Chicago Region BMW Owners Association


Chicago Region BMW Owners Association
Annual Election Next Month 100,000 Miles on a Motorcycle,
In November we hold our annual election of officers to guide the
club’s activities in 2012.
Nominations for positions on the ballot will accepted at the Oct. 13
and the Nov. 10 association meetings. The election will be held at the
Nov. 10 meeting.
Please plan to attend at a minimum the November meeting in order to
hear from candidates who may address the meeting and to cast your vote.
The board has not made nominations for any open position on the
November ballot. However any member may nominate himself/herself or any other member for those positions at the October or November meeting.
The positions up for election are:
• President
• Recording Secretary
• Treasurer
• Activities Director
• Editor of the Chicago Region News (this newsletter)
• Consumer Interest Officer
• Membership Director
• Directors-at-large (two 2-year terms)
Some officers have advised the board that they will not seek or
accept another term.
Those are Recording Secretary Tim Colburn, Activities Director
Christy Lange, and newsletter editor Joe Sjostrom.
Other incumbent officers whose positions will be on the ballot are:
President, Hank Barta, Treasurer Ingrid Wessell, Membership Director: Mike Peterson, and Directors-at-large (two 2-year terms): Jerry
Sjostrom, and Steve Jeffries
Terms begin in December Officers’ and directors’ term begin at
the board of directors meeting following the vote at the November
association meeting.
Duties of each officer has indicated by the name of each position,
and a more full definition of each position’s duties are contained the
association’s bylaws. Members can obtain a copy of the bylaws by
contact Recording Secretary Tim Colburn at e-mail address or by telephone at 708-516-4862.
A Member Remembered
We received a message from Susan Winter, wife of our longtime
member Glen Winter, who died at the age of 65 on Sept. 2.
Please turn to Page 3, and enjoy reading her message about Glen’s
life in and out of motorcycling, and please see the classified ad section of this newsletter for information on his Glen’s BMW, which
Susan is offering for sale.
continued on page 3
By Norm Phoenix
Some time ago, Joe Sjostrom asked me to write an article on what
it’s like and what was involved in putting 100,000 miles on one bike.
So before he ends his time as our Editor, I thought I better get it
I’ve achieved that marker on two bikes, one of them an R model
and the other a K. Here are their stories.
R90S – a 1976 model with a factory-installed kick starter and
three after-market items: Krauser cylinder guards, a Krauser luggage
rack, and Krauser saddle bags.
K100RS – a 1987 Motosport Edition with dealer-installed BMW
engine guards, luggage rack, saddle bags, gas gauge, water temperature gauge, four-way flashers, and heated hand grips.
Initial Acquisition
Both bikes were
delivery and combined with a Beach
Alpine Tour. So
both bikes were
broken in by riding through the
R90S – Purchased
from Krauser. It
was set up as an
American model
except for the
Norm Phoenix on his K1200RS, with 85,000 miles factory
on the odometer, 15,000 short of what he put on kick starter. Mike
two other BMWs.
Krauser’s dealership was in Germering, a western suburb of Munich, Germany.
K100RS – Purchased through ABT BMW for European delivery. This was back in the day when Mike Abt had his own dealership. Rather than taking the special privilege of factory delivery, I
had Webser pick up the bike a week early to install the engine guard
and other options. Werbser is the dealership that bought out Krauser
when he retired.
Length of Time
R90S – I picked up the bike in September of 1976 and rolled over
continued on page 2
100,000 Miles continued
the odometer, reaching 100,000 miles, in August of 1986. Nearly 10
years to the month.
K100RS – I took possession in September of 1987 and reached
100,000 miles in year 2000. I can’t remember the month; but I do
remember that like with the 90S, I timed it so I turned 100,000 in the
parking lot at one of our Chicago Region monthly meetings. It took
a little longer on the K100. I guess I didn’t have quite as much time
to ride in the 90’s.
Maintenance was primarily changing fluids and periodic tune-ups,
plus some minor problems to fix from time to time. For a description
of serious issus, see the next section.
R90S – I did my own maintenance.
K100RS – Most of the servicing was done by ABT BMW until that shop closed, and later by John Iversen at All Brand Motor
Major Problems
R90S – Repair skills beyond my own were needed just three
A weld joint broke on the frame cross member behind the tool
tray, so I needed to have it repaired by a welder.
At about 50,000 miles, a seal in the transmission began to leak.
One of our former members, Chuck Walus, replaced the seal and
final bearing in the transmission.
At 80,000 or 90,000 miles, the steering head bearings needed to be
replaced. Former member Oak Okleshen pulled the old bearing and
seated the new one for me.
Figuring on the basis of numbers alone, it’s true that I had many
more problems with the R90S than with K bikes I’ve owned. But the
R90S’s problems were minor, easily fixed at home or on the side of
the road.
In all the time I had the R90S, it never stranded me.
K100RS – This bike stranded me twice.
The rear wheel came loose and fell off at speed. I kept the bike
upright but for not going down, there was sure a lot of damage.
The wheel had been mounted 9 months and 5,000 miles earlier.
Normally if a wheel comes off because of a bad mount, it’ll happen
shortly after the mounting. This happened later, so I will never know
for sure whether it was caused by an improper mount or defect.
The bike stranded me again at about 90,000 miles when the splines
gave out on the rear drive.
Say Happy Birthday!
To these members who celebrate birthdays in October
Ted Strobl
Bob Bohac
James Urek
James Gordon
Tom Wheaton
Dennis Purkiss
Peter Wyler
Don Chapman
Dan Trampel
Richard Gebka
Rick Severson
Michael Nemlich
Paul Binder
Steve Blaylock
Jim Barnes
Thomas Carlsen
Rudolf Schick
Ronald Sargis
Jeffrey Mohl
The steering head bearings needed replacement at 80,000 miles on
this bike also, but that was done at ABMW as general maintenance.
Least Reliable Item
R90S – Nothing failed repeatedly or often. The closest thing was a
wiring harness between the Alternator and diode board. The connector on the harness would fail about once a year. The harness was under
$10.00, so I would simply replace it with a new one. This went on for
3 or 4 years. BMW must have changed vendors for their connectors,
because the last one I put in, I believe, is still in the bike today.
K100RS – This is an easy answer: the heated had grips. One heating element or the other would fail every other year on the average.
The most common problem with that era K bike, the intermittent
speedometer, was not a problem on mine. It has finally started to occasionally act up, but the standard knock on the glass returns it to
operation for several days.
Condition at 100,000 Mi.
R90S – The bike was cosmetically in great shape, but mechanically tired. It needed valves, rings, and a new clutch. The gas mileage
had dwindled from 48 miles per gallon to 42 miles per gallon over
that 10-year period. The bike had the original brake pads and shoes,
which even then did not need replacement. Such mileage (front disc,
rear drum) Such mileage is unthinbakable on today’s bikes,. The
K100RS – This bike was both cosmetically and mechanically in
great shape. There were a few minor problems such as dirty contacts
on the four-way flasher switch. The gas mileage was 45 miles per
gallon when new and still 45 miles per gallon at 100,000. The clutch
had over half its life left in it when inspected at 90,000 and still does
not need replacement. The brake pads, however, were periodically
Secrets of Longevity
First, start with a reliable motorcycle. As all of us BMW enthusiasts know, BMW has always had a reputation for building reliable,
long lasting motorcycles. After that, I think the most important thing
is simply keeping up with the recommended interval for oil changes.
Next would be transmission and drive train fluid changes. Something
else that may have been a factor is that I have a riding style that is
easy on vehicles. All of my cars and bikes have indicated that to be
so. I am very sensitive to lugging. I tend to keep the revs up.
Disposition after 100,000 mi.
R90S – The R90S was traded in to ABT BMW when I arranged for
delivery of the K100RS. I 1987. Mike put in new rings, new valves,
and a new clutch and sold the bike before I returned from Europe
with my new K100RS. The fellow that bought the R90S ran it into
the ground in only one or two years. It was then purchased by former
club member Dick Steen who completely restored it to Display &
Show condition.
K100RS – I kept this one and have continued to use it for short
rides and perhaps one local rally per year.
Now 115,000
Current Status
R90S – Dick won an Award of Excellence at the Vintage Display
during the International Rally in Redmond last year. For a current picture, I think it’s the Silver Smoke closest to the camera with the fairing showing on page 98 of the October, 2010, BMWON magazine.
K100RS – This is the bike I crashed last year just before the MOA
Rally. It is slowly being restored to pre-crash condition. You wouldn’t
want to see a current picture of this one. It might spoil your supper.
A Member Remembered continued
Although Glen had not attended a meeting or the organized rides
in quite some time, he felt a strong connection to the Chicago Region
BMW club.
He loved “Nikki”, his ‘83 R100RT so very much. But he had become ill and knew that his riding days were over. In his words, “The
days of me jumping on Nikki and heading down the road...well, that
ship has sailed.”
But he had many,
many fond memories and loads of
pictures. He had
110,000 miles on
Nikki, having ridden all over the
US and Canada.
He always said if
you can go on two
wheels, that’s the
preferable way to
Glen Winter on his beloved ‘83 R100RT
In the earlier days
he did attend a lot of the Chicago Region rides and also went to First
Friday nights at the Hanes’. He had fond memories of these times.
More recently, we did attend some of the Monday night Hot Dog
nights. He just loved being around other BMW owners and always
enjoyed looking at others’ bikes.
We took 2 and 3-week trips together, and he’d think nothing of taking a month to travel all over the country looking up friends, going to
as many rallies as he could. He loved his BMW and the camaraderie
of the BMW community.
And he loved leaving a smile on someone’s face. That was his big
wish in life, leaving a smile with people he met. He had a big generous heart, and when Glen met someone in need he was the first one
to offer help.
Glen was a programmer, retired from Fermilab. In more recent
years he worked for the Salvation Army delivering meals to peoples’
homes in the Golden Diners program. He tried to figure a way to deliver meals on his motorcycle, but it wasn’t really practical.
He took his Golden Diners job very seriously. Glen knew on many
deliveries, he was the only one the person would see that day, and he
made it his most important job to brighten their day.
Susan Winter
MOA Rally 2012: Better Plan
Way Ahead
Do you expect to stay in a motel while attending the 2012 MOA
rally in Sedalia, Mo.?
If so, you better make arrangements now.
Jerry Sjostrom has been arranging blocks of rooms at the MOA
Rally for longer than I’ve been riding BMWs. This year he has had no
luck finding anything suitable for our members in Sedalia.
So if you plan to attend the rally in Sedalia, and do not want to you
should probably start looking for your own accommodations as soon
as possible.
Jerry will post a list of hotels that he identified during his search
on the web site and I will bring printed copies to our meetings. Please
contact me if you need a printed copy and will not be at the meeting.
Hank Barta
Two Become One, on Two
Our members Dawn Taylor Jackson and Rudiger Kraemer were
married Sept. 11 in Las Vegas while seated on Rudi’s GS. An Elvis
impersonator officiated.
“And now I am Mrs. Kraemer, pledging to join Rudi in all the adventures that will take us through our life together!” Dawn told the
“Apparently it is good luck to rain on your wedding day,” Dawn
told us. “And it only rains on average seven days a year in Las Vegas.
But it stopped just in time for me to mount the GS to go to the Little
White Chapel. Elvis sang ‘Stuck On You’ and ‘Viva Las Vegas.’
“Afterwards we headed to the Venetian for a European Reception
and toast to our guests!” Dawn reported.
Rudi didn’t file his own report to the newsletter, but at the Las
Vegas ceremony was heard to say “I do!”
Record Flooding at MOA
Rally Community
By Art Laschober
Members have asked how we can extend a gesture of support to
the people of Bloomsburg, Pa., who hosted the MOA international
rally this year.
I’m pleased to offer you an answer to that question.
Last July the Bloomsburg community graciously hosted the MOA
rally in their county fairgrounds. And only two months later their
community was stricken by a destructive event virtually unrivaled in
their history—the rising of the Susquehanna River and its tributaries
and the flooding of countless homes, businesses, community facilities
and parks, including the fairgrounds where the MOA rally was held.
“It was our Hurricane Katrina,” said Miranda Church, emergency
services coordinator for the American Red Cross in Bloomsburg.
During the rally we all noticed the lines on the walls of the buildings indicating high-water marks and the dates of prior floods. Unfortunately, the flooding in September was the worst ever for the town.
continued on page 4
Flooding continued
Water reached depths of seven feet at the fairgrounds. Homes
near the entrance to the fairgrounds were knocked off their foundations. The Bloomsburg Fair, a huge economic event for the area, has
been cancelled for the first time in 157 years. Motorcycles - All Ages, Makes & Models
Collectable and Recreational Vehicles
The People of Bloomsburg
IA - IL - WI
Miriam Bruening, Insurance Agent
Tim Smith, Motorcycle Enthusiast
Voice 630-204-4178
Fax 815-732-1320
P.O. Box 14 Oregon, IL 61061
Driving A
Sidecar Outfit
“The most
book on sidecars
ever written.”
second edition
Mike Bettenbender, Publisher/Printer
A manual on learning to drive a
motorcycle/sidecar combination
with a special chapter on mounting and alignment
• Over 190 illustrations &
photos (many in color)
• Over 100 pages of “How To”
training lessons
• Suspension set-up
• Braking & Steering methods
The people of Bloomsburg were really wonderful to us during the
rally. We were fortunate to have found Unicorn Catering for our ice
cream social and they could not have been better in their dealings
with us. I think that many of our club members had similar experiences, enjoying the hospitality of the good folks of Bloomsburg. I contacted the Chamber of Commerce there to get their suggestion
for a good way to offer the town some help during these difficult
times. It was suggested that the local Red Cross would be the best
charity to donate to. There’s a continued needs for funds to pay for needs such as food,
shelter, mental health casework, cleaning supplies and relocation
expenses, Church said.
She said contribution checks should be made out to the American
Red Cross Disaster Relief and sent to this address:
American Red Cross
119 E. 7th Street
Bloomsburg, PA 17815-2729
Order today (219) 322-7722
$34.95 +s/h*
Sidecar Safety Program, Inc.
Copyright 2008
“Your favorite BMW Sales, Service, &
Parts Destination”
cut 1/2” left and top
Check out what just came in for October
From the outside inconspicuously black, this under
jacket really has something special: the hi-tech
material schoeller®-PCMTM (breathable, can be
washed and ironed) ensures balanced heat control.
It’s function is adapted from space research:
paraffin capsules react to changes in body
temperature and store or emit heat energy. Thus
unpleasant fluctuations in body temperature are
regulated: this works best at outside temperatures
of between 10 and 20 °C. Removable sleeves mean
it can be worn as a vest, so the Phase Change
functional jacket is ideal as an undergarment for
hiking and sports, too.
Two Year / unlimited
mile warranty
covering most BMW
installed service parts
Parts & Service
Guy says…”Let’s make
some winter project
plans now”
We will work some “Special
Deals” for the project
bikes you never found
the time to get too. Lets
get that project bike
ready for next season.
Also we still have some
great riding ahead. Lets
make sure you are
ready & safe.
The 2011s are Gone!!!
How about getting a
2012 for what others
are selling 2011’s for?
Also make sure to keep
checking out our web site to check
out our used inventory. We
have been getting some great
Monday – Friday 9 AM – 6 PM
In barrington
126 N. Cook Street / 60010
9 AM – 5 PM
Out Riding
Advertise in CR News
3 Times 6 Times
Full Page $110 $95
1/2 Page $75
1/4 Page $55
1/8 Page $30
1 Year
Rates for 2011
• Ad prices are per run, all ads to be paid in advance of the first deadline. • All ads are subject to CR Board approval.
• We reserve the right to pull ads and refund the balance for any reason.
• CRBMWOA is a non-profit organization. Classified ads are free to members for selling personal items.
For additional information
Joe Sjostrom
Motorcycle Insurance Agency
Your Insurance Toy Store
Myrna Mendoza
7300 N. Western Ave. • Chicago, IL 60645-1833
How to start or renew an ad:
Send classified ads or requests to renew existing ads to or by mail to: CRNEWS Classifieds,
238 S. Scoville Ave., Oak Park, IL 60302. You can also request
a renewal by calling 708-704-8313.
Ads run for three months and then terminate unless you
contact the newsletter to request a renewal by the middle of
the third month in which the ad runs. If we don’t hear from you
by then, the ad will not run in the following issue.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------R100RS Motorsport “purple” seats in very good condition $300, Corbin 2-part
R1100GS seats (black) in very good condition, $200. Call 630.248.6024 or
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Shuberth C3 helmet size medium (7 1/8 ) white. Worn with a helmet liner
good as new with all original packaging, $500. Call Rick @ 630-297-3335 or
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1977 BMW R100/7, original paint, burnt orange, new tires, super clean, 58,000
miles, new head bearing, Corbin double bucket seat, full fairing, stainless steel
exhaust, new battery. Excellent condition. $3,400 OBO. Mitch 847-253-8128
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hannigan Fairing, very good condition, painted Daytona Orange as it came
off an R90S. Owner is moving and doesn’t want to throw it away, thus will
take best offer or just give it to a good home. Dan Hornback, North Aurora,
1983 BMW model R100RT. Saddlebags,
crash bars, sissy bar, luggage rack, spare
Lester wheels, spare front fender, big travel
gas tank to hold extra gas, kryptonite lock,
bike cover and bag, spare air filters and
headlight bulbs, fairing, Sito exhaust, new
Metzeler tires. 110,000 miles.
Owned by our late member Glen Winter, offered for sale by Glen’s wife, Susan, on display at Café Racer, 392 38th Ave., St. Charles, phone 630-443-5178. $2,900
or best offer.
See article and another photo on Page 3 of this newsletter.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1974 BMW model R90/6 for sale. Low miles, in
good condition, just gone over by Ted Strobl
and Me. Has Krauser bags and a plexiglas
Windshield, needs a battery and tires.
$3,500. Call Ernst at 847-671-9539.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2002 BMW R1150RT for Sale Silver, Garmin 2720 GPS Dealer installed with Cycle Gadget mounts, New V-Stream
Windshield, New BMW Gel Battery, RS Mirrors,
Throttlemeister, Cylinder protectors, Brake pedal
Extender, Oil changed 2 weeks ago, Tires are in good
shape, Dealer serviced (CycleWerks & TAG), Low miles 28,750. I have two sport touring bikes, must sell one.
Asking $6,500 OBO. Contact Thiru at 224-948-7152 (Day)/
630-637-0699 (Evening)
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1987 K100 RS with 8,7000 miles in excelent
condition. New tires, new battery, runs very strong.
$3,000. Please call Ernst at 847-671-9539. The
bike is getting to heave for me. It needs a younger
Motoworks Chicago
Motoworks Winter
Winter Storage
Got one of these? No?
How about winter storage then? Motoworks is gearing up for the winter months.
Got one of these? No? How about winter storage then? Motoworks is gearing up for the
for months.
as follows
and and
for CRBMWare
are as follows
Until Nov 30th – $60/month
Nov 30th – $60/month and $30 labor/hour discount
After NovUntil
- $70/month and $20 labor/hour discount
- $70/month
and $20 labor/hour
Don’t forget we have the very bestAfter
and, Warm and safe. Best of all, if you
bring this pageDon’t
in you
forget we have the very best in, Arai, Nolan, Scorpion, Gaerne, and,
and safe.
BestUntil 1/1/2012)
of all, if you bring this page in you will get $10 OFF your monthly storage and labor rates!
(Good Until 1/1/2012)
Motoworks Chicago 1901 S. Western Chicago, IL 60608 312-738-4269
Motoworks Chicago 1901 S. Western Chicago, IL 60608
312-738-4269 •
Now a Triumph Dealer, Still Doing the Best Job in the Business on Beemers.
Now A Triumph
Dealer, Still Doing The Best Job In The Business On Beemers.
Activities Calendar
Chicago Region Activities
Monthly and Weekly Events
Every Monday from Spring through Fall, CRBMWOA Goes to the Dogs
See a separate article in this newsletter and also the club’s forum www.crbmw.
com for every Monday night’s Hot Dog Ride locations starting March 16.
Monthly Club Meetings
General Membership Meetings are held at 7:30 p.m. on the second Thursday
of every month in the Elmhurst Elks Lodge, 711 W. St. Charles Rd., Elmhurst,
about 3/8 mile west of Route 83. Newer members—if you need directions,
call a club board member or director (see box in this newsletter for names and
telephone numbers).
Tech Sessions every Saturday
Seymour Goldberg offers FREE tech sessions at his shop from 9 am – 1 pm.
Seymour’s BMW Service is located at 3510 Elston Ave., phone 773-617-8061.
Seymour will assist or advise you with your maintenance, modification or repair
project. Phone first to confirm Seymour’s availability.
First Friday At The Hanes’
Come join together with other BMW friends at Alice Hanes’, 3448 W. Exchange
Parkway in University Park, 708-534-8756. 8 PM
2nd And 4th Saturdays at George’s, The Saturday Riders (southwest suburbs)
Have breakfast with a diverse group of riders at George’s, 990 N. State St.,
Lockport Il 60441, 815-838-7225 (formerly met at the Purple Onion restaurant)
Breakfast at 8am, rides leave at 9am. This is truly an eclectic group and all types
of motorcycles are welcome.
Dekalb Breakfast with the Guzzis- Every 1 Saturday
Have breakfast at 9 am with the Illinois Moto Guzzi Club at Junction Restaurant,
DeKalb, 816 W. Lincoln Hwy. (Rt. 38)
Every Sunday At The Full Moon Restaurant (north shore suburb)
Enjoy brunch at the Full Moon restaurant on US Hwy 41 near Buckley Rd. in
Lake Bluff, 6 miles north of the Highland House restaurant. This is a gathering
of all types of motorcycles. Come and go as you please.
Every Sunday at McDonalds in Des Plaines (northwest suburbs)
Enjoy breakfast or coffee at the McDonalds at Rt. 45 (Mannheim) & Oakton
Sts in Des Plaines Rides depart at 9 a.m. All varieties of motorcycles welcome.
Sponsored by Jerseypine Cruisers MC.
Every Sunday on the Radio
Open Road Radio at 92.5 and 92.7 FM, Sundays 11:00 am – 12:00 noon,
Fri, Nov. 4, from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. -- First Friday at the Hanes’
residence, 3448 W. University Parkway, University Park, IL.
Monday, Nov 7, 6:30--8:30 p.m. – Monday Night Hot Dog
Ride—Delicious Redd’s, 2 East Main St., Lake Zurich
Thursday, Nov. 10, from 7:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. – Chicago
Region BMW Motorcycle Owners Association, monthly
meeting--Elmhurst Elks Club, 711 W. St. Charles Road,
Monday, Nov 14, 6:30--8:30 p.m. – Monday Night Hot Dog
Ride—SmashBurger, 842 N. Randall Rd, Batavia
Sunday, Nov. 20—Frostbite Ride, destination: Fireside
Grill, 49 Sugar Lane, Sugar Grove—see November newsletter for association website for more details.
Monday, Nov. 21 -- 6:30--8:30 p.m. – Monday Night Hot
Dog Ride—Connie’s Beef, 7501 W. Grand, Elmwood Park
Monday, Nov. 28 -- 6:30--8:30 p.m. – Monday Night Hot Dog
Ride—Portillo’s, 806 W. Dundee Rd., Arlington Heights
Seymour’s BMW
BMW Motorcycle Service
All BMW Models
Appointments are recommended.
Seymour Goldberg
Fri, October 7 -- 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. -- First Friday at the Hanes’
residence, 3448 W. University Parkway, University Park, IL.
Friday, Sunday, Oct. 7-9, Potosi, Mo.--Falling Leaf BMW
Mon, October 3, 6:30pm – 8:30pm – Monday Night Hot Dog
Ride, to Phil’s Kastle, 3532 E. 95th St., Chicago
Thursday, Oct. 13, from 7:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. – Chicago Region
BMW Motorcycle Owners Association, monthly meeting-Elmhurst Elks Club, 711 W. St. Charles Road, Elmhurst
Monday, Oct. 10, 6:30--8:30pm – Monday Night Hot Dog
Ride--Mr. C’s Hot Dogs, 1350 E. Chicago St. (Route 19),
Monday, Oct. 17, 6:30--8:30pm – Monday Night Hot
Dog Ride, —Henry’s Drive-In, 6031 W. Ogden Ave.,
Monday, Oct. 24, 6:30--8:30pm – Monday Night Hot Dog
Ride—Poochie’s Hot Dogs.....3832 W. Dempster St., Skokie
Oct. 31 —Debo’s Dogs--6:30--8:30pm – Monday Night Hot
Dog Ride—19866 S. Harlem Ave., Frankfort
BMW’s 200,000 Mile Award Winner
Monday thru Friday 8am-5pm
Saturday 8am-1pm
Shop: (773) 617-8061
Fax: (773) 279-9650
3510 N. Elston-Alley Entrance,
Chicago, IL 60618
Officers & Directors
(630) 294-3390
Recording Secretary
(708) 747-0480
Ingrid Wessel
(630) 362-3479
CHITECH Committee Chairman
Steve Jeffries
(708) 383-5746
Membership Director
(847) 502-8684
(630) 303-4067
Newsletter Editor
Consumer Interest Director
(708) 704-8313
Jonny Volk
(773) 494 2303
Website Development
Activities Director
(630) 690-1168
(847) 372-1568
Visit our Website at:
Please direct requests for membership information to the Membership Secretary.
CRNEWS is published monthly by Chicago Region BMW Owners Association and Printwerk Graphics &
Design. All articles, ads and other submissions must be in writing via E-mail, FAX, PC disk or by mail to
the Newsletter Editor. If you submit photographs and want them returned, please include a self addressed,
stamped envelope. The deadline is the 10th of the month preceding publication.
c/o Mike Peterson
1663 Campbell Ave.
Des Plaines, IL 60016
Hot Dogs: Get ‘Em While
They’re Still Hot!
Please note: Our Hot Dog clock is ticking.
Our calendar of Monday evening hot dog
rides extends through the end of November. If you haven’t attended
one yet, you still have time.
Our weekly Hot Dog Rides are a nice motorcycle ride, and a chance
to share conversation and friends both old and new, and a good time
to look over other members’ motorcycles.
Official starting time is 7 p.m., though some arrive earlier and some
later. Also see the schedule at the club’s website,
Oct. 3 Phil’s Kastle, 3532 E. 95th St., Chicago—773-734-9591
Oct. 10 Mr. C’s Hot Dogs & More, 1350 E. Chicago St. (Rt 19), Elgin—847-888-4600
Oct. 17 Henry’s Drive-In, 6031 W. Ogden Ave., Cicero—708-656-9433
Oct. 24 Poochie’s Hot Dogs.....3832 W. Dempster St., Skokie—847-673-0100
Oct. 31 Debo’s Dogs.....19866 S. Harlem Ave., Frankfort.—815-464-6796
Nov. 7 Delicious Redd’s.....2 East Main St., Lake Zurich—847-847-1252
Nov. 14 SmashBurger.....842 N. Randall Rd, Batavia—630-593-5030
Come out for the ride, come out for the food, come out to
meet old friends and new friends!
CRBMWOA Annual Frostbite Ride
November 20th
Frostbite Ride is coming soon!
Our annual Frostbite Ride is scheduled
for Sunday, Nov. 20, and the destination
will be the same as last year: the Fireside
Grill, 49 Sugar Lane, Sugar Grove, IL.
Watch for details--including time, cost,
and meet-up locations for group rides--in
next month’s newsletter and on the association webswite,