Azure Company Newsletter - December 2008
Azure Company Newsletter - December 2008
A Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from everyone at Azure Chef Malcolm Brown Si King Malcolm & Commis Chef Jake Gray refer to the centre section for details and more photos of Café Azure’s opening Dave Myers, Matt Minto & Si King Dave with Marie & Lindsay Ras & Holly McGregor Si & Dave (The Hairy Bikers) with Peter Elliott Dave & Si with Claire Buchan (of Sorted PR) a efi pl e on 49 esi eopl d adults lfare ben g missi it training bled peo -ch nd d p a f o g an tin es ure we rkin isa 27 he liv g people orkstart rship wo er 16660 about d ervic t g n w b un ive ts lity tne ovi or yo orkstep ities par any num gn posit th disabi e suppor serv f s e i p wi vic m es ice e w tun zur castl e oppor 3149 co ng and d f people adults a efits adv missio w e i N 1 nc en d so print ber 5 rking perie le an are b pa e live rk ex arity num en centre oving th ng peop tart welf rship wo 49 com pr ch rd 31 ar ou tne rks ail ga sion – im ices for y step wo ities par umber 51 t retail g r t e r t n is v is k p ockis 1982 m land ser stle wor opportu charity n urf stock as shaw t e a g d c teeth rolawn own ty www.a ewc - p2008 ienNewsletters r c n . N istere ast of enHen’s e k e l d y x b l ili e e an es er ita disab work form scap char north north tynedale , Simple pressure of work, including overseeing the major Café n ni o d t hing work an Azure investment, prevented the preparation and publication of mu g work ainin the spring and summer newsletters in 2008. w velop andl site ) e leWe apologise for this and hope to return to the pattern of at least sion esal whol in peop three per year in 2009. r h ble.c vesto ople wit pe e cash s of d th Logo modification n a n d t erlan ces com a s t l e skills de ing mis c h a r i t a p l a n printing a c i je v t ser nd New Those with an eagle eye will have noted a subtle change to the pro a w edale es basic Azure logo – although the revised logo is very much in keeping ity i t - with the earlier version( see new logo at the top of this page). st ili g fac hip work This change was made as part of the work to create a number of ea s r ss artne new documents published recently – and will follow through in ce w s work site rserie all future Azure printed documents. u n e al opm ultur en centr rd impr shawWeb sites will also be updated in due course. l ga s a n ity n know h disabil th – l p r c r a – “it’s sofficial” oCafé ha Azure te y wit eve rk ls d mission c and carr ople nd the n munity l i o k s w a rland es com In the past year our eco-friendly Café Azure has been completed. sign c i v ar e t ser ewcastl It hosted its first function on 18th June 2008 – Azure’s Annual ch N General Meeting. Since then it has traded every day but the long azur and basic awaited “official celebrity opening” has just taken place. s tie of en facili working . ce hip ners haritable See the special four page centre section (and extra photos in the ac c w h azure lant cas Christmas wrap). When we get big name celebrities we make the tle p e-most of it! sic s ies nd d a g t in ship print rojec 2009 Annual General Meeting p w . ha site w as s lity www i s t The date for the 2009 Annual General Meeting of the Charity has disab orth eas been fixed as Wednesday 24th June. As in 2008 it will be held in nur n d d the mmunity Café Azure. Would charity members and all other usual attendees an o c 1982 ces wcas please note this important date in their diaries. e N d land e an ilities ba c in1 cra Page ing fa partner p s b l - Azure Informing members, trustees, staff, trainees and friends of issues and developments relating to the Charity (Charity No. 513149). Azure Newsletter Issue 23 December 2008 charitable enterprises In the money Neil Robinson MBE (Vice President ) and Charity member David Pallett have worked hard over some months approaching grant giving trusts to obtain assistance towards the capital costs of Café Azure. It is very pleasing to report that they have succeeded in getting assistance from a number of grant givers – no mean feat in these difficult times. To date their efforts have raised around £25,000. The photo here shows Neil receiving a cheque from the Neil receiving Azure’s cheque from Bill Brooks, “Christ’s Hospital in Sherburn” Chairman of Governors Sherburn House Charity charity - at a function he attended on Azure’s behalf. We are grateful to all grant givers who have supported Azure – and to Neil and David for their considerable and successful efforts. Vice President Azure’s other Vice President, Lord Howick, took time to visit Azure in June to get up to date with developments. He was given a conducted tour by Peter Elliott OBE, Chief Executive, and by Vice President Neil Robinson MBE. Charles, Lord Howick of Glendale, runs Howick Estate in Northumberland which includes a garden and arboretum open to the public. Prior to returning to Howick in 1982 he spent twenty years as a merchant banker. He has been a non-exec director of Northern Rock and a trustee of the Northern Rock Lord Howick of Glendale Foundation. He was also a trustee of the Baring Foundation for 17 years. He has been a trustee of The Art Collection Fund and a council member of The Friends of The Tate Gallery. Among current commitments Charles is a trustee of The Physic Garden in London, The Royal Botanic Garden in Edinburgh and is also a member of The Advisory Council for the National Arboretum at Westonbirt and Bedgebury. Page 2 Children in need Azure Printing’s trainees, guided by Training Coordinator Pauline Allen, made a great effort to assist this annual appeal. In the lead up to the main day they gathered materials and used these to produce some impressive hand made decorations. On the day they were given a prime position in Azure Garden Centre and went on to sell over £300 of goods – with all proceeds being donated to Children in Need. The trainees found it both enjoyable and worthwhile. The Evening Chronicle sent a photographer and Azure was acknowledged in the television coverage. Success for supported employee - Michael Wilson Asda is supporting the Tony Blair Sports Foundation in its aim to recruit more adult coaches and officials to help and encourage children in local communities to take part in sporting activities. Employment Services Workstep programme member Michael Wilson is one of the lucky 100 Asda employees to sign up to achieve a level one football coaching qualification Michael Wilson is at left rear (Tony Blair centre) - with 100% of the costs to be paid by Asda. The launch of this event took place on Friday 14th November with Tony Blair in attendance. 2008 - champions again (cup final score Azure 4 Pathway 1) For the fifth year in succession Keele Drive’s 5 a side football team won the competition - hosted at Northumberland College in Ashington. Well done! Page 3 2008 Annual General Meeting As mentioned on page 1 Café Azure’s first function, as had been promised to the Chairman, was the 2008 AGM. In fact, the builder’s vehicles only pulled off site on the afternoon of the meeting. However, promises to the Chairman are not given lightly! The event was well attended - with some additional guests who had been involved in the Café Azure development. These included: architect David Simpson, project manager Peter Sample as well as David Curtis and John Boyd from the main contractors, DP Builders. Following the formalities and speeches, Azure’s President, the Bishop of Newcastle, blessed the building before an excellent buffet was served. The food had been prepared by Chef Malcolm Brown (who is profiled on the Azure People page of this newsletter) assisted by his team. Company Secretary Geoff Crosby Sir Terence & Lady Harrison Page 4 The full Cafe Azure Project Management Team - with formal handover on AGM day Graham Barnard (Dickinson Dees) & Azure’s Chairman Joe Oliphant David Pallett & Neil Robinson MBE Thanks to Peter Ellis for the photographs. Chief Executive Peter Elliott OBE, Treasurer Neville Furness, Chairman Joe Oliphant & President Bishop Martin Wharton Café Azure Café Azure Official Opening fine food - fine value Cafe Azure has been trading since its first event - the charity’s AGM in June. However a formal opening with celebrity presence had always been planned. This took place on Friday 21st November 2008. Azure were extremely pleased to welcome the phenomenally popular “Hairy Bikers” of TV fame. Much in demand Dave Myers and Si King provided their services free to the charity. They spent over four hours with us and demonstrated why they are so popular. As well as being excellent cooks they are extremely funny and made a fuss of all present. Great people people! Following a press call the invited guests enjoyed a meal taken from one of their cook books prepared and served by Cafe Azure’s team - ably led by our Chef Malcolm Brown. Dave and Si “The Hairy Bikers” have very kindly agreed to be the official Patrons of Café Azure. Dave & Si - now official Café Azure Patrons with regular customer Helen Pemberton with Azure resident Malcolm Hughes with Chairman Joe Oliphant, Brenda Oliphant, Chief Executive Peter Elliott OBE & Judy Elliott with Claire Hodges Dave Myers Vicki Cox Azure’s Kristen Dearing & Tom Turnbull presented gifts to Café Azure’s new Patrons “The Hairy Bikers” – Si King & Dave Myers posing for the press with Susan Dent & Chef Malcolm Brown Jean Coleman & John Taylor Kristen Dearing & Georgina Worrell Geoff Crosby & Peter Sample Wendy Graham with Carol English Allan Lynn & others examining “The Hairy Biker’s Cookbook” (a sell out on the night) Eileen Watson, Ian Watson, Marie Wood, Doreen Kilburn, Barry Wood and Jackie Axelby We are grateful to Paul Stephenson and Peter Ellis for the photography e2e Azure’s Employment Services department is currently running a successful e2e training course – awarded to Azure by the Learning and Skills Council. Elsa Landreth with e2e trainees At present ten to twelve learners are engaged, typically for 22 weeks, in horticultural and retail programmes – both of which address basic skills development. The programme is a combination of practical and classroom based learning. Malcolm Hughes receiving his Mencap Gateway Silver Award Malcolm Hughes, an Azure Supported Living resident, is seen here receiving his Mencap Gateway Silver award from the Mayor of Gateshead Councillor Maureen Chaplin. The award consists of four categories: Service, Physical recreation, Life Skills and Adventure. Malcolm is presently working towards the Gold Award. “A big thank you” Tracey Pears, Support Worker, would like to thank everyone in Azure who has supported her throughout her treatment for cancer. She was off work for 2 years and often received kind gift and cards of encouragement from colleagues. “Everyone has been great!” she says. A special “big thank you” goes out to her colleagues and the management team on Keele Drive and to Elaine Dobson for specialist advice. Tracey joined the Company in April 2003. She is married to Jonny and they celebrate 20 “very happy years” together this year. Jonny also became a Support Worker with Azure in October 2007. They have 3 children – Christopher, James and Michael. Tracey is very happy to be back to normality and to the job she enjoys. Page 9 An “amazing ducks” story (which started local and went international) This item is only included due to pressure for its inclusion by certain staff - perhaps to demonstrate that the Chief Executive really does have a heart! If you are interested check it out on the web by typing the following words into a Google search - amazing rescue mother duck. Even five months on it’ll bring up many links. Fan mail was received! Halloween fun Azure Garden Centre staff entered into the spirit of Halloween recently. As part of a Halloween Weekend promotion staff used their imagination – coming up with some excellent outfits. The weekend was promoted in the press. A spooky storyteller proved popular with the children and there was also a pumpkin lantern competition - which attracted some excellent entries. Matt Minto & Malcolm Birnie Cath Campbell Diane Rodgers & Deborah Britton Kath Turnbull Page 10 Amanda Skirpan Holly McGregor Heidi Knaggs Michael Coppen Congratulations and Best Wishes Milestone birthdays (too many to mention but represented by.......) Milestone “30” Vicki Cox Café Azure Milestone “40” Sue Dean Finance Milestone “50” Barbara Chapman Rosemount resident Milestone “60” Peter Elliott OBE, Chief Executive Milestone “70” Neville Furness, Treasurer Milestone “80” Jean McCallum MBE, founding member. Marriages (those which have been made known to the editor) Kim Edmondston (nee Cram) - Support Services Community Access. Jacqueline MacLauchlan (nee Potter) - Support Services Keele Drive. New arrivals Aidan Gardner b.11 th June 08 to Rachael Page Grant b.23rd July 08 to Claire (Employment Services) & Ian. Caron (Nurseries) & Jamie. Retirements Lynn Atkinson (Supported Living) & Jim Whisson (Employment Services). Page 11 Azure People Malcolm Brown, Café Azure’s Chef/Manager With many years of relevant experience Malcolm came to Azure in April 2008 - from Newcastle’s Mansion House where he was Head Chef. Whilst in that role he was in charge of their catering from intimate dinners for visiting dignitaries up to events such as the Lord Mayor’s garden party, where there were hundreds of guests. Malcolm came with an impressive clutch of personal testimonials from satisfied customers! Malcolm’s earlier career, always catering based, was interesting and included some years instructing young offenders. He also worked in the offshore industry - catering for hungry oil workers for seven years. That position took him off to many far away places (Malcolm is never stuck for a good story). Married to Margaret and living in Pegswood Malcolm is an extremely active sportsman – with mountain biking and scuba diving important to him. He is also a very keen photographer. Peter Stokel, IT Tutor (Newcastle IT Training Centre) Peter started working for Azure in September 2004 as an IT Tutor in the IT Centre, Newcastle. Before joining Azure he taught IT at Gateshead College for two years. He was an ‘Overhead Engineer’ at BT for 13 years before that, erecting poles and all overhead plant. Peter has been married to Allison for 21 years and has two children, Craig 20, a Sales Assistant at House of Fraser, and Laura 15, who hopes to gain access to design course after leaving school. Peter’s hobbies are; motorcycling, camping and astronomy. Due to the forthcoming closure of the IT Centre, Peter is leaving Azure at the year end. Azure are very sorry to be losing him and we all wish him well for the future. Page 12 Contributions and suggestions to Peter Elliott. Tel: 01670 733966 Email: Neil Robinson & Lily Myers Jane King Café Azure – external view Richard Walker (& Jennifer Walker) Lindsay Ras refer to the centre section for details and more photos of Café Azure’s opening Si King Malcolm Hughes & George McCaughey Deborah Britton, Diane Rodgers & Toni Richardson with Moira Dinning & Caroline Stobbart from Lifestyle Magazine Café Azure fine food - fine value Café Azure - an environmentally friendly building Café Azure aims to provide “fine food at fine value” - to suit all tastes. Wherever possible we will use high quality local suppliers to maximise quality and to minimise food miles travelled . An attractive children’s play area has been constructed with a range of equipment (slide, swings and an adventure trail). Parents can supervise from the external patio or from within. Café Azure at Azure Garden Centre, Station Road, Cramlington, Northumberland, NE23 8BJ tel: 01670 733762 e/mail: