AGC Monday Morning Quarterback


AGC Monday Morning Quarterback
The Associated General Contractors of America, San Diego Chapter, Inc.
March 7, 2016
In This Issue
A $1 Billion Disaster at SDUSD
AGC Spring Conference - Ritz Carlton
Laguna Niguel
AGC/EGCC Golf Classic
Announcing "Meet Your GC" with Good &
Committee Corner
EGCA Foundation Offering Scholarships
Lecture Series
Education/Safety Classes
Committee Meetings
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More about
AGC San Diego
A $1 Billion Disaster at San Diego Unified School District...We
told them the PLA would be a Budget Buster!
By Brad Barnum, Executive Vice President
A recent article in the Voice of San Diego tells a sad story of how the schools at
San Diego Unified School District are in worse shape than they were prior to the
passage of a $2.1 billion construction bond measure in 2008, and a $2.8 billion
measure in 2012. How can that be, one ponders, but an audio news program
sheds some light on promises made but not met, particularly as they relate to
construction issues (listen to second segment). Let's take a look how it all
In November 2008, voters in the San Diego Unified School District
overwhelmingly supported Proposition S, a $2.1 billion school construction bond
measure to continue the renovation and construction of schools throughout the
District following a bond passed in 1998 (Proposition MM). Just two months later,
the Governing Board of the San Diego Unified School District voted 3-2 to put a
union-only Project Labor Agreement (PLA) on Proposition S projects.
AGC and its members told the Board that would be a costly mistake, but they
wouldn't listen. Nearly eight years later, the chickens have come home to
roost...and all because of the PLA. Here is the backstory...
November 4, 2008
68.7% of San Diego Unified School District Voters Support $2.1 Billion
Proposition S School Bond. AGC and labor work together to get it passed.
Labor-friendly candidates Richard Barrera, John Lee Evans, and Shelia Jackson
are elected to the Governing Board.
November 23, 2008
After hearing rumors about a potential threat of a PLA on Proposition S, AGC's
CEO, and Vice President Government Relations meet with Richard Barrera and
Scott Barnett to discuss implications of PLA. Barnett is a personal friend of
Barrera, and he is a former Executive Director of the Taxpayers Association and
the business-oriented San Diego County Lincoln Club. Barrera indicates he will
support a PLA.
December 5, 2008
AGC's CEO writes letter to Board Members Richard Barrera, John Lee Evans,
and Shelia Jackson congratulating them on their election to the Governing
Board. He warns them about detrimental impacts if PLA was placed on
Proposition S work.
January 13, 2009
AGC's CEO writes letter to School Board Members asking whether or not they
fully understand the financial implications of a PLA, or the impact to the local
construction industry. It is estimated the PLA will cost the district at least $400
million more than projected, and will reduce the number of projects by about 6080 projects.
January 17, 2009
800+ supporters and opponents of PLAs show up to Board Meeting. After 4
hours and 200 speakers, labor-friendly Board Members Barrera, Evans, and
Jackson lead a 3-2 majority to begin negotiations with the Building Trades to
implement a PLA on Proposition S projects.
February 23, 2009
AGC invited to attend stakeholder meeting on PLA implementation. Request to
be included in negotiations so union signatory and open shop concerns can be
addressed. Request denied.
May 26, 2009
Governing Board votes 3-2 to implement PLA. Labor insists there will be plenty
of bidders on projects, and jobs for local contractors and workers.
June 4, 2009
Although pressured by Tom Lemmon and the Building Trades, the Diego County
Regional Airport Authority Board rejects PLA on its $1 billion Terminal 2 project.
The project is completed in August, 2013 on-time and under-budget.
July 30, 2009
AGC files lawsuit against the District, contending that 1,100+ state certified
apprentices enrolled in AGC's and other open shop programs will be unable to
work on PLA projects.
February 2010
The first project bid under the PLA, Hoover High School Woodshop, comes in at
35% over the budget, and the low bidder is based in Los Angeles. District
officials begin to increase the bid estimate and create estimate ranges to cover
the fact there are fewer bidders.
July 2010
Hoover High School project rebid. Estimate at $1 million - $5 million. Only 4
bidders, and two from San Diego. Other public owners attracting 10-15 bidders.
November 2010
Scott Barnett elected to Governing Board, with strong support from labor.
In a San Diego Daily Transcript article, a high ranking District official admits their
projects are receiving only about 50% of the bids they received in the previous
bond construction program.
July 2011
National University System Institute for Policy Research releases study that
schools built between 1996 and 2008 under a PLA cost the public entity 13% 15% more than projects not constructed under a PLA.
December 2011
Inside sources at the District provide key documents that prove PLA has been a
financial disaster. The District is spending 21.9% more than it should when it
subjects projects to the union-only PLA.
District releases PLA study that actually showed fewer bidders on PLA projects.
Barnett defends study while standing in front of a school construction project;
however, he doesn't know project is actually behind schedule due to PLA.
May 2012
District to purchase 25,700 Apple iPad 2S for 5th and 8th grade classes, as well
as some high school classes. The total cost is just over $9.5 million.
District receives a "Golden Fleece Award" for commissioning an unscientific
study that determined that projects under the $2.1 billion Proposition S PLA
saved money. The award shines a spotlight on government programs and
services that exemplify the wasteful, inefficient or downright absurd use of
taxpayer dollars.
August 2012
AGC Board votes to oppose Proposition Z, a $2.8 billion construction bond,
which will also be subject to a PLA. Taxpayers Association opposes measure as
As it relates to 1,100 district vehicles in need of repair, Scott Barnett states, "The
district could not use the money from the bond to repair the cars, but, we can buy
new vehicles...I think it is rather clever myself. It's clear, politicians are going to
put people ahead of buildings."
2012 - 2014
AGC continues to report on the lack of bidders on jobs, and highlights reasons
why there are no bidders.
December 2013
Southwestern College votes 5-0 to put a PLA on its $389 million Proposition R
program. Scott Barnett testifies at Board meeting about how successful the PLA
has been at San Diego Unified.
February 2015
Low bidder from Los Angeles wins $11.9 million bid for the stadium
improvements at La Jolla High School, and about 1/3 of 20 listed subs are from
outside the San Diego region.
November 2015
JAN-JUNE - 2016
November 12: AGC staff delivers a petition to the Citizen's Bond Oversight
Committee for the Grossmont-Cuyamaca Community College District's
Proposition V projects. The petition is signed by eight contractors that have
performed over $200 million of work at San Diego Unified. Their experience
shows that construction costs increase 10-15% under a PLA, and approximately
1/3 of PLA subcontractors are located out of town.
November 17: Although they had promised fair and open competition in
Proposition V projects, Grossmont-Cuyamaca Governing Board votes 3-0 (with
two abstentions) to implement a PLA. Scott Barnett and Richard Barrera testify
that the PLA at San Diego Unified has been a success, while Jim Summers of
EC Constructors, Inc. provides the industry's account of the failed program. It's
a politician vs. industry veteran moment....who would you believe?
December 2015 - January 2016
The Southwestern College National City Higher Education Center project
receives less than seven bids for 11 trade packages. The packages are re-bid
without a PLA, and 35 subcontractors submit bids.
There you have it...a 7+ year story of facts provided by the construction industry,
and deception by local educational leaders and union snake oil salesmen. San
Diego Unified School District's experience with a PLA has been a disaster, and
Southwestern College is well on its way. Chula Vista Elementary, and
Sweetwater Union High are next with your PLAs.
Grossmont-Cuyamaca Community College, National School District, Palomar
Community College (or any school district)...beware of what you are being
promised, and beware of school officials or former officials touting
are being fooled. Do not support a PLA....or else the Voice of San Diego will
write about your failures.
March 9-11, 2016
San Antonio, Texas
Featuring Good & Roberts
March 24, 2016
AGC San Diego Spring Conference - AGC Room Block is full!
The Ritz-Carlton Resort in Laguna Niguel, CA
By Rae Krushensky, Director of Meetings & Events
May 5-7, 2016
The Ritz Carlton-Laguna Niguel
May 10-11, 2016
Wash. D.C.
May 20, 2016
Maderas Golf Cub
We may be able to add to the room block, so if you are interested in attending,
let us know as soon as possible.
The Spring Conference is an AGC tradition that has given generations of
members the opportunity to spend time together in a relaxed setting at some of
the most outstanding resorts in the Western United States.
This year, we are headed up the coast, staying at the Ritz-Carlton Resort in
Laguna Niguel, California. This Mediterranean-style, luxury hotel sits atop a 150ft oceanfront bluff, offering spectacular views of the vast Pacific. Join friends and
business associates at this 2-day event.
Check here for their website
Special Note: The special package price includes Thursday and Friday
night only.
Saturday night is available as an option for members who want to stay thru
the weekend.
Date/Location: TBD
TBD (First Fri. after Opening Day)
Del Mar Racetrack
July 12,13 & 14
member locations
July 26, 2016
AGC parking lot
August 8, 2016
Sycuan Golf Resort
Sept. 17. 2016
SportsPlex USA Santee
Sept. 10, 2016
Hilton Bayfront
Oct. 1, 2016
Marine Corps Recruit Depot
Oct. 3, 2016
Country Club of Rancho Bernardo
TBD: Oct or Nov
Attendees have two ways to register. Registration form #1 is the "Spring
Conference Package", which includes hotel accommodations, all receptions,
banquets, meals, etc. for the entire conference. On the same form are the
"optional activities".
The 2nd way to register is on the "Individual Pricing" form #2. This is for those
members who are not able to attend the entire conference, but want to come up
for a day, and participate in some of the activities.
The activities include:
Thursday - AGC Opening Night Dinner Reception & Cocktail Party
Hosted by BB&T John Burnham Insurance Services
Thursday & Friday evening Hospitality Suite Hosted by Bergelectric Corp., Collins Plumbing, I.E. Pacific, Rossin
Steel, Swinerton Builders & Torrey Pines Bank
(Additional sponsors needed!)
Friday - Breakfast Business Meeting
Friday - Golf at the Talega Course
Friday - First Lady's Luncheon at the Raya Restaurant
Friday - Dinner Banquet - (Additional sponsors are needed!)
Join Swinerton Builders in helping to host the Friday evening
hosted bar.
Saturday - Golf at the Monarch Beach Course
Join us for this fun networking opportunity. Please contact with
any questions.
Qualcomm Stadium
AGC/EGCC Golf Classic- May 20 at "The Maderas Golf
Club" - 5 Foursomes Left!
Returning Title Sponsors:
Date: TBD
San Diego Yacht Club
There are only 5 foursomes left for members to get in on the AGC EGCC
Spring Golf Classic, in support of the EGCA Scholarship Program at Maderas
Golf Club on May 20.
Dec. 3, 2016
Hotel Del Coronado
Date: TBD
Hilton Mission Bay
CLICK HERE for the registration form and tournament details.
In addition to golf, there are many exciting sponsorship opportunities available,
including the opportunity to setup as an ON-COURSE EXHIBITOR. (Exhibitors
can bring their own non-alcoholic beverages, snacks, prizes and giveaways.)
Sign up now to become a sponsor while there are still openings available!
CLICK HERE for Sponsor Form with more information on contest sponsors,
beverage sponsors, etc...!
We'd like to also acknowledge Ferguson Waterworks as the repeat "cart
sponsor" again this year! Other spots will go quickly, so get onboard now!
Help us raise funds for this scholarship program by donating a raffle prize. CLICK
HERE for more information.
Players will also enjoy a fabulous lunch prepared onsite by Hodads, featuring
their award winning hamburger & fries!! In addition, there will be plenty of raffle
prizes and heavy appetizers at the awards reception!! This is a great time to mix
with all the players and sponsors.
If you have any questions regarding the tournament, please contact
Rae Krushensky at the AGC: or Chairman Frank Gerberding
(Apex Advertising) at
Announcing a "Meet Your General Contractor Luncheon"
with Good & Roberts on March 24, 11:30 - 1:30 P.M.
By Rae Krushensky - AGC Meetings & Events Director
The AGC Specialty Contractor's Council presents 2-4 "Meet Your General
AGCSD Chapter Website
Annual Reports Archive
Apprenticeship Information
Construction Acronyms
Constructor Magazine Archive
Committee Volunteer Form
Council/Committee Meetings
Education Training
Journeyman Upgrade Training
Safety Training
Military Training
Education Catalog Jan-June 2016
Events Calendar
Government Relations/PAC
2016 Holidays
Labor Relations/Prevailing Wage
Master Labor Agreements
Wage Rates
Membership Inquiries
Member List
Members' Goods & Services
Member Discounts
Member Website Link Form
Fringe Benefits
Photo Gallery
Plan Room
Online Plan Room
AGC On Demand
Room Rental
Have You Moved Lately?
Keep us "in the know"
Please notify us if your company has
relocated, or if there are other necessary
changes to your company's listing (i.e.
contacts, phone/fax #, job title changes,
CSI codes, certified businesses,
etc.) Thank you!
We strive to keep our
membership listing
current & up-to-date!
Email Marcy Knopman of any
necessary changes.
Contractor" events every year. These luncheons are designed to offer
opportunities to get to know your contractors, build relationships, and to give
members insight on the bidding and project expectations of the contractor.
On Thursday, March 24, we are excited to announce a "Meet Your GC event"
featuring Good & Roberts at the AGC training facility.
Good & Roberts will present a panel of key staff to offer insight on their bidding
procedures, prequalification process, delivery methods, minority & small
business participation, safety expectations and the company's goals & future
Thank you to the following sponsors who will be hosting the luncheon after the
Due to the generosity of these companies, there is no cost for AGC members to
This is a members' only event and pre-registration is required, so please click
here for the registration form. Email your completed form to Rae Krushensky at or fax to 858-558-8444.
Safety Committee News
By Eric Wenstone - AGC Safety Committee's Communications Liaison
In an ongoing effort to update our members on the active discussions within the
Safety Committee here at the AGC of San Diego, the following were some of the
most recent highlights of what was discussed and reviewed during the March
2nd Safety Committee meeting:
Ladder Safety Training & Innovation: We had Little Giant Ladders out to speak
to the group, not only about their line of ladders, but how to safely use a ladder
including, but not limited to, proper inspection, selection, use, maintenance and
storage of your ladder, whether that be an A frame ladder, extension ladder, cage
ladder, or any other ladder type you may be using. Falls remain the number one
source of injuries and fatalities, and one cause of these losses is improper ladder
use. The committee took away valuable information to take back to their firms,
while also being able to see some of the innovation in ladders to better address
issues typically found with ladder use whether that be the inability to get proper
ground contact or extended base support to distribute weight better when on an
extension ladder.
Man Lift & Crane Hazards: A couple injuries recently occurred involving use of
cranes, man lifts, and/or scissor lifts, so it was a point of emphasis to discuss
solutions and best practices to avoid these injuries. As the discussion
progressed, it came back to proper training, which can only be accomplished via
proper policies and procedures for which to train the staff on. If relying on a
subcontractor to provide training on use of the equipment, it is important that you
see what they are using to train, and ensure it is adequate as you are ultimately
responsible for your staff's training. One such practice used in some cases, but
not necessarily in formal policies and procedures, was ensuring the crane or
scissor lift is "dogged off" when not in use or the operator leaves the seat - this
ensures accidental movement of the equipment does not occur.
Falling Tools: Another source of losses and a few near misses has been the
falling of tools from an elevated area hitting or nearly hitting employees below.
What is the solution to this issue? The committee discussed tool tethers as a
possible solution. There was also discussion about how some companies are
simply limiting the amount of tools employees can take to the work area, finding
many of which are simply unnecessary for the job being performed. This
committee will continue to have this conversation, and may seek out a guest
speaker to address the committee in more detail about the issues and best
practices to mitigate the risk.
It is the mission of the safety committee as a core value to promote safety within
our industry and part of that is sharing with the building community information
that could assist in the safety programs of others. The safety committee meets
the first Wednesday of each month from 7:00 to 9:00 AM - all AGC San Diego
Chapter members are welcome to join the Safety Committee.
The EGCA Foundation will be Offering Scholarships
By Holly Plummer, Administrative Assistant
The EGCA foundation supports general engineering contractors in San Diego
County - those doing sewer, water, storm drain, utilities, grading, paving, asphalt,
concrete and road building for public and private work throughout San Diego and
The applications are for the following:
Up to three $3,000 Scholarships - Offered to Students Enrolled in the
SDSU J.R. Filanc Construction Engineering & Management Program for
the fall semester in the year in which the scholarship is awarded.
EGCA Foundation, Inc. is offering two $1,500 Scholarships to qualified
Palomar College Students enrolled in the Palomar College Diesel
Technology Associates Degree Program.
Deadline for this is March 18, 2016. DON'T MISS OUT! Apply now!
Click here for the SDSU Application
Click here for the Palomar Application
Have questions?
Holly Plummer - Administrative Assistant
(858) 558-7444 ext. 116 or
You and a guest are invited to the J.R. Filanc Distinguished Lecture Series
Future Forecast: How Drones, Sensors and Integrated Apps are Rewriting
All the Rules
Speaker James M. Benham, CEO of JBKnowledge, Inc. will discuss how
construction and engineering industry leaders are using innovative technology to
inspire collaboration and design.
April 12, 2016, 3-6 pm
Parma Payne Goodall Alumni Center
San Diego State University
*** Please RSVP by April 5th
For additional information
Mar. 8
Mar. 8
Mar. 8-10
Mar. 8-9
Mar. 9-10
Mar. 15
Mar. 17
Mar. 23
Mar. 23
Mar. 23-24
Mar. 24
Mar. 28-31
Mar. 28-31
Construction Project Management Best Practices
Foreman & Superintendent Boot Camp
Qualified SWPPP Developer (QSD)
Qualified SWPPP Practitioner (QSP)
CQM Training
Lean Construction Education Program
Project Manager's Boot Camp
Confined Space Rescue Technician - 40 Hour
Generations in the Workplace
Construction BMP Training Part 1
Microsoft Project 2013
Building Information Modeling
Project Management Professional Certification Prep Boot Camp
Mar. 30
Mar. 30
Mar. 31
Banking & Bonding Management
CPR, First Aid & AED Training
Forklift- Industrial/Warehouse & Rough Terrain Operator Training
For more information on courses, contact: Becca Schaffer at (858) 731-8155
Meetings are held at the AGC office (6212 Ferris Square) unless otherwise noted
in red.
Mar. 9 Build & Serve Committee - 8:00 a.m.
Mar. 17 HR Practices Committee - 11:30 a.m.
Mar. 23 Joint Government Relations/Public Building Liaison - 7:00 a.m.
Mar. 25 Technology Trends in Construction Committee - 12:00 p.m.
Mar. 25 Caltrans/SANDAG Liaison Committee - 7:30 a.m. @ Caltrans, 4050
Taylor Street, San Diego, CA 92110
Apr. 4
San Diego County Water Authority Liaison Committee -1:00 p.m.
Apr. 6
Safety Committee - 7:00 a.m.
Apr. 7
Affiliate Council - 11:30 a.m.
Apr. 7
City of San Diego Liaison Committee -1:00 p.m. @ City of San
Diego, Public Utilities Department Complex (MOC11), 9192 Topaz Way, San
Diego, CA 92123
Apr. 11 Engineering General Contractors Council (EGCC) - 11:30 a.m.
Apr. 18 Port of San Diego Liaison Committee @ Port Offices, 3165 Pacific
Highway, 1st Floor, San Diego, CA 92101
Apr. 19 Specialty Contractors' Council - 11:30 a.m.
Apr. 21 Construction Leadership Council (CLC) - 3:30 p.m. Jobwalk @ TBD
Get involved in the AGC by serving on a committee. A great way to network with
other AGC members.
About Monday Morning Quarterback
AGC San Diego Chapter's Monday Morning Quarterback is a "hot off the press" and to the point Monday morning briefing on
the important issues facing San Diego's construction industry. It is prepared by AGC Chief Executive Officer, Eddie Sprecco,
and Executive Vice President, Brad Barnum.
Please contact Eddie Sprecco or Brad Barnum with your comments, or with information that should be conveyed to the
industry through this service. Well over 2,000 individuals employed by AGC member firms are part of this system.
The Associated General Contractors of America
San Diego Chapter, Inc.
6212 Ferris Square, San Diego, CA 92121 | Phone (858) 558-7444 | Fax (858) 558-8444
"Building Your Quality of Life"