In this issue - Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University


In this issue - Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
May 14, 2014
In this issue:
Message from
Dr. Nancee Bailey,
K-12 Education
Summer Camps
Vice President of Student Affairs
Welcome to the first edition of Embry-Riddle
Aeronautical University’s Eagle Family Air Mail.
Eagle Family Air Mail offers in-depth information
about the quality educational experiences offered to
our students in all areas of university life. Through
classes and college activities students will find
unlimited opportunities for leadership, recreation,
intellectual and personal development.
Cram with
Cookies at
The Hunt Library
“The Best in You”
Wellness Program
Disability Support
Summer is a Time
of Transition
The staff in the Division of Student Affairs has the education, experience and
professional credentials that are essential in providing high quality student-centered
services. Every member of our division is personally as well as professionally
committed to each student’s success. We pride ourselves in treating every student with
respect, assisting them in accomplishing their goals and teaching them to be effective
advocates for their own learning. We are grateful for the privilege to work with the finest
students in the nation.
I invite you to browse through our website at and take advantage of all
the programs and services that we have to offer. If you have any questions regarding
the Eagle Family Air Mail newsletter, please contact Orientation and Family Relations at
386-226-6039 or email:
Warm regards,
Nancee Bailey, Ph.D.
Vice President of Student Affairs
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
600 S. Clyde Morris Blvd.
Daytona Beach, FL 32114
K-12 Education Outreach
Summer Camps
The K-12 Education Outreach Department
offers summer camps for ages 7-18. The
camps include residential flight camps, an
aerospace college credit course, robotics and
autonomous systems camp, command camp,
math and science camp for girls, S.T.E.M.
camps and an executive training academy.
Cram With Cookies at
The Hunt Library
To best serve our studious ERAU
students, the Hunt Library stayed
open for 24-hour days during the
April exam period, from April 25—
30. As they have done in past
years, the staff hosted another
successful “Cram with Cookies”
event on Study Day, April 25.
Some photos are included. This
twice-yearly event provides
students with snacks to help fuel
their studying before final exams
Each camp is developed and implemented by
our faculty who are assisted by graduate and
undergraduate students to provide hands-on
sessions. Both residential and non-residential
camps are offered. We hire and train our
students to become counselors for our
camps. For more information about our
camps, visit our website at: .
“The Best in You” Wellness Program
by Pamela Petrone, RN, Wellness Coordinator
At Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University we are here to encourage you to not only be the
best in your academics but to also be the healthiest you can be. There are many
departments right on campus that are here to support and encourage you to lead a healthy
life. Our Eagle Fitness Center offers several free fitness programs including BODYPUMP,
BODYCOMBAT, Yoga, Zumba, Cycle and many others. In addition, the Fitness Center
offers a variety of strength equipment and new cardio machines. Personal training is also
available to students at a very low cost. The Fitness Center and Health Services have
FREE nutrition consultations!
During Fall and Spring Semesters Health Services is open Monday, Tuesday and
Wednesday from 8am-8pm and Thursday and Friday from 8am-5pm. We also have Sunday hours from 11am-5pm. If students
need medical assistance after hours they can be seen at Halifax Health Medical Center Community Clinic. Halifax Health
Community Clinic is located on the corner of Clyde Morris and International Speedway. Their hours are Monday-Friday 8am8pm and Saturday 8am-4pm. During the FLU season, Health Services provides Flu vaccinations also! Health Services is open in
the summer from 7:30am-5:30pm Monday-Friday. All visits to Health Services are FREE of charge!
In 2014 ERAU’s Housing Department placed alcohol hand sanitizers in the Residence Halls which compliments the hand
sanitizers located throughout the campus. We encourage all students to perform proper hand washing and to cover your mouth
if you are coughing or sneezing.
Embry-Riddle is proud to announce that we are a tobacco-free campus. No tobacco is allowed on campus. ERAU has support
classes for any student needing help to transition to a tobacco-free life.
We realize that life as a student can have many stresses, which includes new friendships and just figuring out where you fit in is
not always easy. ERAU Counseling Center is here to listen, encourage and support all students to lead a well balanced life!
Department Highlight: Disability Support Services
Persons with disabilities can and do succeed in their pursuit of higher education. Sometimes the length of time required to
complete a degree program is extended. Often, the amount of effort demanded of the student is increased.
Mission Statement: The mission of Disability Support Services (DSS), is to guide and support institutional compliance with
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and Title III of the Americans with Disabilities Act and to ensure equal access for
students with disabilities of the Daytona Beach and World Wide Campuses.
Disability Support Services offers “reasonable” accommodations for students with documentation supporting their claim.
Reasonable accommodations may include but are not limited to the following:
Testing modifications
Classroom modifications
Textbooks in Alternate format (e.g., E-books, CD/or electronic format)
Assistance with physical accessibility
Referrals for diagnostic evaluation (medical, psychological & educational)
Advanced Registration
Time Management
Review of Adaptive Housing Requests
Interpreter Services ensure equal
access for students
with disabilities of
the Daytona Beach
and World Wide
Assistive/Adaptive Technology
DSS offers various assistive/adaptive technology for our students (i.e; Kurzweil 3000 (K3000), LiveScribe Echo Smartpens,
recording devices, screen reading devices, speech-to-text softwares, etc.).
All communications, whether written or oral, are respected as confidential and are not released without the individual student’s
informed and written consent. Exceptions may be necessary for legal requirements or medical emergencies. Nothing goes on
the student’s transcripts or school records, however, we must have documentation in our office.
Currently enrolled undergraduate and graduate students having one or more documented disabilities are eligible for services.
Various Types of Disabilities (but not limited to these only)
Dyslexia & Cognitive Processing Disorders
Asperger’s Syndrome
Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)
Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity (ADHD)
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Visual & Hearing Impairments
Dysgraphia & Dyscalculia (Writing & Math Disorders)
Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
DSS Hours:
Monday – Friday
8:00 am – 5:00 pm EST
Summer Office Hours:
Monday – Thursday
7:30 am – 5:30 pm
Phone: (386) 226-7916
Initiation of Services: Student’s Role
Students must initiate services with DSS in order to be protected under the law.
Student must provide clear documentation of his/her disability in order to receive support from DSS.
Students are encouraged to meet with their professors in order to ensure that all accommodations can be made in a timely
Did You Know: The month of April was Autism Awareness Month?
For more information on Autism click on the links below:
DSS Staff
Vanessa Lloyd - Director of Disability Services
Sabrina R. David - Assistive Technology Specialist
Jenny Misch – Administrative Assistant
Summer is a Time of Transition
By Amy Vaughan-Deahl
Director of Student Activities & Campus Events
Almost all of our Embry-Riddle students experience a time a
transition as summer rapidly approaches. Whether your
student is coming home to relax for the summer or getting
ready to graduate, understanding this period of transition is
important to the success of your student. Here are some
suggestions to help your student through their period of
Preparing to Take Classes
If your student is planning to take classes over the summer,
either at the ERAU campus or at home, talk to him/her about
how to take a break from school work in between the
semesters and how to make the most of the summer
academic experience. Many students who continue with
classes over the summer are trying to get ahead
academically, but it is important to encourage them to take
even a small break to feel rejuvenated for the next academic
Traveling for Study Abroad
If your student is preparing to study abroad, he/she may
experience unease about the unknown when traveling
overseas. Study Abroad is one of the most amazing
experiences your student can take advantage of while in
college. Talk to your student about the exciting places he/
she is traveling to and about all of the fascinating topics
being covered in his/her academic course for the trip.
Getting Ready to Graduate
One of the biggest transitions a student will experience is
graduation. It is the culmination of years of hard work and
preparation. While many students are excited to graduate,
not every student is prepared for life’s next step. It is
important to be a source of encouragement as your student transitions from his/her undergraduate experience to
life’s next big step. Talk to your student about what might
make him/her nervous about graduating; ask how you can
support your student as he/she prepares to move into the
professional world.
Doing an Internship
If your student is preparing to do a professional internship,
talk to him/her about the transition to working in a
professional setting. Many students experience a mixture
of excitement and anxiety as they prepare to do an
internship. Often they thrilled about the opportunity to gain
some “real world” experience, but are nervous about being
in a different setting and nervous about doing their best.
Encourage your student to take advantage of all of the
learning opportunities available at their internship site.
Summer at Home
Many students are challenged by the transition home for
the summer break. Talk to your student about how he/she
is planning to spend the summer break. Life at home can
be dramatically different after living on your own at school.
It is important to talk to your student about specific
expectations you might have over the summer and to talk
about how “rules” may have changed as your student is
preparing for adulthood.
Contact ERAU Family Relations!
Hopefully by understanding the transition your student may be
experiencing, you can provide a sense of support for your
student to encourage their growth to be successful.
Office Location:
John P. Riddle Student Center, Office 106
600 S. Clyde Morris Blvd.
Daytona Beach, FL 32114