EIA study 2x110 kV OHTL Bitola 3
EIA study 2x110 kV OHTL Bitola 3
Macedonian Transmission System Operator ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT STUDY PROJECT: Construction of double circuit 110kv overhead transmission line from S/S Bitola 3 to S/S Bitola 4 COMMISSIONED BY: MACEDONIAN TRANSMISSION SYSTEM OPERATOR TITLE: EXECUTOR: ENVIRONMENT IMPACT ASSESSMENT ”CONSTRUCTION OF DOUBLE CIRCUIT 110KV OVERHEAD TRANSMISSION LINE FROM S/S BITOLA 3 TO S/S BITOLA 4” EUROPARTNER GROUP KIRO KRSTEVSKI PLATNIK 23-A SKOPJE, MACEDONIA TEL: 02 3217-306 E-MAIL: office@europartnergroup.com EXPERT TEAM: Study signed by: Slavjanka Pejčinovska- Andonova, BA in engineering Authorized expert in EIA _________________________ Other team members: Zdravko Andonov, MA in electrical engineering science Natalija Aceska BA in Biology Sašo Talevski BA in Philosophy (Expert in cultural and socio-economic issues) Page ii Environment Impact Assesment Study – Construction of double circuit 110kv overhead transmission line from S/S Bitola 3 to S/S Bitola 4 Courtesy translation: Republic of Macedonia Ministry of environment and physical planning, Skopje ACKNOWLEDGMENT For passed professional exam due to gain status expert in EIA Mrs. Pejcinovska Andonova Petar Slavjanka MA in Engineering from Skopje, Born on 15.02.1963 in Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. On 01.06.2009, passed the professional exam for acknowledgment of professional knowledge in environmental impact assessment in front of the Commission for taking the professional exam in environmental impact assessment within Ministry of environment and physical planning, thereby she gained a status as an expert in environmental impact assessment where she fulfils the conditions stipulated in Article 85 paragraph 3 of the Law for the environment, where she gains with the e right to be included in the List of experts for EIA within the Ministry of environment and physical planning of Republic of Macedonia. This acknowledgement is issued on the base of Article 85 from the Law of environment (Official Gazette of Republic of Macedonia, no. 53/05,81/05, 24/07 and 159/0). Ministry of environment and physical planning Minister Mr. Neđati Jakupi Страна 3 Environment Impact Assesment Study – Construction of double circuit 110kv overhead transmission line from S/S Bitola 3 to S/S Bitola 4 CONTENTS ABBREVIATIONS .......................................................................................................7 1. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................8 1.1 Basic data for the investor and the intentions in implementation of the project........................................................................................... 8 1.2 Need for preparation of environmental impact assessment study ............. 8 1.3 Study scope and used methodology ................................................. 9 1.4 Structure and content of the study ................................................10 2. PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS....................................................... 11 2.1 Basic data for the project ...........................................................11 2.2 The meaning of the project in regard to transmission system of Republic of Macedonia......................................................................................12 2.3 Process for choice of the route .....................................................13 2.4 Analysis for alternatives..............................................................14 2.5 technical characteristics of the project ...........................................18 2.6 Project phases .........................................................................26 2.6.1 2.6.2 2 Building ............................................................................26 Operational and maintenance phase..........................................29 DESCRIPTION OF THE ENVIRONMENT IN THE PROJECT AREA ...................................... 30 3.1 Geographic position of the location................................................30 3.2 Location of the project...............................................................31 3.3 Natural features and state of the environmental medium in the area of the project..........................................................................................32 3.3.1 3.3.2 3.3.3 3.3.4 3.3.6 3.3.7 3.4 Climate and weather conditions ...............................................32 Geological characteristics of the area ........................................33 Seismic-tectonic characteristic ................................................34 Lithological properties ..........................................................36 Air quality in the area ...........................................................39 Noise ...............................................................................41 SOCIAL ECONOMIC CHARACTERISTICS ..............................................55 4 IDENTIFICATION AND EVALUATION OF THE POSSIBLE IMPACT OF THE PROJECT IN THE ENVIRONMENT....................................................................................................... 65 4.1 IDENTIFICATION OF THE IMPACT IN DIFFERENT PHASES OF THE PROJECT ...65 4.2 Impact Assessment ....................................................................84 5 MEASURES TO MITIGATE THE NEGATIVE IMPACTS OF THE PROJECT ON THE ENVIRONMENT 87 5.1 5.2 5.3 6 7 8 9 10 Measures to mitigate the impact of the project on the environment ........87 General measures ................................................................... 102 Specific measures ................................................................... 102 MONITORING PLAN.........................................................................................103 ANALYSIS OF THE TECHNICAL FLAWS AND THE NEEDED ACTUALIZATION OF THE STUDY ..117 JUSTIFICATION OF THE PROJECT AND A CONCLUSION.............................................118 RÉSUMÉ WITHOUT THE TECHNICAL DETAILS .........................................................120 APPENDEXES ................................................................................................128 10.1 Appendix 1: Participants responsible for the creation of the study ...... 128 Страна 4 Environment Impact Assesment Study – Construction of double circuit 110kv overhead transmission line from S/S Bitola 3 to S/S Bitola 4 10.2 Appendix 2: Relevant legal regulative and technical precepts........... 129 10.3 Appendix 3: References ......................................................... 131 10.4 Appendix 4: Technical data related to the impact assesment ........... 133 10.5 Appendix 5 Public participation in the process of making a decision on a EIA study of construction of double overheaded transmission lines 2 x 110kv S/S Bitola 3 - S/S Bitola 4 ..................................................................... 140 Page 5 Environment Impact Assesment Study – Construction of double circuit 110kv overhead transmission line from S/S Bitola 3 to S/S Bitola 4 Page 6 Environment Impact Assesment Study – Construction of double circuit 110kv overhead transmission line from S/S Bitola 3 to S/S Bitola 4 ABBREVIATIONS AD - JSC (Joint Stock Company) MEPSO – Macedonian Transmission System Operator EIA – Environment impact assessment EU – European Union S/S – Subsystem REK – Mining and Energy Combine OHTL – Overhead Transmission Line Sl. Vesnik - Official Gazette PEHD – Polyethylene high density RIMSYS – River Monitoring System SO2 - Sulphur dioxide CO - Carbon monoxide NOX - Nitrogen oxide TSP - Total suspended particles NO2 - Nitrogen dioxide NMVOC - Non-methane Volatile organic compounds UHMR – Institute for Hydro-Meteorological services WHO – World Health Organization INIRC – International Non-Ionizing Radiation Committee IEEE – Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers CITES – Convention on international Trade in Endangered Species IUCN – International Union for Conservation of Nature Pаge 7 Environment Impact Assesment Study – Construction of double circuit 110kv overhead transmission line from S/S Bitola 3 to S/S Bitola 4 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 BASIC DATA FOR THE INVESTOR AND THE INTENTIONS IN IMPLEMENTATION OF THE PROJECT The company MEPSO (Macedonian transmission system operator) is in state ownership and it was formed in 2005 due to transformation of Macedonian electric power. Basic activity of MEPSO is uninterrupted transmission of electricity within high voltage network to its consumers, and successful managing the electrical energy system. The company is also responsible for continues transmission of electric power from Macedonian border to the distributive network of EVN Macedonia and its consumers, as well organizes and dispatches the transit of electric power all over Republic of Macedonia. On the basis of approved development plans, the company MEPSO has intention to begin with constriction of double circuit transmission line 2 X110 kV S/S Bitola 3 - S/S Bitola 4 and finishing of four transmission fields, two in S/S Bitola 4 and one in S/S Bitola 2 and S/S Bitola 3. The length of transmission line is 12 km, from which 400 m that are located in urban area will be realized as 100 kV underground cable network. With the construction of the transmission line, in the southwest part of Macedonia the transmission network ring will be established where the improvement of voltage conditions are expected and with this the improvement of security in power supply for the consumers in Bitola region. The construction of transmission line is financed from the project “Project for development of the electricity transmission network” (ECSEE APL 3) credited by World Bank. 1.2 NEED F O R P R E P A R A T I O N O F E N V I R O N M E N T A L I M P A C T A S S E S S M E NT S T U D Y In general, the construction of transmission line, its functioning and maintaining in its expected lifetime as well it is commissioning causes possible negative and positive impacts on the variable elements in environment. The need of identification and evaluation of all impacts, suggestion for mitigation strategy, prevention or compensation of negative impacts, monitoring of suggested measures implementation and participation of public in decision making for construction of transmission line is conditioned by the national legislation in the field of environmental protection, EU directives, international agreements as well requirements of the financial institution like World Bank, which had certain requirements due to credit approve to the investor. In that regard MEPSO in March 2009 submitted the Letter of intent for the development of the Project to Ministry of environment and physical planning and application for scope determination of the evaluation of the impact of the project in the environment. In accordance with the Environmental Law (Official Gazette of R.M. No. 53/2005, 81/2005, 24/2007 and 159/08) and Regulation for project determination and criteria, on which is stipulated the necessity for establishment procedure for determination of evaluation of the impact in the environment (Official Gazette of Page 8 Environment Impact Assesment Study – Construction of double circuit 110kv overhead transmission line from S/S Bitola 3 to S/S Bitola 4 R.M No.74/2005) the perform of this type of project I under annex 2-Generally stipulated projects, clause 3-Energy, (b) Industrial Installations and gas distribution, steam, hot water and transmission and distribution of electricity within surface lines (Projects that are not included in annex 1) Environmental administration within the Ministry of Environmental and physical planning, has determined the need for starting up procedure of EIA , this decision was because the project is construction of transmission line which Is long 12 km, from which 400 meters of underground cable network are located in the urban area. Simultaneously the scope of the study is defined, especially on issues like: a) Visual aspects b) Biodiversity c) electro-magnetic radiation d) Cumulative impact e) Socio-economic aspects In the procedure of EIA, special place has the transparent publication of the Summary without technical details and possibility of the insight of the draft version of Study as well the panel discussion which will be organized with EIA the most important conclusions from the Study to be presented where from the considered public the remarks and comments will be considered. After the panel discussion the final version of the Study will be expected. 1.3 STUDY S C O P E A ND U S E D M E T H O D O L O G Y This study have purpose to identify, forecast, asses and mitigate the negative biophysical, social, health and other effects on the different elements in the environment that can outcome from the project for construction of two system transmission line 2 x 110 kV S/S Bitola 3 –S/S Bitola 4, before the major decision for its realization to be made. Before the beginning of the construction, the expert team established the Working Methodology, the research implementation tools, assessment and analytical approach toward the preparation process of the study, and has few steps, which are: - Introduction with the basic characteristics of the project, different phases of the expected lifetime of the transmission line; - Introduction with the major actors in the project implementation and interviews with them; - Analysis of available documentation related to the conditions for construction and technical characteristics of the project; - Review and analysis of current condition of the environment at the proposed site and its immediate vicinity; - Visit of the location of the suggested route (January 2010); - Identification of the potential impacts on the project and the environment during the construction, work, and regular maintenance in case of average and decommissioning; - Research and evaluation of the type, nature, period, reversibility, meaning, the strength of the negative and positive impact of the project on the all of the elements in the environment; Page 9 Environment Impact Assesment Study – Construction of double circuit 110kv overhead transmission line from S/S Bitola 3 to S/S Bitola 4 - Assessment of whether impacts can be prevented, avoided, mitigated or compensate; - Suggestion of preventive and corrective action in mitigation of the impacts and Monitoring Plan; - Notifying all decision makers and included parties in consequences from the Project in the environment and their participation in the completely transparent process; - Recommendations whether development and realization of the project should be ongoing. Expert team used a vast number of professional literatures, strategic national documents, national relevant legislation, international agreements, valid technical regulations and standards, maps, technical documentation regarding the project, manuals, variable charts, and matrix for assessing well reports and recommendations from similar researches. The list of relevant law regulations, EU Directives, international agreements and technical regulations and manuals is given in appendix 2. The list of used professional literature and technical documentation is given in Appendix 3. 1.4 STRUCTURE A N D C O NT E N T O F T H E S T U D Y The structure and content of this study is in accordance of the directions and recommendations from the World Bank relevant for this type of projects and general legal requirements (rule book for the content and requirements of one environmental impact assessment study –Official Gazette of R.M No.33/06 and) and Manual of the sector of EIA –transmission lines. The chapter 2 is description and technical characteristics of the project, the process of the route choice of the transmission line and reviewed alternatives. The chapter 3 is description of the natural features and state of the environmental medium in the area of the project The chapter 4 gives insight and evaluation of the identified possible negative and positive cumulative impacts of the transmission line in the variable elements in the environment over the expected lifetime of the project. The chapter 5 deals with the mitigation measures of the negative impacts, responsible persons, costs of the measures and time frame of their implementation. The chapter 6 represents the suggested Monitoring Plan, parameters that should be monitored, monitoring fervency, responsible body, the monitoring financial costs and time frame. The chapter 7 is the analysis of technical flaws during the preparation of the study and the eventual necessities for its update in certain period. The chapter 8 is for project justification and gives conclusion drown from the Analyses. The chapter 9 contains the summary without technical details, which is for all interested parties and participants of the panel discussion. The chapter 10 contains various contributions, which show the complexity and seriousness of the approach, and methodology that was used by the expert team for the preparation of the study. Page 10 Environment Impact Assesment Study – Construction of double circuit 110kv overhead transmission line from S/S Bitola 3 to S/S Bitola 4 2. PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS 2.1 BASIC DATA FOR THE PROJECT The double circuit transmission line S/S Bitola 3 –S/S Bitola 4 is planned with estimated length of 12 km, from which 400 meters that are located in the urban area will be realized as 110 kV underground cable connection. The one of the systems from the new 2x110 KV OHTL will connect directly S/S Bitola 3 and S/S Bitola 4. The second system will be directly linked to the S/S Bitola 4 near the S/S Bitola 3 and will be directly linked to the second system of 2 x 110 kV transmission line S/S Bitola 2 –S/S Bitola 3 whether the direct connection of S/S Bitola 4 – S/S Bitola 2 will be established. The terminal in S/S Bitola 4, because passes through the urban area, the 400 meters of it will be cable connection of 440 kV to the two of the 110 kV OHTL fields which are with the buildup portals. S/S Bitola 3 have unequipped OHTL Field for the connection of the second system No.164 a from the double circuit OHTL S/S Bitola 3 –S/S Bitola 4. This no.164 a system after the connection of the new 2x110 kV OHTL S/S Bitola 3 –S/S Bitola 4 will close the connection 110kV S/S Bitola 3 –S/S Bitola 4. With the construction of this OHTL the ring will be formed in the transmission network in the south west part of the state and with which the security of the power will be improved as well the voltage conditions in the Bitola region will be improved. Figure 1: Principle scheme of the power system in the vicinity of Bitola Page 11 Environment Impact Assesment Study – Construction of double circuit 110kv overhead transmission line from S/S Bitola 3 to S/S Bitola 4 2.2 THE MEANING OF THE PROJECT REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA IN REGARD TO TRANSMISSION SYSTEM OF The electrical power system in the Republic of Macedonia is under more legal entities, but the following three are the major participants: 1. Macedonian power plants (ELEM) have large production capacities and products approximately 96% of the electricity power in republic of Macedonia 2. EVN Macedonia deals with the distribution power network and its responsible for the electricity supply to the consumers 3. Macedonian transmission system operator (MEPSO) is responsible in the transmission of the electricity from the production capacities to the distribution network of EVN Macedonia, and in the management with the electro energetic system of RM. According to the geographic position, the major production capacities are located in the south western Macedonia (REK Bitola with 675mW) and western Macedonia (REK Oslomej with 125mW and HEC Vrutok with 150mW, HEC Špilje, HEC Globočica) and the major consumers are located in the north of the country in the towns ; Skopje, Kumanovo, Tetovo and Gostivar. The supply to the large consumers is going through two 400 kV transmission lines among which is Bitola-Kičevo. The major supply of the south western Macedonia mainly goes through the transmission line Bitola-Resen-Ohrid. The electro energetic chart of Republic of Macedonia is shown on figure 2. Figure 2: Electro-energetic chart of Republic of Macedonia The biggest town in the south west Macedonia, Bitola is supplied trough 110 kV network and 4 sub stations (S/S Bitola 1, S/S Bitola 2, S/S Bitola 3 and S/S Bitola 4) from which the first three are located in the eastern, industrial part of the town, while the fourth substation is located in the western part of the town dominated by residential buildings and business buildings. The Figure 3a shows the current Page 12 Environment Impact Assesment Study – Construction of double circuit 110kv overhead transmission line from S/S Bitola 3 to S/S Bitola 4 connection of the substations in Bitola region. On the Figure 3b can be seen the circuit that will be established with the building of this project. HEC Globo~ica Skopje 4 400 Sopotnica HEC Globo~ica Skopje 4 400 Sopotnica Prilep 1 Prilep 1 Struga Struga Dubrovo 400 Ohrid 3 Resen Ohrid 1 Ohrid 2 Bitola 1 Resen Ohrid 1 Ohrid 2 Bitola 4 Bitola 3 Bitola2 400 Bitola 2 110 Dubrovo 400 Bitola 1 Bitola 4 Bitola 3 Bitola2 400 Bitola 2 110 Suvodol Suvodol Elektri~ni Centrali Elektri~ni Centrali Hid ro E C Hidro EC Termo EC Termo EC Dalekuvodi ALBANIJA GRCIJA Amynteo 400 kV 220 kV 110 kV 2 x110 kV Нов2 x110 kV ALBANIJA GRCIJA Florina (Лерин) Dalekuvodi 400 kV 220 kV 110 kV 2 x110 kV Нов2 x110 kV Trafostanici Trafostanici TS 400 /110 kV/kV TS 400/11 0 kV/kV TS 220 /110 kV/kV TS 220/11 0 kV/kV TS 110 /X kV/kV TS 110/ X kV/ kV а. б. Figure 3: Schemes of the relationship of the town's sub stations in the Bitola region a. Before construction and b. After the construction of the project Currently S/S Bitola 3 is connected with the double circuit S/S Bitola 2 from which one circuit is used on 10kV voltage. This connection does not provide fluent power supply to the consumers, which have power supply from S/S Bitola 3. S/S Bitola 4 is connected with S/S Bitola 1 and S/S Resen and can provide the fluent power supply to the consumers even if connection with S/S Bitola 1 is interrupted. In this that case the power supply should be done with transmission line (from Resen) which in normal conditions work with high electric charge and power supply is transferred trough very long route that causes high lost in the system. With the suggested transmission line the circuit around Bitola will be established, the circuit in which all four 110 kV substations will be linked. This will provide fluent power supply to the consumers that are connected to S/S Bitola 3 and S/S Bitola 4 trough shortest routes and with low lost in the transmission system, and even by any reason one of them is switched off will be unnoticeable to the consumers. The circuit will also improve the confidence of consumers in power supply that are supplied by the other two substations. 2.3 PROCESS FO R C H O I C E O F T H E R O U T E According to the submitted documentation and condition of the field, it is obvious that closure of the circuit with the construction of the transmission line, which will connect S/S Bitola 3 and S/S Bitola 4 its part of the long term plans for development of the electro energetic system in Macedonia. Building the S/S Bitola 4 the basic infrastructure for another double circuit will be build e.g. portals, fields, fundaments for the tilt measuring equipment and etc. The transmission line that connects S/S Bitola 2 and S/S Bitola 4 is built as double circuit, although is used only the one (the second one is used with 10 kV voltage). In the first Feasibility study (Picture 4) is predicted that from S/S Bitola 4 goes out the transmission line, but with the development of the town i.e. New buildings this feasibility will be very difficult to be realized. Page 13 Environment Impact Assesment Study – Construction of double circuit 110kv overhead transmission line from S/S Bitola 3 to S/S Bitola 4 In 2005 the preliminary analysis for the possible route for building the transmission line was made, and in this analysis two possible directions were analyzed for building the transmission line. 1. Route S/S Bitola 4 > village Lavci > slope Titovo brdo > next to the stadium > between the housing estate and Brewery/Fridge Factory > S/S Bitola 3 and 2. S/S Bitola 4 > village Lavci > peak 717 > between village Bukovo and settlement Bukovski Livadi > bypass of settlement Bukovski Livadi > cross over trough road Bitola-village Kravari > turning toward the access point OHTL 2x110 kV S/S Bitola 2 - S/S Bitola 3 On Figure 4 is shown the preliminary route and the two considered alternatives in 2005. Figure 4: The preliminary route and considered alternatives in 2005 The investors (MEPSO) as possible for building have chosen the second route. Because of the existence residential buildings in the vicinity of S/S Bitola 4, part of the route will be performed with the underground cable line. Beside the analyzed solutions as technically possible and with shortest length is the usage of underground cable trough the town, and with this cable the two substations will be linked. The all of these solutions and their advantages and disadvantages will be analyzed in detail further in continuance. 2.4 ANALYSIS F O R A LT E R N A T I V E S The major criteria that the investor has considered as lead in choice of the most approvable route are following: ‐ compliance with urban and spatial plans; ‐ length of the route ‐ technical posibilities for the construction of the route ‐ road network Page 14 Environment Impact Assesment Study – Construction of double circuit 110kv overhead transmission line from S/S Bitola 3 to S/S Bitola 4 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ the existence of the urban areas along the route quality of the land property of the land Impact on the environment The existence of the natural and cultural heritage The existence and intersection with energy, transportation, communication and water supply infrastructure and etc. 2.4.1 ZERO ALTERNATIVE – NOT TO BE BUILD If Transmission line is not built, the consequences would be following: ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ Throughput of energy to the southwestern part of Macedonia will not increase; The power supply won’t be improved to the consumers supplied by S/S Bitola 3; The consumers financial losses from low quality power supply will not decline; In case of commissioning of OHTL BT 1 - BT 4, the supply to consumers powered to S/S Bitola 4 will be difficult and will cause high loses in the electrical power system; Because of the conditions in regard to electricity, the increase of the economic activities in the region is not expected; 2.4.2 PRELIMINARY ROUTE (ALTERNATIVE 1) The length of the route is between the new analyzed routes. This route was projected more than 20 years ago and concludes considerations for town development and its infrastructure. Considering the condition on the field this project is very difficult to be realized for the reason of the new buildings such as industrial and residential 2.4.3 ROUTE 1 (ALTERNATIVE 2) From the analyzed routes, which were developed with the transmission line, this one is the shortest route. This route goes trough parts, which are populated, and trough industrial area and near the archeological site Heraklea. The rout intersects many of the infrastructure buildings, and it is very difficult in providing the all required licenses, but even if they will be provided, the building of the transmission line will be very difficult. 2.4.4 REALIZATION OF THE TRANSMISSION LINE WITH THE UNDERGROUND CABLES (ALTERNATIVE 3) This solution is not analyzed at all by the investor; even though provide the shortest route in connection of the substations. In this regard, reasons are justified. Page 15 Environment Impact Assesment Study – Construction of double circuit 110kv overhead transmission line from S/S Bitola 3 to S/S Bitola 4 ‐ ‐ ‐ Te building of 110 kV is very expensive capture, which is 20 times more expensive than the performance of the surface transmission lines; The cable system must be installed trough densely populated areas, this implies that the streets must be dig again also transfer or bypass the low voltage electricity, telecommunications, water and sewerage infrastructure. The additional problem is inexistence of the underground cadastre in Bitola; Due to the abovementioned reasons this route has not been shown on Figure 4. 2.4.5 SELECTED ALTERNATIVE – ROUTE 2 By all criteria, this route represents an optimal solution. The preliminary defined rout during its projecting is adjusted to the field conditions and also the residential buildings were avoided. The first 400 m on the output of the S/S Bitola 4 are constructed with underground cable through bulwark Stara Reka, and further is considered carefully so transmission line not to pass through the urban area. In the vicinity of the route does cultural heritage and archaeological sites. In mountainous areas the route passes through the soil that has a category 4 and higher with short plants and angle tighten, towers are located in close proximity to the current roads, so the necessity of the approachable roads is minimal. In the village Kravari to the final goal from a distance of about 35 meters, follows the existing 150 kV transmission line without intersection. In the village Kravari to the final goal from a distance of about 35 meters, follows the existing 150 kV long-distance without the appearance of the final route and allocation of the towers is shown on Figure 5 and Appendix 10.5. Page 16 Environment Impact Assesment Study – Construction of double circuit 110kv overhead transmission line from S/S Bitola 3 to S/S Bitola 4 Figure 5: The route with the disposition of the towers Page 17 Environment Impact Assesment Study – Construction of double circuit 110kv overhead transmission line from S/S Bitola 3 to S/S Bitola 4 2.5 TECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE PROJECT According to its technical characteristics, the double circuit transmission line linking S/S Bitola 3 and S/S Bitola 4 is the the first transmission line with underground cable length of about 400 m. The rest of the transmission line length of about 12 km will be accomplished with a classic overhead line, from which the first tower is intended to connect underground cable with the onground line and should be the first of its kind built in Macedonia. The height of the columns should be different depending on the configuration of the terrain and the infrastructure facilities, from 12m to 28m. The following tables and images provided more detailed information on the most important elements in lines: Table 1: Basic data of the lines Nominal voltage Route Starting point (the beginning of section I) Intersection point (end of section I, beginning of section II) Endpoint Planned section Height of the towers Height of top of the the towers 110kV From the existing 110 kV portals in S/S Bitola 4 to the place of connection of the existing OHTL 2x110 kV S/S Bitola 2 – S/S Bitola 3, No. 164 A, B (tower 38 A3 - tower 39 A3) Docking portals in S/S Bitola 4 The double circuit (special) tower that will join the cables for both systems (near S/S Bitola 4 at cca 400m Near the double circuit tower no. 38 and tower no. 39 (which is currently working on a single circuit system 10kV) is intended to form a “triangle” that despite the existing 110 kV S/S Bitola 2 – S/S Bitola 3 it will establish the links: S/S Bitola 2 - Bitola 4, S/S Bitola 1 – S/S Bitola 4 Section I сса 400m Section II сса 12km Min 12m Max 28m Min 24m Max 40m Page 18 Environment Impact Assesment Study – Construction of double circuit 110kv overhead transmission line from S/S Bitola 3 to S/S Bitola 4 Table 2: Technical data for the elements of the lines Production Towers Geo-mechanical characteristics of the ground Technical characteristics Foundations Special conditions Conductors Earth wire Type Number of conductors per stages Material Cross-section Maximum tension of conductors EMO - Ohrid ADAD-150 SD 120 Double circuit steel lattice tower, hot-dip galvanized “anti vandal“ screws and bolts to a height of 5m. Selection of the ground type is based on the use of the Elaborate for engineering-geological prospection of the field Broken down reinforced concrete types of foundations, with a concrete mark of the applicable regulations, for different load according characteristics of the ground. On the anchorages part of the fundament of the tower, as a protection against corrosion an amount of concrete is provided with the height of 50cm over aligned surface of the ground. 2х3хACSR 240/40мм2 One AlFe 240/40мм2 Under the applicable regulations 9.00 daN/mm2 Earth wire with integrated optical fibres – 24 fibres (the mechanical characteristics match on AlFe 95/55мм2) Page 19 Environment Impact Assesment Study – Construction of double circuit 110kv overhead transmission line from S/S Bitola 3 to S/S Bitola 4 Type of insulator On the air line: Massive porcelain insulator type LG 65/22/1270 and LG 65/22/1270 EP On the portal: U-120 Type of insulator’s chain Mechanically amplified Insulation Grounding of the towers Specific ground resistance Material Dimensioning Binding equipment Safety height With accordance of measurements on the filed on the specific places and the usage of groundings Round galvanized steel Minimal cross-section ∅10мм Overhead and Binding equipment will be hotdip galvanized with protective rings adapted for the intended isolators Security will be worth at least 1m higher than prescribed in the Regulations due to material fatigue, construction near, the use of agricultural machinery and others Page 20 Environment Impact Assesment Study – Construction of double circuit 110kv overhead transmission line from S/S Bitola 3 to S/S Bitola 4 Side Side Figure 6: Tower Zc20 Page 21 Environment Impact Assesment Study – Construction of double circuit 110kv overhead transmission line from S/S Bitola 3 to S/S Bitola 4 Table 3: Technical data for the elements of the cable General Conductor Production Type Rated voltage Maximum voltage The Basic Impulse Level (BIL) Type Material Cross-section ABB AXLJ 1х1000/95мм2 110kV 110 kV 123 kV Round, compacted Aluminium 1000мм2 Type Material Thickness Triple extruded, dry cured XLPE 13мм Type Material Diameter Concentric wires Copper 95мм2 Type Semi-conductive swelling tapes Material Material Thickness Extruded conductive layer Outer diameter Pe-Al-Pe HDPE 3,6мм 550kV Conductor screen Insulation Insulation screen Metallic screen Longitudinal water sealing Radial water seal Outer Cover YES 82мм Page 22 Environment Impact Assesment Study – Construction of double circuit 110kv overhead transmission line from S/S Bitola 3 to S/S Bitola 4 LEGEND: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. High voltage single-wire cable 110kV PEHD tube 2 x 50mm for fiber optic cable Cable slab Protective concrete slabs Excavation ground Warning tape (BH cable) Warning tape (TK fiber optic cable) Figure 7: Cable channel cross-section with double circuit and triangular arrangement of conductors Page 23 Environment Impact Assesment Study – Construction of double circuit 110kv overhead transmission line from S/S Bitola 3 to S/S Bitola 4 Tabel 4: Technical characteristics of the outdoor composite termination Elements of the cable termination: 1. Upper metal fitting 2. Mechanical connector 3. Composite housing 4. Oil-filled 5. Stress cone 6. Basic plate 7. Support insulators 8. Gland and sealing Characteristics Operates under severe conditions Si-oil filling Pressure-tight composite housing Prefabricated and tested Si-rubber cone Fittings are made from corrosion-resistant alloy The comprehensive design can cover polymeric insulated cable systems up to a cross section of 2500 mm2 Page 24 Environment Impact Assesment Study – Construction of double circuit 110kv overhead transmission line from S/S Bitola 3 to S/S Bitola 4 Figure 8: Massive porcelain insulator type LG 65/22/1270, product EMO Ohrid Page 25 Environment Impact Assesment Study – Construction of double circuit 110kv overhead transmission line from S/S Bitola 3 to S/S Bitola 4 2.6 PROJECT PHASES 2.6.1 B UILDING GENERAL The building of the transmission line will be performed In accordance with the previously prepared project and in accordance with the existent regulations, norms and MKS standards. The materials that will be used are in accordance to the provisions in the project, and in accordance with quality standards and for the same will be submitted certificates. During the building of the transmission line, the contractor is responsible to lead the construction diary with all predicted data. During the building of the transmission line the monitoring by investors and contractors will be provided. MARKING OF THE TOWER LOCATIONS AND CLEANING OF THE ROUTE Before the building starts, the marking of the tower allocations throughout the route will be conducted. The marking is performed manually on field by contractor’s team; the team will use wooden poles and coloring spray for marking the poles. The approach to the marking locations will be conducted with light vehicles on main and country roads. After marking of the route, the cleaning of the vegetated area under the transmission line will start. Hereby, the transmission line does not pass through the wood the bigger cutting of trees won’t be done, the cutting of trees will be done only in certain cases as if the security distance of the transmission line is less than 3 meters. In the part where the underground cable, which is with length of 400 meters, will be placed, the marking is the same as in the above mentioned method. Route for the underground cable passes through the urban area, next to the coast of a river basin channel, and then extends through the grass without any need of additional cleaning or tree cutting. CONSTRUCTIONS AND ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION To the market places the approach will be with Lorries, where digging of pits will start and there is access with the machine digging. If it has concluded that the capacity of the land is the same with the capacity of the soil, which is determined in the Report for the engineering geological characteristics of the soil materials throughout the route, the construction will start with concrete foundation. The constriction material to the locations will be transported with Lorries. After backfilling and tamping the soil around the foundations, the remaining soil if possible plans to be transferred to a place that has provided for such things. The other waste (sand, concrete, stone, etc.) will be displaced in a landfill waste. Then, mounting of the steel constriction of towers is the next step. The construction will be performed with appropriate machinery and cranes, the machinery will move around on the current approachable roads, also they will move around in the green area but only if there is Page 26 Environment Impact Assesment Study – Construction of double circuit 110kv overhead transmission line from S/S Bitola 3 to S/S Bitola 4 necessity of them. Considering the configuration of the field and condition of the route, the breaking of new roads will not be preformed. Figure 9: Part of the process of installing the transmission line – raising the tower Figure 10: Installation of the overhead equipment After construction of towers will start the mounting of wires and overhead equipment. The stretching will be done through wire rope stretcher and will be set up the temporary grounding, which will be dismantled after that. During the installation of conductors and protective safety ropes, the stretching is carried out in accordance with the regulations i.e. stretching to the maximum power and after twenty minutes lose of the power that is suitable to the surrounding temperature by measuring the span. The mounting of the optical rope is in accordance with the national regulations and instructions in mounting in accordance with the standard DIN 48208. Protective rope will be placed in drums in one unit without end. On required places will be transported with Lorries. The equipment that will be delivered from the manufacturer will be unloaded from freight cars or Lorries with appropriate equipment. The equipment will be unloaded, transported and installed by qualified persons. Within the technical documentation is considered the protection of the transmission line from natural disasters such as: thunder strike; towers are protected from flood with advanced foundations; protection from slipping Level by locating the towers on stable locations; protection from additional burden (snow, frost, ice) and high wind pressure; fire protection; pollution protection of the environment by using the isolated elements. From seismic forces the transmission line will be without special protection of the towers, because the transmission lines aren’t categorized in accordance with article 4 from the Regulation for technical normative for construction of objects for high construction in seismic areas (Off, Gazette SFRJ No.31/81). Page 27 Environment Impact Assesment Study – Construction of double circuit 110kv overhead transmission line from S/S Bitola 3 to S/S Bitola 4 INSTALLATION OF THE UNDERGROUND CABLE After marking of the cable run the dig of the cable channel will start, this mostly will be done with machines and part of it will be done manually. Depth and width of the channel will be 1.2 meters. Before installation of the cable, the whole route must be dogged. Then, the layer of sand as cable beds up to 0.45 m high. Over the beds above the installed high power cables, the concrete slabs are placed. In approximate of 10 cm over the concrete slabs are placed the warning tapes for presence of high power and telecommunications cables. The constriction material to the locations will be transported with Lorries. The waste (sand, concrete, stone, etc.) will be gathered and displaced in a landfill waste. Figure 11: Underground cable Installation Page 28 Environment Impact Assesment Study – Construction of double circuit 110kv overhead transmission line from S/S Bitola 3 to S/S Bitola 4 2.6.2 OPERATIONAL AND MAINTENANCE PHASE The operational life of the transmission lines is estimated for over 50 years. During its lifetime the transmission doesn’t require special arrangements just maintenance. The maintenance includes regular inspection and replacement of the broken parts. During the regular inspection the condition of the route is inspected, towers, grounding, conductors, isolators and other parts of the transmission line. During regular inspection branches are cut, which surpasses the allowed highness, if it is necessary the sanitation of the ground is performed and the eventual damaging of foundations by unscrupulous people is checked. If in the future the vegetation stays the same, and because of the existence of short plants, the intervention in cutting branches will be minimal. The underground cables are not requiring regular inspections. During the operation of the transmission line from different reasons, some of the wires can touch the ground or higher plants, and there is small chance to endanger the life due to existence of the appropriate protection in the substations, but there can be fire and that is why the stipulated fire protection measures should be followed 2.6.3 DECOMMISSIONING After the end of the operational life the procedure for decommissioning in fact takes place in the opposite order of construction, so the first the wires and over head equipment is removed, then the towers are demounting and at the end the foundations will be removed and the field will be repaired. Page 29 Environment Impact Assesment Study – Construction of double circuit 110kv overhead transmission line from S/S Bitola 3 to S/S Bitola 4 2 DESCRIPTION OF THE ENVIRONMENT IN THE PROJECT AREA 3.1 G E O G R A P H I C P O S I T I O N O F T H E LO C A T I O N County Bitola is situated in the southwestern part of the Republic of Macedonia with the municipal center, the town of Bitola, which is the administrative, cultural, economic, industrial, educational, scientific and diplomatic center. Bitola is the second most populated town in Macedonia and third for its surface. The town is set in the foothills of Mount Baba in middle part of Pelagonia valley. Through Bitola flows the river Dragor. Bitola is located 14 km north of Greek border at the altitude of 576 meters. Bitola County covers the area of 794.53 m2. From the north it borders with the Municipality of Demir Hisar and Mogila , from east with municipality Novaci and from west with municipality Resen and from south with Republic of Greece. Municipal Boundaries Municipal Center Figure 12: Location of the Municipality Bitola Page 30 Environment Impact Assesment Study – Construction of double circuit 110kv overhead transmission line from S/S Bitola 3 to S/S Bitola 4 3.2 L O C A T I O N OF THE PROJECT The starting point of the planned 2x110kV OHTL S/S Bitola 3 – S/S Bitola 4 is S/S Bitola 4, which is located in the urban area of the town. On the output of S/S Bitola 4 corridor of planned 2x110kV OHTL it turns south passing through vicinity Bitola with underground cable of approximate 40m. The corridor passes next to catchment channel so-called Stara Reka near the elementary school Kliment Ohridski and exits on the periphery continuing through green area. Here the corridor continuous with on ground line, south in direction to village Lavci. Near the village Lavci the corridor turns for 40 degrees in southeastern direction passing next to Monastery St. Anastie in direction to village Bukovo. From village Bukovo the corridor changes its direction on east toward the angle place No. 7 toward settlement Bukovski Livadi. In this junction corridor passes through flat terrain with some planted land. From Bukovski Livadi corridor has a small turning toward northeast, where it passes over the highway and the railway, which is not in function and comes near the village Kravari. From here the corridor continuous through plain land throughout the existent 150kV OHTL S/S Bitola 1 – Greek border. Then the corridor turns north following the 150kV OHTL to the towers 19 and 20 in the industrial zone which is the shortest distance for connection of the existent 2x110kV OHTL S/S Bitola 2 – S/S Bitola 3. Figure 13: Section I (underground cable – marked with blue) and Section II (transmission line – marked with red) Page 31 Environment Impact Assesment Study – Construction of double circuit 110kv overhead transmission line from S/S Bitola 3 to S/S Bitola 4 3.3 N A T U R A L F E A T U R E S A N D S T A T E O F T HE E NV I R O N M E N T A L M E D I U M I N T H E AREA OF THE PROJECT 3.3.1 C LIMATE AND WEATHER CONDITIONS The route of the project covers the Pelagonia region i.e. Bitola’s valley. Temperature: From ecological aspect with its climate characteristics this region have contrary whether - in winter is with very low temperatures and in summer the temperature is pretty high. The average temperature for 2007 was 12.6°C. The estimated monthly temperature in winter is 2.5°C and the average lowest temperature is 5.3°C. The lowest measured temperature is measured in 1954 and was -29°C, this temperature is expected in every 2 to 3 years. In winter months, the average percentage of sunny days is 12.3% and in spring months is 28.3%; In summer months 43% and in autumn is 24.3%. Humidity: The relative air humidity is: in winter 81.3% in spring months 67% in summer months 57.7% and in autumn 71.7% or 69.42% annually. Soil temperature: Soil temperature in depth of 5cm increases from January to July and then decreases until December. The average monthly temperature of the surface is with smallest value in January i.e. 1.4°C and the highest value is in July with average of 21.1°C. Rains: Because of the particular orthographic conditions, Bitola has fewer rains and they are uneven. The average annual amount is 598mm and not higher then 800mm with 119 rainy days in the year. Also has dry periods but they are the short period of time with only 10 to 15 days at most up to 60 days. The snow cover starts in October until April. The average snowing day’s count 34-36 and its maximum is in January. The maximum high of the snow is 60 to 65cm. Fog: Annually in average 25 days are with fog. The fog comes in September and lasts until May. In some years, there is fog in days. Winds: In Bitola the north wind prevails and is with average annual constancy of 189‰, the average speed is 2.2m/sec and maximum speed id up to 15.5m/sec. The second for its constancy is the south wind with average of 134‰ with annual average speed of 3.7m/sec and maximum speed of 18.9m/sec. The northwest wind is also present with average of 83‰ with average speed of 2.4m/sec and maximum speed up to 18.9m/sec. The southeast wind has constancy of 68‰ average speed of 2.7m/sec and maximum speed of 18.9m/sec. The northeast wind has constancy of 63‰ average speed of 2.7m/sec and maximum speed of 18.9m/sec. The northeast wind has constancy of 63‰ average speed of 2.2m/sec and maximum speed of 15.5m/sec. The western wind has constancy of 61‰ average speed of 3.5m/sec and maximum speed of 22.6m/sec. The southwestern wind has constancy of 41‰ average speed of 2.4m/sec and maximum speed of 15.5m/sec. with the lowest Page 32 Environment Impact Assesment Study – Construction of double circuit 110kv overhead transmission line from S/S Bitola 3 to S/S Bitola 4 constancy is the eastern wind with the average of 22‰, average speed of 1.7m/sec and maximum speed of 15.5m/sec. The often draft and relatively high temperatures allow increasing of vapor conditions from free water and soil surface. In this regard, conditions for increasing of possible vapor are created. The average vapor is 855l/m2. Figure 14: Wind rose in the Bitola valley 3.3.2 G EOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE AREA The terrain throughout the transmission line route of S/S Bitola 3 to S/S Bitola 4 and wider is built from rocky masses with different geological age, genesis and geotechnical characteristics. In terms of tectonic the wider region belongs to vast geotectonic unit – Western Macedonian zone. The location of the route of the transmission line in regard to the basic geotectonic unit in Macedonia is shown on figure 15. The basic facts that can be point out for the geo-chronological development of the wider region (those that have appropriate meaning for the route of the transmission line) are: ‐ The oldest rocks in the Western Macedonian zone in part of the regarded route of the transmission line have Precambrian age and they are in the frames of the magmatic complex composed from granodiorite, shale granodiorite, syenite rocks and granite. ‐ For today look of terrain the current geological processes during the Quarter period are important, when the deluvial cover is created over the basic rocks, the glaciofluvial sediment are noted in the foothill of mountain Baba in form of wreath wide several kilometers and alluvial sediments in the foothills of the biggest rivers but mostly they are formed in Pelagonia valley. Page 33 Environment Impact Assesment Study – Construction of double circuit 110kv overhead transmission line from S/S Bitola 3 to S/S Bitola 4 All periods of the geological development had big impact over the creation of today condition of the terrain which is manifested with current relief and conditions for projecting the transmission line (directly and indirectly). Location of the route from geo-morphological aspect characterizes with sharp slopes created from tectonic and erosion processes. On hills it is noted presence of tranches during the contact between different lithologic elements i.e. in the contact between the deluvium and glaciofluvial sediments as well vio grus and granites. The terrain is manly flat with minimal sea level of 585m on km 10 + 426.50 and mountainous area with sea level of 769m on km 3+034.10. The zone around the transmission line tower AZ3 gently curved ridge with soft. The bias part of terrain of northeast side has relatively sharp slope, which is obvious on the naked basic rocks. The present trenches – valleys in geological sense are in stadium of middle activity. Because of the relatively sharp bow throughout them from time to time they are becoming deeper and because of this, the case of fulfilling of proluvial material in the zone of its connection with the occasional streams is present. 3.3.3 S E I S M I C - T E C T O N I C CHARACTERISTIC In correlation with the geological development of the terrain and geological processes are the seismic-tectonic features of the space. In general the area in which is the transmission line is in the area of determinate magnitudes of happened earthquakes to M=4-5.5. According to Mr. Jancevski (1987) this zones are mainly independence from regional dislocations which are from middle to high seismic activity. According to Mercalli scale the area in accordance with the existing seismic regionalization map in measure 1:500000 belong to intensity zone I=VII°MCS. This means that in the appropriate analyses during the projecting of the object the appropriate project regulation for building objects of this type must be respected. The region tectonic and wider has its own reflection and over the tectonic circumstances of the regarded terrain. The fact that transmission line is placed in the frames of one vast geotectonic unit points presence of marks by tectonic activity of this terrain in its geological past. The north path of Pelister site, at the beginning of the Prespa basin then over village of Kazani to village Trnovo goes toward west toward east and then continuous toward southeast and throughout eastern part of the mountain Baba up to Macedonian - Greek border. The biggest structure that is obvious of this terrain is Pelister’s anticlinal build from quartz shale, granites, granodiorites, green shale, gabbro and diabase, it have asymmetrical form with developed east wing. In the Pelister’s granite masses are composing core of the mountain Baba and partially they are stretching toward north up to Crna Reka. They are discovered on the surface of 110km2 on mountain Baba and approximately 160km2 north from mountain Baba. These masses are stretching in direction from north towards south in length of 40km and width from 5 to 10km. Page 34 Environment Impact Assesment Study – Construction of double circuit 110kv overhead transmission line from S/S Bitola 3 to S/S Bitola 4 Figure 15: Geo-tectonic regionalization of Macedonia Page 35 Environment Impact Assesment Study – Construction of double circuit 110kv overhead transmission line from S/S Bitola 3 to S/S Bitola 4 3.3.4 L ITHOLOGICAL PROPERTIES From lithological aspect can be determined presence of more types of rocky masses and they are: ‐ Deluvial creations (meaningful presence of deluvial slope creations as result from change of the basic rocky mass.). ‐ Grus creations (recovered the granite of certain parts up to deepness of around 1.5m. They are with sandy dust surface with yellow, white color). ‐ Galciofluvial creations (their presence is only on the foothill of mountain Baba with form of wreath which is wide several km. They are created from morenic material: blocks and singles with different sizes of granite, syenite, granodiriote, gabbro, dolerite and various shale). ‐ Alluvial creations (are maximally spread in Pelagonia valley where the biggest sedimentation from transported river material is. They are with clay chuckle and dusty sand). - Granite (presents the base of whole terrain and they are with meaningful geologic – geotechnic environment in which transmission line tower AZ3 will be founded. There are two types of granite: alkali, light grey and white. Their structure has massive texture. In tectonic zones on surface are changed and subjected to grusification. They can be found with deepness of 2500m. Figure 16: Lithological properties of the field on the intended route Page 36 Environment Impact Assesment Study – Construction of double circuit 110kv overhead transmission line from S/S Bitola 3 to S/S Bitola 4 3.3.5 HYDROGRAPHIC AND SURFACE WATER QUALITY On the suggested location of the underground cable and on ground transmission line there is presence of streams of Stara Reka, Smislevska Reka, river Kindirka and river Siva Voda, which with other rivers from vicinity Bitola belongs to basin Crna Reka. The other trenches of the terrain are without water or with occasional very small stream. Nearby existent substation S/S Bitola 4 where the connection of the double circuit 2x110kV OHTL S/S Bitola 4 – S/S Bitola 4 will be established through cable connection 110kV is the river Stara Reka. The total land of 300m of the route of the underground cable is parallel with Stara Reka. The on ground transmission line intersects with streams of rivers Smilevska and Kindirka near the village Bukovo and river Siva Voda near Sugar factory. The whole route of planned transmission line is in the frame of multitasking Hydro-system Streževo which is show on Figure 17 (colored with yellow). The hydro-system extends on the area of 715m2 in the south western part of Republic of Macedonia and its task is supply of necessary amount of water for watering certain part of Bitolsko Pole of Pelagonia region (project assessment of 20200ha net cultivated land), constant supply of water to Bitola population and surrounding, water supply to industrial part (REK Bitola, Mlekara BiMilk, Sugar factory, yeast and alcohol factory etc.), as well electricity-energetic usage of part of the hydro potential of the referred basin of the hydro system and providing protection from floods of part of Pelagonia valley. Figure 17: District of Hydro System Streževo and display of the route of the transmission line that passes over the main water supply channel (indicated in red) The basic hydrological network is created by rivers Semnica and Dragor with its branches and streams from mountain Baba: Kisavska; Graeska, Ostrecka, Zlokukanska, Stara Reka and Kindirka and part of the water channel network of Pelagonia. Quantity of Baba’s streams and their input in basin of river Semnica is Page 37 Environment Impact Assesment Study – Construction of double circuit 110kv overhead transmission line from S/S Bitola 3 to S/S Bitola 4 conducted with help of alimentation channel which is with total land of 67.5km and transmission power 5m3/sec. The major channel of Hydro-system Streževo is closed channel which transport and distribute of water from Streževo accumulation to the regarded buildings for consumers of the water from the system and it is with length of 39km and maximal estimated transmission power of 12.31m3/sec. the pipeline network of the hydro-system is for watering of Pelagonia part and its network of major intersect and junction pipelines with total length of 534km. The planned transmission line route intersects with the major water supply channel and with part of the network of the detailed pipeline network of hydrosystem and location of the transmission line. The basic elements of the system are shown on Figure 17. Quality of the surface waters in Republic of Macedonia is monitored by Institute for hydro-meteorological services through the RIMSYS (River monitoring system). The program for analysis of hydrological parameters physical and organoleptic indicators, mineralization, oxygen indicators, euthrophic indicators and hazardous substances. In frames of this program Crna Reka id monitored in regard of hydro-logical parameters in station Novaci and other parameters that defined quality of the water and classification in accordance with the rule for categorization of the streams, lakes, accumulations and underground waters (official Gazete of R. M. No. 18/99 and 71/99) are monitored in Skocivir station which is shown on Figure 18 and to which all of measure stations are also presented. Monitoring station to the Crna Reka - Skočhivir Figure 18 Overview of monitoring stations for monitoring the quality of surface water Page 38 Environment Impact Assesment Study – Construction of double circuit 110kv overhead transmission line from S/S Bitola 3 to S/S Bitola 4 The data from 2006 that are reviewed by Macedonia information center within Ministry of environment and physical planning are showing deflects of water quality of river Crna Reka in regard to the quality stipulated with the Rule (II class little polluted mesotrophic water. Deflections are in regard of values of dissolved oxygen BPK5, nitrate concentration and value of index that classifies river Crna Reka into the III class (mild euthrophic water that has hazardous substances and microbiological pollution) in regard with content of heavy metals Fe, Mn, Zn, Cd and ions, Ni, Cu, Cr6+ and Pb the river Crna is with oligotrophic, mesotrophic character and belongs in the class I and II. It I very particular that all measures conducted in 2006 at the measurement place Skocivir in regard to biomonitoring 75% of specimens are showing II class quality of the water and 25% of specimens have III class quality. 3.3.6 AIR QUALITY IN THE AREA In accordance for establishment of integrated and efficiency system of measures for air quality management on national and local level Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning in 2005 prepared cadastre and map of polluters and pollution matters in the Macedonia air. The cadastre has the values of pollution substances annually from legal entities, home fireboxes and gas stations as main sources of air pollution that has direct impact of air quality in one area. The vicinity Bitola and transmission line are in Pelagonia statistical region which is shown on Figure 19. Pelagonia region Figure 19 Statistical territorial division of Macedonia The data for emissions and pollution matters from different sources of Pelagonia region are given in Table 5. Data shows that 75% from total emissions of So2 on territory of Republic of Macedonia are from industrial capacities and 74% of emissions of NOx in Pelagonia region are result from REK Bitola and other legal entities on the region. In addition, the emissions from the mobile resources, wild Page 39 Environment Impact Assesment Study – Construction of double circuit 110kv overhead transmission line from S/S Bitola 3 to S/S Bitola 4 dumping areas burning of waste material in the open area are cause for air quality in the project area. Table 5: Annual emissions of polluting substances in Pelagonia statistical region in 2005. Region Environmental hazardous substances [t/y] Source of emissions Pollution from industrial entities Pelagonia % In terms of total emissions in the Republic of Macedonia Domestic fireboxes % In terms of total emissions in the Republic of Macedonia SO2 CO NOx TSP 74047 987 12333 4041 75% 6% 54% 16% 3844 12344 126 357 12% 12% 12% 12% Non-methane volatile organic compounds NMVOC [t/y] Gasoline Diesel El Oil 46 45 23 Gas stations % In termsn of total emissions in the Republic of Macedonia 11% 9% 9% The monitoring of air quality of Bitola is performed by two static monitoring stations by state monitoring network which are placed in the town on two locations and one station of Institute for hydro-meteorological services. The stations monitor ecological and meteorological parameters such as: Carbon monoxide CO (mg/m3), Sulfur dioxide SO2 (µg/ m3), Ozone O3 (µg/ m3), suspended particles, the value of particles from 10 microns PM10 (µg/ m3), speed and direction of the wind, the temperature, the pressure, air humidity, global radiation and other parameters. In Table 6 are given minimal and maximal middle month concentration of all pollution substances that are monitored from the static monitoring stations. In the predicted project area there is no direct monitoring of area quality but the values of the two static stations are good indicator of the whole area condition. Table 6: Minimum and maximum average monthly concentrations of polluting substances in Bitola in 2009 год. Environmental hazardous substances SO2 PM 10 CO O3 NO2 Minimal average monthly concentration /month (2009) 14.0 [µg/m3]/June 14.4 [µg/m3]/may 0,7 [mg/m3]/October 28.2 [µg/m3]/October 5.87 [µg/m3]/July Maximum average monthly concentration /month (2009) 76.4 [µg/m3]/august 136.2 [µg/m3]/November 7.9 [mg/m3]/January 146.3 [µg/m3]/august 102.81 [µg/m3]/December The most important data during the analysis of the values of the pollution substances of the air is actually the knowledge is there deflection of limited one Page 40 Environment Impact Assesment Study – Construction of double circuit 110kv overhead transmission line from S/S Bitola 3 to S/S Bitola 4 hour and 24 hour values for human health protection and how many times during month and in the year these values had deflected. (Table 7). Table 7: Limit values for human health and overdraft per year for 2009 in Bitola Limit ЅО2 μg/m3 NO2 μg/m3 Alert threshold 500 400 Limit 1h value for protection of human health for 2009 440 260 0 0 How many times has exceeded 1h limit value in 2009 24h limit value for protection of human health for 2009 How many times has exceeded 24h limit value for 2009 РМ10 μg/m3 CO mg/m3 О3 μg/m3 240 - - - - - - 125 280 59 0 0 101 14 eighthour 0 eighthour Target value for human health 120 How many times has exceeded the target value for 2009. 50 Data shows deflections of limited human health values in Bitola in 2009, in regard to Ozone concentrations (50 times during the year) and suspended particles with values of 10 microns (101 times during 2009) but there is no deflection in regard to the other substances. 3.3.7 NOISE The major resources of noise are all types of traffic means, gear and machines that are used by industrial capacities as well agricultural machines. The measurement of communal noise over the exposed population in Bitola is covered with the network of Institute for health protection – Bitola (the measurement locations are shown on Figure 20. The measurement location marked with 8 on Figure 20 is next to S/S Bitola 4 where digging of the underground cable will be performed and on ground cable passes through area which is out of the rich of measurement stations network. Page 41 Environment Impact Assesment Study – Construction of double circuit 110kv overhead transmission line from S/S Bitola 3 to S/S Bitola 4 Figure 20 Network of measurement stations for measuring the noise - from the Institute for Health Protection-Bitola Data gathered from constant measurement of measurement place 8 are performed in period from April to October 2007 and are showing the level of noise from 40dB which is under the maximum limited values and there is no intensive constant presence of noise. With the new law regulation for noise from 2008 are established new value limitations for the basic indicator for noise in the environment for different areas. The areas are defined with the noise protection degree and activity type and population sensitivity which residents there and they are grouped in IV degrees. The transmission line route passes through II degree area noise protection because this is a residential area and IV degree area noise protection, which is outside the residential part where certain performances and transportations in the area are allowed. Table 8: Noise levels on areas determined by the degree of protection Area dertermined by the degree of Noise level (dBA) noise protection Lд Lв Area of the first degree 50 50 Area of the second degree 55 55 Area of the third degree 60 60 Area of the fourth degree 70 70 Lд - day (period from 7h till 19h) Lв – evening (период from 19h till 23h) Lн – night (period from 23h till 7h) Lн 40 45 55 60 Page 42 Environment Impact Assesment Study – Construction of double circuit 110kv overhead transmission line from S/S Bitola 3 to S/S Bitola 4 3.3.8 SOURCES OF ELECTROMAGNETIC RADIATION With its activities, people create electromagnetic radiation with different frequencies. Usually the separation of electromagnetic radiation is performed depending on the frequency of electromagnetic waves, so that the basic division is low frequent radiation (up to 3 kHz) and radio frequent radiation (from 3 kHz to 300 GHz). Radiation with higher frequencies is not in interest to this study. When the transmission of electricity flowing through the conductor AC power with a frequency of 50 Hz. as is the case here occurring electric and magnetic field. Strength of the electric field depends on whether the voltage through conductor current flows or not. Strength of the electric field is measured in (V / m). Strength of the magnetic field depends on the level of current in the conductor and measured (A / m) or (T). Strength of electric and electromagnetic fields vary in overhead and underground lines primarily because of the way they bring and media in which transmission lines are. Thus underground cables are relatively close to the surface (depth about 1,5 m) and the conductors are usually grouped near one another. A mutual distance of the conductor is large, and large distance to the surface of the earth (in this case> 7,5 m). Therefore, the cable lines for existence of an electric field decreases very rapidly, and electromagnetic field strength depends on the construction of cable and layout of the conductor. Due to the security of air, distances elevated lines and the fact that the strength of electromagnetic radiation is dependent on the distance and schedule changes the electromagnetic field will significantly differ from what the cable lines. There are several studies on this subject, which will be analyzed in the following chapters. Dangers of exposure to electromagnetic radiation monitor and analyze long range years, whereas in the eighties and nineties of the twentieth century, in cooperation with the World Health Organization (WHO) and International Committee for non-ionizing radiation (INIRC) carried out extensive epidemiological and other investigations for impact of these radiations on living organisms. In that period, particularly followed the impact of low frequent radiation and occurrence of various diseases with particular reference to the occurrence of cancer and leukemia. These tests are not established direct links between individual diseases and exposure to electromagnetic radiation. Based on their studies and foreign various national and international organizations and bodies define the maximum permitted values for exposure to electric and electromagnetic radiation. The first formal standard for exposure to electromagnetic and electrical radiation was passed by the U.S. IEEE, which defines the maximum exposure of 0.614 kV / m for electric field and 205 μT for the electromagnetic field. Based on the research and recommendations INIRC Council of Europe in 1999 is adopting the recommendation 1999/519/EC of exposure to electromagnetic radiation with frequencies to 300 GHz, and in 2004 was made and 004/40/EC directive on minimum requirements for exposure of electromagnetic radiation. These documents define the values of 5 kV / m for electric field and 100 μT for the electromagnetic field. These values apply to public spaces. Individual countries have stringent values, such as Italy and Switzerland 5 μT 1 μT. Macedonia is using the Rules for the maximum levels of exposure of non-ionizing radiation on people no. 06/01-93/178 of 08/08/1990, but it includes electromagnetic radiation for radio frequency spectrum (from 300 kHz to 3 GHz). Page 43 Environment Impact Assesment Study – Construction of double circuit 110kv overhead transmission line from S/S Bitola 3 to S/S Bitola 4 In the process of drafting a law on non-ionizing radiation, which should define the maximum allowable values of exposure to electrical and electromagnetic radiation, but still no indications of the time of its entry into force. Therefore can be considered that at present there is no proper regulation of radiation with a frequency of 50 Hz. Therefore, the analysis will be taken into account the recommendations of the European Commission. 3.3.9 BIODIVERSITY AND AREA CHARACTERISTICS FLORA For the determination of biodiversity in a certain location was conducted housing research and field observation in January 2010th The description of the habitats based on the dominant plant and animal species was carried out based on a detailed survey of the site and using the data from the study on the state of biodiversity in Macedonia. The assessment of flora and fauna of the planned route of the transmission lines was conducted through review of existing documentation offered by the municipality, the current legislation, using lists of declared protected species, through various surveys of habitats and vegetation of the planned route, the observation of signs and potential traces of birds and mammals, as well as through interviews with people living near the site. Location begins with S/S Bitola 4, extends in length from 12km to the initial part of the 400 meters urban area passes through the town of Bitola. It is particularly important that this part of the route will be underground cable, which significantly reduces the negative impact of buildings on existing flora and fauna, which on the other hand is in a deep stage of degradation due to the influence of anthropogenic factor. Furthermore, as the overhead lines continued building and its impact dramatically changed because it is not already in urban area of Bitola, where biodiversity is very poor, but covers very different ground. From here, so until the merger with S/S Bitola 3, the conditions in terms of present associations of plant and animal species are very similar along the entire route. Noticeable immediately are mild hilly belts of mostly dry grass ecosystems common and characteristic of lowland and mountainous landscapes. Such a configuration of the terrain is present due to continuous degradation of forest (mainly oak) fitocenoze as well as the degradation of abandoned arable areas. Near Bukovski livadi, corridor continues through the lowland t part of the valley, which passes through the field to partially processed agricultural areas. Page 44 Environment Impact Assesment Study – Construction of double circuit 110kv overhead transmission line from S/S Bitola 3 to S/S Bitola 4 Figure 21 Hilly pastures Figure 22: Oak region Location that is provided for the construction of lines, following the classification of ecosystems under study for the state of biodiversity of the Republic of Macedonia, recognizes as a combination of hilly grassland, forest ecosystem periodically recognized as oak region with weed communities, , bush communities, communities of industrial, fodder, cereals, and perennial crops in low hill part of the route of the transmission lines. Mountainous pastures develop the elevation zone from 80-1000 meters, the geological heterogeneous surfaces. They often have a secondary origin and occurred mainly in the destruction of forests low hill area. Oaks in the region stretching low hill and mountainous area to about 1100 meters altitude. In this region develop, usually warm season oak forests and orographic eaphic-conditioned and hydrological forest communities and (forests of oak Quercus), willows (Salix Alba), poplar (Populous nigra), sycamore (Platanus orientalis), a clear polish (Fraxinus angustifolia) and others. As a result from field researches is established that along the transmission line is mainly found the most native plant species. Corridor of transmission lines occupies a small portion of about 400 meters from urban area of Bitola, S/S Bitola 4 In the near vicinity of Bitola substation 4 passes watercourse of Stara Reka, which is currently on a visit to the site had negligible amounts of water, while in summer, according to the locals, is empty. Due to the large amount of waste present in the narrow watercourse by the flora and fauna is not particularly important species. The fact that this watercourse is occasionally filled with water, especially in winter and spring region explains poorness of this ecosystem with specific living organisms. Due to suitable conditions characteristic vegetation of this ecosystem is largely pan vegetation (Scripeto - Phragmitetum). Clearly visible is the process of degradation of the same by the anthropogenic factor. Dominant plant species along watercourse species are plants such as Fragile willow (Salix fragilis), white willow (Salix alba), dog rose (Rosa canina) while the most dominating at the ground layer plants are reed (Phragmites australis), (Typha latifolia ) and Lemna sp. which greens the surface water during the warmer period. Except watercourse of Stara Reka, such similar phenomena has a place where the corridor will cut lines of the two rivers watercourses Smilevska and Kindirka which intersects near Heraclea. From all this it has listed, it can be concluded that the route of the transmission lines will not jeopardize the watercourse in which can be found living organisms vital, Page 45 Environment Impact Assesment Study – Construction of double circuit 110kv overhead transmission line from S/S Bitola 3 to S/S Bitola 4 Figure 23: Marsh vegetation at the beginning of the route near Bitola S/S 4 Although it is undisputed that every plant and animal species is an important part in the food chain and this should not be destroyed. The initial part of the route (except for the first 400 meters underground cable) is a combination of low hill areas containing mostly native species of shrubs and trees and lower part of alochtone plants. Dominant species near the village Lavci, Bukovo up to Bukovski Livadi are : Luxury Dog Thorn (Rosa Canina), (Robinia pseudo acacia), clear (Fraxinus angustifolia), fire thorn (Pyracantha spp.), Oak (Quercus), willow (Salix Alba), birch (Betula verucosa), juniper (Juniperus), poplar (Populous), sycamore (Platanus orientalis), gate (Rubus). Figure 24: dominant associations of the route of the planned transmission line On the territory of the Municipality of Bitola included a number of different medicinal plants and mushrooms, as (Boletus pinicola, Boletus edulus, Boletus aereus) and (Cantharellus cibarius), but their collection is not organized and controlled. Therefore, they become endangered species as a result of these activities. Exact records of the collectors in the country for no fresh amounts redeemed, so cannot Page 46 Environment Impact Assesment Study – Construction of double circuit 110kv overhead transmission line from S/S Bitola 3 to S/S Bitola 4 provided the conditions for sustainable ways of using and protecting these endangered species. The field is combined with partially treated surfaces (especially in close vicinity of the village Lavci, Bukovo village while in the village Kravari they are much more intensively treated), so it all contributes to these areas to meet and orchards with plums (Prunus domestica), cherries (Prunus avium), hazel (Juglands regia) etc. According to an excerpt of local economic development of the Municipality of Bitola, agricultural production is of great importance to the region of Bitola. Considering the low hill and mountainous area, which largely determines the nature of agricultural production which predominates: livestock (cattle, sheep, goat, and pigs), poultry (chicken) and apiculture, agriculture: cereals (wheat, barley, rye, oats and corn), industrial (sunflower, beet oil, tobacco, sugar beet etc.), feed crops (corn silage, alfalfa, , cattle peas, beans, artificial meadows, etc..) Vegetable cultures ( potatoes, watermelon, beans, etc.), gardening (tomatoes, peppers, onions, cabbage, etc..) fruit (apples, peaches, apricots, plums, cherries, etc.), vine (wine and table varieties), mushrooms, natural meadows and pastures. From this, we can conclude that agriculture in the Bitola region offers great opportunities for developing economy, with the opening of new jobs, achieve financial effects and good standards of population in rural areas. Figure 23: Parts in plain’s area in agricultural areas of the route of the lines From all this, during the field observations spent in low hill part of the route of lines encountered arable agricultural land which is predominantly cereal and horticultural crops. Since cereals are found mostly corn (Zea mays), wheat (Triticum aestivum), barley (Hordeum vulgare), rye (Secale cereale), oats (Avena sativa) from industrial sunflower (Helianthus annuus), sugar beet (Beta vulgaris), oil turnips (Brassica napus), tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum), the garden cabbage (Brassica oleracea), onion (Allium fistulosum) by perennial crops plums (Prunus domestica) apricots (Prunus persica), cherry (Prunus avium), sour cherry (Prunus cerasus ) and others. However, we cannot say that all land is treated with crops. Much of this land although it is quite suitable for agricultural production remained untreated. In the examined region is richly developed also weed vegetation (ass. GeranioSylibetum) for which we can say that is present not only in low hill part of the route of the object but also throughout the length of the planned transmission line . The most common species can be found at the site of this vegetation is Papaver rhoeas, Rumex pulcher, Xanthium spinosum, Sambucus ebulus, Hordeum murinum, Balota nigra, Conyza canadensis and others. Page 47 Environment Impact Assesment Study – Construction of double circuit 110kv overhead transmission line from S/S Bitola 3 to S/S Bitola 4 For most rough surfaces easily can find plants such as grasses (Senecio vulgaris), vratika (Lolium tempoletum) Glebonis segetum, Poppy (Papaver rhoeas), ljubichica (Viola sp), bodlika (Sircium arvense), gluvarche (Teraxacum officinale), tegavec (Plantago spp), livadska grass (Poa spp.). From conducted inventory of plant species can be concluded that this area contains species that are registered in international documents and conventions as BERN convention, IUCN Red list of threatened Plant species, Corine, EMERALD, CITES Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora), and national relevant documents available. The described plants in the EIA that exist along the corridor of the electric line are not registered in the list of international documents and conventions. There are some species as Boletus pinicola, Boletus edulus, Boletus aereus and Cantharellus cibaris that are endangered because of unorganized collection of them by the citizens. It is possible that during the faze of electric line construction they can be collected by the workers on the location. The conclusion of the biologist is that according her observation and consultation with relevant documents the location of electric line doesn’t content species that are registered in the international documents, conventions and national documents as well. In term of flora there is not a potential of significant negative impacts. FAUNA Based on field observations, research and utilization of available relevant documents reach conclusion that the region has rich fauna world. In recent decades, particular attention is devoted to the protection of endangered species in Europe, followed by a series of international conventions and treaties to protect them. All observation conclusions from the field were taken under the following conventions and directives: - Convention for the protection of wild flora and fauna and their natural habitats in Europe (Bern Convention) - Convention for the Protection of migration types of wild animals (Bonn Convention). Adopted in 1979. - The European Birds Directive (1979. And conducted 1981.) - Natural Habitats Directive (1992. Conducted 1994.). Due to the nature of the impact of the object of particular importance are the birds that will be vulnerable group in terms of lines of work. It is especially important for migratory birds and their migration corridors that could be seriously endangered if forced to destroy. If you come to the absence of these locations along the air migratory corridor, where they are providing basic conditions for survival can come to declining populations of many species of birds migration which may adversely reflect on the global level. The most numerous birds were present on site during the field observations were: wild pigeon (Columbia livia), jackdaw (Pica pica) and sparrow (Passer montanus). From winter pigeons were detected (Sturnus vulgaris balcanicus), crow (Corvus cornix) and (Corvus monedula). According to locals, it is possible that the area to online stone partridge (Alectoris graeca) and Poland partridge (Perdix perdix), and steppe kestrel (Falco naumanni), but during the implementation of field research, these species were observed on nearby locations. Page 48 Environment Impact Assesment Study – Construction of double circuit 110kv overhead transmission line from S/S Bitola 3 to S/S Bitola 4 On the site were not observed signs of mammals. It is possible that the presence of the wolf (Canus lupus) which is seen by locals in the past, in the wider area of the site. Based on existing documentation relating to fauna diversity in the region, in Table 9 show all types whose presence would be possible in this region. Page 49 Environment Impact Assesment Study – Construction of double circuit 110kv overhead transmission line from S/S Bitola 3 to S/S Bitola 4 Table 9: Assessment of fauna diversity in the region Amphibians (AMPHIBIA) Species People name Pelobates syriacus balcanicus The eastern spade foot toad Salamandra salamandra Salamander Bufo bufo The common toad Rana ridibunda Marsh frog Reptiles ( REPTILIA) Testudo graeca Greek Tortoise Testudo hermanni Hermann's tortoise Lacerta trilineata The Balkan Green Lizard Podarcis erhardii The Erhard's wall lizard Podarcis taurica Balkan wall lizard Coluber caspius Large whip snake Coluber gemonensis Balkan whip snake Birds (AVES) Corvus monedula Jackdaw Pica pica Magpie Garrulus glandarius Rook Corvus frugilegus Poland Crow Corvus corax Raven Passer domesticus Home sparrow Passer montanus Polish sparrow Sturnus vulgaris Starling Hirundo rustica Rural swallow Delichon urbica Urban swallow Upupa epops Hoopoe Cuculus canorus The Common Cuckoo Bubo bubo Owl Coturnix coturnix The Common Quail Columba oenas Stock pigeon Columbia livia Wild pigeon Columba palumbus The Common Wood Pigeon Streptopelia decaocto The Eurasian Collared Dove Alectoris graeca The Rock Partridge Falco subbuteo The Eurasian Hobby Falco tinnunculus Plain Kestrel Falco naumanni Hunting Kestrel Perdix perdix Poland partridge Ciconia ciconia White Stork Streptopelia turtur The Turtle Dove Mammals (MAMALIA) Lepus europaeus Wild Rabbit Sciurus vulgaris Squirrel Microtus rossiaemeridionalis Russian vole Crocidura suaveolens Lesser white-toothed shrew Vulpes vulpes Fox Talpa europaea The European Mole Mustela nivalis Weasel Mustela putorius The European Polecat Canus lupus Wolf Page 50 Environment Impact Assesment Study – Construction of double circuit 110kv overhead transmission line from S/S Bitola 3 to S/S Bitola 4 CHARACTERISTIC WILDLIFE • Although Macedonia is a country with rich flora and fauna, it has not yet made the Red list of species under threat. Therefore, determining the category of degree of threat to certain species is done using the following documents: • Natural Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC • Council Directive 92/43/EEC on the protection of natural habitats of wild fauna and flora • Bern: Convention for the protection of wild flora and fauna and their natural habitats in Europe. • IUCN Red List of globally threatened species under the (2007). Species under threat are those evaluated species as Critically Endangered (CR); Endangered (EN) and Vulnerable (VU). Table 10: Status of threatened species of vertebrates in the region Legal protection IUCN global Category the threat Scientific name 92/43 Bufo viridis Pelobates syriacus balcanicus Testudo hermanni Testudo graeca Podarcis taurica Podarcis erhardii Coluber caspius Bern IV IV II II - II/IV II/IV IV IV IV II II II II II LR/NT VU - Based on table above of vertebrate species in researched area, and under the European framework, it can be seen that the species under threat are mainly representatives of amphibians and reptiles, because the destructive behavior of anthropogenic factors, it is due fragmentation of their habitats. Especially endangered species like Hermann's tortoise (Testudo hermanni) and Greek tortoise (Testudo graeca), which are registered under the list of global IUCN category of threat as a vulnerable species (Testudo graeca), is close to the kind under threat (Testudo hermanni). Page 51 Environment Impact Assesment Study – Construction of double circuit 110kv overhead transmission line from S/S Bitola 3 to S/S Bitola 4 STATUS OF BIRDS IN THREAT REGION Given the fact that birds are additional directives and conventions for their protection, determining the degree of their endangerment is determined based on the following directives, conventions, and documents: • Birds Directive 79/409/EEC • Bern: Convention for the protection of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats in Europe • Bonn: Convention on the protection of wildlife species migration • IUCN Red List of globally threatened species under Based on previous observations have established several types of birds that are protected by the Bonn and Bern Convention, and habitats have or are present in the examined region where the lines will be built. Review established that birds are under legal protection under Directive 79/409, Bern, Bonn Convention and IUCN global threat category is given in Table 11th. Table 11: Birds under legal protection LEGAL PROTECTION Name of the species Ciconia ciconia Falco naumanni Bubo bubo Falco subbuteo Falco tinnunculus Falco peregrinus 79/409 Bern Bonn I I I I II II II II II II II I II II II IUCN global Category the threat VU - Of the birds recorded in the area can be determined that Poland partridge (Falco naumanni) is a type that falls into the category VU (vulnerable species), according to IUCN Red List of species under global threat. Parts of the species of birds within the area are protected by law through the Berne Convention or the Bonn Convention as an example the hunting kestrel (Falco naumanni). Page 52 Environment Impact Assesment Study – Construction of double circuit 110kv overhead transmission line from S/S Bitola 3 to S/S Bitola 4 A BIRD IN THE BITOLA REGION The Turtle Dove Dove The Common Wood Pigeon The Common Quail Page 53 Environment Impact Assesment Study – Construction of double circuit 110kv overhead transmission line from S/S Bitola 3 to S/S Bitola 4 Sparrow Hunting Kestrel Stork PROTECTED AREAS Significantly for this project is that near the area proposed for the preparation of urban project for the construction of 2x110 kV Bitola double circuit transmission line S/S Bitola 3 - S/S Bitola 4 Municipality no recorded natural heritage. In the corridor near the National Park Pelister, but it is important to note that the route of the planned transmission line runs away from him, so the impact of building on the biodiversity of the National Park is only slightly or not at all is present. The nearest point from the transmission line to the National Park Pelister is the Power station Bitola 4. The distance from this point to the borders of the National park is approx. 5 km and the distance between the transmission line and the National park is approx. 10 km as the line goes to the oposite side of the park border. The route of the transmission line and the border of the National park Pelister in the nearest points have been shown on the Figure below. Page 54 Environment Impact Assesment Study – Construction of double circuit 110kv overhead transmission line from S/S Bitola 3 to S/S Bitola 4 3.4 SOCIAL ECONOMIC CHARACTERISTICS 3.4.1 DEMOGRAPHIC CHARACTERISTICS In 2004 The new territorial division of the territory of the Republic of Macedonia Bitola municipality is determined by law and covers the city of Bitola and 65 surrounding villages. According to the census of 2002, the total population in the municipality is 95,385, of which 74,550 in the city and 20,835 in the villages. To Macedonians 88.70% national identity 88.70% are Macedonians, Albanians 4.36% Albanians 4.36%, 2.74% Roma, 1.68 Turks, Vlachs and 1.33% 1.15% Other. Roma 2.74% The gender structure of population is evident downward trend in the proportion Turks 1.68% of the male population. Are very unfavorable situation in terms of the Vlachs 1.33% natural movement of population, which is Others 1.15% characterized by below average fertility, above average mortality rate and natural Figure 24: National identity in the Municipality of Bitola growth with a negative sign of - 0.16. The rate of total fertility municipality in 2008 is 1.48 and does not provide for recovery of the population. This situation is primarily determined by extensive emigrational movements abroad in the last four decades that significant narrowing of the conditional basis of the reproductive population in the municipality. According to data on external migration is realistic to assume that today is abroad at least one third of the population of this region. In the last decade is noticeable migration from abroad (reverse flow). As regards internal migration prevails among municipal resettlement. In marriage, population is characterized mainly by reducing marriages growth divorces. Unfavorable trends in natural and mechanical movement of the population are reflected on the changes in age structure resulted in an intensive process of demographic aging. The municipality stands out as one of the areas with the oldest population in the country. The ranking of the population age suggests that in 2006 the population in the region is in a deep stage of demographic old age. This age structure implies further aging of the population in a relatively short period. As a result of these changes in the community reduces the share of children, a growing contingent workforce and the representation of older than 65 years. Therefore, a great burden on the older working age population that assumes negative economic and social implications. This municipality has a smaller increase in the number of households in the country. The single share of households and population living in them are higher than average in the country in all municipalities. The total number of households is 37,225, of which 23,010 in 5932 and in the villages. The growth of households is 1.7%. Educational structure of population Pelagonia region shows that despite the unfavorable demographic trends in the community as a whole has high quality human resources. However, the differences are very internal municipally highlighted, is the existing educational structure of the population can be assessed as unfavorable due to the large share (more than 40%) of the population with low levels of education. Educational level of the population older than 15 years is 41.8% low, 43% medium and 15.2% with higher education. Македонци Албанци Роми Турци Власи Останати Page 55 Environment Impact Assesment Study – Construction of double circuit 110kv overhead transmission line from S/S Bitola 3 to S/S Bitola 4 3.4.2 LAND USE AND ECONOMIC ACTIVITIES According to data from State Statistical Bureau, Pelagonia planning region had GDP per capita 168.560 denars in 2007. Investments in fixed assets by sectors of activity amounts to 4 010 million denars. According to the analysis of economic movements in non financial sector for the period 2003-2006, the region has seen positive results in terms of total value added of this sector, but growth is low due to the decline of manufacturing in not restructured medium and large enterprises. Contrast, small businesses marking a significant increase of 48% in the period analyzed, but insufficient to substantially exceed the decline in medium and large enterprises. As the most important sectors in the region are emerging food industry, textile, tobacco, construction and trade. Bitola's economy is characterized by a dominant representation of the processing industry sector. Given the size of the existing processing capacities that play a significant role in the economy of Macedonia. Available data from the Pension and Disability Studies show that in the Municipality of Bitola today has a total of 23,670 employees. Dominant employment sectors are: industry (mainly textiles and processing of milk), trade, construction, hotels and restaurants, agriculture. The total number of employees polled companies on the territory of the Center for Employment of Bitola, in the period 2006-2008 year has seen a reduction. Namely, at the time of polling indicators point to reduced growth in the number of employees. Reducing the total number of employees polled enterprises due to the fact that in the period 2006-2008, several major companies went into bankruptcy (Makedonija staklo, Zito Bitola, GP Beton, etc.). Analysis in 2008 shows thatBigthe companiesSmall polled in the previous Medium 12 months were employed 3197 people. Of the total number of new employment accounted for 80.6% of the average, 10.5% of large and 8.9% of small businesses. Of the total new employment 83.6% were in the processing industry. Natural conditions have a major impact on the development of Bitola's economy and its structure, is the representation of different sectors. Due to large amounts of lignite in this area was built from 1983 is working the largest electric facility in Macedonia, Mining and Energy Factory, REK-Bitola annually produces 4.2 gig watts hours electricity. As a result of the valorization of raw present opportunities and resources in recent decades was recorded a significant rise in: metal, textile, food, tobacco and graphic industry, production of milk and dairy products, alcoholic and soft drinks, sugar, yeast, methilatedspirit and others. Figure 25: Display of new employment by size of enterprise Page 56 Environment Impact Assesment Study – Construction of double circuit 110kv overhead transmission line from S/S Bitola 3 to S/S Bitola 4 Available natural resources are an important prerequisite for accelerated prosperity of the area of the municipality of Bitola in the future. In this sense, the potential for promoting local development primarily related to: agricultural and arable area, forest potential mineral wealth, and others. For example, Bitola area encompasses the bulk of Pelagonia valley, with a total cultivable area of about 70,000 ha. From it, most are plow land, garden plots, orchards, vineyards and meadows. Forest Figure 28: the largest producer of electricity wealth, also represents a solid basis for in Macedonia - REK Bitola dynamic economic development, because the surrounding mountains Baba, Pelister, Kajmakčalan and other wild spaces have large forest complexes of industrial wood and firewood. Bitola and the surrounding is also known for its diverse mineral wealth. This is especially true of large quantities of lignite and other non-metals. The Municipality of Bitola in recent years is observed trend of improving economic activity in companies. However, noted a reduced growth in the number of employees. That, among other things is conditioned by the existence of reserves of labor in the existing business entities. Short-term forecasting of demand for labor made based on the results of the analysis of skills needs for 2008 shows that in the next 12 months can be expected around 3800 new employment of which 40% are seasonal employment or a period of time. Such demand for labor may be assessed as relatively low or insufficient in reducing the volume of non engaged workforce. In recent years, industry sector and medium enterprises are the largest creators of jobs in the municipality of Bitola. And next year, two thirds of new hires will be realized in the medium and more than four fifths of them are logged in the sector industry. Continuous absolute and relative reduction in the number of young workers means that companies in the Municipality of Bitola are faced with intensely conscious of the aging workforce. Consequently we can expect the release of jobs on the grounds of retirement. This structure implies problems with the existing facilities engaged workforce (outdated knowledge, lack of skills). The structure of demand for labor also may be assessed as unfavorable because of the small demand for labor with higher education. That complicated the problem of employment of highly educated personnel, which represents a significant loss of human capital. The municipality of Bitola has no distinctive shortage of manpower. It is primarily manifested in the lack of experience of potential workers. However, as deficient may allocate the textile workers of different profiles with solid educational level and construction workers.Regarding the supply of labor can be concluded that although there has been a positive trend - reducing the number of registered unemployed persons still remains a major problem in the Municipality of Bitola remains unemployment. In terms of structural characteristics of the unemployed is important to note the following: is the dominant urban unemployment, a large number of recorded unemployed young people aged 29 years; structure employed by Page 57 Environment Impact Assesment Study – Construction of double circuit 110kv overhead transmission line from S/S Bitola 3 to S/S Bitola 4 the education can be assessed as unfavorable: The proportion of unemployed with high education is almost double than the level of the earth about 32.0% of recorded unemployed persons waiting for employment. The structure of the supply of labor can be assessed as unfavorable, primarily because of the large number of unemployed persons older than 50 years, whose employment is a very serious problem. It is obvious non-conformity of supply and demand in the labor market in the Municipality of Bitola in terms of volume and in terms of structural features of the labor force. It manifests itself primarily in terms of volume of demand and certain structural features of the unemployed. In the context of future changes in the labor market is important to consider and demographic characteristics of the municipality of Bitola. It is an area which in the last decade face greatly reduces the population. These conditions intensive process of demographic aging and the contingent workforce, which implies significantly narrowed demographic basis for an influx of new generations of the labor market. Bitola is the immigration area for residents from other municipalities Pelagonia region. These migrations make additional pressure on the labor market. As the external migration is traditionally emigration municipal area which saw a very large immigration (at least two fifths of the population of the municipality outside the country). Because today the development of potential emigrants is enormous. In the last decade in the intellectual growth is immigration, inter alia, conditional on the small demand for highly educated personnel. Од аспект на идниот In terms of future economic development, especially important to be singled out the construction of industrial zone Zhabeni (located near the village. Kravari). It is an area of 244 hectares and is located 5 km from the border with Greece. The opening of this industrial zone is expected to attract significant new investment, and thereby allow the opening of many new jobs. Directions of future economic development of the Municipality of Figure 29: Plan of Zhabeni industrial zone Bitola are determined by the strategic plan for local economic development. In the context of the preparation of the Local Employment Action Plan, it is important to consider the strategic directions and goals of local economic development important to promote employment : - Construction of industrial area Zhabeni construction and the two other zone Development of strategies to attract expatriates The establishment and support of business incubator Promotion of alternative types of tourism Page 58 Environment Impact Assesment Study – Construction of double circuit 110kv overhead transmission line from S/S Bitola 3 to S/S Bitola 4 3.4.3 TRANSPORT AND COMMUNICATION Communication network in Macedonia, consisting of several communications systems, is established through the system for traffic and links on the basis, inter alia, based on space and organization of the state. Communication systems that are of particular importance for the development of economic activities are expected to improve, develop and evolve in two directions of development of communications: - Finding the connection state (strategic corridors); - Internal connection in the state (regional and local needs) External basis for linking state defined communication corridors and under international conventions and recommendations, which also are the basis for the orientation towards European and Balkan commitments on economic and technological communications, which is of particular importance for exports. The basis for internal connection in the state, is planning and development of road network in Macedonia is based on categorization of roads, the strategic corridors defined international road traffic, has built a European road network - Tem with "E" mark on the road, they have constructed highway and regional road network, and the definitions of test strategy development. Page 59 Environment Impact Assesment Study – Construction of double circuit 110kv overhead transmission line from S/S Bitola 3 to S/S Bitola 4 Road network: The network of roads with "E" designation that defines the international road corridors through traffic Macedonia relevant to the subject area is: - E-65 to match parts of major road M-3, M-4 and M-5 (Kosovo Blace - Skopje - Tetovo - KičevoTrebeništa - Ohrid - BitolaMeđitlija-GR) - Corridor road traffic in the north-south direction. Bus and road network in Macedonia relevant to the subject area is: M-5 - (BG - Delčevo Kocani - Stip, Veles - Prilep Figure 26: Road network in Macedonia Bitola - Resen-Ohrid - Trebenista М4) (Branch: Bitola - Međitlija GR). Highway and road network to follow regional roads, which together with local classified roads will include road network in Macedonia. Nearby the regarded location passes regional road: R-508 - Bitola (around arm M5k1) Bistrica-Dragoš. In the future road network in Macedonia, the primary travel corridors will now follow the traditional route towards the north south (corridor 10), is east west (Corridor 8), which intersect in the space between the towns of Skopje, Kumanovo and Veles. Thus, part of the motorways in Macedonia will establish three major road corridors to be built with the technical, operational characteristics compatible with the system of European highways (TEM): - North-South: M-1 (Serbia - Kumanovo - Veles - Gevgelija - GR); - East-West: M-2 and M-4 (BG-Kriva Palanka-Kumanovo-Skopje-Tetovo, Struga, AL and branch Skopje-Serbia); - East-West: M-5 (BG-Delčevo, Kocani, Stip, Veles-Prilep-Bitola-Resen-Ohrid-Trebeništa -М4 (branch Bitola-border with GR). Highway and road network to follow regional roads, which together with local classified roads will include road network in Macedonia. The dynamics of the realization of the network, allowing full handling of Macedonia will be a function of traffic needs (expected volume of traffic), the need for integration in the European road system and economic power of the state, and international roads and motorways , required to spend outside the settlements and proposes to solve the de leveled intersection the general road network. Road network in this region is well developed, but the current condition of the road (M-5: Bitola - Resen - Ohrid) can be assessed as poor. Throughout this region is planned to spend part of the 10s purchased from the European Corridor 10, as well as the central route of Corridor 8 will contribute to improving the situation. Local road network in this region is in bad condition, with the trend of further deterioration. There are sections of the local road network due to heavy damage to a potential hazard to normal traffic. Part of local roads, especially in mountainous areas are Page 60 Environment Impact Assesment Study – Construction of double circuit 110kv overhead transmission line from S/S Bitola 3 to S/S Bitola 4 unpaved and in certain periods of heavy use of lightweight vehicles. As in other areas, maintenance of local roads was inadequate and insufficient, which is due primarily to lack of funds, and forcing the construction of new sections and maintenance of streets in urban centers. Rail traffic: Concept development of rail system is based on the need for modernization and expansion of railways in general, and linking the railway network in Macedonia with the networks of Bulgaria and Albania. Railway network in Macedonia in the planning period should consist of: National rail of international character, regional lines and local lines, including highway rail line from the international character Wed-Kremenica Veles-Bitola-length of 145,6 km. In the planning period up to 2020 years. Among other things, expected growth of the integrated transport, is the technical-technological facilitation of Macedonian Railways for execution of tasks and involvement in international traffic, which is in line with the strategy of development of rail traffic and the real possibilities of Macedonia. Pelagonia planned throughout the region spends part of the railway line SkopjeBitola-border with Greece, in length of 84.2km, but the line ends with a blind track. The railway network in this region has an average density and length of the railways lines of 100 thousand inhabitants is above the national average and indicates that this region is better served with this type of transport in comparison with most planning regions. In terms of air transport in the vicinity of Bitola is situated airport sporting class A, which is the grass root. There airports for commercial aviation, which are located in the vicinity of Bitola - Logovardi "and" Dame Gruev ". Air traffic: An airway in Macedonia is an integral part of the European network of air corridors to a width of 10 nautical miles in which controlled flights unfold over the country. The primary airport network in Macedonia should make up a total of 4 airports to public air traffic, in Skopje, Ohrid, Strumica and Bitola. Skopje Airport to enable reception and dispatch of intercontinental aircraft (with the extension of existing flight-path land, or building a new airport to another location), the airport in Ohrid to reconstruct the higher-II category, and the new airports that envisaged in Strumica and Bitola to be the dominant purpose for cargo transportation of goods. Reconstruction of Skopje airport, or activate the location to build a new airport, which will be without limitation to fully serve all types of passenger aircraft, is determination that would arise after manufacture of the study airports. Secondary airport network is proposed to constitute the current 5 reconstructed and technical equip sports ground and a total of 15 airports for commercial aviation, including 7 new ones. Furthermore, should the device and about 20 fields for further development of air sports and tourism in accordance with international regulations for this type of airports. Above indicators confirm good placement of the location in relation to traffic routes and flows in Macedonia. The successful business operation and is in direct correlation with the quality and extent of development of the available infrastructure. The municipality has relatively good access to the airport Ss. Paul in Ohrid, but this airport often work with limited capacity that is not in favor of the development of surrounding regions that depend on it. Page 61 Environment Impact Assesment Study – Construction of double circuit 110kv overhead transmission line from S/S Bitola 3 to S/S Bitola 4 Networks: AD Macedonian Telecommunications "for its customers providing a wide range of services such as voice services (including value-added services), services for data transmission, Internet access, mobile telecommunication services, public payphones. Telecommunication services are provided on the basis of well established communication network using the latest technologies. Users in this area in the telecommunications traffic is connected through a telephone center in Bitola. Mobile: Individual mobile phone companies in the Republic. Macedonia TMobile, VIP and One. They are in their everyday development activities carried out Quality network coverage of mobile signal: Regions, municipalities, towns, Areas of public interest (historical, sports, commercial, industrial, border zones, etc.). Traffic and transport infrastructure Preparation of development projects under the existing GSM network infrastructure on the ground Harmonization of development plans with individual state institutions (ministries, administrations, etc.). This whole region is covered with a three mobile phone companies in Macedonia. Page 62 Environment Impact Assesment Study – Construction of double circuit 110kv overhead transmission line from S/S Bitola 3 to S/S Bitola 4 3.4.4 NATURAL AND CULTURAL HERITAGE The spatial aspect of cultural heritage is the subject of analysis in correlation with long-term strategy for economic, social and spatial development strategy that is to preserve and protect this heritage in terms of market economy. Republic Institute for Protection of Cultural Monuments, for the Spatial Plan of Macedonia, Expert prepare elaborate protection property heritage which is given property inventory of cultural heritage of particular importance. Inventory contains a list of registered and registered immovable cultural goods, which means the list of immovable property objects determined by a monument of culture, is immovable objects that are created Monumental presumed to have capacity. These are sites, churches, monasteries, mosques, baths, Bezisten, towers, clock towers, Figure 27: Sirok Sokak - Bitola turbo, mausoleums, mansions, bridges, buildings, houses, old bazaars, old urban cores and other monuments to their names, locations, nearby towns places, time of occurrence and the municipalities in which the monuments are located. According to the Law on Cultural Heritage Protection (Official Gazette of RM no. 20/04, no. 115/07) property types of heritage are monuments monumental sets and cultural landscapes. The important part of cultural heritage (around 45%) is located in rural areas and hilly-mountainous areas, which are wholly or partially abandoned, which significantly complicated their care and use. The area that is the subject of analysis is registered immovable cultural goods (Expert elaborate): 1. 2. 3. 4. Archeological site "Lyncestis Heraclea, Bitola, ancient period; Archeological site "Villa Suburbana, Bitola, Roman period; Archaeological Site 'Gurgur Tumba, Bitola, northeastern periphery; Archeological site "Tumba", Bukovo; The archaeological map of Macedonia, which examines the prehistoric and historic layers of human existence, from the earliest times to the late Middle Ages, the analyzed area, sites are recorded: - Holy Trinity - Heraclea, ancient Christian basilica is located approximately 500m southwest of the central city area; Heraclea - Heraclea Lynkestis, urban settlement of Hellenic during the Middle Ages; Page 63 Environment Impact Assesment Study – Construction of double circuit 110kv overhead transmission line from S/S Bitola 3 to S/S Bitola 4 - KO Poeševo - Tumba village, settlement of Bronze Age, situated in the village; - KO beech - Monastery Bukovo ancient Christian basilica; Kutlište, settlement from the Roman period; Neoljani, medieval village, situated in the locality Twelve Kladenci; Crkvište, medieval Church and Cemetery are located 2km west of the village, among the locality Mišev Meadow; - KO Lavci - no; According to the Spatial Plan of Macedonia, the highest number of goals relating to the treatment and protection of cultural heritage in the plans of lowers level. 3.4.5 TOURISM Tourism in the world today is one of the largest "industrial" branches, or economic sector with the fastest growth. Anticipated growth of this branch, which involved a large amount of labor, and has significant effects on the economy at local, national and regional level, requires special attention because of the link between environmental protection and sustainable tourism, in terms of further treatment in the context Agenda of 21st. Based on a explicitly revised natural and created conditions and resources in volume, quality, distribution and uniqueness, functionality, attractiveness and degree of activity, the territory of the Republic. Macedonia as separate entities can allocate the following types of tourism potential: surface water, mountains, bathrooms, and good with natural and cultural heritage, transit travel routes, urban settlements, hunting parties’ areas and villages. According to the basic long-term goals, the concept and criteria for development and organization of the tourist offer in the Republic is defined a total of 10 tourist regions with 54 tourist zones. Route of the lines belonging to Pelagonia region with eight travel zones and 25 tourist sites. The realization of the anticipated effort to build 2x110kV double circuit transmission line S/S 3 Bitola - S/S Bitola 4 will be a significant determinant in improving the infrastructure requirements for development and tourist activity. According to the basic long-term goals, the concept and criteria for development and organization of tourist activity, the development of sleep total tourist offer of this area is recommended, with the future organization of economic activities, to respect the criteria for environmental protection and sustainable economic development. Page 64 Environment Impact Assesment Study – Construction of double circuit 110kv overhead transmission line from S/S Bitola 3 to S/S Bitola 4 4 IDENTIFICATION AND EVALUATION OF THE POSSIBLE IMPACT OF THE PROJECT IN THE ENVIRONMENT 4.1 IDENTIFICATION OF THE IMPACT IN DIFFERENT PHASES OF THE PROJECT Potential impacts of implementation of the project "Construction of double circuit transmission line 2x110 kV S/S Bitola 3 - S/S Bitola 4 are identified on the basis of all project activities to be undertaken at all stages of the project. The assessment is used so Leopold matrix given in Table 12th The matrix showing all the main activities in the phase of construction of underground cable and elevated transmission line transmission line , work and maintenance of the lines in case of crashes and the cessation of work. Activities undertaken cause different impacts on different media environment, socio - economic situation of the population and environment in the area of the project. Matrix provides estimates of the expert team that all dependencies exist between the intended activities and the corresponding element of the environment, which is threatened by the action. From the table it is obvious that the most important project activities affecting different elements of the environment are: a) clearing of land and existing vegetation, b) digging a pit and placing the cable, and covering of the trench, c) marking the tower locations, digging pits and concrete foundation d) installation of steel structure, bringing electrical installations and installation of protective rope with optical fibers, e) construction of new access roads, transport workers and equipment and the vehicles that will bring the parts of steel columns, f) enrichment with other infrastructure and the creation and management of waste and of course the work and maintenance of lines. Activity with the smallest probability that will happen is the cessation of operation of lines and its dismantling. All these project activities will cause impacts of various types, intensity, duration, and other important characteristics of the following elements of the environment: a) change the landscape and visual character of the new area, b) flora and fauna characteristic of the area as protected species , c) the occurrence of electromagnetic radiation, d) the occurrence of noise, e) violation of water quality and air in the vicinity of the lines, d) the creation of different types of waste and the need for their proper management, f) the safety of employees and surrounding population, h) Socio - economic aspects considered by the development of small and medium enterprises, new jobs, providing uninterrupted electricity supply to all service facilities - hospitals, schools, etc. The following were developed more detailed sub chapters all possible impacts on the elements of the environment in all phases of the implementation of the project: a) during construction, b) during operation and maintenance of lines, c) in case of crashes and d) during the cessation of operation of lines and its eventual dismantling. Page 65 Table 12: Project: building of two-system transmission line 2X110 kV SS Bitola 3 - SS Bitola 4 Identification of possible impacts of the project activities on different elements of the environment (Leopold matrix) 5 Building work For the underground cable transmission line 6 Digging a trench for underground cable 7 Setting a cable base * 8 Filling up the trench 9 Functioning of the underground cable 10 Occurance of a breakdown For the overhead transmission line 10 Marking (staking out) the stake points and setting a central peg 11 Digging foundation holes 12 Fundation concreting 13 Mounting a steel construction on the stakes * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Disease occurance * Agricultural development Demography Electricity supply for the population New employments * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Socially vulnerable groups Development of community economics Conversion of land use Migration of population Odour Electromagnetic radiation Noise and vibrations Generating and managing different types of waste Soil pollution Underground water quality Surfice water quality * * * 20 Fuel/energy consumption * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 18 Transportation of workers and/or materials * Air quality Exploitation of natural resources * * 19 Crossing with other transmission lines/pipelines 21 Use of natural resources/ land, water, material and energy 22 Use, storage, transportation of harmful substances 23 Generating different types of waste 24 Managing different types of waste 25 Operation and maintenance of the transmission line 26 Termination of operation of the transmission line * * MSP development * * Social aspects Continuous electricity supply for MPS/hospitals/schoolsКо нтинуирано Cultural and natural heritage improvement * Protected area * Protected species * * Climate and climate changes * Area and visual aspects * Meteorology Hydrological conditions * * Human and environmental health * * 14 Carry out electrofitting (mounting of ropes and insulator equipment) 15 Mounting of safety rope with optical fibers 16 Buildings for storing materials 17 Building of new access roads Fauna * Flora 1 Conversion of land use 2 Clearing of the existing land, vegetation and buildings 4 Prebuilding analysis, eg. hole digging, land testing Underground water Project activities in all phases of the transmission line durability Topography and geology Physical/natural environment * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Environment Impact Assesment Study – Construction of double circuit 110kv overhead transmission line from S/S Bitola 3 to S/S Bitola 4 4.1.1 VISUAL ASPECTS AND IMPACT ON THE AREA During construction During the construction of lines visual character of the area will change as a result of short-term activities that will take the field in the form of clearing, digging of trenches, arrival and presence of large transport vehicles, trucks, cranes and other machinery required for transport of steel columns, after clearing the towers and installation and electric installation affairs and the creation of waste. Of course impact on the area and will have the presence of many workers (about 10-15 a tower place) and their movement in the environment. Setting the underground cable will cause a change in visual character in the urban area by TA Bitola 4 in length of 400m, but it will be short and local nature. It provides the building of underground cable to be completed in about 15 days. For the installation of double circuit steel lattice tower hot-dip galvanized for elevated transmission line and preparing the ground by placing the concrete seats will be required and construction material and its transport and storage during the installation of the columns. It provides a one pillar to last about 5 days after completion of construction works and removal of the Jester and other waste short-term impact of the construction will stop. Operational phase Generally, because by their nature transmission line are positioned at locations that exhibited in the operational phase is visually noticeable and max. 5km. distance. Basic receptors of the new look of the area on any of the elevated transmission line will be locals and travelers passing local roads Bitola - Lavci beech - Krstoar - Kravari and tourists who passing highway Bitola - Greek border. The local population is most sensitive category they will be subject to visual permanently changed the area who know for years. Looking from the perspective of the local population, the current landscape is largely flat with low vegetation, low residential houses and gardens and view towards the surrounding mountains and the city of Bitola. Figure 28: Visual field of view Places where you lay the steel poles are located at a distance of at least 500m - 1000m from the first inhabited houses and the ropes because of its structure and thickness do not pose a greater obstacle to the sight. Steel construction is lightweight mesh shape and although the height of the columns is from 12m to 28m high at the top and 40m, the construction will not cause Page 67 Environment Impact Assesment Study – Construction of double circuit 110kv overhead transmission line from S/S Bitola 3 to S/S Bitola 4 destruction of the area. For local passengers and tourists who travel by car to Greece lines enter into sight a very short period because of the corridor lines with steel poles and ropes just cut the main road and the road from Bitola to the surrounding villages. In flat part of the village Kravari to its end lines extending in parallel at a distance of 35m with the existing 150 kV transmission line and no significant changes made to the visual environment. This is especially taken into consideration when selecting the route and the ultimate disposition of the columns. Lines through its elements will be visible from various points of his visual scope that the expert team identified during the field visit in January 2010th For the purposes of study be made simulations of the appearance of lines characteristic of several places of the projected route in the area of the location of the project. Simulations are given in Appendix 10.4.1 and provide representation for the visual appearance of the area in the operational phase of the project. Decommissioning When dismantling the lines again appeared disorders of visual appearance of the area by the presence of working machinery and manpower. Nevertheless, after the phase of dismantling that would last several months, the area will return to original condition before starting the project. 4.1.2 IMPACT OF BIODIVERSITY Expected that during construction of the facility during its operation and during the average potential will appear large impacts on biodiversity. During construction During construction of the route of the lines are determined following impacts: - - - - - - Construction activities adversely affect the certain plant and animal species that have their natural habitats in and near the site; The occurrence of noise and vibration at work on construction vehicles, machinery and the equipment used in construction, will cause high anxiety among amphibians, and disturbances in their reproductive process; Often frequency of vehicles and people, causing anxiety among birds and other living organisms, especially during their mating, The occurrence of fragmentation of wildness which threaten biodiversity; Potential emergence of new access roads which are destroying existing ecosystems and the erosion of the country; Destruction of plant vegetation along the route; Increasing the amount of dust in the environment as a result of intensive construction activity, which comes to distortion of existing dwellings at present living organisms and layering of dust on the leaves, which reduces or prevents the intensity of photosynthesis; Page 68 Environment Impact Assesment Study – Construction of double circuit 110kv overhead transmission line from S/S Bitola 3 to S/S Bitola 4 - - - Creation of waste from construction activities, which pollute the surrounding environment; Possibility of contamination of soil and groundwater by oil from vehicles and machinery, if improperly treated with them or in case of average; Mortality of species of flora and fauna during the construction phase. Operational phase During the operational phase of the facility vulnerable group of organisms are birds that can easily be damaged touching their wings to electrical cables. Birds apparently because of poor string cannot timely respond. Birds that migrate at night may face a high mortality in bad weather such as fog, rain and low cloud cover with when the birds were disoriented. In addition, the length and distribution of lines is an additional obstacle in their migratory corridor. With the existence of transmission line permanently lose part of their natural habitats have been degraded in the building, which means it is very likely that part of present organisms previously lived in the place of the site will migrate to other areas, which drastically change the natural flow of biological the ecosystem. Successful methods that can be used to avoid touching the birds and the few lines of research concerning the problem of conflict are planning lines and change the design of the lines (this option includes relocating the lines, marking the elevated wires to those be more visible to birds, the use of underground cables). In many cases the decision to build the lines and possible mitigation measures based on economic factors. Allocation of an existing line is the last option that should be offered if treated mitigates conflicts of birds with lines. The huge cost of building the new line is a reason not to be considered if this option does not appear biologically significant mortality. The seriousness of the problem about the injury and mortality of birds from transmission line under voltage is considered and taken into account in setting the policy for the Protection of Nature in 2004. The most adequate and modern methods to protect the birds from damaging contact with the elevated power lines is the use of Bird Flight Diverters devices (devices for transfer of birds). With the help of special design (shown in Figure 33) these modern devices to warn birds of danger. Figure 29: Different types of devices to divert the birds on the market Page 69 Environment Impact Assesment Study – Construction of double circuit 110kv overhead transmission line from S/S Bitola 3 to S/S Bitola 4 They are characterized by the possibility of movement under the influence of wind, the reflection of UV rays and the emission of light. Some are made of fluorescent material and allow visibility through the night, and also in conditions of fog and low light. Devices are tested and developed by biologists that confirm the uniqueness and effectiveness of devices that reduce mortality of birds during their migration. A testing period of three years in Germany, putting these devices on 110 kV transmission line shows the following results before and after installation of the devices: Table 13: Reduce mortality of birds due to the installation of devices to transfer 110 kV transmission line Bernburg - Susigke (Germany) Lines without change of direction of birds Set of lines with devices for guiding the birds (на 40m distance) Set of lines with devices for guiding the birds (на 20m distance) Mortality in birds 156 56 1 Installation of these devices is simple. The recommendation place for their installation is the middle lower 1/3 of the span (approx. 60% in the middle length between two towers). The flappers should be installed at 10 metre intervals in that middle part of the span between two towers (Recommendation has been given by the Endangered Wildlife Trust – EWT). During the phase of construction and maintenance of transmission line present some destruction and inevitable change. This happens with the construction of access roads and clearing the site. It is necessary to perform provided distance between the wires and the soil in order to minimize the risk of fires. These activities can have an impact on the proliferation of birds, growth and change in their habitat. Many birds are extremely sensitive to any disturbance and if such disturbances occur at a critical time during the cycle of reproduction, such as when eggs are for taking or phase hatching can easily become temporarily or permanently abandon the nest prematurely or hatch resulting in the death of the fetus. In both cases, the consequences are fatal. It is especially important to avoid such interference with rare species of birds that breed once a year or once every two years. Basically, it is impossible to avoid the suffering of the birds in their contact with electrical wires while proposing the best mitigation measures. It is therefore necessary to make a risk assessment and mitigation measures of negative influence to higher biological species important to obtain maximum results. In the event of termination and the average work The operator should be the maximum applicable safeguards to prevent any average of the object. If still anything (the most common case of fire, collapse of the pillar, tearing the wires, etc.) Should implement all measures necessary to prevent further destruction of natural habitats, degradation of ecosystems to replace the damage, destruction of whole Biocenosis and disruption of natural phenomena such as the food chain, photosynthesis, breeding and nutrition of the living species. Page 70 Environment Impact Assesment Study – Construction of double circuit 110kv overhead transmission line from S/S Bitola 3 to S/S Bitola 4 4.1.3 ELECTROMAGNETIC IMPACT During construction During the construction does not expect significant impacts on the electromagnetic environment and people. During construction of the short-term workers will be exposed to more intensive electromagnetic radiation in carrying out work in S/S Bitola 4, also short more intensive electromagnetic radiation will occur during welding works, and weak radiation in the use of other electrical equipment. Operational phase At work there are electric lines and electromagnetic field which is spread among different overhead and underground lines. Therefore, the e electromagnetic effect will be evaluated separately for both parts of the lines. The construction of lines and the appearance of electrical and electromagnetic radiation can affect wildlife and the work of equipment that works with a lecture and receive radio signals. Impact on wildlife may be direct (direct contact with the conductor) or indirectly (through electromagnetic radiation). Direct contact with the cable line is possible only in construction and hit it were not respected the procedures for excavation and if there be damage to the cord. Direct contact with the overhead line is easily possible, but it happens most often when people do not adhere to a prescribed distance from the conductor or the security measures work, and the animals frequently among birds. Should there be contact with two conductors or one conductor and earth, because of the high voltages, occurs certain death. The appearance of the electric field lines is a consequence of high voltage conditions, and radiation occurs as a consequence of the flow of electricity. On the strength of the magnetic field and its influence have schedule conductor and their distance from objects. In the world, there are many studies on the distribution and impact of the electric field of the people and the main findings are shown in Figure 33 and Figure 34th Figure 33 shows the spatial distribution of the electric field created by the 110 kV. Page 71 Environment Impact Assesment Study – Construction of double circuit 110kv overhead transmission line from S/S Bitola 3 to S/S Bitola 4 Figure 30: Distribution of electric field of 110 kV transmission line Figure 34 is a distribution of electric and magnetic field of 150kV transmission line different columns. For voltage level lines, which is the subject of this study is shown close by; you can believe that the effects will be the same. Figure 31: Distribution of electric and magnetic field of 150 kV transmission line From the pictures, it is obvious that the level of the intensity of radiation is far lower than the maximum values defined by the recommendations of the European Commission. Such surveys and measurements are carried out in Macedonia by the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technologies of Page 72 Environment Impact Assesment Study – Construction of double circuit 110kv overhead transmission line from S/S Bitola 3 to S/S Bitola 4 Skopje, where the measured values of electric and magnetic field near the 110 kV substation in transmission line . Maximum values are measured from 1783,1 V / m and 2,673 μT. These results largely coincide with the values shown in the pictures. The method of construction of underground cables prevents the occurrence of electric field outside the cable, but high voltage cables create a greater electromagnetic radiation from the elevated lines, but it depends on the depth of placement, arrangement of conductor, whether the one circuit double circuit or platoon, etc. Studies in Ireland show that intensity of the magnetic field at a distance of 5m of cable for 110 kV cable is 1,5 μT. At work, elevated transmission line its construction and electromagnetic radiation is a possible obstacle in the work of the existing radio and receivers of radio signals. Since near the route will transmitters effect on them is negligible, and receivers of radio signals (TV, radio, mobile phones, etc.) can feel the slight weakening of the signal, but only in the immediate vicinity of the lines. For overhead lines with his part does not pass through populated areas, and the nearest houses are far more than 100m from the conductor can be considered that the impact of lines of radio signals will be negligible. During the operation of the lines in bad weather is possible outbreak of corona and partial discharges in air. These partial discharges cause interference with radio signals from special middle wave (AM) area. As near lines do not exist middle wave transmitters, and the occurrence of partial discharges are expected only in extremely bad weather conditions (fog and at very high humidity) can be considered that these barriers are negligible. With its design and layout of the underground lines (cable) cannot affect radio signals. The only possible impact is the signal of the telecommunication cables are intersecting, but if the enrichment is carried out according to regulations, this impact is negligible. Decommissioning With the cessation of work on lines, as in the structure, the electromagnetic radiation will occur short term will be of local character and will be exposed only to workers who perform work for disassembly. After the dismantling, there will be no additional electromagnetic radiation. 4.1.4 NOISE During construction Source of noise are different movements of trucks, cranes and other construction machinery and equipment and handling of building materials during construction of the lines. The appearance of noise at this stage is inevitable, but it is good that the construction phase lasts briefly and equipment usually used is not intensely noisy. Equipment used to open after specifying the level of noise caused by max. 100 dB., But must take into account the fact type of area of lines in the degree of protection against noise provided in the new legislation in this area. The first location of the project (underground cable) falls within the area of second instance, the route of the elevated transmission line the area of the fourth degree. Noise levels to ensure these areas are given in Table 11. Page 73 Environment Impact Assesment Study – Construction of double circuit 110kv overhead transmission line from S/S Bitola 3 to S/S Bitola 4 Table 14: Area determined by the degree of protection against noise Area determined by the degree of Level of noise (dBA) protection against noise Lв Lд Area of the second degree 55 55 45 Area of the fourth degree 70 70 60 Lн Lд - day (period from 7 to 19h) Lв – evening (period from 19 to 23h) Lн – night (period from 23 to 7h) When building the presence of noise may cause short term distinctions the wildlife of the area of the project which after completion of the building will return to their original habitats. Operational phase In the phase of work on lines appear generally two types of noise - noise caused by cables and pillars and noise from the activities of regular checks and maintenance. When constructing the transmission line under specific meteorological conditions and depending on the voltage appears so called Corona effect. This effect is characterized by buzzing and cracking that create noise in the fog, rainy weather, and clean air. Noise occurs as a result of small amounts of electrical ionization the When building the presence of noise may cause short term distinctions the wildlife of the area of the project which after completion of the building will return to their original habitats rains the level of noise from rain is higher than the noise level of the so-called Corona effect. During low rain, thick fog, snow and in other circumstances where there is moisture in the air (typical humidity higher than 80%), lines causes significant noise, but it is within the level of noise in residential buildings (50 dB to 60 dB). In the dry period, the sounds are even negligible (40 dB to 50dB), occurring only sporadic cracks. The planned 110 kV transmission line of this effect is not expected to occur under normal weather conditions, but only worsened. When working lines may appear more intense noise of the wind flow around the conductor and columns. The noise level depends on the speed of the wind and its direction. Noise may appear when dirty or broken glass or porcelain insulators. From high voltage leaps in average conditions, the short bang can be heard. Decommissioning When dismantling the same lines as during the construction the same activities will occur and the same sources and level of noise will occur as well. 4.1.5 IMPACT ON THE EXISTING INFRASTRUCTURE During construction Construction of the lines will inevitably bring its own impacts on existing infrastructure in the regions where it is spread and where the route will perform construction work. During construction, more hand crossing lines with the existing infrastructure. Page 74 Environment Impact Assesment Study – Construction of double circuit 110kv overhead transmission line from S/S Bitola 3 to S/S Bitola 4 According to information of the owners of infrastructure facilities (EVN Macedonia, Macedonian Telecom, JP Plumbing, JP and JP Streževo Komunalec) in performance of the cable platoon situation is as follows: ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ Route ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ No cross the water installations; No crossing the infrastructure owned by JP Streževo; There is at least one crossing with the sewage pipes; There are more hand-crossing with a 10 kV underground cables; There is at least one crossing with the telecommunication cable; There is a local cross streets; air platoon situation is as follows: We have more crossing local roads; We cross the international main road Bitola - Greece; We cross the international railway Kremenica-Bitola; We cross the main supply canal system for irrigation Streževo; There are more hand-crossing with overhead power lines with voltage levels up to 10 kV; No cross the lines with voltage of 110 kV or more; In the vicinity of the lines there are base stations of mobile operators; We cross the overhead communication lines; Existing underground infrastructure at the construction of the elevated line has meaning only in terms of micro location setting the foundations of the columns, which may cause only a slight displacement of the same. In spite of crossing construction, especially on the existing road network will exist the impact of movement and operation of construction machines and transport vehicles, and occasional delays and changing modes of traffic. Operational phase In the operational phase does not expect significant impacts on infrastructure (existing and future), if the performers transmission line and future infrastructural facilities adhere to legislation, applicable regulations and good practice. Negative effects on infrastructure can occur only when failures of lines, which require the deployment of more machinery and manpower. At the termination of work Upon the termination of work, possible short term negative consequences before the road infrastructure, because the work of construction vehicles and carriages, which should make disassembly and transportation of parts of lines. On the left infrastructure not expect significant impacts. 4.1.6 IMPACT ON AIR QUALITY The Transmission lines by their nature do not include a source of combustion fuel which is characteristic of other energy projects and a change of air quality Page 75 Environment Impact Assesment Study – Construction of double circuit 110kv overhead transmission line from S/S Bitola 3 to S/S Bitola 4 occurs as a result of the phase of construction of lines and traffic operations during the construction and regular maintenance of it. During construction The main impacts of the project on air quality in the area are expected during construction – digging the soil and concrete work for the settings of underground cable and placing the tower foundations and supporting installation of lines. It is Expected occurrence of fugitive dust emission as the smallest particles of soil, sand for construction of new access roads, leveling the ground to establish the construction site around the pillars and the performance of concrete seats. Dust appears briefly at digging a trench for underground cable length of 400m, in the urban part of Bitola. Different types of vehicles, equipment and construction machinery to be used in construction are mobile sources of emissions of polluting substances which are characteristic NOx, CO, PM10, non burned hydrocarbons, sulfur, lead, benzene and other flavoring hydrocarbons that contribute to the creation of secondary ozone and represent all direct and indirect risk to human health and the environment. The quality of fuel in the Macedonia within the European standards and controls in accredited laboratories. The emergence of emissions burning substances and the negative impact is short intensity at the local level and through the distribution of polluting substances act on air quality in the area. Key receptors that may be affected are parts of houses and buildings located around the points of installation of underground cables and pillars of the elevated cable at a distance of approximately 200m. This distance is expected to brief disruption of air quality. But it should be noted that air quality in the municipality of Bitola actively measured at two measuring stations and the data show that the impact of emissions from mobile sources is minimal in terms of emissions that arise from the stationary sources - facilities that use fossil fuels especially REK Bitola. Data on air quality in the area of the project is given in Chapter 3.3.6. Do not expect the occurrence of odor or phase of construction, nor in the operational phase. Operational phase In this phase of the major influences on the quality of air coming from combustion of fuel in vehicles and equipment necessary for regular checks on the lines (which usually happen once a year) and visit the necessary interventions. However, these impacts are short, local, minimal and no question of violation of air quality greatly. Decommissioning When dismantling the lines again appeared in need of construction machinery, vehicles, which would distort the air quality in the area briefly and minimal. Page 76 Environment Impact Assesment Study – Construction of double circuit 110kv overhead transmission line from S/S Bitola 3 to S/S Bitola 4 4.1.7 IMPACT ON THE WATER QUALITY During construction Project activities undertaken in the phase of construction do not cause significant long-term negative impact on water bodies because when they do not use water resources and most activities are carried out close to surface waters. When activities of digging, laying of underground cable near the Old River can reach short-term temporary water pollution in the country, solid particles that would cause blurry water, leak oil or fuel from vehicles and equipment used or parts of waste is generated. In preparing the land for new access roads, establishment of areas around building foundations for installation of steel columns can be reported contamination of surface and groundwater from temporary in the form of: a) erosion of sediments due to the removal of soil cover, b ) leakage of fuel and oil equipment and vehicles, c) other waste that is generated in these activities. The above activities may affect mainly the point where the pillars will be placed near the rivers and Smilevska Kindirka and V channel Hydro Streževo in which will be placed near the tower AZ8. As the water level in glaciofluvial sediments (which will be set stretched AZ columns 2 and 4 AZ) is the depth of about 4m to 5m, and is a shallow excavation at a depth of 2.2m, is not expected to adversely affect the quality of groundwater. Access roads may change the manner and mode of drainage of atmospheric water permeability due to alteration of the surface, removal of vegetation and thereby to cause erosion and under the influence of wind and rain can occur sedimentation of natural drainage paths. Operational phase In ongoing work on lines, it is not expect negative impacts on surface and groundwater. At the termination of work What comes to dismantling the lines, all the activities provided during the process will occur again and slightly short can come to pollution of surface and groundwater and erosion of land. 4.1.8 GENERATION OF DIFFERENT TYPES OF WASTE Throughout the life cycle, lines will affect the formation of small amounts of various fractions of non-hazard waste. Identified were the following materials and components that are an integral part of the lines and that could occur as waste in the life of the lines: a) the cable is made of aluminum, copper polyethylene, b) the elevated line wires made of aluminum and iron c) porcelain insulators, d) cable ends made of composite materials – fiberglass filled with silicone oil and metal parts, e) double circuit steel lattice tower hot-dip galvanized profiles and steel bolts, f) based reinforced Page 77 Environment Impact Assesment Study – Construction of double circuit 110kv overhead transmission line from S/S Bitola 3 to S/S Bitola 4 concrete foundation coat for concreting and other materials packaging made from wood and paper. During construction In the phase of construction, waste will be reported as a result of excavation, covering, concreting, and tracing the paths leveling the soil and others. Construction activities and the type of waste are to be shot, inert waste. When setting up the columns on the ropes and lines, and possible occurrence of other waste from the various constituents of the lines and they belong to the group non-hazard waste. Employees who work on construction and Electric installation works will create a temporary communal waste. As a result of construction, materials handling possible occurrence of waste from all the above ingredients, but exclusively in the building and cessation of work on how to perform dismantling of the lines. Waste in the following list of categories of waste (Official Gazette of RM no. 100/05 by its characteristic is nonhazard waste: Categorization in accordance with the national list of wastes 12 01 05 12 01 13 13 07 15 01 17 01 17 02 17 04 17 05 04 17 06 04 17 09 04 20 03 01 Group / Type of Waste particles and Cuts of plastic Waste from welding waste from fuel packaging waste paper, plastic, metal, wood waste concrete Waste from wood, plastic and glass waste metal Waste from the excavation Insulation materials Other construction waste (mixed waste) mixed waste Management of all fractions of waste should be carried out in accordance with the legislation on waste and individual waste streams bearing in mind that some fractions can be recycled (metals, paper, glass), re-use (land, parts of the ropes, cables), sluggish waste to wear a special landfill for inert waste, and municipal and other non hazard waste to bear the landfill Meglenci which is a place for final disposal of waste in the municipality of Bitola. Public Utility Company Komunalec from Bitola is responsible for the collection, transport and final disposal of municipal waste in the municipality of Bitola and management Meglenci landfill. Operational phase and removal of transmission lines During the operation of lines is not expected occurrence of waste, and if he came to dismantling, will again occur above the waste fractions and parts of pillars and steel structure that should be managed in a way that meets national standards. Page 78 Environment Impact Assesment Study – Construction of double circuit 110kv overhead transmission line from S/S Bitola 3 to S/S Bitola 4 4.1.9 IMPACT ON CULTURAL HERITAGE When making the planning documentation of lower level, the exact position is determined of the cultural heritage sites located in the wider area through which the route passes. Тhe minimum distance from the nearest archeiological site has been estimated on minimum 2km of the prpoposed route. On the proposed route within the site which was chosen for building of the transmission line, specifically the locations where the stakes will be erected and the line of wires that will connect them, there are no archaeological areas and sites of cultural heritage that would represent limiting factor in the process of planning and designing the transmission line. During the process of building When implementing the project neither direct nor indirect impacts are expected on the archaeological cultural heritage i.e., on the immovable cultural goods and archaeological sites mentioned in point 3.4.4. However, if during realization of the ground works, the existence of artifacts is established or there are indications of potential archeological goods, building work will be stopped and the Directorate for Cultural Heritage at the Ministry of Culture will be notified on time. Operative phase During the work, no impacts are expected on the archeological cultural heritage. At the termination of work With the cessation of work or eventual dismantling of the transmission line and its parts, actions are the same as at the time of building, only in reverse order. Consequently, no impacts are expected on the archeological cultural heritage. 4.1.10 SECURITY ASPECTS During the process of building From the security aspect during the building of the transmission line, the main risks to the security breach are related to the activities of workers who perform building and installation work. During building, the workers may suffer some injuries due to careless work as well as fire breakout when using sparkling tools and equipment. The local population may also suffer some injuries if they carelessly approach the building. During erection of the metal buildings and installation of conductors, apart from injuries as a result of careless work, accidents may happen due to electrical discharge from the atmosphere, especially during bad weather. Operative phase During operation, security aspects in general can be divided into events caused by human activities and natural disasters. Human activities may cause injuries due to careless movement and handling of machines and tools near the transmission line or by removing parts of the stakes by Page 79 Environment Impact Assesment Study – Construction of double circuit 110kv overhead transmission line from S/S Bitola 3 to S/S Bitola 4 negligent people. The consequences of careless handling are already described in the section of electromagnetic radiation. By dismantling parts of the stakes, their stability is disturbed causing collapse as well as power failure. If, at that moment, there are people or animals nearby, there is a possibility of injuries and death. Natural hazards that can be expected in the operative phase of the work of the transmission line are: earthquakes, floods, strong winds, thunderstorms, ice on the conductors and fires. The transmission line is located in the area of seismic activity VII0 degrees Merkalli scale of the expected earthquakes, which means that earthquakes are expected during its operation. As long as all technical normative are met, no collapses of stakes are expected in case of earthquakes, it will only cease to work as a protection method. According to the configuration of the terrain, floods are possible only in the flatland part of the route. In Pelagonija plain there is no danger of flood outbreak that would undermine the foundations and distort the stability of the stakes, and height of the water is low and cannot cause danger to the work of the transmission line. Strong thunder winds in the past caused stakes to fall, but the building of the modern stakes is more stable, thus such problems are not expected. Under the regulations, transmission lines must have a protective lightening rope, and each stake must be properly grounded. In this way, the transmission line is protected from damaging in case of lightening. In winter months, during heavy rain, low temperatures and appearance of cold winds, there is a possibility of conductor frosting. The technical normative defines the forces that the conductors can handle, but in rare cases, the ice weight may exceed the endurance of the system, which may cause the conductors to break. As soon as the conductor falls on the ground, its protection reacts and it shuts down, and the repair is done by replacing the damaged conductors. The natural hazards analyzed so far, practically cannot have an impact and cause damage to underground cable. Occurrences are possible on the route of the transmission line due to possible actions of the people, and very rarely due to natural phenomena (lightning strike, selfignition etc.). Damages to the transmission line that can be caused by fires are often negligible, but sometimes the lowest points of the conductors may be on fire, which may cause interruption of the conductor. The fire can cause damage to the cable line only if it appears on the outlet of the cable from the ground. In this case, there is damage to the isolation of the cable and that part of the cable should be replaced. At the termination of work At the termination of work, dismantling of the transmission line and its parts should be carried out in reverse order of its building, so that activities and security risks are the same as at the time of building. 4.1.11 CUMULATIVE EFFECTS Cumulative effects occur as a result of accumulation and interaction of multiple pressures on the ecosystems that contribute to change of the state of the environment. They are defined as changes in the environment caused by activities in combination with other human activities in the past, present and foreseeable future activities that could occur in that area. Page 80 Environment Impact Assesment Study – Construction of double circuit 110kv overhead transmission line from S/S Bitola 3 to S/S Bitola 4 Because the that, the methodology of assessment of the impact of the project on the environment includes analysis of current situation with all the elements that characterize the area where the project will be conducted, and it is a base line for determining the cumulative effects. At the same time, projects flowing parallel to the proposed are analyzed and future plans of the same or other investors in the same area are taken into consideration. Analyzing all direct and indirect negative impacts that occur during building, ongoing operation and / or cessation and dismantling of the transmission line in the perspective of the current situation with all media of the environment in the area of the project, the expert team has recognized the following observations: a) The transmission line does not generate significant direct emissions in air, water or soil during its work and no occurrence of cumulative pollution of these media in the area of the project b) The main cumulative effect can be identified in terms of physical presence of transmission line in relation to the existing infrastructure of roads and the existing 150 kV transmission line Greek border - Bitola 1 (not under voltage) and other energy and communication structures. c) a positive cumulative effect occurs as a result of reduced energy loss (reduced heat emission) in the electro energetic system in Macedonia d) Positive cumulative effects are expected in the socio - economic development of the municipality of Bitola through the development of small and medium enterprises, which will participate in providing services during building of transmission line and regular controls of the same, by a continuous supply of energy and providing the opportunity for new employment of young people e) In the area of the project there are no other industrial facilities which impacts could establish interaction and cause cumulative effect. Page 81 Environment Impact Assesment Study – Construction of double circuit 110kv overhead transmission line from S/S Bitola 3 to S/S Bitola 4 4.1.12 SOCIO-ECONOMIC ASPECTS The purpose of setting and operating of the transmission line is to improve the energy balance and available energy in the Municipality of Bitola, as well as to provide uninterrupted power supply to consumers connected to the S/S Bitola 3 and S/S Bitola 4 by shortest possible routes with the smallest losses in the transmission system. The ring which is formed around Bitola, in which all four 110 kV high voltage stations will be connected will also improve the reliability of electricity supply as well as consumers’ trust who are supplied by the other two high voltage stations. Long-term positive impacts are expected on the development of small and medium enterprises because of uninterrupted supply of electricity and reduced costs for occasional interruptions that have happened so far. Indirect positive impacts will be felt in the development of local economy, regular payment of taxes and sustainable development of the municipality of Bitola. The project will positively affect the long-term supply of energy for all services provided in hospitals, schools, public institutions and thus enhance social welfare for the population and its wellbeing. The potential short-term impacts of the transmission line are seen in the employment opportunities of local people and any small changes in the social structure of the area and provision of services to small and medium enterprises in all phases of the project. During building Increasing employment opportunities are expected through direct involvement of the local workforce during the building phase. The influx of construction workers will increase the need for services such as accommodation facilities (hotels and motels), food supply and procurement (restaurants, shops, etc.), repair services (fuel, maintenance of vehicles), involvement of local companies for specific segments of the work or the purchase of equipment and services (maintenance of equipment, procurement of building and other goods / materials, etc.). Operative phase For purposes of transmission, line in the phase of operation regular checks and periodic maintenance of its constitutive elements will be required. Consequently, if the existing staff is not sufficient for the above duties and responsibilities there is a possibility of new employments for a number of people who would maintain the transmission line and control its operation. Termination of work Termination of work of the transmission line will adversely affect the local economy because deficiencies and frequent interruptions in energy supply will occur in the real sector and negative consequences will indirectly occur on the development of local economy. Expropriation and use of land The project may have a negative impact on the use value of the land along the route. At present we have no information how much of the planned route passes through land in private ownership or how much of the base of the stakes will be located on private property. An important fact is also the identification of cadastral Page 82 Environment Impact Assesment Study – Construction of double circuit 110kv overhead transmission line from S/S Bitola 3 to S/S Bitola 4 parcels on which building work will be performed and / or associated machinery will be set as the current purpose of this land. In all cases it is necessary to initiate proceedings for the expropriation of the land by the investor against the expropriation law (Official Gazette of RM no. 33/95, 20/98, 40/99, 31/2003, 46/2005 and amendments of 2008) that regulates the expropriation of property and rights deriving from the amount of land, buildings and other real estate for the building of buildings and execution of works of public interest which includes building of a transmission line. AD MEPSO so far has experience with different models of the expropriation of land and they will be considered and offered to landowners for building of the planned transmission line: a) Full expropriation when with the expropriation ceases the right of ownership and other rights on real estate arising from it. b) Incomplete expropriation when with the expropriation, the right of ownership may be restricted by establishing the right of formality (for setting the aboveground line) or temporarily restricting the right of use (for temporary accommodation of mechanization, access roads etc.) for the performance of preparatory work on the land. A fair compensation belongs to the current owner of the land that cannot be less than the market value of the property and that together with the cost of the procedure for expropriation shall be borne by the user of the expropriation for whose needs the real estate is expropriated. In determining the market value of the expropriated land that serves as agricultural, forestry and other production, the solvency and cadastral class of land should be considered, climate and economic conditions and the suitability of land for building and location of the site. All the information are needed about cadastral parcels of land and ownership, land use and the willingness of owners to negotiate with the investor, as a detailed analysis about the procedure for expropriation could be made. The expert team recommends an open discussion, the maximum respect for the view of the current owners and their arguments and needs as well as inevitable maximum transparency in the process of expropriation. Page 83 Environment Impact Assesment Study – Construction of double circuit 110kv overhead transmission line from S/S Bitola 3 to S/S Bitola 4 4.2 I M P A C T A S S E S S M E N T Evaluation of the impact of project activities on the various elements of the environment was made to establish a link between the activities at all stages of the life of the project and the natural environment of the area, the socio - economic and health aspects of the population which lives and economically acts in the area of the project. Second step is to answer the question: what kind of impact is that? Do the project activities of the building and operation of the transmission line and the termination of work cause positive or negative impact, whether the impact is short / medium term, which is the intensity of impact, whether it is reversible / irreversible, whether it has cumulative effect, etc. When setting methodology, the expert team established criteria for assessing the impacts and prepare a matrix in where all impacts on various elements of the environment were assessed and it is given in Table 14 and the impact on each element of the environment received a general rating A / B / C / unremarkable as a result of the rate of impact in relation to each criterion. The criteria are given in Table 14a. Table 14a: Established criteria for assessment of environmental impact Criterion Impact assessment in relation to the criteria Nature of impact Positive(+) Negative (-) Type of impact Direct Indirect Cumulative Intensity of Impact Range of Impact High Medium Low Surface Volume Dispersion Time of occurrence Immediately Duration of impact Short-term Reversibility of Impact Reversible Probability of occurrence Importance General impact assessment Certain Local / Regional А – Great impact C – Small impact With delay Medium-term Long-term Irreversible Possible Impossible National Cross Border/ Global B – Medium impact Unremarkable impact After the conducted evaluation of the impacts of the project in all four phases of the transmission line’s duration (the building phase, operative phase, in the event of crashes and the termination of operation of transmission line) elements with general assessments of the impacts were identified and they are given in Table 14b. For the elements of the environment that are prone to negative impact with general assessment A (-) and B (-) measures have been developed to mitigate / compensate the effect provided in the Measure plan (Table 15) and Monitoring Plan (Table 16). Page 84 Table 14b: General assessment of the impacts on the elements of the environment Importance Impact assessment (A/B/C /insignificant) certain certain certain local local national А(-) А (-) А(-) (-) high volume immediate long-term reversible certain national B (-) direct direct (-) (-) low low dispersion dispersion immediate immediate medium-term irreversible short-term irreversible possible impossible local local C (-) C (-) indirect direct direct (+) (+) (+) low high high dispersion dispersion dispersion immediate immediate immediate long-term long-term long-term irreversible irreversible irreversible possible certain certain local regional local B (-) А(+) А(+) Reversible/irrevesible reversible reversible reversible Duration of impact Probability of occurance Time of impact occurance long-term long-term long-term Range/location of impact occurance immediate immediate immediate Intensity surface surface surface Positive(+)/negative(-) high high high Type of impact Impact assessment (A/B/C /insignificant) Importance Probability of occurance Generating and maintaining different types of waste Noise and vibrations Electromagnetic radiation Odour Social aspects Land expropriation Conversion of land use Development of local economy Social infrastructure and services Socially vulnerable groups New employments Electricity supply for the population Continuous electricity supply for MSP/ hospitals/schools Protection of cultural and natural heritage MSP development Agricultural development Demography Disease occurance Impact assessment Reversible/irrevesible (-) (-) Operative phase of the project Duration of impact direct indirect building phase Impact assessment Time of impact occurance Positive (+)/negative(-) Topography and geology Underground water Hydrological conditions Flora Fauna Protected species Protected area Meteorology Area and visual aspects Climate and climate changes Exploitation of natural resources Human and environmental health Air quality Surface water quality Underground water quality Soil pollution Range/location of impact occurance Type of impact Elements of the environment Intensity Table 15: Project: Building of double-circuit transmission line 2X110 kV SS Bitola 3 - SS Bitola 4 Assessment of the impact of building and operation of the transmission line on different elements of the environment Physical/natural environment direct direct direct (-) (-) (-) medium surface low volume immediate with delay long-term short-term irreversible certain reversible possible local local C (-) Insignificant high high high surface surface surface immediate immediate immediate long-term long-term long-term reversible reversible reversible certain certain certain local local national А (-) А (-) А (-) direct direct direct А (-) B (-) B (-) direct direct direct direct (-) (-) (-) high low low volume dispersion volume immediate immediate immediate short-term short-term short-term reversible certain irreversible certain irreversible certain national global regional direct direct indirect indirect (-) (-) (-) (-) medium low low low volume volume volume dispersion immediate immediate with delay immediate long-term short-term short-term short-term irreversible irreversible irreversible irreversible certain impossible possible possible national local local local B (-) Insignificant Insignificant C (-) direct direct direct (-) (-) (-) high high low volume dispersion dispersion immediate immediate immediate long-term short-term short-term irreversible certain irreversible certain irreversible impossible regional local local А (-) А (-) Insignificant direct direct indirect direct direct direct (-) (-) (+) (+) (+) (+) medium low low high low medium surface surface dispersion dispersion dispersion dispersion immediate immediate immediate immediate immediate immediate long-term short-term short-term short-term short-term short-term irreversible irreversible irreversible irreversible irreversible irreversible local local local regional local local А(-) Insignificant А (+) А (+) B (-) B (-) direct direct (-) (+) low high surface dispersion immediate immediate short-term short-term irreversible impossible irreversible certain Legend Type of impact: direct/indirect/cumulative Intensity of impact: high/medium/low Range of impact: surface/volume/dispersion Time of occurance: immediately/with delay Duration of impact: Short-term/medium-term/long-term Reversibility of the impact: reverse/inverse Probability of occurance: certain/possible/impossible Importance: local/regional/national/across border/global Impact assessment: A Great impact, B-Medium impact, C- Small impact , Insignificant impact certain possible certain certain certain possible regional local C (-) B (-) (-) (-) (-) direct (+) high dispersion immediate long-term irreversible certain regional А(+) direct (+) high dispersion immediate long-term irreversible certain regional А(+) direct (+) high dispersion immediate long-term irreversible possible local А(+) immediate immediate immediate long-term long-term long-term reversible reversible reversible certain certain certain local local national direct direct direct (+) (-) (-) high low low volume dispersion volume immediate immediate immediate short-term short-term short-term reversible irreversible irreversible certain certain certain national global regional direct direct indirect indirect (-) (-) (-) (-) medium low low low volume volume volume dispersion immediate immediate with delay immediate long-term short-term short-term short-term irreversible irreversible irreversible irreversible certain impossible possible possible national local local local direct direct (-) (-) high high volume dispersion immediate immediate long-term short-term irreversible irreversible certain certain regional local А (-) А (-) direct indirect direct direct direct direct (+) (+) (-) (+) (+) (-) low low high low low high surface dispersion dispersion dispersion dispersion dispersion immediate immediate immediate immediate immediate immediate short-term short-term short-term short-term short-term long-term irreversible irreversible irreversible irreversible irreversible irreversible possible certain certain certain possible possible local local regional local local local C (-) B (-) А(+) А(+) Insignificant А(-) Impact assessment (A/B/C /insignificant) surface surface surface Importance high high high Probability of occurance (-) (-) (-) Reversible/irrevesible direct direct direct C (-) Insignificant Duration of impact local local Time of impact occurance certain possible Range/location of impact occurance irreversible reversible Intensity long-term short-term Positive (+)/negative(-) immediate with delay Type of impact Impact assessment (A/B/C /insignificant) surface volume Importance medium low Reversible/irrevesible (-) (-) Duration of impact direct indirect Intensity Positive (+)/negative(-) Probability of occurance Impact assessment Time of impact occurance Termination of operation Type of impact Range/location of impact occurance Damage Impact assessment direct indirect (-) (-) medium low surface volume immdiate long-term with delay short-term irreversible reversible certain possible local local А (-) А (-) А (-) direct direct direct (+) (+) (+) high high high surface surface surface immdiate long-term with delay long-term immdiate long-term irreversible irreversible irreversible impossible impossible impossible local local national А(+) А(+) А(+) А (+) B (-) B (-) direct direct direct (+) (-) (-) high low low volume dispersion volume immdiate short-term immdiate short-term immdiate short-term reversible irreversible irreversible certain certain certain national global regional А (+) B (-) B (-) direct direct indirect indirect (-) (-) (-) (-) medium low low low volume volume volume dispersion immdiate long-term immdiate short-term with delay short-term immdiate short-term irreversible irreversible irreversible irreversible certain impossible possible possible national local local local direct direct (-) (-) high high volume dispersion immdiate long-term immdiate short-term irreversible irreversible certain certain regional local direct индиректн direct direct direct direct (+) (+) (-) (+) (+) (-) low low high low low high surface dispersion dispersion dispersion dispersion dispersion immdiate immdiate immdiate immdiate immdiate immdiate irreversible irreversible irreversible irreversible irreversible irreversible possible certain certain certain possible possible local local regional local local local B (-) Insignificant Insignificant C (-) short-term short-term short-term short-term short-term long-term C (-) Insignificant B (-) Insignificant Insignificant C (-) А (-) А (-) C (-) B (-) А(+) А(+) Insignificant А(-) direct (-) high dispersion immediate long-term irreversible possible local А(-) direct (-) high dispersion immdiate long-term irreversible possible local А(-) direct direct (-) (+) high low dispersion dispersion immediate immediate short-term long-term irreversible irreversible certain possible local local А(+) B (-) direct direct (-) (+) high low dispersion dispersion immdiate short-term immdiate long-term irreversible irreversible certain possible local local А(+) B (-) Environment Impact Assesment Study – Construction of double circuit 110kv overhead transmission line from S/S Bitola 3 to S/S Bitola 4 5 MEASURES TO MITIGATE THE NEGATIVE IMPACTS OF THE PROJECT ON THE ENVIRONMENT 5.1 M E A S U R E S T O M I T I G A T E T H E I M P A C T O F T H E P R O J E C T O N T H E E NV I R O N M E N T Table 16: Measures to mitigate the impacts of the project on the environment CONSTRUCTION PHASE Element of environment Flora Impact assessment А (-) Measures to mitigate the impact ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ Effective cleaning of building route, occasional water- spraying of the plants exposed to dust; To implement all appropriate measures during building work to minimize negative impact on natural habitats of living organisms; To use existing access roads; To minimize cutting of vegetation, especially high trees; Careful choice of location for building material, storage / management of building dump; Protect the area and cover it with vegetation; Secured distance between the wires and the soil in order to minimize the risk of fires. Avoidance of loud sound signals from vehicles and building machines in areas where there are habitats of specific species; Careful choice of location for building material, storage / delay of building dump i.e., choice of location that has minimal influence on natural habitats On the area of arable land, building works to be performed after yield Cost of measure (EUR) Authorized body / institution Date of start / finish of the measures Insignificant (measures are of good building practice type) Investor / contractor of building works According to the dynamics of execution of work Page 87 Environment Impact Assesment Study – Construction of double circuit 110kv overhead transmission line from S/S Bitola 3 to S/S Bitola 4 Fauna A (-) ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ Visual appearance of the area A (-) Most adequate methods of building to be used in order to reduce anxiety among living organisms, especially in birds and amphibians; Scheduling of building activities in order to avoid breeding seasons of living organisms; To use existing access roads; Avoidance of loud sound signals from vehicles and building machinery in areas where there are habitats of particular species; Careful choice of location for building material storage / management of building dump; Monitoring bird species, their populations and migratory routes of birds to track changes and to take appropriate measures; Apply appropriate placement of electrical stakes in order to avoid potential mortality of birds; A solution to reduce mortality of birds in the phase of building is to stop the building activities during the breeding season or migration which is a relatively short period; To provide a distance between the wires and the soil in order to minimize the risk of fires. The executor should not allow workers to catch animals, to destroy habitats, collect turtle eggs, birds, etc. The phase of building should not be carried out in the evening and at night, because it requires artificial light that would disturb the animals, especially those that are active at night; Temporary access road to the site must be determined in consultation with a faun specialist, in order to avoid destruction of habitats. The main measure to mitigate the cumulative effect of visual distortion of the area is the use of customary practice that requires monitoring of the route of the transmission Insignificant (measures are of good building practice type) Investor / contractor of building works According to the dynamics of execution of work Insignificant (measures are of good engineering Investor / Designer / contractor of building According to the dynamics of Page 88 Environment Impact Assesment Study – Construction of double circuit 110kv overhead transmission line from S/S Bitola 3 to S/S Bitola 4 Land erosion B (-) line and communication lines of the route of the roads using the rules of Holford: ‐ If possible, to avoid areas with the highest visual and landscape value in planning the route of the lines even though it may increase the length of it ‐ Avoid placing more stakes on short distances in space with high landscape value ‐ To use direct lines with less alterations to the route and use a small number of stakes ‐ Minimize the surface of the building site to minimize impacts on area / careful planning and designing of work ‐ Carefully cleaning the building site after setting the stake ‐ Quick removal of building dump in a landfill site for inert waste practice type) in large part carried out by defining the route works / Authorized firm for collection of waste execution of work Careful planning of building works to reduce the negative effects and ensure prevention of soil pollution Reduction of the size of the site as much as possible in order to minimize land which suffers negative impact Limit the movements of vehicles and use machinery that has less pressure on land Preventing loss of vegetation along the path of the route of transmission line Prohibit the flow of building activities in conditions of heavy rain Implementation of preventive measures for landslides / stabilize the slope (retaining walls) if necessary Planting / rehabilitation of vegetation to reduce the spread of exhaust gases, particles, dust Rehabilitation of eroded channels to their natural state / re-planting of vegetation Insignificant (measures are of good building practice type) Investor / contractor of building works According to the dynamics of execution of work ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 10 000 EUR Page 89 Environment Impact Assesment Study – Construction of double circuit 110kv overhead transmission line from S/S Bitola 3 to S/S Bitola 4 Air quality B(-) ‐ Clearing the site of the building after completion of building ‐ Careful determination of time of work in residential area in Bitola and the surrounding villages Limit the unnecessary traffic on building site Speed limit of vehicles especially in the settlements Spraying water on access roads and building sites during the dry summer days in order to prevent occurrence of dust Conducting regular maintenance of vehicles and building machinery and procedures of periodic repairs to reduce the leak, emission and dispersion Use of quality (according to national standards) fuel for vehicles Use of masks for workers when they work in conditions of dust Provide health and safety measures for workers during work on a building site Provide measures to protect the transport means and equipment ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ Waste generation and management А(-) ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ It is necessary to establish a plan for waste management that will be generated at the building site The plan should include the principles of waste management (minimizing waste generation, selection of the place of creation, recycling - firms that deal with recyclable waste, reuse, etc.) The selection of waste should be made on the spot Establishing contact with authorized collectors, transporters of different fractions of waste and its final safe disposal Investor / contractor of building works According to the dynamics of execution of work Investor / contractor of the building works / JP Komunalec Bitola/ private companies authorized for the collection and transportation of certain waste fractions According to the dynamics of execution of work 10 000 EUR 5 000 EUR 5 000 EUR 5 000 EUR 10 000 EUR Page 90 Environment Impact Assesment Study – Construction of double circuit 110kv overhead transmission line from S/S Bitola 3 to S/S Bitola 4 Generated waste should be stored at specific locations marked according to the type of waste (dangerous / not dangerous / inert) until the time of collection, transport and final disposal ‐ Waste / material which is brought to the building site should be covered to prevent spreading it on the road ‐ Building activities end after removing all the waste (waste should not be left on building site) ‐ Incineration of waste is forbidden on building site ‐ Generated waste, if possible, should again be used as building material ‐ Building dump should be finally removed in landfill for inert waste ‐ Overloading of vehicles with ground material is not allowed ‐ Waste that is generated during the workers’ presence and lunch breaks on the building site, using the best practices for management, the waste should be collected, transported and deposited at the landfill Meglenci Protective measures to be taken during execution - When using tools and machines that emit electromagnetic radiation, the prescribed protective equipment should be used - In order to avoid injuries due to atmospheric discharges during installation of the ropes they should be grounded to each field. Measures to be taken for protection from electromagnetic radiation in the operative phase - To respect the norms for minimum height of the conductors under existing legislation in order to avoid the effects of ‐ Electromagnetic radiation Insignificant Measures of good building practices and waste management The activities are part of the regular duties of the contractor The measures are legally defined and must be part of project and Contractor of building works, Supervision Designer /Contractor /Supervision According to the dynamics of execution of work According to the dynamics of Page 91 Environment Impact Assesment Study – Construction of double circuit 110kv overhead transmission line from S/S Bitola 3 to S/S Bitola 4 - electric, electromagnetic radiation and electric shock Crossing with the infrastructural facilities to be conducted under existing legislation and recommendations of the designer The grounding of stakes to be done according to the existing regulations To project and execute proper relay protection in the substations Plates with a warning of danger from high voltage should be placed and maintained on each rack The stakes should be projected so as to prevent the removal of their parts (antivandal projection) The conductors of the underground cable to be placed in a triangle structure To respect the minimum depths when installing the cables To respect the minimum distances from the other cable lines (power and telecommunication) execution documentation and are compulsory for the execution execution of work Page 92 Environment Impact Assesment Study – Construction of double circuit 110kv overhead transmission line from S/S Bitola 3 to S/S Bitola 4 Cultural, historical and archeological heritage C(-) - - - - Noise and vibrations А(-) - - - Prohibition of any economic activities which are not in accordance with the purposes and protection measures stipulated by the legal act of appointing natural goods or spatial plan for special purpose area; Highway and other infrastructure (surface and underground) to be carried out outside the premises of natural values and in case of smaller interventions, the infrastructure needs to be aesthetically blended into the natural landscape; To perform monitoring, permanent control and supervision of facilities with natural values and carry out professional and administrative procedures for reparation of negative phenomena; To establish principles for nature protection under the Law on Nature Protection (Official Gazette no. 67/04 and no. 84/07) If it comes to new awareness of the natural heritage that may be threatened by urbanization of this area, during preparation of the urban project or during arrangement of the space, it is necessary to provide the following measures to protect the natural heritage. In the urban part of Bitola, when installing the underground cable (area with permitted emission of noise of 55 dB during the day and evening and 45 dB during the night), activities must be restricted to daytime and evening, and will not take place overnight Setting sound barriers, sound control equipment or fences for any kind of equipment that emits high levels of noise On the route of the surface line (area of permissible noise of 70 dB during the day and evening and 60 dB during the night) activities must also be limited to daytime and evening Building procedures to be planned properly in order to reduce the time of use of equipment Insignificant (measures are of good building practice type) Contractor During building Investor / contractor of building works According to the dynamics of execution of work 10 000 EUR Page 93 Environment Impact Assesment Study – Construction of double circuit 110kv overhead transmission line from S/S Bitola 3 to S/S Bitola 4 - Purchase of land/ compensation for private land use А (-) ‐ ‐ ‐ that makes most intensive noise To use the best practices for building with special emphasis on the noise level Use equipment with sound buffers To prohibit the use of equipment that creates noise above the maximum allowed level during the weekends A plan of expropriation needs to be developed, which shall contain the following elements: a) identification of people who are owners of land on which the foundations will be set, the transmission line will pass and there will be building activities b) A need to carry out a campaign and raise public awareness regarding the importance and benefits of the project through public debates, educational workshops, brochures and more. The procedure of expropriation must be transparent and conducted according to the law for expropriation Monitoring and evaluation of expropriation implementation 5 000 EUR Investor/ Municipality Bitola/ Cadastre Before the start of building work ОPERATIONAL PHASE Flora А(-) ‐ ‐ ‐ Fauna А(-) ‐ ‐ ‐ Building walls of vegetation, preferably native; Renewal of the surface layer of soil by planting certain species; Monitoring the impact of radiation on flora. Measures are of good building practice type 2 000 EUR Investor / contractor of building works Resumption of natural habitats; Monitoring of bird species and their populations, and the corridor of migration of birds; Setting Birds Flight Diverters devices in order to provide signaling for 25 000 EUR Investor / Scientific educational institutions According to the dynamics of execution of work Page 94 Environment Impact Assesment Study – Construction of double circuit 110kv overhead transmission line from S/S Bitola 3 to S/S Bitola 4 ‐ ‐ Land erosion B(-) ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ Electromagnetic Insignificant radiation - birds, especially bats, to protect them from possible electric shocks; To monitor the possibility bat occurrence; Monitoring the impact of radiation on fauna. Conservation of vegetation cover on the area prone to erosion Limit the movements of vehicles and use machinery that puts less pressure on land Prohibit the regular checks or repairs in conditions of heavy rain Revision of the implemented preventive measures for landslides/slopes (retaining walls) if necessary Planting / rehabilitation of vegetation in order to reduce the spread of exhaust gases, particles, dust Rehabilitation of eroded channels and their restoration to natural state / re-planting of vegetation Clearing the site of intervention after completing the regular control Check the radiation of in the most critical areas Regular pruning of the trees as it would not endanger the prescribed safety distances Regular repair of the damages caused by already old stakes or by negligent behavior of the population Regular replacement of all defective parts of the transmission line Replacement of missing warning plates Maintenance of the protection of 5 000 EUR Investor / Contractor of building work Minor Owner / independent body Depending on the damages Owner At the beginning and if necessary At least once a year Page 95 Environment Impact Assesment Study – Construction of double circuit 110kv overhead transmission line from S/S Bitola 3 to S/S Bitola 4 - - Noise transmission line Because the transmission line passes through farmland, owners and users should be informed about hazards and safety measures they should undertake during the processing of land, through leaflets, brochures etc. To maintain all other protection measures given in the building section В(-) ‐ Actions for regular controls to be planned properly in order to reduce the time of use of equipment that creates most intensive noise 2 000 EUR Investor / Contractor of building work Flora А(-) ‐ ‐ Resumption of natural habitats Placing the wires at prescribed distance from the soil Investor / Contractor of building work According to the dynamics of execution of work Fauna А(-) ‐ ‐ Resumption of natural habitats Placing the wires at prescribed distance from the soil Investor / Contractor of building work According to the dynamics of execution of work Waste generation and management А(-) ‐ It is necessary to establish a waste management plan that will be generated at building site The plan should include the principles of waste management (minimizing waste generation, selection of the place of generation, recycling - firms that deal with recyclable waste, reuse, etc.). The waste selection should be made on spot Establish contact with the authorized Insignificant (measures are of good building practice type) Insignificant (measures are of good building practice type) 5 000 EUR Investor / contractor of the building works / JP Komunalec Bitola/ private companies authorized for the collection and transportation of certain According to the dynamics of execution of work DAMAGE ‐ ‐ ‐ 10 000 EUR Page 96 Environment Impact Assesment Study – Construction of double circuit 110kv overhead transmission line from S/S Bitola 3 to S/S Bitola 4 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ Electromagnetic radiation - Fires - collectors, transporters of different waste fractions and its final disposal Generated waste should be stored at specific locations marked according to the type of waste (dangerous / not dangerous / inert) until the time of collection, transport and final disposal Waste / material which is taken from the building site should be covered to prevent dispersion on the road Building activities end after removing all the waste (waste must not be left on building site) Waste incineration on building site is forbidden Generated waste, if possible, should again be used as building material Building dump should be removed at landfill site for inert waste It is not allowed to overload of vehicles with ground material The communal waste that is generated on building site during the presence of workers and lunch time, using the best practices for management, should be to be collected, transported and deposited at the landfill Meglenci or the regional landfill To turn off the transmission line After removing the possible danger (fire, repair of stakes etc..) to start with reparation of the parts damaged during the breakdown according to project documentation and the applicable legal regulations To use extinguishing equipments that are not electrical conductors waste fractions Measures for good building practice and waste management Depending on breakdown Owner of transmission line Depending on breakdown depending on the Owner of transmission depending on the damage Page 97 Environment Impact Assesment Study – Construction of double circuit 110kv overhead transmission line from S/S Bitola 3 to S/S Bitola 4 - Provide electricity for the population and the economy - All dangers from fire caused by the electric line should be report to the local fire units If the transmission line is endangered by the fire, it should be shot down After extinguishing the fire near the transmission line, the necessary repairs and replacement of damaged parts should be done before it is put into operation To activate electric power supply to the substations from alternative transmission line damage line / Fire squad Already built transmission line. The price depends on the losses in the system Owner of transmission line Immediately Set sound barriers, sound control equipment or fences for any kind of equipment that emits high levels of noise On the route of the surface line (area of permissible noise of 70 dB during the day and evening and 60 dB during the night) activities must also be limited to daytime and evening Building procedures to be planned properly in order to reduce the time of use of equipment that makes most intensive noise To use the best practices for building with special emphasis on the noise level Use equipment with sound buffers To prohibit the use of equipment that creates noise above the maximum allowed level during the weekends Insignificant (measures are of good building practice type) 10 000 EUR Investor / Contractor of building work According to the dynamics of execution of work TERMINATION OF WORK Noise А(-) ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ Page 98 Environment Impact Assesment Study – Construction of double circuit 110kv overhead transmission line from S/S Bitola 3 to S/S Bitola 4 Air quality А(-) ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ Land erosion А(-) ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ Careful determination of time of work in the residential area in Bitola and the surrounding villages Limit the unnecessary traffic of building site Speed limit of vehicles especially in the settlements Spraying water on access roads and building sites during the dry summer days in order to prevent occurrence of dust Conducting regular maintenance of vehicles and building machinery and procedures of periodic repairs to reduce the leak, emission and dispersion Use of quality (according to national standards) fuel for vehicles Use of masks for workers when they work in conditions of dust Provide health and safety measures for workers during work on a building site Provide measures to protect the transport means and equipment Conservation of vegetation cover on the area prone to erosion Limit the movements of vehicles and use machinery that puts less pressure on land Prohibit the regular checks or repairs in conditions of heavy rain Revision of the implemented preventive measures for landslides / slopes (retaining walls) if necessary Planting / rehabilitation of vegetation in order to reduce the spread of exhaust gases, particles, Investor / Contractor of building work According to the dynamics of execution of work Investor / Contractor of building work According to the dynamics of execution of work 10 000 EUR 5 000 EUR 5 000 EUR 5 000 EUR Page 99 Environment Impact Assesment Study – Construction of double circuit 110kv overhead transmission line from S/S Bitola 3 to S/S Bitola 4 ‐ - Waste generation and management А(-) ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 100 dust Rehabilitation of eroded channels and their restoration to natural state / re-planting of vegetation Clearing of the site of intervention after completing the regular control It is necessary to establish a waste management plan that will be generated at building site The plan should include the principles of waste management (minimizing waste generation, selection of the place of generation, recycling - firms that deal with recyclable waste, reuse, etc.) The waste selection should be made on spot Establish contact with the authorized collectors, transporters of different waste fractions and its final disposal Generated waste should be stored at specific locations marked according to the type of waste (dangerous / not dangerous / inert) until the time of collection, transport and final disposal Waste / material which is taken from the building site should be covered to prevent dispersion on the road Building activities end after removing all the waste (waste must not be left on building site) Waste incineration on building site is forbidden Generated waste, if possible, should again be used as building material Building dump should be removed at landfill site for inert waste It is not allowed to overload the 5 000 EUR 10 000 EUR Investor / contractor of the building works / JP Komunalec Bitola/ private companies authorized for the collection and transportation of certain waste fractions According to the dynamics of execution of work Measures for good building practice and waste management Page Environment Impact Assesment Study – Construction of double circuit 110kv overhead transmission line from S/S Bitola 3 to S/S Bitola 4 ‐ Providing electricity for the population and the economy 101 А(-) - vehicles with ground material The communal waste that is generated on building site during the workers’ presence and during lunch time, using the best practices for management, should be collected, transported and deposited at the regional landfill site (it will be made by then) To ensure electric power supply to the substations from alternative transmission lines Depending on the new transmission line Owner of transmission line Depending on the new transmission line Page Environment Impact Assesment Study – Construction of double circuit 110kv overhead transmission line from S/S Bitola 3 to S/S Bitola 4 5.2 G E N E R A L MEASURES General measures that need to be taken by the investor, the draughtsman and the contractors may be reduced to: ‐ During the whole duration of the carrying out of the project, the aspects of the environment should be considered ‐ To use the best techniques available during the carrying out of the project ‐ Activities should take place according to the current national and international precepts, recommendations and standards ‐ All contractors should follow the best practices for minimization of the noise, the emissions of the vehicles and the equipment used ‐ To maintain the field and the driveways as clean as possible ‐ The supervisors of the work that is being done should take care of the preciseness of the work doing, at the same time bearing in mind the aspects of the environment ‐ The recommendations for protection at the construction site and for the safety of the workers should be followed in order to minimize the risks of being injured ‐ Instructions for protection should be followed during the installation of the electricity and the poles ‐ If during the digging archeological artifacts are found, the work should be stopped and special teams should be called ‐ The demands in the Engineering report - the geological prospectus should be followed ‐ The recommendations from the reports for intersection with objects and the railroad should be followed ‐ The recommendations from the report for fire protection should be followed The instructions for the building of the connecting line must be followed. 5.3 S P E C I F I C MEASURES The specific measures for the environmental elements which are liable to the greatest negative influence during all of the project’s phases are given in Table 16 in which are given: ‐ The element of the environment for which are suggested measures for reduction of the influences ‐ The evaluation of the influence ‐ Measures suggested in order to avoid, reduce or compensate the influence in all phases ‐ The assumed price of the measures The person/institution in charge of the imposture of the measures suggested and the time needed for the imposture of the measures (the date of the beginning and the date of the end). Page 102 Environment Impact Assesment Study – Construction of double circuit 110kv overhead transmission line from S/S Bitola 3 to S/S Bitola 4 6 MONITORING PLAN The aim of the monitoring plan is to evaluate the carrying out of the measures suggested for the reduction of the negative influences of the transmission line on the different elements of the environment. The most important elements that need to be followed during the construction, the working, the termination of the work and also in the case of damage, are: ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ The flora The fauna The visual appearance of the area The erosion of the land The quality of the air The creation and the management of the waste The electromagnetic radiation The historical and archeological inheritance The noise In Table 17 are shown the parameters that will be monitored, the place from where they will be monitored, the way in which they will be monitored, as well as the frequency of the monitoring. Also important things are the cost of the monitoring, the institution in charge and the date of the beginning/end of the monitoring. Page 103 Environment Impact Assesment Study – Construction of double circuit 110kv overhead transmission line from S/S Bitola 3 to S/S Bitola 4 Table 15: Monitoring plan Elements of the environment Which parameter is being monitored? Where is this parameter being monitored? How is this parameter being monitored? The frequency of the monitored parameter The price for the monitoring The institution in charge The date of the beginning/ ending of the monitoring / Every 5 days during construction Every 5 days during construction / Good building practice Good building practice / The contractor / During the process of building During the process of building During the digging of the foundations and the transmission lines During the digging of the foundations and the transmission lines When Good building practice The contractor During the process of building 500€ The contractor During the process of building CONSTRUCTION PHASE Flora Fauna / Rest homes / Along the line / Visual observation Visual appearance of the area Interaction with the other elements in the area Loss of vegetation Along the line Visual observation Along the line Visual observation Creation of rockslides Along the line Visual observation Taking hydrogeological measurement s Erosion of the land The contractor Page 104 Environment Impact Assesment Study – Construction of double circuit 110kv overhead transmission line from S/S Bitola 3 to S/S Bitola 4 needed Noise Level of noise Noise from the vehicles and the equipment used Quality of the air The amount of dust at the construction site The creation and The quantity of management of waste the waste Types of waste fractions (dangerous/ non dangerous/ communal/ inert) In Bitola’s urban part and the constructio n site from the declaration of the equipment/ vehicles On the accessible roads and in 500m radius around the foundations On the constructio n site Instruments for measuring the noise During activities with noise producing equipment Review of the Before the documentatio beginning of n the field work (in the beginning ) Visual When observation needed (usually Measuring of during dry the summer/ concentration spring) of the particles Visually There should For the waste be every day records that is not known about the whether it is type/ dangerous or quantity and the way in not an institution which the should be final removal consulted of the different fractions of waste is 1000€ The contractor/ the company in charge for measuring the noise During the process of building Good building practice The contractor During the process of building 1000€ The contractor/ the During the company in charge process of for the measuring building of the quality of the air Good building practice The contractor/ company in charge for the collecting, transport and the final removal of the waste During the process of building Page 105 Environment Impact Assesment Study – Construction of double circuit 110kv overhead transmission line from S/S Bitola 3 to S/S Bitola 4 Electromagnetic radiations - while using tools and machines which emit electromagneti c radiation, the recommended safety equipment should be used -in order to avoid injuries because of the lightning during installation of the ropes they should be grounded in every stretching field -the rules for minimal heights of the conductors according the current laws should be followed in order to avoid the effects of the electric, electromagneti At the constructio n site Visual control done Daily At the constructio n site Visual control Daily Insignificant The contractor At the constructio n site Visual control and control measuring After the placing of the ropes between 2 stretching transmission lines Insignificant The contractor/ supervisor/ draughtsman At the constructio n site At the constructio n site Visual control and control measuring Visual control and control During intersection with an object During the making of the Insignificant The contractor According to the dynamic of the work done During the placing of the conductors After the placing of the conductors Insignificant The owner of the object/ the contractor/ supervisor/ draughtsman Insignificant The contractor/ an independent body During the process of working Page 106 Environment Impact Assesment Study – Construction of double circuit 110kv overhead transmission line from S/S Bitola 3 to S/S Bitola 4 c radiation and the electric shock -the intersection with objects should be done according to the current laws and the recommendatio ns of the draughtsman -the grounding of the transmission lines should be according to the current precepts -in the transformers there should be an appropriate relay protection -every transmission line should have a warning plate for the high voltage -the measuring At the constructio n site At the constructio n site At the constructio n site At the constructio n site Visual control and control measuring Visual control and control measuring Visual control and control measuring Visual control and control measuring foundations for every transmission line individually According to documentati on The contactor/ supervisor/ draughtsman After the placing of the relay protection Insignificant Before activation Insignificant Regularly during the lifting of every transmission line During digging, before the laying of the cable The contractor/ the owner The contactor/ supervisor/ draughtsman The contactor/ supervisor/ draughtsman After placing the foundation After the placing of the complete equipment at the steam power plant Before it starts working Insignificant The owner of the object/ the contractor/ supervisor/ draughtsman During the placing of the transmission lines Insignificant Page 107 Environment Impact Assesment Study – Construction of double circuit 110kv overhead transmission line from S/S Bitola 3 to S/S Bitola 4 Historical and archeological inheritance transmission lines should be constructed in such a way that their dismantling will be made impossible -the conductors of the underground cable should have a triangular construction -the rules for the minimal depth of the cables should be followed -the minimal space among the other cables (for energy supply and communication )should be respected The presence of Along the archeological line artifacts The presence of During digging out and laying of the cable Visual Every day during work Good building practice The contractor/ the institutions responsible for the cultural and During the process of building Page 108 Environment Impact Assesment Study – Construction of double circuit 110kv overhead transmission line from S/S Bitola 3 to S/S Bitola 4 the foundations of an object historical inheritance WORKING PHASE Flora Fauna / The number of birds / By random choice / Visual observation Binoculars Erosion of the land Loss of vegetation Along the line Visual observation The creation and The quantity management of of waste the waste Types of waste fractions (dangerous/ non dangerous/ communal/ inert) In places where regular controls and repairs are done Visually Visually For the waste that is not known whether it is dangerous or not an institution should be consulted Electromagnetic radiation Along the line Measuring -confirmation of the radiation / Every 15 days in the first 3 years of the working phase Through regular controls of the transmission line When regular control of the type/ quantity and the way in which the final removal of the different fractions of waste is done, record should be made In the beginning of / / The operator / The first 3 years of the working phase Good building practice The investor Through regular control Good building practice The contractor/ companies in charge of the collection, transport and final removal of the waste During regular controls Low Independent body During the whole Page 109 Environment Impact Assesment Study – Construction of double circuit 110kv overhead transmission line from S/S Bitola 3 to S/S Bitola 4 at the most critical spots -regular shortening of the trees in order not to threaten the distances prescribed in the law -to keep track of the damage of the transmission lines as a result of the age or the inappropriate handling -regular replacement of all the broken parts of the transmission line -regular placing of the warning plates where they are missing -regular maintenance of the protection Along the line Visual control The owner Insignificant Visual control Along the line Visual control Along the line Visual control/ In the periodical transformer measuring s control Contact with the inhabitants Visual control Periodical measuring During periodical maintenance During periodical maintenance During regular periodical controls According the dynamic of the contacts with the public working phase The owner Insignificant During periodical maintenance Along the line In the beginning of the work process and periodically during the work on the transmissio the working process During regular periodical controls The owner Depending on the damages Depending on the damages The owner/ independent body Depending on the condition The owner The owner/ independent body Low During periodical Page 110 Environment Impact Assesment Study – Construction of double circuit 110kv overhead transmission line from S/S Bitola 3 to S/S Bitola 4 of the n line transmission line Along the -the owners line and the users should be informed about the dangers and security measures they need to take during the treatment of the land, through booklets, papers etc. -to maintain the rest of the protection measures given in the construction part control maintenance Flora Degraded and destroyed ecosystems Along the line Field observation Fauna Extinction of the animals Along the line Field observation From the moment of damage till the phase of rebuilding From the moment of damage till Depending on the damages DAMAGE The operator In the moment of damage The operator In the moment of damage Page 111 Environment Impact Assesment Study – Construction of double circuit 110kv overhead transmission line from S/S Bitola 3 to S/S Bitola 4 The creation and The quantity of management of waste the waste Types of waste fractions (dangerous/ non dangerous/ communal/ inert) In places where there is damage Electromagnetic radiation Reaction of In the transformer the protection Along the line Visual control/ measurement s -shutting down the transmission line -after elimination of the possible danger (fire, rebuilding of the transmission lines etc.) replacement of the parts that were destroyed by the damage according to Visually For the waste that is not known whether it is dangerous or not an institution should be consulted the phase of rebuilding There should be every day records about the type/ quantity and the way in which the final removal of the different fractions of waste is done During damage After damage Good building practice The contractor/ companies in charge for the collection, transport and removal of the waste In case when damage appears Insignificant The operator in the steam power plant, incase the protection isn’t activated The owner/ an independent body From the beginning till the end of the damage Depending on the damages After the damage till the reactivation Page 112 Environment Impact Assesment Study – Construction of double circuit 110kv overhead transmission line from S/S Bitola 3 to S/S Bitola 4 Fires the project documentation and the current legal precepts -for putting off the fire should be used means that are conductors of electricity -for all potential dangers of fire as a cause of the transmission line, the local fire brigade should be informed -if the fire becomes a threat for the transmission line, the transmission line should be turned off -after the fire near the transmission line is put off, the needed Along the line Informational During the / visual check fire Report Fire brigade Information Transforme r/ along the line Along the line Visual control/ measurement During the work on the transmission line Insignificant Insignificant Insignificant During a fire The owner/ the fire brigade The owner/ the fire brigade The owner/the fire brigade/ the settlers The owner/ an independent body After the fire Insignificant Until the fire is over During the work on the transmission line During the danger After the threat is removed Page 113 Environment Impact Assesment Study – Construction of double circuit 110kv overhead transmission line from S/S Bitola 3 to S/S Bitola 4 Providing electricity for the inhabitants and the community reparations should be done and all the broken parts should be replaced before the transmission line starts working again -activation of Transforme the flow of r energy in the transformer from the alternative transmission lines Information for the transmission line and the maintenance activities During the shutting off of the transmission line Insignificant The owner During the shutting off of the transmission line Noise measurement instrument During the usage of noise creating equipment 1000 € The contractor/ the company in charge for measuring the noise During disassemblin g Good building practice The contractor During disassemblin g TERMINATION OF THE WORK Noise Level of noise In the urban part of Bitola (the place for the undergroun d cable) and the constructio n site Quality of the air The noise from From the the vehicles declaration and the of the equipment used equipment/ Review of the Before the documentatio beginning of n the work on field (at the Page 114 Environment Impact Assesment Study – Construction of double circuit 110kv overhead transmission line from S/S Bitola 3 to S/S Bitola 4 vehicles Erosion of the land Loss of vegetation Creation of rockslides Создавање на одрони и свлечишта Creation and management of the waste The quantity of waste Types of waste fractions (dangerous/ non dangerous/ Along the line during disassembli ng Along the side during disassembli ng По должина на трасата при демонтирање At the constructio n site Visual observation Visual observation Taking hydrogeological measurement s Визуелна опсервација Спроведување на хидрогеолошки мерења Visually For the waste that is not known whether it is dangerous or beginning of the disassemblin g) During the digging for the foundation of the transmission lines During the digging for the foundation of the transmission lines When necessary Good building practice The contractor During disassemblin g The contractor During disassemblin g 5000 € При копање на темелите за столбовите По потреба 5 000 ЕУР There should be every day records about the type/ quantity and Good building practice Изведувачот За време на демонтирање The contractor/ the company in charge for the collection, transport and removal of the waste During disassemblin g Page 115 Environment Impact Assesment Study – Construction of double circuit 110kv overhead transmission line from S/S Bitola 3 to S/S Bitola 4 communal/ inert) Providing electricity for the inhabitants and the community -activation of the flow of energy in the transformer from the alternative transmission lines not an institution should be consulted Transforme r Construction of a new transmission line the way in which the final removal of the different fractions of waste is done After the activation of the new system for flow of energy The owner Page 116 Environment Impact Assesment Study – Construction of double circuit 110kv overhead transmission line from S/S Bitola 3 to S/S Bitola 4 7 ANALYSIS OF THE TECHNICAL FLAWS AND THE NEEDED ACTUALIZATION OF THE STUDY The team of experts had a lot of documents, previously finished reports and information about this project (given in the reference part) which enabled a complete and detailed analysis of the influences of this project on the elements of the environment. The team of experts initiated several meetings with the people in charge at MEPSO where there were conversations about particular subjects important for this project, and the TIMEL Company as the main initiator of the Basic project visited several areas in which the transmission line will be placed (conversations with the employees in S/S Bitola 4). The team of experts saw 2 situations which will initiate the need of additional information: 1. During the making of this study it is very likely to come across some flaws in the description of the living things at the specific location. The field research was done during winter when the vegetation is poor; the animals are not active enough or easily noticeable, and there are no migrant birds, which are especially threatened by the building of the transmission line line. That is why the possibility of finding another type of flora and fauna protected with law during the monitoring, besides the ones noticed in the field by the team of experts and given in the existing documents, still exists. According to the received results from the monitoring process, appropriate measures will be taken considering the world experiences. 2. During the preparation of this study, the team of experts had no information about the owner of the land at the location where the transmission line lines were supposed to be, the places used for the additional mechanization and/or the locations where the line of the pylon was supposed to pass. Besides the information about the ownership of the parcels, the information about their size were also unknown, their current purpose, whether there is building land, the class of the land and other elements which are of essential meaning about the beginning of the process of expropriation of the land for the building of an object of public interest just as the planned transmission line is. All these information will be examined in details in the Report for expropriation which will be given by the investor as soon as the basic project is finished according to the legal demands. Based on the report of expropriation the investor will prepare an expropriation plan which should include all the relevant information, data and real estate bases so that there could be a dialog with the owners of the land planned for the expropriation. Regular meetings with the local authorities and the owners of the land will enable easier and more transparent process of expropriation and a finer sell price for the land. Page 117 Environment Impact Assesment Study – Construction of double circuit 110kv overhead transmission line from S/S Bitola 3 to S/S Bitola 4 8 JUSTIFICATION OF THE PROJECT AND A CONCLUSION The construction of a double circuit transmission line 2x 110 kV S/S Bitola 3- S/S Bitola 4 and the finishing of four transmission line fields, two in S/S Bitola 4, one in S/S Bitola 2 and S/S Bitola 3 is a part of the development plan of the company SC MEPSO, a company in charge of the transmission of electric energy in Macedonia. The length of the transmission line is around 12km, 400m of which will be 110kV underground cable, and the rest will be on the surface. With the building of this transmission line a ring of transmission network is created at the south west part of Macedonia. This might mean improvement of the voltage and improvement of the continual flow of electricity in this region. With the suggested transmission line, a ring around Bitola will be created in which all four 110kV transformer stations will be connected and continual voltage will be available for all who are put on S/S Bitola 3 and S/S Bitola 4 through the shortest possible lines with the most insignificant losses during transmission. The ring will also improve the confidentiality of those who receive their electricity through the other two power transformer stations. The analysis made by the team of experts is based on the finest techniques and tools accepted on national level, the European experiences and the demands by the World Bank, the bank crediting the carrying out of this project. The main conclusions that come as a result of the conveyed analysis are the following: ‐ This project will contribute for the improved development of the economy of the municipality of Bitola and the whole south west region of Macedonia through the continual flow of electric energy; ‐ The project activities that will take part during the building of the transmission line, the current working process and the possible activities in case of damage or ceasing of the working process and the disassembling of the transmission line can and will affect the different elements of the environment causing more long term positive and short term negative effects; ‐ The project won’t affect the biological diversity and the eco integrity of the area; ‐ A detailed analysis is conducted for the negative influence of the project and there are measures defined for alleviation which include recommendations for good construction practice, good practice with the management of the waste, following of the technical precepts and the legal regulative for managing with the quality of the environment; ‐ After the preparation of the Basic project the investor will prepare a report for the expropriation of the land and a open and transparent process for expropriation of the land from its current owners will take place; ‐ A plan for monitoring the application of the measures for alleviation/ compensation of the negative influences id suggested. MEPSO, as a company worried about the environment and the improvement of the socio-economic life of the people in Macedonia will convey these measures for Page 118 Environment Impact Assesment Study – Construction of double circuit 110kv overhead transmission line from S/S Bitola 3 to S/S Bitola 4 alleviation of the negative influences of this project on the environment and will follow their application taking into consideration the Plan and dynamics for monitoring. The measures will be conveyed at the earliest possible phase, the phase during which they can give maximum results. Page 119 Environment Impact Assesment Study – Construction of double circuit 110kv overhead transmission line from S/S Bitola 3 to S/S Bitola 4 9 RÉSUMÉ WITHOUT THE TECHNICAL DETAILS Introduction This study about the evaluation of the influence on the environment represents a document about the support for the process of planning and carrying out of the project for building of the double circuit transmission line 2x110kV S/S Bitola3 - S/S Bitola4, which is a result of the development plans of MEPSO. The building of the transmission line is financed through “Project for development of the network for transmission of electricity” (ECSEE APL 3) with the credit given from the World Bank. The study is prepared by the consultant company EUROPARTNER GROUP and it is according to the demands of the Macedonian regulative for EIA and the directions given in the report for the determination of the size and the content of EIA delivered by the Ministry of environment and spatial planning, the EU Directives, the international contracts, and the demands of the international financial institutions, like the World Bank at the point of giving the credit to the investor. The administration for environment at the Ministry of environment and spatial planning affirmed the need for a procedure for evaluation of the influence of the project on the environment, but also was defined the size of the study for the evaluation of the influence of the project on the environment in order to attribute to the detailed accenting of the following questions: a) b) c) d) Visual aspects, Biological diversity, Cumulative influences and The socio-economic aspects. The aim of the study is to identify, predict, estimate and alleviate the negative biophysical, social, health and other effects of the project for the building of the double circuit transmission line 2 x 110 kV S/S Bitola 3 - S/S Bitola 4 on the different elements of the environment for the investor before reaching the final decision for the realization of the project. The aims of the project and possible alternatives The biggest town in south west Macedonia, Bitola, is getting electrical energy through 110kV transmission network and 4 transformer stations (S/S Bitola 1, S/S Bitola 2, S/S Bitola 3 and S/S Bitola 4), from which the first three are located in eastern part of the town, the industrial part, whereas the fourth is located in the western part dominated by blocks of flats. Currently S/S Bitola 3 is connected through a double circuit transmission line with S/S Bitola 2 where one of the systems is used with 10 kV. This kind of connection doesn’t provide continual electrical energy for the users from S/S Bitola 3. S/S Bitola 4 is connected with S/S Bitola 1 and S/S Resen and this is a way to provide continual flow of electricity even if the connection with S/S Bitola 1 is cut. In this case the delivery should be done through the transmission line (from Resen) which even in normal conditions is overburdened and the delivery is done through a very long line which makes the losses even greater. With the suggested transmission line a ring will be created around Bitola through which all four 110kV transformer stations will be connected. In this way a continual Page 120 Environment Impact Assesment Study – Construction of double circuit 110kv overhead transmission line from S/S Bitola 3 to S/S Bitola 4 delivery will be made possible for the users of S/S Bitola 3 and S/S Bitola 4 through the shortest possible lines with the smallest losses and even if, for some reason, one of the transmission lines is shut off the users won’t notice that. The ring will also improve the confidentiality for delivering of energy of the users of the other two transformer stations. In 2005 preliminary analysis were done for the possible line of the transmission line, and with their help 2 possible directions for the construction of the transmission line are analyzed: 1. Line S/S Bitola 4 - Lavci - to the slope Titovo Brdo - by the stadium - between a town’s settlement and the Brewery/ factory for refrigerators - S/S Bitola 3 and 2. S/S Bitola 4 - Lavci - peak elevation 717 - between Bukovo and the settlement Bukovski lovadi - around the settlement Bukovski livadi - Kravari in a direction between the peripheral industrial objects on the side of Bitola and Kravari - a turn toward the connecting point on the OHTL 2 x 110 kV S/S Bitola 2 - S/S Bitola 3. The investor (MEPSO) chose the second line as more practicable in reality. According to all the given criteria, this line presents an optimal solution. The line that had been previously defined, during the construction was adjusted to the field conditions, the blocks of flats were avoided. The first 400m at the exit of S/S Bitola 4 are done with underground cables along the current dike of the river Stara, and as it continuous care was taken not to cross settlements. Near the line there are neither cultural inheritances nor archaeological excavations. In the hilly part the line goes through land from category IV or even higher with short plants, and the pylons for angular tightening are located near the current roads. The need of accessible roads is minimal. In the part from the village Kravari to the final point, at the distance of about 35m, with no intersections, the already existing 150kV transmission line is followed. Description and characteristics of the project The double circuit transmission line S/S Bitola 3 - S/S Bitola 4 is planned with an estimated length of 12 km, of which the 400 m located in the urban zone will be realized as a 110 kV underground cable connection. The starting point of the planned 2 x 110 kV OHTL S/S Bitola 3 - Bitola 4 is S/S Bitola 4, located in a populated area. At the very exit of the S/S Bitola 4 the corridor of the planned 2 x 110 kV OHTL turns south passing through the General Urban Plan of the Municipality of Bitola with an underground cable. The corridor passes by the canal so called river Stara, near the primary school Kliment Ohridski and comes to the periphery of the town continuing through the grassy land. Here the corridor continues southward with a line on the surface toward the village Lavci. Near this village, the corridor turns southeast passing by the monastery St. Anastasie in the direction toward the village Bukovo. From this village the corridor changes its direction on east toward the settlement Bukovski livadi. From Bukovski livadi the corridor turns toward north east crossing the highway and the rail road which doesn’t function and comes close to the village Kravari. From this point on the corridor continues through untilled land until it reaches the already existing 150 kV OHTL “S/S Bitola 1 - Greek border”. Afterwards the corridor turns north following the 150 kV OHTL to the pylon spots 19 and 20, in the industrial zone, where the shortest distance for connecting of the 2 x 110 kV TL “S/S Bitola 2 - S/S Bitola 3” can be found. Page 121 Environment Impact Assesment Study – Construction of double circuit 110kv overhead transmission line from S/S Bitola 3 to S/S Bitola 4 The surface line with the length of about 12 km will be made with a classic surface duct with 40 pylons, the first of which is intended as a connection between the underground and surface line and this one should be the first of this kind in Macedonia. The height of the pylons is different and depends on the configuration of the field and the intersections with the objects and it is from 12 to 28 m, with height of the top from 24 to 40m. The smallest distance between the conductors and the land is 7.5m, which is higher than the demands of the current precepts and the needs of the investor. The average distance between the pylons is about 300m. The construction of the transmission line will be done according to a made Project and according to the current precepts, norms and MKS standards. The materials used, according to the regulations set in the Project, will match the standards and the recommended quality and for each attestations will be given. During the building of the transmission line supervision will be provided by the investor and occasionally by the draughtsman. The working age of the transmission line is estimated to more than 50 years. During its active working period the transmission line doesn’t need special engagement except maintenance. When it no longer functions, the process of disassembling of the equipment is the opposite of the assembling process, so the conductors are removed first together with the equipment, then the pylons are dismantled, and in the end the foundations are removed and there is cleansing of the field. Description of the environment Clime. The line of the project goes through the Pelagonija region, i.e. the valley of Bitola. From ecological point of view, with its climate characteristics this region has negative worm climate specifications - very low temperatures during winter and pretty high temperatures during summer. Because of the specific orthographic characteristics there is very small amount of rain in Bitola and it is not equally distributed. The average annual rainfall is 598 mm; it’s never greater than 800 mm with 119 rainy days during the year. The dry periods are also expressed, but they last very shortly 10 - 15 days; the longest dry period was 60 days. It begins snowing in October and it ends in April. The average number of misty days is 25 per year. They are in the period from September until May. Sometimes the mist stays for days. In Bitola the northern wind prevails with average annual frequency of 189‰, and with average annual speed of 2.2 m/sec and maximal speed to 15 m/sec. Geological characteristics. The field along the transmission line from S/S Bitola 3 to S/S Bitola 4 and the surrounding area consist of rocky masses with different geological age, genesis and different geotechnical characteristics. From tectonic point of view, greater part of the area belongs to the massive geotectonic unit - West Macedonian zone. The location of the line from geomorphologic point of view is characterized by steep slopes, which are a result of the tectonic and erosion processes, and in the hilly areas noticeable is the presence of ravines where there is contact between the different elements, i.e. the contact between the diluvium and the glacial-fluvial sediments as well as the granite. Seismic-tectonic characteristics. The Pelister fault registered along the northern edge has regional character, it begins from the Prespa basin, then through Kažani to the village Trnovo to the west, to east, and then it continuous toward south Page 122 Environment Impact Assesment Study – Construction of double circuit 110kv overhead transmission line from S/S Bitola 3 to S/S Bitola 4 east and along the eastern edge of Baba mountain to the Macedonian - Greek border. The most eminent structure in this area is the Pelister holocene consisting of quartzite, quartz slates, granite, granodiorites, green slates, gabbros and diabase. It has an asymmetric form with more expressed east wing. According to the permanent map of the seismic areas with 1:500 000 ratio this area belongs to the zone with I = VII° MCS intensity. Hydrography and quality of the surface water. At the wanted location for the underground cable and the OHTL on the surface there are several water currents on the rivers Stara, Smilevska, Kindirka and Siva Voda which together with the other rivers from the municipality of Bitola belong to the river basin of the river Crna. The rest of the ravines in this area are dry or with very small temporal water flow. The transmission line on the surface intersects with the rivers Smilevska and Kindirka near the village Bukovo and with the river Siva Voda near the sugar plant. The line of the planned OHTL intersects with the main supply cannel and with a part of the network of pipes. Quality of the air. The municipality of Bitola and the location of the transmission line belong to the Pelagonia statistic region. Data shows that 75% of the complete emission of SO2 from the industrial capacities on Macedonian soil and 54% of the emissions of NOx are in the Pelagonija region as a result of the working of REK Bitola and the other business subjects in the area. Additionally, the emissions from mobile sources, the garbage dumps, the burning of waste in the open are contributing for the quality of the air in the project area. Noise. The most frequent causers of noise are all the kinds of means of transport, the equipment and the machines used at the industrial capacities and the agro machines. The place for measuring is next to S/S Bitola 4 where the digging for the underground cable will be made, and the surface cable goes through the area which is out of the network of measuring stations. The transmission line goes through an area with II degree of noise protection because it is a settled area and an area with IV degree of noise protection out of the settlement, areas where actions in the area and transport activities are allowed. Electromagnetic radiation. During the distribution of electric energy in the conductors there is alternating current with the frequency of 50 Hz. There is appearance of electric and magnetic field. The intensity of the electric field depends on the voltage no matter whether there is electricity in the conductors or not. The intensity of the electric field is measured in (V/m). The intensity of the magnetic field depends on the intensity of the electricity in the conductors and it is measured in (S/m) or (T). In the cable ducts because of the presence of earth, the electric field is rapidly lost, and the intensity of the electromagnetic field depends on the construction of the cable and the arrangement of the conductors. Because of the safety air distances with the surface ducts and because the fact that the intensity of the electromagnetic radiation depends on the distance, the change and the arrangement of the electromagnetic field there is a significant difference from the cable ducts. Biological diversity. The location begins with S/S Bitola 4, it starches for 12km from which the first 400m go through the town of Bitola. Most significant about this is that that part of the line is an underground cable, which significantly alleviates the negative influence of the object on the existing flora and fauna, which are currently in Page 123 Environment Impact Assesment Study – Construction of double circuit 110kv overhead transmission line from S/S Bitola 3 to S/S Bitola 4 the stadium of degradation because of the influence of an anthropogenic factor. Furthermore, the transmission line continues as a surface object and its influence dramatically changes because it is no longer in the urban zone of Bitola where the biodiversity is very poor, and it covers a completely different field. From here till the joining with S/S Bitola 3 the conditions of the flora and fauna are very similar along the whole line. The location planned for the building of the transmission line, according to the qualification of the ecosystems by the Study of the condition of the biological diversity in the Republic of Macedonia, is classified as a combination of hilly pastures, scattered forest ecosystem known as an oak region, weedy communities, communities of trampled spots, bushy communities, communities of industrial, forage and wheat, as well as permanent plantations in the lowlands of the transmission line. Based on the field monitoring and the research as well as the usage of the relevant documentation a conclusion has been reached that this region has rich fauna. Because of the character of the influence of this object the birds are of great importance and they will be the most threatened group when it comes to the work on the transmission line. On the location no mammals were noticed. There is a possibility for the presence of a wolf (Canus Lupus) seen by local people in the past, at the wider area of the location. Very significant about this project is that near the area suggested for the building of the 2x110kV double circuit transmission line S/S Bitola 3 - S/S Bitola 4 the municipality of Bitola has no evidence of natural inheritance. Near the corridor is the national park Pelister, but it is important to mention that the line of the planned corridor is in the opposite direction of the park so the influence of the object on the biodiversity of the national park is insignificant or not present at all. Socio-economic characteristics. In 2004 with the new territorial division of Macedonia the municipality of Bitola legally includes the town of Bitola and 65 villages. According to the census from 2002 the number of people in the municipality is 95 385, 75 550 of which are in the town and 20 835 are in the villages. The rate of fertility in the municipality in 2008 is 1.48 and it doesn’t contribute for the regeneration of the population. This situation is a result of the great migrations abroad in the last four decades which caused the alleviation of the reproduction of the population in the municipality. According to the analysis of the economic movement in the nonfinancial sector for the 2003-2006 periods, this region holds positive results when compared to the total amount of this sector, but the rise is insignificant as a result of the decline of the production in the unreformed small and the big companies. The economy in Bitola is characterized by the domination of the sector of the processing industry. Given the current number of this kind of capacities, this industry has a significant role in Macedonian economy. For the future economic development very important is the building of the industrial zone Žabeni (near the village Kravari). The opening of this zone is expected to attract new investments, and by that to increase the number of newly opened posts. Natural and cultural inheritance. Cultural goods are found at the analyzed location (Experts’ report): archaeological excavation site “Heraclea Lynkestis”; archaeological excavation site “Vila Suburbana”; archaeological excavation site “Gurgur Tumba”; archaeological excavation site “Tumba”, Bukovo. Page 124 Environment Impact Assesment Study – Construction of double circuit 110kv overhead transmission line from S/S Bitola 3 to S/S Bitola 4 On the archaeological map of Macedonia stand the following excavation sites: the old Christian basilica St. Troica - Heraclea; Heraclea - Heraclea Lynkestis; settlement from the bronze perion, Tumba in the village Poeševo; the monastery Bukovo; settlement from the roman era, Kutlište; mediaeval settlement Neoljani, near the place Twelve Springs; Crkvište, mediaeval church and necropolis. Tourism. The transmission line belongs to the Pelagonija region containing eight tourist zones and 25 tourist regions. The realization of the planned 2 x 110 kV double circuit transmission line S/S Bitola 3 - S/S Bitola 4 will mean certain improvement of the conditions for development of the tourism. According to the basic long-term aims, the concept and the criteria for the development and the organization of the tourism, it is recommended that during the future organization of the economic activities the criteria for the protection of the environment and the economic development should be respected. Potential influence on the environment Visual aspects and influences on the area. During the process of building of the transmission line there will be a short term changing of the area as a result of the activities taken on the field. Activities such as: clearing, digging of the ditches, arrival and presence of large transport vehicles, trucks, cranes and other types of mechanization needed for the transport of the pylons, the cleaning after the installation of the pylons and the creation of waste. Influence on the biodiversity. It is expected that during the building of the object, during its activation as well as during a potential danger there will be a great influence on the biodiversity. During the active phase of the object the most threatened group of organisms will be the bids who can be easily hurt if they touch the cables with their wings. Electromagnetic radiation. During the process of building greater electromagnetic influence on the environment and the population is not expected. During the building, part of the workers will be exposed to a more intensive short-term electromagnetic radiation while working on S/S Bitola 4. In addition, a more intensive short term electromagnetic radiation will appear during the process of welding, and there will be insignificant radiation during the usage of the other electric equipment. The influence on the environment can be direct (through direct contact with the conductors) or indirect (through electromagnetic radiation). The direct contact with the cable duct is only possible during the building activities in cases when the procedures for digging aren’t followed and if the cable is damaged. The direct contact with a surface duct is more likely to happen, but it happens only when people do not follow the recommended distance from the conductors or the safety measures, and from the animals most often suffer birds. When the work on the transmission line is done, same as during the building process, electromagnetic radiation will appear, but in short term, locally and they will only affect the workers who are disassembling it. After the disassembling, there will be no further electromagnetic radiation. Noise. A source of the noise are the movements of the trucks, the cranes and the other types of building mechanization and equipment, and also the handling with Page 125 Environment Impact Assesment Study – Construction of double circuit 110kv overhead transmission line from S/S Bitola 3 to S/S Bitola 4 the building materials during the building of the transmission line. The appearance of noise during this phase is inevitable, but the good thing is that this phase lasts only for a short period and the equipment usually used is not so intensely noisy. In the phase of activation of the transmission line there are usually two types of noise - noise caused by the cables and the pylons and the noise caused by the activities during supervision and maintenance. During the working of the transmission line in specific meteorological conditions and depending on the voltage, there is an appearance of the so-called Corona effect. This effect is characterized by buzzing and crackling which create noise during fog, rain and unclear air. Influences on the existing crucial objects. The building of the transmission line will necessarily affect the existing crucial objects in the areas where the line passes and where the building is done. During the building process the transmission line will have at least one intersection with sewerage pipes, more intersections with underground 10kV cables, intersection with road, streets, intersection with the highway Bitola-Greece, intersection with the international railroad Kremenica - Bitola, intersection with the main water canal Streževo, more intersections with surface 10kV energy ducts and with surface communication lines. During the working phase, more significant influences on the crucial objects (existing or planned for the future) are not expected only if the contractors of the transmission line are following the current precepts and the good practice. Influence on the quality of the air. Appearance of dust is expected as a fugitive emission of the smallest earth or sand particles during the building of new driveways, during leveling the field for the installation of the pylons and for the installation of the cement bases. There is a short-term appearance of dust during the digging for the 400m underground cable set in the urban part of Bitola. The different types of vehicles, equipment and building mechanization planned to be used during the building process are a mobile source for emission of polluting substances such as NOx, CO, PM10, unburnt carbon chloride, sulfur, lead, benzene and other types of aromatic carbon chlorides which contribute to the secondary creation of ozone and all of them are direct and indirect risk for the health of humans and the environment. Influence on the quality of the water. During the digging activities for the placement of the underground cable near the river Stara it can come to short term pollution of the water by earth, solid particles which will cause blurring of the water, leakage of oil or fuel from the vehicles and the used equipment or by parts of the waste created. During the active process of the transmission line no negative influences on the surface or underground waters are expected. If it comes to disassembling of the transmission line all the activities planned for the assembling will happen again and it could come to short term pollution of the surface or underground waters or erosion can appear. Generation of different types of waste. During its period of functioning the transmission line will affect the creation of small amounts of harmless waste. During the building phase waste will appear as a result of the digging, burying, cementing, the marking of the roads, the leveling of the land and other building activities, and the type of the waste is usually inert waste. During the installation of the pylons and the Page 126 Environment Impact Assesment Study – Construction of double circuit 110kv overhead transmission line from S/S Bitola 3 to S/S Bitola 4 ropes of the transmission line creation of a new type of waste is possible. Waste from the different constituent parts of the transmission line and they also belong to the group of harmless waste. During the active phase of the transmission line, the creation of waste is not expected. Influences on the cultural inheritances. Along the planned line on the location chosen for the building of the transmission line, especially on the locations planned for the pylons and along the wires connecting the pylons there are no archaeological areas or excavations with cultural inheritance that would present a limiting factor in the process of planning and constructing of the transmission line. Safety measures. From the point of view of safety, during the building phase of the transmission line, the main risks for the safety have to do with the activities of the workers doing the building and the electro installation activities. During the building phase it is possible to come across injured workers first of all because of careless work, but it can also come to fire because of the use of equipment and tools that emit sparks. During the process of working safety measures can be caused by people’s activities or by natural catastrophes. Cumulative effects. The transmission line does not generate direct significant emissions of air, water or soil during its working process and there is no cumulative pollution of these in the area of the project. The main cumulative effect can be identified in relation to the physical presence of the transmission line in relation to the existing crucial objects. Positive cumulative effect appears as a result of the decreased losses of energy and in the socio-economic development of the municipality of Bitola through the development of small and middle companies which will take part by offering their services during the building of the transmission line and for its supervision. Socio-economic aspects. Long-term positive influences are expected for the development of the small and middle companies because of the continual delivery of electric energy and the decreasing of the expenses because of the temporal disruptions up to that point. The potential short-term influences can be seen in the possibilities for employment of the local population and eventually in the smaller changes of the social structure of the area and the offer of services for the small and middle companies in all the phases of the project. Expropriation and use of the land. The project can have negative influence on the quality of the land for further use along the line. Measures for alleviation of the influences Concerning the identified potential influences on the environment in all phases of the project, measures have been established for their alleviation or complete elimination. Each of the suggested measures is described in Chapter 5 of this Study. Page 127 Environment Impact Assesment Study – Construction of double circuit 110kv overhead transmission line from S/S Bitola 3 to S/S Bitola 4 10 APPENDEXES 10.1 A P P E N D I X 1: P A R T I C I P A N T S RESPONSIBLE FOR THE CREATION OF THE STUDY The preparation of the Study for evaluation of the influence of the double circuit transmission line 2 x 110 kV S/S Bitola 3 - S/S Bitola 4 is carried out and organized by the consultant company EUROPARTNER GROUP, Skopje. Authorized expert from the Ministry of environment and spatial planning and signatory of this Study is: - Slavjanka Pejchinovska Andonova, Bachelor of Science of technological engineering Other members who took part in the preparation of the Study are: - M.A. Zdravko Andonov, Bachelor of Science of electrical engineering - M.A. Natalija Aceska, Bachelor of Science of biology - Sašo Talevski, Bachelor of philosophy The team of experts visited the locations and did recording of the direction of the transmission line, from the exit point S/S Bitola 4, the region Gramatnica, the village Lavci, the region Strčin, the village Bukovo, the settlement Bukovski livadi, the village Kravari to the last point - the location planned for the joining with S/S Bitola 3. The team of experts visited several companies relevant in the preparation of the Study, among which: - The stock company for transmission of electric energy and management with the electro - energetic system MEPSO, the company that ordered this project, when a meeting was held with -Branka Stanoevska and -Elizabeta S. Atanasova - The company for engineering, projecting, performance and project management TIMEL PROJECT, Skopje, Draughts Company of the line, where a meeting was held with -Rubin Atanasoski, draughtsman - The stock company for transmission of electric energy and management with the electro - energetic system MEPSO - S/S Bitola 4, where a meeting was held with the department on duty and with -Sašo Trajchevski, with whom it was talked about the functioning and the work of S/S Bitola 4. For the preparation of the Study all the information gained from these conversations were taken into consideration and so were the taken documentation and the analyses done and the researches made for the needs for the building of the line. Page 128 Environment Impact Assesment Study – Construction of double circuit 110kv overhead transmission line from S/S Bitola 3 to S/S Bitola 4 10.2 A P P E N D I X 2: R E L E V A N T LEGAL REGULATIVE AND TECHNICAL PRECEPTS ‐ The Constitution of the Republic of Macedonia (Macedonian official Gazete No. 53/91, changes: 31/98, 31/01, 84/03, 107/05) and the constitutional law of the Republic of Macedonia (Macedonian official Gazete No.52/91, changes 4/92); ‐ Law for the environment (Macedonian official Gazete No.53/05, 81/05, 24/07, 159/08, 83/09); o Regulation for determination of the projects and for the criteria based on what the need for carrying out of the act of evaluation of the influences on the environment is determined (Macedonian official Gazete No.74/05); o Regulations for the content of the demands that need to be fulfilled by the Study for evaluation of the influence of the project on the environment (Macedonian official Gazete No.33/06) ‐ Law for spatial and urban planning (Macedonian official Gazete No.51/05; changes 137/07 and 24/08 - reviewed text, 91/09); o Regulations for standards and norms for spatial planning (Macedonian official Gazete No.69/99); o Regulations for closer content, ratio and type of graphical processing of the urban plans (Macedonian official Gazete No.78/06 and 140/07) ‐ Law for building (Macedonian official Gazete No.130/09); ‐ Law for the quality of the ambient air (Macedonian official Gazete No.67/04; changes 92/07); o Regulations for the criteria, methods and actions for evaluation of the quality of the ambient air (Macedonian official Gazete No.67/04); o Regulations for the maximal value and the kinds of polluting substances in the ambient air and the alarming thresholds, the deadlines for reaching the maximum values, margins for toleration, the aimed values and the long term goals (Macedonian official Gazete No.22.06.2005) ‐ Law for water (Macedonian official Gazete No.4/98; changes 19/00; 42/05; 46/06); Law for water (Macedonian official Gazete No.87/08 and 06/09); o Regulations for classification of the water (Macedonian official Gazete No.18/99); o Regulations for characterization of the water currents, the lakes, the accumulations and the subsurface water (Macedonian official Gazete No. 18/99, 71/99); ‐ Law for waste (Macedonian official Gazete No.68/04; changes 71/04; 107/07, 102/08 and 134/08); o List of types of waste (Macedonian official Gazete No.100/05); ‐ Law for protection from the noise in the environment (Macedonian official Gazete No.79/2007); Page 129 Environment Impact Assesment Study – Construction of double circuit 110kv overhead transmission line from S/S Bitola 3 to S/S Bitola 4 ‐ Decision for establishing in which cases and under what conditions is the peace of the citizens disturbed by harmful noise (Macedonian official Gazete No.64/93); ‐ Law for chemicals (Macedonian official Gazete No.113/07); ‐ Law for protection of the cultural inheritance (Macedonian official Gazete No.20/04; changes 115/07); ‐ Law for the protection of the nature (Macedonian official Gazete No.67/04;changes 14/06, 84/07); ‐ Law for the wellbeing of the animals (Macedonian official Gazete No. 113/07); ‐ Law for the wellbeing of the plants (Macedonian official Gazete No. 25/98; 06/00); ‐ Law for expropriation (Macedonian official Gazete No. 33/95, changes 20/98, 40/99, 31/03, 46/05 and 10/08). ‐ Regulations for the technical norms for the building of surface electro energetic ducts with nominal voltage from 1kV to 400kV, (Yugoslav official register), No. 65/1988 ‐ Regulations for the technical measures for propulsions and maintenance of the electro-energetic installations (Yugoslav official register, number 19/1968) ‐ Convention for the protection of the swamps which are of international importance as habitats of the water birds (Ramsar, 1971), ratified in 1977; ‐ Convention for the protection of the world cultural and natural inheritance (Paris, 1972), ratified in 1974; ‐ Convention for the international trade with endangered species, wild flora and fauna (Washington,1973), ratified in 1999; ‐ Convention for protection of the wild migration animals (Bonn, 1979), ratified in 1999; ‐ Convention for the protection of the wild world and the natural habitats in Europe (Bern, 1979), ratified in 1997; ‐ Contract for the protection of bats in Europe (London, 1991), ratified in 1999 (Amendment of the Contract ratified in 2002); ‐ Contract for the protection of African-Asian migration birds (The Hague, 1995), ratified in 1999; ‐ Basel convention about the control over the polluters with toxic waste across the border and its disposal (Basel, 1995), ratified in 1997; ‐ Convention for the protection of the biodiversity (Rio de Janeiro, 1992), ratified in 1998; ‐ Convention for the accessibility of information, participation of the public in the decision making and the right to question about the environment (Arhus, 1998), ratified in 1999; ‐ Convention for evaluation of the influence from across the border on the environment (Espo, 1991), ratified in 1999; ‐ European convention for landscape (Florence, 2000), ratified in 2003. 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Ireland, 2008 Page 132 Environment Impact Assesment Study – Construction of double circuit 110kv overhead transmission line from S/S Bitola 3 to S/S Bitola 4 10.4 A P P E N D I X 4: T E C H N I C A L DATA RELATED TO THE IMPACT ASSESMENT VISUALIZATION OF THE TOWERS Brusnik settlement From to Gramatnica villageLavci Near the village Lavci In place Strčin Near the village Bukovo Under the village Krstoar Page 133 Environment Impact Assesment Study – Construction of double circuit 110kv overhead transmission line from S/S Bitola 3 to S/S Bitola 4 To the village Kravari The last tower of the connection Page 134 Environment Impact Assesment Study – Construction of double circuit 110kv overhead transmission line from S/S Bitola 3 to S/S Bitola 4 10.4.2 PHOTOGRAPHS OF THE FIELD Page 135 Environment Impact Assesment Study – Construction of double circuit 110kv overhead transmission line from S/S Bitola 3 to S/S Bitola 4 From the start to the end point of the connection Page 136 Environment Impact Assesment Study – Construction of double circuit 110kv overhead transmission line from S/S Bitola 3 to S/S Bitola 4 CULTURAL INHERITANCE The arrangement of the archaeological areas and the cultural-historical monuments Page 137 Environment Impact Assesment Study – Construction of double circuit 110kv overhead transmission line from S/S Bitola 3 to S/S Bitola 4 The cultural heritage in the vicinity of Bitola (the old architecture in the village Lavci, Monastery Bukovo, Heraclea, Kale, Saint Bogorodica) Page 138 Environment Impact Assesment Study – Construction of double circuit 110kv overhead transmission line from S/S Bitola 3 to S/S Bitola 4 UTILIZATION OF THE LAND Page 139 Environment Impact Assesment Study – Construction of double circuit 110kv overhead transmission line from S/S Bitola 3 to S/S Bitola 4 10.5 A PPENDIX 5 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION IN THE PROCESS OF MAKING A DECISION ON A EIA STUDY OF CONSTRUCTION OF CIRCUIT TRANSMISSION LINE 2X110KV S/S BITOLA 3 - S/S BITOLA 4 10.5.1 PROCESS OF ENROLLING THE PUBLIC IN THE PROCESS OF EIA OF THE PROJECT, ACCORDING TO LEGAL REGULATIONS The national EIA procedure is the opportunity for active public participation through the various stages of established legal procedure. The main objectives of public participation are: ‐ To obtain local or regional information or data that could be useful in making further decisions; ‐ To assist in thinking about alternatives and mitigation measures; ‐ To ensure that the main influences are not neglected, and maximum benefits are; ‐ To reduce conflict through early identification of “problematic" questions; ‐ To provide an opportunity to the public can influence the design of the project in a positive way (creating a sense of ownership of the proposal - start); ‐ To improve the transparency of the entire EIA process and to increase public confidence in the overall process Legislative solutions offer several levels of involvement of the public: information, consultation, participation and negotiation (discuss with relevant arguments). Public participation in the national EIA procedure is regulated by the Law on Environment (Official Gazette of RM, 53/05, 81/05, 24/07 and 159/08) and international conventions that Macedonia has signed and ratified. Practical public participation is achieved through: a) publication of information to the public; b) public participation, the public can be actively involved in public discussions and in writing to submit their opinions in various stages of the EIA procedures; c) through the mechanism of access to justice when the public can influence decision making by appeal to the court or the secondary panel of government. Any decision taken during the EIA procedure should be published in appropriate media and the public can monitor and participate in various steps of the procedure: the publication of the notice of intention to implement the project, publication of the decision of establishing the need for EIA the publication of a summary of opinions on the scope of the study, reporting on the availability of the EIA study for the publication of a summary of netehnichkoto EIA study for the publication of a report on the adequacy of the study, publication of the decision to issue a solution for (non) implementation of the project. During the EIA procedure is organizing a public hearing (continuation of public hearing and included in it are given in the annexed scheme), and as it was realized for the specific project of construction of double circuit transmission line Bitola 2X110 kV S/S Bitola 3 – S/S Bitola 4 main objections and comments received by stakeholders are given in Appendix 10.5.2 (Report of the public hearing). The public can express their opinions on the judge for assessment of environmental impact during the public hearing organized by the Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning, as well as through the submission of observations Page 140 Environment Impact Assesment Study – Construction of double circuit 110kv overhead transmission line from S/S Bitola 3 to S/S Bitola 4 in writing to the MoEPP. Another step where the public can express their opinion, notification of intent to implement the project, but this is not very clearly defined in national law and can be determined from case to case. Legally prescribed period for providing comments, observations and opinions on the published draft version of the study Assessment of the project on vlijenieto zhovotnata environment is 30 days after the announcement. Then he approached the finalization of the study and it is submitted to the MEPP in preparing a report on the suitability of the study. The public may appeal the following decisions taken: a) decision taken in the process of determining need for EIA study and b) the decision to issue a solution for (non) implementation of the project. These complaints may be made secondary to a government commission. The public also may submit a request to the court for interim measures prohibiting the implementation of the project against the permit to perform the project. Public participation in EIA procedure for cross-border context is governed by the requirements of national legislation on information and public participation in the land where the project is planned to be conducted or regulated by bilateral agreements between countries to more closely regulate issue. Page 141 Environment Impact Assesment Study – Construction of double circuit 110kv overhead transmission line from S/S Bitola 3 to S/S Bitola 4 Public participation in the EIA process Announcement for the availability of the study EIA Study MoEPP Submitting of written opinions Public MoEPP Public hearing for the EIA Study Informing of e-NGOs MoEPP, Investor, Persons who have prepared the Study Public, e-NGOs MoEPP Minutes Participants, conclusions, stenographic notes, video and audio records MoEPP Availability of information for participation in the public hearing Investor, State Authorities, Local- self Government, the City of Skopje Publishing of the Minutes Web page on MoEPP MoEPP Legend: EIA – Environmental Impact Assessment Public participation Competent Authority Institution to which activity is directed Participants in the public hearing Activity Where information is published MoEPP – Ministry of Environment and physical planning Page 142 Environment Impact Assesment Study – Construction of double circuit 110kv overhead transmission line from S/S Bitola 3 to S/S Bitola 4 10.5.2 REPORT FROM PUBLIC HEARING UPON THE EIA STUDY OF THE PROJECT "CONSTRUCTION OF DOUBLE CIRCUIT TRANSMISSION LINE 2X110 KV S/S BITOLA 3 – S/S BITOLA 4" On 24. February 2010 investor AD MEPSO has submitted a draft EIA study of the construction of double circuit transmission line 2X110 kV S/S Bitola 3 – S/S 4 to the Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning. According to legal requirements the competent authority - MoEPP made available a draft version of the Study on the premises of the Office of Public Relations of the MoEPP and their web site and inform the public about maintaining the public hearing and an opportunity to provide insight and comments by public on the draft version of the study. The information was published in daily 24. to 25. April 2010. Page 143 Environment Impact Assesment Study – Construction of double circuit 110kv overhead transmission line from S/S Bitola 3 to S/S Bitola 4 The ad contains all the necessary elements to allow the public to be interested and attend the public hearing held on 26. April 2010 in the Municipality of Bitola. The public hearing was attended by 18 people who showed interest and participated in the discussion which is open as the opening words of the purpose of public debate (Mrs. Biljana Spiroska the MoEPP - Department of Environment), presentation of the project and its significance (Mrs. Elizabeta Siljanovska - Atanasova from AD MEPSO) and the presentation of the objectives of the EIA study, the main negative impacts of project activities in all phases of the life of the project on the environment, measures to predict and plan for monitoring (Mrs. Slavjanka Pejčinovska - Andonova and Mr. Zdravko Andonov from the consulting team EuroPartner Group). Minutes of the Public hearing upon the EIA Study of the project "Construction of double circuit transmission line 2x110KV S/S Bitola 3 – S/S Bitola 4" The public hearing was conducted in the following Agenda: Opening and Introduction 1. The public hearing was opened by Biljana Spiroska, councelor in the EIA, Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning 2. Opening word company investor. Ms. Siljanovska Atanasova representative investor, MEPSO, breafly explain the reasons and inportance for the realization of the project. She noted that it is funded by the World Bank and company’s own funds. The new double circuit 110KW OHTL which is the subject of study directly linking S/S Bitola 3 with S/S Bitola 4 and S/S Bitola 4 with Bitola 2. Route that is chosen is the best and it received approval from the Agency for Physical Planning of Republic of Macedonia and municipality Bitola. 3. Presentation of the Study Ms. Pejcinovska Andonova environmental consultant, responsible expert for preparation of study, introduced the team who prepared the study and she presented the same. The study aims to identify, predict, assess, prevent, mitigate, compensate and to discuss with the public about the negative biophysical, social, health and other effects on various elements of the environment from development projects to build double circuit 110KW overhead transmission line S/S Bitola 3 – S/S Bitola 4 by the developer before making a final decision for the project implementation. First, it was explained the context for planning the project. Based on the type and size of project, investor was obliged by MEPP to prepare EIA study as a condition for obtaining a decision to give consent for the implementation of the project, according to the Law on Environment. Potential impacts of the project on environment during construction are identified, as well as work and maintenance in case of accidents and termination of work. In addition, the basic technical specifications for construction of transmission lines were presented by Mr. Andonov. The route with the overheaded line mainly Page 144 Environment Impact Assesment Study – Construction of double circuit 110kv overhead transmission line from S/S Bitola 3 to S/S Bitola 4 passes through uninhabited area. Through the urbanized part cable connection line is used. Ms. Pejcinovska Andonova noted that the methodology for preparation of study includes: Researching and evaluating the type, nature, duration, reversibility, meaning, intensity of negative and positive impacts of the project on all elements of the environment; Assessing whether the effects can be prevented, avoided, buffered and / or compensated; Proposing preventive and corrective measures to mitigate the impacts; Plan for monitoring, information to all decision makers and stakeholders about the impact of the project on the environment and their involvement in the whole process transparent; and Providing a recommendation whether to proceed with the development and implementation of the project. Lists are used to check/Leopold matrix (EIA Scoping checklist, Leopold Impact matrix) Sectoral Guidelines and the World Bank Guidelines for EIA. The study has analyzed the following impacts: visual aspects and impacts on the area, electro-magnetic influences, biodiversity, cumulative effects and socio-economic aspect and in all stages of the life cycle of the project - construction phase, operational and maintenance phase and after termination with work. For each of these impacts on the elements of physical /natural environment, human health and wildlife, and social aspects in each phase separately, provided the mitigation measures and reduce potential negative impacts. Conclusion of the expert team considering the results of the analysis of environmental impacts is that there is great justification for the project implementation. Prior to open discussion, Biljana Spiroski informed that anyone interested can look the study in the municipality of Bitola and on the website of the Ministry and to comment in respect of the same. Discussion The participants developed a discussion regarding the study and project. Mr. Tome Blazevski member of the council of the municipality of Bitola raise the question: Is it considered new detailed urban plan of municipality Bitola which is in the process of adoption, and where exactly the route passes, it is near Tumbe Kafe? Response from the investor: A route towards Bitola -Lavci- Bukovo-KrstoarKravari, is quite far from Tumbe Kafe and Municipality and the Agency for Spatial Planning are consulted. Discussion of citizen Dimitar Dimitrov: Credit for the study and participants, but also doubt that will properly compensate owners of land where the lines will cross. After the long discussion and presentation of bad previous experience of the citizen, was emphasized that although the cable line is 6 times expensiver, it is more shorter and better way of transmission. The investor confirmed that the cable line is the future of energy transmission in the urban areas, but now the municipalities in Macedonia have not yet developed enough underground cadastre which is a Page 145 Environment Impact Assesment Study – Construction of double circuit 110kv overhead transmission line from S/S Bitola 3 to S/S Bitola 4 prerequisite for it. On the other hand, the choice of constriction of double circuit transmission line connecting the S-S BItola 3 and S-S Bitola 4 presents an opportunity for safe and reliable supply of electricity consumers in the southern part of the municipality of Bitola, where is planned urban expansion of the city. Detailed route was explained and the way of expropriation, as well as consultation for all owners of cadastral parcels, offering market price for the purchase of parcels where the pillars will be placed and temporary rent of the parcels where overhead transmission lines will pass trhough. The investor cannot get a building permit until they completed the process of expropriation. The citizen was suggested to address his questions in writing to the competent authorities. They were not asked further questions and Ms. Spiroska closed the public hearing at 20:00 am. The minutes of the held a public hearing conducted by Snežana Gjorgjievska employed in the office to communicate with the public in the MoEPP and it is placed on the website of the MEPP, along with the study. (www.moepp.gov.mk) List of participants in the public hearing: Page 146 Environment Impact Assesment Study – Construction of double circuit 110kv overhead transmission line from S/S Bitola 3 to S/S Bitola 4 Page 147 Environment Impact Assesment Study – Construction of double circuit 110kv overhead transmission line from S/S Bitola 3 to S/S Bitola 4 10.5.3 PHOTOS FROM THE PUBLIC HEARING Page 148