June 2014


June 2014
Volume 1, Issue 10
Southernmost Coconut Castaways
June 2014
Tales in a Tropical Key
From the President’s Perch
From the President:
Inside This Issue
From the President’s
Editor’s Corner Tiki
Southernmost Gopher
I’m Livin’ on Key
West Times
Welcome to our new
I Like the Islands
Moment with an
Postcards from
MMITK 2014
In the Spotlight
Poetry Corner
Recipes in Paradise
Club Apparel
Events Calendar
Club Info
Summer is officially here! While that doesn’t necessarily mean the same thing to us here in the keys as it
does to Castaways living up north, it’s still a wonderful
time that I still look forward to each year. By the way, I
heard it was 48 in Duluth yesterday. They really need
some summer! In honor of the arrival of summer I am
sharing one of my favorite recipes in this edition, a
wonderful rum punch called “Summer in a Cup”. I tweaked it to make it a little
lighter. I think you’ll enjoy it.
Summer also means that many of our friends are back up north. Howard is on
summer break, things slow down and everything is a bit lower key. We have some
relaxing Jump Ups planned for the summer so I hope if you are in the keys you will
make plans to join us. July 26th we will be at the Sugarloaf KOA enjoying some
pool time. July in the keys? Oh yeah, I’ll be in the water! We’ll be collecting school
supplies for the Florida Keys Outreach Coalition and the One Blood people will be
there with the big red bus for some always-needed blood donations. August will
bring us back to our home bar, the Smokin’ Tuna. Be watching for more details.
We are wrapping up another successful Meet Me in the Keys. In the end we were
able to make a $31,000+ donation to KOA’s Care Camps! It’s hard to believe that
our little event has turned into this. Who knew? Read all about it in the article in
this edition.
I would like to welcome our new club Secretary John “Jolly Mon” Morr. Jolly Mon
officially takes over his responsibilities with the July board meeting. We look
forward to working with him. And I need to give a HUGE thank you to our outgoing
Secretary Rich Dugan. Rich has done a wonderful job for the club. Rich, you and
Eileen enjoy your summer off!
Time to go. The plan was to spend the day getting caught up but you know what
they say about good intentions. So, we’re packing up to go to Picnic Island. I can
always work when we get home.
Happy summer!
Tammy Hollander
Editor’s Corner Tiki Office
Greetings to all my Southernmost Coconut Castaways family. “Wow,”
did we have a fantastic event at this year’s MMITK2014 or what?
I have give a big shout out to everyone on the planning committee, you
guys & gals knocked it out of the park with this one!
To all the musicians: Mike Nash, The John Patti Project, Roger Jokela,
Jimi Pappas, John Frinzi, Frankendread, Dennis McCaughey, and our
own Howard Livingston and the MM24 Band, “All you Guys really put
on great shows at each of the many venues we had this year!” I think I still have a bit of Troprock Fever
& Key West withdrawals some 3 weeks after MMITK2014….
And as always you Castaways still amaze me with the pure love and generosity that comes from within each of your hearts when it comes to raising funds for Care Camp. All the auctions & raffles, and
just straight up coming of the hip with such donations for such a worthy charity make me proud just to
stand among you all, and we raised over $31,000.00!!!!!!!!! “WOW!” I’m speechless………..
As always Pam & I want to say a Special Thank You to: Marc & Tammy, Randy & Libby, Howie &
Cindy, Koz & Pam, and so many other Southernmost Coconut Castaways for always making us feel
like family every time we visit the Keys. “You can have thousands of friends, but its those who are like
family we carry in our hearts!”
One of these days you know we’ll come down and never go back. Heck, who knows I might be sitting
on a bar stool in Key West playing those 3 chords Howie told me to learn, and playing one of my songs
which are coming along pretty good…. I have finished 3 of 10, “No Sand Left In Jamaica,” “Myrtle
Beach 1972,” and “I Like Them Cougars” are their names so be on the lookout.
Well my friends its time to wish you one and all a farewell & goodbye till the next time our paths
meet. As always remember to live each second of each day as if were your last here on God’s green
earth, and be kind to others trying daily to help someone in need. You will be surprised as that kindness is paid forward again and again until once more it comes your way. “Good Karma to All!”
Peace, Love & Grits to Yawl,
Mickey English, Editor
More Southernmost Gopher Droppings
Southernmost Gopher “Spring Droppings”
Another MMITK has come & gone and ohhhhhhhhhh what a relief it
is! This Event has grown in such a way that I don’t think anyone could
ever had imagined! And the “funny” thing is (not really!), Tammy and I
are already talking of NEXT year’s MMITK 2015…ZOINKS!!
As of this writing, I’m actually tooooooooooo frickin’ tired (still) to really wrap my arms around
the entire thang, but a few things pop into my li’l brain that I want to get out there before I forget:
Tammy – I love you with ALL my heart and the amount of time and effort and thought and
planning and organizing and all you put forth STILL amazes me!!
To my “Mini Marc #1” and “Mini Marc #2”, I fer SURE could NEVER have helped pull this off
without your help…BRUCE AND STEVE YOU ROCK!!
Thanks to all the volunteers who helped bring stuff down to DT, helped set up, helped tear
down, and helped bring stuff back up to Casa De Hollander afterwards…Are you all as sore
and tired as I ? THANK YOU for that…REALLY!!
For those who helped out with all the prep work, pitched in at each event, always there to offer up help, an encouraging word, those who continually gave Tammy and I (and others) all of
the “atta boys” to keep us going, and all the thanks afterwards…THAT is what keeps us going!
We ABSOLUTELY have the best group of FRIENDS in this Club, right on!!!!?????????
Lotsa love, my fellow Southernmost Coconut Castaways!
Aka “Veep” and STILL yer
“Southernmost Gopher”
I’m Livin’ on Key West Time
Hello Fellow Castaways,
Can you believe it’s July already? I hope everyone is enjoying these wonderful summer days.
This is without a doubt my favorite time of the year. If it’s below 90 degrees, it’s too cold for me;
I love the summer heat, even here in the Keys.
What an amazing journey we all have been on together this year and to top it off with Meet
Me In The Keys was beyond fantastic. I just love hanging out with all my friends and this year
was extra special. When we’re all together wonderful things happen. That is as good as it gets.
It’s the power of us!
This year together we raised $114,200 for Care Camps, sending a ton of kids with cancer to
summer camp. This year’s MMITK portion of that total was an incredible $31,600! Thanks to
everyone who worked so hard to make this happen.
I am so honored to be a part of such an awesome group of people and cannot thank you
enough. Everyone have a great summer and Cyndy and I look forward to seeing you all soon.
Until then, may the sun shine upon you and the tide always pull you back.
Welcome to Our New Members
Jeff & Gloria Goins - Summerland Key, FL
Dave & Jane Walker - Englewood, FL
Rob Cochran - New Market, MD
Cheryl Woodall - Birmingham, AL
Katherine Gallop - New Port Richey, FL
Melanie & Wayne Hoyt - Englewood, FL
Robyn & Eric Koromhas - Summerland Key, FL
LaReta Morrison - Key West, FL
Evelyn & Michael Judge - Key West, FL
Sue O'Brien - Key West, FL
Michael Ruetz - Key West, FL
Penny Martin - Key West, FL
Sharon Tonetti - Gulf Breeze, FL
Nick & Pat Caruso - Stuart, FL
Don & Mary Olson - Rockford, IL
Joyce & Darrell Shelton - Cudjoe Key, FL
Cathy & Bob Dillman - Cudjoe Key, FL
Connie & Jerry Ridley - Marathon, FL
Lois Stadler - Topeka, KS
Terry Durow - Topeka, KS
Jane White - Cudjoe Key, FL
Martha Lazor - Pensacola, FL
Barbara Anne Foster - Big Pine Key, FL
John Tiersch - Stuart, FL
Cindy & Al Leone - Casco, MI
Alan & Gail Zakraysek - Cape Coral, FL
Tom & Carol Leonard - Baltimore, MD
Roseanne Raichl - Chandler, AZ
Chris & Gail Pirics - Bonita Springs, FL
David Walker - Summerland Key, FL
Dennis Martin - Key West, FL
Ron & Connie Foster
Patrick & Cindy Pesa - Boca Raton, FL
George & Nancy Vakos - Marathon, FL
Larry Wagner - Key Colony Beach, FL
Gale & Bob Extence - Big Pine Key, FL
Patti Hockenjos - Cudjoe Key, FL
Murray Cox - Cudjoe Key, FL
Marissa Staples-Jordan - Virginia Beach, VA
Susan & Charles Dennis - Port St. Lucie, FL
Harold & Cheryl Talbert - Key Largo, FL
John & Judy Dayner - St. Helena Island, SC
Paul & JoAnn Elliott - Little Torch Key, FL
Nathaniel Harris - Key West, FL
Michael & Terri Hartnett - Key West, FL
Catherine Mann - Big Pine Key, FL
Ginny & Kevin Prior - Key West, FL
Lloyd Kurak - Wilton Manors, FL
Rob Glynn - Cape Coral, FL
Lyle Harris - Key West, FL
Jeff & Kit Nolan - Big Pine Key, FL
Russell Ennis - Mandeville, GA
Peggy & Don Qually - Eden Prairie, MN
Laurie & Doug Schroeder - Ramrod Key, FL
Judy Perkins - Deer Park, TX
Terrie Garcia - La Porte, TX
Alexia Kirk - Arcadia, FL
John & Lisa Fasanella - Key West, FL
Keith & Leigh Parks - Spanish Fort, AL
Steve Craigo - San Diego, CA
James & Renee Ha - Lynnwood, WA
Mary Maleski - Big Pine Key, FL
Ed & Kathy Rhodes - Summerland Key, FL
Tony & Linda Granaghan - Marathon, FL
Rick Schettino - Key West, FL
Diana DeVercelly - St. Petersburg, FL
Maria Delano - Key West, FL
Roy Stephens - Key West, FL
Joy Lawyer - Sugarloaf Key, FL
Rachel Plaga - Sugarloaf Key, FL
Cheryl Wayt Johnson - Sugarloaf Key, FL
Greg Dillard - Tupelo, MS
Dodd & Alanda Bulger - Cudjoe Key, FL
Ken Ro - Howell, NJ
Wendy & Jim Bracht - Key West, FL
Patricia & Richard Collins - Big Pine Key, FL
Dan Moulton - Allen, TX
Jimi DiNapoli - Lake Placid, FL
Mark & Alice Pershing - Key West, FL
Bryan Donohue - Big Pine Key, FL
Fred & Linda Cooley - Greenwood, SC
Dave McGlathery - Sugarloaf Key, FL
Mary Myers - Sugarloaf Key, FL
Joe Cleghorn - Sugarloaf Key, FL
Dixie & Neil Burke - Port St Lucie, FL
Glenn Richcreek - Fairfax, VA
I Like the Islands…
Ahoy there Castaways for our 9th stop as we make our way on this virtual
journey we call, “I Like the Islands.” So grab your drinks and let’s enjoy the ride.
After our fun filled outing to Snipe Point I got to thinking about where my
favorite beach really was…. One that had everything I needed in a beach.
It has to be in a tropical location, the waters have to be calm and crystal clear
that turn into an beautiful turquoise color, the sand should be fine as powder
and soft to the feet with a bright white glycine to it, and lastly not crowded.
There is such a place, and I’ve been there many times. I also go there in my mind when the stress of life gives me
things that are to hard to handle. It’s 177 miles northeast of Key West, called “Bimini,” this little island is only
13 miles long and a 1/2 mile wide and the beach is on the west side of north Bimini, and stretches from Alice
Town to Bailey Town, referred to as Radio Beach, Blister Beach, and Spook Hill Beach. Bimini can only be
reached by boat or small plane, or sea plane which is the most fun. When you go there its like stepping back in
time and the people are so friendly there. I must warn you though, if you don’t like beach activities, or boat
activities, or hanging out drinking rum drinks, eating Bahamian food and dancing the night away to calypso
music….”Then you better not go!”
I love taking the sea planes over…. We use to fly Chalk Air out of Port Everglades and man was it great, but
Chalk went out of business, but you can fly Key West Seaplanes to go now. Those planes fly low enough over
the water to actually see boats and things in the water, and before you know it the pilot starts reducing the
power and you start descending into the deep blue waters of the Bimini wall that quickly turns into that
beautiful turquoise. The pilot makes a wide turn around Bimini Bay to let the boats know he’s landing on the
bay and then you go into a slow descent until you feel the plane sort of skip across the water and when you
look out the windows you can see the bottom in about 25 feet of water. The pilot taxis through an anchorage
filled with boats of all sizes until he pulls the plane up a ramp and out of the water to the customs & immigration shack where a lot of people are waiting to return to the mainland.
Howie’s song “Out On Sandy Key” is a song that really makes me think about my favorite little island beach
this place and it goes like this: “There’s a cool place out in the ocean…. It ain’t on a map anywhere…. Just call me
on the radio…. I’ll give you a course to steer…. No Internet or wifi towers….. You can’t reach us on the telephone…..
Everybody’s just floatin’ in the water…. Rubbing on the Coppertone…. And it’s just another day…. Out on Sandy
Key…. We’ve got that barefoot feeling…. There’s no place we’d rather be….. It’s a million miles from nowhere…..
But we ain’t lost at sea….. Just lovin’ life and livin’ the dream….. Out on Sandy Key…. Over there we’ve got the
judges…. But they’re not working today…. We don’t call them your honor….. It’s Monique and Desiree…. That’s
the mayor and his first lady….. He presides over things out here….. But we don’t object cause we never forget…..
He’s the one that brings all the beer….. And it’s just another day….. Out on Sandy Key….. We’ve got that barefoot
feeling…. There’s no place we’d rather be….. It’s a million miles from nowhere….. But we ain’t lost at sea….. Lovin’
and livin’ the dream….. Out on Sandy Key….. Billy’s got some fish on the grill…. Bubba scored some Cuban cigars…. The boats are all rafted together…. It’s like a huge floating tiki bar….. We’re all one big happy family….
Everybody just havin’ fun….. This is what the party sounds like…. When we all start drinkin’ the rum….. And it’s
just another day…. Out on Sandy Key…. We’ve got that barefoot feeling…. There’s no place we’d rather be….. It’s a
million miles from nowhere….. But we ain’t lost at sea….. Just lovin’ life and livin’ the dream….. Out on Sandy
Moment with an Artist
In this edition of Moment with an Artist we take a look at New Jersey-born and
Florida-based singer/songwriter John Frinzi who has steadily gained recognition
across the country for his soulful songs, unique voice, and strong live performances.
I had a chance to get to talk to John at our MMITK2014 Pool party, and as you can
see by the photograph to the left he is also quite the character. He was getting his
toenails painted for charity after much taunting from the crowd at the pool party
when this picture was taken.
Earlier in the day while John & Howie were playing together I kind of slipped in some very special mojitos
for the two thirsty musicians and after drinking some of the heavenly nectar Howie said on a scale of 1 to 10
this mojito is an 11 at which time John started calling me, “Mickey-Mo” the mojito man. A much larger 32
ounce fishbowl mojito was auctioned of with several other items John & Howie threw into the pot and we
ended up getting a final bid of $550.00 for our charity.
A gifted singer and songwriter, skillful on both guitar and piano, John Frinzi has built an audience through
craft and originality. An early demo caught the ear of legendary steel guitarist and long time Coral Reefer
band member Doyle Grisham, and their working relationship led to John’s first CD, “Into The Dawn.” Since
that release Frinzi has toured nationally playing over 200 dates a year.
John’s latest release, “Shoreline,” showcases Frinzi’s versatility as a songwriter and vocalist. Many of these
songs were co-written with Tom Corcoran, co-writer of the Jimmy Buffett classics, “Fins,” and “Cuban Crime
of Passion.” Both CDs remain in regular rotation on Sirius / XM’s Radio Margaritaville.
Frinzi has been featured at major festivals including The Keith Sykes Songwriter’s Celebration, Key West
Songwriter’s Fest, Pensacola Beach Songwriter’s Fest and has shared the stage with acclaimed artists including Jesse Winchester, Mac McAnally, Peter Mayer, Will Kimbrough, Todd Snider, Maria Muldar and Jim
“Moose” Brown.
John Frinzi added a touch of class to a very special event, Rock for Relief, a Concert for the Victims of Hurricane Katrina. His generous gift of time and extraordinary talent extended the gift of hope to those desperately in need. That's the mark of a true professional. Producing Director. Whenever John plays for a club event,
everyone has a great time listening to him sing. Whether he plays our favorite Jimmy Buffett songs, other artists' favorites or his original tunes, its great entertainment. He is a pleasure to work with and encourages the
audience to sing along, get up and dance or just sit back and enjoy the show.
“Postcards from Paradise” with Diane Richards
Know Your Limitations
Know Your Limitations......and the Difference between Friendly and Grumpy
Elephants. I dropped into my local scuba shop in the late 90’s and heard
about a dive/photo safari trip planned for South Africa in the following
spring. Ohh.....it sounded incredible.....ohh it was so expensive but......ohh...it was
As a commission sales person my income swung from filet mignon one month to crackers and peanut butter for the
next six. Drawing up my courage, I gritted my teeth, closed my eyes and slapped down my credit card on the
counter to secure my seat on the trip. Months later I sat in my usual window seat behind the front passengers in
the combi (small VW van). With the other 5 members of the “We Don’t Follow the Rules Gang” we roamed the
scorching hot roads of South Africa’s Kruger National Park.
On Day 1 in Kruger Park, we had taken the printed schedule our guide/driver, Henk, was holding and turned it
into two pieces. We told him that we made the schedule. Our group included a photographer published in National Geographic. Henk soon got used to us spending a couple of hours just waiting and watching a pair of Egyptian Storks foraging in a shallow pond waiting for the right light.
Our days were filled with his mantra. Henk pointed out “Impala on the left”, click, click, and click, went the cameras, “Kudu on the right”, click, click, and click. On Day 2 we had come to realize that Kruger Park was about 8
hours of driving rewarded by 5 minutes of soaring adrenalin as we finally spotted a gorgeous animal that had
stepped out from behind the acacia trees.
Eventually, we found a grey spot on the horizon!! Elephant!! After what seemed like an eternity, he ambled over to
the trees beside the section of road where we had stopped the combi and started stripping the foliage. He ignored
us. Click, click, click went the cameras. Henk soon put the combi in gear, forward and then reverse. He rocked it
back and forth a short distance. We were mystified. “What are you doing?” “Just watch” he said. The elephant
walked to the front of the combi and stood in the middle of the muddy road. Henk hit the gears again and the
combi rocked. The elephant looked Henk in the eye, cast his head and trunk down and then shot them upward
with a loud trumpet. “DO IT AGAIN, HENK!!” we chorused, overjoyed.
Henk and the elephant played the game one more time. Then the elephant wandered away. I slept sweet pachyderm dreams that night. About a week later we were again hitting the dusty roads many miles away from any
other vehicles. Henk spotted 3 elephants, foraging to our left off in the distance. He stopped the combi in the
middle of the road. He leaned on the steering wheel, studying them intently. His body language changed and he
tensed up. The mood in the combi followed suit, and we asked him “What’s up? Why do you look worried?”
Henk said “I don’t like the looks of these guys, they look to be in a bad mood”. We looked out the window and as
he spoke, the trio of trouble immediately left the trees, turned and started striding swiftly through the bush, directly towards us. They moved in a straight line, something we hadn’t seen any animal do before. We chattered
among ourselves like magpies. “Let’s turn around and drive away” we said. Henk replied “We can’t, first of all
the trailer (carrying our scuba gear) is behind the combi so we can’t easily turn around and even if we could, we
can’t drive fast enough, they can run about 45 MPH. You must never, ever turn your back on an elephant”.
“Postcards from Paradise” Continued
The mood turned somber. We knew that we were on our own. “What do we do
now, Henk?” we asked in strident tones. “Nothing” he said, “we wait and see”.
Henk told us that he thought the 3 elephants, (one large male, two smaller
ones) were rogues, outcasts from a herd (always led by a matriarch) and looking for trouble. The elephants kept a quick pace toward the
vehicle. They
left the brush a short distance away to step onto the road and slowly marched
toward us, the largest male in the lead, and the two smaller males behind, each
to one side. We had recently stopped at a rest stop where we had seen a photograph of a vehicle which had been gored by an elephant’s tusk penetrating
it from one side to the other, like a huge sword, killing both occupants.
The chattering in the combi stopped. “What do we do, Henk?” we asked. “Just sit quietly, and stare directly at
them, don’t move and above all don’t turn around” was his reply. “That’s it? Stare at them???” I looked out the window, scanning the terrain, knowing that it was possible that I might die on this hot, dusty road so far from home. If it
was my last day on earth, I didn’t want it to be there. I took photo after photo as the elephants advanced to the
combi. “Just stare at them, look them right in the eye” Henk slowly and quietly murmured. There was real fear inside the combi.
Our carefree gallivanting was interrupted by about 40,000 collective pounds of elephant showing us in no uncertain terms that our future would be decided by them. I had heard that elephants stamp one foot and then flap both
ears outward at the beginning of a charge. The leader and largest of the elephants already had one ear flapped
outward and I stared intently at the other, waiting for it to move, the sign that he had lost patience with us. The
seconds and minutes crawled by like hours. I stared at that elephant’s ear. The elephant finally reached about 6
feet from the front of the combi.
My dive buddy, Donna and Henk sat as still as stone statues in the front passenger/ driver’s seats. The windshield
was full of grey, nothing but elephant. “Can I take a picture, Henk?” I asked. “Take the picture” he replied. “Don’t
take that picture” came a voice from a diver behind me. I hesitated. I knew it was the Photograph of a Lifetime.
Unwilling to run the risk that snapping the shot might be the trigger to offend the elephant and a life could be
lost, I turned the camera downward, my conscience intact. I hit the shutter anyway and have a fuzzy shot of the
gear box and Henk’s foot. Geographic is not interested. The elephant waited and we did too. We stared at him as
best as we could without showing any emotion. I was frozen in fear and I willed myself not to shake so as to follow
Henk’s advice. No one spoke, or even breathed in those minutes while the elephant pondered his choices. Eventually, in a flash he turned to his left and lumbered quickly into the brush, the other two smaller elephants following
his lead.
Inside the combi, we all breathed again, literally. I heard a collective huge sigh of relief burst from our throats all at
once, we had been holding our breath for what seemed like 10 minutes. We all began to blabber in relief. “Henk,
Henk, you were FEARLESS”, we all cried out with that special joy one feels having survived a near death experience. Henk murmured that he had wished the elephant had reached out with his trunk to the combi’s window so
he could have caressed it. “Are you nuts?” we shouted. “You would have done that?” “It might have helped calm
him down” he replied.
In that test of wills, Henk showed us that standing your ground in the face of danger where we were the interlopers
and the animals were on “home” turf (literally) was the only prudent course of action. It takes guts, nerve and experience to stay calm in the face of your possible imminent death and he taught us how to do it on that hot dusty road,
so far from home. . From that moment on, he was forever known to us as "Fearless Henk”, or sometimes, we just
called him “Fearless”. The combi’s engine was eventually started and we carried on to our next rest camp to sleep in
warm and safe beds that night. The excitement of the day’s events kept me awake long into the night, as the stars
outside twinkled under the African night sky.
Meet Me In The Keys 2014
We just wrapped another successful Meet Me in the Keys with record attendance and a record
donation going to Care Camps! We’ve outgrown many of our “usual” events so we have to keep
thinking bigger and better. Attendees have received a survey to get their thoughts on what they
liked and ideas for improvement. I hope you’ll take time to do the survey.
The musical lineup this year was truly awesome. Howard played for us some each day, which is
always a treat. His show at San Carlos was fantastic! Mike Nash got us started with our pre-party
at the Smokin’ Tuna. Roger Jokela kicked off the event, followed by the John Patti Project who
rocked that P’Jammin’ Party. John was joined the next day by Jimi Pappas and John Frinzi for
pool party fun. If you missed Howard and John’s set you missed out on a once-in-a-lifetime afternoon! Frankendread and Dennis McCaughey kept us going after our Hangover Classic Walk.
Howard, Rick and Hal wrapped up the event with the most awesome day on the water at Snipe
Point. Whew!
There were many new things this year such as the pledging addition to the annual Hangover
Classic Walk. That was a wonderful idea that brought in an additional $2297. I am sure this will
grow next year with more people taking part.
Our night at San Carlos with a private show by Howard Livingston and the Mile Marker 24
Band was amazing! It’s a totally different experience being able to sit in the theater and enjoy the
show, the stories and the music. And thanks to the many local business that donated food and
drinks for attendees that night. We brought in an additional $2289 in “tips” for Care Camps!
We had so many other unique fundraising activities going on, too. The now-traditional turquoise
toenails (which you still see around town!), Frankendread’s weight loss challenge and more. I
can’t wait to see what you guys come up with for next year.
Save the dates of June 11-14, 2015 for Meet Me in the Keys 2015. It is our 8th annual event so the
theme will (naturally) be “Local on the 8’s”! We will plan some pre-party events for you earlyarrivers.
Thank you to all of the many volunteers, attendees and musicians for making Meet Me in the
Keys the great event that it is.
Images From Meet Me In The Keys 2014
In the Spotlight
Nira Tocco
This month's member profile is a gal known to all by her friendly nature and infectious smile, Nira
Tocco. Nira was born in Allentown, Pennsylvania and raised in Philadelphia, where she spent the first
half of her career in the mental health profession, serving as the Clinical Supervisor of the Alcohol
and Substance Abuse program at Episcopal Hospital. While still working in the health care field,
Nira achieved her real estate license and moved into real estate sales as her full time profession.
Growing up in Philadelphia where it's only a stone's throw to the Jersey Shore, and being the Cancer
sign that she is (and wishing that Zodiac sign had a different name), Nira spent much of her time near
the ocean.
After only one trip to the Florida Keys Nira knew she had to relocate - no more cold, dreary winters of
the north! So she moved to the lower FL Keys and continued her work in real estate. In the Keys she
found an active professional and social life. Being a lover of nature, settling in Big Pine Key was a
logical choice. Nira eventually moved into the largest and most successful real estate company in the
Keys - Coldwell Banker Schmitt in Big Pine Key. Through her association with prominent musicians like Howard Livingston and the Mile Marker 24 Band, and FL Keys legend Terry Cassidy, Nira
has found homes for quite a few members of the Southernmost Coconut Castaways, causing many to
call her by her humorous nickname, "The Real Estate Agent to The Stars".
Nira says “I think everybody in the club has their own Howard Story" that is how we came to be Castaways. I'm no different! I was separating from my husband who I came to the Keys with and was very
sad and lonely. I knew of Howard and the MM 24 Band but didn't have a connection until I showed
up by myself when they were playing at a 4th of July celebration on Sugarloaf Key. I felt an immediate connection to the music and Cyndy was so warm and friendly. I knew right away that I was going
to be OK - no, that I was going to be better than OK. This event led to my involvement with Coconut
Castaways Club out of Iowa. I was one of the original Coconut Crawlers and was cruising with fellow
club members back when our yearly outings were aboard the Carnival Cruise line ships. That's when I
was fortunate enough to meet Marc and Tammy Hollander. If it wasn't for them and all their work
starting the Castaway Clubs, I wouldn't have half the friends I do now! Their selfless giving of their
time and energy is what keeps the club running.” (continued on next page)
In the Spotlight Continued
“I have met so many wonderful people who I just know will be forever in my life. Some of my
favorite customers are "friends" of Howard, for example Frankie Bartilotta - the "Frankie" in
Howard's song, "My Friend Frankie". Frankie used to played music with Howard even before
Howard came to the Keys, and he has his own band called Peabody and the Way Backs. It is
Frankie who originally coined my humorous nickname, "The Real Estate Agent to The Stars".
Of course everybody knows Kathy Boyce, Howard and Cyndy's right arm for selling merch. I
met her and Steve when they were looking to buy before they even moved to the Keys. I even
managed to sell a house to my soon to be husband, Ron Baumann—clearly the best harmonica player in the Keys! The rest is history.
Because of these folks and more I've added the tag line, "I am populating the Keys - one Castaway at a time"! Being around all this great music is infectious. I have recently started playing the ukulele and am proud to be called a member of the Ukulele Orchestra of The Green
Parrot Bar in Key West as well as the landmark Coconuts Bar on Big Pine Key. Along with
fellow Southernmost Coconut Castaways Rick Kidney and Mickey Foster, we formed our own
little band called "New Kids on the Rock". We might not be great (yet) but, boy, do we have
fun! Recently I and a couple of famous Southernmost Coconut Castaways were involve in a
filming for a TV show on the Discovery Channel entitled “Buying the Beach”’ which is currently airing.
Watch for it on the Destination America channel.”
Poetry Corner
Forever & Always…..
by: M.L. English
When it comes to life, count your many blessings and ponder the meaning of wonderful.
Think of each other with Love in your hearts as the sun shines upon your lives, warming your world with its
Look into each other’s eyes and see springtime, with love spoken softly and gently, you are now spirit to spirit,
with no need for words.
Smile every day as your hearts feel aglow, like summer skies awakening the soul.
See your future as being happy and bright, whether you gaze the glory of autumn, or walk through a white
winter’s night.
For you start your life’s travel together now, hand in hand as the years go by.
Always hold within your heart and soul a love for each other in which you cherish, Today, Tomorrow and
For now you both have become one in life, Forever & Always!
Recipes in Paradise
Summer in a Cup
Original recipe by Trisha Yearwood, revised by Tammy Hollander
16 ounces pineapple juice
9 ounces coconut rum
9 ounces banana rum or banana liqueur
8 ounces orange juice
8 ounces Strawberry Kiwi Crystal Light
Be prepared to make a double or triple batch!
Mickey-Mo Mojito
By Mickey English
Fresh Mint
1/2 Lime
1/2 Teaspoon of Agave Nectar or Sugar
2 Ounces White Rum
Club Soda
Take a 13 ounce Mojito glass and put a generous portion of mint in
the glass. Now squeeze the juice from 1/2 of a lime, then muddle this into the glass really good.
Now fill the glass with ice and add the Agave Nectar along with 2 ounces of white Rum. Finish
filling the glass with half Club Soda and half Fresca. Pour the mixture into the shaker cup and
do the mojito shake. Now pour back into the mojito glass and enjoy. But be careful they go
down real easy, and you’ll soon lose count!
Club apparel!
Women’s long-sleeve tees
blue only—Sizes Small—2X
(large out of stock)
$10 each
Women’s tank tops
$15 each
Ladies Tees Available in Coral, Turquoise,
Leaf green, Raspberry & Sea foam
Sizes Small—2X
$15 each
Men’s Tees Available in Coral, Sea foam,
Leaf Green & Ocean
Sizes L—2X
$15 each
Men’s sleeveless shirts
Sizes M—2X
$15 each
Women’s V-neck Tee White
only—sizes Small—2X
$15 each
Lime full color logo tees in
men’s and women’s sizes.
$15 each
More merchandise
Southernmost Coconut
Castaways Ball Caps
$20 each
Southernmost Coconut
Castaways Club Backpacks
$5 each
Southernmost Coconut
Castaways Tervis Tumblers
w/lid $20 each
Sports Bottle
$10 each
July 2014
29 June
30 Dockside’s
2 Captain
4 Happy Birthday
9 Captain
10 Happy
12 Mel Fisher
“Monthly Bored”
Fred Cooley
15 Happy
16 Happy B-day
19 Happy Birth-
Terrie Garcia &
Doug Johnson
Capt. Frankendread
Marc Hollander
Happy B-Day
Tracie Lewis
Americana Week &
Happy Birthday
Phil Stern
6 Captain
13 Captain
21 Happy
22 Happy
23 Captain
24 Happy
Lisa Fasanella
Rick Haukness
Kathy Russ
27 Captain
28 Happy B-Day
30 Happy B-Day
31 Happy
Gail Zakraysek &
Ken Ro
Janet Haykness &
Capt. Frankendread
Tony Baglini
Key West Chris
Days Street Fest &
Happy B-day Dale
day Patrick French
20 Captain
Katharine Gallop
Judy Perkins &
Steve Russ
6/30—7/5—Dockside’s Americana Week
7/4—Independence Day
7/9—Monthly “Bored” Meeting
7/12—Mel Fisher Days Street Fest
7/19—Vietnam Living Memorial fundraiser @ Mangrove Mama’s
7/26—Jump Up at Sugarloaf KOA
26 July Jump Up
1 August
& Happy Birthday
Albert Waters
August 2014
27 July
5 Happy
7 Happy
9 Happy
John Tiersch
Jump Up
Cathy Dillman
13 Monthly
“Bored” Meeting &
Happy Birthday
Joe Weissner
Joe Cortner
15 Happy
20 Happy
21 Happy
22 Happy B-Day
Arthur Miller
Beryl Johnson
Perry Ballard &
Jennifer Hulse
28 Happy
Happy B-Day
David Bowling &
Laurie Holmes
1 Sept.
4 Happy B-Day
Linda Harrison
8/13—Monthly “Bored” Meeting
8/17—Jump Up at Smokin’ Tuna Saloon
Jim Stoner
30 Happy
Diane Rutledge
6 Happy B-Day
Catherin Mann
Southernmost Coconut Castaways
PO Box 431497
Big Pine Key, FL 33043
The Southernmost Coconut Castaways is a
national “friend” club of Howard Livingston and
the Mile Marker 24 Band. We are also a community service organization made up of members
that believe strongly in giving back to their
We also have monthly social gatherings which
we call Jump Ups, where club members and their
friends get together to relax and socialize.
Send story ideas and/or photos
If you have suggestions regarding
things you’d like to see in the
next newsletter, please send
them to Mickey English at:
Additionally, if you take pictures
at club events, volunteer outings
or Howard’s concerts, please
send them to Tammy to use in
the newsletter, on the website or
on the club’s Facebook page.
Find us on Facebook at
ATTENTION CLUB MEMBERS!!!! Our Discussion Board on the Club Website is a great
Forum for Posting Information, Chats and Discussions! “CHECK IT OUT!!!!”