Indoor Environment_Sundsvall
Indoor Environment_Sundsvall
Better Indoor Environment is Increasingly Important By Catharina Öhman The indoor environment is an important aspect of quality and environmental work at Studentbostäder i Sundsvall AB (StuBo), a company that provides accommodation for students. This is also in line with the political guidelines for public health work adopted by the City of Sundsvall. The guidelines clearly establish that the environments of children and young people are to be given priority. With a clientele consisting exclusively of young people this focus on the indoor environment is precisely what is needed. It is among children and young people that the greatest problems with allergies exist. -For our part, it is important to be able to offer good student housing for all of our students. This is why the quality of the indoor environment is an important aspect of StuBo’s image. We want to demonstrate that all students are welcome to live with us. Clearly, this also contributes to reinforcing Sundsvall’s reputation as a good place to study, says Åke Norberg, managing director of StuBo. The integrated operating system, that StuBo works with, encompasses, in addition to allergy issues, matters related to the environment quality, public health satisfaction plus disability and work environment questions. Another important issue that StuBo works intensively with, and that to some extent is linked to allergy efforts, is the environmental certification of new and renovated premises. Over the past year, StuBo has developed a method for assessing the quality and environmental commitment of suppliers and business partners. Commitment from the suppliers and business partners The selected business partners are called to regular supplier meetings where quality and environmental questions are discussed. StuBo’s goal is to promote the development of better materials and working methods by increasing the level of un- derstanding among its business partners and continually raising the level of ambition. -Our business partners are not only expected to perform the service in question. They are also expected to actively contribute knowledge about the best materials and methods and to monitor developments within their sphere of expertise, according to Åke Norberg. Nearly third of adults are allergic Studies show that about 30% of the adult population in Sweden today display some form of allergic complaint. Allergic complaints are still greatest among children and young people. Therefore, StuBo decided to make a serious effort to address the situation by starting a half-day training course for StuBo employees and an allergy survey of the company’s buildings. StuBo now has 20 hypoallergenic student apartments. Consideration and understanding from the surrounding world are key factors with respect to allergies. Consideration shown by neighbours and others can make daily life much easier for those suffering from allergic complaints. With this in mind, StuBo conducted an information campaign during the autumn - ... it is important to be able to offer good student housing for all of our students. This is why the quality of the indoor environment is an important aspect of StuBo’s image. We want to demonstrate that all students are welcome to live with us, says Åke Norberg, Managing Director of StuBo . BCB Environment 1/03 - Environmental Management Systems of 2001. The aim was to increase understanding and, at the same time, provide practical tips on how to behave in a more appropriate manner. -This was a way to inspire our tenants to bear their share of responsibility for the creation of sound living conditions, from an allergy and environmental perspective, for all of our tenants, explains Åke Norberg. -We expect that our business partners understand and accept our point of view and that they actively participate in our efforts to achieve sustainable development, he concludes. More information: Mr Åke Norberg Tel: +46 60 199701 E-mail: We hope you have enjoyed reading this theme edition of BCP Environmental bulletin. The theme for the next bulletin is Sustainable consumption and production with a deadline 31 August 2003. All contributions are welcome. 27