Read the 2012-2013 Annual Report


Read the 2012-2013 Annual Report
25 Years of Compassion
Casey House was founded thanks to the
foresight and compassion of a group
of dedicated volunteers, in the midst of
the devastation of the early AIDS crisis.
That tradition of pioneering health
care innovation lives on at Casey House
today, as we continue to adapt to
the changing landscape of this everevolving disease. Today, thankfully,
a diagnosis of HIV does not lead to
imminent death. But life with this disease
can be very difficult, often dangerous,
and nobody can manage it alone.
Every life saved, every isolation
ended, every hope for the future
Watch the video
Many of the photographs and quotations in this report are included
in a video commemoration of our 25th anniversary, available online
now at our newly rebuilt website,
rediscovered... Nothing we do at Casey
House could happen without the
support and kindness of our staff,
physicians, volunteers and donors.
Thank you for joining us on this
journey. Together, we’re giving
On the website we also have collected many stories and
recollections of clients, staff, volunteers and donors about the past
quarter century of care at Casey House. You can also read more
about our exciting plans for the future of Casey House, underway
now with the Rebuilding Lives Capital Campaign.
Learn more about the past, present and future of
Casey House:
compassion a home.
C a s e y H o u s e – C o m p a s s i o n a t e H I V/A I D S C a r e i n O u r C o m m u n i t y
Message from the Chair, Board of
Directors and Chief Executive Officer
House at
Landmark anniversary for pioneer in AIDS and palliative care
On March 1, 1988, the doors to Casey
House opened as Canada’s first
stand-alone AIDS facility, and first
free-standing hospice in Ontario.
As the AIDS epidemic hit Toronto with
devastating force in 1988, a brave and
wise group of volunteers banded
together to take action in the face of
despair. Defying the fear and stigma
surrounding this newly-emerging
disease, they created Casey House as a
beacon of compassion and hope, gaining
world recognition as innovators in
AIDS care and palliative care.
Each and every day, with every moment
of care at Casey House, we honour
that legacy.
A quarter century since our founding,
our work is far from over. The number of
people living with HIV/AIDS in Toronto
continues to rise, with 1 in 120 adult
Torontonians now HIV positive. Many
of these individuals are 30 years old and
younger, with health care needs that
will escalate in intensity and
complexity as they age. And while fewer
of our clients require end-of-life
support, the care needs of people living
with advanced HIV/AIDS are
significant and complex, often
overwhelming, and difficult to address
for health care providers who lack
Casey House’s particular focus
and expertise.
There is no other place like Casey House
in Toronto or anywhere in Ontario.
Twenty-five years since our founding, it
is thanks to the unbridled kindness and
support of our community that Casey
House continues to be a place of hope
and compassion for so many people who
continue to struggle with advanced HIV
in our city. We have exciting plans
underway to ensure that this vital role
will be sustained and expanded as the
need for specialized and compassionate
HIV/AIDS care continues to grow. For
as long as we are needed, and thanks to
the support of many generous people,
Casey House will continue to be here to
serve our community.
Thank you for your kindness.
Guy Bethell
Chair, Casey House Board of Directors
Stephanie Karapita
Chief Executive Officer, Casey House
C a s e y H o u s e – C o m p a s s i o n a t e H I V/A I D S C a r e i n O u r C o m m u n i t y
Board of Directors
Josée Bertrand
Stephanie Karapita
Chief Executive Officer
Guy Bethell
Karen de Prinse
Karen de Prinse
Steven Endicott
Gary Funderlich
Gayle Janes
Bryn Gray
Vice Chair
Director of Finance and
Todd Ross
St. Michael’s Representative
Sandeep Joshi
Dr. Ann Stewart
Stephanie Karapita
Chief Executive Officer
Bruce Lawson
Past Chair
Graham McLeod
James McPhedran
Philippe Meyersohn
Casey House provides exemplary treatment,
support and palliative care for people
affected by HIV/AIDS, in collaboration
with our communities.
Chief Development Officer
Director of Community
Development and
Information Services
Dr. Charlie Guiang
(remains the same 25 years later)
Director of Clinical Programs
& Chief Nursing Executive
Director of Clinical Programs
& Chief Nursing Executive
Jason Grier
Our Mission
Senior Team
Thomas O’Shaughnessy
Judith Purves
Nancy Read
St. Michael’s Representative
Gillian R. Stacey
Dr. Ann Stewart
Medical Director
Volunteer Recognition
Awards 2013
5 years
Rich Bruggeman
David Cox
Adrienne Desjardins
Dave Franklin
Heather Grant
Anne Hart
Barbara Huck
Steve Hutton
Pam Lillos
Sarah MacQuarrie
Wayne McCallum
Kasia Pytlik
Long Service Staff
Awards 2013
Tory Sullivan
5 years
Donald Walker
Tania Auer
Karen de Prinse
Nancy Reid
Julie-Ann Toovey
10 years
John Maguire
15 years
Brittan Ullrich
Diane d’Astous
10 years
20 years
15 years
Ian Mahaffay
Amy MacKinnon
Gowry Sriskandarajah
Bill Henbest
Juliana Treacher
Medical Director
Darryl Sturtevant
Dr. Barbara Whylie
There was a lot of fear in the community at
the time. You had to assume that everyone
you knew was HIV positive.
YRichard Silver, Long-Time Volunteer
Watch the video at
Diana, Princess of Wales meets
Casey House client Wayne Taylor
during her 1991 visit
C a s e y H o u s e – C o m p a s s i o n a t e H I V/A I D S C a r e i n O u r C o m m u n i t y
Leadership & Accountability
Casey House: 25 Years
of Leadership in our
When HIV/AIDS first hit Toronto with
deadly force, Casey House was at the
forefront of the response, pioneering
new approaches to HIV care and
hospice care that are still used today in
health care and hospice settings around
the world. This leadership, adaptability,
and responsiveness to community need
remain central to our approach to care
at Casey House, as our staff and
volunteer leadership team continually
seek out innovative and better
responses to a disease that remains
relatively new and is ever-evolving.
Our dedicated staff tailor care to meet
the individual needs of each person
receiving care at Casey House. Our
approach to care embraces holistic care,
collaboration and integration, expanded
networks and partnerships, increased
support for clients, and supportive case
management practice. Feedback from
people living with HIV/AIDS, who
depend on us to assist in meeting their
health care needs, has been central to
our success to date and is fundamental
to our approach for the future.
We also continue to plan strategically
for the future, as the population of
people newly infected with HIV in
Ontario grows by 1,000 each year,
affecting increasingly diverse
demographics with highly complex and
multi-faceted health care needs.
We’re very excited about the future of
Casey House, which will continue to be
a testament to the spirit of leadership
and innovation upon which we were
founded. A new purpose-built facility
will allow us to more than double our
capacity to provide care for the growing
numbers of Torontonians requiring our
compassionate approach to advanced
HIV/AIDS treatment. You can read
more about these plans and the
Rebuilding Lives Capital Campaign
on pages 22-23 of this report.
mission, we continually strive to keep
our donors informed. All our
fundraising activities are overseen by a
volunteer Board of Directors, to ensure
that the generous gifts made by our
donors are effectively stewarded,
ensuring the maximum reach of our
programs and services.
Accountability to our community, in
delivery of our mission, is a
responsibility we continue to take very
seriously. In accordance with Ontario’s
Excellent Care for All Act, we publish
our Quality Improvement Plan on our
website at,
as well as our Balanced Scorecard,
Strategic Planning documentation and
many other financial reports and
planning documents. Through all our
fundraising efforts in service of our
We are grateful to our community
for over a quarter century of
support, and always strive to be
transparent and open to the input
of our clients and community.
We encourage you to explore the
many reporting tools we publish
at, and
get in touch with us any time at .
Quality Improvement
Quality Improvement
Highlights 2012-2013
Quality Improvements
Ever since Casey House opened our
doors, our commitment has been to
provide excellent, compassionate health
care to people living with HIV/AIDS.
Back in 1988, a Quality Committee was
established and continues today. Since
day one, Dr. Linda Rapson has served on
this committee, bringing her knowledge
as a physician.
And since 2008, Casey House has had a
comprehensive Quality and Risk
Management Program, which is
updated annually. This effort is fully
aligned with Ontario’s Excellent Care
for All Act which was introduced in
2010. All of Casey House’s efforts reflect
our commitment to client-centered
care, and to our values.
The Quality Committee of the Board of
Directors plays a leadership role in
quality (including risk management,
• Established a comprehensive
medication error tracking system to
enable staff to understand the factors
which can contribute to an error
and then respond to reduce
• Developed a comprehensive policy
with procedures regarding privacy
and confidentiality of health care
information. Implementation
involved staff education, signage
and a pamphlet.
safety and ethics) for all aspects of care,
service and operations at Casey House.
This committee is comprised of
members of the Board of Directors as
well as non-director members who are
health care professionals possessing a
wide range of skills and knowledge.
Most quality initiatives are led by
Karen de Prinse, Casey House’s
Director of Clinical Programs and Chief
Nursing Executive. Karen is very
passionate about her goal to provide the
very best care to each and every client
cared for at Casey House. She works
very closely with our dedicated Medical
Director, Dr. Ann Stewart.
Outlined on this page are examples
of the key quality improvement
initiatives that were achieved in
2012-13 by our dedicated staff team.
• Completed and implemented an
orientation manual and program
for new nursing staff.
• Re-engineered the intake and referral
process for all Casey House programs
resulting in improved access and
response time.
• Introduced a pre-admission package
which is now provided to each person
awaiting admission to Casey House,
introducing key policies and
information that assist in the client’s
transition to a hospital environment.
• Completed and implemented the
Resident Binder which is a reference
guide for incoming clients, presenting
information on the care team,
programs and logistics.
• Partnered with the Rekai Centres to
develop four learning videos for
long-term care staff to promote
excellence in HIV care in their
• Constructed a mock-up of an inpatient
room for the new building and
received input from clients, families,
volunteers, staff, physicians,
community partners and board
C a s e y H o u s e – C o m p a s s i o n a t e H I V/A I D S C a r e i n O u r C o m m u n i t y
Friends InDeed Legacy Society
We were flying by the seat of our pants.
There was no blueprint, there was no
guidebook. We had to guess at how to set
the hospice up to provide ideal care for
HIV. And at that time, there was hardly
any information about how to set up any
kind of hospice.
YDr. Linda Rapson, Founding Volunteer
Watch the video at
Casey House nursing
staff and volunteers,
circa 1988.
How You Make HIV/AIDS Care
Possible at Casey House
12 beds funded by
Ministry of Health
and Long-Term Care
1 bed funded by
nursing care
8% funded by
Toronto Central CCAC
Individual giving, planned giving, corporate
or foundation grants, special events
Delivered in
partnership with
other agencies
Partially funded by
Ontario AIDS Bureau
To collaboratively
advance knowledge of
improve care
Your generosity finds its way into every point of service at Casey House, whether at 9 Huntley
Street, in our clients’ homes, or on board the Health Bus and at outreach clinics for some of our
city’s most marginalized people. Your support also helps to fund our specialized HIV/AIDS
treatment research projects and helps to train the next generation of HIV/AIDS health care
providers. Together with your help, we’re transforming HIV/AIDS care in our city. Thank you.
For Toronto-area nurses,
physicians & AIDS
service providers
Training &
In HIV/AIDS for nurses,
physicians and other
professionals in training
C a s e y H o u s e – C o m p a s s i o n a t e H I V/A I D S C a r e i n O u r C o m m u n i t y
Revenues & Expenses
Casey House Hospice Inc.
Condensed Statement of Revenue and Expenditures
and Changes in Net Assets
For the year ended March 31, 2013
Provincial grants
Grants from Casey House Foundation
Community Care Access Centre billings
Amortization of deferred contributions and grants
Salaries and benefits
General and administrative
Resident/client care
Building and maintenance
Amortization of property and equipment
Unrealized investment loss
Deficiency of revenue over expenditures for the year
Casey House Foundation
Unrestricted net assets – Beginning of year
Unrestricted net assets – End of year
Condensed Statement of Revenue
and Expenditures
For the year ended March 31, 2013
Special events
Donations in kind
Interest and other
Fundraising and special events
Donations in kind
Amortization of equipment
Change in fair value of investments
Grants to Casey House Hospice Inc.
Excess of revenue over expenditures
before the following items
Excess (deficiency) of revenue over
expenditures for the year
The complete audited financial statements for Casey House Hospice and Casey House Foundation are posted on our
website at The audits were conducted by PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP.
Cabbagetown Festival
Parade 1990.
During the early years of HIV/
AIDS, we lost a number of friends
to the disease. We’ve supported
Casey House because it provides the
compassionate and understanding
care and support that were not
available to our friends in those
early years. As Casey House enters
the next 25 years, we are pleased to
continue our support as it expands
its programs with a new facility to
support people living with HIV/AIDS
over the longer term, bringing the
community together through a new
day program.
YAlan Rowe and Bryan Blenkin
C a s e y H o u s e – C o m p a s s i o n a t e H I V/A I D S C a r e i n O u r C o m m u n i t y
There were no treatments back then.
You couldn’t do anything to make
people live longer. You just had to
concentrate on how much time they
had, and giving them the quality of
life that they deserved.
Y Dan Chisholm, RN for 25 years at Casey House
Watch the video at
Activist June Callwood was
instrumental in founding
Casey House.
Events & Awareness
Our signature events raise essential funds and awareness for compassionate
HIV/AIDS programs and services at Casey House. Thank you to our generous
sponsors, volunteers, artists, galleries and attendees – you’re helping to bring
health and hope to people living with HIV/AIDS in Toronto.
Art with Heart, presented by
TD Bank
...and SOLD! Music to the ears for the
lucky bidders at the 19th annual Art
with Heart who managed to outbid the
more than 800 other guests at the Carlu,
collectively raising over $750,000 for a
tremendous cause. To date, Art with
Heart has raised more than $5 million
for Casey House. This year, the efforts
of the Curatorial Committee offered up
a collection that was hailed as the most
critically significant to date. Be sure to
mark your calendar for this year’s very
special 20th Annual Art with Heart on
October 8, 2013.
Voices of Hope for World AIDS Day
The Casey House community of support
once again came together for a glorious
concert and community gathering
marking International World AIDS Day
on December 1, raising vital awareness
of the ongoing need for HIV/AIDS care,
as well as over $60,000 for Casey House
programs. We once again collaborated
with Vancouver’s Dr. Peter AIDS
Foundation and Montreal’s Maison du
Parc to present this trio of concerts
across Canada. Our deep thanks to
National Presenting Sponsor M•A•C
AIDS Fund for its generous financial
and volunteer support for this unique
national collaboration.
SnowBall 2013: CHROMA –
presented by BMO Financial Group
On March 23, our community came
together for an unforgettable night
marking 25 years of support for
compassionate HIV care at Casey
House. Ryerson’s Mattamy Athletic
Centre (site of the former Maple Leaf
Gardens) was transformed into a
vibrant and sophisticated backdrop for
a sumptuous and fun evening raising
over $400,000 for Casey House
programs. Co-chaired by celebrity
designers Tommy Smythe and Arren
Williams along with Spafax’s Raymond
Girard, the evening was a very special
commemoration of Casey House’s 25th
anniversary, and included the
presentation of The Casey Awards.
Monogram Dinner by Design
Launched in 2012, this series of
invitation only, “in-home” fundraising
dinners offers fabulous opportunities
for Toronto’s design community to show
its love for Casey House. In April,
Umbra and Monogram joined forces to
host a special evening at the Umbra
Concept Store. And in February, guests
were treated to a one-of-a-kind dining
experience with a “head-to-head”
tasting menu from two Top Chef
winners, Dale MacKay of Vancouver vs.
Carl Heinrich of Toronto. We are
grateful to GE Monogram for their lead
sponsorship of this exciting new
fundraising venture for Casey House,
and to each of the hosts and their guests
for their spirited and compassionate
support of HIV/AIDS care. Additional
Dinner by Design events will be
hosted in the coming year –
visit for
more information.
Community Fundraising
Hosted by individuals, businesses,
community groups, schools or service
clubs, community fundraisers are a fun
and rewarding way that our community
generates vital funds for Casey House,
while raising awareness of the
important work we do. If you are
interested in organizing such an event,
please contact Elizabeth Dalgleish at
416-962-4040 ext. 212 for more
C a s e y H o u s e – C o m p a s s i o n a t e H I V/A I D S C a r e i n O u r C o m m u n i t y
Art with Heart
Voices of Hope/
Voix D’Espoir
World AIDS Day
Concert 2012
Art with Heart 2012
Steven J. Rapkin and Simon Clements
Erin Stump and Pamela Dinsmore
Curatorial Co-Chairs
SnowBall 2013:
Voices of Hope/Voix D’Espoir
World AIDS Day Concert 2012
Rev. Dr. John Joseph Mastandrea and
Benoit-Daniel Lafleche
Event Chairs
David Warrack
Musical Director
Briane Nasimok and Lesley Ballantyne
SnowBall 2013: CHROMA
Tommy Smythe, Arren Williams
and Raymond Girard
Dinner by
Robert Forsey
Casey Awards Chair
Congratulations to the Recipients,
The Casey Awards 2013
John Plater (posthumous award)
Dr. Peter AIDS Foundation
Recipients of
The Casey
Awards 2013
A Casey House client with a canine
friendly visitor, circa 1990
Without Casey House, I think I
would have died. Casey House
is a necessity in my life.
YJudy, client
Watch the video at
C a s e y H o u s e – C o m p a s s i o n a t e H I V/A I D S C a r e i n O u r C o m m u n i t y
Section heading
The wonderful thing about Casey House is that they
don’t just focus on the individual person suffering,
because HIV/AIDS doesn’t just affect the person,
it affects all their friends and family. Casey House
helped me be a tower of strength to my partner,
otherwise I think I might have been a house of cards.
That’s the amazing difference Casey House made in
his life, and my life, and in the life of our family.
YGuy Bethell, Board Chair
Watch the video at
Message from the Campaign Chair
Casey House Rebuilding Lives Capital Campaign
Jaime Watt, Chair
Executive Chair and Senior Partner,
Navigator Ltd.
A message from Jaime Watt,
Campaign Chair
from many generous individuals,
corporations and foundations.
HIV/AIDS has been with us for over
three decades. Since the very early days
of this fight, Casey House has not only
provided leadership, but literally
invented the leading compassionate
advanced HIV/AIDS care that simply
isn’t available anywhere else.
Our $10 million goal is within sight, but
we still have a ways to go. We’re
confident that with your help, we’ll get
there very soon.
Despite the hard work of partner
agencies working in HIV/AIDS
prevention over the years, more
Torontonians are living with HIV/AIDS
than ever before. Today, 1 in 120
Torontonians is HIV-positive. Casey
House must expand its services to meet
a looming, growing need for specialized
and advanced HIV/AIDS care. There is
no time to wait.
To meet this need, the $10 million
Rebuilding Lives Capital Campaign
was established. It will allow us to build
a world-class new home for Casey
House and a bold new face for HIV/
AIDS care in Toronto. It will also allow
Casey House to more than double its
patient load, ease pressure on other
health care resources, and offer more
Campaign Cabinet
targeted and appropriate care for
community needs.
The building design by award-winning
Siamak Hariri will create a prominent
presence for Casey House on Jarvis
Street, firmly anchoring it in the
consciousness of the city. The
innovative structure will ensure that
Casey House stands alongside the
cultural, academic, and other health
care institutions that make this
city great.
I am delighted to report that we have
now secured over half of the campaign
goal, with $6.4 million raised to date
We are so grateful to all our donors,
many of whom have made extremely
generous and thoughtful gifts. Their
contributions will allow us to rebuild
the lives of twice as many people as are
currently served by Casey House individuals who will need our help for
years to come.
You can be part of this transformation,
by making a generous gift to help Casey
House rebuild the lives of so many more
people living with HIV/AIDS who
desperately need our help. Thank you
for your support.
Jaime Watt, Chair, Rebuilding Lives
Capital Campaign
Mark Bonham
Chief Executive Officer, Bonham & Co. Inc.
Asset Management
Gordon Baker
Gordon R. Baker, Q.C.
Paul Boniferro
Partner and National Leader, Practices
and People, McCarthy Tétrault Stephen Brown
President and Partner, Fuse Marketing Group
Andrew Faas
Trustee, Faas Foundation
Azmi Haq
Founder and Executive Producer,
Salon Camden
Stephanie Karapita
Chief Executive Officer, Casey House
Karim Karsan, Vice-Chair
Managing Director, Consumer Protection, Ontario
Energy Board
Bruce Lawson Executive Director, The Counselling
Foundation of Canada
James McPhedran
Senior Vice President, Ontario Region Group,
Peter Milligan
Associate Counsel, Miller Thomson
Richard Silver, Vice-Chair
Sotheby’s International Canada Realty
To find out more, to make your gift, and to
see the plans and architect Siamak Hariri’s
inspirational vision, please visit or phone Pat
Hetherington at 416-962-4040 ext. 235
George Smitherman
Former Deputy Premier of Ontario
Timothy Thompson
Chief Operating Officer,
TD Asset Management
C a s e y H o u s e – C o m p a s s i o n a t e H I V/A I D S C a r e i n O u r C o m m u n i t y
An Inspired Plan: Rebuilding
the Heart of HIV/AIDS Care
As the face of HIV changes, Casey
House is pushing the boundaries of
HIV/AIDS care with a bold plan
for our future.
We will construct a dramatic new
50,000 square foot health care centre
that will expand and improve upon
our current capacity to provide our
advanced HIV/AIDS specialty health
care services.
The new site will also allow for the
introduction of an exciting and new
Day Health Program. The centrepiece
of our capital expansion, this new
program will provide one-stop care
and treatment for individuals affected
by HIV/AIDS, from the time they are
infected through to the need for
end-of-life care.
We invite you to join our community of
support as we work together to once
again revolutionize the future of HIV/
AIDS care in Toronto.
Donors: Rebuilding Lives Capital Campaign
Casey House extends our warm thanks to
the many generous donors who have made
campaign contributions to date. This list
includes all donors who have made gifts
of $500 or more.
$1,000,000 +
Mark S. Bonham
$500,000 - $999,999
The Harold E. Ballard Foundation
The Faas Foundation
1 anonymous donor
$250,000 - $499,999
George Cedric Metcalf Foundation
(Johanna Metcalf )
Samuel Sanford Family
Jaime Watt and Paul Ferguson
$100,000 - $249,999
David Daniels and Kate Alexander Daniels
Stan I. Griffin
Michael S. Higgins
Heather Killough
Jim Lawrence
McLean Smits Family Foundation
Peter Milligan and Dorene MacAulay
RBC Foundation
In Honour of John McWhinnie from his friend
Tevya Rosenberg
Alan Rowe and Bryan Blenkin
Scotiabank Group
George Smitherman and Christopher Peloso
TD Bank Group
Daniel Wright and Douglas Moffatt
$50,000 - $99,999
Diane Blake and Stephen Smith
Jefferson and Sally Mappin
Tim Thompson and Matthew Campbell
Joe and Heather Toby
1 anonymous donor
$25,000 - $49,999
Heather Armstrong and Lance Rishor
Paul Boniferro
Ian V. Nordheimer
Rush/Anthem - Alex Lifeson, Geddy Lee, Neil Peart
Dr. Andrew Taylorand G. Stephen Dembroski
1 anonymous donor
Al Green Gallery
James R. Beattie and Family
Daphne Beauroy in memory of Roger Griffin
Jim Belshaw and Frank Carroll
Steven J. Blackburn and Tino Corsetti
Stephen Brown
Brian Cartwright
Heather Cartwright and Hilary Wyche
Jacki Challenger and David Kanester
Robert D. Cook
Sasha Darling
DeMarco Family
Jeronimo De Miguel
Karen de Prinse
Robert DiStefano
Paul Ellis
Paul Felstein
Gary Funderlich and Rob Ridgeway
Bruce Goudy
Dr. Charlie B. Guiang
David Hirsh
Keith J. Holland
Mark Johnston
Kaatza Foundation
Karim Karsan and John Rider
Bill Keay and Jordan Johnston
Dennis Keefe and Dr. John Jordan
Gale M. Kelly
Elias Kibalian
Spencer Lanthier and Diana Bennett
Joshua Lawson and Michael Hathaway
Arlyn Levy and Gail Hawkins
Scott MacEachern
Dr. Grant Maxted and Alex Salanga
Kate McGilvray and David Pathe
Brian McKeen and Brian Wilding
Graham McLeod and Tim O’Fallon
James and Sue McPhedran
Philippe Meyersohn
John Sanford Moore
Brigid Murphy
E. Llana Nakonechny
Nancy’s Very Own Foundation
Paul V. Noble
Greg O`Donahue and Steven Voisin
Thomas O’Shaughnessy and Omar Dallal
Michael O’Sullivan
Gary Ramsdale - In Memory of Lloyd Brown
Mark Robert and Jim Johnson
Benny Romano
Sage Investments Limited
Esteban and Brad Schmale
Brian Shackleton
Wendy Shaw and David Kent
Richard Silver
Dr. Martin Sterling
Gillian Stacey
Daniel Turko
In Honour of Sharyn Vincent
Yabu Pushelberg
3 anonymous donors
$5,000 - $9,999
Michael Allen and Kelvin Browne
Dr. Brian Cornelson
Sandra Cruickshanks and Tom McCauley
Peter Erlendson
Bob Gibson and Paul Willis
Stephanie Karapita and O’Neil Smith
Brian MacDonald and Graeme Marney
Lou and Jennifer Pagnutti
Laurie Pawlitza
In Honour of Scott Potter (multiple donations)
David W. Pretty
Scotia Life Financial Services
Erika Toby Wagner
Kendra Toby
Alex Zivojinovich
$1,000 - $4,999
Holly and Richard Benson
Josée Bertrand and Maggie Cassella
Sheila Block
James Burn
Robin Cardozo and Jeff Richardson
Meredith Cartwright
Alberta Cefis
J.S. Cheng and Partners Inc.
Caroline Dabu
Patrick Devine
Steven Endicott
Howard Fergusson
Mark and Diane Fujita
Robert Gage
Dr. Abbas Ghavam-Rassoul
Lisa Gibson and Andrew Titley in honour of Scott Potter
David and JoAnne Gilmer
Bryn Gray
Lindy Green
Jason Grier
Ron Harris
Patricia Hetherington
Sandeep J. Joshi
Christopher Kelly
Heather Killough in honour of Scott Potter
John King
Henry White Kinnear Foundation
McLean Foundation
Pearse Murray
OPSEU Local 501
Susan Portner
Brian Provini
Judith Purves
James Robertson and Davide Rupiani
Taras Shipowick
Dr. Ann Stewart
Darryl Sturtevant
Dr. Barbara Whylie
2 anonymous donors
Dr. P.A. Adamson
Carolyn Purden Anthony
Guy Bethell
Peter Blahnik
Brenda Butters
Jane Darville
Jeffrey Dawson in honour of Scott Potter
Robert G. Forsey
Joanne Lamberton
Elwood Langley
Laura Mandryk
Jerry Rippetoe in honour of Scott Potter
Robert C. Smith
Derek Vanstone
William D. Wilson
1 anonymous donor
For the third consecutive year, we are proud
to report that 100 percent of the members of
the Casey House Board of Directors have
generously supported the Rebuilding Lives
Capital Campaign.
Donors & Friends
We would like to recognize and thank the following donors and sponsors who have generously made gifts
to support Casey House programs and services during the fiscal year April 1, 2012 - March 31, 2013
Individual Donors
Timothy Thompson and Matthew Campbell
$5,000 - $9,999
Barry Appleton
Peter Charlton
Janice Copeland
Tom Deacon
Alex Eaton
Brian Gluckstein
Stanley I. Griffin
Heather Killough
Gerald Lunz and Rick Mercer
Marco Mancini
Ian V. Nordheimer
Jeff Pellarin
Gillian Stacey
Heather and Joe Toby
$1,000 - $4,999
Eileen Adams
Heather Armstrong and Lance Rishor
Paul Austin
Daniel L. Bain, Thornmark Asset Management
Gordon Baker
Robert Bartlett
Steven Baum
Dr. Thomas Beechy
Jim Belshaw and Frank Carroll
Janet Bodley
Mark S. Bonham and Scott Potter
B. James Bottoms and Radek Trefny
Glyndon Bowie
Raymond Boyce
Stephen Brunt and Jeanie MacFarlane
Paul Bush
John Burns and Edward Lee
Nan Campbell
Dr. Dean Carlson
Brian Cartwright
Christopher B. Cartwright
Dr. Paul and Mrs. Joyce Chapnick
Beverley Chernos
Mauer Chiarello and Geoff Joyner
J. Gavin Clark
Lynn Crawford
Sandra Cruickshanks
Caroline Dabu
Brian Dawson
Joseph DeFoa
Emily DeMerchant
Dr. Douglas Deporter
Sean Doyle
Alex Eaton
Dr. Paul Ellis
Steven Endicott
Peter Erlendson
Gareth Faulkner
Victor Festing
Andrew Fleming-Norton Rose Canada LLP
Patricia Fletcher
David Fotheringham
Mark and Diane Fujita
William Fulghum
Gary Funderlich and Rob Ridgeway
Paul Gauthier
Robert H. Gibson
Robert W. Gibson
Jane Gill
Anthony Giosi
Dr. J. Lawrence Gitterman and John Gilchrist
Dr. Christopher Graham
William Graham
John Grand
Ian Grégoire
Christopher Grimston
Suellen Hanet
Julie Hannaford
Brian Harrison
David Heden
Neil Herber
Sally Hill
Timothy Hoey
Brian Howard
Judy Huber
Alan Husdal
Mark Hutchinson
Rick Hynes
Mark Johnston
Dennis Keefe and Dr. John Jordan
Stephanie Karapita and O’Neil Smith
Gale Kelly
The Hon. Betty Kennedy
John Kriter
Spencer Lanthier
Bruce Lawson
Joshua Lawson and Michael Hathaway
John Burns and Edward Lee
James LeNoury
Graeme MacGregor
Jefferson and Sally Mappin
Patrick Markey
Robert Maisey
Dr. Grant Maxted and Alex Salanga
Dugald McArthur
Martha McCain
Martha McCarthy
Mark McEwan
Graham McLeod and Tim O’Fallon
Shawn McReynolds and Elaine Kierans
Todd Melendy
Michelle Meneley
Kirby Miller
Graeme Mitchell
Robert Mitchell
Scott Mullin
E. Llana Nakonechny
John Nolan and Bruce Mayhew
David Nosella
Thomas O’Shaughnessy
Perry Orestes
Eugene Palermo
George Papatheodorou
Doug Paterson
Laurie Pawlitza
Neil Peart
Brian C. Pel
Dr. Andrew Plaitis - Metropolitan Dental
David Pontarini
David Pradana
Bernice Pringle
Brian Provini and Ron Harris
Judith Purves
Dr. Linda Rapson
Heather Richmond
Douglas Rienzo
Dave Ritchie
Mark Robert
Benny Romano
Alan Rowe and Bryan Blenkin
Kevin Rowe
Geoff Rytell
Andrea Sabada
Sergio Sgaramella
Brian Shackleton
Alfred Shaw
Albert Silver
Dr. Graham Smith
Tommy Smythe
Philip Mitchell and Mark Narsansky
Derek Sweeney
Stephen Taylor - Taylor Made Designs
David and Sheryl Tenszen
Heather M. Thomson
Mary Dawn Thomson
Erika Toby-Wagner
John Tossell and Victor Dwyer
Beverley Vanstone
Derek Vanstone
Eva Varga
Grace M. Vidal-Ribas
James Walton
John Wedler
Geddy Weinrib
Stewart Whittingham
Ross Wight
Alex Schroen and Elisa Williams-Schroen
Steven Wilson and Michael Simmonds
Andrew Wong
Arthur Wong
Moses Znaimer
5 anonymous donors
$500 - $999
Ashley Abbott
Melanie Abbott
Lorna Anderson
Caroline Andrewes
William and Ruth Aston
Steven Bailey
Vaidila Banelis
Steven Baum
Paul and Kathleen Beeston
Marlett Bell-Smith
Mary Best
Andrew Braithwaite
Ernest Brown
Darrell Bruce
Debbie Buchanan
Noreen Burns
Robin Cardozo and Jeff Richardson
Richard Chong
Caralyn Cipin
Sherri Clarkson
Patricia Conner
Marion Cooper
Dr. Paul Corey
Dr. Brian Cornelson
Brian Cornfoot
Gary Cox
Paul Crake
Stewart Cuppage
Tony D’Addario
Diana Dampsy
Christine Davis
Kevin de Courcy O’Grady
Donald Dodds
Jane Donald
Shirley Donnelly
Peter Duck
Robert Elgie
Kenneth Everett
John Flannery
Carolyn Freeborough
Yona Frishman
Peter Garstang
Ralph Giannone
Jonas Giesen
Patti Goldberg
Valerie Gow
Michael Griffiths
Gord Hamilton
John Hanson
Mark Hierlihy
Ronald Hodgins
Keith Holland
B. C. Holmes
Joan Hood
Therese Howard
Dana Humphrey
Norman Hunt
Peter Husar
Kenneth Irvin
Richard Ivey
Colleen Jones
Sandeep Joshi
Ramsin Khachi
Susan King
Michael Klax
Tracy Koetsier
Wulfred and Lindsay Kronenberg
Linda Kutchaw
Michael Laine
Donald Langill
Dr. Bernard Lawless
Guy Leduc
Sam and Aasta Levene
Brian MacDonald
Ruth and Alex MacDonald
Maureen Mahan
Daniel Mark
Anne McCreath
John McEwan
Alan McFarland
Donald McKenzie
Sheila McMorrow
Del Milbrandt
Garfield Mitchell
Susan Mullin
Steve Munro
Glenne Murray
Jason Oord
Sidney Peck
Eduardo Pereira
M.J. Perry
James Peterson
Ellen Pickering
William Potalivo
Guy Poulin
Andrew and Valerie Pringle
Jeffrey Remedios
Bruce Retallick
Paul Rodgers
Fred Romain
Paul Rowan
Elizabeth Shropshire
Karen Smiley
Stephen Smith
Christie Smythe
Dr. Ann Stewart
Lisa Tant
Giani Tariello
Courtland Thomson
Kendra Toby
Véronique Tomaszewski
Kathryn van der Horden
Brent Vickar
Serge Vitale
John Wallace
Paul White
Arren Williams
Bob Wiseman
Penny and Jim Williamson
James Zibarras
6 anonymous donors
Hortst Dantz and Don Quick Fund
June Callwood Legacy Fund
Paul de Hueck and Mary Davern Care for the
Caregiver Fund
The Basil King Fund
The Bonham Operating Fund
The Giovanni Giammanco Special Purpose Fund
The Futures Fund
The Estate of Gerald D. Yanke
The Estate of Valerie Brook
The Estate of John Crang
The Estate of Horst A. H. Dantz
The Estate of Dorothy Edwards
The Estate of Michael Gordon
The Estate of Elise Margaret Hunter-Stevenson
The Estate of Finley J. Johnston
The Estate of Clifton Roberts
Vera Dolly Denty Foundation
The Estate of Gabriel Villada
The Estate of Gerald D. Yanke
Friends InDeed Legacy Society
Geraldine Baird in memory of Katie Baird
Jason Bazinet
Keith Bell and Sassan Rod
Raymond Boyce
Rita Bush
Mary Davern
Emily DeMerchant
Sean Doyle
Graham Edwards in memory of Stephen Edwards
In memory of Stephen A. Forester/Doreen Forester
Jack Garlent
Paul Gauthier
Steven Gordon and Ronald Kemp
Jack Hallam
Larry Hoath
Jaye and Vern Holland
Mark Johnston
Bernard and Helen Lamb
Bruce Lawson
Brian MacDonald and Graeme Marney
George Marsland
Stuart Mealey and Lorne Anderson
Pearse Murray
Stephen Muscat
E. Llana Nakonechny
Glenn Osborne in memory of Dean Jeffrey Kaiser
Laurie Pawlitza
Susan Portner
Brian Provini and Ronald Harris
Carolyn Purden Anthony
Bruce Retallick *
Robert Churchill Smith
Jaime Watt and Paul Ferguson
Penny and Jim Williamson *
Daniel Wright
16 anonymous donors (6 new donors)
BMO Financial Group
Manulife Financial
TD Bank Group
$25,000 - $49,999
Volvo Cars of Canada Corp.
Sun Life Financial
$10,000 - $24,999
Abbott Laboratories Ltd.
Barrick Gold Corporation
GE Profile/Mabe Canada Inc.
Navigator Limited
RBC Financial Group through RBC Foundation
Rogers Communications Inc.
Winners Merchants International
$5,000 - $9,999
Franklin Templeton Investments Corp.
Gilead Sciences Canada Inc.
Great-West Life, London Life and Canada Life
Green Shield Canada
Precision Trust
Sionna Investment Managers
ViiV Healthcare Shire Canada
$1,000 - $4,999
BBDO Canada
Bennett Jones LLP
Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP
Borden Ladner Gervais
Brandfire Marketing Group Inc.
Cadence Research
Creative Visual Solutions
Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLP
Ehvert Engineering
Gib-San Pools & Landscape Creations
II by IV Design Associates
Industrial Alliance
PHD Canada
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
Sage Investments Limited
Samuel Group of Companies
Skycon Developments Ltd.
Tasco Distributors
Torys LLP
Employee and Community Groups
BCG - Partners
BMO Financial Group - Employees’ Charity Trust
IBM Employees’ Charitable Fund
Ontario Power Generation Employees’ Charity Trust
Peel Elementary Teachers’ Local
RBC Financial Group - Employees’ Charity Trust
Rotary Club of Belleville
Scotiabank Pride Employee Resource Volunteer Group
York University
Community Events
Toronto Real Estate Board’s Charity Golf Classic
$10,000 - $19,999
Monogram Dinner by Design - Azure
$1,000 - $9,999
ArtMart - Canadian Lesbian and Gay Archives
Scotiabank - Queen and Church
Shane Bahng - Hästens Toronto Grand Opening
$500 - $999
Diving for Life
Liberato’s Tasty Treats
The Church of St. Mary Magdalene
The Healing Cycle Foundation
Event Sponsors and Gifts In Kind
Absolut Elyx
Air Sprint
Akau Framing & Art Inc.
Balloon Trix
$500 - $999
Bell Canada - Employees’ Charity Trust
Bonhams Canada
Rotary Club of East York
TD Bank Group - Employees’ Charity Trust
Bullet Digital Media
Canadian House & Home
Carolynn Lund-Mead
The Krembil Foundation
Contemporary Furniture Rentals Inc.
$10,000 - $24,999
Craig Samuel Photography
The Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation
David G. Broadhurst
The Paloma Foundation
Event Rental Group
Posluns Family Foundation
Exclusive Affair Rentals
The Rotary Club of Toronto Charitable Foundation
Feheley Fine Arts
Audrey S. Hellyer Charitable Foundation
Fero Transport
Flash Reproductions
$5,000 - $9,999
Glenn Bell Photography
McLean Smits Family Foundation
Jackie O Floral Affairs
REALTORS Care Foundation
Joe Toby
Sir Joseph Flavelle Foundation
Krups Canada
The Tippet Foundation
Le Creuset Canada Inc.
The Toskan Foundation
Loblaws at Maple Leaf Gardens
$1,000 - $4,999
Lot 40
The Alastair and Jennifer Murray Foundation
Mark J. Mooney & Associates Limited
The Blema & Arnold Steinberg Family Foundation
Mattamy Athletic Centre
The BLG Foundation
McCarthy Tétrault LLP
Jackman Foundation
The K.M. Hunter Charitable Foundation
The Norman and Margaret Jewison Charitable Foundation Metropolitan United Church
Nadege Patisserie
Pace Family Foundation
Navis Fine Art Packaging and Transportation Specialists
The St. George’s Society of Toronto Charitable Trust
Patty Watteyne Photography
The W. P. Scott Charitable Foundation
Perry Tung
Proud FM 103.9
Razart Installation Services Inc.
Ruby Watchco
Shangri-La Hotel, Toronto
Stephen Ranger
Ted Healey
The Carlu
The Estate of Gerald Ferguson
The Estate of Will Munro
The Globe and Mail
The New Classical 96.3 FM
Tiffany & Co.
Toni Hafkenscheid
Transcontinental Printing
Up Inc.
Westbury National Show Systems
William Fulghum Design Associates
Art with Heart Artists
Kim Adams
Shelley Adler
Stephen Andrews
Denys Arcand
Matt Bahen
Richard Barnes
Roger Bellemare
Heather Benning
Charles Bierk
John Brown
Edward Burtynsky
Paul Butler
Douglas Coupland
Chris Curreri
Max Dean
Kim Dorland
Ric Evans
Gerald Ferguson
Greg Girard
Sky Glabush
Martin Golland
Kym Greeley
Jessica Groome
Toni Hafkenscheid
Adad Hannah
Michael Harrington
Joseph Hartman
April Hickox
Peter Hill
Hanna Hur
Daniel Hutchinson
Geoffrey James
Laurie Kang
Kris Knight
Dariusz Krzeminski
Melissa Kuntz
James Lahey
Angela Leach
David Leventi
An Te Liu
Marianne Lovink
Attila Richard Lukacs
Corwyn Lund
Annie MacDonell
Medrie MacPhee
Sean Martindale
Linda Martinello
Megan McCabe
Erin McSavaney
Ray Mead
Kent Monkman
Ron Moppett
Matt Moreland
Will Munro
Aamna Muzaffar
Andrew Myers
Tibi Tibi Neuspiel
Charles Pachter
Alain Paiement
Martin Pearce
Rajni Perera
Tim Pitsiulak
Liss Platt
Sandy Plotnikoff
Jaan Poldaas
Annie Pootoogook
Ned Pratt
Geoffrey Pugen
Nicholas Pye
Elise Rasmussen
Anthony Redpath
Jillian Ross
Nicolas Ruel
Francine Savard
John Scott
Andrew Smith
Michael Smith
Françoise Sullivan
Sharon Switzer
Team Macho
Denyse Thomasos
Diana Thorneycroft
Winnie Truong
David Urban
Daryl Vocat
Janna Watson
Jacob Whibley
You Can Help
Casey House continues to be recognized around the world as a leader in HIV/AIDS treatment,
support and palliative care. Nobody should have to manage this devastating disease alone. For as
long as we are needed, Casey House will be here, continually adapting to support the diverse health
care needs of people living with HIV/AIDS in our community. But we can only do it with your help.
1 in 120 adult Torontonians is now HIV positive, with care needs expected to escalate as
they age. We need your support today more than ever. Together, we’re opening the door to
a new future of HIV/AIDS care.
Design: Sara Purves
Photography: Glenn Bell
Research, Project Management:
Kathleen Sandusky
1. Support Ongoing Programs
& Services
Make a one-time or monthly
donation to our ongoing
programs and services.
• Use the enclosed donation
card and envelope
2. Make a Generous
Rebuilding Lives
Capital Campaign Gift
Pledge a gift to our Capital
Campaign, helping to
transform the future of HIV/
AIDS care in our city.
• Call us any time:
416-962-4040 ext. 232
3. Estate Planning
You can help to ensure your
legacy of caring and
compassion continues long
after you are gone. Please
remember Casey House in
your will and estate plans.
• Donate quickly and
securely online at
416-962-4040 ext. 232
Casey House
9 Huntley Street
Toronto, Ontario M4Y 2K8
Casey House Foundation
119 Isabella Street
Toronto, Ontario M4Y 1P2
Charitable Registration No.
10687 8374 RR0001
Tracy Hatten
416-962-4040 ext. 233
It’s no coincidence that the symbol of Casey House
is a heart. For me, the first thing you see when
you walk through the door is that heart. It’s the
kindness, it’s the smile that you’re greeted with, it’s
those core values that June Callwood taught us that
are still exactly the same. They’ve been there since
1988 and they’ll be there when we have a brand new
door on a brand new building. That’s what Casey
House is about - it’s all about heart.
YTommy Smythe, Committee Volunteer
Watch the video at
Exemplary compassionate
health care for people
living with HIV/AIDS