Sarf057 Development Of Improved Management Strategies For Red
Sarf057 Development Of Improved Management Strategies For Red
Sarf057 Development Of Improved Management Strategies For Red Mark Syndrome (Rms) A REPORT COMMISSIONED BY SARF AND PREPARED BY Professor Sandra Adams Published by the: Scottish Aquaculture Research Forum (SARF) This report is available at: Dissemination Statement This publication may be re-used free of charge in any format or medium. It may only be reused accurately and not in a misleading context. For material must be acknowledged as SARF copyright and use of it must give the title of the source publication. Where third party copyright material has been identified, further use of that material requires permission from the copyright holders concerned. Disclaimer The opinions expressed in this report do not necessarily reflect the views of SARF and SARF is not liable for the accuracy of the information provided or responsible for any use of the content. Suggested Citation Title: Development of improved management strategies for Red Mark Syndrome (RMS) ISBN: 978-1-907266-49-2 First published: June 2012 © SARF 2010 Project Final Report Form Please complete this form including an Executive Summary and the Final project report and return by email to: SARF, PO Box 16, Birnam, Dunkeld, Perthshire PH8 0WU, Scotland Project Details SARF Project ID Code: SARF057 Project Title: Development of improved management strategies for Red Mark Syndrome (RMS). Project: Start date 1st February 2010 End date 1st August 2011 Name(s) and address(s) of contractor organisation(s): Institute of Aquaculture, University of Stirling Contractor’s Project Manager: Professor Sandra Adams SARF Project Manager: Mr Richard Slaski Total SARF Project costs £ £60,000 Total approved project expenditure £142,717 Total actual project expenditure £166917 Total *approved staff input 1.24 yrs Total *actual staff input £1.57 yrs Is there any Intellectual Property arising from this project which is suitable for commercial exploitation (This question requires a YES/NO answer only. All other details of any Intellectual Property must be included under the Scientific Report or in an accompanying Annex). .........YES NO *Staff years of direct science effort NOTES SARF aims to place the results of its completed research projects in the public domain wherever possible. The form is designed to capture the information on the results and outputs of SARF-funded research in a format that is easily publishable through the SARF website. This form must be completed for all SARF projects. A supplementary Final Financial Report From must be completed where a project is paid on a monthly basis or against quarterly invoices. No Final Financial Report Form is required where payments are made at agreed milestone points. • This form is in Word format and the boxes may be expanded or reduced, as appropriate. ACCESS TO INFORMATION The information collected on this form will be stored electronically and may be sent to any SARF Board Members, or to individual researchers or organisations outwith SARF for the purposes of reviewing the project. SARF may also disclose the information to any outside organisation acting as an agent authorised by SARF to process final research reports on its behalf. SARF intends to publish this form on its website, unless there are cogent reasons not to do so, which may be justified as being in line with exemptions under the Environmental Information (Scotland) Regulations or the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2000. SARF may be required to release information, including personal data and commercial information, on request under the Environmental Information Regulations or the Freedom of Information Act 2000. However, SARF will not permit any unwarranted breach of confidentiality or act in contravention of its obligations under the Data Protection Act 1998. It is SARF’s intention to publish this form. Please confirm your agreement for SARF to do so.....................................................................YES NO (a) When preparing this and related report forms, contractors should bear in mind that SARF intends that they be made public. They should be written in a clear and concise manner and represent a full account of the research project which someone not closely associated with the project can follow. SARF recognises that in a small minority of cases there may be information, such as intellectual property or commercially confidential data, used in or generated by the research project, which should not be disclosed. In these cases, such information should be detailed in a separate annex (and clearly marked as “NOT TO BE PUBLISHED”) so that the contents of the forms can be placed in the public domain. Where it is impossible to complete the Final Report without including references to any sensitive or confidential data, the information should be included and section (b) completed. NB: only in exceptional circumstances will SARF expect contractors to give a "No" answer. The principal reasons for withholding information should be in line with exemptions under the Environmental Information (Scotland) Regulations or the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2000. (b) If you have answered NO, please explain why the Final report should not be released into public domain Scientific objectives List the scientific objectives as set out in the contract. If necessary these can be expressed in abbreviated form. Indicate where amendments have been agreed with the SARF Project Manager, giving the date of amendment. The original objectives were: 1. Collect samples 2. Characterisation of F. psychrophilum from clinical samples 3. Determine if the host fish develop antibodies to F. psychrophilum or/and RLO during an RMS infection 4. Identification of additional RLO genes in RMS and SD samples. 5. Development of an archive qPCR for the RLO agent 6. Ring trial of samples for presence of RLO agent using conventional PCR 7. Investigate if the application of novel biological anti-bacterial treatment methods can resolve RMS lesions 8. Development of management strategies. Objectives 4 and 7 were amended at annual meetings, as follows: It was agreed that that Objective 4 was no longer required as an effective qPCR had been developed in Objective 5. It was agreed that Objective 7 would be replaced with “Test the efficacy of an existing commercial SRS vaccine against RMS” to determine of cross protection against RMS could be achieved. Milestones List the milestones. It is the responsibility of the contractor to check fully that all milestones have been met and to provide a detailed explanation if this has not proved possible. Milestone Number 1 2 3 4 Target Date 30/9/2010 21/10/2010 Milestone Met In Full On Time Yes Yes Yes No 31/12/2010 Yes Yes 31/3/2011 NA NA Title Collection of samples (serum and tissues Characterisation of F. psychrophilum from clinical samples (serotyping using the new Stirling serotyping system and PFGE analysis Completion of ELISAs to determine if the host fish develop antibodies to RLO or/and F. psychrophilum during an RMS infection Identification of additional RLO genes in RMS 5 6 7 8 9 and SD samples. Development of an archive qPCR for the RLO agent Ring trial of samples for presence of RLO agent using conventional PCR Testing the efficacy of an existing commercial SRS vaccine against RMS Development management strategies Final Report 31/3/2011 Yes Yes 30/07/2011 Yes No 30/07/2011 NA NA 1/8/2011 1/8/2011 tbc Yes tbc No If any milestones have not been met please give an explanation below. All of the objectives were met with the exception of Objectives 7 & 8. Unfortunately the vaccine that had been provied was not a full commercial vaccine and therefore we were advised by the VMD not to proceed. We intend to proceed with both the original Objective 7 and testing an SRS vaccine in an extension to this project if possible. MSD Animal Health has indicated that they could provide such a vaccine. Despite additional effort in staff time and reagents during this project some of the work remains to be completed due the huge volume of data generated. We would like to request an extension to the project in order to complete all the analysis and perform the addition tasks that will inform on management strategies. Our colleagues at Marine Scotland have indicated that they would be prepared to join the project (‘in kind’ contribution) and assist on some of the tasks. It is therefore hoped that Milestones 7 and 8 can be taken forward and completed in an extension to this project. Declaration I declare that the information I have given in this form and in any associated documentation is correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Name: Alexandra Adams Position held: Professor Date: 30th November 2011 Executive Summary The executive summary must not exceed 2 sides in total of A4 (minimum font size 10) and should be understandable to the intelligent non-specialist. It should cover the main objectives, methods and research results, together with any other significant events and options for new work (the box below will expand to accommodate the Summary). Executive Summary Red Mark Syndrome (RMS) first seen in 2003 1 is an emerging disease in the UK and the same, or very similar conditions, may also be causing significant problems in Europe and USA. RMS quickly spread to over 50% of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) farms2 and the presence of lesions contributes to the downgrading in the market value of the fish and results in significant economic losses3. In order to inform on management strategies basic information on the aetioogical agent was required. The aim of this project was to elucidate the role of F. psychrophilum and Rickettsia-like organisms (RLOs) in Red Mark Syndrome (RMS) and to develop improved management strategies. The original objectives were: 1. Collect samples 2. Characterisation of F. psychrophilum from clinical samples 3. Determine if the host fish develop antibodies to F. psychrophilum or/and RLO during an RMS infection 4. Identification of additional RLO genes in RMS and SD samples. 5. Development of an archive qPCR for the RLO agent 6. Ring trial of samples for presence of RLO agent using conventional PCR 7. Investigate if the application of novel biological anti-bacterial treatment methods can resolve RMS lesions 8. Development of management strategies. Objectives 4 and 7 were amended at annual meetings, as follows: It was agreed that that Objective 4 was no longer required as an effective qPCR had been developed in Objective 5. It was agreed that Objective 7 would be replaced with “Test the efficacy of an existing commercial SRS vaccine against RMS” to determine of cross protection against RMS could be achieved. All of the objectives were met with the exception of Objectives 7 & 8. Unfortunately the vaccine that had been provied was not a full commercial vaccine and therefore we were advised by the VMD not to proceed. We intend to proceed with both the original Objective 7 and testing an SRS vaccine in an extension to this project if possible. MSD Animal Health has indicated that they could provide such a vaccine. Despite additional effort in staff time and reagents during this project some of the work remains to be completed due the huge volume of data generated. We would like to request an extension to the project in order to complete all the analysis and perform the addition tasks that will inform on management strategies (Milestone 8). The results of the project have provided an invaluable resource for future work on RMS as well informing on management strategies for the disease. The roles of F. psychrophilum and Rickettsia-like organisms (RLOs) in Red Mark Syndrome (RMS) were elucidated using a variety of serological and molecular technologies. The role of Flavobacterium. psychrophilum in RMS From the RMS sampling programme, 108 Gram -ve filamentous yellow pigmented bacteria were collected from both healthy and RMS affected fish. Although the Flavobacterium spp. in this collection have not yet been fully speciated, there does not appear to be a correlation between RMS-affected fish and the number of Flavobacterium spp. found compared with RMS-free fish. Serotyping of the Flavobacterium spp. by Western Blotting resulted in many more profile types than the original four found when the system was set up for Flavobacterium psychrophilum indicating that species other than F. psychrophilum were present. Molecular analysis by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to detect F. psychrophilum (in an MSc project) initially appeared to contradict this finding until it was found that the PCR reacted with Flavobacterium sp. closely related to F. psychrophilum, suggesting that the PCR was in fact not completely specific for F. psychrophilum. Sequencing of the isolates needs to be completed to confirm this. The use of immunohistochemistry (IHC) to detect F. psychrophilum in fixed tissue sections (internal organs) gave negative results, although inconclusive staining was observed in a few sections from both from RMS-positive and negative farms. In addition, there was no difference in the serology (determined by enzyme linked immunosorbent assay, ELISA) between fish serum collected from fish on RMS-infected and non-infected farms. This was carried out to determine if the RMS-affected fish developed antibodies against F. psychrophilum or/and RLO during an RMS infection. The role of Rickettsia-like organisms (RLOs) RMS It was possible to identify an RLO in RMS and Strawberry Disease (SD, from the USA) samples using a qPCR method with high numbers of positive samples found in affected fish. The amount of RLO in the RMS lesion was significantly higher than the other organs or unaffected skin. However, attempts to detect the RLO in formalin-fixed wax-embeded archive samples were unsuccessful, possible due to damaged DNA upon its extraction. No conclusive results were obtained from the cell culture work performed during the study (in an attempt to isolate the RLO), and although a variety of bacterial isolates were obtained on PsA, these remain to be identified (collected from local fish farms). Several swabs from skin lesions and spleen of RMS-postive fish produced very small white colonies, but it has not been possible to passage these cultures on to fresh medium. Final conclusions, recommended management strategies and future work In conclusion, although Flavobacterium species were found in fish (mainly on the skin and not in the internal organs) with RMS, no firm association could be made between this bacterium and RMS. There was, however, a strong association between presence of the RLO (in the lesion and internal organs) by qPCR and RMS-affected fish samples. Although this does not prove causality of the disease by the RLO it is possible to say that that the RLO does appear to be involved in the disease. Further work clearly needs to be done before definitive management strategies can be recommended. With the strong correlation to the RLO it is feasible to suggest that a vaccine against the RLO would be a logical next step. Unfortunatley as an RLO hs not been isolated it is not possible to develop a traditional inactivated whole cell vaccine, therefore we must rely on other methods to mitigate the effects of the disease. If further sequence data can be obtained on the RLO then perhaps a recombinant or DNA vaccine approach could be envisaged in the future. We have also looked at other studies to inform on management strategies and made initial conclusions from these. For example, a large scale epidemiological study was conducted by CEFAS and Marine Scotland using questionnaires and results will be published shortly. Although RMS now affects 60% of all UK rainbow trout farms in the UK, this means that 40% of farms are still free of the disease. It is possible for them to remain RMS-free, or even to clear the disease with some effort. By far the highest risk of introducing RMS to a farm is by moving live fish. This is an essential practice for any farm, but selecting an RMS-free source will limit the risk of infection dramatically. As recent research has shown, having less than four suppliers greatly reduces the risk. The second main route of infection is the water source. This may seem difficult to control, but having an influence over what is upstream of the site might help to prevent disease outbreaks. This ties in with the strict biosecurity that should be carried out on the farm. Recent research has also suggested that mechanical handling should be kept to a minimum. There are farms that have cleared the disease and have had no reoccurrence: this was achieved by implementing all of the above and completely clearing, fallowing and disinfecting ponds. It is possible to treat fish with RMS. The easiest way is to leave the fish and let the lesions resolve naturally. If possible fish can be hand-graded and fish with lesions selected and left to allow the lesions to heal. Stress has been reported to have different effects on RMS infection: some farmers have noticed that after stressing the fish the lesions healed up more quickly, whereas other farmers have found stress aggravates the situation. Another possibility is to fillet the fish, but that is not always an option. Topical treatments with all sorts of disinfectants have been tried: results are mixed, but they appear to make the lesions appear less severe rather the resolving them. Affected fish can be treated with a range of antibiotics, florfenicol and oxytetracycline being the two most commonly used. However, they should only be used as a last resort: antibiotic resistance and residues in the flesh are issues not to be taken lightly, and in any case the disease will resolve itself in time. Despite additional effort in staff time and reagents during this project some of the work remains to be completed due the huge volume of data generated, and a number of new questions have been raised. We would like to request an extension to the project in order to complete all the analysis and perform the addition tasks that will inform on management strategies. Our colleagues at Marine Scotland have indicated that they would be prepared to join the project ‘(in kind’ contribution) and assist on some of the tasks. Project Report to SARF As a guide this report should be no longer than 20 sides of A4. This report is to provide SARF with details of the outputs of the research project for internal purposes; to meet the terms of the contract; and to allow SARF to publish details of the outputs. This short report to SARF does not preclude contractors from also seeking to publish a full, formal scientific report/paper in an appropriate scientific or other journal/publication. The report to SARF should include: the scientific objectives as set out in the contract; the extent to which the objectives set out in the contract have been met; details of methods used and the results obtained, including statistical analysis (if appropriate); a discussion of the results and their reliability; the main implications of the findings; possible future work; and any action resulting from the research (e.g. IP, Knowledge Transfer). References to published material This section should be used to record links (hypertext links where possible) or references to other published material generated by, or relating to this project (the box below will expand). 1. Verner-Jeffreys, D. W., Algoet, M., Feist, S. W., Bateman, K., Peeler, E. J., & Branson, E. J. (2006). Studies on red mark syndrome, Finfish News no. 1, pp. 19-22 2. Noguera, P. (2008). Red Mark Syndrome, Fish Farmer, vol. 31, no. 2, p. 38 3. Verner-Jeffreys, D. W., Pond, M. J., Peeler, E. J., Rimmer, G. S. E., Oidtmann, B., Way, K., Mewett, J., Jeffrey, K., Bateman, K., Reese, R. A., & Feist, S. W. (2008). Emergence of cold water strawberry disease of rainbow trout Oncorynchus mykiss in England and Wales: outbreak investigations and transmission studies, Diseases of Aquatic Organisms, vol. 79, no. 3, pp. 207-21 4. Adam, K., 2009. A retrospective epidemiological study of red mark syndrome in Scottishfarmed rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Marine Scotland – Science, Internal Report No 14/09. SARF 057 Project Final Report Development of Improved Management Strategies for Red Mark Syndrome (RMS) A. Original Scientific Objectives The aim of this project was to elucidate the role of F. psychrophilum and Rickettsia-like organisms (RLOs) in RMS and to develop improved management strategies. The original scientific objectives as set out in the contract were as follows: 1. Collect samples 2. Characterisation of F. psychrophilum from clinical samples 3. Determine if the host fish develop antibodies to F. psychrophilum and/or RLO during an RMS infection 4. Identification of additional RLO genes in RMS and SD samples. 5. Development of an archive qPCR for the RLO agent 6. Ring trial of samples for presence of RLO agent using conventional PCR 7. Investigate if the application of novel biological anti-bacterial treatment methods can resolve RMS lesions 8. Development of management strategies. Objectives 4 and 7 were amended at the review meetings, as follows: It was agreed that that Objective 4 was no longer required as an effective qPCR had been developed in Objective 5. It was agreed that Objective 7 would be replaced with “Test the efficacy of an existing commercial Salmon Rickettsial Syndrome (SRS) vaccine against RMS” to determine if cross protection against RMS could be achieved. B. Extent to which the objectives in the contract have been met All of the objectives were met with the exception of Objective 7. Unfortunately the vaccine that had been provided was not a full commercial vaccine and therefore we were advised by the Veterinary Medicines Directorate (VMD) not to proceed. We intend to proceed with the testing of an SRS vaccine in an extension to this project if possible. MSD Animal Health has indicated that they could provide such a vaccine. Objective 8, development of management strategies also requires to be completed once all the analysis of data has been finalised. C. Methods, results and discussion for each objective Objective 1 Collect samples (serum and tissues) Approaches and Research Plan as outlined in the contract Samples were to be collected by CEFAS and Stirling from the UK (RMS positive and negative sites), Denmark (RMS negative samples by Dr Inger Dalsgaard and Lone Madsen from DTU Aqua, Copenhagen) and the USA (SD positive samples) from Dr Douglas Call’s group from the University of Washington. Methods, results and discussion Sample Set 1– RMS samples Samples were collected in collaboration with the CEFAS Fish Health Inspectorate from two RMS- positive and two RMS-negative sites in the UK (10 fish per farm). Bacterial swabs were taken from the exterior and interior of lesions and mucus on the surface of ten fish at 1 each site, sampling these onto three different culture media; MV Agar (MVA) suitable for the isolation of F. psychrophilum; Ps Agar (PsA) suitable for the isolation of Piscirickettsia salmonis (used with the aim of isolating the RLO associated with RMS) and tryptone soya agar (TSA). Tissue samples were also collected into 95 % ethanol from these fish for qPCR analysis, as outlined in Objective 5, neutral buffered formalin for histopathology and for immunohistochemisty (IHC) using anti-P.salmonis monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) and rabbit polyclonal anti-F. psychrophilum serum. Sera were collected from these fish for screening antibody responses against F. psychrophilum and P. salmonis in Objective 3. Further RMSnegative samples were obtained from the Netherlands (Mr Hendrik Hamstra), but originating from Denmark (both countries have not been reported as having outbreaks of RMS). SDpositive samples were obtained from Dr Scott La Patra at Clear Spring Foods USA, and together these samples were used as negative and positive controls in the IHC and the qPCR analysis. Dr Douglas Call's group at the University of Washington performed the qPCR on these samples following DNA extraction in the UK as part of the ring tesing performed in Objective 6. Tissues from the British farms were stained with H&E for histology, which were examined and scored by Dr Steve Feist, the senior histopathologist at CEFAS. None of the samples from the RMS-negative farms showed signs of pathology, except one fish which had mild focal mysositism, but this was considered incidental and not related to RMS. Of the samples taken from the RMS-affected farms, from the first farm three fish showed no signs of RMS and the remainder showed mild to moderate pathology, while the ten fish from the second farm all showed moderate to marked pathology (Figure 1). a b A c d Figure 1. Examples of positive histology (a) Red Mark Syndrome (UK) affected and (b) Strawberry Disease (USA). Both show a full thickness dermatitis expanding into the muscle (40 x magnification) and Immunohistochemistry (c) Kidney SD USA and (d) RMS skin lesion using antibodies against Piscirickettsia salmonis. Both show positive staining indicating the presence of antigens in common with P. salmonis. In contrast to the positive staining by IHC using antibodies against Piscirickettsia salmonis on RMS infected fish tissues (Figure 1d), when the tissues were using rabbit polyclonal antiF. psychrophilum antibody (PAb), the majority of the samples (diseased and normal skin, 2 kidney, liver, heart and gill) were negative. A few samples showed some slight, inconclusive staining with the PAb. Sample Set 2– Longitudinal RMS trial Two duplicate longitudinal studies were performed in collaboration with Dr Scott La Patra at Clear Spring Foods using specific pathogen free fish, with the aim of infecting them with RMS through co-habitation infection. The design of this trial was in collaboration with Dr Ed Peeler, an epidemiologist at CEFAS. Analyses by qPCR and IHC was performed on fish sampled from the trials, the results of which are discussed under Objective 5. Sample Set 3– Local Farms Additional sampling was carried out at a local fish farm infected with RMS, to obtain samples for cell culture in an attempt to isolate the RLO. Five fish with active lesions and five with early lesions were sampled and their spleens placed on three different cell lines (SHK-1, CHSE-214 and an insect cell line SF21 used to culture P. salmonis). Bacterial cultures were also prepared to try to isolate RLO/ F. psychrophilum associated with RMS. Blood from these fish was also cultured. No conclusive results were obtained from the cell culture work, and although a variety of bacterial isolates were obtained on the P. salmonis medium, these remain to be identified. Several swabs from skin lesions and spleen of RMSpostive fish produced very small white colonies, but it has not been possible to passage these cultures on to fresh medium. Sample Set 4–F. psychrophilum collection As well as the clinical samples collected above, the F. psychrophilum collection at Stirling was expanded (including Flavobacterium spp. from fish exhibiting signs of RTFS) and now contains isolates from UK, Europe (France, Italy, Denmark, Spain, Finland), Japan, USA and Chile. These include PFGE-reference isolates from Tim Wallis from Ridgeway Biologicals. Currently 198 isolates have been collected. Objective 2 Characterisation of F. psychrophilum from clinical samples (serotyping using the new Stirling serotyping system and multigene analysis) Approaches and Research Plan as outlined in the contract Isolates of F. psychrophilum isolated from RMS-affected fish were to be serotyped using Stirling’s new newly developed serotyping system and the plan was also to analyse the isolates by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis, and if necessary multilocus sequence typing. Reference isolates and protocols were supplied by Dr Douglas Call, Dr Inger Dalsgaard and Dr Tim Wallis from Ridgeway Biologicals. Dr Call has recently published a PFGE-based typing scheme for F. psychrophilum isolates from the USA. Similarly, Dr Wallis has been involved in a study that determined the clonal relatedness of isolates from UK rainbow trout and Atlantic salmon. Dr Dalsgaard’s group has internationally recognized expertise on F. psychrophilum and has also characterised isolates using a variety of methods. We wanted to determine if there was a correlation between RMS-affected fish and distinct clades of F. psychrophilum based on the subtyping data. CEFAS had experience with subtyping other bacterial fish pathogens (e.g. Yersinia ruckeri) that could be used to help guide the project. This objective was necessary so that a comparison could be made between F. psychrophilum isolates collected from RTFS infected fish and those isolates found in association with RMS. This information also assisted in selection of the F. psychrophilum isolates to be used to coat the ELISA plates in Objective 3. The serotyping system was already set up and working at Stirling. 3 Methods, results and discussion Two bacterial collections were characterised i.e. the samples collected from the RMS-postive and negative farms (the RMS collection) and also a large F. psychrophilum collection. The RMS Collection Swabs were made from mucus, interior and external skin lesions of RMS-affected (Farms 3 and 4) and healthy fish (Farms 1 and 2), and these were subcultured onto the three different culture media mentioned above i.e. TSA, MVA and PsA. The aim of the latter was to try to isolate a Rickettsia-like Organism (RLO) associated with RMS. The cultures on TSA and PsA had a large amount of non-specific growth on them and were therefore dicarded, while 108 Gram -ve filamentous yellow pigment bacteria were collected from the MVA cultures, distrubuted in tissues as shown in Table 1, and 52 of these were thought to be potential Flavobacterium spp (13 from APIzym (Table 2) and 39 based on morphology, ELISA and IFAT). Table 1. Gram –ve filamentous yellow pigment bacteria were collected from the MVA cultures cultures Farm Mucous Exterior Interior 1 (-ve) (17) (10) (7) 2 (-ve) (11) (7) (6) 3 (+ve) (5) (13) (11) 4 (+ve) (10) (9) (7) Table 2. Potential Flavobacterium spp based on APIzyme Farm Mucous Exterior 1 (-ve) (2) (0) 2 (-ve) (1) (4) 3 (+ve) (1) (2) 4 (+ve) (0) (0) Interior (0) (1) (1) (1) The RMS collection was kindly analyzed by a collaborator in Korea using a MALDI BioTyper™ system. This method allows identification and classification of microorganisms using protein 'fingerprints' measured by MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry, and it is becoming a very popular method for analysing clinical isolates from human infections. Bacterial identification is performed using pattern matching between reference spectra and MALDITOF profiles of unknown strains and it can identify bacteria to the genus or species level. The method has the potential to differentiate between microbial strains and allows clustering and phylogenetic dendrogram construction between isolates, similar to the PFGE (which is based on DNA analysis rather than protein profiles). Preliminary data is shown in the dendograms in Figure 2. Of the isolates classified as Flavobacterium sp. many were classified as F. saccharophilum, however bacterial characterisation is only as good as the reference isolates used and the RMS isolates were compared with reference bacteria held in the software database used to characterise clinical isolates from human infections. 4 MSP Dendrogram R62 R147 R36 R78 R34-1 R35 ps M174 R138 Pseudomonas spp. cluster R138 New R132 PS M 162 R146 R141 R144 R140 R139 R143 unindentified spp. Bacillus R149 R86 R100 R59 R39 R97 R77 R98 R40 R126 R128 R129 Flavobacterium spp. cluster R127 1000 900 800 700 600 500 Distance Level 400 300 200 100 0 I MSP Dendrogram 1000 900 800 700 600 500 Distance Level 400 300 200 100 R33 R116 R91 R118 R80 R79 R21 R18 R17 R84 R111 R87 R24 R53 R4 R88 R89 R107 R136 R121 R112 R103 R106 R102 R5 R125 R3 R2 R57 R7 R83 R30 R58 R16 R14 R137 R135 R134 R108 R92 R90 R48 R120 R82 R81 R32 R115 R114 R15-1 R19 R20 R15 R105 R104 0 Flavobacterium sp cluster Pseudomonas spp. cluster Figure 2 MALDI BioTyper™ analysis for the RMS isolates 5 Approximately half of the isolates could not be identified as there were no related reference stains in the database. The RMS isolates are currently being reanalysed using aquatic reference type stains including more Flavobacterium sp. type stains (including four F. psychrophilum type strains). At this stage there does not appear to be a correlation between the isolates identified as Flavobacterium spp. (mainly classified as F. saccharophilum according to the database) from the RMS-positive or RMS-negative farms, or the type of sample taken (i.e. swabs from mucus or interior/exterior lesions), but additional analysis is required to identify the isolates further. Perhaps a more accurate identity will be found for the F. saccharophilum isolates. The relationship between the results of the MALDI BioTyper™ and the results obtained with the commercially available Mab against F. psychrophilum in immunofluorescent antibody technique (FAT) and in ELISA using the polyclonal rabbit anti F. psychrophilum sera still need to be evaluated. This constitutes a very large data set and we propose to perform this over the next 6 months. Also DNA from all RMS isolates has been extracted with a view to sequencing the 16S RNA of these bacteria for bacterial identification, but this has not as yet been sequenced. It is important to do this to verify any relationship between the isolates identified by the MALDI BioTyper™ and in the other tests. The F. psychrophilum collection There are currently 198 isolates in this collection, with isolates obtained from fish exhibiting signs of RTFS, and isolates from UK, Europe (France, Italy, Denmark, Spain, Finland), Japan, USA and Chile, as well as isolates from Atlantic salmon, Coho salmon and Rainbow trout. The collection was first characterised based on bacterial morphology/Gram staining, then serotyping, using the serotyping system developed at Stirling based on Western blotting with polyclonal rabbit anti-F. psychrophilum sera (see Figure 3), FAT using the commercially available Mab against F. psychrophilum and ELISA using the polyclonal rabbit anti-F. psychrophilum sera. Morphologically, there was great variation in colour, the swamping properties and the colony types between the different isolates, but they were in general long filamentous Gram ve rods. In the FAT and ELISA with the rabbit PAb, most bacteria were positive to differing degrees (+ - +++). When analysis was repeated using anti-F. psychrophilum Mabs approximately one third of the F. psycrhophilum collection were recognised with the commercial Mab, and one third with an in house F. psychrophilum MAb. A Mab against F. psycrhophilum ECPs reacted with most of the isolates to differing degrees in ELISA (+ +++). Serotyping Originally the serotyping system developed at Stirling, based on Western blotting with polyclonal rabbit anti-F. psychrophilum sera, identified four different serotypes characterised by the banding patterns shown in Figure 3. However, when this method was applied to the Flavobacterium collection isolates, many more profiles than the original four were obtained. An example of some of the profiles obtained is shown in Figure 4. As yet it is not known how these profiles relate to different Flavobacterium spp. isolates, therefore completing the 16S RNA sequencing outlined below is crucial. The polyclonal sera used are not completely specific for F. psychrophilum, and is known to cross-react with F. branchopilium and closely related F. psychrophilum spp. This may explain why so many profiles were obtained, as some of these isolates are known not to be F. psychrophilum (see below). 6 KDa 160 75 50 35 30 25 15 10 A B C D Figure 3. Serotyping system developed at Stirling based on Western blotting with polyclonal rabbit anti-F. psychrophilum sera Figure 4. Examples of the Serotyping performed on the Flavobacterium sp. collection. The numbers refer to different isolates. MALDI BioTyper The Flavobacterium collection was also analyzed using the MALDI BioTyper™, the results of which, shown in the dendogram in Figure 5, show clear clusters between isolates. This is, however, preliminary data since further Flavobacterium spp. type strains are required in the database for more accurate characterisation of the collection. Also around a third of the 7 isolates were lost (deteriorated) on route to Korea because of a delay in their delivery by the courier. The Flavobacterium isolates are currently being reanalysed using aquatic reference type stains including four Flavobacterium sp. type stains. MSP Dendrogram F7 F39 F70 F33 F9 F61 F24 F8 F23 F19 F65 F64 F62 F40 F38 F29 F83 F48 F44 F43 F100 FC F41 F82 F102 F36 F2 F107 F101 FA F96 F56 F55 F25 F58 F30 F16 F69 F75 F74 F71 F6 F3 FJ cert7357 F14 F17 F57 F35 F28 F12 F47 F46 F11 F18 FH F45 1000 900 800 700 600 500 Distance Level 400 300 200 100 0 Figure 5. MALDI BioTyper™ analysis for the Flavobacterium collection PCR and Sequencing Some of the isolates have been analysed by a nested PCR (Wiklund et al., 2000), which was apparently specific for F. psychrophilum. A number of the isolates from the collection formed the basis of an MSc student project carried out in the Institute of Aqiaculture early this year. It was found that the Flavobacterium sp. closely related to F. psychrophilum were positive by PCR, suggesting that the PCR is in fact not completely specific for F. psychrophilum. We need to complete the sequencing of the isolates to confirm this. DNA has been extracted from the isolates ready for sequencing for species identification. This information is also important to examine the relationship between the results of the MALDI BioTyper™, IFAT and PCR (the PCR analysis also need to be completed on the remainder of 8 the isolates). A few of the isolates have already been sequenced and are not in fact F. psychrophilum, but are closely related species. PFGE Dr Kim Thompson undertook two weeks of PFGE training with Dr Michelle Pond at CEFAS in September 2011. Dr Pond has had experience with subtyping other bacterial fish pathogens (e.g. Yersinia ruckeri) and this work together with published PFGE protocols for F. psychrophilum helped in the optimisation of the technique for this project. The PFGE system at Stirling is different to the one at CEFAS and the technique needed to be re-optimized for the Stirling system. Completion of this task was rescheduled for the end of June 2011, but it was decided that is was necessary to complete the speciation of the Flavobacterim collection and the RMS samples first so that the groupings obtained with the PFGE results would have some significance with respect to different Flavobacterium spp. Antibiotic resistance The Flavobacterium sp. collection was also used in another MSc project earlier this year looking at the antibiotic resistance of the isolates, as a collaborative research project between Institute of Aquaculture, CEFAS, and MSD Animal Health. Initial results are very interesting and it would be informative to tie in the typing results with these data once further analysis has been completed. Objective 3 Determine if the host fish develop antibodies to F. psychrophilum or/and RLO during an RMS infection Approaches and Research Plan as outlined in the contract Detection of specific antibodies in the serum of animals can be a useful indicator of previous exposure to pathogens and is regularly used in both clinical and veterinary medicine. It also has potential use for disease surveillance in aquaculture. This type of serology is often used when rapid tests to identify the pathogen have not yet been developed. Such methods are presently under used in aquaculture although their potential in disease management in other animals is well proven. Serum samples (both positive and negative for RMS) were analysed by enzymelinked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) to determine the host response to F. psychrophilum and RLOs (Stirling). The aim was to help elucidate the role that the two pathogens (individually or together) may have in RMS and may also lead to useful methods for diagnosing the disease. Serum samples (both positive and negative for RMS) were analysed by ELISA to determine the host response to the two pathogens (i.e. the F. psychrophilum and RLO) (Stirling). Methods, results and discussion Serum samples from both the RMS-positive and RMS-negative sites, sampled under Objective 1, were analysed in an ELISA to determine the host response to F. psychrophilum and RLOs and to help elucidate the role that these two pathogens in RMS. The sera were screened against four isolates of Flavobacterium spp. (a F. psychrophilum type strain and three closely related Flavobacterium sp.) and also P. salmonis. As the RLO associated with RMS has still not been isolated, it was decided to use P. salmonis in this screening since MAbs against P. salmonis react with RMS-infected tissue suggesting common antigens between the RLO and P. salmonis, which the fish immune response may also recognise. No statistical difference was found in the antibody responses between the bacteria species or between RMS-postive and RMS-negative sites (Table 3). Antibody titres against the five pathogens were generally very low and ranged between 1/64 and 1/256. 9 Table 3. Antibody titre (-Log2+1) of sera sampled from RMS positive and negative farms NCIMB FpT ARF07 Mof25 BGARF P. salmonis Farm 1 5.8 ±1.4 8.1 ±1.2 7.0±1.2 7.9 ±0.7 7.7 ±0.8 Farm 2 7.5 ±1.0 7.1 ±0.6 7.6 ±1.2 7.3 ±0.5 7.4 ±0.5 Farm 3 7.3 ±2.4 6.9 ±2.4 7.1 ±2.3 6.9 ±2.4 7.0 ±2.4 Farm 4 8.0 ±0.5 7 .0±0.5 7.5 ±0.5 7 .0±0.5 7.8 ±0.4 Results represent mean of 10 duplicate samples per farm Objective 4 Identification of additional RLO genes in RMS and SD samples Approaches and Research Plan as outlined in the contract Expanding on the initial work done by Dr Call's group RMS- and SD-positive samples were to be probed by PCR for the presence of RLO genes other then 16S rRNA gene sequences. 4.1. Identification of RLO genes in databases, alignment of candidate gene sequences and design of degenerate primers. 4.2. Test samples using degenerate primers and sequencing of resultant products, qPCR developed and optimised for RLO (at CEFAS) and F. psychrophilum (at Stirling). This will enable quantification of the two pathogens and will be used in task 5 below. Methods, results and discussion 4.1. The identification of RLO genes in databases, alignment of candidate gene sequences and design of degenerate primers was no longer required as a TaqMan qPCR assay was optimised in this study based on the assay published by Doug Call’s group in USA, as discussed under Objective 5. Attempts to development a qPCR for F. psychrophilum was carried out at Stirling by PhD Student Farah Manji using primers against 16S rDNA, but these were found to cross-react with other Flavobacterium spp. (F. aquatile and F. johnsonaie). Primer sets for different F. psychrophilum genes should be considered for further qPCR development. Objective 5 Development of an archive qPCR for the RLO agent Approaches and Research Plan as outlined in the contract Subject to identifying other RLO genes in RMS and SD samples, the obtained sequences were then to be used to develop a TaqMan qPCR assay that could be used to screen samples, both ethanol preserved from recent RMS outbreaks and formalin fixed material from the CEFAS Registry of Aquatic Pathology (RAP; A retrospective analysis using qPCR would be conducted to detect the presence of RLO DNA in archived samples that have been collected by CEFAS from diseased rainbow trout over the last 30 years. The presence or absence of RLO DNA in these samples would provide valuable further information on whether the RLO is a genuinely new emergent disease-causing organism. The RA from Stirling was based in CEFAS for this work. It was proposed to use TaqMan qPCR assays for the qPCR which CEFAS have significant experience in developing for disease diagnostics purposes. Successful development of an archive qPCR for the RLO agent requires that a very sensitive quantitative assay is developed. This was the most technically difficult part of the project. 5.1. Develop a TaqMan qPCR assay based on sequences obtained from 4.2 and testing the RLO qPCR on positive control samples 5.2 Limited testing of archive and clinical samples using RLO TaqMan qPCR assay. 5.3 Cohabitation trial 10 Methods, results and discussion 5.1 A Taqman qPCR assay, developed by the University of Washington, targeting 16S rDNA was performed at the CEFAS laboratory. Optimisation of the assay was carried out by Matthijs Metselaar a PhD student from Stirling and Richard Paley from CEFAS. The standards for quantification of the RLO consisted of a plasmid containing the sequence for which the primers encoded (16S rDNA). A 10-fold dilution series of plasmid in a background of RMS-negative whole fish DNA was prepared to mimic conditions in the test samples. The assay was used to screen skin lesions, unaffected skin, heart, liver, gill, kidney and spleen samples from the RMS-positive and RMS-negative sites, sampled in Objective 1. DNA was extracted from samples stored in ethanol using a Qiagen biorobot 8000 universal system® and Qiagen EZ1 at CEFAS, which gave constant quantity and high quality DNA. All qPCR reaction were carried out in triplicate. At all steps during the proces relavant controls were used (for example negative DNA extractions/no template qPCR reactions). As seen in Tables 4-9, there is a clear, strong correlation between the RMS affected fish and the RLO. In only 6 out of 210 samples tested from the disease negative farms was a positive amplification observed for RLO DNA. In all six cases this was a single replicate of three (indicated by the red high-lighting in Table 4-6), indicating either dubious positive or RLO is present in very small amounts in these samples. The number of samples with positive amplification in the affected fish from RMS positive farms was very much higher. Some but by no means all of the positive amplifications observed in the affected fish samples were also in a single reaction of triplicates. What can also be seen from the data is that the amount of RLO in the lesion is significantly higher than the other organs and the unaffected skin as seen in the boxplot in Figure 6. This observed strong association however does not prove causality. Only by isolation of the bacterium and fulfilment of Koch’s postulates we can definitively prove causality. However, given the large amount of samples tested and the consistent results obtained, we suggest that the RLO is at least involved in the disease. Table 4. Farm 1 RMS negative farm from UK Fish 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Diseased skin - Normal skin 0.17* - Heart Liver Gill Kidney Spleen - - - - - Table 5. Farm 2 RMS negative farm from UK Fish 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Diseased skin - Normal skin - Heart Liver Gill Kidney Spleen - - 3.35* x10-6 - 3.97* x10-7 - - 11 9 10 - - - - - - - Table 6. Farm 3 RMS negative farm from NL Fish 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Diseased skin - Normal skin - Heart Liver Gill Kidney Spleen - 1.79* x10-6 5.94* x10-6 - - - 2.46* x10-6 - - Table 7. Farm 4 RMS positive farm from UK Fish 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Diseased skin 3.29 x10-5 1.87 x10-3 1.58 x10-4 3.14 x10-5 6.56 x10-4 1.55 x10-4 5.53 x10-6 1.34* x10-5 Normal skin 9.35 x10-6 6.98 x10-5 1.17 x10-5 3.41* x10-5 Heart Liver Gill Kidney Spleen 1.26* x10-6 4.62 x10-6 1.42 x10-6 9.61* x10-7 6.65 x10-6 3.59* x10-6 1.20 x10-6 7.22* x10-7 3.69 x10-4 6.26* x10-7 1.55* x10-6 1.96* x10-6 9.13 x10-7 1.52 x10-6 9.01 x10-7 1.21* x10-6 - 1.26* x10-6 1.78* x10-6 2.21 x10-6 1.42* x10-6 - Table 8. Farm 5 RMS positive farm from UK Fish 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Diseased skin 8.38 x10-4 0.68** 6.07 x10-7 1.37 x10-6 4.71 x10-4 1.22 x10-4 7.35 x10-6 1.64 x10-4 Normal skin 2.51 x10-5 1.44 x10-4 5.96 x10-5 1.18* x10-5 6.26 x10-5 1.38 x10-5 Heart Liver Gill Kidney Spleen 5.03 x10-6 4.00* x10-6 8.40* x10-9 1.36* x10-6 2.55 x10-6 1.11* x10-6 2.75* x10-6 8.80* x10-7 5.20* x10-7 1.40 x10-4 1.52 x10-6 9.40 x10-7 3.26* x10-7 1.15* x10-6 1.24 x10-6 8.40 x10-7 5.07* x10-7 8.57 x10-6 9.38 x10-7 5.56 x10-9 3.15 x10-6 2.93* x10-7 3.68 x10-6 4.14* x10-7 1.30475 1.63** 1.79 x10-6 2.71 x10-6 4.60* x10-6 4.70* x10-3 Table 9. Farm 6 RMS/SD positive farm from the US Fish 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Diseased skin 7.41 x10-4 3.93 x10-4 1.86** 1.06 x10-3 2.28 x10-4 3.83 x10-5 1.78 x10-4 1.67 x10-4 Normal skin 1.81 x10-5 2.89 x10-5 3.3* x10-5 1.57* x10-5 4.51 x10-4 Heart Liver Gill Kidney Spleen 3.83* x10-5 4.55 x10-6 2.92* x10-6 5.25 x10-6 5.43* x10-6 1.76* x10-6 39.23** 3.93 x10-6 1.19 x10-5 7.86 x10-6 1.10 x10-5 1.9 x10-6 1.02 x10-6 3.69 x10-5 5.92 x10-6 1.49 x10-3 7.39 x10-6 1.55 x10-6 3.72 x10-6 1.17 x10-5 7.11 x10-5 12 9 10 4.69 x10-5 1.20 x10-4 1.25 x10-4 2.04* x10-4 1.23* x10-5 - 1.00* x10-5 - 3.22* x10-6 1.26 x10-5 2.09 x10-6 7.64 x10-6 *insignificant; one of three replicates amplified ** outlier; one out 3 replicates significantly higher - no amplification of the RLO Table 4-9. Results from qPCR assays performed on RMS-affected and nonaffected fish. Numbers given are RLO copy number normalised by IGF copy number to correct for the amount of DNA initially added to the reaction. The red highlighted results are those of which only one of 3 replicates gave positive amplification. Figure 6. Boxplot of combined results of the 3 affected farms. RLO copy numbers are significantly higher in the skin lesions (Normal skin was taken from diseased fish) 5.2 Limited testing of archive and clinical samples using RLO TaqMan qPCR assay. It was intended to use this assay to screen samples preserved in ethanol from recent RMS outbreaks and formalin fixed material from the CEFAS Registry of Aquatic Pathology (RAP;, and to conduct retrospective analysis to detect the presence of RLO DNA in archived samples collected by CEFAS from diseased rainbow trout over the last 30 years. DNA was extracted from archive wax embedded samples at CEFAS using their extraction protocol. In total 10 samples were identified from the archive material which were positive for RMS by histopathology. Unfortunally, no amplification was seen with the qPCR in any of these samples. DNA extracted from the positive control, which was recently embedded tissue from a fish that tested positive in conventional PCR and IHC, was also not amplified after extraction from the wax block. It is possible that the DNA was degraded as a result of the 13 extraction proccess or from the formalin fixation. Futher work is needed to optimse the DNA extraction protocol from these samples. 5.3 Cohabitation trials In a duplicate study 100 and 98 naïve fish were cohabitated with 26 and 30 fish respectively obtained from an SD outbreak (14.5°C). Skin and kidney samples from five fish were taken at weekly intervals over the course of the trial (10 and 9 weeks respectively),. DNA was extracted from these and the RLO-specific qPCR, developed by Lloyd et. al. (2011), was used to monitor the transmission of the RLO. In cohabitation trial 2 additional organs (gill, liver spleen and heart) were also collected and fixed for histology and IHC (Metselaar et. al., 2010). Clinical signs of SD were clearly evident in the cohabitated naïve fish of the first trial, while the second trial did not reveal any transmission. Three fish showed typical signs of SD at 4, 7 and 10 weeks. Two of these fish were also positive for the RLO by qPCR in lesion and kidney samples; one was also positive in normal skin, spleen and gill samples. In addition to this, 2 fish were positive for the RLO by qPCR in kidney samples at week 9 of the trial, but did not show lesions however. Histology revealed considerable inflammation and spongiosis in the gills of these 5 fish. The 2 fish sampled at week 9 also showed inflammation in the liver with focal necrosis and haemorrhages. One of the fish also had necrosis and haemorrhages in the dermis with fibrin deposits. The changes observed in these fish can also be seen in SD and RMS however. No obvious reaction was found with the P. salmonis antibodies in IHC. Mortality was seen in both studies (up to 54 %). Additional testing of moribund fish in trial 1 revealed the presence of IHN virus and bacterial infections in some fish, but not all (3/6). No consistent single specific pathogen was found. Trial 2 had a similar pattern of mortality and co-infection. As the number of fish presenting typical SD lesions was very low and co-infections were detected, no firm conclusions could be made about the transmission of the RLO. The results can, however, be used to speculate about the role of the RLO in a farm situation. It appears that the RLO may be involved early in the infection. At week 6 and 9 the RLO was already present when the lesions appeared. This, together with previous findings (Lloyd, 2010), suggests an association, but does not prove causation of the RLO. However, the 2 fish sampled at week 9 did not have any lesions, although the RLO was present in their kidneys. As the histology of the other internal organs was consistent with RMS/SD, this suggests that this is a primary rather than secondary infection. Further work is needed to confirm this however. The fish sampled at week 4 did have a lesion, but did not have the RLO in any of its organs. It is possible that, as only a small sample of the organs was collected and low concentrations of the RLO were present, and that the RLO was missed. Objective 6 Ring trial of samples for presence of RLO agent using conventional PCR Approaches and Research Plan as outlined in the contract Samples of rainbow trout displaying clinical signs consistent with RMS and a range of negative control material from fish that had not reportedly been exposed to the disease were collected. This material was probed for the presence of the RLO by PCR as described by Lloyd et al., (2011). This was proposed to be performed in collaboration with international workers, both Dr Douglas Call’s group from Washington State University, who formulated the RLO hypothesis, and Dr Inger Dalsgaard’s group from DTU Aqua in Denmark. Denmark is reportedly free of RMS, so fish sourced from Danish farms are an ideal source of negative 14 control material. The plan was to test the same material using the same reagents by the three different laboratories (e.g. a ring trial was undertaken). Methods, results and discussion Samples of fish from the US, infected with SD, were supplied by Scott LaPatra and stored in 95% ethanol. These were then couriered to CEFAS, DNA extracted and analysed by qPCR. Results of this are discussed in Section 5.1. The extracted DNA was then send back to the lab at Washington University and analysed using their published qPCR method, which uses the same primers and probes, but different Mastermix and reaction conditions. Only kidney, and affected and unaffected skin were analysed by the Washington group. The results of their analysis are shown in Table 11, together with the results of the UK analysis. Although the US lab did find RLOs in these samples (Table 10), it can be seen that not all the samples which tested positive in the UK lab were positive in the US analysis (Table 11). Table 10. Farm 6 RMS/SD positive farm from the US tested in the US and the UK Comparison of RLO copy numbers of the same samples in the 2 different labs Sample US UK 6.2.1 7433.8 430.8 6.4.1 132479.9 1634.9 6.5.1 78978.0 470.8 6.7.1 17121.4 133.1 6.8.1 12865.9 214.7 6.3.2 8710.7 16.9 6.8.6 31283.9 92.1 Due to communication problems the original DNA samples were diluted 1:10 compared to the UK samples. This is the most likely cause why not all the samples, which tested positive in the UK lab came up positive in the US lab (Table 11). However, if the quantitative data is examined it can be seen that the US group found higher levels of RLO in the samples. This was also apparent in the original US publication and the reason for this is unclear. The raw data in Table 12, below, shows no statistical difference (student t test) but also no correlation between the two sets of samples. We are still trying to establish the cause of this discrepancy, but the most likely reason is the fact that different reagents, cycling conditions and the standards were used by the two laboratories. Also the qPCR cycler machine on which the assay is run can influence the reaction as we experienced when we tried to run the same samples analysed at CEFAS on the thermo cycler at the Institute of Aquaculture. Table 11 Results of qPCR for RLO performed in the US. Fish 1 2 US Diseased Normal skin skin --+ -- UK Kidney Diseased Normal skin skin + + -+ -- Kidney + 15 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 -+ + -+ + +/--- + -------- +/-----+ --- + + + + - - + - + + + - + + + + + + + + + + + + Table 12 Comparison of normalised raw data UK US Sample RLO Ct/IGF Ct Sample RLO Ct/IGF Ct 6.2.1 6.4.1 6.5.1 6.7.1 6.8.1 6.3.2 6.8.6 1.621409 1.506375 1.684048 1.568689 1.62481 1.465831 1.627081 6.2.1 6.4.1 6.5.1 6.7.1 6.8.1 6.3.2 6.8.6 1.52993 1.68755 1.72145 1.58931 1.46974 1.62952 1.65668 Objective 7 Investigate if the application of novel biological anti-bacterial treatment methods can resolve RMS lesions was amended to “Test the efficacy of an existing commercial SRS vaccine against RMS”(amended following discussions at the 6 month review meeting). Results for amendment Vetreqimica, a Chilean vaccine company provided a SRS vaccine for field trials to determine if it would protect against RMS. We were, however, unable to obtain VMD approval to do this in the field as it was unregistered vaccine. Objective 8 Recommend Management Strategies Approaches and Research Plan as outlined in the contract Information from this project, and associated projects that Stirling and CEFAS are involved with, were to be used to recommend improved management strategies for RMS. Methods, results and discussion With the strong correlation to the RLO it is feasible to suggest that a vaccine against the RLO would be a logical next step. Again we encounter the problem that the RLO has not yet been isolated. Until this has been achieved it is not possible to develop a traditional inactivated whole cell vaccine, therefore we must rely on other methods to mitigate the effects of the disease. If future sequence data can be obtained on the RLO then perhaps a recombinant or DNA vaccine approach could be envisaged in the future. We have also looked at other studies to inform on management strategies and made initial conclusions from these. For example, a large scale epidemiological study was conducted by 16 CEFAS and Marine Scotland using questionnaires. Data from Scotland has already been distributed to the participating farms and data presented in flyers is available from both institutes. Further data from this work is still being analysed and will be published shortly. Prevention Prevention is better than cure. Although RMS now affects 60% of all UK rainbow trout farms in the UK, this means that 40% of farms are still free of the disease. It is possible for them to remain RMS-free, or even to clear the disease with some effort. Knowing where the threats are coming from is the key for doing this. By far the highest risk of introducing RMS to a farm is by moving live fish. This is an essential practice for any farm, but selecting an RMSfree source will limit the risk of infection dramatically. As recent research4 has shown, having less than four suppliers greatly reduces the risk. The second main route of infection is the water source. This may seem difficult to control, but having an influence over what is upstream of the site might help to prevent disease outbreaks. This ties in with the strict biosecurity that should be maintained on the farm. Recent research has also suggested that mechanical handling should be kept to a minimum. There are farms that have cleared the disease and have had no reoccurrence: this was achieved by implementing all of the above and completely clearing, fallowing and disinfecting ponds. Treatment of RMS It is possible to treat fish with RMS. The easiest way is to leave the fish and let the lesions resolve on their own accord, without any visible scaring occurring. If possible fish can be hand-graded and fish with lesions selected and left to allow the lesions to heal. It has to be said that stress has been reported to have different effects on RMS infection: some farmers have noticed that after stressing the fish the lesions healed up more quickly, whereas other farmers have found stress aggravates the situation. Another possibility is to fillet the fish, but that is not always an option. Topical treatments with all sorts of disinfectants have been tried: results are mixed, but they appear to make the lesions appear less severe rather the resolving them. As said before, affected fish can be treated with a range of antibiotics, florfenicol and oxytetracycline being the two most commonly used. However, they should only be used as a last resort: antibiotic resistance and residues in the flesh are issues not to be taken lightly, and in any case the disease will resolve itself in time. Conclusions and Future work Two bacterial collections were established over the course of the project. From the RMS sampling, 108 Gram -ve filamentous yellow pigmented bacteria were collected from both healthy and RMS affected fish during the project. Although the Flavobacterium spp. in this collection have not been fully speciated as yet, there does not appear to be a correlation between RMS-affected fish and the level of Flavobacterium sp. found compared with unaffected fish. The IHC against with F. psychrophilum were mainly negative (with a few sections having inconclusive staining both from positive and negative farms). Also there was no difference in the serology between infected and non-infected farms or the isolates used for this screening. This was carried out to determine if the RMS-affected fish develop antibodies against F. psychrophilum or/and RLO during an RMS infection. Characterisation of F. psychrophilum from clinical samples using PFGE analysis was not completed as it was decided that is was first necessary to complete the speciation of the Flavobacterim collection and the RMS samples so that the groupings obtained with the PFGE results would have some significance with respect to different Flavobacterium spp. The serotyping Western blotting system gave many more profile types than the original four found when the system was set up. It remains to be established how these relate to different 17 Flavobacterium spp. It was found that the PCR reacts with Flavobacterium sp. closely related to F. psychrophilum, suggesting that the PCR is in fact not completely specific for F. psychrophilum. We need to complete the sequencing of the isolates to confirm this. It was possible to identify an RLO in RMS and SD samples using a qPCR method with high numbers of positive samples found in affected fish. What was also seen was that the amount of RLO in the lesion was significantly higher than the other organs or unaffected skin. However attempts to look for the RLO in formalin-fixed wax-embedded archive samples were unsuccessful, possibly due to damaged DNA upon its extraction. No conclusive results were obtained from the cell culture work performed during the study (in an attempt to isolate the RLO), and although a variety of bacterial isolates were obtained on PsA, these remain to be identified (collected from local fish farms). Several swabs from skin lesions and spleen of RMS-postive fish produced very small white colonies, but it has not been possible to passage these cultures on to fresh medium. It was not possible to test the efficacy of an existing SRS vaccine against RMS because it was not a registered vaccine, it would be very useful to do this with a commercially available vaccine from a different supplier. In conclusion, although Flavobacterium spp. have been found in fish with RMS, no firm association can be made between this bacterium and RMS. In addition, although there was a strong association between presence of the RLO by qPCR and RMS-affected fish samples this does not prove causality of the disease by the RLO. However, with the number of samples analysed and the consistent results obtained, it is possible to say that that the RLO does seem to be involved in the disease. Despite additional effort in staff time and reagents during this project some of the work remains to be completed due the large volume of data generated. We would like to request an extension to the project in order to complete all the analysis and perform the additional tasks that will inform on management strategies. Our colleagues at Marine Scotland have indicated that they would be prepared to join the project and assist on some of the tasks. They will provide the staff time in kind for the project. The suggested objectives and contributors are listed below: To compliment and utilise the data derived from serotyping, MALDI BioTyping, and PFGE we recommend completion of the 16S rDNA sequence analysis of the RMS and Flavobacterium collections, to allow the final, full and accurate characterisation of the relevant isolates in these collections. Prepare subtractive library and non-subtractive library to determine if RLO or viral genes are present in RMS fish (CEFAS and Stirling) (using next generation sequencing - either 454 or Illumina (subcontracted to either VLA, Fera or Liverpool Uni) to determine which species are involved and if there is any link between species and occurrence during RMS Optimise the current qPCR used at CEFAS and transfer the method to both Stirling and Marine Scotland laboratories (Technology transfer CEFAS, Stirling and Marine Scotland) Perform qPCR on eggs (Marine Scotland and Stirling). Host response- which cells and genes are involved? PCR, cell staining, functional assays (Marine Scotland and Stirling) Attempt to culture the aetiological agent on cell lines (Stirling and Marine Scotland), checking on what has been tried already at CEFAS and MS.Vaccination with existing commercial Rickettsia vaccine (small trial on fish farm) CEFAS, Stirling and Marine Scotland 18 As mentioned above there has been substantial added to value to this project which we have summarised below. Added Value to current RMS project: (1) Work at CEFAS Consumables Various consumables for RLO molecular lab work - tips, tubes for homogenisation, gloves etc - approx £200 Production and cloning of RLO PCR for production of standards for qPCR approx £200 £950 - August 2010 - Mastermix (5x 5ml = 20 plates worth) £606 - May 2010 DNA extraction plates x2 £350 – Flavo PFGE consumables (enzymes, media, plasticware etc) (Total £2306.00) Staff time (man days) Meetings - 6 days RLO Lab work preparing standard material -5 days RLO Lab work supervision – 10 days Flavo labwork and supervision – 10 days Statistician – 1 day Histopathology – 1 day Epidemiologist – 1 day (Total £7390.00) Total £9700 (1) Co-habitation study in USA £2500 10 days +fish +facilities (2) qPCR analysis by Doug Call’s group £2000 10 days + consumables (3)Two associated MSc projects £5000 10 days supervision + 3 months/student* + consumables *Not included in time re final report (4) MALDI BioTyper™ analysis in Korea £1500 5 days + consumables (5) BTA – sampling at farm sites (Seven different sites) £3500 5 days Total estimated added value £24,200 19