2011 - TV Tools
2011 - TV Tools
[ VIEWS FOR A BETTER AUDIO AND VIDEO PRODUCTION ] TV TOOLS OY NEWSLETTER 2011 15 years of TV Tools POST CONTROL Next generation post production system IRR-TV COMPACT HD Ob VAN MTV3 & BLUE MEDIA CENTRALISED HD PRODUCTIONS FILMWORKS HD STUDIO EDITORIAL CONTENTS Filmworks HD studio........................................ 4 This year marks 15 years since the launch of TV Tools. Over the years, we have grown from a micro-business, employing a handful of people, to a medium-sized company with a 27-strong staff. IRR-TV Compact HD OB van....................... 6 DeCo Media On a secure footing.........................7 MTV3 & Blue Media Centralised HD productions............ 8 15 years of TV Tools.......................10 Nitro Group New media between two cities... 13 Post Control Helsinki Next generation post production system................14 SuomiTV HD channel....................................16 In the spotlight Heikki Niiranen..............................18 [ NÄKYMIÄ AUDIOPAREMPAAN JA VIDEOTU OTANTOON ] TV TOOLS OY:N TIEDOTU SLEHTI 2011 TV Tools Oy NEWSLETTER 2011 TTA TV TOOLS 15 VUO POST CONTROL EN UUDEN SUKUPOLV JÄLKITUOTANTO JÄRJESTELMÄ Publisher TV Tools Oy Itälahdenkatu 15-17 00210 Helsinki tel. +358 9 525 9700 www.tvtools.fi info@tvtools.fi Editor-in-Chief Jukka Keski-Loppi Editor MIKKO KUJALA TRANSLATIONS PRE-TEXT OY 2 VIEWS FOR A BETTER AUDIO AND VIDEO PRODUCTION IRR-TV KOMPAKTI HD ULKoTUOTANTOAUTO MTV3 & BLUE MEDIA TERÄVÄPIIRTOA KESKITETYSTI FILMWORKS HD-STUDIO Photography No Grain Studio, Timo Luomanen Klaara Helsinki, Matti Liimatainen In the early years, our main focus was on post production systems. ImMIX VideoCube, the real-time non-linear editing system that broke new ground worldwide, was popular with Finnish users. The new millennium saw us successfully venturing into supplying TV technology to cruise ships. As our skills base developed further, we were able to expand our offering to cover different systems from production to distribution. Our staff members’ joint experience from different areas of production has also helped us to better understand our clients’ needs. TV technology has been developed in a more user-friendly direction, while on the other hand, the background systems are now more complex and integrated in myriad ways. Many of our customers are not willing to commit their own resources into the support of such systems. Inspired by feedback received from customers, we began the planning of support services in the middle of 2000s. Our aim was to offer a fast, high-quality service and familiar contacts to our customers. In the same way as in our project services, our support service was initially focused on post production systems. We developed support routines and a proprietary support system. Documentation standards, which had been established as part of our project work, and the launch of our internal training programme created a sound base for the development of support services. Today, our support services cover a range of different setups from single workstations to extensive production systems. Our objective continues to be to offer modern solutions supported by a local support service. TV Tools Oy Design Eyeball GRAPHICS, MIkko jokinen Print Saraste Suora Oy Jukka Keski-Loppi Project Manager TV Tools Oy TV TOOLS OY newsletter 2011 3 Complete EVS workflow from ingest to playout. Filmworks – HD STUDIO The existing, SD studio of the Filmworks production company was upgraded in spring 2010, practically down to every last cable and fitting. The new technology offers a full EVS workflow from ingest to playout. studio productions and stream them also to the SAN storage for up, connections for both AES and analogue sound, and an internal Final Cut Pro editing, if required. If necessary, recordings can be matrix. One DSP channel is provided automatically for each input transcoded to the required file format for further processing. The and output. This means that all channels have limitless DSP pos- advanced playout tools of EVS servers facilitate last-minute changes sibilities and highly versatile routing options. The console features T and programme playout. The EVS servers can start playback as soon 24 faders, each with two layers. Controls are accessed via a touch as the first seconds of the video clip produced at the editing station screen on the console. The sound booth has excellent acoustics, is available on the server. These features are particularly useful in and the Genelec DSP 5.1 audio monitoring has been checked and The studio was cabled for six HD studio cameras. Two fast turnaround sports productions, where programmes are edited calibrated for the environment. “Walnut fittings and worktops give ers. X-Link saves on the number of physical router outputs, 4-channel EVS XS HD/SD studio servers were installed as an ex- until the last minute. the whole studio set-up a carefully finished look,” says Filmworks and all router points - both inputs and outputs - can be monitored. pansion to the existing video servers. These new powerhouses will he core of the upgraded studio is the Evertz Xenon router. example, missing image or audio, or a phase error in audio. One clear strength of Evertz routers is their X-Link technology, which facilitates seamless integration with VIP-X multiview- Managing Director Marko Viitanen. UMD data for the multiviewers is provided directly from the router take care of studio ingest and playout both from the studio and Sound is provided by the versatile, high-performance Calrec and different types of alarms can be configured for each view - for the master control room. The servers ingest incoming feeds and Zeta console. This modular mixing desk offers comprehensive back- 4 VIEWS FOR A BETTER AUDIO AND VIDEO PRODUCTION TV TOOLS OY newsletter 2011 5 DeCo Mediag IRR-TV – COMPACT HD OB VAN On a secure footin DeCo Media, a long-term client of TV Tools, extended its postproduction system in late winter 2011. The main objective was to build a backup and archival system to meet the challenges of the company’s ever-growing material amount. A n LTO tape backup and archiving system was integrated defined folder, which PresSTORE then scans according to the schedule in the existing system comprising two editing stations. and archives the data onto LTO tapes. Once the material is archived, In addition, the company purchased a further editing sta- the system verifies it from the tapes and deletes the material from tion and upgraded the two existing stations with high- the storage, and finally sends a report to the users via email. Archived performance Apple Mac Pros. material can be restored using a simple browser-based interface. This The backup and archiving system is based on the Tandberg Data StorageLibrary T40 tape library and the Archiware PresSTORE backup means that users can restore material independently without the help of an IT expert. and archive software. The system takes care of both the backup and In spring 2010, Kerava-based IRR-TV commissioned TV Tools to build a compact and high-performance OB van with music production capabilities. connected to a KVM switch. The van also has a Final Cut workstation, squeezed in a standard-body, extra-long Mercedes Benz which can be used to prepare inserts already during recording and, if Sprinter. Sony HXC100 digital triax cameras were chosen necessary, for their playout. AJA FS1 signal converters were installed for the setup, and monitoring was implemented using a to accommodate the ever-changing conversion needs of outdoor pro- Sony HD tube monitor and a Tektronix videoscope. The rear wall of ductions. This means that different types of signals can be provided the cab was taken out, and swivelling front seats were fitted. This according to the customer’s requirements. The back of the van has space for carried equipment and a sepa- around 180 degrees, he finds himself in front of a 56-channel Yamaha rate connection panel for external sources. Additional transport needs 02R96 digital mixing desk. The stage boxes are also by Yamaha. are catered for with a trailer or a separate vehicle. existing surplus Mac Pro. The PresSTORE software is light enough to thanks to the new backup system, our own data and our customers’ run on older hardware, which meant savings in equipment costs. data are now protected automatically. This frees up more time for creative work. The archiving system provides easy and hassle-free Workstations are backed up via a network onto tape li- access to older projects,” Production Manager Pasi Vallittu explains. brary. The editing stations have local G-Tech G-Speed eS storage with The growing business of DeCo Media received an extra boost in spring a combined disk capacity of over 15TB. Video monitoring is imple- 2011, when media house Otavamedia became the new owner. mented with AJA Kona 3 video cards and Eizo monitors. In addition to the three editing workstations, the system provides backup for the storage of three encoding workstations. All backup functions are scheduled to avoid disruptions in production. The system recycles LTO-5 data cartridges automatically, which eliminates the need to change tapes during backup. The archiving system is partially automated. When a ������������������������������������������������������������ gave the additional space for building the sound engineer’s desk immediately behind the driver’s seat. When the driver swivels the seat “The system has worked well. We are particularly pleased how, DECo MEDIA A full-blooded production unit with five HD cameras was archiving of media content. The backup server was provided with an FOUNDED IN 1996 Employees 10 + 30 freelancers Services video production and post production, webcast, publication and maintenance of online video content, communications and publishing Units 4 x edit, 3 fixed and 5 portable encoders, backup system Customers public and state authorities, businesses from small companies to international listed companies decomedia.fi project or other material needs to be archived, it is moved to the These boxes use Ethersound protocol to transmit 16 tracks of audio in and 8 out using a single ethernet cable. The van itself also features the latest technologies. Pow- MAINOS er supply is backed up with two UPS systems. The internal work lights A monitor wall and video routers were built in the back of are dimmable LEDs. In addition, the van also has reversing cameras the van using Evertz technology. Graphics creation and playout was and a motorised marquee with walls on the right-hand side, which implemented using the TitleOne HD system by Harris. The equipment provides handy additional space in case it rains. �� can be used for playout if required. All on-board workstations are 6 VIEWS FOR A BETTER AUDIO AND VIDEO PRODUCTION IRR-TV hardware space. The operating areas of the van were also fitted with Video recording is based on AJA Ki Pro video recorders, which � � was installed under the mixing desk in a separately air-conditioned air-conditioning to provide optimised working conditions for users. � FOUNDED IN 1989 employees 70 worldwide PRODUCES 16 Christian TV series UNITS three TV studios and two radio studios in Kerava SERVICES offer production facilities and equipment for hire to production companies and TV channels irrtv.fi �� �� ��� � TV TOOLS OY newsletter 2011 7 trol a specific part of the system. Routers and monitoring were implemented with products by Evertz. “In recent years, we have acquired new broadcasting rights for the MTV3, MTV3 MAX and Canal+ channels. For that reason, we needed a flexible system, which would make it easy to manage material during several simultaneous recordings. We carried out tests on our existing EVS XT2 server and noticed how efficiently EVS worked with editing stations and broadcast automation,” Markku Ryöti, Head of Technical Planning at MTV explains. The systems of MTV3 and Blue Media are connected via an EVS Xnet2 network. The network is specifically designed for media TV channel MTV3 ordered a 30-channel HD production and playout system in spring 2011. Blue Media, a production company that operates in the same premises with MTV3, commissioned a similar 20-channel system in summer 2011. M ers in the network. Naturally, user rights can also be specified fully for these functions. “Speed, flexibility and reliability are the best points of the system. Workflow is now significantly faster, and we are able to modify the configuration based on the needs of different productions,” Production Manager Kari Andersson from Blue Media points out. BLUE MEDIA MTV3 & Blue Media CENTRALISED HD PRODUCTIONS transmission, and the EVS servers can playout material from other serv- founded in 2001 Employees 27 + several freelancers Services Technical production services for all sports productions of MTV3 and Canal+ in Finland, including Formula 1, WRC Rally and the next Ice Hockey World Championships. Over 100 hours of sports every week Units 6 x edit, 1 x HD outdoor broadcast truck, 6 x studio control rooms Customers MTV3 and Canal+ bluemedia.fi CONVERT www.aja.com TV3 and Canal+ have expanded their sports programme In addition, IPDirector provides a link between EVS production servers offering in recent times. Currently, MTV3 broadcasts and Final Cut editing stations. All editors have the EVS export plugin in programmes such as Formula 1, WRC Rally, boxing, Final Cut, which means that ready material can be published directly Convert with AJA. and all Skiing World Cup competitions. Next year’s Ice from edit to the EVS servers for playout. Playout can start during file Mini-Converter and Rackmount products that make professional workflows work. Hockey World Championships will also be shown on MTV3. Canal+ transfer, within seconds of when the first data is transferred. Ingested broadcasts games from all major European football leagues as well as material can also be used in Final Cut with a delay of only some sec- tennis and NBA basketball. In order to meet these production require- onds, even when ingest is still in progress. ments, two systems were built, which together provide a production system with a total of 50 HD channels for ingest and playout. EVS’ versatile USER RIGHTS management provide highly specific access rights for viewing and accessing channels and material. The systems are based on a cluster of EVS XS and XT2+ produc- Some of the playout channels of the MTV3 system are incorporated tion servers. Workflows are managed by IPDirector, the production in broadcast automation control. User rights can be used to create and media management suite by EVS, which handles tasks such as different environments for different productions. Six different studio ingest scheduling, media and metadata management, and preview. control rooms were built for Blue Media, each with the ability to con- FS2. One box that does it all. FS2 Dual-channel Universal Video/Audio Frame Synchronizer and Format Converter With support of all broadcast video formats, FS2 makes matching up disparate video and audio systems simple. Featuring a flexible, “anything-in, anything-out” architecture, the dual-channel FS2 can be used as two separate Frame Syncronizers/Format Converters, or the two channels can be combined in many powerful ways – for example 3D video or sidebar keying where both the video and background graphics can be upconverted and combined. FS2 features comprehensive analog and digital I/O, withfull input and output mapping allowing any I/O port to be assigned to either processing channel. FS2 can also be expanded with Dolby E Encoder, Decoder and Fiber I/O options. 8 VIEWS FOR A BETTER AUDIO AND VIDEO PRODUCTION B e c a u s e i t m a t t e r s . NEW FiDO. Compact Fiber. SDI/Optical Fiber Converters NEW With a compact design ideal for racks, trucks and crowded facilities, FiDO allows the transport of SDI, HD-SDI, and 3G SDI over distances up to 10km using standard singlemode Fiber optic cable with your choice of LC, ST, or SC connectors. With 9 models to choose from, FiDO offers unmatched flexibility and cost efficiency. Hi5-Fiber. Fiber HD/SD-SDI to HDMI. HDMI Video and Audio Converter Designed for driving HDMI monitors from a single cable connection, Hi5-Fiber converts HD/SD-SDI audio and video over single-mode 1310 nm Fiber optic cable (ST-style Fiber connector) to HDMI. Two channel RCA audio outputs for separate audio TV TOOLS OY newsletter 2011 monitoring are also available. NEW 9 15 years of TV Tools Post production systems have played a central role in the history of TV Tools. Networked systems followed individual post production workstations. The tapeless environment brought more versatile workflows, but it also created new challenges in the backup and archiving of material. Production and playout systems are becoming increasingly integrated. Media management systems make it easier to manage ever-growing TV Tools designs and builds its first broadcast system for the Caribbean cruise ship Voyager of the Seas. material amount, while the integration of IT and video technologies provides more distribution channels. In addition to post production systems, TV Tools today offers tools and support services for production, distribution and media asset management. Media100 edit systems become common. The Joensuu-based Videoflame, TV Tools’ first customer, orders the Videocube real-time nonlinear editing system. Several TV studios built using Abekas vision mixers. Nearly 100 VideoSphere edit systems sold in Finland. Our staff numbers increase steadily over the years. Channel Nelonen’s news programme Nelosen Uutiset launched using a new type of production system. Digitisation of outdoor broadcast units begins. The first Freedom-class cruise ship completed at the Turku shipyard. The ship features new types of RCTV centres. Apple Final Cut edit suite gains foothold in the Finnish market. TV Tools supplies the largest post-production system in the Nordic countries for Generator Post. TV Tools moves to its current pr emise s in Itälahdenka tu, Lauttasaari in 2003. A second facility opens in Pasil a in autumn 2011. The world’s largest SANBASED MOBILE PRODUCTION SYSTEM for WRC Rally. The majority of Finnish TV channels use Pebble Beach for playout automation. 10 VIEWS FOR A BETTER AUDIO AND VIDEO PRODUCTION EVS systems become common in studios. Complete workflow from ingest to playout. Director’s Cut HD outdoor broadcast truck completed. Reliable Omneon video servers used in broadcasting. DVS high-performance SAN post production solutions. Delivery of Riedel MediorNet systems begins. Evertz’s combined routing and multiviewer systems 11 TV TOOLS OY newsletter 2011 become the industry standard. Nitro Group New media between two citieS Make Your Plans Come True TURKU HelsinkI New media agency Nitro unified the post-production systems at its two branches in Helsinki and Turku in summer 2011. Because the employees often move between the two cities, the company wanted to build both systems using the same technologies. On the other hand, the special requirements of each branch had to still be taken into account. F or the branch located in the Arabianranta district of Helsinki, because the productions in Turku are more unit-specific. In other re- a DVS SpycerBox SAN storage was provided so that work- spects, the software and workstations are identical between Turku flows could be centralised on a single storage platform. All and Helsinki, as is monitoring, which is based on AJA Kona 3G cards departments now use the same storage, which means that and Eizo monitors. material do not have to be transferred between departments. Final More channels. More power. Greater possibilities. With its flexible 8-channel SD/HD and 6-channel 3D/1080p configurations, EVS’ new generation of XT servers combines ultimate speed with power to create unlimited possibilities for tomorrow’s live productions. Designed with the latest broadcast and IT technology, XT3 guarantees maximum motion control and flexibility. Cut edit workstations are connected to the shared storage system via backup and archiving is implemented using similar LTO tape fast 8Gb fibre channel fabric to facilitate real-time workflows both libraries at both locations. The unified systems facilitate exchange of in compressed and uncompressed formats. The Logic Studio audio materials between the two branches. For example, material shot at unit and studio is connected to the storage platform with a 1GigE the Turku studio can be transferred to post production in Helsinki on connection. LTO tape, or a project archived in Helsinki can be transported to Turku for later use. Designed to Perform 12 VIEWS FOR A BETTER AUDIO AND VIDEO PRODUCTION www.evs.tv Max workstations. In addition to the 3ds Max workstations, the system includes a render farm of five computers, which also uses the 40TB SpycerBox storage. In Turku, audio and video units were fitted with local G-Tech G-Speed eS Pro storage instead of a SAN. This solution was chosen NITRO GROUP Live Entertainment Nitro is renowned for its stunning 2D and 3D animations and graphics, which are created using four Autodesk 3ds founded in 2000 Employees 75 Services Film production, and the design and production of online services. Specialises in 2D and 3D animations and modelling, special effects, sound production and music composition, combined marketing and systems knowhow to serve the customer’s multi-channel communication process. Units Helsinki: 2 x edit, 1 x audio and 4 x 3D / Turku: 2 x edit, 1 x audio and 1 x studio Customers Canal+, Finnair, Finnmatkat, MTV3, Nordea, Valmet Automotive, Volvo nitro.fi TV TOOLS OY newsletter 2011 13 Post Control Helsinki – Nextgeneration post production system “Three jobless kids got together and decided to employ themselves,” Jukka Kujala, producer and one of the founders, gives a humoristic description of how Post Control was created. tre colour grading unit. The two finishing units are based on Autodesk Post Control is a contemporary expert organisation cov- Smoke on Mac workstations. 3D, graphics and VFX tools are available ering all areas of post production. “Specialists’ services are used for both on Mac and Windows workstations. The colour grading unit is the assessment of production models and production consultations. Autodesk Lustre, a Linux-based resolution free system. The Lustre A comprehensive skills base enables us to complete post production theatre features Finland’s largest cinema screen for post production fully or partially in-house,” says Petri Riikonen, one of the three self- purposes. The calibrated Christie DCI project ensures that the end made producers. product looks exactly the same on the unit’s screen as in the cinema. This is very important in terms of post production quality and control. Lustre and Christie are completely 3D ready, which means that post P ost Control Helsinki is the most cutting-edge post production included tapeless workflow, the ability to manage increasing material house in entire Finland. The company’s operating philosophy amount, simultaneous access to material from different units, and includes project consulting, comprehensive post-production obviously a system to accommodate different file formats,” Producer management service, and post production. PCH can produce & Colorist Marko Terävä summarises. anything from commercials to TV series, documentaries and full-length feature films. Launched in 2010, Post Control has quickly established TV Tools supplied the complete post production system on its place in the Finnish post production industry - the first five Finnish a turnkey basis. The production platform was built on the three most feature film premieres in 2011 were Post Control productions. popular operating systems, Windows, Mac OS X and Linux. The main production can be taken to a third dimension, if required. “File numbers and sizes in production have constantly increased, and additional system speed and storage capacity was required to respond to this challenge. Managing the increasing material amount also takes more and more time,” Jukka Kujala explains. POST CONTROL HELSINKI FOUNDED IN January 2010 Employees 9 Services post production, management and consultation UNITS 2 x Autodesk Smoke, 1 x Autodesk Lustre + render farm, 1 x Blackmagic Design DaVinci, 2 x 3D + render farm, 4 x Final Cut, 1 x transfer unit postcontrol.fi part of integration was for all different platforms and software to Post Control found its work together seamlessly. The core of the system is a high-perform- home in the trendy and ance SAN storage system, which is connected to all production units. growing cultural centre at The system is one of the most powerful in the Nordic countries. Each the Suvilahti power plant. workstation provides 10bit 2K DPX workflows and also 4K workflow The glass-walled office has been tested and proven. Material is backed up on disk storage space was renovated to and then to LTO data tapes. In addition to the disk storage additional house a modern pro- capacity is provided with expandable LTO data tape archive. duction facility. The old 14 warehouse was turned Thanks to the new modern system, workflows and processes into a state-of-the-art could be streamlined. All units have simultaneous access to material. theatre for colour grad- This means that different production stages can be in progress at the ing. “The basic criteria same time, while changes are updated in the background. There are for the new technology over ten workstations from offline Final Cut units to an Autodesk Lus- VIEWS FOR A BETTER AUDIO AND VIDEO PRODUCTION TV TOOLS OY newsletter 2011 15 TV TOOLS BRANDS Video ADC AJA VIDEO SYSTEMS Autodesk Video cards, mini converters and digital recorders. Post production software and systems. Belden BUF Cavena Video, audio, data, fibre channel and triax cables. Control systems and slow motion. Subtitling systems and workstations. Video and audio patch panels and connectors. SuomiTV – HD channel SuomiTV began broadcasting on 18 December 2009, making Finnish history by becoming the first national commercial HD TV channel to provide programmes across the nation without an additional fee. T he first broadcast tests were conducted between August cast automation by Pebble Beach, Omneon video servers, Evertz rout- and October 2008, initially under the name “STV Suomi”. The ing, monitoring and signal processing, Cavena’s subtitling system and following June, SuomiTV was granted a national channel li- graphics solutions by Harris were integrated with SuomiTV’s system cence. This left the company only a few months to build its at Kerava. All equipment at the transmission centre was backed up, technology. TV Tools was involved in the design and development of The channel launched on schedule with an impressive ChristKerava facility for the preparation of programmes and commer- expanding channel soon outgrew its premises at Kerava. SuomiTV cials before broadcasting and for channel trailers and news produc- moved to Pasila next to Digita’s transmission centre. TV Tools imple- tion. The platform was a SAN storage system integrated with an ar- mented the move, including video and audio technology for a multi- chive system of 150 LTO data tapes for archiving programmes. The camera control room and two studios, one of which was designed for facility had six preparation and edit units. The traffic management the channel’s news broadcasts. system provided by Broadcast Traffic Systems was a core element in Evertz EVS Routers, converters, signal generators, fibre channel, IPTV and multiviewers. Video servers, networked production systems and slow motion. Harris Miller Omneon Graphic systems, information systems, routers and converters. Tripods. Video servers. Tangent Devices Tektronix Telemetrics Color grading control panels. Video and audio measurement, signal generators and quality control. Camera robotics; dolly tracks, control systems, pan and tilt heads. ViewCast Vislink Vizrt Streaming. Wireless camera links. Graphic systems, virtual studios and publishing systems. Calrec Glensound Mandozzi Audio mixers. Commentary systems and phone hybrids. Audio routers, transmission mixers and audio transfer systems. Riedel RTW WisyCom Intercom and signal routing systems. Audio monitoring and measurement. Wireless microphones and intercom. Archiware ATTO Building 4 Media Backup and archive software. Fibre Channel, miniSAS, 10GigE and SCSI host bus adapters. Production and playout automation. Caldigit Dalet DataDirect Networks External hard drives and storage systems. Media management and automation systems. Storage systems. Data SuomiTV’s TV technology right from the start. mas concert, after only two months of construction. However, the DNF Control systems and panels. Audio including connections to Kerava. First, a system for material services was built at the ® DVS Front Porch Digital G-Technology SAN and NAS storage systems and post production workstations. Hierarchial storage management, media management and archiving systems. External hard drives and storage systems. Pebble Beach Quantum Rhozet News and playout automation. SAN and hierarchial storage management systems and tape libraries. Transcoding and quality control. Tandberg Data Tolis XenData Tape drives and libraries. Backup and archive software. Hierarchial storage management and archive systems. Resale the organisation of material, advertising sales, and the planning and A lot has happened in just over two-and-a-half years. monitoring of playout lists. In spring 2011, SuomiTV changed its operating model by outsourcing Apple Eizo Genelec the majority of its technical services. At the same time, the channel Editing software and workstations. Data and video monitors. Speakers. Neutrik Panasonic Sony Connectors and panels. Cameras, video monitors and video mixers. Cameras, video monitors and video mixers. SuomiTV concluded an agreement on transmission services reduced the number of staff. The channel was re-launched in autumn with Digita. TV Tools built a playout system for Digita at its Pasila facil- 2011 with a new look and repertoire. ity, comprising advanced components with proven reliability. Broad- 16 VIEWS FOR A BETTER AUDIO AND VIDEO PRODUCTION TV TOOLS OY newsletter 2011 17 IN THE SPOTLIGHT B Heikki Niiranen orn and bred in Joensuu, Heikki Niiranen works at TV Tools in the planning, configuration and support of media management and post production systems. Alongside his work at TV Tools, Heikki is completing a degree in IT at Aalto University. Heikki discovered his interest in TV technology while leading the TV channel of the students’ union. Working as an editor and live broadcast operator at Yleisradio/Finnish Broadcasting Company gave Heikki further inspiration to pursue a career in the industry. At TV Tools, Heikki is also involved in the development of systems and applications. “Development work gives me the opportunity to apply theoretical knowledge gained at university as well as my practical experience from this industry. It’s great that I can combine the two,” Heikki says. Heikki is a spicy food enthusiast, and he grows his own chillies. 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It has become the gold For more for than 30 years has pioneered groundbreaking solutions active brand stands for accuracy, to perfection in Finland. listen to hear difference. standard for reliability audio professionals around thethe world. Regardless size,represents each Genelec is handcrafted individually calibrated exceptional andJust consistency. The all-aluminum 8000 of Series the monitor core of the experience.and It has become the gold to perfection in Finland. Just listen to hear difference. standard for audio professionals around thethe world. Regardless of size, each Genelec monitor is handcrafted and individually calibrated GET PROFESSIONAL. WWW.GENELEC.COM/8000 to perfection inVIEWS Finland. Just listen to hear difference. 18 FOR A BETTER AUDIO AND VIDEO the PRODUCTION GET PROFESSIONAL. WWW.GENELEC.COM/8000 GET PROFESSIONAL. WWW.GENELEC.COM/8000 TV TOOLS OY newsletter 2011 19 TEL. +358 9 525 9700 TV Tools Oy info@tvtools.fi Itälahdenkatu 15–17 www.tvtools.fi 00210 Helsinki 20 VIEWS FOR A BETTER AUDIO AND VIDEO PRODUCTION