Lecture PDF - Green Jobs New England
Lecture PDF - Green Jobs New England
PLS350: Herbaceous Garden Plants Page 1/6 Lady's Mantle Alchemilla mollis Family: Origin: Height: Spacing: Flowers: Leaves: Texture: Habitat: Habit: Type: Culture: Rosaceae Carpathians, Caucasus, Turkey 24 in Yellow-green from May to July. Silky-haired, rounded, shallow lobes (9-11), toothed, green Moist meadows and woodland margins Clump-forming foliage plants Perennial Zone: N/A Moist soil, sun to part shade. Deadhead to prevent reseeding. Cut back in summer for new growth in autumn. Do not cut back over winter. L-Scape: Border, ground cover. Drought tolerant. Pests: Slugs, snails. Cultivars: Calendula officinalis Family: Origin: Height: Spacing: Flowers: Leaves: Texture: Habitat: Habit: Type: Culture: English Marigold, Pot Marigold Asteraceae S. Europe to N. Africa 12-30 12 -18 Daisy-like, 2-4 6 Erect, spreading annual Annual Zone: N/A Moderately fertile well-drained soil in full sun to part-shade; deadhead to prolong blooming. Flowers long lasting as cut flowers and bloom over a long period in gardens. L-Scape: Containers, window boxes, bedding and informal borders, cutting garden Pests: Smuts, rust, grey mold, mosaic virus, aster yellows, aphids Cultivars: Many "series" and cultivars available - 'Lemon Queen' - double flowerheads; 'Bon Bon' - dwarf, compact Study Card PLS350: Herbaceous Garden Plants Dicentra species Family: Origin: Height: Spacing: Flowers: Page 2/6 Bleeding Heart Fumariaceae North America, Japan 2-3 ft Flowers arranged in racemes to 9; Most garden cultivars are hybrids of D. eximia and D. formosa Leaves: D. spectabilis - lvs. compound; D. eximia & D. cucullaria - lvs compound & finely dissected Texture: Habitat: Sunny forest floors Habit: Arching branches create round growth habit Type: Perennial Zone: N/A Culture: Part shade. Foliage will die back in late summer on spectabilis. Needs moisture. L-Scape: Shady border, spring garden Pests: Stem rot Cultivars: 4 species common: D. spectabilis, Common B.H., D. cucullaria, Dutchmans Breeches, D. eximia, Fringed B.H., & D. formosa, Pacific B.H. Eschscholzia californica Family: Origin: Height: Spacing: Flowers: Leaves: Texture: Habitat: Habit: Type: Culture: L-Scape: California Poppy Papaveraceae California and Oregon 6 to 15 in Red, orange to pale yellow, to 2+ Alternate, ternately dissected, blue-gray-green and basal Airy upright Rounded Perennial Zone: N/A Full sun, well drained sandy soils. Tolerant of part shade. Bed, border, containers, naturalizing (meadows); Perennial in warmer climates, annual in cooler areas. Pests: None serious Cultivars: 'Apricot Flambeau', 'Thai Silk' Series, 'Ballerina', 'Carmine King', 'Dali' Study Card PLS350: Herbaceous Garden Plants Gaillardia x grandiflora Page 3/6 Blanket Flower Family: Origin: Height: Spacing: Flowers: Leaves: Texture: Habitat: Habit: Type: Culture: Asteraceae Western USA 1-3'. tall by 1- 2'. wide 18-24 3-4 Gray-green. Vertical, upright interest Ornamental grass Sprawling; shorter varieties upright and clump forming Perennial Zone: N/A Full sun, light, well-drained soil; withstands drought and heat. Very hardy. Zones 2-9 L-Scape: Border, cutting Pests: Mildews, white smut, rusts,bacterial and Septoria fungal leaf spots, slugs and snails Cultivars: 'Baby Cole'—dwarf (8"); 'Dazzler'—orange yellow; 'Kobold'—12" red with yellow center; 'Arizona Sun' 12" tall - everbloomer. Lobularia maritima Family: Origin: Height: Spacing: Flowers: Leaves: Texture: Habitat: Habit: Type: Culture: Sweet Alyssum Brassicaceae Canary Island; Mediterranean 3 - 12 8-12 Small fragrant, white, pink, rose, blue, peach flowers - blooms all summer Linear, lance-shapoed to oblong,, light to mid-green leaves Full, but airy Mounding, slightly cascading Annual Zone: N/A Full sun, well drained, fertile soil; shear back when bloom becomes sparse to encourage second flush L-Scape: Edging, rock gardens, window boxes/container Pests: Downy mildew, slugs, flea beetles, clubroot Cultivars: 'Rosie O'Day' - rose colored flowers: 'Carpet of Snow' - white flowers often scented Study Card PLS350: Herbaceous Garden Plants Onoclea sensibilis Family: Origin: Height: Spacing: Flowers: Leaves: Texture: Habitat: Habit: Type: Culture: L-Scape: Pests: Cultivars: Sensitive Fern Dryopteridaceae Eastern Asia, Eastern North America To 24 Emerge pinkish bronze, fronds green. Broadly lobed. MOIST/WET Upright, arching Perennial Zone: N/A Damp site, sheltered, acidic soil, dappled shade, sun will scorch fronds. Waters edge, border, woodland gardens Focal point, Erosion protection Rust prone Osteospermum hybrids Family: Origin: Height: Spacing: Flowers: Page 4/6 African Daisy Asteraceae Hybrid (S. Africa) 12-18 8-12 Large, daisy-like heads white, pink, violet, or purple, with darker underside to the rays. Entire or Leaves: Irregularly toothed Texture: Habitat: Habit: Prostrate trailing, sometimes slightly upright, annual Type: Annual Zone: N/A Culture: Full sun; cut back to extend bloom; Tolerant of heat and dry. More at: www.osteospermum.com Frost hardy L-Scape: Border, container, rock gardens, dry banks (California freeways) Pests: Aphjids, downy mildew and Verticillium wilt (fungal) Cultivars: 'Pink eyes'; 'Whirligig' Study Card PLS350: Herbaceous Garden Plants Physostegia virginiana Family: Origin: Height: Spacing: Flowers: Leaves: Texture: Habitat: Habit: Type: Culture: L-Scape: Pests: Cultivars: Leaves: Texture: Habitat: Habit: Type: Culture: L-Scape: Pests: Cultivars: Obedient Plant Lamiaceae Eastern North America 2-4 ft 24 - 30 in Spikes of pink, purple, or white in widely spaced vertical rows; blooms late summer to fall Opposite, 3-5 Upright MOIST/WET Erect with width up to 3'; USDA zones: 4-8 Perennial Zone: N/A Sun to part shade, vigorous to aggressive spreader, may require frequent pulling. Cut flowers, naturalized or informal wildflower gardens Occasional rust; slugs 'Alba', 'Bouquet Rose', 'Variegata' Platycodon grandiflorus Family: Origin: Height: Spacing: Flowers: Page 5/6 Balloon Flower Campanulaceae China, Japan 24 Puffy, balloon-shaped just before opening, then bell-shaped; pink, blue or white flowers late summer Ovate to lanced-shaped, toothed, bluish green leaves whorled on lower stem, alternately higher up Upright, clumping Sun, p. shade Erect to flopping Perennial Zone: N/A Sun; WD, fertile, loamy, not wet, soil, frost hardy; slow to establish; late breaking. May need staking. Established plants resent disturbance Border, cutting (cauterize stem) Leaf spot, blight , snails, slugs Var. 'Alba' = white; 'Fuji', 'Double Blue' Study Card PLS350: Herbaceous Garden Plants Page 6/6 American Marigold Tagetes erecta Family: Origin: Height: Spacing: Flowers: Leaves: Texture: Habitat: Habit: Type: Culture: L-Scape: Pests: Cultivars: Asteraceae To 24 Yellow / Orange,1x / 2x flower heads no red (T. patula) Deeply lobed, aromatic to the touch Annual Zone: N/A Full sun, fertile soil Deadhead Bedding, edging Many Bedding Verbena Verbena x hybrida Family: Origin: Height: Spacing: Flowers: Leaves: Texture: Habitat: Habit: Type: Culture: L-Scape: Pests: Cultivars: Verbenaceae N/a 8-15 N/a Fragrant violet, red, white, blue flowers Irregularly shaped, toothed; opposite N/a Upright Annual Full sun, very good drainage Bedding, containers Root rots; powdery mildew Many Zone: N/A Study Card
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