November-December 2010 Newsletter


November-December 2010 Newsletter
Special Dates
and Events
November 1 All Saints' Day
November 2 Election Day
November 11 Veteran’s Day
3 0 0 A M E R I C A N S T R E E T , C A T A S A U Q U A P A 18032
610-264-5471 1-800-325-6856 WWW.HARTZELLS.COM
November 7th Daylight Saving ends
Turn your clocks back
Saturday night Nov. 6
Wish there was a
way to have ALL
your medications filled on the
same day?
Hartzell’s Pharmacy has a Refill
Synchronization Service, which lines
November 18 Great
American Smoke Out
November is American
Diabetic Month
December 2 Hanukkah begins at sundown
up your medications to be filled one
day each month. A pharmacist will
contact you each month regarding
your medications. We are currently
looking for patients to enroll in a
study about the service that will
compare the Refill Synchronization
December 7 Pearl Harbor
Service to the regular way prescrip-
December 21 First day of
ested in enrolling in the service or
December 25 Christmas Day
December 26 Kwanza
tions are refilled. If you are inter-
It’s that time of Year. Did
you get your flue shot yet?
Flu vaccine at
Walk-In No Appointment Necessary!
Flu/Cold Prevention
So what can we do to help protect ourselves from colds and flu? Start by
washing your hands often and thoroughly. First wet your hands with water, then apply soap. Rub your hands together vigorously for 20 seconds
rinse and dry with a clean towel or air dry them. Other important steps to
take are to eat healthy foods, keep hydrated and get adequate rest. In
addition to these suggestions Hartzell’s has designed a Supplement
Protocol to boost your immune system:
For a strong immune
NAC 900 mg - one daily
When flu symptoms
NAC 900mg - 1 capsule 2
Vitamin D3, 5000u - take 1 or 2 times daily
Monolarin - 2 capsules every
capsules daily
2 to 3 hours up to 10 per day
Immune Booster - 30 to 50 drops Sambucus - 2 teaspoons 4
in water or juice three times daily - times daily
6 days on, 1 day off
Vira Clear Liquid: 4 oz. Adult/Child over 12 - 1-1/2
: 1 daily
teaspoons 3 times daily
Vira Clear 1 oz. - Adults and
Premier Research Quantem
Immune Complex - 1 capsule 3x children over 12 years 1.5cc 3
times daily.
study, please contact Danielle
Check out our sale prices for
November and December supplements
Shannon, PharmD, MSCR at
NAC 9000mg – $27.20
610-264-5471 ext 248 or
Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, Joyous
Hanukkah to all of our customers from the
employees and management of Hartzell’s
Pharmacy Inc. and Catasauqua Compounding
Epicor - $31.92
Thorne Vitamin D3 - $10.80
Immune Booster- $13.03
Quantum Immune complex - $15.96
Advanced Immune & Recovery Support - $38.38
Vira Clear-cherry
syrup- $12.00
Vira Clear 7630 - $12.00
Sambucus syrup - $12.00 Flux-Ease - $20.00
Unique E - $28.46
Hartzell’s can
help you
succeed with
your weight
People who are overweight are at a higher
risk for depression according to researchers at
Erasmus Medical Center
in the Netherlands. The
researchers speculate
that obesity and depression might share an underlying factor of inflammation or that depression
might interfere with the
endocrine system that
has a domino effect on
weight gain.
Being overweight elevates blood pressure,
cholesterol, triglycerides
and increases insulin resistance. Diabetes is
three times more likely in
obese individuals with a
BMI of 28 or greater.
Other diseases associated with obesity include
osteoarthritis, sleep apnea, abdominal hernias
and varicose veins.
At Hartzell’s we have
various programs to assist with weight management. One of the tools
we utilize in our programs is (BIA) Bio Impedance Analysis. BIA is
a painless electrical test
that calculates lean
mass, fat mass, basal
metabolic rate, caloric
need, hydration and
many other factors necessary to evaluate body
Ask us to help you
experience weight
loss success!
page 2.
Auto Immune Disease
Several studies have shown that auto immune diseases are preceded by a long preclinical phase, and that
many auto antibodies can be detected in the serum of asymptomatic subjects years before diagnosis. Auto
immune disease such as inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is increasing in our society. ―I believe that food allergies, food sensitivity and gluten intolerance are causing many health problems such as Celiac disease, which
results in malabsorption and digestive issues.‖- Robert E. Hartzell, R.Ph, CNN. Current research suggests that
food allergies and sensitivities are far more common than we might imagine. Gluten, dairy and eggs are some
of the most common foods that people can be sensitive to. ―When working with clients I will usually remove
these from their diet. I also like my clients to keep a food diary which helps to determine the foods that can
increase symptoms‖.— Robert Hartzell, R.Ph., CNN Some conditions that are associated with dairy, eggs and
gluten sensitivity include acid reflux, constipation, IBD, hypothyroidism, migraine and chronic fatigue. As world
renowned nutritional biochemist Dr. Jeffrey Bland often says ‖The food of some can be the poison of another.‖
Vitamin D3
In addition to its solid connection with calcium absorption
and bone mass vitamin D has also been increasingly researched for its connection to immunity. It is therefore a
vital component in therapies aimed at prevention of influenza, including the H1N1 strain. With the onset of flu season
swiftly upon us, there is no better time to integrate this therapy into your supplement routines.
U-lite from UltraLite
Avoiding extra pounds helps to lower your chances of diabetes and high
blood pressure and may reduce the risk for heart disease, stroke, cancer, sleep problems, arthritis and degenerative joint issues. Losing just
5 to 15% of your body weight can yield many health benefits. An added
benefit from the Hartzell’s recommended weight loss programs is that
you will focus on losing fat, not muscle. U-lite is a three week pro-
gram that includes two consultation sessions plus packets of
UltraLite and all the supplies necessary for the three weeks.
This program, developed by a Naturopathic Physician is the
leading weight loss program in Australia. U-Lite is designed
to help women lose 5 to 10 lbs and men 7 to 12 lbs in 3
weeks. Cost is $350.00 for the three weeks
- SPECIAL OFFER - sign up in November or
December and SAVE $50.00
Heart Burn Relief
GERD - Gastro-esophageal reflux disease
occurs when the stomach contents back-up
or reflux into the esophagus, irritating and
inflaming the lining of the esophagus .
Healthy function of the esophageal sphincter
normally prevents gastric reflux; when it
becomes weakened or lax, heartburn happens. Identification and elimination of food
allergies and smoking cessation may help
reduce laxity of the esophageal sphincter,
ultimately adding to, not diminishing, necessary hydrochloric acid production
Is a formula to relieve the discomfort of
gastric reflux. It is uniquely engineered to
act locally in the esophagus to alkalize
and soothe irritated tissues.
Probiotics produce enzymes that
help us digest our food. They are
even responsible for manufacturing
B vitamins. They help to clean the
gastrointestinal tract, reduce symptoms such as bad breath, gas, and
diarrhea. Probiotics help with more
serious conditions such as vaginal
and yeast infections.
At birth, the human intestine is sterile. Upon delivery, however, the
intestinal tract becomes colonized
as the baby passes through the birth
A study done at John Hopkins Children Center, has shown that babies
fed formula supplemented with
beneficial bacteria have less diarrhea and diaper rash.
Vitamin E Slows Aging
Vitamin E protects the brain from cognitive impairment according to a study from Shibaura Institute of Technology in
Tokyo. This research concluded that vitamin E may improve
cognitive deficit caused through aging by not only its
neuro-protecting effect but an antioxidant efficacy. The best
food sources of vitamin E are listed below in order of
strongest concentration:
Filberts 1/2 cup - 16.2 mg
Come to Hartzell’s
Almonds 1/2 cup - 15.1 mg
Sunflower seeds 1/2 cup - 15 mg
for accurate, well
Soybeans, cooked 1 cup - 11.8 mg
Macadamia nuts 1/2 cup - 11 mg
Wheat germ 1/2 cup - 7.4 mg
information on
Peanuts 1/2 cup - 7.3mg
vitamins and
Cashews 1/2 cup - 5.5 mg
Yam, baked 1 - 5.2 mg
Spinach, fresh cooked 1 cup - 4.0mg
Pistachio nuts 1/2 cup - 3.35mg
Oil & Vinegar dressing 1 Tbsp - 3.0 mg
Men’s & Women’s
Legwear and
Sensifoot Socks
8-15 & 15-20 mm/HG
Buy 2 Get 1 FREE
$100.00 OFF
Stairway lifts
$50.00 OFF
Seatlift Recliners
Travel in safety and comfort
either upstairs or downstairs. Increase your mobility around your house.
Several seating styles and
fabrics to choose. Bring
this ad with you.
Call today for your FREE ESTIMATE!
Get a smooth and
comfortable ride
to the relaxing
position of your
choice. There
are many different styles and fabric designs to
choose . Bring this add with you to
save on the chair of your choice.
Sale starts - December 1st.
Sale ends December 31st.
Hospital grade Breast Pumps
Sale & Rental
Foot Facts - Plantar Fasciitis
Come to Hartzell’s and ask for
Sue who will be happy to show
you all the different styles of
hospital grade pumps for rent or
purchase and all the accessories
Plantar Fasciitis is an inflammation caused by excessive stretching of the plantar fascia. The plantar fascia is a broad band of
fibrous tissue which runs along the bottom surface of the foot,
attaching at the bottom of the heel bone and extending to the forefoot.
Lynco® L420 Sports Orthotics - Posted Heel
Lynco® Biomechanical Sports Orthotics are designed specifically
for comfort, support and weight redistribution in athletic,
walking and comfort footwear. These tri-density orthotics
feature a Pro-Shox™ top cover for superior cushioning
and shock absorption. Pro-Shox's high-tech polyester
fibers wick moisture away from the foot and provide a
cool, friction free surface to prevent blisters and other
foot problems. Lynco Sports Orthotics feature a molded Pedic® core for
stability and resilience, while the Plastazote® bottom conforms to the
footwear and keeps the orthotics light in weight.
This unique Foot Pain Night Splint system has features
designed to comfortably stretch the plantar fascia and Achilles
tendon during sleep. The gentle stretch helps reduce the muscle contracture, inflammation and pain associated with the first
step in the morning or after periods of rest.
Paraffin Heat
page 3.
Information & Events for November & December
From the Health and Wellness Department:
Thanksgiving Day - Nov. 25
Christmas Eve - Dec. 24th
—-9:00am to 2:00pm—
Blood Pressure, Blood Glucose - $5.00, Osteoporosis - $25.00
& Cholesterol Screenings -$35.00 are available during our normal store hours - call Clinical Services at 610-264-5471 ext#
247 - for a time and day convenient for you. When you make your
appointment keep in mind you may need to fast for some of the screenings.
For over 40 years -You can Talk to Us!
From the Home Medical Equipment Department:
Christmas Day - Dec. 25th
Medical Legwear on Sale - Starting in December
Men’s and Women’s stockings and socks
Buy 2 - Get the third FREE
See page 3 for Holiday specials on our Stairglides and Seatlift Recliners
Dec. 26th - Sunday ——10:00 am to 3:00 pm—-
From the Vaccine Clinic:
New Years Eve - Dec. 31st
—9:00am to 5:30pm—
New Years Day
Jan. 1st, 2011
Jan. 2nd - Sunday
—10:00 am to 3:00 pm—
FLU Shot Clinic - open during our normal store hours.
Walk-ins are always welcome - There is no reason to wait Get your flu shot - Protect yourself and those you love.
Call the Vaccine Clinic 610-264-5471 ext# 247 - for information on other vaccines available at Hartzell’s.
Hartzell’s Gift Cards are available in any
amount and make great gifts for all your
special occasion and holiday gift giving.

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