Highbury Grove school
Highbury Grove school
During the design festival ten key points of sustainabiltiy were agreed with the pupils. Key Sustainability Features 1. Passive Solar Design – Optimising the orientation of the buildings on site to allow for maximum provision of natural daylight and control of solar gains will be a key design consideration. 2. Natural ventilation – It is proposed that as far as possible buildings will be naturally ventilated, reducing the need for mechanical ventilation and associated energy use. 3. Optimised Building Fabric Performance and Site Area – The performance of the building fabric will be optimised so as to reduce the need for heating, cooling and artificial lighting, therefore reducing overall energy consumption. It is intended that the target will be to exceed the minimum requirements of Building Regulations Part L 2006. The available site area will also be optimised. 4. On-site Renewable Energy – A minimum of 10% CO2 savings will be made from the site through the use of on-site renewable energy to meet the requirements of PPS22. This will be achieved through the potential use of renewable energy systems such as biomass heating, ground source heating/cooling, evacuated tube solar collectors etc. 5. Low Water Use, Rainwater Harvesting & Sustainable Urban Drainage – Low water use sanitary ware will be provided across the site as will be rainwater harvesting and sustainable urban drainage (SUDs). 6. Recycling – The key recycling strategy ‘Reduce, Reuse, Recycle’ will be applied to the construction and running of the school. Materials will be specified where possible that are recycled and or easily recyclable. Recycling facilities will be provide for the site both during construction and as part of the finished school facilities. Targets will be set to optimise the amount aggregate that is re-used on the site as part of the construction. 7. BREEAM – The BREEAM assessment method is an independently verified environmental assessment method which is used to assess the environmental performance of both new developments and refurbishments and allocate them with an environmental rating. A rating of ‘Excellent’ will be sought for the new school buildings and ‘Very Good’ for any refurbishments. The BREEAM assessment covers all parts of the site design from energy consumption through to biodiversity. 8. Sustainable Materials and Construction – Sustainable materials such as the use of FSC timber, green roofs and materials with low VOC (volatile organic compounds), GWP (global warming potential) and ODP (ozone depletion potential) will be specified where possible both for construction purposes and the building designs as will be ‘A’ rated materials according to BREEAM requirements. Sustainable construction methods such as MMC (modern methods of construction – of site fabrication) will be utilised as appropriate. 9. Sustainable Transport and Movement – This development will promote the use of green transport methods through the production of a ‘Green Travel Plan’. Cycling facilities will be provided on the site and pedestrian access. 10. Social Sustainability – Community interaction and a shared sense of belonging are important elements in terms of sustainable development. Communication and interaction between all stakeholders involved in the project will be key to providing a sustainable school design and environment. Pedestrian access enhanced - walking seen as a key form of transport to the school Covered cycle storage - capacity double with three areas created Green Travel Plan - Car parking and cars reduced and seperated from pedestrian routes Highbury Grove & Samuel Rhodes Schools Site Plan and Pupil Participation The London Design Festival was a starting point to engage pupils’ ideas while imparting a better understanding of sustainability. 01 Islington BSF WASH-UP AREA 42 FREEZER 2 66 Di 65 82 COSH Jacket Heated Chilled Multi Tier 43 7 Servery 51 49 47 Chilled Heated Section H d 76 SERVERY AREA / Soup -UP AREA WASH 41 Servery Multi Tier 44 77 SAFE 51 48 68 QUEUE CONTROL POINT Tray Pick-Up 78 69 Pick-Up t Ambien & Till Point t 71 rrace 70 Ambien & Till Point 71 / Condim ent 80 nd r cr g fiel nin versity iodi un lan o nt dscaping a b te 81 Changing Pavillion Din Green R oo fs ea CLEARING STATION landscape CLEARING STATION 72 Cutlery ea c te ng hi n 0.70 12 Kitchen 52 View si CHILLER 1200 1 38 Outdoor t 53 o int En v 55 57 59 ds Floor Plans and looking into the landscape reas spill ou a tsi ing 58 56 61 e nm o ir ite Study S l a ent 02 Highbury Grove & Samuel Rhodes Schools Islington BSF o le s urce of A wind tubr in ew Ru en gy er Te s a r en ab e ate e r c nn ting fresh air f t o f th e l par Ear th m or tu Track ing be uc sd e pe for pupils sca y rsit nd A pon dp r ap a o s an area of b io ve di S e a ti n g i n l e vid an d sc ying Fields a l P to ex plo re Highbury Grove & Samuel Rhodes Schools Learning tools within the landscape n nis 03 Islington BSF TU g pa r tition e s pa p 2.07 YR 7 Learning Base 3 TU g filin 4 draw IWB TU 4 filin draw WB TU g 1200 x 800 Meeting table g WB Open metal storage units Visitor / 6th form entrance Teachers Chair Foyer Pupil Chair Whiteboard COLLATING SURFACE Assembly / Performance Hall p 4 draw filing 4 drawer side filer 1200mm x 600 Desk with Under Desk Storage 4 Draw Filing cabinet 600 x 420mm 4 draw side filer PRINTER +32.7m PIGEON HOLES X20 Safe Safe Lectern Mobile projection unit Stage blocks 0.50 nsultation Room 2 Pupil chair with tablet P Pedestal Storage unit eachers fice .46 Upholstered seat 4 draw filing 4 draw filing 4 draw filing 4 draw filing 1200 Easy chair Staff Kitche n Freezer min 2 0.59 Chair Store PRINTER 1200 Performing Arts Studio 47 1200 1200 1200 4 draw filing 1200 0 office 41 al Stock LAMINATOR FOLDING/ STAPLING LAMINATOR COMB GUILLOTINE COLLATOR COMB BINDING (HOLE) BINDING FOLDING/S (BIND) TAPLING Exam officer & Secure Exam Store Faculty Storage 0.37 Safe 4 draw filing 4 draw filing 1600 TRIMMER TRIMMER 1200 Central cleaners store 1600 PRINTER 5 ia e Area Caretakers Office Ground Maintenance Store FRIDGE M-WAVE IER 1200 1200 e in t i m a COPY PRINTER PHOTOCOP 0.56 0.55 Safe 1200 1200 r and mo r 1200 Stage 0.36 Furniture Storage PHOTOCOPIER Manager, s Manager, min, Sims ager) 1200 pe n 1200 do 0.49 nsultation Room 1 1200 .... or larger an lle sma be Fle xib l PHOTOCOPIER 0.35 Admin 1 s Speaker 1200 a sp mean learning a s e rea c n ca e Locker P P chool 0.51 ception 0.64 External Sports Store 0.57 4 drawer side filer Bleacher seating store mirrored wall Adaptability and Flexibility space Foldin TU one large fl e xib l r large 2.10 YR7 Break Out 1 te rea ible ng fili WB c to x fle Fo ld i a TU ng fili 2.06 YR 7 Learni Base 4 4 raw d TU n TU w dra IWB IWB e Seatin gw ith i TU h a ll c a n b e f o nce l de a m r da rfo w ay to c rea te ce r lls can open 4 ng pa wa n o i ti t . te ... 0.54 Dance/Drama Studio 04 Highbury Grove & Samuel Rhodes Schools Islington BSF ng es up pool space ligh ta nd o Hi gh b S g tin W e gh tc r Sky li e s dly ur rov G y unity corner omm c e Community and Feel nc ce pa gallery rning lea ts community entra le learning spaces frie n e nc tra en w ing m im n pe ar ng mi o lc es approach and great te ntiful natural day lig ht t o ea le sp d R ho d ay l i g h en p O xib , fle el u m Sa and ion Op e n l e arn i llow discret vis er es a c a sp 05 Highbury Grove & Samuel Rhodes Schools Islington BSF ith daylightin gs tra te g y Ventilation and Daylighting s s os r C ventilation atten k l tu ta lation within cl a e n ti s sr dv o o an m Acous tic b affl es eg t in dw e t ra ato r Section showing ventilation strategy Highbury Grove & Samuel Rhodes Schools 06 Islington BSF b ate aw el c om Ti m d glazing cre de fest i va ls tu the design c ‘civi corner ’ 5 C Cohesion and harmony Early architectural models expressed the idea of horizontal banding across the site which in some way might assist the identification of the nine faculty bases and other key areas. Such an approach serves to unify the varied building mass across the entire length of the site. A diverse vocabulary of complimentary buildings has emerged. Architectural Character External appearance will be subtle use of colour and pattern, expressing variety and optimism. In order to achieve a high level of harmony amongst all of the new building elements, the facades are intended to be primarily horizontal bands of glass and opaque materials. Expressed as shifting tectonic plates set around the ‘ gorge’ The opaque bands tend to be denser and ‘heavier’ towards the ground level. Uniqueness and special detail is established in an amount of variation from building to building. Variation on the architecture provides individual building identity, assists ones orientation and creates a sense of place. s e r v a t i o n e A r a l ee In developing the architectural expression of the project, the design team looked at examples in the natural environment where interesting landforms had been created by wind, sun and water to create unique landforms. n Geology and layers wh 1 o The treelined park nature of the site offers a unique opportunity to develop a new language and sense of urban identity for the school. The building design approach takes inspiration from the creation of a new landform and an internal street - ‘the gorge.’ wh i ch During the to Tim be rb r le Visually – The Inspiration als orated into this m corp a t n in e ria ls hum an sc a m Context and Materiality armth and uggestions on ma teri the re we a 5 The scale and layout of the buildings reinforce pedestrian friendly urban character, creating a human scale which frames views to the green areas and higher up the buildings local rooftops, treetops and spires are viewable. The new school proposal allows the school to be very easily ‘read’ in its urban setting, strong focus is given to the school building as a public- civic function. The design responds to the ‘sharp corner’ formed within the site by the intersection of Highbury Grove and Highbury New Park, by creating a rounded form in this location in response to the site, rather than an orthogonal shape. The new school buildings are convergent with the heights of residential properties opposite along Highbury New Park and is articulated to avoid a ‘megastructure’ effect along Highbury Grove. The flexible teaching wings forming the edge to Highbury New Park gs in fw se o n e s s nt re we we l co nts into the sch oo l ty iali Urban Context o Ar ea outward, e tud er at C ati on erv s n ed s as k nc ra p en s eo gs in e ranc ent ing m In ploring con c h ex t tex e ta l sk a nd i it er, k an bric En t Highbury Grove & Samuel Rhodes The edge presented by the proposal to Highbury grove enables views through the school and beyond to the new green areas and sports facilities. The plan of the new school seeks to ‘open up’ to the greenness of the wider site and embrace the site on the eastern edge. Highbury Grove & Samuel Rhodes Schools 07 Islington BSF Gr e g du b es tion ild in CO2 emissi on s 100 m d ee p Earth tu uc ed Rain wa t roof and s ing Co ntr ibu t the re u s e en t m ge S y st e m I n sta ll ed su nabiltiy stai ns of excellen t or io iss g ratin am ee br rol and m cont o nit to e Building M an a d reduction th e ch in C O2 r ea m ou rce ati on m 5% 12. em S ys t of 2 .5kw Implement r e e collected b l l i fro rw Sustainable Technology g and cooling - 7% t en bu atin he round source hea g m tp fro um a is ps m Hig h e s ry G eS v o r on target chool to bi und prov idin gf re bu create a re to the new to ite ne w a ble Highbury Grove & Samuel Rhodes Schools n io fs create rsity ive s on s w Wa te Mana e n ge of ro he g t o int oo R en od b les locate o h da ore en t ac dj d W ine will be cons b r tru tu d cte in 08 Islington BSF