2004 Catalog - Endless Games


2004 Catalog - Endless Games
Wandango, Balkia- A crowd of civilians took to
their streets this week to celebrate their boredom
being forever put to rest. Representatives of the U.S.
based Endless Games were well received as they
bestowed multiple copies of their entire fun-filled
catalog of family entertainment upon the citizens of
the town. “I got really bored of building sand castles,”
said one newly excited child. “Now I can show off to
my family how much I’ve learned in school”. One lovestruck man exclaimed “I plan on playing The
Newlywed Game ™ with my wife... once we are married
next week.” His bride-to-be also gushed about playing
Linq ™. “I want to see if there is a real connection
between us,” she said. “Thank goodness for Endless
Games! They saved our village, and my marriage!” The
town’s mayor celebrated Endless Games’ arrival with a
delicious banquet, an exotic dance show and a very
cool elephant ride through the village streets.
This "Act-Up, Act-Out, Action game is a REVOLUTIONARY new way to
play Charades! Players must act out what is described on the "Act" card,
in whatever manner the "Riot" deck tells them. The "Riot" cards range
from a simple adverb, to combining your
action with some bizarre task not seen
everyday. For example, you might be
asked to "Milk a cow..." FORGETFULLY.
Or, you may have to "Change a baby's
KILLER BEES. To win at Riot Act, be the
first team to reach the center of the
For 2 teams of 2 or more players,
ages 12 to adult
"Come on down" to the longest running game show in television history!
From the opening bid to the showcase showdown, all the fun of the popular
game show is back! With 30+ games from the World's most popular game
show, you can bring home the excitement
of actually having Bob Barker in your
living room. Did you correctly guess the
price on the grandfather clock? Is the box
of detergent higher or lower than $3.99?
The tension is high... and the prizes are
plenty, if... THE PRICE IS RIGHT ™ !
New second edition!
For 3 or more players,
ages 8 to adult
© Max & Lucy ®
All Rights Reserved.
Have you ever had a political argument so heated that it almost came to
blows? If not, now you can! Settle the '04 election Endless Games style,
and wrestle with the hilarious new board game Sumo ™ : Presidential Edition.
In an election year it's not only important to know where your candidate
weighs in on important issues, but also
what he weighs! Have your favorite
democratic hopeful press-the-flesh against
President Bush to decide the presidency.
Kerry, Dean, Sharpton as well as historical
favorites such as Reagan and JFK vie for
the title of "Sumo Master" as they battle in
the winner take all format.
For 2 players,
ages 10 to adult
Victor G. Reiling Associates, and
GameBird LLC
4 Cards... 1 Pair... 100 reasons why you SHOULD be right.
It's not a word game. It's not a strategy game. It's not a
bluffing game, yet all three of these elements are combined in
this uniquely simple, excitingly fun,
and extremely addictive game:
Linq ™ .
The object of the game is to guess
which two players are the Linq ™ . If
you are the Linq ™ , you must think
like your partner, and connect with
them. The only problem is... You
don't know who your partner is!
For 4 or more players,
ages 10 to adult
A game by Erik Nielsen.
All rights reserved. © 2003
Hoboken, NJ: A real "Riot Act ™ " has been
underway at the Endless Games Headquarters
in Hoboken, NJ. Since sunday afternoon, the
area in and around the Endless Games "fun
house" has been enveloped in a cheery blend
of mayhem and laughter. One anonymous
bystander caught in the crossfire had this to
say, "The hilarity of this situation is
unbelievable! I came here, expecting a game
of charades, but Riot Act ™ has turned the
game on it's head." The Riot Act ™
phenomenon, also know as "The Act-Up, ActOut, Action Game" enhances the classic game
of charades, taking it to a new level of
extreme fun!
Players must act out what is described on
the "Act" card, in whatever manner the "Riot"
deck tells them. The "Riot" cards range from a
simple adverb, to combining your action with
some bizarre task not seen everyday. For
© Max & Lucy ® All Rights Reserved.
example, you might be asked to "Milk a
cow..." FORGETFULLY. Or, you may have to
"Change a baby's diaper..." WHILE WALKING
At press time, the riotous fun brought on by
playing Riot Act ™ has shown no signs of
slowing down. In fact, the game seems to be
building momentum. We'll be sure to keep a
close eye on the situation... ROMANTICALLY...
page 3
Hoboken, NJ: Kevin McNulty, chief
financial officer of Endless Games- riding
stronger sales of family home
entertainment and record quarterly
revenue, shared some views on business.
“The way I see it, the game business
is like a real life game of Cliffhangers”
said Kevin. “You can let that guy yodelee
odelee yodaleheehooo up the hill all day
long, but you have to know when to tell
him to stop.”
It seems this unusual business
strategy is working. "We are very pleased
with our first $10 billion quarter," said
Kevin. "Consumer and corporate demand
for games continued to exceed our
Asked what he sees for the future, Mr.
McNulty replied, “Endless Games has
just released a new second edition of
The Price is Right ™ , and in the Showcase
Showdown of life, that’s going to make
everybody a big winner.”
page 4
Knoxville, TN: In an unprecedented
week of politics, Kevin, Mike and Brian of
Endless Games leapt ahead in the
Presidential race. “We just decided this
country wasn’t having enough fun” said
Mike. “What this country needs is a good
dose of family entertainment, and that
means SUMO!”
Soon after Endless
Games decided to run on the Sumo
platform they had 95% of potential voters
in their camp. Mike commented: “The
©2004 AC's THE STRENGTH TRAINER, INC, Victor G. Reiling Associates, and GameBird LLC
people of America don’t want to hear
about taxes or healthcare, all they want is
In response, President George W. Bush
indicated Thursday that he intends to put
aside his efforts on the education
program, tax policies, and the war in Iraq
in order to make Sumo wrestling his top
priority. "There's no question, if I wish to
be re-elected I must knock my opposition
out of the election 'ring'," the president
was quoted as saying.
In a bizarre "punchcounter-punch"
Senator John Kerry followed
suit, all but abandoning his
Democratic platform. After a
recent New Hampshire rally,
the Democratic front-runner
Shmolitics... this thing will be
won or lost in the Sumo
ring!" No word yet on
Independent candidate Al
Sharpton's reaction, though
most insiders expect him to
throw his hat into the "ring"
Presidential Sumo ™ war is
expected, complete with
election year combatants.
Ronald Reagan, Michael
Dukakis, Gerald Ford, and
Jimmy Carter all expressed
interest, as well as one
Republican representative
anonymous having only this
to say: "Bob Dole is in the
best shape of his life, and
Bob Dole is ready to wrestle
for the title of President."
page 5
PISCES (Feb 19-Mar 20)
Lie back and listen. You’ll get a strong feeling of what is appropriate to do. Now, quit lying around. We’d like to play another round of Linq ™ sleepyhead.
ARIES (Mar 21-April 19)
Tell it like it is. You might want to rethink what has happened with a special friendship. Play a game of Linq ™ to find your connection.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20)
Stay on top of work, even if you find it to be a bit of a drag. When you are done, you can open a game of Linq ™ with your friends. Won’t that be worth it?
GEMINI (May 21-June 20)
You might want to make calls and do research. Making a decision could be tough without the help of an expert. Like deciding who is your Linq ™. Make an educated guess.
CANCER (June 21-July 22)
Be willing to understand more of what is going on behind the scenes. For example, If you think I have the same word as you and am your Linq ™, go ahead and pick me, I won’t bug.
LEO (July 23-Aug 22)
Others come toward you. Someone shares important information; you might want to digest it and mull it over. Take the hint, you’ve found the Linq ™.
VIRGO (Aug 23-Sept 22)
Unexpected developments occur later on that you might want to act on. What at first was unclear, will develop like a picture in your mind.
LIBRA (Sept 23-Oct 22)
Your playfulness emerges with those you care about. Frolic away my Libra friend! If you’re looking for the rest of us, we’ll be out back playing Linq ™ by the barbeque.
SCORPIO (Oct 23-Nov 21)
Sometimes you might wonder what needs to happen within a key relationship. Wonder all you want, but if you watch closely, the answers will reveal themselves.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov 22-Dec 21)
Your way of handling matters proves to be very assertive and charges the thinking process. But beware. In the game of Linq ™, bluffing is critical, and things are not always as they seem.
CAPRICORN (Dec 22-Jan 19)
A partner or family member might push to have what he or she wants. In other words, don’t let them see your cards.
AQUARIUS (Jan 20-Feb 18)
Understand what someone else wants. You won’t score points unless both YOU and YOUR Linq ™ guess each other as Linq ™s.
page 6
A game by Erik Nielsen. All rights reserved. © 2003
Hobeken, NJ: “Most people
think that fun is something that
comes from inside - not true”
says Kevin McNulty of Endless
Games. “All of the world’s fun
is generated by the limited
number of Mayan pyramids still
in existence.”
M r. M c N u l t y h a s f o u n d a
new source of this fun with the
discovery of an ancient Mayan
pyramid in downtown Hoboken,
New Jersey.
“I was headed to the local
travel agency to
book my trip to the
congo for the annual
Jungle Jam™ fan
club reunion, but I
t o o k a w ro n g t u r n
and before I knew it,
I was face-to-face
with this pyramid,”
M r. M c N u l t y t o l d
reporters at a press
c o n f e re n c e . “ I w a s
in awe, I could feel
generated by it, and
it made me feel all
gooey inside.”
An audible squeal
could be heard each
t i m e M r. M c N u l t y
a n c i e n t s t r u c t u re .
awesome game of
Route 66 ™ I played
l a s t w e e k , i t ’s t h e
single greatest thing
t h a t ’s
happened to me” he
shreaked. “I’ve used
charge up versions
Home Game, Jungle
Jam ™ and Route 66 ™
They’ve been flying
off the shelves - I’M
RICH!” Asked what
he would do with his
new found wealth,
Mr. McNulty replied
“I’d like to travel...
and get some of
underwear with the
flap in the back.
T h o s e t h i n g s a re
Kevin McNulty of Endless Games pictured celebrating the discovery of an ancient Mayan pyramid in Hoboken
© 2002 Richard C. Levy & Associates Route 66 is a trademark of Endless Games, Inc.
pyramid tm & © 2003 columbia TriStar domestic television, inc. all rights reserved.
© 1999 Flitzenbogen. All Rights Reserved. Jungle Jam ™ is the registered trademark of Flitzebogen. Manufactured in the USA under license agreement from Flitzeboen to Endless Games, Inc.
page 7
New York: After five days of grueling
competition, a delirious Kevin McNulty
finally emerged as this year's Game Show
Pentathlon champion. This year's contest
featured five of the country's most beloved
TV Game Show classics (all of which are
available for home play from Endless
In round one, the three finalists (Kevin,
flanked by Endless Games cohorts Mike
Gasser and Brian Turtle) squared-off in a few
rounds of Password ™ , the classic word
association game. In this format, the
pentathlon spokesmodel "Game Show
Gretchen" gave each contestant a one-word
clue from which they had to figure out the
Password ™. Brian took an early lead, but not
for long, as the event then turned over to
Beat the Clock ™ where Michael's size and
strength became a major asset. Beat the
Clock ™, a TV classic from the 50's, 60's,
70's, and 80's put our three players to the
test as they completed a series of bizarre
stunts before time ran out. Having practiced
at home with his children all week, Mike
clinched an easy victory as his accuracy,
dexterity, and his ability to balance things
on his head for long periods of time
Day two of our competition was kicked
off with this classic phrase: "Behind these
numbers is a puzzle, can you solve it?"
Kevin squealed with delight as he knew he
was about to play his personal favorite
game: Concentration ™ . Having watched
every episode of Concentration ™ that ever
aired, Kevin was a master at solving the
mind-tickling Concentration ™ rebus puzzles
as he vaulted himself back into the thick of
the competition.
McNulty continued this inspired play over
the course of the next two days as he nailed
a number of popular survey questions from
Family Feud ™ , and cleaned up playing
"High/Low" on Card Sharks ™. By the final
day of competition, he had a commanding
lead, and managed to intimidate his
competition with his obnoxious yellow
With thousands of fans watching on site,
and millions more around the globe, day five
of the pentathlon consisted of a medley of
all five of the previous days' classic games,
and concluded with the "Golden Boy"
sprinting out a strong finish and title of TV
Game Show Champion! His prize was to be
determined later in the day.
page 8
N e w Yo r k : T h e w a i t i s f i n a l l y
over. The anticipation has ended.
At 3:00 yesterday after noon Kevin
McNulty was named TV Game Show
Pentathlon Champion, and at 4:00 it
was revealed that his prize would
be an experience he will never
forget. After awarding millions of
dollars in prizes to past winners,
the prize committee saw something
special in this year's champion.
They were impressed with his poise,
yet thrilled with his excitement. He
seemed to have a firm grasp of
each and every game played, and
a s a re s u l t K e v i n M c N u l t y w a s
a w a rd e d t h e f u l l t i m e j o b a s
celebrity spokesmodel for the TV
Game Show Pentathlon.
"I think this is perfect! I love to
play games. I love to watch game
shows. And I know more about Card
S h a r k s ™, B e a t t h e C l o c k ™,
P a s s w o rd ™ , F a m i l y F e u d ™ , a n d
Concentration™ than anyone! I
think I'll get a new suit for the
occasion!" An excited McNulty
We l l , t h e n e w s u i t p ro v e d
u n n e c e s s a r y a s F C C re g u l a t i o n s
require that the wardrobe
department provide the outfits for
all of the models used in the show.
" S o b e i t , " o ff e re d K e v i n a s h e
slipped into a form fitting black
dress and donned a new blonde
wig. "I'm the girl I always dreamed I
could be!" He gushed. And folks,
that is exactly the enthusiasm that
landed him here in the first place!
Bravo Kevin, and congratulations.
Finally, a reminder to all of you fans
a t h o m e , P a s s w o rd ™ , B e a t t h e
C l o c k ™ , C a rd S h a r k s ™ , F a m i l y
Feud ™ , and Concentration ™ (among
other classic TV game shows) are
available now from Endless Games.
National Broadcasting Company Inc. All Rights Reserved. Concentration™ is the registered trademark of National Broadcasting Company, Inc. Manufactured under license from Victory Television Production,Inc. Rebus Puzzles are a Copyright of Steve Ryan/Endless Games, Inc.
page 9
Lima, Peru: Staggered by the recent news of
cheating and lying being okay (in games), these
Lima residents literally had to sit down. "At first
they were shocked, but they then embraced the
idea" said Endless Games spokesman Brian Turtle.
"I mean, how can you play Cheater ™ without
cheating? Liar's Dice ™ without lying? For
page 10
spill and spell ™ is a licensed trademark of endless games, inc. all rights reserved.
traditionalists, and those for whom these games
seem too radical, we do offer a host of other
games where lying and cheating aren't allowed,
namely Spill and Spell ™ and Kismet ™ ." The people
of Peru can finally have their cake and eat it too.
In a related story, the same can't be said for
Brian and fellow Endless Gamesman, Mike Gasser.
© 2002 Endless Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Liar’s Dice is a trademark of Endless Games, Inc.
Both men were arrested yesterday on charges of
lying and cheating their way to victory in the Spill
and Spell ™ and Kismet ™ portions of the annual
Board Game, Sausage, and Physics Festival.
Having recently gained the strength to stand up
again, several Lima festival-goers fell weak in the
knees with yet another dose of shocking news.
TM & © 2000 Awesome Games. Manufactured under license agreement and distributed by Endless Games, Inc.
Kismet ™ is a registered trademark of E.William DeLaittre.
You've met that special someone. You’ve
bonded over a game of Men Are From Mars,
Women Are From Venus ™ and discovered you
are perfectly compatible. Now you're ready for
that next step. You’re ready to share your lives
together... to live as one. Let Endless Games –
purveyors of relationship building since 1997 –
cater your special event. With white glove
service by Mike Gasser, and signature Endless
Games cake topper, your special day will be
one you'll never forget. For a small fee, you'll
also be rewarded with an Endless Games
gentleman of your choice to accompany you
and your loved one on your honeymoon for
added Newlywed Game ™ quizzes and
Mars/Venus storytelling.
Boudoir Photography
with the purchase of
any Endless Games
Wedding Package and
Men Are From Mars Women Are From Venus ™
or The Newlywed Game ™
Not to be combined with any other offers. Expires Immediately.
Salem, MA: Hundreds of people have been scared “nearly to death”, playing Goth ™ according to
doctors. “I was just trying to fill my graveyard plot with tombstones by answering questions in
morbid trivia categories” said one teary-eyed victim. “The questions just kept getting more intense
and, I guess, I just couldn’t handle it.”
Asked to comment, Brian Turtle of Endless Games said, “We’ve done some research, and it seems
like the factory that Goth ™ was produced in was haunted. This game is not for the faint of heart.”
Witnesses were quoted as saying “We heard some of the most appalling things you can imagine.
There were morbid questions about movies, music, literature, and even real life!” Another witness
looking spooked, said, “We played with the whole family and at one point my own mother said ‘I’m
gonna bury you!’ She’s a sunday school teacher for goodness sake!”
© 1998 Columbia Tristar Television Distribution. All Rights Reserved. The Newlywed ™ Game is a registered trademark of Columbia Tristar Television Distribution.
Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus ™ & © John Gray. Used with Permission. All Rights Reserved.
©2002 BuyProduct, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Goth is a Trademark of BuyProduct, Inc.
page 11
Donned in leotards and
a n i f t y h a t , B r i a n Tu r t l e ,
National Sales Manager
for Endless Games,
kicked off Fun Awareness
Week, by giving away
games and playing his
beloved flute. "Children
aren't having enough fun.
I am promoting fun in the
o n l y w a y I k n o w h o w, w i t h
my leotards, my flute and
m y g a m e s , " s a i d M r.
Tu r t l e w h i l e a d j u s t i n g h i s
tunic. In addition to his
M r.
P a s s w o r d J u n i o r ™, t h e
classic word association
g a m e , T i c k l e B e e ™, t h e
nostalgic magnetic maze
g a m e , a n d F a s c i n a t i o n ™,
the original electronic
maze game from the
1960s, to the enthusiastic
throngs of schoolchildren.
Hey Kids!
Come on down and meet
the piper in person at
Jimmy’s 8th Street
L e o t a rd M a r t ! T h a t ’s
r i g h t , B r i a n Tu r t l e w i l l
be there IN PERSON!
M r. Tu r t l e w i l l o n l y b e
there for 10 hours, so
be sure to get there
e a r l y. T h e r e w i l l b e f r e e
refreshments, and all
leotard alterations will
be half price. So come
on down and see your
favorite piper this
Saturday from 8:00 AM
t o 6 : 0 0 P M a t J i m m y ’s
8th Street Leotard Mart!
page 12
© 2002 Fremantle north america inc. All rights reserved password ™ is a trademark of Fremantle Media Operations B.V. based on the Fremantle Media Television program password. Licensed by Fremantle Brand Licensing. © 1998 Luchland Company. All Rights Reserved. Tickle Bee ™ is the registered trademark of Luchland Company. © 2000 Endless Games,Inc. All Rights Reserved. Fascination ™ is the registered trademark of Fascinations Toys & Gifts, Inc.
Mike “Sure Shot” Gasser has a beef with Clara Belle who refuses to return to her corral.
After the revolt, the cows were in control of the farm.
Relegated to sleeping in the barn and eating hay, Mr.
Gasser devised a scheme and negotiated a face-off to
regain control. To level the playing field, they decided on
three easy to play and ultra-fun children’s games from
Endless Games. Clarabel proved to be a quick and
creative thinker as she dominated in the matching game
Two out of Three ™. She recognized the shapes, faces and
colors that matched her cards, before Mr. Gasser could
get his finger out of his holster. Mr. Gasser evened it up
with a decisive victory in Pig Out! ™, a corny kids game,
and was a pig in mud until being outdone in the final leg
TM & © 2000 Awesome Games. Manufactured under license agreement and distributed by Endless Games, Inc.
of the competition. Clarabel having the inside advantage,
was able to count and match the cards of Corral the
Cow ™, dominating Mr. Gasser in the fast paced memory
game. Having lost the farm fair and square, Mr. Gasser
has resorted to an old-fashioned show of force to win
back his land. At last report, the standoff continues…
© 2001 GameBird, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Manufactured and distributed in the USA.
page 13
There have been bands with
more tortured recording histories
than the NY/NJ group known as
Endless Games, but not many.
Now, 15 years after their initial
release "Game'n in the Wind",
this folk trio is finally getting
Gone are the coffee house
shows catering to sparse rooms
of 5 or 6 uninterested "listeners".
"Just the other day we played to
a crowd of 22!" banjoist Kevin
McNulty gushed, adding, "I'm
drunk on popularity!" With hits
like "Pop Smarts ™, Pop Smarts ™,
Pop Smarts ™", "Play that Encore ™
One More Time", and the classic
"Endless Anthem", Endless
Games has left a legacy of
generally ignored folk rock.
Obscure as they are, the trio
remain optimistic about their
latest release "The Song Remains
Endless", a concept album
featuring just one song. The song
is 146 minutes in duration
(featuring a remarkable 26 minute
fiddle solo) and can be heard in
its entirety at the Endless Games
showroom, Room 509.
Thousands gathered this weekend to celebrate Pop Smarts ™
and Encore ™ . The Board Game Day Festival was great fun for all
with performances from famous musical groups “Endless Games”,
“The Yellow Intestine Band”, “Tommy’s Magic Banjo”, and the
crowd favorite “Who’s Got The Dice?”
The motto of the festival: “Turn on, tune in & have fun!” proved
to hold true, with festival-goers old and, well, less old enjoying the
great weather and moderately-volumed music.
page 14
© 1 9 8 9 , 1 9 9 7 , E n c o re i s a re g i s t e re d Tr a d e m a r k o f I n t e r n a t i o n a l D e s i g n Wo r k s h o p , I n c . M a n u f a c t u re d a n d d i s t r i b u t e d i n t h e U S A .
© 2 0 0 1 Tr i v i o t s , L L C . A l l R i g h t s R e s e r v e d . P o p S m a r t s ™ i s a re g i s t e re d Tr a d e m a r k o f Tr i v i o t s , L L C .
Exciting career in Board Games!
All the fun you can ever handle. Get paid in real
play money. Impress your friends with dice and
cardboard. Call Mike (201) 386 9465
For sale: House constructed completely out of
board games. (201) 386 9465, Ask for Kevin.
Goth ™: The Game of Horror Trivia
The Newlywed Game ™
"Roll the bones" and take a walk through the
graveyard. Answer questions of horror trivia to
earn tombstones.
Item # 13 Ages 13+
Item Size: 10 1⁄2 X 10 1⁄2 X 2 3⁄4
Case Size: 17 7⁄8 X 11 1⁄8 X 11 3⁄8
Pack: 6/case Weight: 10 Lbs. Cube: 1.31
UPC: 8-50190-00013-3
It's couple versus couple in this home version of the
classic game show where you'll discover how much you
really know, or don't know about your significant other!
Item # 150 Ages 18+
Item Size: 10 1⁄2 X 10 1⁄2 X 2 1⁄4
Case Size: 14 7⁄8 X 11 1⁄8 X 11 3⁄8
Pack: 6/case Weight: 8 Lbs. Cube: 1.08
UPC: 6-32468-00150-5
Spill and Spell ™
Flip the timer, Spill the letter cubes, and Spell as
many words as you can. Intersect to double your
score. The longer your words, the better.
Item # 210 Ages 8+
Item Size: 5 11⁄16 X 9 3⁄8 X 3
Case Size: 9 15⁄16 X 9 5⁄16 X 6 9⁄16
Pack: 6/case Weight: 6 Lbs. Cube: 0.73
UPC: 6-32468-00210-6
Answer census questions to gain control of the
cards and "High/Low" your way to cash prizes.
Based on the popular TV game show.
Item # 330 Ages 10+
Item Size: 9 3⁄4 X 12 X 2
Case Size: 13 3⁄8 X 10 3⁄8 X 12 7⁄8
Pack: 6/case Weight: 10 Lbs. Cube: 1.03
UPC: 6-32468-00330-1
Illiterate? Write today for free help.
The litarecy group, 22 Hudson Place, NJ 07030
Please call me when you throw your next shindig.
I will bring great board games, nachos and salsa!
No Joke- I will-I mean it!
Call Brain (201) 386 9465
Route 66 The Great American Road Trip Game ™
Password ™ - Fourth Edition
Race cross country on a map of the United States.
Advance your roadster by completing challenges on US
history, geography, and your favorite road trip moments!
Item # 066 Ages 10+
Item Size: 11 5⁄8 X 9 X 3
Case Size: 19 3⁄8 X 9 5⁄8 X 12 1⁄2
Pack: 6/case Weight: 18 Lbs. Cube: 1.34
UPC: 6-32468-00066-9
Can you get your partner to guess the secret Password
by giving one-word clues? Password™ is the classic
word association game of clever communication.
Item # 250 Ages 12+
Item Size: 1 7⁄8 X 9 5⁄8 X 7 5⁄8
Case Size: 11 7⁄8 X 8 1⁄8 X 10 3⁄8
Pack: 6/case Weight: 5 Lbs. Cube: 0.58
UPC: 6-32468-00250-2
Riot Act ™
Charades, with a twist! The Act-Up, Act-Out,
Action game where WHAT you are doing is as
important as HOW you are doing it!
Item # 160 Ages 12+
Item Size: 10 1⁄2 X 10 1⁄2 X 2 1⁄4
Case Size: 14 7⁄8 X 11 1⁄8 X 11 3⁄8
Pack: 6/case Weight: 9 Lbs. Cube: 1.08
UPC: 6-32468-00160-4
Pop Smarts ™
Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus ™
Inspired by the best selling book series, Mars/Venus tests
your knowledge of your significant other, and inspires storytelling, compliment giving, and lots of hugs and kisses!
Item # 140 Ages 18+
Item Size: 10 1⁄2 X 10 1⁄2 X 3
Case Size: 19 3⁄8 X 11 1⁄8 X 11 3⁄8
Pack: 6/case Weight: 15 Lbs. Cube: 1.42
UPC: 6-32468-00140-6
Beat the Clock ™
With over 40 hilarious stunts that you must
complete before the timer runs out, Beat the
Clock™ is the original Skill and Action game!
Item # 340 Ages 8+
Item Size: 14 3⁄4 X 9 1⁄2 X 2 13⁄16
Case Size: 17 7⁄8 X 9 15⁄16 X 15 15⁄16
Pack: 6/case Weight: 11 Lbs. Cube: 1.57
UPC: 6-32468-00340-0
Wanted. Man to take care of cow that does not
smoke or drink. Call Turts (201) 386-9465
Encore Deluxe
An "Anti-Trivia" game for the couch potato in all of us, Pop
Smarts™ tests your knowledge of the hip (and not so hip)
stuff you grew up with from movies, TV, music, and more!
Item # 120 Ages 12+
Item Size: 12 1⁄8 X 9 1⁄8 X 3
Case Size: 17 13⁄16 X 9 9⁄16 X 9 7⁄8
Pack: 6/case Weight: 15 Lbs. Cube: 1.27
UPC: 6-32468-00066-9
Card Sharks ™
Can you sing a song with the word "Love" in it? How
about "Heart"? The object of Encore™ is to recall the
most songs that contain the words we stick you with!
Item # 300 Ages 8+
Item Size: 2 1⁄8 X 10 1⁄8 X 8 3⁄8
Case Size: 13 5⁄16 X 8 5⁄16 X 11 1⁄8
Pack: 6/case Weight: 10 Lbs. Cube: 0.77
UPC: 6-32468-00250-2
someone to play with? Look no further. Kevin
McNulty will help you satisfy that itch for quality
board games. Call anytime (201) 386 9465
Linq ™
Concentration ™
To win this game of nuance, you must learn to think
like your partner in order to connect with them…
However, you don't know who your partner is.
Item # 190 Ages 10+
Item Size: 10 1⁄2 X 10 1⁄2 X 2 1⁄4
Case Size: 14 7⁄8 X 11 1⁄8 X 11 3⁄8
Pack: 6/case Weight: 9 Lbs. Cube: 1.08
UPC: 6-32468-00190-1
Based on the classic TV Game Show, Concentration™ is
like having two games in one. First you test your memory
to clear the board, then solve the rebus puzzle
Item # 350 Ages 10+
Item Size: 10 1⁄2 X 10 1⁄2 X 2 1⁄4
Case Size: 14 7⁄8 X 11 1⁄8 X 11 3⁄8
Pack: 6/case Weight: 13 Lbs. Cube: 1.08
UPC: 6-32468-00350-9
Turkey for sale. Partially eaten. Only eight days
old. Both drumsticks still intact. Call Kevin. (201)
386 9465
For sale: Used Tombstone. Perfect for anyone
named Mike Gasser. Asking low price. call
(201) 386 9465, Ask for Kevin.
Family Feud ™
Filled with pop culture survey questions from the
TV Game show, the ultimate game of family fun is
back. The Survey Says, "Fun!"
Item # 310 Ages 8+
Item Size: 10 1⁄2 X 10 1⁄2 X 2 1⁄4
Case Size: 14 7⁄8 X 11 1⁄8 X 11 3⁄8
Pack: 6/case Weight: 10 Lbs. Cube: 1.08
UPC: 6-32468-00310-3
Make your own hours. Work as much or as little
as you would like to. For more info please send a
$20 check or money order care of Mike Gasser,
22 Hudson Pl, Hoboken, NJ, 07030
page 15
Wanted: Someone to go back in time with me. This
is not a joke. You'll get paid when we get back.
Must bring your own weapons. Safety not
guaranteed. Call after 5. (201) 386-9465
Professional SUMO wrestlers wanted. Must look
like a high ranking politician. (201) 386 9465
The Price is Right ™ - Second Ed.
Sumo ™: Presidential Edition
"Come on down" to the longest running game show in
television history with the home version of The Price is Right ™.
With over 30 games from America's most beloved game show.
Item # 365 Ages 8+
Item Size: 10 1⁄2 X 10 1⁄2 X 3
Case Size: 19 3⁄8 X 11 1⁄8 X 11 3⁄8
Pack: 6/case Weight: 13 Lbs. Cube: 1.42
UPC: 6-32468-00365-3
Have your favorite Democratic hopeful "press the
flesh" with President George W. Bush in this
hilarious game of strategy and luck. Political
heavyweights can "attack", "counter" and "defend"
as they Sumo wrestle toward the White House.
Item # 510 Ages 10+
Item Size: 10 1⁄2 X 10 1⁄2 X 1 1⁄2
Case Size: 11 1⁄8 X 11 1⁄8 X 11 3⁄8
Pack: 6/case Weight: 4 Lbs. Cube: .081
UPC: 6-32468-00510-7
Dog for sale: Eats anything and is fond of
children. Kev (201) 386-9465
Looking for Karate expert to protect board game
warehouse. Serious inquiries only. Ask for Mike
(201) 386-9465
Liars Dice ™
Bring your Poker face, as you bluff your way
around the table in this new version of the classic
bluffing game.
Item # 410 Ages 10+
Item Size: 10 1⁄2 X 10 1⁄2 X 3
Case Size: 19 3⁄8 X 11 1⁄8 X 11 3⁄8
Pack: 6/case Weight: 12 Lbs. Cube: 1.42
UPC: 6-32468-00410-0
Mad Mike’s Used Cars: Why go elsewhere to be
cheated? Come here first! 22 Hudson Place,
suite One, Hoboken,NJ, 07030. (201) 386 9465
Ask for Mike.
He's the little bee who seems alive as you tickle
him from flower to hive! This classic preschool
game from the 50's is simple nostalgic fun!
Item # 650 Ages 3+
Item Size: 13 3⁄8 X 6 5⁄16 X 3⁄4
Case Size: 14 X 9 3⁄4 X 7 3⁄8
Pack: 12/case Weight: 4 Lbs. Cube: .066
UPC: 6-32468-00650-0
Kevin’s Fine Dining Dinner Special -- Turkey
$2.35; Chicken or Beef $2.25; Children $2.00. On
Hudson across from the Path.
DJF looking for Mr. Right
Must have a white pompadour and be really into
board games. Smoker preferred. Enjoys a good
round of Password™ or Lair’s Dice™ a plus!
Please only serious inquiries. Call (201) 386 9465.
Now on TV with Donnie Osmond, Pyramid is the
contemporary version of the classic "$25,000
Pyramid". 25 Seconds on the clock, can you identify
these 6 things associated with child stars...?
Item # 375 Ages 10+
Item Size: 10 1⁄2 X 10 1⁄2 X 2 1/4
Case Size: 14 7⁄8 X 11 1⁄8 X 11 3⁄8
Pack: 6/case Weight: 10 Lbs. Cube: 1.08
UPC: 6-32468-00375-2
Tickle Bee ™
Cheater ™
The only game where you're allowed to cheat! Roll the dice
and spell C-H-E-A-T-E-R in one of 4 color suits to win. Roll
doubles, and you're the cheater and play by your own rules!
Item # 800 Ages 7+
Item Size: 7⁄8 X 5 X 3 1⁄4
Case Size: 11 7⁄8 X 4 7⁄8 X 5 3⁄4
Pack: 12/case Weight: 5 Lbs. Cube: 0.19
UPC: 6-32468-00800-9
Counter Display UPC: 6-32468-00801-6
Jungle Jam ™
2 female Boston Terrier puppies, 7 wks old,
Perfect markings. (201) 386-9465. Leave mess.
A high action card game, Jungle Jam requires a
quick eye and a quicker hand.
Item # 450 Ages 8+
Item Size: 9 5⁄8 X 5 7⁄8 X 2 13⁄16
Case Size: 12 X 9 X 9 3⁄4
Pack: 6/case Weight: 5 Lbs. Cube: .061
UPC: 6-32468-00450-6
LOSE WEIGHT eating board games! Thousands
of games to chews through. (201)386-9465
For Sale: One pair of hardly used dentures. Only
2 teeth missing. Call Brian after 6. (201) 386 9465
Password Junior ™
The Classic Word Association Game… for KIDS!
Item # 610 Ages 7+
Item Size: 1 7⁄8 X 9 5⁄8 X 7 5⁄8
Case Size: 11 7⁄8 X 8 1⁄8 X 10 3⁄8
Pack: 6/case Weight: 5 Lbs. Cube: .058
UPC: 6-32468-00610-4
Pig Out ™ A “Corny” Kids Card Game
This preschool card game is a creative way to
stimulate children's counting, matching, and
memory skills, and has 2 levels of play.
Item # 820 Ages 3-7
Item Size: 3⁄4 X 6 X 3 5⁄8
Case Size: 9 3⁄4 X 6 1⁄2 X 4
Pack: 12/case Weight: 3 Lbs. Cube: 0.17
UPC: 6-32468-00820-7
F riends
for sale: Easy going, freeloading, money-grubbing and loyal. Will do
anything, anything, for companionship. Call
Kev, Mike and Brian (201) 386-9465
Two Out of Three ™
A classic from 1964, Kismet is a high energy, fast paced dice
game that pits chance against strategy. Five tri-colored dice
increase the odds, and make for dozens of scoring combinations.
Item # 400 Ages 7+
Item Size: 9 5⁄8 X 5 5⁄8 X 2 13⁄16
Case Size: 12 X 9 X 9 3⁄4
Pack: 6/case Weight: 5 Lbs. Cube: .061
UPC: 6-32468-00400-1
Catalogs, Packaging, Style Guides, Illustration,
Advertising, Corporate ID’s and Logos, Press Kits,
Product Branding and much more! 516.377.0500
matt@designedge.net. www.designedge.net
page 16
Fascination ™
This famous electronic maze game from the 1960's
is a timeless challenge that will delight children
and have adults saying "Remember when?"
Item # 500 Ages 6+
Item Size: 12 1⁄8 X 9 1⁄8 X 3
Case Size: 19 X 9 3⁄4 X 12 15⁄16
Pack: 6/case Weight: 12 Lbs. Cube: 1.24
UPC: 6-32468-00500-8
Fill your board by matching Two out of Three.
Teaches kids to think "Outside the box" and
shape/color/face recognition.
Item # 620 Ages 3+
Item Size: 11 1⁄4 X 8 3⁄4 X 1
Case Size: 8 7⁄8 X 7 1⁄8 X 11 3⁄8
Pack: 6/case Weight: 8 Lbs. Cube: .042
UPC: 6-32468-00620-3
Spin Class
Learn to spin like the pros! You too can win at
Pop Smarts™ ! Spin a 4, or even a 2! Added
Bonus - Learn to Roll Doubles! Please contact
Brian (201 386 9465).
Corral the Cow ™ A “Mooing” Kids Card Game
This preschool card game is a creative way to
stimulate children's counting, matching, and
memory skills, and has 2 levels of play.
Item # 825 Ages 3-7
Item Size: 3/4 X 6 X 3 5/8
Case Size: 9 3/4 X 6 1/2 X 4
Pack: 12/case Weight: 3 Lbs. Cube: .017
UPC: 6-32468-00825-2
22 Hudson Place, suite One Hoboken, NY, 07030 Show Room, 200 5th ave, room 509 Javits Booth 941 ph 201 386 9465 www.endlessgames.com