ruia Tnccount ttumuei xx-x619-8 xx-x618-0 xx-x613-9 xx-x615
ruia Tnccount ttumuei xx-x619-8 xx-x618-0 xx-x613-9 xx-x615
I r l r I u GashBalances Fiscal2011- Treasurer's DebbieRice 1 2 GountyTreasurer December-2010 4 as ot 1213'112010 FIRSTFINANCIALBANKACCOUNTS I T Deposits BeginningBalance 6 ttumuei Account Title ruia Tnccount Disbursements enOing&lance U o 010 xx-x619-8 GeneralFund $ 10 012 xx-x618-0 Jury Fund $ 16 097 xx-x613-9 xx-x615-4 xx-x614-7 xxxx0802 xx-x640-4 xx-x725-1 17 090 xx-x612-1 Grant Fund 18 096 xx-x654-5 xx-x5412 xx-x6420 TreasurerClearingAccount 11 013 tz 015 13 025 14 860 1E 19 20 088 098 099 TreasuryFund $ 17,736.43 1,726,149.98 Road& Bridge Fund $ 67,934.24 SpecialCrimes Fund $ 815.28 Comm DevelopmentBlock Grant $ 3,883,546.99 8,937.40 2,515,413.05 2,302,204.83 1,026,096.66 666,603.86 0.00 70,071.94 2,303,291.95 156,969.40 1,939,358.20 427,427.04 815.28 0.00 0.00 316.73 70,071.94 280,864.07 $ 149,562.87 1 3 1, 6 1 7 . 9 3 Fee OfficersFund $ 281,607.34 766,151.92 533,985.80 513,773.46 $ 880,098.74$ 191,732.16 627,945.19 443,885.71 7 3 , 118 . 0 9 76,054.26 80,622.23 CriminalState FeesFund PayrollClearing ila 2,',t27,845.10 1.483.290.92nla OperationsClearing nra 4,832,154.33 2,852,084.58nta Total Ghecking 21 zz 23 t: 3,704,603.65 17.564.565.98 12.439.538.53 68.550.12 6,205,O07.17 DETAILS SUB.ACCOUNT 24 Road& Bridge Funds - 01-96'15-4 Receipts BeginningBalance l3 zo 5,809,692.20 377,146.74 '148,170.37 Account Title Fund Disbursements EndingBalance zt 28 015 16,885.67 Road & Bridge#1 232,983.83 141,803.36 10 8 , 0 6 6 . 1 4 100,493.47 103,220.52 29 0'16 Road & Bridge#2 15,134.21 251,740.30 166,381.04 30 017 Road & Bridge#3 17,521.16 277,208.83 19'l,509.47 ?.1 018 Road & Bridge#4 18 , 3 9 3 .I 1 264.163.70 166,909.99 115,646.90 666,603.86 427,427.O4 $ 32 rasuryFund - 01-96'13-9 BeginningBalance ?? 34 Account Title Fund 67,934.24 1,026,096.66 ReceiPts Disbursements EndingBalance J5 Jb 013 Lateral Roads 37 0'14 Law Library ?R 40 41 52,913.70 47,321.53 5,O44.48 16,566.06 18,218.11 3,392.43 100,708.93 10,814.79 34,226.16 720.89 0'19 BuildingMaintenance 1,521.05 021 RecordsMgt - Co Clerk q 2,217.60 32,729.45 o22 RecordsMgt - County e 110,994.77 5,167.67 Juvenile ProbationFees q 37,508.56 592.42 0.00 2,990.86 0.38 0.00 2,991.24 12,791.22 1.60 0.00 12,792.82 0.00 16,927.53 023 o24 ElectionServicesContracts 43 026 DA ForfeitureFunds 44 o27 JOCOSeizureFunds 45 028 Sheriff ForfeitureFund 46 030 SpecialCrimes Ops 47 032 SpecialCrimesSeizures 49 482,369-07 110,002.67 42 48 476,776.90 033 034 D 5,502.61 JJAEP JuvenileCaseManagerFund Prinled111812O11 @ 9:31AM 8,735.15 1.07 375.12 147,012.56 20,288.28 12,652.25 6.62 0.00 52,820.82 q 11,424-92 252.03 110,454.06 5,'145.53 44.295.77 3,688.19 CashBalances Fiscal2010- Treasurer's 24,'t38.50 0.00 11 5 , 9 1 0 . 4 1 38,100.98 . 10 8,361 154,648.59 52,827.44 91,461.09 47,983.96 1ol7 Lloz 000 t z8'992'9 00z9B'1. L8'8tL'20' 00'0 tL'6tz'9v 00'0 I t'900'tz 000 98'/66'err 000 8L'0rl'zz 000 L6',909'Z 00'0 t6'099'82 000 I 86'992't. 000 000) 9L't6L'6lZ t0 ez8'26 00'0 I r'66e'9t t9'901'9t zt'L96'06 000 000 z8'6t0'1, gz',9ZZ 00'0 0r'069'10 000 w'elz', 000 00'0 B| Lr9'29 e 60 9 / ' t 06916'901 t8 009'9 00000'0t.t L9'qgt'rrz 00'000'68 L6'88t'r' 90'tz 99'009't m'98e'0e z6'LEq'' t 86'980'8 z6'tgz te'608'96 z6'9L9'8V Bt 99t'9r8 80r.29'982 t8 r0zzlt z 0z'89e'6e6't sluauJosnqs!o ecueleg6u;pu3 00'0 000 09'zt6't 0r'0 000 ,8'0Lt'zLl 810 LZ'62 t9 896'Z 0z'999'8 9Z'jtz'02 z9'z 089 t.6'Z t 99'8eZ'rt 9t'rrq'v \Lt LZgZ) vt'vl ze'996'66 00999 (soese'l) z8 t 1.0'08 (|,e6il) e6€zL't 6 8r t 0 ' | , 0 02 0 6 ' r t 9000t 00'0 ,t lc 99'L\I'Z 28'008'19 e99 000 zvzt 9t'0 t9v 000 t9 zL 9t z9 629 z9z 0260e 000 L9'rZ0'LqL zz0 000 - 0 !02 lmsu socuelegqseSs,JaJnseorl 08 t.LB'09 t, Le t9'692'ZV 9 e8 8 t ' t 00'898'61. 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TP008 XXXX0008 Right of Way 1,618,004.68 230.50 0.00 TP009 XXXX0009 IndigentHealthGare 1,025,976.92 146.12 0.00 TP011 XXXX0011 General011 759,598.29 45,927.22 Road& Bridge#4 12t 145,833.59 150,860.87 XXXX0007 12i EndingBalance 2,000.00 TP007 12! 07 19,466,018 1,190,526.43 Withdrawals 6.74 Ending Balance o , i / J Y , U U Y/.z 270,755.39 936.46 423,500.00 37.99 8,000.00 1, 6 1 8 , 2 3 58. 1 1,026j23.04 6,316,446.18 262,793.38 tzt lPo12 XXXX0012 Law Library tJt TP013 XXXX0013 EquipmentInterest& Sinking 1 3 1 TP015 XXXX0015 RecordManagement 835,257.40 132 TP016 XXXX0016 LEC Interest& Sinking 1,038,091.30 13i TP020 xxxx0020 CommunitySupervision 74,728.40 10.64 0.00 74,739.04 13t TP021 XXXX0021 HistoricalCommission 45,348.92 6.37 0.00 45,355.29 1a.t TP023 XXXX0023 Lateral Road 43,246.94 6.12 0.00 43,253.06 13( TP025 xxxx0025 DA Forfeiture 72,208.44 10.28 0.00 72,218.72 13; TP027 XXXX0027 Sheriff Forfeiture 6,229.28 0.88 0.00 6,230.16 0.00 14,111.OO 13t TP030 1 3 S TP031 xxxx0030 1,114,567.57 14,109.03 UnclaimedMoney 89,170.54 5,117.71 110,162.41 1.97 XXXX0031 JuvenileOperations 147,268.17 19.99 228,026.43 0.00 14t TP040 xxxx0040 FeeOfficers 141 TP041 XXXX0041 MineralRevenues 3,377,801.73 454.53 0.00 22,000.00 0.00 15,000.00 1,203,738.11 818,375.11 1,148,253.71 132,288.16 0.00 228,026.43 187,000.00 3,191,256.26 63,735.42 27,815.07 142 TP042 XXXX0042 JP#1TechFund 63,726.38 9.04 0.00 TP043 XXXX0043 JP#2 Tech Fund 2 7, 8 1 1 . 1 2 206 14i 0.00 TP044 XXXX0044 JP#3TechFund 41,709.58 5.94 0.00 41,715.52 141 63,134.62 9.00 0.00 63,143.62 0.00 817,771.71 141 TP045 xxxx0045 JP#4 Tech Fund 14( TPO46 XXXXO46 Co Glerk RecordsPreservation 817,655.21 11 6 . 5 0 14i TPO47 XXXXO4T Fund BuildingMaintenance 703,300.86 93.43 't4t TPO48 XXXXO4S Dist Clerk RecordsPreservation 59,022.89 8.36 145 rpo4e XXXXO49 Jail SecurityEnhancements 484,680.13 65.98 30,000.00 454,746.11 206,751'27 1,009,526'43 19,436'084'05 TorAL TEX-pooL 46f Ptinted1l18l2011 @ 9:31AM T- n,rog,M.23 CashBalances Fiscal2010- Treasurer's 110,000.00 0.00 593,394.29 59,031.25 3of7 A B a D E Fund I nccount ttumoerl AccoGt Titia TE&qrARAcq.oullq BeginningBalance Deposis TS0O95 xxxx0095 Road& Bridge#1 1 5 ( TS0105 XXXXO105 T50106 1 5 { TS0108 F 151 1F. 4Ea 151 I withd;twalsl 1,730,773.37 251.03 1,000.00 Road& Bridge#2 190,131.22 25.14 39,000.00 1 5 1, 1 5 6 . 3 6 XXXXO106 Road& Bridge#3 1,067,266.14 151.88 49,000.00 1,018,418.02 XXXX0108 Road& Bridge#4 1,179,286.02 169.32 28,000.00 1,151,455.34 315,518.35 40.44 64,000.00 251,558.79 84,080.53 12.23 4,567,055.63 650.04 1 5 € TS07SO XXXX0750 EquipmentPurchase 16C TSilll XXXX1l'll GeneralFund TOTAL TEXSTAR 161 toz I 163 164 0.00 181,000.00 enoing Balance 1,730,024r'.0 84,092.76 4,386,705.67 cenlrtclres oF DEPoslT Beginning Balance Account Title Account Number Oepojits Withdrawals EndingBatance TG 16€ g 16€ 16S cD1 4444Q!670 I:JoEINSONCOUN]IcD FUND NAME ACCOUNT $ 10,000,000 00 $0.00i $0.00 10,000,000.00 OFCASHPOSITION COMBINED STATEMENT 17C 010 GeneralFund 171 012 Jury Fund CHECKING POOLFUNDS .95 2,303,291 156,969.40 47,321.53 6,400,538.94 INVESTMENTS 6,000,000.00 FUNDTOTAL 14,703,830.89 0.00 156,969.40 0.00 90,574.59 262.793.38 0.00 266,185.81 0.00 43,253.06 013 LateralRoads 014 Law Library 174 015 Road & Bridge#1 108,066.14 2,489,622.69 0.00 2,597,688.83 17! 016 Road& Bridge#2 100,493.47 197,083.58 0.00 297,577.05 17e 't77 017 Road& Bridge#3 103,220.52 1,169,278.89 0.00 1,272,499.41 018 Road& Bridge#4 115,646.90 1,390,550.03 0.00 1,506,1 96.93 17t 019 BuildingMaintenance 10,814.79 593,394.29 0.00 604,209.08 720.89 818,375.11 0.00 819,096.00 1"15,910.41 145,833.59 0.00 261,744.00 38,100.98 172 3,392.43 021 RecordsMgt - Co Clerk 18t 022 RocordsMgt - County '181 o23 JuvenileProbationFees 182 024 ElectionServicesGontracts 18: 025 STOPFederalForfeiture 184 026 DA ForfeitureFunds 18t 027 JOCOSeizureFunds 18( o28 Sheriff ForfeitureFund 18; 030 SpecialCrimes Ops 18t 032 SpecialCrimes Seizures 18( 033 38,100.98 0.00 0.00 2,gg1.24 0.00 0.00 2,991.24 815.28 't2,792.82 0.00 0.00 815.28 0.00 85,011.54 0.oo 0.00 16,927.53 6 , 2 3 0 .61 0.00 14,59',1.26 154,648.59 0.00 0.00 154,648.59 52,827.44 0.00 0.00 52,827.44 16,927.53 8 , 3 6 .11 0 JJAEP 72,218.72 91,461.09 0.00 0.00 9 1 , 4 6.10 9 0.00 0.00 47,983.96 19( 034 JuvenileCase ManagerFund 47,983.96 191 036 JP #1 Technology 15,603.97 63,735.42 0.00 79,339.39 't9t 037 JP #2 Technology 8,738.08 27,815.07 0.00 36,553.15 19i 038 JP #3 Technology 12,340.99 41,715.52 0.00 54,056.51 19r 039 JP #4 Technology 63,143.62 0.00 79,909.44 19t 040 CourthouseSecurity 16,765.82 '102,718.87 0.00 0.00 102,718.87 45,219.71 196 041 Justice Court Security 45,219.71 0.00 0.00 197 o42 GustodialFunds 24,003.18 0.00 0.00 24,003.18 19t 045 Co Glerk RecordsPreservation 143,997.86 817,771.71 0.00 961,769.57 19( 046 Dist Clerk RecordsPreservation 22,140.78 .25 59,031 0.00 81,172.03 20( 047 Dist Clerk Rcrds Preservation 2,505.g7 0.00 0.00 2,505.97 Pinted thgl201 1 @ 9:31 AM CashBalances Fiscal2010- Treasurer's 4 ol7 A b I a D CHECKING NAME ACCOUNT E POOLS FUNDS F u INVESTMENTS FUNDTOTAL 201 FUND 20t 048 Cty & Dst Clerk TechnologyFund 28,650.91 0.00 0.00 28,650.91 201 049 Court RecordsPreservationFund 11,266.98 0.00 0.00 11,266.98 0.00 0.00 (0.00) 201 050 PecanValley MHMR 20! 051 MineralRevenueReserve 92,873.01 20( 052 Disaster Recovery 45,399.13 0.00 1,026J23.O4 90,957.42 055 IndigentHealthGare 20t 057 Teen Court 20( 059 UnclaimedMoney 1, 0 1 9 . 8 2 21( 060 Right of Way Fund 37,590.40 20i 2,59't,256.26 0.00 226.28 14,111.O0 1,618,235.'t8 1,273.41 21'l 073 CSGDConstruction 21t 074 Guinn& JP1 Construction 21i 075 EquipmentPurchase 1,750.93 21t 076 MarketSquareProject 5,600.84 21! 080 LEC Interest& Sinking 21( 085 EquipmentInterest& Sinking 21i 088 GriminalState FeesFund 21t 089 HistoricalCommission 2't( 096 TreasurerClearingAccount 22( 097 FeeOfficers Fund 221 701 Jail Securitylmprovements 0.00 Title lV-E 223 811 BulletproofVest Partnership 224 823 FY10EmergencyOps GenterGrant 221 830 HAVA Grant 22e 840 Cities ReadinessGrant 227 850 OJP SpecialCrimesUnit zza 851 STOPGrant 0.00 45,399.13 0.00 1,117,080.46 0.00 226.28 0.00 15j30.82 0.00 1,655,825.58 1,273.4'l 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 253,309.72 0.00 0.00 5,600.84 244,485.67 1,148,253.71 0.00 1,392,739.38 41,188.97 1,203,738.11 0.00 .08 1,244,927 0.00 280,864.07 0.00 45,355.29 1,530.56 800 6,684j29.27 0.00 251,558.79 280,864.07 222 4,000,000.00 (0.00) 0.00 46,885.85 2 68,550.1 0.00 0.00 68,550.12 513,773.46 0.00 0.00 513,773.46 0.00 456,384.03 454,746.11 1,637.92 261.92 0.00 0.00 261.92 0.40 0.00 0.00 0.40 0.00 0.00 zv.z I 0.00 0.00 8,556.70 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 41,738.66 0.00 0.00 (2,527.37) 0.00 0.00 0.00 172,370.84 z.oz 41,738.66 (2,527.37) 172,370.84 29.27 8,556.70 2.62 zzf, 852 FYl1 OJP STOPSCUGrANt 23C 860 CommunityDevelopmentGrants 231 861 CommunityDevelopGrant Fund 70,071.94 0.00 0.00 70,071.94 t2.a 871 Ed Byrne Local Solicitation 99,965.32 0.00 0.00 99,965.32 (1,853.95) 0.00 0.00 (1,853.95) (149.31) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,014.89 0.00 180,965.08 23: 872 Ed Byrne Local Solicitation 234 873 Ed Byrne MemorialJAG Grant 23t 874 FY10Ed Byrne MemorialJAG 1,014.89 JuvenileOperations 23-t 919 Chapter18 - ElectionFundMgmt 23t 922 CommunitySupervision 935 CleanVehicleFleetProgram 24( 939 IndigentDefenselmprovementGran 241 940 Solid Waste Investigator 24i 941 MentalHealthPeaceOfficer 24i 945 TCEQTexasAircheck Program $ Printed1/18/2011 @ 9:31AM 0.00 400.05 74,739.04 286,677.08 zJt 24/ 132,288.16 48,676.92 902 23( 0.00 (149.31) 400.05 0.00 0.00 361,416.12 31.14 31.14 0.00 0.00 51,800.87 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 72,469.47 0.00 0.00 72,469.47 36.11 0.00 0.00 36.11 6,205,007.17$ 23,222,789.72$ CashBalances Fiscal2010- Treasurer's 10,000,000.00 51,800.87 0.00 39,427,796.89 5OT'. A 24(. 24-l E D B as of 28-Nov-10 24t F 28,249,167.50$ Cleburne $ 81,466,087.00$ Abilene $ 42,224,391.00 $ 44,224,391.00$ Totals $ 123,690,478.00 $ 72,473,558.50$ G 28,607,826.24 29.498.130.14 41,040,409.84 44,085,848.48 69,648,236.08 73.583.978.62 21( 25( 251 251 25t I certlfy tho information in thb report i8 true and correct to the bett of my knowlgdge' 25{ 25t A u A/'//-* 25t Debble Rlce 25{ freaaurer * 2. /Qz'/ /- / * -2 a// Date 28( Printed1/18/2011 @ 9:31AM Fiscal2010- TreasurefsCashBalances 6 ot7 A D B F E G 261 COURT COMMISSIONERS 262 COUNTYTREASURER'SREPORT JOHNSONCOUNTY.TEXAS 26i INTHE MATTEROF COUNTYFINANCES IN REGULARSESSION 261 IN THE HANDSOF DEBBIERICE TERM2O1O DECEMBER OF JOHNSONCOUNTY.TEXAS 26{ TREASURER 26( 261 wilh Section 114.026,Local GovernmentCode,we the undersigned,constitutlngthe 26{ N ACCORDANCE ,2010, day of 26( rntire Commissioners Court of said County, certify that on the - 27( rt tho Reoular term ot Court. wo compared and examlned the monthly rgport of Barbara J. Robinson, 27 Ireasurerof Johnson Countv.for DECEMBER2010,and flndlns the same correct,gnteredan order in 27t :ha Minutes aoorovino said ReDort.which statos total cash and other asseta on hand as $39,427,796.89 27i 27t 27t )-rc u'r1 .! 279 28C I Pct,3 rlnoer.GommlsEloner. 281 t iol-t"t Commie DonBeeson, a 282 28i TC AND SUBSCRIBE D BEFOREME. bv RoqorHarmon,GountvJudge and Count 284 commlssione|€of sald Johnson Countv,each respectlvelv,on thls the - day of , aD.?0!0 28t 28( Glerkand )ai GommissionersGourt in and for )at Texas, )a( 2S( 291 FILEDFORRECORDTHIS DAY OF 29t lor the torm ln whlch the affldavlt8 are flled on the - .D.,2010and recordedln hE minutosof the Court . A.D.2010 day of 29! 29t Attest: Becky Mrilliams,GountyClerk 29r 29( 291 29t 29{ 30( 30' 30, Printed1/18/2011 @ 9:31AM CashBalances Fiscal2010 - Treasurer's 7 of 7
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