1655 Cover.cdr - City of London
1655 Cover.cdr - City of London
SOUTH EAST CITY OF LONDON Market Demand and Impact Analysis Submitted To: Commissioners Centres Limited Submitted By: November 2007 SOUTH EAST CITY OF LONDON Market Demand and Impact Analysis Submitted to: Commissioners Centres Limited 700 Applewood Crescent, Suite 100 Vaughan, Ontario L4K 5X3 Prepared By: Malone Given Parsons Ltd. 140 Renfrew Drive, Suite 201 Markham, Ontario L3R 6B3 Tel: (905) 513-0170 Fax: (905) 513-0177 lparsons@mgp.ca cheydorn@mgp.ca November 2007 07-1655 SOUTH EAST CITY OF LONDON Market Demand and Impact Analysis TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ................................................................................................................. i 1.0 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................... 1 1.1 Purpose of the Study .................................................................................................... 1 1.2 Methodology ................................................................................................................ 2 2.0 DEVELOPMENT PROPOSAL ............................................................................................... 4 2.1 Site Location and Local Context .................................................................................. 4 2.2 Local and Regional Access .......................................................................................... 6 2.3 Proposed Development Concept .................................................................................. 7 2.4 Official Plan and Zoning .............................................................................................. 8 3.0 COMMERCIAL CONTEXT ................................................................................................. 10 3.1 Recent Commercial Studies ....................................................................................... 10 3.2 Study Area Delineation .............................................................................................. 11 3.3 Commercial Nodes in South East London ................................................................. 14 3.4 Commercial Inventory Summary ............................................................................... 15 3.5 Commercial Inventory By Node ................................................................................ 18 3.5.1 Node 1: Pond Mills Square and Vicinity ....................................................... 18 3.5.2 Node 2: Wellington Road .............................................................................. 19 3.5.3 Node 3: White Oaks Mall .............................................................................. 20 3.5.4 Node 4: Exeter Road and Wellington Road................................................... 20 3.5.5 Node 5: South of Highway 401 ..................................................................... 21 3.5.6 Node 6: Emerging Commercial ..................................................................... 21 3.5.7 Node 7: Other South East London ................................................................. 21 3.6 Surrounding Commercial ........................................................................................... 22 3.6.1 Zone 2: Central East London ......................................................................... 24 3.6.2 Zone 3: Central Thames Centre Study Area .................................................. 25 3.6.3 Other London Commercial Space.................................................................. 26 3.7 Major Planned and Proposed Commercial Space ...................................................... 28 3.8 Beyond the City of London ........................................................................................ 31 4.0 STUDY AREA SPENDING .................................................................................................. 33 4.1 Trade Area Population and Projections...................................................................... 34 4.2 Trade Area Income and Per Capita Spending ............................................................ 35 4.3 Study Area FSTM Expenditure Potential .................................................................. 37 4.4 Study Area DSTM+HI Expenditure Potential ........................................................... 38 5.0 MARKET DEMAND AND IMPACT ................................................................................... 40 5.1 Existing Shopping Patterns ........................................................................................ 40 5.1.1 Customer Origin Licence Plate Surveys ........................................................ 41 5.1.2 Consumer Surveys ......................................................................................... 44 5.2 Components and Allocation of Spending .................................................................. 49 5.3 Demand Analysis ....................................................................................................... 50 5.3.1 Supermarket Demand .................................................................................... 52 MALONE GIVEN PARSONS LTD. SOUTH EAST CITY OF LONDON Market Demand and Impact Analysis 5.4 5.5 6.0 TABLE OF CONTENTS 5.3.2 Department Store Demand............................................................................. 53 5.3.3 Non-Department Store DSTM Demand ........................................................ 55 Impact Evaluation ...................................................................................................... 56 5.4.1 Supermarket Impact ....................................................................................... 58 5.4.2 Department Store DSTM Impact ................................................................... 59 5.4.3 Non-Department Store DSTM Impact ........................................................... 61 Opportunities for the Commissioners Road East and Highbury Avenue Node ......... 62 CONCLUSIONS .................................................................................................................... 66 FIGURES 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 Aerial Photo of Commissioners Centres’ Site ......................................................................... 4 Commissioners Centres’ Site – Local Context ......................................................................... 6 Commissioners Centres’ Site – Regional Context ................................................................... 7 Proposed Development Concept .............................................................................................. 8 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 South East London Study Area Zones ................................................................................... 13 Zone 1: South East London Commercial Nodes ................................................................... 15 Zone 2: Central East London and Zone 3: Central Thames Centre Commercial Nodes ....... 23 Major Commercial Locations in the Study Area and the Rest of London ............................. 26 Supermarket Locations in the Study Area and the Rest of London ....................................... 27 Department Store Locations in the Study Area and the Rest of London ............................... 28 Major Planned and Proposed Commercial Developments, July 2007 ................................... 29 Leasing Site Plan for RioCan’s Summerside Shopping Centre ............................................. 30 Regional Context .................................................................................................................... 31 4.1 South East London Study Area Zones .................................................................................... 33 5.1 5.2 Share of Supermarket Spending Captured by Zone 1: South East London Supermarkets .... 46 Share of Department Store Spending Captured by Zone 1: South East London Department Stores ...................................................................................................................................... 47 Share of Non-Department Store DSTM Spending Captured by Zone 1: South East London Non-Department Store DSTM Stores .................................................................................... 49 Before and After Aerial Photographs of Oakridge Mall ........................................................ 64 5.3 5.4 TABLES 3.1 3.2 3.3 Summary of Zone 1: South East London Commercial Space by Node, June 2007 ............... 16 Summary of Zone 2: Central East London and Zone 3: Central Thames Centre Commercial Space by Node, June 2007...................................................................................................... 24 Planned and Proposed Commercial Developments in the Study Area, July 2007 ................. 29 4.1 4.2 Trade Area Population Distribution ....................................................................................... 34 Trade Area Population and Projections .................................................................................. 34 MALONE GIVEN PARSONS LTD. SOUTH EAST CITY OF LONDON Market Demand and Impact Analysis TABLE OF CONTENTS 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 Study Area Income and Income Indexes ................................................................................ 36 Study Area Per Capita FSTM and DSTM+HI Expenditures ................................................. 37 Study Area FSTM Expenditure Potential Forecast (in 2006 Constant Dollars) .................... 38 Study Area DSTM+HI Expenditure Potential Forecast (in 2006 Constant Dollars) ............. 39 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 5.9 5.10 Customer Origin License Plate Survey Results, November 2004 .......................................... 42 Customer Origin License Plate Survey Results, March 2007 ................................................ 43 Allocation of FSTM and DSTM+HI Spending by Category: 2007 Estimate ........................ 50 Zone 1: South East London Supermarket Spending and Sales .............................................. 53 Zone 1: South East London Department Store Spending and Sales ...................................... 54 Zone 1: South East London Non-Department Store DSTM Spending and Sales .................. 55 Impact Evaluation Additional Space Assumptions ................................................................ 57 Supermarket Impact................................................................................................................ 58 Department Store Impact ........................................................................................................ 60 Non-Department Store DSTM Impact ................................................................................... 61 APPENDICES A. B. C. D. E. F. Commercial Inventory Units in Plans of Subdivision Retail Per Capita Expenditure Definition and Derivation Licence Plate Survey Results Consumer Telephone Survey Details Impact Analysis Detailed Tables MALONE GIVEN PARSONS LTD. SOUTH EAST CITY OF LONDON Market Demand and Impact Analysis INTRODUCTION EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Malone Given Parsons Ltd. has been retained by Commissioners Centres Limited (“CCL”) to carry out a market demand and impact assessment of a proposed retail and service commercial centre located at Meadowlily Road South and Commissioners Road East in the south eastern portion of the City of London. CCL is proposing to develop a 22.5 acre site at the north east corner of the intersection of Meadowlily Road and Commissioners Road East with a retail and service commercial development totalling approximately 275,000 sq.ft. of commercial floor space. The Proposed Development will be anchored by a 215,000 sq.ft. Wal-Mart department store and 60,000 sq.ft. of commercial retail unit space. Aerial Photo of Commissioners Centres’ Site The Site is designated Urban Reserve – Community Growth in the London Official Plan. An amendment to the London Official Plan is required to redesignate the Site to Associated Shopping Area Commercial. While the London Official Plan does not include policies requiring market studies for such amendments, City planning staff have indicated that they require a MALONE GIVEN PARSONS LTD. i SOUTH EAST CITY OF LONDON Market Demand and Impact Analysis EXECUTIVE SUMMARY supporting retail and service commercial market study that identifies potential impacts on nearby commercial areas, specifically White Oaks Mall, Pond Mills Square, and the new Summerside Shopping Centre. Given the nature of the London Official Plan policies for the Associated Shopping Area Commercial designation, the key questions that are addressed in this study are: Is there market support for the proposed development? Will it compromise the planned function of existing commercial areas in south east London, namely White Oaks Mall, Pond Mills Square and Summerside Shopping Centre? COMMERCIAL CONTEXT A three-zoned Study Area was delineated for this analysis and represents the area from which CCL’s Proposed Development is expected to draw the majority of its sales on a consistent basis. Zone 1: South East London reflects the geographic area the Proposed Development will serve on a regular basis while Zone 2: Central East London and Zone 3: Central Thames Centre reflect the broader geographic areas the Proposed Development will draw from on an occasional basis. South East London Study Area Zones MALONE GIVEN PARSONS LTD. ii SOUTH EAST CITY OF LONDON Market Demand and Impact Analysis EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This analysis focuses on the impact the Proposed Development could have on existing retail and service commercial offerings located within or bordering Zone 1: South East London. In a commercial inventory carried out in June 2007, over 3.27 million sq.ft. of retail and service commercial space was measured in Zone 1: South East London. Over 1.9 million sq.ft. of this space was Department Store Type Merchandise (DSTM) space, which accounted for 60.0% of the retail and service commercial space measured. By comparison, 737,300 sq.ft. of Service and Restaurant and 255,000 sq.ft. of Food Store Type Merchandise (FSTM) space was measured, representing 22.5% and 7.8% of total measured space respectively. 263,100 sq.ft. of vacant space was measured, representing 8.0% of the total measured commercial space. A large portion of this vacant space was concentrated in Pond Mills Square and Adelaide Southdale Centre. A total of 6.88 million sq.ft. of commercial space was measured in Zone 2: Central East London and Zone 3: Central Thames Centre. The inventory includes commercial space in London’s Downtown and Downtown Fringe areas, which accounted for 47.5% of the measured space in the two Zones. The majority of Zone 3’s commercial space was concentrated in the community of Dorchester. In addition to existing commercial space, there are three major planned or proposed commercial projects in the Study Area. Together, they could add up to 409,100 sq.ft. of additional commercial space. MALONE GIVEN PARSONS LTD. iii SOUTH EAST CITY OF LONDON Market Demand and Impact Analysis EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Major Planned and Proposed Commercial Developments, July 2007 POPULATION AND INCOME The Study Area’s population totals 169,630 in 2007 and is projected to increase by 6,360 people to 175,990 by 2015 with the continued construction of residential units that are currently in various stages of the planning process. Income levels influence per capita spending on various goods and services. Zone 1: South East London and Zone 2: Central East London have average household incomes below that of Ontario, while Zone 3: Central Thames Centre has average household incomes slightly above the provincial average. MARKET DEMAND AND IMPACT An analysis of supermarket, department store, and non-department store DSTM spending was carried out as part of this analysis. In carrying out the analysis of impact arising from CCL’s Proposed Development, assumptions have been made about the composition of planned commercial space in Summerside Shopping Centre. Also, while we are not aware of any immediate plans that would cause a rapid take-up of vacant space in Pond Mills Square, our analysis also tests the impact the Proposed Development would have on a partially retenanted Pond Mills Square. Without know the final store configuration, tenants, or size of any of these commercial developments, we have test the impact based on the assumptions presented in the following table: MALONE GIVEN PARSONS LTD. iv SOUTH EAST CITY OF LONDON Market Demand and Impact Analysis EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Impact Evaluation Additional Space Assumptions Summerside Shopping Centre Loblaws RONA CRU Space Total Summerside Space Supermarket Department Store NonDepartment Store DSTM Total Space Tested Services Home Improvement Total Space 80,000 0 0 80,000 0 0 0 0 80,000 0 17,000 97,000 160,000 0 17,000 177,000 18,900 0 22,100 41,000 0 103,900 0 103,900 178,900 103,900 39,100 321,900 0 0 0 0 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 0 0 0 0 50,000 50,000 55,000 0 55,000 135,000 165,000 0 165,000 165,000 0 40,000 40,000 187,000 220,000 40,000 260,000 487,000 0 20,000 20,000 - 0 0 0 - 215,000 60,000 275,000 - Pond Mills Square Take-up of Vacant Space Total Pond Mills Square Space CCL's Proposed Development Wal-Mart CRU Space Total CCL's Proposed Development Total Space Tested Supermarket Analysis Zone 1: South East London’s four supermarkets capture only a small proportion of the Study Area’s supermarket spending. Supermarket shopping patterns are influenced by the large amount and variety of supermarket space located outside of the Study Area. Still, at a combined averages sales performance of $528/per sq.ft., the Study Area’s supermarkets are performing at healthy levels. It is assumed that the significant increase of supermarket space in Zone 1: South East London by 2009 will influence the amount of FSTM spending directed to supermarkets in the Study Area. Similarly, the total share of supermarket spending that Study Area residents direct to Zone 1: South East London is also forecast to increase significantly. The findings and implications are as follows: Sales to the new supermarkets will be derived from growth in the market, reallocation of sales from existing supermarkets in the Study Area and the rest of London, sales transfers from the four existing supermarkets in Zone 1: South East London, and sales transfers from other FSTM stores. The introduction of two new supermarkets will together increase the proportion of FSTM spending directed to supermarkets and recapture the large outflow of supermarket spending currently directed to other supermarkets outside the Study Area. In the first year of operation (2009), sales will drop at the Food Basics at Pond Mill Square. By 2011, however, sales will increase to above current levels. Sales will drop at the three supermarkets on Wellington Road as a result of the competitive effects of introducing a new, larger Loblaw MALONE GIVEN PARSONS LTD. v SOUTH EAST CITY OF LONDON Market Demand and Impact Analysis EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Company store in a market that is made up of a significant amount of this company’s supermarket space. The market will be sufficient to support both the Summerside Shopping Centre Loblaws and the supermarket component of CCL’s proposed Wal-Mart in 2009. The food component of existing commercial areas will continue to be viable and there will be no closures as a result of the new supermarket space added to Zone 1: South East London. The two new food stores will significantly increase and improve the level of retail service to residents of Zone 1: South East London. Department Store Analysis Almost three quarters (71.9%) of Zone 1: South East London’s department store expenditures are directed to the zone’s three department stores: Zellers in Pond Mills Square, and Wal-Mart and The Bay in White Oaks Mall. These stores, however, attract a much smaller proportion of Zone 2: Central East London and Zone 3: Central Thames Centre department store expenditures at 9.5% and 30.9% respectively. The introduction of additional department store space will result in a shift in department store shopping patterns in Zone 1: South East London. The new Wal-Mart department store space will increase the department store share of DSTM+HI spending as well as captures of department store spending, but, will also result in sales transfers from existing department stores. It is anticipated that the proposed Wal-Mart department store space will compete most directly with the Zellers in Pond Mills Square as well as other Wal-Mart stores in the Study Area. The findings and implications are as follows: Sales attributed to the proposed Wal-Mart department store space will be derived from growth in the market, reallocation of sales from existing department stores in the Study Area and the rest of London, by sales transfers from the existing Wal-Marts in the Study Area, and by sales transfers from non-department store DSTM stores. Zone 1: South East London’s department stores are generally healthy, although the small Pond Mills Square Zellers is not performing as well as other Zellers stores across the chain. The introduction of department store space will both increase the proportion of DSTM spending directed to department stores and recapture some outflow of department store spending currently directed to other department stores outside the Study Area. The new Wal-Mart department store space will draw sales from other MALONE GIVEN PARSONS LTD. vi SOUTH EAST CITY OF LONDON Market Demand and Impact Analysis EXECUTIVE SUMMARY department stores, but primarily from the other Study Area WalMarts. The competitive impacts of the addition of department store space will not affect The Bay or other Wal-Marts. Pond Mills Square’s Zellers’ sales will decline to the lower end of the chain’s store performance. We acknowledge that there could be some risk of closure due to competition, although, the Zellers’ sales will rebound over time. The Hudson Bay Company is expected to retain the store to maintain strategic market share in Zone 1: South East London. The market can support the proposed Wal-Mart department store space without compromising the viability of existing commercial areas. The additional space will complement the mix of retail and commercial uses planned and proposed for Node 6: Emerging Commercial and will strengthen the level of retail services for residents. Non-Department Store DSTM Analysis Just under two-thirds (61.4%) of Zone 1: South East London residents’ spending in non-department store DSTM stores is captured by stores within the Zone 1 Study Area. This can be compared to the 19.8% and 39.4% of non-department store DSTM spending directed to the Zone 1 Study Area by Zone 2: Central East London and Zone 3: Central Thames Centre respectively. The findings and implications of the introduction of additional nondepartment store DSTM space is: The new non-department store DSTM space will be mainly supported by growth in the market and from the recapture of outflow spending. The overall performance of non-department store DSTM space in Zone 1: South East London is considered to be healthy. The impact of the proposed non-department store DSTM space in Zone 1: South East London is forecast to be minor and short in duration. The addition of the proposed non-department store DSTM space will increase and improve the level of local service to local and regional area residents and will recapture outflow spending. Average sales of non-department store DSTM stores are forecast to remain viable in all retail nodes throughout the study period. MALONE GIVEN PARSONS LTD. vii SOUTH EAST CITY OF LONDON Market Demand and Impact Analysis EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The addition of non-department store DSTM space on the CCL Site will not compromise the viability of any retail area or undermine the planned function of any existing or planned retail area in Zone 1: South East London. CONCLUSIONS The following conclusions respond to City of London’s planning staff’s concerns about the potential impact of CCL’s Proposed Development on existing and planned commercial areas in south east London. The market can support the Proposed Development. Census data demonstrates that the population in south east London has grown moderately over the last five years. Units in registered and draft approved residential plans of subdivision will accommodate a growing population in south east London. Population growth in the three-zoned Study Area will support additional supermarket, department store, and non-department store DSTM stores. The addition of planned and proposed commercial space will also serve to increase and improve the level of local service to residents and will recapture outflow spending and increase captures from surrounding areas. Together, growth in the market, sales transfers from existing stores both within the Study Area and beyond, and the reallocation of spending by FSTM and DSTM categories will support CCL’s Proposed Development. The Proposed Development will not compromise the planned function of White Oaks Mall. White Oaks Mall is one of the City of London’s Regional Shopping Area Commercial locations. It currently serves a very large trade area that extends beyond the municipal boundaries. While the proposed department store and non-department store DSTM space on the CCL Site will result in sales transfers from White Oaks Mall, they are not significant enough to cause store closures. While the Mall’s Wal-Mart department store will experience the greatest competitive effects, the corporate decision to add additional Wal-Mart space to south east London demonstrates their confidence that the new space is supportable. CCL’s Proposed Development will not compromise the planned function of White Oaks Mall. MALONE GIVEN PARSONS LTD. viii SOUTH EAST CITY OF LONDON Market Demand and Impact Analysis EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The introduction of retail and service commercial uses on CCL’s Site will strengthen existing and planned commercial uses at Commissioners Road East and Highbury Avenue. Both the existing Pond Mills Square and the developing Summerside Shopping Centre are designated Community Shopping Area Commercial in the City of London Official Plan. Customer origin licence plate surveys demonstrate that Pond Mills Square serves a more local market than White Oaks Mall, with about 80% of its customers residing in the City of London in 2007. While Pond Mills Square is an appropriate location for commercial uses and its stores are operating at reasonable levels, there are significant opportunities to strengthen the local draw of this retail facility. The addition of commercial space at both Summerside Shopping Centre and on the CCL Site would create a new commercial focus in south east London giving Pond Mills Square the opportunity to reinvent itself through reinvestment and redevelopment. There is a need to reposition this enclosed shopping centre to stay competitive. Fortunately, there is an excellent opportunity for this commercial centre to find its niche and to benefit from increased supermarket, department store, and non-department store DSTM captures resulting from broadened and strengthened commercial offerings at Commissioners Road East and Highbury Avenue. Like Pond Mills Square, RioCan’s Summerside Shopping Centre is planned to serve a more local market than White Oaks Mall. The mix of uses planned for the RioCan site will no doubt strengthen the level of service in south east London and help recapture some expenditure outflows. CCL’s Proposed Development not have a competitive impact on the planned and proposed uses at Summerside Shopping Centre. Instead, additional commercial in the vicinity of the development would serve to support and complement the shopping centre. Together, Pond Mills Square, Summerside Shopping Centre, and CCL’s Proposed Development would create a larger, new commercial focus for south east London, improving the level of service for local residents and recapturing outflows. CCL’s Proposed Development will not compromise the planned function of these Community Shopping Areas. MALONE GIVEN PARSONS LTD. ix SOUTH EAST CITY OF LONDON Market Demand and Impact Analysis 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.0 INTRODUCTION Malone Given Parsons Ltd. has been retained by Commissioners Centres Limited (“CCL”) to carry out a market demand and impact assessment of a proposed retail and service commercial centre located at Meadowlily Road South and Commissioners Road East in the south eastern portion of the City of London. 1.1 Purpose of the Study CCL is proposing to develop a 22.5 acre site at the north east corner of the intersection of Meadowlily Road and Commissioners Road East with a retail and service commercial project totalling approximately 275,000 sq.ft. of commercial floor space (“Proposed Development”). The Proposed Development will be anchored by a 215,000 sq.ft. Wal-Mart department store and 60,000 sq.ft. of commercial retail unit (“CRU”) space. The Site is currently designated Urban Reserve – Community Growth in the City of London Official Plan (“London Official Plan”). An amendment to the London Official Plan is required to redesignate the Site to Associated Shopping Area Commercial. The London Official Plan policies state that commercial uses in the Associated Shopping Area Commercial designation must not diminish the dominance of the Regional and Community Shopping Areas to which it is related. More specifically, the London Official Plan states: Areas designated Associated Shopping Area Commercial are intended to be developed for a limited range of retail, service and office uses which are complementary to the function of designated Regional and Community Shopping Areas but which may not be suited to locations within a Shopping Area by reason of their access, site or exposure requirements. The Associated Shopping Area Commercial designation is not intended to diminish the dominance of the Regional or Community Shopping Area designation to which is associated. City of London Official Plan Section 4.5.1 While the London Official Plan does not include policies requiring market studies for such amendments, City planning staff have indicated that they require a supporting retail and service commercial market study that identifies potential impacts on nearby commercial areas, specifically White Oaks Mall, Pond Mills Square, and the new Summerside Shopping Centre. MALONE GIVEN PARSONS LTD. 1 SOUTH EAST CITY OF LONDON Market Demand and Impact Analysis 1.0 INTRODUCTION This market demand and impact analysis is intended to address the concerns of planning staff and forms part of the application to amend the London Official Plan and the City of London Zoning By-law Z.1 (“London Zoning By-law”). Given the nature of the London Official Plan policies for the Associated Shopping Area Commercial designation, the key questions that are addressed in this study are: Is there market support for the proposed development? Will it compromise the planned function of existing commercial areas in south east London, namely White Oaks Mall, Pond Mills Square and Summerside Shopping Centre? 1.2 Methodology This market study examines the existing commercial context and competitive commercial environment in south east London and tests market opportunity, residual demand, project feasibility, and the potential impact of the Proposed Development. In the course of the research and analysis of market demand and impact, the following was carried out: Collection and review of existing relevant reports and documents, including the London Official Plan, various Secondary Plans, and the London Zoning By-law as well as recent Official Plan review studies such as draft commercial policy documents; Examination of the Site, its market location, surrounding context and Site access; A comprehensive commercial inventory of existing space in the City of London, central Municipality of Thames Centre, and the surrounding market area; Assessment of the role and function of major commercial nodes in south east and central London; Review of existing commercial shopping centres and large scale commercial projects influencing the market area; Review of major planned and proposed commercial projects in the market area; Customer origin licence plate surveys at various locations in London to determine extent of draw from within and outside the London market area; Consumer telephone survey of households within the City of London and its surrounding market area; MALONE GIVEN PARSONS LTD. 2 SOUTH EAST CITY OF LONDON Market Demand and Impact Analysis 1.0 INTRODUCTION Identification of a study area that encompasses an area which has the most direct influence on south east London and from which the majority of sales achieved by the Proposed Development can be expected to originate on a consistent basis; Establishment of existing and forecasted population within the study area; Market opportunity and residual demand analysis; A sales distribution analysis and an evaluation of potential impacts with the introduction of the Proposed Development on the viability, role and function of other retail areas and commercial nodes in the vicinity of the Site; and, Review of the existing and proposed commercial context. The results of the research are presented in this market demand and impact analysis study. MALONE GIVEN PARSONS LTD. 3 SOUTH EAST CITY OF LONDON Market Demand and Impact Analysis 2.0 DEVELOPMENT PROPOSAL 2.0 DEVELOPMENT PROPOSAL This section of the report includes a description of the Site location, access and its surrounding local context. It also includes a description of the Proposed Development and existing London Official Plan policies. 2.1 Site Location and Local Context The Site is located in a growing community in the south east area of the City of London. The Site is located on the north east corner of the Meadowlily Road South and Commissioners Road East intersection in a developing community in the south east area of the City of London. The Site is currently used for agricultural purposes and is surrounded by a developing commercial area to the south and open space to the north. Residential uses exist, are under construction, or are in various stages of the planning process in the vicinity of the Site. A large employment area is planned east of the Site. Figure 2.1 illustrates the location of the Site in relation to surrounding uses. Figure 2.1: Aerial Photo of Commissioners Centres’ Site MALONE GIVEN PARSONS LTD. 4 SOUTH EAST CITY OF LONDON Market Demand and Impact Analysis 2.0 DEVELOPMENT PROPOSAL The following points provide a summary of existing and planned development in the vicinity of the Site. RioCan’s Summerside Shopping Centre, a 321,900 sq.ft. community shopping centre, is under construction on a property immediately south of the Site. The centre will accommodate a 103,900 sq.ft. RONA, 178,900 sq.ft. Loblaws, and 39,100 sq.ft. of CRU space. Land east and north of the Site is designated Open Space in the London Official Plan. Low density residential units exist on the west side of Meadowlily Road South. Pond Mills Square, which accommodates a Food Basics supermarket and Zellers department store, is located at the north west corner of Highbury Avenue North and Commissioners Road East. Residential uses in the Jackson Planning District are in various stages of construction and the planning approvals process. The Airport Road Planning Area is planned as an employment area and includes the City of London’s Innovation Park. Figure 2.2 illustrates the Site context and surrounding uses. MALONE GIVEN PARSONS LTD. 5 SOUTH EAST CITY OF LONDON Market Demand and Impact Analysis 2.0 DEVELOPMENT PROPOSAL Figure 2.2: Commissioners Centres’ Site – Local Context 2.2 Local and Regional Access The Site has excellent access and visibility. The Site is located in close proximity to Highbury Avenue, a Freeway extending from Highway 401 in the south to Hamilton Road in the north. This important link to the larger regional area had average annual daily traffic of between 38,000 to 40,000 in 2002. The Site has excellent visibility and access from Commissioner Road East, an Arterial road that had average annual daily traffic of 13,000 in 2002. People residing in the larger regional area have access to the Site from Highway 401, situated about 2 kilometres south of the Site. Both the Veterans Memorial Parkway and Highbury Avenue provide excellent northsouth access to Commissioners Road East. The Site’s regional context is illustrated in Figure 2.3. MALONE GIVEN PARSONS LTD. 6 SOUTH EAST CITY OF LONDON Market Demand and Impact Analysis 2.0 DEVELOPMENT PROPOSAL Figure 2.3: Commissioners Centres’ Site – Regional Context 2.3 Proposed Development Concept CCL is proposing a 215,000 sq.ft. Wal-Mart department store and 60,000 sq.ft. of CRU space. CCL is proposing to develop the 22.5 acre Site with retail and service commercial uses. Specifically, the Site is proposed to accommodate an estimated 275,000 sq.ft. of gross leasable floor area (“GLA”) of retail and service commercial space. The Proposed Development consists of a nonenclosed commercial development anchored by a 215,000 sq.ft. Wal-Mart department store and commercial pads totaling 60,000 sq.ft. Figure 2.4 presents the conceptual plan, including the configuration of the proposed development and its orientation to Commissioners Road East. MALONE GIVEN PARSONS LTD. 7 SOUTH EAST CITY OF LONDON Market Demand and Impact Analysis 2.0 DEVELOPMENT PROPOSAL Figure 2.4: Proposed Development Concept 2.4 Official Plan and Zoning The Site is both designated and zoned Urban Reserve. The Site is designated Urban Reserve – Community Growth in the London Official Plan. The London Official Plan states: “Community Growth” areas will be composed of predominantly residential uses but will include commercial, institutional, and open space uses that are supportive of the community as well as provide employment opportunities in a community setting … Notwithstanding this general intent, lands within the Urban Reserve designations may be redesignated by Council for any use through the community planning process and resulting amendment to this Plan. City of London Official Plan Section 9.4.3 MALONE GIVEN PARSONS LTD. 8 SOUTH EAST CITY OF LONDON Market Demand and Impact Analysis 2.0 DEVELOPMENT PROPOSAL In addition, site specific London Official Plan policies for the Site state: … that it is anticipated that there will be proposals to provide higher density housing forms and some commercial services for the future residents of the area. Consideration will be given to redesignating the lands to permit an appropriate mix of residential development and some commercial development. City of London Official Plan Section 9.4.6.i) The Site is zoned Urban Reserve (UR) in the London Zoning By-law Z-1. The intent of the UR Zone is to preserve the ability to comprehensively plan and develop large tracts of undeveloped lands. The Site also contains a holding provision. The h-2 provision requires an agreement regarding appropriate development conditions and boundaries for the Site in regards to adjacent natural features, which is based on an Environmental Impact Study, before the holding provision may be lifted. Amendments to the London Official Plan and the London Zoning By-law are required to permit the Proposed Development. An Associated Shopping Area Commercial designation is proposed for the Site. This designation permits a broad mix of commercial uses associated with Regional and Community Shopping Areas. London Official Plan policies state that commercial uses in the Associated Shopping Area Commercial designation must not diminish the dominance of the Regional and Community Shopping Areas to which it is related. For this reason, the impact of the Proposed Development on surrounding commercial uses will be tested in this analysis. MALONE GIVEN PARSONS LTD. 9 SOUTH EAST CITY OF LONDON Market Demand and Impact Analysis 3.0 COMMERCIAL CONTEXT 3.0 COMMERCIAL CONTEXT This section presents the conclusions of recent municipal-wide commercial market supply and demand analyses as well as provides details of nearby shopping areas that may affect or be effected by CCL’s Proposed Development in south east London. 3.1 Recent Commercial Studies Recent commercial market supply and demand analyses conclude that a significant amount of additional commercial space is required in the City of London by 2026. In January 2005, Malone Given Parsons prepared a commercial review report for a local developer entitled City of London Review of Commercial Supply and Demand. The report presented the results of a comprehensive commercial inventory for the City for the purpose of quantifying the amount of commercial space in the municipality and to provide a better understanding of the City’s commercial environment. The analysis concluded that: As of August 2004, there was a total of 15.3 million sq.ft. of commercial space in the municipality; Commercial uses were located in a range of shopping centres and strip developments which accommodated nationally recognized retailers and independent stores in modern shopping developments; Vacant space accounted for approximately 8.6% of the City’s commercial space which was not significant as it permitted for an appropriate amount of competition and choice in the market; Major planned and proposed commercial projects and vacant commercial land would provide some opportunities for additional commercial space; and, With growth in the market, there would be a demand for an additional 5.3 million sq.ft. of commercial space by 2026, 1.9 million sq.ft. more than could be accommodated in planned and proposed commercial projects and on vacant commercial land. The City of London is in the process of updating its commercial policy framework as part of its mandatory 5-year Official Plan review. urbanMetrics inc. and Meridian Planning Consultants Inc. have prepared four draft discussion reports on which to base future commercial policy recommendations. Their draft Commercial Market and Supply Analysis, dated July 5, 2007, is specifically relevant to this market demand and impact analysis as it provides an update and a second opinion on the quantity of MALONE GIVEN PARSONS LTD. 10 SOUTH EAST CITY OF LONDON Market Demand and Impact Analysis 3.0 COMMERCIAL CONTEXT commercial space in the City, the adequacy of its distribution, and the demand for additional space over the planning horizon. The conclusions of the draft report are summarized as follows: London’s commercial inventory in 2007 totals some 17 million sq.ft. This space represents a marginal oversupply, which is not considered significant in a growing market such as London; There is a fairly good balance in terms of the distribution of commercial space throughout the City; Vacant lands designated for commercial uses could support up to 4.3 million square feet of commercial space if fully built out; By 2026, there will be demand for approximately 6.0 million sq.ft. feet of additional retail and service commercial space in the City, resulting in a shortfall of some 1.7 million sq.ft. by 2026; and, Assuming that some of the shortfall could be met by the absorption of vacant space, the shortfall could be reduced to 0.8 to 1.2 million sq.ft. It is recommended, however, that the City apply a contingency to these requirements to account for the conversion of some existing retail space to non-retail uses and the fact that some designated sites may not be suitable for commercial development. Similar conclusions about London’s commercial supply and demand balance to 2026 were reached in both Malone Given Parsons’ 2005 and urbanMetrics and Meridian’s 2007 analyses. Both concluded that the City will have to designate additional commercial land to satisfy future commercial requirements. While these municipal-wide market studies are useful in demonstrating long term demand for retail and service commercial uses throughout the entire City, this analysis is concerned with identifying the need for additional commercial space in south east London exclusively. This study considers the impact a new major retail and service commercial development may have on surrounding commercial areas in the short term. 3.2 Study Area Delineation This analysis is concerned with retail and service commercial uses in south east and central east London and central Thames Centre. The Study Area delineated for this analysis represents the area from which the Proposed Development is expected to draw the majority of its sales on a MALONE GIVEN PARSONS LTD. 11 SOUTH EAST CITY OF LONDON Market Demand and Impact Analysis 3.0 COMMERCIAL CONTEXT consistent basis. For the purposes of this study, a three-zone Study Area was delineated using 2006 Census dissemination areas. The Study Area reflects our expectation that the proposed retail and service commercial development will serve both a local and regional function, serving residents of the growing neighbourhoods surrounding the Site, from central London, and from neighbouring Thames Centre. The three Study Area zones are: Zone 1: South East London – bound by the Thames River (South Branch) in the north, the London city limits in the east and south, and generally by Wellington Road in the west. Zone 2: Central East London – bound by the Thames River (North Branch) in the west and part of the north, by the London city limits in part of the north and the east, and the Thames River (South Branch) in the south. Zone 3: Central Thames Centre – bound by the London city limits in the west, Dundas Road in the north, the Thames Centre municipal limits in the east, and generally Gladstone Drive in the south. The spatial extent of each Study Area zone is shown in Figure 3.1. MALONE GIVEN PARSONS LTD. 12 SOUTH EAST CITY OF LONDON Market Demand and Impact Analysis 3.0 COMMERCIAL CONTEXT Figure 3.1: South East London Study Area Zones Zone 1: South East London reflects the geographic area the Proposed Development will serve on a regular basis. It includes nearby shopping areas that could potentially be effected by changes in shopping patterns resulting from the introduction of the Proposed Development. Zone 2: Central East London and Zone 3: Central Thames Centre reflect the broader geographic areas the Proposed Development will draw from on an occasional basis. While Zone 1: South East London reflects the geographic area that the proposed development will serve on a regular basis, shopping trips originating from the other two zones are more likely to be less frequent, destination type shopping trips because of the distance from the Site and the presence of other shopping opportunities. Combined, the aggregate Study Area reflects the area from which the Proposed Development would draw the majority of its trade on a consistent basis. MALONE GIVEN PARSONS LTD. 13 SOUTH EAST CITY OF LONDON Market Demand and Impact Analysis 3.3 Commercial Nodes In South East London 3.0 COMMERCIAL CONTEXT Retail and service commercial space in the vicinity of the Site has been grouped into seven nodes. This analysis focuses on the impact CCL’s commercial development could have on existing retail and service commercial offerings located within or bordering Zone 1: South East London. While it is expected that market support for the Proposed Development will come from a variety of sources, including the recapture of Study Area resident spending currently directed to shopping centres located outside the Study Area zone, it is stores within Zone 1: South East London that could potentially be most effected by changes in local spending patterns. The existing commercial offerings in south east London have been characterized in Figure 3.2 by six spatially defined commercial nodes. A seventh node is spatially undefined and encompasses all retail commercial space that is not located in the six nodes. Node 1: Pond Mills Square and Vicinity Node 2: Wellington Rd Node 3: White Oaks Mall Node 4: Exeter Rd and Wellington Rd Node 5: South of Highway 401 Node 6: Emerging Commercial Node 7: Other South East London Each spatially defined node represents an area with generally similar commercial characteristics, locational attributes, commercial role, and commercial policies. This nodal structure provides an opportunity to understand the relationship between commercial areas and their function within the Zone 1: South East London commercial environment. It also assists in understanding the potential implications of the Proposed Development and other planned developments on market performance and the market position of existing commercial areas. MALONE GIVEN PARSONS LTD. 14 SOUTH EAST CITY OF LONDON Market Demand and Impact Analysis 3.0 COMMERCIAL CONTEXT Figure 3.2: Zone 1: South East London Commercial Nodes 3.4 Commercial Inventory Summary Over 3.27 million sq.ft. of retail and service commercial space was measured in Zone 1: South East London. In order to gain a better understanding of the commercial context within the Study Area, Malone Given Parsons prepared an update to the August 2004 commercial inventory presented in the report City of London Review of Commercial Supply and Demand. The June 2007 update consisted of a review of existing space and documentation of tenant changes and the measurement of all new ground-related retail and service commercial space in the Study Area which included: Food Store Type Merchandise (FSTM) such as supermarkets, grocery stores, specialty food stores, and convenience stores; Department Store Type Merchandise (DSTM) such as department stores, drug stores, warehouse membership clubs, clothing, home appliances and furnishings, semi-durables, durables, home and auto supply; MALONE GIVEN PARSONS LTD. 15 SOUTH EAST CITY OF LONDON 3.0 COMMERCIAL CONTEXT Market Demand and Impact Analysis Home Improvement (HI) such as paint and wallpaper, plumping and other home centres; garden centres; and building supply stores; Services such as: restaurants, financial institutions, video, personal services, medical/dental, and professional services (note: this does not include establishments in multi-storey office space); and, Vacant space. In total, over 3.27 million sq.ft. of retail and service commercial space was measured in Zone 1: South East London. Table 3.1 provides a summary of the commercial inventory by node and major commercial category. Details of the inventory are presented in Appendix A. Table 3.1: Summary of Zone 1: South East London Commercial Space by Node, June 2007 Zone 1: South East London Node 1 Node 2 Node 3 Node 4 Node 5 Node 6 Node 7 Total Node 1 to 7 Pond Mills Square and Vicinity Wellington Rd White Oaks Mall Exeter Rd & Wellington Rd South of Highway 401 Emerging Commercial Other South East London South East London Study Area Supermarkets and Grocery Convenience and Specialty Food Stores Total FSTM 38,200 7,400 45,600 145,000 23,200 168,200 0 2,000 2,000 0 5,100 5,100 0 500 500 0 0 0 0 33,600 33,600 183,200 71,800 255,000 Department Stores Other General Merchandise Stores Pharmacies and Personal Care Stores Clothing and Clothing Accessories Stores Furniture Home Furnishings Electronics, Appliances, Computer and Software Stores Sporting Goods, Hobby, Book and Music Stores Miscellaneous Store Retailers Building material/ Garden Equipment/ Supplies Dealers Total DSTM and Home Improvement 65,700 0 10,400 0 0 0 0 0 1,700 0 77,800 0 23,200 30,800 17,300 1,000 25,300 38,400 90,800 47,400 9,000 283,200 316,000 91,200 11,500 253,000 3,500 3,100 13,200 34,800 9,400 0 735,700 0 5,000 4,200 179,000 56,700 46,000 37,800 1,500 41,800 17,300 389,300 0 154,700 0 0 42,200 22,700 0 11,200 0 31,200 262,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4,500 21,400 9,100 84,500 12,900 22,700 22,000 4,900 34,500 216,500 381,700 278,600 78,300 458,400 187,900 110,000 112,100 160,300 105,200 92,000 1,964,500 0 0 0 0 0 12,500 2,300 14,800 0 0 200 200 0 0 0 0 27,800 0 3,800 31,600 0 0 0 0 3,200 0 7,100 10,300 31,000 12,500 13,400 56,900 15,300 0 13,600 6,100 6,700 0 800 0 42,500 151,800 26,400 31,300 26,800 36,600 26,900 36,600 64,200 400,600 11,500 0 3,000 12,200 2,700 300 0 0 29,700 65,300 30,000 6,900 2,500 0 1,200 1,800 0 107,700 16,700 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16,700 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 37,600 9,400 23,400 3,600 16,900 12,000 17,100 20,100 140,100 298,200 65,800 78,200 51,200 62,900 40,400 56,300 84,300 737,300 165,900 123,000 288,900 42.6% 866,800 26,400 893,200 3.0% 767,600 9,200 776,800 1.2% 502,100 7,800 509,900 1.5% 310,800 19,100 329,900 5.8% 0 0 0 n/a 400,500 77,600 478,100 16.2% 3,013,700 263,100 3,276,800 8.0% Second Hand Merchandise Liquor / Beer / Wine Miscellaneous Total Other Retail Food Services & Drinking Places Repair and Maintenance Services Personal & Laundry Services Financial Services Medical Services Other Professional Services Other Services Entertainment Total Services and Restaurants Total Occupied Space Vacant Space Total Measured Space Vacancy Rate Source: Malone Given Parsons Ltd., June 2007 Note: Inventory does not include Summerside Shopping Centre which was under construction at the time of the inventory. This space has been accounted for as Planned and Proposed commercial space. Over 1.95 million sq.ft. of DSTM+HI space was measured in Zone 1: South East London, accounting for 60.0% of the retail and service commercial space measured. By comparison, 737,300 sq.ft. of Service and Restaurant and 255,000 sq.ft. of FSTM space was measured, representing 22.5% and 7.8% of total measured space respectively. 263,100 sq.ft. of vacant space was measured, representing 8.0% of the measured commercial space. MALONE GIVEN PARSONS LTD. 16 SOUTH EAST CITY OF LONDON Market Demand and Impact Analysis 3.0 COMMERCIAL CONTEXT The majority of FSTM space was occupied by supermarkets and grocery stores. Of the 255,000 sq.ft. of FSTM space measured in Zone 1: South East London, just under three quarters (71.8%) of the space was occupied by four supermarkets: Food Basics, Loblaws, A&P, and Price Chopper. Node 2: Wellington Road accommodated three of the four supermarkets. By comparison, just over a quarter (28.2%) of the FSTM space measured consisted of Other Food Store space, which includes jug milk stores and speciality food stores. Much of this space (46.8%) was distributed throughout Zone 1: South East London in spatially undefined Node 7: Other South East London, not surprising considering these stores tend to satisfy local resident’s FSTM demands and are situated in smaller neighbourhoodoriented plazas. The majority of commercial space in Zone 1: South East London is occupied by DSTM+HI uses. Over 1.95 million sq.ft. of DSTM+HI space was measured in South East London. This commercial category includes department stores, general merchandise, apparel, furniture, drug, home and automotive stores. Almost a quarter (23.3%) of DSTM+HI space in Zone 1: South East London was occupied by Clothing and Accessories Stores, with over half (55.2%) of this space concentrated in Node 3: White Oaks Mall. One fifth (19.4%) of DSTM+HI space was occupied by three department stores, Zellers in Pond Mills Square and The Bay and Wal-Mart in White Oaks Mall. A fair amount of DSTM+HI space was occupied by Other General Merchandise stores, accounting for 14.2% of DSTM+HI space. Other Retail represented only a small proportion of measured space in Zone 1: South East London. Second hand, antique, liquor and wine, and miscellaneous stores in Zone 1: South East London totalled 56,900 sq.ft., representing a mere 1.7% of the total measured retail and service commercial space. Over half (54.5%) of Other Retail space consisted of Second Hand Merchandise stores, the largest being a 27,800 sq.ft. Value Village in Node 5: South of Highway 401. MALONE GIVEN PARSONS LTD. 17 SOUTH EAST CITY OF LONDON Market Demand and Impact Analysis 3.0 COMMERCIAL CONTEXT Services occupied 22.5% of total measured space, with a significant portion used for Food Services and Drinking Places. Service space includes restaurants, entertainment, professional, and personal services. Together, these 737,300 sq.ft. of space in Zone 1: South East London. Drinking Places occupied 40.4% of this space, half of concentrated in Node 2: Wellington Road. financial, medical, uses accounted for Food Services and which (50.9%) was 263,100 sq.ft. of space was vacant, equating to a vacancy rate of 8.0%. Zone 1: South East London’s vacant space accounts for 8.0% of total measured retail and service commercial space. A certain amount of vacancy is normal and desirable as it permits for an appropriate amount of competition and choice in the market. An issue of concern with the vacant space in Zone 1: South East London, however, is its distribution. A large proportion of the measured vacant space was concentrated in Node 1: Pond Mills Square and Vicinity in Pond Mills Square exclusively (109,300 sq.ft.) and in Node 7: Other South East London in Adelaide Southdale Centre (20,900 sq.ft.) and the former Bingo Palace (24,500 sq.ft.). From our understanding of the local commercial context, mall ownership, and retail and shopping centre trends, vacant space in Zone 1: South East London does not reflect issues of over supply but is instead related to mall management and shopping centre owner investment decisions. 3.5 Commercial Inventory By Node Having described the general characteristics of the commercial inventory, the following section provides a brief description of each commercial node in Zone 1: South East London. 3.5.1 Node 1: Pond Mills Square and Vicinity Pond Mills Square accommodates the two largest tenants in this node as well as the highest concentration of vacant space in Zone 1. Node 1: Pond Mills Square and Vicinity includes Pond Mills Square and some free-standing, mostly service commercial uses in the vicinity of Deveron Court and Commissioners Road East. Pond Mills Square is designated Community Shopping Area in the London Official Plan. The Community Shopping Area designation is intended to accommodate a range of goods and services needed on a regular basis and is intended to serve primarily surrounding neighbourhoods within a convenient driving distance. MALONE GIVEN PARSONS LTD. 18 SOUTH EAST CITY OF LONDON Market Demand and Impact Analysis 3.0 COMMERCIAL CONTEXT The node includes a 65,700 sq.ft. Zellers department store and a 38,200 sq.ft. Food Basics supermarket, both located in Pond Mills Square. A freestanding 10,400 sq.ft. Shoppers Drug Mart is also located in this node. The rest of the node’s occupied space accommodates primarily service commercial uses. The most notable characteristic of this node is its significant amount of vacant space, which represents 42.6% of total measured space. The majority (88.8%) of this node’s vacant space is concentrated in Pond Mills Square. High rates of vacancy have been an issue at this mall since it was built in the late 1980s. The shopping centre’s poor performance is a result of its poor visibility, shape, and internal mall layout. Mall management have indicated that much of the existing vacant space has been vacant since the late 1990s. Management has stated that plans are underway to de-mall the shopping centre and introduce big box tenants. A zoning by-law amendment would be required to implement the new design and potential tenants have not been identified. Other vacant space in the node includes the space left by the relocated Shoppers Drug Mart, which is now located at the south west corner of Deveron Court and Commissioners Road East, and vacated services along Commissioners Road East. 3.5.2 Node 2: Wellington Road Wellington Road accommodates the majority of Zone 1’s supermarket space and a relatively large proportion of services. Node 2: Wellington Rd is located at the western extent of Zone 1: South East London. While Wellington Rd marks the geographic extent of Zone 1, retail and service commercial offerings on both sides of the road were measured for the purpose of this analysis. A mix of commercial land use designations are present in this node, including Community Shopping Area, Associated Shopping Area Commercial, Highway Service Commercial and a Commercial Policy Area. About 16.2% of the space measured in this node is occupied by three supermarkets: Loblaws, A&P, and Price Chopper. Together, they account for the majority (79.1%) of supermarket space in Zone 1: South East London. While they serve residents in the Zone, a large proportion of their customers can be assumed to originate from other parts of London because of their relative location in the Study Area. MALONE GIVEN PARSONS LTD. 19 SOUTH EAST CITY OF LONDON Market Demand and Impact Analysis 3.0 COMMERCIAL CONTEXT Node 2: Wellington Road also accommodates a significant amount of Zone 1: South East London’s services. More specifically, it accommodates 76.2% of measured Entertainment, 58.2% of Medical Services, 52.3% of Financial Services, and 50.9% of Food Services and Drinking Places space in the Zone. 3.5.3 Node 3: White Oaks Mall White Oaks Mall has the highest concentration of commercial space in Zone 1, the vast majority of it being DSTM+HI. Node 3: White Oaks Mall is designated Regional Shopping Area in the London Official Plan. Commercial areas with this designation are intended to provide a wide range of commercial uses to meet specialized service and comparison shopping needs and have trade areas that extend beyond the London municipal boundary. The vast majority (94.7%) of this node’s commercial space was occupied by DSTM+HI tenants. Two department stores, The Bay and Wal-Mart, account for 40.7% of measured space in Node 3: White Oaks Mall. The enclosed shopping centre has the highest concentration of Clothing and Clothing Accessories Stores in Zone 1: South East London, representing over half (55.2%) of that category’s measured space. 3.5.4 Node 4: Exeter Rd and Wellington Rd A large proportion of Zone 1’s home and home furniture offerings are located at Exeter Road and Wellington Road. Node 4: Exeter Road and Wellington Road is located on the north side of Highway 401 and consists of both Restricted Service Commercial and Commercial Policy Area designations. Retail and service commercial tenants are located in shopping plazas, such as the Cross Roads Centre, and in free-standing pads along Wellington Road. Like Node 2: Wellington Road, a portion of the measured space in this node lies outside of Zone 1: South East London. This node accommodates a relatively high proportion of Home and Home Furniture stores compared to other nodes in Zone 1: South East London. More specifically, it accommodates over a third of the Zone’s Furniture (30.2%), Home Furnishings (41.8%), and Electronics, Appliances, Computer and Software Stores (33.7%) measured space. MALONE GIVEN PARSONS LTD. 20 SOUTH EAST CITY OF LONDON Market Demand and Impact Analysis 3.0 COMMERCIAL CONTEXT Node 4: Exeter Rd and Wellington Rd also accommodates a large proportion (39.1%) of Zone 1: South East London’s Clothing and Clothing Accessories Stores space. With respect to services, this node accommodates the greatest proportion (45.6%) of the Zone’s Repair and Maintenance Services establishments. 3.5.5 Node 5: South of Highway 401 Costco is the largest store in Node 5, a tenant that contributes to the high proportion of DSTM+HI space in this node. Node 5: South of Highway 401 includes the shopping centres located just south of the Highway along Wellington Road. This area also has a mix of commercial land use designations including Restricted Service Commercial, Community Shopping Area, and Associated Shopping Area Commercial. Commercial uses are isolated from London’s residential population and depend, in part, on Highway exposure to attract customers. The largest tenant in Node 5: South of Highway 401 is a 108,000 sq.ft. Costco, the only Warehouse Membership Club in Zone 1: South East London. Other DSTM+HI space is made up of a number of Furniture and Home Furnishing Stores as well as Home Improvement stores. DSTM+HI accounts for over three-quarters (79.4%) of the node’s measured space. Limited amounts of other retail, including at 27,800 sq.ft. Value Village, and Food Services and Drinking Places make up the rest of the measured occupied space. The majority (84.3%) of the node’s vacant space was concentrated in Super Store mall. 3.5.6 Node 6: Emerging Commercial No commercial space was measured in Node 6, however, this is the location for significant amounts of planned and proposed space. 3.5.7 Node 7: Other South East London A mix of other commercial offerings is distributed throughout Node 7. Node 6: Emerging Commercial includes both the Summerside Shopping Centre and CCL’s Site located at Commissioners Road East and Highbury Avenue. While no commercial space was measured in this node at the time of the inventory, it is emerging as a major location for new retail and service commercial uses in Zone 1: South East London. Node 7: Other South East London consists of a variety of FSTM, DSTM+HI, Other Retail, and Service and Restaurant space. Commercial MALONE GIVEN PARSONS LTD. 21 SOUTH EAST CITY OF LONDON Market Demand and Impact Analysis 3.0 COMMERCIAL CONTEXT uses are dispersed throughout Zone 1: South East London and tenants are generally located in relatively smaller commercial units in neighbourhood plazas. Node 7: Other South East London accommodates just under half (46.8%) of Zone 1: South East London’s Convenience and Specialty Food Store space, which is made up primarily of convenience stores. The node also accommodates a relatively large proportion (37.5%) of the Zone’s Home Improvement space. This consists primarily of Hardware Stores and Plumbing Supplies establishments. About a quarter (26.8%) of vacant space in the node is concentrated in Adelaide Southdale Centre while another third (32.0%) was created by the former Bingo Palace. 3.6 Surrounding Commercial There is over 6.88 million sq.ft. of retail and service commercial space in Zone 2: Central East London and Zone 3: Central Thames Centre study. We expect residents in the Zone 2: Central East London and Zone 3: Central Thames Centre Study Areas to shop at the Proposed Development on an infrequent or occasional basis. It is important to review the type and distribution of commercial space in these areas to get a better understanding of the commercial environment that will influence spending patterns of Study Area residents. Eight commercial nodes have been identified in Zone 2: Central East London. Existing commercial in Zone 3: Central Thames Centre have been grouped into one spatially undefined node. Node 8: Downtown London Node 9: Downtown Fringe Node 10: Hamilton Rd Node 11: Dundas Street Node 12: Argyle Mall Node 13: Clarke Rd Node 14: Oxbury Mall and Vicinty Node 15: Other Central East Node 16: Central Thames Centre Study Area MALONE GIVEN PARSONS LTD. 22 SOUTH EAST CITY OF LONDON Market Demand and Impact Analysis 3.0 COMMERCIAL CONTEXT The spatial extent of the commercial nodes are illustrated in Figure 3.3. Figure 3.3: Zone 2: Central East London and Zone 3: Central Thames Centre Commercial Nodes The Central East London and Central Thames Centre Study Areas accommodate 6.88 million sq.ft. of commercial space. A total of 6.88 million sq.ft. of commercial space was measured in Zone 2: Central East London and Zone 3: Central Thames Centre. The inventory includes commercial space in London’s Downtown and Downtown Fringe areas, which accounted for 47.5% of the measured space in the two Zones. Table 3.2 summarizes the commercial inventory measured in the two Study Areas. Details of the inventory are presented in Appendix A. MALONE GIVEN PARSONS LTD. 23 SOUTH EAST CITY OF LONDON 3.0 COMMERCIAL CONTEXT Market Demand and Impact Analysis Table 3.2: Summary of Zone 2: Central East London and Zone 3: Central Thames Centre Commercial Space by Node, June 2007 Zone 3: Central Thames Centre Zone 2: Central East London Node 8 Node 9 Node 10 Node 11 Node 12 Node 13 Node 14 Node 15 Total Node 8 to 15 Node 16 Downtown London Downtown Fringe Hamilton Rd Dundas St Argyle Mall Clarke Rd Oxbury Mall and Vicinity Other Central East Supermarkets and Grocery Convenience and Specialty Food Stores Total FSTM Department Stores Other General Merchandise Stores Pharmacies and Personal Care Stores Clothing and Clothing Accessories Stores Furniture Home Furnishings Electronics, Appliances, Computer and Software Stores Sporting Goods, Hobby, Book and Music Stores Miscellaneous Store Retailers Building material/ Garden Equipment/ Supplies Dealers Total DSTM and Home Improvement Second Hand Merchandise Liquor / Beer / Wine Miscellaneous Total Other Retail Food Services & Drinking Places Repair and Maintenance Services Personal & Laundry Services Financial Services Medical Services Other Professional Services Other Services Entertainment Total Services and Restaurants Total Occupied Space Vacant Space Total Measured Space Vacancy Rate Total Zone 2:Central East London and Zone 3: Central Thames Centre Central East London Study Area Central Thames Centre Study Area 0 81,200 81,200 10,900 111,700 122,600 20,700 57,200 77,900 0 105,800 105,800 32,800 0 32,800 32,600 0 32,600 111,200 15,800 127,000 134,800 83,300 218,100 343,000 455,000 798,000 12,800 13,400 26,200 355,800 468,400 824,200 9,500 35,100 26,500 103,700 8,700 16,600 12,700 48,700 44,500 31,900 337,900 0 25,700 43,500 79,500 62,900 25,300 32,200 46,500 35,700 26,200 377,500 0 4,700 7,700 0 2,100 2,700 19,100 3,400 7,500 5,600 52,800 0 112,100 53,200 7,200 39,900 27,700 30,500 8,900 18,600 164,500 462,600 124,500 9,900 1,800 54,500 5,400 0 2,500 30,100 0 0 228,700 0 29,800 12,200 0 2,000 5,900 1,600 2,600 0 10,800 64,900 0 27,100 1,000 5,200 17,600 1,600 6,500 15,800 12,300 0 87,100 79,000 91,800 35,800 7,800 6,800 6,100 13,800 18,600 15,300 46,700 321,700 213,000 336,200 181,700 257,900 145,400 85,900 118,900 174,600 133,900 285,700 1,933,200 0 4,600 4,600 0 10,800 0 0 600 7,500 10,100 38,200 213,000 340,800 186,300 257,900 156,200 85,900 118,900 175,200 141,400 295,800 1,971,400 11,900 10,200 13,700 35,800 85,100 7,300 24,400 116,800 3,300 8,700 6,200 18,200 62,400 6,900 10,500 79,800 0 8,900 24,000 32,900 0 2,300 0 2,300 5,600 8,700 0 14,300 18,000 9,900 3,400 31,300 186,300 62,900 82,200 331,400 0 11,800 19,500 31,300 186,300 74,700 101,700 362,700 293,100 2,100 79,800 80,400 24,100 160,600 151,000 115,600 906,700 278,500 42,300 72,000 15,600 50,800 50,400 208,300 66,700 784,600 48,900 15,900 25,000 11,700 26,900 5,200 26,800 0 160,400 120,100 23,200 32,600 33,700 30,700 16,200 73,200 44,800 374,500 16,200 500 9,000 3,900 1,500 1,000 0 9,100 41,200 23,700 14,300 8,700 2,100 1,800 0 4,500 1,600 56,700 35,200 5,000 18,700 10,400 11,000 6,300 13,000 3,600 103,200 133,700 35,100 61,900 39,900 53,500 13,100 40,200 107,300 484,700 949,400 138,400 307,700 197,700 200,300 252,800 517,000 348,700 2,912,000 11,700 0 9,300 6,700 10,100 11,900 2,800 1,300 53,800 961,100 138,400 317,000 204,400 210,400 264,700 519,800 350,000 2,965,800 1,361,600 237,500 1,599,100 14.9% 1,401,500 268,700 1,670,200 16.1% 309,300 27,100 336,400 8.1% 1,022,700 54,400 1,077,100 5.1% 335,600 0 335,600 0.0% 156,500 17,700 174,200 10.2% 331,600 23,100 354,700 6.5% 1,055,800 126,800 1,182,600 10.7% 5,974,600 755,300 6,729,900 11.2% 149,500 1,400 150,900 0.9% 6,124,100 756,700 6,880,800 11.0% Source: Malone Given Parsons Ltd., June 2007 3.6.1 Zone 2: Central East London Zone 2: Central East London accommodates a range of commercial uses and includes the Downtown and a Regional Shopping Area. Over 6.7 million sq.ft of commercial space was measured in Zone 2: Central London. The majority of FSTM space (57.0%) is concentrated in Convenience and Specialty Food Stores. A mix of DSTM+HI and Other Retail space, representing 28.7% and 4.9% of the measured inventory, is located in the zone. Services make up a significant proportion of the measured space, representing 43.3% of the total. This zone has a vacancy rate of 11.2%. The majority of retail and service commercial space in Zone 2: Central East London was located in Node 8: Downtown London (23.8%), Node 9: Downtown Fringe (24.8%), and Node 11: Dundas Street (16.0%). While these nodes accommodate a significant amount of the DSTM+HI, Other Retail, and Service space, there are few retail anchors besides food stores. Node 8: Downtown London is intended to act as the focal point of the City, providing for a broad range of uses, including retail, service commercial, and entertainment. Recent development in the downtown has included new residential towers and major renovations to London Galleria to convert former retail space to office space. The July 2007 draft Downtown Strategy Study prepared by urbanMetrics inc. and Meridian Planning Consultants Inc. as part of the City’s Commercial Policy Review recommends strengthening the role of residential, office, cultural and entertainment uses in the downtown. MALONE GIVEN PARSONS LTD. 24 SOUTH EAST CITY OF LONDON Market Demand and Impact Analysis 3.0 COMMERCIAL CONTEXT The node accommodates about 1.6 million sq.ft. of retail and service commercial space. Over half (56.7%) of the space measured in this node is Services and Restaurants, the largest proportion being for Food Services and Drinking Places. About a fifth (21.1%) of Node 8: Downtown London’s space is occupied by DSTM+HI tenants, the greatest proportion (30.7%) being occupied by Clothing and Clothing Accessories stores. A large amount of vacant space exists in this node, most of it located along Dundas Street and Richmond Street. Node 9: Downtown Fringe includes a mix of designated commercial land that surrounds the Downtown. It accommodates almost half (45.7%) the Zone’s Second Hand Merchandise stores and a large proportion of both DSTM+HI (19.5%) and Services and Restaurants (26.9%) space, most of which fronts Dundas Street. The draft Downtown Strategy Study recommends that existing commercial districts surrounding the downtown core be identified as “Gateway Corridors” to recognize their unique attributes and functions. While a draft land use schedule has not yet been prepared to identify potential Gateway Corridor locations, it is assumed these streets would qualify as such. The other nodes in Zone 2: Central East London accommodate a mix of commercial space in a variety of built forms in a number of commercial designations. A Regional Shopping Area designation is located in Node 12: Argyle Mall. This shopping centre accommodates a 32,800 sq.ft. No Frills supermarket and a 124,500 sq.ft. Wal-Mart department store. Recent redevelopment work has introduced larger tenants, such as Winners and Mark’s Work Warehouse, as well as some freestanding commercial. 3.6.2 Zone 3: Central Thames Centre Study Area The majority of commercial space in Zone 3 is concentrated in the community of Dorchester. The majority of the 150,900 sq.ft. of retail and service commercial space measured in Zone 3: Central Thames Centre is concentrated in the community of Dorchester. A 12,800 sq.ft. Foodland supermarket is the largest retailer in the community. Other large tenants include The Beer Store at 9,200 sq.ft. and Dorchester Meats at 5,000 sq.ft. Services, such as Other Professional Services, Food Services and Drinking Places, Medical Services, and Personal and Laundry Services make up the bulk of measured service space. MALONE GIVEN PARSONS LTD. 25 SOUTH EAST CITY OF LONDON Market Demand and Impact Analysis 3.0 COMMERCIAL CONTEXT Outside of Dorchester, a significant amount of DSTM+HI space was measured in the community of Nissouri at Trail End, a 30,000 sq.ft. commercial facility that includes a large furniture store, a hardware store, and a weekend farmers market. 3.6.3 Other London Commercial Space Other commercial locations in London influence Study Area residents’ spending patterns. In addition to Study Area’s retail and service commercial space, there is a significant amount of additional space located in the rest of the City of London. Figure 3.4 identifies the location of major shopping areas. Figure 3.4: Major Commercial Locations in the Study Area and the Rest of London MALONE GIVEN PARSONS LTD. 26 SOUTH EAST CITY OF LONDON Market Demand and Impact Analysis 3.0 COMMERCIAL CONTEXT As shown in Figure 3.5, Study Area residents have a choice of 30 supermarkets in the City of London and in Central Thames Centre. The four supermarkets identified within Zone 1: South East London represent only a small proportion (13%) of the entire City’s supermarket locations. Figure 3.5: Supermarket Locations in the Study Area and the Rest of London By comparison, there are 13 department stores within the Study Area and the rest of the City of London combined. The City’s three Sears department stores and Kingsmills are located beyond the Study Area. Wal-Mart, Zellers, and The Bay stores are located both within and beyond the Study Area boundaries. Figure 3.6 illustrates the locations of the City of London’s department stores. MALONE GIVEN PARSONS LTD. 27 SOUTH EAST CITY OF LONDON Market Demand and Impact Analysis 3.0 COMMERCIAL CONTEXT Figure 3.6: Department Store Locations in the Study Area and the Rest of London 3.7 Major Planned and Proposed Commercial Space Three planned and proposed commercial projects could add up to 409,100 sq.ft. of retail and service commercial space to the Study Area. There are currently three major planned or proposed commercial projects in the Study Area, one in each of the three Study Area zones. Together, they could add up to 409,100 sq.ft. of additional commercial space. Table 3.3 provides proposal details and Figure 3.7 identifies their locations within the Study Area. MALONE GIVEN PARSONS LTD. 28 SOUTH EAST CITY OF LONDON 3.0 COMMERCIAL CONTEXT Market Demand and Impact Analysis Table 3.3: Planned and Proposed Commercial Developments in the Study area, July 2007 Map Number Location Site Size (hectares) Development Details 1 Commissioners Rd E. & Highbury Ave. 12.4 Under Construction/Supermarket on hold RioCan Real Estate Investment Trust is currently building Summerside Shopping Centre, a 321,900 sq.ft. community shopping centre which will be anchored by a RONA and Loblaws. Ancillary retail and service commercial space includes: a free-standing Bank of Montreal, a pod that will include Starbucks, Mr.Sub, Dollar Blitz, Pet Valu, Great Glasses, Nice One Nails, First Choice Haircutters, and Pizza Pizza. Additional tenants can be accommodated in a second pod but potential tenants have not yet been identified. *This space has not been included in the updated inventory. 2 Dundas Street and Veterans Memorial Parkway 2.8 Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment Fisher Topsoil & Landscape Supplies is undertaking an Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendement to permit a range of retail and service commercial uses on the front portion of this property. 3 Dorchester Rd & Queen St - Supermarket Renovation Foodland is renovating their store to reorganize its internal layout. Expected completion date is October 2007. The size of the store remains at approximately 12,800 sq.ft. and is included in our inventory. Total 15.2 Additional GFA Potential (sq.f.t) RONA 103,900 Loblaws 178,900 Bank of Montreal 5,000 Pizza Pizza 2,200 First Choice Haircutters 1,100 Nice One Nails 1,500 Great Glasses 1,600 Pet Value 2,000 Dollar Blitz 4,000 Mr. Sub 1,400 Starbucks 1,500 Available 18,800 Total - 321,900 87,200 No Additional Space 409,100 Figure 3.7: Major Planned and Proposed Commercial Developments, July 2007 MALONE GIVEN PARSONS LTD. 29 SOUTH EAST CITY OF LONDON Market Demand and Impact Analysis 3.0 COMMERCIAL CONTEXT The largest planned commercial development is located just south of the CCL Site in Node 6: Emerging Commercial at the south east corner of Commissioners Road East and Highbury Avenue. Summerside Shopping Centre, currently under construction by RioCan, will be a 321,900 sq.ft. community shopping centre anchored by a RONA and Loblaws. Ancillary retail and service commercial space includes a free-standing Bank of Montreal, which will relocate from its current location at Pond Mills Square, and a retail pad that will include Starbucks, Mr.Sub, Dollar Blitz, Pet Valu, Great Glasses, Nice One Nails, First Choice Haircutters, and Pizza Pizza. Additional tenants can be accommodated in a second pad but none have yet been identified. A site plan will be required for the new Loblaws store, but no plans have yet been submitted to the City. A copy of RioCan’s leasing site plan is provided in Figure 3.8. Figure 3.8: Leasing Site Plan for RioCan’s Summerside Shopping Centre Source: RioCan Real Estate Investment Trust, retrieved August 1, 2007 from https://riocan.com/property/property.cfm?property_id=204 Note: The RONA sq.ft. used in this analysis is based on City of London building permit data, not this leasing site plan. MALONE GIVEN PARSONS LTD. 30 SOUTH EAST CITY OF LONDON Market Demand and Impact Analysis 3.8 Beyond the City of London 3.0 COMMERCIAL CONTEXT Major concentrations of regional serving commercial space in other cities and towns outside of the Study Area have some influence on shopping patterns in Zone 1: South East London. The following section provides an overview of shopping centres, major anchors and commercial facilities outside of the Study Area in St.Thomas and Ingersoll. These are shown in Figure 3.9. Figure 3.9: Regional Context St. Thomas The City of St. Thomas is located to the south of London. concentrations of retail and service commercial space include: Major the 412,424 sq.ft. St. Thomas SmartCentre located at Talbot Street and First Avenue, is anchored by a 117,200 sq.ft. Real Canadian Superstore, a 107,000 sq.ft. Wal-Mart, and a 72,000 sq.ft. Canadian Tire; and, MALONE GIVEN PARSONS LTD. 31 SOUTH EAST CITY OF LONDON Market Demand and Impact Analysis 3.0 COMMERCIAL CONTEXT the 264,600 sq.ft. Elgin Mall, an enclosed mall located at Highview Drive and Wellington Street, is anchored by an 86,900 sq.ft. Zellers and a 35,600 sq.ft. A & P. Ingersoll Located east of London, the Town of Ingersoll acts as an economic focal point in the western portion in the County of Oxford, satisfying the daily shopping needs of local residents. Major shopping facilities include: the 31,700 sq.ft. Ingersoll Plaza located at 70 Charles Street (Charles Street and Thames Street) that includes a 12,000 sq.ft. Foodland supermarket; the 32,700 sq.ft. Ingersoll Plaza located at 111 Charles Street (Charles Street and Mutual Street) that includes a 21,000 sq.ft. Giant Tiger store; and, the 22,800 sq.ft. Canadian Tire store, located at Charles Street and Mutual Street. MALONE GIVEN PARSONS LTD. 32 SOUTH EAST CITY OF LONDON Market Demand and Impact Analysis 4.0 STUDY AREA SPENDING 4.0 STUDY AREA SPENDING This section includes an analysis of population within the Study Area, income, and spending, and a calculation of Study Area expenditure potential for FSTM and DSTM+HI stores. As described in Section 3, the Study Area delineated for this analysis represents the area from which the Proposed Development is expected to draw the majority of its sales on a consistent basis. The remaining sales (called inflow) originates from people residing beyond the Study Area boundaries who shop at the facilities occasionally, and from a transient population of visitors, students, tourists, and business people who travel through the area. The selection of a Study Area is intended to provide a geographic basis for analyzing the existing and future interaction between consumers and retail facilities located in South East London. The three zones that make up the Study Area are depicted in Figure 4.1. Figure 4.1: South East London Study Area MALONE GIVEN PARSONS LTD. 33 SOUTH EAST CITY OF LONDON 4.0 STUDY AREA SPENDING Market Demand and Impact Analysis 4.1 Trade Area Population and Projections The Study Area population grew moderately between 2001 and 2006. Statistics Canada Census data provides a reliable estimate of historic resident population. Unadjusted population estimates indicate that the total Study Area experienced moderate growth between 2001 and 2006. The Study Area population increased from 161,230 in 2001 to 162,380 in 2006, an increase of 1,160 or 0.7% over the five years. Zone 1: South East London accommodated 29.1% of the Study Area’s population growth over that time. Historic population growth is presented in Table 4.1. Table 4.1: Trade Area Population Distribution Zone 1: Zone 2: Zone 3: Total South East London Central East London Central Thames Centre 2001 Census 2006 Census Absolute Growth Percent Change (Unadjusted) (Unadjusted) (5 Years) (5 Years) Average Annual Growth 36,341 116,479 8,405 161,225 36,678 117,042 8,661 162,381 337 563 256 1,156 0.9% 0.5% 3.0% 0.7% 67 113 51 231 Source: Unadjusted 2006 Census population estimates based on disseminations area level data available from Statistics Canada and accessed using PCensus. Unadjusted 2001 Census population estimates based on 2006 dissemination areas calculated by using block level data available from Statistics Canada and accessed using PCensus. The Study Area population is estimated to be 169,870 in 2007. population is forecast to increase to 175,990 by 2015. The Based on historical and current census estimates and municipal population projections, we estimate the Study Area population to increase by about 6,360, from 169,630 in 2007 to 175,990 in 2015. Zone 1: South East London is forecast to experience the greatest amount of growth of the three Study Area zones as units in plans of subdivision are built out. Study Area population projections are presented in Table 4.2. Table 4.2: Trade Area Population and Projections 2006 Census Undercount 2006 Census (Unadjusted) Adjustment Adjusted 2007 2009 2011 2013 2015 Zone 1: South East London 36,678 3.84% 38,140 38,635 39,645 40,680 41,745 42,840 Zone 2: Central East London 117,042 3.84% 121,720 121,905 122,275 122,645 123,015 123,385 Zone 3: Central Thames Centre 8,661 3.84% 9,010 9,090 9,255 9,425 9,595 9,765 Total Study Area 162,381 168,870 169,630 171,175 172,750 174,355 175,990 Source: Malone Given Parsons Ltd. based on registered and draft approved units in City of London, Vacant and Underutilized Residential Land Summary, June 1, 2007; population projections in Clayton Research, Employment, Population, Housing and Non-Residential Construction Projections, City of London, Ontario, 2006 Update, September 29, 2006; and, population projections in Municipality of Thames Centre Official Plan, August 2004. Note: The 2006 Census undercoverage error is based on the calculated undercoverage for the City of London and the Municipality of Thames Centre respectively in the 2001 Census. 2006 undercoverage estimates are not yet available. MALONE GIVEN PARSONS LTD. 34 SOUTH EAST CITY OF LONDON Market Demand and Impact Analysis 4.0 STUDY AREA SPENDING Study Area population and population projections were based on various inputs, base data, and components including: Census information; An adjustment to 2006 Census population to account for an undercoverage of 3.84% in the City of London and the Municipality of Thames Centre; Reference to municipal-wide population and unit projections for the City of London as detailed in Employment, Population, Housing and Non-Residential Construction Projections, City of London, Ontario, 2006 Update prepared by Clayton Research and dated September 29, 2006. Reference to units in Plans of Subdivision in the City of London as detailed in Vacant and Underutilized Residential Land Summary dated June 1, 2007. Reference to municipal-wide population and unit projections for the Municipality of Thames Centre as detailed in the Thames Centre Official Plan adopted by Municipal Council October 27, 2004. Reference to units in Plans of Subdivision for the Municipality of Thames Centre as detailed in conversation with Thames Centre staff. The number of residential units in approved and draft approved Plans of Subdivision in the City of London demonstrate the opportunities for residential growth in the vicinity of the Site. There are 2,510 units in approved and draft approved plans in Zone 1: South East London and approximately 920 in Zone 2: Central East London. At 2.6 people per unit, these units could potentially accommodate almost 9,000 additional residents. This is significantly greater than the increase of 5,690 residents in Zones 1 and 2 by 2015 adopted in our projections. Details of units in Plans of Subdivisions and additional unit potential on vacant land are presented in Appendix B. 4.2 Trade Area Income and Per Capita Spending Study Area per capita spending for various retail and service commercial categories is based on retail sales reported by Statistics Canada at the Ontario level. Ontario average per capita spending (published in Statistics Canada Retail Trade catalogue #63-005) is adjusted to local Study Area zones by indexing Study Area average per capita household income to the Ontario average. Income indexes are adjusted to reflect variation in income by Study Area zone and then applied to the Ontario per capita FSTM and DSTM+HI spending. MALONE GIVEN PARSONS LTD. 35 SOUTH EAST CITY OF LONDON 4.0 STUDY AREA SPENDING Market Demand and Impact Analysis Household income levels in Zones 1 and 2 are lower than the provincial average while Zone 3 is higher. Table 4.3 employs average household income and persons per household from the 2001 Census to calculate average household income on a per capita basis for each Study Area. This is then indexed to the Ontario average. Zone 3: Central Thames Centre is the only zone that has per capita household income index (105.8) above the Ontario average. By comparison, Zone 1: South East London has an income index of 80.7 while Zone 2: Central East London has an income index of 83.4. Table 4.3: Study Area Income and Income Indexes Zone 1: South East London Zone 2: Central East London Zone 3: Central Thames Centre Total Province of Ontario City of London 2001 Number of Households Persons Living in Private Households Average Persons Per Household Average Household Income 2000 Per Capita Household Income Per Capita Income Indexed to Ontario 13,180 50,600 2,920 66,700 33,360 113,640 8,400 155,400 2.7 2.3 2.9 2.3 $53,939 $47,508 $75,943 $50,024 $19,977 $20,656 $26,187 $21,749 80.7 83.4 105.8 87.9 4,219,410 - 11,254,730 - 2.7 2.4 $66,836 $57,589 $24,754 $23,995 100.0 96.9 Sources: Average persons per household and average income are based on 2001 Census data from PCensus. Note: Total Average Household Income is a weighted average based on the number of households. Income levels influence per capita spending on various goods and services. Our analysis of Statistics Canada Survey of Household Spending data for Ontario residents’ spending by income group shows that spending on Department Store Type Merchandise and Home Improvement (DSTM+HI) related items varies significantly with increased income levels relative to spending on Food Store Type Merchandise (FSTM). The FSTM and DSTM+HI indexes presented in Table 4.4 reflect the relationship between income and resident spending on FSTM and DSTM+HI by Study Area zone. Income indexes are multiplied by the Ontario average per capita FSTM and DSTM+HI expenditures to calculate income adjusted per capita expenditures for each Study Area zone. Our definition and derivation of Ontario 2006 Food and DSTM+HI per capita expenditures are presented in Appendix C. This is the most recent available year-end data that has been released in Statistics Canada’s Retail Trade catalogue. MALONE GIVEN PARSONS LTD. 36 SOUTH EAST CITY OF LONDON 4.0 STUDY AREA SPENDING Market Demand and Impact Analysis Study Area resident 2006 FSTM expenditures average $1,905 per capita while DSTM+HI expenditures average $4,690 per capita. Table 4.4 sets out our adjustments for income elasticity and the regression equations used to make these adjustments, as well as the resulting estimates of per capita spending for each Study Area zone. Table 4.4: Study Area Per Capita FSTM and DSTM+HI Expenditures Per Capita Income Indexed to Province Zone 1: South East London Zone 2: Central East London Zone 3: Central Thames Centre Total 80.7 83.4 105.8 87.9 2006 2006 Food Store Per Capita DSTM + HI Per Capita Expenditure Food Store Expenditure DSTM + HI Index Expenditure Index Expenditure 98.1 98.3 100.6 98.8 $1,895 $1,900 $1,940 $1,905 88.8 90.4 103.4 93.0 $4,480 $4,560 $5,215 $4,690 Province of Ontario 100.0 100.0 $1,930 100.0 $5,045 Notes: Expenditure indexes were calculated using a regression analysis of relevant components of the Statistics Canada 2005 Survey of Household Spending for Ontario. The resulting linear equations are as follows: FSTM Index = (0.1 x Income Index) + 90 DSTM + HI Index = (0.58 x Income Index) + 42 Ontario per capita expenditures were derived from Statistics Canada Retail Trade Catalogue #63-005 (in Appendix C) 4.3 Study Area FSTM Expenditure Potential Study Area resident FSTM expenditures is estimated at $324.2 million in 2007. It is forecast to increase by $25.4 million by 2015. Study Area per capita expenditures are multiplied by existing and forecast population to derive market expenditure potential (in millions of dollars) generated in each Study Area zone. All dollar values are expressed in 2006 dollars, adjusted to include real growth in per capita expenditures, which is forecast to increase by about 0.5% per annum. The rate reflects historic long-term growth rates. The forecast of Study Area FSTM expenditure potential is presented in Table 4.5. Study Area resident FSTM spending is forecast to increase from $324.2 million in 2007 to $349.6 million in 2015. MALONE GIVEN PARSONS LTD. 37 SOUTH EAST CITY OF LONDON 4.0 STUDY AREA SPENDING Market Demand and Impact Analysis Table 4.5: Study Area FSTM Expenditure Potential Forecast (in 2006 Constant Dollars) In 2006 Constant Dollars 2006 2007 2009 2011 Zone 1: South East London Population Per Capita Expenditure Expenditure Potential ($m) Zone 2: Central East London Population Per Capita Expenditure Expenditure Potential ($m) Zone 3: Central Thames Centre Population Per Capita Expenditure Expenditure Potential ($m) Total Study Area Population Expenditure Potential ($m) Cumulative Increase from 2007 Percent Increase from 2007 2013 2015 38,140 $1,895 $72.3 38,635 $1,905 $73.6 39,645 $1,925 $76.3 40,680 $1,945 $79.1 41,745 $1,960 $81.8 42,840 $1,980 $84.8 121,720 $1,900 $231.3 121,905 $1,910 $232.8 122,275 $1,930 $236.0 122,645 $1,950 $239.2 123,015 $1,970 $242.3 123,385 $1,985 $244.9 9,010 $1,940 $17.5 9,090 $1,950 $17.7 9,255 $1,970 $18.2 9,425 $1,990 $18.8 9,595 $2,010 $19.3 9,765 $2,030 $19.8 168,870 $321.0 169,630 $324.2 171,175 $330.5 $6.4 2.0% 172,750 $337.0 $12.9 4.0% 174,355 $343.4 $19.3 5.9% 175,990 $349.6 $25.4 7.8% Note: Real growth in spending forecast to increase at 0.5% per annum. 4.4 Study Area DSTM+HI Expenditure Potential Study Area resident DSTM+HI spending is estimated a $788.1 million in 2007. It is forecast to increase to $921.0 million by 2015. Per capita DSMT+HI expenditures in the Study Area are derived in the same manner as the preceding FSTM forecast. Per capita expenditures are multiplied by existing and forecast population to calculate market expenditure potential in each zone. All figures are expressed in 2006 constant dollars, adjusted to include real growth in per capita expenditures, which in the case of DSTM+HI spending is forecast at 1.5% per annum. Table 4.6 provides details on the forecast growth of DSTM+HI expenditures over the forecast period. In 2007, Study Area residents expenditures on DSTM+HI is estimated at $788.1 million. Spending, expressed in 2006 constant dollars, is forecast to increase to $921.0 million by 2015, a cumulative increase of $132.9 million from 2007. MALONE GIVEN PARSONS LTD. 38 SOUTH EAST CITY OF LONDON 4.0 STUDY AREA SPENDING Market Demand and Impact Analysis Table 4.6: Study Area DSTM+HI Expenditure Potential Forecast (in 2006 constant dollars) 2006 Zone 1: South East London Population Per Capita Expenditure Expenditure Potential ($m) Zone 2: Central East London Population Per Capita Expenditure Expenditure Potential ($m) Zone 3: Central Thames Centre Population Per Capita Expenditure Expenditure Potential ($m) Total Study Area Population Expenditure Potential ($m) Cumulative Increase from 2007 Percent Increase from 2007 In 2006 Constant Dollars 2007 2009 2011 2013 2015 38,140 $4,480 $170.9 38,635 $4,545 $175.6 39,645 $4,685 $185.7 40,680 $4,825 $196.3 41,745 $4,970 $207.5 42,840 $5,120 $219.3 121,720 $4,560 $555.0 121,905 $4,630 $564.4 122,275 $4,770 $583.3 122,645 $4,910 $602.2 123,015 $5,060 $622.5 123,385 $5,215 $643.5 9,010 $5,215 $47.0 9,090 $5,295 $48.1 9,255 $5,455 $50.5 9,425 $5,620 $53.0 9,595 $5,790 $55.6 9,765 $5,965 $58.2 168,870 $772.9 169,630 $788.1 171,175 $819.5 $31.3 4.0% 172,750 $851.4 $63.3 8.0% 174,355 $885.5 $97.3 12.3% 175,990 $921.0 $132.9 16.9% Notes: Real growth in spending forecast to increase at 1.5% per annum. MALONE GIVEN PARSONS LTD. 39 SOUTH EAST CITY OF LONDON Market Demand and Impact Analysis 5.0 MARKET DEMAND AND IMPACT 5.0 MARKET DEMAND AND IMPACT There are several approaches used by retail analysts to test the market for new commercial development. In this section, an analysis of existing spending patterns and a forecast in the shift of those patterns as a result of the introduction of new commercial space is carried out to evaluate market impact. The analysis begins by determining existing spending patterns of residents of the three Study Area zones. These patterns include the existing amount of consumer expenditure, the allocation of this expenditure amongst various store types, and the further allocation to existing retail facilities to establish current sales levels. This provides an assessment of existing strength, market share, and sales performance by spending category. The next step forecasts how these patterns can be expected to shift with population growth, real growth in spending, and the introduction of new planned and proposed retail facilities. These shifts include the potential for reducing outflow from Zone 1: South East London, and the potential for increasing sales from Zone 2: Central East London, Zone 3: Central Thames Centre and beyond. Other shifts may include anticipated changes in the shares of various store categories as a proportion of total spending as a result of new space additions (for example, an increase in the supermarket share of FSTM spending arising from the addition of a new supermarket). The introduction of new commercial floor space will almost always create some level of impact through normal market competition. It is the assessment of competitive impacts that provides a basis for understanding the market and planning implications of major new additions in the retail environment. The impact issue is analyzed in the latter parts of this section. 5.1 Existing Shopping Patterns A significant amount of consumer research has been carried out in order to establish the existing shopping patterns of Study Area residents and to establish market characteristics of the Study Area’s major retail areas. This research includes: Customer origin surveys carried out by Malone Given Parsons Ltd. in November 2004 and March 2007 at various City of London commercial locations; and, An in-home consumer survey of residents within the Study Area carried out in June 2007. MALONE GIVEN PARSONS LTD. 40 SOUTH EAST CITY OF LONDON Market Demand and Impact Analysis 5.0 MARKET DEMAND AND IMPACT These surveys provide useful information regarding consumer shopping patterns, customer preferences, and customer origin of local residents and visitors to Zone 1: South East London. Survey results provide useful input into the retail commercial market demand and impact analysis which follows. 5.1.1 Customer Origin Licence Plate Surveys Customer origin licence plate surveys offer an indication of the magnitude of the drawing power of retail and commercial facilities and the geographic extent that customers will travel to these various establishments. Although these surveys do not track actual sales and customer spending at commercial facilities, they provide a good indication of customer origin and subsequent spending patterns. Details of the survey are presented in Appendix D. November 2004 In 2004, Zone 1: South East London residents were surveyed in Downtown London and at the City’s designated Regional Shopping Areas. In November 2004, Malone Given Parsons carried out customer origin licence plate surveys in Downtown London and at the City’s four designated Regional Shopping Areas. The results of the analysis, presented in City of London Review of Commercial Supply and Demand dated January 2005, demonstrated that London is a regional centre and the Downtown and Regional Shopping Areas attracted relatively large proportions of customers from communities beyond the municipal boundary. The results also showed that the Downtown tended to attract customers who resided throughout London while Regional Shopping Centres’ tended to serve customers who resided in the vicinity of each of the local malls. The results of the 2004 survey were modified for the purpose of this analysis to determine what proportion of those surveyed were from the current Study Area. The results, presented in Table 5.1, demonstrate that about two-thirds (62.8%) of those surveyed at Argyle Mall were from the Study Area, most from Zone 2: Central East London. A mere 5.2% were from Zone 1: South East London. By comparison, White Oaks Mall served a relatively high proportion of Zone 1: South East London residents in 2004 at 11.9%, not far behind the proportion of Zone 2: Central East London residents at 11.6%. MALONE GIVEN PARSONS LTD. 41 SOUTH EAST CITY OF LONDON 5.0 MARKET DEMAND AND IMPACT Market Demand and Impact Analysis Table 5.1: Customer Origin Licence Plate Survey Results, November 2004 Downtown London White Oaks Mall Argyle Mall Westmount Shopping Centre Masonville Place Zone 1: South East London Zone 2: Central East London Zone 3: Central Thames Centre Summary of Study Area 5.5% 22.7% 1.4% 29.6% 11.9% 11.6% 1.4% 24.9% 5.2% 51.3% 6.3% 62.8% 9.2% 5.3% 0.3% 14.8% 3.8% 18.5% 0.3% 22.5% Other London Town of Tillsonburg Township of Strathroy-Caradoc City of St. Thomas Town of Ingersoll City of Woodstock Other Ontario Other Canada Other U.S. Summary Outside Study Area 44.0% 0.6% 2.0% 1.4% 0.3% 0.6% 21.0% 0.6% 0.0% 70.4% 29.0% 1.4% 1.7% 3.0% 0.8% 3.6% 34.0% 0.6% 1.1% 75.1% 12.7% 0.0% 0.0% 0.6% 0.6% 0.9% 21.3% 0.0% 1.2% 37.2% 59.1% 0.0% 2.9% 2.4% 0.5% 0.5% 19.8% 0.0% 0.0% 85.2% 38.4% 0.3% 2.6% 2.0% 0.0% 1.2% 32.7% 0.0% 0.3% 77.5% Total 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% Source: Malone Given Parsons Ltd., November 18th to November 20th, 2004 Note: MTO provides licence plate survey results by 2001 dissemination area. In some cases, particularly Zone 3: Central Thames Centre, these boundaries do not correspond exactly to the three-zone Study Area boundary, which was based on 2006 dissemination areas. The results of the licence plate survey could not be further refined for this analysis. For the purpose of this analysis, any licence plate found to originate in a 2001 dissemination area that was within the Study Area, even only partly, was assumed to be in the Study Area. March 2007 In March 2007, Malone Given Parsons conducted additional licence plate surveys to get a better understanding of the drawing power of specific shopping facilities. More specifically, Pond Mills Square and Argyle Mall were selected due to their proximity to the Site. White Oaks Mall was surveyed in an attempt to determine if there were differences between the drawing power of the Wal-Mart tenant and the rest of the mall based on the origin of cars parked in front of various mall entrances. Similarly, SmartCentres Wal-Mart at Fanshawe Park Road West and Hyde Park Road was selected to determine if there was a difference in the drawing power of the store’s food store component vs. the department store component based on the origin of the cars parked in front of each store entrance. The licence plate survey was conducted over a three-day period in March 2007. A total of 2,638 licence plate records were collected and submitted to the Ministry of Transportation who subsequently provided the corresponding Dissemination Area (DA) for each plate match. Table 5.2 provides a summary the customer origin licence plate results. MALONE GIVEN PARSONS LTD. 42 SOUTH EAST CITY OF LONDON 5.0 MARKET DEMAND AND IMPACT Market Demand and Impact Analysis Table 5.2: Customer Origin Licence Plate Survey Results, March 2007 SmartCentres SmartCentres White Oaks Mall - White Oaks Mall London - Walmart London - Walmart Walmart Excluding Walmart (Main Entrance) (Food Entrance) Pond Mills Argyle Mall South East London Central East London Central Thames Centre Summary of Trade Area 47.9% 16.5% 2.4% 66.8% 6.5% 44.7% 4.9% 56.1% 21.3% 8.8% 0.8% 30.9% 12.8% 13.4% 1.3% 27.5% 3.5% 9.5% 0.3% 13.3% 2.7% 11.0% 0.5% 14.2% Other London Town of Tillsonburg Township of Strathroy-Caradoc City of St. Thomas Town of Ingersoll City of Woodstock Other Ontario Other Canada Other U.S. Summary Outside Trade Area 15.9% 0.3% 0.9% 2.1% 1.2% 2.1% 10.9% 0.0% 0.0% 33.2% 17.6% 0.5% 0.8% 1.1% 1.6% 1.6% 20.1% 0.3% 0.3% 43.9% 38.8% 0.5% 1.1% 3.7% 0.0% 0.8% 24.2% 0.0% 0.0% 69.1% 30.2% 1.6% 1.6% 6.1% 1.6% 2.1% 28.9% 0.3% 0.0% 72.5% 53.4% 0.0% 3.8% 0.5% 0.0% 0.3% 28.5% 0.0% 0.3% 86.7% 51.9% 0.0% 2.7% 0.5% 0.3% 0.0% 29.9% 0.3% 0.3% 85.8% Total 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% Source: Malone Given Parsons Ltd., March 1st to March 3rd, 2007 Note: MTO provides licence plate survey results by 2001 dissemination area. In some cases, particularly Zone 3: Central Thames Centre, these boundaries do not correspond exactly to the three-zone Study Area boundary, which was based on 2006 dissemination areas. The results of the licence plate survey could not be further refined for this analysis. For the purpose of this analysis, any licence plate found to originate in a 2001 dissemination area that was within the Study Area, even only partly, was assumed to be in the Study Area. Both Pond Mills Square and Argyle Mall serve local residents. The results of the licence plate survey indicate that the majority of the customers that visited both Pond Mills and Argyle Mall resided within the Study Area. Over two-thirds (66.8%) of those surveyed at Pond Mills resided within the Study Area, 47.9% of which were from Zone 1: South East London. Similarly, 56.1% of those surveyed at Argyle Mall originated from within the Study Area, 44.7% resided in Zone 2: Central East London where the mall is situated. These findings demonstrate that Pond Mills Square, designated in the London Official Plan as a Community Shopping Area, is serving customers residing within a convenient driving distance as specified in Official Plan policies. By comparison, Argyle Mall, designated in the London Official Plan as a Regional Shopping Area, served a relatively large proportion (31.2%) of customers who resided beyond the City of London. There is a difference between the amount of Zone 1: South East London customers who shop at White Oaks Mall’s Wal-Mart vs. the rest of the mall. While the proportion of customers residing in the larger Study Area is similar for both White Oaks Mall’s Wal-Mart vs. the rest of the mall (at 30.9% and 27.5% respectively), there is a difference between where each of MALONE GIVEN PARSONS LTD. 43 SOUTH EAST CITY OF LONDON Market Demand and Impact Analysis 5.0 MARKET DEMAND AND IMPACT the three zone customers’ parked, suggesting there is some difference in shopping patterns. A relatively large proportion (21.3%) of those surveyed in front of the mall’s Wal-Mart entrance resided within Zone 1: South East London. By comparison, these residents only made up 12.8% of those surveyed at other mall entrances. There was a larger proportion of Zone 2: Central East London and Zone 3: Central Thames Centre surveyed at the mall entrances than the Wal-Mart entrance. There was little difference between where customers parked in front of Wal-Mart’s department store main entrance and the new food store entrance reside. Wal-Mart at Fanshawe Park Road West and Hyde Park Road expanded in the fall of 2006 to become a Wal-Mart Supercentre, which included the introduction of a food store component. This store has a separate entrance for the food store component and the traditional DSTM component. The licence plate survey results indicate that there is only a small difference in customer origins between either entrance. More specifically, 13.3% of those surveyed in front of the DSTM entrance originated from the larger Study Area compared to 14.2% in front of the food store entrance. 5.1.2 Consumer Surveys An in-home household consumer survey of 942 households in the South East London Study Area was carried out in June 2007. Details of the survey methodology, survey sample size and distribution, a copy of the telephone survey questionnaire, and summary results of the survey are set out in Appendix E. The following summarizes the survey results. These surveys provide useful information regarding consumer shopping patterns and customer preferences and provide input into the commercial market demand and impact assessment which follows. The following summarizes the spending patterns for supermarkets, department stores, and non-department store DSTM. Supermarket Spending Patterns The four supermarkets in Zone 1: South East London capture only a small proportion of the Study Area residents’ supermarket spending. Supermarkets in Zone 1: South East London capture only 39.5% of supermarket expenditures of residents in that zone. This indicates that there is a significant amount of outflow to supermarkets in other Study Area MALONE GIVEN PARSONS LTD. 44 SOUTH EAST CITY OF LONDON Market Demand and Impact Analysis 5.0 MARKET DEMAND AND IMPACT zones and the rest of the City of London. As Figure 3.5 demonstrated, only 4 of the 30 supermarkets in the City of London and in Central Thames Centre are located in the Study Area. The results of the consumer survey indicate that the Food Basics in Node 1: Pond Mills Square and Vicinity captures 10.1% of Zone 1: South East London residents’ supermarket spending. By comparison, Loblaws, Price Chopper, and A & P in Node 2: Wellington Road together capture 29.4% of Zone 1’s supermarket spending. A significant amount of Zone 1: South East London residents’ supermarket spending is directed to the Real Canadian Superstore in Zone 2: Central East London, and a second Real Canadian Superstore and two No Frills supermarkets in other parts of London. By comparison, residents of Zone 2: Central East London direct most (86.0%) of their spending to the nine supermarkets in that zone. They spend a mere 4.0% of their supermarket expenditures in Zone 1: South East London. The remaining 10% is directed to other supermarkets in London and beyond. Similarly, only a small proportion (6.0%) of Zone 3: Central Thames Centre’s supermarket expenditures is spent in Zone 1: South East London. Just over a quarter (26.1%) of supermarket spending is directed to the Foodland in Dorchester, 37.1% is directed to supermarkets in Zone 2: Central East London, and 7.7% is directed to other London supermarkets. The remaining 23.1% of supermarket spending is directed to supermarkets outside of London and the Study Area, the majority (83.5%) going to the Your Independent Grocer in Ingersoll. MALONE GIVEN PARSONS LTD. 45 SOUTH EAST CITY OF LONDON Market Demand and Impact Analysis 5.0 MARKET DEMAND AND IMPACT Figure 5.1: Share of Supermarket Spending Captured by Zone 1: South East London Supermarkets Department Store Spending Patterns Zone 1: South East London department stores capture almost threequarters of local department store spending. The telephone survey results indicate that just under three quarters (71.9%) of Zone 1: South East London’s department store expenditures are directed to department stores in that zone. Residents direct 44.6% of their department store spending to Wal-Mart in White Oaks Mall, 14.8% to The Bay in White Oaks Mall, and 12.5% to Zellers in Pond Mills Square. Residents direct an additional 6.6% of their department store expenditures to the Wal-Mart in Argyle Mall in Zone 2: Central East London and 5.2% and 6.9% to Sears department stores in Masonville Place and Westmount Shopping Centre. The remaining department store expenditures are directed to other department stores in London and beyond. By comparison, Zone 2: Central East London residents spend almost half of their department store expenditures (48.8%) to Wal-Mart in Argyle Mall. About 9.5% of their department store spending is directed to department MALONE GIVEN PARSONS LTD. 46 SOUTH EAST CITY OF LONDON Market Demand and Impact Analysis 5.0 MARKET DEMAND AND IMPACT stores in Zone 1: South East London, mostly to those in White Oaks Mall. Residents of Zone 3: Central Thames Centre also direct a significant amount (41.2%) of their department store expenditures to Argyle Mall’s Wal-Mart. About a quarter (26.2%) is directed to the department stores in White Oaks Mall while 4.7% is directed to Zellers in Pond Mills Square. Figure 5.2: Share of Department Store Spending Captured by Zone 1: South East London Department Stores Over half of area residents’ department store spending is directed to WalMart. Wal-Mart accounts for two of the seven department stores located in the Study Area. Residents of the three Study Area zones direct between 54.2% (Zone 1) to 60.8% (Zone 2) of their department store spending to this retailer. By comparison, Sears attracts between 13.3% and 16.7% of spending, Zellers between 9.1% and 16.8%, and The Bay between 9.0% and 15.6%. MALONE GIVEN PARSONS LTD. 47 SOUTH EAST CITY OF LONDON Market Demand and Impact Analysis Non-Department Store DSTM Spending Patterns 5.0 MARKET DEMAND AND IMPACT Over two-thirds of Zone 1: South East London’s residents’ spending in non-department store DSTM stores is directed to retailers in that zone. Non-department store DSTM stores is comprised of several retail categories, including: Non-department store general merchandise stores, including Warehouse Membership Clubs (WMC) and Home and Auto Supply, Tire, Batteries, and Accessories (HATBA) stores; Pharmacies and personal care stores: Clothing stores and shoe, clothing accessory and jewelry stores; Furniture, home furnishing, computer and software and home electronics and appliance stores; and, Sporting goods, hobby, music, book and other miscellaneous retail stores. Just under two-thirds (61.4%) of Zone 1: South East London residents’ spending in non-department store DSTM stores is captured by stores within the Zone 1 Study Area. More specifically, residents from Zone 1 direct half (49.7%) of their Clothing and Clothing Accessory store spending to Node 3: White Oaks Mall and 36.7% of Sporting, Hobby, Books, Music, and Miscellaneous retail store spending at retail establishments to Node 2: Wellington Road. About a forth (19.8%) of Zone 2: Central East London residents’ direct their non-department store DSTM store expenditures to Zone 1: South East London. By comparison, Zone 3: Central Thames Centre spend 39.4% of their non-department store DSTM store expenditures in Zone 1: South East London, mostly at the Highway 401 Costco. MALONE GIVEN PARSONS LTD. 48 SOUTH EAST CITY OF LONDON Market Demand and Impact Analysis 5.0 MARKET DEMAND AND IMPACT Figure 5.3: Share of Non-Department Store DSTM Spending Captured by Zone 1: South East London Non-Department Store DSTM Stores 5.2 Components and Allocation of Spending The proportion of FSTM and DSTM+HI expenditure from each Study Area zone by category is based on a number of factors. These include the market preferences of consumers in each zone, income and demographics, the availability of specific types of retail competition, the accessibility or distance to alternate shopping destinations, and the size, diversity and character of each alternate retail and shopping area. The components of FSTM spending include the following categories: Supermarkets; and, Other speciality food stores. The components of DSTM+HI spending is comprised of the following major categories: Department stores (Wal-Mart, Zellers, Sears, and The Bay); MALONE GIVEN PARSONS LTD. 49 SOUTH EAST CITY OF LONDON Market Demand and Impact Analysis 5.0 MARKET DEMAND AND IMPACT Other Non-Department Store DSTM stores; and, Building material/garden equipment/supplies dealers (herein referred to as “Home Improvement”). Table 5.3 provides our estimates of the current distribution of Study Area resident spending amongst the various store categories that comprise FSTM and DSTM+HI. The allocation of spending among categories is based on a number of factors including the consumer telephone survey results, the existing retail floor space inventory and the geographic distribution of retail floor space, sales estimates, reference to industry sources, and established provincial trends recorded by Statistics Canada. Table 5.3: Allocation of FSTM and DSTM+HI Spending by Category: 2007 Estimate Zone 1: South East London FSTM Supermarket and Grocery Specialty Food Total FSTM DSTM+HI Department Stores Other Non-Deptment Store DSTM Home Improvement Total DSTM+HI 5.3 Demand Analysis Zone 2: Zone 3: Central East Central Thames London Centre 85.0% 15.0% 100% 84.0% 16.0% 100% 89.0% 11.0% 100% 18.3% 70.4% 11.3% 100.0% 19.0% 70.1% 10.9% 100.0% 14.0% 70.7% 15.3% 100.0% A demand analysis was carried out to identify market demand in the Study Area from 2007 to 2015. The analysis examines the existing and future share of FSTM and DSTM spending directed to each selected store category from each Study Area zone. The potential sales for stores in the Study Area is a function of the aggregate amount of spending, the share of that spending that is directed to the store category, the capture of that spending by existing stores located in the Study Area, and inflow of sales from beyond the Study Area. MALONE GIVEN PARSONS LTD. 50 SOUTH EAST CITY OF LONDON Market Demand and Impact Analysis 5.0 MARKET DEMAND AND IMPACT A portion of the Study Area retail expenditure potential is available to existing and future commercial facilities in Zone 1: South East London. Total retail expenditure potential available to Zone 1: South East London is based on capture of total spending derived from each Study Area zone. This is described as the “market share”. The proportion of expenditures which the Study Area zone can obtain from the Study Area is the “market capture”. This reflects the extent to which Zone 1: South East London retains expenditures from local residents and captures expenditures from Zone 2: Central East London and Zone 3: Central Thames Centre residents. In defining these factors, a determination was also reached as to the percentage of expenditures outflowing from the Study Area to other cities, towns, and shopping destinations. Market captures are a function of the size and nature of the existing retail facilities in Zone 1: South East London, competitive alternative shopping locations in and around the Study Area, as well as consumer shopping patronage for various types of goods and services. Consideration was also given to the location, access to, distribution, density, and demographic characteristics of population within each of the Study Area zones. Guidance was also provided from the analysis of the existing share levels, information on the source of sales derived from the customer origin surveys, and spending patterns by category generated by the results of the telephone survey (summarized in Appendices D and E). Inflow trade from residents who live outside of the Study Area is an important source of spending potential, particularly for the existing commercial uses along Wellington Road, in White Oaks Mall, and South of Highway 401. In addition to the Study Area capture, spending is derived from people who live outside of the Study Area but shop at Zone 1: South East London commercial facilities. This includes other London residents, passer-by traffic, travelers, and tourists. This source of trade, called “inflow”, is added to the expenditure potential derived from residents of the Study Area. Inflow sales from residents who live beyond the Study Area are added to the Study Area capture of spending for each category. The inflow used in this analysis is high due to the fact that much of the existing retail in Zone 1: South East London is situated on the periphery of the Study Area zone and derives a significant amount of its sales from other London residents. MALONE GIVEN PARSONS LTD. 51 SOUTH EAST CITY OF LONDON Market Demand and Impact Analysis 5.3.1 Supermarket Demand 5.0 MARKET DEMAND AND IMPACT Growth in the market and increases in market capture will generate an additional $70.6 million of potential supermarket sales by 2015. As shown in Table 5.4, supermarket sales at Zone 1: South East London’s four supermarkets are estimated to total $96.7 million in 2007. At a combined average sales performance of $528/sq.ft., this is a healthy performance based on industry averages for the existing mix and location of stores. It should be noted that the high inflows in this analysis are attributed to the influence of food stores on Wellington Road, which marks the western extent of the Study Area. For the purpose of this analysis, it is assumed that both a new Loblaws at Summerside Shopping Centre and CCL’s proposed Wal-Mart department store will open prior to 2009 such that, for analytical purposes, 2009 will be the first full year of operation. It is assumed that the significant increase of supermarket space in Zone 1: South East London by 2009 will influence the amount of FSTM spending directed to supermarkets in the Study Area. Similarly, the total share of supermarket spending that Study Area residents direct to Zone 1: South East London is also forecast to increase significantly. The increased capture rates reflect, in part, a repatriation of a large portion of outflow spending currently directed to Loblaws’ stores in both London and Ingersoll. MALONE GIVEN PARSONS LTD. 52 SOUTH EAST CITY OF LONDON 5.0 MARKET DEMAND AND IMPACT Market Demand and Impact Analysis Table 5.4: Zone 1: South East London Supermarket Spending and Sales 2007 Zone 1: South East London Expenditure Potential ($M) $73.6 Supermarket and Grocery Store Share South East London Capture 85.0% 87.0% $62.6 39.5% 60.3% 63.1% $24.7 Zone 2: Central East London Expenditure Potential ($M) 2015 $76.3 $79.1 $81.8 $84.8 $66.4 $68.8 $71.2 $73.8 $43.4 $44.9 $46.6 $236.0 $239.2 $242.3 $244.9 $203.0 $205.7 $208.4 $210.6 $32.5 $32.9 $33.3 $18.2 $18.8 $19.3 $19.8 $16.8 $17.3 $17.7 $18.2 $6.0 $6.2 $6.4 $79.9 $161.9 $65.2 $81.9 $166.0 $69.3 $84.1 $170.3 $73.6 $40.0 $232.8 Supermarket and Grocery Store Share 84.0% 86.0% $195.6 South East London Capture 4.0% 11.7% 15.8% $7.8 Zone 3: Central Thames Centre Expenditure Potential ($M) In 2006 Constant Dollars 2009 2011 2013 $23.7 $17.7 Supermarket and Grocery Store Share 89.0% 92.0% $15.8 South East London Capture 6.0% 30.0% 35.0% $0.9 $5.0 Study Area Total South East London Capture $33.5 50.8% 49.4% Total South East London Supermarket and Grocery Sales Cumulative Increase from 2007 Estimated Sales of Existing Supermarket and Grocery Stores Existing Supermarket and Grocery Store Space Resultant Sales Performance ($ per sq.ft.) 5.3.2 Department Store Demand $68.8 $71.1 $96.7 $139.9 $43.2 $96.7 183,200 $528 Department Store sales are forecast to increase by $62.6 million between 2007 and 2015. Department store sales in Zone 1: South East London are estimated to total $107.0 million in 2007, as shown in Table 5.5. Together, the three department stores – Zellers in Pond Mills Square and The Bay and WalMart in White Oaks Mall – will achieve a sales performance of approximately $280/sq.ft. in 2007. Based on average store sales for both the Hudson Bay Company and Wal-Mart, these stores appear to be performing at healthy rates. Again, high inflows to the department stores at White Oaks Mall on the periphery of the Study Area reflect the regional drawing power of that retail facility. MALONE GIVEN PARSONS LTD. 53 SOUTH EAST CITY OF LONDON 5.0 MARKET DEMAND AND IMPACT Market Demand and Impact Analysis The addition of a new Wal-Mart is expected to increase the proportion of spending directed to department stores of total DSTM spending for all three Study Area zones by 2009. As well, the market capture of resident department store spending from the Study Area is also forecast to increase. This reflects a recapture of a portion of outflow spending currently directed to department stores in the rest of London. Table 5.5: Zone 1: South East London Department Store Spending and Sales 2007 Zone 1: South East London Expenditure Potential ($M) $175.6 Department Store Share 18.3% 22.3% $32.1 South East London Capture 71.9% 81.0% 83.0% $23.1 Zone 2: Central East London Expenditure Potential ($M) $564.4 19.0% 22.0% $107.4 South East London Capture 9.5% 20.3% 22.3% $10.2 Department Store Share South East London Capture 2015 $185.7 $196.3 $207.5 $219.3 $41.4 $43.8 $46.3 $48.9 $36.3 $38.4 $40.6 $583.3 $602.2 $622.5 $643.5 $128.5 $132.6 $137.1 $141.7 $29.6 $30.6 $31.6 $50.5 $53.0 $55.6 $58.2 $11.6 $12.2 $12.8 $13.4 $7.4 $7.8 $8.2 $73.3 $76.8 $80.4 $81.4 $154.7 $47.7 $85.2 $162.0 $55.0 $89.2 $169.6 $62.6 $33.6 Department Store Share Zone 3: Central Thames Centre Expenditure Potential ($M) In 2006 Constant Dollars 2009 2011 2013 $26.1 $48.1 14.0% 23.0% $6.7 30.9% 58.0% 61.0% $2.1 $6.7 Study Area Total South East London Capture $35.4 $66.4 Plus: Inflow @ 66.9% 53.3% 52.6% $71.6 $75.7 Total East London Department Store Sales Cumulative Increase from 2007 $107.0 Estimated Sales of Existing Department Stores Existing Dept. Store Space Resultant Sales Performance ($ per sq.ft.) $107.0 381,700 $280 MALONE GIVEN PARSONS LTD. $142.1 $35.0 54 SOUTH EAST CITY OF LONDON 5.0 MARKET DEMAND AND IMPACT Market Demand and Impact Analysis 5.3.3 Non-Department Store DSTM Demand Non-department store DSTM spending is forecast to increase by $87.6 million by 2015 as Zone 1: South East London’s market power increases and additional space is added. Non-department store DSTM stores include: General Merchandise; Pharmacies and Personal Care; Clothing and Clothing Accessories; Furniture and Home Furnishing; Sporting Goods, Hobby, Book, and Music; and, Other Miscellaneous stores. Zone 1: South East London’s capture of Study Area resident’s Other Non-Department Store DSTM spending is forecast to increase as the market power of the zone increases with the introduction of additional supermarket, department store, and other DSTM space. Table 5.6 illustrates existing spending and sales at these stores. Table 5.6: Zone 1: South East London Non-Department Store DSTM Spending and Sales 2007 Zone 1: South East London Expenditure Potential ($M) Non-Dept. Store DSTM Share South East London Capture $175.6 70.4% 66.9% $123.6 61.4% 67.0% $75.8 Zone 2: Central East London Expenditure Potential ($M) $564.4 Non-Dept. Store DSTM Share 70.1% 67.5% $395.6 South East London Capture 19.8% 23.8% $78.1 Zone 3: Central Thames Centre Expenditure Potential ($M) $48.1 Non-Dept. Store DSTM Share 70.7% 65.0% $34.1 South East London Capture 39.4% 44.8% $13.4 In 2006 Constant Dollars 2009 2011 2013 2015 $185.7 $196.3 $207.5 $219.3 $124.3 $131.4 $138.9 $146.8 $83.3 $88.0 $93.0 $98.4 $583.3 $602.2 $622.5 $643.5 $393.7 $406.5 $420.2 $434.3 $93.7 $96.7 $100.0 $103.4 $50.5 $53.0 $55.6 $58.2 $32.8 $34.4 $36.1 $37.9 $14.7 $15.4 $16.2 $17.0 $191.7 $200.2 $209.2 $218.7 $294.2 $494.4 $41.9 $307.5 $516.7 $64.2 $321.4 $540.1 $87.6 Study Area Total South East London Capture Plus: Inflow @ $167.4 63.0% 59.5% 59.5% Total East London Non-Dept. Store DSTM Sales Cumulative Increase from 2007 Estimated Sales of Existing Non-Dept. Store DSTM Stores Existing Non-Dept. Store DSTM Space Resultant Sales Performance ($ per sq.ft.) MALONE GIVEN PARSONS LTD. $285.1 $281.7 $452.5 $473.4 $20.9 $452.5 1,490,800 $304 55 SOUTH EAST CITY OF LONDON Market Demand and Impact Analysis 5.4 Impact Evaluation 5.0 MARKET DEMAND AND IMPACT With any significant additions of space in a market, several things can be expected to happen. First, expenditure patterns will shift in response to new shopping opportunities. The overall drawing power of a collective retail environment increases causing a recapture of outflow that is currently going to stores beyond the Study Area. Second, the existing expenditure patterns shift in response to new shopping opportunities. As the range of choice and the level of service increases, people from the Study Area spend more money in the local economy, thus increasing overall retail sales. Third, some existing retail space may experience some level of direct competition which may result in sales transfers from existing stores to the new retail stores. In Zone 1: South East London, additions of retail space will be supported by market growth; shifts in current shopping patterns; a recapture of outflow shopping; and, transfers of sales from existing stores. The matter of retail market impact ultimately centres on the questions of the amount of sales lost by existing stores to the new stores, otherwise known as “sales transfers” and the implications of those lost sales. The implication of sales transfers, where they may occur, is evaluated in terms of the existing level of sales performance, the quantum of reduced sales performance, and the duration. Ultimately, the impact test is focussed on the potential implications to the continued economic viability and planned function of commercial areas rather than the competitive impacts on an individual store. The impact analysis tests potential effects and sales transfers on existing stores with the addition of new supermarket, department store, and nondepartment store DSTM space in Node 6: Emerging Commercial. The impact tests assume a first full year of operation in 2009 and forecast forward to 2015. Detailed impact analysis tables are set out in Appendix F. In carrying out the analysis of impact arising from the Proposed Development, assumptions have also been made about the composition of planned commercial space in Summerside Shopping Centre. Similarly, our impact evaluation assumes that some vacant space in Pond Mills Square will be retenanted. Summerside Shopping Centre Summerside Shopping Centre is currently under construction and will introduce an estimated 321,900 sq.ft. of commercial space to Node 6: Emerging Commercial by 2009. The impact analysis assumes that the 178,900 sq.ft. Loblaws planned for Summerside Shopping Centre will consist of supermarket, non-department store DSTM, and service space. MALONE GIVEN PARSONS LTD. 56 SOUTH EAST CITY OF LONDON 5.0 MARKET DEMAND AND IMPACT Market Demand and Impact Analysis Similarly, the planned 39,100 sq.ft. of CRU space identified on RioCan’s Site leasing plan is expected to be occupied by a mix of non-department store DSTM and service tenants. Pond Mills Square While we are not aware of any immediate plans that would cause a rapid take-up of vacant space in Pond Mills Square, our analysis tests the impact CCL’s Proposed Development would have on a partially retenanted Pond Mills Square. For the purpose of this analysis, we have assumed that about half, or 50,000 sq.ft., of Pond Mills’ vacant space will be occupied by nondepartment store DSTM space by 2009. This assumption recognizes the recommended commercial policy directions presented by London’s consultants’ that encourage the redevelopment and revitalization of the City’s existing commercial centres. It also recognizes the intentions of the current mall owners to renew the site. CCL’s Proposed Development The CCL’s Proposed Development will introduce an estimated 275,000 sq.ft. of commercial space to Node 6: Emerging Commercial. As discussed in Section 2, the proposed Wal-Mart store will total approximately 215,000 sq.ft. and additional CRU space will total 60,000 sq.ft. For the purpose of this analysis, we have assumed that the Wal-Mart store will include both FSTM and DSTM components. These components have been analyzed separately, since the additional floor space will compete with both existing FSTM and DSTM space in the Study Area. Without knowing the final store configuration, tenants, or size of any of these commercial developments, we have tested the impact based on the assumptions presented in Table 5.7. Table 5.7: Impact Evaluation Additional Space Assumptions Supermarket Department Store NonDepartment Store DSTM Total Space Tested Services Home Improvement Total Space 80,000 0 0 80,000 0 0 0 0 80,000 0 17,000 97,000 160,000 0 17,000 177,000 18,900 0 22,100 41,000 0 103,900 0 103,900 178,900 103,900 39,100 321,900 0 0 0 0 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 0 0 0 0 50,000 50,000 55,000 0 55,000 135,000 165,000 0 165,000 165,000 0 40,000 40,000 187,000 220,000 40,000 260,000 487,000 0 20,000 20,000 - 0 0 0 - 215,000 60,000 275,000 - Summerside Shopping Centre Loblaws RONA CRU Space Total Summerside Space Pond Mills Square Take-up of Vacant Space Total Pond Mills Square Space CCL's Proposed Development Wal-Mart CRU Space Total CCL's Proposed Development Total Space Tested MALONE GIVEN PARSONS LTD. 57 SOUTH EAST CITY OF LONDON 5.0 MARKET DEMAND AND IMPACT Market Demand and Impact Analysis The impact analysis can be considered conservative because it deliberately overestimates the amount of space that could realistically be expected to enter the market in 2008 and experience its first full year of operation in 2009. The planning approvals process will likely slow the entry of some retail and service commercial space to a later date. For the purpose of this analysis, however, we have assumed the full build-out of Summerside Shopping Centre and the CCL Site and the retenanting of Pond Mills Square by the end of 2008. 5.4.1 Supermarket Impact The market can support the addition of two new supermarkets in Zone 1: South East London by 2009. The introduction of 135,000 sq.ft. of additional supermarket space in Zone 1: South East London will result in a shift in current shopping patterns in the four existing supermarkets in the zone, in other supermarkets in the Study Area, and in those beyond the Study Area. It is anticipated that the planned Loblaws in Summerside Shopping Centre will compete most directly with the existing Loblaws in Node 2: Wellington Road and the other numerous Loblaw Companies stores in Zone 2: Central East London and the rest of the City of London. By comparison, the food component of CCL’s proposed Wal-Mart is expected to compete with other discount supermarket banners in the Study Area. Table 5.8 provides details of forecast sales transfers from existing supermarkets in the Study Area. Table 5.8: Supermarket Impact Existing Floorspace (Sq.ft. GFA): 2007 Including Additional Floorspace (Sq.ft. GFA): 2009 Sales Performance: 2007 2009 2011 2013 2015 38,200 38,200 Sales ($m): Sales per sq.ft.: % Change from 2007: $12.1 $316 $11.0 $287 -9.1% $12.4 $326 3.2% $12.8 $335 6.2% $13.2 $345 9.3% 145,000 145,000 Sales ($m): Sales per sq.ft.: % Change from 2007: $84.6 $584 $72.0 $496 -14.9% $77.4 $534 -8.5% $79.7 $549 -5.9% $82.0 $566 -3.0% Loblaws 0 80,000 Sales ($m): Sales per sq.ft.: $0.0 N/A $33.3 $416 $41.1 $513 $42.0 $525 $42.9 $537 Wal-Mart 0 55,000 Sales ($m): Sales per sq.ft.: $0.0 N/A $23.7 $430 $30.9 $562 $31.7 $576 $32.5 $590 183,200 318,200 Sales ($m): Sales per sq.ft.: $96.7 $528 $139.9 $440 $161.9 $509 $166.1 $522 $170.6 $536 Node 1: Pond Mills Square and Vicinity Food Basics Node 2: Wellington Road Loblaws, A & P and Price Chopper Node 6: Emerging Node Commissioners Rd E. and Highbury Ave Node 6: Emerging Node Commissioners Rd E. and Highbury Ave Subtotal Existing and Proposed South East London: The findings and implications are as follows: Sales to the new supermarkets in Node 6: Emerging Commercial will be derived from growth in the market, reallocation of sales from existing supermarkets in the Study Area and the rest of MALONE GIVEN PARSONS LTD. 58 SOUTH EAST CITY OF LONDON Market Demand and Impact Analysis 5.0 MARKET DEMAND AND IMPACT London, sales transfers from the four existing supermarkets in Zone 1: South East London, and sales transfers from other FSTM stores. The introduction of two new supermarkets will together increase the proportion of FSTM spending directed to supermarkets and recapture the large outflow of supermarket spending currently directed to other supermarkets outside the Study Area. With the addition of 135,000 sq.ft. of new supermarket space, sales transfers are forecast to reach -9.1% for the Food Basics in Node 1: Pond Mills Square and Vicinity. In the first year of operation (2009), the sales will drop to $287/sq.ft. By 2011, however, sales will increase to $326/sq.ft., 3.2% above current levels. The forecast sales performance will continue to increase throughout the forecast period and the temporary competitive transfers to the new supermarkets will not compromise the viability of the Food Basics. Sales transfers of the three supermarkets in Node 2: Wellington Road are forecast to reach -14.9% in 2009, declining to -3.0% in 2015. Sales are expected to decline to $440/sq.ft. in the first year of operation (2009). This drop reflects the competitive effects of introducing a new, larger Loblaw Company store in a market that is made up of a significant amount of this company’s supermarket space. The market will be sufficient to support both the Summerside Shopping Centre Loblaws and the supermarket component of CCL’s proposed Wal-Mart in 2009. The food component of existing commercial areas will continue to be viable and there will be no closures as a result of the new supermarket space added to Zone 1: South East London. The two new food stores will significantly increase and improve the level of retail service to residents of Zone 1: South East London. 5.4.2 Department Store DSTM Impact The proposed Wal-Mart department store space can be supported by the market and would serve to strengthen the level of retail services.. The introduction of 165,000 sq.ft. of additional department store space in Node 6: Emerging Commercial will result in a shift in department store shopping patterns in Zone 1: South East London. The proposed Wal-Mart department store space will increase the department store share of DSTM+HI spending and Zone 1 captures of department store spending, but, will also result in sales transfers from existing department stores. MALONE GIVEN PARSONS LTD. 59 SOUTH EAST CITY OF LONDON 5.0 MARKET DEMAND AND IMPACT Market Demand and Impact Analysis It is anticipated that the proposed Wal-Mart department store space will compete most directly with the nearby existing Zellers as well as the other Wal-Mart stores in the Study Area which customers currently patronize and to which a significant amount of department store spending is directed. Table 5.9 provides details of forecast sales transfers from existing department stores. Table 5.9: Department Store Impact Existing Floorspace (Sq.ft. GFA): 2007 Including Additional Floorspace (Sq.ft. GFA): 2009 Sales Performance: 2007 2009 2011 2013 2015 65,700 65,700 Sales ($m): Sales per sq.ft.: % Change from 2007: $8.9 $135 $7.1 $109 -19.5% $7.5 $114 -15.5% $7.9 $120 -11.2% $8.3 $126 -6.6% The Bay 165,000 165,000 Sales ($m): Sales per sq.ft.: % Change from 2007: $29.3 $177 $23.5 $142 -19.9% $24.5 $149 -16.2% $25.7 $156 -12.3% $26.9 $163 -8.2% White Oaks Mall Wal-Mart 151,000 151,000 Sales ($m): Sales per sq.ft.: % Change from 2007: $68.9 $456 $51.2 $339 -25.7% $53.7 $356 -22.0% $56.4 $374 -18.1% $59.3 $393 -13.9% Emerging Node Commissioners Rd E. and Highbury Ave Wal-Mart 0 165,000 Sales ($m): Sales per sq.ft.: $0.0 N/A $60.3 $366 $69.0 $418 $72.1 $437 $75.4 $457 381,700 546,700 Sales ($m): Sales per sq.ft.: $107.0 $280 $142.1 $260 $154.7 $283 $162.1 $296 $169.8 $311 Node 1: Pond Mills Square and Vicinity Zellers Node 3: White Oaks Mall Node 3: Node 6: Subtotal Existing and Proposed South East London: The findings and implications are as follows: Sales attributed to the proposed Wal-Mart department store space will be derived from growth in the market, reallocation of sales from existing department stores in the Study Area and the rest of London, by sales transfers from the existing Wal-Marts in the Study Area, and by sales transfers from non-department store DSTM stores. Zone 1: South East London’s department stores are generally healthy, although the small Pond Mills Square Zellers, operating at $135/sq.ft. in 2007, is not performing as well as other Zellers stores across the chain. The introduction of 165,000 sq.ft. of department store space will together increase the proportion of DSTM spending directed to department stores and recapture some outflow of department store spending currently directed to other department stores outside the Study Area. The new Wal-Mart department store space will draw sales from other department stores, but primarily from the other Study Area Wal-Marts. MALONE GIVEN PARSONS LTD. 60 SOUTH EAST CITY OF LONDON 5.0 MARKET DEMAND AND IMPACT Market Demand and Impact Analysis The competitive impacts of the addition of department store space will not affect The Bay or other Wal-Marts. Pond Mills Square’s Zellers’ sales will decline to the lower end of the chain’s store performance. We acknowledge that there could be some risk of closure due to competition, although, the Zellers’ sales will rebound over time. The Hudson Bay Company is expected to retain the store to maintain strategic market share in Zone 1: South East London. The market can support the proposed Wal-Mart department store space without compromising the viability of existing commercial areas. The additional space will complement the mix of retail and commercial uses planned and proposed for Node 6: Emerging Commercial and will strengthen the level of retail services for residents. 5.4.3 Non-Department Store DSTM Impact Summerside Shopping Centre, a partially retenanted Pond Mills Square, and CCL’s Proposed Development will add a total of 187,000 sq.ft. of nondepartment store DSTM space to Zone 1: South East London. An estimated 80,000 sq.ft. of the non-department store DSTM space is assumed to be located in the planned Loblaws store. Table 5.10 provides details of forecast sales transfers from existing non-department store DSTM stores and future sales performance. Table 5.10: Non-Department Store DSTM Impact Existing Floorspace (Sq.ft. GFA): 2007 Including Additional Floorspace (Sq.ft. GFA): 2009 Sales Performance: 2007 2009 2011 2013 2015 12,100 62,100 Sales ($m): Sales per sq.ft.: % Change from 2007: $9.1 $755 $19.5 $315 -58.3% $20.4 $329 -56.5% $21.3 $343 -54.5% $22.3 $359 -52.5% Wellington Road 274,200 274,200 Sales ($m): Sales per sq.ft.: % Change from 2007: $72.0 $263 $65.7 $240 -8.7% $68.7 $251 -4.5% $71.9 $262 -0.1% $75.2 $274 4.5% Node 3: White Oaks Mall 419,700 419,700 Sales ($m): Sales per sq.ft.: % Change from 2007: $132.9 $317 $122.1 $291 -8.2% $127.6 $304 -4.0% $133.5 $318 0.5% $139.8 $333 5.2% Node 4: Exeter Road and Wellington Road 372,000 372,000 Sales ($m): Sales per sq.ft.: % Change from 2007: $95.0 $255 $88.2 $237 -7.2% $92.0 $247 -3.2% $96.0 $258 1.1% $100.2 $269 5.5% Node 5: South of Highway 401 230,800 230,800 Sales ($m): Sales per sq.ft.: % Change from 2007: $115.4 $500 $107.6 $466 -6.8% $112.3 $487 -2.7% $117.3 $508 1.6% $122.6 $531 6.2% Node 6: Emerging Node Commissioners Rd E. and Highbury Ave Summerside Shopping Centre 0 97,000 Sales ($m): Sales per sq.ft.: $0.0 N/A $29.6 $306 $30.9 $319 $32.3 $333 $33.8 $348 Node 6: Emerging Node Commissioners Rd E. and Highbury Ave Commissioners Proposed Commercial 0 40,000 Sales ($m): Sales per sq.ft.: $0.0 N/A $14.4 $359 $15.0 $374 $15.6 $390 $16.3 $406 Node 7: Other South East London 182,000 182,000 Sales ($m): Sales per sq.ft.: % Change from 2007: $28.0 $154 $26.2 $144 -6.5% $27.4 $151 -2.2% $28.7 $158 2.4% $30.1 $165 7.2% 1,490,800 1,677,800 Sales ($m): Sales per sq.ft.: $452.5 $304 $473.4 $282 $494.4 $295 $516.7 $308 $540.1 $322 Node 1: Pond Mills Square and Vicinity Node 2: Retenanted Commercial Space Subtotal Existing and Proposed South East London: Note: The high sales per sq.ft. in Node 1 in 2007 are a result of the very small amount of occupied space being skewed by the high sales performance of the existing Shoppers Drug Mart, which is typical of Pharmacies. MALONE GIVEN PARSONS LTD. 61 SOUTH EAST CITY OF LONDON Market Demand and Impact Analysis 5.0 MARKET DEMAND AND IMPACT The findings and implications are as follows: The new non-department store DSTM space in Node 6: Emerging Commercial will be mainly supported by growth in the market and from recapture of outflow spending. The overall performance of non-department store DSTM space in Zone 1: South East London is considered to be healthy. The high sales/sq.ft. in Node 1: Pond Mills Square and Vicinity is attributed to the Shoppers Drug Mart located in that node. The high sales/sq.ft. in Node 5: South of Highway 401 is attributed to the Costco Membership Warehouse Club. The impact of the proposed non-department store DSTM space in Zone 1: South East London is forecast to be minor and short in duration. The high percent change for Node 1: Pond Mills Square and Vicinity reflects the influence of the addition of 50,000 sq.ft. of commercial space tenanted by sales categories that generally generate lower sales per square feet than the existing Shoppers Drug Mart. Competitive transfers in 2009 are less than 10% for all other commercial nodes and sales are expected to increase to above current levels by 2013. The addition of the proposed non-department store DSTM space will increase and improve the level of local service to local and regional area residents and will recapture outflow spending. Average sales of non-department store DSTM stores are forecast to remain viable in all retail nodes throughout the study period. The addition of non-department store DSTM space on the CCL Site will not compromise the viability of any retail area or undermine the planned function of any existing or planned retail area in Zone 1: South East London. 5.5 Opportunities for the Commissioners Road East and Highbury Avenue Node Commissioners Road East has the potential to develop into a major commercial node in south east London. In September 2007, the City of London’s consultants, urbanMetrics and Meridian, circulated draft commercial policies to Official Plan Working Groups and the public for review and comment. While the exact wording of the policies will be refined, the draft policies provide a good indication of the changes planning staff expect to make to London’s existing commercial policies. The draft commercial policies recommend replacing London’s existing commercial hierarchy with a commercial structure based on the MALONE GIVEN PARSONS LTD. 62 SOUTH EAST CITY OF LONDON Market Demand and Impact Analysis 5.0 MARKET DEMAND AND IMPACT nodes and corridors approach. It is recommended that commercial nodes be designated Regional, Sub-Regional, Community and Neighbourhood Commercial Areas and be distinguished by different sizes, functions, and locations. Corridor and Main Street Commercial Areas would apply to pedestrian oriented commercial areas that are concentrated along major roads in a linear fashion. The planned and proposed commercial developments at Commissioners Road East and Highbury Avenue have the potential to create a larger, new commercial focus for south east London. The addition of commercial space at this location has the potential to improve the level of service for local residents and recapture outflows. Growth in the market and the recapture of expenditures due to increased commercial uses in the node will not only support additional retail and service commercial space but could serve to strengthen the performance of existing commercial centres, namely Pond Mills Square. While the licence plate survey demonstrated that Pond Mills Square serves the local community, the inventory revealed the very high vacancy rates experienced at the centre and the telephone survey demonstrated the lower than average sales experienced at the Zellers department store. These issues can be attributed, in part, to the mall’s enclosed retail format, which is representative of the design of shopping centres built in the 1960s through to the 1980s. Small enclosed centres, however, represent an obsolete design as the shopping centre trend moves to unenclosed, freestanding and strip developments. Because of their unenclosed nature, these centres have lower common area maintenance (CAM) charges and, in turn, lower rents. Attractive to shoppers is the fact that parking is provided close to the retailers they want to visit, making shopping trips faster because they no longer have to walk the length of the enclosed mall. The emergence of big box stores and power centres and the consolidation of department store and supermarket anchors since the early 1990s have forced mall owners to reinvest in new mall concepts, including de-malling enclosed centres and incorporating big box retailers and entertainment components such as large movie theatres and theme restaurants. There are a number of good examples of successful mall redevelopment efforts in London: Masonville Place Mall was successful in retenanting vacant space left by Eaton’s, which closed because of corporate issues, and Loblaws, which moved to a free-standing building located across the street. The department store space was retenanted relatively quickly by The Bay while the supermarket space was replaced by a Famous MALONE GIVEN PARSONS LTD. 63 SOUTH EAST CITY OF LONDON 5.0 MARKET DEMAND AND IMPACT Market Demand and Impact Analysis Players SilverCity megaplex theatre. The successful regional centre’s mix of tenants, inclusion of an entertainment facility, and modern environs all contribute to its ability to continue to draw customers from a regional area. Argyle Mall, another of London’s regional centres, underwent major redevelopment after being purchased by SmartCentres. The shopping centre developer transformed it from an underperforming enclosed centre to a successful shopping area that still includes an enclosed component but also incorporates some retail and service commercial pads and outward facing stores. The redevelopment included the assembly of an adjacent property, the relocation and expansion of the centre’s anchor tenants, No Frills and Wal-Mart, and the addition of big box tenants and commercial pads. Oakridge Mall underwent a process of de-malling in 2004. Formerly an enclosed shopping centre anchored by a Loblaws supermarket and a Wal-Mart department store, the RioCan site is now occupied by a Real Canadian Superstore and a number of smaller commercial tenants located on pads surrounding the large supermarket. Figure 5.4: Before and After Aerial Photographs of Oakridge Mall 2001 – Before Redevelopment 2006 – After Redevelopment Source: City of London These local examples demonstrate how the reinvestment in enclosed shopping centres has the potential to revitalize older shopping areas through redevelopment. In our opinion, there is significant potential for the MALONE GIVEN PARSONS LTD. 64 SOUTH EAST CITY OF LONDON Market Demand and Impact Analysis 5.0 MARKET DEMAND AND IMPACT successful redevelopment of Pond Mills Square. The commercial area is located at the intersection of a Freeway and arterial road on a relatively large parcel of land that could accommodate a reconfigured shopping centre with improved site access and visibility. Also, the mall benefits by having two national chain stores as anchor tenants. These retailers are currently strategically placed in south east London and reinvestment in Pond Mill Square would help to lessen the competitive impact of planned and proposed commercial space on the east side of Highbury Avenue. Additional commercial uses and a refurbished Pond Mills Square would strengthen the retail and service offerings in the Commissioners Road East and Highbury Avenue area and help it transition into a powerful commercial node. MALONE GIVEN PARSONS LTD. 65 SOUTH EAST CITY OF LONDON Market Demand and Impact Analysis 6.0 CONCLUSIONS 6.0 CONCLUSIONS This market study and impact analysis has analyzed South East London’s existing commercial environment and shopping patterns through a comprehensive inventory of retail and service commercial space, customer origin surveys, and in-home consumer surveys. The results demonstrate that while existing supermarket, department store, and non-department store DSTM stores are operating at healthy sales levels, there is a tremendous opportunity to increase the capture of expenditures and reduce outflows. The introduction of additional commercial space at Commissioners Road East and Highbury Avenue will help to broaden and improve local retail and service commercial offerings, thereby strengthening the level of retail and services in the area. CCL’s 275,000 sq.ft. Proposed Development could experience its first full year of operation in 2009, the same time as the 321,900 sq.ft. Summerside Shopping Centre is assumed to be built-out. The introduction of additional commercial space at both retail facilities will have some implications for existing commercial areas. Sales transfers from existing stores are expected, however, they are not at a level that would cause store closures or effect the viability of existing commercial areas. The following conclusions respond to City of London’s planning staff’s concerns about the potential impact of CCL’s Proposed Development on existing and planned commercial areas in south east London. The market can support the Proposed Development. Census data demonstrates that the population in south east London has grown moderately over the last five years. Units in registered and draft approved residential plans of subdivision will accommodate a growing population in south east London. Population growth in the three-zoned Study Area will support additional supermarket, department store, and non-department store DSTM stores. The addition of planned and proposed commercial space will also serve to increase and improve the level of local service to residents and will recapture outflow spending and increase captures from surrounding areas. Together, growth in the market, sales transfers from existing stores both within the Study Area and beyond, and the reallocation of spending by FSTM and DSTM categories will support CCL’s Proposed Development. MALONE GIVEN PARSONS LTD. 66 SOUTH EAST CITY OF LONDON Market Demand and Impact Analysis 6.0 CONCLUSIONS The Proposed Development will not compromise the planned function of White Oaks Mall. White Oaks Mall is one of the City of London’s Regional Shopping Area Commercial locations. Official Plan policies on the Functional Categories of Shopping Areas state: Regional Shopping Areas are intended to provide for a wide range of commercial uses which meet specialized service and comparison shopping needs. Regional Shopping Areas, by reason of their size and range of uses, are regarded as major activity centres and may have trade areas that extend beyond the municipal boundary. City of London Official Plan Section 4.3.1.i) White Oaks Mall currently serves a very large trade area that extends beyond the municipal boundaries. The customer origin licence plate survey results from 2004 and 2007 indicate that over half of White Oaks Mall’s customers reside outside of the City of London. While the proposed department store and non-department store DSTM space on the CCL Site will result in sales transfers from White Oaks Mall, they are not significant enough to cause store closures. While the Mall’s Wal-Mart department store will experience the greatest competitive effects, the corporate decision to add additional WalMart space to south east London demonstrates their confidence that the new space is supportable. CCL’s Proposed Development will not compromise the planned function of White Oaks Mall. The introduction of retail and service commercial uses on CCL’s Site will strengthen existing and planned commercial uses at Commissioners Road East and Highbury Avenue. Both the existing Pond Mills Square and the developing Summerside Shopping Centre are designated Community Shopping Area Commercial in the City of London Official Plan. Official Plan policies on the Functional Categories of Shopping Areas state: Community Shopping Areas are intended to provide for a wide range of goods and services which are needed on a regular basis. Community Shopping Areas are smaller in size than Regional MALONE GIVEN PARSONS LTD. 67 SOUTH EAST CITY OF LONDON Market Demand and Impact Analysis 6.0 CONCLUSIONS Shopping Areas and there is less emphasis on comparison shopping needs and specialized services. Their trade areas are subsidiary to the trade areas of Regional Shopping Areas and consist of surrounding neighbourhoods within convenient driving distance. City of London Official Plan Section 4.3.1.ii) Customer origin licence plate surveys demonstrate that Pond Mills Square serves a more local market than White Oaks Mall, with about 80% of its customers residing in the City of London in 2007. While Pond Mills Square is an appropriate location for commercial uses and its stores are operating at reasonable levels, there are significant opportunities to strengthen the local draw of this retail facility. The addition of commercial space at both Summerside Shopping Centre and on the CCL Site would create a new commercial focus in south east London giving Pond Mills Square the opportunity to reinvent itself through reinvestment and redevelopment. There is a need to reposition this enclosed shopping centre to stay competitive. Fortunately, there is an excellent opportunity for this commercial centre to find its niche and to benefit from increased supermarket, department store, and non-department store DSTM captures resulting from broadened and strengthened commercial offerings at Commissioners Road East and Highbury Avenue. Like Pond Mills Square, RioCan’s Summerside Shopping Centre is planned to serve a more local market than White Oaks Mall. The mix of uses planned for the RioCan site will no doubt strengthen the level of service in south east London and help recapture some expenditure outflows. CCL’s Proposed Development not have a competitive impact on the planned and proposed uses at Summerside Shopping Centre. Instead, additional commercial in the vicinity of the development would serve to support and complement the shopping centre. Together, Pond Mills Square, Summerside Shopping Centre, and CCL’s Proposed Development would create a larger, new commercial focus for south east London, improving the level of service for local residents and recapturing outflows. CCL’s Proposed Development will not compromise the planned function of these Community Shopping Areas. MALONE GIVEN PARSONS LTD. 68 SOUTH EAST CITY OF LONDON Market Demand and Impact Analysis APPENDIX A APPENDIX A Commercial Inventory MALONE GIVEN PARSONS LTD. A-1 SOUTH EAST CITY OF LONDON Market Demand and Impact Analysis APPENDIX A: Commercial Inventory APPENDIX A An inventory of grade related retail, restaurants and service commercial floor space in nearby shopping areas was carried out in June 2007. The inventory includes food store type merchandise (FSTM), department store type merchandise (DSTM), home improvement and building supply stores, services, restaurants, entertainment, and vacant space. The following maps illustrate the location of shopping areas within each of the neighbourhoods located within the Central Study Area Zones. A table identifying retail store and service classifications used in the inventory follows. Each of the maps is accompanied by a summary table of the space measured in each neighbourhood. MALONE GIVEN PARSONS LTD. A-2 SOUTH EAST CITY OF LONDON Market Demand and Impact Analysis APPENDIX A Figure A.1: Study Area MALONE GIVEN PARSONS LTD. A-3 SOUTH EAST CITY OF LONDON Market Demand and Impact Analysis APPENDIX A Figure A.2: Zone 1: South East London Commercial Nodes MALONE GIVEN PARSONS LTD. A-4 SOUTH EAST CITY OF LONDON Market Demand and Impact Analysis APPENDIX A Figure A.3: Zone 2: Central East London and Zone 3: Central Thames Centre Commercial Nodes MALONE GIVEN PARSONS LTD. A-5 SOUTH EAST CITY OF LONDON Market Demand and Impact Analysis APPENDIX A RETAIL STORE AND SERVICE CLASSIFICATION BY TYPE NAICS (1) CODE (2) STORE TYPE FOOD STORES 44511 44512 1 2 44711 44521 44522 44523 445291 445292 445299 445299 445299 445299 445299 445299 445299 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 CODE (2) STORE TYPE DSTM/HI: CLOTHING AND CLOTHING ACCESSORIES STORES Supermarket & Other Grocery Convenience Stores (excl. convenience stores that sell gasoline) Gasoline Stations with Convenience Stores Meat Markets Fish and Seafood Markets Fruit and Vegetable Markets Baked Goods Stores Confectionery and Nut Stores Cheese stores Coffee / Tea Stores Honey Ice cream (packaged) stores Milk and other dairy products Spice and herb stores Other Specialty Food Stores DSTM/HI: FURNITURE AND HOME FURNISHINGS STORES 44211 44221 442291 442292 442298 442298 442298 442298 442298 442298 442298 442298 442298 NAICS (1) Furniture Stores Floor Coverings Stores (except ceramic) Window Treatment Stores Print and Picture Frame Stores Bedding (sheets, blankets, spreads and pillows) China / Glassware / Kitchenware Cutlery Stores Fireplace Stores Housewares stores Lamps and Lighting Fixtures Linen shops Mirrors Pottery stores 44811 44812 44812 44813 44814 44815 44815 44815 44815 44815 44815 44821 44831 44832 448191 448199 448199 448199 448199 448199 448199 448199 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 Men's Clothing Stores Women's Clothing Stores Maternity shops Children's and Infants' Clothing Stores Family Clothing Stores Costume Accessories Hats and Caps Neckwear, apparel Personal leather goods Umbrella Stores Other Clothing Accessories Stores Shoe Stores Jewellery Stores Luggage and Leather Goods Stores Fur Stores Athletic clothing Bridal shops (except custom dressmakers) Jeans Stores Leather (including suede) clothing stores Lingerie Swimwear stores All Other Clothing Stores DSTM/HI: SPORTING GOODS, HOBBY, BOOK AND MUSIC STORES 45111 45112 45113 45113 45113 45114 45121 45122 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 Sporting Goods Stores (excl. athletic shoe retailing) Hobby, Toy and Game Stores Sewing, Needlework and Piece Goods Stores Knitting Yarn and Accessories Upholstery Fabric Musical Instrument and Supplies Stores Book Stores and News Dealers Pre-Recorded Tape, CD and Record Stores DSTM/HI: ELECTRONICS AND APPLIANCE STORES 44311 44311 44311 44311 44312 44313 29 30 31 32 33 34 Appliance, Television and Other Electronics Cellular Phone Stores Sewing Machines Vacuum Cleaner Stores Computer and Software Stores Camera and Photographic Supplies Stores DSTM/HI: BUILDING MATERIAL/ GARDEN EQUIPMENT/ SUPPLIES DEALERS 44411 44412 44413 44419 44419 44419 44419 44419 44419 44421 44422 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 45 46 Home Centres Paint and Wallpaper Stores Hardware Stores Kitchen Cabinets Glass Stores Ceramic Floor and Wall Tiles Plumbing Supplies Roofing Material Dealers Fencing Dealers Outdoor Power Equipment Stores Nursery and Garden Centres DSTM/HI: HEALTH AND PERSONAL CARE STORES 44611 44612 44612 44613 446191 446199 47 48 49 50 51 52 Pharmacies and Drug Stores Cosmetics, Beauty Supplies Perfume Stores Optical Goods Stores Food (Health) Supplement Stores Other Health and Personal Care Stores DSTM/HI: GENERAL MERCHANDISE STORES (Incl. HATBA) 45211 45291 452999 452991 83 84 85 86 44131 44132 87 88 Department Stores Warehouse Clubs and Superstores All Other General Merchandise Stores Home and Auto Supplies Stores (e.g. Canadian Tire) Automotive Parts and Accessories Stores Tire Dealers DSTM/HI: MISCELLANEOUS STORE RETAILERS 45311 45321 45322 45391 45392 453999 453999 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 Florists Office Supplies and Stationery Stores Gift, Novelty and Souvenir Stores Pet and Pet Supplies Stores Art Dealers Artists' Supplies Party Supplies Stores OTHER RETAIL: SECOND HAND MERCHANDISE 45331 45331 96 97 Antiques Used Merchandise Stores OTHER RETAIL: LIQUOR / BEER / WINE 44531 44531 44531 103 104 105 Liquor Beer Wine (not wine making) OTHER RETAIL: MISCELLANEOUS MALONE GIVEN PARSONS LTD. 453999 453999 453999 453999 98 99 100 101 Auctioneering, with own facilities Hot-tubs and whirlpools Tobacco Stores and Stands Numismatic Supplies (coin) 453999 45393 102 106 Philatelic Supplies (stamps) Manufactured (Mobile) Home Dealers 453992 6599 107 108 Beer and Wine-Making Supplies Stores Other Retail (misc.) A-6 SOUTH EAST CITY OF LONDON Market Demand and Impact Analysis APPENDIX A RETAIL STORE AND SERVICE CLASSIFICATION BY TYPE NAICS (1) CODE (2) STORE TYPE SERVICES: FOOD SERICES AND DRINKING PLACES 72211 72211 72221 72221 72221 72221 72221 72232 72233 72241 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 Full-Service Restaurants, licensed Full-Service Restaurants, unlicensed Cafeteria Coffee Shops Doughnuts/Sandwich Take out Restaurants Fast Food Restaurants Caterers Mobile Food Service Bars/Beer Parlours/Brassieres/Cocktail Lounges/Night Clubs ENTERTAINMENT 51213 71312 71321 71329 71391 71392 71394 71395 71399 71399 71399 71399 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 Cinemas/Film Festivals/Theatres Amusement Arcade Casinos (except Casino Hotels) Other Gambling Industries Golf Courses and Country Clubs Skiing Facilities Fitness and Recreational Sports Centres Bowling Centres Dance Halls Miniature Golf Courses Pool Halls Shooting Ranges NAICS (1) CODE (2) STORE TYPE OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 53131 52421 5411 5231 54121 162 163 164 165 166 Real Estate Insurance Agencies and Brokerages Legal Services Brokerage Accounting, Tax Preparation, Bookkeeping and Payroll Services OTHER SERVICES 49111 49211 513 56142 51412 81 167 168 169 170 171 172 Postal Service Couriers Broadcasting & Telecommunications Telephone Call Centres Library Other Service n/a 44111 44112 44121 44122 173 174 175 176 177 VACANT New Car Dealers Used Car Dealers Recreational Vehicle Dealers Motorcycle, Boat and Other Motor Vehicle Dealers 91 178 Public Administration n/a 179 Other Office REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE SERVICES 81111 81112 811192 811199 811199 81142 811411 811412 81149 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 Automotive Mechanical and Electrical Repair and Maintenance Automotive Body, Paint Interior and Glass Repair Car Washes Tire Repairing Emissions Testing Services Reupholstery and Furniture Repair Home and Garden Equipment Repair and Maintenance Appliance Repair and Maintenance Other Personal and Household Goods Repair and Maintenance PERSONAL AND LAUNDRY SERVICES 81211 81219 81219 81219 81219 81219 81219 81219 81231 81232 81291 81292 81299 56151 53223 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 Hair Care and Esthetic Services Ear Piercing Services Hair Removal/Replacement Services Massage Parlours Saunas Tattoo Parlours Weight Reduction Centres Tanning Salon Coin-Operated Laundries and Dry Cleaners Dry Cleaning and Laundry Services (except Coin-Operated) Pet Care (except Veterinary) Services Photo Finishing Services Other Personal Services Travel Agencies Video Tape and Disc Rental FINANCIAL SERVICES 52211 52213 47 48 Banking Local Credit Union MEDICAL SERVICES 62111 62121 62131 62132 621 157 158 159 160 161 Offices of Physicians Offices of Dentists Offices of Chiropractors Offices of Optometrists Other Health Care Services MALONE GIVEN PARSONS LTD. A-7 SOUTH EAST CITY OF LONDON Market Demand and Impact Analysis APPENDIX A Table A.1: Zone 1: South East London Commercial Space, June 2007 Zone 1: South East London Node 1 Node 2 Node 3 Node 4 Node 5 Node 6 Node 7 Total Node 1 to 7 Pond Mills Square and Vicinity Wellington Rd White Oaks Mall Exeter Rd & Wellington Rd South of Highway 401 Emerging Commercial Other South East London South East London Study Area Supermarkets and Grocery Convenience and Specialty Food Stores Total FSTM 38,200 7,400 45,600 145,000 23,200 168,200 0 2,000 2,000 0 5,100 5,100 0 500 500 0 0 0 0 33,600 33,600 183,200 71,800 255,000 Department Stores Other General Merchandise Stores Pharmacies and Personal Care Stores Clothing and Clothing Accessories Stores Furniture Home Furnishings Electronics, Appliances, Computer and Software Stores Sporting Goods, Hobby, Book and Music Stores Miscellaneous Store Retailers Building material/ Garden Equipment/ Supplies Dealers Total DSTM and Home Improvement 65,700 0 10,400 0 0 0 0 0 1,700 0 77,800 0 23,200 30,800 17,300 1,000 25,300 38,400 90,800 47,400 9,000 283,200 316,000 91,200 11,500 253,000 3,500 3,100 13,200 34,800 9,400 0 735,700 0 5,000 4,200 179,000 56,700 46,000 37,800 1,500 41,800 17,300 389,300 0 154,700 0 0 42,200 22,700 0 11,200 0 31,200 262,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4,500 21,400 9,100 84,500 12,900 22,700 22,000 4,900 34,500 216,500 381,700 278,600 78,300 458,400 187,900 110,000 112,100 160,300 105,200 92,000 1,964,500 0 0 0 0 0 12,500 2,300 14,800 0 0 200 200 0 0 0 0 27,800 0 3,800 31,600 0 0 0 0 3,200 0 7,100 10,300 31,000 12,500 13,400 56,900 15,300 0 13,600 6,100 6,700 0 800 0 42,500 151,800 26,400 31,300 26,800 36,600 26,900 36,600 64,200 400,600 11,500 0 3,000 12,200 2,700 300 0 0 29,700 65,300 30,000 6,900 2,500 0 1,200 1,800 0 107,700 16,700 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16,700 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 37,600 9,400 23,400 3,600 16,900 12,000 17,100 20,100 140,100 298,200 65,800 78,200 51,200 62,900 40,400 56,300 84,300 737,300 165,900 123,000 288,900 42.6% 866,800 26,400 893,200 3.0% 767,600 9,200 776,800 1.2% 502,100 7,800 509,900 1.5% 310,800 19,100 329,900 5.8% 0 0 0 n/a 400,500 77,600 478,100 16.2% 3,013,700 263,100 3,276,800 8.0% Second Hand Merchandise Liquor / Beer / Wine Miscellaneous Total Other Retail Food Services & Drinking Places Repair and Maintenance Services Personal & Laundry Services Financial Services Medical Services Other Professional Services Other Services Entertainment Total Services and Restaurants Total Occupied Space Vacant Space Total Measured Space Vacancy Rate MALONE GIVEN PARSONS LTD. A-8 SOUTH EAST CITY OF LONDON Market Demand and Impact Analysis APPENDIX A Table A.2: Zone 1: South East London Commercial Space Percent by Node Node 1 Node 2 Node 3 Node 4 Node 5 Node 6 Node 7 Total Node 1 to 7 Pond Mills Square and Vicinity Wellington Rd White Oaks Mall Exeter Rd & Wellington Rd South of Highway 401 Emerging Commercial Other South East London South East London Study Area Supermarkets and Grocery Convenience and Specialty Food Stores Total FSTM 20.9% 10.3% 17.9% 79.1% 32.3% 66.0% 0.0% 2.8% 0.8% 0.0% 7.1% 2.0% 0.0% 0.7% 0.2% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 46.8% 13.2% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% Department Stores Other General Merchandise Stores Pharmacies and Personal Care Stores Clothing and Clothing Accessories Stores Furniture Home Furnishings Electronics, Appliances, Computer and Software Stores Sporting Goods, Hobby, Book and Music Stores Miscellaneous Store Retailers Building material/ Garden Equipment/ Supplies Dealers Total DSTM and Home Improvement 17.2% 0.0% 13.3% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 1.6% 0.0% 4.0% 0.0% 8.3% 39.3% 3.8% 0.5% 23.0% 34.3% 56.6% 45.1% 9.8% 14.4% 82.8% 32.7% 14.7% 55.2% 1.9% 2.8% 11.8% 21.7% 8.9% 0.0% 37.4% 0.0% 1.8% 5.4% 39.0% 30.2% 41.8% 33.7% 0.9% 39.7% 18.8% 19.8% 0.0% 55.5% 0.0% 0.0% 22.5% 20.6% 0.0% 7.0% 0.0% 33.9% 13.3% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 1.6% 27.3% 2.0% 45.0% 11.7% 20.2% 13.7% 4.7% 37.5% 11.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 100.0% 17.2% 26.0% 0.0% 0.0% 1.5% 0.4% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 89.7% 0.0% 28.4% 55.5% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 10.3% 0.0% 53.0% 18.1% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% Food Services & Drinking Places Repair and Maintenance Services Personal & Laundry Services Financial Services Medical Services Other Professional Services Other Services Entertainment Total Services and Restaurants 5.1% 0.0% 17.4% 11.9% 10.7% 0.0% 1.4% 0.0% 5.8% 50.9% 40.1% 40.0% 52.3% 58.2% 66.6% 65.0% 76.2% 54.3% 3.9% 0.0% 3.8% 23.8% 4.3% 0.7% 0.0% 0.0% 4.0% 21.9% 45.6% 8.8% 4.9% 0.0% 3.0% 3.2% 0.0% 14.6% 5.6% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 2.3% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 12.6% 14.3% 29.9% 7.0% 26.9% 29.7% 30.4% 23.8% 19.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% Total Occupied Space Vacant Space Total Measured Space 5.5% 46.8% 8.8% 28.8% 10.0% 27.3% 25.5% 3.5% 23.7% 16.7% 3.0% 15.6% 10.3% 7.3% 10.1% 0.0% n/a 0.0% 13.3% 29.5% 14.6% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% Second Hand Merchandise Liquor / Beer / Wine Miscellaneous Total Other Retail MALONE GIVEN PARSONS LTD. A-9 SOUTH EAST CITY OF LONDON Market Demand and Impact Analysis APPENDIX A Table A.3: Zone 1: South East London Commercial Space Percent by Category Zone 1: South East London Node 1 Node 2 Pond Mills Square and Vicinity % of Sub% of Total Total Node 3 Wellington Rd. % of Total % of SubTotal Node 4 White Oaks Mall % of Total % of SubTotal Node 5 Exeter Rd. & Wellington Rd. % of Sub% of Total Total Node 6 South of Highway 401 % of Total % of SubTotal Node 7 Emerging Commercial % of Total % of SubTotal Total Node 1 to 7 Other South East Zones % of Total % of SubTotal South East London Study Area % of Sub% of Total Total Supermarkets and Grocery Convenience and Specialty Food Stores Total FSTM 13.2% 2.6% 15.8% 83.8% 16.2% 100.0% 16.2% 2.6% 18.8% 86.2% 13.8% 100.0% 0.0% 0.3% 0.3% 0.0% 100.0% 100.0% 0.0% 1.0% 1.0% 0.0% 100.0% 100.0% 0.0% 0.2% 0.2% 0.0% 100.0% 100.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 7.0% 7.0% 0.0% 100.0% 100.0% 5.6% 2.2% 7.8% 71.8% 28.2% 100.0% Department Stores Other General Merchandise Stores Pharmacies and Personal Care Stores Clothing and Clothing Accessories Stores Furniture Home Furnishings Electronics, Appliances, Computer and Software Stores Sporting Goods, Hobby, Book and Music Stores Miscellaneous Store Retailers Building material/ Garden Equipment/ Supplies Dealers Total DSTM and Home Improvement 22.7% 0.0% 3.6% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.6% 0.0% 26.9% 84.4% 0.0% 13.4% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 2.2% 0.0% 100.0% 0.0% 2.6% 3.4% 1.9% 0.1% 2.8% 4.3% 10.2% 5.3% 1.0% 31.7% 0.0% 8.2% 10.9% 6.1% 0.4% 8.9% 13.6% 32.1% 16.7% 3.2% 100.0% 40.7% 11.7% 1.5% 32.6% 0.5% 0.4% 1.7% 4.5% 1.2% 0.0% 94.7% 43.0% 12.4% 1.6% 34.4% 0.5% 0.4% 1.8% 4.7% 1.3% 0.0% 100.0% 0.0% 1.0% 0.8% 35.1% 11.1% 9.0% 7.4% 0.3% 8.2% 3.4% 76.3% 0.0% 1.3% 1.1% 46.0% 14.6% 11.8% 9.7% 0.4% 10.7% 4.4% 100.0% 0.0% 46.9% 0.0% 0.0% 12.8% 6.9% 0.0% 3.4% 0.0% 9.5% 79.4% 0.0% 59.0% 0.0% 0.0% 16.1% 8.7% 0.0% 4.3% 0.0% 11.9% 100.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.9% 4.5% 1.9% 17.7% 2.7% 4.7% 4.6% 1.0% 7.2% 45.3% 0.0% 2.1% 9.9% 4.2% 39.0% 6.0% 10.5% 10.2% 2.3% 15.9% 100.0% 11.6% 8.5% 2.4% 14.0% 5.7% 3.4% 3.4% 4.9% 3.2% 2.8% 60.0% 19.4% 14.2% 4.0% 23.3% 9.6% 5.6% 5.7% 8.2% 5.4% 4.7% 100.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 1.4% 0.3% 1.7% 0.0% 84.5% 15.5% 100.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 100.0% 100.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 8.4% 0.0% 1.2% 9.6% 88.0% 0.0% 12.0% 100.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.7% 0.0% 1.5% 2.2% 31.1% 0.0% 68.9% 100.0% 0.9% 0.4% 0.4% 1.7% 54.5% 22.0% 23.6% 100.0% 5.3% 0.0% 4.7% 2.1% 2.3% 0.0% 0.3% 0.0% 14.7% 36.0% 0.0% 32.0% 14.4% 15.8% 0.0% 1.9% 0.0% 100.0% 17.0% 3.0% 3.5% 3.0% 4.1% 3.0% 4.1% 7.2% 44.8% 37.9% 6.6% 7.8% 6.7% 9.1% 6.7% 9.1% 16.0% 100.0% 1.5% 0.0% 0.4% 1.6% 0.3% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 3.8% 38.7% 0.0% 10.1% 41.1% 9.1% 1.0% 0.0% 0.0% 100.0% 12.8% 5.9% 1.4% 0.5% 0.0% 0.2% 0.4% 0.0% 21.1% 60.6% 27.9% 6.4% 2.3% 0.0% 1.1% 1.7% 0.0% 100.0% 5.1% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 5.1% 100.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 100.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 7.9% 2.0% 4.9% 0.8% 3.5% 2.5% 3.6% 4.2% 29.3% 26.8% 6.7% 16.7% 2.6% 12.1% 8.6% 12.2% 14.3% 100.0% 9.1% 2.0% 2.4% 1.6% 1.9% 1.2% 1.7% 2.6% 22.5% 40.4% 8.9% 10.6% 6.9% 8.5% 5.5% 7.6% 11.4% 100.0% Second Hand Merchandise Liquor / Beer / Wine Miscellaneous Total Other Retail Food Services & Drinking Places Repair and Maintenance Services Personal & Laundry Services Financial Services Medical Services Other Professional Services Other Services Entertainment Total Services and Restaurants Total Occupied Space Vacant Space Total Measured Space MALONE GIVEN PARSONS LTD. 57.4% 42.6% 100.0% 97.0% 3.0% 100.0% 98.8% 1.2% 100.0% 98.5% 1.5% 100.0% 94.2% 5.8% 100.0% 0.0% n/a 0.0% 83.8% 16.2% 100.0% 92.0% 8.0% 100.0% A - 10 SOUTH EAST CITY OF LONDON Market Demand and Impact Analysis APPENDIX A Table A.4: Zone 2: Central East London and Zone 3: Central Thames Centre Commercial Inventory Zone 3: Central Thames Centre Zone 2: Central East London Node 8 Node 9 Node 10 Node 11 Node 12 Node 13 Node 14 Node 15 Total Node 8 to 15 Node 16 Downtown London Downtown Fringe Hamilton Rd Dundas St Argyle Mall Clarke Rd Oxbury Mall and Vicinity Other Central East Central East London Study Area Central Thames Centre Study Area 0 81,200 81,200 10,900 111,700 122,600 20,700 57,200 77,900 0 105,800 105,800 32,800 0 32,800 32,600 0 32,600 111,200 15,800 127,000 134,800 83,300 218,100 343,000 455,000 798,000 12,800 13,400 26,200 355,800 468,400 824,200 9,500 35,100 26,500 103,700 8,700 16,600 12,700 48,700 44,500 31,900 337,900 0 25,700 43,500 79,500 62,900 25,300 32,200 46,500 35,700 26,200 377,500 0 4,700 7,700 0 2,100 2,700 19,100 3,400 7,500 5,600 52,800 0 112,100 53,200 7,200 39,900 27,700 30,500 8,900 18,600 164,500 462,600 124,500 9,900 1,800 54,500 5,400 0 2,500 30,100 0 0 228,700 0 29,800 12,200 0 2,000 5,900 1,600 2,600 0 10,800 64,900 0 27,100 1,000 5,200 17,600 1,600 6,500 15,800 12,300 0 87,100 79,000 91,800 35,800 7,800 6,800 6,100 13,800 18,600 15,300 46,700 321,700 213,000 336,200 181,700 257,900 145,400 85,900 118,900 174,600 133,900 285,700 1,933,200 0 4,600 4,600 0 10,800 0 0 600 7,500 10,100 38,200 213,000 340,800 186,300 257,900 156,200 85,900 118,900 175,200 141,400 295,800 1,971,400 11,900 10,200 13,700 35,800 85,100 7,300 24,400 116,800 3,300 8,700 6,200 18,200 62,400 6,900 10,500 79,800 0 8,900 24,000 32,900 0 2,300 0 2,300 5,600 8,700 0 14,300 18,000 9,900 3,400 31,300 186,300 62,900 82,200 331,400 0 11,800 19,500 31,300 186,300 74,700 101,700 362,700 293,100 2,100 79,800 80,400 24,100 160,600 151,000 115,600 906,700 278,500 42,300 72,000 15,600 50,800 50,400 208,300 66,700 784,600 48,900 15,900 25,000 11,700 26,900 5,200 26,800 0 160,400 120,100 23,200 32,600 33,700 30,700 16,200 73,200 44,800 374,500 16,200 500 9,000 3,900 1,500 1,000 0 9,100 41,200 23,700 14,300 8,700 2,100 1,800 0 4,500 1,600 56,700 35,200 5,000 18,700 10,400 11,000 6,300 13,000 3,600 103,200 133,700 35,100 61,900 39,900 53,500 13,100 40,200 107,300 484,700 949,400 138,400 307,700 197,700 200,300 252,800 517,000 348,700 2,912,000 11,700 0 9,300 6,700 10,100 11,900 2,800 1,300 53,800 961,100 138,400 317,000 204,400 210,400 264,700 519,800 350,000 2,965,800 1,361,600 237,500 1,599,100 14.9% 1,401,500 268,700 1,670,200 16.1% 309,300 27,100 336,400 8.1% 1,022,700 54,400 1,077,100 5.1% 335,600 0 335,600 0.0% 156,500 17,700 174,200 10.2% 331,600 23,100 354,700 6.5% 1,055,800 126,800 1,182,600 10.7% 5,974,600 755,300 6,729,900 11.2% 149,500 1,400 150,900 0.9% 6,124,100 756,700 6,880,800 11.0% Supermarkets and Grocery Convenience and Specialty Food Stores Total FSTM Department Stores Other General Merchandise Stores Pharmacies and Personal Care Stores Clothing and Clothing Accessories Stores Furniture Home Furnishings Electronics, Appliances, Computer and Software Stores Sporting Goods, Hobby, Book and Music Stores Miscellaneous Store Retailers Building material/ Garden Equipment/ Supplies Dealers Total DSTM and Home Improvement Second Hand Merchandise Liquor / Beer / Wine Miscellaneous Total Other Retail Food Services & Drinking Places Repair and Maintenance Services Personal & Laundry Services Financial Services Medical Services Other Professional Services Other Services Entertainment Total Services and Restaurants Total Occupied Space Vacant Space Total Measured Space Vacancy Rate Total Zone 2:Central East London and Zone 3: Central Thames Centre MALONE GIVEN PARSONS LTD. A - 11 SOUTH EAST CITY OF LONDON Market Demand and Impact Analysis APPENDIX B Units in Plans of Subdivision MALONE GIVEN PARSONS LTD. APPENDIX B SOUTH EAST CITY OF LONDON Market Demand and Impact Analysis APPENDIX B: UNITS IN PLANS OF SUBDIVISION APPENDIX B The following graphic and tables provide details on the location and number of units in plans of subdivision and the unit potential on Urban Reserve Community Growth land in Zone 1: South East London, Zone 2: Central East London and Zone 3: Central Thames Centre by unit type. Also provided are population at build-out estimates for unbuilt registered and draft approved units based on person per unit estimates used in Clayton Research’s 2006 population projections and housing construction for the City of London. Figure B.1: Location of Vacant Parcels by Development Status MALONE GIVEN PARSONS LTD. B-1 SOUTH EAST CITY OF LONDON Market Demand and Impact Analysis APPENDIX B Table B.1: Units in Plans of Subdivision or Urban Reserve Land and Population Estimates, Zone 1 Planning District Status Plan No. Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Subtotal Registered Registered 33M-plan Registered 33M-plan Registered 33M-plan Registered 33M-plan 33M-525 33M-529 33M-533 33M-551 Jackson Jackson Jackson Glen Cairn Subtotal Draft Approved Draft Approved 39T-plan Draft Approved 39T-plan Draft Approved 39T-plan Draft Approved 39T-plan Zone 1: South East London DENSITY TYPE Low Medium High TOTAL Density Density Density 114 22 105 0 241 0 29 0 0 29 0 0 0 0 0 114 51 105 0 270 39T-00517 39T-03513 39T-92020 39T-02511 0 151 747 106 1,004 560 0 322 0 882 0 0 354 0 354 560 151 1,423 106 2,240 Jackson Draft 39T-plan Under Review Glen Cairn Draft Approved 39T-plan Under Review Subtotal Draft Under Review 39T-06507 39T-02501 683 13 1,700 378 0 1,260 900 0 1,254 1,961 13 4,214 Glen Cairn Designated Residential Glen Cairn Designated Residential Glen Cairn Designated Residential Glen Cairn Designated Residential Subtotal Designated Residential GC1 GC2 GC3 GC4 0 0 108 151 259 26 0 0 0 26 0 75 0 0 75 26 75 108 151 360 86 236 52 220 680 1,188 4,392 1,245 3.2 3,984 36 99 22 92 900 1,113 3,310 911 2.3 2,095 22 59 13 55 650 777 2,460 354 1.7 602 144 394 87 367 2,230 3,078 10,162 2,510 .6,681 Jackson Urban Reserve Community Growth JC2 Jackson Urban Reserve Community Growth JC5 Jackson Urban Reserve Community Growth JC7 Jackson Urban Reserve Community Growth JC8 Old Victoria Area Planning Study Subtotal Urban Reserve Total Units in Plans of Subdivison or on Vacant Residential Land Total Unbuilt Units Registered or Draft Approved Assumed Persons per Unit Additional Population at Build-Out Source: City of London, Vacant and Underutilized Residential Land Summary, June 1, 2007 and Clayton Research, Employment, Population, Housing and Non-Residential Construction Projections, City of London, Ontario, 2006 Update, September 29, 2006. Table B.2: Units in Plans of Subdivision or Urban Reserve Land and Population Estimates, Zone 2 Planning District Hamilton Road Argyle Argyle Argyle Huron Heights Subtotal Draft Approved Status Draft Approved 39T-plan Draft Approved 39T-plan Draft Approved 39T-plan Draft Approved 39T-plan Draft Approved 39T-plan Plan No. 39T-04509 39T-01503 39T-98502 39T-99516 39T-05505 Hamilton Road Designated Residential HR1 Hamilton Road Designated Residential HR2 Hamilton Road Designated Residential HR3 Hamilton Road Designated Residential HR4 Huron Heights Designated Residential HH10 Huron Heights Designated Residential HH11 Huron Heights Designated Residential HH2 Huron Heights Designated Residential HH6 Huron Heights Designated Residential HH7 Huron Heights Designated Residential HH8 Huron Heights Designated Residential HH9 North London Designated Residential NL2 Subtotal Designated Residential Total Unbuilt Units Registered or Draft Approved Assumed Persons per Unit Additional Population at Build-Out Zone 2: Central East London DENSITY TYPE Low Medium High TOTAL Density Density Density 59 16 25 53 125 278 0 0 8 40 481 529 0 0 0 0 112 112 59 16 33 93 718 919 46 0 54 0 0 0 0 59 52 0 0 0 211 278 3.2 890 0 104 0 28 0 178 0 0 0 10 4 16 340 529 2.3 1,217 0 0 0 0 525 0 188 0 0 0 0 0 713 112 1.7 190 46 104 54 28 525 178 188 59 52 10 4 1,248 919 .2,297 Source: City of London, Vacant and Underutilized Residential Land Summary, June 1, 2007 and Clayton Research, Employment, Population, Housing and Non-Residential Construction Projections, City of London, Ontario, 2006 Update, September 29, 2006. MALONE GIVEN PARSONS LTD. B-2 SOUTH EAST CITY OF LONDON Market Demand and Impact Analysis APPENDIX B Table B.3: Units in Plans of Subdivision or Urban Reserve Land and Population Estimates, Zone 3 Planning District Status Plan No. Thames Centre Draft Approved 39T-plan Thames Centre Draft Approved 39T-plan Thames Centre Draft Approved 39T-plan Subtotal Draft Approved M-516 M-559 M-565 North London Subtotal Under Review 5-A-2730 Designated Residential MALONE GIVEN PARSONS LTD. Zone 3: Central Thames Centre DENSITY TYPE Low Medium High TOTAL Density Density Density 40 8 14 62 0 0 0 0 no unit potential defined 0 0 20 0 0 20 60 8 14 82 0 0 0 B-3 SOUTH EAST CITY OF LONDON Market Demand and Impact Analysis APPENDIX C Retail Per Capita Expenditure Definition and Derivation MALONE GIVEN PARSONS LTD. APPENDIX C SOUTH EAST CITY OF LONDON Market Demand and Impact Analysis APPENDIX C RETAIL SALES FOR ONTARIO AND 2006 PER CAPITA ESTIMATE TRADE GROUP FOOD Supermarkets and Other Grocery (1) Convenience and Specialty Food Stores TOTAL FSTM 2006 Ont. Sales (m) Percent used for per caps Sales Portion Employed 2006 Sales per cap C$21,618.5 C$2,876.9 -- C$21,618.5 C$2,876.9 C$1,704.0 C$226.8 C$3,342.4 C$2,176.8 C$453.7 C$4,038.4 C$10,011.3 C$3,342.4 C$2,176.8 C$453.7 C$4,038.4 C$10,011.3 C$6,631.5 C$1,686.1 C$8,317.6 Sub-total Percent of Total FSTM or DSTM/Hm Impt C$1,704.0 C$226.8 C$1,930.8 88.3% 11.7% 100.0% C$263.5 C$171.6 C$35.8 C$318.3 C$789.1 C$789.1 15.6% C$6,631.5 C$1,686.1 C$8,317.6 C$522.7 C$132.9 C$655.6 C$655.6 13.0% C$10,556.4 C$10,556.4 C$832.1 C$832.1 16.5% C$6,926.8 C$2,283.4 C$9,210.2 C$6,926.8 C$2,283.4 C$9,210.2 C$546.0 C$180.0 C$726.0 C$726.0 14.4% C$18,260.0 C$714.9 C$652.1 C$19,627.0 C$18,260.0 C$714.9 C$652.1 C$1,367.0 C$1,439.3 C$56.3 C$51.4 C$1,547.0 C$1,439.3 C$56.3 C$51.4 C$1,547.0 28.5% 1.1% 1.0% 30.7% C$3,599.5 C$2,695.4 C$6,294.9 C$283.7 C$212.5 C$496.2 C$496.2 9.8% C$5,045.9 100.0% DSTM/Home Improvement Furniture stores Home furnishings stores Computer and software stores Home electronics and appliance stores Sub-Total: Home centres and hardware stores Specialized building materials and garden stores Sub-Total Pharmacies and personal care stores Clothing stores Shoe, clothing accessories and jewellery stores Sub-Total: Total General Merchandise (2) Automotive Parts and Accessories Stores (3) Tire Dealers (3) Sub-Total Sporting goods, hobby, music and book stores Miscellaneous store retailers Sub-Total: C$3,599.5 C$3,850.6 C$7,450.1 70.0% Total DSTM/Home Improvement C$65,172.6 C$45,757.4 C$5,045.9 Source: Retail Trade Catalogue #63-005-XIB Ontario pop'n in thousands (estimate based on Census 2001 population including undercoverage) July 1, 2006 Population source: Statistics Canada "Quarterly Demographic Statistics, January-March 2007" catalogue 91-002-XWE 12,687.0 (PP) (1) Supermarkets and Other Grocery excludes Supercentres and Superstores (2) General Merchandise includes Supercentres and Superstores, and home and auto supply stores (but does not include auto parts and accessory stores) (3) Statistics Canada special cross-tabulation data MALONE GIVEN PARSONS LTD. C-1 SOUTH EAST CITY OF LONDON Market Demand and Impact Analysis APPENDIX D Licence Plate Survey Results MALONE GIVEN PARSONS LTD. APPENDIX D SOUTH EAST CITY OF LONDON Market Demand and Impact Analysis APPENDIX D: CUSTOMER ORIGIN LICENCE PLATE SURVEY November 2004 APPENDIX D Malone Given Parsons conducted a customer origin licence plate survey at five retail and service commercial locations in the City of London in November 2004. The results were first presented in City of London Review of Commercial Supply and Demand dated January 2005. The following locations were including in the survey: Downtown London (street parking and municipal parking lots); Westmount Shopping Centre; White Oaks Mall; Argyle Mall; and, Masonville Place. The survey was carried out on the following days at the following times: Thursday, November 18th, 2004 - 12:00pm to 2:00pm and 4:30pm to 6:30pm Friday, November 19th, 2004 - 12:00pm to 2:00pm and 4:30pm to 6:30pm Saturday, November 20th, 2004 - 11:00am to 1:00pm and 2:30pm to 4:30pm A random sample of approximately 60 licence plates were recorded in each of the above location parking lots during each of the specified times. A standardized method of selecting every third plate was used in this survey. All vehicles parked within the designated area were surveyed, including vehicles with business markings, out-of-province plates, handicap forms and motorcycles. A special note was made of the business markings and out-ofprovince plates. The surveyor did not include in the survey: Vans or taxis which were stopped at entrances conducting a delivery or pick up; Vehicles delivering to the receiving area; and Abandoned vehicles. The surveyor completed a Licence Plate Record Sheet for each time period. Aside from the licence plate, additional information was recorded, this included: Name of survey location; Date; Time Period; MALONE GIVEN PARSONS LTD. D-1 SOUTH EAST CITY OF LONDON Market Demand and Impact Analysis APPENDIX D Name of Surveyor; Actual Start Time; Actual Finish Time; Weather Conditions; Special Promotions (major sales, events); and, Additional information that the surveyor believed was relevant or likely to affect the shopper turn-out. The results of the 2004 survey were modified for the purpose of this analysis to determine what proportion of those surveyed were from the current study area. March 2007 In March 2007, Malone Given Parsons conducted additional licence plate surveys to get a better understanding of the drawing power of specific shopping facilities in the City of London. Four retail and service commercial locations were included in the survey: Pond Mills; Argyle Mall; White Oaks Mall – Wal-Mart; White Oaks Mall – Excluding Wal-Mart; SmartCentres London Wal-Mart (Main Entrance); and, SmartCentres London Wal-Mart (Food Entrance) The survey was carried out using the same methodology as described above on the following days at the following times: Thursday, March 1st, 2007 - 12:00pm to 2:00pm and 4:30pm to 6:30pm Friday, March 2nd, 2007 - 12:00pm to 2:00pm and 4:30pm to 6:30pm Saturday, March 3rd, 2007 - 11:00am to 1:00pm and 2:30pm to 4:30pm The following maps and tables summarize the survey findings of both the 2004 and 2007 surveys. MALONE GIVEN PARSONS LTD. D-2 SOUTH EAST CITY OF LONDON Market Demand and Impact Analysis APPENDIX D Table D.1: Customer Origin Licence Plate Survey Results, November 2004 Downtown London White Oaks Mall Argyle Mall Westmount Shopping Centre Masonville Place Zone 1: South East London Zone 2: Central East London Zone 3: Central Thames Centre Summary of Study Area 19 79 5 103 43 42 5 90 18 178 22 218 35 20 1 56 13 64 1 78 Other London Town of Tillsonburg Township of Strathroy-Caradoc City of St. Thomas Town of Ingersoll City of Woodstock Other Ontario Other Canada Other U.S. Summary Outside Study Area 153 2 7 5 1 2 73 2 0 245 105 5 6 11 3 13 123 2 4 272 44 0 0 2 2 3 74 0 4 129 224 0 11 9 2 2 75 0 0 323 133 1 9 7 0 4 113 0 1 268 Total 348 362 347 379 346 Downtown London White Oaks Mall Argyle Mall Westmount Shopping Centre Masonville Place Zone 1: South East London Zone 2: Central East London Zone 3: Central Thames Centre Summary of Study Area 5.5% 22.7% 1.4% 29.6% 11.9% 11.6% 1.4% 24.9% 5.2% 51.3% 6.3% 62.8% 9.2% 5.3% 0.3% 14.8% 3.8% 18.5% 0.3% 22.5% Other London Town of Tillsonburg Township of Strathroy-Caradoc City of St. Thomas Town of Ingersoll City of Woodstock Other Ontario Other Canada Other U.S. Summary Outside Study Area 44.0% 0.6% 2.0% 1.4% 0.3% 0.6% 21.0% 0.6% 0.0% 70.4% 29.0% 1.4% 1.7% 3.0% 0.8% 3.6% 34.0% 0.6% 1.1% 75.1% 12.7% 0.0% 0.0% 0.6% 0.6% 0.9% 21.3% 0.0% 1.2% 37.2% 59.1% 0.0% 2.9% 2.4% 0.5% 0.5% 19.8% 0.0% 0.0% 85.2% 38.4% 0.3% 2.6% 2.0% 0.0% 1.2% 32.7% 0.0% 0.3% 77.5% Total 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% Source: Malone Given Parsons Ltd., November 18th to November 20th, 2004 Note: MTO provides licence plate survey results by 2001 dissemination area. In some cases, particularly Zone 3: Central Thames Centre, these boundaries do not correspond exactly to the three-zone study area boundary, which was based on 2006 dissemination areas. The results of the licence plate survey could not be further refined for this analysis. For the purpose of this analysis, any licence plate found to originate in a 2001 dissemination area that was within the study area, even only partly, was assumed to be in the study area. MALONE GIVEN PARSONS LTD. D-3 SOUTH EAST CITY OF LONDON Market Demand and Impact Analysis APPENDIX D Table D.2 – Customer Origin Licence Plate Survey Results, March 2007 SmartCentres SmartCentres White Oaks Mall - White Oaks Mall London - Walmart London - Walmart Walmart Excluding Walmart (Main Entrance) (Food Entrance) Pond Mills Argyle Mall South East London Central East London Central Thames Centre Summary of Trade Area 163 56 8 227 24 165 18 207 80 33 3 116 48 50 5 103 13 35 1 49 10 41 2 53 Other London Town of Tillsonburg Township of Strathroy-Caradoc City of St. Thomas Town of Ingersoll City of Woodstock Other Ontario Other Canada Other U.S. Summary Outside Trade Area 54 1 3 7 4 7 37 0 0 113 65 2 3 4 6 6 74 1 1 162 146 2 4 14 0 3 91 0 0 260 113 6 6 23 6 8 108 1 0 271 197 0 14 2 0 1 105 0 1 320 194 0 10 2 1 0 112 1 1 321 Total 340 369 376 374 369 374 Pond Mills Argyle Mall South East London Central East London Central Thames Centre Summary of Trade Area 47.9% 16.5% 2.4% 66.8% 6.5% 44.7% 4.9% 56.1% 21.3% 8.8% 0.8% 30.9% 12.8% 13.4% 1.3% 27.5% 3.5% 9.5% 0.3% 13.3% 2.7% 11.0% 0.5% 14.2% Other London Town of Tillsonburg Township of Strathroy-Caradoc City of St. Thomas Town of Ingersoll City of Woodstock Other Ontario Other Canada Other U.S. Summary Outside Trade Area 15.9% 0.3% 0.9% 2.1% 1.2% 2.1% 10.9% 0.0% 0.0% 33.2% 17.6% 0.5% 0.8% 1.1% 1.6% 1.6% 20.1% 0.3% 0.3% 43.9% 38.8% 0.5% 1.1% 3.7% 0.0% 0.8% 24.2% 0.0% 0.0% 69.1% 30.2% 1.6% 1.6% 6.1% 1.6% 2.1% 28.9% 0.3% 0.0% 72.5% 53.4% 0.0% 3.8% 0.5% 0.0% 0.3% 28.5% 0.0% 0.3% 86.7% 51.9% 0.0% 2.7% 0.5% 0.3% 0.0% 29.9% 0.3% 0.3% 85.8% Total 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% SmartCentres SmartCentres White Oaks Mall - White Oaks Mall London - Walmart London - Walmart Walmart Excluding Walmart (Main Entrance) (Food Entrance) Source: Malone Given Parsons Ltd., March 1st to March 3rd, 2007 Note: MTO provides licence plate survey results by 2001 dissemination area. In some cases, particularly Zone 2: Central Thames Centre, these boundaries do not correspond exactly to the three-zone study area boundary, which was based on 2006 dissemination areas. The results of the licence plate survey could not be further refined for this analysis. For the purpose of this analysis, any licence plate found to originate in a 2001 dissemination area that was within the study area, even only partly, was assumed to be in the study area. MALONE GIVEN PARSONS LTD. D-4 SOUTH EAST CITY OF LONDON Market Demand and Impact Analysis APPENDIX D Figure D.1 – Downtown London Customer Origin Licence Plate Survey by Dissemination Area, 2004 MALONE GIVEN PARSONS LTD. D-5 SOUTH EAST CITY OF LONDON Market Demand and Impact Analysis APPENDIX D Figure D.2 – White Oaks Mall Customer Origin Licence Plate Survey by Dissemination Area, 2004 MALONE GIVEN PARSONS LTD. D-6 SOUTH EAST CITY OF LONDON Market Demand and Impact Analysis APPENDIX D Figure D.3 – Argyle Mall Customer Origin Licence Plate Survey by Dissemination Area, 2004 MALONE GIVEN PARSONS LTD. D-7 SOUTH EAST CITY OF LONDON Market Demand and Impact Analysis APPENDIX D Figure D.4 – Westmount Shopping Centre Customer Origin Licence Plate Survey by Dissemination Area, 2004 MALONE GIVEN PARSONS LTD. D-8 SOUTH EAST CITY OF LONDON Market Demand and Impact Analysis APPENDIX D Figure D.5 – Masonville Place Customer Origin Licence Plate Survey by Dissemination Area, 2004 MALONE GIVEN PARSONS LTD. D-9 SOUTH EAST CITY OF LONDON Market Demand and Impact Analysis APPENDIX D Figure D.6 – Pond Mills Customer Origin Licence Plate Survey by Dissemination Area, 2007 MALONE GIVEN PARSONS LTD. D - 10 SOUTH EAST CITY OF LONDON Market Demand and Impact Analysis APPENDIX D Figure D 7 – Argyle Mall Customer Origin Licence Plate Survey by Dissemination Area, 2007 MALONE GIVEN PARSONS LTD. D - 11 SOUTH EAST CITY OF LONDON Market Demand and Impact Analysis APPENDIX D Figure D.8 – White Oaks Mall – Wal-Mart Customer Origin Licence Plate Survey by Dissemination Area, 2007 MALONE GIVEN PARSONS LTD. D - 12 SOUTH EAST CITY OF LONDON Market Demand and Impact Analysis APPENDIX D Figure D.9 – White Oaks Mall – Excluding Wal-Mart Customer Origin Licence Plate Survey by Dissemination Area, 2007 MALONE GIVEN PARSONS LTD. D - 13 SOUTH EAST CITY OF LONDON Market Demand and Impact Analysis APPENDIX D Figure D.10 – SmartCentres London Wal-Mart (Main Entrance) Customer Origin Licence Plate Survey by Dissemination Area, 2007 MALONE GIVEN PARSONS LTD. D - 14 SOUTH EAST CITY OF LONDON Market Demand and Impact Analysis APPENDIX D Figure D.11 – SmartCentres London Wal-Mart (Food Entrance) Customer Origin Licence Plate Survey by Dissemination Area, 2007 MALONE GIVEN PARSONS LTD. D - 15 SOUTH EAST CITY OF LONDON Market Demand and Impact Analysis APPENDIX E Consumer Telephone Survey Details MALONE GIVEN PARSONS LTD. APPENDIX E SOUTH EAST CITY OF LONDON Market Demand and Impact Analysis CONSUMER TELEPHONE SURVEY DETAILS APPENDIX E A comprehensive consumer telephone survey was carried out over a oneweek period in June 2007. The survey questionnaire was designed by MGP for the purpose of tracking household spending for a broad range of FSTM and DSTM+HI retail categories. Respondents were asked about their expenditures on various retail categories over one, three or six month recall periods, depending on the category. The survey sample was drawn from three samples areas based on 2001 dissemination boundaries. In some cases, primarily in Zone 3: Central Thames Centre, these boundaries did not correspond exactly to the threezone Study Area boundary, which was based on 2006 dissemination areas. Cases where respondents lived beyond the Study Area boundary, shown in Figure E.1, were removed from the analysis. Figure E.1: Study Area Zones MALONE GIVEN PARSONS LTD. E-1 SOUTH EAST CITY OF LONDON Market Demand and Impact Analysis APPENDIX E Telephone interviewing began on Friday, June 8th, 2007 and was completed on Friday, June 15th, 2007. A total of 1,002 telephone surveys were completed, however, 60 survey results were removed from the analysis because respondents resided beyond the Study Area boundary. The number of responses for each Study Area zone are shown in Table E.1. Table E.1: Distribution of Survey Respondents by Zone Study Area Zone: South East London Central East London Central Thames Centre Total Respondents Frequency 357 373 212 942 Note: Samples were generated using 2001 dissemination areas. In some cases, particularly Zone 3: Central Thames Centre, these boundaries do not correspond exactly to the three-zone Study Area boundary, which was based on 2006 dissemination areas. For the purpose of this analysis, any respondent found to reside in a 2001 dissemination area that was outside the current Study Area was removed from the analysis. A copy of the survey questionnaire is attached. MALONE GIVEN PARSONS LTD. E-2 SOUTH EAST CITY OF LONDON Market Demand and Impact Analysis APPENDIX E London and Area Consumer Telephone Survey – June 2007 Survey # VALIDATION Market Zone Supervisor:____________________ Date: ________________________ Contact Date: ______________________ Tel: _____________________________ Respondent Name: ______________________ Address: ______________________ ______________________ Postal Code: [__][__][__] [__][__][__] ________________________________________________________________________________________ Good afternoon/evening! My name is ________________ of Foundation Research Group, an independent research company. We are conducting a survey on the shopping habits of residents in your market area. I assure you that we are not selling anything. A. May I speak with the main shopper of the household? Yes [__] SKIP TO QUESTION d No [__] GO TO QUESTION b B. Is there a better time when I could interview him or her? Yes [__] GO TO QUESTION c No [__] Thank and Terminate C. When can I call back? D. In the last three months, have you done any shopping whatsoever? Yes [__] GO TO QUESTION E No/ Don’t know/ Refused [__] Thank and Terminate E. INTERVIEWER: Ask the appropriate question from the list below for the Sample Area you are calling: Is this residence located in… Interviewer Please Watch Quota and Postal Code 1 2 3 RECORD TIME: _________________________ The City of London, south of the Thames River South Branch The City of London, between the Thames River South Branch and North Branch The Municipality of Thames Centre F. Could you provide me with your six-digit Postal Code for your permanent address? (Z9Z9Z9 – Refused) Postal Code [__][__][__] [__][__][__] Code [__] GO TO QUESTION 1a No/ Refused [__] GO TO QUESTION H G. Could you please tell me what the closest major intersection is to your home? _______________________________________________________ [___] MALONE GIVEN PARSONS LTD. E-3 SOUTH EAST CITY OF LONDON Market Demand and Impact Analysis APPENDIX E In the following questions, I will ask you about your shopping in various types of stores. 1a). 1b). In just the PAST MONTH, have you, yourself, shopped at a SUPERMARKET or GROCERY STORE? Yes [__] GO TO QUESTION 1b No [__] GO TO QUESTION 2a IF THERE IS A “YES” RESPONSE, ASK THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS TOGETHER: i. What is the name of the store and where is it located? ii. Approximately how much did you spend during the PAST MONTH at this store? i. Store Name i. Community Shopping Centre Name/ or Closest Intersection Store Code Circle ii. Location Code Dollar Amount Spent A&P London Nelson Shopping Centre 31 $ A&P London Westmount Shopping Centre 31 $ A&P London Byron Village Plaza 31 $ A&P London Rio Can Center London South 31 $ A&P London Adelaide St N & Cheapside St 31 $ A&P London Cherry Hill Centre 31 $ A&P London Sherwood Forest Mall 31 $ A&P Tillsonburg Broadway St & Baldwin St 31 $ A&P St. Thomas Wellington St & Fairview Ave 31 $ Food Basics London Oxford & Highbury 33 $ Food Basics London Pond Mills Square 33 $ Food Basics London Commissioners Court Plaza 33 $ Food Basics London Bradley Plaza 33 $ Food Basics Woodstock Dundas St & Huron St 33 $ Foodland London East Lambeth Plaza 25 $ Hurley’s Independent Grocer Ingersoll King St W & Whiting St 15 $ IGA Woodstock Dundas St & Wilson St 21 $ Knechtel-Foodland Ingersoll Charles St W & Thames St S 25 $ Loblaws London Wonderland & Southdale 12 $ Loblaws London Southdale & Verilum 12 $ Loblaws London Rio Can Centre London North 12 $ Loblaws Supercentre London Oxford & Sterling 13 $ Loblaws Supercentre London Oakridge’s Shopping Centre 13 $ Loblaws Supercentre St. Thomas Talbot Street 13 $ No Frills London Argyle Mall 14 $ No Frills London Wharncliffe & Baseline 14 $ No Frills London Northland Mall 14 $ No Frills London Fairmont Plaza 14 $ No Frills London Fanshawe Park Road West 14 $ Price Chopper London Highbury & Trafalgar 23 $ Price Chopper London Wonderland Corners 23 $ Price Chopper London Adelaide St N & Huron St 23 $ MALONE GIVEN PARSONS LTD. E-4 SOUTH EAST CITY OF LONDON Market Demand and Impact Analysis APPENDIX E Price Chopper London London Mall 23 $ Price Chopper London St. Thomas 23 $ Sobeys London Fanshawe & Adelaide 24 $ Sobeys Tillsonburg Broadway St & Baldwin St 24 $ Valu-Mart London Oxford & Wellington 17 $ Other (Specify) $ $ $ $ $ 1c) 2a). 2b). Have you shopped at any other SUPERMARKET OR GROCERY STORE in the past MONTH? IF YES, REPEAT QUESTION 1b). REPEAT QUESITON 1c) AS OFTEN AS IS NECESSARY. In the PAST MONTH, have you shopped at any of the following SPECIALTY FOOD STORES such as a CONVENIENCE STORE, a MEAT, FISH or SEAFOOD MARKET, a FRUIT or VEGETABLE MARKET, or a BAKERY? Yes [__] GO TO QUESTION 2b No [__] GO TO QUESTION 3a IF THERE IS A “YES” RESPONSE, ASK THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS TOGETHER: i. What is the name of the store and where is it located? ii. Approximately how much did you spend during the PAST MONTH at this store? i. Store Name Community i. Circle Shopping Centre Name/ or Closest Intersection Location Code ii. Dollar Amount Spent Bulk Barn London Sherwood Forest Mall $ Bulk Barn London Masonville Place $ Candyland London Colonel Talbot & Main St $ M&M Meats London Boler & Commissioners Rd $ M&M Meats London Pond Mills Plaza $ M&M Meats London Masonville Plaza $ Other (Specify) $ $ $ $ 2c). Have you shopped at any other such store in the PAST MONTH? IF YES, REPEAT QUESTION 2b). REPEAT QUESTION 2c) AS OFTEN AS IS NECESSARY. MALONE GIVEN PARSONS LTD. E-5 SOUTH EAST CITY OF LONDON Market Demand and Impact Analysis APPENDIX E 3a). In the PAST MONTH, have you shopped at a DRUG, HEALTH SUPPLEMENT or COSMETICS store? Yes [__] GO TO QUESTION 3b No [__] GO TO QUESTION 4a IF THERE IS A “YES” RESPONSE, ASK THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS TOGETHER: i. What is the name of the store and where is it located? ii. Approximately how much did you spend during the PAST MONTH at this store? 3b). i. Store Name i. Community Shopping Centre Name/ or Closest Intersection Circle ii. Location Code Dollar Amount Spent Shoppers Drug Mart London Westmount Shopping Centre $ Shoppers Drug Mart London Wonderland & Commissioners Rd $ Shoppers Drug Mart London Wharncliffe Plaza $ Shoppers Drug Mart London Commissioners Rd & Boler $ Shoppers Drug Mart London Southdale & Ernest $ Shoppers Drug Mart London Wonderland Corners $ Shoppers Drug Mart London Deveron & Commissioners Rd $ Shoppers Drug Mart London Adelaide & Southdale $ Shoppers Drug Mart London Deveron & Commissioners Rd $ Shoppers Drug Mart London Dundas & Talbot $ Shoppers Drug Mart London Adelaide St N & Oxford St E $ Shoppers Drug Mart London Clark & Trafalgar $ Shoppers Drug Mart London Dundas St & Vancouver St $ Shoppers Drug Mart London Adelaide St N & Kipps La. $ Shoppers Drug Mart London Northland Mall $ Shoppers Drug Mart London Highbury Shopping Plaza $ Shoppers Drug Mart London Sherwood Forest Mall $ Shoppers Drug Mart London Cherry Hill Centre $ Shoppers Drug Mart London Masonville Place $ Pharmasave London Spring Bank & Kernohan $ Pharmasave London Byron Village Plaza $ Pharmasave London Wellington Rd & Percy St $ Pharma Plus London Southdale & Ernest $ Pharma Plus London London Galleria $ Pharma Plus London Fanshawe & Adelaide $ Pharma Plus London Oakridge’s Shopping Centre $ Wilton Pharma Plus London Oxford St E & Waterloo St $ London Medical Pharmacy London Adelaide St N & Huron $ London Medical Pharmacy London Dundas St & William St $ Herbies London Dundas St & Spruce St $ Herbies London Hansim Centre $ GNC London Argyle Mall $ GNC London Masonville Place $ MALONE GIVEN PARSONS LTD. E-6 SOUTH EAST CITY OF LONDON Market Demand and Impact Analysis APPENDIX E Herbal Magic London Argyle Mall $ Herbal Magic London Adelaide Southdale Centre $ Herbal Magic London Oakridge’s Shopping Centre $ Herbal Magic London Fanshawe Park Place $ Medicine Shop London Wharncliffe Rd N & Oxford $ Medicine Shop London Highbury & Huron $ Medicine Shop London Andover Centre $ Spartan Nutrition London Wonderland & Commissioners Rd $ Spartan Nutrition London Byron Baseline & Boler $ The Body Shop London White Oaks Mall $ The Body Shop London Masonville Place $ Trade Secrets London Masonville Place $ Trade Secrets London White Oaks Mall $ Other (Specify) $ $ $ $ $ 3c) Have you shopped at any other DRUG, HEALTH SUPPLEMENT OR COSMETICS STORE in the PAST MONTH? IF YES, REPEAT QUESTION 1b). REPEAT QUESTION 1c) AS OFTEN AS IS NECESSARY. 4a). In the PAST MONTH, have you shopped at a WAREHOUSE MEMBERSHIP CLUB, such as Costco or Sam’s Club? Yes [__] GO TO QUESTION 4b No [__] GO TO QUESTION 5a 4b). IF THERE IS A “YES” RESPONSE, ASK THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS TOGETHER: i. What is the name of the store and where is it located? ii. Approximately how much did you spend on GROCERY items in the PAST MONTH at this store? iii. Approximately how much did you spend on NON-GROCERY items in the PAST MONTH at this store? i. Store Name i. Circle Circle Location Code ii. iii. NonGrocery Spending Community Shopping Centre Name/ or Closest Intersection Store Code Grocery Spending Costco London Wellington Road & Hwy 401 1 $ $ Costco London Wonderland & Donahue 1 $ $ Sam’s Club London First Pro London Northwest 2 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Other (Specify) MALONE GIVEN PARSONS LTD. E-7 SOUTH EAST CITY OF LONDON Market Demand and Impact Analysis APPENDIX E 4c) Have you shopped at any other WAREHOUSE MEMBERSHIP CLUB in the PAST MONTH? IF YES, REPEAT QUESTION 4b). REPEAT QUESTION 4c) AS OFTEN AS IS NECESSARY. 5a). In the PAST THREE MONTHS, have you shopped at a DEPARTMENT STORE, such as the Bay, Sears, Zellers or Wal-Mart, but excluding Sears Catalogue stores? Yes [__] GO TO QUESTION 5b No [__] GO TO QUESTION 6a 5b). IF THERE IS A “YES” RESPONSE, ASK THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS TOGETHER: i. What is the name of the store and where is it located? ii. Approximately how much did you spend on GROCERY items in the PAST THREE MONTHS at this store? iii. Approximately how much did you spend on NON-GROCERY items in the PAST THREE MONTHS at this store? i. i. Circle Community Shopping Centre Name/ or Closest Intersection Store Code Bay London White Oaks Mall 1 $ $ Bay London Masonville Place 1 $ $ Sears London Westmount Shopping Centre 2 $ $ Sears London Masonville Place 2 $ $ Sears Outlet London London Mall 2 $ $ Wal-Mart London White Oaks Mall 3 $ $ Wal-Mart London Argyle Centre 3 $ $ Wal-Mart London First Pro London Northwest 3 $ $ Wal-Mart St. Thomas Smart Centres – Talbot Road 3 $ $ Wal-Mart Strathroy Highway 81 and Carrol Street 3 $ $ Wal-Mart Tillsonburg Norfolk Mall 3 $ $ Wal-Mart Woodstock 3 $ $ Zellers London Highway 59 and Highway 401 Westmount Shopping Centre 4 $ $ Zellers London Pond Mills Square 4 $ $ Zellers London Northland Mall 4 $ $ Zellers London Masonville Place 4 $ $ Zellers St. Thomas Elgin Mall 4 $ $ Zellers Tillsonburg Tillsonburg Town Centre 4 $ $ Zellers Woodstock 645 Dundas Street 4 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Store Name Circle Location Code ii. iii. Grocery Spending NonGrocery Spending Other (Specify) 5c) Have you shopped at any other DEPARTMENT STORE in the PAST THREE MONTHS? IF YES, REPEAT QUESTION 5b). REPEAT QUESTION 5c) AS OFTEN AS IS NECESSARY. MALONE GIVEN PARSONS LTD. E-8 SOUTH EAST CITY OF LONDON Market Demand and Impact Analysis 6a) 6b). APPENDIX E In the PAST THREE MONTHS, have you shopped at a GENERAL MERCHANDISE STORE, such as Giant Tiger, Sears Catalogue Store, a general store or a dollar store? Yes [__] GO TO QUESTION 6b No [__] GO TO QUESTION 7a IF THERE IS A “YES” RESPONSE, ASK THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS TOGETHER: i. What is the name of the store and where is it located? ii. Approximately how much did you spend during the PAST THREE MONTHS at this store? i. Store Name i. Community Shopping Centre Name/ or Closest Intersection Circle Location Code ii. Dollar Amount Spent A Buck or Two London Wonderland & Commissioners Rd $ A Buck or Two London White Oaks Mall $ A Buck or Two London Masonville Place $ Dollarama London Sherwood Forest Mall $ Dollarama London Huron & Highbury $ Dollarama London Dundas St & Parsons St $ Giant Tiger London Spring Bank & Kernohan $ Giant Tiger London Montgomery Plaza $ Giant Tiger London Huron & Highbury $ Everything for a Dollar London Westmount Shopping Centre $ Everything for a Dollar London Oxford & Highbury $ Other (Specify) $ $ $ $ $ 6c) Have you shopped at any other GENERAL MERCHANDISE STORE in the PAST THREE MONTHS? IF YES, REPEAT QUESTION 6b). REPEAT QUESTION 6c) AS OFTEN AS IS NECESSARY. MALONE GIVEN PARSONS LTD. E-9 SOUTH EAST CITY OF LONDON Market Demand and Impact Analysis 7a). 7b). APPENDIX E In the PAST THREE MONTHS, have you shopped at CANADIAN TIRE? Yes [__] GO TO QUESTION 7b No [__] GO TO QUESTION 8a IF THERE IS A “YES” RESPONSE, ASK THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS TOGETHER: i. Where is this Canadian Tire store located? ii. Approximately how much did you spend during the PAST THREE MONTHS at this store? i. Store Name Community i. Circle ii. Shopping Centre Name/ or Closest Intersection Location Code Dollar Amount Spent Canadian Tire London Wonderland & Southdale $ Canadian Tire London Fanshawe Park Place $ Canadian Tire London Wellington & Bradley $ Canadian Tire London North Horton St E & Colborne St $ Canadian Tire London S Dundas St & Wavell St $ Canadian Tire Ingersoll Charles St E & Thames St N $ st Canadian Tire St. Thomas Talbot St & 1 Ave $ Canadian Tire Tillsonburg Broadway St & Oxford St $ Canadian Tire Woodstock Norwich Ave & Parkinson Rd $ Other (Specify) $ $ 7c) Have you shopped at any other CANADIAN TIRE in the past THREE MONTHS? IF YES, REPEAT QUESTION 7b). REPEAT QUESTION 7c) AS OFTEN AS IS NECESSARY. 8a). In the PAST THREE MONTHS, have you shopped at a TIRE, BATTERY or AUTOMOTIVE SPECIALTY SHOP, such as a muffler, auto glass or oil and lube shop? Yes [__] GO TO QUESTION 8b No [__] GO TO QUESTION 9a 8b). IF THERE IS A “YES” RESPONSE, ASK THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS TOGETHER: i. What is the name of the store and where is it located? ii. Approximately how much did you spend during the PAST THREE MONTHS at this store? i. Store Name Community i. Circle ii. Shopping Centre Name/ or Closest Intersection Location Code Dollar Amount Spent $ $ $ $ $ MALONE GIVEN PARSONS LTD. E - 10 SOUTH EAST CITY OF LONDON Market Demand and Impact Analysis APPENDIX E 8c) Have you shopped at any other TIRE, BATTERY OR AUTOMOTIVE SPCIALTY SHOP in the past THREE MONTHS? IF YES, REPEAT QUESTION 8b). REPEAT QUESTION 8c) AS OFTEN AS IS NECESSARY. 9a). In the PAST THREE MONTHS, have you shopped at a CLOTHING or CLOTHING ACCESSORIES stores, such as a MEN’S, WOMEN’S or CHILDREN’S CLOTHING STORE, a SHOE STORE, or a JEWELLERY STORE? IF THERE IS A “YES” RESPONSE, ASK THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS TOGETHER: i. What is the name of the store and where is it located? ii. Approximately how much did you spend during the PAST THREE MONTHS at this 9b). store? i. Store Name i. Community Shopping Centre Name/ or Closest Intersection Circle ii. Location Code Dollar Amount Spent $ $ $ $ $ 9c) 10a). Have you shopped at any other CLOTHING & CLOTHING ACCESSORIES STORE in the PAST THREE MONTHS? IF YES, REPEAT QUESTION 9b). REPEAT QUESTION 9c) AS OFTEN AS IS NECESSARY. In the PAST THREE MONTHS, have you shopped at any of the following SPECIALTY stores? i. A sporting goods store (excl. athletic clothing) Yes No 1 2 GO TO QUESTION 10b GO TO ii. ii. A hobby or toy shop or arts and crafts store Yes No 1 2 GO TO QUESTION 10b GO TO iii. iii. A florist Yes No 1 2 GO TO QUESTION 10b GO TO iv. iv. A pre-recorded tape, CD and record shop, or a musical instrument and supplies store Yes No 1 2 GO TO QUESTION 10b GO TO v. v. A book and news dealer Yes No 1 2 GO TO QUESTION 10b GO TO vi. vi. An office supply or stationery store Yes No 1 2 GO TO QUESTION 10b GO TO vii. vii. A gift, novelty, souvenir, party supplies or greeting cards store Yes No 1 2 GO TO QUESTION 10b GO TO viii. viii. A pet or pet supplies store Yes No 1 2 GO TO QUESTION 10b GO TO QUESTION 11a MALONE GIVEN PARSONS LTD. E - 11 SOUTH EAST CITY OF LONDON Market Demand and Impact Analysis APPENDIX E 10b). FOR EACH “YES” RESPONSE, ASK THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS TOGETHER: i. What is the name of the store and where is it located? ii. Approximately how much did you spend during the PAST THREE MONTHS at this store? i. Store Name i. Community i. Shopping Centre Name/ or Closest Intersection Circle ii. Location Code Dollar Amount Spent $ $ $ $ ii. $ $ $ $ iii. $ $ $ $ iv. $ $ $ $ v. $ $ $ $ vi. $ $ $ $ vii. $ $ $ $ viii. $ $ $ $ 10c) Have you shopped at any other SPECIALTY STORE in the PAST THREE MONTHS? IF YES, REPEAT QUESTION 10b). REPEAT QUESTION 10c) AS OFTEN AS IS NECESSARY. Interviewer Please Note: Repeat this sequence for all 10a) questions, including i. through viii. MALONE GIVEN PARSONS LTD. E - 12 SOUTH EAST CITY OF LONDON Market Demand and Impact Analysis APPENDIX E 11a). In the PAST THREE MONTHS, have you shopped at any of the following BUILDING MATERIAL/GARDEN EQUIPMENT DEARLERS? i. A home improvement centre (e.g. Home Depot and Rona) Yes No 1 2 GO TO QUESTION 11b GO TO ii. ii. A paint, glass or wallpaper store Yes No 1 2 GO TO QUESTION 11b GO TO iii. iii. A hardware store Yes No 1 2 GO TO QUESTION 11b GO TO 12a. 11b). FOR EACH “YES” RESPONSE, ASK THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS TOGETHER: i. What is the name of the centre/store and where is it located? ii. Approximately how much did you spend during the PAST THREE MONTHS at this centre/store? i. Store Name i. iii. Community Home Depot Home Depot London Home Depot Shopping Centre Name/ or Closest Intersection Circle ii. Location Code Dollar Amount Spent $ London Fanshawe & Adelaide Wharncliffe & Southdale Woodstock Norwich Ave & Hwy 401 $ Rona Cashway London Clarke Rd & Gore Rd $ Rona Cashway London Wonderland & Beaverbrook $ Copp’s Buildall London Fanshawe & Hyde Park $ Copp’s Buildall Copp’s Buildall London $ $ London N Dundas St & Carlyle Dr York & Thames Copp’s Buildall London Colonel Talbot & Main $ Copp’s Buildall Home Hardware Building Centre London $ London Fanshawe & Hyde Park Willington Rd & Hwy 401 Home Hardware Building Centre Ingersoll Culloden Line & Hwy 401 $ Home Hardware Building Centre ii. i. st $ $ St. Thomas Talbot ST & 1 Ave $ Home Hardware Building Centre Tillsonburg Tillson Ave & Simcoe St $ Home Hardware Building Centre Woodstock Dundas St E & Wilson St $ Glidden Paint London Southdale & Ernest $ Décor Centre London Pine Valley & Southdale $ St. Clair Paints London Wonderland & McMaster $ Benjamin Moore London Pine Valley & Southdale $ Solution Paint London Fanshawe & Wonderland $ Para Paint London Hansim Centre $ Cameron Glass & Mirror London Hyde Park & Sarnia Rd $ Lambeth Glass & Mirror London Main St & Colonel Talbot $ Benjamin Moore Home Hardware London $ Ingersoll Hyde Park & N Routledge Thames St S & King St W Tillsonburg Simcoe St & Potters Rd $ Home Hardware MALONE GIVEN PARSONS LTD. $ E - 13 SOUTH EAST CITY OF LONDON Market Demand and Impact Analysis Home Hardware Home Hardware APPENDIX E Woodstock Springbank Ave & Devonshire Ave $ London E Adelaide St N & Huron St $ Other (Specify) $ $ $ 11c) Have you shopped at any other such centre/store in the past THREE MONTHS? IF YES, REPEAT QUESTION 11b). REPEAT QUESTION 11c) AS OFTEN AS IS NECESSARY. Interviewer Please Note: Repeat this sequence for all 11a) questions, including i. through iii. Interviewer Please Note: The following question is for shopping habits in the past SIX MONTHS. 12a). In the PAST SIX MONTHS, have you shopped at HOME FURNITURE or FURNISHINGS stores? i. A furniture or appliance store Yes No 1 2 GO TO QUESTION 12b GO TO ii. ii. A TV or stereo store Yes No 1 2 GO TO QUESTION 12b GO TO iii. iii. A china, kitchenware, or bath and linen store Yes No 1 2 GO TO QUESTION 12b GO TO iv. iv. A lamp, carpet or other store selling home decor Yes No 1 2 GO TO QUESTION 12b GO TO v. v. A camera and photographic supplies store Yes No 1 2 GO TO QUESTION 12b GO TO vi. vi. A computer store Yes No 1 2 GO TO QUESTION 12b GO TO QUESTION 13a 12b). FOR EACH “YES” RESPONSE, ASK THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS TOGETHER: i. What is the name of the store and where is it located? ii. Approximately how much did you spend during the PAST SIX MONTHS at this store? i. Store Name i. ii. Community i. Circle ii. Shopping Centre Name/or Closest Intersection Location Code Dollar Amount Spent United Furniture London Super Store Mall $ Sleep Country London Wonderland & Commissioners $ Sleep Country London Argyle Centre $ Radio Shack London Cherry Hill Centre $ Radio Shack London Oxford & Highbury $ The Source London Argyle Centre $ MALONE GIVEN PARSONS LTD. E - 14 SOUTH EAST CITY OF LONDON Market Demand and Impact Analysis APPENDIX E iii. Linens N Things London First Pro London Northwest $ iv. Giant Carpet London Super Store Mall $ Alexanian Carpet London Sherwood Forest Mall $ v. $ $ vi. Other (Specify) $ $ $ 12c) Have you shopped at any other HOME FURNSHINGS STORE in the PAST SIX MONTHS? IF YES, REPEAT QUESTION 12b). REPEAT QUESTION 12c) AS OFTEN AS IS NECESSARY. Interviewer Please Note: Repeat this sequence for all 12a) questions, including i. through vi. Finally, these last few questions will help us classify your answers among different groups of consumers. This information is used only for making statistical tables. 13. Can you tell me how many people live in your household? [______] RECORD NUMBER 14. Which of the following represents your age? READ LIST. Less than 20 years [___] [1] 20 to 34 years [___] [2] 35 to 44 years [___] [3] 45 to 54 years [___] [4] 55 to 64 years [___] [5] 65 years or older [___] [6] (DO NOT READ) Refused [___] [7] 15. Can you tell me in which of the following income ranges would your total household income belong? READ LIST. Less than $20,000 [___] [1] $20,000 to $29,999 [___] [2] $30,000 to $39,999 [___] [3] $40,000 to $49,999 [___] [4] $50,000 to $59,999 [___] [5] $60,000 to $69,999 [___] [6] $70,000 to $79,999 [___] [7] $80,000 to $89,999 [___] [8] Over $90,000 [___] [9] (DO NOT READ) Refused [___] [10] MALONE GIVEN PARSONS LTD. E - 15 SOUTH EAST CITY OF LONDON Market Demand and Impact Analysis 16. APPENDIX E Thank you for your time and have a good day. RECORD SEX OF RESPONDENT Male Female [__] [1] [__] [2] _________________________________ Interviewer Signature MALONE GIVEN PARSONS LTD. E - 16 SOUTH EAST CITY OF LONDON Market Demand and Impact Analysis APPENDIX F: Impact Analysis Detailed Tables MALONE GIVEN PARSONS LTD. APPENDIX F SOUTH EAST CITY OF LONDON Market Demand and Impact Analysis APPENDIX F Table F.1 Supermarket and Grocery Store Sales and Impact: 2007 Estimate Node: Node 1: Store: Pond Mills Square and Vicinity Food Basics Zone 1: South East London % Distribution $ Distribution Node 2: Node 3: Node 4: Node 5: Wellington Rd White Oaks Mall Exeter Rd and Wellington Rd South of Highway 401 Loblaws A&P Price Chopper Node 6: Node 7: Zone 1: Other Total Other South East London Emerging Commercial South East London Summerside Commissioners 80,000 sq.ft. 55,000 sq.ft. Loblaws Wal-Mart 10.1% $6.3 29.4% $18.4 0.0% $0.0 0.0% $0.0 0.0% $0.0 0.0% $0.0 0.0% $0.0 0.0% $0.0 39.5% $24.7 60.5% $37.8 100.0% $62.6 Zone 2: Central East London % Distribution $ Distribution 0.8% $1.5 3.2% $6.3 0.0% $0.0 0.0% $0.0 0.0% $0.0 0.0% $0.0 0.0% $0.0 0.0% $0.0 4.0% $7.8 96.0% $187.8 100.0% $195.6 Zone 3: Central Thames Centre % Distribution $ Distribution 1.7% $0.3 4.3% $0.7 0.0% $0.0 0.0% $0.0 0.0% $0.0 0.0% $0.0 0.0% $0.0 0.0% $0.0 6.0% $0.9 94.0% $14.6 100.0% $15.6 Total Study Area % Distribution $ Distribution 3.0% $8.1 9.3% $25.4 0.0% $0.0 0.0% $0.0 0.0% $0.0 0.0% $0.0 0.0% $0.0 0.0% $0.0 12.2% $33.5 87.8% $240.2 100.0% $273.7 33.0% $4.0 $12.1 38,200 $317 70.0% $59.2 $84.5 145,000 $583 0.0% $0.0 $0.0 0 0.0% $0.0 $0.0 0 0.0% $0.0 $0.0 0 0.0% $0.0 $0.0 0 0.0% $0.0 $0.0 0 0.0% $0.0 $0.0 0 65.4% $63.2 $96.6 183,200 $528 Percent Inflow: Inflow Sales ($millions): Total Sales Volume ($millions): Space in Square Feet: Average Sales Performance ($ per sq.ft.): MALONE GIVEN PARSONS LTD. F-1 SOUTH EAST CITY OF LONDON Market Demand and Impact Analysis APPENDIX F Table F.2 Supermarket and Grocery Store Sales and Impact: 2009 Estimate Node: Node 1: Store: Pond Mills Square and Vicinity Food Basics Node 2: Node 3: Node 4: Node 5: Wellington Rd White Oaks Mall Exeter Rd and Wellington Rd South of Highway 401 Loblaws A&P Price Chopper Node 6: Node 7: Zone 1: Other Total Other South East London Emerging Commercial South East London Summerside Commissioners 80,000 sq.ft. 55,000 sq.ft. Loblaws Wal-Mart Zone 1: South East London % Distribution $ Distribution 8.5% $5.6 23.8% $15.8 0.0% $0.0 0.0% $0.0 0.0% $0.0 15.0% $10.0 13.0% $8.6 0.0% $0.0 60.3% $40.0 39.7% $26.4 100.0% $66.4 Zone 2: Central East London % Distribution $ Distribution 0.7% $1.4 2.5% $5.1 0.0% $0.0 0.0% $0.0 0.0% $0.0 5.5% $11.2 3.0% $6.1 0.0% $0.0 11.7% $23.7 88.3% $179.2 100.0% $203.0 Zone 3: Central Thames Centre % Distribution $ Distribution 1.7% $0.3 4.3% $0.7 0.0% $0.0 0.0% $0.0 0.0% $0.0 13.0% $2.2 11.0% $1.8 0.0% $0.0 30.0% $5.0 70.0% $11.7 100.0% $16.8 Total Study Area % Distribution $ Distribution 2.6% $7.3 7.5% $21.6 0.0% $0.0 0.0% $0.0 0.0% $0.0 8.1% $23.3 5.8% $16.6 0.0% $0.0 24.1% $68.8 75.9% $217.3 100.0% $286.1 33.0% $3.6 $11.0 38,200 $287 -9.3% 70.0% $50.4 $72.0 145,000 $496 -14.9% 0.0% $0.0 $0.0 0 0.0% $0.0 $0.0 0 0.0% $0.0 $0.0 0 30.0% $10.0 $33.3 80,000 $416 30.0% $7.1 $23.7 55,000 $430 0.0% $0.0 $0.0 0 50.8% $71.1 $139.9 318,200 $440 Percent Inflow: Inflow Sales ($millions): Total Sales Volume ($millions): Space in Square Feet: Average Sales Performance ($ per sq.ft.): % Change from 2007: MALONE GIVEN PARSONS LTD. F-2 SOUTH EAST CITY OF LONDON Market Demand and Impact Analysis APPENDIX F Table F.3 Supermarket and Grocery Store Sales and Impact: 2011 Estimate Node: Node 1: Store: Pond Mills Square and Vicinity Food Basics Node 2: Node 3: Node 4: Node 5: Wellington Rd White Oaks Mall Exeter Rd and Wellington Rd South of Highway 401 Loblaws A&P Price Chopper Node 6: Node 5: Zone 1: Other Total Other South East London Emerging Commercial Summerside Commissioners 80,000 sq.ft. 55,000 sq.ft. Loblaws Wal-Mart South East London Zone 1: South East London % Distribution $ Distribution 8.7% $6.0 24.3% $16.7 0.0% $0.0 0.0% $0.0 0.0% $0.0 15.6% $10.7 14.5% $10.0 0.0% $0.0 63.1% $43.4 36.9% $25.4 100.0% $68.8 Zone 2: Central East London % Distribution $ Distribution 1.0% $2.1 2.8% $5.8 0.0% $0.0 0.0% $0.0 0.0% $0.0 7.5% $15.4 4.5% $9.3 0.0% $0.0 15.8% $32.5 84.2% $173.2 100.0% $205.7 Zone 3: Central Thames Centre % Distribution $ Distribution 1.7% $0.3 4.3% $0.7 0.0% $0.0 0.0% $0.0 0.0% $0.0 15.0% $2.6 14.0% $2.4 0.0% $0.0 35.0% $6.0 65.0% $11.2 100.0% $17.3 Total Study Area % Distribution $ Distribution 2.9% $8.3 8.0% $23.2 0.0% $0.0 0.0% $0.0 0.0% $0.0 9.9% $28.8 7.4% $21.7 0.0% $0.0 28.1% $82.0 71.9% $209.8 100.0% $291.8 33.0% $4.1 $12.4 38,200 $326 2.9% 70.0% $54.2 $77.4 145,000 $534 -8.4% 0.0% $0.0 $0.0 0 0.0% $0.0 $0.0 0 0.0% $0.0 $0.0 0 30.0% $12.3 $41.1 80,000 $513 30.0% $9.3 $30.9 55,000 $562 0.0% $0.0 $0.0 0 49.4% $79.9 $161.9 318,200 $509 Percent Inflow: Inflow Sales ($millions): Total Sales Volume ($millions): Space in Square Feet: Average Sales Performance ($ per sq.ft.): % Change from 2007: MALONE GIVEN PARSONS LTD. F-3 SOUTH EAST CITY OF LONDON Market Demand and Impact Analysis APPENDIX F Table F.4 Supermarket and Grocery Store Sales and Impact: 2013 Estimate Node: Node 1: Store: Pond Mills Square and Vicinity Food Basics Node 2: Node 3: Node 4: Node 5: Wellington Rd White Oaks Mall Exeter Rd and Wellington Rd South of Highway 401 Loblaws A&P Price Chopper Node 6: Node 5: Zone 1: Other Total Other South East London Emerging Commercial South East London Summerside Commissioners 80,000 sq.ft. 55,000 sq.ft. Loblaws Wal-Mart Zone 1: South East London % Distribution $ Distribution 8.7% $6.2 24.3% $17.3 0.0% $0.0 0.0% $0.0 0.0% $0.0 15.6% $11.1 14.5% $10.3 0.0% $0.0 63.1% $44.9 36.9% $26.3 100.0% $71.2 Zone 2: Central East London % Distribution $ Distribution 1.0% $2.1 2.8% $5.8 0.0% $0.0 0.0% $0.0 0.0% $0.0 7.5% $15.6 4.5% $9.4 0.0% $0.0 15.8% $32.9 84.2% $175.5 100.0% $208.4 Zone 3: Central Thames Centre % Distribution $ Distribution 1.7% $0.3 4.3% $0.8 0.0% $0.0 0.0% $0.0 0.0% $0.0 15.0% $2.7 14.0% $2.5 0.0% $0.0 35.0% $6.2 65.0% $11.5 100.0% $17.7 Total Study Area % Distribution $ Distribution 2.9% $8.6 8.0% $23.9 0.0% $0.0 0.0% $0.0 0.0% $0.0 9.9% $29.4 7.5% $22.2 0.0% $0.0 28.3% $84.1 71.7% $213.3 100.0% $297.3 33.0% $4.2 $12.8 38,200 $335 5.9% 70.0% $55.8 $79.7 145,000 $549 -5.8% 0.0% $0.0 $0.0 0 0.0% $0.0 $0.0 0 0.0% $0.0 $0.0 0 30.0% $12.6 $42.0 80,000 $525 30.0% $9.5 $31.7 55,000 $576 0.0% $0.0 $0.0 0 49.4% $82.1 $166.1 318,200 $522 Percent Inflow: Inflow Sales ($millions): Total Sales Volume ($millions): Space in Square Feet: Average Sales Performance ($ per sq.ft.): % Change from 2007: MALONE GIVEN PARSONS LTD. F-4 SOUTH EAST CITY OF LONDON Market Demand and Impact Analysis APPENDIX F Table F.5 Supermarket and Grocery Store Sales and Impact: 2015 Estimate Node: Node 1: Store: Pond Mills Square and Vicinity Food Basics Node 2: Node 3: Node 4: Node 5: Wellington Rd White Oaks Mall Exeter Rd and Wellington Rd South of Highway 401 Loblaws A&P Price Chopper Node 6: Node 5: Zone 1: Other Total Other South East London Emerging Commercial South East London Summerside Commissioners 80,000 sq.ft. 55,000 sq.ft. Loblaws Wal-Mart Zone 1: South East London % Distribution $ Distribution 8.7% $6.4 24.3% $17.9 0.0% $0.0 0.0% $0.0 0.0% $0.0 15.6% $11.5 14.5% $10.7 0.0% $0.0 63.1% $46.6 36.9% $27.2 100.0% $73.8 Zone 2: Central East London % Distribution $ Distribution 1.0% $2.1 2.8% $5.9 0.0% $0.0 0.0% $0.0 0.0% $0.0 7.5% $15.8 4.5% $9.5 0.0% $0.0 15.8% $33.3 84.2% $177.4 100.0% $210.6 Zone 3: Central Thames Centre % Distribution $ Distribution 1.7% $0.3 4.3% $0.8 0.0% $0.0 0.0% $0.0 0.0% $0.0 15.0% $2.7 14.0% $2.6 0.0% $0.0 35.0% $6.4 65.0% $11.9 100.0% $18.2 Total Study Area % Distribution $ Distribution 2.9% $8.8 8.1% $24.6 0.0% $0.0 0.0% $0.0 0.0% $0.0 9.9% $30.0 7.5% $22.7 0.0% $0.0 28.5% $86.2 71.5% $216.4 100.0% $302.7 33.0% $4.4 $13.2 38,200 $345 9.1% 70.0% $57.4 $82.0 145,000 $566 -3.0% 0.0% $0.0 $0.0 0 0.0% $0.0 $0.0 0 0.0% $0.0 $0.0 0 30.0% $12.9 $42.9 80,000 $537 30.0% $9.7 $32.5 55,000 $590 0.0% $0.0 $0.0 0 49.5% $84.4 $170.6 318,200 $536 Percent Inflow: Inflow Sales ($millions): Total Sales Volume ($millions): Space in Square Feet: Average Sales Performance ($ per sq.ft.): % Change from 2007: MALONE GIVEN PARSONS LTD. F-5 SOUTH EAST CITY OF LONDON Market Demand and Impact Analysis APPENDIX F Table F.6 Department Store Sales and Impact: 2007 Estimate Node: Node 1: Store: Pond Mills Square and Vicinity Zellers Zone 1: South East London % Distribution $ Distribution Node 2: Wellington Rd Node 3: White Oaks Mall The Bay Wal-Mart Node 4: Node 5: Node 6: Node 7: Exeter Rd and Wellington Rd South of Highway 401 Emerging Commercial Other South East London Zone 1: Other Total South East London Commissioners 165,000 sq.ft. Wal-Mart 12.5% $4.0 0.0% $0.0 14.8% $4.8 44.6% $14.3 0.0% $0.0 0.0% $0.0 0.0% $0.0 0.0% $0.0 71.9% $23.1 28.1% $9.0 100.0% $32.1 Zone 2: Central East London % Distribution $ Distribution 1.5% $1.6 0.0% $0.0 3.0% $3.2 5.0% $5.4 0.0% $0.0 0.0% $0.0 0.0% $0.0 0.0% $0.0 9.5% $10.2 90.5% $97.2 100.0% $107.4 Zone 3: Central Thames Centre % Distribution $ Distribution 4.7% $0.3 0.0% $0.0 12.0% $0.8 14.2% $1.0 0.0% $0.0 0.0% $0.0 0.0% $0.0 0.0% $0.0 30.9% $2.1 69.1% $4.6 100.0% $6.7 Total Study Area % Distribution $ Distribution 4.1% $5.9 0.0% $0.0 6.0% $8.8 14.1% $20.7 0.0% $0.0 0.0% $0.0 0.0% $0.0 0.0% $0.0 24.2% $35.4 75.8% $110.9 100.0% $146.2 33.0% $2.9 $8.9 65,700 $135 0.0% $0.0 $0.0 0 70.0% $20.5 $29.3 165,000 $177 70.0% $48.2 $68.9 151,000 $456 0.0% $0.0 $0.0 0 0.0% $0.0 $0.0 0 0.0% $0.0 $0.0 0 0.0% $0.0 $0.0 0 66.9% $71.6 $107.0 381,700 $280 Percent Inflow: Inflow Sales ($millions): Total Sales Volume ($millions): Space in Square Feet: Average Sales Performance ($ per sq.ft.): MALONE GIVEN PARSONS LTD. F-6 SOUTH EAST CITY OF LONDON Market Demand and Impact Analysis APPENDIX F Table F.7 Department Store Sales and Impact: 2009 Estimate Node: Node 1: Store: Pond Mills Square and Vicinity Zellers Node 2: Wellington Rd Node 3: White Oaks Mall The Bay Wal-Mart Node 4: Node 5: Node 6: Node 7: Exeter Rd and Wellington Rd South of Highway 401 Emerging Commercial Other South East London Zone 1: Other Total South East London Commissioners 165,000 sq.ft. Wal-Mart Zone 1: South East London % Distribution $ Distribution 8.0% $3.3 0.0% $0.0 8.2% $3.4 24.8% $10.3 0.0% $0.0 0.0% $0.0 40.0% $16.6 0.0% $0.0 81.0% $33.6 19.0% $7.9 100.0% $41.4 Zone 2: Central East London % Distribution $ Distribution 0.9% $1.2 0.0% $0.0 2.2% $2.8 3.2% $4.1 0.0% $0.0 0.0% $0.0 14.0% $18.0 0.0% $0.0 20.3% $26.1 79.7% $102.4 100.0% $128.5 Zone 3: Central Thames Centre % Distribution $ Distribution 2.7% $0.3 0.0% $0.0 7.0% $0.8 8.3% $1.0 0.0% $0.0 0.0% $0.0 40.0% $4.6 0.0% $0.0 58.0% $6.7 42.0% $4.9 100.0% $11.6 Total Study Area % Distribution $ Distribution 2.6% $4.8 0.0% $0.0 3.9% $7.0 8.5% $15.3 0.0% $0.0 0.0% $0.0 21.6% $39.2 0.0% $0.0 36.6% $66.4 63.4% $115.1 100.0% $181.5 33.0% $2.4 $7.1 65,700 $109 -19.5% 0.0% $0.0 $0.0 0 70.0% $16.4 $23.5 165,000 $142 -19.9% 70.0% $35.8 $51.2 151,000 $339 -25.7% 0.0% $0.0 $0.0 0 0.0% $0.0 $0.0 0 35.0% $21.1 $60.3 165,000 $366 0.0% $0.0 $0.0 0 53.3% $75.7 $142.1 546,700 $260 Percent Inflow: Inflow Sales ($millions): Total Sales Volume ($millions): Space in Square Feet: Average Sales Performance ($ per sq.ft.): % Change from 2007: MALONE GIVEN PARSONS LTD. F-7 SOUTH EAST CITY OF LONDON Market Demand and Impact Analysis APPENDIX F Table F.8 Department Store Sales and Impact: 2011 Estimate Node: Node 1: Store: Pond Mills Square and Vicinity Zellers Node 2: Wellington Rd Node 3: White Oaks Mall The Bay Wal-Mart Node 4: Node 5: Node 6: Node 7: Exeter Rd and Wellington Rd South of Highway 401 Emerging Commercial Other South East London Commissioners 165,000 sq.ft. Wal-Mart Zone 1: Other Total South East London Zone 1: South East London % Distribution $ Distribution 8.0% $3.5 0.0% $0.0 8.2% $3.6 24.8% $10.9 0.0% $0.0 0.0% $0.0 42.0% $18.4 0.0% $0.0 83.0% $36.3 17.0% $7.4 100.0% $43.8 Zone 2: Central East London % Distribution $ Distribution 0.9% $1.2 0.0% $0.0 2.2% $2.9 3.2% $4.2 0.0% $0.0 0.0% $0.0 16.0% $21.2 0.0% $0.0 22.3% $29.6 77.7% $103.1 100.0% $132.6 Zone 3: Central Thames Centre % Distribution $ Distribution 2.7% $0.3 0.0% $0.0 7.0% $0.9 8.3% $1.0 0.0% $0.0 0.0% $0.0 43.0% $5.2 0.0% $0.0 61.0% $7.4 39.0% $4.8 100.0% $12.2 Total Study Area % Distribution $ Distribution 2.7% $5.0 0.0% $0.0 3.9% $7.4 8.5% $16.1 0.0% $0.0 0.0% $0.0 23.8% $44.8 0.0% $0.0 38.9% $73.3 61.1% $115.2 100.0% $188.6 33.0% $2.5 $7.5 65,700 $114 -15.5% 0.0% $0.0 $0.0 0 70.0% $17.2 $24.5 165,000 $149 -16.2% 70.0% $37.6 $53.7 151,000 $356 -22.0% 0.0% $0.0 $0.0 0 0.0% $0.0 $0.0 0 35.0% $24.1 $69.0 165,000 $418 0.0% $0.0 $0.0 0 52.6% $81.4 $154.7 546,700 $283 Percent Inflow: Inflow Sales ($millions): Total Sales Volume ($millions): Space in Square Feet: Average Sales Performance ($ per sq.ft.): % Change from 2007: MALONE GIVEN PARSONS LTD. F-8 SOUTH EAST CITY OF LONDON Market Demand and Impact Analysis APPENDIX F Table F.9 Department Store Sales and Impact: 2013 Estimate Node: Node 1: Store: Pond Mills Square and Vicinity Zellers Node 2: Wellington Rd Node 3: White Oaks Mall The Bay Wal-Mart Node 4: Node 5: Node 6: Node 7: Exeter Rd and Wellington Rd South of Highway 401 Emerging Commercial Other South East London Zone 1: Other Total South East London Commissioners 165,000 sq.ft. Wal-Mart Zone 1: South East London % Distribution $ Distribution 8.0% $3.7 0.0% $0.0 8.2% $3.8 24.8% $11.5 0.0% $0.0 0.0% $0.0 42.0% $19.4 0.0% $0.0 83.0% $38.4 17.0% $7.9 100.0% $46.3 Zone 2: Central East London % Distribution $ Distribution 0.9% $1.2 0.0% $0.0 2.2% $3.0 3.2% $4.4 0.0% $0.0 0.0% $0.0 16.0% $21.9 0.0% $0.0 22.3% $30.6 77.7% $106.5 100.0% $137.1 Zone 3: Central Thames Centre % Distribution $ Distribution 2.7% $0.3 0.0% $0.0 7.0% $0.9 8.3% $1.1 0.0% $0.0 0.0% $0.0 43.0% $5.5 0.0% $0.0 61.0% $7.8 39.0% $5.0 100.0% $12.8 Total Study Area % Distribution $ Distribution 2.7% $5.3 0.0% $0.0 3.9% $7.7 8.6% $16.9 0.0% $0.0 0.0% $0.0 23.9% $46.9 0.0% $0.0 39.1% $76.8 60.9% $119.4 100.0% $196.2 33.0% $2.6 $7.9 65,700 $120 -11.2% 0.0% $0.0 $0.0 0 70.0% $18.0 $25.7 165,000 $156 -12.3% 70.0% $39.5 $56.4 151,000 $374 -18.1% 0.0% $0.0 $0.0 0 0.0% $0.0 $0.0 0 35.0% $25.2 $72.1 165,000 $437 0.0% $0.0 $0.0 0 52.6% $85.3 $162.1 546,700 $296 Percent Inflow: Inflow Sales ($millions): Total Sales Volume ($millions): Space in Square Feet: Average Sales Performance ($ per sq.ft.): % Change from 2007: MALONE GIVEN PARSONS LTD. F-9 SOUTH EAST CITY OF LONDON Market Demand and Impact Analysis APPENDIX F Table F.10 Department Store Sales and Impact: 2015 Estimate Node: Node 1: Store: Pond Mills Square and Vicinity Zellers Node 2: Wellington Rd Node 3: White Oaks Mall The Bay Wal-Mart Node 4: Node 5: Node 6: Node 7: Exeter Rd and Wellington Rd South of Highway 401 Emerging Commercial Other South East London Zone 1: Other Total South East London Commissioners 165,000 sq.ft. Wal-Mart Zone 1: South East London % Distribution $ Distribution 8.0% $3.9 0.0% $0.0 8.2% $4.0 24.8% $12.1 0.0% $0.0 0.0% $0.0 42.0% $20.5 0.0% $0.0 83.0% $40.6 17.0% $8.3 100.0% $48.9 Zone 2: Central East London % Distribution $ Distribution 0.9% $1.3 0.0% $0.0 2.2% $3.1 3.2% $4.5 0.0% $0.0 0.0% $0.0 16.0% $22.7 0.0% $0.0 22.3% $31.6 77.7% $110.1 100.0% $141.7 Zone 3: Central Thames Centre % Distribution $ Distribution 2.7% $0.4 0.0% $0.0 7.0% $0.9 8.3% $1.1 0.0% $0.0 0.0% $0.0 43.0% $5.8 0.0% $0.0 61.0% $8.2 39.0% $5.2 100.0% $13.4 Total Study Area % Distribution $ Distribution 2.7% $5.6 0.0% $0.0 4.0% $8.1 8.7% $17.8 0.0% $0.0 0.0% $0.0 24.0% $49.0 0.0% $0.0 39.4% $80.4 60.6% $123.7 100.0% $204.0 33.0% $2.7 $8.3 65,700 $126 -6.6% 0.0% $0.0 $0.0 0 70.0% $18.8 $26.9 165,000 $163 -8.2% 70.0% $41.5 $59.3 151,000 $393 -13.9% 0.0% $0.0 $0.0 0 0.0% $0.0 $0.0 0 35.0% $26.4 $75.4 165,000 $457 0.0% $0.0 $0.0 0 52.7% $89.4 $169.8 546,700 $311 Percent Inflow: Inflow Sales ($millions): Total Sales Volume ($millions): Space in Square Feet: Average Sales Performance ($ per sq.ft.): % Change from 2007: MALONE GIVEN PARSONS LTD. F - 10 SOUTH EAST CITY OF LONDON Market Demand and Impact Analysis APPENDIX F Table F.11 Non-Department Store DSTM Store Sales and Impact: 2007 Estimate Node: Store: Node 1: Pond Mills Square and Vicinity Pond Mills 50,000 Other DSTM Node 2: Node 3: Node 4: Node 5: Wellington Rd White Oaks Mall Exeter Rd and Wellington Rd South of Highway 401 Node 6: Node 7: Zone 1: Other Total Other South East London Emerging Commercial South East London Summerside Commissioners 97,000 sq.ft. 40,000 sq.ft. Other DSTM Other DSTM Zone 1: South East London % Distribution $ Distribution 4.2% $5.2 11.2% $13.8 15.9% $19.6 10.2% $12.7 12.0% $14.8 0.0% $0.0 0.0% $0.0 7.8% $9.7 61.4% $75.8 38.6% $47.8 100.0% $123.6 Zone 2: Central East London % Distribution $ Distribution 0.4% $1.6 3.3% $13.1 4.5% $17.8 4.6% $18.3 5.0% $19.8 0.0% $0.0 0.0% $0.0 1.9% $7.6 19.8% $78.1 80.2% $317.5 100.0% $395.6 Zone 3: Central Thames Centre % Distribution $ Distribution 0.2% $0.1 5.4% $1.8 7.1% $2.4 6.9% $2.3 15.7% $5.3 0.0% $0.0 0.0% $0.0 4.2% $1.4 39.4% $13.4 60.6% $20.6 100.0% $34.1 Total Study Area % Distribution $ Distribution 1.2% $6.8 5.2% $28.8 7.2% $39.9 6.0% $33.3 7.2% $39.9 0.0% $0.0 0.0% $0.0 3.4% $18.7 30.3% $167.4 69.7% $385.9 100.0% $553.3 25.2% $2.3 $9.1 12,100 $755 60.0% $43.2 $72.0 274,200 $263 70.0% $93.0 $132.9 419,700 $317 65.0% $61.8 $95.0 372,000 $255 65.4% $75.5 $115.4 230,800 $500 0.0% $0.0 $0.0 0 0.0% $0.0 $0.0 0 33.3% $9.3 $28.0 182,000 $154 63.0% $285.1 $452.5 1,490,800 $304 Percent Inflow: Inflow Sales ($millions): Total Sales Volume ($millions): Space in Square Feet: Average Sales Performance ($ per sq.ft.): MALONE GIVEN PARSONS LTD. F - 11 SOUTH EAST CITY OF LONDON Market Demand and Impact Analysis APPENDIX F Table F.12 Non-Department Store DSTM Store Sales and Impact: 2009 Estimate Node: Store: Node 1: Pond Mills Square and Vicinity Pond Mills 50,000 Other DSTM Node 2: Node 3: Node 4: Node 5: Wellington Rd White Oaks Mall Exeter Rd and Wellington Rd South of Highway 401 Node 6: Node 7: Zone 1: Other Total Other South East London Emerging Commercial South East London Summerside Commissioners 97,000 sq.ft. 40,000 sq.ft. Other DSTM Other DSTM Zone 1: South East London % Distribution $ Distribution 5.6% $7.0 10.3% $12.8 14.7% $18.3 9.5% $11.8 11.1% $13.8 6.0% $7.5 2.5% $3.1 7.3% $9.1 67.0% $83.3 33.0% $41.0 100.0% $124.3 Zone 2: Central East London % Distribution $ Distribution 1.9% $7.5 3.0% $11.8 4.1% $16.1 4.3% $16.9 4.7% $18.5 2.5% $9.8 1.5% $5.9 1.8% $7.1 23.8% $93.7 76.2% $300.0 100.0% $393.7 Zone 3: Central Thames Centre % Distribution $ Distribution 0.5% $0.2 5.1% $1.7 6.7% $2.2 6.5% $2.1 15.0% $4.9 6.0% $2.0 1.0% $0.3 4.0% $1.3 44.8% $14.7 55.2% $18.1 100.0% $32.8 Total Study Area % Distribution $ Distribution 2.7% $14.6 4.8% $26.3 6.6% $36.6 5.6% $30.9 6.8% $37.2 5.4% $19.3 2.6% $9.3 3.2% $17.5 34.8% $191.7 65.2% $359.1 100.0% $550.8 25.2% $4.9 $19.5 62,100 $315 -58.3% 60.0% $39.4 $65.7 274,200 $240 -8.7% 70.0% $85.4 $122.1 419,700 $291 -8.2% 65.0% $57.3 $88.2 372,000 $237 -7.2% 65.4% $70.4 $107.6 230,800 $466 -6.8% 35.0% $10.4 $29.6 97,000 $306 35.0% $5.0 $14.4 40,000 $359 33.3% $8.7 $26.2 182,000 $144 -6.5% 59.5% $281.7 $473.4 1,677,800 $282 Percent Inflow: Inflow Sales ($millions): Total Sales Volume ($millions): Space in Square Feet: Average Sales Performance ($ per sq.ft.): % Change from 2007: MALONE GIVEN PARSONS LTD. F - 12 SOUTH EAST CITY OF LONDON Market Demand and Impact Analysis APPENDIX F Table F.13 Non-Department Store DSTM Store Sales and Impact: 2011 Estimate Node: Store: Node 1: Pond Mills Square and Vicinity Pond Mills 50,000 Other DSTM Node 2: Node 3: Node 4: Node 5: Wellington Rd White Oaks Mall Exeter Rd and Wellington Rd South of Highway 401 Node 6: Node 7: Zone 1: Other Total Other South East London Emerging Commercial Summerside Commissioners 97,000 sq.ft. 40,000 sq.ft. Other DSTM Other DSTM South East London Zone 1: South East London % Distribution $ Distribution 5.6% $7.4 10.3% $13.5 14.7% $19.3 9.5% $12.5 11.1% $14.6 6.0% $7.9 2.5% $3.3 7.3% $9.6 67.0% $88.0 33.0% $43.4 100.0% $131.4 Zone 2: Central East London % Distribution $ Distribution 1.9% $7.7 3.0% $12.2 4.1% $16.7 4.3% $17.5 4.7% $19.1 2.5% $10.2 1.5% $6.1 1.8% $7.3 23.8% $96.7 76.2% $309.7 100.0% $406.5 Zone 3: Central Thames Centre % Distribution $ Distribution 0.5% $0.2 5.1% $1.8 6.7% $2.3 6.5% $2.2 15.0% $5.2 6.0% $2.1 1.0% $0.3 4.0% $1.4 44.8% $15.4 55.2% $19.0 100.0% $34.4 Total Study Area % Distribution $ Distribution 2.7% $15.3 4.8% $27.5 6.7% $38.3 5.6% $32.2 6.8% $38.9 5.4% $20.1 2.6% $9.7 3.2% $18.3 35.0% $200.2 65.0% $372.1 100.0% $572.3 25.2% $5.1 $20.4 62,100 $329 -56.5% 60.0% $41.2 $68.7 274,200 $251 -4.5% 70.0% $89.3 $127.6 419,700 $304 -4.0% 65.0% $59.8 $92.0 372,000 $247 -3.2% 65.4% $73.5 $112.3 230,800 $487 -2.7% 35.0% $10.8 $30.9 97,000 $319 35.0% $5.2 $15.0 40,000 $374 33.3% $9.1 $27.4 182,000 $151 -2.2% 59.5% $294.2 $494.4 1,677,800 $295 Percent Inflow: Inflow Sales ($millions): Total Sales Volume ($millions): Space in Square Feet: Average Sales Performance ($ per sq.ft.): % Change from 2007: MALONE GIVEN PARSONS LTD. F - 13 SOUTH EAST CITY OF LONDON Market Demand and Impact Analysis APPENDIX F Table F.14 Non-Department Store DSTM Store Sales and Impact: 2013 Estimate Node: Store: Node 1: Pond Mills Square and Vicinity Pond Mills 50,000 Other DSTM Node 2: Node 3: Node 4: Node 5: Wellington Rd White Oaks Mall Exeter Rd and Wellington Rd South of Highway 401 Node 6: Node 7: Zone 1: Other Total Other South East London Emerging Commercial Summerside Commissioners 97,000 sq.ft. 40,000 sq.ft. Other DSTM Other DSTM South East London Zone 1: South East London % Distribution $ Distribution 5.6% $7.8 10.3% $14.3 14.7% $20.4 9.5% $13.2 11.1% $15.4 6.0% $8.3 2.5% $3.5 7.3% $10.1 67.0% $93.0 33.0% $45.8 100.0% $138.9 Zone 2: Central East London % Distribution $ Distribution 1.9% $8.0 3.0% $12.6 4.1% $17.2 4.3% $18.1 4.7% $19.7 2.5% $10.5 1.5% $6.3 1.8% $7.6 23.8% $100.0 76.2% $320.2 100.0% $420.2 Zone 3: Central Thames Centre % Distribution $ Distribution 0.5% $0.2 5.1% $1.8 6.7% $2.4 6.5% $2.3 15.0% $5.4 6.0% $2.2 1.0% $0.4 4.0% $1.4 44.8% $16.2 55.2% $19.9 100.0% $36.1 Total Study Area % Distribution $ Distribution 2.7% $15.9 4.8% $28.8 6.7% $40.1 5.6% $33.6 6.8% $40.6 3.5% $21.0 1.7% $10.1 3.2% $19.1 35.2% $209.2 64.8% $385.9 100.0% $595.1 25.2% $5.4 $21.3 62,100 $343 -54.5% 60.0% $43.1 $71.9 274,200 $262 -0.1% 70.0% $93.5 $133.5 419,700 $318 0.5% 65.0% $62.4 $96.0 372,000 $258 1.1% 65.4% $76.7 $117.3 230,800 $508 1.6% 35.0% $11.3 $32.3 97,000 $333 35.0% $5.5 $15.6 40,000 $390 33.3% $9.6 $28.7 182,000 $158 2.4% 59.5% $307.5 $516.7 1,677,800 $308 Percent Inflow: Inflow Sales ($millions): Total Sales Volume ($millions): Space in Square Feet: Average Sales Performance ($ per sq.ft.): % Change from 2007: MALONE GIVEN PARSONS LTD. F - 14 SOUTH EAST CITY OF LONDON Market Demand and Impact Analysis APPENDIX F Table F.15 Non-Department Store DSTM Store Sales and Impact: 2015 Estimate Node: Store: Node 1: Pond Mills Square and Vicinity Pond Mills 50,000 Other DSTM Node 2: Node 3: Node 4: Node 5: Wellington Rd White Oaks Mall Exeter Rd and Wellington Rd South of Highway 401 Node 6: Node 7: Zone 1: Other Total Other South East London Emerging Commercial South East London Summerside Commissioners 97,000 sq.ft. 40,000 sq.ft. Other DSTM Other DSTM Zone 1: South East London % Distribution $ Distribution 5.6% $8.2 10.3% $15.1 14.7% $21.6 9.5% $13.9 11.1% $16.3 6.0% $8.8 2.5% $3.7 7.3% $10.7 67.0% $98.4 33.0% $48.5 100.0% $146.8 Zone 2: Central East London % Distribution $ Distribution 1.9% $8.3 3.0% $13.0 4.1% $17.8 4.3% $18.7 4.7% $20.4 2.5% $10.9 1.5% $6.5 1.8% $7.8 23.8% $103.4 76.2% $331.0 100.0% $434.3 Zone 3: Central Thames Centre % Distribution $ Distribution 0.5% $0.2 5.1% $1.9 6.7% $2.5 6.5% $2.5 15.0% $5.7 6.0% $2.3 1.0% $0.4 4.0% $1.5 44.8% $17.0 55.2% $20.9 100.0% $37.9 Total Study Area % Distribution $ Distribution 2.7% $16.7 4.9% $30.1 6.8% $41.9 5.7% $35.1 6.8% $42.4 3.5% $21.9 1.7% $10.6 3.2% $20.1 35.3% $218.7 64.7% $400.3 100.0% $619.0 25.2% $5.6 $22.3 62,100 $359 -52.5% 60.0% $45.1 $75.2 274,200 $274 4.5% 70.0% $97.8 $139.8 419,700 $333 5.2% 65.0% $65.2 $100.2 372,000 $269 5.5% 65.4% $80.2 $122.6 230,800 $531 6.2% 35.0% $11.8 $33.8 97,000 $348 35.0% $5.7 $16.3 40,000 $406 33.3% $10.0 $30.1 182,000 $165 7.2% 59.5% $321.4 $540.1 1,677,800 $322 Percent Inflow: Inflow Sales ($millions): Total Sales Volume ($millions): Space in Square Feet: Average Sales Performance ($ per sq.ft.): % Change from 2007: MALONE GIVEN PARSONS LTD. F - 15