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the PDF - No Greater Joy Ministries
Mar-Apr 2011 “I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth.” III John1 4 | 1-866-292-9936 No Greater Joy T Contents This is the 15th year of our free NGJ magazine. During this time our children grew to adulthood and are loving God and having babies. For those of you who have joined hands with us…it is your light that shines the Gospel to millions in over 30 languages. Let your light shine! Family 3 You’ve Got Worms 8Preparing For His 10 Ministry 14 Lazy Husbands, Hun- Welcome! No Greater Joy is a bimonthly publication by No Greater Joy Ministries, Inc., a non-profit organization dedicated to the advancement of the gospel of Jesus Christ in America and in those countries where Christ is least known. A free subscription is available by writing to the address below or by visiting our website. Your questions and comments are welcomed. Please send them to the address below. All correspondence to No Greater Joy becomes the property of No Greater Joy and is available for publication unless the writer expressly requests that it not be published. This material is copyrighted by Michael and Debi Pearl. Permission for the reprint of single articles is granted based on the following conditions: 1. The article must be printed in its entirety. 2. No more than one article per publication. 3. Complete recognition must be given as to the source. 4. Every reprint must include sufficient information for the reader to subscribe to No Greater Joy. 5. No copyright privileges are conveyed by reprinting any portion of this publication. 2 Obsessions NGJ Kids gry Kids and Hopeful Wives 16 Team Player 18 Grandmother Strikes Again 26 Making Sense of It Catalog 30 NGJ Products James and Shoshanna Easling welcome little Penelope Jane! 6. This license to reprint may be revoked from anyone abusing this privilege to reprint. 7. This license is in force until the printing of a public statement otherwise. All Scripture taken from the Authorized Version (King James) Holy Bible. No Greater Joy Ministries, Inc. 1000 Pearl Road • Pleasantville, TN 37033 mar-apr 2011 Volume 17 | Number 2 Printed in the USA Editors in Chief Michael and Debi Pearl Photography Laura Newman | 1-866-292-9936 Contributing Writers Shalom Brand, Shoshanna Easling Art Director Lynne Hopwood You’ve Got Worms By Shoshanna Easling I have been trying to write this article for a while, but I would get so grossed out with my research that I put it off. Here it is—the PG-rated version! Did you know it is estimated that more than 85 percent of the world’s population have some kind of parasite living inside their bodies? Y You can get parasites from people, animals, mosquitoes, ticks, the air you breathe, food, and your drinking water. You can get the disgusting little creatures almost anywhere, at any time. They need you to survive and multiply. Are you yucked out yet? So what is a parasite? It is an organism that lives on or in another organism (a person, an animal, etc.) from which it obtains nutrients to live, causing harm in the process. Parasites have been linked to almost every illness. However, just because you have parasites does not mean that you are sick. Many people have parasites and never know. When your body has a healthy, strong immune system, it can deal with most parasites. However, if you have poor circulation, your pH is off-balance, your organs and tissues lack oxygen, or your immune system crashes, it creates favorable conditions for the invasion and multiplication of parasites. Parasites migrate to the areas of the body where it is not functioning optimally. Often people get a disease, crashing their immune system, thus making their body a perfect home for parasites. This makes the disease worse. There are over 100 different types of parasitic worms that can live in the human body. They range from microscopic in size to many feet long. | 1-866-292-9936 3 Female worms can release 3,000 to 200,000 eggs per day depending on their type. Parasites’ waste makes your body very toxic. People with parasites can become malnourished and weak because parasites secrete toxins and steal vital mineral nutrients and amino acids needed for digestion and a healthy body. People often end up with issues such as viruses, fungal and bacterial infections, anemia, bloating, fatigue or hunger, allergies, asthma, gas, digestive disorders, nervousness, skin rashes, foggy brains, aches and pains, chemical and metal poisoning, and much more. Most doctors are not trained to recognize the symptoms of parasitic infections—and even when they do, the medicine they give you to kill the worms is very toxic to you. But there is good news! God gave us three herbs that kill over one hundred different parasites: green Black Walnut hull (Black Walnut hull that is still green when harvested and processed,) fresh ground clove powder, and wormwood. These three herbs must be used together to kill the worms and eggs all at once. 4 Parasitic infections can cause physical trauma by burrowing into the intestines, the circulatory system, the liver, the lungs—anywhere in the body. Worms can drill holes in your organs as they destroy cells faster than cells can be regenerated. A parasite cleanse is required if your body is overburdened with other toxins. Do you have parasites? You may have parasites if you have stomach pain, indigestion, ulcers, constipation, Parkinson’s disease, joint or muscle pain, food or environmental allergies, dermatitis, itching, psoriasis, eczema, hives, swelling and rashes, acne, anemia, fatigue or drowsiness after meals, or frequent infections in the lungs, sinuses, vagina, bladder or any mucous membrane. Signs that a child may be infected with parasites include blisters on the inside of the lower lip, frequent wiping of the nose, restlessness and grinding of the teeth at night, twitching eyelids, dark circles under the eyes, hyperactivity, bed wetting, headaches, sensitivity to light, and rectal or nasal bleeding. How do you kill your parasites? There are many studies with various conclusions as to the herbs you should take and the conditions of the treatment. So you need to do your own research and decide what you want to take, but this is what I do: | 1-866-292-9936 God gave us three herbs that kill over one hundred different parasites: green Black Walnut hull, fresh ground clove powder, and wormwood. Wormwood capsules (size 00) First day: I take 2 capsules 20 minutes before I eat, every meal. Green Black Walnut Tincture First day: I take 1 drop of black walnut tincture four times in a beverage every 4 hours through the day on an empty stomach. Second day: I take 2 drops of black walnut tincture four times in a beverage every 4 hours through the day on an empty stomach. Third day: I take 3 drops of black walnut tincture four times in a beverage every 4 hours through the day on an empty stomach. I keep increasing the amount until I have taken 14 drops four times a day. I do this for 14 days and then take 5 days off, then 14 days on, and continue for three months. If fresh walnut hulls are not in season and I need to do a cleanse, I take Green Black Walnut Hull powder capsules. If you have them fresh it is always best, but when in need, take what you can get. Green Black Walnut capsules (size 00) First day: I take 1 capsule twice a day on an empty stomach. Second day: I take 2 capsules twice a day on an empty stomach. Third day: I take 2 capsules three times a day on an empty stomach. Then I continue 2 capsules three times a day on an empty stomach for the remainder of three months. Second day: I take 4 capsules 20 minutes before I eat. Third day: I take 6 capsules 20 minutes before I eat. Fourth day: I take 8 capsules 20 minutes before I eat. Fifth day: I take 10 capsules 20 minutes before I eat. Sixth day: I take 12 capsules 20 minutes before I eat. Seventh day: I take 14 capsules 20 minutes before I eat. I do this 14 days on, then 5 days off, then 14 days on, then I just do 14 capsules twice a week for the remainder of three months. Cloves capsules (size 00) First day: I take 1 capsule 3 times a day. Second day: I take 2 capsules 3 times a day, 20 minutes before I eat. Third day: I take 3 capsules 3 times a day, 20 minutes before I eat. I do this 14 days on, then 5 days off, then 14 days on, then just do 3 capsules once a day for the remainder of three months. It can be difficult to get a child to take an herbal concoction that tastes bad, and most of them do. Wormwood is one terrible tasting herb. You cannot | 1-866-292-9936 5 6 Green Black Walnut Tincture or Capsules size 00 (use tincture or capsules, not both) Clove Capsules size 00 1 drop in beverage/ empty stomach 4 times day OR 1 capsule 2 times day on empty stomach 2 drops in beverage/ empty stomach 4 times day OR 2 capsules 2 times day on empty stomach 3 drops in beverage/ empty stomach 4 times day OR 2 capsules 2 times day on empty stomach 4 drops in beverage/ empty stomach 4 times day OR 2 capsules 2 times day on empty stomach 5 drops in beverage/ empty stomach 4 times day OR 2 capsules 2 times day on empty stomach 6 drops in beverage/ empty stomach 4 times day OR 2 capsules 2 times day on empty stomach 7 drops in beverage/ empty stomach 4 times day OR 2 capsules 2 times day on empty stomach Capsules: Then I continue 2 capsules three times a day on an empty stomach for the remainder of three months. Tincture: I keep increasing this way until I have taken 14 drops four times a day. I do this 14 days on, then 5 days off, then 14 days on and continue this for the remainder of three months. I do this 14 days on, then 5 days off, then 1 cap 20 1 cap 20 1 cap 20 1 cap 20 1 cap 20 1 cap 20 1 cap 20 min. before min. before min. before min. before min. before min. before min. before 14 days on, then just do 3 capsules once a day for the remainder of three months. eating eating eating eating eating eating eating Herb Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 Notes I do this 14 days on, then 5 days off, then 2 caps 20 2 caps 20 2 caps 20 2 caps 20 2 caps 20 2 caps 20 Wormwood 2 caps 20 min. before min. before min. before min. before min. before min. before min. before 14 days on, then just do 14 capsules twice Capsules a week for the remainder of three months. eating eating eating eating eating eating eating size 00 Use this handy chart for adult doses expect your kids to take it by itself. I like to mix half maple syrup and half herb. That helps with the taste. You can also give them a reward when they take it. I wrapped little things up and gave them to my son for the first ten times of taking herbal concoctions. This made him look at them as “good things”. Even though it tastes bad, and he no longer gets presents for taking them, he still takes them with a smile! For children 40 to 65 pounds, I do one-fourth the amount of an adult dose, and only do 14 days on, 7 day off, then 14 days on, and that is all. For children 65 to 90 pounds, I do one-third the amount of an adult dose, and only do 14 days on, 7 days off, then 14 days, and then I cease. I cannot tell you what you should do regarding your children. Any herb can be harmful in some circumstances so I am not prescribing a cure or treatment. I am not a doctor. I am just giving you some ideas for your own research. Make sure you are sufficiently knowledgeable and/or consult an expert before giving or taking herbs that can be toxic. Some other things used to expel worms include: Garlic, Pumpkin Seeds, Cayenne Pepper, Goldenseal, Sage, Thyme, Fennel, Male Fern, Cranberry Powder, Grapefruit Seed Extract, Apple Kernel, Olive Leaf Extract, Apple Seeds, Red Clover Blossoms, Vitamin C, Wheat Grass Juice, Grapes and Grape Juice, Echinacea, Metabolic Enzymes. Contact the Bulk Herb Store for more information at 877-278-4257 or | 1-866-292-9936 NO JOY DEC 03 2010 R From the Mailbox EA GR TE I just finished reading a very interesting book called To Train Up A Child that my friend lent to me. How do I get a copy for myself? I am not married yet but I want to be ready for when God gives me children. - Dorothy ATER RE DEC 03 2010 Y JO NO G Pearls, Please send me eight copies of To Train Up A Child. I lent a copy to a young mother. She said she is doing what she has learned and it works! I want to make sure I have more copies to pass on to new mothers. Also, send me some of those free ministry business cards to pass out. Discipline— what a beautiful word. - John Arnold NGJ opens your letters, ices laughs, cries and rejo hear your with you. We want to stories. We want to answer te us. your questions. Wri y ater Jo No Gre | 1-866-292-9936 7 Preparing for His Obsession By Shalom Brand Preparing oneself to be a help meet is a primary concern of every young girl hoping to become a wife and mother. She wants to be ready to be the best wife ever. I have never heard a young girl say, “When I get married, I am going to nag my husband until he hates me.” N No, we all believe we will be the best when that day finally comes. Then we are married and have one child after another, maybe financial troubles, or a husband that is too busy working to appreciate all our sacrifices. It is easy to forget our former commitment to be a good help meet (properly fitted helper). We are now 8 stuck in the tired doldrums of nagging because we are unhappy with our lot in life. We forget that God created us to honor and respect our husbands, no matter what. We come up with excuses like, “If he would just do this for me or lead his family the way God wants him to, then I would be happy.” | 1-866-292-9936 Preparing to be a wife never ends. We must continue to learn and grow into what God has called us to be. We cannot forget to continue to prepare ourselves. I have seen many young girls get married with such joy and excitement, only to have their fantasy fall away a few short months later. Wives are shocked and become unhappy when they realize that he is no longer obsessed with just them as he was during the courting days and early marriage. Their husbands are now obsessesed with video games, hunting, sports, some hobby, or just work. But as all of you veteran wives have learned, if you stand by your man, your life with him can become very rewarding. We have received so many great responses about how you have learned to respond to your husband’s obsessions. I, as a young wife, love to read what you have learned over the years so that I can be more prepared when things come up in my own marriage. My husband is quite obsessed with a great many things. Thankfully, I have always been right there with him to help him with each new adventure. I have to say, it has kept me PREPARING! Here are a few tips from you. Dear NGJ The obsession article inquired, “What’s a lady to do?” It made me think of Proverbs 31. Certainly there is a list of quality counter-obsessions a woman could undertake and still be serving and available when her man comes home with rabbits to clean. In vs. 13, weaving, crocheting, knitting, quilting; vs. 14, meal preparation, trying new recipes, and investigating foreign cuisine; vs. 16, perhaps a new gardening endeavor, a vineyard, an orchard, an herb garden to keep your family healthy; vs. 18, a craft or trade that contributes to the family’s finances or food pantry; vs. 19, spinning, raising fiber, goats, or sheep; vs. 20, community service, church ministry, visiting the widows or those in need; vs. 21, making clothes; vs. 22, keeping herself and the home in order; vs. 24, making and selling garments, crafts, etc.; vs. 26, reading God’s word, developing a Bible study (or writing a book!) and taking time to share it with younger women, taking an online course or researching an area of interest through books or websites; vs. 27, managing all aspects of the home that your husband has entrusted to you, paying bills, keeping the books, following a budget (or developing one!); vs.28, developing relationships with your children by investing time in their interests. Dear NGJ When I read the article entitled “Obsession” in the latest No Greater Joy magazine, I had to laugh. I have been married for two years exactly as of this week, and I found out pretty quickly once we were married my husband was going to have more obsessions than just me. It’s helpful to know that other men are the same way. I’m going to start by saying that I did not, and sometimes still do not, have the best attitude about his “hobbies.” One of my husband’s greatest qualities is his ability to completely pour himself into anything he does. I have never seen him do a half-hearted job at anything and I admire that. It can be frustrating, however, when I want him to spend time with me and he’s too busy doing his best! The three things I try to do to not get frustrated with his obsessions are: 1. Learn to do it with him and learn to love it. 2. Watch him do it and help him if I can. 3. If I can’t do it with him or watch him do it, I find something productive to do while he’s gone. Continued on page 21 | 1-866-292-9936 9 Greasy Peanut Butter O One cold winter day a very long time ago, when I was just three years old, I was sitting on the floor playing with my baby doll. Her name was Emily; she had blue eyes and brown hair, just like me. I loved her very much; I was her mama and she was my baby. All of a sudden, I heard a great, big, scary noise that sounded like a grrrrowwlll. “Oh, no,” I said to my mama, “What is that noise?” My mom was sweeping the floor. She stopped sweeping and stood very still so she could listen. “I do not hear anything,” she said. Running to her side, I told her, “Listen, Mama, listen.” Then she began to laugh and said, “It’s all right, Sweetheart. It is just your tummy making noise; it is telling you that you are hungry. How would you like a spoon full of peanut butter? Here comes your big brother. He can get it for you.” Mama told my big brother to get me a spoon full of peanut butter. By Shalom Brand Big brother didn’t want to stop what he was doing, so he said, “I don’t want to; I’m too busy.” Mama didn’t take that kind of talk, so she said to him, “Do it right now, young man.” Of course, he did what she told him to do. “Okay, come on, kid.” I followed him to the kitchen. I was too short to see over the counter, so I stood by his side while he got the peanut butter for me. He was looking very sneaky when he said, “Here you go, Sis, eat up.” I said, “Thank you,” and took a big bite. “Yuck! Yuck! Wahhh!” I began to cry. Mom came running. “What did you do?” she demanded. My brother was trying not to laugh as I stood there crying with bacon grease instead of peanut butter dripping from my chin. Taking the spoon of grease, my mama handed it to him and said, “Eat up, son. All of it.” He was a big boy, but he knew he had to eat it. He made the most awful faces as he gagged and choked and swallowed. I felt sorry for him. Mama set me on the counter in order to clean my face, and then she got me a real spoon full of peanut butter. Yum, Yum. My brother never did that again. The End. d 10 | 1-866-292-9936 Peanut Butter Cookies o 1 cup crunchy peanut butter o 1 large egg o 1-1½ cups succanat or sugar Blend all ingredients. Bake 300 degrees for 8-10 minutes. Art Contest! Who will be our March-April contest winner? I might be sca red, little Sam uel said, But God is on my side. So I will do what is right I’ll bring his evil deeds to light. To be a part of the contest, follow these instructions: Step 1: Go to: Step 2: Choose one of the coloring pages. Step 3: Print page. Step 4: Create your art by using a creative medium of your choice (crayons, paint, markers, colored pencils, or other.) , Mama Dear Don’t you fear you say, I’ll do just like t my ver y loudes I’ll YeLL et. he says be qui even though hear me everyone will know everyone will this evil foe. I will defeat Step 5: Write your name and age on the back of your artwork. Step 6: Mail art into NGJ ART Contest, 1000 Pearl Road, Pleasantville, TN 37033. Art will be judge in age-appropriate categories. The winners will be printed in the May-June 2011 issue and posted on the web. *Terms: Art submissions MUST be received by March 20, 2011. Due to the GREAT number of submissions, we are not able to return original artwork. Coloring pages are only available online. If you do not have internet, your local library can download it for you. Please do not call the order-line regarding the art contest. Learn to YELL always TELL. I do and so can | 1-866-292-9936 you. 11 W ESP Training Explain, Show, Practice! By Kim Doebler We’ve had a lot of fun learning self-control by practicing sitting still without moving for specific amounts of time. Start with 15 seconds. Set each child on their own blanket and instruct them to look straight ahead and to not move. The first time you can count the 15 seconds out loud so they can hear their progress. Each time you practice increase the time until they can sit for four minutes without moving. Once four minutes is reached then add different temptations to try to get them to turn and look or move. Some examples are: stand behind the children and crinkle a candy wrapper or pretend to greet someone at the door. Have fun with it. It is amazing for a child to learn they do not have to look every time they hear something interesting or they don’t have to burst into laughter when someone acts silly in front of them. These practiced exercises will come back to help your child when they want to turn around in church or in a class and someone is acting like a goof. Knowing they possess the ability to practice self-control will benefit them in such times of temptation. b Excerpts from Kim S. Doebler’s book ESP Character Training. Available for $14.99 at: or ESP Character Training, PO 247, Lake Tomahawk, WI 54539ESP Training, Explain, Show & Practice by Kim S. Doebler, Learning Self-control 12 | 1-866-292-9936 Reader Reviews Thank you for writing a book that teaches truth and warning about this uncomfortable subject. So many of us are unsure how to talk to our children about child predators. This book really made things clear to my child in a non-scary way. It is fun to read with the rhyme, and she wants me to read it to her every day. Thank you for such a great teaching tool!! - J. E. WOW!! This book is GREAT!!! I did not know how common child predators are. This book opened my eyes to protecting my children more than ever. My kids loved it and responded with questions. They will all be ready to YELL & TELL if the situation ever calls for it. Thank You! Thank You!! Thank You!!! - D.F. My family has been fans of the Pearls and their literature for many years. Always, they produce books addressing critical issues for families and children. Sexual predators are very, very real, and not enough parents these days are taking the time to educate their children, or even know HOW to educate their children in dealing with this problem. In Yell & Tell, Debi addresses this issue in a way that parents and children can easily use and move forward enabling more children to take action against predators instead of just keeping quiet. Thanks for another great one, Debi! - A. F. Amen! My parents were the naive ones and I was taken advantage of by a cousin and a grandfather. It is critical to heed to the advice given in this book. - P.Z. I bought this for my grandchildren. I was molested by an uncle at a very young age. - A. H. Now Available! Lazy Husbands, Hungry Kids and Hopeful Wives D By Michael Pearl Dear Pearls, “Is it normal for wives of Visionary men to face homelessness? My husband has not worked at all for 2 years. Our car died and there is no money to fix it. Our savings are almost gone. We are very behind on our rent, and my husband has made it clear that he does not want me trying to get any kind of government assistance. Nor does he want me asking him any more work-related questions of any kind. He wants to work from home and will not consider doing any kind of other work to make ends meet. I am really trying to keep my mouth shut but am struggling as of late. We will be facing eviction soon. My parents live very close by and are aware that my husband is either sleeping or on the computer. My mom doesn’t say anything but often offers us food, which is well received. I make a small amount of money working from home, but it is not enough to keep us afloat. Should I just quietly allow this to happen to us? I wouldn’t worry about it so much if our children were not so young. They are 4, 2, and 1. My husband is not a Christian, but I love him and think he is a good man, but he is making me crazy! If you have any advice on what I can do, please let me know.” 14 | 1-866-292-9936 Dear Sister, Your problem is part of a growing epidemic that can’t be blamed on the economy. God tells us in I Timothy 5:8, “But if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel.” In Micah 4:4 God reminds us, “But they shall sit every man under his vine and under his fig tree…” Clearly God meant for every man to work and provide for his household. So you and God are agreed, but that doesn’t mean your husband is going to jump up and get a job just because you tell him what God has said. So, what is a wife supposed to do? Basically nothing— nothing in word and nothing in deed. Just stay cheerful and loving. Your situation is better than most, for you have parents who, while not pushy, are willing to help. First, thank God for that wonderful mercy. The Apostle Paul dealt with this issue in the early church. He reminded the Thessalonica church, “For even when we were with you, this we commanded you, that if any would not work, neither should he eat. For we hear that there are some which walk among you disorderly, working not at all, but are busybodies. Now them that are such we command and exhort by our Lord Jesus The best thing a woman can do is allow the situation to come to a head as quickly as possible. Christ, that with quietness they work, and eat their own bread” (2 Thessalonians 3:10-12). It is certainly not your responsibility to keep him from eating, but neither is it your duty to bail him out of his laziness. Tell your mom how much you appreciate her generous offerings of food, but ask her to give foods that only the little ones will eat. Make the food plain and basic. Slip over once a day with the children but without your husband and eat heartily. When there is no money available, allow your own kitchen cabinets to become bare. The best thing a woman can do is allow the situation to come to a head as quickly as possible. Don’t be an enabler by seeking further income. As long as he can keep the family together in any dwelling and provide food, continue to cheerfully follow his lead. But what if a worst case scenario develops and you are evicted and find yourself homeless with no place to go but the streets or a homeless shelter? That puts your children in danger. Continued on page 29 | 1-866-292-9936 15 Team Player By Shalom Brand I Sure it takes longer at the beginning, but eventually it pays off. It is quite obvious that my fourteen-month-old son knows he is part of this family—not just as the baby, but as a member of the team. They say that a family that prays and plays together stays together, but I think it is even truer if they pray, play and WORK together. Playing together is good—it is fun and a child can be entertained by it—but it will never give them the feeling of being part of a team. Last week someone asked my husband and me, “How do you get your three year-old (our younger 16 daughter) to want to be a part of what you are doing?” Our answer was automatic, “They need to be a part of everything you are doing from the time they are born.” If you wait until they are three years old you will have to create extra tasks they can do with you that are both work and fun to get them interested. Once they get the hang of it, they will want to be a part of your everyday life. If I were in the kitchen and my girls were not both there getting in the way and fighting to see which one gets to help Mom, | 1-866-292-9936 Shalom’s ideas for getting kids involved Let him sit in the sink while you wash the dishes--he will rinse the dishes and get a bath at the same time! While doing laundry let him/her load the dryer. Make it their job to always close the doors behind you. then swaggers about, smiling from ear to ear because he is so proud of himself. Whether I tell him thank you or not, he knows he is great. Just like a man! It is so funny. We are just raising little moms and dads. I always keep that in mind as I train my daughters and my son. I think about what kind of parents they will become and what can I do now to make them even better. i EA GR TE JOY DEC 03 2010 R From the Mailbox NO I would think they were sick or had been kidnapped. Even as I write, my six year-old Gracie wants to help. I tell my husband the only bad thing about teaching your children to help is that you cannot get anything done. But I am convinced that the most important thing in life is not the cleanliness and order of the house, nor the efficiency with which I complete my chores, but to raise my children to be all they can possibly be. Parker, my fourteen-month-old is already a team/family member. When I am sweeping the floor, he goes and gets the dustpan without being told. If the girls are cleaning up toys, he is there helping. When Daddy brings in the wood, he always helps out by carrying bark. My girls need to be told, “Good job! Way to go! You are such good helpers,” with lots of hugs and kisses. I praise them to their daddy, “You girls were so much help today.” Praises are very important for them, just as it is important for wives to feel appreciated. But Parker needs very little praise; he thinks he is great all by himself—nobody needs to tell him. He gets my shoes and Mom here… I have a letter to pass along. My hubby reads to us after meals. He’s been reading an autobiography about a country vet. At one point the author referenced a Bible story. Todd turned to our daughter Amy and asked if she knew which story it was, and she did. I began to hoot and holler my congrats, as Amy is a right brain learner and finds recall difficult. She spoke up, “I probably wouldn’t know much of the Bible if it weren’t for my Good and Evil book.” | 1-866-292-9936 17 Grandmother Strikes Again By Michael Pearl and unnamed granny It had been many years since grandmother had trained her own children, and she was out of practice. She described herself as “having grown soft.” I It is still a wonder! Absolutely amazing! Almost unbelievable! I first wrote about it in my book To Train Up A Child, which has now sold over 650,000 copies in English and many tens of thousands in foreign languages, but I am still amazed at the beauty and effectiveness of spanking as part of a program of effective child training. What a joy to possess the ability to instantly gain compliance and instill discipline in our children. However, the most mysterious, almost miraculous, fruit of the properly applied spanking is its ability to heal the child’s soul and create a sweetness of spirit. 18 It is understandable that adults who have dark memories of being “whipped” without love and “beaten” without mercy for trying the patience of their parents will not believe it is possible to spank in love and achieve sweet fruit. Likewise, parents who “don’t believe in corporal punishment” (neither do I) but often become frustrated and angry, pushed to the brink of “striking” their children, are horrified at their own out-of-control feelings. They know that if they were to yield to their anger and use their hand or an instrument to strike their children, it would be an act of violence | 1-866-292-9936 and abuse. They are absolutely correct in their personal assessment, given their emotional state. And herein is the cause of so much misunderstanding and anti-spanking sentiment. It is one thing to know yourself and to know that you are provoked to a spirit of abuse and so respond by choosing not to spank your child, which is the right decision for you. But it is another matter altogether to project your out-of-control anger on all parents, assuming that everyone is like you, teetering on abuse. I wish you could spend just one day with a well balanced, emotionally mature family with eight children, all under 12 years of age, which practices Biblical child training. You may consider yourself “anti-spanking”, but you would go away weeping for your loss, longing for such beauty and joy in your own family. You would say, “What a fool I have been.” Do you think my claim too fantastic to believe? I can give you our own family’s testimony. Would it help if I shared the testimony of a million of our readers who experience the same joy and peace in their families? What if my children, now grown, with children of their own, were to testify as to the fruit of their upbringing, as they have in writing? Add to that the testimony of two million young adults who were trained up in the way they should go by loving parents who did not spare the rod and did not spoil the child’s creativity, confidence, joy, stability, independence, or love and loyalty to the family? Can you believe that there may be a world bigger than your own, one where anger does not rule and peace and love is the order of the day? I know the argument, “But what about all those hypocritical religious bigots that use the Bible as an excuse to beat their children and intimidate them into compliance, leaving them emotionally scarred and prone to pass on the abuse?” I agree that this is a big problem for a few. The argument continues, “So shouldn’t we outlaw all spanking so as to prevent abuse?” Further, Christian ministers who promote the Biblical principles of corporal chastisement are blamed for the misuse of it. Think rationally for a moment. If all ministers right now were to begin teaching against all forms of corporal chastisement or punishment and all states and governments of the world were to pass laws against it, would No godly Christian man beats his children. No emotionally stable atheist beats his children. parental abuse cease? Is the tendency for some parents to abuse their children found in misapplying principles they have been taught, or in human anger and aggression? Everybody in the Western world teaches against a man hitting his wife, but it doesn’t stop wife beaters. Only in the Muslim world does wife beating begin as a doctrine. The Christian world has condemned it for 2,000 years, but it still occurs at about the same rate as beating children. No godly Christian man beats his children. No emotionally stable atheist beats his children. Child abuse does not begin as a doctrine or principle of training; it begins in the heart of an out-of-control human being—a fault of the human condition since Adam chose to live without God. If one searches the internet or watches the news closely for an entire year, one can find a half dozen examples of a man or woman justifying their abusiveness on grounds of Biblical principles. Likewise, Americans who commit hate crimes or acts of terrorism, like the Oklahoma City bombing, will justify their murder on | 1-866-292-9936 19 grounds of patriotism. We who are truly patriotic are not fooled by their excuse, nor does it deter us from our more enlightened patriotism. Why then would we, who love our children and have found Biblical chastisement a sound child training tool, be deterred by the rare examples of those twisted souls who are abusive by nature? ... She made up her mind to do what she did not feel like doing—obey God and love the child with a spanking. Since I can’t arrange for my sincere critics (I’m being charitable) to spend a day “imbedded” with a happy family of ten who practices corporal chastisement, I will give you a recent example that occurred within my circle of friends, a grandmother’s experience with her three-year-old granddaughter. Apparently the parents had been slipping in their training, for their little one had become self-willed and expressed an attitude of resistance to authority. Even when everything was going her way and no one was trying to tell her what to do, she looked unhappy and was quick to take offense at the other children. But the grandmother said the most disturbing thing was that she pulled away from overtures at fellowship. “Unhappy and moody” was the grandmother’s summary of the child with whom she would spend the day. It had been many years since grandmother had trained her own children, and she was out of practice. She described herself as “having grown soft.” But after her children were grown, she had read To Train Up A Child and realized it was exactly the way she had trained her children. It is a fact that grandparents who do not spend hours every day with their grandchildren tend to be soft on the discipline. But then it is not their 20 responsibility, and they want what little time they have with the kids to be positive. That’s what makes grandparents spoilers. After a couple hours of futilely trying to cheer up the child, grandmother began to remember the “miracle” of the rod. So she made up her mind to do what she did not feel like doing—obey God and love the child with a spanking. She tells how she calmly explained to her granddaughter how she had a bad attitude and then took a wooden spoon from the kitchen, slowly applying it to her backside. The licks were not hard and not hasty. At first the little girl kicked and screamed in protest, but old grandmother was too wise to be intimidated. As she spanked she explained to the little one that this is how she had trained her mother to be sweet and cheerful, and that she would grow up to be smart and obedient. She kept up the slow spanking and the admonition until the anger and resistance melted and turned into a beautiful spirit of surrender. I understand that if you have never seen this, you have no idea what I am talking about. It doesn’t seem reasonable that any kind of a spanking would produce peace and love in a child, but it is the miracle of corporal chastisement properly administered. The little one rose from the altar of chastisement and hugged her grandmother for the first time that day. She smiled sweetly and for the rest of the day was entirely cooperative and compliant. Where she had been unhappy griping, she was now as cheerful as a puppy. She stopped whining and complaining about the other kids. Grandmother said that the child’s whole world went from cloudy and stormy to sunshine and flowers. Grandma went on to express her rediscovered wonder at the power of Biblical chastisement, for after two | 1-866-292-9936 weeks granddaughter still maintained a close bond with her grandmother, always cheerful and ready to give a big hug. I wrote the book on it, so to speak, but it has been well over fifteen years since I applied the rod to a stubborn backside. I think that if I started another family (don’t even think about it) I would have to go back and read my books and listen to my videos to put this old softy back in the position of acting responsibly toward the little ones. I commend this grandmother for having the—whatever it is old grandmothers have—to lay down her sentiment and bring peace to a little child. Finally, to our critics, why must you persist in stereotyping Christians who continue to practice the Biblical principles passed down to us from our fathers and their fathers back to the beginning of humanity? Our fruit far surpasses anything you can imagine. It is the sanity and emotional balance of our children that is the hope of tomor- row. Our children never need Ritalin. We don’t need Prozac. Our families grow up to make significant contributions to society. They are never drug addicts and they don’t need to take welfare, for our well disciplined children are the ones who will start businesses and contribute to charities. We are not timid of your criticism, and we will not hide in the dark. We proudly proclaim that we are the parents of the best kids in the whole world, thanks to sound child training principles we gleaned from the Bible and reason. When you attack our cake, we just bake another layer and display it all the more proudly. I pray that you will be reasonable and join the “good guys,” for we will not bend, bow, or burn. If you are new to these concepts and want to investigate further, purchase our books To Train Up A Child and In Defense of Biblical Chastisement or go to and read hundreds of articles on these subjects. a Preparing For His Obsessions Continued from page 9 If you would like to read more stories like this, ask a question, or share your own story about what you are doing right now to prepare yourself for your future husband, then join me online at There, we as wives and young girls can continue to prepare ourselves to be what God has called us to be. I look forward to each of your stories. e | 1-866-292-9936 21 Amazon Blitz Be a Part of Our Sara Sue Learns to Yell & Tell Amazon Promo on March 1 to March 3rd! This Amazon Promotion will be the largest promotion we have ever done. We have over 40 SPECIAL OFFERS! Go to to see the details. This is only a preview of the partners we had when the Magazine went to press. Discounts from our partners will range from 25% to 75% off and free downloads. The following organizations will provide discount codes: Charisma Magazine: A one year subscription to CHARISMA for only $12. WORLD Magazine: A one year subscription to WORLD for only $39.95 25% off: 25%-35% off first flight and services, and 35% off Retail-The Secrets of Jonathan Sperry and more, 35% off Homeless For The Holidays DVD, 40%-50% off selected products at Light of Faith, 50% off Get Rid of Siatic Pain by Kathi Casey 25% off the following Books: • Making Character First by Tom Hill, • Angel Promises by Kathie Fitzpatrick • The Serpents Among Us by Patrick Crough • Trading Fathers, Forgiving Dad, Embracing God, • The Prodigy Project, a Novel by Doug Flanders, M.D. • Love Your Husband/Love Yourself: Embracing God’s Purpose for Passion in Marriage by Jennifer Flanders, • Getting a Squirrel to Focus by Patricia Scott • The Three Promises by Jim Swanson • One Nation...One Promise and stunning photographic images by Victoria Medina 50% off Homesteading for Beginners DVDs 50% off Treasures from Heaven by Leslie L. 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You’ll also receive the following FREE Downloads: • An Emergency and Disaster Recovery Plan for Individuals and Families by Manny Edwards, • The Ins and Outs of Social Media Marketing: 14 Tips to Make Your Business Grow Through Social Networking by Jerit Abart, • Making Herbs Simple Guidebooks Vol. 1 and Vol. 2 by Shoshanna Easling, • The One Day Diet by Evan Money • What is Love, Friendship & Imagination • 52 Insights that Will Help Your Organization Not Merely Survive America’s Meltdown…but Literally Thrive Instead by Gary Foster, • How to Sell Yourself... Naturally by Benda Griffin, • Intro Workshop on Building Character in Children, An opt in may be required for Free Downloads or eReports due to anti-spam rules. Purchase 4 - 11 copies of Sara Sue Learns To Yell & Tell and also receive these extra special offerings over and above the advertised offerings: 50% off: • Making Herbs Simple DVD Vol. 1 and Vol. 2 by Shoshanna Pearl Easling from Bulk Herb Store, • Specialty Flavored Coffees, French Roast Coffee, and Candles from Cane Creek Coffee, • Building Character & Work Ethics in Your Children FREE Download ($19.95 value): Accelerated Distance Learning eBook by Brad Voeller The All SPORT Dominating Speed Manual The Motivated Life by Paul Martens FREE App Purchase 12 - 19 copies on Amazon and receive the above offerings plus: 75% off Good and Evil Comics #1-#3 and all Good and Evil Coloring Books If you order 20-39 copies on Amazon you will receive one free book for every book ordered plus all of the above specials. Free copies can be a mix of Samuel Learns To Yell & Tell and Sara Sue Learns To Yell & Tell. If you order 40 or more books on Amazon contact us in advance so you can receive all of the above specials plus an extra FREE copy (two total) for every book ordered. Free copies can be a mix of Samuel and Sara Sue. The promotion has been designed to provide you with numerous offers. Partner participation does not imply a No Greater Joy endorsement. Discounts cannot be combined with other already discounted items or advertised specials For questions on this promotion, contact or phone Mel at 931-593-2484. | 1-866-292-9936 23 Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven. missions Matthew 5:16 Letters from the Prison mission field Dear People at NGJ, I am currently incarcerated in a Texas prison. I wonder if you will send me one of those books called Good and Evil? When I saw it in our library I thought it was awesome. I gave my life to God June 19, 2010. I have been in prison 11 years. I was a gang member. I know God has forgiven me, he loves me, and there is more to life than the way I was. I have peace. I will leave this place in March 2011 a different person. Thank you. - Rojas Thank you for Good and Evil. I did not learn to read until I was 19. I still don’t write too good, but I could read Good and Evil. I think it is cool people like you will help people like me out. I appreciate it very much. - Darrell I want to apologize for my lack of patience. I had sent you another request for Good and Evil. I got it just last week. The book and your magazine is an enormous hit here behind bars. Guys who would never read a book will read Good and Evil. “I was in prison and you came to me.” Thank you. - Dana Alexander God bless this ministry. My name is Nibardo. I am in Yakima County correctional. I read Good and Evil. Now I am studying God’s Word. May God’s grace be on you. - Sincerely, Nibardo Dear sisters and brethren at NGJ, We rejoiced for the donation of three cases of Good and Evil; two in English and one in Spanish. I took the cases to the highest aggression cell house. I walked two galleries of 50 cells giving out the books. Tomorrow I will return to finish giving the books to the men in the remaining galleries. This simple presentation is a wonderful evangelistic tool that opens doors for me to return with Bibles and study courses. We are thankful to be a light behind closed doors. - Pastor Jim Children making an eternal difference Enclosed is a donation from my two brothers and me toward the prison and Good and Evil ministries. - Ashley 24 | 1-866-292-9936 The Gaudets Good and Evil Translations Update: According to the latest fig- ures, 366 million Indians speak Hindi as their mother tongue. Many more speak it as a second language. The foundation for Hindi is a language called Hindustani. Hindustani is also the foundation for Urdu, spoken in both India and Pakistan, where it is the national language. Many speakers of both of these languages and variations communicate well with one another even though there are variations in the dialect. More than 483 million represent these languages alone! Now that the Hindi edition of Good and Evil is completed and going to press, it is being used as a resource for the translation of other sister languages in these countries. The Hindi and Pakistani Urdu editions are being consulted in the translation of Indian Urdu. Many other languages of India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, and Bangladesh will be jump-started as a result of the work just completed. Taking a regional approach to these translations has proven the most effective way. Oftentimes, translation of a minority language is facilitated by first translating and publishing the trade language. Hindi is a case in point. Pray for the team here in Thailand as we continue in this tedious and time consuming work of coordinating scores of translations and their formatting, printing, and distribution. g For a complete list of missionaries we support, or to find out more about how you can help, visit our website, | 1-866-292-9936 25 Making Sense of It By Michael Pearl Lately I have come to understand that progressives are motivated by a conviction of their own righteousness. They attack Christianity and the Constitution of the United States because they stand in the way of their universal utopia. They want to save us from ourselves and our delusions. T The average American knows our country is being driven to extinction, and its demise is not far away. We cannot make sense of the decisions politicians make. “Stupid” comes to mind, but stupid is without pattern or purpose. We see men and women who are highly intelligent and very well informed in political sciences, economics, business, and in history making decisions that are contrary to the best interests of the country and of the poor they claim to represent. And then there is the anti-Christian bias in the media, the courts, Hollywood, and in the pubic schools and the universities. Why? What is so threatening about the Bible and those who believe it? The Constitution is held in as much contempt as the Bible. What is so menacing about a document that guarantees individual liberty of conscience and action, free speech, free association, and ownership and management of one’s property? The way the politicians are legislating and the courts are ruling, you would think faith and the founding Fathers are the most sinister evils to ever stand in the way of positive genetic mutations. “Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; That put darkness for light, and light for darkness; 26 That put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter”! (Isaiah 5:20) For many years I observed the political theatre and wondered at the motivation of the American left. Lately I have come to understand that progressives are motivated by a conviction of their own righteousness. They attack Christianity and the Constitution of the United States because they stand in the way of their universal utopia. They want to save us from ourselves and our delusions. They think they are more enlightened than the rest of us and believe their understanding requires them to take charge of the helm, even if they have to kill the captain and throw some of the crew overboard. Human salvation is thought to be in the collective. They seek the redemption and restitution of mankind in a way that assures our survival as a race. It is the Tower of Babel all over again. The kingdom builders get into politics, education, entertainment, rewriting history, and especially into the news media because that is where people are molded to a worldview that will cause them to be willing participants, or at least passive supporters, in the New World Order. The utopitarians are trying to establish what God has already | 1-866-292-9936 promised to institute, a kingdom of peace and happiness in a paradise where all share in the bounty of a renewed earth. They too want that kingdom, but since there is no god to determine man’s destiny, it is up to them to institute this kingdom. They abort babies to prevent increased population from placing further stress on an already overtaxed planet. They must purge society of any religion that looks to the sweet by and by, for it prevents men from getting serious about the here and now. They are anti-American because the United States supports a divided world where American exceptionalism prevents us from entering into commune with the have-nots of the third world. They must save every butterfly and lizard nearing extinction because they don’t have a God that will create more. If they had ten commandments they would read something like this: 1. Thou shalt have no gods above thy fellow man. 2. Thou shalt not make unto thee any absolutes that cannot be ignored for the sake of the common good. 3. Thou shalt not take the name of any religion in vain, for they are all created equal. 4. Observe the holy days of all religions with equal fervor. 5. Honor the state as your father and nature as your mother, that your days may be long upon mother earth. 6. Thou shalt not kill, even in self defense. 7. Thou shalt not call consensual sex adultery or sodomy. 8. Thou shalt not steal from the poor by accumulating to thyself wealth more than thy neighbor. 9. Thou shalt not bear witness against thy government. 10. Thou shalt not covet the power that belongs to the elite. The progressive/socialist has an anthropological world view that parallels theological doctrine. They believe in the fall of man and in depravity. Man, in oneness with mother nature, living in blissful harmony in a communal paradise of unbounded Their new birth is forgiving oneself and acquiescing to one’s passions as normal, rejecting guilt as a foreign, dark force intruding upon their otherwise liberated souls. sexual license and village simplicity, fell into a selfish world of materialism and consumption, damaging mother earth. In their confused anthropology, man is both evil and good. He is good as long as he is true to himself, following his own light and living his personal truth, not being judged by any outward standard. He is evil in that he is selfish and judgmental and therefore destructive to the collective good. They believe in temptation. Man is tempted by the lure of independent action. He is tempted to judge his own actions and the actions of others on grounds of a supposed absolute good existing outside of human nature and independent of the material world. To the progressives original sin is inherited by children from their parents who teach religion as a pie in the sky, sweet by and by, do it or be damned doctrine, inflicting crippling guilt. They believe in salvation. Their new birth is forgiving oneself and | 1-866-292-9936 27 acquiescing to one’s passions as normal, rejecting guilt as a foreign, dark force intruding upon their otherwise liberated souls. They believe heaven and hell are here and now. Heaven is the new world order—the socialist’s New Jerusalem, the utopia, where there will be no more war, or pollution, or bigotry, or hunger. Hell is fossil fuels belching out deadly gasses upon fragile Mother Nature, pollution caused by capitalism. False doctrine is unbending religion that segments people. Demons are rich business owners and judgmental religious bigots. Liberal Socialists/Utopitarians are crusaders for salvation. To understand these kingdom builders you must recognize that they are motivated by what they consider righteousness. They think the masses, especially the political right, are evil or, at the very least, out of touch and need to be pushed into the right path. You are self-destructive and they want to commit you for your own good, thus saving mother earth, the only eternal life the human race will ever know. Surely the survival of this planet is more important than the luxury of liberty. They know that if you are not with them you are against them, and they are willing to sacrifice the few to save the many. To make sense of the present hour: Why are our politicians, supported by the news media and Hollywood, seemingly trying to break our country economically? It is obvious that they are deliberately legislating so as to bring about high energy and food prices. With the certain increase in population and the limited resources on this planet, they want to create a worldwide commune where population is kept in check and resources are equally shared. 28 But they also know that this “sharing” will never come about through legislation. It will take a revolution where shortage is the enemy, not politicians. They need crises, so they are creating the biggest crisis this world has ever known. Why? Because the Don’t look to politicians to save you. Jesus will bring in the kingdom, and he will be the king of kings and the lord of lords, bringing in everlasting righteousness. creation of a new world order necessitates destroying the old one. They know we must fall and suffer before we will be willing to rise in a world with less liberty and more expensive goods and services. No one will accept legislation that results in a 75 percent cut in wages and a great reduction in his consumption of goods and services unless he first loses everything and lives in abject poverty for a while; then he will be grateful to a government that puts him in a three hour food line and allows him to live in a two room apartment that has electricity for five hours every day. During times of stress and deprivation he will gladly receive a mark upon his hand or his forehead by which he can buy food for his family. My final word: Don’t look to politicians to save you. Jesus will bring in the kingdom, and he will be the King of kings and the lord of lords, bringing in everlasting righteousness. Until then, pray for those in authority so we can live a quiet and peaceful life until God tires of men trying to take the kingdom by force. That is his job and he will do it soon enough. l | 1-866-292-9936 Lazy Husbands, Hungry Kids and Hopeful Wives Continued from page 15 There is an example in Scripture that is often overlooked. In 1 Samuel 25 we read of a woman named Abigail who was married to a man who offended David by refusing to feed his hungry men. When Abigail heard what her husband had done, she knew their lives were in danger. So, without her husband’s knowledge, she directed the servants to prepare food for the 600 men and hastily deliver it. David received the food and readily acknowledged that she had saved him from shedding blood. When Abigail’s husband suddenly died of divine/natural causes, David took her to be his wife. If your husband’s actions put your children in real danger—not just discomfort or inconvenience— you should protect the children by respectfully disobeying your husband. To broaden the subject for our readers, the same would be true if a drunken husband commanded a wife and children to ride in the car while he drove. Respectfully disobey. Likewise, if a husband commands a wife to leave her children in the care of questionable baby sitters, follow your maternal instincts. If your present circumstances deteriorate to the point of homelessness, I suggest that you quietly arrange ahead of time for your parents to invite you and the children, but not your husband, to come and live with them. Let him live in a homeless shelter until he can provide a home for you and the girls. If, he insists that you live with him on the streets, tell him your children come first and you will take them to your parents, dreaming of the day when he has a place for the family to be united. Perhaps you could have your parents invite him for dinner and a conjugal visit once a week but not to stay the night. Sometimes a man needs to lose his comfort zone (computer and TV) to appreciate his responsibility to maintain that zone. Most women make the mistake of jumping in and providing, and then they become bitter toward their lazy husbands. I know I am going to get a lot of flak for this. If you have a better answer, I would like to hear it. We will publish worthy answers that vary from my own. I am glad God made me a husband and not a wife. Every woman deserves to be loved and cherished, and every child deserves to be protected and nurtured. Some husbands deserve to be whipped, but that, dear lady is God’s job, not yours. g | 1-866-292-9936 29 The Happy Family Family Resources Created To Be His Help Meet What God is doing through this book is amazing! We are receiving thousands of letters from people giving testimony to marriages restored and old loves rekindled. 296-pg. Book $14.95 Box of 24 books $215.28, a 40% discount 9 CDs $34.95 • 1 MP3 $12.95 Creada Para Ser Su Ayuda Idónea (Spanish Created To Be His Help Meet) Book $14.95 Holy Sex Michael Pearl takes his readers through a refreshing journey of biblical texts showing that God designed marriage to be in the context of erotic pleasure. 82-pg. Book $7.95 8 or more copies ea. $4.77, a 40% discount Sexto Santo Spanish Holy Sex Book $7.95 8 or more copies ea. $4.77 Jumping Ship Learn how to keep your children from jumping ship too early. 106-pg. Book $7.95 8 or more copies ea. $4.77, a 40% discount Jumping Ship DVD - 1 DVD $12.95 Abandonando el barco (Spanish Jumping Ship Book) $7.95 8 or more copies ea. $4.77, a 40% discount Listen To My Dream A beautifully illustrated children’s book about the work of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. that inspires children to make a difference. 40-pg. Book $6.95 8 or more copies ea. $5.21, a 25% discount 25 or more copies ea. $4.17, a 40% discount 30 No Greater Joy - Vol. 1 Reprints of the first two years of No Greater Joy articles. Covers the subjects of sibling rivalry, pouting, bad attitudes, and much more. Book $7.95 8 or more copies ea. $4.77, a 40% discount No Greater Joy - Vol. 2 Covers the subjects of rowdy boys, homeschooling, grief, and much more. Book $7.95 8 or more copies ea. $4.77 No Greater Joy - Vol. 3 Covers the subjects of marriage relationships and how they affect children, joy, and much more. Book $7.95; 8 or more copies ea. $4.77, a 40% discount Preparing To Be A Help Meet Being a good help meet starts long before marriage. It is a mindset, a learned habit, a way of life established as a young unmarried girl—a perfect study guide for small groups. 296-pg. Book $19.95 Box of 24 books $287.28, a 40% discount Preparándote Para Ser Una Ayuda Idónea Spanish Book - 296-pg. Book $19.95 Box of 24 books $287.28, a 40% discount The Help Meet’s Journey The Journey is a 184-page year-long companion workbook/journal for Created To Be His Help Meet. There are extra pages for your stories, doodlings, and studies. Workbook $10.95 Box of 24 books $157.68, a 40% discount For More detailed descriptions, go to NoGreaterJoy.Org To Train Up A Child Over 650,000 copies sold in English, translated into many languages. From successful parents, learn how to train your children before the need to discipline arises. Only Men Michael Pearl speaks directly and frankly to men about their responsibilities as husbands. Book $7.95 1 MP3 $12.95 8 or more copies ea. $4.77, a 40% discount Para entrenar a un niño (Spanish To Train Up A Child) Book $7.95 8 or more copies ea. $4.77, a 40% discount Spanish Audio 5 CDs $21.95 Starting Over The basic message: “Okay, I know I’ve messed up in child training; now what do I do?” Samuel Learns to Yell & Tell A child predator loses his power when he loses his cover. This beautifully illustrated children’s book will arm parents and children against predators. 48-pg. Book $9.95 12+ Books $5.97 ea, a 40% discount Sara Sue Learns to Yell & Tell Debi’s second book in Yell & Tell series! Join Sara Sue and her little sister as they continue to teach children to yell and tell. 48-pg. Book $9.95 12+ Books $5.97 ea, a 40% discount Alabama Seminar Two hours of Michael Pearl speaking on child training. These are geared toward the father’s role in the family. Tales of Mike and his sons’ wild adventures. Boys love it! 1 MP3 $12.95 Becoming a Man This message is for parents concerned about raising their boys up to be men and it is for fathers who never learned to be real men. 1 CD $6.95 Best Homeschooling Ideas Debi discusses her best homeschooling ideas. 20-plus years of accumulated wisdom. A best-seller! 1 CD $6.95 1 CD $6.95 Solo Hombres (Span. Only Men) CD $6.95 1 CD $6.95 When Children Die Where is my stillborn baby, the miscarried fetus, or the two year old child who died? Do children who die prior to reaching accountability go to heaven? What about the children of unsaved parents? You will be thrilled with what God has in store for your departed child. 1 CD $6.95 Young Adults & Marriage This message is the story of all five of our children finding their mates. 1 CD $6.95 Balanced Patriarch When do children cease to be under parental authority? 1 DVD $12.95 CHILD TRAINING 101 If you want to introduce child-training principles to a friend, this is the one DVD to give them. 1 DVD $12.95 Marriage God’s Way Husbands, learn how to sanctify your wife and cleanse her of spots, wrinkles, and blemishes. Wives, learn the freedom of honoring and ministering to your man. 2 DVDs $19.95 Movers & Shakers Michael encourages parents to train their children to be tomorrow’s movers and shakers. 1 DVD $12.95 | 1-866-292-9936 31 Celebrating the 400th Anniversary of the King James Bible Archaic Words and the Authorized Version “This is a book every serious Bible student must own. It is one of those rare books that is a category all by itself. 606 pages of archaic—or so called—words defined and discussed in a scholary and well researched manner. You will gain fresh insights into the language of the King James Bible. There is more here than just definitions. This is an enlightening defense of the the translation itself.” The Hidden History Of The English Scriptures I have read more than 100 books on the subject of Bible manuscripts and translations, and thought there was nothing else to say on the subject, but this little 70 page book contains original research into the manuscripts and languages from which all nations and tongues have derived their Bibles. There is nothing else like it in print except a 1200 page book by the same author—In Awe of they Word. We have acquired 1000 copies of The Hidden History of the English Scriptures and are making them available to you. When these are gone, they’re gone. See page 36 & 37 for details Teaching Responsibility In this seminar, Michael Pearl uses humorous stories and practical examples to illustrate the simple process of training your children to work without complaint. KNIFE & TOMAHAWK THROWING FOR FUN Michael Pearl demonstrates and teaches knife and tomahawk throwing. 1 DVD $16.95 Herbs with Shoshanna Vol. 1 – Making Herbs Simple DVD Join Shoshanna and friends as they teach you how to identify and use herbs growing in your own back yard, make poultices, tinctures, and herbal hair treatments, and much more! Includes a full-color, 20-page companion guidebook for helpful reference. 78 minutes. 1 DVD $24.95 Herbs with Shoshanna Vol. 2 Making Herbs Simple Vol. 2 is a hands on DVD about herbs. Shoshanna will take you into the wild, where you can identify herbs, learn what they are good for, and how to make a remedy out of them. 75 minutes. 1 DVD $24.95 Homesteading for beginners Part I Teaches you basic country-life skills like gardening, raising and butchering chickens, cutting firewood, baking bread, making cheese, and much more. Children love this DVD! 1 DVD $19.95 Homesteading for beginners Part II Learn all about making maple syrup, soda bread, vinegar, yogurt, and a variety of homesteading skills. Geared more for adults. 1 DVD $19.95 The Joy of Training Michael and Debi Pearl tell how they successfully trained up their five children with love, humor, and the rod. Homesteading for beginners Part III More homesteading tips from the former city slickers, including meat preparation. Excellent step by step instructions for the novice homesteader. 2 DVDs $24.95 1 DVD $19.95 2 DVDs $19.95 32 For More detailed descriptions, go to NoGreaterJoy.Org Ministry BIBLE Bible & Teaching Resources Books of the Bible 1 & 2 Peter Thirteen messages totaling over nine hours of teaching. 1 MP3 CD $12.95 1, 2, 3 John, & Jude The epistle of 1 John is the scariest book in the Bible. He that is born of God sinneth not! Why did the devil try to carry off the body of Moses? Who is antichrist, and why does he deny that Jesus came in the flesh? What is the sin unto death? 1 MP3 CD $12.95 1 John 1:9 the Protestant Confessional Must a Christian confess his sins in order to be forgiven? Not on your eternal life. 3-pg. Booklet $1.50 Acts The book of Acts is a thrilling drama of the missionary activities of the early church. From gifts of the Spirit to shipwreck, stoning to death and deadly snake bites to angels opening prison house doors; this is the story of the men who built the church Christ promised. 1 MP3 CD $12.95 Ephesians Practical and Scriptural Bible teaching to encourage the believer. Includes teaching on husbands and wives. 1 MP3 CD $12.95 Galatians Many professing Christians who don’t have a personal relationship with Christ are seeking meaning in Rabbinical Judaism, keeping feast days and Sabbaths, and resorting to using Hebrew words for God and Jesus. Many are “falling from grace” in their attempt to give the law of Moses a place in their daily lives. God gave us the book of Galatians to answer this ancient and now modern heresy. 1 MP3 CD $12.95 Hebrews This is a book that will bless you like no other. As you study the book of Hebrews, you will not only learn about faith, you will actually have faith built into you by the Word of God. 1 MP3 CD $12.95 John Every verse is discussed, every critical word examined. Here is doctrinal and practical teaching to enrich your life. 1 MP3 CD $12.95 Justification and the book of James James clearly teaches that works justify a man while Paul teaches that a man is not justified by works. Are they contradicting each other? 26-pg. Booklet $1.50 Mark Michael teaches through the book of Mark verse by verse. 1 MP3 CD $12.95 Romans Until you know the book of Romans you don’t know the Bible. If you have never listened to any Bible teaching by Michael Pearl, this is the place to | 1-866-292-9936 33 start. We continually receive testimonies of lives changed and souls saved through listening to this greatest of all New Testament Books. 1 MP3 CD $12.95 Romans ch. 1-8 Commentary This popular commentary is a careful word-for-word examination of the most important book in the Bible, addressing the hard theological issues that have been the foundation of the Christian faith down through the centuries. 222-pg. Book $8.95 Revelation Poster & Handbook This poster is a print of an original painting done by Michael Pearl which shows the events of Revelation in chronological order. It is 40”x 19” on heavy, glossy paper. The handbook which accompanies it is filled with Old Testament references and commentary to the events in Revelation. Poster $12.95 Bible Topics 2 Steps to Heaven This is the simplest, clearest, easiest to understand gospel message. It is especially suited for those who have doubts or who are trusting in a confusing mixture of faith and works. 1 CD $6.95 50 Sins Your sins are found in this list. 1 MP3 CD $12.95 A-B-C Bible Verse Songs Small children love this! Beka and some of the kids in the church sing the A-B-C Bible verse songs that her mother taught her when she was growing up. Your little ones will want to listen to this day and night, and by doing so they will learn 26 Bible verses with the references. 1 CD $6.95 Am I Saved? Three message set: Born Again, Am I Saved? and Repent, discusses the nature of repentance and faith as it pertains to salvation. 2 CDs $10.95 Repentance When the Bible warns a sinner to repent, what is the nature of that repentance? Michael Pearl examines all 112 uses of “repent”. Authority Praying Michael Pearl preaches on the believer’s position in Christ and how prayer is based on the authority that is ours in Christ. 44-pg. Book $4.50 8+ copies ea. $3.15, a 30% discount 1 CD $6.95 34 For More detailed descriptions, go to NoGreaterJoy.Org By Divine Design If you are philosophically minded, this book will appeal to you. It addresses the question, “Why, God, did you let this happen?” 85-pg. Book $7.95 8+ copies each $4.77, a 40% discount Eight Kingdoms Understand the Bible by discovering the differences between the kingdom of God and the kingdom of Heaven. Book $12.95, Box of 34 $265.00, a 40% discount Good and Evil A 320 page, award-winning graphic novel depicting the Bible stories from Genesis to Revelation, written by Michael Pearl and featuring spectacular artwork by Marvel Comic artist Danny Bulanadi. English Book $24.95 Box of 26 $389.22 El Bien y El Mal - Spanish Book - $24.95 Box of 26 $389.22, a 40% discount Chinese Book $24.95, Box of 26 $389.22, a 40% discount Good and Evil Comic Books Our popular book, Good and Evil, has been printed in one-chapter comic books. Kids will beg you for the next chapter. 6 1/2” x 10 1/4” 28 pages each, soft cover, full color. English Parts 1-3 $2.99 each 25+ copies $2.00 each, a 33% discount 3-pk $4.50, a 50% discount Spanish Parts 1-5 $2.99 25+ copies $2.00 each, a 33% discount 5-pk. $7.50, a 50% discount Good and Evil Kids’ Coloring Books Based on the popular Good and Evil book. Sold separately or in a 4-Book Set. Books 1-4, $2.00 each 25+ copies each $1.50, a 25% discount 4-Book Set $4.00, a 50% discount If by Grace/ God’s Chosen People Two messages on one CD: Salvation is completely by grace without the deeds of the law. Israel remains God’s chosen people. 1 MP3 CD $12.95 Sons of God and Giants The Jews have taught it for 3,500 years. The church fathers believed it and wrote of it, but it is too radical for our present generation. They will ridicule you if you believe it. But what does the Bible say? 1 CD $6.95 Repentance, True and False “Repent of your sins” is not found in the Bible even one time. What does the Bible teach regarding repentance? 1 CD $6.95 Righteousness Four messages on salvation:The Man Christ Jesus, The Blood, Imputed Righteousness, Saving Righteousness. 1 MP3 CD $12.95 Sin No More The big question is: “So how do I stop sinning?” You have confessed your sins, received the baptism of the Holy Ghost with evidence of everything but ceasing to sin; yet you are still a “Romans 7 Christian.” I assure you, God not only saves his children from the penalty of sin but he saves them from its power as well. 9 CDs $34.95 Sin No More & Sanctification Two sets of messages on one MP3 CD. 1 MP3 CD $12.95 Sinful Nature These messages answer some of the ridiculous teachings of an ancient heresy sometimes called “Calvinism.” For too long, Reformed theology has robbed the church of the power of God. 1 MP3 CD $12.95 | 1-866-292-9936 35 Baptism in Jesus’ Name Is water baptism made valid by the preacher uttering the words “in Jesus’ name”? 17-pg. Booklet $1.50 Booklets In Defense of Biblical Chastisement Michael brings clear understanding back into the confusing and often misunderstood subject of corporal chastisement. 29-pg. Booklet $1.50 LEARNING FROM THE ATHEISTS Mike tackles the arguments for the faith by taking the atheists’ own logic to prove Jesus Christ is God. 32-pg. Booklet $1.50 Pornography, Road to Hell Michael addresses the deadly scourge of pornography head-on. He shows how repentance toward God and the power of the gospel of Jesus Christ can break the bondage of this wicked perversion. 12-pg. Booklet $1.50 Spanish Pornography Booklet $1.50 The Gap Fact The Bible clearly declares that the Earth existed before the six-day creation. Don’t let well-meaning creation scientists cloud this Biblical truth for you. Study it for yourself. 30-pg. Booklet $1.50 To Betroth or Not to Betroth The dangers of the betrothal system are exposed with the light of biblical truth, bringing objectivity back to an often-misunderstood subject. Other Books by Pearls Rebekah’s Diary Rebekah Pearl (now Rebekah Anast), daughter of Michael and Debi Pearl, tells the awesome story of God’s guidance and protection as she, a 22-yearold girl, all alone where no white person had ever been, adapted to a primitive culture. 106-pg. Book $7.95 8+ copies ea. $4.77, a 40% discount The Vision What do you get when Islamic terrorists and White Supremacists go up against a small group of Bible believers in the hills of East Tennessee? Get your hands on a copy of this intensely exciting, informative novel! 338-pg. Book $14.95 PLAIN TALK In the Fall of 2010 Mike spoke to 250 Amish and Mennonite people on the subjects pertinent to them. 1 MP3 CD $12.95 Books by Other Authors Archaic Words and the Authorized Version 606 pages of archaic—or so called— words defined and discussed in a scholary and well researched manner. Gain fresh insights into the language of the King James Bible. 606-pg. Book WAS $29.95 NOW $24.95 FIVE POINTS of Calvinism George Bryson Each of the much-touted five points of Calvinism is carefully compared with the clear teaching of God’s holy and infallible Word, providing both serious Scriptural challenge and correction to the extremes of Calvinism. 125-pg. Book $5.95 28-pg. Booklet $1.50 36 For More detailed descriptions, go to NoGreaterJoy.Org The 2006 Geneva Bible – The Trojan Horse Dr. Samuel Gipp This is Dr. Gipp’s answer to the all the hoopla surrounding the “Geneva” Bible. 104-pg. Book $5.95 The Answer Book Dr. Samuel Gipp Contains answers to 62 often-asked questions concerning Bible translation issues and the preservation of the Bible in the Authorized Version. It is scrupulously researched and beautifully written—a pleasure to read. 165-pg. Book $6.95 Why the King James Bible is the Perfect Word of God Gary Miller Today, hundreds of books call themselves Bibles. In this book you will see why they cannot all be the words of God and why only the 1611 KJV is God’s perfectly preserved Word in English. 48-pg. Book $3.99 Hazardous Materials Dr. Gail Riplinger Michael Pearl says, “By the time I finished reading the 45 page introduction to this 1200 page book I knew the final definitive work had been written on the issue of Bible translations.” 1214-pg. Book $29.95 King James, His Bible, and Its Translators This collection of essays on the subjects of King James, his Bible, and its translators is the result of painstaking, original research, with an emphasis on primary resources. New Age Bible Versions Dr. Gail Riplinger This book is the result of an exhaustive six-year collation of new Bible versions, their underlying Greek manuscripts, editions and editors. It objectively and methodically documents the hidden alliance between new versions and the New Age Movement’s One World Religion. 700-pg. Book $16.95 The Hidden History Of The English Scriptures Contains original research into the manuscripts and languages from which all nations and tongues have derived their Bibles. There is nothing else like it in print except a 1200 page book by the same author—In Awe of thy Word. 70-pg. Book WAS $7.95, NOW $4.95 The Other Side of Calvinism Laurence M. Vance, Ph.D. This book presents the other side to the over 400-year-old debate of the doctrines of Calvinism. Mike Pearl states, “This is the best book exposing the heresies of Calvinism. If you are a Bible believer concerned about TRUTH, this is a must-read.” Hard bound book. 788-pg. Book $29.95 Software Swordsearcher Software This is an easy program to use. Includes over 70 study references such as the KJV, KJV 1611, early translations by Tyndale and Wycliffe, commentaries and much more! PC only Software CD $49.95 Book $8.95 | 1-866-292-9936 37 Good and Evil Update N By Chuck Joyner, Assnt. Gen. Manager NGJ is in negotiations for the first printing of Good and Evil in the Hindi language. Hindi is the native language of over a quarter of a billion people in India. Good and Evil in Hindi has the potential to make a tremendous impact in that spiritually dark part of the world. Michael had already committed the funds for the first printing of 5,000 copies when we received an inquiry about the status of the Hindi translation and what it would cost to get it to print. The inquirer then notified us that they were sending the $14,000 to pay for the first printing. Praise God for the obedience and faithfulness of His people to support the spreading of the Gospel through the translation and distribution of Good and Evil into Hindi and dozens of other languages! In the last couple of months NGJ supporters have also contributed contact information for translators and proofreaders in Dutch, Swahili, and Zande. These contacts can be very beneficial in starting a new translation, restarting a translation that has lost its translator or completing a translation in need of the final proofing. If you or someone you know is bilingual and willing to help with the Good and Evil Translation Project please send the contact information to NGJ at: NGJ can only reach the goal of translating Good and Evil into 100 languages with your prayers and support. Please see the order form for donation to the Good and Evil project. 38 Good & Evil Printing Report G&E has been printed in: Burmese Cebuano Chichewa English Falam Chin Hawa Naga Hmong Jinghpaw (Kachin) Karen Khmer Korean Lao Lisu Lithuanian Mongolian Nepali Russian (color) Simplified Chinese Spanish (Latin American, Mexican) Thai Ukrainian Vietnamese Wa In Final Proofing: Russian (black Afrikaans & white) Rawang Hindi Japanese Romanian Finished/ Looking for proof-readers: Tibetan Castellano Portions Printed: Tsonga Mongolian Sotho In Progress: Ahka Anung Bahasa Malaysia Bislama Catalan Chin Haka Czech Dai Dutch Dzonkha Finnish Finuntuk (Philip- pines) French Guji Oromo (Burma, China) Hungarian Indonesian Khmu Kyrgyz Lahu Liang tu Luo Shan Tswana Maka Maru Mongul (China) Ngochang Norwegian Pidgin Polish Portuguese Samoan Sichla Sinhalese Slovak Ready to Print: Punjabi (Pakistan) 2 or More Printings: Burmese Cebuano English Simplified Chinese Spanish New Languages: French Creole | 1-866-292-9936 Urdu (India) Thai Vietnamese Become an NGJ Distributor By Mel Cohen, CFP, RFC, Gen. Manager You may think about “changing the world” but then drop the idea as too big and impossible. NGJ would like to encourage you to just try “changing your world” and the lives that you touch by becoming a NGJ Distributor. Whether it is evangelism, ministering to families or providing sound doctrinal teaching, NGJ has the materials to help “change your world” by witnessing to the lost and ministering to the hurt and needy. To learn more about partnering with NGJ and becoming a Distributor, go to www.nogreaterjoy. org/businessinabox. Check it out today and take the first step to making a difference in “your” world. After reviewing our website, call Mel Cohen at 931-593-2484 or email at to answer your questions or to sign up for the program. Existing Distributors Available upon request: • Your complete contact information on our website. You provide the text and NGJ will do the rest. • A listing of homeschool conventions in your area. Homeschool conventions are usually from February to August each year. • Images and product descriptions for you to use on your website or advertising. • Ten FREE Reports. • Advance notification on new products and special discounts for distributors only. New or existing Distributors: To get advance notices on new products and distributor-only discounts, sign up at The discounts are over and above your standard discount, so be sure to sign up ASAP. | 1-866-292-9936 39 ELECTRONIC SERVICE REQUESTED No Greater Joy Ministries, Inc. 1000 Pearl Road Pleasantville, TN 37033 NON-PROFIT US. POSTAGE PAID NO GREATER JOY MINISTRIES March-Arpil 2011 March-April Specials Specials good March 1, 2011 through April 30, 2011 (2) Created To Be His Help Meet books; (2) Help Meet’s Journey workbooks REG. $51.80 / NOW $29.95 #6110-05 SAVE 40%! Coloring Book Set, ABC Bible Verse Song CD REG. $14.95 / NOW $6.95 #3775-05 SAVE OVER 50%! Rebekah’s Diary; Jumping Ship book; Becoming a Man CD; Young Adults & Marriage CD; Am I Saved? CD set REG. $40.75 / NOW $24.95 #8550-05 SAVE 40%!