PO Directory 1868 – Spalding - South Holland Life Heritage and
PO Directory 1868 – Spalding - South Holland Life Heritage and
277 DIRECTORY.] SPALDING. [LINCOLN. J SO:MERSBY is a small parish, in the Mid division of the Cambridge. Alfred Tennyson, the poet laureate, wa~ born here, his father being rector of the parish at the time. The Rev. Langhorne Burton Burton, B.A., is loru of the manor and sole landowner. The soil is clay and sand ; subsoil, mostly blue and red clay. The chief crop<: are wheat, oats, barley and turnips. The area of the parish is 600 acres, and the population in 1861 \\as 72. HoLY WELL is a quarter of a mile north; Warden Hill, one mile north-ea"'t; Cloven Hill, one mile and a half northeast ; Harden's Gap, one mile and a halfnorth-east. Parnh Clerk, J onatban Clarke. eounty, parts of Lindsey, hundred of Hill, Horncastleunion, petty sessional division and county court district, archdeaeonry and diocese of Lincoln, rural deanery of Hill, 6 milee north-east from H orncastle, 7 ~ east from Alford station, and 6 north-west from Spilsby. The church of St. Margaret is an old building-, in excellent repair, with nave.? chancel, south porch, and massive low square tower, with tour small pinnacles, and containing 2 bells : in the churchyard is an ancient cross, beautifully sculptured, and in good preservation : the church was repaired in 1833. The register dates from the year 1735. The living is a rectory, annual value £202, with residence, in the gift of and held by the Letters through Horncastle, which is the nearest money Rev. Langhorne Burton Burton, :n . of, Trinity College, order office Baumber J?hn,farmer, Manor house Burton Rev. Langhorne Burton, :B • Thompson Susan (Mrs.) grazier Clay Franc1s, shopkeeper Rector ' .A., I .A.I SOTBY is a parish, in the Mid division of the county, rectory, annual value £275, in the gift of the Lord Chanparts of Lindsey, eastdivisionofthe wapentake ofWraggoe, cellor, and held by the Rev. John Bainbridge Smith, M.A., Hnrncastle union and county court district, diocese and of St. John's College, Cambridge. There is a Sunday school, archdeaconry of Lincoln, rural deanery of Wraggoe, 16 supported by the rector. Robert Vyner, Esq., of Gautby miles east-north-east from Lincoln, 5 east from Wragb_v, Hall, is lord of the manor and sole landowner. The soil is and 8 north-west from Horncastle. '!'he church of St. mostly mar!; subsoil, mar! and white cl a,·. The chief crops Peter is a small, substantial, neat building, consisting of are barley, oats, wheat, and turnips. The area is 1,500 nave, chancel, and open belfry containing 1 bell : the acres, and the population in 1861 was 164. nave and chancel are about equal in length, and the arch Parish Clerk, Thomas Goddard. dividing them is pure Norman, and very massive. The Letters by fo(lt post through \V rag by, which is the nearest register dates from the year 1658. The living is a discharged money order office Smith Rev .J no.Bainbridge,M.A[rector J Bradley Thos.thrashing machine owner Stovin George, farmer Baggaley Thomas, farmer Coote George, carpenter Tripp Geor!!e, Nag's Head Borringbam William, fanner Scboley Edward, farmer W eatherhog J spb .shopkeeper&black~m SOUTHORPE (near the river Eau), formerly extra Esq., i!i lord of the manor. The land belongs to W. J. parochial, is now a parish, in the N ortbern division of the county, parts of Lindsey, Corringham wapentake, Gainsborough union, petty sessional division, and county court district, 7 miles north-east from Gainsborough. The mhabitants use Northorpe church. T. F. Embleton-Fox, Potter James (Mrs.), farmer I Pickin, Esq. The soil is loam ; subsoil, clay and gravel. The chief crops llfe cereals. The area is 590 acres, and the population in 1861 was 44. Letters through Kirton, which is the nearest money order office Rollett Thomas, farmer SPA L DIN G. SPALDING is a well-built seaport, market and union town, dergone extensive repairs and restorations, the sum of and railway station, head of a county court district, and polling place for the Southern division of the county, in the "apentake of Elloe, parts of Holland, diocese and archdeaconry of Lincoln, and rural deanery of H ollanrl, situated 93 miles from London, 16 from Boston, 40 south-east from Lincoln, 17 north from Peterborough, 20 east from Stamford, and 10 east from Bourn. Spalding is a member of the port of Boston, and is the port for Stamford, Market Deeping, and Crow land, and has water communication with the whole county. The river Welland runs through the town, dividing it into two portions, the larger of which is on the north bank: it is navigable for Yessels of 100 tons, by which means a lar<,_{e trade in coals has been carried on for years. The yearly tonnage of shipping inwards is about 6,000. The High Bridge over the W elland was rebuilt in 1838; there are three other bridges, for foot passengers only. The town is not incorporated, but is governed by fifteen Commissioners under the Spalding Improvement Act, of 1853 : Captain Francis Thomas Selby is the present chairman of the Commissioners. An Act was passed in the year 1860 for supplying the town with water : the works are situated close to tile town, on the road to Pinchbeck: the capital is £8,000, raised in shares of £10 each. The town is lighted with gas. The parish church of SS. Mary and Nicholas is a large old stone building, originally E;1rly English, but with many alterations in the Perpendicular style: it has nave, chancel and four aisles; the nave and aisles are separated by a handsome stone arcaded colonnade: the sittings are of oak, and the church has an organ and heating apparatus: there are monuments to the Johnson and other families: the west window is of stained glass, and is remarkably large and handsome: the l'ast window is also of stained glass; there are three other stained windows on the south side of the chancel and 11isles, and four smaller ones in the chancel; the tower ccnunns a peal of 6 bells, also a clock : risiug from the tower is a spire, at the foot of which are elbows fitting in four carved pinnacles : the north porch is a good specimen of Perpendicular architecture: the church has recently un- £10,000 having been raised for the purpose : the Ladye chapel, on the south side, is now used as the Free Grnmmar school. The liviug is a perpetual curacy, annual value £950, with residence, in the gift of trustees, and held by the Rev. Edward .Moore, M.A. of St. John's College, Cambridge. The Cemetery is about half a mile from the town, and cost about £4,500, including the purchase of la10d and the erection of the two chapels. The National school, for 200 boys and 200 girls, was built in 1845, at a cost of £1,GOO, on a commodious site near the church : the building has since been enlarged, and a schoolroom for girls added. The Blue Coat school, the l<'ree Gr!lmmar school, and the Petit school are all endowed. Here is a Friends' meeting-house, and eight chapels of various denominations. In place of the old Town Hall, the Improvement Commissioners, in 1855-6, erected a handsome Corn Exchange, with several public rooms: the building cost nearly £3,000, and was opened in March, 1856; it is in the Elizabethan style, and has an illuminated clock: the exchange-room is 73 feet long and 43 broad, and is fitted with stands for the accommodation of corn merchants, and is provided with a moveable platform; during the winter season penny readings are given in this room at intervals. The Commissioner;; also allow the use of a room in the Exchange, at a nominal charge, to the friendly societies for their periodical meetings. This building produces an income, which amounts to about £a50 annually. Great improvements have also been made by the Commissioners, as surveyors of the highways, in the paving of the streets, by the substitution of granite for pebbles. Close to the Exchange stands the Butter-market, which was opened in 1857, and contains a few shops. There are three banks-the Stamford, Spalding, and Boston; the National Provincial; and that of Messrs. Garfit, Claypon & Co.; in addition to which are savings banks. Ther.: are two hotels. The Spaltling ~lechanicz:~ Institute was established in 1845. [LINCOLN.] SPALDING. 278 Spalrling is the head quarters of a company of Lincolnshire Rifle Volunteers, commanded by Captain F. T. Selby. There is an Agricultural Society, 11 fishing cluh: also a flower, fruit and poultry society, who hold annual shows, • • • giVIng pnzes. There is a nPwspaper, "The Spalrling Free Press." published every Tuesday, by Henry Watkinson, circulatingextPnsively in the Fen districts. The ~essinns Hnuse is a large, handsome building in the Sheep-market, erected about 25 years since, at a rost of £6,000. Qn•rter and petty sessions are held here f< r the parts of Holland; the latter are held every alternate Tuesday. A county court for the district of Sp1lding is held l1ere every month: the f, llo\Ying places are within its jurisdiction :-Cowbit, Crow land, Donington, Gosberton, Maulton, Pinchbeck, Quadring-, SpHlding, Surfleet and W estnn. Spalding union comprises the IJine parishes of Spalding, Pinchbeck, Moulton, Surfleet, Gosberton, Quadring, Cowbit, Doni ngton, and W eston. The board of guardians meet every alternate Monday. Close to the Sl:'ssiuns House stands the House of Correction, a large building erected in 18:l6 at an outlay of £15,000; also a Police Station, erected in 1858 at a cost of £1,40(). Gamlyn's Almshouses, founded by Sir Matthew Gamlyn, were rebuilt in 1K4t, in the G••thic style: there are also alrnshouses founded by William Willesby. The town carries on a very extensive trade in corn, meal, flour, timber, wool and oil Cllke. There are now three large steam flour mills; also Rn extensive steam saw mill. There are sever.. ! wi11drnills for grinding corn, from which a great deal of flour is sent into the manufacturing and London [POST OFFICE districts. Qmmtities of fruit and vegetables are al!lo sent bv the Great Northern R,illwav to the London markets and nianufllcturing district~. There is a large hone mill; also breweries, malting-~, lime mills, brick fields, and coach works, two iron foundries, engineering shops, and some gun making. The market day is Tuesday, for corn, cattle, c;heep, fish, fowls and veg-etables; and on Sdturd~y vegetables and fruits Hre sold. There are five yeBrly fairs for cattle and merchandise, held the first TuesdAy after Lincoln fair (April), June 29th, Aug. 28th, Sept. 25th, and Dec. 6th; also two statute fairs for hiring servants-one in l\1 ay, the other iri October or November. There are some rPmains of the outbuildings of the ancient abbey of Spalding, now convertPd iuto dwelling-housf'll. Fulney House, one mile north of the church, is now rebn1lt1 and stands in a pledsant park J it is the seat of Robert Everard, Esq., D.L. The land produces large quantities of wheat and oats; also woad, chicory, mustard, and flax. The area is 12,070 acres, and the population of the parbh in l8Gl was 8,723 1 and of the town 7,032. WYKEHAM (or WrcKHAM) is a chapelry in Spalding parish, 3 miles north-east from the town, and will be found under a !'eparate beading. WINROVER, one mile south, and FuLNEY, one mile east, are small hamlets. Little London is one mile south; Hawthorn Bank, one mile south-\\<est; .Monks House, one mile and a half west; and Pode Hole, 2 miles west; a portion of Spalding adjoins Pinchbeck, from 5 to 6 miles west of Spalding. Parish Clerk, Robert Appleby, Market place. Official Establishments, Local Institutions, &c. PosT & MoNEY ORDER OFFICE, Post Office Savings Dispensary, High street, Thomas Cammack, physician; Edwin Morris, M.D. Ancell Ball, William Foster Vise & Bank &; Government Insurance & Annuity Office.Thomas Bemrose, postmaster~ Double street William C. Wilkinson, sen. surgeons; Francis Thomas Selby, hon. sec.; .Mrs. Jane Barnett, matron Letters for London & the Southern Counties, box closes at 9.30 p.m.; with extra stamp, can be posted in late box Inland Revenue Office, White Hart hotel, Market place Sessions House, Rohert Judd, keeper till 9.55 p.m For London (day mail), box closes at 12.50 p.m.; letters Corn Exchange, Robert Gray, keeper being delivered in London the same evening Buttl'r Market, Robert Applehy, clerk For Boston, Lincoln & Horncastle, box closes at 10 p.m As.~embly Rooms, Broad street For Boston (day mail), box closes at 11.15 a.m Police Station, John Lea per, superintendent For Holbeach & Long Sutton (day mail), box closes at Spalding Cemetery, Pinchbeck road, May Stimson, regis· 11.15 p.m trar & receiver of fees For .Manchester & the North (day mail), box closes at Tax Office, Double street, T. S. Fisher, surveyor of taxes 12 ..50 p.m Spalding Improvement Commissioners' Office, Double For Peterborough, the North & the Midland Counties, box street, Capt. F. T. Selby, chairman; Mes~rs. Harvey & closes at 5 p. m Cartwright, clerks; William Ea~t, surveyor, London road The town pillar boxes are cleared for the day mail at Mechanics' Institute, New rd. Wm. Foster Vi•e, hon. sec 12.35 p.m. & for the night mail at 5.50 p.m. during the Ga.~ Works, Alhion street, Improvement Commissioners, winter months; for the summer months at 7.45 p.m. proprietors; Thomas Cro~!'kilJ, manag-er Holbeach road; & 7.20 p.m. London road & Bourn road Fire Engine.~, Charles Buff ham, superintendent; Thomas Letters are delh ered at 7.30 a.m. & 12.30 mid-day; on sunDriffill, engineer ; Robert Gray, keept;r days one delivery only, at 7.30 a.m Water Works, Pinchbeck road, .Mesl!rs. Banner & Cal.Money orders are issued from 9 a.m. till 6 p.m throp, secretaries &c.; Richard Stimson, engineer Stamp Office, Bridge street, J oseph Richard Measure~, INSURANCE AGENTS:distributor of stamps Accidental~ Marine, Franri!' T. Selhy, Herring lane Law Union Fin• ~Life, Franci~ T. Selby, Herring lane PUBLIC OFFICERS:Assi.~tant Overseer, C. J. Caswell, Thomazin lane London, Stauldorth & Dandy, Church street Midland Counties, Richard Dixort, New road; William Assessor of Land, Assessed~ Property 7'axe.~, Clement J. Ca~well, 'I'homazin lane Pike, Market place AssUitant Surveyor to Improvement Commissioners, Phamix Firr', Thomas B. Scarborougb, Bridge street Henry Harvey, Plummer'~ place Royal Fire, Williarn Stubbs, Market place Coronf?r for Spalding District ~ Parts of Holland, Royal Fire~ Life, R. A. White. Welland villa William Edwards, Church street Royal Exchange Fire, Life~ Marine, Francis T. Selhy, Clerk to Littlezcorth Turnpike Trust, A. F. Cartwriglit, Herring lane Double street Standard Life, Clement J. Caswell, Herring lane; Benj. Cooper, Hall street ; William Pike, Market place; Clerk to the As.~essed ~· Property Tax Commissioners, C. F. Banner, Broad street Harvey & Cartwri~ht, Doublr street Clerks to the Improvement Commissioners, Harvey & Sun Fire, AshlP,V Marples, Bridge street Cartwright, Double street lVhittington Life, C. T. South well Clerk to the Board of Guardiam, Ashley Maples, sen. PUBI.IC ESTABLISHMENTS:Bridge :-treet ; Deputy Clerk Ashley Maple~, jun Christian Association News Room §re. Chapel lane, Clerl1 to the Sperial ~ Petty Sessions of Holland Ellae, Henry Watkinson, president Ashley Maples, Bridge street County Court, held at the Sessions House, F. Ellis, esq. judge ; Charles f'oster Bonner, registrar; Charles Buff- Clerk to the Spalding §5" Donington Turnpike Truste s, Ashley Maples, Bridge street }• am, high bailiff Custom House, Commercial road, Andrew Anderson, Clerk to thr' South Holland IJeeping Fen IJrainag ~ the Spalding ~ Pinchbeck Drainage 7'rust es, C. F. collector Banner, Broad street Hou.~e of Correction, Rev. John Lewis, M.A. chaplain; William F. Vi~e, surgeon; Henry Bates, governor; Mrs. Clerks to the River Welland Trustees~ to the R'ver Glen Banks Trustees, .Messrs. BonnPr & Calthrop, Ann Bates, matron; W. W. Martin, schoolmaster Brofld street Union Workhouse, Rev. :Michael Sisson, chaplain; Edward .Morris, 111. D. medical attendant; George Craven, Clerk to thP JJiarkets, Edward Gooch, C'lay lake governor; 'Irs. Catherine Craven, matron; Geor~e Him- Collector of ltlarket Tolls, Edward Gooch, Clay lah.e rose. schoolmaster; Miss Sisson, schoolmi:;tress; Edward Collector of Rates ~ Taxes. Clement James Caswell, Storr, relieving officer, Bourn road ' Thomazin lane DIRECTORY.] 279 SPALDING. [LINCOLN.] Commissioners for Taking Acknowledgments of Deeds British, Pinchbeck street, JosephB. Pratt, master; Miss by Married Women, C. F. Banner, solicitor, Broad Fanny White, mistress street; F. T. Se! by, solicitor, Herring lane; Ashley National, Church street, Charles Holloway, master; Miss Maples, sen. solicitor, Bridge street Rebecca Hall, girls' mistress; Mrs. Elizabetil Carey, Commis.rioners for Taking Oaths in Chancery, Charles infants' mistress F. Banner, solicitor, Broad street; F. Thomas Selby, Wille.~bey's Free, Bourn road, William Sleight, master !IOlicitor, Herring lane; A. Maples, solicitor, Bridge street NEWSPAPEH.-Lincolnshire, Boston :T Spalding Free Excise Officer §J Inspector of Corn Returns, Richard Press (Henry Watkinson, publisher), Hall street; pubBaker lished on tuesdays Impector of Butter Market, R. Appleby CONVEYANCE:Inspector of Weights ~ Measures, John Leaper, super- Railway Station, Bournrd. Edmund Cooter, station mastr intendent of police Omnibuses leave the 'Red Lion' & the 'White Hart' to Principal Coast O.tficer,Andrew Anderson, Commercial rd meet every train Receivers of the South Holland, Deeping St. N-icholas DoNINGTON-For parcels only. Petchell leaves the ~ Welland Drainage Taxes, Harvey & Cartwright, • Greyhound' with the mail cart every morning at 4.15 solicitors, Double street HoLBBACH-Cotton's cart leaves the 'Chequers' daily, Registrar of Marriages, Edward Storr, Bourn road except tuesday, at 10.30 a.m. for Holbeach, returning the • Regi.~trar of Birth.~ fk Deaths, C. J. Cas well, Thomazin la same evemng Relirving Officer, Edward Storr, Bourn road CARRIERS:Sheriff'.~ Officer, Frederick White, Brett'f! walk BILLINGBORO'-Pickworth, from' Pied Calf,' tuesday Superintendent Registrar of Births, Deaths :T ftiar- BouRN-Carter, from 'Pied Calf,' tuesday & <;aturday rioges, Ashley Maples, solicitor, Bridge street CROWLAND-Everitt, from ' White Horse,' tnesday; A. Superintendent of Fire Brigade, C. Buffham, Brett's wlk Blood, from 'Bull,' tuesday; Frisby, from 'New Bell,' Surveyor for Parts of Holland, Thomas Pear, Cowbit rd tuesday & friday Sub-distributor of Stamps, J. Richd. Measures, Bridge st DEEPING GATB-T. Hyde, from' White Hart,' tuesday Superintendent of Police, John Lea per DoNINGTON-Sutherill, from 'Cross Key~,' tuesd<1y; Toum Crier, John B. Naylor, Red Lion street Barnsdall, from 'Black Swan,' daily, except monday & Town Surveyor, Henry Harvey, Plummer's place wednesday PLACES op WoRsHIP:GEDNBY HILL-Jackson, from 'Bull,' tuesday; T. St. Mary ~· St. Nichola$ Church, Church street, Rev. Clark, from 'White Horse,' tuesday Edward Moore, M.A. incumbent; Rev. J. Ralph Humble GosBERTON-Rutkin, from' H.ed Lion,' tuesday & Rev."- .Jameson, curates GosBEli.TON RrsEGATE~Pointon, from 'Cross Keys, Baptist ChnpeZ,Chapellane,Rev .J .C.J ones, M.A- minister tuesdav Baptist (Ebenezer) Chapel, Church lane, Rev. Charles GosBERTON WESTHORPE-Mrd. Fairbanks, from' White Ward, minister Hart,' tuesday Independent Chapel, Pinchbeck street, Rev. Percy Strutt, HoLBEACH-John Cotton, from' Chequers,' Bourn road, minister each week day excepting tuesday Independent Chapel, Holbeach road, ministers various LANGTOPT-Walling, from' Old Bell,' tuesrlay Wesleyan Methodist Chapel, Broad st. Rev. Seth Dixon LoNG SuTTON-Pecave, from, 'Old Bell,' tuesday Reform lfTesleyan Chapel, Crescent MARKET DEEPING-Woo·ls, from' New Bell,' tuesday Primitive Methodist Chapel, Crescent road PINCHBECK BARS-Porter, from' Pit'd Calf,' tuesday Primitive 1lfethodist Chapel, H olbeach road PINCHBECK WBsT-Risely, from' Great Northern,'tues Primitive Methodist Chapel, Little London SuTTERTON , from 'Red Lion,' tuesday Friends' llfceting House, Westlode street SuTTOl'i' ST. EDMUND's-Thompson, from 'Bull,'tuesday SCHOOLS:SUTTON ST. J AMBs-Keach, from' \VhiteHorse,' tuesday Baptist (boys & girls), Chapel lane, Miss Kate Bell,mistress \VHAPLODE DROVE-Waterfall, f1·om 'New Bell,' tuesFree Grammar, Church street, Rev. lVIichael Sisson, day; Spriggs, from ' New Bell,' tuesday; Richards, from head master ' Ram Skin,' tuesday Blue Coat, Church street, Michael J oseph Sisson, master; RAILWAY CARRIERs.-Sutton & Co. parcels only; J. Mrs. White, mistress Harris, agent, Market place rRIVATB RESIDENTS, East Mrs. William, London road Ogden Mrs. 'Vestlode street Adcock Mrs. High street Edwards William, esq. Church street Page Mrs.1 Welland terrace Alien Mr. Geo. Prospect pi. Abbey yard Everard Robert, esq. D.L. :Fulney house Palethorpe Mrs. Plume VIlla, PinchBall Ancell, M. D. Church street _Farnsworth Mr. John, Pinchbeck road beck road Barber Mr. John Thos.N ew st. Crescent Handley Miss, London road Palmer Mrs. Henrietta street Barnes Mr. Joseph, Commercial road Harrison Mr. John Wm. Thomazin lane Puvitt Miss, Spring gardens Barratt Mr. George, 8 'Velland terrace Harvey Charles, esq. London road Percival Arthur, esq. Double street Barrell Mr. Geo. Francis, 9 Welland ter Hilliam Lieut. 'l'homas [R. S. L. Pickering .M.r. Sf)alding Fen road Bartou Mrs. Albion street Militia], Willesby hall Pitcher Mr. Christopher, Bourn road Bernrose l\Irs. 9 Crescent Hopkins J onathan, esq. London road Popple Mrs. Thomazin lane Bonner Charles Foster, esq. Broad st Harden Mr. William R. London road Proctor Mr. Williarn, London road Bowles Mr. Benjamin, Pinchbeck road Humble Rev. J. Ralph [curate], Riddington Mr . .J ames, Spring gardens Bugg Henry, esq. Cowbit road Church street Robinson George, esq. London road Burg Wm. Henry, esq. Pinchbeck road Hutchinson .Mrs. Commercial road Scarborough Mrs. Cow bit road Caltnrop J oe George, esq. The Tower, Hutchinson Mr. Proctor, Albert street Scarborongh T. B. esq. Bridge street Cowbit road Ingoldby George, esq. Uank house, Selby Capt. Francis Thomas [LincolnLondon road shire Rifle Volunteer~], High street Calthrop Miss, Broad street Camrnack Edmund, csq. Pinchbeck rd J ohnson Theophilus llaurice Step hen, Sisson Rev . .1\Iichael [curate of Maul ton Carnmack Thomas, :J .P., M.D., F.R.c. r. esq. High street chapel], Pinchbeck street Johnson Mr. Tyrer, London road Smith l\Ir. Robinson, London road Pinchbeck street Cammack William, esq. Pinchbeck rd Jones Rev. John Chatwin, M.A. [Bap- Smith Thomas, esq. Double street Cam pain Mr. Samuel, sen. London road tist ], High street Steven J ames, esq. High street Capes Mrs. Sheep market King Mr. George, Albion street Stiles Henry, M.D. Welland terrace, Cartwright Augustus Frederic, esq. Leach Mr. Henry, London road London road Leedell Mr. William Patman, Bourn Strutt Rev. Percy [Independent], London road road Cowbit road Cartwright Samuel Hand, esq. 2 'Velland terrace Lewis Rev. John, B. D. [chaplain to the Swift Mrs. London road g-aol], London road Thistlewood .1\Ir:~. Rrett's walk Cau.lton 1\Irs. Crescent Loader Mr. High street Thompson Mr. Edward, Brett's walk Caulton Mrs. Spring garden~ Lowe Miss, \Vestlode street Thornton Mr. James, Red Lion street Cbarington Miss, London road Cherrington nlrs. High street Maples Ashley, esq. High street Turner Mr. Red Lion street Maples Ashley,jun. esq. Denham house, Vise \Villiam Foster, e~q. London road Clark Miss Sus'ln, Pinchbeck street Church street Wade Mr. George, Low Fulney Clark Mr. Samuel Lee, Crescent Marshal! Mrs. Albion street Walker Henry Jas. esq. 7 Welland ter Clay Mrs. Bourn road .Mason Mrs. _;\lbion street Ward Mrs. Plummer's place Con~re' e Mrs. Brett's walk Middleton Mr. John, Spring gardens ·weldon R. H. esq. Market place Copping Mrs. W estloue street Moore Rev. Edwd. M.A., .J.P. Vicarage \Vhittaker .Mrs. Prospect place, Abbey Culy Mrs. Cowbit road Morton Mr. William Hollingsworth~ yard Cnnnmgham Mr.H~nry, Westlode st Double street Wilkinsou William Cradock, esq. Dixou Rev. Setll tW esleyan], Broad st ~Iorns Edwin, M.D. High t>treet F.R.c.s. Church street Draper Mr:~. Albion street [LINCOLN.] SPALDING. 280 COMMERCIAL. Adcock John, grocer, dealer in boots & shoes & outfitter, New road Alien & Co. wholesale & retail grocers, provision merchants & tallow chandlers, :Market place Alien Walpole, farmer & ~razier, High street Amos John, tailor & outfitter, New road Andenon Andrew, principal coast officer & collector of customs, Commercial road Andrew J ames, saddler & harness maker, Sheep market Andrew Mary Ann (.Mrs.), milliner & dress maker, Spring gardens Andrew Richard John, boot & shoe maker, Hall place Andrews William, tailor, Bourn road Appleby Robert, bookseller. stationer, printer, bookbinder, music seller, news agent & fancy repository, Market place Arch Frederick, farmer, Cunningham's dro\'e Arch Joseph, farmer, Cowbit road Arm~trong William, miller & farmer, Little London Arnold John, boot & shoe maker, Willow row Arnold Robeit, boot & shoe maker, Abbey yard Ashby Frederick, beer retailer, Spalding common Ashton Elizabeth (Mrs.), grazier, Bourn road AshwPll J oseph, printer, stationer, bookseller & news agent, Bridge street Asling Brelsford, pharmaceutical chemist, Bridge street Atkim1 William, private accountant, Cowbit road Atkinson Hiram, shopkeeper, Crescent Atton William, stone mason & engraver, painter, glazier & dealer in paper hangings, Bourn road Bailey Georr.?;e, catsup manufacturer & cooper, Clay lake Baker James, market gardener, Bourn road B!\les Daniel, photographer, Bourn road Ball Ancell, surgeon & physician, Church street Banks Charles, farmer, Holbeach road Banks Charlotte (Mrs.), butcher, Albion street Banks William, Pied Calf, Sheep market Barker J ames, tail~>r, draper & outfitter, Bourn road Barker John, market gardener & cowkeeper, Bourn road Barlow Thomas, butcher, Commercial road Barnes Francis, builder, Commercial road Barnes James, baker, confectioner & aerated water manufacturer, New road Barnes J ames, White Lion commercial inn, & wine & 8pirit merchant, High street Barnett Jane (Mn.), matron of dispensary, High street Bal"l"Rtt :Mary Ann (Mrs.), Cross Key.Y commercial inn, Hall !'treet Barrell George Francis, wine & spirit merchant, Hall street; residence, 9 Well and terrace Barwell Thomas, farmer, London road Barwick John, mat maker & block letter cutter, Lit. London Barwis W. R. butcher, London road Bates David, baker, Albert street Bates Elizabeth (Miss), day school, Chapel lane Bates Henry, baker & corn dealer, Bourn road Batterham Georg-e, farmer, Low road Beales George, photographer, Chapel lane Bee George, shopkeeper & shoe maker, l:lom·n road Beech John, shoe maker, Church street Beeston William, beer retailer, Little Londnn Bell George, plumber, glazier oc painter, High street Be !lairs Elias, watch maker, jeweller & silversmith & dealer in electro-plated g-nods, Hall street Bellamy Elizabeth (Mrs.), shopkeeper, London road Bellamy Willinm Thorp, hutcher, New road llennett Ann (Miss), milliner & dress maker, Bridge street Bennett Edward, bricklayer, Church lane Bennett Henry, carpenter, builder & painter, London road Hemrose John, carpenter &joiner, London road Bemrose John GP.orge, beer & wine retaile!", Station entrance Bemrose Thomas, stationer,& fancy repository, & po11tmaster, Double street Bevan John, boarding & day academy for young gents, W estlode street Bingham & Townsend, White Hart family~ commm·c.ial hotel~- po.~ting house, & wine & spirit merchant, family brewers, & agents for parcels &c. to the Great Northern Railway Company, Market place Bird Mary (Mrs.), lodging house, Double street Bird Sarah (Miss), shopkeeper, Commercial road Blades William, baker, Commercial road Bland John George, beer retailer, Double litreet Blinkhorn Thomas, blacksmith, enginaer & millwright, Plummer's placo Blow Thomas, farmer, Cowbit road Boardman Joseph, farmer, Clay lake Banner Charles Foster (firm, Banner & Calthrop), solicitor, commissioner in chancery, & for taking acknowledgments of deeds by married women, Broad street [POST OFFICE Banner & Calthrop, ~Jicitors, Broad street BontoftJames, beer retailer, Westlode street Border Henry, grocer & provision dealer, Pinchbeck street Border Mary (Miss), shopkeeper, Bourn road Bourne Charles Doncastor, miller, Cowbit road Bower Charles, builder & joiner, Abbey yard Bowman Edward, farmer, Spalding common Bowser Benjamin, maltster, brewer & spirit merchant, Cowbit road Bradshaw Charles, boarding & lodging house, High street Brand Azariah, boot & shoe maker & greengrocer, Westlode street Brett Charles, builder & brick maker, Crescent Brewer Robert, fruiterer, wholesale green~rocer & farmer, Bourn road Briggs Jonathan Taylor, watch maker, silversmith & jeweller, Bridg-e street Brightman Wortley, coal, corn, flour & oil cake dlr. Arcade Brown William, baker & butcher, Cow bit road Bufl'ham Chas. hig-h bailiff of county court, Brett's walk Bufibam Mary Elizabeth (Miss), milliner, hosier, berlin wool repository, & toy dealer, London road Bugg J oseph Henry (late Bugg & Son), brewers, maltsters & !lpirit merchants, Cow bit road Bulmer John, farmer, Cowbit road Burchnall Ann (:Mrs.), farmer, Spalding common Burgess :Mrs. & 8arah Miss, ladies' boarding & day school, New street Burrows John, boot & shoe maker, Commercial road Burrows Thomas, butcher, .Albion street Caistor George, slater &c. Willow road Calthrop J oe George (firm of Banner & Calthrop),.solicitor, & commissioner in all common law courts, Cowbit road Cammack William & Edmund, solicitors, Pinchbeck street Cammack Thomas, .J .P. physician, Pinchbeck street Camms Richard, hoot & shoe maker, Bourn road Capps William Thomas, corn agent & oil cake merchant, High street • Carey T. C. organist of parish church, teacher of music & singing-, Broad street Carruthers Richard, butcher, Bourn roarl Cartwright Augustus Frederic, solicitor (firm, HarvPy & Cartwright), London road Casbon John, fruiterer, greengrocer, seedsman & florist, Crescent Cas well Clement J ames, accountant, & collector of rates {!£c. Herring lane Caswell Clement J ames, feather merchant, Thomazln lane Caulton Charles, farmer, Manor house, Spalding common Caulton Henry, grazier & butcher, Hall street CaultonJohn Thomas, farmer, Spaldingfen, Pinchbeck ""est Cave John, fruiterer, seedsman & florist, Crescent Cave John, nurseryman, seedsman, fruiterer & greengrocer, Morket place Cave John, sen. nurseryman, Fulney Cemetery (Ashley Maples, sen. clerk to burial board; May Stimson. registrar & receiver offees), Pinchheck road Chapman Thomas, boot & shoe maker, Albion street Chappell Henry, slater& pla~terer, Commt>rcial road Chatter! on Moses, foreman for J olmson & Sons, steam mills, Bourn road Chatterton William, miller, Red Lion ~treet Cherring-ton Richard, grocer & provision de.-.ler, Bridge st Chesterfield Henry, farmer, Vine !ltreet Christian John, blacksmith, Little Lonrion Clark Charles, ladies' boot maker, Double street Clark Eliza,jun. (Mrs.), milliner& dres)Jmaker, Comrcl. rd Clark Geor11-e, furniture broker, Lond~ road Clifton Da vid, beer retailer & butcher, Bourn road ColemarrGeorge, blacksmith, New road Coley 'Villiam, cooper, Vine street Collins James, cowkeeper, Cowbit road Congreve Fanny (Mrs.), farmer, Hulbeach road Cook & Wakelin, boot & shoe makers, Market place Cook Isaac, Pigeon inn, & shopkeeper, Commercial road Cook John, shoe maker, Little London Cooley Thomas, tailur, weollen draper & hatter, Bridge street Cooper Benjamin, actuary ofsavings bank, Hall street Cope William, boot & shoe maker, Commercial road Copping Thomas Cooley, cabinet maker, upholsterer & undertaker, High ,;treet Cotton John, Chequer8, & carrier, Bourn road Cotton Thomas, greengrocer, ArC'ade & Bourn road Cox Emma (Mi5s), dress maker, Westlode street Crisp John, beer retailer, Double street Cross Robert, coach builder, New road Crust John, cattle dealer, Cow bit road .I Crust Richard, jun. market gardener, Cowltlit road Crust Richard, sen. market gardener, Love lnne Crust Robert, butcher & cattle dealer, CowQit road DIRECTORY.] 281 SPALDING. [LINCOLN.] Cunnington F:umery Epworth, jun. ironmonger & grocer, Gooch Edward, fellmonger, & collector of Spalding market London road tolls, Clay lake Cnnnington Farmery Epworth, sen. builder & lime burner, Good hand Christopher, carpenter & builder, Westlode street, & stone merchant, London road baker & confectionet·, Hall street Goodwin Eldred, engineer & millwright, Westlode street Cunnington John, carpenter & builder, London road Cunning-ton Thomas, farmer, Cowbit road Goslino- Edward, boot & shoe maker, Bourn road Gout John, beer retailer & butcher, Commercial road Curry Charle3, bilor & outfitter, Bourn road Grassam Seth, engineer, machinist & brass founder & agriCurry Emma (Mrs.), tobacconist, Bourn road cultural implement maker, Crescent iron works Curry Richard, tailgr, London road Green Mary Ann (Miss), dress maker, Chapel lane Cnrtis Maria (Miss), dress maker, Double street Green Rosina (Miss), milliner & dress maker, London road Dallicoat Robert, basket maker, Hall place Green Sarah (M is.s), dr~ss maker, Spring gartlens Dalton J a1nes, furniture broker, Bourn road Green Sarah (Mrs.), Neu.• Bell inn, London road Dalton John, butcher & farmer, Bourn road Greenall Betsy (Mrs.), china & earthenware dealer, Bourn rd Dalton Thomas, shopkeeper, London road Greives .John, butcher, Double street Dalton Thomas H ibbins, butcher, Crescent Dann Emma & Mary (Misses), toy warehouse, Hall place Groom .Farndon, leather seller, Herring lane Gulson John, farmer, Little London Davison Martha (Miss), shopkeeper, Albert street Dawson Brothers, liuen & woollen dr,tpers & tailors, Hack Charles, beer retailer, Albion street Market place Hall Asa, tailor, woollen draper & outfitter, Market place Hall Cornelius, boot & shoe maker, Bourn road Dawson Edrnund, lVhite Horse, Churchgate Hall Cornelius, carpenter, Commercial road Dawson George, painter, Bourn road Hall C'ornelius, greengrocer, Crescent Dawson John Fell, shoe maker, Sheep market Dawson Maria (Mrs.), dress maker & smallware dealer, Hall Thomas, pork butcher & pig dealer, Bourn road Double street Ham Thomas, market gardener, Hawthorn bank Dawson Stephen, builder, contr-actor & lime merchant, Hames William, rope maker, \Vestlode street Broad street Hammond i\lary (Mrs.), greengrocer, Hourn roatl Dawson Thomas, painter & house decorator, Double street I-Iandley Charles, hair dresser, Bridge street Day Zachariah, fish dealer, Commercial road Handley Robert, tobacco pipe manufacturer, Red Lion st Dixon Abel, shoe maker, Chapel lane Hankins William, shopkeeper, Little London Dixon Francis Morganson (Miss), ladies' boarding & day Harby Ril-hard, hair dresser, Arcade Hardy Benjamin, ironmonger, brazier & tin man, Hall street school, 5 & 6 Willand terrace Dolt on Henry, wine, spirit, ale & porter dealer, Westlode st Hardy Reuben, boot & shoe maker, Crescent Donington Jas. ironmonger, tin plate & gas fitter, Blidge st Hardy ThomasArch, ironmon,.{er,tinman & brazier,Bridge st Donin)!ton Hobert, dispensing chemi~t, Market place & Hardy Williarn, grocer & provision dealer, Hall place Sheep market Hare Mary (.Mrs.), old clothes dealer, High street Donnor George, baker&. corn & flour dealer, Red Lion st Harmston Henry, cabinet rna. & furniture broker, Bourn rd Draper Thomas, Ship A lbion, AI uion street Harmston Mary (Mrs.), beer retailer, Abbey yard Dritfill Thomas, plumber, glazier & gas fitter, New road Harris John, grocer & provision dealer, Market place Dring- Smith Edward, boat builder & ship repairer, Alhion st Harrison Alfred, inspector of Deeping fen dminage, Little London Drury William, farmer, Spalding common Dutfin Stephen, baker, Bourn road Harrison Cbristopher, carpenter & builder, Cowbit road East William, architect & surveyor, London road Harrison Henry H. tailor, Crescent Eccleston William, boot & shoe maker, New road Harrison John Watson, confectioner, dining rooms, & fancy bread & biscuit baker, Broad street Edward~ John Abbey, ltVhite Swan, New road Edwards William, solicitor, Church street Harrison Mary Ann (Mrs.), Greyhound commercial inn, Crackpoole lane Eldret Hobert, farmer, Cuckoo road Ellis Harriet (Mrs.), china, glass & earthenware dealer, Hart William H. Punch Bowl, New road Crack pool lane Harvey & Cartwri~ht, solicitors, & commissioners in chancery &c. Double street El~om Isaac, rope & twine spinner & tar dealer, New road Ilarvey Henry, town surveyor, Plummers place Emmitt Peregrine, baker, Vine street Haw Mrs. blacksmith, Sheep market Enderby Htmry, saddler & harness maker, Market place Haynes Elizabeth (Mrs.), lodging house kPeper, London rd Eno Robert, !!"eneral dealer, Commercial road Everingham Henry, auctioneer, appraiser & tea dealer, Hercock Henry, timber dealer, Bourn road Hiley Thomas, currier & leather merclmnt, Hall street Bourn road Hilcy Thomas, saddler & l1arness maker, Hall street Favell Ann (l\irs.), beer retailer, Spalding eommon Fawn William, builder, & haberdasher & fancy repository, Hill Sleight, farmer, Cow bit road Hinson John, builder & stone mason, Bourn road Bourn road Fellowes Thoma~, coal, stone, lime, salt &c. merchant, & Hitch David, jun. pianoforte tuner & repairer, furniture dealer & land surveyor, Bourn road ag~nt for the l\Iount Sorrel Granite Co1upany; wharves, at Great Northern Railway statiom, Spaltling, Cowbit, Hitch David, Fen. ~-:luve & garter maker, Bourn road Crowland, Counter Drain, French Drove, Guyhirn, Hohson & Son, linen & woollen drapers, mercers, tuilors & outfitters, Market place Moulton, North Drove & Twenty; 1·esidence, Spring Hackney Richard, dining rooms & confectioner, Broad st Clo~e house. See advertisement Holmes \Villiam Chapman, cooper, Pim:hheck street Fish \Villiam, gPneral dyer & cleaner, Abbey yard Fi'!l1er EJward, blacksmith, High street H opkins John R. miller, Spalding common Fisher Mary (1\Ino.), farmer, Bourn road II opkins J oseph H. miller, Little London Fi•her T. S. surveyor of taxes, Double &treet Hopper Geor~e, hoot & shoe maker, Crescent Fldcher William, photographer, New road Hopper Martha (Mrs.), milliner & straw bonnet ma.Crescent Flynn George, rag- merchant, marine store & smallware Horton David, farmer, Spalding common dealer, Sheep market Horton John, wholesale fruiterer & market gardener, PlumForeman Henry, boot & shoe maker, Double street mer's place Foster Edward, market gardener, Thomazin lane Hoyland John, professor of music&. pianoforte tuner, "\VestFo!iter GeorgP, baker, Commercial road lode street Fast r Robert, veterinary surgeon, Pinchbeck street Hudson Ephraim, builder & joiner, Cbilders drove France Rohert, butcher, Albion st,·eet Hunt & J enning!!, bone crushers, chemical manure manuFrancis William, Golden Ball, Little London facturers & dealers in sulphuric acid, Steam bon~ mills Frith Nathaniel, medical botanist, Abbey yartl H u ntJ ames,confectio ner ,ti·u i terer&tobr~cc onist, Sheep mark t Garfit, Cla)pon, Garhts & lngoldby, bankers (George Jn- Hunt Thomas, farmer, bpaldin~ .Fen road g-oldby, manager), London road; draw on Bametts', H urrey William Charles, boot & shoe maker, & agent for Dick's g-utta percha, Broad street Hoares', Hanburys' & Llo-' !.1 Garn Stamlord, carpenter & wheelwright, Spalding common Ingham ·william, Anc:hor, Commercial road GarnPr Eliza (Mrs.), servants' registry office, & sewing ma- Ingoldby FrederiCk, corn, coal, oil cake merchant & importer, Douhle street chinist, Hall place Ingoldby George, manager of Garfit, Claypon, Garfits & Garratt George, boot & shoe maker, Hed Lion street l11goldby's Bank, Bank house, London road Gibson Henry Atkin, chemist, Market place Inkley Thomas, butcher, Hall street G1bson James Atkin, linen draper, Market place Ireland Henry, butcher, Sheep market Gibo;on John, shoe maker, Bourn road J ackson Frederick, butcher, London road Godley J oseph, brick & tile maker, Clay lake Godsmark & M orlon, linen drapers & milliners, Market pl Jacl..son John, farmer, Cowbit road Jackson Thomas, brick & tile maker, Spalding fen Godson William, farmer, Spalding common [LINCOLN.] SP.ALbiNG. 282 Jarvis William, Robin Hood.' Bourn road Jenning-s Charles Dickinson, general ironmonger, iron merchant, engineer, iron & br11ss founder, agricultural implement & hurdle maker, gunsmith, whitesmith, blacksmith, gas fitter, tin man & brRzier, Bridge street J epson W illiam, carpenter & builder, New street, Crescent Jinks John, farmer, Holbeach road Johnson & Co. coal merchants, Bourn road Johnson George, Welland Cottage, & farmer, London road J ohnson Hannah (Mrs.), baker, Little I.ondon Johnson Henry, grocer, provision dealer & foreign wine dealer, Bridge street J ohnson John, tailor, woollen draper & outfitter, Bridge st J ohnson William, shopkeeper, Bourn road J ones George, hoot & ~hoe maker, Hall place J ones Rev. John Chat win, M.A. boarding & day school for young gentto, High street J oyce Thomas, railwav permanent way inspector, Bourn td Kelk J11coh, steam miller & corn merchant, High street Kemp Franci~, farmer, High street King Robert, travelling tea dealer, Bourn road Kingston Samuel, auctioneer, surveyor, estate & general commission agent & farmer, Hall place Kirk Frederick, boot & shoe maker, Commercial road Kitwood James, grocer, provision factor & dealer in british wines, Bridge street Lamhert Ann (Mrs.), boarding & day school for young ladies, High street Laming Joseph, wine & spirit, ale, porter & hop merchant & farmer, London road laming- Samuel, farmer & landowner, Decoy farm Lancaster Joseph, blacksmith, Bourn road Lane Elizabeth (Mrs. J, secondhand clothes dealer &. sewing machine operative, Crescent Lansdale Hamerton, basket maker, Double street Lawrence James, hair dresser, New road Lawson Charles, tailor, Albion street Lawson Charles Kiugslmry, toy dealer, & fancy repository, Chapel lane Lawson Edward, butcher & cowkeeper, New road Law son Matilda (Mrs.), milliner & dress maker, Albion street Laxton Frederick,auctioneer & furniture broker, Herring lane Leavsley George, master mariner, Willow road Leckie Charles Childerstone, tailor & woollen draper, Sheep market Lever Henjamin, dealer in music & musical instruments & ~ianoforte tuner, Hall street Lill Asher, millwrig·ht & carpenter, Commercial road Lindsey John farmer, 8palding marsh Longbottom Jonathan, farmer, Pinchbeck road Longstaff John, house agent, Church street Love Elizabeth (Mrs.), stay maker, N~w road Love George, clothier & outfitter, Hall place Lowden William, farmer, Holheach road Luck Thomas, New inn, & tailor, Spaldin~ common Luck Thomas, shopkeeper & blacksmith, Spalding common Lyon John, beer retailer Lyon Sarah Ann (Miss), tailoress, Thomazin lane Maher John, cutler & umbrella repairer, Red Lion street Maccann Hillham, china, glass & earthenware dealer, Bridge street Maclean Donald, travelling draper, Crescent Malam Annie (Mrs.), refreshment rooms & boarding house, Bourn road Maltby Mary Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Albert street Mans field Elizabeth(Miss ),straw bonnet makr.Commercial rd Manton Mordecai, Peacock, Pinchbeck street Maples Ashley & Son, solicitors, Bridge street Maples E. P. & Co. timber & slate merchants & importerq, & steam saw mill proprietors Maple~ Ashley (firm, Maples Ashley & Son), commissioner in chancery & all the law courts, & for taking acknowledg-ments of deeds by married women, superintendent regiRtrar of births, deaths & marriages, Brid~e street Maples Henry, wine, spirit, ale & porter merchant, Red Lion st Margerum A. James, hatter & hair dresser, New roatl Marriott J oseph, baker, Albion street Marriott William, grocer & baker, Double street Mason Jessop, boot & shoe maker, London road Maugham Elizabeth (Mrs.), g-rocer, New road Measures J oseph Richard, grocer, draper & tallow chandler, Bridge street Measures Richard, farmer, Little London Measures Richard, farmer, Red Lioa street Merrikin Charles Hewson, linen draper, milliner & outfitter, Hall street 1\lerriman Georg-e, baker & confectionl!r, :Bridge foot Metherell&Son,BlackBull inn,&veterinary 8urgeons,N ew rd Moats William, Crown, & wheelwright, china, glass, earthenware & futniture dealer, W estlode street [POST OFFICE Moffatt ThomaR, shopkeeper & greengrocer, New road Moles Elizabeth (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Cowbit road Molesworth Mary Ann (Mi,;s), smallware dealer & haberdasher, Bourn road Money Alfred, beer retailer & poultry dealer, Double street Moo re John, j un. builder, New Street crescent Morris & Steven, surgeons, High street Mossop Benjamin Addenbrooke, farmer, Albion street MountRney Bartholomew, tinman & brazier, Market place Moyer Samuel, butcher, Bourn road Moyer William, butcher, Bridge street National Provincial Bank of England (branch) (T. B. Scarborough, manager), Bridge street; draw on head office, London Naylor John, bill poster & town crier, ked Lion street N eal Benjamin, sen. farmer, Monks house Newling David, farmer, Melbourne cottage Nichols Mary Ann (Mrs.), straw bonnet maker, Double st Nichols Norman, grindery dealer & shopkeeper,Sheep market Nichols William, farmer & grazier, Hi~h street North Thomas, cutler & hair dre!lser, 4 Church street Northern William, ironmonger, Hall street Ogden Henry, farmer, Red Lion street Oltlham \Villiam, coal dealer & provision dealer, London road Osborn Edward, tailor, draper & outfitter, Hall place Osborn George Corne_v, linen & woollen draper, tailor milliner, dress maker & funeral coach proprietor, Market p{ Osgerlly Adam, thrashing machine owner, Little London Ownsworth Ann (Miss), milliner & dress maker, Broad street Palmer Edward, Nag's Head, Douhle street Pannell Eliza (Mrs.), marine store & smallware dealer, Sheep market Pannell Ellis, boat builder, Alhion street Parkinson John, farmer, London road Parrbh Daniel, tailor & outfitter, Hall street Parrish J amcs, tailor & outfitter, Hall place Peacock Richard, tailor & outfitte!" & furniture broker, Vine street Peacock Robert, hoot & shoe maker, Broad street Peacock William Christopher, game dealer, fishmonger & tobacconist, Bridge str~et Peake Blott, farmer, Red house Peake Daniel, farmer, Spalding commort Pear Thomas, civil engineer & surveyor, Cow bet road Pear William, watch & clock repairer & old clothes dealer, Commercial road Pears John Thomas, ag-ent for Gilbey & Co. wine & 11pirit merchants & importers, Market place Pears Joseph, grocer & provision dealer, Market place Pearson .John, market gardener & greengrocer, Brett'swalk P~arson William, boot & shoe maker, London road Peck Thomas, brick & tile maker, Clay lake Pennington Charles Maltby, linen & woollen draper & milliner, Hall place Penning ton Sarah Elizabeth (Mrs.), milliner & dress maker, W estlode street Pentney John, grocer & pro\'ision dealer, Hall street Percival Arthur, solicitor, Double street Phillips Philip, farmer, Spalding common Phillips William, farmer, Spalding fen, Pinchbeck West Pick Charles, grocer & provision dealer, Bourn road Pick Thomas, builder, Westlode street Pick worth John, farmer, 3 Welland 1-Rrrace, London toad Pickworth William, farmer, Hall place Pike & Grunnelll auctioneer~, appraisers, land surveyors, estate & general commission agents, Market place. See ad ve•·tisement Pike William, Red Lion .family ~ commercial hotel~ posting house, maltster, brewer, hop merchant & farmer, Market place. See advertisement Pitcher Thomas, farmer, Bourn road Pitcher Thomas, farmer, Cuckoo road Plumpton William, tailor & woollen draper, New road Poole George, carpenter & wheelwright, Chapel lane Popple Jemirna (Mrs.), poulterer &tripe dresser, Herring-la Porter Albert, printer, stationer & book binder, Broad st Powdrill John, cowkeeper, Willow road Pratt & Co. general commission agents, New road Pratt Robert Arthur, accountant, Hall place Pratt Robert Arthur, auctioneer, Market place Pratt Robert Parr, butcher, Broad street Preston John, watch maker, silversmith&:; jeweller, Bridg'est Pretty Catherine (Mrs.), beer retailer, Holbeach road Pretty Thomas, farmer, Spalding fen Pretty Wiiliam, preparatory school for boys, Pinchbeck st Proctor Henry l\L farmer. fl.ill house, Spalding marsh Quincey Henry, dealer in boots & shoes & shopkeeper, Wel!tlode street Ranson William, beer retailel"', Hall place Rastall John, joiner &. builder, Albion street DIRECTORY.] 283 SPALDING. [LINCOLN.] Rayner James, baker, Bourn road l:!.'palding Improvement Commi8sionera Gaa §so Coke Co. Rayner John, painter, glazier & paper hanger, Bourn road Al bion street Read William, hair dresser, Red Lion street Spolding Mechanics' Institute (Edmund Cammack, hon. Reedman John, farmer, Spalding fen sec.), New road Revell Thomas, boot & shoe maker, High street Speechly James & Co. corn & cake merchants, & ale & Reynolds Alien, miller & baker, Holbeach road porter agents, Market place Rhodes Frank, pharmaceutical chemist, Market place Spikins Edm nnd, turner, Chapel lane Richarrlson Edward, master mariner & ship ()wner, Albion st Spikins George, carpenter, Herring lane Richardson William, table beer retailer, Bourn road Stamford, :-,palding ~ Boston Banking Co. (branch) Ridlington J ames, corn & oil cake & sack dealer, Bridge st ( R. H. Weldon, manager), Market place; draw on BarRippin James, wt1tch maker, Arcade clay, Bevan & Co. London Roberts Thomas, Ram Skin inn, Double street Stableforth & Dandy, wholesale & retail grocers, provision Robinson Samuel, farmer, Low FulnPy merchant:l, & tallow chandlers, High street & Church st Robinson Vincent, farmer, Spalding fen, Pinchbeck West Stanger John, carpenter & builder, New street, Cre~cent Robinson William, farmer, Holbeach road Stanger William._ stone mason, builder & tombstone enRodgers Benjamin, beer retailer & butcher, Brett's walk graver, New road Rosbe Thomas, shopkeeper, Bourn road Stanton Edwin H. cabinet maker & upholsterer, Hall place Rose George, miller & baker, Holheach road Steel Barnabas Collins, steam mill~"r (James Sewell, maRose Jo~eph, tin plate worker, Double street na~er), Hig-h street; re~>'idence, Hammersmith, London Stevens Thomas, working cutler, Chapel lane R se Thomas, butcher, High street Rose William, shopkeeper, High street Stevenson FrederickEd win, manager of W insover iron works, Bourn road Rosling Matilda (Mrs.), tailoress, Commercial road Stevenson John, farmer, seedsman, & bulb & fruit grower, Roughton John, turuer, New road Bourn road Rowell William, coufectioner, baker & mealman, New road Stiles Henry T. M.D. surgeon, London road Royce Joseph, fish dealer, Commercial road Stimson May. registrar, & receiver of cemetery fees, Pinch• Royce Thomas, Angel, Donble street beck road Royce Tlwmas, fish dealer, Commercial road Stopper George, greengrocer, Sheep market Rutland Mercy (.Mrs.), shopkeeper, Commercial road Stopper William, market gardener, Fulney road SaHer John Nixon, butcher, Bridge street s~ul Stephen, hardware dealer & haberdasher, Market place btorey William, old clothes dtaler & ~rocer, Bourn road Savings Bank (Benj<tmin Cooper, actuary) (open tuesdays, Storr Edward, registrar of marriages & relieving officer, Bourn road 10 to 1; Raturda)s, 7 to 8 p.m.), Hall street Scarborougb T. B. ·manager of theN ational Provincial Bank Storr George Edwaru, corn dealer, Bourn road Strickson Jane (Mrs.), stay maker, Bourn road of England, Bridge street Stubbs William, linen & woollen draper, tailor & outfitter, Scott William, tailor, London road Market place Sefton John, cart owner, Bourn road Selb.v Francis 'fhomas, solicitor, commissioner in chancery Snter Robert, beer retailer & brewer, Vine street & law courts & for taking acknowledgments of deeds by Swift Francis, ph~rmaceutical chemist, druggist & dentist, New road & Albion street married women, Herring lane SymesJohn Fowler, painter, paper hanger, house decorator, Seward Samuel, hair dresser, Commercial road & picture frame maker, Pinchbeck street Sewell Jam~s, manager of B. C. Steel's steam mill, High st Seymour James, market gardener & seedsman, Bourn road Tagg William, boot & shoe maker, Vine street Shacklock John, plumber, glazier, painter, paper hanger & Taylor James Watson, Old Bell, Brid~e street house rlecorator, Westlode street Taylor John, farmer, Spalding fen Shatlford & Co. wholesale druggists, retail chemists & tobac- Taylor John, Ship Active, & coal merchant, Albion street Taylor John, shoe maker, Spalding common conists &c. Market nlace Taylor Mary (Mrs.), market gardener, fruiterer & seedsSharman- (Mrs.), preparatory school, Bourn road man, Albion street Sharnum Clement, boot & shoe maker, Bridge street Taylor Thomas, Oatsheaf, Little London Sharman Thomas, boot & shoe maker, Arcade Thompson William, Vine, & builder, Commercial road Sharman William, builder, Bonrn road Thorp John, dining rooms, Double street Sharp John, builder &c. Chapel lane Tidswell James William Hono, private accountant, ComSharp William, wheelwright & blacksmith, London road mercial road Shaw Thomas, watch maker, New ro>ld Tingey William, Black Swan inn, New road Sheffield William, farmer, Cuckoo bridge, Spalding fen Tointon J ames, farmer, Bourn road Shepherd J ames, beer retailer & brewer, Bourn road Tointon James, jnn. farmer, Thornazin lane Shotbolt Thomas, farmer, Bourn road Siddons J oseph, china, glass & earthenware dealer, New road Tointon Samuel, farmer, Albion street Simms William, plumber, glazit'r & gas fitter, Pinchbeck st Tomlin William, accountant for Messrs. Pike & Grunnell, Pinchbeck street Sirnpson A. Thorn as, saddler & harness maker, London road Tory George, cabjnet maker, Hall place Sindall Thomas Yarrard, farmer, Fuluey Skeeth Williarn, tinman, brazier, & manufacturer of Chea- Towns Mallet, boot & shoe maker, Cowbit road Toynton J olm, beer retailer & coal agent, Station road vin's p1tent filter, Red Lion street Sleight William, master of Willesby's Free school, Broad st Toynton Samuel, boot & shoe maker, Double street Tuddenham John, fishmonger, Bridge street Sly George, coal & fire brick merchant, Commercial road Smart Rebecca (Mrs.), milliner, & millinery warehouse, Tupholme William, beer retailer, Bourn road Tnpholme William, hoot & shoe maker, Bourn road Hall place Turner Rehecca (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Albion street Smart Rohert, florist, Hall place Smith & Chapel, house ag-ents & rent collectors, Bourn road Turner William, baker, Bridge street Turner William, blacksmith, Commercial road Smith & Limmer, wheelwrights & carpenters, Bourn road Tye .Joseph, furnishing & general ironmong-tr, gun maker, Smith Charles Handley, Bull, Bridge foot whitesmith, bell hanger & gas fitter, High Bridge hou,c Smith David, farmer, Low Fulney Tye Robert, watch maker, Bridge foot Smith Henry, farmer, Low Fulney Sm'th James Paling, farmer, Weston hill Ulyat Charles, baker, Bourn road Upton Albert, private accountant, Cowbit road Smith Jane (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Albion street Utting Georg·e Robert, corn, oil cake & seed dealer & sack ::!mith John, butcher, Bourn road hirer, Bridge foot Smith John, re!;istrarofbirths, deaths & marriages. Abbey yd Vamplew .John, Royal Oak, Cowbit road Smith Robert, farmer, Spalding- common Vickers William Ridley, grocer & prbvision dealer, Hall pi Smith Thomas, butcher, New road Vine Edward, tailor & old clothes dealer, London road Smith William, plumber & glazier, Albion street Vine Matthew, beer retailer, coal merchant & ship owner, ~mith William, tailor & outfitter, Crescent Commercial road Smith William Thomas, George ~Dragon, Holbeach road South Lincolnshire Advance ~ Investment Company, Vine Newton, tailor, London road Limited (Charles T. Southwell, manager), Hall street. Vise William Foster, surg-Pon, London road See adverti~ement Wade Mary Elizabeth (Miss , dre~s maker, Church street Soothwell Charles Thoma~, boot & shoe maker, & secretary Wade Thomas, market gardener, Hawthorn bank to the South Lincolnshire Advance & Investment Com- Waite C'ornelins, currier & leather merchant, Albion street '\Vakefield John, rat catcher, Spalding common pany, Li1nited, Hall street. See ad\ ertisement Walden Mark, baker & grocer, London road Spaldi:ng Coal Co. (Southwell & Co.), Hall street ~ldmg Dispensary (Thos. Cammack, physician; F. Thos. Walker Francis, boot & shoe maker, New road 8elby, hon. see.; Mrs. J a ne Barnett, matron), High street Walker James, beer retailer, London road [LINCOLN.] 284 SPANBY. Walker James, beer retailer, Thomazin lane Wallis R. & Sons, locksmiths, bell hangers & gun makers, Pinchbeck street \Vallis John, cow keeper & clothes dealer, Bourn road Walpole Joseph, Pied Bull, Bourn road Ward Charles (1\Irs.), milliner &c. Bourn road Ward George, shopkeeper, Bourn road Warner Elizabeth ( l\Irs. ), straw bonnet cleaner, Chapel lane Warnes \Yilliam Smith, boot & shoe JIIaker, Crescent \Varrell Stephen, tailor, Crescent g-ardens ·water Works (Messrs. Banner & Calthrop, clerks), Pinchbeck road Watkiuson Henry, bookseller, stationer, printer, hookbinder, patent medicine vendor, news agent, pianoforte & mu!lic warehouse, dealer in paperhangings, & proprietor & publisher of the ' Lincolnshire, Boston & Spalding Free Press,' Hall street. See advertisement Watson Frances (1\frs.), Hole-in-the-Wall, AbbeyYard passage Watsun John, pawnbroker, clothier & pianoforte dealer, Broad street Webster George, farmer, Spalding marsh W ebster Roger, lodging house. Pinchbeck street Webster Thomas, farmer, Spalding fen, Pinchbeck west \V eldon R. H. manager of Stamford, Spalding & Boston Bank, Market place Wellband Thomas, shopkeeper, London road Wellhank Edward, market gardener, London road Wellby George, farmer, Spalding fen West John, tobacconist & hair dresser, Sheep market White Sarah Ann & Mary Hcarson (Misses), boarding & day school for young ladies, Crescent SPAN BY is a parish and small village, distant [POST OFFICE West Mary Jane (Miss), toy dealer, New road \Vhite Charle", coach & carriage builder, Bourn road White James H. coach builder, Sheep market \Vhite .John, baker, 2 Crescent \Vhite John, dairyman, West! ode street White Robert Arnold (Mrs.), boarding & day school for young ladies, Albion street White Waiter, coach builder, Pinchbeck ;.treet \Vhitwell Waiter, beer retailer, Commercial road Wilcox John, market gardener & fruiterer, Albion strPet Wilkinson Williarn Cradock, F.R.c.s. surgeon, Church st Wil!mott John, hair dresser, perfumer & fancy repository, Market place Wilson Benjamin, shopkeeper & coal mer. Commercial road Wilson Charles, greengrocer, New road Wilson John, farmerJ Church lane \-Yoodhouse William Creasy, baker, Double street W oodrow Alfred, tailor & woollen draper, Bridge street Woolley & Andrew, builders, joiners & cabim~t ma. High st Wool!Py Morton, saddler & harness maker, Church street Woolley Samuel, builder, Double street Worby Louisa (Miss), dress maker, Holbeach road Worby William, wheelwright, Holbeach road Wright James, plumber, glazier & painter, Albert street Wright Lucy (Miss), shopkeeper, Little London Wright Thoma8, farmer, Spalding common Yarrad Michael, farmer, Pinchbeck road Yorke Sarah (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Double street Yorke Thomas, beer retailer & shopkeeper, Double street Young Men's Christian Association (William Chambers, housekeeper), Chapel lane Young John, shopkeeper, Commercial road 3~ miles of St. John's College, Oxford, wl10 resides at Swaton. W. north-east from Falkingham, in the Southern division Cragg, Esq., is lord of the manor and principal landowner. of the county, parts of Kesteven, Aveland wapentake, Slea- The soil is chiefiy clay; subsoil, chietly clay. The chief ford union and county court district, rural deanery of crops are wheat, barley, and oatS". The area is 1,019 acres, Aveland, archdeaconry and diocese of Lincoln. The church and the population in 1861 was 75. of St. N icholas is a small building, with 1 bell. The register Par-ish Clerk, Speed Lunn. dates from the year 1681. The Jiving is a rectory, annexed -to the vicarage of Swaton, gross annual value £80, in the Letters through Falkingham, which is the nearest money gift of 1\1 rs. Ram, and held by the Rev. Henry Kna pp, M .A., order office COMMER~I.AL Bellamy William, land agent & sur- Dodsworth John, farmer llellamy Dawson, farmer, & assessor & veyor; office, Castlegate, Grantham Hosman Thomas, farmer collector of taxes Bull George, farmer Mitchelson William, farmer SPILSBY is a small but thriving market town, railway Toynton All Saints, Toynton St. Peter, Ulceby, Wainfleet station, and polling place for the Northern division of the All Saints, Wainfleet St. Mary, Well, Welton-in-the county, head of a union, and county court distriP.t, in tl1e ·Marsh, \V illoughby, and Winthorpe. The P.Ounty court parts of Lindsey, East division of Bolingbroke soke, rural district also comprises the above places; the court is hdd deanery of Bolingbroke, archdeaconry and diocese of Lin- monthly. The Union Workhouse was erected in 18:38: it is coin, distant 17 miles north from Boston, 10 east-south-east a large brick building, situated in the parish of Hundleby, from Horncastle, 16 south-by-east from Louth, 8 south- and will accommodate 280 persons: the board of guardians west from Alford, 9 north-west from Wainfleet, and 126 meet every alternate Thursday. The Gas ·works in A~hby from London. A new line of railway, called the Spilsby lane were erected in 1854. The church of St. James is a and }o'irsby hranP.h of the Rast Lincolnshire Railway venerable building, in the Perpendicular st)!e of architecCompany, was opened in 1868. The town is pleasantly turc, and has been thoroughly repaired; it consists of a large situated on an acclivity overlookin!; a vast tract of marsh embattled tower containing 6 bells, a nave, north and south and fen land, extendiHg southward to the Boston Deeps: aisles separated by pier8 and pointed arches, nnd a chancel, it is well built, and consist:~ chiefly of two streets and the on the north side of which is a chap~l containin~ several Market-place, which is intersected in the centre by a row ancitnt monum~nts: on the tombs are some finely sculpof houses: at one end is the Town Hall and Corn Market; tured figures of the Willoughby De Eresby family; some of at the other end an ancient market cross, a plain octa~onal these monuments are supposed to have he en removed from shaft, with a flight of steps at the hasement. A Court the old chapel at Eresby Hall, the seat of this family. The House and House of Correction were erected in 1824, at a register dates from the year 1562. The living is a vicarJge, cost of nearly £30,000 : the site occupies about two acres of annual value £100, in the gift of Lord Willoughby lJe land, encompassed hy a brick wall, except the front, which Eresby, and held by the Rev. William Vlako Turner, M.A., is adorned by a handsome portico, supported by Doric of :Magdalen College, Cambridge. A Free Grammar school pillars. Petty sessions are held here every .Monday. General was founded here at the time of the dissolution of the reliquarter sessions for the Southern division of the parts of gious houses, but 110 building appears to have belonged to Lindsey are held alternately here and at Louth, viz., it till 1611, when Lord Willoughby De Eresby granted n January and July. Spilsby is the centre of a poor law plot of land for the erection of a school : a convenient schoolunion, divided into two districts, ,-iz., Spilshy and A!ford, room has been built, and the head master has a house adeach of which has a relievin~· officer. Spibby union joining: it was supported for many years by donations and comprises the following places :-Addletlwrpe, Alford, subscriptions, fr,,m which 32 acres of land have been purAnderby, Ashby-by-Partney, Aswardby, Hilsby, Boling- chased, which now let for about £82 yearly: forty-two chilhroke, Bratoft, Brinkhill, Hnrgh-in-the-Marsh, Ca!P.ehy, dren are educated from the funds, viz., 30 boys and 12 girls, Canrllesby, Claxby, Crofr, Cumberworth, Dalby, Driby, for whose instruction the master pays £10 a year to the Eastville, :Farlsthorpe, Firs by, Friskney, Gun by ::-it. Peter, mistress of another school ; the D.\'erage number of scholars Hagnaby, Halton Holegate, Hareby, Harriugton, Hogs- is about 50. A National school for boys and girls wasopeneO. thorpe, Hundleby, Huttoft, Ing-oldmells, Irby-in-the- in 18.J9: it was built and is supported by subscription, .Marsh, Keal East, Keal West, Kirkby East, Langton-by- airled by a Government grant: the avP1"8ge number of Spilsby .Markby, .Mavis Enderby, l'didville, .M:umhy-with- attendance is 36 boys and 108 girls. The Wesll'yam, Chapel; N ortholme, Orby, South 01 m~by, Partney Priruiti \ e Methodists, and Independents have chapels here. Raithby, Rigs by, Saustl1tlrpe, Scremby, Skegu~s .. , Sken~ The Spilsby AgTicultural AssocJation meeting-s are ht>ld at dleby, ~pibhy, Steeping Great and Little, Stickford, the Town Hall. 1he market i~ held every Monday, and is Stickney, Sutterby, button-in-the-Marsh, Thorpe St. Peter, v.ell attended, and supplied with fat and lean stock, pigs,