Head of Sport and Activities—Mr Dave Capra


Head of Sport and Activities—Mr Dave Capra
26 March 2015
Wet Weather Line 38780511
Head of Sport and Activities—Mr Dave Capra
ATC School Cricket Season
This weekend is the final round of the ATC school cricket season and it has without doubt been a very successful start to this traditionally very popular and strong sport at the College. I have been very impressed with the quality of the cricket that the bosy
have played and by the huge improvement that each team and the individuals boys in each team have shown throughout the
season. With all teams playing as many as 7 or 8 games this season it has been wonderful to see the commitment that the boys
have had to their teams and their school and with the huge amount of enjoyment that the boys have experienced. Cricket is
without doubt a mentally and physically tough sport. With games lasting many hours and boys experiencing the highs and lows
of the reality of cricket, I have been really proud to witness the sportsmanship that our ATC students have demonstrated. Humility during success and resilience when disappointed are two of the life lessons that the great sports of cricket teaches all of us
and I hope that lessons learnt in cricket will transfer to other aspects of our lives.
Our ATC Cricket Coordinator Mr Brett Henschell left on Sunday morning for the Masters Cricket Tournament in South Africa to
coach and play with the Brookfield Brumbies, in his absence I would like to acknowledge the huge amount of work that he has
put into our cricket program in 2014/2015. He has brought a huge amount of passion, knowledge and professionalism to the
College and I know our boys have reaped the rewards of this.
Our final round this year is against Gregory Terrace, timetable for which is below. I would like to encourage parents and boys
who in passing either ATC hoem venues or Tennyson Playing Fields might have a few minutes to watch a few overs and support
our ATC Irish Warriors!
Tennis Open Championships
This weekend we have our inaugural ATC Tennis Open Championships which are being played on Sunday 29 March at Ambiwerra
Sports Centre, Rolfe St, Corinda from 12.00pm to 5.00pm. Our tennis players have been training hard in preparation for this and
we are looking forward to seeing the boys in action on Sunday. Boys will play matches in pools against a number of different
bosy from different year levels and will then play repechage finals. Our tennis parents have organised a BBQ for supporters—
come along and enjoy a very social afternoon of quality tennis.
ATC Australian Football Guernsey Presentation
This Friday evening is our presentation evening, beginning at 5.00pm with a BBQ and bar
on the ovals and followed by presentation of Guernseys in the hall by Lions Assistant
Coach and Brownlow Medallist, Shane Woewodin!
Warriors Go Brach! Dave Capra
ATC SKI TRIP— In January 2016 we will be taking a group of Year 8 and 9
students (current Yr 7 and 8) students to Japan for 9 days to stay on the
slopes at Hakuba and ski Goryu, Hakuba 47 and Happo One. ATC SKI TRIP
Information Evening will be held in on Tuesday 31 March in the Chapel
at 6.00pm for all interested parents and boys. *Please note we are moving the trip from NZ to Japan as the snow is much more reliable, the skiing better
and the cost with an extra day of skiing is the same as NZ.
Athletic Performance Coordinator — Mr Luke Donatini
The subject of ‘one sport athletes’ has interested me for many years. A young child will usually find themselves involved in a
sport (mostly the parent’s decision of the sport) for one reason or another – mum played it, dad played it, a brother or sister
plays the sport, ‘we think he/she would be good at that sport’.
This is all fine and great, young children being active and involved whilst experiencing new challenges. The area that I am mostly concerned
about is that when that one chosen sport is all consuming and the child knows nothing or little else. I am aware of the principles of practice
and the hours that are needed to be good (or ‘great’) at a skill set/sport. However, is early specialization and a ‘one sport policy’ the answer to
later success within a chosen sport?
This is very much a debatable subject and one with many opinions, which is absolutely fine. However, let’s consider some the following potential outcomes of early specialization for argument sake:
Potentially a very successful ‘young’ athlete.
Potentially achieving representative status at an early age.
Potentially increased level of stress to keep performing at a ‘high’ level.
Potentially the onset of early injury (overuse injuries in a growing and developing body)
Potentially increased lack of enjoyment as the child grows older.
Potentially greater rate of ‘drop out’ of the sport.
Potentially an attitudinal change of view of the chosen sport (and sport in general).
Reading recently a Facebook Blog by Loren Seagrave (a highly respected American Track & Field Coach and Exercise Physiologist) on this subject, Seagraves puts out an opinion which I personally concur with. Rather than paraphrasing the blog, below is what he affirms on this subject: ‘All the research points to early specialization in one sport leads to blunted development of the athlete and a lower level of performance
achieved’. (Loren Seagrave). Further to this.... ‘In my time as a multi-sport coach and AD at various sized schools, I’ve often heard kids who
are dropping one sport in order to “focus” on another. My response to all of those kids is simple. When college coaches speak to high school
coaches, one of the first questions often asked is, “What other sports does he/she play?” I can remember college football coaches coming to
high school basketball games to see our kids play, and there are often college coaches at high school track meets watching kids compete. Every now and then I hear the argument that college coaches prefer kids to spend all their time preparing for one sport. I agree that there are
probably some coaches like that, but they are in the LARGE minority. More so than having acute, specialized, sport-specific knowledge, college
coaches are interested in other aspects of high school athletes:
How does he/she move?
How does he/she think?
How does he/she work with teammates?
How does he/she deal with adversity? (this is much easier to witness in a sport in which the athlete is not being recruited!)
How does the athlete COMPETE?
Think about it from a coaches’ perspective:
What football coach wouldn’t want a kid to have the balance that wrestling teachers? Or the change in direction that basketball teachers? Or the hand-eye coordination that baseball teaches? Or the competitive drive that track teaches?
What hockey coach wouldn’t want that same hand-eye coordination from baseball? Or endurance from cross country or soccer? Or agility
to explode from track?
What volleyball coach wouldn’t want the increased communication skills that basketball teaches? Or that same explosion learned from
That endurance can come from soccer, cross country, swimming or track.
Hand/eye coordination? Not only from baseball or softball, but also from tennis, basketball, volleyball and hockey. The ability to balance
that was mentioned for wrestlers?
Athletic Performance Coordinator — Mr Luke Donatini
Change of direction? Basketball, soccer, tennis, softball, volleyball and football.
The examples are non-stop. Outside of learning those skills and attributes across sport lines, how about being able to play for
(Loren Seagrave – One Sport Athletes in High School Sports Stuff)
Basically, in a nut shell, for me it’s simple. Allowing our young athletes to participate in multiple and varied sports will give them
the necessary ammunition to be successful in their one chosen sport later on in life when they will specialization is necessitated.
In my opinion, specialization too early can stifle the greater development of the athlete. It may very will cause them to dislike
‘their chosen sport’ which often leads to them opting out.
Cross Country – Racing this Friday
Our first invitational meet will be an EREA Cross Country Meet at Nudgee College this Friday 27 March. We wish all the ‘ATC XC Warriors’
competing this Friday every success as they take on Nudgee College, St Patrick’s College and St Laurence’s College.
A reminder to all those who are attending:
Bus to depart ATC: Approx. 2.45pm
Races: 2km (Approx. 4.20pm); 3km (Approx. 4.40pm)
Bus to arrive back at ATC: Approx. 6.30pm
General Strength & Fitness Session A snap shot of our Wednesday morning fitness crew hard at work.
Athletic Performance Coordinator — Mr Luke Donatini
Indoor Cricket News – Season Wrap Up!
Well what a great season of Indoor Cricket we had in 2015. From where I stood each week, I could not help but notice the high level of energy
and enjoyment displayed by the boys. Thank you to Sam Hassett (Year 4 Indoor Cricket Coordinator) and Siobhan Brophy (2014 Coordinator)
for their effort and assistance in the running of the 2015 season. It would not have run so smoothly each and every week without their guidance and support. I would like to acknowledge the tremendous work of our coaching staff. This season of Indoor Cricket would not have been
possible if it was not for the wonderful work of our coaching/teaching staff involved each week at Indoor Cricket training and games. Many
thanks to David Gardiner, Conor Finn, Mark Watson, Elizabeth Walsh, Rebecca Smout, Gwenda Burton, Alex Benstead and Melissa Trowell for
their weekly commitment. It would be remiss of me if I did not recognize the students who took part in the 2015 season, The players, they all
really did ‘get into it’ and as a result we sawYear 5/6 Indoor Cricket
Man of the Match
Team 1
Team 2
ATC Dragons – Sean Bennett
ATC Tigers – Toby Rutch
ATC Eagles – Rory Smith
ATC Vipers –Peter Ullman
ATC Jnr Giants – Mitchell Ramm
ATC Gladiators – Sean Bennett
ATC Bears – Peter Ullman/Sean Bennett
ATC Jnr Wolves – Toby Rutch
ATC Storm – Tiago Ganhao
ATC Hurricanes – Toby Rutch
Team & Man of the Match
ATC Giants
ATC Mustangs
ATC Lions
ATC Cheetahs
Andreas Kits
Alex Griffiths
Nick Craven/Ben
Nathan Treasure
Ethan Yem
Alex Griffiths
Jye Duncan-Cope
Nathan Treasure
Jamiyah Fawauandi
Thomas Pham
Jye Duncan-Cope
Callum Hickey
Darcy Molloy/Ethan
Joseph Cannon /Ethan
Thomas Pham
Lucas Roach
Atticus Solomon
Thomas Pham
Sam Maguire
Nathan Treasure
Team & Man of the Match
ATC Chiefs
ATC Cobras
ATC Wolves
ATC Grizzlies
Gabe Lentz
Daniel Gleeson
Allan Currie
Lachlan McNamara
Callum Conole
Joseph Williams
Allan Currie
Lachlan McNamara
Harry Hooper
Ryan Manikot
James Freeland
Brady Wilson (Yr 4)
Harry Hooper
Mackenzie Rabbitt
James Freeland
Seamus Morley
Ethan Tones
Mackenzie Rabbitt
Zach Smith
Fraser Murray /
Lachlan McNamara
Athletic Performance Coordinator — Mr Luke Donatini
Indoor Cricket News – Season Wrap Up!
Year 7/8 Indoor Cricket
Team & Man of the Match
ATC Brumbies
ATC Hawks
ATC Sharks
Alessandro Orlando
Alec Robinson
Tedo Wraight
Angus Herbertson
Daniel Woodrow
Zachary Lewis
Alessandro Orlando
Harrison Eldar
Xavier Arnold
Andrew Coogan
Nathan Treasure (Yr6)
Toby Hannan
Angus Herbertson
Alasdair Briscoe
Carlos Sultana
Vernon Saylor
Alec Robinson
Zach Sutton
Team & Man of the Match
ATC Panthers
ATC Vikings
ATC Tigers
Dylan Moule
Thomas Newell
Emerson Treasure
Dylan Moule
Charles Wallwork
Patrick Toohey
Dylan Moule
Nicolas Chapple
Patrick Toohey
Campbell Lowe
Marcus Rozenberg
Emerson Treasure
Tom-John Johnson
Jared Schutte
Patrick Toohey
Patrick Newell
Thomas Newell
Maarten Raven-Beets
2015 Indoor Cricket Finals – Overall Season Results
Debating News—Mrs Lisa Holohan—Middle Years Humanities Coordinator
Congratulations to all Debating Teams who competed in our first Round last Wednesday night at
St. Aidan’s Anglican Girls
The topic of our first debate was ‘That we should ban toys designed for (and marketed to) only one gender’. All three teams
prepared thoroughly for their debates and not only worked well as individual teams but as a club were a powerful group of skill,
insight and knowledge.
A special thank you to our Year 8 students who worked alongside the Year 7 Team to develop their confidence and arguments
for this first round. This year we have a courageous Year 7 Team and two Year 8 teams, competing in the Year 8 Queensland
Debating Union competition
Team 8.1 had a narrow defeat by only two points. Team members included first speaker Noah Ryan, second speaker John
Mooney, third speaker Ben Norton and reserve/researcher Tom North. The boys debated against Kenmore State High School.
The students presented an intelligent and robust argument with a model that focused on, ‘toys should be designed by theme
rather than function or gender stereotypes’.
Team 8.2 were victorious in their debate and demonstrated extraordinary sportsmanship for the opposition, St Peter’s Lutheran. Team members included first speaker Xavier Knight, second speaker Lachlan A-Khavari, third speaker Patrick Robinson and
reserve/researcher Lochlan Rutch. The boys learnt much about rebuttals and working together as a team, they spoke with
great confidence and clarity arguing for the topic.
Team 8.3 were also triumphant in their debate against Woodcrest State College. Team members included first speaker Jack
Brouwer, second speaker Chris Kiel-Chisholm, third speaker Tom Perissinotto and reserve/researchers Leon Taylor and Thomas
Johnson. The boys presented a very entertaining debate and engaged the adjudicator and audience through many humorous
arguments against the topic. There model focused on the economic and social impacts banning gender specific toys would have
to society as a whole.
Our next debate is Term 2 Week 2 Wednesday April 29. The topic is ‘That we should ban reality television shows which are focused on children’. (eg, Dance moms, Junior master chef, here comes Boo Boo). Feel free to come along and support the teams
ATC Anglers—Mr David Sullivan
The river has been fishing well these last few weeks with
many different species of fish being caught by boys at
lunchtime and during ATC Fishing Club meets. The most notable of these was a Threadfin Salmon caught by Harper
Mackie on a prawn that measured 60cm. He was very excited with his catch, as was Mr Sullivan who nearly jumped into
the river to make sure that the fish was landed. Sam King Koi
also caught two small Mulloway or Jew fish off the schools
pontoon that were a pleasant yet unexpected surprise. It has
been wonderful to see lots of new faces showing an interest
in fishing at ATC and getting involved when the opportunity
presents itself.
Athletic Performance Coordinator — Mr Luke Donatini
Cross Country Round Up
EREA Cross Country Meet Friday 27 March 4.00pm
All ATC Runners are encouraged to attend!
Our first invitational meet will be an EREA Cross Country Meet at Nudgee College
on Friday 27 March. This is a great opportunity for or ATC XC Runners to race over
2km or 3km in a friendly welcoming environment with runners from other EREA
Colleges (Nudgee College, St Patrick’s College, St Laurence’s College and Ambrose Treacy College).
On the day (Friday 27 March – approx. 4pm to 6pm)
2km Race / 3km Race
Nike Van (offering 25% off various colour Flyknit Racer, 15% off shoes & $20 Dri Fit Tee’s)
Nike will be providing two shirts for each school to award to their most deserving athletes.
Special prize for the fastest 2000m and 3000m effort on the day.
BBQ – Sausage Sizzle and Drinks ($2 a sausage, $2 a drink OR $5 for 2 sausages and a drink)
Touch Football Games (after races) so the boys from each College can mingle with each other and get to know each other.
We are hoping that we will get a lot of interest from ATC students to attend this event. Put it in your diary, get excited as we get
‘stuck into’ the first of many ATC XC running events in 2015.
General Strength & Fitness Session
Wednesday morning fitness at Jack Bowers Oval is
gaining great momentum with in excess of 30 plus
students from years 5 to year 8 now regularly
attending. The boys have been working on
Upper Body Strength
Lower Body Strength
Core Strength
Cardiovascular Fitness
Flexibility and Good Technique
Years 5 to Year 8 Students are Welcome to ATC Strength & Fitness
Wednesday Mornings (6.45am to 8.00am): Fitness Training Circuit
Work. We meet at the shed at Jack Bowers Oval. No Rugby Boots
Required (Joggers, water bottle, towel and training apparel).
ATC Cricket Results and Draw Round 9
U10 Blue
ATC 231 def Valley Quokkas 67
Patrick Keyser
U10 Green
Wilston North 152 def ATC 98
Luke Misfud
U10 White
Ferny Grove 181 def ATC 78
Rob White and Charlie Mills
Year 5A
Year 5B
TSS 8/136 def ATC 7/120
ATC 6/106 def SPC 8/78
Oliver Bradshaw
Zach Beachy-Head
Year 5C White
ATC 5/99 def SPC 5/50
Josh Sullivan
Year 5C Green
ATC 6/97 def TSS 8/83
Dan O’Shannessy
Year 6A
ATC 6/156 def SPC 5/147
Lukas Daly
Year 6B
SPC 7/191 def ATC 10/120
Elijah Bolton
Year 6C
SPC 7/122 def ATC 4/56
Fletcher Porche
Year 7A
ATC 98 def WMAC 41
Angus Hosking and Josh Ryan
Year 7B
ATC 6/98 def TSS 10/90
Chris Pepper
Year 8A
WMAC 3/142 def ATC 63
Angus Worland
Year 8B
WMAC 88 def ATC 66
John Mooney
VS TERRACE 8C Black, Brookfield Showgrounds, 8.15am to 12.15pm, (Turf - 30 overs)
Vs TERRACE 7C White, Jindalee State School, 8.15am to 11.15am, (Synthetic – 20 Overs)
Game 1: 7C Black ATC ATC Brothers Oval, 8.00am to 10.45am (Synthetic - 20 Overs)
Game 2: VS GT 7A—Brookfield Showgrounds , 2.00pm to 5.45pm, (Turf – T20)
ATC Brothers Oval, 11.30am – 2.00pm, (Synthetic – T20)
Tennyson Primary 1, 8.15am to 12.15pm, (Turf – 30 Overs)
Jack Bowers South, 8.15am to 10.45am, (Synthetic – T20)
Jack Bowers South, 11.00am to 2.15pm, (Synthetic – T20)
ATC Jack Bowers North, 8.15am to 12.15pm (Synthetic - 30 Overs)
Tennyson Primary 2, 8.15am to 10.45am, (Synthetic – T20)
5C Green
Hopgood West, 8.15am to 10.45am, (Concrete – T20)
5C White
Hopgood East, 8.15am to 10.45am, (Concrete – T20)
Term 2 Sports
Cross Country—currently underway
Training will be held on 3 mornings per week with boys encouraged to attend 2 sessions and a 3rd if they are selected into the
advanced squad. Races will be mainly held on Saturday and Sundays with the occasional Friday. Cross Country is a great sport
for all, regardless of whether boys wish to run at a representative level or to build fitness for other sports. We would love to
see our soccer, rugby, basketball and AFL players attending weekly sessions for fitness and running at occasional meets to track
progress and to set and achieve personal performance goals. Our first official race is the ATC Interhouse Cross Country Championships which will be held at our AFL Fields at Chelmer on Friday 24 April, followed by the QLD Athletics All Schools Cross Country Championships which are held during the afternoon on Saturday 2 May.
Football (Soccer) - Commenced Monday 2 March
It has been great to see so many keen boys attending pre-season training on Wednesday’s with Mr Donatini. Pre-season ramps
up next week (Monday 2 March) with skills session run by our Head Coach Mr Remo Buess on Monday and Friday mornings
from 6.45am to 8.00am. Boys can attend as many or as few of these sessions as they wish, however we would encourage boys
who wish to make a strong start in terms of selections to attend as many as possible. Names of boys will be taken at the sessions so there is no need to sign on. Boys are to wear boots and appropriate training gear (preferably not HPE uniform) and are
to shower in the pool change rooms and change into day uniforms after training. The season will commence with the inaugural
ATC Football Festival will be held on Sunday 26 April and then games will begin on Saturday 2 May against Nudgee College
(away) and will continue until Saturday 13 June. Games will mostly be played in the morning, both home and away.
Tennis – commenced Monday 2 March
The tennis program at ATC is geared at boys who have previously has lessons or have played competitive tennis previously.
Whilst we would love to offer beginner classes, the court space and intensive coaching required makes this impracticable. Our
tennis program is run by Lifetime Tennis and we can recommend their beginner programs.
Tennis at ATC features an Open and Age Championship, school fixtures, club fixtures and a variety of tours and competitive opportunities including the Brisbane International Primary Schools Challenge.
Training begins next week in preparation for the College Open Championships which will be held on Sunday 29 March beginning
at 8.00am. All boys who wish to play tennis for the College are required to play in this championships. This will be a great event
and will be a key opportunity for allocating boys to play the school season in Term 2. Fixtures during Term 2 will be played on
Saturday, either in the morning or early afternoon, depending on age groups.
Year 4
Tuesday and Thursday mornings at ATC 6.45am to 8.00am
Year 5-8
Monday, Tuesday and Thursday mornings at Ambiwerra Tennis Centre, Rolfe St, Corinda
from 6.30am to 7.45am
Parents are to drop boys at Ambi at 6.30am and they will then be transported via College bus back to ATC in time for school to
begin. Showers and change rooms are available at Ambi and boys can purchase breakfast at Paddy’s Place or BYO.
If your son wishes to play tennis for ATC, including the ATC Open Championships on Sunday 29 March, please ensure that you
email our Head Tennis Coach, Mr Bruce Dick at bruce.tennis@gmail.com
Term 2 Sports
3 on 3 Basketball – commences Week 2 Term 2
The fastest growing form of the game is back again at ATC and is a great opportunity for boys who wish to play basketball at a
recreational level. Times are as follows and will include skills sessions followed by games.
Year 4 and 5 from 3.15pm to 4.45pm
Year 6, 7 and 8 from 4.45pm to 6.15pm
Basketball will then continue In the Term 3 school season when we will be fielding 5 a side teams in Year 5, 6 ,7 and 8 and will
be playing weekly competitive fixtures.
If your son wishes to play 3 on 3 Basketball please email Mrs Fiona Hannan our Basketball Coordinator at basketball@atc.qld.edu.au .
Rugby Union—Armidale Tour (17-19 April), A Squad Training and Trials commences Week 2 Term 2
During Term 2, an Under 11, 12, 13 and 14 ‘A’ squad will be invited to train on Friday afternoons from 3.15pm to 4.30pm in
preparation for the Term 3 School season. The rugby pre-season will then begin for all players in mid-May in preparation for
rugby trials against St Patrick’s College Shorncliffe on Saturday 13 June, St Laurence’s 7s on Saturday 20 June and the Spartans
Rugby Carnival for Under 13 and 14s during the June/July school holidays. The school rugby season will commence for all Year 5
– 8 boys on the first Saturday of Term 3.
Our Year 4 Rugby players have their first training session this afternoon, followed by sign on. We are looking forward to our Year 4 Rugby players being
the first to wear the ATC Rugby kit when they run out onto the paddock in
trials before Easter holidays.
Year 7 Canoe Polo—Commences Week 2, Term 2
Canoe Polo will be offered to Year 7 students on Wednesday evenings from
6.15pm to 8.15pm. Boys will be play competitive games and receive coaching from our Canoe Polo Coach, Mr David Peters. Boys who wish to play
Canoe Polo in Year 7 who wish to play Canoe Polo in Term 2 are to email Mr
Paul Jones at jonesp@atc.qld.edu.au . Names will then be collated and an
information letter and draw will be sent out later in the term or early in Term 2 pending response from students.
ATC Junior Australian Football Club
Training is underway and this weekend our Under 12 team s have a trial game against Mt Gravatt Vultures at 8.30am at Mr Gravatt (Cnr Klump and Logan Rd Mt Gravatt). Boys will need to purchase shorts and socks from the uniform shop in preparation
fro this. Our ATC JAFC Guernsey Presentation Evening will be on Friday 27 March here at ATC and we look forward to seeing all
members of the ATC AFL community present to celebrate the beginning of the season. Best of luck to the Under 12 boys for
their game this weekend and to all of our teams for a big week of training ahead.
Recreational River Canoeing—Commences Term 2
Recreational river canoeing will be held on one afternoon per week and will be available to students in Year 6, 7 and 8 in Term
2. This will be a non-competitive opportunity for boys to learn the basics of canoeing and develop confidence on the water.
Information regarding this will be available early next term.
6.45am to 8.00am
Mr Luke Donatini
Strength and Conditioning
3.15pm to 4.30pm
Training @ ATC
3.15pm to 4.30pm
7.00am to 8.00am
RUGBY ‘A’ Squad Preseason
Mr Dave Capra
Mrs Cath Geraghty
Mr Sam Hassett
Year 5/6 Training
3.15pm to 4.30pm
Year 7 and 8 Training
3.15pm to 4.30pm
Year 7 Canoe Polo
6.00pm to 7.30pm
Under 12
Training @ WDCSC**
4.00pm to 5.30pm
Under 9/10 Training @
3.15pm to 4.30pm
Under 11/13 Training @
3.45pm to 5.00pm
Rec Canoeing
3.15pm to 4.30pm
Yr 6 – 8 only
Year 5 to 8 @ Ambi
6.30am to 7.45am
Year 4 @ ATC
6.45am to 8.00am
3.30pm to 6.00pm
5.30am to 8.00am
3.30pm to 6.00pm
Mr Paul Jones
Mr Cam McConnell
Mr Bruce Dick
Year 5 to 8 @ Ambi
6.30am to 7.45am
Skills Sessions
6.45am to 8.00am
Mr Remo Buess
Mr David Gardiner
Year 4 and 5
3.15pm to 4.40pm
Year 6, 7 and 8
4.45pm to 6.30pm
Year 4 @ ATC
6.45am to 7.50am
Under 9/10 Training
3.15pm to 4.30pm
Under 12 Training @
4.00pm to 5.30pm
Under 11 and 13
Training @ ATC
3.15pm to 4.30pm
Mr Brett Cashmere
Mrs Fiona Kearney
**Bus to WDCSC, parents to collect after
training at WDCSC**
Mrs Fiona Hannan
3.30pm to 6.00pm
5.30am to 8.00am
3.30pm to 6.00pm
Mr Paul Jones
Skills Training
3.15pm to 4.30pm
*begins in May
Training @ Wests
5.30pm to 6.45pm
Games @ Darra Indoor
3.45pm to 5.00pm
Rugby Fixtures
8.00am to 10.00am
QLD Athletic and Invitational Meets
*See Athletics Event Overview for more
Training (Advanced
Squad Only)
6.45am to 8.00am
Tennis Fixtures
8.00am to 2.00pm
*pending draw
Soccer Fixtures
8.00am to 1.00pm
*pending draw
Skills Sessions
6.45am to 8.00am
AFL Fixtures
Under 9, 10 and 11 – Friday evening or Saturday morning
Under 12 and 13 – Friday evening or Sunday morning
5.30am to 8.00am
3.30pn to 6.30pm