Here`s - Newton Community Education
Here`s - Newton Community Education
newton community education r a o Sinto r e m m Su SUMMER 2016 • 617-559-6999 From our Kids Program Director It’s a happy day in January for me when this brochure goes to the printer, full of its surprises for Summer 2016. I imagine our high schools in summer—mostly emptied of high school kids (except for the many who work for us), and suddenly filled with smaller ones, their faces aglow with pleasure because now they can spend ALL DAY doing what they love or trying something new. It is my great pleasure to unveil what I think is the best NCE Kids summer program ever. Once again, in addition to old favorites, we bring you never-before-seen classes taught by NPS teachers with hidden talents. I’m particularly excited about our new Vive la France pastry class, Smart Streets, and new art classes Cardboard Cities and Outdoor Art. We know your kids will learn a lot this summer, but mostly we just want them to have fun. We hope they will spread their wings, take advantage of new opportunities, and perhaps discover their own talents or passions along the way. You’ll find me scurrying around from class to class, hoping to be there for that moment when they do. It’s a countdown for me from now, in January, to then. I can’t wait to see your kids (and maybe you too) this summer. Happy Exploring, Lisa Arts... ACTORS STUDIO Bridget Frey, Instructor Actors and actresses, get ready to shine. If you’re trying out for a show, craving an opportunity to showcase your talent, or just looking to express yourself, this class is for you. You’ll enjoy diverse acting exercises and improvisational games, perform scenes from plays and books, learn basic acting concepts, see how plays are produced, and build your confidence in front of an audience. On the last day, we’ll present a performance for family and friends. Grades 1–5. KS103-S16-1 $195 July 5–8 @ Newton North 9am–12pm KS103-S16-2 $245 July 18–22 @ Newton South 1–4pm KS103-S16-3 $245 August 8–12 @ Newton North 9am–12pm KS103-S16-4 $245 August 15–19 @ Newton North 9am–12pm KS103-S16-5 $245 August 22–26 @ Newton North 1–4pm ANIMAL ART Susan Paquette, Instructor FLYING HIGH: Katrina Lu Lundberg was nine years old when she painted this blue-footed booby in our Art Studio Intensive class with Alma Bella Solis at Countryside School. Katrina has two older sisters, an older brother, a parakeet, and a turtle at home. She is a fierce protector of animals and nature and was one of the thousands of walkers at the NYC climate march in 2014. Katrina has many interests, including making herbal remedies, playing chess, geocaching, rock climbing, fishing, reading, pottery, woodworking, and meditation. Katrina’s grandparents come from Sweden and Taiwan. Editor’s note: Make beautiful art like Katrina’s! Sign up for our summer Art Studio class; details on page 3. HOW TO MAKE THE MOST OF THIS BROCHURE: • Notice we’ve divided our classes into loose categories: Arts, Sciences, Best of Both Worlds, and Sports. But don’t take those groupings too seriously— check it ALL out. • Use our Summer at a Glance chart on pages 10–11. It shows you the different classes offered each week, listed by location and age group. • Make a full day and save $25. Take back-to-back morning and afternoon programs any week, sign up for lunch, and get a $25 discount. There’s extended day too for those who need it. (Bring your own lunch please.) • Don’t miss our important FAQs and Behavior Policy on page 19. • Call us! We can help you plan a summer that’s just right for you. 2 617 559-6999 Spend a week at the NCE Zoo where all the animals are of your own creation. You’ll make 2-D and 3-D animal-themed art projects. You’ll create hand-painted paper mâché animal puppets; learn to draw animals of the Arctic, Rainforest, and New England; use cut paper and yarn to make a forest of animal species; and sculpt your favorite animals with homemade clay, then paint them too. We’ll also design animal belts, necklaces, and rings from paper, fabric, and clay. For animal lovers only! Grades K–3. KS193-S16 $245 July 18–22 @ Newton South 9am–12pm arts ART BLASTOFF Susan Paquette, Instructor Art lovers unite! Enjoy an art project a day. Create and design your own wearable baseball caps, paint like the Impressionists, design and paint paper mâché vases complete with 3-D flowers, draw cartoon characters from TV, and sculpt a Minion with air drying clay. We’ll enjoy a little face painting as well. The sky is the limit and this class will be a blast! Grades K–3. KS192-S16 $245 July 25–29 @ Newton South 9am–12pm Strathmore drawing pad, a set of charcoal pencils and sticks (kneaded eraser included), a set of 48 soft pastels, a tri-tip white eraser, and a plastic package of blending stumps in various sizes. KS060-S16-1 $245 August 8–12 @ Newton North 1–4pm KS060-S16-2 $245 August 15–19 @ Newton North 1–4pm KS060-S16-3 $245 August 22–26 @ Newton North 1–4pm NEW ARTRAGEOUS OUTFITS Kimberly Meredith, Instructor Tired of your same-old clothes? Re-imagine your wardrobe using materials such as newspapers, plastic recyclables, food wrappers, duct tape, candy, and more. Inspired by the fabulous and fierce Project Runway Unconventional Challenge, you’ll be challenged to think outside the box, get creative, and hone your artistic skills. You’ll make a life-size torso of yourself to work from, then construct clothes that really fit, by gluing, knotting, folding, taping, and hand-sewing. You’ll create funky yet fashionable tops, skirts, pants, dresses, and accessories. Wear (or display) them with pride! Grades 4–9. KS142-S16 $245 July 18–22 @ Newton South 9am–12pm Art Studio Intensive ART STUDIO INTENSIVE: CHARCOAL & PASTEL PAINTING Alma Bella Solis, Instructor If you’re serious about drawing and want to challenge yourself, join us for this studio class. Using a combination of charcoal pencils and dry/soft pastels, you’ll produce your own compositions interpreting a still-life model. You’ll learn the methods of outline, contour, shading, blending, detailing, and connectedness in achieving proportion and perspective. Expect your final work to be worthy of acceptance to the MFA. All levels welcome. Grades 2 & up. Please bring the following materials: A tabletop or floor adjustable easel, an 18” x 24” NEW BLING IT ON: TRASH TO TREASURE JEWELRY Kimberly Meredith, Instructor Bedeck yourself with one-of-a-kind homemade jewelry made from unexpected materials. You’ll transform found objects and recycled materials into funky earrings, necklaces, bracelets, and purses. Working with magazine beads, duct and washi tape, paper towel rolls, and more, you’ll learn both traditional and unconventional jewelry-making techniques including stringing, knotting, and sculpting, and you’ll learn how to use tools appropriate for each project. To finish the week, you’ll paint jewelry boxes to hold your new treasures. Grades 2–5. NEW CALLIGRAPHY Alma Bella Solis, Instructor Handwriting may be a dying art, but calligraphy lives on. Learn the timeless art of beautiful writing, using the Uncial-Foundational script of western calligraphy. You’ll start by learning to write numbers and the alphabet. Through practice, focus, and concentration, you’ll develop your penmanship and gain mastery in both print and longhand. Write your favorite poems, quotations, or any text of your choice; finished pieces can be framed for posterity. Grades 4–9. Bring a calligraphy set with the following materials: an automatic pen with various nib sizes, ink cartridges, an 18” transparent rule, lined paper (an intermediate pad), a pencil and eraser, and several sheets of 8.5 x 11 unlined bond paper. KS149-S16 $245 June 27–July 1 @ Newton South 1–4pm NEW CARDBOARD CITIES Melissa Kulig, Instructor Create an entire city or neighborhood out of recycled cardboard boxes, small jars, and plastic containers. We’ll build gardens, fences, and pipe cleaner and pom pom people and animals to inhabit the town, and we’ll paint siding, windows, roofs, walkways, and streets. Learn how trash and recycled materials can create new toys and worlds. Your cities will be glued to large, flat pieces of cardboard that can be transported home at the end of the week. Wear old clothes or a smock. Grades K–3. KS125-S16-1 $245 June 27–July 1 @ Newton South 1–4pm KS125-S16-2 $245 August 8–12 @ Newton North 9am–12pm There are no classes on Monday, July 4. KS141-S16 $245 August 1–5 @ Newton South 1–4pm 3 arts CARTOONING Susan Paquette, Instructor Walt Disney, here we come! Learn to draw characters from books, television, movies, and video games. With step-by-step instructions, you’ll work on some crazy characters, paying close attention to drawing hands, feet, and facial expressions. We’ll explore anime-style drawing as well, and create animated flip books of your drawings. Your final project will include hand-painted animation cels of your favorite character to mount for display. Bring a snack. Grades K–3. KS039-S16 $195 July 5–8 @ Newton North 9am–12pm CLAY WORKSHOP Lisa Walker, Instructor From the functional to the whimsical, make just about anything you want from clay. Learn handbuilding fundamentals and techniques for creating pinch pots, slabs, coils, and sculptures. You’ll select your best pieces to glaze with the colors and patterns of your choice. With lots of one-on-one expert guidance, you will work as an individual and in a group to explore, design, and refine your work. KS129-S16-1 $255 (Grades 1–4) June 27– July 1 @ Newton South 9am–12pm KS129-S16-2 $205 (Grades 3–6) July 5–8 @ Newton North 9am–12pm KS129-S16-3 $255 (Grades 3–6) July 25–29 @ Newton South 9am–12pm KS129-S16-4 $255 (Grades 1–4) August 1–5 @ Newton South 9am–12pm COOKING AROUND THE WORLD Liz Simpson, Instructor Travel the globe with us as we discover native delicacies from the seven continents. During the week we’ll create different menus with foods unique to each continent, and we’ll learn about the history and origins of the foods we prepare. We’ll make everything from scratch: you’ll read the recipes; measure, cut, and prepare all the ingredients; and of course, sample the finished products. We’ll make familiar specialties like Ratatouille and Pad Thai, as well as unusual delights like African Chicken & Couscous Salad and Korean Bibimbap. We’ll enjoy some sweets too, including Indian Mango Lassi and Spanish Tres Leches Cake (yum!). Please let us know of any food allergies before registering for this class. There’s no need to bring a lunch. Grades 5–9. KS128-S16-1 $275 July 25–29 @ Newton South 9am–12:30pm KS128-S16-2 $275 August 1–5 @ Newton South 9am–12:30pm CRAZY CRAFTS Elisa Ng & Sophia Ng, Instructors Challenge your creativity and your fingers’ flexibility. Discover Ductivities and make assorted cool and colorful wallets, pencil pouches, or flowers out of duct tape; mess around with modeling clay and mix colors to make animal figurines and charms; and play with paper to make exciting 2-D and 3-D projects including origami toys and animals. We’ll try unit origami, make geogami pencil holders, and explore paper quilling too. Great fun for the crafty one! Grades 2–5. KS105-S16 $245 July 11–15 @ Newton North 1–4pm DARKROOM PHOTOGRAPHY Ashley Saccoach, Instructor In the “dark” ages, people took pictures with huge boxes, covered by large blankets to block out all the light. Those days are behind us, but the modern era of darkroom photography is not, and this is how some of the most beautiful pictures are made. Join us to discover the art of darkroom photography. You’ll learn the basic functions of a camera, which apply to both film and digital cameras; we’ll shoot a variety of pictures, and experience the magic as photographs pass through different chemical solutions to come to life before our eyes. We’ll experiment with photograms; make pinhole cameras, handcolored photos, and collages; and discuss the history of photography and influential photographers. By the end of the week, you’ll have a portfolio of original photographs to take home, and our last class will include a show for family and friends. Dust off and bring your old 35mm camera, along with at least two rolls of 35mm black and white film to class. Grades 5–9. KS204-S16-1 $255 July 18–22 @ Newton South 9am–12pm KS204-S16-2 $255 July 25–29 @ Newton South 9am–12pm NEW DECOR BY ME Nicole Donson, Instructor Create cool keepsafe crafts. Explore the art of mosaics and decorate a wooden mirror or picture frame with ceramic tiles and grout. Decoupage a box using decorative papers, colored tissue, fabric, glue-on jewels and colorful beads. Make a hardbound journal using classic bookbinding techniques; decorate the cover with fabric or fancy papers; and add stickers, ribbons, or glue-on jewels. Design an iPad or iPhone cover or bag and cover it with fabric, papers, jewels or beads. Decorate and build desk accessories from wood and recycled materials, or create decorations to hang on your wall. Use our items to decorate, or bring your own. Wear a smock. Grades 4–9. KS140-S16-1 $215 July 5–8 @ Newton North 1–4pm KS140-S16-2 $265 August 1–5 @ Newton South 9am–12pm Crazy Crafts 4 617 559-6999 arts FABRIC PAINTING Nicole Donson, Instructor Here’s a whole new outlet for your artistic creativity and imagination! Learn popular silk and fabric painting and decorating techniques using non-toxic colorfast dyes, fabric paints, markers, and more. You’ll mix colors, thicken dyes, print with rubber stamps, and use salt to make beautiful starbursts and dynamic patterns. Turn original artwork into iron-on designs, and embellish your work with colorful sequins, buttons, or embroidery. Make a scarf, sun-catcher, pillowcase, tote bag, or T-shirt—your choice of projects and styles is endless. Materials will be provided, but you can bring fabric or clothing from home too. Wear old clothes or a smock. Grades 1–4. KS073-S16-1 $265 July 18–22 @ Newton South 1–4pm KS073-S16-2 $265 August 15–19 @ Newton North 9am–12pm NEW FASHION ART PROJECTS Susan Paquette, Instructor Fashion lovers unite! Walk the runway after you’ve created your own original trash bag dresses. Design duct tape wallets with patterned tape, assemble beaded jewelry, and design metal pendants and necklaces. Learn to recycle matchboxes to make lockets with a picture inside, construct a craft foam purse, and make rhinestone hair clips and colorful fabric headbands. The final project will be a hand-painted plastic poodle skirt. All projects are wearable. Grades K–3. Bring a snack for all half-day programs, and lunch for full-day programs. FELT & FABRIC FIBER ART Nicole Donson, Instructor Create a wide range of projects in this mixedmedia fiber art fiesta. Make weavings with yarn, ribbons, and strips of fabric; create Huichol yarn collages by gluing yarn down to cardboard; and make collages from wool and fabric too. Learn simple hand-sewing techniques to make stuffed felt animals, pillows, and bags from store-bought felt, and learn to needlepoint with yarn. Create your own felt from wool, watching the fibers bond together like magic when heat, moisture, and pressure are applied. Then use your felt for wool-bead jewelry and flower accessories for yourself, or to decorate your collages and other creations. You’ll finish the week with new skills and several finished projects to take home. Grades 4–9. KS210-S16-1 $265 July 11–15 @ Newton North 1–4pm KS210-S16-2 $265 August 8–12 @ Newton North 9am–12pm GLASS CLASS Michel L’Huillier, Instructor If you admire stained glass, glass jewelry, glass dishware, and more, join us to make your own glass artwork and master various glass techniques. With fusing, you’ll create a plate, necklace, and decorative tiles. With mosaic, you’ll make a trivet, name plate, or decorated mirror. With jewelry-mosaic, you’ll place glass beads and pieces in a deep pendant to create a unique necklace. And with etching, you’ll apply a resist to a glass piece and cut out a design. Learn to work safely with glass as you explore the creativity this medium allows. Safety glasses will be provided; wear closed-toe shoes. KS195-S16-1 $325 (Grades 5–9) June 27–July 1 @ Newton South 9am–12pm KS195-S16-2 $325 (Grades 2–5) June 27–July 1 @ Newton South 1–4pm KS195-S16-3 $325 (Grades 2–5) July 25–29 @ Newton South 9am–12pm KS195-S16-4 $325 (Grades 5–9) July 25–29 @ Newton South 1–4pm KS195-S16-5 $325 (Grades 5–9) August 15–19 @ Newton North 9am–12pm KS195-S16-6 $325 (Grades 2–5) August 15–19 @ Newton North 1–4pm KS195-S16-7 $325 (Grades 2–5) August 22–26 @ Newton North 1–4pm KS195-S16-8 $325 (Grades 5–9) August 22–26 @ Newton North 1–4pm KS123-S16-1 $245 June 27–July 1 @ Newton South 1–4pm KS123-S16-2 $245 July 11–15 @ Newton North 9am–12pm KS123-S16-3 $245 July 25–29 @ Newton South 1–4pm K MA E A F U L L DA Y Pair Clay Workshop with Cardboard Cities (pg. 3) or Decor by Me (pg. 4). Glass Class 5 arts KNITTING Deanna Mustachio, Instructor SEW... WHAT’S NEW? Liz Fitzpatrick, Instructor Once just for grannies, now knitting is universally cool. You can say “I made it myself!” when friends admire your stylish scarf, and you’ll never be bored again—you can take your yarn and needles anywhere. We’ll work on basics such as knit and purl stitches, and how to cast on, bind off, increase, decrease, make stripes, and read a simple knitting pattern. Once you’ve mastered the basics, you can really have fun. We’ll have a variety of patterns to choose from, including some more challenging ones like monsters and flowers, which use double-pointed needles for a really cool result. Bring a set of size 8 knitting needles no longer than 10 inches. Grades 2 & up. Master this practical craft and show off your design skills. First you’ll learn to use a pattern, cut and pin fabric, and safely operate a sewing machine, while making a beach bag. Then you’ll take measurements and try your hand at garment construction by making a pair of shorts, with fabrics and embellishments chosen from our stash of new and recycled materials. Later in the week you’ll choose your own project(s) and make oneof-a-kind designs of clothing or objects from our selection of patterns and materials. Firsttime stitchers welcome. Grades 4–9. KS212-S16-1 $235 August 8–12 @ Newton North 9am–12pm KS212-S16-2 $235 August 22–26 @ Newton North 1–4pm NEW MONSTER MASH Melissa Kulig, Instructor Build your own monster, creature, or alien. We’ll sand scrap pieces of wood; glue them together; use self-drying clay; and add fabric, yarn, googly eyes, and pipe cleaner antennae to create creatures from your imagination. You can even paint designs all over your monster and add tails and wings! Give your friend-or-foe creature any personality or special power you can think of. Name your monster and bring it home to introduce to family and friends. Wear old clothes or a smock. Grades K–3. KS124-S16-1 $245 August 1–5 @ Newton South 9am–12pm Need Extended Day? Come under our wings. Outdoor Art NEW OUTDOOR ART Dana Lanciloti, Instructor Use nature as inspiration for creating ephemeral and permanent works of art. We’ll make nature mandalas, stick weavings, zen gardens, meditation jars, sky paintings, land art, and paper nests with eggs. Coolest of all, we’ll work outdoors to create a giant group nest, a labyrinth, and a large-scale weaving (weather permitting). Bring your own collected materials to add to our “nature buffet,” and don’t leave your imagination at home—you’ll need it for this class! Grades 3–6. KS144-S16 $245 July 11–15 @ Newton North 9am–12pm PUBLIC SPEAKING BOOT CAMP Kim Vanaman, Instructor Conquer your inner fears or unleash your inner ham. Get the skills and confidence you need to successfully speak in public, whether it’s in class, at a meeting, or as a future speech competitor. Through a variety of exercises, games, and activities (as well as a lot of practice speaking in front of this group), we’ll explore the many aspects of public speaking, work on a variety of presentation styles, learn how to prepare ourselves physically and mentally for speaking, and have fun in a relaxed and entertaining environment. The skills you learn here will last a lifetime. Our final class will include an informal performance for family and friends. Bring a spiral notebook, 3x5 cards, pens, pencils, and a favorite book. Grades 5–9. KS024-S16-1 $235 July 11–15 @ Newton North 9am–12pm KS024-S16-2 $235 August 8–12 @ Newton North 9am–12pm 6 617 559-6999 KS225-S16-1 $255 June 27–July 1 @ Newton South 1–4pm KS225-S16-2 $255 July 25–29 @ Newton South 1–4pm NEW SEW... WHAT ELSE IS NEW? Liz Fitzpatrick, Instructor This is a continuing class for kids who have completed our Sew... What’s New? class or have at least advanced beginner sewing skills. We’ll build on what you learned at NCE or at home, and we’ll create a skirt, a sleeveless shirt, and more. Grades 4–9. KS147-S16 $255 July 18–22 @ Newton South 1–4pm NEW SEW... WHAT ELSE IS NEW? GIFTS! Liz Fitzpatrick, Instructor This is a continuing class for kids who have completed our Sew... What’s New? class or have at least advanced beginner sewing skills. Building on the skills you learned at NCE or at home, we’ll create lots of small projects that are perfect for giving as gifts (or keeping for yourself). We’ll all make handbags, small toys, and accessories, and you’ll choose some individual projects to work on as well. Grades 4–9. KS148-S16 $255 August 1–5 @ Newton South 1–4pm arts NEW VIVE LA FRANCE: FRENCH PASTRY Marissa Smajlaj, Instructor July 14th is Bastille Day—French National Day! Celebrate with us in this Frenchinspired baking class that celebrates traditional French desserts including Macarons, croissants, eclairs, pastry swans, and the piece de resistance: the traditional wedding-inspired Croquembouche, which translates to “Crunches in the Mouth.” Learn basic French baking skills and create delicious sweets to bring home daily (if they make it home, that is). Note: some desserts may contain nuts. Grades 2 & up. KS145-S16 $275 July 18–22 @ Newton South 9am–12pm 3-D Sculpture NEW SPECIALTY COOKS Julia Corrou, Instructor It’s all in the sauce! So let’s learn to make some great ones. Gain confidence in your cooking skills as you master common and unique sauces like chocolate gravy, salted caramel, and supreme strawberry sauce. Moving beyond sauces, you’ll crank out your own homemade pasta with creative colors and shapes and yummy homemade fillings, and on the sweeter side, you’ll put on your confectioner’s hat and learn the art of candy making. Each day we’ll explore a different cooking specialty to broaden your culinary horizons and entrance your taste buds. We’ll snack as we go, so there’s no need to bring one. Grades 2 & up. KS132-S16 $255 July 11–15 @ Newton South 9am–12pm Specialty Cooks 3-D SCULPTURE Susan Paquette, Instructor Think beyond paper and pencil—it’s time to go 3-D! Use a wide variety of materials to make modern and fine art projects. Create giant ice cream cones out of paper maché, construct modern sculptures of wire and wood, and design wearable cowboy/cowgirl hats and decoupage cereal box beach totes. You’ll work with the following media: boxes, cardboard, paper maché, nylon, wire, wood, paint, Styrofoam, contact paper, and other miscellaneous craft supplies. Join us in the third dimension! Grades K–3. KS089-S16 $245 June 27–July 1 @ Newton South 9am–12pm TRASH ART Ginelle McKenzie, Instructor Don’t throw it away! You can recycle your trash and use it to make really cool crafts. In this class we’ll create great projects such as paper-towel-roll rainsticks, egg carton caterpillars, and recycled treasure boxes. We’ll also melt old crayons and put them in molds to create new, fun-colored ones. For inspiration we’ll read books like Harold and The Purple Crayon, Michael Recycle Meets Litterbug Doug, and Willow. It’s not just about art—it’s about saving the planet too. Ages 4–7. YOUNG BROADWAY Liz Orlando, Instructor Enjoy two weeks filled with movement, games, acting, music, and play. We’ll explore the musical mythology and fantasy of Hercules, and join him on his many adventures. Everyone will perform different parts of this story of a young mortal “zero” who turns hero with a little hard work and help from his friends. Using a variety of fabrics, paints, and other craft materials, we will work together to create the scenery of Ancient Greece. We’ll make costumes and props to depict the monsters and obstacles that Hercules faces, and we’ll learn the songs that tell the story. We will create our own innovative version of the show to be shared with family and friends on our last day. Please bring a snack and a water bottle each day. Ages 4–8. KS130-S16-1 $435 July 5–15 @ Newton North 9am–12pm KS130-S16-2 $450 July 18–29 @ Newton South 9am–12pm Don’t get stranded on the rocks! Pick your favorite programs before they’re gone. KS106-S16-1 $245 July 11–15 @ Newton North 9am–12pm KS106-S16-2 $245 August 15–19 @ Newton North 9am–12pm 7 sciences ...and Sciences CAMP INVENTION Judi Fitts, Director Enjoy high-energy activities that encourage inventive thinking and creative problem solving, while applying science, technology, engineering, math, and the arts. In Week 1, Envision, you’ll become studio crew members for a TV show and work to design, create, and test gadgets that solve viewer challenges live on air; find a magnificent island by navigating handcrafted upcycled ships while learning about buoyancy, orienteering, and magnetism; take a fantasy adventure in a space modulator time machine to explore serendipitous moments in invention history and make your own inventions. In Week 2, Epic, you’ll power a circuit using solar energy and engineer robotic inventions inspired by the unique biology of a cricket; design tree houses integrating simple machines and produce and promote prototypes for a new green energy-fueled park; and enter the Invention Lab, where you’ll use a wrecking ball and mock dynamite to demolish structures, code a programmable robot, conduct chemistry experiments, and more. In both weeks you’ll take apart machines and reconfigure their parts to make big innovations, explore the science of 3D printing, tinker with circuits to get your gears moving, and enjoy inventive outdoor games. Each week culminates in a presentation for family and friends. Kids will be grouped by age; we’ll try to place you with your friends if we get your requests by May 27. Attention veteran inventors: Epic is a new program, and Envision was last offered in 2012. For more details on each of these programs, see our website. Grades 1–6. CAMP INVENTION— EXTENDED DAY The extended day program allows for an 8:30am drop-off Monday-Friday, as well as additional care until 5:30pm on Monday– Thursday afternoons. Activities include indoor and outdoor games. The fee cannot be prorated for individual days used. Parents are invited to attend our showcase on Friday afternoon each week, so no extended day is offered. KS008-S16-1 $115 (Envision) KS008-S16-2 $115 (Epic) CHESS INTENSIVE Ross Eldridge, Instructor Serious chess players: your fun doesn’t have to end with the school year. Use the summer to build your chess-playing skills. You’ll review chess principles, looking at positions from real games played by grandmasters, and we’ll focus on strategy and positional tactics. You’ll learn about notation for reading and writing games as well. Each day will include a combination of instruction and games; on the final day we’ll have an in-class tournament. Keep your mind sharp this summer and join us for a week of the ultimate game of strategy. No beginners please! Grades 3–6. KS196-S16-1 $235 June 27–July 1 @ Newton South 9am–12pm KS196-S16-2 $235 August 22–26 @ Newton North 9am–12pm KS126-S16-1 (Envision) $335 July 11–15 @ Newton South 9am– 3:30pm KS126-S16-2 (Epic) $335 July 18–22 @ Newton South 9am– 3:30pm Domino Physics 8 617 559-6999 DOMINO PHYSICS Peter Bloom, Instructor These are not your grandmother’s dominos! This class is for kids who love nothing more than to build, create, and find practical applications for scientific discovery. You’ll construct enormous chain reactions using thousands of building-type dominos (think Jenga blocks), vast numbers of marbles and tracks, mechanical toys, electronic devices, and numerous other props. Learn tricks of the trade for stunning and effective domino chaining; work solo and as part of a team to refine and expand your master creations. Each day is a mix of self-directed discovery and expert instruction. Grades 2 & up. KS010-S16 $355 August 22–26 @ Newton North 9am– 3:30pm NEW ECO KIDS Ava Waitz, Instructor Go green in this week of environmental awareness immersion. Through demos, hands-on activities, and experiments, you’ll learn scientific facts about the environment and how we humans affect it. We’ll discuss climate change, renewable energy, habitat protection, and waste management, and we’ll design a resilient city. This is not an academic class! (But you’ll be way smarter when it’s over.) Grades 3–5. KS150-S16-1 $235 August 8–12 @ Newton North 1–4pm KS150-S16-2 $235 August 15–19 @ Newton North 9am–12pm sciences MAD SCIENCE JUNIOR Mad Science staff, Instructors NEW EXTREME EARTH Wicked Cool for Kids staff, Instructors Join us for hands-on science fun. We’ll have a blast exploring science and how it affects the world around us. Become an honorary Junior Mad Scientist and see some of the awesome stuff from the Mad Science laboratory. Each day we’ll have a different science theme with exciting activities, experiments, and related games and stories. We’ll make oobleck, learn about the human body and our senses, discover the properties of water, explore the wonders of light and color, and much more. Ages 4–6. Junior geologists and elementary engineers: harness earth’s extremes as we investigate its awesome powers in the forms of wind, water, weather, and sunlight. We will explore our wide world, focusing on earth’s energy sources and the process of engineering amazing gadgets that transform energy into useful creations. Build solar cars to harness the power of the sun, and explore earth’s magnetism and electrical energy. Dig deep into earth science as we build a better volcano, create a fantastic water filter, and classify some real fossils to take home. Extreme excitement for your inner earth scientist! Grades 1–4. KS134-S16-1 $375 July 25–29 @ Newton South 9am– 4pm KS134-S16-2 $375 August 8–12 @ Newton North 9am– 4pm KS134-S16-3 $375 August 22–26 @ Newton North 9am– 4pm INTRO TO PROGRAMMING: SCRATCH Grant Osborn, Instructor Get with the program and learn Scratch, a popular, free programming tool created at MIT. Learn the fundamentals of writing code through fun yet challenging tasks, and express your imagination with inventive game designs. You’ll create thematic animations, interactive stories, and short video games, while mastering different skills and concepts daily. We’ll end the week with a super show-and-tell of your individual creations. The world runs on code, and it’s never too early to get started learning! Grades 3–5. KS214-S16-1 $245 June 27–July 1 @ Newton South 1–4pm KS214-S16-2 $245 July 11–15 @ Newton North 1–4pm KS214-S16-3 $245 July 18–22 @ Newton South 9am–12pm KS214-S16-4 $245 August 1–5 @ Newton South 1–4pm KS214-S16-5 $245 August 8–12 @ Newton North 9am–12pm KS214-S16-6 $245 August 15–19 @ Newton North 1–4pm KS214-S16-7 $245 August 22–26 @ Newton North 9am–12pm Lego Engineering LEGO ENGINEERING Wicked Cool for Kids staff, Instructors Our Lego engineering program includes wicked cool STEM-based challenges and free building—two things we know you love. You’ll build mechanisms that incorporate gears, flywheels, levers, and cams to make barking dogs, crawling bugs, launch-powered drag racers, and other amazing contraptions. Crank up the fun as you use your creativity to build with Legos in problem-solving challenges: design a spinning eggbeater or create a car to carry Lego bricks uphill. Rise to the Lego challenge! Grades 1–4. KS139-S16-1 $205 July 5–8 @ Newton North 1–4pm KS139-S16-2 $245 July 18–22 @ Newton North 9am–12pm KS139-S16-3 $245 August 1–5 @ Newton South 1–4pm KS139-S16-4 $245 August 15–19 @ Newton North 9am–12pm K MA KS227-S16-1 $245 August 8–12 @ Newton North 9am–12pm KS227-S16-2 $245 August 15–19 @ Newton North 1–4pm MATHEMADDICTS Steve Dubin, Instructor Is your attitude towards math “I want more”? Does the prospect of playing with spheres, cones, cylinders, cubes, and their cousins make your heart go pit-a-pat? Do you think that math is cool? If you answered “yes” to any of the above questions, this class is for you! We’ll assemble classic three-dimensional figures, learn about some cool relationships among them, and work together to build a geodesic dome. We’ll do a bunch of numbers puzzles, and you’ll probably hear some math jokes along the way. Great for future programmers or math geeks who want to have fun. Grades 5–9. KS120-S16-1 $195 July 5–8 @ Newton North 1–4pm KS120-S16-2 $235 July 25–29 @ Newton South 1–4pm E A F U L L DA Y Pair MathemAddicts with Power Programmers (pg. 12). MathemAddicts 9 NCE Kids Summer at a glance 6/27–7/1* 7/5–7/8* 7/11–7/15 7/18–7/22 7/25–7/29 9am–12pm @ South 9am–12pm @ North 9am–12pm @ North 9am–12pm @ South 9am–12pm @ South Science Lab Young Broadway Young Broadway Young Broadway Young Broadway 3-D Sculpture Cartooning Animal Art Art Blastoff Lego Engineering Rocket Science Vive La France: French Pastry Glass Class Ages 4–6 Grades K–3 Clay Workshop Grades 1–4 Superhero Physics Grades 1–4 Chess Intensive Grades 3–6 Glass Class Grades 5–9 Power Programmers Grades 5–9 1–4pm @ South Fashion Art Projects Grades K–3 Cardboard Cities Grades K–3 Glass Class Ages 4–8 (two weeks) Grades K–3 Rocket Science Grades 1–4 Superhero Physics Clay Workshop Draw & Build— Architecture Studio Grades 3–6 Draw & Build— Architecture Studio Grades 5–9 Power Programmers Grades 5–9 1–4pm @ North Grades 2–5 Outdoor Art Grades 3–6 Picture Perfect: Digital Photography Grades 2–5 Grades 1–5 Intro to Programming: Scratch Grades 3–5 Game Creators Grades 3–5 Grades K–2 Game Creators Draw & BuildArchitecture Studio Grades 4–9 Other classes @ North Minecraft Mania Wicked Cool Med School Create a TV Show 9am–12:30pm @ Cabot Minecraft Mastercrafters Soccer for Moms 7–8pm Adults! * If snow closings cause school in Newton to extend into this week, these classes will start the day after school ends. 10 617 559-6999 9–10:55am @ Oak Hill Archery Grades 3 & up 9am–12:30pm @ Cabot Soccer & Multi–Sports Ages 4–9 * There are no classes on Monday, July 4. Grades 1–4 Felt & Fabric Fiber Art 9am–4pm @ North Grades 4–7 Grades 5–9 Sew…What Else is New? 9am–4pm @ South Grades 1–4 Grades 3–6 Darkroom Photography Grades 5–9 Power Programmers Fashion Art Projects Crazy Crafts MathemAddicts Clay Workshop 1–4pm @ South Actors Studio Grades 4–9 Grades 2–5 Grades 5–9 Wicked Gross Science Grades 2–5 Grades 1–4 Public Speaking Boot Camp Grades 5–9 Darkroom Photography Fabric Painting Grades 2–5 Grades K–3 Grades 4–9 Grades 5–9 5–6pm or 6–7pm Ages 2–3 Artrageous Outfits (continued) Grades 5–9 Grades 5–9 Soccer Tykes Grades 3–5 1–4pm @ South Web Design 5 Tuesday nights @ Mason Rice Intro to Programming: Scratch 1–4pm @ North Computer Art: Photoshop Flag Football Grades 3–5 Grades 2 & up Picture Projects Grades 1–4 Sew…What’s New? Ages 4–9 Grades 1–4 Power Programmers Grades 5–9 Soccer & Multi–Sports Grades K–3 Strategize with Hearthstone Grades 5–9 Décor by Me Grades 2–5 Ages 4–8 (two weeks) Lego Engineering Intro to Programming: Scratch Grades 4–9 Grades K–3 Grades 1–4 Grades 1–5 DIY Scents & Suds Calligraphy Grades 4–9 Fashion Art Projects Actors Studio Grades 2–5 Grades 3–5 (continued) Trash Art Ages 4–7 Grades 6–8 Grades 4–9 Grades 5–9 Grades 5–9 Grades K–3 DIY Scents & Suds Grades 2–5 Game Creators Grades 3–5 Sew…What’s New? Grades 4–9 MathemAddicts Grades 5–9 Glass Class Grades 5–9 Other Classes @ South Web Design Cooking Around the World Other Classes @ South 9am–4pm @ South Camp Invention: Epic Extreme Earth Classes @ South 9am–3:30pm + Ext. Day Grades 1–6 Camp Invention: Envision Minecraft Mastercrafters Classes @ North Specialty Cooks 9am–12:30pm @ Cabot Soccer & Multi–Sports 9am–12:30pm @ Cabot 9am–3pm; Grades 6–9 Minecraft Mania 9am–4pm; Grades 2–5 9am–3:30pm + Ext. Day Grades 1–6 9am–12pm; Grades 2 & up DIY Scents & Suds 1–4pm; Grades 2–5 9am–12:30pm @ Cabot Soccer & Multi–Sports Ages 4–9 Grades 5–9 9am–4pm; Grades 4–7 Ages 4–9 Flag Football Grades 3–5 12:30–3pm @ Cabot Sports & Games Extended Day Ages 4–10 9am–12:30pm; Grades 5–9 Grades 1–4 Create a TV Show 9am–3pm; Grades 6–9 Soccer & Multi–Sports Ages 4–9 Ultimate Frisbee Grades 3–5 8/1–8/5 8/8–8/12 8/15–8/19 8/22–8/26 8/22–8/26 9am–12pm @ South 9am–12pm @ North 9am–12pm @ North 9am–12pm @ North Monster Mash Mad Science Jr. Trash Art Ages 4–7 Science Lab 9am–12:30pm @ Countryside Clay Workshop Cardboard Cities Rocket Science Soccer & Multi–Sports Glass Class Ultimate Frisbee Grades 2–5 Grades 3–5 (Continued) Grades K–3 Grades 1–4 Superhero Physics Grades 1–4 Digital Art & Animation Grades 3–5 Décor by Me Grades 4–9 Strategize with Hearthstone Grades 5–9 1–4pm @ South Lego Engineering Grades 1–4 Bling it on: Trash to Treasure Jewelry Grade 2–5 Picture Projects Grades 2–5 Intro to Programming: Scratch Grades 3–5 Sew…What Else is New? Gifts! Grades 4–9 Game Creators Grades 6–8 Ages 4–6 Grades K–3 Actors Studio Grades 1–5 Eco Kids DIY Scents & Suds Grades 2–5 12:30–3pm @ Countryside Felt & Fabric Fiber Art Game Creators Intro to Programming: Scratch Grades 3–5 Sports & Games Extended Day Public Speaking Boot Camp Grades 5–9 Glass Class Grades 5–9 Chess Intensive Ages 4–10 Web Design Grades 5–9 Grades 5–9 Songwriting with GarageBand 9am–12:30pm @ Mason Rice Grades 4–9 Grades 3–5 Grades 3–5 Power Programmers 1–4pm @ North 1–4pm @ North Wicked Gross Science Mad Science Jr. Ages 4–6 Grades K–2 DIY Scents & Suds Grades 2–5 Art Studio Intensive: Charcoal & Pastel Painting Grades 2 & up Eco Kids Grades 3–5 Picture Perfect: Digital Photography Grades 5–9 Power Programmers Grades 5–9 Wicked Cool Med School Smart Streets Grades 1–4 Grades 6–8 9am–4pm @ North Extreme Earth Rocket Science Grades 1–4 DIY Scents & Suds Grades 2–5 Glass Class Grades 2–5 Art Studio Intensive: Charcoal & Pastel Paintings Grades 2 & up Intro to Programming: Scratch Grades 3–5 Digital Art & Animation Grades 3–5 Web Design Grades 5–9 9am–4pm @ North Wicked Cool Med School Grades 1–4 Minecraft Mania Grades 2–5 Grades 1–4 Classes @ South Other Classes @ South Minecraft Mastercrafters Innovations Cooking Around the World Smart Streets Grades 5–9 Grades 4–7 9am–12:30pm; Grades 5–9 Grades 5–9 9am–12:30pm @ Countryside Soccer & Multi–Sports Other Classes @ North Ages 4–9 Ages 4–9 Intro to Programming: Scratch Grades 3–5 Game Creators Grades 2–5 Fabric Painting Grades 1–4 Actors Studio Grades 1–5 9am–4pm @ South Minecraft Mania Grades 1–4 Knitting Grades 2 & up Songwriting with GarageBand Grades 5–9 Grades 1–4 Lego Engineering Ages 4–6 Create a TV Show 9am–3pm; Grades 6–9 9am–12:30pm @ Countryside Soccer & Multi–Sports Ages 4–9 T-ball Ages 3–6 8:45am–3pm + Ext. Day Grades 1–7 Making the Musical Grades 3–6 Grades 5–9 Basketball Web Design Grades 5–9 Ages 4–8 1–4pm @ North Superhero Physics Grades 1–4 Actors Studio Grades 1–5 Art Studio Intensive: Charcoal & Pastel Paintings Grades 2 & up Knitting Grades 2 & up Digital Art & Animation Grades 3–5 8/29–9/2 9am–12:30pm @ Mason Rice Soccer & Multi-Sports Ages 4–9 Flag Football Grades 3–5 Glass Class 12:30–3pm @ Mason Rice Power Programmers Sports & Games Extended Day Grades 5–9 Grades 5–9 Ages 4–10 Other Classes @ North Domino Physics 9am–3:30pm; Grades 2 & up Extreme Earth 9am–4pm; Grades 1–4 Minecraft Mastercrafters 9am–4pm; Grades 4–7 10am –2:30pm; Grades 9–12 (two weeks) Classes @ South 9am–12:30pm @ Countryside 8:45am–3pm + Ext. Day Grades 1–7 Soccer & Multi–Sports Making the Musical Ages 4–9 10am –2:30pm (continued) 9am–12:30pm @ Mason Rice 9–10:55am @ Bigelow Archery Grades 3 –12 Newton Summer Stage 7/5 – 8/5 12:30–5:30pm @ North Grades 9–12 Innovations Basketball Ages 4–8 11 sciences MINECRAFT MANIA Wicked Cool for Kids staff, Instructors We’re wicked excited to bring you Minecraft Mania—blending virtual learning with hands-on activities that explore science and engineering using Minecraft. Working in teams, you’ll use an interactive avatar to investigate a virtual educational environment with lessons in geology, engineering, physics, and biology. Learn about the properties of rocks and minerals, and take home your own rock collections. You’ll build skyscrapers and simple machines, plant your own crops, and learn about electricity in enjoyable experiential challenges. Minecraft Maniacs, join us for a week of fascination in our mobile virtual classroom. Grades 2–5. KS109-S16-1 $375 June 27–July 1 @ Newton South 9am– 4pm KS109-S16-2 $375 July 11–15 @ Newton North 9am– 4pm KS109-S16-3 $375 August 1–5 @ Newton South 9am– 4pm KS109-S16-4 $375 August 15–19 @ Newton North 9am– 4pm MINECRAFT MASTERCRAFTERS Wicked Cool for Kids staff, Instructors Do you have what it takes to be a Mastercrafter? Hone your Minecraft skills in this controlled platform where you’ll work in teams to learn and interact virtually. Explore, manipulate, problem-solve, and build, in worlds that have been customized for Wicked Cool learning activities. Become master crafters as you focus on energy, powering mechanisms, and using redstone to build and design your way through the tricky labyrinth of the “Mastercrafter Island.” Minecraft experience preferred. Grades 4–7. KS081-S16-1 $300 July 5–8 @ Newton North 9am– 4pm KS081-S16-2 $375 July 18–22 @ Newton South 9am– 4pm KS081-S16-3 $375 August 8–12 @ Newton North 9am– 4pm KS081-S16-4 $375 August 22–26 @ Newton North 9am– 4pm 12 617 559-6999 Bring a snack for all half-day programs, and lunch for full-day programs. POWER PROGRAMMERS Jesse Klimov & Grant Osborn, Instructors Bill Gates had to start somewhere, and here’s your chance. Learn basic computer programming through Scratch, a project of the MIT Media Lab, creating your own characters, stories, and interactive adventures with dropand-drag programming blocks. Next you’ll move on to Java, a more advanced programming language, to better understand how languages like Scratch work behind the scenes. Through these simple, straightforward, and fun approaches to programming, you’ll begin to grasp programming concepts and be well on your way to tech savvy-ness. No programming experience necessary. Note: Come with your own email address. Grades 5–9. KS215-S16-1 $235 (Klimov) June 27–July 1 @ Newton South 9am–12pm KS215-S16-2 $195 (Klimov) July 5–8 @ Newton North 9am–12pm KS215-S16-3 $235 (Klimov) July 18–22 @ Newton South 9am–12pm KS215-S16-4 $235 (Osborn) July 25–29 @ Newton South 9am–12pm KS215-S16-5 $235 (Klimov) August 8–12 @ Newton North 1–4pm KS215-S16-6 $235 (Klimov) August 15–19 @ Newton North 9am–12pm KS215-S16-7 $235 (Klimov) August 22–26 @ Newton North 1–4pm K MA E A F U L L DA Y Pair Rocket Science with Lego Engineering (pg 9). ROCKET SCIENCE Wicked Cool for Kids staff, Instructors Wicked Cool Rocket Science is a blast for any junior rocketeer! Learn about propulsion by building compressed air rockets, water rockets, and rockets that blast off via chemical reaction! As aerospace engineers, we will travel to infinity and beyond while learning the laws of aerodynamics and flight. For a fantastic finish, we will launch our own customized Estes Rocket on Friday (weather permitting). Grades 1–4. KS138-S16-1 $205 July 5–8 @ Newton North 9am–12pm KS138-S16-2 $245 July 25–29 @ Newton South 9am–12pm KS138-S16-3 $245 August 15–19 @ Newton North 1–4pm KS138-S16-4 $245 August 22–26 @ Newton North 9am–12pm Rocket Science SCIENCE LAB Maire Anne Diamond, Instructor Can you make a rainbow from white light? How do seeds grow? What lives in soil? How heavy is a cow’s skull? How light is a bird bone? Can you make a solid if you mix two liquids together? Come ready to observe, investigate, and find answers to your science questions. Through projects, crafts, games, and experiments, we’ll explore magnetism, invisible matter, living things, and the science of color. Mix up some super solutions and watch your curiosity bubble up when you join us at our science lab. Ages 4–6. KS122-S16-1 $245 June 27–July 1 @ Newton South 9am–12pm KS122-S16-2 $245 August 22–26 @ Newton North 9am–12pm sciences STRATEGIZE WITH HEARTHSTONE Jesse Klimov, Instructor Check out the hottest new online strategy game. First, you’ll master Hearthstone’s basic concepts, and then you’ll build your strategic skills by playing and discussing the game. Hearthstone is exciting and dynamic: unlikely situations arise, creating hilarious scenarios. Success at the game involves weighing your options and choosing the one most likely to lead to victory—a skill you can certainly apply at school, in everyday life, and in other strategic games, like Chess. You’ll play as individuals, and also as a group against a common opponent. Word to the wise: losing is a natural a part of the experience, and is necessary for learning. Make sure not to take losses too seriously! Note: Come with your own email address, which will be necessary to create a Hearthstone account. Grades 5–9. KS217-S16-1 $235 July 11–15 @ Newton North 9am–12pm KS217-S16-2 $235 August 1–5 @ Newton South 9am–12pm NEW SUPERHERO PHYSICS Wicked Cool for Kids staff, Instructors What makes a superhero super? Physics! Conduct gravity experiments to learn what it takes for Superman to leap over tall buildings in single bound. Create optical illusions to understand how Wonder Woman’s jet can disappear. We’ll investigate how Spiderman (and real spiders) can walk up walls, and examine Batman’s super gadgets that help him fight crime. Morph into the world of superheroes using the science that could make superheroes a reality. Super science fun! Grades 1–4. KS135-S16-1 $245 June 27–July 1 @ Newton South 9am–12pm KS135-S16-2 $245 July 11–15 @ Newton South 9am–12pm KS135-S16-3 $245 August 1–5 @ Newton South 9am–12pm KS135-S16-4 $245 August 22–26 @ Newton North 1–4pm NEW WICKED GROSS SCIENCE Wicked Cool for Kids staff, Instructors Gross Science is not for the easily queasy! The gross yet fascinating things in life may hide many science secrets, like what’s hidden in a diaper. Kid chemists can discover acids and bases and make putrid potions that bubble and burp. We will create alien slime, dissect owl puke, and grow gross bacteria. Slither with snakes and slimy worms and find out what’s behind that smell—ewww! Guaranteed to be grossly amusing while highly educational. Grades K–2. Wicked Cool Med School WICKED COOL MED SCHOOL Wicked Cool for Kids staff, Instructors Is there a doctor in the house? It could be you! Monitor the progress of your own virtual patient throughout the week as we journey into the inner workings of the human body. What is that jelly-like stuff in an eyeball? How can a ball of mush make everything in the human body work? You’ll keep medical charts and become anatomy specialists as you learn the body’s systems. You’ll create model organs like big bones, moving joints, and working lungs, and you’ll learn to use a stethoscope, take vitals signs, and incorporate healthy habits to keep your patient in tip top shape! Grades 1–4. KS136-S16-1 $245 July 11–15 @ Newton North 1–4pm KS136-S16-2 $245 August 8–12 @ Newton North 1–4pm K MA E A F U L L DA Y Pair Strategize with Hearthstone with Game Creators (pg 15). KS137-S16-1 $300 July 5–8 @ Newton North 9am– 4pm KS137-S16-2 $375 August 1–5 @ Newton South 9am– 4pm KS137-S16-3 $375 August 15–19 @ Newton North 9am– 4pm DON’T WING IT! OUR SUMMER PROGRAMS FILL UP FAST, SO SIGN UP TODAY. 13 best of both worlds Best of Both Worlds... COMPUTER ART: PHOTOSHOP Elisa Ng & Sophia Ng, Instructors Apply your creativity and technical knowledge and get proficient with the world’s most popular image manipulation program. In our week together, you’ll learn to use Photoshop for practical and creative projects, working on a surrealist collage, an expressive self-portrait, a reinvented masterpiece or movie poster, and more. See how Photoshop and image manipulation have been used to do things like modify body appearances and alter “real” photographs, and become an expert in creating and recognizing altered images. All levels welcome. Grades 5–9. KS025-S16 $195 July 5–8 @ Newton North 1–4pm CREATE A TV SHOW Amanda Mazzola & Kimberly Meredith, Instructors Make your own TV production based on your ideas and imagination. Kids run the show here: you’ll roll the cameras, run the control room, be the actors, and most importantly, create the program content and write the script. You’ll learn the basics of TV production, including camerawork and lighting, and get expert instruction with scriptwriting and acting as well. We’ll work together to create our masterpiece, and the finished show will be broadcast on NewTV. New and returning students welcome. Grades 6–9. KS012-S16-1 $375 July 11–15 @ Newton North 9am– 3pm KS012-S16-2 $375 July 25–29 @ Newton North 9am– 3pm KS012-S16-3 $375 August 8–12 @ Newton North 9am– 3pm 14 617 559-6999 DIGITAL ART & ANIMATION Jack Neylan, Instructor Think it’s easy making one of those dancing bears or blinking eyes you see online? You’re right! Join us to get all the tools you need. Start by making a simple drawing in Photoshop, then add coloring, layering, and other effects to create dazzling art. Then invent a cast of characters, draw/ paint a background for them to inhabit, and transition them into a simple fourpanel digital comic. You’ll create a concept for your own short animation, and learn frame animation in Photoshop to complete your film, adding sound too, if you’d like. For artists and techies alike; no experience necessary. Bring a USB flash drive to class. Grades 3–5. KS146-S16-1 $245 August 1-5 @ Newton South 9am-12pm KS146-S16-2 $245 August 15-19 @ Newton North 1-4pm KS146-S16-3 $245 August 22-26 @ Newton North 1-4pm DIY SCENTS & SUDS Beth Denman, Instructor Indulge yourself with homemade products for you and your home. You can use these crafts to pamper yourself or a friend, and they can replace boring, chemical-filled, store-bought products. You’ll learn to make all-natural, custom-scented beauty products like bath salts, soap, and lip gloss, as well as homey things like fizz balls and beeswax candles. You’ll enjoy a craft or two per day, and finish the week with a recipe book so you can repeat these activities at home. Grades 2–5. KS205-S16-1 $205 July 5–8 @ Newton North 1–4pm KS205-S16-2 $255 July 11–15 @ Newton South 1–4pm KS205-S16-3 $255 July 25–29 @ Newton South 1–4pm KS205-S16-4 $255 August 8–12 @ Newton North 1–4pm KS205-S16-5 $255 August 15–19 @ Newton North 1–4pm KS205-S16-6 $255 August 22–26 @ Newton North 9am–12pm Draw & Build – Architecture Studio DRAW & BUILD— ARCHITECTURE STUDIO Chip Piatti, Instructor Apply your creativity and building prowess. Design your dream house and learn tricks of the trade used by real architects. You’ll draw floor plans and build models of your house, presenting your creative ideas for review by classmates. You’ll make drawings on graph paper with a variety of architectural pencils, and build models from cardboard, paper, and additional materials you’ll bring from home. We’ll provide the drawing materials: pencils, paper, erasers, squares, and scales. At the end of the week, you’ll have drawings and models of your creation to take home, and will share these in a presentation for family and friends on the last day. You can’t move in yet, but your dream house may be a reality one day! KS118-S16-1 $195 July 5–8 @ Newton North 9am–12pm (Grades 5–9) KS118-S16-2 $235 July 11–15 @ Newton North 9am–12pm (Grades 2–5) KS118-S16-3 $235 July 18–22 @ Newton South 1–4pm (Grades 5–9) Questions? See page 19 for answers to your frequently asked questions. best of both worlds NEW GAME CREATORS Rachel Zakuta, Instructor Take a wrong turn and your character goes down the drain. Don’t like that ending? Then why not just write the game? Join other wannabe fiction writers and would-be computer programmers and write your own interactive online game. Using a specialized program called Choicescript, you’ll learn the computer code you need to design actionpacked adventure games. You’ll work as a team to craft the story, create the characters, write the code, and of course sample the finished product. You’ll also analyze the personality type associated with your gameplaying choices. No problem if you’re new to computer programming; this is a great place to start. But you must love to be creative and write. Your final games will be hosted on the Choice of Games website for friends and family to play. KS198-S16-1 $235 (Grades 6–8) July 11–15 @ Newton North 1–4pm KS198-S16-2 $235 (Grades 3–5) July 18–22 @ Newton South 1–4pm KS198-S16-3 $235 (Grades 3–5) July 25–29 @ Newton South 1–4pm KS198-S16-4 $235 (Grades 6–8) August 1–5 @ Newton South 1–4pm KS198-S16-5 $235 (Grades 6–8) August 8–12 @ Newton North 1–4pm KS198-S16-6 $235 (Grades 3–5) August 15–19 @ Newton North 9am–12pm INNOVATIONS* Chip Piatti, Director It’s NCE’s best-kept secret. Except it’s not so much a secret these days. We’re guessing that by the time you read this brochure, Innovations has filled. But please sign up for the waitlist, because it might be your lucky day. And read more about this great camp on our website. Grades 1–7. PICTURE PERFECT: DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHY & EDITING Ashley Saccoach, Instructor Merge your artistic and technical talents in this hands-on class. We’ll start by going out into the field to take our own photos—discussing good composition for different genres such as nature, portraiture, and still-life. Then we’ll learn how to use Photoshop to edit our photos and create stunning graphics. Throughout the process we’ll review each other’s photos as a group, discussing how they can be edited to achieve desired effects. You’ll finish the week with digital files of your work. All levels welcome. Note: bring your own digital camera and its cord. Grades 5–9. KS203-S16-1 $235 July 11–15 @ Newton North 9am–12pm Computer Art: Photoshop NEW SMART STREETS Alicia Bowman & Nathan Phillips, Instructors With a creative eye and the tricks of technology, you can be a master photographer. You’ll choose a theme each day to photograph— perhaps portraits, nature, or even other NCE classes. Then you’ll make your photos into magnificent works of art, with the magic of iPhoto and the guidance of our experienced instructor and fellow classmates. We’ll utilize iPhoto’s editing tools to enhance your photographs, and you’ll turn them into thematic slideshows. You’ll finish the week with digital files of your work. Note: bring a digital camera (or your phone or iPad). Grades 2–5. Calling all engineers, entrepreneurs, and activists. Design the streets of the future. Imagine a zero-pollution mix of bikes, electric vehicles, and buses, all sharing the road safely with state-of-the-art lane markings and bike protections. Learn the skills you need to make your imagined streets a reality. Working as a team, we’ll assess hazards, then create and advocate for safe and comfortable ways to get to Newton’s middle and high schools. You’ll collect and map data on origins, destinations, and obstacles, using GIS, Google Maps and GoPro. You’ll design persuasive posters and materials to sway public opinion. As bonus attractions, we’ll have visits by some of Boston’s leading transportation experts to walk our streets and offer planning tips, and we’ll do a trial bike ride on our current streets, imagining our future ones (you must have access to a bike for this). Grades 5–9. KS202-S16-1 $195 July 5–8 @ Newton North 1–4pm KS202-S16-2 $235 August 1–5 @ Newton South 1–4pm KS131-S16-1 $365 August 1–5 @ Newton South 9am– 4pm KS131-S16-2 $365 August 8–12 @ Newton North 9am– 4pm KS203-S16-2 $235 August 8–12 @ Newton North 1–4pm PICTURE PROJECTS Ashley Saccoach, Instructor KS001-S16-1 $365 August 15–19 @ Newton South 8:45am– 3pm KS001-S16-2 $365 August 22–26 @ Newton South 8:45am– 3pm Smart Streets 15 best of both worlds / sports SONGWRITING WITH GARAGEBAND Deanna Mustachio, Instructor Learn to write a song and record it for posterity. You’ll coax out your most meaningful lyrics; create a catchy melody; and learn to structure a song, add instruments to the melody line, and record your song using GarageBand. If songwriting isn’t your thing, you can use GarageBand’s existing loops and incorporate jam packs or other sound effects to make an original music masterpiece. Bring your instrument if you have one, but don’t worry if you’re not a musician; no musical or GarageBand experience is necessary. You’ll leave the class with a recorded copy of your original music. Grades 5–9. KS209-S16-1 $235 August 8–12 @ Newton North 1–4pm KS209-S16-2 $235 August 22–26 @ Newton North 9am–12pm WEB DESIGN Jesse Klimov, Instructor Stretch your creative and technical talents and build your own website from the ground up. Learn to create great web pages that include pictures, sound, and video. You’ll explore languages like HTML and CSS that are “under the hood” of all websites, and you’ll consider ways to organize colors, layouts, and content to make your pages stand out. You’ll use the Web as your primary source for images, but you can bring other materials that you’d like on your site too. We’ll put your website online (either privately or publicly) and also provide a link you can take home. All levels welcome; experienced students can work on more indepth projects. Note: Come with your own email address. Grades 5–9. KS216-S16-1 $235 June 27–July 1 @ Newton South 1–4pm KS216-S16-2 $235 July 18–22 @ Newton South 1–4pm KS216-S16-3 $235 August 8–12 @ Newton North 9am–12pm KS216-S16-4 $235 August 15–19 @ Newton North 1–4pm KS216-S16-5 $235 August 22–26 @ Newton North 9am–12pm 16 617 559-6999 …&Sports too ARCHERY Delicious Bow & Arrows staff, Instructors Fun fact: Newton was home to the nation’s first organized archery team, The Newton Archers, circa 1935. Honoring that legacy, NCE is pleased to offer this still-popular sport. Archery is a great option for those who prefer a noncompetitive individual sport to team sports. Certified instructors from Delicious Bow & Arrows will determine your dominant eye, explain the rules, and get you started, providing individualized instruction throughout the class. Archers will learn technique, form, and accuracy. Equipment is provided. All levels welcome. Grades 3 & up. KS018-S16-1 $175 July 5–8 @ Oak Hill 9–10:55am KS018-S16-2 $205 August 22–August 26 @ Bigelow 9–10:55am BASKETBALL* Kids Hoops staff, Instructors Join the fun-loving Kids Hoops coaches and learn the basics of basketball. We’ll work on ball-handling, dribbling, defending, passing, and shooting. You’ll enjoy playground play, contests, and a smattering of other sports and games too. Wear sneakers and bring a water bottle and a snack. Camp will be held indoors if it rains. Ages 4–8. KS022-S16-1 $215 August 15–19 @ Mason Rice 9am–12:30pm KS022-S16-2 $215 August 22–26 @ Mason Rice 9am–12:30pm FLAG FOOTBALL* Thundercat Sports staff, Instructors Learn fundamental football skills from our enthusiastic coaches. Each day we’ll focus on a “skill of the day” such as passing, catching, running, and offensive/defensive strategies. We’ll enjoy a scrimmage at the end of each class so you can apply your new skills. We’ll use flags only; no tackling. Wear sneakers and bring a water bottle and a snack. Camp will be held indoors if it rains. Grades 3–5. KS004-S16-1 $215 June 27–July 1 @ Cabot 9am–12:30pm KS004-S16-2 $215 July 18–22 @ Cabot 9am–12:30pm KS004-S16-3 $215 August 29–September 2 @ Mason Rice 9am–12:30pm Archery *Attention Innovations, Basketball, Flag Football, Soccer & Multi-Sports, T-Ball, and Ultimate Frisbee Campers: Medical forms from your pediatrician’s office must be submitted to Newton Community Education at least two weeks before the start of camp. You can mail or email these, or fax them to us at 617-559-6998. In addition, a waiver must be filled out for participation in our sports camps. See our website for details. These camps comply with the regulations of the Massachusetts Department of Public Health and are licensed by the Newton Health Department. sports SOCCER & MULTI-SPORTS* Thundercat Sports staff, Instructors More fun than just one sport—enjoy a variety in this week-long camp. Soccer will be our core sport, but unique games and activities will also be part of the mix, creating a fun, appropriately competitive atmosphere. Our enthusiastic coaches will teach you proper skills, rules, and tips for each sport; they’ll also referee, assure maximum playing time for each athlete, and kick off our final-day tournament each week. You’ll be grouped by age and skill level. Wear sneakers and bring a water bottle and a snack. Camp will be held indoors if it rains. Ages 4–9. All of the below: 9am–12:30pm at Cabot KS090-S16-1 $215; June 27–July 1 KS090-S16-2 $175; July 5–8 KS090-S16-3 $215; July 11–15 KS090-S16-4 $215; July 18–22 KS090-S16-5 $215; July 25–29 All of the below: 9am–12:30pm at Countryside KS090-S16-6 $215; August 1–5 KS090-S16-7 $215; August 8–12 KS090-S16-8 $215; August 15–19 KS090-S16-9 $215; August 22–26 9am–12:30pm at Mason Rice KS090-S16-10 $215; August 29–September 2 NEW SPORTS & GAMES EXTENDED DAY Thundercat Sports staff, Instructors If you’d like a full day on the field, join us for afternoons filled with more sports and games. We’ll start with lunch and free play, and then enjoy your favorite sports as well as familiar games like Battleship and Capture the Flag. In these afternoon sessions, the focus will be on play, rather than on learning new skills; expect only friendly competition in a relaxed and supportive environment. Afternoon-only kids are welcome too. Bring your own lunch. Ages 4–10. KS197-S16-1 $155 July 18–22 @ Cabot 12:30–3pm KS197-S16-2 $155 August 22–26 @ Countryside 12:30–3pm KS197-S16-3 $155 August 29–September 2 @ Mason Rice 12:30– 3pm T-BALL* Thundercat Sports staff, Instructors Baseball is “America’s favorite pastime.” You’re never too young to learn to play and T-Ball’s the way. You’ll learn individual skills such as batting and catching, and get an introduction to aspects of regular baseball. We’ll also play non-traditional games and activities to encourage skills development and create a fun, supportive atmosphere. Wear sneakers, and bring a baseball glove, water bottle, and a snack. Camp will be held indoors if it rains. Ages 3–6. KS057-S16 $215 August 8–12 @ Countryside 9am–12:30pm Soccer & Multi-Sports Garden City Sports is now part of NCE. For more sports, check out their summer offerings at www2.newtoncommunityed. org/garden-city-summersports-camps. NEW ULTIMATE FRISBEE* Thundercat Sports staff, Instructors No longer just for beach goers, Ultimate Frisbee is now one of the fastest growing sports in America and right here in Newton. It’s safe yet exciting, and it’s great for conditioning, speed, and agility training. But most of all, it’s incredibly fun! Whether you’ve never thrown a frisbee or are an Ultimate veteran, our program is for you. We’ll focus on learning the game and mastering skills by using some fun and engaging drills, but mostly we’ll just play, while our coaches guide the way to better performance. Boys and girls are welcome. Wear cleats or sneakers and bring a water bottle and a snack. Camp will be held indoors if it rains. Grades 3–5. KS127-S16-1 $215 July 25–29 @ Cabot 9am–12:30pm KS127-S16-2 $215 August 22–26 @ Countryside 9am–12:30pm 17 sports & more SOCCER FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY SOCCER FOR MOMS Thundercat Sports staff, Instructors On with the Show Soccer is great exercise, lots of fun, and not just for kids. This class is for moms who have been watching their kids play soccer and want in on the action themselves, or for any other grown-up girl who wants to play the game. Thundercat Sports coaches will provide the equipment, officiate the games, and give pointers to help improve your skills. Players at all levels are welcome (even if you’re not a soccer mom); our goal is to give you a good workout, plus some soccer inside scoop so you can maximize your enjoyment while cheering from those sidelines. Wear shin guards and bring a soccer ball and water bottle to every session; cleats are a good idea too.Warning: It’s not as easy as it looks! Ages: Adults! KS117-S16 $75 5 Tuesdays @ Mason Rice 7– 8pm June 21–July 19 SOCCER TYKES Thundercat Sports staff, Instructors Why should big kids have all the fun? Toddlers, accompanied by an adult, can learn the basics of soccer in this fun, noncompetitive environment. Players will increase their sense of balance, improve their coordination and physical movement, and have a leg up when they join the big leagues! Shin guards and soccer balls are optional, but please bring a water bottle. Ages 2–3 with an adult (one child per adult please). Note: This class was formerly called Soccer Tots. Same great class, new, improved name. KS133-S16-1 $75 5 Tuesdays @ Mason Rice 5– 6pm June 21–July 19 KS133-S16-2 $75 5 Tuesdays @ Mason Rice 6– 7pm June 21–July 19 In case of questionable or bad weather, please call 617-499-4820 to find out if your class is running. 18 617 559-6999 Hello Birdie! NEWTON SUMMER STAGE Dan Fabrizio, Director Chris Roppola, Music Director Brad Jensen, Choreographer NCE is thrilled to bring back Newton Summer Stage, the wildly-popular summer theatre program for high schoolers. Summer Stage got displaced for a few years in the transition from the old North to the new North, but now it’s back in the state-of-theart theatre wing of our wonderful new high school, with a new staff that’s raring to go! Join us this summer as we tell the story of Conrad Birdie, the rock and roll star who gets drafted into the army, as he stages one last publicity stunt in the small town of Sweet Apple, Ohio. Hone your acting skills, train your singing voice, and learn exciting choreography as we rehearse the much-beloved musical Bye Bye Birdie. Our experienced team will guide you through five weeks of rehearsals, culminating in two fully-produced performances. In addition to working on the fundamentals of musical theatre, you’ll explore the many other aspects of a theatrical production—design, construction, publicity, and more. No previous experience necessary! Grades 9–12. Auditions will be held in late March/early April (the exact dates are TBA; check course ID KS152-S16 on our website for updates). Registration will open for cast members once casting is done. If you’d rather work behind the scenes, email: KS151-S16 $1095 July 5 – August 5 @ Newton North 12:30–5:30pm plus performances August 5 & 6 @ 7:30pm NEW MAKING THE MUSICAL Jaime Alberts, Instructor Have you ever wondered how to write a musical? There’s only one way to find out! Join other musical theatre lovers for an in-depth exploration: we’ll study music and lyrics, talk to the composers and playwrights who make them, and finally, write an original musical. In last year’s trial run of this class, we talked to composer Gaby Alter (Band Geeks), playwright Stephen Karam (The Humans), songwriter Joe Iconis (Smash), and others. Prior experience in playwriting or composing is not required, but a general familiarity with musical theatre and comfort playing an instrument or singing is strongly recommended. Grades 9–12. KS191-S16 $545 August 15–26 @ Newton South 10am– 2:30pm NCE KIDS SUMMER FAQS AND BEHAVIOR POLICY Q: What if my schedule changes between now and the summer? What is your refund policy? A: Our summer classes fill fast, so we ask you to carefully consider your options before registering for a class. If you change your mind before May 27, you can have a refund minus a $25 processing fee. After May 27, no refunds or credits will be given. A transfer may be possible, space permitting. There is a $50 fee for each transfer. Q: Are the grades listed for each class meant to be my child’s grade now, or his/her grade in the fall? A: All grades listed are for Fall 2016. Please make sure you enroll your child in the appropriate class for his or her grade. Q: My child has special needs. Do I need to let you know? A: It is extremely helpful to us if you make us aware of your child’s special needs. Some classes are better suited than others for individual kids, and we can help you choose an appropriate class. However, most of our teachers were not trained as special education teachers, and if your child receives special attention during the school year, we may not be able to provide that level of attention in our programs. Q: What is your behavior policy? A: We have a “three strikes and you’re out” policy. We expect students in our classes to follow their teacher’s instructions and treat each other and their teachers with respect. If your child does not meet these expectations, we will bring this to your attention. If your child’s behavior continues to be inappropriate, you will receive a call from the NCE office and may be asked to remove your child from the program for the day. If after that there is still no change, we will ask you to withdraw your child from the class and no refund will be given. We have a zero-tolerance policy for inappropriate physical behavior. If a child inappropriately touches or acts to harm others in the class, he or she will be withdrawn with no further warnings, and no refund will be given. Q: How do I make a full day with NCE? A: Choose the morning and afternoon programs you want (making sure they’re running at the same location) and sign up for lunch too. Our staff will take your child from the morning class to lunch and from lunch to the afternoon class, and you can pick up from there. There is no need to sign up for lunch if your child is enrolled in a class that runs from 9–2:30 or later, as they will have lunch as a class. Lunch is not offered for kids who are enrolled in a single half-day program. You must bring your own lunch. Q: How does your Extended Day work? A: Our staff will bring your child to the designated Extended Day location and you can pick up there. Extended Day runs until 5:30pm. Please be prompt; there are no late pick-ups! Q: I only need Extended Day for two or three of the five days in the week. Is that okay? A: We will not pro-rate our fee for Extended Day, but you are welcome to send your child for fewer than five days. Please let us know if you plan to do this. Q: Can I drop off my kids early? A: No, we do not have an early-morning program (except with Camp Invention). Please do not bring your child early; there is no supervision prior to the start of our classes. Q: Do you provide snacks or lunch? A: No. Please bring your own snacks for half-day programs, and lunch as well for full-day ones. Q: My child has food allergies. What should I do? A: Please let us know ahead of time. We want to provide a safe environment for all of our students, so we’re glad to alert a student’s class when we learn of any specific allergies. However, we may have difficulty accommodating you in our cooking classes. Q: The class I’m interested in is full. What should I do? A: Always sign up for the waitlist! It’s free, and we often get last-minute changes. You can always turn down a spot if it’s offered to you. Q: We live very close to the school where our child’s class is running. Can our child walk home? A: If you provide your child’s teacher with a signed note from you, your child can self-dismiss from his or her class. Q: I want to sign my three kids up for multiple NCE summer programs. Do you offer a sibling or quantity discount? A: We do not offer sibling discounts. Q: Do you offer any scholarships? A: Partial scholarships are available on a limited basis for Newton residents. Call us for more information. Q: Your high schools are big buildings! How will I find my child’s class? A: Come to the main entrance of the school and you’ll have help from there. We’ll have color-coded signs and friendly staff to guide you, and in some cases we may send you specific directions by email too. Q: I got delayed at work and can’t pick up my child on time. What should I do? A: Call a friend or family member to pick up your child! Late pick-ups will be charged as follows: 1st time: $25 for each 10 minutes you’re late. 2nd time: $50 for each 10 minutes you’re late. If you’re late three times over the summer, you will be asked to withdraw your child from our program and no refund will be given. We’re here to help. Call us at 617-559-6999 or email us at 19 Newton Public Schools Newton Community Education 457 Walnut Street Newton, MA 02460 WHAT IS NEWTON COMMUNITY EDUCATION? Withdrawals/Refunds: You must withdraw by May 27 to receive a refund minus a $25 processing fee. No refunds or credits will be given after May 27. Transfers are possible, space permitting. There will be a $50 fee for each transfer. NCE may cancel classes that are under-enrolled, or substitute teachers if needed. Newton Community Education is a selfsustaining arm of the Newton Public Schools, open to all students, regardless of residence. We provide educational, social, cultural, and vocational programs for adults and children, endeavoring to provide high-quality classes at reasonable costs. Newton Community Education at Newton North High School 457 Walnut Street, Newton, MA 02460 Phone: 617-559-6999 Fax: 617-559-6998 Newton South Satellite Office Phone: 617-559-6508 Email: Photos: We may occasionally take pictures of students in our classes for use in promotional materials, such as this brochure. Your enrollment in a class indicates your approval for this. NCE KIDS COURSES REGISTRATION FORM Name Birth Date Address School Grade (Fall’16) Parents’ or Guardians’ Names Phone* (primary #) (secondary #)Email * We must have two DIFFERENT phone numbers in case of an emergency. Don’t have a landline? List the number of a family member or friend!. Course Code # Course Name 1. Pay by Check: Please make your check payable to Newton Community Education and mail with this registration form to Newton Community Education, 457 Walnut Street, Newton, MA 02460 2. Pay by Charge: at, by phone (617) 559-6999, or by mail. Charge: MasterCard Card # Cardholder Signature Visa Discover Fee Donation to Scholarship Fund Registration Fee (once per person, per term) TOTAL American Express Expiration Date Security Code $6.00