VETASSESS Trade Skills Assessment Program Application form
VETASSESS Trade Skills Assessment Program Application form
VETASSESS Trade Skills Assessment Program Occupation (title) PERSONAL DETAILS 3 TradeSET identification number Pathway 1 applicants only ANZSCO code If you have yet to complete the free self-evaluation or would like more information please go to Please read the Explanatory Notes and TRA Migration Skills Assessment Applicant Guidelines available on our website, before you complete this form. 1 Indicate your application type: General Skilled Migration (GSM)☐ 4 Unique Student Identifier (USI) Only required if you are in Australia at the time of assessment Employer Nomination Scheme (ENS)☐ Regional Sponsored Migration Scheme (RSMS)☐ 457 visa☐ Optional☐ 2 Pathway options 5 Your name Mr ☐ Mrs ☐ Miss ☐ Ms ☐ Other ☐ Family Name There are two (2) pathway options available. • Pathway 1 is for people who do not hold an Australian qualification. Given Names • Pathway 2 is for people who already hold an Australian Certificate III qualification in their nominated occupation or applicants applying with a current Australian Occupational Licence. 6 Other names by which you have been known Please use this application form for both Pathway 1 and Pathway 2 and completed the relevant sections. 7 Your date of birth (dd/mm/yyyy): / / Indicate your pathway option: Pathway 1 ☐ Pathway 2: Australian Qualification ☐ Pathway 2: Australian Occupational Licence ☐ 8 Your sex Male ☐ Indeterminate/Intersex/Unspecified Female ☐ 9 Your passport number 10 Your country of citizenship (passport holder) 11 Your country of residence Page 1 of 10 12 How long have you lived in your country of residence? Years Months 13 Are you in Australia at the time of lodging this application? No ☐ Yes☐ 14 Your postal address (for all correspondence) 17 Do you authorise an agent or representative to act for you with in matters concerned with this application? No ☐►Go to the next question Yes ☐►Give details below I authorise the agent or representative below to act for me. Do you want your correspondence to be sent to this address? No ☐ Yes ☐ Name of agent or representative State Post/ Zip code Agent’s company name Country 15 Your home address (if different from your postal address) Agent’s MARA number Agent’s address State Post/ Zip code Country 16 Your contact details Telephone number Fax number Mobile/Cell number Email State Post/ Zip code Country Agent’s email Agent’s telephone number Agent’s fax number Agent’s mobile/ cell number Trade Skills assessment application form VETASSESS (August 15) Page 2 of 10 TRAINING AND LICENCES 18 (a) Give details of your Australian qualification Pathway 2 applicants only 19 Give details of your formal training Pathway 1 applicants only Title of qualification/training program Title of Australian qualification Name of awarding institute or authority Qualification code Name of Registered Training Organisation (RTO) that issued the qualification RTO location (Australian state/territory) RTO registration number (if known) Attach copies of your Australian qualification and academic transcript (b) Give details of your current Australian Occupational Licence Pathway 2 applicants only Title of licence/registration Address of awarding institute or authority State Post/ Zip code Country Period of study: From (dd/mm/yyyy) To (dd/mm/yyyy) Type of training Full-time ☐ Part-time☐ Total course duration hours Was this qualification/training program part of an apprenticeship? No ☐ Yes ☐ Give employer details below Company name Type of licence Company address Issuing authority State of authority State Post/ Zip code Country Issue date (dd/mm/yyyy) Expiry date(dd/mm/yyyy) Attach copies of your Australian qualification and academic transcript Trade Skills assessment application form Attach copies of your Australian qualification and academic transcript VETASSESS (August 15) Page 3 of 10 20 Give details of your informal and/or on the job training Pathway 1 applicants only Training program 1 Title of training program 21 Give details of your relevant licences or industry membership Licence/ Membership 1 Title of licence/registration Name of employer or institute Issuing authority Address of awarding employer or institute Issue date (dd/mm/yyyy) State Post/ Zip code Country Period of study: From (dd/mm/yyyy) To (dd/mm/yyyy) Type of training Total course duration hours Full-time ☐ Part-time☐ Training program 2 Title of training program Expiry date(dd/mm/yyyy) Licence/ Membership 2 Title of licence/registration Issuing authority Issue date (dd/mm/yyyy) Expiry date(dd/mm/yyyy) Licence/ Membership 3 Title of licence/registration Name of employer or institute Issuing authority Address of awarding employer or institute Issue date (dd/mm/yyyy) State Post/ Zip code Country Period of study: From (dd/mm/yyyy) Expiry date(dd/mm/yyyy) Licence/ Membership 4 Title of licence/registration To (dd/mm/yyyy) Issuing authority Type of training Full-time ☐ Part-time☐ Total course duration hours Issue date (dd/mm/yyyy) Expiry date(dd/mm/yyyy) Attach copies of any training detailed above. Trade Skills assessment application form VETASSESS (August 15) Page 4 of 10 EMPLOYMENT DETAILS Note pathway 2 applicants: For a skills assessment, you must demonstrate at least three (3) years full-time paid employment in a relevant and directly related trade, including at least twelve (12) months full-time paid employment in the nominated trade in the last three (3) years. For Australian licence holders, this 12 months employment must be in Australia. 22 How long have you been working in the trade area you have nominated in this application? Years Months 23 Give details of your employment history, starting with your most recent employer. Print additional copies of this page as required, complete and include with your application. Important note: You must provide a unique Employer Statement for every period of employment claimed in this application. Employer 1 Position description Employer 2 Position description Nature of company’s business Nature of company’s business Worked under direct supervision Yes ☐ No☐ Period of employment From (dd/mm/yyyy) Hours per week hours To (dd/mm/yyyy) Worked under direct supervision Yes ☐ No☐ Period of employment From (dd/mm/yyyy) Company’s name Company’s name Company’s address Company’s address State Post/ Zip code Country State To (dd/mm/yyyy) Post/ Zip code Country Company’s email Company’s email Company’s phone number Company’s phone number Contact person Contact person Position held by contact person Employer ☐ Supervisor ☐ Hours per week hours Manager ☐ Other ☐► Specify Trade Skills assessment application form Position held by contact person Supervisor ☐ Employer ☐ Manager ☐ Other ☐► Specify VETASSESS (August 15) Page 5 of 10 Employer 3 Position description Employer 4 Position description Nature of company’s business Nature of company’s business Worked under direct supervision Yes ☐ No☐ Period of employment From (dd/mm/yyyy) Hours per week hours To (dd/mm/yyyy) Worked under direct supervision Yes ☐ No☐ Period of employment From (dd/mm/yyyy) Company’s name Company’s name Company’s address Company’s address State Post/ Zip code Country State Hours per week hours To (dd/mm/yyyy) Post/ Zip code Country Company’s email Company’s email Company’s phone number Company’s phone number Contact person Contact person Position held by contact person Supervisor ☐ Employer ☐ Position held by contact person Supervisor ☐ Employer ☐ Manager ☐ Other ☐► Specify Manager ☐ Other ☐► Specify Attach evidence of employment for each employer. See the Required Document Checklist for further details. Trade Skills assessment application form VETASSESS (August 15) Page 6 of 10 OTHER DETAILS 24 Are you of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander origin? No ☐ Yes, Aboriginal ☐ Yes, Torres Strait Islander ☐ 25 When did your secondary and/or technical education start and finish? Start (mm/yyyy) Finished (mm/yyyy) / / 31 Do you require advice or support with any of the disabilities, impairments or long term conditions selected in 30? No ☐ Yes ☐ 32 Which of the following categories best describes your current employment status? Full time employee☐ Part time employee☐ Self-employed – not employing others☐ Employer☐ 26 Country of education Employer – unpaid worker in a family business☐ Unemployed – seeking full time work☐ 27 What is the highest school level you have completed? Completed Year 12 ☐ Completed Year 11 ☐ Completed Year 10 ☐ Completed Year 9 or Equivalent ☐ Completed Year 8 or Lower ☐ Never attended school ☐ 28 Do you speak a language other than English at home? No ☐►Go to the next question Yes ☐►Which language do you speak at home? If you speak more than one language, please specify the language that is spoken most often. Unemployed – seeking part time work☐ Not employed – not seeking employment☐ 33 Have you successfully completed any of the following Australian qualifications? Select ALL that apply Bachelor Degree or Higher Degree☐ Advanced Diploma or Associate Degree☐ Diploma or Associate Diploma☐ Certificate IV or Advanced Certificate/Technician☐ Certificate III or Trade Certificate☐ Certificate II☐ Certificate I ☐ Certificates other than the above☐ 29 How well do you speak English? Very well ☐ Well ☐ 34 Which of the following reasons best describes why you are undertaking this assessment? To get a job☐ Not well ☐ To develop my existing business☐ Not at all ☐ 30 Do you consider yourself to have a disability, impairment or long term condition? No ☐►Go to 32 Yes ☐►Please select the area(s) of disability, impairment or long term condition. Select ALL that apply Hearing/Deaf☐ To start my own business☐ To try for a different career☐ To get a better job or promotion☐ It was a requirement for my job☐ I wanted extra skills for my job☐ To get into another course of study☐ For personal interest or self-development☐ Other☐ Mental illness☐ Physical☐ Acquired brain impairment☐ Intellectual☐ Vision☐ Learning☐ Medical condition☐ Other☐ Trade Skills assessment application form VETASSESS (August 15) Page 7 of 10 APPLICANT’S DECLARATION 35 Please use a paperclip to attach two (2) recent passport sized photographs of yourself here. DO NOT STAPLE. 36 You MUST read and sign this declaration (print name) declare that: • The information I have supplied on this form and in attachments is true and correct. • I have included the required documents as listed on the Required Document Checklist and all documents are genuine. • All the evidence I have provided relates to me and my work and can be verified. • I have read and understood the information supplied to me in the Explanatory Notes accompanying this application. • I intend to apply to migrate to Australia under the General Skilled Migration Program, Employer Nomination Scheme, Regional Sponsored Migration Scheme or an Optional Skills Assessment. • I will inform VETASSESS of any changes to my circumstances in writing (e.g. address) while my application is being considered. • I authorise my appointed agent or representative to act in all matters concerned with this application. • I authorise VETASSESS to make any enquiries necessary to assist in the assessment of my skills (including contacting training institutions, employers or other authorities) and to use any information supplied for that purpose. • I understand that VETASSESS may verify information relating to this application with any Australian state or territory licensing or training authority. • I understand that VETASSESS may provide the Department of Education and Training, the Department of Employment, the Department of Immigration and Border Protection or the Australian Taxation Office with any of the information supplied in this application. • I understand that documentation and information submitted in support of my application may be referred to the Department of Immigration and Border Protection for integrity checking. • I understand that the Department of Immigration and Border Protection may, where relevant, take into account any information referred to it by VETASSESS in the application for a visa. • I understand that my photograph may be taken and/or videotaping/recording may occur during the assessment. This may be used for identity check and and/or for assessment purposes. • I acknowledge that if I undertake a practical assessment it is at my own risk and that it is my responsibility to adhere to safe work practices during the scheduled practical assessment. I acknowledge that it is my responsibility to ensure that at all times during the assessment activities that I work safely when working on my own and when working with others, and while using any tools and equipment. I agree that VETASSESS and any third party providing services in respect of or hosting the assessments is not liable in respect of any personal injury, death or property damage arising during the course of the assessments. • I acknowledge that I may need to meet the minimum IELTS requirements to gain the relevant visa and that all assessments by VETASSESS will be conducted in English. Applicant’s signature (agents DO NOT sign on behalf of applicant) Date (dd/mm/yyyy) / / On completion of this form, please print and sign by hand Trade Skills assessment application form VETASSESS (August 15) Page 8 of 10 REQUIRED DOCUMENT CHECKLIST 37 I have included: Identity documents ☐ Two (2) recent passport size photographs – passport size, and dated. No stamp marked on the passport size photographs ☐ Relevant passport pages – copy (passport page must show name, photo and date of birth) ☐ Change of name evidence (if applicable) ☐ Copy of completed TradeSET evaluation with the Skills Assessment Identification Number ☐ Unique Student Identifier (USI) Only required if you are in Australia at the time of assessment Training and licences ☐ Evidence of training and/or qualification ☐ Evidence of academic transcripts ☐ English translation of the above documents, compiled by a registered translation service, if originally issued in a language other than English ☐ Evidence of recognition of your skills, e.g. licences, registration, industry membership Pathway 2 applicants ONLY ☐ Copy of Australian qualification ☐ Evidence of academic transcripts, or ☐ Copy of current Australian Occupational licence/registration Employment ☐ An employer statement for each period of employment FEES AND PAYMENT 38 I am paying my fees by MasterCard/VISA ☐ Bank draft or bank cheque ☐ Money order ☐ 39 Amount payable __________________________________________ Skills assessment ☐ Training and employment check – AUD $735.00 __________________________________________ Postage (if applicable) Only select postage if you require one of the special postage options. Select one only ☐ Registered Australian mail – AUD $5.00 ☐ Express Post International (not traceable outside Australia) – AUD $21.00 Express Courier International (traceable in major cities outside Australia) ☐ Region 1 countries – AUD $54.50 (Brazil, Ireland, South Africa, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, Zimbabwe) ☐ Region 2 countries – AUD $43.50 (China, Fiji, India, South Korea, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Vietnam) ☐ Countries not from Region 1 or Region 2 – AUD $54.50 __________________________________________ Add Total Payable Amount You should also submit the following documentary evidence to support each period of employment you are claiming: ☐ Taxation record/ Assessment notice ☐ Annual payment summary/ Group certificate ☐ Pay Slips ☐ Bank Statements ☐ Superannuation employer contributions ☐ CV ☐ Position description Other ☐ Completed form signed and dated ☐ Payment for training and employment check Trade Skills assessment application form VETASSESS (August 15) Page 9 of 10 40 Credit card payment I (name of cardholder) SUBMIT APPLICATION 41 Authorise VETASSESS to debit my credit card for the amount of AUD $ Post/Courier VETASSESS Skills Recognition International Level 5, 478 Albert St East Melbourne VIC 3002 Australia as payment for the processing of my training and employment. I understand that the fee is non-refundable. Credit card type MasterCard ☐ VISA ☐ Credit card number Expiry date / Credit card validation code (the last three digits of the number printed on the signature panel) Name of applicant Signature of cardholder Send your application, with all required documentation and fees to: 42 After this training and employment check has been completed, you will receive further information from VETASSESS explaining your options for the next stage of assessment. Indicate whether you want to undertake a technical interview or a practical demonstration and your preferred country to undertake the assessment. Refer to the assessment schedules on our website for more information go to Technical interview (via web conference) ☐ Specify country Practical demonstration/ Technical interview in your country ☐ Specify country Australia ☐ Specify state/territory Date (dd/mm/yyyy) / / Authorisations missing any of the above information will not be processed Trade Skills assessment application form VETASSESS (August 15) Page 10 of 10