- St Mark`s National Theological Centre
- St Mark`s National Theological Centre
ST MARK’S REVIEW Book Review index to issues nos.1-225 Arranged by reviewer (prepared by Alan Wilson) + indicates joint authorship Reviewer Author Title Citation [anon] Brennan, Geoffrey + no.207, Mar 2009: 103. [anon] Bunyan, John [anon] Chapman, Mark D [anon] Claydon, David Are economists basically immoral? and other essays on economics, ethics and religion by Paul Heyne A drover for the day: Macquarie's morning prayer Doing God: religion and public policy in Brown's Britain Islam: human rights and public policy [anon] Costello, Tim + no.209, Sept 2009: 102-103. [anon] Eavis, Sid [anon] [anon] Reist, Melinda Tankard Taylor, David M Another way to love: Christian social reform and global poverty Christianity revisited: I thought I was a Christian Getting real: challenging the sexualisation of girls The oldest manuscripts in New Zealand Adam, Peter Beilby, James K + Justification: five views no.224, May 2013: 113-114. Aitchison, Gordon Hawking, Stephen W no.138, Winter 1989: 34-35. Aitchison, Gordon Polkinghorne, John Aitchison, Gordon Polkinghorne, John Aitchison, Gordon Polkinghorne, John Andrews, Neville Rogers, Carl R A brief history of time: from the big bang to black holes One world: the interaction of science and theology Science and creation: the search for understanding The way the world is: the Christian perspective of a scientist On becoming a person Andrews, Neville Sherrard, Philip no.89, Mar 1977: 46. Anstey, Matthew Aquilina, Jude O'Connor, Kathleen M Hamman, Kathryn Christianity and Eros: essays on the theme of sexual love Lamentations and the tears of the world An embrace of morning no.204, Mar 2008: 76-78. Arblaster, E H [anon] Good news in Acts no.81, Mar/Apr 1975: 38-40. Arblaster, E H [anon] Good news in John no.81, Mar/Apr 1975: 38-40. Arblaster, E H [anon] Good news in Luke no.81, Mar/Apr 1975: 38-40. Arblaster, E H [anon] Good news in Romans no.81, Mar/Apr 1975: 38-40. Arblaster, E H Blanch, Stuart no.86, June 1976: 50-51. Arblaster, E H Hargreaves, John For all mankind: a book about the Old Testament and about us A guide to the Psalms Arblaster, E H Ramsey, Michael Canterbury pilgrim no.80, Dec 1974: 46-48. Arblaster, Ted Baulkham, R no.154, Winter 1993: 42-43. Arblaster, Ted Carpenter, Edward The Bible in poliics: how to read the Bible politically Archbishop Fisher: his life and times Arblaster, Ted Coleman, Peter Gay Christians: a moral dilemma no.143, Spring 1990: 39-40. Arblaster, Ted Conrad, Edgar W Reading Isaiah no.151, Spring 1992: 44-45. Arblaster, Ted Harvey, A Theology in the city no.154, Winter 1993: 42-43. Arblaster, Ted House, H Wayne + The death penalty debate no.151, Spring 1992: 44. Arblaster, Ted Johnston, Peter + Grow your own wildlife no.146, Winter 1991: 30-31. Arblaster, Ted Magonet, Jonathon A rabbi's Bible no.151, Spring 1992: 44-45. no.209, Sept 2009: 104. no.207, Mar 2009: 104-105. no.209, Sept 2009: 103-104. no.207, Mar 2009: 104. no.211, Feb 2010: 127-128. no.15, Feb 1959: 30-32. no.138, Winter 1989: 34-35. no.138, Winter 1989: 34-35. no.138, Winter 1989: 34-35. no.75, Sept 1973: 33. no.193, 2003: 30-32. no.82, June 1975: 24-25. no.152, Summer 1993: 45-46. Reviewer Author Title Citation Arblaster, Ted McDonagh, Susan The greening of the church no.146, Winter 1991: 30-31. Arblaster, Ted Moltmann, Jurgen Creating a just future no.146, Winter 1991: 30-31. Arblaster, Ted Disputed questions: on being a Christian no.145, Autumn 1991: 43-44. Arblaster, Ted Reuther, Rosemary Radford Thomas, M M no.144, Summer 1991: 36. Arblaster, Ted Thomas, M M Arnott, Felix R Ware, Kallistos + Arthur, Gordon Dunn, James D G Arthur, Gordon Fox, Matthew Risking Christ for Christ's sake: towards an ecumenical theology of pluralism Risking Christ for Christ's sake: towards an ecumenical theology of pluralism Anglican-Orthodox dialogue: the Moscow agreed statement Christology in the making: a New Testament inquiry into the origins of the doctrine of the incarnation Illuminations of Hildegard of Bingen Arthur, Gordon Gray, Donald Holy Week services no.114, June 1983: 37-38. Arthur, Gordon MacKenna, Richard God for nothing: is religion bad for you? no.139, Spring 1989: 35. Arthur, Gordon Newlands, G M Theology of the love of God no.109, Mar 1982: 43-44. Arthur, Gordon Nowell, Robert A passion for truth: Hans Kung, a biography no.108, Dec 1981: 42-43. Arthur, R G [anon] no.18, Nov 1959: 31-32. Arthur, R G [anon] Conversations between the Church of England and the Methodist Church Eucharist: ecumenism: community Arthur, R G Burnaby, John The belief of Christendom no.17, Aug 1959: 33-36. Arthur, R G Clark, W K Lowther A history of the SPCK no.17, Aug 1959: 37. Arthur, R G Report no.79, Sept 1974: 39-41. Arthur, R G Commission on Reciprocal Intercommunion Dillistone, F W Religious experience and Christian faith no.113, Mar 1983: 38. Arthur, R G Kilpatrick, G D Remaking the liturgy no.49, Aug 1967: 33-34. Arthur, R G Lough, A G The influence of John Mason Neale no.31, Feb 1963: 34-35. Atkinson, W J S Bruce, F F In retrospect: remembrance of things past no.111, Sept 1982: 51-53. Atkinson, W J S White, R E O no.103, Sept 1980: 36-38. Atkinson, W J S Wilkinson, John Austin, M N Painter, John Biblical ethics: the changing continuity of Christian ethics, volume 1 Jerusalem as Jesus knew it: archaeology as evidence John: witness and theologian Aveling, Harry Millikan, David The sunburnt soul no.112, Dec 1982: 38-41. Ayre, Gretel Hendry, Margaret Are you being heard? no.168, Summer 1997: 41. Ayre, Gretel Lane, Terry God: the interview no.201, 2006: 45-46. Bachelard, Sarah Barber, Bruce + Theodicy and eschatology no.200, 2006: 50-51. Badger, C R Burtchaell, J T no.60, May 1970: 30-34. Badger, C R Peter, James Catholic theories of Biblical inspiration since 1810 Finding the historical Jesus Badger, C R Reardon, B M G Religious thought in the 19th century no.47, Feb 1967: 33-34. Badger, C R Vidler, A R Catholic modernists no.62, Nov 1970: 33-34. Bagnall, J N Robinson, John A T Honest to God no.32, May 1963: 32-34. Bagnall, Tony Farrer, Austin The end of man no.78, June 1974: 41-42. Bagnall, Tony Hollings, Michael + The shade of his hand no.78, June 1974: 42. Bagnall, Tony Macquarrie, John Existentialism no.73, May 1973: 33-34. Bagnall, Tony Mertz, Johannes B Theology of the world no.72, Mar 1973: 33-34. Bailey, Leila Grierson, Janet Isabella Gilmore: sister to William Morris no.32, May 1963: 27-28. Bailey, Leila Montefiore, Hugh The question mark: the end of homo sapiens no.61, Aug 1970: 31-32. Ballard, Geoff Rogerson, John Beginning Old Testament study no.113, Mar 1983: 36-38. Banks, Robert Cupitt, Don The debate about Christ no.102, June 1980: 44-45. Banks, Robert Geering, Lloyd Resurrection: a symbol of hope no.71, Nov 1972: 34-35. Banks, Robert Kee, H C Christian origins in sociological perspective no.106, June 1981: 58-59. no.147, Spring 1991: 39-40. no.94, June 1978: 43-45. no.112, Dec 1982: 47-48. no.133, Mar 1988: 38-39. no.79, Sept 1974: 41. no.103, Sept 1980: 33-35. no.131, Sept 1987: 46-47. no.46, Nov 1966: 31-34. Reviewer Author Title Citation Banks, Robert King, John C The evangelicals no.59, Feb 1970: 40-41. Banks, Robert Smith, Ronald Gregor The doctrine of God no.62, Nov 1970: 32-33. Banks, Robert Theissen, Gerd Psychological aspects of Pauline theology no.136, Summer 1989: 41-42. Banks, Robert Torrance, Thomas F God and rationality no.65, Aug 1971: 26-27. Banks, Robert Williams, Colin John Wesley's theology today no.59, Feb 1970: 40-41. Bannerman, Douglas Autton, Norman Readings in sickness no.93, Mar 1978: 46-48. Bannerman, Douglas Autton, Norman Watch with the sick no.93, Mar 1978: 46-48. Bannerman, Douglas Herrmann, Siegfried Israel in Egypt no.85, Mar 1976: 50-51. Barlow, A P [anon] Let's end the slander no.102, June 1980: 43-44. Barlow, A P Harris, Stewart no.102, June 1980: 41-42. Barnes, Geoffrey Gassmann, Gunther "Its coming yet ..." an aboriginal treaty within Australia between Australians The unity of the church Barnes, Robert Campbell, Richard no.88, Dec 1976: 46-47. Barnes, Robert King, Winston L Barr, Jim Brett, Mark G Barr, Jim Pfitzner, Victor C + From belief to understanding: a study of Anselm's Proslogion argument on the existence of God Introduction to religion: a phenomenological approach Genesis: procreation and the politics of identity Faith matters: theology for church and world Barrett, John English church music 1650-1750 no.64, May 1971: 40-41. Barrett, John Dearnley, Christopher Long, Kenneth R The music of the English church no.72, Mar 1973: 34-35. Beaumont, Dean Hansen, Ian The naked fish: an autobiography of belief no.193, 2003: 47-48. Beer, John Spooner, John no.193, 2003: 45-46. Benson, Margaret Benson, Margaret Geitz, Elizabeth Rankin + Kroll, Una Beresford, Mark de la Torre, Miguel A The Archbishops of Railway Square: a history of Christ Church St Laurence Women's uncommon prayers, our lives revealed, nurtured, celebrated Vocation to resistance: contemplation and change Reading the Bible from the margins Beresford, Mark English, Adam C no.219, Feb 2012: 108-111. Beresford, Mark Paulsell, Stephanie Bielenberg, Russell Hayes, John H Theology remixed: Christianity as a story, game, language, culture Honoring the body: meditations on a Christian practice Introduction to the Bible Bielenberg, Russell Stevenson, J Creeds, councils, and controversies no.76, Dec 1973: 32-33. Bishop, J C Gibbard, Mark Why pray? no.68, May 1972: 29-30. Blake, Garth Bergen, Jeremy no.218, Nov 2011: 110-112. Blake, Helen McGilvray, Jim Bligh, Philip Richardson, Barry Body, A H Coleman, Michael Ecclesial repentance: the churches confront their sinful pasts God's love in action: pastoral care for everyone Christianity, evolution and the environment: fitting it together The Eucharist and you Body, A H Fey, Harold E no.62, Nov 1970: 27-28. Body, A H Jarrett-Kerr, M The ecumenical advance: a history of the ecumenical movement, volume 2: 1948-1968 Patterns of Christian acceptance Body, A H Marshall, George + Schweitzer: a biography no.71, Nov 1972: 38. Body, A H Paternoster, Michael Stronger than death no.68, May 1972: 43. Body, A H Taylor, John V The go-between God no.74, July 1973: 27. Body, A H Thornton, Martin Christian proficiency no.21, Aug 1960: 26-27. Body, Mary Cox, Harvey The feast of fools no.61, Aug 1970: 38-39. Body, Mary Glasser, Ralph Leisure: penalty or prize? no.64, May 1971: 39-40. Body, Mary Neil, William The Bible story no.67, Feb 1972: 30. Body, Mary Tanburn, John Open house no.67, Feb 1972: 36-37. Bolton, A C Morgan, Charles The writer and his world no.22, Nov 1960: 32. no.156, Summer 1994: 43-44. no.63, Feb 1971: 39-41. no.185, 2001: 37-38. no.188, 2002: 43-45. no.185, 2001: 39-40. no.165, Autumn 1996: 34-35. no.193, 2003: 42-43. no.193, 2003: 49-50. no.80, Dec 1974: 39. no.209, Sept 2009: 77-79. no.186, 2001: 32-33. no.38, Nov 1964: 26-27. no.74, July 1973: 31. Reviewer Author Title Citation Bolton, G C Donaldson, Gordon The Scottish reformation no.22, Nov 1960: 25-26. Bond, John Thwaites, Michael The honey man no.160, Summer 1995: 35. Border, J T R Border, Ross Elkin, A P Mutual responsibility and interdependence in the body of Christ Frontier mission: an account of the Toronto Congress The Diocese of Newcastle no.35, Feb 1964: 26. Border, J T R Bayne, Stephen Fielding Whiteley, Peter Bourke, J E Coulson, John Newman and the common tradition no.66, Nov 1971: 42-44. Bourke, J E Gray, John What about the children? no.60, May 1970: 39-41. Bourke, J E Hartman, Olov + Earthly things no.60, May 1970: 39-41. Bourne, Warren Hodgetts, Colin Sing true no.63, Feb 1971: 51-52. Bowyer, Andrew Bradshaw, Timothy Pannenberg: a guide for the perplexed no.212, May 2010: 141-144. Bowyer, Andrew Lee, Brian Jeongguk Celebrating God's cosmic perichoresis no.225, Aug 2013: 143-146. Bradshaw, Bruce Riddell, Peter G + Islam in context: past, present, and future no.196, 2004: 43-44. Braggett, Eddie Hay, D + The spirit of the child no.201, 2006: 36-38. Brain, Matt Berryman, Jerome W no.213, Aug 2010: 96-100. Brain, Matt de Souza, Marian + Brain, Matt Richards, Anne + Bray, Kevin King, Carolyn M Brett, Mark Boer, Roland Breward, Ian Thompson, R C Children and the theologians: clearing the way for grace Children, adolescents, and spirituality: some perspectives Through the eyes of a child: new insights in theology from a child's perspective Habitat of grace: biology, Christianity and the global environmental crisis Last stop before Antarctica: the Bible and postcolonialism in Australia Religion in Australia: a history Brewer, K R W Edwards, David L no.35, Feb 1964: 29-30. Brewer, K R W Peterson, Bruce H The Honest to God debate: some reactions to the book Understanding psychosexual development Brewer, K R W Weltge, Ralph W The same sex no.63, Feb 1971: 47-48. Brideoake, Fiona Bryden, Mary Deleuze and religion no.196, 2004: 40-41. Brighton, Wayne Heywood, David Reimagining ministry no.220, May 2012: 114-117. Brighton, Wayne Nelstrop, Louise + no.217, Aug 2011: 126-129. Brighton, Wayne Sine, Tom Broughton, Geoff Cartledge, Mark + Broughton, Geoff Gill, Athol Evaluating fresh expressions: explorations in emerging church The new conspirators: creating the future one mustard seed at a time Intercultural theology: approaches and themes Life on the road Broughton, Geoff Morgan, Robert + no.221, Sept 2012: 127-130. Broughton, Geoff Sawatsky, Jarem Broughton, Lynne M Mortley, Raoul Brown, Douglas [anon] Brown, Douglas Eagleton, Terry Christ alive and at large: the unpublished writings of C F D Moule Justpeace ethics: a guide to restorative justice and peacebuilding Womanhood: the feminine in ancient Hellenism, gnosticism, Christianity and Islam George Grant [The Chesterton Review, vol.XI, no.2, May 1985] The body as language Brown, Douglas Galloway, Allan D Wolfhart Pannenberg no.84, Dec 1975: 38-39. Brown, Douglas Galot, Jean Inspiriter of the community no.73, May 1973: 25. Brown, Douglas Minear, Paul S The obedience of faith no.68, May 1972: 38-39. Brown, Douglas Moore, Peter Tomorrow is too late no.65, Aug 1971: 30-33. Brown, Douglas Basic questions in theology, volume 3 no.76, Dec 1973: 31-32. Brown, Douglas Pannenberg, Wolfhart Peacocke, A R Science and the Christian experiment no.72, Mar 1973: 36-37. Brown, Douglas Thorgood, Bernard Book of Amos no.67, Feb 1972: 35-36. Brown, Douglas Tupper, E Frank The theology of Wolfhart Pannenberg no.84, Dec 1975: 38-39. no.35, Feb 1964: 26-28. no.4, May 1956: 25-28. no.213, Aug 2010: 96-100. no.221, Sept 2012: 115-117. no.193, 2003: 50-51. no.192, 2003: 43-44. no.161, Autumn 1995: 37-38. no.63, Feb 1971: 47-48. no.217, Aug 2011: 126-129. no.221, Sept 2012: 121-124. no.215, Feb 2011: 108-110. no.208, May 2009: 113-115. no.110, June 1982: 35-38. no.123/124, Sept/Dec 1985: 6768. no.65, Aug 1971: 30-33. Reviewer Author Title Citation Brown, Douglas Yarnold, Edward no.79, Sept 1974: 33. Brown, Thomas [anon] The awe-inspiring rites of initiation: baptismal homilies of the fourth century Housing the low income group Brown, Thomas Barbour, R S Traditio-historical criticism of the gospels no.74, July 1973: 33. Brown, Thomas Barrett, C K New Testament essays no.74, July 1973: 33. Brown, Thomas Evans. Christopher Cults of unreason no.77, Mar 1974: 25. Brown, Thomas Hollingworth, P J The powerless poor no.74, July 1973: 28-30. Brown, Thomas Kemp, C F Pastoral care with the poor no.74, July 1973: 28-30. Brown, Thomas Painter, John John: witness and theologian no.91, Sept 1977: 58. Brown, Thomas Schaller, L E The change agent no.74, July 1973: 28-30. Brown, Thomas Thiering, Barry + Some trust in chariots no.77, Mar 1974: 25. Browning, George [anon] no.202, 2007: 40-41. Browning, George Barker, Margaret Buckman, Ross Herrmann, Siegfried Building the mission shaped church in Australia Creation: a Biblical vision for the environment A history of Israel Buckman, Ross Soggin, J Alberto Introduction to the Old Testament no.92, Dec 1977: 27-28. Bunton, Hedley P Hood, George no.150, Winter 1992: 40. Bunyan, J [anon] Neither bang nor whimper: the end of a missionary era in China A new catechism: Catholic faith for adults Bunyan, J Bourdeaux, Michael no.53, Aug 1968: 29-31. Bunyan, J Gunstone, John Opium of the people: the Christian religion in the USSR The liturgy of penance Bunyan, J Heggen, F G Confession and the service of penance no.49, Aug 1967: 35-36. Bunyan, J Kelly, Gerald The good confessor no.49, Aug 1967: 35-36. Bunyan, J Mitchell, Lionel L Baptismal anointing no.48, May 1967: 35-36. Bunyan, J Perry, Michael Crisis for confirmation no.52, May 1968: 30-31. Bunyan, J Porter, H B no.52, May 1968: 32. Bunyan, J Spurr, Barry Bunyan, J Thurian, Max The ordination prayers of the western churches The word in the desert: Anglican and Roman Catholic reactions to liturgical reform Confession Burge, Barbara [anon] The doctor and the minister no.23, Feb 1961: 27-28. Burge, Barbara Becker, Ernest The denial of death no.86, June 1976: 55-56. Burge, Barbara Tennant, Kylie All the proud tribesmen no.20, May 1960: 29. Burge, Evan L [anon] A commentary on Holy Communion series 3 no.66, Nov 1971: 32-36. Burge, Evan L Church of England Liturgical Commission Cumming, G J An order for Holy Communion: alternative service series 3 no.66, Nov 1971: 32-36. A history of Anglican liturgy no.59, Feb 1970: 33-35. Burge, Evan L Dearnley, Christopher + no.77, Mar 1974: 28. Burge, Evan L Dearnley, Christopher + Burge, Evan L Fager, Charles Burge, Evan L Frost, David L Alternative services series 3: an order for Holy Communion, with music for the congregation Alternative services series 3: an order for Holy Communion, with music for the president Uncertain resurrection: the poor people's Washington campaign The language of Series 3 Burge, Evan L Pollard, Arthur English hymns no.23, Feb 1961: 29-30. Burgess, Phillipa Leech, Kenneth Drugs and pastoral care no.176, Summer 1999: 37-38. Burgmann, E H [anon] Some papers in adult education no.4, May 1956: 31-32. Burgmann, E H Cadbury, Henry The peril of modernising Jesus no.29, Aug 1962: 30. Burgmann, E H Cullmann, Oscar The state in the New Testament no.9, Aug 1957: 30-31. Burgmann, E H de Selincourt, Aubrey Arrian's life of Alexander the Great no.31, Feb 1963: 26-27. Burge, Evan L no.74, July 1973: 28-30. no.213, Aug 2010: 87-90. no.92, Dec 1977: 26-27. no.51, Feb 1968: 27-29. no.49, Aug 1967: 35-36. no.164, Summer 1996: 35-36. no.49, Aug 1967: 35-36. no.77, Mar 1974: 28. no.59, Feb 1970: 32-33. no.77, Mar 1974: 19-21. Reviewer Author Title Citation Burgmann, E H Dostoyevsky, Fyodor The brothers Karamazov no.36, May 1964: 20-23. Burgmann, E H Dostoyevsky, Fyodor The dream of a queer fellow no.33, Aug 1963: 23-26. Burgmann, E H Dostoyevsky, Fyodor The grand inquisitor no.36, May 1964: 20-23. Burgmann, E H Edwards, David L no.27, Feb 1962: 35-36. Burgmann, E H Fry, Christopher Priests and workers: an Anglo-French discussion Curtmantle Burgmann, E H Hebert, Gabriel The Christ of faith and the Jesus of history no.30, Nov 1962: 30. Burgmann, E H Heffner, R D A documentary history of the United States no.31, Feb 1963: 29-31. Burgmann, E H Herbert, Gabriel Theology and theological study no.3, Feb 1956: 31-32. Burgmann, E H Hession, Brian Determined to live no.7, Feb 1957: 32. Burgmann, E H Jaeger, Werner Early Christianity and Greek paideia no.30, Nov 1962: 31-33. Burgmann, E H Lawson, John Methodism and Catholicism no.1, Aug 1955: 30. Burgmann, E H Marshal, Alan I can jump puddles no.3, Feb 1956: 31. Burgmann, E H Martin, Bernard no.30, Nov 1962: 28-29. Burgmann, E H Meyerowitz, Eva L R Burgmann, E H Micklem, Nathaniel An ancient mariner: a biography of John Newton The divine kingship in Ghana and ancient Egypt Papalism and politics Burgmann, E H Moorman, John R H Saint Francis of Assisi no.1, Aug 1955: 31-32. Burgmann, E H Murray, Margaret My first hundred years no.36, May 1964: 29-31. Burgmann, E H Nineham, Dennis New way of looking at the gospels no.28, May 1962: 31-32. Burgmann, E H Nineham, Dennis no.32, May 1963: 25-27. Burgmann, E H Nygren, Anders The church's use of the Bible, past and present Christ and his church Burgmann, E H Parrinder, E G African traditional religion no.30, Nov 1962: 28-29. Burgmann, E H Pasternak, Boris An essay in autobiography no.17, Aug 1959: 38. Burgmann, E H Rand, E K Founders of the Middle Ages no.30, Nov 1962: 31-33. Burgmann, E H Rees, D Vaughan The "Jesus family" in communist China no.20, May 1960: 26. Burgmann, E H Ridley, Jasper Thomas Cranmer no.29, Aug 1962: 26-27. Burgmann, E H Rieu, E V The four gospels no.2, Nov 1955: 29-32. Burgmann, E H Salinger, J D Franny and Zooey no.31, Feb 1963: 29-31. Burgmann, E H Toynbee, Arnold J America and the world revolution no.31, Feb 1963: 29-31. Burgmann, E H Vellacott, Philip Aeschylus, Prometheus and other plays no.31, Feb 1963: 26-27. Burgmann, E H Modern catholicism no.19, Feb 1960: 33-35. Burgmann, E H von Loewenich, Walther Wand, J W C The life of Jesus Christ no.2, Nov 1955: 29-32. Burgmann, E H Watkin, E I The church in council no.27, Feb 1962: 34. Burgmann, E H Webb, Leicester Churches and the Australian community no.21, Aug 1960: 31. Burke, J Lindsay, Ian The Scottish parish kirk no.29, Aug 1962: 27-29. Burns, A L The phenomenon of man no.22, Nov 1960: 23-24. Burton, B K Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre Hendry, George The Westminster confession for today no.26, Nov 1961: 24-25. Buxton, Bryan Martos, Joseph no.112, Dec 1982: 49-51. Byford, Edwin Collins, Paul Byford, Edwin Panikkar, Raimundo Doors to the sacred: a historical introduction to the sacraments in the Christian church No set agenda: Australia's Catholic Church faces an uncertain future Worship and secular man Byford, Edwin Porter, Muriel no.140, Summer 1990: 40. Cadwallader, Alan Donahue, J R + Women in the church: the great ordination debate in Australia The gospel of Mark Caiger, Janelle Barr, James Fundamentalism no.109, Mar 1982: 42-43. Caiger, Janelle Garnsey, David Arthur Garnsey: a man for truth and freedom Caiger, Janelle Robinson, John A T + The priority of John no.123/124, Sept/Dec 1985: 6869. no.126, June 1986: 39. no.29, Aug 1962: 26-27. no.30, Nov 1962: 28-29. no.4, May 1956: 29-30. no.9, Aug 1957: 31. no.149, Autumn 1992: 33. no.75, Sept 1973: 32. no.193, 2003: 41-42. Reviewer Author Title Citation Caiger, Janelle Song, Choan-Seng no.116, Dec 1983: 32-34. Caiger, Janelle Szoverffy, Joseph Caiger, Janelle Wilson, Bruce Caiger, Janelle Young, Frances The compassionate God: an exercise in the theology of transposition A concise history of medieval Latin hymnody: religious lyrics between antiquity and humanism The human journey: Christianity and modern consciousness Can these dry bones live? Campbell, Margaret [anon] Australian religious diary 2006 no.199, 2005: 48-49. Campbell, Richard Brown, Stuart C Do religious claims make sense? no.64, May 1971: 28-30. Campbell, Richard Stringfellow, William no.91, Sept 1977: 52-53. Carley, Lisa Reay, Barry Carter, Brian Loane, Marcus An ethic for Christians and other aliens in a strange land Watching Hannah: sexuality, horror and bodily de-formation in Victorian England Mark these men Carter, Brian Smith, Abraham Carter, W J Hiltner, Seward Comfort one another: reconstructing the rhetoric of 1 Thessalonians Ferment in the ministry Carter, W J Pruyser, Paul W A dynamic psychology of religion no.60, May 1970: 36. Catt, Peter Worship and liturgy in context: studies and case studies in theology and practice The universe story no.215, Feb 2011: 114-116. Chew, Wendy Forrester, Duncan B + Swimme, Brian + Ching, Julia Gray, Donald no.64, May 1971: 25-27. Ching, Julia Kung, Hans The one and the many: Teilhard de Chardin's vision of unity Fehlbar? Eine Bilanz Ching, Julia Kung, Hans no.79, Sept 1974: 36-38. Chown, Joseph McKenzie, John L Menschwerdung Gottes: eine Einfuehring in Hegels theologisches Denken als Prolegomena zu einer kuenftigen Christologie The Roman Catholic Church Chryssavgis, John Ward, Benedicta no.135, Spring 1988: 40. Chynoweth, Joan Haughton, Rosemary Harlots of the desert: a study of repentance in early monastic sources Love Chynoweth, Neville [anon] Interchange no.51, Feb 1968: 32. Chynoweth, Neville Autton, Norman no.62, Nov 1970: 36. Chynoweth, Neville Betz, Otto A manual of prayers and readings with the sick What do we know about Jesus? Chynoweth, Neville Chadwick, Owen The Victorian church no.51, Feb 1968: 32. Chynoweth, Neville Coombes, David A careless rage for life no.155, Spring 1993: 45-46. Chynoweth, Neville Cope, Gilbert Dying, death and disposal no.62, Nov 1970: 37-38. Chynoweth, Neville Cox, Harvey Military chaplains no.72, Mar 1973: 32-33. Chynoweth, Neville Fuller, Reginald H Lent with the liturgy no.56, May 1969: 31-32. Chynoweth, Neville Hanson, Anthony T Studies in the pastoral epistles no.56, May 1969: 31. Chynoweth, Neville Jasper, Ronald C D George Bell, Bishop of Chichester no.54, Nov 1968: 23-27. Chynoweth, Neville Lee, R S Principles of pastoral counselling no.54, Nov 1968: 29. Chynoweth, Neville Muggeridge, Malcolm Jesus rediscovered no.59, Feb 1970: 41-42. Chynoweth, Neville Reid, J R Marcus L Loane: a biography no.201, 2006: 46-47. Chynoweth, Neville Rubin, Isadore + no.62, Nov 1970: 36. Chynoweth, Neville Sayers, Dorothy L Sex in the adolescent years: new directions in guiding and teaching youth Spiritual writings Chynoweth, Neville Scott, Carolyn Dick Sheppard: a biography no.95, Sept 1978: 39-40. Chynoweth, Neville Stephenson, Alan M G Wetherell, David Anglicanism and the Lambeth Conferences no.96, Dec 1978: 32. Reluctant mission: the Anglican Church in Papua New Guinea, 1891-1942 no.92, Dec 1977: 25-26. Chynoweth, Neville no.130, June 1987: 46-47. no.106, June 1981: 64-65. no.112, Dec 1982: 44-45. no.194, 2003: 45-46. no.123/124, Sept/Dec 1985: 7071. no.165, Autumn 1996: 33-34. no.60, May 1970: 37. no.159, Spring 1994: 35-36. no.79, Sept 1974: 35-36. no.60, May 1970: 38-39. no.64, May 1971: 38. no.59, Feb 1970: 41-42. no.155, Spring 1993: 45-46. Reviewer Author Title Citation Clark, John Timmer, Daniel C no.221, Sept 2012: 108-109. Clark, Merilyn Clarke, Greg Ruether, Rosemary Radford Carson, D A A gracious and compassionate God: mission, salvation and spirituality in the book of Jonah Gaia and God: an ecofeminist theology of earth healing Holy sonnets of the twentieth century Clements, K J Douglas, Mary Natural symbols: explorations in cosmology no.82, June 1975: 27-28. Clements, K J Sandmel, Samuel The enjoyment of scripture no.81, Mar/Apr 1975: 36-37. Cockayne, Michael Banks, Robert + The home church no.129, Mar 1987: 54-55. Cohen, John Willis, A H A search for the Christian God no.172, Summer 1998: 35-36. Coish, C Baum, Gregory no.54, Nov 1968: 28-29. Cole, Patrick Wright, Stephen I Collett, Stephen Wenham, John Coloe, Mary Moloney, Francis J The credibility of the church today: a reply to Charles Davis Alive to the word: a practical theology of preaching for the whole church Redating Matthew, Mark & Luke: a fresh approach to the synoptic problem A hard saying: the gospel and culture Cooney, Angela Edna Mary [Sister] The religious life no.59, Feb 1970: 37-39. Cooney, Angela Goodacre, Norman W Experiment in retreats no.64, May 1971: 36-38. Cornish, John Coughlan, W George Welford, A T Experiencing scripture: intimacy with ancient text and modern faith The liberated heart: transactional analysis in religious experiences Christianity: a psychologist's translation no.223, Feb 2013: 116-118. Coughlan, W George Campbell, Antony Francis Haughton, Rosemary Cowdell, Scott Alison, James no.201, 2006: 38-39. Cowdell, Scott Avery, William O + Cowdell, Scott Cameron, Marcia Cowdell, Scott Carroll, John Cowdell, Scott Collins, Paul Cowdell, Scott Cozzens, Donald Cowdell, Scott Cupitt, Don Undergoing God: dispatches from the scene of a break-in If this is the way the world works: science, congregations and leadership An enigmatic life: David Broughton Knox: father of contemporary Sydney Anglicanism Ego and soul: the modern west in search of meaning Upon this rock: the Popes and their changing role Sacred silence: denial and the crisis in the church Theology's strange return Cowdell, Scott Cowdell, Scott Dorais, Michel Creaturely theology: on God, humans and other animals Building from belief: advance, retreat and compromise in the remaking of Catholic church architecture Don't tell: the sexual abuse of boys no.212, May 2010: 144-147. Cowdell, Scott Deane-Drummond, Celia + DeSanctis, Michael E Cowdell, Scott Frame, Tom no.184, 2001: 38-40. Cowdell, Scott Frame, Tom A church for a nation: a history of the Anglican Diocese of Canberra and Goulburn Church and state: Australia's imaginary wall Cowdell, Scott Garrett, Graeme God matters: conversations in theology no.183, Spring 2000: 37-38. Cowdell, Scott Hamilton, Clive What's left? The death of social democracy no.202, 2007: 45-46. Cowdell, Scott Hebblethwaite, Brian no.136, Summer 1989: 38-39. Cowdell, Scott Hughes, Gerard J Cowdell, Scott Kaye, Bruce Cowdell, Scott Kellerman, Bill Wylie Cowdell, Scott Leaves, Nigel Cowdell, Scott Leaves, Nigel The ocean of truth: a defence of objective theism Fidelity without fundamentalism: a dialogue with tradition Reinventing Anglicanism: a vision of confidence, community and engagement in Anglican Christianity Seasons of faith and conscience: kairos, confessions, liturgy Odyssey on the sea of faith: the life and writings of Don Cupitt Surfing on the sea of faith: the ethics and religion of Don Cupitt no.159, Spring 1994: 34-35. no.159, Spring 1994: 39-40. no.218, Nov 2011: 115-118. no.154, Winter 1993: 39-40. no.187, 2001: 36-37. no.84, Dec 1975: 39-40. no.68, May 1972: 37-38. no.207, Mar 2009: 86-89. no.201, 2006: 36. no.183, Spring 2000: 33-34. no.188, 2002: 38-40. no.196, 2004: 32-33. no.216, May 2011: 88-90. no.195, 2004: 52-53. no.194, 2003: 40-41. no.201, 2006: 44-45. no.220, May 2012: 106-107. no.195, 2004: 48-49. no.148, Summer 1992: 30. no.196, 2004: 30-31. no.201, 2006: 40-41. Reviewer Author Title Citation Cowdell, Scott Leaves, Nigel no.202, 2007: 46-47. Cowdell, Scott Linzey, Andrew Cowdell, Scott Linzey, Andrew Cowdell, Scott Linzey, Andrew Cowdell, Scott Lyon, David Cowdell, Scott Lyons, Adrian Cowdell, Scott McGillion, Chris Cowdell, Scott Milbank, John Cowdell, Scott O'Donovan, Oliver Cowdell, Scott Porter, Muriel The God problem: alternatives to fundamentalism Creatures of the same God: explorations in animal theology The link between animal abuse and human violence Why animal suffering matters: philosophy, theology, and practical ethics Jesus in Disneyuland: religion in postmodern times Imaging believing: explorations in contemporary faith The chosen ones: the politics of salvation in the Anglican church The future of love: essays in political theology The desire of the nations: rediscovering the roots of political theology Sex, power and the clergy Cowdell, Scott Porter, Muriel no.200, 2006: 51-52. Cowdell, Scott Cowdell, Scott Rowland, Christopher Rutter, Peter The new puritans: the rise of fundamentalism in the Anglican church Radical Christianity no.145, Autumn 1991: 41-42. Cowdell, Scott Sturrock, Morna Cowdell, Scott Thomson, John B Sex in the forbidden zone: when men in power - therapists, doctors, clergy, teachers, others - betray women's trust Bishop of magnetic power: James Moorhouse in Melbourne, 1876-1886 Church on edge? Practising mission today Cowdell, Scott Ward, Keith More than matter?: what humans really are no.221, Sept 2012: 112-115. Cowdell, Scott Young, Jeremy no.198, 2005: 49-50. Cox, Hugh Kelsey, David H The cost of certainty: how religious conviction betrays the human psyche The uses of scripture in recent theology Cox, Hugh Marshall, I Howard no.96, Dec 1978: 42-44. Cox, Hugh Schweizer, Eduard New Testament interpretation: essyas in principles and methods The good news according to Matthew Crompton, R W Pollard, William G no.31, Feb 1963: 28-29. Cronshaw, Darren McLaren, Brian Cronshaw, Darren McLaren, Brian Cronshaw, Darren Tickle, Phyllis Cullen, Vicky Bowden, John Physicist and Christian: a dialogue between the communities Naked spirituality: a life with God in twelve simple words The story we find ourselves in: further adventures of a new kind of Christian The great emergence: how Christianity is changing and why Jesus: the unanswered questions Cullen, Vicky Field, Barbara Fit for this office: women and ordination no.138, Winter 1989: 38-39. Cullen, Vicky Nelson, Janet + no.139, Spring 1989: 38. Cullen, Vicky Varcoe, Jill Curtis, Neville Peart-Binns, John S Women of spirit: woman's place in church and society A prayer book for Australia: a practical commentary Ambrose Reeves Dale, Alan A Moses, John A no.154, Winter 1993: 43-44. Dalton, Judith Nichols, Alan + Dalziell, Ian Reumann, John Australia and the Kaiser's war, 1914-1918: on understanding the ANZAC tradition; arguments and theses Making babies: the test tube and Christian ethics Stewardship and the economy of God Davidson, P A Klijn, A F J no.70, Sept 1972: 37-38. Davidson, Peter Haenchen, Ernst A survey of the researches into the western text of the gospels and Acts, part 2 (19491969) The Acts of the Apostles Davies, Maynard Grubb, Kenneth Crypts of power: an autobiography no.70, Sept 1972: 34. no.211, Feb 2010: 83-88. no.211, Feb 2010: 83-88. no.211, Feb 2010: 83-88. no.189, 2002: 46-47. no.197, 2004: 45-46. no.198, 2005: 49-50. no.221, Sept 2012: 118-121. no.187, 2001: 35-36. no.194, 2003: 38. no.137, Autumn 1989: 35-36. no.199, 2005: 49-50. no.198, 2005: 49-50. no.92, Dec 1977: 31-33. no.91, Sept 1977: 58-59. no.222, Nov 2012: 172-174. no.211, Feb 2010: 97-103. no.211, Feb 2010: 97-103. no.138, Winter 1989: 37-38. no.176, Summer 1999: 40-41. no.86, June 1976: 53-54. no.119, Sept 1984: 41-42. no.158, Winter 1994: 42-43. no.68, May 1972: 36-37. Reviewer Author Title Citation Davies, Peter H Limouris, Gennadios Icons: windows on eternity no.141, Autumn 1990: 45. Daw, E D Russo, George no.105, Mar 1981: 42-43. De Garis, B K Edwards, David L Lord abbot of the wilderness: the life and times of Bishop Salvado Religion and change Dewhirst, H Little, Lawrence no.21, Aug 1960: 28-30. Dobbin, Tim Ford, Michael Donaldson, J Cryer, Neville B + The future course of Christian adult education The wounded prophet: a portrait of Henri J M Nouwen Experiment in unity Donaldson, J Pelikan, Jaroslav Spirit versus structure no.59, Feb 1970: 39-40. Donaldson, J Schweizer, Eduard The good news according to St Mark no.65, Aug 1971: 36-37. Douglas, Brian Chapman, Mark Anglican theology no.224, May 2013: 108-110. Douglas, Brian Cotterell, Peter no.221, Sept 2012: 106-108. Douglas, Brian Marshall, William Douglas, Brian Wright, David F Muhammad: the man who transformed Arabia Scripture, tradition and reason: a selective view of Anglican theology through the centuries Baptism: three views Dowling, Owen Davies, J G Everyday God no.76, Dec 1973: 27-28. Dowling, Owen Gunstone, John no.197, 2004: 47-48. Dowling, Owen Doyle, John W McRae-McMahon, Dorothy [anon] Healed, restored, forgiven: liturgies, prayers and readings for the ministry of healing Rituals for life, love and loss The family in the modern world no.109, Mar 1982: 48-49. Doyle, John W Carman, P University of nations no.107, Sept 1981: 61-62. Doyle, John W Cooper, David Illusions of equality no.108, Dec 1981: 45-46. Doyle, John W Hughes, Gerard J Authority in morals no.98, June 1979: 59-60. Doyle, John W John Paul II (Pope) The whole truth about man no.112, Dec 1982: 46-47. Doyle, John W Maneri, Sharfuddin Sharafuddin Maneri: the hundred letters no.104, Dec 1980: 58-59. Doyle, John W Nichols, Kevin Cornerstone no.102, June 1980: 46-47. Doyle, John W Obrien, Tom Job generation no.110, June 1982: 39. Doyle, John W O'Hear, Anthony Education, society and human nature no.109, Mar 1982: 47-48. Doyle, John W Rossiter, G M Religious education in Australian schools no.110, June 1982: 38-39. Driver, Jeffrey [anon] no.206, Nov 2008: 48-53. Driver, Jeffrey [anon] Communion, conflict and hope: the Kuala Lumpur report of the Third Inter-Anglican Theological and Doctrinal Commission The future of ordained ministry Driver, Jeffrey Donfried, Karl The Romans debate no.148, Summer 1992: 31. Driver, Jeffrey Kaye, Bruce An introduction to world Anglicanism no.207, Mar 2009: 75-78. Duncan, Colin Frank, Erich no.31, Feb 1963: 19-25. Dundon, Colin Bowen, Roger Philosophical understanding and religious truth So I send you: a study guide to mission Dundon, Colin Clarke, David K + Readings in Christian ethics no.169, Autumn 1997: 38-39. Dundon, Colin Gill, Robin no.191, 2002: 41-42. Dundon, Colin Harris, James H Dundon, Colin Higginson, R Dundon, Colin Jersild, Paul Dundon, Colin Mascord, Keith Dundon, Colin Meilaender, Gilbert The Cambridge companion to Christian ethics Pastoral theology: a black-church perspective Transforming leadership: a Christian approach to management Making moral decisions: a Christian approach to personal and social ethics A restless faith: leaving fundamentalism in a quest for God Bioethics: a primer for Christians Dundon, Colin Murray, Andrew no.163, Spring 1995: 46. Dundon, Colin Saayman, Willem + Can theology be done in Sydney? A symposium Mission in bold humility: David Bosch's work considered no.59, Feb 1970: 29-31. no.180, Summer 2000: 51-52. no.59, Feb 1970: 39-40. no.220, May 2012: 108-110. no.220, May 2012: 104-106. no.197, 2004: 47-48. no.170, Winter 1997: 37-38. no.168, Summer 1997: 35. no.151, Spring 1992: 37-38. no.168, Summer 1997: 35-36. no.150, Winter 1992: 38. no.225, Aug 2013: 138-143. no.169, Autumn 1997: 39. no.173, Autumn 1998: 35-37. Reviewer Author Title Citation Dundon, Colin Walker, Andrew Telling the story: gospel, mission and culture no.167, Spring 1996: 39-40. Dundon, Colin Wetherell, David no.169, Autumn 1997: 39-40. Durie, David Adair, John Charles Abel and the Kwato Mission of Papua New Guinea 1891-1975 The becoming church Durie, David Anderson, Hugh The gospel of Mark no.95, Sept 1978: 42-44. Durie, David Cox, Harvey no.83, Sept 1975: 37-41. Durie, David Hanson, Anthony T Durie, David Lane, William L The seduction of the spirit: the use and misuse of people's religion The New Testament interpretation of scripture The gospel according to Mark Durie, David Lindars, Barnabas The gospel of John no.80, Dec 1974: 39-41. Durie, David Lovell, K An introduction to human development no.60, May 1970: 37-38. Durie, David Mascall, E L Theology and the gospel of Christ no.97, Mar 1979: 37-38. Durie, David Preston, Kenneth Marriage counselling no.60, May 1970: 37-38. Durie, David Towler, R + The fate of the Anglican clergy no.108, Dec 1981: 43-44. Durie, David Sex, marriage and the family in the Pacific no.60, May 1970: 37-38. Durie, Mark World Council of Churches Durie, Mark no.214, Nov 2010: 99-106. Durie, Mark Ye'or, Bat Dutton, Alan Glock, C + The third choice: Islam dhimmitude and freedom Islam and dhimmitude: where civilisations collide To comfort and to challenge Dutton, Alan Mehl, R The sociology of Protestantism no.62, Nov 1970: 28-29. Dwight, Alan Bancroft, Anne no.151, Spring 1992: 43. Dwight, Alan Plimer, Ian Eather, Greg de Santa Ana, J Eather, Greg Dwyer, Peter The luminous vision: six medieval mystics and their teaching Telling lies for God: reason versus creationism Good news to the poor: the challenge of the poor in the history of the church How lucky are we? Australia in the 1970's Eather, Greg Machovec, Milan A Marxist looks at Jesus no.99, Sept 1979: 38-39. Eather, Greg Mol, Hans Identity and the sacred no.92, Dec 1977: 30-31. Eddy, J J Bowen, Desmond no.67, Feb 1972: 33-34. Eddy, J J Greeley, Andrew M Souperism: myth or reality? A study of Catholics and Protestants during the great famine Religion in the year 2000 Eddy, J J Nurser, John no.139, Spring 1989: 35-36. Eddy, J J Ramsey, Michael The reign of conscience: individual, church, and state in Lord Ascton's history of liberty Freedom, faith and the future Edwards, N R Brendon, Piers Hurrell Froude and the Oxford Movement no.102, June 1980: 48-49. Edwards, Neil Davies, John D The faith abroad no.118, June 1984: 51-52. Edwards, Neil Gribben, Robert Communion in Australian churches no.130, June 1987: 47. Edwards, Neil Griffiss, James E Church, ministry and unity no.118, June 1984: 51-52. Edwards, Neil Peacocke, Arthur + no.141, Autumn 1990: 43-44. Edwards, Neil Solomon, G D Persons & personality: a contemporary enquiry Brothers of Mother Teresa Ehrlich, M Avrum Faierstein, Morris M no.190, 2002: 43-44. Elliott, Ralph Kelly, John Jewish mystical autobiographies: book of visions and book of secrets The harp & the sword Emilsen, William W Best, Thomas J no.202, 2007: 44-45. Emilsen, William W Greiler, Alois Evans, C F Berger, Peter L With a demonstration of the spirit and of power: seventh International Consultation of United and Uniting churches Catholic beginnings in Oceania: Marist missionary perspectives A rumor of angels Ewing, Allan McDiarmid, Daniel The gospel of good giving: stewardship in Australian churches no.150, Winter 1992: 40. no.92, Dec 1977: 35-36. no.104, Dec 1980: 59-61. no.86, June 1976: 51-52. no.192, 2003: 41-43. no.62, Nov 1970: 28-29. no.162, Winter 1995: 33-34. no.99, Sept 1979: 39-40. no.95, Sept 1978: 44. no.63, Feb 1971: 37-38. no.63, Feb 1971: 37-38. no.134, Winter 1988: 38. no.166, Winter 1996: 35. no.216, May 2011: 93-95. no.64, May 1971: 24-25. Reviewer Author Title Citation Ewing, Allan Miley, Caroline no.194, 2003: 38-40. Falkingham, John de Satge, John The suicidal church: can the Anglican Church be saved? Mary and the Christian gospel Falkingham, John Lonergan, Bernard The way to Nicea no.113, Mar 1983: 31-32. Falkingham, John Woods, Frank Forward in depth: sermons and addresses no.131, Sept 1987: 50. Farmer, Elaine Davies, Robertson no.186, 2001: 33-35. Farmer, Elaine Gallagher, Nora The merry heart, reflections on reading, writing, and the world of books Things seen and unseen: a year lived in faith Farmer, Elaine Gourevitch, Philip no.179, Winter 1999: 37-39. Farmer, Elaine Hassall, Keryn Farmer, Elaine Johnson, Elizabeth A Farmer, Elaine Johnson, Elizabeth A Farmer, Elaine Lovell, George + Farmer, Elaine Perkins, Angela + Farmer, Elaine Volf, Miroslav Farmer, Elaine Walton, Heather + Faser, Robert J [anon] Faser, Robert J Boyd, Robin Faser, Robert J Selkirk, D R + Faser, Robert J Ugolnik, Anthony We wish to inform you that tomorrow we will be killed with our families Dangerous memory: feminist theology through story Friends of God and prophets: a feminist theological reading of the communion of Saints She who is: the mystery of God in feminist theological discourse Sustaining preachers & preaching: a practical guide Healing priesthood: women's voices worldwide Exclusion & embrace: a theological exploraton of identity, otherness, and reconciliation Silence in heaven: a book of women's preaching The theology of the churches and the Jewish people: statement by the World Council of Churches and ite member churches Ireland: Christianity discredited or pilgrim's progress? Confronting creationism: defending Darwinism The illuminating icon Fathurrahman, Oman Firth, David Riddell, Peter G Islam and the Malay-Indonesian world: transmission and responses The Song of Songs no.192, 2003: 36-37. Firth, David Crainshaw, Jill Y no.187, 2001: 39-40. Firth, David Firth, David Grant-Henderson, Anna L Schaefer, Konrad Wise and sicerning hearts: an introduction to wisdom liturgical theology Inclusive voices in post-exilic Judah no.188, 2002: 41-42. Firth, David Sherwood, Stephen K Fitzgerald, L P Robinson, Neal Fletcher, Frank Merton, Thomas Psalms: Berit Olam. Studies in Hebrew narrative and poetry Berit Olam: studies in Hebrew narrative and poetry: Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy Christ in Islam and Christianity: the representation of Jesus in the Qur'an and the classical Muslim commentaries Contemplation in a world of action Flynn, J Abishiktananda Guru and disciple no.79, Sept 1974: 34-35. Flynn, J Hick, John + Christianity and other religions no.106, June 1981: 65-68. Flynn, J Jacobs, L A Jewish theology no.82, June 1975: 25-27. Flynn, J Nelson, J Robert no.71, Nov 1972: 31-33. Flynn, J Raschke, Carl A Foulcher, Jane Beare, Hedley + No man is alien: essays on the unity of mankind The interruption of eternity: modern gnosticism and the origins of the new religious consciousness Praying in secret Foulcher, Jane Jones, W Paul no.198, 2005: 47. Foulcher, Jane Wallis, Paul Facets of faith: living the dimensions of Christian spirituality My dinner with Anton Bergant, Dianne no.90, June 1977: 51-52. no.179, Winter 1999: 41-42. no.177, Autumn 1999: 41-43. no.177, Autumn 1999: 37-39. no.159, Spring 1994: 37-38. no.218, Nov 2011: 101-103. no.199, 2005: 50-51. no.179a, Spring 1999: 37-41. no.161, Autumn 1995: 35-36. no.139, Spring 1989: 40. no.138, Winter 1989: 38. no.138, Winter 1989: 33-34. no.142, Winter 1990: 41. no.193, 2003: 44-45. no.196, 2004: 37-38. no.196, 2004: 36-37. no.151, Spring 1992: 45-46. no.72, Mar 1973: 28-29. no.103, Sept 1980: 26-29. no.139, Spring 1989: 40. no.185, 2001: 41-42. Reviewer Author Title Citation Foulcher, Jane Wiesel, Eli The forgotten no.161, Autumn 1995: 33-34. Fowler, Russell C Nouwen, Henri J M Creative ministry no.93, Mar 1978: 42-43. Frame, Tom Apple, Raymond no.196, 2004: 44. Frame, Tom Birch, Charles The Jewish way: Jews and Judaism in Australia Science & soul Frame, Tom Blyth, Ronald Word from Wormingford: a parish year no.179, Winter 1999: 39-40. Frame, Tom Challen, Michael B Sambell: a man of the word no.208, May 2009: 106-111. Frame, Tom Cowdell, Scott A God for this world no.184, 2001: 42-43. Frame, Tom Cragg, Kenneth The lively credentials of God no.166, Winter 1996: 37-38. Frame, Tom Gray, Ben F The twenty-first century church: out there no.182, Winter 2000: 38-39. Frame, Tom Harris, Harriet A Fundamentalism and evangelicals no.206, Nov 2008: 60-63. Frame, Tom Hastings, Adrian A world history of Christianity no.184, 2001: 37-38. Frame, Tom Hein, David no.206, Nov 2008: 73-75. Frame, Tom Holden, Colin + Frame, Tom Holden, Colin Frame, Tom Howe, Brian Geoffrey Fisher: Archbishop of Canterbury, 1945-1961 Divine discontent - the Brotherhood of St Laurence: a history Saints, sinners and goalposts: a history of All Saints East St Kilda Weighing up Australian values Frame, Tom Hunter, Ian The very best of Malcolm Muggeridge no.180, Summer 2000: 48. Frame, Tom Maher, Brian no.174, Winter 1998: 42-43. Frame, Tom Miller, Seumas + Planting the celtic cross: foundations of the Catholic Archdiocese of Canberra & Goulburn Police ethics Frame, Tom Norman, Edward An Anglican catechism no.190, 2002: 47-48. Frame, Tom Norman, Edward Anglican difficulties: a new syllabus of errors no.198, 2005: 50-51. Frame, Tom Pembroke, Neil no.196, 2004: 33-34. Frame, Tom Piggin, Stuart Frame, Tom Porter, Brian The art of listening: dialogue, shame and pastoral care Evangelical Christianity in Australia: spirit, word and world Frank Woods: Archbishop of Melbourne Frame, Tom Porter, Brian no.174, Winter 1998: 40-42. Frame, Tom Preece, Gordon Melbourne Anglicans: the Diocese of Melbourne, 1847-1997 Rethinking Peter Singer: a Christian critique Frame, Tom Roth, Martin Living water to light the journey no.179a, Spring 1999: 43-44. Frame, Tom Spear, Valerie G no.209, Sept 2009: 79-81. Frame, Tom Stendahl, Krister Canberra Baptist Church: the first seventy five years 1929-2004 Final account: Paul's Letter to the Romans Frame, Tom Sykes, Stephen The story of atonement no.175, Spring 1998: 35. Frame, Tom Thornton, Margaret no.208, May 2009: 106-111. Frame, Tom Vardy, Peter + I heard him call: the story of Neville Langford-Smith The puzzle of ethics Frame, Tom Vest, Norvene no.174, Winter 1998: 36-37. Frame, Tom Williams, Roy Friend of the soul: a Benedictine spirituality of work God, actually Francis, Don Bright, Laurence The Christian community no.72, Mar 1973: 26-27. Francis, Don Jeffery, R M C Case studies in unity no.72, Mar 1973: 26-27. Francis, Don Whale, John no.72, Mar 1973: 26-27. Fraser, Robert J Lindbeck, George Fraser, Robert J Newman, John Henry Fraser, Robert J Schaff, Philip Christian reunion: historic divisions reconsidered The nature of doctrine: religion and theology in a postliberal age An essay on the development of Christian doctrine The principle of Protestantism Gaden, John R Niles, D T A testament of faith no.72, Mar 1973: 25-26. Gaden, John R Sykes, S W Christian theology today no.72, Mar 1973: 25-26. Galt, Alan Pruyser, Paul W The minister as diagnostician no.93, Mar 1978: 40-42. no.204, Mar 2008: 62-64. no.208, May 2009: 93-101. no.208, May 2009: 93-101. no.202, 2007: 43-44. no.189, 2002: 44-45. no.167, Spring 1996: 35-36. no.202, 2007: 42-43. no.195, 2004: 50-52. no.165, Autumn 1996: 33. no.188, 2002: 37-38. no.207, Mar 2009: 82-86. no.144, Summer 1991: 32-35. no.144, Summer 1991: 32-35. no.144, Summer 1991: 32-35. Reviewer Author Title Citation Garnes, Sarah Sider, Ronald Rich Christians in an age of hunger no.173, Autumn 1998: 42-43. Garnsey, D A Bayne, Stephen Fielding [anon] An Anglican turning point: documents and interpretations What we believe: a catechism of the Anglican Church of Australia Final report no.40, May 1965: 28-30. The Bible in the modern world no.83, Sept 1975: 27-28. Garnsey, David Garnsey, David no.123/124, Sept/Dec 1985: 6970. no.110, June 1982: 30-31. Garnsey, David Anglican-Roman Catholic International Commission Barr, James Garnsey, David de Satge, John Letters to an ordinand: a study in vocation no.89, Mar 1977: 45-46. Garnsey, David Dillistone, F W no.91, Sept 1977: 53-54. Garnsey, David Engel, Frank Garnsey, David Gelpi, Donald L Garnsey, David Howell, Leon Garnsey, David Jenkins, David Charles Raven: naturalist, historian, theologian 21 years of Australian Frontier: an extraordinary organisation for extraordinary times Charism and sacrament: a theology of Christian conversion Acting in faith: the World Council of Churches since 1975 God, miracle and the Church of England Garnsey, David Kent, J + no.83, Sept 1975: 32-34. Garnsey, David Moses, John A Garnsey, David Partridge, Nan Church membership and intercommunion: the 10th Downside Symposium Anglican social strategies from Burgmann to the present Not alone: a story for the future of Rhodesia Garnsey, David Garnsey, David Stephenson, Alan M G Stockwood, Mervyn no.123/124, Sept/Dec 1985: 8485. no.122, June 1985: 29-30. Garnsey, David Williams, H A The rise and decline of English modernism: the Hulsean Lectures 1979-80 Chanctonbury Ring: the autobiography of Mervyn Stockwood Some day I'll find you: an autobiography Garnsey, Evanne Brown, Shelagh Married to the church? no.117, Mar 1984: 68-69. Garnsey, Evanne Doig, Desmond Mother Teresa: her people and her work no.97, Mar 1979: 39-41. Garnsey, Evanne Essex, Rosamund Woman in a man's world: an autobiography no.94, June 1978: 38-39. Garnsey, Evanne Eyre, Ronald Ronald Eyre on the long search no.102, June 1980: 37-38. Garnsey, Evanne Jasper, Tony Living words for now no.99, Sept 1979: 32-33. Garnsey, Evanne Jonas, Doris + Young till we die no.82, June 1975: 31-33. Garnsey, Evanne Maitland, Sara no.121, Mar 1985: 44-46. Garnsey, Evanne Mbiti, John S A map of the new country: women and Christianity The prayers of African religion Garnsey, Evanne O'Collins, Gerald no.103, Sept 1980: 36. Garnsey, Evanne Trevivian, Roy The second journey: spiritual awareness and the mid-life crisis So you're lonely Garnsey, G C Hick, John Evil and the God of love no.45, Aug 1966: 30-31. Garnsey, G C Irvine, Gerard Christianity in its social context no.51, Feb 1968: 25-26. Garnsey, G C Lindars, Barnabas no.56, May 1969: 29-30. Garnsey, G C Pearson, Fred Garnsey, G C Stevick, Daniel B Church without walls: essays on the role of the parish in contemporary society They dare to hope: student protest and Christian response Civil disobedience and the Christian Garnsey, George Stretton, Hugh Capitalism, socialism and the environment no.90, June 1977: 54-55. Garrett, Graeme Avis, Paul The resurrection of Jesus Christ no.158, Winter 1994: 40-41. Garrett, Graeme Bradley, Ian The power of sacrifice no.163, Spring 1995: 47. Garrett, Graeme Bunyan, John no.155, Spring 1993: 48. Garrett, Graeme Cowdell, Scott Garrett, Graeme Cowdell, Scott With rhyme and reason: the collected poems, songs and prayers of John Bunyan God's next big thing: discovering the future church Is Jesus unique? A study of recent Christology no.137, Autumn 1989: 38. no.95, Sept 1978: 36-37. no.111, Sept 1982: 50-51. no.135, Spring 1988: 39-40. no.139, Spring 1989: 36-37. no.73, May 1973: 27-29. no.119, Sept 1984: 46-48. no.85, Mar 1976: 48-50. no.97, Mar 1979: 42-43. no.63, Feb 1971: 49-50. no.63, Feb 1971: 50-51. no.196, 2004: 29-30. no.173, Autumn 1998: 40-42. Reviewer Author Title Citation Garrett, Graeme Gilkey, Langdon no.138, Winter 1989: 33. Garrett, Graeme Kuschel, Karl-Josef Garrett, Graeme Kuschel, Karl-Josef Creationism on trial: evolution and God at Little Rock Born before all time? The dispute over Christ's origin Laughter: a theological essay Garrett, Graeme Lorenzen, Thorwald no.164, Summer 1996: 32. Garrett, Graeme MacIntyre, Alasdair Garrett, Graeme McGrath, Alister E Resurrection and discipleship: interpretive models, Biblical reflections, theological consequences Three rival versions of moral enquiry: encyclopaedia, genealogy, and tradition The Christian theology reader Garrett, Graeme Monk, Ray Ludwig Wittgenstein: the duty of genius no.149, Autumn 1992: 33-34. Garrett, Graeme Steiner, George Errata: an examined life no.175, Spring 1998: 38-40. Garrett, Graeme Stevenson, Geoffrey Pulpit journeys no.206, Nov 2008: 55-60. Garrett, Graeme Swift, Graham Last orders no.168, Summer 1997: 37-39. Garrett, Graeme Vardy, Peter The puzzle of God no.186, 2001: 38-39. Garrett, Graeme Weller, Keith no.206, Nov 2008: 55-60. Gee, Frank Weller, Keith + Gentle, Bruce Ranson, S + Please! No more boring sermons: preaching for Australians - contemporary insights and practical aspects Better be a good sermon: preaching for special occasions and contexts Clergy, ministers and priests George, Ian Claman, Henry M no.192, 2003: 30-35. George, Ian Coleman, Dale Jewish images in the Christian church: art as the mirror of the Jewish-Christian conflict, 200-1250 CE Michael Ramsey George, Ian Marshall, Michael Church at the crossroads no.136, Summer 1989: 39-40. George, Ian Pawley, Margaret Praying with the English poets no.143, Spring 1990: 38-39. George, Ian Pawley, Margaret Praying with the English tradition no.143, Spring 1990: 38-39. Gibson, John Ellis, Ian M no.216, May 2011: 95-97. Gifford, Elaine Hughes, Gerard W A century of mission and unity: a centenary perspective of the 1910 Edinburgh World Missionary Conference God of surprises Giles, Kevin Harrower, Scott D no.223, Feb 2013: 114-116. Giles, Kevin Swain, Scott R Gillman, J D Snaith, Norman Trinitarian self and salvation: an evangelical engagement with Rahner's rule Trinity, revelation and reading: a theological introduction to the Bible and its interpretation The God that never was Godfrey, Michael J H Veling, Terry no.167, Spring 1996: 40-41. Golding, Douglas Firestone, Reuven Graham, W H Bruder, Ernest E Living in the margins: intentional communities and the art of interpretation Who are the real chosen people? The meaning of chosenness in Judaism, Christianity and Islam Ministering to deeply troubled people Graham, W H Ward, Archibald F no.37, Aug 1964: 25-28. Gray, Fay Coleborne, William Seasons of the soul: selected readings from the Psalms Companion to the Sunday missal Gray, Frances Stevens, Maryanne no.168, Summer 1997: 37. Gribben, R W Aulen, Gustav Reconstructing the Christ symbol: essays in feminist Christology The drama and the symbols Gribben, R W Bonhoeffer, Emmi Auschwitz trials: letters from an eyewitness no.63, Feb 1971: 49. Griffin, Graeme M Wilson, Michael Health is for people no.93, Mar 1978: 48-49. Griffith, G D The development of the ministry no.17, Aug 1959: 39-40. Enter with joy no.32, May 1963: 29-31. Griffith, G D Bath and Wells, Bishop of Bayne, Stephen Fielding Blamires, Harry Kirkbride and company no.19, Feb 1960: 30. Griffith, G D Boas, George The limits of reason no.27, Feb 1962: 30-31. Griffith, G D no.160, Summer 1995: 38-40. no.160, Summer 1995: 38-40. no.151, Spring 1992: 39-40. no.166, Winter 1996: 42-43. no.222, Nov 2012: 170-172. no.97, Mar 1979: 38-39. no.146, Winter 1991: 29-30. no.166, Winter 1996: 38-39. no.224, May 2013: 121-123. no.70, Sept 1972: 32-33. no.217, Aug 2011: 124-126. no.37, Aug 1964: 25-28. no.123/124, Sept/Dec 1985: 76. no.65, Aug 1971: 41-42. Reviewer Author Title Citation Griffith, G D Border, J T R The founding of the See of Goulburn no.5, Aug 1956: 29-31. Griffith, G D Bright, John A history of Israel no.22, Nov 1960: 26-27. Griffith, G D Bruce, Michael The science of prayer no.15, Feb 1959: 28-29. Griffith, G D Bultmann, Rudolph Jesus Christ and mythology no.22, Nov 1960: 20-22. Griffith, G D Carpenter, S C Church and people, 1789-1889 no.18, Nov 1959: 30-31. Griffith, G D Cyster, Raymond F Scripture and the word of God no.18, Nov 1959: 31. Griffith, G D Glasson, T Francis Greek influence in Jewish eschatology no.25, Aug 1961: 37-39. Griffith, G D Hooker, Morna D Jesus and the servant no.18, Nov 1959: 29-30. Griffith, G D Homewards: some essays in Christian apologetics The significance of the synoptic miracles no.17, Aug 1959: 36. Griffith, G D Jones, Herbert Gresford Kallas, James Griffith, G D O'Neill, J C The theology of Acts in its historical setting no.27, Feb 1962: 34. Griffith, G D Pittenger, W Norman Proclaiming Christ today no.32, May 1963: 29-31. Griffith, G D Pritchard, James B Archaeology and the New Testament no.19, Feb 1960: 27-28. Griffith, G D Sidebottom, E M The Christ of the fourth gospel no.27, Feb 1962: 34. Griffith, G D Simpson, P V Believing is seeing no.15, Feb 1959: 28-29. Griffith, G D Wainwright, J A God and man in the Old Testament no.32, May 1963: 31. Grundy, Peter C Living truth - truthful living: Christian faith and the scalpel of suspicion Modern Anglican liturgies 1958-1968 no.198, 2005: 51-52. Grundy, T P Lamb, Winifred Wing Han Buchanan, Colin Grundy, T P Chapman, Geoffrey no.61, Aug 1970: 46-47. Grundy, T P Grundy, T P Church of England Liturgical Commission Clifford, P R Prayers we have in common: international consultation on English texts Modern liturgical texts Now is the time no.63, Feb 1971: 35-36. Grundy, T P Cryer, N By what rite? no.61, Aug 1970: 35-36. Grundy, T P Duke, M H The break of glory no.62, Nov 1970: 34. Grundy, T P Jasper, Ronald C D The daily office no.54, Nov 1968: 27-28. Grundy, T P Jedin + Atlas zur Kirchengeschichte no.64, May 1971: 34-35. Grundy, T P Kirby, J C Ephesians, baptism and Pentecost no.56, May 1969: 26-27. Grundy, T P Martineau, R The office and work of a reader no.66, Nov 1971: 45-46. Grundy, T P Miller, R C The language gap and God no.66, Nov 1971: 46-47. Grundy, T P Petitpierre, Robert Living with God no.53, Aug 1968: 31-32. Grundy, T P Porthouse, Clive Ministry in the seventies no.66, Nov 1971: 45-46. Grundy, T P Rudge, Peter F Ministry and management no.56, May 1969: 27-28. Grundy, T P Wainwright, G Christian initiation no.60, May 1970: 29-30. Haines, N Phillips, D Z Faith and philosophical enquiry no.66, Nov 1971: 47-49. Haire, James Bevans, Stephen B no.216, May 2011: 97-99. Haire, James Dyer, Keith D + Haire, James Hanna, Susan Poon, Michael NaiChiu Yancey, Philip Harris, Arnold [anon] An introduction to theology in global perspective Resurrection and responsibility: essays on theology, scripture, and ethics in honor of Thorwald Lorenzen Pilgrims and citizens: Christian social engagement in east Asia today What good is God? In search of a faith that matters A critique of Eucharistic agreement Harris, Arnold [anon] A daily office book no.118, June 1984: 52. Harris, Arnold [anon] Acts of the Convocations, 1921-60 no.29, Aug 1962: 29. Harris, Arnold [anon] Glenstal Bible missal no.118, June 1984: 52-53. Harris, Arnold [anon] Modern eucharistic agreement no.81, Mar/Apr 1975: 32-36. Harris, Arnold [anon] Parish & people no.11, Feb 1958: 32. no.27, Feb 1962: 32-33. no.55, Feb 1969: 38-40. no.54, Nov 1968: 27-28. no.213, Aug 2010: 93-95. no.204, Mar 2008: 74-76. no.218, Nov 2011: 118-120. no.83, Sept 1975: 34-35. Reviewer Author Title Citation Harris, Arnold [anon] no.6, Oct 1956: 30-32. Harris, Arnold [anon] The draft report of the Joint Committee of ... General Synod of the Church of England in Canada on the revision of the Book of Common Prayer The English Prayer Book Harris, Arnold [anon] The liturgy of the church in Japan no.20, May 1960: 24-25. Harris, Arnold [anon] The revised Psalter no.37, Aug 1964: 31-32. Harris, Arnold Ackroyd, P R + no.63, Feb 1971: 41-42. Harris, Arnold Arnold, Thomas The Cambridge history of the Bible, volume 1: From the beginnings to Jerome Principles of church reform Harris, Arnold Atkinson, David no.105, Mar 1981: 40-42. Harris, Arnold Autton, Norman To have and to hold: the marriage covenant and the discipline of divorce The pastoral care of the mentally ill Harris, Arnold Puritanism and Richard Bancroft no.32, May 1963: 22-23. Harris, Arnold Babbage, Stuart Barton Barker, Edwin The responsible church no.45, Aug 1966: 35-36. Harris, Arnold Barnes, John no.102, June 1980: 38-41. Harris, Arnold Barry, F R Harris, Arnold Harris, Arnold Bayne, Stephen Fielding Bielby, A R Ahead of his age: Bishop Barnes of Birmingham Asking the right questions: church and ministry Ceylon, north India, Pakistan: a study in ecumenical decision Education through worship Harris, Arnold Blamires, Harry A defence of dogmatism no.43, Feb 1966: 35-36. Harris, Arnold Body, A H no.129, Mar 1987: 57-58. Harris, Arnold Booty, John E Harris, Arnold Bovet, Theodor Firm still you stand: the Anglican Church of St John the Baptist, its parish and parishioners, 1841-1984 John Jewel as apologist of the Church of England Have time and be free Harris, Arnold Bradshaw, P F The Anglican ordinal no.70, Sept 1972: 28-30. Harris, Arnold Bradshaw, P F Daily prayer in the early church no.110, June 1982: 40-43. Harris, Arnold Epicopi vagantes and the Anglican church no.28, May 1962: 30-31. Harris, Arnold Brandreth, Henry R T Brooks, Peter Thomas Cranmer's doctrine of the Eucharist no.41, Aug 1965: 29-30. Harris, Arnold Brown, L W Relevant liturgy no.42, Nov 1965: 24-27. Harris, Arnold Buchanan, Colin Latest Anglican liturgies 1976-1984 no.126, June 1986: 42-44. Harris, Arnold Bunyan, John A mellowing year and a day no.111, Sept 1982: 47-49. Harris, Arnold Burne, R V H The monks of Chester no.30, Nov 1962: 29-30. Harris, Arnold Butler, Perry Pusey rediscovered no.119, Sept 1984: 42-44. Harris, Arnold Words for worship no.61, Aug 1970: 44-46. Harris, Arnold Campling, Christopher + Carr, Wesley Harris, Arnold Chase, G A The priestlike task: a model for developing and training the church's ministry A companion to the revised Psalter no.123/124, Sept/Dec 1985: 7274. no.35, Feb 1964: 30. Harris, Arnold Thinking about the Eucharist no.77, Mar 1974: 21-22. Harris, Arnold Church of England Doctrine Commission Clarke, Basil F L no.36, May 1964: 32-33. Harris, Arnold Cope, G + The building of the nineteenth century church An experimental liturgy Harris, Arnold Correll, Alf no.15, Feb 1959: 27-28. Harris, Arnold Crichton, J D Consummatum est: eschatology and church in the gospel of St John Christian celebration: the Mass Harris, Arnold Cross, F L The early Christian fathers no.24, May 1961: 35. Harris, Arnold De Mel, Joan no.109, Mar 1982: 44-47. Harris, Arnold de Satge, John Lakdasa De Mel: God's servant, world citizen, Lanka's son Christ and the human prospect no.34, Nov 1963: 30-31. no.28, May 1962: 26-28. no.35, Feb 1964: 30-31. no.22, Nov 1960: 30-31. no.23, Feb 1961: 24-26. no.61, Aug 1970: 44-46. no.35, Feb 1964: 28-29. no.41, Aug 1965: 30-32. no.19, Feb 1960: 30-32. no.97, Mar 1979: 36. no.100, Dec 1979: 34-35. Reviewer Author Title Citation Harris, Arnold Dodd, C H The Bible today no.1, Aug 1955: 25-29. Harris, Arnold Done, John Wings across the sea no.133, Mar 1988: 40. Harris, Arnold Dugmore, C W The mass and the English reformers no.19, Feb 1960: 32-33. Harris, Arnold Dunstan, Alan These are the hymns no.77, Mar 1974: 21-22. Harris, Arnold Edwards, David L Not angels but Anglicans no.14, Nov 1958: 32. Harris, Arnold Fisher, J D C no.42, Nov 1965: 23-24. Harris, Arnold Fisher, J D C Christian initiation: baptism in the medieval west Confirmation then and now Harris, Arnold Gallen, John Eucharistic liturgies no.61, Aug 1970: 44-46. Harris, Arnold Green, I M no.101, Mar 1980: 34-35. Harris, Arnold Grisbrook, W Jardine Harris, Arnold Grisbrooke, Jardine Harris, Arnold Grundy, T P The re-establishment of the Church of England 1660-1663 Anglican liturgies of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries The Eucharist at Solihull through the centuries We do as he commanded Harris, Arnold Gunstone, John Commentary of the new lectionary no.78, June 1974: 43. Harris, Arnold Haines, R M no.44, May 1966: 32. Harris, Arnold Harrison, D E W + The administration of the Diocese of Worcester in the first half of the fourteenth century Worship in the Church of England Harris, Arnold Hart, A Tindel Clergy and society, 1600-1800 no.56, May 1969: 25-26. Harris, Arnold Harvey, A no.87, Sept/Oct 1976: 37-40. Harris, Arnold Head, R E Harris, Arnold Heenan, John Carmel The position is only a temporary one: priest or President? Royal supremacy and the trials of bishops, 1558-1725 Council and clergy Harris, Arnold Heenan, John Carmel A crown of thorns no.91, Sept 1977: 54-57. Harris, Arnold Heenan, John Carmel Not the whole truth no.91, Sept 1977: 54-57. Harris, Arnold Higham, Florence no.31, Feb 1963: 32. Harris, Arnold Hinchliff, Peter Catholic and reformed: a study of the Anglican Church, 1559-1662 The church in South Africa Harris, Arnold Jack, Robert H Pulpit, lectern, and study no.38, Nov 1964: 26. Harris, Arnold Jacques, J H The right and the wrong no.40, May 1965: 27-28. Harris, Arnold Jarrett-Kerr, M Christ and the new nations no.45, Aug 1966: 35-36. Harris, Arnold Jasper, Ronald C D + A companion to the Alternative Service Book no.127, Sept 1986: 46-49. Harris, Arnold Jasper, Ronald C D The Eucharist today: studies on series 3 no.83, Sept 1975: 35-37. Harris, Arnold Jefferson, P C The church in the 60's no.30, Nov 1962: 36. Harris, Arnold Jones, Cheslyn + The study of liturgy no.96, Dec 1978: 35-36. Harris, Arnold Kemp, E W no.27, Feb 1962: 27-29. Harris, Arnold Kilvert, Francis Counsel and consent: aspects of the government of the church as exemplified in the history of the English Provincial Synods Kilvert's diary: a selection Harris, Arnold Kraeling, Emil G The four gospels no.38, Nov 1964: 26. Harris, Arnold Lace, O Jessie Teaching the New Testament no.28, May 1962: 28-29. Harris, Arnold Lewis, C S Letters to Malcolm: chiefly on prayer no.44, May 1966: 31. Harris, Arnold Ling, Trevor The significance of Satan no.25, Aug 1961: 36-37. Harris, Arnold Link, Hans-Georg Apostolic faith today: a handbook for study no.125, Mar 1986: 65-67. Harris, Arnold Funeral services: a report no.78, June 1974: 46-47. Harris, Arnold Liturgical Commission of the General Synod of the Church of England Lloyd, H M Christus Rex: a Holy Week pilgrimage no.24, May 1961: 35. Harris, Arnold Maynard, F E no.12, May 1958: 31-32. Harris, Arnold McAdoo, Henry R Bishops: what they were, what they became, and what they may become Being an Anglican no.98, June 1979: 60-61. no.18, Nov 1959: 26-28. no.66, Nov 1971: 37. no.58, Nov 1969: 30-31. no.113, Mar 1983: 38-39. no.29, Aug 1962: 30-31. no.91, Sept 1977: 54-57. no.56, May 1969: 25-26. no.97, Mar 1979: 41. no.94, June 1978: 42-43. Reviewer Author Title Citation Harris, Arnold McClain, F M Maurice: man and moralist no.75, Sept 1973: 29-30. Harris, Arnold McCord, Peter J A Pope for all Christians no.94, June 1978: 42-43. Harris, Arnold Mehl, R Images of man no.45, Aug 1966: 35-36. Harris, Arnold Micklem, Caryl Contemporary prayers for public worship no.110, June 1982: 31-32. Harris, Arnold Moltmann, Jurgen no.83, Sept 1975: 31-32. Harris, Arnold Moss, Basil S Man: Christian anthropology in the conflicts of the present Clergy training today Harris, Arnold Moss, C B no.38, Nov 1964: 27-28. Harris, Arnold Neil, William The Old Catholic Movement, its origins and history The rediscovery of the Bible Harris, Arnold Neill, Stephen Anglicanism no.13, Aug 1958: 32. Harris, Arnold New York, Dean of Modern Canterbury pilgrims no.10, Nov 1957: 29. Harris, Arnold Nuttall, Geoffrey F + From uniformity to unity, 1662-1962 no.30, Nov 1962: 33. Harris, Arnold Paton, David M Essays in Anglican self-criticism no.14, Nov 1958: 30-32. Harris, Arnold Paul, Leslie no.58, Nov 1969: 29-30. Harris, Arnold Perham, Michael Studies in the sociology of religion: the Selwyn Lectures, 1969 Liturgy pastoral and parochial Harris, Arnold Perrin, Henri no.41, Aug 1965: 33-34. Harris, Arnold Pilkington, R Priest and worker: the autobiography of Henri Perrin World without end Harris, Arnold Pitt, Valerie The writer and the modern world no.47, Feb 1967: 35. Harris, Arnold Pollard, Arthur + no.40, May 1965: 30. Harris, Arnold Radford, Paul Harris, Arnold Reed, T T Charles Simeon (1759-1836): essays written in commemoration of his bi-centenary A scholar in a new land: Lewis Bostock Radford Historic churches of Australia Harris, Arnold Reicke, Bo The gospel of Luke no.41, Aug 1965: 30-32. Harris, Arnold Rowell, Geoffrey The liturgy of Christian burial no.95, Sept 1978: 38-39. Harris, Arnold Russell, Anthony The clerical profession no.103, Sept 1980: 30-33. Harris, Arnold Of water and the spirit: a liturgical study of baptism The church as the body of Christ no.90, June 1977: 49-51. Harris, Arnold Schmemann, Alexander Schweizer, Eduard Harris, Arnold Shevill, Ian no.12, May 1958: 29-30. Harris, Arnold Shirley, T F A digest history of British Christianity: 20 centuries in 20 pages Thomas Thirlby, Tudor bishop Harris, Arnold Slack, Kenneth Praying the Lord's Prayer today no.77, Mar 1974: 21-22. Harris, Arnold Smith, Ronald Gregor no.9, Aug 1957: 31-32. Harris, Arnold Spinks, Bryan D Harris, Arnold Stevenson, Kenneth The new man: Christianity and man's coming of age The sacrifice of praise: studies on the themes of thanksgiving and redemption in the central prayers of the eucharistic and baptismal liturgies Liturgy reshaped Harris, Arnold Sykes, Stephen no.125, Mar 1986: 60-62. Harris, Arnold Thomas, Owen C The identity of Christianity: theologians and the essence of Christianity from Schleirmacher to Barth William Temple's philosophy of religion Harris, Arnold Thornton, Martin no.23, Feb 1961: 29. Harris, Arnold Thurian, Max Margery Kempe, an example in the English pastoral tradition The one bread Harris, Arnold Thurneysen, Eduard The Sermon on the Mount no.41, Aug 1965: 30-32. Harris, Arnold Tillard, J M The Bishop of Rome no.116, Dec 1983: 28-29. Harris, Arnold Trocme, Etienne no.115, Sept 1983: 29-31. Harris, Arnold Tyrrell, Anthony Harris, Arnold Vann, Gerald + The passion as liturgy: a study of the origin of the passion narratives in the four gospels Grace & truth: a study in the doctrine of the incarnation The temptations of Christ no.36, May 1964: 25-27. no.5, Aug 1956: 31-32. no.120, Dec 1984: 36-38. no.20, May 1960: 24. no.100, Dec 1979: 35-37. no.97, Mar 1979: 44. no.41, Aug 1965: 30-32. no.38, Nov 1964: 30. no.107, Sept 1981: 59-61. no.113, Mar 1983: 35-36. no.25, Aug 1961: 39-40. no.63, Feb 1971: 48. no.84, Dec 1975: 33-34. no.44, May 1966: 31. Reviewer Author Title Citation Harris, Arnold Vidler, A R A century of social Catholicism no.37, Aug 1964: 30-31. Harris, Arnold Wand, J W C The atonement no.33, Aug 1963: 29. Harris, Arnold Warkentin, Marjorie Ordination: a Biblical-historical view no.116, Dec 1983: 37-39. Harris, Arnold Welsby, Paul A no.122, June 1985: 31-32. Harris, Arnold Harris, Arnold Werner-Bartsch, Hans Whitaker, E C A history of the Church of England 19451980 Kerygma and myth Documents of the baptismal liturgy no.21, Aug 1960: 24-26. Harris, Arnold Wigan, Bernard The liturgy in English no.30, Nov 1962: 34-35. Harris, Arnold Williams, John G no.28, May 1962: 32. Harris, Arnold Harris, Arnold Williams, Thomas Jay Willis, G G Hungry world: the call for Christian literature Priscilla Lydia Sellon Essays in early Roman liturgy no.40, May 1965: 31. Harris, Arnold Willis, G G Further essays in early Roman liturgy no.60, May 1970: 41-42. Harris, Arnold Willis, G G St Augustine's lectionary no.30, Nov 1962: 31. Harris, Arnold Wilson, Bryan R Religion in secular society no.58, Nov 1969: 29-30. Harris, Arnold Wilson, W Gilbert no.105, Mar 1981: 48-49. Harris, Arnold Wilson, W Gilbert The faith of an Anglican: a companion to the revised catechism The way of the church Harris, Arnold Woodforde, James The diary of a country parson, 1758-1802 no.105, Mar 1981: 45-46. Harris, Arnold Young, Frances Sacrifice and the death of Christ no.85, Mar 1976: 51-53. Harris, Garry McLellan, A R C Preaching for these people no.171, Spring 1997: 33-34. Harris, John Tunbridge, Dorothy Flinders Ranges dreaming no.138, Winter 1989: 36. Harrison, G A Leonard, Graham The gospel is for everyone no.67, Feb 1972: 32. Harvey, Geoff Green, Bradley G no.218, Nov 2011: 104-106. Harvey, Philip Frappell, Ruth + Head, Ivan Corley, Kathleen E + Head, Ivan Frame, Tom + Head, Ivan Onfray, Michael Hess, Michael McLeod, Don Shapers of Christian orthodoxy: engaging with early and medieval theologians Anglicans in the antipodes: an indexed calendar of the papers and correspondence of the Archbishops of Canterbury, 17881961, relating to Australia, New Zealand, and the Pacific Jesus and Mel Gibson's 'The passion of the Christ': the film, the gospels and the claims of history Agendas for Australian Anglicanism: essays in honour of Bruce Kaye Atheist manifesto: the case against Christianity, Judaism and Islam How the west was lost Hess, Michael Morgan, Sally My place no.134, Winter 1988: 37-38. Hess, Michael Revelation as history no.96, Dec 1978: 38-40. Hess, Michael Pannenberg, Wolfhart Peel, Gerald no.105, Mar 1981: 49-50. Hess, Michael Strelan, John G Hewitt, Hope Brady, Veronica Hewitt, Hope Gunn, Giles B The lion and the lamb: a way for modern man? Search for salvation: studies in the history and theology of cargo cults A crucible of prophets: Australians and the question of God Literature and religion Hickin, R A Abbott, Walter M + The Bible reader: an interfaith interpretation no.63, Feb 1971: 42-43. Hide, Kerrie Pentkovsky, Aleksei no.185, 2001: 38-39. Hide, Kerrie Rupp, Joyce The pilgrim's tale: the classics of western spirituality Prayers to Sophia Hide, Kerrie Whelan, Michael no.160, Summer 1995: 34-35. Hill, David Leighton, J P Hill, F M [anon] Living strings: an introduction to Biblical spirituality The principles and practice of youth and community work The parish eucharist no.76, Dec 1973: 33. no.45, Aug 1966: 34. no.118, June 1984: 50-51. no.180, Summer 2000: 47. no.199, 2005: 51-52. no.201, 2006: 48-50. no.202, 2007: 47-48. no.134, Winter 1988: 37-38. no.98, June 1979: 66-67. no.110, June 1982: 39-40. no.66, Nov 1971: 49-50. no.183, Spring 2000: 36. no.73, May 1973: 26. no.20, May 1960: 27-28. Reviewer Author Title Citation Hill, F M Prayer and the departed no.66, Nov 1971: 44-45. Hill, F M Archbishops' Commission on Christian Doctrine Brook, V J K A life of Archbishop Parker no.30, Nov 1962: 35-36. Hill, F M Clarke, W K Lowther Teaching sermons: Old Testament no.25, Aug 1961: 39. Hill, F M Hemmer, H Fernand Portal (1855-1926), apostle of unity no.25, Aug 1961: 35-36. Hill, F M Huxtable, John The Bible says no.31, Feb 1963: 35-36. Hill, F M Kean, Charles Duell Christian faith and pastoral care no.28, May 1962: 28. Hill, F M Luthuli, Albert Let my people go no.30, Nov 1962: 27-28. Hill, F M Mozley, Dorothea Newman family letters no.31, Feb 1963: 31-32. Hill, F M Paton, David M The parish communion today no.31, Feb 1963: 36. Hill, F M Tutors unto Christ no.33, Aug 1963: 27-28. Hill, F M Robinson, William Eason Thornton, Martin English spirituality no.36, May 1964: 27-29. Hill, F M Warburton, Mabel C To whom Paul wrote no.26, Nov 1961: 27. Hill, F M Welsby, Paul A no.31, Feb 1963: 33-34. Hill, F M Welton, Violet George Abbot, the unwanted bishop, 15621633 Burning coals of fire Hill, F M Wheeler, Francis L Written in red no.33, Aug 1963: 27-28. Hobson, D B Allen, Roland Missionary methods: St Paul's or ours? no.2, Nov 1955: 24-28. Hobson, D B de Blank, Joost The parish in action no.2, Nov 1955: 24-28. Hobson, D B Ellis, Harold Confirmation interviews no.35, Feb 1964: 32. Hobson, D B Michonneau, Abbe G Revolution in a city parish no.2, Nov 1955: 24-28. Hobson, D B Ward, Maisie France pagan? The mission of Abbe Godin no.2, Nov 1955: 24-28. Hogan, Trevor Avis, Paul no.154, Winter 1993: 38-39. Hogan, Trevor Bloomquist, Karen L Hogan, Trevor Dearden, James S Hogan, Trevor Dennis, Norman + Hogan, Trevor Kent, John Hogan, Trevor Suggate, Alan M Holland, Alfred Carey, Peter Anglicanism and the Christian church: theological resources in historical perspective The dream betrayed: religious challenge of the working class Ruskin, Bembridge and Brantwood: the growth of the Whitehouse Collection English ethical socialism: Thomas More to R H Tawney William Temple: church, state and society in Britain, 1880-1950 William Temple and Christian social ethics today Oscar and Lucinda Holmes, S W Chaplin, Dora The privilege of teaching no.35, Feb 1964: 31-32. Hoogendoorn, P Raguin, Yves I am sending you ... John 22:21 no.82, June 1975: 34. Hook, R G White, Victor no.22, Nov 1960: 29-30. Hook, R H Bennie, A P B Howe, Brian Graham, Elaine + Huffam, E V Brown, Fred Soul and psyche: an enquiry into the relationship of psychotherapy and religion The church, marriage and the twentieth century What makes a good city: public theology and the urban church Secular evangelism Huffam, E V Lash, Nicholas + The Christian priesthood no.65, Aug 1971: 39-40. Huff-Johnston, Bill Chittister, Joan no.170, Winter 1997: 38-39. Huggins, Allan Davey, John The fire in these ashes: a spirituality of contemporary religious life Burnout: stress in the ministry Hughes, Philip Holden, Colin no.184, 2001: 43-44. Hume, P Jones, C M People of the past? The culture of Melboure Anglicanism and Anglicanism in Melbourne's culture Old Testament illustrations Hunter, David Brown, Raymond E An introduction to the New Testament no.187, 2001: 31-34. Hunter, David Coloe, Mary God dwells with us: temple symbolism in the fourth gospel no.188, 2002: 45-46. no.26, Nov 1961: 26-27. no.145, Autumn 1991: 42-43. no.162, Winter 1995: 35-36. no.141, Autumn 1990: 44-45. no.157, Autumn 1994: 43-44. no.151, Spring 1992: 38-39. no.137, Autumn 1989: 39-40. no.19, Feb 1960: 24-26. no.214, Nov 2010: 110-112. no.65, Aug 1971: 39-40. no.166, Winter 1996: 40-41. no.68, May 1972: 34-35. Reviewer Author Title Citation Hunter, David Crossan, John Dominic no.179a, Spring 1999: 41-42. Hunter, David Duling, Dennis C + Hunter, David Harding, Mark Hunter, David Hunter, David Johnson, Luke Timothy + Mellor, Doreen + Hunter, David Schnelle, Udo Hunter, Geoffrey Rossman, Parker The birth of Christianity: discovering what happened in the years immediately after the execution of Jesus The New Testament: proclamation and parenesis, myth and history What are they saying about the pastoral epistles The writings of the New Testament: an interpretation Many voices: reflections on experiences of indigenous child separation The history and theology of the New Testament writings Computers: bridges to the future Hunter, Geoffrey Rossman, Parker + Helping people care on the job no.129, Mar 1987: 56-57. Hunter, John Webb, Val no.191, 2002: 40-41. Hyde, Kerrie Hynd, Douglas Crysdale, Cynthia S W Block, Walter + Florence Nightingale: the making of a radical theologian Embracing travail: retrieving the cross today no.132, Dec 1987: 46-51. Hynd, Douglas Bradley, Ian Hynd, Douglas Hynd, Douglas Brindle, Susannah Kay Byle, Esther Morality of the market: religious and economic perspectives God is green: Christianity and the environment To learn a new song: a contribution to real reconciliation with the earth and its peoples Regathering the church from 'they' to 'we' Hynd, Douglas Cavanaugh, William no.212, May 2010: 147-151. Hynd, Douglas Childs, James M Hynd, Douglas Collins, Paul The myth of religious violence: secular ideology and the roots of modern conflict Faith, formation and decision: ethics in the community of promise God's earth: religion as if it really mattered Hynd, Douglas Costello, Tim Tips from a travelling soul-searcher no.181, Autumn 2000: 36-37. Hynd, Douglas Hynd, Douglas Darragh, Neil Hynd, Douglas Davies, Libby + Dirt, greed and sex: sexual ethics in the New Testament and their impications for today The historical development of fundamental moral theology in the United States Doing theology ourselves: a guide to research and action Civilising community for us all no.140, Summer 1990: 38-39. Hynd, Douglas Countryman, L William Curran, Charles E + Hynd, Douglas Ellul, Jacques no.184, 2001: 38. Hynd, Douglas Hynd, Douglas Fiorenza, Elisabeth Schussler Hardy, Lee Hynd, Douglas Harvey, A Hynd, Douglas Hauerwas, Stanley Hynd, Douglas Hauerwas, Stanley Sources & trajectories: eight early articles by Jacques Ellul that set the stage Discipleship of equals: a critical ekklesia-log of liberation The fabric of this world: inquiries into calling, career choice and the design of human work Promise or pretence? A Christian's guide to sexual morals Dispatches from the front: theological engagements with the secular In good company: the church as polis Hynd, Douglas Hauerwas, Stanley + no.169, Autumn 1997: 35. Hynd, Douglas Huebner, Chris K Hynd, Douglas Hynd, Douglas Hynd, Douglas Koontz, Theodore J + Hynd, Douglas Kreider, Alan + Hynd, Douglas Linzey, Andrew + Theology without foundations: religious practice and the future of theological truth A precarious peace: Yoderian explorations on theology, knowledge and identity A global ethic: the declaration of the parliament of the world's religions Christian attitudes to war, peace, and revolution: John Howard Yoder Coming home: stories of Anabaptists in Britain and Ireland After Noah: animals and the liberation of theology no.187, 2001: 31-34. no.187, 2001: 40. no.187, 2001: 31-34. no.193, 2003: 33-34. no.187, 2001: 31-34. no.127, Sept 1986: 44-45. no.181, Autumn 2000: 34. no.151, Spring 1992: 37. no.183, Spring 2000: 34-35. no.164, Summer 1996: 37. no.153, Autumn 1993: 40. no.162, Winter 1995: 32. no.182, Winter 2000: 37-38. no.164, Summer 1996: 37. no.184, 2001: 37. no.156, Summer 1994: 44. no.149, Autumn 1992: 35. no.161, Autumn 1995: 39-40. no.165, Autumn 1996: 37-38. no.170, Winter 1997: 33-34. no.209, Sept 2009: 82-85. no.159, Spring 1994: 40. no.212, May 2010: 151-154. no.184, 2001: 40. no.174, Winter 1998: 43-44. Reviewer Author Title Citation Hynd, Douglas Lorenzen, Thorwald no.195, 2004: 49-50. Hynd, Douglas Hynd, Douglas Marshall, Christopher D Martin, James Hynd, Douglas Martin, James Hynd, Douglas Mason, Keith Resurrection - discipleship - justice: affirming the resurrection of Jesus today Beyond retribution: a New Testament vision for justice, crime and punishment This our exile: a spiritual journey with the refugees of East Africa This our exile: a spiritual journey with the refugees of East Africa Constancy and change Hynd, Douglas Mason, Keith Constancy and change no.144, Summer 1991: 35-36. Hynd, Douglas McClendon, James W no.153, Autumn 1993: 39. Hynd, Douglas McClendon, James W Biography as theology: how life stories can remake today's theology Systematic theology: doctrine volume II Hynd, Douglas Murray, Stuart no.194, 2003: 47. Hynd, Douglas Murray, Stuart Biblical interpretation in the anabaptist tradition Church planting: laying foundations Hynd, Douglas Myers, Ched no.164, Summer 1996: 36. Hynd, Douglas Neville, David + Hynd, Douglas Nouwen, Henri J M Hynd, Douglas Nouwen, Henri J M Who will roll away the stone? Discipleship queries for first world Christians Faith and freedom: Christian ethics in a pluralist culture The inner voice of love: a journey through anguish to freedom The road to daybreak: a spiritual journey Hynd, Douglas Oslington, Paul Economics and religion no.199, 2005: 52. Hynd, Douglas Rasmussen, Larry + no.149, Autumn 1992: 35. Hynd, Douglas Rasmussen, Larry Hynd, Douglas Rasmussen, R Dietrich Bonhoeffer: his significance for North American Christians Moral fragments and moral community: a proposal for church in society Christianity in a multicultural society Hynd, Douglas Reed, Esther D no.214, Nov 2010: 108-110. Hynd, Douglas Regan, H + Hynd, Douglas Ringma, Charles Work for God's sake: Christian ethics in the workplace Beyond mere health: theology and health care in a secular society Resist the powers with Jacques Ellul Hynd, Douglas Rowse, Tim no.175, Spring 1998: 36-37. Hynd, Douglas Hynd, Douglas Schillebeeckx, Edward Stassen, Glen H + Hynd, Douglas Vardy, Peter White flour, white power: from rations to citizenship in central Australia I am a happy theologian: conversations with Francesco Strazzari Authentic transformation: a new vision of Christ and culture Good & bad religion Hynd, Douglas Verhey, Allen Religion and medical ethics no.170, Winter 1997: 36-37. Hynd, Douglas Wells, Samuel no.204, Mar 2008: 78-82. Hynd, Douglas Hynd, Douglas World Vision Australia Yoder, John H God's companions: reimagining Christian ethics Theological reflections no.173, Autumn 1998: 37-38. Ingoldsby, J Ely, Richard Royal priesthood: essays ecclesiological and ecumenical Unto God and Caesar Ingoldsby, J D Seward, Desmond no.75, Sept 1973: 32-33. Jackson, Anne Thiering, Barbara James, Bob Carey, George The monks of war: the military religious orders Jesus the man: a new interpretation of the Dead Sea Scrolls The gate of glory James, Bob Davancy, Sheila G Theology at the end of modernity no.155, Spring 1993: 47. James, Bob Garnsey, David no.158, Winter 1994: 42. James, Bob Mouw, Richard J + James, Bob Warren, C A Songs from a strange land: comments on the psalms Pluralisms and horizons: an essay in Christian public philosophy A little foolishness: an autobiographical history no.186, 2001: 35-36. no.181, Autumn 2000: 40. no.183, Spring 2000: 40. no.147, Spring 1991: 37. no.167, Spring 1996: 37-38. no.184, 2001: 42. no.196, 2004: 41-42. no.171, Spring 1997: 34-35. no.171, Spring 1997: 34-35. no.157, Autumn 1994: 42-43. no.149, Autumn 1992: 34-35. no.169, Autumn 1997: 30. no.163, Spring 1995: 46. no.161, Autumn 1995: 38. no.172, Summer 1998: 38-39. no.217, Aug 2011: 120-123. no.167, Spring 1996: 42. no.89, Mar 1977: 47. no.154, Winter 1993: 37-38. no.155, Spring 1993: 47-48. no.156, Summer 1994: 41-42. no.157, Autumn 1994: 38-39. Reviewer Author Title Citation Jamieson, Don Leaney, Rosalie + no.182, Winter 2000: 37. Jender, Donald Hinchliff, Peter Whose hand is this? Our story of stroke, recovery and love Cyprian of Carthage Jensen, Michael Hendrix, Scott H Early Protestant spirituality no.213, Aug 2010: 85-87. Johns, Anthony H Durie, Mark no.212, May 2010: 154-158. Johns, Anthony H Homerin, Emil The third choice: Islam dhimmitude and freedom Umar ibn al-Farid, Sufi verse, saintly life Johns, Anthony H Wilson, John W Christianity alongside Islam no.216, May 2011: 99-103. Johnston, L A Cooper, David The dialectics of liberation no.59, Feb 1970: 42-44. Johnston, L A Keeling, Michael What is right? no.59, Feb 1970: 42-44. Kaye, Bruce Garrett, Graeme no.203, Nov 2007: 103-108. Kaye, Bruce Kuhse, Helga Into the world you love: encountering God in everyday life The sanctity-of-life doctrine and medicine Kaye, Bruce MacIntyre, Alasdair After virtue: a study in moral theory no.136, Summer 1989: 41. Kaye, Bruce MacIntyre, Alasdair Whose justice? Which rationality? no.147, Spring 1991: 32-36. Kaye, Bruce Percy, Martyn + no.217, Aug 2011: 116-117. Kelly, Lyn Wicks, Robert J Kemsley, D S [anon] Kemsley, D S Beasley-Murray, G R Christ and culture: communication after Lambeth Handbook of spirituality for ministers: perspectives for the 21st century The authorship and integrity of the New Testament Baptism in the New Testament Kemsley, D S Bowden, Guy Dazzling darkness no.33, Aug 1963: 30-31. Kemsley, D S Habgood, John Truths in tension no.45, Aug 1966: 32-33. Kemsley, D S Luff, S G A Early Christian writing no.36, May 1964: 32. Kemsley, D S Maycock, A L Nicholas Ferrar of Little Gidding no.36, May 1964: 33-34. Kemsley, D S Moorman, John R H The path to glory no.36, May 1964: 33-34. Kemsley, D S Nicholls, William Conflicting images of man no.45, Aug 1966: 34-35. Kemsley, D S Northcott, Hubert The gardens of the Lord no.34, Nov 1963: 34-35. Kemsley, D S Pilkington, R no.37, Aug 1964: 29-30. Kemsley, D S Prestige, G L Heavens alive: the impact of science on the image of God Fathers and heretics Kemsley, D S Prestige, G L God in Patristic thought no.39, Feb 1965: 29. Kemsley, D S Ramsey, I T Religion and science: conflict and synthesis no.37, Aug 1964: 31. Kemsley, D S Rolle, Richard Selected writings no.36, May 1964: 31. Kemsley, D S Shotwell, W A The Biblical exegesis of Justin Martyr no.42, Nov 1965: 32. Kemsley, D S Stevenson, J A new Eusebius no.36, May 1964: 33-34. Killingbeck, Tom Brain, Matthew no.219, Feb 2012: 120-121. Kilmartin, C Birnbaum, Norman Engage!: how the church can reconnect with young people The crisis of industrial society Kilmartin, C Kasemann, Ernst Jesus means freedom no.63, Feb 1971: 36-37. Kingham, Ross Kelsy, Morton T Christo-psychology no.116, Dec 1983: 34-36. Kinsela, Joseph Malone, Peter The film no.69, July 1972: 41-42. Kitchin, A J Sithole, N Obed Mutezo no.74, July 1973: 30-31. Knowles, Jeff Coleman, Nicholas G The worlds of religion no.185, 2001: 40-41. Kugelman, Brian Blamires, Harry A God who acts no.118, June 1984: 56. Kugelman, Brian Dewar, Diana no.113, Mar 1983: 32-33. Kugelman, Brian Evans, Donald Kugelman, Brian Hooper, Walter Kugelman, Brian Howard, Thomas Saint of Auschwitz: the story of Maksymilian Kolbe Struggle & fulfilment: the inner dynamics of religion & morality The business of heaven: daily readings from C S Lewis The achievement of C S Lewis Kugelman, Brian Kelly, Kevin T Divorce and second marriage no.114, June 1983: 31-32. Kugelman, Brian Lewis, C S God in the dock no.100, Dec 1979: 39. no.83, Sept 1975: 30-31. no.192, 2003: 38-40. no.137, Autumn 1989: 38-39. no.191, 2002: 47. no.40, May 1965: 31. no.32, May 1963: 23-25. no.36, May 1964: 33-34. no.61, Aug 1970: 33-35. no.106, June 1981: 62-64. no.119, Sept 1984: 44. no.120, Dec 1984: 39-40. Reviewer Author Title Citation Kugelman, Brian Maddocks, Morris The Christian healing ministry no.106, June 1981: 56-57. Kugelman, Brian Montefiore, Hugh Paul the apostle no.111, Sept 1982: 49. Kugelman, Brian Nelson, James B no.101, Mar 1980: 39-41. Kugelman, Brian Ohanneson, Joan Embodiment: an approah to sexuality and Christian theology And they felt no shame Kugelman, Brian Runcie, Robert Windows onto God no.116, Dec 1983: 31-32. Kugelman, Brian Walker, Alan Caring for the world no.100, Dec 1979: 37-38. Kugelman, Brian Wedderspoon, Alexander Brett, R L Grow or die: essays on church growth no.108, Dec 1981: 50-51. Faith and doubt: religion and secularisation in literature The truth about the truth: de-confusing and re-constructing the postmodern world Faith in the public forum no.173, Autumn 1998: 33-34. no.162, Winter 1995: 34-35. Lyon, David The one, the three and the many: God, creation and the culture of modernity Multiculturalism: examining the politics of recognition A Christian theology of religions: the rainbow of faiths Fundamental or fanatical? An anlysis of fundamentalism in contemporary society Culture of interpretation: Christian faith and the postmodern world Postmodernity Matthews, Gareth The philosophy of childhood no.171, Spring 1997: 30-31. Middleton, J R + Truth is stranger then it used to be: Biblical faith in a postmodern age Christian apologetics in the postmodern world The philosophy of religious language: sign, symbol and story A passion for God's reign: theology, Christian learning and the Christian self Don Cupitt and the future of Christian doctrine Divine knowledge: a Kierkegaardian perspective on Christian education Rural ministry: the shape of the renewal to come A century of influence: the Australian Student Christian Movement 1896-1996 Helping your child through separation and divorce The witness of the Student Christian Movement: church ahead of the church Discovering Monaro: a study of man's impact on his environment This far by grace: a bishop's journey through questions of homosexuality The Cambridge illustrated history of religions A story of shalom: the calling of Christians and Jews by a covenanting God Sins of the spirit, blessings of the flesh no.170, Winter 1997: 34-35. no.204, Mar 2008: 60-61. no.171, Spring 1997: 35-36. Lamb, Julian Lamb, Winifred Wing Han Lamb, Winifred Wing Han Lamb, Winifred Wing Han Lamb, Winifred Wing Han Lamb, Winifred Wing Han Lamb, Winifred Wing Han Lamb, Winifred Wing Han Lamb, Winifred Wing Han Lamb, Winifred Wing Han Lamb, Winifred Wing Han Lamb, Winifred Wing Han Lamb, Winifred Wing Han Lamb, Winifred Wing Han Lamb, Winifred Wing Han Lamb, Winifred Wing Han Lane, Adrian Anderson, Walter Truett Brown, Neil + Langmore, Diane Howe, Renate Lawrence, Jenny Banks, Glenda Ledger, Christine Boyd, Robin Littlejohn, R A Hancock, W K Llewellyn, Peter Alexander, J Neil Llewellyn, Peter Bowker, John Llewellyn, Peter Llewellyn, Peter Cunningham, Philip A Fox, Matthew Llewellyn, Peter Grassi, Joseph Llewellyn, Peter Green, Joel B Peace on earth: roots and practices from Luke's gospel The theology of the Gospel of Luke Llewellyn, Peter Jervell, Jacob The theology of the Acts of the Apostles Gunton, Colin F Gutman, Amy Hick, John Hill, Charles Lundin, Roger Phillips, T R Stiver, Dan R Volf, Miroslav White, Stepehn Ross Willows, David Jung, Shannon + no.122, June 1985: 32. no.172, Summer 1998: 40-41. no.177, Autumn 1999: 39-40. no.165, Autumn 1996: 36-37. no.169, Autumn 1997: 34. no.172, Summer 1998: 41-42. no.157, Autumn 1994: 41. no.163, Spring 1995: 45-46. no.167, Spring 1996: 38-39. no.179, Winter 1999: 40-41. no.179, Winter 1999: 34-36. no.160, Summer 1995: 37-38. no.193, 2003: 35-36. no.179a, Spring 1999: 36-37. no.211, Feb 2010: 110-113. no.110, June 1982: 34-35. no.206, Nov 2008: 67-70. no.72, Mar 1973: 29-30. no.201, 2006: 47-48. no.193, 2003: 51. no.191, 2002: 48. no.189, 2002: 45. no.171, Spring 1997: 35-36. Reviewer Author Title Citation Llewellyn, Peter Moberly, R W L no.191, 2002: 45-46. Llewellyn, Peter Moyise, Steve The Bible, theology and faith: a study of Abraham and Jesus Studies in the book of Revelation Llewellyn, Peter Neville, David no.194, 2003: 41-42. Llewellyn, Peter Painter, John Prophecy and passion: essays in honour of Athol Gill 1, 2, and 3 John Llewellyn, Peter Reid, Andrew Salvation begins: reading Genesis today no.185, 2001: 33-35. Llewellyn, Peter Scott, James M no.196, 2004: 38-39. Llewellyn, Peter Shillington, V George Restoration: Old Testament, Jewish, and Christian perspectives An introduction to the study of Luke-Acts Llewellyn, Peter Simonetti, Manlio no.171, Spring 1997: 36-37. Llewellyn, Peter Smith, David E Llewellyn, Peter Tacey, David Biblical interpretation in the early church: an historical introduction to patristic exegesis The canonical function of Acts: a comparative analysis Jung and the new age Llewellyn, Peter Turner, Dean no.172, Summer 1998: 36-37. Llewellyn, Peter Wiebe, Phillip H Llewellyn, Peter Wilder, Terry L + Llewellyn, Stephen Neville, David Lock, Nicola Long, Rob Reist, Melinda Tankard + Banks, Robert Long, Rob Barrett, D J Escape from God: the use of religion and philosophy to evade responsibility Visions of Jesus: direct encounters from the New Testament to today Faithful to the end: an introduction to Hebrews through Revelation Mark's Gospel - prior or posterior? A reappraisal of the phenomenon of order Big porn inc: exposing the harms of the global pornography industry God the worker: journeys into the mind, heart and imagination of God Bandits on the information superhighway Long, Rob Bloom, Howard no.165, Autumn 1996: 38-39. Long, Rob Long, Rob Brueggemann, Walter Carroll, John Long, Rob Fraser, Ian M The Lucifer Principle: a scientific expedition into the forces of history The Bible and postmodern imagination: texts under negotiation Ego and soul: the modern west in search of meaning Living a countersign Long, Rob Grierson, Denham no.157, Autumn 1994: 42. Long, Rob Harris, Chris Long, Rob Howard, Roland Long, Rob Long, Rob Howard-Brook, Wes + Newbigin, Lesslie Long, Rob Pipher, Mary Lorenzen, Thorwald Alling, Roger + Lorenzen, Thorwald Amesbury, Richard + Lorenzen, Thorwald Budden, Chris Lorenzen, Thorwald Cone, James H Lorenzen, Thorwald Davis, Stephen T + Lorenzen, Thorwald Moses, John A Lorenzen, Thorwald Nurser, John Conversations at the edges of the raft: proclaiming, liberating, healing within Australian society Creating relevant rituals: celebrations for religious education Charismania: when Christian fundamentalism goes wrong Unveiling empire: reading revelation then and now Proper confidence: faith, doubt and certainty in Christian discipleship The shelter of each other: rebuilding our families to enrich our lives Preaching as prophetic calling: sermons that work XII Faith and human rights: Christianity and the global struggle for human dignity Following Jesus in invaded space: doing theology on Aboriginal land Speaking the truth: ecumenism, liberation and black theology The resurrection: an interdisciplinary symposium on the resurrection of Jesus The reluctant revolutionary: Dietrich Bonhoeffer's collision with Prusso-German history For all peoples and all nations: the ecumenical church and human rights no.193, 2003: 43-44. no.194, 2003: 42-43. no.208, May 2009: 116-118. no.196, 2004: 39-40. no.196, 2004: 34-36. no.190, 2002: 46. no.206, Nov 2008: 82-83. no.193, 2003: 37-40. no.221, Sept 2012: 124-126. no.154, Winter 1993: 41-42. no.168, Summer 1997: 39-40. no.156, Summer 1994: 42. no.176, Summer 1999: 35-37. no.154, Winter 1993: 40-41. no.150, Winter 1992: 39-40. no.174, Winter 1998: 35-36. no.183, Spring 2000: 36-37. no.163, Spring 1995: 43-44. no.181, Autumn 2000: 37-39. no.198, 2005: 52. no.208, May 2009: 111-113. no.214, Nov 2010: 114-118. no.181, Autumn 2000: 39-40. no.179, Winter 1999: 34. no.211, Feb 2010: 122-127. no.202, 2007: 41-42. Reviewer Author Title Citation Lorenzen, Thorwald Preece, Gordon + Starting with the spirit no.188, 2002: 42-43. Lorenzen, Thorwald Reid, Duncan no.172, Summer 1998: 34-35. Lorenzen, Thorwald Tjorhom, Ola Lorenzen, Thorwald Welker, Michael + Low, D A Baly, Denis Energies of the spirit: Trinitarian models in Eastern Orthodox and western theology Visible church - visible unity: ecumenical ecclesiology and 'the great tradition of the church' Loving God with our minds - the pastor as theologian: essays in honor of Wallace M Aston Academic illusion Lumley, Frank Adams, Jay F no.93, Mar 1978: 39-40. MacKinlay, Elizabeth Arbuckle, Gerald A Mackintosh, Mary Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre Harris, John Coping with counseling crises: first aid for Christian counselors Healthcare ministry: refounding the mission in tumultuous times The heart of the matter One vlood: 200 years of aboriginal encounter with Christianity: a story of hope Opening the cage: stories of church and gender Anglicanism in Australia: a history no.146, Winter 1991: 31-32. Through the eyes of a woman: Bible studies on the experience of women Australian journal of biblical archaeology no.162, Winter 1995: 33. Genesis: a Bible commentary no.137, Autumn 1989: 37-38. no.130, June 1987: 42-43. Macknight, C C Macneil, Sarah no.201, 2006: 41-42. no.204, Mar 2008: 67-69. no.27, Feb 1962: 29-30. no.188, 2002: 43. no.98, June 1979: 66. Macneil, Sarah Franklin, Margaret Ann + Kaye, Bruce + no.129, Mar 1987: 55. Macneil, Sarah Robins, Wendy S Macpherson, Ian [anon] MacPherson, Ian MacPherson, Ian Brueggemann, Walter Charlesworth, J H MacPherson, Ian Ellis, Peter The Old Testament pseudigrapha and the New Testament The Yahwist MacPherson, Ian Engnell, Ivan Critical essays on the Old Testament no.62, Nov 1970: 26. Macpherson, Ian Napier, B Davie Song of the vineyard no.64, May 1971: 30-31. MacPherson, Ian Neusner, Jacob Judaism in the beginning of Christianity no.127, Sept 1986: 43-44. MacPherson, Ian Westermann, Claus Genesis 12-26: a commentary no.132, Dec 1987: 43. MacPherson, Ian Westermann, Claus Genesis 37-50: a commentary no.132, Dec 1987: 43. Manton, Jill Falla, Terry C no.159, Spring 1994: 38-39. Marshall, Chris Gascoigne, Robert Be our freedom Lord: responsive prayers and readings for contemporary worship The public forum and Christian ethics Mathews, Jeanette Branick, Vincent P no.222, Nov 2012: 167-170. Mathews, Jeanette Holdsworth, John Mathews, Jeanette Timmer, Daniel C Mayes, Christopher D Mayhew, Peter Tran, Jonathan Understanding the historical books of the Old Testament Lies, sex and politicians: communicating the Old Testament in contemporary culture A gracious and compassionate God: mission, salvation and spirituality in the book of Jonah Foucault and theology von Rad, Gerhad Wisdom in Israel no.77, Mar 1974: 23-24. McCall, T B Allegro, J M The Dead Sea scrolls no.8, May 1957: 29-32. McCall, T B Hebert, Gabriel Christ the fulfiller no.8, May 1957: 29-32. McCaughey, Davis Woods, Frank Forward in depth: sermons and addresses no.131, Sept 1987: 50-52. McCollim, Ann Death, sin and the moral life: contemporary cultural interpretation of death Living in cities no.142, Winter 1990: 39-40. McGregor, Marjorie Miller-McLemore, Bonnie J Ridley, Anthony McIntosh, J A Newth, Melville C Serving a great cause: a pastoral review no.108, Dec 1981: 49-50. McKay, K L Neil, William The Acts of the Apostles no.78, June 1974: 47. McKee, Dunstan Trigg, Roger Reason and commitment no.77, Mar 1974: 24-25. McKenna, T J Hebblethwaite, Peter In the Vatican no.139, Spring 1989: 39-40. McKenna, Terence Blenkinsopp, Joseph The Pentateuch: an introduction to the first five books of the Bible no.157, Autumn 1994: 40-41. no.197, 2004: 41. no.61, Aug 1970: 42-43. no.62, Nov 1970: 25-26. no.186, 2001: 36-38. no.218, Nov 2011: 107-110. no.221, Sept 2012: 110-112. no.222, Nov 2012: 165-167. no.70, Sept 1972: 31. Reviewer Author Title Citation McKenna, Terence Freedman, David Noel + no.189, 2002: 45-46. McKeown, P J Bull, Norman L McKeown, P J McKie, Kenyon Cruickshank, Marjorie Sheldrake, Philip The nine commandments: uncovering a hidden pattern of crime and punishment in the Hebrew Bible Moral judgement from childhood to adolescence Church and state in English education no.165, Autumn 1996: 34. McLennan, H Bolton, Barbara McLennan, H Fung, Raymond Living between worlds: place and journey in Celtic spirituality Booth's drum: the salvation Army in Australia 1880-1980 Households of God on China's soil McLennan, H Gollwitzer, H The rich Christians and poor Lazarus no.64, May 1971: 33. McLennan, H Morland, David God no.116, Dec 1983: 39-40. McLennan, H Ramsey, Michael Be still and know no.114, June 1983: 38-39. McLennan, H Roberts, Jan Massacres to mining no.115, Sept 1983: 36-37. McLennan, H Spink, Peter The path of the mystic no.116, Dec 1983: 31. McLennan, H Webster, D Not ashamed no.64, May 1971: 33. McMahon, J F Tracy, David + Towards Vatican III no.98, June 1979: 63-65. McPherson, James Anderson, B W The eighth century prophets no.101, Mar 1980: 35-36. McPherson, James Keel, Othmar no.99, Sept 1979: 33-34. McPherson, James Leiman, Sid Z McPherson, James Watson, John McPherson, James Westermann, Claus The symbolism of the Biblical world: ancient eastern iconography and the Book of Psalms The canonization of Hebrew scripture: the Talmudic and Midrashic evidence All these died in faith: twenty-seven short plays for worship and study What does the Old Testament say about God? McPherson, Jim [anon] no.122, June 1985: 34-36. McPherson, Jim DesPortes, Elisa L Anglican-Orthodox dialogue: the Dublin agreed statement 1984 Congregations in change McPherson, Jim Kent, John no.114, June 1983: 29-31. McPherson, Jim Martin, Ralph P The end of the line? The development of Christian theology in the last two centuries Mark: evangelist and theologian McPherson, Jim Neville, Graham City of our God no.79, Sept 1974: 31. McPherson, Jim Peacocke, A R no.113, Mar 1983: 33-35. McPherson, Jim Young, Frances Meadows, Don Boone, Kathleen C Mendham, Gillian Bondi, Roberta Mendham, Gillian Jones, Alan The sciences and theology in the twentieth century From Nicaea to Chalcedon: a guide to the literature and its background The Bible tells them so: the discourse of Protestant fundamentalism To pray and to love: conversations on prayer and the early church Journey into Christ. 2nd ed Mendham, Gillian Mendham, Jill Canham, Elizabeth To dance with God: family ritual and community celebration The embodied word: preaching as art and liturgy Pilgrimage to priesthood no.134, Winter 1988: 39. Mendham, Gillian Nelson, Gertrud Mueller Rice, Charles L Mendham, Jill + Stanton, Graham The interpretation of Matthew Mendham, Peter [anon] Bible: New Revised Standard Version no.123/124, Sept/Dec 1985: 7779. no.142, Winter 1990: 34-37. Mendham, Peter [anon] no.133, Mar 1988: 40. Mendham, Peter [anon] Mendham, Peter Banks, Robert For the sake of the kingdom: God's church and the new creation The church and the bomb: nuclear weapons and Christian conscience All the business of life Mendham, Peter Bassler, Jouette no.150, Winter 1992: 38-39. Mendham, Peter Bax, Josephine Pauline theology, volume 1: Thessalonians, Philippians, Galatians, Philemon Time to rebuild: a study in the Book of Nehemiah for today's church no.62, Nov 1970: 35-36. no.38, Nov 1964: 28-30. no.115, Sept 1983: 24-25. no.114, June 1983: 35-37. no.96, Dec 1978: 34. no.96, Dec 1978: 42. no.101, Mar 1980: 35-36. no.80, Dec 1974: 43-44. no.84, Dec 1975: 35-37. no.120, Dec 1984: 38-39. no.142, Winter 1990: 40-41. no.155, Spring 1993: 47. no.155, Spring 1993: 47. no.155, Spring 1993: 46. no.120, Dec 1984: 42. no.120, Dec 1984: 43-45. no.135, Spring 1988: 42. no.166, Winter 1996: 41-42. Reviewer Author Title Citation Mendham, Peter Borg, Marcus J Jesus in contemporary scholarhsip no.160, Summer 1995: 36-37. Mendham, Peter Borg, Marcus J no.160, Summer 1995: 36-37. Mendham, Peter Boswell, John Mendham, Peter Brown, Raymond E Meeting Jesus again for the first time: the historical Jesus and the heart of contemporary faith Christianity, social tolerance, and homosexuality: gay people in western Europe from the beginning of the Christian era to the fourteenth century Responses to 101 questions on the Bible Mendham, Peter Byrne, Brendan no.147, Spring 1991: 37-38. Mendham, Peter Castley, Paul Inheriting the earth: the Pauline basis of a spirituality for our time Day by day through Lent Mendham, Peter Coleman, Peter Christian attitudes to homosexuality no.117, Mar 1984: 71-72. Mendham, Peter Crispin, Ken The Crown versus Chamberlain 1980-1987 no.133, Mar 1988: 36-37. Mendham, Peter Dicker, Gordon S Homosexuality and the church no.136, Summer 1989: 42-43. Mendham, Peter Ellingworth, Paul The Epistle to the Hebrews no.148, Summer 1992: 30-31. Mendham, Peter Vision at Patmos: a study of the Book of Revelation The Holy Spirit no.147, Spring 1991: 40. Mendham, Peter Gonzalez, Catherine + Graham, Billy Mendham, Peter Moberly, Elizabeth R Homosexuality: a new Christian ethic no.117, Mar 1984: 71-72. Mendham, Peter Nickle, K F The synoptic gospels: an introduction no.115, Sept 1983: 32-33. Mendham, Peter Redhead, Brian + The good book: an introduction to the Bible no.138, Winter 1989: 35. Mendham, Peter Saunders, Ross no.166, Winter 1996: 36-37. Mendham, Peter Taylor, James C Mendham, Peter Watkins, Keith Mendham, Peter Weber, Hans-Ruedi Mendham, Peter Wright, N T Outrageous women, outrageous God: women in the first two generations of Christianity A new porcine history of philosophy and religion Faithful and fair: transcending sexist language in worship The way of the lamb: Christ in the apocalypse Who was Jesus? Meyer, Ockert Nolan, Albert no.216, May 2011: 83-85. Meyer, Rex Browning, Don S Hope in an age of despair: and other talks and writings The moral context of pastoral care Michael (Brother) God and man no.73, May 1973: 32-33. Michael (Brother) Bloom-Dartman, Anthony Furlong, Monica Contemplating now no.73, May 1973: 31. Millar, Neil Burton, Jean + no.211, Feb 2010: 114-117. Millar, Neil Holt, Simon Carey Millar, Neil Thompson, George B Millar, Neil Torry, M Miller, Helen Bollen, David Miller, Ken Marriage, Alwyn Public people, private lives: tackling stress in clergy families God next door: spirituality & mission in the neighbourhood Church on the edge of somewhere: ministry, marginality, and the future Diverse gifts: varieties of lay and ordained ministries in the church and community Opening up: a history of the Institute of Counselling The people of God: a royal priesthood Miller, Kim Barnett, James M The diaconate: a full and equal order no.111, Sept 1982: 46-47. Millikan, David Gonzalez, Justo no.187, 2001: 41. Mills, Ruth Bondi, Roberta Minchin, Jim Robinson, John A T For the healing of the nations: the Book of Revelation in an age of cultural conflict Memories of God: theological reflections on a life Wrestling with Romans Minchin, Jim Song, C S no.107, Sept 1981: 63-64. Mold, Peter Cragg, Kenneth Third-eye theology: theology in formation in Asian settings Alive to God: Muslim and Christian prayer Moon, R E Goldman, Ronald Angry adolescents no.59, Feb 1970: 31-32. no.106, June 1981: 57-58. no.147, Spring 1991: 38-39. no.134, Winter 1988: 38-39. no.101, Mar 1980: 36-37. no.155, Spring 1993: 44-45. no.134, Winter 1988: 40. no.133, Mar 1988: 39-40. no.158, Winter 1994: 39-40. no.93, Mar 1978: 45-46. no.206, Nov 2008: 64-66. no.208, May 2009: 103-105. no.204, Mar 2008: 69-71. no.214, Nov 2010: 106-108. no.165, Autumn 1996: 35-36. no.166, Winter 1996: 40. no.99, Sept 1979: 36-38. no.64, May 1971: 31-33. Reviewer Author Title Citation Moon, R E Kainey, J R no.61, Aug 1970: 41. Moon, R E Target, G W Moore, Gerard Johnson, Lawrence J Moran, Michael Booth, Alan Moran, Michael Camara, Helder Encounter with youth: a guide for parishes and youth leaders Tell it the way it is: a primer for Christian communicators Worhsip in the early church: an anthology of historical sources Christian non-conformity in international affairs Church and colonialism Moran, Michael Farrer, Austin Reflective faith no.74, July 1973: 32. Moran, Michael Fry, John R Fire and blackstone no.61, Aug 1970: 48-49. Moran, Michael Gabor, Dennis The mature society no.74, July 1973: 32. Moran, Michael Jorstad, Erling The politics of doomsday no.65, Aug 1971: 37-38. Moran, Michael Slater, Philip no.69, July 1972: 40-41. Moran, Michael Thielicke, Helmut The pursuit of loneliness: American culture at the breaking point A little exercise for young theologians Morgan, John Moses, John Carnley, Peter Moses, John Frame, Tom Euthanasia, death and dying: an Anglican resource What price prejudice? Christian antisemitism in America Reflections in glass: trends and tensions in the contemporary Anglican church Anglicans in Australia no.174, Winter 1998: 39-40. Moses, A D Newell, Christopher + Eakin, Frank E Moses, John Frame, Tom no.197, 2004: 42. Moses, John Kung, Hans Living by the sword? The ethics of armed intervention Ist die Kirche noch zu retten? Moses, John Kung, Hans Was ich glaube no.218, Nov 2011: 90-100. Moses, John Librett, Jeffrey S no.190, 2002: 45-46. Moses, John Mason, Alistair Moses, John Massam, Katherine Moses, John Spies, Marion The rhetoric of cultural dialogue: Jews and Germans from Moses Mendelsohn to Richard Wagner and beyond SSM: history of the Society of the Sacred Mission Sacred threads: Catholic spirituality in Australia, 1922-1962 Religiose Lyrik in Australien Moses, John Sullivan, Denise C no.166, Winter 1996: 39-40. Moses, John Tonkin, John Moses, John Treloar, Geoffrey Moses, John Walsh, Kevin J Moses, John Walton, Martin Neal Moses, John Ziegler, Philip G Moyes, John S Border, Ross Living ecumenism: Christian unity for a new millenium Cathedral and community: a history of St George's Cathedral, Perth Lightfoot the historian: the nature and role of history in the life and thought of J B Lighfoot (1828-1889) as churchman and and scholar Yesterday's seminary: a history of St Patrick's Manly Marginal communities: the ethical enterprise of the followers of Jesus Doing theology when God is forgotten: the theological achievement of Wolf Krotke Church and state in Australia, 1788-1872 Mullins, P E Walton, Robert C A source book of the Bible for teachers no.63, Feb 1971: 43-44. Munro, Howard Freeman, Anthony God in us: the case for Christian humanism no.161, Autumn 1995: 40. Munro, Howard Griffin, David Ray God and religion in the postmodern world no.151, Spring 1992: 42-43. Munro, Howard Murdoch, Iris The book and the brotherhood no.145, Autumn 1991: 42. Munro, Howard Phillips, D Z Faith after foundationalism no.151, Spring 1992: 41. Munro, Howard Phillips, Roderick Untying the knot: a short history of divorce no.153, Autumn 1993: 39-40. Munro, Howard Preston, Ronald H Religion and the ambiguity of capitalism no.152, Summer 1993: 44. Munro, J A Flender, H St Luke: theologian of redemptive history no.51, Feb 1968: 27. Munro, John Evans, C F Is "Holy scripture" Christian? no.66, Nov 1971: 37-38. no.61, Aug 1970: 42. no.216, May 2011: 85-88. no.65, Aug 1971: 37-38. no.61, Aug 1970: 48-49. no.71, Nov 1972: 37. no.181, Autumn 2000: 36. no.195, 2004: 47-48. no.204, Mar 2008: 57-59. no.218, Nov 2011: 90-100. no.161, Autumn 1995: 34-35. no.176, Summer 1999: 38-39. no.184, 2001: 33-35. no.193, 2003: 46-47. no.176, Summer 1999: 39-40. no.179a, Spring 1999: 42-43. no.169, Autumn 1997: 32-33. no.207, Mar 2009: 99-101. no.32, May 1963: 28-29. Reviewer Author Title Citation Murchison, L M [anon] Good News Bible: today's English version no.89, Mar 1977: 42-43. Murchison, L M [anon] The translator's New Testament no.77, Mar 1974: 27-28. Murchison, L M Albright, W F + The Anchor Bible: Matthew no.73, May 1973: 22-24. Murchison, L M Aulen, Gustav Jesus in contemporary historical research no.90, June 1977: 56-57. Murchison, L M First report no.68, May 1972: 24-26. Murchison, L M Australian Hymn Book Committee Batey, Richard New Testament issues no.64, May 1971: 41-42. Murchison, L M Bowker, John Jesus & the Pharisees no.79, Sept 1974: 31-32. Murchison, L M Bruce, F F New Testament history no.61, Aug 1970: 43-44. Murchison, L M Bruce, F F Paul, apostle of the free spirit no.98, June 1979: 61-63. Murchison, L M Coleman-Norton, P R Roman state and Christian church no.46, Nov 1966: 34. Murchison, L M Danielou, Jean no.101, Mar 1980: 42. Murchison, L M de Rachewiltz, I A history of early Christian doctrine before the Council of Nicaea Papal envoys to the great Khans Murchison, L M Durie, David Greek grammar [and] Greek tutor no.109, Mar 1982: 49-51. Murchison, L M Fohrer, George History of Israelite religion no.78, June 1974: 44-45. Murchison, L M Fouyas, Methodios no.74, July 1973: 27-28. Murchison, L M Gonzalez, Justo Orthodoxy, Roman Catholicism & Anglicanism A history of Christian thought Murchison, L M Goulder, M D Midrash and lection in Matthew no.81, Mar/Apr 1975: 40-44. Murchison, L M Goulder, Michael Incarnation and myth: the debate continued no.100, Dec 1979: 43-45. Murchison, L M Grant, Michael Herod the Great no.83, Sept 1975: 28-30. Murchison, L M Grant, Michael The Jews in the Roman world no.83, Sept 1975: 28-30. Murchison, L M Grant, Michael Saint Paul no.98, June 1979: 61-63. Murchison, L M Gunn, D M no.106, June 1981: 68-69. Murchison, L M Hanson, Anthony T The story of King David: genre and interpretation Vindications Murchison, L M Harvey, A Companion to the New Testament no.64, May 1971: 42-43. Murchison, L M Hengel, Martin Acts and the history of earliest Christianity no.104, Dec 1980: 61-63. Murchison, L M Hengel, Martin Judaism and Hellenism no.83, Sept 1975: 28-30. Murchison, L M Hoehner, H W Herod Antipas no.73, May 1973: 26-27. Murchison, L M Jellicoe, Sidney The septuagint and modern study no.59, Feb 1970: 35-36. Murchison, L M Kadas, Sotiris no.114, June 1983: 40-41. Murchison, L M Kelly, J N D Mount Athos: an illustrated guide to the monasteries and their history The epistles of Peter and Jude Murchison, L M Kingsbury, J D no.89, Mar 1977: 44-45. Murchison, L M Klijn, A F J Matthew: structure, Christology and kingdom Edessa, die Stadt des Apostels Thomas Murchison, L M Biblical exegesis in the apostolic period no.92, Dec 1977: 29-30. Murchison, L M Longenecker, Richard Magnusson, Magnus B C: the archaeology of the Bible lands no.105, Mar 1981: 50-51. Murchison, L M Marshall, I Howard The gospel of Luke no.98, June 1979: 68-69. Murchison, L M Martin, Ralph P no.86, June 1976: 52-53. Murchison, L M McCarter, P Kyle New Testament foundations, volume 1: the four gospels 1 Samuel Murchison, L M Morris, Leon Commentary on the Gospel of John no.69, July 1972: 38-40. Murchison, L M Nineham, Dennis The New English Bible reviewed no.46, Nov 1966: 35. Murchison, L M Noel, David no.114, June 1983: 33-35. Murchison, L M Pearlman, Moshe Pottery, poetry, and prophecy: studies in early Hebrew poetry The Maccabees Murchison, L M Pelikan, Jaroslav no.101, Mar 1980: 41-42. Murchison, L M Pelikan, Jaroslav The Christian tradition: a history of the development of doctrine Twentieth century theology in the making, vol.1: Themes in Biblical theology no.75, Sept 1973: 31. no.101, Mar 1980: 42. no.47, Feb 1967: 35-36. no.65, Aug 1971: 35-36. no.75, Sept 1973: 31. no.109, Mar 1982: 51-52. no.83, Sept 1975: 28-30. no.59, Feb 1970: 36-37. Reviewer Author Title Citation Murchison, L M Pocknee, Cyril E no.47, Feb 1967: 36. Murchison, L M Ramsey, George W The parson's handbook: the work of Percy Dearmer The quest for the historical Israel Murchison, L M Robinson, John A T Can we trust the New Testament? no.98, June 1979: 58-59. Murchison, L M Robinson, John A T Redating the New Testament no.89, Mar 1977: 44. Murchison, L M Rogier, L J + no.101, Mar 1980: 42-43. Murchison, L M Sandars, N K Murchison, L M Schramm, Tim The Christian centuries: a new history of the Catholic Church The sea peoples: warriors of the ancient Mediterranean Der Markus-Stoff bei Lukas Murchison, L M Segal, J B Edessa: the blessed city no.75, Sept 1973: 31. Murchison, L M Stevenson, J Creeds, councils, and controversies no.48, May 1967: 36. Murchison, L M Swanson, R J The horizontal line synopsis of the gospels no.87, Sept/Oct 1976: 41. Murchison, L M Taylor, Vincent The passion narrative of St Luke no.73, May 1973: 26-27. Murchison, L M Trocme, Etienne no.84, Dec 1975: 34-35. Murchison, L M Vermes, Geza Murchison, L M Wilkinson, John The formation of the gospel according to Mark Jesus the Jew: a historian's reading of the gospels Egeria's travels Murchison, L M Zernov, Nicholas Eastern Christendom no.27, Feb 1962: 33-34. Murchison, L M Ziesler, John The Jesus question no.104, Dec 1980: 63-64. Murphy, Elizabeth M Mead, Margaret no.65, Aug 1971: 38-39. Murphy, R M Vaux, Kenneth Culture and commitment: a study of the generation gap Who shall live? Medicine, technology, ethics Murray, James Garnsey, David Arthur Garnsey: a man for truth and freedom no.125, Mar 1986: 62-63. Myers, Benjamin Thomson, Heather The things that make for peace no.209, Sept 2009: 86-92. Nelson, Peter Preece, Gordon + no.209, Sept 2009: 93-95. Neville, David Botta, Alejandro F + Sport and spirituality: an exercise in everyday theology The Bible and the hermeneutics of liberation Neville, David Boulton, David no.207, Mar 2009: 91-94. Neville, David Brett, Mark G Neville, David Dunn, James D G + Who on earth was Jesus? The modern quest for the Jesus of history Decolonizing God: the Bible in the tides of empire Eerdmans commentary on the Bible Neville, David Edwards, Denis no.222, Nov 2012: 161-165. Neville, David Neville, David Kittredge, Cynthia Briggs + Llewellyn, Peter Neville, David Lockett, Darian How God acts: creation, redemption and special divine action The Bible in the public square: reading the signs of the times Turning the world upside down: reflections on the blessings of Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount An introduction to the catholic epistles Neville, David Lorenzen, Thorwald no.206, Nov 2008: 76-78. Neville, David Northcott, Michael Neville, David Oecumenius + Toward a culture of freedom: reflections on the ten commandments today An angel directs the storm: apocalyptic religion and American empire Greek commentaries on revelation Neville, David Pervo, Richard I Acts: a commentary no.214, Nov 2010: 112-114. Neville, David Slee, Nicola no.201, 2006: 42-43. Neville, David Neville, David Theodore of Mopsuestia Thiel, John E Faith and feminism: an introduction to Christian feminist theology Commentary on the Gospel of John no.195, 2004: 54-55. Neville, David Weaver, Alain Epp + Neville, David Weaver. J Denny God, evil, and innocent suffering: a theological reflection The work of Jesus Christ in Anabaptist perspective: essays in honor of J Denny Weaver The nonviolent atonement no.114, June 1983: 33. no.102, June 1980: 50. no.73, May 1973: 26-27. no.80, Dec 1974: 48-50. no.75, Sept 1973: 31. no.64, May 1971: 36. no.213, Aug 2010: 81-84. no.211, Feb 2010: 107-110. no.201, 2006: 39-40. no.208, May 2009: 118-121. no.192, 2003: 37-38. no.223, Feb 2013: 109-111. no.204, Mar 2008: 64-67. no.219, Feb 2012: 111-114. no.216, May 2011: 103-106. no.209, Sept 2009: 95-99. no.194, 2003: 46-47. Reviewer Author Title Citation Newell, Christopher Cole-Turner, Ronald no.186, 2001: 41-43. Newell, Christopher Newell, Christopher Committee on Medical Ethics Edwards, Denis Beyond cloning: religion and the remaking of humanity Wrestling with the future: our genes and our choices The God of evolution: a Trinitarian theology Newell, Christopher Williams, Bill + no.177, Autumn 1999: 37. Nield, John [anon] Naked before God: the return of a broken disciple Copyright for churches Noonan, Shirley Evening, Margaret no.88, Dec 1976: 47-48. Norris, Brian Theissen, Gerd Nunn, Barbara V Zourzani, Mary Who walk alone: a consideration of the single life The shadow of the Galilean: the quest of the historical Jesus in narrative form Hope: new philosophies for change Nurser, Elizabeth Thomas, Keith Religion and the decline of magic no.68, May 1972: 32-34. Nurser, John [anon] no.56, May 1969: 26. Nurser, John Nurser, John Archbishops' Commission on Christian Doctrine Aulen, Gustav The Lambeth Conference 1968: resolutions and reports Church and state 1970 Dag Hammarskjold's white book no.61, Aug 1970: 32-33. Nurser, John Bauer, J B Encyclopedia of Biblical theology no.62, Nov 1970: 24-25. Nurser, John Bliss, Kathleen The future of religion no.61, Aug 1970: 47-48. Nurser, John Coburn, J B Twentieth century spiritual letters no.58, Nov 1969: 31. Nurser, John Desmond, Cosmos The discarded people no.62, Nov 1970: 30-31. Nurser, John Duguid, Charles Doctor and the aborigines no.73, May 1973: 24-25. Nurser, John Forrester, Jay World dynamics no.68, May 1972: 41-43. Nurser, John Kerr, J S The mystery and magic of the occult no.69, July 1972: 42. Nurser, John Mackie, Steven Patterns of ministry no.61, Aug 1970: 47-48. Nurser, John Moeller, Charles Salvation for today no.76, Dec 1973: 29-30. Nurser, John Mol, Hans Christianity in chains no.58, Nov 1969: 29. Nurser, John Nelson, G K + Mobility and religious commitment no.67, Feb 1972: 37-38. Nurser, John Parsons, Jack Population versus liberty no.70, Sept 1972: 27-28. Nurser, John Ramsay, Ian no.68, May 1972: 39-41. Nurser, John Schweitzer, Albert The church in Sunderland: report of the Bishop's Commission Reverence for life Nurser, John Siliakis, H J German word list no.5: theology no.64, May 1971: 34. Nurser, John Wellard, J Desert pilgrimage no.63, Feb 1971: 53. O'Connor, Desmond Cupitt, Don Christ and the hiddenness of God no.67, Feb 1972: 40. O'Connor, Desmond Divine disobedience no.67, Feb 1972: 40-41. Octigan, Dan Gray, Francine du Plessix Thurian, Max no.118, June 1984: 54-56. Ogston, A G Whitehouse, W A Ecumenical perspectives on baptism, eucharist and ministry Order, goodness, glory Ogston, Elizabeth Creed and drama: an essay in religious drama Stories for school prayers no.43, Feb 1966: 34. Ogston, Elizabeth Merchant, W Moelwyn Scott, Eileen Oldmeadow, Russell Achtemeier, Paul + The Old Testament roots of our faith no.37, Aug 1964: 29. Oldmeadow, Russell Subscription and assent to the thirty-nine articles no.54, Nov 1968: 29-31. Oldmeadow, Russell Archbishops' Commission on Christian Doctrine Armstrong, C B An outline of western philosophy no.36, May 1964: 31-32. Oldmeadow, Russell Autton, Norman Pastoral care in hospitals no.56, May 1969: 30-31. Oldmeadow, Russell Child, Kenneth Sick call no.43, Feb 1966: 36. Oldmeadow, Russell Davies, Rupert E Methodism no.34, Nov 1963: 33-34. Oldmeadow, Russell Hick, John Faith and the philosophers no.41, Aug 1965: 35-36. no.180, Summer 2000: 51. no.183, Spring 2000: 38-39. no.122, June 1985: 37. no.134, Winter 1988: 37. no.192, 2003: 47. no.65, Aug 1971: 34-35. no.61, Aug 1970: 32-33. no.24, May 1961: 34. no.30, Nov 1962: 34. Reviewer Author Title Citation Oldmeadow, Russell The church - its nature, function and ordering: being the second report Do we need the church? no.34, Nov 1963: 23-26. Oldmeadow, Russell Joint Commission on Church Union McBrien, Richard P Oldmeadow, Russell Rogers, Carl R Encounter groups no.72, Mar 1973: 30-31. Oldmeadow, Russell Roper, Myra China: the surprising country no.48, May 1967: 33-34. Oldmeadow, Russell Steer, H P Caring for the elderly no.47, Feb 1967: 34. Oldmeadow, Russell Thornton, Martin Pastoral theology: a reorientation no.39, Feb 1965: 29-31. Oldmeadow, Russell West, Morris The ambassador no.42, Nov 1965: 31-32. Oldmeadow, Russell West, Morris The shoes of the fisherman no.34, Nov 1963: 35. Oldmeadow, Russell Williams, R R Authority and the church no.42, Nov 1965: 30-31. Oliphant, David Cowdell, Scott Atheist priest? Don Cupitt and Christianity no.137, Autumn 1989: 36-37. Oliphant, David Cupitt, Don The sea of faith: Christianity and change Oliphant, David Jungel, Eberhard Oliphant, David Robinson, Donald O'Reilly, Colleen Moody, Christopher Osborne, Steve Bardsley, Cuthbert God as the mystery of the world: on the foundation of theology of the crucified one in the dispute between theism and atheism Faith's framework: the structure of New Testament theology Eccentric ministry: pastoral care and leadership in the parish I believe in mission no.123/124, Sept/Dec 1985: 7476. no.123/124, Sept/Dec 1985: 8687. Oslington, Paul Gregg, Samuel Page, Geoff Rorty, Richard Painter, John no.61, Aug 1970: 36-38. no.130, June 1987: 43-44. no.160, Summer 1995: 35-36. no.62, Nov 1970: 37. Economic thinking for the theologically minded Philosophy and social hope no.193, 2003: 48-49. Manichaeism: an ancient faith rediscovered no.220, May 2012: 117-121. Painter, John Baker-Brian, Nicholas J Crotty, Robert The Jesus question: the historical search no.169, Autumn 1997: 31-32. Painter, John Foster, Paul The non-canonical gospels no.212, May 2010: 158-163. Painter, John Hartin, Patrick J James no.202, 2007: 39-40. Painter, John Kaye, Bruce no.186, 2001: 40-41. Painter, John Lee, Dorothy Painter, John Mills, Watson E Web of meaning: the role of origins in Christian faith Flesh and glory: symbolism, gender and theology in the gospel of John Lutterworth dictionary of the Bible Painter, John Moloney, Francis J no.170, Winter 1997: 32-33. Painter, John Pagels, Elaine A body broken for a broken people: eucharist in the New Testament Beyond belief: the secret gospel of Thomas Painter, John Polkinghorne, John no.169, Autumn 1997: 36-37. Painter, John Tovey, Derek Scientists as theologians: a comparison of the writings of Ian Barbour, Arthur Peacocke and John Polkinghorne Narrative art and act in the fourth gospel Palmer, H E Carter, John Methods of mission in southern Africa no.36, May 1964: 25. Parker, Cecily May, Rollo Man's search for himself no.82, June 1975: 34-36. Parker, Cecily Pledger, Philip Teenagers no.80, Dec 1974: 44-45. Parkes, John Corney, Peter no.171, Spring 1997: 32-33. Parkes, John Dowrick, Stephanie Parkes, John Pailin, David A Parkes, John Rutherford, Graeme Team torque: leading and managing a staff in the local church or Christian organisation Forgiveness and other acts of love: finding true value in your life The anthropological character of theology: conditioning theological understanding The potter God Parkes, John Wilson, Bruce no.176, Summer 1999: 35. Parkinson, Tony Ata, Abe W Patterson, Sue [anon] Reasons of the heart: a vision for the new millenium Christian-Muslim intermarriage in Australia: identity, social cohesion or cultural fragmentation Faithfulness in fellowship: reflections on homosexuality and the church no.183, Spring 2000: 35-36. no.197, 2004: 43-44. no.173, Autumn 1998: 43-44. no.196, 2004: 28-29. no.173, Autumn 1998: 34-35. no.172, Summer 1998: 37-38. no.148, Summer 1992: 32. no.192, 2003: 36. no.197, 2004: 46-47. no.187, 2001: 38. Reviewer Author Title Citation Paver, John Death: the final stage of growth no.93, Mar 1978: 50-51. Payne, J R Kubler-Ross, Elizabeth Brown, Raymond + The Jerome Biblical commentary no.60, May 1970: 35. Peterson, David Bird, M + no.223, Feb 2013: 104-105. Peterson, Geoff Clinebell, Howard Peterson, Geoff Leech, Kenneth Sexegesis: an evangelical response to Five uneasy pieces on homosexuality Community mental health: the role of the church and temple Pastoral care and the drug scene Phillips, Brian Brico, Rex Taize: Brother Roger and his community no.98, June 1979: 57-58. Phillips, Brian Gustafson, James M Can ethics be Christian? no.96, Dec 1978: 40-41. Phillips, Brian Sobrino, Jon no.100, Dec 1979: 40-41. Phillips, Pamela Stibbe, Mark Philpott, Stuart Henson, Barbara Christology at the crossroads: a Latin American approach O brave new church: rescuing the addictive culture A straight out man Pickard, Stephen Bolt, Peter + no.207, Mar 2009: 79-82. Pickard, Stephen Cowdell, Scott Pickard, Stephen Lakeland, Paul Pickering, Maxine Anson, Peter The Lord's Supper in human hands: who should administer? Abiding faith: Christianity beyond certainty, anxiety and violence The liberation of the laity: in search of an accountable church The call of the desert Pickering, Maxine The inklings no.110, June 1982: 32-34. Pickering, Maxine Carpenter, Humphrey Carretto, Carlo I Francis: the spirit of St Francis of Assisi no.115, Sept 1983: 37-39. Pickering, Maxine Clissold, Stephen St Teresa of Avila no.101, Mar 1980: 38-39. Pickering, Maxine Clissold, Stephen The wisdom of the Spanish mystics no.94, June 1978: 39-41. Pickering, Maxine de Mello, Anthony One minute wisdom no.127, Sept 1986: 41-43. Pickering, Maxine de Mello, Anthony The song of the bird no.117, Mar 1984: 69-70. Pickering, Maxine de Waal, Esther Seeking God: the way of St Benedict no.125, Mar 1986: 67-69. Pickering, Maxine Foster, Kenelm no.105, Mar 1981: 46-48. Pickering, Maxine Furlong, Monica I, Catherine: selected writings of Catherina of Siena Merton: a biography Pickering, Maxine Gittens, Anthony J Pickering, Maxine no.123/124, Sept/Dec 1985: 7980. no.102, June 1980: 51-52. Pickering, Maxine Green, Roger Lancelyn + Griffiths, Bede Heart of prayer: African, Jewish and Biblical prayers C S Lewis: a biography The marriage of east and west no.117, Mar 1984: 69-70. Pickering, Maxine Johnston, William The inner eye of love no.108, Dec 1981: 47-49. Pickering, Maxine Johnston, William The mirror mind no.117, Mar 1984: 69-70. Pickering, Maxine Killinger, John no.70, Sept 1972: 31-32. Pickering, Maxine King, Ursula Pickering, Maxine Merton, Thomas Leave it to the spirit: a handbook for experimental worship Towards a new mysticism: Teilhard de Chardin and eastern religions The sign of Jonas Pickering, Maxine Merton, Thomas The waters of Siloe no.90, June 1977: 55. Pickering, Maxine Parrinder, Goffrey The wisdom of the early Buddhists no.94, June 1978: 39-41. Pickering, Maxine Silesius, Angelus The cherubic wanderer no.132, Dec 1987: 45. Pickering, Maxine Sjogren, Per-Olof no.132, Dec 1987: 45-46. Pickering, Maxine Steindl-Rast, David Pickering, Maxine Steindl-Rast, David Pickering, Maxine Steindl-Rast, David The Jesus prayer: learning to pray from the heart Gratefulness the heart of prayer: an approach to life in fullness A listening heart: the art of contemplative living Prayer of recollection Pickering, Maxine Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre Walsh, Chad The heart of the matter no.106, June 1981: 60-62. The literary legacy of C S Lewis no.102, June 1980: 51-52. Pickering, Maxine no.67, Feb 1972: 35. no.67, Feb 1972: 34. no.164, Summer 1996: 34-35. no.157, Autumn 1994: 39-40. no.211, Feb 2010: 117-122. no.198, 2005: 48-49. no.78, June 1974: 42-43. no.108, Dec 1981: 47-49. no.106, June 1981: 60-62. no.90, June 1977: 55. no.129, Mar 1987: 59-60. no.129, Mar 1987: 59-60. no.129, Mar 1987: 59-60. Reviewer Author Title Citation Pickering, Maxine Watkins, Owen C The Puritan experience no.70, Sept 1972: 31-32. Pickering, Maxine Williams, Barrie no.115, Sept 1983: 37-39. Pickford, Giles Hutterian Brethren The Franciscan revival in the Anglican Communion The gospel in Dostoyevsky Pierce, Peter Bloom, Allan The closing of the American mind no.135, Spring 1988: 40-41. Pierce, Peter Conrad, Peter Down home: revisiting Tasmania no.136, Summer 1989: 43-44. Pierce, Peter Thwaites, Michael The honey man no.141, Autumn 1990: 40-41. Pilbrow, John Kelly, Terry no.215, Feb 2011: 116-118. Platten, Stephen Douglas, Brian Platten, Stephen Douglas, Brian Pong, James Hayes, Victor C Stars, life and intelligence: being a Darwinian and a believer A companion to Anglican eucharistic theology, I: The reformation of the nineteenth century A companion to Anglican eucharistic theology, II: The 20th century to the present Towards theology in an Australian context Porta, Paul Branson, Mark Lau + no.224, May 2013: 115-120. Porta, Paul Scharen, Christian + Porter, B M Birch, Charles + Churches, cultures and leadership: a practical theology of congregations and ethnicities Ethnography as Christian theology and ethics The liberation of life Porter, B M Hall, H L + no.119, Sept 1984: 44-45. Porter, B M Jay, Eric G Porter, B M Lampe, G W H Meliora sequamur: Brighton Grammar School 1882-1982 The church: its changing image through twenty centuries A memoir by friends Porter, B M McIntire, C T no.96, Dec 1978: 36-38. Porter, B M Reich, W T God, history, and historians: modern Christian views of history The encyclopaedia of bioethics Porter, B M Thornton, Martin Spiritual direction: a practical introduction no.120, Dec 1984: 38. Porter, Brian Appleton, George Glimpses of faith no.115, Sept 1983: 27-28. Porter, Brian Memoirs of a loose canon no.200, 2006: 52. Porter, Brian Babbage, Stuart Barton Bayton, John Anglican spirituality no.115, Sept 1983: 27. Price, Charles Blaikie, Norman W H The plight of the Australian clergy no.102, June 1980: 49-50. Pritchard, D A Bennett, George Miracle at Crowshurst no.67, Feb 1972: 41-42. Purnell, David Camara, Helder Spiral of violence no.66, Nov 1971: 38-40. Purnell, David Ramsey, Michael + The future of the Christian church no.66, Nov 1971: 38-40. Quant, A T Bowden, John Karl Barth no.66, Nov 1971: 41-42. Quant, A T Tripp, David no.67, Feb 1972: 30-32. Quant, A T Yoder, John H The renewal of the covenant in the Methodist tradition Karl Barth and the problem of war Rainger, Katherine Giles, Kevin Better together: equality in Christ no.216, May 2011: 90-92. Rajasekaram, David Rees, Frank Brown, Cavan Baby Krishna, infant Christ: a comparative theology of salvation Doubts and certainties: a life of Alexaner Leeper Pilgrim through this barren land no.223, Feb 2013: 105-108. Raymont, Philip Largen, Kristin Johnston Poynter, John Rees, Frank Carnley, Peter The structure of resurection belief no.140, Summer 1990: 32-35. Rees, Frank Johnson, Elizabeth A no.164, Summer 1996: 33-34. Reeson, Margaret Tippett, Alan R Consider Jesus: waves of renewal in Christology Introduction to missiology Reid, Duncan Giles, Kevin no.201, 2006: 50-52. Reid, Duncan Giles, Kevin Reid, Duncan Ogden, Steven Jesus and the Father: modern evangelicals reinvent the doctrine of the Trinity The Trinity & subordinationism: the doctrine of God & the contemporary gender debate Love upside down: life, love and the subversive Jesus no.140, Summer 1990: 40. no.224, May 2013: 110-113. no.224, May 2013: 110-113. no.108, Dec 1981: 44-45. no.224, May 2013: 115-120. no.111, Sept 1982: 55-56. no.97, Mar 1979: 35. no.112, Dec 1982: 48-49. no.111, Sept 1982: 56-57. no.68, May 1972: 26-28. no.176, Summer 1999: 41-42. no.152, Summer 1993: 43-44. no.136, Summer 1989: 34-35. no.196, 2004: 31-32. no.220, May 2012: 110-111. Reviewer Author Title Citation Reid, Duncan Thomson, Heather no.208, May 2009: 85-92. Reid, John McPherson, Jim Embracing grace - the theologian's task: essays in honour of Graeme Garrett AIDS and compassion Reist, Melinda Tankard Rheinberger, J Frame, Tom Children on demand: the ethics of defying nature God and man no.206, Nov 2008: 79-81. The biology of God no.121, Mar 1985: 43-44. Creation and evolution: the facts and fallacies Supersenses no.123/124, Sept/Dec 1985: 77. Creation and the world of science: the Bampton Lectures 1978 Science and the renewal of belief no.104, Dec 1980: 57. no.219, Feb 2012: 114-117. no.136, Summer 1989: 16. Richardson, Barry J Schillebeeckx, Edward Hardy, Alister no.65, Aug 1971: 33-34. Richardson, Barry J Hayward, A Richardson, Barry J Panati, C Richardson, Barry J Peacocke, A R Richardson, Barry J Stannard, R Richardson, Barry J Toly, Noah + Richardson, Barry J von Ditfurth, H Keeping God's earth: the global environment in Biblical perspective The origins of life: evolution as creation Richardson, Barry J Wilson, Edward O On human nature no.99, Sept 1979: 34-35. Riddell, Peter Bouma, Gary D Mosques and Muslim settlement in Australia no.163, Spring 1995: 44-45. Riddell, Peter Chapman, Colin no.177, Autumn 1999: 40-41. Riddell, Peter Halliday, Fred Riddell, Peter Ipgrave, Michael Islam and the west: conflict, co-existence or conversion The hours that shook the world, September 11, 2001: causes and consequences The road ahead: a Christian-Muslim dialogue Riddell, Peter Mallouhi, Christine A Waging peace on Islam no.185, 2001: 35-36. Riddell, Peter Masood, Steven no.185, 2001: 35-36. Riddell, Peter Newbigin, Lesslie Riddell, Peter Pixley, Jorge The Bible and the Qur'an: a question of integrity Faith and power: Christianity and Islam in secular Britain Biblical Israel: a people's history Riddell, Peter Sajid, Abduljalil Why terror - is there no alternative? no.204, Mar 2008: 82-84. Riddell, Peter Sawyer, J F A Sacred languages and sacred texts no.183, Spring 2000: 39. Riddell, Peter Stark, Rodney no.196, 2004: 42-43. Riddell, Peter Rigby, Norma Walters, Albert Sundararaj Hyde, K E For the glory of God: how monotheism led to reformations, science, witch-hunts, and the end of slavery We belive in one God? Reflections on the Trinity in the Malaysian context Religion and slow learners Rigby, Norma Morris, Pauline no.63, Feb 1971: 46. Rigby, T H Fletcher, William C Put away: a sociological study of institutions for the mentally retarded Religion and Soviet foreign policy 1945-1970 Rigby, T H Hayward, M + no.67, Feb 1972: 42-44. Riley, Doug Warren, Max Religion and the Soviet state: a dilemma of power I believe in the Great Commission Robertson, Helen Thiering, Barbara no.80, Dec 1974: 34-38. Robinson, David Davison, Andrew + Robinson, David Hill, Charles Robinson, Jan + Goldsworthy, Shirley Rodger, Clive Fassel, Diane Rodger, Clive Hauerwas, Stanley Created second? Aspects of women's liberation in Australia For the parish: a critique of fresh expressions Making sense of faith: an introduction to theology I, you and us: creating a loving, lasting marriage Working ourselves to death: the high cost of workaholism, the rewards of recovery After Christianity Rodger, Clive Hauerwas, Stanley no.158, Winter 1994: 39. Rodger, Clive Plantinga, Cornelius Rodger, Clive Wogaman, J Phillip Unleashing the scripture: freeing the Bible from captivity to America Not the way it's supposed to be: a breviary of sin Christian perspectives on politics no.90, June 1977: 53-54. no.114, June 1983: 38. no.125, Mar 1986: 64-65. no.189, 2002: 43-44. no.192, 2003: 40-41. no.175, Spring 1998: 37-38. no.158, Winter 1994: 41-42. no.191, 2002: 43. no.63, Feb 1971: 44-45. no.80, Dec 1974: 42-43. no.91, Sept 1977: 59-61. no.222, Nov 2012: 159-161. no.165, Autumn 1996: 36. no.212, May 2010: 166-167. no.158, Winter 1994: 43-44. no.150, Winter 1992: 37. no.161, Autumn 1995: 38-39. no.143, Spring 1990: 39. Reviewer Author Title Citation Rodger, Lynlea Corney, Peter no.185, 2001: 36-37. Rodger, Lynlea Girard, Rene Change and the church: how to initiate and manage constructive change in the local church The scapegoat Rodger, Lynlea Marty, Martin E + no.161, Autumn 1995: 36-37. Rodger, Lynlea Mead, Loren The glory and the power: the fundamentalist challenge to the modern world The once and future church in Australia Rodger, Lynlea Norton, Robert + no.204, Mar 2008: 71-73. Rodger, Lynlea Southern, R + Rodger, Lynlea Tacey, David Rodger, Lynlea Whetham, Paul + Rosier, Veronica Chauvet, Louis-Marie Ross, W R Neil, William Soul types: decode your spiritual DNA to create a life of authenticity, joy, and grace Cracking your congregation's code: mapping your spiritual DNA to create your future ReEnchantment: the new Australian spirituality Hard to be holy: unravelling the roles and relationships of church leaders The sacraments: the word of God at the mercy of the body The plain man looks at the Bible Rudge, Peter F Blenkinsopp, Joseph Celibacy, ministry, church no.61, Aug 1970: 39-40. Rudge, Peter F Dunstan, G R The sacred ministry no.61, Aug 1970: 39-40. Rudge, Peter F Kelly, Hamilton no.22, Nov 1960: 27-29. Rudge, Peter F Thompson, A No pious person: autobiographical recollections Bureaucracy and church reform Rule, Paul Allchin, A M Religious communities in the world of today no.63, Feb 1971: 39. Rule, Paul Needham, Joseph no.70, Sept 1972: 35. Rule, Paul Parrinder, Goffrey Within the four seas: the dialogue of east and west Teaching about religions Rule, Paul Patey, Edward H Look out for the church no.63, Feb 1971: 39. Rush, C W E Autton, Norman Christianity & change no.67, Feb 1972: 38. Rushbrook, Lew Edwards, David L A reason to hope no.97, Mar 1979: 41-42. Rutherford, Graeme Hide, Kerrie no.192, 2003: 45-46. Rutherford, Graeme Loning, Karl + Ryan, A G May, Rollo Gifted origins tp graced fulfillment: the soteriology of Julian of Norwich To begin with, God created ... Biblical theologies of creation Love and will Rye, Michael B Kelly Saines, Don Barraclough, Ray Saines, Don Hick, John Saines, Don Hughes, Philip + Saines, Don Hughes, Philip + Saines, Don Jenson, Robert W Sexual diversity and catholicism: toward the development of moral theology The incarnation and the gospel of reconciliation WHY? The challenges of giving explanations for tragic experiences in life Who or what is God? and other investigations Models of leadership and organisation in Anglican churches in rural Australia Sowing and nurturing: challenges and possibilities for rural churches The triune identity no.191, 2002: 44-45. S, R H Jung, Patricia Beattie + Howe, R L Saines, Don Moltmann, Jurgen no.109, Mar 1982: 41-42. Schweizer, Eduard Kung, Hans The trinity and the kingdom of God: the doctrine of God A responsible faith Seymour, John Rose, Peter Robert no.207, Mar 2009: 94-96. Sharpe, Eric J Tippett, Alan R Sheridan, Ruth Sherlock, Charles Hilkert, Mary Catherine Roberts, Barbara Simon, Christopher Barclay, William Soldier's conscience: the ethical complexity of Vietnam service Oral tradition and ethnohistory: the transmission of information and social values in early Christian Fiji, 1835-1905 Speaking with authority: Catherine of Siena and the voices of women today Not under bondage: Biblical divorce for abuse, adultery and desertion Ethics in a permissive society no.169, Autumn 1997: 37-38. no.185, 2001: 36-37. no.195, 2004: 53. no.183, Spring 2000: 26-28. no.185, 2001: 36-37. no.189, 2002: 41-42. no.46, Nov 1966: 35-36. no.61, Aug 1970: 39-40. no.70, Sept 1972: 35. no.187, 2001: 37-38. no.64, May 1971: 38-39. no.10, Nov 1957: 30-32. no.217, Aug 2011: 118-120. no.215, Feb 2011: 111-114. no.211, Feb 2010: 89-95. no.211, Feb 2010: 89-95. no.113, Mar 1983: 30-31. no.87, Sept/Oct 1976: 34-37. no.108, Dec 1981: 40-41. no.189, 2002: 40-41. no.208, May 2009: 121-123. no.67, Feb 1972: 39. Reviewer Author Title Citation Simon, Christopher Charlesworth, M Church, state and conscience no.85, Mar 1976: 53-55. Sissons, Bronwen Shaw, G P no.96, Dec 1978: 33-34. Smythe, Harry Reynolds Snell, Antony Sherrard, Philip Patriarch and patriot: William Grant Broughton, 1788-1853, colonial statesman and ecclesiastic Church Papacy and schism The gospel according to Matthew: a commentary Peter and the single church no.112, Dec 1982: 51-52. Snell, Antony Beare, Francis Wright de Satge, John Snell, Antony Gerhardsson, Birger The origins of the gospel traditions no.103, Sept 1980: 39-40. Snell, Antony Hengel, Martin no.112, Dec 1982: 45-46. Snell, Antony Kung, Hans The atonement: a study of the origins of the doctrine in the New Testament Does God exist? An answer for today Snell, Antony Lacocque, Andre The Book of Daniel no.102, June 1980: 47-48. Snell, Antony Rees, Daniel + no.99, Sept 1979: 35-36. Snell, Antony Rivkin, Ellis Consider your call: a theology of monastic life today A hidden revolution Snell, Antony Jesus: an experiment in Christology no.100, Dec 1979: 41-42. Snell, Antony Schillebeeckx, Edward Weber, Hans-Ruedi The cross: tradition and interpretation no.101, Mar 1980: 37-38. Southerden, J Barbour, Ian Issues in science and religion no.51, Feb 1968: 31-32. Southerden, J Ramsey, Michael The Christian priest today no.70, Sept 1972: 36. Speagle, Henry L Middleton, Arthur Restoring the Anglican mind no.206, Nov 2008: 70-72. Stead, John Grundy, Malcolm no.219, Feb 2012: 117-120. Stegemann, W C Becker, Russell J Leadership and oversight: new models for episcopal ministry Family pastoral care Stegemann, W C Brown, Judith M Augustus Short: Bishop of Adelaide no.79, Sept 1974: 39. Stegemann, W C Clark, G Kitson no.80, Dec 1974: 41-42. Stegemann, W C Filby, P Gwyn Churchmen and the condition of England, 1832-1885 Family church: the household of God Stegemann, W C Holmes, Geoffrey The trial of Dr Sacheverell no.76, Dec 1973: 30-31. Stegemann, W C Kenyon, John The Popish plot no.76, Dec 1973: 30-31. Stegemann, W C Manning, Brian Politics, religion, and the English Civil War no.84, Dec 1975: 37. Stegemann, W C McManners, John Church and state in France, 1870-1914 no.73, May 1973: 29-30. Stegemann, W C Moorhouse, Geoffrey The missionaries no.77, Mar 1974: 21. Stegemann, W C Pusey, Margaret M The Popish plot no.119, Sept 1984: 45-46. Stegemann, W C Sayers, Dorothy L no.82, June 1975: 29. Stegemann, W C Spotts, Frederic A matter of eternity: selections from the writings The churches and politics in Germany Stegemann, W C Stranks, C J This sumptuous church no.76, Dec 1973: 28. Stegemann, W C Trevor, Meriol The Arnolds no.82, June 1975: 28-29. Stephen, B S Keogh, C B Readings for mental health no.93, Mar 1978: 43-45. Stephens, Geoffrey [anon] no.112, Dec 1982: 42-44. Stephens, Keith Blaikie, Norman W H The Anglican-Roman Catholic International Commission (ARCIC) The plight of the Australian clergy Stephens, Keith Harris, Horton David Friedrich Strauss and his theology no.84, Dec 1975: 37-38. Stephens, Keith Schmithals, Walter The office of apostle in the early church no.70, Sept 1972: 33-34. Stern, George Weinfeld, Moshe Deuteronomy and the Deuteronomic school no.71, Nov 1972: 36. Stevens, Bruce A Bates, James D Becoming a complete parent no.140, Summer 1990: 39. Stevens, Bruce A Farrer, Austin Interpretation and belief no.91, Sept 1977: 57-58. Stevens, Bruce A Pelikan, Jaroslav no.92, Dec 1977: 28. Stevens, Bruce A Ramsey, Michael The emergence of the catholic tradition (100-600) Holy Spirit Stevens, Bruce A Skynner, Robin + Families and how to survive them no.133, Mar 1988: 36. Stevens, Bruce A Smart, Ninian The philosophy of religion no.103, Sept 1980: 35. no.100, Dec 1979: 33-34. no.108, Dec 1981: 46-47. no.107, Sept 1981: 62-63. no.105, Mar 1981: 43-44. no.76, Dec 1973: 29. no.76, Dec 1973: 29. no.81, Mar/Apr 1975: 44. no.102, June 1980: 49. no.95, Sept 1978: 37. Reviewer Author Title Citation Stevens, Bruce A Willows, David + no.185, 2001: 42-43. Stevens, Doug Pickard, Stephen Stirling, G R Brooks, Phillips Spiritual dimensions of pastoral care: practical theology in a multi-disciplinary context Theological foundations for collaborative ministry Phillips Brooks on preaching Stretton, Hugh Langmore, John + Work for all: full employment in the nineties no.159, Spring 1994: 33-34. Sutton, Jeff Stevens, Bruce A + no.163, Spring 1995: 47-48. Swansborough, Rodney Swinbourn, Haydn Ryan, Noel J T, P J Oulton, J E L Setting captives free: models for individual, marital and group counselling Christian spiritual theology: an ecumenical reflection The book that reads me: a handbook for Bible study enablers Fundamentals of the faith Talbot, Warren McPherson, Jim AIDS and compassion no.136, Summer 1989: 15-16. Talbot, Warren Spong, John Selby no.142, Winter 1990: 39. Thompson, Bob Gill, Athol Thompson, Roger Barnes, Geoffrey Thompson, Roger Barraclough, Ray Thompson, Roger Beasley, Mary Living in sin? A bishop rethinks human sexuality Life on the road: the gospel basis for a Messianic life-style Doing theology in Sydney: a history of the Uniting Theological College, 1974-1999 Equal and more: equality and authority amongst Christian disciples with John's gospel as the resource text Mission on the margins Thompson, Roger Edwards, David L Christianity: the first two thousand years no.179, Winter 1999: 36-37. Thompson, Roger Marr, David no.185, 2001: 33. Thompson, Roger Thwaites, Michael The high price of heaven: a book about the enemies of pleasure and freedom Atlantic odyssey Thomson, Cathy Isherwood, Lisa Introducing feminist Christologies no.197, 2004: 44-45. Thomson, Heather Carrell, Brian no.175, Spring 1998: 34. Thomson, Heather Chopp, Rebecca Thomson, Heather Thomson, Heather Fiorenza, Elisabeth Schussler Goosen, Gideon Moving between times: modernity and postmodernity: a Christian view Saving work: feminist practices of theological education Jesus and the politics of interpretation no.184, 2001: 40-41. Thomson, Heather Graff, A O'Hara Thomson, Heather Grey, Mary C Thomson, Heather Thomson, Heather Hamerton-Kelly, Robert G Hampson, Daphne Thomson, Heather Kirby, Margaret Australian theologies: themes and methodologies into the third millenium In the embrace of God: feminist approaches to theological anthropology Beyond the dark night: a way forward for the church? Sacred violence: Paul's hermeneutic of the cross Swallowing a fishbone? Feminist theologians debate Christianity My body, my blood Thomson, Heather MacArthur, Brian no.187, 2001: 42. Thomson, Heather McGrath, A E Thomson, Heather Porter, Muriel The Penguin book of twentieth-century speeches Iustitia Dei: a history of the Christian doctrine of justification Sex, marriage, and the church Thomson, Heather Schnelle, Udo no.171, Spring 1997: 31-32. Thomson, Heather Sherlock, Charles The human condition: anthropology in the teachings of Jesus The doctrine of humanity Thomson, Heather Storkey, Elaine no.189, 2002: 39-40. Thomson, Heather Tarnas, Richard Thwaites, Michael Lean, Garth Created or constructed? The great gender debate The passion of the western mind: understanding the ideas that have shapedm our world view Frank Buchman: a life Weber, Hans-Ruedi no.213, Aug 2010: 90-93. no.45, Aug 1966: 33-34. no.97, Mar 1979: 43-44. no.167, Spring 1996: 41-42. no.15, Feb 1959: 29-30. no.139, Spring 1989: 39. no.186, 2001: 36. no.179a, Spring 1999: 41. no.171, Spring 1997: 30. no.180, Summer 2000: 50-51. no.164, Summer 1996: 33. no.188, 2002: 36-37. no.169, Autumn 1997: 31. no.174, Winter 1998: 37-38. no.156, Summer 1994: 41. no.167, Spring 1996: 35. no.168, Summer 1997: 36-37. no.192, 2003: 44-45. no.166, Winter 1996: 35-36. no.172, Summer 1998: 39-40. no.159, Spring 1994: 36-37. no.131, Sept 1987: 47-49. Reviewer Author Title Citation Tippett, Alan R Garrett, John no.115, Sept 1983: 33-35. Tippett, Alan R Hilliard, David Tolliday, Phillip W Nichols, Aidan Tolliday, Phillip W Schaeffler, Richard Tolliday, Phillip W Taylor, Mark C + To live among the stars: Christian origins in Oceania God's gentlemen: a history of the Melanesian Mission 1849-1942 A key to Balthasar: Hans Urs von Balthasar on beauty, goodness, and truth Reason and the question of God: an introduction to the philosophy of religion Grave matters Trompf, G W Gould, Stephen Jay no.104, Dec 1980: 56-57. Trompf, G W Green, Michael Ever since darwin: reflections in natural history Evangelism in the early church Trompf, G W Revelation as history no.62, Nov 1970: 23-24. Trompf, G W Pannenberg, Wolfhart Reeves, Marjorie no.68, May 1972: 35-36. Trompf, G W Thorpe, W H Trompf, G W Young, Norman Turley, Lyall Heiss, R L + The influence of prophecy in the later Middle Ages: a study in Joachimism Purpose in a world of change: a biologist's view History and existential theology: the role of history in the thought of Rudolf Bultmann Can man care for the earth? Twohig, Brian Schoonenberg, Piet The Christ no.75, Sept 1973: 30. Tye, Dominic Ross, Kenneth Hearing confessions no.86, June 1976: 54-55. Uemura, Daniel Knox, John no.14, Nov 1958: 28-30. Uemura, Daniel Mascall, E L The early church and the coming great church The recovery of unity: a theological approach Underhill, Michael Banks, Robert The tyranny of time no.120, Dec 1984: 40-42. Varcoe, Gillian Best, Thomas F + no.201, 2006: 40. Vockler, J C Lawton, Colin Vockler, J C Smith, H Maynard Worship today: understanding, practice, ecumenical implications Christians living together: report of the Conference of Christian Renewal, South Australia, 1963 Pre-Reformation England Waddell, Richard Wetherell, David + Camilla - C H Wedgwood, 1901-1955: a life no.143, Spring 1990: 37-38. Wardle, Patience McKeown, P J no.101, Mar 1980: 32-34. Ware, Helen Callahan, Daniel Deo, ecclesiae, patriae: fifty years of Canberra Grammar School Abortion: law choice and morality Ware, Helen Noonan, J T no.65, Aug 1971: 27-30. Warner, Jim Lennan, Richard The morality of abortion: legal and historical perspectives An introduction to Catholic theology Warner, Jim Wood, W Jay no.181, Autumn 2000: 34-36. Warnken, Russell Casey, Thomas G + Epistemology: becoming intellectually virtuous Paul's Jewish matrix Warnken, Russell Holland, Jonathan Jesus unbound: the story of Jesus of Nazareth no.207, Mar 2009: 89-91. Warnken, Russell Kraybill, Donald + no.215, Feb 2011: 119-121. Warnken, Russell Richardson, Neil Warnken, Russell Robertson, C K Warren, C A [anon] Amish grace: how forgiveness transcended tragedy Paul for to-day: new perspectives on a controversial apostle Conversations with scripture: the Acts of the Apostles Frontier: a quarterly Warren, C A [anon] no.44, May 1966: 30. Warren, C A [anon] Historicity and chronology in the New Testament On the authority of the Bible Warren, C A The church's ministry of healing no.18, Nov 1959: 28-29. Warren, C A Archbishops' Commission Barrett, C K Jesus and the gospel tradition no.51, Feb 1968: 29-31. Warren, C A Barry, F R Mervyn Haigh no.38, Nov 1964: 31-32. Warren, C A Bates, M Searle + The prospects of Christianity throughout the world no.39, Feb 1965: 28-29. no.96, Dec 1978: 38. no.220, May 2012: 111-114. no.187, 2001: 43-44. no.194, 2003: 43-45. no.65, Aug 1971: 40-41. no.104, Dec 1980: 56-57. no.62, Nov 1970: 23-24. no.70, Sept 1972: 36-37. no.13, Aug 1958: 30-31. no.34, Nov 1963: 32-33. no.42, Nov 1965: 29-30. no.65, Aug 1971: 27-30. no.180, Summer 2000: 48-50. no.223, Feb 2013: 111-113. no.212, May 2010: 163-165. no.218, Nov 2011: 113-115. no.27, Feb 1962: 35. no.21, Aug 1960: 27-28. Reviewer Author Title Citation Warren, C A Boulton, Walter Marriage no.34, Nov 1963: 31-32. Warren, C A Brady, F H J The real presence no.25, Aug 1961: 40. Warren, C A Cadbury, H J The making of Luke-Acts no.15, Feb 1959: 7. Warren, C A Cairns, David In remembrance of me no.48, May 1967: 34-35. Warren, C A Cantor, Norman F Ideas and institutions in western civilisation no.39, Feb 1965: 27-28. Warren, C A Chapman, Raymond no.19, Feb 1960: 27. Warren, C A Dodd, C H Religious drama: a handbook for actors and producers According to the scriptures Warren, C A Fenton, J C The passion according to John no.24, May 1961: 34-35. Warren, C A Forsyth, P T The work of Christ no.42, Nov 1965: 27-29. Warren, C A Gilkes, A N The impact of the Dead Sea scrolls no.33, Aug 1963: 28-29. Warren, C A Griffiths, Bede The golden string no.42, Nov 1965: 27-29. Warren, C A Hammond, Peter Liturgy and architecture no.23, Feb 1961: 26-27. Warren, C A Houlden, J L 6s and under no.20, May 1960: 28-29. Warren, C A Hughes, H Trevor The piety of Jeremy Taylor no.21, Aug 1960: 30. Warren, C A Hurd, John C The origin of 1 Corinthians no.43, Feb 1966: 32-34. Warren, C A Jasper, Ronald C D no.26, Nov 1961: 25-26. Warren, C A Jenkins, David Arthur Cayley Headlam: life and letters of a bishop Guide to the debate about God Warren, C A Judge, E A no.20, May 1960: 29-31. Warren, C A Knox, John The social pattern of Christian groups in the first century Life in Christ Jesus Warren, C A Kolarz, Walter Religion in the Soviet Union no.27, Feb 1962: 31-32. Warren, C A Lace, O Jessie Understanding the New Testament no.44, May 1966: 31. Warren, C A Manktelow, M R J no.26, Nov 1961: 28. Warren, C A Miller, Keith Forbes Robinson, disciple of love: letters and addresses The taste of new wine Warren, C A Montefiore, Hugh Remarriage and mixed marriage no.49, Aug 1967: 34-35. Warren, C A Moorman, John R H The path to glory no.24, May 1961: 33. Warren, C A Neale, John Ember prayer no.41, Aug 1965: 33. Warren, C A Neil, William The Bible companion no.20, May 1960: 26-27. Warren, C A Northcott, Hubert Man, God and prayer no.19, Feb 1960: 26-27. Warren, C A Pawley, B C no.45, Aug 1966: 32. Warren, C A Price, Derek Anglican-Roman relations and the second Vatican Council Unity in itself? Warren, C A Ramsey, A M no.57, Aug 1969: 32. Warren, C A Relton, H Maurice God, Christ and the world: a study in contemporary theology Studies in Christian doctrine Warren, C A Robin, A de Q Charles Perry, Bishop of Melbourne no.52, May 1968: 31-32. Warren, C A Taylor, Vincent no.28, May 1962: 29-30. Warren, C A Temple, William The text of the New Testament: a short introduction Readings in St John's gospel Warren, C A Vaughan, B N Y no.53, Aug 1968: 28-29. Warren, C A Wand, J W C Wealth, peace and Godliness: a Christian study of world renewal The church today Warren, C A West, Frank Sparrows of the spirit no.26, Nov 1961: 27. Warren, C A Wyon, Olive no.44, May 1966: 32. Waters, S P Inge, W R Webb, L C Truman, Tom Desire for God: a study of three spiritual classics The awakening of the soul: unpublished lectures on mysticism Catholic action and politics Welsh, Chris Pickard, Stephen In-between God no.225, Aug 2013: 146-148. White, Jo Brain, Matthew + no.219, Feb 2012: 105-108. Whittall, Chris Ebeling, Gerhard Me too!: planning, starting and running a ministry with children The study of theology no.42, Nov 1965: 27-29. no.45, Aug 1966: 19-24. no.33, Aug 1963: 26-27. no.54, Nov 1968: 31-32. no.33, Aug 1963: 29-30. no.22, Nov 1960: 24-25. no.26, Nov 1961: 28. no.21, Aug 1960: 22-24. no.23, Feb 1961: 28-29. no.19, Feb 1960: 28-30. no.103, Sept 1980: 38. Reviewer Author Title Citation Whittall, Chris Weber, Hans-Ruedi The cross: tradition and interpretation no.102, June 1980: 45-46. WickramaratneRebera, Ranjini Wilcox, David P Cullinan, Colleen Carpenter Wainwright, Arthur no.201, 2006: 43-44. Wild, Peter Robertson, John A T Redeeming the story: women, suffering, and Christ Beyond Biblical criticism: encountering Jesus in scripture The body: a study in Pauline theology Wilkinson, Alan Gill, Peter no.68, May 1972: 28-29. Williams, Ian S Haring, Hermann + Drops in the ocean: the work of Oxfam 19601970 Hans Kung: his work and his way Williams, Ian S Hick, John The myth of God incarnate no.93, Mar 1978: 51-53. Williams, Ian S Kung, Hans The Christian challenge no.100, Dec 1979: 39-40. Williams, Ian S Miranda, Jose P no.113, Mar 1983: 28. Williams, Roy Frame, Tom Marx against the Marxists: the Christian humanism of Karl Marx Losing my religion: unbelief in Australia Williams, Roy Heenan, David The skeptic's guide to God no.213, Aug 2010: 79-81. Williams, Roy Ogden, Steven no.209, Sept 2009: 100-102. Williamson, Ray Engel, Frank I met God in Bermuda: faith in the twentyfirst century Australian Christians in conflict and unity Williamson, Ray Goosen, Gideon no.223, Feb 2013: 101-103. Willis, D Lonergan, Bernard Hyphenated Christians: towards a better understanding of dual religious belonging Method in theology Willis, D Persson, Per Erik no.64, May 1971: 27-28. Willson, Robert Bailey, Ivor Sacra doctrina, reason and revelation in Aquinas Prate, prattle or preach Willson, Robert Baker, D W A Days of wrath: a life of John Dunmore Lang Willson, Robert Bayton, John Anglican spirituality no.123/124, Sept/Dec 1985: 8081. no.114, June 1983: 39. Willson, Robert Campbell, Alastair V A dictionary of pastoral care no.133, Mar 1988: 37. Willson, Robert Chadwick, Owen no.118, June 1984: 53-54. Willson, Robert Colquhoun, Frank Hensley Henson: a study in the friction between church and state Preaching on favourite hymns Willson, Robert Cooper, Austin Julian of Norwich: reflections on sacred texts no.127, Sept 1986: 43. Willson, Robert du Boulay, Shirley The voice of the voiceless no.138, Winter 1989: 37. Willson, Robert Eagle, Dorothy + The Oxford literary guide to the British Isles no.95, Sept 1978: 41. Willson, Robert Edwards, David L + Essentials: a liberal-evangelical dialogue no.141, Autumn 1990: 40. Willson, Robert Edwards, David L Your faith no.98, June 1979: 65-66. Willson, Robert Erricker, Clive no.135, Spring 1988: 39. Willson, Robert Evans, A G Willson, Robert Galbraith, Douglas Teaching Christianity: a world religions approach The conscious stone: a biography of John C Hawes Worship in the wide red land Willson, Robert Handley, Paul + no.135, Spring 1988: 44. Willson, Robert Hardy, Graham W Willson, Robert Hennell, Michael The English spirit: the Little Gidding anthology of English spirituality Living stones: the story of St Stephen's, Sydney Sons of the prophets Willson, Robert Hewitt, Gordon no.126, June 1986: 40. Willson, Robert Willson, Robert Hylson-Smith, Kenneth Lough, A G Strategist for the Spirit: Leslie Hunter, Bishop of Sheffield 1939-1962 Evangelicals in the Church of England, 17341984 Dr Pusey, restorer of the church Willson, Robert Lough, A G John Mason Neale, priest extraordinary no.130, June 1987: 44-45. Willson, Robert MacGinty, Gerard no.135, Spring 1988: 44. Willson, Robert Marshall, Michael Today we celebrate: the saints and their message for us The Anglican Church today and tomorrow Willson, Robert Mayne, Michael Encounters: exploring Christian faith no.129, Mar 1987: 53. Willson, Robert Milgate, Wesley Songs of the people of God: a companion to the Australian Hymn Book no.127, Sept 1986: 46. no.115, Sept 1983: 28-29. no.170, Winter 1997: 35-36. no.106, June 1981: 59-60. no.211, Feb 2010: 104-107. no.141, Autumn 1990: 41-43. no.72, Mar 1973: 31-32. no.136, Summer 1989: 43. no.130, June 1987: 45. no.128, Dec 1986: 51. no.126, June 1986: 42. no.130, June 1987: 49-50. no.103, Sept 1980: 38-39. no.139, Spring 1989: 37. no.121, Mar 1985: 46-47. no.122, June 1985: 33. Reviewer Author Title Citation Willson, Robert Moorman, John R H The Anglican spiritual tradition no.116, Dec 1983: 29-30. Willson, Robert Morris, Leon no.132, Dec 1987: 44-45. Willson, Robert Mott, Michael Reflections on the gospel of John, volume 1: the word made flesh, John 1-5 The seven mountains of Thomas Merton Willson, Robert Newbigin, Lesslie Unfinished agenda: an autobiography Willson, Robert Newton, John A Search for a saint: Edward King no.123/124, Sept/Dec 1985: 7172. no.133, Mar 1988: 37-38. Willson, Robert Pawley, Margaret Donald Coggan: servant of Christ no.136, Summer 1989: 44. Willson, Robert Peart-Binns, John S Graham Leonard, Bishop of London no.138, Winter 1989: 36. Willson, Robert Pooley, Roger + no.133, Mar 1988: 39. Willson, Robert Priestland, Gerald The Lord of the journey: a reader in Christian spirituality The case against God Willson, Robert Ramson, W S The Australian national dictionary no.138, Winter 1989: 39-40. Willson, Robert Rawlins, Clive E William Barclay: the authorised biography no.132, Dec 1987: 44. Willson, Robert Renfrey, L E W no.139, Spring 1989: 37. Willson, Robert Rowell, Geoffrey Willson, Robert Sell, Alan P F Willson, Robert Townsend, Ralph Arthur Nutter thomas, Bishop of Adelaide, 1906-1940 Tradition renewed: the Oxford Movement Conference papers Defending and declaring the faith: some Scottish examples, 1860-1920 Faith, prayer and devotion Willson, Robert Wetherell, David Willson, Robert Whale, John The New Guinea diaries of Philip Strong, 1936-1945 One church, one Lord no.123/124, Sept/Dec 1985: 8182. no.105, Mar 1981: 44-45. Willson, Robert Whittle, Tyler no.136, Summer 1989: 38. Withycombe, Robert Barnes, Timothy D Solid joys and lasting treasure: an historical companion to many favourite hymns Constantine and Eusebius Withycombe, Robert Beales, Derek + no.126, June 1986: 40-41. Withycombe, Robert Broome, Richard Withycombe, Robert Butterfield, Herbert History, society and the churches: essays in honour of Owen Chadwick Treasure in earthen vessels: Protestant Christianity in New South Wales society, 1900-1914 The orgins of history Withycombe, Robert Collins, Paul no.183, Spring 2000: 40-41. Withycombe, Robert Colloms, Brenda Upon this rock: the Popes and their changing role Charles Kingsley: the lion of Eversley Withycombe, Robert Edwards, Benjamin no.207, Mar 2009: 97-98. Withycombe, Robert Edwards, David L Withycombe, Robert Edwards, David L Withycombe, Robert Hempenstall, Peter Withycombe, Robert Hilliard, David Withycombe, Robert Kee, Alistair Withycombe, Robert Lineham, P J + Withycombe, Robert Manwaring, Randle Withycombe, Robert Moses, John A + Withycombe, Robert Moynihan, Michael Withycombe, Robert Robin, A de Q WASPS, tykes and ecumaniacs: aspects of Australian sectarianism 1945-81 Christian England, volume 2: from the Reformation to the 18th century Christian England, volume 3: from the 18th century to the First World War The meddlesome priest: a life of Ernest Burgmann Godliness and good order: a history of the Anglican Church in South Australia Constantine versus Christ: the triumph of ideology Religious history of New Zealand: a bibliography From controversy to coexistence: evangelicals in the Church of England 19141980 From Oxford to the bush: essays in Catholic Anglicanism in Australia: centenary essays from the Church chronicle, 1932-33 God on our side: the British padre in World War I Mathew Blagden Hall: a life of an Australian pioneer Bishop no.128, Dec 1986: 52. no.126, June 1986: 38. no.130, June 1987: 48. no.134, Winter 1988: 39-40. no.126, June 1986: 44-45. no.113, Mar 1983: 29-30. no.106, June 1981: 54-55. no.120, Dec 1984: 43. no.92, Dec 1977: 33-34. no.121, Mar 1985: 48-51. no.126, June 1986: 37-38. no.155, Spring 1993: 43-44. no.130, June 1987: 49. no.113, Mar 1983: 29-30. no.119, Sept 1984: 44. no.130, June 1987: 47-48. no.173, Autumn 1998: 38-40. no.123/124, Sept/Dec 1985: 8284. no.92, Dec 1977: 24-25. Reviewer Author Title Citation Withycombe, Robert Stevenson, J no.133, Mar 1988: 38. Withycombe, Robert Wright, J Robert Withycombe, Robert Yates, Nigel Withycombe, Susan Mary Withycombe, Susan Mary Withycombe, Susan Mary Wood, F L W Kelly, J N D A new Eusebius: documents illustrating the history of the church to AD 337 Lift high the cross: the Oxford Movement 1833 to 1983 The Oxford Movement and the Anglican ritualism Jerome: his life, writings and controveries Reeson, Margaret Currency lass no.128, Dec 1986: 50-51. Shank, Lillian Thomas + Clark, Manning no.135, Spring 1988: 43-44. Woodhouse, H F Wainwright, G Medieval religious women, volume 2: peace weavers A discovery of Australia: the 1976 Boyer Lectures Doxolgy: a systematic theology Woods, Frank Styles, Lawrie Direction signs to an achievable future no.115, Sept 1983: 25-26. Woods, Ted Brown, Colin no.89, Mar 1977: 48. Woods, Ted Nineham, Dennis The new international dictionary of New Testament theology The use and abuse of the Bible Woods, Ted Sandmel, Samuel no.94, June 1978: 41. Yapp, G A Eccles, John C A Jewish understanding of the New Testament The human mystery: the Gifford Lectures Young, David Barbour, Ian no.68, May 1972: 31-32. Young, David Gilkey, Langdon Science and secularity: the ethics of technology Religion and the scientific future Young, David Jeeves, M A The scientific enterprise and Christian faith no.62, Nov 1970: 31-32. Young, David Schilling, Harold K no.82, June 1975: 29-31. Young, David Westermann, Claus The new consciousness in science and religion Creation Young, David Young, Norman Creator, creation and faith no.90, June 1977: 52-53. no.128, Dec 1986: 48-49. no.128, Dec 1986: 48-49. no.95, Sept 1978: 37-38. no.91, Sept 1977: 51-52. no.111, Sept 1982: 53-54. no.95, Sept 1978: 41-42. no.104, Dec 1980: 57-58. no.65, Aug 1971: 25-26. no.80, Dec 1974: 45-46.
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