Compiled Regular Minutes - Butte School District # 1
Compiled Regular Minutes - Butte School District # 1
2385 BUTTE SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 1 BOARD OF TRUSTEES REGULAR MEETING JANUARY 20, 2014 The Board of Trustees held a Regular Meeting on Monday, January 20th at 5:00 p.m. at the School Administration Building with Chairwoman Ann Boston presiding. Trustees present: Patti Hepola, Scott Ferguson, Linda Sorini Granger, John Ries, Hilary Risser and Carol Wold. Excused: Trustee Debbie Shea. Also present were: Judy Jonart, Superintendent, J.R. Richardson, Business Manager, and Therese McClafferty, Director of Human Resources. CALL TO ORDER AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE WELCOME AND DIRECTIONS FOR PUBLIC PARTICIPATION Chairperson Boston thanked everyone in the room for their service to the District and the children of Butte. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Item 1 – Regular Board Meeting, December 16, 2013 Hepola moved to approve, second by Ries, motion carried. COMMUNICATIONS Item 2 – Hillcrest Elementary School Presentation with Recognitions Susan Johnson stated that Hillcrest Elementary has 390 students, along with 50 staff; including volunteers. Hillcrest Elementary School’s mission is to create a learning environment that promotes responsible citizens who will embrace life-long learning in the 21st Century. Ms. Johnson shared a 2013-14 Action Plan for Hillcrest Elementary School (Note: A copy of the brochure is on file in the Clerk’s Office and by this reference is made part of these minutes). Ms. Johnson recognized and thanked Mark and Susanne Dauenhauer for being active volunteers at Hillcrest Elementary School and throughout the Butte School District for over 19 years. Mark and Susanne have supported kids in all aspects; academics, athletics, book fairs, carnivals, science center and many other areas. The Dauenhauer’s, through Papa Murphy’s and Quiznos, have also donated greatly to the Butte School District. Item 3- Update from BHS Student Representative – Erin Olivieri None Item 4 – Butte High School CTE Classes (Career Fair) Chairperson Boston shared that the Butte High CTE classes are having a “Career Fair” celebrating Career Technical Education Month on February 12, 2014 from 8:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. at Butte High School. Ms. Boston encouraged all Trustees to attend and/or participate in the Career Fair. Item 5 – Public Comment On Items Not On Agenda None 2386 CONSENT AGENDA Item 6 – Consent Agenda Payroll, Claims & Budget Transfers & Revenue Reports (December 2013) Page #6 MONTH: DATE: FUND PAYROLL RECAP December-13 January 2, 2013 TOTALS GRAND TOTAL ELEMENTARY GENERAL FUND ELEMENTARY TRANSPORTATION FOOD SERVICE ELEMENTARY RETIREMENT ELEMENTARY ADULT EDUCATION MEDICAID SPECIAL SERVICES ELEMENTARY SICK LEAVE RESERVE HIGH GENERAL FUND HIGH TRANSPORTATION HIGH RETIREMENT HIGH ADULT EDUCATION HIGH SICK LEAVE BUS ACTIVITY HIGH CO-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES FUND FEDERAL PROGRAMS $1,261,032.58 $1,261,032.58 $57,010.74 $57,010.74 $58,306.86 $58,306.86 $185,702.80 $185,702.80 $17,923.94 $17,923.94 $6,436.89 $6,436.89 TOTAL CLAIMS (400) GRAND TOTAL PAID THIS MONTH $2,668,830.97 $2,668,830.97 $2,668,830.97 $367.38 $675,778.65 $29,859.66 $95,850.65 $4,197.48 $155.53 $5,021.37 $367.38 $675,778.65 $29,859.66 $95,850.65 $4,197.48 $155.53 $5,021.37 $1,193.60 $269,992.84 $1,193.60 $269,992.84 Page # 5 CLAIMS RECAP MONTH: December-13 DATE: January 2, 2013 FUND TOTALS ELEMENTARY GENERAL ELEMENTARY TRANSPORTATION FOOD SERVICE ELEMENTARY ADULT EDUCATION MEDICAID SPECIAL SERVICES ELEMENTARY TECHNOLOGY FUND COBRA HIGH GENERAL HIGH TRANSPORTATION HIGH TECHNOLOGY FUND ACTIVITY BUS CO-CURRICULAR FEDERAL PROGRAMS $162,687.63 $5,716.78 $71,635.99 $1,834.73 $281,616.12 $11,289.50 $26,663.47 $148,322.44 $2,829.65 $5,560.50 $338.00 $82,059.80 $28,698.99 REIMBURSEMENTS $1,170.40 $722.40 GRAND TOTAL $161,517.23 $5,716.78 $71,635.99 $1,834.73 $281,616.12 $11,289.50 $26,663.47 $147,600.04 $2,829.65 $5,560.50 $338.00 $82,059.80 $28,698.99 2387 TOTAL CLAIMS (400) LESS REIMBURSEMENTS GRAND TOTAL PAID THIS MONTH $829,253.60 $1,892.80 $827,360.80 $1,892.80 $827,360.80 Note: A complete and detailed listing of the Payroll and Claims Warrants, Budget Transfers and Revenue Reports is on file in the Clerk’s Office and by this reference is made part of these minutes. Student Activity Fund Report from East Middle School (December 2013) Student Activity Fund Report from Butte High School (November & December 2013) Wold moved to approve, second by Granger, motion carried. PERSONNEL Item 7 –Personnel Action Report – Therese McClafferty BUTTE SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 1 PERSONNEL ACTION REPORT January 20, 2014 Name Effective Assignment/Location Marilyn Kingston 10/01/14 Josephine Foley 12/31/14 Federal Programs Bookkeeper, Admin. Sp. Ed Monitor, BHS 01/14/14 Bus Driver Diane Ayers 01/13/14 Andrea Luna 01/13/14 from 3.0 hour Cook’s Helper/Server, East to 3.5 Cook’s Helper/Server, East from 3.5 Cook’s Helper/Server, East to 5.0 Cook’s Helper/Server, Hillcrest 12/02/13-02/24/14 Engineer, BHCC 01/12/14-02/25/14 Bus Driver 01/02/14-06/06/14 01/06/14-02/16/14 04/07/14-06/05/14 Special Ed Teacher, BHCC 1st Grade Teacher, Emerson Temp. Reading/Math Teacher, West CLASSIFIED PERSONNEL RETIREMENT: RESIGNATION: Larry Holverson TRANSFER: LEAVE OF ABSENCE: William Pickett EXTENSION OF LEAVE: Ronda Cherry CERTIFIED PERSONNEL LEAVE OF ABSENCE: Joshua Schad Laura Laramie Heidi Grey 2388 Michaela Tomsheck 04/18/14-05/31/14 6th Grade Teacher, Whittier 11/25/13 Co-Assistant Girls’ Basketball Coach, BHS Girls’ Basketball Coach, East Girls’ Basketball Coach, East ROCKIES Volunteer Coach ROCKIES Volunteer Coach ROCKIES Volunteer Coach ROCKIES Volunteer Coach ROCKIES Volunteer Coach ROCKIES Volunteer Coach SUPPLEMENTAL PERSONNEL APPOINTMENT: Kristen Tuttle Randy Miller Casey Boyle Marcus Lee Kevin Noctor Weston Ogan Daniel Regan Thomas Richards Shawn Steele 01/06/14 01/13/14 01/21/14 01/21/14 01/21/14 01/21/14 01/21/14 01/21/14 RESIGNATION: Sandra Fisher Samantha Wood 01/07/14 01/08/14 Kelly Dennehy 01/15/14 Girls’ Basketball Coach, East Assist. Cheerleading/Dance Coach, BHS Football Coach, East ADDITION TO SUBSTITUTE TEACHER LIST: Amanda Lindgren 01/21/14 REMOVAL FROM SUBSTITUTE TEACHER LIST: Frank Mischkot Ashley Moser Paula McGarvey Megan Paul Kelci Thatcher 01/02/14 01/10/14 01/13/14 01/14/14 01/14/14 Wold moved to approve, second by Hepola, motion carried. Item 8 – Approval of Grant Application and Award from Town Pump Charitable Foundation Christmas Grant in the Amount of $750.00 – Larry Driscoll Larry Driscoll requested Board approval of a grant application and award from the Town Pump Charitable Foundation Christmas Grant. Mr. Driscoll stated that East Middle School Builders Club/Kiwanis submitted a grant proposal to obtain funds to purchase gifts/food for underprivileged families at East Middle School. Food and gifts were delivered the week before Christmas. Ries moved to approve, second by Risser, motion carried. Item 9 – Approval of Grant Application and Award from Town Pump Charitable Foundation “2013 Adopt-a-Family Program” in the Amount of $1,500.00 – Larry Driscoll Larry Driscoll requested Board approval of a grant application and award from the Town Pump Charitable Foundation “2013 Adopt-a-Family Program” in the amount of $1,500.00. Mr. Driscoll stated that the Student Council and East Middle School adopted five families through the Mining City Christmas program. In addition to collecting donations at the school, the monies were used to purchase presents for the families. Ries moved to approve, second by Granger, motion carried. Mr. Driscoll thanked Town Pump for their continued support to the Butte School District. J.R. Richardson thanked Larry for following the procedures of the District and bringing forward these grants for approval by the Board. 2389 Item 10 – Approval of Resignation of Mobility Specialist, Fred Bischoff – Kathy Cannon Kathy Cannon requested Board approval of the resignation of Mr. Fred Bischoff, Mobility Specialist. Ms. Cannon stated that Mr. Bischoff had provided services to the visually impaired students for Butte School District for several years; but due to health reasons, turned in his resignation on December 26, 2013. Wold moved to approve, second by Risser, motion carried. Item 11 – Approval of 2014 Memorandum of Understanding Between Butte School District #1 and Tracey Orcutt, Mobility Specialist – Kathy Cannon Kathy Cannon requested Board approval of the Memorandum of Understanding between Butte School District #1 and Tracey Orcutt, Mobility Specialist, for the remainder of the 2013-2014 school year. Ms. Cannon stated that Ms. Orcutt will provide thirty minutes of mobility services to a student at West Elementary on Friday each week; in accord to his IEP. Risser moved to approve, second by Granger, motion carried. Item 12 – Approval of Purchase of Seven New Buses and One Radio – Jed Hoopes Jed Hoopes requested Board approval to purchase seven new buses and one new radio from Hartley’s Bus Sales, Inc. in the amount of $651,500.00. Mr. Hoopes stated that the new buses will replace seven buses which have been primarily used on regular bus routes. All seven are at or above the high end of their expected life (150% maximum accumulated value). The seven new buses will be equipped comparably to the trade in buses which are Type (D) buses. Mr. Hoopes stated that the funding for the purchase will come from both the Bus Depreciation and Transportation Funds. J.R. Richardson stated that the purchase will make a financial impact and there will be a difference of approximately $30,000.00 in the bus depreciation fund. Mr. Richardson shared that hopefully the District will see an increase in the tax base (TIFID), which would help absorb some of this cost. There also could be a tax impact next year as approximately $160,000.00 will come out of this year in the Transportation Fund. This could result in a tax increase; but it should be minimal. Superintendent Jonart thanked J.R. Richardson and Jed Hoopes for their due diligence regarding this purchase and stated that their hard work is appreciated. Ries moved to approve, second by Hepola, motion carried. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the board, Trustee Hepola moved to adjourn, second by Trustee Ries, motion carried. Chairwoman Boston adjourned the meeting at 5:29 p.m. _______________________________ Chairwoman of Board of Trustees _________________________________ District Clerk Pj 2390 BUTTE SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 1 BOARD OF TRUSTEES REGULAR MEETING FEBRUARY 18, 2014 The Board of Trustees held a Regular Meeting on Tuesday, February 18th at 5:00 p.m. at the School Administration Building with Chairwoman Ann Boston presiding. Trustees present: Patti Hepola, Scott Ferguson, Linda Sorini Granger, John Ries, Hilary Risser, Debbie Shea and Carol Wold. Also present were: Judy Jonart, Superintendent, J.R. Richardson, Business Manager, and Therese McClafferty, Director of Human Resources. CALL TO ORDER AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE WELCOME AND DIRECTIONS FOR PUBLIC PARTICIPATION APPROVAL OF MINUTES Item 1 – Regular Board Meeting, January 20, 2014 Wold moved to approve, second by Ries, motion carried. COMMUNICATIONS Item 2 – Presentation from Kathy Griffith, Director of Butte Food Bank Kathy Griffith, Director of the Butte Food Bank shared that the Backpack program began in 2012 with grants from Wal-Mart and provides breakfast and lunch items on the weekend, for those children that are chronically hungry. The Food Bank is currently distributing over 300 backpacks each weekend to area children; which costs approximately $40-50,000.00 per year. It is essential that the program continue and these children receive food on the weekends and during the summer reading program. Giao Hoang, Owner of Datset Pottery, along with the Butte Food Bank, local potters and businesses are sponsoring a fundraising event called “Empty Bowls” on March 27th at the Front Street Station. Tickets are $20.00/each or a 4 pack for $60.00. Each ticket holder will receive a handcrafted bowl made by a local potter; soup of your choice; live music and an opportunity to bid on silent auction items. All monies raised at this event will be donated to the Backpack program. Item 3- Update from BHS Student Representative – Erin Olivieri None Item 4 – Smarter Balanced Assessment Jim O’Neill, Curriculum Director, shared that beginning this year, all students in grades 3-8 and 11 will participate in the Smarter Balanced Assessment. A school’s accreditation status and AYP will be determined by these test scores. This year’s test is a field test; therefore, results will not count. Each school’s AYP status from the year will remain intact. Scores will count toward AYP and accreditation beginning with the 2014-15 school year. The assessment is aligned with the Common Core Standards. Students in 45 states will participate in either the Smarter Balanced Assessment or the PARCC. Previous to this year, Butte School District students participated in the MontCas Assessment. The test is comprised of English Language Arts and Mathematics. The test is administered as a CAT (Computer Adaptive Test). Students in grades 4, 8, and 10 are also assessed in science. The test utilized for science is the MontCas Assessment that has been given for the past 10 years. Note: A complete and detailed presentation and directions for the Smarter Balanced Assessment Practice Test is on file in the Clerk’s Office and by this reference is made part of these minutes. 2391 Item 5 – Public Comment On Items Not On Agenda Andi Giddings, AmeriCorp, reported on the USDA Grant, Farm to School Committee and the Harvest of the Month. Ms. Giddings invited Board members to be on the Butte/Boulder Coordinating Committee for the Farm to School Committee through the USDA Grant. Wheat Montana will provide local schools with whole grain rolls for students on February 28th. Item 6 – Policy 3416/3416 F-A/3416 F-B/3416 F-C/3416 F-D/3416F-G/3416 F-H/Epi-Pen Liability Release – Students – Administering Medicines to Students (1st Reading) Superintendent Jonart stated that the changes on Policy 3416 and Forms A-H are in accordance with 20-5-421, Section 2, MCA. Each student occupied school will maintain a limited stock supply of autoinjectable epinephrine to be administered by the school nurse or other authorized personnel to a student or non student for perceived or actual anaphylaxis. Item 7 – Policy 3431 – Students – Emergency Treatment (1st Reading) Superintendent Jonart stated that the changes on Policy 3431are in accordance with 20-5-421, Section 2, MCA. Each school will maintain a stock supply of autoinjectable epinephrine to be administered by the school nurse or other authorized personnel to a student or non student as needed for actual or perceived anaphylaxis in accordance with Protocol 3416F-G. CONSENT AGENDA Item 8 – Consent Agenda Payroll, Claims & Budget Transfers & Revenue Reports (January 2014) Page #6 PAYROLL RECAP MONTH: JANUARY 2014 DATE: FEBRUARY 3, 2014 FUND TOTALS GRAND TOTAL ELEMENTARY GENERAL ELEMENTARY TRANSPORTATION FOOD SERVICE ELEMENTARY RETIREMENT ELEMENTARY ADULT EDUCATION FUND MEDICAID SPECIAL SERVICES ELEMENTARY SICK LEAVE RESERVE HIGH GENERAL HIGH TRANSPORTATION HIGH RETIREMENT HIGH ADULT EDUCATION HIGH SICK LEAVE BUS ACTIVITY HIGH CO-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES FUND FEDERAL PROGRAMS $1,322,058.83 $53,289.37 $51,912.21 $256,497.83 $1,322,058.83 $53,289.37 $51,912.21 $256,497.83 $1,798.94 $6,436.89 $8,767.08 $680,423.92 $27,903.87 $108,126.01 $4,197.48 $3,794.19 $6,523.30 $1,798.94 $6,436.89 $8,767.08 $680,423.92 $27,903.87 $108,126.01 $4,197.48 $3,794.19 $6,523.30 $1,464.00 $255,569.72 $1,464.00 $255,569.72 TOTAL CLAIMS (400) GRAND TOTAL PAID THIS MONTH $2,788,763.64 $2,788,763.64 $2,788,763.64 2392 CLAIMS RECAP Page # 5 MONTH: JANUARY 2014 DATE: FEBRUARY 3, 2014 FUND TOTALS REIMBURSEMENTS GRAND TOTAL ELEMENTARY GENERAL ELEMENTARY TRANSPORTATION FOOD SERVICE ELEMENTARY ADULT EDUCATION MEDICAID SPECIAL SERVICES ELEMENTARY TECHNOLOGY FUND ELEMENTARY BUILDING FUND COBRA HIGH GENERAL HIGH TRANSPORTATION HIGH TECHNOLOGY FUND HIGH BUILDING RESERVE FUND ACTIVITY BUS CO-CURRICULAR FEDERAL PROGRAMS $207,342.81 $79.89 $207,262.92 $22,569.51 $81,292.55 $35.76 $58.85 $22,533.75 $81,233.70 TOTAL CLAIMS (400) LESS REIMBURSEMENTS GRAND TOTAL PAID THIS MONTH $907,820.73 $252.39 $659.65 $171,284.75 $659.65 $171,284.75 $16,131.23 $60.00 $26,865.12 $187,046.96 $11,501.82 $8,045.15 $74,396.28 $648.00 $16,056.10 $83,920.80 $5.64 $16,131.23 $60.00 $26,865.12 $186,992.59 $11,483.94 $8,045.15 $74,396.28 $648.00 $16,056.10 $83,915.16 $252.39 $907,568.34 $54.37 $17.88 $907,568.34 Note: A complete and detailed listing of the Payroll and Claims Warrants, Budget Transfers and Revenue Reports is on file in the Clerk’s Office and by this reference is made part of these minutes. Student Activity Fund Report from East Middle School (January 2014) Student Activity Fund Report from Butte High School (January 2014) Travel Requests o Ted Farabee to Cody, Wyoming on March 20-22, 2014 to Compete in the Northwest Jazz Festival. o Michael Kujawa and Diana Kujawa to Portland, OR on April 8-13, 2014 to Attend ART TREK 2014. o Amanda Curtis to San Francisco, CA on February 18-21, 2014 to attend the NEA Teacher Ambassadors Project. Ries moved to approve, second by Wold, motion carried. PERSONNEL Item 9 –Personnel Action Report - AMENDED PAR – January 20, 2014 – Therese McClafferty BUTTE SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 1 PERSONNEL ACTION REPORT January 20, 2014 AMENDED 2393 Name Effective Assignment/Location Marilyn Kingston 09/30/14 Josephine Foley 12/31/14 Federal Programs Bookkeeper, Admin. Sp. Ed Monitor, BHS 01/14/14 Bus Driver Diane Ayers 01/13/14 Andrea Luna 01/13/14 from 3.0 hour Cook’s Helper/Server, East to 3.5 Cook’s Helper/Server, East from 3.5 Cook’s Helper/Server, East to 5.0 Cook’s Helper/Server, Hillcrest CLASSIFIED PERSONNEL RETIREMENT: RESIGNATION: Larry Holverson TRANSFER: LEAVE OF ABSENCE: William Pickett 12/02/13-02/24/14Engineer, BHCC EXTENSION OF LEAVE: Ronda Cherry 01/12/14-02/25/14 Bus Driver Joshua Schad Laura Laramie Heidi Grey 01/02/14-06/06/14 01/06/14-02/16/14 04/07/14-06/05/14 Michaela Tomsheck 04/18/14-06/06/14 Special Ed Teacher, BHCC 1st Grade Teacher, Emerson Temp. Reading/Math Teacher, West 6th Grade Teacher, Whittier CERTIFIED PERSONNEL LEAVE OF ABSENCE: SUPPLEMENTAL PERSONNEL APPOINTMENT: Kristen Tuttle Randy Miller Casey Boyle Marcus Lee Kevin Noctor Weston Ogan Daniel Regan Thomas Richards Shawn Steele 11/25/13 01/06/14 01/13/14 01/21/14 01/21/14 01/21/14 01/21/14 01/21/14 01/21/14 Co-Assistant Girls’ Basketball Coach, BHS Girls’ Basketball Coach, East Girls’ Basketball Coach, East ROCKIES Volunteer Coach ROCKIES Volunteer Coach ROCKIES Volunteer Coach ROCKIES Volunteer Coach ROCKIES Volunteer Coach ROCKIES Volunteer Coach RESIGNATION: Sandra Fisher Samantha Wood 01/07/14 01/08/14 Kelly Dennehy 01/15/14 Girls’ Basketball Coach, East Assist. Cheerleading/Dance Coach, BHS Football Coach, East 2394 ADDITION TO SUBSTITUTE TEACHER LIST: Amanda Lindgren 01/21/14 REMOVAL FROM SUBSTITUTE TEACHER LIST: Frank Mischkot Ashley Moser Paula McGarvey Megan Paul Kelci Thatcher 01/02/14 01/10/14 01/13/14 01/14/14 01/14/14 Wold moved to approve as amended, second by Shea, motion carried. Item 10 –Personnel Action Report – PAR – February 18, 2014 - Therese McClafferty BUTTE SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 1 PERSONNEL ACTION REPORT February 18, 2014 Name Effective Assignment/Location 03/03/14 02/19/14 03/03/14 Bus Driver Substitute Bus Driver Cook’s Helper/Server, East Deloris Gustavsen Evelyn Mihalovic 03/02/14 03/02/14 Rena Reilly 02/19/14 Substitute Bus Driver, Monitor Sub. Clerical, Monitor and Food Service Substitute Food Service 03/03/14 Secretary, Margaret Leary Mark Berg Coleen Boyle Rita Browne Diane Crossman George M. Foley 06/06/14 06/06/14 06/06/14 06/06/14 06/06/14 Michele Hughes Mary LeFever Janet Lindh Patricia McCarthy Tom Pomroy Ann Thomas 06/06/14 06/06/14 06/06/14 06/06/14 06/06/14 06/06/14 Roger Willhite 06/06/14 Jeanette Barnes 06/06/14 Evonne Holman Charlene Davis 06/24/14 12/31/14 Math Teacher, BHS Reading Coach, West 7th Grade Math Teacher, East 6th Grade Teacher, Emerson 7th & 8th Grade PE/Health Teacher, East Special Ed Teacher, East FACS/Carl Perkins, BHS Occupational Therapist, District 8th Grade Reading Teacher, East PE/Health Teacher, BHS 8th Grade Social Studies Teacher, East PE/Health/Social Studies Teacher, BHS Elementary Art Teacher, District Principal, Emerson Attendance Officer, BHS CLASSIFIED PERSONNEL APPOINTMENT: Deloris Gustavsen Dave Lambrecht Evelyn Mihalovic REMOVAL: RESIGNATION: Kim Loberg CERTIFIED PERSONNEL RETIREMENT: 2395 RESIGNATION: Jenna Aldred 02/14/14 LSS, District 02/17/14-03/02/14 1st Grade Teacher, Emerson Jennifer Reilly Angela M. Richards Kody Lane 02/19/14 02/19/14 02/19/14 Frederick Wendt 01/13/14 Alex Watterud 02/19/14 Assist. Tennis Coach, BHS Assist. Track Coach, BHS Volunteer Assist. Tennis Coach, BHS Volunteer Girls’ Basketball Coach, East ROCKIES Volunteer Coach 01/16/14 Track Coach, East EXTENSION OF LEAVE: Laura Laramie SUPPLEMENTAL PERSONNEL APPOINTMENT: RESIGNATION: Katie Merrifield ADDITION TO SUBSTITUTE TEACHER LIST: Maureen Britton Krysteen McCaughey Nacyshla Mehring Brianne Scott Sara Simmons Sharon Stone 02/19/14 02/19/14 02/19/14 02/19/14 02/19/14 02/19/14 Certified Certified Certified REMOVAL FROM SUBSTITUTE TEACHER LIST: Amy Brooks Keith Christie Becky Hancock Amber Walter 01/17/14 02/07/14 01/20/14 01/26/14 Wold moved to approve, second by Granger, motion carried. Item 11 – Approval of 2014-2015 MTSBA Dues and Trustee Insurance – Superintendent Jonart Superintendent Jonart requested Board approval of the 2014-15 MTSBA Dues and Trustee Insurance. Ms. Jonart stated that the statement from the Montana School Boards Association in the amount of $ 16,226.00 is an increase of $ 253.00 from last year. Ms. Jonart shared that the AA members have a flat rate membership fee that is increased each year by a total percentage increase in school district spending statewide. The increase in Fiscal Year 2015 dues is based on the total statewide percentage increase in total current spending from Fiscal Year 2011 to Fiscal Year 2012. J.R. Richardson shared that in terms of direct savings to the District, unemployment is pulled with everyone else that participates and would suspect that there is a savings from participating. Risser moved to approve, second by Hepola, motion carried. Item 12 – Approval of Agreement Between Butte School District #1 and SIAFU, Technology Group, LLC – Jim O’Neill Jim O’Neill requested Board approval of an Agreement between Butte School District #1 and SIAFU Technology Group. 2396 Mr. O’Neill stated that in order to fully utilize the newly acquired fiber optic ring, the Butte School District needs to complete several engineering project that will provide the necessary upgrades to our LAN infrastructure. This Agreement provides the necessary hardware and software engineering services that relate to these upgrades. Individual projects include, but not limited to: Re-engineering of LAN switches Update from PRI/Trunking telephone services to SIP Trunking Virtual Desktop Pilot Project Chairperson Boston shared that Dr. Curtiss would like to give the Board of Trustees a tour of the Super Computer Center. Ries moved to approve, second by Shea, motion carried. Item 13 – Approval of Memorandum of Understanding Between Butte School District #1 and RESA4U Southwest Montana School Services – Kathy Cannon Kathy Cannon requested Board approval of a Memorandum of Understanding between Butte School District #1 and RESA4U Southwest Montana School Services for the remainder of the 2013/2014 school year and the 2014/2015 school year. The fee agreement will be 8.5% of all monies reimbursed by Medicaid. Ms. Cannon shared that SWMSS Medicaid Billing is a new service provided by RESA4U beginning February 2014. This is available to school districts and special education cooperative that provide direct services to special education students. The Medicaid Billing service is a management solution that maximizes third party reimbursement options through Montana Medicaid. SWMSS Medicaid Billing Services uses a highly effective and thoroughly tested web-based billing system that will decrease district expenses while increasing revenue. Additionally, the flexibility of the system will be useful for the purposes of providing accountability and ensuring IEP related services goals are in compliance. Hepola moved to approve, second by Risser, motion carried. Item 14 – Approval to Advertise and Hire Instructors for the 2014 Driver Education Program – John Metz John Metz requested Board approval to advertise and hire instructors for the 2014 Driver Education Program. Mr. Metz stated this is the 10th straight year that there will not be a cost increase to our students and there has never been a student turned away that could not pay. Ries moved to approve, second by Wold, motion carried. Item 15 – Approval of Grant Application and Awards PPL Montana – Community Involvement Funding to East Middle School in the Amount of $750.00 – Larry Driscoll Wold moved to approve, second by Risser, motion carried. Exxon Mobil Educational Alliance Program to Whittier Elementary in the Amount of $500.00 – J.P. Gallagher Ries moved to approve, second by Risser, motion carried. Exxon Mobil Educational Alliance Program to Kennedy Elementary in the Amount of $500.00 – Ron Ricketts Ries moved to approve, second by Risser, motion carried. 2397 Exxon Mobil Educational Alliance Program to Kennedy Elementary in the Amount of $500.00 – Susan Johnson Ries moved to approved, second by Granger, motion carried. J.R. Richardson thanked the Administrators for bringing these grants forward for approval, in accordance with our District policy, and allowing these entities the recognition they deserve for supporting the students and District programs and also to show that these monies are being deposited into the District accounts. Item 16 – Approval to Nominate and Appoint a Trustee to Fill the Vacancy of Butte Municipal Trustee on the Montana School Board Association – Chairperson Boston Chairperson Boston asked for a volunteer from the Board to fill a vacancy left by Vikki O’Brien on the Montana School Board Association. The position is for a Butte Municipal Trustee. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the board, Trustee Ries moved to adjourn, second by Trustee Risser, motion carried. Chairwoman Boston adjourned the meeting at 6:03 p.m. _______________________________ Chairwoman of Board of Trustees _________________________________ District Clerk Pj 2398 BUTTE SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 1 BOARD OF TRUSTEES REGULAR MEETING MARCH 18, 2014 The Board of Trustees held a Regular Meeting on Tuesday, March 18th at 5:00 p.m. at the School Administration Building with Chairwoman Ann Boston presiding. Trustees present: Patti Hepola, Scott Ferguson, John Ries, Hilary Risser, and Carol Wold. Absent: Trustees Linda Sorini Granger and Debbie Shea. Also present were: Judy Jonart, Superintendent, J.R. Richardson, Business Manager, and Therese McClafferty, Director of Human Resources. CALL TO ORDER AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE WELCOME AND DIRECTIONS FOR PUBLIC PARTICIPATION APPROVAL OF MINUTES Item 1 – Special Board Meeting, February 18, 2014 Item 2 – Regular Board Meeting, February 18, 2014 Item 3 – Special Board Meeting, March 6, 2014 Wold moved to approve, second by Ries, motion carried. COMMUNICATIONS Item 4 – Recognition of Jim Patrick Chairperson Boston shared the following: Portions taken from eulogy to James Patrick written by John Ries. Coach Patrick had a personality that only those who took the time to get to know him understood. To the average observer, Mr. Patrick was a hard-nosed, loud, obnoxious person who demanded perfection in every aspect of the game. Those of us who spent years around him understood he wanted you to be as good as you could be and the only way was through hard work and dedication. On his old typewriter, he would type out ten times when not to lose a serve or the right time to bunt the baseball and why losing with dignity just meant you did not work hard enough to win. Like all of us, Coach Patrick had his faults. He had that depression on his forehead from pounding his index finger into it and yelling 'think, think, think.' His goodness and kind heart shone through for all of us who knew him. He touched the lives of thousands of Butte athletes. We will miss you, James M. Patrick Item 5- Update from BHS Student Representative – Erin Olivieri None Item 6 – Kennedy Elementary Presentation with Recognitions Ron Ricketts presented Kennedy School’s Action Plan for the 2013-2014 School Year. Mr. Ricketts also shared the school’s progress. Kennedy’s MontCAS scores in both Math and Reading have dramatically increased from 2003-2013. The following increases have been observed: Math: 2003-2004 School Year Score = 58% of the students were proficient or advanced. 2012-2013 School Year Score = 83% of the students were proficient or advanced. 2399 Reading: 2003-2004 School Year Score = 45% of the students were proficient or advanced. 2012-2013 School Year Score = 90% of the students were proficient or advanced. Mr. Ricketts stated that Kennedy Elementary was built in 1958 and was originally named “The Big Butte School”. In 1963 the school name was changed to the JF Kennedy Elementary School. At the dedication ceremony in 1963, Senator Mike Mansfield presented to Principal “Oakie” O’Connor, the flag that flew at half mast over the White house during the funeral of President Kennedy. Kennedy School held a ceremony to celebrate the anniversary of the dedication and renaming of the school on November 22, 2014. Item 7 – Public Comment On Items Not On Agenda Julia Coyne requested information from the District regarding nutrition and meal guidelines. Superintendent Jonart shared that she has been meeting with Mark Harrison regarding food services and the goals and action plan. Chairperson Boston invited Ms. Coyne to attend a work session with the Board of Trustees on April 21st at 4:00 p.m. at the Administration Building to discuss this issue. CONSENT AGENDA Item 8 – Consent Agenda Payroll, Claims & Budget Transfers & Revenue Reports (February 2014) Page #6 PAYROLL RECAP MONTH: FEBRUARY 2014 DATE: MARCH 4, 2014 FUND TOTALS GRAND TOTAL ELEMENTARY GENERAL ELEMENTARY TRANSPORTATION FOOD SERVICE ELEMENTARY RETIREMENT ELEMENTARY ADULT EDUCATION FUND MEDICAID SPECIAL SERVICES ELEMENTARY SICK LEAVE RESERVE HIGH GENERAL HIGH TRANSPORTATION HIGH RETIREMENT HIGH ADULT EDUCATION HIGH SICK LEAVE BUS ACTIVITY HIGH CO-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES FUND FEDERAL PROGRAMS $1,279,764.09 $58,387.90 $61,724.36 $187,590.66 $1,279,764.09 $58,387.90 $61,724.36 $187,590.66 $1,798.94 $6,436.89 $33.96 $657,932.28 $30,302.00 $94,445.54 $4,197.48 $16.99 $11,181.23 $1,798.94 $6,436.89 $33.96 $657,932.28 $30,302.00 $94,445.54 $4,197.48 $16.99 $11,181.23 $1,869.05 $269,802.30 $1,869.05 $269,802.30 TOTAL CLAIMS (400) GRAND TOTAL PAID THIS MONTH $2,665,483.67 $2,665,483.67 $2,665,483.67 2400 CLAIMS RECAP Page # 5 MONTH: FEBRUARY 2014 DATE: MARCH 4, 2014 FUND TOTALS REIMBURSEMENTS GRAND TOTAL ELEMENTARY GENERAL ELEMENTARY TRANSPORTATION FOOD SERVICE ELEMENTARY ADULT EDUCATION MEDICAID SPECIAL SERVICES ELEMENTARY TECHNOLOGY FUND ELEMENTARY BUILDING FUND COBRA HIGH GENERAL HIGH TRANSPORTATION HIGH TECHNOLOGY FUND ACTIVITY BUS CO-CURRICULAR FEDERAL PROGRAMS $139,942.85 $32.23 $139,910.62 $1,074.60 $21,995.80 $85,127.88 TOTAL CLAIMS (400) LESS REIMBURSEMENTS GRAND TOTAL PAID THIS MONTH $688,285.24 $1,216.83 $21,995.80 $86,202.48 $1,565.07 $181,498.87 $1,565.07 $181,498.87 $37,446.89 $218.23 $26,927.52 $81,500.79 $10,951.81 $18,443.99 $399.00 $8,283.78 $72,908.16 $37,446.89 $218.23 $26,927.52 $81,390.79 $10,951.81 $18,443.99 $399.00 $8,283.78 $72,908.16 $110.00 $1,216.83 $687,068.41 $687,068.41 Note: A complete and detailed listing of the Payroll and Claims Warrants, Budget Transfers and Revenue Reports is on file in the Clerk’s Office and by this reference is made part of these minutes. Student Activity Fund Report from East Middle School (February 2014) Student Activity Fund Report from Butte High School (February 2014) Travel Requests o Doug Ruffier to New York City, NY on May 5-11, 2014 to Attend the Learning and the Brain Conference; Common Core o Susan Johnson to Nashville, TN on July 8-13, 2014 to Attend the National Elementary Principal Convention. Risser moved to approve, second by Hepola, motion carried. PERSONNEL Item 9 –Personnel Action Report – PAR – March 18, 2014 - Therese McClafferty BUTTE SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 1 PERSONNEL ACTION REPORT March 18, 2014 Name CLASSIFIED PERSONNEL Effective Assignment/Location 2401 APPOINTMENT: Lisa Lean-Anzik Judy Seymour Mary Torpey 04/01/14 04/01/14 03/19/14 Substitute Bus Driver Secretary, Margaret Leary Substitute Food Service Elizabeth Hash Cassandra Sholey Larson Aurelee Stanisich Alice Woodring Dennis Sullivan Patrick Doble Dennis Henderson Douglas McGinnis Lloyd Vires Rhonda Cross Johnette Smith Sandra Fisher 03/19/14 03/19/14 03/19/14 03/19/14 03/19/14 03/19/14 03/19/14 03/19/14 03/19/14 03/19/14 03/19/14 03/19/14 Yvonne Schelin 03/19/14 Substitute Clerical Substitute Clerical Substitute Clerical Substitute Clerical Substitute Engineer Substitute Bus Driver Substitute Bus Driver Substitute Bus Driver Substitute Bus Driver Substitute Cleaner Substitute Cleaner Substitute Monitor, Food Service Substitute Monitor, Food Service, Cleaner REMOVAL: RESIGNATION: Janice Gummer 03/10/14 Sharon Gustafson Aaryn Hayden Lisa Lean-Anzik Pam O’Leary William “Pat” Ryan Judy Seymour 02/24/14 03/13/14 03/17/14 02/28/14 02/28/14 03/31/14 Substitute Food Service, Bus Monitor Substitute Clerical Substitute Food Service Bus Driver Substitute Cleaner Substitute Engineer Playground Monitor, Margaret Leary CERTIFIED PERSONNEL LEAVE OF ABSENCE: Shawna Richards 2014/2015 School Year 4th Grade Teacher, Margaret Leary EXTENSION OF LEAVE: Laura Laramie 03/03/14-03/07/14 1st Grade Teacher, Emerson 03/19/14 03/19/14 03/19/14 03/19/14 03/19/14 03/19/14 ROCKIES Volunteer Coach ROCKIES Volunteer Coach ROCKIES Volunteer Coach Track Coach, East Football Coach, East Volunteer Assist. Softball Coach, BHS 03/19/14 03/19/14 03/19/14 03/19/14 03/19/14 03/19/14 Event Worker Event Worker Event Worker Event Worker Event Worker Event Worker SUPPLEMENTAL PERSONNEL APPOINTMENT: Elizabeth Carpenter Monique Duffy Donroy Loos Kabri Emerson James Humphrey Kalli McCloskey REMOVAL: Cheryl Atkins Sharon Batani Kody Carver Michelle Cavanaugh-Biggers Catherine Duffy Angela J. Richards 2402 William Shea 03/19/14 Event Worker 03/19/14 03/10/14 03/13/14 Assist. Wrestling Coach, BHS Assist. Football Coach, BHS Football Coach, East RESIGNATION: Cole Dallaserra James Humphrey Timothy Miller ADDITION TO SUBSTITUTE TEACHER LIST: Emma Ehret Lisa Gardner Sarah Grover Corinne Osendorf Shyla Reed 03/19/14 03/19/14 03/19/14 03/19/14 03/19/14 REMOVAL FROM SUBSTITUTE TEACHER LIST: Jake Amerman Susan Bleken Shantel Broadhead Erica Burgman John Butorovich Carly Cunningham Toni Dekal Shawna Gibson Jayme Grace Heather Lum Mike McClafferty Brendan McDonough Michelle Michelotti Jase Miller Skye Miner Benjamin Moser Christina Morris Zachary Osborne Kelsey Schofield Stacie Stosich Jeanette Welborne-Kopf Richard Whitlock 03/19/14 03/19/14 03/19/14 03/19/14 03/19/14 03/19/14 03/19/14 03/19/14 03/19/14 03/19/14 03/19/14 03/19/14 03/19/14 03/19/14 03/19/14 03/19/14 03/19/14 03/19/14 03/19/14 03/19/14 03/19/14 03/19/14 Wold moved to approve, second by Ries, motion carried. Item 10 – Approval of RSVP Contract for April 1-June 30, 2014 – Therese McClafferty Therese McClafferty requested Board approval of the RSVP Contract for the period April 1 – June 30, 2014; contingent on the continuation of the grant. The initial contract for this position was January 2 – March 31, 2014. Ms. McClafferty stated that this is an increase of $500.00 or 5%. Ries moved to approve, second by Risser, motion carried. Item 11 – Approval to Advertise and Hire Instructors for the 2013-14 Spring/Summer ROCKIES Academic and Enrichment Programs – Jim O’Neill Jim O’Neill requested Board approval to advertise and hire instructors for the 2013-14 spring/summer academic and enrichment programs. These positions will be funded through the 21st Century Learning Center Grants and Title I funds. Mr. O’Neill stated that the number of instructors will be determined by the student registration; which begins in April. Wold moved to approve, second by Risser, motion carried. 2403 Item 12 – Approval to Advertise and Hire for Adult Education – Summer School 2014 – Kathy Cannon Kathy Cannon requested Board approval to advertise for one (1) to three (3) Adult Basic Education teachers for summer school. The Adult Basic Education Summer Program would be a continuation of the Adult Basic Education program that the District currently offers. Funds for this program will come from the Adult Basic and Literacy Grant. Ms. Cannon shared that the program will be five (5) days per week and teachers’ hours will be 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. This session will begin on Monday, June 9th and conclude on Monday, June 30, 2014. Ries moved to approve, second by Hepola, motion carried. Item 13 – Approval to Advertise and Hire for the Elementary, Middle and High School Extended School Year (E.S.Y.) Program for 2014 – Kathy Cannon Kathy Cannon requested Board approval to advertise and hire for the Elementary, Middle and High School Extended School Year staff. This ESY program will be housed at the Butte High Career Center. Ms. Cannon stated that the actual number of positions hired in based on enrollment. The ESY Program will start on June 17th and conclude on July 31, 2014. The schedule will be 8:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m., Tuesday through Thursday. Funds for this program will come from the IDEA grant. Hepola moved to approve, second by Risser, motion carried. Item 14 – Approval to Advertise and Hire for the Middle/High School Summer Program – Kathy Cannon Kathy Cannon requested Board approval to advertise and hire for the Middle/High Summer School Program. These programs will concentrate on Math, Social Studies, and English/Reading. Middle school summer students must currently be enrolled and be referred by the principal. A high school student is eligible to take summer school courses if he/she is currently enrolled in school and has previously failed a Math, Social Studies or English class, credit is needed for graduation, and/or with permission from the principal. Ms. Cannon stated that the actual number of positions hired is based on enrollment. The High School Summer program will start on Monday, June 16th and will run through August 5, 2014. The Middle School will start on Monday, June 16th and will run through July 17, 2014. Wold moved to approve, second by Risser, motion carried. Item 15 – Approval to Advertise and Hire for the E.S.Y. (Extended School Year) Speech Program – Kathy Cannon Kathy Cannon requested Board approval to advertise and hire for the E.S.Y. (Extended School Year) speech program. The ESY program will be housed at the Butte High Career Center. Ms. Cannon shared that the funding for the ESY program will come from the IDEA grant. This program will start June 17th and conclude on July 31, 2014. The schedules will be from 8:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m., Tuesday and Wednesday. Ries moved to approve, second by Hepola, motion carried. Item 16 – Approval to Hire a Temporary Special Education Teacher – Kathy Cannon Kathy Cannon requested Board approval to hire a temporary special education teacher to provide services at Whittier Elementary for the remainder of the 2013/14 school year. 2404 Ms. Cannon stated that this position will be funded from the IDEA grant. Ries moved to approve, second by Ferguson, motion carried. Item 17 – Trustee Resolution Calling for An Election – Elementary District – J.R. Richardson J.R. Richardson stated that it is the District’s statutory obligation to call for an Election in the Elementary District for three (3) trustee seats for a three (3) year term and one trustee seat for a one (1) year term on May 6, 2014. Mr. Richardson reported that there is a section in the Resolution authorizing himself, as election administrator, to cancel the election if the number of candidates is less than or equal to the number of positions open. The deadline to file is March 27, 2014. Ries moved to approve, second by Risser, motion carried. Item 18 – Approval of Audit and Financial Statements for the 2012-2013 School Year – J.R. Richardson J.R. Richardson requested Board approval of the Audit and Financial Statements for the 20122013 school year. Mr. Richardson stated that the Audit report contains an unqualified opinion, meaning the financial statements fairly present the financial condition of the District. Mr. Richardson shared that there were no written recommendations; which is very good news for the taxpayers of this community and the employees of this District. A great deal of time and effort goes into the preparation of these statements and employees at every facility and position within the District are involved in these statements. Superintendent Jonart and Chairperson Boston complimented and thanked JR for his oversight of these statements and for another year of having no written comments in the report; which is the best report you can receive on the audit. Ries moved to approve, second by Risser, motion carried. Item 19 – Approval of Amendment to Memorandum of Understanding Between Butte School Distinct #1 and Tracey Orcutt, Mobility Specialist – Kathy Cannon Kathy Cannon requested Board approval of an amendment to the MOU between Butte School District #1 and Tracey Orcutt, Mobility Specialist. Ms. Cannon stated that per the IEP for K.L., a student at West Elementary, 300 minutes per week of mobility services are required. Therefore, the MOU has been amended to reflect the time necessary to provide the increase in services. Ms. Cannon shared that the District is reimbursed for these services from Medicaid. Ries moved to approve, second by Risser, motion carried. Item 20 – Approval of Grant Application and Award to Emerson Elementary from Exxon Mobile – Evonne Holman Superintendent Jonart requested approval of a grant application and award to Emerson Elementary from Exxon Mobile. Ms. Jonart shared that Emerson Elementary was a recipient of a $500.00 grant from the Exxon Mobile Corporation, Educational Alliance Program to be used to enhance the student’s learning. Wold moved to approve, second by Hepola, motion carried. 2405 Item 21 – 2nd Reading and Approval of Policy 3416; Forms F A-H; Epi-Pen Liability Release – Students – Administering Medicines to Students – Superintendent Jonart Superintendent Jonart stated that the changes on Policy 3416 and Forms A-H are in accordance with 20-5-421, Section 2, MCA. Each student occupied school will maintain a limited stock supply of autoinjectable epinephrine to be administered by the school nurse or other authorized personnel to a student or non student for perceived or actual anaphylaxis. Wold moved to approve, second by Risser, motion carried. Item 22 – 2nd Reading and Approval of Policy 3431 – Students – Emergency Treatment Superintendent Jonart Superintendent Jonart stated that the changes on Policy 3431are in accordance with 20-5-421, Section 2, MCA. Each school will maintain a stock supply of autoinjectable epinephrine to be administered by the school nurse or other authorized personnel to a student or non student as needed for actual or perceived anaphylaxis in accordance with Protocol 3416F-G. Ries moved to approve, second by Hepola, motion carried. Item 23 – Approval of Memorandum of Understanding Between Butte School District #1 and Butte-Silver Bow for the Purpose of Providing Improved Softball Fields for the Butte High Girls’ Softball Teams at Stodden Park – Chuck Merrifield Chuck Merrifield requested Board approval the MOU between Butte School District #1 and Butte-Silver Bow for the purpose of providing improved softball fields for the Butte High girls’ softball teams at Stodden Park. Ries moved to approve, second by Wold, motion carried. Item 24 – Approval of Mother Lode Use Agreement for Elementary Band Concert – Superintendent Jonart Superintendent Jonart requested Board approval of the Mother Lode Theatre Use Agreement. Ms. Jonart shared that the Mother Lode Theatre has graciously agreed to let the District hold its annual band concert in their theatre on Tuesday, May 20th at 7:00 p.m. The Mother Lode is not charging the District for rent; only a $500.00 fee for technical assistance and cleaning fee for sound, sound, curtains, etc. Ries moved to approve, second by Wold, motion carried. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the board, Trustee Ries moved to adjourn, second by Trustee Hepola, motion carried. Chairwoman Boston adjourned the meeting at 5:44 p.m. _______________________________ Chairwoman of Board of Trustees _________________________________ District Clerk Pj 2406 BUTTE SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 1 BOARD OF TRUSTEES REGULAR MEETING APRIL 21, 2014 The Board of Trustees held a Regular Meeting on Monday, April 21st at 5:00 p.m. at the School Administration Building with Vice-Chairman John Ries presiding. Trustees present: Patti Hepola, Scott Ferguson, Hilary Risser, and Debbie Shea. Absent: Trustees Linda Sorini Granger, Carol Wold and Ann Boston. Also present were: Judy Jonart, Superintendent, J.R. Richardson, Business Manager, and Therese McClafferty, Director of Human Resources. CALL TO ORDER AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE WELCOME AND DIRECTIONS FOR PUBLIC PARTICIPATION APPROVAL OF MINUTES Item 1 – Regular Board Meeting, March 18, 2014 Hepola moved to approve, second by Risser, motion carried. COMMUNICATIONS Item 2 – Urban Forest Board and MSU Extension Office Janel Madrazo and Kelly Anderson from the Urban Forest Board discussed Arbor Day (April 22nd). In celebration of Arbor Day; a tree is being donated to each of the schools to be planted by staff and students with the assistance of volunteers from the Urban Forest Board. Item 3- Policy 2158 – Instruction – Family Engagement Policy – 1st Reading – Superintendent Jonart Superintendent Jonart stated that this is the 1st Reading of Policy 2158 – Instruction – Family Engagement Policy. This is a new policy which is required by and based on new legislation. Item 4- Policy 5255 – Personnel – Disciplinary Action – 1st Reading – Therese McClafferty Therese McClafferty stated that this is the 1st Reading of Policy 5255 – Personnel – Disciplinary Action. The language was part of the ATU negotiations in which the District agreed to add the following language “when deemed appropriate by the District the principles of progressive discipline will be followed”. Item 5 – Public Comment On Items Not On Agenda Update from BHS Student Representative – Erin Olivieri Juniors have been testing for Common Core Juniors have ACT testing Speech and Debate PUP talks have been held at East Middle School Key Club has been providing Community Service with a lunch day at the local nursing homes BZAP is participating in their 1st annual parking lot clean-up J.R. Richardson requested that Trustees mark their calendar for a Special Board meeting to be held on Friday, May 9th at 12:00 noon. This meeting will be held to canvass votes from the May 6, 2014 election and also the swearing in and reorganization of Trustees. CONSENT AGENDA Item 6 – Consent Agenda Payroll, Claims & Budget Transfers & Revenue Reports (March 2014) 2407 Page #6 PAYROLL RECAP MONTH: MARCH 2014 DATE: APRIL 1, 2014 FUND TOTALS GRAND TOTAL ELEMENTARY GENERAL ELEMENTARY TRANSPORTATION FOOD SERVICE ELEMENTARY RETIREMENT ELEMENTARY ADULT EDUCATION MEDICAID SPECIAL SERVICES ELEMENTARY SICK LEAVE RESERVE HIGH GENERAL FUND HIGH TRANSPORTATION HIGH RETIREMENT HIGH ADULT EDUCATION BUS ACTIVITY HIGH CO-CURR ACTIVITIES FUND FEDERAL PROGRAMS $1,245,223.65 $54,049.93 $55,373.52 $181,602.63 $1,798.94 $6,436.89 $1,245,223.65 $54,049.93 $55,373.52 $181,602.63 $1,798.94 $6,436.89 $38.81 $717,840.15 $27,224.67 $109,406.92 $4,197.48 $7,523.53 $261,725.64 $38.81 $717,840.15 $27,224.67 $109,406.92 $4,197.48 $7,523.53 $1,152.40 $261,725.64 TOTAL CLAIMS (400) $2,672,442.76 $2,673,595.16 Page # 5 CLAIMS RECAP MONTH: MARCH 2014 DATE: APRIL 1, 2014 FUND TOTALS REIMBURSEMENTS GRAND TOTAL ELEMENTARY GENERAL ELEMENTARY TRANSPORTATION FOOD SERVICE ELEMENTARY ADULT EDUCATION MEDICAID SPECIAL SERVICES ELEMENTARY TECHNOLOGY FUND COBRA HIGH GENERAL HIGH TRANSPORTATION HIGH TECHNOLOGY FUND ACTIVITY BUS CO-CURRICULAR FEDERAL PROGRAMS $191,622.69 $25,256.15 $63,747.13 $145.13 TOTAL CLAIMS (400) LESS REIMBURSEMENTS GRAND TOTAL PAID THIS MONTH $854,769.70 $197.81 $854,571.89 $52.68 $191,477.56 $25,256.15 $63,694.45 $4.72 $297,210.36 $4.72 $297,210.36 $3,624.08 $26,934.68 $146,449.21 $12,876.78 $1,795.31 $116.00 $17,665.36 $67,467.23 $3,624.08 $26,934.68 $146,449.21 $12,876.78 $1,795.31 $116.00 $17,665.36 $67,467.23 $197.81 $854,571.89 Note: A complete and detailed listing of the Payroll and Claims Warrants, Budget Transfers and 2408 Revenue Reports is on file in the Clerk’s Office and by this reference is made part of these minutes. Student Activity Fund Report from East Middle School (March 2014) Travel Requests o Jami Humphrey to San Antonio, TX on May 13-16, 2014 to Attend the National Senior Corp. Conference o Doug Ruffier to Washington, D.C. on April 28-May 1, 2014 to Attend the Poetry Out Loud National Competition Risser moved to approve, second by Shea, motion carried. PERSONNEL Item 9 –Personnel Action Report – PAR – April 21, 2014 - Therese McClafferty BUTTE SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 1 PERSONNEL ACTION REPORT April 21, 2014 Name Effective Assignment/Location 04/22/14 04/22/14 05/01/14 Substitute Engineer Substitute Food Service Bus Driver 06/09/14 06/09/14 Head Cook, West Cook’s Helper, West Carol Osborne 04/01/14 Eric Zwicke 04/30/14 Substitute Monitor, Food Service Substitute Bus Driver 03/31/14 - 04/22/14 04/02/14 - 04/11/14 03/03/14 - 05/23/14 Cook’s Helper, BHS Cook’s Helper, East Playground Monitor, West 04/02/14-06/06/14 04/01/14-06/06/14 04/03/14-06/06/14 05/19/14 05/19/14 05/19/14 05/19/14 05/19/14 05/19/14 05/19/14 05/19/14 05/19/14 05/19/14 05/19/14 Temp. LSS, Whittier Temp. LSS, West Temp. LSS, BHCC Driver Ed Instructor Driver Ed Instructor Driver Ed Instructor Driver Ed Instructor Driver Ed Instructor Driver Ed Instructor Driver Ed Instructor Driver Ed Instructor Driver Ed Instructor Driver Ed Instructor Driver Ed Instructor CLASSIFIED PERSONNEL APPOINTMENT: Mark Heard Nancy Henderson Eric Zwicke RETIREMENT: Marsha Anderson Judy Kramer RESIGNATION: LEAVE OF ABSENCE: Kim Bengtson Vickie Haller Suzanne Nalivka CERTIFIED PERSONNEL APPOINTMENT: Kristine Kuntz Sara Simmons Bryce Willis Brian Anderson Jeff Arntson Daniel Blaskovich Denise Bordeleau Terri Daily Kim Dixon Dean Gransbery Rich Hawe Travis Johnson Eric Mankins Patty Sayler 2409 Colleen Schulte Kyle Stenson 05/19/14 05/19/14 Driver Ed Instructor Driver Ed Instructor 03/21/14 06/06/14 Temp. Science Teacher, East School Psychologist, District 03/28/14-06/06/14 03/31/14-06/06/14 PE Teacher, District 6th Grade Teacher, Whittier 04/22/14 04/22/14 04/22/14 04/22/14 04/22/14 04/22/14 04/22/14 04/22/14 04/22/14 04/22/14 04/22/14 Volunteer Volunteer Volunteer Volunteer Volunteer Volunteer Volunteer Volunteer Volunteer Volunteer Volunteer John Cheek George M. Foley 04/11/14 04/22/14 George M. Foley Mary LeFever 06/06/14 06/06/14 Roger Willhite 06/06/14 Assistant Track Coach, BHS Volleyball Coach, Girls’ & Boys’ Basketball Coach, East Boys’ Track Coach, East Department Chair, Bus/FACS/IT, BHS Assist. Football Coach, BHS RESIGNATION: William Hildebrandt Cynthia Jones EXTENSION OF LEAVE: Keli Renz-Coffing Michaela Tomsheck SUPPLEMENTAL PERSONNEL APPOINTMENT: Mark Dauenhauer Susanne Dauenhauer Gary Ericson Mary Kaye Ericson Brandi Field Jennifer Gallagher Casey McGruder Keith Ogolin Margaret Osmun David Robins Tami Farabee RESIGNATION: ADDITION TO SUBSTITUTE TEACHER LIST: Melissa Turner Katelyn Peaslee 04/22/14 04/22/14 Hepola moved to approve, second by Risser, motion carried. Item 8 – Approval of 2014-2015 School Calendar – Superintendent Jonart Superintendent Jonart requested Board approval of the 2014-2015 School Calendar which was developed by a committee consisting of Trustees, Administrators and Teachers. Note: A copy of the 2014-2015 School District #1 Calendar is on file in the Clerk’s Office and by this reference is made part of these minutes. Hepola moved to approve, second by Risser, motion carried. Item 9 – Approval of Three Year Rate Commitment to Renew with the Montana Schools Property and Liability Plan – J.R. Richardson J.R. Richardson requested Board approval of a three-year commitment to renew the District’s insurance with the Montana Schools Property and Liability Plan. This commitment would enroll the District in this plan through June 30, 2017 and guarantee that the annual renewal rate increase will not exceed 6% in any one-year, with the exception of the three instances detailed in the commitment acknowledgment as follows: 2410 1. An increase in property values, addition of vehicles or other coverage increases; 2. A loss ratio of in excess of 50%; or a claim in excess of $200,000 or three times your annual premium, whichever is less; and 3. The inability of the insurance carrier to obtain reinsurance due to a national catastrophe. Hepola moved to approve, second by Risser, motion carried. Item 10 – Approval of Election Judges for the May 6, 2014 School Election J.R. Richardson requested Board approval of the following Election Judges for the May 6, 2014 School Election: Andrews, Suzanne Bertoglio, Rich Burger, Bill Chamberlin, Frances Davis, Ferne Downey, Geraldine Fitzpatrick, Mary Lou Fletcher, Kaitlin Gilbert, Sharon Granvold, Dietra Granvold, Ted Hampa, Don Hanni, Sharon Hemmert, Darla Herman, Ann Horne, LaVerne Johnson, Eva Lacey, Mitzi Leary, Margaret Murphy, Joan Noctor, Willene Nutter, Linda Overman, Darlene Quilliam, Loren Rahn, Beverly Ralph, Bill Richard, Anita Riley, Betty Ruark, Tom Rupert, Helaine Satterly, Linda Sharkey, Bill Sharkey, Shirley Sida, Doc Simonich, Liz Sprague, Nancy Stanisich, Aurelee Stromseth, Carol Sullivan, Kathleen Williams, Jeananne Winnick, Linda Wolahan, Linda Zbitnoff, Beryl 2362 Hepola moved to approve, second by Shea, motion carried. Item 11 – Approval of Hawthorne Lease Extension – Jed Hoopes Jed Hoopes requested Board approval to extend the Lease Agreement with the Hawthorne Community Center Association (HCCA). The new Lease Agreement will begin on the 1st day of June, 2014 and end on the 31st day of May, 2017 and will be subject and conditioned on the provisions of this Lease. Risser moved to approve, second by Shea, motion carried. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the board, Trustee Hepola moved to adjourn, second by Trustee Ferguson, motion carried. Vice-Chairman Ries adjourned the meeting at 5:29 p.m. _______________________________ Chairwoman of Board of Trustees _________________________________ District Clerk Pj 2363 BUTTE SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 1 BOARD OF TRUSTEES REGULAR MEETING MAY 19, 2014 The Board of Trustees held a Regular Meeting on Monday, May 19th at 5:00 p.m. at the School Administration Building with Chairwoman Ann Boston presiding. Trustees present: Linda Granger, Patti Hepola, John Ries, Debbie Shea, Carol Wold and Eddie Zimpel. Absent: Trustee Scott Ferguson. Also present were: Judy Jonart, Superintendent, J.R. Richardson, Business Manager, and Therese McClafferty, Director of Human Resources. CALL TO ORDER AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE WELCOME AND DIRECTIONS FOR PUBLIC PARTICIPATION APPROVAL OF MINUTES Item 1 – Regular Board Meeting, April 21, 2014 Item 2 – Special Board Meeting – May 9, 2014 Wold moved to approve, second by Ries, motion carried. COMMUNICATIONS Item 3 – Whittier Elementary Presentation with Recognitions JP Gallagher shared the following information regarding Whittier Elementary for 2013-2014: Reading: • • • Math: • • • 91% of all students in grades 3-6 scored proficient or advanced on the 2012-13 MontCAS assessment 74% of students in grades 3-6 scored proficient or advanced 12 years ago Reading scores increased 17% 75% of all students in grades 3-6 scored proficient or advanced on the 2012-13 MontCAS assessment 58% of students in grades 3-6 scored proficient or advanced 12 years ago. Math scores increased 17% Whittier Striving Readers Grant: Grant Program - 7 Components • Leadership • Standards • Instruction and Intervention • Assessment and Data based Decision Making • Professional Development • System Wide Commitment • Community and Family Involvement 4 Processes • • • • Self-Assessment Phases of Implementation (Exploring, Implementing, Sustaining) Action Plan Continuous Improvement Cycle Program Goals • The goal of The Montana Striving Reader’s Project (MSRP) is to dramatically improve literacy and writing achievement for all students and to provide support systems for school districts. • The grant stresses high-quality, engaging literacy instruction for children, and the schoolwide implementation of data-driven decision-making processes to assess the effectiveness of literacy programs on student achievement. 2364 Benefits • Professional Development • Resources for staff and curriculum • Data to support instruction • Opportunity to be a model for schools in Montana and beyond Goals • Professional Development • Resources for staff and curriculum • Data to support instruction • Opportunity to be a model for schools in Montana and beyond MSRP Requirements • ISIP, Screening and Progress Monitoring every two weeks • MY Access! • i-Walkthrough • Teacher Videos for Self Reflection • Evidence Based Curriculum Student Achievement: – The teachers and staff at Whittier have been holding PLC meetings all school year in each grade level once a week to analyze data from the core curriculum and all of our areas of assessments which include Dibels, Maze, ISIP, EAROBICS, Success Maker, and MAPS testing, and comparative results of MontCas testing from last year. – Whittier Striving Readers Grant has added more meeting time with teachers. The SRG leadership team meets once a week on Tuesdays after school for 2 hours. The whole teaching staff has SRG meetings for one hour every Thursday after school. These meeting are to work in grade levels or whole group to go over the requirements of the grant or professional development. – The SRG requires myself or the reading coach to do 3 -5 minute walk-throughs in the classrooms. At last count we have achieved over 1,000 walk-throughs. Organization/Communication/Support Whittier School has a very collaborative approach to involving community members in our school. • The evidence of the collaboration is shown everyday by the number of community volunteers, parents, grandparents, RSVP members, former principal & teachers, and local community members that come read &time students, distribute our fluoride program, and help monitor our students every day. Without the support of our volunteers it would be nearly impossible to run all our programs without them. • Communication is done at a minimum on a weekly basis through our Whittier Weekly sent home to all parents and guardians and posted on the website. • The WPTO meets once a month to discuss fundraising, volunteering and organizing events at the school. The principal and at least one teacher attend all meetings to facilitate and update any information needed about the happenings of the school. • An exciting project that involve the school and Whittier community is the Wildcat Garden. The Wildcat Garden is located in the old ice skating rink area. This will create an outdoor living classroom for our students and staff. Item 4 - Recognition of School Nutrition Services Staff by OPI for their length of service to the District – Mark Harrison Mark Harrison, Director of Central Services, gave recognition to the following employees for their many years of dedicated service to the Butte School District. Superintendent Denise Juneau sent certificates to these employees to celebrate their length of service and dedication: Tina Lazzari – 30 years Marsha Anderson – 20 years Karen Marinos – 26 years Mark stated “Tina, Marsha and Karen’s dedication are shining examples to the rest of the School Nutrition Services staff and I am proud and honored to have worked with them for the past eight years”. Item 5 - OCR Update – Chuck Merrifield Chuck Merrifield provided a copy of the U.S. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights (OCR) completed review pursuant to the reporting provisions of the Voluntary Resolution 2365 Agreement. The report was completed after OCR staff conducted an on-site visit in September of 2013 that included a thorough inspection of all athletic facilities. Mr. Merrifield read the following from the report: The district understands that OCR will not close the monitoring of this agreement until OCR determines that the recipient has fulfilled the terms of this agreement as is in compliance with the regulation implementing Title IX, at 34 CFR 106.41(c), with respect to the issue in this case. Mr. Merrifield thanked JR Richardson, Ann Boston, Judy Jonart and John Ries and requested that a committee be developed to review the maintenance and upgrades of the facilities. Chairperson Boston thanked Mr. Merrifield for all of his hard work. Note: A copy of the U.S. Department OCR Completed Review is on file in the Clerk’s Office and by this reference is made part of these minutes. Item 6 – Update from Student Representative – Erin Olivieri Butte High School Student Representative, Erin Olivieri reported the following: Butte High School students are wrapping up the year with finals in the next two weeks. Girls and Boys State are headed to Helena. Ms. Olivieri shared student concerns regarding the availability of Honors AP classes for students; sharing that students would like to take all five and scheduling at this time does not allow students to take all classes. Ms. Olivieri has asked for the help of the Trustees to look into this for the students. Mr. Kissell gave a special “hats off” to Erin for the WOLF Project; which was presented to every 6th grade student in the district at West Elementary. Mr. Kissell shared that with Erin’s lead; the project went off without a hitch! Item 7 – Public Comment On Items Not On Agenda Chairperson Boston shared the following thank you card: Thank you all for donating your Arbor Day trees back to the Urban Forestry Board! These trees will be added to the landscape here in Butte and will be appreciated for years and generations to come! Thank you! Kellee Anderson, MSU Extension Agent, Urban Forestry Board, Parks and Recreation Chairperson Boston also reminded all of the Elementary Music Concert tomorrow evening at 7:00 p.m. at the Mother Lode Theatre. CONSENT AGENDA Item 8 – Consent Agenda Payroll, Claims & Budget Transfers & Revenue Reports (April 2014) Page #6 MONTH: APRIL 2014 DATE: MAY 2, 2014 PAYROLL RECAP 2366 FUND TOTALS GRAND TOTAL ELEMENTARY GENERAL ELEMENTARY TRANSPORTATION FOOD SERVICE ELEMENTARY RETIREMENT ELEMENTARY ADULT EDUCATION MEDICAID SPECIAL SERVICES ELEMENTARY SICK LEAVE RESERVE HIGH GENERAL FUND HIGH TRANSPORTATION HIGH RETIREMENT HIGH ADULT EDUCATION HIGH SICK LEAVE RESERVE BUS ACTIVITY HIGH CO-CURRICULAR FUND FEDERAL PROGRAMS $1,261,281.99 $1,261,281.99 $57,446.62 $62,035.86 $187,009.90 $57,446.62 $62,035.86 $187,009.90 $18,811.94 $6,436.89 $18,811.94 $6,436.89 $375.18 $654,259.76 $28,942.52 $93,536.24 $4,197.48 $187.55 $7,438.12 $2,256.95 $272,966.75 $375.18 $654,259.76 $28,942.52 $93,536.24 $4,197.48 $187.55 $7,438.12 $2,256.95 $272,966.75 TOTAL CLAIMS (400) GRAND TOTAL PAID THIS MONTH $2,657,183.75 $2,657,183.75 Page # 5 $2,657,183.75 CLAIMS RECAP MONTH: APRIL 2014 DATE: MAY 2, 2014 TOTALS REIMBURSEMENTS GRAND TOTAL ELEMENTARY GENERAL ELEMENTARY TRANSPORTATION FOOD SERVICE ELEMENTARY ADULT EDUCATION MEDICAID SPECIAL SERVICES COBRA HIGH GENERAL HIGH TRANSPORTATION HIGH TRAFFIC EDUCATION ACTIVITY BUS CO-CURRICULAR FEDERAL PROGRAMS $331,464.87 $43.03 $331,421.84 $154.00 $16,234.74 $62,140.88 TOTAL CLAIMS (400) LESS REIMBURSEMENTS GRAND TOTAL PAID THIS MONTH $926,127.66 $197.03 FUND $16,234.74 $62,294.88 $1,230.34 $175,806.69 $26,503.03 $137,036.85 $8,020.06 $5,106.32 $416.00 $32,334.83 $129,679.05 $1,230.34 $175,806.69 $26,503.03 $137,036.85 $8,020.06 $5,106.32 $416.00 $32,334.83 $129,679.05 $197.03 $925,930.63 $925,930.63 Note: A complete and detailed listing of the Payroll and Claims Warrants, Budget Transfers and 2367 Revenue Reports is on file in the Clerk’s Office and by this reference is made part of these minutes. Student Activity Fund Report from East Middle School (April 2014) Student Activity Fund Report from Butte High School (March 2014) Travel Requests o Denise Bordeleau to Kansas City, MO on June 23-28, 2014 to Attend the National Skills USA Conference Hepola moved to approve, second by Wold, motion carried. PERSONNEL Item 9 –Personnel Action Report – PAR – May 19, 2014 - Therese McClafferty BUTTE SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 1 PERSONNEL ACTION REPORT May 19, 2014 Name Effective Assignment/Location Robert Kocher Jo Foley 05/20/14 06/17/14-7/31/14 Mark Tallon 06/17/14-7/31/14 Joan Carelli 06/17/14-7/31/14 Danene Petritz 06/17/14-7/31/14 Substitute Engineer ESY Summer School Monitor, BHCC ESY Summer School Monitor, BHCC ESY Summer School Monitor, BHCC ESY Summer School Monitor, BHCC CLASSIFIED PERSONNEL APPOINTMENT: LEAVE OF ABSENCE: Michele Gelling Kim Bengtson 05/12/14-07/07/14 Cleaner, Hillcrest intermittent – 6/05/14 Cook’s Helper, BHS RESIGNATION: 05/30/14 04/17/14 05/12/14 Cook’s Helper/Server, East Substitute Cleaner Playground Monitor, West 06/05/14 Bus Driver Judy Bryant 06/07/14 Brenda Floreen 06/07/14 Brenda Miner 08/13/14 Department Chair, BUS/FACS/IT, BHS National Honor Society Advisor, BHS Elementary Principal, Emerson Barbara Flanick Joseph Gavigan Suzanne Nalivka RETIREMENT: Millan Rakich CERTIFIED PERSONNEL APPOINTMENT: 2368 Jennifer Liva 08/27/14 Raena Cleveland Rochelle Garrison 05/16/14-06/06/14 05/09/14-06/05/14 Amanda Williams Susan Cotton 05/09/14-06/06/14 06/16/14-08/05/14 Krystin Mengon 06/16/14-08/05/14 Tom Quinn 06/16/14-08/05/14 Kristina Mengon 06/16/14-08/05/14 Chris Fisk 06/16/14-08/05/14 Rick Rowling 06/16/14-08/05/14 Dorothy Joyce 06/16/14-08/05/14 Melissa Johnson 06/16/14-07/17/14 Karen Alley 06/16/14-07/17/14 Rochelle Ryan 06/16/14-07/17/14 Margie Willhite 06/16/14-07/17/14 Patrick Shawn Maloughney 06/09/14-06/30/14 Becky Fisk 06/09/14-06/30/14 Denise Smith 06/17/14-07/31/14 Kelci Thatcher 06/17/14-07/31/14 Pat Worrell 06/17/14-07/31/14 Joe Lester 06/17/14-07/31/14 Terry Faulkner 06/17/14-07/31/14 Josh Schad 06/17/14-07/31/14 Julie Lally 06/17/14-07/31/14 Kaila Sullivan 06/17/14-07/31/14 Ann Ellingwood 06/17/14-07/31/14 Bryan Arntson 07/08/14-07/24/14 Amie Badovinac Amie Badovinac Becky Booth Becky Booth 06/10/14-06/26/14 07/08/14-07/24/14 07/15/14-07/24/14 07/08/14-07/17/14 Pam Cunningham Connie Daily Sherry Flamand Chrissie Harper Erna Houchin 07/08/14-07/24/14 06/10/14-06/26/14 07/08/14-07/24/14 07/08/14-07/24/14 07/08/14-07/24/14 TSA - Elementary Reading Coach Temp. 6th Grade, Whittier Temp. Reading/Math Teacher, West Temp. Science Teacher, East BHS Credit Recovery, English Teacher BHS Credit Recovery, English Teacher BHS Credit Recovery, Math Teacher BHS Credit Recovery, Math Teacher BHS Credit Recovery, Social Studies/History Teacher BHS Credit Recovery, Social Studies/History Teacher BHS Credit Recovery, Special Ed Teacher Middle Summer School Teacher Middle Summer School Teacher Middle Summer School Teacher Middle Summer School Teacher Adult Ed Summer School Teacher Adult Ed Summer School Teacher ESY Summer School Teacher ESY Summer School Teacher ESY Summer School Teacher ESY Summer School Teacher ESY Summer School Teacher ESY Summer School Teacher ESY Speech Therapy Program, Speech Aide ESY Speech Therapy Program, Speech Aide ESY Speech Therapy Program, Speech Aide 21st Century – K-6 Healthy Kids 21st Century – Reading 21st Century – Math 21st Century – 4-6 Robotics 21st Century – K-3 Techno Camp 21st Century – Jumpstart 21st Century – Reading 21st Century – Jumpstart 21st Century – Math 21st Century – Jumpstart 2369 Chad Jonart 07/08/14-07/24/14 Chad Jonart 06/06/14-06/20/14 Deanna Kelly Deanna Kelly Kathleen D. Kennis Kathleen D. Kennis Cheryl McLaughlin Cheryl McLaughlin Marian Paull 06/10/14-06/26/14 07/08/14-07/24/14 06/10/14-06/26/14 07/08/14-07/24/14 06/10/14-06/26/14 07/08/14-07/24/14 07/08/14-07/24/14 Amanda Richardson Amanda Richardson 07/08/14-07/24/14 07/22/14-07/24/14 Amanda Richardson 07/08/14-07/17/14 Laurie Rossberg 07/08/14-07/24/14 Ruthellen Ruppel 07/08/14-07/17/14 Meghan Schulte Meghan Schulte 06/10/14-06/26/14 07/22/14-07/24/14 Meghan Schulte 07/08/14-07/17/14 Steve Schulte 07/08/14-07/24/14 Steve Schulte 06/09/14-06/20/14 Amber Walker 07/08/14-07/24/14 21st Century – K-6 Healthy Kids 21st Century – 3-8 Health Enrichment 21st Century – Reading 21st Century – Math 21st Century – Reading 21st Century – Math 21st Century – Reading 21st Century – Math 21st Century – K-6 Healthy Kids 21st Century – Jumpstart 21st Century - Camp Can I Cook 21st Century – Apprentice Chefs 21st Century – K-6 Healthy Kids 21st Century – K-3 Artist on Campus 21st Century – Reading 21st Century – Camp Can I Cook 21st Century – Apprentice Chefs 21st Century – K-6 Healthy Kids 21st Century – 3-8 Health Enrichment 21st Century - Math LEAVE OF ABSENCE: Jennifer Hope 08/27/14-11/19/14 Shannon Powers 08/27/14-10/31/14 21st Century Instructional Specialist 6th Grade Teacher, Whittier RESIGNATION: Amanda Curtis 06/06/14 Brenda Miner Jennifer Liva 06/06/14 06/06/14 National Honor Society Advisor, BHS Reading Coach, Whittier 4th Grade Teacher, West SUPPLEMENTAL PERSONNEL APPOINTMENT: Jason McClafferty 05/20/14 ADDITION TO SUBSTITUTE TEACHER LIST: Bonnie Worrell 05/20/14 REMOVAL FROM SUBSTITUTE TEACHER LIST: Micaul Bosch 05/14/14 Volunteer, Birch Creek, Hillcrest 2370 Wold moved to approve, second by Hepola, motion carried. Item 10 – Approval of Non-Renewal Notification “Exhibit A” – Superintendent Jonart Exhibit “A” Non-Renewal (2014) Non-Tenured Kelley, Sherry Temporary Biastoch, Maria Boyle, Casey Cleveland, Raena Conway, Kelsey Dennehy, Casey Garrison, Rochelle Grey, Heidi Hansen, Roni Honzel, Stephen Kuntz, Kristine Nashiem, Heather L. Richardson, Amanda Simmons, Sara Simon-Perala, Karla Smith, Denise Trang, Sarah Waterman, Kathryn Williams, Amanda Willis, Bryce Speech Pathologist Trainee Ellingwood, Ann Fitzpatrick, Terra Lally, Julie Sullivan, Kaila Hepola moved to approve, second by Granger, motion carried. Item 11 – Approval of 2014-2015 Staffing Plan – Therese McClafferty 2371 Wold moved to approve, second by Ries, motion carried. Item 12 – Approval of Non-Union Contracts – Therese McClafferty Therese McClafferty requested Approval of the 2014-2015 Contracts for the following NonUnion employees: Maureen Bowman Cathy Cashell Connie Hepola Zackary Horne Pam Jeffery Judy Jonart William Klapwyk Therese McClafferty Rene O’Leary Susan Patacini Jack Richardson Information Support Specialist Information Specialist Payroll Supervisor Information Support Specialist Admin Assistant to the Board/District Clerk Superintendent Network Systems Specialist Director of Human Resources Administrative Assistant to the HR Director Administrative Assistant to the Superintendent Director of Business Affairs Ms. McClafferty stated that these contracts include an adjustment to wages (base pay) at 1.5% for the 2014-2015 contract year and the applied experience factor. Wold moved to approve, second by Granger, motion carried. 2372 Item 13 – Approval of RSVP Contract – Therese McClafferty Therese McClafferty requested Board approval of the contract for Jami Humphrey, RSVP. Ms. McClafferty stated that this is a nine month contract to follow the grant year, which concludes at the end of March each year. Shea moved to approve, second by Granger, motion carried. Item 14 – Approval of the Drivers Education Director Contract for the 2014 Program – Therese McClafferty Therese McClafferty requested Board approval of the annual contract for the Driver Education Director, John Metz. Ms. McClafferty stated that the Director is paid a stipend of $7,500.00 for the 2014 program, which has two sessions available to students. The sessions run from approximately May 19th through July 25, 2014. Ries moved to approve, second by Wold, motion carried. Item 15 – Approval to Hire a Teacher on Special Assignment for Attendance Officer – John Metz Superintendent Jonart (in John Metz’ absence) requested Board approval to hire a replacement for the BHS Attendance Officer as this position would be a teacher on special assignment. Char Davis is currently in the position; but will be retiring at the end of the school year. Chairperson Boston asked if this would be opened only to BHS teachers. Superintendent Jonart stated that she would have to get together with Mr. Metz on requirements. Trustee Ries shared that he was apprehensive of this position as the District is constantly looking for ways to serve students in a better light. In the past, these duties were handled by the Dean and teachers. Mr. Ries stated that he was apprehensive to say that this was a necessary position and the money could be far better used for students in classrooms. Trustee Shea asked what impact this position has had on the graduation rate. Superintendent Jonart stated that the graduation rate has increased due to Char Davis as the Attendance Officer and a mentor; making calls, followups, etc. She has been a success with these students. The Butte High Graduation Coach has also played a real part in increasing the graduation rate. Superintendent Jonart stated that she is a proponent of this position due to the work of Char Davis. Trustee Ries shared that the District is facing a $400,000.00 cut next year and feels this is not a good time to create a teacher on special assignment position. J.R. Richardson stated “based on this year’s lack of growth; the District will be depending on the Legislature for funding and that is a risk”. Trustee Ries stated that he would like to be provided statistics. Trustee Granger asked how this teacher would be chosen and also who would choose the teacher. J.R. Richardson stated that if this position was approved; he would need a specific start date. Is it when Char Davis leaves? 2373 Superintendent Jonart said she believed that it was the intent to have this completed before the 2nd Job Fair and that the position would be effective when Char retires. Trustee Ries said “kudos to Char Davis; but there is no guarantee to have another person like Char Davis”. Trustee Granger asked why this is not going to the job fair. Chairperson Boston stated “because it is a teacher on special assignment”. Trustee Hepola stated that the Trustees should look at data prior to making decision on this position. Shea moved to approve, second by Wold. Hepola made a substitute motion to table this agenda item until more information is provided to Trustees; Ries seconded, motion carried. Nay: Trustee Wold Item 16 – Approval to Hire One (1) Temporary Substitute Para-Educator – Kathy Cannon Kathy Cannon requested Board approval to hire one temporary substitute Para-Educator for the remainder of the 2013/14 school year due to increased enrollment at Emerson Elementary. This position will be Monday-Friday from 12:00-3:00 p.m. The increased cost to the IDEA grant will be approximately $850.00. Hepola moved to approve, second by Wold, motion carried. Item 17 – Approval of Memorandum of Understanding Between Butte School District #1 and the Amalgamated Transit Union covering the Monitors and Paraprofessionals – Therese McClafferty Therese McClafferty requested Board approval of the correction of a typo in the Amalgamated Transit Union contract covering the Monitors and Paraprofessionals. The recently printed Collective Bargaining Agreement booklet for September 1, 2013 through August 31, 2015 contains a typo at the bottom of page 5; the column headings on page 5 under Article IX – Wages should be applicable to the dates of the contract. The first one is correct, listing Effective 9/1/13, but the second one should read Effective 9/1/14. Wold moved to approve, second by Ries, motion carried. Item 18 – Approval of the 2014-2015 Board of Trustees Regular Meeting Calendar – Superintendent Jonart Superintendent Jonart requested Board approval of the 2014-2015 Board of Trustees Regular meeting calendar. Ries moved to approve, second by Granger, motion carried. Item 19 – Approval of the 2013-2014 ESY (Extended School Year) Contract Between Butte School District #1 and Marnie Prigge, Summer Speech & Language Pathologist – Kathy Cannon Kathy Cannon requested Board approval of the contract between Butte School District #1 and contracted Speech & Language Pathologist, Marnie Prigge for the 2013-2014 ESY (Extended School Year) Speech Therapy Program. This position is funded through IDEA. Ries moved to approve, second by Wold, motion carried. 2374 Item 20 – Approval of Contracts from Western Montana Mental Health and Acadia for Comprehensive School and Community Treatment (CSCT) Services for the 2014-2015 School Year – Kathy Cannon Kathy Cannon requested Board approval of the Contracts between Butte School District #1, Western Montana Mental Health Center (WMMHC) and Acadia Healthcare for the 2014-2015 school year. Ms. Cannon stated there is an amendment to the signature page; changing to Superintendent Jonart. Hepola moved to approve with amendment to signature page, second by Ries, motion carried. Item 21 – Approval of the Montana High School Association Dues and Fees for the 20142015 School Year – Chuck Merrifield Chuck Merrifield requested Board approval of the annual MHSA dues and fees and catastrophic liability insurance for 2014-2015. Wold moved to approve, second by Zimpel, motion carried. Item 22 – Approval of the Sport Medicine Services Agreement Between Butte School District #1 and St. James Healthcare for the Period Ending May 31, 2015 – Chuck Merrifield Chuck Merrifield requested Board approval to extend the District’s existing contract between Butte School District #1 and Montana Sports Medicine for the 2014-2015 school year. The cost for two trainers is $37,000, plus $2,000 to cover additional services. Ries moved to approve, second by Granger, motion carried. Item 23 – Approval of Trash Removal Contract Between Butte School District #1 and McGree Trucking – Jed Hoopes Jed Hoopes requested Board approval of a Contract between Butte School District #1 and McGree Trucking for trash removal from July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015. The contract includes garbage removal at all required School District Building sites. Ries moved to approve, second by Granger, motion carried. Item 24 – Approval of the Kindergarten Age Requirement – Susan Johnson Susan Johnson requested Board approval for a student to be allowed to attend Kindergarten in the Butte School District during 2014-2015 school year by waiving the current age requirement of needing to be five years old by September 10, 2014. Ms. Johnson stated that the school believes it is in the best interest of the student to attend kindergarten this school year. Ries moved to approve, second by Wold, motion carried. Item 25 – Approval of Annual Membership to the Montana Quality Education Coalition – Superintendent Jonart Superintendent Jonart requested Board approval of the annual membership to the Montana Quality Education Coalition (MQEC). The mission of the MQEC is to help develop a permanent, reliable, predictable funding system for Montana’s K-12 public schools. Ms. Jonart shared that the membership is $4,000.00 and will be paid through the legal services fund. Wold moved to approve, second by Ries, motion carried. 2375 Item 26 – Approval of Award from the Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks to East Middle School in the Amount of $600.00 – Larry Driscoll Larry Driscoll requested Board approval of the $600.00 grant award from the Montana Wild Transportation and Lodging Grant. This grant will cover transportation costs for a field trip to Helena by East Middle School’s Team C during the fall of 2014. Hepola moved to approve, second by Shea, motion carried. Item 27 – Approval to Apply for a Grant through PPL of Montana for Schoolyard Garden at West Elementary Pat Kissell requested Board approval to apply for a grant through PPL of Montana to establish a garden in the West Elementary courtyard. The Grant will provide for native species to attract pollinators, edible species for health enhancement and opportunities for classrooms to use the garden as a life science curriculum enhancement. Ries moved to approve, second by Granger, motion carried. Item 28 – Approval to Apply for a Grant through the Butte Education Foundation to Purchase Digital Audiobooks – Pat Kissell Pat Kissell requested Board approval to apply for a grant through the Butte Education Foundation to Purchase Digital Audiobooks. Audiobooks strengthen listening skills of visual learners and enhance the reading experience for reluctant readers. Ries moved to approved, second by Zimpel, motion carried. Item 29 – Approval to Participate in the New USDA/OPI Community Eligibility Provision for School Meals – Mark Harrison Mark Harrison requested Board approval to participate in the new USDA/OPI Community Eligibility Provision for School Meals. Mr. Harrison shared that the District received a letter from OPI Superintendent Denise Juneau informing them that two schools (West and Kennedy Elementary) had been selected to participate in the new Community Eligibility Provision for School Meals. This provision allows schools with a direct certification rate of over 40% to serve free meals to all students for breakfast and lunch. The families at these schools would not have to fill out any applications and would receive free meals. The District would be reimbursed at 1.6 times the amount of students eligible by direct certification as free and any additional students would be reimbursed at the full paid student rate. Ries moved to approve, motion by Hepola, motion carried. Item 30 – 2nd Reading and Approval of Policy 2158 – Instruction – Family Engagement Policy – Superintendent Jonart Superintendent Jonart stated that this is the 2nd reading for Policy 2158 – Instruction – Family Engagement and asked for Board approval. Wold moved to approve, second by Granger, motion carried. Item 31 – 2nd Reading and Approval of Policy 5255 – Personnel – Disciplinary Action – Therese McClafferty Therese McClafferty stated that this is the 2nd reading for Policy 5255 – Personnel – Disciplinary Action and asked for Board approval. Ries moved to approve, second by Wold, motion carried. 2376 ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the board, Trustee Ries moved to adjourn, second by Trustee Granger, motion carried. Chairwoman Boston adjourned the meeting at 6:16 p.m. _______________________________ Chairwoman of Board of Trustees _________________________________ District Clerk Pj 2377 BUTTE SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 1 BOARD OF TRUSTEES REGULAR MEETING JUNE 16, 2014 The Board of Trustees held a Regular Meeting on Monday, June 16th at 5:00 p.m. at the School Administration Building with Chairwoman Ann Boston presiding. Trustees present: Scott Ferguson, Linda Granger, Patti Hepola, John Ries, Debbie Shea, Carol Wold and Eddie Zimpel. Also present were: Judy Jonart, Superintendent, J.R. Richardson, Business Manager, and Therese McClafferty, Director of Human Resources. CALL TO ORDER AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE WELCOME AND DIRECTIONS FOR PUBLIC PARTICIPATION APPROVAL OF MINUTES Item 1 – Regular Board Meeting, May 19, 2014 Item 2 – Special Board Meeting – May 30, 2014 Granger moved to approve with a correction made to Page 19 of the Special Board meeting minutes; meeting held at 12:00 noon not 7:00 a.m., second by Hepola, motion carried. COMMUNICATIONS Item 3 – RSVP Presentation with Recognitions Jami Humphrey, RSVP Coordinator gave the following update on the RSVP Program; stating at the present time there are 355 volunteers in 21 workstations: The Butte School District No. 1 Retired and Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) is a nonprofit agency, who invites adults 55 and better to use their life experiences and skills for the betterment of their community. The RSVP mission is: o To develop a variety of opportunities for community service for individuals willing to share their experiences, abilities and skills for the betterment of their community and themselves; and o To ensure that volunteer assignments are made consistent with the interests and abilities of the community served. Benefits of joining with RSVP: o Covered by accident, personal liability and excess automobile liability insurance; o Special opportunities: annual recognition dinner, holiday get-togethers, etc.; o Training opportunities; and o Making a difference in your community. Volunteer Opportunities: o Mentor/tutor students from preschool to high school o Bears with Care Project and Hats for Infants o Assisting with senior citizens in our community o Assist community agencies in our community; such as Butte Archives, Butte Food Bank, St. James Healthcare, Rescue Mission, St. Vincent’s Thrift Store, Spirit of the Columbia Garden Carousel, BSB Health Dept. Nursing Homes, Neighborhood Watch, BSB Law Enforcement and other agencies and/or organizations needing volunteers. Jami also reported that under the President’s budget proposal, 30,000 current Senior Companion and Foster Grandparent service positions would be embedded into the AmeriCorps Program. Due to the proposed reductions in funding, the budget would eliminate 7,000 Foster Grandparent and 5,000 Senior Companion service positions. The budget proposes to cut funding for RSVP by nearly 70% and would integrate the remainder of the program into the Volunteer Generation Fund. If enacted, these changes would eliminate over 200,000 RSVP service positions and would dramatically reduce service delivery, particular in the rural communities where a large percentage of RSVP members serve. 2378 Item 4 – Update from BHS Student Representative None Item 5 – Action Plan for the Farm to School Grant Mark Harrison reported that the following action plan was developed by the Farm to School Grant Committee: Chairperson Boston congratulated Mr. Harrison on his new job and thanked him for his dedication to Butte School District #1. Item 6 – Public Comment On Items Not On Agenda None 2379 CONSENT AGENDA Item 7 – Consent Agenda Payroll, Claims & Budget Transfers & Revenue Reports (May 2014) Page #6 PAYROLL RECAP MONTH: MAY 2014 DATE: JUNE 3, 2014 FUND GRAND TOTAL TOTALS ELEMENTARY GENERAL ELEMENTARY TRANSPORTATION FOOD SERVICE ELEMENTARY RETIREMENT ELEMENTARY ADULT EDUCATION FUND MEDICAID SPECIAL SERVICES HIGH GENERAL FUND HIGH TRANSPORTATION HIGH RETIREMENT HIGH ADULT EDUCATION BUS ACTIVITY HIGH SCHOOL CO-CURRICULAR FEDERAL PROGRAMS $1,264,164.19 $1,264,164.19 $52,838.31 $52,838.31 $55,978.42 $55,978.42 $184,379.42 $184,379.42 TOTAL CLAIMS (400) GRAND TOTAL PAID THIS MONTH $2,610,409.10 $2,610,409.10 $2,610,409.10 Page # 5 CLAIMS RECAP $1,798.94 $6,436.89 $651,423.21 $26,584.31 $93,131.58 $4,197.48 $11,145.18 $718.00 $257,613.17 $1,798.94 $6,436.89 $651,423.21 $26,584.31 $93,131.58 $4,197.48 $11,145.18 $718.00 $257,613.17 MONTH: MAY 2014 DATE: JUNE 3, 2014 FUND ELEMENTARY GENERAL ELEMENTARY TRANSPORTATION ELEMENTARY BUS DEPRECIATION FOOD SERVICE ELEMENTARY ADULT EDUCATION MEDICAID SPECIAL SERVICES ELEMENTARY DEBT SERVICES COBRA HIGH GENERAL HIGH TRANSPORTATION HIGH BUS DEPRECIATION TOTALS REIMBUSEMENTS GRAND TOTAL $465,771.42 $131,950.15 $382.87 $97.84 $465,388.55 $131,852.31 $327,277.49 $75,528.37 $17.95 $188,236.14 $28,666.42 $24,596.06 $306,021.11 $65,276.54 $163,393.24 $65.80 $59.14 $48.91 $327,277.49 $75,528.37 $17.95 $188,170.34 $28,666.42 $24,596.06 $305,961.97 $65,227.63 $163,393.24 2380 HIGH TRAFFIC EDUCATION HIGH DEBT SERVICES ACTIVITY BUS CO-CURRICULAR FEDERAL PROGRAMS TOTAL CLAIMS (400) LESS REIMBURSEMENTS GRAND TOTAL PAID THIS MONTH $400.00 $14,122.59 $855.00 $21,242.81 $40,181.07 $1,853,536.36 $997.76 $1,852,538.60 $343.20 $400.00 $14,122.59 $855.00 $21,242.81 $39,837.87 $997.76 $1,852,538.60 Note: A complete and detailed listing of the Payroll and Claims Warrants, Budget Transfers and Revenue Reports is on file in the Clerk’s Office and by this reference is made part of these minutes. Student Activity Fund Report from East Middle School (May 2014) Travel Requests o Lloyd Magnuson, June Magnuson and Cindy Ammondson to Orlando, Florida on January 29-February 6, 2015 for Earth Shuttle Ries moved to approve, second by Granger, motion carried. PERSONNEL Item 8 –Amended Personnel Action Report – PAR – May 19, 2014 - Therese McClafferty BUTTE SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 1 PERSONNEL ACTION REPORT May 19, 2014 AMENDED Name Effective Assignment/Location Robert Kocher Jo Foley 05/20/14 06/17/14-7/31/14 Mark Tallon 06/17/14-7/31/14 Joan Carelli 06/17/14-7/31/14 Danene Petritz 06/17/14-7/31/14 Substitute Engineer ESY Summer School Monitor, BHCC ESY Summer School Monitor, BHCC ESY Summer School Monitor, BHCC ESY Summer School Monitor, BHCC CLASSIFIED PERSONNEL APPOINTMENT: LEAVE OF ABSENCE: Michele Gelling Kim Bengtson 05/12/14-07/07/14 Cleaner, Hillcrest intermittent – 6/05/14 Cook’s Helper, BHS RESIGNATION: Barbara Flanick Joseph Gavigan Suzanne Nalivka RETIREMENT: 05/30/14 04/17/14 05/12/14 Cook’s Helper/Server, East Substitute Cleaner Playground Monitor, West 2381 Millan Rakich 06/05/14 Bus Driver Judy Bryant 06/07/14 Brenda Floreen 06/07/14 Brenda Miner 08/13/14 Jennifer Liva 08/27/14 Raena Cleveland Rochelle Garrison 05/16/14-06/06/14 05/09/14-06/05/14 Amanda Williams Susan Cotton 05/09/14-06/06/14 06/16/14-08/05/14 Krystin Mengon 06/16/14-08/05/14 Tom Quinn 06/16/14-08/05/14 Kristina Mengon 06/16/14-08/05/14 Department Chair, BUS/FACS/IT, BHS National Honor Society Advisor, BHS Elementary Principal, Emerson TSA - Elementary Reading Coach Temp. 6th Grade, Whittier Temp. Reading/Math Teacher, West Temp. Science Teacher, East BHS Credit Recovery, English Teacher BHS Credit Recovery, English Teacher BHS Credit Recovery, Math Teacher BHS Credit Recovery, Math Teacher Chris Fisk 06/16/14-08/05/14 Rick Rowling 06/16/14-08/05/14 Dorothy Joyce 06/16/14-08/05/14 Melissa Johnson 06/16/14-07/17/14 Karen Alley 06/16/14-07/17/14 Rochelle Ryan 06/16/14-07/17/14 Margie Willhite 06/16/14-07/17/14 CERTIFIED PERSONNEL APPOINTMENT: Patrick Shawn Maloughney 06/09/14-06/30/14 Becky Fisk 06/09/14-06/30/14 Denise Smith 06/17/14-07/31/14 Kelci Thatcher 06/17/14-07/31/14 Pat Worrell 06/17/14-07/31/14 Joe Lester 06/17/14-07/31/14 Terry Faulkner 06/17/14-07/31/14 Josh Schad 06/17/14-07/31/14 Julie Lally 06/17/14-07/31/14 Kaila Sullivan 06/17/14-07/31/14 Ann Ellingwood 06/17/14-07/31/14 BHS Credit Recovery, Social Studies/History Teacher BHS Credit Recovery, Social Studies/History Teacher BHS Credit Recovery, Special Ed Teacher Middle Summer School Teacher Middle Summer School Teacher Middle Summer School Teacher Middle Summer School Teacher Adult Ed Summer School Teacher Adult Ed Summer School Teacher ESY Summer School Teacher ESY Summer School Teacher ESY Summer School Teacher ESY Summer School Teacher ESY Summer School Teacher ESY Summer School Teacher ESY Speech Therapy Program, Speech Aide ESY Speech Therapy Program, Speech Aide ESY Speech Therapy Program, Speech Aide 2382 Bryan Arntson 07/08/14-07/24/14 Amie Badovinac Amie Badovinac Becky Booth Becky Booth 06/10/14-06/26/14 07/08/14-07/24/14 07/15/14-07/24/14 07/08/14-07/17/14 Pam Cunningham Connie Daily Sherry Flamand Chrissie Harper Erna Houchin Chad Jonart 07/08/14-07/24/14 06/10/14-06/26/14 07/08/14-07/24/14 07/08/14-07/24/14 07/08/14-07/24/14 07/08/14-07/24/14 Chad Jonart 06/09/14-06/20/14 Deanna Kelly Deanna Kelly Kathleen D. Kennis Kathleen D. Kennis Cheryl McLaughlin Cheryl McLaughlin Marian Paull 06/10/14-06/26/14 07/08/14-07/24/14 06/10/14-06/26/14 07/08/14-07/24/14 06/10/14-06/26/14 07/08/14-07/24/14 07/08/14-07/24/14 Amanda Richardson Amanda Richardson 07/08/14-07/24/14 07/22/14-07/24/14 Amanda Richardson 07/08/14-07/17/14 Laurie Rossberg 07/08/14-07/24/14 Ruthellen Ruppel 07/08/14-07/17/14 Meghan Schulte Meghan Schulte 06/10/14-06/26/14 07/22/14-07/24/14 Meghan Schulte 07/08/14-07/17/14 Steve Schulte 07/08/14-07/24/14 Steve Schulte 06/09/14-06/20/14 Amber Walker 07/08/14-07/24/14 21st Century – K-6 Healthy Kids 21st Century – Reading 21st Century – Math 21st Century – 4-6 Robotics 21st Century – K-3 Techno Camp 21st Century – Jumpstart 21st Century – Reading 21st Century – Jumpstart 21st Century – Math 21st Century – Jumpstart 21st Century – K-6 Healthy Kids 21st Century – 3-8 Health Enrichment 21st Century – Reading 21st Century – Math 21st Century – Reading 21st Century – Math 21st Century – Reading 21st Century – Math 21st Century – K-6 Healthy Kids 21st Century – Jumpstart 21st Century - Camp Can I Cook 21st Century – Apprentice Chefs 21st Century – K-6 Healthy Kids 21st Century – K-3 Artist on Campus 21st Century – Reading 21st Century – Camp Can I Cook 21st Century – Apprentice Chefs 21st Century – K-6 Healthy Kids 21st Century – 3-8 Health Enrichment 21st Century - Math LEAVE OF ABSENCE: Jennifer Hope 08/27/14-11/19/14 Shannon Powers 08/27/14-10/31/14 21st Century Instructional Specialist 6th Grade Teacher, Whittier RESIGNATION: Amanda Curtis 06/06/14 Brenda Miner Jennifer Liva 06/06/14 06/06/14 SUPPLEMENTAL PERSONNEL APPOINTMENT: National Honor Society Advisor, BHS Reading Coach, Whittier 4th Grade Teacher, West 2383 Jason McClafferty 05/20/14 Volunteer, Birch Creek, Hillcrest ADDITION TO SUBSTITUTE TEACHER LIST: Bonnie Worrell 05/20/14 REMOVAL FROM SUBSTITUTE TEACHER LIST: Micaul Bosch 05/14/14 Wold moved to approve, second by Ferguson, motion carried. Item 9 –Personnel Action Report – PAR – June 16, 2014 - Therese McClafferty BUTTE SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 1 PERSONNEL ACTION REPORT June 16, 2014 Name Effective Assignment/Location 07/08/14-07/22/14 Summer Cleaner, 07/08/14-08/08/14 07/30/14-08/12/14 07/08/14-07/22/14 07/08/14-07/29/14 07/23/14-08/06/14 07/08/14-07/18/14 07/23/14-08/06/14 Summer Cleaner, BHS Summer Cleaner, Kennedy Summer Cleaner, BHCC Summer Cleaner, BHS Summer Cleaner, BHCC Summer Cleaner, Mgt. Leary Summer Cleaner, 07/30/14-08/08/14 Summer Cleaner, BHS 08/27/14 08/27/14 08/27/14 Monitor, Emerson Monitor, West Monitor, East 06/20/14 06/30/14 Network Systems Specialist Director of Central Services 06/06/14-07/07/14 Cleaner, BHS Maria Biastoch Casey Boyle 08/27/14 08/27/14 Kelsey Conway Casey Dennehy 08/27/14 08/27/14 Terra Fitzpatrick Heidi Grey 08/27/14 08/27/14 3rd Grade Teacher, West TEMP Adaptive PE Teacher, District 1st Grade Teacher, Emerson TEMP 4th Grade Teacher, Mgt. Leary Kindergarten Teacher, Emerson TEMP 4th Grade Teacher, West CLASSIFIED PERSONNEL APPOINTMENT: Bill Durham Admin/Curriculum Bill Durham Bill Durham Dan Hickey Manuela Krzan Manuela Krzan Pam O’Leary Pam O’Leary Admin/Curriculum Pam O’Leary TRANSFER: Jodi Hollamon Lenore Rowling Brenda Conner RESIGNATION: William Klapwyk Mark Harrison LEAVE OF ABSENCE: Lee Clark CERTIFIED PERSONNEL APPOINTMENT: 2384 Kristine Kuntz Jori Liva 08/27/14 08/27/14 Jennifer Luoma Heather Nasheim Amanda Richardson 08/27/14 08/27/14 08/27/14 Sara Simmons Karla Simon-Perala 08/27/14 08/27/14 Denise Smith Kathryn Vaughn 08/27/14 08/27/14 Bryce Willis 08/27/14 Sp Ed, Self Contained, Whittier TEMP Sp Ed, Resource Room, .5 West/.5 Kennedy Reading Coach, TSA, District Kindergarten Teacher, Kennedy Sp Ed, Resource Room, Emerson Sp Ed, Self Contained, West Sp Ed, Self Contained, Preschool Sp Ed, Crossroads, BHCC Sp Ed, Resource Room, Kennedy Sp Ed, Crossroads, BHCC 05/12/14-06/05/14 4th Grade Teacher, Whittier 06/06/14 06/06/14 School Counselor, Mgt. Leary Library/Technology Teacher, Mgt. Leary 06/17/14 Assist. Cheerleading/Dance Coach, BHS 06/03/14 05/19/14 Assist. Football Coach, BHS Assist. Girls’ Basketball Coach, BHS 07/01/14 Head Football/Strength & Conditioning Coach, BHS LEAVE OF ABSENCE: Janet Helfrich RESIGNATION: Jennifer Berkheimer Jennifer Luoma SUPPLEMENTAL PERSONNEL APPOINTMENT: Kelsey Bettle RESIGNATION: Travis Hettick Kalli McCloskey RENEWAL: Arie Grey RETIREMENT FROM SUBSTITUTE TEACHER LIST: Arlene Welsh 05/30/14 Hepola moved to approve, second by Zimpel, motion carried. Item 10 –Approval of Graduation Matters – MT Tech Foundation Award to Emerson Elementary Evonne Holman stated that Emerson School participated in the Graduation Matters poster contest sponsored by the Montana Tech Foundation. Although the overall winning poster was at Margaret Leary School, Emerson also had a winning poster. The winning poster was done by three students in Mrs. Sheila Lopuch’s class and were awarded $200.00 to be spent on things for the classroom. Ms. Holman shared that although the current students will not benefit from the monies, they did decide on how to spend it. Mrs. Lopuch will purchase recess balls, games for the classroom and books for the library. Ries moved to approve, second by Granger, motion carried. 2385 Item 11 –Approval of Changes to the East Middle School Handbook for the 2014-2015 School Year – Larry Driscoll Larry Driscoll requested Board approval of the following changes to the East Middle School Handbook for the 2014-2015 School Year: EAST MIDDLE SCHOOL 2014-2015 PROPOSED HANDBOOK CHANGES 1. 2. 3. 4. Page 1 – Table of Contents Page 2 – New School Calendar Page 5 – Adjusted Bell Schedule Page 20 – Following Medication procedures, add the following; Each student occupied school now maintains a stock supply of autoinjectable epinephrine to be administered by the school nurse or other willingly educated employee to a student or a non student as needed for actual or perceived anaphylaxis (life threatening allergic reaction) in accordance with district Protocol 3416-G signed by a local medical doctor and in accordance with 20—5-421, MCA. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. This medication is intended for any person suffering an episode of actual or perceived anaphylaxis in the school setting. The limited stock supply of this medication is not to be used in place of medications previously or currently ordered for students or staff with known allergies with ordered for their specific allergies. Students and staff with known allergies are expected to continue to provide their own health care provider ordered medication in according with school district medication policy 3416, 3416F-B, and 3416F-E. Page 22—Add “not wear backpacks or tote bags during the school day”. Page 25 – Add Medication (non-prescription and prescription medication not on file with school nurse) in Articles Prohibited in School Page 25 – Include tobacco – Including “look alike” products in Articles Prohibited in School (Tobacco while in school, on the bus, or on school grounds Page 28—Add “Students are not allowed to carry backpacks or tote bags during the school day.” Page 37 – Insert District Harassment Policy with the following introduction: East Middle school is committed to continue implementation and enforce the Butte School District’s policy regarding Sexual Harassment/Intimidation of Students Hazing/Harassment/Intimidation/Bullying/Menacing Policy The Board will strive to provide a positive and productive learning and working environment. Hazing, harassment, intimidation, menacing, or bullying by students, staff, or third parties is strictly prohibited and shall not be tolerated. This includes bullying, harassment, or intimidation via electronic communication devices (“cyber bullying”). Definitions 1. “Third parties” include, but are not limited to, coaches, school volunteers, parents, school visitors, service contractors or others engaged in District business, such as employees of businesses or organizations participating in cooperative work programs with the District and others not directly subject to District control at inter-District and intraDistrict athletic competitions or other school events. 2. “District” includes District facilities, District premises, and non-District property if the student or employee is at any District-sponsored, District-approved, or District-related activity or function, such as field trips or athletic events, where students are under the control of the District or where the employee is engaged in District business. 3. “Hazing” includes, but is not limited to, any act that recklessly or intentionally endangers the mental or physical health or safety of a student for the purpose of initiation or as a condition or precondition of attaining membership in or affiliation with any District-sponsored activity or grade-level attainment, including, but not limited to, forced consumption of any drink, alcoholic beverage, drug, or controlled substance, forced exposure to the elements, forced prolonged exclusion from social contact, sleep deprivation, or any other forced activity that could adversely affect the 2386 mental or physical health or safety of a student; requires, encourages, authorizes, or permits another to be subject to wearing or carrying any obscene or physically burdensome article, assignment of pranks to be performed, or other such activities intended to degrade or humiliate. 4. “Harassment” includes, but is not limited to, any act which subjects an individual or group to unwanted, abusive behavior of a nonverbal, verbal, written, or physical nature, on the basis of age, race, religion, color, creed, national origin, sex, ancestry, disability, or marital status. 5. “Harassment, intimidation, or bullying” means any act that substantially interferes with a student’s educational benefits, opportunities, or performance, that takes place on or immediately adjacent to school grounds, at any schoolsponsored activity, on school-provided transportation, or at any official school bus stop, or anywhere conduct may reasonably be considered to be a threat or an attempted intimidation of a student or staff member or an interference with school purposes or an educational function, and that has the effect of: a. Physically harming a student or damaging a student’s property; b. Knowingly placing a student in reasonable fear of physical harm to the student or damage to the student’s property; c. Creating a hostile educational environment. 6. “Intimidation” includes, but is not limited to, any threat or act intended to tamper with, substantially damage, or interfere with another’s property, cause substantial inconvenience, subject another to offensive physical contact, or inflict serious physical injury, on the basis of age, race, religion, color, creed, national origin, sex, ancestry, disability, or marital status. 7. “Menacing” includes, but is not limited to, any act intended to place a school employee, student, or third party in fear of imminent serious physical injury. 8. “Electronic communication device” means any mode of electronic communication, including, but not limited to, computers, cell phones, PDAs, or the internet. All complaints about behavior that may violate this policy shall be promptly investigated. Any student, employee, or third party who has knowledge of conduct in violation of this policy or feels he/she has been a victim of hazing, harassment, intimidation, bullying, or menacing in violation of this policy is encouraged to immediately report his/her concerns to the building principal or designee, who have overall responsibility for such investigations. This report may be made anonymously. A student may also report concerns to a teacher or counselor, who will be responsible for notifying the appropriate District official. Complaints against the building principal shall be filed with the Superintendent. Complaints against the Superintendent shall be filed with the Board. The complainant shall be notified of the findings of the investigation and, as appropriate, that remedial action has been taken. Students whose behavior is found to be in violation of this policy will be subject to discipline up to and including expulsion. Staff whose behavior is found to be in violation of this policy will be subject to discipline up to and including dismissal. Third parties whose behavior is found to be in violation of this policy shall be subject to appropriate sanctions as determined and imposed by the Superintendent or the Board. Individuals may also be referred to law enforcement officials. Retaliation is prohibited against any person who reports or is thought to have reported a violation, files a complaint, or otherwise participates in an investigation or inquiry. Such retaliation shall be considered a serious violation of Board policy, whether or not a complaint is substantiated. False charges shall also be regarded as a serious offense and will result in disciplinary action or other appropriate sanctions. The Superintendent shall be responsible for ensuring notice of this policy is provided to students, staff, and third parties and for the development of administrative regulations, including reporting and investigative procedures, as needed. 10. Page 47 – add tobacco use and possession of tobacco and tobacco related products 11. Page 40 – At the end of the Introduction to the Olweus Program. The following definition will be provided: a. “A person is bullied when he or she is exposed, repeatedly and overtime, to negative actions on the part of one or more other persons and he or she has difficulty defending 2387 him or herself.”.Students will also be educated on the difference between bullying, peer conflicts, and excessive horseplay, as well as the resolution process for each. 12. Page 40 – add “5. We will be respectful to all and accountable for ourselves” to the rules of the Olweus Bullying Prevention Program. 13. Move Map to last page of book, replace map with the following behavior matrix: East Middle School-Wide Behavioral Matrix (attached). Ries moved to approve the changes to the East Middle School handbook for the 2014-2015 School Year, second by Granger, motion carried. Item 12 –Approval to Purchase Two Scoreboards for the Soccer Fields at the Jeremy Bullock Fields – Chuck Merrifield Superintendent Jonart, on behalf of Chuck Merrifield, requested Board approval to purchase two scoreboards for the soccer fields at the Jeremey Bullock fields. Ms. Jonart stated that the Jeremey Bullock fields serve as the main venue for the Butte High School Girls and Boys Soccer Program. The scoreboards are being purchased for the purpose of enhancing our high school programs. Wold moved to approved, second by Granger, motion carried. Item 13 –Adoption and Certification of Butte School District #1 School Safety Plan – Superintendent Jonart Superintendent Jonart requested Board approval of the Butte School District Safety Plan. Superintendent Jonart stated that all schools are required to adopt a school safety plan on or before July 1, 2014. Ms. Jonart gave credit to Mark Harrison and Butte Silver Bow for their involvement in preparing this plan. Note: A complete copy of the Butte School District #1 Safety Plan is on file in the Superintendent’s Office and by this reference is made part of these minutes. Item 14 –Approval of Cooperative Agreement Between Butte School District #1 and the Montana Vocational Rehabilitation (MVR) Program – Superintendent Jonart 2388 Superintended Jonart requested Board approval of the Cooperative Agreement with Montana Vocational Rehabilitation. Ms. Jonart stated that the approval of this Agreement will allow the MVR program and the Butte School District, partners in the Montana Youth Transitions Coalition, to work together to help eligible students with disabilities an effective transition from school to work. There is no cost to the District associated with this Agreement. Wold moved to approve, second by Hepola, motion carried. Item 15 –Approval to Develop and Submit a State Quality Schools Project Grant Application via the Montana Department of Commerce Quality School Grant Program – Jed Hoopes Jed Hoopes requested Board approval to develop and submit a State Quality Schools Project Grant Application via the Montana Department of Commerce Quality Schools Grant Program. This authority would also commit Epact Credits and other in-kind monies received from McKinstry based on work already completed during phases I & II within BHS. This project will address the final phase of work associated with the high school building infrastructure and deferred maintenance projects. Mr. Hoopes shared that the high school annex/administration systems have exceeded their useful life. The scope of work in Phase III involves replacing the high school annex direct digital heat controls, the malfunctioning HVAC equipment and upgrading the low water flow bathroom water fixtures. The District in-kind match from McKinstry would total $60,000.00 and commit this entire amount for work associated with the grant dollars to complete Phase III in its entirety when the District is awarded the Quality School Grant Application. The project guaranteed maximum upgrade cost being submitted in the grant application amounts to $1,314,541.00. Granger moved to approved, second by Shea, motion carried. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the board, Trustee Hepola moved to adjourn, second by Trustee Ferguson, motion carried. Chairwoman Boston adjourned the meeting at 5:50 p.m. _______________________________ Chairwoman of Board of Trustees _________________________________ District Clerk Pj 2389 BUTTE SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 1 BOARD OF TRUSTEES REGULAR MEETING JULY 21, 2014 The Board of Trustees held a Regular Meeting on Monday, July 21st at 5:00 p.m. at the School Administration Building with Chairwoman Ann Boston presiding. Trustees present: Scott Ferguson, Linda Granger, Patti Hepola, Debbie Shea, Carol Wold and Eddie Zimpel. Absent: John Ries. Also present were: Judy Jonart, Superintendent and Therese McClafferty, Director of Human Resource. CALL TO ORDER AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE WELCOME AND DIRECTIONS FOR PUBLIC PARTICIPATION Chairperson Boston appointed Superintendent Jonart as Clerk in J.R. Richardson’s absence. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Item 1 – Regular Board Meeting, June 16, 2014 Item 2 – Special Board Meeting – May 30, 2014 Hepola moved to approve, second by Granger, motion carried. COMMUNICATIONS Item 3 – R.O.C.K.I.E.S Presentation with Recognitions Jim O’Neill provided the following information regarding the 21st Century Learning Centers for 2013-2014. Note: A complete copy of the power point presentation is on file in the Clerk’s Office and by this reference is made part of these minutes. Requirements of the 21st CCLC include establishing objectives to meet 3 Performance GOALS: PERFORMANCE GOAL #1: IMPROVE STUDENT LEARNING-PERFORMANCE, FOR STUDENTS OF ALL AGES, IN ONE OR MORE CORE ACADEMIC AREAS THROUGH CONSISTENT INVOLVEMENT IN 21ST CCLC PROGRAMS. PERFORMANCE GOAL #2: OFFER A BROAD ARRAY OF HIGH QUALITY ACTIVITIES INCLUDING YOUTH DEVELOPMENT, DRUG AND VIOLENCE PREVENTION, CAREER DEVELOPMENT, ART, MUSIC, RECREATION, TECHNOLOGY EDUCATION, AND CHARACTER EDUCATION, WHICH REINFORCE AND COMPLEMENT THE SCHOOL DAY AND POSITIVELY AFFECT SCHOOL ATTENDANCE, ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE, AND DECREASE DISCIPLINARY ACTIONS OR ADVERSE BEHAVIORS. PERFORMANCE GOAL #3: PROVIDE PROGRAMMING TO ENGAGE FAMILIES OF ENROLLED 21ST CCLC PARTICIPANTS WITH THE INTENT OF ENHANCING THE HOME/SCHOOL RELATIONSHIP, PROVIDING OPPORTUNITIES FOR PARENTAL INVOLVEMENT IN SCHOOL, AND PROMOTING RESILIENCY THROUGH FAMILY INVOLVEMENT. EAST AFTER 3 SCHOOL YEAR ACTIVITES: • Reading/Math Intervention (15) 2390 • • • Media Club (22) Garden Club (7) Rocket Club (10) ROCKIES MATH SCHOOL YEAR ACTIVITES: *EMERSON MATH CLUB: 60 STUDENTS *KENNEDY MATH CLUB: 49 STUDENTS *MARGARET LEARY MATH CLUB: 27 STUDENTS *WEST MATH CLUB: 47 STUDENTS *WHITTIER MATH CLUB: 41 STUDENTS *HILLCREST: NOT A TITLE I SCHOOL SCHOOLS ALSO HOSTED FAMILY MATH NIGHT: KENNEDY – MINI METRIC OLYMPICS ROCKIES SPORTS: TH • 5 TH TH • 5 TH 5 GRADE GIRLS’ BASKETBALL /6 TH • GRADE GIRLS’ VOLLEYBALL /6 TH /6 GRADE BOYS’ BASKETBALL Basketball Championships @ BHS Volleyball Championships @ BHS PARTICIPATION NUMBERS BASKETBALL (Whitehall added) • 436 Participants VOLLEYBALL • 23S Participants SUMMER ACADEMIC PROGRAMS • • K-3 Reading: 145 STUDENTS • K-3 Math: 93 STUDENTS Kindergarten Jumpstart: 85 students Mr. O’Neill gave credit to Superintendent Jonart for starting these programs and securing the grants and a special thank you to Tawni Emett for all of the organization and work that goes into scheduling these summer activities. Item 4 – Policy 2171 (First Reading) – Instruction – Significant Writing Program – Superintendent Jonart Superintendent Jonart stated that the Board of Trustees has determined that a significant writing program is critical for the education program of the students. Therefore, writing will be incorporated in all aspects of the curriculum. Item 5 – Policy 3403 (First Reading) – Students – Extra-Co-Curricular Participation Policy – Superintendent Jonart Chuck Merrifield stated that three areas addressed in the changes to this policy are: 1) curfew violation; 2) explanation of due process; and 3) policy is in effect during season of the particular activity. 2391 Item 6 – Policy 6410/6410P (First Reading) – Administration – Evaluation of Administrative Staff-Principal Evaluation Rubrics – Superintendent Jonart Jim O’Neill stated that he was Chairperson of the Subcommittee reviewing this policy and recommended changes to the Policy which are based on the Montana Educator Performance Appraisal System (Montana EPAS) and its four domains: Vision and Goals; Culture of Learning; Management; and Professional Responsibilities. Mr. O’Neill shared that the evaluation process will include three formal meetings: Professional Responsibilities and Goals Conference, Formative Feedback Conferences and Summative Evaluation Conference. Superintendent Jonart personally thanked Mr. O’Neill and the committee for their work in establishing the changes to the evaluation rubrics. Item 7 – Public Comment On Items Not On Agenda Chairperson Boston shared that a Special Board meeting will be held prior to the regular Board meeting on August 18th to approve the 2014-15 budget. CONSENT AGENDA Item 8 – Consent Agenda Payroll, Claims & Budget Transfers & Revenue Reports (June 2014) Page #6 PAYROLL RECAP MONTH: JUNE 2014 DATE: JULY 2, 2014 FUND TOTALS GRAND TOTAL ELEMENTARY GENERAL ELEMENTARY TRANSPORTATION FOOD SERVICE ELEMENTARY RETIREMENT ELEMENTARY ADULT EDUCATION MEDICAID SPECIAL SERVICES ELEMENTARY SICK LEAVE RESERVE HIGH GENERAL FUND HIGH TRANSPORTATION HIGH RETIREMENT HIGH ADULT EDUCATION HIGH TRAFFIC EDUCATION HIGH SICK LEAVE RESERVE BUS ACTIVITY HIGH CO-CURRICULAR FEDERAL PROGRAMS $3,321,065.55 $97,803.66 $86,675.41 $619,368.88 $5,396.78 $23,974.07 $3,321,065.55 $97,803.66 $86,675.41 $619,368.88 $5,396.78 $23,974.07 $30,497.30 $1,722,208.68 $48,726.71 $299,136.65 $12,592.44 $41,879.47 $7,160.01 $12,996.45 $3,492.85 $735,682.26 $30,497.30 $1,722,208.68 $48,726.71 $299,136.65 $12,592.44 $41,879.47 $7,160.01 $12,996.45 $3,492.85 $735,682.26 TOTAL CLAIMS (400) GRAND TOTAL PAID THIS MONTH $7,068,657.17 $7,068,657.17 $7,068,657.17 Page # 5 MONTH: JUNE 2014 CLAIMS RECAP 2392 DATE: JULY 2, 2014 FUND TOTALS REIMBURSEMENTS GRAND TOTAL ELEMENTARY GENERAL ELEMENTARY TRANSPORTATION FOOD SERVICE ELEMENTARY RETIREMENT FUND ELEMENTARY ADULT EDUCATION MEDICAID SPECIAL SERVICES ELEMENTARY DEBT SERVICES COBRA HIGH GENERAL HIGH TRANSPORTATION HIGH TRAFFIC EDUCATION HIGH DEBT SERVICES ACTIVITY BUS CO-CURRICULAR FEDERAL PROGRAMS $520,735.68 $26,626.73 $36,455.30 $768.78 $55.00 $377,604.28 $249.38 $24,277.66 $386,733.36 $13,237.19 $653.28 $122.83 $174.00 $12,334.94 $62,615.36 $261.24 $520,474.44 $26,626.73 $34,749.40 $768.78 $55.00 $377,604.28 $249.38 $24,277.66 $378,365.93 $13,237.19 $653.28 $122.83 $174.00 $12,334.94 $62,615.36 TOTAL CLAIMS (400) LESS REIMBURSEMENTS GRAND TOTAL PAID THIS MONTH $1,462,643.77 $10,334.57 $1,452,309.20 $1,705.90 $8,367.43 $10,334.57 $1,452,309.20 Note: A complete and detailed listing of the Payroll and Claims Warrants, Budget Transfers and Revenue Reports is on file in the Clerk’s Office and by this reference is made part of these minutes. Student Activity Fund Report from East Middle School (June 2014) Student Activity Fund Report from Butte High School (April/May 2014) Wold moved to approve, second by Shea, motion carried. PERSONNEL Item 9 –Personnel Action Report – PAR – July 21, 2014 - Therese McClafferty BUTTE SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 1 PERSONNEL ACTION REPORT July 21, 2014 Name Effective Assignment/Location Bradie Alexander Luella Elich Veralee Jordan Manuela Krzan Judy Maloughney 08/01/14 07/22/14 07/22/14 07/30/14-08/08/14 07/10/14 Pat Regan Daniel Shea 07/22/14 07/22/14 District Receptionist Substitute Bus Driver Substitute Bus Driver Summer Cleaner, BHS ESY Summer School Sub Monitor, BHCC Substitute Bus Driver Substitute Bus Driver CLASSIFIED PERSONNEL APPOINTMENT: 2393 TRANSFER: Beth Sullivan 09/01/14 Facilities Secretary to Federal Programs Bookkeeper Trever Cox 09/02/14 Anna Curnow 09/02/14 Temporary Crossing Guard, Hillcrest Temporary Crossing Guard, Hillcrest RENEWAL: RESIGNATION: Pam O’Leary Eddi Walker 07/30/14-08/08/14 07/02/14 Summer Cleaner, BHS Substitute Playground Monitor, Food Service Amie Badovinac 07/22/14-07/24/14 Amie Badovinac Amanda Blair Connie Carlson Brice Corts Steve Donaldson Becky Fisk 07/08/14-07/17/14 08/27/14 07/08/14-07/24/14 08/27/14 05/19/14 07/01/14-07/09/14 K.D. Kennis 08/27/14 Tami Kissell Patrick Shawn Maloughney 08/27/14 07/01/14-07/09/14 Kimberly McCarthy-Cody 08/27/14 River Newman Melissa Riley Nicole Scarberry 08/27/14 08/27/14 08/27/14 21st Century – Camp Can I Cook 21st Century – Apprentice Chefs Special Ed Teacher, District 21st Century – Jumpstart School Psychologist, District Driver Ed Instructor Adult Ed Summer School Teacher Temp. Library/Technology Teacher, District Math Teacher, BHS Adult Ed Summer School Teacher Speech Language Pathologist, District Art Teacher, District Math Teacher, East Temp .5 Title I Teacher-Butte Central School Psychologist, District Title I Math Teacher, BHCC Counselor, District Temp. Title I Teacher, East CERTIFIED PERSONNEL APPOINTMENT: Braydon Schilling Sharon Stone Sarah Trang Amanda Williams TRANSFER: Patricia Sayler 08/27/14 08/27/14 08/27/14 08/27/14 08/27/14 Title I Teacher, East to FACS Teacher, BHS K.D. Kennis Jori Liva 06/06/14 06/06/14 Betty Miller Amanda Richardson Amanda Richardson 07/15/14 06/23/14 06/23/14 Amanda Richardson Amanda Richardson 06/23/14 06/23/14 Title I Teacher, Margaret Leary Sp Ed Teacher, Resource, Whittier 1st Grade Teacher, Emerson 21st Century – Jumpstart 21st Century – Camp Can I Cook 21st Century – Apprentice Chefs Sp Ed, Resource Room, Emerson RESIGNATION: 2394 SUPPLEMENTAL PERSONNEL APPOINTMENT: Liza Dennehy 08/01/14 Matt Doble Marcus McCaughey Shyla Reed Ross Richardson Curtis Smith 08/01/14-11/30/14 05/01/14 08/01/14 08/01/14 08/01/14-10/31/14 Assist. Cross Country Coach, BHS Volunteer Football Coach, BHS Event Worker Assist. Volleyball Coach, BHS Assist. Football Coach, BHS Volunteer Golf Coach, BHS 07/01/14 06/26/14 06/23/14 06/13/14 06/18/14 Assist. Track Coach, BHS Football Coach, East Cross Country Coach, East Driver Ed Instructor Head Softball Coach, BHS RESIGNATION: Lindy Hanson Anthony Jory John Magnus Eric Mankins Steve Stosich RESIGNATION FROM SUBSTITUTE TEACHER LIST: Colleen Browne John Isaacson Sharon Stone 06/06/14 06/25/14 08/26/14 Ferguson moved to approve, second by Zimpel, motion carried. Abstain: Trustee Granger Item 10 –Approval of MOU Between Butte School District #1 and the Butte Teachers Union, Local 332 – Therese McClafferty Therese McClafferty requested Board approval of the MOU with the Butte Teachers Union, Local 332 regarding insurance language that was omitted from the printed Collective Bargaining Agreement booklet. The District and the Union agree that it should remain in the agreement. Wold moved to approve, second by Granger, motion carried. Item 11 –Approval of MOU Between Butte School District #1 and the Butte Teachers Union Covering the Clerical Group – Therese McClafferty Therese McClafferty requested Board approval of the MOU with the Butte Teachers Union, Clerical Group, regarding summer hours. Ms. McClafferty stated that the MOU was agreed to last summer to clarify that overtime would not be paid to clerical personnel that received permission to work increased hours for four days per week during the summer. Ms. McClafferty shared that because some supervisors are allowing clerical personnel to work summer hours, the District is asking for approval of the MOU again this year. Wold moved to approve, second by Shea, motion carried. Item 12 –Approval to Advertise and Hire an Attendance Officer at Butte High School – John Metz John Metz requested Board approval to advertise and hire an Attendance Officer at Butte High School. Wold moved to approve, second by Shea, motion carried. 2395 Item 13 –Approval to Advertise and Hire a School Psychologist for the 2014-2015 School Year – Kathy Cannon Kathy Cannon requested Board approval to advertise and hire a school psychologist for the 2014-2015 school year. Ms. Cannon stated that the position will be funded through the IDEA grant. Wold moved to approve, second by Hepola, motion carried. Item 14 –Approval to Advertise and Hire a Special Education Teacher for the 2014-2015 School Year – Kathy Cannon Kathy Cannon requested Board approval to advertise and hire a special education teacher for the 2014-2015 school year. Ms. Cannon shared that the decision for this position is based on the number of students that qualified for IDEA services this past spring. Ms. Cannon stated that the position will be funded through the IDEA Part B grant. Hepola moved to approve, second by Granger, motion carried. Item 15 –Approval to Advertise and Hire Homebound Instructors for the 2014-2015 School Year – Kathy Cannon Kathy Cannon requested Board approval to advertise and hire homebound instructors for the 2014-2015 school year. Ms. Cannon shared that the homebound teachers will provide homebound services to district students after school on Monday through Thursday; the number of teachers will be dependent upon the homebound caseload. Ms. Cannon stated that the program will be funded through the IDEA grant. Wold moved to approve, second by Hepola, motion carried. Item 16 –Approval to Advertise and Hire One (1) Speech Therapist Aide for the 2014-2015 School Year – Kathy Cannon Kathy Cannon requested Board approval to advertise and hire one (1) Speech Therapist Aide based on the need for the 2014-2015 school year. Ms. Cannon shared that the position is needed to assist in facilitating student’s speech goals and objectives and will be funded through the IDEA Part B monies. Hepola moved to approve, second by Shea, motion carried. Item 17 –Approval of Clinical Affiliate Agreement Between Butte School District #1 and Montana Tech for the 2014-2015 School Year – Superintendent Jonart Superintendent Jonart requested Board approval of the Clinical Affiliate Agreement between Butte School District #1 and Montana Tech for the year August 2014-August 2015. Ms. Jonart shared that this is an annual agreement and is a terrific program. Wold moved to approve, second by Granger, motion carried. Item 18 –Approval of MOU Between Butte School District #1 and Big Brothers Big Sisters for the 2014-2015 School Year – Superintendent Jonart Superintendent Jonart requested Board shared that Butte School District #1 and Big Brothers Big Sisters have partnered for 23 years and is asking for approval of the MOU between Butte School District #1 and Big Brothers Big Sisters School Based Mentoring Program for the 2014-2015 school year. 2396 Ms. Jonart stated that the MOU will provide in-school services to School District #1 children during the school day. Granger moved to approve, second by Ferguson, motion carried. Item 19 –Approval of the Annual Contract Between Butte School District #1 and CRS Advanced Technology for the Sub Finder System – Therese McClafferty Therese McClafferty requested Board approval of the annual contract between Butte School District #1 and CRS Advanced Technology for the Sub Finder System. Ms. McClafferty stated that this agreement will cover 412 employees for a total of $760.36 per month; which is the same as last year. Shea moved to approve, second by Granger, motion carried. Item 20 –Approval of Butte School District #1, in Coordination with the Montana Office of Public Instruction, Kalispell Public School and Browning Public School Grant Application to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services – Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Division – Jim O’Neill Jim O’Neill requested Board approval to submit a grant application to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services – Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Division. The purpose of this five year grant is to make schools safer, improve school climate, increase awareness of mental health issues, and connect children and youth experiencing behavioral health issues with needed services. Mr. O’Neil stated that there are two components to the grant: 1. Addressing the mental health needs of children, youth, families and communities; and 2. Training students, teachers, staff, and community in Youth Mental Health First Aid. Mr. O’Neill shared that this grant will make a significant impact in our community and the lives of our children! Superintendent Jonart thanked Mr. O’Neill for his commitment to this grant application. Wold moved to approve, second by Zimpel, motion carried. Item 21 –Approval to Enter Into a Student Transportation Attendance Agreement (FP-14 Contract Form) with Ramsay School District #3 – Jed Hoopes Jed Hoopes requested Board approval to enter into a Student Transportation Attendance Agreement with Ramsay School District. Mr. Hoopes shared that Ramsay School District will travel across our District boundary while transporting a special education student from the Ramsay School District to East Middle School. Wold moved to approve, second by Zimpel, motion carried. Item 22 –Approval to Allow Ramsay School District #3 to Extend a Bus Route to Service Students in Beef Trail Area – Jed Hoopes Jed Hoopes requested Board approval to allow Ramsay School District #3 to transport several Ramsay students residing in the Ramsay School District across an existing Butte School District route of travel that includes Montana Street, Little Basin Creek Road and the Beef Trail Road. Mr. Hoopes stated that this extended route allows several Ramsay District students a safe route to the Ramsay School in a timely manner and will be funded by the Ramsay School District. Wold moved to approve, second by Ferguson, motion carried. 2397 Item 23 –Approval of a MOU Between Butte School District #1 and Ramsay School District for Specialty Services in the Areas of Speech/Language and School Psychologist – Kathy Cannon Kathy Cannon requested Board approval of a MOU between Butte School District #1 and Ramsay School District for Specialty Services in the areas of speech/language and school psychologist. Wold moved to approve, second by Granger, motion carried. Item 24 –Approval of MOU Between Butte School District #1 and Tracey Orcutt, Mobility Specialist for the 2014-2015 School Year – Kathy Cannon Kathy Cannon requested Board approval of a MOU between Butte School District #1 and Tracey Orcutt, Mobility Specialist for the period July 1, 2014-June 30, 2015. Ms. Cannon stated that Ms. Orcutt will provide mobility services to a student at West Elementary and a portion of her salary will be offset by Medicaid. Wold moved to approve, second by Hepola, motion carried. Item 25 –Approval of MOU Between Butte School District #1 and the Human Resource Council District XII for the 2014-2015 School Year – Kathy Cannon Kathy Cannon requested Board approval for the 2014-2015 MOU between Butte School District #1 and Human Resource Council District XII (Headstart). Ms. Cannon stated that the agreement provides: Child Find/Diagnostic Testing Speech Therapist Occupational Therapist Physical Therapist Adaptive Physical Education Psychological Assessments Superintendent Jonart asked Ms. Cannon if the MOU should be amended as the District does not have an Occupational Therapist at this time. Ms. Cannon stated that she has called St. James Healthcare to inquire whether they could provide these services. Wold move to approve the MOU as is with the possibility of bringing it back with changes in August if an Occupational Therapist is not found to provide these services. Second by Ferguson, motion carried. Item 26 –Personnel Matter (subject to closure at employee’s request) – Therese McClafferty Chairperson Boston pulled Item 26 from the agenda. 2398 ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the board, Trustee Hepola moved to adjourn, second by Trustee Ferguson, motion carried. Chairwoman Boston adjourned the meeting at 6:02 p.m. _______________________________ Chairwoman of Board of Trustees _________________________________ District Clerk Pj 2399 BUTTE SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 1 BOARD OF TRUSTEES REGULAR MEETING AUGUST 18, 2014 The Board of Trustees held a Regular Meeting on Monday, August 18th at 5:00 p.m. at the School Administration Building with Vice-Chairman John Ries presiding. Trustees present: Linda Sorini Granger, Patti Hepola (by phone), Carol Wold and Eddie Zimpel. Absent: Ann Boston, Scott Ferguson and Debbie Shea. Also present were: Judy Jonart, Superintendent, J.R. Richardson, Business Manager and Therese McClafferty, Director of Human Resource. CALL TO ORDER AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE WELCOME AND DIRECTIONS FOR PUBLIC PARTICIPATION APPROVAL OF MINUTES Item 1 – Regular Board Meeting, July 21, 2014 Item 2 – Special Board Meeting – July 30, 2014 Wold moved to approve, second by Zimpel, motion carried. COMMUNICATIONS Item 3 – Communication to Parents/Guardians and Students of Butte School District #1 Superintendent Jonart shared the following three documents that will be sent to all parents prior to the first day of school: Welcome Letter Qualification of Teachers Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Item 4 – Public Notice to Solicit Public Comment for the HVAC and Controls Upgrades in the Annex of Butte High School – Jed Hoopes, Director Jed Hoopes shared that the Butte School District had applied for a Quality Schools Facility Grant from the Department of Commerce for the HVAC and controls upgrades in the Annex of Butte High School. An environmental review was drafted to access the impact of the project, as required by the Montana Environmental Policy Act. A public notice to solicit comments on the EA and HVAC and controls upgrades in the Annex of Butte High School was published until August 18, 2014. A copy of the environmental assessment is available at the Butte School District Administration Office and at Item 5 – Public Comment On Items Not On Agenda None CONSENT AGENDA Item 6 – Consent Agenda Payroll, Claims & Budget Transfers & Revenue Reports (July 2014) Page #6 MONTH: JULY 2014 PAYROLL RECAP 2400 DATE: AUGUST 4, 2014 FUND TOTALS GRAND TOTAL ELEMENTARY GENERAL ELEMENTARY TRANSPORTATION FOOD SERVICE ELEMENTARY RETIREMENT ELEMENTARY SICK LEAVE RESERVE HIGH GENERAL HIGH TRANSPORTATION HIGH RETIREMENT HIGH TRAFFIC EDUCATION HIGH SCHOOL SICK LEAVE RESERVE FEDERAL PROGRAMS $149,679.11 $10,584.11 $3,866.72 $23,517.75 $11,332.13 $121,948.67 $5,761.63 $18,079.63 $15,561.76 $4,092.59 $30,326.40 $149,679.11 $10,584.11 $3,866.72 $23,517.75 $11,332.13 $121,948.67 $5,761.63 $18,079.63 $15,561.76 $4,092.59 $30,326.40 TOTAL CLAIMS (400) $394,750.50 $394,750.50 GRAND TOTAL PAID THIS MONTH $394,750.50 Page # 5 CLAIMS RECAP MONTH: JULY 2014 DATE: AUGUST 4, 2014 FUND TOTALS ELEMENTARY GENERAL ELEMENTARY TRANSPORTATION FOOD SERVICE MEDICAID SPECIAL SERVICES COBRA HIGH GENERAL HIGH TRANSPORTATION HIGH TRAFFIC EDUCATION HIGH SCHOOL CO-CURR FUNDS FEDERAL PROGRAMS $419,830.03 $63,597.73 $732.35 $73,019.39 $21,382.86 $206,867.77 $31,649.26 $4,496.04 $1,873.03 $1,348.54 TOTAL CLAIMS (400) LESS REIMBURSEMENTS GRAND TOTAL PAID THIS MONTH $824,797.00 $0.00 $824,797.00 REIMBURSEMENTS GRAND TOTAL $419,830.03 $63,597.73 $732.35 $73,019.39 $21,382.86 $206,867.77 $31,649.26 $4,496.04 $1,873.03 $1,348.54 $0.00 $824,797.00 Note: A complete and detailed listing of the Payroll and Claims Warrants, Budget Transfers and Revenue Reports is on file in the Clerk’s Office and by this reference is made part of these minutes. Student Activity Fund Report from East Middle School (July 2014) Student Activity Fund Report from Butte High School (June 2014) Wold moved to approve, second by Zimpel, motion carried. 2401 PERSONNEL Item 7 –Personnel Action Report – PAR – August 18, 2014 - Therese McClafferty BUTTE SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 1 AMENDED – AS APPROVED PERSONNEL ACTION REPORT August 18, 2014 Name Effective Assignment/Location 09/02/14 09/02/14 Bus Driver Bus Driver 08/12/14 Elementary Secretary, Kennedy To Facilities and Maintenance Secretary 08/21/14-09/18/14 Cleaner, East CLASSIFIED PERSONNEL APPOINTMENT: Nancy Fritz Dave Lambrecht TRANSFER: Robyn Hand LEAVE OF ABSENCE: Hermosele Geery LEAVE OF ABSENCE EXTENSION: Lee Clark 08/13/14-09/12/14 Cleaner, BHS 09/01/14 08/14/14 08/07/14 09/01/14 08/18/14 08/01/14 09/01/14 08/19/14 08/28/14 Substitute Bus Driver Cleaner, Hillcrest Substitute Monitor Substitute Bus Driver Cleaner, Hillcrest/Kennedy Cook’s Helper/Server, Hillcrest Monitor Sub. Cleaner Cleaner, BHS 08/14/14 08/28/14 Cleaner, Hillcrest Cleaner, BHS Christopher Alexander 08/27/14 Shaela Evenson Christopher Kebe 08/27/14 08/27/14 Guy Wadas Bonnie Worrell 08/27/14 08/27/14 Special Education Teacher, Whittier Temp. Science Teacher, BHS Special Education Teacher, Emerson Science Teacher, East Temp. Special Ed Teacher, Crossroads RESIGNATION: Nancy Fritz Michelle Gelling Kim LaBuff Dave Lambrecht Randy McCarty Andrea Luna Cheryl Parrett Carol Osborne Rita Schultz RETIREMENT: Michelle Gelling Rita Schultz CERTIFIED PERSONNEL APPOINTMENT: 2402 TRANSFER: Denise Smith 08/27/14 from Special Education Teacher, Crossroads, BHCC to Temp. Special Ed Teacher, BHS 08/11/14 PE Teacher, District 07/31/14 Science Teacher, BHS Gwenn Abbott 08/19/14 Christopher Alexander Bryan Arntson 08/01/14 08/01/14 Angela Richards Laurie Rossberg 08/19/14 09/2/14-10/20/14 Guy Wadas 08/19/14 Assist. Girls’ Basketball Coach, BHS Assist. Football Coach, BHS Co-Head Special Olympics Coach Volleyball Coach, East Volunteer Cross Country Coach, East Cross Country Coach, East 08/01/14 07/25/14 08/08/14 07/31/14 07/31/14 Co-Assist. Softball Coach, BHS Co-Assist. Softball Coach, BHS Co-Assist. Softball Coach, BHS Co-Assist. Softball Coach, BHS Assist. Softball Coach, BHS 07/01/14 Assist. Volleyball Coach, BHS RESIGNATION: Keli Renz-Coffing RETIREMENT: Sandra Shutey SUPPLEMENTAL PERSONNEL APPOINTMENT: RESIGNATION: Mike Anderson Corey Cutler Eric Mankins Steve Schulte Ryan Stosich NON-RENEWAL: Jim Patrick RESIGNATION FROM SUBSTITUTE TEACHER LIST: Casey Boyle June Dudding David Landes Andrea Opie Sara Simmons Bryce Willis Bonnie Worrell 08/11/14 08/08/14 08/06/14 08/07/14 08/11/14 08/11/14 08/11/14 Trustee Ries requested that Bryan Arntson, Co-Head Special Olympics Coach be pulled from the PAR for further discussion at a later date. Mr. Ries stated “I believe that the position of Special Olympics Coach is in the contract of the physical education teacher”. Mr. Ries stated that hiring a Co-Head Special Olympics Coach would require a request for an additional position. Trustee Ries made a motion to remove Bryan Arnston, Co-Head Special Olympics Coach from PAR; Zimpel moved and Granger seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Granger moved to approve the PAR as amended, second by Wold, motion carried. 2403 Item 8 – Approval of Meal Price Increase for 2014-2015 School Year – Superintendent Jonart Superintendent Jonart requested a meal price increase of $.15 per lunch as required by the Healthier, Hunter-Free Act of 2010 which requires that the average paid student meal price equal the value of the federal reimbursement for free meals. Ms. Jonart stated that all school districts were given five years to be in compliance with the standard meal price. Grades K-6 will be $2.40 and Grades 7-12 will be $2.65. Granger moved to approve, second by Zimpel, motion carried. Item 9 – Policy 2171 (Second Reading and Approval) – Instruction – Significant Writing Program – Superintendent Jonart Superintendent Jonart stated that the Board of Trustees has determined that a significant writing program is critical for the education program of the students. Therefore, writing will be incorporated in all aspects of the curriculum. Ms. Jonart stated that these changes have been mandated by the legislature. Granger moved to approve, second by Zimpel, motion carried. Item 10 – Policy 3403 (Second Reading and Approval) – Students – Extra-Co-Curricular Participation Policy – Superintendent Jonart Chuck Merrifield stated that three areas addressed in the changes to this policy are: 1) curfew violation; 2) explanation of due process; and 3) policy is in effect during season of the particular activity. Wold moved to approve, second by Zimpel, motion carried. Item 11 – Policy 6410/6410P (Second Reading and Approval) – Administration – Evaluation of Administrative Staff-Principal Evaluation Rubrics – Superintendent Jonart Jim O’Neill stated that he was Chairperson of the Subcommittee reviewing this policy and recommended changes to the Policy which are based on the Montana Educator Performance Appraisal System (Montana EPAS) and its four domains: Vision and Goals; Culture of Learning; Management; and Professional Responsibilities. Mr. O’Neill shared that the evaluation process will include three formal meetings: Professional Responsibilities and Goals Conference, Formative Feedback Conferences and Summative Evaluation Conference. Superintendent Jonart stated that these changes have been mandated by the State. Zimpel moved to approve, second by Granger, motion carried. Item 12 –Approval to Advertise and Hire for 21st CCLC (Rockies) After School and Summer Programs – Jim O’Neill Jim O’Neill requested Board approval to advertise and hire for the 2014-2015 after school and summer programs. Mr. O’Neill stated that these positions will be funded through the 21st Century Learning Center Grant. Mr. O’Neill shared that the number of instructors will be determined by the number of student registrations. Wold moved to approve, second by Granger, motion carried. 2404 Item 13 –Approval to Extend Existing Contract Between Butte School District #1 and Butte-Silver Bow Law Enforcement – Chuck Merrifield Chuck Merrifield requested Board approval to extend the existing contract between Butte School District #1 and Butte-Silver Bow Law Enforcement for officers to supervise activities and events of the Butte School District. Mr. Merrifield stated that the contract would be in effect from July 1, 2014 to June 30, 2015. Trustee Granger suggested that the contract signature pages be updated. Superintendent Jonart stated that these changes will be made to the contract. Wold moved to approve with amendment made to signature pages, second by Granger, motion carried. Item 14 –Approval to Enter Into An Independent Contract for Speech Therapy with Ms. Marnie Prigge for the 2014-2015 School Year – Kathy Cannon Kathy Cannon requested Board approval to enter into an Independent Contract with Ms. Marnie Prigge for speech therapy for the 2014-2015 school year. Ms. Cannon stated that the hourly rate for this contract will be $48.14 and will not exceed 90 hours per month. This contract will be funded from IDEA funds. Granger moved to approve, second by Zimpel, motion carried. Item 15 –Approval to Enter Into An Agreement with Ms. Dixie Johnson, Independent Occupational Therapist for the 2014-2015 School Year – Kathy Cannon Kathy Cannon requested Board approval to enter into an Agreement with Ms. Dixie Johnson, Independent Occupational Therapist for the 2014-2015 school year. Ms. Cannon stated that the hourly rate is $80.00 and will not exceed 50 hours per month. This Agreement will be funded from IDEA Part B and Pre-School. Zimpel moved to approve, second by Granger, motion carried. Item 16 –Approval to Advertise Butte School District #1’s Adult Community Education Program – Kathy Cannon Kathy Cannon requested Board approval to the Butte School District’s Adult Community Education Program. Ms. Cannon shared that these classes will be Monday through Wednesday evenings with Monday’s classes held at the Highlands College. Fall registration will open the week of August 25th with classes beginning on September 8th and concluding November 12, 2014. The winter registration will open December 29th with classes beginning on January 15, 2015 and will conclude on March 11, 2015. Wold moved to approve, second by Granger, motion carried. Item 17 –Approval to Submit Application for the 2015 RSVP Competitive Grant – Jami Humphrey Jami Humphrey requested Board approval to submit application for the 2015 RSVP Competitive Grant. This grant has been sponsored by the Butte School District for the past 14 years and offers opportunities for individuals 55 and better to assist in our schools with mentorship and tutoring as well as make their community safer, healthier and stronger through service. Wold moved to approve, second by Granger, motion carried. 2405 Item 18 –Approval of the Alternative Education Programs Grant Used to Partially Fund the Butte High School Graduation Coach – Superintendent Jonart Superintendent Jonart requested Board approval of the Alternative Education Program Grant used to partially fund the BHS Graduation Coach position. Ms. Jonart stated that Tom Billteen, from the District Youth Court, informed the District that he was able to secure approximately $50,000.00 in Prevention Incentive Funds to be used to continue this program. Trustee Zimpel asked if the positions of graduation coach and attendance officer were similar. Superintendent Jonart stated that they are different in the fact that the Attendance Officer works with truancy for all students and the Graduation Coach targets at-risk students. Trustee Ries shared that the grant award does not pay for the entire salary and benefits for this position. Ms. Jonart stated that is pays for approximately 58-60% of the position. Mr. Ries stated “this is one of my concerns about Butte High School’s budget; these type of things are not sustainable”. Trustee Wold shared Mr. Ries’ concerns regarding budget; but spoke in favor of the position as she feels it could pay for itself with the number students that she was able to keep in school. Trustee Zimpel asked if this was a teacher on special assignment. Superintendent Jonart stated that it was and was approved in the staffing. Trustee Ries stated that this is one of the areas that the Board had asked for statistics and have never received from high school Administrators. Mr. Ries stated “Montana ranks 46% in graduation rate in the Nation and in order to justify; we need stats at the high school level”. Wold moved to approve; second by Granger. Aye: Granger, Hepola, Wold. Nay: Ries and Zimpel. Motion carried. Item 19 –Approval of Grant Award from the Montana Office of Public Instruction for the Continuation of the Montana Striving Readers’ Project – Jim O’Neill Jim O’Neill requested Board approval of the grant award from the Montana Office of Public Instruction for the continuation of the Montana Striving Readers’ project and consent to advertise and hire 3 to 6 reading teachers. Mr. O’Neill shared that East Middle School, West Elementary and Whittier Elementary have been part of this grant for the past 3 years; which has been a tremendous asset to our students and schools. Granger moved to approve, second by Zimpel, motion carried. Item 20 –Approval to Enter Into An Inter-Local Attendance Agreement with Beaverhead H.S. District – Jed Hoopes Jed Hoopes requested Board approval to enter into an Inter-Local Attendance Agreement with Beaverhead High School District to travel across School District #1’s boundary located in Melrose. Mr. Hoopes stated that Dillon School District will transport high school students who live within the Beaverhead County School District boundary area to and from the Melrose Post Office bus stop each day. Zimpel moved to approve, second by Granger, motion carried. 2406 Item 21 –Approval of the 2014-2015 School Bus Routes – Jed Hoopes Jed Hoopes requested Board approval of the School Bus Routes for the 2014-2015 school year. Mr. Hoopes stated that there were some minor changes on some of the bus routes and stops; but most regular routes have not changed from last year. Wold moved to approve, second by Granger, motion carried. Item 22 –Approval of Commitment Letter for Natural Gas Participation – Jed Hoopes Jed Hoopes requested Board approval for School District #1 to commit to receiving natural gas from Shell Energy under an extension of the current contract. The State of Montana can then provide the school district continued gas discount prices through Shell Energy. Wold moved to approve, second by Granger, motion carried. Item 23 –Resolution Adopting Environmental Assessment for the HVAC and Controls Upgrades in the Annex of Butte High School Project – Jed Hoopes Jed Hoopes requested Board approval of the final resolution adopting Environmental Assessment for the HVAC and controls upgrades in the annex of the Butte High School project. Wold moved to approve, second by Zimpel, motion carried. Item 24 –Approval to Appoint Trustee Eddie Zimpel to the MTSBA Board – John Ries, Vice-Chair Vice-Chair Ries requested Board approval to appoint Trustee Eddie Zimpel to the MTSBA Board. Mr. Ries commended Trustee Zimpel for taking on this commitment. Wold moved to approve, second by Granger, motion carried. Item 25 –Approval of the 2014-2015 Board of Trustees Regular Meeting Calendar – John Ries, Vice Chair Vice-Chair Ries requested Board approval of the 2014-2015 Board of Trustees Regular Meeting calendar. Wold moved to approve, second by Granger, motion carried. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the board, Trustee Wold moved to adjourn, second by Trustee Zimpel, motion carried. Vice-Chairman Ries adjourned the meeting at 6:00 p.m. _______________________________ Chairwoman of Board of Trustees _________________________________ District Clerk Pj 2407 BUTTE SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 1 BOARD OF TRUSTEES REGULAR MEETING OCTOBER 20, 2014 The Board of Trustees held a Regular Meeting on Monday, October 20th at 5:00 p.m. at the School Administration Building with Chairperson Ann Boston presiding. Trustees present: Scott Ferguson, Linda Sorini Granger, Patti Hepola, Carol Wold and Eddie Zimpel. Also present were: Judy Jonart, Superintendent, J.R. Richardson, Business Manager and Therese McClafferty, Director of Human Resource. CALL TO ORDER AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE WELCOME AND DIRECTIONS FOR PUBLIC PARTICIPATION SWEARING AND SEATING OF NEW TRUSTEE Cathy Maloney, County Superintendent of Schools, had Scott Johns recite his Oath of Office and was seated as a Trustee for Butte School District #1 until the election in May 2015. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Item 1 – Regular Board Meeting, September 15, 2014 Item 2 – Special Board Meeting – October 7, 2014 Wold moved to approve, second by Zimpel, motion carried. COMMUNICATIONS Item 3 – Update from BHS Student Representative Erin Olivieri shared that the Butte High Speech and Debate tournament will be held in November and judges are needed. If you are interested, please contact Erin or Butte High School. College application week is coming up and Jostens will be meeting with classes for rings and graduation orders. Trustee Zimpel thanked Erin for her involvement with the Community Suicide Prevention Group. Item 4 – Emerson Elementary Presentation with Recognitions – Brenda Miner, Administrator Brenda Miner recognized the following Emerson Elementary (Home of the YellowJackets) staff: 393 students 17 classroom teachers 2 special ed teachers Reading Coach Counselor Library Tech teacher Title One teacher Art/Music/PE teachers Engineer Secretary 4 Altacare therapists 2 cleaners 5 foster grandmothers 2 playground monitors 1 special ed monitor 2408 2 lunch crew members Support staff from the district PTO Below are the Goals set forth by Emerson Elementary for 2014-2015: STUDENT ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT Emerson Elementary School will increase MAP math scores by 9% and DIBELS reading benchmarks by 5% from the previous school year. Focus on Weak Goal performance in MAPS Focus on Reading Fluency through Fluency plan Maps / DIBELS/ Smarter Balanced Digital Library st 21 -Century After-School Program Math Blocks / Walk to Math Early Bird tutoring title one classes Successmaker / 2 additional Mobile Labs Accelerated Math and Reader Math Facts in a Flash Neo Labs Family Math Night Pacing for Math and Reading Curriculum Maps Guaranteed Vocabulary Focus Free Writes Junior Great Books (Kindergarten through sixth grade) PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT / IMPROVEMENT OF STAFF PERFORMANCE The best professional development resource we have is each other. It is time to tap that resource. Eduphoria walk throughs Eduphoria observations Monday reading walk throughs Data meetings RTI MBI Teacher tips suggested in weekly agenda Teacher projects to enhance the school Emerson MBI Mission Statement The mission of Emerson Elementary School is to create and sustain a safe atmosphere that promotes academic excellence. Montana Behavior Institute Emerson is dedicated to building positive relationships with students, families and our community. Principals Yellowjacket Club Wednesday Newsletter / Shoutpoint Big Brothers & Sisters Olweus / Class Meetings/ Counselor Honors Art “CLASS SIZE, CURRICULUM, TECHNOLOGY, FACILITIES: NOTHING MATTERS MORE IN A SCHOOL THAN THE PERSON CIRCULATING THROUGHOUT THE ROOM EACH DAY. THE SINGLE MOST IMPORTANT VARIABLE TO SUCCESS IN A SCHOOL IS: TEACHERS / STAFF” JIM O’NEILL Item 5 – Public Comment On Items Not On Agenda None 2409 Item 6 – 1st Reading of Policy 3226 – Students – Bullying/Harassment/Intimidation – Superintendent Jonart Superintendent Jonart presented the following changes for Policy 3226 – Students – Bullying/Harassment/Intimidation: Item 7 – 1st Reading of Procedure 8104P – Noninstructional Operations – Student Behavior Code – School Buses – Jed Hoopes Jed Hoopes presented the following changes for Procedure 8104P – Noninstuctional Operations – Student Behavior Code – School Buses: Butte School District Page 1 of 2 NONINSTRUCTIONAL OPERATIONS 8104P Student Behavior Code – School Buses The School Bus Handbook for Students outlines the action the transportation department and principals or assistant principals will follow. Drivers are expected to be able to handle routine matters. When a serious problem develops, and the drivers are unable to resolve it, they will use the District’s Bus Conduct Report. The Bus Conduct Report must be signed by the driver or monitor submitting the report and, subsequently, by the director of transportation. When a driver or bus monitor is unable to determine the specific individual creating the problem, the appropriate principal or assistant principal may be asked to resolve the matter on a group basis. A student receiving a Bus Conduct Report will be: First (1st) Violation: Counseled by the driver, and the parent will be notified by mail. Second (2nd) Violation: Counseled by the driver and suspended from riding District transportation for five (5) consecutive school days. The parent will be notified by mail and by telephone when possible. 2410 Third (3rd) Violation: Counseled by the driver and suspended from riding District transportation for ten (10) consecutive school days. The parent will be notified by mail and by telephone when possible. Fourth (4th) Violation: Suspended from riding District transportation, pending a conference among student, parent, bus driver, director of transportation, and the appropriate principal or assistant principal. Bus Conduct Slips for Elementary Grades K-3 First Bus Conduct Slip: Students will be counseled by their bus driver, school principal, and parents will be mailed a copy of the bus Conduct Slip by the District Transportation Department (if you have moved, please call the Transportation Department re: your new address). Second Bus Conduct Slip: Students will be counseled by their school principal, and the Transportation Department will contact students’ parents or guardians, (by phone or mail). Bus privileges will be suspended for three (3) consecutive school days starting 4 days after the second Bus Conduct slip has been issued to the student. Third Bus Conduct Slip: Page 2 of 2 Students will be counseled by their school principal. The Transportation Department will contact student’s parents or guardians, (by phone or mail). Bus privileges will be suspended for four (4) consecutive school days, starting 4 days after the third Bus conduct Slip has been issued to the student. Fourth Bus Conduct Slip: Students will be suspended from bus privileges until a conference can be conducted that include the school principal, the Director of Transportation, the regular bus driver, and the parent or guardian and the child. NOTE: Coordination of the above mentioned conference will be the responsibility of the parent or guardian. Any further bus conduct slips will be treated the same as the fourth bus conduct, slip, and may lead to permanent suspension of bus. Bus Conduct Slips for Grades 4-12 First Bus Conduct Slip: Students will be counseled by their bus driver, school principal, and parents will be mailed a copy of the bus Conduct Slip by the district Transportation Department (if you have moved, please call the Transportation Department re: your new address). Second Bus Conduct Slip: Students will be counseled by their school principal, and the Transportation Department will contact students’ parents or guardians, (by phone or mail). Bus privileges will be suspended for five (5) consecutive school days starting 4 days after the second Bus Conduct slip has been issued to the student. Third Bus Conduct Slip: Students will be counseled by their school principal. The Transportation Department will contact student’s parents or guardians, (by phone or mail). Bus privileges will be suspended for ten (10) consecutive school days, starting 4 days after the third Bus conduct Slip has been issued to the student. Fourth Bus Conduct Slip: Students will be suspended from bus privileges until a conference can be conducted that includes the school principal, the Director of Transportation, the regular bus driver, and the parent or guardian and the child. NOTE: Coordination of the above mentioned conference will be the responsibility of the parent or guardian. Any further bus conduct slips will be treated the same as the fourth bus conduct, slip, and may lead to permanent suspension of bus. Procedure History: Promulgated on: 10/18/04 Revised on: 2411 CONSENT AGENDA Item 8 – Consent Agenda Payroll, Claims & Budget Transfers & Revenue Reports (September 2014) PAYROLL RECAP Page #6 MONTH: SEPTEMBER 2014 DATE: OCTOBER 2, 2014 FUND GRAND TOTAL TOTALS ELEMENTARY GENERAL ELEMENTARY TRANSPORTATION FOOD SERVICE ELEMENTARY RETIREMENT ELEMENTARY ADULT EDUCATION MEDICAID SPECIAL SERVICES ELEMENTARY SICK LEAVE RESERVE HIGH GENERAL HIGH TRANSPORTATION HIGH RETIREMENT HIGH ADULT EDUCATION BUS ACTIVITY FEDERAL PROGRAMS $1,249,850.17 $33,813.33 $34,030.37 $180,004.14 $1,525.37 $6,680.52 $1,249,850.17 $33,813.33 $34,030.37 $180,004.14 $1,525.37 $6,680.52 $258.35 $638,248.68 $17,102.99 $90,531.17 $4,576.13 $3,676.15 $205,409.57 $258.35 $638,248.68 $17,102.99 $90,531.17 $4,576.13 $3,676.15 $205,409.57 TOTAL CLAIMS (400) GRAND TOTAL PAID THIS MONTH $2,465,706.94 $2,465,706.94 $2,465,706.94 Page # 5 CLAIMS RECAP MONTH: SEPTEMBER 2014 DATE: OCTOBER 2, 2014 FUND ELEMENTARY GENERAL ELEMENTARY TRANSPORTATION FOOD SERVICE ELEMENTARY ADULT EDUCATION MEDICAID SPECIAL SERVICES COBRA HIGH GENERAL HIGH TRANSPORTATION HIGH RETIREMENT FUND TOTALS REIMBUSEMENTS GRAND TOTAL $183,140.97 $118.37 $183,022.60 $15,674.34 $114,787.88 $15,674.34 $114,787.88 $385.25 $86,326.07 $22,843.81 $142,166.69 $7,794.88 $105.23 $385.25 $86,326.07 $22,843.81 $142,166.69 $7,794.88 $105.23 2412 ACTIVITY BUS CO-CURRICULAR FEDERAL PROGRAMS $589.00 $9,720.54 $273,080.83 TOTAL CLAIMS (400) LESS REIMBURSEMENTS GRAND TOTAL PAID THIS MONTH $856,615.49 $118.37 $589.00 $9,720.54 $273,080.83 $118.37 $856,497.12 $856,497.12 Note: A complete and detailed listing of the Payroll and Claims Warrants, Budget Transfers and Revenue Reports is on file in the Clerk’s Office and by this reference is made part of these minutes. Student Activity Fund Report from East Middle School ( September 2014) Student Activity Fund Report from Butte High School (August/September 2014) Travel Requests o Judy Bryant, Denise Bordeleau, Patty Sayler, Amber Walter and Travis Johnson to Nashville, TN on November 18-22, 2014 to attend the National ACTE Conference. $3,025.00 to be paid from Carl Perkins. o Cristin Nielsen and Amanda Duncan and the Butte High School Varsity Spirit Squad to Orlando, Florida on December 26, 2014 – January 2015 to attend the Russell Athletic Bowl. All expenses to be paid from fundraisers. o Jim Hope to San Diego, California on February 18-22, 2015 to attend the NASSP Conference. $1,991.70 to be paid from the Butte High General Fund. Trustee Zimpel asked the Board to refer to the budget report in reference to J.R. Richardson’s indistrict mileage reimbursement. Mr. Zimpel questioned why the District is spending money on mileage reimbursement each month for Mr. Richardson. JR Richardson stated that the he has been doing these unofficial tasks since starting work for the District and will drop these duties that entail in district travel, immediately. Mr. Richardson shared that the in district mileage was for tasks which included checking on a broken water main at BHS, inspecting roof projects, addressing insurance claims and overseeing boiler installation, or any major project the district is doing. Superintendent Jonart shared that JR goes to such emergencies for safety reasons and that she would never sign off on anything that isn’t legitimate. Ms. Jonart stated that she is worried about who would pick up the slack and asked for volunteers to develop a committee to discuss options. The committee will consist of Superintendent Jonart, Scott Ferguson, Carol Wold and Eddie Zimpel. Chairperson Boston thanked JR for these extra duties and stated that this has always been approved and they were always glad that JR was there. Trustee Zimpel stated that he was confused as to why the District would not call Mr. Hoopes or the Administrators in the buildings. Trustee Wold stated “I think Eddie has a legitimate question and would agree that the Administrators and Jed should be able to examine the issues that come up in or around their buildings.” Trustee Zimpel stated “I appreciate everything that JR does, but could this be done once a week or perhaps a loop around the district buildings.” Mr. Zimpel shared that they are constantly talking about the budget and this is a place we can cut down on expenses. 2413 Trustee Granger stated that she knows JR on a personal and professional level and know he goes over and above; i.e., taking calls on personal phone after hours and following up. JR Richardson stated that he does not have a district issued cell phone and will not receive calls on a personal cell phone after hours. Trustee Ferguson stated “these costs do seem like a lot”. Superintendent Jonart stated “I do have the authority to sign off on mileage”. Trustee Wold stated “Eddie was not saying this is not legitimate; but we could have cost savings”. JR. Richardson reminded the Board that there is a lot of travel when organizing the school elections and stated that he recommends that the Board contract out next election after this one. Wold moved to approve, second by Granger, motion carried. Item 9 –Approval to Provide Nursing Services to the IDEA Early Morning Program – Kathy Cannon Kathy Cannon requested Board approval to provide nursing services to the IDEA Early Morning Program. These services are needed to be in compliance with IDEA and individual educational programs. Ms. Cannon shared that Bonnie Canty will work an additional three hours per week. Hepola moved to approve, second by Ferguson, motion carried. PERSONNEL Item 10 –Personnel Action Report – AMENDED PAR – October 7, 2014 - Therese McClafferty BUTTE SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 1 PERSONNEL ACTION REPORT Special Board Meeting AMENDED October 7, 2014 Name Effective Assignment/Location Jackie Blom 11/03/14 Cindy Robertson Darcy Schinnell 10/0820/14 10/08/14 Administrative Assistant, Human Resources Head Cook, West Playground Monitor, Margaret Leary CLASSIFIED PERSONNEL APPOINTMENT: RESIGNATION: Jackie Blom Veralee Jordan Rene O’Leary 10/31/14 09/15/14 10/10/14 Accounts Payable Bookkeeper Substitute Bus Driver Administrative Assistant, Human Resources 10/01/14 From Cook’s Helper to Rover, EMS TRANSFER: Johnette Smith 2414 Julie Stillwagon 10/01/14 Increased Hours as Cook’s Helper, EMS LEAVE OF ABSENCE: Bradie Alexander Patricia Dunmire 10/16/14-10/24/14 09/29/14-10/31/14 District Receptionist Cook’s Helper, BHS SUPPLEMENTAL PERSONNEL APPOINTMENT: Ashley Choquette Casey Dennehy Chad Jonart 09/03/14 07/21/14 07/21/14 Volleyball Coach, East Assistant Football Coach, BHS Assistant Football Coach, BHS 09/03/14 Co-Assistant Soccer Coach, BHS Casey Dennehy 07/18/14 Chad Jonart 07/18/14 Timothy Miller Ron Ricketts 09/24/14 10/01/14 Co-Assistant Football Coach, BHS Co-Assistant Football Coach, BHS Boys’ Basketball Coach, East Boys’ Basketball Coach, East TERMINATION: Will Harper RESIGNATION: ADDITION TO SUBSTITUE TEACHER LIST: Helen Brown Lacie Lovshin Jennifer Lynch 10/08/14 10/08/14 10/08/14 REMOVAL FROM SUBSTITUTE TEACHER LIST: Aaron Pederson Leanna Spath 09/23/14 09/29/14 BUTTE SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 1 PERSONNEL ACTION REPORT October 20, 2014 Name Effective Assignment/Location Jody Evans Betty Grosso 11/03/14 10/21/14 Robert Lockett Karl Muniz Kelly Perusich Aretta Seymour Karen Starcevich 10/21/14 10/03/14 10/21/14 10/21/14 10/21/14 Head Cook, Butte High School Substitute Cleaner and Food Service Substitute Cleaner Substitute Monitor Substitute Cleaner Substitute Food Service Cook’s Helper, Butte High School CLASSIFIED PERSONNEL APPOINTMENT: CERTIFIED PERSONNEL 2415 APPOINTMENT: Sheri Foley 10/14/14-10/31/14 TEMP Teacher, 6th Grade Whittier SUPPLEMENTAL PERSONNEL APPOINTMENT: Mike Anderson Bryan Arntson 10/21/14 10/21/14 Dan Boyle Bonnie Canty William Clague 10/21/14 09/16/14 10/21/14-06/05/15 Callie Daly 10/21/14-03/30/15 Amanda Duncan Elisabeth Fandrich Larry Ferguson Valerie Houchin 10/21/14-06/05/15 10/21/14-06/05/15 10/21/14 10/21/14-06/05/15 Travis Johnson 10/21/14 Eric Mankins Randy Miller Jamie Patrick Julie Reichle Steve Schulte 10/21/14 10/21/14 10/21/14-06/05/15 10/21/14-06/05/15 10/21/14 Denise Smith Emily Stenson 10/21/14 10/21/14-06/05/15 Kara VanMeel 10/21/14-06/05/15 Todd Whalen Lacie Williams 10/21/14 10/21/14-06/05/15 Assistant Softball Coach, BHS Co-Head Special Olympics Coach Boys’ Basketball Coach, East IDEA Early Morning Program Volunteer, Elementary Sports Coach Volunteer, Asst. Girls’ Basketball Coach, BHS Volunteer, Cheer/Dance Coach Classroom Volunteer, Whittier Boys’ Basketball Coach, East Volunteer, Elementary Sports Coach Co-Assistant Softball Coach, BHS Assistant Softball Coach, BHS Boys’ Basketball Coach, East Volunteer, Cheer/Dance Coach Volunteer, Cheer/Dance Coach Co-Assistant Softball Coach, BHS Student Council Advisor, BHS Volunteer, Elementary Sports Coach Volunteer, Elementary Sports Coach Drama Advisor, BHS Volunteer, Elementary Sports Coach RESIGNATION: Terry Hauser 09/10/14 Malcolm Neill 10/03/14 Callie Daly 10/10/14 Co-Head Special Olympics Coach Assistant Boys’ Basketball Coach, BHS Co-Assistant Girls’ Basketball Coach, BHS ADDITION TO SUBSTITUE TEACHER LIST: Mark McCarthy Kayla O’Mara Andrew Wallace 10/21/14 10/21/14 10/21/14 Wold moved to approve the PAR from 10/7/14 as amended in red, second by Granger, motion carried. Hepola moved to approve the PAR as presented for 10/20/14, second by Granger. Recused: Scott Ferguson. Motion carried. 2416 Item 11 – Approval to Advertise and Hire a Project Director and Three (3) Case Managers for Project Aware – Jim O’Neill Jim O’Neill requested Board approval to advertise and hire a Project Director and three case managers (1 elementary; 1 middle school; 1 high school) for Project Aware. These positions will be funded by the Project Aware Grant awarded to Butte School District #1 on September 17, 2014. The positions are a requirement of the grant. Zimpel moved to approve, second by Granger, motion carried. Item 12 – Approval of Contract for Jackie Blom, Administrative Assistant to the Human Resource Director – Therese McClafferty Therese McClafferty requested Board approval of the non-union contract dated November 3, 2014 through June 30, 2015 for Jackie Blom, Administrative Assistant to the Human Resource Director. Wold moved to approve, second by Ferguson, motion carried. Item 13 – Approval of Resignation of Trustee John Ries – Chairperson Boston Chairperson Boston requested Board approval to accept the resignation of Trustee John Ries. Wold moved to approve, second by Granger, motion carried. Item 14 – Approval of a Memorandum of Understanding Between Butte School District #1 and the Montana Job Corps Program for the 2014-2015 Academic Year – Superintendent Jonart Superintendent Jonart requested Board approval of the annual MOU between Butte School District #1 and the Montana Job Corps Program for the 2014-2015 academic year. Hepola moved to approve, second by Ferguson, motion carried. Item 15 –Approval of Exxon Mobile Foundation Grant Award in the Amount of $2,000.00 to Hillcrest Elementary – Susan Johnson Susan Johnson requested Board approval to accept the Exxon Mobile Foundation Grant award to Hillcrest Elementary in the amount of $2,000.00. This grant will allow Hillcrest Elementary to purchase computers for the computer lab. Wold moved to approve, second by Ferguson, motion carried. Item 16 –Approval to Enter Into a Student Transportation Attendance Agreement (FP-14 Contract Form) with Ramsay School District #3 – Jed Hoopes Jed Hoopes requested Board approval to enter into a student transportation attendance agreement (FP-14 Contract Form) with Ramsay School District #3. The Butte School District will travel across the Ramsay School District Boundary while transporting a special education student to Butte School District #1 West Elementary School located at 800 South Emmett. Wold moved to approve, second by Hepola, motion carried. Item 17 –Approval of Resolution to Surplus Property in the School District Warehouse – Kurt Marthaller Kurt Marthaller requested Board approval the Resolution to Surplus Property in the School District Warehouse. Mr. Marthaller stated that 52 cases of Grab n Go lunches need to be disposed of due to expiration date of May 2014. 2417 Wold moved to approve, second by Johns, motion carried. Item 18 –Approval of Agreement Between Butte School District #1 and Vanco Services for Online Services Provider – Kurt Marthaller Kurt Marthaller requested Board approval of an Agreement Between Butte School District #1 and Vanco Services for Online payment services. Mr. Marthaller stated that Vanco allows parents to view and pay their bill online 24/7 by using checking or credit and debit cards. Over the past few years the School Nutrition Services has had problems collecting from some of the school district parents when their students charge meals. The option of using electronic transfer from savings or checking will make it easier for parents to pay their outstanding bills. Vanco also uses credit cards, which include Visa, MasterCard and Discover. Wold moved to approve, second by Ferguson, motion carried. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the board, Trustee Hepola moved to adjourn, second by Trustee Granger, motion carried. Chairperson Boston adjourned the meeting at 6:40 p.m. _______________________________ Chairwoman of Board of Trustees _________________________________ District Clerk Pj 2418 BUTTE SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 1 BOARD OF TRUSTEES REGULAR MEETING NOVEMBER 17, 2014 The Board of Trustees held a Regular Meeting on Monday, November 17th at 5:00 p.m. at the School Administration Building with Chairperson Ann Boston presiding. Trustees present: Kyle Barsness, Patti Hepola, Scott Johns and Eddie Zimpel. Absent: Scott Ferguson, Linda Sorini Granger and Carol Wold. Also present were: Judy Jonart, Superintendent, J.R. Richardson, Business Manager and Therese McClafferty, Director of Human Resource. CALL TO ORDER AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE WELCOME AND DIRECTIONS FOR PUBLIC PARTICIPATION SWEARING AND SEATING OF NEW TRUSTEE Cathy Maloney, County Superintendent of Schools, had Kyle Barsness recite his Oath of Office and was seated as a Trustee for Butte School District #1 until the election in May 2015. J.R. Richardson called for nominations for Vice-Chairperson. Chairperson Boston nominated Trustee Hepola, second by Trustee Zimpel. There were no further nominations. By acclamation, Trustee Hepola will be Board Vice-Chair, serving out the remainder of the term until May 2015. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Item 1 – Special Board Meeting, October 20, 2014 Item 2 – Regular Board Meeting, October 20, 2014 Item 3 – Special Board Meeting, November 3, 2014 Zimpel moved to approve, second by Barsness, motion carried. COMMUNICATIONS Item 4 – Margaret Leary Elementary Presentation with Recognitions – Brett Huntsman, Administrator Margaret Leary’s School Expectations ABBA Achievement- Always give your best and try your hardest Behavior- Be safe and be nice to people by treating them the way you want to be treated and by using good manners Be- Be at school everyday and be on time Attitude- Look at the good in everything and help others Mustang Mentors Mustang Mentors are building the community between students. • Older students work with younger students developing friendships along with a “buddy system” • Together they work on various curricular activities like buddy reading, math facts, along with other projects. Family Fact Night Monday and Wednesday nights students will take home a math fluency sheet. Students will be timed for 5 minutes. 2419 The sheets are corrected and signed by parents and returned to school. The sheets will be collected in class and entered into a school wide raffle for Mustang Bucks. Family Reading Night Tuesday and Thursday nights students will take home Family Reading Night slips. Students are encouraged to read with family a family member. The raffle tickets are signed by parents and brought back to school. The slips will be collected in class and entered into a school wide raffle for Mustang Bucks. MUSTANG OF THE Grading Period One mustang of the grading period is chosen from each class R: Students must reach their Accelerated Reading goal A: Students must have Assignments completed on time B: Students must achieve excellent Behavior A: Students must achieve perfect Attendance T: Students will be Tardy free Student of the Week A student is given as ticket, a phone call is made home. Parent Communications • • • ML has a weekly newsletter Automated phone calls, shout outs Assignment Binders/ Daily Calendars Robotics Tuesday nights after school Native American Games Indian Education For All (IEFA) Students learn about the Native American Culture. 6 Grade Margaret Leary Students designed their own game boards. They used Native American Curriculum to make questions and answers for their games. They had a blast playing games with fellow classmates th Graduation Matters Rodeo Clown and Miss Rodeo MT Bullying • A student is being bullied when he or she is exposed, repeatedly and over time, to negative actions on the part of one or more students. • Bullying involves an imbalance of power or strength. • Bullying = Peer Abuse • • • • BULLY PRESENTATIONS- OFFICER KILMER AND MRS. TRANG MONTANA BEHAVIOR INCENTIVE (MBI) CSCT TEAMS • “STUDENTS DON’T CARE HOW MUCH YOU KNOW, UNTIL THEY KNOW HOW MUCH YOU CARE.” MARGARET LEARY STAFF Jennifer Kriskovich Courtney Schad Amie Badovinac Becky Booth Amber Perusich Debbie Richards Kathy Sharon Laurie Herlson Julie O’ Gara Mike Judd Shelley McLaughlin Cara Whitlock Casey Dennehy Tina Powers Lynn Stordahl 2420 Chris Barry Jerry Petritz Ken Kivela Erin McGree KD Kennis Annie DeJohn Diana Taylor Dorothy Schultz Mike Anderson Kayla Sullivan Jennifer Luoma Aryn Hayden Sarah Trang Dot Warner Braydon Schilling Judy Seymore Darcy Schinnell Mr. Huntsman stated that Ms. O’Gara will be retiring this year after forty years in the teaching profession. The Lorax Unless Unless someone like you care a whole awful lot Nothing is going to get better It is not By Dr. Seuss Item 5 – Update from BHS Student Representative None Item 6 – Butte School District #1 Special Education Program Advisory Committee Update – Terry Faulkner Note: A complete copy of the Program Advisory Committee Industrial Training Program Tool Kit is on file in the Clerk’s Office and by this reference is made part of these minutes. Item 7 – 1st Reading of Policy 2410P-Instruction-High School Graduation Requirements – John Metz John Metz stated that the changes to Policy 2410P-Instruction-High School Graduation Requirements are in alignment with the last legislative session. Chairperson Boston thanked Mr. Metz for the work that the committee did to make these changes. Item 8 – 1st Reading of Form 3102F-1-Students-Enrollment and Data Form – Jim O’Neill Superintendent Jonart stated that the change to Form 3102F-1-Students-Enrollment and Data Form was the addition of the military connected student information. Item 9 – 1st Reading of Policy 3121P-Students-Enrollment and Attendance Records – Jim O’Neill Superintendent Jonart stated that the changes to Policy 3121P-Students-Enrollent and Attendance Records are in accordance with arrogate hours required by the State of Montana. Item 10 – 1st Reading of 6410P-Administrative-Evaluation of Administration StaffPrincipal Evaluation Rubrics – Therese McClafferty Therese McClafferty stated that the changes on the “Evaluation Summary Page” of Policy 6410P are to correspond with the changes previously made to the policy. Item 11 – Public Comment On Items Not On Agenda Cathy Maloney, County Superintendent of Schools, shared information regarding Suicide Prevention. Information can be found at The Jason Foundation, Inc., is dedicated to the prevention of the “Silent Epidemic” of youth suicide through educational and awareness programs that equip young people, educators/youth workers and parents with the tools and resources to help identify and assist at-risk youth. 2421 CONSENT AGENDA Item 12 – Consent Agenda Payroll, Claims & Budget Transfers & Revenue Reports (October 2014) Page #6 PAYROLL RECAP MONTH: OCTOBER 2014 DATE: NOVEMBER 3, 2014 FUND TOTALS GRAND TOTAL ELEMENTARY GENERAL ELEMENTARY TRANSPORTATION FOOD SERVICE ELEMENTARY RETIREMENT ELEMENTARY ADULT EDUCATION MEDICAID SPECIAL SERVICES ELEMENTARY SICK LEAVE RESERVE HIGH GENERAL FUND HIGH TRANSPORTATION HIGH RETIREMENT HIGH ADULT EDUCATION HIGH SICK LEAVE RESERVE BUS ACTIVITY HIGH CO-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES FEDERAL PROGRAMS $1,288,986.26 $59,352.89 $58,611.46 $191,618.53 $1,288,986.26 $59,352.89 $58,611.46 $191,618.53 $1,525.37 $6,846.56 $1,525.37 $6,846.56 $10,742.46 $642,831.61 $29,816.22 $94,007.70 $4,576.13 $5,282.65 $11,959.69 $10,742.46 $642,831.61 $29,816.22 $94,007.70 $4,576.13 $5,282.65 $11,959.69 $2,449.35 $242,543.33 $2,449.35 $242,543.33 TOTAL CLAIMS (400) GRAND TOTAL PAID THIS MONTH $2,651,150.21 $2,651,150.21 $2,651,150.21 Page # 5 CLAIMS RECAP MONTH: OCTOBER 2014 DATE: NOVEMBER 3, 2014 FUND ELEMENTARY GENERAL ELEMENTARY TRANSPORTATION FOOD SERVICE ELEMENTARY ADULT EDUCATION MEDICAID SPECIAL SERVICES ELEMENTARY TECHNOLOGY FUND TOTALS REIMBUSEMENTS $162,783.20 $23,084.96 $83,714.63 $2,781.98 $1,907.75 $171,501.81 $0.00 $985.52 GRAND TOTAL $160,001.22 $23,084.96 $82,729.11 $1,907.75 $171,501.81 2422 ELEMENTARY BUILDING FUND COBRA HIGH GENERAL HIGH TRANSPORTATION HIGH TECHNOLOGY FUND HIGH BUILDNG FUND HIGH BUILDING RESERVE FUND ACTIVITY BUS CO-CURRICULAR FEDERAL PROGRAMS $0.00 $23,261.34 $189,435.38 $11,374.85 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $495.00 $8,682.81 $94,059.56 TOTAL CLAIMS (400) LESS REIMBURSEMENTS GRAND TOTAL PAID THIS MONTH $770,301.29 $4,574.02 $765,727.27 $806.52 $23,261.34 $188,628.86 $11,374.85 $495.00 $8,682.81 $94,059.56 $4,574.02 $765,727.27 Note: A complete and detailed listing of the Payroll and Claims Warrants, Budget Transfers and Revenue Reports is on file in the Clerk’s Office and by this reference is made part of these minutes. Student Activity Fund Report from East Middle School (October 2014) Travel Requests o Butte High School German Exchange Program Hepola moved to approve, second by Zimpel, motion carried. PERSONNEL Item 13 –Personnel Action Report – AMENDED PAR – November 17, 2014 - Therese McClafferty BUTTE SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 1 PERSONNEL ACTION REPORT AMENDED November 17, 2014 Name Effective Assignment/Location Bradie Alexander Richard Bertoglio Kathy Skartved Shauna Smith 12/01/14 12/01/14 11/18/14 11/18/14 Mary Torpey Lesia Hahn-Tretheway 12/01/14 11/04/14 Accounts Payable Bookkeeper Playground Monitor, West Substitute Food Service Substitute Food Service & Playground Monitor Cleaner, Mgt. Leary Substitute Monitor, Food Service CLASSIFIED PERSONNEL APPOINTMENT: LEAVE OF ABSENCE: Kim LaBuff 12/16/14-01/07/15 Cleaner, West/Hillcrest RESIGNATION: Bradie Alexander Sharon Lazzari 11/30/14 11/11/14 Lesia Hahn-Tretheway Mary Torpey 11/03/14 11/11/14 District Receptionist Food Service, East, Cook’s Helper Playground Monitor Food Service, East, Cook’s Helper 2423 Mary Torpey 11/30/14 Substitute Cleaner, District 11/11/14-01/05/15 11/03/14-01/25/15 3rd Grade Teacher, Emerson 2nd Grade Teacher, Hillcrest CERTIFIED PERSONNEL LEAVE OF ABSENCE: Becky Burke Christen Jozovich SUPPLEMENTAL PERSONNEL APPOINTMENT: Dale Burgman George M. Foley Keith Ogolin Eddy Stewart Dave Susanj 11/18/14 11/18/14 11/18/14-1/20/15 11/18/14-06/05/15 11/18/14 Assistant Boys’ Basketball Coach Girls’ Basketball Coach – East Volunteer Basketball Coach – East Volunteer, Elementary Sports Coach Girls’ Basketball Coach - East ADDITION TO SUBSTITUTE TEACHER LIST: Charity Breeton Juliann Crnich Kerry Powers 11/18/14 11/18/14 11/18/14 Zimpel moved to approve the PAR as amended in red, second by Johns, motion carried. Item 14 – 2nd Reading and Approval of Policy 3226 – Students – Bullying/Harassment/Intimidation – Superintendent Jonart Superintendent Jonart stated that this is the 2nd reading and request for approval of the following changes for Policy 3226 – Students – Bullying/Harassment/Intimidation: John Cummings thanked the Board and Jim O’Neill for the wonderful new wording in the policy regarding gay rights and stated his appreciation for the support. 2424 Trustee Zimpel thanked Superintendent Jonart, Jim O’Neill and other committee members for getting this done and done well. Barsness moved to approve, second by Zimpel, motion carried. Item 15 – 2nd Reading and Approval of Procedure 8104P – Noninstructional Operations – Student Behavior Code – School Buses – Jed Hoopes Jed Hoopes stated this is the 2nd reading of Procedure 8104P – Noninstuctional Operations – Student Behavior Code – School Buses and requested approval. Butte School District Page 1 of 2 NONINSTRUCTIONAL OPERATIONS 8104P Student Behavior Code – School Buses The School Bus Handbook for Students outlines the action the transportation department and principals or assistant principals will follow. Drivers are expected to be able to handle routine matters. When a serious problem develops, and the drivers are unable to resolve it, they will use the District’s Bus Conduct Report. The Bus Conduct Report must be signed by the driver or monitor submitting the report and, subsequently, by the director of transportation. When a driver or bus monitor is unable to determine the specific individual creating the problem, the appropriate principal or assistant principal may be asked to resolve the matter on a group basis. A student receiving a Bus Conduct Report will be: First (1st) Violation: Counseled by the driver, and the parent will be notified by mail. Second (2nd) Violation: Counseled by the driver and suspended from riding District transportation for five (5) consecutive school days. The parent will be notified by mail and by telephone when possible. Third (3rd) Violation: Counseled by the driver and suspended from riding District transportation for ten (10) consecutive school days. The parent will be notified by mail and by telephone when possible. Fourth (4th) Violation: Suspended from riding District transportation, pending a conference among student, parent, bus driver, director of transportation, and the appropriate principal or assistant principal. Bus Conduct Slips for Elementary Grades K-3 First Bus Conduct Slip: Students will be counseled by their bus driver, school principal, and parents will be mailed a copy of the bus Conduct Slip by the District Transportation Department (if you have moved, please call the Transportation Department re: your new address). Second Bus Conduct Slip: Students will be counseled by their school principal, and the Transportation Department will contact students’ parents or guardians, (by phone or mail). Bus privileges will be suspended for three (3) consecutive school days starting 4 days after the second Bus Conduct slip has been issued to the student. Third Bus Conduct Slip: Page 2 of 2 Students will be counseled by their school principal. The Transportation Department will contact student’s parents or guardians, (by phone or mail). Bus privileges will be suspended for four (4) consecutive school days, starting 4 days after the third Bus conduct Slip has been issued to the student. Fourth Bus Conduct Slip: 2425 Students will be suspended from bus privileges until a conference can be conducted that include the school principal, the Director of Transportation, the regular bus driver, and the parent or guardian and the child. NOTE: Coordination of the above mentioned conference will be the responsibility of the parent or guardian. Any further bus conduct slips will be treated the same as the fourth bus conduct, slip, and may lead to permanent suspension of bus. Bus Conduct Slips for Grades 4-12 First Bus Conduct Slip: Students will be counseled by their bus driver, school principal, and parents will be mailed a copy of the bus Conduct Slip by the district Transportation Department (if you have moved, please call the Transportation Department re: your new address). Second Bus Conduct Slip: Students will be counseled by their school principal, and the Transportation Department will contact students’ parents or guardians, (by phone or mail). Bus privileges will be suspended for five (5) consecutive school days starting 4 days after the second Bus Conduct slip has been issued to the student. Third Bus Conduct Slip: Students will be counseled by their school principal. The Transportation Department will contact student’s parents or guardians, (by phone or mail). Bus privileges will be suspended for ten (10) consecutive school days, starting 4 days after the third Bus conduct Slip has been issued to the student. Fourth Bus Conduct Slip: Students will be suspended from bus privileges until a conference can be conducted that includes the school principal, the Director of Transportation, the regular bus driver, and the parent or guardian and the child. NOTE: Coordination of the above mentioned conference will be the responsibility of the parent or guardian. Any further bus conduct slips will be treated the same as the fourth bus conduct, slip, and may lead to permanent suspension of bus. Procedure History: Promulgated on: 10/18/04 Revised on: Hepola moved to approve, second by Johns, motion carried. Item 16 – Approval to Request for Proposals for Telecommunications Services – Superintendent Jonart Superintendent Jonart requested Board approval to solicit proposals for telecommunication services. The services include: PRI/Trunking/or SIP Services Long Distance Services POTS (Alarm lines) DID Numbers Superintendent Jonart stated that the contract for these services currently being provided by Bresnan/Charter expires on June 30, 2015 and in order to be eligible for eRate discount, the District must solicit bids prior to the filing date for the 2016 funding year. Hepola moved to approve, second by Barsness, motion carried. Item 17 –Approval of Rate Increase for Law Enforcement Services with the Butte Silver Bow LED – Chuck Merrifield Chuck Merrifield requested Board approval of a contract between Butte School District #1 and the Butte Silver Bow Law Enforcement for services for the 2014-2015 school year. The cost of $48.00/hr; which is an increase of $8.00 per hour. This increase is required by Butte Silver Bow regulations. Hepola moved to approve, second by Zimpel, motion carried. 2426 Item 18 –Approval to Submit Grant Application to the Office of Public Instruction for School Nutrition Equipment – Kurt Marthaller Kurt Marthaller requested Board approval to submit a grant application to the Office of Public Instruction which will be used to fund the replacement of the steam table in the East Middle School kitchen. Zimpel moved to approve, second by Barsness, motion carried. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the board, Trustee Hepola moved to adjourn, second by Trustee Johns, motion carried. Chairperson Boston adjourned the meeting at 5:58 p.m. _______________________________ Chairwoman of Board of Trustees _________________________________ District Clerk Pj 2427 BUTTE SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 1 BOARD OF TRUSTEES REGULAR MEETING DECEMBER 15, 2014 The Board of Trustees held a Regular Meeting on Monday, December 15th at 5:00 p.m. at the School Administration Building with Chairperson Ann Boston presiding. Trustees present: Kyle Barsness, Patti Hepola, Scott Johns and Scott Ferguson and Carol Wold. Absent: Linda Sorini Granger and Eddie Zimpel. Also present were: Judy Jonart, Superintendent, J.R. Richardson, Business Manager and Therese McClafferty, Director of Human Resource. CALL TO ORDER AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE WELCOME AND DIRECTIONS FOR PUBLIC PARTICIPATION APPROVAL OF MINUTES Item 1 – Regular Board Meeting, November 17, 2014 Wold moved to approve, second by Johns, motion carried. COMMUNICATIONS Item 2 – Butte High School Presentation with Recognitions – John Metz, Administrator John Metz shared a power point presentation (a complete copy of the presentation is on file in the Clerk’s Office and by this reference is made part of these minutes). Mr. Metz stated that Butte High School has 114.8 certified staff; 43 student clubs for Butte High School students and 35 sports/activities for students. Metz shared that the fall count in 2007 was 1553 and in 2014 is 1260; attendance and graduation rates have increased at Butte High School; in part because of a new position and topics such as Graduation Coach; MBI, Walk the Schedule and Dual Credit Courses. Item 3 – Update from BHS Student Representative None Item 4 – Update on Montana Behavioral Institute (MBI) – Jim O’Neill Jim O’Neill shared a power point presentation (a complete copy of the presentation is on file in the Clerk’s Office and by this reference is made part of these minutes). Mr. O’Neill reported that MBI is a school-wide positive support system and behavior plan. MBI Process: Each school attends four 2 day trainings over the course of two years; Each school is assigned an MBI consultant through the Montana Office of Public Instruction; and Schools meet regularly to continue planning during two years. Currently: All schools have attended 1st training; Schools are developing UNIVERSAL EXPECTATIONS; Schools are developing school-wide common area behavior matrix; Schools have completed surveys: o Student (BHS 966) o Staff (BHS 69 of 75) o Parent (BHS 97) Schools are analyzing surveys to make data based decisions to improve culture; and Focus groups have been developed for further analysis. 2428 BHS Universal Expectations: D O G S edicate yourself to school! n time and present! raduate! how respect for yourself, others and your school! Next Steps: Training Module II – February Training Module III – October Training Module IV – February 16 On-going school team meetings Implementation in stages Not a program; it’s a process that becomes part of a school culture! Item 5 – Public Comment On Items Not On Agenda None CONSENT AGENDA Item 6 – Consent Agenda Payroll, Claims & Budget Transfers & Revenue Reports (November 2014) Page #6 PAYROLL RECAP MONTH: NOVEMBER 2014 DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2014 FUND TOTALS GRAND TOTAL ELEMENTARY GENERAL ELEMENTARY TRANSPORTATION FOOD SERVICE ELEMENTARY RETIREMENT ELEMENTARY ADULT EDUCATION MEDICAID SPECIAL SERVICES ELEMENTARY SICK LEAVE RESERVE HIGH GENERAL FUND HIGH TRANSPORTATION HIGH RETIREMENT HIGH ADULT EDUCATION BUS ACTIVITY HIGH CO-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES FEDERAL PROGRAMS $1,293,398.19 $1,293,398.19 $57,415.14 $57,415.14 $58,054.21 $58,054.21 $189,250.41 $189,250.41 TOTAL CLAIMS (400) $2,690,126.29 GRAND TOTAL PAID THIS MONTH $2,690,126.29 $1,525.37 $7,009.76 $1,525.37 $7,009.76 $390.05 $698,662.05 $28,703.76 $99,957.89 $4,576.13 $6,866.94 $390.05 $698,662.05 $28,703.76 $99,957.89 $4,576.13 $6,866.94 $3,467.60 $240,848.79 $3,467.60 $240,848.79 $2,690,126.29 Page # 5 CLAIMS 2429 RECAP MONTH: NOVEMBER 2014 DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2014 FUND TOTALS REIMBUSEMENTS ELEMENTARY GENERAL ELEMENTARY TRANSPORTATION FOOD SERVICE MEDICAID SPECIAL SERVICES ELEMENTARY DEBT SERVICES FUND COBRA HIGH GENERAL HIGH TRANSPORTATION HIGH TRAFFIC EDUCATION FUND HIGH DEBT SERVICES FUND ACTIVITY BUS CO-CURRICULAR FEDERAL PROGRAMS $121,018.84 $6,202.27 $58,957.24 $70,710.08 $136.20 $6.00 TOTAL CLAIMS (400) LESS REIMBURSEMENTS GRAND TOTAL PAID THIS MONTH $590,749.52 $191.77 $590,557.75 $30,835.74 $25,014.70 $139,640.60 $3,081.48 $292.13 $15,187.75 $182.00 $14,980.92 $104,645.77 $46.57 $3.00 GRAND TOTAL $120,882.64 $6,196.27 $58,957.24 $70,663.51 $30,835.74 $25,014.70 $139,640.60 $3,078.48 $292.13 $15,187.75 $182.00 $14,980.92 $104,645.77 $191.77 $590,557.75 $191.77 $590,557.75 Note: A complete and detailed listing of the Payroll and Claims Warrants, Budget Transfers and Revenue Reports is on file in the Clerk’s Office and by this reference is made part of these minutes. Student Activity Fund Report from East Middle School (November 2014) Student Activity Fund Report from Butte High School (October 2014) Wold moved to approve, second by Hepola, motion carried. PERSONNEL Item 7 –Personnel Action Report – (PAR) – December 15, 2014 - Therese McClafferty BUTTE SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 1 PERSONNEL ACTION REPORT December 15, 2014 Name Effective Assignment/Location 12/16/14 01/05/15 Substitute Food Service Food Service, Cook’s Helper/Server, East Project Aware Case Manager Administrative Assistant, Superintendent CLASSIFIED PERSONNEL APPOINTMENT: Carol Booth Judith Brannigan Ashley Choquette Mary Kaye Ericson 01/05/15 01/05/15 2430 Patsy Lingenfelter Cassie O’Leary Kaylee Reynolds Emily Smith Mary Kate Staley Jodi Tombarge 12/16/14 01/05/15 01/05/15 01/05/15 01/05/15 12/16/14 Substitute Monitor Project Aware Coordinator Project Aware Case Manager Project Aware Case Manager District Receptionist Substitute Bus Driver, Monitor TRANSFER: Kim Bengtson 11/24/14 From 3.0 hour, Food Service Cook’s Helper at BHS to 3.5 hour, Cook’s Helper at BHS RESIGNATION: Linda Baker 12/05/14 11/14/14 Adult Ed/Alternative School Secretary, BHCC Substitute - Food Service/Class Monitor/Playground Monitor/Cleaner 08/01/15 12/31/15 Engineer, BHCC Bus Monitor, Transportation Richard Bertoglio RETIREMENT: William Pickett Carmilla Sue Sparks CERTIFIED PERSONNEL EXTENSION OF LEAVE OF ABSENCE: Becky Burke 01/06/15-01/30/15 LEAVE OF ABSENCE: Terry Hauser 3rd Grade Teacher, Emerson 11/21/14-12/19/14 Special Ed, Adaptive PE, BHCC Joshua Ballensky 12/16/14-06/05/15 Bryce Foley 12/16/14-03/31/15 Christopher Hunter 12/16/14-06/05/15 Volunteer, Elementary Sports Coach Volunteer Wrestling Coach, BHS Volunteer, Elementary Sports Coach Interim Head Boys’ Basketball Coach, BHS Volunteer, Elementary Sports Coach Volunteer, Elementary Sports Coach Volunteer Boys’ Basketball Coach, BHS Volunteer, Elementary Sports Coach Volunteer, Elementary Sports Coach Volunteer, Elementary Sports Coach Volunteer, Elementary Sports Coach Assistant Boys’ Basketball Coach, BHS Volunteer, Elementary Sports Coach Assistant Wrestling Coach, SUPPLEMENTAL PERSONNEL APPOINTMENT: Chad Jonart 11/25/14-03/31/15 Carrie Leary 12/16/14-06/05/15 Danee Leary 12/16/14-06/05/15 Jared Lovshin 12/16/14-03/31/15 Michael O’Dell 12/16/14-06/05/15 Everett Parsons 12/16/14-06/05/15 Maria Robinson 12/16/14-06/05/15 Seth Schutte 12/16/14-06/05/15 Noah Thatcher 12/16/14-03/31/15 Devyn Waddell 12/16/14-06/05/15 Kody West 12/16/14-03/31/15 BHS 2431 RESIGNATION: Dani Greer Terry Hauser Chad Jonart 11/13/14 11/24/14 11/24/14 Girls’ Basketball Coach, EMS Head Boys’ Basketball Coach, BHS Assistant Boys’ Basketball Coach, BHS ADDITION TO SUBSTITUTE TEACHER LIST: Ashley Johnson 12/16/14 Hepola moved to approve, second by Barsness, motion carried. Item 8 – Approval of Contract for Administrative Assistant to the Superintendent – Therese McClafferty Therese McClafferty stated that the December PAR included an appointment of the new Administrative Assistant to the Superintendent. Ms. McClafferty requested Board approval of the employment contract for Mary Kaye Ericson effective January through June 30, 2015. Hepola moved to approve, second by Wold, motion carried. Item 9 – Approval of Project Aware Employment Contracts – Therese McClafferty Therese McClafferty stated that the December PAR included appointments for the Project Aware Program effective January 5 through June 30, 2015. Ms. McClafferty requested Board approval of the employment contracts for the following: Cassie O’Leary Project Aware Coordinator Ashley Choquette Project Aware Case Manager Kaylee Reynolds Project Aware Case Manager Emily Smith Project Aware Case Manager Barsness moved to approved, second by Johns, motion carried. Item 10 – Approval of Temporary Cleaner for the Remainder of the 2014-2015 School Year – Superintendent Jonart Superintendent Jonart requested Board approval of a temporary cleaner position for the remainder of the 2014-2015 school year. This position would be an addition to the original staffing plan and would be located at West and Margaret Leary. Hepola moved to approve, second by Ferguson, motion carried. Item 11 – Approval to Advertise for School Psychologist(s) for the 2015-2016 School Year – Kathy Cannon Kathy Cannon requested Board approval to advertise for School Psychologist(s) based on the need of the 2015-2016 school year. The new position will be funded through IDEA. Wold moved to approve, second by Barsness, motion carried. Item 12 – Approval to Advertise for Speech Language Pathologist(s) for the 2015-2016 School Year – Kathy Cannon Kathy Cannon requested Board approval to advertise for Speech Language Pathologist(s) based on the need of the 2015-2016 school year. These positions are needed to assist in facilitating student speech goals and objectives. The new Speech Language Pathologist position(s) will be funded through IDEA. Johns moved to approve, second by Barsness, motion carried. Item 13 – 2nd Reading and Approval of Policy 2410P-Instruction-High School Graduation Requirements – John Metz 2432 John Metz stated that the changes to Policy 2410P-Instruction-High School Graduation Requirements are in alignment with the last legislative session. Hepola moved to approve, second by Johns, motion carried. Item 14 – 2nd Reading and Approval of Policy 3121P-Students-Enrollment and Attendance Records – Superintendent Jonart Superintendent Jonart stated that the changes to Policy 3121P-Students-Enrollent and Attendance Records are in accordance with arrogate hours required by the State of Montana. Barsness moved to approve, second by Wold, motion carried. Item 15 – 2nd Reading and Approval of Form 3102F-1-Students-Enrollment and Data Form – Superintendent Jonart Superintendent Jonart stated that the change to Form 3102F-1-Students-Enrollment and Data Form was the addition of the military connected student information. Hepola moved to approve, second by Ferguson, motion carried. Item 16 – 2nd Reading and Approval of 6410P-Administrative-Evaluation of Administration Staff-Principal Evaluation Rubrics – Superintendent Jonart Superintendent Jonart stated that the changes on the “Evaluation Summary Page” of Policy 6410P are to correspond with the changes previously made to the policy. Hepola moved to approve, second by Barsness, motion carried. Item 17 – Approval of School Bus Driver Manual Handbook Changes – Jed Hoopes Jed Hoopes requested Board approval of changes made to the 2014-2015 calendar year School Bus Driver Manual. Note: A complete copy of the School Bus Driver Manual is on file in the Clerk’s Office and by this reference is made part of these minutes. Wold moved to approve, second by Hepola, motion carried. Item 18 –Approval of East Middle School’s Grant Application to CenturyLink Teachers and Technology Grant – Larry Driscoll Larry Driscoll requested Board approval of East Middle School’s grant application to CenturyLink Teachers and Technology Grant. The proposed Grant amount is $3,000.00 and will fund a 3-D printer and supplies for use with three after school programs: rocketry, robotics and 3-D modeling. There are no District matching funds required. Hepola moved to approve, second by Barsness, motion carried. Item 19 –Personnel Matter – Closed Session Meeting closed at 5:46 p.m. Meeting re-opened at 6:51 p.m. Vice-Chairperson Hepola made a motion that the recommendation by Jed Hoopes and Judy Jonart, which was discussed during the closed portion of this meeting, be approved and the administration directed to proceed consistent with those recommendations. Chairperson Boston seconded the motion, motion carried unanimously. ADJOURNMENT 2433 There being no further business to come before the board, Trustee Hepola moved to adjourn, second by Trustee Johns, motion carried. Chairperson Boston adjourned the meeting at 6:54 p.m. _______________________________ Chairwoman of Board of Trustees _________________________________ District Clerk Pj