- WA Deaf Society
- WA Deaf Society
Deaf Magazine DECEMBER 2015 www.wadeaf.org.au Advocacy Auslan Language Centre Children Community Employment Interpreting Regional Seniors Youth National Week of Deaf People 2015 The Western Australian Association of the Deaf (WAAD) organised the National Week of Deaf People which (NWDP) was celebrated from Saturday, 17 November to Friday, 23 October. The theme of the week was “With Sign Language Rights, Our Children Can”. NWDP was made possible thanks to a Lotterywest grant and the NWDP Sub-committee who volunteered their time to make the week a success. Contlnued >> P4 Contents CEO’s Report ........................................................ 2 - 3 46/5 Aberdeen Street East Perth WA 6004 PO Box 8558 Perth BC WA 6849 TTY 08 9441 2655 / Tel 08 9441 2677 Fax 08 9441 2616 E-mail wadeaf@wadeaf.org.au www.wadeaf.org.au www.facebook.com/wadeaf National Week of Deaf People .............................4 - 5 Sign Language Communications............................. 6 DEAFinite Employment Service................................ 7 Fundraising & Marketing ........................................ 8 Community Services ........................................... 8 -13 Community News ............................................ 14 - 19 CEO’s Report As you’ll read throughout this issue of Deaf Magazine it’s been a very active three months at the WA Deaf Society! Clint Ford We have welcomed two new board members, Clint Ford and Kathleen Bozanic, who have volunteered to share their time and considerable skills with us. Clint is a Senior Consultant with Riley Mathewson Public Relations whilst Kathleen is the General Manager - Finance at Atlas Iron and a former Partner at Deloitte. Kathleen joins as the Treasurer for WA Deaf Society and will head up the Audit, Investment & Risk Committee. Clint will head up our new Marketing, Advocacy & Fundraising Committee. Kathleen Bozanic Your board held a retreat in October to continue the strategic planning process begun in April. It was particularly pleasing that the second day of the retreat began with the board attending the wonderful Western Australian launch of the National Week of Deaf People 2015, held at Fremantle Prison on Saturday, 17 October. In particular, the presentations by three parents, one the Deaf parent of a Deaf child, one the hearing parent of a Deaf child and one the Deaf parent of a hearing child, provided a powerful context for later discussions. It was also a great reminder of the importance of our LEAP program and the imperative to improve funding for our Auslan for Families program. It was fantastic to see a much bigger turnout and member interest at our Annual General Meeting held on Thursday, 15 October. This was particularly fitting as we inducted three new Life Members; Murray Nicholson, Robyn Tsapazi and Dr Karen Bontempo. These are our first new Life Members since John Levitzke in 2008. The AGM also saw the launch of our 2014/2015 Annual Report, which you can check out online at www.wadeaf.org.au/wa-deaf-society/wads-annual-report/. Life Members; Robyn Tsapazi Murray Nicholson Dr Karen Bontempo I congratulate the Western Australian Association of the Deaf, and particularly the tireless organising committee of the National Week of Deaf People 2015 WA, for a fantastic week of activities. It was great to see so much support behind all the activities with many sold-out events a testament to the team having burned the midnight oil to make it such a success. Lots more on this elsewhere in the magazine. Worldwide Online Printing Perth QV.1 is proud to support WA Deaf Society (08) 9226 2744 QV1 Retail (Opp. QV1 Building) 976 Hay Street Perth 6000 PERTH QV1 2 perthqv1@worldwide.com.au www.worldwide.com.au CEO’s Report We were fortunate to receive fantastic support from the Hon. Martin Pritchard MLC who made a Member’s Statement on the National Week of Deaf People in the Upper House of the WA Parliament on Wednesday, 21 October. You can find the statement as an extract from Hansard on our website at www.wadeaf.org.au including an Auslan translation. We have also had excellent support over many years from our previous President, the Hon. Tony James Simpson MLA, Minister for Local Government; Community Services; Seniors and Volunteering; Youth. Support for the Deaf community is clearly an area for bipartisan cooperation and we will continue to foster these links. Over the last 18 months or so there has been considerable discussion about the future of our operations at our current premises at 46/5 Aberdeen Street in East Perth. I am pleased to advise that we plan to continue at this location, and excited that we will be able to continue all of the fantastic initiatives made possible by our Deaf Community Centre. To help cover the costs of remaining in our current location we have taken on Vision Australia Radio 990 Perth as a tenant in the rear office space. We welcome Haley Hibbitt in the new role of Fundraising & Marketing Manager working with Linda Cross as the dynamic duo to build up this important function and support the sustainability of the WA Deaf Society. Haley joins us with marvellous experience from Youth Focus and Anglicare WA and formal marketing qualifications from Curtin University. You can read more about Haley later in this edition of Deaf Magazine. WA Deaf Society will continue to offer the highest quality interpreting services through SLC WA, a responsive employment service through DEAFinite and a range of crucial services through our dedicated Community Services group. We ask you to continue to use and recommend these services for the future of the Society. Finally from all of us here at the WA Deaf Society, we wish you and your loved ones a happy and safe time over this Christmas and new year season. Enjoy reading the rest of the magazine. Mark Gummer Chief Executive Officer PS: Please, keep checking the website www.wadeaf.org.au for news, Like us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/WADeaf and follow us on Twitter at www.twitter.com/WADeafSociety. 3 National Week of Deaf People 2015 Sunday 18 October Kanyana Wildlife Rehabilitation Park Tour Saturday 17 October Launch at Fremantle Prison Saturday 17 October Fremantle Prison Tour The launch of the NWDP was held at Fremantle Prison in the Crown Theatre. Three parents were invited to share their experience about having Auslan (Australian Sign Language) as the main language in their family. We also had the 2015 Young Australian of the Year, Drisana Levitzke-Gray, to launch the National Week of Deaf People. A group of Deaf community members had a tour at the Fremantle Prison after the launch. Handheld guides which provided information in Auslan which was wonderful, especially as Fremantle Prison is a World Heritage-listed site. Monday 19 October Perth Observatory Night Tour Wednesday 21 October Government House Tour for Deaf Seniors Wednesday 21 October Parliament House Tour for Deaf Youth Deaf Seniors from the WA Deaf Society 50+ Club had a tour at Government House and had morning tea with Her Excellency the Honourable Kerry Sanderson AO, Govenor of western Australia. Deaf youth from Shenton College Deaf Education Centre and Belmont City College Deaf Unit visited Parliament House for a tour. They then had morning tea with the Hon Tony Simpson MLA and WAAD board members. We hosted a night tour at the Perth Observatory which was enjoyed by all. It was a fantastic opportunity for attendees to receive information via Auslan about our universe. Many were thrilled to discuss the universe with the tour guides. We also had the opportunity to see the moon via telescope up close! 4 We had the Kanyana Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre Tour with Auslan interpreters to provide access to information about the centre. Our group of attendees enjoyed meeting the animals and learning about how the park operates by looking after sick or injured wildlife. National Week of Deaf People 2015 Wednesday 21 October Professional Evening with Young Australian of the Year Thursday 22 October Open Captioned movie at Garden City HOYTS Friday 23 October May the Best Sporting Team Win We had the Professional Evening with the 2015 Young Australian of the Year, Drisana Levitzke-Gray. She gave a presentation about her journey since being named the Young Australian of the Year on 25 January. We had a screening of the open captioned ‘Bridge of Spies’ which brought in a recordbreaking number of attendees to the cinema. It’s great to have so many people get together for something that is only provided during this one week out of the whole year. May The Best Sporting Team Win has always been a popular event and was enjoyed by everyone who attended. Thanks to WAAD and the WADRA board who volunteered their time to referee the games. These fantastic free colourful posters are available to download for display. Feel free to use these posters in schools, childcare centres, workplaces, in the home, share with friends and family and more! Free Auslan Posters are available on http://www.waad.org. au/free-auslan-posters Please click on the links for PDF versions. 5 SLC WA News SLC WA is delighted to welcome back Bookings Officer, Alison Kingston after her 4 week holiday visiting Mexico (Oaxaca and Cancun) and America (Los Angeles, Las Vegas, Grand Canyon, Route 66, Salton Sea, Palm Springs, San Diego, San Francisco). It was a busy holiday - 13 flights, 2 road trips and 10 different locations in 4 weeks! Alison was travelling with her sister, Rebecca. Alison’s favourite memories of her holiday were seeing all the old Zapotec, Aztec and Mayan ruins in Mexico. Alison has always loved history and in particular Aztec/Mayan history so seeing the ruins for herself was a dream come true! She also loved being in Oaxaca for the colourful Dia de los Muertos Festival (Day of the Dead) and flying in a helicopter over the Grand Canyon. Her worst memory was catching a taxi in Los Angeles one night, she couldn’t find one for a long time and when she finally found one at the end of the ride her travel credit card wouldn’t work and she had no cash, so she couldn’t pay the taxi driver. She had to ask him to drive around looking for an ATM and when she found one it wouldn’t work. Alison didn’t know what would happen if she couldn’t pay, it was very scary! But she finally got the ATM to work :-) Alison was glad she took her sister with her and was courageous enough to eat Grasshoppers. Alison wished she’d remembered to take more warm clothes. While she was away the Bookings Office was covered by Cara, Cat, Sarah and Rachel who all took turns doing a great job to keep interpreter bookings running smoothly. Alison would like to say thank you to the whole SLC office team for doing such an amazing job covering for her while she was away and thank you to the interpreters for being flexible during this time, dealing with someone new in the office each day. The team is delighted that Alison has arrived back safely and are looking forward to hearing more about her fantastic adventure. SLC WA Contact Details Office hours 9am - 5pm weekdays Phone 08 9441 2623 Email bookings@wadeaf.org.au SMS 0433 155 288 TTY (08) 9441 2655 Fax (08) 9441 2600 6 EMERGENCY INTERPRETER 5pm - 9am weekdays, weekends & public holidays 0410 017 540 SMS and voice calls DEAFinite Employment Service News It’s been a busy time at DEAFinite since our last DEAF MAG. Staff have been busy with new clients and a large volume of new job placements. DEAFinite have rolled out their School Student Catchment program and have been busy working in conjunction with local schools to assist students transitioning from high school into the working world. A group of students from Shenton College visited the office recently and had a tour of the WA Deaf Society, meeting staff and learning about the services the Society provides. It was great to meet the students and we look forward to assisting them into the workforce in the future. Shenton College students visit the WA Deaf Sopciety The DEAFinite Team would like to welcome its newest team member Carla Ford. Carla has worked with DEAFinite over the past few years as an employer and joins the team with an enthusiastic drive to assist the WA Deaf Community with their employment needs and questions. I’m sure you will all join me in welcoming Carla to the team. Carla Ford DEAFinite have officially moved offices. After many weeks of cleaning and reorganising, the new DEAFinite office is up and running. It’s been a lot of work to move into our new space and the team are really happy with their new home. I’d like to thank the team for their hard work during the transition. Next time you are in the office pop your head in and check out the new office. The DEAFinite team continues to work tirelessly, supporting clients looking for work and those clients that need support and advice while in the workplace. If you have issues in your workplace or need advice on a situation, come in and see us in the office or contact us at des@wadeaf.org.au The team are only too happy to assist you. Until next time. Peter Meredith Manager DEAFinite Employment Service DEAFinite is funded by the Federal Government to provide a specialist employment service to Western Australia jobseekers who are Deaf or hard of hearing. 7 DEAFinite Employment Service Contact Details Tel 08 9441 2677 Fax 08 9441 2629 TTY 08 9441 2655 E-mail des@wadeaf.org.au www.wadeaf.org.au Fundraising & Marketing News New Team Member, Haley Hibbitt I’ve recently joined the WA Deaf Society in the position of Fundraising & Marketing Manager and I’m loving it! My role was created to help promote WA Deaf and raise funds so that we can provide more services for the Deaf community. Prior to working at WA Deaf I’ve worked in various marketing and fundraising roles, from Federal Government to large corporations and the not-for-profit sector. Most recently I was the Fundraising Manager for Youth Focus, a charity which provides suicide prevention services for young West Aussies. I’m loving working with Linda Cross and our fantastic volunteers and I’m really enjoying getting to know the rest of the team at WA Deaf and all of our members and visitors. I’m looking forward to meeting those of you who I haven’t yet had the chance to meet. In January I will take part in the Auslan Basics Summer School and I can’t wait! Hopefully I will meet some more of you there. WA Deaf Society Fundraising & Marketing manager, Haley Hibbitt and her husband Wes Hibbitt. Outside of work, my big loves are netball, travel, my husband Wes and my dogs, Indi the Siberian Husky and Bear the German Shepherd. I hope you and your loved ones all have a safe and happy Christmas and New Year. WADS Community Services News TAX Help 2015 WA Deaf Society were pleased to provide Tax Help again this year, running from 4 August to 20 October 2015. WADS would like to thank Edwin Tan, our Tax Help volunteer, who assisted Deaf and hard of hearing clients with their tax returns. Edwin and Jenny Pupich has received a Certificate of Appreciation from the Australian Taxation Office. Jenny Pupich, Vic Mazzone (Australian Taxation Office), Edwin Tan and Helen Gunter (Australian Taxation Office). We are hoping to offer Tax Help again next year from July to October so look out for the information in future Deaf magazines. 8 WADS Community Services News LEAP (Language Early Access Program) Here we are at the end of another year and what a year it has been. The first half of the year was a bit of an emotional roller coaster with the uncertainty over LEAP’s future and then the wonderful news that our funding was to be renewed. As always the year has been absolutely jam packed full of activities, fun and laughter. We have been running a year long parent directed theme of the alphabet. The parents picked this theme as they wanted the children to learn their manual alphabet. I have been amazed, and reminded at so many points throughout the year, just how clever children are. Watching toddlers recegnising English letters and then producing the Auslan sign for them is very special. Term 4 has seen us finishing up our alphabet theme. Some memorable activities from the term so far have been, X for Xray and Y for Yacht. Xray was an interesting activity where we made a life size “xray” and gave the children cotton tips to stick on top of the drawings of bones. For Y we made Yachts out of milk cartons and sailed them in our water table. The children were parricularly interested in this activity as it involved water! LEAP was also lucky to be included in the Woolworths Earn and Learn program this year. I want to thank everyone who helped by sending in reward stickers. We collected almost 2000 stickers and were able to use our points to purchase some wooden animals. Looking back on the year, I think the highlight for me was seeing the increase in Deaf children attending the program. It is always a joy watching these children develop their communication, skills whether it is solely Auslan or a mixture of Auslan and English. We always want to a make a difference in the lives of deaf children and deaf families, so if you know of anyone who you think could benefit from joining the LEAP program, please ask them to contact us here at the WA Deaf Society. I’m looking forward to next year and the possibilities it brings with a new theme and new activities and the impact Nobuo and I will make in the lives of the families we work with. From all of us at LEAP we want to wish everyone a Merry and Safe Christmas and New Year’s period. Sarah Morton LEAP Coordinator WA Deaf Society Contact Details TTY 08 9441 2655 Tel 08 9441 2677 Fax 08 9441 2616 E-mail wadeaf@wadeaf.org.au www.wadeaf.org.au 9 www.facebook.com/wadeaf WADS Community Services News Registering with the NDIS / NDIS My Way The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is the government system for providing people with disability the support they need. Deaf people, deafblind people, and parents of deaf children, can apply to get support through the NDIS. Support can be for services like interpreting or Auslan lessons, or assistance to connect with the community, live independently or develop new skills. The NDIS is currently being trialled in 3 areas around WA. 1. Perth Hills Trial Site - under the Federal Government model, called the NDIS. 2. The Lower South West - under the State Government model, called NDIS My Way 3. Cockburn/Kwinana – under NDIS My Way Deaf or Deafblind people, or parents with a deaf child, who live in a trial site for either model and meet the eligibility criteria are able to apply to join the NDIS or NDIS My Way. The eligibility criteria are the same for both models. For people living in the trial sites: What are the steps for joining the NDIS? 1. Check your eligibility NDIS www.ndis.gov.au/ndis-access-checklist or NDIS My Way www.dsc.wa.gov.au/Am_I_Eligible/ Eligibility criteria 1. Australian resident 2. Under 65 years of age at the time of registering 3. Live in one of the trial site areas 4. Have a disability (Deafness/Deafblindness) that is likely to be permanent and stops you from doing everyday things by yourself. If you have a child under the age of 6 who meets criteria 1, 3 and 4, they may be eligible for NDIS early intervention services. 2. Complete an Access Request Form www.ndis.gov.au/sites/default/files/Factsheet-Completing-your-access-request-form.pdf When you complete the Access Request Form you need to show evidence of your age, where you live, your residency or citizenship status, and evidence of a disability. If you have a Centrelink number, you can give permission for the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) to check your records to verify your eligibility. If not, you will need to bring documents, or copies of documents, as proof of your eligibility. Some example documents are: • home address - bills or rates notices that show your address • residency or citizenship –your birth certificate or passport • age –your birth certificate, passport or driver’s licence • disability - if you or your child is Deaf, you will also need to provide evidence of a disability. You can complete the Professional’s Report section in the Access Request Form, or provide the same evidence in a different format, such as copies of existing assessments and reports. People who have the diagnosis of Deafblindness do not need to provide additional evidence of their disability. 10 WADS Community Services News What does ‘evidence’ mean? • For a Deaf child – please bring a copy of their audiology report or other assessments. • For a Deaf adult – if you have recent* audiograms or other assessments, bring copies of these. *If you do not have any recent reports or assessments you will need to have your doctor complete the Professional’s Report section in the Access Request Form. Please contact WA Deaf Society if you require any help with this. When you have completed the Access Request Form this should be handed in at the NDIA office, or posted to the address supplied. The NDIA team will then assess your eligibility which could take several weeks. If you are found to be eligible, someone will contact you to start the planning and assessment process. 3. Start the planning and assessment process www.ndis.gov.au/participants/getting-plan-ready NDIS plans are developed for a twelve month period. They are then reviewed and a new plan developed for the next twelve months. A planner will be appointed to assist you to identify your goals for the long term as well as the twelve months of your plan. These goals, and the strategies and services required to achieve them, will be written up as your Plan. This can be a complicated process. For NDIS My Way: The process for NDIS My Way is similar to NDIS. Information about applying can be found online at www.disability.wa.gov.au/Global/Publications/WA-NDIS-My-Way/Fact%20Sheets%202015/WA-NDISMy-Way-brochure.pdf For people not in a Trial Site: The Federal Government will commence a full roll out of either the NDIS or NDIS My Way in 2016-17. You can begin preparing for this now: 1. Register with the DSC (Disability Service Commission) and get an LAC (Local Area Coordinator). An LAC may be able to help you access services while waiting for the NDIS If you are already registered with DSC, you will be registered for NDIS when it comes. 2. Start planning - think of goals and services you may want under NDIS. How can WA Deaf Society assist you? WA Deaf Society is a registered provider under the NDIS and NDIS My Way and can provide you with support for the registration and planning process if you meet the eligibility criteria. Please contact Kerry Revell at KRevell@wadeaf.org,au if you would like assistance with NDIS or NDIS My Way registration or planning. WADS will be hosting information sessions about the NDIS and NDIS My Way in the New Year. Please keep an eye on our website and Facebook for dates. 11 WADS Community Services News On Thursday, 12 November, 50 Deaf seniors from WA Deaf Society’s 50+ Club and the WA Deaf Recreation Association (WADRA) were joined by 20 first year students from the Central Institute of Technology (CIT), currently studying Certificate III in Auslan, for a special lunchtime event. The event was hosted by WADS and WADRA and celebrated the Seniors Week 2015 theme, “Celebrating Deaf Seniors: Strengthening Connections, Strengthening Community”. Twelve Deaf seniors and 3 staff participated in video interviews with 8 students, sharing their opinions about the values that help make the Deaf community strong. Seniors also had the chance to chat casually with the remaining students, and in the process, educate them about the Deaf community and what they feel remains important in an ever-changing world. Each year Seniors Week grant funding is offered by Lotterywest, the Department of Local Government and Communities and COTA. This year, the WA Deaf Society was lucky to be the recipient of a larger grant than in previous years, allowing us to provide an intergenerational event which aimed to link seniors to the broader community. The additional grant funding enabled more money to be spent on the lunch, and importantly, providing additional funding to produce an accessible DVD of the interviews in Auslan, with English captions and voice over. The increased Seniors Week funding also enabled 2 Auslan interpreters to mingle and facilitate communication between the students, seniors and staff. Feedback from the seniors has been positive with comments like, “it was a great way to educate the students about the Deaf community” and “I would be happy to take part again.” Everyone had a great time and told us they hope activities promoting the links between CIT and the Deaf community can be continued. Thanks to Lotterywest, the Department of Local Government and Communities and COTA, for making the event possible. The annual Seniors Week Lunch is open to Deaf seniors who meet the designated age criteria and who are financial members of both WADS and WADRA. If you are interested in finding out more about Seniors Week, please contact Jenny Pupich at SMS: 0414 853 521 / TTY: 9441 2655 Voice: 08 9441 2677 / FAX 9441 2616 WA Deaf Society Contact Details TTY 08 9441 2655 Tel 08 9441 2677 Fax 08 9441 2616 E-mail wadeaf@wadeaf.org.au www.wadeaf.org.au 12 www.facebook.com/wadeaf WADS Community Services News WA Deaf Society Contact Details TTY 08 9441 2655 Tel 08 9441 2677 Fax 08 9441 2616 E-mail wadeaf@wadeaf.org.au www.wadeaf.org.au 13 www.facebook.com/wadeaf Community News Western Australian Association of the Deaf (WAAD) Auslan Professional Network On Sunday, 13 September Damon Barrett and Patricia Levitzke-Gray presented at the Auslan Professionals Network on: 1. Are you fire alarms working? - Damon Barrett 2. Travelling with Deaf tour guides - Patricia Levitzke-Gray On 4 October Brooke Buise delivered a presentation on Business Communications. On 1 November Nobuo Hara delivered a presentation “How did the Deaf community in Japan cope during the earthquake on 11th March 2011?” There will be no presenter on 13 December Instead, this is a geart opportunity to socialise and enjoy the festive season. WAAD’s Fingerspelling mugs New colours - Black, White, Red, Blue and Orange mugs. Great as gifts! $10.00 each. Avaliable for sale via: WAAD Board Members E-mail: info@waad.org.au or at the WA Deaf Society, 46/5 Aberdeen Street, East Perth WA. For more information contact WAAD FAX: (08) 9441 2616 E-mail: info@waad.org.au www.facebook.com/DeafWA 14 Community News Shenton College Deaf Education Centre NWDP Excursion On Wednesday 21st of October 2015, Shenton College Deaf Education Centre and Belmont City College students, staff and teachers attended Parliament House on excursion during the National Week of Deaf People. The event was aimed at enhancing the community relations between government, the Deaf community and Deaf youth, creating ‘awareness raising’ opportunities regarding political advocacy and networking. The tour at Parliament House included an overview of the history, functions and features of the WA Parliament, information regarding the relationships between the two Houses, and access to the galleries of both the Legislative Assembly and the Legislative Council, where we viewed the chambers. The opportunity to ask questions throughout the tour was much appreciated and we had interesting conversations during morning tea with the Hon. Anthony Simpson MLA, Minister for Local Government; Community Services, Seniors and Volunteering. Minister Simpson was previously the President of the WA Deaf Society and our students took the opportunity to ask Minister Simpson about accessibility for Deaf people concerning the WA Parliament’s website where the information videos are not captioned, nor are they interpreted into Auslan. Young Australian of the Year, Ms Drisana Levitzke-Gray, supported our students on site and she also spoke about inclusion and issues affecting Deaf youth. Minister Simpson appreciated the information and promised that he would look into some of the matters raised. It was a very enlightening excursion for all of us who had the privilege to attend. Many thanks to Drisana Levitzke-Gray, Dawn Harrison and Robyn Tsapazi for facilitating this great opportunity during NWDP for us to interact with WAAD, Belmont City College students, and representatives at Parliament House. Sandra Strandsjo Teacher of the Deaf Shenton College Deaf Education Centre 15 Community News Mosman Park School for Deaf Children Last week students from Mosman Park School for Deaf Children went to Pinjarra for a Deaf School Camp. On the Monday morning, a very excited group of children boarded a bus headed to Fairbridge Village in Pinjarra for a 4 day camp. The kids had a wonderful time despite the heat and the millions of flies who decided to join us! Over the week they completed many challenging activities including indoor rock climbing, a low ropes course, night time bush walking, a flying fox and finally, a big swing; where they had to step off a very high balcony and trust that the swing would keep them safe. Whilst they were not the easiest of activities, every child gave it their best and conquered each challenge. As a result, the students who returned to school were more confident and resilient. The pool provided very welcome respite from the heat and the Fairbridge staff commented that they had never seen a group of staff and students having so much fun. The kitchen staff also commented that our Deaf students were the most well behaved students they have had. Huge thanks go to the staff who came along, joined in with the students so whole heartedly and made the camp possible. Our students had a wonderful week, being fully immersed in Auslan, sharing some amazing experiences together and building their friendships. We are very proud of their efforts, attitude and behaviour and hope to have another Deaf School Camp next year. ASLIA (WA) On Saturday, 12 September ASLIA (WA) held a sausage sizzle fundraiser at Officeworks in Morley. While the weather was a little dreary, this didn’t dampen our spirits, and we were able to fundraise money to put towards our events for the remainder of the year. As you can see in the photo, our Chef for the day, VicePresident Cat Edmunds, was very busy at the BBQ! On 19 September we held our Annual General Meeting. With a decent turnout we recapped our year for our members and adopted the President’s and Treasurer’s reports. On 7 November, the committee held a planning day in preparation for 2016. We have some exciting professional development opportunities and social/networking events planned and look forward to launching our 2016 calendar early in the new year. ASLIA (WA) would like to thank everyone for their support throughout this year and wish everyone a safe festive season. Looking forward to seeing you all in the new year! Cara Smith. President, ASLIA (WA) 16 Community News Belmont City College - Deaf Education The students and staff at Belmont City College have been very busy during Term 3 and this will continue in Term 4. During third term sixteen exchange students and their teachers from Chiba Keizai High School in Japan, visited BCC. As part of their visit BCC invited Mr Nobuo Hara, from WA Deaf Society to give a presentation to all students learning Japanese as a LOTE, the sixteen exchange students and their teachers and four Deaf students. Nobuo is a Deaf man from Japan who has been living in Australia for the past 5 years. He explained the many differences between Japanese and Australian cultures, including food, sport, landmarks, transport and population. He also taught the students some sign language so they could compare Auslan and Japanese Sign Language. Nobuo’s presentation was enjoyed by all the students and we appreciate the WA Deaf Society’s assistance in arranging his visit to Belmont City College. During Term 3 Year 10 Fashion students were given the task of creating a garment and embellishing it using a variety of re-usable materials. For inspiration the students attended a workshop at Remeda, a creative re-use centre located in West Perth. Remeda had a large variety of industrial discards from shops and factories available for the students to use, allowing their imaginations to run wild! Students were encouraged to think about finding new ways to creatively use waste materials for their garment. Here’s Leila Agudo getting creative at Remeda. On Monday July 22nd five students from the Deaf Education Centre visited the Perth Zoo as part of their Geography program. They had been learning about animals from different continents. The students also had the opportunity to plan their travel using public transport. As the weather was nice and cool, most of the animals were out and about, including the male lion who gave us a big surprise by walking right up to the viewing window! A highlight of the day was a chance to see and touch a snake. None of the students were hesitant, but the same couldn’t be said of the staff! 17 Community News EMMANUEL NEWS FROM THE CATHOLIC MINISTRY WITH DEAF AND HARD OF HEARING PEOPLE New Website from Australian Catholic Bishops Conference. Check it out at: deafministry.catholic.org.au MENTAL HEALTH FIRST AID We all know that when we see a person who perhaps falls over or feels unwell in the shopping mall many people gather around to offer first aid. When a person is experiencing being unwell mentally – stress, trauma, depression, etc. most people don’t know what to do. Emmanuel Centre has trained 4 deaf people in Mental Health First Aid. These people use Auslan and have offered to help other Deaf people. In the coming year Emmanuel Centre will organise various events to explore mental health – keeping our mental health when we are well and looking at how we can help ourselves when we are not well. If you are interested in this, please contact Emmanuel Centre, 25 Windsor Street,Perth, 6000; Telephone 9328 9571 (TTY)//9328 8113 (Voice)// 9227 9720 (Fax) //0401 016 399 (SMS) email: emmanuelcentre@westnet.com.au. HYDE PARK DEAF AND AUSLAN PICNIC DAY 17th October Over 80 people attended this Picnic Day. It was really exciting to see old friends catch up with each other. People came from as far away as Bunbury and it was amazing how the little children of years ago have now grown up to be tall almost adults. More Photos on Facebook https://web.facebook.com/auslan.live 18 Community News National Relay Service News Please help: NRS Survey Have you tried the NRS App? • • • It’s a free app for your iPhone, iPad or other smartphone or tablet. You can use it to make calls using Internet Relay (typing), Video Relay (Auslan) or Captioned Relay (speaking and reading). Search for NRS App in the Apple iTunes store or Google Play store. Tell us what you think of the NRS app • • • • Have you been using the app? The NRS is asking users what they think about the NRS app. We want to know how you use the app, and any things we could improve Click here for more information, and a link to the survey: http://relayservice.gov.au/news/tell-us-what-you-think-of-the-nrs-app/ More information? Annabel Vasquez is the NRS Education Co-ordinator in Western Australia. She can help you learn more about NRS. If you need help, just ask! How to contact Annabel: Email: wa@relayservice.com.au SMS: O430 159 961 Phone: 08 9441 2696 NRS Helpdesk can answer all your questions. Open Monday to Friday, 6am – 4pm (WA time) How to contact Helpdesk: Email: helpdesk@relayservice.com.au SMS: 0416 001 350 Phone: 1800 555 660 19 WADS office will be closed for Christmas Thursday, 24 December 2015 Open until 12.00pm Friday, 25 December Christmas Day Monday, 28 December Boxing Day - Public Holiday Tuesday, 29 December Closed Wednesday, 30 December Closed Thursday, 31 December Closed Friday, 1 January 2016 New Years Day Monday, 4 January Open from 9.00am When WADS is closed, if you need an Auslan interpreter for emergency situation e.g. Hospital or Police, please contact the After Hours Emergency Interpreter on 0410 017 540 (voice or sms) On Behalf of all at the WA Deaf Society we wish you a very merry Christmas and a safe and happy New Year. POLICE & RAC ROADSIDE ASSISTANCE SMS Number (Only WA) For Deaf or Hard of hearing peope only Sometimes you need an interpreter but have difficulty explaining this to hearing people. Here’s a handy cut-out you can keep in your wallet. Cut Out and Keep I communicate in Auslan (Australian Sign Language) Please contact Sign Language Communications to book an Auslan interpreter on: I com P Business Hours: 9441 2623 After Hours: 0410 017 540 Email: bookings@wadeaf.org.au Thank you POLICE SMS number is 0403 277 478 RAC SMS number is 0434 182 877 Put the numbers on your mobile NOW! Emergency contact information over the Christmas and New year period in Auslan (Australian Sign Language) Over the Christmas and New Year holidays we wish you allI communicate a safe and happy time. However, if you Please contact SignSLC Language Communications need an Auslan interpreter for an emergency situation please contact the After Hours Emergency to book an Auslan interpreter on: 0410 017 540 I com P Business Hours: 9441 2623 After Hours: 0410 017 540 Email: bookings@wadeaf.org.au (SMS and voice calls) Thank you I communicate in Auslan (Australian Sign Language) Please contact Sign Language Communications to book an Auslan interpreter on: I com P Alana Wlekart After Hours: 0410 017 540 Business Hours: 9441 2623 Email: bookings@wadeaf.org.au Alana Wlekart will be responsible for the emergency calls over the Christmas and New Year period. Thank you An extra special thank you goes to all the interpreters and DI’s (Deaf Interpreters) who have responded to calls, held the phone, and provided their support for this very important service over the past year. Cut Out and Keep 20 Sometimes you need an interpreter but have difficulty explaining this to hearing p your wallet to make communication easier.
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