California Colleges and Universities, 2008
California Colleges and Universities, 2008
CALIFORNIA COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES, 2008 A Guide to California’s Degree-Granting Institutions and Degree, Certificate, and Credential Programs CALIFORNIA POSTSECONDARY EDUCATION COMMISSION 770 L Street Suite 1160 Sacramento, California 95814-3396 COMMISSION REPORT 08-01 PUBLISHED MARCH 2008 This report, like other publications of the California Postsecondary Education Commission, is not copyrighted. It may be reproduced in the public interest, but proper attribution to Report 08-01 of the California Postsecondary Education Commission is requested. Table of Contents Introduction................................................................................................................................................................ 5 Part 1: The Institutions California Community Colleges................................................................................................................................ 9 California State University...................................................................................................................................... 43 University of California ........................................................................................................................................... 53 Other Public Institutions ......................................................................................................................................... 59 WASC-Accredited Independent Institutions......................................................................................................... 61 State Approved and Exempt Institutions............................................................................................................... 97 Part 2: The Programs Programs Offered................................................................................................................................................... 119 Part 3: The Index Index........................................................................................................................................................................ 201 Introduction Introduction Californians can earn college degrees or certificates or get jobrelated training at a variety of institutions both public and private, throughout the state. The variety of institutions, programs, degrees and other educational choices is wide. This Guide will help you identify options that suit your needs. tion beyond high school varies widely, depending on factors like the course of study, institution selected, and the educational objective. Saving to pay for college is important, but financial aid is available to many California students. Aid may come directly from the school or college, the state, or the federal government. Please keep in mind that inclusion of an institution in this Guide does not imply an endorsement of its courses, degrees or educational outcomes. Find out if you qualify for financial assistance. See a counselor. Ask for more information about aid from the institutions you are considering attending. More information is available in this Guide and from: Some important facts about going to college • California Student Aid Commission PO Box 419027 Rancho Cordova, CA 95741-9027 1-888-224-7268 • Federal Student Aid Information Center (FAFSA) PO Box 84 Washington, DC 20044 1-800-433-3243 students/english/index.jsp • Golden State ScholarShare 1-877-SAV-4 EDU (728-4338) It is never too soon or too late to benefit from college or education beyond high school. Younger students and their families should start planning as soon as possible. Saving for college should start when a child is born, and building a good academic record becomes increasingly important as students enter middle and high school. Returning or adult students also need to look at every option. Here are some facts to consider: • Entrance requirements and deadlines All institutions have application deadlines and many have very specific general entrance requirements, including completion of certain courses and tests. Some have residency requirements. Find out now what these requirements are for all schools under consideration. Check with counselors and the institutions you want to attend. This Guide lists addresses, phone numbers, and websites for institutions across the state. • Higher Education costs and financial aid— The cost of educa- • EdFund 1-888-22FFELP (223-3357) • Academic support and outreach programs There are many programs that help students prepare for higher education. Ask your counselor or contact colleges about such programs in your community. More information and assistance is available online at: • First choose Links from the California Postsecondary Education Commission menu at the top. Then select Information for Parents and Students, then College Preparation and Outreach from the list, and then click on the Get Links button for a list of web sites including: • • admissions/ • • • Residency Requirements California’s public colleges and universities distinguish between residents and nonresidents for tuition purposes. State residents historically have been charged fees but not tuition. Nonresident students, however, pay both fees and tuition. The California Community Colleges (CCC) and the California State University (CSU) apply rules set by State statute in determining students’ residency status for tuition purposes, while the University of California (UC) has developed a separate and stricter set of residency rules. It is important to remember that because changes may be made at any time, and there are exceptions to rules, you should always check with the campus you are considering. How To Get Facts About Your Residency A student’s residence is determined at the campus level. Therefore, campus officials can give you the most accurate advice on residence issues. If you have specific questions about your residency status, please read the statements of resi5 Introduction dency requirements published in the catalog of the public institution you plan to attend or contact the official who has been designated to make residency determinations for that institution. should include inquiries to institutions to which transfer might be desired or to prospective employers and, if possible, personal inspection of the institution at which enrollment is contemplated. • For residency information at a community college campus, contact the Admissions Officer of the campus. To ensure a basic level of quality, accrediting associations of regional or national scope have adopted criteria reflecting the qualities of a sound educational program and have developed procedures for evaluating institutions or programs to determine whether or not they are operating at basic levels of quality. • For residency information at a state university, contact the campus Residence Clerk in the Admissions Office. • For residency information at a university campus, contact the Residence Deputy or Residence Affairs Officer who is located in the campus Registrar’s Office. Such individuals can give you more accurate advice and also provide more precise information than anyone else. Accreditation Accrediting agencies are private educational associations of regional or national scope that develop criteria and conduct peer evaluations to assess whether or not those criteria are met. Institutions or programs that meet an agency’s criteria are thereby “accredited.” Accreditation does not provide automatic acceptance by one institution of credit earned at another institution, nor does it give assurance of acceptance of graduates by employers. Acceptance of students or graduates is always the prerogative of the receiving institution or employer. For these reasons, besides ascertaining the accredited status of a school or program, students should take additional measures to determine, prior to enrollment, whether or not their educational goals will be met through attendance at a particular institution. These measures 6 Types of accreditation The two basic types of educational accreditation are: 1) institutional, and 2) specialized or programmatic. Institutional accreditation applies to an entire institution, indicating that each of its parts is contributing to the achievement of the institution’s objectives, although not necessarily all at the same level of quality. The various commissions of the regional accrediting associations, for example, perform institutional accreditation, as do many national accrediting agencies. Specialized or programmatic accreditation applies to programs, departments, or schools that are parts of an institution. Most of the specialized or programmatic accrediting agencies review units within an institution of higher education that is accredited by one of the regional accrediting commissions. However, certain accrediting agencies also accredit professional schools and other specialized or vocational institutions of higher education that are freestanding in their operations. Visit creditation.asp for additional information about accreditation. How to use the Guide to California Colleges and Universities This guide is divided into three parts designed for locating information about higher education in a number of ways. Part I --- In this section you can look up the name of the campus you are considering attending. All of California’s degree-granting colleges and universities are described and listed in alphabetical order under the following six categories: 1. California Community Colleges — open-access public institutions that offer two-year academic degrees, vocational training, and adult education. (Page 9) 2. The California State University — public university campuses that award bachelor’s, master’s and education doctoral degrees, plus joint doctoral with other universities. (Page 13) 3. University of California — public university campuses that offer bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral degrees. (Page 53) 4. Other Public Institutions — Hastings College of the Law and the Naval Postgraduate School, public institutions that have their own governing body and are supported with funding appropriated by either the state or federal government. (Page 59) 5. Independent Colleges and Universities — non-state-supported institutions that are accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges. (Page 61) 6. Private State-Approved and Exempt Institutions — schools, colleges, and universities approved by the California Department of Consumer Affairs, Bureau for Private Postsecondary and Vocational California Postsecondary Education Commission Introduction Education (BPPVE) — the State agency that approves private institutions not accredited by WASC. (Page 97) NOTE: The BPPVE closed on June 30, 2007, due to the sunset clause in its establishing legislation. Until a new agency is authorized, no additions will be made to the current list. Part II — This section contains specific programs — such as Journalism or Computer Engineering. Institutions that offer each program are listed under that heading. Part III —The last portion of this Guide is an index. Use this section to locate schools, programs, towns with campuses, military bases with off-campus centers, and virtually any other topic covered in this Guide. The institutions or their central offices provided most of the information for this Guide. Other data came from various accrediting agencies and other sources. Reproduction of that information here does not constitute or imply a Commission endorsement. Prospective students should thoroughly research all options before selecting any educational course, institution, or program. ollegeGuide.asp). Additional features include: Commission Website: Guide to California Colleges and Universities The information contained in this Guide is a subset of the information available on the Commission’s website ( California Postsecondary Education Commission • Search capability • Out-of-State Institutions (over 6,700 institutions nationwide) • Compare up to four institutions • Accreditation information • Crime statistics links • Financial aid • Transfer • College preparation • Student right-to-know • Crime awareness and campus security 7 Part 1: California Community Colleges Governance and Administration California Community Colleges Many educational options are offered by the California Community Colleges, including academic and vocational training programs that lead to occupational certificates, Associate of Arts or Science degrees, and transfer programs. There are 109 community colleges and many off-campus centers that are administered by 71 districts located throughout the state. These campuses serve more than 2.5 million students every year. Community college campuses are designed and intended to be close to the state’s primary residential centers and within easy driving distance for most students. A California resident may attend any community college campus in the state. Community college students can complete the first two years of a university education and, if they meet certain requirements, can transfer to the California State University, the University of California, or an independent institution to complete a four-year (bachelor) degree. The community colleges also offer remedial instruction in conjunction with local school districts, instruction in English as a second language, adult non-credit instruction, and support services to help students succeed at the postsecondary level. Admission, residency requirements By law, the California Community Colleges are required to admit any California resident who graduated from high school, and may admit those who have not graduated but are over 18 years of age and can benefit from the instruction offered. The community colleges may also admit any nonresident possessing a high school diploma or the equivalent. More information about residency requirements for fee and tuition purposes can be found in this Guide on page 5. Fees and cost of attendance As of the 2007 spring term, the fee for California residents will be $600 for a full-time student; non-residents will pay $4809. Additional information can be found at: Sierra College Taft College West Hills College Yuba College Governance and Administration The 16-member Board of Governors of the California Community Colleges is responsible for setting policy and providing guidance for the districts and colleges in the system. The Board is appointed by the governor and selects a Chancellor as chief systemwide executive officer. Each of the 71 community college districts in the state has a locallyelected Board of Trustees, responsive to local community needs and charged with the operations of the local college(s). California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office 1102 Q Street Sacramento, CA 95814 Housing Phone: (9l6) 445-8752 Eleven community colleges have on-campus dormitory facilities: College of the Redwoods College of the Siskiyous Columbia College Lassen College Reedley College Information provided by the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office. Note: The notation “NA” is used to indicate information that was either not available or not applicable. Santa Rosa Junior College Shasta College California Postsecondary Education Commission 9 Part 1: California Community Colleges Map of California Community College Campuses Map of California Community College Campuses Colleg e of the Siskiyous Shasta Colleg e Colleg e of the Redwoods ∋ ∋ ∋ Lassen Community Colleg e ∋ Mendocino College Feather River Colleg e ∋ ∋ ∋ Butte Community Colleg e Yuba Colleg e ∋ Sierra Colleg e American River College ∋ ∋ Sacramento City Colleg e Cosumnes River Colleg e ∋ ∋ ∋ ∋ Lake Tahoe Community College Folsom Lake Colleg e ∋ San Joaq uin Delta College ∋ Columbia Colleg e ∋ M odesto Junior College M erced College ∋ Fresno City Colleg e Hartnell College ∋ ∋ Reedley College M onterey Peninsula Colleg e ∋ Colleg e of the Seq uoias ∋ ∋ ∋ West Hills College Porterville Colleg e ∋ Cuesta Colleg e Cerro Coso Community College ∋ West Hills College at Lemoore Barstow College ∋ Bakersfield College ∋ Victor Valley Colleg e ∋ ∋ ∋ Allan Hancock Colleg e Crafton Hills College Taft Colleg e ∋ ∋ Santa Barbara City Colleg e Copper M ountain Colleg e ∋ Chaffey Community Colleg e ∋ San Bernardino Valley Colleg e ∋ ∋ Colleg e of the Desert ∋ ∋ Riverside City Colleg e M t. San Jacinto College M iraCosta College ∋ ∋ ∋ Palomar College ∋ ∋ ∋ ∋ ∋ San Dieg o Miramar Colleg e∋ ∋ Palo Verde College Imperial Valley Colleg e ∋ ∋ San Dieg o Mesa Colleg e San Dieg o City College Southwestern College Grossmont College Cuyamaca College 10 California Postsecondary Education Commission Part 1: California Community Colleges Map of California Community College Campuses – San Francisco Bay Area Map of California Community College Campuses – San Francisco Bay Area Santa Rosa Junior Colleg e Napa Valley Colleg e Contra Costa College ∋ Solano Community Colleg e Colleg e of M arin Diablo Valley College ∋ ∋ Berkeley City College Los M edanos College ∋ ∋ ∋ ∋ Laney College ∋ City Colleg e of San Francisco ∋ ∋ Colleg e of Alameda ∋ ∋ M erritt Colleg e ∋ Skyline Colleg e ∋ Chabot Colleg e ∋ Las Positas Colleg e ∋ Colleg e of San M ateo Ohlone Colleg e ∋ ∋ M ission College Cañada College ∋ ∋ San Jose City Colleg e ∋ ∋ Foothill Colleg e ∋ ∋ Evergreen Valley Colleg e De Anza Colleg e Gavilan Colleg e West Valley Colleg e ∋ Cabrillo College California Postsecondary Education Commission ∋ 11 Part 1: California Community Colleges Map of California Community College Campuses – Los Angeles Area Map of California Community College Campuses – Los Angeles Area M oorpark Colleg e Colleg e of the Canyons Antelope Valley College Los Angeles M ission Colleg e Ventura College Glendale Community Colleg e ∋ Oxnard Colleg e Los Angeles City Colleg e ∋ ∋ ∋ Los Angeles Pierce College ∋ ∋ Los Angeles Valley Colleg e Pasadena City Colleg e ∋ ∋ Citrus Colleg e ∋ Santa Monica Colleg e ∋ ∋ ∋ West Los Ang eles Colleg e ∋ ∋ ∋ East Los Ang eles College ∋ ∋ ∋ ∋ M t. San Antonio Colleg e ∋ Los Angeles Trade-Technical College ∋ ∋ Los Angeles Southwest Colleg e ∋ ∋ ∋ Rio Hondo College ∋ ∋ ∋ Cerritos College ∋ El Camino College ∋ ∋ Fullerton Colleg e Los Angeles Harbor College ∋ Santiago Canyon Colleg e Long Beach City Colleg e Santa Ana College Cypress College Golden West College Ir vine Valley Colleg e Coastline Community Colleg e Orang e Coast Colleg e 12 Saddleback Colleg e California Postsecondary Education Commission Part 1: California Community Colleges Bakersfield College Allan Hancock College American River College 800 South College Drive Santa Maria, CA 93454-6399 Santa Barbara County Allan Hancock College 4700 College Oak Drive Sacramento, CA 95841-4286 Sacramento County American River College (805) 922-6966 TDD: NA Dr. José M. Ortiz, President Degrees Offered: Associate Number of Programs Offered: 80 Calendar: Semester Enrollment in Fall 2006: 14,884 Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges California Agency Program Approval: Nursing Established in 1920 Allan Hancock College serves northern Santa Barbara County with campuses in Santa Maria, Lompoc, and Vandenberg Air Force Base. It offers a comprehensive selection of occupational, transfer, and community education classes, and it is particularly known for its theatre arts program. Student services, extracurricular activities, and intercollegiate sports are available to its diverse student body. Prospective students in the Lompoc, Vandenberg Air Force Base, and Santa Ynez areas can call (800) 338-8731 toll-free. Disability Services: Students who have a verifiable disability or serious health limitation that affects their ability to be successful at the college, may be eligible for services. Participation in the program is voluntary, and most services are free. For more information: (805) 922-6966 (916) 484-8011 TDD: (916) 484-8798 Dr. David Viar, President Degrees Offered: Certificate, Associate Number of Programs Offered: 105 Calendar: Semester Enrollment in Fall 2006: 32,460 Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges Other School or Program Accreditation: Emergency Medical Technician Paramedic California Agency Program Approval: Nursing Established in 1955 American River College is located on the northeast side of Sacramento, providing service to Citrus Heights, Orangevale, Fair Oaks, Carmichael, Arden, North Highlands, and Natomas. It offers a comprehensive selection of occupational and transfer education programs and is recognized for its programs in electronics, science, engineering, and data processing. It also provides many specialized student services, including counseling, assessment, financial aid, and cultural and athletic activities. Disability Services: A variety of services are available at no additional cost to the student with a disability. Specialized counseling services, interpreters for the deaf, tutors, note takers, readers, test facilitators, and mobility aids are provided upon request. For more information: (916) 484-8545 Other Locations: Lompoc Valley Center One Hancock Drive Lompoc, CA 93436 (805) 735-3366 Ext. 5200 Solvang Village Square 320 Alisal Road Suite 306 Solvang, CA 93463 (805) 693-1543 Vandenberg Air Force Base Center 14003 Wyoming Avenue Vandenberg Air Force Base, CA 93436-6312 (805) 734-3500 Information current as of 2/4/2008. Other Locations: American River College -Ethan Way Center 1410 Ethan Way Sacramento, CA 95825-2205 (916) 563-3276 American River College -Natomas Center 3301 Rosin Blvd. San Juan & Truxel Roads Sacramento, CA 95834-1719 (916) 922-5646 American River College -Sunrise Center Bella Vista High School 8301 Madison Avenue California Postsecondary Education Commission Fair Oaks, CA 95628-3823 (916) 961-7606 Information current as of 2/4/2008. Antelope Valley College 3041 West Avenue K Lancaster, CA 93536-5426 Los Angeles County Antelope Valley College (661) 722-6300 TDD: (661) 722-6362 Dr. Jackie L. Fisher Sr., President Degrees Offered: Associate Number of Programs Offered: 57 Calendar: Semester Enrollment in Fall 2006: 12,684 Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges California Agency Program Approval: Nursing Established in 1929 Located in Southern California’s high desert, Antelope Valley College offers a wide range of courses to prepare students for occupations or for transfer to fouryear colleges and universities. These include aeronautics, automotive technology, computer graphics, early childhood education, music, registered nursing, and small business management. In addition, the college has a proud tradition of men’s and women’s intercollegiate athletic teams. The 125acre campus features an art gallery, black-box theater, gymnasium, indoor swimming pool, and stadium. Disability Services: The Disabled Student Services Program provides special services to students with physical, communication, learning, and psychological disabilities which handicap them educationally or vocationally. For more information: (661) 722-6360 Information current as of 3/3/2008. Bakersfield College 1801 Panorama Drive Bakersfield, CA 93305-1299 Kern County Bakersfield College (661) 395-4011 TDD: NA Dr. William Andrews, President Degrees Offered: Associate Number of Programs Offered: 80 13 Part 1: California Community Colleges Barstow College Calendar: Semester Enrollment in Fall 2006: 16,003 Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Radiologic Technology California Agency Program Approval: Nursing Established in 1913 One of California’s first junior colleges, Bakersfield College is located in the rich agricultural and oil field center of the San Joaquin Valley. It offers career and transfer programs, vocational certificate programs, and a wide choice of community service classes. A 153-acre campus houses 16 academic buildings and a 20,000-seat memorial stadium. Disability Services: Supportive Services assists the campus in providing equal access for students with disabilities to the educational activities of Bakersfield College. For more information: (661) 395-4334 Other Locations: Delano Center 1942 Randolph Street Delano, CA 93215 (661) 725-8020 Information current as of 2/4/2008. Barstow College 2700 Barstow Road Barstow, CA 92311 San Bernardino County Barstow College (760) 252-2411 TDD: NA Dr. Clifford M. Brock, President Degrees Offered: Certificate, Associate Number of Programs Offered: 35 Calendar: Semester Enrollment in Fall 2006: 2,997 Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation: NA Established in 1959 In the middle of the Mojave Desert between Los Angeles and Las Vegas, Barstow College sits on 160 acres of green oasis, an ideal setting for student learning. There are nine main buildings including a childcare center, gymnasium, fitness center, a comfortable meeting hall and performing arts facility, and a new 28,000 square foot state-of-the-art Library Learning Resource Center. Also 14 available are labs in computer, biology, chemistry, and earth sciences. Disability Services: Services provided include: assessment; orientation; academic counseling; program development; Student Education Contract development; registration assistance; priority registration; matriculation assistance; special classes; instructional aides; close monitoring of class work; test taking assistance; test taking intervention; tutorial services; intepreters for the hearing impaired; readers for the visually impaired; note takers for the hearing and visually impaired; mobility assistance; speech services for students with verified speech disabilities; personal counseling; crisis counseling; advocacy; 30 unit waiver for LD and ABI students; special equipment; special parking; a Department of Rehabilitation liaison. For more information: (760) 252-2411 Information current as of 3/10/2008. Berkeley City College 2050 Center Street Berkeley, CA 94704-1205 Alameda County Berkeley City College (510) 981-2800 TDD: (510) 981-2814 epage Dr. Wise E. Allen, President Degrees Offered: Certificate, Associate Number of Programs Offered: 96 Calendar: Semester Enrollment in Fall 2006: 4,632 Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation: NA Established in 1974 Berkeley City College, formerly Vista Community College, one of California’s 110 community colleges, is part of the Peralta Community College District. Berkeley City College is centrally located in downtown Berkeley, only oneand-a-half blocks from the UC campus. The college’s mission is to promote student success, to provide our diverse community with educational opportunities, and to transform lives. Disability Services: Disability-related services are identified by both student and counselor and are provided on an individual basis. Services may include registration assistance, interpreters, readers and special testing arrangements. Special equipment and taped texts also are available. For more information: (510) 981-2812 Information current as of 3/10/2008. Butte Community College 3536 Butte Campus Drive Oroville, CA 95965-8399 Butte County Butte Community College (530) 895-2511 TDD: NA Dr. Diana Van Der Ploeg, President Degrees Offered: Certificate, Associate Number of Programs Offered: 70 Calendar: Semester Enrollment in Fall 2006: 13,858 Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges Other School or Program Accreditation: Emergency Medical Technician Paramedic California Agency Program Approval: Nursing Established in 1967 Butte College offers both vocational and transfer education programs in a friendly and harmonious environment. It is a 940-acre campus on rolling, oak-studded land midway between Chico and Oroville, in Northern California. Disability Services: Support and assistance is provided to students with a documented disability. Services or programs are individualized and based upon specific educational limitations. For more information: (530) 895-2455 Other Locations: Chico Center 260 Cohasset Road Chico, CA 95926 (530) 895-1352 Glenn County Center 119 North Butte Street Willows, CA 95988 (530) 934-2144 Information current as of 2/4/2008. Cabrillo College 6500 Soquel Drive Aptos, CA 95003-3119 Santa Cruz County Cabrillo College (831) 479-6100 TDD: (831) 479-6421 Dr. Brian King, President California Postsecondary Education Commission Part 1: California Community Colleges Cerro Coso Community College Degrees Offered: Certificate, Associate Number of Programs Offered: 68 Calendar: Semester Enrollment in Fall 2006: 14,688 Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Radiologic Technology, Dental and Dental Auxiliary Programs Other School or Program Accreditation: Medical Assistant California Agency Program Approval: Nursing Established in 1959 Cabrillo College is a public two-year community college that serves the Santa Cruz County area. Among the facilities on its 162-acre campus, located in Aptos on hills overlooking Monterey Bay, are a college center, theater, library, gymnasium, swimming pool, and stadium. Cabrillo provides a wide range of classes and services. Its two-year academic programs lead to Associate in Arts and Associate in Science degrees and prepare students to transfer to four-year colleges and universities. One- and two-year occupational programs prepare students for employment upon leaving college or for better or higher paying jobs. Disability Services: The Disabled Students Program and Services (DSPS) offers a variety of services to enable students with disabilities to function independently in the educational environment. The objective is to integrate and mainstream students with disabilities into general campus programs and activities. For more information: (831) 479-6379 Other Locations: Watsonville Center 318 Union Street Wastsonville, CA 95076 (831) 477-5100 Information current as of 11/27/2007. Cañada College 4200 Farm Hill Boulevard Redwood City, CA 94061-1099 San Mateo County Cañada College (650) 306-3100 TDD: NA Tom Mohr, President Degrees Offered: Certificate, Associate Number of Programs Offered: 55 Calendar: Semester Enrollment in Fall 2006: 6,352 Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation: NA Established in 1968 Cañada College is on a 131-acre site located in the western foothills of Redwood City and overlooking San Francisco Bay. It is one of three community colleges in the San Mateo County Community College District. Its primary service area is the southern portion of the County. Instructional offerings include the arts, sciences, and humanities, as well as occupational subjects. Courses are offered through a variety of instructional systems and learning environments. Disability Services: DSPS offers a range of services to students with varying disabilities, including physical and learning disabilities. The program encourages the active participation of disabled students by serving as an information, counseling and academic center. For more information: (650) 306-3490 Other Locations: Menlo Park Center 1200 O’Brien Drive Menlo Park, CA (650) 325-6936 Small Business Development Center Redwood City Center Plaza 900 Main Street at Middlefield Redwood City, CA (650) 599-9307 Information current as of 3/10/2008. Cerritos College 11110 Alondra Boulevard Norwalk, CA 90650-6298 Los Angeles County Cerritos College (562) 860-2451 TDD: (562) 467-5043 Dr. Noelia Vela, President Degrees Offered: Associate Number of Programs Offered: 81 Calendar: Semester Enrollment in Fall 2006: 23,831 Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges California Postsecondary Education Commission School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Nursing, Physical Therapy, Dental and Dental Auxiliary Programs California Agency Program Approval: Nursing Established in 1955 Serving southeast Los Angeles County, Cerritos College is located on a 135-acre campus. Students may take classes toward degrees in vocational programs and programs that are transferable to four-year universities and colleges. Cerritos has health care, technology, fine and performing arts, liberal arts, and the sciences as well as men’s and women’s athletic programs. Disability Services: Students with limitations due to a disability may receive support services and instruction from one or more of seven specialized programs at Cerritos College. For more information: (562) 860-2451 Ext. 2333 Information current as of 2/4/2008. Cerro Coso Community College 3000 College Heights Boulevard Ridgecrest, CA 93555-7777 Kern County Cerro Coso Community College (760) 384-6100 TDD: NA Dr. Mary Retterer, President Degrees Offered: Certificate, Associate Number of Programs Offered: 34 Calendar: Semester Enrollment in Fall 2006: 4,721 Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges California Agency Program Approval: Nursing Established in 1973 Cerro Coso Community College is located on a 160-acre site at Ridgecrest in the upper Mojave Desert at an elevation of 2,800 feet, overlooking the entire Indian Wells Valley and the Sierra Nevada, Coso, Panamint, and Argus Mountain Ranges. It serves over 12,000 square miles of desert, mountain, and valley communities in four counties, including Bishop, Boron, California City, Edwards Air Force Base, Inyokern, Kernville, Lake Isabella, Lone Pine, Mammoth Lakes, Mojave, and Trona, as well as Ridgecrest. 15 Part 1: California Community Colleges Chabot College Disability Services: The Special Services Program combines the services for the learning and economically disadvantaged (EOPS-CARECalWORKs) with those services offered to people having various types of disabilities (DSPS). Services are rendered through a support team assigned to each student. For more information: (760) 384-6347 Other Locations: Eastern Sierra College Center, Bishop Campus 4090 W Line Street Bishop, CA 93514 (760) 872-1565 Eastern Sierra College Center, Mammoth Campus 100 College Parkway Mammoth Lakes, CA 93546 (760) 934-2875 California Agency Program Approval: Nursing Established in 1961 Chabot College is known for its academic excellence and program diversity. It continues to remain a leader in the number of students it transfers to four-year institutions. Located in a metropolitan area, the college is close to events and activities offered throughout the greater San Francisco Bay Area. Its 98-acre site has been recently renovated to meet the needs of students with disabilities. Disability Services: The DSRC offers support services for students with disabilities. Counselors will assist students with academic, vocational, and personal counseling needs. E-mail: For more information: (510) 723-6725 Information current as of 1/28/2008. Indian Wells Valley Campus 3000 College Heights Boulevard Ridgecrest, CA 93555 (760) 384-6100 Kern River Valley Campus 5520 Lake Isabella Boulevard Lake Isabella, CA 93240 (760) 379-5501 South Kern Campus 140 Methusa Avenue Bldg. 2453 Edwards Air Force Base, CA 93524 (661) 258-8644 Information current as of 11/27/2007. Chabot College 25555 Hesperian Boulevard Hayward, CA 94545-2447 Alameda County Chabot College (510) 723-6600 TDD: (510) 723-7199 Dr. Celia Barberena, President Degrees Offered: Certificate, Associate Number of Programs Offered: 58 Calendar: Semester Enrollment in Fall 2006: 13,626 Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Dental and Dental Auxiliary Programs Other School or Program Accreditation: Medical Assistant 16 Chaffey College 5885 Haven Avenue Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91737-3002 San Bernardino County Chaffey College (909) 987-1737 TDD: NA Dr. Henry D. Shannon, President Degrees Offered: Certificate, Associate Number of Programs Offered: 89 Calendar: Semester Enrollment in Fall 2006: 18,825 Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Dietetics, Nursing, Radiologic Technology, Dental and Dental Auxiliary Programs California Agency Program Approval: Nursing Established in 1883 Chaffey College is in the west end of San Bernardino County. Located above a growing suburban valley, Chaffey offers a full array of transfer, occupational, and remedial programs complemented by viable student support services. Chaffey has long been recognized for the quality of its graduates in upper-division university study and in the workplace. Disability Services: Chaffey is committed to serving people with developmental, learning, physical, communicative, psychological disabilities and acquired brain injuries, who desire postsecondary academic or vocational education. For more information: (909) 941-3379 Other Locations: Caffey College Chino Information Technology Center 13170 Seventh Street Chino, CA 91710-4113 (909) 477-8650 Chaffey College Chino Center 13106 Central Avenue Chino, CA 91710-4125 (909) 477-8576 Chaffey College Fontana Center 16855 Merrill Avenue Fontana, CA 92335-8626 (909) 822-4599 Chaffey College Ontario Center 208 West Emporia Avenue Ontario, CA 91764 (909) 477-2926 Information current as of 11/27/2007. Citrus College 1000 West Foothill Boulevard Glendora, CA 91741-1899 Los Angeles County Citrus College (626) 963-0323 TDD: NA Dr. Michael J. Viera, Superintendent/President Degrees Offered: Certificate, Associate Number of Programs Offered: 60 Calendar: Semester Enrollment in Fall 2006: 13,098 Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Dental and Dental Auxiliary Programs California Agency Program Approval: Nursing Established in 1915 Citrus College provides many vocational and academic programs. Near the foothills of the San Gabriel Mountains, its facilities on the 104-acre campus include a college center, a 1,500-seat performing arts center, library, gymnasium, swimming pool, stadium, art gallery, planetarium, child development California Postsecondary Education Commission Part 1: California Community Colleges College of Alameda center, and a state-of-the-art computer center. Disability Services: Specialized assessment and diagnosis of learning disabilities. Academic accommodations for students with disabilities including note taking, testing, tutoring, campus/community liaison, sign language interpreting, reader services, adapted physical education, textbooks on tape, priority registration and more. For more information: (626) 914-8675 Information current as of 2/4/2008. City College of San Francisco 50 Phelan Avenue San Francisco, CA 94112-1898 San Francisco County City College of San Francisco (415) 239-3000 TDD: NA Dr. Philip R. Day Jr., Chancellor Degrees Offered: Certificate, Associate Number of Programs Offered: 126 Calendar: Semester Enrollment in Fall 2006: 31,162 Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation: NA Established in 1935 City College of San Francisco is a community of students and faculty members working together. Its diverse ethnic and cultural makeup provides an extra dimension to the learning process and enables students, staff, and faculty to learn from each other. Through vocational, occupational, and transfer programs, it produces well-qualified individuals for the workforce and is successful in sending transfer students to four-year institutions. Disability Services: Disabled Student Programs and Services (DSPS) offers supportive services and classes for students with a wide range of disabilities. Emphasis is given to those services which allow the student with disabilities to fully participate in all regular academic and vocational programs for which they are otherwise qualified. For more information: (415) 452-5481 Other Locations: Alemany Campus Center 750 Eddy Street San Francisco, CA 94109 (415) 561-1875 Castro/Valencia Campus James Lick Middle School 1220 Noe Street at 25th Street San Francisco, CA 94114-3714 (415) 239-3127 Chinatown/North Beach Campus 950 Filbert Street San Francisco, CA 94133 (415) 561-1850 Downtown Campus 88 4th Street at Mission San Francisco, CA 94103-3124 (415) 267-6500 Evans Campus 1400 Evans Avenue San Francisco, CA 94124 (415) 550-4440 Ft. Mason Center Laguna Street & Marina Blvd. 1934-Building B San Francisco, CA 94123 (415) 561-1840 John Adams Campus 1860 Hayes Street San Francisco, CA 94117 (415) 561-1900 Mission Center 1125 Valencia Street San Francisco, CA 94110-1360 (415) 920-6000 Southeast Campus Center 1800 Oakdale Avenue San Francisco, CA 94124 (415) 550-4300 Information current as of 3/10/2008. Coastline Community College coastal Orange County. Some 1,400 classes are taught at more than 80 neighborhood locations as well as four area centers. Partnerships with area businesses and industries form the basis of its occupational curricula, but it also offers the associate of arts degree and various programs for students who wish to transfer to four-year institutions. Coastline is a pioneer in the design, production, and marketing of telecourses. Disability Services: CCC students who have a verified disability are invited to request assistance from Special Programs and Services for the Disabled. These support services include registration assistance, interpreters for the hearing impaired, special material and equipment (i.e., tape recorders, enlarged print, taped texts), academic and career counseling, note taking, readers, tutoring and test proctoring. For more information: (714) 241-6214 Other Locations: Costa Mesa Center 2990 Mesa Verde Drive East Costa Mesa, CA 92626 (714) 241-6213 Garden Grove Center 12901 Euclid Street Garden Grove, CA 92840 (714) 241-6209 Le-Jao Center 14120 All American Way Westminster, CA 92683 (714) 241-6184 Information current as of 12/4/2007. College of Alameda 11460 Warner Avenue Fountain Valley, CA 92708-2597 Orange County Coastline Community College 555 Atlantic Avenue Alameda, CA 94501-2109 Alameda County College of Alameda (714) 546-7600 TDD: (714) 751-2072 Dr. Ding-Jo H. Currie, President Degrees Offered: Certificate, Associate Number of Programs Offered: 25 Calendar: Semester Enrollment in Fall 2006: 10,787 Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges School or Program Accreditation: NA Established in 1976 Coastline Community College is one of three colleges serving the Coast Community College District in north (510) 522-7221 TDD: NA Dr. Cecilia Y. M. Cervantes, President Degrees Offered: Certificate, Associate Number of Programs Offered: 58 Calendar: Semester Enrollment in Fall 2006: 6,075 Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Dental and Dental Auxiliary Programs Established in 1970 California Postsecondary Education Commission 17 Part 1: California Community Colleges College of Marin College of Alameda is located on a 62acre campus close to downtown Oakland. Students may improve job skills, study for a career, transfer to a four-year institution, or increase their general knowledge. Many student services are available including skills testing and assessment, counseling, tutoring, financial aid, child care, crisis intervention, transfer assistance, and job placement. Disability Services: Programs and Services for Students with Disabilities provides educational and vocational support services for students with disabilities who are enrolled in classes at College of Alameda. For more information: (510) 748-2328 Information current as of 2/4/2008. College of Marin 835 College Avenue Kentfield, CA 94904-2590 Marin County College of Marin (415) 457-8811 TDD: NA Dr. Frances L. White, President Degrees Offered: Certificate, Associate Number of Programs Offered: 51 Calendar: Semester Enrollment in Fall 2006: 6,607 Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation: NA Established in 1926 College of Marin is a comprehensive community college located on two campuses in Marin County, across the Golden Gate Bridge from San Francisco. The college has a high percentage of students who transfer to the University of California, Berkeley and other four-year colleges and universities. It also has over 30 vocational programs that prepare students for immediate employment in such diverse careers as administration of justice, auto technology, court reporting, electronics technology, and registered nursing. Disability Services: College of Marin’s Disabled Students Program (DSPS) offers many services and classes to students with disabilities to ensure a successful and productive educational experience. For more information: (415) 485-9406 Other Locations: Indian Valley Campus 18 1800 Ignacio Boulevard Novato, CA 94949 (415) 883-3179 Information current as of 3/10/2008. College of San Mateo 1700 West Hillsdale Boulevard San Mateo, CA 94402-3757 San Mateo County College of San Mateo (650) 574-6161 TDD: NA Dr. Michael Claire, President Degrees Offered: Certificate, Associate Number of Programs Offered: 61 Calendar: Semester Enrollment in Fall 2006: 10,906 Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation: NA Established in 1922 College of San Mateo, situated on a 153acre site in the San Mateo hills, in the San Francisco Bay Area. It offers a wide range of transfer and occupational classes to its large and diverse student population. Among its noted programs are aeronautics, business, computer science, electronics, engineering, horticulture, mathematics, multimedia, nursing, and photography. Support services include a childcare center, career services center and numerous skill centers. Disability Services: Disabled Students Programs and Services provides specialized support services depending on the individual student needs. For more information: (650) 574-6438 Information current as of 3/10/2008. College of the Canyons 26455 Rockwell Canyon Road Santa Clarita, CA 91355-1899 Los Angeles County College of the Canyons (661) 259-7800 TDD: (661) 255-7967 Dr. Dianne G. Van Hook, Superintendent/President Degrees Offered: Certificate, Associate Number of Programs Offered: 57 Calendar: 4-1-4 Enrollment in Fall 2006: 19,023 Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation: NA Established in 1969 College of the Canyons is located in the northwest section of Los Angeles County, and serves the residents of the 365-square-mile Santa Clarita Valley. The college awards associate degrees in academic areas that enable students to transfer to four-year colleges and universities, and degrees and certificates in vocational and occupational programs. Support services include a Career Center, Child Development Center, Health Center, and Transfer Center. The college transfers a high proportion of its students to California State University and University of California campuses. Disability Services: COC provides services for students with disabilities in compliance with the American Disabilities Act and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. For more information: (661) 362-3341 Other Locations: Canyon Country Campus 17200 Sierra Highway Canyon Country, CA 91351 (661) 476-3800 Information current as of 3/10/2008. College of the Desert 43-500 Monterey Avenue Palm Desert, CA 92260-9399 Riverside County College of the Desert (760) 346-8041 TDD: NA Dr. Jerry R. Patton, President Degrees Offered: Certificate, Associate Number of Programs Offered: 64 Calendar: Semester Enrollment in Fall 2006: 10,373 Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation: NA Established in 1958 The College of the Desert is the educational and cultural center of the Coachella Valley, whose burgeoning economy is primarily supported by tourism and agriculture. Comprehensive offerings, strong vocational programs, high academic standards, and intensive developmental programs typify the college. Skills training programs qualify students for employment in many vocations, including registered nursing, entertainment, ornamental horticulture, chef, and hotel and country club management. California Postsecondary Education Commission Part 1: California Community Colleges College of the Siskiyous Disability Services: Qualified students with disabilities are served by specialists in learning disabilities, physical disabilities, speech, adapted technology, physical activity, counseling and job development. For more information: (760) 773-2534 Other Locations: Eastern Valley Center 44-199 Monroe Street Indio, CA (760) 347-2288 Western Valley Center Palm Springs High School 2401 E. Baristo Road Palm Springs, CA 92262 (760) 773-2506 Information current as of 3/10/2008. College of the Redwoods 7351 Tompkins Hill Road Eureka, CA 95501-9302 Humboldt County College of the Redwoods (800) 641-0400 TDD: (707) 476-4284 Dr. Jeffrey L. Bobbitt, President Degrees Offered: Certificate, Associate Number of Programs Offered: 57 Calendar: Semester Enrollment in Fall 2006: 5,745 Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Dental and Dental Auxiliary Programs California Agency Program Approval: Nursing Established in 1964 College of the Redwoods is located on the Northern California Pacific Coast, covering a geographic area from 190 miles north of San Francisco to the Oregon border. The college offers Associate of Arts and Associate of Science degrees, as well as lowerdivision general education classes and academic major prerequisites needed for transfer to four-year colleges and universities. The college also offers classes which qualify students for proficiency certificates in over 40 career and occupational areas. Disability Services: The primary function of the DSPS Office is to accommodate a person’s disabling condition and empower that individual to successfully participate in the educational experience at College of the Redwoods. For more information: (707) 476-4280 of the Sequoias. For more information: (559) 730-3805 Information current as of 12/4/2007. Other Locations: Arcata Instructional Site College of the Siskiyous 100 Ericson Court Arcata, CA 95521 (707) 822-8629 Del Norte Campus Center 883 West Washington Boulevard Crescent City, CA 95531 (707) 465-2300 Klamath Trinity Branch Campus P.O. Box 1388 Hoopa, CA 95546 (530) 625-4846 Mendocino Coast Campus Center 1211 Del Mar Drive Fort Bragg, CA 95437 (707) 961-1001 Information current as of 1/25/2008. College of the Sequoias 915 South Mooney Boulevard Visalia, CA 93277-2234 Tulare County College of the Sequoias (559) 730-3700 TDD: (559) 730-3913 Dr. William Scroggins, President Degrees Offered: Certificate, Associate Number of Programs Offered: 77 Calendar: Semester Enrollment in Fall 2006: 10,155 Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges California Agency Program Approval: Nursing Established in 1925 College of the Sequoias is in the heart of the San Joaquin Valley, an hour from the Sierra Nevada range. The college offers a variety of transfer, two-year degree, and vocational programs. Besides its 62acre main campus, the college operates a farm that provides a learn-by-doing agriculture program. Other outstanding programs include business, industry and technology, nursing, and mathematics/engineering. Disability Services: Students receive individualized disability services to enhance accessibility to success in all classes and activities offered at College California Postsecondary Education Commission 800 College Avenue Weed, CA 96094-2899 Siskiyou County College of the Siskiyous (530) 938-5555 TDD: NA Dr. W. David Pelham, President Degrees Offered: Certificate, Associate Number of Programs Offered: 39 Calendar: Semester Enrollment in Fall 2006: 2,981 Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges California Agency Program Approval: Nursing Established in 1957 Located at the base of majestic Mount Shasta, in Northern California, College of the Siskiyous is a residential community college offering excellent liberal arts, transfer, and vocational programs. Among its outstanding vocational programs is a fire science program that includes one of the four certified fire academies in California, the process technology program that trains technicians for automated manufacturing environments, and a licensed vocational nursing program with a consistent 100percent pass rate on Nursing Board examinations for the past eight years. The writing and mathematics tutoring computer laboratories are staffed to assist students individually and to support classroom instructors. Students who transfer to four-year institutions perform well. The college welcomes a diverse international student body. Disability Services: The Disabled Student Programs and Services Office (DSP&S) of the College of the Siskiyous is dedicated to meeting the needs of students with permanent or temporary disabilities. For more information: (530) 938-5297 Other Locations: Yreka Campus 2001 Campus Drive Yreka, CA 96097 (530) 842-1245 Information current as of 12/4/2007. 19 Part 1: California Community Colleges Columbia College Columbia College 11600 Columbia College Drive Sonora, CA 95370-8560 Tuolumne County Columbia College (209) 588-5100 TDD: NA Dr. Joan Smith, President Degrees Offered: Certificate, Associate Number of Programs Offered: 58 Calendar: Semester Enrollment in Fall 2006: 3,368 Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges Other School or Program Accreditation: Culinary Arts Established in 1968 Columbia College, located in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada Mountains, provides students with individual attention and small classes. In addition to offering a full complement of general education transfer courses, it offers several unique vocational certificate programs. Its rural environment and an abundance of recreational opportunities provide an unexcelled quality of campus life. Disability Services: The Disabled Student Services Program is designed to provide access to educational programs and activities for students with disabilities. The college has made changes in campus design to allow disabled students access to the campus. For more information: (209) 588-5130 Other Locations: Calaveras Center Glory Hole Shopping Center at 2892 Highway 49, Suite 4 Angels Camp, CA (209) 736-5940 Information current as of 11/27/2007. Contra Costa College 2600 Mission Bell Drive San Pablo, CA 94806-3195 Contra Costa County Contra Costa College (510) 235-7800 TDD: (800) 735-2929 Dr. Helen Carr, President Degrees Offered: Associate Number of Programs Offered: 85 Calendar: Semester 20 Enrollment in Fall 2006: 7,937 Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Dental and Dental Auxiliary Programs, Montessori Education California Agency Program Approval: Nursing Established in 1948 Contra Costa College is in the rolling hills of west Contra Costa County, adjoining the cities of San Pablo and Richmond. Its 83-acre campus offers a view of San Pablo Bay. The diverse cultural mix of its students and faculty make it a stimulating center of education. Small class size allows individual attention for students. The college is widely known for its journalism, culinary arts, and multicultural theatre programs, and offers the only biotechnology and nondestructive examination technology programs in Northern California. Disability Services: The Disabled Students Programs and Services office is committed to providing programs and support services to students with learning, physical, and/or psychological disabilities, to help increase their access to vocational and educational programs and opportunities at Contra Costa College. For more information: (510) 235-7800 Ext. 7220 Other Locations: Regional Training Institute 1250 Arroyo Way Walnut Creek, CA 94596 (925) 930-8366 Information current as of 2/4/2008. Copper Mountain College 6162 Rotary Way Joshua Tree, CA 92252 San Bernardino County Copper Mountain College Mailing Address: PO Box 1398 Joshua Tree, CA 92252 (760) 366-3791 TDD: (760) 366-3241 Dr. Patricia Caldwell, Interim President Degrees Offered: Certificate, Associate Number of Programs Offered: 30 Calendar: Semester Enrollment in Fall 2006: 1,873 Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation: NA Established in 1966 Copper Mountain is located in Joshua Tree, home of Joshua Tree National Park, Copper Mountain College offers two types of Associate degrees and several certificate programs. Classes are offered at the Joshua Tree Campus, aboard the Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center in Twentynine Palms, and at various other community facilities. In addition to college-level courses, Copper Mountain College offers a Developmental Education program directed at completing a high school diploma and/or GED. Copper Mountain College is also the home of the “One Stop” Center providing employment services to area employers and job seekers. Personal assessment training, mentoring, tutoring, vocational training, and other support services are provided at the center. Disability Services: Copper Mountain campus is 100% accessible to the physically handicapped. Services offered include note-taking services, interpretors for hearingimpaired, adaptive equipment, and braille services. For more information: (760) 366-4247 Information current as of 3/10/2008. Cosumnes River College 8401 Center Parkway Sacramento, CA 95823-5799 Sacramento County Cosumnes River College (916) 691-7344 TDD: NA Dr. Francisco C. Rodriguez, President Degrees Offered: Certificate, Associate Number of Programs Offered: 63 Calendar: Semester Enrollment in Fall 2006: 12,180 Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation: NA Established in 1970 Cosumnes River College, with an expanded campus in the South Sacramento area and educational outreach centers in the cities of Folsom and Placerville, offers diverse curricula in academic, transfer, occupational, and contract education. In addition to new courses in electronics, engineering, data and word processing, and computer assisted design, the college features unique offerings in animal health California Postsecondary Education Commission Part 1: California Community Colleges Cypress College technology, communications media, construction, environmental design, health information technology, marketing, and medical assisting. Assessment, counseling, and financial aid assistance are among its comprehensive services. Disability Services: Disabled Student Programs & Services provides equal educational opportunity for students with physical, psychological, or learning disabilities. Students with disabilities are encouraged to lead active and independent lives by participating in all college programs. For more information: (916) 691-7275 Other Locations: Amador Extension Quail Hollow Business Center 225 New York Ranch Road, Suite B Jackson, CA 95642 (209) 223-1247 Information current as of 3/10/2008. Crafton Hills College 11711 Sand Canyon Road Yucaipa, CA 92399-1799 San Bernardino County Crafton Hills College (909) 794-2161 TDD: NA Gloria M. Harrison, President Degrees Offered: Certificate, Associate Number of Programs Offered: 52 Calendar: Semester Enrollment in Fall 2006: 5,155 Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation: NA Established in 1972 On a 518-acre campus near major transportation routes and cultural centers, Crafton Hills offers a variety of courses designed for completion of associate degrees or transfer to a four-year university, plus occupational education certificate programs, continuing education, and a wide range of community services. It has an international reputation as an emergency services training center. Disability Services: Crafton Hills College offers a comprehensive program of support services to students with a disability. Students who have a disability are eligible for services according to individual need. For more information: (909) 389-3326 Information current as of 3/10/2008. Cuesta College Highway One San Luis Obispo, CA 93403-8106 San Luis Obispo County Cuesta College Mailing Address: PO Box 8106 San Luis Obispo, CA 93403-8106 (805) 546-3100 TDD: NA Edrain J. Maduli, Interim President Degrees Offered: Associate Number of Programs Offered: 47 Calendar: Semester Enrollment in Fall 2006: 12,157 Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation: NA Established in 1964 In the Chorro Valley between the cities of San Luis Obispo and Morro Bay on State Highway 1, Cuesta College has a permanent campus on 150 acres, leased facilities on adjacent California National Guard property, and a 75-acre field campus. It offers a two-year academic transfer program as well as a full complement of vocational/technical classes such, as community-oriented continuing education, counseling services, lifelong learning, and cultural arts and humanities. Disability Services: Students with disabilities will find the campus both accessible and friendly. Classes are offerred specifically for students with disabilities. There is also an Assistive Technology Center that provides accommodations and consultations for other instructors and labs on campus. For more information: (805) 546-3148 Other Locations: Cuesta College Small Business Development Center 3566 S. Higuera Street, Suite 100 San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 (805) 549-0401 North County Campus 2800 Buena Vista Drive Paso Robles, CA 93446 (805) 591-6200 South County Centers Arroyo Grande High School 495 Valley Road Arroyo Grande, CA 93420-3999 (805) 474-3913 South County Centers California Postsecondary Education Commission Nipomo High School 525 North Thompson Road Nipomo, CA 93444 (805) 474-3355 Information current as of 3/10/2008. Cuyamaca College 900 Rancho San Diego Parkway El Cajon, CA 92019-4369 San Diego County Cuyamaca College (619) 660-4000 TDD: (619) 660-4386 Dr. Geraldine M. Perri, President Degrees Offered: Certificate, Associate Number of Programs Offered: 52 Calendar: Semester Enrollment in Fall 2006: 10,533 Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges School or Program Accreditation: NA Established in 1978 Cuyamaca College is located 12 miles east of the city of San Diego. It offers a comprehensive educational program that provides general education and occupational training as well as for transfer to baccalaureate institutions. It is noted for its programs in business, computer science, ornamental horticulture, engineering, electronics, and drafting. Disability Services: Disabled Students Programs and Services (DSP&S) is the campus office responsible for determining and providing appropriate academic accommodations for students with disabilities. For more information: (619) 660-4205 Information current as of 2/4/2008. Cypress College 9200 Valley View Street Cypress, CA 90630-5897 Orange County Cypress College (714) 484-7000 TDD: (714) 826-4460 Dr. Michael J. Kasler, President Degrees Offered: Certificate, Associate Number of Programs Offered: 54 Calendar: Semester Enrollment in Fall 2006: 13,038 Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges 21 Part 1: California Community Colleges De Anza College School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Funeral Service Education, Nursing, Radiologic Technology, Dental and Dental Auxiliary Programs California Agency Program Approval: Nursing, Psychiatric Technicians Established in 1966 Cypress College is in western Orange County on a campus of 110 acres. It offers a full program of transfer, vocational, and general education. Disability Services: Disabled Student Programs and Services are available to entitled students with verified disabilities. The programs and services are tailored to assist the student in meeting individual needs with the goal of integrating the student into all facets of college life. For more information: (714) 484-7104 Information current as of 1/23/2008. De Anza College 21250 Stevens Creek Boulevard Cupertino, CA 95014-5793 Santa Clara County De Anza College (408) 864-5678 TDD: (408) 864-8755 Dr. Brian Murphy, President Degrees Offered: Associate Number of Programs Offered: 77 Calendar: Quarter Enrollment in Fall 2006: 23,689 Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Physical Therapy Other School or Program Accreditation: Medical Assistant California Agency Program Approval: Nursing Established in 1967 Located in the heart of Silicon Valley, south of the San Francisco Bay Area. It offers a diversified state-of-the-art curriculum as well as courses of study and technical programs in the liberal arts, applied and behavioral sciences, and the humanities. Disability Services: The Disabled Student Services Program provides special services and instruction for physically limited students. For more information: (408) 864-8753 22 Information current as of 11/28/2007. Diablo Valley College 321 Golf Club Road Pleasant Hill, CA 94523-1544 Contra Costa County Diablo Valley College (925) 685-1230 Ext. 546 TDD: (925) 682-0340 Dr. Judy E. Walters, President Degrees Offered: Certificate, Associate Number of Programs Offered: 52 Calendar: Semester Enrollment in Fall 2006: 20,117 Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Dental and Dental Auxiliary Programs Other School or Program Accreditation: Culinary Arts Established in 1948 Diablo Valley College is in one of the East Bay’s most cosmopolitan suburban areas. A leader in transferring students to the University of California, especially the Berkeley campus, it is respected for its academic reputation and skilled faculty. Its Pleasant Hill campus, with 45 buildings, sits on a 110-acre site west of Mt. Diablo. Students attend day and evening courses. Disability Services: Disabled Student Programs and Services (DSPS) includes specialized instruction, adaptive equipment, mobility assistance, sign language interpreting, note taking, textbooks on tape, testing accommodations, educational counseling and planning, priority registration, and specialized tutoring. For more information: (925) 685-1230 Ext. 2546 Other Locations: San Ramon Center 1690 Watermill Road San Ramon, CA 94582 (925) 866-1822 Information current as of 11/28/2007. East Los Angeles College 1301 Avenida Cesar Chavez Monterey Park, CA 91754-6099 Los Angeles County East Los Angeles College (323) 265-8650 TDD: NA Robert G. Isomoto, Interim President Degrees Offered: Certificate, Associate Number of Programs Offered: 81 Calendar: Semester Enrollment in Fall 2006: 28,847 Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation: NA Established in 1945 East Los Angeles College has an international, multicultural student body that complements the 14 communities comprising its primary service area. The college offers both academic transfer courses which prepare students for admission to four-year colleges and universities and occupational programs which prepare students for careers in two years or less. Within five minutes of the campus is the largest high-technology industrial complex in southern California. Disability Services: The goal is to assist disabled students to become fully integrated into the college’s regular programs. Services available include counseling, on-campus transportation, interpreters, note takers, tutors, support services and equipment, mobility assistance, registration and enrollment assistance, test facilitation, liaison with Department of Rehabilitation, high tech center. For more information: (323) 265-8785 Other Locations: South Gate Educational Center 2340 Firestone Boulevard South Gate, CA 90280-2646 (323) 357-6200 Information current as of 3/10/2008. El Camino College 16007 Crenshaw Boulevard Torrance, CA 90506-0002 Los Angeles County El Camino College (310) 532-3670 TDD: (310) 660-6747 Dr. Thomas M. Fallo, President Degrees Offered: Associate Number of Programs Offered: 95 Calendar: Semester Enrollment in Fall 2006: 23,928 Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation: NA Established in 1947 California Postsecondary Education Commission Part 1: California Community Colleges Foothill College The 126-acre campus of El Camino College is located in the South Bay area of Los Angeles County. The college offers a comprehensive selection of courses that make up an Honors Program as well as transfer and vocational programs that lead to associate degrees and certificates. The college is also well known for its South Bay Center for the Arts, which attracts nationally known artists, musical groups, and speakers, and provides outstanding instructional experiences for students as well as members of the surrounding communities. Disability Services: The career services for students with disabilities at El Camino College is a federally funded program that is designed to enhance career services for postsecondary students with disabilities and to help them ease transition into the workforce. For more information: (310) 660-6746 Other Locations: Compton Center 1111 E. Artesia Blvd Compton, CA 90221 (310) 900-1600 Information current as of 3/10/2008. Evergreen Valley College 3095 Yerba Buena Road San Jose, CA 95135-1598 Santa Clara County Evergreen Valley College (408) 274-7900 TDD: (408) 238-8722 Dr. David Wain Coon, President Degrees Offered: Certificate, Associate Number of Programs Offered: 45 Calendar: Semester Enrollment in Fall 2006: 9,240 Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Nursing California Agency Program Approval: Nursing Established in 1975 Located in southeast San Jose, Evergreen Valley College offers day and evening classes. Programs range from vocational (such as electronics, computer science, nursing, computer-aided design, and automotive) through pre-professional (biological sciences, physics, and engineering) to humanities (art, drama, philosophy, foreign language, and music). With both certificate and transfer programs, the college endeavors to meet its students’ and community’s instructional needs through educational leadership for a rapidly changing urbantechnological society. Disability Services: The Disabled Students Program (DSP) provides support services and instructional programs for students with disabilities attending Evergreen Valley College. For more information: (408) 270-6447 Information current as of 11/28/2007. Feather River College 570 Golden Eagle Avenue Quincy, CA 95971-9124 Plumas County Feather River College (530) 283-0202 TDD: NA Dr. Susan C. Carroll, Superintendent/President Degrees Offered: Certificate, Associate Number of Programs Offered: 30 Calendar: Semester Enrollment in Fall 2006: 1,424 Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation: NA Established in 1968 Feather River College is located in Quincy, Plumas County, California. It stresses individual attention and academic excellence, and it provides supportive counseling and student assistance activities and programs. Its rural Sierra environment allows for a variety of outdoor instructional opportunities within its comprehensive occupational, transfer, and general education curriculum. Disability Services: Disabled Students Programs and Services provides a variety of programs and services to students with disabilities. Other Locations: Fearther River College -Chester Campus 101 Meadowbrook Loop Chester, CA 96020 (530) 258-3769 Information current as of 3/10/2008. Folsom Lake College 100 Scholar Way Folsom, CA 95630 Sacramento County California Postsecondary Education Commission Folsom Lake College (916) 608-6500 TDD: NA Dr. Thelma Scott-Skillman, President Degrees Offered: Certificate, Associate Number of Programs Offered: 28 Calendar: Semester Enrollment in Fall 2006: 7,381 Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges School or Program Accreditation: NA Established in 2004 Founded in 2004, Folsom Lake College serves the communities of eastern Sacramento and El Dorado counties with classes at its main Folsom Campus, El Dorado Center, and Rancho Cordova Center. Folsom Lake College faculty, staff, and administration are committed to offering students the educational opportunities, resources and services they need to reach their goals. Students can choose from a wide range of associate’s degree and certificate options. Disability Services: Disabled Students Programs & Services (DSP&S) provides services for physically, psychologically and learning disabled students. For more information: (916) 608-6611 Other Locations: El Dorado Center 6699 Campus Drive Placerville, CA 95667 (530) 642-5644 Rancho Cordova Center 10378 Rockingham Drive Sacramento, CA 95827 (916) 255-0717 Information current as of 2/5/2008. Foothill College 12345 El Monte Road Los Altos Hills, CA 94022-4599 Santa Clara County Foothill College (650) 949-7777 TDD: (650) 948-6025 Dr. Judy C. Miner, President Degrees Offered: Certificate, Associate Number of Programs Offered: 85 Calendar: Quarter Enrollment in Fall 2006: 18,278 Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of 23 Part 1: California Community Colleges Fresno City College Education: Radiologic Technology, Dental and Dental Auxiliary Programs Other School or Program Accreditation: Diagnostic Medical Sonography, Veterinary Technology Established in 1958 On a campus south of San Francisco, and at 40 community and industry sites, Foothill College offers transfer and career training programs leading to associate degrees and certificates. Its extensive computer science program includes the largest college computer center in the San Francisco Bay Area. Its major programs include electronics, allied health, cable TV, telecommunications, performing arts, technologies, and other fields. Its “Interchange” Program with business and industry provides classes for many firms. Disability Services: Foothill College has a long-standing commitment to excellence and accessibility of education for all students. For more information: (650) 949-7017 Other Locations: Middlefield Campus 4000 Middlefield Road Palo Alto, CA 94303-4739 (650) 424-8600 Information current as of 11/28/2007. Fresno City College 1101 East University Avenue Fresno, CA 93741-0002 Fresno County Fresno City College (559) 442-4600 TDD: (559) 442-8237 Dr. Ned Doffoney, President Degrees Offered: Certificate, Associate Number of Programs Offered: 91 Calendar: Semester Enrollment in Fall 2006: 22,329 Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation: NA Established in 1910 Fresno City College awards two-year degrees in technical and general education fields. Enrollment at its 103acre campus includes thousands of employed men and women upgrading their skills to keep pace with technological developments. The college emphasizes new technology, business and evening programs, on-site technical 24 and academic training, and allied health careers. Disability Services: The Disabled Students Programs and Services (DSP&S) office was established in 1970 to provide supportive services for students with learning, physical and/or psychological disabilities. For more information: (559) 485-7304 support services to students with verified disabilities. Support services include, but are not limited to, individualized course content tutoring, taped materials, adaptive computer equipment, test-taking accommodations and sign language interpreters for the deaf. For more information: (714) 992-7270 Information current as of 3/10/2008. Other Locations: Career & Technology Center Gavilan College 2930 E. Annadale Ave. Freson, CA 93725 (559) 486-0173 5055 Santa Teresa Boulevard Gilroy, CA 95020-9599 Santa Clara County Gavilan College Clovis Center 390 West Fir Avenue Clovis, CA 93611 (559) 323-4595 Madera Center 30277 Avenue 12 Madera, CA 93638 (559) 675-4800 Oakhurst Center 40241 Highway 41, Building G Oakhurst, CA 93644 (559) 683-9340 Information current as of 3/10/2008. Fullerton College 321 East Chapman Avenue Fullerton, CA 92832-2095 Orange County Fullerton College (714) 992-7000 TDD: (714) 871-9192 Kathleen O’Connell Hodge, President Degrees Offered: Certificate, Associate Number of Programs Offered: 101 Calendar: Semester Enrollment in Fall 2006: 20,143 Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation: NA Established in 1913 Fullerton College, established in 1913, is the oldest California community college in continuous operation. We offer courses in Business/Computer Information Systems, Fine Arts, Humanities, Library Services, Mathematics/Computer Science, Natural Sciences, Physical Education/Recreation, Social Sciences/Technology, and Engineering. Fullerton ranks third among California community colleges in CSU transfers. Disability Services: The Adaptive Services Center provides an array of (408) 848-4800 TDD: NA Steven M. Kinsella, President Degrees Offered: Certificate, Associate Number of Programs Offered: 33 Calendar: Semester Enrollment in Fall 2006: 5,776 Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges California Agency Program Approval: Nursing Established in 1919 Gavilan College is in the foothills south of Gilroy. Serving a 2,700 square-mile district, Gavilan awards both two-year degrees and certificates of completion in both transfer and technical/vocational programs and emphasizes the newest technology and state-of-the-art teaching aids in all of these programs. Childcare and many student-support services, including financial aid, counseling, disabled student programs and services, health and personal counseling, enhance the chances of students succeeding in their educational endeavors. Disability Services: Disabled Students Program and Services (DSPS) provides a variety of services in an effort to equalize educational opportunities for students with temporary or permanent disabilities as they move toward their educational or vocational goals. For more information: (408) 848-4865 Other Locations: Gavilan College Aviation Campus-Hollister Airport 490 Skylane Drive Hollister, CA 95023 Hollister Campus Briggs Building 365 Fourth Street Hollister, CA 95023 California Postsecondary Education Commission Part 1: California Community Colleges Hartnell College Morgan Hill Community and Cultural Center 17060 Monterey Street Morgan Hill, CA 95037-3636 Information current as of 11/28/2007. Glendale Community College 1500 North Verdugo Road Glendale, CA 91208-2894 Los Angeles County Glendale Community College (818) 240-1000 TDD: NA Dr. Audre Levy, President Degrees Offered: Certificate, Associate Number of Programs Offered: 83 Calendar: Semester Enrollment in Fall 2006: 20,734 Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges California Agency Program Approval: Nursing Established in 1927 Glendale Community College is dedicated to serving a changing and increasingly diverse student and community population. It supports a strong transfer program, many occupational programs, personal enrichment opportunities, and a variety of non-credit educational programs. It seeks to further the success of its students in the classroom by providing a full complement of enrollment services, counseling, financial support, educational assistance, and campus activities. Disability Services: Disabled Student Programs and Services provides support services exclusively to students with verified disabilities, including learning disabilities assessment, counseling, specialized tutoring, test proctoring, low vision services, interpreters for the deaf, special parking, on-campus mobility assistance, equipment loan, note taking, reading and community liaison. For more information: (818) 240-1000 Ext. 5450 Information current as of 11/28/2007. Golden West College 15744 Golden West Street Huntington Beach, CA 92647-2748 Orange County Golden West College (714) 892-7711 TDD: (714) 895-8350 Wes Bryan, President Degrees Offered: Certificate, Associate Number of Programs Offered: 41 Calendar: Semester Enrollment in Fall 2006: 12,978 Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Nursing California Agency Program Approval: Nursing Established in 1966 On a 122 acre campus, Golden West College offers a wide range of career, transfer, and community service programs. Services include counseling, financial aid, childcare, health center, and a nationally recognized disabled students program. A 350-seat theater, an art gallery, and a science museum provide cultural opportunities for students and the community. Disability Services: Students with disabilities receive a variety of support services to ensure equal education opportunities. Students who have a verified physical, visual, speech, hearing or learning disability are invited to request assistance from the Disabled Student Services Program. For more information: (714) 895-8721 Information current as of 2/4/2008. Grossmont College 8800 Grossmont College Drive El Cajon, CA 92020-1799 San Diego County Grossmont College (619) 644-7000 TDD: (619) 644-7119 Dr. Sunita Cooke, President Degrees Offered: Certificate, Associate Number of Programs Offered: 67 Calendar: Semester Enrollment in Fall 2006: 16,797 Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Nursing, Occupational Therapist Assistant Other School or Program Accreditation: Cardiovascular Technology California Postsecondary Education Commission California Agency Program Approval: Nursing Established in 1961 On a 135-acre site in the Fletcher Hills some 15 miles east of San Diego, Grossmont College has a comprehensive program, including emphasis on transfer skills and specialized vocational programs in a wide variety of occupations. Grossmont offers courses in a wide range of hours, six days a week. Disability Services: The campus offers pre-registration information, special parking, counseling and advisement, registration assistance, disability related assessment, accommodations, equipment loan, and other special services as individually needed for students with disabilities. Some classrooms have stairs and are inaccessible to students in wheelchairs. For more information: (619) 644-7112 Information current as of 11/28/2007. Hartnell College 156 Homestead Avenue Salinas, CA 93901-1697 Monterey County Hartnell College (831) 755-6700 TDD: (831) 755-6760 Dr. Phoebe Knight Helm, Interim President Degrees Offered: Certificate, Associate Number of Programs Offered: 58 Calendar: Semester Enrollment in Fall 2006: 9,870 Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges Other School or Program Accreditation: Veterinary Technology California Agency Program Approval: Nursing Established in 1920 The Hartnell Community College is located just 20 minutes drive from the Monterey Coast. Hartnell College serves the Salinas Valley, a fertile agricultural region some 10 miles wide and 100 miles long. The College draws its students from Salinas and the surrounding communities. It serves students with a diverse ethnic profile. Disability Services: Hartnell College offers supportive services and instruction for students with physical, visual, hearing, learning, acquired brain injury, 25 Part 1: California Community Colleges Imperial Valley College developmental, and other disabilities. For more information: (831) 755-6760 Other Locations: Hartnell College East Campus 1752 East Alisal Avenue Salinas, CA 93905-3049 (831) 759-6093 King City Education Center 104 Magnolia St. Imperial, CA 92251 (760) 344-7213 Calexico Extended Campus 1501 West Imperial Ave Imperial, CA 92251 (760) 768-9740 El Centro Extended Campus 117 North Second Street King City, CA 93930 (831) 386-7100 Information current as of 11/28/2007. 301 North Imperial Ave Imperial, CA 92251 (760) 353-2180 Information current as of 11/28/2007. Imperial Valley College Irvine Valley College 380 East Aten Road Imperial, CA 92251-0158 Imperial County Imperial Valley College 5500 Irvine Center Drive Irvine, CA 92618-0301 Orange County Irvine Valley College Mailing Address: PO Box 158 Imperial, CA 92251-0158 (760) 352-8320 TDD: NA Gary R. Rodgers, Interim President Degrees Offered: Certificate, Associate Number of Programs Offered: 49 Calendar: Semester Enrollment in Fall 2006: 8,549 Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges Other School or Program Accreditation: Emergency Medical Technician Paramedic California Agency Program Approval: Nursing Established in 1922 The only California Community College district contiguous with another state and a foreign country, Imperial Valley College reflects the agricultural and Hispanic influences in its service area. Its comprehensive curriculum attracts students from several countries, and its association with all of the community colleges along the United States-Mexico border has encouraged educational innovations that have enhanced the education of all its students. Disability Services: The Disabled Students Programs and Services (DSP&S) Program is designed to provide support services to students with physical disabilities, learning disabilities, and health problems. For more information: (760) 355-6312 (949) 451-5100 TDD: NA Dr. Glenn R. Roquemore, President Degrees Offered: Certificate, Associate Number of Programs Offered: 45 Calendar: Semester Enrollment in Fall 2006: 12,607 Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges School or Program Accreditation: NA Established in 1979 Irvine Valley College serves students in the Irvine, Tustin, Laguna Beach, El Toro, and Laguna Hills communities. A master plan has been implemented for a campus of 25,000 students with a range of programs and services typical of other full-service community colleges. The campus faculty has established a reputation of outstanding instruction. Disability Services: The Learning Disabilities Program serves all Irvine Valley College students who are not achieving their educational and/or occupational goals because of difficulties with study and organizational skills or basic skills such as reading, writing, spelling or math. For more information: (949) 451-5243 Information current as of 12/4/2007. Other Locations: Brawley Extended Campus 26 Lake Tahoe Community College One College Drive South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150-4524 El Dorado County Lake Tahoe Community College (530) 541-4660 TDD: NA Dr. Guy F. Lease, President Degrees Offered: Certificate, Associate Number of Programs Offered: 62 Calendar: Quarter Enrollment in Fall 2006: 3,290 Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges School or Program Accreditation: NA Established in 1975 Lake Tahoe Community College is in the Lake Tahoe basin of the Sierra Nevada. The college offers a comprehensive selection of transfer and occupational classes. High academic standards are stressed and are enhanced by the individual attention that small classes afford. Extensive support services are available and provide a balanced and rich educational experience. Disability Services: Lake Tahoe Community College is committed to accommodating students with disabilities. The Disability Resource Center recognizes learning, psychological, hearing, visual and communication disabilities as well as health disorders and mobility limitations. For more information: (530) 541-4660 Ext. 231 Information current as of 2/4/2008. Laney College 900 Fallon Street Oakland, CA 94607-4893 Alameda County Laney College (510) 834-5740 TDD: NA omepage Dr. Frank Chong, President Degrees Offered: Certificate, Associate Number of Programs Offered: 51 Calendar: Semester Enrollment in Fall 2006: 12,033 Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation: NA Established in 1953 Laney College, a comprehensive community college, is the largest of four campuses in the Peralta District. It is a 60-acre campus near the Oakland Museum and Lake Merritt. It is committed to organizing its human, financial, and technological resources to provide educational programs and services to all adults in its diverse community. Its student body, staff, and California Postsecondary Education Commission Part 1: California Community Colleges Los Angeles City College faculty represent many diverse ethnic, language, and national groups. It is known for its outstanding student newspaper, its transfer opportunities program, several vocational education and special service programs, and its collaboration with public and private organizations in the community. Disability Services: A variety of services designed to facilitate the success of students with disabilities in reaching their individual educational and vocational goals are offered. For more information: (510) 464-3432 Information current as of 3/10/2008. Las Positas College 3033 Collier Canyon Road Livermore, CA 94550-7650 Alameda County Las Positas College (925) 424-1000 TDD: NA Bob Kratochvil, Interim President Degrees Offered: Certificate, Associate Number of Programs Offered: 48 Calendar: Semester Enrollment in Fall 2006: 7,988 Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges School or Program Accreditation: NA Established in 1989 Las Positas College is on 147 acres in the Livermore Valley, noted for its ranches and wine-producing vineyards. It is near the high-tech centers in Northern California, and only an hour from San Francisco, San Jose, and Silicon Valley. Las Positas currently enrolls day and evening students. The college offers a variety of education/career options for career preparation, transfer to a four-year college or university, skills development and retraining, or personal development. Las Positas has a high student-transfer rate to California four-year colleges and universities. Disability Services: Las Positas College is committed to excellence and accessibility for all students. Disabled Students Programs and Services offers support services for students with physical, communication, learning and psychological disabilities. For more information: (925) 373-4921 Information current as of 2/4/2008. Lassen Community College PO Box 3000 Highway 139 Susanville, CA 96130-3000 Lassen County Lassen Community College (530) 257-6181 TDD: NA Dr. Douglas B. Houston, President Degrees Offered: Certificate, Associate Number of Programs Offered: 38 Calendar: Semester Enrollment in Fall 2006: 1,914 Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation: NA Established in 1925 Lassen College, in Susanville, is in the Sierra Nevada region of Northeastern California some 100 miles northeast of Chico and 90 miles northwest of Reno, Nevada. It offers a variety of transfer and vocational programs along with several unique programs, such as gunsmithing, college rodeo and livestock judging, and powerplant technician training. Disability Services: Faculty in Disabled Student Programs and Services include a Coordinator/Counselor, a Learning disabilities coordinator, a High Technology Center Specialist and support staff. Information current as of 3/10/2008. California Agency Program Approval: Nursing Established in 1927 Long Beach City College offers a comprehensive instructional program. Transfer, occupational, and community service programs serve the needs of a large and diverse student population. Small classes and support services, such as counseling, financial aid, and tutoring, demonstrate its commitment to helping its students attain success. Known for its commercial music and electronics programs, the college has formed growing relationships with Nissan, Caterpillar, and other corporations and has been named a model for its nursing and child-care programs. The college’s two campuses are situated on more than 140 acres. Disability Services: The Department of Disabled Students Programs and Services provides assistance to disabled students requiring special services at the college. A Special Learning Center for disabled students provides self-pacing programs and vocational exploration packages. In addition, the program has as its goal the integration of the student with a disability into the mainstream of college activities. For more information: (562) 938-4558 Other Locations: Pacific Coast Campus 1305 East Pacific Coast Highway Long Beach, CA 90806 (562) 938-3903 Information current as of 11/28/2007. Long Beach City College Los Angeles City College 4901 East Carson Street Long Beach, CA 90808-1706 Los Angeles County Long Beach City College 855 North Vermont Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90029-3590 Los Angeles County Los Angeles City College (562) 938-4353 TDD: (562) 938-4272 Dr. Eloy Oritz Oakley, Superintendent/President Degrees Offered: Associate Number of Programs Offered: 100 Calendar: Semester Enrollment in Fall 2006: 25,943 Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Dietetics, Nursing, Radiologic Technology (323) 953-4000 TDD: NA Dr. Jamilah Moore, President Degrees Offered: Certificate, Associate Number of Programs Offered: 67 Calendar: Semester Enrollment in Fall 2006: 17,987 Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation: NA Established in 1929 On 40 acres in the heart of Hollywood, Los Angeles City College provides career training and two-year degree programs. Its students reflect the ethnic California Postsecondary Education Commission 27 Part 1: California Community Colleges Los Angeles Harbor College diversity of Los Angeles. The college is noted for its excellent faculty and extensive facilities. It provides specialized programs in the performing arts, broadcasting, cinema, television, photography, health professions, and business, as well as strong liberal arts transfer education. Disability Services: Call for appointment if unable to come during regular business hours. For more information: (323) 953-4218 Other Locations: Koreatown Education Center 3440 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 400 Los Angeles, CA 90010 (213) 487-1977 The Corporate and Community Education Center 770 Wilshire Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90017 (213) 891-1594 Information current as of 3/10/2008. Los Angeles Harbor College 1111 Figueroa Place Wilmington, CA 90744-2397 Los Angeles County Los Angeles Harbor College (310) 233-4000 TDD: NA Dr. Linda M. Spink, President Degrees Offered: Certificate, Associate Number of Programs Offered: 39 Calendar: Semester Enrollment in Fall 2006: 9,139 Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation: NA Established in 1949 Los Angeles Harbor College encompasses more than 80 acres and is located less than a mile from the Port of Los Angeles. It provides a comprehensive educational curriculum to meet the needs of the local residents and attracts a student population that mirrors the extremely diverse composition of those communities. Among its top academic programs are architecture, art, business, English and communications, music, nursing, science, and technology. It is a participant in a special joint-honors program leading to priority transfer admission to four-year institutions in the area. It is a pioneer in the PACE program, through which working adults 28 can earn a college degree in two-and-ahalf years. Disability Services: Special programs such as the Learning Disability Program (serving students with average to above average potential) and an Adaptive Computer Program (High Tech Center) are available. Students may receive special services such as special counseling, tutoring, mobility assistance, readers, note takers, registration assistance, special parking, and others on an as-needed basis. For more information: (310) 522-8280 Information current as of 3/10/2008. Los Angeles Mission College 13356 Eldridge Avenue Sylmar, CA 91342-3245 Los Angeles County Los Angeles Mission College (818) 364-7600 TDD: NA Dr. Ernest h. Moreno, President Degrees Offered: Certificate, Associate Number of Programs Offered: 48 Calendar: Semester Enrollment in Fall 2006: 8,036 Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges School or Program Accreditation: NA Established in 1975 Los Angeles Mission College serves the 400,000 people of the northeast San Fernando Valley. In addition to general curriculum meeting IGETC and CSU certification standards, the college has curricula such as multimedia studies, culinary arts, biology, engineering, American cultures, child development, English as a second languarge, and intergenerational studies. In addition to success-oriented college curricula, the college operates extensive special training and grant programs for government and industry. Through a OneStop Center and numerous economic development grants, the college provides training for diverse groups. Disability Services: The office of Disabled Students Programs and Services provides support services for students with disabilities who need assistance in their pursuit of an education. For more information: (818) 364-7732 Information current as of 11/29/2007. Los Angeles Southwest College 1600 West Imperial Highway Los Angeles, CA 90047-4899 Los Angeles County Los Angeles Southwest College (323) 241-5225 TDD: NA Dr. Jack E. Daniels, III, Interim President Degrees Offered: Certificate, Associate Number of Programs Offered: 35 Calendar: Semester Enrollment in Fall 2006: 6,909 Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation: NA Established in 1967 Los Angeles Southwest College has a 69acre campus in south central Los Angeles. It offers a comprehensive selection of both transfer and occupational curricula, and is well known for its engineering, electronics, computer science, word processing, and nursing programs. Extensive assessment testing, counseling, developmental courses, and cultural and athletic activities are also available to its diverse, minority student body. Disability Services: The purposes and goals of the Disabled Student Program are to assist students with disabilities to successfully participate in the college curriculum and programs at Los Angeles Southwest College. For more information: (323) 241-5480 Information current as of 3/10/2008. Los Angeles TradeTechnical College 400 West Washington Boulevard Los Angeles, CA 90015-4108 Los Angeles County Los Angeles Trade-Technical College (213) 763-7000 TDD: NA Dr. Roland “Chip” Chapdelaine, President Degrees Offered: Certificate, Associate Number of Programs Offered: 54 Calendar: Semester Enrollment in Fall 2006: 14,237 Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation: NA Established in 1925 California Postsecondary Education Commission Part 1: California Community Colleges Merced College Los Angeles Trade-Technical College has become the “flagship vocational college” of the Los Angeles Community College District. Situated near the downtown business district, it offers extensive trade, technical, and business curricula and a complete academictransfer program. Disability Services: Priority registration, parking assistance (medical documentation), liaison with the State Department of Rehabilitation, basic classes for the hearing impaired and learning disabled, elevator key card as appropriate, readers, interpreters, tutors, and test proctoring, TDD, specialized counseling, liaison with instructional staff, and assessment of learning disability eligibility. For more information: (213) 763-3773 Information current as of 3/10/2008. Los Angeles Valley College 5800 Fulton Avenue Valley Glen, CA 91401-4096 Los Angeles County Los Angeles Valley College (818) 947-2600 TDD: (818) 947-2680 Dr. Tyree Wieder, President Degrees Offered: Certificate, Associate Number of Programs Offered: 63 Calendar: Semester Enrollment in Fall 2006: 17,538 Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation: NA Established in 1949 Los Angeles Valley College, located on 105 acres in the eastern San Fernando Valley, serves a multicultural student population during both day and evening hours. It offers a comprehensive curriculum leading to associate degrees, occupational certificates, and transfer certification. It is recognized for its programs for college transfer and occupational programs in high technology, nursing, business, and the arts. Cultural, employment, and recreational opportunities are available to students while attending the college. Disability Services: Los Angeles Valley College, in its mission of providing equal access to educational programs and activities offered by the college, while encouraging maximum independence and full integration, welcomes students with disabilities as partners in the pursuit of learning. For more information: (818) 947-2681 Information current as of 3/10/2008. Los Medanos College 2700 East Leland Road Pittsburg, CA 94565-5197 Contra Costa County Los Medanos College (925) 439-2181 TDD: (925) 439-5709 Dr. Peter Garcia, President Degrees Offered: Associate Number of Programs Offered: 34 Calendar: Semester Enrollment in Fall 2006: 8,280 Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges California Agency Program Approval: Nursing Established in 1973 Los Medanos College offers general education and transfer programs as well as occupational and continuing education programs. Located in a rapidly developing area, Los Medanos prepares a diverse student body for transfer to fouryear colleges and universities, and for occupations in such areas as nursing, journalism, welding, engine technology, appliances, recording arts, office services, and administration of justice. Disability Services: The college’s Employability Program serves students with learning and other disabilities who may need special assistance in order to clarify and achieve their occupational goals. For more information: (925) 4392181 Ext. 3279 Other Locations: Brentwood Center 101 Sandcreek Road Brentwood, CA 94513 (925) 513-1625 Information current as of 11/29/2007. Mendocino College 1000 Hensley Creek Road Ukiah, CA 95482-3000 Mendocino County Mendocino College (707) 468-3000 TDD: (707) 468-3031 Dr. Kathryn G. Lehner, Superintendent/President Degrees Offered: Certificate, Associate California Postsecondary Education Commission Number of Programs Offered: 55 Calendar: Semester Enrollment in Fall 2006: 4,714 Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges School or Program Accreditation: NA Established in 1973 The main Campus is located on a 127acre site approximately three miles north of downtown Ukiah. It serves a rural area that encompasses 3,200 square miles with two college centers - one in Lakeport and the other in Willits - both of which have classrooms and administrative space for teaching, counseling, financial aid administration, and Extended Opportunity Programs and Services. Disability Services: The Disabled Student Programs and Services (DSPS) provides instructional support services to qualified disabled students who have a verifiable disability and who are otherwise eligible for admission to Mendocino College. For more information: (707) 468-3031 Other Locations: Lake Center 1005 Parallel Drive Lakeport, CA 95453 (707) 263-4944 Willits Center 11 Marin Street Willits, CA 95490 (707) 459-6224 Information current as of 11/29/2007. Merced College 3600 M Street Merced, CA 95348-2898 Merced County Merced College (209) 384-6000 TDD: (209) 384-6311 Dr. Benjamin T. Duran, President Degrees Offered: Associate Number of Programs Offered: 74 Calendar: Semester Enrollment in Fall 2006: 12,538 Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Radiologic Technology California Agency Program Approval: Nursing Established in 1962 29 Part 1: California Community Colleges Merritt College In the center of the San Joaquin Valley, Merced College offers a comprehensive selection of transfer, occupational, and community-service classes. Extensive counseling, financial aid, developmental courses, and cultural and athletic activities are available to serve the needs of its diverse student body and the community. Disability Services: Students with physical, communicative, learning, and/or psychological disabilities are encouraged to contact the Disabled Student Services Office. Students with verified disabilities are provided with services to meet their particular needs. For more information: (209) 384-6155 Other Locations: Los Banos Center 16570 South Mercy Springs Road Los Banos, CA 93635 (209) 826-3495 Information current as of 11/29/2007. Merritt College 12500 Campus Drive Oakland, CA 94619-3196 Alameda County Merritt College (510) 531-4911 TDD: NA ge Dr. Robert Adams, President Degrees Offered: Associate Number of Programs Offered: 42 Calendar: Semester Enrollment in Fall 2006: 7,558 Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Dietetics, Radiologic Technology California Agency Program Approval: Nursing Established in 1953 Merritt College offers a comprehensive day and evening program of occupational, transfer, degree, and personal enrichment courses. It is on a 125-acre site in the hills of East Oakland. Two outreach centers, on East Fourteenth Street and on Fruitvale Avenue, are dedicated to providing their local communities with opportunities for skills acquisition and intellectual and cultural growth. 30 Disability Services: The Merritt College High Tech lab is available to all students who are registered with Disabled Students Services. We have the latest in adaptive software and we provide support to students who need help with homework and assignments from other classes. For more information: (510) 436-2429 Information current as of 11/30/2007. MiraCosta College One Barnard Drive Oceanside, CA 92056-3899 San Diego County MiraCosta College (760) 757-2121 TDD: (760) 439-1060 Dr. Victoria Muñoz Richart, President Degrees Offered: Associate Number of Programs Offered: 76 Calendar: Semester Enrollment in Fall 2006: 13,612 Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation: NA Established in 1934 The main campus of MiraCosta College is in Oceanside. Its San Elijo Campus offers excellent educational opportunities for transfer, vocational, and associate degree programs. It offers community service and continuing education courses at off-campus locations as well as adult high school classes at Camp Pendleton and Mission Square Adult Learning Center. Student services include financial aid, services for the disabled, free tutoring, placement testing, career counseling, job-placement programs, and much more. Disability Services: MiraCosta College is committed to providing educational opportunities to diverse populations. It is the goal of the college to offer mainstream education whenever possible. For more information: (760) 795-6658 Other Locations: MiraCosta College Community Learning Center 1831 Mission Avenue Oceanside, CA 92054 (760) 795-8710 San Elijo Center 3333 Manchester Avenue Cardiff, CA 92007 (760) 944-4449 Information current as of 3/10/2008. Mission College 3000 Mission College Boulevard Santa Clara, CA 95054-1897 Santa Clara County Mission College (408) 988-2200 TDD: (408) 727-9243 Dr. Harriett J. Robles, President Degrees Offered: Certificate, Associate Number of Programs Offered: 45 Calendar: Semester Enrollment in Fall 2006: 10,917 Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges California Agency Program Approval: Nursing, Psychiatric Technicians Established in 1976 Mission College is near the intersection of Highway 101 and Great America Parkway in the Santa Clara Valley. Various modes of instruction allow students to assume major responsibility for their learning, but faculty, staff, and administrators are committed to helping students achieve their academic and vocational goals. Disability Services: The campus goal is to support the college student with a disability to enter campus life, its programs and activities. It emphasizes growth and individual achievement. Reasonable accommodations are provided to minimize the effects of a disability and maximize potential for success. For more information: (408) 855-5085 Information current as of 12/4/2007. Modesto Junior College 435 College Avenue Modesto, CA 95350-5800 Stanislaus County Modesto Junior College (209) 575-6550 TDD: (209) 521-5602 Dr. Richard Rose, President Degrees Offered: Certificate, Associate Number of Programs Offered: 83 Calendar: Semester Enrollment in Fall 2006: 18,748 Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of California Postsecondary Education Commission Part 1: California Community Colleges Mt. San Jacinto College Education: Dental and Dental Auxiliary Programs Other School or Program Accreditation: Medical Assistant California Agency Program Approval: Nursing Established in 1921 In the State’s Central Valley, Modesto Junior College has two college sites. Offering academic and vocational programs, it attracts students of all ages who enroll full time or part time in day and evening classes, either for job skill training, to earn an associate degree, or to transfer to four-year colleges and universities. Disability Services: System of support services and classes available to students with physical disabilities, students with communication disabilities, students with specific learning disabilities, developmentally-delayed learners, students with acquired brain injury and students with psychological disabilities. For more information: (209) 575-6225 Other Locations: Modesto Junior College West 2201 Blue Gum Avenue Modesto, CA 95358 (209) 575-6968 Information current as of 11/30/2007. Monterey Peninsula College 980 Fremont Street Monterey, CA 93940-4799 Monterey County Monterey Peninsula College (831) 646-4000 TDD: NA Dr. Douglas Garrison, President Degrees Offered: Certificate, Associate Number of Programs Offered: 78 Calendar: Semester Enrollment in Fall 2006: 13,927 Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Nursing, Dental and Dental Auxiliary Programs California Agency Program Approval: Nursing Established in 1947 Monterey Peninsula College serves some 150,000 residents in the cities of Carmel, Del Rey Oaks, Marina, Monterey, Pacific Grove, Sand City, and Seaside. Its district, covering a 550-square-mile region, is semi-rural in nature and is composed of large segments of unincorporated areas in Big Sur, Carmel Highlands, Carmel Valley, Pebble Beach, and the former Fort Ord. The area’s principal industries have been related to tourism and, until recently, the military. Disability Services: The Supportive Services and Instruction Program provides special instructional classes and special support services are available to students with disabilities, along with the regular services provided to all students. For more information: (831) 646-4070 Information current as of 11/30/2007. Moorpark College 7075 Campus Road Moorpark, CA 93021-1695 Ventura County Moorpark College (805) 378-1400 TDD: NA Dr. Eva Conrad, President Degrees Offered: Associate Number of Programs Offered: 45 Calendar: Semester Enrollment in Fall 2006: 14,304 Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Nursing, Radiologic Technology California Agency Program Approval: Nursing Established in 1963 Moorpark College offers a comprehensive two-year program that includes curriculum offerings in exotic animal training and management, graphic design, business, nursing, and radiologic technology. It offers easy access to students from Los Angeles, Santa Barbara and the southern-coast areas. Disability Services: Moorpark College provides a variety of services geared towards assisting the physically or learning-disabled student to participate equally in the educational process. Services are based on individual student needs after consultation with program staff. For more information: (805) 3781461 Information current as of 11/30/2007. California Postsecondary Education Commission Mt. San Antonio College 1100 North Grand Avenue Walnut, CA 91789-1399 Los Angeles County Mt. San Antonio College (909) 594-5611 TDD: (909) 594-3447 Dr. John S. Nixon, Interim President Degrees Offered: Associate Number of Programs Offered: 88 Calendar: Semester Enrollment in Fall 2006: 35,250 Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Radiologic Technology Other School or Program Accreditation: Veterinary Technology California Agency Program Approval: Nursing, Psychiatric Technicians Established in 1945 On a 421-acre campus in the eastern portion of Los Angeles County, Mt. San Antonio College is accessible from the major metropolitan areas of Los Angeles, Orange, and San Bernardino Counties. It offers a comprehensive program of transfer and vocational majors in business, health sciences, humanities, industrial studies, natural sciences, physical education, and social sciences. Its student support services include counseling, assessment, financial aid, disabled student services and health services, transfer center, career advisement, student activities, and athletics. Disability Services: Disabled Students Programs and Services is committed to providing quality programs and services which enable students with specific disabilities to access and participate in instructional and non-instructional programs at Mt. San Antonio College. For more information: (909) 594-5611 Ext. 4290 Information current as of 11/30/2007. Mt. San Jacinto College 1499 North State Street San Jacinto, CA 92583-2399 Riverside County Mt. San Jacinto College (909) 487-6752 TDD: NA 31 Part 1: California Community Colleges Napa Valley College Jon Tyler, President Degrees Offered: Associate Number of Programs Offered: 75 Calendar: Semester Enrollment in Fall 2006: 13,781 Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges California Agency Program Approval: Nursing Established in 1962 Mt. San Jacinto College is located at the northern edge of the San Jacinto Valley. Its 160-acre campus includes two theaters, an art gallery, and athletic fields. In both day and evening classes, the college provides a wide range of lower-division academic programs that provide transfer to four-year colleges and universities, and it offers 17 entry-level occupational programs for beginning students as well as in-service occupational programs for employed adults. Disability Services: Mt. San Jacinto College provides equal opportunities and access to students with physical, visual, hearing, psychological or learning disabilities, acquired brain injuries, and developmental delayed learners who pursue course work at the college. For more information: (909) 487-6752 Ext. 1440 Other Locations: Menifee Valley Center 28237 La Piepra Raod Menifee, CA 92584 (909) 672-6752 Temecula Valley Center 27645 Jefferson Ave., #108 Temecula, CA 92592 (909) 308-1059 Information current as of 11/30/2007. Napa Valley College 2277 Napa-Vallejo Highway Napa, CA 94558-6236 Napa County Napa Valley College (707) 253-3000 TDD: (707) 253-3085 Dr. Christopher McCarthy, President Degrees Offered: Certificate, Associate Number of Programs Offered: 54 Calendar: Semester Enrollment in Fall 2006: 9,041 Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges 32 California Agency Program Approval: Nursing, Psychiatric Technicians Established in 1940 In California’s premium wine country, Napa Valley College offers academic, occupational, and community service programs. These include telecommunications, electronics, health occupations, and business. It also has liberal arts, language, science and mathematics, and fine and performing arts divisions. Disability Services: The Office of Special Services provides assistance to students with physical, mental, emotional, or developmental disabilities. Eligible students are offered program planning services, as well as academic support and accommodation. For more information: (707) 253-3080 Other Locations: Upper Valley Center 1088 College Avenue Saint Helena, CA 94574 (707) 967-2900 Information current as of 2/4/2008. Ohlone College 43600 Mission Boulevard Fremont, CA 94539-0390 Alameda County Ohlone College Mailing Address: P. O. Box 3909 Fremont, CA 94539-0390 (510) 659-6000 TDD: NA Dr. Douglas M. Treadway, President Degrees Offered: Associate Number of Programs Offered: 84 Calendar: Semester Enrollment in Fall 2006: 11,859 Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Nursing, Physical Therapy California Agency Program Approval: Nursing Established in 1967 Located in the foothills overlooking San Francisco Bay, Ohlone College provides academic programs for transfer to fouryear institutions as well as outstanding occupational training for both full- and part-time students. Its programs in deaf studies and health sciences are nationally recognized. Transfer and career counseling as well as financial aid services are available. On Ohlone’s 534acre campus, facilities include an Olympic-sized pool and a newly completed arts facility with radio, television, and art studios, gallery space, and a 400-seat theater. Disability Services: The Disabled Student Services Program is designed to open doors to educational and occupational opportunities for students with physical or medical disabilities. For more information: (510) 659-6140 Other Locations: Newark Ohlone Campus 35753 Cedar Blvd. Newark, CA 94560 (510) 742-2300 Information current as of 2/4/2008. Orange Coast College 2701 Fairview Road Costa Mesa, CA 92626-5005 Orange County Orange Coast College Mailing Address: PO Box 5005 Costa Mesa, CA 92628-5005 (714) 432-0202 TDD: NA Bob Dees, President Degrees Offered: Associate Number of Programs Offered: 70 Calendar: Semester Enrollment in Fall 2006: 22,780 Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Dietetics, Radiologic Technology, Dental and Dental Auxiliary Programs Other School or Program Accreditation: Culinary Arts, Diagnostic Medical Sonography, Electroneurodiagnostic Technology, Medical Assistant Established in 1947 South of Los Angeles and four miles inland from the Pacific Ocean, Orange Coast College is one of the largest single-campus community colleges in the United States. It is known for its exceptional teaching faculty, its strong academic and vocational programs, and its 210 acre campus. Within Orange County, it enjoys a reputation as educational pacesetter, cultural focal point, and valued community resource. California Postsecondary Education Commission Part 1: California Community Colleges Palomar College Disability Services: In recognition of the diversity within the student population, the college established a Disabled Students’ Program and Services unit to better meet the needs of students with exceptional educational problems. One of the major aims of this program is to provide specialized training and support services. For more information: (714) 432-5535 Information current as of 2/4/2008. Oxnard College 4000 South Rose Avenue Oxnard, CA 93033-6699 Ventura County Oxnard College (805) 986-5800 TDD: NA Dr. Richard Duran, President Degrees Offered: Associate Number of Programs Offered: 57 Calendar: Semester Enrollment in Fall 2006: 6,690 Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation: NA Established in 1975 Oxnard College is between Los Angeles and Santa Barbara on the Pacific Ocean along California’s Gold Coast. It offers programs in both transfer and occupational education. A new $6.75 million Letters and Science complex was recently completed, offering students state-of-the-art science and mathematics laboratories, multimedia classrooms, tutorial centers and lecture halls. The Camarillo Center, an off-campus extension, offers a variety of computer classes, including the CISCO networking curriculum. Oxnard College’s Program for Accelerated College Education is designed to let working adults earn an Associate Degree in two years by taking evening and Saturday classes. Disability Services: Special instruction for students with verified disabilities includes basic reading, spelling, math, vocabulary development, written language skills, memory, and adaptive physical education (conditioning and adapted aquatics). For more information: (805) 986-5830 Other Locations: Camarillo Center 2520 East Las Posas Road Camarillo, CA 93010 (805) 388-4772 Information current as of 3/10/2008. Palo Verde College One College Drive Blythe, CA 92225-9561 Riverside County Palo Verde College (760) 921-5500 TDD: NA James W. Hottois, President Degrees Offered: Certificate, Associate Number of Programs Offered: 79 Calendar: Semester Enrollment in Fall 2006: 4,294 Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges California Agency Program Approval: Nursing Established in 1947 Palo Verde is a rural community college located in the southeastern California desert near the Colorado River. Although small, it offers classes in transfer and occupational areas, and its small class sizes are ideal for effective student-teacher relationships. Disability Services: California community college services to the disabled student provide a full range of services including readers, signing, tutoring, mobility assistance, accommodation services, peer counseling and other established services to the disabled. For more information: (760) 921-5311 Information current as of 12/3/2007. Palomar College California Agency Program Approval: Nursing Established in 1946 Palomar College is a short distance from both the mountains and the ocean. The district encompasses more than 2,500 square miles and supports a multicampus, single college known as Palomar College. The main campus is located on a 200-acre site in the City of San Marcos in northern San Diego County. The College’s largest educational center is in Escondido. Other large centers are located in Rancho Bernardo and on the Camp Pendleton military base. Smaller centers are located near other population centers. Students may earn associate of arts degrees or certificates of achievement in degree/certificate programs. Disability Services: Disabled Student Programs and Services (DSPS) facilitates services for students with various documented disabilities: physical, visual, hearing, communications, learning, and psychological. For more information: (760) 744-1150 Ext. 2375 Other Locations: Borrego Springs Education Center 585 Palm Canyon Dr. Suite A Borrego Springs, CA 92004 (760) 767-4525 Camp Pendleton Education Center Joint Education Center Bldg. 1331 Camp Pendleton, CA 92055 (760) 725-6626 1140 West Mission Road San Marcos, CA 92069-1487 San Diego County Palomar College Escondido Center (760) 744-1150 TDD: (760) 471-8506 Robert P. Deegan, President Degrees Offered: Certificate, Associate Number of Programs Offered: 141 Calendar: Semester Enrollment in Fall 2006: 31,058 Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Nursing, Dental and Dental Auxiliary Programs Fallbrook Education Center California Postsecondary Education Commission 1951 East Valley Parkway Escondido, CA 92027 (760) 432-0624 Fallbrook High School 2400 S. Stage Coach Lane Fallbrook, CA 92028 (760) 723-1058 Mt. Carmel Education Center Mt. Carmel High School 9550 Carmel Mountain Road San Diego, CA 92129 (858) 484-3890 Pauma Educational Center Pauma Reservation Rd. Pauma Valley, CA 92061 (760) 742-1121 Poway Education Center 33 Part 1: California Community Colleges Pasadena City College Poway High School 15500 Espola Road Poway, CA 92064 (760) 679-6613 Ramona Education Center Ramona High School 1401 Hanson Lane Ramona, CA 92065 (760) 788-1371 Information current as of 2/4/2008. Pasadena City College 1570 East Colorado Boulevard Pasadena, CA 91106-2003 Los Angeles County Pasadena City College (626) 585-7123 TDD: NA Dr. Paulette J. Perfumo, President Degrees Offered: Certificate, Associate Number of Programs Offered: 102 Calendar: Semester Enrollment in Fall 2006: 28,566 Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation: NA Established in 1924 Pasadena City College offers courses in general education and lower-division classes leading to the associate degree and/or transfer to four-year colleges and universities. It offers occupational majors as well as fee-based community services classes. Through its Community Education Center, it offers short-term occupational programs. Members of the Official Tournament of Roses Band are selected from the Pasadena Area Community College District. Disability Services: The Disabled Student Programs and Services attends to the on-campus needs of students who have hearing, learning, physical, speech, visual or psychological disabilities. The staff provides specialized counseling and arranges for such services as readers, tutors, and interpreters. For more information: (626) 585-7127 Information current as of 3/10/2008. Pierce College 6201 Winnetka Avenue Woodland Hills, CA 91371-0001 Los Angeles County Pierce College (818) 719-6401 TDD: (818) 710-4220 34 Dr. Robert Garber, President Degrees Offered: Certificate, Associate Number of Programs Offered: 67 Calendar: Semester Enrollment in Fall 2006: 19,518 Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Nursing Other School or Program Accreditation: Veterinary Technology California Agency Program Approval: Nursing Established in 1947 Pierce College is a learning institution that offers excellent opportunities for student access and success in a diverse college community. The college dedicates all of its resources to ensure that students achieve their educational, career, and personal goals. Disability Services: Special Services is the program on campus providing services to students with disabilities. This “One-Stop” approach creates a more user-friendly atmosphere for all students. For more information: (818) 719-6430 Information current as of 11/29/2007. Porterville College 100 East College Avenue Porterville, CA 93257-5906 Tulare County Porterville College (559) 791-2200 TDD: NA Dr. Rosa F. Carlson, President Degrees Offered: Certificate, Associate Number of Programs Offered: 33 Calendar: Semester Enrollment in Fall 2006: 3,722 Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges California Agency Program Approval: Nursing, Psychiatric Technicians Established in 1927 Porterville College is in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada in southeastern Tulare County. Unique because of the diverse academic choices it provides to the citizens in its area, it is committed to excellence in education through instructional programs serving a wide range of needs and interests. Disability Services: The Enabler office provides a variety of services for students who are physically limited or learning disabled. These services include priority registration, mobility assistance, learning disability assessment, note taking, and test facilitation. For more information: (559) 791-2215 Information current as of 2/4/2008. Reedley College 995 North Reed Avenue Reedley, CA 93654-2099 Fresno County Reedley College (559) 638-3641 TDD: (559) 638-0356 Dr. Barbara A. Hioco, President Degrees Offered: Associate Number of Programs Offered: 34 Calendar: Semester Enrollment in Fall 2006: 12,206 Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges School or Program Accreditation: NA Established in 1926 Reedley Community College covers almost 500 acres. Its well-balanced curriculum includes agriculture and aeronautics; transfer, vocational, and general education programs; and offcampus satellites. An Honors Program offers academically superior students scholarships and challenges them with rigorous classes. Disability Services: Disabled Student Services provide specialized counseling, support services and resources to students with temporary or permanent disabilities. For more information: (559) 638-0332 Other Locations: Dinuba High School 199 North L Street Dinuba, CA 93618-0125 (559) 595-7220 Fowler High School 701 East Main Street Fowler, CA 93625 (559) 834-2564 Kingsburg High School 1900 18th Avenue Kingsburg, CA 93631 (559) 897-5156 Parlier High School 601 Third Street Parlier, CA 93648 California Postsecondary Education Commission Part 1: California Community Colleges Saddleback College (559) 646-3571 Sanger High School 1045 Bethel Sanger, CA 93657 (559) 875-7121 Selma High School 3125 Wright Street Selma, CA 93662 (559) 896-1280 Sunnyside High School 1019 South Peach Avenue Fresno, CA 93727 (559) 253-6700 Information current as of 2/4/2008. Rio Hondo College 3600 Workman Mill Road Whittier, CA 90601-1616 Los Angeles County Rio Hondo College (562) 692-0921 TDD: (562) 699-4077 Dr. Ted Martinez, Jr., Superintendent/President Degrees Offered: Associate Number of Programs Offered: 47 Calendar: Semester Enrollment in Fall 2006: 20,903 Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation: NA Established in 1962 As a comprehensive community college, Rio Hondo’s program can meet the needs of most students for lower-division baccalaureate work for transfer to fouryear colleges and universities or for training for specific occupations. It also offers the opportunity to improve students’ academic skills and plan their future with the help of a qualified support staff. Disability Services: Students with disabilities that are recognized in the Americans with Disabilities Act can all receive complete support services through the Disabled Students Program, staffed by special trained paraprofessional and certificated individuals. For more information: (562) 908-3420 Information current as of 3/10/2008. Riverside City College 4800 Magnolia Avenue Riverside, CA 92506-1293 Riverside County Riverside City College (909) 222-8000 TDD: (909) 222-8061 Dr. Linda Lacy, Interim President Degrees Offered: Certificate, Associate Number of Programs Offered: 66 Calendar: Semester Enrollment in Fall 2006: 30,702 Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Nursing Other School or Program Accreditation: Physician Assistant California Agency Program Approval: Nursing Established in 1916 The Riverside City campus consists of 88 acres in the heart of Riverside and offers everything from accounting to welding. Disability Services: The Office of Disabled Student Programs & Services (DSP&S), on each of RCCD’s three campuses, provides appropriate, comprehensive, reliable and accessible services to students with documented disabilities who request such services. For more information: (909) 222-8642 Other Locations: Ben Clark Training Center 3423 Davis Ave. Riverside, CA 92518 (909) 486-2800 Moreno Valley Campus 16130 Lasselle Street Moreno Valley, CA 92551-2045 (909) 571-6100 Norco Campus 2001 Third Street Norco, CA 92860-2600 (909) 372-7000 Information current as of 12/3/2007. Sacramento City College 3835 Freeport Boulevard Sacramento, CA 95822-1318 Sacramento County Sacramento City College (916) 558-2111 TDD: (916) 558-2693 Dr. Deborah J. Travis, Interim President Degrees Offered: Certificate, Associate Number of Programs Offered: 89 Calendar: Semester Enrollment in Fall 2006: 22,991 California Postsecondary Education Commission Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Occupational Therapist Assistant, Physical Therapy, Dental and Dental Auxiliary Programs California Agency Program Approval: Nursing Established in 1916 Sacramento City College is located on a 50-acre campus three miles south of the State Capitol. It offers over 1,000 academic, vocational and community service classes, and awards both twoyear associate degrees and certificates of achievement. It is known for its aeronautics, criminal justice, data processing, dental hygiene, and nursing programs, and has programs in visual and performing arts, athletics, forensics, and photography. Its students attend either day or evening classes, and excellent transfer, counseling, financial aid, and enabling services are available to them. Disability Services: The Disability Resource Center (DRC) of Sacramento City College (SCC) provides educational opportunities and access to students with documented physical, communication and psychological disabilities, acquired brain injuries, and developmentally delayed learners who intend to take classes at SCC. For more information: (916) 558-2087 Other Locations: Davis Center 1909 Galileo Court, Suite B Davis, CA 95616 (530) 747-5200 Downtown Center 1209 4th Street Sacramento, CA 95814 (916) 558-2640 West Sacramento Center 1275 Halyard Drive West Sacramento, CA 95691 (916) 375-5511 Information current as of 2/4/2008. Saddleback College 28000 Marguerite Parkway Mission Viejo, CA 92692-3697 Orange County Saddleback College (949) 582-4500 TDD: (949) 582-4833 Dr. Richard D. McCullough, President 35 Part 1: California Community Colleges San Bernardino Valley College Degrees Offered: Certificate, Associate Number of Programs Offered: 89 Calendar: Semester Enrollment in Fall 2006: 23,334 Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Nursing California Agency Program Approval: Nursing, Psychiatric Technicians Established in 1967 Saddleback College is a comprehensive community college in south Orange County. It offers degree and general programs for transfer students, a broad selection of programs in vocational education, general courses of study, continuing education for professionals and older adults, community services, and individualized services in counseling, student support and learning assistance. The college offers a broad range of intercollegiate sports and other activities for students. Disability Services: The Special Services staff provides a wide range of support services, including instruction in classes designed to increase students’ knowledge and use of learning strategies. Access and integration into the college community is the primary objective. For more information: (949) 582-4885 Information current as of 2/4/2008. San Bernardino Valley College 701 South Mt. Vernon Avenue San Bernardino, CA 92410-2705 San Bernardino County San Bernardino Valley College (909) 384-4400 TDD: NA Debra Daniels, President Degrees Offered: Certificate, Associate Number of Programs Offered: 61 Calendar: Semester Enrollment in Fall 2006: 12,340 Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation: NA Established in 1926 San Bernardino Valley College serves the growing urban area of Southern California’s “Inland Empire.” It operates KVCR-TV, the first television station owned by a community college and the first public broadcast station in Southern California. As a California Transfer 36 Center, it serves both the academic and occupational education needs of its students while also offering non-credit community service courses on an 85-acre campus. Disability Services: Support services are those specialized services available to students with disabilities, provided in addition to regular services provided to all students. Such services enable students to participate in regular activities, programs, and classes. For more information: (909) 384-4446 Information current as of 3/10/2008. San Diego City College 1313 Park Boulevard San Diego, CA 92101-4787 San Diego County San Diego City College (619) 388-3400 TDD: (619) 232-1313 Terrence Burgess, President Degrees Offered: Certificate, Associate Number of Programs Offered: 68 Calendar: Semester Enrollment in Fall 2006: 16,390 Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation: NA Established in 1914 San Diego City College has a history of providing quality university-transfer as well as career-vocational programs. Counseling, financial aid, and other services help its students achieve success. Disability Services: The campus has a Disabled Students Programs and Services (DSPS) office offering support services and equipment to enable students to participate as fully as possible in all college programs and activities. Students enrolled in continuing education classes should contact the District DSPS office to request support services. For more information: (619) 230-2513 Information current as of 3/10/2008. San Diego Mesa College 7250 Mesa College Drive San Diego, CA 92111-4902 San Diego County San Diego Mesa College (619) 388-2600 TDD: NA Dr. Rita M. Cepeda, President Degrees Offered: Certificate, Associate Number of Programs Offered: 75 Calendar: Semester Enrollment in Fall 2006: 21,325 Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation: NA Established in 1962 San Diego Mesa College is the largest community college in San Diego and offers associate degrees and vocational certificate programs that include allied health, architecture, information technology, business, fashion and consumer studies, food services, physical education, and fine arts. It features a comprehensive selection of transfer and general education courses. Disability Services: San Diego Mesa College offers a full range of services for disabled students, including interpreter services for the deaf, a high-technology center for the learning-impaired and acquired brain-injury students, specialized counseling, equipment, priority registration, and a barrier-free campus. For more information: (858) 627-2780 Information current as of 3/10/2008. San Diego Miramar College 10440 Black Mountain Road San Diego, CA 92126-2910 San Diego County San Diego Miramar College (858) 536-7800 TDD: (858) 536-4301 Dr. Patricia Hsieh, President Degrees Offered: Certificate, Associate Number of Programs Offered: 38 Calendar: Semester Enrollment in Fall 2006: 9,816 Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges School or Program Accreditation: NA Established in 1969 San Diego Miramar College serves a rapidly growing area of San Diego County - the northern suburbs - as well as students from throughout the county. Miramar’s programs include fire science, administration of justice, and diesel and aviation maintenance technology. The college also offers a comprehensive selection of arts and sciences, general education, and occupational programs. Disability Services: Academic accommodations offered are determined California Postsecondary Education Commission Part 1: California Community Colleges Santa Barbara City College with the counselor on an individual basis to enable eligible students access to all college programs. For more information: (858) 536-7212 1895 W. Lowell Avenue Tracy, CA 95376-2291 (209) 833-7900 Information current as of 2/4/2008. Other Locations: Marine Corps Air Station Miramar (MCAS) San Jose City College 45249 Miramar Way Base Education (Bldg. 5305) San Diego, CA 92145 (858) 536-4329 Information current as of 2/4/2008. San Joaquin Delta College 5151 Pacific Avenue Stockton, CA 95207-6304 San Joaquin County San Joaquin Delta College (209) 954-5151 TDD: NA Dr. Raul Rodriguez, President Degrees Offered: Certificate, Associate Number of Programs Offered: 126 Calendar: Semester Enrollment in Fall 2006: 18,802 Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Nursing Other School or Program Accreditation: Culinary Arts California Agency Program Approval: Nursing, Psychiatric Technicians Established in 1963 San Joaquin Delta College main campus is located on 165 acres in Stockton, with classes offered throughout the college’s district in the communities of Lodi, Tracy, Manteca, Linden, Rio Vista, Isleton, Escalon, Sutter Creek, Jackson, Ione, and San Andreas. The college operates an educational farm on 157 acres near Manteca and a forestry fieldstudy area near Mountain Ranch. Disability Services: Disabled Students Program & Services provides equal access to educational opportunities for students who have a verified disability and are enrolled in an instructional program. The highest quality support services are provided these students to allow maximum academic success. For more information: (209) 954-5330 Other Locations: Tracy Learning Center 2100 Moorpark Avenue San Jose, CA 95128-2723 Santa Clara County San Jose City College (408) 274-6700 TDD: (408) 294-3447 Dr. Michael L. Burke, President Degrees Offered: Certificate, Associate Number of Programs Offered: 44 Calendar: Semester Enrollment in Fall 2006: 10,409 Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Dental and Dental Auxiliary Programs Established in 1921 Silicon Valley’s oldest community college continues its more than 80-year tradition of providing education to a large and diverse student body. The college offers a comprehensive selection of technical, occupational, preprofessional, transfer, and community education courses. Its special-need programs reach out to the disabled, those re-entering education, and those requiring learning assistance. Counseling services include educational planning and career and personal guidance. Financial aid is available. Student activities include dances, lectures, films, and intercollegiate sports. Disability Services: Students who need academic adjustments must meet with Disabled Students Program and Services (DSP&S) staff members to complete an application form, determine educational limitations and services needed, and complete a student educational contract. For more information: (408) 288-3746 Information current as of 12/3/2007. Santa Ana College 1530 West 17th Street Santa Ana, CA 92706-9979 Orange County Santa Ana College (714) 564-6000 TDD: NA California Postsecondary Education Commission Dr. Erlinda Martinez, President Degrees Offered: Certificate, Associate Number of Programs Offered: 87 Calendar: Semester Enrollment in Fall 2006: 29,996 Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation: NA Established in 1915 Santa Ana College is a comprehensive community college preparing students for the workplace as well as transferring to four-year higher learning institutions. Students may earn an associate degree. For those willing to commit to high academic achievement, honors courses are offered. The college also assists students in gaining basic skills and technology proficiency so they can pursue other goals. It is located at the corner of West 17th Street and Bristol in Santa Ana and is on about 58 acres. Disability Services: The Disabled Student Programs and Services instructional support services and reasonable accommodations to students with verified disabilities who are attending Santa Ana College. For more information: (714) 564-6260 Other Locations: Business and Industry Services Center 901 East Santa Ana Boulevard Santa Ana, CA 92701-3920 (714) 564-5202 Centennial Education Center 2900 West Edinger Avenue Santa Ana, CA 92704 (714) 564-5000 Marketplace Education Center 201 East Fourth Street Santa Ana, CA 92706 (714) 564-5760 Information current as of 3/10/2008. Santa Barbara City College 721 Cliff Drive Santa Barbara, CA 93109-2394 Santa Barbara County Santa Barbara City College (805) 965-0581 TDD: (805) 962-4084 John B. Romo, President Degrees Offered: Certificate, Associate Number of Programs Offered: 74 Calendar: Semester Enrollment in Fall 2006: 17,567 37 Part 1: California Community Colleges Santa Monica College Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation: NA Established in 1909 Located in the community of Santa Barbara, the college prides itself on the overall excellence of its academic programs and student support services. It is a top community college for transferring students to the University of California system. Most recently, it was awarded a grant to establish special transfer programs with California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo; the UC Santa Barbara; and Westmont College. Disability Services: Santa Barbara City College’s Disabled Student Programs and Services offers educational support and accommodations for college students with disabilities who are enrolled in mainstream college classes. For more information: (805) 965-0581 Ext. 2364 Information current as of 3/10/2008. Santa Monica College 1900 Pico Boulevard Santa Monica, CA 90405-1628 Los Angeles County Santa Monica College (310) 434-4000 TDD: (310) 434-4273 Dr. Chui L. Tsang, President Degrees Offered: Certificate, Associate Number of Programs Offered: 46 Calendar: Semester Enrollment in Fall 2006: 31,318 Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation: NA Established in 1929 Located just over a mile from the Pacific Ocean, Santa Monica College is a leader in transferring students to the UC and CSU. The college offers instruction in academic, professional, and vocational fields. Qualified students are given an opportunity to join a Scholars Program if they plan to transfer to universities such as UCLA or USC, and qualified professional and performing arts students may join a Professional Arts Mentor Program. Disability Services: Santa Monica College makes every effort to make its campus fully accessible to students with disabilities. The Center for Students with Disabilities offers guidance and counseling on admissions requirements and procedures, as well as a number of special programs to help students with 38 their academic, vocational, and career planning goals. For more information: (310) 434-4265 Other Locations: Academy of Entertainment Technology 1660 Stewart Street Santa Monica, CA 90405 (310) 434-3700 Emeritus College 1433 Second Street Santa Monica, CA 90401 (310) 434-4306 Madison Center 1310 11th Street Santa Monica, CA 90401 (310) 434-3400 Information current as of 3/10/2008. Santa Rosa Junior College 1501 Mendocino Avenue Santa Rosa, CA 95401-4395 Sonoma County Santa Rosa Junior College (707) 527-4011 TDD: NA Dr. Robert F. Agrella, President Degrees Offered: Certificate, Associate Number of Programs Offered: 140 Calendar: Semester Enrollment in Fall 2006: 31,445 Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation: NA Established in 1918 Located some 50 miles north of San Francisco, Santa Rosa Junior College has grown into one of the largest single college districts in the country: the Sonoma County Junior College District. Offering a comprehensive educational program in both general and vocational education, the college attracts more students each semester. Classes are offered at a variety of locations throughout Sonoma County, including the Santa Rosa Campus, located on 100+ acres in the heart of Santa Rosa, the Petaluma Campus, a 365-acre selfsustaining college farm, the Coddingtown Center, and a regional criminal justice training center. In addition to these educational facilities, the college is also home to a planetarium, an art gallery, the Jesse Peter Multicultural Museum, and the nationally recognized Summer Repertory Theatre. Disability Services: It is the policy of the Sonoma County Junior College District to provide equal educational opportunities for students with disabilities in accordance with state and federal law and regulations including the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and Title 5 of the California Administrative Code. For more information: (707) 527-4278 Other Locations: Petaluma Campus 680 Sonoma Mountain Parkway Petaluma, CA 94954 (707) 778-3801 Public Safety Training Center 5743 Skylane Boulevard Windsor, CA 95492 (707) 836-2900 Information current as of 3/10/2008. Santiago Canyon College 8045 East Chapman Avenue Orange, CA 92869-4512 Orange County Santiago Canyon College (714) 628-4900 TDD: (714) 639-9742 Juan Vazquez, President Degrees Offered: Certificate, Associate Number of Programs Offered: 65 Calendar: Semester Enrollment in Fall 2006: 12,555 Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges School or Program Accreditation: NA Established in 1997 Santiago Canyon College is in a growing and dynamic area. Located in the heart of sunny southern California, Santiago Canyon College welcomes students from all over the world to a beautiful, safe campus with culturally diverse population, and easy access to the many natural and cultural attractions of southern California. To experience the fullest rewards of college life, students can participate in a wide variety of clubs, service organizations, and student government; as well as compete in intercollegiate athletics. The Student Activities Office on each campus sponsors many educational, social programs and campus activities and services for student life. Disability Services: We are fully committed to maintaining the highest California Postsecondary Education Commission Part 1: California Community Colleges Skyline College level of compliance with state and federal legislation related to educational access for individuals with disabilities. Our primary goal is to provide quality programs and services that afford qualified students with disabilities equal access to educational opportunities. For more information: (714) 564-4260 Information current as of 2/5/2008. Shasta College 11555 Old Trail Redding, CA 96049-6006 Shasta County Shasta College Mailing Address: PO Box 496006 Redding, CA 96049-6006 (530) 225-4600 TDD: NA Dr. Gary A. Lewis, President Degrees Offered: Certificate, Associate Number of Programs Offered: 75 Calendar: Semester Enrollment in Fall 2006: 8,977 Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation: NA Established in 1948 Shasta College in Redding is a 320-acre campus that supports a broad range of career-oriented programs for both occupational and transfer students. The three-county district is the largest geographically in the state and has partnerships with numerous private industries as well as hospitals and government agencies throughout the region. Disability Services: Shasta College offers numerous support services for students with disabilities through the Disabled Students Programs and Services Office. For more information: (530) 225-3973 Other Locations: Burney / Fall River Burney High School 37571 Mountain View Road Burney, CA 96013 (530) 335-2311 Extended Education Anderson Site Anderson High School 1471 Ferry Street Anderson, CA 96007 (530) 529-8980 Extended Education - Corning Corning High School 643 Blackburn Avenue Corning, CA 96021-2216 (530) 824-5055 Hayfork Center County Building Hwy. 3 at Hyampom Road Hayfork, CA 96041 Hoopa Yurok Vocational & Technical Education Program goals. For more information: (916) 7810446 Other Locations: Nevada County Campus 250 Sierra College Building A-206 Grass Valley, CA 95945 (530) 274-5300 Roseville Gateway Center PO Box 428 Hoopa, CA 95546-0428 (530) 333 Sunrise Avenue Office 300A Roseville, CA 95661 (916) 781-6200 Red Bluff Center Tahoe-Truckee Center 900 Palm Street Red Bluff, CA 96080-2626 (530) 529-8980 Weaverville Center 210 South Miner Street Weaverville, CA (530) 623-2231 Information current as of 3/10/2008. Sierra College 5000 Rocklin Road Rocklin, CA 95677-3397 Placer County Sierra College (916) 624-3333 TDD: NA Dr. Leo E. Chavez, President Degrees Offered: Certificate, Associate Number of Programs Offered: 67 Calendar: Semester Enrollment in Fall 2006: 19,373 Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation: NA Established in 1914 Sierra College is a fully accredited, twoyear community college located in north central California. We serve Placer, Nevada and portions of El Dorado and Sacramento counties. The Sierra College main campus is located in Rocklin just minutes from Sacramento. Other facilities include our 105-acre Sierra College Nevada County Campus in Grass Valley, and satellite centers in Roseville and Tahoe/Truckee, as well as training facilities in Loomis. Disability Services: Disabled Services are designed to provide customized services to meet the needs of current or prospective students with disabilities. Staff are committed to assisting physically, communication or learning disabled persons to participate in the educational process and achieve their California Postsecondary Education Commission 10725 Pioneer Trail Pioneer Center, Bldg. A Truckee, CA 96161 (530) 274-5300 Information current as of 3/10/2008. Skyline College 3300 College Drive San Bruno, CA 94066-1698 San Mateo County Skyline College (650) 738-4100 TDD: (650) 738-4228 Dr. Victoria Morrow, President Degrees Offered: Certificate, Associate Number of Programs Offered: 67 Calendar: Semester Enrollment in Fall 2006: 8,281 Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation: NA Established in 1969 Skyline College is a 111-acre facility that serves north San Mateo County residents. Skyline provides quality education to students of all walks of life and gives them availability of options, individual attention, convenience, and low cost in their search for professional and personal development. Students working towards a bachelor’s degree can complete their first two years at Skyline. Other students can earn associate in arts or associate in science degrees in two or more years that prepare them for a wide variety of careers, or they can earn certificates of completion for job training in specialized occupational areas. Disability Services: Skyline College offers services to students with learning disabilities, psychological disabilities, and long- or short-term physical disabilities. For more information: (650) 738-4280 Other Locations: 39 Part 1: California Community Colleges Solano Community College Daly City Hall Training Room Vacaville Center 333 90th Street Daly City, CA (650) 738-4100 1990 Akerly Drive Vacaville, CA 95688 (707) 446-2900 Doelger Center Vallejo Center 101 Lake Merced Blvd. Westlake Park, Room 5 Daly City, CA 94127 (650) 991-8012 Higher Education Center at San Ysidro Center 505 Santa Clara Street Vallejo, CA 94590 (707) 642-8188 Information current as of 2/4/2008. Highlands Christian Academy 1900 Monterey Drive San Bruno, CA 94066 (650) 873-4090 South San Francisco Center 40 Chestnut Avenue South San Franicsico, CA 94080 (650) 553-9071 Information current as of 3/10/2008. Solano Community College 4000 Suisun Valley Road Fairfield, CA 94534-3197 Solano County Solano Community College (707) 864-7112 TDD: NA Dr. Gerry Fisher, Interim President Degrees Offered: Certificate, Associate Number of Programs Offered: 116 Calendar: Semester Enrollment in Fall 2006: 10,983 Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges California Agency Program Approval: Nursing Established in 1945 Solano Community College serves the population of one of California’s most rapidly growing counties. Its 192-acre campus is located halfway between San Francisco and Sacramento in the Suisun Valley. Its educational programs span traditional academic areas, vocationaltechnical fields, career preparation, and skill enhancement. Disability Services: The Disabled Students Programs and Services (DSP&S) office provides support services for students with disabilities. For more information: (707) 864-7136 Other Locations: Travis University Center 530 Hickam Avenue Building 249 Travis Air Force Base, CA 94535 (707) 424-2431 40 Southwestern College 900 Otay Lakes Road Chula Vista, CA 91910-7299 San Diego County Southwestern College (619) 421-6700 TDD: (619) 482-6470 Dr. Greg R. Sandoval, Interim President Degrees Offered: Certificate, Associate Number of Programs Offered: 88 Calendar: Semester Enrollment in Fall 2006: 20,781 Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Dental and Dental Auxiliary Programs Other School or Program Accreditation: Surgical Technology California Agency Program Approval: Nursing Established in 1961 Southwestern College is on 158 acres in Chula Vista, seven miles south of San Diego. It offers developmental education and transfer, vocational, and career opportunities. Disability Services: Services are available to assist students with disabilities to reach their educational goals. For more information: (619) 4826512 Other Locations: Higer Education Center at National City 701 National Blvd. National City, CA 91950 (619) 477-9683 Higher Education Center at Otay Mesa Nursing Department, Room 4401 8100 Gigantic Street San Diego, CA 92159 (619) 421-6700 460 West San Ysidro Blvd. San Ysidro, CA 92179 (619) 690-6082 Information current as of 12/4/2007. Taft College 29 Emmons Park Drive Taft, CA 93268-2317 Kern County Taft College (661) 763-7700 TDD: NA Dr. Roe Darnell, President Degrees Offered: Certificate, Associate Number of Programs Offered: 21 Calendar: Semester Enrollment in Fall 2006: 9,627 Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation: NA Established in 1922 Taft College offers a student financial aid program and housing for 200. Its strengths are small classes, excellent support programs, and ready access to an extensive campus-wide computer environment. Its complete facility for petroleum technology has received national attention. Taft is one of a few institutions in California that offers preparation in dental hygiene. Taft College charges a nominal rental fee for textbooks, saving students the cost of buying them. Disability Services: The Learning Assistance Program is committed to providing equal opportunity for all disabled students who have the desire and ability to profit from college-level instruction. For more information: (661) 763-7776 Information current as of 3/10/2008. Ventura College 4667 Telegraph Road Ventura, CA 93003-3899 Ventura County Ventura College (805) 654-6400 TDD: (805) 642-4583 Dr. Robin Calote, President Degrees Offered: Certificate, Associate Number of Programs Offered: 43 Calendar: Semester California Postsecondary Education Commission Part 1: California Community Colleges West Los Angeles College Enrollment in Fall 2006: 12,628 Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation: NA Established in 1925 Ventura College is on 103 acres in the foothills of Ventura, about 60 miles north of Los Angeles and 30 miles south of Santa Barbara. With an established reputation in the arts, sciences, and languages, it also provides instruction in technology. It offers special programs for re-entry, bilingual and disabled students, as well as a diverse curriculum designed to meet the needs of students seeking two-year degrees, transfer to four-year institutions, or job skills. Disability Services: The Educational Assistance Center promotes the educational and vocational potential of students with disabilities by supporting each student’s integration into the mainstream of college life. For more information: (805) 654-6300 Other Locations: East Campus 115 Dean Drive, Suite A Santa Paula, CA 93060 (805) 525-7136 Fillmore High School 555 Central Avenue Fillmore, CA 93015 (805) 524-6100 Nordhoff High School 1401 Maricopa Highway Ojai, CA 93023 (805) 640-4343 Santa Paula High School 404 North Sixth Street Santa Paula, CA 93060 (805) 525-4406 Ventura High School 2155 East Main Street Ventura, CA 93001 (805) 641-5116 Information current as of 3/10/2008. Victor Valley College 18422 Bear Valley Road Victorville, CA 92392-5849 San Bernardino County Victor Valley College (760) 245-4271 TDD: (760) 245-3313 Dr. Robert Silverman, President Degrees Offered: Certificate, Associate Number of Programs Offered: 70 Calendar: Semester Enrollment in Fall 2006: 10,917 Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation: NA Established in 1961 Victor Valley College is on the high Mojave Desert Plateau, approximately 90 miles from Los Angeles, and serves the surrounding cities of Apple Valley, Hesperia, and Victorville, as well as numerous smaller communities. It offers university-transfer and career-education programs in a number of business, health-related, and industrial fields, and it provides cultural events for its communities in its 500-seat performing arts center. Disability Services: If you are a student with a disability, you will need to visit the Disabled Students Programs and Services (DSPS) Office, located in the Academic Commons Building, and make an appointment with the a counselor. For more information: (760) 245-4271 Ext. 2212 Information current as of 3/10/2008. West Hills College at Lemoore 555 College Avenue Lemoore, CA 93245 Kings County West Hills College at Lemoore (559) 925-3000 TDD: (559) 924-8065 Don Warkentin, President Degrees Offered: Certificate, Associate Number of Programs Offered: 24 Calendar: Semester Enrollment in Fall 2006: 3,813 Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation: NA Established in 2002 The new 107-acre Lemoore campus, opened January 2002, offers the largest and most technologically advanced library in Kings County, 18 classrooms, three state-of-the-art Collaboratory science labs, computer lab classrooms, and a 7,000-square-foot facility for students to earn credits through California State University, Fresno via our Distance Learning program. Disability Services: NA Other Locations: WHC NAS Location 824 Hancock Circle NAS Lemore, CA 93245 California Postsecondary Education Commission (559) 925-3350 Information current as of 3/10/2008. West Hills College Coalinga 300 Cherry Lane Coalinga, CA 93210-1399 Fresno County West Hills College Coalinga (559) 934-2000 TDD: NA Dr. Willard Lewallen, President Degrees Offered: Certificate, Associate Number of Programs Offered: 47 Calendar: Semester Enrollment in Fall 2006: 2,558 Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation: NA Established in 1932 West Hills College is located in the Western San Joaquin Valley. With San Francisco, Los Angeles, National Parks, and the beach all within an easy drive, West Hills College is ideal for students who like to explore the beauty that Central California has to offer. It prides itself on small classes, individualized attention, opportunities for transfer to four-year institutions, and two-year degree and certificate programs oriented to the working world. It strives for excellence in all programs it offers and in the assistance it gives its students. Disability Services: West Hills College is committed to providing equal access to education for disabled persons. The Disabled Students Programs and Services office provides services to people with physical, learning and psychological disabilities. A learning skills program provides individual and small group instruction for students with learning disabilities in a high-tech lab setting. Computer-assisted instruction is available to all students with disabilities. For more information: (559) 934-2330 Other Locations: North District Center, Firebaugh 1511 Ninthe Street Firebaugh, CA 93622 (559) 695-1473 Information current as of 3/10/2008. West Los Angeles College 9000 Overland Avenue 41 Part 1: California Community Colleges West Valley College Culver City, CA 90230 Los Angeles County West Los Angeles College (310) 287-4200 TDD: NA Dr. Mark W. Rocha, President Degrees Offered: Certificate, Associate Number of Programs Offered: 35 Calendar: Year-Round Enrollment in Fall 2006: 8,822 Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation: NA Established in 1969 West Los Angeles College is in the hills above Culver City, part of Los Angeles’ West Side. It provides academic and transfer programs and has 140 experienced full-time faculty members, and almost 200 adjunct part-time instructors, most of whom are employed full time in private industry. The college offers two-year career programs leading to immediate employment for graduates, plus transfer programs for students going on to four-year colleges and universities. Disability Services: Students who have special needs because of physical, communication, or learning challenges are invited to visit the Disabled Students Programs and Services office, and speak to a representative about program eligibility and services. For more information: (310) 287-4450 Information current as of 3/10/2008. West Valley College 14000 Fruitvale Avenue Saratoga, CA 95070-5698 Santa Clara County West Valley College 42 (408) 867-2200 TDD: (408) 741-2658 Dr. Philip L. Hartley, President Degrees Offered: Certificate, Associate Number of Programs Offered: 55 Calendar: Semester Enrollment in Fall 2006: 12,060 Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation: NA Established in 1963 West Valley College is in the heart of Silicon Valley, south of the San Francisco Bay Area. It offers transfer students general education and beginning course work for transfer programs. In the vocational area, it offers associate degree programs with certificate options. Its student resources include counseling, a career center, a child care center, EOPS, financial aid, educational transition services, tutorial services, and a disabled students program and services. Disability Services: West Valley Community College offers a wide variety of programs, special classes, and support services in an effort to provide equal access and opportunities for students with disabilities. For more information: (408) 741-2010 Information current as of 3/10/2008. Yuba College 2088 North Beale Road Marysville, CA 95901-7699 Yuba County Yuba College Degrees Offered: Certificate, Associate Number of Programs Offered: 59 Calendar: Semester Enrollment in Fall 2006: 9,516 Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation: NA Established in 1927 Yuba College is on a 160-acre campus near Marysville. The service area includes the counties of Colusa, Glenn, Lake, Sutter, Yolo, and Yuba, stretching from the Coast Range across the central valley to the foothills of the Sierra Nevada. Yuba’s physical plant, with 22 buildings, includes shops, laboratories, classrooms, athletic fields, a theater, and a library housing over 60,000 volumes. Disability Services: Disabled Students Programs and Services provides educational services and access for students with documented disabilities who intend to pursue coursework at Yuba College. For more information: (530) 634-6795 Other Locations: Clear Lake Community College 15880 Dam Road Extension Clearlake, CA 95422 (707) 995-7900 Woodland Community College 41605 Gibson Road Woodland, CA 95776 (530) 661-5700 Information current as of 3/10/2008. (530) 741-6700 TDD: NA Paul V. Mendoza, President California Postsecondary Education Commission Part 1: California State University Governance and administration California State University The California State University (CSU) system includes 23 campuses. These multipurpose institutions serve more than 400,000 students annually and offer undergraduate and graduate instruction in a variety of professional and occupational fields as well as broad liberal education. Admission priority is given to students who have successfully completed their first two years at a California Community College campus. eligigility by using a numerical index, consisting of standardized test scores and grades in the a-g courses. The university uses this model to ensure that access is offered to the top one-third of California high school graduates as designated in the state’s Master Plan for Higher Education. Board of Trustees. There are 25 members with 24 appointed by the governor and one appointed by the CSU Statewide Alumni Council. The Trustees appoint the Chancellor, who is the chief executive officer of the system, and the presidents, who are the chief executive officers of the respective campuses. To transfer from a community college to CUS, a student must have a GPA of 2.0 or higher in all transferable units and be in good standing at his or her last school. Other requirements may apply. Check with the admissions office at the campus you are planning to attend. The trustees, the chancellor and the presidents develop systemwide policies. Campus-level implementation is led by presidents, in consultation with their staff and local constituent groups. Each CSU campus retains its own unique academic and demographic character. These campuses include comprehensive and polytechnic universities, and the California Maritime Academy, a specialized campus. CSU provides an on-line information and application system at It includes information about admission, academic requirements, fees and tuition, financial aid and other topics. Residency requirements for tuition purposes can be found on page 5. The primary focus of the CSU faculty is providing quality instruction. CSU campuses require for graduation a basic program of “General Education-Breadth Requirements” regardless of the type of bachelor’s degree or major field. Admission requirements The CSU requires students to complete a specified number of college preparatory or “a-g” courses in high school and earn a C or better in each of those courses. If a student has below a 3.0 grade point average (GPA), the university determines Cost of attendance Several factors, including systemwide fees, campus location, and living arrangements determine the total cost of attendance. Current information on student fees and living expenses can be found at The Academic Senate of the California State University, made up of elected representatives of the faculty from each campus, recommends academic policy to the Board of Trustees through the Chancellor. California State University Office of the Chancellor 401 Golden Shore Long Beach, CA 90802-4210 Phone: (562) 951-4000 Information provided by the California State University, Office of the Chancellor. Note: The notation “NA” is used to indicate information that was either not available or not applicable. Governance and administration Responsibility for the California State University is vested in the California Postsecondary Education Commission 43 Part 1: California State University Map of California State University Campuses Map of California State University Campuses CSU Humboldt ∋ CSU Chico ∋ CSU Sonoma CSU Sacramento ∋ CSU M aritime Academy ∋ ∋ CSU SF ∋ CSU Stanislaus ∋ CSU East Bay ∋ ∋ CSU Fresno CSU San José ∋ ∋ CSU Monterey Bay CSU Bakersfield CSU Cal Poly SLO ∋ CSU Northridge ∋ CSU Channel Islands CSU San Bernardino ∋ ∋ CSU LA ∋ ∋ CSU Doming uez Hills ∋ ∋ ∋ ∋ CSU Cal Poly Pomona CSU Long Beach ∋ CSU Fullerton ∋ CSU San M arcos CSU San Diego 44 California Postsecondary Education Commission Part 1: California State University California State University, Bakersfield California Maritime Academy 200 Maritime Academy Drive Vallejo, CA 94590-8181 Solano County Mailing Address: PO Box 1392 Vallejo, CA 94590-0644 (707) 654-1000 TDD: NA Dr. William B. Eisenhardt, President Degrees Offered: Bachelor Number of Programs Offered: 6 Calendar: Semester Enrollment in Fall 2006: 828 Campus Housing: Residence Halls Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation: NA Established in 1929 The California Maritime Academy became the 22nd CSU campus in 1995. It is located on a 67-acre campus in Vallejo on the shore of the Carquinez Strait and San Pablo Bay. It offers its students a four-year program preparing them to become licensed officers for the United States Merchant Marine and the California maritime industry, while training those interested for commissioning as Naval Reserve officers. Maritime Academy students who wish to be licensed as deck officers may major in marine transportation or business administration, while those who wish to be licensed as engineering officers may major in engineering technology or mechanical engineering. The academy’s major training ship, the Golden Bear, serves as a “floating laboratory” for students, particularly during their annual training cruises. Disability Services: California Maritime Academy maintains a Disability Resource Office. Students with disabilities can access counseling, registration assistance, adaptive technology, extended test time, and other reasonable academic accommodations. For more information: (707) 654-1016 Information current as of 3/11/2008. California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo Cal Poly Grand Avenue San Luis Obispo, CA 93407 San Luis Obispo County (805) 756-1111 TDD: NA Dr. Warren J. Baker, President Degrees Offered: Bachelor, Master Number of Programs Offered: 84 Calendar: Quarter Enrollment in Fall 2006: 18,722 Campus Housing: Residence Halls Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation: NA Established in 1901 The CSU campus midway between Los Angeles and San Francisco, and 10 miles from the Pacific Ocean, is often called “Cal Poly.” It emphasizes a practical, hands-on, “learning-by-doing” approach to education. It is known for its professional programs in agriculture, architecture, business, computer science, engineering, graphic communication, and science. It also offers programs in teacher education, liberal arts, and other professions. Its small classes allow students individual attention from its teaching-oriented faculty. Cal Poly emphasizes teaching students to think logically, evaluate critically, and communicate clearly. Instruction incorporates the ideals of good work ethic, honesty, and the acceptance of individual differences. It promotes an effective education that will instill an appreciation for life-long learning, and is committed to excellence. Cal Poly undergraduate students identify with their major from the beginning. Students select majors at the time they apply and they take courses in their major starting in their first year. Disability Services: The Disability Resource Center provides information and assistance to students who have permanent or temporary disabilities. Supportive services include academic advising, oncampus transportation, temporary medical parking permits, an adaptive technology lab, and provision of direct services, such as readers, note-takers, tutors and sign language interpreters. For more information: (805) 756-1395 Information current as of 3/11/2008. California State Polytechnic University, Pomona 3801 West Temple Avenue Pomona, CA 91768-2557 Los Angeles County (909) 869-7659 TDD: NA Dr. J. Michael Ortiz, President Degrees Offered: Bachelor, Master, Other California Postsecondary Education Commission Number of Programs Offered: 91 Calendar: Quarter Enrollment in Fall 2006: 20,510 Campus Housing: Residence Halls, Single Student Apartments Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation: NA Established in 1938 California State Polytechnic University, Pomona offers a wide choice of study in baccalaureate and graduate degree programs from six academic colleges and two schools. Nine additional credential programs are offered by its School of Education. Students attracted from 53 counties in California, 44 other states and 90 other countries attend classes on its 1,438-acre campus, one of the largest in the CSU system, located 25 miles east of metropolitan Los Angeles. Disability Services: The primary mission of the Office of Disabled Student Services (DSS) is to ensure the fullest possible integration and inclusion of students with disabilities into academic programs. For more information: (909) 869-3333 Information current as of 3/11/2008. California State University, Bakersfield 9001 Stockdale Highway Bakersfield, CA 93311-1099 Kern County (661) 664-2011 TDD: (661) 654-6288 Dr. Horace Mitchell, President Degrees Offered: Bachelor, Master Number of Programs Offered: 45 Calendar: Quarter Enrollment in Fall 2006: 7,755 Campus Housing: Residence Halls Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Nursing, Teacher Education Other School or Program Accreditation: Public Affairs and Administration California Agency Program Approval: Nursing, Teacher Education Established in 1965 Serving one of the fastest-growing areas in California in the heart of California’s oil and agriculture region, California State University, Bakersfield offers an exceptional educational environment. Small class sizes and close contact with faculty provide students with a meaningful and rewarding 45 Part 1: California State University California State University, Channel Islands experience. It offers a broad range of programs in the arts, humanities, and natural and health sciences as well as applied programs in fields such as business and education. Disability Services: The mission of Services for Students with Disabilities is to provide support services which will enable every student, regardless of disability, to have access to the university education. A complete description of the services provided is available at For more information: (661) 664-3360 Other Locations: CSUB Antelope Valley 43909 30th St. West Lancaster, CA 93536 (661) 952-5000 Information current as of 1/28/2008. California State University, Channel Islands One University Drive Camarillo, CA 93012 Ventura County (805) 437-8400 TDD: (805) 437-8510 Dr. Richard R. Rush, President Degrees Offered: Bachelor Number of Programs Offered: 28 Calendar: Semester Enrollment in Fall 2006: 3,123 Campus Housing: Residence Halls Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation: NA Established in 2002 Placing students at the center of the educational experience, Cal State University, Channel Islands provides undergraduate and graduate education that facilitates learning within and across disciplines through integrative approaches, emphasizes experiential and service learning, and graduates students with multicultural and international perspectives. Disability Services: Cal State Channel Islands is committed to equal educational opportunities for qualified students with disabilities in compliance with Section 504 of the Federal Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. For more information: (805) 4378510 Information current as of 3/11/2008. 46 California State University, Chico 400 West First Street Chico, CA 95929-0150 Butte County (530) 898-4636 TDD: (530) 898-5959 Dr. Paul J. Zingg, President Degrees Offered: Bachelor, Master Number of Programs Offered: 115 Calendar: Semester Enrollment in Fall 2006: 16,250 Campus Housing: Residence Halls, Single Student Apartments Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation: NA Established in 1887 Adjoining the 2,400-acre Bidwell Park, one of the largest municipal parks in the country, California State University, Chico blends a liberal arts tradition with innovative programs in computer science, engineering, and, communication and solid preparation for the professions. Disability Services: CSU Chico has worked to make all campus buildings accessible to individuals with disabilities. Students who may need assistive learning devices or special furniture in specific classrooms should go to or call Disability Support Services to make arrangements. For more information: (530) 898-5959 Information current as of 3/11/2008. California State University, Dominguez Hills 1000 East Victoria Street Carson, CA 90747-0005 Los Angeles County (310) 243-3696 TDD: NA Dr. Mildred Garcia, President Degrees Offered: Bachelor, Master Number of Programs Offered: 82 Calendar: Semester Enrollment in Fall 2006: 12,068 Campus Housing: Single Student Apartments, Married Student Apartments Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation: NA Established in 1960 California State University, Dominguez Hills provides undergraduate and graduate study. Classes generally are small, and most programs are offered in the evening. Centrally located in Carson, is just minutes from South Bay beach cities and downtown Los Angeles and close to major freeways. It is the home of CSUS Statewide Nursing Program, which offers registered nurses courses available throughout the state that lead to bachelors and masters of science degrees in nursing. Disability Services: The purpose of the Disabled Student Services program is to make all educational, cultural, social and physical facilities and programs available to students with disabilities. The program serves as a centralized source of information for students with disabilities and those who work with them. For more information: (310) 243-3660 Information current as of 3/11/2008. California State University, East Bay 25800 Carlos Bee Boulevard Hayward, CA 94542-3001 Alameda County (510) 885-3000 TDD: NA Dr. Mo H. Qayoumi, President Degrees Offered: Bachelor, Master Number of Programs Offered: 65 Calendar: Quarter Enrollment in Fall 2006: 12,706 Campus Housing: Residence Halls, Single Student Apartments, Married Student Apartments Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation: NA Established in 1957 California State University, East Bay is near the residential, work, cultural, and recreational centers of the San Francisco Bay Area. It offers a full range of traditional student activities, while its flexible curriculum and three-day/two-day scheduling pattern serves the needs of a variety of students, including teenagers, community college transfers, and adult reentry students. It offers a full range of summer courses at the same fees as other terms, allowing students to make degree progress throughout the year. Most classes are small (30 or fewer), and most faculty possess a doctoral degree. Its off-campus center in Concord, Contra Costa County, serves upper-division and graduate students. Disability Services: The campus is committed to ensuring the rights and promoting the dignity, self-awareness and California Postsecondary Education Commission Part 1: California State University California State University, Long Beach self-advocacy of students with disabilities throughout the university. It provides appropriate accommodations and resources to students with verified permanent or temporary disabilities. For more information: (510) 885-3858 Other Locations: California State University, East Bay -- Concord Campus 4700 Ygnacio Valley Road Concord, CA 94521 (925) 602-6700 California State University, East Bay -- Oakland Professional Development & Conference Center 1000 Broadway Suite 109 Oakland, CA 94607 (510) 208-7001 Information current as of 3/11/2008. California State University, Fresno 5241 North Maple Avenue Fresno, CA 93740-8027 Fresno County (559) 278-4240 TDD: NA Dr. John D. Welty, President Degrees Offered: Bachelor, Master, Doctor Number of Programs Offered: 110 Calendar: Semester Enrollment in Fall 2006: 22,098 Campus Housing: Residence Halls Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Dietetics, Music, Nursing, Physical Therapy, Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology, Teacher Education, Theater, Community Health/Preventive Medicine Other School or Program Accreditation: Athletic Training, Construction Education, Counseling, Cytotechnology, Engineering, Interior Design, Journalism and Mass Communications, Public Affairs and Administration, Recreation, Park and Leisure Studies, Rehabilitation Education, Social Work California Agency Program Approval: Nursing, Teacher Education Established in 1911 California State University, Fresno is in the rapidly expanding city of Fresno - an agribusiness center of California. Students are enrolled in undergraduate and graduate programs in the liberal arts and sciences, the professions, applied fields, and special interdisciplinary areas. Disability Services: Academic support services include readers, scribes, sign language interpreters, note takers, audiotaped textbooks, adaptive equipment, speech input and voice output computers, braille printers, testing accommodations, and disability management. Other services provided include career exploration and campus-to-career skills building. For more information: (559) 278-2811 Information current as of 1/28/2008. California State University, Fullerton 800 North State College Boulevard Fullerton, CA 92834-9480 Orange County Mailing Address: PO Box 34080 Fullerton, CA 92834-9480 (714) 278-2011 TDD: (714) 278-2786 Dr. Milton A. Gordon, President Degrees Offered: Bachelor, Master Number of Programs Offered: 103 Calendar: Semester Enrollment in Fall 2006: 35,921 Campus Housing: Residence Halls, Single Student Apartments, Married Student Apartments Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation: NA Established in 1957 California State University, Fullerton is located in Orange County, a half-hour drive from downtown Los Angeles. It offers bachelor’s and master’s degree programs as well as several credential and certificate programs. Its curriculum is organized within seven schools: Arts, Business Administration and Economics, Communications, Engineering and Computer Science, Human Development and Community Service, Humanities and Social Sciences, and Natural Science and Mathematics. Seventy-five percent of the faculty have doctoral degrees and all are dedicated to scholarly work and teaching. The University’s off-campus center at Mission Viejo, sited at Saddleback College, serves upper-division and graduate students in southern Orange County. Disability Services: The mission of the Office of Disabled Student Services at California Postsecondary Education Commission California State University, Fullerton is to increase access and retention for students with permanent and temporary disabilities by ensuring equitable treatment in all aspects of campus life. For more information: (714) 278-3117 Other Locations: CSUF Garden Grove Center 12901 Euclid Street Garden Grove, CA 92840-5214 (714) 741-9161 CSUF Irvine, CPEI 8659 Research Drive Irvine, CA 92681 (949) 450-8373 Information current as of 3/11/2008. California State University, Long Beach 1250 Bellflower Boulevard Long Beach, CA 90840-0119 Los Angeles County (562) 985-4111 TDD: NA Dr. F. King Alexander, President Degrees Offered: Bachelor, Master, Doctor, Other Number of Programs Offered: 130 Calendar: Semester Enrollment in Fall 2006: 35,574 Campus Housing: Residence Halls, Married Student Apartments Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation: NA Established in 1948 California State University, Long Beach is a mile from the Pacific Ocean and 25 miles from Los Angeles. Its diverse student population from 109 countries has a choice of bachelor’s and master’s degree programs. It also offers a doctorate in engineering mathematics jointly with the Claremont Graduate University. In 1977, a Phi Beta Kappa chapter was established on campus, joining some 20 other national chapters chartered to recognize academic achievement. It has a strong research base and is a respected university. Disability Services: The Disabled Student Services Office provides registration assistance, note takers, interpreter services, readers, test proctoring, academic counseling, and information on scholarships and careers. For more information: (562) 985-5401 Information current as of 3/11/2008. 47 Part 1: California State University California State University, Los Angeles 5151 State University Drive Los Angeles, CA 90032-8530 Los Angeles County (323) 343-3000 TDD: (323) 343-3139 Dr. James M. Rosser, President Degrees Offered: Bachelor, Master, Doctor Number of Programs Offered: 125 Calendar: Quarter Enrollment in Fall 2006: 20,565 Campus Housing: Residence Halls, Single Student Apartments, Other Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation: NA Established in 1947 California State University, Los Angeles provides equity of opportunity for all students, and its classes (which average less than 20 students) are taught by professors who take a sincere interest in each student’s progress. Some graduates are admitted to the best doctoral programs in the nation and move competently into the workplace. It has a diverse student population. Building on the strengths of diversity, it prepares students for success in advanced studies, in their careers, and throughout their lives. Disability Services: The Office for Students with Disabilities provides services designed to make the educational and social experiences of students with disabilities as similar as possible to those of students without disabilities. For more information: (323) 343-3140 Information current as of 3/11/2008. School or Program Accreditation: NA Established in 1994 Alongside historic Monterey Bay on California’s central coast, California State University, Monterey Bay sits atop 1,365 acres of what was once the U.S. Army’s Fort Ord. It has 100 full-time faculty members. Students pursue their educational interests on a modern, technology-driven campus. Since CSUMB was founded in 1994 as the 21st campus of the CSU system, each currently used campus building has been completely renovated. This includes housing for the large percentage of students living on campus. The campus teaches through service to the community. The Campus Service Learning requirement has become a model for others. The campus seeks a global perspective; all fields of study are viewed through a worldwide lens, and all students learn a second language. The campus interconnects several fields of study. It offers multiple-focus undergraduate majors, teacher certification, and graduate programs. Each integrates several traditional fields of study. Students design individualized learning plans that may combine courses, field study, internships, and verified learning from past experiences. Prior to graduation, students must demonstrate their cumulative learning through a senior capstone project. Disability Services: As a model, pluralistic, academic community, CSUMB supports the full integration of diverse segments of the campus community into campus life. Disabled students will find faculty and staff throughout campus who may assist them. For more information: (831) 582-3672 Information current as of 3/11/2008. California State University, Monterey Bay California State University, Northridge 100 Campus Center Seaside, CA 93955-8000 Monterey County (831) 582-3000 TDD: (831) 582-4024 Dr. Dianne F. Harrison, President Degrees Offered: Bachelor, Master, Other Number of Programs Offered: 22 Calendar: Semester Enrollment in Fall 2006: 3,818 Campus Housing: Residence Halls, Single Student Apartments, Married Student Apartments Regional Accreditation: NA 18111 Nordhoff Street Northridge, CA 91330 Los Angeles County (818) 677-1200 TDD: NA Dr. Jolene Koester, President Degrees Offered: Bachelor, Master Number of Programs Offered: 126 Calendar: Semester Enrollment in Fall 2006: 34,560 Campus Housing: Residence Halls, Single Student Apartments, Married Student Apartments, Other Regional Accreditation: NA California State University, Los Angeles 48 School or Program Accreditation: NA Established in 1958 The first priority of California State University, Northridge is to promote the welfare and intellectual progress of students. It is located in the San Fernando Valley area of Los Angeles County. It also operates a satellite campus in adjoining Ventura County. The main campus covers 353 acres and has about 2 million square feet of facilities, including about 24 major buildings and more than 100 in total. The physical heart of the campus is the Oviatt Library with more than1 million volumes. CSUN is one of the largest postsecondary education institutions in California and third-largest public university in Los Angeles County. CSUN has many wellknown alumni, including leaders in business, journalism, sports, entertainment and the arts. Disability Services: CSUN is committed to providing outstanding student services to students with disabilities, and to making a contribution to the field of disabilities in general. For more information: (818) 6772578 Information current as of 3/11/2008. California State University, Sacramento 6000 J Street Sacramento, CA 95819-2694 Sacramento County (916) 278-6011 TDD: (916) 278-7239 Dr. Alexander Gonzalez, President Degrees Offered: Bachelor, Master Number of Programs Offered: 97 Calendar: Semester Enrollment in Fall 2006: 28,529 Campus Housing: Residence Halls, Married Student Apartments Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation: NA Established in 1947 California State University, Sacramento offers a wide range of academic programs leading to bachelor’s and master’s degrees in the liberal arts, sciences, and professional disciplines such as engineering, computer science, business, and education. Its location in the capital of the nation’s richest and most populous state gives its students a unique opportunity to observe modern government in action. Located near the American River, it attracts students from all California Postsecondary Education Commission Part 1: California State University Humboldt State University over California and from more than 90 nations. Disability Services: Services to Students with Disabilities offers a wide range of support services and accommodations to students in order to ensure equal access and opportunity to pursue their educational goals. For more information: (916) 2786955 Information current as of 3/11/2008. California State University, San Bernardino 5500 University Parkway San Bernardino, CA 92407-2397 San Bernardino County (909) 880-5000 TDD: (909) 880-7230 Dr. Albert K. Karnig, President Degrees Offered: Certificate, Bachelor, Master, Other Number of Programs Offered: 133 Calendar: Quarter Enrollment in Fall 2006: 16,479 Campus Housing: Residence Halls, Single Student Apartments, Married Student Apartments Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation: NA Established in 1960 Quality education and service to a growing region are primary characteristics of California State University, San Bernardino. In the foothills of the San Bernardino Mountains 60 miles east of Los Angeles, it serves residential and commuting students. Its students enjoy small classes, close contact with faculty, participation in intercollegiate sports, and active roles in campus governance. Its Coachella Valley Center, serving upper-division and graduate students, is located in Palm Desert on the campus of College of the Desert. Disability Services: The Office of Services to Students with Disabilities provides tape recording of course related materials; sign language interpretation; campus orientation; priority registration; test taking accommodation; paper typing for eligible student; assistance with library research and laboratory assignments; and mobility assistance. For more information: (909) 880-5238 Other Locations: Palm Desert Campus 37-500 Cook Street Palm Desert, CA 92211 (760) 341-2883 Information current as of 3/11/2008. California State University, San Marcos 333 South Twin Oaks Valley Road San Marcos, CA 92096-0001 San Diego County (760) 750-4000 TDD: NA Dr. Karen S. Haynes, President Degrees Offered: Bachelor, Master Number of Programs Offered: 36 Calendar: Semester Enrollment in Fall 2006: 8,734 Campus Housing: Residence Halls, Single Student Apartments, Married Student Apartments Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges California Agency Program Approval: Teacher Education Established in 1989 Located 35 miles north of San Diego, California State University, San Marcos offers rigorous undergraduate and graduate programs distinguished by exemplary teaching, innovative curricula, and the application of new technologies. It focuses on the student as an active participant in the learning process. Students work closely with a faculty of active scholars and artists whose commitment to sustained excellence in teaching, research, and community partnership enhances student learning. The campus’ three colleges - Arts and Sciences, Business Administration, and Education - offer undergraduate majors, master’s-level graduate programs, and elementary and secondary teaching credentials that allow an emphasis on bilingual education. It offers a range of services that respond to the needs of a student body with diverse backgrounds, and strives to combine the academic strengths of a large university with the close personal interactions characteristic of smaller institutions. Disability Services: For students who qualify, the following services are available: priority registration, disability-related counseling, supplemental academic advising, application assistance, testing accommodations, and other appropriate learning assistance (e.g., interpreters or captioners, note takers, readers, etc.). For more information: (760) 750-4905 Information current as of 1/28/2008. California Postsecondary Education Commission California State University, Stanislaus 801 West Monte Vista Avenue Turlock, CA 95382-0299 Stanislaus County (209) 667-3122 TDD: NA Dr. Hamid Shirvani, President Degrees Offered: Bachelor, Master Number of Programs Offered: 101 Calendar: 4-1-4 Enrollment in Fall 2006: 8,374 Campus Housing: Residence Halls, Single Student Apartments Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation: NA Established in 1957 California State University, Stanislaus, serves students from throughout the region, state, the U.S. and other nations. Students pursue a variety of general academic, preprofessional, applied, and credential programs at the undergraduate and graduate levels in business, arts and letters, sciences, and education. It provides small classes and an accessible, teaching-oriented faculty that fosters creativity and excellence in the educational process. Its commitment to service in its 10,000-square-mile Central Valley service area is evidenced by outreach efforts that include an instructional television network and the Stockton Center, which offers upper-division courses to students in San Joaquin County. Disability Services: The Disabled Student Services Office tests students who think that they have learning disabilities. It provides individualized support services for students with disabilities, including assistance with registration, orientation to campus, tutors and note takers, reader services, interpreters, campus shuttle service, designated parking, testing accommodations, and liaison with faculty, university offices, and off-campus agencies. For more information: (209) 6673159 Other Locations: CSU Stanislaus Stockton 612 East Magnolia Stockton, CA 95202-1845 (209) 467-5300 Information current as of 3/11/2008. Humboldt State University 1 Harpst Street Arcata, CA 95521-8299 Humboldt County 49 Part 1: California State University San Diego State University (707) 826-3011 TDD: (707) 826-4678 Dr. Rollin C. Richmond, President Degrees Offered: Certificate, Bachelor, Master Number of Programs Offered: 59 Calendar: Semester Enrollment in Fall 2006: 7,435 Campus Housing: Residence Halls, Single Student Apartments Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation: NA Established in 1913 Humboldt State University is located 275 miles north of San Francisco and a short distance from the northern California coast. Best known for its programs in the natural resources, it also offers a broad curriculum in the fine arts, humanities, environmental engineering, computer information systems, and the sciences. Disability Services: The Student Disability Resource Center was established on the HSU campus in 1976, and has been providing accommodations and services continuously since then. Specific information regarding accommodations, services, and other program-related information can be found in the program handbook. Students may call to make an appointment. For more information: (707) 826-4678 Information current as of 3/11/2008. San Diego State University 5500 Campanile Drive San Diego, CA 92182 San Diego County (619) 594-5200 TDD: (619) 594-2929 Dr. Stephen L. Weber, President Degrees Offered: Bachelor, Master, Doctor Number of Programs Offered: 203 Calendar: Semester Enrollment in Fall 2006: 34,305 Campus Housing: Residence Halls, Single Student Apartments Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation: NA Established in 1897 San Diego State University is the oldest and largest higher education institution in the San Diego area and is among the nations 20 largest universities. It has evolved into a major comprehensive university. It offers bachelor’s, master’s, 50 and doctoral degrees in liberal arts, sciences, and professionally-oriented degrees such as business administration, communicative disorders, education, fine arts, and nursing. It is one of the most affordable comprehensive universities in the nation. Students from all levels benefit from working alongside faculty as they conduct scholarly research and community service in their disciplines. A variety of special programs are offered to help new freshmen and transfer students achieve academic and personal success. The Imperial Valley Campus at Calexico offers upper-division, teacher credential, and graduate-level courses. Disability Services: Disabled Student Services provides a full range of support services to students with disabilities, in order to provide equal access to the educational process. For more information: (619) 594-6473 degrees in liberal arts and sciences; a number of professionally oriented degrees in the fine arts, nursing, dietetics, engineering, education, health science, medical technology, social work, counseling, and business administration; a joint master of physical therapy degree with the University of California, San Francisco; and two joint doctoral degrees with the University of California, Berkeley, in the field of special education. Disability Services: Students with mobility, hearing, visual, communication, functional (HIV/AIDS, psychological, environmental illness, etc.) and learning disabilities are encouraged to attend SFSU. The Disability Resource Center is available to promote and provide equal access to the classroom and to campus-related activities. For more information: (415) 338-2472 Information current as of 3/11/2008. Other Locations: SDSU Higher Education Center San José State University 701 National City Boulevard National City, CA 91950-1123 (619) 477-9683 SDSU Higher Education Center 10440 Black Mountain Road San Diego, CA 92126 (619) 388-7350 SDSU Imperial Valley Campus 720 Heber Avenue Calexico, CA 92231 (760) 768-5500 Information current as of 3/11/2008. San Francisco State University 1600 Holloway Avenue San Francisco, CA 94132-1740 San Francisco County (415) 338-1111 TDD: (415) 338-2472 Dr. Robert A. Corrigan, President Degrees Offered: Certificate, Bachelor, Master, Doctor, Other Number of Programs Offered: 172 Calendar: Semester Enrollment in Fall 2006: 29,628 Campus Housing: Residence Halls, Married Student Apartments Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation: NA Established in 1899 San Francisco State University is a comprehensive urban institution. It offers a complete range of bachelor’s and master’s One Washington Square San Jose, CA 95192-0009 Santa Clara County (408) 924-1000 TDD: NA Dr. Don W. Kassing, President Degrees Offered: Bachelor, Master Number of Programs Offered: 137 Calendar: Semester Enrollment in Fall 2006: 29,604 Campus Housing: Residence Halls, Single Student Apartments, Married Student Apartments Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation: NA Established in 1857 San José State University is a regional comprehensive institution serving a diverse body of graduate and undergraduate students. It has continually advanced to fill the region’s educational, cultural, social, technological and business needs. It emphasizes applied as well as traditional learning - combining practical experience with classroom instruction and building on a strong liberal arts foundation. Students and faculty are involved in academic, applied, and creative research as well as internships and projects. Its links with business, industry, cultural organizations, and government agencies in Silicon Valley and throughout the world create direct benefits to employers, students, and faculty. Its accessibility to area business and industry attracts large numbers of reentry students and professionals in California Postsecondary Education Commission Part 1: California State University Sonoma State University addition to the traditional base of first-time freshmen and community college transfers. Disability Services: Provides high-quality academically related services to students with disabilities and reasonable accommodations to faculty and staff with disabilities. For more information: (408) 924-6000 Information current as of 3/11/2008. Sonoma State University 1801 East Cotati Avenue Rohnert Park, CA 94928-3609 Sonoma County (707) 664-2880 TDD: (707) 664-2958 Dr. Ruben Armiñana, President Degrees Offered: Bachelor, Master Number of Programs Offered: 51 Calendar: Semester Enrollment in Fall 2006: 8,274 Campus Housing: Residence Halls, Single Student Apartments Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Art and Design, Music, Nursing Other School or Program Accreditation: Counseling California Agency Program Approval: Nursing, Teacher Education Established in 1960 Sonoma State University is located 50 miles north of San Francisco and a short drive from the Pacific coast on a 270-acre campus. California Postsecondary Education Commission Most of its students come from California, but 33 states and 34 foreign countries are represented as well. It stresses excellence in undergraduate education, providing programs that comprise both traditional arts and sciences and career preparation. Selected graduate and professional programs, including education credential programs, also are offered. It emphasizes open exchange of ideas and close human and intellectual relations. Disability Services: Students with disabilities who want services are responsible for contacting Disabled Student Services and requesting services. Prior planning is the key to insuring the proper delivery of services. For more information: (707) 664-2677 Information current as of 1/28/2008. 51 Part 1: University of California Governance and administration University of California The University of California (UC) consists of ten general campuses, one health science campus, and numerous special research facilities. UC serves more than 208,000 students annually, offering broad undergraduate curricula leading to the baccalaureate degree at each general campus. It also awards master’s, doctoral, and professional degrees. In addition to its role as a research institution, UC manages three U.S. Department of Energy national laboratories and five medical centers. Hastings College of the Law in San Francisco is affiliated with the UC system but is administered independently and has its own governing board. Admission requirements UC requires students to complete a specified number of academic courses in high school, called the “a-g” subjects. The university then uses a numerical index, consisting of standardized test scores and grades, to determine a student’s eligibility for the UC system. The university uses this model to ensure that access is offered to the top 12.5 percent of California high school graduates as designated in the state’s Master Plan for Higher Education. The Eligibility in the Local Context (ELC) program is an additional route to achieving eligibility for admission. It grants UC eligibility to the top 4.0 percent of students in each California high school, based on their grades in UC-required courses. UC makes this determination based on the evaluation of student transcripts forwarded to UC by individual high schools. Details about the ELC program are available at: Freshman students will meet the minimum requirement if they have a grade-point average of 3.0 or higher plus an adequate score on the ACT or SAT I and SAT II subject tests. Admission priority is given to California residents. Every qualified student who is a resident of California is entitled to admission at one of the University’s campuses, although not necessarily at the campus of first choice. More information on UC admissions, including high school “a-g” certified course lists and community college courses approved for transfer to UC, can be obtained at: Costs of attendance Several factors, including systemwide fees, location of campus, and California Postsecondary Education Commission living arrangements determine the total cost of attendance. Up-to-date information on student fees and living expenses can be found at missions/payingforuc/costs.html. Governance and administration The University of California is governed by a Board of Regents. This 26-member board has 18 members appointed by the Governor, one student appointed by the Regents, and seven ex-officio members. The regents select the University president. Educational policy is established by the Academic Senate on behalf of the faculty. The University’s administrative headquarters are located in Oakland. Office of the President University of California 1111 Franklin Street Oakland, CA 94607-5200 (510) 987-9074 The UC Board of Regents: ents/ Information provided by the University of California Office of the President. Note: The notation “NA” is used to indicate information that was either not available or not applicable. 53 Part 1: University of California Map of University of California Campuses Map of University of California Campuses University of California, Davis University of California, Berkeley ∋ ∋ ∋ University of California, San Francisco University of California, M erced ∋ ∋ University of California, Santa Cruz University of California, Riverside University of California, Santa Barbara ∋ University of California, Los Angeles ∋ ∋ ∋ University of California, Irvine University of California, San Dieg o 54 ∋ California Postsecondary Education Commission Part 1: University of California University of California, Irvine University of California, Berkeley Chancellor’s Office 200 California Hall Berkeley, CA 94720-1500 Alameda County Mailing Address: University of California Berkeley, CA 94720 (510) 642-6000 TDD: (510) 642-6376 Robert J. Birgeneau, Chancellor Degrees Offered: Bachelor, Master, Doctor, First Professional Number of Programs Offered: 162 Calendar: Semester Enrollment in Fall 2006: 33,933 Campus Housing: Residence Halls, Single Student Apartments, Married Student Apartments, Other Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Health Services Administration, Optometry, Psychology, Law, Medical Assistant, Public Health Other School or Program Accreditation: Engineering, Forestry, Interior Design, Journalism and Mass Communications, Landscape Architecture, Planning, Social Work California Agency Program Approval: Teacher Education Established in 1868 UC Berkeley is rated highly by the American Council on Education. The Berkeley faculty, which includes eight Nobel Prize winners, 15 National Medal of Science honorees, and 11 MacArthur Fellows, leads the nation in several categories, including Guggenheim Fellowships and National Science Foundation Young Investigator Awards. The Pacific Film Archive, an international scholarship resource, and the University Art Museum, which regularly mounts some of the nation’s most compelling exhibits, are among the campus’ attractions. Disability Services: The Disabled Students Program (DSP) is located at 230 Cesar Chavez Student Center. Students who have a permanent and verifiable disability may receive academic accommodations (i.e., extended time on exams) and/or auxiliary services (i.e., note takers, readers and sign language interpreters), access to assistive technology support, attendant referral and other relevant services and resources. For more information: (510) 642-0518 Other Locations: UC Berkeley Extension Center 1995 University Ave Berkeley, CA 94720 (510) 642-4111 UC Berkeley Extension Downtown Center 425 Market St., 8th Floor San Francisco, CA 94103 (415) 284-1060 UC Berkeley Extension Jewish Community Center 3200 California Street San Francisco, CA 94118 UC Berkeley Extension Oakland Transpacific Centre 1000 Broadway, Suite 109 Oakland, CA 94607 (510) 208-7001 UC Berkeley Extension Peninsula Center 1991 Broadway Redwood City, CA (650) 363-0999 UC Berkeley Extension South of Market Center 95 Third Street San Francisco, CA 94103 (510) 642-4111 Information current as of 2/4/2008. University of California, Davis One Shields Avenue Davis, CA 95616 Yolo County (530) 752-1011 TDD: NA Dr. Larry N. Vanderhoef, Chancellor Degrees Offered: Bachelor, Master, Doctor, First Professional, Other Number of Programs Offered: 177 Calendar: Quarter Enrollment in Fall 2006: 30,475 Campus Housing: Residence Halls, Single Student Apartments, Married Student Apartments Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Dietetics, Veterinary Medicine, Law, Medicine, Pastoral Education California Postsecondary Education Commission Other School or Program Accreditation: Clinical Laboratory Science, Engineering, Landscape Architecture, Physician Assistant California Agency Program Approval: Nursing, Teacher Education Established in 1905 UC Davis is known for its strong commitment to teaching, with nearly a dozen highly rated undergraduate programs and a botany department ranked at the top. It is a leader in the fields of biological sciences and agriculture and is among the nation’s top 20 universities in research funding. The campus has made contributions in a variety of fields. Its viticulture and enology department, for example, has influenced winemakers around the world, while its studio art program is regarded as one of the best in the country. The campus is one of seven national centers for AIDS research, combining the skills of medical, biomedical and veterinary scientists. Davis offers undergraduate majors and graduate programs in three colleges and professional schools for medicine, veterinary medicine, law, and management. Disability Services: The Disability Resource Center coordinates specialized support services and accommodations for students with documented disabilities. For more information: (530) 752-3184 Other Locations: UC Davis Extension Sutter Square Galleria 2901 K Street Sacramento, CA 95814 (916) 327-7072 Information current as of 1/25/2008. University of California, Irvine Campus Drive Irvine, CA 92697 Orange County (949) 824-5011 TDD: (949) 824-6272 Dr. Michael V. Drake, Chancellor Degrees Offered: Certificate, Bachelor, Master, Doctor, First Professional, Other Number of Programs Offered: 155 Calendar: Quarter Enrollment in Fall 2006: 25,871 Campus Housing: Residence Halls, Single Student Apartments, Married Student Apartments, Other 55 Part 1: University of California University of California, Los Angeles Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Theater, Medicine Other School or Program Accreditation: Clinical Laboratory Science, Engineering, Planning California Agency Program Approval: Teacher Education Established in 1965 UC Irvine is regarded as one of the top public universities in the country. Students may select from undergraduate majors and graduate programs. Located 40 miles south of Los Angeles, the campus comprises 1,500 acres of coastal foothills in Orange County, a center for business and high-tech industries such as biomedicine, computer software, and electronic components. Numerous internship and job opportunities are available to students. UCI has developed programs that combine studies such as art and technology, medicine and engineering, ecology and the social sciences, and business and computer sciences, all designed to prepare students for roles as citizens and scholars in the new century. Its research strengths are numerous and varied. About one-third of the student body lives on campus in a variety of residence halls, apartments, and houses, and all new, single undergraduate students under the age of 25 who meet deadlines are guaranteed oncampus housing in the fall. Assistance in locating off-campus housing also is provided. The Associated Students of UCI sponsor a variety of special events on campus. The Anteater Recreation Center, a new state-of-the-art sports and fitness facility, is open to all registered UCI students. Disability Services: Disability Services offers disabled students opportunities to participate in the academic community at UCI. Students with varying disabilities including those who use wheelchairs, semiambulatory, blind or visually impaired, deaf or hard of hearing, learning disabled, or who have chronic health problems may be eligible for reasonable disability accommodations through this program. Email:; online: For more information: (949) 824-7494 Other Locations: UC Irvine Extension Pereira Drive West of East Peltason Drive Building 234 56 Irvine, CA 92697-5700 (949) 824-5414 Information current as of 1/25/2008. University of California, Los Angeles 405 Hilgard Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90095-1301 Los Angeles County (310) 825-4321 TDD: (310) 206-6083 Dr. Gene D. Block, Chancellor Degrees Offered: Bachelor, Master, Doctor, First Professional, Other Number of Programs Offered: 170 Calendar: Quarter Enrollment in Fall 2006: 38,218 Campus Housing: Residence Halls, Single Student Apartments, Married Student Apartments, Other Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation: NA Established in 1919 UCLA has a reputation for the excellence of its academic programs and the achievements of its students and faculty. Consistently ranked among the top half dozen research universities in the United States, it is the only campus among the nation’s top 10 research universities that was established in the twentieth century. It maintains 80 departments of instruction in 11 professional schools and the College of Letters and Science. The campus’ extensive research program - with 5,000 funded projects in progress at any given time - as well as its renowned Center for the Health Sciences and myriad arts offerings make UCLA a major educational and cultural center and an important community resource. Disability Services: The Office for Students with Disabilities assists the faculty and the University in providing academic support services and programmatic access to students with disabilities. For more information: (310) 825-1501 Information current as of 3/11/2008. University of California, Merced 4225 North Hospital Road Building 1200 Atwater, CA 95301 Merced County Mailing Address: P.O. Box 2039 Merced, CA 95344 (209) 724-4400 TDD: NA Sung-Mo “Steve” Kang, Chancellor Degrees Offered: Bachelor, Master Number of Programs Offered: 19 Calendar: Semester Enrollment in Fall 2006: 1,286 Campus Housing: NA Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges School or Program Accreditation: NA Established in 2005 UC Merced is the first new UC campus in 40 years, opening in Fall 2005 with three schools: Engineering; Natural Sciences; and Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts. Degree offerings include bioengineering; biological sciences; chemical sciences; computer science and engineering; earth systems science; environmental engineering; human biology; management; material sciences and engineering; applied mathematical sciences; mechanical engineering; physics; social and cognitive sciences; and world cultures and history. Graduate degree programs include applied mathematics; computer and information systems; environmental systems; atomic and molecular science and engineering; quantitative and systems biology; social and cognitive sciences; and world cultures. Sixty full-time faculty members form the core faculty, while the university employs approximately 550 additional faculty members and other professionals. Building design and construction emphasize the most advanced techniques in energy and resource conservation and employ cuttingedge “green” building practices that reflect the university’s commitment to environment sustainability. As part of this practice, the university has set aside 25,000 acres of grassland habitat for permanent conservation. Special institutes include the Sierra Nevada Research Institute. Also planned are the World Cultures Institute, Energy Institute and Systems Biology Institute. Disability Services: The University of California, Merced, is committed to ensuring equal educational opportunities for students with disabilities. An integral part of this commitment is the coordination of specialized academic support services through the Disability Services Center (DSC). The philosophy of the DSC is to promote independence and participation in campus life for students with disabilities. The DSC staff is available to answer California Postsecondary Education Commission Part 1: University of California University of California, San Francisco questions that prospective students may have about services for students with disabilities. For more information: (209) 381-7884 Other Locations: UC Merced, Bakersfield Center 2000 K Street, Suite 300 Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 861-7941 UC Merced, Fresno 550 E. Shaw Avenue Fresno, CA 93710 (559) 241-7400 UC Merced, Tri-College Center 3600 M Street Merced, CA 95340 (209) 381-6545 Information current as of 1/25/2008. University of California, Riverside 900 University Avenue Riverside, CA 92521-4600 Riverside County (951) 827-1012 TDD: NA Robert D. Grey, Interim Chancellor Degrees Offered: Bachelor, Master, Doctor, First Professional, Other Number of Programs Offered: 98 Calendar: Quarter Enrollment in Fall 2006: 16,875 Campus Housing: Residence Halls, Single Student Apartments, Married Student Apartments Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation: NA Established in 1954 Located in the Inland Empire, UC Riverside expects enrollment growth well into the 21st century. Among the opportunities available to students are the accelerated Biomedical Sciences program, unique in UC; the new College of Engineering; and a B.S. in Business Administration, one of only two such programs in the UC system. Special resources include the California Museum of Photography, the J. Lloyd Eaton Collection of Science Fiction, the Rupert Costo Library of the American Indian, the Center for Ideas and Society, and the Water Resources Center. Disability Services: Support services have been available at UC Riverside since the mid-1960s, making our campus one of the first in the nation to provide services for students with disabilities. Efforts were made to make the campus wheelchair accessible; services soon expanded to address the needs of students with other disabilities. Today, the staff provides services to a wide range of undergraduate and graduate students. For more information: (909) 787-3862 Other Locations: UC Riverside Temecula Center 27919 Jefferson Avenue Temecula, CA 92590 (909) 693-1723 Information current as of 3/11/2008. University of California, San Diego 9500 Gilman Drive La Jolla, CA 92093-5003 San Diego County (858) 534-2230 TDD: (858) 534-9709 Marye Anne Fox, Chancellor Degrees Offered: Bachelor, Master, Doctor, First Professional Number of Programs Offered: 125 Calendar: Quarter Enrollment in Fall 2006: 26,868 Campus Housing: Residence Halls, Single Student Apartments, Married Student Apartments, Other Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Pharmacy, Psychology, Radiologic Technology, Medicine, Nurse-Midwifery Other School or Program Accreditation: Engineering California Agency Program Approval: Nursing, Teacher Education Established in 1912 UC San Diego is now one of the nation’s leading research universities, with a faculty that includes six Nobel laureates and ranks fifth among U.S. universities in federal research expenditures. The campus offers undergraduate and graduate programs spanning all academic disciplines, including recently established graduate schools of Architecture and International Relations/Pacific Studies. Among public universities, it has a high percentage of undergraduates who go on to medical and graduate schools. A high number of its undergraduates study abroad. Disability Services: Our mission is to facilitate and encourage students with disabilities to achieve and maintain California Postsecondary Education Commission independence, academic and social success, and to become strong, self-advocates (on and off campus) through the coordination of access to programs, services, and facilities. OSD promotes effective planning, adaptation, and enhanced awareness of students’ individual lives. For more information: (858) 534-6308 Other Locations: UCSD Extension Rancho Bernardo Center 11770 Bernardo Plaza Ct. Suite 270 San Diego, CA 92128 (858) 451-7474 UCSD Extension Sorrento Mesa Center 6925 Lusk Blvd. 1st Floor San Diego, CA 92093 (858) 882-8000 Information current as of 1/25/2008. University of California, San Francisco 513 Parnassus Avenue Suite S-140 San Francisco, CA 94143-0404 San Francisco County (415) 476-9000 TDD: (415) 476-4318 Dr. J. Michael Bishop, Chancellor Degrees Offered: Bachelor, Master, Doctor, First Professional Number of Programs Offered: 35 Calendar: Quarter Enrollment in Fall 2006: 4,326 Campus Housing: Single Student Apartments, Married Student Apartments Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Dietetics, Nursing, Pharmacy, Physical Therapy, Psychology, Dental and Dental Auxiliary Programs, Medicine, NurseMidwifery, Pastoral Education California Agency Program Approval: Nursing, Teacher Education Established in 1864 UC San Francisco, the only UC campus devoted solely to health sciences, is one of the world’s foremost biomedical centers. Established as a private medical school in 1864, the San Francisco facility has been part of UC since 1873. Peers rank all four UCSF professional schools - dentistry, 57 Part 1: University of California University of California, Santa Barbara medicine, nursing, and pharmacy - among the top in the country. All are leaders in funding received from the National Institutes of Health. The campus is a major center for research and patient care in cancer, organ transplantation, AIDS, children’s medical specialties and the neurosciences, and is a leader in “technology transfer” - the passing on of research discoveries in the lab to healthpromoting products for the public’s benefit. Disability Services: The University of California, San Francisco is committed to providing equal access to all of its programs, services, and activities for students with disabilities. The Office of Student Relations provides services to registered students with permanent and temporary disabilities. For more information: (415) 476-4318 Information current as of 1/25/2008. University of California, Santa Barbara Ocean Road at Mesa Road Santa Barbara, CA 93106 Santa Barbara County (805) 893-8000 TDD: NA Dr. Henry T. Yang, Chancellor Degrees Offered: Bachelor, Master, Doctor Number of Programs Offered: 106 Calendar: Quarter Enrollment in Fall 2006: 21,082 Campus Housing: Residence Halls, Single Student Apartments, Married Student Apartments, Other Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Dance, Psychology Other School or Program Accreditation: Engineering California Agency Program Approval: Teacher Education Established in 1944 UC Santa Barbara is a pioneer in interdisciplinary research. Its eight national centers - including the world-renowned Institute for Theoretical Physics, the National Center for Geographic Information and Analysis, the Center for Quantized Electronic Structures, and the Materials Research Laboratory - are all designed to foster collaboration among scholars from different disciplines. The campus is also an innovator in both research and teaching. It offers the master of music/doctor of musical arts degrees (both are performance degrees) 58 and advanced degrees in religious studies. It is home to the unique College of Creative Studies, which enrolls students for advanced, independent work, and the Donald Bren School of Environmental Science and Management, which offers both masters and doctoral degree programs. With the establishment of the Global and International Studies Program, interdisciplinary global perspectives are researched and developed at the university. Disability Services: The Disabled Students Program (DSP) coordinates services for temporarily and permanently disabled students. For more information: (805) 8932668 Other Locations: UCSB Ventura Center 3585 Maple Street, Suite 112 Ventura, CA 93003 (805) 644-7261 Information current as of 1/25/2008. University of California, Santa Cruz 1156 High Street Santa Cruz, CA 95064-1077 Santa Cruz County (831) 459-0111 TDD: NA Dr. George R. Blumenthal, Chancellor Degrees Offered: Bachelor, Master, Doctor, First Professional, Other Number of Programs Offered: 134 Calendar: Quarter Enrollment in Fall 2006: 15,364 Campus Housing: Residence Halls, Single Student Apartments, Married Student Apartments, Other Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Psychology Other School or Program Accreditation: Engineering California Agency Program Approval: Teacher Education Established in 1965 UC Santa Cruz offers students an intimate, small-college atmosphere while also providing the resources of a major research university. The campus serves as headquarters for UC Observatories/Lick Observatory and is the site of several highly regarded research centers, including the Institute of Marine Sciences, housed on campus and at the on-shore Joseph M. Long Marine Laboratory; the Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics, understanding the origin, structure, and evolution of earth and the universe; and the Institute for Particle Physics, where scientists study the fundamental interactions of matter. It is also home of the Center for Research on Education; Diversity and Excellence; Dickens Project, promoting study, enjoyment and life of Charles Dickens; and Second Language learning. Disability Services: The Disability Resource Center provides the following to help meet the needs of students with disabilities: counseling and advising; mobility services; special parking; assistance with registration and enrollment; testing accommodations; equipment loans; reader, note taker and interpreter services; and liaison and referrals to appropriate resources, services and agencies. For more information: (831) 459-2089 Other Locations: UCSC-Cupertino 10420 Bubb Road Cupertino, CA 95014 (408) 861-3700 UCSC-Sunnyvale 1180 Bordeaux Drive Sunnyvale, CA 94089 (408) 752-1300 Information current as of 1/25/2008. California Postsecondary Education Commission Part 1: Other Public Institutions Naval Postgraduate School Other Public Institutions Two additional public institutions operate in California, the Hastings College of the Law and the Naval Postgraduate School. Both are supported with monies appropriated by Hastings College of The Law 200 McAllister Street San Francisco, CA 94102-4978 San Francisco County (415) 565-4600 TDD: (415) 565-4600 Mary Kay Kane, Dean Degrees Offered: Doctor Number of Programs Offered: 1 Calendar: Semester Enrollment: NA Campus Housing: Single Student Apartments, Married Student Apartments Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Law Established in 1878 Hastings College of the Law, the law department of the University of California in San Francisco, is the oldest and the largest law school in the West. It seeks not only to prepare students for entry into the legal profession, but also to provide the profession with responsible men and women who meet the needs of society for legal service and the administration of justice. either the state or federal governments and each has its own governing body. Additional information may be obtained by contacting the institution or through their respective web sites. Applicants must have earned a bachelor’s degree from a college or university of approved standing. Students are admitted on the basis of academic achievement, potential for law study, and potential for achievement in and contribution to the field of law, as measured by undergraduate grades, performance on the Law School Admission Test, and evidence of skills, abilities, and other characteristics. Hastings operates 248 student apartments in a high-rise building one block from the campus and maintains a housing office that lists off-campus housing. It is governed by an 11-member Board of Directors separate from the Regents of the University, but it awards its degrees as the San Francisco law school of the University. Disability Services: Hastings College of the Law recognizes its obligation to provide overall program accessibility for qualified persons with disabilities. The College provides reasonable accommodations necessary to afford equal access, opportunity and full participation in all college programs for qualified students with professionally verified disabilities. For more information: (415) 565-4876 Information current as of 3/11/2008. Monterey County (831) 656-2441 TDD: NA VADM Daniel T. Oliver (Retired), President Degrees Offered: Bachelor, Master, Doctor Number of Programs Offered: 29 Calendar: Quarter Enrollment: NA Campus Housing: Single Student Apartments, Married Student Apartments Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges Other School or Program Accreditation: Engineering, Public Affairs and Administration Established in 1909 The Naval Postgraduate School is an academic institution whose emphasis is on study and research programs relevant to the Navy’s interests, as well as to the interests of other arms of the Department of Defense. The programs are designed to accommodate the unique requirements of the military. Disability Services: NA For more information: (831) 656-2441 Information current as of 2/5/2008. Note: The notation “NA” is used to indicate information that was either not available or not applicable. Naval Postgraduate School One University Circle Monterey, CA 93943-5001 California Postsecondary Education Commission 59 Part 1: WASC-Accredited Independent Institutions Association of Independent California Colleges and Universities (AICCU) WASC-Accredited Independent Institutions In addition to the three public systems of higher education, California is also home to 117 independent colleges and universities that are accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC). The majority of the independent colleges and universities are non-profit educational institutions that receive no direct public funding. They cover the full range of higher education offerings, serve nearly 300,000 California students each year, and have very different characteristics. They include large campuses that are recognized worldwide for their traditional undergraduate, graduate, and professional degree programs and smaller institutions that focus on a limited course of study or profession. Some offer associate (twoyear) degrees in specialized majors for specific vocations. Some have a religious affiliation. Some institutions mainly serve commuters and others are residential campuses. Most WASC-accredited independent institutions are four-year colleges and universities accredited by the WASC Commission for Senior Colleges and Universities. Only 12 campuses are accredited by the WASC Commission for Community and Junior Colleges. Accreditation Accreditation certifies that an institution meets or exceeds established standards and is achieving its own stated objectives. WASC and the other five regional associations in the United States grant “institutional accreditation” after a comprehensive self-study followed by an on-site evaluation of the programs and services of the total institution. This means that all diploma or degree programs and educational activities offered by the institution are covered by the institution’s accreditation. The evaluation determines whether or not the institution qualifies for regional recognition, but more importantly, periodic selfstudy and review promote improvement in educational quality. If you have questions about the status of any WASC accredited college, contact either: The Accrediting Commission for Senior Colleges and Universities 985 Atlantic Avenue Suite 100 Alameda, CA 94501 Phone: (510) 748-9001 Fax: (510) 748-9797 or The Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges 3402 Mendocino Avenue Santa Rosa, CA 95403 Phone: (707) 569-9177 Fax: (707) 569-9179 Note: The source of the information on accreditation was the Western Association of Schools and Colleges. Admission requirements, deadlines Many of the independent institutions have admission requirements that are similar to the California State University or University of California systems. Students can enter directly from high school or can transfer from a community college. area of study such as music, art, or technology. However, requirements and deadlines for admission vary and you should contact each campus. Fees and tuition, costs of living, housing Fees and tuition at independent institutions are generally higher than public universities, but vary depending on the course of study and other factors. Many independent colleges and universities offer housing for students. Check with each institution for specific details. Association of Independent California Colleges and Universities (AICCU) Seventy-six non-profit, degree granting colleges and universities accredited by WASC form the Association of Independent California Colleges and Universities (AICCU). Among many other activities, AICCU publishes a Guide about its member institutions that briefly describes them. These and other materials are available from: Association of Independent California Colleges and Universities (AICCU) 1100 Eleventh Street Suite 10 Sacramento, CA 95814 Phone: (916) 446-7626 Fax: (916) 446-7948 Note: The notation “NA” is used to indicate information that was either not available or not applicable. Some independent institutions have requirements related to a specialty California Postsecondary Education Commission 61 Part 1: WASC-Accredited Independent Institutions Map of AICCU Member Institutions Map of AICCU Member Institutions Simpson University Pacific Union College Dominican University of California San Francisco Art Institute William Jessup University John F. Kennedy University Samuel M erritt Colleg e ∋ Saint M ary' s Colleg e of California Saybrook Graduate School and Research Center Holy Names University M ills Colleg e Golden Gate University Humphreys Colleg e University of San Francisco ∋ New Colleg e of California University of the Pacific ∋ Cog swell Polytechnical College San Francisco Conservatory of M usic Santa Clara University ∋ California Colleg e of the Arts ∋∋∋∋∋∋ ∋ Patten University ∋ ∋ ∋∋ ∋∋ ∋ ∋ Fresno Pacific University ∋∋ Woodbury University ∋ American Academy of Dramatic Arts West ∋ Notre Dame de Namur University Art Center College of Design M enlo Colleg e Stanford University Occidental College ∋ Pacific Graduate School of Psychology Pacific Oaks Colleg e California Institute of Technology The M aster's College California Institute of the Arts Thomas Aq uinas Colleg e Westmont Colleg e Fielding Graduate University Azusa Pacific University University of La Verne California Lutheran University Phillips Graduate Institute Harvey M udd College Pomona College University of Judaism M ount Saint M ar y's Colleg e Pepperdine University University of Southern California Claremont Graduate University ∋∋ ∋ Loyola M arymount University ∋ Otis Colleg e of Art and Desig n University of West Los Ang eles Whittier College Scripps College ∋∋ ∋ ∋ ∋ ∋ ∋ ∋ ∋∋∋∋ ∋ ∋ ∋∋ ∋∋ ∋ ∋ ∋ ∋ ∋∋ ∋ ∋ ∋ ∋ ∋ ∋ Pitzer College ∋∋ Claremont M cKenna Colleg e ∋ ∋ Keck Graduate Institute of Applied Life Sciences Charles R. Drew University of M edicine and Science Western University of Health Sciences M arymount College ∋ ∋ ∋∋ Southern California University of Health Sciences University of Redlands ∋ Loma Linda University Biola University California Baptist University Southern California Colleg e of Optometry La Sierra University Chapman University Hope International University 62 Vanguard University of Southern California Concordia University National University Lag una Colleg e of Art & Desig n University of San Dieg o Point Loma Nazarene University Alliant International University - San Diego San Dieg o Christian College California Postsecondary Education Commission Part 1: WASC-Accredited Independent Institutions American Film Institute Alliant International University - San Diego 10455 Pomerado Road San Diego, CA 92131-1799 San Diego County (866) 825-5426 TDD: NA Dr. Geoffrey M. Cox, President Degrees Offered: Certificate, Bachelor, Master, Doctor Number of Programs Offered: 35 Calendar: Semester Enrollment: NA Campus Housing: Residence Halls Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Marriage and Family Therapy, Psychology Member of AICCU Established in 1969 On July 1, 2001, United States International University (USIU) and Alliant University/CSPP were joined to create a new university — Alliant International University (AIU). AIU offers a wide range of bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral degree programs through its various schools and colleges. AIU is dedicated to the idea that world betterment will come through mutual understanding among cultures and inidviduals. Disability Services: All workshop sites, including bathrooms, are wheelchair accessible. Other Locations: Alliant International University Cornerstone Court 6160 Cornerstone Court East San Diego, CA 92121-3710 (858) 623-2777 Alliant International University Fresno Campus 5130 East Clinton Way Fresno, CA 93727-2014 (209) 456-2777 Alliant International University Irvine Campus 2500 Michelson Drive Building 400 Irvine, CA 92612 (949) 833-2651 Alliant International University Los Angeles Campus 1000 South Fremont Avenue Alhambra, CA 91803-1360 (626) 284-2777 Alliant International University Sacramento 425 University Avenue, Suite 201 Sacramento, CA 95825 (916) 565-2955 Alliant International University San Francisco One Beach Street San Francisco, CA 94133 (415) 955-2100 Information current as of 1/8/2008. American Academy of Dramatic Arts West 1336 North La Brea Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90028 Los Angeles County (800) 222-2867 TDD: NA James Warwick, President Degrees Offered: Certificate, Associate Number of Programs Offered: 1 Calendar: Semester Enrollment: NA Campus Housing: NA Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Theater Member of AICCU Established in 1974 The American Academy of Dramatic Arts was founded in New York in 1884 and has had a campus in Hollywood since 1974. Its training has a strong practical emphasis; students are continually tested in performances in Academy theatres, under the guidance of faculty who remain closely involved with the practical world of theater, film, and television. In addition to the twoyear degree program, it offers an invitational postgraduate repertory company and a summer school. Disability Services: NA Information current as of 3/11/2008. American Conservatory Theater 30 Grant Avenue California Postsecondary Education Commission 6th Floor San Francisco, CA 94108-5800 San Francisco County (415) 439-2350 TDD: NA Melissa Smith, Conservatory Director Degrees Offered: Certificate, Master Number of Programs Offered: 1 Calendar: Semester Enrollment: NA Campus Housing: NA Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges School or Program Accreditation: NA Established in 1965 The American Conservatory Theater is the first regional theater in the nation that is accredited and licensed to grant a master’s of fine arts degree in acting. This unique relationship between the theater and the Conservatory allows ample exchanges between working professionals and students. Disability Services: NA Information current as of 3/27/2007. American Film Institute 2021 North Western Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90027-1657 Los Angeles County (323) 856-7600 TDD: NA Bob Gazzale, President Degrees Offered: Certificate, Master, Other Number of Programs Offered: 2 Calendar: Semester Enrollment: NA Campus Housing: NA Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Art and Design Established in 1969 Situated on an eight-acre campus in Los Angeles, the American Film Institute, Center for Advanced Film and Television Studies, provides a conservatory environment in which aspiring film and video makers can attend a two-year graduate program leading to the Master of Fine Arts with specialization in cinematography, directing, editing, producing, production design, and screenwriting, and a Master of Arts program in digital media. Master seminar programs with major professionals 63 Part 1: WASC-Accredited Independent Institutions American Jewish University from motion pictures, television, and other art forms are also offered. Disability Services: NA Information current as of 3/4/2008. American Jewish University 15600 Mulholland Drive Bel Air, CA 90077-1599 Los Angeles County (310) 476-9777 TDD: NA Dr. Robert Wexler, President Degrees Offered: Bachelor, Master, First Professional Number of Programs Offered: 9 Calendar: Semester Enrollment: NA Campus Housing: Residence Halls, Single Student Apartments, Married Student Apartments Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges School or Program Accreditation: NA Member of AICCU Established in 1947 As a leading institution of higher learning, American Jewish University is dedicated to preparing students to assume the roles and responsibilities of educated, concerned citizens who participate actively in civic life, in the Jewish and broader communities, and in the world at large. We are committed to the pursuit of scholarship, to critical engagement within the ethical foundations of Jewish tradition, and to the enhancement of Jewish life through education and the arts. Disability Services: NA Other Locations: Brandeis Bardin Campus 1101 Peppertree Lane Brandeis, CA 93064 (805) 582-4450 Information current as of 1/8/2008. Antioch University Los Angeles 400 Corporate Pointe Culver City, CA 90230 Los Angeles County (310) 578-1080 Ext. 100 TDD: NA Dr. Neal King, President Degrees Offered: Bachelor, Master Number of Programs Offered: 4 Calendar: Quarter 64 Enrollment: NA Campus Housing: Married Student Apartments Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges School or Program Accreditation: NA Member of AICCU Established in 1972 Antioch University Southern California includes campuses in Los Angeles and Santa Barbara. It is a private institution which provides high-quality, innovative, undergraduate and graduate education for adults. Through the integration of academic and experiential learning and by fostering creativity and independent thinking, an Antioch education empowers students to act responsibly to effect personal, social and environmental change in a global context. At Antioch, adult students demand an education that is in itself a learning process. Often, students are at a crossroads in their lives, and at Antioch, they find a place to reflect their experiences, challenge their assumptions, advance their careers and pursue their dreams. Our diverse student body includes undergraduates with some transferable college work from accredited schools who return to finish their degrees and graduates with bachelor’s degrees in a broad spectrum of fields who want to advance their careers or embark on a new professional path. Disability Services: NA Other Locations: Antioch University Santa Barbara 801 Garden Street Santa Barbara, CA 93101 (805) 962-8179 Information current as of 3/11/2008. Art Center College of Design 1700 Lida Street Pasadena, CA 91103-1999 Los Angeles County (626) 396-2200 TDD: NA Richard Koshalek, President Degrees Offered: Bachelor, Master Number of Programs Offered: 7 Calendar: Semester Enrollment: NA Campus Housing: NA Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Art and Design Member of AICCU Established in 1930 Located near Pasadena’s Rose Bowl, the Art Center College of Design has an international reputation for the quality of its educational program taught by working designers and artists. Undergraduate and graduate degrees are offered in advertising, graphic design, film, fine art, illustration, product design, transportation design, environmental design, and photography. Disability Services: Art Center College of Design is 100% accessible to the physically handicapped. Services offered include notetaking services and tutors. For more information: (626) 396-2373 Other Locations: Art Center College - South Campus 950 S Raymond Ave Pasadena, CA 91105 (626) 396-2319 Information current as of 3/11/2008. Azusa Pacific University 901 East Alosta Avenue Azusa, CA 91702-2701 Los Angeles County (626) 969-3434 TDD: NA Dr. Jon R. Wallace, President Degrees Offered: Certificate, Bachelor, Master, Doctor, Other Number of Programs Offered: 92 Calendar: Semester Enrollment: NA Campus Housing: Residence Halls Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Nursing, Physical Therapy, Theology Other School or Program Accreditation: Athletic Training, Social Work California Agency Program Approval: Nursing, Teacher Education Member of AICCU Established in 1899 Azusa Pacific University is 26 miles northeast of Los Angeles. It has a Christian atmosphere that is combined with a diverse selection of undergraduate fields of study and preprofessional programs, master’s programs, and doctoral programs in California Postsecondary Education Commission Part 1: WASC-Accredited Independent Institutions Brooks College education, psychology, and ministry. A variety of musical, cultural, and athletic activities, ministry opportunities, and educational internships are available to students living on or off campus. Disability Services: Azusa Pacific University is partially accessible to the physically handicapped. For more information: (626) 969-3434 Other Locations: High Desert Branch of the Inland Empire 18422 Bear Valley Road Victorville, CA 92392 (877) 247-3462 Inland Empire Regional Center 685 East Carnegie Drive Suite 170 San Bernardino, CA 92408 (800) 964-8807 Los Angeles Regional Center 3580 Wilshire Blvd. Suite 1240 Los Angeles, CA 90010 (213) 252-0962 Murrieta Regional Center 39573 Los Alamos Road Murrieta, CA 92563-5032 (877) 210-8841 Orange County Regional Center 1915 Orangewood Avenue Suite 100 Orange, CA 92868 (800) 272-0111 San Diego Regional Center 2820 Camino Del Rio South Suite 100 San Diego, CA 92108 Ventura Regional Center 445 East Esplanade Suite 200 Oxnard, CA 93036-2145 (805) 677-5825 Information current as of 1/8/2008. Bethany College of the Assemblies of God 800 Bethany Drive Scotts Valley, CA 95066-2898 Santa Cruz County (831) 438-3800 TDD: NA Dr. Máximo Rossi. Jr, President Degrees Offered: Associate, Bachelor Number of Programs Offered: 14 Calendar: Semester Enrollment: NA Campus Housing: Residence Halls, Married Student Apartments Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges California Agency Program Approval: Teacher Education Established in 1919 Located in the redwood forest of the Santa Cruz Mountains, Bethany College is committed to preparing students for life ministry, regardless of the profession or vocation they choose. As a comprehensive Christian college, Bethany offers its students a choice of bachelor of arts and associate of arts programs and minors, within an academic structure that consists of four schools: Arts and Sciences, Biblical Studies, Professional Studies, and Continuing Education. The college offers many practical opportunities to be involved in Christian service, including overseas missions outreach. Disability Services: Bethany College is partially accessible to the physically handicapped. For more information: (831) 438-3800 Information current as of 3/11/2008. Biola University 13800 Biola Avenue La Mirada, CA 90639-0001 Los Angeles County (562) 903-6000 TDD: NA Dr. Barry H. Corey, President Degrees Offered: Bachelor, Master, Doctor, Other Number of Programs Offered: 50 Calendar: 4-1-4 Enrollment: NA Campus Housing: Residence Halls Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Art and Design, Music, Nursing, Psychology, Theology California Agency Program Approval: Nursing, Teacher Education Member of AICCU Established in 1908 Biola University is located on over 95 acres in La Mirada. Its six schools (Arts and Sciences, Business, Continuing Studies, Intercultural Studies, Psychology, and Theology) offer baccalaureate degrees, master’s degrees, and doctoral degrees. There is an emphasis on Christianity and the California Postsecondary Education Commission in-service work of its present students, faculty, and staff. Disability Services: The commitment of Biola University to the most fundamental principles of academic freedom, equality of opportunity, and human dignity requires that decisions involving students be based on individual merit and be free from discrimination. Other Locations: Chino-Calvary Chapel of Chino Valley 12205 Pipeline Avenue Chino, CA 91710 (562) 903-4712 Inglewood-Faithful Central Bible Church 333 West Florence Inglewood, CA 90301 (310) 419-5870 Laguna Hills-Lake Hills Community Church 23331 Moulton Parkway Laguna Hills, CA 92653 (949) 362-9973 Newbury Park-EV Free Church of the Conejo Valley 999 Rancho Conejo Boulevard Newberry Park, CA 91320 (805) 480-9936 Palm Desert - Southwest Community Church 77-701 Fred Waring Drive Palm Desert, CA 92211 (760) 360-3464 Vista-North Coast Church 1132 North Melrose Drive Vista, CA 92083 (760) 639-4555 Information current as of 1/9/2008. Brooks College 4825 East Pacific Coast Highway Long Beach, CA 90804-3292 Los Angeles County (562) 597-6611 TDD: NA Dr. Mark Buch, President Degrees Offered: Associate Number of Programs Offered: 5 Calendar: Quarter Enrollment: NA Campus Housing: Residence Halls Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges 65 Part 1: WASC-Accredited Independent Institutions California Baptist University Other School or Program Accreditation: Interior Design Established in 1971 The mission of Brooks College is to be the institution of choice in fashion, design, and technology by providing employers with knowledgeable, skilled, and degreed graduates. The college integrates rigorous general education courses, and critical thinking skils into its core, industry-focused programs. Disability Services: NA Other Locations: Brooks College - Sunnyvale 1120 Kifer Road Sunnyvale, CA 94086 Information current as of 2/25/2008. California Baptist University 8432 Magnolia Avenue Riverside, CA 92504-3206 Riverside County (951) 689-5771 TDD: NA Dr. Ronald L. Ellis, President Degrees Offered: Bachelor, Master Number of Programs Offered: 23 Calendar: Semester Enrollment: NA Campus Housing: Residence Halls Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Music California Agency Program Approval: Teacher Education Member of AICCU Established in 1950 California Baptist University offers a wide variety of majors that lead to the Bachelor of Arts, Science, or Music degrees. It also offers a master’s degree in marriage, family, and child counseling. Its 60-acre campus is located in Riverside. It offers an accepting, caring atmosphere focusing on individual growth and personal development. Disability Services: California Baptist University does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex, national origin, age, or disability in admissions or in the administration of its educational policies, programs, or activities. For more information: (909) 343-4217 Other Locations: Beaumont 630 Oak Valley Parkway 66 Beaumont, CA 92223 (800) 769-4429 (510) 594-3600 Information current as of 3/11/2008. High Desert Site First Baptist Church, Hesperia 9280 Maple Ave. Hesperia, CA 92345 (760) 244-6175 San Bernardino Site 225 W Hospitality Lane Suite 108 San Bernardino, CA 92408 (909) 885-1898 Information current as of 3/12/2007. California College of the Arts 1111 Eighth Street San Francisco, CA 94107-2247 San Francisco County (415) 703-9500 TDD: NA Michael S. Roth, President Degrees Offered: Bachelor, Master, First Professional Number of Programs Offered: 16 Calendar: Semester Enrollment: NA Campus Housing: Residence Halls Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Art and Design Other School or Program Accreditation: Interior Design Member of AICCU Established in 1907 The California College of the Arts has been an integral part of American visual arts, crafts, and design for many years. Sixteen major programs lead to the bachelor of fine arts, bachelor of architecture, and master of fine arts. Its curriculum, faculty, and alumni have all combined to produce its enviable international reputation. Disability Services: CCA is committed to the goals of the Americans with Disabilities Act. Students with known or documented disabilities are offered personalized advising and registration, educational assistance, and reasonable accommodations to assist them in fully participating in all of the college’s programs and activities. Other Locations: Oakland Campus 5212 Broadway Oakland, CA 94618 California Institute of Integral Studies 1453 Mission Street San Francisco, CA 94103 San Francisco County (415) 575-6100 TDD: NA Joseph L. Subbiondo, President Degrees Offered: Certificate, Bachelor, Master, Doctor Number of Programs Offered: 17 Calendar: Semester Enrollment: NA Campus Housing: NA Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges School or Program Accreditation: NA Established in 1968 The California Institute of Integral Studies is an accredited institution of higher learning and research that strives to embody spirit, intellect, and wisdom in service to individuals, communities, and the earth. It consists of two schools: the School of Professional Psychology, and the School of Consciousness and Transformation. The Institute also offers a distance-learning program. Disability Services: The office of the Dean of Students serves as the primary advocate for enrolled disabled students, and oversees the Access Center. The Access Center coordinates services for disabled students, including providing note-takers, readers, and library assistance. For more information: (415) 575-6116 Information current as of 3/11/2008. California Institute of Technology 1200 East California Boulevard Pasadena, CA 91125-0001 Los Angeles County (626) 395-6811 TDD: NA Dr. Jean-Lou Chameau, President Degrees Offered: Bachelor, Master, Doctor Number of Programs Offered: 25 Calendar: Trimester Enrollment: NA Campus Housing: Residence Halls California Postsecondary Education Commission Part 1: WASC-Accredited Independent Institutions Chapman University Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges Other School or Program Accreditation: Engineering Member of AICCU Established in 1891 Located in Pasadena, Caltech is a small, coeducational university dedicated to exceptional instruction and research in engineering and science. Its student body is composed of undergraduate and graduate students who maintain a high standard of scholarship and intellectual achievement. With an outstanding faculty - including several Nobel laureates - and such offcampus facilities as the Jet Propulsion Laboratory and Palomar Observatory, Caltech is one of the world’s major research and education centers. Disability Services: Caltech is committed to ensuring that there is no unlawful discrimination in any of its programs, services, activities, and terms and conditions of employment. As required by law, Caltech will provide reasonable accommodations to qualified individuals with a disability. For more information: (626) 343-4249 Information current as of 1/9/2008. California Institute of the Arts 24700 McBean Parkway Valencia, CA 91355-2397 Los Angeles County (661) 255-1050 TDD: NA Dr. Steven D. Lavine, President Degrees Offered: Bachelor, Master, Other Number of Programs Offered: 11 Calendar: Semester Enrollment: NA Campus Housing: Residence Halls Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Art and Design, Dance, Music, Theater Member of AICCU Established in 1961 California Institute of the Arts (Cal Arts) was the first fully accredited, degreegranting institution of higher learning in the United States created specifically for students in the visual and performing arts. Its 60-acre campus in Valencia, 30 miles north of Hollywood, offers a variety of undergraduate and graduate programs in art and design, dance, film and video, music, and theatre. Students work closely with a distinguished full-time and part-time faculty of 248 professional artists and are mentored individually. Each year, more than 100 visiting artists from around the world complement the work of the permanent faculty. Disability Services: Cal Arts has made all necessary adjustments and accommodations to enable individuals with disabilities to participate fully in all of the programs and activities. Questions or problems related to access or facilities should be directed to the Dean of Students or in the Office of Student Affairs. For more information: (661) 2537891 Information current as of 1/9/2008. with special needs, and make it possible for them to participate in University programs. Applicants with special needs should discuss their needs for accommodation with the director of the Learning Resources Center. For more information: (805) 493-3260 California Lutheran University Chapman University 60 West Olsen Road Thousand Oaks, CA 91360-2787 Ventura County (805) 492-2411 TDD: NA Dr. John Sladek, President Degrees Offered: Bachelor, Master Number of Programs Offered: 47 Calendar: 4-1-4 Enrollment: NA Campus Housing: Residence Halls Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges California Agency Program Approval: Teacher Education Member of AICCU Established in 1959 California Lutheran University provides students with a rigorous intellectual experience centered in the liberal arts. Classes are small, and opportunities for offcampus study and co-curricular involvement are significant. The university uses the latest technology and curriculum innovations and has received recognition for its unique approach to a crossdisciplinary writing program. From residence hall rooms and computer labs, a new campus-wide computer network offers students access to a variety of application software, e-mail, and 1,776,000 Internet sites. KCLU-FM - a National Public Radio affiliate based at the university - serves as a resource for students interested in communication and broadcasting. Disability Services: CLU will make reasonable efforts to accommodate students California Postsecondary Education Commission Other Locations: Oxnard Center The Palms 2000 Outlet Centrer Drive, Suite 150 Oxnard, CA 93036 (805) 485-6426 Woodland Hills Graduate Center 21052 Oxnard Steet Woodland Hills, CA 91367 (818) 888-6414 Information current as of 3/11/2008. One University Drive Orange, CA 92866-1005 Orange County (714) 997-6815 TDD: NA Dr. James L. Doti, President Degrees Offered: Certificate, Associate, Bachelor, Master, Doctor, Other Number of Programs Offered: 164 Calendar: 4-1-4 Enrollment: NA Campus Housing: Residence Halls Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Music, Physical Therapy, Law California Agency Program Approval: Teacher Education Member of AICCU Established in 1861 One of the oldest institutions of higher learning in California, Chapman University offers its students a blend of liberal arts and professional education within a caring and value-centered community. It combines the outstanding instruction, diversity of majors, and excellence of facilities usually found at larger institutions with the individual attention and personal involvement only a small college can provide. The university operates a number of academic centers throughout the western United States. Disability Services: Please contact the Director of the Center for Academic Success. The Center for Academic Success coordinates all services and accommodations for students with physical 67 Part 1: WASC-Accredited Independent Institutions Charles R. Drew University of Medicine and Science and/or learning disabilities. For more information: (714) 997-6857 Other Locations: Antelope Valley Learning Site 40015 Sierra Highway Suite B-160 Plamdale, CA 93550 (661) 267-2001 Coachella Valley Learning Site 42-600 Cook Street Suite 134 Palm Desert, CA 92211 (760) 341-8051 Edwards Learning Site 140 Methusa Avenue 95 MSS/DPEE Edwards Air Force Base, CA 935241400 (661) 258-5251 Fairfield Learning Site 4820 Business Center Drive Suite 100 Fairfield, CA 94585 (707) 863-0990 Folsom Campus 50 Iron Point Circle Suite 140 Folsom, CA 95630-8516 (916) 817-8840 Hanford Learning Site 530 Kings County Road Suite 102 Hanford, CA 93230 (559) 587-1454 Irvine Learning Site 7545 Irvine Center Drive Suite 150 Irvine, CA 92618 (949) 753-4774 Lemoore Learning Site Training Building A Room 104 Naval Air Station Lemoore, CA 93245 (559) 998-6891 Manhattan Beach Campus 1500 Rosecrans Avenue 2nd Floor Manhattan Beach, CA 90266 (310) 725-5080 Modesto Learning Site 5222 Pirrone Court Salida, CA 95368 (209) 545-1234 Monterey Learning Site 99 Pacific Street Suite 375B Monterey, CA 93940 (831) 373-0945 Moreno Valley Learning Site 68 22620 Goldencrest Drive Suite 105 Moreno Valley, CA 92553 (909) 697-0111 Ontario Learning Site 2890 Inland Empire Boulevard Suite 110 Ontario, CA 91764 (909) 481-1804 Roseville Learning Site 3001 Lava Ridge Court Suite 250 Roseville, CA 95661 (916) 782-3060 San Diego Learning Site 7460 Mission Valley Road San Diego, CA 92108 (619) 296-8660 Santa Maria Learning Site 1125 E. Clark Avenue Suite A-3 Santa Maria, CA 93455 (805) 938-3330 Travis Learning Site 530 Hickman Avenue Building 249, Suite 110 Travis Air Force Base, CA 94535-9750 (707) 437-3327 Victor Valley Learning Site 12421 Hesperia Road Suite C-6 Victorville, CA 92392 (760) 955-7555 Visalia Learning Site 1821 Meadow Lane Suite C Visalia, CA 93277 (559) 625-4436 Walnut Creek Campus 2950 Buskirk Avenue Suite 200 Walnut Creek, CA 94597-7779 (925) 930-2000 Yuba City Learning Site 1469 Butte House Road Suites E & F Yuba City, CA 95993 (530) 674-2758 Information current as of 3/11/2008. Charles R. Drew University of Medicine and Science 1731 East 120th Street Los Angeles, CA 90059-3025 Los Angeles County (323) 563-4800 TDD: NA Dr. Susan Kelly, President Degrees Offered: Associate, Bachelor, Master Number of Programs Offered: 8 Calendar: Trimester Enrollment: NA Campus Housing: NA Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Nuclear Medicine Technology, Radiologic Technology, Medicine, Nurse-Midwifery Other School or Program Accreditation: Medical Assistant, Physician Assistant Member of AICCU Established in 1966 Charles R. Drew University of Medicine and Science is the only minority-focused medical institution west of the Mississippi River. Located in South Central Los Angeles, it is committed to providing medical education and research in the context of service for its local community and training health-care professionals to provide to under-served populations. Its College of Allied Health prepares physician assistants, coding specialists, and professionals in community nutrition, diagnostic medical sonography, health and human services, health information management, health services administration, medical technology, nuclear medicine, nurse midwifery, radiography, and substance abuse counseling. Its four-year medical education program is offered cooperatively with UCLA. The university offers high school students educational support, job skill training, and career exploration through its Upward Bound Center, Allied Health Careers Opportunity Program, and Medical Assistant Program. Disability Services: NA Information current as of 3/11/2008. Church Divinity School of the Pacific 2451 Ridge Road Berkeley, CA 94709-1217 Alameda County (510) 204-0700 TDD: NA Dr. Donn F. Morgan, President Degrees Offered: Certificate, Master, Doctor, Other Number of Programs Offered: 4 Calendar: Semester Enrollment: NA California Postsecondary Education Commission Part 1: WASC-Accredited Independent Institutions Cogswell Polytechnical College Campus Housing: Residence Halls, Married Student Apartments Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Theology Established in 1893 An Episcopal seminary and member of the Graduate Theological Union, the Church Divinity School of the Pacific requires a bachelor’s degree for matriculation. Those intending ordination should first follow Diocesan procedures before application. Disability Services: NA Information current as of 3/13/2007. City of Hope Graduate School and Beckman Research Institute 1500 East Duarte Road Duarte, CA 91010 Los Angeles County (626) 359-8111 TDD: NA Dr. Michael A. Friedman, Dean Degrees Offered: Master, Doctor Number of Programs Offered: 1 Calendar: NA Enrollment: NA Campus Housing: NA Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Radiologic Technology Established in: NA This institution is located just northeast of Los Angeles in Duarte. The graduate program in Biological Sciences grants the doctoral degree. The time spent in the program is devoted to full-time study and research. Each student is assigned a faculty advisor to evaluate the student’s academic and research progress Disability Services: NA Information current as of 3/11/2008. Claremont Graduate University 170 East Tenth Street Claremont, CA 91711-5909 Los Angeles County (909) 607-3371 TDD: NA Dr. Robert Klitgaard, President Degrees Offered: Master, Doctor Number of Programs Offered: 32 Calendar: Semester Enrollment: NA Campus Housing: NA Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges California Agency Program Approval: Teacher Education Member of AICCU Established in 1925 A member of the Claremont Colleges, located 33 miles east of Los Angeles, the Claremont Graduate University is an independent institution devoted to study in the humanities, social sciences, fine arts, professions, mathematics, and botany. Its students are taught by a regular faculty of 75, augmented by 250 adjunct faculty from the undergraduate colleges in Claremont and affiliated institutes. Disability Services: CGU is committed to offering auxiliary aids and services to students with verifiable disabilities, in compliance with section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. Disabled students are encouraged to contact Stewart Donaldson, Dean of the School of Behavioral and Organizational Sciences. For more information: (909) 621-8965 Information current as of 1/17/2008. Claremont McKenna College 500 East Ninth Street Claremont, CA 91711-3901 Los Angeles County Mailing Address: 500 E. 9th Street Claremont, CA 91711-3901 (909) 621-8000 TDD: NA Pamela B. Gann, President Degrees Offered: Bachelor Number of Programs Offered: 31 Calendar: Semester Enrollment: NA Campus Housing: Residence Halls Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges School or Program Accreditation: NA Member of AICCU Established in 1946 Located 33 miles east of Los Angeles, Claremont McKenna College is a California Postsecondary Education Commission coeducational liberal arts college. It emphasizes curricula in the fields of economics, international relations, and political science and is part of the cluster of Claremont Colleges. It is dedicated to the preparation of leaders in management, the professions, and public affairs. Disability Services: Claremont McKenna College campus is 85% accessible to the physically handicapped. Assistance services offered on campus include: tape recorders, tutors, and reader services. Information current as of 3/11/2008. Claremont School of Theology 1325 North College Avenue Claremont, CA 91711-3199 Los Angeles County (909) 447-2500 TDD: NA Dr. Jerry D. Campbell, President Degrees Offered: Master, Doctor Number of Programs Offered: 6 Calendar: Semester Enrollment: NA Campus Housing: Residence Halls, Single Student Apartments, Married Student Apartments Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Theology Established in 1885 Claremont School of Theology is an ecumenical graduate theological school of The United Methodist Church. With a global purview and a catholic spirit, we passionately pursue intellectual rigor, vocational discernment and responsible social engagement. Nurtured by the Christian tradition, we prepare effective leaders for service to God, the church, the academy and the world. Disability Services: NA Information current as of 3/5/2008. Cogswell Polytechnical College 1175 Bordeaux Drive Sunnyvale, CA 94089-9772 Santa Clara County (408) 541-0100 TDD: NA Dr. Chester D. Haskell, President 69 Part 1: WASC-Accredited Independent Institutions Concordia University Degrees Offered: Bachelor Number of Programs Offered: 10 Calendar: Semester Enrollment: NA Campus Housing: Residence Halls Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges School or Program Accreditation: NA Member of AICCU Established in 1887 Located in Sunnyvale, Cogswell offers an intimate and stimulating academic environment that enables its students to earn a B.A. or B.S. degree in digital art and animation, digital motion picture, digital arts engineering, digital audio technology, electrical engineering and software engineering. The school has seen its graduates pursue successful careers with many of the world’s most renowned companies in the arts, science and engineering fields. Some of these include Cisco Systems, Dolby Labs, Disney, Double Fine Productions, DreamWorks, Electronic Arts, Industrial Light and Magic, LucasArts and Pixar. Disability Services: Cogswell Polytechnical College is 100% accessible to the physically handicapped. Information current as of 3/11/2008. Concordia University 1530 Concordia West Irvine, CA 92612-3299 Orange County (949) 854-8002 TDD: NA Dr. Jacob A.O. Preus, President Degrees Offered: Associate, Bachelor, Master, Other Number of Programs Offered: 73 Calendar: Semester Enrollment: NA Campus Housing: Residence Halls Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges California Agency Program Approval: Teacher Education Member of AICCU Established in 1972 Concordia University is a four-year Christian university. It is part of 10 campuses nationwide of the Concordia University System operated by the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod. It offers programs in teacher education (including the California credential), liberal arts, business administration, social work, church careers, 70 and a master of arts in education, business administration, and theology. Students choose from 18 majors and participate in numerous campus activities including varsity sports, music, theatre, journalism, student government, and various clubs and organizations. Disability Services: Currently Concordia University Irvine provides a limited number of special services and accommodations on a case-by-case basis. Other Locations: Concordia University - Temecula 27780 Single Oak Drive Suite 120 Temecula, CA 92590 (951) 308-1485 Information current as of 1/17/2008. Deep Springs College Deep Springs Ranch Road Deep Springs, CA 89010 Inyo County Mailing Address: Deep Springs Valley, California c/o HC 72 Box 45001 Dyer, NV 89010 (760) 872-2000 TDD: NA F. Ross Peterson, President Degrees Offered: Associate Number of Programs Offered: 1 Calendar: Semester Enrollment: NA Campus Housing: Residence Halls Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges School or Program Accreditation: NA Established in 1917 Located in a remote desert valley in Eastern California, Deep Springs College is one of the most unique and innovative colleges in the world. With only 26 students, all of whom are male, it is also one of the most exclusive. Deep Springs is a two-year liberal arts college that doubles as a cattle and alfalfa operation, and serves as an on-going experiment in student self-governance at the higher education level Disability Services: NA Information current as of 3/11/2008. Dominican School of Philosophy and Theology 2301 Vine Street Berkeley, CA 94708-1816 Alameda County (510) 849-2030 TDD: NA Fr. Michael Sweeney O.P., President Degrees Offered: Bachelor, Master, First Professional, Other Number of Programs Offered: 4 Calendar: Semester Enrollment: NA Campus Housing: Single Student Apartments, Married Student Apartments Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Theology Established in 1932 The Dominican School of Philosophy and Theology, a member of the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley, offers students who have successfully completed two years of college an upper-level undergraduate major in philosophy with a concentration on the thought of Aristotle and St. Thomas Aquinas. As a graduate school of theology, it offers master’s degrees in preparation for the teaching of religion and Catholic ministry. Disability Services: NA Information current as of 3/11/2008. Dominican University of California 50 Acacia Avenue San Rafael, CA 94901-2230 Marin County (415) 457-4440 TDD: NA Dr. Joseph R. Fink, President Degrees Offered: Bachelor, Master, Other Number of Programs Offered: 35 Calendar: Semester Enrollment: NA Campus Housing: Residence Halls Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Nursing, Occupational Therapy California Agency Program Approval: Nursing, Teacher Education Member of AICCU Established in 1890 Dominican University of California is an independent, Catholic, international, California Postsecondary Education Commission Part 1: WASC-Accredited Independent Institutions Fresno Pacific University learning-centered university. It is located in the San Francisco Bay Area, just north of the Golden Gate Bridge. The campus consists of 80 wooded acres and 20 buildings, the newest of these being the modern, state-of-the-art Conlan Recreation Center. Undergraduates can obtain a bachelor of arts, bachelor of fine arts, or bachelor of science degree. Graduate students can obtain a master of arts, master of science, or master of business administration degree. With students and faculty from a wide range of cultural and religious backgrounds, Dominican embraces diversity and a global perspective. Small classes and personal attention by dedicated faculty are its hallmarks. Disability Services: Learning Disabled student support services include remedial English, remedial Math, tutors, untimed tests, and special needs counselor. Fifty percent of the campus is accessible to the physically handicapped. For more information: (415) 257-0187 one-year advanced study in merchandise marketing, visual communications, fashion design, theatre costume design, interior design, apparel manufacturing management, beauty industry merchandise & marketing, textile design, graphic design, interactive multimedia, and footwear design. Disability Services: The Fashion Institute offers tutors for students with a disability. For more information, please contact Sheryl Rabinovich, Dean of Education. For more information: (213) 624-1200 Other Locations: FIDM Orange County 17590 Gillette Avenue Irving, CA 92614 (949) 851-6200 FIDM San Diego 1010 Second Avenue Suite 2000 San Diego, CA 92101-4903 (619) 235-2049 FIDM San Francisco Other Locations: Dominican University - Ukiah Campus 55 Stockton Street San Francisco, CA 94108 (415) 675-5200 Information current as of 3/11/2008. 2240 Eastside Road Ukiah, CA 95482 (707) 463-4801 Information current as of 1/17/2008. Fielding Graduate University Fashion Institute of Design & Merchandising - Los Angeles 919 South Grand Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90015-1421 Los Angeles County (800) 624-1200 TDD: NA Mrs. Tonian Hohberg, President Degrees Offered: Associate Number of Programs Offered: 10 Calendar: Quarter Enrollment: NA Campus Housing: Single Student Apartments, Married Student Apartments Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges Other School or Program Accreditation: Interior Design Established in 1969 The Los Angeles campus of The Fashion Institute of Design & Merchandising is the main campus of the system. It offers twoyear associate of arts degree programs and 2112 Santa Barbara Street Santa Barbara, CA 93105-3538 Santa Barbara County (805) 687-1099 TDD: NA Dr. Judith L. Kuipers, President Degrees Offered: Master, Doctor, Other Number of Programs Offered: 4 Calendar: Trimester Enrollment: NA Campus Housing: NA Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Psychology Member of AICCU Established in 1974 The Fielding Graduate University offers doctoral programs in clinical psychology, in human and organization development, in educational leadership and change, and a masters program in organizational design and effectiveness for mid-career professionals. A national learning network, including a distinguished faculty, provides an opportunity for accomplished California Postsecondary Education Commission professionals to earn an advanced degree while maintaining career and personal commitments. Program requirements emphasize the concept of the scholarpractitioner, integrating the elements of research and its application. Disability Services: The Fielding Graduate University has a strong commitment to the principle of diversity and is interested in receiving applications from a broad spectrum of people, including women, members of ethnic minorities and disabled individuals. Information current as of 3/11/2008. Franciscan School of Theology 1712 Euclid Avenue Berkeley, CA 94709-1294 Alameda County (800) 793-1378 TDD: NA Dr. William M. Cieslak, President Degrees Offered: Master Number of Programs Offered: 4 Calendar: Semester Enrollment: NA Campus Housing: NA Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Theology Established in 1968 As a member school of the Graduate Theological Union, the Franciscan School of Theology offers theological education to prepare for ministry as well as for personal enrichment. The major thrust of the school is to prepare men and women for a pastorally oriented approach to Christian ministry. Programs include the master of divinity, the master of arts in theology, master of arts in pastoral ministry, master of arts in multicultural ministry and the master of theological studies. Disability Services: NA Information current as of 3/11/2008. Fresno Pacific University 1717 South Chestnut Avenue Fresno, CA 93702-4709 Fresno County (559) 453-2000 TDD: NA Dr. D. Merrill Ewert, President 71 Part 1: WASC-Accredited Independent Institutions Fuller Theological Seminary Degrees Offered: Associate, Bachelor, Master, Other Number of Programs Offered: 48 Calendar: Semester Enrollment: NA Campus Housing: Residence Halls Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges California Agency Program Approval: Teacher Education Member of AICCU Established in 1944 Fresno Pacific integrates principles of Christian faith and living with career preparation in all areas of the liberal arts and sciences. It is best known for its teacher education programs, with business and Bible/Christian ministries the next largest. The 42-acre suburban campus in the central San Joaquin Valley is an hour from the college’s retreat center. Approximately half of its undergraduates reside on campus. Eight men’s and women’s varsity teams compete in the Golden State Athletic Conference, and the concert choir and instrumental ensembles tour widely. Disability Services: Fresno Pacific offers note-taking services, tutors, and special housing to students with disabilities. Other Locations: Bakersfield Center 1430 Truxton Avenue Suite 120 Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 864-1515 Campus Housing: Residence Halls, Married Student Apartments Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Marriage and Family Therapy, Psychology, Theology Established in 1947 Fuller Theological Seminary in downtown Pasadena is an evangelical, multidenominational, multi-ethnic, international seminary. It has three schools: Theology, Psychology, and World Mission. Disability Services: The Seminary endeavors to respond to the special needs of students with disabilities. Ramps and elevators provide access to most campus offices and classrooms. Special efforts are made to schedule classes in facilities which provide access for students with disabilities, and parking places are reserved in all campus parking areas. For more information: (626) 584-5200 Other Locations: Fuller Northern California, Oakland 2433 Coolidge Avenue Oakland, CA 94601 Fuller Northern California, Sacramento 5770 Carlson Drive Sacramento, CA 95819 (916) 452-2855 North Fresno Center Fuller Northern California, Walnut Creek 5 River Park Place West, Suite 201 Fresno, CA 93720 (559) 453-3440 Ext. 1555 Walnut Creek Presbyterian Church 1801 Lacassie Avenue Walnut Creek, CA 94596 Visalia - Hurley Elementary School Fuller Southern California, Irvine 6600 West Hurley Avenue Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 730-7905 Information current as of 1/29/2008. 2061 Business Center Drive Suite 102 Irvine, CA 92612 (949) 975-0775 Fuller Theological Seminary Fuller Southern California, San Clemente 135 North Oakland Avenue Pasadena, CA 91182-1780 Los Angeles County (626) 584-5200 TDD: NA Dr. Richard J. Mouw, President Degrees Offered: Master, Doctor, Other Number of Programs Offered: 6 Calendar: Quarter Enrollment: NA 72 119 Avenida de la Estrella San Clemente, CA 92672 (949) 492-6158 Fuller Southern California, San Diego 120 Stevens Avenue Solana Beach, CA 92075 (805) 687-0754 Fuller Southern California, Santa Barbara 5070 Cathedral Oaks Road Santa Barbara, CA 93111 (805) 967-2671 Information current as of 3/11/2008. Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary 201 Seminary Drive Mill Valley, CA 94941-3197 Marin County (415) 380-1300 TDD: NA Dr. Jeff Lorg, President Degrees Offered: Master, Doctor Number of Programs Offered: 2 Calendar: Semester Enrollment: NA Campus Housing: Residence Halls, Single Student Apartments, Married Student Apartments Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Music, Theology Established in 1944 Golden Gate Seminary in Mill Valley trains people for leadership in Christian ministry. An agency of the Southern Baptist Convention, it offers training for Christian workers of all denominations. It also operates a northwest extension center in Portland, Oregon, and a Southern California extension center. Disability Services: NA Other Locations: Golden Gate Baptist Theological - Souther CA Campus 251 South Randolph Avenue Suite A Brea, CA 92821-5705 (714) 256-1311 Information current as of 3/23/2007. Golden Gate University 536 Mission Street San Francisco, CA 94105-2968 San Francisco County (800) 448-4968 TDD: NA Dr. Dan Angel, President Degrees Offered: Certificate, Associate, Bachelor, Master, Doctor, First Professional, Other Number of Programs Offered: 20 Calendar: Trimester California Postsecondary Education Commission Part 1: WASC-Accredited Independent Institutions Heald Colleges of California Administrative Office Enrollment: NA Campus Housing: NA Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Law Other School or Program Accreditation: Public Affairs and Administration Member of AICCU Established in 1901 Golden Gate University is a fully accredited, non-profit, non-sectarian, co-educational, comprehensive independent institution. It offers degree programs from the undergraduate level through the doctorate at multiple campuses and centers in California as well as in Seattle, with its principal offices located in the financial district of San Francisco. Each term, more than 100 courses are offered entirely online, with 19 degree programs approved for entire online delivery. Its faculty consists of 95 full-time professors plus several hundred part-time professors who have advanced degrees and extensive experience in their professional careers outside the classroom. It is organized into four professionally oriented schools: Ageno School of Business, the School of Tax, the School of Technology and Industry, and the School of Law. For a list of programs offered at each location, please call (415) 442-7800 or consult the website at Disability Services: Golden Gate University seeks to ensure that all programs and services are fully accessible to students who have special needs. For more information: (415) 442-7869 Other Locations: Golden Gate University - Los Angeles 725 S. Figueroa Street Suite 1550 Los Angeles, CA 90017 (415) 442-7800 Golden Gate University Monterey Bay 500 Eighth Street Marina, CA 93933-3231 (831) 884-0900 Golden Gate University Roseville 7 Sierra Gate Plaza Suite 101 Roseville, CA 95678-6602 (916) 780-1911 Golden Gate University - San Jose 50 Airport Parkway Suite 150 San Jose, CA 95110-1011 (408) 573-7300 Golden Gate University - Walnut Creek 801 Ygnacio Valley Road Walnut Creek, CA 94596-3833 (925) 945-7132 Information current as of 1/29/2008. Graduate Theological Union 2400 Ridge Road Berkeley, CA 94709-1212 Alameda County (510) 649-2400 TDD: NA Dr. James A. Donahue, President Degrees Offered: Master, Doctor Number of Programs Offered: 3 Calendar: Semester Enrollment: NA Campus Housing: NA Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Theology Established in 1962 The Graduate Theological Union is a national center for graduate study in religion and theology. It is a consortium composed of nine independent theological schools and 150 faculty. The member schools are the American Baptist Seminary of the West, Church Divinity School of the Pacific, Dominican School of Philosophy and Theology, Franciscan School of Theology, Jesuit School of Theology at Berkeley, Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary, Pacific School of Religion, San Francisco Theological Seminary, and Starr King School for the Ministry. The consortium has created a single outstanding library and utilizes the resources of the University of California, Berkeley. The ecumenical organization of the Graduate Theological Union also creates possibilities for collaboration in the ministerial and professional programs of the member schools. Disability Services: NA Information current as of 3/26/2007. Harvey Mudd College 301 Platt Boulevard Claremont, CA 91711-5901 Los Angeles County California Postsecondary Education Commission Mailing Address: 301 East 12th Street Claremont, CA 91711-5994 (909) 621-8000 TDD: NA Dr. Maria Klawe, President Degrees Offered: Bachelor, Master Number of Programs Offered: 15 Calendar: Semester Enrollment: NA Campus Housing: Residence Halls Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges Other School or Program Accreditation: Engineering Member of AICCU Established in 1955 A member of The Claremont Colleges, Harvey Mudd College is located 40 miles east of Los Angeles. It offers the bachelor of science degree in biology, chemistry, computer science, engineering, mathematics, and physics, as well as a master’s degree in engineering. Its educational program emphasizes breadth rather than specialization, with one-third of the course work taken in the humanities and social sciences, one-third in a common technical core, and the final third in a major. The college attracts a high ability and diverse student body. Disability Services: It has always been college policy not to discriminate on the basis of race, religion, ethnic origin, physical disability, or age in admission, financial aid, or employment and to protect the privacy of student records. Information current as of 3/11/2008. Heald Colleges of California Administrative Office 670 Howard Street San Francisco, CA 94105 San Francisco County (800) 884-3253 TDD: NA Nolan Miura, President Degrees Offered: Certificate, Associate Number of Programs Offered: 14 Calendar: NA Enrollment: NA Campus Housing: NA Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges School or Program Accreditation: NA Established in 1863 73 Part 1: WASC-Accredited Independent Institutions Hebrew Union College - Jewish Institute of Religion Heald College prepares students for academic, personal, and professional success through quality career-focused programs that develop skills to last a lifetime. Disability Services: NA Other Locations: Heald College-Concord 5130 Commercial Circle Concord, CA 94520-0522 (925) 288-5800 Heald College-Fresno 255 West Bullard Avenue Fresno, CA 93704 (559) 438-4222 Heald College-Hayward 25500 Industrial Boulevard Hayward, CA 94545 (510) 783-2100 Heald College-Rancho Cordova 2910 Prospect Park Drive Rancho Cordova, CA 95670 (916) 638-1616 Heald College-Roseville 7 Sierra Gate Plaza Roseville, CA 95678 (916) 789-8600 Heald College-Salinas 1450 North Main Street Salinas, CA 93906 (831) 443-1700 Heald College-San Francisco 350 Mission Street San Francisco, CA 94105 (415) 808-3000 Heald College-San Jose 341 Great Mall Parkway Milpitas, CA 95035 (408) 934-4900 Heald College-Stockton 1605 East March Lane Stockton, CA 95210 (209) 473-5200 Information current as of 2/20/2008. Hebrew Union College Jewish Institute of Religion 3077 University Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90007-3796 Los Angeles County (213) 749-3424 TDD: NA Dr. David Ellenson, President Degrees Offered: Master, Doctor, First Professional, Other Number of Programs Offered: 10 74 Calendar: Semester Enrollment: NA Campus Housing: NA Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges School or Program Accreditation: NA Established in 1875 Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion is the educational arm of Reform Judaism in America and Israel. It is the oldest institution of higher Jewish learning in the western hemisphere. It trains rabbis, cantors, religious schoolteachers, communal service professionals, and scholars in Judaic and Hebraic studies at four campuses in Cincinnati, New York, Los Angeles, and Jerusalem. Its graduates serve in leadership positions in communities throughout the world. The Los Angeles School offers dual master’s degree programs with the University of Southern California in Jewish Communal Service with USC’s social work, public administration, gerontology, communications management, and business administration. Disability Services: NA Information current as of 3/26/2007. Holy Names University 3500 Mountain Boulevard Oakland, CA 94619-1627 Alameda County (510) 436-1000 TDD: NA Dr. Rosemarie Nassif, President Degrees Offered: Bachelor, Master, Other Number of Programs Offered: 27 Calendar: Semester Enrollment: NA Campus Housing: Residence Halls Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Nursing California Agency Program Approval: Nursing, Teacher Education Member of AICCU Established in 1868 As a private coeducational liberal arts college, Holy Names College stresses superior teaching to develop student ability to communicate well, to think analytically, critically, and creatively, and to value service to others as a life goal. Its studentfaculty ratio of 11 to one ensures personal attention, and a flourishing activities program creates student bonding. The Weekend College offers regular bachelor’s and master’s degree programs in a weekend schedule to accommodate working adults. Disability Services: Some common disability accomodations provided for students at Holy Names College include: academic advising, note-taking assistance, testing accomodations and books on tape. Information current as of 1/29/2008. Hope International University 2500 East Nutwood Avenue Fullerton, CA 92831-3104 Orange County (714) 879-3901 TDD: NA Dr. John L. Derry, President Degrees Offered: Associate, Bachelor, Master, Other Number of Programs Offered: 22 Calendar: Semester Enrollment: NA Campus Housing: Residence Halls Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges California Agency Program Approval: Teacher Education Member of AICCU Established in 1928 Hope International University has three schools, all educating students for the purpose of service to society through various vocations and avocations. Hope offers a learning experience that encourages intellectual, social, physical, and spiritual development. It continues the 74-year tradition of preparing servant leaders throughout its academic programs. Disability Services: Hope International is 90% accessible to the physically handicapped and also offers tutors to the students. Information current as of 1/29/2008. Humphreys College 6650 Inglewood Avenue Stockton, CA 95207-3861 San Joaquin County (209) 478-0800 TDD: NA Dr. Robert G. Humphreys, President Degrees Offered: Certificate, Associate, Bachelor, First Professional Number of Programs Offered: 10 Calendar: Quarter California Postsecondary Education Commission Part 1: WASC-Accredited Independent Institutions Keck Graduate Institute of Applied Life Sciences Enrollment: NA Campus Housing: Residence Halls, Single Student Apartments Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges California Agency Program Approval: Law Member of AICCU Established in 1896 On an eight-acre campus in residential Stockton, Humphreys College offers small classes with much individual attention to the needs of all students. It offers programs in a wide range of academic and occupational fields from as short as nine months through the bachelor’s degree. It also has an evening law school that is accredited by the California Committee of Bar Examiners. Facilities include a student center, oncampus residential apartments, tennis court, swimming pool, and a library complex. Disability Services: Humphreys College welcomes students with disabilities and encourages any student with special needs to discuss them with an admission counselor. Humphreys College has the following available for disabled students: academic and special needs counseling, reserved parking spaces, access ramps to campus buildings, restroom facilities. For more information: (209) 478-0800 Other Locations: Modesto Campus 3600 Sisk Road Suite 3A Modesto, CA 95356 (209) 543-9411 Information current as of 3/11/2008. Institute of Transpersonal Psychology 1069 East Meadow Circle Palo Alto, CA 94303 Santa Clara County (650) 493-4430 TDD: NA Charles Randall, Interim President Degrees Offered: Master, Doctor Number of Programs Offered: 1 Calendar: Quarter Enrollment: NA Campus Housing: Married Student Apartments Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges School or Program Accreditation: NA Established in 1975 The Institute of Transpersonal Psychology offers a residential program leading to the M.A. or Ph.D. in transpersonal psychology, or to an M.A. in counseling psychology. Graduates of the latter two degrees qualify to sit for the state licensure examination as psychologists or marriage, family, and child counselors. In addition, an external-degree program, based on faculty-prepared teaching modules, weekly mentor contacts, and two residential intensive sessions, leads to master’s degrees in transpersonal studies and transpersonal psychology. Disability Services: NA Information current as of 3/11/2008. Jesuit School of Theology at Berkeley 1735 Le Roy Avenue Berkeley, CA 94709-1193 Alameda County (800) 824-0122 TDD: NA Rev. Joseph P. Daoust, President Degrees Offered: Master, Doctor, First Professional, Other Number of Programs Offered: 4 Calendar: Semester Enrollment: NA Campus Housing: Single Student Apartments, Married Student Apartments Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Theology Established in 1934 The Jesuit School of Theology at Berkeley is a professional theological school. It achieves its mission primarily through the academic, pastoral and personal formation of Jesuits and other candidates for ministry, ordained and lay, in the Roman Catholic Church. As a pontifical faculty of theology, it also prepares students to serve the Church as scholars and teachers, fulfilling this mission in the interfaith context of the ninemember Graduate Theological Union and its cooperative doctoral program with the University of California at Berkeley. Disability Services: NA Information current as of 7/3/2007. John F. Kennedy University 100 Ellinwood Way Pleasant Hill, CA 94523-4817 Contra Costa County California Postsecondary Education Commission (925) 254-0200 TDD: NA Dr. Steven E. Stargardter, President Degrees Offered: Certificate, Bachelor, Master, First Professional Number of Programs Offered: 14 Calendar: Quarter Enrollment: NA Campus Housing: NA Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges California Agency Program Approval: Law Member of AICCU Established in 1964 John F. Kennedy University offers 60 specializations within the general areas of liberal arts, museum studies, education, management, law, holistic studies, career development, and clinical and counseling psychology. Class times, admissions evaluation, financial aid and program advisement are geared to meeting adult expectations in a supportive and creative atmosphere. Its faculty consists of professionals working in the disciplines they teach; thus its motto is “We practice what we teach.” Disability Services: John F. Kennedy University does not discriminate against qualified individuals with disabilities in admissions or in access to programs. The coordinator for individuals with disabilities is located in the Registration Office. For more information: (925) 258-2213 Other Locations: John F. Kennedy University Berkeley Campus 2956 San Pablo Avenue, 2nd Floor Berkeley, CA 94702-2471 (510) 649-0499 John F. Kennedy University Campbell Campus 1 West Campbell Avenue Campbell, CA 95008 (800) 696-5358 Information current as of 3/11/2008. Keck Graduate Institute of Applied Life Sciences 535 Watson Drive Claremont, CA 90711 Los Angeles County (909) 607-7855 TDD: NA Dr. Sheldon M. Schuster, President Degrees Offered: Master 75 Part 1: WASC-Accredited Independent Institutions La Sierra University Number of Programs Offered: 1 Calendar: Semester Enrollment: NA Campus Housing: NA Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges School or Program Accreditation: NA Member of AICCU Established in 1997 The founding of Keck Graduate Institute (KGI) in 1997 with a $50 million startup grant from the W. M. Keck Foundation and the support of world-class leadership and industry partnerships responds to the call by industry, science, and higher education for a rethinking of graduate education in the sciences. Because a diverse student body provides a unique vitality, KGI seeks students from a variety of backgrounds and at different stages in their careers. Disability Services: NA Information current as of 2/1/2008. La Sierra University 4500 Riverwalk Parkway Riverside, CA 92515-8247 Riverside County (800) 874-5587 TDD: NA Dr. Randal R. Wisbey, President Degrees Offered: Bachelor, Master, Doctor Number of Programs Offered: 36 Calendar: Quarter Enrollment: NA Campus Housing: Residence Halls Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Music Other School or Program Accreditation: Social Work California Agency Program Approval: Teacher Education Member of AICCU Established in 1922 La Sierra University is a coeducational, Christian institution located on a 300-acre campus in Riverside, a 70-minute drive from the city of Los Angeles. La Sierra was a part of Loma Linda University until 1990. It continues a strong affiliation with Loma Linda, which gives its students a definite advantage in the areas of medical training and service. A student-teacher ratio of 11 to 1 allows the faculty to take special interest 76 in students. It offers degree and preprofessional programs at the bachelors, masters, and doctoral levels through four schools - Arts and Sciences, Business and Management, Education, and Religion. Its strength lies in combining its nationally recognized academic program with its mission of training its students for service to the world. Disability Services: La Sierra campus is 99% accessible to the physically handicapped. Handicapped services offered include tape recorders and tutors. For more information: (909) 785-2022 Information current as of 2/1/2008. Laguna College of Art & Design 2222 Laguna Canyon Road Laguna Beach, CA 92651-1136 Orange County (800) 255-0762 TDD: NA Dennis Power, President Degrees Offered: Bachelor Number of Programs Offered: 2 Calendar: Semester Enrollment: NA Campus Housing: NA Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Art and Design Member of AICCU Established in 1988 Located in Laguna Canyon near the Pacific Ocean, the Art Institute of Southern California is part of Laguna Beach’s artistic heritage. Students from 14 states and 11 foreign countries work together with professional faculty/artists and scholars to prepare for lives as artists, designers, and illustrators. Open admissions and selective retention offer the opportunity to master skills, techniques, and craftsmanship and to develop individual ideas and concepts that give evidence of artistic and intellectual growth. It also offers non-credit classes and workshops for the local community. Disability Services: NA Information current as of 3/27/2007. Loma Linda University Anderson Street Loma Linda, CA 92350-0001 San Bernardino County (909) 558-8161 TDD: NA Dr. B. Lyn Behrens, President Degrees Offered: Associate, Bachelor, Master, Doctor, First Professional, Other Number of Programs Offered: 60 Calendar: Quarter Enrollment: NA Campus Housing: Residence Halls Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Dietetics, Marriage and Family Therapy, Nuclear Medicine Technology, Nursing, Occupational Therapist Assistant, Occupational Therapy, Pharmacy, Physical Therapy, Psychology, Radiologic Technology, Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology, Dental and Dental Auxiliary Programs, Medicine, Pastoral Education, Public Health Other School or Program Accreditation: Clinical Laboratory Science, Cytotechnology, Diagnostic Medical Sonography, Social Work, Surgical Technology California Agency Program Approval: Nursing, Teacher Education Member of AICCU Established in 1905 Loma Linda University, owned and operated by the Seventh-day Adventist Church, is located about 60 miles east of Los Angeles. The campus academic community includes more than 1,000 full-time and part-time faculty members and students representing nearly 100 nations. The Schools of Allied Health Professions, Dentistry, Public Health, Medicine, Nursing, and Graduate Studies offer professional programs. It is affiliated with nearby La Sierra University, which offers many liberal arts and pre-professional programs; and thus both institutions have the virtues of small colleges combined with the advantages of multidisciplinary universities. Disability Services: Wheelchair accessible. Information current as of 1/24/2008. Loyola Law School 919 Albany Street Los Angeles, CA 90015-1211 Los Angeles County (213) 736-1000 TDD: NA David W. Burcham, Dean Degrees Offered: First Professional California Postsecondary Education Commission Part 1: WASC-Accredited Independent Institutions Menlo College Number of Programs Offered: 2 Calendar: Semester Enrollment: NA Campus Housing: NA Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Law Established in 1920 Loyola Law School is one of the oldest law schools in Southern California. A college within Loyola Marymount University, it is located on a separate campus in downtown Los Angeles, approximately one mile from the Civic Center and the federal and state courts. Students may receive their law degrees by matriculating in the three-year Day Division or in the four-year Evening Division program. The school attracts a diverse student body, representing varied ethnic, religious, and racial heritages. Its curriculum is grounded in the intellectual yet practical training of the law, reflecting the dynamic development of the American legal process. Disability Services: At Loyola, individuals with disabilities can participate fully in the life of the law school community. The campus is completely physically accessible. Reasonable accommodations are available to meet the needs of individuals for assistance. Students seeking disability accommodations should contact the Office of Student Affairs to discuss appropriate accommodations, receive general information materials and to obtain Reasonable Accommodation Request forms. For more information: (213) 7361027 Information current as of 3/11/2008. Loyola Marymount University One LMU Drive Los Angeles, CA 90045-2659 Los Angeles County (310) 338-2700 TDD: NA Rev. Robert B. Lawton, President Degrees Offered: Bachelor, Master, Doctor, First Professional, Other Number of Programs Offered: 61 Calendar: Semester Enrollment: NA Campus Housing: Residence Halls Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Art and Design, Dance, Music, Teacher Education, Theater, Law Other School or Program Accreditation: Engineering California Agency Program Approval: Teacher Education Member of AICCU Established in 1911 Loyola Marymount University of Los Angeles offers personalized study in business, engineering, science, liberal arts, communications/fine arts, education and pre-professional training, including medicine and law. It offers all but its law programs on its main location above Marina del Rey. Disability Services: Campus facilities have 95% access for disabled students. The Office of Disability Support Services helps disabled students in learning and campus life. The library is equipped with devices for the access of disabled students in learning. For more information: (310) 3384535 Information current as of 3/11/2008. Marymount College 30800 Palos Verdes Drive East Rancho Palos Verdes, CA 90275-6299 Los Angeles County (310) 377-5501 TDD: NA Dr. Michael Brophy, President Degrees Offered: Associate Number of Programs Offered: 3 Calendar: Semester Enrollment: NA Campus Housing: Residence Halls Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges School or Program Accreditation: NA Member of AICCU Established in 1967 Marymount College is a two-year Catholic coeducational liberal arts college. It provides the first two years of college study for students wishing to build their academic skills while completing lower-division requirements in a small campus environment. More than 90 percent of its graduates successfully transfer to four-year institutions. Disability Services: Marymount College offers note-taking services, tape recorders, tutors, and reading services to the physically handicapped. California Postsecondary Education Commission Information current as of 2/1/2008. Master’s College, The 21726 Placerita Canyon Road Santa Clarita, CA 91321-1200 Los Angeles County (661) 259-3540 Ext. 3785 TDD: NA Dr. John R. MacArthur, President Degrees Offered: Certificate, Bachelor, Master, Doctor, First Professional Number of Programs Offered: 16 Calendar: Semester Enrollment: NA Campus Housing: Residence Halls Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges California Agency Program Approval: Teacher Education Member of AICCU Established in 1927 The Master’s College is a four-year, fully accredited Christian liberal arts college and seminary. It offers programs of study leading to the bachelor of arts or bachelor of science degree plus a unique one-year Bible program titled “The Master’s Institute.” Disability Services: NA Information current as of 3/11/2008. Menlo College 1000 El Camino Real Atherton, CA 94027-4185 San Mateo County (800) 556-3656 TDD: NA Dr. Timothy Haight, President Degrees Offered: Associate, Bachelor Number of Programs Offered: 15 Calendar: Semester Enrollment: NA Campus Housing: Residence Halls Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges School or Program Accreditation: NA Member of AICCU Established in 1927 Menlo College’s mission is to educate and develop future leaders in a small, innovative, private residential undergraduate college of management that integrates programs in business, mass communication and liberal arts. Disability Services: The campus of Menlo College is mostly accessible for the 77 Part 1: WASC-Accredited Independent Institutions Mennonite Brethren Biblical Seminary physically handicapped. Menlo College also offers tutors, tape recorders, and note taking to students. Information current as of 2/19/2008. Mennonite Brethren Biblical Seminary 4824 East Butler Fresno, CA 93727-5097 Fresno County (559) 251-8628 TDD: NA Jim Holm, President Degrees Offered: Certificate, Master, First Professional Number of Programs Offered: 5 Calendar: 4-1-4 Enrollment: NA Campus Housing: Single Student Apartments, Married Student Apartments Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Theology Established in 1955 The Mennonite Brethren Biblical Seminary offers courses in theological education leading to an accredited Master of Divinity degree, with majors in pastoral ministries, Christian education, world mission, pastoral counseling, or congregational ministries; a Master of Arts degree with majors in Old Testament, New Testament, or theological studie; or a Master of Arts degree in family counseling. Located in the San Joaquin Valley, the seminary is supported by the Mennonite Brethren denomination, but each year its students come from as many as 25 different denominations. It emphasizes Biblical theology, discipleship, mission, and the building of a close-knit community, all within the Anabaptist perspective. Disability Services: NA Information current as of 3/30/2007. Mills College 5000 MacArthur Boulevard Oakland, CA 94613-1301 Alameda County (510) 430-2255 TDD: NA Dr. Janet L. Holmgren, President Degrees Offered: Bachelor, Master, Doctor, Other 78 Number of Programs Offered: 43 Calendar: Semester Enrollment: NA Campus Housing: Residence Halls Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges California Agency Program Approval: Teacher Education Member of AICCU Established in 1852 Mills College, located in the San Francisco Bay Area, is the oldest women’s college in the western states. It has a long and distinguished history of excellence in the liberal arts and sciences. It concentrates on meeting women’s needs, fostering their intellectual growth and personal development, and offering an education of the highest quality in an environment that provides reinforcement for their goals and aspirations. It has chosen to keep its student body small so that the intellectual growth and maturation of individual students can be fostered by easy, direct interaction with the faculty. The average class size is 15 and the faculty-student ratio is one faculty member to every 12 students. Disability Services: Disabled Students’ Services (DSS) is an office within the Office of Student Life in the Cowell Building. The Director is available to provide information and assist with modifications or arrangements needed to achieve academic and other educational goals. For more information: (510) 430-2130 Information current as of 2/20/2008. Monterey Institute of International Studies 460 Pierce Street Monterey, CA 93940-2658 Monterey County (831) 647-4100 TDD: NA Clara J. Yu, President Degrees Offered: Bachelor, Master, Other Number of Programs Offered: 13 Calendar: Semester Enrollment: NA Campus Housing: Married Student Apartments Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges Other School or Program Accreditation: Public Affairs and Administration Member of AICCU Established in 1955 The Monterey Institute of International Studies was established in 1955 to teach modern languages in their cultural context. It has evolved into one of a few schools dedicated to respond effectively to the complex challenges of a rapidly changing global environment. Disability Services: The Monterey Institute does not discriminate on the basis of race, creed, color, national origin, sex, disability, age, or sexual orientation in the administration of its admissions policies, scholarship and loan programs, or in its educational programs. Information current as of 2/28/2008. Mount Saint Mary’s College 12001 Chalon Road Los Angeles, CA 90049-1599 Los Angeles County (310) 954-4000 TDD: NA Jacqueline M. Powers Doud, President Degrees Offered: Associate, Bachelor, Master, Doctor Number of Programs Offered: 33 Calendar: Semester Enrollment: NA Campus Housing: Residence Halls Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Music, Nursing, Occupational Therapist Assistant, Physical Therapy California Agency Program Approval: Nursing, Teacher Education Member of AICCU Established in 1925 Mount St. Mary’s College offers a valuesbased liberal arts education for women, as well as innovative programs for professional men and women on two historic Los Angeles campuses. The Chalon Campus is home to the baccalaureate degree programs, a master’s program in physical therapy and a Weekend College which gives working students an opportunity to earn a bachelor’s degree by attending school every third weekend. The Doheny Campus near downtown Los Angeles offers graduate, educational credential and associate degree programs, many in an evening and weekend format. Disability Services: Qualified students with documented learning disabilities are eligible for reasonable accommodations so that they may fully participate in the college’s California Postsecondary Education Commission Part 1: WASC-Accredited Independent Institutions National University academic programs and activities. Students with known or suspected disabilities are encouraged to visit the learning center for more information. For more information: (310) 954-4144 Other Locations: Doheny Campus 10 Chester Place Los Angeles, CA 90007 (213) 477-2500 Information current as of 3/11/2008. National Hispanic University 14271 Story Road San Jose, CA 95127-3823 Santa Clara County (408) 254-6900 TDD: NA Dr. David P. Lopez, President Degrees Offered: Certificate, Associate, Bachelor Number of Programs Offered: 5 Calendar: Semester Enrollment: NA Campus Housing: NA Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Business California Agency Program Approval: Teacher Education Established in 1981 The mission of the National Hispanic University is to enable Hispanics, other minorities, women, and others to acquire an undergraduate degree or certificate using a multicultural educational experience to obtain a professional career in business, education, or technology. Disability Services: Students with special needs, e.g. disabled, international, honor, and re-entry students are provided academic support from the tutoring at the Learning Resource Center (LRC). For more information: (408) 254-6900 Information current as of 3/11/2008. National Polytechnic College of Engineering and Oceaneering 272 South Fries Avenue Wilmington, CA 90744-6399 Los Angeles County (310) 834-2501 3580 Aero Court San Diego, CA 92123-1711 (800) 432-3483 Information current as of 3/11/2008. School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Nursing California Agency Program Approval: Teacher Education Member of AICCU Established in 1971 National University is a non-profit accredited institution of higher education that specializes in meeting the educational needs of adult learners. National’s academic and administrative center is located in La Jolla, with a main campus in Mission Valley and learning centers located throughout the county. Regional academic centers are located in Costa Mesa and Sacramento. Other academic centers are located in Orange, Fresno, Los Angeles, Bakersfield, San Bernardino, Costa Mesa, Redding, San Jose, Stockton, and Twentynine Palms. Disability Services: National University, in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and Section 504 of the Federal Rehabilitation Act of 1973, offers a wide variety of services to students with documented visual limitations, hearing and communication impairments, learning disabilities, mobility impairments, and psychological and other functional limitations. Special Accommodations: Different accommodations and auxiliary aids are available for disabled students according to their specific needs. The following accommodations have been approved in the past: extended testing time, use of tape recorder, use of computer lab, note-taker, books on tape, lapel microphone, sign language interpreters, low vision and voice recognition software, preferred seating, reader/writer, on-line tutoring through the Writing Center, faculty advising. For more information: (858) 642-8185 National University Other Locations: Bakersfield Academic Center TDD: NA Kevin B. Casey, President Degrees Offered: Associate Number of Programs Offered: 1 Calendar: Quarter Enrollment: NA Campus Housing: Married Student Apartments Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges School or Program Accreditation: NA Established in 1967 The National Polytechnic College of Engineering and Oceaneering is a non-profit higher education institution accredited by the Accrediting Commission of Community and Junior Colleges of the Western Association of Schools and Colleges. The academic programs of National Polytechnic are organized into four divisions – the College of Oceaneering which focuses on commercial diving and marine technology; Medical Technology, which focuses on hyperbaric medical technology; Engineering Technology which offers engineering technology degree and certificate programs; Extended Learning which offers shorter certificate courses such as the 50-hour Certified Hyperbaric Technologist program; and Medical Technology division, which offers the associate of science degrees in hyperbaric medical technology and respiratory therapy. Disability Services: NA Other Locations: Kearny Mesa 11255 North Torrey Pines Road La Jolla, CA 92037-1011 San Diego County (800) 628-8648 TDD: NA Dr. Jerry C. Lee, President Degrees Offered: Associate, Bachelor, Master, Other Number of Programs Offered: 54 Calendar: Year-Round Enrollment: NA Campus Housing: NA Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges California Postsecondary Education Commission 4560 California Avenue Suite 300 Bakersfield, CA 93309-1150 (661) 864-2360 Camarillo Acadmic Center 761 East Daily Drive Suite 120 Camarillo, CA 93010 (805) 437-3000 Carlsbad Learning Center 705 Palomar Airport Road Suite 150 Carlsbad, CA 92009-1029 (760) 268-1500 Costa Mesa Academic Center 3390 Harbor Boulevard 79 Part 1: WASC-Accredited Independent Institutions Notre Dame de Namur University Costa Mesa, CA 92626-1502 (714) 429-5100 Fleet Anti-Submarine Warfare Training Center Building 7 San Diego, CA 92147-5090 (619) 563-7488 Fresno Academic Center 20 River Park Place West Fresno, CA 93720-1551 (559) 256-4900 Kearny Mesa Learning Center 3580 Aero Court San Diego, CA 92123-1711 (619) 563-7300 La Mesa Learning Center 7787 Alvarado Road La Mesa, CA 91941-3643 (619) 337-7500 Los Angeles Academic Center 9920 South La Cienega Boulevard Suite 404 Inglewood, CA 90301-4423 (310) 258-6600 Marine Corps Air Station, Learning Center Naval Submarine Base Admissions Office 4141 Camino del Rio South San Diego, CA 92108-4103 (619) 563-7241 140 Sylvester Road Building 138 San Diego, CA 92106-3521 (619) 563-7490 Orange Learning Center 765 The City Drive South Orange, CA 92868-4942 (714) 429-5300 Rancho Bernardo Learning Center 16875 West Barnardo Drive Suite 150 San Diego, CA 92127-1675 (858) 521-3900 Redding Academic Center 2195 Larkspur Lane, Suite 200 Redding, CA 96002-0629 (530) 226-4000 Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton San Bernardino Academic Center Building 111 San Diego, CA 92140-5000 (619) 563-7482 Naval Air Station North Island Learning Center Building 610 San Diego, CA 92135-7024 (619) 563-7478 Naval Amphibious Base Learning Center NAB Coronado Building 345 San Diego, CA 92155-5000 (619) 563-7492 Naval Hospital Admissions Office Naval Hospital Building 26, Room 115 San Diego, CA 92134-5000 (619) 563-7470 Student Service Center 4121 Camino del Rio South San Diego, CA 92108-4103 (619) 563-7200 Sacramento Academic Center Marine Corps Recruit Depot Learning Center (209) 475-1400 Naval Station Building 151 San Diego, CA 92136-5000 (619) 563-7474 Building 5305 MCAS Miramar San Diego, CA 92145 (619) 563-7355 Building 1331 Camp Pendleton, CA 92055 (760) 385-0347 80 Naval Station 32nd Street Learning Center 9320 Tech Center Drive Sacramento, CA 95826-2558 (916) 855-4100 804 East Brier Drive San Bernardino, CA 92408-2815 (909) 806-3300 San Fernando Learning Center 14724 Ventura Boulevard Suite 801 Sherman Oaks, CA 91403-3501 (818) 817-2460 San Jose Academic Center 3031 Tisch Way 100 Plaza East San Jose, CA 95128-2541 (408) 236-1100 South Bay Learning Center 660 Bay Boulevard Suite 110 Chula Vista, CA 91910-5200 (619) 563-5200 Spectrum Business Park Academic Center 9388 Lightwater Avenue San Diego, CA 92123-1426 (858) 541-7700 Stockton Academic Center 3250 Brookside Road Stockton, CA 95219-2319 Technology Center Twentynine Palms Learning Center Marine Air Ground Task Force Training Center Building 1526, PO Box 6051 Twentynine Palms, CA 92278-1118 (760) 830-6887 Information current as of 3/11/2008. Notre Dame de Namur University 1500 Ralston Avenue Belmont, CA 94002-1908 San Mateo County (650) 508-3500 TDD: NA Dr. Judith Maxwell Greig, Acting President Degrees Offered: Certificate, Bachelor, Master, Other Number of Programs Offered: 59 Calendar: Semester Enrollment: NA Campus Housing: Residence Halls Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Music, Montessori Education California Agency Program Approval: Teacher Education Member of AICCU Established in 1851 Notre Dame de Namur University offers undergraduate degree programs in business administration, humanities, human services, natural sciences and mathematics, social and behavioral sciences, and visual and performing arts. It offers graduate programs in art therapy, business administration, counseling psychology and gerontology, education, English, music, public administration, and systems management. Students are enrolled in day and evening programs. Disability Services: Counselor available to students with disabilities for purposes of evaluation and interpretation of documentation of disabilities, referal for California Postsecondary Education Commission Part 1: WASC-Accredited Independent Institutions Pacific Oaks College testing and services, workshops and strategies for coping with disabilities. For more information: (650) 508-3778 Information current as of 2/20/2008. Occidental College 1600 Campus Road Los Angeles, CA 90041-3314 Los Angeles County (323) 259-2500 TDD: NA Dr. Robert A. Skotheim, President Degrees Offered: Bachelor, Master Number of Programs Offered: 35 Calendar: Semester Enrollment: NA Campus Housing: Residence Halls Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges California Agency Program Approval: Teacher Education Member of AICCU Established in 1887 Occidental College is a highly selective national liberal arts college. The mission of Occidental College is to provide a gifted and diverse group of students with a total educational experience of the highest quality, preparing them for leadership in an increasingly complex, interdependent and pluralistic world. Disability Services: Learning disabilities: Center for Teaching and Learning (323) 259-2545. Physical disabilities: Vice President for Student Services (323) 259-2661. For more information: (323) 259-2545 Information current as of 2/21/2008. Otis College of Art and Design 9045 Lincoln Boulevard Los Angeles, CA 90045-3550 Los Angeles County (800) 527-6847 TDD: NA Samuel C. Hoi, President Degrees Offered: Bachelor, Master Number of Programs Offered: 10 Calendar: Semester Enrollment: NA Campus Housing: NA Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Art and Design Member of AICCU Established in 1918 Otis prepares diverse students of art and design to enrich our world through their creativity, their skill, and their vision. Disability Services: The Office of Student Development, in conjunction with the Liberal Arts and Sciences department, assists students with learning disabilities find appropriate accommodations to ensure they have the best opportunity to succeed as an Otis College student. Strategies for accommodation will be developed on an individual basis to ensure that each student’s needs are being met to the best of our ability. For more information: (310) 6656960 Other Locations: Long Beach Museum of Art 2300 E. Ocean Blvd. Long Beach, CA (562) 439-2119 Number of Programs Offered: 2 Calendar: Quarter Enrollment: NA Campus Housing: NA Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Psychology Member of AICCU Established in 1975 PGSP is a private, professional school, located in Redwood City. PGSP brings together a community of highly talented faculty and graduate students working sideby-side to bring scientific rigor and theoretical knowledge to the analysis and practice of clinical psychology. Disability Services: Services are provided as needed to students who report their needs to the Vice President of Student Services. For more information: (650) 843-3418 Information current as of 3/11/2008. Los Angeles County Arboretum Pacific Oaks College 310 North Baldwin Ave. Arcadia, CA (626) 821-3238 5 Westmoreland Place Pasadena, CA 91103-3592 Los Angeles County (626) 397-1300 TDD: NA Dr. Carolyn H. Denham, President Degrees Offered: Bachelor, Master, Other Number of Programs Offered: 4 Calendar: Semester Enrollment: NA Campus Housing: NA Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges California Agency Program Approval: Teacher Education Member of AICCU Established in 1945 Pacific Oaks College, an upper-division and graduate college, offers a wide variety of programs in the human services with a focus on young children and teaching (multiple subject teaching credential and special education credential); counseling, (marriage, family and child counseling); bi-cultural development and clinical child development. Alternate timeframes, stress on integration of theory and praxis, assessment by life experience, and personalized curriculum are organized to serve working professionals and mature students as well as traditionalaged full-time students. Disability Services: Students with documented disabilities are provided with a The Armory Center of the Arts 145 N. Raymond Ave. Long Beach, CA (626) 792-5101 The Graduate Studios 1550 E. Franklin Blvd. El Segundo, CA 90245 (310) 665-6892 The Otis California Mart 110 East 9th Street Los Angeles, CA 90079-2827 The Skirball Cultural Center 2701 N. Sepulveda Blvd. Los Angeles, CA (310) 440-4500 Information current as of 2/25/2008. Pacific Graduate School of Psychology 405 Broadway Street Redwood City, CA 94063 Santa Clara County Mailing Address: 405 Broadway Redwood City, CA 94063 (800) 818-6136 TDD: NA Dr. Allen Calvin, President Degrees Offered: Bachelor, Master, Doctor California Postsecondary Education Commission 81 Part 1: WASC-Accredited Independent Institutions Pacific School of Religion variety of accommodations, depending on the nature of the disability and the class. For more information: (626) 397-1338 Other Locations: Center for Off-Campus Education- San Diego University os San Diego 5998 Alcala Park, Camino Hall Room 109 San Diego, CA 92110 (626) 397-1349 Center for Off-Campus Education-Oakland Oakland Licensed Day Care Operators Assoc. 6201 Doyle Street, Suite B Emeryville, CA (510) 622-8133 Center for Off-Campus Education-Palm Springs 1000 East Tahquitz Canyon Way Suite C Palm Springs, CA 92262 (626) 397-1349 Center for Off-Campus Education-Visalia The Tulare County Office of Education 7000 Doe Avenue Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 539-0231 Information current as of 3/11/2008. Pacific School of Religion 1798 Scenic Avenue Berkeley, CA 94709-1323 Alameda County (510) 848-0528 TDD: NA Dr. William McKinney, President Degrees Offered: Certificate, Master, Doctor, First Professional, Other Number of Programs Offered: 2 Calendar: Semester Enrollment: NA Campus Housing: Residence Halls, Single Student Apartments, Married Student Apartments Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Theology Established in 1866 Pacific School of Religion is a graduate professional school limited to students who have a degree from a university or college and who desire to enter the ministry or 82 prepare themselves for professional work in the church. Disability Services: Pacific School of Religion campus is accessible to students in wheelchairs. Housing is also provided. For more information: (510) 849-8258 Information current as of 4/4/2007. Pacific Union College 100 Howell Mountain Road Angwin, CA 94508-9707 Napa County Mailing Address: One Angwin Avenue Angwin, CA 94508 (800) 862-7080 TDD: NA Richard Osborn, President Degrees Offered: Associate, Bachelor, Master Number of Programs Offered: 71 Calendar: Quarter Enrollment: NA Campus Housing: Residence Halls Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Dietetics, Music, Nursing Other School or Program Accreditation: Social Work California Agency Program Approval: Nursing, Teacher Education Member of AICCU Established in 1882 Located on 2,000 acres in the hills above the Napa Valley, Pacific Union College is a fully accredited liberal arts college operated by the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Its students come from 34 states and 27 foreign countries. Each year, over 20 percent of its baccalaureate graduates are accepted into medical schools around North America. Disability Services: Pacific Union College offers equal opportunities to students who may have specific learning differences or physical disabilities. PUC provides extensive support services for students diagnosed as having specific learning differences or disabilities. There is a $250 per-quarter fee for students in the Specific Learning Differences Support program. For more information: (707) 965-7362 Other Locations: Clearlake Commmunity College 15880 Dam Road Extension Clearlake, CA Napa Valley Community Resources Center 25 Executive Court Napa, CA 94558 (707) 224-6060 Redwood Christian School 385 Mark West Springs Road Santa Rosa, CA 95404 (877) 782-4637 Information current as of 3/11/2008. Pacifica Graduate Institute 249 Lambert Road Carpinteria, CA 93013 Santa Barbara County (805) 969-3626 TDD: NA Dr. Stephen Aizenstat, President Degrees Offered: Master, Doctor Number of Programs Offered: 5 Calendar: Quarter Enrollment: NA Campus Housing: Residence Halls, Married Student Apartments Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges School or Program Accreditation: NA Established in 1982 Pacifica Graduate Institute offers unique graduate programs in psychology and mythological studies that examine archetypal motifs that infuse the psyche and culture. Its psychology programs are built on the conviction that the science of psychology is enhanced immeasurably by the study of literature, religion, arts, mythology, and social issues. It offers an M.A. in counseling psychology and a Ph.D. in clinical psychology, both with degree specialization in depth psychology. Recognizing the importance of diversity, it awards an overseas M.A. in counseling psychology following extended study in Greece and Hawaii. Disability Services: NA Information current as of 3/11/2008. Patten University 2433 Coolidge Avenue Oakland, CA 94601-2699 Alameda County (877) 472-8836 TDD: NA Dr. Gary Moncher, President Degrees Offered: Certificate, Associate, Bachelor, Master, Other California Postsecondary Education Commission Part 1: WASC-Accredited Independent Institutions Pitzer College Number of Programs Offered: 6 Calendar: Semester Enrollment: NA Campus Housing: Residence Halls Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges California Agency Program Approval: Teacher Education Member of AICCU Established in 1944 Patten is an independent, co-educational Christian college dedicated to providing a Liberal Arts education with a strong Biblical Studies emphasis. Patten seeks to inspire men and women to live spirit-filled lives, and equip them for positions of leadership in the church and in the community. Disability Services: Patten College is 85% accessible to the physically handicapped. It also offers tape recorders and tutors. Other Locations: Church of God Ministries Center 6901 North Maple Avenue Fresno, CA 93710 (559) 299-7208 ECELA 3255 Wilshire Boulevard Suite 1800 Los Angeles, CA 90010 (213) 386-8979 ECP Fountain Valley 9801 Talbert Ave. Fountain Valley, CA 92708 (714) 963-8131 Campus Housing: Residence Halls Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Dietetics, Music, Psychology, Law California Agency Program Approval: Teacher Education Member of AICCU Established in 1937 Pepperdine University is a Christian institution consisting of Seaver College and four graduate schools. Its most distinctive features are a serious commitment to rigorous academics and emphasis on JudeoChristian values. Pepperdine students learn from both academic instruction and lifeexperience learning opportunities like international programs in Australia, England, France, Germany, Honduras, Italy, Japan, and Spain. Approximately 65 percent of Pepperdine’s undergraduates receive financial assistance through scholarships, grants, loans, and work-study programs. Its main campus is in Malibu with additional centers in Culver City, Encino, Irvine, and Long Beach. Disability Services: The Disability Services Office is dedicated to maintaining an environment that guarantees all students with disabilities at Seaver College full access to its educational programs, activities, and facilities. For more information: (310) 456-4269 Information current as of 2/21/2008. Rock Church Center 2037 Elkhorn Blvd. Rio Linda, CA 95673 (916) 991-8888 San Quentin State Prison PO Box 456 San Quentin, CA 94964 (415) 454-1460 Information current as of 3/4/2008. Pepperdine University 24255 Pacific Coast Highway Malibu, CA 90263-4392 Los Angeles County (310) 506-4000 TDD: NA Dr. Andrew K. Benton, President Degrees Offered: Bachelor, Master, Doctor, First Professional, Other Number of Programs Offered: 67 Calendar: Semester Enrollment: NA Phillips Graduate Institute 5445 Balboa Boulevard Encino, CA 91316-1509 Los Angeles County (818) 386-5660 TDD: NA Dr. Lisa Porche-Burke, President Degrees Offered: Master, Doctor, Other Number of Programs Offered: 3 Calendar: Semester Enrollment: NA Campus Housing: NA Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges California Agency Program Approval: Teacher Education Member of AICCU Established in 1971 Phillips Graduate Institute was founded to provide graduate education in family therapy and human relations. Its mission is California Postsecondary Education Commission to offer educational and training opportunities to a diverse population of motivated, mature students. Students, along with graduates and faculty, are responsive to the changing needs of those they serve, seeking to enhance relationships for individuals, couples, families, organizations, and communities. It has trained more than 3,000 family therapists, and the Counseling Center has helped over 30,000 families reach a higher level of functioning and lead more productive lives. Disability Services: NA Other Locations: Phillips Graduate Institute, Tarzana 18757 Burbank Blvd Tarzana, CA 91356 (818) 654-1700 Information current as of 2/21/2008. Pitzer College 1050 North Mills Avenue Claremont, CA 91711-6110 Los Angeles County (909) 621-8000 TDD: NA Laura Skandera Trombley, President Degrees Offered: Bachelor Number of Programs Offered: 41 Calendar: Semester Enrollment: NA Campus Housing: Residence Halls Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges School or Program Accreditation: NA Member of AICCU Established in 1963 Pitzer College is a member of the Claremont Colleges and is able to offer students both the personal attention of a small college, the extensive resources of an entire university, and the varied opportunities afforded by greater Los Angeles and southern California. Its academic program is well suited for students who are independent and motivated, while its social environment is supportive of its diverse student body. Disability Services: Pitzer College is 80% accessible to students with a physical handicap. It also offers note-taking services, tape recorders, tutors, books on tape and special housing and transportation as well. Information current as of 2/21/2008. 83 Part 1: WASC-Accredited Independent Institutions Point Loma Nazarene University Point Loma Nazarene University 3900 Lomaland Drive San Diego, CA 92106-2810 San Diego County (619) 849-2200 TDD: NA Dr. Bob Brower, President Degrees Offered: Bachelor, Master, Other Number of Programs Offered: 62 Calendar: Semester Enrollment: NA Campus Housing: Residence Halls Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Nursing California Agency Program Approval: Nursing, Teacher Education Member of AICCU Established in 1902 Point Loma Nazarene University provides higher education in the liberal arts and preparation for service and leadership in selected professions for students who desire such an education in an environment of vital Christianity in the evangelical and Wesleyan tradition. Disability Services: A limited number of special services and accommodation are provided on a case-by-case basis. For more information: (619) 849-2481 Other Locations: Point Loma Nazarene University - Arcadia 225 E. Santa Clara Street Arcadia, CA 91006 (626) 821-8240 Point Loma Nazarene University - Bakersfield 5080 California Avenue Suite 104 Bakersfield, CA 93309 (661) 321-3480 Pont Loma Nazarene University - Mission Valley 4007 Camino Del Rio S. San Diego, CA 92108 (619) 563-2818 Information current as of 2/21/2008. Pomona College 333 North College Way Claremont, CA 91711-6301 84 Los Angeles County (909) 621-8131 TDD: NA Dr. David W. Oxtoby, President Degrees Offered: Bachelor Number of Programs Offered: 44 Calendar: Semester Enrollment: NA Campus Housing: Residence Halls Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges School or Program Accreditation: NA Member of AICCU Established in 1887 Pomona College, in Claremont, 35 miles east of Los Angeles, is the founding member of The Claremont Colleges and offers its students all of the benefits and advantages of a small college plus the academic, cultural, and extracurricular activities found at large universities. Recognized as a premier liberal arts college, it offers a comprehensive undergraduate curriculum and an extensive study-abroad program. With financial resources among the strongest of any national liberal arts college, it enrolls students from around the nation and across all socioeconomic and ethnic backgrounds. Disability Services: Pomona College offers note-taking, tape recorders, and reader services to students with a disability. The campus is 70% accessible to the physically handicapped. For more information: (909) 607-2147 Information current as of 3/11/2008. Saint John’s Seminary 5012 Seminary Road Camarillo, CA 93012-2598 Ventura County (805) 482-2755 TDD: NA Reverend Craig A. Cox, President Degrees Offered: Master, First Professional Number of Programs Offered: 2 Calendar: Semester Enrollment: NA Campus Housing: Residence Halls, Married Student Apartments Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Theology Established in 1939 The primary purpose of St. John’s Seminary is to prepare candidates for service as priests in the Roman Catholic Church. Graduate students follow a four-year curriculum leading to the master of divinity degree. In addition, eligible students may pursue the master of arts in religion. The seminary has been recognized for its globalization efforts and its program in language and cultural studies. Disability Services: NA Information current as of 3/11/2008. Saint Mary’s College of California 1928 Saint Mary’s Road Moraga, CA 94575-4800 Contra Costa County Mailing Address: PO Box 4800 Moraga, CA 94575-4800 (925) 631-4000 TDD: NA Brother Ronald Gallagher, President Degrees Offered: Certificate, Bachelor, Master, Doctor Number of Programs Offered: 62 Calendar: 4-1-4 Enrollment: NA Campus Housing: Residence Halls Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Nursing, Montessori Education California Agency Program Approval: Teacher Education Member of AICCU Established in 1863 Saint Mary’s College of California, founded and operated by the Christian Brothers, is located in a suburban setting of 450 acres in the San Francisco Bay Area. Through its 41-4 curriculum, small seminar classes, dedicated faculty, and active student involvement in the formulation of individual objectives, it seeks to develop both the intellect and imagination of its students. Disability Services: 90% of the campus is accessible to physically disabled persons. Facilities include: wheelchair ramps, elevators, special parking, specially equipped restrooms, special class scheduling, lowered drinking fountains and telephones. Services include: assistance for hearing, visually, and mobility impaired, accommodations for students with ADHD, peer tutoring, calculator/computers allowed California Postsecondary Education Commission Part 1: WASC-Accredited Independent Institutions San Diego Christian College in exams, partial learning center. For more information: (925) 631-4358 Other Locations: Fairfield Extended Education Center 320 Campus Lane, Suite D Suisun City, CA 94585 (800) 538-9999 Moraga/Rheem Extended Education Center 375 Rheem Boulevard Moraga, CA 94556-1541 (925) 631-4495 Oakland Extended Education Center Oakland City Center Complex 500 12th Street, Suite 100 Oakland, CA 94607 (510) 273-8352 Sacramento Extended Education Center Point West Corporate Center 1610 Arden Way, Suite 255 Sacamento, CA 95815 (916) 920-2768 San Jose Extended Education Center 4320 Stevens Creek Blvd., Suite 216 San Jose, CA 95129 (408) 345-3839 Information current as of 2/21/2008. Saint Patrick’s Seminary 320 Middlefield Road Menlo Park, CA 94025-3596 San Mateo County (650) 325-5621 TDD: NA Rev. Gerald D. Coleman, Presiden/Rector Degrees Offered: Bachelor, Master Number of Programs Offered: 4 Calendar: Semester Enrollment: NA Campus Housing: Residence Halls, Married Student Apartments Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Theology Established in 1894 St. Patrick’s Seminary provides organized learning experiences to develop the professional knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary for those seeking ordination to the Roman Catholic priesthood. The degree programs include four years of spiritual, academic, and pastoral formation within a residential setting at the seminary. In addition, the programs offer the possibility of a year of intensive pastoral formation following the second year of the seminary program. Its programs are open to nonseminarians, and its new Certificate in Pastoral Theology program has been designed specifically for lay ministers. Disability Services: NA Information current as of 2/21/2008. Salvation Army Crestmont College 30840 Hawthorne Boulevard Rancho Palos Verdes, CA 90275 Los Angeles County (310) 377-0481 TDD: NA Major Donald Hostetler, President Degrees Offered: Associate Number of Programs Offered: 1 Calendar: Other Enrollment: NA Campus Housing: NA Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges School or Program Accreditation: NA Established in 1885 Crestmont College is part of The Salvation Army, a worldwide organization dedicated to proclaiming the good news of Jesus Christ and serving the basic needs of humanity. Crestmont College helps Salvation Army leaders and those who deliver and support front-line services meet those challenges. Through expanded and innovative training and educational options, Crestmont College equips Salvation Army leaders for success in a fast-changing world. In 1975, training facilities were moved from San Francisco to Rancho Palos Verdes. In the course of improving and developing its programs, The Army sought and received accreditation from the Western Association of Schools and Colleges in 1990 to confer on eligible graduates an associate of arts degree in ministry. Disability Services: NA Information current as of 3/11/2008. Samuel Merritt College 370 Hawthorne Avenue Oakland, CA 94609-3108 Alameda County (510) 869-6512 California Postsecondary Education Commission TDD: NA Sharon C. Diaz, President Degrees Offered: Certificate, Bachelor, Master, Other Number of Programs Offered: 11 Calendar: 4-1-4 Enrollment: NA Campus Housing: Residence Halls Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Nurse Anesthesia, Nursing, Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy Other School or Program Accreditation: Physician Assistant California Agency Program Approval: Nursing Member of AICCU Established in 1980 Samuel Merritt College is an undergraduate and graduate health sciences college offering nursing, health and human science, physical therapy, occupational therapy and physician assistant degrees. Located in Oakland’s Alta Bates Summit Medical Center complex, the college offers clinical experiences in numerous facilities in the San Francisco Bay area. With Saint Mary’s College of California in Moraga, Samuel Merritt offers a unique intercollegiate fouryear undergraduate nursing program that brings together the historical strengths and rich resources of its two parent institutions and that leads to the bachelor of science in nursing degree. Disability Services: Arrangements may be made to help learning disabled and physically and mentally challenged students pursue a successful program of study. For more information: (510) 869-6511 Other Locations: Samuel Merritt Collge Sacramento Campus 2700 Gateway Oaks Drive Sacramento, CA 95833 (916) 924-7700 Information current as of 2/21/2008. San Diego Christian College 2100 Greenfield Drive El Cajon, CA 92019-1157 San Diego County (619) 441-2200 TDD: NA Dr. Al Letting, Interim President Degrees Offered: Bachelor 85 Part 1: WASC-Accredited Independent Institutions San Francisco Art Institute Number of Programs Offered: 15 Calendar: Semester Enrollment: NA Campus Housing: Residence Halls Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Christian Education California Agency Program Approval: Teacher Education Member of AICCU Established in 1970 Located in the foothills east of San Diego, San Diego Christian College is a coeducational, liberal arts, church-affiliated institution committed to academic excellence and the integration of biblical values into all areas of life and learning. Undergraduate programs are offered in church-related ministries, music, English, history, counseling psychology, business administration, liberal studies (for multiple subject teaching credentials), and teacher education in six single subject credential areas. Disability Services: San Diego Christian College is 90% accessible to the physically handicapped. It also offers note-taking, tutors, and tape recorders. Information current as of 4/9/2007. San Francisco Art Institute 800 Chestnut Street San Francisco, CA 94133-2299 San Francisco County (415) 771-7020 TDD: NA Chris Bratton, President Degrees Offered: Bachelor, Master, Other Number of Programs Offered: 7 Calendar: Semester Enrollment: NA Campus Housing: NA Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Art and Design Member of AICCU Established in 1871 The San Francisco Art Institute stands for creative freedom in one of the world’s most exciting and productive communities of artists. It offers bachelor and master programs in painting, photography, filmmaking, sculpture/ceramics, printmaking, and new genres. 86 Disability Services: The San Francisco Art Institute is 70% accessible to the physically handicapped. It offers tutors to students and all other services are offered on an as needed/per case basis. Information current as of 2/21/2008. San Francisco Conservatory of Music 50 Oak Street San Francisco, CA 94102-6011 San Francisco County (415) 864-7326 TDD: NA Colin Murdoch, President Degrees Offered: Certificate, Bachelor, Master, Other Number of Programs Offered: 5 Calendar: Semester Enrollment: NA Campus Housing: NA Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Music Member of AICCU Established in 1917 The San Francisco Conservatory of Music offers intensive training for aspiring professional musicians through bachelors and masters degree programs in all orchestral instruments, keyboards, voice, guitar, composition, conducting, accompaniment, and chamber music. It is the only conservatory of its kind in the western states, and it is especially noted for its low student-teacher ratio and extensive opportunities for performance. Disability Services: A parking lot is located directly behind the building, which is handicapped-accessible. Information current as of 2/21/2008. San Francisco Theological Seminary 105 Seminary Road San Anselmo, CA 94960-2997 Marin County (415) 451-2800 TDD: NA Philip Butin, President Degrees Offered: Master, Doctor Number of Programs Offered: 2 Calendar: Semester Enrollment: NA Campus Housing: Residence Halls, Single Student Apartments Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Theology Established in 1871 San Francisco Theological Seminary prepares leaders for the church of Jesus Christ sent by the Holy Spirit in God’s mission to the world. We are scholars and servants of the church devoted to Biblical interpretation and theological education in the Reformed tradition within an ecumenical context. We are committed to the education of students in spiritual formation, critical theological reflection, and the skills and arts of ministry, to serve in congregations, the wider church, the classroom, and the public sphere. Disability Services: San Francisco Theological Seminary does not discriminate on the basis of age, sex, race, color, sexual orientation, physical disability, or national or ethnic origin in its educational programs, student activities, employment or admissions policies, administration of scholarship and loan programs, or in any other school-administered concern. For more information: (415) 258-6500 Other Locations: San Francisco Theological Seminary Southern California Campus 54 North Oakland Avenue Pasadena, CA 91101 (626) 397-9004 Information current as of 4/10/2007. San Joaquin College of Law 901 5th Street Clovis, CA 93612-1312 Fresno County (559) 323-2100 TDD: NA Janice L. Pearson, Dean Degrees Offered: Certificate, Master, First Professional Number of Programs Offered: 3 Calendar: Semester Enrollment: NA Campus Housing: NA Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges California Agency Program Approval: Law Established in 1969 California Postsecondary Education Commission Part 1: WASC-Accredited Independent Institutions Scripps College Located in the center of the state, San Joaquin College of Law maintains a rigorous academic program in an atmosphere that is highly supportive of the individual student. Since its inception, the college has compiled an impressive record of instructional excellence in a program designed to combine theory with practical skills. It is private, non-profit, and non-sectarian, and offers three-, four-, and five-year law programs, a paralegal program, and a graduate degree program in taxation. Disability Services: NA Information current as of 4/23/2007. San Joaquin Valley College - Visalia 8400 West Mineral King Avenue Visalia, CA 93291-9283 Tulare County (559) 651-2500 TDD: NA Mark A. Perry, President Degrees Offered: Certificate, Associate Number of Programs Offered: 12 Calendar: Other Enrollment: NA Campus Housing: NA Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Dental and Dental Auxiliary Programs Established in 1997 The mission of San Joaquin Valley College is to provide quality educational programs and activities to a student population from diverse ethnic, cultural, economic and educational backgrounds. Disability Services: NA Other Locations: SJVC - Bakersfield Campus 201 New Stine Rad Bakersfield, CA 93309 (661) 834-0126 SJVC - Fresno Aviation Campus 4985 East Andersen Avenue Fresno, CA 93727 (559) 453-0123 SJVC - Fresno Campus 295 East Sierra Avenue Fresno, CA 93710 (559) 448-8282 SJVC - Hanford Camopus 215 West 7th Street Hanford, CA 93230 (559) 584-8840 SJVC - Modesto Campus 1700 McHenry Village Way Suite 6 Modesto, CA 95350 (209) 527-7582 SJVC - Rancho Cucamonga Campus 10641 Church Street Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 (909) 948-7582 SJVC - Ranco Cordova Campus 11050 Olson Drive Suite 100 Rancho Cordova, CA 95670 (916) 638-7582 Information current as of 2/19/2008. Santa Clara University 500 El Camino Real Santa Clara, CA 95053-1500 Santa Clara County (408) 554-4000 TDD: NA Rev. Paul L. Locatelli, President Degrees Offered: Bachelor, Master, Doctor, First Professional, Other Number of Programs Offered: 53 Calendar: Quarter Enrollment: NA Campus Housing: Residence Halls Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Music, Theater, Law Other School or Program Accreditation: Engineering California Agency Program Approval: Teacher Education Member of AICCU Established in 1851 Located on 104 acres in the heart of Silicon Valley, Santa Clara University offers topquality undergraduate and graduate programs distinguished by their Jesuit character and a commitment to an ethical, values-oriented curriculum. Disability Services: The Office of Disabilities Resources ensures access for all students with disabilities to all academic programs and University resources. Types of disabilities include medical, physical, psychological, attention-deficit, and learning disabilities. For more information: (408) 554-4111 Information current as of 2/20/2008. California Postsecondary Education Commission Saybrook Graduate School and Research Center 747 Front Street 3rd Floor San Francisco, CA 94111-1920 San Francisco County (415) 433-9200 TDD: NA Dr. Lorne M. Buchman, President Degrees Offered: Master, Doctor, Other Number of Programs Offered: 3 Calendar: Year-Round Enrollment: NA Campus Housing: NA Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges School or Program Accreditation: NA Member of AICCU Established in 1970 Saybrook is a graduate school and research center located in San Francisco. It offers master’s and doctoral degrees in human science, psychology, organizational systems inquiry, and also a special individualized program in psychology or human science offered by invitation to students already enrolled in either program. Saybrook focuses its academic programs on studying the human experience, and has been educating mid-career professionals to foster humanistic values in the workplace and the community for nearly three decades. Disability Services: Saybrook’s offices are fully accessible, and conference sites are selected which are suitable for students with disabilities. Saybrook faculty and staff are prepared to accommodate reasonable student needs. The school’s policies are detailed in the Student Handbook. Information current as of 3/11/2008. Scripps College 1030 Columbia Avenue Claremont, CA 91711-3948 Los Angeles County (909) 621-8000 TDD: NA Frederick “Fitz” Weis, Interim President Degrees Offered: Certificate, Bachelor, Other Number of Programs Offered: 50 Calendar: Semester Enrollment: NA Campus Housing: Residence Halls 87 Part 1: WASC-Accredited Independent Institutions Simpson University Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges School or Program Accreditation: NA Member of AICCU Established in 1926 Scripps College is the women’s college of the Claremont Colleges. Its mission is to educate women to develop their intellect and talents through active participation in a community of scholars, so that as graduates they may contribute to society through public and private lives of leadership, service, integrity, and creativity. Scripps’ 30-acre campus is located in Claremont, 35 miles east of Los Angeles. Disability Services: Scripps College campus is partially accessible to the physically handicapped. It also offers notetaking, tape recorders, tutors, reading services and special housing. For more information: (909) 621-8277 Information current as of 3/11/2008. Simpson University 2211 College View Drive Redding, CA 96003-8606 Shasta County (530) 224-5600 TDD: NA Dr. Larry J. McKinney, President Degrees Offered: Certificate, Associate, Bachelor, Master Number of Programs Offered: 19 Calendar: Semester Enrollment: NA Campus Housing: Residence Halls Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges School or Program Accreditation: NA Member of AICCU Established in 1921 Simpson College is a Christian college of liberal arts offering biblical and professional studies. The mission of Simpson College is to support and extend the ministry of the Church of Jesus Christ by furnishing educational programs designed to equip men and women for both professional ministry vocations and selected lay occupations. Disability Services: Simpson college offers students with note-taking sevices, tape recorders, tutors, and special housing. The campus is mostly accessible to students with a physical disability. For more information: (530) 224-5600 Other Locations: San Jose Alliance Church 2360 McLaughlin Avenue 88 San Jose, CA 95122 (408) 280-1021 Information current as of 3/11/2008. Soka University of America 1 University Drive Aliso Viejo, CA 92656 Orange County (949) 480-4000 TDD: NA Dr. Daniel Y. Habuki, President Degrees Offered: Bachelor, Master Number of Programs Offered: 5 Calendar: NA Enrollment: NA Campus Housing: Residence Halls Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Liberal Education Member of AICCU Established in: NA The mission of Soka University of America is to foster a steady stream of global citizens committed to living a contributive life. Disability Services: NA Other Locations: Soka University of America 26800 West Mulholland Hwy. Calabasas, CA 91302-1950 (818) 880-6400 Information current as of 2/21/2008. Southern California College of Optometry 2575 Yorba Linda Boulevard Fullerton, CA 92831-1699 Orange County (714) 870-7226 TDD: NA Dr. Kevin L. Alexander, President Degrees Offered: First Professional, Other Number of Programs Offered: 2 Calendar: Quarter Enrollment: NA Campus Housing: NA Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Optometry Member of AICCU Established in 1904 The Southern California College of Optometry is located in North Orange County. Its paramount goal is to prepare men and women in the provision of high quality primary eye and vision care and to help them maintain the efficacy of that role. In addition to its main campus clinical facility, the college operates the most extensive off-campus optometric clinical program in the nation through which its students are exposed to a wide variety of clinical educational experiences and patients. Disability Services: Decisions made on individual requirements. For more information: (714) 449-7445 Information current as of 3/4/2008. Southern California Institute of Architecture 960 E. Third Street Los Angeles, CA 90013 Los Angeles County Mailing Address: 350 Merrick Street Los Angeles, CA 90013 (213) 613-2200 TDD: NA Eric Owen Moss, Director Degrees Offered: Bachelor, Master Number of Programs Offered: 7 Calendar: Semester Enrollment: NA Campus Housing: NA Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges School or Program Accreditation: NA Established in 1972 The Southern California Institute of Architecture is located in western Los Angeles close to Marina del Rey, Venice, UCLA, and Santa Monica College, and takes maximum advantage of its surrounding resources. Occupying some 80,000 square feet of rehabilitated industrial space, it is an autonomous, self-governing professional school of architectural design based upon the premise that its students and faculty members together determine its academic direction. It combines an inprocess, non-static, responsive educational philosophy with the structured backbone of course material necessary for participation in the architectural profession. Disability Services: Southern California Institute of Architecture is fully accessible to the physically handicapped and offers interpreters for the hearing impaired. For more information: (213) 613-2200 California Postsecondary Education Commission Part 1: WASC-Accredited Independent Institutions Thomas Aquinas College Information current as of 1/23/2008. CSUN-Center for Achievement & CSUN/Rehab Southern California University of Health Sciences 18111 Nordhoff Street Northridge, CA 91330-8287 (818) 677-3689 16200 East Amber Valley Drive Whittier, CA 90604 Los Angeles County (562) 902-3309 TDD: NA Dr. Ronakd D. Kraft, President Degrees Offered: Certificate, Master, Doctor, First Professional Number of Programs Offered: 2 Calendar: Trimester Enrollment: NA Campus Housing: NA Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Chiropractic Member of AICCU Established in 1911 For nearly a century SCU has trained men and women for successful and significant careers in patient care. Our rigorous, handson approach to education has led to unparalleled recognition by accrediting agencies and tremendous success for alumni in their careers. We have the curriculum, faculty, and facilities necessary to help you evolve into the natural healer you long to be. Disability Services: NA 16007 Crenshaw Boulevard Torrance, CA 90506 (310) 660-3364 Other Locations: AAF/Rose Bowl Center 360 North Arroyo Boulevard Pasadena, CA 91103 (626) 564-0330 Aids Service Center 1030 South Arroyo Parkway Pasadena, CA 91103 (626) 441-8495 AMR/Cerritos Center 17918 Crusader Avenue Cerritos, CA 90703-2631 (562) 653-2054 Corona Center 420 West Harrison Corona, CA (909) 278-2215 CSULA Center 5151 State University Drive Los Angeles, CA 90032 (323) 343-3342 El Camino Center Garden Grove Center 12832 Garden Grove Boulevard Suite A Garden Grove, CA 92640 (714) 534-0862 La Habra Geriatric Center 101 West La Habra Boulevard La Habra, CA 90631 La Habra High School 801 Highlander La Habra, CA 90631 (562) 905-0933 Rio Hondo AIDS Project 9200 Colima Road Suite 104 Whittier, CA 90603 (562) 698-3850 West Hollywood - Being Alive 621 North San Vicente West Hollywood, CA 90069 (310) 358-2281 Information current as of 3/4/2008. Stanford University Old Union 232 Stanford, CA 94305-3005 Santa Clara County (650) 723-2300 TDD: NA Dr. John L. Hennessy, President Degrees Offered: Bachelor, Master, Doctor, First Professional Number of Programs Offered: 92 Calendar: Quarter Enrollment: NA Campus Housing: Residence Halls Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Psychology, Law, Medicine, Pastoral Education Other School or Program Accreditation: Engineering, Physician Assistant California Agency Program Approval: Nursing, Teacher Education Member of AICCU Established in 1885 California Postsecondary Education Commission Stanford University is located on the San Francisco Peninsula, 35 miles south of the city of San Francisco. Its founders were former California Governor and Senator Leland Stanford and his wife Jane. It is a private institution, free from religious and political influences; and, by the founders’ decree, it is residential and coeducational. From the beginning, it has been an institution where research takes equal place with teaching and where the liberal arts are combined with science and technology. Disability Services: The Disability Resource Center coordinates services and resources for Stanford undergraduate and graduate students with documented disabilities. The DRC’s mission is to provide disabled students equal access to all facets of university life: education, housing, recreation and extracurricular activities. For more information: (650) 723-1066 Information current as of 2/20/2008. The Frederick S. Pardee RAND Graduate School 1700 Main Street Santa Monica, CA 90407-2138 Los Angeles County Mailing Address: PO Box 2138 Santa Monica, CA 90407-2138 (310) 393-0411 Ext. 7690 TDD: NA Dr. John Graham, Dean Degrees Offered: Master, Doctor Number of Programs Offered: 1 Calendar: Quarter Enrollment: NA Campus Housing: Married Student Apartments Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges School or Program Accreditation: NA Established in 1970 The Pardee RAND Graduate School, the world’s leading producer of Ph.D.s in policy analysis, combines analytic rigor with practical experiience. Working with senior RAND mentors on policy research provides PRGS fellows with the interdisciplinary training that equips them to tackle the critical problems of the day: justice, health, security, education, and poverty. Disability Services: NA Information current as of 3/4/2008. Thomas Aquinas College 10000 North Ojai Road 89 Part 1: WASC-Accredited Independent Institutions Thomas Jefferson School of Law Santa Paula, CA 93060-9622 Ventura County (805) 525-4417 TDD: NA Dr. Thomas E. Dillon, President Degrees Offered: Bachelor Number of Programs Offered: 30 Calendar: Semester Enrollment: NA Campus Housing: Residence Halls Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Liberal Education Member of AICCU Established in 1968 The campus is situated about six miles north of Santa Paula at the edge of the Los Padres National Forest on 131 acres. Disability Services: Thomas Aquinas College is 100% accessible to the physically handicapped and also offers special housing and reading services to the students. Information current as of 2/22/2008. Thomas Jefferson School of Law 2121 San Diego Avenue San Diego, CA 92110-2986 San Diego County (619) 297-9700 TDD: NA Rudy Hasl, Dean Degrees Offered: Doctor Number of Programs Offered: 1 Calendar: Semester Enrollment: NA Campus Housing: NA Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Law Established in 1969 Thomas Jefferson School of Law is a private, independent law school. It seeks to provide an individualized education in a supportive environment with an emphasis on the development of professional skills. In furtherance of that goal, the law school offers both a full-time and a part-time program. Students may begin their studies in August or January. Disability Services: Thomas Jefferson School of Law’s Student Services Office 90 supports many student activities. The office is the liaison to all student organizations, which number approximately 20. Other functions of Student Services include: housing information, disabled services, insurance, commencement exercises, graduate programs, a weekly newsletter (The Advisor), and other areas of student living. For more information: (619) 2979700 Information current as of 3/11/2008. TUI University 5665 Plaza Drive 3rd Floor Cypress, CA 90630 Orange County (714) 816-0366 TDD: NA Dr. Yoram Neumann, President Degrees Offered: Bachelor, Master, Doctor Number of Programs Offered: 4 Calendar: Semester Enrollment: NA Campus Housing: NA Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges School or Program Accreditation: NA Established in: NA TUI University (formerly Touro University International), is an accredited online university, offering bachelors, masters and doctoral degrees with no residency requirement. TUI, designed to serve adult learners, busy professionals, and the U.S. Armed forces, provides access to affordable high quality education to diverse national and international populations. Disability Services: NA Other Locations: Touro College Los Angeles 1317 North Crescent Heights Boulevard West Hollywood, CA 90046 (323) 822-9700 Touro University California 1310 Johnson Lane Mare Island Vallejo, CA 94592 (707) 638-5200 Information current as of 3/11/2008. University of La Verne 1950 Third Street La Verne, CA 91750-4443 Los Angeles County (909) 593-3511 Ext. 4441 TDD: NA Dr. Stephen C. Morgan, President Degrees Offered: Associate, Bachelor, Master, Doctor, First Professional, Other Number of Programs Offered: 80 Calendar: 4-1-4 Enrollment: NA Campus Housing: Residence Halls Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges Other School or Program Accreditation: Public Affairs and Administration California Agency Program Approval: Teacher Education Member of AICCU Established in 1891 The University of La Verne, through its academic and co-curricular programs, provides rich educational opportunities that relate to both the academic and personal development of its students. It offers undergraduates a challenging general education program, as well as a strong knowledge base in a particular discipline. Graduate programs are offered in selected professional disciplines. These programs are aimed at the practicing professional, and seek to integrate theory and practice. Disability Services: Physically disabled students have access to note-taking services, tape recorders, tutors, reader services, reading machines in the form of adaptive computer equipment, and special transportation. About 95 percent of the campus is accessible to physically disabled students. Learning disabled students have access to remedial math, remedial English, peer tutors, note-taking services, oral tests, readers, reading machines, talking books, tape recorders, untimed tests, extended time for tests, and a Learning Center. Peer tutoring may occur individually or in small groups. For more information: (909) 5933511 Ext. 4441 Other Locations: Central Coast Campus 3211 Broad Street Suite 113 San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 (805) 542-9690 High Desert Campus 15447 Anacapa Road Suite 100 Victorville, CA 92392 (760) 843-0086 Inland Empire Campus 10535 Foothill Boulevard Suite 400 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 (909) 484-3858 California Postsecondary Education Commission Part 1: WASC-Accredited Independent Institutions University of San Francisco Kern County Campus 1600 Truxtun Avenue, Suite 100 Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 328-1430 Orange County Campus 12951 Euclid Suite 100 Garden Grove, CA 92840-5214 (714) 534-4860 Point Mugu Center PO Box 42264 Port Hueneme, CA 93044 (805) 986-1783 San Fernando Valley Campus 4001 West Alameda Suite 300 Burbank, CA 91505 (818) 846-4008 Vandenberg Center PO Box 5578 Vandenberg Air Force Base, CA 934376312 (805) 734-1158 Ventura County Campus 2001 Solar Drive Suite 250 Oxnard, CA 93030 (805) 981-8030 Information current as of 2/22/2008. University of Redlands 1200 East Colton Avenue Redlands, CA 92373-0999 San Bernardino County Mailing Address: PO Box 3080 Redlands, CA 92373-0999 (909) 793-2121 TDD: NA Dr. Stuart R. Dorsey, President Degrees Offered: Bachelor, Master, Doctor, Other Number of Programs Offered: 35 Calendar: 4-1-4 Enrollment: NA Campus Housing: Residence Halls Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Music California Agency Program Approval: Teacher Education Member of AICCU Established in 1907 The University of Redlands is a private liberal arts university in Southern California. Its mission emphasizes a commitment to individualized and innovative academic programs. Academics are combined with opportunities to gain hands-on experience through internships, international study, research and involvement throughout the campus and community. Disability Services: Services for students with learning disabilities are coordinated through the Director of Academic Support Services. For more information: (909) 3354079 Information current as of 2/22/2008. University of San Diego 5998 Alcala Park San Diego, CA 92110-2492 San Diego County (619) 260-4600 TDD: NA Dr. Mary E. Lyons, President Degrees Offered: Bachelor, Master, Doctor, First Professional, Other Number of Programs Offered: 46 Calendar: 4-1-4 Enrollment: NA Campus Housing: Residence Halls Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Marriage and Family Therapy, Nursing, Law Other School or Program Accreditation: Engineering California Agency Program Approval: Nursing, Teacher Education Member of AICCU Established in 1949 The University of San Diego is a private independent institution that has five schools: law, business, nursing, education, and arts and sciences. Its 180-acre campus overlooks San Diego’s Mission Bay and houses 61 buildings. Disability Services: The University of San Diego does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, or disability in admission to the university, financial aid programs, educational programs and policies, and in athletic and other university-administered programs. Inquiries concerning the application of the University’s nondiscrimination policies may be addressed to USD’s Provost. Information current as of 3/11/2008. California Postsecondary Education Commission University of San Francisco 2130 Fulton Street San Francisco, CA 94117-1080 San Francisco County (415) 422-5555 TDD: (415) 422-2613 Stephen A. Privett, S.J., President Degrees Offered: Bachelor, Master, Doctor, First Professional, Other Number of Programs Offered: 62 Calendar: Semester Enrollment: NA Campus Housing: Residence Halls Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Nursing, Psychology, Law California Agency Program Approval: Nursing, Teacher Education Member of AICCU Established in 1855 The University of San Francisco is committed to the highest standards of learning and scholarship in the American, Catholic, and Jesuit tradition. Central to its mission of preparing leaders in service, it seeks to offer quality education enhanced by its location in the cultural diversity of the San Francisco Bay Area. Disability Services: Disability Related Services, (DRS) serves students with health, hearing, vision, mobility, physical, psychological, and temporary impairments. For more information: (415) 422-2613 Other Locations: North Bay Regional Campus in Santa Rosa 416 B Street Santa Rosa, CA 95401 (707) 527-9612 Sacramento Regional Campus 2180 Harvard Street Suite 375 Sacramento, CA 95815 (916) 920-0157 San Ramon Regional Campus One Annable Lane Suite 115, Bishop Ranch San Ramon, CA 94583 (925) 867-2711 South Bay Regional Campus in Cupertino 20085 Stevens Creek Boulevard Second Floor Cupertino, CA 95014 91 Part 1: WASC-Accredited Independent Institutions University of Southern California (408) 255-1701 Information current as of 2/22/2008. Suite 1001 Marina del Rey, CA 90292 (310) 822-1511 University of Southern California Philip K. Wrigley Marine Science Center University Park Administration Building 110 Los Angeles, CA 90089-0911 Los Angeles County (213) 740-2311 TDD: NA Dr. Steven B. Sample, President Degrees Offered: Bachelor, Master, Doctor, First Professional, Other Number of Programs Offered: 140 Calendar: Semester Enrollment: NA Campus Housing: Residence Halls Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Dietetics, Health Services Administration, Marriage and Family Therapy, Music, Nurse Anesthesia, Nursing, Occupational Therapy, Pharmacy, Physical Therapy, Psychology, Community Health/Preventive Medicine, Dental and Dental Auxiliary Programs, Law, Medicine, Nurse-Midwifery Other School or Program Accreditation: Engineering, Journalism and Mass Communications, Planning, Public Affairs and Administration, Social Work California Agency Program Approval: Nursing, Teacher Education Member of AICCU Established in 1880 The University Park Campus, home to USC’s College of Letters, Arts and Sciences, the Graduate School and 14 professional schools, is located three miles south of downtown Los Angeles. Located seven miles from the University Park Campus, the Health Sciences Campus is a focal point for students, patients and scientists from around the world. Disability Services: Disability Services and Programs provides support services necessary to enable students with disabilities to develop their maximum academic potential while having the dignity to work independently. For more information: (213) 740-0776 Other Locations: Information Sciences Institute 4676 Admiralty Way 92 USC, AHF 232 Los Angeles, CA 90089 (213) 740-6780 Ext. 0371 USC Orange County Center 2300 Michelson Drive Irvine, CA 92612 (949) 437-0000 USC Sacramento Center 1800 I Street Sacramento, CA 95814 (916) 442-6911 Information current as of 1/23/2008. University of the Pacific 3601 Pacific Avenue Stockton, CA 95211-0197 San Joaquin County (209) 946-2344 TDD: (209) 946-2879 Donald V. DeRosa, President Degrees Offered: Bachelor, Master, Doctor, First Professional Number of Programs Offered: 71 Calendar: Semester Enrollment: NA Campus Housing: Residence Halls Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Art and Design, Music, Pharmacy, Physical Therapy, SpeechLanguage Pathology and Audiology, Teacher Education, Dental and Dental Auxiliary Programs, Law Other School or Program Accreditation: Engineering California Agency Program Approval: Teacher Education Member of AICCU Established in 1851 The University of the Pacific’s main campus is in Stockton, approximately 80 miles east of San Francisco in the San Joaquin Valley. It is considered a comprehensive university by virtue of the range of its offerings. Undergraduates and graduates at Pacific receive the kind of personalized attention most often experienced at the graduate school level. Two other campuses are McGeorge School of Law in Sacramento and School of Dentistry in San Francisco. Nine of UOP’s schools and colleges are located on the Stockton campus. Disability Services: A variety of academic related services are available to students at the University of the Pacific with documented physical disabilities that substantially limit one or more of the major life activities. Students with temporary disabilities may also request services through the Disabled Student Services program. For more information: (209) 9462879 Other Locations: Arthur A. Dugoni School of Dentistry 2155 Webster Street San Francisco, CA 94115 (415) 929-6501 McGeorge School of Law 3200 Fifth Avenue Sacramento, CA 95817 (916) 739-7191 Information current as of 2/22/2008. University of West Los Angeles 9920 S. La Cienega Blvd Inglewood, CA 90301-4423 Los Angeles County (310) 342-5200 TDD: NA Robert W. Brown, President Degrees Offered: Bachelor, First Professional Number of Programs Offered: 4 Calendar: Trimester Enrollment: NA Campus Housing: NA Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Law California Agency Program Approval: Law Member of AICCU Established in 1966 The University of West Los Angeles (UWLA) has two schools. In 1971, the University added its School of Paralegal Studies, one of the first paralegal programs in the country. In 1992, the University moved to its current site - a 4 1/2 acre, gated campus located near Los Angeles International Airport. UWLA provides one of the finest opportunities in America for a student to attain access to a career as a lawyer or paralegal. UWLA has a long and outstanding history of preparing individuals California Postsecondary Education Commission Part 1: WASC-Accredited Independent Institutions Western State University College of Law for careers as lawyers, paralegals, and judges. Disability Services: The campus of the University of West Los Angeles School of Law is 100% accessible to the physically handicapped. Assistant services available include: nonremedial tutoring and placement service. Other Locations: San Fernando Valley College of Law 21300 Oxnard Street Woodland Hills, CA 91367 (818) 883-0529 Information current as of 12/15/2006. Vanguard University of Southern California 55 Fair Drive Costa Mesa, CA 92626-9601 Orange County (714) 556-3610 TDD: NA Murray Dempster, President Degrees Offered: Bachelor, Master Number of Programs Offered: 26 Calendar: Semester Enrollment: NA Campus Housing: Residence Halls, Single Student Apartments, Married Student Apartments Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges California Agency Program Approval: Teacher Education Member of AICCU Established in 1920 Vanguard University is a co-educational Christian liberal arts university and is owned and operated by the Assemblies of God. Disability Services: Vanguard University is fully accessible to students who are physically handicapped. They offer notetaking, tape recorders, tutors, and special housing. Students with physical disabilities are encouraged to contact the Vice President for Student Affairs to determine what accommodations can be provided to assist the student in negotiating the campus environment. Other Locations: Kern County Center 5121 Stockdale Hwy Suite 175 Bakersfield, CA 93309 (661) 396-7500 Los Angeles County Center 100 Corporate Pointe Suite 216 Culver City, CA 90230 (310) 645-4667 Citrus Heights, CA 95621 (916) 722-8200 South Orange County 6001 Shellmound Suite 145 Emeryville, CA 94608 (510) 601-0133 27128-B Paseo Espada Suite 603 San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675 (949) 493-8870 Information current as of 2/22/2008. Western Career College Sacramento 8909 Folsom Boulevard Sacramento, CA 95826 Sacramento County (916) 361-1660 TDD: NA Sue Fleming, Executive Director Degrees Offered: Certificate, Associate Number of Programs Offered: 10 Calendar: Other Enrollment: NA Campus Housing: NA Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Veterinary Medicine, Occupational Education Other School or Program Accreditation: Medical Assistant, Veterinary Technology California Agency Program Approval: Nursing Established in 1967 The mission of Western Career College is to provide education in the health care field leading to an Associate in Science Degree and/or a Certificate of Achievement. The Sacramento campus of Western Career College occupies approximately 40,000 square feet of space in three buildings. The campus has classrooms and laboratories containing the latest in health care equipment, administrative offices, computer labs, a centralized campus library. Disability Services: NA Other Locations: Western Career College Anitioch 2157 Country Hills Road Antioch, CA 94531 (925) 522-7777 Western Career College - Citrus Heights 7301 Greenback Lane California Postsecondary Education Commission Western Career College Emeryville Western Career College Pleasant Hill 380 Civic Drive Suite 300 Pleasant Hill, CA 94523 (925) 609-6650 Western Career College - San Jose 6201 San Ignacio Avenue San Jose, CA 95117 (408) 360-0840 Western Career College - San Leandro 15555 East 14th Street Suite 500 San Leandro, CA 94578 (510) 276-3888 Western Career College Stockton 1313 West Robinhood Drive Suite B Stockton, CA 95207 (209) 956-1240 Information current as of 2/26/2008. Western State University College of Law 1111 North State College Boulevard Fullerton, CA 92831 Orange County (714) 738-1000 Ext. 2470 TDD: NA Maryann Jones, Dean Degrees Offered: First Professional Number of Programs Offered: 1 Calendar: Semester Enrollment: NA Campus Housing: Other Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Law Established in 1966 Western State University College of Law’s practice-oriented legal studies focus on the combination of legal theory with the skills of professional practice. Skills training is 93 Part 1: WASC-Accredited Independent Institutions Western University of Health Sciences integrated into basic course work and throughout the curriculum, supported by externship programs, specialized courses, scholarships, the Entrepreneurial Law Center, and the Criminal Law Practice Center. Full-time and part-time programs available. Disability Services: It is Western State University’s desire to identify students with disabilities before their first semester begins, in order to review information and documentation, determine appropriate accommodations, and provide these accommodations in a timely fashion. Students requiring disability accommodations may contact the Director of Student Services. For more information: (714) 738-1000 Information current as of 1/18/2007. Western University of Health Sciences 309 East Second Street Pomona, CA 91766-1854 Los Angeles County (909) 623-6116 TDD: NA Dr. Philip Pumerantz, President Degrees Offered: Master, Doctor, Other Number of Programs Offered: 6 Calendar: Differs/Program Enrollment: NA Campus Housing: NA Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Nursing, Pharmacy, Physical Therapy, Osteopathic Medicine California Agency Program Approval: Nursing Member of AICCU Established in 1975 Western University of Health Sciences (WesternU) is a non-profit, independent, academic health center. The original mission of the college was to educate osteopathic physicians as primary care providers for the western United States. Over the past decade, WesternU has expanded its mission by additionally offering primary care-focused educational programs in the allied health professions, pharmacy and advanced practice nursing. Disability Services: NA Information current as of 2/25/2008. 94 Westminster Seminary California 1725 Bear Valley Parkway Escondido, CA 92027-4128 San Diego County (760) 480-8474 TDD: NA Dr. W. Robert Godfrey, President Degrees Offered: Master Number of Programs Offered: 3 Calendar: 4-1-4 Enrollment: NA Campus Housing: Married Student Apartments Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Theology Established in 1979 Westminster Seminary California is a Christian institution that offers graduate theological study. Its primary responsibility is to educate future pastors for Christian churches, especially for Presbyterian and Reformed denominations. It also provides theological education for others who will serve in the Christian community and the larger society. Disability Services: NA Information current as of 2/5/2008. Westmont College 955 La Paz Road Santa Barbara, CA 93108-1099 Santa Barbara County (805) 565-6000 TDD: NA Dr. Stan D. Gaede, President Degrees Offered: Bachelor, Other Number of Programs Offered: 28 Calendar: Semester Enrollment: NA Campus Housing: Residence Halls Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges California Agency Program Approval: Teacher Education Member of AICCU Established in 1937 The mission of Westmont College is to provide a high quality undergraduate liberal arts program in a residential campus community that assists college men and women toward a balance of rigorous intellectual competence, healthy personal development, and strong Christian commitments. Disability Services: ASL interpreters and assisted hearing devices, taping of lectures, note takers, tutoring, extended testing time, contact with community services. For more information: (805) 565-6159 Other Locations: Westmont College Urban Program 301 Lyon Street San Francisco, CA 94117 (415) 931-2460 Information current as of 2/22/2008. Whittier College 13406 East Philadelphia Street Whittier, CA 90608-0634 Los Angeles County Mailing Address: PO Box 634 Whittier, CA 90608-0634 (562) 907-4200 TDD: NA Sharon D. Herzberger, President Degrees Offered: Bachelor, Master, First Professional Number of Programs Offered: 31 Calendar: 4-1-4 Enrollment: NA Campus Housing: Residence Halls Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Law Other School or Program Accreditation: Social Work California Agency Program Approval: Teacher Education Member of AICCU Established in 1887 Whittier College is a selective, independent, four-year college that offers a nationally recognized liberal arts curriculum, a strong and vibrant campus community, and a tradition of academic achievement. Whittier College’s campus covers 74 acres. Disability Services: Whittier College is 75% accessible to the physically handicapped. It also offers note-taking, reading services, talking books, and tape recorders. Other Locations: Whittier Law School California Postsecondary Education Commission Part 1: WASC-Accredited Independent Institutions Wright Institute, The 3333 Harbor Boulevard Costa Mesa, CA 92626 (714) 444-4141 Ext. 1501 Information current as of 2/25/2008. William Jessup University 333 Sunset Blvd. Rocklin, CA 95765 Placer County (916) 577-2200 TDD: NA Dr. Bryce L. Jessup, President Degrees Offered: Certificate, Associate, Bachelor, Other Number of Programs Offered: 9 Calendar: Quarter Enrollment: NA Campus Housing: Residence Halls, Single Student Apartments Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Bible College Education, Accrediting Association of Bible Colleges Member of AICCU Established in 1939 William Jessup University is a nondenominational evangelical Christian college preparing Christians for leadership and service in church and society through Christian higher education, spiritual formation, and directed experiences. All students major in Bible and theology but may earn second majors and minors in eight practical ministry areas: Christian education, Christian leadership, counseling psychology, management and ethics, missions and intercultural studies, music and worship, pastoral ministry, and youth ministry. The college emphasizes excellence and integrity in its academic programs and practical internships. Disability Services: NA Other Locations: San Jose Extension 1190 Saratoga Ave, Suite 210 San Jose, CA 95129 (408) 278-4343 Information current as of 2/22/2008. Woodbury University 7500 Glenoaks Boulevard Burbank, CA 91510-7846 Los Angeles County (818) 767-0888 TDD: NA Kenneth R. Nielsen, President Degrees Offered: Bachelor, Master Number of Programs Offered: 16 Calendar: Semester Enrollment: NA Campus Housing: Residence Halls Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges Other School or Program Accreditation: Interior Design, Business Member of AICCU Established in 1884 Woodbury University offers bachelors’ degrees in architecture, design, business, and the social sciences. Working adults can earn an undergraduate or graduate degree in business through the university’s weekend and evening college programs. New majors in each of the degree programs continue to be added as the university maintains its tradition of meeting the needs of a changing workplace. Disability Services: Woodbury University is 90% accessible to the physically handicapped. They also offer tutors, California Postsecondary Education Commission interpreters for the hearing impaired and books on tape. Other Locations: San Diego Campus 1060 Eighth Ave., Suite 200 San Diego, CA 92101 (619) 235-2900 Information current as of 3/11/2008. Wright Institute, The 2728 Durant Avenue Berkeley, CA 94704-1796 Alameda County (510) 841-9230 TDD: NA Peter Dybwad, President Degrees Offered: Master, Doctor Number of Programs Offered: 2 Calendar: Trimester Enrollment: NA Campus Housing: NA Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Psychology Established in 1968 The mission of the Wright Institute is to educate clinical psychologists to practice at the highest level of professional competence; analyze and evaluate research, theory, and practice; and make appropriate life-long use of the evolving body of psychological knowledge. Disability Services: NA Information current as of 2/28/2008. 95 Part 1: State Approved and Exempt Institutions American College of Law State Approved and Exempt Institutions Private postsecondary schools, colleges, and universities are approved by the State with oversight authority vested in the Department of Consumer Affairs, Bureau for Private Postsecondary and Vocational Education (BPPVE). NOTE: The BPPVE closed on June 30, 2007, due to the sunset clause in its establishing legislation. Until a new agency is authorized, no additions will be made to the current list. Listed in this section are 206 state approved degree-granting institutions offering a variety of academic programs. Some institutions are exempt from the regular state approval process and are also listed in this section. To qualify for an exemption there are requirements that must be met as listed in the California Edu- Abraham Lincoln University 3000 South Robertson Boulevard Suite 420, 4th Floor Los Angeles, CA 90034 Los Angeles County (310) 204-0222 Hyung J. Park, President Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation: NA Academy of Art University 79 New Montgomery Street San Francisco, CA 94105-3410 San Francisco County (415) 274-2200 Elisa Stephens, President Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Art and Design, Business Other School or Program Accreditation: Interior Design cation Code, Title 3, Division 10, Part 59, Chapter 7, Private Postsecondary and Vocational Institutions. Generally, institutions that are exempt from state approval are exempt for the following reasons: • The institution is accredited by a national accrediting agency such as the American Bar Association (ABA). • The institution is accredited by a regional accrediting agency such as the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC). • The institution teaches religion and meets all the requirements for a religious exemption. vocational schools and programs leading to licensing. For additional information about state approved institutions, exemptions, or vocational school licensing requirements, contact the BPPVE (through DCA) or access their website: Private Postsecondary and Vocational Education Information P.O. Box 980818 West Sacramento, CA 95798-0818 Note: The notation “NA” is used to indicate information that was either not available or not applicable. The BPPVE also approves approximately 2,400 non-degree granting Academy of Chinese Culture and Health Sciences 1601 Clay Street Oakland, CA 94612 Alameda County (510) 763-7787 Wei Tsuei, President Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine California Agency Program Approval: Acupuncture Adizes Graduate School 2815 East Valley Road Santa Barbara, CA 93108 Santa Barbara County (805) 565-2901 Dr. Ichak Adizes, Director Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation: NA California Postsecondary Education Commission American Baptist Seminary of the West 2606 Dwight Way Berkeley, CA 94704-3029 Alameda County (510) 841-1905 Dr. Keith A. Russell, President Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Theology Exempt from State Approval American College of Law 100 South Anaheim Boulevard Suite 340 Anaheim, CA 92805 Orange County (714) 772-9000 Dr. Waleed Akleh, Dean Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation: NA 97 Part 1: State Approved and Exempt Institutions American College of Traditional Chinese Medicine American College of Traditional Chinese Medicine 455 Arkansas Street San Francisco, CA 94107-2813 San Francisco County (415) 282-7600 Lixin Huang, President Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine California Agency Program Approval: Acupuncture American Graduate University 733 North Dodsworth Avenue Covina, CA 91724-2408 Los Angeles County (626) 966-4576 Paul R. McDonald, Chief Executive Officer Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Distance Learning and Education American Heritage University 2035 North D Street San Bernardino, CA 92405 San Bernardino County (888) 484-8689 Dr. Tony B.E. Ogiamien, President Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation: NA American InterContinental University 12655 West Jefferson Boulevard Los Angeles, CA 90066 Los Angeles County (310) 302-2000 Dr. E. Bing Inocencio, President Regional Accreditation: Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Other School or Program Accreditation: Interior Design 98 American Liberty University 1937 West Chapman Avenue 2nd Floor Orange, CA 92868 Orange County (714) 449-9998 Dr. Kevin H. Soltani, President Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation: NA American University of Complementary Medicine 415 North Camden Drive Suite 203 Beverly Hills, CA 90210 Los Angeles County (310) 550-7445 Kathryn P. White, President Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation: NA American University of Health Sciences 3501 Atlantic Avenue Long Beach, CA 90807 Los Angeles County (562) 988-2278 Kim Dang, President Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Allied Health Education Argosy University - San Francisco 999A Canal Boulevard Point Richmond, CA 94804 Contra Costa County (510) 215-0277 Sansing Lucille, President Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Psychology Other Locations: Argosy University - Los Angeles 3745 West Chapman Avenue, Suite 100 Orange, CA 92868 (714) 940-0025 Art Institute of California San Francisco 1170 Market Street San Francisco, CA 94102 San Francisco County (888) 493-3261 Bill Tsatsoulis, President Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Occupational Education Other Locations: Art Institute of California Inland Empire 630 East Brier Drive San Bernardino, CA 92408-2800 (909) 915-2100 Art Institute of California - Los Angeles 2900 31st Street Santa Monica, CA 90405-3035 (310) 752-4700 Art Institute of California Orange County 3601 West Sunflower Avenue Santa Ana, CA 92704-9888 (888) 549-3055 Art Institute of California Sacramento 2850 Gateway Oaks Drive Suite 100 Sacramento, CA 95833-3509 (916) 830-6320 Art Institute of California - San Diego 7650 Mission Valley Road San Diego, CA 92108 (858) 546-0602 Art Institute of California Sunnyvale 1120 Kifer Road Sunnyvale, CA 94086-5303 (866) 583-7961 Aviation & Electronic School of America 111 South Railroad Street Colfax, CA 95713 Placer County Mailing Address: PO Box 1810 Colfax, CA 95713 (800) 345-2742 James P. Doyle, President California Postsecondary Education Commission Part 1: State Approved and Exempt Institutions California Biblical University and Seminary Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Distance Learning and Education, Occupational Education Other Locations: Aviation & Electronic School of America - San Diego 7940 Silverston Avenue Suite 101 San Diego, CA 92126 (858) 566-2184 Bay Cities Bible College 318 27th Street Oakland, CA 94612 Alameda County (510) 530-4055 Bradford B. Chew, President Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation: NA Other Locations: Bay Cities Bible College at First Baptist Church 18550 Redwood Road Castro Valley, CA 94546 (510) 582-0515 Bay Cities Bible College at Valley Bible Church 7106 Johnson Drive Pleasanton, CA 94588 (925) 227-1301 Bethel Seminary West 6116 Arosa Street San Diego, CA 92115 San Diego County (619) 582-8188 George K. Brushaber, President Regional Accreditation: North Central Association of Colleges and Schools School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Theology Exempt from State Approval Bethesda Christian University 730 North Euclid Street Anaheim, CA 92801 Orange County (714) 517-1945 Dr. John Stetz, President Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Bible College Education, Accrediting Association of Bible Colleges Bonnie Bergin Assistance Dog Institute, The 1215 Sebastopol Road Santa Rosa, CA 95407 Sonoma County (707) 545-3647 Dr. Bonita M. Bergin, President Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation: NA Booker T. Crenshaw Christian College & School of Ministry, Inc. 3134 Franklin Avenue San Diego, CA 92113 San Diego County (619) 235-0771 x.html Reverend Booker T. Crenshaw, President Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Psychology, Pastoral Education Exempt from State Approval Other Locations: Brooks Institute - Ventura 5301 North Ventura Aveune Ventura, CA 93001 (888) 276-4999 Bryan College of Court Reporting 3580 Wilshire Boulevard Suite 400 Los Angeles, CA 90010 Los Angeles County (213) 484-8850 James M. Patterson, President Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Business Other Locations: Sacramento Campus 2317 Gold Meadow Way Gold River, CA 95670 (866) 649-2400 Cal Northern School of Law 1395 Ridgewood Drive Suite 100 Chico, CA 95973-7145 Butte County (530) 891-6900 Hon. Dennis J. Buckley, Dean Regional Accreditation: NA California Agency Program Approval: Law Breining Institute 8880 Greenback Lane Orangevale, CA 95662-4019 Sacramento County (916) 987-2007 Kathy C. Breining, President Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation: NA Brooks Institute 801 Alston Road Santa Barbara, CA 93108-2399 Santa Barbara County (888) 276-4999 Dr. Roger Andersen, President Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Business California Postsecondary Education Commission California American University 1000 South Fremont Avenue Building A12, Unit 29 Alhambra, CA 91803 Los Angeles County (626) 282-1096 Dr. Peter Woo, President Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation: NA California Biblical University and Seminary 17601 Fitch Irvine, CA 92614-6021 Orange County Mailing Address: PO Box 7447 Orange, CA 92863 99 Part 1: State Approved and Exempt Institutions California Christian College (800) 418-7884 Dr. Robert A. Morey, President Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation: NA California Christian College 4881 East University Avenue Fresno, CA 93703-3599 Fresno County (559) 251-4215 Wendell Walley, President Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Christian Education California Coast University 700 North Main Street Santa Ana, CA 92701 Orange County (714) 547-9625 Thomas M. Neal, President Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Distance Learning and Education California Culinary Academy 625 Polk Street San Francisco, CA 94102-3327 San Francisco County (888) 897-3222 Keith Keogh, President Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Occupational Education Other School or Program Accreditation: Culinary Arts California Design College 3440 Wilshire Boulevard Tenth floor Los Angeles, CA 90010-2102 Los Angeles County (213) 251-3636 Gregory J. Marick, President Regional Accreditation: NA 100 School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Business California Graduate Institute 1145 Gayley Avenue Suite 322 Los Angeles, CA 90024 Los Angeles County (310) 208-4240 Dr. Marvin V. Koven, President Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation: NA Other Locations: CGI - Irvine 4199 Campus Drive, Ground Floor E Irvine, CA 92612 (949) 737-5460 California Graduate School of Theology 501 South Idaho Street La Habra, CA 90631 Orange County (562) 691-5219 Dr. Paul H. Lee, Chancellor Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation: NA California Graduate School of Theology 501 South Idaho Street La Habra, CA 90631 Orange County Mailing Address: 1409 North Walnut Grove Avenue Rosemead, CA 91770 (562) 691-5219 Rev. Roger T. Beckwith, President Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation: NA California Institute for Human Science 701 Garden View Court Encinitas, CA 92024 San Diego County (760) 634-1771 Dr. Hiroshi Motoyama, President Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation: NA California International University 3130 Wilshire Boulevard Los Angeles, CA 90010-3202 Los Angeles County (213) 381-3710 Dr. Moon K. Park, President Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation: NA California Miramar University 9750 Miramar Road Suite 180 San Diego, CA 92126-4560 San Diego County (877) 570-5678 Dr. Dominic Mwenja, President Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation: NA California National University For Advanced Studies 8550 Balboa Blvd. Suite 210 Northridge, CA 91325-2422 Los Angeles County (818) 830-2411 Dr. Lolly Horn, CEO Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Distance Learning and Education California New Hope University 10660 Western Avenue Stanton, CA 90680-2275 Orange County (714) 828-5797 Dr. Eunice S. Kim, Chief Executive Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation: NA California Pacific University 1017 East Grand Avenue Escondido, CA 92025 San Diego County California Postsecondary Education Commission Part 1: State Approved and Exempt Institutions Central California School (800) 458-9667 Dr. N. Charles Dalton, President Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation: NA California School of International Management 303 A Street 3rd Floor San Diego, CA 92101 San Diego County (619) 702-9400 Dr. Michael L. McManus, President Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Business California Southern Law School 3775 Elizabeth Street Riverside, CA 92506 Riverside County (951) 683-6760 Elwood M. Rich, Dean Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation: NA California Southern University 1840 East 17th Street Suite 240 Santa Ana, CA 92705-8605 Orange County (714) 480-0800 Dr. Caroll Ryan, President Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation: NA California Union University 905 South Euclid Street Fullerton, CA 92832 Orange County (714) 446-9133 Dr. Chai Cho Oh, President Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation: NA California University of Business and Technology 2440-131 south Hacienda Blvd Hacienda Heights, CA 91745 Los Angeles County Mailing Address: PO Box 5116 Hacienda Heights, CA 91745 (626) 333-8878 Wayne H. Huang, President Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation: NA California University of Management and Sciences 1126 North Brookhurst Street Anaheim, CA 92801 Orange County (714) 533-3946 Jason Shin, President Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation: NA California University of Technology 1370 Valley Vista Drive Suite 265 Diamond Bar, CA 91765 Los Angeles County (909) 396-6090 Michael Zullo, President Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation: NA California Western School of Law 225 Cedar Street San Diego, CA 92101-3046 San Diego County (619) 239-0391 Steven R. Smith, Dean/President Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Law Exempt from State Approval Murrieta, CA 92563 Riverside County (951) 696-5634 Pastor Chuck Smith, President Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation: NA Exempt from State Approval Capital Bible College 9470 Micron Avenue Sacramento, CA 95827 Sacramento County (916) 856-5677 Reverend Rick J. Cole, President Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation: NA CapStone University 3666 University Avenue Suite 403 Riverside, CA 92501 Riverside County (951) 276-2233 Joseph W. Davis, President Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation: NA Center for Psychological Studies 2288 Fulton Street Suite 201 Berkeley, CA 94704 Alameda County (510) 644-0960 Dr. Jeffrey LeRoux, President Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation: NA Central California School Calvary Chapel Bible College 3195 McMillian Ave Suite F San Luis Obispo, CA 93401-6739 San Luis Obispo County Mailing Address: 3195 Mc Millian Ave Suite F San Luis Obispo, CA 93401-6739 (805) 543-9123 Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation: NA 39407 Murrieta Hot Springs Road Other Locations: California Postsecondary Education Commission 101 Part 1: State Approved and Exempt Institutions Central Michigan University Central California School Corona Campus 271 Ott Street, #23 Corona, CA 92882-7104 (909) 549-0693 Central Michigan University Joint Education Center Building 1331 Room 206 Camp Pendleton, CA 92055-5016 San Diego County Mailing Address: 603 Seagaze Drive PMB 123 Box 233 Oceanside, CA 92054 (760) 725-0485 Michael Rao, President Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation: NA Central Texas College 32nd Street Naval Station Education Center, Bldg., 151, Room 117 San Diego, CA 92136-5098 San Diego County (760) 385-6386 Pamela Leonard-Ray, Director Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation: NA Other Locations: Central Texas College - US Naval Station Education Center, Building 151 Room 117 U.S. Naval Station San Diego, CA 92136 (619) 238-7051 Chong Shin University in USA 2975 Wilshire Boulevard Suite 300 Los Angeles, CA 90010 Los Angeles County (714) 522-8509 Rev. David Hae Cho, President Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation: NA Exempt from State Approval Christian Life College 9023 West Lane Stockton, CA 95210-1401 San Joaquin County (209) 476-7840 Dr. Mark A. Segraves, President Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation: NA Christian Life International Bible College 1370 South Novato Boulevard Novato, CA 94947 Marin County Mailing Address: PO Box 950 Novato, CA 94947 (415) 892-0714 Dr. Caleb Klinge, Director Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation: NA Exempt from State Approval Chinese for Christ Calvin Chao Theological Seminary Christian Witness Theological Seminary PO Box 1888 Monterey Park, CA 91754 Los Angeles County Mailing Address: 2021 West Garvey Avenue Alhambra, CA 91803 (626) 289-8199 Website: NA Dr. Sophie Wong, President Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation: NA 1040 Oak Grove Road Concord, CA 94518 Contra Costa County (925) 676-5002 John H. Pao, President Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation: NA Cleveland Chiropractic College 590 North Vermont Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90004-2196 Los Angeles County 102 (323) 660-6166 Dr. Carl S. Cleveland III, President Regional Accreditation: North Central Association of Colleges and Schools School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Chiropractic Exempt from State Approval Coastland University 27635 Forbes Road, Suite L Laguna Niguel, CA 92677-1236 Orange County Phone: NA Brett Peterson, President Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation: NA Exempt from State Approval Cohen University and Theological Seminary 17002 South Prairie Avenue Torrance, CA 90504 Los Angeles County (562) 397-2121 Reverend Gary G. Cohen, President Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation: NA Coleman College 8888 Balboa Avenuew San Diego, CA 92123-1506 San Diego County (858) 499-0202 Paul Panesar, President Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Business Other Locations: San Marcos Campus 1284 West San Marcos Boulevard San Marcos, CA 92078-4073 College for Appraisers 5573 Market Place Cypress, CA 90630 Orange County (714) 952-2727 Dr. Ellen Antler, President California Postsecondary Education Commission Part 1: State Approved and Exempt Institutions DeVry University Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation: NA Columbia College Hollywood 18618 Oxnard Street Tarzana, CA 91356-1411 Los Angeles County (818) 345-8414 Thomas M. Hall, President Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Occupational Education Columbia College of Missouri Coast Guard Island Building 42 Alameda, CA 94501-5100 Alameda County Mailing Address: 1001 Rogers Street Columbia, MO 65216 (510) 437-1280 Dr. Lisa Kochevar, President Regional Accreditation: North Central Association of Colleges and Schools School or Program Accreditation: NA Other Locations: Columbia College - Lemoore Navy College Office Training Bldg. A, Rm. 102 NAS Lemoore, CA 93246-5009 (559) 998-8570 Columbia College - Los Alamitos Dr. Friedhelm K. Radandt, President Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Christian Education Other Locations: Community Christian College San Bernardino Teaching Site 1777 West Base Line Street San Bernardino, CA 92411 (909) 327-2554 Community Christian College Sun Valley Teaching Site 9000 Sunland Blvd Sun Valley, CA 91352 (818) 252-7940 Concorde Career Colleges, Inc. 12412 Victory Boulevard North Hollywood, CA 91606 Los Angeles County (818) 766-8151 Linda Weldon, Campus Director Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Occupational Education Other School or Program Accreditation: Surgical Technology California Agency Program Approval: Nursing Other Locations: Concorde Career College, Garden Grove 4411 Yorktown Ave., Suite 117 Joint Forces Training Base Los Alamitos, CA 90720 (562) 799-9630 12951 Euclid Street Suite 101 Garden Grove, CA 92840 (714) 703-1900 Columbia College - San Luis Obispo Concorde Career College, San Bernardino Office 3141 Cuesta College San Luis Obispo, CA 93403 (805) 593-0237 Community Christian College 75 Tennessee Street Redlands, CA 92373 San Bernardino County (909) 335-8863 201 East Airport Drive San Bernardino, CA 92408 (909) 884-8891 Concorde Career College, San Diego 4393 Imperial Avenue Suite 100 San Diego, CA 92113 (619) 688-0800 California Postsecondary Education Commission Design Institute of San Diego 8555 Commerce Avenue San Diego, CA 92121-2685 San Diego County (858) 566-1200 Arthur Rosenstein, President Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Business Other School or Program Accreditation: Interior Design DeVry University 901 Corporate Center Drive Pomona, CA 91768-2642 Los Angeles County (909) 622-8866 Dr. RoseMarie Dishman, President Regional Accreditation: North Central Association of Colleges and Schools School or Program Accreditation: NA Other Locations: DeVry University 6600 Dumbarton Circle Fremont, CA 94555 (510) 574-1250 DeVry University 3880 Kilroy Airport Way Long Beach, CA 90806 (562) 427-0861 DeVry University 15301 Ventura Boulevard Building D-100 Sherman Oaks, CA 91403-6654 (888) 610-0800 DeVry University Keller Graduate School of Management 3333 Michelson Drive Suite 420 Irvine, CA 92612-1682 (630) 571-7700 DeVry University Keller Graduate School of Management 455 Market Street Suite 1650 San Francisco, CA 94105-2472 (909) 865-0402 DeVry University Keller Graduate School of Management 103 Part 1: State Approved and Exempt Institutions Dharma Realm Buddhist University 2655 Camino Del Rio North Suite 201 San Diego, CA 92108 (619) 683-2446 DeVry University Keller Graduate School of Management 2218 Kausen Drive Elk Grove, CA 95758 (916) 478-2847 DeVry University-Fresno Center 7575 North Fresno Street Fresno, CA 93720 (559) 439-8595 DeVry University-Inland Empire-Colton Center 1090 East Washington Street Suite H Colton, CA 92324-8180 (909) 514-1808 DeVry University-San Jose Center 2160 Lundy Avenue Suite 250 San Jose, CA 95131-1862 (408) 571-3760 Dharma Realm Buddhist University 2001 Talmage Road Talmage, CA 95481-0217 Mendocino County Mailing Address: PO Box 217 Talmage, CA 95481-0217 (707) 462-5486 Dr. Snjezana V. Akpinar, President Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation: NA Dongguk Royal University 440 Shatto Place Los Angeles, CA 90020-1704 Los Angeles County (213) 487-0110 Dr. Kim, President Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine California Agency Program Approval: Acupuncture 104 Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Western Region 518 East Bellevue Road Atwater, CA 95301 Merced County (209) 357-6770 CODE=WE Dr. George Ebbs, President Regional Accreditation: Southern Association of Colleges and Schools School or Program Accreditation: NA Exempt from State Approval Other Locations: Beale Center Suite 816 Oakland, CA 94621 (510) 636-2424 Palmdale Center 40015 North Sierra Highway Suite B-200 Palmdale, CA 93550 (661) 947-4025 San Diego Center FLEASWTRACEN, Navy College 33077 Ping Place Suite 106 San Diego, CA 92147 (619) 523-9270 Travis Center 580 Hickam Avenue Building 249 Suite 30 Travis AFB, CA 94535-9991 (707) 437-5464 Ventura Center 9th MSS/DPE 17849 16th Street Beale AFB, CA 95903 (530) 788-0900 Camp Pendleton Campus Joint Education Office Building 1331 Room #104 Camp Pendleton, CA 92055-5020 (760) 385-4423 Navy Campus Education Center Building 10087 NAS Point Mugu, CA 93042-5000 (805) 271-9691 Victorville Teaching Site 13280 Mustang Drive, Box #7 Victorville, CA 92394 (760) 530-0875 China Lake Campus 610 Blandy Avenue, Bldg 02308, Room A NAWS, China Lake Ridgecrest, CA 93555 (760) 939-4557 Edwards Center 140 Methusa Road Edwards AFB, CA 93524-1400 (661) 258-1264 Fort Irwin Center Building 1020 Room 24 3rd Street and F Avenue Fort Irwin, CA 92310 (760) 386-7997 Inland Empire Center 1928 Graeber Street Building 441 Room 6 March AFB, CA 92518 (909) 653-4074 1807-B Wilshire Boulevard Santa Monica, CA 90403-5678 Los Angeles County (310) 453-8300 Yun Kim, Chief Executive Officer Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine California Agency Program Approval: Acupuncture Empire College Lemoore Ccampus 824 Hancock Circle Room 103 Lemore, CA 93245 (559) 998-6026 Los Angeles Metro Campus 5001 Airport Plaza Drive Suite 150 Long Beach, CA 90815 (562) 627-5870 Emperor’s College 3035 Cleveland Avenue Santa Rosa, CA 95403-2100 Sonoma County (707) 546-4000 Roy O. Hurd, President Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Business Oakland Center Escondido Bible College 7700 Edgewater Drive 927 Idaho Avenue California Postsecondary Education Commission Part 1: State Approved and Exempt Institutions Glendale University College of Law Escondido, CA 92025 San Diego County Mailing Address: P.O. Box 300808 Escondido, CA 92030 (760) 745-9826 Reverend Phillips C. Coleman, President Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation: NA Evangelia University 2660 West Woodland Drive Suite 200 Anaheim, CA 92801 Los Angeles County (714) 527-0691 David H. Shin, President Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation: NA Everest College 3000 South Robertson Boulevard Suite 300 Los Angeles, CA 90034 Los Angeles County Mailing Address: 3000 S Robertson Blvd. Suite 300 Los Angeles, CA 90034 (408) 246-4171 Patrick J. Donivan, President Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Occupational Education Other School or Program Accreditation: Medical Assistant, Surgical Technology Other Locations: Alhambra Campus 2215 West Mission Road Alhambra, CA 91803 (626) 979-4940 Anaheim Campus 511 North Brookhurst Suite 300 Anaheim, CA 92801 City of Industry 12801 Crossroads Parkway South City of Industry, CA 91746-1023 (562) 908-2500 Gardena Campus 1045 West Redondo Beach Boulevard Suite 275 Gardena, CA 90247-4163 (310) 527-7105 Hayward Campus 22336 Main Street, 1st Floor Hayward, CA 94541 (510) 582-9500 Long Beach Campus 2161 Technology Place Long Beach, CA 90810 (562) 624-9530 Los Angeles Campus 3460 Wilshire Boulevard Suite 500 Los Angeles, CA 90010 (213) 388-9550 Ontario Campus 1460 South Milliken Avenue Ontario, CA 91761 (909) 984-5027 Ontario Metro Campus 1819 South Exise Avenue Ontario, CA 91761 (909) 484-4311 Reseda Campus 18040 Sherman Way Suite 400 Reseda, CA 91335 (818) 774-0550 San Bernardino Campus 217 East Club Center Drive Suite A San Bernardino, CA 92408 (909) 777-3300 San Francisco Campus 814 Mission Street Suite 500 San Francisco, CA 94103 (415) 777-2500 San Jose Campus 1245 South Winchester Blvd Suite 102 San Jose, CA 95128 (408) 246-4471 Torrance Campus 1231 Cabrillo Avenue, Suite 201 Torrance, CA 90501 (310) 320-3200 Expression College for Digital Arts 6601 Shellmound Street Emeryville, CA 94608 Alameda County (877) 833-8800 Spencer Nilsen, President Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Occupational Education California Postsecondary Education Commission Fashion Careers College 1923 Morena Boulevard San Diego, CA 92110-3555 San Diego County (619) 275-4700 Judy Thacker, President Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Business Five Branches Institute 200 7th Avenue Santa Cruz, CA 95062-4669 Santa Cruz County (831) 476-9424 Ron Zaidman, President Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine California Agency Program Approval: Acupuncture Other Locations: Five Branches Institute - San Jose 3031 Tisch Way Suite 5PW San Jose, CA 95128 (408) 260-0208 Frederick Taylor University 346 Rheem Boulevard Suite 203 Moraga, CA 94556 Contra Costa County (925) 376-0900 Dr. Mansour S. Saki, President Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation: NA Glendale University College of Law 220 North Glendale Avenue Glendale, CA 91206-4454 Los Angeles County (818) 247-0770 Darrin Greitzer, President Regional Accreditation: NA California Agency Program Approval: Law 105 Part 1: State Approved and Exempt Institutions Grace Mission University Exempt from State Approval Grace Mission University 1645 West Valencia Drive Fullerton, CA 92833 Orange County (714) 525-0088 Website: NA Youj Kiew Riew, President Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation: NA Graduate Center for Child Development and Psychotherapy 6404 Wilshire Boulevard Suite 999 Los Angeles, CA 90048 Los Angeles County (310) 204-1666 Dr. Bella F. Schimmel, CEO Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation: NA High-Tech Institute 9738 Lincoln Village Drive Suite 100 Sacramento, CA 95827 Sacramento County (916) 929-9703 Dr. Cindy Tyran, Director Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Allied Health Education, Occupational Education Hubbard College of Administration International 320 North Vermont Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90004 Los Angeles County (888) 812-8442 Peggy Hilgers, President Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation: NA Inland Valley College 99 North San Antonio Avenue Suite 360 Upland, CA 91786 106 San Bernardino County (909) 982-5733 Seymour Littman J.D., President Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation: NA Institute for Advanced Study of Human Sexuality, The 1523 Franklin Street San Francisco, CA 94109 San Francisco County (415) 928-1133 Ted McIlvenna, President Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation: NA Institute of Buddhist Studies 575 North Shoreline Drive Mountain View, CA 94041 Santa Clara County Mailing Address: PO Box 340960 Mountain View, CA 94039-0460 (650) 938-7192 Dr. Richard K Payne, President Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation: NA Institute of Contemporary Psychoanalysis 12121 Wilshire Boulevard Suite 505 Los Angeles, CA 90025-1176 Los Angeles County (310) 207-8441 Susan Samuels, Administrative Director Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation: NA InterAmerican College 1627 Hoover Avenue National City, CA 91950 San Diego County (619) 477-6310 Reymundo Marin, President Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation: NA Intercultural Institute of California 1362 Post Street San Francisco, CA 94109 San Francisco County (415) 441-1881 Dr. Youn-Cha Shin Chey, President Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation: NA Interior Designers Institute 1061 Camelback Road Newport Beach, CA 92660-3228 Orange County (949) 675-4451 Judy Deaton, President Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Occupational Education Other School or Program Accreditation: Interior Design International American University 621 South Virgil Avenue Suite 290 Los Angeles, CA 90005 Los Angeles County Mailing Address: 17300 17th Street Suite J-453 Tustin, CA 92780 (213) 291-8692 Peter P. Vinh, President Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation: NA International Professional School of Bodywork 9025 Balboa Avenue Suite 130 San Diego, CA 92123 San Diego County (858) 505-1100 David M. Corin, Executive Director Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation: NA California Postsecondary Education Commission Part 1: State Approved and Exempt Institutions LIFE Pacific College International Reformed University & Seminary 125 South Vermont Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90004 Los Angeles County (213) 381-0081 Hun Sung Park, President Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Accrediting Association of Bible Colleges International Technological University 756 San Aleso Avenue Sunnyvale, CA 94085 Santa Clara County (408) 331-1014 Dr. Shu-Park Chan, President Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation: NA International Theological Seminary 3225 Tyler Avenue El Monte, CA 91731 Los Angeles County (626) 448-0023 Dr. Joseph Tong, President Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation: NA Irvine University 10900 183rd Street Suite 330 Cerritos, CA 90703 Los Angeles County (562) 865-7111 W. Kenneth Teebken, President Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation: NA ITT Technical Institute 525 North Muller Avenue Anaheim, CA 92801-5454 Orange County (714) 535-3700 Louis E. Osborn, Director Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Business Other Locations: ITT - Hayward 3979 Trust Way Hayward, CA 94545 (510) 785-8522 ITT - Lathrop 16916 South Harlan Road Lathrop, CA 95330 (209) 858-0077 ITT - Oxnard 2051 Solar Drive Oxnard, CA 93030-2699 (805) 988-0143 ITT - Sacramento 10863 Gold Center Drive Rancho Cordova, CA 95670-6034 (916) 851-3900 ITT - San Bernardino 630 East Brier Drive San Bernardino, CA 92408-2800 (909) 889-3800 ITT - San Diego 9680 Granite Ridge Drive San Diego, CA 92123-2662 (619) 571-8500 ITT - Santa Clara 5104 Old Ironsides Drive Santa Clara, CA 95054-1163 (408) 496-0655 ITT - Sylmar 12669 Encinitas Avenue Sylmar, CA 91342-3664 (818) 364-5151 ITT - Torrance 20050 South Vermont Avenue Torrance, CA 90502 (310) 380-1555 ITT - West Covina 1530 West Cameron Avenue West Covina, CA 91790-2767 (626) 960-8681 K.P.C.A. Presbyterian Theological Seminary 14300 Leffing Well Road Whittier, CA 90604 Los Angeles County (562) 906-4747 Website: NA Jung-Woon Suh, President Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation: NA California Postsecondary Education Commission King’s College and Seminary 14800 Sherman Way Van Nuys, CA 91405-2233 Los Angeles County (888) 779-8040 Jack W. Hayford, Chancellor Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Bible College Education, Christian Education Exempt from State Approval Larry H. Layton School of Law 3807 West Sierra Highway Suite 206 Acton, CA 93510 Los Angeles County (661) 269-5291 Larry H. Layton, Owner/Dean Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation: NA Life Chiropractic College West 25001 Industrial Blvd Hayward, CA 94545 Alameda County (800) 788-4476 Dr. Gerard W. Clum, President Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Business, Chiropractic Exempt from State Approval LIFE Pacific College 1100 Covina Boulevard San Dimas, CA 91773-3298 Los Angeles County (909) 599-5433 Rev. Stewart Dan, President Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Bible College Education Exempt from State Approval 107 Part 1: State Approved and Exempt Institutions Life University Life University Lincoln University 555 West Redondo Beach Boulevard Suite 111 Gardena, CA 90248 Los Angeles County (310) 756-0001 Reverend Ben K. Choi, President Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation: NA 401 15th Street Oakland, CA 94612 Alameda County (510) 628-8010 Dr. Mikhail Brodsky, President Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Business Exempt from State Approval Likie Fashion and Technology College 8450 Garvey Avenue Suite 201 Rosemead, CA 91770 Los Angeles County (626) 572-8506 Daniel C Lee, President Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation: NA Lincoln Law School of Sacramento 3140 J Street 2nd Floor Sacramento, CA 95816 Sacramento County (916) 446-1275 Andrew J. Smolich, President Regional Accreditation: NA California Agency Program Approval: Law Other Locations: Lincoln Law School of San Jose One North First Street San Jose, CA 95113 (408) 977-7227 Lincoln Law School of San Jose One North First Street San Jose, CA 95113 Santa Clara County Mailing Address: 2160 Lundy Avenue San Jose, CA 95131 (408) 977-7227 Joseph H. Moless, Dean Regional Accreditation: NA California Agency Program Approval: Law Logos Evangelical Seminary 9358 Telstar Avenue Suite 9364 El Monte, CA 91731 Los Angeles County (626) 571-5110 Website: NA Dr. Felix Liu, President Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Theology Los Angeles Golf College 1700 West L Street Wilmington, CA 90744 Los Angeles County (310) 835-7692 Sean Rho, President Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation: NA Los Angeles Institute and Society for Psychoanalytic Studies 12011 San Vicente Boulevard Suite 310 Los Angeles, CA 90049 Los Angeles County Mailing Address: 12011 San Vicente Boulevard, Suite 310 Los Angeles, CA 90049 (310) 440-0333 Milton J. Horowitz, Dean Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation: NA Maric College - California 6180 Laurel Canyon Boulevard 108 Suite 101 North Hollywood, CA 91606 Los Angeles County (818) 763-1623 Mark Newman, Director Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Occupational Education Other Locations: Maric College - Bakersfield 1914 Wible Road Bakersfield, CA 93304 (866) 574-5550 Maric College - Modesto Campus 5172 Kiernan Court Salida, CA 95368 (209) 543-7000 Maric College - North County 2022 University Drive Vista, CA 92083 (760) 630-1555 Maric College - North County Campus 2022 University Drive Vista, CA 92083 (760) 630-1555 Maric College - Palm Springs 2475 E. Tahquitz Canyon Way Palm Springs, CA 92262 (760) 327-4562 Maric College - Panorama City 14355 Poscoe Blvd. Panorama City, CA 91402 (818) 672-8907 Maric College - Riverside 1635 Spruce Street Riverside, CA 92507 (951) 276-1704 Maric College - Sacramento 4330 Watt Ave., Suite 400 Sacramento, CA 95821 (916) 649-8168 Maric College - San Diego Campus 9055 Balboa Avenue San Diego, CA 92123 (858) 279-4500 Maric College - Stockton 722 West March Street Stockton, CA 95207 (209) 462-8777 Marick College - Fresno 44 Shaw Avenue Clovis, CA 93612 (559) 325-3866 California Postsecondary Education Commission Part 1: State Approved and Exempt Institutions North West College Mashdots College 411 East Acacia Avenue Glendale, CA 91205 Los Angeles County (818) 548-9345 Garbis Der-Yeghiayan, President Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation: NA Meiji College of Oriental Medicine 2550 Shattuck Avenue Berkeley, CA 94704 Alameda County (510) 666-8248 Hirohisa Oda, President Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine California Agency Program Approval: Acupuncture Monterey College of Law 100 Colonel Durham Street Seaside, CA 93955 Monterey County (831) 582-4000 Mitchel L. Winick, Dean Regional Accreditation: NA California Agency Program Approval: Law Exempt from State Approval Mt. Sierra College 101 East Huntington Drive Monrovia, CA 91016-3414 Los Angeles County (626) 873-2144 Vaughn Hartunian, President Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Occupational Education MTI College 5221 Madison Avenue Sacramento, CA 95841-3037 Sacramento County (916) 339-1500 John A. Zimmerman, President Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Business Orange County (714) 505-9080 Dr. David J. Wayne, President Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation: NA Musicians Institute Other Locations: NPI Pasadena Campus 1655 McCadden Place Hollywood, CA 90028 Los Angeles County (323) 462-1384 Hisatake Shibuya, President Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation: NA National Institute of Technology 230 East Third Street Long Beach, CA 90802-3140 Los Angeles County (562) 437-0501 Kurt W. Donsbach, President Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Occupational Education National Test Pilot School PO Box 658 Mojave, CA 93502 Kern County (661) 824-2977 Mark Hussey, Director Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation: NA New Bridge University 515 Shatto Place Los Angeles, CA 90020 Los Angeles County (213) 383-4461 Yuki Rhee, President Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation: NA Newport Psychoanalytic Institute 250 West Main Street Suite 202 Tustin, CA 92780 California Postsecondary Education Commission 911 E. Colorado Blvd. Suite 200 Pasadena, CA 91106 Newport University Commerce Plaza 4101 Westerly Place Suite 103 Newport Beach, CA 92660-2342 Orange County (800) 757-1156 Juan F. Castro, President Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation: NA Newschool of Architecture & Design 1249 F Street San Diego, CA 92101-6634 San Diego County (800) 490-7081 Dr. Steve Altman, President Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Business North West College 221 North Brand Boulevard Glendale, CA 91203 Los Angeles County (800) 639-2273 Marsha Fuerst, Executive Director Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Occupational Education Other Locations: North Wes t- Pomona 138 West Holt Aavenue Pomona, CA 91768 (800) 639-2273 North West - Pasadena 530 East Union Street Pasadena, CA 91101 (800) 639-2273 North West - Riverside 109 Part 1: State Approved and Exempt Institutions Northern California Bible College 10020 Indiana Avenue Riverside, CA 92503 (800) 639-2273 North West - West Covina 2121 West Garvey Avenue North West Covina, CA 91790 (800) 639-2273 P.O. Box 26870 Fresno, CA 93729 (559) 650-7755 Roger Magnuson, Dean Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation: NA Northern California Bible College Optimal Performance Institute, The 4455 Stoneridge Drive Pleasanton, CA 94588 Alameda County (925) 846-6464 Ernest B. Gentile, President Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Bible College Education 1030 East El Camino Real Suite 322 Sunnyvale, CA 94087 Santa Clara County (408) 733-1631 John J. Farley, President Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation: NA Northwestern California University School of Law Pacific Baptist College 2151 River Plaza Drive Suite 306 Sacramento, CA 95833 Sacramento County (916) 480-9470 Michael P. Clancey, President Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation: NA 395 San Bernardino Ave Pomona, CA 91767 San Diego County Mailing Address: P.O. Box 3070 Pomona, CA 91767 (909) 622-2921 Rob Watkins, President Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation: NA Northwestern Polytechnic University Pacific Coast University School of Law 47671 Westinghouse Drive Fremont, CA 94539 Alameda County Mailing Address: 117 Fourier Avenue Fremont, CA 94539-7482 (510) 657-5913 Dr. George Hsieh, President Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Business 1650 Ximeno Avenue Suite 310 Long Beach, CA 90804 Los Angeles County (562) 961-8200 William J. Lewis, Dean Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation: NA Oak Brook College of Law and Government Policy 7545 North Fresno Street Suite 104 Fresno, CA 93720 Fresno County Mailing Address: 110 Pacific College of Oriental Medicine 7445 Mission Valley Road Suite 105 San Diego, CA 92108 San Diego County (619) 574-6909 Jack Miller, Dean Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine California Agency Program Approval: Acupuncture Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary 2770 Marin Avenue Berkeley, CA 94708-1597 Alameda County (800) 235-7587 Dr. Phyllis Anderson, President Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Theology Exempt from State Approval Pacific States University 1516 South Western Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90006-4298 Los Angeles County (323) 731-2383 Dr. Jae Duk Kim, President Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Business Pacific West College of Law 2011 West Chapman Avenue Orange, CA 92868 Orange County (714) 634-3738 Kevin O’Connell, Executive Director/Dean Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation: NA Palmer College of Chiropractic West 90 East Tasman Drive San Jose, CA 95134-1617 Santa Clara County (408) 944-6000 Dr. Crawford A. Michael, President (Interim) Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Chiropractic California Postsecondary Education Commission Part 1: State Approved and Exempt Institutions Remington College Park University Joint Education Center Box 555020 BLDG #1331, Room 207 MCB Camp Pendleton, CA 92055-5020 Riverside County (760) 725-6858 Tonia Vaughn, Director Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation: NA Other Locations: Park University - Barstow Marine Corps Logistic Base Campus Bldg 218 Barstow, CA 92311 (760) 256-8811 Park University - Fort Irwin Campus Center Commander National Training Center ATTN: AFZJ-PTT • Box 11043, Bldg 1020 Fort Irwin, CA 92310 (760) 386-8062 Park University - Vandenberg AFB Campus Center 144 Wyoming Ave, Building 14002, Room A-1 30 MSS DPHE Vandenberg AFB, CA 93437 (805) 734-7275 Peoples College of Law 660 South Bonnie Brae Street 2nd Floor Los Angeles, CA 90057 Los Angeles County (213) 483-0083 Garo Ghazarian, Dean Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation: NA PIMA Medical Institute 780 Bay Blvd. #101 Chula Vista, CA 91910 San Diego County (800) 477-7462 .asp Richard L. Luebke Jr., CEO Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Radiologic Technology, Allied Health Education Platt College - Newport Beach 7755 Center Avenue Huntington Beach, CA 92647 Orange County (949) 833-2300 William W. Lockwood, President Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Occupational Education Suite 170 Sacramento, CA 95827 Sacramento County (916) 641-6542 William H. Bergquist, President Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation: NA Psychoanalytic Center of California, The Platt College - Ontario 11110 Ohio Avenue Suite 106 Los Angeles, CA 90025 Los Angeles County (310) 478-4347 Shirley Gooch, Director of the Institute Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation: NA 3700 Inland Empire Boulevard Suite 400 Ontario, CA 91764-4609 (909) 941-9410 Psychoanalytic Institute of Northern California Other Locations: Platt College - Los Angeles 1000 South Fremont Avenune A9w Alhambra, CA 91803 (626) 300-5444 Platt College - San Diego 6250 El Cajon Boulevard San Diego, CA 92115-3919 San Diego County (619) 265-0107 Meg Leiker, President Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Occupational Education Professional Golfers Career College 26109 Ynez Road Temecula, CA 92591 Riverside County Mailing Address: P.O. Box 892319 Temecula, CA 92589-2319 (909) 698-4380 Kent Brown, Executive Director Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Business Professional School of Psychology Sacramento 2252 Fillmore Street San Francisco, CA 94115 San Francisco County (415) 922-4050 Dr. Jeanne Woliff Bernstein, President Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation: NA Redstone College - Los Angeles 8911 Aviation Boulevard Inglewood, CA 90301-2904 Los Angeles County (310) 337-4444 David Gillen, Executive Director Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Occupational Education Remington College 123 Camino De La Reina Suite 100, North Building San Diego, CA 92108 San Diego County (619) 686-8600 Dr. Michael W. West Jr., President Regional Accreditation: NA 9912 Business Park Drive California Postsecondary Education Commission 111 Part 1: State Approved and Exempt Institutions Ridgecrest School of Law School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Business Ridgecrest School of Law 1302 Osos Street San Luis Obispo, CA 93404 San Luis Obispo County Mailing Address: 115 North Balsam Street Ridgecrest, CA 93555 (760) 395-9005 Website: NA Charles Porter, Chief Executive Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation: NA Rudolf Steiner College 9200 Fair Oaks Boulevard Fair Oaks, CA 95628 Sacramento County (916) 961-8727 Gayle Davis, C.E.O. Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation: NA Other Locations: Rudolf Steiner College 2938 Washington Street San Francisco, CA 94115 Ryokan College 11965 Venice Boulevard Suite 304 Los Angeles, CA 90066-3993 Los Angeles County (310) 390-7560 Marcia Ross, President Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation: NA Sage College 12125 Day Street Building L Moreno Valley, CA 92557-6720 Riverside County (909) 781-2727 Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Business Other Locations: Sage College - San Diego 2820 Camino del Rio South 112 Suite 100 San Diego, CA 92108-3821 (619) 683-2727 Samra University of Oriental Medicine 1730 West Olympic Boulevard 3rd Floor Los Angeles, CA 90015-1019 Los Angeles County (213) 381-2221 Dr. Hyung Joo Park, President Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine California Agency Program Approval: Acupuncture Exempt from State Approval San Diego Golf Academy 1910 Shadowridge Drive Suite 111 Vista, CA 92083-7736 San Diego County (760) 734-1208 Dana K. Schwartz, President Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Business San Diego University for Integrative Studies 3900 Harney Street Suite 210 San Diego, CA 92110 San Diego County (800) 234-7041 Cristina B. Versari, President Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation: NA San Francisco Law School 20 Haight Street San Francisco, CA 94102-5894 San Francisco County (415) 626-5550 Joseph P. Russoniello, Dean Regional Accreditation: NA California Agency Program Approval: Law Santa Barbara and Ventura Colleges of Law 20 East Victoria Street Santa Barbara, CA 93101 Santa Barbara County (805) 966-0010 Wendy Lascher, President Regional Accreditation: NA California Agency Program Approval: Law Other Locations: Ventura College of Law 4475 Market Street Ventura, CA 93003-7756 (805) 658-0511 Santa Barbara Business College 5266 Hollister Avenue Santa Barbara, CA 93111 Santa Barbara County (866) 749-7222 Mr. Dean Johnston, President Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Business Other Locations: Santa Barbara Business College Bakersfield Campus 211 South Real Road Bakersfield, CA 93309 (661) 835-1100 Santa Barbara Business College Palm Desert 75030 Gerald Ford Drive Palm Desert, CA 92211 (866) 749-7222 Santa Barbara Business College Santa Maria Campus 303 East Plaza Drive Santa Maria, CA 93454 (805) 922-8256 Santa Barbara Business College Ventura Campus 4839 Market Street Ventura, CA 93003 (805) 339-2999 Santa Barbara Graduate Institute 525 East Micheltorena Street Suite 205 California Postsecondary Education Commission Part 1: State Approved and Exempt Institutions Southern California University S.O.M.A. Santa Barbara, CA 93103 Santa Barbara County (805) 963-6896 Marti Glenn, President Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation: NA Sanville Institute 2110 Sixth Street Berkeley, CA 94710 Alameda County (510) 848-8420 Dr. Judith Kay Nelson, Dean Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation: NA Suite 280 Petaluma, CA 94954 Sonoma County (707) 664-9267 Dr. Paul Dunn, President Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Occupational Therapist Assistant, Physical Therapy, Allied Health Education Other School or Program Accreditation: Physician Assistant Other Locations: San Francisco Campus 78 First Street San Francisco, CA 94105 (415) 543-1833 Shasta Bible College 2951 Goodwater Avenue Redding, CA 96002-2392 Shasta County (800) 800-4722 Dr. David R. Nicholas, President Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Christian Education Shiloh Bible College 3295 School Street Oakland, CA 94602-3699 Alameda County (510) 261-1907 Dr. Violet Kiteley, President Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation: NA Exempt from State Approval South Baylo University Anaheim 1126 North Brookhurst Street Anaheim, CA 92801 Orange County (714) 533-1495 Dr. David Park, President Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine California Agency Program Approval: Acupuncture Other Locations: South Baylo University - Los Angeles 2727 West Sixth Street Los Angeles, CA 90057-3139 (213) 738-0712 Silicon Valley University South Coast College 2160 Lundy Avenue Suite 110 San Jose, CA 95131 Santa Clara County (408) 435-8989 Seiko Cheng, Administrative Director Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Business 1380 South Sanderson Avenue Anaheim, CA 92806 Orange County (714) 897-6464 Jean Gonzalez, President Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Business Sonoma College 1304 South Point Blvd California Postsecondary Education Commission Southern California Institute of Law, Ventura Campus 877 South Victoria Avenue Ventura, CA 93003 Ventura County (805) 644-2327 Dr. Stanislaus Pulle, President Regional Accreditation: NA California Agency Program Approval: Law Other Locations: Southern California Institute of Law, Santa Barbara 1525 State Street Santa Barbara, CA 93101 (805) 963-4654 Southern California Institute of Technology 222 South Harbor Blvd Suite 200 Anaheim, CA 92805 Orange County Mailing Address: 1900 West Crescent Avenue Building A Anaheim, CA 92801-3801 (714) 520-5552 Dr. Parviz Shams, President Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Occupational Education Southern California Seminary 2075 East Madison Avenue El Cajon, CA 92019 San Diego County (888) 389-7244 Ext. 2112 Gary F. Coombs, President Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Christian Education Exempt from State Approval Southern California University S.O.M.A. 1541 Wilshire Blvd 3rd Floor Los Angeles, CA 90017 Los Angeles County 113 Part 1: State Approved and Exempt Institutions Southern States University (213) 413-9522 Young Hwan Cho, President Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation: NA Southern States University 1729 5th Avenue San Diego, CA 92101-2710 San Diego County (619) 236-0496 Robert S. Tepper, Chancellor Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation: NA Other Locations: Southern State University 4500 Campus Drive Suite 118 Suite 118Newport Beach, CA 926601814 (619) 236-0496 Southwestern University School of Law 3050 Wilshire Boulevard Los Angeles, CA 90010-1106 Los Angeles County Mailing Address: 675 South Westmoreland Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90005-3992 (213) 738-6700 Bryant G. Garth, Dean Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Law Exempt from State Approval Starr King School for the Ministry 2441 Le Conte Avenue Berkeley, CA 94709-1299 Alameda County (510) 845-6232 Dr. Rebecca Parker, President Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Theology Exempt from State Approval 114 Tien Tao Chong Hua University 5440 Pomona Boulevard Los Angeles, CA 90022 Los Angeles County (323) 722-6693 Website: NA Richard Chao, President Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation: NA Travel University International 3870 Murphy Canyon Road Suite 310 San Diego, CA 92123 San Diego County (858) 292-9755 Daniel D. Kim, CEO Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation: NA Trinity College of Graduate Studies 1661 North Raymond Avenue Suite 140 Anaheim, CA 92801 Orange County (714) 992-9110 Dr. John D. Carter, Chancellor Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation: NA Trinity Law School 2200 North Grand Avenue Santa Ana, CA 92705 Orange County (714) 796-7100 Winston L. Frost, Dean Regional Accreditation: North Central Association of Colleges and Schools School or Program Accreditation: NA Trinity Life Bible College 5225 Hillsdale Boulevard Sacramento, CA 95842 Sacramento County (916) 348-4689 Ronald W. Harden, President Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Christian Education Union College of California 14200 Goldenwest Street Westminster, CA 92849 Orange County (714) 698-1900 Dr. Cuong Huu Nguyen, President Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation: NA Union Institute, The 12777 West Jefferson Boulvard Suite 100 Los Angeles, CA 90066-7009 Los Angeles County (800) 486-8328 Dr. Roger H. Sublett, President Regional Accreditation: North Central Association of Colleges and Schools School or Program Accreditation: NA Other Locations: Union Institute, The 2710 Gateway Oaks Drive Suite 310 South Sacramento, CA 95833 (916) 485-3276 University of East & West Medicine 970 West El Camino Real Sunnyvale, CA 94087 Santa Clara County (408) 733-1878 Ying Qiu Wang, Founder Regional Accreditation: NA California Agency Program Approval: Acupuncture University of Northern California, Lorenzo Patino School of Law 1012 J Street Sacramento, CA 95814 Sacramento County (916) 441-4485 Daniel Wigon, Executive Dean Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation: NA California Postsecondary Education Commission Part 1: State Approved and Exempt Institutions University of Phoenix University of Philosophical Research 3910 Los Feliz Boulevard Los Angeles, CA 90027-0299 Los Angeles County (800) 548-4062 Obadiah S. Harris, President Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation: NA University of Phoenix Crown Corporate Center, Administrative Office 2890 Gateway Oaks Drive, Suite 200 Sacramento, CA 95833 Sacramento County (800) 765-4922 Dr. William Pepicello, President Regional Accreditation: North Central Association of Colleges and Schools School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Nursing California Agency Program Approval: Nursing Other Locations: Bakersfield Learning Center 4900 California Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93309 (888) 828-2755 Beale AFB Learning Center 17849 16th Street Beale AFB, CA 95903 (800) 266-2107 Concord Learning Center 1401 Willow Pass Road Suite 200 Concord, CA 94520 (925) 349-2300 Culver City Learning Center 200 Corporate Pointe Culver City, CA 90230-7645 (310) 225-5716 Desert Communities Learning Center 75-153 Merle Drive Suite G Palm Desert, CA 92211-5197 (800) 473-4346 Diamond Bar Learning Center 1370 South Valley Vista Drive Diamond Bar, CA 91765-3911 (800) 697-8223 Downtown Learning Center 1230 Columbia Street Suite 800 San Diego, CA 92101-8571 (800) 473-4346 2481 Constitution Drive Livermore, CA 94551 (877) 478-8336 El Centro Learning Center 2409 La Brucherie Road Imperial, CA 92251-9590 (800) 473-4346 3600 Sisk Road Suite 5A Modesto, CA 95356-0532 (209) 543-0153 Elk Grove Learning Center Murrieta Learning Center 9280 West Stockton Boulevard Suite 230 Elk Grove, CA 95758-8073 25240 Hancock Avenue Murrieta, CA 92562-5990 (800) 888-1968 Fairfield Learning Center North Valley Learning Center 5253 Business Center Drive Suite B Fairfield, CA 94534-1795 (800) 266-2107 500 Orient Street Chico, CA 95928-5670 (800) 266-2107 Fremont Learning Center 75 Rowland Way Novato, CA 94945 (877) 274-6364 40440 Encyclopedia Circle Fremont, CA 94538 (877) 478-8336 Fresno River Park Learning Center 8355 North Fresno Street 2nd Floor Fresno, CA 93720 (888) 722-0055 Gardena Learning Center 1515 West 190th Street 2nd Floor Gardena, CA 90248-4319 (800) 697-8223 Gateway Oaks Learning Center 2860 Gatewya Oaks Drive Suite 100 Sacramento, CA 95833-3508 (800) 266-2107 Kearny Mesa Learning Center 3890 Murphy Canyon Road San Diego, CA 92123-4451 (800) 473-4346 La Mirada Learning Center Modesto Learning Center Novato Learning Center Oakland Learning Center 1200 Clay Street Oakland, CA 94612 (877) 478-8336 Ontario Learning Center 3110 East Guasti Road Ontario, CA 91761-1219 (800) 697-8223 Pasadena Learning Center 299 North Euclid Avenue Suite 100 Pasadena, CA 91101-1582 (800) 697-8223 Rancho Bernardo Learning Center 16870 West Bernardo Drive Suite 200 San Diego, CA 92127-1677 (800) 473-4346 Rancho Cordova Learning Center 14320 Firestone Boulevard Suite 150 La Mirada, CA 90038-5541 2882 Prospect Park Drive Suite 100 Rancho Cordova, CA 95670-6053 (800) 266-2107 Laguna Hills Learning Center Roseville Learning Center 23046 Avenida De La Carlota Suite 400 Laguna Hills, CA 92653-1548 (800) 888-1968 Lancaster Learning Center 1202 West Avenue J Lancaster, CA 93534-2902 (800) 697-8223 Lathrop Learning Center 17000 South Harlan Road Lathrop, CA 95330-8738 (800) 266-2107 516 Gibson Drive Roseville, CA 95678-5792 (800) 266-2107 San Bernardino Learning Center 301 East Vanderbilt Way San Bernardino, CA 92408-3520 (800) 697-8223 San Francisco Learning Center 185 Berry Street China Basin Landing, Lobby 3 San Francisco, CA 94107 (800) 448-6775 Livermore Learning Center California Postsecondary Education Commission 115 Part 1: State Approved and Exempt Institutions University of Santa Monica San Jose learning Center 3590 North First Street San Jose, CA 95134 (800) 640-0622 San Marcos Learning Center 277 Rancheros Drive San Marcos, CA 92069-2976 (800) 473-4346 South Coast Learning Center 3150 Bristol Street Costa Mesa, CA 92626-7300 (800) 697-8223 South County Learning Center 2060 Otay Lakes Road Chula Vista, CA 91915-1364 (800) 473-4346 Stonecrest Learning Center 9645 Granite Ridge Drive San Diego, CA 92123-2675 (800) 473-4346 Tri-Valley Learning Center 7901 Stoneridge Drive Suite 100 Pleasanton, CA 94588 (877) 478-8336 Visalia Learning Center 301 East Acequia Avenue Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 312-2011 Woodland Hills Learning Center 5955 De Soto Avenue Woodland Hills, CA 91367-5107 (800) 697-8223 University of Santa Monica 2107 Wilshire Boulevard Santa Monica, CA 90403 Los Angeles County (310) 829-7402 Dr. Ronald Hulnick, President Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation: NA Vision International University 1115 D Street Ramona, CA 92065 San Diego County (760) 789-4700 Dr. Stan E. DeKoven, President Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation: NA Exempt from State Approval Webster University 2151 Michelson Drive Suite 160 Irvine, CA 92612-1336 Orange County (949) 250-7855 Dr. Harry Schuler, Executive Director Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation: NA Other Locations: Webster University - Edwards Air Force Base 140 Methusa Avenue Edwards Air Force Base, CA 935241400 (661) 258-8501 Webster University - Los Angeles Air Force Base 2420 Vela Way Suite 1467 El Segundo, CA 90245-4659 (310) 647-3401 Webster University - San Diego 6480 Weathers Place Suite 104 San Diego, CA 92121-3911 (858) 458-9310 Weimar College 20601 West Paoli Lane Weimar, CA 95736 Placer County Mailing Address: PO Box 486 Weimar, CA 95736 (530) 422-7908 Don Christensen, President Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation: NA Westech College 3491 East Concours Ontario, CA 91764-5916 Los Angeles County (909) 622-6486 Barry Maleki Ed.D., Executive Director Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Occupational Education Exempt from State Approval 2061 Business Center Drive Suite 210 Irvine, CA 92612 Westech College 14554 7th Street Victorville, CA 92345 Westech College 460 Carson Plaza Drive Suite 201 Carson, CA 90746 Western Conservative Baptist Seminary - Bay Area 16330 Los Gatos Boulevard Suite 100 Los Gatos, CA 95023 Santa Clara County (877) 900-6889 m Dan Ruiz, Site Director Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation: NA Other Locations: Sacramento Teaching Site 3927 Marconi Avenue Sacramento, CA 95821 (916) 488-3720 Western Institute for Social Research 3220 Sacramento Avenue Berkeley, CA 94702 Alameda County (510) 655-2830 Dr. John A. Bilorusky, President Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation: NA Western Sierra Law School 8665 Gibbs Drive Suite 120 San Diego, CA 92123 San Diego County Mailing Address: 8690 Aero Drive #115-90 San Diego, CA 92123 (858) 569-9223 Angela Saldarriga, President Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation: NA Other Locations: Westech College 116 California Postsecondary Education Commission Part 1: State Approved and Exempt Institutions Yuin University Westwood College Wisdom University 1551 South Douglass Road Anaheim, CA 92806-5949 Orange County (714) 704-2721 Lou Osborn, Executive Director Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Occupational Education The Presidio, Building 992 P.O. Box 29434 San Francisco, CA 94129 Alameda County Mailing Address: P.O. Box 29434 The Presidio, Building 992 San Francisco, CA 94129 (415) 561-2348 Jim Garrison, President Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation: NA Other Locations: Westwood College - Inland Empire 20 West 7th Street Upland, CA 91786-7148 (909) 931-7550 World Mission University Westwood College - South Bay 500 Shatto Pl. Los Angeles, CA 90020 Los Angeles County (323) 466-4629 Dong S. Lim, President Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation: NA 19700 South Vermont Avenue Suite 100 Torrance, CA 90502 (310) 965-0888 World University of America, Ojai Westwood College - Los Angeles 3250 Wilshire Boulevard Suite 400 Los Angeles, CA 90010 (213) 739-9999 William Carey International University 1539 East Howard Street Pasadena, CA 91104-2698 Los Angeles County (626) 398-2141 Dr. Timothy G. Lewis, President Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation: NA 107 North Ventura Street Ojai, CA 93023 Ventura County Mailing Address: PO Box 1567 Ojai, CA 93023 (805) 646-1444 John L. Griffin, President Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation: NA WyoTech - Fremont William Howard Taft University 3700 South Susan Street Santa Ana, CA 92704-6954 Orange County (714) 850-4800 David L. Boyd, President Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Distance Learning and Education 200 Whitney Place Fremont, CA 94539-7663 Alameda County (510) 490-6900 Alex Hehmeyer, President Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Occupational Education Other Locations: WyoTech - Long Beach Long Beach, CA 90810 (562) 624-9530 WyoTech - Oakland 9636 Earhart Road International Airport Oakland, CA 94621 (510) 569-8436 WyoTech - Sacramento 980 Riverside Parkway West Sacramento, CA 95605 (916) 376-8888 Yeshiva Ohr Elchonon Chabad / West Coast Talmudical Seminary 7215 Waring Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90046-7660 Los Angeles County (323) 937-3763 Website: NA Rabbi Ezra B. Schochet, Executive Officer Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Rabbinical and Talmudic Education Yo San University 13315 West Washington Boulevard Los Angeles, CA 90066 Los Angeles County (310) 577-3000 Dr. Hua-Ching Ni, Chancellor Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation Recognized by US Department of Education: Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine California Agency Program Approval: Acupuncture Exempt from State Approval Yuin University 2007 East Compton Boulevard Compton, CA 90221 Los Angeles County (310) 609-2704 Dr. Lee M. Porter, President Regional Accreditation: NA School or Program Accreditation: NA 2161 Technology Place California Postsecondary Education Commission 117 Part 2: Programs Offered Acupuncture Programs Offered Accounting Allan Hancock College American River College Azusa Pacific University Bakersfield College Barstow College Berkeley City College Butte Community College Cabrillo College California School of International Management California State Polytechnic University, Pomona CSU Chico CSU Dominguez Hills CSU Fresno CSU Fullerton CSU Long Beach CSU Los Angeles CSU Northridge CSU Sacramento CSU San Bernardino CSU San Marcos CSU Stanislaus Cañada College CapStone University Cerritos College Chabot College Chaffey College Citrus College City College of San Francisco Coastline Community College College of Alameda College of Marin College of San Mateo College of the Canyons College of the Desert College of the Redwoods College of the Sequoias Columbia College Concordia University Contra Costa College Copper Mountain College Cosumnes River College Crafton Hills College Cuesta College Cuyamaca College Cypress College De Anza College DeVry University Diablo Valley College East Los Angeles College El Camino College Evergreen Valley College Feather River College Folsom Lake College Foothill College Frederick Taylor University Fresno City College Fresno Pacific University Fullerton College Gavilan College Glendale Community College Golden Gate University Golden West College Grossmont College Hartnell College Heald Colleges of California Administrative Office Imperial Valley College Irvine Valley College La Sierra University Lake Tahoe Community College Laney College Las Positas College Lassen Community College Likie Fashion and Technology College Long Beach City College Los Angeles City College Los Angeles Harbor College Los Angeles Mission College Los Angeles Southwest College Los Angeles Trade-Technical College Los Angeles Valley College Los Medanos College Mendocino College Merced College Merritt College MiraCosta College Mission College Modesto Junior College Monterey Peninsula College Moorpark College Mt. San Antonio College Mt. San Jacinto College Napa Valley College Ohlone College Orange Coast College Oxnard College Palo Verde College Palomar College Pasadena City College Pepperdine University Pierce College Point Loma Nazarene University Porterville College Reedley College Rio Hondo College Riverside City College Sacramento City College Saddleback College Saint Mary’s College of California San Bernardino Valley College San Diego City College San Diego Mesa College San Diego Miramar College San Diego State University San Francisco State University San Joaquin Delta College San Jose City College San José State University Santa Ana College Santa Barbara City College Santa Clara University Santa Monica College Santa Rosa Junior College Santiago Canyon College Shasta College Sierra College Skyline College Solano Community College Southwestern College Taft College University of La Verne University of Phoenix California Postsecondary Education Commission University of Redlands University of San Francisco University of Southern California Vanguard University of Southern California Ventura College Victor Valley College West Hills College Coalinga West Los Angeles College West Valley College Yuba College Accounting and Related Services, Other CSU San Bernardino Empire College Life University MTI College Santa Barbara Business College Tien Tao Chong Hua University Accounting Technology / Technician and Bookkeeping East Los Angeles College Empire College Skyline College Southern California Institute of Technology Westech College Acting American Conservatory Theater California Institute of the Arts CSU Fullerton CSU Long Beach CSU San Bernardino Concordia University Humboldt State University Pepperdine University San Diego State University San Francisco State University San José State University UC Santa Cruz Acupuncture Academy of Chinese Culture and Health Sciences American College of Traditional Chinese Medicine American Liberty University Dongguk Royal University Emperor’s College Five Branches Institute Life University Pacific College of Oriental Medicine Samra University of Oriental Medicine South Baylo University - Anaheim Southern California University of Health Sciences Southern California University S.O.M.A. University of East & West Medicine Yo San University 119 Part 2: Programs Offered Addiction Prevention and Treatment Yuin University Addiction Prevention and Treatment American River College CSU Chico East Los Angeles College Administration of Special Education Azusa Pacific University CSU Los Angeles Administrative Assistant and Secretarial Science, General Allan Hancock College American River College Antelope Valley College Bakersfield College Barstow College Berkeley City College Butte Community College Cabrillo College California Baptist University Cañada College Cerritos College Cerro Coso Community College Chabot College Chaffey College Citrus College City College of San Francisco Coastline Community College College of Alameda College of Marin College of San Mateo College of the Canyons College of the Redwoods College of the Sequoias College of the Siskiyous Columbia College Contra Costa College Cosumnes River College Cuesta College Cuyamaca College Cypress College De Anza College Diablo Valley College East Los Angeles College El Camino College Empire College Evergreen Valley College Feather River College Folsom Lake College Foothill College Fresno City College Fullerton College Gavilan College Glendale Community College Golden West College Grossmont College Hartnell College Imperial Valley College Irvine Valley College La Sierra University Lake Tahoe Community College 120 Laney College Las Positas College Lassen Community College Long Beach City College Los Angeles City College Los Angeles Harbor College Los Angeles Mission College Los Angeles Southwest College Los Angeles Trade-Technical College Los Angeles Valley College Los Medanos College Mendocino College Merced College Merritt College MiraCosta College Mission College Modesto Junior College Monterey Peninsula College Moorpark College Mt. San Antonio College Mt. San Jacinto College Napa Valley College Ohlone College Orange Coast College Oxnard College Palo Verde College Palomar College Pasadena City College Pierce College Porterville College Reedley College Rio Hondo College Riverside City College Sacramento City College Saddleback College San Bernardino Valley College San Diego City College San Diego Mesa College San Diego Miramar College San Joaquin Delta College San Jose City College Santa Ana College Santa Barbara City College Santa Monica College Santa Rosa Junior College Shasta College Sierra College Skyline College Solano Community College Southern California Institute of Technology Southwestern College Taft College Ventura College Victor Valley College West Hills College Coalinga West Los Angeles College West Valley College Yuba College Adult and Continuing Education Administration San Francisco State University Western Institute for Social Research Adult and Continuing Education and Teaching Fullerton College Hartnell College Hubbard College of Administration International Ohlone College San Diego City College San Diego Mesa College San Francisco State University Western Institute for Social Research Adult Development and Aging American River College CSU Sacramento Chabot College Chaffey College Coastline Community College East Los Angeles College Long Beach City College Los Angeles Mission College Mt. San Jacinto College Sacramento City College Saddleback College San Joaquin Delta College Santa Rosa Junior College University of Southern California Adult Health Nurse / Nursing Azusa Pacific University San Diego State University University of San Francisco Advertising Academy of Art University American River College Art Institute of California - San Francisco Biola University CSU Fullerton Cerritos College Cypress College Fresno City College Fullerton College Golden West College Los Angeles City College Menlo College Mission College Mt. San Antonio College Orange Coast College Palomar College Pepperdine University Sacramento City College San Diego State University San José State University Santa Ana College Santa Rosa Junior College University of San Francisco Aeronautical / Aerospace Engineering Technology / Technician Chaffey College City College of San Francisco Cuyamaca College Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Foothill College California Postsecondary Education Commission Part 2: Programs Offered Agricultural / Biological Engineering and Bioengineering Gavilan College Long Beach City College Mendocino College Palomar College Reedley College Sacramento City College San Bernardino Valley College San Diego Miramar College San José State University Santa Rosa Junior College Solano Community College Southwestern College Aeronautics / Aviation / Aerospace Science and Technology, General Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University San José State University Aerospace, Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering Aviation & Electronic School of America California Institute of Technology California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo California State Polytechnic University, Pomona CSU Long Beach Naval Postgraduate School Sacramento City College San Diego State University San José State University Stanford University UC Davis UC Irvine UC Los Angeles UC San Diego University of Southern California African Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics CSU Long Beach Mashdots College Monterey Institute of International Studies Southwestern College UC Los Angeles African Studies Berkeley City College CSU Northridge Naval Postgraduate School San Diego State University UC Los Angeles African-American / Black Studies Berkeley City College CSU Dominguez Hills CSU East Bay CSU Fresno CSU Fullerton CSU Long Beach CSU Los Angeles CSU Northridge Contra Costa College Palo Verde College Pitzer College San Diego State University San Francisco State University San José State University Sonoma State University Stanford University UC Berkeley UC Davis UC Irvine UC Los Angeles UC Riverside UC San Diego UC Santa Barbara University of Southern California University of the Pacific Agribusiness / Agricultural Business Operations Bakersfield College Butte Community College California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo CSU Fresno College of San Mateo College of the Desert College of the Redwoods College of the Sequoias Hartnell College Merced College MiraCosta College Modesto Junior College Pierce College Reedley College San Joaquin Delta College Santa Rosa Junior College Shasta College Agricultural and Food Products Processing Allan Hancock College Bakersfield College College of the Redwoods College of the Sequoias Hartnell College Merced College Napa Valley College Santa Rosa Junior College Agricultural Business and Management, General California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo California State Polytechnic University, Pomona CSU Chico CSU Fresno San Diego State University San Joaquin Delta College Santa Clara University UC Davis West Hills College Coalinga California Postsecondary Education Commission Agricultural Business and Management, Other California State Polytechnic University, Pomona UC Davis Agricultural Economics Stanford University UC Berkeley UC Davis Agricultural Mechanization, General California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo San Joaquin Delta College West Hills College Coalinga Agricultural Mechanization, Other Butte Community College College of the Sequoias Merced College Modesto Junior College Mt. San Antonio College Reedley College Shasta College Agricultural Power Machinery Operation Butte Community College College of the Sequoias Merced College Modesto Junior College Shasta College Agricultural Production Operations, Other Allan Hancock College Napa Valley College Santa Rosa Junior College Agricultural Teacher Education California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo California State Polytechnic University, Pomona CSU Fresno UC Davis Agricultural / Biological Engineering and Bioengineering California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo 121 Part 2: Programs Offered Agriculture, Agriculture Operations, and Related Sciences, Other UC Berkeley UC Davis UC Los Angeles Agriculture, Agriculture Operations, and Related Sciences, Other CSU Fresno CSU Stanislaus Fullerton College Lassen Community College Modesto Junior College Santa Rosa Junior College UC Berkeley UC Davis UC Santa Cruz Victor Valley College Agriculture, General Antelope Valley College Butte Community College California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo California State Polytechnic University, Pomona CSU Chico CSU Fresno Cerro Coso Community College Citrus College College of the Redwoods College of the Sequoias Cosumnes River College Glendale Community College Lassen Community College Mendocino College Merced College Modesto Junior College Napa Valley College Palo Verde College Pierce College Porterville College Reedley College San Joaquin Delta College Santa Rosa Junior College Sierra College UC Davis Ventura College Yuba College Agronomy and Crop Science California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo California State Polytechnic University, Pomona CSU Fresno UC Davis Air Force JROTC / ROTC California State Polytechnic University, Pomona San Diego State University Stanford University 122 Air Traffic Controller Mt. San Antonio College Aircraft Pilot (Private) College of Alameda Aircraft Powerplant Technology / Technician Antelope Valley College Chaffey College City College of San Francisco College of Alameda Glendale Community College Mt. San Antonio College Orange Coast College Redstone College - Los Angeles San Bernardino Valley College San Diego Miramar College Solano Community College West Los Angeles College Allied Health and Medical Assisting Services, Other Weimar College Allied Health Diagnostic, Intervention, and Treatment Professions, Other Emperor’s College Grossmont College Orange Coast College American Citizenship Education Airframe Mechanics and Aircraft Maintenance Technology / Technician Antelope Valley College Chaffey College City College of San Francisco College of Alameda College of San Mateo Gavilan College Glendale Community College Long Beach City College Mt. San Antonio College Orange Coast College Redstone College - Los Angeles Reedley College Sacramento City College San Bernardino Valley College San Diego Miramar College Solano Community College West Los Angeles College East Los Angeles College Intercultural Institute of California American Government and Politics (United States) Berkeley City College City College of San Francisco Concordia University Palo Verde College Thomas Aquinas College UC San Diego UC Santa Cruz American History (United States) Airline Flight Attendant Berkeley City College CSU Chico City College of San Francisco Palo Verde College Palomar College UC Santa Cruz American Indian / Native American Studies Cypress College El Camino College Glendale Community College Irvine Valley College Mt. San Antonio College Orange Coast College Airline / Commercial / Professional Pilot and Flight Crew Cypress College Foothill College Glendale Community College Long Beach City College Mt. San Antonio College National Test Pilot School Orange Coast College Palomar College Pasadena City College San Diego Christian College San Diego Mesa College Santa Rosa Junior College Berkeley City College CSU Northridge Humboldt State University Palo Verde College San Diego State University Stanford University UC Berkeley UC Davis UC Irvine UC Los Angeles UC Riverside American Literature (United States) Concordia University California Postsecondary Education Commission Part 2: Programs Offered Anthropology UC Los Angeles UC Santa Cruz University of Southern California American / United States Studies / Civilization Berkeley City College CSU Chico CSU Fullerton CSU Long Beach CSU Northridge CSU San Bernardino Cosumnes River College Foothill College Mills College Occidental College Pepperdine University Pitzer College San Diego State University San Francisco State University Stanford University UC Berkeley UC Davis UC Santa Cruz University of Southern California Whittier College Ancient / Classical Greek Language and Literature Concordia University San Diego State University San Joaquin Delta College UC Berkeley UC Irvine UC Los Angeles UC Santa Cruz Anesthesiology UC Irvine Animal Genetics Berkeley City College CSU Stanislaus Stanford University UC Davis UC Irvine UC Riverside UC San Francisco Animal Physiology Analytical Chemistry Solano Community College Anatomy CSU Chico College of Alameda Concordia University Loma Linda University Los Angeles Southwest College Palo Verde College UC Davis UC Irvine UC Los Angeles UC San Diego UC San Francisco Ancient Near Eastern and Biblical Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics American Baptist Seminary of the West Booker T. Crenshaw Christian College & School of Ministry, Inc. CSU Chico Church Divinity School of the Pacific Cohen University and Theological Seminary Concordia University Evangelia University Graduate Theological Union Hebrew Union College - Jewish Institute of Religion Holy Names University Jesuit School of Theology at Berkeley Thomas Aquinas College Trinity Life Bible College William Jessup University College of the Siskiyous Crafton Hills College Loma Linda University Los Angeles Southwest College Mt. San Jacinto College Palo Verde College San Diego State University San Francisco State University Santa Rosa Junior College Shasta College Stanford University UC Berkeley UC Davis UC Irvine UC Los Angeles UC San Diego UC San Francisco UC Santa Barbara University of Southern California Animal Sciences, General California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo California State Polytechnic University, Pomona CSU Chico CSU Fresno UC Davis West Hills College Coalinga Animal Sciences, Other Bonnie Bergin Assistance Dog Institute, The UC Davis Animal / Livestock Husbandry and Production Bakersfield College California Postsecondary Education Commission College of the Sequoias Merced College Modesto Junior College Monterey Peninsula College Moorpark College Mt. San Antonio College Pierce College Reedley College Santa Rosa Junior College Shasta College Sierra College West Hills College Coalinga Animation, Interactive Technology, Video Graphics and Special Effects Brooks Institute Expression College for Digital Arts Platt College - San Diego Anthropology American River College Bakersfield College Berkeley City College Biola University Cabrillo College California State Polytechnic University, Pomona CSU Bakersfield CSU Channel Islands CSU Chico CSU Dominguez Hills CSU East Bay CSU Fresno CSU Fullerton CSU Long Beach CSU Los Angeles CSU Northridge CSU Sacramento CSU San Bernardino CSU Stanislaus Cañada College Cerritos College City College of San Francisco College of Alameda College of the Desert Columbia College Concordia University Contra Costa College Copper Mountain College Crafton Hills College De Anza College El Camino College Evergreen Valley College Foothill College Fresno City College Fullerton College Grossmont College Humboldt State University Irvine Valley College Lake Tahoe Community College Los Angeles Southwest College Los Medanos College Merced College Merritt College Mills College Monterey Peninsula College 123 Part 2: Programs Offered Apparel and Accessories Marketing Operations Moorpark College Mt. San Jacinto College Occidental College Ohlone College Oxnard College Palomar College Pasadena City College Pierce College Pitzer College Sacramento City College Saddleback College Saint Mary’s College of California San Diego City College San Diego Mesa College San Diego State University San Francisco State University San José State University Santa Ana College Santa Barbara City College Santa Clara University Santa Rosa Junior College Santiago Canyon College Skyline College Sonoma State University Southwestern College Stanford University UC Berkeley UC Davis UC Irvine UC Los Angeles UC Riverside UC San Diego UC San Francisco UC Santa Barbara UC Santa Cruz University of La Verne University of Southern California University of the Pacific Vanguard University of Southern California Victor Valley College West Valley College Western Institute for Social Research Apparel and Accessories Marketing Operations California State Polytechnic University, Pomona College of Alameda San Joaquin Delta College Apparel and Textile Manufacture Antelope Valley College California Design College Chaffey College College of Alameda East Los Angeles College El Camino College Fullerton College Glendale Community College Los Angeles Trade-Technical College Los Angeles Valley College Monterey Peninsula College Palomar College Sacramento City College Saddleback College San Diego Mesa College Sierra College 124 Solano Community College West Valley College Applied Economics Apparel and Textile Marketing Management American River College Art Institute of California - San Francisco Butte Community College California Design College Chaffey College City College of San Francisco College of the Sequoias Cuesta College East Los Angeles College El Camino College Fullerton College Glendale Community College Long Beach City College Los Angeles Trade-Technical College Monterey Peninsula College Mt. San Antonio College Orange Coast College Palomar College Saddleback College San Diego Mesa College San Joaquin Delta College Santa Ana College Santa Monica College Skyline College Ventura College Apparel and Textiles, General Allan Hancock College American River College Antelope Valley College California State Polytechnic University, Pomona CSU Sacramento College of Alameda East Los Angeles College El Camino College Mendocino College Orange Coast College Pasadena City College Saddleback College San Francisco State University San Joaquin Delta College Skyline College UC Davis Apparel and Textiles, Other California Design College East Los Angeles College Merritt College Mt. San Antonio College Appliance Installation and Repair Technology / Technician Contra Costa College Los Medanos College Southwestern College College of the Desert UC Berkeley UC Santa Cruz University of San Francisco Applied Horticulture / Horticultural Operations, General Antelope Valley College Bakersfield College Butte Community College Cabrillo College Cerritos College College of the Desert College of the Sequoias Cuyamaca College Diablo Valley College El Camino College Foothill College Fresno City College Las Positas College Lassen Community College Long Beach City College Mendocino College Merced College Merritt College Modesto Junior College Monterey Peninsula College Mt. San Antonio College Orange Coast College Pierce College Saddleback College Santa Barbara City College Santa Rosa Junior College Shasta College Sierra College Victor Valley College Yuba College Applied Mathematics Berkeley City College Biola University California Institute of Technology CSU Channel Islands CSU Chico CSU Fullerton CSU Long Beach CSU Los Angeles CSU Northridge Fresno Pacific University Naval Postgraduate School Palo Verde College San Diego State University San Francisco State University San José State University Santa Clara University UC Berkeley UC Davis UC Irvine UC Los Angeles UC San Diego UC Santa Barbara University of Southern California California Postsecondary Education Commission Part 2: Programs Offered Art Applied Mathematics, Other Berkeley City College San Diego State University Aquatic Biology / Limnology CSU East Bay CSU Fresno CSU Long Beach CSU Monterey Bay CSU Sacramento CSU Stanislaus Oxnard College Pitzer College San Diego State University San Francisco State University San José State University UC Los Angeles UC San Diego UC Santa Barbara UC Santa Cruz University of Southern California Arabic Language and Literature CSU Stanislaus Grossmont College Mashdots College San Joaquin Delta College UC Los Angeles UC Santa Cruz Archeology Cabrillo College Fresno City College Palomar College Pierce College Saint Mary’s College of California UC Berkeley UC Los Angeles UC Santa Cruz Architectural Drafting and Architectural CAD / CADD Allan Hancock College College of the Canyons College of the Redwoods Cosumnes River College Cuyamaca College East Los Angeles College Long Beach City College Merced College Moorpark College Palomar College San Joaquin Delta College Sierra College Southern California Institute of Architecture Victor Valley College Yuba College Architectural Engineering California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo Southern California Institute of Architecture Architectural Engineering Technology / Technician American River College Bakersfield College CSU Fresno Cerritos College Chabot College Citrus College College of Marin College of San Mateo College of the Desert College of the Sequoias Contra Costa College Cosumnes River College Cuyamaca College El Camino College Fullerton College Golden West College Laney College Long Beach City College Los Angeles City College Los Angeles Harbor College Los Angeles Trade-Technical College MiraCosta College Modesto Junior College Monterey Peninsula College Mt. San Antonio College Orange Coast College Pasadena City College Pierce College Rio Hondo College Saddleback College San Diego Mesa College San Joaquin Delta College Santa Ana College Santa Monica College Southwestern College Architecture (BArch, BA / BS, MArch, MA / MS, PhD) Alliant International University - San Diego California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo California State Polytechnic University, Pomona Los Angeles Harbor College Newschool of Architecture & Design UC Berkeley UC Los Angeles UC San Diego University of San Francisco University of Southern California Architecture and Related Services, Other Bakersfield College Cerritos College Chabot College Citrus College College of San Mateo College of the Desert College of the Sequoias Cosumnes River College Cuesta College California Postsecondary Education Commission East Los Angeles College El Camino College Fresno City College Fullerton College Glendale Community College Golden West College Long Beach City College Los Angeles Harbor College Los Angeles Trade-Technical College Los Angeles Valley College MiraCosta College Modesto Junior College Mt. San Antonio College Orange Coast College Pierce College Rio Hondo College Riverside City College Saddleback College San Bernardino Valley College San Diego Mesa College San Joaquin Delta College Santa Rosa Junior College Southwestern College UC Berkeley UC Davis UC Irvine UC Los Angeles Ventura College Area Studies, Other CSU Northridge UC Los Angeles UC San Diego UC Santa Barbara University of the Pacific Area, Ethnic, Cultural, and Gender Studies, Other Azusa Pacific University Berkeley City College CSU Northridge Pepperdine University Pitzer College Saint Mary’s College of California San Diego State University UC Berkeley UC Davis UC San Diego UC Santa Barbara UC Santa Cruz Western Institute for Social Research Army JROTC / ROTC California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo California State Polytechnic University, Pomona San Diego State University Stanford University UC Davis UC Santa Barbara Art CSU Channel Islands Oxnard College San Joaquin Delta College 125 Part 2: Programs Offered Art History, Criticism and Conservation Santa Rosa Junior College Solano Community College Art History, Criticism and Conservation Berkeley City College California Institute of the Arts CSU Dominguez Hills CSU Fullerton CSU Long Beach CSU Los Angeles CSU Northridge CSU San Bernardino CSU Stanislaus City College of San Francisco Concordia University Dominican University of California Mills College Pitzer College San Diego State University San José State University Santa Clara University Santa Rosa Junior College Sonoma State University UC Berkeley UC Davis UC Irvine UC Los Angeles UC Riverside UC San Diego UC Santa Barbara UC Santa Cruz University of Redlands University of the Pacific Art Teacher Education Azusa Pacific University Notre Dame de Namur University Point Loma Nazarene University Rudolf Steiner College San Francisco State University Art Therapy / Therapist Notre Dame de Namur University Art / Art Studies, General Allan Hancock College American River College Azusa Pacific University Bakersfield College Barstow College Berkeley City College Butte Community College Cabrillo College California Baptist University California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo California State Polytechnic University, Pomona CSU Bakersfield CSU Channel Islands CSU Chico CSU Dominguez Hills CSU East Bay CSU Fresno CSU Fullerton 126 CSU Long Beach CSU Los Angeles CSU Monterey Bay CSU Northridge CSU Sacramento CSU San Bernardino CSU Stanislaus Cañada College Cerritos College Cerro Coso Community College Chabot College Chaffey College City College of San Francisco College of Alameda College of Marin College of the Canyons College of the Desert College of the Sequoias Columbia College Concordia University Contra Costa College Copper Mountain College Cosumnes River College Crafton Hills College De Anza College Dominican University of California El Camino College Evergreen Valley College Folsom Lake College Foothill College Fresno City College Fullerton College Gavilan College Glendale Community College Grossmont College Hartnell College Humboldt State University Imperial Valley College Irvine Valley College La Sierra University Lake Tahoe Community College Laney College Lassen Community College Long Beach City College Los Angeles City College Los Angeles Mission College Los Angeles Southwest College Los Medanos College Mendocino College Mills College MiraCosta College Mission College Modesto Junior College Monterey Peninsula College Moorpark College Mt. San Jacinto College Notre Dame de Namur University Occidental College Ohlone College Oxnard College Palomar College Pasadena City College Pepperdine University Pierce College Pitzer College Point Loma Nazarene University Porterville College Reedley College Rio Hondo College Sacramento City College Saddleback College Saint Mary’s College of California San Bernardino Valley College San Diego City College San Diego Mesa College San Diego State University San Francisco State University San Joaquin Delta College San Jose City College San José State University Santa Ana College Santa Barbara City College Santa Clara University Santa Monica College Santa Rosa Junior College Santiago Canyon College Shasta College Sierra College Skyline College Solano Community College Sonoma State University Southwestern College Stanford University Taft College UC Berkeley UC Davis UC Irvine UC Los Angeles UC Riverside UC Santa Barbara UC Santa Cruz University of La Verne University of San Francisco University of the Pacific Ventura College Victor Valley College West Hills College at Lemoore West Hills College Coalinga West Valley College Westmont College Whittier College Yuba College Arts Management CSU Dominguez Hills CSU East Bay University of Southern California Asian Studies / Civilization Berkeley City College CSU Channel Islands CSU Chico CSU Long Beach CSU Northridge CSU Sacramento Intercultural Institute of California Naval Postgraduate School Occidental College Pepperdine University Pitzer College San Diego State University UC Berkeley UC Irvine UC Los Angeles UC Riverside UC San Diego UC Santa Barbara University of Redlands University of San Francisco California Postsecondary Education Commission Part 2: Programs Offered Automobile / Automotive Mechanics Technology / Technician Asian-American Studies Berkeley City College CSU Fullerton CSU Northridge Contra Costa College Intercultural Institute of California Ohlone College San Francisco State University Stanford University UC Berkeley UC Davis UC Irvine UC Los Angeles UC Riverside UC Santa Barbara UC Santa Cruz Astronomy Berkeley City College Cabrillo College California Institute of Technology CSU Northridge CSU Stanislaus City College of San Francisco Contra Costa College Crafton Hills College Los Angeles Harbor College Mt. San Jacinto College Ohlone College Palomar College San Diego State University San Francisco State University Solano Community College Thomas Aquinas College UC Davis UC Irvine UC Los Angeles UC Santa Cruz University of Southern California Victor Valley College Astrophysics San Francisco State University UC Berkeley UC Irvine UC Los Angeles UC Santa Cruz Athletic Training / Trainer Bryan College of Court Reporting College of the Canyons College of the Sequoias Concordia University Diablo Valley College Foothill College Fresno Pacific University Modesto Junior College Mt. San Antonio College Optimal Performance Institute, The Pepperdine University Point Loma Nazarene University San Bernardino Valley College San Diego Christian College San Diego State University Santa Rosa Junior College Vanguard University of Southern California Victor Valley College Atmospheric Sciences and Meteorology UC Los Angeles Atmospheric Sciences and Meteorology, General Naval Postgraduate School San Francisco State University San José State University Santa Rosa Junior College Solano Community College UC Berkeley UC Davis UC Irvine UC Los Angeles Atomic / Molecular Physics Naval Postgraduate School San Diego State University Thomas Aquinas College Audiology / Audiologist and Hearing Sciences CSU Long Beach San Diego State University Audiology / Audiologist and Speech-Language Pathology / Pathologist Cerritos College Crafton Hills College Evergreen Valley College Grossmont College Loma Linda University Orange Coast College San Joaquin Delta College Santa Ana College UC Santa Barbara University of Redlands University of the Pacific Whittier College Autobody / Collision and Repair Technology / Technician Allan Hancock College American River College Antelope Valley College Cerritos College Chaffey College Citrus College College of Alameda College of Marin Contra Costa College Cypress College El Camino College Fresno City College Golden West College California Postsecondary Education Commission Hartnell College Imperial Valley College Long Beach City College Los Angeles Trade-Technical College MiraCosta College Modesto Junior College Oxnard College Palomar College Rio Hondo College Riverside City College San Bernardino Valley College San Joaquin Delta College Santa Monica College Solano Community College WyoTech - Fremont Yuba College Automobile / Automotive Mechanics Technology / Technician Allan Hancock College American River College Antelope Valley College Bakersfield College Barstow College Butte Community College Cerritos College Chabot College Chaffey College Citrus College City College of San Francisco College of Alameda College of Marin College of the Desert College of the Redwoods College of the Sequoias Columbia College Contra Costa College Copper Mountain College Cosumnes River College Cuesta College Cuyamaca College Cypress College De Anza College East Los Angeles College El Camino College Evergreen Valley College Fresno City College Fullerton College Golden West College Hartnell College Imperial Valley College Las Positas College Lassen Community College Long Beach City College Los Angeles Harbor College Los Angeles Trade-Technical College Los Medanos College Mendocino College Merced College MiraCosta College Modesto Junior College Monterey Peninsula College Mt. San Jacinto College Oxnard College Palo Verde College Palomar College Pasadena City College Pierce College Porterville College 127 Part 2: Programs Offered Automotive Engineering Technology / Technician Reedley College Rio Hondo College Riverside City College Saddleback College San Bernardino Valley College San Diego Miramar College San Joaquin Delta College Santa Ana College Santa Barbara City College Santa Monica College Santa Rosa Junior College Shasta College Sierra College Skyline College Solano Community College Southwestern College Taft College Ventura College Victor Valley College WyoTech - Fremont Yuba College Automotive Engineering Technology / Technician Barstow College Copper Mountain College Lassen Community College Mt. San Jacinto College Santiago Canyon College Aviation / Airway Management and Operations Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Glendale Community College San Diego Miramar College Avionics Maintenance Technology / Technician Aviation & Electronic School of America College of Alameda Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Fullerton College Orange Coast College Baking and Pastry Arts / Baker / Pastry Chef California Culinary Academy Banking and Financial Support Services California School of International Management City College of San Francisco Glendale Community College Hartnell College Imperial Valley College Lake Tahoe Community College Laney College Los Angeles City College Los Angeles Southwest College Los Angeles Trade-Technical College Los Angeles Valley College 128 Modesto Junior College Mt. San Jacinto College Palomar College Pasadena City College San Diego City College San Diego Miramar College San Francisco State University San Joaquin Delta College Santa Barbara City College Solano Community College Southwestern College Barbering / Barber National Institute of Technology Basic Skills, General Berkeley City College Cañada College Chaffey College Citrus College City College of San Francisco Coastline Community College College of Alameda Crafton Hills College East Los Angeles College Hubbard College of Administration International Palo Verde College Palomar College San Joaquin Delta College Solano Community College Basic Skills, Other Berkeley City College Chaffey College City College of San Francisco College of Alameda Palo Verde College Pierce College Santa Rosa Junior College Solano Community College Taft College Escondido Bible College Evangelia University Fresno Pacific University Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary Hope International University King’s College and Seminary LIFE Pacific College Northern California Bible College Pacific Baptist College Patten University San Diego Christian College Shiloh Bible College Southern California Seminary Thomas Aquinas College Trinity Life Bible College Vanguard University of Southern California Vision International University Western Conservative Baptist Seminary - Bay Area William Jessup University Bilingual and Multilingual Education CSU Dominguez Hills CSU Fullerton CSU Los Angeles CSU San Bernardino CSU San Marcos CSU Stanislaus Fresno Pacific University Mashdots College Notre Dame de Namur University San Diego State University Soka University of America UC Irvine UC Santa Cruz University of La Verne University of San Francisco University of Southern California Biochemistry Bible / Biblical Studies Azusa Pacific University Bay Cities Bible College Bethesda Christian University Biola University Booker T. Crenshaw Christian College & School of Ministry, Inc. California Biblical University and Seminary California Christian College California Graduate School of Theology CSU Chico California Union University Calvary Chapel Bible College Capital Bible College Chinese for Christ Calvin Chao Theological Seminary Christian Life College Christian Life International Bible College Christian Witness Theological Seminary Claremont School of Theology Coastland University Cohen University and Theological Seminary Concordia University Biola University California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo CSU Dominguez Hills CSU East Bay CSU Fullerton CSU Long Beach CSU Los Angeles CSU Northridge CSU San Bernardino CSU San Marcos La Sierra University Loma Linda University Mills College Notre Dame de Namur University Occidental College Pepperdine University Point Loma Nazarene University Saint Mary’s College of California San Diego State University San Francisco State University San José State University Stanford University UC Berkeley UC Davis UC Irvine UC Los Angeles UC Riverside California Postsecondary Education Commission Part 2: Programs Offered Biology / Biological Sciences, General UC San Diego UC San Francisco UC Santa Barbara UC Santa Cruz University of Southern California University of the Pacific Biochemistry, Biophysics and Molecular Biology UC Irvine UC Riverside Biological and Biomedical Sciences, Other American Jewish University Azusa Pacific University Berkeley City College California State Polytechnic University, Pomona Cleveland Chiropractic College College of San Mateo College of the Redwoods Concordia University Cuyamaca College Foothill College Fresno Pacific University Keck Graduate Institute of Applied Life Sciences Loma Linda University Menlo College Mills College Mt. San Jacinto College Ohlone College Saint Mary’s College of California San José State University Santa Rosa Junior College Santiago Canyon College Shasta College Stanford University Thomas Aquinas College UC Berkeley UC Davis UC Irvine UC Los Angeles UC Merced UC Merced UC Riverside UC San Diego UC San Francisco UC Santa Barbara UC Santa Cruz University of La Verne University of Southern California University of the Pacific Victor Valley College Biological and Physical Sciences American River College Barstow College Berkeley City College Cabrillo College CSU Bakersfield CSU East Bay CSU Fullerton CSU Los Angeles CSU Northridge CSU Sacramento CSU San Bernardino CSU Stanislaus Cerritos College Cerro Coso Community College Citrus College College of Marin College of the Canyons College of the Redwoods Cosumnes River College De Anza College El Camino College Folsom Lake College Foothill College Glendale Community College Imperial Valley College Lake Tahoe Community College Laney College Merritt College Moorpark College Mt. San Antonio College Mt. San Jacinto College Napa Valley College Ohlone College Oxnard College Palomar College Porterville College Riverside City College Sacramento City College San Joaquin Delta College San José State University Santa Ana College Santa Monica College Santa Rosa Junior College Santiago Canyon College Sierra College Skyline College Solano Community College Sonoma State University University of Southern California University of the Pacific Victor Valley College Biology Teacher Education Azusa Pacific University Biola University Fresno Pacific University Notre Dame de Namur University Rudolf Steiner College San Diego State University San Francisco State University Biology Technician / Biotechnology Laboratory Technician American River College Berkeley City College City College of San Francisco College of the Canyons Contra Costa College De Anza College Foothill College Fullerton College Laney College Merced College MiraCosta College Moorpark College California Postsecondary Education Commission Ohlone College Pasadena City College Pierce College San Diego Mesa College San Diego Miramar College Santa Barbara City College Skyline College Solano Community College Southwestern College Ventura College Victor Valley College Biology, General UC Riverside UC San Diego UC San Francisco Biology / Biological Sciences, General Allan Hancock College American River College Antelope Valley College Azusa Pacific University Bakersfield College Barstow College Berkeley City College Biola University Butte Community College Cabrillo College California Baptist University California Institute of Technology California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo California State Polytechnic University, Pomona CSU Bakersfield CSU Channel Islands CSU Chico CSU Dominguez Hills CSU East Bay CSU Fresno CSU Fullerton CSU Long Beach CSU Los Angeles CSU Northridge CSU Sacramento CSU San Bernardino CSU San Marcos CSU Stanislaus Cañada College Cerritos College Cerro Coso Community College Chabot College Chaffey College Citrus College College of Alameda College of Marin College of San Mateo College of the Canyons College of the Redwoods College of the Sequoias College of the Siskiyous Columbia College Concordia University Contra Costa College Cosumnes River College Crafton Hills College Cuyamaca College De Anza College 129 Part 2: Programs Offered Biomedical Technology / Technician Dominican University of California El Camino College Evergreen Valley College Feather River College Folsom Lake College Foothill College Fresno City College Fresno Pacific University Fullerton College Gavilan College Glendale Community College Grossmont College Hartnell College Holy Names University Humboldt State University Imperial Valley College Irvine Valley College La Sierra University Lake Tahoe Community College Las Positas College Lassen Community College Loma Linda University Long Beach City College Los Angeles Harbor College Los Angeles Southwest College Los Angeles Valley College Los Medanos College Mendocino College Merced College Mills College MiraCosta College Mission College Modesto Junior College Monterey Peninsula College Moorpark College Mt. San Jacinto College Napa Valley College Notre Dame de Namur University Occidental College Ohlone College Oxnard College Palo Verde College Palomar College Pasadena City College Pepperdine University Pitzer College Point Loma Nazarene University Porterville College Reedley College Riverside City College Sacramento City College Saddleback College Saint Mary’s College of California San Bernardino Valley College San Diego Christian College San Diego City College San Diego Mesa College San Diego Miramar College San Diego State University San Francisco State University San Joaquin Delta College San José State University Santa Ana College Santa Barbara City College Santa Clara University Santa Rosa Junior College Santiago Canyon College Sierra College Skyline College Solano Community College Sonoma State University Southwestern College 130 Stanford University Taft College UC Berkeley UC Davis UC Irvine UC Los Angeles UC Merced UC Riverside UC San Diego UC Santa Barbara UC Santa Cruz University of La Verne University of Redlands University of San Francisco University of Southern California University of the Pacific Vanguard University of Southern California Ventura College West Hills College at Lemoore West Hills College Coalinga West Los Angeles College West Valley College Westmont College Whittier College Yuba College Biomedical Technology / Technician Cerritos College Los Angeles Valley College MiraCosta College Biomedical / Medical Engineering CSU Long Beach CSU Sacramento UC Berkeley UC Davis UC Irvine UC Los Angeles UC Merced UC Riverside UC San Diego UC San Francisco University of Southern California Biometry / Biometrics San Diego State University Biophysics CSU Northridge Stanford University UC Berkeley UC Davis UC Irvine UC Los Angeles UC San Diego UC San Francisco University of Southern California Biopsychology Saint Mary’s College of California Biostatistics Loma Linda University UC Berkeley UC Davis UC Los Angeles University of Southern California Biotechnology Berkeley City College California State Polytechnic University, Pomona CSU Channel Islands CSU San Marcos UC Davis UC Irvine UC Los Angeles Botany / Plant Biology California State Polytechnic University, Pomona CSU Chico CSU Long Beach CSU Stanislaus College of Alameda Humboldt State University Palo Verde College San Francisco State University San José State University Santa Rosa Junior College UC Berkeley UC Davis UC Irvine UC Los Angeles UC Riverside Botany / Plant Biology, Other Claremont Graduate University Palo Verde College UC Davis UC Riverside Broadcast Journalism Biola University Long Beach City College Menlo College Pasadena City College San Diego City College University of La Verne University of Southern California Buddhist Studies CSU Bakersfield CSU Chico CSU Fresno CSU Fullerton CSU Long Beach CSU Northridge Chaffey College Crafton Hills College Fullerton College Humboldt State University California Postsecondary Education Commission Part 2: Programs Offered Business Administration and Management, General San Diego State University San José State University UC Berkeley UC Davis UC Los Angeles UC Riverside UC San Diego UC Santa Barbara Building / Construction Finishing, Management, and Inspection, Other Cabrillo College California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo City College of San Francisco College of the Desert Cosumnes River College Fullerton College Laney College San Diego Mesa College Santa Rosa Junior College Ventura College Victor Valley College Building / Home / Construction Inspection / Inspector American River College Butte Community College Cabrillo College Chabot College Coastline Community College College of San Mateo College of the Desert College of the Sequoias Cosumnes River College Diablo Valley College Fresno City College Fullerton College Modesto Junior College Monterey Peninsula College Mt. San Antonio College Palomar College Pasadena City College Riverside City College San Bernardino Valley College San Diego Mesa College Santa Ana College Southwestern College Business Administration and Management, General Allan Hancock College Alliant International University - San Diego American InterContinental University American Liberty University American River College Antelope Valley College Argosy University - San Francisco Azusa Pacific University Bakersfield College Barstow College Berkeley City College Biola University Butte Community College California American University California Baptist University California Coast University California Maritime Academy California National University For Advanced Studies California Pacific University California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo California School of International Management California Southern University California State Polytechnic University, Pomona CSU Bakersfield CSU Channel Islands CSU Chico CSU Dominguez Hills CSU East Bay CSU Fresno CSU Fullerton CSU Long Beach CSU Los Angeles CSU Monterey Bay CSU Northridge CSU Sacramento CSU San Bernardino CSU San Marcos CSU Stanislaus California University of Business and Technology California University of Management and Sciences California University of Technology Cañada College CapStone University Central Michigan University Cerritos College Cerro Coso Community College Chabot College Chaffey College Citrus College Claremont Graduate University College of Alameda College of Marin College of San Mateo College of the Canyons College of the Desert College of the Sequoias College of the Siskiyous Columbia College Columbia College of Missouri Concordia University Contra Costa College Copper Mountain College Cosumnes River College Crafton Hills College Cuesta College Cuyamaca College Cypress College De Anza College DeVry University Diablo Valley College Dominican University of California East Los Angeles College El Camino College Evergreen Valley College Folsom Lake College Foothill College Frederick Taylor University Fresno City College Fresno Pacific University California Postsecondary Education Commission Fullerton College Glendale Community College Golden Gate University Golden West College Grossmont College Hartnell College Heald Colleges of California Administrative Office Holy Names University Hope International University Hubbard College of Administration International Humboldt State University Imperial Valley College International American University Irvine Valley College La Sierra University Lake Tahoe Community College Laney College Lassen Community College Lincoln University Long Beach City College Los Angeles City College Los Angeles Mission College Los Angeles Southwest College Los Angeles Trade-Technical College Los Angeles Valley College Mendocino College Menlo College Merced College Merritt College MiraCosta College Modesto Junior College Monterey Peninsula College Moorpark College Mt. San Antonio College Mt. San Jacinto College Mt. Sierra College Napa Valley College Naval Postgraduate School Newport University Ohlone College Orange Coast College Oxnard College Pacific States University Palo Verde College Palomar College Park University Pasadena City College Pepperdine University Pierce College Point Loma Nazarene University Porterville College Reedley College Remington College Rio Hondo College Riverside City College Sacramento City College Saddleback College Saint Mary’s College of California San Bernardino Valley College San Diego Christian College San Diego City College San Diego Mesa College San Diego Miramar College San Diego State University San Francisco State University San Joaquin Valley College - Visalia San Jose City College San José State University Santa Ana College Santa Barbara Business College 131 Part 2: Programs Offered Business Administration, Management and Operations, Other Santa Barbara City College Santa Clara University Santa Monica College Santa Rosa Junior College Santiago Canyon College Shasta College Sierra College Skyline College Solano Community College Sonoma State University Southern States University Southwestern College Stanford University Taft College UC Berkeley UC Davis UC Irvine UC Los Angeles UC Riverside UC San Diego University of La Verne University of Phoenix University of Redlands University of San Francisco University of Southern California University of the Pacific Vanguard University of Southern California Ventura College Victor Valley College Vision International University Webster University Weimar College West Hills College at Lemoore West Hills College Coalinga West Los Angeles College West Valley College Whittier College Yuba College Yuin University Business Administration, Management and Operations, Other Alliant International University - San Diego American Graduate University Argosy University - San Francisco California International University California Pacific University California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo California School of International Management California Southern University CSU Chico CSU Fresno CSU Fullerton CSU Los Angeles CSU San Bernardino DeVry University Dominican University of California Foothill College Fresno Pacific University Hubbard College of Administration International MiraCosta College MTI College New Bridge University Newport University Notre Dame de Namur University Ohlone College Pepperdine University 132 Saddleback College San Diego Golf Academy San Francisco State University San José State University Santa Rosa Junior College UC Berkeley Vision International University Business and Personal / Financial Services Marketing Operations College of Alameda Hubbard College of Administration International San Joaquin Delta College Santa Ana College Business and Social Skills California School of International Management College of Alameda Hubbard College of Administration International Business Family and Consumer Sciences / Human Sciences Point Loma Nazarene University Business Machine Repair Santa Barbara City College Business Operations Support and Secretarial Services, Other East Los Angeles College Southern California Institute of Technology Business Statistics California School of International Management CapStone University Hubbard College of Administration International Business Teacher Education Azusa Pacific University CSU Northridge Fresno Pacific University San Francisco State University Business, Management, Marketing, and Related Support Services, Other Allan Hancock College American Jewish University Bakersfield College Barstow College California School of International Management CSU Dominguez Hills CSU Fullerton CSU Northridge CSU Stanislaus Chaffey College De Anza College Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Fresno City College Fresno Pacific University Hubbard College of Administration International Los Angeles Golf College National Institute of Technology Pasadena City College Patten University Pepperdine University Professional Golfers Career College San Diego State University San Joaquin Delta College Santa Ana College Santa Clara University Santa Rosa Junior College Santiago Canyon College University of La Verne University of Phoenix Vision International University William Howard Taft University Business / Commerce, General Allan Hancock College American Heritage University American InterContinental University American River College Antelope Valley College Azusa Pacific University Bakersfield College Barstow College Berkeley City College Biola University Butte Community College Cabrillo College California Baptist University California International University California School of International Management California Southern University CSU Channel Islands CSU Fullerton CSU Los Angeles CSU Sacramento CSU Stanislaus California University of Business and Technology Central Texas College Cerritos College Cerro Coso Community College Citrus College Coastline Community College College of Alameda College of Marin College of San Mateo College of the Canyons College of the Desert College of the Redwoods College of the Sequoias College of the Siskiyous Columbia College Contra Costa College California Postsecondary Education Commission Part 2: Programs Offered Central / Middle and Eastern European Studies Copper Mountain College Cosumnes River College Cuyamaca College De Anza College Diablo Valley College East Los Angeles College El Camino College Evergreen Valley College Feather River College Folsom Lake College Fresno City College Fullerton College Gavilan College Glendale Community College Grossmont College Heald Colleges of California Administrative Office Hubbard College of Administration International Irvine Valley College Lake Tahoe Community College Long Beach City College Los Angeles City College Los Angeles Harbor College Los Angeles Mission College Los Angeles Southwest College Los Angeles Valley College Los Medanos College Mendocino College Merced College Merritt College MiraCosta College Mission College Modesto Junior College Monterey Peninsula College Moorpark College Mt. San Antonio College Mt. San Jacinto College Napa Valley College Newport University Northwestern Polytechnic University Ohlone College Oxnard College Palomar College Pasadena City College Pierce College Porterville College Reedley College Riverside City College Sacramento City College Saddleback College Saint Mary’s College of California San Diego State University San Joaquin Delta College San Jose City College Santa Ana College Santa Monica College Shasta College Sierra College Solano Community College Taft College University of La Verne University of Redlands University of San Francisco University of Southern California Ventura College Victor Valley College Vision International University Webster University West Hills College at Lemoore West Los Angeles College West Valley College Yuba College Business / Corporate Communications California School of International Management CapStone University Holy Names University Point Loma Nazarene University Business / Managerial Economics California School of International Management CSU Fullerton CSU Long Beach CSU Los Angeles CSU San Bernardino Holy Names University Mills College Pitzer College Santa Clara University UC Los Angeles UC Riverside UC Santa Barbara UC Santa Cruz University of La Verne Business / Office Automation / Technology / Data Entry Pasadena City College Skyline College Cabinetmaking and Millwork / Millwright Cerritos College College of the Redwoods College of the Sequoias El Camino College Fresno City College Laney College Long Beach City College Los Angeles Trade-Technical College Merced College Palomar College San Joaquin Delta College Sierra College Cardiovascular Technology / Technologist City College of San Francisco Grossmont College Loma Linda University Orange Coast College Career Exploration / Awareness Skills Berkeley City College Cañada College City College of San Francisco College of Alameda California Postsecondary Education Commission Crafton Hills College Hubbard College of Administration International Intercultural Institute of California Palo Verde College Palomar College Solano Community College Carpentry / Carpenter American River College Bakersfield College College of the Sequoias El Camino College Fullerton College Hartnell College Laney College Long Beach City College Los Angeles Trade-Technical College Palomar College Porterville College San Joaquin Delta College Santiago Canyon College Shasta College Sierra College Victor Valley College Cell Biology and Anatomy CSU Channel Islands CSU Northridge San Francisco State University UC Davis UC Irvine Cell / Cellular Biology and Anatomical Sciences, Other Berkeley City College Concordia University San Francisco State University UC Berkeley UC Los Angeles UC Merced UC Riverside UC San Diego UC Santa Barbara UC Santa Cruz Cell / Cellular Biology and Histology CSU Channel Islands CSU Northridge Concordia University Loma Linda University San Francisco State University Stanford University UC Davis UC Irvine UC San Francisco UC Santa Barbara University of Southern California Central / Middle and Eastern European Studies Naval Postgraduate School 133 Part 2: Programs Offered Ceramic Arts and Ceramics UC Berkeley UC Los Angeles UC San Diego UC Santa Barbara UC Santa Cruz Ceramic Arts and Ceramics American River College Berkeley City College Butte Community College CSU San Bernardino Chabot College Citrus College City College of San Francisco Concordia University De Anza College Glendale Community College Grossmont College Mendocino College Monterey Peninsula College Ohlone College Palomar College San Diego Mesa College Santa Rosa Junior College Skyline College UC Santa Cruz Chemical Engineering California Institute of Technology California State Polytechnic University, Pomona CSU Long Beach San José State University Stanford University UC Berkeley UC Davis UC Irvine UC Los Angeles UC Riverside UC San Diego UC Santa Barbara University of Southern California Chemical Technology / Technician Las Positas College Los Angeles Trade-Technical College Chemistry Teacher Education Azusa Pacific University Notre Dame de Namur University Pepperdine University Rudolf Steiner College San Diego State University San Francisco State University UC Irvine Chemistry, General Allan Hancock College Azusa Pacific University Bakersfield College Berkeley City College Biola University 134 Butte Community College Cabrillo College California Baptist University California Institute of Technology California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo California State Polytechnic University, Pomona CSU Bakersfield CSU Channel Islands CSU Chico CSU Dominguez Hills CSU East Bay CSU Fresno CSU Fullerton CSU Long Beach CSU Los Angeles CSU Northridge CSU Sacramento CSU San Bernardino CSU San Marcos CSU Stanislaus Cerritos College Chabot College Chaffey College City College of San Francisco College of the Canyons College of the Desert College of the Sequoias College of the Siskiyous Contra Costa College Crafton Hills College Cuesta College Cuyamaca College El Camino College Evergreen Valley College Feather River College Foothill College Fresno Pacific University Fullerton College Hartnell College Humboldt State University Irvine Valley College La Sierra University Lake Tahoe Community College Las Positas College Los Angeles City College Los Angeles Harbor College Los Angeles Valley College Mendocino College Merced College Merritt College Mills College MiraCosta College Moorpark College Mt. San Jacinto College Napa Valley College Occidental College Ohlone College Palo Verde College Palomar College Pasadena City College Pepperdine University Pitzer College Point Loma Nazarene University Saddleback College Saint Mary’s College of California San Bernardino Valley College San Diego City College San Diego State University San Francisco State University San José State University Santa Ana College Santa Barbara City College Santa Clara University Santa Monica College Santa Rosa Junior College Santiago Canyon College Solano Community College Sonoma State University Stanford University Thomas Aquinas College UC Berkeley UC Davis UC Irvine UC Los Angeles UC Riverside UC San Diego UC Santa Barbara UC Santa Cruz University of La Verne University of Redlands University of San Francisco University of Southern California University of the Pacific Vanguard University of Southern California Victor Valley College West Hills College at Lemoore West Hills College Coalinga West Los Angeles College West Valley College Westmont College Whittier College Chemistry, Other Berkeley City College Saint Mary’s College of California UC Berkeley UC Irvine UC Los Angeles UC San Diego UC San Francisco Child Care and Support Services Management Allan Hancock College American River College Antelope Valley College Bakersfield College Barstow College Cabrillo College Cerritos College Cerro Coso Community College Chabot College Chaffey College Citrus College City College of San Francisco College of Marin College of the Canyons College of the Desert College of the Redwoods College of the Sequoias College of the Siskiyous Columbia College Concordia University Cosumnes River College Crafton Hills College Cuesta College Cuyamaca College De Anza College East Los Angeles College California Postsecondary Education Commission Part 2: Programs Offered Chinese Language and Literature El Camino College Feather River College Foothill College Fresno City College Fullerton College Gavilan College Glendale Community College Grossmont College Hartnell College Imperial Valley College Irvine Valley College Lake Tahoe Community College Laney College Las Positas College Lassen Community College Los Angeles City College Los Angeles Harbor College Los Angeles Mission College Los Angeles Southwest College Los Angeles Valley College Mendocino College Merced College Merritt College MiraCosta College Modesto Junior College Monterey Peninsula College Moorpark College Mt. San Antonio College Mt. San Jacinto College Napa Valley College Ohlone College Orange Coast College Oxnard College Palomar College Pasadena City College Pierce College Porterville College Reedley College Rio Hondo College Sacramento City College Saddleback College San Bernardino Valley College San Diego City College San Diego Mesa College San Diego Miramar College San Joaquin Delta College San Jose City College Santa Ana College Santa Barbara City College Santa Monica College Santa Rosa Junior College Shasta College Sierra College Solano Community College Southwestern College Taft College University of La Verne Ventura College Victor Valley College West Los Angeles College West Valley College Whittier College Yuba College Child Care Provider / Assistant East Los Angeles College Oxnard College San Joaquin Delta College Child Development Allan Hancock College American River College Antelope Valley College Bakersfield College Barstow College Butte Community College Cabrillo College CSU Chico CSU Northridge CSU San Bernardino Cañada College Cerro Coso Community College Chabot College Chaffey College Citrus College City College of San Francisco College of Marin College of the Canyons College of the Desert College of the Redwoods College of the Sequoias College of the Siskiyous Columbia College Concordia University Contra Costa College Copper Mountain College Cosumnes River College Crafton Hills College Cuesta College Cuyamaca College De Anza College Diablo Valley College East Los Angeles College El Camino College Feather River College Folsom Lake College Foothill College Fresno City College Fullerton College Gavilan College Glendale Community College Grossmont College Hartnell College Hope International University Imperial Valley College Irvine Valley College La Sierra University Lake Tahoe Community College Las Positas College Lassen Community College Long Beach City College Los Angeles City College Los Angeles Harbor College Los Angeles Mission College Los Angeles Southwest College Los Angeles Trade-Technical College Los Angeles Valley College Los Medanos College Mendocino College Merced College Merritt College MiraCosta College Mission College Modesto Junior College Monterey Peninsula College Moorpark College Mt. San Antonio College Mt. San Jacinto College Ohlone College California Postsecondary Education Commission Orange Coast College Oxnard College Palo Verde College Palomar College Pasadena City College Patten University Pierce College Point Loma Nazarene University Porterville College Reedley College Rio Hondo College Riverside City College Sacramento City College Saddleback College San Bernardino Valley College San Diego City College San Diego Mesa College San Diego Miramar College San Diego State University San Francisco State University San Joaquin Delta College San Jose City College Santa Ana College Santa Barbara City College Santa Monica College Santa Rosa Junior College Santiago Canyon College Shasta College Sierra College Skyline College Solano Community College Southwestern College Taft College UC Davis University of La Verne Ventura College Victor Valley College West Hills College at Lemoore West Hills College Coalinga West Los Angeles College West Valley College Yuba College Chinese Language and Literature CSU Los Angeles CSU Northridge CSU Stanislaus City College of San Francisco College of San Mateo Contra Costa College Diablo Valley College Los Angeles City College Monterey Institute of International Studies San Diego State University San Francisco State University San Joaquin Delta College San José State University Stanford University Tien Tao Chong Hua University UC Berkeley UC Davis UC Irvine UC Los Angeles UC Riverside UC Santa Barbara UC Santa Cruz 135 Part 2: Programs Offered Chiropractic (DC) Chiropractic (DC) Cleveland Chiropractic College Life Chiropractic College West Palmer College of Chiropractic West Southern California University of Health Sciences Cinematography and Film / Video Production Academy of Art University Allan Hancock College American Film Institute Art Institute of California - San Francisco California Institute of the Arts City College of San Francisco Columbia College - Hollywood Gavilan College Los Angeles City College Los Angeles Valley College Platt College - San Diego San Diego City College San Francisco Art Institute San Francisco State University Santa Barbara City College UC Santa Cruz University of Southern California West Valley College Citizenship Activities, General Palo Verde College City / Urban, Community and Regional Planning California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo California State Polytechnic University, Pomona CSU Chico CSU Fresno San Diego State University San José State University UC Berkeley UC Davis UC Irvine UC Los Angeles University of Southern California Civil Drafting and Civil Engineering CAD / CADD Cabrillo College San Joaquin Delta College Southern California Institute of Architecture Civil Engineering Technology / Technician Cabrillo College College of the Desert Cosumnes River College Cuyamaca College 136 UC Los Angeles Diablo Valley College Hartnell College Laney College Orange Coast College Riverside City College San Diego Mesa College Santa Rosa Junior College Ventura College Clinical Laboratory Science / Medical Technology / Technologist Civil Engineering, General California Institute of Technology California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo California State Polytechnic University, Pomona CSU Chico CSU Fresno CSU Fullerton CSU Long Beach CSU Los Angeles CSU Northridge CSU Sacramento San Diego State University San Francisco State University San José State University Santa Clara University Stanford University UC Berkeley UC Davis UC Irvine UC Los Angeles University of Southern California University of the Pacific Civil Engineering, Other California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo Humboldt State University Classics and Classical Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics, General CSU Long Beach CSU Northridge Saint Mary’s College of California San Diego State University San Francisco State University Santa Clara University Stanford University Thomas Aquinas College UC Berkeley UC Davis UC Irvine UC Los Angeles UC Riverside UC San Diego UC Santa Barbara UC Santa Cruz University of Southern California Classics and Classical Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics, Other UC Berkeley CSU Dominguez Hills CSU Long Beach CSU Los Angeles CSU Northridge CSU Sacramento CSU Stanislaus Loma Linda University San Francisco State University Clinical Psychology Alliant International University - San Diego Argosy University - San Francisco Azusa Pacific University Biola University California Graduate Institute CSU Dominguez Hills CSU Fullerton CSU San Bernardino CSU Stanislaus Center for Psychological Studies Concordia University Dominican University of California Graduate Center for Child Development and Psychotherapy Loma Linda University Newport University Pepperdine University Professional School of Psychology Sacramento Remington College Ryokan College San Diego State University San Francisco State University San José State University Trinity College of Graduate Studies UC Davis UC San Diego UC Santa Barbara University of La Verne Wright Institute, The Clinical / Medical Laboratory Assistant American University of Health Sciences CSU Dominguez Hills CSU Los Angeles San Francisco State University Clinical / Medical Laboratory Science and Allied Professions, Other Long Beach City College San Joaquin Valley College - Visalia Clinical / Medical Laboratory Technician Cabrillo College El Camino College California Postsecondary Education Commission Part 2: Programs Offered Communication Studies / Speech Communication and Rhetoric Los Angeles Valley College Mt. San Antonio College Pasadena City College West Valley College Clinical / Medical Social Work CSU Northridge San Joaquin Valley College - Visalia Sanville Institute West Hills College Coalinga Cognitive Psychology and Psycholinguistics CSU Stanislaus Claremont Graduate University UC Berkeley UC Los Angeles UC San Diego UC Santa Cruz Collecting Solano Community College College Student Counseling and Personnel Services Azusa Pacific University CSU San Bernardino University of Southern California College / University Preparatory and Advanced High School / Secondary Diploma Program CSU Chico Commercial and Advertising Art Academy of Art University Allan Hancock College Art Institute of California - San Francisco Azusa Pacific University Berkeley City College Butte Community College California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo California State Polytechnic University, Pomona CSU Los Angeles CSU Sacramento CSU San Bernardino Chabot College Chaffey College City College of San Francisco College of San Mateo College of the Redwoods College of the Sequoias Cuyamaca College De Anza College East Los Angeles College Foothill College Glendale Community College Golden West College La Sierra University Laguna College of Art & Design Laney College Las Positas College Los Angeles Trade-Technical College Los Angeles Valley College Los Medanos College Mission College Modesto Junior College Monterey Peninsula College Moorpark College Mt. San Antonio College Ohlone College Orange Coast College Otis College of Art and Design Palomar College Pasadena City College Platt College - Newport Beach Platt College - San Diego Point Loma Nazarene University Rio Hondo College Saddleback College San Diego City College San José State University Santa Ana College Santa Barbara City College Santa Monica College Santa Rosa Junior College Shasta College Solano Community College Southwestern College University of San Francisco University of the Pacific Ventura College Yuba College Commercial Photography Chabot College Chaffey College City College of San Francisco Cosumnes River College Cypress College De Anza College East Los Angeles College El Camino College Foothill College Fresno City College Lake Tahoe Community College Laney College Las Positas College Long Beach City College Los Angeles City College Moorpark College Mt. San Antonio College Napa Valley College Orange Coast College Palomar College Pasadena City College Sacramento City College San Diego City College Santa Monica College Sierra College Solano Community College Ventura College West Valley College California Postsecondary Education Commission Communication Disorders, General Biola University CSU Chico CSU East Bay CSU Fresno CSU Fullerton CSU Long Beach CSU Los Angeles CSU Northridge CSU Sacramento Humboldt State University San Diego State University San Francisco State University San José State University Communication Studies / Speech Communication and Rhetoric Alliant International University - San Diego Azusa Pacific University Biola University Butte Community College California Baptist University California State Polytechnic University, Pomona CSU Bakersfield CSU Chico CSU Dominguez Hills CSU East Bay CSU Fresno CSU Fullerton CSU Los Angeles CSU Northridge CSU Sacramento CSU San Bernardino CSU San Marcos CSU Stanislaus Central Texas College Cerritos College Chaffey College Citrus College College of Marin College of the Desert College of the Sequoias College of the Siskiyous Columbia College Concordia University Copper Mountain College Crafton Hills College Cuesta College Cuyamaca College De Anza College Dominican University of California El Camino College Evergreen Valley College Folsom Lake College Foothill College Glendale Community College Golden West College Holy Names University Hubbard College of Administration International La Sierra University Lake Tahoe Community College Laney College Los Angeles Harbor College 137 Part 2: Programs Offered Communication, Journalism, and Related Programs, Other Mills College Monterey Peninsula College Mt. San Jacinto College Notre Dame de Namur University Pasadena City College Pepperdine University Sacramento City College Saint Mary’s College of California San Bernardino Valley College San Diego Christian College San Diego State University San Joaquin Delta College San José State University Santa Ana College Santa Barbara City College Santa Clara University Santa Monica College Santa Rosa Junior College Shasta College Sierra College Solano Community College Sonoma State University Stanford University UC Davis UC Los Angeles UC San Diego UC Santa Barbara University of La Verne University of San Francisco University of Southern California University of the Pacific Westmont College Communication, Journalism, and Related Programs, Other American InterContinental University Biola University Brooks College CSU East Bay CSU Los Angeles CSU Monterey Bay CSU Stanislaus Cañada College Contra Costa College Cuyamaca College Hubbard College of Administration International Long Beach City College Mt. San Jacinto College Notre Dame de Namur University Pepperdine University Point Loma Nazarene University Rio Hondo College San Diego State University San Jose City College Santa Barbara City College Santa Rosa Junior College Sierra College UC Davis UC San Diego UC Santa Cruz University of Southern California West Valley College Communications Systems Installation and Repair Technology American River College Fresno City College Las Positas College Long Beach City College Los Angeles Trade-Technical College Mt. San Antonio College Napa Valley College Pierce College Sacramento City College San Bernardino Valley College San Diego City College San Joaquin Delta College Southwestern College Communications Technologies / Technicians and Support Services, Other Allan Hancock College American River College Antelope Valley College California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo CSU Los Angeles Cerro Coso Community College Chaffey College City College of San Francisco College of the Canyons College of the Redwoods De Anza College El Camino College Fresno City College Fullerton College Glendale Community College Laney College Mt. San Antonio College Mt. Sierra College Ohlone College Palomar College Pasadena City College Riverside City College Sacramento City College Santa Ana College Santiago Canyon College Skyline College West Valley College Community College Education University of Southern California Community Health Services / Liaison / Counseling City College of San Francisco Community Involvement Hubbard College of Administration International 138 Community Organization and Advocacy Hebrew Union College - Jewish Institute of Religion Notre Dame de Namur University San Joaquin Delta College UC Santa Cruz Western Institute for Social Research Community Psychology Point Loma Nazarene University University of La Verne Western Institute for Social Research Comparative Literature American Jewish University CSU Fullerton CSU Long Beach Irvine Valley College Mills College San Diego State University San Francisco State University Santa Monica College Stanford University UC Berkeley UC Davis UC Irvine UC Los Angeles UC Riverside UC San Diego UC Santa Barbara UC Santa Cruz University of La Verne University of Southern California Computer and Information Sciences and Support Services, Other Allan Hancock College American InterContinental University American River College Antelope Valley College Bakersfield College Barstow College Berkeley City College Butte Community College Cabrillo College Cerritos College Cerro Coso Community College Chabot College Chaffey College Citrus College City College of San Francisco Coastline Community College College of Marin College of San Mateo College of the Canyons College of the Desert College of the Redwoods College of the Sequoias College of the Siskiyous Columbia College Contra Costa College Cosumnes River College California Postsecondary Education Commission Part 2: Programs Offered Computer and Information Systems Security Crafton Hills College Cuesta College Cuyamaca College Cypress College De Anza College Diablo Valley College East Los Angeles College Folsom Lake College Foothill College Fresno City College Fullerton College Gavilan College Golden Gate University Grossmont College Hartnell College Imperial Valley College Irvine Valley College Lake Tahoe Community College Laney College Las Positas College Los Angeles City College Los Angeles Harbor College Los Angeles Mission College Los Angeles Trade-Technical College Los Angeles Valley College Los Medanos College Mashdots College Mendocino College Merced College Merritt College Mills College MiraCosta College Mission College Modesto Junior College Monterey Peninsula College Moorpark College Mt. San Antonio College Mt. San Jacinto College Mt. Sierra College Napa Valley College Ohlone College Orange Coast College Palomar College Pasadena City College Pierce College Platt College - Newport Beach Porterville College Rio Hondo College Riverside City College Sacramento City College Saddleback College San Bernardino Valley College San Diego City College San Diego Mesa College San Diego Miramar College San Joaquin Delta College San Jose City College Santa Ana College Santa Barbara Business College Santa Barbara City College Santa Monica College Santa Rosa Junior College Shasta College Sierra College Skyline College Solano Community College Southwestern College Stanford University Taft College UC Irvine UC San Francisco UC Santa Cruz West Hills College Coalinga West Los Angeles College West Valley College Westech College Yuba College Computer and Information Sciences, General Allan Hancock College American InterContinental University American River College Antelope Valley College Azusa Pacific University Berkeley City College Biola University Butte Community College California Baptist University California Institute of Technology California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo California State Polytechnic University, Pomona CSU Bakersfield CSU Channel Islands CSU Chico CSU Dominguez Hills CSU East Bay CSU Fresno CSU Fullerton CSU Long Beach CSU Los Angeles CSU Northridge CSU Sacramento CSU San Bernardino CSU San Marcos CSU Stanislaus California University of Business and Technology Cerro Coso Community College Chabot College Chaffey College Coastline Community College College of Alameda College of the Desert College of the Sequoias Contra Costa College Copper Mountain College Cosumnes River College Crafton Hills College Cuesta College Cuyamaca College Cypress College East Los Angeles College El Camino College Empire College Evergreen Valley College Folsom Lake College Foothill College Fresno City College Fullerton College Glendale Community College Humboldt State University Imperial Valley College Intercultural Institute of California La Sierra University Laney College Las Positas College Lassen Community College Long Beach City College Los Angeles City College California Postsecondary Education Commission Los Angeles Harbor College Los Angeles Mission College Los Angeles Trade-Technical College Los Medanos College Mashdots College Mendocino College Menlo College Mills College Monterey Peninsula College Moorpark College Mt. San Antonio College Mt. San Jacinto College Mt. Sierra College MTI College Napa Valley College Naval Postgraduate School Northwestern Polytechnic University Notre Dame de Namur University Oxnard College Palo Verde College Palomar College Pasadena City College Pierce College Porterville College Reedley College Rio Hondo College Riverside City College Sacramento City College San Bernardino Valley College San Diego City College San Diego Mesa College San Diego Miramar College San Diego State University San Francisco State University San Joaquin Delta College San José State University Santa Ana College Santa Rosa Junior College Santiago Canyon College Sierra College Skyline College Sonoma State University Southern California Institute of Technology Southwestern College Stanford University UC Davis UC Irvine UC Los Angeles UC Riverside UC San Diego UC Santa Cruz University of La Verne University of Redlands University of San Francisco University of Southern California Ventura College Victor Valley College West Hills College Coalinga West Los Angeles College Westmont College Computer and Information Systems Security Heald Colleges of California Administrative Office 139 Part 2: Programs Offered Computer Engineering Technology / Technician Computer Engineering Technology / Technician College of Alameda DeVry University Oxnard College Computer Engineering, General California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo California State Polytechnic University, Pomona CSU Chico CSU Fresno CSU Fullerton CSU Long Beach CSU Northridge CSU Sacramento International Technological University San Diego State University San Francisco State University San José State University Santa Clara University Silicon Valley University UC Davis UC Irvine UC Los Angeles UC Merced UC Riverside UC San Diego UC Santa Barbara UC Santa Cruz University of Southern California University of the Pacific Computer Games and Programming Skills Solano Community College Computer Installation and Repair Technology / Technician American River College El Camino College Empire College Glendale Community College Los Angeles City College Los Angeles Trade-Technical College Mission College Mt. San Antonio College Palo Verde College Palomar College Pasadena City College Riverside City College Saddleback College San Bernardino Valley College San Diego City College San Jose City College Sierra College Solano Community College Southwestern College Victor Valley College 140 Computer Programming, Specific Applications American InterContinental University Cañada College Heald Colleges of California Administrative Office University of Phoenix Computer Programming / Programmer, General American InterContinental University American River College Antelope Valley College Barstow College CSU Los Angeles CSU Stanislaus Cañada College Cerritos College Chabot College Chaffey College City College of San Francisco College of Alameda College of San Mateo College of the Desert College of the Redwoods Contra Costa College Cosumnes River College Cypress College De Anza College Diablo Valley College East Los Angeles College El Camino College Folsom Lake College Foothill College Fullerton College Gavilan College Glendale Community College Grossmont College Hartnell College Irvine Valley College Lake Tahoe Community College Laney College Las Positas College Long Beach City College Los Angeles Mission College Los Angeles Southwest College Los Angeles Valley College Mashdots College Merritt College MiraCosta College Mission College Mt. San Antonio College Mt. San Jacinto College MTI College Napa Valley College Northwestern Polytechnic University Ohlone College Oxnard College Palo Verde College Palomar College Pasadena City College Pierce College Rio Hondo College Riverside City College Sacramento City College Saddleback College San Bernardino Valley College San Joaquin Delta College San Jose City College Santa Ana College Santa Monica College Santa Rosa Junior College Sierra College Solano Community College Southwestern College UC Irvine UC Santa Cruz West Los Angeles College West Valley College Yuba College Computer Science Allan Hancock College American InterContinental University American River College Antelope Valley College Bakersfield College Biola University Cabrillo College California National University For Advanced Studies California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo California State Polytechnic University, Pomona CSU Bakersfield CSU Channel Islands CSU Chico CSU Dominguez Hills CSU East Bay CSU Fresno CSU Fullerton CSU Long Beach CSU Los Angeles CSU Monterey Bay CSU Northridge CSU Sacramento CSU San Bernardino CSU San Marcos CSU Stanislaus Cañada College Chaffey College Citrus College City College of San Francisco Coastline Community College College of Alameda College of Marin College of San Mateo College of the Canyons College of the Desert Columbia College Copper Mountain College Cosumnes River College Cuesta College De Anza College Diablo Valley College East Los Angeles College El Camino College Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Folsom Lake College Foothill College Fresno City College Fullerton College Glendale Community College Grossmont College Humboldt State University Intercultural Institute of California International Technological University Laney College California Postsecondary Education Commission Part 2: Programs Offered Construction Trades, General Likie Fashion and Technology College Lincoln University Long Beach City College Los Angeles City College Los Angeles Mission College Mashdots College Mendocino College Merced College MiraCosta College Mission College Modesto Junior College Mt. San Antonio College Mt. San Jacinto College Naval Postgraduate School Northwestern Polytechnic University Ohlone College Pacific States University Palomar College Park University Pasadena City College Pitzer College Point Loma Nazarene University Reedley College Riverside City College Sacramento City College Saddleback College San Diego State University San Francisco State University San Jose City College San José State University Santa Ana College Santa Rosa Junior College Santiago Canyon College Sierra College Silicon Valley University Sonoma State University Southwestern College Stanford University Tien Tao Chong Hua University UC Berkeley UC Davis UC Irvine UC Los Angeles UC Merced UC Riverside UC San Diego UC Santa Barbara UC Santa Cruz University of Southern California University of the Pacific Computer Systems Analysis / Analyst American InterContinental University California School of International Management CSU Los Angeles CSU San Bernardino CSU Stanislaus Cerritos College City College of San Francisco College of Alameda DeVry University Irvine Valley College Mashdots College MTI College Northwestern Polytechnic University Notre Dame de Namur University Saddleback College UC Irvine UC Santa Cruz University of Phoenix Computer Systems Networking and Telecommunications Allan Hancock College American InterContinental University American River College Antelope Valley College Cabrillo College California School of International Management California State Polytechnic University, Pomona CSU East Bay Cañada College Chaffey College City College of San Francisco Coastline Community College College of Alameda College of the Canyons Contra Costa College Cosumnes River College Cuyamaca College De Anza College DeVry University Diablo Valley College Foothill College Fresno City College Fullerton College Gavilan College Golden Gate University Grossmont College Irvine Valley College Las Positas College Long Beach City College Mendocino College MiraCosta College Moorpark College Mt. San Antonio College Mt. San Jacinto College Ohlone College Oxnard College Palomar College Pierce College Reedley College Sacramento City College Saddleback College San Joaquin Delta College San Jose City College Shasta College Sierra College Solano Community College Southwestern College University of Phoenix University of San Francisco Computer Teacher Education Azusa Pacific University Fresno Pacific University Computer Technology / Computer Systems Technology College of Alameda California Postsecondary Education Commission East Los Angeles College Empire College Computer Typography and Composition Equipment Operator Chaffey College Cypress College East Los Angeles College Fullerton College Hartnell College Los Angeles City College Los Angeles Valley College Modesto Junior College Orange Coast College Santa Ana College Santa Barbara City College Santa Rosa Junior College Computer / Information Technology Services Administration and Management, Other California School of International Management Conducting Concordia University San Francisco Conservatory of Music UC Santa Cruz Construction Engineering Technology / Technician California State Polytechnic University, Pomona CSU Chico CSU Fresno CSU Long Beach CSU Northridge CSU Sacramento College of the Redwoods Cuesta College Fresno City College Fullerton College Merced College Orange Coast College Pasadena City College Saddleback College San Joaquin Delta College San Jose City College Shasta College Construction Trades, General Antelope Valley College College of the Redwoods Cuesta College El Camino College Fresno City College Fullerton College Hartnell College Lassen Community College 141 Part 2: Programs Offered Construction Trades, Other Long Beach City College Orange Coast College Pasadena City College San Jose City College Shasta College Sierra College Victor Valley College Construction Trades, Other American River College Citrus College Laney College Los Angeles Trade-Technical College Palo Verde College San Joaquin Delta College Santiago Canyon College Construction / Heavy Equipment / Earthmoving Equipment Operation Butte Community College Consumer Economics American River College Ohlone College Palomar College Cooking and Other Domestic Skills Solano Community College Cooking and Related Culinary Arts, General Allan Hancock College American River College Bakersfield College Cabrillo College Cerritos College Chaffey College City College of San Francisco College of the Desert Contra Costa College Cypress College Diablo Valley College Fresno City College Glendale Community College Grossmont College Lake Tahoe Community College Laney College Long Beach City College Los Angeles Mission College Los Angeles Trade-Technical College Merced College Modesto Junior College Orange Coast College Oxnard College Riverside City College Saddleback College San Bernardino Valley College San Diego Mesa College San Joaquin Delta College Santa Rosa Junior College Shasta College 142 Corrections Bakersfield College Cabrillo College CSU Fresno CSU Stanislaus Chaffey College College of the Sequoias Contra Costa College De Anza College Fresno City College Grossmont College Hartnell College Imperial Valley College Lassen Community College Los Angeles City College Merced College Merritt College Mt. San Antonio College Napa Valley College Palo Verde College Palomar College Rio Hondo College Riverside City College Sacramento City College Saddleback College San Diego Miramar College San Joaquin Delta College San Joaquin Valley College - Visalia Santa Rosa Junior College Sierra College Solano Community College Southwestern College West Hills College Coalinga Corrections and Criminal Justice, Other American River College East Los Angeles College Feather River College Golden West College Palo Verde College San Diego State University Santa Rosa Junior College West Los Angeles College Cosmetology / Cosmetologist, General Allan Hancock College Barstow College Butte Community College Cerritos College Citrus College College of San Mateo College of the Sequoias College of the Siskiyous Contra Costa College El Camino College Fullerton College Gavilan College Golden West College Laney College Lassen Community College Los Angeles Trade-Technical College MiraCosta College Napa Valley College Pasadena City College Riverside City College Sacramento City College Saddleback College San Diego City College San Jose City College Santa Ana College Santa Barbara City College Santa Monica College Santiago Canyon College Skyline College Solano Community College Yuba College Counseling Psychology Alliant International University - San Diego Argosy University - San Francisco Azusa Pacific University Breining Institute California Baptist University California Graduate Institute California Institute for Human Science California New Hope University CSU San Bernardino Contra Costa College Dominican University of California Holy Names University Hope International University Loma Linda University Notre Dame de Namur University Remington College Ryokan College San Diego Christian College Santa Clara University Southern California Seminary Trinity College of Graduate Studies UC Santa Barbara University of La Verne University of Santa Monica Vision International University Weimar College Western Institute for Social Research William Jessup University World University of America, Ojai Counselor Education / School Counseling and Guidance Services Azusa Pacific University CSU Bakersfield CSU Dominguez Hills CSU East Bay CSU Fresno CSU Fullerton CSU Long Beach CSU Los Angeles CSU Northridge CSU Sacramento CSU San Bernardino CSU Stanislaus Fresno Pacific University La Sierra University Saint Mary’s College of California San Diego State University San Francisco State University San José State University Sonoma State University UC Santa Barbara University of La Verne California Postsecondary Education Commission Part 2: Programs Offered Criminal Justice / Police Science University of Redlands University of Southern California Victor Valley College Court Reporting / Court Reporter Bryan College of Court Reporting Butte Community College City College of San Francisco College of Marin College of the Redwoods Cypress College Sage College San Diego City College San Diego State University South Coast College West Valley College Creative Writing CSU Chico CSU Fresno CSU Long Beach CSU Los Angeles CSU San Bernardino College of the Desert Dominican University of California Foothill College Grossmont College Intercultural Institute of California Long Beach City College Mills College Otis College of Art and Design Saint Mary’s College of California San Diego State University San Francisco State University San José State University UC Irvine UC Riverside UC Santa Cruz University of San Francisco University of Southern California Criminal Justice / Law Enforcement Administration Allan Hancock College Antelope Valley College Bakersfield College Barstow College Butte Community College Cabrillo College CSU Bakersfield CSU East Bay CSU Fullerton CSU Long Beach CSU Los Angeles CSU Sacramento CSU San Bernardino CSU Stanislaus Cerritos College Cerro Coso Community College Chabot College Citrus College City College of San Francisco College of San Mateo College of the Canyons College of the Desert College of the Redwoods College of the Sequoias College of the Siskiyous Contra Costa College Cosumnes River College Crafton Hills College Cuesta College De Anza College Diablo Valley College East Los Angeles College El Camino College Evergreen Valley College Feather River College Fresno City College Fullerton College Gavilan College Glendale Community College Golden West College Grossmont College Hartnell College Heald Colleges of California Administrative Office Imperial Valley College Irvine Valley College Lake Tahoe Community College Las Positas College Lassen Community College Long Beach City College Los Angeles City College Los Angeles Harbor College Los Angeles Mission College Los Angeles Southwest College Los Angeles Valley College Mendocino College Merced College MiraCosta College Modesto Junior College Monterey Peninsula College Moorpark College Mt. San Antonio College Mt. San Jacinto College Napa Valley College Ohlone College Palomar College Park University Pasadena City College Porterville College Reedley College Remington College Rio Hondo College Riverside City College Sacramento City College Saddleback College San Bernardino Valley College San Diego Miramar College San Joaquin Delta College San Jose City College San José State University Santa Ana College Santa Barbara Business College Santa Barbara City College Santa Monica College Santa Rosa Junior College Shasta College Sierra College Skyline College Solano Community College Sonoma State University Southwestern College Taft College Ventura College Victor Valley College West Hills College at Lemoore California Postsecondary Education Commission West Hills College Coalinga West Los Angeles College West Valley College Western Sierra Law School Yuba College Criminal Justice / Police Science Allan Hancock College American River College Antelope Valley College Bakersfield College Barstow College Butte Community College Cabrillo College Cerritos College Cerro Coso Community College Chabot College Chaffey College Citrus College City College of San Francisco College of Marin College of San Mateo College of the Canyons College of the Desert College of the Redwoods College of the Sequoias College of the Siskiyous Contra Costa College Copper Mountain College Cuesta College Cypress College De Anza College Diablo Valley College East Los Angeles College El Camino College Evergreen Valley College Feather River College Folsom Lake College Fresno City College Fullerton College Gavilan College Glendale Community College Golden West College Grossmont College Hartnell College Imperial Valley College Irvine Valley College Lake Tahoe Community College Las Positas College Lassen Community College Long Beach City College Los Angeles City College Los Angeles Harbor College Los Angeles Mission College Los Angeles Southwest College Los Angeles Valley College Los Medanos College Mendocino College Merced College Merritt College MiraCosta College Modesto Junior College Monterey Peninsula College Moorpark College Mt. San Antonio College Mt. San Jacinto College Napa Valley College Ohlone College Palo Verde College 143 Part 2: Programs Offered Criminal Justice / Safety Studies Palomar College Pasadena City College Porterville College Reedley College Rio Hondo College Riverside City College San Bernardino Valley College San Diego Miramar College San Joaquin Delta College San Jose City College Santa Ana College Santa Barbara City College Santa Rosa Junior College Shasta College Sierra College Skyline College Solano Community College Southwestern College Taft College Ventura College Victor Valley College West Hills College Coalinga West Los Angeles College West Valley College Yuba College Criminal Justice / Safety Studies American River College CSU Bakersfield CSU Chico CSU East Bay CSU Fresno CSU Fullerton CSU Long Beach CSU Los Angeles CSU Sacramento CSU San Bernardino CSU Stanislaus Palo Verde College Point Loma Nazarene University San Diego State University San Francisco State University San José State University Sonoma State University Western Career College - Sacramento Criminology CSU Fresno CSU San Marcos CSU Stanislaus Concordia University Palo Verde College San Diego State University San Francisco State University San José State University UC Irvine University of La Verne Crop Production Bakersfield College College of the Redwoods Cuesta College Modesto Junior College Santa Rosa Junior College West Hills College Coalinga 144 Culinary Arts and Related Services, Other American River College California Culinary Academy Laney College Oxnard College Cytotechnology / Cytotechnologist Loma Linda University Dairy Science Culinary Arts / Chef Training American River College Bakersfield College Cabrillo College California Culinary Academy Cerritos College Chaffey College College of the Desert Columbia College Contra Costa College Cypress College Diablo Valley College Grossmont College Laney College Long Beach City College Los Angeles Mission College Los Angeles Trade-Technical College Merced College Mission College Orange Coast College Oxnard College Pasadena City College San Diego Mesa College San Joaquin Delta College Santa Barbara City College Santa Rosa Junior College Shasta College Victor Valley College Curriculum and Instruction Azusa Pacific University CSU Chico CSU Dominguez Hills CSU Fresno CSU Los Angeles CSU Sacramento CSU San Bernardino CSU Stanislaus Claremont Graduate University Concordia University Dominican University of California Fresno Pacific University Institute for Advanced Study of Human Sexuality, The La Sierra University Mills College Notre Dame de Namur University Rudolf Steiner College San Diego State University UC Santa Cruz University of La Verne University of Redlands University of San Francisco University of the Pacific California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo Dance Therapy / Therapist UC Los Angeles Dance, General Allan Hancock College Cabrillo College California Institute of the Arts CSU Fullerton CSU Long Beach CSU Los Angeles CSU Sacramento CSU San Bernardino Cerritos College City College of San Francisco College of Marin College of the Sequoias Cypress College El Camino College Fresno City College Fullerton College Glendale Community College Grossmont College Laney College Long Beach City College Mendocino College Mills College MiraCosta College Monterey Peninsula College Moorpark College Mt. San Jacinto College Ohlone College Palomar College Saddleback College Saint Mary’s College of California San Diego State University San Francisco State University San José State University Santa Ana College Santa Monica College Santa Rosa Junior College Santiago Canyon College Skyline College Southwestern College UC Berkeley UC Irvine UC Los Angeles UC Riverside UC San Diego UC Santa Barbara UC Santa Cruz Dancing San Joaquin Delta College California Postsecondary Education Commission Part 2: Programs Offered Developmental and Child Psychology Data Processing and Data Processing Technology / Technician American River College Bakersfield College CSU Los Angeles Chabot College Chaffey College College of Alameda College of Marin Contra Costa College Evergreen Valley College Fresno City College Grossmont College Laney College Las Positas College Long Beach City College Mashdots College Merritt College Monterey Peninsula College Moorpark College Mt. San Antonio College Oxnard College Pasadena City College Reedley College Rio Hondo College San Bernardino Valley College San Joaquin Delta College San Jose City College Santa Barbara City College Santa Rosa Junior College Skyline College Southwestern College Taft College Ventura College Victor Valley College Demography and Population Studies Pepperdine University UC Berkeley University of Southern California Dental Assisting / Assistant Allan Hancock College Cerritos College Chabot College Chaffey College Citrus College City College of San Francisco College of Alameda College of Marin College of San Mateo College of the Redwoods Contra Costa College Cypress College Diablo Valley College Foothill College Heald Colleges of California Administrative Office High-Tech Institute Modesto Junior College Monterey Peninsula College Orange Coast College Palomar College Pasadena City College PIMA Medical Institute Reedley College Sacramento City College San Diego Mesa College San Joaquin Valley College - Visalia San Jose City College Santa Rosa Junior College Western Career College - Sacramento Dental Clinical Sciences, General (MS, PhD) Loma Linda University UC Los Angeles UC San Francisco University of the Pacific Dental Hygiene / Hygienist Cabrillo College Cerritos College Chabot College Cypress College Diablo Valley College El Camino College Foothill College Fresno City College Loma Linda University Oxnard College Pasadena City College Riverside City College Sacramento City College San Joaquin Valley College - Visalia Santa Rosa Junior College Shasta College Southwestern College Taft College UC San Francisco University of Southern California West Los Angeles College Dental Laboratory Technology / Technician Citrus College City College of San Francisco Cypress College Diablo Valley College Los Angeles City College Merced College Pasadena City College Riverside City College Shasta College Dental Public Health Specialty Loma Linda University Dental Services and Allied Professions, Other Pasadena City College California Postsecondary Education Commission Dental / Oral Surgery Specialty Loma Linda University Dentistry (DDS, DMD) Loma Linda University UC Los Angeles UC San Francisco University of Southern California University of the Pacific Dermatology UC Irvine UC San Francisco Design and Applied Arts, Other Design Institute of San Diego Otis College of Art and Design Skyline College UC Los Angeles Design and Visual Communications, General American InterContinental University Berkeley City College Butte Community College California Institute of the Arts CSU Chico CSU Los Angeles Cerritos College College of Marin Glendale Community College Palomar College Platt College - Newport Beach Platt College - San Diego Riverside City College San Diego Mesa College San Diego Miramar College San José State University Solano Community College UC Berkeley UC Davis UC Los Angeles Development Economics and International Development Hope International University UC Los Angeles Developmental and Child Psychology Alliant International University - San Diego 145 Part 2: Programs Offered Developmental and Child Psychology Developmental and Child Psychology Azusa Pacific University California Graduate Institute California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo CSU Chico CSU East Bay CSU Long Beach CSU San Bernardino CSU Stanislaus Center for Psychological Studies Claremont Graduate University Concordia University Dominican University of California Saint Mary’s College of California San Francisco State University UC Davis UC Riverside UC Santa Cruz University of La Verne Victor Valley College Diagnostic Medical Sonography / Sonographer and Ultrasound Technician Cypress College Foothill College Loma Linda University Maric College - California Merced College Orange Coast College Diesel Mechanics Technology / Technician Allan Hancock College American River College Citrus College College of Alameda College of the Redwoods Golden West College Long Beach City College Los Angeles Trade-Technical College Oxnard College Palomar College San Bernardino Valley College San Diego Miramar College San Joaquin Delta College Santa Ana College Santa Rosa Junior College Santiago Canyon College Shasta College West Hills College Coalinga WyoTech - Fremont Dietetics / Dietitian (RD) American River College California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo California State Polytechnic University, Pomona CSU Chico CSU Long Beach CSU Los Angeles 146 CSU Sacramento CSU San Bernardino Cosumnes River College Loma Linda University Long Beach City College Los Angeles City College Merritt College Point Loma Nazarene University San Diego State University San Francisco State University San José State University UC Davis San Francisco Theological Seminary Southern California Seminary Starr King School for the Ministry Vision International University Western Conservative Baptist Seminary - Bay Area Westminster Seminary California William Jessup University Wisdom University World Mission University Yuin University Drafting and Design Technology / Technician, General Dietitian Assistant Chaffey College College of the Sequoias Fullerton College Glendale Community College Grossmont College Los Angeles City College Merritt College Mission College Orange Coast College Palomar College Santa Rosa Junior College Digital Communication and Media / Multimedia Platt College - San Diego Diver, Professional and Instructor Santa Barbara City College Divinity / Ministry (BD, MDiv.) American Baptist Seminary of the West Azusa Pacific University Bethel Seminary West Bethesda Christian University Biola University Booker T. Crenshaw Christian College & School of Ministry, Inc. California New Hope University California Union University Capital Bible College Chinese for Christ Calvin Chao Theological Seminary Chong Shin University in USA Christian Witness Theological Seminary Church Divinity School of the Pacific Claremont School of Theology Coastland University Cohen University and Theological Seminary Evangelia University Grace Mission University Jesuit School of Theology at Berkeley King’s College and Seminary Life University Logos Evangelical Seminary Mennonite Brethren Biblical Seminary Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary Pacific School of Religion Pepperdine University Saint Patrick’s Seminary Allan Hancock College American River College Antelope Valley College Bakersfield College Barstow College Butte Community College Cabrillo College Cerritos College Cerro Coso Community College Chabot College Chaffey College Citrus College City College of San Francisco College of San Mateo College of the Canyons College of the Redwoods College of the Sequoias Contra Costa College Cosumnes River College Cuesta College Cuyamaca College De Anza College Diablo Valley College East Los Angeles College El Camino College Evergreen Valley College Foothill College Fresno City College Fullerton College Gavilan College Glendale Community College Golden West College Hartnell College Irvine Valley College ITT Technical Institute Laney College Las Positas College Long Beach City College Los Angeles Harbor College Los Angeles Trade-Technical College Los Angeles Valley College Los Medanos College Merced College MiraCosta College Mission College Modesto Junior College Monterey Peninsula College Moorpark College Mt. San Antonio College Napa Valley College Ohlone College Orange Coast College Oxnard College Palomar College Pasadena City College California Postsecondary Education Commission Part 2: Programs Offered Drawing Pierce College Rio Hondo College Riverside City College Sacramento City College Saddleback College San Bernardino Valley College San Diego City College San Joaquin Delta College Santa Ana College Santa Barbara City College Santa Monica College Santa Rosa Junior College Shasta College Sierra College Solano Community College Southern California Institute of Architecture Southwestern College Ventura College Victor Valley College West Valley College Western Career College - Sacramento Yuba College Drafting / Design Engineering Technologies / Technicians, Other Contra Costa College Southern California Institute of Architecture Westech College Drama and Dance Teacher Education Evergreen Valley College Notre Dame de Namur University Rudolf Steiner College San Diego State University Drama and Dramatics / Theatre Arts, General Allan Hancock College American River College Azusa Pacific University Bakersfield College Cabrillo College California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo California State Polytechnic University, Pomona CSU Bakersfield CSU Chico CSU Dominguez Hills CSU East Bay CSU Fresno CSU Fullerton CSU Long Beach CSU Los Angeles CSU Monterey Bay CSU Northridge CSU Sacramento CSU San Bernardino CSU Stanislaus Cañada College Cerritos College City College of San Francisco College of Marin College of the Desert College of the Sequoias College of the Siskiyous Columbia College Concordia University Contra Costa College Cosumnes River College Crafton Hills College Cuesta College East Los Angeles College El Camino College Foothill College Fresno Pacific University Fullerton College Gavilan College Glendale Community College Grossmont College Hartnell College Humboldt State University Irvine Valley College Lake Tahoe Community College Laney College Las Positas College Long Beach City College Los Angeles City College Los Angeles Southwest College Los Angeles Valley College Mendocino College Merced College Mills College MiraCosta College Modesto Junior College Monterey Peninsula College Moorpark College Mt. San Jacinto College Napa Valley College Notre Dame de Namur University Occidental College Ohlone College Palomar College Pasadena City College Pepperdine University Pitzer College Point Loma Nazarene University Rio Hondo College Sacramento City College Saddleback College Saint Mary’s College of California San Diego City College San Diego Mesa College San Diego State University San Francisco State University San Joaquin Delta College San José State University Santa Barbara City College Santa Clara University Santa Monica College Santa Rosa Junior College Shasta College Solano Community College Sonoma State University Stanford University UC Berkeley UC Davis UC Irvine UC Los Angeles UC Riverside UC San Diego UC Santa Barbara UC Santa Cruz University of La Verne University of Southern California University of the Pacific California Postsecondary Education Commission Ventura College West Hills College Coalinga West Los Angeles College West Valley College Westmont College Whittier College Yuba College Dramatic / Theatre Arts and Stagecraft, Other CSU Chico Palomar College UC Santa Cruz Victor Valley College West Hills College Coalinga Drawing Allan Hancock College American River College Bakersfield College Berkeley City College Cabrillo College Cañada College Cerritos College Cerro Coso Community College Chaffey College Citrus College City College of San Francisco College of Marin College of San Mateo College of the Canyons College of the Desert College of the Sequoias College of the Siskiyous Columbia College Concordia University Contra Costa College Cosumnes River College Crafton Hills College Cuesta College Cuyamaca College De Anza College El Camino College Evergreen Valley College Foothill College Fresno City College Gavilan College Glendale Community College Grossmont College Hartnell College Imperial Valley College Irvine Valley College Long Beach City College Los Angeles City College Los Angeles Valley College Mendocino College Merced College MiraCosta College Mission College Modesto Junior College Monterey Peninsula College Moorpark College Mt. San Jacinto College Napa Valley College Palomar College Pasadena City College Pierce College Rio Hondo College Sacramento City College 147 Part 2: Programs Offered Dutch / Flemish Language and Literature Saddleback College San Diego Mesa College San Diego Miramar College San Jose City College Santa Ana College Santa Barbara City College Santa Monica College Santa Rosa Junior College Shasta College Sierra College Skyline College Solano Community College Southwestern College UC Santa Cruz University of Southern California Ventura College West Hills College Coalinga West Los Angeles College Yuba College Dutch / Flemish Language and Literature UC Berkeley UC Los Angeles East Asian Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics, General UC Berkeley UC Irvine UC Santa Barbara East Asian Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics, Other UC Irvine UC Los Angeles University of Southern California East Asian Studies CSU Long Beach Intercultural Institute of California Naval Postgraduate School Pitzer College Stanford University UC Berkeley UC Davis UC Irvine UC Los Angeles UC San Diego UC Santa Cruz University of Southern California Ecology California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo CSU Northridge CSU Stanislaus College of Marin Feather River College Fullerton College San Diego State University 148 San Francisco State University UC Davis UC Irvine UC Los Angeles UC Riverside UC San Diego UC Santa Barbara UC Santa Cruz Ecology and Evolutionary Biology California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo CSU Northridge CSU Stanislaus San Diego State University San Francisco State University UC Davis UC Irvine UC Los Angeles UC Riverside UC Santa Cruz Econometrics and Quantitative Economics UC Santa Barbara Economics, General Azusa Pacific University Bakersfield College Berkeley City College Cabrillo College California Institute of Technology California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo California State Polytechnic University, Pomona CSU Bakersfield CSU Channel Islands CSU Chico CSU Dominguez Hills CSU East Bay CSU Fresno CSU Fullerton CSU Long Beach CSU Los Angeles CSU Northridge CSU Sacramento CSU San Bernardino CSU San Marcos CSU Stanislaus California University of Management and Sciences Cañada College Cerritos College Chaffey College City College of San Francisco Claremont Graduate University College of the Desert Contra Costa College Copper Mountain College Crafton Hills College De Anza College El Camino College Evergreen Valley College Foothill College Fullerton College Grossmont College Humboldt State University Irvine Valley College Lake Tahoe Community College Los Angeles Southwest College Los Angeles Valley College Mills College MiraCosta College Monterey Peninsula College Mt. San Jacinto College Occidental College Oxnard College Palo Verde College Palomar College Pasadena City College Pepperdine University Pitzer College Point Loma Nazarene University Saddleback College Saint Mary’s College of California San Diego State University San Francisco State University San José State University Santa Ana College Santa Barbara City College Santa Clara University Santa Rosa Junior College Santiago Canyon College Sonoma State University Southwestern College Stanford University UC Berkeley UC Davis UC Irvine UC Los Angeles UC Riverside UC San Diego UC Santa Barbara UC Santa Cruz University of La Verne University of Redlands University of San Francisco University of Southern California University of the Pacific Victor Valley College West Los Angeles College West Valley College Westmont College Whittier College Economics, Other Occidental College Thomas Aquinas College UC Irvine UC Los Angeles UC Riverside UC San Diego UC Santa Cruz Education, General Alliant International University - San Diego Argosy University - San Francisco Azusa Pacific University Biola University California Baptist University California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo California State Polytechnic University, Pomona California Postsecondary Education Commission Part 2: Programs Offered Educational Psychology CSU Bakersfield CSU Channel Islands CSU Chico CSU Dominguez Hills CSU East Bay CSU Fresno CSU Fullerton CSU Long Beach CSU Los Angeles CSU Monterey Bay CSU Northridge CSU Sacramento CSU San Bernardino CSU San Marcos CSU Stanislaus California University of Business and Technology Central Michigan University Chaffey College Claremont Graduate University Coastline Community College Contra Costa College Crafton Hills College Cuyamaca College El Camino College Hubbard College of Administration International Humboldt State University Imperial Valley College Institute for Advanced Study of Human Sexuality, The Lake Tahoe Community College Modesto Junior College Monterey Peninsula College Napa Valley College Newport University Notre Dame de Namur University Ohlone College Palo Verde College Pasadena City College Pepperdine University Point Loma Nazarene University Rudolf Steiner College San Diego State University San Francisco State University San José State University Santa Rosa Junior College Sonoma State University Southwestern College Stanford University UC Berkeley UC Davis UC Irvine UC Los Angeles UC Riverside UC San Diego UC Santa Barbara UC Santa Cruz University of La Verne University of Redlands University of Southern California University of the Pacific Vanguard University of Southern California Vision International University Western Institute for Social Research Whittier College Yuba College Education, Other Alliant International University - San Diego American Jewish University CSU Dominguez Hills CSU Los Angeles Cerritos College Claremont Graduate University Concordia University Holy Names University Hubbard College of Administration International Lassen Community College Mills College Newport University Ohlone College Pepperdine University Pitzer College Rudolf Steiner College San Diego State University San Francisco State University Santa Clara University UC Berkeley UC San Diego University of La Verne Vision International University Western Institute for Social Research Education / Teaching of Individuals with Hearing Impairments, Including Deafness CSU Los Angeles San Diego State University Education / Teaching of Individuals with Multiple Disabilities CSU Los Angeles Education / Teaching of Individuals with Orthopedic and Other Physical Health Impairments CSU Los Angeles Fresno Pacific University Education / Teaching of Individuals with Specific Learning Disabilities CSU Los Angeles University of La Verne Education / Teaching of the Gifted and Talented CSU Los Angeles San Diego State University Copper Mountain College Hebrew Union College - Jewish Institute of Religion Pepperdine University UC Irvine Educational Evaluation and Research San Diego State University UC Santa Cruz Western Institute for Social Research Educational Leadership and Administration, General Azusa Pacific University CSU Dominguez Hills CSU East Bay CSU Fresno CSU Fullerton CSU Long Beach CSU Los Angeles CSU Northridge CSU Sacramento CSU San Bernardino CSU San Marcos CSU Stanislaus California University of Business and Technology Claremont Graduate University Concordia University Fresno Pacific University Hebrew Union College - Jewish Institute of Religion La Sierra University Notre Dame de Namur University Pepperdine University Saint Mary’s College of California San Diego State University San Francisco State University San José State University Santa Clara University UC Berkeley UC Davis UC Irvine UC Los Angeles UC San Diego UC Santa Barbara University of La Verne University of Redlands University of San Francisco University of the Pacific William Howard Taft University Educational Psychology Alliant International University - San Diego CSU Long Beach CSU Los Angeles CSU Northridge Pepperdine University Rudolf Steiner College University of San Francisco University of the Pacific Educational Administration and Supervision, Other Alliant International University - San Diego California Postsecondary Education Commission 149 Part 2: Programs Offered Educational Statistics and Research Methods Educational Statistics and Research Methods UC Santa Cruz Educational, Instructional, and Curriculum Supervision CSU Los Angeles Educational / Instructional Media Design Azusa Pacific University CSU Chico CSU Dominguez Hills CSU Fullerton CSU Long Beach CSU Los Angeles CSU Sacramento CSU San Bernardino CSU Stanislaus Fresno Pacific University Humboldt State University San Diego State University San Francisco State University San José State University University of Phoenix Electrical and Electronic Engineering Technologies / Technicians, Other Barstow College Cuyamaca College East Los Angeles College International Technological University ITT Technical Institute National Institute of Technology Southern California Institute of Technology Victor Valley College Electrical and Power Transmission Installation / Installer, General Cerritos College Chaffey College Coastline Community College Fresno City College Imperial Valley College San Bernardino Valley College San Diego City College Electrical, Electronic and Communications Engineering Technology / Technician Aviation & Electronic School of America California State Polytechnic University, Pomona CSU Long Beach CSU Los Angeles 150 DeVry University East Los Angeles College National Institute of Technology Oxnard College Southern California Institute of Technology Electrical, Electronics and Communications Engineering California Institute of Technology California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo California State Polytechnic University, Pomona CSU Chico CSU Fresno CSU Fullerton CSU Long Beach CSU Los Angeles CSU Northridge CSU Sacramento East Los Angeles College Naval Postgraduate School Pacific States University San Diego State University San Francisco State University San José State University Santa Clara University Stanford University UC Berkeley UC Davis UC Irvine UC Los Angeles UC Riverside UC San Diego UC Santa Barbara UC Santa Cruz University of Southern California University of the Pacific Electrical / Electronics Drafting and Electrical / Electronics CAD / CADD Glendale Community College Mission College Orange Coast College Palomar College San Joaquin Delta College Southern California Institute of Architecture Electrical / Electronics Equipment Installation and Repair, General Allan Hancock College American River College Antelope Valley College Bakersfield College Barstow College Butte Community College Cabrillo College Cañada College Cerritos College Cerro Coso Community College Chabot College Chaffey College Citrus College City College of San Francisco Coastline Community College College of San Mateo College of the Canyons College of the Redwoods College of the Sequoias Contra Costa College Cuesta College Cuyamaca College De Anza College Diablo Valley College East Los Angeles College El Camino College Foothill College Fresno City College Fullerton College Glendale Community College Golden West College Hartnell College Irvine Valley College Las Positas College Long Beach City College Los Angeles City College Los Angeles Harbor College Los Angeles Mission College Los Angeles Southwest College Los Angeles Trade-Technical College Los Angeles Valley College Los Medanos College Mendocino College Merced College Mission College Modesto Junior College Moorpark College Mt. San Antonio College Mt. San Jacinto College Napa Valley College Ohlone College Orange Coast College Oxnard College Palomar College Pasadena City College Pierce College Rio Hondo College Riverside City College Sacramento City College Saddleback College San Bernardino Valley College San Diego City College San Diego Mesa College San Joaquin Delta College San Jose City College Santa Ana College Santa Rosa Junior College Shasta College Sierra College Skyline College Solano Community College Southern California Institute of Technology Southwestern College Victor Valley College Yuba College Electrical / Electronics Maintenance and Repair Technology, Other Palomar College California Postsecondary Education Commission Part 2: Programs Offered Engineering Technologies / Technicians, Other Electrician American River College Antelope Valley College Bakersfield College College of San Mateo College of the Redwoods Foothill College Los Angeles Trade-Technical College Merced College Palomar College San Diego City College Santa Ana College Santiago Canyon College Electrocardiograph Technology / Technician Antelope Valley College City College of San Francisco East Los Angeles College Fresno City College Fullerton College Orange Coast College Electromechanical and Instrumentation and Maintenance Technologies / Technicians, Other East Los Angeles College Electromechanical Technology / Electromechanical Engineering Technology Citrus College Cuesta College Mt. San Antonio College Ohlone College Palomar College Riverside City College Sacramento City College Santa Barbara City College Skyline College Electroneurodiagnostic / Electroencephalographic Technology / Technologist Orange Coast College Elementary and Middle School Administration / Principalship Azusa Pacific University CSU Chico CSU San Bernardino Notre Dame de Namur University Santa Clara University Elementary Education and Teaching Alliant International University - San Diego Azusa Pacific University Biola University California Baptist University CSU Chico CSU Fullerton CSU Long Beach CSU Los Angeles CSU Northridge CSU San Bernardino CSU San Marcos CSU Stanislaus Claremont Graduate University Concordia University Cuyamaca College Dominican University of California Fresno Pacific University Holy Names University Hope International University La Sierra University Mills College Notre Dame de Namur University Patten University Rudolf Steiner College Saint Mary’s College of California San Diego State University San Francisco State University San José State University Santa Clara University UC Irvine UC Santa Barbara University of La Verne University of the Pacific Weimar College Westmont College Elementary Particle Physics UC Santa Cruz Emergency Medical Technology / Technician (EMT Paramedic) Allan Hancock College American River College Butte Community College Chabot College College of the Canyons College of the Sequoias College of the Siskiyous Columbia College Contra Costa College Copper Mountain College Cosumnes River College Crafton Hills College Cuesta College East Los Angeles College El Camino College Foothill College Fresno City College Imperial Valley College Loma Linda University Los Medanos College Mt. San Antonio College Palo Verde College California Postsecondary Education Commission Palomar College Pasadena City College Rio Hondo College Riverside City College Saddleback College Santa Rosa Junior College Skyline College Southwestern College Ventura College Victor Valley College Yuba College Emergency Medicine UC Irvine Endocrinology and Metabolism UC Berkeley Endodontics Speciality Loma Linda University Energy Management and Systems Technology / Technician De Anza College Lassen Community College Engineering Mechanics California Institute of Technology CSU Northridge UC Davis Engineering Physics Point Loma Nazarene University Santa Clara University UC Berkeley UC San Diego University of the Pacific Westmont College Engineering Science California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo CSU Fullerton San Diego State University Sonoma State University UC Berkeley UC San Diego UC Santa Barbara University of Southern California Engineering Technologies / Technicians, Other California Maritime Academy CSU Long Beach CSU Los Angeles CSU Sacramento 151 Part 2: Programs Offered Engineering Technology, General Chaffey College East Los Angeles College Fresno City College Fullerton College Las Positas College Los Angeles Trade-Technical College Maric College - California Naval Postgraduate School San Diego City College San Joaquin Delta College San José State University Santiago Canyon College Sierra College University of La Verne Engineering Technology, General Allan Hancock College American River College Butte Community College Cabrillo College California Southern University California State Polytechnic University, Pomona CSU Long Beach CSU Sacramento Chabot College East Los Angeles College Evergreen Valley College Hartnell College International Technological University Long Beach City College Los Angeles Mission College Los Angeles Trade-Technical College Merced College Modesto Junior College Mt. San Jacinto College Ohlone College Oxnard College Pasadena City College Riverside City College San Joaquin Delta College Santa Ana College Santa Barbara City College Santa Rosa Junior College Santiago Canyon College Shasta College Engineering, General Allan Hancock College American River College Antelope Valley College Azusa Pacific University Bakersfield College Biola University Butte Community College Cabrillo College California Institute of Technology California National University For Advanced Studies California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo California State Polytechnic University, Pomona CSU East Bay CSU Fresno CSU Fullerton CSU Long Beach CSU Los Angeles 152 CSU Northridge Cañada College Cerritos College Chabot College Chaffey College College of Alameda College of San Mateo College of the Canyons College of the Siskiyous Contra Costa College Cosumnes River College Crafton Hills College Cuesta College Cuyamaca College De Anza College East Los Angeles College El Camino College Evergreen Valley College Foothill College Fresno City College Fullerton College Hartnell College Imperial Valley College Los Angeles City College Los Angeles Harbor College Los Angeles Mission College Los Angeles Southwest College Los Angeles Valley College Mendocino College Merced College MiraCosta College Mission College Modesto Junior College Monterey Peninsula College Moorpark College Napa Valley College Ohlone College Palo Verde College Palomar College Pasadena City College Pepperdine University Pierce College Saddleback College Saint Mary’s College of California San Diego City College San Diego Mesa College San Diego State University San Francisco State University San Joaquin Delta College San José State University Santa Ana College Santa Barbara City College Santa Rosa Junior College Santiago Canyon College Shasta College Sierra College Southwestern College Stanford University UC Davis UC Irvine UC Los Angeles UC Merced UC Riverside UC San Diego University of Southern California Ventura College West Hills College at Lemoore West Los Angeles College West Valley College Engineering, Other California Institute of Technology CSU Chico CSU Long Beach College of the Canyons Contra Costa College Humboldt State University Sacramento City College Santa Clara University Santiago Canyon College Stanford University UC Berkeley UC Davis UC Irvine UC Los Angeles UC San Diego University of Southern California Engineering / Industrial Management California Coast University California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo California State Polytechnic University, Pomona CSU Long Beach CSU Northridge Pitzer College San José State University UC Berkeley University of the Pacific English Composition CSU Dominguez Hills CSU Fresno CSU Los Angeles CSU San Bernardino Intercultural Institute of California Laney College San Diego State University San Francisco State University UC Davis English Language and Literature, General Allan Hancock College Alliant International University - San Diego American River College Antelope Valley College Azusa Pacific University Bakersfield College Berkeley City College Biola University Butte Community College Cabrillo College California Baptist University California Institute of Technology California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo California State Polytechnic University, Pomona CSU Bakersfield CSU Channel Islands CSU Chico CSU Dominguez Hills California Postsecondary Education Commission Part 2: Programs Offered Environmental Engineering Technology / Environmental Technology CSU East Bay CSU Fresno CSU Fullerton CSU Long Beach CSU Los Angeles CSU Northridge CSU Sacramento CSU San Bernardino CSU San Marcos CSU Stanislaus Cañada College Cerritos College Cerro Coso Community College Chabot College Chaffey College Citrus College Claremont Graduate University College of Alameda College of Marin College of San Mateo College of the Canyons College of the Desert College of the Sequoias College of the Siskiyous Columbia College Concordia University Contra Costa College Copper Mountain College Cosumnes River College Crafton Hills College Cuyamaca College De Anza College Dominican University of California El Camino College Evergreen Valley College Feather River College Foothill College Fresno City College Fresno Pacific University Fullerton College Glendale Community College Grossmont College Hartnell College Holy Names University Humboldt State University Imperial Valley College Intercultural Institute of California Irvine Valley College La Sierra University Lake Tahoe Community College Long Beach City College Los Angeles City College Los Angeles Harbor College Los Angeles Southwest College Los Angeles Trade-Technical College Los Angeles Valley College Mendocino College Merced College Mills College MiraCosta College Modesto Junior College Monterey Peninsula College Napa Valley College Notre Dame de Namur University Oxnard College Pasadena City College Pepperdine University Pitzer College Porterville College Sacramento City College Saddleback College Saint Mary’s College of California San Diego Christian College San Diego City College San Diego Mesa College San Diego Miramar College San Diego State University San Francisco State University San Joaquin Delta College San Jose City College San José State University Santa Ana College Santa Barbara City College Santa Clara University Santa Rosa Junior College Santiago Canyon College Skyline College Solano Community College Sonoma State University Southwestern College Stanford University Taft College UC Berkeley UC Davis UC Irvine UC Los Angeles UC Riverside UC San Diego UC Santa Barbara UC Santa Cruz University of La Verne University of Redlands University of San Francisco University of Southern California University of the Pacific Vanguard University of Southern California Victor Valley College Weimar College West Los Angeles College West Valley College Westmont College Whittier College Yuba College English Language and Literature / Letters, Other Butte Community College California Design College CSU Monterey Bay CSU Northridge Citrus College Laney College Mt. San Antonio College Occidental College Pepperdine University Stanford University UC Irvine UC Los Angeles UC San Diego UC Santa Cruz University of Southern California English Literature (British and Commonwealth) Concordia University Mills College Point Loma Nazarene University UC Santa Cruz California Postsecondary Education Commission English / Language Arts Teacher Education Alliant International University - San Diego Azusa Pacific University Biola University CSU Chico Fresno Pacific University Hope International University Pepperdine University Point Loma Nazarene University Rudolf Steiner College San Diego State University San Francisco State University Soka University of America UC Irvine UC Los Angeles Entomology CSU Stanislaus San José State University UC Davis UC Riverside Entrepreneurial and Small Business Operations, Other California School of International Management CSU Los Angeles Hubbard College of Administration International Mt. Sierra College Entrepreneurship / Entrepreneurial Studies California School of International Management CSU Fullerton CSU San Bernardino Hubbard College of Administration International Northwestern Polytechnic University San Diego State University University of La Verne Environmental Design / Architecture Otis College of Art and Design UC Berkeley UC Irvine Environmental Engineering Technology / Environmental Technology Allan Hancock College Bakersfield College Butte Community College CSU Long Beach Chaffey College Cosumnes River College Cuyamaca College De Anza College El Camino College 153 Part 2: Programs Offered Environmental Health Golden West College Hartnell College Merced College Merritt College Mission College Palomar College Rio Hondo College Solano Community College Southwestern College West Los Angeles College Environmental Health CSU Fresno CSU Los Angeles CSU Northridge CSU San Bernardino Loma Linda University San Diego State University UC Berkeley UC Los Angeles Environmental Studies Alliant International University - San Diego California State Polytechnic University, Pomona CSU Channel Islands CSU Chico CSU East Bay CSU Fresno CSU Fullerton CSU Long Beach CSU Monterey Bay CSU Sacramento CSU San Bernardino CSU Stanislaus Citrus College Columbia College Cuyamaca College De Anza College Dominican University of California Feather River College Fresno Pacific University Fullerton College Humboldt State University Mills College Monterey Institute of International Studies Moorpark College Mt. San Jacinto College Notre Dame de Namur University Occidental College Pitzer College Sacramento City College San Diego State University San Francisco State University San José State University Sonoma State University UC Berkeley UC Davis UC Irvine UC Los Angeles UC Merced UC Riverside UC San Diego UC Santa Barbara UC Santa Cruz University of La Verne University of Redlands University of San Francisco University of the Pacific 154 Environmental / Environmental Health Engineering California Institute of Technology California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo De Anza College Feather River College Fullerton College Humboldt State University Irvine Valley College Napa Valley College Oxnard College Palo Verde College Saddleback College San Diego State University Santa Barbara City College Santa Rosa Junior College Shasta College UC Berkeley UC Davis UC Irvine UC Merced UC Riverside UC San Diego University of Southern California Epidemiology Loma Linda University San Diego State University Stanford University UC Berkeley UC Davis UC Los Angeles UC San Diego University of Southern California Equestrian / Equine Studies College of the Sequoias Feather River College Mt. San Antonio College Santa Rosa Junior College Shasta College Sierra College West Hills College Coalinga Cosumnes River College De Anza College El Camino College Foothill College Fresno City College Fresno Pacific University Fullerton College Grossmont College Intercultural Institute of California Laney College Las Positas College Los Angeles City College Los Angeles Mission College Mashdots College Mendocino College Merritt College Mills College Palo Verde College Palomar College Pasadena City College Rio Hondo College Sacramento City College San Diego City College San Diego Mesa College San Francisco State University Santa Barbara City College Santa Rosa Junior College Santiago Canyon College Solano Community College Sonoma State University Southwestern College Stanford University UC Berkeley UC Los Angeles UC Riverside UC San Diego UC Santa Cruz University of Southern California Ventura College European History Berkeley City College CSU Chico City College of San Francisco Palo Verde College UC Santa Cruz European Studies / Civilization Ethnic, Cultural Minority, and Gender Studies, Other Alliant International University - San Diego Bakersfield College Berkeley City College Cabrillo College California State Polytechnic University, Pomona CSU Chico CSU East Bay CSU Fullerton CSU Northridge CSU Sacramento CSU Stanislaus Chabot College Claremont Graduate University College of San Mateo Contra Costa College CSU Fullerton CSU Long Beach Naval Postgraduate School Pepperdine University San Diego State University UC Irvine UC Los Angeles UC San Diego UC Santa Cruz Evolutionary Biology UC Davis UC Santa Barbara UC Santa Cruz California Postsecondary Education Commission Part 2: Programs Offered Fashion / Apparel Design Executive Assistant / Executive Secretary Cañada College Empire College Experimental Psychology CSU San Bernardino San Francisco State University University of Southern California Family and Community Services American River College East Los Angeles College Family and Consumer Economics and Related Services, Other East Los Angeles College Los Angeles Harbor College Los Angeles Mission College Sacramento City College Santiago Canyon College Family and Consumer Sciences / Home Economics Teacher Education San Francisco State University Family and Consumer Sciences / Human Sciences, General Allan Hancock College Butte Community College CSU Fresno CSU Long Beach CSU Northridge CSU Sacramento College of the Sequoias Fullerton College Humboldt State University Lake Tahoe Community College Los Angeles Mission College Merritt College Modesto Junior College Palomar College Point Loma Nazarene University San Francisco State University San Joaquin Delta College Santa Ana College Santa Rosa Junior College Shasta College Solano Community College Ventura College Yuba College Family and Consumer Sciences / Human Sciences, Other American River College Butte Community College College of the Siskiyous Columbia College Contra Costa College Cuesta College Diablo Valley College Fresno City College Gavilan College Imperial Valley College Long Beach City College Los Medanos College Mendocino College Modesto Junior College Mt. San Antonio College Napa Valley College Reedley College Rio Hondo College Riverside City College San Bernardino Valley College Family Medicine UC Irvine Family Practice Nurse / Nurse Practitioner Azusa Pacific University Samuel Merritt College San Diego State University UC Davis University of San Francisco Western University of Health Sciences Family Resource Management Studies, General East Los Angeles College Family Systems Long Beach City College Los Angeles Mission College Point Loma Nazarene University Rio Hondo College Fashion and Fabric Consultant Allan Hancock College American River College Cañada College Diablo Valley College East Los Angeles College Long Beach City College Mendocino College Monterey Peninsula College Mt. San Antonio College Orange Coast College Pasadena City College California Postsecondary Education Commission Sacramento City College San Diego Mesa College San Joaquin Delta College Santa Monica College Shasta College Skyline College West Valley College Fashion Merchandising American InterContinental University American River College Art Institute of California - San Francisco Brooks College Butte Community College California Design College CSU Fresno Chaffey College City College of San Francisco College of Alameda Cuesta College East Los Angeles College El Camino College Evergreen Valley College Fashion Careers College Fullerton College Likie Fashion and Technology College Los Angeles Valley College Modesto Junior College Monterey Peninsula College Palomar College Point Loma Nazarene University Reedley College Saddleback College San Diego Mesa College San Joaquin Delta College Santiago Canyon College Sierra College Solano Community College Fashion Modeling College of Alameda Fashion / Apparel Design Academy of Art University American InterContinental University American River College Art Institute of California - San Francisco Brooks College Cañada College Chaffey College City College of San Francisco Cuesta College East Los Angeles College El Camino College Fashion Careers College Fullerton College Likie Fashion and Technology College Long Beach City College Los Angeles Trade-Technical College Monterey Peninsula College Mt. San Antonio College Otis College of Art and Design Palomar College Saddleback College San Diego Mesa College San Joaquin Delta College Santa Ana College Santa Monica College 155 Part 2: Programs Offered Fiber, Textile and Weaving Arts Santiago Canyon College University of San Francisco West Valley College Fiber, Textile and Weaving Arts College for Appraisers UC Davis Film / Cinema Studies American Heritage University City College of San Francisco De Anza College Long Beach City College Monterey Peninsula College Orange Coast College Palomar College San Francisco State University Santa Monica College Skyline College UC Berkeley UC Davis UC Irvine UC Los Angeles UC Riverside UC San Diego UC Santa Barbara UC Santa Cruz University of Southern California West Valley College Film / Video and Photographic Arts Platt College - San Diego Film / Video and Photographic Arts, Other Azusa Pacific University Berkeley City College Brooks Institute City College of San Francisco Contra Costa College Pitzer College Platt College - San Diego UC Irvine UC Santa Cruz University of Southern California Finance and Financial Management Services, Other American Graduate University California School of International Management California State Polytechnic University, Pomona Dominican University of California Likie Fashion and Technology College Newport University Saint Mary’s College of California San Diego State University San José State University Tien Tao Chong Hua University 156 Finance, General California American University California State Polytechnic University, Pomona CSU Chico CSU Dominguez Hills CSU Fresno CSU Fullerton CSU Long Beach CSU Los Angeles CSU Northridge CSU Sacramento CSU San Bernardino CSU Stanislaus Folsom Lake College Golden Gate University Hubbard College of Administration International La Sierra University Los Angeles Mission College Menlo College Pacific States University Pepperdine University Point Loma Nazarene University San Diego State University San Francisco State University San José State University Santa Clara University University of San Francisco Vanguard University of Southern California Financial Planning and Services California School of International Management CSU Fresno CSU San Bernardino Frederick Taylor University Golden Gate University Hubbard College of Administration International San Diego State University Fine Arts and Art Studies, Other Academy of Art University American River College Berkeley City College Biola University California Baptist University Claremont Graduate University College for Appraisers College of the Desert Columbia College UC Los Angeles UC San Diego University of Redlands University of Southern California Fine / Studio Arts, General Academy of Art University Berkeley City College California Institute of the Arts CSU Chico CSU East Bay CSU Fullerton CSU Long Beach CSU Los Angeles CSU Northridge CSU Stanislaus City College of San Francisco Golden West College Laguna College of Art & Design Otis College of Art and Design Palomar College Rudolf Steiner College Sacramento City College San Diego State University San Francisco State University San José State University Santa Clara University Skyline College Sonoma State University UC Berkeley UC Davis UC Irvine UC San Diego UC Santa Barbara UC Santa Cruz University of the Pacific Fire Protection and Safety Technology / Technician Barstow College Citrus College Columbia College Copper Mountain College Mt. San Jacinto College Palo Verde College Victor Valley College Fire Protection, Other Allan Hancock College American River College Antelope Valley College Bakersfield College Barstow College Butte Community College Cabrillo College Cerro Coso Community College Chabot College City College of San Francisco College of San Mateo College of the Desert College of the Sequoias College of the Siskiyous Columbia College Cosumnes River College Crafton Hills College El Camino College Fresno City College Glendale Community College Hartnell College Lake Tahoe Community College Las Positas College Long Beach City College Los Angeles Harbor College Los Angeles Valley College Los Medanos College Merced College Mission College Modesto Junior College Mt. San Antonio College Mt. San Jacinto College Oxnard College California Postsecondary Education Commission Part 2: Programs Offered Foreign Languages and Literatures, General Palo Verde College Palomar College Pasadena City College Rio Hondo College Riverside City College San Diego Miramar College Santa Ana College Santa Monica College Santa Rosa Junior College Shasta College Sierra College Solano Community College Southwestern College Victor Valley College Yuba College Fire Science / Firefighting Allan Hancock College American River College Antelope Valley College Bakersfield College Butte Community College Cabrillo College Chabot College City College of San Francisco College of San Mateo College of the Canyons College of the Sequoias College of the Siskiyous Columbia College Copper Mountain College Cosumnes River College Crafton Hills College East Los Angeles College El Camino College Fresno City College Glendale Community College Imperial Valley College Lake Tahoe Community College Las Positas College Long Beach City College Los Angeles Harbor College Los Angeles Valley College Los Medanos College Merced College Mission College Modesto Junior College Monterey Peninsula College Mt. San Antonio College Mt. San Jacinto College Oxnard College Palo Verde College Palomar College Pasadena City College Rio Hondo College Riverside City College San Diego Miramar College San Joaquin Delta College Santa Ana College Santa Rosa Junior College Shasta College Sierra College Solano Community College Southwestern College Victor Valley College Yuba College Fire Services Administration Allan Hancock College CSU Los Angeles College of the Siskiyous Crafton Hills College Fresno City College Monterey Peninsula College Oxnard College Rio Hondo College Santa Rosa Junior College Fishing and Fisheries Sciences and Management Humboldt State University Food Preparation / Professional Cooking / Kitchen Assistant American River College Food Science California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo California State Polytechnic University, Pomona CSU Fresno San José State University UC Davis Food Service, Waiter / Waitress, and Dining Room Management / Manager American River College Foods, Nutrition, and Related Services, Other CSU Chico Foods, Nutrition, and Wellness Studies, General Allan Hancock College American River College Butte Community College California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo California State Polytechnic University, Pomona CSU Chico CSU Long Beach CSU Los Angeles CSU Sacramento CSU San Bernardino City College of San Francisco Fresno City College Loma Linda University Optimal Performance Institute, The California Postsecondary Education Commission Orange Coast College Palomar College Pasadena City College Pepperdine University Saddleback College San Diego Mesa College San Diego State University San Francisco State University San José State University UC Davis Foodservice Systems Administration / Management Allan Hancock College Bakersfield College CSU Chico Chaffey College College of the Sequoias Columbia College Cosumnes River College Fresno City College Glendale Community College Grossmont College Long Beach City College Los Angeles City College Los Angeles Mission College Mission College Orange Coast College Oxnard College Palomar College San Bernardino Valley College Santa Barbara City College Santa Rosa Junior College Yuba College Foreign Language Teacher Education Azusa Pacific University CSU Chico Monterey Institute of International Studies Notre Dame de Namur University Rudolf Steiner College San Francisco State University Soka University of America UC Irvine Foreign Languages and Literatures, General Antelope Valley College Bakersfield College Berkeley City College Cabrillo College California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo Citrus College College of Marin College of the Canyons College of the Sequoias Contra Costa College Crafton Hills College Fullerton College Glendale Community College Lake Tahoe Community College Long Beach City College Los Angeles Harbor College 157 Part 2: Programs Offered Foreign Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics, Other Los Angeles Valley College Mendocino College Modesto Junior College Monterey Peninsula College Mt. San Jacinto College Occidental College Pasadena City College Saddleback College San Diego City College San Joaquin Delta College San Jose City College Santa Ana College Shasta College Solano Community College Stanford University UC Riverside UC Santa Cruz Ventura College Westmont College Foreign Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics, Other American River College Antelope Valley College Bakersfield College Berkeley City College College of San Mateo College of the Sequoias Concordia University Ohlone College Riverside City College San Joaquin Delta College Santa Ana College Sierra College UC Berkeley UC Los Angeles UC Riverside UC Santa Barbara Forensic Pathology UC Davis Forensic Science and Technology CSU Los Angeles Diablo Valley College Grossmont College Long Beach City College Riverside City College San Diego Miramar College San José State University UC Davis Forest Management / Forest Resources Management UC Berkeley UC Davis Forest Sciences and Biology Feather River College 158 Forestry, General American River College Bakersfield College California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo Citrus College College of the Redwoods Columbia College Humboldt State University Lake Tahoe Community College Modesto Junior College Mt. San Antonio College Reedley College Santa Rosa Junior College Sierra College UC Berkeley Franchising and Franchise Operations American River College CSU San Bernardino Cañada College Chaffey College Coastline Community College College of the Canyons Cosumnes River College Cuyamaca College Diablo Valley College Folsom Lake College Fullerton College Golden West College Los Angeles City College Los Medanos College Merced College MiraCosta College Monterey Peninsula College Mt. San Antonio College Mt. San Jacinto College Ohlone College Pasadena City College Reedley College San Diego City College San Francisco State University Santa Monica College Santa Rosa Junior College Sierra College Solano Community College Southwestern College French Language and Literature American River College CSU Bakersfield CSU Chico CSU Dominguez Hills CSU East Bay CSU Fresno CSU Fullerton CSU Long Beach CSU Los Angeles CSU Northridge CSU Sacramento CSU San Bernardino CSU Stanislaus Cañada College Cerritos College Chaffey College City College of San Francisco College of Marin College of San Mateo College of the Sequoias Contra Costa College De Anza College Diablo Valley College El Camino College Foothill College Glendale Community College Grossmont College Humboldt State University Irvine Valley College La Sierra University Los Angeles City College Mashdots College Mills College Monterey Institute of International Studies Monterey Peninsula College Napa Valley College Notre Dame de Namur University Occidental College Ohlone College Palo Verde College Pepperdine University Point Loma Nazarene University Saint Mary’s College of California San Diego City College San Diego Mesa College San Diego State University San Francisco State University San Joaquin Delta College San José State University Santa Barbara City College Santa Clara University Santiago Canyon College Solano Community College Sonoma State University Southwestern College Stanford University UC Berkeley UC Davis UC Irvine UC Los Angeles UC Riverside UC San Diego UC Santa Barbara UC Santa Cruz University of La Verne University of Redlands University of San Francisco University of Southern California University of the Pacific Victor Valley College West Valley College Westmont College Whittier College French Language Teacher Education Notre Dame de Namur University San Francisco State University Funeral Service and Mortuary Science, General American River College Cypress College California Postsecondary Education Commission Part 2: Programs Offered Geology / Earth Science, General General Merchandising, Sales, and Related Marketing Operations, Other Brooks College CSU Stanislaus East Los Angeles College Fresno City College Los Angeles Trade-Technical College Menlo College Orange Coast College Palo Verde College Santa Rosa Junior College General Office Occupations and Clerical Services Cañada College East Los Angeles College Empire College Skyline College General Studies Allan Hancock College Azusa Pacific University Barstow College Butte Community College CSU Chico Cañada College Cerro Coso Community College City College of San Francisco College of the Desert College of the Redwoods College of the Siskiyous Columbia College Contra Costa College Cosumnes River College Cuyamaca College Cypress College De Anza College Diablo Valley College Evergreen Valley College Folsom Lake College Fresno City College Gavilan College Glendale Community College Hartnell College Hope International University Imperial Valley College InterAmerican College Irvine Valley College Lake Tahoe Community College Lassen Community College Los Medanos College Marymount College Mendocino College Merced College MiraCosta College Monterey Peninsula College Napa Valley College Palomar College Patten University Porterville College Reedley College Rudolf Steiner College Sacramento City College Saddleback College San Jose City College Shasta College Sierra College Southwestern College UC Davis UC Santa Cruz University of La Verne University of Phoenix Victor Valley College Western Institute for Social Research Whittier College Geochemistry California Institute of Technology San Diego State University UC Los Angeles UC San Diego Geography Berkeley City College Cabrillo College California State Polytechnic University, Pomona CSU Chico CSU Dominguez Hills CSU East Bay CSU Fresno CSU Fullerton CSU Long Beach CSU Los Angeles CSU Northridge CSU Sacramento CSU San Bernardino CSU Stanislaus Cañada College Cerritos College College of Alameda College of Marin Concordia University Contra Costa College De Anza College El Camino College Foothill College Fullerton College Grossmont College Humboldt State University Lake Tahoe Community College Mt. San Jacinto College Ohlone College Palo Verde College Palomar College Pierce College Rio Hondo College San Diego City College San Diego State University San Francisco State University San José State University Santa Ana College Santa Barbara City College Santa Rosa Junior College Santiago Canyon College Sonoma State University UC Berkeley UC Davis UC Los Angeles UC Riverside UC Santa Barbara University of Southern California California Postsecondary Education Commission Victor Valley College West Hills College at Lemoore West Hills College Coalinga Geological and Earth Sciences / Geosciences, Other California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo California State Polytechnic University, Pomona CSU Chico CSU Long Beach CSU Northridge CSU San Bernardino Cerritos College College of the Siskiyous Crafton Hills College El Camino College Grossmont College San Diego State University San José State University Santa Barbara City College Santa Rosa Junior College Sierra College Stanford University UC Davis UC Los Angeles UC Riverside UC Santa Barbara West Hills College Coalinga Whittier College Geological / Geophysical Engineering UC Los Angeles Geology / Earth Science, General Berkeley City College California Institute of Technology California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo California State Polytechnic University, Pomona CSU Bakersfield CSU Chico CSU Dominguez Hills CSU East Bay CSU Fresno CSU Fullerton CSU Long Beach CSU Los Angeles CSU Northridge CSU Sacramento CSU San Bernardino CSU Stanislaus Citrus College City College of San Francisco College of the Siskiyous Columbia College Contra Costa College Cuesta College Humboldt State University Lake Tahoe Community College Loma Linda University 159 Part 2: Programs Offered Geophysics and Seismology Los Angeles Harbor College Los Angeles Valley College MiraCosta College Moorpark College Mt. San Jacinto College Occidental College Ohlone College Palo Verde College Palomar College San Diego State University San Francisco State University San José State University Santa Barbara City College Santiago Canyon College Sierra College Solano Community College Sonoma State University Stanford University UC Berkeley UC Davis UC Irvine UC Los Angeles UC Merced UC Riverside UC San Diego UC Santa Barbara UC Santa Cruz University of Southern California University of the Pacific Victor Valley College West Hills College at Lemoore West Hills College Coalinga Whittier College Geophysics and Seismology California Institute of Technology Occidental College San Diego State University Stanford University UC Berkeley UC Davis UC Los Angeles UC Riverside UC San Diego UC Santa Barbara German Language and Literature American River College CSU Chico CSU East Bay CSU Fresno CSU Fullerton CSU Long Beach CSU Northridge CSU Sacramento Cerritos College Chaffey College College of San Mateo Diablo Valley College Foothill College Grossmont College Humboldt State University Los Angeles City College Los Angeles Valley College Mashdots College Monterey Institute of International Studies 160 Ohlone College Palo Verde College Pepperdine University Saint Mary’s College of California San Diego State University San Francisco State University San Joaquin Delta College San José State University Santa Barbara City College Santa Clara University Santa Rosa Junior College Solano Community College Sonoma State University Stanford University UC Berkeley UC Davis UC Irvine UC Los Angeles UC Riverside UC San Diego UC Santa Barbara UC Santa Cruz University of La Verne University of Southern California University of the Pacific German Language Teacher Education Notre Dame de Namur University Rudolf Steiner College San Diego State University San Francisco State University Graphic and Printing Equipment Operator, General Production Fresno City College Fullerton College Laney College Palomar College Pasadena City College Riverside City College Sacramento City College San Joaquin Delta College Graphic Communications, Other Contra Costa College Palomar College Graphic Design Platt College - San Diego Ground Transportation, Other Sacramento City College San Diego City College Gunsmithing / Gunsmith Germanic Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics, General UC Los Angeles UC Santa Barbara Lassen Community College Health and Medical Administrative Services Loma Linda University Germanic Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics, Other Stanford University Gerontology CSU Chico CSU Fullerton CSU Long Beach CSU Los Angeles CSU Northridge CSU Sacramento CSU San Bernardino Folsom Lake College Mt. San Jacinto College Notre Dame de Namur University San Diego State University San Francisco State University San José State University University of La Verne Health and Medical Administrative Services, Other California Pacific University City College of San Francisco Contra Costa College Cosumnes River College Cypress College East Los Angeles College Mendocino College San Joaquin Valley College - Visalia Skyline College Southwestern College Stanford University Weimar College West Hills College Coalinga Westech College Western Career College - Sacramento Health and Physical Education, General Allan Hancock College Antelope Valley College Bakersfield College California Postsecondary Education Commission Part 2: Programs Offered Health Teacher Education Butte Community College California Baptist University California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo California State Polytechnic University, Pomona CSU Bakersfield CSU Chico CSU Dominguez Hills CSU East Bay CSU Fresno CSU Fullerton CSU Long Beach CSU Los Angeles CSU Northridge CSU Sacramento CSU San Bernardino CSU San Marcos CSU Stanislaus Cerritos College Chabot College Citrus College College of Marin College of the Canyons College of the Desert College of the Sequoias College of the Siskiyous Columbia College Contra Costa College Crafton Hills College Cuesta College Cypress College De Anza College East Los Angeles College El Camino College Evergreen Valley College Foothill College Fresno Pacific University Glendale Community College Golden West College Grossmont College Humboldt State University Irvine Valley College La Sierra University Lake Tahoe Community College Long Beach City College Los Angeles Southwest College Los Angeles Valley College Mendocino College Merced College Mission College Modesto Junior College Monterey Peninsula College Mt. San Antonio College Mt. San Jacinto College Napa Valley College Occidental College Optimal Performance Institute, The Orange Coast College Pasadena City College Point Loma Nazarene University Porterville College Riverside City College Sacramento City College Saddleback College Saint Mary’s College of California San Diego City College San Diego Mesa College San Diego State University San Francisco State University San José State University Santa Ana College Santa Barbara City College Santa Monica College Santa Rosa Junior College Shasta College Solano Community College Sonoma State University Southwestern College University of San Francisco University of the Pacific West Hills College at Lemoore West Valley College Westmont College Yuba College Health and Physical Education / Fitness, Other Citrus College Columbia College Concordia University San Diego State University Health Information / Medical Records Administration / Administrator Loma Linda University Health Information / Medical Records Technology / Technician Antelope Valley College Cañada College Chabot College City College of San Francisco College of San Mateo Cosumnes River College Cypress College East Los Angeles College Fresno City College Heald Colleges of California Administrative Office Loma Linda University MTI College Rio Hondo College San Diego Mesa College Santa Barbara City College Health Occupations Teacher Education CSU San Bernardino City College of San Francisco Crafton Hills College Cypress College Lake Tahoe Community College Loma Linda University Los Angeles Harbor College Mt. San Jacinto College Ohlone College Pacific College of Oriental Medicine Pasadena City College Pepperdine University Saint Mary’s College of California Samra University of Oriental Medicine Samuel Merritt College San Francisco State University San José State University Santa Rosa Junior College Skyline College Stanford University UC Berkeley UC Irvine UC Los Angeles UC San Francisco UC Santa Cruz Western Institute for Social Research Western University of Health Sciences Health Services Administration California University of Technology Health Services / Allied Health / Health Sciences, General American University of Health Sciences CSU Chico CSU Dominguez Hills CSU East Bay CSU Fresno CSU Fullerton CSU Long Beach CSU Los Angeles CSU Northridge CSU Sacramento CSU San Bernardino Columbia College MiraCosta College San Diego State University San Francisco State University San José State University West Hills College at Lemoore Golden West College Health Teacher Education Health Professions and Related Clinical Sciences, Other Breining Institute CSU Bakersfield CSU Dominguez Hills CSU East Bay CSU Fresno CSU Long Beach CSU Los Angeles CSU Northridge California Postsecondary Education Commission Azusa Pacific University Cabrillo College CSU Sacramento CSU San Bernardino CSU Stanislaus Chaffey College College of the Canyons College of the Siskiyous Contra Costa College Hartnell College Rudolf Steiner College San Diego State University 161 Part 2: Programs Offered Health Unit Coordinator / Ward Clerk San Francisco State University West Hills College Coalinga Western Institute for Social Research Health Unit Coordinator / Ward Clerk City College of San Francisco High-Tech Institute Orange Coast College Health Unit Manager / Ward Supervisor California Coast University Health / Health Care Administration / Management CSU Dominguez Hills CSU East Bay CSU Long Beach CSU Los Angeles CSU Northridge CSU San Bernardino Frederick Taylor University Saint Mary’s College of California San José State University UC Berkeley University of La Verne University of San Francisco Western Institute for Social Research Health / Medical Physics CSU Dominguez Hills CSU Long Beach CSU Northridge San Diego State University Health / Medical Preparatory Programs, Other College of San Mateo El Camino College Fullerton College Gavilan College Glendale Community College Irvine Valley College Los Angeles Mission College Merced College Santa Ana College Skyline College Southwestern College UC Berkeley Weimar College West Hills College Coalinga Health-Related Knowledge and Skills, Other Berkeley City College Palo Verde College Solano Community College 162 Heating, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Technology / Technician (ACH / ACR / ACHR / HRAC / HVAC / AC Technol Antelope Valley College Citrus College City College of San Francisco College of San Mateo College of the Desert College of the Sequoias Cypress College El Camino College Fresno City College Laney College Long Beach City College Los Angeles Trade-Technical College Merced College Modesto Junior College Mt. San Antonio College Orange Coast College Oxnard College Palomar College Riverside City College San Bernardino Valley College San Diego City College San Joaquin Delta College San Jose City College Heating, Air Conditioning, Ventilation and Refrigeration Maintenance Technology / Technician (HAC, HAC Palomar College San Joaquin Delta College WyoTech - Fremont Heavy Equipment Maintenance Technology / Technician College of the Redwoods Los Angeles Trade-Technical College San Diego Miramar College San Joaquin Delta College Santa Ana College Hebrew Language and Literature CSU Northridge Hebrew Union College - Jewish Institute of Religion San Francisco State University UC Los Angeles UC Santa Cruz High School Equivalence Certificate Program City College of San Francisco Higher Education / Higher Education Administration Alliant International University - San Diego Azusa Pacific University CSU Los Angeles CSU Sacramento Claremont Graduate University San Diego State University University of Southern California Western Institute for Social Research Hispanic-American, Puerto Rican, and MexicanAmerican / Chicano Studies Berkeley City College CSU Channel Islands CSU Dominguez Hills CSU Fresno CSU Fullerton CSU Long Beach CSU Los Angeles CSU Northridge Contra Costa College East Los Angeles College Ohlone College Palo Verde College Pitzer College San Diego State University San Francisco State University San José State University Sonoma State University Stanford University UC Berkeley UC Davis UC Irvine UC Los Angeles UC Riverside UC San Diego UC Santa Barbara University of Southern California Historic Preservation and Conservation CSU Dominguez Hills University of Southern California History and Philosophy of Science and Technology San Diego State University Thomas Aquinas College UC Berkeley UC Irvine History Teacher Education Azusa Pacific University Biola University California Postsecondary Education Commission Part 2: Programs Offered Hospitality Administration / Management, General CSU San Bernardino Notre Dame de Namur University Rudolf Steiner College San Francisco State University History, General Antelope Valley College Azusa Pacific University Bakersfield College Berkeley City College Biola University Cabrillo College California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo California State Polytechnic University, Pomona CSU Bakersfield CSU Channel Islands CSU Chico CSU Dominguez Hills CSU East Bay CSU Fresno CSU Fullerton CSU Long Beach CSU Los Angeles CSU Northridge CSU Sacramento CSU San Bernardino CSU San Marcos CSU Stanislaus Cañada College Cerritos College Chaffey College City College of San Francisco Claremont Graduate University College of Marin College of the Canyons College of the Desert Columbia College Concordia University Contra Costa College Copper Mountain College Crafton Hills College Cuyamaca College De Anza College Dominican University of California El Camino College Feather River College Foothill College Fresno City College Fresno Pacific University Fullerton College Grossmont College Hartnell College Holy Names University Humboldt State University Irvine Valley College La Sierra University Lake Tahoe Community College Los Angeles Southwest College Los Angeles Valley College Mendocino College Menlo College Merced College Mills College MiraCosta College Monterey Peninsula College Mt. San Jacinto College Notre Dame de Namur University Occidental College Ohlone College Oxnard College Palo Verde College Palomar College Pasadena City College Pepperdine University Pitzer College Point Loma Nazarene University Porterville College Sacramento City College Saddleback College Saint Mary’s College of California San Diego Christian College San Diego City College San Diego Mesa College San Diego Miramar College San Diego State University San Francisco State University San José State University Santa Ana College Santa Barbara City College Santa Clara University Santa Monica College Santa Rosa Junior College Santiago Canyon College Skyline College Solano Community College Sonoma State University Southwestern College Stanford University Thomas Aquinas College UC Berkeley UC Davis UC Irvine UC Los Angeles UC Merced UC Riverside UC San Diego UC Santa Barbara UC Santa Cruz University of La Verne University of Redlands University of San Francisco University of Southern California University of the Pacific Victor Valley College West Los Angeles College West Valley College Westmont College Whittier College Yuba College History, Other Berkeley City College CSU Chico Concordia University Point Loma Nazarene University Thomas Aquinas College UC Merced UC Riverside UC San Diego UC Santa Barbara Home Furnishings and Equipment Installers Allan Hancock College Antelope Valley College Bakersfield College Butte Community College Cañada College California Postsecondary Education Commission Chabot College Chaffey College City College of San Francisco College of San Mateo Cuesta College Cuyamaca College El Camino College Golden West College Las Positas College Long Beach City College Los Angeles Mission College Los Angeles Valley College MiraCosta College Mission College Modesto Junior College Monterey Peninsula College Mt. San Antonio College Ohlone College Orange Coast College Palomar College Pierce College Saddleback College San Diego Mesa College Santa Ana College Santa Rosa Junior College Solano Community College Southwestern College West Valley College Home Health Aide / Home Attendant Allan Hancock College City College of San Francisco Imperial Valley College Long Beach City College Palo Verde College Santa Barbara City College Home Maintenance and Improvement Solano Community College Horticultural Science California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo California State Polytechnic University, Pomona CSU Fresno Lake Tahoe Community College UC Davis Hospital and Health Care Facilities Administration / Management Loma Linda University University of Southern California Hospitality Administration / Management, General California American University California School of International Management 163 Part 2: Programs Offered Hospitality Administration / Management, Other California State Polytechnic University, Pomona City College of San Francisco College of the Canyons College of the Desert Columbia College Cypress College Glendale Community College Heald Colleges of California Administrative Office Lake Tahoe Community College MiraCosta College Monterey Peninsula College Mt. San Antonio College Pasadena City College San Diego State University San Francisco State University San José State University Santa Barbara City College Santa Rosa Junior College Shasta College Skyline College Travel University International Hospitality Administration / Management, Other California School of International Management CSU Fullerton University of San Francisco Hospitality and Recreation Marketing Operations American InterContinental University College of the Desert Empire College Palo Verde College Hotel / Motel Administration / Management Alliant International University - San Diego California School of International Management California State Polytechnic University, Pomona California University of Technology Chaffey College City College of San Francisco College of the Canyons Columbia College Cypress College Lake Tahoe Community College Orange Coast College Oxnard College San Diego Mesa College San Francisco State University San José State University Travel University International University of San Francisco West Hills College at Lemoore Housing and Human Environments, General San Francisco State University San Joaquin Delta College 164 Human Development and Family Studies, General California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo CSU East Bay CSU Long Beach CSU San Bernardino CSU San Marcos Cuesta College Fullerton College Hope International University Loma Linda University Napa Valley College Saddleback College Sonoma State University UC Davis UC San Diego University of La Verne Human Development, Family Studies, and Related Services, Other College of the Sequoias Columbia College of Missouri East Los Angeles College Fullerton College San Joaquin Delta College Human Resources Management and Services, Other California School of International Management CSU San Bernardino Claremont Graduate University Human Resources Management / Personnel Administration, General Allan Hancock College Azusa Pacific University California National University For Advanced Studies California School of International Management California State Polytechnic University, Pomona CSU Chico CSU Dominguez Hills CSU Fresno CSU Long Beach CSU Los Angeles CSU Northridge CSU Sacramento CSU San Bernardino CSU Stanislaus California University of Technology Cañada College CapStone University College of the Canyons Columbia College DeVry University Dominican University of California Frederick Taylor University Fresno City College Fresno Pacific University Golden Gate University Holy Names University La Sierra University Lassen Community College Los Angeles City College Menlo College Merced College Newport University Porterville College San Bernardino Valley College San Diego State University San Francisco State University San Joaquin Delta College San José State University Shasta College West Hills College Coalinga Yuba College Human Services, General Allan Hancock College American River College Bakersfield College Berkeley City College Cabrillo College CSU Dominguez Hills CSU Fullerton CSU Monterey Bay CSU San Bernardino Cañada College College of San Mateo College of the Desert College of the Sequoias Columbia College Cosumnes River College Cypress College Diablo Valley College Folsom Lake College Fresno City College Hartnell College Imperial Valley College Lassen Community College Long Beach City College Los Angeles City College Merced College Merritt College Modesto Junior College Monterey Peninsula College Napa Valley College Riverside City College Sacramento City College Saddleback College San Bernardino Valley College San Diego City College San Joaquin Delta College Santa Rosa Junior College Solano Community College Southwestern College Human / Medical Genetics Loma Linda University UC Los Angeles Humanities / Humanistic Studies Barstow College California Postsecondary Education Commission Part 2: Programs Offered Information Science / Studies Biola University CSU Chico CSU Dominguez Hills CSU Monterey Bay CSU Northridge CSU Sacramento CSU San Bernardino CSU Stanislaus Cerritos College Cerro Coso Community College College of Alameda College of the Canyons College of the Redwoods College of the Sequoias Contra Costa College Cosumnes River College Cypress College De Anza College Dominican University of California Foothill College Gavilan College Glendale Community College Holy Names University Imperial Valley College Institute for Advanced Study of Human Sexuality, The International Professional School of Bodywork La Sierra University Lake Tahoe Community College Laney College Los Angeles City College Los Angeles Harbor College Los Angeles Mission College Los Angeles Valley College Menlo College Merritt College Mt. San Antonio College Mt. San Jacinto College Napa Valley College Notre Dame de Namur University Palomar College Pasadena City College Pepperdine University Pitzer College Riverside City College Sacramento City College San Diego Miramar College San Diego State University San Francisco State University San Joaquin Delta College San José State University Santa Rosa Junior College Sierra College Southwestern College Stanford University Taft College UC Berkeley UC Davis UC Irvine UC Merced UC Riverside UC San Diego University of Southern California West Hills College at Lemoore West Hills College Coalinga Hydraulics and Fluid Power Technology / Technician San Joaquin Delta College Hypnotherapy / Hypnotherapist American University of Complementary Medicine Breining Institute Immunology Berkeley City College Palo Verde College Stanford University UC Davis UC San Francisco Industrial and Organizational Psychology Alliant International University - San Diego Azusa Pacific University California Graduate Institute CSU Bakersfield CSU Long Beach CSU San Bernardino Center for Psychological Studies Claremont Graduate University Dominican University of California Pepperdine University Phillips Graduate Institute Point Loma Nazarene University Professional School of Psychology Sacramento Saint Mary’s College of California San Diego State University San Francisco State University San José State University Western Institute for Social Research Industrial Design CSU Long Beach San José State University Industrial Electronics Technology / Technician American River College Cerritos College Chabot College Chaffey College Hartnell College Las Positas College Los Angeles Valley College Merced College Modesto Junior College Mt. San Antonio College Napa Valley College National Institute of Technology Palomar College San Jose City College Santa Ana College Victor Valley College Industrial Engineering California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo California Postsecondary Education Commission California State Polytechnic University, Pomona CSU Fresno CSU Los Angeles CSU Northridge San José State University Stanford University UC Berkeley UC San Diego University of Southern California Industrial Production Technologies / Technicians, Other Antelope Valley College California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo Industrial Technology / Technician Bakersfield College Butte Community College CSU Fresno CSU Long Beach CSU Los Angeles Cerritos College Cerro Coso Community College College of the Canyons College of the Redwoods College of the Sequoias Contra Costa College De Anza College El Camino College Evergreen Valley College Fresno City College Fullerton College Glendale Community College Irvine Valley College Merced College MiraCosta College Mission College Modesto Junior College Mt. San Antonio College Reedley College Sacramento City College San Bernardino Valley College San Diego City College San Diego State University San Francisco State University San Joaquin Delta College San José State University Santa Ana College Sierra College Solano Community College Infectious Disease UC Berkeley Information Science / Studies Abraham Lincoln University Alliant International University - San Diego American InterContinental University Biola University 165 Part 2: Programs Offered Information Technology California American University CSU Los Angeles CSU Northridge CSU San Bernardino CSU Stanislaus California University of Management and Sciences Claremont Graduate University College of Alameda DeVry University East Los Angeles College Golden Gate University Humboldt State University ITT Technical Institute Mashdots College Naval Postgraduate School Northwestern Polytechnic University Palomar College UC Berkeley UC Irvine UC Los Angeles UC Riverside UC Santa Cruz University of San Francisco University of the Pacific West Hills College at Lemoore Information Technology California University of Technology International American University Inorganic Chemistry City College of San Francisco Solano Community College UC Santa Cruz Institutional Food Workers Allan Hancock College American River College Bakersfield College Butte Community College Chaffey College City College of San Francisco College of the Canyons College of the Desert Columbia College Crafton Hills College Cypress College Fresno City College Long Beach City College Los Angeles Trade-Technical College MiraCosta College Modesto Junior College Monterey Peninsula College Orange Coast College Riverside City College Saddleback College San Diego Mesa College San Joaquin Delta College Santa Ana College Santa Barbara City College Santa Rosa Junior College Skyline College 166 Instrumentation Technology / Technician Glendale Community College Merced College Modesto Junior College Yuba College Insurance California School of International Management CSU Sacramento Interior Architecture CSU Fresno CSU Sacramento San José State University Interior Design Academy of Art University Allan Hancock College American InterContinental University American River College Antelope Valley College Art Institute of California - San Francisco Bakersfield College Brooks College Butte Community College California State Polytechnic University, Pomona CSU Chico CSU Dominguez Hills CSU Fresno CSU Long Beach CSU Northridge CSU Sacramento CSU San Bernardino Cañada College Chabot College Chaffey College City College of San Francisco College of Marin College of San Mateo College of the Canyons College of the Desert College of the Redwoods College of the Sequoias Cuesta College Cuyamaca College Cypress College De Anza College Design Institute of San Diego East Los Angeles College Foothill College Fullerton College Golden West College Interior Designers Institute Irvine Valley College Las Positas College Long Beach City College Los Angeles City College Los Angeles Mission College Los Angeles Valley College Los Medanos College Mission College Modesto Junior College Monterey Peninsula College Moorpark College Mt. San Antonio College Ohlone College Orange Coast College Palomar College Pasadena City College Pierce College Riverside City College Saddleback College San Bernardino Valley College San Diego City College San Diego Mesa College San Diego State University San Francisco State University San Joaquin Delta College San José State University Santa Barbara City College Santa Monica College Santa Rosa Junior College Sierra College Solano Community College Southwestern College Taft College UC Davis University of San Francisco West Valley College Intermedia / Multimedia Otis College of Art and Design Platt College - San Diego UC Santa Cruz Internal Medicine UC Irvine International Agriculture UC Davis International Business / Trade / Commerce Alliant International University - San Diego Azusa Pacific University Berkeley City College California American University California School of International Management California State Polytechnic University, Pomona CSU Dominguez Hills CSU Fresno CSU Fullerton CSU Northridge CSU Sacramento CSU San Bernardino CSU San Marcos Cerritos College Dominican University of California East Los Angeles College Foothill College Frederick Taylor University Fullerton College Glendale Community College Golden Gate University Grossmont College International Technological University Likie Fashion and Technology College Long Beach City College California Postsecondary Education Commission Part 2: Programs Offered Jewish / Judaic Studies Menlo College Monterey Institute of International Studies Monterey Peninsula College Mt. San Antonio College Newport University Orange Coast College Oxnard College Pacific States University Palomar College Pasadena City College Pepperdine University Pierce College Point Loma Nazarene University Saddleback College Saint Mary’s College of California San Diego State University San Francisco State University San José State University Santa Ana College Santa Barbara City College Santa Rosa Junior College Santiago Canyon College Skyline College Southwestern College Tien Tao Chong Hua University UC Irvine University of La Verne University of Phoenix University of San Francisco Vanguard University of Southern California International Economics Berkeley City College Pepperdine University San Diego State University UC Los Angeles UC San Diego UC Santa Cruz University of San Francisco International Finance California School of International Management International Marketing Berkeley City College California School of International Management California University of Technology Foothill College Fullerton College Long Beach City College Monterey Peninsula College Palomar College San Jose City College International Relations and Affairs Alliant International University - San Diego Bakersfield College Berkeley City College California Maritime Academy CSU Chico CSU East Bay CSU Fresno CSU Long Beach CSU Monterey Bay CSU Sacramento CSU San Bernardino CSU Stanislaus Claremont Graduate University Concordia University De Anza College Dominican University of California Holy Names University Mills College Monterey Institute of International Studies Occidental College Sacramento City College San Diego State University San Francisco State University San José State University Solano Community College Sonoma State University Stanford University UC Davis UC Riverside UC San Diego University of La Verne University of Redlands University of Southern California University of the Pacific Whittier College William Carey International University Interpersonal and Social Skills, General California School of International Management Citrus College College of Alameda Hubbard College of Administration International Napa Valley College Interpersonal Relationships Skills California School of International Management College of Alameda Hubbard College of Administration International Interpersonal Social Skills, Other California School of International Management College of Alameda Hubbard College of Administration International Investments and Securities City College of San Francisco College of San Mateo Contra Costa College Diablo Valley College Lake Tahoe Community College Mashdots College Pierce College Saint Mary’s College of California San Diego State University San Francisco State University San Joaquin Delta College Santa Clara University Santiago Canyon College Stanford University UC Berkeley UC Davis UC Irvine UC Los Angeles UC San Diego UC Santa Barbara UC Santa Cruz University of Southern California Japanese Language and Literature CSU Fullerton CSU Long Beach CSU Los Angeles CSU Northridge CSU Stanislaus City College of San Francisco College of San Mateo Contra Costa College Diablo Valley College El Camino College Foothill College Grossmont College Lake Tahoe Community College Los Angeles City College MiraCosta College Monterey Institute of International Studies Ohlone College Saint Mary’s College of California San Diego Mesa College San Diego State University San Francisco State University San Joaquin Delta College San José State University Stanford University UC Berkeley UC Davis UC Irvine UC Los Angeles UC San Diego UC Santa Barbara UC Santa Cruz California School of International Management Jewish / Judaic Studies Islamic Studies UC Los Angeles UC Santa Barbara Italian Language and Literature CSU Northridge Cañada College California Postsecondary Education Commission American Jewish University CSU Chico CSU Northridge Hebrew Union College - Jewish Institute of Religion San Diego State University San Francisco State University UC Berkeley UC Davis UC Los Angeles UC San Diego 167 Part 2: Programs Offered Job-Seeking / Changing Skills UC Santa Barbara Yeshiva Ohr Elchonon Chabad/West Coast Talmudical Seminary Job-Seeking / Changing Skills Berkeley City College Cañada College City College of San Francisco College of Alameda Crafton Hills College East Los Angeles College Foothill College Hubbard College of Administration International Intercultural Institute of California Monterey Peninsula College Palo Verde College Palomar College Solano Community College Journalism Alliant International University - San Diego American River College Azusa Pacific University Bakersfield College Biola University Cabrillo College California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo CSU Chico CSU Dominguez Hills CSU Fresno CSU Fullerton CSU Long Beach CSU Northridge CSU Sacramento Cerritos College City College of San Francisco College of San Mateo College of the Canyons College of the Desert College of the Sequoias Contra Costa College Cosumnes River College Dominican University of California East Los Angeles College El Camino College Evergreen Valley College Fullerton College Golden West College Humboldt State University Laney College Lassen Community College Long Beach City College Los Angeles City College Los Angeles Southwest College Los Angeles Trade-Technical College Los Angeles Valley College Los Medanos College Menlo College Modesto Junior College Ohlone College Oxnard College Palo Verde College Palomar College Pasadena City College Pepperdine University Pierce College 168 Point Loma Nazarene University Rio Hondo College Sacramento City College Saddleback College San Diego State University San Francisco State University San José State University Santa Monica College Santa Rosa Junior College Shasta College Skyline College Solano Community College Southwestern College Taft College UC Berkeley UC Irvine UC Santa Cruz University of La Verne University of Southern California Ventura College Victor Valley College Journalism, Other San Diego State University San Francisco State University San José State University Skyline College University of La Verne West Hills College Coalinga World Mission University Kinesiology and Exercise Science CSU Chico Concordia University Occidental College Saint Mary’s College of California San Diego State University San Francisco State University Santiago Canyon College UC Davis Vanguard University of Southern California Labor and Industrial Relations CSU San Bernardino CSU Stanislaus Solano Community College Junior High / Intermediate / Middle School Education and Teaching CSU San Bernardino CSU San Marcos Notre Dame de Namur University Rudolf Steiner College San Diego State University San Francisco State University University of La Verne Kindergarten / Preschool Education and Teaching Barstow College California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo CSU Bakersfield CSU Chico CSU Fresno CSU Fullerton CSU Los Angeles CSU Northridge CSU Sacramento CSU San Bernardino CSU Stanislaus College of the Redwoods Concordia University Contra Costa College Copper Mountain College East Los Angeles College Hope International University Lake Tahoe Community College Mashdots College Mills College Mt. San Jacinto College Notre Dame de Namur University Palo Verde College Rudolf Steiner College Saint Mary’s College of California California School of International Management CSU Dominguez Hills CSU Los Angeles City College of San Francisco Imperial Valley College Laney College Los Angeles Trade-Technical College San Diego City College San Francisco State University San Jose City College Landscape Architecture (BS, BSLA, BLA, MSLA, MLA, PhD) California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo California State Polytechnic University, Pomona UC Berkeley UC Davis University of Southern California West Valley College Landscaping and Groundskeeping American River College Bakersfield College Butte Community College Cabrillo College California State Polytechnic University, Pomona Cerritos College City College of San Francisco College of San Mateo College of the Redwoods College of the Sequoias Cosumnes River College Cuyamaca College Diablo Valley College Fullerton College Long Beach City College Merritt College California Postsecondary Education Commission Part 2: Programs Offered Legal Assistant / Paralegal MiraCosta College Mt. San Antonio College Pasadena City College Pierce College Saddleback College San Joaquin Delta College Santa Barbara City College Santa Rosa Junior College Solano Community College Southwestern College Ventura College West Valley College Yuba College Language Interpretation and Translation CSU Long Beach New Bridge University Riverside City College UC Los Angeles Laser and Optical Technology / Technician Las Positas College Merced College Pasadena City College San Jose City College Latin American Studies Alliant International University - San Diego Berkeley City College CSU Chico CSU East Bay CSU Fullerton CSU Los Angeles Naval Postgraduate School Notre Dame de Namur University Palo Verde College Pepperdine University Pitzer College San Diego State University Stanford University UC Berkeley UC Irvine UC Los Angeles UC Riverside UC San Diego UC Santa Barbara UC Santa Cruz Westmont College Latin Language and Literature Concordia University San Diego State University Santa Clara University Thomas Aquinas College UC Berkeley UC Davis UC Irvine UC Los Angeles UC Santa Cruz University of Southern California Law (LL.B., J.D.) Abraham Lincoln University American College of Law American Heritage University Cal Northern School of Law California Southern Law School California Southern University California Western School of Law Cañada College Empire College Foothill College Fresno City College Glendale University College of Law Golden Gate University Inland Valley College Irvine University Larry H. Layton School of Law Lincoln Law School of Sacramento Lincoln Law School of San Jose Los Angeles Mission College Monterey College of Law Mt. San Antonio College Newport University Northwestern California University School of Law Oak Brook College of Law and Government Policy Pacific Coast University School of Law Pacific West College of Law Pasadena City College Pepperdine University Ridgecrest School of Law San Bernardino Valley College San Francisco Law School San Joaquin College of Law Santa Barbara and Ventura Colleges of Law Santa Barbara City College Santa Clara University Southern California Institute of Law, Ventura Campus Southwestern University School of Law Stanford University Trinity Law School UC Berkeley UC Davis UC Los Angeles University of La Verne University of Northern California, Lorenzo Patino School of Law University of San Francisco University of Southern California University of the Pacific University of West Los Angeles Western State University College of Law Whittier College William Howard Taft University Legal Administrative Assistant / Secretary Allan Hancock College Butte Community College Cerritos College City College of San Francisco College of Alameda College of the Redwoods College of the Sequoias Columbia College Cypress College California Postsecondary Education Commission East Los Angeles College Empire College Evergreen Valley College Feather River College Fresno City College Fullerton College Glendale Community College Golden West College Imperial Valley College Larry H. Layton School of Law Las Positas College Lassen Community College Long Beach City College Los Angeles City College Los Angeles Harbor College Los Angeles Mission College Mendocino College Merced College Monterey Peninsula College Mt. San Antonio College Mt. San Jacinto College MTI College Palomar College Pierce College Sage College San Diego City College San Diego Mesa College Santa Rosa Junior College Shasta College Skyline College Solano Community College South Coast College Southwestern College West Valley College Yuba College Legal Assistant / Paralegal American River College California Southern Law School California Southern University CSU San Bernardino Cañada College Cerritos College City College of San Francisco Coastline Community College College of the Redwoods College of the Sequoias Cuesta College Cuyamaca College De Anza College East Los Angeles College El Camino College Evergreen Valley College Fresno City College Fullerton College Heald Colleges of California Administrative Office Imperial Valley College Inland Valley College Lake Tahoe Community College Larry H. Layton School of Law Los Angeles City College Los Angeles Mission College Los Angeles Southwest College Mashdots College Merced College Merritt College Mt. San Antonio College Mt. San Jacinto College MTI College Napa Valley College 169 Part 2: Programs Offered Legal Professions and Studies, Other Northwestern California University School of Law Oak Brook College of Law and Government Policy Oxnard College Palomar College Pasadena City College Platt College - Newport Beach Rio Hondo College Riverside City College Saddleback College Saint Mary’s College of California San Bernardino Valley College San Diego City College San Diego Miramar College San Joaquin College of Law Santa Ana College Santa Barbara Business College Santiago Canyon College Shasta College Skyline College Solano Community College South Coast College Southwestern College University of La Verne University of Northern California, Lorenzo Patino School of Law University of San Francisco University of West Los Angeles Victor Valley College West Los Angeles College West Valley College Western Sierra Law School Legal Professions and Studies, Other Abraham Lincoln University California Southern Law School California Southern University CSU Northridge Empire College Golden Gate University Inland Valley College Pacific West College of Law Pepperdine University Saint Mary’s College of California Santa Barbara City College Southern California Institute of Law, Ventura Campus UC Berkeley UC Davis UC Irvine UC Los Angeles UC Riverside UC Santa Barbara UC Santa Cruz University of West Los Angeles Western Sierra Law School Legal Research and Advanced Professional Studies, Other California Southern University California Western School of Law Golden Gate University Northwestern California University School of Law San Joaquin College of Law 170 UC Berkeley UC Davis University of San Francisco University of the Pacific Western Sierra Law School William Howard Taft University Legal Studies, General Foothill College Los Angeles City College Los Angeles Southwest College MiraCosta College Palomar College UC Berkeley UC Santa Barbara UC Santa Cruz Leisure and Recreational Activities, General American River College CSU Sacramento Solano Community College Leisure and Recreational Activities, Other Solano Community College Liberal Arts and Sciences, General Studies and Humanities, Other CSU Bakersfield CSU Chico CSU Dominguez Hills CSU East Bay CSU Fresno CSU Fullerton CSU Long Beach CSU Northridge CSU Sacramento CSU San Bernardino CSU Stanislaus Holy Names University Humboldt State University Marymount College Menlo College Saint Mary’s College of California San Francisco State University San José State University Santiago Canyon College Sonoma State University UC Los Angeles UC Santa Barbara University of the Pacific West Hills College Coalinga Liberal Arts and Sciences / Liberal Studies Allan Hancock College Alliant International University - San Diego American River College Antelope Valley College Azusa Pacific University Bakersfield College Barstow College Berkeley City College Butte Community College Cabrillo College California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo California Southern University California State Polytechnic University, Pomona CSU Bakersfield CSU Channel Islands CSU Chico CSU Dominguez Hills CSU East Bay CSU Fresno CSU Fullerton CSU Long Beach CSU Los Angeles CSU Monterey Bay CSU Northridge CSU Sacramento CSU San Bernardino CSU San Marcos CSU Stanislaus Cañada College Cerritos College Cerro Coso Community College Chabot College Chaffey College Citrus College City College of San Francisco Coastline Community College College of Alameda College of Marin College of San Mateo College of the Canyons College of the Desert College of the Redwoods College of the Sequoias College of the Siskiyous Columbia College Concordia University Contra Costa College Copper Mountain College Cosumnes River College Crafton Hills College Cuesta College Cuyamaca College Cypress College De Anza College Diablo Valley College Dominican University of California East Los Angeles College El Camino College Evergreen Valley College Feather River College Folsom Lake College Foothill College Fresno City College Fresno Pacific University Fullerton College Gavilan College Glendale Community College Golden West College Grossmont College Hartnell College Holy Names University Humboldt State University Imperial Valley College InterAmerican College Irvine Valley College California Postsecondary Education Commission Part 2: Programs Offered Literacy and Communication Skills La Sierra University Lake Tahoe Community College Laney College Las Positas College Lassen Community College Long Beach City College Los Angeles City College Los Angeles Harbor College Los Angeles Mission College Los Angeles Southwest College Los Angeles Trade-Technical College Los Angeles Valley College Los Medanos College Marymount College Mendocino College Merced College Merritt College Mills College MiraCosta College Mission College Modesto Junior College Monterey Peninsula College Moorpark College Mt. San Antonio College Mt. San Jacinto College Napa Valley College Notre Dame de Namur University Ohlone College Orange Coast College Oxnard College Palo Verde College Palomar College Park University Pasadena City College Patten University Pepperdine University Pierce College Point Loma Nazarene University Porterville College Reedley College Rio Hondo College Riverside City College Sacramento City College Saddleback College Saint Mary’s College of California San Bernardino Valley College San Diego Christian College San Diego City College San Diego Mesa College San Diego Miramar College San Diego State University San Francisco State University San Joaquin Delta College San Jose City College San José State University Santa Ana College Santa Barbara City College Santa Clara University Santa Monica College Santa Rosa Junior College Santiago Canyon College Shasta College Sierra College Skyline College Soka University of America Solano Community College Sonoma State University Southwestern College Taft College Thomas Aquinas College Union Institute, The UC Berkeley UC Riverside UC Santa Barbara University of La Verne University of Redlands University of San Francisco University of Southern California University of the Pacific Ventura College Victor Valley College West Hills College at Lemoore West Hills College Coalinga West Los Angeles College West Valley College Western Institute for Social Research Westmont College Yuba College Library Assistant / Technician City College of San Francisco College of the Canyons College of the Sequoias Cuesta College Diablo Valley College Foothill College Fresno City College Hartnell College Imperial Valley College Palomar College Pasadena City College Sacramento City College San Bernardino Valley College Santa Ana College Sierra College Library Science, Other Golden West College InterAmerican College Los Angeles Harbor College Ohlone College Riverside City College UC Los Angeles Library Science / Librarianship Citrus College Diablo Valley College Rio Hondo College San Bernardino Valley College San José State University Santiago Canyon College Licensed Practical / Vocational Nurse Training (LPN, LVN, Cert, Dipl, AAS) Allan Hancock College Bakersfield College Butte Community College Cabrillo College Cerro Coso Community College Chaffey College Citrus College City College of San Francisco College of the Desert California Postsecondary Education Commission College of the Redwoods College of the Siskiyous Copper Mountain College De Anza College Feather River College Gavilan College Glendale Community College Hartnell College Imperial Valley College Lassen Community College Long Beach City College Los Angeles Trade-Technical College Los Medanos College Merced College Merritt College MiraCosta College Mission College Modesto Junior College Mt. San Jacinto College Napa Valley College Palo Verde College Park University Pasadena City College PIMA Medical Institute Porterville College Rio Hondo College Riverside City College Sacramento City College San Joaquin Delta College Santa Barbara City College Santa Rosa Junior College Shasta College Sierra College Southwestern College Yuba College Linguistics CSU Dominguez Hills CSU Fresno CSU Fullerton CSU Long Beach CSU Monterey Bay CSU Northridge CSU San Bernardino Foothill College Palo Verde College Pitzer College San Diego State University San Francisco State University San José State University Stanford University UC Berkeley UC Davis UC Irvine UC Los Angeles UC Riverside UC San Diego UC Santa Barbara UC Santa Cruz University of Southern California University of the Pacific Literacy and Communication Skills Berkeley City College Cañada College City College of San Francisco Coastline Community College College of Alameda 171 Part 2: Programs Offered Logistics and Materials Management College of San Mateo Crafton Hills College East Los Angeles College Hubbard College of Administration International Intercultural Institute of California Palo Verde College Palomar College Porterville College Skyline College Solano Community College Logistics and Materials Management CSU Long Beach CSU Los Angeles CSU San Bernardino Riverside City College San Bernardino Valley College San José State University UC Berkeley Machine Shop Technology / Assistant Allan Hancock College Bakersfield College Cerro Coso Community College Chabot College College of Marin College of the Redwoods De Anza College El Camino College Glendale Community College Hartnell College Laney College Long Beach City College Los Angeles Trade-Technical College Los Angeles Valley College MiraCosta College Orange Coast College Pasadena City College Pierce College San Bernardino Valley College San Diego City College San Joaquin Delta College San Jose City College Santa Ana College Santa Rosa Junior College Yuba College Machine Tool Technology / Machinist Bakersfield College Cerritos College Cerro Coso Community College Chabot College College of Marin De Anza College Diablo Valley College El Camino College Fresno City College Fullerton College Laney College Lassen Community College Los Angeles Trade-Technical College Los Angeles Valley College 172 Modesto Junior College Orange Coast College Pasadena City College Pierce College Reedley College San Bernardino Valley College San Diego City College San Joaquin Delta College San Jose City College Santa Ana College Santa Rosa Junior College Solano Community College Ventura College Management Sciences and Quantitative Methods, Other California School of International Management California State Polytechnic University, Pomona CSU Fullerton Newport University San Diego State University UC San Diego Management Information Systems and Services, Other California School of International Management CSU San Bernardino Evergreen Valley College University of Phoenix Management Information Systems, General American InterContinental University Azusa Pacific University California School of International Management California State Polytechnic University, Pomona CSU Northridge CSU San Bernardino CSU Stanislaus California University of Business and Technology Cuyamaca College DeVry University Hope International University La Sierra University Northwestern Polytechnic University Point Loma Nazarene University Sacramento City College University of Phoenix University of Redlands Marine Biology and Biological Oceanography CSU Long Beach CSU Monterey Bay CSU Stanislaus San Francisco State University San José State University UC Los Angeles UC San Diego UC Santa Barbara UC Santa Cruz Marine Science / Merchant Marine Officer California Maritime Academy College of the Redwoods Marine Transportation, Other Saddleback College Marketing Research California School of International Management CapStone University Hubbard College of Administration International Marketing, Other Management Science, General American InterContinental University Barstow College California American University California School of International Management CSU Northridge CSU San Bernardino East Los Angeles College Frederick Taylor University Hubbard College of Administration International Los Angeles Mission College Mt. San Jacinto College Sacramento City College San Francisco State University Santiago Canyon College UC Davis UC Irvine UC Merced UC San Diego West Hills College at Lemoore Azusa Pacific University California School of International Management Concordia University Folsom Lake College Hubbard College of Administration International Sacramento City College Marketing / Marketing Management, General American InterContinental University Art Institute of California - San Francisco California School of International Management California State Polytechnic University, Pomona CSU Chico CSU Dominguez Hills CSU Fresno CSU Fullerton CSU Long Beach CSU Los Angeles California Postsecondary Education Commission Part 2: Programs Offered Mathematics, General CSU Northridge CSU Sacramento CSU San Bernardino CSU San Marcos CSU Stanislaus Frederick Taylor University Fresno Pacific University Golden Gate University Hubbard College of Administration International La Sierra University Newport University Point Loma Nazarene University San Diego State University San Francisco State University San José State University Santa Clara University University of La Verne University of Phoenix University of San Francisco Vanguard University of Southern California Marriage and Family Therapy / Counseling Bethel Seminary West CSU Dominguez Hills CSU Fresno CSU Long Beach CSU Los Angeles Loma Linda University Phillips Graduate Institute San Francisco State University San José State University University of La Verne University of Southern California Mass Communication / Media Studies American Heritage University Azusa Pacific University Bakersfield College CSU San Bernardino Chabot College City College of San Francisco College of Marin College of the Desert College of the Siskiyous Foothill College Fullerton College Glendale Community College Golden West College Las Positas College Menlo College Point Loma Nazarene University Rio Hondo College San Diego State University San Joaquin Delta College Solano Community College UC Berkeley Massage Therapy / Therapeutic Massage American College of Traditional Chinese Medicine Bryan College of Court Reporting Cleveland Chiropractic College De Anza College Fullerton College High-Tech Institute International Professional School of Bodywork Monterey Peninsula College National Institute of Technology Pacific College of Oriental Medicine PIMA Medical Institute Santa Barbara Business College Sonoma College Weimar College West Valley College Western Career College - Sacramento Materials Engineering California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo California State Polytechnic University, Pomona CSU Long Beach San José State University Stanford University UC Berkeley UC Davis UC Irvine UC Los Angeles UC San Diego UC Santa Barbara University of Southern California Materials Science California Institute of Technology Contra Costa College Stanford University UC Berkeley UC Davis UC Irvine UC Los Angeles UC Santa Barbara Maternal / Child Health and Neonatal Nurse / Nursing Azusa Pacific University Loma Linda University Mathematics and Computer Science CSU Northridge Golden West College Pepperdine University Saint Mary’s College of California San Diego State University Santa Clara University Stanford University UC San Diego Mathematics and Statistics, Other Berkeley City College California Baptist University Occidental College Pitzer College San Diego State University California Postsecondary Education Commission Stanford University Thomas Aquinas College UC Irvine UC Los Angeles UC Riverside UC San Diego University of the Pacific Whittier College Mathematics Teacher Education Azusa Pacific University Biola University CSU Dominguez Hills CSU San Bernardino Concordia University Fresno Pacific University Notre Dame de Namur University Rudolf Steiner College San Diego State University San Francisco State University Santa Clara University UC Davis UC Irvine UC San Diego UC Santa Cruz Mathematics, General Allan Hancock College American River College Antelope Valley College Azusa Pacific University Bakersfield College Barstow College Berkeley City College Biola University Butte Community College Cabrillo College California Institute of Technology California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo California State Polytechnic University, Pomona CSU Bakersfield CSU Channel Islands CSU Chico CSU Dominguez Hills CSU East Bay CSU Fresno CSU Fullerton CSU Long Beach CSU Los Angeles CSU Monterey Bay CSU Northridge CSU Sacramento CSU San Bernardino CSU San Marcos CSU Stanislaus Cerritos College Cerro Coso Community College Chabot College Chaffey College City College of San Francisco Claremont Graduate University College of Alameda College of Marin College of San Mateo College of the Canyons College of the Desert 173 Part 2: Programs Offered Mechanical Drafting and Mechanical Drafting CAD / CADD College of the Sequoias College of the Siskiyous Columbia College Concordia University Contra Costa College Copper Mountain College Cosumnes River College Crafton Hills College Cuesta College Cuyamaca College East Los Angeles College El Camino College Evergreen Valley College Feather River College Folsom Lake College Foothill College Fresno City College Fullerton College Gavilan College Glendale Community College Grossmont College Hartnell College Humboldt State University Imperial Valley College Irvine Valley College La Sierra University Lake Tahoe Community College Laney College Lassen Community College Long Beach City College Los Angeles City College Los Angeles Harbor College Los Angeles Mission College Los Angeles Southwest College Los Angeles Valley College Los Medanos College Mendocino College Merced College Merritt College Mills College MiraCosta College Mission College Monterey Peninsula College Moorpark College Mt. San Jacinto College Napa Valley College Notre Dame de Namur University Occidental College Ohlone College Oxnard College Palo Verde College Palomar College Pasadena City College Pepperdine University Pierce College Pitzer College Point Loma Nazarene University Porterville College Reedley College Sacramento City College Saddleback College Saint Mary’s College of California San Bernardino Valley College San Diego Christian College San Diego City College San Diego Mesa College San Diego Miramar College San Diego State University San Francisco State University San Joaquin Delta College San Jose City College San José State University 174 Santa Ana College Santa Barbara City College Santa Clara University Santa Rosa Junior College Santiago Canyon College Shasta College Skyline College Solano Community College Sonoma State University Southwestern College Stanford University Thomas Aquinas College UC Berkeley UC Davis UC Irvine UC Los Angeles UC Riverside UC San Diego UC Santa Barbara UC Santa Cruz University of La Verne University of Redlands University of San Francisco University of Southern California University of the Pacific Vanguard University of Southern California Victor Valley College West Hills College at Lemoore West Hills College Coalinga West Los Angeles College West Valley College Westmont College Yuba College Mechanical Drafting and Mechanical Drafting CAD / CADD Chaffey College College of the Canyons De Anza College Diablo Valley College Long Beach City College Los Angeles Valley College Merced College Mission College Orange Coast College Pierce College San Joaquin Delta College Sierra College Southern California Institute of Architecture Ventura College Mechanical Engineering California Institute of Technology California Maritime Academy California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo California State Polytechnic University, Pomona CSU Chico CSU Fresno CSU Fullerton CSU Long Beach CSU Los Angeles CSU Northridge CSU Sacramento Naval Postgraduate School San Diego State University San Francisco State University San José State University Santa Clara University Stanford University UC Berkeley UC Davis UC Irvine UC Los Angeles UC Riverside UC San Diego UC Santa Barbara University of Southern California University of the Pacific Mechanical Engineering Related Technologies / Technicians, Other California Maritime Academy Saddleback College Mechanical Engineering / Mechanical Technology / Technician Antelope Valley College CSU Sacramento Chaffey College College of the Sequoias Cuyamaca College Diablo Valley College Fullerton College Glendale Community College Lassen Community College Long Beach City College Merced College MiraCosta College Modesto Junior College Riverside City College Sacramento City College San Bernardino Valley College Santa Ana College Medical Administrative / Executive Assistant and Medical Secretary Barstow College Berkeley City College Butte Community College Cabrillo College Chaffey College College of the Redwoods East Los Angeles College Empire College Fresno City College Glendale Community College Grossmont College Long Beach City College Los Angeles City College Los Angeles Harbor College Los Angeles Trade-Technical College Mendocino College Merced College Monterey Peninsula College Mt. San Antonio College Pierce College PIMA Medical Institute California Postsecondary Education Commission Part 2: Programs Offered Medieval and Renaissance Studies San Bernardino Valley College San Diego Mesa College Shasta College Sierra College Skyline College Solano Community College Southwestern College Ventura College Victor Valley College West Valley College Western Career College - Sacramento Yuba College Medical Illustration and Informatics American University of Complementary Medicine UC Davis Medical Microbiology and Bacteriology Berkeley City College California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo California State Polytechnic University, Pomona CSU Chico CSU Dominguez Hills CSU Fresno CSU Long Beach CSU Los Angeles CSU Northridge CSU Sacramento CSU Stanislaus Loma Linda University Pierce College San Diego State University San Francisco State University San José State University Stanford University UC Berkeley UC Davis UC Irvine UC Los Angeles UC Riverside UC San Diego UC San Francisco UC Santa Barbara University of Southern California Medical Office Assistant / Specialist High-Tech Institute Medical Office Management / Administration College of the Redwoods Columbia College Glendale Community College Heald Colleges of California Administrative Office MTI College National Institute of Technology San Joaquin Delta College Santa Barbara Business College Medical Radiologic Technology / Science – Radiation Therapist Bakersfield College Cabrillo College Cañada College Chaffey College City College of San Francisco Crafton Hills College Cypress College El Camino College Foothill College Fresno City College High-Tech Institute Loma Linda University Long Beach City College Los Angeles City College Maric College - California Merced College Merritt College Moorpark College Mt. San Antonio College Orange Coast College Pasadena City College San Diego Mesa College San Joaquin Delta College San José State University Santa Barbara City College Santa Rosa Junior College Yuba College Medical Scientist (MS, PhD) UC Los Angeles UC San Diego UC San Francisco Medical Transcription / Transcriptionist Columbia College Empire College Mashdots College Skyline College South Coast College Medical / Clinical Assistant Allan Hancock College Antelope Valley College Barstow College Cabrillo College Cañada College Cerritos College Chabot College City College of San Francisco College of Marin College of San Mateo College of the Canyons College of the Redwoods Contra Costa College Cosumnes River College Cuesta College De Anza College Empire College Evergreen Valley College California Postsecondary Education Commission Feather River College Fresno City College Glendale Community College High-Tech Institute Imperial Valley College Lake Tahoe Community College Lassen Community College Long Beach City College Los Angeles Trade-Technical College Maric College - California Modesto Junior College Monterey Peninsula College Mt. San Jacinto College Ohlone College Orange Coast College Palomar College Pasadena City College PIMA Medical Institute Riverside City College Sacramento City College Saddleback College San Bernardino Valley College San Diego Mesa College San Joaquin Valley College - Visalia Santa Ana College Santa Barbara Business College Santa Rosa Junior College Shasta College South Coast College Victor Valley College West Valley College Western Career College - Sacramento Medical / Health Management and Clinical Assistant / Specialist Platt College - Newport Beach Medicinal and Pharmaceutical Chemistry (MS, PhD) UC San Diego UC San Francisco University of Southern California University of the Pacific Medicine (MD) Loma Linda University Mendocino College Monterey Peninsula College Santa Rosa Junior College Stanford University UC Davis UC Irvine UC Los Angeles UC Riverside UC San Diego UC San Francisco University of Southern California Medieval and Renaissance Studies UC Berkeley UC Davis 175 Part 2: Programs Offered Medium / Heavy Vehicle and Truck Technology / Technician UC Irvine UC Los Angeles UC Santa Barbara UC Santa Cruz Medium / Heavy Vehicle and Truck Technology / Technician Middle / Near Eastern and Semitic Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics, Other Mashdots College UC Berkeley UC Los Angeles WyoTech - Fremont Mental and Social Health Services and Allied Professions, Other CSU Northridge Sanville Institute UC Irvine Western Institute for Social Research Merchandising and Buying Operations Allan Hancock College Butte Community College Citrus College Coastline Community College Cuesta College Cypress College De Anza College Fresno City College Fullerton College Glendale Community College Grossmont College Imperial Valley College Lake Tahoe Community College Laney College Mission College Modesto Junior College Moorpark College Napa Valley College Orange Coast College Oxnard College Saddleback College San Diego Mesa College San Joaquin Delta College San Jose City College Santa Barbara City College Santa Rosa Junior College Sierra College Solano Community College Metal and Jewelry Arts American River College Evergreen Valley College Monterey Peninsula College Palomar College Santa Rosa Junior College UC Santa Cruz Metallurgical Engineering California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo 176 Military Technologies Naval Postgraduate School UC Berkeley UC Davis Missions / Missionary Studies and Missiology Bethesda Christian University Biola University Booker T. Crenshaw Christian College & School of Ministry, Inc. CSU Chico Cohen University and Theological Seminary Hope International University Trinity Life Bible College Vanguard University of Southern California Vision International University William Jessup University Modern Greek Language and Literature San Francisco State University San Joaquin Delta College Molecular Biology Berkeley City College CSU Sacramento Palo Verde College San Diego State University San José State University UC Berkeley UC Davis UC Irvine UC Los Angeles UC Merced UC San Diego UC Santa Barbara University of Southern California Motorcycle Maintenance and Repair Technology / Technician WyoTech - Fremont Multi- / Interdisciplinary Studies, Other CSU Bakersfield CSU Chico CSU Dominguez Hills CSU East Bay CSU Fresno CSU Fullerton CSU Long Beach CSU Los Angeles CSU Monterey Bay CSU Northridge CSU Sacramento CSU San Bernardino CSU San Marcos CSU Stanislaus Cerro Coso Community College College of the Canyons College of the Redwoods Cypress College Dominican University of California Fresno Pacific University Fullerton College Hartnell College Hope International University Humboldt State University Mills College MiraCosta College Napa Valley College Naval Postgraduate School Occidental College Ohlone College Pasadena City College Pepperdine University Pitzer College Saint Mary’s College of California San Diego Christian College San Diego State University San Francisco Art Institute San Francisco State University San José State University Santa Barbara City College Santa Clara University Sonoma State University Southwestern College Stanford University UC Berkeley UC Davis UC Irvine UC Los Angeles UC Riverside UC San Diego UC Santa Barbara UC Santa Cruz University of La Verne University of Redlands University of San Francisco University of Southern California University of the Pacific Museology / Museum Studies San Francisco State University Music San Joaquin Delta College Adizes Graduate School Berkeley City College Butte Community College California Postsecondary Education Commission Part 2: Programs Offered Music, General Music History, Literature, and Theory Berkeley City College Concordia University Glendale Community College Orange Coast College UC Los Angeles UC Santa Cruz University of Southern California University of the Pacific Music Management and Merchandising Allan Hancock College American River College Antelope Valley College Chaffey College Citrus College City College of San Francisco Cypress College Diablo Valley College Foothill College Fullerton College Golden West College Long Beach City College Los Angeles City College Los Angeles Harbor College Los Angeles Valley College Los Medanos College MiraCosta College Mt. San Jacinto College Musicians Institute Ohlone College Orange Coast College Pierce College Point Loma Nazarene University Sacramento City College Santa Ana College Southwestern College University of Southern California University of the Pacific Music Performance, General American River College California Institute of the Arts CSU Fresno CSU Fullerton CSU Long Beach CSU Los Angeles CSU Northridge CSU Sacramento CSU San Bernardino CSU Stanislaus Cañada College City College of San Francisco Concordia University Dominican University of California Holy Names University Mills College Mt. San Jacinto College Musicians Institute Palomar College Point Loma Nazarene University San Diego State University San Francisco Conservatory of Music San Francisco State University San José State University UC Irvine UC San Diego UC Santa Barbara UC Santa Cruz University of Redlands University of Southern California University of the Pacific Music Teacher Education Azusa Pacific University Biola University CSU Fresno CSU Fullerton CSU San Bernardino Fresno Pacific University Holy Names University Hope International University Notre Dame de Namur University Point Loma Nazarene University Rudolf Steiner College San Diego State University San Francisco State University University of La Verne University of Redlands University of Southern California University of the Pacific Music Theory and Composition California Institute of the Arts City College of San Francisco Concordia University Mills College Musicians Institute Point Loma Nazarene University San Francisco Conservatory of Music UC Santa Cruz University of Redlands University of Southern California University of the Pacific Music Therapy / Therapist University of the Pacific Music, General Allan Hancock College American River College Antelope Valley College Azusa Pacific University Bakersfield College Berkeley City College Cabrillo College California Baptist University California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo California State Polytechnic University, Pomona CSU Bakersfield CSU Chico CSU Dominguez Hills CSU East Bay CSU Fresno CSU Fullerton CSU Long Beach California Postsecondary Education Commission CSU Los Angeles CSU Monterey Bay CSU Northridge CSU Sacramento CSU San Bernardino CSU Stanislaus Cerritos College Chaffey College Claremont Graduate University College of Marin College of San Mateo College of the Canyons College of the Desert College of the Sequoias Columbia College Concordia University Contra Costa College Cosumnes River College Cypress College De Anza College Dominican University of California El Camino College Evergreen Valley College Foothill College Fresno City College Fresno Pacific University Fullerton College Gavilan College Glendale Community College Grossmont College Hartnell College Humboldt State University Imperial Valley College Irvine Valley College La Sierra University Lake Tahoe Community College Laney College Las Positas College Long Beach City College Los Angeles City College Los Angeles Southwest College Los Angeles Valley College Los Medanos College Mendocino College Merced College Mills College MiraCosta College Mission College Modesto Junior College Monterey Peninsula College Moorpark College Mt. San Jacinto College Musicians Institute Notre Dame de Namur University Occidental College Ohlone College Palomar College Pasadena City College Pepperdine University Pierce College Pitzer College Point Loma Nazarene University Rio Hondo College Riverside City College Sacramento City College Saddleback College Saint Mary’s College of California San Bernardino Valley College San Diego City College San Diego Mesa College San Diego State University San Francisco State University 177 Part 2: Programs Offered Music, Other San Joaquin Delta College San José State University Santa Ana College Santa Barbara City College Santa Clara University Santa Monica College Santa Rosa Junior College Santiago Canyon College Shasta College Sierra College Skyline College Solano Community College Sonoma State University Southwestern College Stanford University UC Berkeley UC Davis UC Irvine UC Los Angeles UC Riverside UC San Diego UC Santa Barbara UC Santa Cruz University of La Verne University of Redlands University of Southern California University of the Pacific Vanguard University of Southern California Ventura College Victor Valley College Westmont College Whittier College Yuba College Music, Other Allan Hancock College American River College Biola University CSU Chico CSU San Bernardino Concordia University Foothill College Golden West College Long Beach City College Los Angeles City College Los Angeles Valley College MiraCosta College Musicians Institute Orange Coast College San Diego Christian College San Diego City College Santa Rosa Junior College Southwestern College UC Los Angeles UC Riverside University of Southern California Musicology and Ethnomusicology City College of San Francisco UC Los Angeles UC Santa Cruz Natural Resources and Conservation, Other CSU Bakersfield UC Berkeley 178 UC Davis Natural Resources Management and Policy Humboldt State University San Joaquin Delta College UC Berkeley UC Davis UC Santa Cruz Natural Resources Management and Policy, Other California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo CSU Bakersfield CSU Channel Islands Columbia College Contra Costa College Feather River College Humboldt State University Mendocino College Modesto Junior College Mt. San Antonio College Santa Rosa Junior College Shasta College Natural Resources / Conservation, General American River College Butte Community College Citrus College College of the Desert College of the Redwoods Columbia College Humboldt State University Saddleback College San Joaquin Delta College Santa Rosa Junior College Shasta College UC Berkeley UC Davis UC Merced Naval Postgraduate School San Diego State University UC Berkeley UC Los Angeles UC Santa Barbara Westmont College Neurobiology and Neurophysiology UC Davis UC Irvine UC Los Angeles UC San Diego Neurology UC Irvine Neuroscience California Institute of Technology Pitzer College Stanford University UC Berkeley UC Davis UC Irvine UC Los Angeles UC Riverside UC San Diego UC San Francisco UC Santa Cruz University of Southern California Westmont College Non-Profit / Public / Organizational Management Azusa Pacific University California School of International Management Hope International University Point Loma Nazarene University Nature Appreciation Nuclear Engineering UC Berkeley UC Santa Barbara Solano Community College Naturopathic Medicine / Naturopathy (ND) American University of Complementary Medicine Navy / Marine Corps JROTC / ROTC San Diego State University Stanford University Near and Middle Eastern Studies Nuclear Medical Technology / Technologist CSU Dominguez Hills City College of San Francisco Foothill College Loma Linda University Orange Coast College Numeracy and Computational Skills Berkeley City College Cañada College California Postsecondary Education Commission Part 2: Programs Offered Occupational Safety and Health Technology / Technician City College of San Francisco College of Alameda Crafton Hills College East Los Angeles College Palo Verde College Palomar College Porterville College Solano Community College Nurse Anesthetist Samuel Merritt College UC Los Angeles University of Southern California Nurse / Nursing Assistant / Aide and Patient Care Assistant Allan Hancock College Butte Community College Chaffey College City College of San Francisco College of the Sequoias College of the Siskiyous Copper Mountain College Cuesta College De Anza College Imperial Valley College Long Beach City College Merritt College Mission College Palo Verde College San Joaquin Delta College Santa Barbara City College Santa Rosa Junior College Shasta College Nursing - Registered Nurse Training (RN, ASN, BSN, MSN) Allan Hancock College American River College American University of Health Sciences Antelope Valley College Azusa Pacific University Bakersfield College Biola University Butte Community College Cabrillo College CSU Bakersfield CSU Chico CSU Dominguez Hills CSU East Bay CSU Fresno CSU Fullerton CSU Long Beach CSU Los Angeles CSU Northridge CSU Sacramento CSU San Bernardino CSU Stanislaus Cerritos College Cerro Coso Community College Chabot College Chaffey College Citrus College City College of San Francisco College of Marin College of San Mateo College of the Canyons College of the Desert College of the Redwoods College of the Sequoias Contra Costa College Crafton Hills College Cuesta College Cypress College De Anza College Dominican University of California East Los Angeles College El Camino College Evergreen Valley College Feather River College Fresno City College Fullerton College Gavilan College Glendale Community College Golden West College Grossmont College Hartnell College Humboldt State University Imperial Valley College Irvine Valley College Loma Linda University Long Beach City College Los Angeles City College Los Angeles Harbor College Los Angeles Southwest College Los Angeles Trade-Technical College Los Angeles Valley College Los Medanos College Mendocino College Merced College Merritt College Modesto Junior College Monterey Peninsula College Moorpark College Mt. San Antonio College Mt. San Jacinto College Napa Valley College Ohlone College Palomar College Pasadena City College Pierce College Point Loma Nazarene University Porterville College Rio Hondo College Riverside City College Sacramento City College Saddleback College Saint Mary’s College of California Samuel Merritt College San Bernardino Valley College San Diego City College San Diego State University San Francisco State University San Joaquin Delta College San Joaquin Valley College - Visalia San José State University Santa Ana College Santa Barbara City College Santa Monica College Santa Rosa Junior College Santiago Canyon College Shasta College Sierra College Solano Community College Sonoma State University Southwestern College California Postsecondary Education Commission UC Los Angeles UC San Francisco University of San Francisco University of Southern California Ventura College Victor Valley College Yuba College Nursing Administration (MSN, MS, PhD) Azusa Pacific University CSU Long Beach Loma Linda University Samuel Merritt College San Diego State University University of San Francisco Nursing Science (MS, PhD) Holy Names University Samuel Merritt College University of Phoenix Nursing, Other Azusa Pacific University Evergreen Valley College International Professional School of Bodywork Lassen Community College Mt. San Jacinto College Ohlone College Pasadena City College Sacramento City College San Diego State University San Joaquin Valley College - Visalia Santiago Canyon College UC Los Angeles University of San Francisco Western Career College - Sacramento Nutrition Sciences CSU Chico International Professional School of Bodywork Ohlone College Santiago Canyon College UC Berkeley UC Davis University of Southern California Obstetrics and Gynecology UC Irvine Occupational Medicine UC Irvine Occupational Safety and Health Technology / Technician Heald Colleges of California Administrative Office Las Positas College Solano Community College 179 Part 2: Programs Offered Occupational Therapist Assistant University of Southern California Occupational Therapist Assistant Loma Linda University Santa Ana College Santiago Canyon College Sonoma College Occupational Therapy / Therapist CSU Dominguez Hills Crafton Hills College Dominican University of California Loma Linda University Pasadena City College Sacramento City College Samuel Merritt College San José State University Santa Rosa Junior College University of Southern California Ocean Engineering UC Berkeley Oceanography, Chemical and Physical Berkeley City College Humboldt State University Palomar College San Francisco State University UC Berkeley UC San Diego UC Santa Cruz University of Southern California Office Management and Supervision CSU Long Beach CSU Northridge CSU Stanislaus Cerritos College Chabot College Chaffey College Citrus College City College of San Francisco Coastline Community College College of Marin College of the Desert Cuyamaca College Cypress College El Camino College Fresno City College Hubbard College of Administration International Irvine Valley College Laney College Las Positas College Los Angeles Mission College Los Angeles Southwest College Los Angeles Trade-Technical College Los Medanos College Merced College 180 Merritt College MiraCosta College Mission College Modesto Junior College Napa Valley College Ohlone College Palomar College Pasadena City College Pierce College Rio Hondo College Sacramento City College Saddleback College San Francisco State University San Joaquin Delta College San Jose City College Santa Ana College Santa Monica College Santa Rosa Junior College Shasta College Solano Community College Ventura College West Hills College Coalinga West Valley College Yuba College Optometry (OD) Southern California College of Optometry UC Berkeley Oral Pathology Specialty Loma Linda University Organic Chemistry Berkeley City College City College of San Francisco Solano Community College UC Santa Cruz Organizational Behavior Studies Operations Management and Supervision CSU Long Beach CSU Sacramento CSU San Bernardino CSU Stanislaus DeVry University Golden Gate University Hubbard College of Administration International Point Loma Nazarene University San Diego State University San José State University University of La Verne University of Phoenix Operations Research CSU Chico CSU Fullerton CSU Northridge Naval Postgraduate School San Diego State University Stanford University UC Berkeley University of Southern California Ophthalmic and Optometric Support Services and Allied Professions, Other Southern California College of Optometry Ophthalmology Adizes Graduate School Alliant International University - San Diego California School of International Management CSU Dominguez Hills Golden Gate University Newport University Pitzer College San Francisco State University Santa Clara University University of La Verne University of Phoenix Ornamental Horticulture Cabrillo College California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo California State Polytechnic University, Pomona Cerritos College College of Marin College of the Desert Cuyamaca College Diablo Valley College El Camino College Foothill College Fullerton College Las Positas College Mendocino College Merritt College MiraCosta College Monterey Peninsula College Mt. San Antonio College Orange Coast College Pierce College Reedley College Saddleback College San Diego Mesa College Santa Barbara City College Shasta College Sierra College Victor Valley College UC Irvine Opticianry / Ophthalmic Dispensing Optician Orthodontics Specialty Loma Linda University Cerritos College California Postsecondary Education Commission Part 2: Programs Offered Petroleum Engineering Orthopedics / Orthopedic Surgery UC Irvine Orthotist / Prosthetist Grossmont College Osteopathic Medicine / Osteopathy (DO) Western University of Health Sciences Otolaryngology UC Irvine Pacific Area / Pacific Rim Studies Naval Postgraduate School Painting Academy of Art University American River College Berkeley City College CSU San Bernardino Cañada College City College of San Francisco Claremont Graduate University Concordia University Otis College of Art and Design Palomar College Rudolf Steiner College San Francisco Art Institute Skyline College UC Santa Cruz Painting / Painter and Wall Coverer Skyline College Paleontology Loma Linda University San Diego State University Parks, Recreation and Leisure Facilities Management Bakersfield College Butte Community College California State Polytechnic University, Pomona Feather River College Modesto Junior College Palomar College Pierce College San Diego State University Santa Rosa Junior College West Valley College Parks, Recreation and Leisure Studies California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo CSU Chico CSU Dominguez Hills CSU East Bay CSU Fresno CSU Long Beach CSU Northridge CSU Sacramento El Camino College Feather River College Palomar College Pepperdine University San Diego State University San Francisco State University San José State University Southwestern College Parks, Recreation, Leisure and Fitness Studies, Other American River College CSU Dominguez Hills Feather River College Merritt College San Diego Mesa College Santa Barbara City College Santa Monica College Sonoma State University Pastoral Studies / Counseling Bay Cities Bible College Booker T. Crenshaw Christian College & School of Ministry, Inc. CSU Chico Evangelia University Mennonite Brethren Biblical Seminary Trinity Life Bible College Vanguard University of Southern California Vision International University Weimar College Western Conservative Baptist Seminary - Bay Area Pathology Peace Studies and Conflict Resolution Berkeley City College CSU San Bernardino Fresno Pacific University Hubbard College of Administration International UC Berkeley UC Irvine UC Santa Barbara Pediatrics UC Irvine UC San Francisco Periodontics Specialty Loma Linda University Perioperative / Operating Room and Surgical Nurse / Nursing Samuel Merritt College UC San Francisco Personal and Culinary Services, Other Fresno City College Skyline College Personal Awareness and Self-Improvement, Other Hubbard College of Administration International Rudolf Steiner College Solano Community College Personal Decision-Making Skills Hubbard College of Administration International Palo Verde College Solano Community College UC Irvine Pathology / Experimental Pathology UC Davis UC Irvine UC Los Angeles UC San Diego UC San Francisco University of Southern California California Postsecondary Education Commission Personal Health Improvement and Maintenance Berkeley City College Solano Community College Petroleum Engineering Stanford University University of Southern California 181 Part 2: Programs Offered Pharmaceutics and Drug Design (MS, PhD) Pharmaceutics and Drug Design (MS, PhD) University of the Pacific Pharmacology Loma Linda University Stanford University UC Davis UC Los Angeles UC San Francisco UC Santa Barbara University of Southern California Pharmacy (PharmD [USA] PharmD, BS / BPharm [Canada]) UC San Diego UC San Francisco University of Southern California University of the Pacific Western University of Health Sciences Pharmacy Technician / Assistant American University of Health Sciences Cerritos College Chaffey College City College of San Francisco El Camino College Foothill College High-Tech Institute Monterey Peninsula College Pasadena City College PIMA Medical Institute San Bernardino Valley College San Joaquin Valley College - Visalia Santa Ana College Santa Barbara Business College Santa Rosa Junior College Santiago Canyon College Shasta College Western Career College - Sacramento Pharmacy, Pharmaceutical Sciences, and Administration, Other University of Southern California Philosophy Azusa Pacific University Bakersfield College Berkeley City College Biola University Cabrillo College California Baptist University California Coast University California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo California State Polytechnic University, Pomona 182 CSU Bakersfield CSU Chico CSU Dominguez Hills CSU East Bay CSU Fresno CSU Fullerton CSU Long Beach CSU Los Angeles CSU Northridge CSU Sacramento CSU San Bernardino CSU Stanislaus Cerritos College Claremont Graduate University Coastline Community College College of Alameda College of the Desert Contra Costa College Copper Mountain College De Anza College El Camino College Foothill College Fresno Pacific University Fullerton College Grossmont College Humboldt State University Institute for Advanced Study of Human Sexuality, The Lake Tahoe Community College Los Angeles Mission College Los Angeles Valley College Mills College MiraCosta College Napa Valley College Newport University Notre Dame de Namur University Occidental College Ohlone College Oxnard College Palo Verde College Palomar College Pasadena City College Pepperdine University Pitzer College Point Loma Nazarene University Remington College Saint Mary’s College of California San Diego City College San Diego Mesa College San Diego Miramar College San Diego State University San Francisco State University San Jose City College San José State University Santa Ana College Santa Barbara City College Santa Clara University Santa Rosa Junior College Santiago Canyon College Sierra College Solano Community College Sonoma State University Southwestern College Stanford University Thomas Aquinas College UC Berkeley UC Davis UC Irvine UC Los Angeles UC Riverside UC San Diego UC Santa Barbara UC Santa Cruz University of La Verne University of Redlands University of San Francisco University of Southern California University of the Pacific Victor Valley College Westmont College Whittier College Philosophy and Religious Studies, Other Azusa Pacific University Berkeley City College Biola University California Baptist University California Institute for Human Science Cohen University and Theological Seminary Dominican University of California Holy Names University Point Loma Nazarene University San Francisco State University Solano Community College Stanford University Thomas Aquinas College UC Berkeley UC Riverside University of La Verne University of Philosophical Research University of Southern California Photographic and Film / Video Technology / Technician and Assistant East Los Angeles College Palomar College Platt College - San Diego Skyline College Photography Academy of Art University Allan Hancock College American River College Antelope Valley College Bakersfield College Barstow College Brooks Institute Butte Community College California Institute of the Arts CSU Sacramento CSU San Bernardino Cerritos College Chaffey College Citrus College City College of San Francisco College of San Mateo College of the Canyons College of the Desert Columbia College Cosumnes River College Cypress College De Anza College East Los Angeles College Evergreen Valley College Foothill College Fresno City College California Postsecondary Education Commission Part 2: Programs Offered Physics Teacher Education Glendale Community College Grossmont College Hartnell College Irvine Valley College Laney College Los Angeles City College Los Angeles Trade-Technical College Modesto Junior College Monterey Peninsula College Moorpark College Mt. San Antonio College Mt. San Jacinto College Ohlone College Otis College of Art and Design Palomar College Rio Hondo College Riverside City College Sacramento City College Saddleback College San Francisco Art Institute Santa Ana College Santa Rosa Junior College Santiago Canyon College Sierra College Skyline College Solano Community College Southwestern College UC Santa Cruz University of San Francisco Ventura College Victor Valley College West Valley College Photojournalism Brooks Institute Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine UC Irvine Physical Education Teaching and Coaching Azusa Pacific University Barstow College Biola University California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo California State Polytechnic University, Pomona CSU Bakersfield CSU Dominguez Hills CSU East Bay CSU Fresno CSU Fullerton CSU Long Beach CSU Los Angeles CSU Sacramento CSU San Bernardino CSU Stanislaus Fresno Pacific University Humboldt State University Lake Tahoe Community College Lassen Community College Los Angeles Harbor College Mt. San Jacinto College Ohlone College Pepperdine University Rudolf Steiner College Sacramento City College San Diego Christian College San Diego State University San Francisco State University San José State University Sonoma State University UC Santa Barbara University of La Verne University of the Pacific Victor Valley College West Hills College Coalinga Whittier College Physical Sciences American River College Antelope Valley College Azusa Pacific University Berkeley City College Biola University Butte Community College California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo CSU Chico CSU East Bay CSU Fresno CSU Los Angeles CSU Northridge CSU Sacramento CSU Stanislaus Cerro Coso Community College Chaffey College Citrus College City College of San Francisco College of Marin Columbia College Cosumnes River College Cuyamaca College El Camino College Evergreen Valley College Feather River College Fresno City College Hartnell College Humboldt State University Imperial Valley College Irvine Valley College Lake Tahoe Community College Long Beach City College Los Angeles Harbor College Los Angeles Valley College Mendocino College Merritt College MiraCosta College Mission College Modesto Junior College Ohlone College Pasadena City College Porterville College Sacramento City College San Diego Mesa College San Diego State University San Joaquin Delta College San José State University Santa Rosa Junior College Shasta College Solano Community College Thomas Aquinas College UC Berkeley UC Davis UC Riverside UC San Diego California Postsecondary Education Commission University of Southern California Yuba College Physical Sciences, Other Berkeley City College CSU Los Angeles CSU Sacramento CSU San Bernardino Palomar College Pierce College Sonoma State University Thomas Aquinas College UC Davis UC Los Angeles UC San Diego Physical Therapist Assistant Cerritos College De Anza College Loma Linda University Ohlone College Sacramento City College San Diego Mesa College Sonoma College Physical Therapy / Therapist Azusa Pacific University CSU Fresno CSU Long Beach CSU Northridge CSU Sacramento Cerritos College De Anza College El Camino College Hartnell College Loma Linda University Monterey Peninsula College Pasadena City College Pierce College Sacramento City College Samuel Merritt College San Diego Mesa College San Francisco State University UC San Francisco University of Southern California University of the Pacific Western University of Health Sciences Physician Assistant Foothill College Loma Linda University Riverside City College Samuel Merritt College Santa Rosa Junior College Shasta College Stanford University UC Davis University of Southern California Western University of Health Sciences Physics Teacher Education Azusa Pacific University 183 Part 2: Programs Offered Physics, General Biola University Rudolf Steiner College San Diego State University San Francisco State University UC Irvine Physics, General Allan Hancock College Azusa Pacific University Bakersfield College Berkeley City College Biola University Butte Community College Cabrillo College California Institute of Technology California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo California State Polytechnic University, Pomona CSU Bakersfield CSU Channel Islands CSU Chico CSU Dominguez Hills CSU East Bay CSU Fresno CSU Fullerton CSU Long Beach CSU Los Angeles CSU Northridge CSU Sacramento CSU San Bernardino CSU Stanislaus Cañada College Chabot College Chaffey College City College of San Francisco College of San Mateo College of the Desert College of the Sequoias Contra Costa College Crafton Hills College Cuesta College Cuyamaca College El Camino College Evergreen Valley College Folsom Lake College Foothill College Fullerton College Grossmont College Hartnell College Humboldt State University La Sierra University Lake Tahoe Community College Las Positas College Los Angeles City College Los Angeles Valley College MiraCosta College Monterey Peninsula College Moorpark College Mt. San Jacinto College Napa Valley College Naval Postgraduate School Occidental College Ohlone College Palomar College Pasadena City College Pitzer College Point Loma Nazarene University Saddleback College Saint Mary’s College of California San Bernardino Valley College 184 San Diego City College San Diego Mesa College San Diego Miramar College San Diego State University San Francisco State University San José State University Santa Ana College Santa Barbara City College Santa Clara University Santa Rosa Junior College Santiago Canyon College Sierra College Solano Community College Sonoma State University Southwestern College Stanford University Thomas Aquinas College UC Berkeley UC Davis UC Irvine UC Los Angeles UC Riverside UC San Diego UC Santa Barbara UC Santa Cruz University of La Verne University of Redlands University of San Francisco University of Southern California University of the Pacific Victor Valley College West Hills College at Lemoore West Hills College Coalinga West Valley College Whittier College Pipefitting / Pipefitter and Sprinkler Fitter Bakersfield College City College of San Francisco College of San Mateo Foothill College Los Angeles Trade-Technical College National Institute of Technology Palomar College San Diego City College Plant Nursery Operations and Management Cabrillo College College of the Redwoods College of the Sequoias Cosumnes River College Cuyamaca College Fullerton College Mendocino College Merritt College MiraCosta College Mt. San Antonio College San Joaquin Delta College Santa Rosa Junior College Southwestern College Yuba College Plant Pathology / Phytopathology UC Davis UC Riverside Physics, Other Berkeley City College California Institute for Human Science California Institute of Technology Palo Verde College San Diego State University Stanford University Thomas Aquinas College UC Davis UC Irvine UC San Diego UC San Francisco Physiological Psychology / Psychobiology California Graduate Institute CSU San Bernardino Occidental College Pitzer College San Francisco State University UC Los Angeles UC Santa Barbara UC Santa Cruz Plant Physiology UC Davis Plant Protection and Integrated Pest Management California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo California State Polytechnic University, Pomona CSU Fresno Palo Verde College UC Davis Plant Sciences, General Piano and Organ Claremont Graduate University Musicians Institute San Francisco Conservatory of Music UC Santa Cruz California State Polytechnic University, Pomona UC Berkeley UC Davis UC Irvine UC Los Angeles UC Riverside UC Santa Cruz Plant Sciences, Other UC Davis California Postsecondary Education Commission Part 2: Programs Offered Prepress / Desktop Publishing and Digital Imaging Design Plasma and HighTemperature Physics UC Santa Cruz Plastics Engineering Technology / Technician Cerritos College Playwriting and Screenwriting Berkeley City College UC Santa Cruz Political Science and Government, General Alliant International University - San Diego American Jewish University Azusa Pacific University Bakersfield College Berkeley City College Cabrillo College California Baptist University California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo California State Polytechnic University, Pomona CSU Bakersfield CSU Channel Islands CSU Chico CSU Dominguez Hills CSU East Bay CSU Fresno CSU Fullerton CSU Long Beach CSU Los Angeles CSU Northridge CSU Sacramento CSU San Bernardino CSU San Marcos CSU Stanislaus Cañada College Cerritos College Chaffey College City College of San Francisco Claremont Graduate University College of Marin College of the Desert College of the Siskiyous Concordia University Contra Costa College Copper Mountain College Crafton Hills College Cuesta College De Anza College Dominican University of California El Camino College Foothill College Fresno Pacific University Fullerton College Grossmont College Humboldt State University Lake Tahoe Community College Los Angeles City College Los Angeles Mission College Los Angeles Valley College Mills College Monterey Peninsula College Mt. San Jacinto College Notre Dame de Namur University Occidental College Ohlone College Oxnard College Palo Verde College Palomar College Pasadena City College Pepperdine University Pitzer College Point Loma Nazarene University Saddleback College Saint Mary’s College of California San Diego City College San Diego Mesa College San Diego Miramar College San Diego State University San Francisco State University San José State University Santa Ana College Santa Barbara City College Santa Clara University Santa Rosa Junior College Santiago Canyon College Shasta College Skyline College Solano Community College Sonoma State University Southwestern College Stanford University Thomas Aquinas College UC Berkeley UC Davis UC Irvine UC Los Angeles UC Riverside UC San Diego UC Santa Barbara UC Santa Cruz University of La Verne University of Redlands University of San Francisco University of Southern California University of the Pacific Vanguard University of Southern California Victor Valley College West Los Angeles College West Valley College Westmont College Whittier College Political Science and Government, Other Berkeley City College Notre Dame de Namur University Saint Mary’s College of California Thomas Aquinas College UC Davis UC Irvine UC Riverside UC San Diego Polymer Chemistry California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo California Postsecondary Education Commission Polymer / Plastics Engineering California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo California State Polytechnic University, Pomona CSU Long Beach CSU Northridge San Diego State University UC Los Angeles Portuguese Language and Literature CSU Stanislaus San Diego State University UC Berkeley UC Irvine UC Los Angeles UC Santa Barbara Poultry Science California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo UC Davis Pre-Dentistry Studies Azusa Pacific University San Diego State University University of La Verne Pre-Law Studies Concordia University Inland Valley College Los Angeles Harbor College University of the Pacific University of West Los Angeles Pre-Medicine / Pre-Medical Studies Azusa Pacific University Concordia University Mills College San Diego State University Skyline College University of La Verne West Hills College at Lemoore Prepress / Desktop Publishing and Digital Imaging Design Antelope Valley College CSU Chico East Los Angeles College Fullerton College Glendale Community College Long Beach City College Mt. San Antonio College Palomar College West Valley College 185 Part 2: Programs Offered Pre-Theology / Pre-Ministerial Studies Pre-Theology / PreMinisterial Studies Booker T. Crenshaw Christian College & School of Ministry, Inc. Concordia University Mennonite Brethren Biblical Seminary Union College of California Preventive Medicine San Diego State University Pre-Veterinary Studies Azusa Pacific University San Diego State University University of La Verne Printing Press Operator Palomar College Printmaking CSU San Bernardino City College of San Francisco Concordia University Palomar College San Francisco Art Institute UC Santa Cruz Prosthodontics Specialty Loma Linda University Psychiatric / Mental Health Services Technician Cuesta College Cypress College Mission College Mt. San Antonio College Napa Valley College Porterville College Saddleback College San Bernardino Valley College San Joaquin Delta College Santa Rosa Junior College UC Davis West Hills College Coalinga Yuba College Psychiatry UC Irvine Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy Institute of Contemporary Psychoanalysis Los Angeles Institute and Society for Psychoanalytic Studies Newport Psychoanalytic Institute Psychoanalytic Center of California, The Psychoanalytic Institute of Northern California 186 Psychology, General Allan Hancock College Alliant International University - San Diego American Jewish University American River College Argosy University - San Francisco Azusa Pacific University Bakersfield College Berkeley City College Biola University Cabrillo College California Baptist University California Coast University California Institute for Human Science California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo California Southern University California State Polytechnic University, Pomona CSU Bakersfield CSU Channel Islands CSU Chico CSU Dominguez Hills CSU East Bay CSU Fresno CSU Fullerton CSU Long Beach CSU Los Angeles CSU Northridge CSU Sacramento CSU San Bernardino CSU San Marcos CSU Stanislaus Cañada College Center for Psychological Studies Cerritos College Cerro Coso Community College Chaffey College Citrus College City College of San Francisco Claremont Graduate University College of Alameda College of the Desert College of the Siskiyous Columbia College Concordia University Contra Costa College Copper Mountain College Crafton Hills College Cuesta College De Anza College Dominican University of California El Camino College Evergreen Valley College Folsom Lake College Foothill College Fresno Pacific University Fullerton College Golden Gate University Holy Names University Hope International University Humboldt State University Imperial Valley College Irvine Valley College La Sierra University Lake Tahoe Community College Las Positas College Loma Linda University Los Angeles Mission College Los Angeles Southwest College Los Angeles Valley College Los Medanos College Mendocino College Menlo College Merced College Mills College MiraCosta College Modesto Junior College Monterey Peninsula College Moorpark College Mt. San Jacinto College Napa Valley College Notre Dame de Namur University Occidental College Ohlone College Oxnard College Palo Verde College Palomar College Pasadena City College Pepperdine University Pierce College Pitzer College Point Loma Nazarene University Professional School of Psychology Sacramento Remington College Ryokan College Sacramento City College Saddleback College Saint Mary’s College of California San Diego City College San Diego Mesa College San Diego Miramar College San Diego State University San Francisco State University San Jose City College San José State University Santa Ana College Santa Barbara City College Santa Clara University Santa Rosa Junior College Santiago Canyon College Shasta College Skyline College Solano Community College Sonoma State University Southwestern College Stanford University UC Berkeley UC Davis UC Irvine UC Los Angeles UC Riverside UC San Diego UC San Francisco UC Santa Barbara UC Santa Cruz University of La Verne University of Redlands University of San Francisco University of Southern California University of the Pacific Vanguard University of Southern California Victor Valley College Vision International University West Hills College at Lemoore West Hills College Coalinga West Los Angeles College West Valley College Western Institute for Social Research Westmont College Whittier College World University of America, Ojai California Postsecondary Education Commission Part 2: Programs Offered Public Relations / Image Management Wright Institute, The Yuba College Psychology, Other Alliant International University - San Diego American Jewish University Argosy University - San Francisco Azusa Pacific University California Graduate Institute California Institute for Human Science CSU Bakersfield CSU Chico CSU Dominguez Hills CSU Sacramento Claremont Graduate University College of Marin Concordia University Dominican University of California Golden Gate University Hartnell College MiraCosta College Moorpark College Notre Dame de Namur University Phillips Graduate Institute Psychoanalytic Institute of Northern California Saint Mary’s College of California San Diego Christian College San Diego State University San Francisco State University San José State University UC Irvine UC Los Angeles UC Riverside UC San Diego UC Santa Barbara University of La Verne University of San Francisco University of Santa Monica Vision International University Western Institute for Social Research World University of America, Ojai Public Administration California American University California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo California State Polytechnic University, Pomona CSU Bakersfield CSU Chico CSU Dominguez Hills CSU East Bay CSU Fresno CSU Fullerton CSU Long Beach CSU Los Angeles CSU Northridge CSU Sacramento CSU San Bernardino CSU Stanislaus Golden Gate University Monterey Institute of International Studies Mt. San Jacinto College Notre Dame de Namur University Palomar College San Diego State University San Francisco State University San José State University Sonoma State University Southwestern College UC Riverside University of La Verne University of San Francisco University of Southern California Public Administration and Social Service Professions, Other Bakersfield College Cerritos College Citrus College College of Alameda College of Marin Columbia College Cosumnes River College Cypress College Dominican University of California Fresno City College Glendale Community College Grossmont College Hartnell College Imperial Valley College Irvine Valley College Las Positas College Long Beach City College Los Angeles City College Los Angeles Trade-Technical College Merritt College MiraCosta College Modesto Junior College Oxnard College Palomar College Porterville College Riverside City College Sacramento City College Saddleback College San Bernardino Valley College San Diego City College San Diego State University San Joaquin Delta College Santa Rosa Junior College Shasta College Southwestern College UC Los Angeles UC Riverside UC Santa Barbara University of San Francisco University of Southern California Ventura College West Los Angeles College Western Institute for Social Research Public Finance California School of International Management Public Health Education and Promotion Loma Linda University Western Institute for Social Research Public Health, General (MPH, DPH) CSU Fresno California Postsecondary Education Commission CSU Fullerton CSU Long Beach CSU Northridge CSU San Bernardino Citrus College City College of San Francisco Columbia College Contra Costa College Gavilan College Grossmont College La Sierra University Merced College Mission College San Diego State University San Francisco State University San José State University Santa Rosa Junior College UC Berkeley UC Davis UC Los Angeles UC San Diego Ventura College Victor Valley College Weimar College West Hills College Coalinga Public Health, Other El Camino College Loma Linda University San Diego State University UC Berkeley UC Los Angeles University of Southern California Public Health / Community Nurse / Nursing CSU Long Beach Holy Names University Samuel Merritt College Public Policy Analysis American Heritage University Occidental College Stanford University The Frederick S. Pardee RAND Graduate School UC Berkeley UC Irvine UC Los Angeles UC Santa Barbara University of Southern California Western Institute for Social Research Public Relations / Image Management Azusa Pacific University CSU Dominguez Hills CSU Fullerton CSU Los Angeles CSU San Bernardino CSU Stanislaus Golden Gate University Hubbard College of Administration International Oxnard College 187 Part 2: Programs Offered Public / Applied History and Archival Administration Pepperdine University San Diego State University San José State University University of Southern California Vanguard University of Southern California Public / Applied History and Archival Administration CSU Sacramento CSU San Bernardino Purchasing, Procurement / Acquisitions and Contracts Management American Graduate University Coastline Community College De Anza College DeVry University Naval Postgraduate School University of Southern California Quality Control Technology / Technician CSU Dominguez Hills CSU Long Beach Coastline Community College College of the Canyons Contra Costa College Cuyamaca College De Anza College El Camino College Fullerton College Las Positas College Palomar College Pierce College San Diego Mesa College San José State University Solano Community College Southwestern College Rabbinical Studies American Jewish University Booker T. Crenshaw Christian College & School of Ministry, Inc. Hebrew Union College - Jewish Institute of Religion Institute of Buddhist Studies Saint Patrick’s Seminary Yeshiva Ohr Elchonon Chabad/West Coast Talmudical Seminary Radiation Biology / Radiobiology Mt. San Jacinto College Radiation Oncology UC Irvine 188 Radio and Television Allan Hancock College American River College Antelope Valley College Azusa Pacific University Berkeley City College Biola University Butte Community College Cabrillo College CSU Chico CSU Dominguez Hills CSU East Bay CSU Fresno CSU Fullerton CSU Long Beach CSU Los Angeles CSU Monterey Bay CSU Northridge Cañada College Chabot College Chaffey College City College of San Francisco College of Marin College of San Mateo College of the Canyons College of the Redwoods Cosumnes River College De Anza College Diablo Valley College El Camino College Foothill College Fullerton College Glendale Community College Grossmont College Hartnell College Laney College Long Beach City College Los Angeles City College Los Angeles Mission College Los Angeles Valley College MiraCosta College Mission College Modesto Junior College Moorpark College Mt. San Jacinto College Napa Valley College Ohlone College Orange Coast College Oxnard College Palomar College Pasadena City College Pepperdine University Riverside City College Sacramento City College Saddleback College San Bernardino Valley College San Diego City College San Diego Mesa College San Diego State University San Francisco State University San Jose City College San José State University Santa Ana College Santa Monica College Santa Rosa Junior College Santiago Canyon College Sierra College Solano Community College Southwestern College University of La Verne Vanguard University of Southern California Ventura College West Valley College Yuba College Radio and Television Broadcasting Technology / Technician Allan Hancock College Chabot College Chaffey College City College of San Francisco College of Marin College of San Mateo Columbia College - Hollywood Contra Costa College Cosumnes River College Cuesta College De Anza College Diablo Valley College Foothill College Fullerton College Glendale Community College Golden West College Grossmont College Laney College Long Beach City College Los Angeles City College Los Angeles Valley College Modesto Junior College Moorpark College Mt. San Antonio College Napa Valley College Ohlone College Orange Coast College Oxnard College Palomar College Pasadena City College Rio Hondo College Riverside City College Sacramento City College Saddleback College San Diego City College Santa Ana College Santa Monica College Santa Rosa Junior College Sierra College Solano Community College Southwestern College University of Southern California Yuba College Radiologic Technology / Science – Radiographer PIMA Medical Institute Range Science and Management Humboldt State University UC Berkeley UC Davis Reading San Joaquin Delta College California Postsecondary Education Commission Part 2: Programs Offered Religious Education Reading Teacher Education CSU Chico CSU Fresno CSU Fullerton CSU Los Angeles CSU San Bernardino CSU Stanislaus Claremont Graduate University Evergreen Valley College Fresno Pacific University Notre Dame de Namur University Rudolf Steiner College Saint Mary’s College of California San Diego State University UC Santa Cruz University of La Verne Real Estate American River College Antelope Valley College Bakersfield College Barstow College Butte Community College Cabrillo College California School of International Management CSU Fresno CSU Los Angeles CSU Northridge CSU Sacramento CSU San Bernardino Cerritos College Chabot College Chaffey College City College of San Francisco Coastline Community College College of Marin College of San Mateo College of the Canyons College of the Redwoods College of the Sequoias Contra Costa College Cosumnes River College Cuyamaca College De Anza College East Los Angeles College El Camino College Folsom Lake College Foothill College Fresno City College Fullerton College Glendale Community College Golden West College Imperial Valley College Irvine Valley College Lake Tahoe Community College Las Positas College Lassen Community College Long Beach City College Los Angeles City College Los Angeles Mission College Los Angeles Southwest College Los Angeles Trade-Technical College Los Angeles Valley College Merced College Merritt College MiraCosta College Mission College Modesto Junior College Monterey Peninsula College Mt. San Antonio College Mt. San Jacinto College Ohlone College Palomar College Pierce College Rio Hondo College Riverside City College Sacramento City College Saddleback College San Bernardino Valley College San Diego City College San Diego Mesa College San Diego Miramar College San Diego State University San Joaquin Delta College San Jose City College Santa Ana College Santa Barbara City College Santa Monica College Santa Rosa Junior College Santiago Canyon College Shasta College Sierra College Solano Community College Southwestern College Victor Valley College West Los Angeles College Yuba College Receptionist Empire College Recording Arts Technology / Technician Expression College for Digital Arts Regular / General High School / Secondary Diploma Program CSU Chico City College of San Francisco MiraCosta College Rehabilitation and Therapeutic Professions, Other CSU Fresno CSU Los Angeles CSU San Bernardino San Diego State University San Francisco State University Religion / Religious Studies Azusa Pacific University Bethesda Christian University California Baptist University California Graduate School of Theology CSU Bakersfield CSU Chico CSU Fresno CSU Fullerton CSU Long Beach California Postsecondary Education Commission CSU Northridge Chong Shin University in USA Christian Witness Theological Seminary Claremont Graduate University Claremont School of Theology Concordia University Crafton Hills College Hebrew Union College - Jewish Institute of Religion Holy Names University Humboldt State University International Reformed University & Seminary K.P.C.A. Presbyterian Theological Seminary La Sierra University Lake Tahoe Community College Loma Linda University Newport University Notre Dame de Namur University Occidental College Palomar College Pepperdine University Pierce College Pitzer College Point Loma Nazarene University Saint Mary’s College of California San Diego State University San José State University Santa Clara University Solano Community College Southern California Seminary Stanford University Thomas Aquinas College UC Berkeley UC Davis UC Los Angeles UC Riverside UC San Diego UC Santa Barbara University of La Verne University of Redlands University of Southern California University of the Pacific Victor Valley College Weimar College Westmont College Whittier College World Mission University World University of America, Ojai Religious Education Azusa Pacific University Bethel Seminary West Biola University Booker T. Crenshaw Christian College & School of Ministry, Inc. California Graduate School of Theology CSU Chico California Union University Christian Life College Claremont School of Theology Concordia University Contra Costa College Evangelia University Grace Mission University Hebrew Union College - Jewish Institute of Religion International Reformed University & Seminary Southern California Seminary Thomas Aquinas College Trinity Life Bible College University of San Francisco 189 Part 2: Programs Offered Religious / Sacred Music Vanguard University of Southern California Vision International University William Jessup University Wisdom University World Mission University World University of America, Ojai Religious / Sacred Music Bethesda Christian University Booker T. Crenshaw Christian College & School of Ministry, Inc. California Christian College Christian Life College Cohen University and Theological Seminary Evangelia University Hope International University Point Loma Nazarene University Santa Clara University Thomas Aquinas College Vision International University Wisdom University Respiratory Care Therapy / Therapist American River College Butte Community College College of the Desert Crafton Hills College East Los Angeles College El Camino College Foothill College Fresno City College Grossmont College Loma Linda University Los Angeles Valley College Modesto Junior College Mt. San Antonio College Napa Valley College Ohlone College Orange Coast College PIMA Medical Institute San Joaquin Valley College - Visalia Santa Monica College Skyline College Victor Valley College Restaurant, Culinary, and Catering Management / Manager American River College Bakersfield College CSU Chico Chaffey College City College of San Francisco College of the Canyons Columbia College Cosumnes River College Cypress College Diablo Valley College Grossmont College Long Beach City College Los Angeles Mission College Los Angeles Trade-Technical College Mendocino College MiraCosta College Mission College 190 UC Los Angeles UC San Diego UC Santa Barbara UC Santa Cruz University of Southern California Monterey Peninsula College Mt. San Antonio College Orange Coast College Oxnard College San Bernardino Valley College Santa Rosa Junior College Victor Valley College Yuba College Russian Studies Restaurant / Food Services Management West Hills College at Lemoore Retailing and Retail Operations American River College Chaffey College College of Alameda Diablo Valley College Glendale Community College Grossmont College Los Angeles Trade-Technical College Merced College MiraCosta College Palo Verde College Palomar College Pasadena City College Pierce College Riverside City College Saddleback College San Joaquin Delta College West Hills College Coalinga Romance Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics, General UC Berkeley UC Los Angeles Romance Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics, Other UC Berkeley UC Los Angeles Russian Language and Literature CSU Fresno CSU Northridge CSU Stanislaus City College of San Francisco Grossmont College Mashdots College Monterey Institute of International Studies Ohlone College San Diego State University San Francisco State University San Joaquin Delta College Stanford University UC Davis UC Irvine CSU Fullerton Naval Postgraduate School San Diego State University Stanford University UC Irvine UC Los Angeles UC Riverside UC San Diego Sales, Distribution, and Marketing Operations, General Allan Hancock College American River College Antelope Valley College Bakersfield College Butte Community College CSU Fresno CSU Northridge CSU San Bernardino CSU Stanislaus Chabot College Chaffey College City College of San Francisco College of Alameda College of the Canyons College of the Sequoias Crafton Hills College Cuyamaca College Cypress College De Anza College El Camino College Fresno City College Fullerton College Glendale Community College Golden West College Grossmont College Hubbard College of Administration International Lake Tahoe Community College Laney College Las Positas College Long Beach City College Los Angeles City College Los Angeles Mission College MiraCosta College Mission College Ohlone College Orange Coast College Palo Verde College Pierce College Riverside City College Sacramento City College Saddleback College San Diego Mesa College San Joaquin Delta College San Jose City College Santa Ana College Santa Barbara City College Santa Monica College Santiago Canyon College California Postsecondary Education Commission Part 2: Programs Offered Sign Language Interpretation and Translation Sierra College Skyline College Southwestern College Scandinavian Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics UC Berkeley UC Los Angeles School Psychology Alliant International University - San Diego Azusa Pacific University California Graduate Institute CSU Chico CSU Dominguez Hills CSU Los Angeles San Diego State University San Francisco State University UC Santa Barbara Science Teacher Education / General Science Teacher Education Azusa Pacific University CSU Los Angeles CSU San Bernardino Fresno Pacific University Notre Dame de Namur University Rudolf Steiner College San Diego State University San Francisco State University UC Berkeley UC Santa Cruz Science Technologies / Technicians, Other Citrus College College of the Redwoods Columbia College Las Positas College Lassen Community College Monterey Peninsula College Sacramento City College San Joaquin Delta College Santiago Canyon College UC Davis Science, Technology and Society California State Polytechnic University, Pomona CSU Bakersfield CSU Dominguez Hills CSU Fullerton CSU Los Angeles CSU San Bernardino College of the Desert Folsom Lake College InterAmerican College Pitzer College San Francisco State University San José State University Stanford University UC Berkeley UC Davis UC Irvine UC Merced UC San Diego UC Santa Barbara Sculpture Academy of Art University American River College CSU San Bernardino City College of San Francisco Claremont Graduate University Concordia University De Anza College Evergreen Valley College Grossmont College Monterey Peninsula College Otis College of Art and Design Palomar College San Francisco Art Institute Skyline College UC Santa Cruz Secondary Education and Teaching Azusa Pacific University Biola University CSU Chico CSU Fullerton CSU Long Beach CSU Los Angeles CSU Northridge CSU San Bernardino CSU San Marcos CSU Stanislaus Claremont Graduate University Concordia University Dominican University of California Holy Names University Notre Dame de Namur University Rudolf Steiner College Saint Mary’s College of California San Diego State University San Francisco State University Santa Clara University UC Irvine UC Santa Barbara University of La Verne Weimar College Westmont College Security and Loss Prevention Services De Anza College Grossmont College Los Angeles City College Sierra College Security and Protective Services, Other CSU Long Beach Palo Verde College Sonoma College California Postsecondary Education Commission Self-Awareness and Personal Assessment Hubbard College of Administration International Palo Verde College Solano Community College Self-Esteem and Values Clarification Solano Community College Selling Skills and Sales Operations Bakersfield College Chabot College Chaffey College College of San Mateo Crafton Hills College Cypress College Fresno City College Hubbard College of Administration International Las Positas College Long Beach City College Los Angeles City College Los Medanos College Orange Coast College Palo Verde College Palomar College Pasadena City College Pierce College Santa Rosa Junior College Skyline College Sheet Metal Technology / Sheetworking American River College Foothill College Long Beach City College Modesto Junior College Palomar College San Diego City College Sign Language Interpretation and Translation American River College Berkeley City College CSU East Bay CSU Fresno CSU San Bernardino College of the Sequoias El Camino College Golden West College Lake Tahoe Community College Mt. San Antonio College Ohlone College Palomar College Pierce College Riverside City College Saddleback College 191 Part 2: Programs Offered Slavic Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics, General San Diego Mesa College San José State University University of Southern California Slavic Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics, General Stanford University UC Berkeley UC Los Angeles UC Santa Barbara University of Southern California Slavic, Baltic, and Albanian Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics, Other UC Berkeley Small Engine Mechanics and Repair Technology / Technician Cosumnes River College Los Angeles Trade-Technical College Sacramento City College San Joaquin Delta College Social and Philosophical Foundations of Education CSU Long Beach CSU Los Angeles Hope International University Rudolf Steiner College UC Santa Cruz Western Institute for Social Research Social Psychology California Graduate Institute Citrus College Claremont Graduate University Columbia College Concordia University Notre Dame de Namur University San Francisco State University UC Irvine UC Santa Cruz Western Institute for Social Research Social Science Teacher Education Azusa Pacific University Biola University CSU San Bernardino Fresno Pacific University Hope International University Notre Dame de Namur University Rudolf Steiner College San Diego State University University of La Verne 192 Social Sciences, General Allan Hancock College American River College Azusa Pacific University Barstow College Berkeley City College Butte Community College California Baptist University California Institute of Technology California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo California State Polytechnic University, Pomona CSU Chico CSU Fresno CSU Fullerton CSU Los Angeles CSU Monterey Bay CSU Northridge CSU Sacramento CSU San Bernardino CSU San Marcos CSU Stanislaus Central Texas College Cerritos College Cerro Coso Community College Chaffey College Citrus College College of Alameda College of Marin College of San Mateo College of the Canyons College of the Desert College of the Redwoods College of the Sequoias College of the Siskiyous Concordia University Contra Costa College Copper Mountain College Cosumnes River College De Anza College Diablo Valley College Feather River College Folsom Lake College Foothill College Fresno City College Fresno Pacific University Gavilan College Glendale Community College Golden West College Hartnell College Holy Names University Hope International University Humboldt State University Imperial Valley College La Sierra University Lake Tahoe Community College Laney College Las Positas College Long Beach City College Los Angeles Harbor College Mendocino College Merced College Merritt College MiraCosta College Mission College Modesto Junior College Moorpark College Mt. San Antonio College Mt. San Jacinto College Napa Valley College Ohlone College Palo Verde College Palomar College Pasadena City College Pepperdine University Pierce College Point Loma Nazarene University Porterville College Reedley College Sacramento City College Saddleback College San Diego City College San Diego Mesa College San Diego State University San Francisco State University San Joaquin Delta College San Jose City College San José State University Santa Ana College Santa Rosa Junior College Santiago Canyon College Shasta College Sierra College Skyline College Solano Community College Taft College UC Davis UC Irvine UC Merced UC San Diego UC Santa Barbara University of La Verne University of the Pacific West Hills College at Lemoore West Hills College Coalinga West Valley College Western Institute for Social Research Westmont College Yuba College Social Sciences, Other American River College Antelope Valley College Azusa Pacific University Berkeley City College Biola University California State Polytechnic University, Pomona CSU Dominguez Hills CSU East Bay CSU Long Beach CSU Monterey Bay CSU San Marcos Chabot College Citrus College Columbia College Concordia University Cypress College Diablo Valley College Hartnell College Holy Names University Mills College Mt. San Jacinto College Ohlone College San Francisco State University Sonoma State University UC Berkeley UC Davis UC Irvine UC Los Angeles California Postsecondary Education Commission Part 2: Programs Offered Spanish Language and Literature UC Riverside UC San Diego UC San Francisco UC Santa Cruz University of La Verne University of Southern California Western Institute for Social Research Whittier College Social Studies Teacher Education Notre Dame de Namur University Rudolf Steiner College UC Irvine University of Southern California Social Work Azusa Pacific University CSU Bakersfield CSU Chico CSU Dominguez Hills CSU East Bay CSU Fresno CSU Fullerton CSU Long Beach CSU Los Angeles CSU Monterey Bay CSU Northridge CSU Sacramento CSU San Bernardino CSU Stanislaus Concordia University Fresno Pacific University Hope International University Humboldt State University La Sierra University Loma Linda University Point Loma Nazarene University San Diego State University San Francisco State University San José State University UC Berkeley UC Los Angeles University of Southern California Western Institute for Social Research Whittier College Sociology Alliant International University - San Diego Antelope Valley College Azusa Pacific University Bakersfield College Berkeley City College Biola University Cabrillo College California State Polytechnic University, Pomona CSU Bakersfield CSU Channel Islands CSU Chico CSU Dominguez Hills CSU East Bay CSU Fresno CSU Fullerton CSU Long Beach CSU Los Angeles CSU Northridge CSU Sacramento CSU San Bernardino CSU San Marcos CSU Stanislaus Cañada College Cerritos College Chaffey College City College of San Francisco College of Alameda College of the Desert College of the Siskiyous Columbia College Concordia University Contra Costa College Copper Mountain College Crafton Hills College De Anza College El Camino College Foothill College Fullerton College Holy Names University Humboldt State University Lake Tahoe Community College Los Angeles Mission College Los Angeles Southwest College Los Angeles Valley College Los Medanos College Mills College MiraCosta College Moorpark College Mt. San Jacinto College Notre Dame de Namur University Occidental College Ohlone College Oxnard College Palo Verde College Palomar College Pasadena City College Pepperdine University Pitzer College Point Loma Nazarene University Sacramento City College Saddleback College Saint Mary’s College of California San Diego City College San Diego Mesa College San Diego Miramar College San Diego State University San Francisco State University San José State University Santa Ana College Santa Barbara City College Santa Clara University Santa Rosa Junior College Santiago Canyon College Sonoma State University Southwestern College Stanford University UC Berkeley UC Davis UC Irvine UC Los Angeles UC Riverside UC San Diego UC San Francisco UC Santa Barbara UC Santa Cruz University of La Verne University of Redlands University of San Francisco University of Southern California University of the Pacific California Postsecondary Education Commission Vanguard University of Southern California Victor Valley College West Los Angeles College West Valley College Western Institute for Social Research Westmont College Whittier College Soil Science and Agronomy, General California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo California State Polytechnic University, Pomona UC Davis UC Riverside Soil Sciences, Other California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo California State Polytechnic University, Pomona UC Davis UC Riverside South Asian Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics, General CSU Stanislaus South Asian Studies Naval Postgraduate School Sonoma State University Southeast Asian Studies Naval Postgraduate School UC Berkeley UC Los Angeles UC Santa Cruz Spanish Language and Literature Allan Hancock College American River College Azusa Pacific University Bakersfield College Berkeley City College Cabrillo College California Baptist University California State Polytechnic University, Pomona CSU Bakersfield CSU Channel Islands CSU Chico CSU Dominguez Hills CSU East Bay CSU Fresno CSU Fullerton CSU Long Beach CSU Los Angeles CSU Northridge 193 Part 2: Programs Offered Spanish Language Teacher Education CSU Sacramento CSU San Bernardino CSU San Marcos CSU Stanislaus Cañada College Cerritos College Chabot College Chaffey College City College of San Francisco College of Alameda College of Marin College of San Mateo College of the Canyons College of the Sequoias Concordia University Contra Costa College Cosumnes River College Crafton Hills College Diablo Valley College El Camino College Foothill College Fresno Pacific University Gavilan College Glendale Community College Grossmont College Humboldt State University InterAmerican College Irvine Valley College La Sierra University Lake Tahoe Community College Los Angeles City College Los Angeles Mission College Los Angeles Southwest College Los Angeles Valley College Mashdots College Mendocino College Merced College Merritt College Mills College MiraCosta College Modesto Junior College Monterey Institute of International Studies Monterey Peninsula College Napa Valley College Occidental College Ohlone College Oxnard College Palo Verde College Palomar College Pasadena City College Pepperdine University Pitzer College Point Loma Nazarene University Riverside City College Saddleback College Saint Mary’s College of California San Diego City College San Diego Mesa College San Diego Miramar College San Diego State University San Francisco State University San Joaquin Delta College San José State University Santa Barbara City College Santa Clara University Santa Rosa Junior College Santiago Canyon College Skyline College Solano Community College Sonoma State University Southwestern College Stanford University 194 UC Berkeley UC Davis UC Irvine UC Los Angeles UC Riverside UC San Diego UC Santa Barbara UC Santa Cruz University of La Verne University of Redlands University of San Francisco University of Southern California University of the Pacific Vanguard University of Southern California Victor Valley College West Los Angeles College West Valley College Westmont College Whittier College Spanish Language Teacher Education Azusa Pacific University CSU San Bernardino CSU San Marcos Notre Dame de Namur University Rudolf Steiner College San Diego State University San Francisco State University Special Education and Teaching, General Azusa Pacific University Bakersfield College CSU Dominguez Hills CSU East Bay CSU Fresno CSU Fullerton CSU Long Beach CSU Los Angeles CSU Northridge CSU Sacramento CSU San Bernardino CSU San Marcos CSU Stanislaus Chabot College Diablo Valley College Foothill College Fresno City College Fresno Pacific University Imperial Valley College La Sierra University Long Beach City College Notre Dame de Namur University Saint Mary’s College of California San Diego State University San Francisco State University San José State University Santa Clara University UC Berkeley UC Los Angeles University of La Verne University of the Pacific Special Education and Teaching, Other Allan Hancock College Cerritos College College of the Sequoias Folsom Lake College Long Beach City College Los Angeles City College Los Angeles Valley College Modesto Junior College Palomar College Riverside City College Rudolf Steiner College San Diego State University West Los Angeles College Special Products Marketing Operations College of San Mateo Golden West College Mt. San Antonio College Pierce College Santa Rosa Junior College Shasta College Yuba College Speech and Rhetorical Studies Allan Hancock College Bakersfield College Cabrillo College California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo CSU Chico CSU East Bay CSU Fresno CSU Fullerton CSU Long Beach CSU Los Angeles CSU Northridge CSU San Bernardino CSU Stanislaus Cañada College Cerritos College Chabot College Citrus College City College of San Francisco College of Marin College of San Mateo Columbia College Contra Costa College Copper Mountain College De Anza College El Camino College Evergreen Valley College Foothill College Fullerton College Gavilan College Glendale Community College Grossmont College Humboldt State University Irvine Valley College Lake Tahoe Community College Long Beach City College Los Angeles Valley College Mendocino College California Postsecondary Education Commission Part 2: Programs Offered Systems Engineering Merced College MiraCosta College Mission College Modesto Junior College Monterey Peninsula College Ohlone College Palomar College Pierce College Point Loma Nazarene University Sacramento City College San Diego City College San Diego Mesa College San Diego State University San Francisco State University San José State University Santa Ana College Santa Barbara City College Santa Monica College Santa Rosa Junior College Shasta College Sierra College Solano Community College Southwestern College UC Berkeley UC Davis UC Los Angeles Victor Valley College West Valley College Speech Teacher Education Pepperdine University San Diego State University San Francisco State University Speech-Language Pathology / Pathologist Evergreen Valley College Ohlone College San Diego State University Sport and Fitness Administration / Management Concordia University Cypress College Diablo Valley College Fullerton College Glendale Community College Irvine Valley College Mission College Optimal Performance Institute, The Orange Coast College Pepperdine University Riverside City College Saint Mary’s College of California San Diego City College San Diego Mesa College San Francisco State University San Joaquin Delta College Southwestern College University of San Francisco University of the Pacific Sports and Exercise CSU Sacramento Fresno Pacific University San Joaquin Delta College Solano Community College UC Davis Statistics, General Berkeley City College California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo California State Polytechnic University, Pomona CSU Chico CSU East Bay CSU Fullerton CSU Long Beach CSU Northridge City College of San Francisco Palo Verde College San Diego State University San Francisco State University Stanford University UC Berkeley UC Davis UC Irvine UC Los Angeles UC Riverside UC San Diego UC Santa Barbara University of Southern California Stress Management and Coping Skills Hubbard College of Administration International Solano Community College Structural Engineering California State Polytechnic University, Pomona CSU Northridge UC Irvine UC San Diego Substance Abuse / Addiction Counseling Allan Hancock College American River College Breining Institute Butte Community College City College of San Francisco College of San Mateo College of the Desert College of the Redwoods College of the Siskiyous Cypress College Diablo Valley College East Los Angeles College Fresno City College Glendale Community College Hartnell College Imperial Valley College Lake Tahoe Community College Lassen Community College Loma Linda University Long Beach City College California Postsecondary Education Commission Los Angeles City College Los Angeles Mission College Los Angeles Southwest College Mendocino College Merced College Merritt College Mt. San Antonio College Mt. San Jacinto College Oxnard College Pierce College Porterville College Rio Hondo College Saddleback College San Bernardino Valley College San Diego City College San Joaquin Delta College San Jose City College Santa Barbara City College Santa Rosa Junior College Yuba College Surgical Technology / Technologist Fresno City College High-Tech Institute Loma Linda University Skyline College Southwestern College Surveying Technology / Surveying CSU Fresno Coastline Community College Cuyamaca College Las Positas College Palomar College Sacramento City College Santa Ana College Santa Rosa Junior College Santiago Canyon College System Administration / Administrator California University of Technology Heald Colleges of California Administrative Office Santa Barbara Business College System, Networking, and LAN / WAN Management / Manager California University of Technology Systems Engineering CSU Fullerton MTI College Naval Postgraduate School Stanford University UC San Diego 195 Part 2: Programs Offered Systems Science and Theory Systems Science and Theory San José State University University of Southern California Talmudic Studies Yeshiva Ohr Elchonon Chabad/West Coast Talmudical Seminary Taxation California School of International Management CSU East Bay CSU Fullerton CSU Los Angeles De Anza College Frederick Taylor University Golden Gate University MiraCosta College Saddleback College San Diego State University San Francisco State University San Joaquin Delta College San José State University Western Sierra Law School William Howard Taft University Yuba College Teacher Assistant / Aide Allan Hancock College American River College Antelope Valley College Berkeley City College College of Alameda College of the Sequoias College of the Siskiyous Columbia College East Los Angeles College El Camino College Fresno City College Golden West College Hartnell College Imperial Valley College Long Beach City College Los Angeles Mission College Mt. San Antonio College Mt. San Jacinto College Ohlone College Palomar College Pierce College Porterville College Sacramento City College Saddleback College San Diego City College San Diego Mesa College San Joaquin Delta College Santa Ana College Santa Monica College Shasta College West Hills College at Lemoore Teacher Education and Professional Development, 196 Mashdots College San Francisco State University Specific Levels and Methods, Other Hubbard College of Administration International Institute for Advanced Study of Human Sexuality, The Notre Dame de Namur University Pepperdine University Rudolf Steiner College Skyline College University of La Verne Teacher Education and Professional Development, Specific Subject Areas, Other CSU San Bernardino Christian Life College Occidental College UC Berkeley Teacher Education, Multiple Levels Dominican University of California Notre Dame de Namur University Rudolf Steiner College San Diego State University UC Berkeley UC Irvine UC Riverside UC Santa Cruz University of San Francisco Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language / ESL Language Instructor Alliant International University - San Diego Azusa Pacific University CSU Dominguez Hills CSU Fresno CSU Fullerton CSU Los Angeles CSU San Bernardino CSU Stanislaus Fresno Pacific University Monterey Institute of International Studies Notre Dame de Namur University San Francisco State University San José State University Soka University of America South Baylo University - Anaheim Southern California Institute of Technology UC Los Angeles University of San Francisco Technical and Business Writing American River College De Anza College Intercultural Institute of California Technical Teacher Education CSU San Bernardino Technical Theatre / Theatre Design and Technology Allan Hancock College California Institute of the Arts CSU San Bernardino City College of San Francisco East Los Angeles College El Camino College Foothill College Fresno City College Fullerton College Gavilan College Los Angeles City College Los Angeles Valley College MiraCosta College Modesto Junior College Monterey Peninsula College Mt. San Jacinto College Orange Coast College Pasadena City College Pepperdine University Sacramento City College Santa Rosa Junior College UC Santa Cruz West Hills College Coalinga Technology Education / Industrial Arts Humboldt State University Skyline College Solano Community College Technology Teacher Education / Industrial Arts Teacher Education Alliant International University - San Diego California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo CSU Fresno CSU Long Beach CSU Los Angeles Fresno City College Fullerton College Golden West College Humboldt State University Pepperdine University San Francisco State University San Jose City College San José State University Textile Science CSU Sacramento Cañada College East Los Angeles College San Joaquin Delta College California Postsecondary Education Commission Part 2: Programs Offered Trade and Industrial Teacher Education Textile Sciences and Engineering Mendocino College UC Davis Theatre Literature, History and Criticism CSU San Bernardino Saint Mary’s College of California UC Santa Cruz Theatre / Theater San Joaquin Delta College Solano Community College UC Berkeley UC Davis UC San Diego UC Santa Cruz Theological and Ministerial Studies Booker T. Crenshaw Christian College & School of Ministry, Inc. Theological and Ministerial Studies, Other California Christian College California Graduate School of Theology Christian Life International Bible College Claremont School of Theology Cohen University and Theological Seminary Concordia University Escondido Bible College Hope International University International Theological Seminary Mennonite Brethren Biblical Seminary Saint Patrick’s Seminary Trinity Life Bible College Union College of California Vision International University Western Conservative Baptist Seminary - Bay Area Westminster Seminary California William Jessup University Theology and Religious Vocations, Other American Baptist Seminary of the West Biola University Booker T. Crenshaw Christian College & School of Ministry, Inc. Christian Life College Church Divinity School of the Pacific Cohen University and Theological Seminary Concordia University Escondido Bible College Evangelia University Graduate Theological Union Jesuit School of Theology at Berkeley Logos Evangelical Seminary Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary Point Loma Nazarene University Thomas Aquinas College Trinity Law School Trinity Life Bible College University of San Francisco William Jessup University Theology / Theological Studies Azusa Pacific University Bethel Seminary West Bethesda Christian University Biola University Booker T. Crenshaw Christian College & School of Ministry, Inc. California Biblical University and Seminary California Christian College California Graduate School of Theology CSU Chico Calvary Chapel Bible College Chong Shin University in USA Christian Life College Christian Witness Theological Seminary Church Divinity School of the Pacific Claremont School of Theology Coastland University Cohen University and Theological Seminary Concordia University Escondido Bible College Evangelia University Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary Grace Mission University Graduate Theological Union Hebrew Union College - Jewish Institute of Religion International Theological Seminary Jesuit School of Theology at Berkeley K.P.C.A. Presbyterian Theological Seminary King’s College and Seminary La Sierra University Life University Mennonite Brethren Biblical Seminary Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary Pacific School of Religion Saint Patrick’s Seminary San Francisco Theological Seminary Southern California Seminary Thomas Aquinas College Trinity Life Bible College University of San Francisco Vanguard University of Southern California Vision International University Western Conservative Baptist Seminary - Bay Area Westminster Seminary California William Jessup University Wisdom University World Mission University Yuin University Theoretical and Mathematical Physics Thomas Aquinas College California Postsecondary Education Commission Therapeutic Recreation / Recreational Therapy San Diego State University Vanguard University of Southern California Tourism and Travel Services Management Alliant International University - San Diego California School of International Management CSU Dominguez Hills Cañada College College of the Desert Oxnard College Tourism and Travel Services Marketing Operations Alliant International University - San Diego American InterContinental University Berkeley City College Butte Community College Cañada College Chabot College City College of San Francisco Coastline Community College Columbia College Cypress College Foothill College Fullerton College Long Beach City College Los Angeles City College Los Medanos College MiraCosta College Mt. San Antonio College Palomar College Saddleback College San Diego Mesa College Santa Ana College Santiago Canyon College Southwestern College Travel University International West Los Angeles College Tourism Promotion Operations Empire College Toxicology UC Berkeley UC Davis UC Irvine UC Los Angeles UC Riverside UC Santa Cruz University of Southern California Trade and Industrial Teacher Education CSU Fresno CSU Long Beach 197 Part 2: Programs Offered Traditional Chinese / Asian Medicine and Chinese Herbology CSU Los Angeles CSU Sacramento CSU San Bernardino CSU Stanislaus San Diego State University San Francisco State University San José State University West Hills College Coalinga Traditional Chinese / Asian Medicine and Chinese Herbology American Liberty University Emperor’s College Transportation and Highway Engineering California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo UC Davis UC Irvine University of Southern California Transportation and Materials Moving, Other Cerritos College Chaffey College Glendale Community College Mt. San Antonio College Travel and Exploration Solano Community College Turf and Turfgrass Management College of the Desert Cuyamaca College MiraCosta College Mt. San Antonio College San Joaquin Delta College Urban Studies / Affairs CSU Los Angeles CSU Northridge CSU Stanislaus San Diego State University San Francisco State University Stanford University UC Berkeley UC Riverside UC San Diego University of Southern California Western Institute for Social Research Whittier College Veterinary Medicine (DVM) UC Davis 198 Veterinary Preventive Medicine UC Davis Veterinary Residency Programs, Other UC Davis Veterinary Sciences / Veterinary Clinical Sciences, General (Cert, MS, PhD) California Institute of the Arts El Camino College Fresno City College Fullerton College Glendale Community College Grossmont College Los Angeles Mission College Mendocino College Mills College Palomar College Pasadena City College Pierce College San Francisco Art Institute UC Davis UC Irvine UC Los Angeles UC Riverside UC San Diego UC Santa Cruz UC Davis Veterinary / Animal Health Technology / Technician and Veterinary Assistant College of the Sequoias Cosumnes River College Foothill College Hartnell College Modesto Junior College Mt. San Antonio College Pierce College PIMA Medical Institute San Diego Mesa College Santa Rosa Junior College Shasta College West Hills College Coalinga Western Career College - Sacramento Yuba College Visual and Performing Arts, General Azusa Pacific University CSU Bakersfield CSU San Marcos Cerro Coso Community College Citrus College Glendale Community College Long Beach City College MiraCosta College Ohlone College Sacramento City College Saddleback College San Francisco State University San Joaquin Delta College San José State University Sonoma State University UC Riverside UC San Diego Victor Valley College Vocational Rehabilitation Counseling / Counselor CSU Fresno CSU Los Angeles CSU San Bernardino San Diego State University San Francisco State University Voice and Opera Musicians Institute Point Loma Nazarene University San Francisco Conservatory of Music UC Santa Cruz Water Quality and Wastewater Treatment Management and Recycling Technology / Technician Citrus College Imperial Valley College Los Angeles Trade-Technical College Merritt College Mt. San Antonio College Mt. San Jacinto College Palomar College Sacramento City College San Bernardino Valley College San Diego Mesa College Santa Ana College Santiago Canyon College Shasta College Solano Community College Ventura College Water Resources Engineering Visual and Performing Arts, Other UC Irvine Academy of Art University American Film Institute Cabrillo College California Postsecondary Education Commission Part 2: Programs Offered Zoology / Animal Biology, Other Web Page, Digital / Multimedia and Information Resources Design Art Institute of California - San Francisco Heald Colleges of California Administrative Office Platt College - San Diego Web / Multimedia Management and Webmaster Platt College - San Diego Welding Technology / Welder Allan Hancock College American River College Antelope Valley College Bakersfield College Barstow College Butte Community College Cabrillo College Cerritos College Cerro Coso Community College Chabot College City College of San Francisco College of San Mateo College of the Canyons College of the Redwoods College of the Sequoias College of the Siskiyous Contra Costa College Cosumnes River College Cuesta College El Camino College Fresno City College Fullerton College Glendale Community College Hartnell College Laney College Las Positas College Lassen Community College Long Beach City College Los Angeles Trade-Technical College Mendocino College Merced College Modesto Junior College Mt. San Antonio College Orange Coast College Palomar College Pasadena City College Pierce College Reedley College Rio Hondo College Riverside City College San Bernardino Valley College San Joaquin Delta College Santa Ana College Santa Rosa Junior College Shasta College Solano Community College Victor Valley College West Hills College Coalinga Yuba College Western European Studies Naval Postgraduate School Wildlife and Wildlands Science and Management Feather River College Humboldt State University UC Berkeley UC Davis Women’s Studies Berkeley City College Cabrillo College CSU Chico CSU Fresno CSU Fullerton CSU Long Beach CSU Northridge CSU San Marcos CSU Stanislaus Contra Costa College Cosumnes River College Mills College Monterey Peninsula College Occidental College Ohlone College Palo Verde College Palomar College Pitzer College Point Loma Nazarene University Sacramento City College Saddleback College Saint Mary’s College of California San Diego State University San Francisco State University Santiago Canyon College Sonoma State University UC Berkeley UC Davis UC Irvine California Postsecondary Education Commission UC Los Angeles UC Riverside UC San Diego UC Santa Barbara UC Santa Cruz Western Institute for Social Research Wood Science and Wood Products / Pulp and Paper Technology UC Berkeley Woodworking, General College of the Redwoods Writing San Joaquin Delta College Solano Community College Zoology / Animal Biology California State Polytechnic University, Pomona CSU Long Beach CSU Stanislaus El Camino College Fullerton College Humboldt State University Palomar College San Diego State University San Francisco State University San José State University UC Davis UC Santa Barbara Zoology / Animal Biology, Other CSU Stanislaus Crafton Hills College Pierce College San Diego State University San Francisco State University San José State University UC Davis UC Irvine UC San Francisco 199 Part 3: Index Index AAF/Rose Bowl Center, 89 Abraham Lincoln University, 97 Academy of Art University, 97 Academy of Chinese Culture and Health Sciences, 97 Academy of Entertainment Technology, 38 Accounting, 119 Accounting and Related Services, Other, 119 Accounting Technology/Technician and Bookkeeping, 119 Accrediting Association of Bible Colleges, 95, 99, 107 Acting, 80, 119 Acupuncture, 97, 98, 104, 105, 109, 110, 112, 113, 114, 117, 119 Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine, 97, 98, 104, 105, 109, 110, 112, 113, 117 Addiction Prevention and Treatment, 120 Adizes Graduate School, 97 Administration Administration of Special Education, 120 Adult and Continuing Education Administration, 120 Business Administration and Management, General, 131 Business Administration, Management and Operations, 132 Business Administration, Management and Operations, Other, 132 Computer/Information Technology Services Administration and Management, Other, 141 Criminal Justice/Law Enforcement Administration, 143 Educational Administration and Supervision, 149 Educational Administration and Supervision, Other, 149 Educational Leadership and Administration, General, 149 Elementary and Middle School Administration/Principalship, 151 Fire Services Administration, 157 Foodservice Systems Administration/Management, 157 Health Information/Medical Records Administration/Administrator, 161 Health Services Administration, 55, 92, 161 Health/Health Care Administration/Management, 162 Higher Education/Higher Education Administration, 162 Hospital and Health Care Facilities Administration/Management, 164 Hospitality Administration/Management, 164 Hospitality Administration/Management, General, 164 Hospitality Administration/Management, Other, 164 Hotel/Motel Administration/Management, 164 Human Resources Management/Personnel Administration, General, 164 Medical Office Management/Administration, 175 Nursing Administration (MSN, MS, PhD), 180 Pharmacy, Pharmaceutical Sciences, and Administration, 182 Pharmacy, Pharmaceutical Sciences, and Administration, Other, 182 Public Administration, 187 Public Administration and Social Service Professions, Other, 187 Public/Applied History and Archival Administration, 188 Sport and Fitness Administration/Management, 195 System Administration/Administrator, 196 Administration of Special Education, 120 Administrative Assistant and Secretarial Science, General, 120 Adult and Continuing Education Administration, 120 Adult and Continuing Education and Teaching, 120 Adult Development and Aging, 120 Adult Health Nurse/Nursing, 120 Advertising, 120 Aeronautical/Aerospace Engineering Technology/Technician, 120 Aeronautics/Aviation/Aerospace Science and Technology, General, 121 Aerospace, Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering, 121 African American studies African-American/Black Studies, 121 African Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics, 121 African Studies, 121 African-American/Black Studies, 121 Agribusiness/Agricultural Business Operations, 121 Agricultural and Food Products Processing, 121 Agricultural Business and Management, General, 121 Agricultural Business and Management, Other, 121 Agricultural Economics, 121 Agricultural Mechanization, General, 121 Agricultural Mechanization, Other, 121 Agricultural Power Machinery Operation, 121 Agricultural Production Operations, Other, 121 Agricultural Teacher Education, 121 Agricultural/Biological Engineering and Bioengineering, 121 Agriculture Agribusiness/Agricultural Business Operations, 121 Agricultural and Food Products Processing, 121 Agricultural Business and Management, 121 Agricultural Business and Management, General, 121 California Postsecondary Education Commission Agricultural Business and Management, Other, 121 Agricultural Economics, 121 Agricultural Mechanization, 121 Agricultural Mechanization, General, 121 Agricultural Mechanization, Other, 121 Agricultural Power Machinery Operation, 121 Agricultural Production Operations, 121 Agricultural Production Operations, Other, 121 Agricultural Teacher Education, 121 Agricultural/Biological Engineering and Bioengineering, 121 Agriculture, Agriculture Operations, and Related Sciences, Other, 122 Agriculture, General, 122 International Agriculture, 166 Agriculture, Agriculture Operations, and Related Sciences, Other, 122 Agriculture, General, 122 Agronomy and Crop Science, 122 Aids Service Center, 89 Air Force JROTC/ROTC, 122 Air Traffic Controller, 122 Aircraft Pilot (Private), 122 Aircraft Powerplant Technology/Technician, 122 Airframe Mechanics and Aircraft Maintenance Technology/Technician, 122 Airline Flight Attendant, 122 Airline/Commercial/Professional Pilot and Flight Crew, 122 Alameda County, 14, 16, 17, 26, 27, 30, 32, 46, 55, 68, 70, 71, 73, 74, 75, 78, 82, 85, 95, 97, 99, 101, 103, 105, 107, 108, 109, 110, 113, 114, 116, 117 Alameda, College of, 17, 18 Allan Hancock College, 13 Lompoc Valley Center, 13 Solvang Village Square, 13 Vandenberg Air Force Base Center, 13 Alliant International University - Cornerstone Court, 63 Alliant International University - Sacramento, 63 Alliant International University - San Diego, 63 Alliant International University Cornerstone Court, 63 Alliant International University - Fresno Campus, 63 Alliant International University - Irvine Campus, 63 Alliant International University - Los Angeles Campus, 63 Alliant International University Sacramento, 63 Alliant International University - San Francisco, 63 Alliant International University - San Francisco, 63 Allied Health, 68, 76, 98, 106, 111, 113, 122 Allied Health and Medical Assisting Services, Other, 122 201 Part 3: Index Allied Health Diagnostic, Intervention, and Treatment Professions, Other, 122 Allied Health Education, 98, 106, 111, 113 Amador Extension, 21 American Baptist Seminary of the West, 73, 97 American Citizenship Education, 122 American College of Law, 97 American College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, 98 American Conservatory Theater, 63 American Film Institute, 63 American Government and Politics (United States), 122 American Graduate University, 98 American Heritage University, 98 American History (United States), 122 American Indian/Native American Studies, 122 American InterContinental University, 98 American Jewish University, 64 Brandeis Bardin Campus, 64 American Liberty University, 98 American Literature (United States), 122 American River College, 13 American River College -- Ethan Way Center, 13 American River College -- Natomas Center, 13 American River College -- Sunrise Center, 13 American River College -- Ethan Way Center, 13 American River College -- Natomas Center, 13 American River College -- Sunrise Center, 13 American University of Complementary Medicine, 98 American University of Health Sciences, 98 American/United States Studies/Civilization, 123 AMR/Cerritos Center, 89 Analytical Chemistry, 123 Anatomy, 123 Ancient Near Eastern and Biblical Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics, 123 Ancient/Classical Greek Language and Literature, 123 Anesthesiology, 123 Animal Genetics, 123 Animal Physiology, 123 Animal Sciences, General, 123 Animal Sciences, Other, 123 Animal/Livestock Husbandry and Production, 123 Animation, Interactive Technology, Video Graphics and Special Effects, 123 Antelope Valley College, 13 Anthropology, 123 Apparel and Accessories Marketing Operations, 124 Apparel and Textile Manufacture, 124 Apparel and Textile Marketing Management, 124 Apparel and Textiles, General, 124 Apparel and Textiles, Other, 124 Appliance Installation and Repair Technology/Technician, 124 202 Applied Economics, 124 Applied Horticulture/Horticultural Operations, General, 124 Applied Mathematics, 124, 125 Applied Mathematics, Other, 125 Aquatic Biology/Limnology, 125 Arabic Language and Literature, 125 Archeology, 125 Architectural Drafting and Architectural CAD/CADD, 125 Architectural Engineering, 125 Architectural Engineering Technology/Technician, 125 Architecture (BArch, BA/BS, MArch, MA/MS, PhD), 125 Architecture and Related Services, Other, 125 Area Studies, Other, 125 Area, Ethnic, Cultural, and Gender Studies, Other, 125 Argosy University - Los Angeles, 98 Argosy University - San Francisco, 98 Argosy University - Los Angeles, 98 Army JROTC/ROTC, 125 Art, 51, 55, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 76, 77, 81, 86, 92, 97, 98, 125, 126 Art, 51, 55, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 76, 77, 81, 86, 92, 97, 98, 125, 126 Art History, Criticism and Conservation, 126 Art Teacher Education, 126 Art Therapy/Therapist, 126 Art/Art Studies, General, 126 Arts Management, 126 Baking and Pastry Arts/Baker/Pastry Chef, 128 Ceramic Arts and Ceramics, 134 Commercial and Advertising Art, 137 Design and Applied Arts, 145 Design and Applied Arts, Other, 145 Drama and Dramatics/Theatre Arts, General, 147 Dramatic/Theatre Arts and Stagecraft, Other, 147 English/Language Arts Teacher Education, 153 Fiber, Textile and Weaving Arts, 156 Film/Video and Photographic Arts, 156 Film/Video and Photographic Arts, Other, 156 Fine Arts and Art Studies, Other, 156 Fine/Studio Arts, General, 156 Kindergarten/Preschool Education and Teaching, 168 Metal and Jewelry Arts, 176 Recording Arts Technology/Technician, 189 Visual and Performing Arts, 198, 199 Visual and Performing Arts, General, 198 Visual and Performing Arts, Other, 199 Art and Design, 51, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 76, 77, 81, 86, 92, 97 Art History, Criticism and Conservation, 126 Art Institute of California - Inland Empire, 98 Art Institute of California - Los Angeles, 98 Art Institute of California - Sacramento, 98 Art Institute of California - San Diego, 98 Art Institute of California - San Francisco, 98 Art Institute of California - Inland Empire, 98 Art Institute of California - Los Angeles, 98 Art Institute of California - Orange County, 98 Art Institute of California - Sacramento, 98 Art Institute of California - San Diego, 98 Art Institute of California - Sunnyvale, 98 Art Institute of California - Sunnyvale, 98 Art Teacher Education, 126 Art Therapy/Therapist, 126 Art/Art Studies, General, 126 Arthur A. Dugoni School of Dentistry, 92 Arts Management, 126 Asian Studies/Civilization, 126 Asian-American Studies, 127 Astronomy, 127 Astrophysics, 127 Athletic Training, 47, 64, 127 Athletic Training/Trainer, 127 Atmospheric Sciences and Meteorology, 127 Atmospheric Sciences and Meteorology, General, 127 Atomic/Molecular Physics, 127 Audiology, 127 Audiology/Audiologist and Hearing Sciences, 127 Audiology/Audiologist and Speech-Language Pathology/Pathologist, 127 Autobody/Collision and Repair Technology/Technician, 127 Automobile/Automotive Mechanics Technology/Technician, 127 Automotive Engineering Technology/Technician, 128 Aviation, 98, 99, 111, 128 Aviation & Electronic School of America, 98, 99 Aviation & Electronic School of America - San Diego, 99 Aviation & Electronic School of America San Diego, 99 Aviation/Airway Management and Operations, 128 Avionics Maintenance Technology/Technician, 128 Azusa Pacific University, 64, 65 High Desert Branch of the Inland Empire, 65 Inland Empire Regional Center, 65 Los Angeles Regional Center, 65 Murrieta Regional Center, 65 Orange County Regional Center, 65 San Diego Regional Center, 65 Ventura Regional Center, 65 Bakersfield Center, 72 Bakersfield College, 13, 14 Delano Center, 14 Bakersfield Learning Center, 115 Baking and Pastry Arts/Baker/Pastry Chef, 128 Banking and Financial Support Services, 128 Barbering/Barber, 128 Barstow College, 14 Basic Skills, General, 128 Basic Skills, Other, 128 Bay Cities Bible College, 99 California Postsecondary Education Commission Part 3: Index Bay Cities Bible College at First Baptist Church, 99 Bay Cities Bible College at Valley Bible Church, 99 Bay Cities Bible College at First Baptist Church, 99 Bay Cities Bible College at Valley Bible Church, 99 Beale AFB Learning Center, 115 Beale Center, 104 Beaumont, 66 Ben Clark Training Center, 35 Berkeley City College, 14 Bethel Seminary West, 99 Bethesda Christian University, 99 Bible College Education, 95, 99, 107, 110 Bible/Biblical Studies, 128 Bilingual and Multilingual Education, 128 Biochemistry, 128, 129 Biochemistry, Biophysics and Molecular Biology, 129 Biola University, 65 Chino-Calvary Chapel of Chino Valley, 65 Inglewood-Faithful Central Bible Church, 65 Laguna Hills-Lake Hills Community Church, 65 Newbury Park-EV Free Church of the Conejo Valley, 65 Palm Desert - Southwest Community Church, 65 Vista-North Coast Church, 65 Biological and Biomedical Sciences, Other, 129 Biological and Physical Sciences, 129 Biology Agricultural/Biological Engineering and Bioengineering, 121 Aquatic Biology/Limnology, 125 Biochemistry, 128, 129 Biochemistry, Biophysics and Molecular Biology, 129 Biological and Biomedical Sciences, 129 Biological and Biomedical Sciences, Other, 129 Biological and Physical Sciences, 129 Biology Teacher Education, 129 Biology Technician/Biotechnology Laboratory Technician, 129 Biology, General, 129 Biology/Biological Sciences, General, 129 Biomedical Technology/Technician, 130 Biomedical/Medical Engineering, 130 Biometry/Biometrics, 130 Biophysics, 130 Biopsychology, 130 Biostatistics, 130 Biotechnology, 130 Botany/Plant Biology, 130 Botany/Plant Biology, Other, 130 Cell Biology and Anatomy, 133 Cell/Cellular Biology and Anatomical Sciences, 133 Cell/Cellular Biology and Anatomical Sciences, Other, 133 Cell/Cellular Biology and Histology, 133 Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, 148 Evolutionary Biology, 155 Forest Sciences and Biology, 158 Marine Biology and Biological Oceanography, 172 Medical Microbiology and Bacteriology, 175 Molecular Biology, 176 Neurobiology and Neurophysiology, 179 Physiological Psychology/Psychobiology, 184 Radiation Biology/Radiobiology, 188 Zoology/Animal Biology, 200 Zoology/Animal Biology, Other, 200 Biology Teacher Education, 129 Biology Technician/Biotechnology Laboratory Technician, 129 Biology, General, 129 Biology/Biological Sciences, General, 129 Biomedical Technology/Technician, 130 Biomedical/Medical Engineering, 130 Biometry/Biometrics, 130 Biophysics, 130 Biopsychology, 130 Biostatistics, 130 Biotechnology, 130 Black studies African-American/Black Studies, 121 Bonnie Bergin Assistance Dog Institute, The, 99 Booker T. Crenshaw Christian College & School of Ministry, Inc., 99 Borrego Springs Education Center, 33 Botany/Plant Biology, 130 Botany/Plant Biology, Other, 130 Breining Institute, 99 Brentwood Center, 29 Broadcast Journalism, 130 Brooks College, 65, 66 Brooks College - Sunnyvale, 66 Brooks College - Sunnyvale, 66 Brooks Institute, 99 Brooks Institute - Ventura, 99 Brooks Institute - Ventura, 99 Bryan College of Court Reporting, 99 Sacramento Campus, 99 Buddhist Studies, 130 Buddhist Studies, Institute of, 106 Building/Construction Finishing, Management, and Inspection, Other, 131 Building/Home/Construction Inspection/Inspector, 131 Burney / Fall River, 39 Business, 21, 24, 37, 47, 49, 57, 65, 68, 72, 73, 76, 79, 80, 95, 97, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 115, 116, 131, 132, 133 Agribusiness/Agricultural Business Operations, 121 Agricultural Business and Management, 121 Agricultural Business and Management, General, 121 Agricultural Business and Management, Other, 121 Business Administration and Management, General, 131 Business Administration, Management and Operations, 132 Business Administration, Management and Operations, Other, 132 California Postsecondary Education Commission Business and Personal/Financial Services Marketing Operations, 132 Business and Social Skills, 132 Business Family and Consumer Sciences/Human Sciences, 132 Business Machine Repair, 132 Business Operations Support and Secretarial Services, Other, 132 Business Statistics, 132 Business Teacher Education, 132 Business, Management, Marketing, and Related Support Services, Other, 132 Business/Commerce, General, 132 Business/Corporate Communications, 133 Business/Managerial Economics, 133 Business/Office Automation/Technology/Data Entry, 133 Entrepreneurial and Small Business Operations, 153 Entrepreneurial and Small Business Operations, Other, 153 International Business, 166 International Business/Trade/Commerce, 166 Technical and Business Writing, 197 Business Administration and Management, General, 131 Business Administration, Management and Operations, Other, 132 Business and Industry Services Center, 37 Business and Personal/Financial Services Marketing Operations, 132 Business and Social Skills, 132 Business Family and Consumer Sciences/Human Sciences, 132 Business Machine Repair, 132 Business Operations Support and Secretarial Services, Other, 132 Business Statistics, 132 Business Teacher Education, 132 Business, Management, Marketing, and Related Support Services, Other, 132 Business/Commerce, General, 132 Business/Corporate Communications, 133 Business/Managerial Economics, 133 Business/Office Automation/Technology/Data Entry, 133 Butte Community College, 14 Chico Center, 14 Glenn County Center, 14 Butte County, 14, 46, 99 Cabinetmaking and Millwork/Millwright, 133 Cabrillo College, 14, 15 Watsonville Center, 15 Caffey College Chino Information Technology Center, 16 Cal Northern School of Law, 99 Calaveras Center, 20 California American University, 99 California Baptist University, 66 Beaumont, 66 High Desert Site, 66 San Bernardino Site, 66 California Biblical University and Seminary, 99 California Christian College, 100 California Coast University, 100 California Community Colleges 203 Part 3: Index Allan Hancock College, 13 American River College, 13 Antelope Valley College, 13 Bakersfield College, 13, 14 Barstow College, 14 Berkeley City College, 14 Butte Community College, 14 Cabrillo College, 14, 15 Cañada College, 15 Cerritos College, 15 Cerro Coso Community College, 15 Chabot College, 16 Chaffey College, 16 Citrus College, 16 City College of San Francisco, 17 Coastline Community College, 17 College of Alameda, 17, 18 College of Marin, 18 College of San Mateo, 18 College of the Canyons, 18 College of the Desert, 18, 49 College of the Redwoods, 9, 19 College of the Sequoias, 19 College of the Siskiyous, 9, 19 Columbia College, 9, 20, 103 Contra Costa College, 20 Copper Mountain College, 20 Cosumnes River College, 20 Crafton Hills College, 21 Cuesta College, 21, 103 Cuyamaca College, 21 Cypress College, 21, 22 De Anza College, 22 Diablo Valley College, 22 East Los Angeles College, 22 El Camino College, 22, 23 Evergreen Valley College, 23 Feather River College, 23 Folsom Lake College, 23 Foothill College, 23, 24 Fresno City College, 24 Fullerton College, 24 Gavilan College, 24 Glendale Community College, 25 Golden West College, 25 Grossmont College, 25 Hartnell College, 25, 26 Imperial Valley College, 26 Irvine Valley College, 26 Lake Tahoe Community College, 26 Laney College, 26 Las Positas College, 27 Lassen Community College, 27 Long Beach City College, 27 Los Angeles City College, 27 Los Angeles Harbor College, 28 Los Angeles Mission College, 28 Los Angeles Southwest College, 28 Los Angeles Trade-Technical College, 28, 29 Los Angeles Valley College, 29 Los Medanos College, 29 Mendocino College, 29 Merced College, 29, 30 Merritt College, 30 MiraCosta College, 30 Mission College, 30 Modesto Junior College, 30, 31 Monterey Peninsula College, 31 Moorpark College, 31 Mt. San Antonio College, 31 Mt. San Jacinto College, 31, 32 204 Napa Valley College, 32 Ohlone College, 32 Orange Coast College, 32 Oxnard College, 33 Palo Verde College, 33 Palomar College, 33 Pasadena City College, 34 Pierce College, 34 Porterville College, 34 Reedley College, 9, 34 Rio Hondo College, 35 Riverside City College, 35 Sacramento City College, 35 Saddleback College, 35, 36, 47 San Bernardino Valley College, 36 San Diego City College, 36 San Diego Mesa College, 36 San Diego Miramar College, 36 San Joaquin Delta College, 37 San Jose City College, 37 Santa Ana College, 37 Santa Barbara City College, 37, 38 Santa Monica College, 38, 88 Santa Rosa Junior College, 9, 38 Santiago Canyon College, 38 Shasta College, 9, 39 Sierra College, 9, 39 Skyline College, 39 Solano Community College, 40 Southwestern College, 40 Taft College, 9, 40 Ventura College, 40, 41, 112 Victor Valley College, 41 West Hills College at Lemoore, 41 West Hills College Coalinga, 41 West Los Angeles College, 41, 42 West Valley College, 42 Yuba College, 9, 42 California Culinary Academy, 100 California Design College, 100 California Graduate Institute, 100 CGI - Irvine, 100 California Graduate School of Theology, 100 California Institute for Human Science, 100 California Institute of Technology, 66 California Institute of the Arts, 67 California International University, 100 California National University For Advanced Studies, 100 California New Hope University, 100 California Pacific University, 100 California Paramedical and Technical College Long Beach Campus, 105 California School of International Management, 101 California School of Professional Psychology, 63 California Southern Law School, 101 California Southern University, 101 California State University Bakersfield, 45 California Maritime Academy, 43, 45 California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, 38, 45 California State Polytechnic University, Pomona, 45 Channel Islands, 46 Chico, 46 Dominguez Hills, 46 East Bay, 46, 47 Fresno, 41, 47 Fullerton, 47 Humboldt State University, 49, 50 Long Beach, 47 Los Angeles, 48 Monterey Bay, 48 Northridge, 48 Sacramento, 48 San Bernardino, 49 San Diego State University, 50 San Francisco State University, 50 San José State University, 50 San Marcos, 49 Sonoma State University, 51 Stanislaus, 49 California State University, Bakersfield CSUB Antelope Valley, 46 California State University, East Bay California State University, East Bay -Concord Campus, 47 California State University, East Bay -Oakland Professional Development & Conference Center, 47 California State University, East Bay -Oakland Professional Development & Conference Center, 47 California State University, Fullerton CSUF Garden Grove Center, 47 CSUF Irvine, CPEI, 47 California State University, Hayward, 46, 47 California State University, San Bernardino Palm Desert Campus, 49 California State University, Stanislaus CSU Stanislaus Stockton, 49 California Union University, 101 California University of Business and Technology, 101 California University of Management and Sciences, 101 California University of Technology, 101 California Western School of Law, 101 Calvary Chapel Bible College, 101 Camarillo Center, 33 Camp Pendleton Education Center, 33 Cañada College, 15 Menlo Park Center, 15 Small Business Development Center, 15, 21 Canyons, College of the, 18 Capital Bible College, 101 CapStone University, 101 Cardiovascular Technology, 25, 133 Cardiovascular Technology/Technologist, 133 Career & Technology Center, 24 Career Exploration/Awareness Skills, 133 Carpentry/Carpenter, 133 Cell Biology and Anatomy, 133 Cell/Cellular Biology and Anatomical Sciences, Other, 133 Cell/Cellular Biology and Histology, 133 Centennial Education Center, 37 Center for Psychological Studies, 101 Central Michigan University, 102 Central Texas College, 102 Central Texas College, 102 Central Texas College - US Naval Station, 102 Central Texas College - US Naval Station, 102 California Postsecondary Education Commission Part 3: Index Central/Middle and Eastern European Studies, 133 Ceramic Arts and Ceramics, 134 Cerritos College, 15 Cerro Coso Community College, 15 Eastern Sierra College Center, Bishop Campus, 16 Eastern Sierra College Center, Mammoth Campus, 16 Indian Wells Valley Campus, 16 Kern River Valley Campus, 16 South Kern Campus, 16 CGI - Irvine, 100 Chabot College, 16 Chaffey College, 16 Caffey College Chino Information Technology Center, 16 Chaffey College Chino Center, 16 Chaffey College Fontana Center, 16 Chaffey College Ontario Center, 16 Chaffey College Chino Center, 16 Chaffey College Fontana Center, 16 Chaffey College Ontario Center, 16 Chemical Engineering, 134 Chemical Technology/Technician, 134 Chemistry Analytical Chemistry, 123 Biochemistry, 128, 129 Biochemistry, Biophysics and Molecular Biology, 129 Chemical Engineering, 134 Chemical Technology/Technician, 134 Chemistry, 134 Chemistry Teacher Education, 134 Chemistry, General, 134 Chemistry, Other, 134 Geochemistry, 159 Inorganic Chemistry, 166 Medicinal and Pharmaceutical Chemistry (MS, PhD), 176 Oceanography, Chemical and Physical, 180 Organic Chemistry, 181 Polymer Chemistry, 185 Chemistry Teacher Education, 134 Chemistry, General, 134 Chemistry, Other, 134 Chico Center, 14 Child Care and Support Services Management, 134 Child Care Provider/Assistant, 135 Child Development, 18, 135 Chinese Culture and Health Sciences, Academy of, 97 Chinese for Christ Calvin Chao Theological Seminary, 102 Chinese Language and Literature, 135 Chino-Calvary Chapel of Chino Valley, 65 Chiropractic, 89, 102, 107, 110, 136 Chiropractic (DC), 136 Chong Shin University in USA, 102 Christian Education, 86, 100, 103, 107, 113, 114 Christian Life College, 102 Christian Life International Bible College, 102 Christian Witness Theological Seminary, 102 Church Divinity School of the Pacific, 68, 69, 73 Church of God Ministries Center, 83 Cinematography and Film/Video Production, 136 Citizenship Activities, General, 136 Citrus College, 16 City College of San Francisco, 17 Alemany Campus Center, 17 Castro/Valencia Campus, 17 Chinatown/North Beach Campus, 17 Downtown Campus, 17 Evans Campus, 17 Ft. Mason Center, 17 John Adams Campus, 17 Mission Center, 17 Southeast Campus Center, 17 City/Urban, Community and Regional Planning, 136 Civil Drafting and Civil Engineering CAD/CADD, 136 Civil Engineering Technology/Technician, 136 Civil Engineering, General, 136 Civil Engineering, Other, 136 Claremont Colleges Claremont Graduate University, 47, 69 Claremont McKenna College, 69 Claremont School of Theology, 69 Harvey Mudd College, 73 Pitzer College, 83 Scripps College, 87, 88 Claremont Graduate University, 47, 69 Claremont School of Theology, 69 Classics and Classical Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics, General, 136 Classics and Classical Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics, Other, 136 Clear Lake Community College, 42 Cleveland Chiropractic College, 102 Clinical Laboratory Science, 55, 56, 76, 136 Clinical Laboratory Science/Medical Technology/Technologist, 136 Clinical Psychology, 136 Clinical/Medical Laboratory Assistant, 136 Clinical/Medical Laboratory Science and Allied Professions, Other, 136 Clinical/Medical Laboratory Technician, 136 Clinical/Medical Social Work, 137 Clovis Center, 24 Coast Community College District, 17 Coastland University, 102 Coastline Community College, 17 Costa Mesa Center, 17 Garden Grove Center, 17, 89 Le-Jao Center, 17 Cognitive Psychology and Psycholinguistics, 137 Cohen University and Theological Seminary, 102 Collecting, 137 College for Appraisers, 102 College of Alameda, 17, 18 College of Marin, 18 Indian Valley Campus, 18 College of San Mateo, 18 College of the Canyons, 18 Canyon Country Campus, 18 College of the Desert, 18, 49 Eastern Valley Center, 19 Western Valley Center, 19 California Postsecondary Education Commission College of the Redwoods, 9, 19 Arcata Instructional Site, 19 Del Norte Campus Center, 19 Klamath Trinity Branch Campus, 19 Mendocino Coast Campus Center, 19 College of the Sequoias, 19 College of the Siskiyous, 9, 19 Yreka Campus, 19 College Student Counseling and Personnel Services, 137 College/University Preparatory and Advanced High School/Secondary Diploma Program, 137 Columbia College, 9, 20, 103 Calaveras Center, 20 Columbia College - Hollywood, 103 Columbia College - Lemoore, 103 Columbia College - Los Alamitos, 103 Columbia College - San Luis Obispo, 103 Columbia College of Missouri, 103 Columbia College - Lemoore, 103 Columbia College - Los Alamitos, 103 Columbia College - San Luis Obispo, 103 Commercial and Advertising Art, 137 Commercial Photography, 137 Communication Disorders, General, 137 Communication Studies/Speech Communication and Rhetoric, 137 Communication, Journalism, and Related Programs, Other, 138 Communications Systems Installation and Repair Technology, 138 Communications Technologies/Technicians and Support Services, Other, 138 Community College Education, 138 Community Health Services/Liaison/Counseling, 138 Community Health/Preventive Medicine, 47, 92 Community Involvement, 138 Community Organization and Advocacy, 138 Community Psychology, 138 Comparative Literature, 138 Compton Center, 23 Computer Computer and Information Sciences and Support Services, 138 Computer and Information Sciences and Support Services, Other, 138 Computer and Information Sciences, General, 139 Computer and Information Systems Security, 139 Computer Engineering Technology/Technician, 140 Computer Engineering, General, 140 Computer Games and Programming Skills, 140 Computer Installation and Repair Technology/Technician, 140 Computer Programming, 140 Computer Programming, Specific Applications, 140 Computer Programming/Programmer, General, 140 Computer Science, 24, 47, 140 Computer Systems Analysis, 141 Computer Systems Analysis/Analyst, 141 205 Part 3: Index Computer Systems Networking and Telecommunications, 141 Computer Teacher Education, 141 Computer Technology/Computer Systems Technology, 141 Computer Typography and Composition Equipment Operator, 141 Computer/Information Technology Services Administration and Management, Other, 141 Mathematics and Computer Science, 173 Computer and Information Sciences and Support Services, Other, 138 Computer and Information Sciences, General, 139 Computer and Information Systems Security, 139 Computer Engineering Technology/Technician, 140 Computer Engineering, General, 140 Computer Games and Programming Skills, 140 Computer Installation and Repair Technology/Technician, 140 Computer Programming, Specific Applications, 140 Computer Programming/Programmer, General, 140 Computer Science, 24, 47, 140 Computer Systems Analysis/Analyst, 141 Computer Systems Networking and Telecommunications, 141 Computer Teacher Education, 141 Computer Technology/Computer Systems Technology, 141 Computer Typography and Composition Equipment Operator, 141 Computer/Information Technology Services Administration and Management, Other, 141 Concord Learning Center, 115 Concordia University, 70 Concordia University - Temecula, 70 Concordia University - Temecula, 70 Conducting, 141 Construction Building/Construction Finishing, Management, and Inspection, 131 Building/Construction Finishing, Management, and Inspection, Other, 131 Building/Home/Construction Inspection/Inspector, 131 Construction Engineering, 141 Construction Engineering Technology/Technician, 141 Construction Trades, General, 141 Construction Trades, Other, 142 Construction/Heavy Equipment/Earthmoving Equipment Operation, 142 Construction Education, 47 Construction Engineering Technology/Technician, 141 Construction Trades, General, 141 Construction Trades, Other, 142 Construction/Heavy Equipment/Earthmoving Equipment Operation, 142 Consumer Economics, 142 206 Contemporary Psychoanalysis, Institute of, 106 Continuing Education, 65 Contra Costa College, 20 Regional Training Institute, 20 Contra Costa County, 20, 22, 29, 46, 75, 84, 98, 102, 105 Cooking and Other Domestic Skills, 142 Cooking and Related Culinary Arts, General, 142 Copper Mountain College, 20 Corona Center, 89 Corrections, 142 Corrections and Criminal Justice, Other, 142 Cosmetology, 142 Cosmetology/Cosmetologist, General, 142 Costa Mesa Center, 17 Costs, 61 Cosumnes River College, 20 Amador Extension, 21 Counseling, 36, 37, 47, 51, 83, 142 Counseling Psychology, 142 Counselor Education/School Counseling and Guidance Services, 142 Court Reporting/Court Reporter, 143 Crafton Hills College, 21 Creative Writing, 143 Criminal Justice/Law Enforcement Administration, 143 Criminal Justice/Police Science, 143 Criminal Justice/Safety Studies, 144 Criminology, 144 Crop Production, 144 CSU Stanislaus Stockton, 49 CSUB Antelope Valley, 46 CSUF Garden Grove Center, 47 CSUF Irvine, CPEI, 47 CSULA Center, 89 CSUN-Center for Achievement & CSUN/Rehab, 89 Cuesta College, 21, 103 Cuesta College, 21, 103 North County Campus, 21 South County Centers, 21 Culinary Arts, 20, 22, 32, 37, 100, 144 Culinary Arts and Related Services, Other, 144 Culinary Arts/Chef Training, 144 Culver City Learning Center, 115 Curriculum and Instruction, 144 Cuyamaca College, 21 Cypress College, 21, 22 Cytotechnology, 47, 76, 144 Cytotechnology/Cytotechnologist, 144 Dairy Science, 144 Daly City Hall Training Room, 40 Dance, 58, 67, 77, 144 Dance Therapy/Therapist, 144 Dance, General, 144 Dancing, 145 Data Processing and Data Processing Technology/Technician, 145 Davis Center, 35 De Anza College, 22 DeAnza College, 22 Delano Center, 14 Delta College, San Joaquin, 37 Demography and Population Studies, 145 Dental and Dental Auxiliary Programs, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20, 22, 24, 31, 32, 33, 35, 37, 40, 57, 76, 87, 92 Dental Assisting/Assistant, 145 Dental Clinical Sciences, General (MS, PhD), 145 Dental Hygiene/Hygienist, 145 Dental Laboratory Technology/Technician, 145 Dental Public Health Specialty, 145 Dental Services and Allied Professions, Other, 145 Dental/Oral Surgery Specialty, 145 Dentistry Dental Assisting/Assistant, 145 Dental Clinical Sciences, General (MS, PhD), 145 Dental Hygiene/Hygienist, 145 Dental Laboratory Technology/Technician, 145 Dental Public Health Specialty, 145 Dental Services and Allied Professions, Other, 145 Dental/Oral Surgery Specialty, 145 Dentistry (DDS, DMD), 145 Pre-Dentistry Studies, 186 Dentistry (DDS, DMD), 145 Dermatology, 145 Desert Communities Learning Center, 115 Desert, College of the, 18, 49 Design and Applied Arts, Other, 145 Design and Visual Communications, General, 145 Design Institute of San Diego, 103 Development Economics and International Development, 145 Developmental and Child Psychology, 145, 146 DeVry University, 103, 104 DeVry University, 103, 104 DeVry University Keller Graduate School of Management, 103, 104 DeVry University-Fresno Center, 104 DeVry University-Inland Empire-Colton Center, 104 DeVry University-San Jose Center, 104 DeVry University Keller Graduate School of Management, 103, 104 DeVry University-Fresno Center, 104 DeVry University-Inland Empire-Colton Center, 104 DeVry University-San Jose Center, 104 Diablo Valley College, 22 San Ramon Center, 22 Diagnostic Medical Sonography, 24, 32, 76, 146 Diagnostic Medical Sonography/Sonographer and Ultrasound Technician, 146 Diamond Bar Learning Center, 115 Diesel Mechanics Technology/Technician, 146 Dietetics, 16, 27, 30, 32, 47, 55, 57, 76, 82, 83, 92, 146 Dietetics/Dietitian (RD), 146 Dietitian Assistant, 146 Digital Communication and Media/Multimedia, 146 Dinuba High School, 34 California Postsecondary Education Commission Part 3: Index Distance Learning and Education, 98, 99, 100, 117 Diver, Professional and Instructor, 146 Divinity/Ministry (BD, MDiv.), 146 Doelger Center, 40 Dominican University of California, 70 Dominican University - Ukiah Campus, 71 Dongguk Royal University, 104 Downtown Center, 35 Downtown Learning Center, 115 Drafting and Design Technology/Technician, General, 146 Drafting/Design Engineering Technologies/Technicians, Other, 147 Drama and Dance Teacher Education, 147 Drama and Dramatics/Theatre Arts, General, 147 Dramatic/Theatre Arts and Stagecraft, Other, 147 Drawing, 147 Dutch/Flemish Language and Literature, 148 East Asian Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics, General, 148 East Asian Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics, Other, 148 East Asian Studies, 148 East Los Angeles College, 22 South Gate Educational Center, 22 Eastern Valley Center, 19 ECELA, 83 Ecology, 148 Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, 148 Econometrics and Quantitative Economics, 148 Economics, General, 148 Economics, Other, 148 ECP Fountain Valley, 83 Education Administration of Special Education, 120 Adult and Continuing Education Administration, 120 Adult and Continuing Education and Teaching, 120 Agricultural Teacher Education, 121 American Citizenship Education, 122 Art Teacher Education, 126 Bilingual and Multilingual Education, 128 Biology Teacher Education, 129 Business Teacher Education, 132 Chemistry Teacher Education, 134 Community College Education, 138 Computer Teacher Education, 141 Counselor Education/School Counseling and Guidance Services, 142 Drama and Dance Teacher Education, 147 Education, General, 148 Education, Other, 149 Education/Teaching of Individuals with Hearing Impairments, Including Deafness, 149 Education/Teaching of Individuals with Multiple Disabilities, 149 Education/Teaching of Individuals with Orthopedic and Other Physical Health Impairments, 149 Education/Teaching of Individuals with Specific Learning Disabilities, 149 Education/Teaching of the Gifted and Talented, 149 Educational Administration and Supervision, 149 Educational Administration and Supervision, Other, 149 Educational Evaluation and Research, 149 Educational Leadership and Administration, General, 149 Educational Psychology, 149 Educational Statistics and Research Methods, 150 Educational, Instructional, and Curriculum Supervision, 150 Educational/Instructional Media Design, 150 Elementary Education and Teaching, 151 English/Language Arts Teacher Education, 153 Family and Consumer Sciences/Home Economics Teacher Education, 155 Foreign Language Teacher Education, 157 French Language Teacher Education, 159 German Language Teacher Education, 160 Health and Physical Education, General, 161 Health and Physical Education/Fitness, 161 Health and Physical Education/Fitness, Other, 161 Health Occupations Teacher Education, 161 Health Teacher Education, 162 Higher Education/Higher Education Administration, 162 History Teacher Education, 163 Junior High/Intermediate/Middle School Education and Teaching, 168 Kindergarten/Preschool Education and Teaching, 168 Mathematics Teacher Education, 173 Music Teacher Education, 177 Physical Education Teaching and Coaching, 183 Physics Teacher Education, 184 Public Health Education and Promotion, 187 Reading Teacher Education, 189 Religious Education, 190 Science Teacher Education/General Science Teacher Education, 191 Secondary Education and Teaching, 191 Social and Philosophical Foundations of Education, 192 Social Science Teacher Education, 192 Social Studies Teacher Education, 193 Spanish Language Teacher Education, 194 Special Education and Teaching, 194, 195 Special Education and Teaching, General, 194 Special Education and Teaching, Other, 195 Speech Teacher Education, 195 Teacher Education and Professional Development, Specific Levels and Methods, 196 Teacher Education and Professional Development, Specific Levels and Methods, Other, 196 California Postsecondary Education Commission Teacher Education and Professional Development, Specific Subject Areas, 196 Teacher Education and Professional Development, Specific Subject Areas, Other, 196 Teacher Education, Multiple Levels, 196 Technical Teacher Education, 197 Technology Education/Industrial Arts, 197 Technology Teacher Education/Industrial Arts Teacher Education, 197 Trade and Industrial Teacher Education, 198 Education Office, 104 Education, General, 148 Education, Other, 149 Education/Teaching of Individuals with Hearing Impairments, Including Deafness, 149 Education/Teaching of Individuals with Multiple Disabilities, 149 Education/Teaching of Individuals with Orthopedic and Other Physical Health Impairments, 149 Education/Teaching of Individuals with Specific Learning Disabilities, 149 Education/Teaching of the Gifted and Talented, 149 Educational Administration and Supervision, Other, 149 Educational Evaluation and Research, 149 Educational Leadership and Administration, General, 149 Educational Psychology, 149 Educational Statistics and Research Methods, 150 Educational, Instructional, and Curriculum Supervision, 150 Educational/Instructional Media Design, 150 Edwards Center, 104 El Camino Center, 89 El Camino College, 22, 23 Compton Center, 23 El Centro Learning Center, 115 El Dorado Center, 23 El Dorado County, 26 Electrical and Electronic Engineering Technologies/Technicians, Other, 150 Electrical and Power Transmission Installation/Installer, General, 150 Electrical, Electronic and Communications Engineering Technology/Technician, 150 Electrical, Electronics and Communications Engineering, 150 Electrical/Electronics Drafting and Electrical/Electronics CAD/CADD, 150 Electrical/Electronics Equipment Installation and Repair, General, 150 Electrical/Electronics Maintenance and Repair Technology, Other, 151 Electrician, 151 Electrocardiograph Technology/Technician, 151 Electromechanical and Instrumentation and Maintenance Technologies/Technicians, Other, 151 Electromechanical Technology/Electromechanical Engineering Technology, 151 207 Part 3: Index Electroneurodiagnostic Technology, 32 Electroneurodiagnostic/Electroencephalograp hic Technology/Technologist, 151 Elementary and Middle School Administration/Principalship, 151 Elementary Education and Teaching, 151 Elementary Particle Physics, 151 Elk Grove Learning Center, 115 Embry Riddle Aeronautical University, 104 Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, 104 Beale Center, 104 Camp Pendleton Campus, 104 China Lake Campus, 104 Edwards Center, 104 Fort Irwin Center, 104 Inland Empire Center, 104 Lemoore Ccampus, 104 Los Angeles Metro Campus, 104 Oakland Center, 104 Palmdale Center, 104 San Diego Center, 104 Travis Center, 104 Ventura Center, 104 Victorville Teaching Site, 104 Emergency Medical Technician - Paramedic, 13, 14, 26 Emergency Medical Technology/Technician (EMT Paramedic), 151 Emergency Medicine, 151 Emeritus College, 38 Empire College, 104 Endocrinology and Metabolism, 151 Endodontics Speciality, 151 Energy Management and Systems Technology/Technician, 151 Engineering, 7, 24, 47, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 67, 73, 77, 79, 87, 89, 91, 92, 151, 152 Aeronautical/Aerospace Engineering Technology/Technician, 120 Aerospace, Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering, 121 Agricultural/Biological Engineering and Bioengineering, 121 Architectural Engineering, 125 Architectural Engineering Technology/Technician, 125 Automotive Engineering Technology/Technician, 128 Biomedical/Medical Engineering, 130 Chemical Engineering, 134 Civil Drafting and Civil Engineering CAD/CADD, 136 Civil Engineering, 136 Civil Engineering Technology/Technician, 136 Civil Engineering, General, 136 Civil Engineering, Other, 136 Computer Engineering Technology/Technician, 140 Computer Engineering, General, 140 Construction Engineering, 141 Construction Engineering Technology/Technician, 141 Drafting/Design Engineering Technologies/Technicians, 147 Drafting/Design Engineering Technologies/Technicians, Other, 147 Electrical and Electronic Engineering Technologies/Technicians, Other, 150 208 Electrical, Electronic and Communications Engineering Technology/Technician, 150 Electrical, Electronics and Communications Engineering, 150 Electromechanical Technology/Electromechanical Engineering Technology, 151 Engineering, 7, 24, 47, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 67, 73, 77, 79, 87, 89, 91, 92, 151, 152 Engineering Mechanics, 151 Engineering Physics, 151 Engineering Science, 152 Engineering Technologies/Technicians, Other, 152 Engineering Technology, General, 152 Engineering, General, 152 Engineering, Other, 152 Engineering/Industrial Management, 152 Environmental Engineering Technology/Environmental Technology, 154 Environmental/Environmental Health Engineering, 154 Geological/Geophysical Engineering, 159 Industrial Engineering, 165 Materials Engineering, 173 Mechanical Engineering, 174, 175 Mechanical Engineering Related Technologies/Technicians, 175 Mechanical Engineering Related Technologies/Technicians, Other, 175 Mechanical Engineering/Mechanical Technology/Technician, 175 Metallurgical Engineering, 176 Nuclear Engineering, 179 Ocean Engineering, 180 Petroleum Engineering, 182 Plastics Engineering Technology/Technician, 185 Polymer/Plastics Engineering, 186 Structural Engineering, 195 Systems Engineering, 196 Textile Sciences and Engineering, 197 Transportation and Highway Engineering, 198 Water Resources Engineering, 199 Engineering Mechanics, 151 Engineering Physics, 151 Engineering Science, 152 Engineering Technologies/Technicians, Other, 152 Engineering Technology, General, 152 Engineering, General, 152 Engineering, Other, 152 Engineering/Industrial Management, 152 English English Composition, 152 English Language and Literature, General, 153 English Language and Literature/Letters, 153 English Language and Literature/Letters, Other, 153 English Literature (British and Commonwealth), 153 English/Language Arts Teacher Education, 153 Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language/ESL Language Instructor, 196 English Composition, 152 English Language and Literature, General, 153 English Language and Literature/Letters, Other, 153 English Literature (British and Commonwealth), 153 English/Language Arts Teacher Education, 153 Entomology, 153 Entrepreneurial and Small Business Operations, Other, 153 Entrepreneurship/Entrepreneurial Studies, 153 Environment Environmental Design, 154 Environmental Design/Architecture, 154 Environmental Engineering Technology/Environmental Technology, 154 Environmental Health, 154 Environmental Science, 58 Environmental Studies, 154 Environmental/Environmental Health Engineering, 154 Housing and Human Environments, 164 Housing and Human Environments, General, 164 Environmental Design/Architecture, 154 Environmental Engineering Technology/Environmental Technology, 154 Environmental Health, 154 Environmental Studies, 154 Environmental/Environmental Health Engineering, 154 Epidemiology, 154 Equestrian/Equine Studies, 154 Escondido Bible College, 104 Escondido Center, 33 Ethnic, Cultural Minority, and Gender Studies, Other, 154 European History, 154 European Studies/Civilization, 155 Evangelia University, 105 Evergreen Valley College, 23 Evolutionary Biology, 155 Executive Assistant/Executive Secretary, 155 Experimental Psychology, 155 Expression College for Digital Arts, 105 Extended Education - Corning, 39 Fairfield Extended Education Center, 85 Fairfield Learning Center, 115 Fallbrook Education Center, 33 Family and Community Services, 155 Family and Consumer Economics and Related Services, Other, 155 Family and Consumer Sciences, 155 Family and Consumer Sciences/Home Economics Teacher Education, 155 Family and Consumer Sciences/Human Sciences, General, 155 Family and Consumer Sciences/Human Sciences, Other, 155 Family Medicine, 155 Family Practice Nurse/Nurse Practitioner, 155 Family Resource Management Studies, General, 155 Family Systems, 155 California Postsecondary Education Commission Part 3: Index Fashion and Fabric Consultant, 155 Fashion Careers College, 105 Fashion Merchandising, 155 Fashion Modeling, 155 Fashion/Apparel Design, 155 Feather River College, 23 Fearther River College -- Chester Campus, 23 Fees, 61 Fiber, Textile and Weaving Arts, 156 Fillmore High School, 41 Film/Cinema Studies, 156 Film/Video and Photographic Arts, 156 Film/Video and Photographic Arts, Other, 156 Finance and Financial Management Services, Other, 156 Finance, General, 156 Financial Planning and Services, 156 Fine Arts and Art Studies, Other, 156 Fine/Studio Arts, General, 156 Fire Protection and Safety Technology/Technician, 156 Fire Protection, Other, 156 Fire Science/Firefighting, 157 Fire Services Administration, 157 Fishing and Fisheries Sciences and Management, 157 Five Branches Institute, 105 Five Branches Institute - San Jose, 105 Five Branches Institute - San Jose, 105 Folsom Lake College, 23 El Dorado Center, 23 Rancho Cordova Center, 23 Food Preparation/Professional Cooking/Kitchen Assistant, 157 Food Science, 157 Food Service, Waiter/Waitress, and Dining Room Management/Manager, 157 Foods, Nutrition, and Related Services, Other, 157 Foods, Nutrition, and Wellness Studies, General, 157 Foodservice Systems Administration/Management, 157 Foothill College, 23, 24 Middlefield Campus, 24 Foreign Language Teacher Education, 157 Foreign Languages and Literatures, General, 158 Foreign Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics, Other, 158 Forensic Pathology, 158 Forensic Science and Technology, 158 Forest Management/Forest Resources Management, 158 Forest Sciences and Biology, 158 Forestry, 55, 158 Forestry, General, 158 Fort Irwin Center, 104 Fowler High School, 34 Franchising and Franchise Operations, 158 Frederick Taylor University, 105 Fremont Learning Center, 115 French Language and Literature, 158 French Language Teacher Education, 159 Fresno City College, 24 Career & Technology Center, 24 Clovis Center, 24 Madera Center, 24 Oakhurst Center, 24 Fresno County, 24, 34, 41, 47, 71, 78, 86, 100, 110 Fresno Pacific University, 71 Bakersfield Center, 72 North Fresno Center, 72 Visalia - Hurley Elementary School, 72 Fresno River Park Learning Center, 115 Ft. Mason Center, 17 Fullerton College, 24 Funeral Service and Mortuary Science, General, 159 Funeral Service Education, 22 Garden Grove Center, 17, 89 Gardena Learning Center, 115 Gateway Oaks Learning Center, 115 Gavilan College, 24 Gavilan College Aviation CampusHollister Airport, 24 Hollister Campus Briggs Building, 24 Morgan Hill Community and Cultural Center, 25 General Merchandising, Sales, and Related Marketing Operations, Other, 159 General Office Occupations and Clerical Services, 159 General Studies, 159 Geochemistry, 159 Geography, 159 Geological and Earth Sciences/Geosciences, Other, 159 Geological/Geophysical Engineering, 159 Geology/Earth Science, General, 159 Geophysics and Seismology, 160 German Language and Literature, 160 German Language Teacher Education, 160 Germanic Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics, General, 160 Germanic Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics, Other, 160 Gerontology, 160 Glendale Community College, 25 Glendale University College of Law, 105 Glenn County, 14 Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary, 72 Golden Gate Baptist Theological - Souther CA Campus, 72 Golden Gate University, 72, 73 Golden Gate University - Los Angeles, 73 Golden Gate University - Monterey Bay, 73 Golden Gate University - Roseville, 73 Golden Gate University - San Jose, 73 Golden Gate University - Walnut Creek, 73 Golden Gate University - Los Angeles, 73 Golden Gate University - Monterey Bay, 73 Golden Gate University - Roseville, 73 Golden Gate University - San Jose, 73 Golden Gate University - Walnut Creek, 73 Golden West College, 25 Grace Mission University, 106 Graduate Center for Child Development and Psychotherapy, 106 California Postsecondary Education Commission Graduate Theological Union, 69, 70, 71, 73, 75 Graduate Theological Union Colleges American Baptist Seminary of the West, 73, 97 Church Divinity School of the Pacific, 68, 69, 73 Dominican School of Philosophy and Theology, 70, 73 Franciscan School of Theology, 71, 73 Graduate Theological Union, 69, 70, 71, 73, 75 Jesuit School of Theology at Berkeley, 73, 75 Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary, 73, 82, 110 Starr King School for the Ministry, 73, 114 Graphic and Printing Equipment Operator, General Production, 160 Graphic Communications, Other, 160 Graphic Design, 160 Grossmont College, 25 Ground Transportation, Other, 160 Gunsmithing/Gunsmith, 160 Hartnell College, 25, 26 Hartnell College East Campus, 26 King City Education Center, 26 Hayfork Center, 39 Heald College-Concord, 74 Heald College-Fresno, 74 Heald College-Hayward, 74 Heald College-Rancho Cordova, 74 Heald College-Roseville, 74 Heald Colleges of California Administrative Office, 73 Heald College-Concord, 74 Heald College-Fresno, 74 Heald College-Hayward, 74 Heald College-Rancho Cordova, 74 Heald College-Roseville, 74 Heald College-Salinas, 74 Heald College-San Francisco, 74 Heald College-San Jose, 74 Heald College-Stockton, 74 Heald College-Salinas, 74 Heald College-San Francisco, 74 Heald College-San Jose, 74 Heald College-Stockton, 74 Health Adult Health Nurse/Nursing, 120 Allied Health and Medical Assisting Services, 122 Allied Health and Medical Assisting Services, Other, 122 Allied Health Diagnostic, Intervention, and Treatment Professions, 122 Allied Health Diagnostic, Intervention, and Treatment Professions, Other, 122 Community Health Services/Liaison/Counseling, 138 Dental Public Health Specialty, 145 Education/Teaching of Individuals with Orthopedic and Other Physical Health Impairments, 149 Environmental Health, 154 Environmental/Environmental Health Engineering, 154 Health and Medical Administrative Services, 160, 161 209 Part 3: Index Health and Medical Administrative Services, Other, 161 Health and Physical Education, General, 161 Health and Physical Education/Fitness, 161 Health and Physical Education/Fitness, Other, 161 Health Information/Medical Records Administration/Administrator, 161 Health Information/Medical Records Technology/Technician, 161 Health Occupations Teacher Education, 161 Health Professions and Related Clinical Sciences, Other, 161 Health Services Administration, 55, 92, 161 Health Services/Allied Health/Health Sciences, General, 161 Health Teacher Education, 162 Health Unit Coordinator/Ward Clerk, 162 Health Unit Manager/Ward Supervisor, 162 Health/Health Care Administration/Management, 162 Health/Medical Physics, 162 Health/Medical Preparatory Programs, 162 Health/Medical Preparatory Programs, Other, 162 Health-Related Knowledge and Skills, 162 Health-Related Knowledge and Skills, Other, 162 Home Health Aide/Home Attendant, 163 Hospital and Health Care Facilities Administration/Management, 164 Maternal/Child Health and Neonatal Nurse/Nursing, 173 Medical/Health Management and Clinical Assistant/Specialist, 176 Mental and Social Health Services and Allied Professions, 176 Mental and Social Health Services and Allied Professions, Other, 176 Occupational Safety and Health Technology/Technician, 180 Personal Health Improvement and Maintenance, 182 Psychiatric/Mental Health Services Technician, 186 Public Health, 55, 76, 187, 188 Public Health Education and Promotion, 187 Public Health, General (MPH, DPH), 187 Public Health, Other, 188 Public Health/Community Nurse/Nursing, 188 Veterinary/Animal Health Technology/Technician and Veterinary Assistant, 198 Health and Medical Administrative Services, 160, 161 Health and Medical Administrative Services, Other, 161 Health and Physical Education, General, 161 Health and Physical Education/Fitness, Other, 161 Health Information/Medical Records Administration/Administrator, 161 Health Information/Medical Records Technology/Technician, 161 Health Occupations Teacher Education, 161 210 Health Professions and Related Clinical Sciences, Other, 161 Health Services Administration, 55, 92, 161 Health Services/Allied Health/Health Sciences, General, 161 Health Teacher Education, 162 Health Unit Coordinator/Ward Clerk, 162 Health Unit Manager/Ward Supervisor, 162 Health/Health Care Administration/Management, 162 Health/Medical Physics, 162 Health/Medical Preparatory Programs, Other, 162 Health-Related Knowledge and Skills, Other, 162 Heavy Equipment Maintenance Technology/Technician, 162 Hebrew Language and Literature, 162 Hebrew Union College - Jewish Institute of Religion, 74 Higer Education Center at National City, 40 High Desert Branch of the Inland Empire, 65 High School Equivalence Certificate Program, 162 Higher Education Center at Otay Mesa, 40 Higher Education Center at San Ysidro Center, 40 Higher Education/Higher Education Administration, 162 Highlands Christian Academy, 40 High-Tech Institute, 106 Hispanic studies Hispanic-American, Puerto Rican, and Mexican-American/Chicano Studies, 162 Hispanic-American, Puerto Rican, and Mexican-American/Chicano Studies, 162 Historic Preservation and Conservation, 163 History and Philosophy of Science and Technology, 163 History Teacher Education, 163 History, General, 163 History, Other, 163 Holy Names University, 74 Home Furnishings and Equipment Installers, 163 Home Health Aide/Home Attendant, 163 Home Maintenance and Improvement, 163 Hoopa Yurok Vocational & Technical Education Program, 39 Hope International University, 74 Horticultural Science, 164 Hospital and Health Care Facilities Administration/Management, 164 Hospitality Administration/Management, General, 164 Hospitality Administration/Management, Other, 164 Hospitality and Recreation Marketing Operations, 164 Hotel/Motel Administration/Management, 164 Housing, 61 Housing and Human Environments, General, 164 Hubbard College of Administration International, 106 Human Development and Family Studies, General, 164 Human Development, Family Studies, and Related Services, Other, 164 Human Resources Management and Services, Other, 164 Human Resources Management/Personnel Administration, General, 164 Human Services, General, 164 Human/Medical Genetics, 165 Humanities/Humanistic Studies, 165 Humboldt County, 19, 49 Hydraulics and Fluid Power Technology/Technician, 165 Hypnotherapy/Hypnotherapist, 165 Immunology, 165 Imperial County, 26 Imperial Valley College, 26 Brawley Extended Campus, 26 Calexico Extended Campus, 26 El Centro Extended Campus, 26 Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 165 Industrial Design, 165 Industrial Electronics Technology/Technician, 165 Industrial Engineering, 165 Industrial Production Technologies/Technicians, Other, 165 Industrial Technology, 165 Industrial Technology/Technician, 165 Infectious Disease, 166 Information Science/Studies, 166 Information Sciences Institute, 92 Information Technology, 166 Inglewood-Faithful Central Bible Church, 65 Inland Empire Center, 104 Inland Empire Regional Center, 65 Inland Valley College, 106 Inorganic Chemistry, 166 Institute for Advanced Study of Human Sexuality, The, 106 Institute of Buddhist Studies, 106 Institute of Contemporary Psychoanalysis, 106 Institutional Food Workers, 166 Instrumentation Technology/Technician, 166 Insurance, 166 InterAmerican College, 106 Intercultural Institute of California, 106 Interior Architecture, 166 Interior Design, 47, 55, 66, 71, 95, 97, 98, 103, 106, 166 Interior Designers Institute, 106 Intermedia/Multimedia, 166 Internal Medicine, 166 International Agriculture, 166 International American University, 106 International Business/Trade/Commerce, 166 International Economics, 167 International Finance, 167 International Marketing, 167 International Professional School of Bodywork, 106 International Reformed University & Seminary, 107 International Relations and Affairs, 167 International Technological University, 107 International Theological Seminary, 107 Interpersonal and Social Skills, General, 167 Interpersonal Relationships Skills, 167 California Postsecondary Education Commission Part 3: Index Interpersonal Social Skills, Other, 167 Investments and Securities, 167 Inyo County, 70 Irvine University, 107 Irvine Valley College, 26 Islamic Studies, 167 Italian Language and Literature, 167 ITT Technical Institute, 107 ITT - Hayward, 107 ITT - Lathrop, 107 ITT - Oxnard, 107 ITT - Sacramento, 107 ITT - San Bernardino, 107 ITT - San Diego, 107 ITT - Santa Clara, 107 ITT - Sylmar, 107 ITT - Torrance, 107 ITT - West Covina, 107 Ivy University, 99 Japanese Language and Literature, 167 Jesuit School of Theology at Berkeley, 73, 75 Jewish/Judaic Studies, 168 Job-Seeking/Changing Skills, 168 Journalism, 7, 47, 55, 92, 168 Journalism and Mass Communications, 47, 55, 92 Journalism, Other, 168 Junior High/Intermediate/Middle School Education and Teaching, 168 Justice Corrections and Criminal Justice, Other, 142 Criminal Justice/Law Enforcement Administration, 143 Criminal Justice/Police Science, 143 Criminal Justice/Safety Studies, 144 K.P.C.A. Presbyterian Theological Seminary, 107 Kearny Mesa Learning Center, 80, 115 Keck Graduate Institute of Applied Life Sciences, 75 Kern County, 13, 15, 40, 45, 91, 93, 109 Kindergarten/Preschool Education and Teaching, 168 Kinesiology and Exercise Science, 168 King City Education Center, 26 Kings County, 41, 68 Kingsburg High School, 34 Koreatown Education Center, 28 La Habra Geriatric Center, 89 La Habra High School, 89 La Mirada Learning Center, 115 La Sierra University, 76 Labor and Industrial Relations, 168 Laguna College of Art & Design, 76 Laguna Hills Learning Center, 115 Laguna Hills-Lake Hills Community Church, 65 Lake Center, 29 Lake Tahoe Community College, 26 Lancaster Learning Center, 115 Landscape Architecture, 55, 169 Landscape Architecture (BS, BSLA, BLA, MSLA, MLA, PhD), 169 Landscaping and Groundskeeping, 169 Laney College, 26 Language African Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics, 121 Ancient Near Eastern and Biblical Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics, 123 Ancient/Classical Greek Language and Literature, 123 Arabic Language and Literature, 125 Audiology/Audiologist and SpeechLanguage Pathology/Pathologist, 127 Chinese Language and Literature, 135 Classics and Classical Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics, General, 136 Classics and Classical Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics, Other, 136 Dutch/Flemish Language and Literature, 148 East Asian Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics, General, 148 East Asian Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics, Other, 148 English Language and Literature, General, 153 English Language and Literature/Letters, 153 English Language and Literature/Letters, Other, 153 English/Language Arts Teacher Education, 153 Foreign Language Teacher Education, 157 Foreign Languages and Literatures, General, 158 Foreign Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics, 158 Foreign Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics, Other, 158 French Language and Literature, 158 French Language Teacher Education, 159 German Language and Literature, 160 German Language Teacher Education, 160 Germanic Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics, General, 160 Germanic Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics, Other, 160 Hebrew Language and Literature, 162 Italian Language and Literature, 167 Japanese Language and Literature, 167 Language Interpretation and Translation, 169 Latin Language and Literature, 169 Middle/Near Eastern and Semitic Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics, Other, 176 Modern Greek Language and Literature, 176 Portuguese Language and Literature, 186 Romance Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics, General, 190 Romance Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics, Other, 190 Russian Language and Literature, 190 Scandinavian Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics, 191 Sign Language Interpretation and Translation, 192 Slavic Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics, General, 192 California Postsecondary Education Commission Slavic, Baltic, and Albanian Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics, Other, 192 South Asian Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics, General, 194 Spanish Language and Literature, 194 Spanish Language Teacher Education, 194 Speech-Language Pathology/Pathologist, 195 Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language/ESL Language Instructor, 196 Language Interpretation and Translation, 169 Larry H. Layton School of Law, 107 Las Positas College, 27 Laser and Optical Technology/Technician, 169 Lassen Community College, 27 Lassen County, 27 Lathrop Learning Center, 115 Latin American Studies, 169 Latin Language and Literature, 169 Latino studies Hispanic-American, Puerto Rican, and Mexican-American/Chicano Studies, 162 Law, 6, 53, 55, 59, 67, 73, 75, 76, 77, 83, 86, 87, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 99, 101, 105, 108, 109, 111, 112, 113, 114, 169 Criminal Justice/Law Enforcement Administration, 143 Law (LL.B., J.D.), 169 Pre-Law Studies, 186 Law (LL.B., J.D.), 169 Law School, 59, 76, 77 Legal Administrative Assistant/Secretary, 169 Legal Assistant/Paralegal, 170 Legal Professions and Studies, Other, 170 Legal Research and Advanced Professional Studies, Other, 170 Legal Studies, General, 170 Leisure and Recreational Activities, General, 170 Leisure and Recreational Activities, Other, 170 Le-Jao Center, 17 Liberal Arts and Sciences, General Studies and Humanities, Other, 170 Liberal Arts and Sciences/Liberal Studies, 170 Liberal Education, 88, 90 Library Assistant/Technician, 171 Library Science, Other, 171 Library Science/Librarianship, 171 Licensed Practical /Vocational Nurse Training (LPN, LVN, Cert, Dipl, AAS), 171 Life Chiropractic College West, 107 LIFE Pacific College, 107 Life University, 108 Likie Fashion and Technology College, 108 Lincoln Law School of Sacramento, 108 Lincoln Law School of San Jose, 108 Lincoln Law School of San Jose, 108 Lincoln University, 108 Linguistics, 172 Literacy and Communication Skills, 172 Livermore Learning Center, 115 Logistics and Materials Management, 172 Logos Evangelical Seminary, 108 211 Part 3: Index Loma Linda University, 76 Lompoc Valley Center, 13 Long Beach City College, 27 Pacific Coast Campus, 27 Long Beach Museum of Art, 81 Lorenzo Patino School of Law, University of Northern California, 114 Los Angeles City College, 27 Koreatown Education Center, 28 The Corporate and Community Education Center, 28 Los Angeles Community College District, 29 Los Angeles County, 13, 15, 16, 18, 22, 23, 25, 27, 28, 29, 31, 34, 35, 38, 42, 45, 46, 47, 48, 56, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 81, 83, 84, 85, 87, 88, 89, 90, 92, 93, 94, 95, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117 Los Angeles Golf College, 108 Los Angeles Harbor College, 28 Los Angeles Institute and Society for Psychoanalytic Studies, 108 Los Angeles Mission College, 28 Los Angeles Regional Center, 65 Los Angeles Southwest College, 28 Los Angeles Trade-Technical College, 28, 29 Los Angeles Valley College, 29 Los Banos Center, 30 Los Medanos College, 29 Brentwood Center, 29 Machine Shop Technology/Assistant, 172 Machine Tool Technology/Machinist, 172 Madera Center, 24 Madison Center, 38 Management Agricultural Business and Management, 121 Agricultural Business and Management, General, 121 Agricultural Business and Management, Other, 121 Apparel and Textile Marketing Management, 124 Arts Management, 126 Aviation/Airway Management and Operations, 128 Building/Construction Finishing, Management, and Inspection, 131 Building/Construction Finishing, Management, and Inspection, Other, 131 Business Administration and Management, General, 131 Business Administration, Management and Operations, 132 Business Administration, Management and Operations, Other, 132 Business, Management, Marketing, and Related Support Services, Other, 132 Business/Managerial Economics, 133 Child Care and Support Services Management, 134 Computer/Information Technology Services Administration and Management, Other, 141 Energy Management and Systems Technology/Technician, 151 Engineering/Industrial Management, 152 212 Family Resource Management Studies, General, 155 Finance and Financial Management Services, 156 Finance and Financial Management Services, Other, 156 Fishing and Fisheries Sciences and Management, 157 Food Service, Waiter/Waitress, and Dining Room Management/Manager, 157 Foodservice Systems Administration/Management, 157 Forest Management/Forest Resources Management, 158 Health Unit Manager/Ward Supervisor, 162 Health/Health Care Administration/Management, 162 Hospital and Health Care Facilities Administration/Management, 164 Hospitality Administration/Management, 164 Hospitality Administration/Management, General, 164 Hospitality Administration/Management, Other, 164 Hotel/Motel Administration/Management, 164 Human Resources Management and Services, 164 Human Resources Management and Services, Other, 164 Human Resources Management/Personnel Administration, General, 164 Logistics and Materials Management, 172 Management Information Systems and Services, 172 Management Information Systems and Services, Other, 172 Management Information Systems, General, 172 Management Science, General, 172 Management Sciences and Quantitative Methods, 172 Management Sciences and Quantitative Methods, Other, 172 Marketing/Marketing Management, General, 173 Medical Office Management/Administration, 175 Medical/Health Management and Clinical Assistant/Specialist, 176 Music Management and Merchandising, 177 Natural Resources Management and Policy, 178 Natural Resources Management and Policy, Other, 178 Non-Profit/Public/Organizational Management, 179 Office Management and Supervision, 180 Operations Management and Supervision, 180 Parks, Recreation and Leisure Facilities Management, 181 Plant Nursery Operations and Management, 185 Plant Protection and Integrated Pest Management, 185 Public Relations/Image Management, 188 Purchasing, Procurement/Acquisitions and Contracts Management, 188 Range Science and Management, 189 Restaurant, Culinary, and Catering Management/Manager, 190 Restaurant/Food Services Management, 190 Sport and Fitness Administration/Management, 195 Stress Management and Coping Skills, 195 System, Networking, and LAN/WAN Management/Manager, 196 Tourism and Travel Services Management, 198 Turf and Turfgrass Management, 198 Water Quality and Wastewater Treatment Management and Recycling Technology/Technician, 199 Web/Multimedia Management and Webmaster, 199 Wildlife and Wildlands Science and Management, 199 Management Information Systems and Services, Other, 172 Management Information Systems, General, 172 Management Science, General, 172 Management Sciences and Quantitative Methods, Other, 172 Maric College - Bakersfield, 108 Maric College - California, 108 Maric College - Bakersfield, 108 Maric College - Modesto Campus, 108 Maric College - North County, 108 Maric College - North County Campus, 108 Maric College - Palm Springs, 108 Maric College - Panorama City, 108 Maric College - Riverside, 108 Maric College - Sacramento, 108 Maric College - San Diego Campus, 108 Maric College - Stockton, 108 Marick College - Fresno, 108 Maric College - Palm Springs, 108 Maric College - Panorama City, 108 Maric College - Riverside, 108 Maric College - Sacramento, 108 Maric College - Stockton, 108 Marick College - Fresno, 108 Marin County, 18, 70, 72, 86, 102 Marin, College of, 18 Marine Biology and Biological Oceanography, 172 Marine Corps Air Station Miramar (MCAS), 37 Marine Science/Merchant Marine Officer, 173 Marine Transportation, Other, 173 Maritime Academy, California, 43, 45 Marketing Apparel and Accessories Marketing Operations, 124 Apparel and Textile Marketing Management, 124 Business and Personal/Financial Services Marketing Operations, 132 Business, Management, Marketing, and Related Support Services, Other, 132 California Postsecondary Education Commission Part 3: Index General Merchandising, Sales, and Related Marketing Operations, Other, 159 Hospitality and Recreation Marketing Operations, 164 International Marketing, 167 Marketing, 173 Marketing Research, 173 Marketing, Other, 173 Marketing/Marketing Management, General, 173 Sales, Distribution, and Marketing Operations, General, 191 Special Products Marketing Operations, 195 Tourism and Travel Services Marketing Operations, 198 Marketing Research, 173 Marketing, Other, 173 Marketing/Marketing Management, General, 173 Marketplace Education Center, 37 Marriage and Family Therapy, 63, 72, 76, 91, 92, 173 Marriage and Family Therapy/Counseling, 173 Marymount College, 77 Mashdots College, 109 Mass Communication/Media Studies, 173 Massage Therapy, 173 Massage Therapy/Therapeutic Massage, 173 Materials Engineering, 173 Materials Science, 173 Maternal/Child Health and Neonatal Nurse/Nursing, 173 Math Applied Mathematics, 124, 125 Applied Mathematics, Other, 125 Mathematics, 24, 47, 173, 174 Mathematics and Computer Science, 173 Mathematics and Statistics, 173 Mathematics and Statistics, Other, 173 Mathematics Teacher Education, 173 Mathematics, General, 174 Theoretical and Mathematical Physics, 198 Mathematics and Computer Science, 173 Mathematics and Statistics, Other, 173 Mathematics Teacher Education, 173 Mathematics, General, 174 McGeorge School of Law, 92 Mechanical Drafting and Mechanical Drafting CAD/CADD, 174 Mechanical Engineering, 174, 175 Mechanical Engineering Related Technologies/Technicians, Other, 175 Mechanical Engineering/Mechanical Technology/Technician, 175 Medical Administrative/Executive Assistant and Medical Secretary, 175 Medical Assistant, 15, 16, 22, 31, 32, 55, 68, 93, 105 Medical Illustration and Informatics, 175 Medical Microbiology and Bacteriology, 175 Medical Office Assistant/Specialist, 175 Medical Office Management/Administration, 175 Medical Radiologic Technology/Science – Radiation Therapist, 175 Medical Scientist (MS, PhD), 175 Medical Transcription/Transcriptionist, 175 Medical/Clinical Assistant, 175 Medical/Health Management and Clinical Assistant/Specialist, 176 Medicinal and Pharmaceutical Chemistry (MS, PhD), 176 Medicine, 55, 56, 57, 68, 76, 89, 92, 109, 176 Emergency Medicine, 151 Family Medicine, 155 Internal Medicine, 166 Medicine (MD), 176 Naturopathic Medicine/Naturopathy (ND), 178 Nuclear Medicine, 68, 76 Occupational Medicine, 180 Osteopathic Medicine/Osteopathy (DO), 181 Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, 183 Pre-Medicine/Pre-Medical Studies, 186 Preventive Medicine, 186 Traditional Chinese/Asian Medicine and Chinese Herbology, 198 Veterinary Medicine (DVM), 198 Veterinary Preventive Medicine, 198 Medicine (MD), 176 Medieval and Renaissance Studies, 176 Medium/Heavy Vehicle and Truck Technology/Technician, 176 Mendocino College, 29 Lake Center, 29 Willits Center, 29 Mendocino County, 29, 104 Menifee Valley Center, 32 Menlo College, 77 Menlo Park Center, 15 Mennonite Brethren Biblical Seminary, 78 Mental and Social Health Services and Allied Professions, Other, 176 Merced College, 29, 30 Los Banos Center, 30 Merced County, 29, 56, 104 Merchandising and Buying Operations, 176 Merritt College, 30 Metal and Jewelry Arts, 176 Metallurgical Engineering, 176 Middle/Near Eastern and Semitic Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics, Other, 176 Military Technologies, 176 Mills College, 78 MiraCosta College, 30 MiraCosta College Community Learning Center, 30 San Elijo Center, 30 MiraCosta College Community Learning Center, 30 Mission Center, 17 Mission College, 30 Missions/Missionary Studies and Missiology, 176 Modern Greek Language and Literature, 176 Modesto Junior College, 30, 31 Modesto Junior College - West, 31 Modesto Junior College - West, 31 Modesto Learning Center, 115 Molecular Biology, 176 Monterey College of Law, 109 Monterey County, 25, 31, 48, 59, 78, 109 California Postsecondary Education Commission Monterey Institute of International Studies, 78 Monterey Peninsula College, 31 Montessori Education, 20, 80, 84 Moorpark College, 31 Moraga/Rheem Extended Education Center, 85 Morgan Hill Community and Cultural Center, 25 Motorcycle Maintenance and Repair Technology/Technician, 176 Mt. Carmel Education Center, 33 Mt. San Antonio College, 31 Mt. San Jacinto College, 31, 32 Menifee Valley Center, 32 Temecula Valley Center, 32 Mt. Sierra College, 109 MTI College, 109 Multi-/Interdisciplinary Studies, Other, 176 Murrieta Learning Center, 115 Murrieta Regional Center, 65 Museology/Museum Studies, 177 Music, 47, 51, 65, 66, 67, 72, 76, 77, 78, 80, 82, 83, 86, 87, 91, 92, 177, 178 Music, 47, 51, 65, 66, 67, 72, 76, 77, 78, 80, 82, 83, 86, 87, 91, 92, 177, 178 Music History, Literature, and Theory, 177 Music Management and Merchandising, 177 Music Performance, General, 177 Music Teacher Education, 177 Music Theory and Composition, 177 Music Therapy/Therapist, 177 Music, General, 177 Music, Other, 178 Musicology and Ethnomusicology, 178 Religious/Sacred Music, 190 Music History, Literature, and Theory, 177 Music Management and Merchandising, 177 Music Performance, General, 177 Music Teacher Education, 177 Music Theory and Composition, 177 Music Therapy/Therapist, 177 Music, General, 177 Music, Other, 178 Musicians Institute, 109 Musicology and Ethnomusicology, 178 Napa County, 32, 82 Napa Valley College, 32 Upper Valley Center, 32 National Institute of Technology, 109 National Test Pilot School, 109 Natural Resources and Conservation, Other, 178 Natural Resources Management and Policy, 178 Natural Resources Management and Policy, Other, 178 Natural Resources/Conservation, General, 178 Nature Appreciation, 178 Naturopathic Medicine/Naturopathy (ND), 178 Naval Postgraduate School, 6, 59 Navy/Marine Corps JROTC/ROTC, 178 Near and Middle Eastern Studies, 178 Neurobiology and Neurophysiology, 179 Neurology, 179 Neuroscience, 179 213 Part 3: Index Nevada County, 39 New Bridge University, 109 New College of California Law School, 59, 76, 77 Newbury Park-EV Free Church of the Conejo Valley, 65 Newport Psychoanalytic Institute, 109 NPI Pasadena Campus, 109 Newport University, 109 Newschool of Architecture & Design, 109 Non-Profit/Public/Organizational Management, 179 Nordhoff High School, 41 North Central Association of Colleges and Schools, 99, 102, 103, 114, 115 North District Center, Firebaugh, 41 North Fresno Center, 72 North Valley Learning Center, 115 Northern California Bible College, 110 Northwestern California University School of Law, 110 Northwestern Polytechnic University, 110 Notre Dame de Namur University, 80 Novato Learning Center, 115 Nuclear Engineering, 179 Nuclear Medical Technology/Technologist, 179 Nuclear Medicine Technology, 68, 76 Numeracy and Computational Skills, 179 Nurse Anesthesia, 85, 92 Nurse Anesthetist, 179 Nurse/Nursing Assistant/Aide and Patient Care Assistant, 179 Nurse-Midwifery, 57, 68, 92 Nursing, 13, 14, 15, 16, 19, 20, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 40, 45, 46, 47, 51, 55, 57, 64, 65, 70, 74, 76, 78, 79, 82, 84, 85, 89, 91, 92, 93, 94, 103, 115, 179, 180 Adult Health Nurse/Nursing, 120 Family Practice Nurse/Nurse Practitioner, 155 Licensed Practical /Vocational Nurse Training (LPN, LVN, Cert, Dipl, AAS), 171 Maternal/Child Health and Neonatal Nurse/Nursing, 173 Nurse Anesthetist, 179 Nurse/Nursing Assistant/Aide and Patient Care Assistant, 179 Nursing, 13, 14, 15, 16, 19, 20, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 40, 45, 46, 47, 51, 55, 57, 64, 65, 70, 74, 76, 78, 79, 82, 84, 85, 89, 91, 92, 93, 94, 103, 115, 179, 180 Nursing - Registered Nurse Training (RN, ASN, BSN, MSN), 179 Nursing Administration (MSN, MS, PhD), 180 Nursing Science (MS, PhD), 180 Nursing, Other, 180 Perioperative/Operating Room and Surgical Nurse/Nursing, 182 Public Health/Community Nurse/Nursing, 188 Nursing - Registered Nurse Training (RN, ASN, BSN, MSN), 179 Nursing Administration (MSN, MS, PhD), 180 214 Nursing Science (MS, PhD), 180 Nursing, Other, 180 Nutrition Sciences, 180 Oak Brook College of Law and Government Policy, 110 Oakhurst Center, 24 Oakland Center, 104 Oakland Extended Education Center, 85 Oakland Learning Center, 115 Obstetrics and Gynecology, 180 Occidental College, 81 Occupational Education, 93, 98, 99, 100, 103, 105, 106, 108, 109, 111, 113, 116, 117 Occupational Medicine, 180 Occupational Safety and Health Technology/Technician, 180 Occupational Therapist Assistant, 25, 35, 76, 78, 113, 180 Occupational Therapy, 70, 76, 85, 92, 180 Occupational Therapy/Therapist, 180 Ocean Engineering, 180 Oceanography, Chemical and Physical, 180 Office Management and Supervision, 180 Ohlone College, 32 Newark Ohlone Campus, 32 Ontario Learning Center, 115 Operations Management and Supervision, 180 Operations Research, 180 Ophthalmic and Optometric Support Services and Allied Professions, Other, 180 Ophthalmology, 180 Opticianry, 180 Opticianry/Ophthalmic Dispensing Optician, 180 Optimal Performance Institute, The, 110 Optometry, 55, 88, 180 Optometry (OD), 180 Oral Pathology Specialty, 181 Orange Coast College, 32 Orange County, 17, 21, 22, 24, 25, 26, 32, 35, 36, 37, 38, 47, 55, 56, 65, 67, 70, 71, 74, 76, 88, 90, 91, 93, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 106, 107, 109, 110, 111, 113, 114, 116, 117 Organic Chemistry, 181 Organizational Behavior Studies, 181 Ornamental Horticulture, 181 Orthodontics Specialty, 181 Orthopedics/Orthopedic Surgery, 181 Orthotist/Prosthetist, 181 Osteopathic Medicine, 94, 181 Osteopathic Medicine/Osteopathy (DO), 181 Otis College of Art and Design, 81 Long Beach Museum of Art, 81 Los Angeles County Arboretum, 81 The Armory Center of the Arts, 81 The Graduate Studios, 81 The Otis California Mart, 81 The Skirball Cultural Center, 81 Otolaryngology, 181 Oxnard College, 33 Camarillo Center, 33 Pacific Area/Pacific Rim Studies, 181 Pacific Baptist College, 110 Pacific Coast University School of Law, 110 Pacific College of Oriental Medicine, 110 Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary, 73, 110 Pacific School of Religion, 73, 82 Pacific States University, 110 Pacific West College of Law, 110 Painting, 181 Painting/Painter and Wall Coverer, 181 Paleontology, 181 Palm Desert - Southwest Community Church, 65 Palmdale Center, 104 Palmer College of Chiropractic West, 110 Palo Verde College, 33 Palomar College, 33 Borrego Springs Education Center, 33 Camp Pendleton Education Center, 33 Escondido Center, 33 Fallbrook Education Center, 33 Mt. Carmel Education Center, 33 Pauma Educational Center, 33 Poway Education Center, 33 Ramona Education Center, 34 Park University, 111 Park University - Barstow Marine Corps Logistic Base Campus, 111 Park University - Fort Irwin Campus Center, 111 Park University - Vandenberg AFB Campus Center, 111 Parks, Recreation and Leisure Facilities Management, 181 Parks, Recreation and Leisure Studies, 181 Parks, Recreation, Leisure and Fitness Studies, Other, 181 Parlier High School, 34 Pasadena Area Community College District, 34 Pasadena City College, 34 Community Education Center, 34 Pasadena Learning Center, 115 Pastoral Education, 55, 57, 76, 89, 99 Pastoral Studies/Counseling, 181 Pathology, 181 Pathology/Experimental Pathology, 181 Patten University, 82 Church of God Ministries Center, 83 ECELA, 83 ECP Fountain Valley, 83 Rock Church Center, 83 San Quentin State Prison, 83 Pauma Educational Center, 33 Peace Studies and Conflict Resolution, 182 Pediatrics, 182 Pepperdine University, 83 Peralta Community College District, 14 Periodontics Specialty, 182 Perioperative/Operating Room and Surgical Nurse/Nursing, 182 Personal and Culinary Services, Other, 182 Personal Awareness and Self-Improvement, Other, 182 Personal Decision-Making Skills, 182 Personal Health Improvement and Maintenance, 182 Petroleum Engineering, 182 Pharmaceutics and Drug Design (MS, PhD), 182 Pharmacology, 182 California Postsecondary Education Commission Part 3: Index Pharmacy, 57, 76, 92, 94, 182 Pharmacy (PharmD [USA] PharmD, BS/BPharm [Canada]), 182 Pharmacy Technician/Assistant, 182 Pharmacy, Pharmaceutical Sciences, and Administration, Other, 182 Philip K. Wrigley Marine Science Center, 92 Phillips Graduate Institute, 83 Phillips Graduate Institute, Tarzana, 83 Phillips Graduate Institute, Tarzana, 83 Philosophy, 182, 183 Philosophy and Religious Studies, Other, 183 Photographic and Film/Video Technology/Technician and Assistant, 183 Photography, 57, 183 Photojournalism, 183 Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, 183 Physical Education Teaching and Coaching, 183 Physical Sciences, 183, 184 Physical Sciences, Other, 184 Physical Therapist Assistant, 184 Physical Therapy, 15, 22, 32, 35, 47, 57, 64, 67, 76, 78, 85, 92, 94, 113, 184 Physical Therapy/Therapist, 184 Physician Assistant, 35, 55, 68, 85, 89, 113, 184 Physics Teacher Education, 184 Physics, General, 184 Physics, Other, 184 Physiological Psychology/Psychobiology, 184 Piano and Organ, 184 Pierce College, 34 PIMA Medical Institute, 111 Pipefitting/Pipefitter and Sprinkler Fitter, 185 Pitzer College, 83 Placer County, 39, 95, 98, 116 Planning, 55, 56, 92 Plant Nursery Operations and Management, 185 Plant Pathology/Phytopathology, 185 Plant Physiology, 185 Plant Protection and Integrated Pest Management, 185 Plant Sciences, General, 185 Plant Sciences, Other, 185 Plasma and High-Temperature Physics, 185 Plastics Engineering Technology/Technician, 185 Platt College - Los Angeles, 111 Platt College - Newport Beach, 111 Platt College - Los Angeles, 111 Platt College - Ontario, 111 Platt College - Ontario, 111 Platt College - San Diego, 111 Playwriting and Screenwriting, 185 Plumas County, 23 Point Loma Nazarene University, 84 Point Loma Nazarene University Arcadia, 84 Point Loma Nazarene University Bakersfield, 84 Pont Loma Nazarene University - Mission Valley, 84 Point Loma Nazarene University - Arcadia, 84 Point Loma Nazarene University Bakersfield, 84 Political Science and Government, General, 185 Political Science and Government, Other, 185 Polymer Chemistry, 185 Polymer/Plastics Engineering, 186 Pont Loma Nazarene University - Mission Valley, 84 Porterville College, 34 Portuguese Language and Literature, 186 Poultry Science, 186 Poway Education Center, 33 Pre-Dentistry Studies, 186 Pre-Law Studies, 186 Pre-Medicine/Pre-Medical Studies, 186 Prepress/Desktop Publishing and Digital Imaging Design, 186 Pre-Theology/Pre-Ministerial Studies, 186 Preventive Medicine, 186 Pre-Veterinary Studies, 186 Printing Press Operator, 186 Printmaking, 186 Professional Golfers Career College, 111 Professional School of Psychology Sacramento, 111 Prosthodontics Specialty, 186 Psychiatric Technicians, 22, 30, 31, 32, 34, 36, 37 Psychiatric/Mental Health Services Technician, 186 Psychiatry, 186 Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy, 186 Psychoanalytic Center of California, The, 111 Psychoanalytic Institute of Northern California, 111 Psychology, 55, 57, 58, 63, 65, 66, 71, 72, 75, 76, 81, 83, 89, 91, 92, 95, 98, 99, 186, 187 Psychology, General, 186 Psychology, Other, 187 Public Administration, 187 Public Administration and Social Service Professions, Other, 187 Public Affairs and Administration, 45, 47, 59, 73, 78, 90, 92 Public Finance, 187 Public Health, 55, 76, 187, 188 Public Health Education and Promotion, 187 Public Health, General (MPH, DPH), 187 Public Health, Other, 188 Public Health/Community Nurse/Nursing, 188 Public Policy Analysis, 188 Public Relations/Image Management, 188 Public Safety Training Center, 38 Public/Applied History and Archival Administration, 188 Purchasing, Procurement/Acquisitions and Contracts Management, 188 Quality Control Technology/Technician, 188 Rabbinical and Talmudic Education, 117 Rabbinical Studies, 188 Radiation Biology/Radiobiology, 188 Radiation Oncology, 188 Radio and Television, 188, 189 Radio and Television Broadcasting Technology/Technician, 189 Radiologic Technology, 14, 15, 16, 22, 24, 27, 29, 30, 31, 32, 57, 68, 69, 76, 111, 189 California Postsecondary Education Commission Radiologic Technology/Science – Radiographer, 189 Ramona Education Center, 34 Rancho Bernardo Learning Center, 80, 115 Rancho Cordova Center, 23 Rancho Cordova Learning Center, 115 Range Science and Management, 189 Reading, 189 Reading Teacher Education, 189 Real Estate, 189 Receptionist, 189 Recording Arts Technology/Technician, 189 Recreation, Park and Leisure Studies, 47 Red Bluff Center, 39 Redstone College - Los Angeles, 111 Redwoods, College of the, 9, 19 Reedley College, 9, 34 Dinuba High School, 34 Fowler High School, 34 Kingsburg High School, 34 Parlier High School, 34 Sanger High School, 35 Selma High School, 35 Sunnyside High School, 35 Regional Training Institute, 20 Regular/General High School/Secondary Diploma Program, 189 Rehabilitation and Therapeutic Professions, Other, 189 Rehabilitation Education, 47 Religion/Religious Studies, 189 Religious Education, 190 Religious/Sacred Music, 190 Remington College, 111 Respiratory Care, 190 Respiratory Care Therapy/Therapist, 190 Restaurant, Culinary, and Catering Management/Manager, 190 Restaurant/Food Services Management, 190 Retailing and Retail Operations, 190 Ridgecrest School of Law, 112 Rio Hondo AIDS Project, 89 Rio Hondo College, 35 Riverside City College, 35 Ben Clark Training Center, 35 Moreno Valley Campus, 35 Norco Campus, 35 Riverside County, 18, 31, 33, 35, 57, 66, 76, 101, 111, 112 Rock Church Center, 83 Romance Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics, General, 190 Romance Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics, Other, 190 Roseville Gateway Center, 39 Roseville Learning Center, 115 Rudolf Steiner College, 112 Rudolf Steiner College, 112 Russian Language and Literature, 190 Russian Studies, 191 Ryokan College, 112 Sacramento City College, 35 Davis Center, 35 Downtown Center, 35 West Sacramento Center, 35 Sacramento County, 13, 20, 23, 35, 48, 93, 99, 101, 106, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 114, 115 215 Part 3: Index Sacramento Extended Education Center, 85 Saddleback College, 35, 36, 47 Sage College, 112 Sage College - San Diego, 112 Sage College - San Diego, 112 Saint Mary’s College of California, 84, 85 Fairfield Extended Education Center, 85 Moraga/Rheem Extended Education Center, 85 Oakland Extended Education Center, 85 Sacramento Extended Education Center, 85 San Jose Extended Education Center, 85 Saint Patrick’s Seminary, 85 Sales, Distribution, and Marketing Operations, General, 191 Samra University of Oriental Medicine, 112 Samuel Merritt College, 85 Samuel Merritt Collge - Sacramento Campus, 85 San Bernardino County, 14, 16, 20, 21, 36, 41, 49, 76, 91, 98, 103, 106 San Bernardino Learning Center, 115 San Bernardino Valley College, 36 San Diego Center, 104 San Diego Christian College, 85, 86 San Diego City College, 36 San Diego County, 21, 25, 30, 33, 36, 40, 49, 50, 57, 63, 79, 84, 85, 90, 91, 94, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 105, 106, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 116 San Diego Golf Academy, 112 San Diego Mesa College, 36 San Diego Miramar College, 36 Marine Corps Air Station Miramar (MCAS), 37 San Diego Regional Center, 65 San Diego State University SDSU Higher Education Center, 50 SDSU Imperial Valley Campus, 50 San Elijo Center, 30 San Fernando Valley College of Law, 93 San Francisco Art Institute, 86 San Francisco Conservatory of Music, 86 San Francisco County, 17, 50, 57, 59, 63, 66, 72, 73, 86, 87, 91, 97, 98, 100, 106, 111, 112 San Francisco Law School, 112 San Francisco Learning Center, 115 San Francisco Theological Seminary, 73, 86 San Francisco Theological Seminary, 73, 86 San Francisco, City College of, 17 San Joaquin College of Law, 86, 87 San Joaquin County, 37, 49, 74, 92, 102 San Joaquin Delta College, 37 Tracy Learning Center, 37 San Joaquin Valley College - Visalia, 87 SJVC - Bakersfield Campus, 87 SJVC - Fresno Aviation Campus, 87 SJVC - Fresno Campus, 87 SJVC - Hanford Camopus, 87 SJVC - Modesto Campus, 87 SJVC - Rancho Cucamonga Campus, 87 SJVC - Ranco Cordova Campus, 87 San Jose City College, 37 San Jose Extended Education Center, 85 San Jose Extension, 95 216 San Jose learning Center, 116 San Luis Obispo County, 21, 45, 101, 112 San Marcos Learning Center, 116 San Mateo County, 15, 18, 39, 77, 80, 85 San Mateo County Community College District, 15 San Mateo, College of, 18 San Quentin State Prison, 83 San Ramon Center, 22 Sanger High School, 35 Santa Ana College, 37 Business and Industry Services Center, 37 Centennial Education Center, 37 Marketplace Education Center, 37 Santa Barbara and Ventura Colleges of Law, 112 Ventura College of Law, 112 Santa Barbara Business College, 112 Santa Barbara Business College Bakersfield Campus, 112 Santa Barbara Business College - Palm Desert, 112 Santa Barbara Business College - Santa Maria Campus, 112 Santa Barbara Business College - Ventura Campus, 112 Santa Barbara Business College - Palm Desert, 112 Santa Barbara City College, 37, 38 Santa Barbara County, 13, 37, 58, 71, 82, 94, 97, 99, 112, 113 Santa Clara County, 22, 23, 24, 30, 37, 42, 50, 69, 75, 79, 81, 87, 89, 106, 107, 108, 110, 113, 114, 116 Santa Clara University, 87 Santa Cruz County, 14, 15, 58, 65, 105 Santa Monica College, 38, 88 Academy of Entertainment Technology, 38 Emeritus College, 38 Madison Center, 38 Santa Monica, University of, 116 Santa Paula High School, 41 Santa Rosa Junior College, 9, 38 Petaluma Campus, 38 Public Safety Training Center, 38 Santiago Canyon College, 38 Sanville Institute, 113 Scandinavian Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics, 191 School Psychology, 191 Science Administrative Assistant and Secretarial Science, General, 120 Aeronautics/Aviation/Aerospace Science and Technology, General, 121 Agriculture, Agriculture Operations, and Related Sciences, Other, 122 Agronomy and Crop Science, 122 Animal Sciences, 123 Animal Sciences, General, 123 Animal Sciences, Other, 123 Atmospheric Sciences and Meteorology, 127 Atmospheric Sciences and Meteorology, General, 127 Audiology/Audiologist and Hearing Sciences, 127 Biological and Biomedical Sciences, 129 Biological and Biomedical Sciences, Other, 129 Biological and Physical Sciences, 129 Biology/Biological Sciences, General, 129 Business Family and Consumer Sciences/Human Sciences, 132 Cell/Cellular Biology and Anatomical Sciences, 133 Cell/Cellular Biology and Anatomical Sciences, Other, 133 Clinical Laboratory Science/Medical Technology/Technologist, 136 Clinical/Medical Laboratory Science and Allied Professions, 136 Clinical/Medical Laboratory Science and Allied Professions, Other, 136 Computer and Information Sciences and Support Services, 138 Computer and Information Sciences and Support Services, Other, 138 Computer and Information Sciences, General, 139 Computer Science, 24, 47, 140 Criminal Justice/Police Science, 143 Dairy Science, 144 Dental Clinical Sciences, General (MS, PhD), 145 Engineering Science, 152 Environmental Science, 58 Family and Consumer Sciences/Home Economics Teacher Education, 155 Family and Consumer Sciences/Human Sciences, General, 155 Family and Consumer Sciences/Human Sciences, Other, 155 Fire Science/Firefighting, 157 Fishing and Fisheries Sciences and Management, 157 Food Science, 157 Forensic Science and Technology, 158 Forest Sciences and Biology, 158 Funeral Service and Mortuary Science, 159 Funeral Service and Mortuary Science, General, 159 Geological and Earth Sciences/Geosciences, 159 Geological and Earth Sciences/Geosciences, Other, 159 Geology/Earth Science, General, 159 Health Professions and Related Clinical Sciences, Other, 161 Health Services/Allied Health/Health Sciences, General, 161 History and Philosophy of Science and Technology, 163 Horticultural Science, 164 Information Science/Studies, 166 Kinesiology and Exercise Science, 168 Liberal Arts and Sciences, General Studies and Humanities, Other, 170 Liberal Arts and Sciences/Liberal Studies, 170 Library Science, 171 Library Science, Other, 171 Library Science/Librarianship, 171 Management Science, General, 172 Management Sciences and Quantitative Methods, 172 Management Sciences and Quantitative Methods, Other, 172 California Postsecondary Education Commission Part 3: Index Marine Science/Merchant Marine Officer, 173 Materials Science, 173 Mathematics and Computer Science, 173 Medical Radiologic Technology/Science – Radiation Therapist, 175 Natural Sciences, 24, 56 Neuroscience, 179 Nursing Science (MS, PhD), 180 Nutrition Sciences, 180 Pharmacy, Pharmaceutical Sciences, and Administration, 182 Pharmacy, Pharmaceutical Sciences, and Administration, Other, 182 Physical Sciences, 183, 184 Physical Sciences, Other, 184 Plant Sciences, 185 Plant Sciences, General, 185 Plant Sciences, Other, 185 Political Science and Government, 185 Political Science and Government, General, 185 Political Science and Government, Other, 185 Poultry Science, 186 Radiologic Technology/Science – Radiographer, 189 Range Science and Management, 189 Science Teacher Education/General Science Teacher Education, 191 Science Technologies/Technicians, 191 Science Technologies/Technicians, Other, 191 Science, Technology and Society, 191 Social Science Teacher Education, 192 Social Sciences, 24, 47, 56, 192, 193 Social Sciences, General, 192 Social Sciences, Other, 193 Soil Science and Agronomy, General, 194 Soil Sciences, 194 Soil Sciences, Other, 194 Systems Science and Theory, 196 Textile Science, 197 Textile Sciences and Engineering, 197 Veterinary Sciences/Veterinary Clinical Sciences, General (Cert, MS, PhD), 198 Wildlife and Wildlands Science and Management, 199 Wood Science and Wood Products/Pulp and Paper Technology, 199 Science Teacher Education/General Science Teacher Education, 191 Science Technologies/Technicians, Other, 191 Science, Technology and Society, 191 Sculpture, 191 SDSU Higher Education Center, 50 Secondary Education and Teaching, 191 Security and Loss Prevention Services, 191 Security and Protective Services, Other, 192 Self-Awareness and Personal Assessment, 192 Self-Esteem and Values Clarification, 192 Selling Skills and Sales Operations, 192 Selma High School, 35 Sequoias, College of the, 19 Shasta College, 9, 39 Burney / Fall River, 39 Extended Education - Anderson Site, 39 Extended Education - Corning, 39 Hayfork Center, 39 Hoopa Yurok Vocational & Technical Education Program, 39 Red Bluff Center, 39 Weaverville Center, 39 Shasta County, 39, 88, 113 Sheet Metal Technology/Sheetworking, 192 Shiloh Bible College, 113 Sierra College, 9, 39 Nevada County Campus, 39 Roseville Gateway Center, 39 Tahoe-Truckee Center, 39 Sign Language Interpretation and Translation, 192 Silicon Valley College San Jose Campus, 105 Walnut Creek Campus, 68 Silicon Valley University, 113 Siskiyou County, 19 Siskiyous, College of the, 9, 19 SJVC - Hanford Camopus, 87 Skyline College, 39 Daly City Hall Training Room, 40 Doelger Center, 40 Highlands Christian Academy, 40 South San Francisco Center, 40 Slavic Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics, General, 192 Slavic, Baltic, and Albanian Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics, Other, 192 Small Business Development Center, 15, 21 Small Engine Mechanics and Repair Technology/Technician, 192 Social Business and Social Skills, 132 Clinical/Medical Social Work, 137 Interpersonal and Social Skills, 167 Interpersonal and Social Skills, General, 167 Interpersonal Social Skills, Other, 167 Mental and Social Health Services and Allied Professions, 176 Mental and Social Health Services and Allied Professions, Other, 176 Public Administration and Social Service Professions, Other, 187 Social and Philosophical Foundations of Education, 192 Social Psychology, 192 Social Science Teacher Education, 192 Social Sciences, 24, 47, 56, 192, 193 Social Sciences, General, 192 Social Sciences, Other, 193 Social Studies Teacher Education, 193 Social Work, 47, 55, 64, 76, 82, 92, 94, 193 Social and Philosophical Foundations of Education, 192 Social Psychology, 192 Social Science Teacher Education, 192 Social Sciences, General, 192 Social Sciences, Other, 193 Social Studies Teacher Education, 193 Social Work, 47, 55, 64, 76, 82, 92, 94, 193 Sociology, 193 Soil Science and Agronomy, General, 194 Soil Sciences, Other, 194 Soka University of America, 88 Soka University of America -, 88 Soka University of America -, 88 California Postsecondary Education Commission Solano Community College, 40 Travis University Center, 40 Vacaville Center, 40 Vallejo Center, 40 Solano County, 40, 45 Solvang Village Square, 13 Sonoma College, 113 San Francisco Campus, 105, 113 Sonoma County, 38, 51, 99, 104, 113 Sonoma County Junior College District, 38 South Asian Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics, General, 194 South Asian Studies, 194 South Baylo University - Anaheim, 113 South Baylo University - Los Angeles, 113 South Baylo University - Los Angeles, 113 South Coast College, 113 South Coast Learning Center, 116 South Gate Educational Center, 22 South San Francisco Center, 40 Southeast Asian Studies, 194 Southern Association of Colleges and Schools, 98, 104 Southern California College of Optometry, 88 Southern California Institute of Architecture, 88 Southern California Institute of Law, Santa Barbara, 113 Southern California Institute of Law, Ventura Campus, 113 Southern California Institute of Law, Santa Barbara, 113 Southern California Institute of Technology, 113 Southern California Seminary, 113 Southern California University of Health Sciences, 89 AAF/Rose Bowl Center, 89 Aids Service Center, 89 AMR/Cerritos Center, 89 Corona Center, 89 CSULA Center, 89 CSUN-Center for Achievement & CSUN/Rehab, 89 El Camino Center, 89 Garden Grove Center, 17, 89 La Habra Geriatric Center, 89 La Habra High School, 89 Rio Hondo AIDS Project, 89 West Hollywood - Being Alive, 89 Southern California University S.O.M.A., 113 Southern Illinois University Education Office, 104 Mt. San Antonio College, 31 Southern State University, 114 Southern States University, 114 Southern State University, 114 Southwestern College, 40 Higer Education Center at National City, 40 Higher Education Center at Otay Mesa, 40 Higher Education Center at San Ysidro Center, 40 Southwestern University School of Law, 114 Spanish Language and Literature, 194 Spanish Language Teacher Education, 194 Special Education and Teaching, General, 194 217 Part 3: Index Special Education and Teaching, Other, 195 Special Products Marketing Operations, 195 Speech and Rhetorical Studies, 195 Speech Teacher Education, 195 Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology, 47, 76, 92 Speech-Language Pathology/Pathologist, 195 Sport and Fitness Administration/Management, 195 Sports and Exercise, 195 Stanford University, 89 Stanislaus County, 30, 49 Starr King School for the Ministry, 73, 114 Statistics, General, 195 Stonecrest Learning Center, 116 Stress Management and Coping Skills, 195 Structural Engineering, 195 Substance Abuse/Addiction Counseling, 195 Sunnyside High School, 35 Surgical Technology, 40, 76, 103, 105, 196 Surgical Technology/Technologist, 196 Surveying Technology/Surveying, 196 System Administration/Administrator, 196 System, Networking, and LAN/WAN Management/Manager, 196 Systems Engineering, 196 Systems Science and Theory, 196 Taft College, 9, 40 Tahoe-Truckee Center, 39 Talmudic Studies, 196 Taxation, 196 Teacher Assistant/Aide, 196 Teacher Education, 45, 47, 49, 51, 55, 56, 57, 58, 64, 65, 66, 67, 69, 70, 72, 74, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 86, 87, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 196 Teacher Education and Professional Development, Specific Levels and Methods, Other, 196 Teacher Education and Professional Development, Specific Subject Areas, Other, 196 Teacher Education, Multiple Levels, 196 Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language/ESL Language Instructor, 196 Technical and Business Writing, 197 Technical Teacher Education, 197 Technical Theatre/Theatre Design and Technology, 197 Technician Accounting Technology/Technician and Bookkeeping, 119 Aeronautical/Aerospace Engineering Technology/Technician, 120 Aircraft Powerplant Technology/Technician, 122 Airframe Mechanics and Aircraft Maintenance Technology/Technician, 122 Appliance Installation and Repair Technology/Technician, 124 Architectural Engineering Technology/Technician, 125 Autobody/Collision and Repair Technology/Technician, 127 Automobile/Automotive Mechanics Technology/Technician, 127 218 Automotive Engineering Technology/Technician, 128 Avionics Maintenance Technology/Technician, 128 Biology Technician/Biotechnology Laboratory Technician, 129 Biomedical Technology/Technician, 130 Chemical Technology/Technician, 134 Civil Engineering Technology/Technician, 136 Clinical/Medical Laboratory Technician, 136 Communications Technologies/Technicians and Support Services, 138 Communications Technologies/Technicians and Support Services, Other, 138 Computer Engineering Technology/Technician, 140 Computer Installation and Repair Technology/Technician, 140 Construction Engineering Technology/Technician, 141 Data Processing and Data Processing Technology/Technician, 145 Dental Laboratory Technology/Technician, 145 Diagnostic Medical Sonography/Sonographer and Ultrasound Technician, 146 Diesel Mechanics Technology/Technician, 146 Drafting and Design Technology/Technician, General, 146 Drafting/Design Engineering Technologies/Technicians, 147 Drafting/Design Engineering Technologies/Technicians, Other, 147 Electrical and Electronic Engineering Technologies/Technicians, Other, 150 Electrical, Electronic and Communications Engineering Technology/Technician, 150 Electrocardiograph Technology/Technician, 151 Electromechanical and Instrumentation and Maintenance Technologies/Technicians, Other, 151 Emergency Medical Technology/Technician (EMT Paramedic), 151 Energy Management and Systems Technology/Technician, 151 Engineering Technologies/Technicians, Other, 152 Fire Protection and Safety Technology/Technician, 156 Health Information/Medical Records Technology/Technician, 161 Heavy Equipment Maintenance Technology/Technician, 162 Hydraulics and Fluid Power Technology/Technician, 165 Industrial Electronics Technology/Technician, 165 Industrial Production Technologies/Technicians, 165 Industrial Production Technologies/Technicians, Other, 165 Industrial Technology/Technician, 165 Instrumentation Technology/Technician, 166 Laser and Optical Technology/Technician, 169 Library Assistant/Technician, 171 Mechanical Engineering Related Technologies/Technicians, 175 Mechanical Engineering Related Technologies/Technicians, Other, 175 Mechanical Engineering/Mechanical Technology/Technician, 175 Medium/Heavy Vehicle and Truck Technology/Technician, 176 Motorcycle Maintenance and Repair Technology/Technician, 176 Occupational Safety and Health Technology/Technician, 180 Pharmacy Technician/Assistant, 182 Photographic and Film/Video Technology/Technician and Assistant, 183 Plastics Engineering Technology/Technician, 185 Psychiatric/Mental Health Services Technician, 186 Quality Control Technology/Technician, 188 Radio and Television Broadcasting Technology/Technician, 189 Recording Arts Technology/Technician, 189 Science Technologies/Technicians, 191 Science Technologies/Technicians, Other, 191 Small Engine Mechanics and Repair Technology/Technician, 192 Veterinary/Animal Health Technology/Technician and Veterinary Assistant, 198 Water Quality and Wastewater Treatment Management and Recycling Technology/Technician, 199 Technology, 21, 24, 27, 73, 79, 80, 105, 117, 162, 197 Technology Education/Industrial Arts, 197 Technology Teacher Education/Industrial Arts Teacher Education, 197 Temecula Valley Center, 32 Textile Science, 197 Textile Sciences and Engineering, 197 The Armory Center of the Arts, 81 The Corporate and Community Education Center, 28 The Frederick S. Pardee RAND Graduate School, 89 The Graduate Studios, 81 The Otis California Mart, 81 The Skirball Cultural Center, 81 The Union Institute, 114 Theater, 47, 56, 63, 67, 77, 87 Theatre Literature, History and Criticism, 197 Theatre/Theater, 197 Theological and Ministerial Studies, 197 Theological and Ministerial Studies, Other, 197 Theology, 64, 65, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 75, 78, 82, 84, 85, 86, 94, 97, 99, 108, 110, 114, 197 Theology and Religious Vocations, Other, 197 Theology/Theological Studies, 197 California Postsecondary Education Commission Part 3: Index Theoretical and Mathematical Physics, 198 Therapeutic Recreation/Recreational Therapy, 198 Thomas Aquinas College, 89, 90 Tien Tao Chong Hua University, 114 Tourism and Travel Services Management, 198 Tourism and Travel Services Marketing Operations, 198 Tourism Promotion Operations, 198 Toxicology, 198 Tracy Learning Center, 37 Trade and Industrial Teacher Education, 198 Traditional Chinese/Asian Medicine and Chinese Herbology, 198 Transportation and Highway Engineering, 198 Transportation and Materials Moving, Other, 198 Travel and Exploration, 198 Travel University International, 114 Travis Center, 104 Travis University Center, 40 Trinity College of Graduate Studies, 114 Trinity Law School, 114 Trinity Life Bible College, 114 Tri-Valley Learning Center, 116 Tuition, 61 Tulare County, 19, 34, 82, 87 Tuolumne County, 20 Turf and Turfgrass Management, 198 UC Berkeley Extension Center, 55 UC Berkeley Extension Downtown Center, 55 UC Berkeley Extension Jewish Community Center, 55 UC Berkeley Extension Oakland, 55 UC Berkeley Extension Peninsula Center, 55 UC Berkeley Extension South of Market Center, 55 UC Davis Extension, 55 UC Irvine Extension, 56 UC Merced, Bakersfield Center, 57 UC Merced, Fresno, 57 UC Merced, Tri-College Center, 57 UC Riverside Temecula Center, 57 UCSB Ventura Center, 58 UCSC-Cupertino, 58 UCSC-Sunnyvale, 58 UCSD Extension Rancho Bernardo Center, 57 UCSD Extension Sorrento Mesa Center, 57 Union College of California, 114 Union Institute, The, 114 Union Institute, The, 114 University of California Berkeley, 18, 50, 55, 73 Davis, 55 Irvine, 55, 56 Los Angeles, 56 Merced, 56, 57 Riverside, 57 San Diego, 57 San Francisco, 50, 57, 58 Santa Barbara, 38, 58 Santa Cruz, 58 University of California, Berkeley UC Berkeley Extension Center, 55 UC Berkeley Extension Downtown Center, 55 UC Berkeley Extension Jewish Community Center, 55 UC Berkeley Extension Oakland, 55 UC Berkeley Extension Peninsula Center, 55 UC Berkeley Extension South of Market Center, 55 University of California, Davis UC Davis Extension, 55 University of California, Irvine UC Irvine Extension, 56 University of California, Merced UC Merced, Bakersfield Center, 57 UC Merced, Fresno, 57 UC Merced, Tri-College Center, 57 University of California, Riverside UC Riverside Temecula Center, 57 University of California, San Diego UCSD Extension Rancho Bernardo Center, 57 UCSD Extension Sorrento Mesa Center, 57 University of California, Santa Barbara UCSB Ventura Center, 58 University of California, Santa Cruz UCSC-Cupertino, 58 UCSC-Sunnyvale, 58 University of East & West Medicine, 114 University of La Verne, 90 Central Coast Campus, 90 High Desert Campus, 90 Inland Empire Campus, 90 Kern County Campus, 91 Orange County Campus, 91 Point Mugu Center, 91 San Fernando Valley Campus, 91 Vandenberg Center, 91 Ventura County Campus, 91 University of Northern California, Lorenzo Patino School of Law, 114 University of Philosophical Research, 115 University of Phoenix, 115 Bakersfield Learning Center, 115 Beale AFB Learning Center, 115 Concord Learning Center, 115 Culver City Learning Center, 115 Desert Communities Learning Center, 115 Diamond Bar Learning Center, 115 Downtown Learning Center, 115 El Centro Learning Center, 115 Elk Grove Learning Center, 115 Fairfield Learning Center, 115 Fremont Learning Center, 115 Fresno River Park Learning Center, 115 Gardena Learning Center, 115 Gateway Oaks Learning Center, 115 Kearny Mesa Learning Center, 80, 115 La Mirada Learning Center, 115 Laguna Hills Learning Center, 115 Lancaster Learning Center, 115 Lathrop Learning Center, 115 Livermore Learning Center, 115 Modesto Learning Center, 115 Murrieta Learning Center, 115 North Valley Learning Center, 115 Novato Learning Center, 115 Oakland Learning Center, 115 Ontario Learning Center, 115 Pasadena Learning Center, 115 Rancho Bernardo Learning Center, 80, 115 California Postsecondary Education Commission Rancho Cordova Learning Center, 115 Roseville Learning Center, 115 San Bernardino Learning Center, 115 San Francisco Learning Center, 115 San Jose learning Center, 116 San Marcos Learning Center, 116 South Coast Learning Center, 116 South County Learning Center, 116 Stonecrest Learning Center, 116 Tri-Valley Learning Center, 116 Visalia Learning Center, 116 Woodland Hills Learning Center, 116 University of Phoenix - Northern California Campus Bakersfield Learning Center, 115 Livermore Learning Center, 115 Novato Learning Center, 115 Oakland Learning Center, 115 San Francisco Learning Center, 115 University of Phoenix - Sacramento Beale AFB Learning Center, 115 Fairfield Learning Center, 115 Lathrop Learning Center, 115 Modesto Learning Center, 115 Rancho Cordova Learning Center, 115 Roseville Learning Center, 115 University of Phoenix - San Diego Rancho Bernardo Learning Center, 80, 115 San Marcos Learning Center, 116 South County Learning Center, 116 Stonecrest Learning Center, 116 University of Phoenix - Southern California Diamond Bar Learning Center, 115 Gardena Learning Center, 115 La Mirada Learning Center, 115 Lancaster Learning Center, 115 Ontario Learning Center, 115 Pasadena Learning Center, 115 San Bernardino Learning Center, 115 South Coast Learning Center, 116 Woodland Hills Learning Center, 116 University of Redlands, 91 University of San Francisco, 91 North Bay Regional Campus in Santa Rosa, 91 Sacramento Regional Campus, 91 San Ramon Regional Campus, 91 South Bay Regional Campus in Cupertino, 91 University of Santa Monica, 116 University of Southern California, 74, 92 Information Sciences Institute, 92 Philip K. Wrigley Marine Science Center, 92 USC Orange County Center, 92 USC Sacramento Center, 92 University of the Pacific, 92 Arthur A. Dugoni School of Dentistry, 92 McGeorge School of Law, 92 University of West Los Angeles, 92, 93 San Fernando Valley College of Law, 93 Upper Valley Center, 32 Urban Studies/Affairs, 198 USC Sacramento Center, 92 Vacaville Center, 40 Vallejo Center, 40 Vandenberg Air Force Base Center, 13 Vanguard University of Southern California, 93 219 Part 3: Index Kern County Center, 93 Los Angeles County Center, 93 South Orange County, 93 Ventura Center, 104 Ventura College, 40, 41, 112 East Campus, 41 Fillmore High School, 41 Nordhoff High School, 41 Santa Paula High School, 41 Ventura High School, 41 Ventura College of Law, 112 Ventura County, 31, 33, 40, 46, 48, 67, 84, 90, 91, 113, 117 Ventura High School, 41 Ventura Regional Center, 65 Veterinary Medicine, 55, 93, 198 Pre-Veterinary Studies, 186 Veterinary Medicine (DVM), 198 Veterinary Preventive Medicine, 198 Veterinary Residency Programs, 198 Veterinary Residency Programs, Other, 198 Veterinary Sciences/Veterinary Clinical Sciences, General (Cert, MS, PhD), 198 Veterinary/Animal Health Technology/Technician and Veterinary Assistant, 198 Veterinary Medicine (DVM), 198 Veterinary Preventive Medicine, 198 Veterinary Residency Programs, Other, 198 Veterinary Sciences/Veterinary Clinical Sciences, General (Cert, MS, PhD), 198 Veterinary Technology, 24, 25, 31, 34, 93 Veterinary/Animal Health Technology/Technician and Veterinary Assistant, 198 Victor Valley College, 41 Visalia - Hurley Elementary School, 72 Visalia Learning Center, 116 Vision International University, 116 Vista College, 14 Vista-North Coast Church, 65 Visual and Performing Arts, General, 198 Visual and Performing Arts, Other, 199 Vocational Rehabilitation Counseling/Counselor, 199 Voice and Opera, 199 Water Quality and Wastewater Treatment Management and Recycling Technology/Technician, 199 Water Resources Engineering, 199 Watsonville Center, 15 220 Weaverville Center, 39 Web Page, Digital/Multimedia and Information Resources Design, 199 Web/Multimedia Management and Webmaster, 199 Webster University, 116 Webster University - Edwards Air Force Base, 116 Webster University - Los Angeles Air Force Base, 116 Webster University - San Diego, 116 Webster University - Edwards Air Force Base, 116 Webster University - Los Angeles Air Force Base, 116 Webster University - San Diego, 116 Weimar College, 116 Welding Technology/Welder, 199 West Hills College at Lemoore, 41 WHC NAS Location, 41 West Hills College Coalinga, 41 North District Center, Firebaugh, 41 West Hollywood - Being Alive, 89 West Los Angeles College, 41, 42 West Sacramento Center, 35 West Valley College, 42 Westech College, 116 Westech College, 116 Western Association of Schools and Colleges, 6, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 40, 45, 47, 49, 51, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 61, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 97, 109 Western Career College - Anitioch, 93 Western Career College - Citrus Heights, 93 Western Career College - Emeryville, 93 Western Career College - Pleasant Hill, 93 Western Career College - Sacramento, 93 Western Career College - Anitioch, 93 Western Career College - Citrus Heights, 93 Western Career College - Emeryville, 93 Western Career College - Pleasant Hill, 93 Western Career College - San Jose, 93 Western Career College - San Leandro, 93 Western Career College - Stockton, 93 Western Career College - San Jose, 93 Western Career College - San Leandro, 93 Western Career College - Stockton, 93 Western Conservative Baptist Seminary - Bay Area, 116 Sacramento Teaching Site, 116 Western European Studies, 199 Western Institute for Social Research, 116 Western Sierra Law School, 116 Western State University College of Law, 93 Western University of Health Sciences, 94 Western Valley Center, 19 Westminster Seminary California, 94 Westmont College, 38, 94 Westmont College Urban Program, 94 Westmont College Urban Program, 94 WHC NAS Location, 41 Whittier College, 94 Whittier Law School, 94 Wildlife and Wildlands Science and Management, 199 William Carey International University, 117 William Howard Taft University, 117 William Jessup University, 95 San Jose Extension, 95 Willits Center, 29 Wisdom University, 117 Wood Science and Wood Products/Pulp and Paper Technology, 199 Woodland Community College, 42 Woodland Hills Learning Center, 116 Woodworking, General, 199 World Mission University, 117 World University of America, Ojai, 117 Wright Institute, The, 95 Writing, 79, 200 WyoTech - Fremont, 117 WyoTech - Long Beach, 117 WyoTech - Oakland, 117 WyoTech - Sacramento, 117 WyoTech - Long Beach, 117 WyoTech - Oakland, 117 WyoTech - Sacramento, 117 Yeshiva Ohr Elchonon Chabad/West Coast Talmudical Seminary, 117 Yo San University, 117 Yolo County, 55 Yuba College, 9, 42 Clear Lake Community College, 42 Woodland Community College, 42 Yuba County, 42 Yuin University, 117 Zoology/Animal Biology, 200 Zoology/Animal Biology, Other, 200 California Postsecondary Education Commission California Postsecondary Education Commission The Commission’s Role The California Postsecondary Education Commission is charged by law to “assure the effective utilization of public postsecondary resources, thereby eliminating waste and unnecessary duplication, and to promote diversity, innovation and responsiveness to student and societal needs.” Education Code § 66900–66906 The Commission is an advisory body to the Legislature and the Governor; it conducts independent reviews of matters affecting California’s postsecondary education institutions, and coordinates with other State agencies and non-governmental groups. It makes independent reviews and recommendations on the need for new academic programs, sites, branches, institutions, and off-campus centers at public colleges and universities. The Commission does not govern or administer any college or university, nor does it approve, authorize, or accredit any institutions. Commissioners The Commission consists of 16 members. Each system has one representative — Association of Independent California Colleges and Universities, California Community Colleges, California State University, and University of California. The State Board of Education is also represented. Nine additional members represent the general public: three are appointed by the Governor, three by the Senate Rules Committee, and three by the Speaker of the Assembly. The Governor also appoints two student representatives. Public meetings are held quarterly. Staff The Commission’s day-to-day operations are carried out by its staff in Sacramento. Its executive director is appointed by the Commission. Further Information Website: Address: 770 L Street, Suite 1160 Sacramento, California, 958143396 Phone: (916) 445-1000
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