Real Estate Magazine


Real Estate Magazine
Volume 29 • Number 1 • Issue 675 • Mendocino County’s Own Real Estate Publication • July, 2015 • Published monthly
An E dge of Risk
The amazing story of Blaze Birge and Mendocino's own David Jones,
who not only ran away to join the circus
(incidentally becoming world famous), but actually
started their own, and are taking it on the road this summer.
Page 2
Real Estate Magazine June 26, 2015
An Edge of Risk
h o
Story by Alicia Abuliak
young man sits brooding with his head over a wine barrel—as he
stabs at it with a dagger, a young woman appears behind him in a
floral-printed dress. She stands against a platform. He rises and deftly
throws a stream of daggers, narrowly missing her and pinning a white
veil over her face and body. She rips through the cloth and tosses a
knife back to him.
He lifts her in the air as they switch places, and the dangerous act
begins again with growing intensity. She throws the knives at him and
then, as she moves back to the platform, knives strike below the hem of her dress, hit the board
just as her hand pulls away, barely miss her head as she poses in a handstand. He spins away
from her and strides back toward the barrel, sending a single kiss up to a sudden bright light.
This is not a clown pulling scarves out of a hat, this is not a dog jumping through hoops, but yet,
this is family circus.
Flynn Creek Circus, run by Blaze Birge and David Jones, is based in Mendocino, but the two
have toured the world, bringing their static duo trapeze act to audiences of all ages. Along the
way, the circus partners, who are also romantic partners, have thrown daggers at each other,
collaborated on scripts and choreography, and dangled each other from slender ropes at great
heights. And, they say, they have learned a thing or two about risk.
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The Beginning
Fresh out of Eckerd College in Florida, Blaze Birge, then twenty-three years old, took a job at a
large jewelry firm in Austin, Texas. She was promoted as its regional marketing-manager for the
entire state of California, so she drove out to the West Coast. She brought a whole carload of her
college friends along with her, and explored Northern California, looking for somewhere near the
ocean that was affordable enough to stay: she found Albion.
Blaze rented a house on a mountain ridge and filled it with artists. She had earned degrees
in visual art and philosophy, and the artistic work she was exploring at that time involved
performance pieces that included installation. Wanting to learn more about technical rigging for
her large-scale hanging art projects, she applied and got accepted as an apprentice at a circus
school in England that she describes as more of a “sink or swim” circus intensive than a school.
Instead of taking classes, apprentices are trained while touring in the actual circus. Blaze had
never seen a circus in her life until she was performing in one.
Her first teacher, a Romanian woman she met there, came from a tradition of pure circus—she
was trained to use no mats, no nets, and no harnesses. “She was tough on everybody and
introduced me to the secretive world of family circus,” Blaze explains. By the time she came
back to her new home in Albion, she knew she wanted to form a circus of her own.
Circus – Continued on Page 4
ON OUR COVER: The vintage big top where Birge and Jones put on their circus in Mendocino last year will go on
tour with them this summer. INSET: The duo perform the trapeze act that has garnered them worldwide acclaim.
Photos provided. ABOVE: The daring young couple on the flying trapeze live out a life of adventure, travel, fame,
all while, sans nets or safties, risking their lives up to fourteen times a week. Photo by Larry Wagner Photography.
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Page 4 Real Estate Magazine June 26, 2015
Circus – Continued from Page 2
seven years have passed. David and Blaze were invited to attend the extravaganza last year.
They performed their trapeze act with a live symphony.
Last summer, they produced for the first time their own circus and circus camp here in
Mendocino and Fort Bragg. They hired talent from home and abroad and set up a huge vintage
big top—red and white stripes on the outside and deep blue inside. This year they will do it
again, but additionally they are taking the circus on tour. They’ve hired the greatest acts they
have met in their travels and at home, and will haul their tent and new show to places they have
never been before.
LEFT: Daring
Jones Duo at
the Moscow
Circus Festival,
2013. Photo
ABOVE: The Flynn Creek Circus Big Top in Mendocino, in 2014. Photo provided.
David was twenty-one years old at the time, working as a cook at The Moosse Cafe in Mendocino.
He was bored. A friend told him about a woman who had moved to town who was teaching
trapeze, so David went to meet her at the bar, Dick’s Place, where she was working, and
introduced himself. They exchanged numbers, and Blaze called him back to start some classes.
He studied with her for eight months and then shipped off to Zippo’s Academy of Circus Arts in
England, the same circus training school that she had attended two years before. He says he
went “expecting hell, but instead got purgatory.”
Blaze is petite and fiercely strong, and though her voice is melodic and soft, you can see
immediately that this is a person with tremendous drive, vision, and will. You do not get to be
one of the best trapeze artists in the world by chance.
David is sparkly, with a head of brown curls and bright eyes. He moved to Mendocino from
San Diego at the age of twelve and, after an initial adjustment period, collected a great group
of friends with whom he attended Mendocino Community High School. David was always
physically driven, and through high school he practiced dance, martial arts, and could walk
around on his hands effortlessly. “Mendocino values art and creative thinking in a way that my
other communities didn’t. This allowed me permission to explore crazy ideas like joining the
circus,” he says.
His experience in England was not at all like Blaze’s. There were eleven students instead of
three, and the Romanian instructor was defeated and concerned after having watched a student
fall and not recover well just before David’s arrival. She had lost her drive and inspiration and
had become bitter and angry. Nonetheless, he called it a “good experience,” as he had gained
the tools he needed to hone his skills, and learned a breed of uncompromising self-discipline
that shaped his approach to his new career.
He knew he had finally found work he could sink his teeth into, work that promised the creativity
he craved, but that was less pretentious than what he’d found in the theater and dance worlds.
“It was a little bit of sport, and a lot of monster truck,” he elaborates with a laugh. He loved that
it was action-based, not didactic. He liked all aspects of the craft, especially the need for humor.
Around the World
The Trapeze Act
David runs in to find Blaze casually perched in a red-and-white polka dot dress on stage and
pulls her up to dance. She flips then gets a boost up to a rope amidst a wailing soundtrack from
the rockabilly band Stray Cats—then they climb a single rope, Blaze’s feet overhead and David
with his arms alone as he pumps his feet out in front of him. They meet again to flirt on a trapeze
strung high in the air and begin spinning and catching one another. David holds Blaze’s single
foot in one hand as she dangles upside down in the splits.
They smile coyly, then David suddenly drops, to hang from his armpits from Blaze's feet. After
flipping and snaking around one another in a sinuous display of strength and ingenuity, they sit
side by side as David places a band around Blaze’s neck. He drops to hang by his ankles as she
spins, dangling by only the strap wrapped to their two necks to support her—faster and faster
she twirls, and the music fades as they jump down and dance off stage.
This is the act that has garnered for them worldwide fame. They have three songs they use for
variations on the same routine, two jazz and one rock and roll. “I love the trapeze act—it’s given
us the notoriety that makes it possible to tour,” David says.
They quickly became a sought-after duo, and
have been hired by professional circuses to
perform in Mongolia, India, Europe, Monaco, New
Zealand, New Caledonia and Fiji, and elsewhere.
It is a jarring lifestyle, as they are six weeks here,
three weeks there, and constantly on the move,
but ultimately the peripatetic existence became
a way to support their dream: to form a circus at
home in Mendocino.
They were last away in Germany. They spent
weeks performing in the Tigerpalast Varieté,which
showed in a classic, historic theater in Frankfurt.
The theater seats just two hundred people and
they performed their trapeze act suspended so
low that the audience could feel a breeze as their
bodies flew by. From there they performed two
or three times a day for Weltweihnachtscircus in
Stuttgart for a month. They describe the show
as beautiful and mind-blowing, featuring some
of the best circus talent in the world. The tent
held three thousand people and was completely
packed for every show.
ABOVE: Daring Jones Duo (knife act).
Photo by Larry Wagner Photography.
Every year the princess of Monaco puts on a circus competition, Festival International du Cirque
de Monte-Carlo. As an internationally renowned circus artist, you may be invited once, and only
once, or on some rare occasions, a second time, but only on a tenth-year anniversary or after
LEFT: Daring
Jones Duo
at Festival
du Cirque de
2014. Photo
Circus – Continued on Page 5
Real Estate Magazine June 26, 2015 Page 5
LICENSE # 906083
Circus – Continued from Page 4
we travel down a bumpy road, “it’s earth moving—even if the trick is exactly the same, it won’t
mean the same thing.”
David started to enjoy risky things around puberty. He told me it is something he deeply values.
The risk they take by not using mats was standard in the seventies in traditional circuses, but
now they only know of one other trapeze duo in the world that is doing it at their level and height.
He believes in it enough to hold his wife’s life in his hands daily.
Their love story took a long time to develop. When they began working together Blaze was in a
relationship, but as that relationship melted away she and David resisted the urge to become
more than professional trapeze partners. They feared it would ruin what they had worked so
hard to perfect. But a few months into their first tour across the United States in an old Airstream
trailer they had renovated together, they began reading The Zombie Survival Guide by Max
Brooks and realized it had to be.
They had been performing three shows a day and traveling hundreds of miles at night. “We
accidentally fell in love while discussing zombie escape plans,” Blaze says. They spent all of
their time together, shared a truck payment, a bank account, and even a single cell phone before
they were ever romantically involved. “Working together allowed us to form trust,” says David,
“the most important ingredient in a relationship.” Their romance did not ruin the act. Instead, it
made it even stronger.
ABOVE: David Poznanter, Cyr Wheel. Photo by Larry Wagner Photography.
There are a few things that make their act completely out of the ordinary, the first is that,
through the many catch-and-release tricks, they use absolutely no mats or safeties of any kind
and work at death-defying heights.
The other notable feature of their act, is that they don’t pause and let the audience clap—it’s a
fluid dance—they move through tricks, pulling each others’ bodies up and around and flipping
each other through the air to tell a whole story.
“I’m not attracted to risk.” Blaze shares as we drive down the road in a big white pickup truck
trying to complete one of many last-minute errands before they leave town, once again, for a
six-week contract in St. Louis. “But I don’t let it interfere with my overall goals. I want to do
something, and I don’t want fear to be an obstacle.” She has never been hospitalized during a
performance, though she has been dropped.
In Germany recently she saw another trapeze artist she admired backstage. Blaze stopped the
girl and said, “Hey! I liked your act.” The girl looked deep into her eyes and replied, “Yeah, but
what you guys are doing is real.” This brought home to Blaze what the element of risk means
to the act and its audiences. “When you watch something without any safety,” she explains as
ABOVE: Daughter Jacy rehearsing with dad David Jones and silks aerialist and accordianista Judy Stavely. Photo provided.
Circus – Continued on Page 7
Page 6 Real Estate Magazine June 26, 2015
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Real Estate Magazine June 26, 2015 Page 7
Circus – Continued from Page 5
LEFT: Aerial chandelier, Ajah Leas and Kara
BELOW: Contortionist Inka Siefker shoots an
arrow with her feet, Mendocino, 2014.
Both photos by Larry Wagner Photography.
ABOVE: Ticket Office, made by local artist Yorgen Kvinsland from ArtStruct for this season.
Photo provided.
They came home from their first tour pregnant and in love. They had left as two professionals
and returned as a family. Since then, they have gathered the skill sets, reputation, and money to
get their tour off the ground. They have lived in all kinds of situations and supported each other
through a broken nose, weddings, births, deaths—all while raising a beautiful child.
Their daughter Jacy Rose is now eight years old. She is fiercely independent and, though she
gets uprooted a lot, she is vibrant and outgoing. Jacy performed a Tom Waits song entitled
“I’ll be Gone” in last year’s circus performance. Blonde curls framed her angelic face, and she
wore a top hat as she sang of stealing your paycheck, cutting the hearts out of pharaohs, and
disappearing in the morning.
Flynn Creek Circus on Tour
There are two ventures this summer—this year’s fledgling tour and circus camp. They will take
their tent and talent to eight locations, kicking it all off in Friendship Park, in Mendocino. This
launch is exciting, but it is also a risky undertaking. If it is anything like last year's performance,
expect to see a contortionist shoot a bow and arrow with her feet, local dancers fly from
chandeliers, and aerialists, musicians, and jugglers make magic under the big top.
They will also host two weeks of circus camp in the beginning of August. Last year during circus
camp kids were smiling and laughing; some stretched on a mat and others practiced swinging
trapeze (with a harness) twenty feet in the air; some pranced across a tight wire, while others
climbed the Chinese pole; another group worked on synchronized miming skills for their endof-camp performance. One mother remarked, “Don’t you wish school was like this all year
long?” Flynn Creek Circus feels very supported by this community and Blaze and David say it is
important to them to bring new opportunities to young, creative minds on the Mendocino Coast.
Circus Camp brings them and the rest of Flynn Creek Circus into the lives of kids and families
all over our area.
“A show has to have lots of artistic voices, it’s boring to have just one,” Blaze comments as we
admire a colorful, brightly painted gypsy wagon they will pull in this summer’s caravan. It was
built recently in a barn up Little Lake Road by ArtStruct. Two brothers, Yorgen Kvinsland and
Cody Chancellor, took the idea of a gypsy wagon, pulled it through the knothole of their artistic
vision, and came up with an ironic contemporary version.
Part of Flynn Creek Circus’ mission is to engage local artists of all kinds—not only circus
performers, but also writers, photographers, actors, constructors, and dancers. Flynn Creek
Circus’ motto is “Pushing tradition to the edge.” That is what they do, take classic circus and
imbue it with new vision and voices.
As we trundle up Albion Ridge at the end of the day, the sun and errands behind us, Blaze looks
out of her window over an open field. “Of all the places we have ever been, this is the most
beautiful. This is definitely home.”
Upcoming California
Performances and Camp
David and Blaze are building a dream that becomes more exciting each year. Don’t miss the
show and the amazing circus camp this summer. Kids and adults can register for camp at the
C.V. Starr Community and Aquatic Center through Mendocino Coast Recreation and Park District
Buy tickets to this year’s circus on the circus website:
• Friendship Park, Mendocino: July 2–July 5
• Wells Fargo Center for the Arts, Santa Rosa: July 9–July 12
• Morgan Hill Outdoor Sports Center, Morgan Hill: July 16–July 19
• Napa County Fairgrounds, Calistoga: July 23–July 26
• Point Arena: July 30–August 1
• Circus Summer Camp, C.V. Starr Center, Fort Bragg: August 3–August 14
• The Creamery District, Arcata: August 20–August 23
BELOW LEFT: Maria Forster (director of operations) and David Bernbaum. Photo by Larry Wagner
Photography. BELOW RIGHT: Ariele Ebacher, one of this year's artists. Photo provided.
LEFT: Inka Siefker,
contortion. Photo
by Larry Wagner
Page 8 Real Estate Magazine June 26, 2015
Seascape Realty
45050 Little Lake Street • P.O. Box
583, Mendocino, CA 95460
707 937-2121
Lic. #01300756
HIGHLY DESIRABLE location for this neat-as-a-pin home
situated on more
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in on the good life on the Mendocino Coast. (24921) $349,000
AFTER 28 years of running one of Mendocino’s favorite restaurants, Peggy and
Jamie are moving on
to new adventures.
This hidden gem
located in the heart
of Mendocino village is an awesome
opportunity for some
lucky person to step
right into this wellestablished and successful business. Sale includes not only the business but the
real estate as well. Over 3,000 sq. ft. of floor area consists of
the charming fifty-six seat full-service restaurant as well as
spa facilities currently leased by Sweet Water Garden Spa.
The spa facilities include two separate structures with provisions for three hot tubs, two saunas, reservation/meditation
room, and a guest suite. If your dream is to operate your own
restaurant in your own building (with income property to
boot) this is your chance. Being sold as is. (24851) $995,000
LOVELY, 3 bedroom, 3 bath home located just outside
of Fort Bragg in the sunbelt. 1.67 acres with plenty of
room for garden. Detached garage with separate access
storage area on top. (24915) $459,000
FABULOUSLY CUTE country cottage getaway in desirable Little
River. Land is serene with beautiful park-like treed setting.
Fenced garden area for your veggies. Remodeled in 2013 so all
you have to do is sit on the extra-large front deck and relax. Van
Damme within walking distance and the school bus stops right
out front. Quintessential city getaway or starter home—this one
won’t last long! (24891) $369,000
IT COULD BE your turn to own this grand Craftsman home.
Built for Mayor Dixon in
1913 and enjoyed by the
same family since 1972,
this home has been
loved for over a hundred
years. Well-maintained
with historical integrity
preserved and artistic
touches added. Great
home near parks, schools, and library. Wide verandas, a hidden
deck, and private backyard provide a variety of outdoor relaxing
opportunities. A spacious kitchen and formal dining room make
entertaining a delight. An art studio with north-facing skylights,
garden area, and greenhouse provide space for the hobbyist. Lots
of first-growth redwood used to build this sturdy home. Huge attic
could be converted to living space or possibly just to store your
belongings for the next fifty years! (24748) $589,000
Fort Bragg Realty
AMAZING ARTS and Crafts oceanfront home located in the historic Mendocino
village. You will
be enchanted
every time you
walk through
the handcrafted
entry door and
into this aweinspiring sanctuary. From the
expansive great
room with soaring vaulted vertical-grained fir ceilings, two grand
stone and clinker-brick masonry fireplaces, thick Brazilian
cherry hardwood floors, and a gorgeous and roomy chef’s kitchen
to the spacious and relaxing master suite featuring an ocean
view breakfast nook, gas fireplace surround, one-and-a-half
baths, a separate vanity/dressing room, steam shower, and
much more—this home is all about beauty and comfort. Savor
your trip up the Craftsman-designed grand staircase while taking in the white water views, or take the elevator if you prefer.
(24888) $3,475,000
DRIVE THROUGH a rain forest to this super private almost
end-of-lane setting, yet be only
ten minutes from
town. This beautiful contemporary home was
designed to feel
like the prow of a
ship looking out
over a sunny meadow. Many varieties of mature rhododendrons
create a colorful palette when in bloom. Circular driveway. Ridge
living with perfect setting. Feeling of being far away, but just
ten minutes to town. This won’t last long. (24853) $595,000
809 North Main Street,
Fort Bragg, CA 95437
707 964-2121
Lic. #01300755
FIRST TIME on the market since it was built. This wellmaintained, 3 bedroom, 1 bath home is close to schools and the
aquatic center. Newer roof, propane furnace, flooring, and windows, with numerous other updates completed over the years.
Room for play or gardening in the large backyard. Enjoy plenty
of room for entertaining family and friends with the extra room
with slider opening to the patio. Perfect for relaxing, the garden
patio has it all with covered area for barbecues, entertaining,
and cultivation of all your favorite flowers. (24933) $335,000
BUILT as a family getaway vacation property in 1994, many
summers have been spent enjoying the wildlife and privacy of
this location. Designed to be low maintenance and easy to care
for—so vacations can be all about having fun and not worrying
about fixing or gardening. Great location is close to city limits,
yet feels like you are miles away. Back deck and picnic table
are perfect for barbecue suppers. Floor plan has kitchen open
to the dining and living room. Skylights add bright light even
on foggy days. Perfect home for relaxing Fort Bragg vacations!
(24862) $450,000
RARE LARGE acre parcel with authentic Mendocino style
home. Tucked among lush redwoods with great privacy, this
contemporary home has great light, extra-large kitchen, and
plenty of woodwork throughout which makes this property
extra cozy. One of the bedrooms is presently used as a utility
room. Would make great country getaway! (24886) $425,000
BUILT IN 1910, this classic home was tastefully remodeled in
2009 throughout,
ready for you to
move right in!
Inviting open
living room and
kitchen, dualpane windows,
central gas heat,
Kenmore appliances in the kitchen, gas hot water heater, upgraded bathrooms,
nice laminate flooring in the living room and bedrooms, and
more. This property is in a nice neighborhood zoned ‘’high density’’ so another unit on the property may be possible or a garage.
Alley access. Upstairs attic is unfinished, great space to create
an office, or? Conveniently located within walking distance to
all of the amenities in the city of Fort Bragg. (24860) $319,000
COME SEE this great, 3 bedroom, 2 bath, family home. Close
to town and schools. Quiet neighborhood. Walk to CV Starr
recreation center and dog park. Two-car attached garage. Large
backyard. Sunroom may be used for exercise or recreation.
Kitchen has refrigerator and range. Heating is forced air.
(24872) $320,000
WALK/RUN/BIKE to Glass Beach. One block from the coastal
trail. Four bedroom, 2 bath home in the Glass Beach Subdivision.
Water-wise landscaping. Backyard overlooks a distant view of the
Pudding Creek area—listen to evening sounds of ocean waves.
Relax on the small front deck enjoying Mendocino sunsets and
backyard barbecues around the fire ring. Close to the beach,
yet right in town! (24920) $345,000
THROUGH THE GATE and up the stone walkway to this
charming, two-bedroom, vintage home. Newly remodeled,
new paint, roof, central heat, and more. Fenced backyard
has room for small garden and more. (24756) $299,000
QUIET sunny location for this beautiful home with newly remodeled kitchen, lovely private large master suite, and private hot
tub off large deck; perfect for entertaining. Horse shed with large
fenced area, 10 ft. x 10 ft. storage shed, room for RV parking,
and much more. (24780) $539,000
ONCE REGAL, a diamond in the rough, this historical
Westport property has great potential. Two buildings located
right on Highway 1 with ocean views. (24934) $429,000
THIS LITTLE RIVER ocean view home is just seconds from
a great beach and miles of beautiful trails. Mendocino village is just a few minutes up the road. Originally built in the
1800s, the house retains some beautiful details in woodwork.
A big country kitchen and dining area can handle a crowd!
What a great property for full-time residence or vacation
home. (24679) $450,000
CUTE HOME in town is well laid out, clean, and ready to move
into. Low-maintenance yard front and back. Workshop space
and covered storage off the garage. Picture windows provide
lots of natural light. Close to schools and the shops downtown.
(24694) $225,000
ENTER THIS BEAUTIFUL manufactured home through the
security gate and up the landscaped driveway. The home has
hand-finished Brazilian hardwood, tile, and marble flooring.
The kitchen has a great layout with lots of cabinets, granite
counters, double ovens, pantry, and ocean view. Enjoy the gas
fireplace in the great room which also has ocean view or go onto
the deck. Bathrooms feature marble counters, tub, and flooring
to spoil yourself. Outside take advantage of the ocean views from
the landscaped area or use the fully fenced lawn area which is
great for kids or pets. The second home is approximately 2,000
sq. ft with three bedrooms and two baths, hardwood flooring,
nice fireplace, and an ocean view. This would be great for a
caretaker or guests. (24883) $900,000
ENCHANTING private home on 4+ acres with outbuildings
and cottage. Currently a
popular vacation rental
(Not shown when rented.)
Vaulted, beamed ceilings;
expansive open floor plan
in living/dining/kitchen areas. Kitchen features granite counters, thirty-six-inch
gas stove, custom sink, and stainless appliances. This home
has old-growth redwood trim, arched windows, and clawfoot
tubs! South- and west-facing decks and a patio. Views from
every window, majestic redwoods, mature landscaping, walking
trail, hot tub, pond, and fenced dog runs. Charming cottage has
separate driveway and yard and its own septic. Drilled well with
3,000-gallon storage tank. Many possibilities. Just too much to
list on this property, a must-see! (24905) $675,000
From Westport to Gualala • We have Century 21 Agents living and working in Westport, Caspar, Mendocino, Little River, Albion, Elk & Manchester. With the ability to serve you with all of your
Real Estate needs! Come in to either of our offices and see our 59 residential, 39 land, and 13 commercial listings. • E-mail:
® and ™ trademarks of Century 21 Real Estate Corporation. Equal Housing Opportunity.
Real Estate Magazine June 26, 2015 Page 9
mendocino realty
45005 Ukiah Street | Mendocino, California | 707.937.9999 & 707.937.4040 |
Impressive architectural masterpiece
Home is located where the Albion River meets the sea. The views are amazing from every window.
Every detail has been met in this home with large beams, metal roof, vaulted ceilings, and three
levels with windows to the views from almost every room in the home, and a bathroom on every
floor. Modern kitchen with Craftsman old-growth redwood bar, and custom cement countertops.
Lush Albion mutual abundant water, located just right for living the dream. Imagine yourself here.
High-end turnstyle for turning your car round by remote control. Be the first to live in a dream home
just completed. This is a property for those with discerning taste who appreciate attention to every
detail. Must see to appreciate.
Offered at $749,000. MLS 24858.
Sweet farmhouse from yesteryear, built in 1870
Completely remodeled from top to bottom in 2012 on just over an acre lot. Kitchen has Silestone
countertops, Viking stove, and self-closing cabinets and drawers. Solid oak flooring throughout the
home. Separate studio off the main house. Located near fine dining, beaches, hiking, golf, and
the village of Mendocino. Sunny all year round due to southern exposure. Make this your primary
home or vacation rental!
$475,000. MLS 24804.
Deirdre Lamb,
BRE #01841638
Sunny remodeled 1940s Comptche farmhouse
d , too
a rs
ld, you
S ell
Enjoy large redwood, pepperwood, oak, and fruit trees on two private fenced acres of open
pasture and forest. The interior has old-growth fir wooden floors and DSL for fast Internet.
Dream 760 sq. ft. workshop/art studio with high ceilings, a second room. There are
propane heaters in house and workshop. Multiple wells, an on-demand water heater, and
an ozonator water system are all in place. Property is out of coastal zone, a second legal
home is permitted. Rich, fertile soil is perfect for gardening and livestock; southern exposure
provides sunlight all year round.
$368,000. MLS 24697.
Bill Lamb
Now is a great time to list! Buyers are looking, call today for a free price analysis of your home.
Over 40 years combined experience — 120 years of local family history
Burdick Realty
The only Mother & Son Team successfully serving the coast
A MENDOCINO CHARM. . . Superbly maintained, 3 bedroom, 1 bath home located
conveniently in the heart of the village with a bay view. Perimeter fencing allow
you privacy on this extra-large lot with a spacious backyard. New southern-facing
deck, two wells, storage tank. Office and large laundry room with storage Family
owned since 1950. (24796) $849,000
LOCATION! LOCATION! LOCATION! is the key for this 3 bedroom, 2 bath home
on a very nice one-acre lot, just south of Mendocino. Abundant potential for gardening and landscaping withmature trees and shrubs. Living room, dining area,
kitchen, two bedrooms, and one bath located on the second level. This could be
your Dream Home with some upgrading and TLC. Lots of potential. Being sold “AS
IS”. (25910) $374,000
A WONDERFUL PIECE OF EAST MENDOCINO Build your retreat among the towering firs and redwoods now, or invest for the future in scarce undeveloped Mendocino acreage. Two wooded parcels, very country and very secluded, located
close to Mendocino K-8 school and the village. Wells are in and septic design
completed. Owner may carry to qualified buyer. Call us regarding terms. Property
is not in the Coastal Zone. (24625 & 24626) Price is now $179,000 & $189,000
READY-TO-BUILD PARCEL after you have done a little clearing. These 2.55 acres
overlook Mitchell Creek and is in the sunbelt. Nice trees of redwoods, fir, and pine.
High-volume well, septic permit for a 3 bedroom, 2 bath home, and an older geological report on file. Bring your house plans. Owner may carry to qualified buyer.
Call us regarding terms. (24632) $174,000
Bobby Burdick, Realtor®
Melanie “Sis” Burdick, Broker
P.O. Box 343 • 10502 Nichols Lane
Mendocino, CA 95460 • 707-937-3176
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22601 North Highway 1, Fort Bragg
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Page 10 Real Estate Magazine June 26, 2015
Celebrating Over 50 Years of Excellence and Integrity
Automatic e-mails available for new listings, price reductions and foreclosures. • To access our listings and to view all listings in the area go to
MENDOCINO  1061 MAIN STREET 707 9375822
Commercial property includes high occupancy mini
storage, a successful retail furniture outlet, and dairy
distributor who has been in business for many years.
There is a separate office that currently serves the mini
storage and the dairy. This is a perfect opportunity for
the investor looking for great income and a fully leased
property. (24936) $1,700,000
ROSE COTTAGE—Fixer with character. Historic Rose
Cottage in the popular community of Caspar, just four miles
north of the village of Mendocino. Built in 1876, this rustic
Victorian farmhouse, with ocean views, is a two-story, 2+
bedroom, 1.5 bath home; plus, there is an adorable guest
cottage with its own front porch and peek-a-boo ocean
views. Large fenced yard with deck; raised flower/vegetable
beds; wood shed; passive-solar living room windows; twocar garage/extra room; with a year-round small creek; a pasture with horses as wonderful neighbors, add to this magical
property. The Caspar Community Center and community
garden, a short walk away. (24931) $440,000
leased commercial building in the heart of Mendocino.
The historic Mendocino Beacon Building has a nice mix
of retail space at street level and offices upstairs. This
is a well-situated, high foot-traffic location.
SUNSET COVE—Expansive views greet you as you
enter this contemporary masterpiece. The pure lines,
Italian limestone hearth, traversing beams, and soaring
ceiling heights all contribute to the residence’s expansive feeling of openness; floor-to-ceiling windows act
as a visual threshold between living space and Pacific
views. Rebuilt from the foundation up in 2004, this privately positioned 6,800± sq. ft. residence encompasses
four bedrooms, four bathrooms, and two powder rooms;
award-winning chef’s kitchen, art gallery, media room,
his/her offices, and wine cellar in the main house; and
an additional guest wing featuring two bedrooms, one
bathroom, a living room, and kitchen. Home will be sold
with furnishings of antiques and noteworthy pieces individually selected by world-renowned interior
designer. (23051) $4,400,000
HARBOR VIEW HOME—The easy life can be yours
with this tidy and cozy home within walking distance
to Noyo River’s South Harbor. A perfect retreat or
summer home, you can bring your boat down to the
harbor to launch and then park your trailer or RV out
of the way in the spacious backyard. Go fishing and return with your limit of salmon and have a great barbecue, or play horseshoes with your friends. Near town
and amenities, but so close to the harbor you can see
the boats from your deck! (24777) $319,000
SEASIDE SETTING—North of the coastal town of Fort
Bragg, long stretches of blufftops, rock outcroppings, and
beaches start to appear and life’s pace seems to relax a
little. This is the location of this 4.5± acre oceanfront lot.
As you enter onto the property there is a gentle knoll that
has commanding views to the south coastline encompassing the Ten Mile dunes and Fort Bragg in the distance. To
the north, Cape Mendocino and the Lost Coast are on the
horizon. Here’s the lovely part, a Coastal Development
Permit is in place for a 2,200 sq. ft. home. Well is deeded
and septic is already installed. This property is ready for
your dreams. (24912) $699,000
Barry Cusick, Broker Assoc. 813-8430 Johanna Hopper, Realtor® 937-1671
Cheri Osborne, Broker Assoc. 357-4414 Bob Jetton, Broker Assoc. 734-0417
Jim Eldridge, Broker Assoc. 937-6070 Art Love, Broker Assoc. 972-6585
Sarah Schoeneman, Realtor 937-1183 Phyllis St. John, Broker Assoc. 937-5822
Greg Burke, Broker 489-7027
FORT BRAGG  703 NORTH MAIN STREET 707 9643610
BEACH VIEW HOME—Where river meets ocean! This
home is all about its ideal location and its magnificent
views looking out over Hare Creek Beach to the crashing
surf beyond. Gated end-of-road privacy adds a sense of
tranquility to this unique setting. Designed around this
beautiful setting, the classic sixties-era contemporary style
architecture of this comfortable home takes advantage
of the impressive surroundings that nature has provided.
Enjoy the views from the living room, kitchen and master
bedroom or from the guest bedroom. Cross through large
sliding glass doors onto the spacious redwood deck and relax with friends. Explore the beach from
the access trail just a short distance from the house. Many upgrades with a 2008 remodel includes
new quality appliances, well-thought-out storage and modern cabinetry. Oversized two-car detached
garage includes laundry room and work area with portable generator allowing self-sufficiency during
those winter storms. Parking area landscaped and spacious. (24932) $999,000
CRAFTSMAN-STYLE HOME—3 bedroom, 1 bath, Craftsman-style home. Dining room area includes Craftsman-style
old growth built-ins. It is said that at one time this home had
old growth paneling in living room area which possibly is still
there. This home also has Douglas fir wood floors under the
current carpet in the main area. Garage in alley has bonus
workshop area perfect for the mechanic in the family. Check
with the city to see what the zoning of this home will allow.
It’s a hidden gem. (24674) $230,000
BEAUTIFUL PRIVATE ESTATE — Well-maintained custom home in quiet neighborhood. Peek-a-boo view of ocean
from upper deck. Legal detached second unit perfect for
family or additional income. Live in the country with quality
features which includes Wolf range with Broan hood, maple
flooring throughout kitchen and dining room. Expansive
prow-de-signed glass gable allows plenty of light with great
views of the outdoors. Large redwood deck which wraps
around two sides of house, perfect for barbecues. Quality
materials throughout with vertical grain redwood siding,
copper fl ashings, addition-al storage building, and wood shed. Two-car detached garage with 50
amp supply for R.V. hookup. Second unit has its own well and septic with extra shop space. (24300)
the market since 1956, built in 1905 the Historic Baum
building. Original period Victorian architecture with early
Craftsman influence. Architecture includes Eastlake doors
with impressive redwood paneled great room which leads
to adjoining sunroom. Large fireplaces add elegance to this
gem of a building including original custom staircase, oak
flooring, and spacious 12 ft. ceilings. Many upgrades including electrical and plumbing with overall renovation
partially completed. Building permits along with restaurant business license are current. Multi-use potenital will allow flexibility for income. Two totally
renovated detached units produce $21,300 annual gross income. Carriage house includes a private
garage and is set up to function as a manager’s quarters if needed. Off-street parking and centrally
located make this the perfect restaurant location. Double lot location near Glass Beach and Haul
Road. If you are looking to own a restaurant and have a love for historic architecture and renovation
work, this is the house for you. (24830) $699,000
OLD HOMESTEAD—Charming property with new unfinished house, barn and several other outbuildings, including
one that appears to have been a second lived-in cottage. All
outbuildings need major renovation. Some ongoing work in
progress. This 5.8 acre parcel has a seasonal stream, mature
cypress trees, inviting forest, meadows, and trails. Potential
for an organic mini farm, vacation rental, or family retreat.
(24841) $365,000
RARE, OCEANFRONT BEAUTY—One of the few remaining oceanfront vacant land parcels in Ocean Meadows
Subdivision. A neighborhood of nice homes. Dramatic
ocean views. (24907) $695,000
John Kruzic, Realtor® 357-0354 Chuck Meissner, Realtor® 684-6388
Linda Simpson, Realtor® 813-0964 Masha Bychkova, Realtor 278-6555
Dale Simpson, Realtor® 530-859-0964 Greg Burke, Broker 489-7027
Real Estate Magazine June 26, 2015 Page 11
Luxury Real Estate on the Mendocino Coast...
IMAGINE LIVING in a home with an infinite view to the horizon over the crystal
blue waters of the Pacific! Discreetly located in Albion, California, the private
entry opens into a home designed to take full advantage of its relationship to the
ocean and the Navarro River .. This three-story home that is now on the market
for the first time since it was constructed. Don’t miss out on this one-of-a-kind
opportunity! (24929) $2,488,000
PRISTINE SINGLE-STORY OCEANFRONT RESIDENCE on near twoacre lushly landscaped parcel. Remodeled to embellish the profound
relationship to theocean. Spacious bedrooms and full study/library all
with ocean views. Very private and quiet location in Caspar, California.
Midway between Mendocino and Fort Bragg. Gorgeous home waiting
for a new owner! (24698) $1,589,000
INCREDIBLE OPPORTUNITY to purchase one of the most spectacular oceanfront
estates on the Mendocino Coast. Single-story masterpiece with panoramic
views. Second detached two-story living quarters with one-bedroom unit
above and studio on the ground floor. Endless options here, yet move-in ready
and with views that are impossible to duplicate anywhere else in the world.
(24826) $2,482,000
NATURAL LIGHT and vaulted ceilings make this elegant home come alive. The honey-toned
Brazilian granite countertops are a gorgeous design element, along with Venetian chandeliers
and art glass, a three-inch slab of Yosemite granite above the living room fireplace, and
Carrera Italian marble in both bathrooms, and gallery lighting throughout. This home was
thoughtfully constructed to take full advantage of the southern exposure with a passive-solar
design.The open chef’s kitchen is perfect for entertaining with large French doors to enjoy
indoor-outdoor living. Expansive double-hung Marvin windows open up to serene meadow
views featuring beautiful native landscaping. (24739) $948,000
VICTORIAN REPRODUCTION HOME in the heart of one of the oldest
sections of Mendocino village. Every room decorated and finished to
mirror the golden age of living in the late 1800s. Sumptuous finishes,
period wallpaper, gorgeous grounds with a one-of-a-kind view towards Mendocino Bay and the ocean with the historic church steeple
that is the hallmark of the town. Beautifully landscaped garden with
over a quarter acre of land. (24771) $1,289,000
GRAND VICTORIAN home in the heart of the most vibrant area of the village. Set back on its
lot with an enchanting front entry. A full remodel includes innumerable luxurious upgrades
along with a new central heating system, all while maintaining reverence for the elegant
historical features such as hand carved detailing, original built-ins, three fireplaces, and
gorgeous fir floors. The fully remodeled carriage house boasts an upstairs bedroom and
full bathroom and downstairs office and kitchenette. Both the main house and the carriage
house have private patios surrounded by professionally-landscaped gardens. Extra large
lot includes a large garden area on the north side. Rare flexible commercial zoning offers a
wide open range of opportunity here! (24772) $1,199,000
Pamela Hudson Real Estate
1000 MAIN STREET, MENDOCINO, CA 95460 • 707.937.3900 •
BROKER, BRE #01036573
MOBILE: 707.813.0813
Realtor®, BRE #01262172 MOBILE:
Realtor® BRE #00958541
MOBILE: 707.591.1211
Realtor® BRE #00942233 MOBILE:
“Like” us on Facebook
PERFECTLY SITUATED with views of the Van Damme Bay, lovingly remodeled Victorian keeping the charm
from the late 1800s. Two upstairs bedrooms with beautiful bathroom and sweeping ocean views Living
room, dining room, parlor, and half bath and kitchen on the main floor offer all the comforts you will need.
Detached garage has living area above. Easy walking distance to the beach, golf course, and restaurants.
(24773) $674,000
ATTENTION REHABBERS! This circa 1884 historic Victorian features a
wealth of classic detailing and is just waiting for a visionary to give it a
fabulous restoration. From open-beamed high ceilings, vintage wood
carved details, stained glass, redwood siding, a clawfoot tub, and bay
windows, this could be your antique beauty. Bring your imagination
and restore this wonderful project property to its original glory. Being
sold as-is. (24706) $199,000
Realtor®, BRE #01720911
MOBILE: 530-515-0122
OCEANFRONT ELEGANCE Designed by the renowned Seattle architects Adams, Mohler and Ghilino. This custom home
perches dramatically on a high bluff in Elk. Approximately 4,000 sq. ft. in size, featuring three ample bedrooms and 4.5
baths, plus a chef’s kitchen; laid out with panoramic Pacific views throughout. Listen to the crashing surf from this true
luxury retreat. Dine, entertain, or relax in your hidden courtyard, elegantly but simply landscaped around a solar heated
lap pool. The design is modern, favoring clean, simple, and elegant finishes that integrate with, and capitalize upon, the
exceptional site.( 24493) $2,650,000
SPECTACULAR is a word that barely justifies the description of the view from this
seven-plus acre oceanfront parcel. Completely private older farmhouse on the
property currently serves as a successful vacation rental for the owners known
as ‘’Seacliff Hideaway.’’ Dramatic cove, enormous seastacks and arch formations, gently sloping rise to a tree-covered knoll. Future building site has been
investigated including a geologic report. Located just south of the charming town
of Elk, California, population of approximately four hundred. (23649) $998,000
WILDLIFE WONDER Enjoy this beautiful tranquil setting. Country living
within the city limits. Backs up to Otis Johnson Park. Three bedroom,
2 bath home with many upgrades. Granite tile in kitchen. Office/studio
room in garage. Hardwood floors under carpet (but not under living
room carpet). Walk-in tub! Office/ retreat room in garage. Unique
laundry room, bath. (24753) $499,000
SPECTACULAR LOCATION bordering the Point Cabrillo preserve.
Complete with subdivision water and sewer. Current coastal development permit and preliminary plans for a 2 bedroom, 2 bath house.
This peaceful ocean view lot at the end of the road is yours for the
taking. (24890) $70,000
BEAUTIFUL PARCEL with level area to build your dream home. Well
already drilled. Hookup available to the city of Fort Brag Sewer!
Electricity is in. Peaceful location yet close to town, shopping, and
beaches. Peek a view of the Harbor. (24895) $229,000
A RARE OPPORTUNITY to own acreage in a highly desirable neighborhood, just minutes from the village of Mendocino. This parcel is
beautifully wooded, has end-of-the-road privacy, and a drilled well is
already in place. Bring your plans, and build your dream home here!
(24736) $283,000
Page 12 Real Estate Magazine June 26, 2015
Gale Beauchamp Realty 345 Cypress Street, Fort Bragg, California 95437
Telephone: 707 964-5532
Prominent in the delightful northeast area of
town, this stately home has immense character
and a comfortable floor plan that flows nicely
toward a lovely backyard garden and deck.
Custom wrought iron fencing and artful iron
gates enclose the west-side entry area. Once
inside you find beautiful light oak floors and
ten-foot ceilings with custom old-growth wall
treatments. The front living room features a fireplace with antique mantle and granite façade.
French doors open to the adjacent large sunroom and nearby deck. The kitchen with granite
counters and stainless Jenn-Air appliances is the center of this house with a great dining room
nearby and is open to the enticing garden room that is great for gatherings with woodstove and
patio access. There are three bedrooms and two bathrooms. Outside, enjoy the large sundeck or
wander the garden path toward a charming cedar studio and a garden wine cellar near another
gathering area. A perfect retreat from the ordinary!(24845) $678,000
Gale Beauchamp, Broker
Carol Ann Walton, REALTOR®,
Maureen Petersen, REALTOR®, 272-0748
Robin Pfeil, REALTOR®,
Glass Beach and the new Fort Bragg
Coastal Trail are a block away from this
great city home. Turn-key, featuring a
freshly painted exterior and recently
painted tasteful interior with newer
laminate floors throughout this 3 bedroom, 2 bath home. Master bedroom has
walk-in closet and opens to a large south
sundeck and patio. Dining area opens to
side porch to the fenced backyard with
lawn and garden area. Propane central
heat, pellet stove, and natural sunlight
keep this house cozy. Attached double garage, gas range in kitchen, and inviting entry porch with
room to relax and listen to the nearby ocean. Ocean peeks from a few locations, too. Walk, run,
ride the trail all the way to MacKerricher Park! Come see! (24825) $325,000
This oversized city lot is 58 ft.
wide and 165 ft. deep with full
perimeter fencing. At almost
a quarter acre, this parcel has
plenty of room for a home, outbuildings, and gardens. Super
convenient to schools and in
a great area. (24836) $119,000
Nice, 3 bedroom, 2 bath home has a
large living room with fireplace and a
big kitchen with airy office or playroom
adjacent that opens to the rear patio area.
Circular floor plan allows an easy flow
throughout the home. Attached garage
has a new door and opener. Seventyeight-foot-wide lot has vehicle access
to the old carport and very handy shop/
studio in the backyard. Clean interior with
affordable oil stove for heating in this
move-in ready home. Just fence the yard
and enjoy it! (24856) $295,000
For a photo album of these and all our residential, land & commercial listings, please see Vacation Home
Mendocino Coast Reservations
announces that it has space
available on its exclusive roster
of luxury oceanside vacation
rental homes. If you are interested in having your home represented by the coast’s oldest,
most-experienced and mostsought-after rental service.
Please Call 937-1000
Mailing: PO Box 1143
45084 Little Lake Road
Mendocino, California 95460
707 937-5033
800 262-7801
Fax: 707 937-4236
Point Cabrillo Light Station
State Historic Park
Lighthouse & Gift Shop open 7 days a week
Real Estate Magazine June 26, 2015 Page 13
Page 14 Real Estate Magazine June 26, 2015
18300 Old Coast Highway, Fort Bragg, CA 95437 Across From The Botanical Gardens
Office: (707) 964-1888 • Fax: (707) 964-8408 • Property Management: (707) 964-2841
Robert Armitage, Realtor® — Gregory Menken, Broker
Saundra Battaglia, Broker Associate – Margaret Perry, Realtor®
Specializing in
Short Sales
and Distressed
JUST STEPS AWAY from Mendocino’s shops, beaches, and fine dining, The Sea Gull Inn is one of the original
B&B inns on the scenic Northern California Coast. All nine guest rooms have private baths and some have views
of the ever-changing Pacific Ocean. Excellent income and many recent upgrades. (24532) $1,600,000
LAST LOT FOR SALE. Lot #3 of four city lots. Located within
walking distance to the bluffs of Todd Point and Pomo Bluff
Park. Perimeter fencing around all four lots with stamped
sidewalk fronting the subdivision. Underground utilities and
access to city water and city sewer. (23741) $147,000
ON NEARLY THREE ACRES, this 2 bedroom, 2 bath, beach
house welcomes you with sunny, protected decks, blue water
views and beach access via a bridge over a year-round creek.
An open floor plan encompasses kitchen, living, and dining areas. Lots of windows to bring in the outside. (24833) $575,000
REMARKABLE 18± ACRE coastal property with two building
sites. Gaze over vast views of waves, sea stacks, and a blow
hole! This manicured property features wooded areas and
spectacular pastoral hillside views to the east. Good producing
well is in. (24715) $595,000
TWO 3 BEDROOM, 2 bath homes on acreage in the sunbelt
but just minutes from Mendocino village. The first is a single-story rancher with wood floors, open-floor plan, window
seats, and open-beam ceilings. The second is a two-story with
its own private yard. There’s also a separate office/studio
with washroom. (24820) $479,900
view homesite for your dream home. Quiet west of Highway 1
location with remarkable long-range vistas. (23915) $150,000
RARE COASTAL ESTATE-SIZE parcel with a classic mix of
meadows, redwood and pine forests, year-round creek, and
pond. Distant ocean view is possible. Adjacent properties are
timberland and large parcels. Great for horses! Some sellers
are California Real Estate licensees. (24217) $925,000
TWO PARCELS 1.29 acres and 1.24 acres. Both out of the
coastal zone with wells and rocked driveways. Ready to build!
(24467 & 24468) $199,000 each
BEAUTIFUL level 2± acre parcel with redwoods, pines, and
sunshine. Corner marked, power in, drilled well with pump
system in, septic design for aerobic system, cleared homesite,
rocked access to property, and location in the coastal exclusionary zone. (24531) $225,000
COMMERCIAL CENTER directly opposite Mendocino Coast
Botanical Gardens. Numerous long-standing tenants. Fronts
both Highway 1 and Old Coast Highway.Across parking lot,
two-story building includes residence with kitchen and two
upstairs bedrooms with 1.5 baths (currently used as offices).
(24116) $698,000
TOTE FETE is an established business in the heart of Mendocino village. With an excellent ocean view location this
business offers excellent goodwill. It generates an outstanding income year-round. (24734) $162,500
Real Events Calendar
Ongoing, 2015
Mondays—Weekly vigils at Mike Thompson’s office, Franklin
Street, Fort Bragg, 10:00 a.m.
Mondays—Drop-in English Country Dance, 6:45 p.m. to 7:45
p.m., C.V. Starr Community Center, 300 South Lincoln Street,
Fort Bragg; $6 at the door.
Tuesdays—Irish Set Dance, 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m., Apple Farm
in Philo; Free; no partner necessary; wear smooth-soled shoes;
information, Lea Smith, 964-7525.
Wednesdays—Drop-in T’ai Chi Chih class for all ages and conditions, 1:15 p.m. to 2:15 p.m., Fort Bragg Senior Center, 490
North Harold Street; sliding scale fee, 962-0903.
Wednesdays—Mendocino Figure Drawing Collective, 1:30
p.m. to 4:30 p.m., Mendocino Art Center. Professional models; $12 fee. Drop-ins welcome. For more information, call
MAC Open Studios, 937-5818 ex. 10.
Thursdays—Support group for grandparents raising grandchildren, 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. at Safe Passage Family Resource Center, 208 Dana Street, Fort Bragg; 964-1931 or
964-3077. With holidays, some meeting days change.
Thursdays—Bingo; snacks and beverages provided; 7:00 p.m.
(doors open at 6:00 p.m.), 490 North Harold Street; 964-0443.
Fridays—Noyo Food Forest learning garden hands-on experiences, 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m., Fort Bragg High School; 964-0218.
Fridays—Swing Dancing, 6:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m., Caspar Inn;
Free and open to the public.
Saturdays—Mendocino Community Garden—a true community endeavor working together, growing an abundance.
We meet starting around 11:00 a.m. Lots of space, food, and
community; 17 years running. Next to the community center.
Call or show up 937-3037.
First and Third Tuesdays—Irish Set Dance, 6:30 pm. to 8:00
p.m., Apple Farm, 18510 Greenwood Road, Philo; April 15,
May 6, May 20, etc.; information at 964-7525; dance leader
Lea Smith; Irish Set Dance workshops are on-going, and on a
drop-in basis. The more you come, the more you will learn. No
partner necessary. Please wear soft-soled shoes, dance shoes
or dress shoes with low heels are great. No street shoes, high
heels, sneakers, flip-flops, or sandals, please. No fee, though
donations are accepted to pay the caller and help cover costs.
No need to sign up, just show up. Please arrive a bit early so we
can start on time.
First Fridays—Women in Black Peace Vigil, 5:00 p.m. to 6:00
p.m., Town Hall, Fort Bragg. All are welcome to come and stand
in silence for Peace. You are welcome to bring a candle.
First Fridays—Fort Bragg Art Walk, BongoLatte Latin jazz
quartet, 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m., Headlands Coffeehouse, 120
Laurel Street, Fort Bragg. Free. All ages. For information,
call 964-1987.
First Saturdays—SHARE (Simply Happy About Raw Eating)
network’s Raw Food Potluck, 6:00 p.m.; bring an organic, raw
vegan dish for eight people to share, a plate, eating utensils;
upstairs of the Company Store at Living Light, Fort Bragg;
First Sundays—Fort Bragg Grange Breakfasts: 8:00 a.m.
to 11:30 a.m., 26500 North Highway 1 in Inglenook, six
miles north of Fort Bragg on the west side of the highway. Adult menu for $8 includes smoked pit ham, eggs any
style, hash browns with fruit option and all-you-can-eat
pancakes with grangemade berry syrup; Thanksgiving Coffee or
hot tea. Additionally one can purchase fresh squeezed organic
carrot juice as well as organic orange juice. Breakfasts for
children under 6 are $4.
Second Wednesdays—Odd Fellows potluck and open stage.
Bring music, food, and poetry; 428 North Main Street, Fort
Bragg, behind PAWS; doors open by 6:00 p.m.; 961-6099 or
964-2511 on Wednesday.
Second Thursdays—Women In Business Network; onversation, new ideas, connections: 8:00 a.m., Caspar Community
Center. More information at:
Second Fridays—Pub Night, 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. Friendly
OPEN MIC for singers and musicians: three songs onstage,
sound tech on-site to help you sound great! Come early and
sign up for your spot. Wonderful dinner food, beer, and wine are
available for sale Lots of board games and cards in our library,
ping pong table if desired, skittles table, etc. FREE—all ages
welcomed—Join Us!
Second Sundays—Jazz Jam hosted by Dorian May; 2:00 p.m
to 5:00 p.m., Headlands Coffeehouse, 120 Laurel Street, Fort
Bragg. Free. All ages. For information, call 964-1987.
Third Fridays—The Dorian May Trio; Jazz Piano, 7:00 p.m.
to 10:00 p.m., Headlands Coffeehouse, 120 Laurel Street,
Fort Bragg. Free. All ages. For information, call 964-1987.
Fourth Wednesdays—Noyo Chapter of the American Rhododendron Society meeting, 7:00 p.m., September through
April, (third Wednesday in November and third Wednesday
in December to avoid holiday conflicts) Fort Bragg Presbyterian Church. Short business meeting followed by a speaker;
all with interest in rhododendrons are encouraged to attend;
Fourth Sundays—Grange Pancake Breakfasts: Inland, Little
Lake Grange, 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. Little Lake Grange #670,
291 School Street, Willits; $6 for pancakes, eggs, ham or bacon,
juice, and coffee or tea; Thanksgiving coffee and real maple
syrup. Coast, Whitesboro Grange, 8:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.; ham
and eggs, pancakes, juice, milk, coffee and teas (herbal and
regular), homemade berry syrup; three miles up Navarro Ridge
Road, just south of Albion village.
Fourth Sundays—Caspar Breakfast, 9:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
The menu varies with the season and includes vegan and
gluten-free options. Great food, great company, great cause!
Benefit for Caspar Community.
Ongoing, 2015
Tzutujil Mayan Painting Exhibit
Paintings by internationally-known Tzutujil Mayan
artists Antonio Vásquez Yojcom and Juana Mendoza
Cholotio will grace the walls of the GoodLife Bakery in
Mendocino during the month of July. Antonio, Juana,
and their children live in San Juan La Laguna, a small
town on the shore of Guatemala’s Lake Atítlan. On
the patio next to the small gallery at their home, they
paint unique variations of their original designs. The
paintings on exhibit are originals. All the deliciously
colorful paintings are oil on canvas mounted on luan
mahogany. Proceeds from their sale will directly benefit the artists.
For more information, please contact Annie Lee at
(707) 964-0321 or
June, 2015
Sat. 06/26–Sun. 06/28
Fort Bragg Grand Quilt Show
Soroptimist International Noyo Sunrise members are
fanning out in the Fort Bragg Mendocino community
with colorful raffle tickets that can be exchanged for
a donation—each gives the owner a chance to win one
of three enchanting quilts donated for this fund-raiser.
The Fort Bragg Quilt Show is open 10:00 a.m to 5:00
p.m. Saturday and 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Sunday.
$5 admission
A Quilt Walk displaying dozens of fine quilts in Fort
Bragg stores will be ongoing in the month of June.
Tickets are also available on the website
July, 2015
Wed. 07/01–Fri. 07/31
Rhoda Teplow Jewelry
There will be an artist’s reception Second Saturday,
July 11, from 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Come enjoy food,
drink, art, and meet the artist!
Open seven days 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
6031 South Highway 1; located next to the post office
and Queenie’s restaurant in greater downtown Elk.
Call 877-1128 or 964-2787 for more information.
Fri. 07/03
The Mixed Nuts
Enjoy a collection of swing, Latin, calypso, jazz, and the
musically unexpected. They are an off-shoot of Kevin
and the Coconuts and was originally the brainchild of
drummer, Dan Albrecht, who, in this group, plays piano
and sings. He is joined by Steve Paul on trumpet, vocals, steel pan, banjo and accordion; Paul Schulman on
congas; Daney Dawson on acoustic upright bass; Tom
Rickard on drums and special guests.
$10 at the door.
Doors open at 6:00 p.m. for casual dining and full bar.
Music and dance party starts at 7:30 p.m.
Hill House Inn, Mendocino
Call 937-0554 for more information.
Sat. 07/04
Mendocino English Country Dance
English Country Dance is fun, relatively easy, community-oriented dancing with live music. All dances are
taught. No partner is required. Beginners are encouraged to participate. No special dress is required. Please
bring potluck snacks and beverages to share during the
break. Calling and instruction by David Newitt.
$10; free for high school students
Newcomer instruction at 7:30 p.m.
Caspar Community Center
Tues. 07/07–Sat. 07/25
Mendocino Music Festival
Look for the festival tent in Mendocino
Go online for the schedule or pick one up at the festival
office, next to Out of This World in Mendocino, 45100
Main Street. or 937-2044
Wed. 07/08
Daoist Warrior Series
T’ai Chi and the Daoist Warrior (five-week series); two
sites, Fort Bragg and Caspar. To practice Taijiquan
(T’ai Chi Ch’uan) is to follow the path of the Daoist
Warrior: powerful yet tolerant, peaceful yet capable.
Real Estate Magazine June 26, 2015 Page 15
Information about your event must be written copy… E-mail, FAX, mail or delivered to our
office. To limit errors and omissions phone messages about events will not be accepted.
A telephone number for information must be included.
Public Service Announcements Courtesy of Real Estate Magazine.
This series emphasizes T’ai Chi Push Hands to introduce the practitioner to the difference between
nonviolence and pacifism.
Fort Bragg starts July 6, 3:30 p.m.; Caspar starts
July 8, 6:30 p.m.
330 North Franklin Street, Fort Bragg; Caspar
Community Center, Caspar
$85 for five weeks ($10 off for early registration)
Contact information: 962-3009 or
Sat. 07/18
Mendocino County’s original Latin-inspired dance
band, brings eclectic Latin rhythms to the North Coast
and offers authentic interpretations of a wide variety
of Afro-Caribbean styles. In addition to their signature Cuban son and salsa, the band performs cumbia,
merengue, flamenco, and Brazilian bossa and samba
rhythms, with a sprinkling of rock, jazz, and funk.
$10 at the door.
Doors open at 6:00 p.m. for casual dining and full bar.
Music and dance party starts at 7:30 p.m.
Hill House Inn, Mendocino
Call 937-0554 for more information.
Sat. 07/25
The Go To Guys
Rhythm and blues, funk, and rock ‘n’ roll played with
authenticity, displaying the versatility of these veteran
players who have a mature approach to music. Jamie
Gilliam on guitar—he was playing his dad’s guitar at
age five; Billy Schieve—started at age seven playing
accordion, then on to piano, organ, guitar, bass, and
drums; Richie Rosenbaum, drummer—started in New
York City playing classical and jazz, adding proficiency
in many styles including rock, pop, funk and Latin.
$10 at the door.
Doors open at 6:00 p.m. for casual dining and full bar.
Music and dance party starts at 7:30 p.m.
Hill House Inn, Mendocino
Call 937-0554 for more information.
Sat. 07/25
Music: Soul Shakedown, The Coastal Rangers, Erin
Brazill and the Brazillianaires, The Mixed Nuts and
Lafe Crick; dancing, food, marketplace, nonprofits, fortune telling, kids’ activities, animals, great food, beer,
wine, and Margaritas.
Free entrance.
Caspar Community Center, 15051 Caspar Road in Caspar
964-4997 or
Sat. 07/25
Elk Volunteer Fire Department Eleventh Annual
Summer BBQ
Department members and friends will serve up grilled
tri-tip, smoked chicken, and portabella mushroom
entrees, along with beans, green salad, homemade
dessert, and coffee. Fresh bread from the center’s
wood-fired brick oven will accompany the meal And,
as always, Elk’s famous Margaritas will be available,
along with beer, wine, and soft drinks. Emergency vehicles and equipment will be on display at the barbecue. Children can meet Smokey the Bear and enjoy a
dip in the portable pond. Weather permitting, you can
inspect CALSTAR and REACH helicopters and meet
their crews. Local musicians will keep the mood festive. Raffle, featuring items donated by local inns, merchants and community members; you don’t need to be
present to win.
All you can eat—$20 for adults and $10 for kids ages
seven through twelve (age six and under, free)
Noon to 4:00 p.m.
Greenwood Community Center, downtown Elk
For more information, contact Clark Fish, 877-3494
or visit
August, 2015
Sat. 08/01
Art in the Gardens
Twenty-fourth annual event that includes activities for
everyone at the botanical gardens, forty-seven acres
fronting the Pacific Ocean. Shopping for art, demonstrations by Pacific Textile Arts members, toe-tapping
music, and foods available for a delectable lunch. new
this year: beer tasting. Enjoy fine wines, regional microbrews, and a palette of fresh foods from local vendors. No dogs allowed at the event; no regular admission passes accepted.
$20, advance; $25, at the door; kids under age sixteen
are admitted for free. Wine or beer tasting adds $20 per
person (over age twenty-one)
11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
18220 North Highway 1, Fort Bragg
Tickets may be purchased online or at Harvest
Market and the Garden Store in Fort Bragg or
Out of This World in Mendocino.
Call 964-4352 ext. 16 for more information.
for the
Total Rainfall 2010–2011 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50.75”
Total Rainfall 2011–2012 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31.82”
Total Rainfall 2012–2013 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31.11”
Total Rainfall 2013–2014 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22.90”
Total Rainfall
To Date 29.62”
Total Rainfall
May 27, 2015 to June 23, 2015
This rainfall data was gathered at
Mendocino City
Community Services District
*Total rainfall is measured from July 1 of the preceding
year to June 30 of the current year.
Page 16 Real Estate Magazine June 26, 2015
For more detailed information and photos, and to search
the MLS, visit
Welcomes two new
agents to our family,
IN A WONDERFUL LOCATION about three miles up
Sherwood Road, in the sunbelt, sits this sweet, 2 bedroom, 1 bath home. Recently cleaned and updated
with new paint and extensive tree trimming to bring
in more natural light. There are expansive lawns,
mature landscaping, and cypress and redwood trees
on 1.3 acres of level land. Two-car carport connects
to the house with a breezeway and patio area with
arbor. (24914) $329,000
plan comes with two bedrooms, two office spaces, and
three baths on 2.58 acres. Lots of custom cabinetry and
attractive built-ins. Four-car garage! Additional buildings
include a greenhouse, workshop, pump house, gazebo,
and several storage sheds, one of which houses a backup
generator. Spacious lawns, mature plantings, fruit trees,
and a paved drive. (24916) $625,000
MID-CENTURY MODERN HOME has two bedrooms
plus an additional space with a separate entrance that
could be used for an office or cottage industry. Beautiful
views across Heider Field through town to the Pacific.
All new and energy- and water-efficient, from the
newly insulated walls and dual-pane windows to the
brand-new appliances. Lots of built-in storage and a
homey gas fireplace. Near all of the best of Mendocino.
(24904) $569,000
IN QUIET PRIVACY, nestled within 2 beautiful acres,
newly-remodeled, all-redwood, contemporary, 2
bedroom, 1.5 bath home features a large, redwoodpaneled living room with vaulted, open-beam ceiling,
brick-hearth fireplace, and solid, wood-plank floors.
Large picture windows and sliding doors open to a
virgin redwood deck and fenced yard. Third bedroom
possibility plus blue water views. Ideal as a country
escape/rental. (24148) $469,000
ON THE SUNNY SIDE OF THE STREET, this 3 bedroom, 2
bath home is move-in ready. Great floor plan with updated
kitchen and a family room featuring a cozy wood stove.
In addition, the home has propane forced-air central heat
and a fireplace in the living room. Recently updated with
new roof and new flooring. Fully fenced backyard with
large deck, fruit trees, and outbuilding. (24076) $299,000
PRIME IRISH BEACH LOCATION with ocean and hillside views from this contemporary home on a large
corner lot. Home includes one bedroom, one bath, plus
loft, galley-style kitchen, large stone fireplace, great
backyard with garden and barbecue area. Enjoy private
gated beach access to Manchester State Beach. Revive
this property as a vacation rental or your own vacation
getaway! (24417) $289,000
side of town with distant ocean views! Monitor and
electric heat as well as fireplace in living room.
Newer carpet and vinyl throughout. Six-foot fence.
Mudroom by front and back doors. Big back yard
with two-car garage plus extra parking space beside
garage, all with alley access. Great location near
schools, senior center, and aquatic center; bike ride
to beach! (24873) $279,000
Listings shown in italic have new lower prices.
3bd/2.75ba Custom home in redwoods with apartment, F.B. MLS#24709
2bd/2ba Beautiful home with rentals near Mendocino
Established plant nursery, central location in Fort Bragg
4bd/3ba Viking’s haven—luxury log cabin, Mendocino
Level, frontage property on Road 409; 1.42 acres, Mend.
2bd/1ba Cute bungalow with big backyard in Fort Bragg
3bd/2ba plus three rentals on 4+ acres, Albion
Second frontage property on Road 409; 1.41 acres, Mendo. MLS#24660
1bd/1ba Prime Irish Beach home with guest unit, Man.
3bd/2ba Successful vacation rental with ocean views, C’par MLS#24808
Sunny, private, tree-lined, 2-acre parcel, Albion
3bd/2ba Great floor plan on sunny street, Fort Bragg
3bd/3.5ba Exquisite home with village/ocean views, Mendo. MLS#24723
Highway 20 parcel with drilled well, building site; 1 acre
2bd/1ba Sherwood Road cutie in the sun, Fort Bragg
2bd/2ba Home with additional units, barn, and stalls, in F.B. MLS#24651
White water and lighthouse views in Irish Beach
4bd/4ba Ranch house/lodge on 140 acres, Comptche
23+ acres of undeveloped land east of Fort Bragg
7.6 Acres parcel bordered by Jack Peters Creek, Mendocino MLS#24518
4bd/3ba Large, split-level home with ocean views, Man.
2bd/1.5ba Custom home, 2 acres, redwood barn, L.R.
2bd/2ba Panoramic ocean vistas and Navarro River, Albion MLS#24501
Multi-purpose: Home+Rental+Vacation Unit+more, Mendo. MLS#24848
1.5 Acres with well, septic, power, near town, Mendo.
Logger’s cabin with ocean views, Mendocino village
4 units plus greenhouse, orchards, gardens, 4+acres, Albion MLS#24899
1+Acre, White water views lot in Surfwood IV, Mendocino
4bd/2ba Colonial, Williamsburg-style home on 4 acrs, Elk
Sunshine Hill Farm: 40-acre, 4 units, barns, on Hwy 20
26+ ocean view acres near Point Cabrillo
2bd/1ba Mendocino village home with ocean views
Beautiful 20-acre parcel located in Caspar.
2bd/3ba Ranch home, four-car garage, workshop, F.B.
Fiddlers Green Nursery, includes parcels and business, F.B. MLS#24727
Oceanfront 15+ acres just south of Fort Bragg
4bd/2ba Historic home with ocean views, Mendo
Main Street/Laurel corner location, Fort Bragg
4.8 acres of commercial land west of Highway 1, Fort Bragg MLS#24900
Mendo Burgers in the village
3bd/2.5ba Contemporary ocean view home, private, Albion MLS#24043
3bd/1ba Craftsman-style home in village, Mendocino
Our team of Brokers and Realtors provide information, listings, and services for all types of Properties including Short Sale, Foreclosure, and Bank-owned Properties.
David Coddington, Broker/Owner 937.3223 • Tracey Coddington, Realtor®/Owner 937.5071 • Mary Cesario Weaver, Realtor® 961.0937
Linda Stock, Broker Associate 937-5073 • Scott Vorhees, Realtor® 937-5071 • Robert Kelsey, Realtor® 964-7649
Rio MacGregor, Realtor® 397-0075 • Birdie Holmes, Realtor® 357-4085 • Office Fax 937-1637
Real Estate Magazine June 26, 2015 Page 17
707 937-1565 • 800 454-1565 •
Serving the Mendocino Coast,
Anderson Valley and everything in between.
COUNTRY HOME—Charming, 1 bedroom, 1 bath home in the
sunbelt. One± level acre with plenty of room to garden; add on
or build. (24892)
Offered at $297,500
REDWOOD CLASSIC—4 bedroom, 2 bath home features a
custom floor plan flowing from room to room on the main floor.
Multiple levels add plenty of privacy for all. A detached artist
studio, workshop, and large shed/second shop with plenty of
room for hobbies etc. Enjoy the serenity of being near the end
of the street in a quiet neighborhood. (24342)
Offered at $325,000
PRIME MENDOCINO LOCATION—Light and bright, 4 bedroom, 3 bath home. Large master suite has a fireplace, sitting
area, walk-in closet, and a spacious bathroom. Roomy bedrooms
and striking limestone bathrooms. Nice level yard with private
hot tub and fenced-in areas for pets. (24599)
Offered at $593,000
HOME IN REDWOOD SETTING—Two bedroom, 2 bath
home set on 3± beautiful redwood-studded acres with a seasonal pond. Large living room and den with large windows leading to surrounding decks. Situated in a wonderful Mendocino
neighborhood, less than a half mile from the Mendocino K-8
campus. Interior of home has been freshly painted and all the
floors refinished. (24785)
Offered at $675,000
TWENTY-THREE-ACRE ESTATE—Unique secluded property offers a gorgeous sylvan setting that includes a huge
waterfall on the headwaters of seasonal Jack Peters Creek.
The two-story home has four bedrooms and two baths including a 2 bedroom, 1.5 bath cottage, yoga /dance studio, and a
garage /workshop. Five-minute drive to the village of Mendocino.
Offered at $795,000
CLASSIC MENDOCINO VILLAGE HOME—Classic Mendocino artist’s home. Stroll to ocean. Off the large sunroom is
the kitchen. Detached studio great for hobbies, work, art, and
more. Backyard has many sitting areas and gardens. Comfortable apartment has white water views. (24798)
Offered at $825,000
ELEGANT COUNTRY HOME—Custom-built, single-story,
2,640± sq. ft., 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath home with large fenced-in
yard and lovely garden. Light and bright with many custom features. Level and usable 2.3± acre parcel. Sunny location with
fully irrigated yard for entertaining and gardening. (24794)
Offered at $795,000
ELEGANT HOME BY THE SEA—Impressive, 3,000± sq ft.,
4 bedroom, 2.5 bath home with panoramic views of the Pacific
Ocean. Well-executed, multi-level, floor plan with ocean views
from most rooms. Custom staircase leading to rooftop deck
with more great views and built-in barbecue. Located in a peaceful neighborhood. (24664)
Now Offered at $925,000
SOMETHING TO BRAGG ABOUT—The owners did everything they could to make the building picture-perfect: Dualpane windows, upgraded roof with skylights, exterior replaced
with Hardi-Plank, all systems upgraded. It sparkles! Flexible
enough for whatever business you are planning. (24742)
Offered at $425,000
SEAHORSE COTTAGE AT ALBION—Vacation rental with great
rental history and dramatic ocean views. This high quality, 2+ bedroom,
2 bath, vacation, fully furnished home is perched above the Albion Bay
with large picture windows to take in panoramic views. Two master suits
on opposite sides of the home offer ultimate privacy, each with ocean
views. Spacious deck with hot tub overlooking the grand Pacific and
Albion Bridge. (24917)
Now Offered at $879,000
OCEANFRONT HIDEAWAY—Enjoy dramatic white water ocean views from the comfort of your living room of this 3
bedroom, 2.5 bath home. Spacious deck stepping down to a
nice oceanside lawn area. A rocky cove provides a spectacular
vision of the Pacific Ocean. A little TLC and this home can be your
coastal dream! (24641)
Offered at $950,000
PERFECTION WITH VIEWS—This beautiful home overlooks Caspar Bay and Beach. Each element of this magnificent
3,000+ sq. ft., 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath, contemporary-style
home was built to engender pride of ownership. Every luxury has
been included. There are two garages, plus an oversized shop.
No wonder it is one of Mendocino’s most sought-after vacation
homes. (24838)
Offered at $1,330,000
CASAMAR—Oceanfront with Caspar Beach, Bay and wide-open
ocean views! Spacious 3,100+ sq. ft., 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath home.
Custom kitchen with cherry cabinets, six-burner gas range, large island,
and granite counters; it opens to the family room with custom bar and
ocean views. Massive master suite with views of the mighty Pacific from
your bed, walk-in closets, and a beautiful bathroom with air-jetted tub.
Single-story living. (24902)
Offered at $1,586,000
two-story, 1,600 sq. ft., commercial property located in the
heart of Mendocino underwent an exquisite renovation in the
year 2001. Upgrades include salvaged Australian eucalyptus
hardwood floors throughout, custom-built redwood windows
and doors, radiant heating on the main floor, and professional
lighting. (24889)
Offered at $595,000
parcel with approved plans and permits for a new, 1 bedroom,
1.5 bath home with office and garage. The property is located
near road’s end in the gated community of Pacific Reefs with
paved access roads. Lots of close-in sea stacks create crashing
white water views. (24759)
Offered at $449,000
Evening Telephones: KIRA MEADE Broker Associate 707-357-2194
SARA FOWLER Realtor® 707-357-3913 • MEGHAN DURBIN, Realtor® 707-272-9681
CAROL GREENBERG, Broker Associate 707-217-8892 • CARL V. AUDO, Broker Associate 707-357-7594
JIM McCUMMINGS, Broker 707-937-5263 • Broker Lic#: 00795192
10.84± ACRES WITH REDWOODS—960± sq. ft. shop
complete with 200 amp power (wired for switching to generator or solar power) provides a workplace or hangout while building your home on this private parcel with infrastructure in place.
Includes house plans that were permitted (but expired), underground power and phone, well, holding tanks, septic system,
propane tank, water heater, and building pad. (24901)
Offered at $260,000
SURFWOOD OCEAN VIEW LOT—White water view and a
coastal development permit, too. 1.86 ± acre lot in the southwest corner of Surfwood IV. You can access the oceanfront by
walking a private path through this lot then over the Caltrans
right of way. Architect has done the plans for a 2 bedroom, 2
bath home with an artist studio/workshop. (24720)
Offered at $349,000
Visit Our Village Office!
45010 Ukiah Street, Mendocino
Free Catalog ~ Local Brochures ~ Maps & Info
Business Hours
Monday–Saturday 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Sunday 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Page 18 Real Estate Magazine June 26, 2015
Vivian Reese, Broker
Gregg Kuljian, Realtor®
DRE #01234092
Mobile: 813-7430
w w w. n o r t h c o a s t l a n d . c o m
PRIME DOWNTOWN location; business and real estate for sale. Triplewide lot on ocean side of Highway 1. Full-service gas station, tire sales,
and auto shop with two lifts and compressor. Room to grow in many ways.
Opportunity awaits! $495,000
of useable land. Amazing ocean-view 40
acres zoned RR5 with reports on file at
office for possible split. Also river access,
large meadow, pond, three-phase power,
and 60-acre NTMP. $830,000
Bragg great for live/work. Walk on haul
road out the back of the property onto
the hiking road to access ocean. Great
location! $380,000
READY-TO-BUILD lot that has home
plans in county. Delightful land with
access to Jackson Demonstration State
Forest. This is an all-usable 2 acres in
a desirable neighborhood. Sunbelt with
great hiking trails for miles, yet minutes
to town. $450,000
specializes in matching
people with property.
· 25 years of Real Estate sales
experience on the Coast
· Knowledeable in both Real
Estate and Finance
· Vivian Reese is a skilled
negotiator who gets results
· Thorough understanding
of living on the Coast and
requirements for the Coastal
Planning Department
· High referral rate brings a
magic touch to everything
· Committed to excellence
from beginning to end
Real Estate Magazine June 26, 2015 Page 19
Sea Cottage Real Estate
located in beautiful, downtown Mendocino, on Lansing Street in the happening part of town.
10483 Lansing Street P.O. Box 762
Mendocino, CA 95460 800-707-0423
Find us on the Web at
for full details including area information.
Location! Location! This well-maintained, 4 bedroom, 2.5 bath home sits on 0.96 acres, less than a half-mile
walk from MacKerricher State Park, making it easy to enjoy all that MacKerricher has to offer. The master suit
consists of the entire second story with walk-in closets and en-suite bath also double French doors leading
to an upper large deck. Sunny backyard includes a large deck, several patio areas, and a workshop. There
is also a two-car attached garage. Log onto the viral tour to see additional photos!
Close to Shopping and Schools. This 3 bedroom, 2 bath home has vaulted ceilings, skylights
with a good floor plan. There is a laundry/mud room just off the sunny kitchen that has a door
conveniently leading to the carport. The large master bath features two sinks, garden tub, and
separate shower. Nice city lot on cul-de-sac with paved driveway, carport and fenced backyard.
The covered front porch makes it easy to enjoy the outside year-round.
MLS 24474
And Watch the Ducks Swim by... This
affordable manufactured home has a
center island in the kitchen and the adjacent dining room has plenty of room.
Many built-ins provide for ample storage.
There are good sized closets in both
bedrooms. Updates and TLC would make
this home a comfortable place.
MLS 24791
Three Private Wooded Acres Outside
of the Coastal Zone. These beautiful
forested adjoining parcels all have millable timber including redwoods. There
is a road and existing well on the west
parcel. Build you dream home in this
private setting outside the coastal zone.
Each parcel can be purchased separately at $199,000. Or, purchase all three
for $550,000.
MLS 21434
Vacation Rentals
Mendocino Preferred vacation home rentals are truly preferred
... make for perfect getaways... and are in a variety of settings:
on a dramatic oceanfront
or set back from the
ocean, but with an awesome ocean view...
or tucked away in a quiet
spot in the majestic
or in the mysterious
“pygmy” forest or in a
peaceful meadow.
Whatever the setting Mendocino Preferred vacation homes have
one thing in common... luxury.
— Romantic Getaways —
on the beautiful Mendocino Coast
Page 20 Real Estate Magazine June 26, 2015
Real Estate Loans
Since 1903 ~ making dream homes come true!
Jennifer Tyler
Jody Stickels
home is where the art is
highlight gallery
since 1978
Fine art, crafts, and exquisite woodworking
from over 200 regional
and nationally known
american artists and craftspeople
45094 main street | mendocino
707 937 3132 |
Lisa Rambo
Banana Belt Climate on The Sea Ranch
Beautifully maintained, 1984 sq. ft., tri-level home on 0.4 acres at the
top of section 35A enjoys blue water ocean views in front, forest at
back. Reverse floor plan: master and guest suites on first level with two
decks and hot tub; fantastic “great room” with kitchen/dining/living
on top. Propane fireplace enlivens the great room, forced-air heating throughout. Totaling three
bedrooms, three full baths, this
home was recently remodeled
and features: gleaming hardwood floors, plush carpeting,
new roof/decking/windows/
siding/kitchen appliances.
Close to recreation center, golfing, and shopping.
Banana Belt Properties
Serving the
since 1986
J. Moloney Scott BROKER #00795487
707.884.1109 FAX 707.884.1343
35505 South Highway 1 Anchor Bay
Box 630 Gualala