Dabur India Ltd - PhillipCapital
Dabur India Ltd - PhillipCapital
INSTITUTIONAL EQUITY RESEARCH Dabur India Ltd (DABUR IN) Nepal border issue resolution is a key positive 10 February 2016 INDIA | FMCG | Company Update Dabur’s recent price correction is largely due to supply issues for Real juices with the Nepal border blockade, and rising competitive pressures from Patanjali. With the Nepal border blockade issue resolved, Dabur said that the supply of fruit juices from its Nepal factory would resume soon. The resolution is a key positive, as it comes at the cusp of peak-season (summer) demand. The management believes it will not see a shortage of fruit-juice supply in the summer, which will help recoup lost sales. We have marginally upgraded our estimates for the foods segment for FY17 because of an earlier-than-expected resolution of supply issues. About rising competition from Patanjali, we believe that Dabur will in fact benefit (as it is well positioned to capitalise) from the subsequent surge in ayurvedic products. We maintain Buy with a target of Rs 285 (unchanged). BUY (Maintain) Juices overhang now past: Dabur’s foods segment (c.13% of revenues) is primarily driven by fruit juices. In Q3, the segment’s revenue fell 24% yoy on the Nepal border blockade. Dabur’s Nepal fruit juice plant produces its popular Real mixed fruit juice and some other variants. The onset of summer from February-March with demand peaking in April-May will mean that channel filling activity will happen by the end of Q4FY16 and beginning of Q1FY17. Q4FY16 and Q1FY17 numbers could beat expectations because trade channels are relatively light on inventory. SHARE HOLDING PATTERN, % Patanjali concerns are overdone: Dabur competes with Patanjali in toothpaste, honey, chyawanprash, digestives, and hair care. While Patanjali has been successful in oral care, Dabur also has managed to deliver strong growth in the category (24%/28%/15% yoy in Q1/Q2/Q3). In chyawanprash and digestives, Dabur’s position is much stronger and it has a fairly long history of above-market growth. Patanjali’s success rate in hair care is questionable because the category is dominated by Indian brands with a longer history. The only major area of disruption that we see is honey – however, honey is a relatively small category for Dabur (we estimate ~Rs 3bn market size with Dabur’s share at 75%) and Patanjali’s impact in honey (if any) is unlikely to be significant. ABS REL TO BSE Highest volume growth sensitivity to advertising spends: While its operating environment has been quite challenging, Dabur has maintained brand investments at relatively high levels. In the first nine months of FY16, its adverting spends were 15.3% vs. the last five-year average of 13.5%. With significantly higher sensitivity of volume growth to advertising spends, Dabur’s volume growth will bounce back over the next 12 months. International business revival provides a fillip: Dabur’s international business is gaining traction with its Namaste business reviving. This provides more visibility on improving growth prospects. We estimate the international business to deliver a healthy 15% CAGR over FY16-18, higher than our estimate of the Indian FMCG sector’s CAGR of 12%. Valuation and outlook: Dabur is currently trading at 29x FY17 earnings, a significant discount to its sector valuation of 35x. The discount is attributable to concerns of rising competition and impact of juices. As concerns will wane with improving operating performance, the stock is more likely to rerate over the medium term. We maintain our Buy recommendation on the stock with an unchanged price target of Rs 285 (30x FY18 earnings). CMP RS 244 TARGET RS 285 (+17%) COMPANY DATA O/S SHARES (MN) : MARKET CAP (RSBN) : MARKET CAP (USDBN) : 52 - WK HI/LO (RS) : LIQUIDITY 3M (USDMN) : PAR VALUE (RS) : Sep 15 68.1 21.4 4.4 1.7 4.8 PROMOTERS : FII / NRI : FI / MF : NON PRO : PUBLIC & OTHERS : Jun 15 68.2 21.6 4.6 1.6 4.5 Mar 15 68.2 21.4 4.7 1.6 4.6 PRICE PERFORMANCE, % 1MTH -7.6 -4.0 3MTH -6.8 1.2 1YR -4.8 10.1 PRICE VS. SENSEX 180 140 100 60 Apr-14 Oct-14 Apr-15 Oct-15 Dabur Key Financials Rs mn Net Sales EBIDTA Net Profit EPS, Rs PER, x EV/EBIDTA, x PBV, X ROE, % Debt/Equity (%) BSE Sensex FY16E 83,780 15,307 12,674 7.2 33.8 27.9 5.1 31.0 17.9 FY17E FY18E 95,353 108,213 17,658 20,264 14,537 16,431 8.3 9.4 29.5 25.9 23.8 20.4 4.4 3.8 29.7 28.5 15.0 12.7 Source: PhillipCapital India Research Est. Naveen Kulkarni, CFA, FRM (+ 9122 6667 9947) Jubil Jain (+ 9122 6667 9766) Page | 1 | PHILLIPCAPITAL INDIA RESEARCH 1759 437 6.4 317 / 232 5.2 1 DABUR INDIA LTD COMPANY UPDATE Dabur vs. Patanjali While Patanjali’s Dant Kanti is available at a discount to Dabur’s Red and Meswak, Dabur’s toothpaste portfolio has performed remarkably well (24%/28%/15% yoy growth in Q1/Q2/Q3) and Patanjali’s market share gains in toothpaste have come at the cost of other players. Patanjali’s honey is available at a steep discount to Dabur’s. Market share loss is possible for Dabur. Dabur has a comparatively superior chyawanprash portfolio and product quality compared with Patanjali Page | 2 | PHILLIPCAPITAL INDIA RESEARCH DABUR INDIA LTD COMPANY UPDATE Pricing of Dabur and Patanjali in hair oil is competitive Pricing of Dabur and Patanjali in hair shampoo category is competitive Price comparison of Dabur and Patanjali products Product Normalised wt./vol Q4FY15 Q4FY16 Dabur Dabur Dabur Patanjali 100 g 100 g 100 g 100 g 24 45 47 35 24 47 49 40 Dabur Patanjali 500g 500g 152 115 148 125 Patanjali Patanjali 500g 500g 195 130 199 135 Dabur Dabur Dabur Patanjali Patanjali 100 ml 100 ml 100 ml 100 ml 100 ml 56 47 58 33 50 33 56 47 60 33 50 Dabur Patanjali 100 ml 100 ml 55 47 56 48 Toothpaste Babool Dabur Red Meswak Patanjali Dant Kanti Chyawanprash Dabur chyawanprash Patanjali Chyawanprash Kesar special Honey Dabur Honey Patanjali Honey Hair Oil Dabur Anmol Gold coconut oil Vatika coconut oil Dabur Amla Dabur Almond Patanjali Coconut Oil Patanjali Almond oil Shampoo Dabur Vatika Black Shine Amla Patanjali Kesh Kanti Shikakai Source: Companies, PhillipCapital India Research Page | 3 | PHILLIPCAPITAL INDIA RESEARCH DABUR INDIA LTD COMPANY UPDATE Dabur has the highest volume growth sensitivity to brand investments Volume growth vs. ad spends/gross profit (FY11-15 average) 14% Bajaj Corp Emami 12% Volume growth Dabur 10% Average 8% Bajaj Corp, Dabur, Emami, and Colgate have a high volume growth profile, but Dabur is more efficient in ad spends due to lower A&P/gross profit ratio Colgate Marico Britannia HUL 6% 4% Nestle 2% 0% 0.0% 5.0% 10.0% 15.0% 20.0% 25.0% 30.0% A&P to Gross Profit ratio Volume growth vs. growth sensitivity to A&P spends** (FY11-15 average) Combining both charts, we see that Dabur has highest efficiency in A&P spends because it has lower A&P/GP ratio and high growth sensitivity to ad spends 14% Bajaj Corp Volume growth 12% Emami Colgate 10% Dabur Average Britannia 8% Marico HUL 6% 4% Nestle 2% 0% 0.0% 20.0% 40.0% 60.0% 80.0% 100.0% 120.0% Growth sensitivity to A&P spends Source: Companies, PhillipCapital India Research ** Growth sensitivity to ad spends is defined as the ratio of volume growth to A&P spends growth (5-year CAGR) Page | 4 | PHILLIPCAPITAL INDIA RESEARCH DABUR INDIA LTD COMPANY UPDATE Category performance Q4FY13 Q1FY14 Q2FY14 Q3FY14 Q4FY14 Q1FY15 Q2FY15 Q3FY15 Q4FY15 Q1FY16 Q2FY16 Q3FY16 Growth rates Markets Domestic International (reported currency) International (constant currency) 15.1 11.6 - 13.2 17.4 - 14.4 25.8 13.8 14.0 26.0 - 14.0 19.7 - 12.5 18.5 12.4 13.8 8.3 20.4 3.6 12.1 7.0 8.8 11.6 9.2 7.4 8.8 8.8 6.4 (2.5) 14.8 13.3 Categories Health Supplements Digestives OTC & Ethicals Hair Care Home Care Oral Care Skin Care Foods 22.6 1.3 13.7 9.6 33.3 12.3 11.1 22.6 7.5 15.1 11.8 11.8 25.8 8.6 12.7 18.7 16.8 11.9 11.2 4.0 25.3 18.7 17.4 22.0 19.5 17.7 13.2 6.9 16.0 10.4 13.4 18.0 18.0 23.0 11.0 6.0 13.0 17.0 10.0 21.0 21.6 11.3 4.4 8.4 14.7 8.0 4.4 21.6 10.1 12.3 7.5 13.9 10.2 8.1 9.7 29.0 13.5 11.6 8.8 12.1 16.2 11.3 4.0 11.8 13.0 11.0 7.7 7.4 12.1 11.6 16.6 19.6 1.2 1.7 16.7 12.7 12.0 17.5 5.2 15.5 9.0 1.6 10.8 9.4 12.4 18.7 2.2 2.4 (7.1) (2.4) 7.5 2.0 8.4 10.5 9.5 (23.7) Contribution to consolidated Turnover Markets Domestic International Others 70.0 30.0 - 68.0 32.0 - 65.0 35.0 - 70.0 30.0 - 70.0 30.0 - 65.0 35.0 - 66.0 34.0 - 69.0 28.0 3.0 68.0 29.0 3.0 64.0 33.0 3.0 63.0 33.0 4.0 65.0 31.0 4.0 Contribution to Domestic Turnover Categories Health Supplements Digestives OTC & Ethicals Hair Care Home Care Oral Care Skin Care Foods 16.6 5.5 9.5 23.7 5.5 13.4 4.7 15.6 12.0 6.0 8.3 24.0 6.0 13.5 5.3 20.0 16.3 6.0 9.4 22.6 7.1 15.5 5.1 16.5 24.6 4.8 9.9 20.2 5.6 12.6 5.2 13.5 17.2 6.0 9.2 22.1 5.5 13.8 4.6 16.6 13.5 6.2 8.0 24.1 6.4 13.5 5.1 22.5 16.0 6.0 9.0 23.0 7.0 15.0 5.0 19.0 26.0 5.0 10.0 21.0 6.0 13.0 5.0 14.0 17.0 7.0 9.0 23.0 6.0 14.0 5.0 19.0 12.0 6.0 9.0 25.0 6.0 14.0 5.0 23.0 16.0 6.0 10.0 23.0 7.0 16.0 4.0 18.0 25.0 6.0 11.0 21.0 6.0 14.0 6.0 11.0 Source: Company PhillipCapital India Research Page | 5 | PHILLIPCAPITAL INDIA RESEARCH DABUR INDIA LTD COMPANY UPDATE One-year forward P/E band 400 Rs EV/EBITDA band 40x 350 700000 Rs mn 30x 600000 30x 300 250 20x 200 150 10x 100 24x 500000 400000 18x 300000 12x 200000 50 100000 0 0 Source: PhillipCapital India Research Estimates Change in Estimates (Rs mn) Net Sales EBITDA Adj PAT Adj EPS (Rs) Earlier estimates FY16E FY17E 83,407 94,950 15,034 17,359 12,452 14,320 7.1 8.2 Source: PhillipCapital India Research Estimates Page | 6 | PHILLIPCAPITAL INDIA RESEARCH Revised estimates FY16E FY17E 83,780 95,353 15,307 17,658 12,674 14,537 7.2 8.3 Upgrade/(downgrade) (%) FY16E FY17E 0.4 0.4 1.8 1.7 1.8 1.5 1.8 1.5 DABUR INDIA LTD COMPANY UPDATE Financials Income Statement Cash Flow FY15 78,064 10.7 208 78,272 -37,201 -27,907 13,164 13.5 16.9 -1,150 12,014 13.1 15.4 -401 1,581 13,193 -2,509 10,684 10,658 16.5 10,658 1,757 1,757 FY16E 83,780 7.3 196 83,976 -37,272 -31,397 15,307 16.3 18.3 -1,288 14,019 16.7 16.7 -467 2,121 15,673 -2,986 12,688 12,674 18.9 12,674 1,757 1,757 Y/E Mar, Rs mn Cash & bank Debtors Inventory Loans & advances Total current assets Investments Gross fixed assets Less: Depreciation Add: Capital WIP Net fixed assets Total assets FY15 2,760 7,964 9,733 3,198 23,655 18,134 25,409 -6,638 503 19,274 61,345 FY16E 8,831 8,378 10,172 2,996 30,377 18,134 27,912 -7,926 0 19,986 68,779 FY17E 16,249 9,535 11,081 2,996 39,862 18,134 30,012 -9,321 0 20,691 78,968 FY18E 18,832 9,038 12,044 2,996 42,910 18,134 32,212 -10,835 0 21,377 82,703 Current liabilities Total current liabilities Non-current liabilities Total liabilities Paid-up capital Reserves & surplus Shareholders’ equity Total equity & liabilities 19,417 19,417 8,205 27,622 1,757 31,785 33,723 61,345 19,507 19,507 8,205 27,712 1,757 39,115 41,067 68,779 21,615 21,615 8,205 29,820 1,757 47,181 49,149 78,968 16,608 16,608 8,205 24,813 1,757 55,905 57,890 82,703 Y/E Mar, Rs mn Net sales Growth, % Other income Total income Raw material expenses Other Operating expenses EBITDA (Core) Growth, % Margin, % Depreciation EBIT Growth, % Margin, % Interest paid Other Non-Operating Income Pre-tax profit Tax provided Profit after tax Net Profit Growth, % Net Profit (adjusted) Unadj. shares (m) Wtd avg shares (m) FY17E FY18E 95,353 108,213 13.8 13.5 225 259 95,578 108,472 -42,144 -47,692 -35,777 -40,516 17,658 20,264 15.4 14.8 18.5 18.7 -1,394 -1,514 16,264 18,750 16.0 15.3 17.1 17.3 -469 -659 2,397 2,708 18,191 20,799 -3,638 -4,368 14,554 16,431 14,538 16,431 14.7 13.0 14,537 16,431 1,757 1,744 1,757 1,744 Balance Sheet Source: Company, PhillipCapital India Research Estimates Page | 7 | PHILLIPCAPITAL INDIA RESEARCH Y/E Mar, Rs mn Pre-tax profit Depreciation Chg in working capital Total tax paid Other operating activities Cash flow from operating activities Capital expenditure Chg in investments Cash flow from investing activities Free cash flow Equity raised/(repaid) Debt raised/(repaid) Dividend (incl. tax) Cash flow from financing activities Net chg in cash FY15 13,193 1,150 -919 -2,527 -936 9,961 -2,538 -7,369 -9,907 55 1,212 254 -4,609 -3,147 -3,092 FY16E FY17E FY18E 15,673 18,191 20,799 1,288 1,394 1,514 -561 41 -5,473 -2,986 -3,638 -4,368 -1,524 -1,656 0 11,890 14,332 12,472 -2,000 -2,098 -2,200 0 0 0 -2,000 -2,098 -2,200 9,890 12,234 10,272 700 800 900 0 0 0 -3,884 -5,828 -6,994 -3,184 -5,028 -6,077 6,707 7,206 4,196 Valuation Ratios Per Share data EPS (INR) Growth, % Book NAV/share (INR) FDEPS (INR) CEPS (INR) CFPS (INR) DPS (INR) Return ratios Return on assets (%) Return on equity (%) Return on capital employed (%) Turnover ratios Asset turnover (x) Sales/Total assets (x) Sales/Net FA (x) Working capital/Sales (x) Fixed capital/Sales (x) Working capital days Liquidity ratios Current ratio (x) Quick ratio (x) Interest cover (x) Dividend cover (x) Total debt/Equity (%) Net debt/Equity (%) Valuation PER (x) Price/Book (x) Yield (%) EV/Net sales (x) EV/EBITDA (x) EV/EBIT (x) FY15 FY16E FY17E FY18E 6.1 15.7 19.1 6.1 6.7 5.3 2.6 7.2 18.9 23.3 7.2 7.9 6.4 2.0 8.3 14.7 27.9 8.3 9.1 7.7 2.8 9.4 13.9 33.1 9.4 10.3 5.6 3.4 19.1 31.8 28.6 20.0 31.0 28.5 20.1 29.7 27.9 20.8 28.5 27.3 4.2 1.4 4.2 0.0 0.6 6.9 4.1 1.3 4.3 0.0 8.9 4.4 1.3 4.7 0.0 7.6 4.3 1.3 5.1 0.1 25.2 1.2 0.7 29.9 2.3 21.9 1.6 1.0 30.0 3.6 17.9 1.8 1.3 34.6 2.6 1.9 28.4 15.0 12.7 40.2 12.8 1.1 5.5 32.9 36.1 33.8 10.5 0.8 5.1 27.9 30.5 29.5 8.8 25.9 7.4 4.4 23.8 25.8 3.8 20.4 22.1 DABUR INDIA LTD COMPANY UPDATE Stock Price, Price Target and Rating History 350 300 B (TP 315) B (TP 300) B (TP 342) B (TP 325) B (TP 310) B (TP 285) 250 B (TP 265) B (TP 225) 200 B (TP 205) B (TP 196) B (TP 170) 150 100 50 F-13 M-13 M-13 J-13 A-13 S-13 N-13 D-13 F-14 M-14 M-14 J-14 A-14 S-14 N-14 D-14 F-15 M-15 M-15 J-15 A-15 S-15 N-15 D-15 Rating Methodology We rate stock on absolute return basis. Our target price for the stocks has an investment horizon of one year. Rating Criteria Definition BUY >= +15% Target price is equal to or more than 15% of current market price NEUTRAL -15% > to < +15% Target price is less than +15% but more than -15% SELL <= -15% Target price is less than or equal to -15%. Page | 8 | PHILLIPCAPITAL INDIA RESEARCH DABUR INDIA LTD COMPANY UPDATE Management Vineet Bhatnagar (Managing Director) Kinshuk Bharti Tiwari (Head – Institutional Equity) Jignesh Shah (Head – Equity Derivatives) (91 22) 2483 1919 (91 22) 6667 9946 (91 22) 6667 9735 Research Automobiles Dhawal Doshi Nitesh Sharma, CFA Agri Inputs Gauri Anand Banking, NBFCs Manish Agarwalla Pradeep Agrawal Paresh Jain Consumer Naveen Kulkarni, CFA, FRM Jubil Jain Cement Vaibhav Agarwal Economics Anjali Verma Engineering, Capital Goods Jonas Bhutta Hrishikesh Bhagat (9122) 6667 9769 (9122) 6667 9965 (9122) 6667 9943 (9122) 6667 9962 (9122) 6667 9953 (9122) 6667 9948 (9122) 6667 9947 (9122) 6667 9766 (9122) 6667 9967 (9122) 6667 9969 (9122) 6667 9759 (9122) 6667 9986 Infrastructure & IT Services Vibhor Singhal (9122) 6667 9949 Logistics, Transportation & Midcap Vikram Suryavanshi (9122) 6667 9951 Media Manoj Behera (9122) 6667 9973 Metals Dhawal Doshi (9122) 6667 9769 Yash Doshi (9122) 6667 9987 Midcap Amol Rao (9122) 6667 9952 Oil & Gas Sabri Hazarika (9122) 6667 9756 Pharma & Speciality Chem Surya Patra (9122) 6667 9768 Mehul Sheth (9122) 6667 9996 Mid-Caps & Database Manager Deepak Agarwal (9122) 6667 9944 Sales & Distribution Ashvin Patil Shubhangi Agrawal Kishor Binwal Bhavin Shah Ashka Mehta Gulati Strategy Naveen Kulkarni, CFA, FRM (9122) 6667 9947 Anindya Bhowmik (9122) 6667 9764 Telecom Naveen Kulkarni, CFA, FRM (9122) 6667 9947 Manoj Behera (9122) 6667 9973 Technicals Subodh Gupta, CMT (9122) 6667 9762 Production Manager Ganesh Deorukhkar (9122) 6667 9966 Editor Roshan Sony 98199 72726 Sr. Manager – Equities Support Rosie Ferns (9122) 6667 9971 Corporate Communications (9122) 6667 9991 (9122) 6667 9964 (9122) 6667 9989 (9122) 6667 9974 (9122) 6667 9934 Sales Trader Dilesh Doshi Suniil Pandit Execution Mayur Shah Zarine Damania (9122) 6667 9976 (9122) 6667 9747 (9122) 6667 9745 (9122) 6667 9945 Contact Information (Regional Member Companies) SINGAPORE Phillip Securities Pte Ltd 250 North Bridge Road, #06-00 RafflesCityTower, Singapore 179101 Tel : (65) 6533 6001 Fax: (65) 6535 3834 MALAYSIA Phillip Capital Management Sdn Bhd B-3-6 Block B Level 3, Megan Avenue II, No. 12, Jalan Yap Kwan Seng, 50450 Kuala Lumpur Tel (60) 3 2162 8841 Fax (60) 3 2166 5099 HONG KONG Phillip Securities (HK) Ltd 11/F United Centre 95 Queensway Hong Kong Tel (852) 2277 6600 Fax: (852) 2868 5307 JAPAN Phillip Securities Japan, Ltd 4-2 Nihonbashi Kabutocho, Chuo-ku Tokyo 103-0026 Tel: (81) 3 3666 2101 Fax: (81) 3 3664 0141 INDONESIA PT Phillip Securities Indonesia ANZTower Level 23B, Jl Jend Sudirman Kav 33A, Jakarta 10220, Indonesia Tel (62) 21 5790 0800 Fax: (62) 21 5790 0809 CHINA Phillip Financial Advisory (Shanghai) Co. 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Each investor must make its own determination as to the appropriateness of any securities referred to in this research report based upon the legal, tax and accounting considerations applicable to such investor and its own investment objectives or strategy, its financial situation and its investing experience. The value of any security may be positively or adversely affected by changes in foreign exchange or interest rates, as well as by other financial, economic, or political factors. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future performance or results. Page | 10 | PHILLIPCAPITAL INDIA RESEARCH DABUR INDIA LTD COMPANY UPDATE Sources, Completeness and Accuracy: The material herein is based upon information obtained from sources that PCIPL and the research analyst believe to be reliable, but neither PCIPL nor the research analyst represents or guarantees that the information contained herein is accurate or complete and it should not be relied upon as such. Opinions expressed herein are current opinions as of the date appearing on this material, and are subject to change without notice. Furthermore, PCIPL is under no obligation to update or keep the information current.Without limiting any of the foregoing, in no event shall PCIL, any of its affiliates/employees or any third party involved in, or related to computing or compiling the information have any liability for any damages of any kind including but not limited to any direct or consequential loss or damage, however arising, from the use of this document. Copyright: The copyright in this research report belongs exclusively to PCIPL. All rights are reserved. Any unauthorised use or disclosure is prohibited. No reprinting or reproduction, in whole or in part, is permitted without the PCIPL’s prior consent, except that a recipient may reprint it for internal circulation only and only if it is reprinted in its entirety. Caution: Risk of loss in trading/investment can be substantial and even more than the amount / margin given by you. The recipient should carefully consider whether trading/investment is appropriate for the recipient in light of the recipient’s experience, objectives, financial resources and other relevant circumstances. PCIPL and any of its employees, directors, associates, group entities, or affiliates shall not be liable for losses, if any, incurred by the recipient. The recipient is further cautioned that trading/investments in financial markets are subject to market risks and are advised to seek trading/investment advice before investing. There is no guarantee/assurance as to returns or profits or capital protection or appreciation. PCIPL and any of its employees, directors, associates, group entities, affiliates are not inducing the recipient for trading/investing in the financial market(s). Trading/Investment decision is the sole responsibility of the recipient. For U.S. persons only: This research report is a product of PhillipCapital (India) Pvt Ltd., which is the employer of the research analyst(s) who has prepared the research report. The research analyst(s) preparing the research report is/are resident outside the United States (U.S.) and are not associated persons of any U.S.-regulated broker-dealer and therefore the analyst(s) is/are not subject to supervision by a U.S. broker-dealer, and is/are not required to satisfy the regulatory licensing requirements of FINRA or required to otherwise comply with U.S. rules or regulations regarding, among other things, communications with a subject company, public appearances, and trading securities held by a research analyst account. This report is intended for distribution by PhillipCapital (India) Pvt Ltd. only to "Major Institutional Investors" as defined by Rule 15a-6(b)(4) of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Act, 1934 (the Exchange Act) and interpretations thereof by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) in reliance on Rule 15a 6(a)(2). If the recipient of this report is not a Major Institutional Investor as specified above, then it should not act upon this report and return the same to the sender. Further, this report may not be copied, duplicated, and/or transmitted onward to any U.S. person, which is not a Major Institutional Investor. In reliance on the exemption from registration provided by Rule 15a-6 of the Exchange Act and interpretations thereof by the SEC in order to conduct certain business with Major Institutional Investors, PhillipCapital (India) Pvt Ltd. has entered into an agreement with a U.S. registered broker-dealer, Marco Polo Securities Inc. ("Marco Polo"). Transactions in securities discussed in this research report should be effected through Marco Polo or another U.S. registered broker dealer PhillipCapital (India) Pvt. Ltd. Registered office: No. 1, 18th Floor, Urmi Estate, 95 GanpatraoKadamMarg, Lower Parel West, Mumbai 400013 Page | 11 | PHILLIPCAPITAL INDIA RESEARCH
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