WHITE IRONSTONE NOTES Cheese Domes and Wedges Dangling
WHITE IRONSTONE NOTES Cheese Domes and Wedges Dangling
WHITE IRONSTONE NOTES Vol. 22 No.3 Winter 2015 Cheese Domes and Wedges Dangling Tulip Shape Page 2 Vol. 22-3 Letters (Cont.) WICA BOARD OF DIRECTORS Dorothy Riley, President Jane Diemer,Vice President Carol Fleischman, Secretary Dave Klein, Treasurer Jeanne Atkinson Chuck Ulmann Dennis Contri Wes Diemer Barb Stewart Joe Eidukaitis Rev. John R. Schilling III Barbara Tegtmeyer Rick Nielsen Index Page 2. From the Editor’s Desk Page 2. Letters to the Editor Page 3. President’s Letter Page 4. Convention 2016 Update Page 5. Dangling Tulip Shape Page 6. Cheese Domes Page 13. Cheese Wedges & Cheese Trivia Page 14. Ebay Treasures Page 15. Old China Page 16. Spare Parts / Collector Showcase From the Editor’s Desk As you can see by the contents of this newsletter, I strive to post any and all correspondence I receive. I will also The WHITE IRONSTONE CHINA include Facebook Posts that show new or ASSOCIATION, INC. unusual pieces found. Please continue to is a not-for-profit corporation whose purpose is to send information and questions, so I can further our knowledge and enjoyment of white ironstone china. WHITE IRONSTONE NOTES bring all the members up to date with is the official newsletter of the corporation. your recent finds. Photographs submitted by members become the Members should “Save the Date” for the property of WICA, Inc., and no article, photograph 2016 Convention (See Convention or drawing may be reproduced without the express Update on page 4.) For those that have permission of WICA, Inc. WHITE IRONSTONE not had a chance to attend a convention, NOTES is published and edited by Rick and it is a fun filled weekend with the Suzanne Nielsen with Associate Editor, Jane Diemer. Drawings and photos are by Rick and opportunity to meet like minded Suzanne Nielsen, unless otherwise noted. Please send collectors and add those special pieces all news notes, articles, photos, suggestions, you have been searching for over the questions and listings for advertising or for the years. Please note the forms in this Spare Parts and Whole Pieces column to: packet to be filled out for the WICA, c/o Rick Nielsen Registration, Auction consignment, 1132 Westmoor Place Show and Tell and Raffle ticket Saint Louis MO 63131 314-997-7963 purchase. e-mail: RN1132@earthlink.net WICA Website:: www.whiteironstonechina.com ADVERTISING RATES Advertisements will be accepted in order of receipt from WICA members and, space allowing, from non-members. Rates (subject to change): $10 per column inch (7 lines). Non- members, $20 per column inch. Payment in full by check made out to WICA must accompany each ad. Send to newsletter address above. Publishing Deadlines Nov.15forWinter, Feb.15forSpring, May15 forSummer, Aug.15forFall. Members can list white ironstone parts & pieces wanted and for sale without charge in the Spare Parts column of each issue. APPLICATION FOR MEMBERSHIP Send $40 for one or two individuals at the same address with check made payable to WICA, Inc. to: WICA c/o Chuck Ulmann 1320 Ashbridge Rd. West Chester, PA 19380 e-mail: Ulmannc@MSN.com Membership year is June 1st to May 31st. ADDRESS CHANGES e-mail Ulmannc@MSN.com Letters to the Editor Rick – Brenda & I have been looking on the internet for an auction to visit tomorrow – no luck – but we did find this interesting mark on a piece of white ironstone. ID 32832 – auction in Purcellville Va. We believe that it is from the 1840’s. Might want to save this one. Welcome Rick, as our new WICA NOTES Editor- I can think of no one else who can try to fill the very large shoes of Bev and Ernie. And, from the looks and content of your Summer 2015 edition, the transition is seamless. Thank you for taking the challenges and for stepping up to the plate. After all the years (21), we still look forward to receiving our copy of the NOTES. As a matter of fact, with our busy schedules (we’re still working fulltime), we often open them to peruse and absorb each and every page. Pertaining to the Spring 2015 issue, the Collectors’ Showcase on the Berlin Swirl teasets caught my eye- I had to run down to the kitchen to check our pieces. I thought ours had the pedestals like the ones on the left as the non-pedestal ones on the right did not look familiar. Sure enough ALL of our Berlin Swirl pieces had the higher pedestals. Then I thought, I wonder why we’ve only seen/bought the higher pedestalled pieces versus the lower ones which we’ve never even seen? We’ve been antiquing for over 40 years up and down the entire East Coast, through Tennessee, Texas and Northern California, attend almost every WICA convention and some regionals, but we had never seen the lower versions. What amazes me is how this can happen, when the collectors with the lower versions were able to collect the entire lower version set! It amazes me how certain pieces, patterns, etc, seem to find us; while certain other pieces, patterns, etc, never do! This is only one of the great reasons we belong to WICA, why we wait patiently for our informative new NOTES, and why we enjoy the conventions (which we missed this year but will definitely attend next year). Oh, and I just found our upright Berlin Swirl toothbrush- it also has a pedestal, amazing me even more! Good luck, Rick, in your new role as Editor of WICA NOTES. Ed Rigoulot ********************************** Rick – Brenda & I visited the Charlotte, NC semi-annual antique show today. I purchased An Atlantic Shape “A” child’s teaset. I don’t see much listed in any of the books I have. Boyd Payne Page 3 Vol. 22-3 President’s Letter Hello, Everyone, The month of November has arrived and we already woke up to a ground cover of snow one Sunday morning in October here in southern Ontario, Canada. Today it is nearing the end of November and it has been snowing today, but it is melting. I hope your climate is warmer than ours. We’ve had several new members join recently and I hope they enjoy White Ironstone NOTES as much as we have over the years. Back copies of WIN are available through The WICA Shoppe along with many research books. Please visit our website for all you ironstone needs. Don’t forget to let Rick know if you have items for sale or if you’re still looking for that one very hard to find piece. The mid-year Board of Directors’ meeting was held on Saturday, October 31, at 9 a.m. EST using conference calling. There are always many things to discuss throughout the year and it gives the Board a chance to talk together. One of the biggest concerns from our last meeting is finding volunteers to serve on the Board. If you are asked to serve a term, please consider serving a minimum of a three year term. There are only three meetings a year and two of the meetings are held at the convention. Now you have the option to attend the mid-year board meeting by teleconference. I’m also sorry to report that Barbara Tegtmeyer, Jane and Wes Diemer will be attending their last Board meeting in April, 2016. All of them have contributed a lot to our club. Jane will also leave several committees with openings. These are the Collections Management, Convention Program Planning, Membership Recruiting and Retention and the Educational and Research Committees. Please let me know if you have an interest in joining any of these committees. I will be happy to answer any questions you have regarding them. Chuck and Mary Ann Ulmann are putting the finishing touches on the 2016 convention in York, PA. More information is in this newsletter. Please sign up early for the convention to guarantee your room rate. Jane Diemer has planned a wonderful outing on the Friday before the convention that I’m sure you’ll really enjoy. I know the Friday trips are one of my favorite events at the convention. The best thing for me is that we have our Board meeting on Thursday now instead of Friday and I’m able to attend this event. As has been my usual, I like to wrap up my letter talking about White Ironstone China Association Facebook page. We started this page in June 2013 and have received over 530 ‘likes’ to date. Thank you so much for all of your support, photos and comments. Membership involvement from you is what is making our page so popular. Please feel free to email photos to me if you are unable to post them. I am more than happy to oblige. Please remember the White Ironstone China Association Facebook Page is for our club. If you have pieces you would like to sell, please feel free to feature them on our Facebook Page. The more all of us use our page, the more attention we will draw to promote ironstone and to our club WICA. Wishing all of you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Dorothy Next Issue After reviewing the prior WICA Notes, it appears that we should profile vegetable tureens, so send those photos. Jean Wetherbee Award Recipients: Jean Wetherbee Ernie and Bev Dieringer Tom and Olga Moreland Rick Nielsen Adele Armbruster Jim Kerr Harry Moseley Dave and Karen Klein WICA Shoppe White Ironstone: A Collector’s Guide By Jean Wetherbee, $30.00 White Ironstone China Plate Identification Guide 1840-1890 By Bev and Ernie Dieringer $25.95 White Ironstone Pitchers I or White Ironstone Pitchers II By Bev and Ernie Dieringer $30.00 Relief Molded Jugs Book Vol. II By Kathy Hughes $29.00 WICA Notes on DVD Vol. 1-1 thru Vol. 21.4 $95.00 Packing and Shipping Charges: Up to $25 $4.99 $25.01 - $50.00 $5.99 $50.01 - $75.00 $8.99 $75.01 - $100.00 $10.99 Checks payable to WICA & remit to Dave & Karen Klein 1513 Perry Street Davenport IA 52803 563-449-4908 Whoisbugs@hotmail.com Hi there, Hoping you can help me out. I am an ironstone collector and am trying to locate information on a particular piece. It is a jug and basin set, wheat pattern. Both pieces have a backstamp (attached), that features a coat of arms and the inscription (printed): “Ironstone China, Blackburn, Rowe & Co”. I cannot find any information on the potter and am hoping you can help! Many thanks, Ken Hooker Please forward information to Editor to pass on to Ken Page 4 Vol. 22-3 Convention 2016 News The 2016 White Ironstone China Association Annual Convention will be held in York, PA at the Wyndham Garden Hotel (formerly the Holiday Inn Conference Center where we held our meeting in 2014) from 29 April through 1 May. The hotel has undergone a large renovation to bring the facility up to Wyndham standards. Renovations include the public space, both ballrooms and main lobbies, indoor pool area, fitness center and business center. An elevator has been installed and guest rooms upgraded. We have two wonderful talks planned by Jane Diemer. The first one is "Old Dishes In Your Home" to be presented by Karen Weatherby Zindel. This will be a look at how we live with our ironstone and our other ceramic “goodies" in homes of the same vintage as the "goodies." Our second program will be on china shapes. Bob Hohl will present “The Many Shapes of Flow Blue/ Mulberry and More!!”, a program that deals with SHAPES of ceramics, not patterns. His work was involved deeply with research by Rosalie Spire at Kew. Bob is very excited about this new primary source material and will prove to be an engaging speaker for York in 2016. For many years it has been WICA’s custom to arrange a Friday side trip preceding the convention’s “formal” Friday evening opening. You are cordially invited to be part of a 28 person contingent, traveling in an air conditioned bus to the Gettysburg Battlefield on Friday, April 29, 2016 – approximately one hour from the Wyndham Garden; 2000 Loucks Road; York, PA, WICA’s convention site. The reasonable per person cost of $35 includes round trip bus transportation, the services of a professional guide and a box lunch. There is little to no walking involved. If the weather is fine, we plan to picnic at a scenic spot within the tour area; if it rains, we will find an under roof picnic pavilion. The bus will return us to the Wyndham Garden in time to refresh and get ready for the “formal” opening of the WICA convention, a delicious supper buffet. Carol Fleischman is putting together an exhibit of punch bowls and toddy bowls. These exhibits are always a high point of our annual meetings. This one will be no different. If bright white gets a bit much, just take your sun glasses along! All of the events we have come to enjoy at the convention, Show and Tell, our auctions, Sunday sales, etc. will take place during this convention weekend. WICA officers have obtained an excellent room rate of $99 per night which includes continental breakfast with a waffle bar and freshly baked pastries. Learn more about the Wyndham Garden Hotel by visiting the website. Search for "Wyndham Garden Hotel York, PA" in your browser. Our rate of $99 per night will be honored 3 days before and 3 days after our event based on availability. Your reservations – be certain to mention you are WICA - must be made by 29 March, 2016 to assure you will receive a room at our $99 rate. All the details for making the reservation are on the registration form. So mark those dates on your calendar, 29 April through 01 May, 2016 for the WICA Annual Meeting in York, PA, the White Rose City. Page 5 Vol..22-3 The Elusive Dangling Tulip Shape I got an email from Barbara Stewart with the attached photos that read: Hi Rick..wanted to check with you about a piece of ironstone..On page 96 of A-Z book, Dangling Tulips is listed as only having been found with luster trim..wondered if that is still true or do the archives show a white example..I have purchased a white tureen in that pattern..no hurry but am curious..many thanks, Barbara Stewart. My response was that these images are the only ones that we have in the archives.. Just shows that new finds do continue to occur. If more pieces of this shape are in your collection, please send photos to me. I added the Kew illustration on the bottom right to show the quality of the potting and crisp detail in the handles and finial. Page 6 Vol. 22-3 Cheese Domes or Cheese Keeps The peak period for cheese domes started around 1850, The Dudson factory was the leader in the marketplace with the widest range of patterns, although many potters produced a variety of forms, These domes and underplates were not easy to pot, since they were very large and might shrink at different rates, These potting difficulties lead to more kiln damage which raised the price for the surviving pieces. Cheese domes were decorated with several treatments, but we will concentrate on embossed or relief moulded examples. Many examples with floral decoration with heavy embossing were made during the 1850’s. Lower relief and geometric designs gained in popularity during the 1860’s and 1870’s. Demand for embossed cylindrical cheese domes began to wane by 1890 and virtually stopped by the turn of the century. The following images were obtained from WICA’s archives, Kew illustrations, photos from members, photos from Ebay as well as pictures of items for sale or sold on the internet. The only information listed is that which could be verified. That way we’re not confused when we find correct names. Minton # 969 “Beehive and Blackberry” Minton # 809 “Ivy Embossed” Minton #763 “Wicker” “Bamboo” Page 7 Vol. 22-3 Brownfield & Sons Registration # 307572 From Kew 1877 Copeland “Chelsea” Dudson “Vertical Ferns” Ridgway “John Barleycorn” Page 8 Vol. 22-3 Bell “Ceres” James Edwards “Lear” Brownfield “Tower” Page 9 Vol. 22-3 Maybe Scottish Bridgewood and Sons (?) Unmarked “Fig” Possible Marriage Page 10 Vol. 22-3 Dudson “Hops, Vine and Wheat” Jones “Beehive Shape” Kew # 267319 1872 Edge & Malkin (?) Page 11 Vol. 22-3 Bell “Stag” George Jones “Apple Blossom” Burgess Burslem Wedgwood “Primrose” Edge& Malkin Page 12 Vol. 22-3 Orphan Domes w/ no underplates Minton #546 “Plain” Reg. # 206517 3/4/1867 Powell & Bishop Ridgeway Page 13 Vol. 22-3 Cheese Wedges Cheese Trivia 1. What style of processed cheese was created for use on a St Louis style pizza? 2. From what 1980 film directed by John Landis is the following line from “Did you get my Cheez Wiz? 3. What state legally required restaurants to serve cheese & butter with meals from June 1935-March 1937?” 4. What country produces the most cheese? 5. What is the most popular cheese in England? 6. What creates the holes in Swiss cheese? 7. What country consumes the most cheese per person? 8. There are around 700 variety of cheeses produced in the United Kingdom? T or F 9. What variety of cheese is the favorite around the globe and most consumed? 10. What is the most popular cheese recipe in the United States? 11. A giant wheel of cheddar cheese was given to Queen Victoria as a wedding gift. How much did it weigh? 12. What US Cheese Company introduced packaged shredded cheese? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Provel “The Blues Brothers” Wisconsin USA Cheddar Carbon dioxide bubbles 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 12. Greece 68 #’s per person, ¾ of which is Feta True Mozzarella Macaroni & Cheese 1,000 pounds The Sargento Cheese Company in 1958 Page 14 Vol.22-3 Ebay Treasures Here is a scarcely seen oval cookie plate in Flower Blanket Shape by JF. This would have been part of a dessert set similar to the more often seen Fruit Garden Shape. This piece would be a great addition to either a JF or cookie plate collection. This is an example of an oddity that has only been found a few times in the past. It has been called a dog flask. I believe it is the lion from the Royal Arms mark. But nonetheless, it is a wonderful utilitarian piece that is figural and almost sculptural. Washington Shape (Alternate Sprig) platter by Livesley Powell Co.. Kowalsky lists Powell & Bishop registering this pattern in 1869 which would be three years after the successorship took place. The plate book by Bev & Ernie Dieringer shows circa. 1866. Here is a 3 piece soup tureen in the Ninevah Shape by John Venables & Co.. It was dubbed the “Darth Vader” soup tureen before the correct name was known. The research at Kew uncovered the correct name, but the tureen is still a rare find. Page 15 Vol. 22-3 Old China I purchased a book on Ebay titled OLD CHINA. It was written by Minnie Watson Kamm and published in 1951. The book contains the information that was available 64 years ago, and that information has been updated over the years, but I thought it would be interesting to take excerpts from the spiral bound book, making use as an article for building your knowledge and Ironstone IQ. The third article is Phoenix aka New York Shape : Page 16 Vol.. 22 -3 Spare Parts Wanted Wanted Ceres Slop jar lid by Elsmore & Forster Jane Diemer - 302- 475-7412 or pahbubba@comcast.net. Wanted/For Sale Covers: Wheat & Hops teapot, Morning Glory coffee pot, 1851 Boote gravy, Fig chowder 10 sided with ladle hole, 1851 & Ceres Child’s sugar bowls. Bases: Gelson Eagle vegetable- large Laurel Wreath horizontal size, Fig/Union butter dish. toothbrush/ razor box by All Laurel Wreath with George Elsmore & Forster Washington transfer items. Patty Hurt- 713-997-8879 Ed Rigoulot – 817- 239- 5583 or ajhurtjr@sbcglobal.com or ed.rigoulot@yahoo.com Sugar bowl lid for Livesley & Laurel Wreath soup tureen liner. Powell. Prairie Flowers. outside Cups & saucers in Leaf and Crossed rim 3", inside rim 2 3/4" Ribbon Barbara Stewart- 703-560-3637 Boyd Payne- 336-227-7377 or bjbirdie@verizon.net or bpaynejr@triad.rr.com Embossed punch bowls, punch Wanted: Grand Loop soup tureen cups, mugs and compotes. undertray Grand Loop toothbrush Prairie, Scotia, Canada, Morning holder base Glory, Mobile Shapes. Carol Fleishman – 815-723-0904 Bill Lancaster- 608-325-5724 or candf13@ juno.com or lancastermonroe@charter,net Teapot lids: Bell Flower by John Edwards, Alternate Panels by James Edwards. Pancake server lid: 1851 Boote. potty lid: Sydenham 9” diam. sided top with 7” diam. rim Kris Wagner – 218-586-2776 or dkwagner@paulbunyan.net Wanted: Lid to small Sydenham round soup tureen, 7-1/2 to 7-9/16” diameter, 2 Sydenham coffee cup saucers, 6-1/4” dia. 3 miniature saucers and a miniature sugar bowl and lid in Grape Octagon For sale: Teapot lids: JF Wheat, Wheat & Clover, Fig Cousin, Florence and Lily of the Valley with Thumbprint, $10 each plus postage. Jim & Mara Kerr- 518-296-8052 or jmkerr@midtel.net Collectors’ Showcase Since we highlighted a piece from a dessert set in the “Ebay Treasures”, we thought it would be appropriate to present a large collection of dessert pieces. These sets could be purchased as a unit or built piece by piece, so the concept of a complete set is difficult to define. This set is in the “Fruit Garden” shape by JF. This shape was also manufactured by Barrow & Co., as well as Livesley & Powell. This set is comprised of a pedestalled compote, a large round relish, a small round relish, a pair of square 2 handled cookie plates as well as 8 nine inch plates. A rectangular cookie plate has been found in this pattern, but not pictured here. Convention Registration Form 22nd Annual WICA Convention April 28 – May 1, 2016 Instructions: Please complete this form to register for the 22nd Annual WICA Convention and related activities and/or to purchase raffle tickets, remit this form and your check made out to WICA Inc. by March 29, 2016 to the following address: WICA National Convention 1513 N Perry St., Davenport, IA 52803. Use the back side for additional registrants. Contact Dave Klein with any questions at: 563-449-4908 or whoisbugs@hotmail.com Check the appropriate box below to indicate the reason for using this form Convention and event registration with raffle Purchase. Please Print Legibly Purchase Raffle Tickets only. Remit this form. Registrant 1 Name as on Name Badge Street Address City/State/Zip Code Phone # Home/Cell Email Address Friday Dinner (Circle choice) Saturday Banquet (Circle choice) (H) (C) Registrant 2 (H) (C) Roast Beef or Haddock Roast Beef or Haddock Chicken Cordon Blue or Salmon Chicken Cordon Blue or Salmon Please circle the appropriate responses to the following questions Is this your first WICA National Convention? Would you care to be a host/hostess for a first time attendee? Do you plan to participate in Show, Tell and Ask Friday April 29th? Send form and photos to Rick Nielsen Are you consigning or donating items to the auction April 29th? Send form and photos to Rick Nielsen Are you are planning to purchase items from the auction for resale? If so, to avoid paying sales tax , you must provide WICA With your resale license number and the issuing state License #___________________________ Issuing State________________________________ Please circle the nights you plan to stay at the Wyndham Gardens, York, PA Wed Thurs Fri # Calculating Registration Fees WICA Raffle Tickets (return raffle tickets with registration) Individual Tickets - $1 Sheets of 6 Tickets - $5 Convention Registration includes all on-site activities including 1 lunch and 2 dinners... Do you have dietary restrictions? Yes ___ No ___ Describe _____________________ Meal Registration for Children or non-member Spouses accompanying members at the convention that will be partaking in meals only. Gettysburg Tour (Bus Trip includes box lunch) - Friday April 29, 2016 Flea Market & Spare Parts and Sale Friday April 29, 2016 Table Rental WICA Show and Sale – Sunday May 1, 2016 Table Rental Total Amount Due (Make check payable to WICA Inc.) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Sat No No No No No Sun X X X X Cost $1 $5 $120 = = = = Total $ $ $ $ X $95 = $ X X X $35 $18 $25 = $ = $ = $ $ Host Facility: Wyndham Gardens 2000 Loucks Rd, York, PA 17408. Reservations must be made Monday thru Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. E.S.T. @ 717-846-9500 prior to March 29, 2016. Remember to mention WICA when making your reservation to insure you get the special rate of $99.00 plus tax, per night. The hotel can accommodate all our members’ special needs and provides free parking. For more information, go to the website: www.wgyorkpa.com Remember to make your hotel registration before March 29, 2016 to get this special rate. WICA AUCTION CONSIGNMENT AGREEMENT FOR APRIL 30, 2016 PLEASE COMPLETE AND RETURN THIS FORM TO RICK NIELSEN 1132 WESTMOOR PLACE, SAINT LOUIS MO 63131. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS, PLEASE CONTACT RICK NIELSEN 314-997-7963 OR VIA E-MAIL AT RN1132@EARTHLINK.NET I commission WICA, Inc., to sell white ironstone china I have consigned to the 2016 WICA National Convention Auction under the guidelines identified on the reverse side of this form and within this “2016 WICA Auction Consignment Agreement”. I certify that I will submit each and every lot listed and accepted for sale by WICA, Inc., to be sold at said auction. I certify that I am the owner of the listed items and have good title and the right to sell, and that they are free from all encumbrances. I further certify that the information on this form is an accurate and fair description of each lot submitted. I agree to hold harmless the auctioneer and WICA, Inc., against any claims of the nature referred to in this agreement. I am absolutely committed to selling items under the conditions specified on this form once this agreement is submitted and accepted. Consigned by_________________________________________________ Email Address_____________________________________________________________ Address/City/State/ZIP_____________________________________________________________________________________ Phone (______) _______-_______ Consignor’s Signature__________________________________________________________________ Date _________________________________________________ Qty. Item (Include shape, i.e. round, oval, square, rectangular and number and type of pieces) Example Soup Tureen - 3 Piece Round – 1 Lid, Bowl, and Tray Maker T. & R. Boote Body Style Sydenham Shape Total Reserve Fees: $10 Fee For Each Reserve Item of $100 or More $10 Damage Has a digital Amount of Using the guidelines on the reverse side of this form, photo been Reserve identify the location and size of chips, flakes, hairlines, sent to: Selling spiders, cracks, discoloration, glaze wear, utensil RN1132@ Price marks, bull’s eyes, and repairs. earthlink.net $1,500 Three small chips on inside lip of bowl. 1” hairline on rim of under tray. Ladle handle has been repaired. My Check No. ____________ payable to WICA, Inc., for reserve fees is enclosed. Yes Pre-Auction Guidelines Consignors. All WICA members in good standing are encouraged to consign items to the WICA Auction. If a member cannot attend the convention he/she may consign items as long as arrangements are made with someone who is registered for the convention to deliver and check in the consignments. The consignor’s signature on the consignment agreement constitutes a binding obligation to supply the items listed in the auction catalog. Consignment Fee Structure. WICA will retain 10% of the selling price for all items Items which do not have a reserve shall be sold to the highest bidder at the auction. Consignors will be paid within four weeks from the date of the auction. Reserve Selling Price Option. Items having a reserve selling price of $100 or more shall be sold to the highest bidder who submits a bid equal to or greater than the reserve. A non-refundable fee of $10 will be charged for each item which has a reserve selling price. The consignor will submit to the White Ironstone China Association, Inc., a signed Auction Consignment Agreement and a check equal to the total of all reserve fees for consignments listed on the agreement. Reserve selling price items will not be accepted if the $10 fee per item is not received with the signed agreement. Items on reserve will not be identified as such in the auction catalog, or by the auctioneer before the bidding is concluded. Acceptance of Lots and Lot Limitations. WICA, Inc. reserves the right to limit to 180 the number of lots to be accepted. It may also limit the types of lots to be accepted. Common plates of any type including saucers, bone dishes, butter pats, etc., will be accepted in groups of two or more; cups with matching saucers will be accepted in groups of two or more. For example, two dinner plates of the same or different body styles may be grouped as one lot; two cups with matching saucers of the same or different body styles may be grouped as one lot. Red Cliff and Adams Micratex items manufactured in the 1950’s and 1960’s may be consigned. Determining factors for all submitted lots are the condition of the item(s), duplication of items (for example, three Sydenham teapots), and suitability of the items submitted. WICA may refuse to accept at auction check-in any item which was not accurately described on the agreement. During auction check-in a consignor must authenticate as ironstone any item which is questionable. Body Style Names will be those found in Jean Wetherbee’s “White Ironstone: A Collector’s Guide” and educational materials published by WICA or its members. Notification of Lot Acceptance. Prior to the auction, a consignor will receive a list of accepted consignments by lot number, labels to be affixed to the items prior to auction check-in, and the auction check-in time for the consignments. Substitution of an Accepted Lot during Auction Check-In. WICA will not accept substitutes for accepted lots. Damage Identified during Auction Check-In. A blue dot will be placed at the location of damage not identified on the “WICA Auction Consignment Agreement”. Consignment Damage Guidelines Damage is an incident which affected the china body or its glaze after manufacture and which cannot be attributed to the manufacturing process. Consignors are to use the following damage guidelines to identify on the consignment agreement the condition of the items consigned. Consignors are to be as detailed as possible when describing damage. Any damage identified during auction check-in which was not identified on the consignment agreement will be marked with a blue dot sticker. Damage characteristics to be noted on the auction consignment form Chips and flakes which are not under the glaze – the number and location, i.e. outside rim, inside rim, base rim, handles, finials, foot ring, etc. Rim roughness: rough surface but no actual chips as large as flakes Flakes: less than ½” long and 1/16” deep Small chips: less than ¼” long and 1/8” deep Medium chips: less than ½” long and ¼” deep Large chips: anything larger than those listed above Glaze rub or wear occurring after manufacture Utensil marks or other wear which affect the gleam of the glaze Bull’s eyes – number, size, and location Discoloration – any change in color, identify the size and the location Hairlines, spiders, and cracks which may or may not penetrate a glazed body – the number and location such as handle terminals, top rim, base rim, upper body, etc. Glaze crack: less than 1”; does not penetrate body Small hairline: indistinct; less than 1”, penetrates body Medium hairline: indistinct; between 1” and 2” Long hairline: indistinct; longer than 2” Crack: prominent; any size, a definite separation Repairs and restoration – identify location and type of repair, i.e. finial reglued, chip repaired at lip of bowl Lids and bases which are not the same body style or which are not appropriately sized Non-damage characteristics which are not to be noted on the auction consignment form and which will not be identified as damage by auction check-in personnel Stilt marks, unless surrounded by discoloration or a bull’s eye Ash or kiln dust embedded in the glaze Underglaze chips regardless of size Crazing not accompanied by discoloration Glaze slips or generally overall poor glaze application Open glaze bubbles Glaze roughness which occurred during the manufacturing process Clay separations, stretch marks or skips 22nd Annual WICA National Convention Show, Tell and Ask Participation Form Friday – April 29, 2016 By April 15, 2016, please complete and send this form and photos (digital images using a dark background preferred) to Rick Nielsen. Scanned forms and digital photos are to be sent to: Rick Nielsen, RN1132@earthlink.net Hard-copy forms and photographs are to be sent to: Rick Nielsen, 1132 Westmoor Place, St. Louis, MO 63131. If you have any questions regarding Show, Tell and Ask items, you may contact Rick Nielsen via e-mail or call him at 314-997-7963. Participant’s Name E-Mail Address Address/City/State/Zip Item No. Body Style Telephone ( Item (Include Number of Pieces) Maker (Include Name as Shown on Back Stamp) Registry Or Circa Year Reason for Showing Item ) Have digital photos of item and mark been sent to: RN1132@earthlink.net
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