1- Proposed by and motivation/reason


1- Proposed by and motivation/reason
1- Proposed by and motivation/reason:
a. “Professor’s On-line Evaluation”: Dorimar Morales made this suggestion believing that
this could simplify the process. Instead of using papers for the process, one can submit
the evaluation in electronic form.
b. “Room-mate Finder”: Albertino Padín reason for this proposal was his knowledge of the
current issues that many students have with roommates. The application would simplify
the search of a compatible roommate.
c. “Job Finder”: Alexis Rivera’s motivation was the fact that he knew about the deficiency of
existing online job-finders. The purpose was to build one with an easy interface that
provides accurate results.
 “Course Ratings” the project chosen was a suggestion by the professor considering one
of our original proposals, Professor’s On-line Evaluation, and some privacy issues.
2- Real examples of the project:
a. http://www.5caps.com/
i. Advantages:
1. Sorts courses by major.
2. Provides a very user-friendly interface.
3. Gives advice to students about student life.
ii. Short-comings
1. The search engine does not provide the full list of available courses.
2. You cannot view all the reviews and comments of a specific course.
3. It has very intrusive pop-ups.
b. http://www.gradeabase.com/
i. Advantages:
1. Give the statistics based on student’s ratings.
2. Provides an idea of how much time you’ll need to spend studying for
the course.
3. Provides comments of the students who rated the course.
ii. Short-comings
1. Does not give a brief description of the course.
2. The search engine does not provide the full list of available courses.
3. Does not say if the course is worth taking.
c. http://www.courserank.com/
i. Advantages:
1. It has “facebook” integration; hence it is a very popular website.
2. The search engine is very good and organized.
3. It has a very attractive interface.
ii. Short-comings
1. The reviews are available only to the students of the chosen
2. At first glance it is not evident that you have to be part of one of their
universities to be able to register.
3. The reviews emphasize on the overall grades, rather than the content
and material discussed in class.