Optimising Internet Bandwidth_Appendices


Optimising Internet Bandwidth_Appendices
Optimising Internet Bandwidth in Developing Country Higher Education
Appendix A
Practical technical implementation
1. Web caching
A Web proxy server is a server on the local network that keeps copies of recently retrieved or
often used Web pages, or parts of pages. When the next person retrieves these pages, they are
served from the local proxy server instead of from the Internet. This results in faster Web
access in most cases. Bandwidth usage can also be reduced. When a proxy server is
implemented, the administrator should also be aware that some pages are not cacheable – for
example, pages that are the output of server-side scripts. Loading of Web pages is also
affected. Where previously the page would begin to load slowly, first showing some text and
then displaying the graphics one by one, in a network with a proxy server, there could be a
delay when nothing seems to happen, and then the page will load almost at once. The time it
takes to load the whole page might take 10 seconds, whereas without a proxy server it may take
30 seconds, but unless this is explained to some impatient users, they may say the proxy server
has made things slower. It is usually the task of the network administrator to deal with user
perception like these.
1.1 Proxy server products
Squid. Open source Squid is the de facto standard at universities. It is free, reliable, easy to use
and can be enhanced with for example content filtering and advertisement blocking. Squid
produces logs that can be analysed using software such as Sawmill (commercial) or Awstats,
Webalizer (Open Source), both of which produce good graphical reports. In most cases, it is
easier to install as part of the distribution than to download it from www.squid-cache.org (most
Linux distributions such as Debian, as well as other versions of Unix such as NetBSD and
FreeBSD come with Squid). A good Squid configuration guide can be found at squiddocs.sourceforge.net/latest/book-full.html.
Microsoft Proxy server 2.0. Not available for new installations because it has been
superseded by Microsoft ISA server and is no longer supported. It is nonetheless used by some
institutions, although it should perhaps not be considered for new installations.
Microsoft ISA server. A very good proxy server program, that is arguably too expensive for
what it does. However, with academic discounts it may be affordable to some institutions. It
produces its own graphical reports, but its log files can also be analysed with popular analyser
software such as Sawmill. Administrators at a site with MS ISA Server should spend sufficient
time getting the configuration right; otherwise MS ISA Server can itself be a considerable
bandwidth user. For example a default installation can easily consume more bandwidth than
the site has used before, because popular pages with short expiry dates such as news sites, are
continually being refreshed. Therefore it is important to get the pre-fetching settings right, and
to configure pre-fetching to take place mainly overnight. ISA Server can also be tied to content
filtering products such as WebSense.
Links: www.microsoft.com/isaserver/ and www.isaserver.org/
Other products include:
• Sun ONE Web Proxy Server (formerly iPlanet Web Proxy Server) is a Sun Solaris
product. See www.sun.com
• Novell BorderManager. See www.novell.com/products/bordermanager/
• High end products aimed at ISP's: NetCache (www.netapp.com), and CacheFlow
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1.2 Preventing users from bypassing the proxy server
Techniques for bypassing the proxy server can be found at <http://www.antiproxy.com>. This
is useful for administrators to see how their network measures up against these techniques.
Trust. In the layout below, the administrator has to trust that his users will not bypass the
proxy server.
In this case the administrator typically uses one of the following techniques:
Not giving out the default gateway address through DCHP. However, some network-savvy
users who want to bypass the proxy might find or guess the default gateway address.
Using domain or group policies is very useful for configuring the correct proxy server
settings for Internet Explorer on all computers in the domain, but is not very useful for
preventing the proxy to be bypassed, because it depends on a user logging on to the NT
domain. A user with a Windows 95/98/ME computer can cancel his log-on and then
bypass the proxy, and someone who knows a local user password on his Windows
NT/2000/XP computer, can log on locally and do the same.
Begging and fighting with users.
The only way to ensure that proxies cannot be bypassed is by using the correct network layout,
by using one of the three techniques described below.
A more reliable way to ensure that PCs don’t bypass the proxy can be implemented using the
firewall. The firewall can be configured to allow only the proxy server through, i.e. to make
HTTP requests to the Internet. All other PCs are blocked, as shown in the diagram below.
Relying on a firewall as in the above diagram may or may not be sufficient, depending on how
the firewall is configured. If it only blocks access from the campus LAN to port 80 on Web
servers, there will be ways for clever users to find ways around it. Additionally, they will be
using other protocols such as Kazaa.
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Two network cards
Perhaps the most reliable method is to install two network cards in the proxy server and
connect the campus network to the Internet as shown below. In this way, the network layout
makes it physically impossible to reach the Internet without going through the proxy server.
The proxy server in this diagram should not have IP forwarding enabled, unless the
administrators knows exactly what they want to let through.
Policy-based routing
One way to prevent bypassing of the proxy using Cisco equipment is with policy routing. The
Cisco router transparently directs Web requests to the proxy server. This technique is described
in the Makerere University case study. The advantage of this method is that, if the proxy server
is down, the policy routes can be temporarily removed, allowing clients to connect directly to
the Internet.
1.3 Mirroring a Web site
With permission of the owner or web master of a site, the whole site can be mirrored to a local
server overnight (if it is not too large).
This is something that might be considered for important Web sites that are of particular
interest to the organization or that are very popular with Web users. This may have some use,
but it has some potential pitfalls. For example, if the site that is mirrored contains CGI scripts
that require interactive input from the user, this would cause problems. An example is a Web
site that require people to register online for a conference. If someone registers online on a
mirrored server (and the mirrored script works), the organizers of the site will not have the
information that the person registered.
Because mirroring a site may infringe copyright, this technique should only be used with
permission of the site concerned.
If the site runs rsync, the site could be mirrored using rsync (this is the best way). See section
14 for more details on rsync.
If the remote Web server is not running rsync, the recommended software to use is a program
called wget. It is part of most versions of Unix/Linux. A Windows version can be found at
<space.tin.it/computer/hherold>. There is also a Windows installer-based version at
A script can be set up to run every night on a local Web server and do the following:
Change directory to the Web server document root: for example, /var/www on Unix, and
C:\Inetpub\wwwroot on Windows.
Mirror the Web site using the command: wget --cache=off –m http://www.python.org
The mirrored Web site will be in a directory www.python.org. The Web server should now be
configured to serve the contents of that directory as a name-based virtual host. Set up the local
DNS server to fake an entry for this site. For this to work, client PCs should be configured to
use the local DNS server(s) as the primary DNS. (This is advisable in any case, because a local
caching DNS server speeds up Web response times.)
1.4 Pre-populate the cache using wget
Instead of setting up a mirrored Web site as described in the previous section, a better approach
is to populate the proxy cache using an automated process. This method has been described by
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J. J. Eksteen and J. P. L. Cloete of the CSIR in Pretoria, South Africa, in a paper entitled
“Enhancing International World Wide Web Access in Mozambique Through the Use of
Mirroring and Caching Proxies”. In this paper
(available at <http://www.isoc.org/inet97/ans97/cloet.htm>) they describe how the process
“An automatic process retrieves the site's home page and a specified number of
extra pages (by recursively following HTML links on the retrieved pages)
through the use of a proxy. Instead of writing the retrieved pages onto the local
disk, the mirror process discards the retrieved pages. This is done in order to
conserve system resources as well as to avoid possible copyright conflicts. By
using the proxy as intermediary, the retrieved pages are guaranteed to be in the
cache of the proxy as if a client accessed that page. When a client accesses the
retrieved page, it is served from the cache and not over the congested
international link. This process can be run in off-peak times in order to maximize
bandwidth utilization and not to compete with other access activities.”
The following command (scheduled to run at night once every day or week) is all that is
needed (repeated for every site that needs pre-populating).
wget --proxy-on --cache=off --delete after –m http://www.python.org
-m: Mirrors the entire site. wget starts at www.python.org and follows all hyperlinks, so it
downloads all subpages.
--proxy-on: Ensures that wget makes use of the proxy server. This might not be needed in
set-ups where transparent proxying is employed.
--cache=off: Ensures that fresh content is retrieved from the Internet, and not from the
local proxy server.
--delete after: Deletes the mirrored copy (the mirrored content remains in the proxy cache
if there is sufficient disk space, and the proxy server caching parameters are set up
In addition, wget has many other options, – for example, to supply a password for Web sites
that require them.
When using this tool, Squid should be configured with sufficient disk space to contain all the
pre-populated sites and more (for normal Squid usage for pages other than the pre-populated
ones). Fortunately, disk space is becoming ever cheaper and disk sizes far larger than before.
However, this can only be done with a few selected sites. These sites should not be too big for
the process to finish before the working day starts, for example, and an eye should be kept on
disk space.
1.5 Cache hierarchies
When an organization has more than one proxy server, the proxies can share cached
information among them. For example, if a Web page exists in server A's cache, but not in the
cache of server B, a user connected via server B might get the cached object from server A via
server B. ICP (Inter-Cache Protocol) and Cache Array Routing Protocol (CARP) can share
cache information.
CARP is considered the better protocol. Squid supports both protocols, and MS ISA Server
supports CARP. See <http://squid-docs.sourceforge.net/latest/html/c2075.html> for more
information. This sharing of cached information reduces bandwidth usage in organizations
where there are more than one proxy.
1.6 Transparent proxying
A cache server can be configured to cache Web requests transparently. This means that
whether the browser has been configured to use the proxy server or not, Web requests will be
passed to the proxy, and the proxy will deliver the content to the user. For this to work, user
PCs should be prevented from bypassing the proxy server by physical layout, or else Web
requests should be redirected to the proxy using Cisco policy routing, as described in the
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Makerere case study. The documents below describe how to implement transparent proxying
with Squid:
1.7 Proxy specifications
On a university campus network, there should be more than one proxy server, both for
performance and also for redundancy reasons.
With today’s cheaper and larger disks, powerful proxy servers can be built, with 50 GB or
more disk space allocated to the cache, for example. Disk performance is important, therefore
the fastest SCSI disks would perform best. RAID or mirroring is not recommended.
It is also recommended that a separate disk be dedicated to the cache. For example, one disk
could be for the cache, and a second for the operating system and cache logging. Squid is
designed to use as much RAM as it can get, because when data is retrieved from RAM it is
much faster than when it comes from the hard disk. For a campus network, RAM memory
should be 1GB or more:
Apart from the memory required for the operating system and other applications, Squid
requires 10 MB of RAM for every 1 GB of disk cache. Therefore, if there is 50 GB of disk
space allocated to caching, Squid will require 500 MB extra memory.
The machine would also require 128 MB for Linux and 128 MB for X-windows.
Another 256 MB should be added for other applications and in order that everything can
run easily. Nothing increases a machine’s performance as much as installing a large
amount of memory, because this reduces the need to use the hard disk. Memory is
thousands of times faster than a hard disk. Modern operating systems keep frequently
accessed data in memory if there is enough RAM available. But they use the page file as
an extra memory area when they don’t have enough RAM.
1.8 Authentication
In order to establish the identity of Web users, it is necessary to allow them to log on before
using the Internet. If this is done, and abuse takes place, it would be possible to determine
which user is responsible.
In a network where there is a Windows security context, such as a domain, MS ISA Server, MS
Proxy Server and Squid can get a user log-on from the domain. MS ISA Server and MS Proxy
Server would have this configuration by setting authentication to take place in the proxy server
configuration program. Squid can be configured to use either Unix authentication or Windows
domain authentication by using the pam_auth module for Squid, and the authenticate_program
directive in squid.conf.
2. DNS caching
Caching-only DNS servers don't host zones (they are not authoritative for any domains) but
rather just cache results from queries asked them by clients. Just like a proxy server that caches
popular Web pages for a certain time, DNS addresses are cached until their time to live (TTL)
expires. This will reduce the amount of DNS traffic on a Wide Area Network (WAN), as the
DNS cache may be able to satisfy many of the queries locally.
Of course, client computers must be configured to use the caching-only name server as their
DNS server. When all clients use this server as their primary DNS server, it will quickly
populate a cache of IP addresses to names, so that previously requested names can quickly be
DNS servers that are authoritative for a domain also act as cache name-address mappings of
hosts resolved by them.
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Bind (Named) in Unix. When installed and running, this will act as a caching server (no
configuration is necessary). Bind can be installed from a package such as a Debian package or
an RPM. Installing from a package is usually the easiest method.
In Debian, type:
apt-get install bind9
Windows NT
To install the DNS service on Windows NT4: select Control Panel > Network > Services >
Add > Microsoft DNS server. Insert the Windows NT4 CD when prompted.
Configuring a caching-only server in NT is described in Knowledge Base article 167234. From
this article:
“Simply install DNS and run the Domain Name System Manager. Click on
DNS in the menu, select New Server, and type in the IP address of your
computer where you have installed DNS.
You now have a caching-only DNS server.”
Windows 2000
Install DNS service: Start > Settings > Control Panel > Add/Remove Software > Add/Remove
Windows Components > Components > Networking Services > Details > Domain Name
System (DNS)
Start the DNS MMC (Start > Programs > Administrative Tools > DNS)
From the Action menu select “Connect To Computer...”
In the Select Target Computer window enable “The following computer:” and enter the name
of a DNS server you want to cache.
If there is a . [dot] in the DNS manager (this appears by default), this means that the DNS
server thinks it is the root DNS server of the Internet. It is certainly not. Delete the . [dot] for
anything to work.
3. Content filtering
Content filtering enables an organization to save bandwidth by blocking access to certain
categories of sites, such as MP3 and video download sites, online gambling, shopping,
pornography and advertisements. Web access logs of almost any organization show that people
spend amazing amounts of time and bandwidth on these kinds of sites, as well as on sites that
are innocent but really waste an incredible of time, such as <http://www.newfunpages.com>.
There are many products for content filtering, most are listed in the Google Directory
(<http://directory.google.com>) under the following headings:
Computers > Software > Internet > Servers > Proxy > Filtering
Computers > Software > Internet > Servers > Proxy > Filtering > Censorware
Some of these products are intended for home use, and not suitable for universities or other
large institutions.
3.1 Open-source products
DansGuardian. This is claimed to be the fastest open-source content-filtering product for
Squid. The product itself is free for educational institutions (it is open source but not free for
commercial companies). It is also free to download the blacklist once. But because new
undesirable sites appear on the Internet daily, it is necessary to keep the blacklist up to date. To
keep the list up to date, a paid-for daily or weekly update is necessary. This service is still very
cheap (at the time of writing $120 per year for a weekly download, which is far cheaper than
commercial products). See <http://www.dansguardian.org> for more information.
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SquidGuard. Another fast content-filtering add-on for Squid. It is open source and even the
blacklist is free. See <http://www.squidguard.org>.
3.2 Commercial products
Websense <http://www.websense.com>: Websense is a content-filtering solution that
integrates with many products, such as MS ISA Server and Cisco Pix Firewall. A list of
network products that can be integrated with Websense can be found at
<http://www.websense.com/products/about/datasheets/index.cfm>. Websense comes with
good reporting tools; for example, in the screenshot below, a manager can see which Web sites
the user Jane Doe visited.
N2H2 See <http://www.n2h2.com>. N2H2 is claimed to have the largest database of
undesirable Web sites, and N2H2 products can be used in many different systems.
3.3 Integrated products
Netpilot. Equiinet’s NetPilot is a server that is sold as an all-in-one proxy server, content filter,
mail server, mail virus scanner and firewall. The content filtering makes use of N2H2’s list.
NetPilot is very easy to use, and all options are configured using a Web front-end. See
<http://www.netpilot.com> for more information. Since NetPilot comes as a pre-installed
server, organizations wishing to use it must ensure that its hardware specifications are
sufficient for the number of users it has to serve. NetPilot is based on Linux, Squid and Postfix.
Its advertisement blocking is based on Adzapper (see below).
The screenshot below shows NetPilot’s category selection area.
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SmoothWall. SmoothWall is a Linux-based firewall product that can be installed on any PC
server. It is also configurable through a Web front-end, and can be used as a proxy server with
content filtering. See <http://www.smoothwall.co.uk> and <http://www.smoothwall.org>.
3.4 Advertisement blocking
Addzapper. “This is a redirector for Squid that intercepts advertising (banners, popup
windows, flash animations, etc), page counters and some Web bugs (as found). This has both
aesthetic and bandwidth benefits.” It is open source, and can be downloaded from
Adservers. Another way to redirect Squid is to use the Squid adservers list available at
<http://pgl.yoyo.org/adservers>. This file can be saved as /etc/squid.adservers on the proxy
server. Then add these lines to squid.conf:
acl ads src "/etc/squid.adservers"
http_access deny ads
Hosts file. The list at <http://pgl.yoyo.org/adservers> is also available in hosts file format. This
list can be added to a PCs hosts file (in c:\winnt\system32\drivers\etc\hosts on Windows
NT/2000). It points the hostname of the ad server to, which is the local PC. It works
because Windows first consults the hosts file, then the DNS to resolve a name. Since the hosts
file resolves the name to the localhost, the browser is unable to retrieve the advertisement, and
no bandwidth is used. The drawback of this approach is that the hosts file should be updated on
all PCs.
Blocking pop-ups advertising in browsers. Many modern browsers (such as Mozilla and
Safari) can block pop-up advertising unless the user specifically allow them for a trusted site.
This functionality can be added to Internet Explorer by using the Google toolbar
Blocking Windows messenger pop-ups. There is another type of pop-up advertising that
sends Windows messenger pop-ups across the Internet to Windows based computers. These
can be stopped by disabling the Windows Messenger service.
Other techniques
There are many other ways to block advertising. A comprehensive list of techniques is at
4. Monitoring
There are a vast number of network monitoring, capturing and analysis tools available. One
comprehensive list is maintained at <http://www.slac.stanford.edu/xorg/nmtf/nmtf-tools.html>.
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Before using any of them, it is a good idea to pause and decide when and how to apply them.
These can be used to account for bandwidth usage, to troubleshoot networks or to identify high
bandwidth users. Log files are also analysed to show how the Internet connection is being used.
4.1 Accounting for bandwidth usage
A network administrator should be able to add up the bandwidth used by his proxy, mail and
Web servers, using the logs produced by these (with software or server-based analysis). He
should then also measure the bandwidth to the Internet by getting data from the router or
firewall. For example, in the diagram below, the mail-server and proxy-server logs should be
analysed and aggregated using log-file analysis software (see below). The router or firewall
traffic should also be analysed (using software that aggregates SNMP counters on the router;
see below for packages), and the administrator should expect this to be roughly equal to what is
logged in the mail-server and proxy-server logs of the two servers. If it is more, he should be
able to explain the difference – perhaps that one of the two servers is acting as a router
(forwarding packets) and users in the campus network are using Kazaa.
4.2 Router/firewall-based traffic analysis
This type of analysis measures what is going through the routers or firewalls. It is the actual
bandwidth usage that is measured here.
MRTG. The Multi-Router Traffic Grapher (MRTG) a very useful tool that combines data
collection with graphical trending to monitor the traffic load on network links. It can graph the
bandwidth in and out of any SNMP-enabled network device; these include servers, routers,
firewalls and switches. It comes with virtually all versions of Unix, and is available for
Windows. MRTG's log files do not grow owing to a data consolidation algorithm. See
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Some more screenshots of other
If the firewall is Linux iptables based, MRTG can be configured as follows (from
The file /etc/mrtg.cfg should contain the following:
WorkDir: /var/www/mrtg
Target[in_packets]: `/usr/local/mrtg/mrtg.sh`
MaxBytes[in_packets]: 1500
Title[in_packets]: Inbound packets
PageTop[in_packets]: <h1>Inbound Packet Stats</h1>
The collection script, /usr/local/mrtg/mrtg.sh, looks like this:
$IPTABLES -nvxL | grep INPUT | awk '{ print $5 }'
$UPTIME | awk '{ print $3, $4, $5 }'
MRTG Related links:
RTG is a high-performance SNMP-statistics monitoring system written in C (C is far better
than Perl in terms of performance; MRTG is written in Perl with performance-crucial sections
in C). RTG inserts data into a MySQL database where complex queries and reports may be
generated. The screenshot below is a weekly bit-rate graph produced by RTG. It is available
from <http://rtg.sourceforge.net>, and runs on any version of Unix.
Ntop. If the firewall is Unix-based, Ntop (see below) can give very good graphical statistics of
network usage.
Netflow is a feature of Cisco routers that collects network
information about Netflow. Various tools are available to analyse Netflow data.
data. See
FlowAnalyzer. A Netflow tool by Cisco that runs as a Java application. See
Cflowd. A network flow analysis tool used for analysing Cisco's NetFlow-enabled switching
method. Organizations using Cisco equipment can use it to find out how they use bandwidth.
See <http://www.caida.org/tools/measurement/cflowd> for information on Cflowd.
Flowscan. A network analysis and reporting tool that processes IP flows recorded in Cflowd
format and reports on what it finds. See <http://net.doit.wisc.edu/~plonka/FlowScan>.
Flavio. A data grapher for Cisco's Netflow; see <http://flavio.sourceforge.net>.
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Learnstat: An open-source tool developed at Moratuwa’s Computer Science and Engineering
department that analyses traffic flow data collected by NeTraMet and uses RRDTOOL for
plotting graphs. See <http://www.ac.lk/LEARNStat>.
Other. Some firewalls and bandwidth-manager products have their own statistical interface,
but most will also support SNMP. More information about SNMP is available at
<http://www.simpleweb.org>, <http://www.snmplink.org> and at
RMON (remote monitoring) is a network-management protocol that allows network
information to be gathered at a single workstation. For RMON to work, network devices, such
as hubs and switches, must be designed to support it. See
<http://www.cisco.com/univercd/cc/td/doc/cisintwk/ito_doc/rmon.htm> for more information.
(See also Section 5, because some of these quality-of-service or traffic-shaping tools have their
own monitoring interfaces.)
Tool comparisons
A good discussion of many of the monitoring tools mentioned above can be found at
4.3 Mail, Web and proxy log file analysis
Looking at usage from the software or server side is done to compare bandwidth usage with
what is going through the router/firewall. The router/firewall usage figures will typically be
more accurate in terms of bandwidth usage. Server-based logs are then tallied, and they should
more or less add up to the amount of bandwidth that went through the router/firewall, or the
difference should be explained.
These logs can also be used to determine which Web sites are important, whether some users
abuse the system, to what extent e-mail is being used (or if people are using Web-based email), whether the mail server is being abused to send out mass e-mails, whether the proxy
server is conserving bandwidth (or accelerating Web access), etc.
Webalizer. An excellent open-source log file analysis program for Unix or Windows. See
<http://www.mrunix.net/webalizer>. It adds up all the bandwidth, and also shows the top sites,
etc. Much faster than Perl-based analysis programs. Supports Web-server logs, wu-ftpd
xferlog, FTP and Squid log formats.
Webalizer usage examples:
webalizer -f Squid
This creates an HTML report with graphics in /var/lib/webalizer. This can be set up to run
every day using cron. In Windows the Squid log must be placed in a directory accessible to
Windows (the G:drive in this case).
webalizer -F squid -o g:\webalizer g:\access.log
This creates the HTML report in the folder g:\webalizer.
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Sawmill. An excellent commercial log file analysis program for Windows or Unix that can
analyse a vast range of log files, yet is reasonably priced (currently US$69 for an academic
licence). Sawmill has a Web interface with a login screen. Administrators can connect from
anywhere and view the analysis if they know the password.
The log files include proxy logs (Squid, ISA, MS Proxy 2), Web (Apache, IIS), mail
(Exchange, Postfix, etc.), and firewall logs (Cisco, Linux, etc.). This is also a very responsive
company, and they improve the program (adding features, for example) on request. See
<http://www.sawmill.net> for more information. The screenshot below is of a Squid log.
Sawmill requires a lot of processing power and disk space.
Awstats. An open-source Perl log file analysis program for Unix or Windows. The advantage
of Awstats is that it supports many different log file types: "Apache NCSA combined log files
(XLF/ELF) or common (CLF), IIS log files (W3C), WebStar native log files and other Web,
proxy, wap or streaming servers log files (but also ftp or mail log files)".
The Windows version requires Perl (for example, Active Perl –
see <http://www.activestate.com>.
Calamaris. A Perl script that analyses Squid proxy logs. It summarizes the log, and also
produces a Cache Hit Rate figure. The Cache Hit Rate is a measure of how much Web content
was retrieved from the proxy server rather than from the Web. The higher the better, but the hit
rate is determined by many factors such as the diversity of Web pages visited (if everyone
visits the same pages, all these pages will be cached, and the hit rate will be very high).
Normally, the hit rate is between 30 and 60 per cent. To create a summary file from the Squid
log, type: cat /var/log/squid/access.log|calamaris > ~/squid.txt
Calamaris is available from <http://cord.de/tools/squid/calamaris>. It can only run on Windows
if Perl is installed (see <http://www.activestate.com>).
Calamaris should be used for calculating the Cache Hit Rate, even if another program is used
for further analysis.
Analog. A very good open-source log file analysis program for Unix or Windows. Available
from <http://www.analog.cx>. A sample analysis report can be viewed at
<http://www.statslab.cam.ac.uk/webstats/stats.html>. Analog can be extended using
Reportmagic; see <http://www.reportmagic.org>.
4.4 Finding out what is happening on the LAN
If something is causing congestion, it is worth running a network analyser, or even a packet
capture tool, to see which PC is causing it. A packet capture tool also enables an administrator
to examine the content of the packets, and with luck and patience learn what it is.
Network analysers
IPTraf: A very good tool for finding out in real time what traffic is connecting to which port,
etc. Can work in promiscuous mode, and can also log traffic. IPTraf can be used to determine
which host on the network is generating traffic at times when there is a general slowness in the
network. It comes with all distributions and versions of Unix. Connections can also be sorted
by bytes or by packets.
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Network Probe. An excellent commercial network tool for Windows or Unix that enables an
administrator to determine easily what is going on. See screenshot below:
It is available from <http://www.objectplanet.com/probe>.
Ntop: A very good statistical network analysis program or network probe that comes with most
versions of Linux/Unix. It can also be downloaded from <http://www.ntop.org>, and can be
installed on Windows. It has a Web interface, and produces graphical results, as can be seen
Other free tools that come with the operating system:
Nbtstat (for Windows SMB traffic)
Netstat (Unix and Windows)
tcpdump (Unix)
tcpdump -i eth1 This shows all the packets going through interface eth1.
tcpdump > ~/ntop.log Logs all packets to a file. This file can become very big very quickly.
How to determine whether the LAN is congested
On an overloaded network there are many collisions. On Ethernet, every time there is a
collision, the sending machine has to retransmit. Collisions are indicated by a hub/switch with
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a solidly lit collision LED, which is the first sign that the network may be congested. Another
tool that can be used is netstat (available in Unix and Windows). Netstat can be executed on
any machine, but it makes more sense to run it on the (busiest) server.
Netstat can be used as follows (in Unix and Windows):
netstat -s
The result will contain something like this (which are statistics kept by the operating system
since boot time):
333914 segments sent out
73 segments retransmitted
0 bad segments received.
(73/333914)*100 is about 0.022%, which is not much. If the percentage of retransmitted
packets is more than 5%, the packet loss is high, and something is causing a problem. There
can be one of two causes:
There is congestion (or bad hardware such as a faulty network card on the LAN).
The packet was dropped at a router owing to congestion on the Internet link.
This information should be interpreted with care, because of the fact that the statistics are from
the previous boot time (which may be months ago), and most of the retransmissions may have
occurred on a given day owing to circumstances specific to that day. To determine how
congested the network is on any given day, one would take a reading in the morning, and
another one in the afternoon, and see what percentage of that day’s traffic was retransmitted.
Packet capture tools
Analyzer: A network capture program for Windows that enables an administrator to see what
is on the network; see <http://analyzer.polito.it>. Since a capture program captures a vast
amount of data, it can be hard to interpret.
Ethereal: A Unix-based capture program that comes with most distributions; see
5. Bandwidth management
Bandwidth management, prioritization, quality of service (QoS) and traffic shaping are terms
that refer to controlling traffic on a network. These terms are related but not exactly equivalent,
and this section aims only to be an introduction. Through the use of a bandwidth management
product, an administrator can ‘shape’ traffic in the following ways.
Make the best use of more than one Internet link, and route traffic through either or both,
transparent to the user.
Prioritize some types of traffic. This is done because some TCP/IP-based applications are
much more sensitive to latency (delays) than others. For example, most people would
agree that it does not matter if an e-mail is delayed by 1 or two minutes, but that two
minutes is a long time to wait for a Web site to load. Voice-over IP, Microsoft's RDP and
Citrix are also very sensitive to delays caused by congestion. A conversation over VoIP
would break up if the link gets too congested, even if the congestion lasts only a few
Provide equal distribution of bandwidth across the various subnets.
Allocate extra bandwidth for critical applications or user groups.
Throttle, or limit, bandwidth for certain applications, for example Kazaa, or certain
sections of the campus where abuse is known to be taking place.
Report on how much bandwidth is used by which users, and which protocols they are
The QoS or traffic-shaping products mentioned here can enable administrators to provide
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higher priority to latency-sensitive applications such as voice or Web traffic, and lower priority
to mail and FTP traffic, for example. In addition, these products may enable the network team
to do accurate bandwidth accounting, and enable them to charge more to departments that use
more bandwidth, if charging is considered the right approach for a university. Since some of
these products have their own reporting and monitoring tools, they may be able to do many of
the functions listed under the monitoring section of this document.
Since certain P2P programs such as Kazaa can change ports if they are blocked, some
organizations prefer to use bandwidth-management products to “throttle” them. This means
that they are allowed only a small amount of the available bandwidth.
Iproute2 and CBQ
Some of the commercial products below use the routing and traffic control features of the
Linux kernel. The programs and techniques used to achieve bandwidth management through
Linux are described in the HowTo document at <http://lartc.org/lartc.html>. Apart from the
HowTo, there are many resources and a mailing list at this site. With some work, and a cheap
PC, a bandwidth manager can be built in-house at low cost. Iproute2 provides Class Based
Queuing (CBQ) and Stochastic Fairness Queuing (SFQ).
MikroTik's RouterOS software is based on Linux and Iproute2 that can do bandwidth
management. It can be installed on almost any PC. The required specifications are very low:
At least 32MB of RAM (48MB suggested).
At least 32MB Flash Drive/HDD.
Ethernet NE2000 compatible interface.
486DX or better processor.
The processors used in expensive routers such as Cisco, are typically less powerful than the
Intel 486, and processors are seldom the bottleneck (usually there is not enough bandwidth).
This explains why such an old machine can be used. The RouterOS software costs less than
US$100. MikroTik also make rack-mountable routers for between US$500 and US$1000. The
screenshot and text below is from the MikroTik Web site <http://www.mikrotik.com>.
“Queuing is a mechanism that controls bandwidth allocation, delay variability,
timely delivery, and delivery reliability. MikroTik™ Router supports the
following queuing mechanisms: PFIFO, BFIFO, RED, Split and SFQ.”
See <http://www.allot.com>. This product is used by the University of Dar es Salaam. Many of
the Allot NetEnforcer family of LAN appliances are built on open-source products already
discussed (except the graphical interfaces). The following claims from the Allot Web site show
that it sees the NetEnforcer as powerful enough to serve at ISP level, which is far more
powerful than an organization such as a university typically requires:
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NetEnforcer family of bandwidth management LAN appliances offers best-ofclass traffic shaping technology for QoS/SLA enforcement and real-time traffic
monitoring on Enterprise and Service Providers networks. Individual models are
optimized to support bandwidths from 128 Kbps to 155 Mbps and 1,000 to
10,000 users. NetEnforcer's traffic shaping is complemented and enhanced by
additional software modules including NetAccountant (IP accounting),
CacheEnforcer® (traffic redirection) and NetBalancer® (server load balancing).
Enterprise customers use Allot products to ensure the performance of businesscritical applications such as Citrix, SAP and VoIP, while throttling less critical
traffic from P2P and other applications. With Allot, the enterprise network
manager can control, monitor and reduce bandwidth consumption on the
corporate Internet/WAN link to improve users’ productivity and satisfaction as
well as contain networking costs.
Service providers (xSPs) use Allot solutions to manage, monitor and invoice
their customers according to their service level agreements. With Allot, service
providers are able to maximize ROI by managing over-subscription, throttling
P2P traffic on upstream and downstream links and delivering tiered services and
classes of service.
The diagram below shows Allot's graphical reporting. See the University of Dar es Salaam case
study for more screenshots.
Emerging Technologies
The ET/BWMGR – Bandwidth Manager (see <http://www.etinc.com>) is used by Makerere
University. Emerging Technologies claim that the ET/BWMGR, which runs on Linux or
FreeBSD, performs better at bandwidth management than its competitors. They make a
compelling case – see <http://www.etinc.com/index.php?page=bwcompare.htm>. However,
this is not an independent test, but marketing literature. However, according to this document,
this performance advantage only makes a difference at more than 10 MB/s because they say
that “if you ... have bandwidth requirements of 10 Mbps or less, you can ‘roll your own’ and
get all of the power of the ET/BWMGR for the price of a good word processing package”.
Since most universities in developing countries don't have nearly as much as 10 MB/s,
Emerging Technologies seem to recommend using SFQ or CBQ on a regular PC for
connections up to 10 Mbps.
The ET/BWMGR appears to be stronger on performance, but less good at reporting and
accounting and with a less user-friendly interface than Allot's NetEnforcer.
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Packet Shaper
This is the bandwidth manager with the most memorable name, see
<http://www.packeteer.com>. Packet Shaper is the most well known and by far the most
expensive. Packeteer has released a number of lower-priced products that are based on Packet
Shaper, perhaps because of stiff competition from Emerging Technologies, Allot and opensource products. A seemingly convincing comparison between Packet Shaper and
ET/BWMGR shows Packet Shaper in a very bad light in terms of performance.
See <http://lists.insecure.org/lists/security-basics/2003/Jan/0278.html>.
Emerging Technologies also compare the ET/BWMGR with Packet Shaper at
Below is a screenshot of a Packer Shaper graph at the College of Medicine.
Satelcom MegaPAC
Not a bandwidth manager product as such, the MegaPAC satellite router is mentioned here
because it can provide some prioritization. These routers can control how much CIR and BE
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different networks get. They also have the capacity to prioritize and deprioritize protocols, and
to allocate bandwidth by DLCI. Each DLCI can serve a different network, so the equipment
can be used to determine how much bandwidth various departments get. Additionally, the
VSAT protocol contains features such as TCP acknowledgement spoofing to improve
throughput over satellite links (see <http://www.satelcom.com>).
Cisco equipment can do a variety of bandwidth-management-related tasks – for example
priority, custom and weighted fair queuing. See <http://www.cisco.com> for more details.
Other bandwidth-management products:
Sun Microsystems: <http://wwws.sun.com/software/bandwidth>
Lightspeed Systems: <http://www.lightspeedsystems.com>
NetScreen Technologies: <http://www.netscreen.com>
Sitara: <http://www.sitaranetworks.com>
Lucent Access Point QVPN (formerly Xedia): http://www.lucent.com/products
6. Security
Poor security can lead to the following bandwidth-related problems.
Traffic caused by viruses replicating themselves.
Traffic generated by people elsewhere on the Internet taking control of a university server
and using it as an FTP server for illegal downloads, etc. A poorly secured mail server
might be abused for relaying spam to thousands of e-mail addresses.
Apart from the above, hackers might deface a university Web site, gain access to student or
financial records, or damage or shut down an essential machine such as a bandwidth manager
or a proxy server. Below is are recommendations to ensure the security of a campus network.
6.1 Start with the Top 20
The SANS/FBI Top Twenty List is at <http://www.sans.org/top20>. This list, which consists
of the top 20 Windows and Unix exploits, covers most of the threats in these systems and how
to protect against them. That is because most threats exploit these vulnerabilities.
6.2 Staying informed
A good system administrator should stay informed about the latest security threats and
vulnerabilities. The following Web sites are good starting points:
Cert (<http://www.cert.org>) is a centre for Internet security expertise. The Web site
contains a large amount of security-related information. The CERT Advisory Mailing List
informs administrators of security threats and how they can be fixed. To subscribe, send an
e-mail to <majordomo@cert.org> with "subscribe cert-advisory" (without quotes) in the
message body.
The Sans Institute (<http://www.sans.org>) is security-related co-operative research and
education organization. It has several newsletters that inform administrators about security
threats (see <http://www.sans.org/newsletters>). There is also a lot of security-related
information on this site, such as the Top Twenty List, which is essential reading. There is
also the SANS NewsBites, a weekly high-level executive summary of the most important
news articles that have been published on computer security during the previous week.
More mailing lists, some of them operating-system specific, can be found at
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6.3 Passwords
The first thing to be said about password security is that it should be easy for users. If they
have to change their password every few days, or remember different passwords for different
systems, it is not going to work. If the e-mail password is not the same as the password to log
on to the workstation, users will switch to commercial Web-based e-mail as soon as they have
a problem. And if an awkward password system is employed, users will share passwords just to
get something done. In this way, what is intended to be a highly secure system can become
very insecure and counter-productive.
This does not mean that a lax approach to password security is being recommended.
Administrative and root passwords should be subject to all the recommended measures – for
example, not being susceptible to a dictionary attack, and only known to a few key people.
User log-ons should not give the user access to anything that needs to be protected by strong
security. Therefore, security does not begin with hassling users with password schemes. It
begins with deciding what needs to be secure, putting it on secure servers that users cannot
modify, even though they might be able to view it (for example, a Web site), and deciding what
should a user not be able to view even though he has logged on (for example, other students’
examination results).
6.4 Hardening servers
Most vulnerabilities involve exploiting services or applications, such as a Web server.
Hardening involves disabling any unnecessary services to make a server run only those
services that are actually used. For example, if a machine is used as a file server, it does not
need to be running a Web server. Therefore, the Web server should be stopped, and prevented
from starting at boot time.
It also involve setting secure passwords, and disabling the Guest account on Windows.
Furthermore, all security-related patches and updates released since the operating system itself
was released must be installed/applied.
There are many good hardening guides around. A good way to start is to look for hardening
guides on the Sans and Cert Web sites and also at <http://www.securityfocus.com>. The
screenshot below shows how a service can be disabled on a Windows 2000 server.
6.5 Firewalls
These days it is recognized that a network should be "hard on the inside", meaning that
everything of importance on the network should be secured rather than relying on a firewall. It
is not necessary to get an extremely expensive firewall. But it has become standard practice to
install an organizational network behind a firewall, and to assign RFC 1918 addresses to the
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internal network. The RFC1918 addresses are (10/8 prefix) (172.16/12 prefix) (192.168/16 prefix)
There are many firewalls that can translate addresses between such a private network and the
Firewall with open source
A regular PC running Linux, and with two network cards, can act as a firewall/NAT box; see
<http://www.netfilter.org> and <http://www.linuxguruz.com/iptables>.
This must be the easiest firewall to configure and run. Although it is aimed at the non-technical
user, it has standard firewall functions such as NAT and port-forwarding. It can also act as a
DNS and DHCP server; its content-filtering and mail-scanning capabilities have already been
mentioned. NetPilot is a transparent proxy. If it is used as a proxy server or mail server, it is
important to get the specifications right, or to use more than one. Since Netpilot is used on an
Intel-based PC, it has more than enough processing power for the firewall functions, but as
mail scanning and proxying is disk and memory intensive, the machine might not perform
satisfactorily. See <http://www.netpilot.com> for more information.
See <http://www.smoothwall.co.uk> and <http://www.smoothwall.org>. A very good, stable
Linux firewall that can be installed on any PC-based hardware.
Cisco Pix
The standard against which all other firewalls are measured; see <http://www.cisco.com>.
6.6 Security scans and other tools
Very good vulnerability-scanning tools are available for free. These tools scan for known
vulnerabilities. It is a good idea to run these not only from the inside the network but also from
Nessus. A program that runs on Unix, but scans entire networks for both Windows and Unix
exploits; see <http://www.nessus.org>. Nessus is famous for staying up to date with the latest
exploits; there are daily updates. “The Nessus Project aims to provide to the Internet
community a free, powerful, up-to-date and easy to use remote security scanner”. The
screenshot below shows the type of HTML report produced by Nessus. When the administrator
clicks on the issue regarding a port, it provides details of the threat and how to fix it.
Xscan (Windows). See <http://www.xfocus.org>. A Windows program that scans entire
networks for both Windows and Unix exploits.
Nmap. A Unix and Windows port scanner, very useful for scanning a whole network with a
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single command to find which ports are open. In this way unnecessary services that are running
can be identified.
SoftPerfect Network Scanner. This free scanner from <http://www.softperfect.com> easily
identifies all the shares in a network. There is a screenshot elsewhere in this document (Section
Process to TCP/IP port-mappers
Fport. When a machine has been hacked, the hackers might run their own application on that
computer – for example, running a Windows program called ServUDaemon to distribute illegal
<http://www.foundstone.com>, can be used to determine which program is listening on which
Administrators can schedule the following batch file to run on every important server to e-mail
them the result of Fport. In this way, they will know if a new program started running on the
fport /p >> c:\report.txt
xmail server@mimcom.net gventer@africonnect.com c:\report.txt
For this to work, the administrator should install the xmail command line e-mail program,
which is available from <http://www.xfocus.org>.
The screenshot below shows how Inetinfo.exe (Internet Information Services) is listening on
port 21 (FTP), port 80 (HTTP) and port 443 (HTTPS). If a process other than Inetinfo.exe was
listening on one of these ports, it could be an indication that the server has been compromised.
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This is the Unix program that may have inspired Fport. It can do the same as Fport and more.
For example, to list which applications has which ports open, type: lsof -i:1-1024
To get this list via e-mail: lsof -i:1-1024| mail -s "processes on server" gventer
This can be scheduled to run daily using Cron.
7. Mail and dealing with spam
7.1 Keeping local e-mail local
Users sometimes use e-mail to send a file to the person sitting next to them. If the sender or
recipient uses Web-based e-mail, international bandwidth is used to deliver that e-mail,
slowing down all other users. It essential to keep all local e-mail local by providing a reliable email system.
7.2 Mail sizes
E-mail is not a protocol designed for distributing large files. Even in countries where there is a
lot of bandwidth, it is seldom considered acceptable to send e-mails larger than 1 MB or 2 MB.
It is therefore necessary to put a limit on the size of e-mail messages that people can send out,
but also to allow users to use other protocols to transmit larger files. Generally speaking, files
less up to 10 MB in size should be transmitted via FTP, and larger files transmitted overnight.
7.3 Prevention of spam
The first point of defence is to prevent spammers from obtaining e-mail addresses. This
requires user education, as well as prevention measures such as not exposing e-mail addresses
to the Web, where this can be avoided. An article entitled “How do spammers harvest e-mail
addresses?” describes how spammers get addresses; this article can be found at
<http://www.private.org.il/harvest.html>. The first principle is never to reply to spam, or to
supply university e-mail addresses to the public Internet, where this can be avoided.
A very good article on avoiding spam is at
If someone’s address must be on a university Web page, his or her e-mail address can be
concealed, using the Javascript method described at sites such as these:
7.4 Spam scanners
If a spam e-mail has reached a university’s mail server, it has already used bandwidth.
Therefore, installing a spam scanner is not going to save any bandwidth. However, to save
users’ time, and to prevent untrained users from replying, a spam scanner can be installed.
A good place to scan for spam is at the SMTP server that receives the organization’s mail. The
best known spam filter is Spamassassin, which is also used in a variety of other products; see
Another program is MailStripper (<http://www.eridani.co.uk/MailStripper), an anti-spam mail
scanner with anti-virus capability.
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8. Web-based e-mail services
8.1 Why not to use Web-based e-mail services such as
(This list was distributed to users on the MIMCOM network)
They are very wasteful of bandwidth – filling several screens full with colourful graphics
instead of just pure text.
They are used in real time and mail doesn’t just come in in the background when
bandwidth is available.
They tend to attract huge quantities of junk mail (which then makes the bandwidth
problem worse). After a year or two, unwanted junk mail easily outnumbers real e-mails.
The mail doesn’t get counted as mail within the MIMCom system, and so we can’t divert it
on to the special bandwidth that we have set up for mail, nor do we scan it for viruses, nor
can we do any statistical analysis or take any control of it. And neither can any of the
SysOps. It therefore adversely affects those trying to access journals, etc.
It is not backed up anywhere – unlike your normal mail which should be backed up to tape,
etc., from your server.
The size of the mailboxes is very limited (2MB on Hotmail, and 3MB on Yahoo) and you
have to throw away mail quickly. Once your Hotmail box reaches its limit of 2MB then
legitimate mails that are sent to you will simply get thrown away.
Likewise, if you don’t use your Hotmail account for a pre-defined length of time it will be
automatically closed and mail will be returned to the sender. This means that using it for
back-up purposes is difficult as you have to use it regularly to keep it in service.
It does not form part of the collective memory of your institution.
It is hard to control acceptable usage under any policy that your site might apply, and is
therefore open to abuse (for hate mail, etc.).
Your institutional e-mail address gives your site a proper name and therefore gives you an
institutional identity. You can also work out people's addresses and even publish them.
This does not apply to Hotmail, etc. An e-mail from a Hotmail address could be from
anyone, and looks far less professional.
If you have a network policy of using Outlook (or Groupwise) then you can integrate your
mail into other local applications. This does not work with Web-based mailers.
8.2 Web-based e-mail server packages
Squirrelmail. Web-based e-mail server software for Unix or Windows.
See <http://www.squirrelmail.org>.
Outlook Web Access. Web-based front-end for Microsoft Exchange. Ships as part of
Microsoft Exchange server.
SqWebMail. SqWebMail is a Web CGI client for sending and receiving e-mail using Maildir
mailboxes (on Unix systems). Used by Makerere University.
See <http://www.inter7.com/sqwebmail.html>.
SilkyMail. Used by the University of Bristol. See <http://www.cyrusoft.com/silkymail>.
SuSE OpenExchange Server. This is a competitor for Microsoft Exchange and, in addition to
Web-based e-mail, it offers Microsoft Outlook compatibility and functions such as scheduling
and shared calendar.
See <http://www.suse.de/en/business/products/suse_business/openexchange/index.html>.
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More packages are listed in the Google directory (<http://directory.google.com>) under
Computers > Software > Internet > Clients > Mail > Web-Based
And Computers > Software > Internet > Servers > Mail
8.3 Allowing Web-based e-mail only outside working
hours, using Squid
The section below shows how Makerere University uses a Squid acl (access control list) in the
squid.conf file to disallow Web-based e-mail during working hours. The file
/usr/local/squid/etc/webmail contains a list of Web-based e-mail sites.
acl LOUSY_SITES url_regex "/usr/local/squid/etc/webmail"
acl COME_BACK_LATER time M T W H F 09:00-17:00
http_access deny LOUSY_SITES COME_BACK_LATER all
Notice that the access lists are placed next to each other to ensure an AND kind of logic. See
the Makerere University case study for more details.
9. Anti-virus
9.1 Anti-virus packages for client workstations
When deciding on an anti-virus package, it is important to select a product that can distribute
anti-virus updates to clients’ computers from a central distribution server. (Unfortunately,
central distribution seems to be problematic with Windows 95/98 and ME, and works best in a
domain environment.) Central distribution is important because:
Each workstation PC does not download its updates directly from the Internet; instead, an
update is downloaded once, then distributed, which saves bandwidth.
Administrators do not have to visit every PC to install the update but can do it across the
The update console can indicate which PCs are on which update level; therefore, the
administrator can be certain that all PCs are protected.
The products below all have a central distribution function:
Grisoft AV: <http://www.grisoft.com>. An excellent program, and competitively priced.
Sophos AV. <http://www.sophos.co.uk>
Norton AV. <http://www.symantec.com>
McAfee AV. <http://www.mcafee.com>
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Reliable AV. <http://www.ravantivirus.com>. Offer discounts for academic institutions.
Other. Many more products are listed in the Google directory (<http://directory.google.com>)
under Computers > Security > Anti Virus > Products
9.2 User education
The one thing every user should know is that they should not launch unknown executable files,
or open files of unknown origin, especially if these arrive via e-mail. The University of Bristol
have comprehensive online user education at the following URLs:
Anti-virus main page: <http://www.bris.ac.uk/is/services/computers/virus>
Anti-virus strategy: <http://www.bristol.ac.uk/is/selfhelp/documentation/av-r1/av-r1.htm>
Anti-virus tutorial: <http://www.bristol.ac.uk/is/services/computers/virus/tutorial>
9.3 Mail server scanners
Some organizations have Microsoft Exchange servers that are hidden from the Internet behind
a Unix/Linux SMTP server. Others use only Unix/Linux mail servers. In either case, it is a
good idea to use a mail relay server, as shown in the diagram below. If this server is
compromised, the users’ e-mail messages are still safe on the mail server in the internal
network. The anti-virus mail scanner is often installed on the mail relay server.
Amavis (<http://www.amavis.org>) is an open-source mail scanner for Unix/Linux. It is free,
but uses AV engines such as Sophos which have to be paid for. Amavis comes with most
Linux distributions.
Mailscanner (<http://www.sng.ecs.soton.ac.uk/mailscanner>) scans e-mail for viruses and
spam. It uses the McAfee anti-virus engine (<http://www.mcafee.com>) and Spamassassin
Reliable AV (<http://www.ravantivirus.com>) has mail scanner software for most mail server
products running on most operating systems. Also includes an anti-spam module.
Antigen (<http://www.antigen.com>) makes an anti-virus scanner for Microsoft Exchange that
can use a number of anti-virus engines (such as Sophos) to scan.
10. Charging mechanisms
The University of Zululand uses a Squid redirector to enable them to make charges based on
usage. There is a small disadvantage to this method, and that is that not all traffic is Web or
FTP traffic. However, since the bulk of all traffic is HTTP, HTTPS or FTP, charging only on
these protocols represents a fair method of charging. This solution is presented in detail in the
University of Zululand case study.
A much less satisfactory solution would be to use Internet Cafe Manager Pro
(<http://www.cafemanager.com>). This product measures only the time the user spent on the
computer. As bandwidth and not time on the computer is the expensive resource, this is not
really a satisfactory product for charging.
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Alternative charging mechanisms could also be investigated, such as one of the bandwidth
managers described in Section 5, or a bandwidth billing application that ISPs use. The problem
with this approach (apart from expensive software) is that it is not as easy to measure and
charge for bandwidth at an institution as it is at an ISP. This is because students cannot be
charged for local use, whereas all traffic through an ISP is to the Internet and can therefore be
charged. Therefore any solution will have to determine which part of a student’s usage was
traffic to the Internet and exclude local traffic. A list of ISP bandwidth accounting and billing
packages can be found at <http://directory.ensim.com/solution.asp?mid=1&sid=4>.
11. TCP/IP factors over a satellite connection
The “long fat pipe network” factors affect TCP/IP performance on networks that have
relatively large bandwidth, but a high latency as can be found on satellite networks. Most
Internet connections in Africa and other parts of the developing world are via VSAT.
Therefore, even if a university gets its connection via an ISP, this section might apply if the
ISP's connection is via VSAT. The high latency in satellite networks is due to the long distance
to the satellite, which adds about 520 ms to the round-trip time (RTT) (compared to a typical
RTT between Europe and the USA of about 140 ms).
The factors to be looked at are long RTT, large bandwidth delay product, and transmission
Generally speaking, operating systems that support modern TCP/IP implementations should be
used in a satellite network. These implementations support the RFC 1323 extensions:
The “window scale” option for supporting large TCP window sizes (larger than 64KB).
Selective Acknowledgement (SACK) to enable faster recovery from transmission errors.
Timestamps for calculating appropriate RTT and retransmission timeout values for the link
in use.
11.1 Long round-trip time (RTT)
Satellite links have an average RTT of around 520ms. TCP uses the slow-start mechanism at
the start of a connection to find the appropriate TCP/IP parameters for that connection. Time
spent in the slow-start stage is proportional to the RTT, and for a satellite link it means that
TCP stays in slow-start mode for a longer time than would otherwise be the case. This
drastically decreases the throughput of short-duration TCP connections. This is can be seen in
the way that a small Web site might take surprisingly long to load, but when a large file is
transferred acceptable data rates are achieved after a while.
Furthermore, when packets are lost, TCP enters the congestion-control phase, and owing to the
higher RTT, remains in this phase for a longer time, thus reducing the throughput of both
short- and long-duration TCP connections.
11.2 Large bandwidth-delay product
The amount of data in transit on a link at any point of time is the product of bandwidth and the
RTT. Because of the high latency of the satellite link, the bandwidth-delay product is large.
TCP/IP allows the remote host to send a certain amount of data ‘in advance’ without
acknowledgement. An acknowledgement is usually required for all incoming data on a TCP/IP
connection. However, the remote host is always allowed to send a certain amount of data
without acknowledgement, which is important to achieve a good transfer rate on large
bandwidth-delay product connections. This amount of data is called the TCP window size. The
window size is usually 64KB in modern TCP/IP implementations.
On satellite networks, the value of the bandwidth-delay product is important. To utilize the link
fully, the window size of the connection should be equal to the bandwidth-delay product. If the
largest window size allowed is 64KB, the maximum theoretical throughput achievable via
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satellite is (window size) ÷ RTT, or 64KB ÷ 520 ms. This gives a maximum data rate of
123KB/s, which is 984 Kbps, regardless of the fact that the capacity of the link may be much
Each TCP segment header contains a field called ‘advertised window’, which specifies how
many additional bytes of data the receiver is prepared to accept. The advertised window is the
receiver's current available buffer size. The sender is not allowed to send more bytes than the
advertised window. To maximize performance, the sender should set its send buffer size and
the receiver should set its receive buffer size to no less than the bandwidth-delay product. This
buffer size has a maximum value of 64KB in most modern TCP/IP implementations.
To overcome the problem of TCP/IP stacks from operating systems that don't increase the
window size beyond 64KB, a technique known as ‘TCP acknowledgement spoofing’ can be
used (see Performance Enhancing Proxy, below).
11.3 Transmission errors
In older TCP/IP implementations, any packet loss is always considered to have been caused by
congestion (as opposed to link errors). When this happens, TCP performs congestion
avoidance, requiring three duplicate ACKs or slow start in the case of a timeout. Because of the
long RTT value, once this congestion-control phase is started, TCP/IP on satellite links will
take a longer time to return to the previous throughput level. Therefore errors on a satellite link
have a more serious effect on the performance of TCP than over low latency links. To
overcome this limitation, mechanisms such as Selective Acknowledgement (SACK) have been
developed, which specifies exactly those packets that have been received, allowing the sender
to retransmit only those segments that are missing because of link errors. The Microsoft
Windows 2000 TCP/IP Implementation Details White Paper states that "Windows 2000
introduces support for an important performance feature known as Selective Acknowledgement
(SACK). SACK is especially important for connections using large TCP window sizes."
11.4 Implications for universities
If a site has a 512 Kbps connection to the Internet, the default TCP/IP settings are sufficient,
because a 64 KB window size can fill up to 984 Kbps. But if the university has more than 984
Kbps, it might in some cases not get the full bandwidth of the available link due to the “long fat
pipe network” factors discussed above. What these factors really imply is that they prevent a
single machine from filling the entire bandwidth. This is not a bad thing during the day,
because many people are using the bandwidth. But if, for example, there are large scheduled
downloads at night, the administrator might want those downloads to make use of the full
bandwidth, and the “long fat pipe network” factors might be an obstacle. Administrators might
consider taking steps to ensure that the full bandwidth can be achieved by tuning the TCP/IP
settings described below.
If a university has implemented a network where all traffic has to go through the proxy
(enforced by network layout), then the only machines that make connections to the Internet
will be the proxy and mail servers (they make connections on behalf of client computers, as
shown below).
Therefore, the only computers that should be affected by the “long fat pipe network” factors
are the mail and proxy servers. If, however, the proxy server also routes some protocols (other
than Web and FTP) to the Internet, workstations on the network using these protocols will be
subject to “long fat pipe network” factors. It is possible that upgrading the mail and proxy
servers can achieve an improvement in speed by following the steps described at
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11.5 Performance-enhancing proxy (PEP)
This is described in RFC 3135 (see <http://www.zvon.org/tmRFC/RFC3135/Output>), and
would be a proxy server with a large disk cache that has RFC 1323 extensions, among other
features. Below is an example of how a PEP might work. The laptop at the campus in the
diagram (which is downloading files from the Web server) has a TCP session with the PEP at
the ISP. That PEP, and the one at the satellite provider, communicate using a different TCP
session or even their own proprietary protocol. The PEP at the satellite provider gets the files
from the Web server. In this way, the TCP session is “split”, and thus the link characteristics
that affect protocol performance (long fat pipe factors) are overcome (by TCP
acknowledgement spoofing, for example). Additionally, the PEP makes use of proxying and
pre-fetching to accelerate Web access further.
Such a system can be built from scratch using Squid, for example, or purchased ‘off the shelf’.
Products to consider are tq®-TELLINET (see <http://www.tellique.de>) and Satelcom
MegaPAC (see <http://www.satelcom.com>).
12. Major problem areas
12.1 Hosting a Web site locally
If a university hosts its Web site locally, visitors to the Web site from outside the campus and
the rest of the world will compete for bandwidth with the university’s staff; this includes
automated access from search engines. A solution is to use split DNS and mirroring. The
university mirrors a copy of its Web sites to a server at, say, a European hosting company, and
uses split DNS to direct all users from outside the university network to the mirror site, while
users on the university network access the same site locally.
12.2 Open proxies
A proxy server should be configured to accept only connections from the university network,
not from the rest of the Internet. This is because people elsewhere can connect and use open
proxies for a variety of reasons, such as to avoid paying for international bandwidth. The way
to configure this is to specify the IP address range of the campus network in the squid.conf file
as the only network that can use Squid.
12.3 Open relay hosts
An incorrectly configured mail server will be found by unscrupulous people on the Internet,
and be used as a relay host to send bulk e-mail and spam. They do this to prevent getting
caught. To test for an open relay host, the following test should be carried out on the mail
server (or on the SMTP server that acts as a relay host on the perimeter of the campus
Use telnet to open a connection to port 25 of the server in question (with some Windows
versions of telnet, it may be necessary to type 'set local_echo' before the text is visible):
telnet mail.uzz.ac.zz 25
Then, if an interactive command-line conversation can take place (for example, as follows), the
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server is an open relay host:
MAIL FROM: spammer@waste.com
250 OK – mail from <spammer@waste.com>
RCPT TO: innocent@university.ac.zz
250 OK – rcpt to spammer@waste.com
Instead, the reply after the first MAIL FROM should be something like:
550 Relaying is prohibited.
An online tester is available at sites such as <http://www.ordb.org>. There is also information
about the problem at this site.
Since bulk e-mailers have automated methods to find such open relay hosts, an institution that
does not protect its mail systems is almost guaranteed to be found and abused. Configuring the
mail server not to be an open relay consists of specifying the networks and hosts that are
allowed to relay mail through them (this should be the IP address range of the campus
12.4 Peer-to-peer networking
Bandwidth wastage through peer-to-peer (P2P) file-sharing programs such as Kazaa,
Morpheus, WinMX and BearShare can be prevented in the following ways:
Making it impossible to install new programs. By not giving regular users administrative
access to PC workstations, it is possible to prevent the installation of programs such as
Kazaa. Many institutions also standardize on a ‘desktop build’, where they install the
required operating system on one PC. They then install all the necessary applications on it,
and configure these in an optimal way. The PC is also configured in a way that prevents
users from installing new applications. A disk image of this PC is then cloned to all other
PCs using software such as Partition Image (see <http://www.partimage.org>) or Drive
Image Pro (see <http://www.powerquest.com>).
From time to time, users may succeed in installing new software or otherwise damaging
the software on the computer (causing it to ‘hang’ often, for example). When this happens,
an administrator can simply put the disk image back, causing the operating system and all
software on the computer to be exactly as specified.
Blocking these protocols is not a solution. This is because Kazaa is clever enough to
bypass blocked ports. It defaults to port 1214 for the initial connection, but if that is not
available it will attempt to use ports 1000 to 4000. If these are blocked, its uses port 80,
making it look like Web traffic. For this reason, ISPs don't block it but ‘throttle it’, using a
bandwidth-manager product (see Section 5).
If rate-limiting is not an option, change the network layout. If the proxy server and mail
servers are configured with two network cards (as described in Section 1.2) and these
servers are not configured to forward any packets, this would block all P2P traffic. It
would also block all other types of traffic (such as Microsoft Netmeeting), and only Web,
FTP and mail services will work. However, in low bandwidth networks it may be decided
that the advantages outweigh the disadvantages, especially since serious information is
available through these services while other protocols are used mostly for informal or
recreational activities.
12.5 Programs that install themselves (from the Internet)
There are programs that automatically install, if a user is not alert, and then keep on using
bandwidth – for example, the so-called Bonzi-Buddy, the Microsoft Network, and some kinds
of worms. Some programs are spyware, which keep sending information about a user’s
browsing habits to a company somewhere on the Internet. These programs are preventable to
some extent by user education and locking down PCs to prevent administrative access for
normal users. In other cases, there are software solutions such as Spychecker
(<http://www.spychecker.com>) and xp-antispy (<http://www.xp-antispy.de>).
12.6 Windows updates
The latest Microsoft Windows operating systems assume that a computer with a LAN
connection has a good link to the Internet, and automatically downloads security patches, bug
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fixes and feature enhancements from the Microsoft Web site. This can consume massive
amounts of bandwidth on an expensive Internet link. The two possible approaches to this
problem are:
Disable Windows updates on all workstation PCs. The security updates are very important for
servers, but whether workstations in a protected private network such as a campus network
need them is debatable.
Install a Software Update Server. This is a free program from Microsoft that enables you to
download all the updates from Microsoft overnight on to a local server and distribute the
updates to client workstations from there. In this way, Windows updates need not use any
bandwidth on the Internet link during the day. Unfortunately, all client PCs need to be
configured to use the Software Update Server for this to have an effect. This is only a good
option for large networks.
Blocking the Windows updates site on the proxy server is not a good solution because the
Windows update service (Automatic Updates) keeps retrying more aggressively, and if all
workstations do that, it places a heavy load on the proxy server. The extract below is from the
proxy log (Squid access log) where this was done by blocking Microsoft's cabinet (.cab) files.
Much of the Squid log looks like this:
2003.4.2 13:24:17 http://windowsupdate.microsoft.com/ident.cab *DENIED* Banned extension .cab GET 0
2003.4.2 13:24:18 http://windowsupdate.microsoft.com/ident.cab *DENIED* Banned extension .cab GET 0
2003.4.2 13:24:18 http://windowsupdate.microsoft.com/ident.cab *DENIED* Banned extension .cab HEAD 0
2003.4.2 13:24:19 http://windowsupdate.microsoft.com/ident.cab *DENIED* Banned extension .cab GET 0
2003.4.2 13:24:19 http://windowsupdate.microsoft.com/ident.cab *DENIED* Banned extension .cab GET 0
2003.4.2 13:24:20 http://windowsupdate.microsoft.com/ident.cab *DENIED* Banned extension .cab GET 0
2003.4.2 13:24:21 http://windowsupdate.microsoft.com/ident.cab *DENIED* Banned extension .cab GET 0
2003.4.2 13:24:21 http://windowsupdate.microsoft.com/ident.cab *DENIED* Banned extension .cab GET 0
2003.4.2 13:24:21 http://windowsupdate.microsoft.com/ident.cab *DENIED* Banned extension .cab HEAD 0
12.7 Programs that assume they are on a high
bandwidth link
In addition to Windows updates, many other programs and services assume that bandwidth is
not a problem, and therefore consume bandwidth for reasons the user might not predict – for
example, an anti-virus package that updates itself automatically and directly from the Internet.
It is better that these updates are distributed from a local server. The latest versions of Window
also have a time service. This keeps the Windows clock accurate by connecting to time servers
on the Internet. It is better to install a local time server and distribute accurate time from there.
12.8 Windows traffic on the Internet link
Windows computers communicate with each other via NetBIOS and Server Message Block
(SMB). These protocols work on top of TCP/IP or other transport protocols. It is a protocol
that works by holding ‘elections’ to determine which computer will be the ‘master browser’.
The master browser is a computer that keeps a list of all the computers, shares and printers that
you can see in ‘Network Neighbourhood’ or ‘My Network Places’. Information about available
shares are also broadcast at regular intervals.
The SMB protocol is designed for LANs and causes problems when the Windows computer is
connected to the Internet, because, unless it is blocked, this traffic also tend to spread to the
Internet link, wasting the organization's bandwidth. The following steps might be taken to
prevent this:
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Block outgoing SMB/NetBIOS traffic on the perimeter router or firewall. In fact, it may
save a lot of bandwidth if all access to the Internet is blocked except for the proxy and mail
servers. (Only the IP addresses of these servers are allowed to access the Internet directly).
Install ZoneAlarm on all workstations (not the server). It can be found at
program allows the user to determine which applications can make connections to the
Internet and which ones cannot. For example, Internet Explorer needs to connect to the
Internet, but Windows Explorer does not. ZoneAlarm can block Windows Explorer from
doing so.
Reduce network shares. Ideally, only the file server should have any shares. You can use
SoftPerfect Network Scanner (from <http://www.softperfect.com>) to identify all the
Optimising Internet Bandwidth in Developing Country Higher Education
shares in your network easily (see screenshot below).
12.9 Worms and viruses
Worms and viruses can generate enormous amounts of traffic. The W32/Opaserv worm, for
example, is still prevalent, even though it is an old one. It spreads through Windows shares and
is detected by other people on the Internet because it attempts to spread further. It is therefore
essential that anti-virus protection is installed on all PCs. Furthermore, user education about
executing attachments and responding to unsolicited e-mail is essential. The steps given in
Section 13.7 about reducing the number of shares is recommended for the prevention of worms
and viruses. In fact, it should be a policy that no workstation or server should run unused
services. A PC should not have shares unless it is a file server; and a server should not run
unnecessary services either. For example, Windows and Unix servers typically run a Web
server service by default. This should be disabled if that server has a different function; the
fewer services a computer runs, the less there is to exploit.
12.10 E-mail forwarding loops
Occasionally, a single user making a mistake can cause a problem. For example, a user whose
university account is configured to forward all mail to her Yahoo account. The user goes on
holiday. All e-mails sent to her in her absence are still forwarded to her Yahoo account, which
can grow to only 2 MB. When the Yahoo account becomes full, it starts bouncing the e-mails
back to the university account, which immediately forwards it back to the Yahoo account. An
e-mail loop is formed that might send hundreds of thousands of e-mails back and forth,
generating massive traffic and crashing mail servers.
There are features of mail server programs that can recognize loops. These should be turned on
by default, but administrators must also take care that they do not turn this feature off by
mistake, or install an SMTP forwarder that modifies mail headers in such a way that the mail
server does not recognize the mail loop.
12.11 Large downloads
There is no way an effective network can function if the administrator cannot monitor the
bandwidth usage of individual users. Therefore it is essential that monitoring software
(described in Section 4) is in place. It is also possible to charge according to bandwidth usage,
as described in the University of Zululand case study, because sometimes large bandwidth
usage can be legitimate (e.g. ISO images of software CDs).
A user may start several simultaneous downloads, or download large files such as 650MB ISO
images. In this way, a single user can use up most of the bandwidth. The solutions to this kind
of problem lie in training, offline downloading, and monitoring (including real-time
monitoring). Offline downloading can be implemented in at least two ways:
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At the University of Moratuwa, a system was implemented using URL redirection:
Users accessing FTP: URLs are served by their program, which presents them with a
directory listing in which each file has two links, one for normal downloading, and
the other for offline downloading. If the offline link is selected, the specified file is
queued for later download and the user notified by e-mail when the download is
complete. The system keeps a cache of recently downloaded files, and retrieves such
files immediately when requested again. The download queue is sorted by file size.
Therefore, small files are downloaded first. As some bandwidth is allocated to this
system even during peak hours, users requesting small files may receive them within
minutes, sometimes even faster than an online download.
Another approach would be to create a Web interface where users enter the URL of the file
they want to download. This is then downloaded overnight using a cron job or scheduled
task. This system would only work for users who are not impatient, and are familiar with
what file sizes would be problematic for download during the working day.
12.12 Sending large files
Remote uploads
When users need to transfer large files to collaborators elsewhere on the Internet, they should
be shown how to schedule the upload them. In Windows, an upload to a remote FTP server can
be done using an FTP script file, which is a text file containing FTP commands, similar to the
following (which is saved as c:\ ftpscript.txt):
open ftp.ed.ac.uk
delete data.zip
put data.zip
This can executed as:
ftp -s:c:\ftpscript.txt
On Windows NT, 2000 and XP computers, the command
ftp -s:c:\ftpscript.txt
can be saved into a file such as transfer.cmd, and scheduled to run at night using the Scheduled
Tasks (Start > Settings > Control Panel > Scheduled Tasks). In Unix the same can be achieved,
using “at” or “cron”.
Users sending each other files
Users often need to send each other large files. It is a waste of bandwidth to send these via the
Internet if the recipient is local. A file share should be created on the local Windows or Samba
or Novell server, where a user can put the large file for others to access.
Alternatively, a Web front-end can be written for a local Web server to accept a large file and
place it in a download area. After uploading it to the Web server, the user receives a URL for
the file. He can then give that URL to his local or international collaborators, and when they
access that URL they can download it. This is what the University of Bristol has done with
their FLUFF system:
The University offers a facility for the upload of large files (FLUFF) available
from <http://www.bristol.ac.uk/fluff>. These files can then be accessed by
anyone who has been given their location.
The advantage of this approach is that users can give external users access to their files,
whereas the file share method above can work only for users on the campus. A system like this
can easily be implemented as a CGI script using Python and Apache.
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13. Split DNS and a mirrored server
The aim of split DNS or ‘split horizon’ is to present a different view of your domain to the
inside and outside worlds. There is more than one way to do split DNS, but the recommended
way for security reasons is to have two separate ‘internal’ and ‘external’ content DNS servers,
each with different databases.
Split DNS can enable clients from a campus network to resolve IP addresses for the campus
domain to local RFC1918 IP addresses, while the rest of the Internet resolves the same names
to different IP addresses. This is achieved by having two zones on two different DNS servers
for the same domain.
One of the zones is used by internal network clients and the other by users on the Internet. For
example, in the network below the user on the Makerere campus gets
<http://www.makerere.ac.ug> resolved to, whereas the user elsewhere on the
Internet gets it resolved to
The DNS server on the campus in the above diagram has a zone file for <makerere.ac.ug> and
is configured as if it is authoritative for that domain. In addition, it serves as the DNS caching
server for the Makerere campus, and all computers on the campus are configured to use it as
their DNS server. The DNS records for the campus DNS server would look like this:
But there is another DNS server on the Internet that is actually authoritative for the
<makerere.ac.ug> domain.
The DNS records for this external zone would look like this:
Split DNS is not dependent on using RFC 1918 addresses. An African ISP might, for example,
host Web sites on behalf of a university but also mirror those same Web sites in Europe.
Whenever clients of that ISP access the Web site, it gets the IP address at the African ISP,
because that way the traffic stays in the same country, while if visitors from other countries
access that Web site, they get the IP address of the mirrored Web server in Europe. In this way,
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international visitors do not congest the ISP's satellite connection when visiting the university’s
Web site.
This is becoming an attractive solution, because Web hosting close to the Internet backbone
has become very cheap because of the numerous hosting companies.
An attractive mirroring program is rsync. It is very bandwidth-efficient because it copies only
the differences in files that have actually changed, compressed and through secure shell for
security (new files are also transferred, of course).
For example, if the administrator changes a file on the Web server at the campus and scheduled
mirroring takes place overnight, rsync does not transfer the new version of the file; only the
parts of the file that are needed to make the two copies identical are transferred.
rsync comes with most versions of Unix. Its Web site is at
There is also an rsync ‘how to’ at <http://everythinglinux.org/rsync>.
14. Bandwidth testing
A good test of bandwidth is to download a file of reasonable size (between 1 MB and 2 MB,
for example), and time how long it takes. If a 1 MB file can be downloaded in 60 seconds, the
data rate is 1024 KB/60 seconds, or 17.1 KB/sec. Since there are 8 bits in a byte, it follows that
the links from which 17.1 KB/sec was achieved is equivalent to 136.8 Kbps – a little better
than ISDN. Windows ‘Scheduled Tasks’ or Unix ‘cron’ or ‘at’ can be used to schedule a
download test in the middle of the night, using FTP or wget.
Here is an example of an upload test to see if the full uplink bandwidth can be achieved (the
uplink is the link to the Internet, which is typically smaller than the downlink). A 3561 KB file
was uploaded from a MIMCOM site to a server on the Internet to test if the 32 Kbps uplink
could be fully utilized. This was done during the night to limit interference from other
bandwidth usage.
Run number
Time taken
Data Rate
Bit rate
Utilization of available capacity
For comparison, a download on a 64 Kbps leased line typically achieves a data rate of 7.36
KB/s, which is 58.88 Kbps or a link utilization of 92%. The difference between the leased line
and the satellite network may be due to other traffic on the link and the higher error rate on a
satellite connection. Therefore, the 84% utilization obtained is not a bad result.
Other tests that can be used include the Web-based test at
<http://www.bandwidthspeedtest.com> and MicroTik's free Windows-based bandwidth-testing
utility at <http://www.microtik.com/download.html>.
Testing consumes a lot of bandwidth and should be done only occasionally, otherwise it will
cause problems for other users.
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15. Authentication
Many of the optimization strategies described in this document rely on authentication. Large
organizations need a system whereby all users log on to use the computer systems, and to
access the Internet and e-mail. In order to prevent widespread confusion and support problems,
this log-on should be unified. The main options are:
Microsoft Active Directory
Windows NT Domain
Novell NDS
Using Sun NIS with PCNetlink.
If a university wants to use Novell or Microsoft for a user database but use a Unix program
such as Squid, Apache, or any Unix e-mail system, PAM (pluggable authentication modules)
can be used to authenticate against the Microsoft or Novell databases, rather than a separate
Unix user database having to be maintained. A good description of PAM can be found at
<http://www.linuxgeek.net/index.pl/authentication>. In this case, users can access their e-mail
messages, use the Internet or access a password-protected Web page on Apache, using their
Windows or Novell password.
If it is decided that a Unix user database should be used for all authentication (for example,
because there is already a Unix user list for e-mail), there are two possibilities:
Use Samba as the PDC or BDC for the Windows computers (Windows 2000 and XP can also
log on to an NT4/Samba domain), and then synchronize the Samba and Unix passwords. See
<http://freebooks.by.ru/view/SambaIn24h/ch16-02.htm> for more details of how this can be
done automatically. There is also a Web-based tool to allow users to change their passwords at
Gina is the Windows authentication DLL. There is a Gina replacement called pGina (that
replaces the regular Windows Gina) in order to allow Windows users to authenticate against a
Unix directory such as OpenLDAP. See <http://pgina.xpasystems.com> and
<http://www.openldap.org> for more details. If this is implemented, the Windows computers
can authenticate against the Unix user directory.
Sun’s Solaris PCNetLink (which is now free) is an all-in-one solution and enables Windows
users to authenticate to a Sun NIS directory. To Windows NT, 2000 and XP users, this is like
using a Windows NT4 domain. The server also supplies file and print services.
See <http://www.sun.com/solutions/interoperability/netlink/pcnetlink1_2/index.html>.
16. Network layout
Allowing only certain protocols
If it is decided that only certain protocols are to be allowed (as discussed in the main
document), the network design should be as shown in Section 1.2, forcing all traffic through
the mail and proxy servers, either by using two network cards in each proxy and mail server
(one connected to the campus side, and one to the Internet side), or by using policy routing as
described in the Makerere case study.
In order to understand a network properly, and to design it for security and performance, it is
necessary to draw a network diagram.
The network diagram should enable anyone to understand how network packets flow from the
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user’s PC to the server on the Internet. These diagrams can be detailed for the technical team,
but simpler versions can be made to explain things to management.
There are several packages for creating network diagrams:
Dia: An open-source drawing program that is available for Unix and Windows, available
from <http://www.lysator.liu.se/~alla/dia>. The diagrams in this document were all drawn
using Dia.
MS Visio. See <http://www.microsoft.com>
Network design
There are guides to network design freely available on the Internet – for example, the Cisco
disadvantage of a vendor guide like this is that creates the impression that everything should be
done with Cisco equipment in order to maximize their sales. The possibility of using a
powerful PC server with two network cards as a proxy/firewall/router is not mentioned, even
though this is a common technique. The network that a Cisco engineer designs will be different
from the network that a server administrator designs. In designing a network, it is useful to be
aware of all the options.
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Appendix B
Connection options
1. Introduction
The Internet is largely a cable network. A single marine fibre connection can have more
capacity than the combined capacity of all communication satellites. Within countries, there are
large networks such as the JANET (Joint Academic Network) in Britain that connects
educational institutions. This network has a 10 Gbps core, and many institutions such as Bristol
University connect to it via 2.5 Gbps links. Private companies have high-speed leased-line
connections to their branch offices. Compared to these speeds, VSAT (Very Small Aperture
Terminal) connections are tiny and overpriced.
In many, if not most, developing countries the ISP’s connection to the Internet is via VSAT,
either because there is no marine fibre cable connecting the country to the Internet backbone,
or the infrastructure within the country does not connect the undersea cable landing point to the
place where that ISP is located with a suitable link. For this reason, institutions such as
universities typically connect via their own VSAT, or else via an ISP that has a VSAT
connection. However, if developing countries do not invest in proper cable infrastructure, they
will never achieve the same kind of Internet connectivity as elsewhere. Details of cable and
overland connections to the Internet are at the links below:
In countries where there is an undersea cable connection to the Internet backbone, it is likely
that linking to it via the local telecommunications company would be the best option, rather
than connecting via VSAT.
2. Connection via VSAT
Where connection via cable is not possible, institutions have to use VSAT to connect to the
Internet via satellite, or connect to an ISP that has a VSAT connection. A university could
investigate whether getting its own VSAT is cheaper than making a leased-line or radio-link
connection to the ISP to get on the satellite link.
Institutions that access the Internet via VSAT (directly or indirectly) should ensure that they
are getting a good service at the best price. Prices are going down, and the available options are
increasing. Some institutions may also find that they are not getting the same access to
bandwidth anymore, as a result of satellite companies or ISPs becoming oversubscribed, and
too much contention taking place on the provider’s bandwidth. Therefore, it is necessary for
institutions to monitor whether they are getting the correct amount of bandwidth at the best
price, and in some cases it may be advisable for them to change provider or else renegotiate the
There are many satellite providers who lease space on satellites on behalf of customers. For
larger connections, such as ISPs and universities, using Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB) for
the downlink, and SCPC for the uplink appears to be emerging as a standard from many
competing technologies. (See the glossary for an explanation of these terms).
When a university considers getting its own VSAT connection, it should avoid lock-in by a
certain vendor. Lock-in is when the customer buys equipment that works only with the service
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from that vendor. For example, if a customer buys Gilat equipment, he would have to stick to
getting his Internet connection via Gilat, or a company that is a Gilat subsidiary. If another
satellite provider provides a better service the customer will have to replace all the equipment
before he can switch.
2.1 Satellite ISPs
AfriSat <http://www.afrisat.co.za>
Afsat <http://www.afsat.com>
Egyptsat <http://www.egyptsat.com>
Geolink <http://www.geolink.fr>
Hughes <http://www.hns.com>
IPPlanet <http://www.ipplanet.com>
Iway <http://www.iwayafrica.com>
InfoSat <http://www.infosat.co.za>
IPMC <http://www.ipmcghana.com/vsat.htm> (Hughes DirecWay)
Link-sat <http://www.link-sat.net>
Newskies <http://www.newskies.com>
Qkon <http://www.qkon.com>
Redwing Satellite Solutions <http://www.redwingsat.com>
Sentech <http://www.sentech.co.za>
Simbanet <http://www.simbanet.net>
Skystreams <http://www.skystreams.net>
Viasat <http://www.viasat.com>
Web-sat <http://www.web-sat.com>
Many more providers are listed in the Google directory under
Business: Telecommunications: Wireless: Service Providers: Satellite
2.2 VSAT – Some technical issues
VSAT connections make use of geostationary satellites. These satellites orbit the earth above
the equator at a speed which corresponds with the speed the earth turns, thus enabling them to
stay above the same location on earth. When deciding on a VSAT connection, the issue of
frequency band tends to arise. The bands used by geostationary satellites are typically C and
Ku band. C-band is 3 to 6 GHz, while Ku-band uses frequencies of 10 to 17 GHz.
Ku-band satellites transmit signal levels at higher power levels than C-band. Because they use
more power, they can use smaller antennas (dishes). This simplifies installation and lowers the
cost of the receiving equipment. However, the disadvantage of Ku-band is that it is susceptible
to rain fade.
Rain fade occurs because the length of the microwaves is short enough for rain or even rainfilled clouds to reduce the intensity of the incoming signal, and so Ku-band systems suffer
from greater attenuation by rain than C-band systems.
To counteract the rain fade effects, Ku-band systems use an antenna larger than is needed
under a clear sky. This increase in antenna size improves the reception, so the system can
operate in light or moderate rain. In areas where rain is not an important factor, Ku-band is a
good choice, while in tropical areas C-band may be preferable.
3. Wireless WAN networks
Wireless WAN networks have made a big impact in recent years, and may be used to link
campuses, or to make a connection to the ISP. Whereas wireless networks used to be only 2
Mbps, equipment can now be obtained that reach much higher link speeds, usually 11Mbps.
Since the final link to the Internet is usually much less (1.5 Mbps is the highest of the
universities in this study), 11 Mbps is often sufficient unless it will be carrying a large amount
of local traffic. Wireless WANs depend on line-of-sight, or relay stations where line-of-sight is
not possible.
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3com - <http://www.3com.com/wireless>
Alvarion - <http://www.alvarion.com> (previously
BreezeCOM and Floware)
KarlNet - <http://www.karlnet.com>
Mikro-tik - <http://www.mikrotik.com>
Articles on the Internet discussing these systems can be
found at:
The photograph shows a wireless antenna in Blantyre.
4. Wireless LAN
Wireless LANs are also a good way to network a building quickly, especially if there is not a
local company that can lay proper structured cabling at a reasonable price, and within a
reasonable timescale.
The links below provide guidance about purchasing wireless LAN products:
5. Leased line
Whenever available, a leased-line connection to the ISP is a good option, if it is a digital
connection. The bandwidth of this connection can be the same as the maximum bandwidth on
the link from the ISP to the Internet (it need not be more).
6. Peering
Peering is when large networks or ISPs set up Internet Exchange Points (IXPs). These are local
links to keep local traffic local (within the country), and the aim is to avoid paying large sums
for international traffic.
6.1 The politics of peering
As discussed in the main document, a peering arrangement is a matter of co-operation. See
also the link below:
More about the politics of peering, as well as how peering can eventually be done between
neighbouring countries, is at <http://www.afrispa.org>.
6.2 Technical details
6.3 Selected list of IXPs, and related links
A much longer list of IXPs is at <http://www.pch.net/resources/data/exchange-points/ep-inaddrs.txt>.
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Appendix C
Usage policies
1. Malawi College of Medicine
Proposed student internet usage agreement
Agreement on use of the College computer & internet facilities
Use of the CoM computing and network resources is a privilege and not a right. As with all
privileges, abuses will not be tolerated.
An individual member of the CoM community, faculty, staff or student may be issued a user-id
to access one or more CoM computing resources. This user-id will remain valid so long as the
individual is associated with the College. The proper use of a user-id is ultimately the
responsibility of the individual under whose name it has been assigned. Therefore, guard your
passwords and do not share your user-id. The use of another individual's user-id without
his/her expressed consent will be viewed as theft.
The College enjoys the use of a direct Internet connection via an international satellite
connection. The purpose of this connection is to facilitate the teaching and research conducted
at the College through access to relevant information, literature searches and communications
with colleagues throughout the world. The bandwidth (capacity) of the Internet link is limited
and expensive. It is enough for the intended work, but not for anything else. Inappropriate use
of the Internet will be deemed abuse of computer privileges. Examples of inappropriate use
• Any type of network games
• The sending of obscene and/or harassing messages to other individuals
• The sending of unapproved bulk mailings
• The unauthorized access or attempted access of another network computer system from
CoM computer resources.
• Messaging services
• Programs that uses the Internet in a continuous (streaming) way such as audio or video
• Downloading large music (MP3 etc.) or video files and storing them on the network
• Visiting Internet sites not related to work. These include, but are not limited to, sites of a
pornographic nature, violence sites, racist sites, religious sites, etc.
The College does not allow external e-mail accounts, such as Hotmail or Yahoo due to the way
that these services take up a lot of the capacity of the Internet link. Official College e-mail
addresses have been set up for everyone who needs them. Please contact the IT staff to obtain
your user name and password.
Network users should not run any program that causes files to be installed on a workstation or
the network. If in any doubt, users should not proceed.
Any action that compromises the integrity of the College network (e.g. hacking) will not be
tolerated under any circumstances.
Copyright of materials and intellectual property rights must be respected.
The College puts, as top priority, the security of its network and the safety of its users. Action
by any user that compromises these aims in any way will be dealt with very seriously.
It is College policy not to check e-mail randomly but if there are grounds for suspicion of
misuse, the account of a user will be frozen and then inspected. The user will be informed that
this is happening.
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The College reserves the right to examine or delete any files that may be held on its computer
system and to monitor any Internet sites visited.
The College will take the following action against an individual who abuses or has gained
unauthorized access to computer resources:
The user-id will be immediately inactivated.
The College administrative authorities will be informed.
Actions taken by the administrative authorities will depend on the severity of the computer
abuse but will include fines for reconnection where appropriate.
Student’s agreement
I have read and understood the College rules for computer use and Internet access.
I agree to abide by these rules and to use the College computer system in a responsible way at
all times.
Signed: __________________________
Date: ________________
Full Name: _______________________
Student No: ___________
2. Addis Ababa University
Addis Ababa University Network (AAUNet)
use & security policy (USP)
September 2001
March 2002
May 2002
First Version Release
2.1 Introduction
2.1.1 Terminology
In this document, unless contrary intention appear, the following terms are used with the
meaning stated against the terms.
AAUNet Facility – the University-wide backbone network infrastructure composed of all
purchased, rented or leased inventories including:
• Building, Inter-building, campus and inter-campus network links
• network cabling and transmission media up to and including wall outlets and other access
points that are connected to the backbone network
• intelligent devices including campus and central servers, workstations, PCs and routers up
to and including building switches and intelligent hubs connected to the backbone network
• the operating software used on all such equipment
• the application software loaded on AAUNet
• the people involved in the maintenance and administration of the equipment
• the electronic content and information (transaction and database) that the system hold,
process and transfer;
• the documentation associated with the network facility
Account - the login identifier assigned to a user
Broadcast – the transmission of a message to a significant number of user accounts on
AAUNet servers.
Commercial Gain - the use of the AAUNet facilities for personal or private commercial
purposes or financial gain.
Custodian - a person or organizational unit responsible and accountable for a particular system
or a component thereof.
Executive Director – Executive Director of ICTC
Firewall - a device interconnecting computer systems or networks for the purpose of providing
the capability to filter network traffic between the interconnected computer systems or
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ICTC – Information & Communications Technology Center of AAU.
Login - the act of accessing a computer system or its associated application systems.
Security Breach - a contravention of the USP.
System Administrator - a person who is authorized as being responsible for the configuration,
maintenance, and operation of AAUNet facilities.
Terminal - a physical or virtual device used to access AAUNet.
User – an authorized person who accesses AAUNet facilities whether that access is from
within or outside of AAU.
User Account - an account provided for the use of one authorized person for the purposes of
accessing AAUNet resources.
User Name: AAUNet system administrators will assign all users a unique “username” based
on some derivation of their real name. A username identifies a user on AAUNet.
The University - Addis Ababa University (AAU)
2.1.2 General
Purpose & Scope: AAUNet facilities are owned by Addis Ababa University (AAU) and are
provided primarily to support the academic (teaching/learning and research) and administration
functions of AAU. The network facilities are provided to students, staff and faculty, and other
authorized users to help them advance the educational, scholarly and service missions of AAU.
This document states the Use & Security Policy (USP) of AAUNet facilities. It states the
conditions for effective utilization and maximum protection of AAUNet facilities. The rights
and responsibilities of users and administrators together with methods for the implementation
of the policy are included.
This policy may be supplemented with additional guidelines by campus units which operate
their local area networks, provided such guidelines are consistent with this policy.
Official Copy: Official copy of this policy as amended and in force for the time being will be
held readily available in the University to users. An up-to-date electronic copy will be available
on the University’s Official Home Page; and a copy will be filed with the AAU Audit &
Inspection Office.
Policy Management: While the formulation and maintenance of the AAUNet USP is the
responsibility of ICTC, approval is vested with the President of the University. ICTC is also
responsible for providing administrative interpretations of the USP.
Policy Implementation: Each member of the University and any other person who is legally
using the network facilities will be responsible for meeting the requirements of the USP and
related procedures and standards. As such, Users are expected to read (on routine basis) and
abide by this policy and its administrative interpretation as they may be amended form time to
Custodianship: While ICTC is the custodian of the AAUNet infrastructure and all central
facilities; Faculties, Schools, Departments, Divisions and other elements of AAU will be
custodians of network facilities under their management control including shared computing
devices. Accordingly, it is the duty of each custodian to take appropriate action to ensure
compliance and prevent breaches of USP. Where such action is outside the authority of the
custodian, the custodian will notify the appropriate senior officers of the University.
2.2 Security procedures
2.2.1 Physical security
Access to secure areas, including server rooms shall be restricted to authorized staff through
the use of passwords, locks or access-control devices.
Visitors to such areas shall be permitted only under the supervision of authorized ICTC staff.
Details of visitors including name, time in, time out, and reason for entry shall be recorded in a
During non-working hours, secure areas shall be protected against intrusion by appropriate
access control, surveillance systems or by security staff.
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2.2.2 Hardware
The effect of electrical power outages and fluctuations shall be protected against by the
installation of an uninterrupted power supply (UPS) and surge protection devices wherever
AAUNet facilities shall be adequately protected against fire, water and physical damage.
2.2.3 Software
All materials associated with any AAUNet facilities, including software and printed materials,
which are not in the public domain, must be treated in accordance with any applicable
copyright agreements and restrictions. Such materials must be licensed (if required) in an
appropriate manner and may be obtained only in a legal manner from a legal source.
2.2.4 Data security
An appropriate regular back-up schedule shall be implemented to protect all data, software and
documentation on AAUNet. A sufficient number of backups of all data, software and
documentation shall be stored off-site to protect against major damage at one location.
The backup procedures shall be clearly defined, regularly tested and documented in a Disaster
Recovery Plan.
The use of AAUNet facilities supplies the user with information about the computer system, as
well as information about the University. This information is essentially private to the
University and, in some cases, essential for the user to know in order to carry out useful work.
Therefore, a trust relationship exists between the user and the University. Accordingly,
• A user will not use any account or otherwise attempt to gain access to any information that
he/she is not authorized to possess.
• A user will not use AAUNet facilities, or otherwise attempt to access any file or device, to
disclose information that he/she is not authorized to possess.
2.2.5 Communications
In general, for the purpose of this policy, abuse of any facility at another/remote site accessed
from AAUNet is regarded as abuse of AAUNet facility.
The University grants the user a local account. The user can make an outgoing network
connection to access (or attempt to access) a remote account, only when
• the user is the holder of the remote account, or
• the provider of the remote computer system recognizes the remote account as a public
access account.
The user will access, or attempt to access, remote accounts in a manner that abides by the
conditions of use of the remote computer system.
The restrictions on outgoing connections are:
• the provider accepts the type of connection
• only the provider may make a connection, using network management equipment, to
AAUNet facilities.
The University may impose any other restrictions on an outgoing connection from any system
under that University's control.
A user will inform the University of any details known to the user regarding any violation of
this policy.
2.2.6 Internet security
The Internet will be treated as a potentially hostile environment.
Access to the Internet will be made only from registered systems.
Security on these systems will be tightly controlled.
A firewall will be used on all such systems.
All data packets and connection requests will be controlled by the firewall.
Only explicitly permitted traffic is allowed through the firewall.
All other traffic is rejected.
All traffic passing through the firewall must be capable of being logged and audited.
Packet filtering will be used with rules, which keep the risk to a minimum.
Where possible, access by outside users (e.g. by using modems) will be restricted.
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2.2.7 Electronic mail
The University provides electronic mail services to support its academic and administrative
functions. This service is available for use in accordance with the applicable rules and
regulations. Any use of this service which interferes with these rules and regulations is
2.2.8 Web publishing
The University provides web publishing services to support its academic and administrative
functions. This service is available for use in accordance with the applicable rules and
regulations. Any use of this service which interferes with these rules and regulations is
2.3 Users
Authorized users of AAUNet tools and resources include faculty, staff, students, and affiliated
individuals or organizations authorized by the President or his/her designee.
A user may be given access to all or a particular part of AAUNet facilities, depending on
individual work or study requirements
2.3.1 Rights
Users have a right to privacy while engaged in legitimate activity. This right may on occasion
be superseded as indicated in 3.3 below (Privacy). Users also have a right to adequate AAUNet
facilities to carry out legitimate activity.
2.3.2 Responsibilities
Users’ responsibilities include:
• being aware of USP and related policies
• ensuring that confidentiality and privacy of data is maintained.
• the safekeeping of their user-id and password.
• ensuring the security of their terminal/workstation by logging off or locking it when it is
left unattended.
• compliance with all relevant Regional, Federal and International law
• compliance with the provisions of this policy and all other University policies &
• avoiding excessive use of AAUNet facilities, which may conflict with the rights of others
• compliance with any quotas or limits imposed by the University
• adherence to accepted community standards of expression or ‘netiquette'’, when
communicating with other people using any computer system.
The “Usage rules” define the appropriate use of AAUNet facilities. Users are required to read
and agree to abide by these rules.
If as an agent/representative of the University, the user has been granted access to
external/remote systems, the user agrees to abide by the rules of the remote site.
2.3.3 Privacy
Users have a legitimate expectation to privacy in the carrying out of approved activity.
No user should view, copy, alter, transfer, own or destroy another’s personal electronic files
without permission.
The University also has a legitimate right to inspect any data on a computer system on
AAUNet (regardless of data ownership), to prevent, detect or minimize unacceptable behavior
on that computer system. Where such action is taken, users who have data inspected, and are
found to be conforming to this policy, have a legitimate expectation that confidentiality will be
preserved. This section formalizes this agreement.
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The University may monitor or use any account, device, or terminal without notice.
The University may inspect, without notice, any data on any resource owned by the University
(regardless of data ownership), including electronic mail and other forms of communication.
In the course of carrying out computer system auditing operations, the University may access and
copy any file on any computer system owned by the University. Subject to all other conditions of
Optimising Internet Bandwidth in Developing Country Higher Education
this policy, the University is obliged to maintain confidentiality as a result of such access.
The University is free to capture and inspect any data on any networking infrastructure owned by
the University.
The University has the right to give to any appropriate member of the University community, or
law enforcement bodies, any information it possesses regarding the use of the University's
The Executive Director will authorize specified staff whose duties include monitoring the
use of AAUNet facilities to investigate the suspected security breaches or unauthorized access.
In general, however, the University does not monitor or restrict the content of material
transported across AAUNet.
2.4 System administrators
AAUNet system administrators are responsible for:
• Developing, operating and administering the AAUNet facilities in accordance with the
USP and related guidelines, and the requirements of users
• Issuing guidelines, with the approval of the Executive Director for the secure operation of
the components of AAUNet facilities.
• Maintaining and operating AAUNet facilities in a manner which effectively balances
security with users needs to use them free from undue intervention
• Maintaining security awareness by provision of information and training on the USP to
users of AAUNet facilities which they manage
• Periodically monitoring and reassessing security measures to ensure their effectiveness and
to respond to changes in security requirements
• Reporting all security incidents to the Executive Director immediately when it is known
that a breach has occurred.
Each system administrators at a campus level has the authority and responsibility to take
actions for the support and security of its respective campus AAUNet facility.
Campus system administrators should restrict actions to their domain of responsibility except
by mutual agreement with other affected/concerned campuses.
Campus administrators may adopt additional rules and regulations as required at campus levels
to meet specific requirements. Such rules and regulations must however be:
• consistent with the policies of AAU
• be posted in writing or electronically in a manner that is available to all affected users
• and be filed with ICTC.
System administrators at the central level will test and investigate software and action that pose
risks to the security of AAUNet facilities, and will as necessary take corrective and/or
proactive measures with or without prior notice to campus administrators.
2.5 Security management
2.5.1 Account management
Responsibility: The responsibility for the administration of USP related procedures must be
assigned to specific personnel in such a way that the procedures can be implemented and
monitored while still guaranteeing that the overall security of AAUNet facilities is not
The overall responsibility for the administration of USP rests with the Executive
As part of the security procedures, access to AAUNet facilities must be monitored on a
continuing basis and audit trails or access logs maintained.
Detection and prevention of account misuse: It is in the interests of all account holders that
the University negates or minimizes any potential or actual security breach. The University
may disable an account without notice, regardless of whether the account itself is suspected of
All other accounts owned by the account holder may also be disabled without notice. The
University decides the nature and period of account suspension.
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All unsuccessful attempts to logon to AAUNet facilities must be logged and the connection
disabled after four unsuccessful attempts.
Terminals which are logged in and inactive for an extended period of time, and which are not
being used to process or monitor foreground or background tasks, must be automatically
logged off and the details logged for later review.
See 2.7 for more on Account Management.
2.5.2 Password management
Passwords are a primary defense mechanism on AAUNet. Careful selection of passwords
improves security. Individual users are responsible for the robustness and maintenance of their
own passwords. Individual users are responsible for the defense of any accounts held by them.
When one chooses a password, one should keep in mind that the password should be
something that he/she can easily remember but others would be unlikely to guess. All
passwords must conform to the following rules.
• Passwords must be used where possible
• A newly-issued password must be changed as soon as possible after issue
• Passwords must be at least 8 characters in length, and could be a mix of alphabetic and
special characters.
• Passwords must be changed regularly, within a period determined by the System
• Passwords must not be disclosed to others
• Passwords should not be easily associated with a particular user.
• Users will not save passwords electronically within applications as far as practically
• A user who realizes that a password has been compromised shall change the password, if
possible. In addition, the user is required to report all details of the breach to the
responsible system administrator.
• Passwords shall be checked by the user to ensure that they comply with guidelines and are
• Information on correct selection of passwords shall be readily available and widely
• The use of automatic logons is discouraged.
• Each password must be personal to a particular user except when the user and another
person have shared duties with joint access to the part of AAUNet facilities to which the
password relates. Unless under such circumstances, it is an offence for a user to make
his/her password available to another person.
2.5.3 Security breaches
Deliberate attempts to degrade the performance of the AAUNet facilities or to deprive
authorized personnel of resources or access to any AAUNet facility is prohibited. Breach of
security includes, but not limited to, the following: creating or propagating virus, hacking,
password grabbing, disc scavenging, etc.
The University will refer any incident involving a possible breach of Regional, Federal or
International law to the appropriate authority for investigation. The University will give that
authority all reasonable assistance requested.
If a security breach occurs in which a person or organization external to the University is
involved as a potential victim of the breach, the University will refer to the external party the
details specific to that party.
If a security breach involves facilities strictly internal to the University, the University may
follow the appropriate University disciplinary procedures.
2.5.4 Security incident reviews
The person who carries out technical investigation of a security breach shall submit a report to
the Executive Director outlining the following details where possible:
• the general nature of the security breach
• the general classification of people involved in the security breach, (such as external users,
privileged staff member)
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the AAUNet facility involved in the security breach
the details of the security breach
the impact of the security breach
unrealized, potential consequences of the security breach
possible courses of action to prevent a repetition of the security breach
side-effects of those courses of action.
Where appropriate, remedial actions should be taken on the basis of such report.
The following steps are listed in the order that they should be taken. Once a breach is
confirmed, these steps should be taken as urgently as possible. If a particular step is not
appropriate to the breach, it should simply be skipped.
The Executive Director should be notified immediately.
The University shall refer any incident involving a possible breach of Regional, Federal or
International law, to the appropriate authorities as soon as possible. The University will provide
all reasonable assistance to the authorities concerned.
If another academic or administrative unit is involved, that unit should be notified as soon as
possible, preferably via the Head or an approved representative.
If a security breach involves facilities strictly internal to the University, applicable University
disciplinary procedures shall be followed.
If an organization or person external to the University is involved in any capacity, then the
appropriate Government security institutions should be contacted, where it is deemed necessary
by the Executive Director.
If an organization or person external to the University is involved as a potential victim, then that
organization or person should be advised as soon as possible with the details specific to the party.
2.5.5 Security audits
Regular auditing procedures shall be carried out on AAUNet facilities to check for conformance
to policy. The depth and regularity of each level of audit should be outlined in the local/campus
procedures manual.
Audit procedures, of any level, may be carried out on any AAUNet facility at the discretion of
the University.
In the course of the auditing procedure, the University may delete or otherwise modify any data
on any AAUNet facility that promotes a contravention of this policy or the host configuration
guidelines in the local/campus procedures manual, in order to re-establish system security.
Unauthorized access attempts
All unauthorized access attempts must be noted and logged. The Audit Trail/System Access
Log should be reviewed daily, exception reports generated and inspected by the System
Administrators and appropriate action taken. A copy of the report of unauthorized access
attempts must be produced and kept for future reference.
2.5.6 Disaster recovery
A disaster recovery plan shall be implemented which takes into account the risk assessment,
the University's needs and vulnerabilities. The disaster recovery plan shall be documented and
tested periodically.
2.5.7 Distributions, review and amendment of security policy
This policy shall be:
• Distributed to designated officers, who shall receive registered copies.
• Reviewed by the ICTC at least annually.
• May be amended as required.
• When amended, each registered copy of the former policy shall be replaced by a copy of
the new policy.
• Available on the AAU World Wide Web pages.
2.5.8 Training
The level of security that can be implemented within the University depends to a large extent
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on the understanding and co-operation of all staff and students. The key to good security is
based on staff and student awareness and training.
Personnel and students who have been granted access to AAUNet facilities have a
responsibility for the safe keeping of data within their own area of work and or access. Users
must be aware of the ways in which the security of data can be enhanced.
To assist users to gain an understanding of how AAUNet security can be enhanced it is
necessary to:
• define personnel policies and procedures.
• provide education and appropriate supervision.
• ensure an understanding of confidentiality requirements.
It is essential that all aspects of AAUNet security, including confidentiality, privacy and
procedures relating to system access, should be incorporated into formal staff induction
procedures for all new staff and be conveyed to existing staff on a regular basis.
Similar training for students shall be provided when they first enroll at the University. Each
employee and student, on commencement of employment or education, should be made aware
that they must not divulge any information that they may have access to in the normal course
of their employment or education. Staff and students must also be made aware that they should
not seek access to data that is not required as part of their normal duties.
2.6 Proper usage rules
2.6.1. General
Among others, the major reasons for establishing a usage rule are:
• to keep the security/level of trust of the system;
• to maintain the life of the system;
• to ensure that the secrecy and privacy of other users are kept;
• to ensure that the law of the land and the University are kept.
This section defines the proper usage of AAUNet facilities. Each user is expected to be aware
of the rules and regulations. As one cannot claim to be exhaustive, in case of encountering an
undefined area we resort to our basic philosophy: “Everything not explicitly allowed is
It should be noted that usage of AAUNet facilities is a privilege and must be treated as such by
all users.
By understanding the rationale of the usage rules, users are expected to use AAUNet facilities
in a manner which is ethical, lawful, effective and efficient. Failure to abide by these rules will
be treated as misconduct and may result in disciplinary action being taken against the offending
user(s). Should the violation infringe the laws of the land, the violation may constitute a legal
2.6.2. Rules
The following rules are a guide to the use of AAUNet facilities.
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The AAUNet facilities are to be utilized for the pursuit, accrual, dissemination, and
communication of administrative and academic endeavors pertaining to the University.
AAUNet facilities may also be used for interpersonal communications and personal
information accrual provided that such uses conform to the moral and ethical principles
endorsed by the University and the community it is operating in. Always education and work
related tasks take precedence.
A user must not use University computing facilities for commercial gain or for commercial
gain to a third party without the written permission of the President or his/her designee
A user must not attempt to use the facilities for any application that result in any direct cost to
A user must only use those facilities which he/she has been authorized to use. Where access to
a facility is protected by a password, a user must not make this password available to any other
person. A user must not use an account set up for another user nor make any attempt to find out
the password of a facility which he/she is not entitled to use. A user must not attempt to find
out the password of any other user.
Optimising Internet Bandwidth in Developing Country Higher Education
A user must respect the privacy and confidentiality of data held on, or reproduced from,
AAUNet facilities. Any release of data to those not authorized to receive it is expressly
forbidden. Unauthorized release of data may lead to legal action being taken.
A use must be aware of the law of copyright as it affects computer software. Copyrighted
software may not be copied without the express permission of the copyright owner.
A user must not attempt to copy, move, and/or delete data belonging to other users, staff,
students or external users, without their express permission.
A user may grant other users or groups of users access to your own files by setting the
appropriate file protection.
A user must not attempt to interfere with the operation of any of the AAUNet facilities.
A user must not attempt to subvert the security of any of the AAUNet facilities.
A user must not run network-based analysis and attack programs (including running security
and cracker tools), or processes that consume significant amount of network resources.
A user must not inject or otherwise introduce computer viruses into the AAUNet facilities
A user must not attach a modem or any other communication device which will provide an
external connection to the AAUNet facilities. Exceptions may be permitted for staff or graduate
students working from home or field sites. These must be cleared with the Executive Director.
A user must not use the AAUNet facilities that is relying upon computing or networking media
belonging to the University to send obscene, offensive or harassing messages.
All material a user sends over the network with an identification of his/her affiliation to the
University must be presented in a professional manner and uphold the reputation of the
While using AAUNet, anonymity is not allowed. A user must not, under any circumstance,
represent himself/herself as someone else, fictional or real. All user work must be attributable
to him/her.
A user must not broadcast email messages without prior approval of AAUNet System
A user must, upon request by an authorized member of staff, produce evidence of identity
when using any of the AAUNet facilities.
A user must not abuse any of the AAUNet facilities. Abuse includes, but is not limited to:
leaving the laboratory in an untidy or unsightly condition;
collecting or discarding any output without the owner's permission;
smoking, eating or drinking in the laboratories;
stealing paper from printer or storage areas;
unauthorized server
unauthorized monitoring
commercial gain
political advertising or campaigning
A user must abide by any relevant instructions given by the System Administrators. Such
instructions may be issued by notice displayed near the computer facilities, by letter, by
electronic communication, in person or otherwise.
If a user has any doubt concerning his/her authority to use any of the AAUNet facilities, he/she
should seek advice from system administrators. If users or group of users believe that they
should be allowed to practice any of the denied or restricted things by these rules, they may
appeal, in writing, to the respective System Administrators or the Executive Director as the
case may be.
It is forbidden to register a non-AAU domain for any computer which is connected to the
AAUNet without prior approval of the Executive Director.
All AAUNet resources are made available under licence agreements which restrict their use to
academic research and teaching. Special arrangements, however, may be made, in some cases,
to allow the resources to be used for commercially-sponsored research work, as long as prior
arrangements are made. It should be noted that a charge will be made for such use.
User accounts give access to part of the AAUNet resource on the campus in which a user is
located. However, users can gain access to the resources on other campuses by making prior
arrangement with respective system administrators.
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2.6.3. Incident reporting
Any system malfunction (denial of services, loss of data, etc.) should immediately be reported
to network administration - users may not try to move, repair, configure, modify, or attach
unknown external devices.
Suspected proper use violations (including apparent attempt at unauthorized access) must
immediately be reported to System Administrators.
2.6.4 Penalties
In case of violation, System Administrators are allowed to stop the violator from committing
further breaches even by disconnecting the offending device(s) and/or account(s).
Breach of these rules will be treated seriously and the violator will be penalized accordingly.
System Administrators should log any violation or the penalties imposed and cede a copy of
the log (either in a standard electronic or manual form) to the Executive Director.
Breaches of the security rules will be dealt with as follows:
in the case of breaches against guidelines b, c, d, f, j, k, l and n System Administrators will
immediately withdraw the user's access privileges to AAUNet for a period not exceeding two
months, subject to an appeal to the IT Security Committee, by the user;
in the case of breaches against the remainder of the guidelines, or in the case of an appeal under (i),
System Administrators shall ascertain or review the facts pertaining to the alleged misuse;
in both cases (i and ii above) the System Administrators shall interview the person alleged to have
committed the misuse. The person alleged to have committed the misuse may be accompanied by
another person, as may the System Administrator. The minutes of the interview meeting should be
after the interview, the System Administrator shall inform the alleged person whether or not the
allegation is found to be proven. In the event that the allegation is found proven, the System
Administrator shall be empowered to:
(a) recover any costs associated with the misuse;
(b) in consultation with the Executive Director, impose a fine comparable to the cost of the repair
of the damage/offence. In this case, the offender's access privileges will be withdrawn until the fine
has been paid,
(c) withdraw the offender's access privileges for a period not exceeding two calendar months;
(d) inform relevant law enforcement agencies of the facts of the case.
The System Administrator shall, in writing, inform the offender of the decision, the penalty
imposed and the offender's right of appeal as outlined in item (vi) below. The System
Administrator shall also inform the Executive Director and relevant bodies the offence and the
penalty imposed.
The offender shall have the right of appeal against the System Administrator’s decision and/or the
penalty imposed. Should the offender wish to appeal, then the offender should, within 7 days and
in writing, appeal to the IT Security Committee.
Upon receipt of such an appeal, the IT Security Committee shall consult with the involved System
Administrator, the Executive Director, to ascertain the details of the offence. The IT Security
Committee may also interview the offender and call for any supporting evidence that is required to
reach a decision.
After examining the evidence available, the IT Security Committee may:
(a) instruct the designated System Administrator to exonerate the offender or reduce the fine
(b) uphold the Administrator's initial finding.
suspend permanently or for as long as necessary the person from the use of all or part of the
AAUNet facilities
Refer the case for criminal or civil prosecution
In either case the decision of the IT Security Committee, shall be final.
Misuse or unauthorized use of AAUNet facilities will, in many cases, constitute an offence
under the laws of the land. Nothing in the University rules relating to use of these facilities may
be taken as in any way diminishing or removing persons' obligations to comply with the law, or
their liability to prosecution and punishment under the law.
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2.7 Appendix A: user account management
The author has selected these points as a guide.
2.7.1 Account quotas
Accounts have both file and mail quotas. Quotas limit the amount of disk space an account
holder can use. If an account holder’s disk usage exceeds the quota, he will receive a warning
form the system. To avoid exceeding your file quota, periodically delete old files from your
account. To avoid exceeding your mail quota, be sure to delete old email messages or save
them to another location.
(state the current quota assignment)
Those users performing computation-intensive tasks should contact their Department Chair (or
authorized signer) about setting up a research account with more quota.
2.7.2. Assigning accounts and UserIds
Student accounts are assigned at the beginning of each semester, and for the duration of the
semester, on the basis of duly authorized lists received from faculty record offices. Where a
student drops all courses after registering for the semester, this must be reported immediately
to the respective system administrator.
Employees and all other users will be assigned accounts upon receipt of an authorized User
Account Request Form.
Retired faculty and staff may also request a network account or request that their current
account be retained after retirement by getting authorization from their respective department
Authorized signers are required to check and confirm to System Administrators the status of
users authorized by them on a regular basis.
Users are required to have userids and password to have access to available resources on the
Userids are to be created together with temporary passwords that users will later be enabled to
A user may belong to a group or more.
Userids must be unique university-wide.
User userids are generated from characters that appear in user names and contain a minimum
of 8 characters.
For staff and postgraduate students, the userids are composed of the first (own) name of the
individual followed by the first character of the second (father’s) name. To further
differentiate, as required, related alphabetic characters and/or digits may be suffixed (attached
at the end).
For undergraduate and extension students, the first three characters if their names followed by
a five-digit number in the range 00001 to 99999 may be used for userids. In this connection,
arrangements must be made among campus administrators on specific ranges to be used for
each campus user.
Guest accounts must first get approval by the ICTC Executive Director.
2.7.3. Account renewal
Accounts for student users must be renewed every semester.
Accounts for guests, retired faculty must be renewed annually.
System administrators will send renewal notices regularly at the end of the originally specified
account period. If system administrators receive no response within a month, the account will
be deactivated.
2.7.4. User account deactivation/expiry
Employee or affiliate user account deactivation or expiry will normally occur when the
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employee leaves AAU and when an affiliate is no longer associated with AAU.
Student account deactivation or expiry will occur if a student is not registered for a semester.
When a user account is deactivated, the user will not be able to log in with the userid or have
access to files stored under it. When an account is deactivated, the files are archived and then
removed from the host machine. The archived files are kept for a period of 4 months, after
which the files will be deleted. As such, users are strongly advised to remove any “personal”
information they may have stored on their account prior to ending their relationships with the
University. As a courtesy to help users, prior arrangements can be made with system
administrators to get user emails forwarded to a different account during the 4 month period.
When a user’s account is revoked their files will be treated in the same way as a deactivated
account, their personal email aliases will also be deactivated.
When an employee ceases being a staff of AAU (eg. Withdraw, fired or terminate employment,
or otherwise leave AAU), his/her account will be deactivated immediately.
Where an employee is assigned a new position and/or responsibilities within AAU, his/her
access authorization must be reviewed. The employee must not use facilities, accounts, access
codes, privileges or information for which he/she is not authorized in the new circumstances.
2.7.5 User guideline
Before using your account for the first time, you must activate it. To do this, visit the activation
web site (http://www.aau.edu.et?).
When you activate your account you will be required to choose a password. This password in
conjunction with your username, allows you to access your account. To ensure privacy,
whenever you type a password, the characters will not display on the screen.
Changing a password:
Logging In:
Additional Help
If you need further help,
You can call the help desk (by phone number ….)
You can send email to help@...
You can try walk-in or by-appointment consultation (visit ICTC …)
2.7.6 Some aspects for consideration in the preparation of account/service application forms
Please fill in this form to request user accounts for new users
1. New User
AAU unit
Room number
Telephone number
Group membership
Which Campus
Which Office
Which Standing Committee
Status (PG, UG, staff, …)
Preferred user names (up to three in order of preference):
(preferred user names can only be assigned if not already in use)
Software the user should have access to?
Database the user should have access to?
Printer the user should print to (location and type)?
Other network resources that the user should have access to?
For some services, separate registration may be required.
2. Course web space request
Please fill in this form to request a group id and directory for a course on the AAUNet web
server (www.) and to specify or change the members of the group who will be allowed to
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modify web pages.
Your name:
Your UserId
Your email address
The semester for which you are requesting the space
The name of the course for which you are requesting space
Section number
UserIds of the people to be added to the group
3. Application for direct internet access
Please fill in this form if you would like to be able to access internet directly (rather than
through the proxy server) from you own workstation.
Email address
Workstation type
Workstation location
IP number
IP name
Charge account
Supervisor usercode
4. Application for dial-in access
Please fill in this form to be able to dial-in to AAUNet. You will need an existing account to
charge to.
User code
Email address
The IP number to be used for dialin will be supplied by ICTC
At the end of all application forms
• Declaration of Requester
• I request to use AAUNet resources on the understanding that my use will be for academic
teaching, research and/or administrative work.
• I declare that I am/will be a bona fide user of AAUNet resources, and (where applicable)
have completed/will complete the appropriate application form(s) requesting access
• I further agree to notify AAUNet system administrators before undertaking my work
which has extra funding for computing/internet services
• I also undertake not to divulge passwords to any other persons, unless specifically
authorized by AAUNet system administrators, or allow other persons to use my userid.
• I have noted the conditions of AAUNet USP and hereby certify that I agree to abide by
• Signature of applicant
• date
• I confirm that this user’s application is valid
• Name (of authorised signer for the requester - supervisor)
• Signature
• date
• Please return the completed form in a “confidential” envelop addressed to:
• Network Administrator ….
• If you have questions about this form, please call ICTC at ext: or email:
• You will receive an e-mail message within 5 days letting you know the details of our
response to your request.
Office use only:
The request is: approved or not approved
If approved,
User name:
Group membership:
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Date account activated:
System Administrator
3. Addis Ababa Library IT-related policy
All computing resources at the AAU Libraries exist for the benefit of the students and the staff.
With this in mind, we encourage all users to first understand and accept the responsibilities set
out by the Library. Here are some of the possible conditions of use in the Library computing
resources and the network available in the University. Most of the conditions of use are
straightforward common sense, but some are required by law.
3.1 Use of AAUL computing facilities is granted to
students for the following purposes
Completion of course work
Assigned research and/or limited independent research
Communicating via e-mail
Others that are expected to assist the teaching, learning as well as research activities of the
3.2 Individuals granted access to computing
equipment shall adhere to the following rules and
Students shall not transmit unsolicited information which contains obscene, offensive or
discriminatory material to another individual, a mailing list, a news group or a public area
on a Library computer. Although mailing list subscribers and/or news group readers are
considered to have solicited all postings, students shall not submit entries to news groups
and/or mailing lists which are considered inappropriate by the recipients. Repeated
transmission of material to a person who finds such transmission offensive, obscene or
discriminatory will be treated as harassment and is against AAUL and/or the country
regulations. A report will be made to AAU discipline committee for appropriate
disciplinary action.
Users should respect the norm, taboo, & ethics of the society. Browsing unethical web
sites, like pornography, is strictly prohibited and cannot be tolerated.
Use of AAUL computing facilities, including desktop systems, for the purposes of private
business activities or other non-educational functions violates the mission of the Library
and is not permitted. Students shall not violate the license agreement on any software
application installed on AAUL computers.
Students shall not attempt to gain improper access to any computer system or account, on
or off campus. Intentional interception of any electronic communication is considered
improper access and may also be in violation of the rule and regulations of the Library.
Students shall not disturb another user by causing an interruption of service on that
person's terminal or workstation or in that person's home directory by either physical
activity or remote access.
Students shall not waste computers or peripheral resources. Using computers for long
period of time with out considering the unbalanced supply of resources as compared to the
demand is strictly prohibited.
When the above policies are violated, the person responsible for such action will be suspended
from access to AAUL computing resources while a review of the situation will be made by
Judicial Procedures.
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4. Makerere University
4.1 ICT Resource access policy
This access policy has been developed for the general good of all users, and is aimed at
ensuring that the University Information and Communication Technology (ICT) resources are
utilised efficiently.
Categories of users: Undergraduate students, Postgraduate students, Administrative staff,
Academic staff.
Application for Maknet access accounts: Users apply formally to the Help Desk for an
account through the Deans/Directors of their faculties/ institutes or Heads of administrative
ICT resource users to have a minimum proficiency: Users are required to demonstrate a
level of basic computer literacy, before being permitted independent access to ICT resources.
Authorisation levels: Defined by the ICT Implementation Committee (ICTIC - later ICT
Steering Committee, ICTSC) according to the University Information Policy.
Cost Recovery: While the University will centrally budget for some aspects of the cost of
providing services to users, users may be required to meet part of the cost of services.
Booking usage: Users are required to make a time slot reservation according to a
publicised procedure of their user units.
Use of passwords: All accounts shall be password protected.
Privacy of users: Users are advised that monitoring of transactions shall be carried out in the
interests of system security.
Resources meant for academic and administrative purposes: All ICT resources are meant
for only academic and administrative purposes.
Intellectual property rights: It is the policy of the University to permit and use only freeware
or licensed software
Safety: Users must familiarise themselves with the emergency procedures in case of fire that
are separately published by the university.
Users should note that all equipment operates at voltages that can lead to fatalities.
No drinks and food of whatever description is permitted in computer rooms.
Physical security of resources: Users are required to register with the supervisor on duty as
they enter or leave any computer room.
Equipment may be taken into or removed from any computer room only with the express
written permission of relevant Network Administrator or her/his designated representative.
Offensive, malicious and illegal application of facilities: The following will be considered
offences and shall lead to suspension or termination of access and disciplinary proceedings.
• Any deliberate attempt to bypass system security
• Deliberate dissemination or transmission of viruses or other code designed to stop or
downgrade the operation of the university or other networks
• Permitting another or other persons to gain access to the resources using one's account.
• Unauthorised removal of ICT equipment from any location.
• Use of resources for commercial purposes, unless formally sanctioned at an agreed cost by
• Using the resources to access sites that publish pornographic material
• The generation and/or transmission of offensive or harassing materials;
• The deliberate undermining or compromising of the security and/ or integrity of other
• Violation of intellectual property rights.
• The taking of any action that contravenes the law; and other actions that can be interpreted
in this general category;
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4.2 Guidelines/requirements to access MAKNET
With the establishment of the wireless backbone with a dedicated Internet link, academic and
administrative units have the opportunity to use modern communications. It is however
necessary for faculties to take some minimum steps in order to gain access. The following
guidelines/ requirements for getting connected are based on the general good of the university
and the sustainable exploitation of the university information resources.
• The LAN should have reasonable facilities and opportunity for student access, Should
have reasonable facilities for staff access, preferably at office level.
• There should be a clearly defined access policy to facilities.
• There should be a senior member of staff who, as an additional assignment, is responsible
for the day-to-day management of the computer facilities.
• There should be a technician or other competent person who is or can be trained as a
Network Administrator.
• There is a server room, physically secured, normally only accessed by the technician and
the DICTS Network Administrator.
• There should be visible and budgeted actions by the Faculty to ensure that computer
resources are properly maintained in a clean environment.
• The faculty shall supply a list of users (students and staff) in soft form to DICTS for the
assignment of access rights.
• The faculty shall undertake to assume the responsibility for any user based cost recovery
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