BEACHCOMBER - Hampton Historical Society
BEACHCOMBER - Hampton Historical Society
# The 'BEACHCOMBER # A m arvelous clothes you’ll selection need or ungni for y o u r piay VOL. XX., NO. 3 v a c a tio n - „ J prn rPB*achKAdvocate WEDNESDAY, JULY 10, 1946 T glamour girl swim and su n ^ u its, sla c k se ts and sissy shorts. FREE DISTRIBUTION Choose y o u r v a ca tio n wardrobe here today . . . Women’s and Misses’ BATHING SUITS Sizes 32-34 and 48-50 $3.95 — $12.50 PLAY SUITS J—$5.95 HALTER TOP 3 Piece Suit W ith S k irt Size 12-18 and 40-44 $6.95 — $9.95 r TYPE SLACK 10-12 12-18 40-42-44 SUITS $8.70 $11.95 $10.95 Assorted Colors BEACH COATS Size 16-20 SHORTIE PAJAMAS Size 8-16 % Blue and Peach Crepe THE CHILDREN 9 . . . PLAY SUITS Size 7-14 n s ®ru V . .< • • .v .v•. . . V A y .v ..y .'/. SHORTS • . Sr® vxSfv ’. •*. • : ' : ' y'- : | SUN SUITS W Size 7-3 In Plain Color BOY’S SUN ■ :.% > :w . - $1.95-$2.95 'Vv.Vnvv and Prints Bathhouse, State Recreation Area SUITS Size 1-3 in Blue an 4 fgjj» ‘ WILL CONTINUE OUR PRACTICE OF POSSIBLE PRICE. U " SEL LING QUALITY JERSEYS Slze 1’6 In Stripes, PI m e r c h a n d is e at LOW GEORGE B. FRENCH 37-41 Market Street P ortsm outh a Th e VISIT B E A C H C O M B E R _________ WEDNESDAY, JULY 10, 1946 FREE DISTRIBUTION H o lid a y W eekend C r o w d Breaks A ll Records Boy Scout Camporee To Be Estimate Over 225,000 Persons Held At Beach July 2 4 ,2 5 ,2 6 Visit Beach Fourth of July --------- at the TRIANGLE— near the MILE BRIDGE . FISH M S ■LOBSTERS % FANCY GROCERIES k SEE OUR OPEN AIR t 5--------------------------------------------------- F ifteen hundred Boy Scouts and leadens from all over the s ta te of New H am pshire will pit*ch th e ir te n ts on the grounds bordering the S ta te bathhouse and m u ster to g e th e r for the 14th annual H am p ton Beach C am poree July 24, 25, and 26. C am poree chairm an John W. H opley of P ortsm o u th has scheduled an excellent program of activ itie s for th e Boy Scouts of the sta te . W hile the youths will act in th e official capacity as guides for th e C hildren’s Day program on Ju ly 25, they will have in store for them an ideal schedule of re c re a tional and educational activities. S couts will cook th eir own meals, go bathing, be taken on excellent educational tours in and around H am pton and go boating. • Many thousands of visitors to the beach will have an opportunity to get a first hand view of the Boy Scouts in action and become ac quainted w ith the type of program w hich scouting offers to the youth of today. T he com m ittee in charge of th e cam poree is headed by John W. H opley of P ortsm outh, who will be assisted by Prof. K arl W oodward of D urham , O rville G authier of H am p ton, F rederick A. Nosew orthy, field ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f i scout executive of Durham, and W iliam D. Dyer, field scout execu tive of Nashua. The com m ittee is a l presen t out lining th e com plete program for the The G irl's club a t the G reen three-day cam poree, which will be land T ou rist camp a t N orth Beach released on com pletion. held ah inform al dance a t th e Community house Saturday night. Music for dancing was furnished by the M artin family. The chap erones w ere Mrs. H arry T urner and Mrs. Thom as Thornton. Re freshm ents were served by Miss Ruth T urner, who was hostess for the evening. Among those present were Jea n E ight en tries vied for honors a t ette M artin, Carol Fenton, Patsy th e w eekly A m atuer Program at Floyd, Joyce Frederickson, Marl the beach bandstand Monday even ine Thornton and B etty M ercier Gerald Ryan, Donald Fanning, Tom ing. Although all types of talen t were McNulty, Jr., Jam es MacConnell, displayed before the enthusiastic Richard M artin and Charles T urn crowd, vocal solos again won out er. and m aster of cerem onies. Bill B radley of station WHEB, aw arded BUSES W IL L RUN first prize of $15 to Joseph Rowen, EXPRESS TO BOSTON 23, of W orcester, Mass., who sang Mr. H erb ert G. Pascall, m anager ‘‘P riso n er of L ove/' and second prize of $10 to Lucy Ann O’Dea, 10, of the beach branch of Barrow 's of M arsh avenue, for her rendition Travel Agency, has announced th a t of “W hen Irish Eyes Are Smiling.** from Tuesday, July 9, two express Miss M argaret Sullivan, 28, of buses will run to Boston daily, Holyoke, Mass., won the th ird prize thereby elim inating the necessity of $5 for singing “M acN am ara’s of going to town for direct tra n s portation. Band.’* Girls Club H olds D an ce Saturday V ocalists W in T op P rizes In A m ateur H our ----------------- Ail existing records for Hampton Beach were believed broken over the Fourth of July weekend as un official estim ates placed the holi day crowd a t more than 250,000 persons. Police Chief Jerom e H arkness said th a t it was “absolutely the largest crowd in history’' and th a t there “had never been anything like It before." Traffic stream ed onto the beach from both north and south In a steady line through out the night Thursday as holiday seekers toured the seacoast region. Although record - smashing crowds Invaded the shore over the weekend, no beach accidents were reported. Lifegaurds, Roland Beaudoin and Victor Vigeant, patrolling th e S tate bath house area, reported the most excitem ent they had was rescuing two children who became caught Id the undertow while floating on inflated tubes. Despite the fact th a t it was the heaviest traffic since prew ar days, no serious accidents or fireB were reported to m ar th e holiday. E xtra trains, buses and taxicabs were necessary to transport the throng th a t jam m ed Hampton center. Housing accomodations were a (C ontinued on Page Ten) m arket VEGETABLES FRESH DAILY FROM NEARBY FARMS SEA FOOD from the Ocean A T TH E TRIANGLE LOBSTER — FISH HAMPTON RIVER FRIED “Sea F ood Fro BRIDGE NEAR THE STEAKS O cean T o Y our P late T he Same Day TO YOUR HOME the Same D WE INVITE YOU TO VISIT AND INSPECT OUR CLEAN KITCHEN bau / o The BEACHCOMBER The BEACHCOMBER 5 3 | standing of w hat it does. But this year, it Is evident th a t Have You Heard7 Beach Notes Tel. Hampton 2243 d e e p s e a f is h e r “MABO” CABIN CRUISER Capt. Bob Ring State Pier The new Hotel Rowell has as guests this week, Mr. ami Mrs. Wendel Garlack and son of Someiville, Mass.; Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wills and family of Salem, Mass.; COUNTRY CLUB Sunday, July 14 at 2:30 r a in o r s h i n e ED “ PORKY” O LIVER— Longest Driver and FRANCIS “ RED” RYAN, Former State Champ % vs. TOM MAHAN, R. I. Open Champion and M EL DEMARAIS, ranking N. E. Amateur ADMISSION $1.20 Inc. Tax THE HUB OF HAPPY HAMPTON Casino Attractions \ •* « ( l & C L c l l P x v H & lG M tG , Select Real Estate 8ervlce Insurance Of AH Kinds BY M A R Y E. FO G A R TY • Cafeteria Gift Shop Casino Spa Frosted Malted Popcorn Stand The LAWRENCE and C afeteria A ON HAMPTON BEACH All Under the Same Management THE CONSTANCE BOULEVARD % P A T S Y ’S »s BEACH B O A R ’S H E A D INN for W hen th e doors o f tihe Ham pton Beach C ham ber of Commerce opened on May 30, a thirty-one y ear old precedent was shattered. Since 1915, w hen this organiza tion w as first established as the Board of T rade, each S ecretary has been identified by his voice. In fact, to many, th e S ecretary was ju s t a voice and very little thought was given to the zealous work done by th e m an behind it. U ntil this year, the regular beach people have shown little curiosity tow ard the S ecretary or about w h at goes on in th a t little building on the boulevard. To the average vacationists, the man on the orthophonic was m ore or leJss taken for granted. T h eir knowledge of him w as probably lim ited to the facts th a t he spoke m ildly or gust ily; one year he m ay have dressed conservatively — an o th er year, sportdly; one season he smoked c ig arettes — th e next, a pipe; one sum m er he w as pointed out as a tall, light person — another, short B ST. In Avon Hotel Have You Heard? About the chameleon-burger that bnirlie was served? M EALS X BY R E S E R V A T IO N ONLY Approved by Duncan Hines On Great Boar’s Head Hampton Beach T el. 911 QUINN’S Radio Repairing THE HILLCREST Phonograph Needles CuKV Cr ^ Ve’ Saltalre Apt. Near St. Patrick's Church • Souvenirs 4 — Gifts OCEAN BO ULEVARD Doors North of Ashworth EARL’S MARKET Variety of Fancy Fish FRUIT GROCERIES — VEGETABLES LOBSTERS Boar’s Head Tel. 880 Hampton Beach IT S THE FOOD MAHONEY’S LUNCH And TEA MARKET Groceries, Cold Meats OCEAN BOULEVARD AT B STREET TEL. HAM PTON 2287 Tel. 2103-8 Hampton Beach, N. H. HENRY I For Largest selection of M E R C H A N D IS E Cottages. Rooms, Cabins and Business Property. Soda Fountain Ocean Boulevard at Highland Ave. OCEAN BOULEVARD AT H STREET i with a high forehead. All in all, he has been a com posite personality representing an institution worthy of full recognition and an under- "As Famous As The Beach Itself” C orner Store GENERAL BAKERS’ GIFT SHOP B Street Fresh Fruits Vegetables g r o c e r ie s B A TTER ,ES for Portables (C ontinued on Page Tw elve) Particular People The (5 Minutes North of Beach Proper) I STREET HAMPTON DRY CLEANING THREE DINING ROOMS HOUSE D in in g R o o m H am el OCEAN HOUSE OCEAN L. HERBERT CLOUGH % 275 Ocean Avenue T el. 691 Hampton Beach, N. H. R O C H E FO R D ’S G ARAG E HAMPTON BEACH CASD Ballroom Bath House Bowling Alley Lunch Room Dining Room T h a t th e Cafe “check-boy" is an o th er B lacks tone? E. B . B u rtt GOLF EXHIBITION PORTSMOUTH Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Austin Adams. MARSH AVE. W are; Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Finm e j from Milton, Mass.; Mr. and Mrs. BARBER SHOP Open Y e a r 'Round Gagne of Portland, Me.; Miss Anna Lowe of W altham, Mass.; Miss Le C H A R L E S d e N IC H O L S one Dudos of Exeter, the Misses Marsh Ave., Opp. P St. Mary and Joan Haynes of Salem, Mass.; Mr. and Mrs. F rank Downer of Amesbury. Mass.; Miss R ita DesRosiers of Laconia; the Misses P a t ricia McCormick and Doris K en nedy of E xeter; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mosher of Cambridge. Mass.: Form erly F ern ald ’s and tbe Misses Joan Kently and HOME BAKERY Phyllis Port of Medford, Mass. G R O C E R IE S Recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. King's H ighw ay at T h ird S t Eli Marcotte" a t “ Holidaynook” on Highland avenue were Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Gosselin, the Misses Mildred, Barbara and Nancy Gos IN S ID E P A R K IN G selin, all of Raymond and Mrs. OD A Y OR N IG H T mera Bettey of Derry. OPEN 24 H O U R S Mrs. Mildred Mahoney of Groveland, Mass., has opened her cottage at the beach. Guests at the Blue Haven -are l Mr. and Mrs. William W hite; Mrs. MARSH A V E . A T A 8T . ! John Barry of M anchester; Mrs. jiNgnes Carrol of Boston; Robert Vulvanizing Repairs and Kathleen O’Coin; Eleanor SOCONY ; Beestny of W orcester; Mr. and GAS O IL Mrs. Charles Day and Mrs. Joseph j Day of Paw tucket; Mr. and Mrs. I Hampton Beach, N. H. T e l. 2246 Theo M easwar and son Teddy, of ’ j M anchester; H erbert Holden and Louis Ley ere of Leom inster; Mr. and Mrs. P eter Natches of Man chester; Joe Donevan and Dan Kelly of Somerville, and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Dow of Pepprill. Vin Kehoe, well known Lowell artist, and his charming mothar I are vacationing a t the Rossmere this week. 2 DAY SERVICE Vin has ju st completed “ Blithe Spirit” with the Lowell Stock Com OPEN pany, of which he is company m an 9:00 A. M. to 9:00 P. M. ager and publicity agent. Prom in ent in Lowell dramatic circles for 3V2 C STREET a number of years, he has worked on WNAC in “Six Bells,” did num erous Army shows during his three years' service, and has acted in training films for Columbia and W arner Bros. • H om e Cooking PLAY GOLF AT Sensible P rices F or you r co n v en ien ce at both ends am esbury country club WHEN IN PORTSMOUTH amesbury, VISIT OUR DINER 45 D aniels Street 61.00 Week Days Except 6 * - d w . 8 u M iy , , M 409 O cean B oulevard SPORTY 9-HOLE COURSE SAME GOOD FOOD AS AT THE BEACH Edgar P. Lessard of the beach. MASS- f in e s t m e a l s - •L-4- Tel. 2279 SERVED . S P „ ,NG w 1° M ,,„ From Hjmptori M ile Long Bridge SH O W ER S T el. 588 mm »‘ * The BEACHCOMBER The BEACHCOMBER The B eachcom ber group photos AT PLAY of ho use p a r t ie s and g a t h e r in g s Incorporating The H am pton Beach Advocate For Appointment A Vacation Digest of all the news C A LL H AM PTO N 933 or W rite Box 31, Hampton Beach information for the summer visitor. M anchesterites, Johnny W hite, Justin Cronin, and Louis Gonyer, going home the hard w ay . . . local By The cab drivers giving th a t D. C. ta x i HAM PTON PU BLISH IN G COMPANY the evil eye . . . Mrs. E rn e st R ainey down for some sun a fte r h e r hospi HAMPTON NEW HAMPSHIRE tal seige . . . Mary Ellen Saunders and Tom Higgins getting a m oon light view of the S tate Bath H ouse FOR ADVERTISING RATES IN TH IS PAPER . . . Fran and Mary M oynihan g et TELEPHONE HAMPTON 555 ting away from the crowd . . . dance hall fans, Jim m y Crowley and Dick Communications and Items from McCarthy . . . Bobo bouncing back for a visit . . . Jon Alan M ack ta k readers are welcome at all times. ing tim e out from Navy duties for a swim in the ocean . . . Jo h n Cox and Paul M artel hunting up a real lobster dinner for John's W ashing ton fiancee. Ann . . . Alice Buckley and Kay Lyons stopping a t th e hot W E E K BEG INNING MONDAY, JULY 15 dog stand to munch a lunch . . . John H eddennan and th e M aher MRS. W A LTER H ARTW IG presents hoys—Jac k and Dick—discussing John’s stolen w atch . . . Gloria and Champ M orrissey laughing on th e with inside . . Jayne Gillis danc ing w ith Phil Coyne, civilian 1 /c LILIAN HARVEY . . . Joe Connolly on th e Casino , show ing h is son, Joe, the scene of F rl. Mat. and Eves., $3.00, $2.40, $1 .20. $1 .20, $.92 1hie prime. Reservations: Phone Wei la 70 THE SIGN OF POKER Prizes Cigarettes - N Y L O N S - Gifts Ocean Boulevard ^ Published W ednesdays, June 26 to A ugust 28 GOLF N IN E HOLE COURSE 75c F ee FLORENCE REAL ESTATE CO. 303 Ocean Bd. next to ABhworth IN S U R A N C E Tel. 917 W eekends &. H o lid a y * 81.00 ROCKINGHAM GOLF CLUB L. M. Leonard N . H . Route 108 Between E x e te r 6. Newmarket ORIENTAL The R ocky B end O-NIGHT AT EIGHT-THIRTY" 11 Tha~ M arysne is back from Manchearer? LO B STER SHORE 1 — - H A M P T O N BEACH, N. H. D IN N E R S BOAR’S HAMPTON Ann M o rrill HEAD A u n t M in’s BEACH T e l. 2142 --------------- VACUUM C LEA N ER 8 TH E ARCADE OF AM USEM ENTS RADIOS Fresh Made DOUGHNUTS „a • M anchester. Conn.; Miss H azel m orial T h eater in Lowell, which M orse of N orth Andover, M ass.; •will reopen- July :10. Miss M arjorie Drouin of Andover, \ M ass.; Bob J. Fopiano and M arty Dean of Springfield, M ass.; Miss Marilou Lindsey of Andover, M ass.; C onstruction on th e new seaw all Miss Shirley Sm ith of M ethuen, and board w alk a t H am pton Beach M ass.; the M isses A rlene F rench, is expected to s ta rt about July 15 Gen. Sumski, R ita H onohan, Shir ley H onanan, Evelyn M cCarthy, It was learned here this week. T he construction firm* of Munroe- M arion Edge, R ita M cLellan, Ei L an g stro th com pany of N orth At leen Law rence, B ea Fallon, a n d j tleboro, Mass., is ready to go ahead Gladys Miller, all of Law rence, w ith th e construction of the 3,530- l M ass.; Mr. and Mrs. Philip Reid foot seaw all which will extend from and “Jack ie” Reid from W orcester, a point near the A shw orth hotel to M ass.; Mrs. A nna K ing of W estH averhill stre e t. P lans also call field, M ass.; Lillian Creighton .of for a board w alk to be built the en Springfield, M ass.; Anna Cross of N ortham pton, M ass.; Mr. and Mrs. tire length of the seaw all. T he necessary steel reinforce J. A kstell of Boston, M ass.; L. A. m ents piling has a rriv e d -a n d the M ealey of Leom inster, M ass.; Mr. construction, which is expected to and Mrs. W alter F risbie of Springtake four m onths will s ta rt im m ed field, M ass.; J e rry Scanlon of Bos iately. Although it will entail some ton. M ass.; th e M isses D orothea inconveniences to v isito rs during Madison, C laire and M arie Guithis sum m er beach a u th o ritie s are dette, all of Springfield, Mas.; practically unanim ous th a t the con M arion A lases and H elene Machastru ctio n should go ahead accord iek of Shelburne Falls, M ass.; S tella Am brose and M ildred T aft ing to schedule. P re sid e n t Ray Goding of the of G ardner, Mass., and Mr. and C ham ber of Com m erce sta te s th a t Mrs. Riley H am pton of Newton“ the beach h as w aited so long for ville, Mass. R uth Thom as, who has to her the b reakw ater, it would be unw ise ! to ask the co n tracto rs to w ait un cred it th e titles of “Miss M assachu til Septem ber to s ta r t construction. setts of 1945/* “Miss Bathing A nother w inter storm like last Beauty of 1944,” and 2nd prize win y e a r’s would cause untold thous ner in a “ Billy Rose*’ contest, ands of dollars of dam age to the stopped a t the R ossm ere for a vis it recently. She spent th e season beach. of *45 w ith the Forbes T h eater in Rockport and appeared with the Boston Stock Company in E ast [ Lynn. She will appear this season w ith Mr. Kehoe a t the L. G. M. Me Miss Louise J. M iller of Springfield, Mass., has as guests a t the Driftwood on Nudd avenue and the Peggy-L-Dee on Ross avenue, Mrs. M. B. Dorgan and Miss Dorgan of Islington, M ass.; Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Baldwin of Sprinigfield, M ass.; Mr. and Mrs. R. G ates and daughters. M ary and Naomi, of C on stru ction Of B ea ch Seaw all T o Start Ju ly 15 B each N otes See Them M ade A. D. Fuller, Manager ELECTRIC ‘ OXJEAN B LVD . A T F 3 T . S TE A K THE CASINO ARCADE ELECTRICAL 2-PLATE GIFTS t Complete line of L. W . Leonard LI-RO-LU OGUNQUIT PLAYHOUSE Have You Heard? Rentals Sales DAY and NIGHT PASTRIES ICE CREAM STATE BATH HOUSE Foot of C Street 8TO V E 8 CASINO BUILDING ELECTRIC STEAM RADIATORS Next Door to Ballroom COM PLETE L IN E OF TA B LE LAM P8 And RECREATION AREA if y o u try Hampton Beach PYREX BOWLS AND DISHES HAMPTON BEACH THE WILLIAM JAMES COFFEE MAKERS CHROME CHAIRS 7 •» K FLA S H LIG H TS Numerous Other Appliances DINING ROOM % ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING (Former Cozy Comer Cafe) OIL BURNER, Sales-Service - SHUFFLEBOARD HORSESHOE PITCHING mrn REFRIGERATION, Service a m TROFATTER’S WILL COME WITH THE BEAUTIFUL FROLf Tel. 786 C Street • ^ » m m FROM Ly\ \ ?RIv i «- BOULEVARD AND MARSH AVE. V CjecSu}4&ud tha*L RESERVATIONS - - - N e w BU* {damcimg to \ 7TT\ • CROQUET BY OUi 1 S T A G PRODUCED EREVUE S H E lectrical A ppliance Stores TeL 2077 Hampton Center TENNIS HAMPTON BEACH TEL. 968 And O ther Games j The 8 Painted SIGNS GENERAL BEACHCOMBER High Tides Raised Letter WOODWORKING SJtsfrfi Tel. 2276 Lafayette Rd., Hampton Correct Figures at U. S. Coast Guard Station, H am pton 10:45 am 10:45 pm 11:15 am 11:30 pm 12:00 am 12:00 pm 1:00 am 1:00 pm 1:15 am 1:15 pm 1:30 am 2:00 pm 2:00 am 2:45 pm THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY I0KA T H EA T R E Exeter # SUNDAY MONDAY Telephone Exeter 270 TUESDAY WEDNESDAY Fri., Sat. The BEACHCOMBER July 12-13 6.8 8.2 7.0 8.4 7.1 8.6 7.2 7.0 7.7 7.4 8.8 7.5 8.8 7.7 Have You Heard? FREDDIE STEWART, JUNE PREISSER "It's Been a Long, Long Time" sung on the beach? JACKIE MORAN, FRANKIE DARRO NOEL NEILL “FREDDIE STEPS OUT” Now Through Sat., July 13 i M Y R N A L O Y and DON A M E C H E In Tel. We<J.-Thur., Cont. Sat. from 2:00 P. M. Sun. T h ru W ed. 339 K ath ryn Grayson ; Jim m y D urante l L au rltz M elchior, June Allyson “F a llen A n gel” Cartoon Fri., Sat. (Mat. Sat. 2:15) July 12-13 “A NIGHT IN PA R A D ISE” T E C H N IC O L O R ! B in the smoldering drama News Starts Thurs., Ju ly 18th M erle Oberon, Turhan Bey IN July 10-11 Alice Faye, Dana Andrews July 14-17 I Cont. Sunday and Monday Why Jack Walsh had to get Dick up? " ™ HAMPTON CENTER “A TA LE OF TWO CAFES” Have You Heard? % o T H E A T R E Also! F e a tu re tte In Technicolor • Have You Heard? ■ ■ “SO GOES MY LOVE* “TWO SISTER S FROM BOSTON” That Vinnie sees all, knows all and tells all? HAMPTON PORTSM OUTH, N. H. Roy Rogers and Trigger II George “Gabby” Hayes Dale Evans THOMAS MITCHELL, EDNA BEST SHOWING AT THE HAMPTON BEACH THEATRES FREDDIE BARTHOLOMEW, TIM HOLT CASINO “SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON” Continuous Show Friday and S&turdav OLYMPIA — WED. Also Robert Lowery W ED. FRANCIS LEDERER GAIL PATRICK W M . E L L IO T T CONSTANCE MOORE “MADONNA’S SECRET’1 % RAY M ILLAND PA U LETTE GODDARD “KITTY” T H U R S ., F R I., Lola Lane Albertson “T h ey M ade M e A K iller” S A T. News Cartoon IN G R ID BERGMAN GREGORY P E C K Have You “A WALK IN Continuous Show Sunday and Monday “WUTHERING HEIGHTS” Sun., Mon. W IL L A R D P A R K E R EVELYN K EYES Have You Thomas s e le c te d s h o r ts on all pr o g r a m s Tues., Wed., Thurs Pure “Home Made” Candies 0,W» 70 mn«* p*c hour in now «*••* .,1 Salisbury beach * 'honing roJJw trains on n.w mo* too,i«r N.W end fnfltoid. Fresh Daily DRY CLEANING SALT WATER TAFFY PRESSING “Watch It Made” Heard? Surf Cleaners LOWELL, MASS. STORE at 56 Palmer St. 3 DAY SERVICE Mahoney & Coughlin Pickup and Delivery on Request STRAND NEW BURYPORT Phone Nybpt. 570 July 14-15 Entire Week Starting 1 Thursday, July 11 The Candid Love Story Of A Stranded Lady! Claudette John .C O L B E R T • W AYNE In FR ED M acM U R R A Y A N N E B A X TE R “SMOKY” - Mitchell “WITHOUT RESERVATIONS” In Glorious Technicolor Sun. Thru Romay Tues., July 14-16 with Don DeFore — Ann Trlola and Louella Parsons Plus: A Swell Surrounding Show G A IL R U SSELL D IA N A LY N N “A dventure” if Albums — Radios (as available) Electrical Appliances NELSON'S — STR AN D I P R EM IER Harry Davenport FOR A MORE FOREVER Victor Records Needles At WARNER RROS. THEATRES Tom Tully, John Qualen Lina m “For the Leaders in Appliances” WHERE YOU SEE THE NEW PICTURES FIRST! Joan Blondell IN COLOR •m SESSIO N ’S T h a t the dog c a rt has some p ret ty sm ooth looking men — Bob Jackson, for exam ple? You should eat th e re m ore often, girls. Clarke Gable, Greer Garson “RENEGADES” T — N ew BIG STORE D epartm ents Heard? Now Playing Ends Sat., July 13 t lf n w Everything for your cottage for your Personal Needs NEW BURYPORT Phone Nybpt. 919 SUN., MON., T U E S . 1 / lC B STREET Visit Our SUN., MON. LAURENCE OLIVIER MERLE OBERON Popularly Called “The 5c and 10c Store” T h at Pete, the boy artist, is back on th e beach and looking as hand some as ever? Sat. Only: “King of The Forest Rangers” “SPELLBOUND” THE BIG STORE The annual picnic of the M oth e rs' Circle held a t N orth Beach la st W ednesday m arked th e 30th an n iv ersary of the "C ircle," it was announced by th e founder, Mrs. C hristopher S. Toppan. T he pic nic was attended by over 60 m em bers and th e ir children. T he sands w ere dotted early in th e day w ith gaily colored bathing su its and beach um brellas, w ith bathing and beach sp o rts played during th e en tire day. T he extrem e ly high te m p eratu res m ade bathing th e chief sp o rt and m any despite precautions retu rn e d home with very ruddy complexions. Home packed lunches w ere sup plem ented with ice cream and ton ic furnished by the Circle. A very b rief business m eeting presided over by th e president, Mrs. E dith Cunningham , was held. T he m eetings for th e cu rren t ' season have closed, but will be re sum ed in th e fall w ith th e newly elected officers presiding. Barbara Britton Frank “IN OLD SACRAMENTO” THURS., FRI., SAT. “A lo n g T h e N avajo T rail” A nnual P ic n ic of M other’s C ircle H eld W ednesday 9 “OUR HEARTS WERE GROWING U P” COM ING ‘TH EY MADE ME A KILLER” SYSTEM Provides A Complete Change Of 'Clean, Fresh Air Every 3 Minutes. | Starts Wed. July 17 O L IV IA d eH A V IL A N D I JOHN LU N D , ‘TO EACH HIS OWN” ^ . ~- - — - ■— * W EEK “THE GREEN YEARS” Plus Robert Lowery, Barbara Britton OUR NEW BLOWER NEXT I Complete Change of Program Every Thursday Weekdays: M a t at 2 P. M. Evenings at 6:30 P. M. Last Complete Show at 8:15 P. M. Saturdays and Sundays Continuous Performances From 1:30 P. M. to 11:00 P. M. Last Complete Show at 8:15 P. M. AM ESBURY Phone Ames. 919 Thurs., Fri., Sat. July 11-13 Maureen O'Hara, Dick Haymes H arry James In “DO YOU LOVE ME” (In Technicolor) Sun. & Mon. July 14-15 Paulette Goddard Burgess Meredith in “DIARY OF A CHAMBERMAID” - also "DRESSED TO K IL L ” with Basil Rathbone, Nigel Bruce Tues. & Wed. July 1 6 -lF George Brent, Lucille Ball Vera Zorina In “LOVER COME BACK” - 2nd hit "IN S ID E JOB” with Preston Foster, £nn Rutherford Thurs., Fri., Sat. July 18-20 Alan Ladd, Veronica Lake W illiam Bendlx in “THE BLUE DAHLIA” plus “T H E DARK HORSE" cbam The BE ACHCOMBE R Have You Heard? Have You Heard? That Mrs. Teague’s “Avalon” That Munsey’s boys put garage is being renamed Grand |luncheonette in high spirit? Central Station? Have You Heard? You Will Enjoy a Room at Blue Haven Mrs. J. J. McCarthy 497 Ocean Blvd. at Boars Head Al s G olf T o u rn a m en ts Are R ev iv ed A t A b en aq u i C lub The FO R FINE SERVICE AND DELICIOUS FOOD Mr. and Mrs. Ralph A. Moulton and Son BUZZELL’S CANDY SHOP H a v e H O M E M A D E C A N D IE S Popcorn Confections Fountain Service Boulevard Est. 1917 HAM PTON STORAGE - Have You Heard? BEACH REPAIRS B ella ’s M arket Tire W ork » Creating Blvd. Between J A K Streets ROAD SERVICE Thom as T. Clark. Sr., Lowell. Mass., and Coolidge Davidson, Jr., M ontclair N. J.. w ith 3 up. w ere tied for first place in th e handicap versus p ar to u rn a m e n t Mrs. T om kins w as runnerup. only one stro k e behind. W eekly tournam ents a re being planned for the rem ainder of the season. GROCERIES SO C O N Y BEACH T h a t P a t has had h er first tooth? MEATS FLOWERS Have Vou Heard? GOODS . . . How sm ashing E rn ie ’s h at? Emery the Florist 50 Modem Rooms Jn ItL Hot and Cold Water Tel. 828 Courteous Service, Cleanliness in Each Room MARSH AVE at A ST. Z 0 rmed eating Meet STREET Hampton J . * ' P 0R T E I' Beach, N. H. Frankforts T hat little Danny h as w aited for Daddy and Mommy to come home from Joe’s for th e la st tim e for a w hile ? Hamburgs HOME MADE PIES DOUGHNUTS C STREET Opp. DOUG’S GRILL • Have You Heard? SMITH & GILMORE . FISHING PIER T h a t “W indy” Is going to breeze Into th e A shw orth for a short stay ? FALLON Hampton 5 BARBERS Lines and Bait Furnished TOILET FACILITIES RADIO Boats W HEN AT HAM PTON BEACH I V isit River D EEP SEA FISHING TRIPS DAILY 1f t SEAPLANE RIDES * Lines Beach ' Air Service C. DeValk RENT R. Meier ° N BEACH H o m o g e n iz e d M ilk DRi V£ r Ashworth Fried Clams French Fries . Frankforts LATE LUNCHES Hampton see our of • Have You Heard? c -"" *°°°-°° MILK North Ocean Boulevard at C Street OCEAN JOHNSON 0 • r ea lto r A Milk Grade A Milk Fried Clams BOB’S GRILL T h a t Bobby is ap t to jum p from the ra fte rs anytim e? BOULEVARD 45 Y E A R S ' S » V , c E 0 N FAMOUS W ho ,le ft th e full shopping bag in th e kitchen of 22 K stre et? at GAUDREAU’S Never a dull moment. You want tr. . , , much of the time as is possible, of c o u r s e ^ h ! ? ^ aS but little time for tidying lID the , leaves the meals. W e urge vou to « and cooking trie service to geU hese ioh, Hon ,°,f '° W-cost * c service is aw aiting your call, f o r ^ v e r ^ a s k ^ W t” ' P ? r stay fa te ° Ut ° " ^ b' “ h “ — 7 " ^ « anSt HAYW ARD’S Heard? N o W a itin g N. H. Bar Service’' W hen R ay’s girls are going to g et to g eth er for a little ta r and feathering p arty ? Your Friends at Foley’s" B in Have You Heard? DO NO VAN Restaurant looks — T h a t Jim O’Connor has to be in a t 11 o’clock? Have You Heard? EXCELLENT FOOD every meal restau ran t6 a " d time^! tt. -umlay wi h a n n rn * r3tUrday and cars being checked mately 21,00n Maine New - Hamnsh-Cr°S8inK the bridge. HamP8h ire Interstate Sam Have You T h e ROW ELL *>eepmf bags while many l i e n Gie.r automobiles and still just didn't sleep at all T h ^ supply held up well over th i ° weekend although lone n „ V lons “ Take Out Blvd. Have You Heard? Have You Heard? “Flowers By Wire” Delivery Service Hampton. Have You Heard? T h a t Fred Donovan w as back a t T h at the two F ran k s have don his old job in the ballroom over ned halos as of July 6?. the w eekend? BOUQUETS Mil1 Hd., Have You Heard? W ho “ boined” up a blanket T h at Gale is still breezing around w hilst beaching and about th e ir the beach? experience in back of th e Ocean • H ouse? / Have You Heard? T h a t Vin Kehoe arrived last Sun \ Have You Heard? day for a re st (?) after completing T h a t Carol is adept at. climbing a successful .run of ‘ B lithe S pirit” in windows? —the Broadway play? VEGETABLES BAKERY toTce,;11', Wi,t h maDy ^ k e t i d a r s mi ced to sleep in nearby towns ! an:? “ a n y H arnplon residents open ing th eir homes to visitors. Mam* I J oa ths were reported spending the | mght on the sands, some “ h ' W Rooms w ith Hot and Cold Running W ater Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Goding Telephone Hampton 950 — GAS (C ontinued fro m Page Three) HAMPTON H e a r d ? • • HOLIDAY CROWD — FUN FOR ALL HOTEL KENTVILLE Have You Heard? That. Em m a Ib looking forw ard? CORSAGES THERE’S Y o u Have You Heard? R o ss Garage The Ashworth HOTEL sale E L E C T R IC S av o ry ToaatpT ' ra n t ty p e, a n d te n t T h e A lm a, 15 G S t h S * B each._______ o u ’ Ha®Ptoi That Ken and Irene of the K & The first golf to u rn a m e n ts to be I Laundry are expecting an ad I played a t th e A benaqui Golf club dition to the family washing? a t Rye Beach since P e a rl H arb o r were held over th e w eek end. Have You Heard? That Tommy at Downer’s is In the flag tourney, Dan S tuckey lonesome for Mary? of E x eter won. O ther w inners w ere J. Duggy of Belm ont, M ass., fo rm er Gov. H untley N. S. Spaulding of R ochester, P aul F o ste r of K an sas City, H ildreth C lark of Low ell, Mass., and Mrs. Jo h n T om kins of B altim ore. ^ BEACHCOMBER *- Regular M ilk. Cream T e l - Ha m p t o n sm Penny Arcade O pposite T h e P la y g ro u n d SPEEDBO AT RIDES Private Parties, Moonlight Trips Arranged N. L. Smith TEL. HAMPTON 503 Mrs. H. C. Gilmore N. L. Smit] The B E AC H C OMB E R Lg The New Ham pshire Seacoast R egion Since 1836 Fire - Casualty - Life 3 Market Square one Portsm outh, N. H I had see n “ S e c re ta ry , l . jj W h ite ” on th e ir statio n ery , bm PANORAMA — didn’t know, w hen I ask ed to spea* to th e S e c re ta ry , th e “ L.” meant (C ontinued fro m Pace F 4ve) L o retta. A fter a few m om ents in h e r office, it waB easy to match there is a spark of in te re st reg ard th a t p le a sa n t voice w ith h e r equally, ing the owner of the “voice.” T he pleasing • m anner. It seem ed only newly appointed Secretary has n a tu ra l th a t th is tall, dark, attract started a fresh picture — d e stro y ive girl should be outlining the ing the composite idea in the pub C ham ber of C om m erce life to me. lic’s mind. For the new Secretary : and it w as nice to see how well has some definite characteristics [she and h e r tw o office assistant* th a t defy disregarding —v such as. j g et along day a fte r day — some ol refusing — positively refusing to ' them try in g days. smoke cigars, w ear ties or sing T his isn’t, th e f ir s t y e a r for th* from the bandstand on special oc o th er two g irls — M ary E. Cronin casions. This is n o t a t all odd, be of H averhill and V irg in ia M. Rose cause, for the first time in its his of W orcester. T hey could probably tory, the Cham ber of Commerce w rite volum es on th e ir experience* has a fem inine Secretary. in “the little building ju s t north of the b an dstand.” M orning and night this trio finds them selves al. ways turning to som ething differ} NO ENTERTAINMENT ent — confronted differently by the OR FOOD TAX sam e old problem s w ith, once in j while, someone thinking up some Although It’s Fun to new kind of trouble to be in. J EAT AT Incredible as some of th e exper iences are, they have learn ed t* cope with ju s t about evefyt for they know th a t they are th to give “service to the vacatio to local business and to th e co Between J & K 8t«. on the Blvd m unity.” All this they do during th OPEN U N T IL 1 P. M. average full day which includ w riting about 100 routine fetters answ ering um pteen phone cal and questions; planning pleasu trip s; directin g people to .resta ants, room ing houses, hotels and recreational facilities; and sup (Continued on P age T h irtee n ) UM |I! W M I # J- - 0 L P — * M k I John How th e V irginia Reel is done? The MARGUERITE Helen M arguerite Hupper STREET Sandwiches Y O U N G ’S CABINS OCEAN BLVD HAMPTON H. , # (C ontin ued fro m Pace T w elve) I Hamburgs C PANORAMA — W. BEACH YO U N G vising record and radio program s. Through th e door th a t goes every thing im aginable — anim al, veg etable and m ineral. (I hope the C ham ber of Commerce d oesn't sue me if th is encourages someone to search the place for a bathing cap lost in June of 1921). But, general ly speaking, during th e season a sam ple of all th ese things show up. People com plain about th eir neighbors, about traffic and the w eather. C hildren tu rn up w ithout th eir shoes and shoeB turn up w ithout the children. P erso n s who find m oney and stra y a rtic le s tak e them th ere to be claim ed. W omen who find th e ir funds have expired before th e ir reserv atio n s have, tearfu lly ask the C A L L H A M P T O N 2038 F o r P r o te c tio n ON YOUR SUMMER PROPERTY TOBEY AND MERRILL INSURANCE AGENCY HAMPTON, NEW HAMPSHIRE girls to lend them money to get them .home. V isitors trying to find friends, drop in to ask th eir w hereabouts. A nnouncem ents from th e Cham ber of Commerce m icrophone range from inform ation about Amateu r N ight to the reg istratio n num bers of cars blocking" drive ways. Next to, and form erly a p a rt of, the C ham ber of Commerce, is the A. K. B arrow s Travel Bureau w here thousands of tpiirists find th e sim plest ways to get in and out of th e beach. The m anager, Mr. H erb ert G. Pascall, his daughter, E arla, both of Lowell, and Miss Jackie Cate of H am pton are all th e re to tell you how you can walk, ride, or fly to w herever you w ant to go. You m ight even find Mrs. Pascall th ere once in a while. On th e o th er side of th e Agency, Mrs. C atherine Sullivan has the headquarters for the sale of chances on Savings Bonds. She is also in charge of th e playground, where m ost of the children are when they are not a t th e Cham ber of Commerce w aiting for th e ir p ar en ts to come and find them. A ctually, th is article probably m akes an “average day" sound & ty p ic a l J h w C ST. Historic Houses Phillips Exeter Academy The places where George Washington and Ah Lincoln stopped. The sites where Exeter Squires Lived and Lov Fought Off the Indians to Establish thi. Old Town. Location PALM ER’S d in in g room TOURIST Fried Clams a Speci Lobster All Style North Shore Cordial M erchants W ill G ladlyr Serve Your Needs - - «>'v/vtc3 Y Up-To-The-Minute M erchandise F or Beach Wear . B each H ouse. MODERN THEATRE DELIGHTFUL SHOP AMPLE PARKING FACILITIES IN SHOPPING DISTRICT — Open Saturday N Excellent Bus Service Between The Beach and Exeter Sta H am ntnn B YOUNG’S # HAMPTON BEACH CASINO Ted Herbert end HU Band HENRY’S “STARS ON THE AIR’ PONY RIDES SAFE PO NIES FOR T H E C H IL D R E N — NO W A IT IN G — . Leaders for the Beginners Winnacunnet Road Opposite the Gas Balls 1 Mile North Casino CAMP* MUNSEY’S SEA GRILL CHICKEN AMATEUR NIGHT In Front of the Casino MONDAY ONLY — STEAK SEA FOOD 7:30-8:00 “I f it swims, we have it” « Service 31 Sherwood Road MELROSE, MASS. MON. THRU SAT. 6:45-7:00 T A X I one Hampt on Capt. Fred W illiam s ‘NYOKA* DEEP SEA F IS H IN G P A R TIE S Leave State Pier Dally and Sun. 8:00 A. M. and 1:30 P. M. Bait and Lines Furnished 18 Marsh Ave., Hampten Beach Hampton 2240 A IR Right From The Bandstand 24-H our Candy Mailed North Shore Boulevard H AM PTO N BEACH TUES. THRU SAT. 8-8:30 Opp. Coast G uard 197 Ocean Blvd. Winter Address ON THE 12 MILES—ROUTE “ See Them Made” THE GREENLANDS BARBER New CANDIES (C ontin ued on Page F o u rte e n ) PHILLIPSEXETER |)T , I ACADEMY Fresh Daily W A R R E N 'S FAMOUS Hampton, New Hampshire the 20 Y ears a t H am pton Beach1 RX _ Stores C s----- ^ Gosed* Wednesday *** * * ‘ f temoon Most A BEACHCOMBER Have You Heard? Jam es G rille ‘J l u 'Q l i m c M i l l s ija ...-uili■tiling The 750 on E very D ial B oulevard at A Street HAMPTON BEACH TEL. 591 I ✓* V . The BEACHCOMBER PANORAMA — Arinas Guyon (Continued from Page T h irte e n ) GENERAL pretty hectic, but Miss W hite isn’t alone with her questions. H er problems are the problems of the property owners and business peo ple. Every Tuesday night a t 8 o’clock, she and the president, Rep. Ray Goding, the vice-president, J. J. Walsh, and the treasurer. Ralph T. H arris, together with the large CONTRACTOR Tel. 863 501 OCEAN BLVD. The num ber of directors, m eet to dis cuss any and all activities th at help and hinder th e beach. It is a t these m eetings th a t plans are made for band concerts, fire works, parades, bond sales and all other events th a t m ake H am pton.B each the place you come to, stay at, and hate to leave. If you're an old-timer here you know w hat a fine organization we have in the Cham ber of Commerce. If you are new, drop in and see if you can't mix their pleasure w ith your business. Coffee and wife, Maj. and Mrs. R alph W. Boyer, Jr., recently visited Mr. and • • Mrs. Daniel E. Fogarty and fam ily Among those a t the Ocean H ouse are Mr. and Mrs. Dennis M urphy on K street. Mr. Boyer Is on from Los Angeels to spend a few weeks and son, W illiam, of Taunton, with his son in New Castle. M ass.; Mrs. Daniel W. Shanahan Mr. W illiam J. O’B rien ana Mr. of Lowell, M ass.; Mr. and Mrs. H enry Lallum iere from H averhill, Eugene- O'Rielly of W ashington, M ass.; Mis9 Sadie Je w e tt of H am p D. C., spent th e holiday weekend to n ; Mrs. M ichael Cruise and w ith Mr. O 'B rien’s fam ily a t 18 J granddaughter, M argaret - Ann. street. Mr. O’Rielly retu rn ed to H olm es, both of Brockton, M ass.; W ashington, Sunday. S tate Rep. and Mrs. Thom as Coady Mr. Jam es K. O’Callaghan, of Cam bridge, Mass., with th e ir brother-in-law of Mr. O’Brien, has daughters, th e M isses Joan and returned to G reat Neck, L. L H is Mary, and a niece, Miss H elen wife and th ree children are spend Coady; Mr. and Mrs. Daniel G. ing a few w eeks here. Spillane of W orcester, M ass.; the Rev. John J. Dewire of AbbingM isses Norm G„ Alice M. and R ita ton, Mass., visited his fam ily on C. Philbin of M anchester; M ary E. Church stre e t this week. S hea and H elen T. Olcott of New Mr. John Cuminsky spent th e B ritain, Conn.; and K atherine Sul weekend w ith his wife on C utler livan and P a tric ia Cronin of W or avenue. Mrs. Cuminsky is a cashier cester. Also Mr. and Mrs. John T. on the Casino. • <• • Sm ith of W orcester; E leanore M. M fs. John Giblin, C utler avenue, M urphy and siBter of RosUndale, w as visited this w eek by her Mass., and L orraine Ashe and Lor daughter and husband, Mr. and e tta Connolly of M elrose. Mass. . Mrs. E v erett O'Neil and children, Miss G ertrude Keegan, of H igh • E leanor and Richard, all of W or land avenue, recently sta rte d work cester. ing a t th e Casino new spaper and Mr. and Mrs. George H ollander cigar counter. of W orcester are staying on I Mr. R alph W. B oyer and his son s tr e e t B each N otes Cold Drink, TRY ROGER’S GRILL Marsh Ave. Opp. B 8 t Pastry Sandwlchei £ # • JUNKINS Delicious HOME MADE C A N D IE8 CORN S P E C IA L T IE S See Them Made 193 Ocean Boulevard B each N otes Compliments Hampton Beach Chamber of Commerce which provides YOUR ENTERTAINMENT THE PENNIMAN AGENCY WRITING EVERY FORM OF I N S U R A N C E EXCEPT LIFE Tel. Hampton 302 DIAMOND C MARKET AND BAKERY Also staying a t the R ossiuere are Mr. and Mrs. R. Jayne, Hoxsie, R. I.; the Misses G ertrude and Ger maine Champagne and party of 8 from Woonsocket, R. I.; Mr. and Mrs. J. Peterson of Mansfield, Mass.; Mr. and Mrs. C. Bruneau and daughter of Springfield, Vt.; Miss Jan et P arish, Canton, Mass.; Mary Mulligan of Medford, M ass.; Frances Meade of Malden, Mass.; Robert Donnelly and John Toomey of Arlington, Mass.; M ary MeQuade and party of 3 from A ttle boro, Mass.; Mary Fallon and p arty of 3 from W est Groton, Mass.; Mr. and Mrs. J. Gom, W orcester, Mass.; Leo Lagasse and son from Canada; John Ripley and Richard Loftus of Watertown, Mass.; M argaret Red dy and Mary Flanigan of M anches ter; and two French brides with their husbands—Mr. and Mrs. K el ley and Mr. and Mrs. Battey. Mr. and Mrs. E rnest Rainey and family of Ridgewood, N. J., are guests at the Fairview Hotel. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Buckley are guestB at the Elizabeth. Norton’s Fish Market North Beach Next to Coast Guard 8tatlon TRY THE HARBOR GRILL At The Bridge H A M P T O N BEA C H --------- Visit The ST A N D ISH — S O U N D — —MOVIES— fcom„. p „ ' “ “ A CO M PLETE “A trip through the Standish G ift Shop is like a trip around the world" Sound Movie e x ^ T W ^ beach home will show profes8 °nal sound movies at hr%t»ir LIN E OF BIRDSEYE FROSTED FOODS Your Guests Will Enjoy Our ,h “ " ; w e n t f o r a n y size group equip. Has _ h an dlcd ov e r 4qq Sh 0WKP - * W■ Proctor Ocean Boulev; 5 Highland Ave. Hampton Bea,»h At “A” Street HOME BAKERY PRODUCTS BAKED BEANS EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT B°FERvr,r;;T'oN- HEALTH— * 8t™ RNCR° f t ALLEYS O cean Blvd. We Invite Summer Visitors To Inspect Our ^ndays;0^ ^ 1^ Modern R efrigeration Plant AND CLEAN, WHOLESOME BAKERY 2100 MldST™" B E A | A Cordial Wei ’ 9:00 P M' A1,e» Will B . o t" " A,l! HARBV f. Mc u a N e PCn « H am pton B each A dorning the cover th is week is an unusual shot of th e bathhouse at the S ta te recreation area taken by our staff photographer, A rthur Wholey. Jr. U nusual in the fact th a t when it was taken only a half dozen per sons are shown a t this popular spot. W holey w aited until seven o'clock in order to get this fine shot w ithout a crowd in the fore ground. This a re a a t the southern end of the beach, newly christened the "S tate R ecreation A rea" now af fords the public many outdoor gam es including five shuffleboard courts and four tennis courts which are expected to be completed in a few days. Superintendent Ed G allagher re ports th a t 4000 cars visited the area over the weekend and th a t over 1,000 persons used the facili ties of the bathhouse. Have You Heard? Duri"e Fall M onth. Have You Heard? T h e Cover GIFT S H O P fE A tte n tio n — H o te ls CARRY A 10:00 P. M. Largest A gency on H am pton B each Meats - G roceries WE — --------- A L L H O M E C O O K IN G That Tim Buckley is going steady and he means it? (In Season) Open 7:00 A. M. Have You Heard? Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Fresh — LO BSTERS F IS H BEACHCOMBER N .H . I A bout the new fountain a t Al’s ? | T h at th e boys are thriving on the 920 club? Have You Heard? About the W ashington cab th a t took a wrong turn and landed here? I « Have You Heard? T hat Alice and Ann may sing at a t the Community Church? « Have You Heard? Who is the blackest girl on the beach? • Have You Heard7 - About Jo h n 's new barber shop? Have You Heard? T hat Giftland features sm art wooden nam e pins made while you w ait? # * • About the gem behind the jewelry counter a t Playland? I # ■ Main Office Have You Heard? T h at A rlene and competing for gifts? Louise are O cean Blvd. Have You Heard? T hat Rudy is back a t the Fairview tea room? Have You Heard? T E l~ H A M P T O N 410 I / Have You Heard? T hat Randy weighs 8% lbs? Tel. 654 BEACHCOMBER In co rp o ratin g The H am pton Beach Advocate W ED N ESD A Y , JU L Y 17, 1946 Adorable W A L K IE - T A L K IE w . v .w /. v .v; av m m % CHILDREN’S BEACH WEAR BOYS’ AND GIRLS’ SHORTS Sizes 2-6 v .\ .;>/■] ( ' , y BOYS’ (W hite and Prints) $1.59-51.95 GIRLS' (Seersuckers in Plain Colors) $1.95 COOL SUMMER PAJAMAS Sizes 8-16 W A L K IE -T A L K IE BOYS’ SHIRTS (Whites, Strip BLUE Size 3-8 AND PEACH $1.95 B R O A D C LO TH Navy, W hite, Brown PROTECT Xv L IF E SWIMVST W IT H *2.75 - $3.25 1 swimm vtst. BY POPULAR ^ perfum e ALE THIS foduce Special ( 39c T a x I, ^production 0f a "I* Perfum e— 5q I na. GEORGE 3741 Market Street FRENCH U nited S tates Coast Guard Station, N orth Beach ■