ONBIDA 2012 Annual Report - The International Dyslexia


ONBIDA 2012 Annual Report - The International Dyslexia
The International Dyslexia Association Ontario Branch
Annual Report 2012
Promoting literacy through research,
education and advocacy.
Founded in Memory of Samuel T. Orton
Annual Report 2012
Dyslexia is a specific learning disability. Despite having normal to above
normal intelligence, individuals with dyslexia have difficulty learning to read.
This impacts all aspects of their lives.
The Ontario Branch of the International Dyslexia
Association is committed to informing, educating
and supporting individuals with dyslexia, their families, and the communities and professionals that
support them.
We believe individuals with dyslexia have the right
to achieve their potential, that individual learning
abilities can be strengthened, and that social, educational and cultural barriers to literacy must be
Pictured from left to right: Sherry Raffalovitch (Vice President), Sue Barr, Philip
Young (Treasurer), Sean Keane, Liisa
Freure (Past President), Jana Leggett
(President), Michelle Halsey (Executive
Director), Dr. Jennifer Goudy (Secretary)
Missing in Action: Andy Strub, Alex Wu,
Howard Balter, Sally Gfeller, Valerie
Fish, Jan MacLean
The Ontario Branch of the International Dyslexia Association (ONBIDA) is a non-profit charitable
organization founded in June 2004. The branch is operated almost entirely by volunteers, providing free
information, support and referral services to the public.
Contact Information: 115 Hanna Road, Toronto, ON, M4G 3N5
416-716-9296 www.idaontario.com
Jana Leggett (President)
Liisa Freure (Past President)
Sherry Raffalovitch (Vice President)
Jennifer Goudey (Secretary)
Philip Young (Treasurer)
Howard Barr
Susan Barr
Valerie Fish
Sean Keane
Sally Gfeller
Jan MacLean
Andy Strub
Alex Wu
Annual Literacy & Learning Conference
Eastern Ontario Representation
Extra-Provincial Representation
Oliver Martin Memorial Trust Fund Assessment Scholarship
Right To Read Night
Speaker Series
Parent Group/Education
Charitable Registration Number 85713 3078 RR0001
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Stewart Burton
Luc Corneli
Flemming Friisdahl
Mark Foerster
Elie Roth
Sally Shearman
Annual Report 2012
Message from Michelle Halsey
Executive Director In 2012, ONBIDA continued to offer the high caliber programming we have become
known for over the last 8 years. Through our services we serve the 1 in 10 individuals
with dyslexia, their families, and the professionals who support them. We do this for
our clients in Ontario where we are based, and also for Canadians across the country
via our virtual services such as our Information & Referral line and audio broadcasts
of presentations.
The conference committee once again ran a very successful event in 2012. Relationships with new sponsors were also forged. Our ongoing education events such as
parent education groups and speaker series continued to attract families and professionals seeking knowledge as well as connections. Our communications committee
also ensured a higher reach with potential audiences through social media expansion
and the introduction of Skype broadcasting. Other highlights from 2012 include gaining intervener status in the appeal of Moore vs. British Columbia (Ministry of Education) and hosting the first
event with the new IDA ambassador and race car driver, Justin Wilson.
ONBIDA also worked to set the stage for a new program in 2013 – the Oliver Martin Memorial Trust Fund
Assessment Scholarship program. Committee members worked diligently to develop the rollout of this program which will grant scholarships in the amount of $1,500. These grants will be awarded to families
demonstrating financial need who have a student requiring a psycho-educational assessment. We are honored to partner with the family of Oliver Martin to provide the critical first step towards remediation of students who struggle to learn to read.
It is important to note that ONBIDA provides all of its outstanding programming without any grants or government funding. Through generous donations and sponsorships as well as a commitment to costefficiency, ONBIDA is able to provide services that positively impact thousands of individuals every year.
More specific details on the families and professionals we reached over the last year are available further in
this report.
The above achievements and groundwork laid for 2013 are due to the diligent efforts of many volunteers
and contributors. Through the efforts of these dedicated individuals we were able to further our mission of
promoting literacy through education and advocacy. My heartfelt gratitude goes out to all of our supporters
in 2012.
Michelle Halsey
Table of Contents
Executive Director’s
Treasurer’s Report
Information & Referral
Oliver Martin Memorial
Trust Fund
Speaker Series
Parent Education
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Annual Report 2012
Treasurer’s Report
Philip Young
The treasurer is the financial officer of the branch and serves as the authorized financial custodian of the
branch and its funds.
On behalf of all of us at ONBIDA, we cannot thank you enough for your continued support. ONBIDA is
focused on the prudent management of its financial resources and seeks to optimize every dollar that it
receives. The funds that have been raised go to raising public awareness and providing education and support to make a significant and positive impact on the lives of those with dyslexia. The accompanying pie charts
represent the breakdown of our revenues and expenses for the year ended December 2012.
Public Awareness
ONBIDA will strive to reach a wider
audience of professionals and nonprofessionals and work to develop
partnerships with like-minded organizations in an attempt to increase awareness of dyslexia.
ONBIDA will focus on fortifying its
organizational sustainability by appointing new board members with
varied professional experiences to
help guide and manage the nonprofit organization, recruit more
volunteers to reduce burn out and
work to welcome and maintain new
and renewing members.
Parent as Tutor Program
Right to Read Night
Training Membership
Financial Stability
ONBIDA will continue to work towards financial stability through
fundraising, grant writing and securing sponsorship in order to
maintain current programs and add
exciting and far-reaching initiatives.
Parent as Tutor Right to Read Program
The financial statements are audited by
D’Angela Sorrenti Palombo, Chartered
Accountants. Contact us for a copy at
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Training 1%
Where your money goes: Annual Literacy & Learning Conference;
Free Information & Referral Line; Parent Education Groups; Speaker
Series; Scholarships; Outreach & Public Awareness; Teacher Training;
Parent as Tutor Program; Outreach Presentations; Printing & Publishing; Administration
Annual Report 2012
Michelle Halsey
Our flagship fundraiser was another great success in 2012. The 4th annual Right To
Read Night took place on October 17th at the Hard Rock Café in downtown Toronto.
This year we changed our format to include a live band performance by the James
Dean Band who brought along Juno nominated singer Amoy Levy. Guests also enjoyed the social time and a silent auction in between performances. The event brought
in over $20,000 and attracted a new audience in addition to the core following from the
past three years.
In 2012 we held the second annual Adopt-A-Word campaign. This initiative was created to honour individuals in our community with dyslexia and language learning disabilities, those who support them, and those who contribute to furthering knowledge and
awareness in this area. A limited number of powerful words related to literacy and
learning were made; each available for a one-year “adoption” for the individual or on
behalf of someone special.
Chair: Michelle Halsey
All board members
Our Task:
The responsibility of
this committee is to
identify potential
sources of funding,
including, but not limited to, donations,
grants and sponsorships. The committee
develops and implements fundraising
We are thankful to have also received so many generous individual donations that
made our work possible in 2012. These donations are critical to our organization given
that ONBIDA receives no government funding. Our heartfelt appreciation goes out to
all of the individuals and organizations who made monetary or in-kind donations to
ONBIDA during the past year. We also extend our gratitude to all of the volunteers
who gave their time and talent to support our fundraising efforts. A full listing of donors
in 2012 is available within this report.
2013 Goals: Our 5th Right to Read Night is currently being planned. ONBIDA will be
partnering with the SHAMBA Foundation in order to increase efficiency and effectiveness, reach a new audience and reduce overall administrative costs.
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Annual Report 2012
Literacy & Learning Conference
Chair: Valerie Fish
Valerie Fish
Elie Roth Scholarship Recipients
Members: Liisa Freure,
Jana Leggett, Sherry
Raffalovitch, Roby
Hochman, Andy Strub,
Michelle Halsey, Alex
Wu, Eleanor Collins,
Cathy Martin, Lisa
Our Task:
This committee is responsible for planning
and conducting programs designed to
meet the needs and
interests of the membership. The varied
programs include
speakers, panel
presentations, workshops, conferences,
parent education
groups, and social
events, in order to
reach out to the diverse membership and
the public.
Kate Buchan, Valerie James, Martin Karadafov, Janet-Lee Nadas, Robert Zandona
ONBIDA’s 8th Literacy and Learning Conference was held at the Allstream Centre downtown Toronto. The 2012 conference was dual stream, with separate programming for professionals and parents. In total, ONBIDA welcomed 221 participants, including 24 exhibitors, 5 scholarship winners, 9 speakers, 13 board members and 2 VIP guests. The conference honoured the volunteer leadership of ONBIDA board member and founding President, Sally Shearman.
ONBIDA’s net income from the conference was very positive at $24,173.52 but below
budget projection of $35,000.00. The venue, which was larger to accommodate the pattern of increasing attendance over the past years, was more costly. Speaker expenses
were in keeping with previous years and sponsorship and donations were slightly higher
this year; however, registration, exhibitor fee revenue and advertiser fee revenues were
all lower than budgeted.
2013 Goals: In order to better align with our strategic plan the 2013 Literacy & Learning
Conference planning committee will work to recruit more volunteers, deliver a comprehensive yet focused program to appeal to a wider audience of both professionals and non
-professionals and will be set in a more conservative venue.
Speaker Series
Jen Goudey
Chairs: Jen Goudey
Anne Bundssei
Our Task:
The responsibility of this committee is to organize and provide
research informed presentations
for the general public and for
specific target audiences.
ONBIDA hosted three events in Toronto in 2012. As part of the committee’s performance improvement plan,
we piloted feedback questionnaires to survey audience opinion and gather ideas for future topics, and aimed to
increase attendance with a renewed effort to distribute fliers to a wider population. While the registration numbers increased to the 70 to 80 range, we maintained a consistent 40 plus attendees at each session. We had
significantly more non members than members attend with about a 6 to 1 ratio respectively, and an equal representation of educators and parents/family members.
2012 Guest Speakers: Dr. Peter Chaban, Dr. Karen Ghelani, Dr. Esther Geva
As chair person, I would like to thank the committee, ONBIDA Board members, and volunteers who assisted
with set up and registration.
2013 Goal: ONBIDA will continue to strive to bring the public face-to-face with experts in the field of dyslexia.
Feedback questionnaires will continue to be developed and used to inform future sessions.
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Annual Report 2012
Parent Education
Sue Barr
The ONBIDA Parent Education Committee continued to offer parent workshops across three different regions; Kingston, Richmond Hill and Toronto.
Parent groups in Kingston had a successful year. Individuals who attended
the workshops, both ONBIDA members and non-members, had the opportunity to learn about a variety of topics related to dyslexia (e.g., Individual Education Plans, Assistive Technology).
Despite having access to excellent speakers regarding the most current and
hot topics regarding dyslexia, parent groups in the Toronto and Richmond Hill
areas struggled with low attendance resulting in multiple session cancellations.
Chair: Sue Barr
Members: Jan MacLean, Riina
Makk, Sioban Karman, Diana
Our Task:
The responsibility of this committee is to provide parents with
support and education so they
can make informed decisions
with regards to the education
and well being of their dyslexic
2013 Goals: In order to increase attendance, the Toronto and Richmond Hill
parent groups will offer sessions that are suitable to both parents and preteens/teens. ONBIDA will bring students with dyslexia face-to-face with role
models from their community (i.e., successful artists, businessmen and authors who have dyslexia). Varied advertising initiatives and increased discussion with membership and attendees will also serve to increase attendance.
Chair: Jan MacLean
Our Task:
The responsibility of this
committee is to organize
and provide research informed teacher training
sessions and workshops,
as well as informational
presentations for the general public and for specific target audiences.
Jan MacLean
ONBIDA held a Phonological Awareness teacher training course for kindergarten
and grade 1 teachers. The course was delivered by Sally Sherman with a focus on
building foundational instructional strategies that are foundational to learning to read
and spell words.
The “Parents as Tutors” program continued to be delivered by Eleanor Collins
M.Ed./ AOGPE. Eleanor assisted parents through email correspondence in creating
reading lessons and materials to work intensively with their child. The feedback from
parents has been very positive. See testimonial below.
2013 Goal: Teacher training will be provided via outreach
presentations upon request. ONBIDA will continue to work towards building partnerships with schools and/or school boards.
….My journey with my son and his dyslexia has taken me through such a wild ride of
emotions ... I was right in the throes of teaching my son how to read on our own time. I
found the International Dyslexia Association (ONBIDA) and was blessed to be put in
contact with a retired teacher who worked with me to show me how to teach my son how
to read...I didn’t realize that there was even such a program out there to help kids with
reading difficulties learn how to read....
Pam Cairncross
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Annual Report 2012
Michelle Halsey
Liisa Freure
Our Task:
The responsibility of this
committee is to inform
members, other organizations and the general
public about the ongoing
activities of the branch.
Communications helps
recruit members and
increase attendance at
branch functions. This
committee also maintains an updated mailing
list of important contacts
for the branch and manages the content of the
Michelle Halsey
In 2012 the Communications Committee increased interaction with audiences through
social media: Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Flickr, LinkedIn and Pinterest. Our audience
was engaged across all platforms and we regularly transmitted relevant news across all
channels. Offline, many presentations were made to increase awareness in the community such as the TDSB “Help is Here!” Family Support Services Fair. We also had an increased presence at the Toronto Word on the Street Festival that included dyslexia simulations and a popular book exchange. In July, the International Dyslexia Association
(IDA) announced its newest ambassador to the world – 33 year old IndyCar driver Justin
Wilson. Just days after the announcement, ONBIDA hosted a meet & greet at Toronto’s
Honda Indy to celebrate this new partnership. A group of ONBIDA member families had
the privilege of meeting with Justin at the track to chat, get autographs, and have a personal guided tour of Justin’s race car. We once again participated in the annual Timeraiser event in Toronto – an event that matches potential volunteers to organizations and
opportunities. This year we also joined Volunteer Toronto to advertise our opportunities
more widely. We liaised with volunteers from Burnaby, Edmonton, Saskatoon, and Winnipeg interested in spreading the word to their communities and look forward to continuing
that conversation. We coordinated a legal presentation related to the ground-breaking
case of Moore v British Columbia (Ministry of Education). ONBIDA’s committees were
converted to SmartSheet to increase consistency and efficiency. We successfully piloted
Skype to broadcast presentations from our parent education groups and speaker series
to reach a broader audience.
2013 Goal: We look forward to engaging our audience and working cooperatively with
community partners in 2013 to raise awareness about dyslexia.
Social Media
Information & Referral Line
Eleanor Collins
Helpline contacts
Eleanor Collins, ONBIDA’s Information and Referral Line officer, responds to inquiries via
e-mail and phone. Eleanor, along with the board of directors, works to respond to an ever
-growing number of inquiries concerning a variety of topics related to issues with dyslexia.
2013 Goals: Comprehensive and consistent responses focusing on topics asked about
most frequently will be developed and shared with the public. ONBIDA is also working to
revise application forms related to tutor/assessment listings.
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14535 Visits
Annual Report 2012
Liisa Freure
The Newsletter Committee published four professional newsletters in 2012. The Right
to Read Newsletter content included reviews of ONBIDA’s events and IDA’s initiatives, interviews with individuals with dyslexia, alerted our readers to hot topics such
as the revisions for the DSM-5 and ONBIDA’s role in the Supreme Court of Canada
Case – Moore v. B.C. Ministry of Education. In addition, advertising in the newsletter
generated income. The newsletter was also used as a vehicle to advertise positions
and opportunities, as well as to acknowledge and thank those who helped support our
mission through membership, sponsorship, volunteering or donations. All newsletters
are archived and are available for download on our website.
2013 Goals: In order to make the best use of our resources, 3 issues of the newsletter will be published in the upcoming year.
Chair: Liisa Freure
Members: Adam O’Neil,
Barb MacLean,
Our Task:
The responsibility of this
committee is to provide
parents with support and
education so they can
make informed decisions
with regards to the education and well being of
their dyslexic child.
Oliver Martin Memorial Trust Fund
In 2010 we were pleased to begin a partnership with Alan Dudeck and Susan Martin
to honour the life of Oliver Martin. In Oliver’s memory, and to provide inspiration and
support to others, Oliver Martin’s family established the Oliver Martin Memorial Trust
Fund. In recognition of Oliver’s lifelong challenge with dyslexia, the Trust Fund has
linked with ONBIDA to promote awareness of dyslexia, improve identification and assessment of children with dyslexia and to train teachers to effectively work with students with dyslexia.
The Oliver Martin Memorial Trust Fund Assessment
Scholarship will be launched in 2013!
Oliver cared for others, maintained life-long friendships and family connections,
and had enthusiastic energy for his developing career. He was determined to
make the most of what life could offer with effort, whether at work, socially, or on
the sports field. Oliver faced the challenges of dyslexia straight on, developing
keen discipline and the determination required to overcome and succeed.
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Annual Report 2012
ONBIDA would not be here without you!
Rita Adamo, Negin Alavie, Rachel Aultman, Shanique Bailey, Howard Balter, Sue Barr, Krislyn Bodyk, Karen
Brayshaw-Marshal, Chris Brawn, Sarah Brawn, Ted Bravakis, Kate Buchan, Anna Bundssei, Kevin Burgess,
Diana Carrington, Stefanie Cassidy, Naomi Chernos, Rebecca Christie, Erin Cechetto, Eleanor Collins, Susan
Condlln, Leslie Coulson, Hannah Curtis, Carolyne Cybulski, Stephanie Draff, Dawn Fell, Ruthie Fish, Valerie
Fish, Liisa Freure, Shari Fronda
Like Ripples in a Pond
By Laurie Eytel
Sally Gfellar
Monica Giraldo Chica
Jane Gorman
Jen Goudey
John Goudey
Elva Gough
Meghan Gould
Barbara Graham
Lesley Green
Melissa Green
Diane Gropp
Michelle Halsey
Michelle Harrick
Catherine Harper-Deml
Meagan Hartman
Roby Hochman
Emma Jodoin
Sioban Karman
Sean Keane
Teresa Kennedy
Laura Kesicki
Jordanna Krofchick
Arlene Lap
Hannah Laird
Laurie Leason
We thank you for all
the great things you do.
Large and small,
they all have meaning
to the families you help and to us.
One act
can make all the difference.
Like ripples in a pond kindness spreads outward,
reaching and touching others
and can change a life forever.
The smiling faces we see say it all…
Thank you…you are our stars!
Evan Lee
Samantha Leggett
Jana Leggett
Amanda Leung
Colleen Lipinski
Kelly Mac
Sadia MacDonaldStrand
Barb MacLean
Jan MacLean
Robyn MacLellan
Riina Makk
Cathy Martin
Tom Masney
Barbara Mendes
Amanda Miller
Joanne Mills
Daniel Minghella
Claire Mollison
Janet-Lee Nadas
Urvashi Naraine
Nina Ngo
Emilie Nichol
Adam O’Neil
Natalie Panchak
Stephanie Pharoah, Sherry Raffalovitch, Lark Reid-Masney, Amanda Reynolds, Jillian Rothwell, Carol Ruskin,
Mahjabeen Sadik, Jennifer Schlossberg, Natalie Schmitt, Sally Shearman, Ruthie Sloan, Sara Stirling, Andy
Strub, Lisa Strub, Catherine Styles, Chloe Taylor, Gabby Turcott, Kathy Vanderzwaag, Cici Vasoff, Moses
Velasco, Cindy Woo, Tory Woollcott, Amanda Wu, Alex Wu, Philip Young, Robert Zandona
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2012 Annual Report
ONBIDA is very grateful for your generous contributions!
Annual Conference
Right to Read Night
First Capital Realty Ltd.
Hard Rock Café
The Larry and Cookie Rossy Family
Toronto Amsterdam Brewery
Toron Investment Management
Hillsdale Investments
Staples Business Depot
Borden Ladner Gervais LLP
Microcomputer Science
Davies LLP
In Kind
Ruthie Fish
Google Canada
Amanda Miller
Fred Oesen
Fraser Reeves
CNIB Library, Chrysalis Centre, The
Claremont School, The Gow School, J’s
Learning Tools, LearnStyle, Marathon Learning Materials Ltd, Microcomputer Science
Centre Inc, Northern Speech Services, YMCA
Gow School, Microcomputer Science Centre Inc, Montcrest School, YMCA Academy,
Northern Speech Services, Quality Classrooms, CNIB Library, Flyleaf Publishing
ABB Creations Ltd., Brookes Publishing,
High Noon Books, J’s Learning Tools MathUSee, Microcomputer Science Centre
Inc, Northern Speech Services, Super Duper Publications
Advisors & Consultants to
Mark Foerster
, Michele Minor-Corriveau
William Harper
Norton Rose Canada LPP
Dr. Pearl Levey
Parent Education Group
Second Cup
Toronto—Laird Dr
Richmond Hill—Richmond Heights
Tara Natural Foods
Sue Barr
Dr. Pat Bucci
Dr. Linda Colgan
Compass Occupational Therapy
Heide Cramm
Laurie Hambly
Norton Rose Canada LLP
Eleanor Collins
Freure-Brawn Family
The Reading Clinic
Halpern Wine Enterprises
Sheri Kidd Graphics
The Printing House
James Dean Band
Ben Peterson
Natalie Weed
Clublink Academy Glen Abbey, Tarragon Theatre,
Stratford Shakespeare Festival, Academy at
Piper’s Heath, Stihl, McGregor Socks, Angus Glen
Golf Course, LEARNStyle, Lisa & Chris Hunter,
Dave McCann, 3M, Microsoft Canada, Steam
Whistle Brewing, Creemore Springs Brewery Limited, SirCorp, Factory Theatre, Art Interiors, Rock
Oasis, Silpada, Pamela Lauz Jewellery, Sunquest
Vacations, Maripose Cruises, Scholastic Canada
Ltd, Dixie Curling Club, Home Depot, Random
House, Bijoux Village, David Brown, Expedia, Big
Bird Ballroom Dance Studio, Mississauga Family
Fitness, Husqvarna, Jackson-Triggs Niagara Estate, Pet Value, Joey Don Mills, Fiorio Avenue
Road, Jodi Paul, John Stirling, Nicholas Gavey,
Stuff on a Stick, Booty Camp Fitness, Sir Jackie
Stewart, Jeff Pappone, Canadian Tire Motorsport
Park, The School of Toronto Dance Theatre,
Downward Dog Yoga Centres, Sarah Stirling,
Micky European Aesthetics, Peter Kent, Danier
Leather, Stefanie’s, Suzi Roher Accessories, Hibiscus Handcrafted Jewellery, Amadeus Choir of
Greater Toronto, Vicky’s Jewellery, Vistek, Canadian Standards Association, Boston Pizza, John &
Jennifer Goudey, Crumpler Canada, Shaw Festival, Kevin Burgess, Munich Re Canada (Life),
Fern Westernoff, VIA Rail, Gone Sailing Adventures, Justin Wilson, The Duke Pub, Overfeld
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Annual Report 2012
ONBIDA greatly appreciates your generosity!
Individual Donors
Individual Donors
Negin Alavie
Kelly Allen
Ryan Balgopal
Howard Balter
Sue Barr
David Bloom
Kevin Burgess
Chris Brawn
Marie Cassidy
Jason Cloth
Eleanor Collins
Arthur Condliffe
Luke Corneily
Brian Dewitte
James Darling
Dan & Karine Daviau
Valerie & Joel Fish
Ann Fong
Liisa Freure
Cathi & Andrew Fynn
Frank Galiano
Sally Gfeller
Jennifer Goudey
Patricia Griffin
Doug Guzman
Michelle Halsey
John & Pat Harris
Jim Hensley
Bari & Roby Hochman
Leslie-Ann Holbrow
Russel Jacobson
Lisa Jeremic
Linda Kaminsky
Karine Krieger
Dung Lam
Scott Lancaster
Jana Leggett
Peter Loftus
Jan MacLean
Susan Macneil
Dana McPhail
Mary-Ann Metric
Risa Mintz
Catherine Paisley
Johanne Papillon
Jamie Ruben
Sherry Raffalovitch
The Reading Clinic
Dave & Sue Scandiffio
Sally Shearman
Carita Sheehy
Tim Shia
Milai Sousa
Jill Strapp
Andy Strub
Martin Togman
Bob & Mary Walker
Linda Walsh Casas
Nancy Weir
Sharon Woynarski
Di Kai Wu
Philip Young
46 Degrees North
Come join our team!
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