Code of Ethics Organization, Management and Control Model A C C O R D I N G T O L E G I S L AT I V E D E C R E E N . 2 3 1 / 2 0 0 1 Introduction Dear colleagues, Since its foundation, VOLKSWAGEN GROUP ITALIA S.P.A. has believed that ethical conduct is a basic principle to reaching its company objectives. The Code of Ethics presented to you is proof of daily operations marked by the principles of honesty, fairness, and respect which are the guiding values of the people who work with VOLKSWAGEN GROUP ITALIA S.P.A.. The Code of Ethics also represents a guarantee for all internal and external stakeholders of the Company that their individual and professional rights will be consistently assured. It is our pleasure to share with you the Code of Ethics of the VOLKSWAGEN GROUP ITALIA S.P.A., as an essential reference model for conduct, which identifies the values we believe in as individuals and as a company. M. Nordio M. Obrowski The Code is an essential part of the Organization, Management and Control Model required by article 6 of the Legislative Decree 231/01 bearing the “Regulations on the administrative responsibility of legal persons and of bodies without legal personality, pursuant to article 11 of Italian Law 300 of 29 September 2000”. | Code of Ethics Index 1 2 Perimeter and area of application ___________________________________________ 5 Principles in company management __________________________________________ 6 2.1 Fairness and honesty __________________________________________________ 2.2 Impartiality _____________________________________________________________ 2.3 Compliance with workers basic rights _____________________________________ 2.4 Compliance with the law ___________________________________________________ 2.5 Compliance with company regulations ___________________________________________ 2.5.1 Accuracy in the accounting entries and extraordinary transactions ______ 2.6 Protection of the job, health and safety ________________________________________ 2.7 Environmental protection _____________________________________________________ 2.8 Quality policy ______________________________________________________________ 2.9 Privacy and data security _______________________________________________________ 3 6 6 6 7 7 7 8 8 9 9 Guidelines for conduct and behaviour _________________________________________ 10 3.1 Customer _______________________________________________________________ 10 3.2 Official distribution network and industry associations __________________________ 10 3.3 Car makers _______________________________________________________________ 11 3.4 Suppliers and business partner _____________________________________________________ 11 3.5 Employees _______________________________________________________________ 12 3.5.1 Equal opportunity ________________________________________________ 12 3.5.2 Respect and co-operation ___________________________________________ 12 3.5.3 Developing and train human resources _______________________________ 13 3.5.4 Management _______________________________________________________ 13 3.5.5 Confidentiality and handling of private information ___________________ 13 3 | Code of Ethics Index 3 4 3.5.6 Conflict of interest ___________________________________________________ 13 3.5.7 Duties of the employees __________________________________________________ 13 3.5.8 Handling company assets ________________________________________________ 14 3.5.9 Gifts ______________________________________________________________________ 14 3.5.10 Institutions and public administration ____________________________________ 14 3.5.11 Labour unions and political organizations _______________________________________ 15 3.5.12 Mass media and sources of information _____________________________________ 15 3.5.13 Non-profit associations, schools and universities _______________________ 16 Implementation methods ____________________________________________________ 17 4.1 Vigilance Body __________________________________________________________________ 17 4.2 Access to the code of ethics _____________________________________________________ 17 4.3 Reporting violations _______________________________________________________ 17 4.4 Penalties ________________________________________________________________ 18 4.5 Amendments and addenda ________________________________________________ 18 4 Perimeter and area of application 1 T he company purpose of VOLKSWAGEN GROUP ITALIA S.P.A. (henceforth also the “Company”) is to distribute automobiles, spare parts and accessories of the Volkswagen, S̆koda, Audi, Seat and Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles brands, merchandise and provide service to the branded products represented, ensuring a quality service to achieve Customer satisfaction and create the lasting company loyalty of its partners in the sales and service organizational network. This Code of Ethics (henceforth also the “Code”) represents the values and rules of conduct expected of the Company and the addressees as set forth below. The Company undertakes to promote the knowledge and compliance with the concepts of the Code with all of its subsidiary companies, so that the rules of conduct defined therein are understood and followed by all. employees of other Group companies who work, permanently or temporarily, with VOLKSWAGEN GROUP ITALIA S.P.A., directors, auditors, attorneys, consultants, agents, business intermediaries, dealers and service partners, suppliers, contractors, direct subsidiaries and any party who works in the name of or on behalf of VOLKSWAGEN GROUP ITALIA S.P.A. Addressees are required to be familiar with the contents of this Code, understand its meaning and ask for clarification of any part of it, if necessary, as set forth in the section “Methods of Implementation” in this document. The Company undertakes to inform all the parties subject to the rules of the Code or parties to whom the Company has an interest on the directives and underlying principles. The addressees of the directives contained in the Code include: all VOLKSWAGEN GROUP ITALIA S.P.A. employees, regardless of function and credentials, employees, trainees, index 5 Principles in company management 2 2.1 Fairness and honesty V OLKSWAGEN GROUP ITALIA S.P.A. follows the principles of fairness and honesty in operating its business. All parties that directly or indirectly carry out any activities for the Company or on its behalf are required to work in conformity with these principles. The addressees of the Code are required to acknowledge and strictly and completely comply with the following basic rules of conduct: fraudulent practices and actions, acts of corruption, favouritism and any conduct that violates the law, industry regulations, internal regulations and any rules set forth under the present Code, are prohibited; giving or receiving gifts for any reason that might be interpreted as exceeding normal commercial practice or crossing the line of courtesy, or which may be interpreted as being done with a view to currying favourable treatment for oneself or in any actions related to the Company, is prohibited. These actions are prohibited and will be strictly punished regardless of whether they were carried out or merely attempted, directly or through third parties, to obtain personal gain or gain for others or for the Company. 2.2 Impartiality V OLKSWAGEN GROUP ITALIA S.P.A. avoids any form of discrimination based on age, gender, sexual orientation, health condition, race, nationality, political views or religious beliefs against its stakeholders in carrying out any activity. 2.3 Compliance with workers basic rights V OLKSWAGEN GROUP ITALIA S.P.A. respects human rights, supports their observance and acts in accordance with the applicable requirements of the International Labour Organization. The Company recognizes the basic right of all employees to establish trade unions and labour representatives. The Company denies any deliberate use of forced or compulsory labour and pays attention to the minimum age index 6 Principles in company management 2 requirements for employment in accordance with governmental obligations. Child labour is prohibited. Relations with employees are regulated in keeping with the National Collective Bargaining Agreement (Contratto Collettivo Nazionale del Lavoro). 2.4 Compliance with the law V OLKSWAGEN GROUP ITALIA S.P.A. considers compliance with the law and regulations as a key value in carrying out all aspects of the Company business. Each addressee must perform his or her duties in full and complete compliance with applicable law and regulations. The Company will not commence or continue any relationship with partners which do not intend to implement and comply with this principle. This is also true for negligent, malicious or illegal conduct that, shown by individuals, can generate a benefit, interest or advantage for the Company. Any conduct that might be construed as relevant to any criminal offence is strictly prohibited, especially if specifically contemplated by Legislative Decree 231/01 as amended. 2.5 Compliance with company regulations V OLKSWAGEN GROUP ITALIA S.P.A. provides access to information, on its own premises, on company regulations in full compliance with workers’ rights, prevailing legal provisions and the relevant national bargaining agreement. Each employee must have a copy of and comply with the directives pertaining to their responsibilities and duties. 2.5.1 Accuracy in the accounting entries and extraordinary transactions Every transaction and deal must be accurately reported, authorised, verifiable, legitimate, consistent and congruent. If the addressees discover any omissions, falsifications or inaccuracies in the accounting entries or in the records containing these entries, they are required to promptly inform the Vigilance Body of their findings. The financial statements and any other company communications useful for shareholders and third parties must guarantee true, complete and correct information on the economic, financial and business situation as a whole Each addressee that contributes to preparing this information must: a) ensure that the operating events are represented correctly and promptly in the accounts; b) ensure: that appropriate supporting documentation is available for each transaction, so as to guarantee easy accounts recording, identification of the various levels of responsibility and an accurate reconstruction of the event; utmost co-operation; completeness and clarity of the information provided; the accuracy of the data and processing; the precision of the information produced and supplied. index 7 Principles in company management 2 In defining and managing extraordinary transactions and in processing economic, business and financial situations of an extraordinary nature, the Company undertakes to comply with the principle of protecting the company capital to guarantee creditors. e) adapt to technical progress; f) g) 2.6 Protection of the job, health and safety T he Company undertakes to comply with current legislation on workplace protection, and enforce compliance with its suppliers, dealers, and service partners; special attention must be paid to any matters set forth by law on occupational health and safety. VOLKSWAGEN GROUP ITALIA S.P.A. promotes responsible actions by its employees and provides the appropriate tools to prevent occupational accidents to protect the health of its personnel. Any activities taken by the Company and individual employees must be made with a view to workplace protection, according to best practices and legislation on the issue. The Company is inspired by the following criteria and guiding principles in managing occupational health and safety: a) avoid risks; b) assess risks that cannot be avoided; c) d) combat risks at the source; adapt the work to the individual, especially as regards the design of workplaces, the choice of work equipment and the choice of working and production methods, in order to alleviate monotonous and repetitive work and reduce their effect on health; replace the dangerous with the non-dangerous or the less dangerous; develop a coherent overall prevention policy which covers technology, organization of work, working conditions, social relationships and the influence of factors relating to the working environment; h) i) give priority to collective protective measures over personal protective measures; give appropriate instructions to workers. 2.7 Environmental protection I n order to carry out an ecofriendly and socially sustainable mobility, the Volkswagen Group is committed to producing and distributing its automobiles with the lowest environmental impact and to investing in the development of ecologically efficient advanced technologies. VOLKSWAGEN GROUP ITALIA S.P.A. aims to increase the use of alternative power sources in order to satisfy its energetic demand and promotes such eco-friendly behaviours also among its dealers and service partners. The Company is committed to encouraging each employee to make appropriate and economical use of natural resources and ensure that its activities have the lowest influence on the environment. index 8 Principles in company management 2 2.8 Quality policy V OLKSWAGEN GROUP ITALIA S.P.A. views Quality Certification as a tool for achieving company objectives. All employees are responsible for working to ensure that the quality policy is consistently observed; every employee contributes with their work and their actions for reaching this objective. 2.9 Privacy and data security V OLKSWAGEN GROUP ITALIA S.P.A. guarantees that the personal and sensitive data in its possession relating to its employees commercial partners, customers and suppliers will be handled in complete compliance with regulations on the issue; to this end, the Company has set up measures to protect the confidentiality and correct handling of the information. The Company ensures the full protection of information and data in its possession and uses them only in complete respect of existing regulations. index 9 Guidelines for conduct and behaviour 3 3.1 Customer V OLKSWAGEN GROUP ITALIA S.P.A. understands that its primary objective is protection and satisfaction of its customers, in the broadest sense. To provide a service that meets the needs and demands of customers, it is essential that employees do their utmost to maintain an honest, co-operative and respectful relationship with the sole purpose of increasing customer satisfaction and monitoring this satisfaction. Each employee must use the following fundamental rules to guide their actions and conduct: always show courtesy, willingness and good manners; use procedures and conduct to provide an adequate level of information and support, which guarantees the shortest response times and uses available communications channels (phone, mail, E-mail, fax); be easy to reach; maintain a problem-solving attitude; when in doubt, always act according to the general principles, values and guidelines of the Volkswagen Group. The Company is committed to ensuring honest, truthful and correct business communication; to this end, the Company has implemented the Code of Conduct for Advertising. 3.2 Official distribution network and industry associations V OLKSWAGEN GROUP ITALIA S.P.A. undertakes to strive for transparency and accuracy in its relationships with the dealers and service partners (official distribution network) and with the associations that represent them as preferential stakeholders and a direct expression of the image of the brands represented; in carrying out their duties, each employee undertakes to maintain the highest standards of quality in their work in order to meet the expectations and demands of the official distribution network. The approach used with dealers and service partners must always been in keeping with the rules set forth above, paying particular attention to the following guidelines: always strive to constantly improve the level of service to the network in index 10 Guidelines for conduct and behaviour 3 their role and in carrying out their duties; Therefore, employees are asked to: provide all available information to facilitate the quality of others’ work; act in compliance with binding contractual provisions put forth by the Car makers; foster dialogue and reciprocal collaboration; steer their conduct to meet reciprocal rules of transparency; maintain utmost professionalism and always act correctly. provide complete, reliable, and accurate data and information; The Company undertakes to increase attention to the needs of the Network through: contribute to maintaining optimal professional relationships for the purpose of increasing the quality of the service offered to our common customers. constant and progressive improvements in the services offered; clear and transparent disclosure of the initiatives proposed and a reinforcement of the tools to collect and process requests; communicating expected quality standards in terms of objectives and effectiveness indicators, combined with the commitment to monitor results. 3.3 Car makers V OLKSWAGEN GROUP ITALIA S.P.A. as the official distributors of the brands Volkswagen, S̆koda, Audi, Seat and Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles for the Italian market, recognises and emphasises the importance of the organizational and commercial relationships with the Makers of the individual brands; this is why each employee must contribute to maintaining these relationships, abiding by principles of co-operation and must work in full respect for the directives accepted by the Company as restrictive or necessary to reach common commercial objectives. 3.4 Suppliers and business partner V OLKSWAGEN GROUP ITALIA S.P.A. follows objective and documented criteria of competitiveness and quality in searching for and selecting its suppliers and business partners, to meet the principles under this Code of Ethics. Moreover, the Company is committed to dealing fairly with them and to guaranteeing a free and undistorted competition. In dealing with Suppliers and business partners, employees involved must use honesty, transparency and sincerity in their actions and maintain the full respect for the general principles of Volkswagen Group. In addition, employees have to respect legal regulations on fair competition and antitrust law. The Company also expects its suppliers and business partners to act with regard to safeguarding fair competition. index 11 Guidelines for conduct and behaviour 3 3.5 Employees V OLKSWAGEN GROUP ITALIA S.P.A. recognises the importance and value of its employees, which include: employees, temporary personnel and trainees. Employees are an essential and invaluable asset to our Company; the Company is fully aware that it has been able to reach and can improve on the exceptional results that characterise our reference market only thanks to the work of our Personnel. This is why the Company undertakes to: cultivate a climate within the organizational structure that is conducive to the human and professional growth of its employee; respect the dignity, professionalism, health and safety of its employees; act in full compliance with prevailing law, the national bargaining agreement and the national collettive agreement (Contratto Collettivo Nazionale); develop personnel and promote their training and professional growth; foster a work environment characterised by open dialogue and reciprocal communication. 3.5.1 Equal opportunity VOLKSWAGEN GROUP ITALIA S.P.A. undertakes to avoid discrimination in its personnel selection and hiring practices, assigning jobs and responsibilities, training, compensation and professional growth. 3.5.2 Respect and co-operation VOLKSWAGEN GROUP ITALIA S.P.A. believes that the quality of the relationships between its employees is very important and believes that all personnel working in its premises should be allowed to reach their full potential; this is why the Company asks every person who works there to follow the general principles in the previous Chapter and in particular, to: respect others’ work and foster the work of all stakeholders who have professional relationships within the organizational structure; work with colleagues in order to achieve the company objectives in the very best way; contribute to maintaining a peaceful climate in the work place. avoid any kind of discrimination. VOLKSWAGEN GROUP ITALIA S.P.A. understands the importance of co-operation between the individual organizational units in order to achieve the planned company results. As a result, the Company asks all service providers to maintain the highest levels of co-operation and communication between the various organizational units, with a view to reaching the ultimate goal of company success while maintaining the specific qualities of the jobs and the objectives assigned to each role. index 12 Guidelines for conduct and behaviour 3 3.5.3 3.5.6 Developing and train human resources Conflict of interest VOLKSWAGEN GROUP ITALIA S.P.A. works to develop the skills and professionalism of its personnel through training, upskilling and developmental tools to promote the growth of its employees. VOLKSWAGEN GROUP ITALIA S.P.A. undertakes to avoid any situation of conflict of interest, in compliance with current legislation. Employees are required to avoid any situation of personal gain related to performance of their working activities. The Personnel Manager must be notified of situations of potential conflict of interest and will assess the circumstances pursuant to the Audi Board Directive n.0007 (”Avoid conflicts of interest and corruption”). Examples of situations of conflict of interest are set out below by way of example: 3.5.4 Management Each manager serves as a role model and must act in strict accordance with the Code of Ethics, and has the duty to promote and spread its values and principles among his or her employees. Each manager has responsibility for his or her employees. The relationship must be based on mutual respect. Managers must provide support and adequate information, agree with employees upon clear, ambitious and realistic goals and promote the job development of their employees. 3.5.5 Confidentiality and handling of private information taking on professional roles outside of the company without proper authorisation; conducting personal business during working hours; using company assets for personal needs; owning shareholdings in companies that have professional relationships with VOLKSWAGEN GROUP ITALIA S.P.A. without notifying the competent officers; performing jobs or services for companies that have professional relationships with VOLKSWAGEN GROUP ITALIA S.P.A. without notifying the competent officers. The Company guarantees confidentiality in handling data, notices and information according to current legislation. Personnel working for the Company and external partners are strictly prohibited from disclosing confidential information about the VOLKSWAGEN GROUP ITALIA S.P.A. and its stakeholders that they may come to know as part of their jobs. index 13 Guidelines for conduct and behaviour 3 3.5.7 Duties of the employees Every employee must use conduct that respects the dignity, professionalism, health and safety of their colleagues; each employee must also pay attention to their personal appearance and dress, on and off site, so that it is appropriate to their professional role and work responsibilities. In particular, each employee must avoid inappropriate behaviours that can damage image and reputation of VOLKSWAGEN GROUP ITALIA S.p.A. and of the Volkswagen Group. For anything not expressly set forth in this Code, employees must comply with the requirements under Title XVI of the National Collective Bargaining Agreement of the Commercial Sector, according to the matters set forth and described in the Section “Personnel” on the company intranet site (Ad@). 3.5.8 Handling company assets When receiving a company asset, employees must undertake to use it diligently and strictly comply with the regulations that govern its use, according to the specific characteristics of the asset. All company assets must be considered working instruments and must be used exclusively for that purpose. employees are never allowed to use company assets, especially IT and network resources, for purposes that are illicit, contrary to public order or public decency, nor to commit crimes, such as child pornography, incite others to commit crimes or incite racial hatred, glorify violence or violate human rights. 3.5.9 Gifts Employees are not authorised to receive or offer gifts in doing their jobs worth more than € 100. Anyway these gifts must be purely symbolic and be construed as a gesture of courtesy. Furthermore they may only be accepted at the headquarters of VOLKSWAGEN GROUP ITALIA S.P.A.. 3.5.10 Institutions and Public Administration VOLKSWAGEN GROUP ITALIA S.P.A. maintains relationships with Institutions and Public Administration, perceived as public employees (public officials or public service employees), private commercial liaisons in the case of outsourced public services, that follow principles of transparency and accuracy in order to guarantee unequivocal conduct that cannot be interpreted by the parties involved as ambiguous or contrary to current law. Relationships with these parties must only be handled by the specifically delegated organizational units, Offices and employees. Specifically: a) employees are prohibited from offering cash or gifts to any Public Administration officials, directors or employees or their family, Italian or foreign, unless the gifts are of modest value; index 14 Guidelines for conduct and behaviour b) illicit payments made directly by Italian authorities or their employees and illicit payments made through persons who act on behalf of these authorities in Italy or abroad are considered acts of corruption; c) employees are specifically prohibited from accepting any object, service, or valuable favour in exchange for special treatment in relation to any relationship entertained with the Public Administration; d) in business dealings, requests or relationships with Public Administration, Company personnel must never attempt to inappropriately influence the decisions of the counterparty, including the decisions of officials who deal with or make decisions on behalf of the Public Administration; 3 e) in the specific case of contracts with Public Administration, employees must comply with the law and commercial best practices; f) if the Company uses a consultant or another third party to represent it in its relationships with Public Administration, the contract that regulates the relationship between the parties - with the consultant and his personnel or with the third party - must include a provision stating that the same directives apply to the employees of the authority; g) the Company must not be represented by a consultant or other third party in relationships with the Public Administration if this creates conflicts of interest; h) in business dealings, requests or relationships with Public Administration, the following actions, taken directly or indirectly, are prohibited: considering or making job offers and/or commercial proposals that can personally benefit employees of Public Administration; requesting or obtaining confidential information that can compromise the integrity or the reputation of both parties. 3.5.11 Labour unions and political organizations VOLKSWAGEN GROUP ITALIA S.P.A. undertakes to maintain a consistent relationship with union representatives based on the principles of correctness and transparency, as part of the legislative provisions and those contained in the National Collective Bargaining Agreement. Outside of this framework, the Company will not directly or indirectly provide financial support or loans to parties, organizations, events and initiatives that are exclusively political or labour union related. 3.5.12 Mass media and sources of information VOLKSWAGEN GROUP ITALIA S.P.A. respects and observes the principles of free expression of opinion and the principles concerning the right to information and recognises the importance played by the “mass media” as a tool for information disclosure to society in general. This is why the Company undertakes to liaise through its press and public relations offices, to work equally with all accredited news agencies, in compliance with the company regulations and the duties of confidentiality. To this end, relationships will be inspired by full compliance with the right index 15 Guidelines for conduct and behaviour 3 of information, according to principles of timeliness, clarity, correctness and transparency. Each employee, within in being procedures and in compliance with his or her company functions, bears full responsibility for any information given to third parties. 3.5.13 Non-profit associations, schools and universities VOLKSWAGEN GROUP ITALIA S.P.A., aware of the social importance of its work, provides donations and contributions on a voluntary basis without expecting any kind of advantage. The Company, in particular, supports qualified non-profit organizations, and promotes and coordinates charity works. The Company also strives to reinforce the connection between the academic world and the business world by partnering with the institutions designated to educate and train young people. index 16 Implementation methods 4 4.1 4.3 Vigilance Body Reporting violations A A 4.2 Vigilance Body Volkswagen Group Italia S.P.A. Viale G.R. Gumpert, 1 37137 Verona (I) s part of the organizational system and the controls currently in effect, the Vigilance Body will be responsible for monitoring interpretation of the founding principles expressed in this Code and correct application and compliance. Access to the Code of Ethics T he Code of Ethics, as amended, is accessible on the Company’s intranet site and on the Company website; printed copies of the Code of Ethics are available at the Personnel Department. Furthermore, the Company carries out specific training and communications actions using appropriate instruments to inform the addressees and other parties potentially subject to the Code or others to whom it is in the interest of the Company to provide information on its contents. ny person who discovers behaviour that could represent a violation to the rules of the Code of Ethics is required to send a report to the Vigilance Body. These notifications, which shall be considered confidential, may be sent by regular post to the following address: or by e-mail to the following address: In case of reported violations, any kind of repercussion is forbidden towards who sends notifications that represent a violation of the Code of Ethics, if in good faith. index 17 Implementation methods 4 4.4 Penalties I f violations are discovered to the rules, the principles and values expressed in this Code, VOLKSWAGEN GROUP ITALIA S.p.A. will adopt sanction measures commensurate with the seriousness of the facts, recurrence of the failing, intensity of the wilful misconduct or the degree of fault. The disciplinary measures can be pronounced by the Personnel Department for employees of the Company; by the Board of Directors in case of subjects with management or leading roles; by the Legal Office in case of subjects linked to the Company only by contractual relationships. res provided for by the applicable National Collective Bargaining Agreement in the case of employees. As far as the other addressees of the Code are concerned, the infringement of the provisions included herein can result in the adoption of disciplinary measures such as the valid termination of the contracts in force with them. 4.5 Amendments and addenda T he Board of Directors of VOLKSWAGEN GROUP ITALIA S.P.A. reserves the right to amend or add addenda this Code of Ethics and promptly notify of any changes. Approved by the Board of Directors in the session of 30th October 2009 and subsequently updated in the session of 27th September 2011. The Personnel Department, the Legal Office, or the Vigilance Body can express their opinion or require the adoption of sanction measures as provided for by current legislation, by the relevant National Collective Bargaining Agreement and in line with the company regulations and in particular with the provisions of Chapter 11 of the General Part of the Organization Model, entitled precisely, “Disciplinary System”. The infringement of the provisions provided for in the Code can result in the adoption of several kinds of sanctions depending on the infringing subjects: the foreseen measures go from the simple admonition up to withdrawal of mandate for justified reasons for the administrators, executive officers, and the auditors and the sanction measu- index 18