10171 4278 11093 11093 11093 6733 NEBRASKA 11693 944 944 8872 Rev. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Walter L. Jewett H . W . Baird H . W . Davison Everett R . Ylobley Kearney Scottsbluff Scottsbluff Omaha NEW HAMPSHIRE 3835 3835 Vermont Line MICHIGAN 1796 7683 9768 7971 9571 10535 6005 9576 8241 8241 8684 5981 713 Mrs. Alexander l\:lclsaac Mrs. Carleton R . Metcalf Mrs. Winford "Messier E . Tilson Peabody Lois W . Seabury John F. Jenkins Edward Jewett Maurice B. Jewett Hattie M. Jewett Noah Jewett Stephen S. Jewett Joseph R. Bradt, Jr. Curtis W. Haley ( 43) Keene Concord Raymond North Hampton Conway Greenfield Raymond Laconia Laconia East Andover Laconia Stratham Bristol NEW JERSEY 7503 7503 75Q3 7503 7503 2576 11755 2576 3 NEW MEXICO B radstreet Line 4653 Charles C. Jewett HI Jeffrey S. Jewett Carol J. Jewett Grandjean G. Jewett James Q. Jewett John G. Jewett William I-1. Jewett iVIrs. William H . Jewett Mrs. Colin H. Durham Theodore V. Herrmann Clare R. :VI. Herrmann Mrs. Josephine J. Lloyd :VI rs. Elizabeth J. Magner Mrs. Ruben D. Kelly Mrs. John F. Nelson Oakland Oakland Oakland Little Silver Cranford So. Orange Brielle Brielle :Vladison Englewood Englewood \1orristown Convent Station Albuquerque Artesia NEW YORK 1966-M 6758 10524 1401 1401 932 4283 5617 4283 7217 1966-M 1401 8007 7217 2035-30 5204 9576 1914-1 6504 923 11755 11755 7881 11755 5656 5656 10931 3442 932 932 932 Mrs. James Nagle Albert L. Jewett Clarence B. Jewett David F. Jewett, Jr. Mrs. David F. Jewett, Jr. Elizabeth R. Jewett Granton L. Jewett Lincoln H. J ewett Mae V. Jewett Mary F. Jewett Robert H . Jewett Brig. Gen. Richard L. Jewett Rodney A. Jewett Warren F. Jewett William S. Jewett Richard A. Jewett Mrs. Samuel J . Alessi Mrs. Carroll 0. Bickelhaupt Mrs. Leo Brenner Frances B. Schreuder Dr. John A. Carpenter Mrs. Clarence Chamberlain George W. Hanmer, Jr. Miss Martha E. Hanmer Thomas J. Hallowell Doris Kintz Mrs. C. Frederick MacGill Charles F. MacGill Mrs.,Dorothy W. \lagruder Mrs. Lillian L. \'Tarvin Mrs. H . Cari Norman Charles C. Norman Harry G. Norman, Jr. ( 44) West Falls East Hampton Johnson City New Paltz New Paltz Corning Earlville East Hampton Rochester Schenectady Albertson Ithaca Orchard Park New Paltz Pittsford New York City Buffalo Rochester Westbury New York City Scarsdale Evans Mills Wellsburg Wellsburg Norithport New Hampton Fishkill Cold Spring Staten Island Larchmont \.fannsville Mattydale Adams Center 10251 11755 227 1914-1 2035-31 11737 5617 7687 9077 Worrall D. Prescott Mrs. Eugene M. Peret R. Ferris Randall ;virs. Robert Reagan :\1rs. Charles E. Sheldon :virs. R. Scott Smith :Vlrs. Donald Smith Yvonne A. Stevenson :virs. Donald Stickler Mrs. Eugene B. Waldron New Rochelle Owego Eden New York Citv Buffalo Owego Rochester i\lassapeq ua Canandaigua East Greenbush NORTH CAROLINA 1540 7971 OHIO 9399 9399 9399 7735 3287 1992 3287 11052 6759 9491 7735 7735 6413 7735 Holland J ewett Line 9488 9488 7735 11024 7735 Holland Jewett Line OKLAHOMA Bradstreet Line 1398 1540 1540 :VIrs. James E. Bondurant Louie F. Pacheco Eden Verona i\i[rs. Harry F. Davis Lawrence J. Davis Steven J. Davis :'v1rs. Daniel F. Gorski :vTrs. Edward Lawrence Mrs. R. Roach Mrs. Bulah Sweet Mrs. Larry E. Shuler Mrs. John A. Taylor Brandon M. Cordes Malcolm C. Jewett Miss Elizabeth Currier Donald R,. Jewett Mrs. B. C. O'Shea Harlan E . Jewett Joseph F. Jewett I 11 Emma L. Jewett Miss Mahala E. Jewett Robert M. Jewett Robert W. Jewett Richard H. Jewett Cleveland Garfield Heights Garfield Heights Cincinnati Maple Heights Toledo Conneaut Racine Cincinnati Wyoming Dayton Delaware Lakewood Columbus Geneva Wyoming Wyoming Columbus Pepper Pike Hilliard Geneva Cecil F. Olso11 La Donna Benningfield .Mrs. John H . Byrum Mrs. Parker E. Costilow Mrs. Hugh L. Long Lawton Alva Oklahoma City Lawton Del City . OREGON 8761 10444 1914-1 11161 11161 2023 Stanley G. J ewett, Jr. Mrs. Elden R. Allen Mrs. Mason Drukman Blaine Brown Mrs. Blaine Brown Myrtle M. Ostlind Mrs. Alma E. Shipley ( 45) West Linn Eugene Portland Forest Grove Forest Grove Salem Salem PENNSYLVANIA 17 8007 6776 11764 11764 11764 11764 6756 9572 10535 Dorothy C. \lilliken Carlton B. Jewett, Jr. Deborah A. Jewett Philip H. Jewett ]. \ 1I illard Frye, Jr. Clark J. Gilbert Geoffrey K . Gilbert John P. Gilbert John J. Gi lbert Mrs. Robert J. Lepper Mrs. James W. Stitt :\frs. James L. Wood Mrs. Orville Yoder SOUT H CAROLINA 1540 Mrs. A. M. Kendrick, Jr. SOUTH DAKOTA 5204 TENNESSEE 9357 TEXAS 2556 1519 6755 5617 5617 5617 11168 5617 5617 1540 2902 8969-1 UTAH 1914-1 VERMONT 7322 9227 9227 9227 Quebec Line 690 Quebec Line Erie Bridgeville Pittsburgh Swarthmore Indiana ;\It. Lebanon \ft. Lebanon :\f t. Lebanon :\ It. Lebanon Pittsburgh Easton Pennsburg Towanda Sumter Harvey C. Jewett, 3rd Marshall Jewett Aberdeen Flandreau Mrs. Harry Lawton Kingsport Dr. David A. Wood Albert E. Foster, Jr. John R. Jewett Gleason \N. Jewett Harry B. Jewett, Sr. John G. J ewett Myra D. Jewett Robert W. Jewett Mrs. Paul Edwards Mrs. Robert W. Jewett Mrs. John G. Jewett l\il iss Imogene Henson ~Vlrs. David L. Pue Mrs. H . R. Winfrey M rs. F. J. Bradshaw E lizabeth E. ] ewett Gordon I. Jewett Laura V . J ewett Paul E. Jewett, Jr. Scott P. Jewett Elizabeth N . J ewett Mrs. Ralph A. Bean Mrs. Richard G. Clark Mrs. Sumner I. Sanderson ( 46) San Angelo Houston Bedford Kingsland Houston Austin Houston Richardson Houston Richardson Austin Seymour Boerne Austin Salt Lake City \-1 iddlebury Ri~hford Richford Bennington Bennington Bennington Newport Rutland West Charleston VIRGINIA 6504 2967 10141 10141 5617 5617 1808 1540 9571 957 1 9571 9571 9571 9357 10983 WASHINGTON 3771 10141 104 7626 923 5371 1540 'M rs. William E. Wallace Maj. Allen C. Jewett Freeborn G. J ewett, Jr. R. Eric Jewett Russell T. Jewett William A. Jewett, Mrs. William A. J ewett Henry E. Biggs, Jr. Mrs. William S. Coleman Malburne J. Peabody Mrs. Malburne J. Peabody Alan D. Peabody Jonathan F. Peabody Nialburne J. Peabody, Jr. Mrs. Daniel J. Rooker Mrs. Josie E. Tonkin Mrs. Marion J. Anderson Rev. Edward B. Jewett Miss Helen M. Jewett M iss Jeanne J evvett Robert H. Jewett Lowell E. Hicks l\llrs. Burnice Laulainen Mrs. W . Burwell Smith WEST VIRGINIA 1492 1492 Fenn H. C. Schneider Mrs. Fred G. Schneider WISCONSIN 7622 4190 7626 7619 8097 Mrs. John W. Snyder Mrs. Arthur C. Pope Guy R. Jewett Loucian E. Jewett Linneas J. J ewett McLean Vienna \lcLean Colonial Heights Colonial Heights :vicLean \ 1fcLean Front Royal Martinsville Falls Church Falls Church Falls Church Falls Church Falls Church Pulaski Portsmouth Spokane Washongal T acoma Seattle Bellevue Seattle Longview Kennewick So. Charleston So. Charleston Stevens Point Marinette West Salem West Salem Waukesha WASHINGTON, D. C. 6607 Mrs. Richard F. Voell CANADA 8801 1957 9513 Quebec Line Quebec Line 8831 8790 Quebec Line Muriel E. Lawrence Dr. B. L. Jewett David B. Jewett Conrad S. Jewett F. Allen Jewett F. C. Jewett Horace Jewett John R. Jewett Leverett H. Jewett ( 47) i'vlouth of Keswick, N .B. Fredericton, N.B. Aroostook Jct., N .B. :\;Iansonville, Quebec Mansonville, Quebec Willowdale, Ontario Mouth of Keswick, N .B. Sussex, N. B. Mansonville, Quebec Quebec Linc 3788 Quebec Line Quebec Line Quebec Line 6342 Quebec Line Quebec Line Quebec Line Quebec Line Quebec Linc Quebec Linc Quebec Linc 8097 ENGLAND 8007 Pearl J ewett L. Harvey J ewett :\lyles A. Jewett :\finnie H . Jewett G. Cheryl J ewett Robert A. Jewett Robert A. Jewett :\I rs. C. :\ L Baird :\! rs. Ruth Bezinian Cordon K. G rant :\ Jrs. E. D. Hunter Byron Lcney Edwin I. .\"orton Claudia M. Norton :\'[rs. William H . O'Brien S. MacKenzie Paige Michael P. Spearing Jane L. H. Thomas George Jewett Philip E. ] ewett ~fansonvi ll e, Quebec l\ lansonville, Quebec Simcoe, Ontario Sheffield, N. 8. :\ I an son ville, Quebec Ingersoll , Ontario Halifax, N .S. Farnham, Quebec :\fontreal, Quebec York, N. B. Calgary, Alberta Gcorgcville, Quebec Burlington, Ontario Burli ngton, Ontario Farnham, Quebec Windsor, Quebec Willowdale, Ontario Brigham, Quebec Day ton l-l ythc, Kent Erroto :Vlrs. ~ l adeleine Lindsay has several additions and changes s he would like to make in t he " History of the Jewett Homestead, Chelsea, :\lich.," which appeared in the 1973 Year Book, starting on page 34. They are: Page 37: Bellona, N. Y., not " Bellova." Page 38, bottom paragraph: ·'She was a widow of Theopholis Clark, by whom she had ten children, none by :\1r. Jewett," rat'her than "one by Mr. Jewett." Page 40, next-to-last paragraph: Jane Barrett Clark is the great grandmother of Mrs. J a ne Miller, not Mrs. ;\-fadeleine Lindsay. Page 41, bottom paragraph : "Three children were born to the owners of the] ewett Homestead : Gertrude (died in infancy), Clara F rancesca, the second child; a nd Ada Elizabeth, the third child," not Gert rude, Thomas, and Jane. Page 42, first paragraph: Francesca, not Francena. Page 43, third paragraph from bottom: "Jane married Jess F. ~filler," not Jess T. Miller. Page 42, next to last paragraph: Mrs. Lindsay would like the presentday address of Dr. Lester Jewett's home added. It is 10725 J erusalem Rd . She adds, "The house was built of cobblestone in 1846, and is still nice." There is a picture at the bottom of page 29, at the beginning of the article, " Pioneer Times-Some Reminiscences," a nd ~I rs. Lindsay send s t he names of t he people in the picture. They are, from left to right: Clara Jewett Fletcher, Ada Jewett Waltrous, and their father, Thomas Jewett. ( 48)