Northern Land Systems (1:250k) Map Sheet SD5311, Roper River
Northern Land Systems (1:250k) Map Sheet SD5311, Roper River
Tal 8430000 Asb Ald Ibc Alh Taf Alh All Asb Lwf Asb Asb Tpw Alh Ny Tal Ksh 14°30'S Rls Alp Alp Rls Alt n g karda ny Alp Asb Alh Tal Tal Tal Als Asb All Als Kny Asb Lit1 Asb Painn All Tal Tal Lwf Blm Blm er Tca All Asm Alp Tca Tos Tca Tca Tca Tpw Umb Blm Blm ild er Lwf r sR ive To 8330000 Alh 500000 135°0'E 8460000 8450000 14°0'S 8440000 8370000 Asb Eagle Bay NT Por 7171 Tos Maria Island 510000 Als Taf SD5314 SD5315 SE5203 SE5204 SE5301 SE5302 SE5303 SE5304 SE5307 SE5308 SE5311 SE5312 SE5316 LEGEND Vegetation survey site Property boundaries Land system survey extent Mer Land system polygons mapunit label Land Systems - Landscape Class Tidal flats Parks and reserves Coastal dunes Land Systems - Dominant Veg Structure Alluvial floodplains Closed Forest Coastal floodplains Open Forest Clay plains Lateritic plains and rises Lateritic plateaux Elevated plateaux surfaces Granite plains and rises Open Shrubland Granite hills Sparse Shrubland Basalt plains and rises Hummock Grassland Basalt hills Grassland Limestone plains and rises Limestone hills Sandstone plains and rises Not Recorded Sandstone hills Rugged quartz sandstone plateaux and hills Descriptions for Soil and Vegetation site data can be viewed in the DLRM web mapping application View data layers: - Flora and Fauna\All Flora - Land Resources\SALI Soil Profile Descriptions LIMITATIONS OF USE Land resource information has been derived from field collected data describing landform, soil and vegetation. Mapped boundaries have been transferred photogrammetrically from aerial photographs to 1:250,000 base maps. Enlarging this map, or the data, beyond this scale will not provide further detail. A site inspection should always accompany mapping for specific areas. DATA SOURCE Land Systems, Soil sites, Veg sites: Dept Land Resource Management Property boundaries, Roads, Placenames: Dept Lands, Planning & the Environment Parks: Parks and Wildlife Commission Drainage lines, Index sheets: Topography 250k © Commonwealth of Australia (Geoscience Australia) 2006 km 0 Tcp Asb 5 10 15 20 km Blue numbered grid has intervals of 10 000 metres Map Grid of Australia (MGA) Zone 53, Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) Projection Geodetic Datum of Australia (GDA94) Black numbered grid has intervals of 10 minutes of a degree, GDA94 Tcp Tov Tov wn 520000 135°10'E Tos Limmen Bight Marine Park NT Por 819 Alt Lwf Alh Tpw Alh Alh 530000 135°20'E Alh Als 540000 Tpw Alh Alh NT Por 2099 MARRA ABORIGINAL LAND TRUST Lit2 Tpw Tpw NT Por 7170 Lit2 Als er Kny Land Assessment Unit Department of Land Resource Management (DLRM) Kny ra Lwf Lwf SD5313 For land resource information south of this 250k survey extent, refer to the dataset; Land Systems of the Southern Part of the Northern Territory Survey Code: South_1M; Survey Scale 1:1 million Umb Lim men Big ht Lit2 nyi v Ri Taf ga T River) Ma 8350000 Y ji Ck (little an um ns ow Als Alh Limmen National Park Tam Als Tca SD5216 SD5308 For further information, please contact; Als Als SD5215 Closed Shrubland Lwf Blm Yilikukunyiyanga Islet Lwf Tpw SD5311 Closed Grassland NT Por 2373 Alh Tpw Als Grt Tam Ck SD5212 Shrubland Port Roper Tos Ch Rlk Rlk 15°0'S 8340000 Lwf SD5211 Katherine SD5309 SD5310 Open Woodland Edward Island Alm Rle SD5307 Tennant Creek Sandy Island Lit1 Lwf SD5306 Soil profile site Lit1 Lit2 Kny Als Bda Brt Numbulwar SD5305 Woodland Lwf Asb Brt Nungkanangka Island Tos Tpw Tpw Tca Lit1 Que Tos k Wnm Blm Brt Efg SD5208 SD5304 View Metadata for land system spatial data description details. Ck Tos NT Por 4249 Asb Wnm Umb Efg Bda SD5303 NORTHERN LAND SYSTEM DESCRIPTIONS Download either the complete Technical Report (18mb) or the Summary of Land system Descriptions (1.2mb) via the Northern Territory Library. w apa r p Ro Que Tos a y a r n pi C Asb Tam 14°50'S 8360000 Lwf Als Ri Tam Rlk Lit1 Wnm Asb ve 8370000 Tos Tos Tca Brt Brt SD5302 SD5301 N Wnm Rle Dlm Tpw Lit1 Kny Kny Tal Efg All Lwf Wnm Blm Tca Asb Grt Grt Bda Blm Tam Alp Umb Umb Yi Tca Que Tal Ck Alo Bda Yrw SC5316 Open Grassland Wnm Alp Lit1 Lit1 Que Kny Asb Lwf Lit1 Bda Als ya Asw Efg Blm Bda Grt 8400000 Que t Tal Tal a yil Tca Tal Tcl Wnm Ck Cyp Tac Grt k ga Alt Alp Tam ira n Alt Kny Alp Alh Cyp Asb Wnm Asb k nC oo C Que Yrw SC5313 SD5204 SD5207 Grt Wnm Ma Kny Tac Asb Tac r Que a r rwarr a Lwf Kny Ck uw Ck ag rrang Tal Rls L ke y Tur Riv e Alh Tam Kaniy a Alp Ald Asb Asb Phe lp Wu n gguli y anga 8400000 Asb Que W Ibc Tas Tac Als Blm Tal Que Darwin 8390000 8410000 Asm All Que Blm Lit1 Mwl Grt Umb Tal Que SC5216 Ksh Que Tal Tal Tpw All Alo Lit1 ROPER RIVER SD5311 Yrw Ksh ti pin Ck All Que Lwf Tac Umb Klr in 14°20'S Tpw um o M bo Ck Tam Alh Que ru gu Ck NT Por 1653 Bda ANINDILYAKWA LAND TRUST Blm Ksh All Rsf 8390000 Mu m b Asb Ibn Taf Ald Que Efg Lit1 Ma nk ur to it y C All Efg Klr Umb Yrw Tpw Tal Lit1 Efg Als Tal Tal Tac Lwf Tpw Ald Tal Alh Tpw laC gka k Miya n Tpw Tpw Lit1 k Tca Taf Tac Ald Alh 14°40'S 8380000 Que Que Que Yrw Yrw Que Asb Tam Als Que Ald Asb Alh 8420000 Asb Tal Que Lwf Yrw Tpw Asb Dwl Tpw Lev Rle Tca Lit1 Que Que Tal Tpw Ald Angu Grt 1:250,000 Topographic Map Sheet Reference Grt QUEENSLAND Alf Que Kla Grt Grt Grt LAND SYSTEMS of the NORTHERN PART of the NORTHERN TERRITORY WESTE RN A UST RAL IA Rsf Asb Tal Que Yrw NT Por d Riv e r 1670 NT Por Em 1675 Efg Blm Umb Lit1 Mwl Mwl Yrw Que Asb nta Mu Tpw Yrw Kfh 14°10'S 14°10'S Asm Rle Ald All Efg Que NT Por 1673 Efg Kfh Grt NT Por 1674 Yrw Tal Yrw NT Por Que 1677 k Ibc River Als Rle Asb Yrw C Rle Als Tam Angurugu Mwl k Tca Tpw Yrw Asb Blm C nie k Efg Efg Que Que Que NT Por 1669 Umb Brt Grt 8430000 Als Alf 8440000 k Asb Ibc Asb kayiwanyu C se Tca Mwl Lit1 Bda NT Por 1671 Efg Bda 14°20'S Asb Wu Que Grt 14°30'S Tca Mwl Kay Que Yrw Que Lwf Ro Alf Mwl Flt Que Cyp Umb Que Flt 136°30'E 660000 650000 8420000 Que Als Asb Tal Mwl Hart R 136°20'E 8410000 Tpw Efg Que Cyp 640000 8380000 14°40'S Ald Als Ket Kay Yrw Que Mwl Kay 630000 Kay Efg Ket Que Mwl Yrw Que Flt Kay Efg ali C k A nb Yrw Asb Asb Que Yrw Kay Klg Que Que Kay Klg Efg 136°10'E 8360000 14°50'S Jlb Wlk Efg Efg 620000 8350000 Ibc Klg NT Por 1646 ARNHEM LAND ABORIGINAL LAND TRUST Als Ibc Que Klg 136°0'E 610000 600000 Alh Als 135°30'E 560000 Address: Goyder Centre, 25 Chung Wah Tce, Palmerston Email: Web: © Northern Territory of Australia The Northern Territory of Australia does not warrant that the product or any part of it is correct or complete and will not be liable for any loss, damage or injury suffered by any person as a result of its inaccuracy or incompleteness. Map created by Spatial Data and Mapping Unit, DLRM 3/12/2014 Lit2 Tos Lwf 550000 8340000 15°0'S 14°0'S Flm Klg Wlk Yrw Lev Que Ald Que 135°50'E 590000 580000 r ive 8450000 Asb Jlb Efg Efg W a shawa y Ck Asb Ald Ald Flm Que Que Que Que 135°40'E 570000 560000 Limmen 570000 135°40'E Bight Rive Beatrice Island r 580000 590000 135°50'E 600000 136°0'E 610000 620000 136°10'E 630000 640000 136°20'E 650000 660000 136°30'E 8330000 Flm Asb Klg Que 135°30'E 550000 e ra l 8460000 Jlb Tal 540000 Rowell Hwy Als 135°20'E 530000 in Flm 135°10'E 520000 510000 M 135°0'E 500000 Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike This publication is provided under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Australia Licence
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