Statement Quick Guide
Statement Quick Guide
HR9 AMOUNT DUE, PAY BY DATE, ACCOUNT NUMBER Use your account number when inquiring about any customer service issues or when using online bill pay through To avoid a late fee, please pay the total amount due by date indicated. Statement Quick Guide Review this quick guide to better understand your new Midco® statement. For more information, call 1.800.888.1300 or visit Page Page Page33 of of3 666 Page 13of ACCOUNT INFORMATION This shows the name and address that receive Midco services (may or may not differ from billing address). NEWS FROM MIDCO Read important messages about service updates, new programming, and products for your area. Contact Us: or 1.800.888.1300 Contact Contact Contact Midcontinent: Midcontinent: Midcontinent: NEW CHARGES SUMMARY 1.800.888.1300 1.800.888.1300 1.800.888.1300 CUSTOMER CUSTOMER CUSTOMERNAME NAME NAME ADDRESS ADDRESS ADDRESSLINE LINE LINE111 CITY CITY CITYSD SD SD57000-1111 57000-1111 57000-1111 Total TotalAmount AmountDue Due Total Amount Due Pay Pay By PayBy By Account AccountNumber AccountNumber Number News from Midco News News From From Midcontinent! Midcontinent! ® Due to a recent Federal Communications Commission order, Due Due Dueto to toaaarecent recent recentFederal Federal FederalCommunications Communications CommunicationsCommission Commission Commissionorder, order, order, you’ll notice an adjustment to the Universal Service Fee on your you'll you'll you'llnotice notice noticean an anadjustment adjustment adjustmentto to tothe the theUniversal Universal UniversalService Service ServiceFee Fee Feeon on on statement. You may also see slight increases in your federal your your yourstatement. statement. statement.You You Youmay may mayalso also alsosee see seeslight slight slightincreases increases increasesin in inyour your your access and federal TRS fees. TRS federal federal federalaccess access accessand and andfederal federal federalTRS TRSfees. fees. fees. Starz/Encore and HBO/Cinemax will offer Free Previews in Starz/Encore Starz/Encore Starz/Encore and and and HBO/Cinemax HBO/Cinemax HBO/Cinemax will will will offer offer offer Free Free Free Previews Previews Previews November. Starz/Encore free preview will be November 25-29 in in inNovember. November. November. Starz/Encore Starz/Encore Starz/Encore free free freepreview preview preview will will will be be be and the HBO/Cinemax preview will be free November 26-29. November November November 25-29 25-29 25-29and and andfree the the theHBO/Cinemax HBO/Cinemax HBO/Cinemax free freepreview preview preview will will will The Free Preview may contain PG, PG-13, TV-14, TVMA, PG, NC17 be be beNovember November November 26-29. 26-29. 26-29. The The TheFree Free Free Preview Preview Preview may may maycontain contain contain PG, PG, and R rated programs. you do notR see the preview, PG-13, PG-13, PG-13, TV-14, TV-14, TV-14, TVMA, TVMA, TVMA,IfNC17 NC17 NC17 and and and R Rwant rated rated ratedtoprograms. programs. programs. IfIfIfyou you you use the parental controls to blockuse thethe programming. 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MeTV MeTV MeTV showcases showcases showcases Midcontinent ofof MeTV showcases classic classic classicshows shows shows shows from from from the the the 50s 50s 50s through through through the the the 80s. 80s. 80s. classic from the 50s through the 80s. With With WithNHL NHL NHL NHLCenter Center Center CenterIce, Ice, Ice, Ice, the the the game game game lives lives lives where where where you you you do. do. Call Call Call With the game lives where you Call Midco Midcontinent Midcontinent Midcontinent today today todayat at at1.800.888.1300 1.800.888.1300 1.800.888.1300 to to toorder order order NHL NHL Center Center today at 1.800.888.1300 to order NHL Center Ice NHL at theCenter special Ice Ice Iceat at atthe the thespecial special specialEarly Early EarlyBird Bird Birdprice price priceof of of$131.56 $131.56 $131.56or or or444payments payments payments Early Bird price of $131.56 or 4 payments of $32.89. of of of$32.89. $32.89. $32.89. Hit Series. New Seasons. Don’t miss thethe new seasons of of Hit Hit HitSeries. Series. Series.New New NewSeasons. Seasons. Seasons.Don't Don't Don'tmiss miss missthe thenew new newseasons seasons seasonsof of Showtime’s HOMELAND and THE AFFAIR. Showtime's Showtime's Showtime'sOriginal Original Original OriginalSeries, Series, Series, Series, HOMELAND HOMELAND HOMELAND and and and THE THE THE AFFAIR. AFFAIR. AFFAIR. All inin October. All All Allnew new new newepisodes episodes episodes episodesair air air airSundays Sundays Sundays Sundays in in October. October. October. $154.62 $154.62 $154.62 11/04/15 11/04/15 11/04/15 147312401 147312401 000000000 Monthly Monthly Monthly Statement Statement Statement Summary Summary New Charges Summary Summary Bundled Services Previous Previous Previous Balance Balance Balance Additional TV Services 9/28/15 Payment Payment PaymentCable Received Received Received 9/28/15 9/28/15 Balance Balance BalanceInternet Forward Forward Forward Additional Services Current Current CurrentAmount Amount Amount Before Before BeforeSavings Savings Savings Additional Phone Services Total Total Total Monthly Monthly Monthly Savings Savings Savings Additional Discounts Total TotalSurcharges Amount Amount&Due Due Taxes, Fees View monthly charges billed in advance depending on services: Internet, cable TV and phone (includes leased equipment). 112.90 185.70 185.70 185.70 28.00 -185.70 -185.70 -185.70 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.00 202.62 202.62 202.62 6.88 -48.00 -48.00 -48.00 -30.00 33.84 $154.62 $154.62 $154.62 New New Charges Charges Summary Total New Charges Summary CURRENT BILLING SUMMARY $154.62 Bundled Bundled BundledServices Services Services Additional Additional Additional Cable Cable Cable TV TV TVServices Services Services Current Billing Summary Additional Additional Additional Internet Internet InternetServices Services Services Previous Balance Additional Additional AdditionalPhone Phone PhoneServices Services Services Payment Received 9/28/15 Additional Additional AdditionalDiscounts Discounts Discounts Current Before Savings Taxes, Taxes, Taxes,Amount Surcharges Surcharges Surcharges & &&Fees Fees Fees 112.90 112.90 112.90 28.00 28.00 28.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 185.70 6.88 6.88 6.88 -185.70 -30.00 -30.00 -30.00 202.62 33.84 33.84 33.84 Total Monthly Savings See balance, payments received, new charges and amount due. -48.00 Total TotalNew NewCharges Charges $154.62 $154.62 Total Amount Due $154.62 You YouSaved Saved$48.00 $48.00This ThisMonth Month You Saved $48.00 This Month Offer Offer OfferExtension Extension Extensionthrough through through10/14/16 10/14/16 10/14/16 -30.00 -30.00 -30.00 Three Three Three Service Service Service Discount Discount Discount -18.00 -18.00 -18.00 Offer Extension through 10/14/16 -30.00 Three Service Discount SUMMARY OF SAVINGS -18.00 See promotional and/ or service Page 3discounts. of 6 Detach Detach Detachand and and enclose enclose enclose the theportion portion portion below below belowbelow with with withyour your youryour payment. payment. payment. Please Please Please write writeyour your youraccount account account account number number number on on onyour your yourcheck. check. check. Do Donot not not send send sendcash. cash. cash. Detach andthe enclose the portion with payment. Pleasewrite write your number on your check. Do not Do send cash. Total TotalAmount AmountDue Due Total Amount Due Pay PayBy By Pay By Account AccountNumber Number Account Number PO Sioux Falls, SDSD 57117-5010 PO PO POBox Box Box Box5010, 5010, 5010, 5010, Sioux Sioux Sioux Falls, Falls, Falls, SD SD 57117-5010 57117-5010 57117-5010 NNN @@@ 0.00 0.00 0.00 011000//3965 011000//3965 011000//3965 Contact Midcontinent: 1.800.888.1300 CUSTOMER NAME AM AM AMCUSTOMER CUSTOMER CUSTOMERNAME NAME NAME 202 202 202 CEDAR CEDAR CEDAR CIR CIR CIR 1 ADDRESS LINE 202 202 202 CEDAR CEDAR CEDAR CIR CIR CIR HARRISBURG HARRISBURG HARRISBURG SD SD SD 57032-3003 57032-3003 57032-3003 CITY SD 57000-1111 HARRISBURG HARRISBURG HARRISBURG SD SD SD 57032-3003 57032-3003 57032-3003 $154.62 $154.62 $154.62 11/04/15 11/04/15 11/04/15 147312401 147312401 000000000 Statement Code 001 Statement Statement Statement Code Code Code 001 001 001 Name/Address Corrections Noted Total Amount Due Pay By Account Number $154.62 11/04/15 147312401 Make Make Make checks checks checks payable payable payable to: to: Make checks payable to: to: Pay Online: and register forregister My Account. Pay Pay PayOnline: Online: Online: and and and register register for for forMy My MyAccount. Account. Account. Pay by EFT: up automated payment. payment. Pay Pay Pay by by bySet EFT: EFT: EFT: Set Set Setup up upautomated automated automated payment. payment. Pay by Phone: Call 1.800.888.1300 to make to an automated payment.payment. Pay Pay Pay by by byPhone: Phone: Phone: Call Call Call1.800.888.1300 1.800.888.1300 1.800.888.1300 to tomake make makean an anautomated automated automated payment. payment. Pay by Mail: stub with payment. Do not send Pay Pay Pay by by byReturn Mail: Mail: Mail: this Return Return Return this this thisstub stub stubwith with withpayment. payment. payment. Do Do Docash. not not notsend send sendcash. cash. cash. News From Midcontinent! MIDCONTINENT MIDCONTINENT MIDCONTINENT COMMUNICATIONS COMMUNICATIONS COMMUNICATIONS P.O. P.O. P.O. BOX BOX BOX 5010 5010 5010 SIOUX SIOUX SIOUX FALLS, FALLS, FALLS, SD SD SD 57117-5010 57117-5010 57117-5010 AADTDFFATDDFAAFTTDAFAAAFDTDFADAFATTTTFADDDAFTAFDDFFFDTTFFDFADDDAF AADTDFFATDDFAAFTTDAFAAAFDTDFADAFATTTTFADDDAFTAFDDFFFDTTFFDFADDDAF Monthly Statement Summary Previous Balance 1 1 1 2 2 2 32 32 32 10147312401 10147312401 10147312401 00015462 00015462 00015462 10147312401 10147312401 10147312401 00015462 00015462 9 9 Payment Received 00015462 9/28/15 9 Due to a recent Federal Communications Commission order, you'll notice an adjustment to the Universal Service Fee on your statement. You may also see slight increases in your federal access and federal TRS fees. PAYMENT OPTIONS Balance Forward Current Amount Before Savings Total Monthly Savings REMITTANCE Total Amount Due FORM 185.70 -185.70 0.00 202.62 -48.00 $154.62 For your convenience, there and are HBO/Cinemax several wayswill offer Free Previews ReturnNew thisCharges with payment in the enclosed envelope. Starz/Encore Summary November. Bundled Services 112.90 to pay forinyour Midco Starz/Encore services. free preview will be Be sure you can see the Midco address in the envelope window. No Additional Cable TV Services 28.00 November 25-29 and the HBO/Cinemax free preview will For easy online bill pay, 26-29. register isAdditional necessary if you have recurring payments Internet Services 3.00 through be November Theat Free Preview may contain remittance PG, Additional Phone 6.88 today! auto-pay orServices Midco online bill pay. -30.00 PG-13, TV-14, TVMA, NC17 and R rated programs. If you Additional Discounts do not want to see the preview, use the parental controls to block the programming. If you have questions on how to block programming, contact us at Taxes, Surcharges & Fees Total New Charges New Channel: KSFY-Me TV (ch. 592) has been added to the Midcontinent channel lineup as of 9/1/15. MeTV showcases classic shows from the 50s through the 80s. Continued on next page. The number of pages and detail in your statement will vary depending on services, charges and usage. With NHL Center Ice, the game lives where you do. Call Midcontinent today at 1.800.888.1300 to order NHL Center Ice at the special Early Bird price of $131.56 or 4 payments of $32.89. 33.84 $154.62 You Saved $48.00 This Month Offer Extension through 10/14/16 -30.00 HR9 CURRENT MONTH’S SERVICES AND CHARGES BUNDLED SERVICES Current month’s services and charges for any combination of packages or bundles for Internet, cable TV and phone services Page Page 2 4ofof3 6 ADDITIONAL CABLE TV SERVICES Equipment lease ADDITIONAL INTERNET SERVICES Equipment lease and related charges Contact Midcontinent: 1.800.888.1300 Contact Us: or 1.800.888.1300 BundledServices Services Bundled $112.90 $112.90 BasicBasic Trio Trio 10/15-11/14 10/15-11/14 Additional Cable TV Services Additional Cable TV Services HD/Digital Adapter Lease $2/ea HD/Digital Lease $2/ea HD/Dig Adapter Adapter Lease Waived Adapter Lease Waived TiVoHD/Dig Digital Video Recorder Digital TiVoTiVo Service Fee Video Recorder TiVo Service Fee TiVo Mini Lease TiVo Mini Lease 10/15-11/14 Long distance, directory assistance and operator-assisted calls OTHER CHARGES AND ADJUSTMENTS Additional Internet Services MidcoNet Modem Lease MidcoNet Modem Lease Additional Phone Services Additional Phone Services For Telephone: (605) 555-5555 For Telephone: (605) 743-5357 Long Distance Charges Long Distance Charges Caller ID Caller ID $28.00 8.00 8.00 -8.00 -8.00 16.00 16.00 4.00 4.00 8.00 8.00 10/15-11/14 Other Charges and Adjustments Additional Discounts ON Demand or Pay-Per-View Charges Offer Extension (10/2015 - 10/2016) Movie Title 1 Offer Extension (10/2016 - 10/2017) Movie Title 2 0.08 5.92 $33.84 4.75 0.26 1.50 TelecomListing Relay Services 0.15 Directory Gross Receipts Tax listing will appear in the local tel ephone directory. If you1.49 This is how your directory wish to make Local Sales Tax changes to your directory listing, please log in t o 2.87 --------- (605) 743-5357 StateLathen SalesAmy Tax& Andy 202 Cedar Cir Harrisburg--------------------5.77 $3.00 3.00 3.00 09/16 10:30 pm 507-372-5327 Destination WORTHINGTN, MN Duration Amount 1:18 0.10 Directory Listing 09/17 5:30 pm 612-562-8430 EDEN PRARI , MN 0:12 0.02 This 09/27 is how4:44 your directory listing will appear in the local telephone directory. If pm 507-372-5327 WORTHINGTN, MN 4:00 0.32 you 10/01 wish to4:11 make to your WORTHINGTN, directory listing, in to pm changes 507-372-5327 MN please log 18:18 1.45 3.95 $8.00 -$30.00 10/01 8:45 pm 507-372-5327 WORTHINGTN, MN 12:06 0.96 Customer Line 1 CityWORTHINGTN, -------------------------------10/05 Name 3:12 pmAddress 507-372-5327 MN 0:18(605) 555-5555 0.02 10/12 6:01 pm 507-372-5327 WORTHINGTN, MN 0:12 0.02 -30.00 4.00 -15.00 605-555-5555 Long Distance Charges 4.00 Date Time Number Destination 09/16 10:30 pm 507-555-0001 WORTHINGTN, MN Duration Amount 1:18 0.10 contact Scott Anderson, General Counsel, 3901 N Louise Avenue, Sioux Falls, SD 57107. Local Franchise Authority-FCC Community City Of PO Box Harrisburg, SD 57445-0587 Phone: 605.397.8422 Local Franchise Authority-FCC Community CityHarrisburg Of Harrisburg P 26 O Box 26 Harrisburg, SD 57445-0587 Phone: 605-397-8422 Customer Name Account: 000000000 ADDRESS LINE 1 CITY SD 57000-0000 Pay By: 11/04/15 To pay online, visit and register for My Account. Automatic Payment Authorization (EFT) I (we) authorize Midcontinent Communications to initiate entries to my (our) account described for my (our) monthly bill beginning with next month’s statement. I (we) understand that the current month’s charges must be paid separately by check or credit card. Signature Promotional and other savings not included in package discounts TAXES, SURCHARGES & FEES Mandated taxes, surcharges and fees (by service) 605-743-5357 Long Distance Charges Telephone Date TimeDetail Number 2.93 2.93 3.95 Closed Captioning Inquiry: If you need assistance with closed captioning, you 09/17 5:30 pm 612-555-0002 EDEN PRARI, MN 0:12 0.02 may contact us via email at, call us a t 1-800-888-1300 or send a fax to 605-271-1986. For written inqui ries, please contact Scott Anderson, General Counsel, 3901 N Louise Avenue, Sioux Falls, Closed Captioning Inquiry: If you need assistance with closed captioning, you may contact us via email at, call us at 1.800.888.1300 or send a fax to 605.271.1986. For written inquiries, please SD 57107. ON Demand and pay-per-view purchases Page 3 of 3 ADDITIONAL DISCOUNTS Please debit my: Checking Account (enclose a voided check) Savings Account (enclose a voided deposit slip) Signature (if required for a joint account) TELEPHONE DETAIL Summary of usage charges on each phone line Total Amount Due Pay By Account Number Contact Us: or 1.800.888.1300 605-555-5555 Long Distance Charges (continued) Date 10/12 10/12 10/12 Time 6:10 pm 6:17 pm 7:17 pm Number 507-555-0001 507-555-0001 507-555-0001 Destination WORTHINGTN, MN WORTHINGTN, MN WORTHINGTN, MN Long Distance Charges for 605-555-5555 6.50 0.08 0.97 5.92 1.90 0.43 4.75 1.25 0.26 6.50 1.50 0.97 0.15 1.90 1.49 2.87 0.43 5.77 1.25 Federal TRS & Administration Fee $6.88 $6.88 10/15-11/14 -30.00 Telephone Detail Access Recovery Charge $3.00 10/15-11/14 10/15-11/14 $33.84 -$30.00 Cable TV FCC Fee Local Broadcast Retransmission Fee Taxes,Franchise Surcharges & Fees Fee Phone Cable TV Federal Access FCCFederal Fee Excise Tax Local Broadcast Retransmission Fee Universal Service Fee Local Number Portability Franchise Fee Phone County Govt 911 Emergency Surcharge Federal TRS & Administration Fee Federal Access Access Recovery Charge Federal Excise Tax Services Telecom Relay Universal Service Fee Gross Receipts Tax Local TaxPortability LocalSales Number State Sales Tax County Govt 911 Emergency Surcharge $28.90 10/15-11/14 10/15-11/14 10/15-11/14 10/15-11/14 10/15-11/14 10/15-11/14 10/15-11/14 10/15-11/14 10/15-11/14 $154.62 $154.62 11/04/15 11/04/15 000000000 147312401 Taxes, Surcharges & Fees Additional Discounts 112.90 112.90 (Unbundled (UnbundledPrice Price$130.90) $130.90) Discounts: Discounts: Three Service Discount -$18.00 Three Service Discount -$18.00 Includes access to a variety of Basic Cable programming featuring genres Includes access to a variety of Basic programming from news, entertainment, sports, kidsCable and home. Plus, Midco Xstream featuring from news, entertainment, Internet and genres (605) 555-5555 Basic Phone Line.sports, kids and home. Plus, MidcoNet Xstream Internet and (605) 743-5357 Basic Phone Line. Additional Internet Services ADDITIONAL PHONE SERVICES Total Amount DueDue Total Amount Pay Pay ByBy Account Number Account Number Duration 0:06 0:06 0:12 Amount 0.01 0.01 0.02 36:48 2.93 Frequently Asked Questions Where can I find programming updates? The majority of the television programming you enjoy is owned by media companies other than Midcontinent Communications. From time-to-time we are required to negotiate with broadcast and cable networks for the right to transmit their signals to you. Visit for the latest programming updates. What is the Local Broadcast Retransmission Fee? A portion of the amount paid to local broadcast stations so we may retransmit their signals to you. What are Federal Access Charges? These are charges proposed and authorized by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), for providing access to, and maintenance of, the local network. What is the Federal Excise Tax? This tax is mandated by the federal government. They are imposed on local and wireless telephone services. $154.62 11/04/15 000000000 What is the Access Recovery Charge (ARC) Fee? The Access Recovery Charge (ARC) is a telephone fee related to changes in FCC rules. This monthly fee is a way to recover the costs of providing access to the telephone network. What is the Telecom Relay Service Charge? This state service charge helps to pay for the relay center which transmits and translates calls for hearing-impaired people. What is the Gross Receipts Tax? This tax is on gross receipts derived from the furnishing of telephone services. The service provider collects the tax and reports the collections annually to the Department of Revenue. What are State and Local Taxes? These taxes are mandated by state, local and municipal governments on goods and services. If you plan on moving, please call Midcontinent three weeks prior to your move to ensure that you experience no interruption of service. Call Before You Dig There may be underground wires located in your yard. Digging into an underground wire could result in serious personal injury, service interruptions or property damage. If utility lines are cut you may be liable for charges. Please call 811 or the appropriate number for your state to locate underground utility cables: South Dakota 1.800.781.7474 North Dakota 1.800.795.0555 Minnesota 1.800.252.1166 Wisconsin 1.800.242.8511 What is the Universal Service Fee? In May of 1997, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) adopted rules that mandated all telecommunications carriers pay into a federal program called the Universal Service Fund (USF). This fund helps provide affordable telecommunications services for low-income customers and customers in rural areas. It also provides discounts on Internet access for eligible schools, libraries and rural healthcare providers. What is the Local Number Portability Fee? The Federal Communications Commission permits telephone companies to add this charge to all telephone lines as compensation for creating systems which allow residential and business telephone customers the ability to retain, at the same location, their existing local telephone numbers when switching from one local telephone service to another. What is the County Government 911 Emergency Surcharge? This surcharge is mandated by local governments to help pay for emergency services such as fire and rescue. What is the Federal Telecom Relay Service (TRS) and Administration Fee? All carriers providing interstate telecommunications must support TRS, which enables telephone conversations between people with speech/hearing impairments and those without. The Federal TRS surcharge is assessed as a percentage of interstate toll charges. us) of its termination allowing Midco at least 45 days prior to next processing date. Please be advised should any electronic AUTOMATIC PAYMENT AUTHORIZATION FORM Electronic funds transfer (EFT) authorization form if you want your payments automatically debited from a bank account each month The number of pages and detail in your statement will vary depending on services, charges and usage. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS Additional details about service charges, fees, taxes, surcharges and other Midco service information