July/August 2015


July/August 2015
July & August2015
New Nobles & Ladies
Abou Ben Adhem
Welcomes You!!!
CSSA.......................................................................................... Page 28
Pote’s Poker Run ....................................................................... Page 4
Pote’s Golf Tournament ................................................... Back Cover
Corn Roast.......................................................................................... 29
Club & Unit Directory............................................................. Page 10
Call to Business ......................................................................... Page 4
Help us find these Nobles ............................................... Page 22-23
Safer Summer Tips.................................................................. Page 18
2015 DIVAN
ABA Upcoming Events ............................................... 31
Business Meeting ........................................................... 4
CSSA Registration ....................................................... 28
Pote’s Poker Run............................................................ 4
Pote’s Golf Tournament ................................ Back Cover
Corn Roast ................................................................... 29
Help us find these Nobles .......................................22-23
Barry County Golf Tournament ................................... 11
Cruisers Poker Run ...................................................... 30
Kops Steak-Out............................................................ 24
Potentate .............................................................. John Richardson
Chief Rabban ............................................................ Paul Trausch
Assistant Rabban ...................................................... Greg Keeling
High Priest & Prophet ............................................Rick Anderson
Oriental Guide ........................................................ Chuck Oheim
Treasurer .............................................................. Jack Munsey-PP
Recorder.................................................... Dr. Michael Pfander-PP
1st Ceremonial Master...................................... David Porterfield
2nd Ceremonial Master.............................................. Scott Houge
Director .................................................................. Charlie George
Marshal ........................................................................ Frank Keyes
Captain of the Guard .............................................. Bradley Roam
Outer Guard ............................................................ Bruce Monroe
Pote’s Message............................................................... 3
Debbie's Corner.............................................................. 3
Chaplain’s Message ....................................................... 5
Club & Unit Directory ................................................. 10
Hospital Trips................................................................. 9
Safe Summer................................................................ 18
Darrell Houser ..........................................................
Tim Good..............................................................
Rob Lockmiller ..........................................................
Douglas Pitts..............................................................
Mike Marshall............................................................
Mike Edwards............................................................
Jack Munsey-PP ........................................................ 417-887-3231
Mike Pfander-PP ...................................................... 417-743-2937
Greg Nelson-PP ........................................................ 417-862-6794
Corvettes ........................................................................ 8
Christian County SC .................................................... 19
Greeters .......................................................................... 7
Joplin SC...................................................................... 17
Laclede County SC ...................................................... 12
Lawrence County SC ................................................... 17
Legion of Honor......................................................14-15
Pirates........................................................................... 15
Pmee de Terre Motor Corps ......................................... 20
Shell Knob ................................................................... 21
SOCMO Clowns .......................................................... 20
Associate Member .................................................. Richard Fuller
Emeritus Member-Past Chairman ............ Mark Ringenberg PP
Emeritus Representative .................................. Jimmie D. Lee PP
Emeritus Representative .......................... Walter S. Pettit, Jr. PP
Email: .............................................. shrinenews@abashrine.com
Call Wes Joy: ............................................................ 417-869-9164
Advertise in Shrine News ............................................ 25
Dues Payment Options................................................... 6
Temple News Deadline ................................................ 22
Wes Joy (Kim) .............................................. 417-869-9164 ext. 106
Cell .............................................................................. 417-848-5603
Abou Ben Adhem
Susan Cornwell .......................................... 417-869-9164 ext. 101
Sarah McCrory (George) ............................ 417-869-9164 ext. 102
Official Publication of
Abou Ben Adhem News
Volume 45• Number 4
601 St. Louis Street
Springfield, Missouri 65806
On Facebook Shrine Preservation Association
THE “ABOU BEN ADHEM NEWS” (USPS 995-500) is published
January, March, May, July, September, and November each year
for $9.00 per year by Abou Ben Adhem Temple, 601 St. Louis
Street, Springfield, MO 65806. Periodical postage-paid at Springfield, MO. Postmaster send address changes to ABOU BEN
ADHEM NEWS, 601 St. Louis Street, Springfield, MO 65806.
Greg Nelson, Editor................................................ (417) 869-9164
TEMPLE OFFICE .................................................... (417) 869-9164
Temple Fax .............................................................. (417) 863-7444
by Illustrious Sir
John Richardson
Greeting Nobles,
Here we are six months in, and time is flying by. As you read
this, the Ceremonial is over, and what a great one! We had 50
new Nobles, how wonderful, we're moving back in the right
direction. When you see them, see if you or anyone at ABA
can help them. Top liners, you should be taking your noble
everywhere you go in the Shrine, they are your responsibility.
Next big event at ABA is the All Star Game June 27that Hammons Field. It is sure to be a great event, Frank Keyes and his
Committee have worked their tails off on this.
June 3rd we did a BBQ for Iron Indian Rider. They have had
a auction for the last 3 years for the Shriners Hospital. This
last one, we received $14,176.57 plus $50.00 Canadian, which
I am not sure how much the Canadian Dollar is, but how
wonderful. Also, I want to thank my brothers in the Widow
Son's Brother Square, for a great job smoking the meat and
making the baked beans, the food was to die for. Thank you
Brother Square.
We are off to Imperial Session July 3rd-10th. CSSA is in
Golden Co. August 26th-29th. Make sure to make your reservations and money in to Wes Joy, rooms are moving fast.
by Debbie Richardson
Dear Ladies,
We are making such amazing strides. You girls are showing
up and helping me in everything I do. you are much appreciated. We have a new stage ,next step, dance floor. A Special
Thanks to the stage committee for their hard work.
We had a great luncheon, ceremonial and dance.
Remember Ladies:
CSSA - Aug. 27-29 Golden Co.
Ladies Meeting - Sept. 24 Shrine Basement
Potes Poker run - Sept. 12 Leave from Shrine, Return to
Shrine Ladies are focusing on our Novice Ladies by implementing a mentoring program. New Shrine Ladies will be
contacted by a mentoring committee member who will
welcome them, provide contact information, supply information to them about upcoming events and be available at
any time for questions. We are excited about this next step in
our efforts to increase our numbers and build strong
relationships within our organization. Do you know a
novice lady who might be interested in being contacted? If
so, please ask her to contact Barbara George at (417)
Thank you to Mike Marshall and his wife Nitabelle and the
stage committee on a great job down stairs on the new stage,
Wonderful job- Both great!
If you haven't been to any of our functions, come join us, we
are having fun.
Potes Poker Run Sept 12th. We'll be leaving the Temple and
return back to the Temple for your last hand.
Thank you
Debra Richardson
Onions are done, great job everyone! All that money is for
our Building.
Work is getting done, and theres a lot more to do.
Last but not least, I want to say Thank-You all. Without your
help, none of this could or would have happened.
Yours in the faith
Potentate 2015
Lots of recent updates to our webpage.
Back issues of the Shrine News are on-line.
Links to Clubs & Units • Picture Galleries
Online fillable Petitions, Masonic & Shrine.
Send us your suggestions to:
Official Call Of Business
Quarterly Business Meeting
September 24, 2015
Notice is hereby given that the scheduled stated session of Abou Ben Adhem
Temple, Shriners International, will be held at the time and place shown below
for the transaction of such business as may come before the Temple.
Thursday September 24, 2015
Meeting 7:00 pm
Lower Level of the Shrine Mosque
Dr. Michael Pfander, Recorder • John Richardson, Potentate
Saturday September 12th, 2015
$20.00 per Bike (1 or 2 Riders) includes 1 Hand
$5.00 per additional Hand
Registration: The Shrine Mosque • 10:00 a.m. - Noon
Last Stop: The Shrine Mosque - 4:00 p.m.
You Must Be Present At Last Stop
With Your Hand(s) To Be Eligible To Win
Pre-registration: Shrine Office (417) 869-9164
Must be 18 to participate in the Poker Run
Net proceeds benefit Abou Ben Adhem Shrine Temple. Payments are not deductible as charitable contributions
by Dan Elmore
The pictures are from the 3rd annual Indian Rally at Indian
Point Benefit Auction for Shriners Hospital St Louis held on
Wednesday, June 3rd, 2015.
by Kris Booth
Greetings All,
Well, we have made it through the first half of 2015 and I
hope it has been everything you could have asked for. I
know I have been greatly pleased with the support I have
seen from many clubs, units, and individual nobles to our
leadership and more importantly to those nobles in need.
It was held at Hunter's Friend Resort on Indian Point. The
total for the 2015 auction was $12,228.00 making the 3 year
total $28,228.00.
Pictured are:
Brother Danny Flucke from Mission Viejo, CA; Coordinator
& Auctioneer for the event Ill Sir John Richardson Assistant
Rabban Greg Keeling Captain of the Guard Bradley Roam
Brother Dan Elmore
As I get around to speaking with many of you I have never
met before it has occurred to me how privileged I am to
belong to such a great organization that supports its members. I encourage each and everyone to reach out if you are
aware of a noble or lady in need and let me know. So far
there have been a few that we have reached out to and I
encourage the nobility to keep them in their thoughts. Charlie Bare, The Bressler Family, "Bam Bam", John Roop, and
Bob Benton have all been through some trying times so far
this year as well as their families and loved ones. Most have
moved through their respective issues and are doing well
but there are still some remaining out there that need our
help and prayers.
It is also with a heavy heart that I pass along the following
information. Last month we lost one of our Past Potentates
Ill Sir William A "Bill" Lock. As a noble I never had the privilege of meeting him, but my interest peaked when I discovered he was the Potentate that signed the charter for the
Keystone Kops. At that point, I started asking around,
hearing stories and thoughts, and is soon became apparent
the caring and faith he had for his fellow brother and
humankind itself was equaled by none. Please keep his
family in your thoughts. Thank you.
I ask that you keep your fellow brothers and their families in
mind and if anyone is interested in helping out please feel
free to contact me! Thank you all!
Fraternally Yours,
Dues Payment Plans &
Automatic Payment Options
Please let us know by contacting
our Chaplain:
Kris Booth • (417) 294-1486
Keith Richardson
“Big Bird”
Office Manager
Email: Keith@therockfordoffice.com
Amy Lee Crites, Attorney at Law, LLC
1948 S. Glenstone Avenue, Ste. 102
Springfield, Missouri 65804
Office: 417-886-1616
Fax: 417-631-4880
Family Law and Traffic Cases
by Chuck Nathan
The ABA Corvette Motor Unit is happy to welcome three
new members Rusty Shadel, Steve Swaim, and Al Samons to
the unit.
Thanks to the Kenton and LuAnn who volunteered to work
the Avett Brothers concert in May. If I missed other Corvette
members and ladies, my apologies and thank you.
The Nixa Sucker Days parade would not be complete
without some rain and we got it right on schedule. Several of
us had the top down on our cars when we started, but not at
the end. Oh well, it was still a nice parade.
Buffalo Days in Greenfield was also a little wet, but right
when the parade started the sun came out. We all met, as
always, at Jay Brown’s shop for a little pre-parade preparation. Several of our Shrine Ladies were on the sidelines at the
parade to cheer us on…isn’t that great! After the parade we
met back there for a review of current events and refreshments provided by the Brown’s. Thanks again to Jay and
Kathy for their hospitality. Each of the Corvettes parading
was awarded a blue ribbon for the Buffalo Days parade. Jay
Brown did not parade with the Corvette unit, as he was given
the honor of escorting Miss Buffalo Days Queen, his daughter Miss Cassidy Brown, through the parade in his 1960
Corvette. Yes that is what it takes to get Jay to bring that prize
Corvette out in the rain.
Harley Sampley is back parading with us in his black 2000
Corvette. Sure is great to have him and his lady Bev at the
parades. In case anyone has not noticed, Mark Fesperman
has a new Monterey Red 2006 Corvette Z51.
The Corvette unit had 11 cars in the Spring Ceremonial
parade. That has to be close to a record turnout for the
Vettes…Thanks Guys! We had one of our newest members,
Rusty Shadel and a returning founding-charter member of
the Corvette Motor Unit, Bruce Bell in that group. Our
newbie, Rusty, drove his Artic White 2010 Grand Sport
convertible and Bruce was in his 2010 Atomic Orange
The winning ticket for the Glock we were raffling was drawn
at the Spring Ceremonial dance by our Illustrious Sir John
Richardson. The winner is George Ridens. Thanks to all of
you who purchased tickets.
by Greg Smith
Wow, summer is upon us and hopefully everybody is having
a good time.
Its been a busy first half of the year, lots of event and lots of
parades. We did parade in the annual Nixa Sucker Day
Parade and once again had a great showing. Several
weddings and class reunions planned during the summer
and the Wild Bill Hickok Poker Shoot-Out on July 24th.
The Corn Roast will be on September 17th so be sure to plan
for that.
Don't forget the Greeter Oasis bar is now open every Tuesday
of the month from 4:30 till. Come down and have a beverage,
laugh a little at your brothers, whip some @$$ in shuffleboard.
I hope everyone has a great summer, be safe.
Thanks to all who help make this a great unit,
Jim Heitman
Dean Haguewood
Tim Vendt
Dan Lawler
13 Don Branson
22 Danny Lawler
24 Ronny Langston
27 Don Branson
28 Bob Gentry
Charles Dixon
Don Powell
Don Powell
Jerry Inman
Don Higgerson
Jerry Inman
Bob York
Don Higgerson
Don Powell
Bill Cole
Jim Heitman
Dean Haguewood
Denis Anderson
13 Ronny Langston
26 Don Branson
John Hartley
Dick Agee
Randall Doran
Don Branson
Bob York
Don Higgerson
Jim Harrington
Brad Branson
Bar & Grill & Sports & Music
1218 E Trafficway
Springfield, Missouri 65802
(417) 866-2255
Buy 1
Burger or Sandwich at
Regular Price
Get 1 Half Price!
Coupon must be presented
at placement of order. Not valid with other offers.
Limit 1 Coupon per person, per visit
Valid til December 31, 2015
Barry County Shrine Club .......................................................... 2nd Monday
Rajah: Darrin Henson..................................................................(417)-235-9497
Barton County Shrine Club ........................................................ 2nd Monday
Rajah: Dusty Cook (Lisa) ........................................................... (417)-262-0331
Carthage Shrine Club........................................ 1st Wednesday (except July)
Rajah: Bryce Morris......................................................................(417)-793-7993
Christian County Shrine Club ................................................. 2nd Thursday
Rajah: Darrell Houser (Georgia) ................................................(417)-496-3548
Dallas County Shrine Club........................................................... 1st Monday
Rajah: Chester Hill ( Cathy)........................................................(417)-283-2206
ABA Sportsmen................................................................................ 4th Tuesday
President: Scott Crowder ............................................................. (417)-234-2105
Barry County Firehouse Gang......................................................2nd Monday
Captain: Jeff Bell (Gerri)............................................................... (417)-236-4709
Bowlers ..............................................................................................3rd Tuesday
Captain: Michael McWilliams (Lesa) ......................................... (417)-840-6818
Burn Crew ................................................................................... 4th Wednesday
Fire Chief: John Van Slyke (Teresa)......................................(417)-833-3626 Res
Camel Herders .................................................................................. twice a year
Captain: Kevin Sartin ........................................................... (417)725-9285 Res.
Clowns .................................................................................................. 3rd Friday
Captain: Tim D. Hull (Shelly) .............................................. (417)459-0364 Cell
Greene County Shrine Club ................................................... 1st Wednesday
Rajah: Clint Noe (Kristel)............................................................(417)-742-2072
Corvettes ....................................................................................... 1st Wednesday
Captain: Robert Davis .................................................................. (417)-337-2785
HOST Shrine Club ....................................................................... 2nd Monday
Rajah: Reese Bucher (Lana). .......................................................(417)-967-8080
Cruisers ...............................................................................................1st Monday
Captain: Jack Harden (Stacy) ...................................................... (417)-872-8118
Joplin Shrine Club......................................................................... 4th Monday
Rajah: Paul Holland (Peggy) ......................................................(417)-781-9732
Laclede County Shrine Club........................................................ 4th Monday
Rajah: Randy Nutter (Barbara) ..................................................(417)-532-4712
Lake of the Ozarks Shrine Club................................................ 3rd Thursday
Vice-Rajah: James Allen (Joyce)..................................................(573)-434-1613
Lake Stockton Shrine Club ....................................................2nd Wednesday
.Rajah: Steven Bruce (Karren).....................................................(417)-327-3926
Lawrence County Shrine Club .................................................... 3rd Monday
Rajah: Bill Allen ............................................................................(417)-461-0292
Neosho Shrine Club ..............................................2nd Tuesday (except Dec.)
Rajah: Bryan Brown (Myra)......................................................... (417)396-2367
Nevada Shrine Club .................................................................4th Wednesday
Rajah: Norman Radde (Betty) ..................................................... (417)465-2235
Pomme De Terre Shrine Club................................................... 2nd Thursday
Rajah: Jack Fetters (Linda) ..........................................................(573)-733-4853
Pulaski County/Fort Wood Shrine Club....................................... 3rd Friday
Rajah: Don Champagne (Cari) ...................................................(417)-459-7480
Scenic Rivers Shrine Club......................................................2nd Wednesday
Rajah: Richard Tyler (Eva) ..........................................................(573-)226-3719
Shell Knob Shrine Club .........................................................2nd Wednesday
Rajah: Steve Overbey (Dorothy) ................................................(417)-858-9001
South Central Shrine Club............................................................ 1st Tuesday
Rajah: Kenneth Gremp (Diane) ..................................................(573)-364-2466
Stone County Shrine Club .......................................................... 2nd Monday
.Rajah: John Elmore (Cindy) .......................................................(417)-533-2028
Taney County Shrine Club............................................................4th Tuesday
Rajah: Robert Huels .....................................................................(417)-334-3149
Directors Staff............................................................................. 3rd Wednesday
Director: Charlie George (Barbara)...................................... (417)889-8424 Res.
Greeters........................................................................................ 4th Wednesday
Chief Greeter: Alfred Painter (Peggy) ........................................ (417)-209-2468
Hospital Dads .............................................................................. 1st Wednesday
Captain: Mark Bohon (Jean) ....................................................... (417)-833-5565
Keg Patrol .......................................................................................... 4th Monday
Captain: Jason Arends (Heather) ................................ (417)664-3016 Cell
Keystone Kops...............................................................................2nd Thursday
Chief Kop: Kris Booth (Heather)................................................. (417)-294-1486
Lake of the Ozarks Boat Patrol
Contact Lake of the Ozarks Shrine Club
Lake Stockton Motor Corps .................................................... 2nd Wednesday
Captain: Mike Gardner (Jana) ..................................................... (417)-777-1254
Legion of Honor ................................................................................1st Tuesday
Commander: Shane Wolfe ........................................................... (573)-263-2244
Neosho Hillbillies........................................................................... 2nd Tuesday
Raban: Mark Franks (Jeannine)............................................ (417)451-2496 Res.
Oriental Band......................................................................1st & 3rd Thursdays
President: David Hall (Marjorie) ................................................ (417)-439-5605
Pirates ................................................................................................. 4th Monday
Captain: Paul Holland (Peggy) ................................................... (417)-437-1692
Pomme de Terre Hillbilly Clan #127
Raban: Kenneth Grunow (Marilyn) ................................... (417)993-0257 Res.
Pomme de Terre Motor Corps................................3rd Sunday – odd months
Captain: Jack Verner (Cathy) ....................................................... (417)-282-7366
Pulaski County/Ft. Wood Motor Corps........................................... 4th Friday
Ring Club ..................................................................................... 1st Wednesday
President: Chris Ikerd (PJ) .......................................................(417)848-7135
SOCMO Clowns ......................................... 4th Thursday except Nov. & Dec.
Captain: Scott Radford (Sandra) ................................................. (573)-247-1882
Temple Band ...........................................................1st & 3rd Wednesday
Train Crew ................................................................................... 3rd Wednesday
Captain:Kevin Russow................................................................. (417)-850-3308
Under Clubs & Units are links to Clubs and
Units Facebook and web pages. Let us know
if yours is not listed or incorrect.
White Mustangs ...................................................................................1st Friday
Captain: Dwight Heath (Darlene) ...................(417)-683-7882
YABAN.......................................................................................... 1st Wednesday
President: Jason Wright (Brook).................................................. (417)-732-7534
by Howard Ridgley
The Circus we sponsored at the Cowen Civic Center on 13
April 2015 was a lot of fun and enjoyed by children of all
ages. I always like to watch the clowns as they seem to
command a presence while doing nothing. They are magnets
for children and are happy to have their pictures taken with
them - - - actually, I think the Mothers want the pictures more
than their children. They make great memories - - something
we can look at as we reminiscence when they are grown.
And, then there is the issue of Elephants. Parents love to take
pictures of their children sitting on an Elephant. But, I seem
to remember, seeing on TV recently, that they will no longer
be performing in Circuses. Something to do with cruelty, so
they will be put out to pasture where they can live out their
lives in leisure. So, I took some pictures of Elephants
performing, and of children having a time of their lives
sitting on one, for the Shrine News. Hopefully, this tradition
will continue, after all.
This event was a huge success in spite of the persistent rain.
There were many Wagons and tents where great food was
provided. Participants could go from one to the other and
sample the offerings. Such a deal!
Fifteen pounds of onion rings were prepared and almost all
of them were eaten. It is always nice to get together. Again,
the rain was a dampener and kept many Shriners and their
families away. We'll do better the next time.
JUNE 22-Drawing for the Ruger 191 lA Pistol
JUNE - GOLF TOURNAMENT: The 20th Annual E. D. Rush
Memorial Tournament will be held at the Great Life Golf and
Fitness in Lebanon. Details follow.
JULY 11-12-Baseball Tournament at Atchley Park
JULY -KEG PATROL FUNDRAISER: Outlet Mall Parking lot.
PARADE: The CSSA will be in Golden, Colorado, this year. .
Top Line Signers!
Your got your
New Noble in at
Now get them
involved in ABA.
Rogersville, MO
6959 E. US Hwy. 60
Rogersville, MO 65742
Store Hours:
Mon. - Fri. 7:30am - 5:30pm
Sat: 7:30am - 2:00pm
Sun: Closed
Take them to the events
listed in this issue!
for Sales Call:
Mark Fesperman
Scott Crowder
for Service Call:
Chase Ridings
Darrell Houser
Phone: 417-753-4333
Toll Free: 866-815-5252
Rick Anderson
Jeff Edwards
Springfield, Missouri
Local:(417) 881-7010 - (417) 881-1414
Wats: 800-641-4341 - 800-992-0175
Fax: (417) 881-1597 - (417) 881-8643
we were honored by the presence of Legion Nobles Leonard
Harris and John Back. In addition to Ceremonial Saturday,
June 6th also marked the 71st Anniversary of D-Day. These
two Nobles are two of our current World War II Veterans
still active in our unit, and their presence with us on this day
was especially heartfelt and rewarding for all of our membership. Two incredible tales of service to our great nation,
they truly are two Nobles whose attendance at our events is
always an amazing honor and privilege.
by Shane Wolfe
What an exciting Spring it’s been for the Legion of Honor.
First off we had a tremendous turnout for the Hospital Dedication Ceremony in May in St. Louis. Eleven members came
out in uniform to support what turned out to be an
outstanding event for both our fraternity and the Legion of
Honor. Four Legion of Honor Units from Missouri and
Illinois came out to participate in the ceremony; Ainad and
Ansar Shrine Temples Legion of Honor from Illinois and
Abou Ben Adhem and Moolah Shrine Temples from
Missouri. The ceremony consisted of a mass formation of all
four Legion of Honor units present as well as a Color Guard
provided by Abou Ben Adhem Legion of Honor, all of which
was commanded by our International Association of the
Legions of Honor Commander Jim Pulley. An outstanding
event, and truly an honor for our unit to have the opportunity to participate in such a dedicated fashion. Would like to
extend my thanks to PC Frank Sanchez, PC Wayne Schmid,
PC Cecil Davis, PC James Benton, Adjutant Dave Krisher,
our Captain of the Guard Shawn Garner, and Nobles George
Valentin, Gil Negrete, and John Mier for coming out and
supporting the event. An additional note of gratitude goes
out to the Yomo Unit out of Moolah Shrine Temple who met
our Legion of Honor Nobles and their Ladies at the door to
their temple on Friday night prior to the ceremony, and
extended their full hospitality and most accommodating
welcome to us and our Ladies present.
As we get into the full swing of Summer, some notes as to
upcoming events. Our next scheduled meeting is our New
Members Meeting set for July 10th. This meeting is not a
unit business meeting, but instead an opportunity to bring
new members up to speed on our activities throughout the
year, as well as inform them of what it truly means to be a
member of the International Association of the Legion of
Honor. Uniform orders can be placed, uniform items available can be purchased, and if enough current members are
present, we will accept and vote on petitions from any
Nobles who would like to petition the Legion of Honor.
Last but certainly not least, mark your calendars for August
8th. This will once again be the day for our Annual Legion
of Honor Picnic once again being held at the KOA Campground in Springfield. Smoked ribs, brisket, and pulled
pork as well as beverages, will be provided by the unit; sides
will be available based off of those who would like to bring
a covered dish. Additionally we will have cornhole and
horseshoes on-site as well as a bounce house for the kids. A
great time for our membership and their families to kick
back, relax, and enjoy some fun and fellowship. Any questions on this event please feel free to contact myself or any of
our Legion of Honor Officers. Hope everyone has a great
Summer and remember, "HONOR is a reward for that
which is given!"
In addition to the Hospital Dedication Ceremony, our unit
also had the opportunity to provide the Color Guard and
Presentation of the Colors for the Kimberling City Wounded
Warrior Association’s annual barbecue cookoff. A great
event, and all proceeds go to support the Kimberling City
Wounded Warrior Association. Also in May we once again
had the honor to participate in the annual Memorial Day
Wreath Laying Ceremony in Waynesville and Fort Leonard
Wood sponsored by our local chapter of the Sojourners.
This was our third year in attendance at it was truly an
Onion sales this year were incredibly successful for the unit.
I would like to personally thank Rick Anderson and Wes Joy
for assisting the Legion in making this fundraising event
such a success for both the Temple and our Unit. And a few
Legion Nobles well deserving of mention and gratitude; PC
Wayne Schmid and his Lady Jennifer, our Adjutant Dave
Krisher, Noble George Valentin, and last but certainly not
least PC Bill Huffman. PC Huffman has been our leading
salesman in both onions and apples for several years now,
and this year marked his 12th dedicated year of selling
June marked another tremendously successful Ceremonial
for both our Temple and the Legion of Honor. In addition to
an amazing turnout and a great time of fellowship and fun
for our unit, we were honored to welcome in two new
Nobles to our Unit; Nobles Pierre Fuentes and Frank
Thomas. Two outstanding gentleman that I know will do
great things for our Unit in the years to come. Additionally,
by Paul Holland
Where has the time gone?? I apologize for not getting
anything in the last issue!!
The Pirates are growing as we welcome to our crew : Gary
Sundy & Bob Bradley. Welcome aboard maties!!
We have done a whole lot so far this year , but we intend to
get busier as the year progresses!!!
We helped the Joplin Shrine Club sell 3400 lb's of onions!!
We helped with the rummage sale.
We are looking forward to ceremonial(as of this writing ,it
ain't happened yet) I am sure we will plunder, pillage and
partake! in this grand event. As of this writing we are bringing in 2 new candidates to the brotherhood from the Joplin
Shrine Club.
Please forgive the shortness of this article, hopefully more
news next time.
Oh by the way, the next time you see Steve Allgood, ask him
what he did with that banjo ???
Until next time,
Peace, brothers
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& abashrine.com
Open to all Shriners & their Ladies,
Friends/Prospective Shriners & their Ladies
Come Join Us!
Abou Ben Adhem Lower Level
by Email
or Phone
by Darold Farless
by Paul Holland
Sorry I missed the last publication, no excuse, time just got
away from me.
Joplin club was very well represented at the circus at all
performances, Oriental Band, Pirates and just members
working. Thanks guys!!!
Joplin Club sold 3400 pounds of onions this year, thanks to
all that sold & bought onions!!
We also had a rummage sale, although it took us 2 Saturdays
to accomplish the task, we did OK. Thanks to all the members that donated items to sell. Everything that was left we
donated to the Disabled American Veterans.
Thanks to Ricky & Gayle Locke, Steve Dimetroff, Brain
Burke, Gary Sundy & Jacob Turner for manning the sale!
As I write this, Ceremonial is coming up & I am sure all went
well. Welcome to all new nobles!! You have joined one of the
greatest fraternities in the World !! Please if you get a chance,
come visit the Joplin Shrine club, we meet on the 4th Monday
of every month. I am sure you will have a great time.
I have debated with myself on writing about this........So what
the hey lets begin
I know most of you have read some of my articles in the past
so bear with me, One of my favorite topics... What made you
join the Shriners??
Was your Dad or grand dad or uncle a Shriner ? Did you
have a buddy that asked you? What was it? I personally
know 2 members that attend our meetings & yes they are
Pirates also & their reasons for joining. The first , everybody
knows, he has been around a long time , Jerry Burrus, did
you know he is a shrine child? I did Not until we worked the
circus together and we visited. What a great story, if you get
a chance , take the time to visit with Jerry.
The second is Bob Bradley, who is also a Shriner kid,
although a different story, he was a burn victim & the Shrine
burn hospital helped him. Again, please take the time to visit
with Bob.
and now the rest of the story...Bobs son is going through this
spring ceremonial.
I say all of this... What made you want to be a Shriner?? I
know why Jerry and Bob did. What about you ??
Welcome back to our Rajah Bill Allen. To celebrate his return
our May meeting was a Patio Party with fantastic Vidalia
Onion Rings served as an Hors'd'ouvre. Thanks to Jerry
Burrus and Wes Joy for their chef duties.
Onion sales went well this year and it was another good crop
of onions.
Spring Ceremonial provided an opportunity for our Rajah to
present $1,000 to the Shrine Building Fund. This makes three
Ceremonials in a row that Lawrence County Shrine Club has
made this donation. Thanks to all the club members for their
hard work in making this possible.
Some upcoming events for your calendar:
July 18 - Brat Sale in Mt. Vernon
July 20 - Next monthly meeting of LCSC
Sep 21 - Annual LCSC Fish Fry at Rick's place (Raffle drawing)
Sep 26 - Veteran's Appreciation Day at Missouri Veterans
Home, Mt. Vernon
If you live in Lawrence County and would like to associate
with a great group of Shriners, Lawrence County Shrine
Club meets the third Monday night at the Mt. Vernon Eagle's
Club (South door entrance without going thru club). We
would appreciate having you visit us.
Until next time,
Peace, brothers
by Jerry Linson
At their June 2015 meeting, Christian County Shrine Club
held their annual Fish Fry and celebrated their 60th annivarsary.
Now Engraving
Name Badges,
Desk Plates
and more!!
Great friends supporting crippled children.
Phone: 417-869-4811
2103 E. McDaniel
Springfield, MO 65802
Email: david@phillipsengraving.com
Pomme de Terre
Motor Corps
by Scott “Ritz” Radford
The SOCMO Clown Unit of Abou Ben Adhem Shrine Temple
was honored to be invited to participate in the grand opening
and dedication of our new hospital in St. Louis on May 17th.
There was a great turn out, (2000 + people I think) and we
were able to meet and interact with several of “our kids” and
their families. The new state of the art facility looks great and
I know many lives will be changed here. There was an impressive delegation from Abou Ben Adhem in attendance. When
you added up the Divan, the Hospital Dads, the Temple
Clowns, Past Potentates, and all of their families, it was quite
a group. It made me proud to be an Abou Ben Adhem Shriner.
by Jack Verner
Pictured here is line-up for the parade at ABA Ceremonial in
honor of our late Nobel John Donohue.
Upcoming “Poker Run” on the Lake is July 11th. Make sure
to attend the “Captain’s Party” on July 10th for door prizes,
Food and games
including the new “Minnow races”. Fun starts at 6:00 pm.
Respectfully Submitted,
by Tim Good
I am here to tell you what a fabulous time you missed if you
did not attend the Shell Knob Shrine Club International Benefit Buddy Bass Tournament! There were 86 boats involved this
year to fight for the Grand Prize . For several years we have
been without a Really Good prize. Those times are gone! No
we did not get a boat but we did get a Gator and for the fishermen that is just as good, after all most of them already have a
boat. This year we gave away a Gator, donated by John Deer,
and Larson Farm and Lawn. Next year we will have a different sponsor with Legacy Farm and lawn and the same Great
Stop in for our daily meal
and drink specials!
From premium grade burgers to
our famous "Hustler Club," we
haven't forgot your taste buds at
Billiards of Springfield.
Don’t let me leave out Lews or Kings River Marina for the
assistance in the prizes that we gave away. Gentlemen this
year we gave back to the fishermen over $55000 . In cash and
prizes and should be able to keep this going for several years
to come. There is one thing you need to do to be apart of this
great experience
Across the street from the
Shrine Mosque!
Come and enjoy the weekend on the lake with us and your
To the next event The Shell Knob Shrine Club H2O Poker Run
July 18th, There will be few changes this year to help with the
overcrowding, but the basics are the same come to the lake,
Have a great time, and try to win the prizes. Last year 1st prize
took $1200. And all it took was $20. and a day playing in the
lake, how hard is that. July 18th at Kings River Marina 9am till
11am for registration. Preregister at Table Rock Water Sports .3
mls south of Shell Knob Bridge.
Buy 1 Get 1 Free
Coupon must be presented
at placement of order. Not valid with other offers.
Don’t, Miss your Chance.
Limit 1 Coupon per person, per visit
Valid til December 31, 2015
So Long from the lake see you on the 18th of July
FOR the Sept. Oct. Issue of the ABA News
August 3rd
Get your articles in early to ensure
they make it in Shrine News.
Email: shrinenews@abashrine.com
Fax: (417) 863-7444
Mail: ABA News
601 St. Louis Street
Springfield, MO 65806
by Rob Eagleburger
We have made several attempts to contact these Nobles, but have not received any response. As of press date for
the Shrine News, their 2015 dues are not paid. Some may have moved, or may be experiencing personal or financial hardship. If you know them, please let them know we are looking for them! If you can provide a current
address or phone number, please contact the Temple Business Office so we can update our records. Thank you.
Richard Arnold Aaron
Jeffery Todd Clouse
Jose` Luis Garcia Jr
Walter Eugene Acklie
Austen Mathew Coffee
Robert Ray Garner
Jason B Adams
Chad Estes Coffelt
Jesus Garza Garza Jr
Danny F Angel
Byron Wendell Cole
Jerry Dillard Geasley
Doddie Deray Bailey
Randy H Cole
Robert H Goodson
Daryl Dudley Baker
Robert Leon Cole
Peter James Gordon
Robert Gerald Baker
Richard Alan Comer II
Lawrence Mitchell Graham
Aaron Jacob Bard
Tyrone Lee Conklin
Perry E Graham
Gregory Randall Bates
Bennie Cook
David Lee Grant
Larry Wade Bayliff
Larry Robert Cook
LTC. Gerald Holland Green
Albert G Beal
Joseph Elbert Cooper
Marmon William Grover
Thomas McGee Beason
Marvin I Corbin
William Christopher Haddock
Corey Gene Belk
Robert C Courtney
Charles Kent Hansen
Frank L Bell
John W Cowart
Clarence Lee Hardison
Larry D Bench
Grant David Cox
Bryan Harvey Heath
James Robert Bennett
James Earl Cox
Joseph Hawkins John
Sean Lucas Bennett
Michael Dale Craft
Grant Haywood Gary
Jerald Leonard Bethurem
Randy Wayne Creek
Michael Heffington
Robert S Biggerstaff
Albert Lee Crossland Jr
John Wayne Hewkin
Christopher Lawrence Bilbrey
Lucas Daniel Danner
Donald Lee Hicks
John Lee Bishop
David Dean Davidson Sr
Charles Herbert Higgins
Troy Duane Balck
Wacey Joe Deardeuff
Robert D Hillebrenner
Lance Blanchette
Bren Deen
Wallace Lee Holloway
Alan Mark Blankenship
Jerry Wallace DeFreece Jr
Stacy Lee Holzkamper
Timothy James Bloomer
Robert William Dempsey
Brian Dale Hufendiek
Edward L Bluebaum
Larry Jean Demster
Gale E Huffmaster
Charles Wade Boggs
Ricky S Denney
Ron Presston Hulette
Dustin S Borland
George Edwin Dighero
Mike Inman
George Arnold Boyd III
Billy Allan Dodson
Edgar Ramon Irizarry
Jeremy Thomas Boyd
Virgil Kenneth Dodson Sr
Larry Dale Irwin
Mark Allen Boyd
Michael Landon Doll
Glen Jackson
Jeremy Wade Boyts
Michael Donald Donahue Jr
Joe E Jenkins
Raymond D Bradshaw
Christopher Luke Dugan
Brian Keith Jenner
Earl Wayne Brandon
James Colin Edwards
Ernest William Johnmeyer
Donald W Brown
William J Eldridge
Clayton Cole Johns
Jim Edward Brown
Gary B Epstein
Ricky Joe Johns
Dr. Joseph V Bruce MD
Kent Eugene Evans
David Allen Johnson
John Owen Bryan
Richard Adam Fischer
Delbert Morris Johnson
Robert Eugene Bulmer
Loren Wesley Fittro
Montgomery D Johnson
Harold Richard Bunch
Robert Denney Flood
James J Johnston
Jerry Lee Burris
Jim Dale Fohn
John D Jones
Dayne D Callaby Jr
Johnie Russell Foreman
Matthew C Jones
Adam Odell Campbell
Robert F Foster
George Elvin Keels
Timothy Ryan Carpenter
Patton M Fraser
Michael David Keels
Douglas Mack Carter
Stanley Robert Frealy
Charles Curtis Kelly II
Scott Allen Causey
Verle Edgar Friesner
Steve L Kelsey
Timothy Aaron Chainey
James David Fugitt
Christopher Shawn Kerans
Milton Edward Chamberlin
Mark W Gabel
Jamie Curtis Keys
James P Christodoulou
Jeffrey Tindall Gamble
Todd Michael Kimbrell
Dean M Christy
Dusty R Gann
Billy G Kindle
Gene Ray Clark
Raymond Clinton Garber
Spencer Shawn King
William J Knehans
Claud Bernard Krtek
Jason Sean Lacey
Shane Lakey
Richard Scott Lane Jr
Gerald G Laney
Gary Wayne Lee
Robert Lavern Leftridge
Jeffrey Allen Lems
Timothy Wayne Lewis
Scott K Littlefield
Gary J Loveland
David Vaughn Lovett
Charles Edward Loving
Johnny Lozano
Timothy Allen Lucht
Gregory Scott Lund
Kelly Lee Luttrell
Dayton L Mackey
Larry Don Maggard
Ronald Everettt Maggard
Thomas Mark Marks
Brian Eugene Martin
Michael K Martin Jr
Charles Lee Massie
Kenneth Ray Mathis
John Clayton Maupin
Richard McCluskey
Reuben E McDowell
Terrence Patrick McKeever
Greg L McKinney
Shane Gregory McKinney
Bobby Joe McMasters
Edward Benton McNally
Steven B McNeely
Dallas Michael McNew
Howard Dean Meadows
Jeffrey Scott Meek
John Philip Meir
Charles Franklin Mendenhall
Wade Clark Messersmith
Curtis Franklin Metzler
Charles Franklin Miller
George E Miller
Tom Oran Miller
Eddie Dean Mitchell
Matthew Samuel Montgomery
Ray Homer Moody
Gregory Allen Moore Jr
Orval Ray Moore
Steven Lee Morford
Gary Wayne Morris
Charles Jackson Munsey
Todd Eugene Murphy
Dana Eric Murray
Kenneth Gregory Naderman
Derek Nelson Nelson
Robert Dleford Nelson
Bradley Eric Newlon
Frank R Newman Jr
Vernon L Nichols
Edward Lee Norman
Sean Mathis Northcutt
Robert F Oliver Sr
Steven Robert Olson
Michael Wayne O'Rouke
James Marion Orr
Terry Dean Patterson
George William Patton
Harold Lyman Peck
Roy Lee Peters
Brad J Petersen Geoffrey
Michael Petersen
Bobby Lee Peterson
Josephd Edward Price
Ronald Earl Price
Timothy Alan Probert
Billy D Pruett
James Edward Pugh
David Gerald Queen
Robert Dale Randall
Albert Doyle Ray
Robert Allen Record
Brandon Reser
Charles Leroy Rice
Jack Thad Rice
Randy L Richardson
Jeffrey Darin Rigsby
Jason Dwight Rincker
David Monroe Roberts
Douglas C Rose Jr
Nicholas E Roth
Amos Jackson Roy
John C Ruetschi
Bradley Hjay Rumfelt
Dylan Wesley Runner
Gary L Rush
Joseph Edwards Rushing
John Leland Rust
Donald Raymond Sappington
Brian Sargent
John Schaefferkoetter
Jeff Schuenemeyer
Robert Dale Seibert
Daniel J Selover
Michael John Shanks
Jeffrey Allen Sharp
Jay R Shaw
Rodney Eugene Sheets
Richie Sheldon
Ted Ray Shelton
Thomas Edwin Shoolk
Richard Lee Simpson
Kerry Bart Sims
Bob Sissel
Charles Evertt Slagley
Douglas Sloan
Jeffrey Lane Small
James Lee Smallwood
Chad Lee Smith
Lee Wallace Smith
Matthew Christopher Smith
Robert Burnett Smith III
Clinton Ralph Spencer
Jereme Ryan Springer
Michael Allen Sprowls
Sam George Squires
Edward William Stadler Jr
Bobby Joe Stafford
Stacy Monta Stark
Frank Joseph Steed
Mark Alan Stephens
James Douglas Stewart
Shannon C Stidham
Gregory C Sullens
Rodney Franklin Taylor
Thomas Lloyd Taylor
Robert M Teter
Lonnie R Tettaton Jr
Ernest Lee Thomas
James M Thompson
James Bradford Thomson
Delano O Todd
Chester James Tolliver
Travis W Tolliver
H. Eldon Trost
William D Tummons
Mike Turnbough
Donald E Tuttle
Randall Dean Upton
Richard Edwaes Van Antwerp
Steven L Varney
Anthony Verbic
David C Vowell
Bret Dwayne Walker Jr
James Robert Walker
Johney M Walker
Thomas W Walston
Charles W Ward III
Christopher Lynn Watkins
John Richard Watson
Walter M Weber
Mark David Wells
Johnson Damian Welytok
Jerry Lee West
Shawn Erik Westpheling
Travis Whaley
Joshua David Whisenhunt
Jamie C Whisman
John Charles White
Daren Lee Whitman
Emmitt Craig Wigginton
Theodore Jerrome Wilczyns
Hubert Carl Williams Jr
James Robert Williams
David E Willingham
Allen Scorr Wilson
Matthew Dean Wilson
Stuart Allen Windle
Scott Bradley Winton
Kenneth Giles Wommack
Brice Adam Woods
Roy C Woolstrum
Richard Ray Wrinklle
William Harry Young
Matthew John Yust
Glen Yutzy Michael
Paul Zapatka
Warren D Fritzinger
To arrange care during business hours contact the
Business Office at: (417) -869-9164
After Hours contact
Mike Edwards, SBI Chairman
(417) 249-0090
$ERX%HQ$GKHP7HPSOH6W/RXLV6W6SULQJILHOG02 &203/(7(7+,66(&7,21,)<28:,6+720$.(<2853$<0(17%<&5(',7&$5'
September 17, 2015
Pat Jones River Park
Take Division East of 65, cross 125 and follow signs.
'+)!)) '-!))#$
July 2015
4th - 9th ............................................................................................................................ Imperial Session
11th......................................................................................................................Keystone Kops Steakout
11th............................................................................Pomme de Terre Motor Corps Lake Poker Run
17th - 18th ........................................................................................................Carthage SC Tractor Pull
18th................................................................................................................. Shell Knob H2O Poker Run
August 2015
8th ..................................................................................................Pomme de Terre SC Lake Poker Run
15th...................................................................................................Barry County SC Golf Tournament
22nd ............................................................................................... Dallas County SC Golf Tournament
26th - 29th ........................................................................................................CSSA Golden, Colorado
September 2015
4th .............................................................................................................Pote’s Visit - White Mustangs
8th .........................................................................................................................Pote’s Visit - Neosho SC
10th.....................................................................................................Pote’s Visit - Pomme de Terre SC
12th....................................................................................................................................Pote’s Poker Run
14th.........................................................................................................Pote’s Visit -Barton County SC
16th..................................................................................................................Pote’s Visit - Temple Band
17th............................................................................................................................................... Corn Roast
19th................................................................................................ Pomme de Terre Hillbilly Poker Run
19th.................................................................................................... Shell Knob SC Shakin in the Shell
21st .................................................................................................. Pote’s Visit - Lawrence County SC
21st .............................................................................................................Lawrence County SC Fish Fry
22nd .................................................................................................................. Taney County SC Fish Fry
24th.................................................................................................................. Temple Business Meeting
24th....................................................................................................................................... Ladies Meeting
26th.........................................................................................................Carthage SC Pork & Corn Roast
26th.......................................................................Lawrence County SC Veterans Appreciation Day
26th.......................................................................................... Pomme de Terre SC Gun & Knife Show
27th..........................................................................................................................................Family Picinic
28th......................................................................................................... Pote’s Visit - Joplin SC, Pirates
2015 Potentate’s
Golf Tournament
October 26th
Millwood Country Club
Tee Time 9 a.m. - Shotgun Start
Awards @ 3 p.m.
4 Man Scramble - $100 per Man
Contact: Wes Joy 417-848-5603